#and I am extremely guilty of this XD
Hey so did anyone know there was a tag limit
Idk how to tag stuff so sorry if I overdid it I just need fuel for my curiosity XD
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artsybug0 · 11 months
✨Millie’s Costume✨
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As you can imagine (Actor) Millie was VERY unhappy about the her costume basically being pajamas for the Halloween Special. She immediately went to Wally to complain about it. Of course she’s fussy about it! She’s MILLIE VALENTINE. It’s an INSULT to even suggest she wear pajamas as a costume.
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She has very big opinions on this. She’s usually very calm and collected but this is just unacceptable to her! Fortunately Wally fixed it for her 😌
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Of course what’s the point of dressing up as a Devil if you’re not gonna be a menace? Throughout the entire work day Millie would interrupt Wally mid conversation or acting to poke him in the butt with her pitchfork (or whatever it’s called-) he got annoyed often but she was having a good time poking him all day.
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Now off work is a whole different story. Naturally Millie is still gonna match Wally with their costumes. But this time much more in her taste and style. Gotta be a sexy Devil always! She already always flirts with her dearest but how can she stop herself from flirting even more when he just looks so good? That and she knows how her costume affects him.
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Unfortunately for her Wally knew this was gonna happen. So he came prepared! Every time she acts too flirty or suggestive he’ll immediately spray her with “Holy Water”. It doesn’t actually burn her or anything but is very annoying to deal with. Fortunately her makeup is water proof or Wally would have to deal with the consequences of ruining her makeup. At some point she got fed up and poured the water on him 🤣
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Og Millie definitely wouldn’t approve of Actors costume though! She finds it extremely embarrassing to see herself wear such a suggestive costume! Both she and Actor look exactly like! Except the dimples and some weight differences but it’s basically copy and paste! Her reaction definitely startled Actor 🤣
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Here’s (actor) Millie wearing the Devil onesie because I can! She’s definitely not happy about wearing it but you can’t deny she looks so adorable like this!
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Anyways that is all! Finally got these done haha! The majority of my drawings in this post were drawn in Magma and then colored on Procreate! I had Frills join me on Magma so I’m pressured to actually draw these but thanks to that I got that little drawing of Wally adoring her in her onesie XD (also some of these I had to merge into one drawing so all of these fit-)
I am very appreciative of this even though I still feel guilty you did this for me- you’re the best!
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the-final-sif · 8 months
The godling/little god Dream & Dream XD is literally insane. This is so good. I cannoe put into words just how much I love it. The worldbuilding with the gods?? The tragicness, the unfairness, the sheer greed of those gods who want to live forever? This slaps so damn hard. And I know you might not want to say it yet, but I am SO curious how dream's cough cough actual godling status will work with his overall goal in the dsmp and the prison arc. Just, like, great job sif your hands are blessed
I'm glad you're enjoying it! I like having complex and fucked up gods, and it's a fun AU to build.
I think I've talked about it a little bit, but c!Dream up until the end of the AU both is and isn't a godling. The mask keeps his status almost entirely repressed cutting him off from both his hybrid side and his god side. Only a little bit can leak through.
This fucks him up over time for two reasons, first, exposure to XD. While XD does try to minimize his impact on c!Dream, the amount of time c!Dream spends exposed to a god does add up. It's part of why XD has relatively minimal contact with c!Dream during the SMP, since he's doing everything he can to avoid that poisoning going too far.
More importantly for the events of the SMP, at that point, c!Dream has killed his first god. He's growing up and his power is growing and starting to hit the limits of what the mask can contain. But the mask is still keeping him almost entirely human. And thus not immune to constant exposure to a god.
As such, he's effectively poisoning himself and the people around him to various degrees. He's got it the worst, but other people are affected to. So it's kind of like in medieval times where you just had an entire village of people tripping on ergot accidentally. Not quite as extreme, and certain people have more resistance, but a similar sort of vibe.
A big impact for his growing power is that he's also starting to get worshipers once the SMP gets founded. Full end gods don't really require worship and draw their power directly from the universe itself. But End Gods can still draw power from worship, and end godlings will often draw power from worship to complete their worship.
This extra power does come in handy once he's ready to kill that second god, but prior to that the extra boosts are significantly more dangerous and just make him worse. c!Sam, c!Punz, c!Wilbur, and to some extent c!Tommy are all guilty of a level of deification. It's mostly c!Wilbur's fault though because when he makes c!Dream the Big Bad Guy he starts that process of deification/dehumanization that helps push c!Dream over the edge.
Also while all of this is happening, XD is just kinda there biting his lip trying to figure out where he needs to intervene. It probably should've been awhile ago, but like, it works in the end, so whose the fool now?
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eternally-frozen · 2 years
A deer in the headlights
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Synopsis: You date doesn’t show up after hours of you waiting. In frustration you drive over to Pantalone’s house, knowing he’ll always comfort you. Little did you keep in mind that deers run around at this time of the year.
Warning: Yandere, car crash, implicated kidnapping/human trafficking, Pantalone is rich, dead/mangled body 
Note: I am back. For now...
Special thanks to @teabutmakeitazure​. You’re amazing and a literal angel. Thank you for reading through this and telling me it’s not shit XD
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"Hey, it’s me. Your phone has been on voicemail for a while now – you’re probably asleep, but I'm almost at your house. I know, I know, I shouldn't come to your house in the middle of the night but once again, you were right."
There is a short silence. The road ahead is barely lit up and abandoned for the most part. It’s no surprise that the banker lives in a big house isolated from the busy capital.
"It’s really annoying y’know. I wish I could see through people like you do."
You sigh. You’re rambling again, how embarrassing. 
You hope Pantalone leaves his voicemails unread, but you know better.
“Anyways, I’m almost at your home. I got the key to the gates, so I’m entering your property. Sorry, not sorry.”
There is a short silence before you end the voicemail. You previously had the phone on loudspeaker, and although you know you shouldn’t drive and call, the road to Pantalone’s home was – and will always be – abandoned.
You’ve never seen a single car on this road.
Your headlights illuminate the black road more than the dim lights on the side of the path do.
Hours before you'd been getting ready for a date that ended up ghosting you. It wasn't the first time you'd been in a fancy restaurant either. Nowadays the dating apps had been full of losers that'd leave you without ever showing up.
Not to mention how awkward you felt when you arrived at the restaurant sitting alone for an hour or so on the table hired for two.
You wonder why those assholes bother at all to reserve tables when they're never planning to show up.
The ride is silent and your thoughts feel like they’re getting louder and louder. You still somewhat await a call from him. If it turns out he'd really been asleep you'd feel extremely guilty to bother him for something as stupid as being abandoned on your first date.
The longer you think about it, the better the idea of adopting a cat sounds.
As you continue forward, the gates surrounding property come in sight. 
It still surprises you how much he owns. He lives miles away from his neighbor. He's got a charming personality but he always seemed to appreciate the quiet over the chaos in the capital of Snezhnaya.
You can't blame him.
As your car rides past the open gates the forest part of his property comes in view. Or, that’s the best way to describe it at least. A hundred meters filled with trees and nature before you actually approach his house.
Your frown turns into a smile when you hear the upbeat tune of your ringtone.
“Pantalone!” You hold your phone to your mouth.
“Darling, would you be so kind to tell me where are you right now?”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Did or did you not listen to the voicemail.” You ask. If he asks you that question he surely already knew you were on the way, but in your voicemail you had told him you’d be approaching his house, and that was a few minutes ago.
You heat some voices in the background on his end of the call. In confusion you take your eyes off the road, adjusting your volume to hear him better.
“Are you busy?”
You take a quick look forward and then turn back to your phone again.
In a split second you hear a crash. You let go of the gas button and the hand that had still been on the steering wheel drifts to your right side until the car crashes into yet another force.
You momentarily are stuck unable to breath, the wind got pushed out of your lungs and you have trouble to fully grasp what had happened.
Did a deer wander around his property..?
“Y/n!” You hear Pantalone’s voice through your phone from a distance. Did your phone get thrown back to the back or front during your crash?
He seems to be talking to some other people.
The voices from the phone make your head throb louder and you find yourself climbing out of your seat.
Just walk it off, walk it off.
Your body sways and you put your hand onto your car to keep yourself upright.
When you look at the front window of you car you realise that the window had broken into millions of pieces. They litter the inside of your car and the outside. There’s blood as well. You don’t feel pain, is it the adrenaline?
The deer.
You continue to block out the voices coming from your phone as you make your way around the car, still one of your hands pushed against it, until you’re facing the road.
Now that your car is facing the trees it’s hard to make out what’s on the street.
Still, it’s hard to miss the silhouette crawling forward.
You lift a hand to your head.
A silhouette?
You blink a few times. The world is still spinning and you force your eyes closed for a few moments. The voices in the background become louder and louder, making your head hurt more and more. Your body starts to feel less warm and pain suddenly floods over your being.
The silhouette on the floor is still there when you open your eyes.
It seems to be crawling forward away from the house.
You turn around back to the car. You need to let him know to call for an ambulance.
A light blinds your face and your headache becomes unbearable until it moves away from you.
When you follow the light you see the girl crawling forward on the pavement.
Her clothes are ripped, blood pools up around the middle of her body and she seems awfully skinny, underweight even.
Did you hit…
“Y/n.” Pantalone shields the sight from you with his body and his eyes move over your body.
“Can you move?” He asks.
His figure is hazy, you see his head move around but you can’t see where he’s looking at. You don’t really process what he’s saying any more.
“Let’s get you inside, alright?”
He seems calm…so, you’re fine.
Pantalone wouldn’t lie to you.
You got into a car crash because you hit a deer and in shock you ran into a tree, you hit your head and now you’re dizzy.
A hand moves you forward and you follow. You see many lights as you continue forward, you hear many voices too, but Pantalone’s is next to you. His warmth makes you continue forward.
The next time you open your eyes, you’re in Pantalone’s room.
You know this because he once showed you his collection of Liyuen jewerly after you couldn’t decide whether to get it yourself or some from Inazuma.
The sun is up and your headache has died down. When you look outside you can see that the sun is above the horizon. It looks like it’s the late morning already.
You think of last night.
You can clearly remember the date-gone-wrong, the crash too, but you can’t recall how you got to Pantalone’s house. Did you pass out?
You know you shouldn’t have called without driving, and you know you shouldn’t have assumed his roads would be abandoned as always,
Was it really a deer that got in your way..?
As you shovel through your memories, you hear Pantalone enter the room unannounced. His expression shifts from a frown to something you’d describe as relief.
He apologises for entering before knocking.
“It’s alright. I’m the one who should say sorry. I…”
You frown, trying to remember what happened. “I can remember crashing my car but anything after that is fuzzy.” You stop for another moment, “It’s like my brain stopped working.”
Pantalone sits down on the edge of the bed and he places his hand near yours. “The doctors told me you had a concussion. Nothing time can’t fix, but you should remain here in my care until you’ve fully healed.”
You put your hands up in a defending motion and give an chuckle. “I’ve already made a big enough mess. I wouldn’t want to bother you more.”
You place your hands down onto the blanket that covers your legs. You are dressed in an oversized pajama, you assume it’s Pantalone’s, and you wonder where your own clothes are.
Pantalone tilts his head and eyes you over his glasses. You know that look, he’s sent it many times before when you told him you met yet another seemingly perfect guy. It’s a look that warns you, something to remind you of the reality.
He places his hand on yours, you realise he’s wearing gloves today, and he squeezes gently.
“You can depend on me, my dear. I’ve already informed my costumers that meetings in my house will be put off for the upcoming week.”
You sigh, a mix of disappointment in yourself and frustration.
“I’m really sorry. I know I shouldn’t call and drive but-“ You groan in frustration, bringing your knees to your chest and burying you head into your hands. “I just didn’t realise deers can waltz into your property.”
You fling your hand forward in frustration. “Just my luck.”
It’s silent for a moment and you grow nervous thinking Pantalone might be mad. When you lift your head up from your knees you look up at him.
He has one of his hands under his chin. He appears to be lost in thought, slightly frowning and lips pursed.
His head moves to turn towards you. His frown turns into a soft smile and he puts his hand on your knee. “Just thinking.”
He continues, “I’ll make sure to fix everything for you. In the meantime, take some time to rest, my dear. I shall be here if you need anything.”
You nod and he stands up, patting your knee affectionately before he disappears back into the corridor.
As much as his presence calms you, you have a certain feeling of dread.
You’re missing something.
You try to sum up last night’s events one more time.
Date, he doesn’t show up, you decide to go to Pantalone instead of home, you cant reach him, you leave a voicemail… He calls back and you crash when you adjust your volume.
Why did you adjust your volume?
The background noise.
Right, you adjusted the volume and looked away, but you didn’t crash into the tree immediately. Something ran from the woods into the street, right where you were riding.
You remember vaguely getting out of the car, but you’re uncertain.
‘At least I’m not hurt.’
When you try to go back to sleep you find yourself unable to. A vague imagine of a mangled body comes up in your mind over and over again.
You sit up and hoist the covers from your form.
Pantalone always favored exported silk and rich feathered blankets and pillows. When you step out of his bed you’re met with the cruel winter cold.
It’s almost enough to keep you forever in his bed.
But curiosity takes over your body and you find yourself walking over to the window.
The curtains are closed but you lift one side.
In the sunlight the main road is visible up till it reaches the gate.
Your car is gone,
But you see the long trail of blood on the street.
The imagine of the mangled woman pops up in your head once more. Her dirty and worn out clothes, her leg that had been twisted at an inhumane angle, her bones that stuck out from beneath her skin.
You let the curtain fall from your grasp and you turn around.
Another flash pops up in your mind. You remember the man that walked up to you with the flashlight, the other people who Pantalone yelled at, the way the woman started begging for her life when one of the men crushed her skull with his boot.
Two hands place themselves sturdy on your shoulders. You snap out of your shock and you jolt backwards, or you try to. Pantalone’s hands keep you in place.
His expression is calm, friendly, as ever. His eyes remain closed and he users you back to his bed, telling you that you’re still unwell and that you need rest.
You ask him about the woman.
“My dear, whatever you think you saw, you brain is shaken from the crash. When I, alone, came to your car you were already passed out. I ended up calling one of my friends who works as a vet to pick up the dead dear and another friend to take your car away.”
He gently brushes his fingers from your forehead to your cheek before placing them at his side once more.
“The doctors already told me something like this might happen.”
He looks solemnly down at you.
“That, my dear, is why you should stay here. I can take care of you until you’re healed.”
You nod your head. It’s slow and unsure, but you nod and place your trust in Pantalone. You’ve been friends for so long… He wouldn’t lie to you.
You laugh shortly.
“Why would there be a woman running around at night on your property anyways.”
He opens his eyes halfway.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 1 year
Just a little request, just Male/Gn!reader cuddling Johnny while he’s wearing his black BigBrother hoodie? He just looks so cozy like if I saw him laying on the couch with that hoodie on- I am SNUGGLING that man </3😔
Sweet Respite
When Y/N comes home from a difficult week at work, he knows exactly what he needs.
Johnny Knoxville X Masc!Reader
(Fluff, Hurt/Comfort)
678 Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, mild crude language, stress
An: Aaaa this request was horribly self indulgent for me to write!! Thank you so much for requesting it!!!! My teeth nearly rotted out of my skull from how sweet it is XD All jokes aside, this is my first time writing a masc/male reader! I really hope i did well lol anyways do keep sending in those requests because I will keep working on them! I have a monster of a fic coming down the pipeline so keep an eye out for it!
Exhaustion gnawed at your sanity as you stumbled up the concrete steps of your apartment- that job was gonna kill you. It was Friday, and the week you just went through had taken a toll on you. Barely eating, barely sleeping- you were a zombie, shuffling through your routine. Your feet felt like you were wearing concrete shoes as you shuffled down the hallway, half nodding off while still walking. You leaned against the door as you opened it, tension welling up in your chest.
Oh, but all that drifted away when you saw him. Laying there on your couch was your boyfriend, his long legs outstretched with his heels propped up on the opposite arm of the couch, folding his hands behind his neck, his head tilted back just so slightly. Johnny cracked a slight smirk and glanced at you from under dark, half lidded eyes, his voice sweet but gravelly, “Mmnm. Hey, baby.” You looked back at him with a weak smile as you kicked off your shoes and took your coat off, throwing it on the back of a chair.
Seconds later, your face was buried into his chest, the knot in your stomach melting from the warmth of his abs against yours. The soft fabric of the hoodie Johnny was wearing, the one he stole from a back room full of unsold t-shirts before he left the Big Brother offices, felt so soft and comforting as you engulfed yourself in him. Initially a little surprised at your forwardness, his expression softened and his hand came to rest between your shoulder blades, his wide palm rubbing little circles on your tense back.
After watching you for a week, Johnny could tell something was wrong but didn’t want to prod too much and make you feel worse, instead focusing on making you feel comfortable in that moment. “You're alright, you’re alright.” His voice was low and laden with that southern accent he knew you loved as he cooed into your ear, a smirk creeping onto his face as he felt you relax under his fingers, “Yeah, atta boy…”
You went limp on top of his muscular body, your arms wrapping around his neck as you melted into him. Letting out a satisfied sigh, your eyes fell shut. The warm skin of his neck where you now nuzzled your face felt so nice against you as Johnny’s hand moved up to the back of your head, gently massaging the hair at the back of your scalp. “Mmm…y’smell nice.” He murmured to you, inhaling the scenes of your shampoo and leaving you unsure if you should find that weird or hot. You decided to air on the hot side for your sake.
And just as you were starting to relax, you felt Johnny suddenly jolt from under you, letting out a yelp. Your stomach jumped, initially catching you off guard and making you a little worried before he added, snickering, “Ahh! Your- your fuckin feet, man!” You had failed to realize that, while distracted by how nice and warm Johnny felt, your extremities were positively freezing. You felt a little guilty for a second, before realizing what a gift this was.
Grinning maniacally, you furiously rubbed your frozen feet against the area of bare, unprotected skin between where his dickies ended and his socks started. It was hilarious, watching your boyfriend giggle and squirm at you doing something as simple as rubbing your cold feet against him.
Stopping your rampage, you froze, stilling on top of him, “Oh- oh my god…Knoxville, are you…?” Yeah. Oh, yeah, he definitely was. All that giddiness was stopped in its tracks from a poorly timed hard-on, not that you were really complaining. He stuck his hands up in a plea for mercy, chuckling. Sighing, you collapsed on top of him in a mix of exhaustion and feigned defeat, “Now I’m gonna get a hard on- great job.” Johnny found your annoyance endearing, planting a kiss on your forehead with a giggle,
“Ah, well…guess we’ll just have to take care of that then.”
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greypetrel · 5 months
K and M from the fanfic asks! c:
Hello there! :D Thank you for asking!
Tis the prompt list
K. Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
*insert long tirade on how the concept of "guilty pleasure" is for her almost as unbearable as the one of "talent"*
I'll spare you that, maybe. xD
Ok listen. I love trash. I love reading and watching trash, I find it SO funny. The kind of trash that knows it's trash? Usually they're movies WAY better than serious ones that wants to convey a message at all costs. (I'll stop here lest I start in a 30 pages long tirade on how for me the first John Wick is a better movie than The Revenant, both sharing a very similar plot.) Give me a crack, extremely unlikely ship and I'm sold. I actually liked My Immortal. Vampyre Potter is the best Potter hands down (it adds the fact that I like to imagine the terf being disgusted at that fic).
As for writing: I do love sillyness. I do love to shitpost about Solas, mainly putting him in situations where he's forced in a fun way to rethink his opinions. See: putting him in the same room with children. I'll always bet on children, sorry not sorry.
None of these makes me feel any guilty tho. Life is too short to feel guilty about personal taste, where it harms no one. Fanfiction is free and it harms no one.
M. What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with? Did it turn into a story?
I was writing this fic centered on victorian floriography, when I read that in the flower language, rocket salad means, for some reasons I totally fail to understand, "rivalry".
I am a crack person, so I thought on the implications in game if the flower language was diffused in the Orlesian court.
It did develop into a story. Let's say that Samson's trial gained a new charge to all the rest. He was very rude in not sending Aisling some arugula to formally declare his rivalry, no? Florianne did it...
Probably the weirdest AU is "Aisling as Sauron in LOTR". And that yes, did develop in its own story.
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ihopesocomic · 6 months
You saying you didn’t expect people to like Quiet so much is so funny but also I so get it. Never underestimate the power an audience has to randomly latch on to the most obscure character w/ the least development for no apparent reason side from: “cute. Adorable. Itty bitty.” (I myself am extremely guilty of that) XD
LOL I did underestimate it. I'll be better prepared next time - Cat
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otaku-tactician · 6 months
2, 14, 23, and 44 for cu chulainn/lancer
Hello, thank you very much for the ask!! I am very grateful. I wish you well, too. These are some pretty tough questions, so I'm just going to roll off by vibes.
Some of my responses may be a bit random lmao, Lancer Cu drives me into the very depths of the abyss, and leaves me questioning many things.
Cu Chulainn (Lancer) Character Asks
2. 2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I will die on the hill that I think Lancer Cu is a little bit more emotionally distant than the external image he projects to the world. I agree with all the people who say he'd be the best ally ever, but I just have a feeling deep in my gut that despite this, he still gives me a vibe of being very 'far away'. I'm not sure how to word this. I am staking my soul on the hill that he can be both overly familiar and intimate at the same time as being hard to grasp onto. He reminds me a bit of the sea, endlessly flowing into horizon.
Er I don't know really, I guess I think what I'm saying is that he definitely does strike me as good company, just that I do have these strange feelings regarding him as well.
Also I don't think he's monogamous, myths aside- he really does seem like he's out to indulge in a variety of experiences with different people, to shoot the breeze for a fair moment until it ends. I don't think he settles down easily, even if he does give an impression of being able to quickly form relationships and ties with others.
14. Most heroic moment
OOF. This question is extremely difficult. Cu has many heroic moments, he slays so hard so often- that I feel kind of envious at times...taking on Gilgamesh for days, rescuing Rin/enacting vengeance upon Kirei, being a major key that helps Emiya to have more ease of access when taking on larger foes- he is a very nifty and handy guy in many situations. It was also very interesting seeing how his actions can even be dangerous for the general public at times, such as in Heaven's Feel (damn the exploding cars etc that was chaos!)
But one thing that has struck me deeply is his story mode in Fate/Unlimited Codes. This is just my personal feelings, but I felt choked up by the scene in which Lancer says he was willing to go to the extremes because 'there was a woman who believed in me'. The way he honors and carries Bazett's will until the very end, despite the horrendous bullshit his story arc takes him through; left a very strong impact on me. Even in death, he never forgot her. He carried her will, up until the very last moment.
To me, that's a truly heroic thing to do. To ensure that Bazett is remembered, even after her death. Lancer's way of honoring and covering for others' wishes and needs feels very heroic to me, but also deeply tragic.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Gwah, this is another really difficult question! My instinct says sandalwood and pine. I'd also add in the ocean breeze. In this sense, I think my answer reflects what scents I associate with him, more than what he smells like (LMAOO CUZ THEY SAY HE HAS A BEAST-LIKE SCENT IN F/SN? WHAT DO BEASTS SMELL LIKE?!!!) To me, I also feel as if he smells like the sun when its rays shine upon a surface for a long time, but this is just indicative of my undying thirst for him.
I have a feeling Cu Chulainn may smell like the outdoors and of a metallic tang- like iron- and the smell of the game (guilty gear reference). But I doubt this would make for a nice candle...
In other words, I have no clue XD
44. Their happiest memory
Oof, this question is extremely difficult. To be honest, I am completely unsure what Cu Chulainn Lancer's happiest memory is. That is an extremely good question.
Is it memories of his loved ones? His childhood? Of the shooting star that birthed his prophecy? His boyhood deeds and early adventures? I am honestly unsure. I wish I could answer this. He does also seem to focus on the small joys of life, though. So I also wonder if his happiest memory could be something that I could possibly be overlooking.
If you or anyone else has any ideas on what the answer to this question may be, I'd love to hear it. To be honest, I would declare I don't know Lancer Cu's personality very well. And it took me like 8 years just to see past his surface by a tiny inch! So I've got a looong way to go when it comes to understanding him.
Thank you again for these asks. Whenever I think about Lancer Cu, I feel as if I'm being paddled along an epic journey, into seas that are both yet so unknown yet so profound.
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illadvisedselfships · 8 months
I'm here to cash in one of those gush tickets!! 🎫😌✌️ Here's an overview of notable F/Os past and present! Some of it might not mean anything to you if you don't know the fandom, and that's alright ^^ I never dreamed I'd share any of this, so I'm really grateful that you've made this little safe space here <333 And now that I've started, I can't stop! (Truly sorry I can't put this under a readmore… Large Poast incoming.) Chronologically:
First one I ever had has to be Mrs. Coulter from The Golden Compass/Northern Lights. I chose this book because it had a polar bear on the cover and I came out on the other side with… issues XD I even wrote a self-insert thing where my daemon gets severed from me and she comforts me through it (real healthy subject matter for an 11 year old ᕕ(ᐛ )ᕗ)
Lady Van Tassel from Sleepy Hollow. I traveled to Sleepy Hollow with Ichabod as his assistant or relative? And of course she corrupted me.
Now, this is the one I debated including due to the sheer goofiness 😅😅: Lily Gates from the Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld version). I liked imagining myself in the big city and being her personal assistant.
Claudia Wolf from Silent Hill 3. Ooh in this one I did something bad (unspecified) and found myself in Silent Hill with a guilty conscience. Alone and scared, I wandered through the foggy streets and ended up in the mall, and that's where I first encountered her. She took pity on me and I'll be honest, I don't really remember the rest XD idr if her being a priestess of a terrible cult factored in to this at all 😂
Actual light of my life forever: Julie Langford from Bioshock. My imagination was definitely at its best with her!! I had a really comprehensive storyline going on, starting from when I first traveled to Rapture in the bathysphere as a little girl with my family (not based on real family). Growing up and realizing I felt uncomfortable with boys, meeting Julie at a dinner party and feeling that spark but not really getting what it meant. Maybe I casually meet her another time or two after that. Coincidentally she asks me to be her assistant right as Rapture starts to fall. I see my first Splicer when I'm with her, my family also become Splicers, aaaand before long we're some of the only unspliced people left. We spend all our time together and I make her feel like she's responsible for me, we scrounge around for food and she protects me from Splicers and tenderly wipes the blood off my face and I help her out in her lab when we're not busy trying to survive, and still it feels like it takes the longest time for us to get together for real, but we do eventually. (side note: I am insane.) My daydreams have run their course I think but they were my favorite and the most vivid <333
Cersei from Game of Thrones. In this one, I'm the bastard daughter of Roose Bolton and I get sent to King's Landing for reasons unknown. Probably unrealistic! shrug I comfort her after her walk of shame and although our relationship is mildly antagonistic, she enlists me to help with, uh, the thing she does in season 6 episode 10 that involves wildfire. I am also obsessed with leech treatment in this one XD (in the books, Roose is known as the Leech Lord)(this is where the "leech" comes from on my other blog!) I got a lot of mileage from the Roose-Bolton's-bastard-daughter self insert XD In an alternate timeline, I have a thing for Lady Stoneheart (in extremely crude and basic terms, Catelyn Stark's sentient reanimated corpse), even though our families absolutely despise one another. Don't ask how I made that work, because I don't remember 💀 (A last-minute addition as I was proofreading this ask... I'm fully committing to the crazy.)
Cassandra Kiramman from Arcane. I'm actually not in the canon universe for this one. I had an AU where I was a ballet dancer and she was my instructor, haha. Also: Arcane was my introduction to x reader fic!! (though I'd been reading shipfic long before that.)
✨ Current F/Os!! ✨ Foul that it's taken me this long to get here 😑 Unfortunately, I feel like my imagination has taken a nosedive lately. I don't have storylines for these, more like little snippets of scenes. I'm in the devouring all the writing I can get my hands on stage ♥️
Yuria from Dark Souls 3 and Rennala from Elden Ring. I basically picture myself in the role of the player character ^^
I'm very into Lady Tremaine, and the Nurse from Dead by Daylight atm. With Tremaine there's just something about a buttoned-up repressed domineering woman and being the one to crack that shell just a little 😳 And with the Nurse I love the contrast between the griminess and creepiness and her sweetness. And her mori where she caresses the survivor's face 🥺 (most of the "lore" I get comes from youtube videos and reader inserts 💀)
Finally, one where they're actually in the modern world with me, since I mentioned that in a previous comment ^^ I fell in love with Maria Doyle Kennedy as Mrs. S. in Orphan Black, and during the initial lockdown in 2020, my main daydream scenario was with me becoming a lodger in her house (she's just a random person in this, not an actress). We garden and raise chickens together 🥰
I think I just cashed in all of my tickets 🙈🙈🙈 Now you probably know more about me than you bargained for 😅 This was actually incredibly fun to write. You have a great imagination - it's awesome that you're able to imagine your F/Os in multiple different scenarios and universes!! I can't really do that. Absolutely no pressure to reply right away!! 💜
1. Omg that Mrs Coulter thing is e x c e l l e n t XDD So dark and oddly soft XD Hey- as girlies we made up some pretty awful things when we were little! XD If it wasn't Barbies in the mafia it was something else!
2. I too love Lady Van Tassle- I can understand completely XD And we love some corruption! 😅😅😅 Especially if it is by a pretty lady-
3. Omg I've never heard of Lily Gates! XD She definitely fits your theme though and I support you!
4. I haven't heard of Claudia Wolf either but as soon as I read your descript and looked her up I want OH. I get it XD Priestess?? Culty?? Scary old white haired woman? I am very very intrigued XD
5. HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG your imagination really was clear on this one!! 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 This whole storyline is so good, I love your brain XD Also to your 'i am insane' -- my love we all are, its okay XD
6 + 7. Cersei, huh? Absolutely cannot blame you XD And Lady Stoneheart is just s o 💗💗💗💗💗💗??????? I don't even know tis woman but 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 We love them decrepit babes.
8. Oh she's so pretty! She seems classy ^^ Thank you for your service ma'am (Introducing you to x reader fanfic XD ).
9+10. These videogame ladies look so lovely!! I cant stop thinking what amazing taste you have XD
11. LADY TREMAINE AND SALLY LADY TREMAINE AND SALLY LADY TREMAINE AND SALLY- I agree so heavily on them both, these are some great F/O's <3<3<3 Imagine Lady Tremaine using that evil eye of hers to make someone back off you or Sally touching you so so gently! <3
12. Ohhhh, thats so so so sweet!! I love this for you ^^
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xueyuverse · 3 months
Summary chapter 10, 11 and 12 of Qiang Jin Jiu
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The Xiao clan is truly tied hand and foot by the Emperors, its days of freedom are increasingly numbered. Why? I don't know. I just know it has to do with Shen Wei.
It irritates me that everyone seems to underestimate Xiao Chiye. He really doesn't help himself because he's a bit irresponsible, but he's extremely intelligent and has a firm hand. As soon as he has a responsibility on his hands, he goes after it to put order in the house, and this is proven in chapter 12 when he demands his salary. So, I'm waiting for the day when these people shut up a little.
Oohhh and we have an intense interaction between Xiao Chiye and Shen Zechuan in chapter 10! Shen Zechuan plays weak, but this is just a facade.
"...Even if you let me go, will I let you go?"
"You missed the opportunity. It remains to be seen who will be the hunting dog and who will be the jade bunny in the future!"
Xiao Chiye wolf? Pfft. Clearly the wolf here is Shen Zechuan.
Xiao Chiye felt guilty for disappointing his brother, but his brother feels more sad than disappointed in him. I like their relationship, they really love each other, but their situation is very unhappy :(
“Shifu, why does he hate me so much? The professor spoke about the current political situation. Aren’t these relatives of the Dowager Empress with her in the lead the ones he should hate the most?”
So! I know that at some point Xiao Chiye will realize this too, but I am very anxious. Xiao Chiye knows that the real problem is the Dowager Empress, but since it is easier to blame Shen Zechuan then that's what is left for him.
“However, this Second Young Master Xiao is not going to war. So what is he wearing that for?”
There remains the doubt.
Oh yes! The Imperial Army is used to taking bribes. That usual thing: flattery and such. The first one to speak actually keeps receiving bribes from a Hua master who doesn't even have political relevance.
The bureaucrats never have money for anything, but they spend lots of money on parties for the Dowager Empress and bribery. Ironic, isn't it?
Regarding the Emperor, he is sick and the one who takes the reins of government most of the time is the Dowager Empress. He's already useless and keeps entrusting decisions to her, but I really think his illness has her hand in it, I just can't imagine why or the need for it.
“It’s okay if one is missing, you gentlemen can just replace it with your heads.”
This here also proves what I said before about Xiao Chiye. He is completely competent, it's irrational to doubt him so much.
“We came to Your Majesty’s rescue late this time, and yet Your Majesty still showed favor to us.”
“As long as Your Majesty gives the command in the future, Libei will certainly risk life and limb for Your Majesty.”
And isn't that part of the problem? Everyone in the Xiao Clan knows that they're practically slaves to the Emperors, but why are they pretending otherwise? They don't even talk about it among themselves.
“It's... It's not that the Ministry of Revenue doesn't want to allocate the funds to you.”
That's exactly what they're doing lol this scene is my favorite so far.
"Your Excellency." Wang Xian said almost pleadingly. "The weather is hot and I feel really bad about leaving the soldiers outside. [...]"
“Don’t worry, Your Excellency. Focus on your accounting.”
Xiao Chiye again telling people to go to work XD
There's never enough money to pay civil servants, but there's always money for the Dowager Empress to spend as she pleases? The Imperial Army was hired to transport the wood because it was cheaper labor, but the Empress gave up on the temple, so the minister now doesn't want to pay for the useless transport because, pay attention, they don't have money. HOW do they not have money?? They stuck everything up their ass?? She wanted a Temple and even had a birthday party for her where they spent all the money. It's OBVIOUS that there won't be any money while this damn thing puts its tentacles in and then pretends nothing happened.
“Even if you stab me today, there’s still nothing I can do!”
Lu Guangbai said the same thing, but there is no shine in you. He's a public servant without funds to support his soldiers and equipment because the bureaucrats spend all the money on bribes and useless things, while you are the bureaucrat who is part of the problem.
"The Ministry of Revenue cries about being poor every year. But what does that have to do with me? Pay and let's get to work.”
“Don’t tell me about anything else; That’s not my responsibility.”
And again Xiao Chiye putting order in the house. That's where the communist manifesto came from.
These bureaucrats contract the service and then get angry because the employees are demanding their salary. Then there is a rebellion and they are outraged.
“If the Imperial Army is so capable, then why the manual labor?”
“How would I dare to be angry? The Imperial Army has done a lot. I myself wouldn’t want His Excellency Xiao to work for nothing.”
Both lines are in the same scene. This man has no face.
"Is he really asking the Imperial Army for money? More like he's taking it for himself to waste."
It's his money, he uses it however he wants. Bureaucrats use other people's money until they are bankrupt, but they don't like it when employees spend as they please with money that is rightfully theirs?
Xiaofuzi's whole story resulted in something (I still don't know what it is because I didn't read the following chapters), I hadn't made a note of it because I didn't imagine it could go forward, but Li Jianheng really felt insulted for 5 years. Fuck, on the same day that Li Jianheng did something, his actions were already discovered. No luck for Li Jianheng lol
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azalawa-scroggs · 2 months
Hi! So I was skimming through your asks and found this interesting take of yours about Phoenix (this post: https://www.tumblr.com/azalawa-scroggs/737318755002171392/take-about-ace-attorney?source=share) I don't actually disagree with it, but combining this to the ask you sent me some days ago about AA tackling the theme of corruption I am curious: would you consider Gregory Edgeworth a bad lawyer as well? Since he too puts too much emphasis on his client's innocence and the trust (well, as much as we've got to see him anyway). That's very resembling of Phoenix's mindset (maybe not, since it's been a while I played Inherited)
Also, again, this puts Ray Shields into an interesting contrast between Phoenix (the main hero who should do good things and defend good people for the drama to work) and Gregory. Ray chooses to defend guilty clients but ensure they will be tried fairly, which is more or less how a real life lawyer operates. This difference in the approach with Gregory is especially interesting since Gregory was his actual mentor
So I'm really curious how would you expand your opinion to the other two lawyers!
Hahaha thank you! I had completely forgotten that ask. To tell the truth, it was probably phrased that way because it was a "hot take" game - I don't know if I would say Phoenix is a very bad lawyer any more, although I certainly wouldn't put my fate into his hands, unless I was 100% innocent and I had no idea how the murder happened, which is... kind of an extremely specific thing to happen and it's really weird it happens so much to Phoenix!
A thing I forgot/didn't get to say in the ask is that one of the reasons I think Phoenix is a bad lawyer, on top of him only straight up refusing to defend guilty clients, is that he simply doesn't seem to know the law. I'm actually surprised I didn't mention it because that's... kind of the biggest thing - a lawyer needs to know the law, that's the basis of his job xD This is of course due to the gameplay - you can't expect every player ever to know the law, so you have to introduce the pieces of (fictional, on top of it) legislation somehow, so your POV lawyer comes across as not knowing the law. And still... can't say your own client handing you a textbook of Evidence Law For Dummies is an excellent look xD (this refers to 1-5, Lana Skye gives that to you before the last day of the trial).
He also not only refuses to take on guilty clients but... actually seems to have a moral stake in not taking guilty clients. I actually don't have a problem with a lawyer who refuses to take guilty clients, like, people do what they want. It's that the way Phoenix reacts to the possibility seems to imply that he doesn't know how to do anything but to plead not guilty (whether because he actually doesn't know the law, or because he's too invested in his clients' fate to accept anything but an acquittal; in both cases this isn't really great). However, this one is actually irritating, because the only reason we know this is how torn he was defending Matt Engarde - but the thing is that Matt Engarde was a blackmailing piece of shit who didn't give Phoenix any choice regarding legal strategy; it was "get me an acquittal no matter what you must do for it," which is obviously a terrible position to be stuck in. So it's impossible to say how he would actually react to this in normal circumstances, although imo he does put a bit too much emphasis on his clients' innocence as a general rule.
Anyway, to actually answer your question now! Spoilers for AAI2 ahead, specifically The Inherited Turnabout.
Regarding Gregory's legal philosophy; there's one line from Gregory which I think is a bit weird - "as long as you are innocent, we'll see to it that you receive a fair verdict" - which is weird to say; even if he's guilty he should receive a fair verdict, because a guilty verdict would be fair in that case. Honestly, I'm willing to put that more on the translation than anything else, but it's still there, so. Yeah. Definitely not a point on his favour. Another thing is that Gregory accepted to take Masters' case before talking to him and asking him whether he did it; which implies that Masters' innocence matters more to him in terms of legal strategy than in terms of his decision to defend him or not. So it's actually quite unclear what his philosophy regarding all this actually is.
Truth be told there just aren't enough elements to say if Gregory shares Phoenix's views imo. They both think that trusting in your client's innocence is a good thing and honestly I don't have issue with that; if your client tells you he's innocent, then trusting him when building your case is probably a good decision. For the rest, on one hand we never saw Gregory faced with the prospect of defending a guilty client the way we saw Phoenix, on the other hand the guilty client Phoenix was faced with defending was a blackmailing scumbag who didn't give him the choice of his legal strategy. So it's really hard to compare them on that front. Just because Phoenix is the hero of this franchise, and it'd be weird for the narrative to suddenly shift gears, I'm tempted to say Gregory probably shares Phoenix's views indeed, but that's really hard to tell with certainty. I'm also unsure how much he shares Phoenix's views. Phoenix has... a bit of a saviour complex that Gregory doesn't exhibit himself in that one single case. Besides, like you said, Raymond Shields, who's Greg's apprentice, seems not to care whether his clients are innocent or guilty before defending them, which makes me wonder how important this was to Gregory at all.
As to the knowledge of the law... we never see anyone hand Gregory a law book, which is a point in his favour but also not an absolutely airtight case xD There is also the fact that a lot of his legal strategy with Mr. Master seems to rely on procedure. This is, of course, also dictated by the plot; we know from previous canon that he was the one lawyer to call out Manfred von Karma on his use of forged evidence. He also teamed up with Badd in order to get evidence that Jeff Master's confession was obtained under duress. So that already demonstrates a better understanding of the law than Phoenix.
Honestly, this is all just tiny details, because we just don't know enough about Gregory for me to really pass a judgement. Going solely by what little we know, though, I have to say that, even though Gregory lost the only case we know he had while Phoenix won every single case save for one, I'd probably trust Gregory to handle my case more than Phoenix.
This ask is already WAY too long but regarding Ray: I actually think he's not a very good lawyer either. Yes, he takes on guilty clients; however if the way he handled Patricia Roland's case is any indication, I'm not super sure he's actually acting in their best interests. It's a bit of a thorny problem, because on one hand, yeah, Roland was guilty, it's just that someone took away the evidence, and Ray was fully aware of that. Morally pretending the evidence had never been there wouldn't have been honest. On the other hand he didn't just refuse to ignore evidence he knew was there and had been stolen; he actively helped everyone else stall for time so that she could be declared guilty - ethically this is nooot great either imo. You want your lawyer to be in your corner, to try to get you the best deal possible even if you're guilty. However this has to be contextualised too, because no one's actions in that moment is really really great xD Judge Courtney acting as if she had no knowledge of the evidence whatsoever and deciding to hand down a not-guilty verdict instead of adjourning the court until the evidence could be found wasn't great - but then there was blackmail involved which makes everything more difficult and delicate to handle - This is, once again, just one case and it's super difficult to generalise one character's stance or skills out of one case like that.
The reason for all of this is of course plot, because this is a mystery story this isn't actually a legal story. Tbh as fun as it is to try and analyse how well all those characters would fare in our legal world, I'm starting to feel a little out of my depth, because I'm once again not a lawyer, and it's actually SO hard to compare those characters when they're acting within a story such as Ace Attorney, where the principle is that the right culprits must be found and the guilty parties must be punished. It's super interesting to think about it! But I'm not sure how many conclusions we can actually draw xD
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sweetshrimpyboi · 4 months
14, 15, 16, 17?
Howdy anon thank you so much for asking these! I aswered a few of these already but will add onto them on this one too! X3
14.)" Are your characters into the kink themselves, or are they just unwitting vehicles for it?"
I already talked about Emile Eddie and Shrimpbastian with this one so why not give Haven a go!
Haven's situation is kinda a unique one (and ties into another question on this ask meme even) but he isn't pregnant with a little one rather a being that needs to be inside him to survive however he masquerades it as a pregnancy to keep down suspision though this actively makes his career as a smuggler/thief/outlaw waaaaay more complicated when others don't exactly see him as able to do so much being as gravid as he is! But like the idea of pregnancy is something that he doesn't think to much about actively but subconciously he ie very very hot and bothered by how round and big he is! Especially when he feels the sensations and what not wrack his body when the creature moves and presses around him. It sucks because it can and has become a distraction at the WORST times and he will have to pull it together long enough to get past it. The creature hijacks his hormones and what not so pretty much it can really make things tricky for the vampire cowboy especially being as he has to fight his hunger on top of it! But like to put it simply Haven probably has a kink for it but doesn't actively express or aknowledge it on his own!
15.) "Do you have any favorite belly tropes or scenarios in general?"
I answered this one before but OMG I could name so many scenarios it could fill a book I swear XDD
A scenario I adore that I find extremely precious is two pregnant characters having a hard time finding a way to cuddle and be close due to their bellies! Something about that struggle and both getting emotional because of hormones possibly and just wanting to be close is sweet to me and them eventually finding out how to cuddle or what not is precious to me! I love the idea of that so much and its always a scenario I find adorable back in the days when I would RP I defo remember doodling that type of stuff referencing that in those situations XD
Another one thats more of a raunchy scenario is definitely when a belly is teased and works up a character like just the simple touch of a characters taut belly being enough to send shockwaves of pleasure up their spine and stuff is so fun especially pairing it with a normally shy character and its a huge plus! I really really like that type of scenario and just belly sensitivity in general I find it really cute and tend to include it in lots of my characters because why not it leads to cute scenarios or even more horny ones XD lol
16.) "Are there any guilty pleasures that you don't tend to share as much?"
This one ties back into Haven tbh! I enjoy characters acting as a host to like some sort of creature at times that maybe they unwittingly trusted or felt sorry for and in Haven's case based on the lore I am going with the creature inside him was something that he encountered in the home of the one who turned him into a vampire. He didn't realize what it was at first but noticed the poor thing was shriveling up and barely seemed alive and he wanted to nurse it back to health it didn't seem like the one who turned him took care of it but in trying to nurse it back to health it snuck out of it's containment and nestled itself inside Haven's womb unbeknownst to him at first. And he has to deal with that now and trying to balance being on the run all the time but learning what he can about this creature is one heck of a time and just exactly where it came from and what it even is! Like pretty much scenarios like that I love A LOT but I don't indulge in them a whole heck of a lot only with Haven in particular because it's actually part of his old old old old old lore from when he was a part of a d&d campaign I participated in that I loved at the time and well it stuck with Haven and it's in every iteration of his story no matter how drastic they have changed! :3
17.) What's something you wish you saw more of?
Honestly I dont have anything that I am really looking for more of when it comes to content there are so many amazing ideas out there and seeing all the different way people write and handle their belly centric content is fantastic! Like it makes me happy as heck to read and see the art that I do and it definitely keeps the community fresh like im very easy to please when it comes to belly content and I never get tired of it but like from all the folks I follow and all the content I see im happy with what there is and love to see how much more there will be and what new takes there will be on things! Like tbh any scenario is a treat and like I never feel the need to see more of something because like its always a blast and a half to see what everyone does always it just leaves a big smile on my face especially with how creative everyone is shoutout to all of the folks in the belly community yall make it shine!! X3
Thank you so much again anon for the ask this is honestly really fun and definitely heloing distract from this cold its helping me wind down and relax till my meds kick in!
Questions from this wonderful ask meme here defo check it out yall and go give the account who made it a follow you wont regret it!! X3
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ikamigami · 4 months
Not really a question, but I wanted to thank you for going to the trouble of writing that explanation (the one regarding... well, you know). I feel like I can see the situation from your perspective a bit more clearly.
I'm sorry for how some people treated you, though. I'd imagine experiencing the whole situation to be draining at best, so thank you for revisiting it so you could give me more clarity. And I'm so glad that your friends helped you so much (I tend to struggle with friendship, and I think I unintentionally project my own belief of being alone onto other people I have a lot in common with).
And don't worry about long or "late" replies; I'm extremely guilty of both those things. XD Seriously, I made a Twitter account years ago for the purpose of learning how to write things short and sweet. It didn't work. At all. XD
The reason I didn't reply is because I was drawing a blank on what to say and kept procrastinating because life was a LOT this week.
I hope this was okay to bring up here, I couldn't find the original post, heh. ^_^;
(Also, actually I do have a question! I'm sorry if you said this in the past and I missed it. What do you prefer to be called, name-wise?)
Oh, I already apologized for this long response but that's fine ^^
Thank you so much for understanding 💗
It was a really hard time for me indeed. My mind kept messing with me so when a few people decided to be mean to me it made my brain to think that everyone who talks negatively about things I'm talking about is against me.. it was awful.
You know it's a first for me.. I mean that I have friends who help and support me.. I don't have friends in real life.. I also thankfully have a really caring and loving family ^^
I'm sorry that you don't have anyone who you could talk to or find support in 🫂
I sometimes also struggle with what to say.. how to respond etc. I'm mostly afraid that someone may misunderstood what I mean or that I'm too repetitive and someone may think that I don't care and I'm just trying to be "nice".. that I'm not genuine.. (it might be because of that fear that I have - that I'm not as good as I think I am 😅)
You can call me Ika or Ikami. This nick is what I wanted to be my artist name - Ikamigami ^^
Thank you once again for your kind words and support and everything 💗
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fluffypichu876 · 4 months
Mutual, congratulate me - I've finally freakin read that Gaming Ask List you reblogged... uhhhhh... 6th jan. ANYWAY
Gaming ask game!
I'm gonna send a few of these together, feel free to answer as many or as few as you wish to)
3. Favourite childhood game?
7. Most disappointing game you’ve played?
8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?
12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?
15. Favourite animal in a video game?
21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
26. How often do you play online? Co-op?
30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen?
43. Favourite sidekick or companion?
54. A sequel you really want?
62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older?
65. Any favourite screenshots of games?
72. Have any guilty pleasure games?
74. Which game has the best lore?
(links don't work with asks so I'll link the original post the ancient way) tumblr dot com /corvoblinks/136954217573/75-gaming-asks
That's a new record, mutual! xDDDDD Old ask games are still valid in my blog, so thank you for sending one!
Oh hoh boy, let's talk video games!
3. Yoshi's Island for the SNES, no doubt! This game might be the first I have ever played! (at least, it's the first game I have played with the most vivid memories) Started it when I was little, picking up a joystick controller to play on the good old ZSNES emulator (that pixelated menu is so nostalgic for me), which my dad set up for me to play.
It was my first contact with a video game and a emulator, and one could say it was all downhill from there xDD
Childhood memories aside, the game itself is pretty good! A very fun platformer with very charming graphics. It's also pretty satisfying to 100%.
8. Ummm, there's some containders for that! As I have said in a post before, Castlevania SOTN has some of my favorite vibes and atmospheres in gaming, and it accomplishes that with a great blend of graphics and sound design.
The first Metal Gear Solid on the PSX also has an amazing atmosphere to it, despite the old-dated low polygon graphics.
Super Castlevania IV on the SNES is of the most atmospheric games on that system, and in true CV fashion, a good part of that is achieved through the soundtrack. The waterfalls and dracula's battle theme are highlights to me:
Dark Souls 1, which I'm currently playing, captures the feel of adventuring into a mysterious, dying world extremely well. The level design is intricate and the areas are interconnected in many ways, each with a unique vibe and story attached. Playing this game blind is highly recommended, as it enhances the experience a lot!
12. I haven't played it, but Top Banana for the Amiga does not look like something that should exist xD It looks cursed, sounds cursed, and it probably plays like a curse too.
As for something that I have played, I gotta say Ecco the Dolphin (and it's sequel). A beloved childhood game of mine, it's strange in a beautiful way, and even as a kid I was mystified by it (I still am).
14. Only snippets and ocasionally a live stream (I don't usually stay for long, though).
15. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOOSE JUST ONE xDDDDD here's a comprehensive list of some of my most memorable favs:
   - Too many Pokemon to count, so here are a few that immediately come to mind: Flygon, Luxray, Reshiram, Elektross, Hydreigon, Skarmory, Breloom.
   - My BOTW horses <333
   - Chocobos
    - The Guardian Ape from Sekiro (awesome boss)
    - D-Dog from MGSV (most precious boi) 21. That's a really hard one xDD Certainly something highly replayable and endlessly fun. Perhaps DMC or Ultrakill?
26. Not very often. I have been engaging with DS1's multiplayer systems, and they're pretty fun!
30. Depends both on the game and my current creativity.
43. My boy D-Dog (mentioned above) is so helpful. So helpful in fact that it makes infiltrating too easy sometimes xD His ability to map out all nearby enemies by their scent makes it super fun to plan strategies ahead, and also you can pet him! :D
54. Sekiro 2 please??? (puppy eyes at Miyazaki)
62. y e s
65. Quite a few! (these are completely out of order, btw)
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hamstermastersamster · 10 months
Had surgery yesterday (quality of life/chronic pain thing - i'm fine, don't worry!) and now i have 2 weeks !!! off work for recovery.
Yesterday i think i was still riding the cocktail of drugs the anaesthetist gave me so I didn't feel too bad! . . . Until the evening. And now this morning xD ouchie. Extreme ouchie.
It's strange though. I think this is one of few times i have given myself permission to simply EXIST for a while. I don't feel guilty about not being at work, I don't feel pressure to do creative shit or otherwise be productive with these "free" hours.
No. My sole responsibility right now is to rest as much as possible and heal. It's such a strange feeling. Just been through surgical trauma and yet i am super, super relaxed. I've come very close to total burnout again this year at my job, so i think my mental health needs this break as much as my body does.
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hxhhasmysoul · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cursedvibes
Thank you for the tag <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Hunter X Hunter - not actively at the moment, i needed a break
呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga) - kinda actively, though writing has been hard
 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù - one gift fic
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1) The Only One - wins at kudos by a very high margin, compared to everything else, it’s an author pleaser, super indulgent SukuIta fic. Partially ooc for indulgence sake. A Royalty AU. Rating: E
2) Stellar Date - wins by a high margin with other KilluGon stuff. It’s a very fluffy one shot, the fluffiest I have on ao3. A college AU. Rating: T
3) Trapped - my darker SukuIta fic. I’d argue the better one because far less ooc. A let’s say Beauty and the Beast AU but not really. Rating: E
4) Why am I like this? - the ode to Killua’s fragile gay mind. A KilluGon high school AU. Rating: M
5) Knov's List - another high school AU, this time in equal parts KilluGon and AlluNary. Rating: M 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to always respond, but on multi chapter fic I feel I shouldn’t respond before publishing the next chapter… I know it’s weird XD
But I'm doing my best.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m honestly too soft and gooey inside for writing angst… whenever I write any, I take it very poorly. 
I’ve only once written a fic that didn’t have a happy ending and to this day I feel very guilty about it. 
All our Wards Went on Holiday - It’s a very strange AU for the 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù fandom, and a rare pair to boot (Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn/Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín). Rating: T
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Apart from the fic mentioned above, all my finished fics have happy endings or open endings. 
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Nah, I got spam once. 
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah, 6 out of my 21 fics are rated E. It’s horrible and it takes 3 times as much time to write than regular stuff. 
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, I don’t see the appeal.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don’t know about it. But I highly doubt that. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. I don’t exactly understand why people do it, translation is so time consuming. Maybe as practice? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I co-write my original stuff, fic is just for me.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I will not choose favourites between my children.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I want to finish all my wips. And I try not to be pessimistic about it. 
16. What are your writing strengths?
Commenters mention world building and characterisation most often, then the feels. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I hate every aspect of my writing. But what I dislike the most is my writing style. I’ve tried improving it but fuck me, I just can’t make it better. I find it extremely unpleasant to read. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Without a translation? Pretentious. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hunter X Hunter - I’d never processed media through a fandom before HxH.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Lol, none, they are all kinda shit. I write to externalise my ADHD, otherwise it drives me crazy. I guess I have the most fondness for my first fics in fandoms, like you’d have for any first attempt at a craft, you tried so you get a cookie kinda thing. So Fairytale kingdom, nightmare castle for HxH, and Trapped for JJK, both rated E. 
20 fic writers is much more than I know XD And some that I know aren’t on Tumblr. Tagging but only if you feel like it: @subdee, @ishouldgetatumbler, @twila-star, @canzie-gumm, @yuujispinkhair, @voidcat-senket, @clood, @fireolin, @mysterypond, @dream-of-tanalorr
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