#and I don’t want my blog to be too much of a negative place ya know?
broz0neglitters · 2 months
Welcome to my Blog introduction 𑁍ࠬܓ
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Hello, Everyone! I'm MiilkyBroz0ne, and I write 18+ trolls headcanon so basically, if you're a minor, please DNI With this account and I mean it there will be so much 18+ stuff that you can't handle anyways this blog is only for mature audience only so read at your own risk ;)
What I will write:
-Alcohol mentioned
-This account is also LGBTQ+ Friendly and safe place
Other stuff like non-18+ stuff as well, etc...
What I will not write:
-suičidé mentioned or harming oneself or others
-Hate crime
A little about me
-I love Mac and cheese w chicken tenders (I'm never too old for those shit)
-I enjoyed listening to music, especially when I feel sad/angry or need to get away from reality
-I love working out so it will take me a long time to write a headcanon because I'm too busy working out
-I'm an introvert
-I'm Bi
-Favorite troll character is definitely Clay
Anyways, I will primarily focus on brozone (cuz my user is literally brozone) But I will absolutely try my best to include other trolls characters aswell
Also Feel free to request me just click on my profile and press on "Ask me anything" (It will take me a while to get back to ya I mean it so be patience other than that I usually would just write my own headcanon without any requests but still do request me maybe I'll write it when I run out of ideas <3)
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ I'll definitely start on my first NSFW/SMUT Headcanon soon, haha!
Like and Follow are very much appreciated ᯓ★
*P.s I will be turning off comments and Reblogs for all of my post cuz I don’t want any negative vibes and p3doph1iia shit happing is for safety reason I'm not being sensitive*
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seriously-nobody · 5 months
I was gonna turn on anon but I decided against it, would it be okay if I actually asked you a question? Since I know you write reader insert fics yourself I thought you would maybe relate to what I’m feeling and if so I wanted to see how you deal with it. I absolutely love writing x reader fics, I get really attached to my favorite characters and I love pouring that love into writing form for myself and others to enjoy but sometimes I still feel embarrassed/ashamed/anxious about it and about how others might perceive it. I know there used to be a big stigma behind it and I got made fun of for it for a while and even now when I’ve gained enough confidence to start posting them to public places I still get a little worried that someone is sitting being the screen and thinking “wow this is cringe” especially because it’s most of the content I write and I don’t often write about ships or storylines like a lot of other people do. It’s a bit silly because so far most people have been nothing but nice to me but I still feel a little bit anxious about it especially as I keep writing more and more of them and wonder “oh man is this getting irritating for people”
I apologize for the slight vent, I just found it a little difficult to articulate the emotions in a more simple way. Have you ever felt like when you write fanfic? And if so what helps you kinda push through it and start accepting your writing more?
You don’t have to reply to this if you don’t want to or if it doesn’t really apply to you, and again I’m sorry for dumping a wall of text into your asks- I just got stuck in a little rut while writing my next chapter today and am having trouble getting out of it.
First off thank you so much for the question, I'm really glad u asked and were confident enough to send this without the anon on. Second I'm going to answer questions or comment on certain things as I read this, so here we go.
I don't really write for myself, I mostly write for the people who want to read it. I have a small audience but from the few people I have talked to, on here and from my ao3 page, they like it, so I write it for them.
The thing about the stigma is I still feel it. Not for x reader specifically but for fanfiction and fandom in general. But I just have kinda gotten used to it so I just kinda live in it now. I mean I keep my tumblr to myself and of course y'all on here, but that's it. I don't talk about my fics to people I don't trust not just because of the stigma but also because I write some batshit crazy stuff.
I'll tell you this, I don't think people r going to read something that they think they're not going to like. Especially if you label your works right the worst thing they're going to do is scroll away. (But if u do get a negative comment @ me and I'll find them :) ) Also I think my own work is cringe and I've just accepted that it is at this point so I'm kinda immune to someone telling me that I'm cringe or that what I do is cringe because I am and that's just how it be man. I am one with the cringe and the cringe is me. I've lived too long past my experation date to be worried about some default settings incel telling me my Haunted Mansion fanfiction or tumblr blog is cringe. Like uhm ya of course it's cringe? It's supposed to be?? (also it's my brand now that I'm the jester of cringe, thx to @spookyhollowart)
O dude, lemme tell u something, one shots r the best. You don't have to stick to a big storyline, relationship growth, or character arcs. Literally the best. I can't wait to do my one shots because most of them r short and I won't have to be looking back 6 chapters ago to what color some random ass dude was wearing or some bullshit like that, because I have to do now in my current fic.
Trust me the nice people scare me too. It's like WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE AND WHY R U BEING NICE TO ME??? AND WHY DO YOU LIKE WHAT I WRITE?? (U scare me a lot too btw)
O god no! It's not irritating at all! Quite the opposite, I absolutely love ur stuff, especially ur latest one, Soul Ties. Seriously looking forward to the next chapter, I'm super invested in how the reader acts, I very much relate.
Plz don't apologize this was awesome to read through and answer/comment on.
Man that's a big question, uh Ig I can say that for a long time it felt like a joke to myself that I was writing fanfiction. I was writing it seriously but it didn't feel serious/real to me. I'll say this, I accept the storyline and that I came up with it, but I don't accept the way I'm write it. Because I beat myself up for typos, bad flow, not good enough dialog, not enough descriptors, too many descriptors, too short chapters when I have writers block, not good enough, that kinda stuff.
I'm honestly just glad to have someone else writing hm stuff because I love this fandom so much and I love reading other people's work. I hope you get out of ur rut soon. Take ur time, there's no rush, and don't stress on it.
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
Now I’m nosy to figure out this copy and paste situation
How Does it work? Like is it just, Holly write Childe in a bunny suit, Holly what would Childe be in a- why didn’t I pick bunny suit? (Man ok ya that would be something else to deal with copy and pasted)
ugh it’s a little frustrating but nothing we’ve never seen before, so it’s not all that but let me explain
basically, i received an ask a while back when i was still “active” on my nsfw blog and it was rather demanding in tone (for lack of a better word), more or less consisting of “i need [these 8 characters (separately)] with [this scenario] pls pls pls”
call me petty but for several reasons it ticked me off; 1) i think the tone is not it, as i said it feels kinda demanding and i don’t feel respected as a human (goes back to the whole “i’m not a writing bot but a person with feelings” argument), there’s no acknowledgment of past writing or so much as a hello
2) 8 characters in separate scenarios is a lot to ask for, especially considering the length in which i usually write a character’s scenario for, some people might be able to crank that out but i’m not; i know in my first post on there i had like 6 or 7 characters but that was of my own volition bc i was inspired, which makes a big difference
3) i don’t take requests
so yeah, the ask itself wasn’t received very well by me in the first place and i just sent to a group of writer friends basically going ‘is it petty of me to have negative feelings about this or am i misreading the tone here’
and we all just kinda came to the conclusion that it is the kind of request/ask someone would copy and paste into several writers’ inboxes, whether that’s because they just want their scenario written out or whatever, i don’t really understand the motivation behind it
and it seems we were correct because i happened to be scrolling through the tags for that fandom and saw the exact same ask, word for word, from roughly the same time period too; the writer seemed to have been happy about receiving it and wrote a paragraph each and it seems to have been well received, so i’m not here to take that away from them in any way
it just personally rubs me the wrong way but, at the end of the day, those are just my feelings on the matter
anyway, take away: be nice and appreciate your writers when they go out of their way to grant your request; be nice to them in general hehe ^^
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colonellickburger · 1 year
Dearest Tumblr…
Now what the funk have you done?
I know you need to make money and pay bills, I appreciate that, but it seems to me you could save a fortune by simply not paying people to constantly ruin this place!!?? Just a thought.
I love that you’re “working hard” on replacing the TumblrMart link back with our own Blog link, but honestly, please just do it already! …(EDIT…I spoke too soon…THANK YOU!!)… It was a most annoying obnoxious and user unfriendly move, and I’d honestly love to see the take up figures on your little anti ergonomic experiment.
And speaking of ergonomics and the user experience, do the people you pay to spoil things actually use this place? What have you done to the Lightbox/viewing experience in the iOS App? What is that?
Where I used to click once to view a post larger/in full quality, I now just get something small and not really enlarged that doesn’t display in high quality.
It is especially terrible on iPad.
Where I used to double click to zoom in/expand I’m now accidentally Liking posts.
Where I used to swipe to close I’m now greeted with a pile of scrolling posts that almost exclusively have no interest to me or any semblance of relevance to what I was just trying to look at.
I won’t look at things just because you want me to. My feed is so long sometimes it takes me half a night just to get to where I left it as it is!
Everything you’re changing at the moment is bad design and bad ergonomics, which is bad for the user and their experience.
If some things now take several/extra unnecessary clicks to achieve what was once possible in one then that’s not progress or improvement, that is just a negative impact on the user experience.
So guess what, if we don’t like something, or if something gets harder, we tend not to use it as much, and as far as I’m aware, all you have is your users, and if we use this place less often, that can lead to not using it at all way quicker than if you hadn’t changed something for the sake of changing something, or trying to copy someone else.
We are here because we like Tumblr. We are not here because we hope you become just like the places that we aren’t using.
Please don’t make this horrid little new Lightbox feature permanent.
Loves ya though, despite myself X
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Omg- I've been looking for someone who writes Destiny matchups, so you're an absolute godsend 👀 That being said…. May I humbly request a male Destiny matchup? 👉👈 From either game, whoever works best! (and hey!!! We're mutuals now! :DD)
To start off, I'm genderfluid and my pronouns are they/them <3 I'm pretty pale with zillions of birthmarks, 5'6, and I'm about average weight for my height. I have a super frizzy dirty blonde wolfcut down to my shoulders, and baby blue eyes! I’m a little curvy with thicker thighs and an hourglass shape :,D My sense of fashion is… all over the place, but you’ll usually find me with my beloved platform doc martens, tall socks w/ weird designs, shorts and a hoodie/sweater.
On to personality!! Although I’m pretty quiet around strangers.. With my friends I’m the total opposite, I love making them laugh and am extremely talkative- I can go on for actual hours about my interests. I can be very energetic and loud at times, reverting back to a toddler, so rip to my s/o- (I promise I’m very intelligent though :,)) I’m super affectionate with my s/o and seriously just want to be around them/cuddling 24/7 👉👈 I’m very loyal and super caring, so if someone I care for needs something, you know I’ll be the first one to help >:D I’m pretty much the “group therapist” bc everyone comes to me whenever they need someone to rant to or listen to them <3
My negative traits? I’m a little clingy and get pretty bad separation anxiety if I’m away from my s/o for too long :,) I also get really bad stomach aches a lot so you’ll usually find me complaining about it✋😔
Hobbies: Mountain biking, listening to music (blasting it 24/7 actually), writing, playing video games, designing outfits, and going on hikes!!
Love language: Physical touch, gift giving, words of affirmation <3
Likes: Animals, foggy weather, horror movies, fall, sweets, and affection of any sort!!
Dislikes: Hot/humid weather, deep and murky bodies of water, and crucible (sorry Shaxx)
I really hope I did this right :,)) and I hope this wasn’t too much for you!!! Take as long as you need on this and I hope you have a wonderful day <3!!!
Sooooo….HELLO THERE! I’m actually following your blog and even sent a request about a matchup with an OC of mine which is also listed in the Masterlist (Rowan-13 actually haha). Either way! I am here for you sweetheart don’t worry BUT a warning for ya I am kinda bad with coming up with things…..so bear with me on this one.
Since you requested a MALE Matchup I’m guessing you mean a male character? I am so sorry if I got this wrong T—T And any….kind of scenario aswell so I will go with fluff if that is okay for you ofc :}
So here we go, we are gonna go with SAINT-14 our dear russian friend as the male matchup ^^
Ps: I wrote this in like an hour or two so please….have mercy I couldn’t come up with something better T^T
Btw do you play Destiny 2 yourself? ....I need some friends ('friends' considering the fact that you requested ONCE and called us mutuals so not really in a 'we are friends now' way-) to play with I AM SORRY T—T'''''''
Genderfluid!Matchup x Saint-14
You’ve been walking through the Tower, taking a stroll as you watched various Ghosts of all sorts float through the air with ease, Guardians talking to one another or randomly dancing in the middle of the area. While greeting some Guardians and workers in the place you are so familiar with you made your way towards the Hangar.
It surely has been a while since you last seen your beloved partner Saint-14, he had some….business with Osiris is what he had told you before leaving which was more than 3 weeks ago. You got the news from a Hunter the other day that he was back but busy with the Guardians signing up for the ‚Trials of Osiris‘ …..so it made sense that the Titan wasn’t able to visit you just yet.
Once you were down the stairs you could see his ship and the big amount of candles surrounding him for far away….atleast it looked somewhat aesthetic…
While Saint-14 was away you decided to make some pajama designs for the two of you and it looked cute. It had lots of purple in it - his favourite colour - and looked super comfy, you just needed the fabric for it and then you’d be good to go!
As you got closer you also saw that barely anybody was around him, meaning that he probably had a few minutes time for you to spend with him which made you almost jump in excitement.
The sound of your shoes hitting the floor in a rythmatic manner was the thing that caught Saint-14‘s attention as he turned his head to look at you. „Ah (Name)! It is great to see you again! I apologize for not visiting you earlier!“ he practically boomed while grabbing your hand gentle as you got close enough „Hey Saint, don’t worry it’s fine. I knew you were busy with Guardians signing up for the Trials“ you answered with a sincere smile. With your happiness practically radiating off of you, you made the Russian melt in your grip as you decided to pull him into a welcoming and warm hug….god he missed you so much, „I missed you“ you mumbled to him, just above a whisper and he hummed in agreement before saying „I missed you too, my love“.
As you two parted he placed his hands on his hips, looking down at you in anticipation and after a few seconds he finally asked „So what did you do while I was away? I hope you didn’t yearn for me that much“ followed by a light chuckle that you returned before answering with „Ah that is impossible Saint….but I did sketch some outfit designs for us both, Pajamas actually“ and just by his body language you could tell that he was excited to see just what you had come up with. „Oh if that’s so then I have to see them soon! As song as I can to be exact, I’d love to see what you had in mind!“ was what had said as he grabbed your hands and leaned a bit down while you had to laugh, „What is so funny? Is there something on my helmet?“ he asked, kinda concerned about what you were laughing at, „No no don’t worry! Your helmet looks good as always! But your genuine excitement makes me want to shower you with love if I’m being honest“ you confessed as you widely smiled at the larger man before he stepped closer and moved his hands up to cup your face, „Not if I do such thing first“ he hummed and you dramatically gasped „Are you challenging me now oh great Titan Saint-14?!“ is what you expressed with a dramatic tone and he had to laugh at that „If it’s about love and affection, then you are up for a challenge oh dear beloved (Name)“ he mused with a certain lull in his voice that drives you to him everytime he uses it in such a tone. This man….this man had you smiling every second and it is getting contagious at this point. But while you were getting lost in your mind - about how many things you could do while he was here was making you feel all giddy inside in every way - he was able to take your form in again after these 3 weeks and a few days.
You were wearing what your usually wore which consisted of your platform doc martens, your lovely colourful striped socks that go up to your calf, some dark shorts and a more bigger navy blue Hoodie…one of his if he remembers right. You looked so comfortable right now, he had to resist the urge to just cuddle you and not let go for a really long time. Your hair was all messy but it suited you so well. Your baby blue eyes made his heart swell with love every time they looked at him with such sincere and care and your pale skin compliments your eyes in ways that make him fall in love with you even harder and he had to fight a smile behind the cover of his helmet by just knowing that you are his. Your birthmarks made you look so unique in his eyes and your voice…..oh sweet Traveler your voice was like honey and filled with love every time you said his name, ESPECIALLY when you decide to tease him a bit that it makes him really happy to have his helmet cover his face because he gets so red in these moments…he just blushes so much whenever you talk to him with that honeyed tone in your voice. If you’d ask him to get on his knees in such a tone he will gladly obey and do as you said. (Such a simp istg)
He was so invested in his head that he couldn’t even hear your voice calling out to him so you even decided to wave your hand infront of his face before he snapped back to reality as you hummed „Hellooooooo? Earth to Saint-14444? What’s going onnn? Are you okayy?“ but you didn’t even get a reply but instead got an unexpected move from him. With a yelp of surprise you found yourself over his broad shoulder as his big hands held you in place, careful not to let you somewhat slip away „I didn’t see you in so long so let me take care of you, my love. Then we can proceed with our…challenge“ is all he said before walking up the ramp and into his ship while closing the ‚door‘ behind him and making it really comfortable for you both. (if ya get what I mean ahah- I am so sorry pls-)
…..that was one thing to do now that he was back. Maybe he‘ll get to see the pajama designs some other day…
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minceyrecover · 1 year
Okay so for anyone who reads this, tbf I’m not sure if anyone does, but if you do you may be wondering why I have been absent for so long. This is because of five many reasons one I was going through I break up, I regressed in my recovery quite of bit and it has taken me a while to get back into, I have had to super focus on school, I fell into some really bad habits, and I decided I wanted to start posting blogs here as long as elsewhere. I am going to get into a bit more detail on each of these subjects here, and my plans for the future. 
I am planning to write a separate post about this relationship because now that I am out of it I see so many red flags, and how awful it truly was. I hope my talking about it it will help someone else see the bad in their toxic relationships and get the courage to leave. In short here this relationship was extremely toxic. The person I was with was emotional abuse, to the point he basically ruined all the progress I had made recently. Also for anyone wondering why I am blaming this on him is because before we started dating I was doing super well in my recovery, at first in our relationship I continued to do so until he changed. He started to basically act like I was the most unimportant thing in the world. Along with some other things, this basically caused me to basically cry myself to sleep every night. My best friend who I was talking to every day at the time can contest. This caused my suicidal thoughts, and tendencies to come back in full force. I can not tell you how many times I had to use one of the Sudical Hotlines during this time to keep myself alive. Along with many of my negative thought patterns and self-harm things come back. Within four days of us breaking up basically, all (well most) of that went away. The extreme, life-threatening stuff went away. The stuff like feeling as though I was worth less, etc. did not.  While I would not say I am 100% recovered from the whole ordeal as there are some issues it has caused me are still present. 
As I said I have not fully recovered from the whole ordeal as it made me regress quite a bit in my recovery. Along with that, it has made my brain need to constantly protect itself in a sense. I currently do not feel too comfortable expanding on that as it is still something I’m currently dealing with daily. Along with that, it has caused me to have many flashbacks (some of which I had written down and will be sharing at some point). Basically being in that relationship fucked me over in every way possible. Luckily since then I have been able to get back into things. While I am in no way doing as well as I once was, I am slowly getting there again.
I was also slightly behind on school so I basically needed to do ten-hour work weeks to catch up, but I am and I now am a high school graduate. Ya me, I was pretty sure I was never gonna get there but I made it. No clue what I am going to do with the rest of my life but hey I made it this far.
I also started self harming and misusing certain drugs. I would basically constitaly be high on weed or bendryal. While weed is not nessicarly harmful, nor bendryal in the recommend does, I would over take both and became dependent on them. I could not focus, think, or even slightly function with out being high. While I am still slightly struggling with my misusing of weed I can currently function with out it, unless my emotions get to struggle. I’m still dependent on it for that which while is not at all health I am rather proud of myself for helping myself as much as I have been able to. 
The future, is unclear and undecided for me. I am thinking about writing a bunch of blog post and posting them here, and finding other places to share my story ominously. While nothing in the world can make what has happened to me okay, worth it, or any other thing. I want some good to come out of it. I don’t know any other way to make that happened. As I would love to do something legllay I simple do not have the money, or the proof to do so. He has and will always have way more money than I could ever imagine, so with out hard cold evidence all legal things would be pointless. So instead I’ll just share my story, and as I get more comfortable doing so I hope to share his name, their names. I know there are other people he did the same things to, if not worse. I hope with me speaking out, in this little way will give me the courage to do so to a large scale adience, which will lead to more people he did this too to speak out. That is all only a dream, a hope, not a guarantee. It is rather unlikely sadly but regardless that is my hope. Because of that I am going to try to post more consistency but I make no promise. I am still healing from a life worth of truma, mostly alone. 
Good luck to all going through any similar journey. I know, I hope we can all make it through this unkind world. Until next time
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blazing-spectre · 3 years
I just. Wanna. Talk. About. My hyperfixation. And share it. But. I don’t feel like I can. And. I’m dying. Slowly. Help.
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[tw internalized aphobia]
i always felt good about my aroace identity. i always took a lot of pride in it and never struggled with it, but lately i’ve been thinking that it would’ve been better if i just identified as bisexual (i used the bi label before aro and ace). seeing some posts here really made me think that it would be just a lot simpler if i was in fact bi and not aroace.
i know that labels don’t have to be “old” to be legitimate, but i feel that some people online still see it that way? it makes me wish i was one of these labels that are seen as legitimate and real.
do you have any advice to deal with this internalized aphobia? i try to curate my online space as best of my ability but there’s always a voice in my head that keeps coming back saying it’d be better if i was bi instead.
sorry if this is too much information. your blog is a safe space for me i really appreciate your attention to answering asks and helping people. i hope your doing well 🤍
Yeah curating your online experience is definitely a good first step. Make sure you're also making good use of blacklisting options too. The more you see things that reinforce your internalized aphobia the harder it will be to work through that.
The other thing I'd recommend is go out of your way to regularly see and consume positive a-spec stuff. So that can be following blogs, which it sounds like you're already doing, but seeking out videos, checking out community, spaces, etc. I think it's especially really good to just see aces and aros talk about being ace and aro and talk about their own experiences.
Do you know any ace or aro people? Are you friends with any allies? If not, maybe consider joining an ace/aro discord server or something like that. So you have people you can talk to about being aroace.
If you're not already I'd also look into aroace media, there's more rep coming out all the time and some of it's really good. I've personally really enjoyed the Jughead 2015 run from Archie comics, Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger (YA Novel), and The Magnus Archives (Podcast) all of which have a-spec main characters. Alice Oseman is someone else to watch too, she's aroace and has a-spec characters throughout her works. Her book Loveless is specifically about an aroace college student coming to terms with her identity (this could be a bit raw if you're in a similar place), but if you're watching her current show Heartstoppers, Isaac is aroace as well and she's promised there'll be more a-spec content next season.
In general if you're not sure where to look for media, googling lists (such as books with ace characters, podcfasts with aro characters. etc) is usually a pretty effective way to find ace/aro media.
If you're comfortable with it another thing you can consider it pride stuff. If you don't want visible pride stuff around that will out you, maybe you can get a subtle pride art for your phone background or something like that.
Basically you want to connect with your identity, so not just see positive things about but also feel it.
Another thing you can do is some exercises to help yourself think differently. If you can identify the negative thought processes you're having about being aroace, or about it being better to be bi, you can consciously stop them and correct yourself.
So for example if you're thinking 'aroace is a newer coined label and people won't take it serously', you can stop and remind yourself that actually it's a term that has become very widely accepted in a short amount of time, including by most major lgbtq orgs. Or that the people who say that are jerks and their opinion on your identity doesn't really matter (or whatever resonates with you).
And you don't have to do more than that, just a gentle correction and move on with your day.
Another exercise that may help could be something like journaling, where once a week or something you like about the label aroace. So it could be listing things you like about being aroace, it could be things you like the community, things you like about the label itself, it doesn't matter. But that will help get you in the habit of thinking positive things or making positive associations with your label.
So generally speaking it takes time to unlearn internalized oppression. There's no flip you're going to switch and suddenly do better. But usually once you've identified it and you're making an effort, it will usually gradually get better. It's important to give yourself time though and be patient with the process.
All the best, Anon! Good luck!
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chocoladieimagines · 3 years
1) Love ya blog already I need more black x readers on my dash
2) Is it possible to get some fluffy headcanons about dating Zenitsu and introducing him to black culture? (I hope that made sense this is my first time ever sending in an request liek this)
Thank you, also yes it makes sense! I’m excited to get my first request and I’m glad you feel comfortable about asking for a scenario! That’s what this place is for, helping readers feel comfortable.🤎🍫
Zenitsu x Black!Reader
(A bit long)
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“In the mid-16th century, a significant number of Africans came to Japan as crewmen, servants or slaves on European ships. Their presence generated great interest and wonderment. But along with the presence of white Europeans, it influenced an evolving discourse on race among a people who had previously divided humankind into three civilized nations: Japan; China, and India, and miscellaneous barbarian people. Their skin color caused Japanese to link them with the inhabitants of India yet their treatment by the Caucasians who had brought them to Japan implied that they were an inferior people who ought to be despised. During the Tokugawa period, (1603-1868), the increasingly critical, even hostile view towards India and Buddhism had a negative impact upon all peoples considered dark skinned. Thus, black Africans, and other peoples with whom they were commonly conflated, were alternately honored, tolerated and disparaged.” (Leupp).
- This would change years later as you set foot in the final selection.
- You succeeded honing a unique breathing style; executing it with expertise as your sword was cloaked with green ribbons of ectoplasm.
-You took in the scenery of the beautiful vining plants with cascades of blue to purple flowers. They felt ever so alluring to the fate sealed for an examinee’s failure.
- As you caressed the velvety petals between the pads of your fingers, you heard a blood curdling scream nearby.
- Of course it was as expected due to the exam you were taking, but the primal cry bypassed your eardrums to the lining of your brain; coming from a place of terror, telling of a mind in absolute fear.
- A boy ran under the safety of the wisteria trees, as they are poisonous to demons, thus the creatures must stay on the mountain top.
- You looked at him as he ducked his head into his body with his hands covering the back of his neck. His trembling form curled into a ball, hearing as he talked to himself in a whisper.
- “I don’t know if I’m ready. I won’t be able to catch up to the other slayers. I’m going to die...I’m going to die...in fact I’m already dead.” He spoke in self doubt and despair, his mind already subduing to the pressure.
- You walked over to him and crouched to his level. You reached your hand for his shoulder, lightly prodding your fingers against the yellow fabric of his haori.
- He lifted his head at the touch of comfort, turning towards the direction of someone’s hand.
- “Do not cower.” You tell him. “We are to fight to rise above demons. To prevail against the monsters who try to level us to the bottom of a status quo. But we are strong, we will not submit to them, we are more powerful if we band together and fight as one. What’s your name?”
- He froze when he saw you; paralyzed in surprise and silent panic. Under the moonlight, the moon bounced off your melanated skin. The light shined under the construction of your cheekbones, defining the muscles in your cheeks and showing your risen smile of your full lips. Your kinky hair huddled in profusion as they defied gravity. Then it was your eyes.
- He couldn’t stand eye contact but yours captured his into a trance, stuck in the mental state of high arousal as nervousness washed over him like a wave.
- “Z-Zenitsu...Agatsuma.” He finally spoke. “Zenitsu Agatsuma, my name is y/n l/n. They will remember our names and I will remember yours. Would you like to fight by my side?”
- Despite his rosy cheeks by your presence, he nodded.
-After you two became demon slayers, you caught the eyes of many people.
- To be honest, it wasn’t common to see black people during the time. No one was used to your skin full of the sun’s rays or your voluminous hair that others described as being “all over the place”, “showy”, “lazy”, “a distraction”.
-Nevertheless, Zenitsu warmed up to you and found you an easy person for seeking comfort. He hated himself for cowering, running away and sniveling but your calming voice reassured him that everyone is scared of something. That we were born with survival instincts necessary to respond to fear when we sense danger or feel unsafe.
- Not only did he constantly want comfort and motivation, but he was curious. He knows little to nothing about black people because of his lack of seeing one.
- He found your beauty intimidating and overwhelming; the transformations of your hair, your curves, the vibrancy in your walk and the way you talked. You expressed yourself fearlessly, not boldly, but such as being able to remain calm without altering under an opponent which helped your teammates stay levelheaded during battle.
- One day, you two shared a conversation. It was about your past missions and some of the funniest looking demons you came across. It suddenly faded into the awareness of how people looked at you like you were an alien.
- You only shrugged it off with a laugh but it lured Zenitsu back into curiosity. He wasn’t sure how to word it; “How come your skin is so pretty?”, “How is your hair different from the others?”, “How are you so magical?”
- Once your talk came to an appropriate pause, he hesitantly asked a question, “H-Hey, erm, y/n, can you tell me about yourself? Like your ethnicity or who you are as of people?”
- You smiled at his big brown-golden eyes showing his intrigue. It was almost the biggest he’s seen you smile before it elicited your sweet laugh.
- “Well, it’s really a long story but my favorite is to study about my culture. There is a such thing called ‘Black is beautiful’, which included identifying and expressing yourself by doing your hair in a myriad of styles. Using a grooming tool like a pick, which is a type of comb, customized with a black fist was a way to proudly assert political and cultural allegiance to the black power movement. Black writers used their creativity to support a black cultural revolution. Soon enough, we rose into mainstream like music entertainers, sports figures and in stereotypical roles on television. We increasingly demanded more roles and more realistic images of our lives, both in mainstream and in black media.”
- You doubted Zenitsu understood what you were saying so you showed him pictures from school books and showed him videos from a film projector. He could hear the thrill in your voice as you spoke and explained things to him.
- Learning these things from you, he fell even deeper into his crush for you, telling you out uniquely from other girls.
- Sometimes, he watched you braid your hair into protective styles or listened as you sang a song to him that was picked up within your clan. You explained that as slaves, black people prayed and sung joyful songs to keep our heads level headed with what was going on.
- But you felt bad since you thought you were blabbering on about the things you were interested in, instead of finding out the things that Zenitsu would want to hear.
- So one night, while getting ready for bed, Zenitsu wanted to confess to you. Although he is aware of his desperateness of wanting someone to commit his love to, he could no longer take ogling you day to day without the imagination of what your lips felt like or what it would feel like to be ultimately comforted by cuddling and sharing kisses. He wanted you more than anything.
- That night, you two were unbeknownst that you wanted to talk to each other about something. While everyone settled in to go to bed, Zenitsu bumped into you while you were in your pajamas. He blushed at the sight of your hair being braided into cornrows; openly showing your face to him.
- “Zenitsu, what a convenience, I just wanted to talk you.” You chuckled. “Heh heh, I-I had something to say to you too.” He stuttered. “Ok, come in my room.”
- He followed you in, adjusting the collar of his shirt as he felt his body temperature escalate. “You can go first.” He said, clearing his throat. “Well, I just wanted to say, I don’t want it to seem like I’m making you bored, ya know about the things I talk about. I wonder if it’s fair to talk about them to you or if I could be scaring you. History is just a nice thing I like to talk about, one of the things I favor most.”
- He looked at you in shock, “Oh no! I-I don’t mind at all of you coming to me about that. I want to be a person you can come to talk about anything to. I-If anything, I see you as a really pretty person. To see you idolize people and—because of them—feel empowered to show your beauty means a lot to me. As long as it means you will continue to appreciate who you are as a person, I love that about you, y/n.”
- He lost himself in his words and felt himself carrying on and on. You stood in silence, completely surprised how he confessed his feelings to you. “I really really like you. You’re so unique from everyone else, you help me feel better and saved me from getting my ass killed god knows how many times. I...I...”. He felt his nerves come to him, cutting his words short as he looked at you with fear.
- He suddenly watched your lips stretch into a smile, feeling himself freeze in place as you walk closer to him.
- You say to him, “Although people may think you’re a coward, no matter how many times you may break down into tears or feel scared, you are just as much brave. You have the biggest courage of everyone to overcome your fears and take a leap.” And you gently captured his lips with yours, comforting him just as he yearns.
Hopefully I answered just as you requested. As well as having hope that everyone else enjoyed this scenario🤎🍫
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kaeyasaki · 3 years
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hi !! so i haven’t been on this blog much and tbh i kinda just wanted to drift away and totally forget about it like i did with kurooskult, but since deciding against deactivating this blog which is what i initially planned to do, i might as well tell you all that i haven’t been on this blog due to losing interest in the writing community,, i lost interest a while ago and don’t have any intent on writing within a community again especially not haikyuu or jujutsu kaisen,, the only fandom i would come back to write for is genshin and even still i don’t see that being an often kinda thing as i don’t want to write content that’s half assed
thanks for hanging around for this long and i’m really sorry for not telling you all sooner because i did check out a while ago tbh, the writing community just is not it for me and i’ve really loved just being able to chat and shitpost more ya know? as for my series, i actually have a shitton of written stuff in my drafts and i do plan on posting them !! that’d be a total waste of me not to so don’t worry i haven’t abandoned them, i’d just prefer to post the last bits of my content when i feel good to because these days my emotions are always all over the place so i’d prefer to post my last pieces of content when i feel good to
thanks so much for all the support on all my work whether that’s been here or kurooskult i’ve had a lot of fun and made really good friends through this stupid site, thanks so so much to all of my anons too, you’re all super cool for everything you did for me and i’m sure others too and i hope you guys all take care of yourselves !! i’m not leaving tumblr i do have a personal blog where i am now feeling more comfortable with sharing the url since i’ve been using it for a short while now, please send me an ask off anon for me to send it as i don’t want people with negative intentions finding it !!
it’s been super rad writing for you all, but this shits not good for my soul anymore so i think it’d be good for me to just drop it now on a positive kinda note !! super sorry for anyone disappointed, please don’t stress though, because i will empty my drafts and i will leave my last pieces of content for you all in spaced out time frames so nothing gets clogged !!
thanks a mil and see ya !! <3
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thetypedwriter · 3 years
Cold Iron Heart Book Review
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Cold Iron Heart by Melissa Marr Book Review 
I don’t think many people are aware or have read the Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr, but that’s alright. I originally started this book blog as I had so many thoughts and feelings about the books I was reading and yet no one to share them with. 
So I might be talking to me, myself and I in this book review, but at the end of the day, it’s still a way for me to express how I feel about the literature I’m consuming even if no one else is reading this. 
Wicked Lovely is one of my favorite series from when I was young. I still remember very clearly how my love story with these books started as it was odd and coincidental. I was at the grocery store with my mom and a promised “quick” trip quickly turned into an hour-long shopping spree as my mother was prone to do. 
Back then I was in middle school, had no cell phone, and was bored out of my mind. So what is any pre-teen to do? I went over to the small, sad book selection in the grocery story and picked up the novel with the most interesting cover. 
This book was Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. 
I read it the rest of the day and finished it that night, consuming page after page. I was completely transfixed. It was dark, gritty, violent, sexy-all things that my twelve-year old self found entirely fascinating. 
It was a fantasy book about fairies, but these fairies were deadly, life-sized, cruel, violent, beautiful and loving. 
I’ve been enamored with fairies and fairy lore ever since. All because of this book and the series that followed. It hooked me in ways that I still don’t fully comprehend, but I understood then that I hadn’t read anything like it before and I was drawn into Melissa Marr’s world and never quite left it, even all these years later. I’ve gone back and re-read Wicked Lovely multiple times and each time I still found it enjoyable and alluring. 
Cold Iron Heart is a different beast. 
A few days ago, my best friend (who is a journalist) sent me an email saying that local Arizona author, Melissa Marr, was releasing a new book and that she might have the opportunity to interview her. 
I was ecstatic, of course, and not so subtly tried to persuade my friend to let me silently snoop in on the interview (I didn’t, by the way). 
It was then that I realized I hadn’t checked in on Melissa Marr for some time-what had she been writing? Imagine my surprise that one of my favorite series of all time not only had a new book-a prequel no less, but also several new short stories. 
I was flabbergasted. And beyond excited. 
So I ordered the book immediately and read it the moment it arrived on my doorstep to eventually find myself with...mixed feelings with a negative tinge. Okay, more than a tinge, more like a cascading waterfall of negative feelings. 
First off, the book is a prequel. 
Now. Melissa Marr could have done so many cool things with this. There are so many interesting characters that I would have loved to see more in depth or delve into their histories. 
Like Miach and Beira, for example. I’ve heard about the late Summer King since book 1, but never got to read about him as he was dead before the series began. However, his legendary love with Beira, the Winter Queen, would have been so incredibly bewitching to read about it, especially if it involved the birth of Keenan. 
This would have been an awesome choice. 
Irial and Niall would have been another incredible one, probably the best one. We’ve been told over and over again throughout the series that these two hot-heads with a past used to run the Dark Court together, wreaking havoc, taking lovers, seeking new heights, etc. 
But do we get to see this transfixing time? Nope. 
I would even have settled for a story about the Hunt, Sorcha and Bannanach, literally any character done in the right way. 
But...no. Melissa Marr decides to write a prequel that is literally a carbon copy of the first book Wicked Lovely, but innumerably worse. 
Everything in the prequel is exactly the same as the original novels. Miach is dead, Keenan is looking for his Summer Queen, the Winter Girl is pissed off for not being the chosen love of Keenan’s, Irial is temptation in the flesh, Niall and Irial are at odds, Bananach is causing discord, Sorcha is isolated and frigid, the list goes on and on. 
Nothing of consequence, novelty, or importance happens in this book. 
Frankly, it just felt like a terrible redo of the first novel, just set 100 years back. 
I didn’t give a single flying crap about Thelma or Tam or whatever her name was. She was a worse version of Leslie, of Aislinn, of every other cool female character we eventually get to read about in the main series. 
Thelma was contradictory in the worst of ways. She said one thing, like she would rely on no man and never have children and then turned around and did every single one of them like some sort of hypocrite galore. 
She was so irritating and boring to read about that I tended to skim her parts because it was just paragraph after paragraph of bitching and moaning about the same goddamn things over and over again: stay away from fairies, oh god this fairy likes me, no sex, no children, no love and then bam! She just throws it all away. 
The worst part too is that this isn’t a well written book. It’s repetitive, quite boring at times, and caters way too much to the reader. 
Something I loved about the first Wicked Lovely is that Melissa Marr kinda just tosses you into her world and calls it a day. She doesn’t hold your hand or over explain. She just describes and lets you glean for yourself. 
I loved this aspect of the original series. I liked learning about her world and the characters this way. 
Cold Iron Heart spits on the idea of this concept. Marr repeats herself so much about the same things, who Irial is, what fairies are, why this is happening, that I grew increasingly irritated as the book went on. 
Who on earth is she explaining this for? New readers? Why in the world would any new reader start with this book? The newest one that comes after six others???? It makes no goddamn sense. 
So not only did I feel patronized and aggravated, but the love story between Thelma and Irial grated on me as there was no basis for their love. 
It was ridiculous with no shred of authenticity and I hated it, especially knowing that he already loves Niall and Leslie only to come back and say, “wait a moment! I had another true love that I’ve never mentioned before. Yeah. Her name was Thelma. Or Tam. Or whatever, I don’t know. I knew her for three days, most of which was just sex, and then I lost her after she had my baby but I conveniently forgot about it because of nonsensical plot! Hahahah, good right?”
No. Not good. Horrible. 
Overall, this book is a waste of time and trees. 
I don’t know why Melissa Marr even wrote and published this. I can see her writing this for herself because why not, but as a fan and a reader this was beyond disappointing. 
It’s like how all Harry Potter fans felt when J.K. Rowling wrote The Cursed Child and we got movies about Newt Scamander when we literally wanted anything else-Marauder series anyone??
It’s a particular kind of egregious offense when a favorite series or author of yours ends up ruining the canon you’re in love with. For that reason alone, I am stripping Cold Iron Heart from my heart and mind, like it never existed. 
Just like I did with Cursed Child, or the fact that you-know-who dies in Death Note (if you know, you know). I just...don’t believe it. It ruined all the lovely things Marr had previously written and the stories that defined so much of my love for YA, for fantasy, and for my own writing as a whole. 
I know for a lot of you this was a bumbling mess of a review with little to no clarity of the plot or who these characters are. Frankly, I’d be surprised if you are still reading if you didn’t know the book or the series in the first place, but that’s alright. 
Like I said at the beginning, this is a way to get my intense feelings and thoughts down onto paper and now that I have I feel marginally better, although still pissed off that this book exists and that I currently own it. 
Well if you stuck around for the ride, I appreciate it. If you skipped this particular book review, I understand that too. 
Recommendation: Burn this book. However, if you want a gritty, tantalizing fantasy story, pick up the original Wicked Lovely and be whisked away into a world that has stuck with me since the first moment I read it on the fateful day at the grocery store. 
Score: 3/10
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mageofseven · 3 years
hi!!! i just requested this on another blog too but i am FIRED UP rn abt the angel event, and i was wondering if you could do hcs for the brothers with an mc who is SUPER pissed off abt the bangles and stuff (bc its just wrong on SO many levels), especially bc they have religious trauma of their own (its the internalized lgbt-phobia for me 😎) AKRHWJRJE thank u
Yeah...this became a rant that I had no idea I was holding within myself. I've put it all under a Read More thing for those who haven't seen or finished the event for whatever reason. The actual content asked for is below this rant so feel free to skip over it for the real reason y'all are reading this 😅
Okay, people seem to be very...negatively passionate about this event. Don't get me wrong; I understand and agree with why everyone is upset. Playing with the brother's trauma (well, most of the brother's trauma since Satan wasn't alive at the time and Asmo seemed pretty chill with the whole angelic thing) for sake of an event? That's fucked up.
On a story level, I was at first mad at Diavolo. I mean, surely, surely that man knows what horrible stuff Lucifer and his brothers went through or at least part of it, because the ending of it all is what brought the brothers to him! And maybe he thought the costume change was okay since Asmo requested it? But even so, the consent of one brother does not equal the consent of all brothers to dress up like their past selves!
Then bangles. Simeon knew what they did and still gave them to the brothers. Okay, upsetting, but Michael told him to give them to the brothers and maybe he can't refuse an archangel? I dunno but fuck you, Michael.
I'll admit though, those bangles helped the brother do good things and get past their gnawing insecurities (Mammon selling his stuff and donating the money to charity, Asmo know longer stressing over looking perfect and finding peace with his looks and ultimately, learning to truly love himself in a way he never did before), but such things happened for the wrong reasons. I want those good changes for our boys, but I don't want it forced on them like it has been in this event. I want them to reflect, see that a changes is need, and choose to work in themselves and self-heal.
This event was just a lot of me smiling uncomfortably and screaming in my head "what's happening to my sinny boys??". It honestly broke my heart when Luce said he didn't have any fond memories of his time as an angel and I was so worried about all of the bad memories that must be flooding his mind because of this, especially his since his brother, though began with anxiety in the beginning, fell into what's practically mind control quite easily, and only Luce was left fighting it's affects.
Some parts of the event were cute, I won't deny that, but it wasn't them. We didn't truly have our boys during this event and instead had to watch them revert to state they likely never wanted to and it hurt to watch...
Okay, I started this rant trying to make a point that I thought the rest of the fandom felt too strongly about this event and now I'm like...ouch, I had a lot more feelings in me about it than I originally thought. So ya, I understand now. Imma just hide in the corner and hug my Luci...
Truly surprised to see MC so worked up
And lowkey touched that they care so much about both his and his brothers' wellbeing to the point where they'd get so mad on their behalf.
However, he cannot allow for them to speak to Lord Diavolo in such a manner.
Pulls them to the side and tells them enough is enough, consequently bringing their harsh comments towards Simeon to halt as well.
Getting worked up is not going to fix anything and he tells them this.
Whoa, whoa, hold up! Enough!
No need to get that mad, human, honest!
Yeah, this isn't gonna be easy for them, but he doesn't need MC digging their own hole in this situation.
Immediately works on comforting them, saying things like he and his brothers will get out of this in no time so they don't have to worry.
Essentially lies to them and feels extra guilty about it thanks to the bangles, but no stupid bracelet is gonna make him admit that and hurt his human worse!
Overall, MC's outburst forces him to focus on them and not his own current issues.
Another brother so worried about them that he has to shelve his own worries to comfort them
...or at least, he tries to.
Basically agrees with everything Mammon says (the bangles make that a hell of a lot easier for him to do) and anxiously fidgets in place.
He has enough to worry about and now his Henry is acting like this? Things just keep getting worse.
"MC, now is not time for this."
You know when the Avatar of Wrath says you shouldn't be giving into angry right now that you really shouldn't be.
Appreciates that the human is so worried about them, but really doesn't need their yelling on top of the current issue.
Whether this is his own logic talking or the calming effect of the bangles, the man cannot discern.
Regardless, this situation is more of an inconvenience to him than anything else.
He never was an angel nor went through the trauma his brothers have. At best, he just has a small, vague patchwork of Lucifer's memories of that time.
He becomes increasingly unsettled as time in this form goes by, but doesn't struggle in the same way his brothers do.
"Oh stop, it'll be fine!"
The only brother to try to remain positive in the situation.
I mean, at least his outfit is cute, right?
The bangles do raise up a kind of anxiety that he doesn't want to deal with, but if he just smiles and pretends things are fine, maybe all of his issues will go away?
Doesn't like MC getting so angry because it reminds him that this is indeed a problem and he doesn't want that.
Sad baby boy.
More worried about MC than he is about himself tbh.
Please don't be mad, MC, it'll get fixed somehow 🥺
Despite being one of the afflicted, feels like he needs to watch over the human during this time.
Ugh, stop.
Yeah, he's pissed too, but enough yelling about it.
Agrees with everything they spew out at the demon lord and angel.
Devil, just fix this, someone.
He doesn't want to be forced to be like his prior self, as if the loss of his sister never happened because it did happened.
Fuck Diavolo for always doing whatever the hell he wants. Fuck Michael for still wanting to control them even now. Fuck everything that's going on right now.
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earthnashes · 3 years
God I just found your blog and I'm in love you au is everything I've ever wanted in a Mario au! Gods I'm obsessed seriously! I hope you don't mind but I do have some questions! If you don't mind of course :^) 1) Regarding the Mario bros being Mushlings are they Italian ones? Does Italy even exist in this au? 2) What are your Gender and sexuality head cannons for them? ( I saw Luigi in that wedding dress and I screamed non-binary Luigi) 3) On the subject of Luigi when he and Bowser marry do they manage to turn his Kingdom into a utopia fuelled by bread? and finally 4) Do the storks exist here or did bowser jr have a mum? Again love your whole blog sorry if any of this makes your uncomfy!
1. Italy doesn’t exist, no. In fact none of the IRL continents nor countries exist in this world since how it operates overall is vastly different, so there’s no such thing as things like America, or Europe, Antarctica, so on. They have their own countries though a lot of them would be coded after our existing ones, so an Italy-like country/cities/place exists I’m sure. So with that said, Luigi and Mario are not Italian Mushlings, but their place of upbringing could be based on Italy.
2. I don’t really do gender nor sexuality headcanons for fandoms, but that’s primarily because it’s never fully a thought in my head to do it. Hell I don’t even really consider myself a entirely specific sexuality or gender, I’m me more than anything, so that might be why. For the sake of mentioning, this world probably doesn’t fall align with what we’d consider normal, so there aren’t really any expectations or negativity regarding what they identify as, gender or sexuality. TL;DR, I don’t focus too much on it myself so feel free to interpret how I draw the characters however you want
3. Unfortunately, no. Koopa Kingdom is still Koopa Kingdom after they get married, they’ll just have one hell of a baker as their King-consort. That said I’m sure it’ll probably become a highlight of the kingdom though, maybe even spur another competition amongst the kingdoms after Bowser declares his husband the best baker who ever lived and every other leader basically goin “WAT WAT? A CHALLENGE I HEAR??”
4. Storks do in fact exist, however they do not deliver biological babies to their parents, no. The Storks in this world acts as a international adoption organization, ran by Mr. Stork himself, who’s number 1 mission in life is to bring orphaned and family-less children to loving families at any time, any point, anywhere. If you wanna read the full idea behind it, HERE is the link.
Anyhow, to answer your question: Jr. was born to Bowser and the Koopa Queen (don’t have a name for her yet), but she passed on due to birth complications. Almost immediately after her passing the Mario gang offered to help Bowser raise the boy so he wouldn’t have to do it alone, so Jr sees them all as family. He sees Peach in particular as his mama, even though he knows full well that a) there’s no romance goin’ on between her and his dad and b) she isn’t his birth mother. Not that that matters much to him, ‘cuz Peach loves ‘em like he’s her own, so as far as he’s concerned she is his mother.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there ya go! Hope that answers your questions and thank you so much for enjoying the AU so far! owo
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sleepymccoy · 4 years
Hello! I wanted to ask you this bc I really admire your work and blog, and I get the sense that you're a person who can tackle nuance well (and I believe this topic deserves it). I've tried wording this as best as I could, and I'm sorry that it's very long.
I've started getting the impression that some parts of the Good Omens fanbase have been sort of contained, if that makes sense. I feel like small creators have a hard time getting attention to their work anymore. As if people are only looking at the same handful of established creators nowadays (and that those creators are only looking at one another). And by extension, content really only gets attention if it's liked/shared by certain people. And then on top of that, it really constricts a lot of topics in fic and art that get appreciated.
I know that the hype for Good Omens has died down in the past year and that explains a major dip in interest, but I still feel there's an imbalance. I see genuinely good work overlooked time and time again, and I worry that my own work has been looked over bc it simply hasn't been deemed a fan favorite. For a while it looked like there was an effort to boost smaller creators, but it's seems like it phased out pretty quickly. I will be honest, it's been a little discouraging. It feels like the Good Omens fanbase is a club a lot of us have been almost excluded from.
I wanted to know if I'm just imagining this whole scenario or if it's a thing others have noticed? If others have noticed, what can we do to spread some love?
I'm sorry if this came off the wrong way or like I'm scolding people. Or like I'm whinging like a needy child not getting enough attention. I'm curious and was wondering if it was worth asking someone else about. Thank you for reading! And thank you for responding if you do!
Hey! Thanks for all the compliments lol, that’s lovely of ya
I doubt i’ll be as succinct as you managed.
Overall, I agree. I don’t think you’re imagining things at all and I’ve certainly also noticed a decline in interest in my stuff since the start
This is a total theory, but I’m gonna put it forward cos it makes sense to me. When Good Omens started up everyone followed a load of people to get at the content and were reblogging and engaging all over the place. Spiderwebs of followers were formed. I think there are blogs who end up being more influential than others, it depends on what youre looking for in the fandom who that is for you, but there are always big sort of blogs that just reblog content to share it. I think they’re the things that change.
Cos what happens is interest wanes. Fans move on and go somewhere else. If you’re following and relying on a blog to show you lots of new art and they’re just not doing it any more, then you’re sort of left just seeing the popular stuff that gets cyclically reblogged.
For example, i was following, with notifications on, a blog that reblogged every bit of poc good omens fan art they came across. total mixed bag of quality, but it was fantastic and picked up blogs that were completely unknown to me. The person running it got tired and moved on, so i don’t have access to that any more. It’s a lost thread in my little spiderweb of access that cuts me off from so much and it’s a real loss
Alternatively, and this is the trap i fall into, you follow creators. Like what you said! So, when I see a post i like very much i go straight to OP and (after checking they’re not a terf or aphobic) i follow. This means i get new content from the source rather than relying on someone elses taste to have a chance of seeing it myself. However, it also means i’m not following many blogs that focus on reblogging a range of content, so i miss newcomers. I’m not ignoring newcomers, i simply don’t see them
Both approaches to who you follow come with the curse of as the fandom gets older, you don’t have a clear way to find new content or creators. There’s an early bird gets the worm element to it all
There’s also tumblr weird bad habit of not reblogging things. People who run personal blogs rather than themed blogs will like something and consider their work done, but that does nothing to help new art or new artists, cos it’s not permeated yet. That kills new content and content creators pretty thoroughly
So yeah, i think there’s a lot going on there, but you’re certainly not making it up and a lack of engagement on your posts isnt an indication that people don’t like it, it just means people haven’t seen it or have fallen for their habit of not reblogging things they really ought to share.
In terms of fixing this? That’s a toughie.
I don’t have a fix, but i agree the lethargy is tiresome. It’s a constant effort to get something to take off, i have to reblog stuff four or five times before it starts moving beyond my immediate sphere of influence. But it makes sense, there are less fans and the fans there are aren’t out looking for new people to follow.
but i don’t like ending on a negative, so i’ll talk about some options or ideas! even though i don’t have the kind of influence someone would need to be heard
In my perfect world (and i repeat this is my day dream, i do not pretend it is well thought out or fair for all) i would remove the like function; either reblog it or you don’t get to keep an access. I would see more blogs that reblog content to a theme. I would see blogs that search out new creators. I would see newsletters that name new creator blogs that have engaged recently. I would see blogs that make it a challenge to themselves to reblog art and fic that has less than 100 notes. I would see more low stress fan events, more prompt lists and less organised zines.
But that’s all a lot of work for individual people to take on (except the likes vs reblogs thing, but that a real personal dislike of mine). I’ve tried to take part, I run @goodomensevents which is a blog where i reblog any general community event on tumblr that doesn’t cost money to take part in. But i don’t really think it has much impact, cos i thought of it too late in the game and no one wants to follow new good omens blogs anymore.
which i understand. i’m happy with my dash, i don’t feel like it’s lacking. I love who i follow. my mutuals talk to me and aren’t cunts. And i have no idea how to find new creators even though i may want to.
But hey, if anyone’s running a blog like what i’ve described, please send me a link! Maybe i’ll make a rec list on good omens events lol, see what happens. I’ll definitely follow you
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
How 'bout a Bakugou fic where he's in love with an older woman, lets say his senpai. I just love the idea of Bakubae pining after someone who's a little bit older than him 🤤
Not my senpai
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Bakugou stared at the big red zero on the test paper in his hand with an angry expression. Ofcourse he, THE Bakugou Katsuki couldn't get a fucking zero on a test! There must have been some sort of mistake! As if Aizawa was reading Bakugou's mind, he looked at Bakugou and stated, "Bakugou, there hasn’t been any mistake in my grading if that's what you're thinking. You got perfect scores in every other test except for English. If you want to be a top hero, your English speaking skills need to be top notch since famous pro heroes are sometimes sent on missions abroad. You need extra tutoring and we'll talk in details about it after classes are over.". "Yes, sensei.." Bakugou grumbled, almost blowing up the test paper in his hand as he crumbled it and shoved it in his bag. The worst part of it all was that he was the only one in class to fail English. Iida, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu came from expensive middle schools which gave them good English skills since they already learnt it all from back there. Midoriya was always good at taking notes which is why he managed to keep up with English as he also took help from Iida and Todoroki. Uraraka and Tsuyu took help from them as well and managed to pass the English exams. Kaminari and Sero knew English from video games while Mina and Kirishima learnt it from american fashion and fitness blogs. Koda learned English from cooking videos while Jirou learnt it from singing English songs. Satou apparently had relatives abroad and therefore, he was taught the language by his parents. No one knew how Ayoama knew such good English while the others simply seeked guidance from Yaoyorozu. Hell, even Mineta knew enough English to pass the exams thanks to watching way too many English porn videos! Bakugou was the only one with the massive ego to not ask for help from anyone which in turn came back to bite him on his own ass.
When class was finally over, Bakugou sat at his chair angrily, waiting for his discussion with Aizawa. He knew that getting extra tutoring would improve his English skills and ofcourse, he didn't want to be topped by "shitty deku". Then again, taking help from people was rather embarassing for him. However, it's not like he had an option in this case. While thinking of all these, he didn't notice the third year student slip in the classroom. Bakugou was currently in the second year of UA. During his first year, he was able to manage English classes somehow but now that lessons got way harder, he managed to get his first failing grade in his entire life. Bakugou's trail of thoughts was broken by Aizawa speaking to him. "I don't have any extra time to give you extra tutoring and nor does the other teachers. (L/N) here would be helping you with English because of that. She's one of the big three of the third year and she's got the top marks in every year so don't underestimate her and behave. Talk to her and set your extra lesson timings." Aizawa drawled before getting out of the class with his sleeping bag, leaving Bakugou with you. "Hey, I'm (L/N) (Y/N) from 3A and I'm glad to help you out with English. So, Bakugou-kun, tell me when you're free and we can work out a time to study together?" you told him with a small smile as you sat on the chair infront of him. "Am free after classes everyday for 2 hours." Bakugou muttered with a scowl. "I see. You're not too friendly are you? Well, it doesn't matter. As long as you cooperate and as long as your English skills get better, you don't need to play friends. I'll see you after class on Wednesdays and Thursdays alright? See ya tommorow." You stood up, your polite smile gone to replace your face with seriousness. Well, atleast you successfully broke his expectations of you being a random extra cause it was like you read him by his expression alone.
"(L/N)-SENPAI IS GIVING YOU EXTRA TUTORING? GODDAMNIT WHY DID I NOT FAIL ENGLISH?!?!?!??!" Kaminari wailed at the information passed onto him for the 100th time. "Why is dunce face acting like that?" Bakugou asked Kirishima, tired of Kaminari's fanboying over you. "You really don't know anything about (L/N)-senpai do you Bakubro? Her quirk is similar to principal Nezu and she pretty much is smarter than a computer. She can tell exactly what you're thinking by just looking at you cause she's so good at reading a person's body language and she apparantly got into the hero course without having any physical quirk just cause she apparantly made a different student hit a building in a certain place that made all the other buildings in Ground beta fall over crushing all the robots. Principal Nezu already requested her to take over his position as soon as he retires. She won the sports festival three times in her year cause she uses everyone's quirk against them somehow. As far as I know, no one really understands what's going on in her mind cause she always has this polite smile on her and so far, no one has been able to befriend her or get anywhere close to her cause she somehow always shuts them out. She's pretty much the prettiest, smartest and the most untouchable girl in UA. Which is why, Kaminari is shitting himself cause (Y/N)-senpai would never go out of her way to tutor someone and you're seriously lucky cause she's probably the smartest person in Musutafu besides Principal Nezu." Kirishima explained. At the moment, Bakugou clearly understood why your expression suddenly changed just because he scowled. You probably understood that he thought you were an extra when in reality, you were anything but one. The whole ordeal, somehow, made Bakugou feel embarassed about judging you without knowing shit.
Wednesday came sooner than he expected and Bakugou knew that he had to compensate for embarassing himself. Ofcourse you probably thought that he infact was the extra cause you were clearly way smarter than he was. While you tried to find his issues with English, he was feeling uncomfortable thinking about the events from back then. "Bakugou-kun, I'm not looking down on you cause you looked down on me. I can understand that you figured out my quirk from someone but it's alright. People tend to judge others and that's normal human behaviour. Now that you feel bad about it, that's enough for me and we can just forget that happened." you told him, again with that polite smile. "Okay." Bakugou muttered feeling awkward since he wasn’t used to people reading him like that. Like Kirishima mentioned, you really were extremely smart and you figured out exactly what made his English skills weak in a matter of minutes. While he had a good understanding of grammer, he clearly had no practice when it came to implementing it. After talking to him for a while, you figured out his interests quite easily and for the next few months, you brought him books that he might like for him to read out loud to you. Bakugou was a smart person as well and it didn't take him any more than the next three months to master English well. By then, the two of you read over a hundred books together in the library. The two days of tutoring turned into all seven days a week and Bakugou found himself drawn to you after the first month. While you were polite and cold at the begining, you started to laugh at Bakugou's dry offensive humour. Bakugou found your smart remarks funny as well, letting out a deep chuckle at times. The books you got him were all up to his interests at the beginning but with time, they ended up being books that you genuinely enjoyed which made Bakugou learn more and more about you. You, like him, were a misunderstood person. You understood exactly what others thought of you which made you detach yourself from people. Everyone always thought of you negatively behind your back and they believed that you wouldn’t figure it out. The only problem was that you always did. People were easy to read after all and you understood why people found you to be too intense. People are naturally made to be scared of the unknown and no one really knew you. Well, except Bakugou. You opened up to this certain boy because he always showed what he felt. To him, there was no reason to hide his feelings, he would say that he dislikes someone on their face. You liked that bold attitude and you found yourself opening up to him, thinking of him as a friend or maybe more.
When Bakugou looked at the red 100/100 written on his English test paper, a smirk formed at his face. He couldn't wait to show it to you and brag about his English skills. He knew that he wouldn't be here without you but then again, you already knew that. He loved that he didn’t have to voice his appreciation out loud to you since you always picked up on his subtle gestures of appreciation unlike everyone else. Hell, you were smart enough to see the good in him, to see everything else other than his prickly exterior. He finally knew why Kaminari was fangirling over you months back since ge found himself doing the same. You were the embodiment of perfection to him and now, three months later, he knew that he was head over heels in love with you. However, unlike you, he didn't have any way of predicting you. You were older than him by an year. Hell, you were a senior student and you always rejected everyone who asked you out. You'd be starting out as a pro hero in less than a few months while he'll still be a high school student and ofcourse that meant that you’d most probably reject him. With all that negative thoughts, he went to the library to meet up with you for tutoring sessions. Given that he already aced his exams, there was no more reason for you to tutor him anymore. The thought that you probably wouldn’t talk to him again made him feel sick at the stomach. "Hey Bakugou-kun! How did the test go?" you asked him with a genuine smile as you sat at one of the tables in the library. With a cocky smirk, Bakugou held out his test paper, showing off his perfect grade. To his surprise, you stood up and did a little weird victory dance as you clearly looked extremely happy. "Damn, (L/N), you seem more happy about my grades than I am" Bakugou teased you, making you blush furiously as you realised that you literally danced like an idiot infront of him. "It's (L/N)-senpai Bakugo-kun! Besides, all teachers feel happy when their students get perfect scores you know!" you tried to defend yourself by teasing him. Usually, he would tease you back with some sort of insulting remark but this time, he was quiet. You knew about his feelings for you for a while. After all, Bakugou wasn’t very hard to read. To be honest, you found yourself falling for him as well. However, you wanted him to make the first move. You were older than he is but that didn't mean that you’d have to take charge in every case. Unfortunately, it seemed as if he couldn’t gain that confidence and now that your tutoring sessions came to an end, you didn't know what to do. "Senpai huh..." you heard Bakugou mutter, his hair hiding his eyes as you saw a small smirk on his face. "I refuse to call you my senpai, (L/N). You may be an year older than I am, you may have a quirk that makes you a hundred times smarter than I am but I saw through you. Don't think that I didn’t notice those blushes on your face whenever I teased you or how you look like the world ended now that our tuition sessions are over. I seriously was confused at the begining but now, I'm pretty confident that you like me, don't you, (Y/N)?" Bakugou asked, looking straight at your eyes as he called you by your first name. To say that you were blushing would be an understatement as you were completely red by his boldness. "As far as I'm concerned, you're not my senpai from now on. You'll be my girlfriend instead. If I'm wrong, then you can walk away from me and I'll not bother you again." Bakugou stated, a blush forming at his face. He didn’t think this through. Infact, as soon as he saw your sad expression, he decided that he needed to confess now. It as now or never. Bakugou was never good with feelings and you understood why his confession sounded more like a declaration that you were his. A small shy smile formed on your face as you looked at him and said, "Alright, I'm not your senpai". The next thing you knew was that you were pulled into a deep passionate kiss.
Bonus: "YOU'RE DATING (L/N)-SENPAI??!?!?!?! WHY DID I NOT FAIL ENGLISH GAHHHHHH" Kaminari was bawling in the 2A common room while Bakugou looked at Kirishima with an annoyed expression and told him, "Tell Dunce face to shut his trap." Kirishima only looked at Bakugou with a shocked expression thanks to the news that Bakugou was dating you being thrown at him moments ago.
[Author's note: I've been wanting to write something like this for a while. Hope you liked it!]
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wing-ed-thing · 4 years
Cliché (shy!Reader x Might Guy, Part III)
Notes: OOOOOoooh boy. You know, I’m usually really insecure about my writing but I actually had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Probably my favorite. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading as I did writing. Links to part I and II are on the Masterlist pinned at the top of my blog. Unfortunately, Tumblr won’t let this post show up in the tags if I link them here. Lots of love!
Warning for foul language and some sexual innuendo.
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It was a small step, but that small step began your blossoming bond with Might Guy. The both of you became almost inseparable. You didn’t know what it was exactly about him, but whenever he was near, you just felt at ease. Wherever you went, Guy accompanied you. Whenever Guy went to train, you were there if not to just spectate. It was apparent to the whole village that you were a good match, yet the two of you stayed near oblivious. Day by day, you grew bolder. You spoke more, laughed more, and for once it felt like you had a seat at the table in your own life. He balanced you as you balanced him.
“You can slow down sometimes, you know,” you would tell him, “Life isn’t a race, it’s meant to be savored.” He took your advice. At times where he normally would have been training for the umpteenth time, you would spot him taking his team out to dinner. When he normally would have run 500 laps around the village, he walked with you as the both of you chatted. You were still soft-spoken and Guy was still outgoing, but you had grown together. You thought you’d never see the day that Might Guy would become the closest person to you, but here it was. Even if you stayed friends, you would be happy.
It was the end of the training day. Your team was splayed out among members of Team Guy. All six children panted, catching their breath on the dirted training ground. Guy worked them hard today. You, well, you reminded everyone that water existed while you tended to the inevitable scrapes and bruises. You were always told that you had too much of a gentle hand when it came to training up Genin, but with Guy’s tough love attitude, both of your teams seemed to be benefiting from your mixed style.
“Alright Team, be sure to thank Guy-Sensei.” You announced as they gathered their kunai from around the field. They gave a tired yet resounding thanks to your colleague. Guy stood across the grounds and gave a thumbs up. One of your students came up to you.
“Do we always have to train with Team Guy?” she complained in a hushed tone. Your other students turned to face you, nodding in agreement. You gave a quiet laugh.
“And here I thought you liked spending time with Team Guy.” The kunoichi in training sighed. The two other boys stood beside her now, directly in front of you.
“We like Team Guy but Guy-Sensei always goes overboard!” one of your boys protested earnestly.
“Yeah,” the other pouted. “Just because you like having boring talks with Guy-Sensei doesn’t mean we should have to do all these crazy routines, (Y/N)-Sensei.” You blinked in shock for a moment before the shock turned into annoyance. Why these little-!
“I’m sorry.” You crossed your arms, a smile on your lips. Your brow twitched. “Do you want to run another 500 laps? Because that’s what I’m hearing right now.”
Your smile made your team uneasy. They passively felt your increasingly negative energy. Creepy. That was the end of those questions. They trudged back home as you trailed behind and walked with Guy.
“What did they want?” Guy asked, lightly bumping your shoulder with his.
“Your team!” he chuckled jovially. “It looked like they wanted to talk to ya.” Your students had begun to branch off at this point as they headed home. Guy continued to walk with you.
“Oh.” Your student’s words echoed through your head. Just because you like having boring talks with Guy-Sensei doesn’t mean we should have to do all these crazy routines, (Y/N)-Sensei. You kept your features light despite inwardly cursing those brats you loved so much. “Nothing! You know Genin. Complaining!”
You looked at Guy whose aura was as positive as ever. You really were smiling more, weren’t you? The both of you continued. In the distance, you saw two figures waving over to the pair of you.
“(Y/N), Guy, you’re just in time!” Kotetsu declared loosely. “Genma and them just got back from a mission!”
“We’re all getting drinks, the whole gang! You gotta come along,” Izumo chimed, “When’s the last time we were all in the village together?”
You did miss your friends and it had indeed been a long time. However, you didn’t know if the bar was the scene for you. Guy had already made up his mind.
“Aw yeah! I can’t wait to see everyone!” The two shinobi before you quite obviously pregamed before running into you, but Guy’s enthusiastic energy still matched theirs. You stood by, watching as the three hyped each other up for the night to come. You inched back.
“Um,” You started in a small voice, “I’ll see everyone later.” Despite their slight inebriation, Kotetsu and Izumo heard that.
“No! C’mon (Y/N)-chan, you gotta come!”
“Yeah you gotta come! We’re on missions tomorrow, and Kurenai and Asuma are being sent out the day after us! When’s the next time we’ll all be together?”
“When’s the next time we’ll be together, (Y/N)?”
Guy cleared his throat, putting a large hand on the shoulders of both men.
“Don’t pressure the lady. She doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to.” You could’ve melted right there. What a dream for introverts! However, you were trying to be bolder, to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while.
“No,” you peeped, “It’s okay, let’s go. I’m sure it’ll be… fun!” Guy gave you a look as if to ask if you were sure. You nodded.
Kotetsu and Izumo led you to the bar where the others were already seated. They migrated to the bar where Kakashi sat with Asuma and Kurenai. Anko seemed to have claimed a circular booth so both you and Guy slid down at one of the ends. Shizune and Ebisu greeted you as Genma called for another round for the table.
The bar was busy but not enough for you to mind. In fact, the more you drank, the less you minded about most things in general. Despite your earlier hesitation, you were starting to really enjoy the company. Listening to your fellow Jounin tell stories, your posture relaxed.  You had one leg slung over Shizune’s thigh as you leaned back against Guy, his arm coming up to rest on the top of the booth behind your shoulders.
“And this dude really fell! Like ‘BOOM’ flat on his face!” Genma narrated animatedly, slamming his open palm against the table. The glasses on the table jiggled. “When I picked him up I asked him, ‘Are you sure you have a bounty? Because you’re the easiest catch I’ve ever hooked!’” The booth was in hysterics. Even the ever-stoic Ebisu couldn’t hold back upon hearing his ex-teammate’s story. Tears welled up in your eyes from laughter as you felt the deep rumble of Guy behind you. You sat up.
“Excuse me!” You exclaimed, waving the short distance from your booth to the group at the bar. “Would someone please do me the favor of getting me another sake?” Your words slurred towards the end. Anko snorted.
“Well fuck, I didn’t think we’d be getting (Y/N) shitfaced tonight!” She cackled.
“I am not drunk!” You defended, accepting your third sake from Kakashi who leaned against the side of the booth with an amused look. “But I may be a little tipsy.” The table howled as Genma reached over to ruffle your hair.
Guy leaned down to whisper to you. His fingers came over yours, delicately taking the glass from your hands. “Maybe you should lay off the drinks right now.” He breathed in your ear. He set your sake down by the one he had been nursing all night. You turned to face him, your leg slipping off of Shizune’s. You leaned more into his shoulder. Guy tensed.
“Maito-Kun…” You whined. Guy was taken aback. Maito-Kun. That was new. He took in your features: the pout on your lips, your large eyes framed by silky strands of hair, the fact that you were slowly trying to reach for your sake cup. He moved it to the end of the table. His attention was drawn again to your lips as they moved. Guy had never paid particular attention to your lips before… wait, as they moved? Guy shook himself out of his thoughts as he realized you were speaking. Now wasn’t the time.
“What did you say?”
“I said I was fine, really. Please don’t worry about me.” You smiled up at him. Before he could answer, Izumo’s voice boomed from the bar.
“Guy! Kakashi!” He called, “Come do a shot with me and Asuma!” Guy hesitated.
“Go!” you encouraged, lightly prodding him with your elbow. He stood up, Kakashi giving him a pat on the back as they walked towards the bar.
“So,” Kotetsu started, sliding into the other end of the circular booth.  You retrieved your drink from where Guy placed it. “How long has that been going on for?” You waited for someone to respond, but no one did. You looked up and all eyes were on you.
“Who, me?” You inquired, taking a sip. Anko puffed.
“Yeah, you.” She took a swig from her drink. “You’re the one who Guy’s been feeling up all night.” You almost choked on your drink.
“What? No, no he hasn’t been-”
“‘Cause you’ve had a thing for him forever, haven’t you?” Kotetsu questioned. Your heart sank. How did he know? “I gotta hand it to you, (Y/N), I don’t think anyone thought you had it in you.” He shrugged. You didn’t think anyone knew about your crush on Guy. You looked over to Kurenai. There’s no way she told anyone right? Your eyes drifted to the man in question. Did he also know?
“Yeah,” Anko barked, “It was always so cringy watching you try to talk to him.” You tensed, the pit in your chest growing larger and more painful the more she spoke. Every word felt like a punch in the stomach.
“It was painful to watch,” Ebisu added. “Especially back in the academy.”
Anko continued, “But we’re all happy for you that you pulled it off, (Y/N). I wasn’t sure how much more I could take! You know, all the stuttering.”
It felt like there was a knot in your throat. You cleared it. Your cheeks had begun to burn from more than just the alcohol. You batted back the tears that began to gather in your waterline. They weren’t from laughing this time.
“Actually, Guy and I are just friends.” You corrected, hoping that you could end the discussion there. That sentence alone barely made it out. You prayed for this conversation to end. You murmured, “Always have been…”
“Heh, I’m sure.” Genma leaned forward to rest his arms on the table. He gave you a wink. “So what? Are you just thirsty for his, uh, Green Beast, huh (Y/N)-chan?”
“Genma!” snapped Shizune. “Stop being gross.”
At this point, you regretted coming. You felt crushed, like you could burst at any moment. All your energy went into maintaining a straight face. You would not be the one to cry in front of your friends at the bar. It was a silly promise to yourself that held your last shred of dignity. Luckily, the topic of conversation quickly changed. You suspected that Kotetsu and Shizune picked up on your discomfort while Anko and Genma were too out of it to notice the bluntness of their words. You have never felt such embarrassment. You wanted to leave. Guy stayed at the bar. It made you relieved, despite a small part of you wanting him to come back. Despite time passing, you couldn’t help but continue to feel dejected.
You couldn’t hold out for long. As you started to sober up, you whispered to Shizune that you were leaving. She gave you a nod and an apologetic look. You only planned on talking to Kurenai and Guy before you left. As you were getting up from the booth, that’s when you heard it.
“C’mon Guy, what about that one over there?” Izumo was gesturing towards a woman near the other part of the bar. You had to admit, she was beautiful. Much more beautiful than you thought you were. “You should go talk to her! Guy, when’s the last time you got, you know, some action?”
You didn’t want to hear the rest of that conversation. It all became too much for you. You weren’t sure if you were overwhelmed. Maybe it was the fact that you didn’t really want to come in the first place. Perhaps it was just the alcohol, but you felt wetness on your cheeks and you quickly made your escape.
You stood outside under the moonlight, surrounded by cool air. You began to shed silent tears, your hands covering your face. You wished you could’ve at least walked home first, but your legs felt locked, as if they would collapse if you tried more than just standing. How did everyone know about your secret? Were you that obvious? Was Guy just playing with you? Your face burned. You thought about the conversation between Guy and Izumo. You had no right to be upset about what Guy decided to do with his own life. He didn’t owe you a relationship of any kind. You knew that, but it wasn’t Guy you were upset with. It wasn’t Genma or Anko or Kotetsu or Izumo. It was- someone called your name. You turned your head slightly. It was Kurenai.
“I just-” you tried to wipe the tears from your face, but they only kept flowing- “You didn’t tell anyone, did you?”
“Tell anyone what?” She came to stand in front of you.
“About my crush on Guy-San.” You felt like a Genin, like a child all over again getting upset about something as dumb as a boy. Shame coursed through your body.
“No, I didn’t.” Kurenai reassured you softly as she pulled you into an embrace.
“I know you didn’t,” You cried into her shoulder. “I’m sorry, I just feel so pathetic.” Your friend patted your head slightly.
“You’re not pathetic, (Y/N).”
“I just-” A sob wracked your body- “I feel like everyone thinks so! Why am I like this, Kurenai?” You shook violently. “I just, I just feel… horrible right now. I’m sorry, Kurenai.”
“Shh… don’t be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about. You know how Genma gets when he’s had too many. And everyone knows Anko is a mean drunk.” Your friend whispered.
You let out another sob, “She is a mean drunk!”
Kurenai smiled at you. “Yeah, she is. Let’s get you home. We can talk more when we get you home.” And that’s where you went.
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