#and I had a fascination with the tundra for a bit when I was learning about biomes
starwarmth · 2 years
do folks have a fascination with cultures and/or biomes that are so different than their own or is it just me
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crystalelemental · 6 months
Now for the other half of the Nexomon Extinction bit: story, characters, creatures, etc. The non-mechanics. And this? This is, I think, their stride.
To clarify: we are currently through the Drake Isles. My wife started in on the Frozen Tundra, but had to double back for levels due to some team composition changes. Everything I'm talking about is only up through that point. I'd say "please don't share future details," but the Nexomon tag here seems to be like three people, and the Reddit forum hasn't updated in two years, so I'm probably safe. That said, I'm about to be that spoiler for everyone else. Yes, all three of you.
The story's pretty good! The first game was mostly fine, if goofy. The netherworld section had a great conclusion that really set things up nicely. Omnicron was released, but waited for your return as its rival; the strongest human against the strongest Nexomon. You win, and can destroy him, leading to the inevitable extinction of all Nexomon. They kinda leave off there, though, with the post-game being "His children also came back, but you can find them with this radar thing." It's contextless acquisition of legendary monsters though, nothing story-based occurs.
Extinction picks up 1000 years later, where the central conflict seems to be that these major beasts called Tyrants are awakening and fighting each other for dominance, in a war to find a new king to replace Omnicron. Humans are pushing back, and have dragons that are made to hunt these Tyrants, in order to prevent a sort of second coming of Omnicron that could wipe them out.
Your role in this is that you're a starting tamer going off on your quest when you are attacked by a dragon and have to find shelter. This kicks off a chain of events that sees you join the guild to fight against the Tyrants, and also to owning an egg that will one day hatch into a Tyrant. Things go as they go, fighting different Tyrant masters and eventually learning some really fun stuff about some of the major players being perhaps a tad extreme. It's a really interesting pivot, and I really enjoy how things are framed.
Cast is a lot more dynamic this time too. Not that there weren't interesting ones before, but I feel like a lot of it existed to be goofy. This time around, they're a little more...established? Or maybe I just find them more interesting. Amelie is fascinating, I like her a lot. There's a scene talking about how her life's work could go to waste if she doesn't take action, and the response is just a calm "If it could be undermined that easily, then what good was it? Let the best course win." Her motivation really is a sort of "good for the people" mentality, regardless of her own standing.
The children of Omnicron are back, and we get a bit more resolution about what's going on with them. Specifically, confirmation that the player character from game 1 did go back to defeat and imprison each of them, and they're really salty about it. It's interesting, because neither of them are particularly hostile anymore, just dissatisfied with their circumstance. I do like that both of the children we've met have kinda come around to you, at least mildly. Nadine in particular giving you advice on how to not die implies some level of interest in what you're doing. Given that Deena is currently standing against the current antagonist, it would be interesting if all the children aligned on this one. They're bastards, but I do love a good domesticated villain.
The creatures themselves are good to great. I like a lot of the creative work on these designs, and in particular love the amount of cats. Lunabelle is my favorite design in this series so far. I'm also a big fan of Malitress, Madamusa, Sirnympha, and Floreina. Some of the dragon designs are also really cool. I don't generally like standard dragons, but the dragons that don't strictly look like dragons are my jam. So big fan of the Psychic and Ghost dragons. The starter designs are all really strong, too. Even the ones I didn't love at first really grew on me. I think, by and large, I like this set of Nexomon better. There are a few designs I really miss, but this is a good batch.
I have been very satisfied with the general experience of the game overall. It's been great.
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crystal-moon-101 · 3 years
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Since I saw people talking about Ben's little big chill kids, I thought I'd finally do some headshots of my ones, who are also a part of my Ben 10 Next Gen. For me, I've always imagined that for young necrofriggians, they all start out looking the same (Beyond some size difference), but as they grow older, they'll start to develop their own patterns, small body traits and shades of colour, as showcased here. I'll share the little info on each sibling, and the basics of who they are as a person. When Ben first found them again, saving them from poachers and going full mum mode, they had been developing these different psychical traits, but not enough to identify each properly on their own, so while giving them names, Gwen used bandana pieces to colour code them, and each kid still wears theirs to this day, slightly modified. So here they are now, as full grown young adults. You can follow from left to right each row, or just the colours next to their names. -North (Black)- The largest and physically strongest of the kids, North acts as the leading member when Ben isn't around, doing their best to watch out for their siblings and be a middle ground to them. It's been this way since they were born, looking out for them and doing whatever they can to protect the others. This has resulted in North collecting quite a few scars and wing tears, though they wear them with pride, wanting to display how strong they are to others. They often looks up to Ben when it comes to being a hero, in how their mumdad protects others and the galaxy, and wants to be a fighter like him one day, often asking to train with their mumdad whenever he's around. Ben has suggested Plumber training for North, but they're still thinking about that. -Tundra (Red)- Tundra is a very curious one, and is known to wander off when things catch their interest. They prefer using experience to learn from, thus making them quick on their feet when something happens, and good at thinking logical. When the siblings are struggling with something, or come across some kind of problem, it's often Tundra who provides the quickest answers that should go well for them. That being said, due to their wandering, they gave gotten into trouble a few times and need to be saved by their siblings or Ben, as despite how smart they are, they can be a bit of a ditz when something catches their interest. -Grey (Silver)- Having a connection to the earth bellow, Grey often spends their time searching caves, and any hidden areas they can find. They especially love to research and find minerals of any kind, ranging from metals to gems, sometimes even studying their metal lunch for the day before eating it. Because of this, they can be carelessly dirty, and aren't the cleanest of people, but does pick up after themself when reminded. Grey is also pretty close with their sibling Storm, and surprising Gwen and Ben when first hearing the two call each other "Dweeb" and "Doofas", when first meeting them again. -Storm (Brown)- As someone who likes to spend a lot of time flying and high in the clouds, Storm is fascinated by the weather and how it behaves, and feeling the cold fresh air and challenging themself with flight training. This has provided them to have the most agility in the air, and knows the best ways to build up speeds, while also not draining themself. Whenever they aren't flying around, they're doing research on the weather, very keen to be a meteorologist one day. Whenever Ben visits, they will often ask him about the weather on other planets, and any adventures he's had in the sky. Storm is also pretty close with their sibling Grey, and surprising Gwen and Ben when first hearing the two call each other "Dweeb" and "Doofas", when first meeting them again. -Crystal (Blue)- Graceful on their feet, Crystal is a charming and gentle person, with a keenness for the art of dancing, especially when hovering in the air. This was something sparked in them when seeing how the patches in their wings, which are see through, glittered and reflected light through them, making Crystal often move around to see what they could get them to do, and the introduction of dancing was something they latched onto as a result. They are one of the hardest of the siblings to get angry, upset or rile up, and often goes with the flow and speaks in a slow and soft voice. Because of their kind nature and beautiful display of their wings, Crystal has attracted many others who are interested in them, many falling for them after meeting Crystal for a mere minute, though they tend to pretend not to notice, and turn down those who ask. -Orion (Orange)- Having an eye for art, Orion is a skilled painter and drawer, while also dabbling into other art forms to create things, their room filled with their works of art, and often creating gifts for others. From when they were little, Orion has always admired their auntie Gwen, and are always keen and eager to hang out with her when she visits, showing every new drawing and painting they have made while she was away. In fact their fondness for auntie Gwen is why they picked the orange bandana, as it reminded them of her hair. -Neva (Green)- Fashion focused and head strong, Neva is a keen one, who knows exactly what they like and isn't afraid to say it. They love designing things to wear, especially since fashion isn't that big on Kylmyys, and Ben brings them fabrics and items they request from earth whenever he comes by on a visit. Though, despite Neva's expensive tastes, they are most certainly aren't a snob, and more often than not create outfits and accessories for others that Neva knows they'd like, and wants to bring out the best beauty in them. Though admittedly, they can get a bit carried away if someone asks for fashion advice, or even brings up the idea of something related to it. Neva also a bit of a business mind too, having gotten some clients recently on their homeworld after seeing what Neva could make. -Raine (Aqua)- A very sweet young one, Raine has a keen eye for collecting things, particularly shiny or unknown stuff. From gemstones to simple earth utensil, if something interests them, Raine is known to take it with them, sometimes snatching without thinking. They don't mean any harm, and just sometimes think before acting, and will give something back if they've realized what they've done, but if it's clear they can keep it, then they aren't one to share, though do like to show off what they have with joy. They are also very well organized, knowing where everything they own is, and even when their siblings misplace something, having a photography memory and mental list of things. They may own a lot of stuff, but that doesn't mean they want to live in a pigsty. -Vale (Yellow)- Being one of the quiet ones, Vale likes to keep a lot to themself, and don't speak very often, only when they need to. They spend a lot of time outside, observing nature as it passes by them, using a little diary to note down what they see, hear, feel, smell and even taste. They like to appreciate silence and the world around them, and the beauty of nature, and collect little things to store away in their diary as memory. Whenever they visit earth, they love to visit the forests in the spring and summer, seeing the range of colours blooming from flowers, and has many flower prints because of this. -Lux (Beige)- Quite the basic of people, Lux likes to live life in a simple way, and tends to try and stare clear of any chaos, which is quite hard when you have 13 wild siblings. Because of them, they can come across as annoyed and frustrated at times, and can be blunt and honest, but they do love their siblings, and is often the one that says what's needed to be said. Lux also have massive wings compared to their body, a ratio none of the others have, and use to trip over their feet a lot growing up. Now, their massive wings are a great way to hide away when they're not in the mood to talk to read a book, or to hug a family member when seeing them down. -Micha (Pink)- Bubbly and sneaky, Micha has been dubbed the "Pink Ninja" for a reason, someone almost always able to hide away and sneak up on others. They love to jump scare people, and has found more and more crafty ways to get around without being noticed, even without their ability to go invisible. They love to pull jokes and get a laugh out of people, and Micha is known to have a snort with their own laughter. It's always their mission to catch Ben off guard when he visits, as each time it gets trickier due to him knowing it's coming, and his training and skills build up over the years, but Micha always finds a way in the end. -Zodiac (Gold)- Patient and often neutral toned, Zodiac is often seen to be pretty wise. From a young age, they've always loved stories from history, especially those about myths and legends they hear from around the galaxy, and spend a lot of their time reading and researching anything they hear about, always keen to hear a new story they may have never heard about before. It always fascinates them how much Ben has seen and done, and the stories he tells, Zodiac is practically fond of those about Alien X and Celestialsapians, and wants to meet one one day. -Alaska (White)- High on energy 99% of the time, Alaska is always zooming around and never has time to stop. They rarely sit still for long, and it takes a lot to drain them of their endless energy, always moving in a blink of an eye. Because of this, Alaska is the fastest of the crew, which has come in handy often. But they can be easily bored, and a little frustrating to deal with when they don't pay attention, but they do like to spend that energy by jumping around each sibling to spend the day with, and wants to engage in all of their activities to support them. -Arlo (Purple- The smallest of them, Arlo was born the runt of the group, but thanks to their siblings, especially North, they managed to survive childhood when most other necrofriggian runts would have died. This makes Arlo the baby of the group, and the one they all want to protect, even if it can be a little baring at much, wanting to prove they can be strong on their own. And Arlo somewhat got their wish, when reaching a certain age and Ben learning that one of his children had the spark, thus meaning Arlo is an Anodite, and is able to use magic, though they're far from being perfect at it, and their small body sometimes struggles to keep up. But each day Arlo practices, wanting to feel more than just the tiny one, but they are generally kind and great with emotions, being very supportive and just trying their hardest.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
So imma break what seems to be the typical trend with these asks and not just tell you a head-cannon lol. What is your opinion on taking a good character and making them "bad-guys".
Warning - this part is long lol.
For example, I'm playing around with the idea of writing a story where Katara was kidnapped by the Southern Raiders at the age of 4 or 5. She was brought before Azulon who, upon seeing her age, decides to introduce her to Azula. His plan is basically to curb a bit of Ozai's influence on her. (For reference, Azulon is still an ass. Just not to his family and he has a respect for the power the other elements have.) So alongside that, he goes and collects everything he can on waterbending, and takes it upon himself to teach her (I'm having Azulon be the one that gave Iroh that speech about the elements being connected which he later told to Zuko. Just roll with it lol.) So Azula and Katara grow close over the years, Katara eventually not remembering her original home (when I say that, I mean emotionally. She feels no connection nor desire to go back because she was taken at a young age). As she's learning, Katara is quickly found out to be a bending prodigy, despite not having a real master. At age 8 she goes to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls with Azula, where they meet Mai and Ty Lee. While there she learns about different places water can be found, such as the water cycle and eventually the composition of the human body. (I feel like having Hama teach her is to predictable and it's counter intuitive to where I want the story to go lol.) So she begins experimenting. First with the water vapor in the air, then with the water within plants, moving on to her own blood and eventually other students. As she practices, and spends time with Azula teasing other kids, she becomes increasingly cruel. This trend continues and influences Azula as well, bringing out the worst in her (Hey she has a healthy respect for the other elements though. So Azulon didn't completely fail.) This trend continues until the girls are ten. Katara by this point isn't very outspoken. She finds the act of internally injuring someone fascinating, listening to how they scream differently depending on what's damaged. Azula is more outspoken, similar to how she is in canon only much more likely to actually do the threats she makes or even sometimes act first then give the order to someone else. At this age both girls are essentially bending masters (completely believable to me considering Katara became a master in just a couple months in canon). This is also the age when Azulon passes away.
Ursa leaves and not long after Iroh returns. That's when he does the unthinkable. He gives Katara a drug rendering her unconscious before taking her from the palace. He has her put on a boat and sent to the Southern watertribe. She hates it there, her body not adapted to the frozen wasteland of the tundra. She views Sokka as an idiot, but she does like Gran-gran. Her soft demeanor reminded her of how Azulon treated her. Unable to leave, she has no choice but to wait, choosing to hide her current bending skill. Things proceed as they did in canon until they find Aang. When Zuko arrives he does the same thing he did in canon. Aang reveals himself to be the Avatar. When he tries to turn himself over, Katara reveals herself. (I'm thinking of having her say "Hello Zuzu" in a condescending voice lol. Not 100% on how that particular scene would play out.) Zuko immediately recognizes (and fears) her. She proceeds to use her bending to throw him back on the ship before taking off with Aang, leading them away. Canon proceeds as normal, certain scenes like the waterbending scroll not happening because she's already a master bender. She focuses on learning Healing while in the NWT until the invasion. She kills Zhao when he threatens the moon spirit (her ability to bend. I wanna make this scene rather gruesome. She does it with subtle bloodbending so the others don't know it was her).
As they are escaping the earth kingdom fort, Katara has pretty much reached her limit with traveling with the group. She had hoped he would be the quickest way back into the nation, hoping Azula would be sent after him. She had every intention of ditching them at Omashu when she finally sees Azula. Katara pulls Azula out of the fight, into a secluded area where they have thier reunion (I am having them be soft with each other, and only each other.) Katara wants to join Azula but Azula instead wants her to act as a double agent. Seeing Appa flying in, Katara quickly pulls Azula in, stealing a kiss before running back and flying away.
Canon proceeds as normal clear up until the crossroads of destiny. Katara of course is happy to find Azula in the throne room. She willingly hands over the invasion plans before they spend the day together, eventually setting a trap in the Catacombs (Zuko is still going to be there). When Aang breaks in, she asks why he's with Iroh. Aang tells her about Iroh saying he saved her from the firenation before. Katara realizes what he means. She takes being on Aang's side eventually using her bloodbending during the fight to immobilize him, leading to Azula getting a clean hit with her lightning. Iroh tries to interfere as Sokka and Toph arrive. Katara goes off about her kidnaping her before preventing his blood from reaching his heart, killing him. Zuko trust to attack her in anger while Sokka and Toph grab Aang and flee. Zuko is captured and taken back to the firenation in chains.
*takes deep breath*
I went through ALL of that because my questions start at this point. I could have Ozai order Azula to kill Katara, leading to them fleeing and joining the Gaang, leading to a nicer ending. Alternatively, I could have the same thing happen and have Katara and Azula kill Ozai instead, with them systematically killing the members of the Gaang leading to fire nation victory. Or I could find some kind of middle ground, where the Gaang doesn't die but the fire nation doesn't give up the colonies as a condition of ending the war.
Which of these makes the most sense to you. Are these darker stories something you like? Should I make Katara and Azula's relationship co-dependent! On a scale of 1 to yes, how kinky should I have Katara get with bloodbending Azula lol? Overall, what are your thoughts? Hopefully this isn't way to much when it comes to an ask. I know that was a lot of set up for just a few questions but I felt the context was important. If nothing else, I hope you found that incredibly rough outline I came up with off the top of my head pretty interesting lol. I never actually wrote any of that down. I probably should at some point.
Holy shit, this was one hell of a wild ride. And yeah, you should write it at some point. Your story is interesting and from what I know about Azutara, that ship needs more content.
I really like dark, grim stories... but I live for happy endings. However, this is YOUR story. The advantage of fanfic is that it can be as self-indulgent as your heart needs it to be. Go with whichever ending you like the most.
Some sweet, sweet codependency is perfect for darker stories. Also you made me very curious with the bloodbending thing.
To sum it up: DO IT! JUST DO IT!
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You’ll Make It So Damn Big (for all the world to see)
A/N: A warm-up drabble that turned into an interpretation of Eobard Thawne’s speedforce origins.
[Read on AO3]
It feels like everybody around him is growing up. The world turns into a frenzy, as every which way the winds are blowing, but Eobard – the young Thawne standing on the precipice of adulthood – looks out on all sides and realises he’s not one of them. The winds are swirling, almost all in the same direction, but his feet are stuck to the ground, cemented in his past, a prison of his own making; His history holds him.
He still feels that, someday, he’ll make a name for himself. Just like his parents did and now want for him, just like the Thawne lineage predetermines, yet the wish he’d make is for the way of getting there – if only it wasn’t riddled with so many holes, hills, walls, and chasms to leap across. He wishes that the way he’d get there – his mandatory future – had support beams and bright lights. However, the only light for him is the hope glimmering at the end – a candlelight only one person cast upon him (a person who doesn’t even know who he is).
The thing about unrequited love is that it almost never pans out, and the back of his mind tells him this every single day. Phrases of You’ll never meet him and Find a different passion, a more sustainable one configure inside his mind, almost all sounding like someone he knows, and whatever configuration the words are in, the idea is the same: give up, go home, fall in line with the whipping whirlwinds, the status quo, and make a mansion inside of that. That’s what his father did, and a highly esteemed politician he made: governor currently campaigning for senator where a bigger name could be made. Make something like that. That’s what his mother did, and prize-worthy, scientific breakthroughs she’s already made, not to mention the world-winning books for which she’s gone on tours.
How many times has Eobard dressed for a public event congratulating his parents on their mighty achievements? How many times has he laid awake at night, wondering how on Earth he was going to top them? How many times did he fume when he saw his brother’s report card on the fridge when his own straight A’s were never satisfactory? How much longer does he have to endure this, how much longer until it’s his name written in the clouds, in the stars, uttered from the lips of people across the nation, across the world?
Hopefully soon.
But it’s just his luck that the one idea he’s rooted to feels like a pipedream.
City lights drown out the stars above. He longs to move someplace rural, far removed from the bustle of everyday, where he can see the cosmos. He doesn’t need a firsthand look (although what an adventure going to space would be!), but he wants the steadfastness, it’s array of little pinpricks of hope, just like his, to make him feel less alone.
Once upon a time, he learned the stars made sounds, so maybe he’ll invent a device that lets a human hear the sounds – the actual sounds, not a recreation. Would that be enough? Would people like that, love that, praise him and his ingenuity for that? Or would they still yearn for a greater greatness, juicing the life out of him until he’s left with the bare essentials, the pulp, the carbon form?
If he could scream ‘STOP!’ and earn a breather, he would.
And if he possessed the powers of The Flash, he could. He would race for the Canadian tundra and catch the northern lights, or race up a mountain and sleep on its peak.
At least he’s close. So close, he can taste promise of lightning in his veins. In preparation of the reaction, he has the chemicals in order and the electricity on standby, and he knows how to contain the dark matter wave. What he needs now is... well, all he ever needed. He thought by recreating the speedforce accident, he’d bestow upon himself the confidence he always lacked, but standing here physically prepared to leap, he hesitates in the realisation that the confidence he needs must come a bit sooner than that, lightning before the storm.
It’s a catch twenty-two.
He sees every step ahead of him in crystal clarity, he sees what he gets out of it, but what he lacks for this first step he’ll gain with his last. Can the stars shed light on this conundrum and tell him what to do?
Unfortunately, stars don’t exist in the city.
Eobard exhales, his lungs fogging up the two a.m. air. The murky navy-brown of sky mirrors in his eyes. Once, they seemed so clear, so decisive. Why can’t he call upon the twenty-year-old him for this? Better yet, his seven-year-old body and mind, all fascination and no doubt. All eagerness, no fear. Perhaps society’s ruined him. Perhaps his parents’ values have snuck their power around him like ivy. Perhaps he isn’t cut out for this after all.
“Of course, you are,” he grumbles to himself. “No one else is bold enough– let alone smart enough– to piece together any of what you did!”
Perhaps he just doesn’t want too.
He lifts his forearms off the railing he’s leaning against, and fingers fasten around the metal, turning his knuckles white.
Amber lights wash over the storage district of Keystone City spreading before him. It’s the cheapest place he found where he could set up his experiments; the undisclosed building he rents reside near a crisscross of highways, over and under-passing each other over. It’s his safe haven for all scientific pursuits – the legal research of a quantum physicist, and the illegal research of a speedforce-enthused young man.
Do you really want this? a part of him insists on asking again. The buzzing silence with which the rest of his mind replies scares him.
Yes. Yes! Of course I want this!
His feet break contact with the fire escape. His hands shove off from the rail.
Then, stop thinking and get the fuck inside.
Eobard spins on his heel and wrenches the emergency exit open. He steps into the rented facility and makes his way through tables and equipment, until he’s reached his chemical set up. There’s a viewing deck – small – cluttered with a couple monitors, matching keyboards, and a mug drained of tea. To the right is the contraption he’ll step inside, shining stainless steel and clear vials and straps to which his wrists and feet will be bound. In all its glory, it looks unpleasant, but appearances don’t matter – he repeats it like a mantra to appease his fluttering stomach – as it’s a means to an end only he will be experiencing. Risks have to be taken if anything is to be made of yourself.
The young Thawne takes to the viewing platform and pulls aside a monitor. Checking levels, checking contraption ability. Checking twice, then thrice. Stalling? No. Ensuring his safety? That’s more like it. The calculations, they appear sound, so Eobard hovers his fingers above go.
When he presses, he’ll have a minute. A minute until true ‘go’, a minute to prepare himself, a minute to slide into the machine and wait. If I press now, he promises, only sixty seconds stand between me and The Flash.
So, press now.
Only twenty-four years old (and a few more months until his next number up), and he’s on the verge of unlocking a brave new world for himself. His father didn’t win his first court case until twenty-seven. His mother didn’t make her first discovery until twenty-six. His brother still hasn’t done anything remarkable. I’ll be ahead of the curve.
So, maybe I’m not as much of a lost cause as everybody thought.
Guilt and the shame shed from his skin the second he presses into the space bar.
Eobard sets himself up inside the machine; steel bands wrap around his wrists and clamp around around his ankles. The machine’s generator starts to whir, glass vials of multicoloured liquid begin to drain, a rainbow, into and underneath his skin. Into me! The machine vibrates– so heavily it vibrates that the floor itself begins to rumble with power. His power, he made it. And he can taste it better than he ever has: a promise.
I’m ready.
An explosion rips through his body. It’s of white fire, all his nerves igniting with pure light. His eyes, his nose, his mouth fill with brilliance. His ears ring with blazing song. The metal cuffs dig into his skin as he body tries to fly forward.
At first, he thinks he’s grown numb; perhaps his calculations were off, perhaps he’s dead now and this is it; his stomach rolls and knots itself; but mere seconds after the thought, all thoughts knock away as he slams down. The floor beneath him is cold and rough, and it should have hurt. All he feels, however, is the fire of explosion.
The whiteness dies from his eyes. His eyes return to the compound, everything coming into focus only tinted in red. Around his body, blood still races a warmth, a cosmic warmth, the same warmth he feels gazing at the milky way they’re situated inside while his feet stand on grass – a warmth it is as if the universe were wrapping him in blankets.
Electricity shivers up and down his spine, and peering down at his hands, he notices his nerves aren’t the only thing dancing at impossible speeds. He hands and ankles shiver through the metal cuffs, which fall unceremoniously (and broken) to the floor.
Have I done it?
By analysing the current evidence, he suspects so, and his mind starts leaping to further conclusions and future tests, but at the present moment with relief and excitement and glee and triumph shooting up and flushing the nerves straight out of his system, there is really only one thing to do now. Only one way can he prove if he’s really done it, if he’s really become The Flash of the future...
Eobard steps forward, cautiously optimistic...
That single step takes him to the other side of the room.
What would twenty do? he thinks, counting as he bursts out of the building. Thirty? Sixty!? A hundred?!
Eobard Thawne bursts into the night, a streak of red following him the entire way out. Sneakers slapping against the road, he rushes through wind which shoves over trash cans and swirls litter into the air. He follows the curving, ramping highway, beating cars in a spontaneous race. The coat around him heats to an uncomfortable degree, so he throws it off, and once it’s off, it’s void, it’s out of his mind. I’m running! His feet are slapping and his thoughts are racing and every details is sharp, pristine. His heart is pumping, each pound five times stronger than ever before–!
Before long, he’s out of the city.
He’s out of the state–
–out of the country, before he comes out of autopilot.
The lightning fades when his feet skid against permafrost, limbs lit up for a second as red crackles around them, a sign of transferring energy – motion to rest. The air he huffs from his lungs condenses into a greater cloud than it did in Keystone. He knows it’s could, he feels the chill gracing his arms beneath his long-sleeve with goosebumps, but it doesn’t quench the redhot now filling him up inside. Cold is no match against raw power, and this raw power is his gasoline; he can run with it forever and ever, never batting an eye.
He tilts his head to the sky. A beautiful spread of cosmic wonder, through which northern lights flow – a river of green, violet, and red. The stars, at last, are his to see. He breathes, in and out.
You’ve made it, Eo. For all the world to see.
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saint-nevermore · 4 years
I realised I post doodles but don't really post about actual story that much so the basic run down for Neville Moor backstory with the recent change of "they've actually dated now"
- Nev lived in a small tight-knit community trading town. was really depressed after his beasttame(ish) uncle died. had two childhood friends called Jorgia and Huego. kind of just moped around. age 35
-town is fairly normal aside from a subadult unflighted widewing dragon which would make rounds every few years to literally just eat whatever it can find. not awesomr
-Enter Kuran Bretton, 28, a harpy who showed up one day with a lot of money explaining how he moved away from his hometown overseas to get his own space. Needed somewhere to stay while he was still moving furniture in and getting the house sorted etc
- Nev's friends dragged him out to meet the New Guy to let him board him because, like, they're both pretty busy with their lives and can't be there for Nev, whereas this new guy has a profound shared interest for Adventuring and Wildlife and is unbelievably peppy.
- Kuran lives at Nev's for a couple weeks, they quickly hit it off. Kuran learns a lot about natural history he never got the chance to experience at his wealthy upper-class home, and Nev learns a lot about cooking and trivia since Kuran loves to read.
- Kuran digs up some old plans at Nev's one day regarding the widewing dragon and slaying it. He's obviously super fucking stoked about this, and convinces Nev to work with him to work out the kinks of the plan and set it in motion.
- All the while they get closer with Kuran being a source of motivation and passion. They fall for eachother, and at a new years party Nev confesses over some expensive wine. It goes great! They're boyfriends now.
- After about a year and a half news comes from neighbouring towns to ready the bunkers, as the widewing has visited. it's Go time. I Will Not Go Into Detail Because We'd Be Here Forever, but they kick it into motion, and it Does Not Work.
- Nev dies for the first time here, but is revived since he has his boon. Kuran is gravely injured. Both are picked up by a passing herd of Tundra Spirals dragons, entering Davok, a male spiral which decided to stay with Nev for some reason totally not related to his boon. Kuran dies from his injuries within a few days.
- About a week later, the dragon comes back still limping and weak, but now it's Mad. Through means I've yet to really figure out, Nev slays it. He's crowned a hero, but it sucks a lot, because he feels he's directly at fault for his partner's death, and has never really coped with loss well.
- He gets his special cloak tailored into a flight-tunic (his normal outfit one) and leaves on Dragonback at some point in the night without notice. at this point he's grown out his facial feathers because it's a big cosmetic change is customary in mourning in some harpy cultures. (specifically passerine, which is what Kuran came from and what Nev's mother raised him with).
- He makes headway to Kuran's home town to deliver a letter notifying a family member's death called a Red Ribbon by hand, another passerine custom. it's the least he could do, yknow?
- It isn't particularly hard because Kuran's dad is a fairly big name in trading, and the Bretton Manor is kind of a landmark of its region. when he gets there, he's greeted by Jowee, Kuran's adoptive brother, and someone Nev has been told about quite a bit.
- Kuran sent letters monthly, and intended to make his way back at some point to pick up Jowee when they turned 16. obviously, this didn't happen. it took Nev a few years to make his way to the manor since he isn't a great navigator and was Going through it, so Jowee had been waiting 7 years with not a word from their brother.
- at this point it's the intended start of the comic when I get around to it, but it basically goes that Nev delivers the red ribbon, dicks around a bit talking to a fascinated (at the cool beasttame) Jowee and a disgruntled Luca, leaves, attempts to take his own life, obviously is unable to because of his boon, bumps into Jowee the next day after they had snuck out to find Nev, and hesitantly letting Jowee join him.
TL;DR he has a partner he loved very dearly who he lost and thinks it's his fault. he has a hard time getting over it. also kind of lied a little to Jowee because he was trying to get out of there ASAP so Jowee thinks he's an actual real beasttame.
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kryptsune · 5 years
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Fellswap {FXS, CXP} (UPDATED: 4/1/2020)
🌼It is an interesting story with Fellswap because I had no ideas for it only for it to turn out into one of my favorites and most extensive. I added the divider because this one is seriously one of the craziest and most fleshed out AUs besides WTU of course. This one has a lot to it so feel free to ask any questions you may have! Enjoy! If you enjoy it spread it around so I can gauge the interest! 💙
Alternate “Nicknames” Info: 
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Sans: Crimson- Also goes by The Crimson Lord or Bloody Lord. Crimson the harsh ruler of the lands of Tundra and known to be a loyal “dog” to the Queen. His eyes used to be an icy blue but now they are primarily red. If you manage to pull that old him out then his eyes may turn blue again. It astounds him when Frisk causes him to enter this state. A dog without a leash rather. He is frigid towards real affection/emotion unless he has the goal to manipulate you. The only exception would be that of his brother. His pride and ego are legendary and rarely ever takes no for an answer. He is nicknamed the bloody lord for a reason as he has a vampiric nature. His love of the finer things in life leaves him very possessive and greedy as well. His kingdom, being the closest to the Capital, is the most lavish. He is not easily amused, however, if you are able to amuse him he will most likely keep you alive until your amusement wears out. He is also the younger of the two brothers.
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 Papyrus: Grimm- Crimson’s older brother though even with his stature most think the opposite. He could be classified as the wild one. His eyes are usually a golden/yellow color looking more like pupils then the typical skeleton blank sockets. When he is more in his feral mode those sockets will turn black with that blazing yellow pupil. His eyes in this state resemble that of a wolf. He will be more docile unless it comes to the hunt. That is really when he is in predator mode. Grimm is also incredibly needy and does not care about the state of his captees which he usually brings to his brother. He is submissive to Crimson but that does not mean he will tolerate being treated like a dog. He is still the older brother after all. He is a flirt just to get what he wants and he loves it when others fight back. Unlike his brother, Grimm could care less about all the finery all he cares about is the pleasure, fun, and thrill. Grimm is curious by nature so if you draw his attention you may survive long enough to get on his good side. He also has a well known sweet tooth though his brother tries to discourage him from the habit. The running joke is that he had to have his canine teeth replaced with gold because the sugar rotted the true teeth. That, of course, is nothing but a lie. 
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Chara: Fuji- Fuji is the twin sister of Frisk and the two could not be further opposites. She is mild-mannered and easily spooked. Her kind heart is often betrayed but she continues to struggle onward despite that. Her physical appearance forces her to cover her left eye due to horrific damage. Under those ebony bangs, she has a scar that is the opposite of Grimms. It is one of the reasons she first draws his interest (that and chocolate). Grimm eventually calls her his Chara-mell apple which is a reference to her name as well as how sweet her personality is. Unlike her sister, Fuji is relatively weak which is why Grimm becomes her protector. She is his little dove.  
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Frisk: Frisk is known as the “bad” girl type. She picks fights that she knows she can win and likes to get into trouble. She is rather brash but if she sees a fight she knows she cannot win then she will not take that on. The monsters are one such factor of this. She adores her siblings and will do anything to keep her safe even if that means self-sacrifice. She is sassy and overconfident which makes her a perfect match for Crimson. Eventually, he refers to her as his little huntress as she takes just as much joy harming humans as the monsters do. They hurt her sister and therefore they must pay with blood. Her standoffish attitude is also a huge bonus for Crimson as he gets to learn more about her and break down those walls. They both do that for each other. She enjoys Crimson’s darker side rather than his gentle side. Aside from that only she and his closest family ever see. 
Undyne: Undyne is the Royal scientist and resides in her lab in Windyspires. A place that revolves around aviation. Undyne has a fascination for any kind of flying machines and is more an engineer than a scientist. In order to keep up with the hunt and help her Lord, Alphys, she creates a series of drone-like devices that monitor the “air” of the entire Underworld. It also doubles as a camera for those monsters not participating but watching the hunt take place. She has a very steampunk vibe to her work and likes to wear a pair of aviator goggles at all times. Her favorite type of anime is mech like Gundam or Voltron. She will occasionally wear her lab coat but she prefers her more casual attire. Unlike the rest of the monsters, Undyne does not directly participate in the hunts but rather helps Alphys instead. She has sworn off genetic or soul experimentation but no one knows the true reason why.  
Alphys: The Lord of Windyspires Alphys is the ultimate warrior type. She will do anything to win a battle which includes a little extra help from her scientist (eventually Lady) Undyne. She is the centurion of the Guard and usually participates fully in the hunts. Her desire for revenge and victory is something that drives her forward and takes extra delight in adrenaline that comes with the hunts. Just like Crimson, she is a formidable foe and usually brags that she will one day rule his kingdom which means their egos butt heads frequently. Alphys loves the spectacle even crafting an arena on the border of Magmire and Windy spires dedicated to combat. The weak cannot be a part of the Guard. She much prefers hand to hand combat and will rarely resort to any type of projectile attacks. She was the youngest sibling of 5 brothers and beat up frequently by her brothers which only made her stronger. She vowed never to be weak again though that mindset has made her into the bully she so sought justice for earlier in life. She likes to binge anime with Undyne when it is all Shonen. {probably a masochist… definitely a sadist}
Muffet: Muffet works side by side with her husband and Lord Grillby. Their kingdom is that of Magmire. They are known for their industrial prowess creating weapons and armor for the elite of the Underworld. She takes great pride in her side job which happens to be the only confectionary in the entire kingdom making hard candies and gummies. She is known to indulge in Grimm's sweet tooth habit as well. She appears kind on the outside but she is truly manipulative especially to those that are unfortunate enough to be caught in her web. Her original concept was that of Hansel and Gretel with her being the “witch”. She dresses in bright inviting colors which is a huge contrast to the rest of the monsters. Muffet also has the ability to spin sugar into horrifying amalgamations when she harvests the souls of captured humans. Human/ monster no more these creatures will do as she commands even sometimes devouring their targets. Just add a pinch of monster dust, a little bit of candy, and some soul.   
Grillby: Grillby is the Lord of Magmire. Unlike most of the Lords in his position, he does not sit on his throne but rather helps and works with his wife in the confectionary. He finds it relaxing though he does still have to attend to. Grillby is more laid back than most almost the opposite of someone who is sugar high. He is calm and collected which makes him a suitable warrior though he has placed those days behind him. His hobby is to work on new blacksmithing techniques even if his kingdom claims that is below him. His throne room is covered in metal work such as blades and armor only adding to the stigma of the industrial kingdom. He is not one for killing as he feels that there is no honor in such an act. He will send his captees back to the Capital or to whoever is willing to pay. He does not agree with his wife's tactics however he knows that he can not change that mindset and doesn’t press for it.   
Toriel: Known as the Ice Queen possibly due to her frozen kingdom or her attitude toward any and all life. Unlike the original UT Toriel, The ice Queen no longer can use fire magic as her soul has frozen over. She has ice abilities and magic in its place. There are rumors that she can cause one's heart and soul to become numb just being in her presence. She is what one would consider a despot as she does not care for much. Her grief causes her to lash out at others and is called by the lesser monsters, the Mad Queen. She is unaware that her son is still living and refuses to speak to her husband. Even the mention of his name can send her into a spiral of rage.  
Asgore: The former King of the Underworld Asgore was banished to The Ruins after Toriel’s maddened rage. He is kind and gentle though he knows his own limits. He is not a pushover. His time in the Ruins has shown him how insane his wife has become and with the help of his son they take care of the humans fortunate enough to make it to them. He does his best but even he has moments that force is required as much as he hates the violence. He is still a king through and through ruling over his own “kingdom” as the caretaker.  
Asriel:  The former Prince of the Underworld and son of Asgore and Toriel. Asriel was presumed dead but survived only to escape to The Ruins. His father comes upon him later and they work to help the humans that have been forced to suffer under the tyranny of the Queen. Asriel is mild-mannered and very polite. Even without his station he still acts like a kind Prince. He will stand up for what is right regardless of his own possible sacrifice. When he meets Fuji he sees a lot of himself and he takes on the big brother role for her. In conclusion (Precious Goat boy). 
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Main Plot Synop: 
The Surface: 
The surface has been overrun by corrupt leaders. It is very much the concept of big brother. They are a council that presides over the affairs of the world. If you are seen as a threat you will be immediately thrown into “prison” without a trial. They hold occasional public trials in the guise of being fair. Just as WTU claims, the very concept of magic is a threat to them so those that have it are quickly disposed of but leaders don’t always do the dirty work themselves. No. In fact, they use another source by means of execution…the monsters. 
More accurately it is very similar to the idea of throwing your enemies into a kind of gladiatorial arena. It is not technically considered an execution if circumstances lead to death. The humans are not stupid they know what is going on. Some believe in rebellion against the state and some wonder if the monsters could fix their corrupt world. Either way, the corruption continues and they are not above tossing innocents into “the pit” if it suits their agenda. 
“The Pit” (aka the Underworld/Underground):
The underworld is broken up into different factions by location. The only location without a faction or any type of ruler is The Ruins, because of its size and its isolation this is where humans try to reach for some form of Salvation. Asgore, the caretaker, has made it into an encampment for those that have fallen (the innocent ones). It is almost like a refugee camp. Unfortunately very few make it to Asgore’s safe haven. He does his best. Poor goat dad. He is not like canon Toriel however as he will use violence if necessary as he knows that humans are simply using them as tools to get rid of who they deem criminal. There are signs of old campfires, broken tents, and habitation. Before The Ruins is, of course, the main factions. “Snowdin” is the beginning and Crimson is one of the most powerful in the Underworld. 
New Home= The Capital
Snowdin= Magmire 
Waterfall= Windyspires 
Hotland= Tundra 
The Underworld is backward to its original layout. The humans end up trapped in The Capital instead and they have to make their way to The Ruins to escape. So it would go like this: The Capital -> Tundra ->Windyspires ->Magmire. The closer the faction to the capital the higher the rank in other words because both Grimm and Crimson live in Tundra. Crim is the lord making him one of the most notorious. He is known for being a loyal “dog” to his queen. Whether that be out of loyalty or self-preservation is unclear. 
Each faction has a lord or lady that rules over it. The ones loyal to Toriel’s (As a side note she is known as the ice queen) regime and their supposed way of life. This also means the closest ones receive the most benefits. Tundra is the one with the most prestige and of course other monsters are trying to strip that title from its current holder, The Crimson Lord. Due to Crimson’s loyalty, he is almost exempt from any wrongdoing in the Queens’ eyes which means he can do pretty much anything he wants. Which is dangerous and I will explain why in a bit.
I have a faction ruler list sitting here so I am going to add that to this as well. They are as follows, of course, this does not account for potential power struggles during the story: 
The Capital -> QUEEN: Toriel Dreemurr
Tundra -> Lord: Crimson 
Lady: N/A
Windyspires -> Lord? (I mean she wouldn’t want to be called a lady SHE IS TOO TOUGH FOR THAT!): Alphys 
Lady: Undyne
Magmire->Lord: Grillby
Lady: Muffet
“It’s Hunt or be Hunted”: 
The motto of this verse. After so many centuries of humans being disposed of by monsters, they become aggressive. In addition, the anger toward all of humanity begins to fuel violence in the monsters. The hunts deter monster on monster violence. It also adds fuel to Queen Toriel’s fire that one of the humans that fell down the first time killed her son. This, of course, is a lie as Asriel seeks refuge with his father in The Ruins. He helps as much as he can watch his mother lose her mind from afar. It saddens him but he refuses to be a part of this new world order. That is when they realized that humans weren’t just falling into the Underworld. They were throwing the worst of the worst. Their undesirables, criminals, and anyone that dare went against their own agenda. 
At first, they just captured them and held them in the Capitals network of catacombs but then some began to escape causing damage across their “New Home”. Toriel wouldn’t allow it. A proposal turns it into a game of cat and mouse. The humans are detained and released and then the monsters hunt them down. It used to be about protection but now it’s become a sick twisted death game. The forests of Tundra are littered with traps and deadly pitfalls along with the rest of the locations. 
A Human's Fate:
Not all the humans that are being thrown into the pit are criminals. The monsters of higher rank occasionally take humans they deem worthy to be servants or slaves. It depends on the monster or the rank but at least those humans are still alive. The hunt is an unspoken death sentence. One monster, in particular, seems to have an interest in bending humans to his will and that is Crimson. The conditions vary widely as some treat their humans well and others poorly. Crimson is known to go through humans quickly due to his bloodthirsty nature. It’s not a common occurrence. In fact, the Queen frowns in distaste over the very notion. The only ones that are spared of any of these fates are the children. Toriel is even more disgusted by humans sentencing their young to die. She takes care of the children that have fallen. In total, she has taken care of 5 children in total. 
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The Brothers Grimm:
Grimm is the wilder of the two brothers and is very much a predator type. His name is derived from the mythos of the Grimm or Black dog. I wanted to keep that dark omen symbology in both his name and design. He slinks around in the shadows so that the black dog aspect is not far off. He also loves watching from trees.  He enjoys the catching and hunting aspect of his job and even plays around with his “toys” when he finds them. He will specifically call anyone “chew toy” in a mocking kind of way. That does not mean though that he will not spare you if he catches you. He is naturally curious by things. He also has a little skele tail too. Unlike his brother, Grimm doesn’t really have an ego he just finds his job fun. He is like a giant untamed wolf. Grimm has a love of sweets as well. 
He admires his brother but he is not bound to his brother. In other words, this is not a master, dog dynamic. He is, however, the more accepting of the two. If he is asked to do something he doesn’t approve of then he most likely won’t. Also just because he has the whole puppy thing going on doesn’t mean he isn’t smart and cunning. Again he likes to play around with those he finds sometimes not even dragging them back to his brother for a while. If you are a threat he will kill you but if you’re not you can probably get on his good side. If he thinks you are cute he will probably flirt with you too. He is not beyond that. He plays the part of the dog quite well.
Crimson is more sophisticated. He doesn’t go out on “hunts” himself often as he has a faction to rule over but those brought to him will see first hand that he is an insufferable flirt. He is prideful, egotistical, and commanding. He also has a bad habit of keeping mementos from those he deems worthy (what those are… you don’t want to know). He is stern with his brother and seems very outwardly cold to most unless he is playing up his charm. He is not someone you want to make angry as Toriel considers him to also be the Bloody Lord. His weapon of choice is a scythe. His drinks of choice are red wine and champagne specifically the pink kind. Crimson’s incisor teeth also have that vampire point to them. They are longer than the rest of them. There is far more to Crimson than just a ruthless skeleton lord.
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The Ultimate Unlikely Hunters: 
This backstory will involve Grimm and Crimson’s unusual infliction and conditions. They were both experiments under Gasters research team in the beginning. Having been weak monsters as children unable to gain any LV they had to think of a way to survive. They did not seem to possess the ability to wield magic. Tired, injured, and without hope, Papyrus carried his baby brother all the way to Windyspires banging weakly on the metal plated doors. The Royal scientist at the time, Dr. W.D. Gaster, took the boys in. Unlike Darrius FS Gaster cares about the two brothers. He gives them a choice if they want to become stronger as their souls are not capable of it on their own. Grimm takes the offer hoping it will save his baby brother offering to be the first test subject. 
At the time Unyne was nothing but a teenage prodigy lab tech watching the events of soul manipulation take place. At first, the process works. Pap is able to conjure new bone-like attacks with magic and all seems to be well. The results cause Gaster to start the experiment on Sans next. By this time complications have already begun to show signs. Pap seems to be more short-tempered and aggressive even with little things. His mood swings cause him to lock himself up being monitored day by day. 
Sans has never seen his gentle brother this aggressive before forcing himself to look away as they have to strap him down for a follow-up experiment. He tries to help his brother the best he can and takes on the older brother role due to Pap’s inability to think clearly. Even he is starting to change. The longer this situation continues the more Sans becomes numb to the feeling. That is until one day Pap’s condition takes a turn for the worse causing him to lash out, bones shifting and elongating. He drops to the ground in agony transforming into a skeletal beast like wolf tearing the entire lab apart. 
Sans, on the other hand, continues to take care of his brother but he too is feeling some strange side effects to the soul manipulation. It turns out that each monster’s ancestry buried deep within their soul draws upon a primal power. Not all monsters were about love and compassion in the beginning. Bringing this primal trait to the surface causes adverse physical and biological changes within the two. Sans is more gradual as he starts to be in immense pain. His soul struggles to keep itself together but even he snaps lunging at a lab tech. He zeros in on their soul pulling it from their chest and sinking his teeth into it, draining it of its life force. The pain is suddenly gone. He realizes that he needs souls essence and power to keep that hunger/thirst at bay. It gives him extraordinary abilities. He remembers a long time ago reading about a monster that humans had such a fear of, the vampire. 
As he comes into power he realizes that humans concentrated soul traits are even better than monster souls. The blood has a high concentration of soul essence which sustains humans as well as monsters (yes the monsters bleed in this). His brother learns to control this new beast within himself but not before he nearly claws his brother's socket out, hence the signature scar. Crimson has scars on his entire body from trying to reason with his once feral brother. They slowly work their way up to eventually ruling the second most powerful kingdom in the entire Underworld with exception to The Capitol. The constant hunts keep both the brother's conditions satisfied. No one is quite sure how the two skeleton brothers became this way after Gaster’s disappearance, all except Undyne.   
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The Story:  
There are two siblings that fall into this world both twins. One is Frisk and the other is Chara. Since this is a swap, Frisk is more aggressive of the two and highly protective of her sister. She tends to be classified as the “bad girl” type. Chara is the sweet and kind one that will abstain from any violence at all. Frisk is not the usual Chara swap because I want them to find their place amongst the world. She has no problem using violence as a means of protection and self-defense but she won’t actively look for a fight if she thinks she can’t win. The monsters are one such variable in the unwinnable category. 
Sadly they have magic within their souls hence the soul traits. They both also have the same soul outwardly, Determination, however, there is one other trait that is housed within their soul that makes them very different. Frisk’s is perseverance and Chara’s is kindness. As usual, the leaders of the Ebott Empire are threatened by their potential for magical abilities and as such are sentenced to be executed. Thus they become part of the hunt. 
Frisk is the first to be captured by none other than Crimson and Chara is found by Grimm. It is strange that Crimson is not his usual self in their circumstances as he can tell, unlike so many others that they have captured in the past, that they are very different. Grimm can’t bring himself to harm Chara due to her innocence and Crimson enjoys Frisks headstrong and sassy attitude. In other words *slaps hands on table* you get a two for one. One Papyrus X Chara and one Frisk X Sans. Both the twins are of adult age.
Eventually much to Crimson’s reluctance they decide to help them escape as unlike most of the AU the monsters have no problem staying this way. Not all of them agree but the Lords certainly love their titles and don’t want to give up that power…that is until Frisk mentions that all those horrible corrupted humans on the surface could be like one giant hunt. In which case Crimson is all for. Grimm has his own motivations enraged that the humans did something so terrible to Chara but he would not sacrifice everything to get to the surface because of that vendetta. 
They make it to Asgore who has all the souls as the Barrier is in The Ruins. He tries to get them to stay instead of sacrificing one of them for their freedom. It’s obvious that the brothers actually don’t want either of them to die. 
As Crimson says: “What is another century or two? We have all the time in the world.”  
Frisk and Chara become integrated into the Underworld and though Grimm continues his hunting he doesn’t want Chara to witness it. Crimson just has Frisk as his little huntress. It is unclear if they will make it out of the Underworld in this AU. It really depends upon how I feel the story would make the most sense and I think having the two sisters happy and accepted into their lives is all they really wanted. They were considered “monsters” on the surface so why return there? Frisk wants to watch it burn… of course… for putting her precious sister through all this. 
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Dragon Hunt
As he returned to the main ballroom, Evelyn was missing. His eyes scanned the room for her a while when the phone in his pocket began to ring. He picked it up and saw a message from Norma that startled him.
Dragon. Invasion.
“The campus is entering lockdown. There are intruders.” She said in his ears.
Everyone’s phones were ringing with the same message. He turned and looked outside. All the darkened buildings and all the lights on the street were lit to full brightness.
Suddenly, everyone started running around in a panic. Sergey’s heart began to race as he looked for Evelyn and could not find her.
Caesar tried to speak to him but he roughly pushed him away and dashed into the crowd, following them outside.
A dark armed vehicle was waiting. The door in the side slid open and the students rushed to grab black metal automatic weapons.
EVA was shouting in his ear. “As a freshman, you are ordered to the dormitory!”
He tore the earbuds in his ears out and left them on the sidewalk. 
Those devil bastards from Herzog had found him.
Fury and rage as hot as the sun burned inside him. He ran under the lights, eyes and ears alert to any sound or movement. As he approached what appeared to be a church, the doors swung open. He halted, ducking behind a large tree as students started to pour out of the church, heavily armed and looking around, they all hurried away, leaving the door ajar. 
What had made them run?
Suspicious, Sergey dashed inside. Whatever it was they feared, he did not fear it.
The inside of the church was not well lit. Despite all the lights being on, the large space had many dark corners. Perfect for him to hide in. He tucked himself behind a pillar to watch and see what it was that was that had spooked them. 
The sound of footsteps echoed through the space in a slow leisurely rhythm. They stopped in the middle of the aisle. 
Sergey stepped out from behind the pillar and the two faced one another. Sergey realized that in this suit, he might have been mistaken for a parishioner.
He was facing someone in a black combat uniform reminiscent of the gunmen from 20 years ago.
“You’ve come here to die, Herzog scum.” He snarled at him.
In the distance, the rattle of gunshots sent the blood rushing through his veins. The thought of Evelyn meeting the same fate as Katarina galled him.
“Is it true you’re descendant of the White King?” A soft voice asked him in pitch perfect Russian.
He was facing a woman? For someone as tall as him, short stature was not indicative of gender. Now that he looked he could see her slight curves.  “It is true!”
“What is your Soul Skill?”
“I have no idea. But I don’t need a Soul Skill to break you in half.” He cracked his knuckles.
“Don’t you want to see it?” She asked.
Sergey paused. 
“You’re not curious? They’ve lifted the restriction on Soul Skills. You can use it.”
“I might destroy you.” He said, “EVA says the White King is the Strongest. Zihang says, it’s more violent than the Dark King.”
“Yes. But all the other students left. It’s just us.”
This woman was not like the cold brutes at Black Swan Bay who came in shooting at unarmed youngsters. She was half his size but wanted to face him with the power of a dragon.
“How does one use it?” He asked.
“Just focus on the word in your mind. The rest will come naturally now that the restriction is gone.”
“As you wish.”
Sergey closed his eyes and thought back to the vision of the white beast tied to the pillar, the fire descending from the sky.
The rest of the vision took him over, the twisting snakes gathered in his mind and the dull pressure and ache filled his head. As soon as the word formed in his thoughts, the singing vomited out of his mouth. The words of this song he knew since birth. He didn’t have to think about them.
He lifted his head, his hair tossing about his face like the mane of a wild stallion. The shockwave radiated out from him like a silent bomb. the woman ducked, shielding her head with her arms as the pews shattered into splinters and the stained windows disintegrated into fine shards. They floated in the air as though suspended in liquid for a moment and time seemed to slow down.
A secondary wave blasted the shards into a whirlwind with Sergey at the center, pelting his opponent with debris.
It was a glorious release, like waking up and stretching his arms up to a bright and warm morning sun after a long refreshing sleep. The rage and anger he’d been harboring for so long had found its true outlet.
Staring at his opponent, he was surprised that she was still standing. Her clothes weren’t even shredded. “Was this your plan to come here and see my circus trick?”
His voice sounded unnatural in his own ears. Now the paneling of the church walls began peeling off as the field of the cyclone grew wider to allow his opponent to stand in the eye of the storm.
“This is not my plan no. I was planning to fight the other students. But they were ordered away when you came in.” She answered.
He tilted his head in confusion. “You are not from Herzog.”
“No. But I’m afraid we might meet again someday. My job here is done.”
Sergey suddenly felt dizzy and tired. The blood rushed from his head and in so doing all the debris and wreckage he’d created came down with a tremendous crashing and clouds of dust.
He felt a sudden stomach ache and nausea and he doubled over, vomiting red onto the floor of the church. He wiped his face with his arm and it came back bright crimson.
Then he remembered the words he’d learned in class.
There were Soul Skills that could kill the user.
She’d tricked him and left.
He staggered over the debris in the ruined church and stared outside. The college was ablaze he leaned against the door frame, the memories of Black Swan Bay superimposed onto the scene before him. Was he cursed?
A shadow approached him and he stood up, glaring.
A man stood at the front of the door with his hands in his trouser pockets. He had neat white hair, a black suit, and a bright red rose in his pocket. Looking at the way he walked, he assumed his was a young man like him, but when he saw his face under the light, he was elderly, like a grandfather.
“There you are, Sergey!” He said cheerfully.
“Who are you,” he snarled, naturally distrustful of old men.
“Forgive me, my Russian is a little…” He shrugged giving up half way through the sentence. He held up an ID card to him. His name was Anjou and he was the principal of Cassell College.
He took him around the side of the ruined building where the iron fire escape led skyward to the attic. They climbed up the stairs and stood under a large clock and under the clock sat a man in a cowboy hat who smiled at him, sipping a beer.
“You were watching me!” He snarled in Russian.
The man chuckled, made a comment and raised his beer. “Hello, boy.”
Those were the only two words he understood.
The principal opened a large metal case and revealed a huge rifle. He handed it to him. He removed a glass tube from his pocket that was sealed with a cork and showed it to him. Inside was what looked like a blood-colored crystal.
The principal enunciated the words. “Sage Stone.”
He remembered hearing those words in Alchemy class. It was something capable of killing a dragon and was considered a fifth element along with Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth.
The Fifth Element, Spirit, could be wielded by those of the White King’s lineage.
“You understand. Good.” He moved to clasp his hand on Sergey’s shoulder but Sergey caught his hand and pushed it away.
Anjou did not take offense. Instead, he pointed. 
Sergey turned.  There was a strange figure standing on the top of the building. He was shining bright, like a torch, roaring like a lion. All the gunfire he was hearing was being directed at this creature.
“Dragon.” Said Anjou.
Sergey put two and two together. He wanted to hunt this beast. Like how Zihang was hunting Deadpool in Bolivia.
“Shoot him here.” Anjou pointed to the middle of his forehead. “When I give you the signal.”
Anjou pulled a folding knife from the inner lining of his suit jacket. It looked antique with an elegant copper-inlaid wooden handle. The slightly curved blade had a twisted line pattern.
The principal began to chant, old sacred words that might have seemed unintelligible if they weren’t so familiar. If asked, he could probably recite them by heart.
He crouched like a cat and leaped into the air.
All sound ceased. All movement had slowed to a crawl. With the exception of Anjou and himself, all the world had paused in time. The principal moved faster than should have been possible, landing easily on the lawn of the church, speeding across the grass like a greyhound and climbing the fire escape of the other building towards the dragon on the roof.
His voice boomed across the gap. 
Sergey raised the rifle.
He was an accomplished hunter. It was one of his privileges. Hunting in the lifeless tundra was nothing like hunting the US with its overabundance of deer. He would travel days on the trail of an elk, crouch for hours as he waited for it to come close enough. After many days of grueling endurance, he only had one shot to decide whether or not the children would eat or go hungry.
He lifted the scope to his eyes and took aim.
This was the strangest quarry he’d ever hunted. A humanoid figure engulfed in flames, with two demon wings out from his back. He moved slowly, like a bit of seaweed under waves.
The Principal leaped forward and cut the devil in the forehead.
The center of the cut peeled back and a scarlet gold eye burst from the wound, looking about at the world.
Sergey was stunned a moment.
In the next moment, the dragon’s arms were severed.
Such a devastating injury would cause unnecessary suffering. His finger squeezed the trigger. He could see the bullet leave the muzzle and watched it travel with a bit of fascination. 
Time returned to normal. Hot blood burst out from the dragon’s third eye and the dragon screeched, covering his forehead with his wings. He took off from the rooftop and flew away from the buildings.
“Replace with live ammunition! Shoot it down!” The principal commanded.
They weren’t using live ammunition before? He lowered the gun. He then turned back to the man drinking the beer. He smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.
What game were they playing with him? First, they bait him into using his Soul Skill. Next, they play with pop-guns while leading him to shoot the fatal shot?
Gunfire exploded below him. His heart sank in confusion, fear, and the traumatic recollection that sound evoked.
From the trees of the surrounding woodlands, something akin to a flaming bird rose into the night.  What was that? Another dragon?  The bird stopped, wings spread like a burning cross.
He huffed. Would Zihang believe it if he told him he killed a dragon on his second day?
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jannaphia · 5 years
Can you tell us more about Ronan? Like some info about all the kingdoms and places? Your worldbuilding seems so fascinating I’d love to know literally everything *heart eyes*
Anon, you have no idea what a can of worms you opened up here :DSorry in advance, this will be long!
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Empire of Asturia
The empire used to be a small state simply called Asturia, until its then King grew a bit too ambitious, decided to expand his realm and declare himself emperor. After centuries of warring, marrying the right people, annexing and bullying smaller states into submission, the empire has become the largest nation in the history of the continent.The empire itself is split into smaller counties, duchies & land- and margravines, loosely resembling the shapes of their initial sovereign nations.Right beneath the emperor in status are the Princes or Fürsten. None of them own land per se, but those are the people controlling the fate of the empire. The senate made up of ‘ambassadors’ from the various territories now contained in the empire has very little power, and is more often than not a farce to make them feel like they have a voice in the capital.Even though the emperor rules alone, there is one person whose words may weigh even more: a True Immortal called Salain de Avennes, who has made Karisan his patron city.
Once the counterweight to an ever hungry empire, Bregón lost much in the last war. Among those things were control of the Harrow (the main pass accross the Wilds), two regiments of finely trained soldiers (they walked too far into the Wilds and never returned) and their reigning King (assassinated by what many believed to be an old lady - nobody knows because they never got caught). The twins who inherited the throne were too young and inept to say the least. Now the crown is struggling while the merchants’ power grows with every passing day. The trade with Koshar is lining their pockets with gold, gold which they increasingly refuse to pass on to the reign - even though the king has tried to better himself after his sister’s ‘hunting accident’ (what a classic).
Not much to say about Dornhan, as it mostly consist of salt marsh, normal marsh, a few windy islands off the coast, hungry peasants and at least two to three kings at a time. Generally nobody knows what’s going on up there and nobody cares. They say a Bregón king tried to overthrow Dornhan once and returned home after walking 10 feet into the country.
In Altarath the sun is blotted out every midday by an obstruction in the sky they call ‘Okirin’. Basically, there is a small eclipse every day.It’s a dark, mostly barren and harsh land, ruled by a True Immortal called Ashishkaia Anaetta Kladia, Queen of Altarath, The Eye of Okirin, who is almost worshipped as a goddess by some. The Altheli are a reclusive people, they are rarely found on the continent, but they are easily discern-able by their white pupils.
Norotvoi Islands
South of Altarath, the storm tossed Norotvoi Islands are also under the shadow of Okirin. The Norotvoi are excellent seafarers and explorers and the only people who somehow made something like a democracy work. A new leader is chosen every 6 years at a special gathering and every citizen over the age of 20 is allowed to vote (unless they stand on the deck of a ship).
Fervir borders on eastern Asturia, and is a rather rough and archaic land. Early attempts by the empire to overthrow the state were thwarted immediately and so a peace treaty was installed, which both countries have kept to this day. It might be, because Fervir is mostly mountainous, with little means to grow resources, and their most notorious export is a steady stream of fearless warriors (getting a Fervir body guard has become somewhat ‘chique’ in Karisan). The country is divided between Arls, who rule their lands in family clans. The High Arl is seated in Falkanger, and is a chosen member of one of the many Arl families. 
Desperately cold and frozen, especially in winter. Nomadic families roam its tundra, who sometimes make the bothersome journey to Fervir, to sell furs, silver and whatever strange things they found under the ice.
‘The Bridge to the East’ is covered by steppe and desert, but that hasn’t stopped its people from building tall, tower-cities all over the planes. They always sit on top of a well, and the water is distributed evenly through a system that outsiders would describe as ‘this shouldn’t even work’.
Koshar’s climate is rather subtropical, bordering on a desert farther inland. Its coast, however displays a much more temperate, mediterranean climate. Koshar is essentially a monarchy, lead by a man they call Adar-Malik. The Kosh are gifted artisans and craftsmen, and their pigments are in such a high demand that merchants travel as far as Norotvoi and Altarath to sell them.
Other important places..
The Wilds
The Wilds are a vast expanse of mountains and forest smack in the middle of the continent. They could almost be described as another realm, as nobody has been mad enough yet to claim ownership of them. That is why there is practically no border between Bregón and the Empire, except for a few mountain passes where the two nations meet.The Southern Wilds are a lot tamer, and not completely infested with everything straight out of your worst nightmare.
Norik, or formerly the sovereign confederacy of Norik, is now a province of the Asturian Empire, located in the north and bordering to Fervir. Its governmental system used to be similar to that of Fervir, only that it was ruled by Lords, who only chose a High Lord in times of crises. Such a crisis arose when the Empire came knocking on their door. Before the decisive battle, however, a treaty was strung up and the High Lord blackmailed into signing it, which turned out later to enable the Empire to take over the whole confederacy without compromise.
Naturally the entire population felt betrayed in such a way, that the first rebellion formed a mere week after the annexation. Ever since the Empire has been trying its hardest to gain control over its most unruly province, which continues to revolt.
Cara Reka
For some ungodly reason Cara Reka escaped the Empire’s notice when it was looking for new conquests. Maybe because the little kingdom was too small, or maybe because it lies even behind Norik and the generals just couldn’t be bothered anymore, or maybe because their cavalry is deadly and made up of Rivenhorses.
Kirchenfal used to be an independent, theocratic country, west of the Southern Wilds. They believed only priests are permitted to study and learn magic (it’s called the Pulse but that’s a whole other thing so I’ll just call it magic here), which put not only the role of leadership, but also their military and guard into the hands of their church. Back then the land used to be rich with Hakkon Silver - a mineral that shortly enhances one’s magical abilities - and when the Empire started expanding its eyes soon fell upon them.Led by greed, a general named Alos de Brevi raided the country, overthrew the trifecta church, ordered every priest and monk executed and mined the silver until there was none left to be found. Despite the Karisan court being in uproar over the cruelty of the undertaking, the money and power the silver brought soon quieted most critics and Kirchenfal has reluctantly been absorbed into the empire as county palatine, ruled by the de Brevis. Robbed of not only their main source of income, but also of their ruling class and any way to learn magic, the Falese soon surrendered to their fate, although sparsely uprisings occur and many young people flee west into Bregón or south into Koshar.
Taifa of Inezra
The little mass of land at the very western tip of the continent had been gifted to a Kosh general called Inezra al Yanin, who aided the King of Brégon in a battle against southern raiders. It was subsiquentially named after her, and when she retired from the army she set up residence in a small port she re-named Abderral. Under her patronage the small seaside town soon grew into a bustling harbour city and a haven for artists and scholars. Its library surpasses even the Karisan Archives in size and its five universities are renowned, not only on the continent, but also overseas.After al Yanin’s death, her son took over ruling the taifa, holding up his mother’s values.
...I think I’m gonna stop here lmaoYOU SAID YOU WANTED TO KNOW EVERYTHINGThanks for asking haha ♥ 
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hirokoa · 5 years
*New Single Has Released*
#HMTP "Hiroko's Monthly Tune Project" #3 "Wind's Song" has released, and now available on Spotify, iTunes, AppleMusic, Deezer, Tidal.
Wind's Song - Hiroko Arakaki
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When I was a college student, Waseda Shochiku screened a documentary film called “Screaming Masterpiece" which is about musical features in Iceland and various artists including björk, Sigur Rós, múm. Since I'm fond of their sounds, I went to watch it. Then, I was totally fascinated by the place "Iceland" itself.
The film contains the scenes of björk's live show. When I listened to the low notes in the intro of "All is Full of Love”, tears started to flow out like a waterfall and I felt somehow “I will go to Iceland someday”.
The first time I had been there was in 2009 (this trip was pretty dramatic, but I'll skip it because it's a long story). After returning to Japan, I was suffering from a kind of lovesickness which makes me want to go to Iceland intermittently, but I couldn't go there so often, so I've always been thinking, like, "I want to go there, again..." "That amazing, overwhelming nature...", "It was so beautiful...I miss there", and "The place I haven't visit last time would be like this when I actually walk there..." Too dreaming and finally wrote a song called "Kaze no Uta" ( means "Wind's Song").
When I visited there for the second time in the fall of 2013, there were exactly the sceneries I envisioned in this song. "Wow, really this!" I was so impressed that I felt like I was dreaming (this trip's story is also pretty dramatic and long).
In Iceland, wild winds often blow. Those are strong enough that push you back slowly even if you are standing firmly. When you're accustomed to daily life in Japan, it might make your blood freeze a bit if your car is blown by the winds when you're on paved roads( the specified speed is basically 90 km/h). Also, out of the high season, the road freezes easily, so 4WD is necessarily required.
Once, I have led our car to offroad with my too ignorant navigation, the car was stuck in the snow, on the vast tundra land where you could see just moss and snow and nobody there.
Or once at night, We had a flat tire due to running over some fallen rocks, on a dark coastal road with very little traffic. Every time I faced these moments, I felt deeply the meaning of the word, "Don't underestimate the power of nature."
Iceland is also a well-known volcanic country. The photo which I used as the jacket for this single had taken by Yuri, one of my close friend, in 2013. It's the place near the part of the broken bridge "Skeiðará Bridge Monument", which shows the dreadfulness of the floods that occurred when the Vatnajökull volcano erupted in 1996 and melted a part of the glacier.
The nature you see in Iceland is wild and powerful, just overwhelming. Then, somewhere in my mind, I realize that I have an incomparable sense of security, knowing the facts that nature exists as nature and that humans live in harmony with nature.
The Icelandic people I met helped us very kindly, and casually just same as breathing, seeing us in need. When we got stuck in because of a flat tire, the few cars that passed by stopped. A family came helped us changing the tire even though it's raining lightly and cold, and another woman gave me a paper with her phone number, saying "Please call me if the things go wrong. I will talk to your rental car company in Icelandic." It was just like a family.
Maybe it's because they know the power of the nature that swallows tiny lives left with careless in nature easily. But it's not that they are scared of nature, I imagined. For Icelandic people, it is "natural", and rather they are loving and respectful to it, I felt.
Nature is not a thing to overcome, but one that we accept its behaviour and live in harmony in it. Warm, cool, and calm. I want to be like them as a human being! For those who live in Japan where natural disasters often occur, their attitude may be a great hint, I guess.
For me, "Kaze no Uta" is such a precious song which is my love letter to Iceland and nature, holds my favourite scenery. It reminds me of the ideal feelings of "I want to live like this as a human being", and the appreciation that "Something makes me to alive and is supporting me to go forward" when I sing this song. "Kaze no Uta" originally a Japanese song, this time I translated it in English and rearranged into "Wind's Song", released as a work for my ongoing "HMTP" (Hiroko's Monthly Tune Project). This project is that I release a track a month, and this tune was for January 2020.
Another one of my close friends, Vicky checked the English lyrics. I'm honoured to introduce that she was also in charge of English subtitles of "Naraibusan (I Want to Learn)" which is available on its MV on YouTube ( https://youtu.be/6NAhAad-OKo ). Thank you always, Vicky.
I'm just singing my favourite things, but I hope you'll listen to. I dream it would be more fun if I could share such feelings, such as the joy of being held in majestic nature and being overwhelmed, with security, with someone anywhere in the world.
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dudedrops319 · 5 years
Dooley Noted - A musical journey through the mojo of a Toledo bluesman
(original version can be seen at https://toledocitypaper.com/feature/dooley-noted/)
Dooley Wilson is frustrated.
It’s 9:57 am on a cold Saturday in December and he is supposed to start playing at 10 o’clock. He has only just now stumbled out of the Toledo tundra into the cozy confines of the Glass City Cafe, which has booked him for its popular Bluegrass Breakfast music series.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” he cries out in the direction of restaurant owner Steve Crouse, who assures him everything is fine. Wilson looks pained as a brief flash of flame passes over his smoldering dark brown eyes. No, it’s not fine. He was scheduled to start playing the blues at 10 sharp, and now he’s going to start late. And a professional should always be punctual.
Undaunted, he swallows his disappointment and, within 10 minutes, he has everything set up at the front of the restaurant which serves as the stage. Upending his battered Cunard Queen of Elizabeth canvas bag, he sorts through the contents— Halls menthol cough drops, a bottle of slippery elm supplements (“Just in case my voice goes out”), a bottle of Deja Blue water, a glass vase that serves as a tip jar and a power strip.
He plugs the power strip into his amp, a well-loved 1965 Fender Bandmaster. And then out comes the artisan’s tool— his Jay Turser electric guitar. It doesn’t have a name or anything; it’s a utensil to serve the stew of blues (“It’s a cheapo guitar, but it’s MY cheapo guitar,” he muses). He’s almost ready. He asks, and a cup of hot black coffee is delivered. After the obligatory microphone check, he sits on the edge of a worn tan suitcase and readies his guitar. It’s time to go to work.
Soon the Glass City Cafe fills with the sound of the blues— and Wilson is lost in ecstasy. He’s sitting atop the worn tan suitcase, choking the guitar neck, his angular carved-in-stone features a mask of concentration, fingers and knuckles gnarled from a lifetime of plucking strings. There’s no setlist, no backdrop, no real plan. Just a working man with an instrument sharing the gospel of what he believes is the greatest music that exists. Wilson plays the blues as if his life depends on it.
And maybe it does.
From C.J. to Dooley
Dooley Wilson does not take toast with his mozzarella cheese omelet, favoring potatoes instead. Sitting in the Glass City Cafe months later— this time as a patron— he is a bit more relaxed than he was when he played here. He still doesn’t smile much. Wilson isn’t grumpy, he just carries himself with an intensity that’s disarming. You get the feeling that he doesn’t want to be here. That’s because he lives to do one thing: Play the blues. And when he’s not playing the blues, by gum, he wants to be playing the blues.
But for now, he’ll tell his story. Now 45 years old, he was born C.J. Forgy, in West Lafayette, Indiana to James and Sandy Forgy. His parents split when he was two years old and he went to live with his maternal grandmother in Maumee. An only child, Wilson describes himself as an “artsy kid” who spent hours in his room drawing and writing.
“Everyone thought I was going to be a visual artist,” says Wilson, taking a sip of his coffee. “But along with writing, over the years I’ve let those skills atrophy,” he says, with a regretful sigh. “But I don’t know; I’m thinking about taking up drawing again for its therapeutic value.”
So what sparked his obsessive devotion to the blues? It started as musical hangups often did in the ‘80s— with a cassette. At 15, Wilson, who was teaching himself guitar and whose musical tastes at the time ran towards Led Zeppelin, walked into Camelot Music in the now-long-gone Southwyck Mall and spied a tape from Columbia Records called Legends of the Blues Vol. 1. There was something about that tape that spoke to him.
He picked it up and looked at the back. As-yet unfamiliar names like Bo Carter, Blind Willie Johnson, Charley Patton, and Leroy Carr stared out at him from the tracklisting. Robert Johnson— he knew that name from an interview he’d read with Jimmy Page and he was fascinated by the infamous story about Johnson reputedly getting his blues talent while making a deal with the devil at a crossroads. Maybe it was the ghost of Johnson himself speaking to Wilson that day in Camelot Music. All he knew is that he had to buy it.
When he got home, he popped the tape into his boom box, and something in the universe shifted. At that moment, C.J. Forgy ceased to exist and the bluesman named Dooley Wilson was born.
“That anthology started this mystique and passion I had for this music,” says Wilson, in between forkfuls of omelet. “It just spoke to my angst-ridden soul at the time and I had never heard anything so authentic, so human, so real. Take Son House’s song ‘Death Letter,’ which is on that anthology. It’s taken from his 1965 Columbia session and it’s just this amazing song about how a man gets a letter saying that the woman he loves is dead. It’s just…” Wilson often trails off when he talks about the blues; yet another reason why he’d much rather play you a song than talk about it.
From that fateful moment, the blues wasn’t just a preferred style of music to listen to or to learn to play… it became, at that time, a life choice.
“I decided I’m going to devote my life to being some kind of bluesman like Fred MacDowell or Son House,” says Wilson. “It became much more important to me than making a living. If you weren’t dead and black, I couldn’t be bothered to listen to you.”
Henry & June
By the way, where did that name Dooley Wilson come from? Wilson smiles broadly with a touch of sheepishness. He was setting up one of his earliest gigs, at the famous East-side haunt Frankie’s, and his buddy Lance Hulsey (currently the leader of Toledo rockabilly outfit Kentucky Chrome)— who Wilson played with his first band, a heavy metal project called Harlequin— said that the promoter needed to know what to call him… and C.J. Forgy didn’t exactly sound bluesy. So the young musician, right there, decided on the name Dooley Wilson in homage to the actor and musician of the same name, famous for playing the character Sam in Casablanca. Dooley Wilson is now his legal name. He cashes checks with that moniker.
With a new name under his bluesman’s belt, the then-recent Maumee High School (Class of 1992) graduate needed a band that would let him explore the blues the way he wanted to. The result was Henry & June, a heavy blues ensemble that Wilson formed with his good friend Jimmy Danger. They got the band name from a recently released biopic of Henry Miller, one of Wilson’s favorite authors.
“I was obsessed with the blues at that time, but I’m still incapable of playing it correctly,” says Wilson, draining his coffee cup. “I was really struggling to learn how to play blues the way it was meant to be played.”
But even as he worked to unravel the mysteries of Deep South blues, Wilson was experiencing something unexpected: Success. Henry & June had released a single called “Going Back to Memphis” on Detroit label Human Fly Records, and the song was attracting a lot of heat. The popular band The Laughing Hyenas— which featured former Necros member Todd Swalla, who would go on to play with Wilson in his later outfit Boogaloosa Prayer— were big fans of the song and were trying to get Henry and June signed to Touch and Go Records. Some cat named Jack White, who had a little band called The White Stripes, also was a big Henry and June fan and began covering “Going Back to Memphis” in concert.
“We were kind of a hot, cult thing on the scene in Detroit,” says Wilson, thanking the Glass City Cafe waitress as she refills his coffee. “Jack White wasn’t the only cool person in Detroit who knew who we were though, of course, he became the most famous one. Judah Bower of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion put out a cover of the single on his side project called 20 Miles. I heard The Von Bondies used to cover ‘Going Back to Memphis.’ It’s a really fun, simple, dumb song.”
And then right when things started to go well for Henry & June, it all went wrong. The blues were supposed to feel like freedom and suddenly Wilson and the rest of the band began to feel decidedly trapped.
“Jimmy in particular felt like things were getting stagnant,” says Wilson. “Things were going good for us but it started to feel like we were just going through the motions. It was creative claustrophobia.” And so the band, at its peak, unceremoniously broke up.
“We were just dumb kids. We had no idea what we were doing with our little garage band. Looking back, that may have been the worst decision of my career. But when you’re young and dumb, you don’t realize that; you just think ‘Well, I’ll just do the next thing that comes along.’”
Today, Henry & June is fondly recalled as an early part of the Detroit music resurgence of the latter 20th Century. While The White Stripes, Kid Rock, The Detroit Cobras, and various Detroit rappers, from Eminem to Insane Clown Posse, put the Motor City musically back on the map, Henry and June remains a small part of that legacy. Copies of “Going Back to Memphis” routinely go for more than $100 on eBay, and the song was recorded live by The White Stripes for their DVD concert film, Under Blackpool Lights.
And no, Wilson hasn’t received any royalties. It all worked out for the members of Henry & June, though. Drummer Ben Swank is now the top A&R guy at Third Man Records, Jack White’s label. The band did a well received reunion back in 2010 in Toledo and everyone is still cool with one another. But in rock-n-roll and the blues, time waits for no one, so Wilson was off to new projects and new adventures.
And those adventures would lead to him nearly lose his mind.
On a wing and a Boogloosa Prayer
Brushing off the ashes of Henry & June, Wilson decided to further buckle down and get more “authentically bluesy.” He quickly formed a new band with Ben Swank and guitarist Todd Albright, that went through various names such as Dime Store Glam and Gin Mill Moaners. They sat in for many nights at the long-gone-but-never forgotten Rusty’s Jazz Cafe.
“I was spending all of my disposable income on that watered down whiskey at Rusty’s,” said Wilson. “Rusty’s was an amazing little place.” After a while though, he got restless and decided he would get as real as the blues could get and move to New Orleans.
“I wanted to see if I could live as a street performer,” said Wilson. “I had this rather naïve idea that I could possibly make a living at it in that town. I suspected it was the place on Earth where you might encounter people doing this kind of music.”
So Wilson moved to New Orleans, virtually homeless, busking on the streets of NOLA. Meanwhile, The White Stripes were starting to get their first big taste of international notoriety and began introducing “Going Back to Memphis” to a whole new audience due to their frequent covering of the song in live gigs.
“There I am trying to get lunch money down in New Orleans, and suddenly The White Stripes and the whole Detroit thing started to blow up and I’m trying to be Mr Authenticity down in effing New Orleans,” says Wilson, shaking his head incredulously. “My career is awful. I always zig when I should have zagged.”
But New Orleans proved to be an artistically fruitful time for Wilson. He met true, dyed-in-the-wool blues players who were playing incredible music from their souls. Nobody had record deals or anything that could get in the way of making direct, honest music. Many of these men and women were homeless or living off the grid; something Wilson describes as “an anti-American dream.” He talks enthusiastically and excitedly about that time in his life.
“These were some of the greatest living blues artists. There was a guy named Augie Junior who was simply incredible. I had never heard anything like him. There was this woman named Lisa Driscoll who played the washboard. People called her Ragtime Annie. And…”
Suddenly Wilson stops in mid-sentence and a hollow expression crosses his face. He stands up, sets his coffee cup down, excuses himself with a hurried “I’m gonna step out for a minute” and before uttering another word, he’s left the Glass City Cafe. A few minutes pass and he returns, wiping his forehead.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, sitting back down. “It’s just…it’s hard talking about this. I just got a little overwhelmed talking about some of my departed friends.”
He steadies himself with a sip of coffee that’s starting to go cold, as he’s eager to move on to talk about his other great band, Boogaloosa Prayer. Formed after moving back to Maumee fresh off a year in New Orleans, Boogaloosa Prayer, which Wilson says “was one of the best things I ever did artistically” came after stints in short lived bands like The Young Lords, and The Staving Chain.
Boogaloosa Prayer, an aggressive blues rock outfit featuring in part his old friend Jimmy Danger and Maumee drumming legend Todd Swalla, garnered quite a devoted following, playing in both Toledo and Detroit. The band had momentum behind them that recalled the Henry & June days. Then one hot summer night in 2006 at the now-shuttered Mickey Finn’s Pub, Wilson’s demons got the better of him.
Sporting a shaved head and a sickly frame that was skinny even by his normally lithe, sinewy standards, Wilson cracked onstage during the show. He ranted incoherently, couldn’t perform any songs, and couldn’t remember any lyrics. To everyone who was there, it was a harrowing experience.
Today, Wilson is reluctant to talk about the incident but he acknowledges it happened.
“I can say that I had a horrible psychotic breakdown and it had an impact on my life,” says Wilson, a bit guardedly. “At the time I had several severe emotional stressors in my life. A toxic woman in my life was stalking me. I had a business deal that was crushing me under the pressure. Plus, Boogaloosa Prayer was breaking up at the time because Swalla was moving to California. It all led to that time in my life.”
Following his breakdown, Wilson spent some time in a psychiatric ward, and lived in his aunt’s attic as he attempted to rebuild his fragile psyche. He eschewed traditional psychotherapy and refused meds because he’d seen too many of his friends “get hooked on those damned things.” Through a lot of hard work, meditation, and support from his friends, Wilson says he “totally got well again” and he hasn’t had any mental health issues since— thank goodness.
“Losing your sanity really puts a damper on your life.”
Still walkin’ down that road…
Wilson now lives in what he calls “a shack,” though it’s actually a carriage house out on a property in Maumee. The place smells of incense, a bit cramped but cozy abode, filled with guitars, amps, books on Buddhism, and novels by Charles Bukowski. Exactly how you would expect Wilson to live. This is not the living quarters .of a typical 45 year old, but it is definitely the home of a bluesman— and that’s all Wilson ever wanted to be. He plays gigs around the region and works as a “factotum” (his term) helping out family members and friends with projects. He’s completed an album and is currently trying to figure out how to release it. Love? Not interested.
“I have the kind of personality where I just do better alone,” he says simply. He may be alone but he’s not lonely. He has the best friends in the world in his life, even if most of them are dead. Son House. Sonny Boy Williamson. Bo Carter. All those great blues artists of yesteryear he counts as his personal friends, and by playing their music and his own songs inspired by their influence, Wilson is a happy man.
On that cold December day at the Glass City Cafe, Wilson utters a line that captures his essence: “Oh, I’m Dooley Wilson. Don’t mind me.” But, about that, he’s wrong. Mind him. Pay attention to Dooley Wilson. Pay close attention.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Superman: Up in the Sky #4
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Best DC cover ever or greateast DC cover ever? Those are the only two choices.
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Die Tasche. Die Tasche? DieTasche! Die Tasche. Shtop.
The story begins with somebody talking about a race for charity between Superman and The Flash. They say it was televised and that people bought tickets to sit along the route and watch it. Seems like a huge scam to me. How long could it actually take Flash to run around the Earth ten times? Like fifteen seconds? I could probably do the math on it but I don't want to show off. But this story assumes that Flash and Superman didn't run so fast that people couldn't at least see them blur by. So this kid telling the story says that Lex Luthor offered to double the money to charity if Superman loses. And Superman heard it with his super-hearing which meant Superman was going to just have to win no matter what! He'd just have to believe he was faster than The Flash and then be faster than The Flash. Because that's how comic books work. What makes a hero is the secret reserve of strength and will and confidence that only appears when the hero is about to be defeated. People who are defeated aren't heroes because they don't have that reserve. They are losers. Big stupid losers. Did you die from your cancer? Not a hero, jerk. Did you fail to get that promotion at work because you didn't complete the project a hero would have completed at the last minute? Total loser. Did one of your kids drown in the pool because you gave up on the CPR like a big jerko loser dumb-dumb? Yeah. Not a hero. Maybe even a villain! But Superman, being a hero, now had to win the race for charity! And The Flash apparently isn't a hero because where were his secret reserves to beat Superman? What an idiotic failure. Although I haven't finished the story yet! Maybe Superman is still going to lose just like the cover implies! I bet the point of this story is that Superman loses sometimes but nobody ever gives up hope in him! And he always tries his hardest! And maybe even before the race, he made a bet in Vegas that Lex Luthor would bet a billion dollars against him which would pay off like a billion to one!
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Lame. Superman wins.
Superman wins but the dumb kid telling the story doesn't explain how. The kid just goes on and on about contradictions but totally uses the word incorrectly. Like saying "Superman is faster than a speeding bullet" is a contradiction. Is it? How? If Superman is faster than a speeding bullet than he's faster than a speeding bullet and that's not a contradiction! Stupid idiot kid. The kid is so dumb I bet the kid got the story wrong and just made it up to make herself feel better. Because the kid telling the story is the girl that Superman is looking for and she has to believe that Superman can do the impossible (like win a race against The Flash) or else she's just going to rot on whatever planet she's lost on. So the story is about hope or something. Superman hopes and so Superman does. It's kind of like Oprah's Secret, I guess? It doesn't make any sense but since it's Superman, you always know he's going to win. Even that time he died, he won by killing Doomsday as well. So see? Blade was wrong. You should always bet on red! And blue! The second story is also about hope. Hey! Are all these stories about the hope Superman gives people?! I've been duped! I thought this was going to be a bunch of stories about how hard Superman can punch bad guys! Stupid DC Comics hiring some intellectual namby-pamby like Tom King! Writing stories that are all, "Superman shows how faith and hope can inspire us to be better than we are!" Whatever! I hope the next issue is about Superman punching a gigantic space monster! Superman: Up in the Sky #4 Rating: Oh yeah! The second story was about Superman interacting with Clark Kent because they were struck by magic space lightning and separated into two unique people. As if that's a thing! Somehow Superman's Kryptonian DNA makes him all logical and shit while his human upbringing makes him all emotional and valiant and sacrificial and awesome! Isn't that the way it always is? Humans are the greatest beings in the universe because they know how to cry while reading Shakespeare! Everybody else in the universe is a boring old rational Vulcan! If another alien species is allowed to be emotional, they only get one emotion. Like how Klingons are angry and Ferrengi are sneaky and Romulans have huge cocks and Guardians of the Universe are assholes. Only humans have mastered the spectrum of emotion and that makes them the best! Go Clark Kent! You teach that Superman a thing or two about hope! Now merge with him again for next issue and get to punching shit!
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himecchi · 6 years
keith trapped in a burning building, his dad saves him but his dad ends up dying ((also i already love this blog. i live for keith whump))
Summary: While learning about Altean sensory alteration rooms, Keith is shown an image that triggers an unwelcome flashback. 
Fandom: Voltron
For: @badthingshappenbingo
Square filled: Trapped in a burning building
Note: this was partially inspired by this art by @zuspacey 
An Altean sensory alteration room. The paladins were fascinated. They’d never seen anything like it before and, as they stepped inside, Coran began to explain how it worked.
“Alright Paladins, listen up!” Coran paused for a moment, then continued “This is an Altean sensory alteration room. It’s similar to the virtual reality chambers you have on Earth, but it’s a bit different. This here, alters your senses. All five of them. What you experience in here will feel real in every respect. For example…” Coran trailed off as he turned towards a large digital screen and began typing, “If we do this…”
Suddenly, the environment began to shift. An icy tundra materialized before them and, just as Coran had said, it truly felt real. They could taste the bitter air, feel the chill on their skin, smell the frosty wind, see the snow-coated landscape, and hear the dull roar of bone-chilling breeze whooshing past them.
“Wow…” Pidge began, “This is…”
“Amazing…” Hunk trailed off, taking everything in.
Lance began forming a snowball, then reached back, preparing to launch it. “Hey, Keith! How about a sensory alteration room snowball to the fac-” Lance called out, but was cut off by an orb of cold snow smacking him in the face instead.
“Heh, nice try.” He could hear the confident smile in Keith’s tone and, sure enough, as the snow slid down Lance’s cheeks, Keith’s smirking face came into view.
“Oh, you’re so gonna get it,” Lance retorted, looking unamused.
As the paladins began throwing snowballs at each other, Coran watched them at a distance, shivering from the cold. He wasn’t used to these freezing temperatures as Altea’s climate tended to be fairly mild.
“A-alright, paladins!” Coran called out, teeth chattering slightly, “That’s enough! Let’s turn up the heat!” He then typed another command into the digital screen, and suddenly, the surrounding area was on fire.
“Uhhh… Coran?” Lance questioned, cocking an eyebrow, “Is this supposed to happen…?”
“Yeah, I don’t like this,” Hunk said, knitting his eyebrows together slightly, “Can’t you make this into… I don’t know… a nice, tropical island or something?”
“Yeahhh,” Pidge began, “This is a little extreme, Coran. I mean, I know none of this is actually happening, but it feels like it’s actually happening and I’d rather not feel like I’m burning in a fire.”
“Right, right! Sorry, paladins!” Coran spoke, “It seems I accidentally input the wrong data. Just a moment.” Coran began typing into the digital screen once more…
But for Keith, it was already too late.
His eyes grew wide as the vibrant reds and yellows danced before him, his breath quickened at the overwhelming scent of smoke, and suddenly, he found himself back there.
He was 10 years old again, inside a building surrounded by the crackling of fire. Thick smoke was filling his lungs as he struggled to breathe. Vivid colors jumped into his vision. Terrifying heat engulfed his body… and the taste. A bitter, ashen taste was sharp in the back of his throat. He looked around frantically, searching for an exit - for any possible way out - but he couldn’t find anything. Terror began to set in as he realized he was trapped.
“Help!” He cried out, choking on his panicked breaths, “Somebody please! Help me! HELP!”
Hot tears began to soak his cheeks as he coughed, gasping desperately for air. Everything began to shift in and out of focus as the stifling heat intensified and the thick smoke clouded his vision.
“PLEASE! Dad! Somebody! Anybody! HEL-” he cried out, choking on the last word.
Tears continued to spill past his eyes as they stung from the ever-increasing smoke. He could feel the painful sting of cinders against his skin as the raging fire began to close in around him.
“No… I don’t… want to die…” Keith choked out weakly, “Please… somebody…”
Just as his world was about to go black, he saw a figure moving towards him. The figure quickly hoisted Keith into the air, cradling him close to his chest.
“Everything’s alright, son. I’ve gotcha.”
Keith recognized the voice instantly. It was his dad.
“D-Dad?” Keith managed to breathe out.
Suddenly, Keith registered bright light meeting his eyes as he was enveloped in cool, fresh air. The change in environment was sudden, and it jolted Keith into a state of slightly greater alertness, but everything in his vision swam and still appeared blurry to him.
He managed to pick up on bits and pieces of the commotion: flashes of red and blue, his dad’s hand brushing back his bangs, and the sound of sirens in the distance.
“Take him… going back…”
Fragments of conversation flooded Keith’s ears.
“… too dangerous…”
“Take care of Keith…”
“…building could collapse…”
“…I have to…”
Keith’s weary mind was too exhausted to piece all this information together, but something in him understood the gravity of the situation and, at the realization that his father was in danger, he suddenly found himself hyper-alert.
He sat up, finding himself in a pair of unfamiliar arms. He began frantically looking around, then caught a glimpse of his dad just as he was about to turn and run back into the building. Keith struggled free, running towards his dad, calling out to him, “Dad! Wait! Don’t leave me!” he cried out. “DAD!”
Before he knew it, he felt unfamiliar arms wrapping around him once again, holding him in place. “Let go of me!” Keith screamed, “Dad! Dad!” he yelled again, as tears began to pool at the corners of his eyes. “DAD!!!” Keith cried out with every ounce of strength he had in him.
Suddenly, his dad paused, then turned towards him, “I love you, Keith,” he said smiling softly, eyes wrinkling gently to form the loving expression Keith knew so well… then, he turned and ran into the burning building.
“DAD!” Keith screamed, “No! Don’t go! DADDD!!!”
Without warning, an explosion was heard as the fire intensified and then, right before Keith’s very eyes, the building collapsed, his father still inside.
Keith stood in place as time suddenly froze. Reds and yellows and blacks and blues all merged together in his vision, and Keith felt himself completely disconnect from reality. This wasn’t real. This couldn’t be happening… and then it all faded away to black.
Keith’s eyes fluttered open and he awoke to a ceiling washed in fluorescent lighting. He groaned, placing his arm over his eyes.
“Wh-where am I?” he mumbled to himself.
“Good to see you’re awake.”
Keith turned to see a nurse peering down at him.
“How are you feeling?” the nurse asked kindly.
Keith paused for a moment, trying to process everything.
What happened? How did he get here? Why was he here? Where was…
“Dad!” Keith yelled out, as it all rushed back to him. “Where is he? Where’s my dad? Is he… is he okay? Can I see him?”
The nurse gazed into Keith’s young eyes, wide and innocent, and slowly, she turned away, shifting her eyes towards the ground and swallowing hard.
“Just a moment,” she mumbled as she walked out of the room.
Keith watched her as she left, continuing to stare at the door until a new face appeared before him. He recognized this man as Jeff, one of his dad’s colleagues.
“Hey, kiddo. How ya feeling?” Jeff smiled awkwardly.
“Jeff?” Keith questioned, “What are you doing here? Where’s… where’s dad?”
The pieces were beginning to fall into place for Keith, but he didn’t dare allow himself to consciously acknowledge what he already knew to be true: his father hadn’t made it. Somewhere in his heart, he knew, but he just couldn’t bring himself to accept it.
Jeff drew in a deep, shaky breath, then moved to sit near Keith. He didn’t have it in him to break the news to the kid, but he knew he had to. One look into Keith’s eyes, glazed over with concern, was enough for Jeff to know it was no use trying to dodge the subject.
“Listen, kid,” Jeff began, “Shoot… I don’t know how to start this……” Jeff closed his eyes for a moment, attempting to compose himself. “Your dad… I just… before I tell you this, I want you to listen to me, Keith. Your dad… he loved you very much, okay? You were his entire world… all he talked about - his pride and joy. Do you understand?”
Keith nodded silently.
Jeff took another deep breath, “Okay… now listen, the thing is… that fire… your dad… he went back in to save the last person in the building and… it collapsed, Keith. He… ummm… he was inside when it collapsed.”
“I… I see…” Keith stuttered, swallowing hard, “Well… is he okay? Can I see him? He’s probably in this hospital then, right? I… I’m sure he’s worried about me, so… I should go see him and maybe-”
“Keith.” Jeff cut him off. “He’s… not here, Keith.”
“Well where is he?” Keith asked, feeling irritated.
“Don’t say it. Don’t you dare say it,” Keith’s mind was screaming as he watched Jeff begin to speak.
“He’s dead, Keith. He died… I’m… I’m so sorry. Your dad… he was a true hero. He… he knew the building would collapse, but he… just ran in there anyways and…” Jeff trailed off, voice breaking.
Once again, the whole world froze around Keith. No, no, no. This wasn’t real. This couldn’t be happening. It wasn’t… it couldn’t be… none of this was real. The neutral tones of the hospital room began to shake and… wait… the hospital room wasn’t shaking. Keith was shaking. His vision began to blur as fresh tears welled up in his eyes and overflowed, leaking down his face.
“Keith,” Jeff spoke softly as he moved to place his hand on Keith’s shoulder.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Keith screamed at him, slapping his hand away with the ferocity of a wounded beast, eyes wide as tears continued streaming endlessly down his cheeks.
“You’re lying!” Keith yelled, “I know you’re lying! I’m going to find my dad… I’m going to… see him…”
Keith’s breathing was beginning to quicken as panic set in, causing him to struggle to get the words out.
“I’m… he’s… I have to… have to see him… where… which way…” Keith began frantically looking around the room, trying to orient himself as his breathing picked up pace yet again.
“Keith…” Jeff began moving towards him, unsure of what to do.
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” Keith screamed, slicing his arm through the air in an attempt to make his point clear.
“I just… have to… dad… which way… dad… dad…”
Huff. Huff. Huff. Keith’s erratic breath was now ringing in his ears and, with the way he seemed to be choking on air, he felt as if he were back in that burning building all over again. He was suffocating - completely consumed by the thoughts whirring around in his mind.
Keith… Keith… Keith…
He felt a hand on his shoulder.
“I thought I told this guy to leave me alone!” Keith thought.
He angrily slapped the hand away. “I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE!” he cried out.
Immediately, Keith paused as he was met with a familiar set of eyes: Hunk.
“Keith… hey, calm down,” Hunk spoke in a soft, gentle tone, “Are you okay?”
Keith blinked several times, eyes darting around the room in a panic, trying to process this sudden change of scenery.
“Where… where are we?” Keith asked urgently, “What happened? The fire… there was a fire…” Keith was still looking around the room, terrified.
“Keith,” Hunk tried again, placing a hand on Keith’s shoulder. This time, Keith accepted the touch. “Calm down, buddy. We’re in the sensory alteration room. Remember? The fire was just a sensory illusion. Coran accidentally typed in the wrong code.”
“Are you okay, Keith?” Pidge asked, features tensed in concern, “You completely zoned out.”
“I… I did?” Keith asked, swallowing hard as he brought a hand up to his head in confusion.
“Yeah,” Lance spoke, “We called your name again and again, but you were just… it was like you were in another world…”
As reality began to set in, Keith started regaining his senses.
“That’s right,” he thought, “I remember now… we’ve been in here the whole time… but it felt like I was…”
Keith could feel fresh waves of panic rising in the back of his throat as the flashback he’d just had resurfaced in his mind. He felt sweat begin to pool on his skin as his face went pale.
“I… I’m fine, guys,” Keith spoke, trying to keep his voice from shaking, “Sorry… I think I’m just t-tired… I’m gonna go.”
It wasn’t at all convincing, but Keith’s fellow paladins felt it would be best not to push him, so they decided to let it slide, instead exchanging worried looks with one another.
After several moments, Hunk spoke, “Maybe we should go talk to Shiro?” he suggested.
“Yeah,” Lance said, looking at the ground, “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”
“Shiro probably knows best when it comes to Keith,” Pidge mused.
Shiro was in his room reading, when suddenly, his double doors slid open to reveal Pidge, Hunk, and Lance. Shiro cocked an eyebrow. This was certainly out of the ordinary.
“Hey guys,” Shiro said, closing his book and walking towards them, “What’s up?”
None of them spoke, instead they awkwardly stared at the ground, unsure how to begin the conversation.
“Okay… you’re kinda freakin’ me out,” Shiro noted, eyebrows raised, “Seriously, what’s up?”
“It’s…” Lance began to speak.
“It’s about Keith!” Hunk blurted out.
Shiro’s demeanor immediately shifted, his casual stance becoming alert as his eyes flooded with concern.
“Keith? What’s wrong? What happened?” Shiro questioned.
“Well…” Pidge began, “We were in the Altean sensory alteration room and Coran accidentally put in some incorrect data. It made everything seem like it was on fire, and-”
Pidge didn’t even get to finish her sentence before Shiro was pushing past them and running down the hall.
Keith sat on the floor in his room, head between his knees, body shaking.
“Calm down,” he told himself, trying to steady his breathing.
It was no use. The flashback had really shaken him up, and he couldn’t keep the panic at bay any longer. It was now at full force, wreaking havoc on him. Each time he told himself to calm down, he felt a fresh wave of alarm rise in his chest. The air around him was stifling and he felt as if it was suffocating him. It was an endless cycle: whenever he had a panic attack, he’d find it hard to breathe, which would remind him of the feeling he had when he was trapped in that building, choking on smoke the way he was now choking on air. This would cause his panic to rise even more, which would make it even harder to breathe, and it would continue on like that for what felt to Keith like an eternity.
As fresh memories flooded his system, Keith began to sob. These were the memories he’d buried deep within himself - the memories he’d wanted to forget. They resided in the darkest depths of his being and he had intended to always keep it that way… but today, it was all too much. It was all too real, and it had opened the gate he’d built to keep these memories locked away.
“Get out!” Keith screamed in his mind, “Stay out of my head! Just stop! Please stop!”
“Keith!” Shiro’s voice came out in a panic as the doors to Keith’s room slammed open.
Suddenly, Keith felt familiar hands wrapping around his shoulders, pulling him into a comforting embrace.
“Sh… Shiro?” Keith choked out, confused.
“I heard what happened,” Shiro explained. “It’s okay, Keith. You’re okay.”
Shiro rubbed comforting circles into Keith’s back, trying to help him calm down.
“You’re safe, Keith,” Shiro reassured him, “It’s okay.”
“I miss him so much,” Keith cried out, choking on a stifled sob. “I… he died when he went to save the l-last p-person in the building… th-that means… if… if I hadn’t been there… m-maybe he’d still be-”
“Don’t say that,” Shiro shushed, “Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault. None of it was your fault.”
“I don’t… I just… I never knew how to feel back then… sometimes I still don’t. I was so angry. I didn’t understand why he’d leave me. I was so lonely. I missed him so much… but… I was also so proud… so proud to have such an amazing dad… but… I… I just… why… why did it have to be this way? I just…… I miss my dad,” Keith whispered the last words, as if he was admitting a secret to himself, and with that, the flood gates had been opened. Keith was now crying freely, the grief too intense to hold inside himself any longer.
“I know you do,” Shiro said softly, rubbing gentle circles against Keith’s trembling back.
Shiro reached back behind him and grabbed a blanket, draping it over Keith’s shoulders, then pulled him in closer as liquid grief continued to spill past Keith’s weary eyes. Shiro knew nothing he said right now would help, so instead he let Keith bury himself in his shirt as tears cascaded down his face like waterfalls.
“You’re okay, Keith. I’ve got you.” Shiro whispered soothingly.
Eventually, Keith had cried himself to sleep in Shiro’s comforting embrace.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for the prompt @koganewest! I’m glad to hear you’re liking the blog! I lowkey highkey live for Keith whump too :) 
 If anyone else has prompts, feel free to check my bingo card (updated version can be found on my page) and send any that haven’t already been requested my way :)
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Maligne Pass Trail
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(my amazing sister)
The Maligne Pass Trail is a well known, now partially decommissioned trail, located in the world renowned Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada. It is a highly sought after hike, known for its alpine meadows full of amazing wild flowers and spectacular scenery. In 2018 I had the privilege experiencing this amazing and historic trail not only with my sister, but also an impressive group of female backpackers. In total we spent a full 3 day weekend hiking; one day hiking the Potokan Creek Trail to Avalanche Campground where we setup camp, a second day of day-hiking further up the pass, and day 3 hiking back to civilization. 
A Little History Blurb 
There is a significant story nestled in Canadian history about a woman explorer named Mary Schaffer that makes the Maligne Pass Trail just a little bit more magical. You may have never heard of her but, you could almost say little Miss Mary could be credited in large part for the later development of Jasper National Park, literally a Canadian jewel. In Pennsylvania, 1861, then Mary Townsend Sharples was born into a time when it was considered improper for woman to be on expeditions, much less leading them. In 1889, shortly after being introduced to her then future husband, Dr. Charles Schaffer, the two married and began the first of many trips together through the Canadian Rockies. They collaborated on a labour of love, a joint book of regional wildflowers, aptly named ‘Alpine Flora of the Canadian Rockies’ which would eventually be published in 1907 (a historic version can be found online via open Chung Collection of UBC). After Charles’ passing in 1903, Mary set about to complete the guide book in his honour. In her endeavour to do so, she forged relationships, and friendships, with local Nakota tribesman whom assisted in guiding and helping her through her travels, most notably Sampson Beaver and his family. As a result of these expeditions, Mary is considered equally as famous for the “discovery” of Maligne Lake and for being (likely) the first Caucasian person, albiet female none the less, to chart a path to it, as she is for the completion of the botanical guidebook. Her additional, and possibly most famous publication, Old Indian Trails of the Canadian Rockies, recounts her expeditions between 1907-1908 and is credited not only as leading to the protection of the Maligne Lake area, but as being a key, first hand account of social standards of the era. In 1911, a 49 year old Mary was approached by the Geographical Survey of Canada to survey and document the lake area and in doing so name the lake, mountains, peaks and other geographical features for her guides, family, friends and sponsors. You can read more about these details, and Mary, including some fascinating quotes and other points of interest here.  
About the Trail
Our party of 10 tenacious women parked in a parking lot located on the western side of the bridge over the Poboktan creek. We suited up, grabbed our packs and walked over the bridge to the Poboktan Creek Trail Head and began our adventure. The trail primarily tracks alongside the Poboktan until you reach its confluence with Poligne Creek where you will shift direction to head northwesterly along Poligne until you reach Avalanche Campground. Although only an approximate 11 km to our destination at Avalanche, the elevation climbed from about 1540 meters at the trailhead to approximately 2037 meters at the campground itself; it is important to note that the elevation continues to climb as you continue further down the trail past the campsite. The best advice is pack light, the terrain was very firm, I was thankful I had bought some good quality, hiking grade insoles for my Lowa’s, but my feet still came away pretty sore. It took us most of the day at a steady pace (roughly 6 or so hours, not rushing and accounting for brief breaks and lunch riverside) to reach Avalanche. Both black flies and mosquitos are plentiful residents here, so be sure to pack, and liberally apply, a broad spectrum insect repellent (unless maybe you like bitey friends!). 
The creeks provide clean and plentiful water sources all the way to Avalanche, though water tabs are always recommended. In total we passed few other hikers along the way, most closest to the trailhead, including a young couple with a new baby (brave, admirable... Park lifestyle, who knows!); but for the most part, as we ventured into more remote areas, we were on our own and very secluded, passing only two or three other parties the remainder of the weekend. The trail was fairly clear and easy to see, though some of the bridges were not in good shape. Although we were still able to cross at the expected spots, being a partially decommissioned hiking trail means the Park is no longer doing formal maintenance on the trail; bridges may not be upkept or repaired and fallen debris may not be cleared, so be prepared, if necessary, to find safer routes if required. A special reservation must also be made through Parks Canada to stay at the Avalanche Campsite. Only single party reservations for specific time frames will be allowed at a time with a limited number allowed each year. 
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(map courtesy Parks Canada)
Wildlife and Plantlife
Oddly enough we actually did not encounter much wildlife on our trek. If you’re like me, wildlife and photography are a huge part of what I enjoy about hiking, so this was a bit unfortunate. I believe this may have had to do most likely with our party size. However the area is very well known for elk, moose, bears (both black and grizzly), cougars, pikas (at higher elevations), ground squirrels and many other amazing creatures. We also spotted some amazing wildflowers including wild columbine, willow, lilies, and much, much more! Even with the lack of animal appearances, trust me, there is no shortage of stunning scenery and photographic opportunities - beauty is literally everywhere.
However, I think its worth mentioning, even if you don’t come across much in the realm of animals, it doesn’t mean they aren’t still around. It is important to ALWAYS remember and exercise bear safety. Ensure you have the proper equipment, this includes bear bells and other noise makers to alert wildlife to your presence, and keeping readily accessible bear spray. Travelling in groups is always recommended, there is safety in numbers and no cell service for emergencies. Do not leave your garbage on the trail and do not bring food or scented items into your tent, this can attract animals of all kinds, including bears, that you may not appreciate sharing your supplies with, or cuddling next to, at night. One of the ladies in our party shared a tale of the time they left their bike helmets outside to dry overnight, only to awaken the next morning to find raccoons eating the salt soaked foam padding (I couldn’t help but imagine it must not have been a comfy wear after that - lol) ... mice, skunks and racoons are also common campground scavengers and have been known to get into even the best hung bear bags. 
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(small animal tracks)
Why Decommission Trails? 
This is something I was curious about when I read up on the Maligne Pass Trail. Why suddenly decommission a popular trail with so much history? In short its because of its popularity and the rare and unique wildlife and fauna put at risk by the people traversing through. I learned that it takes years (6+) for the tundra to recoup from a single misplaced step! Obviously this area is special, and because of this Jasper National Park has decided now to make it accessible only to the most well versed and savvy backpackers in hopes that it will remain protected and safe for years to come. This means removing it from common maps and advertising it significantly less. Please be cognoscente of the purpose behind this as you pass through and remember to keep your impact on the area to a minimum. Pack your garbage back with you, burn fires only in provided pits, do not feed or approach the wildlife, and... beware of where you step ;) . 
Avalanche Campsite 
Avalanche Campsite was beyond amazing... I was so saddened to realize I didn’t actually get a good shot of it, so this magical photo of the path into it will just have to do (sorry!). Perched atop a hillside overlooking a bend in the creek, this amazing spot snuck right up on us. There were about 4-5 tent-ready pads. A couple picnic tables and 2 fire pits. There were 2 bear bag hanging areas further to the left of the site (as you face the tent pads) with stainless steel cord and fixing carabineers. There was also a surprisingly nice toilet facility located above and slightly to the right of the tent pads, well concealed in the forest. One of the articles I read prior to the hike describe the facilities as ‘having the best skylight you’d ever seen...” took us a bit to clue in, but rest assured the view is definitely boundless (lol). There was also a pretty sturdy fallen tree across the river that one of the braver ladies turned into an impromptu yoga study... just be sure if you give it a try that your balance is spot on because the water is brisk!
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Beyond Avalanche 
After setting up camp, having a hearty meal and crashing for the night, day two was a welcome adventure into the great beyond of The Pass. Ensure you have ample water setting out on your trek as further along the trail you stray away from the creek supply. You will eventually come across some fresh springs and small pothole lakes as you enter the higher altitude, valley-like area just above the tree line. The path leaving the campsite was a bit tricker to find for the first while and winds through some scrub brush and light coniferous forest. Eventually we made our way past this and the path opens up into a small valley-like plain, congratulations, you have set eyes on something few will now see, The Maligne Pass! With peaks on either side and a well trodden, dirt path which passes by a chain of tiny little lakes (almost more the size of large ponds) the wild flowers are stunning and the view is breathtaking. Here you will be treated to an array of various colours of Indian Paint Brush, willows, Alpine Heather, Alpine Aster, Western Pasqueflower, numerous awe inspiring fungi, and I was told by a biologist in our group, a very rare beauty she was literally mind blown to find, known as Teal Gentian, amongst much, much more. 
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 We passed much of the day away climbing the nearby mountain peaks, making snow angels and looking down on the stunning view of Maligne Lake which was visible in the distance. We even enjoyed a brief dip in the tiny lake, brief being the operative word since it was also freezing! Having throughly explored The Pass, as the day came to a close we turned around and headed back to base camp. On our way back we came across a young solo German hiker making his way through the valley and continuing along the pass trail. This was worth a mention as we briefly spoke with him and he inquired about safe places (or rather the lack there of at this point) to make a camp and bear proof your supplies. What trees there were, were spindly and not high enough to adequately hang or keep safe a food bag. If you intend on continuing through the trail do keep this in mind as you will need to have enough time to make adequate arrangements to keep you and your supplies safe for the night.
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Noteworthy Points
The majority of the women in my party had camel backs (If you’re not familiar, these are large refillable water bottles able to be stored inside your pack). I used two large Nalgine water bottles which were very sufficient but not as easy to access on the fly. After returning I did some research and invested in a Platypus collapsable hydration pack; it just seems so much easier on the move and these babies weigh literally nothing empty (which is a major objective for me!).
Pack sunscreen and be prepared to reapply it mid-day. Although I’d applied ample sunscreen, I found out the hard way that skin burns faster at higher altitudes due to the thinner atmosphere. I was teased by friends the rest of the summer for my awesome half-tanned legs (courtesy of my gaiters).
If you plan on making a base camp as we did at Avalanche and doing some day hiking, consider packing a lightweight, compact daypack or camelback pack.  
While the days were hot (+25/27 celsius), the nights were much colder than I expected. I have a Marmot Womens’ Trestles mummy bag (which I ADORE! it just wish I’d brought the warmer one!) rated for +5 celsius and a charcoal bag liner, and even with layers on (tee shirt, sweat pants, socks, merino wool sweater and leggings) I was STILL cold (much to my surprise and dismay). The mountains can be deceiving, pack warm and consider the temperatures drops significantly at night.
Final Thoughts
I consider this as one of my most favourite hiking experiences to date and I only wish we could’ve spent a bit more time and extended our stay to explore the full trail. The scenery was spectacular and was only made better by the great company. 
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You can find more of my photography from the Maligne Pass Trail and more on my website at KatrynaJones.com 
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blackrose-ffxiv · 6 years
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Dress for the Class You Want 07/17
After adjusting his beret for the thousandth time, changing his gloves to nicer leather ones, and pulling his coat a bit more snugly around himself, Quincy Pallene departed at last for the Scholasticate. He walked at just the right pace, took just the right route, and thus arrived at just the right time to the Scholasticate. He was nervous as he approached the proctor standing at the door, and politely requested Onfroi Haillenarte, who should be expecting him. At that point, he tucked himself politely near a stained glass window, hands tucked behind his back, to wait for his...friend's...arrival.
Onfroi de Haillenarte looked much as he did on the last visit. The same black robes of a scholasticate student. The same glasses. The same unkempt hair. He slouched slightly in the doorway, not quite leaving the safety of the scholasticate’s grounds as he peered around. His gaze didn’t even settle on Quincy at first. He seemed to be looking for something else. When he didn’t find it he finally turned his attention fully to the redhead. “Anselme didn’t come with you today.” He noted as he finally left the shelter of the doorway and walked to join the other near the stained glass. “I didn’t expect you to come alone. Hello again.” A hand lifted and fingers curled into a half-hearted sort of greeting.
Quincy gave a polite bow, making no move to shake Onfroi's hand. He shrugged. "Anselme is busy most of the time. He's training with the Argent dragoons to keep in shape, and helping with a few misadventures. I see him at meals, would you like me to take him a message to come see you?" He offered politely. He downplayed the fact that Anselme sometimes found Quincy in his study corner of choice to eat cookies -- Onfroi didn't need any ammunition.
Lips pursed briefly before the older boy smiled, dropping his hand back to his side as though it had become too troublesome to hold it up any longer. “No. Now that I know where he is I can find him. I didn’t expect you to come at all.” He rephrased. “Especially by yourself. I thought I had scared you away.” Almost as an afterthought he tilted a fraction forwards in what was probably a bow.
Quincy looked mildly uncomfortable, then huffed. "You," he said carefully, "are probably the least scary thing I have faced in cycles and cycles. You have no idea what scary is. This is an opportunity that I won't pass up, so I am afraid you will have to keep to your word. I'm sure you don't mind -- I'll be a novelty that you can tout about, so long as I get what I want, too." He lifts his chin, doing his best to be brave. "I want to know what to do to get in here."
The elezen’s head tilted about forty five degrees to the right in a sudden motion as he knocked his bangs out of his eyes to peer more intently at the hyur. The Haillenarte brothers shared the same pale blue eyes, yet on one it was a summer sky, another a frozen tundra and on this one the closest approximation was an uncut tourmaline, rough but with hints of something sparkling underneath. “You’re a bit rude.” Onfroi noted flatly. “But that’s to be expected and I’m glad you came back. I even hope you pass your exams.” He stated as though he should be congratulated on his benevolence. A shoulder tilted to indicate the direction of the door and Onfroi turned on his heel to head back, assuming Quincy would follow.
"You were rude first." Quincy retorts, just as bluntly. He then smiles sweetly. "But that's to be expected. I'm glad I came back, too. I wore a nice ruff." He reaches up, pulling his hat off and smoothing his hair before he tucks the chappeu into a pocket of his satchel. He followed after Onfroi with no comment on how kind he was. People didn't get accolades for not being terrible, at least not in Quincy's book. "I'm smarter than almost everyone, so I don't suppose it will be too difficult. One must always be prepared, though. You can't study too much."
“I’m allowed to be.” He explained as he led the way through the hallways back towards the library. The elezen’s attention moved over to what Quincy was wearing, as though noticing it for the first time. “So you did. It looks funny on you, your neck is short.” He explained, though the small smile had returned. The doors to the library were already open, a few students studying hard at tables around the room but Onfroi headed directly for one of the open ones. “It’s good you tried, though.” He added on as he patted the table he had claimed as theirs.
Quincy was annoyed. Onfroi was such a brat. "No one has any excuse anymore to be an awful person, Onfroi," He pointed out, even as he produced a cloth from his satchel and set to wiping off his seat and the table before the seat. Only then did he sit, and produce parchment, quill, and inkwell, and set to arranging them neatly in front of himself. "These were a gift from the man I'm going to apprentice to. He paid the personal tailor to the Argents to make it for me. I think it looks quite nice."
“I’m being honest. Not awful.” Onfroi clarified, holding up a finger then pointing where the other boy was seated to instruct him to wait there. The elezen wandered off in a little more direct pace now that he had a clear objective in mind, gathering up a few books before he returned to set them down in front of Quincy, keeping the spines turned towards himself to obscure the titles for the moment. Then he continued. “Don’t trust older men with expensive gifts.” He suggested calmly as he picked up the first book and turned it to face Quincy. “What if they want you to pay it back.” Book number one was the ever-popular much-debated Enchiridion. “This one doesn’t matter as much anymore but you should still be familiar. If you aren’t already.”
"Who hasn't read about the Fury? It was one of the few books the Archives had multiple copies of. I've read the past four editions, of course, and the changes were subtle but fascinating. You've obviously read the first edition and this one?" He pulled it over, flipping open the cover. "Ah, a third." He made a careful note. "Third edition, Enchiridion." He murmured to himself. "As for Sir Lionnet wanting me to pay anything back, I doubt it. He's just eager to see me get in here. The Argents will be sponsoring me, though, and I wanted to talk to Anselme about sponsoring me as well. A ward of one House and a friend to another -- quite the resume, is it not?"
The smile grew somewhat as Quincy took the book and flipped through it, marking it easily for what it was and even which edition. “You are plainly well-read. You did say you had a job didn’t you? Which means sums won’t be a problem.” He turned the next book around and laid it down in front of Quincy. A History of Ishgard, already decried as being full of inaccuracies and better suited for bed time stories than fact. “Resourceful too if you’re already gathering connections and building yourself a case. Admirable in smallfolk, making do with everything they have. What did you want to study here?”
Quincy copied down the title, though he shook his head in amusement. "Aren't they moving on from the History of Isghard to the Revelations of Ishgardian History? It's a new book, but it shouldn't be difficult for the Scholasticate to obtain at least one copy." He murmured, before looking up at Onfroi. "You have no idea what resourceful is, Onfroi, you wouldn't last a day where I came from. In fact, I'd be quite impressed if you lasted a bell. I have had three jobs, and I am still working at two of them, of course, to save for my tuition. I translate books into braille for the heads of House de'Bayle, and I organize and tend the library for House Argent at the moment. Sums are easy enough, however, but if there are complex calculations I will need to brush up. I've several books for that, though, now." He smiled a bit. "I learned everything I know by myself, too."
The older boy giggled quietly as he laid the next book atop the first. Sure enough, it was Revelations. “These can’t leave the library, as they’re reference copies. Yet seeing how resourceful you are, I don’t think it will be a problem for you to acquire your own. If the Argents don’t already have a copy or two.” He settled both of his hands atop the stack of books not yet revealed, shaking his bangs out of his face as he listened to the redhead’s ‘resume’. “I want to see you last through a society tea in return.” He suggested calmly, perhaps misunderstanding Quincy’s strutting as an actual challenge. “With handshakes proper greetings.”
Quincy grinned. He was right! He copied down that title as well, looking pleased with himself. His penmanship, of course, was exquisite. "The Argents do have a copy of both, I've skimmed them, helping my friend Luca prepare civics lessons for his sisters." He paused at Onfroi's challenge, then looked thoughtful and curious. Perhaps this was an opportunity... "If I can wear my gloves, and wash my hands somewhere after greetings, I might be able to do it." he mused, "It would be good practice to get over my...hang-ups. If I want to be a chirurgeon, I'll have to, of course." He lifted his chin. "But I bet I could do it." His gaze dropped to the list. "So we've Religions, History, and mathematics. I presume there's classics, as well?"
“I’m going to be a chirurgeon.” Onfroi stated matter-of-factly as he turned the next book to lay it out in front of Quincy. A collection of essays and treatises on the shifting political climate in Ishgard. Followed soon after by a second outdated book explaining the hierarchy of the Theocracy. “The curriculum is changing but studying up on the usual sort of things a private tutor would usually should ensure you pass and receive advanced placement.” Fingers twitched slightly as they settled atop the remaining stack. “I don’t think you could do it. Tea. I’m willing to bet on it.” He offered, the smile quirking somewhat, hitching up on one side to rest a little crooked.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Mortal Kombat: Sub-Zero and Scorpion’s Rivalry Explained
Whether you’re a longtime Mortal Kombat fan or someone who is mostly just interested in the upcoming film’s status as one of the first proper blockbusters of 2021, you’re probably at least aware of the feud between the series’ resident ninjas: Sub-Zero and Scorpion. It’s a battle that almost transcends the already legendary franchise and has entered the public pop-culture consciousness in a way that makes many almost subconsciously think “rivals” whenever they see the two characters.
While the truth is that nearly everything about Sub-Zero and Scorpion makes them natural rivals, only those who have dared dive into the details of this series’ mind-blowing lore know the fascinating story that has fueled this franchise feud. While filmmakers everywhere have rarely struggled to find reasons for two ninjas to fight each other, the story of Sub-Zero and Scorpion’s rivalry goes so much deeper than two warriors battling to see who is best.
We’ll stop short of recounting every event in this twisted tale that takes place across multiple timelines, but if you’re just wondering why Sub-Zero and Scorpion can’t seem to get along despite shopping at the same stores, then here’s a brief look at the history of a rivalry that ranks among the best in fighting game history.
Scorpion and Sub-Zero Were Rivals From the Start
Before we dive into the lore aspects of the Sub-Zero/Scorpion rivalry, it should be noted that their feud was no accident or one of those things that just happened as the games evolved. It was actually one of those rare pieces of long-lasting lore that was pretty much planned from the start.
The story goes that Mortal Kombat co-creator John Tobias started reading a book called “China’s Ninja Connection” not long before the initial work on what would become Mortal Kombat began. The book tells the story of a clan of thieves and assassins in China that it claims essentially inspired the popular idea of the Japanese ninja. Fascinated by that concept, Tobias sketched a ninja warrior modeled after the story’s clan and lead characters. That fighter would go on to become Sub-Zero.
As Tobias revealed years later, he soon became aware that the cultural and historical claims in that book’s narrative were heavily disputed. As such, he decided to add a second ninja character to the game but that one would be of Japanese origins. That character eventually became Scorpion. 
The rivalry between those two fighters would be sealed by the MK team’s decision to rely on palette swaps for some of the game’s characters in order to ensure they didn’t need to come up with entirely new designs for every fighter. As such, Sub-Zero and Scorpion were given largely similar looks but aesthetically opposing colors (blue and orange). For a generation of MK fans, the fact that these two characters looked similar but wore different colors was actually their first indication that they were rivals.
Quan Chi’s Task Fuels the Sub-Zero/Scorpion Rivalry
In the spirit of their real-life origin stories, Sub-Zero and Scorpion were written to be members of opposing ninja clans in the MK universe. Sub-Zero (real name Bi-Han) belonged to the Lin Kuei clan and Scorpion (real name Hanzo Hasashi) pledged himself to the Shirai Ryu clan. Essentially, the two were natural rivals in the franchise’s universe before they even actually met. 
However, their rivalry wouldn’t properly begin until the sorcerer Quan Chi commissioned the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu clans to help him find an ancient artifact that he planned to use to resurrect his master, Shinnok. Naturally, the clans sent Sub-Zero and Scorpion as their respective representatives on this task.
As you can probably guess, Sub-Zero and Scorpion met while trying to complete their assignments and, despite the number of things they clearly had in common, decided to battle rather than strike a meaningful and lasting friendship that certainly could have saved everyone a lot of trouble down the line.  
Sub-Zero Kills Scorpion
Sub-Zero would end up winning the first battle between him and Scorpion, but it should be pointed out that Sub-Zero had the undeniably useful ability to manipulate ice at that time while Scorpion was just a renowned warrior that possessed mostly human (though certainly enhanced) abilities. 
Not content with merely beating Scorpion in battle, Sub-Zero decided to kill Scorpion and end this feud before it could go any further. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that his plan would go on to fail spectacularly.
Scorpion’s hard times wouldn’t end in death. As part of his “payment” to the Lin Kuei, Quan Chi wiped out the Shirai Ryu clan, which naturally included Scorpion’s family. In any other universe, such a flawless victory (see what we did there?) would make it easy to proclaim Sub-Zero the winner of this feud. However, this whole situation would soon take a strange turn. 
Scorpion’s Resurrection and New Powers
In sudden need of allies after his initial plans go wrong, Quan Chi runs across the spirit of Hanzo Hasashi in the Netherrealm and offers to resurrect him if he agrees to serve as his personal assassin. To ensure that Hasashi feels properly motivated to seek vengeance against Sub-Zero, Quan Chi conjures an image of Sub-Zero leading the assault against Scorpion’s clan and killing his family. In reality, that was all Quan Chi’s doing. 
Nevertheless, Hasashi buys into the lie, is resurrected as Scorpion, and even gains some supernatural fire-based powers that would not only go on to define his early in-game fatality and special moves but would add another way for players to clearly distinguish him from Sub-Zero (fire vs. ice).
Scorpion is asked to enter the Mortal Kombat tournament depicted in the first game as Sub-Zero has also joined the tournament on an assignment for the Lin Kuei. Scorpion gets the better of Sub-Zero this time around and kills the ninja during their next battle. In what you’re probably realizing is quickly becoming a recurring theme, the death of Sub-Zero does not end this rivalry. 
Read more
Mortal Kombat Timeline: Story Explained
By Gavin Jasper
Mortal Kombat Characters Ranked
By Gavin Jasper
Sub-Zero is Reborn as Noob Saibot
Since resurrection is kind of his thing, Quan Chi decides to bring Bi-Han back to life (kind of) and turn him into the soulless warrior known as Noob Saibot. Initially, Noob Saibot was mostly interested in taking his ruthless aggression out on the residents and rulers of the Netherrealm. He quickly established himself as one of the underworld’s most fearsome forces.
Interestingly, the entire Noob Saibot character was created as a joke by Ed Boon who wanted to add another secret character to MK2 that even Tobias didn’t know existed until the development of MK3 was underway. That’s particularly hilarious when you realize that Noob Saibot’s name is a reverse play on Boon and Tobias’ names. 
Saibot would become a bigger player in MK lore later on, but he certainly wasn’t initially intended to be the reincarnation of Bi-Han, and Scorpion’s rivalry with Sub-Zero didn’t immediately detour into battles against Noob Saibot. Instead, the Scorpion/Sub-Zero rivalry would properly continue with the emergence of Bai-Han’s brother, Kuai Liang.
Scorpion and Kuai Liang’s Feud and Alliance
After Scorpion murdered Sub-Zero in the MK tournament, Bi-Han’s brother Kuai Liang decided to abandon his own codename (the admittedly awesome “Tundra”) and assume the Sub-Zero moniker as he searched for his brother’s killer. 
Scorpion sees the new Sub-Zero during the MK2 tournament, thinks “new Sub-Zero, who dis?” and proceeds to battle the frozen warrior in the usual manner. Scorpion gets the upper hand, but he soon realizes that this isn’t the same Sub-Zero that he still believes killed his family. We’ll dive into the difficult job of reporting what happens next in a bit, but for the moment, let’s just say that the two actually form a kind of bond that grows into an alliance.
Quan Chi is having approximately none of that and (in one version of this story) works his magic to make Scorpion believe that Kuai Liang was involved in the massacre of Scorpion’s family as well. Scorpion nearly kills Kuai Liang, but Quan Chi steps in to finish the job himself. In the process, he can’t help but do a full James Bond villain monologue by revealing that he was responsible for the pair’s rivalry this whole time. While he tries to banish Scorpion before killing Sub-Zero, Scorpion is able to overcome Quan Chi and manages to drag him into the Netherrealm before the sorcerer is able to murder Sub-Zero. 
From here, things start to get a little weird.
Sub-Zero and Scorpion Settle Their Rivalry Across Multiple Timelines
There are several versions of what happens next (and even slightly before). Which one matters most depends on which game you’re talking about, which timeline you subscribe to, and how you choose to process a whole lot of multiverse shenanigans. 
To make things as simple as possible, there’s a version of this story in which Scorpion eventually dies in the Netherrealm while hunting Quan Chi. However, this ending is non-canonical and rarely refered to as anything more than a fascinating aside. 
There’s also a sequence of events that sees Scorpion escape the Netherrealm, become a servant to the Elder Gods, and eventually try to destroy those gods after they resurrect his clan as undead creatures. In that scenario, an enraged Scorpion is eventually killed by Sub-Zero. 
2011’s Mortal Kombat (which famously reworked the timelines as part of a massive series’ story retelling effort), suggests that Scorpion and Kuai Liang only battle after Raiden is unable to prevent Scorpion from killing Bi-Han. However, Scorpion is eventually sent to the Neatherrealm before he can kill Kuai Liang. In that game’s Sub-Zero ending, we see Kuai Liang learn what happened to Scorpion’s family and how Quai Chi’s deception is largely responsible for their rivalry. He shares that information with Scorpion, and the pair form an alliance. 
While Mortal Kombat X would play with that ending a bit by portraying the now-united Kuai Liang and Scorpion as specters, their humanity is eventually restored, and Scorpion is finally able to decapitate Quan Chi and claim the vengeance he sought after all these years. 
Without diving too deep into the insane bits of lore that make up later MK games, Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) and Scorpion continue their alliance and rarely battle in the series’ stories outside of those aforementioned timeline shenanigans that sometimes see alternate versions of themselves (as well as their kin) continue their war against each other for various reasons. 
Ultimately, though, Sub-Zero and Scorpion’s rivalry began as a natural feud fuelled by lies and outside influences. It essentially ended when Sub-Zero’s brother and Hanzo Hasashi realized they had common enemies and decided to unite for the common good. 
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Given that the upcoming Mortal Kombat movie features the Bi-Han version of Sub-Zero, though, fans can expect that film to further the most classic version of this rivalry and the one that you probably think of when you imagine Sub-Zero and Scorpion battling. What happens next remains to be seen. 
The post Mortal Kombat: Sub-Zero and Scorpion’s Rivalry Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ehH6kv
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