#and I love how people still use Mario as their last names cuz of the original Mario bros movie
salad-of-potatoes · 1 year
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clown-rot · 4 years
Cooking HCs for the LoV
Request - Yes (No)
Pairing - No pairing
Type - Headcanon
Warnings - Crack, Just Pure Crack
A/n - Just some crack Sushia and I made up in the DtCW gc
Im so nervous ahh-- This my first official piece on here hopefully people actually like these!
Please do not repost this on any other media platform without my permission or credit
- What if??👀👀 The bar in LoV’s hideout doesn’t have a stove??👀👀
- That means that Dabi is in charge of Breakfast lunch AND Dinner 25/8 baby~
- We love a cooking king 😌💅✨
- They use his torso as a stove/grill because he’s ~•s k i n n y•~
- Dabi HATES cooking Bacon and Eggs with a passion
- Only cuz they make him oily🤧
- Dabi is such a good stovetop though
- He makes the bacon in less than 10 seconds and it’s never burnt~~
- bUt if Shigaraki beats him at a game of Mario Kart before breakfast,,, he’ll burn his bacon out of spite🖐💀
- Making eggs is always a little messy but hey, it’s not he can’t shower🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
- He actually gets showering privileges, he can shower as many times as he wants, whenever he wants for however long he wants only because the food they eat makes direct contact with his skin.
- He’s actually the cleanest member of the LoV because of this. 
- Being the stove of the LoV had its perks
- He just doesn’t know what he hates more Bacon or eggs
- He ends up hating both equally because the oil always hits him on more sensitive parts of his face
- The LoV definitely make an order as if they were at a restaurant
- Twice only ever asks for toast and toaster waffles only because he’s a child at heart
- Toga is a Bougie b!tch✌️😙 and orders omelets, french toast, pancakes. If it’s on an IHOP menu she’s ‘ordering’ it😌✨
- Shigaraki always ‘orders’ eggs and bacon just to spite Dabi sksksk
- Kurogiri usually gets toast with a fried egg on top because he’s the dad of the group. Like??? C’mon— you can’t tell me he wouldn’t lmfao
- Of course, Dabi has his favorite orders and it will forever and always be Twice’s order
- Whenever Shigaraki gets mad at Dabi he’ll throw eggs at him🖐😭
- the cook and burn almost instantly
- Of course your wondering, “but Author-chan??? How does Dabi cook all of this ON himself and where would he do it???” Well dear reader let me explain
- Shigaraki, Toga, and Twice can’t cook At. All. Kurogiri, on the other hand, is a mf chEF🤩
- Kurogiri lays Dabi across the bar counter, whips out his pink ‘kiss the cook’ apron and spatula before taking everybody’s orders
- “Okay Dabi lay down so I can start everyone’s breakfast”
- Dabi usually gets impatient by the second order
- “Stop moving or I’m going to drop the food again”
- “Blah Blah Blah I can’t hear youuu~”
- Kurogiri uses sour gummy worms to coax him into laying still ofc
- “There are you better now?”
- “*angry stove noises*”😠💞
- But he’s still and that’s all that matters
- He’s even refused to act as a stove until he gets sour gummies as compensation
- Dabi ends up having the sour gummies as breakfast and doesn’t mind at all
- He also gets exhausted because he still is using his quirk but in tiny controlled bursts so there’s a lot of holding back😓😓
- He does get to rest in between sessions if they’re making a large meal
- He only rests for large meals because he isn’t allowed to have gummy worms as a meal then because it’s a special occasion🥳
- The special occasion’s being Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and birthdays
- Dabi is best stove boy😌✨
- Toga asked if she could make a cake in his mouth once and he screamed. Not her name or a coherent word but just screamed—
- “Dabi can I make a cake in your mou—”
- She asked Kurogiri if she could put a small cake pan with batter in a metal box and have Dabi hug it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 minutes
- He along with everyone else agreed that it was a good idea, well everyone else except Dabi
- After a few seconds of thinking though, he agreed👀🍿
- He baked the cake at 1,700 degrees in 8 minutes instead👁👄👁
- But it didn’t taste burnt so they took it as a win
- Toga also begged him with puppy dog eyes if he could “make” a ‘ding’ each time her food was done
- “Dabi please???”
- “No”
- “Please :( 🥺🥺”
- “I said no— How’d you even say that??—”
- “I’ll give you the Gucci jacket that’s too big for me~”
- “OK” 
- He’s always made the dinging noise ever since
- TLDR; Dabi is the LoV’s walking stovetop and no one can stop him
Please do not repost this on any other media platform without my permission or credit
Taglist - @sushiadasushi @boosyboo9206 @bnha-kitten @panbaigel @denkisbreaddealer @loveaintintheair @last-three-braincells @herladyfangirl @pltvante 
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praphit · 3 years
Happy New Year! (hopefully, cuz... whew!)
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Ugh! Let's get this year over with; what do you say?? I don't even want to rehash the year like I normally would around this time of year.
Pre-COVID seems like so long ago: We were out at bars, games, concerts, and parties of strangers. We were dancing all up on each other, we were passing the bottle around, we were grabbing all kinds of doorknobs with no concerns. Kids were planning to soon graduate and step into their hopeful, bright futures. Adults were planning vacations around the world to escape a once hopeful present.
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Times were good! Look at this groundhog eating pizza. 
Not a care in the world.
And then, Thanos snapped his fingers, the world turned into shit, and we all realized how much we cared about Tom Hanks.
Can you imagine if that were literal? I think someone should get another gauntlet and turn planets into literal piles of crap. A new villain - "Poopfingers"
Ew... I know. I'm sorry.
Like I said, I don't want to talk about that stuff. I'd rather focus on entertainment instead. Join me for a few awards that I like to call "The Praphies"
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I know what you're thinking - "That's not a movie." Meh, it's movie-ish.
It's got two protagonists, whom are trapped in a mansion. It kinda reminds me of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, but instead of chocolate being manufactured, we'd got... pleasure. Who doesn't want more pleasure after the year we've had??
There's a lot of weird things happening in the mansion, so that’s good for the plot. Plus, these ladies are all about... empowerment? - I guess?
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Kylie Jenner shows up for some reason, so I'm sure she's up to something; maybe she's the villain. And according to the lyrics "there's some whores in this house". Will they get rid of the "whores"? Will they embrace the whores? Perhaps this word will be taken back, and used as a term of endearment.
As mama looks at her daughter, walking bravely back into schools some day "That's my lil whore." Maybe we're all whores - what a twist.
It's a good picture. One of Scorsese's best. He did direct it right? I think so.
This one was a close race for me:
Jeanise Jones (Borat 2 - on the right) 
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This woman, who was not in on the joke, deserves a medal. She's the star.
Joe Exotic (The Tiger King)
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Anyone standing behind Trump during those Rona briefings, who can hold a straight face.
Technically, Joe and Jeanise aren't actors, and Trump's people are... you know, TRUMP'S people, so I give the award to Mario Lopez for his role as Sexy Colonel Sanders.
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Did y'all watch "A Recipe for Seduction?" It's entertaining. It was my runner-up for MOY.
Easy - "The Tiger King" for keeping us all together in the beginning of this 2020 corona mess.
Which leads me to MY person of the year (cuz let's be honest, Uncle Joe and Kamala... no)
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The POY is -
Carole Baskin - 
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We all know that she murdered her husband, and yet she took over Joe's zoo property, continues her animal rights activism while being openly weird as hell, and was last seen being applauded on "Dancing with the Stars".
Only in America.
Animated action of the year - “Soul” for bringing us this negro, 
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played by Tina Fey :)
I’m just joking ( I love Tina Fey)... well, she does play him, but it’s not like that; still makes me laugh though. At least she didn’t have to worry about blackface.
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I like my action flicks. They all can't be tear-jerkers like "WAP".
Which leads us to ACTION HERO OF THE YEAR --- Kiera Allen
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If you saw the movie "Run" then you know this actress. She is the acrobatic, wheelchair-bound star of the movie. She is in a wheelchair in real life. In this movie she breaks through one window, climbs across a rooftop, breaks through another window, all with water in her mouth for a special finishing trick to end the scene. And she throws herself down a couple of flights of stairs. Let's see Liam Neeson try to do that!
I'm serious when I say - I expect to see her in the next "Fast & Furious" film.
Award for LEAST FUX GIVEN - Ricky Gervais, for lighting Hollywood on fire.
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Athlete - TEAM JLo and Shakira
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 --- sidelined me (I attempted to dance like Shakira at work) and sent souls to hell 
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(that's some powerful booty shaking... and or just another example of white people being mad at brown people for existing)
Vin Diesel’s "Feels like I do" - not up for debate. 
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Name another action star in 2020 with a single.
Album of the Year - "The Lion King: The Gift / Black is King" - by Beyonce
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We didn't feel much like royalty, but at least we were being heard... well, for a lil bit; a lot more than I ever remember us being heard.
Remember when white people in Hollywood felt so much shame that they did this?
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We had corporations like the NFL tryna pretend to be woke. Aunt Jemima and that Native American woman on the butter were freed
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 (though they did keep the land).
White people were afraid, and thought that perhaps this album was going to spark the second coming of Black Jesus.
It's interesting -  black people protested (mostly peacefully); wanting justice, and white people got anxious.   People started rioting and looting because of injustices rooted to this country's original sin, and white people, who's ancestors committed this sin, shook their heads at us in shame. Black people and anyone (of any color) standing with them were treated as hostiles, while white people with guns, shooting at black people were hailed as heroes.
What a time. 
I wish Black Jesus really did come back to these Beyonce tunes.
Oh, and this stuff happened too
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Toobin (Ha! This guy )
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ASSHOLE OF THE YEAR (4 years straight)- 
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It's not even close. I was going to suggest that the dude from "The Vow" being a strong runner up, but even that would be disrespectful to Trump's assholery.
The world was on fire (metaphorically and literally), and Trump as our leader, threw gasoline on it. "BLM" came along to be heard and get justice for George Floyd, and Trump convinced his worshippers that BLM is a terrorist group. He shot away protesters, so he could pose awkwardly with a bible (doing God's work - this “work” included telling us to do the opposite of what physicians around the world plead with us to do during a pandemic, pushing drugs on us that these same physicians say no to, and telling us to inject ourselves with bleach. Hallelujah!). He accused Biden of corruption (pot calling kettle black). He loses to Biden, but fights the results with zero evidence, and at the sore loser rallies, there were stabbings and arrests, to which Trump praises their efforts.
A round of applause for the Michael Jordan of Assholes.
Donald J. Trump!
Lastly, The Praphie (most coveted of awards)
The nominees are -
Kaylen Ward - raised over one million dollars for the Australia fires relief, by passing out nude photos of herself... yep. Seriously, look it up. Well, maybe don’t do that:)
Michael Jordan -  "The Last Dance" was the only sports content for a sports addict like myself. MJ was the drug we needed.
Dr. Fauci - Really for putting up with us. 
Dave Chappelle - a hell of a year for him. Plus, he was dropping N-Bombs and smoking on SNL
The Fly on Mike Pence's head. 
Kamala Harris
Cardi B - just because
The winner is - Dave Chappelle
Not only for his great year in comedy (in this bleeped up year), but he has evolved into a modern day prophet. Who would have thought that the guy who made "Half Baked"
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would be the one we'd seek out when racial tensions got to the highest levels this year??
Kaylen Ward would have won it, if she had continued her efforts. She could have raised some funds for Greta Thunberg. She could have used her nudity along-side protesters, or even joined doctors around the world, raising money for a vaccine. Smh. That's a shame.
In thinking about Chappelle's evolution, I'm reminded that we're all processing and changing as a result of this year. Some will change for the better, and others for the worse. Some will go to the depths only to rise up again. Regardless, of how you handle it, it's important to know who your true peeps are. Who loves you? Who’s got your back? Who do you love?  We're all going to need true peeps to help us endure. Which leads me to my slogan for next year.
"If you love something let it go, if it doesn't return to you. Hunt it down and kill it." Idk about you, but that touches my heart.
Enjoy yourselves as much as you can tonight, and by that I mean safely :) Some of you might want to consider going to bed early, just to end this year faster.
Happy New Year, everyone!
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breanime · 4 years
Breanime’s 2000 Followers Event!
WOW! I can’t believe I have 2000 people following me! I am SO grateful for each and every one of you, seriously. It’s unbelievable that there are people out there who enjoy my writing, I am seriously so happy that you all chose to follow me!
To show my appreciation, I’d like to do an event. I want to do songfics, but the last time I did them, it took me FOREVER because I kept getting requests for songs I’d never heard of before. And, as some of you well remember, Mama got hella burnt out as well (I am Mama). SO, I complied a list of over 60 songs that I know (and love) for you guys to choose from. 
(Info under the read more)
So here’s what we’re gonna do:
Choose a song FROM MY LIST (copying it below, and I’ll also make a separate post of just the songs) that you want me to use for your prompt- please include the TITLE of the song, not the number from the list
Send me an ASK with the title of the song, the character you want me to write, genre (fluff, smut, angst, or a combination of those three), as well as any other little details you’d like to see in the prompt
Maybe a nice little note for me or something, I feel like we don’t talk enough you guys! :)
To be clear, I categorized the songs based on its content as well as the general vibe that I get from it, but if you see a song that you want to use for a different genre (let’s say there’s a song in the angst category that you want to use for a fluffy piece), feel free to use it. You are, however, limited to the songs I have on the list, so please don’t send any other songs for this event that I haven’t listed. 
Here is the list of characters that I will write for during this event:
Billy Russo
Logan Delos
Caspian X
Sirius Black
James Potter
OT3 (Sirius Black x reader x James Potter)
Jax Teller
Miguel Galino
Angel Reyes
Coco Cruz
Nick Amaro
Rio (Good Girls)
Now here are the songs! Go crazy my sweet babies!
“Angel of Mine”- Monica
“The Bones”- Maren Morris
“Helpless”- Phillipa Soo
“The Only One For Me”- Brian McKnight
“Sinning With You”- Sam Hunt
“Cop Car”- Sam Hunt
“U Should’ve Known Better”- Monica
“Cuz I Love You”- Lizzo
“I Won’t Say I’m In Love”- Susan Egan
“Perfect”- Ed Sheeran ft. Beyonce
“Mine”- Naya Rivera cover (original by Taylor Swift)
“Break Up With Him”- Old Dominion
“Take It From Me”- Jordan Davis
“Still Into You”- Paramore
“Buttons”- Pussycat Dolls
“Just The Way You Are”- Bruno Mars
“U Got It Bad”- Usher
“My Boo”- Usher ft. Alicia Keys
“When You’re Mad”- Ne-Yo
“10, 000 Hours”- Dan and Shay
“Marry You”- Bruno Mars
“Shut Up and Dance”- Walk The Moon
“Bed”- J. Holiday
“Body Party”- Ciara
“Hotel Key”- Old Dominion
“Movement”- Hozier
“Si o No”- Anitta ft. Maluma
“Take Me To Church”- Hozier
“Want To Want Me”- Jason Derulo
“Or Nah”- The Weeknd, Wiz Khalifa and DJ Mustard
“Wicked Games”- The Weeknd
“Neighbors Know My Name”- Trey Songz
“Cater 2 U”- Destiny’s Child
“Dance For You”- Beyonce
“Promise”- Ciara
“Bad”- Walf ft. Tiara Thomas and Rihanna
“Naked”- Marques Houston
“The Hills”- The Weeknd
“Lovers and Friends”- Usher ft. Lil Jon and Ludacris
“Trading Places”- Usher
“Get U Wet”- Plies
“Makin Good Love”- Avant
“Motivation”- Kelly Rowland
“Bow Chicka Wow Wow”- Mike Posner
“Satisfied”- Renee Elise Goldsberry
“On My Own”- Samantha Barks
“Whiskey Glasses”- Morgan Wallen
“Bad At Love”- Halsey
“Devil’s Backbone”- The Civil Wars
“I’m Not That Girl”- Idina Menzel
“Come Over”- Sam Hunt
“El Tango De Roxanne”- Aaron Tveit
“Battle Scars”- Lupe Fiasco ft. Guy Sebastian
“Closer”- The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey
“When I Was Your Man”- Bruno Mars
“Never Enough”- Loren Allred
“She Got The Best Of Me”- Luke Combs
“4 Minutes”- Avant
“Lie About Us”- Avant
“Yo Side Of The Bed”- Trey Songz
“i hate u, i love u”- gnash ft. Olivia O’Brien
“Thinking Of You”- Katy Perry
“Let Me Love You”- Mario
“Obsession”- Frankie J ft. Baby Bash
“How To Deal”- Frankie J
“Need You Now”- Lady Antebellum
“Next Contestant”- Nickleback
“The Way I Loved You”- Taylor Swift
“Ego”- Beyonce
I am so excited to get this started! Thank you again for all the love!
(As of right now, my ask box is open for requests for this event! If you can, please limit yourself to three separate requests for now. If that changes, I’ll let you guys know!)
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let-me-vibe · 4 years
Fine the first 10
Well now it feels like a challenge.
Full name- Spark Iguchi
Age- 18
I'm afraid of dolphins, the dark, and the inevitability of death
I love my family, Aimi, and Link the nonbinary legend we all deserved
I'm a minor, I can't legally be turned on you weirdos :P I'm like a broken car
My best friend is either Dai or Uncle Jin
I like gorls
Only had one first date, and that was... 😬
I'm "short"
I miss the house not being so loud all the time
We already discussed when Dad's innocence was truly lost
My favorite color is neon pink
I guess you could call it a crush? I have a girlfriend obviously
I don't have a favorite quote
I like this tea shop down the street
My favorite food is salmon
I absolutely use sarcasm
I'm listening to Ember, Kin, and Zome try to impersonate Dad's screamer music
The first thing I notice about a person is how aggressively they're looking at me
I have gecko feet, so shoe sizes don't really apply to me
My eyes are purple
My hair is naturally red, but I dye it blue
My favorite style of clothing is *aggressively hides all my curves*
I've done several prank calls
27 not applicable
My favorite movie doesn't exist for you yet
I don't have a favorite song
Or a favorite band
I feel alright
I lovvvvvvvvvvve Aimi
I still have a girlfriend somehow
My dads rock
My favorite holiday is Valentine's day
I don't have any tattoos or piercings
Nor do I want any, which works out, cuz scales (RIP Papa)
38 not applicable
I don't have an ex
I do get "good morning" and "good night" texts
I last texted Kurogiri, and I have kissed him in a grandkid way
I last held hands farrrr too long ago, poor lonely hand :(
It takes me about an half an hour to get ready.
I can't shave my legs, they are barren
I'm on my couch
Anybody on the team would handle me if I was drunk, it's just a matter of who finds me first
I don't listen to music a lot
I live with my dads and other various weird kinda family members
I'm excited to be an adult
Yes, I can speak to men
I don't fake smile unless it's for pictures
I last hugged somebody, like, ten minutes ago
If Aimi was making out with somebody else I think I'd scream so loud she'd assume I'm a dragonborn or something
I don't think I trust anyone I shouldn't
I still dislike my lack of toenail
If I could meet anybody, I'd meet God so I could punch him
No thoughts head empty
I can lick my eyeballs
I'm scared of dolphins
I hate having my picture taken
The last lie I told was promising Ash that I didn't find her annoying sometimes
I'd rather call people than video chat
I guess I have to believe in ghosts, and I don't see why aliens wouldn't be real
Obviously magic's real, look at Uncle C
I don't see why luck would be fake
Very sunny over here
I last read a Star Wars fanfic
I like how gas smells
I have too many nicknames to list
My worst injury is probably just binding stuff
I save money
I can touch my nose with my tongue
Ash is pink and in front of me
My favorite animal is Le Gecko
At midnight I was calling my gf
Satan's last name is Todoroki
Can't say I have a happy song, but MCR does make me feel nostalgic
Win my heart by feeding me and giving me ripped black jeans
On my tombstone, write "wasted"
My favorite word is "flabbergasted"
81 not applicable
If the whole world were listening, I'd say "****"
I don't think I have relatives in jail
If I could have a superpower, I'd fly
I'd be afraid to honestly answer anything about my sex life
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I've had sex
Never bought condoms
Never gotten pregnant
Never even been to a class
I've kissed a guy
I've kissed a girl
I've kissed in the rain
I have a job
I have left the house without my wallet
Never bullied anyone
Never had sex in public
Never played on a sports team
I've smoked weed
Never done any other drugs
Never smoked
I've tasted alcohol
I'm not vegitarian/vegan
Never been overweight
Never been underweight
I've been to a wedding
I've been on the computers for far longer than 5 hours at a time
I've watched TV for more than 5 hours at a time
I have left Japan
Never had my heart broken
Never been to a sports game
I've broken several bones
I cut my finger cooking once, but that's nothing compared to training with Papa
Never been to prom
Never been in a plane
Or a helicopter
Or been to a concert
I have a freAking girlfriend
Never learned another language
Never worn makeup
I lost my v card when I was 15
I have had oral sex
I have dyed my hair
Never voted
Never been in an ambulance
Or had surgery
I live with famous people
Never stalked anyone
Or peed outside
Or been fishing
I have helped a charity
Never been rejected by a crush
Or broken a mirror
Uhhhh I dunno what I want for my birthday
No kids 😤
I wasn't named after anyone
My handwriting's great
My favorite toy as a kid was Papa's face
Don't have a favorite show
I want to have a big rich person house
I don't play any instruments
I got a scar from itching my face too much
Only cheese should be on pizza
I'm afraid of the dark
I'm afraid of heights
I have been caught making mischief
Never dissapointed myself
I suck at knitting
My greatest achievment is beating Papa at Mario Kart once
Never really had anything specifically mean directed at me
If I won the lottery, I'd get top surgery
I like everything about myself
153 not applicable
I want a chocolate pool
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girlwiththegreenhat · 4 years
2, 23, and 67 for the viddy game asks please!!
2) A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.
Arguably most of the games I’ve played had some influence on me creatively. Like, I can’t tell you how much time I’ve spent drawing fanart for video games, and all their styles left some mark on my own. I think some of the biggest credits go to TF2 and BATIM, I really like how TF2 handles it’s characters both visually and… as characters, and I’ve done a lot of art studies based on it’s comic and you can prob see it’s influence on my art if you squint.  And while I didn’t get much visual influence from BATIM directly, the hundreds of hours I spent drawing either direct BATIM fanart or BATIM AU art did me a lot of good the last couple years xD It’s also the game I’ve written the most for, so I probably got the most writing experience from it too.
23) The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?
Speaking purely on what I have real statistics for, Team Fortress 2 recently overtook Borderlands 2 as my most played game. never thought that’d happen
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(if you include the Borderlands 2 playtime logged on my brother’s PS4 though, it definitely still wins xD)
If we’re just doing estimates, probably MapleStory - I played that like, every day for years as a kid. I’ve only got 25 hours logged on it in Steam, but if I had a counter for how much I played it in my lifetime, it’d absolutely be in the thousands. I wasted. Soooooooo much time on that game lmfao. And it was time well wasted, mostly. Sometimes I still shudder over the time around 12 or 13 where I spent four straight hours trying to do the Zakum jump quest, and the only reason I stopped was because I had severe eye strain. Couldn’t see anything, it was all violent flashing black and white strips webbed across my vision. My mom had to lead me back to bed because I literally Could Not See. Almost thought I was drugged lmfao. The real kicker was nailing the quest first try the next morning…
67) Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?
I’m pretty sure I already told the story Several Times about when I found my older brother’s GameBoy with some mario game loaded onto it and it was like one of the best weeks of my childhood, but it’s kinda tricky to think of any other memories. My parents were very strict ‘no video games’ people so aside from a couple free online games and chill stuff like Rollercoaster Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon I didn’t get to play them very often. They bought us a Wii for christmas when I was nine or ten, which was the point when they started to lighten up about them…
One of my fav memories is probably when I was 12, over the summer I decided I wanted to actually level up a character in MapleStory instead of just leveling when my friends wanted to. I made a character, a new class at the time called Aran, and decided I was going to level her up all the way to 200 (the max level at the time). This was before the Big Bang patch of late 2011 that made leveling STUPID easy, so having a high level character was a BIG deal. The first big milestone was having a character that was level 50, because at that level characters unlock Mounts, which were monsters you could ride. Prior to this it had taken me months to get my first character to around level 37, aaand I also fucked up all her stats so as a warrior she had like no strength but a bunch of health, cuz I was like ‘oh dying in fights suck, so if i have a BUNCH of health, i will have enough time to escape!! BRILLIANT LOGIC IN A GAME ABOUT FIGHTING MONSTERS, YES.’ (I distinctly remember finding a fellow warrior and telling them about how much health I had, and tldr their reaction was ‘!? you’re lying that’s illegal’).
BUT ANYWAYS, i set my first goal and ended up hitting it, which was getting my new character to level 50 in a month. There was a party quest I loved doing, I think it had a Real Name but everyone just called it the Ludi PQ. It was based in a town that was basically made of toys and legos, and it had the prettiest background music Ever. It also gave ASSLOADS of EXP for the time, so it was faster than farming monsters for EXP or doing regular quests. I played it more than any other party quest, and cuz it was summer I could literally play nonstop every day, so… I did! And I got my character to level 50 in exactly a month. It felt SO good running around towns on my fancy new mount, which for this class starts as a brown wolf.
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(not my character, all my old MS screenshots are on my laptop = u =)
This is more like a long and broad story rather than one memory, oops. Anyway yeah, level 50 in a month, it was a Big Accomplishment back then. From there it was my childhood Mission to get my character to level 200, which I did end up doing three years ago. I hardly had much interest in MS at that point, but I was so close and I had to get to the finish line, if only for the dumb 12 year old who invested her heard and soul into being the STRONKEST ARAN EVAR SO I CAN DEFEAT THE B L A C K  M A G E… … … … … …
i’m sad they made the level cap 250, cuz i didn’t get the cool [GALAXXI HAS REACHED LEVEL 200! CONGRATS!] server-wide announcement when i finally did it, and they don’t do it for level 250 so there’s no point in getting that far 8) (level 200 is still the level cap… IN MY HEART.) i’m also sad you can get to level 50 in like two days now, mere hours if you grind like your life depends on it, but damn it’s fun having the memory of that month when my life was maplestory morning to night, playing the Ludi PQ for hours and bonding with strangers over memes and teamwork, and the EUPHORIC moment when i finally hit level 50 and all that hard work paid off.
... this post got Real Long but I got caught up in The Memories okay? xD thanks for the ask!!
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mhall070 · 4 years
I first played super smash bros in 08, when brawl was new. It belonged to my mom's ex's nephew's friend, me my brother my mom's ex's nephew and his brother all played for countless hrs (funny with the 4 of us it really was super smash BROTHERS). Now I first played smash before I new what smash was so it was really just a fighting game with a bunch of familiar faces to it. My mane was Mr game & watch I only played him because he was visually the most impressive character (being flat and all), my brother played snake because he was a solder the nephew would play sonic and his brother would play rob cuz he looked like wall e.
Unfortenently this fun would not last for I had forgotten all about it in the 3 yrs it was absent from my life. 3 yrs later in the last month of of middle school I did not rediscover smash but it was first introduced to me. It was super smash bros 64 I fell in love instantly with its bizzar game play and mechanics, but most importantly with the characters and settings. The first character I played was jigglypuff because no one else played her and she was the only unlocked character. The connection with jigglypuff and I was strong and would be indefinite because she was so quirky and fun, I enjoyed being a nuance to my friends while having my ass handed to me. Note ssb64 is when I first met my partner so you could say smash is a love story. After a while I new I had to own this game so I asked my mom for super smash bros, yep those were my words, I never specified I wanted ssb64. On my next birth bay I received a videogame as my gift it was super smash bros brawl (in my opinion the most ambitious game in the series). As I played through with my brother we shuffled through an onslaut of options like music choices and modes like saving photos and replays it was amazing, and don't get me started with subspace emissary. The story mode was almost to much fun being so dramatic and hilarious, it really was something to behold. In super smash bros brawl there were a few more characters I found I had a great fondness for. They were Zelda & sheik, falco, marth, and the ice climbers whom I would not learn were from the previous instalment for some time and the newcomers were zero suit samus, Lucas, pit, toon link, and rob. It was also brawl that introduced me to my favorite video game franchises, like metroid, star fox, zelda, and f zero. When we first returned to the fighter select screen a memory from the past suddenly changed the way I looked at this game series. My life was suddenly just like the entangled crossover mess that was the game, it was like meeting an old friernd who had always been there, and it was then I decided super smash bros was the greatest video gaming experience of my life. Not long after completing brawl I discovered super smash bros melee instantly I new I had to own it, so I bought a copy and a GameCube cuz I didnt own one. It took me a stupid long time to unlock every character and stage (melee stages explained). I was surprised to learn that some characters in melee didn't make it to brawl, only one of wich I really fall in love with. Roy was one of many characters that were sadly cut from the next instalment. And I mean clones they were everywhere in melee and all but absent from from brawl. As for other characters I grew especially fond of the ice climbers and their gimmicky play style. Unfortunately super smash bros melee modes were a bit lackluster compared to brawl. Say for adventure mode wich was surprisingly deep, it really made you feel as if you were traversing through the games the characters belong to, unlike subspace emissary. But where I believe super smash bros melee really shines is in its game play and mechanics. It feels like a movie hopping around with explosions and lightning fast movements and it's technical input options that make the competitive scene so alluring (I'm a casual player BTW), unlike brawl wich is slow and sloppy and ssb64 wich in my opinion is worse. All things considered it is perhaps the most well put together game in the series.
Some time later super smash bros for Wii u and 3ds was announced, I was shocked, I believed ssbb was to be the last game in the series. I couldn't believe it, smash for handheld and home it was unreal. The first installment in the series I could truly enjoy the hype for, it was fun aside from being a skeptic of all the leaks that would later turn out to be true. First I shall say I accurately predicted paluteana would be a playable character, second the biggest surprise was definently pac-man (didn't think he'd  be possible), and third I was crushed to learn ice climbers would not make the cut because of the 3ds and I'd resent it for that reason. Not only that but I new the 3ds version would be inferior so I waited for the Wii u version. I stood out side the game store late at midnight to get my copy early. And I played for hrs, my favorite addition to the game had to be 8 player smash I allways wanted more action. I must say the roster of this game is one of if not the strangest with the cutting of semi clones like wolf and Lucas and the return of clones, specifically Dr Mario, of all the melee characters you'd choose to bring back why him over mewtwo, and the inclusion of dlc later. Nonetheless I did receive a few new characters to enjoy in paluteana, villager, the mii fighters, and corrin. Speaking of dlc I was not surprised by the announcement of mewtwo as dlc and I am glad both Roy and Lucas returned and Ryu I new you couldn't represent capcom with just megaman. The other game modes in Wii u and 3ds were interesting to say the least, target blast was fun but I still prefer target smash, master and crazy orders were amazing but hard, smash run was certainly the best thing about the 3ds version oh yah I did get a copy and a 3ds because I didn't have one. Oh and people, smash board isn't comparable to subspace emissary or world of light so, stop comparing them. The inclusion of amiibos really can make the game interesting but ultimately (pun intended) aren't very fun, however that won't stop me from buying all the amiibos I want. Now taking all this into account super smash bros for Wii u and 3ds allthough is flawed is also endlessly entertaining.
Then one day my partner came up to me and said, MERDY (thats my name) there's a new super smash bros game coming out. We watch the teaser and the thoughts just start rolling in, what characters will there be, what stages, what items, what modes, I was ready for all the answers but I would have to wait. I can say before the big "everyone is here" reveal I knew the ice climbers would return I also new there was no way they'd pass up another chance to add a story mode. World of light and spirits for that matter are probably the best thing to happen to smash, it's so complex and in depth it's creative and bewildering, it may not be as enveloped in worlds as adventure mode and we may not be able to enjoy the creative level design Masahiro Sakurai brought to subspace, however world of light has one thing the other two don't, customisation and the choice to play how you want, it's not as linear as adventure mode or subspace, and your fights aren't chosen for you. As for other game modes, I should first say 2 great new additions are video editing and vr mode, anyway you might as well go back and play some of the earlier installments in the franchise because ultimate leaves a little to be desired. Say for smash mode wich has lots of fun and well we can't talk about smash mode or super smash bros ultimate as a hole without mentioning it's shining star. The characters in super smash bros ultimate really make the game, I always dreamt that all the character from past installments would be in one game together. Of course I still had my predictions and surprises, first I accurately foresaw chrom, Simon, king k rool, technically hero (I really predicted erdrick only), and banjo & kazooie. Second I did not suspect, daisy, dark samus, and incineroar, although it was not a surprise ridley's presents in the game is highly appreciated for I am a huge metroid fan, BTW inkling was a no brainer. And I should mention the only new character I really enjoy playing is king k rool. Before the last section I wanna reminisce the things I'll miss about super smash bros. I'll really miss board the platforms, race to the finnish, 3d models of the characters and stages on select screens, event matches, coin launcher, boss battles, master and crazy orders, trophy rush, trophies, smash run, and good online gameplay... oh wait that was never a thing. I must state I'm sorry this story kind of turned into a critique, but super smash is first and foremost an experience and looking back now my life has be influenced by it, learning to grow strong and live big, and I can tell you super smash bros still is both a brotherly and love story for I still play with my brother and partner frequently. As for the future I can't say, ssbu is still growing and I personally believe it'll be Sakurai's last game in the franchise and video games are starting dwidle out of my life. Nonetheless it will be an unforgettable experience and I plan to continue to share it with all the world as it should be, being the largest crossover event in the history of entertainment, how can you even avoid it.
Waluigi for smash!!
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actually all qs cuz I wanna get to know u :) boink!
I will be excluding the ones Ive done (:
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Wine glasses/water bottles c:
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Bubblegum! im not really a big fan of cotton candy tbh.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? for some reason, soda from plastic cups hit different 😞
7. earbuds or headphones? headphones in the winter, earbuds in the summer.
9. favorite smell in the summer? the smell of my oncoming de- the smell of flowers blooming.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? it depends, some mornings I skip breakfast all together, others i’ll have a light snack, or I just have some cereal or make an egg.
12. name of your favorite playlist? ‘Recently added’
13. lanyard or key ring? landyard so I can find my keys easily. I still lose it tho-
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? spicy or sour candies are dope a f.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? The first book I read that I actually enjoyed was twilight.
16. most comfortable position to sit in? with my legs w I d e open because I cant sit properly.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? my tan/floral converses.
18. ideal weather? cloudy, cold, and raining 😌.
19. sleeping position? on my stomach, leg raised to my abdomen while the other is in the open air, and hands underneath my pillow. the BEST.
21. obsession from childhood? picking my scabs-
22. role model? my mom and sisters.
24. favorite crystal? garnet. It’s also my birthstone! I have it as a gem for my class ring.
25. first song you remember hearing? “bidi bidi mom mom” by selena quintanilla.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? if it’s not scorching hot, go on walks.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? snuggle up in a blanket and watch movies.
28. five songs to describe you? ‘humble’ kendrick lamar, ‘cry baby’ melanie martinez, ‘stupid’ ashnikko, ‘paparazzi’ lady gaga, ‘or nah’ ty dollar $ign.
29. best way to bond with you? send me M E M E S-
30. places that you find sacred? my bed.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? ripped jeans, boots, a crop top, and a jacket.
33. most used phrase in your phone? fuck.
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? that empire carpet wash commercial.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? DAT BOI.
37. suitcase or duffel bag? duffel bag.
38. lemonade or tea? how about both of them combined 😉.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? I hate pie 🙊
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? someone brought a gun and it fell out of their backpack during 2nd period.
41. last person you texted? @caws5749
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? pants pockets. BUT THE DEEP ONES NOT THOSE SMALL FUCKING ONES.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? hoodies or a bomber jacket.
44. favorite scent for soap? Lavender.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? superhero!
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? naked-
47. favorite type of cheese? queso fresco.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? mango.
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “im a bad bitch you cant kill me”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? anytime my friends and I joke around.
51. current stresses? school, personal issues, and my NEW JOB THATS RIGHT YALL YO GIRL EMPLOYED.
52. favorite font? calibri.
53. what is the current state of your hands? kinda rough but smooth.
54. what did you learn from your first job? that people fucking suck.
55. favorite fairy tale? little red riding hood.
56. favorite tradition? eating tamales during christmas time.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? that im not perfect, my flaws are just as beautiful as my perfections, and that im just ug-
58. four talents you’re proud of having? im not talented aT ALL. uh...
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? ‘let’s fuck ‘em up’
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? sasuke from naruto or mey-rin from kuroshitsuji.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? “see you in a minute”
62. seven characters you relate to? natasha, cristina yang, dexter, ford, thor, scott lang, and tony.
63. five songs that would play in your club? ‘bodak yellow’, ‘man of the year’, ‘rockstar’, ‘bickenhead’, ‘slumber party’.
64. favorite website from your childhood? I forgot the name but it was that educational site with the orange robot and human.
65. any permanent scars? my entire body is riddled in scars no joke.
66. favorite flower(s)? hibiscus and roses.
67. good luck charms? my dog’s name tag.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? onions-
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? that cracking your joints won't give you arthritis.
70. left or right handed? im mixed handed but I do the majority of stuff with my right.
71. least favorite pattern? plaid.
72. worst subject? MATH FJSKSJKFSJS I HATE IT.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? have yall tried chocolate milk with chicken nuggets-
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 8-9 because I tend to fight back and not admit there is something wrong going on 😬.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? 2nd grade I believe.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? for some reason my love of tater tots has come back.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? uh cacti?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? coffee from a gas station cus im not trying to die-
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? oh man, I look like shit in both of them. School id.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? earth tones!
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? ive never seen either 😔.
82. pc or console? i’ve own consoles for most of my life.
83. writing or drawing? writing. I cant draw very well.
84. podcasts or talk radio? podcasts! I listen to ‘last podcast on the left’.
84. barbie or polly pocket? barbies! did anyone make their barbies have sex or was it just me-?
85. fairy tales or mythology? mythology. yall don't know this but I have fallen into the greek mythology rabbit hole-
86. cookies or cupcakes? I fuck heavy with cupcakes TILL THIS DAY.
87. your greatest fear? to see those I love die.
88. your greatest wish? to be happy.
89. who would you put before everyone else? myself.
90. luckiest mistake? guessing on a question and getting it right 😎.
91. boxes or bags? i’ll go with boxes. it makes everything easier to stack and organize.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? fairy lights are so pretty.
93. nicknames? clown by @caws5749, bottom by @domromanoff, and variations of my real name.
94. favorite season? fall/winter TIMEEEEE.
95. favorite app on your phone? mario kart. if anyone wants to be friends give me your friend code-
96. desktop background? it’s black with a colorful smoke cloud exploding.
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? mine and my oldest sister’s because she has had that same number since I was in the WOMB.
98. favorite historical era? I would say the WWII era since ive studied more about it than any other era.
UPDATE; this would've been done last night but my screen decided to just crash and not save anything I had done and my girl sent my ass to bed so I couldn't finish it but here ya go boink!
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sims-psycho · 5 years
I’m pretty sure I already asked you the hella cute questions for Billie 🤔 So odds for Luna and evens for Kit! 💕
ok, so, this took me so. fucking. long. but I love you for it cuz I’m shit at char development so thANK YOU FOR ASKING ANGEL!!! ♡ ♡  
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1. Who was the last person you held hands with? ~ Kane of course
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? ~ I know this probably isn’t what you mean, but I have a meeting with the drama teacher at college today to see if I can help with the costume design for the musical and I’m pretty excited *smiles*
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? ~ I know he would because he may or may not have had to in the past *blushes*
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? ~ Yes, me and Kane are really good
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? ~ Depends on who it’s with
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? ~ ‘Yeah sure, do you need anything else?’ to my mum, she wants me to grab some stuff from the shop on my way home
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? ~ My hair gets really tangled so not really
15. What good thing happened this summer? ~ summers not over yet! *giggles*
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? ~ Absolutely, even if it’s just a shred of bacteria, the universe is to extensive for use to the be the only ones
19. Do you like bubble baths? ~ Ooo, yes, a lot *laughs*
21. What are you bad habits? ~ I’m a bit of a workaholic, so I guess that’s sort of a bad habit
23. Do you have trust issues? ~ I don’t think so, thankfully
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? ~ My nose is really wide and, yeah i know it’s silly but everyone has their insecurities i guess
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? ~ Not at all, I love my skin tone and my heritage
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? ~ I’ve only really been with Kane
31. If your hair long enough for a ponytail? ~ I guess, but it’s not really ‘long’ more just big
33. Spell your name with your chin. ~ ,ljna *giggles* I tried
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? ~ As much as I love a good Netflix binge I’d have to say TV, music is just so good in so many different situations
37. What do you say during awkward silences? ~ Depends on the situation, but I normally try and say something positive, if not that I just stay quiet
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? ~ I only really buy second hand clothes, or I make them so I don’t really know
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? ~ Yes, the core of someone never changes, but how they view the world does
43. Do you smile at strangers? ~ Sometimes *smiles*
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? ~ I guess I just always have stuff to do
47. Have you ever been high? ~ Maybe….*looks sus*
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? ~ Yes *looks uncomfortable*
51. Ever wished you were someone else? ~ When I was a young teen, but I don’t think that’s that unusual
53. Favourite makeup brand? ~ Milk makeup
55. Favourite blog? ~ n/a
57. Favourite food? ~ Any kind of caribbean food my mum makes
59. First thing you ate this morning? ~ Crumpets *cute smile*
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? ~ Omg never, that would be the end of my life right now
63. Ever been in love? ~ I am right now *blushes*
65. Are you hungry right now? ~ Not really
67. Facebook or Twitter? ~ Facebook
69. Are you watching tv right now? ~ How did you know!? *looks shocked* I’m halfway through sex education and it’s hilarious *giggles*
71. Craving something? What? ~ I could always eat dark chocolate, it’s my favourite
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? ~ Yeah…..my little bunny *blushes*
75. Favourite animal? ~ I like deers,  just think they’re really elegant
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? ~ Vanilla
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? ~ It’s like a pinky red sort of colour
81. Favourite tv show? ~ I really love Killing Eve
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? ~ Who even likes mean girls 2!? *scoffs and laughs*
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? ~ Gretchen *giggles*
87. First person you talked to today? ~ My mum
89. Name a person you hate? ~ I don’t think I really hate anyone
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? ~ No!!
93. How many sweatpants do you have? ~ Only a couple pairs, and I only wear them in the house
95. Last movie you watched? ~ Me and the gang watched birdbox last weekend, it was really creepy
97. Favourite actor? ~ I don’t think I have one
99. Have any pets? ~ We have a cat called Beanie, technically she’s my mums cat but she’s also kinda the family cat *smiles*
101. Do you type fast? ~ Oh yeah, it’s like fire comes off my fingers *laughs*
103. Can you spell well? ~ Uhh, yeah *smirks*
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? ~ I’ve been to a bbq party with family, but I don’t think thats the same *giggles*
107. Have you ever been on a horse? ~ Yeah, me and my sisters used to go to a horse riding club when we were little *smiles*
109. Is something irritating you right now? ~ Nope
111. Do you have trust issues? ~ No, I don’t have any reason to distrust anyone I know
113. What was your childhood nickname? ~ Little moon, or sometimes just lune
115. Do you play the Wii? ~ Me and my sisters used to play the super mario wii all the time when we were kids *smiles*
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? ~ Yeah, it’s alright
119. Favourite book? ~ The Art of Faminisim
121. Are you mean? ~ I….I don’t think so
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? ~ Can anyone? *laughs*
125. Do you believe in true love? ~ Yeah, I think I do
127. What makes you happy? ~ Luckily, a lot. Off the top of my head, my family and friends, Kane, fashion and art and music and good food and a lot of other things *smiles sweetly*
129. What your zodiac sign? ~ Cancer
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? ~ Be incredibly confused because Eli’s gay *laughs*
133. Favourite lyrics right now? ~ “You and I, wide awake / With the sky falling down / As we wait for the morning / Is there a place in the stars / Where the sky goes to sleep? / We got no way of knowing” Feel by Jacob Collier and Lianne La Havas
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? ~ Oh I can’t remember, I’ve probably told some dumb ones to my parents when I was younger though
137. How tall are you? ~ 5′7
139. Brunette or Blonde? ~ My hair is brown
141. Night or Day? ~ Day
143. Are you a vegetarian? ~ No, but I wouldn’t say I’m a huge meat eater either
145. Tea or Coffee? ~ Tea, I have lots of herbal teas that I drink depending on my mood *smiles*
147. Mars or Snickers? ~ Ooo, snickers
149. Do you believe in ghosts? ~ Yes, sadly it happens to unrested spirits *lowers head*
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2. Are you outgoing or shy? ~ I’m super outgoing dude *laughs*
4. Are you easy to get along with? ~ I’m so chill, what are you sayin, of course *winks*
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? ~ Oh man, anyone who’s fit straight off, but people who are just ‘out there’ y’know
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? ~ I saw a spunk on the beach last night, she disappeared before I could introduce myself
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? ~ Kasper, he lectures me all the time
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? ~ Ooh, that’s a toughie, uhhh, Cake by the Ocean, Funky Duck, Feels Like Summer, Andromeda aaanddd…..Wonderwall *laughs*
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? ~ Sure, why not *chuckles* a lot of crazy shit happens everyday man
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? ~ No joke, don’t know the last person I kissed, oops *laughs, embarrassed*
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? ~ Nah
20. Do you like your neighbors? ~ They’re a’ight. They don’t really leave there place though
22. Where would you like to travel? ~ I dunno, I’ve been to a lot of places, don’t really know where I want to go next
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? ~ I normally skate to the cafe Billie works at most mornings and grab a smoothie
26. What do you do when you wake up? ~ Jerk off *smirks*
28. Who are you most comfortable around? ~ Andie for sure, she sucks a lot sometimes, but she’s my sister and no one really gets me like she does
30. Do you ever want to get married? ~ Meh, maybe someday, but not for a loooooonggg time *chuckles*
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? ~ you have no idea how happy I am i got this question *laughs cheekily* Chris Hemsworth and Cara Delevingne, I wouldn’t need to get any for like a year if that happned *laughs*
34. Do you play sports? What sports? ~ I surf and skate a lot, it’s kind of all I do tbh, me and Kas box together sometimes too
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? ~ Yup *smirks*
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? ~ Someone adventurous and confident who can put me in my place *winks*
40. What do you want to do after high school? ~ Man, no one has asked me about school in like, 40 years *laughs*
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? ~ I’m never quiet *smirks*
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ~ Defo bottom of the ocean, I bet theres a lot of my shit down there *laughs*
46. What are you paranoid about? ~ I dunno, sometimes I freak out because the government is fucking up our planet and shit but Maya always tells me one day we’ll be the ones pulling the strings and it makes me feel alright
48. Have you ever been drunk? ~ *laughs* oh yeah
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? ~ Pink i think *chuckles*
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? ~ I’m perfect, what are you saying *smiles cheekily*
54. Favourite store? ~ Theres this tiny sakte shop across town that sell all sorts of cool shit
56. Favourite colour? ~ Like a greeny-blue kinda colour
58. Last thing you ate? ~ I think like an apple or something
60. Ever won a competition? For what? ~ I’ve won a fair few surf competitions in my time *smirks*
62. Been arrested? For what? ~ I know have, but I can’t remember what for, hasn’t happened in a while, I’m obviously not trying hard enough *winks*
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? ~ pashed my p.e teacher in the kit room, that shit was hot *smirks cheekily*
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? ~ n/a
68. Twitter or Tumblr? ~ Twitter
70. Names of your bestfriends? ~ Andie, Kapser, Teegs, Erik, Maya and Max. I’ve got some friends back in Oz but I haven’t seen them in forever
72. What colour are your towels? ~ Black, cuz we emo in my house *laughs*
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? ~ None, i got this scraggly monkey thing that hangs from my rear view mirror in my car though *chuckles*
76. What colour is your underwear? ~ You wanna take a look yourself darlin’? *winks and smiles cheekily*
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? ~ All of them, I fucking dig ice cream so much, especially ben n jerry
80. What colour pants? ~ You really into my clothes aren’t you *smirks* I got green trunks on
82. Favourite movie? ~ The original Alien is fun
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? ~ 21 jump street defo, although I did like mean girls waay more than I thought I would when I saw it
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? ~ Shiiiit, I fucking loved that film, haven’t seen it in years though, whats the turtle called again? You know the really stoned one? *laughs* yeah him, or the shark
88. Last person you talked to today? ~ Kasper, I think
90. Name a person you love? ~ Getting all sappy now are we *smirks* want me to say you? I can if you want babe *winks*
92. In a fight with someone? ~ Nah, don’t take a lot to get me there though *smirks*
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? ~ A fucking lot *laughs*
96. Favourite actress? ~ Margot Robbie is hot as fuck *smirks*
98. Do you tan a lot? ~ I’m tan 24/7 bby *chuckles*
100. How are you feeling? ~ High as fuck *laughs*
102. Do you regret anything from your past? ~ Yeah, but I try not to think about it, live in the moment and shit
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? ~ Sometimes, but I normally forget about it within a couple of mins
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? ~ Ahhh probably, have you seen me, how could I not *winks*
108. What should you be doing? ~ Fuck all *laughs*
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? ~ Fuuuck, yeaaaaah
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? ~ I don’t cry around people….I don’t really cry at all tbh
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? ~ I’ve been all over the world darlin’ *smirks* I’m a cultured guy *chuckles*
116. Are you listening to music right now? ~ I’m in a cafe and theres music playing so yeah
118. Do you like Chinese food? ~ I like all food
120. Are you afraid of the dark? ~ Haha, I do most of my wirk in the dark so I fucking hope not *laughs*
122. Is cheating ever okay? ~ No, unless your girl or guy cheated first, then it’s just payback
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? ~ Yeah, I’ve seen it happen
126. Are you currently bored? ~ Nah, you’re very entertaining *smiles cheekily*
128. Would you change your name? ~ Nah, my name’s alright
130. Do you like subway? ~ Not really, I don’t eat a lot of fast food
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? ~ Kasper I think
134. Can you count to one million? ~ I Have to to count the reasons why you and me would make a cute couple *winks and then laughs*
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? ~ Closed, who the fuck leaves it open!?
138. Curly or Straight hair? ~ My hair is kinda wavey, and on other people i like all types, I don’t descriminate *smirks*
140. Summer or Winter? ~ Summer!
142. Favourite month? ~ June duh, it’s my birthday month
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? ~ yes *laughs*
146. Was today a good day? ~ It was a’ight
148. What’s your favourite quote? ~ Maya and Erik spurt some educational shit at me all the time but fuck do I have a ‘favourite quote’ *laughs*
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? ~ the closest book to me right now is in the library across town so no way mate *chuckles
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hangeladavis · 5 years
A Gift For You On My 30th Birthday
This is an accurate portrayal of how I felt this morning when I woke up! 30!!!! WOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!! I have lots of feels so I made a playlist. Naturally. So here are 30 songs (+1 for good luck) that I love and a little bit about them.
Knockin on Heaven’s Door by Bob Dylan - My mom says that this is the first song that came on the radio when we left the hospital. Imagining that it’s the first song I heard is nice.
I Love Your Smile by Shanice - When I was a baby child, this was my song! Every night when my dad got home from work and walked into our apartment in Queens I would run to him and ask him to play my song and I would sing it. HARD! Mind you I was like 2 or 3 but it didn’t matter.
Fly Like An Eagle by Seal - Can we talk about the Space Jam soundtrack!? It was vibe to my 6 or 7 year old self and it still goes! I feel like this album was the first time I really heard music. And felt it.
I Wanna Be Down by Brandy - Ok so my dad got those Columbia House cds for 1c or whatever and the first one he gave me was Brandy’s self titled album. You couldn’t tell me nothing!!! Hairbrush karaoke on a million!
Bills, Bills, Bills by Destiny’s Child - When “Writings on the Wall” came out, I really tried to convince my friends to do a backyard performance with choreography and everything. They said no but it was then at 9 that I knew I wanted to be an artist, a director specifically.
We Can’t Be Friends by Deborah Cox - Another in the Columbia House cd collection, I played this album out and knew every word. I played it last summer after not listening to it for at least 15 years and still knew every word and every riff.
My All by Mariah Carey - “I’d give my all/ To have/ Just one more night with you” I had no real context for what I was singing but I used to sing this song so hard! I miss classic Mariah.
Kick Your Game by TLC - That Crazy, Sexy, Cool album was so classic and it was hard to pick one song but this was my jam!
I’ll Be There by The Jackson 5 - Now that I am older I question if I really want someone to be there with that much fervor after a breakup but when baby MJ sings “just look over your shoulders honey, oooh!” I feel it in my soul!
Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson - This song sends me. From the very beginning, to the beat drop. And when she grabs the phone from him and tells his baby “He’s not coming back/because he’s sleeping with me!” thats a moment. No one wants to be on the receiving end of that call but Diana gets what she wants.
That’s The Way Love Goes - JANET! Queen of the Whisper Sing! Duchess of Tight Choreo! I was way too young to be singing this song but I blame my dad. It’s a sexy jam and I don’t regret it.
Are You That Somebody by Aaliyah - When I was 10, some friends and I danced to this song at our elementary school. My mom choreographed it, we got matching outfits and we performed it. Another group of girls (who were admittedly more popular) danced to “Maria, Maria” and they wore matching cowboy hats. Naturally, there was a showdown on the playground over who was better. Naturally.
Just a Friend 2002 by Mario - Westbury Middle School! It was the best of times and the worst of times. Mainly the worst of times cuz middle school is hellish and there is nothing you could do to make me want to relive those years. But one of the sweet moments was getting a mixed cd from this boy that had a crush on me and this was the first song. Swoon It worked. We dated for a while. It was cute.
My Life, My Love, My All by Kirk Franklin - This is the first song I ever choreographed and it changed my life. I was 10 years old. I showed my mother the choreo and she said teach me. It was in that moment that she validated my artistry. That’s why can’t nobody tell me nothing. I have been doing this for 20 years!
Healing by Richard Smallwood - My mother choreographed this piece for the church dance ministry, Choresis, at Memorial Presbyterian Church in Roosevelt, NY. It was one of their most popular pieces and it gave my mother the outlet she needed to dive headfirst into her artistry. I learned how to lead, facilitate and hold healing arts-centered space from my mother and the women she danced with. Their labor made me possible.
Air Force Ones by Nelly - Back to Westbury Middle School, this song is to honor the Air Force 1s wearing preteen I was. Ooh girl…
Ready For Love by India.Arie - When this song came out I thought I knew what it meant and sang it as such. Girl. Girl Girl Girl Girl Girl Girl… 15+ years later and the only thing I know is that I don’t know very much at all. Also this song is very hetero and I am indeed very queer. lol
I’ll Write A Song For You by Earth, Wind & Fire - Family road trips were not complete without this song. We still sing this song like it’s our job. I knew we were getting older when my brother Jordan couldn't hit the high notes.
As by Stevie Wonder - This song. Whew. When I was 10, my mother and I were asked to dance to this song at the funeral of a baby that died. We did and afterwards I was tore up. I kept thinking about my baby brother, Aaron, who has just been born and how I would feel if he died. I didn’t listen to this song for years. Until I really listened to the words and thought about a love that transcends space and time. This song inspired me to write a musical based on Stevie Wonder’s music. And it is my favorite song by my favorite singer.
Breathe from In The Heights Musical - Fast forward, my senior year of college my parents gave me tickets for In The Heights for Christmas. My best friend Lana and I sat in the second to last row in this Broadway house and when this song started I wept. I mean completely lost it. Because she was singing my story. I was flunking out of college my senior year and hadn’t told my parents. I had been a top student in high school and graduated #5 in my class. But I didn’t have words to name my anxiety, depression and fear that I had no idea what to do with my life after school. “And what will my parent say?/Can I go in there and say/"I know that I'm letting you down” This song still makes me cry.
I’m Here from The Color Purple Musical - I’ll let the song speak for itself. “I believe I have inside of me /Everything that I need to live a bountiful life/And all the love alive in me/I'll stand as tall as the tallest tree/And I'm thankful for every day that I'm given/Both the easy and hard ones I'm livin'/But most of all, I'm thankful for/Lovin' who I really am
Back That Azz Up - Ha! This is my favorite transition. This song is for my undergrad club days at A&T and the Blu&White fam.
Boogie Oogie Oogie by A Taste of Honey - But I don’t actually club for real because I am a grandma that missed my era. I could dance to disco all night actually.
Seasons of Love from RENT Musical - What can I say? I’m a theatre kid. This is for A&T’s theatre department that taught me so much and made me so much of who and how I am as an artist. And Rest in Peace to the mother of our theatre department, Frankie Day.
Screens by Zoocrü featuring Al Strong - In 2016, I met a woman named Margaret A. Brunson who changed my life. (She has that effect on everyone) The first time we hung out she took me to an Kickstarter kickoff party for a band named Zoocrü. I had never heard of them before but as soon as they started playing I was like Who are these boys? I offered my administrative assistance for their campaign and it turned into more than I ever imagined. That offer is what pushed me into consulting and it’s been a joy to work with artists and creatives. I am grateful that our paths crossed.
Sunday Candy by Donnie Trumpet - My grandmother, my Nanny, Evelyne Marie Laisure Marshall passed away on September 29, 2017. Her living made me possible and her passing changed my life. I talk about grandmas so much because I dont know who I would be without her love. I miss her so much but I find her everywhere; in my red fingernail polish, in my card shuffling, in my baking, in my political analysis, in my care. And yes, in the candy dish in my living room.
F.U.B.U. by Solange - Last year I created a show called “Buy My Soul And Call It Art”. I had no idea what I was doing but my Nanny had passed and my cousin Michael had passed and the Universe was telling me to “do it scared”. This song was featured in the piece because I never wanted anyone to forget who this is for, who this is centering. “All my niggas in the whole wide world…”
I Want You by Erykah Badu - The second show in the trilogy is “Buy My Body And Call It A Ticket” and that show almost killed me. I had to go somewhere deep inside myself and that place is dark and scary and I wasn’t sure that I was gonna make it out. But I did. And what brought me back was this. “I want you.” I want my body. I want my life. I want my love. I want myself.
I Need You To Survive by Hezekiah Walker - Show number 3 (which will be rebooted) is “Buy My Art And Call It Holy”. Though I don’t consider myself a Christian, I cannot separate myself from my Christian upbringing and this is one of my favorite songs. When I sing it I am singing it out to my people. I am singing to you. “I need you/ You need me/We’re all apart of one body”
Never Would Have Made It by Marvin Sapp - Yall there have been times when I wasnt sure if I was gonna make it to 30. Seriously. Depression and anxiety is real. Sometimes it zaps the desire to be right out of me. But I am here. And I am so grateful. Here’s to another day, another week, month, year, decade!
Crazy, Classic, Life by Janelle Monae - Did ya’ll think there wouldnt be some Janelle Monae on here!?! This is my theme song! Let’s ride this thing til the wheels fall off!
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egg2k16 · 5 years
Quotes from 12th grade
I forgot to upload these when I graduated, but here they are now!
2. Carlos "I'm giving up my health" 9/5/17 Mario "If we still here during lunch, we can sneak out!" Patricia "You want to sneak into class?"
9/18/17 2. Aliyah "It was hard" Morua "I know it was hard" Sabian "I know it was hard. I made it that way" 2. Brandon "My special need is aid"
10/3/17 6. Vicky "Valery, why is this such shit?" 10/4/17 3. David "Alright Mr. Morua I'll be right back" Class "MR. MORUA?!?!?!" David "Mr. Grana" 10/4/17 Karina "Deaf blind and very confused" Me "That should be the name of my biography" ~ Joselyne "If you're not a competitive person, then don't apply to competitive schools"
10/6/17 3. Luis "I was thinking about the cheese"
10/12/17 3. Me "Unchangeable and swole" Karina "You sound like a fuckboy trying to write a love poem" Me "Am I not a fuckboy trying to write a love poem?"
10/13/17 2. Me "A pity pizza, if you will" 2. Me "All those cans there look sexy" Karina "Your sexuality is those cans. How gay are you? See those cans?" Me "Yeah? Yeah"
10/13/17 4. Student "What movie is this, Captain America?" Students "Civil War" Student "But it's Captain America, right?" Students "Yes" Student "You could have just said so, damn" 10/14/17 Rafael "It's a butter knife, not a cutter knife!"
10/17/17 2. Morua "What are complement goods?" Carlos "Nutella" Morua "Nutella and what?" Me "Nutella and everything" Morua "Nutella and everything. You're not wrong, Valery"
2. Morua "You still have to pay taxes" Marcelo "Not if they don't know you're there"
3. Me “You think I'm not aware, yet what you don't know is that I'm increasingly aware every time I write an essay”
Grana “Ahh, it's almost like you're learning in school”
2. Morua “Disney stocks are very expensive. You would own the paperclip on the CEO’s desk.”
6. Vicky “Cortina”
Joselyne “Everything he says is ugly”
6. Regalado “Only positive stuff now”
Johnny “Oh, ok. Khan Academy is good.”
6. Girl “I don't have time to take notes and I don't have time to draw!”
6. Me “It's a see-saw. It's a danger see-saw. Over a cliff. While it's on fire!”
6. Me “That's so pretty. Let's take a field trip to the Hagia Sophia”
Class “Mhmm”
6. Nathalie “I've never seen a Bible in my life”
6. Joselyne “Oh my God. He vored the Bible”
1. Mrs. Ski “Robert, are you still with us?”
Robert *almost asleep* “Yes”
2. Me “You know, that's your problem. You just hand out the tests and they’ll have to figure out what to do with it!”
Morua “You know what, Valery, you right”
6. Me “I like how the lady explaining the mandalas is a white lady”
3. Grana “You just rewrote a Hemingway novel!”
1. Ski “Bleeding hearts want to stop the dear-loving!”
2. Karina “I'm confused and concerned!”
6. Malo “This video is twenty long!”
?. “Don't blame me for your shitty immune system!”
2. Morua “Adulting waits for no one”
3. Rafael “The devil is his father!”
3. Andrea “I'm bullying myself!”
Lunch. Rafael “Oh that's right, I forgot! I'm mad at you too! You're all trash!”
Lunch. Lauryn “She said she liked dick.”
Me “DICK?”
Lauryn “Yes, exactly”
7. Rodriguez “When you're an adult you can make the decision of either moving back to Costa Rica or … Colombia?” “Yeah” “Yeah, I remember Costa Rica more because you're more emphatic when you talk about it. It's like the forgotten little dog”
2. Morua “Death taxes”
Brandon “There's a tax on dying?”
3. Grana “Oh yeah, if he was a cold stone killer. Stone cold. Hehe, ice cream!”
2. Me “What are we gonna do today?”
Joselyne “Nothing”
Morua “What's the phrase … comiendo mierda”
2. Karina “Kids are cool, but dogs are awesome”
2. Me “B E T !”
2. Morua *about Lord of the Flies* “And as the book continues, what happens?”
Me “Angry little boys”
2. Me “Just don't murder people. But if you do get murdered, then that's your fault”
Karina “Don't be a little bitch!”
2. Morua “The govt makes sure that your rights are protected”
Me “But are they?”
Karina “No they aren't”
Me “You right”
6. Malo “It's just France, except take out the nce”
6. Me “You can't have both, you bitch”
3. Grana “Do any of you recognize this band? (The Cure)”
Me “Are they … British boys?”
Grana “Yes they are British boys”
?. “I was prepared, just not for those questions”
5. Avila “Look at Carlos, making everyone look bad!”
Me “Wow, for the first time!”
Carlos “I know, right?!”
1. Andres “Who are you waiting for?”
Me “Jesus”
3. Karina “Ugh, English”
Me “You're a native English speaker!”
3. David “I love the murdering of families”
Carlos “You know, that's kinda hot”
Grana “At this point, nothing surprises me anymore”
3. Marla “He had the Dexter goods!”
5. Brandon “When you drive, you'll finally have a new perspective on life”
7. Rodriguez “I'm worried, I couldn't do that simple handshake. I wonder if I'm dying”
2. Joselyne “It's just ice, bro. Zane from Ninjago says this”
Me “Canon”
2. Morua “Let's say Agustin is talking in class. And I'm teaching the class and I hear talking behind me and I say, ‘Agustin, go to the office.’”
Agustin “That's just Mr. Sisak”
2. Morua “Robert, are you really living if the government protects you from Karina and the Mexicans?”
2. David “Wow, I can choose between Raul Castro or Castro, Raul”
2. Brianell “You can either choose Raul Castro or Raúl Cástro. One with an accent one without, and if you pick the one without, you die”
1. Samantha “Screw you and your detours”
3. Grana “Yeah, the pizza, pizza van hit him”
Carlos “Pizza pizza?”
Grana “Thanks for that, Carlos”
1. Me “I'm not a meanie”
Samantha “Yeah, she's not a wasp!”
3. Carlos “Did you get the goods?”
Me “Te pasaste la raya”
Carlos “Man shut yo mouth!”
Me “YOU shut your mouth!”
Class *ooo*
Grana “I'm gonna end it there on Valery’s victory”
3. Me “Your eyes don't grow, you grow into your eyes!”
3. Me “Are you still talking about your eyes?”
Kafruni “Is that why you need glasses?”
3. Me “He's a little bitch. You think a hardcore bitch would kill people who talk smack about them??”
3. Gio “You've heard of Atomic Blonde, now get ready for Hardcore Bitch”
Lunch. Joselyne and Me “various versions of Oscar Isaac came to my house”
1. Andrew “I'm a professional kayaker”
1. Andrew “Shut the fuck up, ugly. I'll leave you in the Everglades”
2. Me “What did we do last class?”
Karina “I'm the wrong person to ask that”
2. Isa “You got them ratchet-ass K Mart markers”
6. Khan “It's a phallus”
Regalado “Obviously”
1. Ski “Quarter 3 is the toughest when it comes to grades, right Agustin?”
1. Ski “The little mosquito that could”
2. Morua “The last war the United States fought on US soil was the Civil War”
Karina “It's because we're smart”
Me “Are we?”
Karina “No”
Marcelo “It's cuz we have a moat”
Morua “Actually, two moats. Two big moats on either side with favorable countries on either side”
3. Tall “The tone is pessimistic and bleak, because that's how Poe is”
3. Gio “... Fortunado has the moral high ground”
Grana “Oh, so he's Obi Wan”
Me “ :D “
3. Me “It's over, Monstresor”
Grana “Ahh :D “
3. Me “Moral of the story is: There is no morality”
3. Grana “Yeah, it's like ‘Oh sorry man I stubbed your toe.’ ‘You're dead to me’”
5. Ivory “You're pregnant? Welcome to Chili’s!”
2. Me “It's okay. It's understandable. You're valid, Mr. Morua”
Morua “Thank you”
2. Karina “They're Other now”
Morua “Umm, we prefer Miscellaneous”
Me *dying from laughter*
Morua “Okay, it wasn't that funny, Valery”
Me “Let me laugh, Morua, damn”
1. Me “It's a little bitch”
Sam “Yeah, but what kind of little bitch?”
2. Morua “Say hi, Kafruni”
Everyone “Say hi, Kafruni!”
6. Regalado “I wonder what they did in the medieval times with a solar eclipse”
Me “Johnny’s blind! Shit, that's the fifth one today!”
3. Me “Peacocks are just chickens. Any bird is a chicken if you try hard enough”
3. Grana “Peacocks, we know, are flamboyant chickens”
5. *Brandon just abandoned Brito*
1. Me “This is all your fault, Sebastian”
Sebastian “Okay”
6. Vicky “I have P.E. for sixth period”
7. D Rod “Lies, slander, and libel. Write that down, that I missed it”
1. Me “Drink up, bitch”
6. Regalado “Japan”
Diana “Oh, K-Cock?”
1. Sam “You're killing my vibes”
3. Mary “Did you finish the book?”
Rafael “Did I raise my hand?”
2. Morua “Now you guys can stalk Marco Rubio”
Sabian “We want you to stalk Marco Rubio!”
Morua “I'm not paid enough to stalk Marco Rubio”
Me “We'll pay you to stalk Marco Rubio!”
2. Morua “The average congressman is a white male -”
Me “Wow”
Morua “- and in their late 50s”
Me “I did not know this information at all before in my life”
Kafruni “Jaja, Valery”
2. Morua “This is our district”
Marcelo “Why is it like that. Why is it drawn like that. I disagree with our grouping”
3. Sebastian *about Norwegian Wood* “I kind of lost my train of thought during the interview, but it's cool”
6. Window *laughing but squeaking*
Nathalie “Window sounds like when you cleaning a window!”
6. Window “What happened?”
Me “You're laughing but you're squeaking so much you sound like when you're cleaning a glass window!”
Angelina *dying of laughter* “That's really good, Valery!”
7. Me *about the Star Trek vs Star Wars shirts* “I represented Star Wars. Are you proud of me?”
Rodriguez “Yes I am, my child”
Me “Oh my God, Patty, he finally recognizes me as his child!”
Rodriguez “I meant that in the spiritual sense”
Patty “You guys have a weird dynamic”
Me “But it works!”
Rodriguez *laughs*
Me “Sometimes a family can be a disgruntled 30-something year old man and an energetic 18 year old girl”
6. Regalado “It's a gradient of racism”
7. Rodriguez “Soon, a new Snapchat is gonna come out that will make the original Snapchat look old. What will happen to the last three years of your life?”
Isabella Ruiz “It'll be a fun time, it made me happy”
2. Morua “I don't get why this is so complicated. The exam is on the 24th. If you'd like, we can have a quiz in the days before about the days of the week”
~*Gradbash*~ After hours
Matthew “JUMANJI?????”
Capt Brianell “Matthew, I stick my 12 size foot up your ass!”
Brianell “Go the fuck to sleep!!!”
Rafael “Matthew, you turn on that light, you won't be able to see it!”
Karina “I love this sweater, man”
2. Agustín “Yo, can we all graduate together?”
Lunch. Rafael “Joselyne is my best friend”
Joselyne “What the fuck”
3. Gio “I don't know, I don't watch anime”
6. Regalado “The Bauhaus is a rejection of art nouveau”
Me “Is everything in art a rejection of something else?”
Regalado “Yes”
Hass “Hehehe”
6. Window looks at me
I look at window
Me “What?”
Window “What?”
Me “You were the one who looked at me first!”
Diana and Nathalie *laugh*
1. Shawn “Do I have to do para, par, pa, parisitm?”
Ski “Parasitism”
Shawn “That's exactly what I said”
1. Shawn “Dude, why is your example so long? An example is like, an example”
1. Shawn “What are you talking about? If the Earth wasn't sustainable, we wouldn't be here right now”
2. Morua “The President is Chief Citizen, the most well-known citizen of the United States, which we know… is a lie”
3. Karina “When you call us up, are you going to show us our essays-?”
Grana “Your Oscar Wao essay”
Cortina “Oh man”
2. Morua “I can't just fire Valery because I don't like her hair. Valery is incompetent at her job… plus her hair is dumb”
6. Regalado “It'd be a Venus, but since it's era, you have to put the Greek one”
Window “Jesus Christ”
Regalado “No, Jesus isn't there yet”
2. Morua “Writing papers is so easy yet you guys are always, uggggghhhhhh”
Me “It's because we like to write, we just don't like to write for school”
Jethro “Not everyone writes, Valery”
2. Karina “This is too much adult conversation, I'm gonna throw up”
1. Sebastian “Cadmium yellow!”
Vicky “Did you search up ‘Bob Ross yellow’?”
Sebastian “No, I put in ‘yellow Bob Ross’!”
3. Me “Would I lie to you about the X Men?”
Carlos “OOOHHH!!!”
4. Jose Diaz “What's a weaboo?”
Me “You don't wanna know”
Student “OOOHHH!!!”
6. Vicky, crying, mouth full “I love eating”
1. Shawn “You guys don't know how to take care of a child at all”
1. Andrew “What is this, a parent-teacher conference?”
3. Carlos “Hey Mr. Grana, for the playlist project-”
*Grana plays music*
Carlos “- Oh shit”
3. Marla “I love this song!” (Best Part by Daniel Caesar)
Carlos “What is this?”
Marla “Shut up, Soundcloud rapper”
Everyone “OOOHHHH”
?. “No cabrón, esto es un auto de última generación”
2. Joselyne “Today is Tom Holland’s birthday”
Me “Wow, and on the first day of Pride Month. Hmmm”
Joselyne “Hmmm!!!”
6. Me “You will get to mine, right?”
Morua “Yes”
Me “Awesome, thank you, my mom loves you!”
Matthew “That's what you always want to hear. My mom loves you”
6. Steven “Wait, do you want me to sign it?”
Me “Of course, that's why I put it there!”
Steven “I was so confused, you didn't pass it along!”
Me “Did I put it there for decoration? I put it there for a purpose!”
Steven “I got you, I gotchu”
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Survey #180
“why don’t presidents fight the war, why do they always send the poor?”
Do you study anything? If so what? Not currently.. Listening to music? What’s the opening and last lyric of the song? "From her throne of skulls rules our queen of endless might / and lead us the the kingdom of chaos where the dark hearts forever dwell" ("Dark Mother Divine" by Dissection). Are you a fan of sci-fi? Neutral. What’s your favorite musical? Musicals make me cringe. Have you ever taken an underwater picture? No. What was your favorite color when you was little? Has it changed? Red, and then pink when I learned it was its own color. It's still pink. Are you a fan of cheesecake? Omfg no Ever been on a ride and hated every second? I don't believe so. When was the last time you jumped? And why? biiiiih I have no idea. What color is the floor in your bedroom? Tan. Who’s the last person that slept over at your house? Sara. What color is the hair on your arms? Very light brown. Favorite color eyeshadow? Black is the only way to go. Do you have any friends that you’ve known for 10 years or more? Yeah. Who was the last person that cried in front of you? Did you do/say anything to comfort them? My niece or nephew, because we were leaving, and yes. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Did you feel embarrassed about it? Mom, probs. No. What was the last compliment you received from someone of the opposite sex? My psychiatrist said I was doing well with improvement or something. Does the person you love/like have any pets? Yes. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now? No, things need to begin changing. Do you wear socks to bed? Who the fuck does that. Do you actually love your parents? Yeah. Do you like being in a relationship? Yeah. Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun? I don't tan. Are you taller than your mum? I think she's like, a half inch taller than me? What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall? If it has a Hot Topic, some band or graphic t-shirt. Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks? Regular, as the artificial sweetener in diet inevitably gives me a headache. Tastes awful, anyway. How long do you need to get to know someone, before you’d think about having a relationship with them? I think this depends on how quickly and deeply you click. Would you ever consider going to meet up with someone you started talking to online? Already have, would meet more. Have you ever wanted to be on American Idol? When was this? No. Do you have any friends you’d trust completely with your life? Sara. Are you failing any classes you’re taking in school? N/A Name one song lyric from your favorite song of all time? "In school, I would just bite my tongue, and now your words, they strike me down. The flags are false and they contradict, they point and click which wounds to lick." Do you know anyone who owns a pet chinchilla? Are they fun? No. Do your parents trust you alone with members of the opposite sex? Yeah. What is the most visited website you have listed right now? I'm sure it's YouTube. Do you enjoy singing? Why or why don't you like it? Sometimes, but I suck at it. Have you ever been in a talent show? What was your talent? No. Do you have a best friend who is of the opposite sex? No. What’s one song you’re definitely getting sick of at the moment? I don't listen to such songs once they get old. Do you know the full anatomy of the human body? Why or why not? No, because I've never specialized in studying it in its entirety. Have you ever cheated on a significant other before? No. Does your boyfriend or girlfriend have a pretty smile? ACTUAL SUNSHINE What is your favorite past-time or hobby? Why is this your favorite? Gaming, 'cuz it's the best escape from reality imo. Are you committing a sin at the moment? Which one? Sloth. Always. What do you consider being the worst curse word? I don't believe in "curse" words. Do you like kissing lightly better than just making out? I mean I'm pretty sure anyone would reply with "it depends on the mood." On average, how many songs do you listen to in a day? No clue. Sometimes many, sometimes none. Do you ever buy your pet(s) birthday or Christmas presents? Yes. Do you still own any VHS tapes? Do you ever watch them? Mom probably has old home videos. Otherwise, no. One thing you promised yourself you’d never do and then did? Not trying at all to be dramatic, but I seriously did promise myself I'd never risk loving someone again after Jason. Have you ever had to call 911? No. Have you ever rolled off your bed in your sleep? No. Do you get along with your significant other’s friends? I only know Tiffany, and she's great. Do you enjoy board games? No. What is the most expensive gift you have ever given someone? A promise ring. Describe your socks. I'm not wearing socks. I hate them. Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes. Do you feel bad when you kill bugs? Usually no... sadly. I should. If it was like a butterfly and insects of that sort, I'd feel awful. What is your favorite planet? Saturrrrrn. Do you have any pets that you had since you were born? No. Do you own anything that you had when you were a baby? Yes. Are you one of those people who are always cold? No, I'm like, permanently hot... Do you enjoy Mario games? Not especially. Things like Mario Kart though are fun to play with friends. Describe your signature: Legible but written waaay too slowly. What are some of your favorite card/board games? Battleship, Scattergories, Clue, Magic: The Gathering, uhhh... Do you own a gaming console? Which one? PS2, Wii, broken PS3 that I wanna get repaired, GameBoy, Nintendo DS Lite. What is the name of the last bar you went to? Never been to one. Do you follow any sports teams? No. How old were you when you attended your first concert and what was it? Ummm 17-ish? Alice Cooper. Which one of these words describe you the best: stubborn, impatient, hot-tempered, lazy, arrogant? Lazy. How about these: compassionate, forgiving, altruistic, honest, open-minded? Compassionate. If you had to choose one activity to do for 10 minutes, would you rather jump rope, hula hoop or hopscotch? My knees are baaaad, so all I really could survive is hula-hoop. What's the last TV show you watched, and do you relate to any of the characters? Ash had Naked and Afraid on at her house, but I related to neither contestant very much. If you had to compare yourself to one character from Friends, who would you say you're most like? Never really watched it. What is one movie you saw only once because you hated it so much? None solely for the reason of not liking it. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? THAT WOULD BE MY MOTHER UM LEMME THINK NO. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? None. Nightmares ruined my dad to a degree I don't think I can completely recover from, even with how close we are. Out of absolutely nowhere, I had another one that resulted in me jerking awake and literally giving out a short scream. I feel in my heart I should fully trust my dad and that his image is wrongly affected by my own fears, but I'm not very sure how to change that. Ever used a bow and arrow? Not a real one. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Fuckin FIGHT me "Picture To Burn" SLAPS. Give me a song that is underestimated/not well known: "Possession" by Otep. Otep songs in general. Does everyone in your family have a job? I'm the only one who doesn't. Name a reason you would most likely go to jail for: Probably killing someone when defending a loved one from being physically attacked, and there won't be enough evidence to show that I did it as defense or that going that far was justifiable. I have actually worried about this lmao. What kind of car did your parents have while you were growing up? A blue and then tan van, and Dad had a series of old, tan cars named Frida the Cheetah I-III. :') Do you tie your socks together or roll them up? Roll them up. What was your last bad date? I don't think I've had a bad one... Do you ever wish your birthday was on a different day? Yup, 'cuz it's occasionally Superbowl Sunday. What holiday would you want to have your birthday on? BITCH HALLOWEEN. Have you ever gone snorkeling or scuba diving? No. If yes, what’s the coolest thing you’ve seen? N/A What’s your favorite filling in chocolates? Fudge. When’s the last time you had a s'more? Some time after Sara's visit in June when we had some stuff left over. Does your best friend have any phobias? ... How am I blanking. I know some of her fears, but they're rational. Do you prefer the taste of lemon or limes? Lemons. What would you name your firstborn son? Probably Damien, or Severin. Do you cook anything you don’t like eating? I don't cook. What’s the last picture you colored? One I drew. What is the cheesiest way a guy could propose marriage? M'kay, it's always a man who proposes, I'll take note. But regardless, idk. What’s the first instrument you ever played? A recorder. Do you have an attic? A small one. Have you ever lived in the country before? My whole life. Do you drink coffee every day? No, I hate coffee. Have you ever stayed in a suite? No. Do you take good pictures? Sometimes, though I suck at manual mode because it's hard for me to tell when things are *perfectly* in focus. Have you ever been in a tornado or hurricane? Hurricanes. Do you have any bookmarks in your internet browser? If so, how many? Four. Do you know anyone in the military right now? I believe so. What’s your favorite show on Comedy Central? Don't watch it. How old is the oldest person you know? Uhhhh... late 80s? Early 90s? Do you usually go to sleep before or after the people you’re living with? Varies. Which band has the best name, in your opinion? Cradle of Filth is badass. Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with? Have, none, had, Jason. Do you like where your house is located? No. What’s the best hotel you’ve been to? One right by the beach. Are you into designer clothes? Nope, forget those prices. The only I plan on buying something from sometime is Cloak out of relentless support for The Man and The Apprentice. Have you ever done any internship? No. What’s your favorite store? (other than Hot Topic) Do not attack me like this. But anyway, Rebel's Market. What do you think about tattoos on women? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fuck you. Have the cops ever gotten onto you for anything before? No. Do you have a Myspace? And if so what is your screen name? It probably still exists, and idk. Do you have a YouTube? Yeah. Facebook? Yeah. Gaia? Idk what that is. Bzoink? No. What email thingy do you use? (yahoo, gamil, rock) Hotmail and Gmail. Do you own a cellphone? If so what kind is it? A Shitty Samsung™ Do you have a digital camera? What kind is it? A Nikon D3200, but I'm hopefully getting a new Nikon or Canon soon. This camera's just about toast. What is your most common typo? Ummm. Idk. I don't make many now as I have to type slowly on this annihilated keyboard. What happens now is just not pushing down hard enough, so I wouldn't really call them "typos.' What kind of computer do you have? My actual one is a Sager, but the one I currently have to use is an Acer. Do you have an iPod/MP3 player? Yes. Literally had it since the beginning of middle school. What is your favorite video game of all time? Silent Hill 2 for story, Shadow of the Colossus for gameplay. For overall, they're pretty much tied. Have you ever played Call of Duty? No. Do you play games on the computer? When I get the Sager fixed... How many doors are in your house? Windows? Doors leading outside, I'm guessing? Two. Windows... at least eight. Nine? Most are small, though. Do you have any posters on your walls? Of what? Metallica, a unicorn at therapy being told "you need to believe in yourself," Homecoming-styled Pyramid Head, Marilyn Manson, Illidan from WoW, Silent Hill 3, Jack Skellington, a music one, and meerkats. What kind of bed do you have? (fouton, twin, bunk) Queen. Is your bed comfortable? Eh. Where is your computer located? I only have a laptop. Other than a closet, do you use a dresser/wardrobe to keep your clothes in? I have a dresser. How many mirrors do you have in your house? (other than hand-held) Uhhh two? Do you have a garage? No. Should you be doing anything right now? What? No. Do doctors or dentists make you more nervous? Doctors. Did you ever think you were about to die before? Ha, in the fourth grade when I was writing my DARE paper and I accidentally stabbed my freshly-sharpened pencil into my left palm... I thought it was lead so I ran SOBBING to my mom about how I was going to die lmao. Then after I ODed, I acknowledged there was a possibility, but I didn't care to think about whether I lived or died to like... think either one. Have you ever really had a near-death experience? Was it cool? "Was it cool." Fuck off. There's no such thing as a "cool" way of almost dying. Anyway, I got in a car accident when I was young, but Mom's driving saved our ass. I don't know if you'd classify the OD as near-death... I apparently didn't take enough to where a certain ingredient became heavily toxic or something, plus I was fucking drowned in fluids to counteract the amount I did have in super quickly (or something like that), so I didn't really experience an "I'm dying right now" fear like I did when I saw the wreck coming. How often do you brush your teeth? Once a day. How often do you shower? (Come on, tell the truth) Every other day, or if I'm being lazy, I go an extra day and regret my decision. What body type do you have? Um not skinny help. What kind of nose do you have? It's kinda little. Are your eyebrows thick? Normal. What color eyes do you wish you had? A more sapphire blue. Do you have fat lips? I'd say they're normal. Do you have a long neck? No. What are your views on abortion? Ultimately, when all things are considered, pro-choice, but I believe in avoiding abortion as well as you can. Like, just getting one solely because you were being sexually careless is a no from me, but like, if pregnancy and/or bearing a child would be an incredibly difficult feat for you emotionally and/or physically, you have the right to put yourself first. Gay marriage? All for it. What different types of churches have you visited? Catholic and Christian. Who would you want to be the flower girl at your wedding? Aubree, buuut I doubt her dad would allow it considering there's a high chance I'm marrying a woman, and he's homophobic as all hell. Do you want to be married within the next ten years? Ideally. What group are you most active in on Facebook? I'm only in one, a WoW group. I rarely comment on anything tho. Are you ashamed of anything? Yes. What were your favorite Disney rides as a kid? I don't really remember them. What were your favorite rides at Cedar Point? Never been. Have you ever owned a succulent? No. Favorite type of tea to drink in the fall? I hate tea. If a brand were to sponsor you, which brand(s) would you prefer? *shrugs* Have you read the entire Bible? No. Do you make bucket lists for each season? No. What is the next hobby you want to start? I'unno... I guess I'd like to get back to reading. Do you dye your hair regularly? No, it's not something I can afford, especially because I want complex color combos. What makes you depressed? Thinking too much about my current life issues, above anything else. My brain confuses depression and boredom a lot, and I'm bored plenty. Loved ones being hurt or upset, and sometimes thinking about the future. Do you think you could ever be famous? Nooooo, I absolutely do not want that. Do you think you have what it takes to make it big in the entertainment biz? Definitely not. What industry is it that you want to go into? Art. Do you have a job now? If so, what is it? No. What are some jobs you’ve had in the past? Sales clerk/associate. What are some jobs you want to or would like to have? List five. Photographer, zoologist, archaeologist, meerkat biologist, artist. What are some jobs you have considered? Archaeologist, vet, movie director, game designer, movie editor, and now zoologist and photography. What are some health problems you have had in the past? That I don't still have? Lots of ear infections, high cholesterol, insomnia, and talk about embarrassing, but last year I had this random span of premature nighttime incontinence... that fucking sucked. What are some of the best medications you’ve ever had? The Latuda + Lamictal combo is one of the biggest reasons I'm still alive. What is your favorite vitamin? I don't have one. Have you ever made money off of YouTube? No. What was a video you watched over and over as a kid? OH MY GOD so Nicole and I watched "Before He Cheats" covers (why idk????) and she found this one of a girl lip-syncing along to a super sped-up version and we found it stupid funny. Have you ever experienced depression as a side effect? Yes; I have both bipolarity and depression, but taking anti-depressants while also bipolar ramps your bipolar symptoms the fuck up, so of course my times of depression were soooo much worse than they were supposed to be. Have you ever been suicidal as a withdrawal symptom? No. How old were you when you started wearing glasses (if applicable)? Some time in middle school, I think? Have you ever been told you have an accent? As a kid I really did; when seeing my NY relatives, they would always point it out lmao. Now I think I only super faintly do and it's only slightly noticeable with some words. Actually at the reptile con in Illinois, after a bit of talking, a girl I met asked if I was from the U.K. because apparently she detected a faint trace of B r i t i s h? Describe the last situation in which you had to give up on an individual? I've gone back and forth with Colleen so many times that I feel anyone who reads these knows the story. What are some things that cause you to abandon association with someone? Shoving opinions in my face, arrogance, disinterest in our relationship, closed-minded, just to name a few. When was the last time you made a new friend? Ha. What is the most unusual thing within your general vicinity? Ummmm I'm not sure. Maybe my python, as she's a morph? What are some things you enjoy that not many others do? Writing, reptiles and amphibians, conspiracies, looots of snow, foreign music, watching others play games, uhhhh. Are you one who considers preserving your past important? In some ways, sure, but not a lot. Focus on the present and aim to create a future better than your past. When was the last time you had some sort of a meltdown? I'm not sure. Some time last month, I think. When was the last time you were super busy? Psh. I'm never busy. Not always a good thing. What is a quality someone might not assume you have? Serious impatience. I don't think I hint towards that weakness until like, you see me in a doctor's office. What was the last thing you did that was healthy? Got a good night's sleep. What was the last thing you did that could harm your health? Drank soda oops. Do you know anyone who self-injures? Not in the present, I believe. Have you ever had to reside with an individual who had a mental disorder? Mom has depression.
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thelibraryatgatsbys · 3 years
Here we have a story that I started recently.
I'm probably not going to finish it. It's called Sonic Boom, and I don't know why I started it, it never really made me happy to write.
(also, since it's unedited, it has "elephants" in it to mark where I wanted to change something/wanted to summarize something and come back to go into detail later)
Elephant: make it so the aliens wanted to kind of keep their visit on the down low, so they could just come, have fun, and not arouse a government after them.
Soleil checked her compass again, making sure she was still headed due east. The valley outside of town was overgrown, filled with tumbled over, half rotted logs from the old building projects long since abandoned. It held a charm in the daylight, but it was just spooky at night, in the mist.
She had been to this place often, but in foggy conditions a compass never hurt anyone. She clambered up onto one of the logs, plotting her path up the steep incline, before beginning. Sometimes she had to jump from log to log, sometimes scramble up wet dirt and leaves, and sometimes edge along creaking branches until the top of the hill came into view.
It could almost be counted as a cliff, but not quite.
Sitting in the pine needles at the edge, she looked into the valley below her, where the usual Saturday crowd gathered around the big tree.
Every kid, 10 through 20 knew about this place. It was miraculous this place was safe for ten year olds, most teen hangouts weren't, but there was something about this place that kept people kind. People looked out for each other in here.
She trotted down the hill towards the huge oak tree with a campfire a few feet from the base, repositioning her backpack. The clearing was fenced with thick blackberry and pieces of discarded wood and plastic from town. A few picnic tables and benches littered the clearing, with two fire pits. The oak tree held half a dozen treehouses, two of which had roofs and could act like houses in a pinch.
She waved to one of the kids at the fire, who saved back.
"Hey, Sully!" The kid said.
"What's up Vinny?"
"Not much is up with me, but Ed needs to see you. He told me to tell you when I saw you."
She frowned. When Ed wanted you, there was normally something wrong.
"Well, I'll see you round, then, Vinny. Take care."
Vinny saluted, grinning.
Into the many tree houses, she climbed towards the one at the top, the most elaborate one, the common haunt of her good friend Edward, the scientist.
He kept track of it all. If there was something you needed to know, from cryptozoology to history to aesthetics to Mario Kart strategies, he knew it. And he had a good bit of it recorded in his diaries. What a weirdo. She loved him.
Inside, she found him staring intently out his telescope.
"What's up, Eddie?"
He looked up, nervous.
"Well, come see for yourself."
She shrugged, stealing around piles of books.
Looking in the telescope, she didn't immediately see something wrong but then it caught her eye. A bright green spot in the center of Orion's belt.
"What does it mean?" She asked?
"Well, it doesn't mean iminent doom, don't worry, but... I can't say I know exactly what it is."
"So like...."
"It's not an asteroid or something that's going to strike the earth. It's getting closer to us, but it's slowing down at a rate that if it hit Earth at all, it wouldn't hurt us."
"Well that's good. Do you have any theories?"
"Well, yeah, but it's kinda dumb."
She crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.
"No it isn't. You figured this out before any of the nasa people did, your idea about what it is isn't dumb."
Ed rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well, it kinda seems like.. A ship."
"Like, aliens?"
"Yeah. I think that thing is aliens."
"That is so, so cool. You think they're coming here?"
"Well they're on a direct tragectory course for earth. Probably."
(ELEPHANT: this story is gonna be tough cuz it's the 'independant kids doing their own thing but with their parents' support 2000s era w/ whole computer labs and stuff outta bedrooms. Y'know, the stuff you never did cuz you were busy being feral in the woods. It'll take some effort to make this feel natural)
"Alright, so we might meet aliens in a while. How long till they get here?"
"This is the first night I've observed them, so I'll have to take some more calculations. But, given the rate of size increase based on tonight's observations alone, I'd say... Maybe a week."
Soleil smiled, pushing the hair out of her face.
"A week. Gonna maybe meet aliens in a week. That is so cool, Ed. You're so cool."
"Uhh, well, th-thank you! You're cool too!"
Two days later, Soleil got a call from Ed smack dab in the middle of telephone hour. She was on the phone with Darby, who was
discussing the dance from last week, the nerd con coming up, some new kittens, etc. She was expecting a call from Rin in a couple minutes, and was working on a mutual coding project over a chat
room on some server on her computer when the line in the dining room rang. Nobody ever called the dining room phone unless it was important, and nobody ever answered the dining room phone buy
her. Darby was wrapping up anyway, so she said a giggly goodbye and hung up, heading curiously to the dining room.
On the other end, Ed's voice was excited.
"We were right! We were right, it's allens!"
"Yo, that's amazing! How can you tell?"
"W-well, they talked to me."
She stared at the roof, dumbfounded.
"Well," He continued, "not to me specifically, but to the people of earth. And since I'm the only one listening, I heard jt! They said they came in peace."
"Pfft well I should hope so. Do they have a mission or something?"
"That's why I'm calling you. They wanna know stuff about earth.
They're landing to observe earth for a while. We're video calling tonight, and I wanted you to be there. Come to my house at 7:45, there'll be a few other kids there, but not many. Some trusted fellow
scientists. Will you come?"
"Oh yeahl I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll wear some nice clothes."
"Thanks Sully, I can't wait to see you there."
The call ended, and she did a little happy dance. Aliens. Real aliens.
And a nerd party. She didn't know which one was better.
That evening, she walked through the suburb towards the DeLorean house in a light blue skirt with puffy sleeves and jeans with flowers emproidered on them.
A few of the nerds were standing out in the yard, with capri suns, discussing nerd things.
Ed opened the door when she knocked, ushering her in with a smile.
"Thanks again for coming, Sully, this is going to be great."
"You know it."
They hung out for about half an hour until 7:40 rolled around, when they and the assembly of kid scientists moved to Ed's room.
He turned on the TV, messing with the large computer and keyboard beside it, until the screen buzzed to life.
They waited in an eager silence for the clock to strike 7:45.
Suddenly, the fuzz on the screen cleared, showing the insides of a ship.
The aliens were adorable. They looked mammalian, and their body looked like a cross between a meercat and a swan, with a smart head sitting atop am elegantly curved neck. Their bodies long but compact, with two pairs of both arms and legs, with tufts of dull orange fur over the elbows, knees, knuckle, chest, ears, and a tuft on the tail. They had no nose other than two slits, and their eyes were big, red, trusting and inquisitive. (ELEPHANT: LOOK OVER THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ALIEI wasNS BETTER, MAYBE REWORK IT)
"Greetings, human, we meet face to face at last." The one facing them directly said, his voice like helium. He sounded as though he were very excited, but was trying to hide it to be professional.
"Greetings, my friend. My name is Edward DeLorian, and these are my friends/colleagues."
"I am Hilarion, and these are my classmates. We have been sent from our home planet for our first unchaperoned school trip, and we request permission to visit Earth."
"Are you sure Earth is the safest place to visit?"
"Indeed. Extensive tests on our world's show that there is nothing there capable of harming us."
Soleil muttered, "wow," under her breath, before Edward continued."
"I don't know if I can give you permission, I'm not in charge."
"Well it's your planet, right? According to our laws, any lawful citizen of the planet that has not committed major criminal activity and harbors no ill will against the chancellor may give an alien permission to land. Is that the way it is there?"
The humans muttered to each other, trying to decide how to answer. Finally, Soleil spoke.
"Since it's rare we get alien visitors, we don't have a real rule about how they should land. But the way you have described things leads me to believe it would be perfectly fine for you to land here. Is there an adult that you can contact and vouch for you if something does go wrong?"
"Indeed, we can contact any of our parents at any time."
"Excellent. I'll allow mr. Edward to continue discussing from here."
Ed mouthed "thank you" to Sully before continuing.
"A-ah yes, you'll need a place to land, right?"
"Yes. We'd like to meet you, so we request permission to land near your current location."
"Granted. There is a large abandoned field that should be big enough."
"Hmm, ok, we're locked onto your location now and... Alright, yes, I see the field you mean. That will work splendidly. At our current rate of acceleration, we will arrive in five earth days roughly."
"Ok, that sounds just fine. Is there anything we can assist you with?"
"At this moment, no. I must thank you, Edward and company, for being so helpful with this. We look forward to meeting you soon."
The scientists smiled and nodded, remaining professional until the call ended, when they all screamed in excitement.
A similar thing happened aboard the spaceship. As soon as the call ended, the fluffy creatures lept from their seats, buzzing around the room, making excited, happy chittering noises.
Hilarion and his littermate, Gi, danced around each other.
They were going to meet real live humans in five days.
"How was your day, sweetie?" Soleil's mom asked as she set a plate of mashed potatoes on the table.
Sully scooped up an eye raising amount of mashed potatoes, with a bit of chicken and steamed vegetables to go with it.
"It was good. Like I said yesterday, we talked to Aliens, and they're coming earth to learn stuff. As long as it's ok, the scientists and I are going to camp out behind the baseball park for the next four to five days so we can make sure we welcome them to earth. Is it ok if I do that?"
"Of course, kiddo, you pack a mean punch, I bet you'll be fine."
Her mother whirled, giving her father "the look."
Dad looked up from his book.
"What I mean she does."
" What your father means is yes, you may. As long as you are with other people that we've met and there's a phone somewhere around, you can stay out in the field."
"Aww, thanks mama! Hey, would you two like to come with us?"
Her mother looked at her, considering.
"Out in... The brush. For several days. To see... Aliens."
"Well, maybe you could just tag along with me the night they show up. That way you don't have to spend so much time outdoors."
Her mother nodded, looking at her father, who smiled and nodded as well.
"We'll be there, kiddo." Her dad said.
The next day, Soleil stood, hands in pockets, in front of a brownstone house in the city. She was in need of the services of the occupant's son. This was the Rodger household, where the ever mysterious Rabbit lived. Rabbit, who's read name was probably Chad but never told anyone, was a 17 year old working from home, in the possession of a truck, which Soleil hoped to aquire the services of.
It was always hot in the city, so she took her hands out of her pockets. She wore a neon yellow tank top with an elephant on it, and some cargo shorts, and was still too hot. She put up with a flannel around her waist, since it would be cold that evening. The summer light filtered in from between the buildings and trees, in a beautiful way that only summer could manage.
Inside, she heard someone stomping down the stairs, and the door opened.
And again, there was about no way his real name wasn't Chad. Baggy pants, orange t-shirt over a white long sleeved shirt, perfect, bleached blond hair, and the most amazing sunglasses ever. Something straight out of star trek.
"W'sah little dude?"
"Quite a bit, actually, but it's somewhat confidential. Are you still offering taxi services?"
"How much would it be to privately taxi say, a dozen ner- erh, scientists to and from the suburb for four days?"
"'bout a hundred bucks, I guess. Them lil scientists planning a mad scientist con someplace?"
"That'd be fun. We should do that someday, but for now, until you're on board with the project, I can't spill a word."
Rabbit considered.
"Done. For a big project, I take 25% up front."
She fished the money out of her flannel pocket, handing it over.
"Meet me in an hour at the DeLorean household. That's 1503 Duck Street."
"Sure thing, lil dude. The truck's got seating for 8, if we're trynna keep the law."
"Oh, certainly. "
On schedule, Rabbit turned up on the front steps an hour later, as the gaggle of 10-14 year olds with camping gear prepared to pile into the truck bed, which was converted into a miniature seating area that could hold 6 people with plenty of footspace. They decided to go six at a time, saving cab space for more camping gear.
Two trips, a long winded explanation of the project, and dozens of bad jokes later, Ed and one other scientist, a black haired girl named Daisy, were trying to make a fire at the chosen campground. The mobile lab was set up nicely behind them, and Soleil pulled a cooler out of the back of the truck, putting it beside the fire pit.
They were tucked in between a big oak tree and the tall net that kept stray baseballs in the ballpark next door, with town just barely visible. The grass in most of the field was tall and unkempt, but under the trees it was almost nonexistent.
Soleil watched them struggle with the fire for a couple of minutes, before offering assistance.
Rabbit walked over to the now burning fire, hands in pockets.
"So, dudes, you need any like... Adult supervision up in here? Cuz... I'm not busy, and this sounds super fun, so like. I. Could stay here if you want."
Soleil looked up, sly.
"How much?"
"Well I guess this time it can be free, I mean... Major scientist bivouacs can be exempt."
She glanced at Ed, who was smiling.
"Of course you can stay."
And so the group settled in for the night. Rabbit produced an electric guitar, realizing too late to save face that he couldn't use it without, well... *Electricity*.
(ELEPHANT: they agree on location and time, and then the humans recruit an older kid with a truck to drive them around and get stuff set up. Sully invites her parents, and they agree to come. Edward invites his parents, and they say they wish they could come, but there is s shallow spot in the fabric of reality and they need to be on guard against it. A scene where him and his dad have a small heart to heart about how his parents love him and respect his work, but need to work on other stuff. Good messages, y'know.
The night before the aliens arrive, the scientists, Sully, a few other kids, Sully's parents, and the truck boys, are in the field, and have a sleepover. The aliens *should* appear tomorrow night, but there's no perfect guarantee, so someone is guarding their little camp 24/7 for the next couple days.
But the aliens arrive right on schedule, at night on Saturday.
Last line is "what should we do first?")
0 notes
promisedangel · 6 years
Dollywood Review
Welp, now I know one of my friends knows of my Tumblr, so I kinda have to put this up.
Tuesday: -Travel day. Drove from home to Tennesse in about ten hours with the stops. Made more than we should have, but that’s mostly because one gas station was being a pain with my card, so I cash prepaid a bit and then got out of there cuz I was pissed at the damn machine. -Was snowing when we left our home in Ohio. Once we got near Cincinnati, no more snow! NO MORE SNOW! -Lovely scenery on the way to Pigeon Forge. -Once again, my mind saves me from boredom. I wanted to put Critical Role on in the car, but with three other people, it would be a captive audience. y mind instead went to dumb and fantasy scenarios to pass the time as I shuffled the music on my phone. -HOLY SHIT Pigeon Forge is such a tourist trap! There’s so much stuff to do there! We only went for Dollywood, but we are considering going back to do more touristy things. -The hotel we stayed at, the Music Road Hotel, was GORGEOUS! We loved it. Beds were a bit weird for me; I kept tossing and turning one night, and I think it was the firmness of the bed. Dunno. -After we got settled, we heard about this alpine coaster, which is a track that uses the mountainside to have a coaster-like experience. The one we heard of first, Pigeon Forge Alpine Coaster, was unfortunately closed for seasonal repairs. BUT, it was set to reopen Friday, the day we leave. We decided to do it then. -Went down the road some more and found ANOTHER alpine coaster not too far from the first one. It was called the “Goat Coaster” at Goats on the Roof of the Smokey Mountains. Loved it, great start. -Went to a place called Calhoun’s for dinner. Pretty good place. Had my only glass of booze for the whole trip there. I liked my chicken sandwich, but I wish they put honey mustard on it. -Went back to the hotel and found out one of my friends brought his Nintendo Switch! We played Mario Kart until it was time for bed. We had Dollywood in the morning!~
Wednesday: -The first day of Dollywood! -Decent breakfast at the hotel. Too used to bacon, cuz they had none and I was sad. They had some good tea, though! -Got to everything we wanted to, so this’ll be the long one. -CUBBIES! Oh my gods. Every single ride had cubbies for stuff! Love it! -Played Pokemon Go a lot of the time at Dollywood in between rides. Got a lot of pokemon and powered up a couple I already had. Got my first Moltres there <3 -First up was Lightning Rod. Pretty fun ride. Has a lot of airtime that kinda jerks you a bit. Could do with a little more padding but it doesn’t really hurt ya. -Had some fun doing some flat rides. The Carousel, bumper cars, swings, sky rider, Dizzy Disk. Pretty fun. -Went and got some of the supposedly famous cinnamon bread. It was good, but not overly so. But that’s also not the thing I’m overly into. -Brainstormer was fun, always good to have a giant swing ride. -Saw the park had its own Bald Eagle preserve and displayed some other birds like owls, hawks, and a raven! You never know how big ravens actually are until you see one! They’re twice as big as you think they are. Beautiful birds. -Blazing Fury was kinda boring dark ride. It was interesting to have a fire figther theme, but they didn’t really do much with it. -The Tenesse Tornado was really fun! Even though it was mostly just a few loops. Short, but sweet. But the walk to the loading station was so darn long! Kinda common for these rides. -Wild Eagle! Probably one of my favorite rides in the park! Nice wing coaster with awesome airtime and the turns take you by surprise in the back! -Firechaser Express was a fun little family ride. The surprise backward part was fun! -Drop Line was a fun little drop tower that spun you on the way up! Still think the one in King’s Island was better. -Had some trouble with Thunderhead at first. It’s an older wooden coaster so younger coaster enthusiasts will think it’s bumpy. Take my advice that I learned on the second day; sit in the back, it’s tamer back there and you get sweet airtime on the turns. -We hit the water rides next cuz it was in the seventies and we didn’t want to do  them the second day cuz it dropped to the fifties. We hit River Rampage first. We didn’t get as soaked as we were expecting, but most of our pants were soaked while our tops were mildly so. The ride also teased times we could have gotten soaked. -Daredevil Falls also didn’t get us too soaked. Two of us stood on the bridge to purposefully get soaked. Also, one of the operators noticed two of us wearing brony t-shirts and commented positively in a way we didn’t get at first but we laughed at regardless. -Rockin’ Roadway was one of those nice little automated car rides. Just nice. -Relaxed on the Dollywood Express. Got a little history of the area and park with a couple laughs. It was a real steam engine, too, so there was a bit of soot and some of us had to cover their mouths. Still found some soot on our clothes after we returned to the hotel. -The Mystery Mine was closed until near the end of the day cuz of mechanical issues. So we hit it last. This ride had the best theming in the park and was fun overall. Pretty lite in intensity until the end, but it can bump your head around a bit if you’re not careful. -After the park closed, we changed out of any wet clothes at the hotel and went out to dinner. The same guy who brought the Switch found this restaurant called the Old Mill and it was AWESOME. Good southern three-course meal for about $20 per person. Had some authentic southern sweet tea with it. Started with corn fritters, salad, and corn chowder. Didn’t care for the chowder but the fritters were so good! Next was our main dishes. I got the country fried ham and OH MY GODS IT WAS LIKE I WAS EATING A GIANT PIECE OF BACON IT WAS SO GOOD! We also got dessert. I got a good chocolate cake while two of our group had a blackberry cobbler that they said they would sell someone’s soul for. Seriously. If you ever go to Pidgeon Forge for any reason, eat here! -Relaxed in the room with more Switch before bed.
Thursday: -This was our relax day. We took things slower and rerode anything we wanted to and ignored what we didn’t. Wild Eagle eventually got closed for the day, but not before we rode it a couple times. -We took our time and did some shopping. Bought a necklace for my moirail and two plushies, a sheep and a fox. THE SHEEP IS SO ADORABLE and the fox is prety cute too. -Since we did Pokemon Go things, three of us did a raid which we won! But I was the only one who didn’t get the pokemon from it! I was so pissed. -We ate at the buffet in the park for an early dinner. Funny story about it. The guys wanted to reride the flat rides, but the girls of the group didn’t. We decided to split off and do our own thing and meet at the buffet. So, the guys went on the teacups and one of them spun the cup as fast as he could. We found that he got the other one kinda sick cuz of it. Our waitress at the buffet, Charla, was so concerned about him, asking if there was something she could do to help. He just walked outside the buffet a couple of times and got better. We eventually chatted with her throughout the meal. Lovely woman. -On the note of customer service, we loved the rumored ‘southern hospitality’! Everyone was so nice and things were served quickly! I swear, if someone was rude to the Dollywood staff, ESPECIALLY CHARLA, I swear I will physically manifest into the park and punch them in the face! They were nothing but nice, giving us directions when we mildly expressed some confusion among other things. -The buffet was good. Mac and cheese was a bit bland, but the mashed potatoes and the turkey were so good!! I regret not eating half of my second slice of turkey, but I wanted to save room for dessert. Then after I ate dessert, I had room, and I know I could have finished off the turkey T.T -Finished off with more rides on Lightning Rod before running to the bakery and sweet shops at the front of the park for some chocolate truffles, cookies, and cupcakes at the hotel. We were gonna get some monkey bread, but they were out of over an hour before we got to the shop. I got some truffles and a giant cookie. They were good. -We relaxed back at the hotel and began to pack up a bit to help ourselves in the morning.
Friday: -We had a nice surprise when we went down for breakfast at the hotel. This guy was down there with a cockatoo and another small bird i forget the name of! We was advertising this interactive bird zoo thing and we got to play with the birds! This guy next to us was playing with one of the birds when we had the other one. It was clear he was a bird guy. He flipped the small one onto his back and gave him belly scratches. He snuggled the cockatoo and gave her neck scratches. They were in heaven. The cockatoo liked to nibble lightly at our sweatshirts and was pretty chill. The other guy liked to explore and zip to our shoulders. He even gave one of us kisses! I was so jealous. -We went to the alpine coaster that was closed. It was a lot of fun. Better than the one at Goats on the Roof, but both of them were still fun. -We said our goodbyes to Pidgeon Forge and headed home. Got stuck in some Cinncinatti traffic, but we were fine other than that. Arrived later than I would have liked, but we also kinda stopped a lot so that’s on us.
Overall, good trip!
3 notes · View notes
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Just Another Late Night At The Game Center
And just another massive dose of game culture, as originally shared on the Attract Mode Twitter account, (most of) everything that was shared in the latter half of February. The first half was covered here.
Before I forget: the above is courtesy of erickimphotography.com.
Again, given how short Feb is supposed to be, I figured this post would be too... and it's not. So am wonder if going weekly might best going forward?
Anyhow, where did I leave off last time? Oh yeah; Valentine's Day. And here’s Amy Rose, from the day after, reminding us all that, as great as love can be, it also hurts (via sonicthehedgeblog)...
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Check out this devastating big boot from Mario, one that would make the WWE's Undertaker or Kane proud (via suppermariobroth)...
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You're no doubt familiar with Julie Bell's work, but are you aware of the close resemblance between her art & the artist herself? (via slbtumblng)...
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Some nice, pixelated sukajans we have here (via kauzara)...
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Look at these hipsters...
Look at these hipsters standing around, on a Brooklyn rooftop...
Look at these hipsters standing around, on a Brooklyn rooftop in leggings based upon the interactive menu for the Super Famicom's satellite modem peripheral. (via minusworld.co.uk)...
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Am legit thinking of getting this shirt covered with quotes from people trying to figure out which Metal Gear character is gay (via kotaku.com)...
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Am rather fond of Data Weave, which has more than a passing resemblance to the Eliss scarf that helped put the Attract Mode shop on the map (via prostheticknowledge)...
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When you go to bed, don't forget to never use your Dreamcast as a pillow (nor should you ever place it on a bucket filled with leafy greens either, but you probably already knew that one; via posthumanwanderings)...
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Not sure which SNK 40th Anniversary shirt I like more (via miki800.com)...
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It's just Hidetaka Suehiro, playing... I think The Last Blade? Criminally underrated Neo Geo game btw (via nintendu)...
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And the late, great Robin Williams playing Ground Zero Texas for the Sega CD (via celebgames)...
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Plus the President of Turkey, circa 1990, playing Galaxy Force II for whatever reason (via historium)..
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Pro-tip to any & all custom arcade cabinet sellers: if you're going to photograph someone playing a game on your thing, have said person actually play the thing (in this case, Robotron utilizes dual sticks and no buttons; via arcadephile)...
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Today's recommended reading is a follow-up to another older post, one that's all about Willie Williams, who not only inspired Virtua Fighter's Jeffry McWild but also Tekken's Paul Phoenix (via lordmo)...
After seeing this gif of a young woman punching a dinosaur (or possibly a dragon) in the crotch, I may have to give Capcom Fighting Jam a second look (via kazucrash)...
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Sticking with the subject of crotches for just one bit, everyone out there's familiar with PuLiRuLa, right? (via kazucrash)
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Just a friendly reminder of how wacky commercials for the PlayStation 2 were back in the day (via kurhl)...
Back to the subject of dinosaurs... yet still sticking with fun under the sun (via sidestorygaiden)...
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If I'm gonna share fan art of unofficial PlayStation 1 era mascots, then I have to pass along this rendering of Abe (via it8bit)...
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Seen countless folk play music with a Game Boy or a NES... but a Dreamcast? @slowmagic is the very first, and with a Hello Kitty edition Dreamcast no less...
Does anyone know if these figures of Dorimukyasuko & friends were commercially produced or if they were just made for the Sega no Game wa Sekai Ichi~i~i~I ad that the image comes from? (via vgprintads)...
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We've gotten snowfall here in NYC over the past few weeks, once during during sunset, but alas it wasn't nearly as pretty as this (via kirokazepixel)...
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It's been ages since I've posted any Game Culture Snapshots, despite countless promises that I'd fix that. Well, until that finally happens, here just one, from IndieCade East 2018. Which was an epic bust, but hey, at least I finally got to play that Bill Viola game I first encountered at GDC 2008...
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PLEASE tell me that GBA Video carts are the new hot means of distributing bootleg Hollywood flicks (via @katribou)...
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This part from The Thing always reminded me of Asteroids on the Atari 7800 (via pixpunk)...
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I posted this on Twitter, not realizing that I had shared it on the blog once before. But since I can’t find that original post, and since it's so damn nice, plus totally worth looking at again (via humanoidhistory)...
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I also need to re-share that Tron movie poster cuz it's the first lead up to this Blade Runner-related spread from Joystik Magazine (via mendelpalace)...
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As someone who fetishizes old video game magazines, I'm legit ashamed that I didn't know about Joystik sooner (via here & here)...
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Please enjoy a healthy helping of scans from Lovely Sweet Dream, the dream journal that would become the basis of LSD for the PlayStation 1 (via here & here)...
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Sorry, but I still think the idea of a multi-billionaire sending his sports car into space just cuz he can to be kinda cringey, yet that doesn't mean I'd don't think this pixelated recreation is any less pleasant (via it8bit)...
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I've never been to Beverly Hills, so I have no idea if this portrayal according to Super Chase: Criminal Termination is accurate or not; maybe it was when the game was produced? (via obscurevideogames)...
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Meanwhile, closer to where I am (somewhat; am not all that far from Long Island) is Mario & Yoshi & the Book of Revelation (via greathaircut)...
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Are you playing Mario? Or is Mario playing you? (via suppermariobroth)...
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Game Boys. And Game Girls. Mostly Girls. (via contac)
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Before anyone asks, no, I do not have a bigger/wallpaper appropriate-sized version of this super sexy image of a couple of Wiis (via klaus-laserdisc)...
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I think I kinda need to do this to my PlayStation (via dreamcast.tokyo)...
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... Which reminds of those fancy, souped up by audiophiles PSXs I mentioned a whiles ago...
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I celebrated Cat Day in Japan by posting this fave official King of Fighters illustration (via videogamesdensetsu)....
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... along with this Monster Hunter fan art (via kerriaitken)...
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... plus this highlight of a fave WarioWare: Twisted micro game (via suppermariobroth)...
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So yeah, Flash sucks, I get that, but as the platform fades away, so does the opportunity to play games like Fear Less! (via zombie-chaser)...
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Thankfully, WORLD OF HORROR, "a love letter to the cosmic horror work of Junji Ito", is something that's much more accessible (for now at least)...
I don't know much about Dujanah, which has you assuming the role of a Muslim woman with grievances against a military force that's occupying her Islamic homeland, other than it looks extremely compelling...
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Yet another game I need to check out is CONTINUUM, which is a shmup that combines time manipulation and Tetris? (via alpha-beta-gamer)...
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It's a legit shame that Jetpack Squad has seemingly fallen off the map (via shmups)...
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Another shmup that I really, really want to play (though it's starting to feel increasingly unlikely) is AEROBAT, which looks just as gorgeous (and insane) today as it did the first time I laid eye (via shmups)...
Yet another game that was never meant to be, and the only thing we have here is some incredible looking concept art; if it ended up happening & was any good, I wonder if I'd be a PC-FX owner? (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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If a Tokyo Dark Souls was ever to happen, which artist's take do you prefer; this one (via visor-visual)...
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... or this one? (via mendelpalace)
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You know about celebrity roasts, right? Well, a comedy club in Long Island City had one for Mario, though I have no idea how it went; I had kung fu practice that night...
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Me, when the coffee kicks in (via anthony10000000)...
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I had no idea that Typing of the Space Harrier was even a thing (via posthumanwanderings)...
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It's a bit unsettling how some of Dreamcast Magazine's advice on how to survive Y2K are still useful today, in particular their words of wisdom regarding Seaman (via posthumanwanderings)...
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Megadora Man, a Tokusatsu-esque take on the Mega Drive, for Beep! Mega Drive; am assuming his foes are inspired by the Famicom and PC Engine (though am not totally sure which is which; via obscurevideogames)...
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Question: how hard would it be for someone in the US to get the first three issues of Famitsu from the Japanese Kindle Store? (via miki800.com)
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Been well over a decade since first laying eyes and I FINALLY know the identity of the artist behind a series of Mario illustrations that has long left me stupefied: his name is Ishihara Gōjin (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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I woke up the other day with a sense of purpose, with the knowledge that I finally have a mission in life: to do whatever I can to make this dancing kid from Sega Splash Golf a viral sensation (via sonicthehedgeblog)...
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Though speaking of morning, been feeling run down as of late, though it's my own damn fault for not having breakfast. Which is why I can't wait for my Persona 3 toaster has yet to arrive (via gasp-theenemy)...
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Had no idea that MAME can also emulate those crappy, Tiger handheld games; naturally there's not much to look at, since none of the background is part of the game's code (via lanceboyles)...
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Eggman has a sense of humor (via voidirium)...
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Eggman also has aesthetics (via posthumanwanderings)...
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When you mess with the textures in Wind Waker for the sole purpose of making Vaporwave Link (via pmpkn)...
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Man, I really wish each and every mech in Tech Romancer actually had its own anime (via ultrace)...
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Before Mappy was a video game, it was a physical game involving real deal robots (via namcomuseum)...
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And I swear, one of these days, we'll make available online Zac Gorman's print from Comics Vs Games 2...
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In my time I've encountered lots & lots of BMO fan art, so much that it has become increasingly difficult to take notice and be impressed, yet this one managed to do so regardless (via it8bit)...
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Let's all take a moment to appreciate the instruction manual for Cubivore, shall we (via skincoats)...
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Cubivore's Japanese box art is also very nice (via gaygamer)...
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An important message for all parents out there, concerning Minecraft (via reddit.com)...
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When you can't afford the licensing fees for Miami Vice, Ghostbusters, Barbarella, I think... and maybe Logan's Run? (via mendelpalace)...
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Given how Platoon ended up as a NES game, the idea of the Terminator on a Tiger handheld isn't totally far-fetched (via rewind01)...
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And finally, PUT THAT CONTROLLER DOWN, NOW! (via fuzzyghost)
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7 notes · View notes
crasherfly · 3 years
If ever there’s been a week to Never Tweet, it’s been this one.
Never Tweeting is an art.
It is so much harder to Never Tweet than it is to simply tweet like mad.
And folks...this week, I could feel it. I had no shortage of takes that I tweeted, immediately rolled my eyes at, and hauled back in.
I want my online presence to be about celebrating, enthusing and sharing the things I love with others.
I want to disconnect from the constant, algorithmic anger of the internet and provide a space where for just_one_minute we don’t have to try to one up each other’s takesmanship.
It’s easy to show up and interact when someone is angry. I have no shortage of followers and well-wishers who only_show_up when I’m Mad_Online*tm.
They’re nowhere to be found when I’m feelin’ good.
I don’t begrudge it. Anger will always be the more cathartic tone to hook into.
And honestly? I’m GOOD at being angry. My writing tone is sharper. More focused. I can summon all sorts of anger- sad anger- hopeless anger- righteous anger, you name it. I was born and bred in Gawker’s internet hivemind. I had anger BEATEN into me.
But after being hooked into that stuff for the better part of a decade, I want to provide a healthier alternative.
This week I struggled to do that.
But I think I’m getting better at it.
I think I’ll always struggle to project earnest positivity. That’s just who I am. I don’t smile in pictures. My voice doesn’t project warmth on a phone. My first response in most group chats is the Kermitpls emote. It can’t be helped.
But I also know my therapist was right when she pointed out that it isn’t IMPOSSIBLE- ‘cuz I’m at my warmest, my kindest, my most curious and open- when I’m sharing about the things that bring me joy.
When I talk about a video game I’ve been playing.
When I share an anime gif of a new series I’m obsessed with.
When I send a youtube link for some no name trap artist I just discovered.
In the past I’ve struggled with toeing the line between sharing and critiquing.
I don’t think I’m a critic.
Most art is just black magic to me. I couldn’t do what these people do. I’ve tried and failed. Even the worst and most cliche storywriter in the film or video game world has already made it steps and bounds further than I likely ever will.
But I do believe I have a gift. I believe I can give voice to the experiences I love. I can tell you about the exact moment an anime monologue hit me or a gaming experience clicked for me and you’ll understand where I’m coming from. I can be excited about something and make that feel palpable for others. I can share that experience and relate it back to my identity and maybe convince you to take a shot at it for yourself.
I took a week off from these Tumblr’s ‘cuz I simply couldn’t think of something to write that would reflect that. We were knee deep in so many different Discourses that just thinking about writing made my head spin.
But as I took my time away from writing, all I could do was continue to file away little experiences for future use in the Weekly Update.
I don’t think these are special. I don’t think I’m a special writer. But I couldn’t keep away from this if I tried. I have to  write- something- anything. And really, that’s the best and only reason anyone should do the damn thing.
So let’s stop talking about it and just dive right in.
Cyberpunk 2077
Yeah, we’re gonna go ahead and acknowledge the elephant in the room.
I bought Cyberpunk 2077 just an hour or two ahead of the release. I had made it YEARS without buying into hype. But my friends were hype, 2020 has been a beast, and the allure of a enormous, high-fidelity open world to explore managed to tag me for sixty bucks at the last second.
Oh, how much a couple extra hours of patience would have made.
I’m not going to sugarcoat it- the tech issues are exactly what you’ve been reading about. Unplayable is not an overstatement. After the most recent patch, I’d upgrade that to “barely tenable”.
I’ve put in somewhere around 4 hours of play. I’ve knocked out a couple of missions and taken some time to explore Night City and take in the sights. I do my best to grin and bear the technical issues, but it’s likely that I won’t earnestly complete my visit to Night City until I have a Series X. This has nothing to do with the content or gameplay- everything to do with the fact that the raw chop of the experience leaves my eyes strained and my head dully aching.
Is Cyberpunk 2077 good?
I have no idea. I haven’t really played it. It’ll likely be years before I’ll have a chance to play it as its developers intended.
I think if a large percentage of players were being honest they would say the same thing. I don’t think any of us know if this will ultimately be a positive experience.
It certainly doesn’t feel like the experience that was promised, but as I learned with my recent revisit of Red Dead Redemption 2, time is a helluva thing. A year or two years from now- we may not remember the buggy launch, the hardware scarcity, or the many other controversies surrounding Cyberpunk 2077, instead only being left with an incredibly intricate playground open world that seems like an impossible gift in digital artistry.
Or that end-vision may never materialize, and we’ll only be left with a monument to the many unnecessary follies that this hype train has foisted upon all of us.
I do know that the uncertainty has brought out the worst in most of us, and no promise of a shining digital city on the hill is worth what we are putting each other through.
Someday, I plan to actually experience the wonders of Night City. The highest fidelity stills I’ve seen evoke the wonder I felt as a kid when I experienced moments of graphical benchmarks- playing Doom or Goldeneye for the first time, or seeing the trailer for Halo, or exploring Fallout 3′s massive wasteland and swearing games couldn’t look any better than this. I want to experience that moment for myself. Who wouldn’t?
But it’s gonna be a while. That seems unbelievable, given how long we’ve had to hear about the promise of this title. But it’s a fact we’re all gonna have to get used to. Despite being out in the wild, Cyberpunk 2077 is still, largely, an unknown quantity, and we all need to get on healthy terms with that status quo for the time being.
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
After reading this excellent piece on Polygon regarding the history of Street Fighter III, I picked up the 30th Anniversary Collection on a whim.
I’ve never been good at Capcom fighters. They’ve always been too fast and I could never get inputs exactly right. Too often it would devolve into button mashing, with supers and hypers being expelled purely by accident.
But lately I’ve been trying to better learn retro fighters, partly because of Spriteclub, and partly because I want to challenge myself to learn something new.
I’ve had some moderate success with this collection, but it’s pretty dependent on WHICH Street Fighter I end up playing. There are 12 to choose from, spanning the first 3 games of the series.
I’ve had the best luck with Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. The action is fluid, the command input more forgiving. It’s also just a gorgeous game to look at. The art of the Street Fighter series (and other retro fighters) is something I’ve come to really appreciate this year.
I think my favorite actual roster is Street Fighter Alpha 3, which contains the most familiar faces of the series. It’s also deeply difficult. But I’ve learned that short of picking up a mod or hacked rom of these games, the only way to learn is being tossed to the vicious AI wolves of the past.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to use my fight stick with this collection, lacking the correct USB hub for the connection. I’m looking into rectifying that, ‘cuz so far this has been a great way to pick up a series that as a kid I largely missed out on.
Grab Bag of Other Experiences
Beyond those two experiences, I’ve mostly been gaming in small bursts.
I’m still off and on with Crusader Kings 3. I’ve learned how to create custom rulers and have done a few runs playing as what is essentially a living god. What I’ve learned is that even as a superhuman...being successful in the middle ages is pretty freaking hard. Even if you tame countless armies and bring swaths of territory under your command AND live for at least 120 years- eventually, your greatest enemy won’t be a military or an economy- but your own impossibly convoluted line of succession.
I tried Nintendo Online with some friends Friday night. We played Mario and a few other NES games. The input lag was present but bearable. The experience is confined to two participants, which is a shame because it would be easy enough to add extra spots for spectating or even hot sea depending on the game. But still, it worked, and for Nintendo...that’s about all we can ask.
I’m still working through Hitman 2. I’m on the expansion content now. I’m close to maxing out The Golden Handshake. Two more levels after this, and then I’ll move on to the sniper missions.
I picked Fire Emblem: Three Houses up briefly. I finished some skirmish battles before getting overwhelmed and quitting. I adore Fire Emblem, but I’m an absolute perfectionist when it comes to unit class pathing and with the addition of the new DLC characters, everything is out of whack. I need to freshen up on what my ultimate master class pathing will be for everyone...and then I’ll pick it back up.
I tried Fall Guys today. I was bored. I thought it’d be a fun way to kill some time. I failed to qualify for 3 of my first 4 opening rounds. Either the game has gotten harder or the community is just that savvy now. It felt like no one else ever missed a jump or hit a wall. I eventually put the game down in frustration.
If my gaming lists have seemed a little light lately, it’s because I’ve actually been putting in time with my first love, anime.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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We’ve gone from intriguing to straight fire. Beautiful action scenes are finally finding actual human connections to really make them sing. A true antagonist has finally appeared and the plot appears to finally be accelerating- though it was fairly brisk to start with.
This is shaping up as my favorite shonen of the year.
No Guns Life
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Seven ep’s in and this story is still killing it. We’re getting deeper into the tangled web of dark military groups and hyper-capitalist research companies. All the pieces haven’t fallen into place quite yet, but half the fun is getting there.
If you’re looking to soothe your post-Cyberpunk blues, this story of cybernetics run amok might be just the jam you’re looking for.
Fire Force
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Fire Force season 2 is finally in the books. It’s last ep was a doozy. It’s impossible to evaluate just how good this season was, because it was largely in service to set up for season 3. We met A LOT of new characters- and lost a few too.
So much happened in season 2 that it’ll be necessary to rewatch ahead of the eventual season 3 (yet to be confirmed, somehow?). A lot of what’s to come will determine just how special season 2 ends up being.
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I’ll say this much:
There is no anime out there right now that is given as much life and individuality in its animation as Fire Force is. Sometimes, I wish the many moving parts would just get out of its own way and just let the show soar as high as its visuals want it to, but it seems we’ll have to wait just a bit longer to see if it can reach that potential.
Fist of the North Star
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Holy SHIT Fist of the North Star.
Somehow, I’d never heard of this absolutely bonkers dark fantasy until joining Spriteclub. But I’m so glad I did, ‘cuz just WOAH. 
Okay, the pitch:
Earth, 19xx. Nuclear wars have left the planet uninhabitable. Water is the most valuable resource, and people kill or worse for it. Think like, Mad Max, or Fallout, and you’ll get the idea.
A lone wanderer named Kenshiro goes from town to town with no objective in mind. Plagued by the memories of a past life and blessed with incredible strength, martial arts prowess, and magic, the plot follows his movements from village to village as he tries to keep food in his belly, water close at hand and a roof over his head, all while paying heed to his intense sense of violent justice, of course.
This is an older anime, airing in 1984. I was surprised by how emotionally intense it was. It didn’t hold back its punches (pun slightly intended). The tragic life of the post-apocalypse is graphic and brutal. Ken’s foes are as ruthless as their victims are helpless. And Ken’s fight sequences, thrilling in their rendering, are still enough to make audiences of today gasp.
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It’s a brutal show, but it never feels overpowering in its bleakness. Ken follows a strict moral code that always errs on the side of goodness and justice, following in the footsteps of many other lone vanguards of the post-apocalypse. So, even as the plots are often dark, we always leave the story with the feeling that eventually, Ken is going to find a way to make this right.
If nothing else, he leaves a few less bad guys standing than he did before.
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