#and I miss characters like Dagur so bad
gaylactic-fire · 6 months
Suddenly tempted to rewatch all of Race To The Edge...
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sarnai4 · 4 months
College Days (and career plans)
After seeing a really fun Yona of the Dawn AU fanart with the characters in college, I started thinking about the Dragons crew.
Hiccup: Engineering. He's going to become an inventor and has already done some of that. He'll probably have his own company after graduation that makes just about everything. Need a replacement limb? Phone? Cylindrical item that will lead you to various reptiles and the journey of a lifetime? He's got you covered on all fronts. If it can be built, it will be.
Astrid: Law enforcement. She's eventually going to a police academy (cue the movie of the same name), so she wants to be prepared. She'll become a police captain in the future. It'll be very obvious why crime rates are plummeting in whatever city she's in.
Fishlegs: Zoology. He's always been into science, so he's going to become a zoologist to study animals all over the world. He absolutely loves his work and probably brings a few creatures home to study for a little longer before taking them back to the lab.
Snotlout: Drama. He's planning on becoming an actor. His work as Sir Ulgerthorpe has convinced me that he at least could be good on a stage. Plus, he's a drama queen. Maybe he'll get on the screen one day too. He's also considering if he wants to try out screenwriting and/or directing eventually. If he does become a director, he'll be one of the best and most bossy somehow.
Ruffnut: Digital communication and media/multimedia. She's honestly not here for any reason other than it's where Tuffnut and their friends are. That said, the twins are going to become YouTubers, so she figures she might as well become good at making videos.
Tuffnut: Crafts. He missed how Ruffnut's idea will actually be useful in their future job and thought this sounded fun. His reasoning is that he'll make some cool crafts to show off to their viewers. He's probably right, but there are still a dozen sighs directed his way because of this choice.
Dagur: Undecided. He's gone through business to see if he wanted to be an entrepreneur, then wasn't sure if he should just go to an entrepreneurship degree, had a few in between, and the latest one was psychology to try to understand his mind. At this point, he's hoping he sticks with something long enough to graduate on time with the credits. Can't say he isn't getting a well-rounded education, though. Just don't even get him started on career plans. He figures that he'll teach martial arts to pay for bills until he comes up with an idea he can keep for longer than a month.
Heather: Music. She's going to become a singer and probably be a vocal and guitar teacher later on. She's the only member of the group who we've heard sing and not sound bad (minus Snotlout surprisingly in my opinion. Oi oi oi), so I can see her doing this. She's not planing on being some superstar or anything. Just most likely at some venues and on YouTube, so maybe Ruffnut's new skills can help out.
Mala: Doctor of medicine for surgery. She's in the doctoral program (because I'm convinced she is a nice amount of years older than the others) and going to become a surgeon. This is something she's wanted to do for a while since she enjoys healing people. Meeting the others made her want to do this even more since she's sure at least one of them is going to be in a terrible accident one day and will need a good surgeon. Her bet is on Hiccup, the twins, or Dagur.
Throk: Criminal justice. He's already graduated, but he is receiving specialized training to become a body guard. When he gets free time, he comes around to spend time with the others. He's part of the bet with Mala and bets that Ruffnut will NOT need a surgeon because there's no way he's allowing such harm to come to her.
Atali: Women's studies. She's going to run a women's shelter when she graduates. She is also considering getting a master's.
Minden: Physical education. She's following her bestie and going to teach self-defense to the women Atali helps out.
Gobber: Welding engineering. He loved this in his university days and started up his own company. This is how he got Hiccup into making things too.
Stoick: Political science. He joined the marines when he was younger and became a high-ranking officer before coming back home to care for Hiccup.
Johann: Law. He became a slimy lawyer who always gets the really dangerous criminals off and puts away innocent people.
Viggo: Economics. He wanted to be very shrewd with his spending. He owns a company that seems like it's a tech manufacturing company on the outside but is actually smuggling a bit of everything.
Ryker: Criminology. He did this to understand just what risks the criminals who work for/with him could face. He works for Viggo (because of course he does) and is the VP of the business.
Krogan: Business management. On the outside, it seems like he's got a weapons manufacturing company, but he uses it to work with the Grimborns and hurt people.
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ashleybenlove · 9 months
Complex number of questions time!
If the Dragon Riders + Dagur, Heather, Viggo and anyone else you think might be interesting to add had to suddenly deal with The Muppets, how do you think they'd react?
Also! If they were actors, would they be good at working with The Muppets, and if so would they be the 'treat The Muppets like fellow actors' type or 'treat themselves as a Muppet' type?
I love this kinda question dude. It's got everything! The Muppets! The Dragon Riders! This got long so clicky click for more.
I feel like Tuffnut is the one most likely to totally be into it. He's not like, oh their just puppets whatever. He's taking it super seriously. He'd have so much fun chatting with Gonzo (though, he'd probably hide Chicken from him lol) and Fozzie and Animal. He's basically them, after all. Tuffnut also would vibe with the rest of Animal's band. Also, Tuffnut would do both, at the same time, he'd treat the Muppets like a fellow actor, and also treat himself like a Muppet. He's great.
Viggo, as an actor, would go the Michael Caine route, and treat them like fellow actors and treat it super seriously. He'd be good at it. Viggo also, would have to be dealing with One Miss Piggy being SUPER hot for him. I'm not sure how he feels about this? I think he'd humor her, for sure. (Kermit and Hiccup are like facepalming lol) Maybe she'd karate chop him? (That'd be kinda great lol) I don't think Viggo can handle any of the other Muppets.
I think Fishlegs would be so nervous at first because like, The Muppets are ChaoticTM but so are the twins he knows. He'd definitely make that noise he makes when he's nervous. I think he'd get along well with Bunsen and Beaker for obvious reasons. And Scooter. As an actor, I think he'd be good at it and he seems like he'd take it seriously, so he's the first one.
Astrid is debatable. I mean, if Miss Piggy is into Hiccup and they aren't poly, then Astrid and Miss Piggy might get into blows. Hard to say who wins there. Though Kermit would try to get involved I'm sure lol. Maybe she'd find Kermit calming. Astrid in general would be like, this is so weird, what do I even DO. Idk why but I picture like, them wearing the same outfit lol. Like, there's a magazine image from 30 Rock where Miss Piggy is wearing the same dress as a character and she's wearing it better. I'm sure she'd find Pepe to be a pest. Her and Rizzo would be interesting. As an actor, Astrid definitely does not seem like the act like a Muppet type, but I also don't think she'd be very good at acting with them. That's okay, though!
Hiccup. I mean, Hiccup's Kermit, is he not? Am I wrong? He's basically Kermit. He'd definitely get along with Kermit. Miss Piggy would likely be super into him. I mean, who isn't, right? Hiccup would like Uncle Deadly, because well... he's a dragon. I think Hiccup would just... roll with it. He knows the twins, he's already been at the front end of changing society, he can roll with changes. He's not Sam Eagle lol. He'd handle it and probably enjoy it. He gets along well with Bunsen, Beaker, and Gonzo. As an actor, he'd do well, and I'm leaning towards the Tim Curry end of the spectrum.
Ruffnut. Tim Curry end of the spectrum. She vibes so hard with the band. She and Janice GET ALONG SO WELL!!!!!!!!! She'd flirt with Kermit knowing it'll piss Miss Piggy off. She does not care. She's vibing. She'd also vibe with Rizzo and Pepe. She'd probably make out with Pepe if she could. Gonzo too.
Snotlout. Kinda want him to interact with Fozzie the most mostly because of his association with bears. But also, him and Pepe and Rizzo would get along pretty well lol. I could see it. As for acting... I was gonna with bad, but then I remembered Sir Ulgerthorpe. Michael Caine end of the spectrum.
Heather. Not good at acting. I don't think she'd be thrilled with having to deal with the Muppets. She's too serious. Kermit needs to sing Rainbow Connection at her.
Dagur. He would have SO MUCH FUN. Both as actor (he'd be the treats himself as a Muppet end of the spectrum) and just whatever. He's so into it. He's basically Animal. Wikipedia has this sentence: "Author Christopher Finch calls Animal "the ultimate representation of a long line of Muppets who personify unbridled appetite",[9]: 103  both "carnivorous beast" and "physical manifestation of pure libido." Enough said.
I did think about Stoick and Gobber but I don't really have a lot of thoughts. Stoick is probably awkward about it, Gobber vibes. Gobber is Tim Curry end of the spectrum on the actor side. Debatable what Miss Piggy thinks of Stoick lol.
Swedish Chef probably would fit right in on Berk. That's all.
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dizzybevvie · 30 days
For the choose violence ask game, would you mind doing 3 and/or 24 for ace attorney or httyd?
3. Worst take you've seen
OH GODDD I. WOW SO MANY. i think the question specifies tumblr but im in a httyd discord server (which is super inactive now but super duper thrived in early 2023) and the amount of strange people in there was wiiild
I remember seeing someone who absolutely HATED Astrid with their whole being, like made an OC to replace her etc etc, but like just COMPLETELY missed the point of her character.
Idk if I ever interacted with them directly but one of the main reasons they hated her is because in HTTYD2 when Hiccup becomes chief she smiles. Baffling. Like, she's obviously very upset Stoick is dead, but she's smiling because she's proud and staying strong for Hiccup. she's not "happy that Hiccup is getting the throne". i remember thinking it was so weird specifically because almost anything negative you can say about Astrid, you can say about Snotlout. but they had no problem with him. figures
24. Topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
oh godddd okay uhhh. i dont super-duper interact with the httyd fandom space outside of tumblr so i dont really knowwww. The Hidden World and the light fury is always crazy but idk.
The Snotcup debate is always fun /sar. I understand that they are not CANONICALLY cousins in the movie series but i truly just cannot see them as anything else theyre so cousins to me. i do NOT like Snotcup even a little bit.
Dagcup too actually? Dagur calling Hiccup "brother" of course but the age difference is the most concerning bit to me LMAO. I'm more of a Riders/Defenders of Berk enjoyer, so in my head theyre like, 15 and 20. not for me. (Although in my experience Dagur fans are often the biggest freaks sorry sorry sorry sorry)
I havent seen bad ship discourse in httyd fandom tbh but im sure it exists especially on twitter 💀.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 6 months
Toughen Up
Summary: Takes place after Just a Kid and actually written AFTER Just a Kid.
After everything has happened in Forrædersk, the last thing Heather wants to be is that defenseless girl who could do nothing to save herself or her father.
Warnings: Minor mentions of violence, Injury recovery, mention of gun use
Rating: Teen and Up
Words: 878
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Pairing: Minor Dagcup
Characters: Dagur, Heather
Author's Notes: First fic that takes place after Just a Kid that I actually wrote AFTER finishing Just a Kid!
Anyway, I'm in the process of writing short multichapters that also take place between JaK and the sequel. The outline of the sequel is also being worked on.
Enjoy! :)
It was at the mall. Dagur distinctly remembers that it happened then. He gave Hiccup his favorite knife, the butterfly kind, yet somehow it has found it’s way back to him.
Or rather, it was in Heather’s possession and he just happens to have it in hand now. His sister is asleep in the car. At least for the time being, she won’t notice that it’s missing.
It’s late in the morning, the sun is warm and so Dagur parked on a dirt road to sit outside at the side, where a random picnic table waits. Never again will families or couples sit here to enjoy the view of endless fields.
The doors of the car are open on his side for if Heather were to wake up or if they need to make a quick getaway.
He flips the knife open with ease, it’s a move he’s familiarized himself with in the years since he first got it. It wasn’t bought, of course. His father wouldn’t have allowed him to. No, it was stolen and not for any particular reason other than because he could and because he wanted it. They’re bad reasons, but at least when he gave it to Hiccup for protection he did so with good intentions. Hiccup needed a way to defend himself, deserved it. And now Dagur supposes he gave it to his sister for the same reason.
A dull aching rests in his chest thinking about the boy. He misses him, his heart aching if he so much as thinks about thinking of him, and he hopes he’s on the mend. When he left him, his ankle was shattered beyond saving and hospitals have run empty of doctors and nurses. Despite this, Dagur still hopes he’s doing better than he was weeks ago.
He truly wishes he could’ve stayed, but leaving was in Hiccup’s best interest. Dagur has ruined his life enough.
But Heather… as her big brother, he owes her protection and he realizes that now. Alvin shot her and he can never let that happen again.
He twirls the knife around and then flips it closed. As soon as she’s well enough, he’ll teach her how to take care of herself.
Heather would be lying if she said that Dagur doesn’t still scare her, but he offered to help teach her how to “toughen up” and she liked the sound of that. She was helpless when Alvin shot her father, helpless to all the abuse she suffered, she couldn’t even help Hiccup. She doesn’t want to be that vulnerable ever again.
Of course, they start out with the knife.
“No, you hold it like this,” Dagur tells her as he takes the knife from her and shows her how he holds it. The handle firmly in his hand, blade out from the pinky finger instead of out the thumb and pointer finger.
“Like this you have a stronger hold on the knife and it’s less awkward to stab with,” he explains as he slashes at empty air. Real targets will have to wait a little while.
There are more ways to stab someone, of course. But for the time being, they’re focusing on one specific way.
He hands the knife back to his sister, who watches him as she accepts it. She’s still not used to this version of Dagur. He was never this patient with her in the past, anything she did growing up used to make him yell and lash out. Yet now there’s almost a rounded edge to him and she wonders where it’s coming from.
She has no idea the amount of blood it took to blunt him.
Holding the knife like he did, she swipes at the air, but only gets two in before a jolt of pain in her side makes her drop it and herself. She falls to her knees and holds the place where a compress still covers a scarring gun wound. It pulls, a sharp pain runs through her.
“Heather!” Dagur shouts and she shrinks in response. There it is, she figures. Her real brother is about to come to the surface.
Except then he kneels beside her and grabs her by the shoulders, knife forgotten. She freezes.
“Be careful!” He scolds her. “You almost died just weeks ago!”
To her surprise, he is indeed agitated, but it’s out of concern for her. Though still shaky, she feels her fear melt away a bit.
“I’m fine,” she says before she rises to her feet, hand still on her side. Dagur rises with her.
Her eyes fall on the knife lying in the grass, she forgot to pick it up as she stood. Dagur reaches for it, but she stops him.
“Wait, I’ll get it,” she says and picks it up herself. Its shape feels a little bit more familiar to her every time she holds it.
She realizes the strength it symbolizes. Hiccup was the one who gave it to her, he was strong for her when she couldn’t be. But she also knows its owner before him was Dagur and he’s showing her strength now by changing who he used to be. Just like them, she wants to be strong, she wants to find a way.
She’ll toughen up.
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random Thoughts on HTTYD RoB S1 (Ep14-20)
Ep14- Just made a headcanon: Bucket and that buddy of his that's always with him whose name I've forgotten are a couple
Whispering Deaths look so so different, and they're Boulder class?
"-he can't fly, remember?" "Aaaand, who's fault is that?" I hate myself for laughing at this, but yeah it happened - it's one heck of a low blow tho, bad Snotlout
Is the Whispering Death an ex of Toothless? No? Sorry, I'll stop
It saddens me how little character the twins have in this show..
"M- Ma- Maybe because he can't stand the pressure of everybody always expecting him to have the answers!!!" That is so freaking valid, he's right!! Everyone always relies on him to know everything about dragons - wasn't Hiccup supposed to be the specialist? Ask him
Nice to see the two nerds on their early days of "geeking out"
Snotlout considers Hiccup is arch-nemesis?? What da heck, child, what has your dad been telling you? Or what have you been telling yourself
Ep15- Meatlug and Fishlegs are probably the best functioning duo after Hiccup and Toothless
While I'm glad to see the twins saying more than a couple words this episode, it makes me sad they're treating Barf&Belch so bad... They're such a good dragon
We're finally meeting Dagur!! Yayyy, I've been waiting for him
Also, Snotlout admires Dagur? And Dagur is a bully, huh
Did Dagur have a braid in RttE? I'm almost sure he didn't
Barf&Belch are so freaking cute, really, they are
Gobber is the only one saving this peace treaty thing
Two heads, one for each chief - that actually would make sense :|
Snotlout is such a freaking nuisance, my god why do they all put up with him
He keeps on being an asshole, but the sheer extra-ness of his pose on the rock doesn't let me be too mad at him
Glad to see the twins worried about Barf&Belch but wish they had done it sooner..
Ep16- Cousins episode??? Yaaaaaaas please
Hiccup's little satisfied smile when Snotlout flew away was everything
Hookfang!!! Baby is gone, nouuuu
Also, Snotlout's voice cracking when he called out "Hooky? Fangster?" my heart broke
Snotlout is being difficult on purpose and I salute Hiccup for not having hit him yet
I swear, every single episode focusing on the cousins has at least one moment of emotional turmoil between the two
And during Snotlout's bohoo speech, I'm almost 100% sure that if Hiccup hadn't stopped him after Snotlout mentioned his pegleg, Snotlout would continue on, and reveal those are all things Spitelout now mentions to Snotlout, like "Ya see, Hiccup, Stoick's boy, defeated the Red Death! He even lost a leg - what prouder scar on a Viking than a missing limb! - meanwhile you just trail after him, can't even control your own dragon!!" or something like that, like what he does in "Not Lout"
Try to convince me I'm wrong, I dare you
Toothless and Snotlout having a bonding moment defeating enemies together is not something I thought I'd ever see, but I happily welcome it
Also, Snotlout being competent, yes, me like
"Look, Snotlout, I'm-" "Hungry, right?" "...heh, heh.. Yeah, exactly." "Me too." This little exchange was everything, what the heck, why have I never heard of this episode before??
Hiccup's little laugh was so soft, so precious, my god I love these two
This has been my fave episode so far, it was really sweet
Ep17- Snotlout and Hookfang in: sharing is caring💖 (about the salmon)
Of course everyone joined the party
"Hey, look!" "I can't see anything through the tears!" Tuff still has some of his good lines
Hiccup's mom?? We're mentioning Valka here? Wow, thought that was a taboo topic, like the Night Furies
I mean, not Valka, I don't think she existed until HTTYD2, but still, just Hiccup's mom is already a lot
Fishlegs is the only teen with common sense in this group
Ruff joining Astrid on hitting Tuff made me snort
"Put yourself in his shoes-" "Shoe." I shouldn't have laughed but that was just funny
"What if it were your mother?"....."I hate you." 2nd time I hear Snotlout delivering such a deadpan I hate you, and it's still funny (1st time was right in the beggining of rtte, btw)
The Smoke Breaths are kinda cute, ngl
"I knew he hated me!" Nah, Hookfang is just as emotionally constipated as you are, but he likes you a lot
Ya know, in retrospective, Snotlout and the twins were in the right abandoning Johann
She made him a dragon toy?? Is this foreshadowing that Hiccup's mom liked dragons??
Ep18- Fishlegs missing training not necessarily because he's afraid of Snotlout, but because he genuinely doesn't like violence nor Snotlout - flex
He's singing to Meatlug, again, my lord, these two are so sweet
But Fishlegs is a bit codependent, is no one gonna talk about that?
He's selling the fucking eggs......... Snotlout, why
Also, he bought a kid. And he's mentioned owning people before. What the fuck is up with Snotlout and human trafficking, seriously. I'm just wondering what this reflects on Spitelout... What has he been teaching his son??
Is this the episode? Is Fishlegs finally gonna punch Snotlout's face in the face?? Please???
Wow. He didn't even hit him. He didn't have to. Fishlegs is not afraid of Snotlout, not really. He just doesn't like him, nor violence, so he let's Snotlout do his pathetic little number, not really caring about it, because it's really not important to him. He's proud of himself, of his knowledge and intelligence and he's unafraid to show his sensitivity or be kind. Because he's confident and unafraid of being himself, despite what his bullies may say. Fishlegs is so freaking strong and I'm not talking about physical strength here (tho he is that too)
Fishlegs has a level of self-love and loyalty to himself that I can only dream of having
He's just.. so awesome
You know, normally, this type of episode would play out with the character that found the egg getting way over their head with the power that came with it, and abusing it in the worst ways possible, only realising the harm they've done right before its too late and fixing everything on the last minute, with the help of the people he hurt before, during their megalomaniac craze. That's exactly what I was expecting out of this episode.
But then, Fishlegs made the right decision right from the start, putting the egg back in its place, throwing my plot guess out the window. His kindness and sensitivity threw me in a loop, and my love for his character has just renewed here
And geez, he still felt responsible for the mess Snotlout caused!! And he even saved the day!! My boy Fishlegs is just amazing
I'm repeating myself aren't I?
Ep19 - Oh, we're allowed to talk about Night Furies after all? Something tells me we'll get nowhere with this, but sure
"Uh, dad, Gobber, other scary-looking vikings, I'd just like to say, in my own defense, that I cannot control Snotlout or the twins 24 hours a day!" pfff, poor Hiccup
An island of Night Furies...? That was Mildew, wasn't it?
"You're giving me, the twins?!" the sheer betrayal Snorlout had oozing from that sentence
To be fair, the twins did zero
The Changewing actually cozied up to Snotlout, aww
Astrid is too competent for this village, in this essay I will-
The island was a scheme, who woulda thought?? - ^ -
Mildew absolutely sucks and he's a disgusting human being and that's all I'm gonna comment on it
Ep20- Hiccup kidnapping no. 36
Also, Hiccup being a sassy little shit to his enemies part 124
Mildew is gonna betray Hiccup isn't he..?
Toothless doesn't even hurt his guards! He just strolls past them like a boss, casually slapping them with their tail as he goes - the sassyness is not just a Hiccup thing
Okay, maybe Mildew won't betray Hiccup, but I still don't like him!
"Weird" ....... "Getting weirder~!" Tuff's reactions are perfectly appropriate, and exactly like mine
Ahhhhh, of course it was just a trap!! Seriously, fuck that man
Cute ending tho, the rider's part
Alright, 1st season of RoB is done! Wohooo
I have some thoughts, like surprise that Dagur isn't the main villain yet, and a little disappointment that the riders aren't as entertaining as in RttE
But still, the show is fun and I still love this crew of idiots - happy to see what will come next
Bring it on Mildew!! >:pppp
(Have a diva! Snolout from ep15 for happy travels)
Tumblr media
Byebyeee ^^
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evilwriter37 · 3 years
Asks: Cancer (maybe for IF? it would be a very dark musical lol), Pyxis, Indus, Leo, Puppis?
Cancer: What are the names of songs from the musical rendition of your project?
Omg, I can name songs after Shitty but Accurate Chapter Titles! “Stop Now, Kids”, “I Don’t Think That’s How Kissing Works”, “Dream Me Sounds Like a Real Bitch”, “Fucking Bath Time”, “Chains Instead of Love Letters” (okay, that could actually make a really cool song), “Not Even the Devil’s Into That”, “Tell Me That You Love Me”, “How Dagur Stole Snoggletog (And Other Holiday Stories)”, “Dragon Saliva Does not Wash Away Scars”, “Musical Thrones”, “Hiccup Attends His Own Funeral”, “Baby in One Hand, Decapitated Head in the Other”. Sorry for such a long list!
Pyxis: Are there any major themes or messages you’re writing to show? 
I like to show that trauma survivors can heal and be happy. I don’t like the constant storytelling motif of trauma survivors having it bad their whole life, or worse, just being killed off.
Indus: Are there any characters or stories you miss writing? 
Bryn! I miss that sweet girl! I also really do miss writing Infernal Fascination and Not So Stoic. The long fics I’m writing right now are very different. I liked how high the stakes were in those.
Leo: Do you have a favorite place to write?
There’s a corner of the living room that I have made mine. 
Puppis: Give us a piece of advice! (about anything)
Fill in your cracks with gold. Broken for now doesn’t mean broken forever.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 5 years
How do you think Hiccup will feel about ever somehow getting pregnant by Viggo and having his child? How will he process that?
I’ll be taking Tiny as an example because I think you’re ask about him is what sparked this one?
Anyway, I think that is once again entirely dependable on the context.
More under the cut because this isn’t my whump blog and some things I will be discussing will imply some very heavy whump.
I do have an AU in which Tiny’s father is Viggo, but in said AU, Hiccup and Viggo are in a consensual relationship together. The biggest problem here is that it is entirely behind the Dragon Riders’ backs as they are still on opposing sides and this makes Hiccup feel guilty for keeping secrets and for lying. The only one who knows the full truth is Toothless.
In this particular context, having Tiny would still be a happy thing. But his pregnancy would cause some internal conflict within Hiccup and Tiny’s birth (or any baby’s birth) would probably cause some strain when the truth inevitably comes out as well.
And this is considering that Viggo lives and the Dragon Riders are hurt by Hiccup’s dishonesty.
But that is just this one fic. And I’m right to assume that this isn’t the kind of situation you’re referring to?
Now in a different context, if Tiny’s conception was discovered after Viggo’s death, for example, having him would be more bittersweet, in a way.
At this point Hiccup and the Riders aren’t on bad terms with him anymore and when they hear about his death, Astrid and Hiccup even agree that it’s almost like losing a mentor since Viggo did teach them a lot.
They were on opposing sides until that episode, but still, it seems like Viggo will be remembered. So one would argue that Tiny’s existence would be welcomed in this situation. Perhaps, they don’t go parading around with the news that Tiny’s other dad is Viggo, but they would definitely see it as a “he taught us a lot and he gave us Tiny” kind of deal. If that makes sense.
And then there’s a third situation we could think of and that’s if Tiny’s conception hadn’t been consensual. Which is probably the most likely scenario and I think the one you’re wondering about the most. And the short answer would be that it would be very hard to say. Especially when you’re as biased as I am whenever Tiny is involved.
Having him then could either be more bittersweet and cause for more conflicting emotions. Maybe not everyone would be on board with the idea of Hiccup having him and raising him either.
Upon first learning of his pregnancy, I don’t think Hiccup would be happy. At all. Especially considering what may have happened to conceive said child and who said child’s father most likely is and the fact that he’s basically tied to this child in some shape or form no matter what, even if he doesn’t keep the child. You don’t just have a baby and then forget about them. And what Hiccup will do entirely depends on how you see his character.
To me, Hiccup will do either one of two things during his pregnancy.
Either he will tell his friends and family once the news has finally sunken in for him. Or he would try to stay in denial and/or hide his pregnancy as best as he can until it’s just too obvious to hide for any longer or until the baby is literally coming.
The pregnancy, whether he’s going through it all by himself or with his loved ones by his side, won’t be easy or happy. There may be high points, but there will probably be a lot of low points as well. Pregnancies are already hard on their own without a scenario such as this attached to it.
This may be my bias speaking, but Hiccup would be the kind of person to see his pregnancy as a “we’re both on this sinking ship together” kind of thing. He didn’t ask to be forced upon and this baby didn’t ask to be put there.
I can see Hiccup being the kind of person to think that way, to be able to separate Viggo from this baby and then still be able to enjoy some part of it, at least. If not out of pure stubbornness alone.
The baby’s actual birth will probably be received with mixed emotions.
On the one hand, I can see Hiccup being happy to finally have this child. But on the other hand, I can see him be upset about it as well. I tend to lean more towards the former, though. And not entirely because I’m so biased towards Tiny.
Hiccup is an incredibly forgiving person. He forgives his father and Berk for the years they’ve cast him out. He gives Alvin a second chance and allows their tribes to become allies even after all Alvin has done. He eventually gives Dagur a chance to redeem himself even after all he’s done, including abducting his father and threatening to kill him over Toothless. He gives Valka a second chance after she misses 20 years of his life by staying away and letting him believe she was dead the entire time, …
Hiccup is an incredibly forgiving person.
This is why I don’t see Hiccup as the kind to look at a baby, a newborn little baby that came completely innocent into the world, whether it’s his own or someone else’s, and see someone other than this baby. He would be the kind of person to think that way.
Maybe he’ll think of the person who forced them inside him whenever he sees them, but I can see that make Hiccup even more determined to accept this child.
And if it is Tiny you were wondering about, that Tiny takes so much after Hiccup would certainly help. (And that he takes after Stoick. Tiny has red hair before it takes on a browner shade somewhere during his first year of life)
And a guest reviewer has suggested the Dragon Riders name Tiny “Hope” (his actual name, Vigi, hasn’t been revealed yet in the main fic) because he brings them hope in trying times and I love that sentiment. (The main fic takes place during the Dawn of Destruction - Wings of War three-parter. RttE’s lowest low, basically) So I would like to think that Tiny would give Hiccup hope in this scenario as well. Hope to one day be okay again.
Processing such a thing, an unwanted pregnancy caused by non-consensual circumstances followed by a birth, will be different for each character, but I can see Hiccup do it through sheer stubbornness. It won’t be easy, and it will probably backfire a lot before he makes actual progress, but I can see him trying to trudge through such a mess no matter how hard it’s going to be.
Life is daunting in that you’re forced to keep on going no matter what. The next day will come no matter how much you don’t want it to. I can only see Hiccup face this head-on, whether he has the strength to do it or not.
With that said, I don’t think his loved ones would be as easily convinced. The Dragon Riders would definitely back him up in any decision he would end up making, whether they agree with him or not, and I can see them accept the baby/Tiny (or try to accept) for Hiccup’s sake alone.
Gobber would probably stand by Hiccup’s side and do his best for both of them.
Stoick would be the hardest to convince and the last to come around. If Viggo isn’t dead already at this point, Stoick will probably go out and make sure that he is with his own bare hands.
Stoick is, like the tv-shows have shown, a very vengeful person. Almost nicknamed “Stoick the Vindictive”. He doesn’t want Hiccup to be tainted by a taste for vengeance, but Stoick would absolutely go out there and get it for him.
As for the baby, I can see him try to argue Hiccup’s possible decision to keep and raise them. Not just because of what’s been done, but also because Hiccup isn’t just anyone either. He’s a chief’s heir. And although I don’t quite know how the line of success works, Hiccup being heir makes this baby Hiccup’s heir.
Stoick won’t turn his back on Hiccup, of course, but it will take him time for the baby to grow on him.
In a Tiny-specific scenario, Stoick might soften up when he realizes Tiny is more Haddock than Grimborn from the very moment he’s born.
Anyway, I’ve been rambling on and on for way too long because I had way too many thoughts about this ask, but the gist is that I think it once again depends on the context. If it’s the third and last one I discussed, Hiccup would have a very hard time overall.
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nerddface · 6 years
The Fight & The Fall
Tumblr media
Characters: Eret, Son of Eret , Reader
Warnings: Nothing :)
Word count: 2600 whew
Notes: this is v late and has a v bad cheesy title. Shoutout to Men in Tights for the reference ;)
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Eret wasn’t even on Y/N’s radar. She had bigger priorities than this new human member of their team, like figuring out how they were going to integrate another dragon with her incredibly sensitive scaredy-cat of a dragon. Muds was small for a Stormcutter, only slightly more than half the size of her cousin, Cloudjumper, and somewhat dim in comparison, as well. The sharp, innate ability of Stormcutters to distinguish between friend and foe was duller in this poor creature, and it took some doing to earn her trust. Because of her size (or lack thereof), she was meticulous about knowing who was in her surroundings. She knew where every other dragon in a formation was, and attacked just about anything out of place. It took several weeks, quick reflexes, and dozens of treats to teach her a new strategy, and that was just with the original five, familiar dragons. The momentary addition of Heather back on the Edge hadn’t gone well, and Y/N and Muds were grounded most of her stay. Just looking at Eret’s loud, brash Rumblehorn gave her a headache.
Muds, of course, didn’t like him, either.  She had a particularly difficult time understanding the shift between “Strange-Hostile-Person-Whom-We’ve-Never-Met” to “Eret-Now-A-Friend-Of-Dragons”. Stoick had visited infrequently with Skullcrusher before, so they were essentially starting from square one. Stormfly, bless her, had done her best to show the younger dragon that the new additions to their team were not threats, but poor Muds just hadn’t grasped the concept yet. Y/N kept Muds and herself at a distance from them, only exchanging short words with Eret over supper to remain civil. He seemed to keep his distance, as well, perhaps not fond of being the odd one out as the new guy, not to mention Ruffnut would hardly leave him alone. Y/N knew too well what the twins’ attention meant, in any capacity, and she couldn’t blame Eret for being scarce.
Hiccup, apparently, had had more than enough of both of their reclusive habits and had called them to the arena at the crack of dawn. He stood now with his arms crossed over his chest, one hand gripping a leather-bound notebook and a stick of charcoal, considering both of them across the sizeable distance they’d put between each other.
A glance over at Eret revealed to Y/N he was just as confused as she was. “What?”
“We’re here to acclimatize Muds to Skullcrusher, and, by extent, the two of you. That’s not going to happen if you’re standing an ocean apart. A step closer won’t kill you.”
Y/N frowned, but took a step forward. Muds followed close at her back, her head swiveling and the end of her tail flicking as she tried to make sense of the two across the stone from her.
Eret followed, Skullcrusher rumbled up behind him, and Muds chittered.
“I have an idea.” Hiccup leveled both of them with his I-mean-business look. “It should work if both of you cooperate.”
Y/N shrugged. ”Yeah.” Eret also nodded his agreement.
“Great. It’s pretty simple. Eret, Muds is comfortable with Y/N, and the smell of Y/N. I want you to wear her cloak, and Y/N can re-introduce you slowly. Muds may be a little easier to convince that you’re friendly if you smell friendly.”
Surprisingly, it worked. By working gradually, with plenty of gentle assurances and praise on Y/N’s part, Eret could stroke both of Muds’ sides from nose to tail, and Skullcrusher could make a full, slow circle around her at a moderate pace, even without Y/N’s scent draped over them.
“Great,” their leader conceded after about an hour of exercises. “We’ll pick back up tomorrow morning. Y/N, I’d recommend giving Muds a good break.”
Eret handed Y/N her cloak back, and their hands brushed momentarily. She threw it over her shoulders, catching a hint of his scent still clinging to the material. For some reason, it made her strangely nervous. She decided she was not a fan.
“Wonderful. Great lesson. Bye, Hiccup, bye, Emmet.”
Eret didn’t have enough time to process what she’d said and correct her before she was swinging herself into her saddle and taking to the air.
Hiccup sighed and scribbled something in his notebook, leaving them in momentary silence, save for the skittering of dragon claws on the stone as Toothless tracked circles around a disinterested Skullcrusher.
“Sort of quiet, isn’t she?” Eret commented, watching her and Muds leave the arena behind. Hiccup tried unsuccessfully to stifle a chortling laugh, and the newest rider turned to him with a frown.
“Y/N is anything but quiet. We thought the same thing, at first, but don’t let it fool you. She’s got a tongue sharp enough to cut off that fluffy braid of yours.”
“Really?” He paused before asking further, “Why doesn’t she speak to me?”
Hiccup shrugged. “Sometimes I’m not sure if her or her dragon is more wary of strangers. I guess neither of them-- ahem-- quite like you.”
Eret’s brow creased further as he looked back up to see Muds’ tail flick around a sea stack and out of sight.
With the dragon bonding underway, the others tried to help the two humans in the equation, in their own way. The twins tried their “T’n’T” (Tried-and-True Tightrope) Method, which thankfully did not involve any explosives. Despite having worked on Dagur and Mala previously, it wasn’t the best approach for Eret and Y/N. The newcomer tumbled off before any semblance of a match could begin, while Y/N, long-accustomed to wave-riding on dragons, balanced atop the swinging tightrope cooly, examining her nails as Eret spat dirt out of his mouth.
Fighlegs tried meditating. It seemed to work-- until he realized the reason they hadn’t been making sarcastic jabs at each other was because they had both fallen asleep.
Astrid just shrugged her shoulders. “You’ll get over each other.”
Snotlout was the last to assist, and had led them both to an open patch of beach on the far side of the island.
“Hiccup is wrong,” he announced as Hookfang found a comfortable spot to nap. “He’s great with dragons, but people are my speciality. I know what you two need.”
Y/N and Eret both stared, silently, waiting for him to continue. He shifted his weight and sighed. “Listen. In the Jorgenson household, we handle things the old fashioned way. The correct way. The only way. No dragons, no ‘talking it out’ or whatever soggy garbage.”
He gestured to behind Y/N with a wave of his arm. “Astrid, if you would.” Y/N turned to see the blonde atop Stormfly, who was coaxing Muds down the beach. Her dragon was, albeit a little cautiously, following at a steady pace. She could play with the Nadder for hours if she was allowed. Y/N frowned and quirked a brow but let it happen.
“Never expect another favor like this, Snotlout,” Astrid called over her shoulder, jabbing a finger at him.
“Yeah, yeah, screw you, Snotlout, I get it, just take the Stormcutter somewhere else. Far away.”
As Muds got further away down the beach, the viking produced a chicken wing from the bag slung across his shoulders.
“You too, big guy.” He waved it before Skullcrusher’s nose until it caught his attention, then slung the chicken and the bag as far as he could, into the trees. The Rumblehorn chased it, rumbling happily, and leaving the humans alone.
Snotlout picked up a large stick from the ground and began tracing a large circle in the sand around them. “Sometimes,” he explained, “You’ve just gotta throw a couple punches. Really brings people together.”
“What, exactly,” Eret questioned, peering over Y/N’s shoulder as Snotlout completed his ring, “are you suggesting?”
Snotlout bonked the stick on the top of Eret’s head. “Fight.”
Y/N snorted, sparing a glance to Eret, who seemed just as apprehensive. “Sorry?”
“Sparring,” Snotlout assured. “Nothing serious. Just to get to know one another.”
“What do I win?” Y/N asked, crossing her arms across her chest. Eret scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Uh, the thrill of victory? Eternal bragging rights? My praise?” Snotlout tossed his stick aside and waved a hand dismissively. “Now get to it. That chicken isn’t going to last forever, and I will not be responsible for that dragon when he comes back.”
When Y/N looked over to Eret, she found his gaze already on her, one brow raised, as if he were asking her agreement to continue. She heaved a short breath.
“Why not? Not like you could do much damage anyway, Egret.”
The comment was sharp, but her voice wasn’t, and a smile tugged at her mouth as she planted her feet shoulder-width apart and balled her fists.
“You’ll see what Eret, son of Eret, is capable of. I’ve taken on whole crews single-handedly!” Eret struck first, feigning to the left before striking at her with his right fist. She missed it with plenty of room to spare. She kept up her defense, knocking half-hearted blows away with ease.
“Oh, please!” she exclaimed. “Are you throwing fists, or flowers?”
Eret’s stance widened and he pulled his fists closer before lunging forward with more force. Y/N had to compensate heavily on her right foot to get out of the way in time, and attempted a feint to the left to get her balance back. It wasn’t very convincing, and he almost got her to trip up before she got her feet right under her, still trying to find an opening in his defense.
He laughed sharply as she dodged another meaty fist. “All bark, but no bite, are you?”
Y/N chuckled breathlessly, and dropped close to the ground and changed her tactics. She swiped a leg out, trying to catch his heel. He jumped over it, but that was what she wanted; she balanced herself on her palms and swung herself around, slamming her other leg into his ankles just as they touched the ground.
He lost his footing and hit the sand with a heavy thud, but recovered quickly, and rolled to avoid her pinning him down. He used his momentum to swing an arm at her head as he got back to his feet. She ducked beneath it and managed a sharp jab to his ribs before he twisted out of her reach.
Eret’s hair was disheveled from his momentary grounding, and his face was flush with effort. Y/N was struck, for a moment, by the glimmer in his eyes and the flash of his teeth. The tattoo on his chin distorted slightly as he frowned with concentration, When did his face get to be that handsome? She was so lost in this moment of admiration that she didn’t catch his palm coming to box at her ear. The sharp blow shook her head out of its bizarre little mood and back into the fight, but as she caught his calf mid-kick she found her breath trembling like the muscle beneath her fingertips.
If Eret noticed her mind was elsewhere, he didn’t ease up on her, and pressed his offense forward, pushing her to the edge of the ring. She was back on strict defense, deflecting blows and dancing out of the way of his rapid punches.
He tried a kick at her at the same time she made a move to duck under his range of fire and strike at his abdomen. Her right leg hooked with his left, and her shoulder collided with his hip, sending them both to the sand. They ended up in a tangled heap, winded both from the fight and the fall.
Eret groaned, and Y/N felt it more than she heard it. He struggled to brace himself up, but only got to his elbows before wincing. His hiss of breath sounded sharply in her ear, and she was sure he could feel the same pain that was blooming in her shoulders. She shifted the knee that had buried in his side, and he lifted his heavy chest off of hers. One of his hands had trapped her bicep above her head, and a thigh was snug between hers.
She cracked her eyes open through the ringing in her head, and met his. She sucked in a breath, of either shock or something else she didn’t know-- the scent of leather and the sea filled her head, and the space between them superheated in an instant. Was it just her imagination, or did she see the same expression of hesitant wonderment in his face? She couldn’t be sure that he had leaned forward just a hair, but she was sure that her heart rate took another spike.
The world seemed to grind to a halt around them, until Snotlout kicked Eret’s thigh. “Round’s over! I didn’t need you two to get that close.”
Eret scrambled off of her, and offered a hand to help her up. Y/N accepted it, hoping he couldn’t tell her hands were getting clammy. She very pointedly studied the sand around them as Snotlout sighed.
“Eret landed top of the pile, so he wins, but really, we all win, don’t we?” He slung his arms around both of their shoulders, yanking them down to the same height. “Would you consider you to be friends, now?  Wouldn’t you say that sparring match was just what you needed?”
Y/N wriggled away, but her sneer was breaking into a smile. “Not to your credit, Snotlout.”
“Nonsense. Another rift mended by the expertise of one Snotlout Jorgenson!” He released Eret but ground a fist into his bicep with a grin. “My dad will be so excited to hear that it worked!” He climbed into his dragon’s saddle and jerked his horns. “Let’s go do the family name proud, Hookfang! Have fun being friends! And don’t worry, you can thank me later!”
The pair of troublemakers took off, leaving Eret and Y/N in relative peace. Distantly, Skullcrusher was rumbling through the brush and crunching on bones, but they still had a good minute or so before he returned. Muds was likely still scampering about with Stormfly somewhere out of earshot.
Y/N cleared her throat, trying to regain the confidence that had until just recently come so easy to her. “Well, Amit. Since you won, I guess it’s only fair that you pick your prize.”
He mulled it over for a moment, hoping the blush that flared up on his face was still hidden under the pretense of exertion. Half of those thoughts did not have any right to be in his head at that moment. He schooled his voice into steadiness before speaking. “You... could help me with the training arena? I’m on cleaning duty this week.”
Y/N shrugged. “Sure. Maybe I could get some dusting done with that little brush back here.” She ruffled the spiky end of his hair, and he laughed.
“Bad idea. Dust makes me sneeze.”
“We’ll figure something out, Achoo, son of A-sneeze. We may need a lot of water. You could use a bath, anyway.”
She was joking, but he was suddenly trying to remember the last time he’d washed. “Really?”
Her laugh lifted his chest and the corners of his lips. Her eyes sparkled as her gaze sidled over his face. “No, Eric. You’re fine.”
“It’s Eret.”
“I know, Aaron.”
Eret sighed, but didn’t complain. For her favor, he could take a couple new names. And maybe... one day she’d be saying his name right.
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racetothedslides · 6 years
Aftershocks - Part 2
Preface: Though this fic takes place in the RTTE universe, it takes place in a different story arc. I found the idea of working with villains we already know the demise (or redemption) of and familiar plot points kind of boring, so the main antagonist is an OC. I more or less introduce things without exposition, but it shouldn’t be hard to follow, and characters, motives, and plot points will become more fleshed out as the story(s) progress. I prefer stories where you’re not supposed to know everything right off the bat!
Summary: When Hiccup takes the twins invulnerability for granted, Tuff ends up seriously injured. Now he must deal with the wrath and broken trust of Ruff, while questioning his ability to lead as the rest of the gang try to find some middle ground and are forced to see both Hiccup and Ruffnut in a new light.
Rating: Teen I guess?
Warnings (which apply to the story as a whole, not individual chapters): swearing, violence, injury, mild gore
Part 2 - 1,438 words Part 1 
@ashleybenlove ! 
“I don’t know, Sis,” Said Tuffnut, “I still think developing an immunity to Thor’s bane was a pretty good idea.”
“Yeah,” Said Ruffnut, “Like, we could have used it to poison our enemies without worrying about getting sick!”
“A game of wits! Tell the fiend only one cup of ail is poisoned, then have him choose which for each of us to drink. Little would they know they know…”
“The Dread Twins Thorston strike again!” Laughed Ruffnut. 
The twins flew over the ocean, stomachs full of breakfast fish brains and their own brains not overly concerned with their task. Though Ruffnut’s eyes did dart towards the water below them frequently, it had nothing to do with nerves; though it had been years since she’d seen him, she always hoped she’d catch a glimpse of Scauldy. Yet the scauldron remained elusive as ever, and after a few hours their target came into view. 
“Wow…that’s one big heap of yak dung.” Said Tuffnut. 
They guided Barf and Belch forward, touching down on the rubble strewn beach. They didn’t have to walk long before they found a cave entrance. It wasn’t as dark as one might expect inside the mountain, and the light that filtered in from other other various entrances and holes in the rock gave the cave system a haunting ambiance. Dust fell from the ceiling at random, with one stream hitting Belch in the eye. Barf gurgled in amusement. 
“I dunno,” Said Ruffnut, “With the right overhaul this place could be pretty cool.”
“You kidding?” Said Tuffnut, “It would be cheaper just to tear this place down and install a new mountain.”
“You think Halvar is really hiding all his Thor’s bane here?”
“I don’t know. For a guy as obsessed with purity as he is, this dump doesn’t seem like the kind of place he’d ever go. Then again, that could be part of his master plan.”
“Man, remember the bad guys we fought were stupid? The red Death, Dagur, Alvin, the entire elite guard of Burk and our parol officers…I miss those days.”
“Me too, Sis, me too.”
A low rumbling knocked a shower of grit from the ceiling. 
“What was that?” Asked Tuffnut. 
“No clue,” Said Ruffnut, “Want to check it out?” Tuffnut shrugged and they continued deeper into the cave. 
They made no effort to keep track of the twists and turns they took, mostly because they were themselves, but also because there was a never a shortage of potential exists. It wasn’t long before Ruffnut clamped a hand over her nose. 
“Argh, do you think whatever it is is making that smell?”
“Hmmm…interesting bouquet. Eggy…rottony…I’ve got it! Smells just like Astrid’s cooking.”
The rumbling came again, and this time the twins could see a dark mass moving towards them through the tunnel ahead and within an instant they were swarmed by a flock of panicking night terrors. The two scrambled to their dragon and somehow directed the zippleback towards the nearest source of sunlight, emerging onto the crumbling mountainside. Tuffnut opened his mouth to say something, but before he could get any words out a night terror raced out of the exit they’d just come from and collided with Barf’s face. The irritated dragon let loose a small cloud of gas into the night terrors face, which Belch dutifully sparked. The explosion would not have been enough to hurt the little dragon or anything else under normal circumstances. The natural gas seeping from every fissure with the mountain and leaking out of every exit, would change everything. 
The blast was so loud Ruffnut screamed in shock, and Tuffnut looked up just in time so see half of the mountain, the half he was standing on, explode outwards. There was no time, no point, in trying to get their bearings. Tuff opened his mouth to scream or call out to his sister or dragons, he wasn’t sure, but it was immediately filled with dust and rock. Everything happened so quickly Ruffnut was only vaguely aware of rocks impacting her body, but couldn’t register the pain, at least not yet. She thought she saw a flash of green in the near black cloud that surrounded her, but she wasn’t sure. Despite the sudden nature of the explosion, it seemed to take forever to end. Even after she’d hit the ground the rubble kept raining down around her. It would have been deafening, had she been able to hear anything. 
When it was finally over, she couldn’t do anything but lay were she had fallen, stunned, trying to process what had just happened. She knew that Barf hadn’t released nearly enough gas to cause an explosion like that, but when it came time to try and think of another explanation, her brain ceased to function. That’s impossible, she kept thinking to herself, That’s impossible, that’s impossible…
When she was finally able sit up she spent a few seconds rubbing the grit from her eyes before they would allow her to see, through the dust that clung to the air, the ruin that was half a mountain. 
“.!” She said. She tried to cough out as much debris as she could before she tried again. “Tuff?!”
She slowly stood up, waiting for any sudden flash of pain. All she felt, however, was a dull ache in her arm. Looking down, she noticed her arm seemed to be covered in a reddish paste and when she cleared it away she realized she had a pretty nasty gash running the length of her forearm, stopping just as it hit the back of her hand. Nasty as it was, it wouldn’t kill her, and the dust mixed with her blood to form a sort of bandage. She scanned the area around her and called for her brother again. Her heart leapt with she heard a sudden sound, but it was Barf and Belch, not Tuff. She stumbled over to them and was happy to see they seemed fine. 
“Guys, help me find Tuff…” She wheezed. The two heads immediately started scouting the area. After a minute of searching Belch began frantically nosing a pile of rocks. Ruffnut hurried over and saw that it wasn’t a pile of rocks he was nosing, it was one big rock, on top of one Tuffnut Thorston. While Belch tried to wake Tuffnut up, Barf aimed a headbutt at the rock that sent it flying. Ruff rolled her brother onto his back and tried not to panic. His arm was hanging at an odd angle, and while she was momently relieved to hear him breathe, the odd papery sound that accompanied each breath terrified her. 
She tried to remember their first aid courses her memory wouldn’t cooperate. Instead she began to pick the smaller rocks off of her brother. She hadn’t been able to manage more than a whisper since the blast. That changed when she took hold of what she thought was a pebble only to find it was Tuffunt’s exposed collar bone. She shrieked. 
“TUFF, WAKE UP, COME ON WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO THE EDGE!” She was starting to hyperventilate now, “Barf! Belch! Go get help!!! PLEASE!” Barf turned to face the sky, but Belch would not be budged from his position over Tuffnut. Ruffnut was torn between screaming at Belch and knowing there was no way she could leave him either. 
“It’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok…it’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok…” She said to no one, “They’ll come look for us. They’ll find us. Everything’s going to be ok…”
Across miles and miles of sea, the rest of the gang was starting to regroup. No one had any luck. 
“Think the twins have?” Asked Fishlegs. Astrid shrugged. 
“Who knows,” She said, “Hey, Fishlegs, how long did it take you to get to and from the island they’re at?”
“It was pretty far out there,” Said Fishlegs, “We didn’t get back until after dark, remember? They won’t be back for hours.” The unease that had been lurking in the back of Astrid’s mind stirred, but she knew her friend was right. 
“Ok,” She said, “We’ll give them until midnight, but they aren’t back by then we’re going after them.”
“Deal,” Said Hiccup, sensing her discomfort. 
Back on the half destroyed island Ruffnut sat, Tuff’s head in her lap, watching the sun dip lower and lower, her brother’s rasping breath the only sound to fill the air. 
They’ll be here any minute, she thought, Any minute now. She repeated these words in her mind as each passing hour brought a little more darkness to the sky. 
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fictionalnormalcy · 7 years
A Difference Between Book and Movie Part Five
So for my final rant, I’ll try to make sure I have all my pieces placed and out there. I do love the animated series, because they’re trying so hard to incorporate as much as they can from the books into the animation. I mean, we have 5 SEASONS for Dragons: Race to the Edge! And we’re getting a third movie too! I’ve watched the Netflix series obsessively, making the connections from what they put in the show from the books. They may have put it in with the tiniest details, but it’s still distinguishable. 
For those of you who haven’t read the books yet but have seen the Netflix show, here’s an example. In Season 5, there’s an episode where Snotlout and Hiccup travel to a trading market and wind up chasing a thief who stole Hiccup’s gift for Astrid. They come to a shore where there is a bare patch of sand. The moment they step onto the sand, something hooks around their ankles and drags them deep below the sand. A dragon has taken them, where it kept its treasure hoard. Now, how this scene is related to the books, is that Hiccup encounters a dragon who drags their victims below the sand. He had been dragged below while he was searching for Fishlegs, who had disappeared in that very spot. The dragon who was there was a Burrowing Slitherfang, who encased their victims (if they were still alive) in a glass like substance and would save them to eat for later. Hiccup actually killed this dragon, as I referred in the previous post. The alterations they made for the animated version is that the dragon had no intentions of eating them, it was just protecting its treasure, and it was sensitive to the sunlight. 
A difference is that they’ve added several villains. Alvin the Treacherous is an Outcast, but he isn’t as bad as Dagur, Krogan, or Viggo, and the new reveal Johann. I think the plot was made more interesting in the recreated universe by adding more villains, because if they put all the chaos book Hiccup went through, people who hadn’t read the books would get freaked out. On a side note, the only character who has lost both leg and hand is Gobber, which I think they took from book Alvin and given to Gobber the Belch instead. However, I have yet to see someone who has lost an eye and must wear an eyepatch. 
One thing I want to see in the upcoming season, or at least it be mentioned, is that Hiccup was born on February 29th. So in the books he would be turning twelve years old, but also three because his birthday existed on the leap year. I wish we could have a clip in the movie, or an episode in the season where they celebrate his birthday. And also, introduce other dragons species from the books, maybe Hiccup names some that are in the books. Like Wodensfang and Ziggerastica. 
I will always wonder why the animated Hiccup loses the bottom part of his leg at the end of the first movie. I don’t know what kind of incapacity they meant to portray for him, because missing a leg definitely slows Hiccup down. For one thing, he had to alter how he would click open Toothless’ wing, and then he isn’t as skilled a fighter because the metal leg does give some restrictions. The closest that book Hiccup comes to injuring himself was the fact that he got bit by a Vampire Spydragon, a dragon that when it bites you, implants a tooth that can be used as a tracking device. Book Hiccup is bitten twice, and it is reported that he is forever mildly paralyzed from the left side. Which is similar to the leg animated Hiccup lost, the left calf and foot. From what i can remember, I don;t even think he has use of his arm at all, or can barely use it. 
Book Hiccup and movie Hiccup share different personalities and interests, even though they both possess the same knowledge. Animated Hiccup is believed to be an inventor and engineer, and in my opinion, a whole lot more sarcastic than book Hiccup. He did not create the Book of Dragons, but did help rewrite it so Vikings would understand dragons better. He also undergoes more of a change than book Hiccup, and while he may not have as much muscle as his father, he has learned to adapt to his metal leg and is a skillful fighter. 
Book Hiccup is thought of as a scientist, who never preferred to step into the limelight and instead studied dragons and wrote down what he observed. Now, animated Hiccup did do this too, but only the Night Fury Toothless and observing him to learn how he could help the downed dragon fly. Anyway, book Hiccup is actually a wicked good sword fighter. I think he could beat animated Hiccup easily, because in the first book he discovers that he is a left-handed swordfighter. I wonder how they overlooked that detail for the animated series, because Hiccup uses the flaming sword in his right hand, and I’ve never seen him defeat anyone with his sword-fighting ability. Also, book Hiccup can speak several languages, two of them being fluent French and Dragonese. 
A similarity between the two, is that they both want to make their father proud. No matter what, they strive to make their father not see them as a disappointment, even though it can result in embarrassment. They both go against their father’s wishes of bonding with dragons, and each beat the odds, though with brutal consequences. They both reach the highest heights, and are later praised and seen as brilliant. 
So, there finishes my comparison of the How To Train Your Dragon books and movies! Tell me what you think, feel free to give me a follow, and I’ll answer any questions you’ve got. There may have been something I overlooked. 
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izzyhaddock · 7 years
A Long Rant About Race To The Edge And All That Comes With Watching This Clusterfuck Of A Show
The title says it all and if you don’t want to read me complain about RTTE then keep scrolling and move on nothing to see here because I honestly never complain about the show but lemme tell ya this is long overdue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ok so I watched RTTE in 2015 (damn that seems so long ago) because yey we’re getting new content until HTTYD3 and yey the gang again, and characters and dragons and Hiccstrid and just more things to see and learn about this amazing franchise that I fell in love with. That helped me through depression and a really shitty period and just made me really happy.
And then I kept on watching it because season 1 was ok and then season 2 was amazing because Viggo and pulling Hiccup around like a puppet and violence and him actually having to think to beat his opponent and yeah nice job Dreamworks. And then season 3 came and not as good as season 2 but it can pass and season 4 was a clusterfuck of what the hell what the fuck is this for real and Hiccstrid was cute but it’s not my OTP and yeah I liked the fact that Hiccup actually acknowledged the fact that Astrid is ALIVE but for the love of God no.
Season 5…yeah this is just getting out of hand.
The thing is, I LIKE watching the show, enjoying those moments when they do something right, like Snotlout still being a little shit but giving Hiccup advice about romance (?) and Tuff being sweet and a good brother and Ruff comforting him with looking at the map they bought and showing that Astrid actually has a bond with Stormfly and giving her a moment when she’s vulnerable and I love Ruff so much because she comes and puts a hand on her shoulder and says yeah we all get dust in our eyes or something close to that and Fishlegs being a badass and seeing Alvin again made my day because I miss that lunatic so much sometimes and his methods of extracting information are pure gold and God.
This show has/had moments that are/were brilliant and fucking amazing and then they are simply sometimes forgotten because you can’t see them over the poor characterization and bad writing and just the writers not giving a fuck. I love what the Edge was supposed to be but that’s just not what it came out to be in the end. It was supposed to be this wild place where they talk and study DRAGONS (MIND YOU THE SHOW HAS THE WORD IN ITS NAME AND WE SOMEHOW SEE THEM TREATED AS NOTHING BUT FREAKING HORSES) and seeing Hiccup and Toothless become who they are in HTTYD2 and see this amazing and comfortable relationship between Hiccup and Astrid that is mature and loving and supportive and understanding and see how Fish and Snot started fighting over Ruff, how Berk started to grow, see STOICK AND HICCUP TALK FOR FUCKS SAKE GIVE THEM A SCENE WHERE THEY ARE ACTUALLY ON THE SAME ISLAND, see all the things that forged the flighty and insecure Hiccup that is so afraid of becoming chief. I like Princess Outpost because he’s fun to make fun of but I miss my stammering idiot a lot more than I like Princess Outpost.
And I’ll watch season 6 because hell, I’ve already watched all the ones before it, what do I have to lose? I guess what I’m trying to say is the show started out great (well maybe that’s a strong word but I’m tired and want to sleep and I’m writing this on my phone and the grammar is probably shit but I’m not going to check it so fuck it but I need to do this now or I’ll chicken out) and when the show does something right it really is amazing and for a split second you feel that rush that makes you think yeah that is why I love this franchise so much. And certain moments make me fall in love with the HTTYD universe all over again but then I just get disappointed and blah.
Season 5 had great moments (very SHORT moments) but every episode was a big meh because it didn’t keep me at the edge of my seat like idk Maces and Talons did or make me love Dagur in Enemy Of My Enemy or filler episodes like Astrid’s Team or Total Nightmare or the fucking dynamic between Astrid and Tuff in Edge Of Disaster. So yeah, I’m okay with watching it because Tuff will say something and make me laugh, and so will Snot and Fish and once every blue moon Astrid and Ruff will be granted a moment to be badass and do something that just for a second resembles their characters and Hiccup won’t be a jackass for three seconds and I’ll see Stoick and Gobber and my heart will swell with love because they are my babies. I’ll watch it but to me RTTE feels like The Last Airbender in the Avatar fandom. It’s just something that you are not proud of and it doesn’t make you feel anything other than I huge MEH.
To all those who enjoy watching it please keep watching it and keep on fangirling and keep on screaming how much you love it and for the love of God write as many posts about how much you loved watching it and how you’re sad that it’s coming to an end as you want. I’m begging you to do that.
I’ll probably reblog gifs of the show because hey it still has beautiful animation and good moments and it makes this wait for HTTYD3 at least pass a little faster as I wait for it to drop already and make me feel rejuvenated and finally see the characters treated the way they should be.
Until then, @e--wills can I join your Salty Grandma club or whatever it’s called? I can’t drink and I probably won’t write how salty I am but I can reblog the hell out of it.
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coolranch1112 · 7 years
i was tagged
Rules: Answer all the questions, and then tag at least 5 people.
1. List your fandoms.
2. List your OTPs.
3. If you have any ships that are almost OTPs, list those as well.
4. List your top 5 favorite male characters.
5. List your top 5 favorite female characters.
6. List your top 5 villains.
7. List your top 5 male actors.
8. List your top 5 female actors.
9. What fandom are you most involved in?
10. What fandom do you think has had the biggest impact on you?
11. What are your favorite genres for books, movies, and TV shows?
12. Any favorite fanfictions?
13. List your 5 favorite authors.
14. Any favorite writers, directors, or producers?
1. List your fandoms.
Steven universe
how to train your dragon
voltron: legendary defender supernatural(sorta)
ouran host club
star vs the forces of evil
marvel universe (idk if it counts as a fandom but it should)
DC nation (should count as well)
2. list your otps
rufflout (ruffnut/snotlout)
hiccstrid (hiccup/astrid)
stevonnie (steven/connie)
rubphire (ruby/sapphire)
perlmythyst (pearl/amethyst)
klance (keith/lance)
shallura (shiro/allura)
starco (star/marco)
hethlegs (heather/fishlegs)
( I hope I spelled them right)
3. if you have ships that are almost otps, list those too.
rufflegs (ruffnut/fishlegs)
fishthorn (fishlegs/rosethorn)
snotgur (snotlout/dagur)
(gobber/stoick) I don’t know the ship name
4.  list your top 5 favorite male characters
Tuffnut thorstone (httyd)
dean Winchester (supernatural)
lars (Steven universe)
lance Mcclain (vld)
gobber (httyd)
5. List your top 5 favorite female characters
pony head (svtfoe)
ruffnut thorston (httyd)
jasper (Steven universe).
holly blue agate (Steven universe)
allura (vld)
6. list your top 5 villans
haggar (vld)
yellow diamond (Steven universe)
bill cypher (gravity falls)
blue diamond (Steven universe)
giganta (DC Nation)
7. list your top five male actors
chris pratt
Misha Collins
Zach Callison
Matthew Moy
Josh Keaton
8. list your top 5 female actors
Kimberly Brooks
Cree Summer
Kristen Wiig
America Ferrera
Michaela Dietz
9. what fandom are you most involved in?
Steven universe/voltron: legendary defenders/httyd
I cant realy decide they all have amazing fanfiction, crazy theories, and out of this world fanart.
10. what fandom do you think has the biggest impact on you?
its either httyd or steven universe because httyd was my first fandom andwas where I first learned how to come up with au and therioes but steven universe has helped me through a lot of problems and literally helped me with my self confidence even though I don’t have much in that department it is still a lot bigger than it would have been without the show.
11. what are your favorite genres of books, movies, and tv shows
I think it would have to be fantasy because if you cant tell I love magic and superhero’s and myths/monsters and did I mention SUPERHEROS.
12. any favorite fanfictions?
I love @edge-of-bizarre’s fanfictions espesally day at the beach or anything to do with thieir monster au (they where actually my first tumblr blog)
13. list your favorit authors
I don’t read a lot of books so I only have two
ransome riggs writer of “miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children” and Cherie priest writer of “I am princess x”
14. do you have any favorite writers, directors, or producers?
no actually I don’t really pay attention to a lot of that stuff and usually avoid it because you here a lot of negativity about a tv show or film before it comes out because “bla bla bla has something to do with it so it must be bad/good” and I can get really judgmental about stuff like that to so I just try to avoid it but I guess I accualy need to pay attention to stuff like that.
time to tag people and I pick @coranbestman, @thecrystalbamfs, @dragons-and-vikings, @klanced, and @fanwriter02
and remember you dont have to rush take your time and enjoy :)
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ashleybenlove · 5 years
Title: Poison Tears
Prompt: No prompt.
Fandom: How To Train Your Dragon
Pairing: Hiccup/Astrid/Fishlegs/Snotlout/Ruffnut/Tuffnut (polyamorous gang)
Word Count: 3623
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Biphobia, homophobia, polyphobia/anti-poly sentiments, abuse mention, abusive parent, murder, character death, mentions of misogyny, implied sexual content, references to sex.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the source material in this fanfic. That’s to whatever company or person owns it. I would never claim to own it.
Notes: There are probable influences from fandom and whatnot in this story. There’s a sentence from Brooklyn Nine-Nine (“Well, I’m happy this went terribly.”) in this fic. There’s also a line that I wrote with this post in mind. While rewatching Race to the Edge’s Have Dragon Will Travel, the fact that Razorwhips have poison tears got me thinking about poisoning Spitelout, because Spitelout is an abusive asshole. Shoutout to afterandalasia, who in our long talks about the show, once commented to me how Snotlout will never be able to get away from Spitelout unless Spitelout dies, and @howtodrawyourdragon who workshopped this fic with me. Takes place after Race to the Edge. This is also on AO3.
And it is under the read more.
       “What do you need Windshear’s tears for?” Heather asked, having discreetly met Hiccup on Dragon’s Edge.
 It was a good meeting spot, given that no one aside from dragons lived here anymore.
 She handed him a small vial.
 “Reasons,” Hiccup said, darkly. “Thank you. Give Dagur and Mala my love.”
 Hiccup wanted to kill Spitelout. But he had not wanted to kill him with dragon fire because he knew that would trace back to him somehow, and he wouldn’t want any dragon to be blamed for any deaths. While Astrid would almost certainly kill Spitelout if asked, he wanted a method of death that was not readily apparent. No one would know. No one would be blamed.
 Atali had once told him that Razorwhip tears don’t kill immediately and it never traces back to the tears, simply making it seem like Spitelout died of something else, like a heart attack.
 It’d be easy to get rid of Spitelout.
 He heard Viggo’s voice in his head, “Hiccup, you're more ruthless than you realize.”
 He figured that this was the kind of thing Viggo meant.
 And Spitelout was someone who repeatedly abused Snotlout, one of his Riders. For years. And Hiccup was frankly tired of knowing that it happened and not being able to do something substantial to stop it. So, he had to die.
 Yes, perhaps the man had been helpful with studying the Singetails and even the battle at Berserker Island, but that did not cancel out the bad. He remembered how frightened and upset Snotlout had been when they were late for the cancelled Hofferson-Jorgenson wedding. How a mere conversation Snotlout had with his father at Storehouse Island, had wrecked him and made him feel useless, caused him to act in ways that could have killed him. The way Spitelout made his son feel was reprehensible.
 And he certainly remembered some of Spitelout’s recent behavior towards Snotlout (and to some degree, the gang) and how it made Snotlout feel.
 After their return to Berk, the gang was open about the relationship that they had begun on Dragon’s Edge, intent on continuing it on Berk. As such they did engage in some public displays of affection with each other (nothing more than hugs and kisses, as appropriate for public), and normally, most people kept their comments to their themselves about this.
 Most people.
 But not Spitelout.
 Spitelout had seen Snotlout give kisses to everyone in the gang on a lovely day while they were in the Great Hall, and had to say something. Loudly. Had to declare his displeasure that his son was kissing the young men that were his partners. Even declare it indecent, unnatural.
 The way that man put his hand on Snotlout’s shoulder had been much too rough.
 And just like that Storehouse Island incident, it was apparent how much this incident upset Snotlout. In the days afterwards, the public displays of affection with Snotlout had dwindled down to just Ruffnut and Astrid. Snotlout had rebuffed attempts at chaste kisses from Hiccup, Fishlegs, and Tuffnut. He even visibly seemed uncomfortable with the affection the other three men expressed in public with each other, when usually quite happy to watch.
 Soon afterwards, the six sat down to privately talk about it, and Snotlout had cried.
 Snotlout did not deserve to feel that way because of his father. Hiccup knew this already. But he came out of that talk knowing that Spitelout deserved to die. He was not letting Spitelout get in the way of Snotlout’s happiness.
      “How’s Smidvarg and the Gang?” Tuffnut asked, when Hiccup and Toothless landed. “Hey, T,” Tuffnut added. He gave Toothless a pat on the head, who purred happily at the affection.
 When Hiccup dismounted Toothless, Tuffnut kissed Hiccup softly on the lips. Hiccup kissed him back, happily.
 Hiccup had told the gang he’d be heading to the Edge just to visit with the Night Terrors, which yes, was partially true. Nothing about getting poison dragon tears from Heather, which was hiddenly safely in his saddlebag.
 “Oh, they’re doing wonderfully. They were happy to see me. Smidvarg yelled in my ear,” Hiccup said. He then stuck his finger in his ear briefly.
 “Well, we’re glad you’re back, we missed you,” Tuffnut said. He patted Hiccup’s butt. “Now, go on. Go kiss the rest of your partners.”
 “Sounds good to me!” Hiccup said.
 Hiccup absolutely did that.
      Hiccup did not use the vial right away. He felt if he did it right away, it would be suspect because he had been gone for a few days.
 But every time Spitelout so much as touched Snotlout even slightly roughly or even looked at him in a way Hiccup didn’t like, his fingers itched. He had spent too long watching that man abuse his son.  
 Within a fortnight, he decided… it was time for Spitelout to die.
 He had a plan that had already been put into motion.
 While he usually had dinner with the gang in the Great Hall (they got used to eating meals together, having lived together on the Edge), his plan was to have a drink and a meal with Spitelout. Maybe in the Great Hall, maybe alone. The setting was to be decided.
 Though he realized, that yes, this might be suspicious because he had an established routine of having dinner with his partners. However, perhaps one could assume that given that it was obvious he had plans to marry the other Riders someday, he was making sure the Riders’ parents were aware of his intentions. That was the pretense for this meal with Spitelout. To inform him that he planned on marrying his son. He planned on speaking with Snotlout’s mother at a much later date after Spitelout’s death in which he would inform her that he planned on marrying her son. He had considered speaking with her before Spitelout, but figured Spitelout would take offense that he had not been consulted first as the man or some other misogynistic nonsense.
 He made sure that he was seen having a meal with at least one parent of the rest of the Riders prior to this meeting with Spitelout.
 He had a meal with Fishlegs’ mother in the Great Hall, shortly after his return, making his intentions known to her that he planned to marry her son and that he loved Fishlegs quite dearly and ardently. She cried, he cried, they both cried. Fishlegs cried from afar. They made quite the fuss in the Great Hall. He was quite fond of Mrs. Ingerman. She was a lovely woman, mother, and grandmother. And he loved her crab cake recipe.
      He had heard rumors that members of the Jorgensons were going to be bludgeoning their own heads for funsies (not his word, Tuffnut’s) later that day, so… hmm. Spitelout could go bludgeon his own head and then… fall asleep and never wake up. They could just blame it on the head trauma.
      He found Spitelout in the village about midday and approached.
 “Spitelout,” Hiccup said. “I’d like you to have dinner with me in my house.”
 “Boyo!” Spitelout exclaimed. “Will your father be there?”
 “No, he’ll be having dinner in the Great Hall,” Hiccup said.
 “What’s the occasion, boyo?” Spitelout asked.
 “Just have dinner with me, please. I’d like to talk about your wonderful son with you,” Hiccup said.
 Spitelout let out a noise that sounded like a scoff when Hiccup described Snotlout as “wonderful” and Hiccup took a deep breath, not wanting to immediately strike him down, or say “Toothless, plasma blast!” without thinking about it.
 “Alright, boyo, I’ll see you in a few hours,” Spitelout said.
 “A few hours,” Hiccup repeated.
      Yak stew, bread, mead for Spitelout, and water for Hiccup. The food was all set out and ready when Spitelout arrived, Hiccup’s water was already waiting. Hiccup asked Spitelout whether he would prefer water or mead, and when he got Spitelout’s choice, Hiccup poured the mead and after that, poured the vial’s contents into the cup, all while Spitelout was sitting with his back to their kitchen. He was patting Toothless. A good distraction from a good bud.
 He handed Spitelout the cup.
 “Aye, boyo, what’s this about?” Spitelout asked as he tore into his bread.
 Hiccup took a deep breath. This speech was essentially similar for all the parents he planned to speak with but tailored to each Rider.
 “Well, Spitelout, as you know, Snotlout has been a valuable member of my team for many years. My team would not be the same without him. He is protective and loyal and has grown into a sensitive, caring man. And over the course of those years, my affection for him has grown exponentially. I love him, ardently and plan to someday make him my spouse along with the rest of my team, and while I am not speaking on behalf of the other four Riders, but I know they plan the same. And I wanted you aware of my intentions for your son,” Hiccup told him. There was one bit unsaid: “Whether you approve or not.”
 Hiccup ate a spoonful of stew and waited.
 “Hard to believe my son found someone to love him. Much less five,” Spitelout said, and he took a sip of his mead.
 Hiccup took a deep breath. At least Spitelout would be dead soon. But… hearing someone say that, of their own son… that hurt Hiccup deeply. It felt like a gut punch. And he had been punched in the gut before.
 He chose to eat his stew in silence. He heard Toothless make a soft noise… that was a growl, yep.
 “Disappointing he ended up into being buggered, though,” Spitelout said. “And that the future chief, by wanting to marry three men, is as well.”
 Oh, Toothless’ growl was a little louder this time.
 Hiccup took a deep breath.
 “I’m sorry that you find love disappointing,” Hiccup said, evenly. He ate some more stew and some bread as well.
 Spitelout drank some more mead.
 “I suppose you’re the reason why my son is in this phase of being interested in men and women, at the same time. Cheating on all his partners, who are all cheating on him,” Spitelout said.
 Toothless growled again.
 Hiccup took a deep breath.
 “You misunderstand what polyamory is. We all love each other; we all know about each other’s individual partnerships. Snotlout is not cheating on anybody, nor is anybody in the Riders. And being attracted to multiple genders is not a phase and I didn’t cause that. It was a facet of himself that he figured out,” Hiccup said.
 Spitelout scowled, then shrugged, and continued to eat and drink, as did Hiccup.
 Hiccup knew this conversation would not go well, and had not expected it to.
 But it was a way to get Spitelout alone, so he would end up drinking poison. And Spitelout had, so at least that part of the plan had gone well.
“So, if I were to go out and fuck some woman that isn’t my wife, would that be okay?” Spitelout asked, after a few long moments of silence.
 “No!” Hiccup said, aghast. “Not if you didn’t talk to your wife about that beforehand! Don’t cheat on your wife!”
 He couldn’t believe he had to tell this man to not cheat on his wife.
 Luckily, Spitelout had finished his stew as well as his bread. Hiccup watched Spitelout as he drank the last of the mug’s contents. Good.
 Spitelout stood up, as if to leave.
 “I’ll be going then, thanks for the meal, boyo,” Spitelout said.
 “Well, I’m happy this went terribly,” Hiccup said.
 Hiccup watched Spitelout walk out of his house and shut the door behind him.
 One of Hiccup’s first actions after he and Toothless were alone was to grab the vial and the mug, and put the vial inside the mug. And he put the mug near the hearth.
 “You know what to do, bud,” Hiccup said.
 Toothless fire a small plasma blast that destroyed both the mug and the vial. No evidence.
 They had plenty of mugs in their house.
 “Good job, bud,” Hiccup said. He patted Toothless’s head. “Let’s go meet with the gang, eh? I want some kisses.”
 Toothless licked Hiccup’s nose.
 It was clear that was his target was his nose but he licked Hiccup’s general face area.
 “Yes, thank you for that,” Hiccup said, flatly. “I’m sure that will make me very attractive to them.”
      The next morning, Hiccup woke up to Tuffnut snuggled next to him, Tuffnut’s hand on his bare chest. Toothless was on his rock bed.
 He heard his dad talking to Gobber. Hmm. His dads. That made him smile. He loved his dads. He loved Toothless. He loved Tuffnut.
 “In his sleep?” he heard Stoick say.
 “Seems like it,” Gobber replied.
 Despite being curious to know what they were talking about (though he had a very good idea what it was), he did not move from his spot, as it would mean waking up Tuffnut.
 “Is Snotlout here?” he heard Gobber ask.
 “I don’t think so? I know Tuffnut went upstairs with Hiccup last night,” Stoick responded.
 At that precise moment, Tuffnut said softly, “I heard my name so I’m awake.”
 Hiccup looked over at him.
 “My dads are talking,” Hiccup whispered. He then pressed a soft, chaste kiss to Tuff’s lips.
 “So, you’re eavesdropping,” Tuffnut whispered.
 “No, just curious,” Hiccup whispered.
 “Still eavesdropping,” Tuffnut whispered.
 Hiccup ignored this. Even if it was true. “Where’s my leg?” he asked.
 Toothless chose that moment to place Hiccup’s prosthetic on Hiccup’s chest.
 “Thanks, bud,” Hiccup said, as he quickly put his prosthetic on and got out of bed, patting Tuffnut’s hip. “Get dressed, Tuff.”
 Hiccup handed Tuff’s pants to Tuff.
 Hiccup made a show of putting his shirt on and yawning at the top of his stairs.
 “What’re you talking about, dads?” Hiccup asked, sleepily. He walked down the stairs. Toothless was definitely following not far behind him.
 “Who’s still upstairs?” Stoick asked.
 “Me!” Tuffnut exclaimed. He jumped down from the loft, not using the stairs, letting out only a grunt.
 “Tuffnut was the only one with me last night once I came back to the house,” Hiccup said. “I assume Snotlout, since I heard you mention him, either went to his parents’ house or went to one of the Riders’ homes.”
 Snotlout had gotten in the habit of mostly staying with the gang since their return from the Edge. For obvious reasons.
 “Well, Spitelout died in his sleep last night, and obviously, his son needs to be informed,” Stoick said.
 Hiccup nodded seriously.
 Obviously, he knew that there would be fallout after Spitelout died, and therefore planned for it. He, of course, would be there to comfort Snotlout, with the rest of his and Snotlout’s partners.
 “Whoa, Spitelout kicked the bucket?” Tuffnut said.
 “Would you like me to collect Snotlout so you can give the news?” Hiccup asked his father.
 “Yes, of course,” Stoick told him.
 Hiccup grabbed Tuffnut���s hand, and said, “Come on.”
      As Ruffnut and Astrid were standing at the steps of the Great Hall clearly waiting for them, that answered Hiccup’s question that Snotlout probably stayed with Fishlegs overnight. The ladies were holding hands.
 “There’s a rumor going around that Spitelout died overnight?” Astrid asked. She let out a yawn before she said this.
 “It’s true,” Hiccup said. “My dad wants me to get Snotlout so he can give him the news, given that Snotlout wasn’t at the Jorgenson’s. I assume he’s with Fishlegs?”
 “Yeah, they left before we did,” Ruffnut said.
 “Let’s go get ‘em and bring ‘em to my house so Stoick can give him the news privately,” Hiccup said. “And he has our support and comfort.”
 They had all done such a beautiful job when his own father had been unwell after the ambush by the Flyers. They were so comforting, and they stayed by his side. He would never forget their loyalty.
 And he intended to reciprocate that loyalty to Snotlout. This was about his love for Snotlout. Not about Spitelout.
 He did not feel guilt for Spitelout’s death. The man deserved to die for abusing Snotlout.
      The four of them went to Fishlegs’ home, retrieved Snotlout and Fishlegs, and headed back to Hiccup’s house. Hiccup held Snotlout’s hand the entire way back.
 When they returned to Hiccup’s house, everyone sat near Snotlout, five different hands held onto his two.
 Snotlout sat in between Fishlegs and Hiccup. Stoick and Gobber sat across from them.
 “What’s going on?” Snotlout asked. “Why are we meeting with the Chief and Gobber? It’s a little early in the day to be having ‘I want to marry your kid’ dinners. And I figured we would all tell Hiccup’s dads one at a time.”
 Stoick cleared his throat.
 “That’s not why we’ve asked you here, Snotlout,” Stoick said, breezing past Snotlout’s comments. It was not appropriate to talk about at the moment. On another day.
 With Snotlout’s hands both occupied, Stoick reached out and touched Snotlout’s arm about midway to his elbow.
 “It is my sad duty to inform you, Snotlout Jorgenson, that your father, Spitelout Jorgenson, died overnight in his sleep,” Stoick said.
 Snotlout gasped.
 “W-what?” Snotlout asked. “He’s only forty-six. How could he die?”
 Stoick sighed gently.
 “Lad, we know that he bludgeoned his own head for fun yesterday evening. It’s possible that accidentally killed him,” Stoick said. “I’m so sorry. He was a great warrior.”
 Hiccup could agree with that. Spitelout was a great warrior.
 At least Stoick didn’t say some nonsense about how Spitelout was a great person or a great father. That would be lies. Spitelout was neither of those things. An abuser is not a great person or a great father.
 “Oh, Snotlout, I’m so sorry,” Fishlegs said softly.
 “We’re here for you,” Hiccup whispered. Hiccup squeezed Snotlout’s hand.
 Astrid and the twins, who were seated on the floor, echoed those sentiments, also squeezing his hands.
 Snotlout sniffled. He then sighed and chuckled awkwardly.
 “He would have disapproved of me crying,” Snotlout said. “Would have called it weak. But it’s all I want to do.”
 “You’re allowed to cry, Snotlout,” Astrid said, softly.
 They had allowed him to cry freely many times including that private meeting that lead to this moment. It was not necessary for Hiccup or any of the other Riders to second Astrid’s sentiments.
 “Aye, let it out, lad,” Stoick said. “Crying is not weak.”
 Snotlout nodded tearfully.
 And from there, the tears fell.
 And perhaps, Spitelout may have disapproved of Snotlout crying, but the people sitting with him, certainly did not, even if all they could say of the deceased was that he was a great warrior.
 Snotlout had once said he did not have a heart, because he was not a girl, but that was almost certainly toxic nonsense Spitelout had taught him. Snotlout did have a heart; it had allowed him to love a dragon and bond with him deeply and profoundly and had allowed him to fall in love with five of his closest friends.
 They sat with him, their hands on him, a constant reminder that they were here with him and not planning on leaving him alone.
 When Snotlout had finished crying, he asked, “Where’s my mother?”
 “With members of the Jorgensons,” Gobber said.
 Snotlout nodded.
 “I should probably go be with my mom,” Snotlout said. He sniffled.
 “We’ll go with you,” Hiccup said, quickly.
 Hiccup squeezed Snotlout’s hand.
 “We’re your family,” Fishlegs added.
 Hiccup, Astrid, and the twins indicated their agreement on this point.
 “Aye, if the Jorgensons need anything, do not hesitate to ask,” Stoick spoke up.
 Snotlout nodded, sniffling.
 So, the gang stayed with Snotlout during that day at the Jorgenson house. Fishlegs cooked in the kitchen so that Snotlout’s mother could sit with her son while various Jorgensons talked about Spitelout. The gang stayed close to Snotlout and his mother. Stoick even came by as part of his chiefly duties. Hiccup, realizing, that this was part of the duties that would one day (hopefully, a long time away) be his, paid attention to the way his father handled those duties.
 Hiccup resisted the urge to go into the room where the family had placed Spitelout’s corpse and go say something to the man’s corpse.
 But then Stoick called Hiccup’s name and gestured for him to come over to him. Hiccup took a deep breath.
 “Stay with Snotlout,” he told the gang, as he got up.
 “Yes?” Hiccup said, softly, upon reaching his father.
 “One of the duties as Chief includes visiting with the deceased member of the tribe,” Stoick said, as the two walked towards a room.
 “Oh,” Hiccup said.
 Well. Hiccup supposed making sure Spitelout was actually dead would be a good idea.
 They soon stood in front of Spitelout’s corpse. The poison tears did their work. It was not apparent how the man died. Maybe his heart gave out, maybe blunt force trauma. His body was still. A relief. He would never again lay a hand on Snotlout or say something ugly to him.
 His father said some funeral-type words to the body. Hiccup didn’t quite pay attention to the words. He knew the funerary prayers of his tribe by heart. It was probably one of them.
 “Would you like to say something to Spitelout?” Stoick asked him, softly.
 “Uh,” Hiccup said. He took a deep breath.
 “Your son is safe with me,” Hiccup said. In his head, he was thinking, “And safe from you. You can’t hurt Snotlout anymore.”
 And when Hiccup stood by Berk’s shores as they watched Spitelout’s funeral ship burn him to ashes, he thought the same thing.
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melodicnommer · 8 years
Ok but how about a HTTYD/Voltron crossover? (With a little bit of ROTG mixed in haha) Just hear me out:
Hiccup is obviously the black paladin like... duh. He fights with his Robotic Galra Leg
He take’s Shiro’s place on the kerberos mission with Tuffnut and Hiccup’s mother
sad times(tm) for him
Astrid takes the role of blue paladin, her weapon is her axe
After Hiccup goes missing she, like keith, gets booted from the Garrison and is determined to find him
She turns out to be the blue paladin though, unlike Keith
She’s also the one who’s half Galra
Ruffnut is the green paladin, her weapon is a staff 
She has kind of the same story as Pidge. she sneaked into the garrison disguised as a boy to find out what happened to Tuffnut. 
after Tuffnut is rescued, the green lion likes both of the twins equally so they modify her cockpit to be flown by two! They also build a new suit of armour and bayard for them. Tuffnut’s weapon is Macey
Fishlegs would be the best yellow lion i mean c’mon. 
I’m not actually sure what his weapon would be? Probably something long-range
Hotheaded Snotlout gets the red lion! His weapon is a gravity hammer
The Altean they find in the castle isnone other than
Also Altean Jack and Tooth as the lost Queen
Who would Coran be? Bunny? (Altean bunny, I am no furry)
Big bad Galra Emperor is Viggo cause tbh he scares me more than Bludvist does
Sendak is Ryker
Pitch Black is Haggar (Terrifying)
Ok but Heather as Prince LotOR
i know all you guys ship Lancelot like me so Heather manipulating Astrid is like... perfect.
Astrid and hiccup agree to hide that she’s Galra, but she can tell Hiccup is scared of her
Heather uses that insecurity against her
Dagur was difficult but.... Ulaz? He saves Hiccup, and then sacrifices himself but this time doesn't come back aha
Who am I missing? Feel free to add to this I am probably gonna write/draw this especially if people are actually interested in it
Edit: The paladins of old were totally the other guardians
Black: Pitch
Blue: Bunny
Yellow: Sandy
Green: Tooth
Red: North
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Winter Whumperland Day 11: Vows
Summary: Written for Winter Whumperland Day 11. Set in a Modern AU, follows up on Day 10 'Ruin'. During the months after his son's disappearance, Stoick has trouble coping and finds himself lost in memories.
Warning: /
Rating: Teen and up
Characters: Stoick, Gobber, Valka, Hiccup, Fishlegs, Dagur, Astrid, Heather, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut
Pairing: Past-Hiccstrid
Words: 4 006
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: “Falling Through Ice”
Whumpee: Hiccup, Stoick, Gobber, Valka
Author’s Notes: Okay, so believe it or not, I did finish this one waaay back in December. But I didn't want to post it until I finished Day 12, which then turned out to be so long I needed to divide it into two parts. Day 12 part 2 still isn't finished yet, but after much too long, I did finally have the energy to get through proofreading this one.
So there you have it, here's Day 11 at long last!
Constructive criticism is appreciated.
It’s through a call in the late morning that Stoick received the news. He was sleeping in for once, something he rarely does as he enjoys waking up early in the morning to get the most work out of a day.
That day, he slept in and it was the ringtone of the smartphone Hiccup made him get that woke him up. He grabbed it and sat up before he answered tiredly.
“Mr. Haddock, sir?” He recognized the voice as belonging to that of Astrid Hofferson, his son’s girlfriend.
“Yes, lass?” He rubbed in his heavy eyes. How did sleeping in longer make him more than waking up with the sun did?
“We think something’s happened with Hiccup. We think he’s missing.”
It was news Stoick never thought he would ever get to hear and he would’ve thought it a prank, if it wasn’t for the tremble in the girl’s voice. Astrid has always seemed tough to him and a terrible liar, like Hiccup. That was genuine emotion in her tone.
That was how he found out his son was missing.
In the beginning, there was a fire driving Stoick forwards.
When his son’s friends called to tell him that they hadn’t seen or heard from Hiccup in a worryingly amount of time when he should’ve been taking his dragon home, Stoick was quick to come over.
He met with the five and the dragon, the one Hiccup was supposed to return to the sanctuary he had escaped from just to see his human companion.
He’d gotten their stories in person, spent another couple of hours trying to reach Hiccup, then searched the places he could’ve possibly gone to, even visiting Gobber and calling Valka, neither of which had seen a sign of him either. After a whole night wasted on trying to reach him, Stoick finally went to the police.
The friends had to do their story again, they were taken seriously, Stoick provided with a description and a picture, it was on the news, posters were printed and posted, it was a whole process, but they were fired up and stubborn in bringing him home.
Then days passed with no real news, then weeks, and then months of nothing. Nothing but sick minds who get some sort of kick out prank calling a worried father and grieving friends and girlfriend.
Stoick went out there himself to search for his son. The coffee shop he worked at, his street, the neighboring streets, he searched the entire city for just a single sign of Hiccup. And if he thought the police wasn’t doing enough, he’d hound them into doing more.
In the beginning, there was no short supply of spirit in his desire to find Hiccup, but now it’s been months and he feels like he’s already running on fumes.
He’s not going to stop, he’s never going to stop, but there are days where he can only sit on the couch in a darkened room and nothing more.
It doesn’t help that the holidays are fast approaching and all they do now is add to his sour mood. If Hiccup isn’t found soon, this’ll be his first without his son and that does not sit well with Stoick at all.
But anyway, Gobber is here, too.
“You know, Stoick, you scowl any more, you’re going to scare even me away.” Gobber jokes with him, attempting to lighten the mood with a light joke. The two have been silently and mindlessly watching whatever crosses their way, hoping to chase away any and all thought as they bring them both nothing but pain.
Gobber is heartbroken, too, jokes and faith in their son’s stubbornness used to help him cling to the hope that they’ll see him again.
At first, it was the hope that they’ll see him again soon, nowadays it’s the hope that they’ll see him again someday, whether dead or alive. Because Gobber isn’t a fool, he knows the first few days are very crucial in a missing person’s case, especially the first 24 hours. Isn’t that what those cop shows always claim? Hiccup has already been gone for months.
He wasn’t able to do much in the beginning. When it came to searching for Hiccup out there on the street and surrounding forests, he was only able to come along for so much with a leg and an arm missing. But with jokes, by talking with Stoick, or just keeping him company, he can help the man be less alone in his suffering.
Stoick hasn’t left the house in days, has stopped returning Valka’s call, and Gobber thinks that’s an alarming thing. The last thing his friend needs is to cut himself off from his family and Hiccup’s friends.
Taking his glare off the tv, which he isn’t paying attention to, anyway, Stoick instead scowls at Gobber.
“Do you truly think that I am in the mood for jokes, Gobber?” He asks, not all that happy to deal with Gobber’s attempt at humor, to say the least.
“Only for tasteful ones!” Gobber replies, his cheer still very much intact. Or that’s what he wants Stoick and those friends of Hiccup’s to believe.
Wordlessly, Stoick looks back at the tv. Apparently, they’ve been watching a channel about DIYs, a chair is being constructed in the current program. He hadn’t even noticed before.
Gobber sighs and looks back at the tv, the living room bathing in darkness except for the light from the screen. Once upon a time, he could at least annoy Stoick into interacting with him, now he can’t even accomplish that anymore.
And if he can’t reach Stoick… Well, it does little good for his own mental health.
Though usually a man that likes a clean house, Stoick has really been letting the place go as there are dishes and cans and filth everywhere. Not that Gobber can fault him for that as his own housekeeping isn’t what it used to be, though it’s always been on the messy side.
Stoick hadn’t wanted to see him either, further backing up his worries that his friend is isolating himself from the outside world. It’s only because Gobber insisted by pushing right past him and forced his way into the home that he isn’t alone now.
Gazing at the silent man, he wonders what he’s thinking now.
Stoick is thinking of Hiccup, for sure, he always is these past months. He shuts himself off to avoid the media, to avoid people who will recognize him from the tireless interviews, to avoid being bothered, running into Astrid or any of her and Hiccup’s friends, or coming across any reminders of his son. Gobber guesses those are the reasons that Stoick no longer goes outside and he only wishes the other would let him in.
Gobber’s assumption couldn’t be more right. In his attempt to hide and stop his endless thoughts and worrying, all Stoick does is think and fret and tear himself apart for his failure.
As a father, he’s supposed to protect his child, that has been his duty from the day he and Valka decided to expand their family. He followed through on this while Valka was pregnant with their son, he held him as soon as he could after birth and promised him that he wouldn’t know a single day of strive, and he tried and tried every single day of the boy’s short lived life to make it come true.
Now look where his incompetence has left him, left Hiccup.
And before this, there were at least two more times when he felt, and was, absolutely useless.
The second time was when a dragon attacked his son, scarred his back, and mangled his leg so badly it had to be taken.
The very first, it was during a snowy winter when his son was 12-years-old and that is the particular moment he’s thinking of now.
“Be careful!” He remembers warning his son that cold afternoon as his friends had come to ask him outside to play, which is slowly devolving into “hanging out” as they age. Not a bad idea, Valka had convinced him and she was still his wife at the time.
Hiccup was a young boy with plenty of friends, he should make use of his childhood while he still can before the inevitable responsibilities of life will whisk him away. He should enjoy himself, that is what Valka said to convince him to let Hiccup outside.
Back then, Oswald, a good friend of Stoick’s, was still alive. Back then, Dagur was still a good boy and Heather was a young girl full of life, who didn’t need to struggle to make ends meet following the loss of her father and her brother’s troubles.
But Stoick knew there was something off about the boy from the beginning. Dagur was too reckless for his tastes, always seeking trouble in some way, never listening to his father. That day, it was Hiccup he dragged down with him.
It was Fishlegs who suddenly stood on his front porch, twiddling his thumbs uncertainly and timidly staring at the ground. Apparently, Astrid had sent him, as Stoick would later find out. She’s always been a smart girl, a girl who doesn’t like to break rules and listens to her parents.
“Um, Mr. Haddock, sir? I think Hiccup’s about to get in a lot of trouble.” For any kid at any age, tattling on your friends never feels good and it doesn’t help that Stoick is so big and scary. The 11-year-old never understood how Hiccup was never scared of him. But Astrid had made him go while she stayed, believing she needed to keep an eye on what she thought was a situation about to get really out of hand.
Tearing their coats off the rack, he and Valka left quickly, the boy guiding them towards the local lake in a forest just outside of town.
They would find that Dagur was the biggest troublemaker in this situation. A much older boy, he’d followed his sister when she left with Astrid.
“Come on, Hiccup! You’re not scared like they are, are you? Get over here!” That was unmistakably young Dagur’s voice that they heard as they approached the lake. Whatever he was hounding their son to do, it couldn’t be anything good.
“Hiccup!” Stoick called out to him the second he spotted him, seeing his small frame on a frozen lake nobody has cleared for use yet and there he was.
Dagurr stood in the middle of it, arms crossed and an impatient look on his face. That is, until he saw the angry and mountainous dad of his target at the banks of the lake together with Hiccup’s mom. And suddenly, he felt like fleeing, having been caught red-handed.
“Mo-Mom? Dad?” Hiccup looked back at his parents, his face and posture betraying that his position isn’t one he put himself in as willingly as it first appeared.
Dagur had been bullying the younger kids, daring them into getting on the ice like he dared to. Kids don’t like to be challenged this way, they don’t like to be made to feel like they can’t do something, like they’re afraid and being afraid makes them a coward. Nobody wants to be seen as anything but brave. But Hiccup, he merely wanted to “prove himself” to end this charade and convince him to get off.
Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout, Astrid, and Heather, too, looked uncomfortable with the situation. They knew it was bad, even the first three who are troublemakers themselves.
“Hiccup, come on! Come back!” Astrid shouted towards him, but he was too stubborn to leave, still waiting on Dagur to get off the ice first.
He wasn’t ready to give up on him yet, not even with his own well-being on the line. He cared too much about others, he has always cared too much. Three years in the future, it might contribute to Dagur’s future obsession with him. His mother has left him, his father would, too, then, but Hiccup hadn’t.
Looking away from his terrified parents to gaze back at Dagur again, he shuffles ever closer while trembling in fright. He can hear and feel the lake cracking in warning beneath his feet.
“Dagur, I’m-I’m-I’m here-I’m here now, can we-can we go back?” He asked with a tremble and tears of stress in his eyes. He wanted to go back so badly, but he refused to go alone.
“Um-” The older boy’s bravado from before was entirely gone, his gaze moved from Hiccup to his father nervously.
“Yes, you two can! And you better come back quickly! Dagur, your father will hear of this!” Stoick couldn’t hear the ice straining, but that didn’t make him any less urged to get those two boys on solid ground.
“Dagur!” Heather shouts, sniffing.
“Dagur, please, you’re only putting yourself in danger! Come back to shore and everything will be okay.” Valka took a less consequential stance, something Stoick looked at her in disagreement for.
“Oh-okay,” Dagur quietly replied, spooked by Hiccup’s parents, and shuffled his way cautious off the lake.
It was only then, when he saw Dagur safely on the banks, that Hiccup could breathe easy and return, too.
“And now you, my brave boy, come here!” Valka stretched her hands out, causing him to smile.
Stoick didn’t plan on being as encouraging as his wife was being, fuming. Their 12-year-old was recklessly risking his life and for what? If he wants to be a hero, he should do it without endangering himself as well.
“I’m-I’m coming!” Hiccup called back, happy that he no longer needed to be here.
But as his luck would have it, just like he will somehow attract the attention of two obsessed men in a span of only three years, he had to be the one to fall through the ice.
Slowly, he moved closer to his friends and parents, the thin layer of ice under his feet cracking beneath his feather-light weight. No matter how much he moved from the spot, the cracks followed him and they grew bigger and they multiplied quickly. He was so scared, dying to reunite with his parents again. They were right there and yet so far away.
And then it breaks and he sinks into the freezing water below with a shriek that is cut short.
“Hiccup!” Everyone shouted as they watched him disappear.
Stoick will remember this incident as one of the worst moments in his entire life. Nothing in any of his 45 years of life will ever come close, not until his son loses his leg and fights for his life in the hospital, not until some faceless stranger kidnapped him for reasons Stoick never wants to know.
He couldn’t traverse the ice to go get him, it would’ve never been able to hold his weight if it couldn’t hold Hiccup’s. All he was able to do, all any of them were able to do, was watch in fear as Hiccup cried and clawed and struggled to get out.
Somehow that incident ended well. Somehow Hiccup managed to pull himself back up on slightly thicker ice than the parts that kept breaking on him. He got far enough away from the hole that someone could pull him the rest of the way. Once he was pulled back, Stoick and Valka enclosed him in their arms, his tiny and wet body cold in their embrace.
Neither of them have ever forgotten that day and it’s all Stoick can think about now. He can still hear Hiccup’s voice.
“Mom! Dad!” He’d cried for their help, something he has rarely ever done growing up. No matter how many problems may pile and pile, Hiccup has always wanted to solve things himself before he called in any sort of help. It’s probably why, after recovering from his amputation, he wanted to pull Toothless out of his guilt.
Stoick wonders if that was what had gotten him kidnapped. There are plenty of stories of people pretending to be hurt or in distress just to lure in unsuspecting good-natured people. If anybody could fall for such a scam, it would be Hiccup. Every part of his mind could be telling him that this person was up to no good and he would still act on that small, small “what if this person truly is in trouble?”
Is that what got him kidnapped? What got him... killed? Was Hiccup simply too pure of heart and did someone take advantage of that to snuff out his light?
After the lake incident, they drove him to the hospital as fast as they could and they found out he was okay. The doctor there told them he would be just fine and that they just needed to keep him warm and dry until his temperature was back up. After that, they could take him home with them.
He hadn’t lost consciousness, he didn’t seem to have swallowed or breathed in too much water, they could be almost certain that he was entirely okay.
As for his parents, however, they were never quite the same after that accident. Once Hiccup was dry, Stoick held his shivering son to him and vowed to him that he would never let anything happen to him ever again.
It’s a vow he broke twice.
Hiccup bounces back from pretty much anything thrown at him. After his fall, he would sneak out to play when his parents would much rather have him home with them. And though he wouldn’t go back on a frozen lake again, he’d still go out swimming with his friends.
During his divorce with Valka, though it was a painful time for all of them, he seemed to understand why it needed to happen and adjusted quickly. Even when asked if he thought badly of his parents months after it was finalized, he’d told them “no”, that it was better this way.
When a dragon went and bit his leg off, Hiccup went on to not only see the darn thing again, but he made friends with it and decided to fully dedicate his life to dragonkind. At 15, he wasn’t sure yet where he wanted his life to go, not until that accident.
Again and again, Stoick promised his son that nothing would ever happen to him after this. He held him in the hospital after his birth as he promised, then a second time after the lake, then a third time as he held his hand just before the surgery that would take his leg. Chances are, he will never get to promise him a fourth time.
Sitting on the couch, not paying attention to the tv and wasting away, there are tears in his eyes. Never much of an emotional man, Stoick doesn’t feel like he can stop them.
Strictly statistically speaking, the chances of a missing person ever being found alive, or even found at all, dwindles by the day and Hiccup has been gone since early June.
It’s December now.
The horrendous theories from the police don’t help either. Some even dare to put the blame on Hiccup, insinuating that his death, not his vanishing, but his death , might’ve been caused by a crime of passion. 19 years old, handsome, tall, capable, who isn’t to say he’s been cheating on his girlfriend and either she or the mistress found out? Naturally, that meant Astrid was a suspect at some point, too.
Stoick remembers seeing her after an interrogation once. Her parents came to pick her up at the same time he’d come to the station to demand an update.
She’d been distraught, face red and eyes bloodshot. Hiccup was her boyfriend of a year, her childhood friend, and they’d accused her of killing him over something like that. While cheating is no trivial matter, it’s not something she would kill over. Besides that, everyone who knew Hiccup also knows that he would’ve never done such a thing to her in the first place.
Then they settled for the most likely culprit, which was Dagur.
Stoick won’t lie, it felt good to finally hear from the police that they got him and that he would answer for his crimes, but that only lasted for… what? A day? Two days? A week at most? The relief ended quickly because the question of what happened to Hiccup remains unanswered to this day and Dagur stubbornly persists that he’s “getting better”, that he “would never hurt Hiccup”. And frankly, a part of Stoick seems to believe the young man.
Gods, why didn’t he just let him go live with Valka to study dragons? He wouldn’t have needed to move out and gotten an apartment deeper in their town. He would’ve already been living in the sanctuary if he did.
Or maybe the sanctuary was part of the problem. It’s not exactly a car ride away, you need to take the ferry there. So perhaps, part of the reason why he didn’t let Hiccup study dragons, he now realizes, is because he didn’t want him to go so far away.
How ironic, then, that someone decided to take him away anyway when he wasn’t looking. As if someone knew of Stoick’s inability to let go of his only child and thought that they should be the one to make him.
This never would’ve happened if he let Hiccup do as he wished. On the sanctuary, surrounded by dragons who know and love him, where Valka is, he would’ve been perfectly safe. Stoick may as well have asked someone to kidnap him.
It’s a painful thought and a tear falls, but Stoick doesn’t fight the guilt that he feels. This is all his fault. If he didn’t constantly break his vow to keep his child safe, Hiccup would still be here.
Gobber can read every self-deprecating thought on his old friend’s face, can see the tears, and sighs deeply before he looks back at the tv. On the channel they’re watching, they’re now installing some plumbing on a different program.
He wishes he could take the hurt away, wishes he could say something, but everything that can possibly be said he’s already said.
“Everything’s going to be okay, Stoick.”
“They’ll find him, Stoick.”
“Hiccup’s a strong and smart lad, Stoick”.
He’s sick of repeating himself. He doesn’t even believe his own words, so why should he continue to spout these lies? To a grieving father especially?
Hiccup is smart and he is strong, but does that mean he could still be alive today?
The will to comfort his friend quickly abates in the face of his own doubts and loss, Gobber feels like he may as well follow Stoick’s example and waste away alongside him. What else is left for him to do?
Just then, Stoick’s phone rings.
Snapping them both of their contemplation, Stoick picks it up and looks at the caller’s ID. It’s Astrid, the poor lass. He doesn’t feel like talking to her, but then, he also didn’t feel like letting Gobber in, so he answers the call.
“Astrid, lass?” He acknowledges her, hand rubbing in his eyes.
His eyes widen suddenly and he shoots up from the couch, startling Gobber in the process.
“Stoick?” He wonders what’s gotten him so riled up and so out of nowhere. What could Astrid possibly be telling him?
“Yes, I’m still here. Thank you for telling me, lass, I’m coming. Please, tell him that when he wakes up.” Eventually, after what felt like much too long of a call to Gobber, Stoick hangs up the phone and stares at him with that same wide-eyed look he can’t quite place. The tears are still there, they’re still falling, so what is that expression telling him?
“What is it, man?! Don’t keep me waiting, spit it out!” He demands, throwing his remaining hand up in growing frustration.
“They found him, Gobber. They found my son.”
Perhaps, Stoick can still make good on that vow.
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