#and I was scared to death for years my mom was going to drop dead out of nowhere for some untreated medical problem
jewshboy · 2 years
today has been such a good day
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Finally finished the first part of gai’s 8 gates coma and how kakashi dealt with it rewrite people have been requesting. [tw blood, injury, coma, death discussions, grief]
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Kurenai: Kakashi Kks: Ah. Kurenai and...baby, what’s up? Kurenai: You mind if I come in a moment? Kks: Uhhhhh I-
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Kks: So what did you need to speak about? Did something happen? K: No, Nothing’s happened. You haven’t gotten to properly see and bond with her yet. Here Kks: You know I’m not fond of kids. K: That’s why I didn’t ask. Hold your arms out. Ok, now, don’t look absolutely petrified.
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Kks: She’s ok, I guess [YELP] Oi! Don’t pinch me while I’m holding your baby! K: You wouldn’t drop her. Asuma would haunt you forever! Kks: Terrifying thought, Mirai.... How are you feeling? K: Exhausted. Do you really want to hear how horrifying having a baby is? Kks: No, please don’t tell me.
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K: I came over to check on you as well. Any news? Kks: No. He’s still the same. K: Is that why it looks like this in here? Kks: ...Yeah. Doctor said he may never wake up. Since we’re eachother’s medical contacts, Tsunade told me I had to prepare to make hard decisions should it come to that.
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Kks: With the council breathing down my neck over a job I don’t want, I had... A bit of an outburst. K: I don’t even blame you. That’s... That they expect you to carry on like normal. Still grieving. The person you love most is gone. But you’re still here. Don’t let them just dust you off and move on again. I’ll always have your back. Kks: You and Asuma always did. Even when I wasn’t grateful for it.
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Kks: I can’t tell if they just don’t care or didn’t realize, Gai’s the one who held me together all these years. Only reason I’m still here at all is because of him. I don’t think tenzou, the elders, or the village are prepared for what’ll become of me if I lose him. So, I don’t care anymore. Let them be mad. I won’t give up on him. K: You should talk to him. Kks: huh K: Talk about anything! I’m sure the sound of your voice will help him find his way back. Especially if you sound sad, Kks: uuh
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K: I can hear it now, “My eternal rival is sad? Not on my watch!“ Kks: Pretty accurate impression. K: There’s been lots of source material! Kks: Maaa, Your mom’s a huge dork K: Oi! [kakashi chuckles]
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K: He’ll be so upset he missed her birth Kks: Oh, devastated. I can’t wait to see the look on Gai’s face, Mirai, when I tell him /I/ held you first! When he wakes up
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Kks: Hey, Gai. Kurenai said i should talk to you.
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Kks: Feels weird. Most of the people I’m used to talking to like this are all... Dead.
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It’s so eerie how silent you’ve been for so long. you’re not even this quiet when you sleep. Your kids come everyday to see you. Naruto and sakura when they can. Lots of others. I’ve been telling them embarrassing  stories from when we were kids since you keep making them wait. Do you remember when I came over while you and Dai were making supper
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Dai: Kakashi! Good to see you, my boy! Kks: Id Gai home? Dai: He’s helping with supper! Go on, inside, you’re always welcome! Kks: Ok Dai: Atta boy Kks: Hey, G- !? ummm? Gai: OH!! Rival!! Kks:  Is that a lid?! Gai: Correct!! It stops me from crying while cutting onions! A win for me!!
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Kks: Against.... the onions? Gai: Yep! KKs:[snicker] Gai: Laugh all you want! Not everyone can comprehend innovation. Kks: Whatever. You forgot this at the training grounds. I know it’s yours there’s a turtle on it. Gai: See! You’re already tearing up! Kks: Am not Gai: Also, thankyou so much! Kks: Bye, I’m leaving. Gai: Could it be? You’re scared I can cut much faster than you! Kks: I am not scared. Gai: Good, I think we have another lid! Kks: YOU-!
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Dai: Great to see growing boys with such a hunger! I’ll never have to prep onions again! Kks: I think about that everytime I chop onions now. You’ve altered my brain with all the ridiculous things you’ve done. Can’t even look at the toys you’ve gotten the dogs without getting emotional
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Kks: Just knowing you’re here still, I can barely function. It’s pretty pathetic... Your hair’s getting long. Turning into your dad.
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[gai’s heartbeat] Kks: Gai
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[gais heartbeat continues]
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[gai’s heartbeat continues] Kks: If anything should happen to me, you’ll rush over, right? Gai: Damn right, I will. Dont you worry about that.
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[Gai’s heartbeat]
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Kks: I miss you
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waddingham · 4 months
rebecca wants a pet
this is just a silly little ditty but here <3
Amongst all these things and more, he has learned that she does not do subtlety. Her opinions, thoughts, wants are shared unflinchingly, in a way he admires as someone who tends towards pleasing others over himself. She doesn't demand and criticize but simply shares herself with him – her opinion is always a prompt to hear his, her thoughts are little hands reaching out to know and be known by him, her wants passed along in hopes of him wanting too. And she makes it easy to respond in kind.
There's probably half a million things he's learned about Rebecca Welton in the first year of living with her. Big things and small things – she can destroy a bowl of berries and nuts in a matter of seconds. She has an almost frightening ability to hold her alcohol. She does a tiny bit of yoga everyday and those minutes of solitude are important to her. She loves him voraciously, would do just about anything for anyone in her club, and doesn't believe she will ever uncomplicate her relationship with her mother.
And because she so rarely employs subtlety, he doesn't think it's anything notable at all when she finds a new minor interest. 
"Look at this."
He turns his eyes from the TV to her, stretching an arm along the cushion as she scoots closer along the couch. She angles her phone so he can see – it's a video of a tabby cat with a mouthful of leaves, chirping as it crosses someone's yard. He grins at it, chuckling as it drops them and sits with satisfaction next to its contribution.
"She brings them a little pile of leaves everyday," Rebecca chuckles.
"Look at her go. Doin' her part."
"She's a good girl."
"Lot better than a mouthful of mice," he remarks.
She gives him a horrified look. 
"What?" he chuckles. "You never had a cat?"
"No," she says, shaking her head. "Have you?"
"There was an outdoor cat when I was growing up that hung around our house. My mom hated it 'cause she's scared to death of mice and loves the birds and he would come around with either one or the other dead in his mouth and leave it. Tryin' to get on her good side, I guess." 
She stares at him. "That's disgusting."
He laughs a little bit, tilting his head. "Yeah. He brought a bird up on the stoop once, still movin', and Mama was so mad, she smacked the back of his head for him to drop it. And he did. And then another little bird came flutterin' out of his mouth and flew off."
She shakes her head, a smile pulling at her mouth. "You're full of shit."
"I am not," he laughs. "Saw it with my own eyes. He was a big fella."
She snorts, looking back down at her phone. She stays close, leaning against his side as she scrolls on. 
It takes him a while to take notice of the running theme. They send all kinds of silly stuff back and forth – videos and pictures and jokes. She sends him screenshots of funny tweets she sees, sometimes about him or the team, sometimes just random things she thinks will amuse him.
But suddenly there's a very large uptick in cat videos. 
She blames Keeley. It's Keeley's fault entirely.
She doesn't know what possessed her friends, if it was the influence of Phoebe or what, but they've adopted a cat – a beautiful, lithe, sleek one that could nearly be taken for a tiny leopard for its coloring. She's a lively little thing, playful and talkative, but she seems to adore Rebecca. When she goes over, she spends the length of her visit circling her feet or pacing her lap on the couch, purring like a fiend, pushing her head into Rebecca's palm.
And, goddammit, Rebecca likes it. She likes watching her prance around, flopping around on the floor for attention, just in general being entertaining and sweet. 
She sees them everywhere now – or at least is really noticing them as she scrolls through social media, seeing Leslie's sons posting videos of their new kitten and Keeley and Roy's little minx chasing her tail and random strangers with unnaturally gorgeous felines. 
She hasn't any idea how Ted feels about getting a pet. And normally she'd just tell him, have all her arguments outlined, or just recklessly show up with one one day, but they have quite literally just settled into living together. She doesn't want him to say yes just because she wants it and then hate it and hate taking care of it – she wants him to want it too. So she's going a little more insidious. Or trying to, sending out feelers by sending him cats and seeing what he says. 
She's not having much luck. He will aww and ooh, but doesn't express any disdain or desire to get one. Which isn't helping her.
"Who's idea was the cat?" she asks Keeley. 
"I wanted a dog and Roy wanted a cat," she says, stroking Camilla's back as she arches on the couch next to her. "But we settled on her 'cause she's so cool and active and spirited, she's like a low maintenance dog."
Keeley gives her a little grin. "You want one, don't you?"
"I do," Rebecca admits, scratching Camilla's neck as she crosses to her. 
"You guys should get one then," Keeley says. "They're so easy."
"I haven't asked Ted what he thinks yet," she says. 
"Well, I don't think he would refuse you anything, first of all," she says, sipping her wine. "And also how cute would he be with kittens all over him?"
"Stop," she says, tilting her head. "Or I'll show up at home with a box of them tomorrow."
Keeley giggles. "I think he would like a cat. Or a dog, but I would guess you–"
"I do not want a dog," Rebecca says. That's a lot more mess, care, and maintenance to jump right into when she's never even had a pet.
She hopes he wouldn't rather have a dog.
She supposes she's going to just have to bring it up outright – he's not catching on and she's already tired of trying to be slick about it.
"Hey," he calls out when he hears the front door open. He gets one in response as she comes in, kicking her shoes off. She's earlier than he expected – she usually lingers late into the evening when she goes over to Keeley and Roy's.
He looks up at her from his sprawl on the couch as she rounds the sofa and immediately plants a knee between him and the cushions, crawling up and laying over him.
"You weren't gone long," he remarks as she settles herself against him, his arm landing on her back, her head on his middle.
"No," she sighs. "I left when Roy got back from his sister's. Keeley seemed…eager to be alone with him."
He chuckles, pushing his hand through her hair. "Well, cheers to them."
She giggles a little bit, rubbing a hand along his side over his t-shirt. She relaxes against him – the loveliest blanket he's ever had the pleasure to be covered with.
"I like their kitty," she remarks and he smiles.
"She's a lil' firecracker," he says. "Cracks me up."
She rolls her head until her chin is planted on his chest to look up at him. Her eyes are a little wide, eyebrows tipped up. 
"Can we get one?"
His smile grows as he tilts his head. He never would've taken her for a pet person.
"Sure," he says. He likes cats.
She almost scoffs, closing her eyes. 
"Of course you're going to be that easy about it."
He chuckles. "Do you want me to argue with you about it?"
"No, but I thought it would take at least a little convincing," she says and he squints at her a little bit. 
"Is that why you keep sending me cat stuff?"
She does scoff then, rolling her eyes. "Yes."
"Why?" he laughs. "What do you think I have against cats?"
"I don't know," she says, laying her head back down in exasperation. 
And since when does she do sneaky?
He chuckles again, smoothing a hand over her hair. 
"We'd have to go get some stuff," he muses. "But I remember Higgins saying he can't go to the pet store on Saturdays 'cause the shelter sets up with a bunch of kitties and he knows he'll go home with one. We could go then. Get the stuff and peek at the cats." 
"I already have everything saved to order online," she mumbles and he laughs.
"You could've just said something, Rebecca."
"I was trying to sniff you out first," she says. "But you gave me nothing."
"I'm sorry," he chuckles. "What kinda kitty do you want?"
"A soft one. Sweet one. Not so crazy as Camilla."
"Alright," he says. "Kitten?"
"I would like a kitten, I think," she says, lifting her head again to look at him. "Start from scratch."
"Okay, then," he smiles. "Sounds like fun."
He didn't know what he expected when she said she had stuff saved, but he really shouldn't be surprised. The things that arrive over the next couple days look like something straight out of a housecat's dreams. A water drinking fountain and several very soft beds, toys, dishes, food that now has a shelf in the fridge, and, good lord, the litter box.
He just laughs when she sets it on the kitchen island. 
"It's automatic," she says, then lifts her hands, defending herself. "Do you want to do it? Because I don't."
He reads the side of the box, still grinning. "It connects to the WiFi?!”
"Oh, stop," she says. "Like I was going to skimp out on this."
"How much did this cost you?" he asks, looking up with a grin. 
"What does that matter?" she says innocently.
"C’mon, tell me," he says. 
He looks in the shipping box, spying an invoice and snatching it before she can stop him. 
"Give me that–"
"Seven hundred pounds?!" he says, laughing. "Oh my God, Rebecca."
"Stop," she says, swiping the paper from him, smiling at his teasing. 
"You know it's gonna poop in it right?" 
"Exactly. And then neither of us has to touch it."
"Now I feel like we're not adopting a cat but selecting one lucky winner to come live a life of luxury and refinement."
She laughs, wrapping her arms around the box, giving him a haughty look. 
"If you'll excuse me. I have a cat shitter to set up."
He chuckles, watching her go, but following after a few minutes to help her. 
"I was excited, but now I'm just sad," she remarks as they walk through the narrow room. 
"Yeah," he laments. "Now I feel like adopting a nice round dozen or two."
"I think we'll have to start with one," she says, taking another step, giving the next cat its due attention. "Hello. Aren't you lovely?"
They wander through at a slow pace, having been told the kittens they have are at the far end of the room, but she stops at every cage, offering her fingers and compliments to each kitty. 
They don't make it to the far end – he didn't really expect them to. 
"Oh," Rebecca says, coming to a complete stop at a cage. "Oh, look at you."
The cat inside is a pale gray that fades into white at its paws and nose with long fur – not the longest they've seen, but longer than the shorthairs – curled up in the little bed in the corner.
"Oh, he's pretty," Ted says, stepping closer.
"How do you know it's a he?" she remarks, sticking her fingers into the cage, greeting the kitty. "Hello."
It lifts its head, peering at them with lovely gray blue eyes. He sticks his own fingers in, watching the cat take an interest, standing and stretching.
"Oh," Rebecca says sadly, and he turns to her, finding her reading the information card hooked on the cage. 
"'My loving owner died and I had nowhere to go'," she reads aloud. "'I'm an affectionate, easygoing kitty that enjoys lots of lap time.'"
She turns to him with a frown, then to the cat as they both feel him rub himself along their fingers. Ted curls his fingers into his soft fur, turning back to Rebecca, finding her watching the kitty with a little heartbreak in her eyes. 
"I like him," she says.
"I thought you wanted a kitten," he reminds her softly.
She doesn't respond, watching the little guy push his head against her knuckles. He steps around her, trading spots to read the rest of the card for himself.
"He's already ten years old," he says, sliding a hand over her back. He doesn't have a problem with it – he wouldn't mind an older cat, but she seemed set on a baby.
"I know," she says slowly, like she's realizing she's pretty much made up her mind. "But I think he deserves a nice retirement."
He smiles at her, watching the kitty sit close enough for Rebecca to brush her finger over the soft fur at his chest, primly adjusting his big white paws in front of him before curling his tail around. He peers at them, then lets out a soft little mow that has both of them chuckling.
"See, you agree, don't you?" she says. "You're a little sweetheart, huh? I didn't even look to see what your name is."
Ted looks, having skimmed over it too, smiling at what he finds. "Arthur."
"Arthur?" Rebecca chuckles. 
"What a name, huh? Who picked up this little guy as a sweet little puffball of a kitten, looked at him on the most exciting day of his life and then gave him the most old man name possible? I'm so sorry, buddy."
"Oh, stop," she says, scratching at Arthur's chin as she reassures him. "I think it's a great name. And I don't think Theodore has any room to talk."
He laughs fully at that, hearing Rebecca chuckle with him. "Well, that's me told," he says, squeezing her side, pulling her attention as she turns. "Should we see if somebody will open his cage up so we can meet him?"
She nods, giving him a bright smile.
Of course they brought old Art home. And it doesn't even take two days before they're both absolutely smitten. 
He's taken to following them around curiously, as well as flopping and rolling against the shag rug in the living room. He'd been absolutely riveted by the dining room, chirping and chattering at the birds through the windows – to their endless amusement – and surveying the backyard as if it were new domain he's claimed. 
He's just adorable. And quickly growing very comfortable here. 
"Well, he didn't take long to settle in, did he?" he remarks.
Rebecca's laid out on the couch with Arthur stretched along her front, his head nestled against her chest, paws stretched toward her chin. He can hear the little guy purring from where he stands at the end of the couch as she strokes his fur from ears to tail, grinning with pure delight.
"And he found the best spot already."
She chuckles, bending her knees to make room for him to sit. Arthur lifts his head, eyes opening at being jostled. 
"Oh, relax," she mutters. "We share with Ted, alright?"
She lays her legs over his thighs as he chuckles. 
"I see you're having no trouble bonding with our new resident," he says as his arms stretches along the back of the sofa.
"Of course not," she almost coos, rubbing at Arthur's cheek. "And don't think I didn't see you carrying him around like a baby yesterday."
"Oh, c'mon. He was lookin' up at me and making the saddest little noise. And you know what, I ain't even gonna pretend I wouldn't die for him already."
She chuckles, holding Arthur's little face as he just purrs and purrs. "You hear that? You have Ted's eternal devotion."
"Christ, he looks more in love with you than I am," he muses.
She laughs at that, glancing up at him. "I'm pretty sure he's very happy to not be in that cage anymore."
Arthur stands at the disturbance, stretching his back before he traverses Rebecca's body to see what Ted has going on. 
"I think you made a good choice, darlin'," he says to Rebecca as Arthur just stands on Ted's thighs, pressing up into his hand as he strokes him. 
"I love him," she mutters.
He smiles as Arthur throws himself against Ted's abdomen, rolling in his lap.
"Me too."
When she steps into the bedroom, she just has to grin.
Ted's lounging on the bed, scrolling his phone with Arthur cradled in his arm against his chest, dead asleep.
It's almost hilarious to think about now – that she was uncertain if he'd enjoy having a cat. More than half the times she comes upon him in the house, he's either holding or talking to Arthur. He carries him around like a little prince and he just purrs like a madman.
Maybe they didn't end up with a box of kittens, but it's still unbelievably cute. And she hates to disturb it, but, right now, she's going to.
She crawls up onto the bed, leaning on an elbow next to him.
"What's going on here?" she asks, scratching the top of Arthur's head, startling him if his little mrrp is anything to go by.
"He needed snuggled apparently," Ted says as he drops his phone next to him. "And I think I make a pretty good bed if I do say so myself."
"I can confirm," she nods. "But he might have to go."
Ted frowns at her, stroking Arthur's side almost protectively. "He's fine here." 
"Okay, but what if I'm trying to have sex with you?" she asks, watching Ted's brows lift again. 
"Ah, well, I think you're a little late," he says, gesturing to the cat. "I think I'm otherwise engaged for the evening."
She gives him a flat look, getting a little grin back. 
"Arthur, buddy, I think you're in danger," he whispers to the cat, who has no reaction whatsoever. Ted shifts him to get him up and he just lifts his head and glares at him, dead weight against his chest.
"Oh, c'mon man, don't do this to me," Ted chuckles as Rebecca pantomimes looking at a watch. "Look at her. Be a little wingman here, huh?"
He's unenthused as Ted lifts him up and leans to put him on the floor. 
"There," he says, immediately rolling into her until she's on her back, grinning up at him. 
"I'm all yours," he mutters against her neck, his hands immediately bunching her shirt to get to her skin. "Though you might have to work out a schedule with the little man."
She snickers, pulling him down hard against her with a leg, sliding her hands against his back as she catches his lips with hers. She hums as he grinds against her, the little fever in her core telling her this probably isn't going to be especially leisurely–
They both freeze at the sound of the sheets rustling. They look towards the end of the bed, where Arthur's jumped back up, ears pinned back, feet braced against the duvet. Before either of them can say anything, he dives forward, chasing nothing, then does a fast loop before freezing again. 
She can't help but snort when he looks back at them, eyes wild before he does another circle, then gets distracted with licking his leg.
"What is he doing?" Ted chuckles, then startles when Arthur spins and leaps at his toes.
"Oh, Jesus, man!"
She barks out a laugh as he jerks his foot away and she's in stitches as Arthur chases after it before finally doing another loop, leaping off the bed and sprinting out the door. 
"What the hell–" Ted laughs, turning back to her as she catches her breath, pulling him against her again.
"He's not the forgiving kind apparently."
"Who wanted a cat again?" he asks, his grinning mouth falling to her jaw.
"I did," she laughs. "And it was so worth it."
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elliewilliamslover · 10 months
The Archer
6. Do you mind?
Here is the Masterlist for this story
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November 9th of 2034...
Y/n was in the back of a moving covered truck along with Owen, Abigail, Mel and the rest of the Salt Lake crew with Manny driving. A firefly pendant with the name Y/n L/n moved slightly with every movement the truck had made. She looked down at her feet, moving them from side to side every so often. Looking around at everyone sitting and quietly talking, then taking the firefly pendant around her neck off, holding it in her hands to fidget with it. A loud clink, followed by loud silence could be heard throughout the back of the truck as Y/n dropped the dog tag on the floor.
She quickly retrieved it off the ground, securing it back around her neck, looking at everyone who was looking at her. There weren't many as most of them went back to looking around or doing their own things, except for Abby Anderson. She had her eyes dead set on Y/n. She wouldn't lie and say she wasn't somewhat scared of her cause she was. After their first encounter at the hospital in Spring, they were separated, one side of the hospital was Abby's territory, the other was Y/n's. After the handprints of Abby's hands on her neck had faded away, taking three to four weeks to do so as Abby had been trying to choke her to her death, Owen had tried to get them to be in the same room together, which didn't end well.
"Why the fuck is she still here?" "Oh, like your everyone's cup of fucking sunshine." "Dump her in the city, see how long she lasts looking like that." "Looking like what? I can't possibly look as bad as you." Those were the only words heard throughout the small hospital cafeteria. "Get her out of here, I can't be in the same room with her." "Fuck you, Anderson." "Say my last name again, see what happens you cruel bitch." Abby yelled at Y/n, Manny starting to walk up to Abby, getting ready to take the blonde girl out of the room, Owen doing the same with Y/n. "Fuck you Abigail Anderson." Y/n yelled at her as they got escorted out of the cafeteria and walked back to their rooms.
"This is gonna take ages." Owen said under his breath, sighing. "She'll come around soon, and so will you, you do realize that you have to put in work too if you want this to work out." He said as they reached Y/n's room in one of the hospital wings. "I will if she does." Y/n responded plainly, scoffing at his words, sitting on the bed that had become her's in a little over three weeks. Moving back till she hit the backboard, putting her knees in her chest, resting her chin on them and focusing on the ground, ignoring Owen when he sat in a seat near a wall. A couple silent minutes went by until Owen asked her a question.
"What's going on in that brain of yours?" She let out a small chuckle, moving her focus onto him. "I'm just thinking." Y/n responded, looking down at her mom's bandanna tied around her wrist. "About what?" "My mom." She said turning back to him. "What was her name?" Owen asked hesitantly, looking her in the eye. "Tess. She had me four years after the world went to shit. She was an amazing mom. She cared about me so much, more than anyone else. She died almost a year ago. At the beginning of summer, we were taking Ellie, the immune girl, to the capitol building in Boston. We were gonna deliver her to the fireflies like Marlene said to, but when we got there, they were all dead and my mom kept saying how she wasn't going anywhere. Ellie then realized she was infected and it was true. She had a bite mark near her neck and we had to leave without her. I haven't spoke of or about her again until now."
"I'm sorry." He said, getting up from the chair to go sit on the bed. "Don't be, you didn't have anything to do with it." She said, moving her legs into a criss-cross position, fidgeting with her hands. "Same goes for you, you didn't have anything to do with what went on here. Like I said, it'll take time for Abby, she lost her dad, and so did-" "He's not my dad anymore, he never really acted like one." Y/n said to Owen, going back to fidgeting with her hands. "I wanted to give you something." Owen said, holding a closed hand out to her. She put her hand under his and he dropped a firefly dog tag in it. She inspected it, the name 'Y/n L/n.' was on the back of the pendant. "Since you're one of us now, I thought you might want one of those. I hope you don't mind that I put a different last name on there, thought you wouldn't want your original one there." He said, smiling at her. "Thank you, for everything you and the rest of your friends have done for me, it means everything to me." She said, giving him a side hug. "You're one of us now Y/n, one of our friends." He said, patting her on the back.
"That was the most cliche thing I've ever heard." Y/n said, laughing as he got off the bed and walked to the door. "I'm gonna go check on Ab's, I'll be back in a bit, maybe go see what Leah, Mel or Nora are doing when you get bored." And with that said, he left.
"Do you mind?" Y/n asked the blue eyed girl, who wouldn't stop staring in her direction. Abby slowly looked away from her, focusing on the ground. "Guys, we gotta stop for a bit, have to get some diesel out of these trucks up here." Manny said as the truck came to a halt, everyone got out to take a bathroom break. Y/n got out and walked for a minute into some greenery, checking around every now and then to make sure no one was around or infected. She sat down on a rock and listened to the birds in the trees chirping, taking out a knife from her bag, she grabbed a stick off the ground and started sharpening it to a point. As she was doing so, she heard a twig snap not too far away from her making her jump to her feet, looking behind her. When Y/n saw nothing, she turned around only to feel the knife taken out of her hand and held at her throat. When she looked into eyes, she saw the blue eyed girl holding her knife to her neck.
"What the fuck Anderson?" She said, hands now trembling. "You think you can just become one of us and make snarky comments at me like you're all high and mighty? Guess what, that shit is not gonna fly with me, I don't see you as a threat, I only see you as a mouse in a cat chase." She said in an aggressive tone to the girl against the tree who was now slightly bleeding on her neck with the small pressure Abby put on the knife. "I'm just a girl, trying to survive, I'm not a fucking threat." Y/n said as best as she could, holding her arms out to her side as a sign that she's not going to do anything.
"Really? Cause if you're fucking lying to my face right now and it turns out that you're actually a threat, your gonna be on your knees, begging for your life as I hold a gun to that pretty little face of yours." She said, lightly dragging the knife across Y/n's neck, a small whimper could be heard from Y/n as she squinted her eyes shut to block out the pain. Abby soon takes the knife off her neck, folding it, then throwing it onto the rock Y/n was sitting on before she came. "Your getting one fucking chance, you fuck it up, you're dead. You get it, Miller?" She said to the girl who was still against the tree, shaking. Y/n nods her head fast, eyes glued shut. "Good. We leave in five." Abby said, then diapered the way she came from. Y/n slid down the tree, sitting at the trunk, wiping a small amount of blood off her neck. She sat for some moments, gaining her composure. She took her knife, placing it in her pocket and starting back towards the trucks. 
She never got to take a bathroom break.
March 2038...
"Mel, your back." Abby said, moving Mel's backpack to see blood and a big gouge. "Holy shit Mel." Y/n said, looking at her back. The truck pulled into the back of the infirmary, letting Mel and a soldier off the truck. Abby had helped Mel down the truck, turning around to grab her backpack, giving it to her. Meanwhile, Y/n couldn't take her eyes off her as she watched Abby's bicep as it flexed while she handed Mel her pack. Abby turned her head to look at Y/n out of the corner of her eye making Y/n catch on that she was, she quickly looked at the apartment building they were slowly approaching. 
When they came to a stop, Manny, Abby and Y/n got out of the back as a soldier took Alice to a kennel. Manny and Abby talked for a bit as Y/n took a walk around the parking lot filled with military vehicles. She walked up the stairs and draped her arms on a railing looking at Abby having a conversation with Manny. When she turned to the door to enter, she saw a shiny circle on the ground next to her foot. Y/n picked it up and inspected it, she flipped it around and read the back of it. "California, 2001." She said to herself.
Manny and Abby soon came up the stairs and saw Y/n leaning on the wall twirling something in her hand. "Whatcha got there Y/n?" Manny said to her, pointing at her hand. "I got a little gift for the princess." She said, holding a closed hand out to her. She put her hand under Y/n's and she dropped the coin in it. "Shit, thanks Y/n, 2001." Abby said, putting it in her bag then giving her a side hug. Walking into the FOB, they turned left and saw a WLF soldier. "Hey, we're checking in." Y/n said, looking at the girl standing, writing on a piece of paper. "Hey you three." "What you got for us?" "No assignment, just says report to Isaac." She said looking at the paper. "The three of us?" Manny said, looking at Y/n and Abby then back to the soldier. "Yeah." She said, writing down that they had showed up. Y/n took another walk about, trying to avoid going into the torture-building. "Y/n!" Abby said, calling her over. "Coming." She responded, sighing. They walked through the infirmary and saw Mel getting stitched up.
"Speak of the devils." They heard in a raspy voice. "Hey Nora." Y/n said, smiling at the girl wearing nurse equipment around her neck. "You guys need to convince this girl to relax." Mel said to the three of them standing around Mel. "Hey Mel, relax." Abby said, making Y/n chuckle. "You got it." She said, clicking her tongue and making a finger gun gesture. "Hey, I need some muscle, could you guys give me a hand with something?" Nora said to Manny, Y/n and Abby. Y/n was confused as to why Nora needed her since she didn't have nearly as much muscle as Manny or Abby. 
They followed her out to another small building that looked similar to the infirmary from the outside. "I need to show you guys something." Nora said, opening the door. "What is it?" "Follow me." As soon as they entered, the smell of rotting meat hit their noses, making them immediately cover their noses in an attempt to block the stench out. "Holy fuck." Y/n said, looking around at all the body bags. "Are these all ours?" Abby said, looking around as well. "Yeah, and more are coming in by the hour." Nora said, leading them into another part.
"You can't tell Mel, all right?" She said, stopping and kneeling in front of a body bag on the ground. "Who's in that body bag?" Abby asked Nora, making Y/n feel even more queasy to her stomach. "Who is it Nora?" She said hoping it's not who she thinks it is. Nora zipped open the bag, pulling the two sides apart for them to see the body. "Holy shit, its Danny." Manny said, making Y/n look away with trembling knees, Abby turned away putting her hands on her hips. "Where's Owen?" Abby said, turning to face Nora. "I don't know, a few days back, there were some Scar sightings out by the marina. Danny and Owen were sent on a sweep. This morning, the guards found Danny collapsed by the perimeter fence. He had walked back with a bullet in his stomach." Nora said with a shaky voice. "¡Pinches Scars! ¡Hijos de puta!" Manny said, zipping the body bag up. 'So what about Owen? Did you ask Isaac what happened?" "I tried, but he gave me that fucking look and told me to keep quiet so you guys can't say shit." "Wheres Isaac?" Y/n said trying to vacate as soon as possible. "We'll be discreet." Abby said, looking at Nora. "Last I heard he was in the apartments.
They entered the building, making a right and walking down the hall. Y/n was ahead of them as they talked. She walked in front of the cells, hearing the Scars muttering words like "It's her..." and many more. Y/n walked up to a cell, only for the Scar in it to back up until they hit the cell next to them. She then walked up to the elevator meeting Abby and Manny there, where a soldier was sitting, reading a book. "Hey guys." "We need to go up." "Isaac's in there, he said to get him when you three arrive, Come on." He said, leading us to a door on the left. He opened it and they saw someone Isaac was torturing, most likely for information. Y/n along with Abby, turned the other way, not wanting to look. The trio and Isaac went into the elevator, Manny and Isaac talking in front of Y/n and Abby. She sneaked glances at Abby whenever she was looking a different way until they made it to the floor.
Walking into one of the apartments, Y/n stood next to Abby as they watched Isaac talk. "There's a big storm a few days out, we're going to use it to mask our approach. You three are going to lead the first wave. Pick your squads, start prepping, except for you Y/n, you're with Abby on this." He said, all of them standing around a map on the table. "We want Owen, when are he and Danny coming back?" Abby said to Isaac, who saw right through her. "Who talked? Nora? No secrets between the Salt Lake crew, right?" He said, grabbing an apple out of a fruit bowl, taking a few bites out of it. "We got one shot at this. This is bigger than any of us, definitely bigger than Owen." Abby crossed her arms over her chest, looking at the floor when he said that. He spoke to her then left. Abby walked up to a window and looked out of it. "Owen wouldn't have killed Danny over some Scar, right?" Y/n said as she looked out the window. Abby turned around, fidgeting with her hands. "What? No, Abby don't."
"I'll be back by morning, you guys just gotta cover for me till then." She said quickly, making Y/n's eyes go straight from the window to Abby's. "Ab's you can't." She said, lightly grabbing the girl's forearm. "If Owen's out there, how in the hell are you going to find him?" He said, watching her and Y/n's eyes trail to the Ferris Wheel. "I know where he'll go." Y/n didn't like Abby's idea at all, but whatever she was thinking,
She wanted in on it.
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sethcertified · 2 years
scream : billy loomis, stu macher
wrd count : 822
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⊹˚.⋆ synopsis . . . a brief flashback into [name] & billy’s history
⊹˚.⋆ starring . . . billy loomis, stu macher, & male reader
Stu, Billy, and I were walking side by side as we walked down the bustling neighborhood. Kids our age and younger were running around in brand new Halloween costumes carrying big bins of candy.
It was our final year in middle school together, so we decided to go all out for trick or treating. Billy was dressed up as the Candyman since it had been his favorite horror movie since we all saw it together in the movie theater. Stu had gone for a more comedic look dressing up as Carrie. Although the two wanted me to join in on their horror themed costumes I was dressed up as Fred from Drop Dead Fred.
The night felt like it was never ending with more houses begging for us to take their delicious candy as we turned down each corner of the neighborhood. Stu definitely had the most between the three of us though with his boundless charm and charisma with the parents who tried to subtly give him extra candy without Billy and I noticing. Those efforts failed; however, with our observant eyes noticing everything and anything.
Although it didn't feel like it the night did have to come to an end eventually. Our trio sat on the large porch of Stu's house munching on the large amounts of candy filling up our bags as we talked about meaningless things like most teenage boys do.
Except for the fact Billy and Stu were not like most teenage boys I knew. They had an obsession with horror films so strong it was slightly concerning. Their obsession had bothered me at first, but as time went on and they dragged me to more and more horror movie seeings at the movie theaters I learned to love horror films as much as they do.
Which was ever so apparent now as the two boys sitting next to me argued over Child's Play 3 for the billionth time.
Stu wasn't one for plots, but rather enjoyed the goriness of the film, "Okay, but this film had too high of a standard to live up to! Child's Play 2 was a masterpiece, so of course this one wouldn't be as good, but it's still fun to watch!"
Billy, on the other hand, hated mindless slasher films with no substance, "This is the weakest film in the franchise so far. I mean the death scenes are fun, but the plot lacks real substance."
A delicate smile was spread across my face as I watch the two boys argue. I admired the fierceness on their faces as they argued over their stances.
Sadly, our fun was interrupted by Stu's mom calling him inside. Billy and I shared a frown as we waved bye to Stu as he stood sadly at his front door. The light escaping from the open door died out as his mom shut it closed, leaving Billy and me alone in the darkness.
The darkness that filled our surroundings made me tense. It was embarrassing that at the age of 14 I still had a fear of the dark, so I usually kept it to myself. Billy gave me a concerned look, but just shrugged it off when I flashed him a forced smile.
The two of us walked along the bumpy, countryside road as we left the huge Matcher house. I stuck close to Billy too scared to be far from him in the dark.
Our hands would touch ever so slightly, but when it happened it sent my naive, preteen mind wild. Billy was cute. His cuteness wasn't helping my disdain towards my recent feelings towards him. Recent feelings bottled up inside of me that I wasn't sure I was allowed to feel.
The touch of our hands broke me out of my thoughts. It was different this time. Billy's hand was now holding mine. I glanced fearfully at our hands before glancing up at Billy.
He held a look of certainty in his eyes that was opposite of mine.
With a stride forward he pressed our lips together. My blood ran hot at the feeling, and panic was coming over me like a tsunami. I pushed the boy away, and he fell to the ground with an oomph as his candy spilled around him.
I ran harder than ever away from Billy's shaking body. Cries for me to come back echoed into the emptiness of the night, but I paid no mind. I just ran.
The scene of Billy smooshing his lips against mine played in my head like a broken VHS tape. I didn't want to watch it anymore. The feeling of his lips pressed against mine was still present, and I prayed the wind blowing against my running body would smear the feeling off.
Billy Loomis wasn't supposed to be my first kiss. Not in a million years.
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✎ notes . . . yes, this is a repost. tumblr deleted my old acc >:( ⟡      .        ⛪      ◦      ✺ 4.5 ⇿ 05
©️ sethcertified 2023
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lovesosweeet · 9 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter forty two
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
november 21, 2018 los angeles, california calum
Hearing from Emelia was not on my bingo card for today. I know she has been in contact with some of the others pretty regularly, mostly KayKay and Crystal, maybe Luke, and I think some with Ashton, too, but she has not reached out to me personally since everything happened, aside from when I texted her a week or so ago. When her name pops up on my screen saying that she’s calling me, my heart drops.
‘Is she dead?’ is the first question that pops into my mind, and with that, I start crying while I swipe across the screen to answer the call. Would Em call me if Orion died? I would think so. I’d hope so. 
“Emelia?” I ask into the speaker. My voice is wavering with nerves. She can’t be dead yet. She looked fine when I saw her last. Frail, and sick, but she didn’t look like she was on her last leg. Please, please don’t tell me she’s dead.
Emelia starts crying into the line, and it only makes me even more nervous. She hiccups and then takes a deep breath before she speaks.
“Cal, she needs you.”
I’m thankful that it’s not a notice of her death, but it’s still not good news.
“She’s too scared to say anything herself. She doesn’t think you’d pick up if she called, but I knew you’d pick up. She’s… not doing great, but the depression is wearing her down faster than the cancer. I’m sorry to ask like this, I just can’t watch her spend another day crying in bed and too sad to eat or do—“
“Em, breathe,” I say to her. She and Orion do the same thing under stress: just keep talking to explain something that they made clear with their first few words. “I��m leaving now.”
I don’t think twice. I need to go to her. If Emelia is saying Orion needs me, then I’m there. I’m dropping everything and I’m going. I don’t care if Orion broke up with me. I know she still loves me and I still love her more than I’ve ever loved anything or anyone. If Emelia thinks it’s time for me to go to Orion, I’m going. Emelia asking me to go is practically the same as Orion asking me to. Their hearts are almost the same and they know each other better than they know themselves.
I don’t bother to do anything like pack or take care of Duke. I’ll have Luke or Sierra come take care of him. I just grab my keys, wallet and shoes and walk out the door in a matter of seconds. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, but none of that matters, all I know is I need to leave.
“We’re at her moms’. Do you need the address?”
“Em, it’s only been a month and a half since I was there. I don’t need the address.” I laugh quietly, even though I’m a mess of nerves and worry.
“Right, sorry. It just feels like it’s been a million years.” 
I am in the elevator now, riding it down to the lobby. 
“I know. It’s been fucking brutal,” I confess. 
The elevator doors open up to the lobby where Ron is on the phone. I nod to him and he waves. He’s been devastated that Orion is gone, but in her absence, I’ve made an effort to make conversation with him whenever I can, so we wave or chat every time I see him. I get through the lobby and then to the garage. I hop in my car and start it, still on the line with Emelia, who’s just crying. 
“It’s okay, Em. I’m on my way, alright?” It has to be okay.
“Thanks, Cal. She’s not the same without you.”
“I haven’t been whole either.” I don’t know how I lived before Orion. Now that I have had her, my life doesn’t feel right without her. Orion made everything in the world make sense. She showed me the best of humanity, the brightest light, and the purest love. I get to go to her again, and the prospect makes my heart light up again.
I put my Jeep in reverse and then zip out of the parking garage, turning onto the busy street.
Emelia laughs. “Yeah, I’ve seen all the shit on Twitter.” 
Twitter has been a hellscape of mostly well-intentioned fans commenting on my very apparent heartbreak. Everything I do on stage or in public is documented and it feels as if everyone on the planet knows I’m depressed and recently single. Me being spotted in Cologne with Paula was just another catastrophe for the fans.
“Did you expect anything else out of our fans?”
“Not in the slightest,” she says. “Okay, I’ll let you go since you’re driving. I’ll see you soon?” 
“Yeah, I’ll be there as quick as I can.”
The drive feels like it takes forever, and I feel all kinds of nerves. I don’t think Orion knows I’m coming, so I hope Emelia wasn’t wrong in calling me. I pray she wasn’t wrong. 
The thought of holding her again has me giddy, but I know that she won’t be feeling well. She’s not doing well at all, and I feel somewhat selfish for being excited. I’m also nervous to see her, knowing what Emelia just said about her. She’s not doing well. I wonder how much smaller she is, how much her hair has grown, and how the treatment plan has been going. 
Circumstances are less than good, but I’m looking forward to seeing her regardless. Seeing my girl again is all I’ve wanted since she made me leave, and it’s happening now. 
I call Luke while I drive once I see signs saying I’ve reached San Diego and can turn off my GPS. I know how to get to the Moss household from here.
“Hey, what’s up?” Luke asks, answering only after a few rings.
“Hey, not sure how long I’ll be gone, but I’m on my way to see Orion right now.”
I have more to say, but I know he will have questions, so I stop talking to give him a chance to ask whatever he wants. He fulfills my prophecy instantly and starts spewing questions.
“Wait, what? How? Why? What happened?” 
“Em called me and said she needs me, so I’m going.” 
“That’s… good and bad, I guess.”
“I know.”
“So you’re going to San Diego?”
“Yeah, and I was hoping you and Si can take care of Duke for me?” I haven’t thought about the prospect of him saying no, so I’m hoping he says yes.
“Of course, whatever you need.”
“Thanks, Luke. I owe you one.”
“No, you don’t. This is the least I can do for you and O. I’ll go get Duke in a bit and keep him here for now. Petunia will be happy to have a friend.” 
Duke and Petunia are very different in size, but they love to play together. 
“Thanks. I’m sure Duke will be excited to play.”
“His food and stuff is still in the same spot?”
“Yeah, nothing’s changed.” Except Orion doesn’t live there anymore.
“Sweet, I’ll let you go. Let me know if you guys need anything else, yeah?”
“Sounds good. Thanks again, Luke, you’re the best.” 
We hang up right as I turn onto the Moss family’s street. I see Emelia’s and Orion’s cars in the driveway and park behind them. Her moms must be at work since their cars are gone. As I pull in behind Em’s car, the front door opens and she waves to me. I park and get out, running up to hug her. 
She looks rough, and she’s not the one sick, so I know Orion is worse off. Emelia’s eyes are brimmed with tears, red and puffy. She welcomes me with open arms and hugs me tightly. 
“Thanks for coming,” she whispers.
Had she thought I wouldn’t? In what world would I not have come when she called? I love Emelia, and of course, I love Orion even more. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for either of them.
“Em, you could’ve called me at 3 in the morning and I’d be here as soon as humanly possible. If I was anywhere else in the world right now, I’d be on the first flight to San Diego, seriously. Thank you for calling me.” 
“I know that’s how it would’ve been before, but I wasn’t sure, with everything…” She whispers into my chest, sniffling quietly.
“Nothing could ever change how I feel about Orion. You know this. I love her with every single cell in my body.” I hope she can hear the sincerity in my voice. I mean it. I don’t think that there is anything that girl could do that would diminish my love.
Emelia steps away from me then and smiles. “I’ve missed you guys being gross together.”
“Can we go be gross now? Does she know I’m coming?”
“No, she’s been asleep for a few hours. She’d had a bit of a breakdown earlier and I called Ash freaking out, because I wanted to call you but wasn’t sure, and he said I should call you, so I did.”
I make a mental note to give Ashton a few points, but he’s still very deep into the negatives. Nonetheless, I’m grateful that he knew me enough to urge Em to call me. If he hadn’t, I would be spending another day alone, mourning my relationship and sitting in the dark about how the girl of my dreams is doing. Instead, I get to see her again.
“What was the breakdown?” I ask.
“Oh, you know, just Orion things. She’d been doing a Twitter deep dive and felt awful for seeing how bad you’re doing, hurt by the shit people are saying negatively about her. She feels like she ruined everyone’s life. She’s feeling lonely, depressed, and—fuck, I guess I should let her update you on her treatment and stuff.” Emelia sighs, her forehead wrinkled with worry. “Here, come inside. Want coffee? Tea?”
She opens the door to the house for me, and then she guides me to the kitchen. She gets out the electric kettle and fills it with water before I even answer her.
“I’ll do tea if you’re making some.”
Emelia nods, switching the kettle on before grabbing mugs. I instantly recognize Orion’s favorite Madrid mug and another she had thrifted a few months ago. She’d taken them from our apartment, and I’m glad to see they’re getting some use here. 
Once the water starts to boil, she turns the kettle off, plops tea bags into the mugs, and then pours the hot water in. She hands me the Madrid mug — I honestly used it far more than Orion did, but it was technically hers so I couldn’t fight her on taking it with her — and I’m happy to get to use it again. As I go to take a sip from my tea, I hear footsteps on the floor above us.
“Em?! Where the hell did you go?” Orion yells.
Hearing her voice for the first time in a month and a half makes my heart skip a beat. 
“Downstairs!” Em yells back, and then she smiles at me knowingly. She’s stopped crying now, but her face is still blotchy and her eyes are still bright red. 
I turn to be able to see Orion as she comes down the stairs in search of her best friend. Her bunny slipper-covered feet appear first, and then baggy black sweatpants, and then an All Blacks hoodie that I had bought her last year. Her brown eyes widen as she sees me standing in the kitchen. Her face morphs through almost every emotion imaginable: shock, joy, anger, shock again, and then she’s crying what I hope are happy tears.
Her short hair is now long enough that she can messily tie it back. Her cheeks are even more hollow than they were in October, the bags under her eyes darker, and the light in her face is just… gone. But, at least she’s smiling right now.
We both hurry to each other, her throwing her arms around my neck and I lift her up so I can squeeze her as close to me as physically possible. She’s so light and fragile feeling, I worry I’ll crush her, but I need to hold her like this, at least for a few moments. 
“Wh—what… what are you doing here?” Orion asks with surprise laced through her tone, her voice gentle. She seems entirely shocked. 
“Em called me. Here I am.”
“But… I… I thought… I’m sorry. Cal, I’m so sorry. I don’t… I don’t want to hurt you, but I missed you so much and I felt selfish for it and I just didn’t want you to watch me fade away and I knew how bad it would hurt for you and…” Orion trails off. Her words are all accompanied and disrupted by hiccups and sniffles. “I don’t deserve for you to be here.”
I place her feet back on the floor, placing my hand on the back of her head and pressing it into my chest. I smooth over the top of her hair, holding her while she tries to explain herself.
It doesn’t matter. None of it matters to me. I need to be here and I need to be with her. I don’t care how bad it hurts. I have to be here with her, by her side, for whatever she needs. That’s what I need. The amount of love she has shown me over the past two years has earned her buckets of love. She deserves for me to be here. There’s no doubt in my mind about that. 
“You deserve for me to love you the way you love me. I’m putting you above me, just like you’re doing for me. I am here. I will always be here. You can’t get rid of me. The love I have for you is embedded into my skin, my soul, my blood. You’re mine, until the day I die, okay?” 
Orion not giving me a chance to not go on tour was her way of loving me, and I know that. She did it because she loves me. She wanted to spare me. She suffered back in LA alone because she didn’t want me to give up on going on tour. She did it to be selfless, to put my needs above hers. I’m here now to put aside from the pain she’s caused and be here for her, because she needs me. And, god, I’ve needed her.
“But,” she starts, and I shake my head. She can’t see it, since she’s still pressed into my chest.
“No, no buts. It doesn’t matter, okay? Whatever you wanted to say, it doesn’t matter. I’m here for you and I love you and none of that is ever going to change.” 
Orion goes quiet then, and the only sounds she’s making are of her shakily drawing in air. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, my love. I am sure.” I don’t know if I’ve ever been more sure of anything.
Orion squeezes me tighter, her bony arms digging into my sides, but I don’t care. Being this close to her again is the best feeling, and I don’t even care about the circumstances. All that matters is we’re together. 
I can feel her tears through my shirt while she cries. I’m so happy to be here right now. It almost doesn’t feel real. It feels like an eternity and also only a few seconds that we stand here in each other’s arms, but we both snap out of it at the sound of a camera shutter.
“Shit, sorry, I thought I had the sound off!” Emelia says.
Orion and I both laugh, breaking apart to find Emelia with her phone pointed at us. She has a close-lipped smile and teary eyes, her free hand pressed against her cheek.
“I’m so fucking glad you’re back,” Em adds.
I look down at Orion, who’s staring right at me, softly smiling. “There’s nowhere else in the entire world I’d rather be.”
The three of us laze around for the afternoon, laying on the couch and watching some random movie that Emelia insists we watch. I don’t even care; all that matters is Orion and I are intertwined with her head on my chest and our arms wrapped around each other. I don’t watch the movie. I simply stare at Orion and take in every strand of hair, freckle, eyelash, pore… I just look at her, in awe that she’s back in my arms.
Around 6:00, Penny, Gloria, and Eri come home. Gloria went shopping for Thanksgiving tomorrow and Penny had to pick up Eri from his after school play date when she got off work. They were all shocked to find me in their home, but welcomed me back with open arms. We eat dinner together — just a simple spaghetti and meatballs dinner that Orion barely eats a few bites of — and then they take Eri on an evening walk around the neighborhood, giving Orion and me our first moment alone in forever. 
“Thank you for coming,” her soft voice says. We’re back on the couch, music quietly playing in the background.
“Thank you for letting me come back.”
Orion looks up at me, tears filling her eyes again. “I was stupid to make you leave at all.”
I lean down, pressing my lips against hers. “It’s okay. We’re together now.” 
She nods, trying to smile while she has tears rolling down her face. “What all did Em tell you?”
“Not much, just that you’re not doing well.”
A flash of pain — not physical pain, emotional pain — lights in her eyes. “Chemo didn’t work.”
My stomach drops. I knew it was a possibility. It had to have been, given how Em spoke about how Orion has been doing. I knew it was possible, but I didn’t actually consider it.
“What’s next, then?” I ask.
She mashes her lips together and pulls them to the side, breaking eye contact for a second before she looks back up at me. “They said I could do trials for other treatments, or I can just ride it out and take medicines to keep me comfortable until things take a turn for the worst.” 
I selfishly would’ve asked her to do the trials, but I can’t imagine how grueling and uncomfortable they would have been, and if they’re trials there’s no way to really know whether they’ll do any good. I also couldn’t ask her to do anything. It’s her body and her life on the line. She deserves the ultimate say. 
“What did you choose?”
“I’m just riding it out.” 
I nod, trying to mask my slight disappointment. A chance at having her for the longest amount of time possible would’ve been nice, but I have to respect her choice for herself and her body. “Then I’ll be with you every single day, and I’ll do my best to keep you feeling okay. Okay?” 
Orion stares at me. I watch her mentally battle her need to not let anyone help her or prioritize her and I can tell it takes a lot of strength to accept me and my help. “Okay. Thank you.” 
“I love you, and I’m not going anywhere.”
She looks at me with so much love and sadness at the same time that I feel my heart constrict. “I love you, and I’m so happy you’re here.” 
@EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: no i don’t have permission to post this but idc. my heart is so happy and so full to have these two together again ❤️ love both of them and their love. @calum5sos & @ my bff who only has a burner twitter Image attached
@MacyLacy123: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: oh my god my heart can’t take this!! THANK GOD! and thank you for sharing!!!! love everyone involved sm. true love exists! @Ashton5SOS: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: best friend of the year award! @Calum5SOS: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: thanks for sharing her with me, Em. love you ❤️ @CrystalLeigh: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: okay WHAT i’m crying tears of joy. :’) CALL ME ASAP @5SOSGirlie: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: idk what’s going on but if cal’s happy i’m happy! @5SOSUpdatesUK: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: wait i thought they broke up? why is this pic so cute tho!!?? @Luke5SOS: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: IM CRYING AGAIN I LOVE THEM @Michael5SOS: Replying to @Luke5SOS: bro you gotta stop crying over orion and cal @Luke5SOS: Replying to @Michael5SOS: don’t tell me what to do i’m still gonna cry! @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: Replying to @Luke5SOS: it’s okay luke i’m still crying too but i saw it in person @Luke5SOS: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: yeah well I get to watch Duke so suck it @MaliKoa: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: don’t know how we got here, but I’m so glad we are! they’re the sweetest ❤️ @PaulaPeriodista: Replying to @EmeliaBoDeliaSmelia: YES YES YES! we all needed this! thanks for making it happen! @Francesca5SOS: Replying to @PaulaPeriodista: THE UPDATE IVE BEEN WAITING FOR
next chapter
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fostopia · 2 years
Ok you guys seem to really like both my style and the Tethered AU doodle I did so Here’s more about that au + the old doodles I did of it
The official tags are #tmc tethered au, #tethered au, and #tethered together Starting off! This au came to life after my RP partner and I started up one together based on a plot idea I had. The idea of the Tethered AU [I also call it Tethered Together sometimes] is one that obviously strays from canon (because canon killed my Vol 1 and 2 victim duos, and I love them too much to let them go /p) Basically, after their deaths Mark and Cesar die they become ghosts, both spirits hold a resemblance to how they offed themselves due to M.A.D.-- Mark has a bullet wound and Cesar has a neck wound. [fun fact about Mark, he never stops bleeding. This poor guy stains so much shit] Mark’s ghost has angel wings because of his devotion to religion when alive; his devotion makes him-- in a sense-- holier than Gabriel for apparent reasons; he now has wings.  Now here’s where the Vol 2 victims come in. After Mark and Cesar met up in the afterlife [or well, a few months after because Mark couldn't stomach even looking at Cesar for a while due to alt!Cesar] they ended up staying at Cesar’s house-- after all, being dead means they didn’t have much reason to leave, and Mark doesn’t like being seen by humans. They’re still there when Jonah and Adam show up. The two do still have their argument, but Mark stops Jonah from leaving (by appearing in the back of the van and scaring the shit out of him) and Cesar stops Adam (who wasn’t affected at all) Though these two are a little bit dumb, Mark and Cesar accidentally ‘tether’ to them, so Adam and Jonah are just stuck with these two ghosts.
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I like to imagine that this is the dynamic the quad has
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That’s the main premise of the au I’ve got in writing, but there is something else I plan to dabble in. “What is that” you may ask? Well. You know the little doodle I put with Jonah going ‘I feel an impending sense of doom right now’? That is where alt!Cesar comes in.
I like to imagine that alternates cannot physically attack or interact with humans unless they have a physical body-- the alternate that killed Cesar took over his body.
ANYWAYS Here are some of the little things I have about this au off the top of my head
First about the characters Sarah is included because she plays a minor role :D
Cesar - any/all - ADHD - Mexican
Mark - he/him - ADHD, PTSD, GAD - Filipino American
Jonah - he/they - ASD, ADHD, GAD - Colombian + Peruvian
Adam - he/him - BPD - British American
Sarah - she/her - ADHD - Filipino American
Jonah and Adam are 17 and 18 [ordered by age]
Mark and Cesar were 17 and 18 when they died
Sarah is 19
Jonah and Mark both suffer from general paranoia so they're constantly on edge
Jonah and Adam met in school when they were 9/10 and met Sarah freshman year; she told them about BPS and Adam wanted to take the leap to try and figure out what happened to his mom so he dropped out to focus on it Jonah had a semi-promising future ahead of him but Adam was all he had left to lose, so he dropped out as well to join Adam on his search.
The ghosts are able to go invisible to avoid being seen. Mark is too nervous to show himself to Sarah, so he stays hidden around her.
If I can think of anything else I'll edit this but ask questions if you'd like!!
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ll-but-its-random · 4 months
Eight: Oops. Got your mental illness! Five: Give it back. It was a gift from the Elders. --- Six, to their kid: Don't worry, mommy is gonna drop kick anyone that touches you. Sam: And daddy will bail mommy out of jail. --- Walker: You really shouldn't joke about your parents' death. It's really disrespectful. John: what are you gonna do? Walker:... Six: Tell my mom? Nine: Tell my dad? Walker:... Eight: Go ahead they're listening. Ella: *listening* Ella: They said shut up. --- Sam: Babe, if I died, would you get married again? Six: That's a bullsht question, I wouldn't let you die. Sam: What if it was something outside of your control? Like, I got hit by a car or something? Six: I would march down into hell and drag your ass back out. --- James Frey: Alright you have 3 wishes but there are three rules. No wishing for death, no falling in love and no bringing back dead people. Eight: I wish I could have a book named after me. JF:... there are 4 rules. --- John: PTSD🎶 anxiety🎶 crippling depression, there is no question🎶 you should kill me🎶 John: Let me be with Henri and Eight🎶 I feel like sht everyday🎶 John: I'm asking nicely, do it by drowning, under the sea🎶 --- Every friend group has: Six: Intimidating looking person that everyone uses to scare the kids off of the swing, but in reality is a soft one. Five: The short, feisty one that everyone makes fun of but in reality is kinda scared of. John: 24/7 bisexual panic who's also pretty clumsy. Eight: the person who's vocabulary just consists of memes. Marina: The one who acts like they're five years older than everyone else. Sam: The one who acts like they're five years younger than everyone else. Nine: ✨gay✨ Ella: ✨child✨ ---
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marislittleworld · 4 months
I NEED more fics with dad!chris redfield :3
YES! THANK YOU ANONYMOUS 😗 *muah!*, here is more of dad!Chris with mom!Jill. Also I'm gonna do more content like this, so you can ask for more if you want :3
WARNINGS: Daughter!OC included (Ana Valentine Redfield), it'll pass on the events of Resident Evil: Death Island, Piers Nivans is mentioned.
“Guess the aiming training was worth it!”
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Ana started her rifle training when she met Piers Nivans, he was going to visit her father because of work, and then he met a 9-year-old Ana. It didn't take long until the two of them became friends.
Chris noticed that Piers was great with kids so he trusted him to train Ana in some aiming skills. Piers was a very good sniper of the BSAA team, he trained Ana with the use of the rifle.
The saddest part is when Piers was considered dead, he dies to save Ana’s father on a final mission, but she didn't stop training her aiming skills, she asked kindly to her mother to train her to how to use a handgun just in case of very risky situations. Surprisingly, Jill accepted.
The year now is 2015, Ana got a visit from auntie Claire and she couldn't not notice her parents putting on their casual clothing like they are going on vacation.
"wait-- where are you two going?" Ana asks "you look like you're on a vacation"
Jill looked at Chris and he nods as in the form of confirmation.
"we are going on a mission" Jill answered
"but without your gear?" Ana asked more confused
Jill and Chris showed their handguns which were below their jackets. Ana glared at them like 'are you going to have fun without me?'. Chris scoffed and smirked.
"We are going to Alcatraz to investigate the reason of people getting infected" Chris said
The teen gasps, "noooo way! I've always wanted to visit that prison. Can I go with you? Please please pleaseee? I know how to take care of myself" Ana pleads
The couple gasps and their eyes widen
"No Ana! It's too dangerous for you, we don't even know how those people are getting infected." Jill answered worriedly
"she is right, Ana. You're still not ready" Chris approaches and pats Ana's shoulder. "We love you, Ana. We just don't want to lose you"
The three of them hugged each other and the couple said goodbye to their daughter. She stayed there for 5 minutes and thought.
"Ah no way I'm letting them have fun without me" Ana diabolically played with her hands and decided to get dressed.
TIMESKIP (RE: Death Island spoilers ahead)
After the zombies attack, the revelation of Dylan Blake and Rebecca curing Leon, Chris e Claire, all of them got reunited with Jill to defeat the now transformed villain. They started to use their weapons, but it was no use.
The five of them dodged the monster's claw, but he knocked down Rebecca and Claire. And suddenly a shot could be heard and then a crane hook hit right on Dylan's head, deep inside. The couple and Leon, Claire e Rebecca looked up and saw Ana holding a rifle, the smoke getting out of the cane because of the shot.
Claire and Rebecca smiled while Jill and Chris are surprised and confused to see their daughter at Alcatraz.
"Jill, please tell me that I'm still infected at the point of seeing our daughter here" Chris asked trying not to be angry and yell
"nope, she's here" Jill answered also feeling angry, "ANA!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE? WE TOLD YOU TO STAY AT HOME!"
"I thought you guys could use one more help, so I came by my own" Ana answers while holds the rifle
"ohh you two have a daughter? Very cool..." Leon interrupts the family moment
The monster growled stealing the attention of the adults and the teenager, he pulled the hook, making part of the crane fall and almost hit on her parents, scaring Ana.
"MOM! DAD! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Ana yelled worriedly
"we are fine, sweetie! Find a place and hide!!" Jill commands in her motherly way and ran to get the machine gun
"AND YOU'RE GROUNDED!!" Chris yelled angrily at Ana, making her jaw drop for some seconds, but she went back to normal
Ana saw her family trying to use their rocket launchers on the monster, but it was no use too. She decided to get the grenade on the floor, take off it's ring and throw at the monster, she used her rifle to shoot on the grenade, and it exploded on the monster's face and yet... it was no use, the creature got blinded by the smoke of the explosion that he used on of his paws to hit blindly.
He hit on the metal bridge where Ana was standing, the teen tried to scape but she fell of the bridge, falling on the hard floor. Jill, Chris and Claire ran towards Ana.
"ANA!!" Claire yelled her niece's name
Chris grabbed Ana's shoulders "are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"damn it-- I thought it would work" Ana said with pain
"but you did good, daughter. You bought us more time" Chris said to Ana
Ana chuckles, "well, guess the aiming training was worth it!”
"stay with your aunt and Rebecca, me and your father will handle this creature" Jill helped Ana to get up, and Ana nods.
After the battle, the group walked outside of the prison waiting for the helicopters to arrive, meanwhile, Jill crossed her arms and looked at Ana, who just avoided her gaze.
"okay, young lady. We've got a doggone question for you" Jill says in a very motherly tone "How did you get here?"
"well uhm-- let's say that I took a bus to get to the boat checkpoint. I used the same boat as you when you were coming here. And I stayed hidden until the battle"
Leon and Claire chuckles and he messed Ana's hair.
"you're still grounded" Chris said
"I know" Ana responds while fixing her hair
The group smiled until they saw the helicopters arriving to the island. The family Redfield always stick together even in the most dangerous moments.
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randomfoggytiger · 8 months
"Think He'll Call You Tonight"
Part III of the Bill Scully POV mini-series (Part I and Part II~.) Continuing the dedication to @baronessblixen!
Charlie was the one that convinced their father. 
“But Dad, Dana wanted a gun, too, and she’s really good at being careful, and she does everything else with us, and we have the money to get one, and it’s a really nice one, and Bill and I’ll keep an eye on her and teach her and make sure she doesn’t shoot anything that you told us not to--”
And whether or not it was his arguments or his enthusiasm that won the day, Dana was surprised with a bb gun a couple months shy of her birthday, both boys brimming with pride over their recently emptied pockets.
Charlie saw the snake first; but Bill boldly grabbed it, tossed it into a shorter patch of grass, and took the first shot. The air rang with pings and tiny thuds as the snake absorbed pellet after pellet, writhing in pain and shock; until, finally, it stopped wiggling and lay limp, slowly waiting for death to claim it. It was Dana who walked towards it-- Bill assumed to shoot it further-- and startled her brothers by cradling and weeping over its dead body in her tiny hands. 
The attack of conscience was swift. Dana, who was more prone to outraged anger than tears, broke down; and Charlie, who was more likely to cry than holler, yelled at Bill and ran off into the woods. 
Their mother was no less furious than their father even though Dana fessed up honorably and didn’t let her brothers take all the blame. Both of them apologized, took their punishment, and were forbidden to shoot until they were more responsible. 
Charlie didn’t reappear for hours. After dark everyone was worried; and the house and woods were canvassed until late in the night. It was Melissa’s idea to double back and check his room, and Dana's to check under his bed. She caught sight of his leg, dove under the spread, and grabbed him to her, apologizing over and over. 
Bill noticed his brother never quite shook the quake in his hands before a shot.
Bill was out of the house before his brother reached the rebellious teen years. He was annoyed, nonetheless, when home would ring him or he’d ring home and Melissa would insist on telling Charlie’s latest scrape amidst laughter that cracked a sentence in three different places. Dana would take over and summarize her sister’s spotty narrative; and Maggie would hear the commotion from the hallway and insist on excusing some of his behavior. 
Excusing. Bill heard that a lot. 
Melissa never let anyone off the hook, including him. “Charlie and Dana have a boatload of stories on you, Billy, so I wouldn’t test either of their patience. He’ll be home any minute if you want to hear a few.” 
“I’m good, thanks.” And the conversation turned to a new thought experiment in Melissa’s collegiate classes or Dana’s impending graduation and solidifying plans for medical school. 
Tara and he had just gone steady when Bill got Melissa’s letter. Grateful that she’d canceled their night out immediately, he’d hugged his sweet girl goodbye and booked it to the nearest payphone. 
“Mom, he just met her-- and now he’s going to throw away his future and marry the girl? What kind of sense does that make?” 
“I know you’re scared Mom, and Dad’s furious. What with Melissa dropping out, and now Charles--”
“William Scully, will you calm down--”
“Is that Bill?” That was Charles. “I want to talk to him, Mom.”
“Charlie, don’t make this a bigger deal than it needs to be.”
“He’s already poking his nose in, isn’t he? Huh? Making rude assumptions about Hessa and me behind our backs-- well, let him say it to my face!” 
Bill hung up, unwilling to let the situation spiral out of control. 
His father called a couple days later-- fresh off the boat and abreast of the particulars. “I’m disappointed, Bill-- you escalated this situation unnecessarily; and you worsened your mother's troubles while I wasn't home to steer the ship. Now, I want you to fly over when you can spare the time so we can put this behind us.” 
The meeting took place in his parent's new home in Maryland, paint and pine sol and candles warring against each other for supremacy. 
Charlie refused to try even one year of college, determined to bind himself to Hessa and break into the stock market with her godfather’s tutelage. “I figure facts and figures are my specialty, and where better to put them to use?” 
Dana had immediately lapped him by throwing a few of her own facts and figures about the business that he hadn’t contemplated; and Charlie, offended, had tried to deflect the uncomfortable moment by focusing how much she knew about family planning and retirement. Melissa then piped up and shoved the focus firmly back to him.
Bill flew back to Maryland six months later, best man at his brother’s elaborate wedding, staring at the pew where his father, stone faced, mother, apprehensive, and sisters, irritated, sat. Melissa and Dana unthawed for the bride, giving her a congratulatory hug-- which she lightly returned-- and Maggie welcomed her as the newest Scully; but Captain Scully only nodded, and Bill only smiled.
Bill and Tara were married, Melissa was somewhere around the world, Dana had dropped from medical school to the FBI, and Charlie and his two kids were living off of his wife’s investment properties when the Scully patriarch suddenly and unexpectedly died. 
Charlie hadn’t said as much, but Bill knew there was still residual resentment from his father’s decision to withhold most of his son's college fund. Given the state of their relationship, it shocked him when his brother took the cremation in stride, seemingly the only person other than Melissa to understand the captain's decision.
“It makes strange sense, though I’ll bet Missy put it in his head.” 
Tara, who had been quiet since the burial plans were announced, said, “I think it was me-- we were talking about Melissa’s book on Celtic traditions and practices a year or so ago; and I mentioned that I could have seen him being cremated if he were born a couple hundred years ago. I guess….” 
They were silent, warring between irrational anger at Tara and reason. Bill hugged her to him; and watched Charlie’s stare drift from his sister-in-law to his father’s urn, thoughtfully distant.  
It was Charlie who called two years later. 
“Bill, she’s… she’s dead. Died, uh, thirteen hours ago. And… and, uh, Mom says she understands you won’t make it for the funeral… and.... She didn’t call me, Bill, either, because she thought Melissa’d pull through. And Dana’s back-- Dana was off the grid for a bit. We think the guy that got Melissa was after… anyway, one of us’ll call back with details when we can. …I’m sorry, Bill.” 
A switch had happened after Melissa’s death: while Bill was at sea, Dana and Charlie spent more time at home. Charlie-- Tara reported-- became a regular, doubly so a regular philanthropist. He helped Maggie patch up various expenses, recommended his wife’s hairdresser to Dana and covered the difference a few times, and funded Tara’s recuperative trips to and from Maryland and California between grueling pregnancy tests and trials. 
“Are you doing okay, Mom?” Bill asked, spending yet another Saint Paddy’s Day on yet another floating hunk of metal. 
“Hmm. Melissa was going to throw a party this St. Patrick's-- she started doing that after Dana recovered from her coma last year, you know. I miss her, and your father." She sighed, a long, sad sound. "Are you okay being alone for the holiday?”  
“Yeah. Some friends are throwing a celebration later. One of them even looks like Charles, strangely. I’ll see you as soon as I can.” 
“I know, Bill. I’ll give the others your love.”
“Okay, Mom. Bye.” 
Dana’s cancer blindsided all of them. 
Maggie let out the secret in tears a few weeks after Dana began and ended her treatment, angry and lost and afraid. “She won’t try chemotherapy anymore because she wants to work-- Dana pretends it doesn’t exist and refuses to talk about it. I don’t understand her, Bill. And I don’t know how to tell Charlie because he feels they’ve gotten so close over the last few months. This will hurt him; and I don’t want to hurt my baby.” 
Bill, so furious he was calm, told her to fly out to Tara. “I know she’ll enjoy having you around, Mom. And maybe Dana will decide to share it with us on her own.”
Dana did not tell anyone else, choosing instead to pretend like nothing was wrong: congratulating Bill and Tara on their impending parenthood, sloughing off Maggie's subtle references, and running around at work while her health weakened and worsened.
On Bill’s way to the Scully family get-together, his mom called again: Charlie had finally been told; and-- at the mention of late-stage cancer-- hadn’t taken it well, venting choice words about being the last to be considered; and left. 
Despite the desperation of the next few days, he'd stayed withdrawn and unreachable.
“Charlie? It’s Bill-- Dana’s in remission. She wanted me to give you a call in case you wanted to drop by. We’re calling it a miracle, Charlie. A new beginning, Dana said. If you want.” 
For once, Bill was happy her paranoid partner was there to keep his sister company-- anything to distract her from picking up the phone, dialing, and getting bad news on top of good. 
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic!
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a-friend-of-mara · 7 months
Hey uh
I'm leaving my mask at the door for a minute
If you enjoy the image of myself I put forward, the happy cheery autistic trans girl who doesn't dwell on her issues
Please just ignore this post
If you are uncomfortable with mentions of self harm, talking about non prescription drug addiction, suicide rates of trans kids
Please just go
I say my biggest fear is that I'll be forgotten
It's easier than saying that I'm scared to death of myself
I'm worried I'll give up on life and stop eating... considering I can't gain or maintain weight I'd have a week before I was dead at the most
I'm afraid that I'll give up trying to look like the person I want to be rather than being stuck, trapped in a body that isn't mine but I'm wired up to like some sick torture method
I don't want to fall into drug use or self harm hoping that it'd pull me out of this pit of self hatred and hopelessness
I don't wanna be another tally mark on the trans suicide charts
I don't wanna die
I feel like I'm suffocating
That I can't move my legs... only the ones attached to me
I don't even know if I matter at this point
I just
I wanna be me
Not some false image that I was born with
Nobody understands how it is for me
My dad almost killed me with th fact he understood so little he put me into survival mode where I cared about nothing but staying alive because of how much damage his insistence that my body was in fact his son and not the cage that trapped his daughter
He used to have twins now he just has one kid with her twin sister... my sister
Now I live with my mom who doesn't understand, how could she? She's never wanted to tear her skin off because it wasn't hers... she understands how much I hurt though
She's able to see through my mask that I'm really suffering inside
Without her yall wouldn't have ever known I existed
You would've heard a news article of a trans kid who killed herself by diving off the balcony at her school although the media would misgender me.
I've almost done it
Sitting on the edge of a lethal drop fighting with myself to not do it
Not sure if I was lying when i told myself things would get better
I'm not sure if they are
Everything just keeps getting worse and worse
I can't even cry anymore
I don't care about so many things that I used to
I used to love
Then I was heartbroken
I used to care for my friends
Until I moved away
I used to enjoy helping others
Now I'm so tired I can't
It's kinda funny
How part of me thinks it's all my fault
How I'm not sure if it's something I did
But then I have to think
What could I possibly have done that'd make this torment justified?
How can any higher power exist when I've prayed to every God and Goddess I've ever learned of and not once has a goddam thing happened
How would a higher power let the world get this fucked up
Fuckin hell
My trans siblings are getting murdered for being themselves
Innocent people who live in unfortunate places are being killed because of stupid ass reasons
Fucking hell in America most people aren't free enough to take a month off work without becoming homeless
Decades of prejudice make people think women are weak and need defending but don't pay them well because... fuckin I don't know why!
It's pathetic that men get away with rape while women get away with false rape accusations usually destroying every relationship the man ever cared about
People look at others and treat them differently based on the color of their skin
What for?!
The privilege to go through 12 to 20 years of school to earn the right to have to work a job I'll probably hate until I'm like 60?!
Right now I'm pretty sure my life is gonna end before I reach 30!
What's the fuckin point?!
America for fucks sake
The land of the free
Yeah free to work or die because the 0.01% run the fucking nation like their playground
People wonder why I've responded to hostility with hostility in the last 3 years
I've bottled my emotions for so long the bottles are all full
Yelling and ranting always make me feel a little better
If anyone comments on this negatively I hope you die in a vat of boiling vinegar and drown in the yolks of rotten eggs
That goes for all the phobic people too
If you made it through this whole essay sized emotional breakdown and don't think I'm a complaining winey bitch
I can only say I wish the world was made of more people like you
Time for sleep
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA For Drowning A Thief?
I (12M) recently moved to a new school. They have a group of kids who, like me, are also descended from a powerful magician. One of these kids, T(14M), allies himself with the local troublemaker, C(12M). For context, there's a curse in my family that says either the father or the son will die when the son is in his 13th year. To help protect me, my mother (who died when I was a child) gave me charms crafted from the gold of drowned men's teeth (she was a mermaid). If I don't have these charms, I literally have uncontrollable fits where I'm shaking and glowing green :( After I tried to drown C and two others (long story, but they deserved it), T stole one of my charms. And then, instead of giving the rest back, he dropped them in the grass just to be a bitch. I stole C's magic moth and T agreed to give me my sea gold charm back in exchange for it. When we met and swapped items, T started bitching (I gave him a fake moth) and getting stormy (he literally creates storms). He was getting under my skin, and I had made sure the room we met up in had access to a water tap, so I flooded the room and left him to drown. He deserved it for being an asshole, for taunting me, and for stealing my sea gold creature (that my dead mom made to protect me). I got detention and missed out on dessert because I was technically just supposed to scare him, not kill him, so it's not like I wasn't punished. Thing is, my father's been showing up at school now that I'm about to turn 13 and I'm scared he's plotting against me. C is the only one that would have looked into what's going on, but he's all upset over T's death. I've been telling C and his friends that drowning T was an accident, but one of them (12F) had shifted into a bird, spied on me and T the whole time, and has been telling her friends I deliberately killed him, so none of them believe me. I think I might have gone too far when I drowned T, even though he was a huge asshole to me and deserved it. AITA?
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sallytwo · 1 year
here is the thing. come sit down with me. most people aren’t active malicious wesley haters they’re just like well i don’t care about him cuz he didn’t do anything. which 1) this is the star trek fandom i have seen what you people do with the most background one episode random ass characters. do not act. i see you. and 2) that literally is so untrue…. yes wesley got a lot less screen time/ scenes than other characters but that is because everyone was terrible and mean about him for NO REASON. if you look up the tng deleted scene list geniuenly half of them are wesley focused scenes and that’s why they got caught… he’s literally the worlds most normal sweet 15 year old with his normal sweet smile and everyone is always trying to kill him. he threw that party for worf bro… he got stabbed to deathat age 15.. they made him relive his psychological worst fear (his dads death) when he was applying to the academy.. and then gave up his chance at getting in because he wanted to help another kid.. he was always sitting at the helm with his sad nervous eyes he was always sitting there all scared like… he was nothing but nice and kind and sweet to everyone around him . he likes baseball. we all forget this but he literally likes baseball bro. and he had a model of the apollo 11 module in his room… he was a pilot.. he loved his mom bro.. he had to watch a holographic message of his dead father (dead) who died in starfleet just like him bro. and everyone knew he would make it everyone knew he’d make a great starfleet officer. and he never had a choice. andhe was sorta responsible for killing his best friend (who he went on a ski trip with (alone) and lent him his sweater) (🤨🏳️‍🌈) and then lost the support and respect of everyone in his lifeeee after that… he literally had depression bro. they gave him depression and he was mean and bitey and a bitch to the people that he used to care about . the once warm and familiar dynamic between them is notably absent bro. and then he dropped out of college to go be a time traveler and disappeared off the face of the earth…. does anyone in the world ever in the world care about my friend mx. wesley crusher…
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ryujnn · 2 years
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► akuma. ゚。 ⋆ i’m gonna be like you. (02)
► chapter summary ゚。 ⋆ weddings can either go completely well and two newlyweds will enjoy starting a new life together— or the two getting married can dislike each other, and the bride’s mother dies.
► chapter warnings ゚。 ⋆ pure angst. character death (mother). the wedding day. I SWEAR IT GETS GOOD AFTER THIS. the mother plays a big part— so more gojo and action after this chapter. reader shows some signs of depression but it isn’t heavy.
taglist. visual + character board. prev. next
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“Rise and shine!” A familiar voice boomed over you, feeling the edges of your bed dip after suddenly being woken up.
You jumped, eyes flying open to see who had made the decision to not only scare the shit out of you, but wake you up so early. You swear you just fell asleep.
The beautiful, bright eyed smile that you knew and loved was from the person who had gotten you up. Your mother smiles down at you, legs bent on both sides of your resting body. She has the widest grin on her lips, and her hands were cupping your soft cheeks.
“I just finished sewing the lace sleeves on your dress, but now you have to get up!” Himari glances over to the clock, clicking her tongue at the time. “We’re gonna get facials and then we’re picking the chocolate we’re giving to people at the venue.”
You couldn’t help but be confused — utterly. Yeah, your mom had her coma, but this was an energy you hadn’t seen since you were about eight years old. You glanced over to the time… and it’s fucking 5AM.
The wedding doesn’t start until 6PM.
Himari bounced once more, dropping her hands to your shoulders to shake you. “Go brush your nasty mouth and let’s go! They’re waiting outside.”
You pulled your eyebrows together. “N-Nasty?”
Your mother inhales dramatically, immediately plugging her nose after. “Morning breath from hell.”
“Mom!” You push her off cautiously, tossing a pillow at her face before slipping out of your bed right after.
While adjusting the skimpy nightgown you slept in, you turned around and stomped over to the bathroom — cranky because your morning breath was insulted, and you wanted to desperately go back to sleep.
Himari chuckles, sitting up and pulling the pillow to her chest. “I’m sure Satoru would love to see that on you~. Is it champagne pink?”
Is this seriously your first boy talk with your mom?
“Satoru? Since when we’re you two on first name bases?”
She hums. “He’s marrying my daughter, I think I have the right to call him by his given,” Peeking over, she watches you begin to brush your teeth with a scowl on your face — one she’s seen since you were born. “I hope you’re calling him that too.”
You chuckle, pulling the toothbrush from your mouth. “How about I call him ‘asshole’.”
“No? What about ‘dumbass’.”
Himari stands up, enjoying the adrenaline running through her veins. She tosses the pillow to the side and rolls off your bed. “How about you meet me outside when you’re done.”
You quickly check over to your mother, examining her. “Mom, you alright?”
Himari looks over to you, answering with a smile, not a line on her face — not a bag under her eyes. She chuckles. “I’m perfect.”
But it’s only temporary.
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No emotion. No matter how long you stared at yourself in the mirror, forcing yourself to smile more naturally, as if you’re actually excited, it didn’t work. Everytime your smile dropped, you looked dead — as if you were a corpse.
Your nimble fingers touched the growing bags under your eyes, running them down to your chapped and picked lips. Pick yourself up, is all you could think to yourself. You needed to pick yourself up— today was the big day.
Licking your lips and slapping your cheeks, you were attempting to make yourself feel better. Once you tell yourself you’re fine — you’re happy — today’s the day…! You’ll begin to feel it. Manipulate yourself.
You’re fine,
Rubbing the honey flavored beeswax on your lips, starting to solve one problem at a time— chapstick, check.
You’re happy,
A little concealer would do the trick, the makeup artists at the venue would simply go over it— never assuming you have bags in the first place. Look alive, check.
Today’s the day.
You jumped once the sound of your door opening caught up to you, causing you to spin on your socks, almost blistering your feet. One hand covered your heart, the other gripping the vanity behind you.
“You scared the holy hell out of me.”
“Apologies, thought you heard me walking to the door. The floorboards in here are horribly loud.”
You shook your head, closing your eyes. “Yeah, they’re pretty bad.” Looking away, you tried to advert your attention out of the window, looking at the green tinted lake in your view.
Nanami eyes take the same path as yours, viewing the lake, before turning right back you. All over his face was written pity— you didn’t want to see it, nor did you want to hear it. All the man could do was pull out a pen and charm, the noise of it jingling catching your attention like a cat.
You turn to examine whatever just made noise, and then back up to Nanami. He raises the charm, shaking it a bit. “It’s a good luck charm. They’re omamoris, they carry protection. Plus, it’s blue. Tradition, right?”
You took a small step forward, holding your hands out to accept the gifts. “I’m pretty sure the maid of honor provides the blue?”
“I’m still pretty offended you never asked me.”
A small smile tugged on your lips, shaking your head afterwards as you held your gifts. Nanami couldn’t help but smile back— glad to see you show a bit of emotion. Gojo told him about the situation with your mother, he even offered to cancel some of your sessions, but that was the last thing you wanted.
Go train and fight, learn something new that can save you from dying in a few months, or sit and mope about your mother’s soon to be death. God, did you have to weigh your options?
“Thank you, Nanami.” You smile, placing your gifts down on the dresser behind you before walking back towards the man, holding your arms out.
He visibly grimaces, a little dramatic than normal, but only to see you smile once more. He walks into your arms, returning the hug, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
“Who’s your maid of honor anyways?”
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“Thank you, again. I mean— we’ve only know each other for a little, but I think we’re gonna be good friends. Respectfully, though. Since we’re… you know… I’m young and you’re old—”
Your eyes widened, immediately looking out of the curtain that was shielding you and your dress. She catches your view and covers her mouth, shaking her head, trying to cancel out what she had said.
“Maki, I think you’re nervous than I am.”
She nods, and you quickly close the curtain. You turned to see yourself in your dress, dove white — and skin tight, fabric spreading at your knees, long enough to drag behind you. A matching veil resting on your shoulders, covering your cut and bruised arms, dragging down with your dress. You felt beautiful.
Soft and gentle makeup, your hair was out of that pesky braid and ran down your back, nice and curled. The estimate length of your hair was about 50 inches straightened— you’d never cut it before, only trimming the dead ends off. For the first time in your life, you were wearing it out, showing everyone the true length. Not the pesky braid that ran down your shoulder everyday.
It was a good feeling.
“Y/N?” Your mother walked into your dressing room with another pair of footsteps, her voice booming with energy. Those few days in a coma really gave her a jump— she had never sounded this clear or this well in years.
The sound made the hair on your body bone, sending a shiver down your spine. “Ye—” You cleared your throat, brushing your hands down the dress. “Yes, mother?”
She blew out a sigh of relief, “I thought I missed the reveal,” Taking a spot next to Maki, she claps her hands together, her energy radiating over to the teenager next to her. “Okay, come out!”
You swallowed hard, making sure your overall appearance was okay. There wasn’t a hair out of place, all of it behind your shoulders, small pieces framing your face. You’re fine. You’re happy. Today is the day.
Both of the curtains were pulled back, revealing you and your new appearance. An appearance no one has seen before. Your mother gasps, cupping her mouth with her hands, tears swelling in her eyes. Maki smiles, holding her hands together and pressing them to her cheek, never taking her eyes off you. Was she swooning?
The second pair of footsteps, revealing a man in a black suit, hands deep in his pockets, has the slightest smile on his face. You’d only be able to notice if you squint— but you did. Your father looked… proud almost. Something you’ve never seen from him towards of you, only to your brother, Ryou.
After a few moments, you switch feet, growing uncomfortable at the silence. Of course, your maid of honor would immediately shut that down.
“You… wow. Look, you.. It’s wow. You look wow.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, taking a small step towards Maki. “Thank you. You all also look wow.”
The bridesmaids dresses were a soft orange— a color you specifically chose. You begged everyone involved in your wedding to switch all accents colors to orange, even if the wedding was two days prior. Orange. Your new favorite color.
“Y/N,” Your mother catches your attention, taking a step forward closer to you. Her soft hands cupped your cheeks, her brown eyes staring deep into yours. She looked so healthy, as if she wasn’t sick. As if she wouldn’t die tonight.
“You’re absolutely fascinating, I mean it.”
You never took your eyes off your mother, you couldn’t. With a smile, tears making a bargain to escape your eyes, your hands covered your mothers. “Thank you, mom.” You respond, tears slipping back into your eyes.
Your father took a step next to you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. Once you looked up to him, he delivered the smallest and the only smile you’ve gotten from him your entire life. Maybe he did think you were beautiful— or maybe he was cherishing this last beautiful moment with his wife and daughter.
“You’re beautiful, Shio.”
“Thanks, dad.”
For a quick moment, your mother clasped your hand into hers and caught your attention, a devious smirk tugging on her lips. “I added something special in your suitcase. Open it when you get to your new house.” She winks, only making you roll your eyes.
The door swung open once more, interrupting the special moment between everyone in the room. A butler stood in the threshold, huffing in and out. “They’re— Theyre ready!” He switches sides of the door, holding it open for the bride, her maid of honor — and her parents.
You peek over to Maki, smiling over to the girl. “You ready to do this, maid of honor?”
She smiles back, being the first to exit the room. With both of your parents holding your hands, you followed her out, careful of your dress, careful of your emotions.
You’re fine. You’re happy. Today is the day.
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(i nightly recommend playing this song while reading this part :D )
“Please rise.”
Over 200 guests all rise from their seats, turning to the threshold you were supposed to walk through. They all smiled with excitement, all waiting in anticipation for the first wedding of a born Shio woman… ever.
Once you began walking, holding both of your parents hands, you couldn’t help but look at everyone who was attending. A chuckle left your lips— and everyone’s eyes that were on you would’ve guessed it was genuine. You were happy. You were fine. That it was your day.
But it wasn’t— and they’re just all truly gullible. Your fathers holding your hand, proudly walking the daughter he never wanted up the steps— your mother on your opposite side, walking with a smile on her face as if she wasn’t going to be dead within a few hours.
And the man— the man who you would now call your husband— who doesn’t even like you. Gojo Satoru stood at the top of the steps, waiting for you to given to him— and given away by your parents. He wore a basic suit, but it didn’t look basic on him. His glasses were long gone, bright, azure blue eyes on display.
His snow—white hair was pulled by by gel, not too much, though. Just the right amount. Not too slick, not too messy. A piece of hair lingered and rested on his forehead, completing the look. Even though you wouldn’t tell him, he looked ravishing. Arranged marriage, yes, but at least it was with someone attractive.
Once your parents reached the steps, they released your hands before bowing, leaving you to walk up the final pair of steps alone. Here you were, being given away. These few seconds, the prolonged moment of you finishing the walk up the steps, would be the last time you’d be alone.
You’re going to be fine.
You’re going to be happy.
Today’s the big day.
Gojo took your hands, helping you up the final step, and assisting you in front of him. Your eyes are stuck on his hands, feeling his pale, bloom hands for the first time. They were pretty.
And while you admired your fiancée’s hands for the first time— he was too busy admiring you. He admired the way the warm, honey orange lights kissed your skin, causing your makeup to sparkle in the most subtle way. Once you both met eyes, he realized that you couldn’t look at him for more than ten seconds. Even though you tried to play it off, he noticed. He couldn’t help but stare at your hair too— he would’ve never guessed it was that long or healthy, it was pretty.
You were pretty.
And after the rehearsed vows, the rehearsed eye contact— fake smiles and the loveless kiss you both shared, you were now put in the middle of all the tables within the venue, music playing in background.
Despite your pleas, you were forced up with your husband, your arms now wrapped around his neck as his hands lazily rested on your hips. All you could do was sway, and looking into Gojo’s beautiful eyes, you were searching for something— anything. You couldn’t. No love. No hate. No interest.
“People are watching.”
You’d been so busy searching for something that wasn’t there, you didn’t realize he was speaking to you. You simply blink, adverting your attention back to Gojo. “Hm?”
He turns you away from the crowd slyly, peering down at you. “Might want to put a smile on that pretty face. Don’t want anyone thinkin’ we’re faking this, would we?”
He’s right, you didn’t even realize you hadn’t been smiling. Like you practiced. You let out a breath, forcing your eyes to squint— forcing the smile on your face, switching the flip on. Honestly, Gojo was impressed. Seeing it for himself, seeing how quickly you can put on an act, that’s a true skill.
You heard a cough within the hundreds of people watching, and you couldn’t help but turn back around and search for whoever it had been. Anyone could’ve been coughing— could’ve choked on their water. Swallowed their spit wrong. You wanted to see anyone else coughing but your mother.
And just to your luck, she began to stand, gripping onto your fathers arm with dear life. She had her hand over her mouth, shoulders hunching as she coughed into her palm quietly. Each step she took, she stumbled, there wasn’t much Sousuke could do to keep her up except hold her hand and waist.
You continued to dance, an arm around Gojo’s neck and a hand on his shoulder, gripping the material of his suit. He noticed, he noticed the demeanor change and the hold you had on him.
It took everything in you to look away, to look at your husband — not drawing attention to your mother and worry the many people in crowd.
Once your eyes met his, you saw a look on his face. The first emotion he’d ever shown you, the first time you could search and find something. It’s what you’ve been seeing from everyone else who knew about the situation. That stupid look you’ve seen too many times.
For the rest of the ceremony, you were on your toes. As everyone began to eat and enjoy the food made by the talented caterers, you sat at your table, staring at the piece of cake you and Gojo sliced together.
During the slicing ceremony, he jabbed his pointer finger into the icing, popping it into his mouth with an exaggerated moan, giving the family what the wanted to see. Something domestic. You laughed with faux to his little stunt, and he returned the sarcasm by wiping some fresh icing onto your nose.
Disgustingly domestic.
Once you were both sat, he went off to talk to some of your family members— exchanging greetings and learning a little about the people who attended. You were alone at the table, waiting… just waiting for…
The door opened, revealing the same doctor who’d been taking care of your mother for years now. He doesn’t cause a scene, no one barely notices him— except for you. You noticed him, you knew why he was here, and you knew it was time.
Today’s the day.
You stood from your seat, fisting your veil and running towards the doctor. As if you were running away from all your problems. Running as if your mother was chasing you when you played tag. Running as if your mother was on her knees, arms wide open, waiting for you to jump into them.
The distance from your seat to the doctor at the door felt like you had been running for an hour, when it was only just a few seconds. For some reason, your chest had been tightening as if you just bodied those six miles. You were sweating as if you ran a marathon.
The doctor grabbed your hand once you were close and squeezed it softly before walking you out of the venue.
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“She’s… lucid. It takes her very long to speak a sentence, every few minuets, her heart beats less than it had before. Despite all of that she’s…”
“Smiling,” You turned to look through the little window that exposed your mother’s condition. She looked like she did before her coma— before today. Quickly, you look back at the doctor. “She’s happy.”
Your doctor raises an eyebrow at you, confused at your statement. You simply chuckle, resting your shoulder against the door. “Her children are alive. Her son is strong and powerful. I’m married now… I have protection. It’s the only thing she’s cared about, and now she’s happy.”
“She’s happy where she is.”
The entire time you explained, your doctor felt his eyes water. He’s had a fair share of dying patients, but he’s been with you and your mother for some time— and you were right. She’s smiling despite her condition, she always smiled. Himari Shio and that god damn golden smile.
They tell doctors not to get attached to their patients, and he’s broken that rule.
“I think you should go in there now.”
You look from the window, to the doctor. You should. Do you want to? Of course not. Do you need to? Absolutely. You held onto the cold doorknob, sweaty palms now cooling down. You took a breath out.
“Thank you, Akito.” Your words were simple, but carried much emotion. If he wasn’t crying now, he was definitely going to start once you walked through that door.
And as soon as you entered the room, it felt warm. Like a sunny day. It smelled of linen and home. It was the opposite of what you walked into a few days ago. It was comforting for some sick and twisted reason.
Your eyes scanned over to your mother, watching her chest rise and fall slowly. Within seconds you were next to her, sat on the back of your legs, holding her warm hand.
Himari stirred, opening her eyes right at you. Her smile just grew, seeing you still in your wedding dress and makeup — seeing your hair fall down your back, and seeing those sad eyes glisten once they met hers.
“Had to take the spotlight, huh?”
She laughs weakly, collarbones going prominent when her chest fell. She didn’t have to speak, you could pick up on her answers without words. Her aura, her expressions, the grip on your hand— it answered everything.
After a while, your smile dropped, staring at your mother. Every breath you took in was shaky, and all those times you wanted cry, scream, ache and sob, it’s was bubbling up. And once your mother caught the ocean rising in your eyes, her face reeked of sympathy.
“Mommy.” Was all you could muster out before bursting. You blew, forehead dropping to her hand.
“Honey,” She scoots over in her bed slowly, tugging at your hand weakly to get you up. And you obliged, you took the space next to your mother like it was made for you. Like you were about to watch a movie with her. You buried your face into her neck, allowing yourself to cry.
You felt safe enough to do it.
“It’s going… to be just fine…” Himari sniffles, pressing a gentle kiss to your head. She turns to rest her arm on your waist and hold your hand with her other, keeping you snug next to her. “I’m gonna be with you…all the time.”
The sound of you breaking down into your neck made your mother feel sadness, but she wasn’t sad. She knew you were a strong woman— a woman who’d hold her own, no matter what. This was just a bump in the road, higher than any other bumps you’ve drove over. You’d just have to be careful. Know when to pump your breaks, know when to slow down, and when you’re ready to keep driving.
“My… strong baby.”
It hurt knowing that the only person who’d ever root for you, the only person who would defend you and encourage you, even if it’s your life on the line— was about to be gone. It hurt worse knowing that it was your mother.
“I don’t want you to go.” You cried, gripping onto the covers that was shielding your mother’s body. “You… we’re supposed to see me fight. And see me… possibly get my ass kicked.” You laughed through your sob.
Himari chuckles, coughing after. “I’ll see you…fight. I promise,” She feels herself breathing heavier, eyes now vignetting her vision. “You’ll win. …You’re the strongest.”
No matter how encouraging her words were, you couldn’t ignore the beeping slowing down on the monitor. It made you feel nauseous, like you’d hurl all over yourself and your mother. You tried to ignore the sound, replacing it with the sounds of a bell ringing on a bike; like yours when you were younger.
You’ll be fine,
Your mother mustered up all of her energy, squeezing you in her arms, another kiss pressing against your scalp. She smiles against your hair, eyes following the curls down your back and off the bed like a river. She loved the outdoors.
“I love you, Shio.”
You’ll be happy,
Himari looked around the room, and objects became items of the lake you both would sit by. The lamp was now a tree, shielding you both from the heavy sun. The lights were the rays escaping through the branches— and the two extra seats were now large rocks you’d sit on if you weren’t playing with the water.
And there you were, now laying in her lap, your little braid resting against your back as you napped. Her hand was on your head, running her nails through your scalp just how you enjoyed. Your little hands fisted her pajama pants, and there was just a little drool on her fabric.
Her eyes peered up to the sky. She could see the sun without it affecting her vision— looking right into the light. Himari has heard stories about the sun not really being orange, despite how they’d color it in children’s book. It’s white. She’s always wanted to be able to look at the sun without it affecting her vision.
She loved outdoors.
She’s always wanted her children to succeed, her son to be powerful— her daughter just as powerful. They were both so determined, so young and lucky. They were strong.
All of her dreams were coming true.
Today’s the day.
The occasional ring to your bells bike now stopped, and the only thing that could heard was the never ending sound of your mothers fate. The strong grip she had around you loosened, and the cheek rested against your head became heavier.
There was that scream you’d been wanting to bubble down.
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©️RYUJNN: 01/02/2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.D. do not translate, plagiarize or remake any of my work! reposting my work is allowed — likes, reblogs & comments are appreciated.
💭 : @torufilms @luckimoon @itxtoyll @96jnie @goldfishesarecute @clreamon @creolequeen11210 @michikoyuu u @patchi-chi i @chieeeeeee e @parkchanyeol-kr @shadowarchon @willowsversion @whoreforfictionalmen18 @weebotaku21 @regalillegal @rahhhhhrs @luckimoon @chuurroo @xiaosie @nonoiix @gh0stwish @ayatoru @zohraaa @dazailover1900 @tookiostqr @catoru-s @justwinterlights @kash2 @lightblueexorcist @tuzuis4thwife @nakachuchu @96jnie @clreamon @emissaire @vernasce-blogs @tsukifv @michikoyuu @oi-loverboy y @holeyahsama @sanzuandmikey @vynlover27 @mnoaeiu @ginger0322 @prettyroxy @softiebadbitch @planetmarz @sugurugetosbitch @immikasasgf @alpha-mommy69 @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn
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luv4byers · 2 years
nightmares - w.b.
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heyyy! i'm literally listening to revolting children from roald dahl's matilda please don't come at me its an amazing song. i'm also really sick. i stole the van script and put little chips of it in here &lt;333
warnings: will having a nightmare, mentions of death, and my bad writing
pairing: will byers x male reader
word count: 809
it's been a full week. it was all over, and we were sort of alright. after everything that happened, everyones still recovering from it. max is brain dead, her bones are broken, and she's blind. but her heart still beats, thanks to el. poor lucas thinks its his fault. dustin is still sad about eddie's sacrifice, but at least robin was able to take vickie for herself.
but what also worried me was will. jonathan would tell me how will would wake up in a cold sweat, scared that the beasts of the upside down would come back to cause harm to us, especially after dealing with his connections to the upside down.
but, will was visiting hawkins, and he was staying at my place for the night. ms. byers and my mom were best friends, because they graduated together and worked at the same place for a while.
and that's when i met will.
ms. byers, jonathan, and will would come very often to visit us. it was one of the best things that ever happened to me, because will and i grew up to be best friends. we grew up together.
we went through the tragedies of the upside down, getting bullied at school, and dark stormy nights together.
and gosh, i was happy to see him again, without having to deal with the upside down.
jonathan, ms byers and will already arrived at our house. "ah joyce! i missed having you just around the corner, and having you at work." my mom said. "and make yourselves at home!".
i hugged will, jonathan, ms. byers, el, and hopper.
"will! i missed you! you'll be staying the night in my room, you can drop your stuff there." we climbed up the steps to my room. "my mom's still setting things up- and talking up a tornado with your mom, it's like they haven't seen each other in several years. it'll take a while, so you can go and change. i bet you had a long day"
"alright y/n, thanks!" he picked up his duffle bag, and entered the bathroom.
he came out of the bathroom. "y/n, sorry to ask, but i forgot to pack a t shirt. i have a sweater but it's a bit warm, do you mind if i borrow one of your shirts?"
"yeah, of course you can."
"thanks y/n."
he straight up pulled his sweater off, and wore my shirt. i had no idea why my face was heating up.
i mentally cursed myself for looking at my best friend like that.
we had dinner alongside a great conversation. ms. byers and hopper were gonna occupy the guest bedroom, and ms. wheeler offered to take el and jonathan for the night.
i pulled out my sleeping bag for tonight, and reassured will i was okay sleeping with a sleeping bag.
"are you completely sure you don't wanna sleep on the bed? i mean it's your bed, not mine, so you should sleep on it." will mentioned.
"it's fine, you're the guest here will. besides, it's one night. the sleeping bag won't murder me in my sleep." i responded.
"fine y/n. there's space if you change your mind."
"goodnight, will."
"'night y/n."
i couldn't sleep, due to so many questions flooding my mind, such as:
was it wrong to love my best friend like this?
why did he mesmerize me so much?
but what if it was one-sided? will could choose anyone he wants.
stupid, stupid, stupid.
and i heard will's breathing get heavier, and heavier, until he stirs violently.
"will? will! will, wake up." i whispered loudly.
i shook him gently, which was enough to wake him. "will, are you okay?"
i feel dumb. of course he wasn't okay. "y-yeah i'm fine." i didn't believe him.
"you're not fine. i know it. just take your time, and it's fine if you don't feel like telling me."
i sat on the bed, right next to him, and hugged him. he was shaking. his breathing was unsteady. so i gently whispered in his ear,
"breathe in for 5 seconds, breathe out for 5 seconds. until you start to feel more steady."
i held his hand and he followed, and his breathing became more steady, and he stopped shaking.
"i'm sorry y/n, i've been dealing with this for a while already and i should be able to deal with it myself." he apologized, and for something that he can't control.
"don't apologize will. with experiences like that, it's hard to get it out. no one's gonna hurt you. as long as i'm here, i won't let anything hurt you."
"just get on the damn bed and sleep." will whisper-shouted
"fine.." i was spooning will, and fell asleep.
one thing's for sure,
that was one of the best rests i've ever had.
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nero-vanderwolf · 7 months
“I’m gonna kill you!”
The kid pointed the spear at his chest. Instead of feeling fear, he felt... Acceptance.
Shinjiro Aragaki didn’t fear death. He knew it was coming sooner or later, with those damn suppressants constantly in his body. He knew it was coming sooner or later, being in SEES again. He knew it was coming sooner or later, with the child of the woman he murdered standing in front of him, angry tears welling in his eyes.
“Do it. I won’t stop you,” Shinjiro said, fighting against his own tears. This was what he’d wanted. He wanted to die, to have his life taken for what he did all those years ago. But he’d been too much of a damn coward to do it himself, so he took Persona suppressants. So he constantly ran his mouth to punks in back alleys. So he made risky deals with Strega. So he agreed to meet Ken Amada in the same spot the kid’s mom was killed.
“You’re right,” he continued, staring down the shaft of the spear to the kid in front of him. “I wanted to forget. That’s why I left the group and tried suppress my power... But nothing I did could erase the memory. And now I find myself here, in the last place I want to be.”
How old was Ken, he wondered. Definitely still in elementary school. A damn child.
And he, Shinjiro, was a murderer. It was funny. Revenge was never the answer, he’d learned. Yet here he was, about to be killed in the name of vengeance.
“It’s my fault. This is what I deserve,” he bowed his head, noting how Ken dropped his spear to now point at his heart. “...But, let me give one warning.”
Ken hesitated. “...Warning?”
“If you decide to take my life,” Shinjiro answered, raising his head once again. “You’ll end up like me. Just remember that.”
Ken scowled, anger on his face. “Is that supposed to change my mind?”
Shinjiro took a breath, one of his last. “Even if all you have now is hatred, one day you’ll regret it.”
Ken poked Shinjiro with his spear. “Shut up! That’s a load of crap!”
A new voice came from the shadows, the only one Shinjiro had hoped he wouldn’t hear tonight.
“He is correct,” Takaya said. “There is no reason for him to feel regret. That is the very nature of revenge.”
His cold, hawk-like eyes were fixed on Shinjiro. Shinjiro held the gaze as steadily as he could.
“Is it not permissable to kill those who are themselves killers? You... The loss of Chidori has posed to be a bit of a challenge for us, but we cannot simply ignore your meddling.”
Takaya drew a gun from his pocket, grinning. “Do not fear. This night is but a stepping stone... Salvation shall be yours.”
For the first time, Shinjiro felt fear. His blood turned to ice, his legs trembled. But he wasn’t scared for himself. His mind leapt to Ken, the kid in front of him who wanted him dead.
He stepped in front of the kid, shielding him from Takaya. This wasn’t real, this couldn’t be happening- Ken wasn’t about to die. Not because of him. Not again.
“You cannot defy fate,” Takaya snarled. “You shall die, whether or not it is at the hand of this boy.”
He didn’t care about himself, he didn’t care about his own death. He only cared about keeping the child of the woman he killed alive and well.
Takaya smiled once again, cold and wicked. “You’ve been taking those pills for some time, now. You don’t have much longer.”
Ken looked scared now, his knuckles white against the hilt of his spear. “What’s he talking about?”
“That’s bullshit!” Shinjiro snapped, shaking. Takaya’s smile grew wider.
“Listen to your body... You know it to be true.”
“What does he mean!? You’re going to die, no matter what I do!?” Ken demanded, looking at Shinjiro now with an odd expression on his face. If Shinjiro didn’t know any better, he might have said Ken was worried about him. “That’s not fair! All this time... I’ve been waiting for this!”
Takaya rolled his eyes. “The cause of death is not of importance. Besides, the breath of life is faint in you as well, child. After killing him, you were planning to join him, were you not?”
No. No, no, no, no, no. Ken Amada couldn’t die. Shinjiro wouldn’t fucking let him.
Takaya cocked the gun, the dreaded click echoing in Shinjiro’s ears. “Since you are both fated to perish.... Allow me to do the honours. A slight change in timing shouldn’t matter too much.”
Shinjiro stepped closer to Ken, keeping him out of harm’s way. “Go to hell!”
Takaya fired the shot, and he collapsed. White hot pain spread through his body, the sound of the gun echoing in his ears. He was a failure. He couldn’t keep Ken safe. He couldn’t even die correctly. He was vaguely aware of getting up, of standing in front of Ken again, of seeing a Persona that wasn’t his strike Takaya, of seeing a gun clatter to the floor.
He was vaguely aware of Aki kneeling over him (when had he gotten on the floor?), sobbing and pressing something to his stomach. It hurt like a fucker, and he tried to squirm away, but another pair of hands kept him in place. The face of their leader, Makoto, was blurry and dark and... Tear-stained. Panicked. Their stoic leader was scared for him.
He laughed shakily. “...Tell Ken ‘m sorry, would ya, Aki...?”
Aki shook his head, face twisted with effort. “No! You’re going to live, dammit, and you’re going to tell him yourself! Makoto! Help me!”
The two hauled him off the ground, and the last thing Shinjiro remembered seeing on October 4th was Ken Amada’s face eclipsing the full moon.
holy shit. shinji feeling fear ONLY for ken. he can't let another person die at his hands. i find it sweet that they both don't want another person to die at their hands. Ken's mom died protecting him, much like shinji did. also just. the way its a bit more from shinji's perspective is awesome. i love to read those sort of confusion or slipping away perspectives. you did so good with that part. god you did so good with all of it. this entire scene is so RAAGHHH everything about it is just perfect.
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