#and I will threaten anyone who tries to destroy my home
tinapaysmp · 9 months
S1E31, Scott's pov: honestly love Scott for going all like that, threatening every other empire. Like honestly, fair. I'd be the same.
I did genuinely heard the hurt from his voice realizing what fWhip did. It wasn't that bad of an acting.
I wish there was more to this storyline though or that they did more on it. 'Cause nothing else came after that balloon from the fWhip pov. Nope.
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terry-perry · 5 months
okay I need some more alastor x Carmella’s daughter!
can we have an imagine this time of that situation?
A Business Proposal
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“First the Princess of Hell, and now you've gone for one of Carmine's brats? You really have no shame, do you Alastor?"
Right on cue, Vox was ready to confront Alastor after the last Overlord gathering, not caring that everyone was still around to watch. It was just like the Vees to want an audience. Had it been anyone else, Alastor would've torn the obnoxious picture box to shreds and have his torment recorded for his next show. Vox wasn't worth the effort, however. In fact, Alastor knew of a better way to destroy him.
"My friend, there's no need for such jealousy," he started with the nonchalant tone he knew drove Vox crazy. "It's not my fault my natural charisma led to such powerful allies while all you can conjure up are underlings who do nothing more than feed your fragile ego."
That certainly struck a nerve since Vox began to grind his teeth as his stare grew more intense. Alastor simply stayed calm as he subtly carried a tone of smugness. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to have lunch with my lady love, whom you will not disrespect again," This was the only time he chose to strike actual fear in Vox's heart as he switched to his Radio Demon persona by darkening his eyes and letting his figure grow into a form that better radiated evil. "Not unless you wish to be a new voice for my broadcast..."
Vox could only stare in bewildered silence as Alastor threatened him. The jab was bad enough, but the last statement stunned him enough to merely nod.
"Darling?" A third voice that differed with its femininity and lack of intensity came through. "Ready to go?" Y/N asked her boyfriend, bearing no mind that he was in almost full demon mode.
Alastor snapped his head around in her direction, calming down instantly. He supposed he made his point, and he was rather famished.
"Ready as always, my dear!" He replied, offering his arm to her which she happily accepted. "I know a lovely little bistro that serves excellent venison."
They walked past the still-emasculated Vox who was doing his best to refrain from buffering.
"Always fun catching up with you, old friend!"
Alastor would be lying if he said he wasn't caught off guard by Carmilla's sudden invitation to her home. She may have been Y/N's mother, but he rarely interacted with her sans a few polite greetings whenever they saw one another. According to Y/N, she did approve of him, it was just hard to gather since for every jovial "Hello!" he'd give her, she'd return with a small nod and acknowledging hum. It could be rather off-putting for someone like Alastor who thrived on other's reactions to all he did.
Some feared him, which always brought a certain giddiness within him that bordered on titillating. Some believed they could outmatch him in the battle of wits, which he was always ready for with a good put-down.
Months ago there was that precious giggle his dearest Y/N let out to alert him that she carried a torch for him. He knew right away that was something he could use to his advantage. Working with the heir to Hell's throne was already advantageous, but being involved with one of the daughters of an Overlord with the largest assembly of weapons in the city was something that could make his position all the more concrete. Pestering gnats like the Vees, even with their childish disrespect, knew opportunities like this don't just come every day. It was most likely why Vox tried to provoke him like he did.
So this was why Alastor had to be sure he had Carmilla's approval since it would cement him further in his current position. For someone who believed a smile could go a long way in keeping many guessing, he was certainly thrown off his game by her lack of expression. He could only hope this invite to whatever this was could keep things favorable for him.
Alastor was welcomed in by no one as the door opened on its own like always. He stepped into a large sitting room which contrasted with the one at the hotel as the latter was bright and rather tacky. The Carmine household was more gloomy, yet rather welcoming. He thought it was because the room he was directed to had walls completely covered in books. No doubt his bookish Y/N inhabited this room often, having the habit of sticking her nose in one. Currently, however, sat her mother in an armchair, staring passively at him like always.
"Alastor," Carmilla greeted him, waving him forward. "Glad you came. Please sit."
She gestured him to a sofa next to her seat that he accepted, along with the glass of bloodred wine she offered. Sadly it was just that - wine. It will have to do.
"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here so unexpectedly, without Y/N," she began, all business and direct, as always.
"If this is about my altercation with Vox this morning, I apologize," he said. He wasn't really sorry for putting the noisy picture box in his place, but whatever kept him in Carmilla's good graces. "As you know, he's an old acquaintance of mine. Things between us can get rather-"
She held up her hand to stop him before taking a sip of her wine. "That's not why I called you here. I've learned not to pay the Vees any mind long ago. No, I wish to speak to you about your relationship with Y/N."
At this, he kept his smile intact as always, but it held a certain wariness, a curiosity. He hoped she couldn't tell how he was preparing himself for whatever she could mean. She sat further back in her seat, studying him it seemed. When he chose to stay quiet, she continued. "I understand you're a busy person, as am I, so I'll do us both a favor and jump right to what I wish to discuss," without hesitation, she did just that. "I want you to marry Y/N."
Alastor could barely cover how he winced at that - the static emanating from him didn't help. Even with all the theories he conjured for this meeting, he didn't imagine this.
Carmilla must've noticed how she caught him by surprise since this was the first time he saw her look amused at the situation. She seemed to want to play with him since she took her time with her next sip before deciding to reassure him. "This doesn't need to happen any time soon," she said. "I don't expect you to get engaged tomorrow. I only want to give you my blessing if that's where you two end up. I find it beneficial for you to know beforehand because you're a businessman before anything else. You won't do anything unless you know it'll benefit you. It's why you're with my daughter in the first place, right?"
Well, there was no use denying it, so Alastor shrugged. The wariness, however, remained. "Y/N is quite a lovely lady with a certain sweetness and intelligence that I find endearing. If she so happens to come with a powerful family, then who am I to not want to get closer to someone who can mean a lot to me?"
Carmilla once more studied him stoically, which had Alastor's wide grin falter. "If I were in you, I'd do the same, I suppose. Which is why I know you'll continue to treat her well. You'll continue to meet her, talk with her, and if it gets to that point, marry her. If not, you'll go about your business like nothing. You're smart enough to know that you should treat this like any other transaction. If any issues, deal with me. Are we clear?"
Oh, she was making this too easy. Alastor almost wanted to let out a cackle of triumphant laughter. Had she stuck out her hand to shake he would have. For now, he'd settle for the clinking of glasses that signified a toast.
One marriage, coming up!
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pencopanko · 11 months
Antisemitism and Islamophobia are very similar (if not the same), actually
So I was scrolling down the #palestine tag for any updates and important information, and I came across this:
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And I think we need to sit down and talk about this.
I am a Muslim. I live in Indonesia, a country that is predominantly Muslim and a lot of Muslims here also support the Palestinian cause. Hell, even our government supports it by not only allowing Palestinian goods enter the country without fee, but also by taking in Palestinian refugees and even acknowledging the status of Palestine as a state while not having any political ties with Israel. The topic of the Palestinian tragedy has been spoon-fed to us at schools, sermons, media, etc., so your average Indonesian Muslim would at the very least be aware of the conflict while non-Muslims would hear about it from their Muslim friends or through media.
However, there is a glaring problem. One that I keep seeing way too often for my liking.
A lot of them are antisemitic as hell. The sermons I would hear sometimes demonize Jewish people. Antisemitic statements are openly said out loud on social media. Some are even Nazi supporters who would literally go to anime cons and COSPLAY as members of the Nazi party. This is not just an Indonesian Muslim problem, no, but this is a glaring issue within the global Islamic community as a whole. Today, this sense of antisemitism is usually rooted in general hatred towards the Israeli government and its actions against the people of Palestine, but antisemitism amongst Muslims are also rooted in certain interpretations of verses from the Qur'an and Hadith mentioning Jewish people and Judaism (particularly the Bani Israil), but in a way that is more ridiculing instead of life-threatening when compared to how antisemitism looks like in the Western world.
As someone who prefers to become a "bridge" between two sides in most cases, I find this situation to be concerning, to say the least. While, yes, it is important for us Muslims to support Palestine and fight against injustice, we must not forget that not every Jewish people support the Israeli government. A lot of them are even anti-Zionists who actively condemn Israel and even disagree with the existence of Israel as a state as it goes against their teachings. A lot of them are also Holocaust survivors or their descendants, so it is harmful to think for one second that Hitler's actions and policies were justified. It's just like saying that Netanyahu is right for his decision to destroy Palestine and commit war crime after war crime towards the Palestinians.
As Muslims, we also need to remember that Jewish people (the Yahudi) are considered ahli kitab, i.e. People Of The Book along with Christians (the Nasrani). The Islam I have come to know and love has no mentions of Allah allowing us to persecute them or anyone collectively for the actions of a few. While, yes, there are disagreements with our respective teachings I do not see that as an excuse to even use antisemitic slurs against Jewish people during a pro-Palestine rally, let alone support a man who was known for his acts of cruelty toward the Jewish community in WW2. They are still our siblings/cousins in faith, after all. Unless they have done active harm like stealing homes from civilians or celebrating the destruction of Palestine or supporting the Israeli government and the IOF or are members of the IOF, no Jewish people (and Christians, for that matter) must be harmed in our fight against Zionism.
Contemporary antisemitism is similar to (if not straight up being the exact same thing as) contemporary Islamophobia, if you think about it; due to the actions of a select few that has caused severe harm towards innocent people, an entire community has been a target of hate. Even when you have tried to call out the ones supporting such cruelties, you are still getting bombarded by hate speech. It's doubly worse if you're also simultaneously part of a marginalized group like BIPOC, LGBTQ+, etc. as you also get attacked on multiple sides. This is where we all need to self-reflect, practice empathy, and unlearn all of the antisemitism and unjustified hatred that we were exposed to.
So, do call out Zionism and Nazism when you see it. Call out the US government for funding this atrocity and others before it that had ALSO triggered the rise of Islamophobia. Call your reps. Go to the streets. Punch a fascist if you feel so inclined. Support your local businesses instead of pro-Israel companies.
But not at the cost of our Jewish siblings. Not at the cost of innocent Jewish people who may also be your allies. If you do that, you are no different from a MAGA cap-wearing, gun-tooting, slur-yelling Islamophobe.
That is all for now, may your watermelons taste fresh and sweet.
Salam Semangka, Penco
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AITA for not wanting my autistic cousin to watch movies with me?
I (19F) have a younger cousin, Nancy (17F, not real name) who is autistic. She and her parents live with my family since they had to leave their house cause it got destroyed in a fire. Nancy's mom always asks me to bring Nancy along when I go out to hang out with friends eventhough my brothers, Dan (16) and Ben (16) offer to spend time with her at home. My aunt insists that Nancy spend time with me so that she doesn't copy Dan and Ben's bad behavior (it is just playing video games).
So I always get stuck with Nancy. When she sees me going out, she says "Are you hanging out with my friends without me?" Which is... no? They are my friends (Tiff, Jenn, Ann, Lisa), not hers. They had said they don't really like spending time with her, but my aunt gets upset at them for saying that and pays them to spend time with Nancy.
Whenever we go to the movies, it has to be what Nancy would want to see. It can't be anything scary because "Nancy will have nightmares." My aunt got upset at me for complaining about this.
Nancy always insists on sitting between me and my friends. looks something like this:
Me - Nancy - Tiff - Jenn - Ann - Lisa
I had tried on the other side of Lisa before, but Nancy would get all fidgety and make a bit of a scene during the movie by vocally complaining. We almost got kicked out cause some people complained we were making "too much noise." I get I was breaking the routine Nancy was used to by sitting by Lisa, but I wanted to sit by one of my friends. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal to just change up the seating arrangement once. And before anyone asks, no, I did not ask Nancy if it would be okay to change up seating arrangement beforehand. We just decided to do it suddenly.
But back to what I was saying. I was starting to get annoyed cause Nancy would always get in the way of the plans we wanted to do. So I secretly planned with Tiff, Jenn, Ann, and Lisa that we would go to the movies without Nancy. Ben and Dan had agreed that they would keep her busy at home and suggested that we say we were going to go to the beach since Nancy doesn't like the beach. Sand makes her feel icky. So that is what we did.
Unfortunately, my aunt found out we all lied and so had Nancy. She was distraught over this and locked herself in her room. She refused to come out to eat for 3 days straight. My aunt said I should apology and take Nancy to the movies with "her friends." I said that Tiff, Jenn, Ann, and Lisa were my friends. But my aunt got more annoyed and called me a selfish jerk for taking away Nancy's friends. My uncle, who normally tries to be fair about things, sided with my aunt and said I was being selfish and needed to apologize. Even my mom and dad are agreeing with them and threatened to kick me out if I don't apologize to Nancy. Dan and Ben are the only ones aside from my friends that are supporting me. I am thinking I should give in and apologize. I'm not sure where I could stay if they do kick me out.
AITA for not wanting her to join me for movies?
What are these acronyms?
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twelvemonkeyswere · 9 months
watching more of Ace and 7th, I'm delighted by their unmatched dynamic:
the Doctor built a gigantic weird grey square thing to substitute Ace's boombox, which was destroyed by the Daleks (awww)
while spying on some nazis, Ace sneezes. the Doctor immediately fakes bird sounds so nobody suspects there's a human there
when Ace sprained an ankle, the Doctor adamantly insisted on helping her himself and gave her a small speech about how she has to take care of herself
while spying on the nazis, the Doctor asked Ace if she ignored his instructions and has explosives in her backpack. she says she's "a good girl" and does as she's told, so he says "excellent, blow that vehicle up." she's SO thrilled about it
Ace has defended the Doctor with all her heart every time someone accuses him of something because that's her Professor and she rescued him from the street and gave him a forever home. she defended him even though he refused to explain his past and a cryptic lady teased that the Doctor had deep secrets that couldn't be revealed without grave consequences, and there were hints that he was involved in the creation of Gallifrey in the Time of Chaos. Ace said "fuck the lot of you this is my old weird little guy go find your own" and stood her ground
Ace made friends with a girl in a town who had her exact same energy. they began talking about nitroglycerine so Ace told her they should talk outside. when her new friend asked why, Ace said "he gets upset when I talk about explosives" loud enough for the Doctor to hear her laugh. he let her go without another word
in that same episode, Ace meets another female soldier who was now commanding Brigadier, as well as Brigadier Stewart's wife. They all went out on a girl's night, leaving the house chores to their respective male companions. The Doctor was beaming at the women while leaving and very cheerily said he'd cook something for the men left behind
sometimes the Doctor is trying to figure something out and Ace chimes in to ask questions that prove the Doctor has been teaching her about physics
the 7th is very vocally anti-war and anti-violence yet has immediately resorted to death threats the moment someone's even sniffing at Ace. I've seen him use a sword, several types of guns, and maybe a bomb? All to prevent Ace from being slightly threatened
Ace accidentally destroyed a madman's lab while being attacked by some creatures. The scientist was all "YOU RUINED MY LIFE'S WORK" and the Doctor turned proudly to Ace and said "that's my girl"
one time they sat at a bar and Ace tried to order alcohol. the Doctor growled a warning "Aceeeee" and she sheepishly changed it for a lemonade
the Doctor boops Ace's nose several times as a sign of affection, and Ace smiles and accepts it, which I'm CERTAIN she would never take from anyone else
Ace has repeatedly dragged the Doctor around when he was being stubborn, sometimes even using his own umbrella, which I'm CERTAIN he would never take from anyone else
the Doctor keeps sending Ace places where she will be out of harm's way and Ace keeps finding direct and indirect ways to put herself in harm's way, which makes the Doctor then run after her to help her. this is literally what most episodes are about.
Ace repeatedly refuses help and compliments, but never from the Doctor. she also talks with insolence to most adults she encounters, but never to the Doctor, even when she's angry or talking back to him
the Doctor encourages Ace to be brave about her fears. there are very few things that truly scare Ace and make her feel insecure, and he is honest about what makes him scared and insecure, to show her he wants her to get through this
one time they had to return a magic sword to its place, and they were doing a ritual about it. Ace, who took it out in the first place, held the sword insouciantly to put it back and the Doctor says "Ace, don't you have a sense of the moment? this is important" and Ace just flatly says "no" and smashes the sword back
after a long day of being hunted down by creatures the Doctor paces around to monologue and when he turns to Ace, she's fallen asleep on a couch. so he smiles and gently pats her cheek with the back of his hand
truly the most duo of all time
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onestepbackwards · 1 month
More threats the voice in the sky (Self-Aware AU) could make:
“I could have my Zoroark make you walk off a cliff!” (Using its illusions).
“My Empoleon could strand you in the ocean.”
“…Alakazam/Gardevoir/Gallade could probably teleport you to the top of Mt Coronet—without clothes on.” (So he freezes to death).
“Avalugg could step on you.”
“I could have Rampardos reenact Jurassic Park.”
“No one would find Beni’s body.” is arguably the most threatening of the threats given that God™️ is mad at the Ninja and didn't even mention a Pokemon. (Either Dusknoir or Magmortar.)
“Tentacruel poison would be a bad way to go.”
“Porygon-Z could probably make you have a seizure. First form Porygon does that well…”
“Would anyone believe if Togekiss lands on your head like a Swablu and smothers you?”
I like to imagine this Player is either a true crime buff or they simply are getting out a lot of anger and annoyance from real life. Like how most people really want to hit a Karen.
You don't think too much of it. Why would you? Why would you assume that video game characters were alive and could actually hear you while you were alone at home playing?
So it would make sense you wouldn't censor yourself when threatening a fictional character.
Granted, it wasn't like you were going too far with threats. You were just being silly with it, coming up with ideas on how to destroy an annoying NPC who betrayed yours (and the hero's) trust.
Why would you assume said NPCs could hear you, and many of them looked at Kamado and Beni with pity or fear for their lives.
Beni simply sighs, having accepted such possibilities since he accepted trying to assassinate the Hero. Granted, he didn't exactly think he would be pissing off a god of some kind, but hey. It happens.
Kamado later is sweating nervously after having 'made amends'. You never act on those threats, but its clear you have put thought into some of them, but kindly allow him to live. He supposes that is fair, given how he tried to have the Hero killed.
But he does regret it, for multiple reasons. But he knows you wouldn't believe it. Especially when he knows you'd most likely assume he regrets it simply because you beat him.
He did try to have you killed though. Kamado doubted you'd ever forgive him.
Kamado knows he made his bed, and he must lay in it now.
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awoogayanderes · 1 year
➪ pairing : fyodor dostoevsky x reader
➪ sypnosis : in which you start having your regrets of being engaged to fyodor, unfortunately for you, it’s too late
➪ warnings : gaslighting, manipulation, unhealthy relationship, religious practices
➪ other notes : though this fanfic is fem implied, they/them pronouns are used, only “wife” is mentioned, im also not entirely sure how wedding vows work but i tried my best
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you didn’t know why you accepted. maybe it was a glimpse of hope you saw, or maybe it was fyodor’s threatening eyes. “will you marry me,” four simple words that you knew would change the course of your life. you did love fyodor, but it was more fear that made you stay with him. even then, you accepted and here you are now, shopping for your wedding attire.
you were with sigma, knowing that nikolai would make it about himself or fyodor rather than you. you admired sigma, mostly always collected despite being crushed on the inside. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy being more with him than fyodor. “how about this one?” the young man asked handing you something to try on. “i’ll try it on,” you say sadly smiling, regretting saying yes.
it looked perfect on you. wrapping around the right parts, you knew this was the one. sigma sweetly smiled at you and complimented how it looked on you. yet he couldn’t help but notice that your smile didn’t expand. “is something troubling you,” he asked confused. sigma didn’t know much about weddings but he knew that those who are getting married, should be over the moon excited, so why weren’t you..?
“do you think it was the right choice for me to accept fyodor’s proposal?” you unintentionally blurted out. sigma’s eyes widened in shock. noticing his expression, you retracted your statement. “sorry, just pretend i never said that, just some stupid pre-marital doubts,” you say hoping that sigma won’t question you. thankfully, he just nodded, staying quiet.
as you returned home, if you can even call it that, you decided that you would talk to fyodor, he would ease your thoughts, right? “fedya,” you go up to him as he types away on his keyboard leading to many monitors. he hums, letting you know he’s listening without looking at you. “do you think we’re getting married too soon?” his typing stops as he looks at you.
“you’re saying you don’t love me anymore,” he asks with a frown on his face. “no, i’m not saying that,” you plead. “it seems as if you don’t appreciate my effort,” fyodor’s calmly said. “i-i do,” you say, regretting ever coming up to him. he stands up, walking towards you, placing a delicate hand to your cheek. “then get with the program,” he smiles, knowing that he can destroy you with that one touch of his palm.
almost like a fever dream, time moves quickly and wobbly, now here you are in your wedding attire. you didn’t have anyone to walk you down the isle, it was almost embarrassing. ivan was the officiant, unsurprisingly. you don’t pay attention to any of his words, instead you look at your surroundings. you see only nikolai and sigma sitting in the audience silently watching. you feel fyodor’s hands squeeze yours.
it was his silent sign to not embarrass him and start paying attention. “fyodor dostoyevsky, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect them, forsaking all others, and holding only unto them forevermore?” ivan asks fyodor, “i do,” he says staring at you almost lovingly like. “y/n l/n, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, obey, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?”
obey? that wasn’t in fyodor’s vows, why was it in yours? again, fyodor squeezed your hands. “i do,” you murmured timidly. with that said, fyodor said his final vow, “in the name of god, i, fyodor dostoyevsky take you, y/n l/n, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. this is my solemn vow.” with this he put the ring on your finger.
you parroted the same vows, “in the name of god, i, y/n l/n take you, fyodor dostoyevsky, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. this is my solemn vow.” you put the ring on his finger shaking as you do so. “with these rings, i thee wed,” ivan said after the formal interchange.
“by the power vested in me by the name of the holy spirit, i now solemnly declare you husband and wife. let no one put asunder those that have been joined together today in the presence of almighty god. you may now seal this declaration with a kiss,” ivan declared, soon followed by you and your husband kissing. it was the final seal that gave your soul to satan.
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nayziiz · 3 months
Witness | CL16
Summary: In the shadowy world of Monaco's elite, the Leclerc family reigns supreme. Charles Leclerc, the charming middle son, maintains their pristine public image—until one rainy night, during a fit of rage, Charles does the unthinkable. A young woman witnesses his actions, and her terrified eyes haunt him. Consumed by guilt and fear of exposure, Charles embarks on a desperate search to find her before she can destroy his family’s legacy. As he delves deeper into Monaco's underbelly, Charles must confront his own darkness and the lengths he will go to protect his family.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x OC (Marie)
Warnings: Violence, blood, angst
Author's Note: Sorry for the delayed updates - life has been running circles around me this week. Hoping to get back into a stable routine again next week.
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Charles desperately needed advice from Lorenzo on what to do, but he didn’t want to implicate his brother, with a baby on the way, nonetheless. It was his problem and he needed to clean up his mess. But more than that, he knew the person threatening him could do quite a bit of damage, because unlike Marie, this person had video footage. Worst of all, the video contained enough footage to clearly identify Marie, who would be seen as an accomplice to the murder since she didn’t report it.
Chapter 6
Just when Charles thought the damage control was done, he received word through one of his guards that someone else witnessed the murder. Not only did they see Charles kill a man in cold blood, but they saw Marie. They saw Marie run away and they saw that Charles did nothing to silence her permanently. They saw Charles take pity on her because he wanted to protect himself and his family.
Charles knew that he needed to protect her, whether she liked it or not. So, he sent his men out to keep an eye out for her, to steer any potential threats away from her. Of course she picked up on it after a day, but she tried her best to ignore it. She assumed he wanted to remind her of her promise to not tell anyone. Charles needed to speak with her too, to explain why he had his men following her again, that he wasn’t threatened by her, but that he wanted to make sure she stayed safe.
Perhaps it wasn’t the smartest idea to approach her late at night after her shift as she walked home. She could hear his footsteps behind her. She knew his men would never let someone follow her so closely in the dark without making their presence known. She could only assume it was Charles himself who was walking a few metres behind her. She came to an abrupt halt and spun around before stalking towards Charles who she could now make out under the misty moonlight.
“Is there a reason you’re following me in the fucking dark, Mr Leclerc?” She snapped at him once she was face-to-face with him.
“I realise this may look suspicious,” he began, but she interrupted him.
“Is this how it ends? Will you be bludgeoning me to death as well or have you found some other way to dispose of me?” Marie countered, but once she saw the colour drain from his face and his small smile fade, she knew she had overstepped. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long day and I’m tired. I didn’t think you’d be following me tonight.”
“You have every right to be mad at me, but please know that I will not be harming you at all, Ms Dupont. I assure you,” Charles insisted, his voice soft and tender as he spoke to her. “But, that doesn’t mean someone else won’t.”
“What do you mean?” Marie asked, confused.
“It has come to my attention that there was a third individual in the area that night who… witnessed the murder. They saw me. They saw you. And, now they are threatening me with video evidence if I don’t pay them quite a handsome amount of money. They are also painting you out to be an accomplice because there was no police report filed,” Charles explained.
“So, that’s why you have your men stationed around me?” Marie realised.
“It’s the least I can do after everything,” Charles replied. “You were an innocent witness, you shouldn’t have to be punished for something I did.”
Marie remained quiet for a moment as she contemplated his admission. She appreciated the fact that he was upfront about the blackmailer.
“How much do they want in exchange for their silence?” Marie wondered.
“5,000,000 Euros” Charles mumbled.
“Damn,” Marie muttered before scratching around in her purse. “I have 2 Euros to help you out, you know, since I’m an accomplice now. I’m sure you can handle the rest, no?”
It took Charles a few seconds to register her attempted joke before he chuckled at her making light of the situation.
“If I had my way, they wouldn’t get a cent, especially from you,” Charles informed her and attempted a half-hearted smile. Marie mirrored his weak smile and looked around, spotting several of Charles’s men nearby.
“Would you like to walk me home? We’re halfway there anyway,” she wondered.
“Of course,” Charles agreed before they started walking side-by-side in the direction of her apartment building.
She didn’t plan on drifting off to sleep, but there was something about the silence of the night and having someone in the apartment with her that made her mind relax for the first time in weeks. She may not have trusted Charles completely, but he had proven to her on several occasions that he was in fact not going to harm her.
He carried her to her bedroom and covered her with her blanket before retreating back into the living room area. He tried to tidy up a bit, but didn’t know where most of the things went, so he gave up and went to rinse out their coffee mugs. When he dried his hands, he turned around and surveyed the open plan apartment. The last time he was in such a humble home was when he was still a young boy before his parents made a name for themselves. He thought back to some fond memories of reading books with his mom and watching racing with his father in their first family home. He choked back his tears reminiscing of a life with no worry and pulled out his wallet. He left all the cash he had on him on the counter for Marie to find the following morning when she woke up. He also left a note with his phone number on it, just in case she needed to get hold of him for whatever reason.
He didn’t want to leave one of his men in her apartment, as much as he wanted to for her safety, but he respected her boundaries and privacy. Instead, he arranged with the building manager that one of his men disguise himself as a roaming security guard on her floor while a second guard remained stationed in the building lobby, observing the people coming and going and a third guard at the building’s back entrance for good measure. There was no way he was going to let her get hurt because of him.
Taglist: @headinthecloudssblog
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aayakashii · 4 months
I'm going through the Sinostra chapter right now and I can't stop making theories omg there might be spoilers below so be careful, although I'm just enumerating my questions tbh lol
According to one of Taiga's home screen dialogs, there might be some sort of time loop happening which he's KINDA aware of? Or maybe just aware when triggered somehow.
He said "long time no see! You decide to ditch this future too? Sorry I'm not dead yet" which is INCREDIBLY ooc as to how he behaves during the story which leads me to
His extreme memory loss, which apparently lasts less than 24 hours. Why is that? Did he go through so many time loops that it started affecting his memory? There was one small moment in which he remembered Ritsu because he saw the MC face though...
The Clash. What the fuck was it
What's Taiga relationship to Haru? Haru sounds eerily nonchalant regarding Taiga even though the man keeps on threatening Peekaboo. And aftewards, Rui briefly mentions that Taiga has a "destroying what others hold dear" schtick, which leads me to believe that Taiga is seeking revenge for losing something important maybe???? Is the fanfic brainrot too big rn
WHY DOES HE HATE LIKE DOVES??????? I dont wanna go full romantic mode, but is he just resentful of seeing a bird that is the physical representation of someone else's feelings or something......
The spy. Honestly no idea. There's some theories floating around that Haku is the spy, but I would rather see him during the Hotarubi episode before jumping to conclusions, but it's understandable how people might think that I guess...? He IS very nice and helpful and randomly finding the MC fleeing by train was way too much of a coincidence... he does seem to always tie the MC to Darkwick somehow, firstly by KIDNAPPING her and then by talking her into staying. If the MC is the trigger to a bigger event, then one could see that as suspicious. But I would like a bit more evidence first lol
Back to Taiga, why is he. Like why
Okay no but seriously. If we take the timeloop thing seriously + Haku being a spy, here's the theory:
Taiga knows the MC is the trigger for an awful event and tried killing them back in the Prologue in order to cut the problem on its roots. Haku, if we consider him as the spy, WANTS the event to happen (considering he could also be aware of the loop), which is why he saved us and took us to Darkwick, therefore letting it all play out once again.
If Haku isn't the spy, then we would have to chalk it up as Taiga knowing and trying to kill us, but destiny (???) being a bitch, therefore putting Haku there as a pawn to make things play out again
Maybe the spy can control other ghouls? Who know tbh
Finally, what is going on during the first scene we see in the game? Darkwick on fire and the first character we choose jumping off of the building? I wonder what would happen if we choose Taiga as our first card....... maybe I should create a sub acc
Anyway if anyone has more questions/theories PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY IM OBSESSED WITH THIS GAME I NEED TO THINK ABT IT
There is also a good theory on reddit made by u/imonlybr16 that states this:
"Before the prologue, when you open the game for the first time, you're greeted with the opening scene involving MC running through the halls of a ruined Darkwick. The question is asked "When the world is collapsing around you, whose hand will you take?"
There you're taken to your character choice screen. The guy you choose is later shown on the railing of a balcony, about to jump off.
Now I think I have a very far fetched and vague idea as to what is going on.
In chapter 2, we learn that the person that Alan killed was Dante or at least he thought he did. But we meet Dante and he's very much alive.
This comes theory number one.
***You can't actually die on campus.***
Note the use of actually here. You can 100% still die, you just end up coming back to life.
If Rui is your home screen he talks about accidentally killing someone else in his dorm and being annoyed with having to lift them back to Obscuary. This struck me as a particularly odd dialogue because Rui's curse causes people to die.
Unless, you can't die on campus.
This would explain Dante pretty much instantly. Yes Alan killed him but yes he's alive.
The campus itself is an anomaly, stopping people from dying doesn't sound too far fetched. I expect this to be revealed with the other two members of Obscuary, as that dorm seems to have a connection to death. One of the things that always pops up is that ghouls aren't immortal, no matter how quickly they heal.
Also explains how Calamari didn't die in chapter 3. Ren ran from the dorm > the caves > the jetty and Calamari was already pretty dehydrated in the beginning.
But OP you might say, aren't all the guys talking like they believe they're going to die.
Luckily, that brings us to vauge and far fetched theory number two.
***The campus is on fire due to a rebellion***
In the very last chapter of the prologue we get to see Kaito's wickhive. There we see three pretty interesting threads.
. There's gonna be an uprising soon
. One of you is a demon
. There's a guy who could see the future
Kaito is surprised at something he sees in this scene but we don't learn what it is. This chapter's 'preview' is one of the scenes we see in the very beginning. Blood and a Lily.
I believe that the first thread is foreshadowing and will . After you meet your chosen guy standing on the railing you get a line of dialogue (or not if you picked Towa) that changes depending on who you picked. Some imply that what they're doing is going to save you(Jiro, Zenji and Sho), some apologize stating that they could protect what they cared about until the very end (Luca,Kaito,Haru and Yuri) but three characters caught my attention
Leo: Life sucks and then you die,right? I just want to make the assholes responsible regret it.
Ren: This is exactly why I didn't to do this! I knew this was how it was going to end.
Subaru: This is all my fault. I don't expect you to forgive me, but this is the least I can do. Please take this as my final act of good faith.
Especially Subaru's and Ren's, that seemingly imply either the MC's (Ren's) or their (Subaru) involvement in the current situation. Now what does this has to do with a potential uprising?
One of the things we learn from the very beginning is the inter-politics of the houses and by extension the ghouls. Especially after the fallout of the clash. Things are pretty tense and an uprising or rebellion seems to be the most likely thing.
As to what happened and why? I have no clue. Though one thing to note is that according to the prophecy, as long as the ghouls are in Darkwick, they prevent a disaster from coming. If Darkwick is destroyed however, the prophecy can't be fulfilled, or can it?"
This is such a good theory too, I really think u/imonlybr16 has probably gotten a lot of things right.
Although it's weird that death is such a big threat to us specifically, but maybe the Academy can't prevent death by curses, much like the Mesmer Matches dont work on someone who's cursed. Hhmm...
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mrsjobarnes · 4 months
Not the Only Cowboy - Chapter 5
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Summary: Jake had never been the type of guy to fall first, maybe you’ll be the one to change that. 
A/N~ Sorry this took so long guys, I had writer's block, and then uni started and it got put on the back burner! However, I’m back and ready to finish this story! Also a huge Thank you to @angel-0f-verdun for helping me with this!
Jake Sersin x Nurse!reader 
Word count: 1,172
Warning: Abuse, Angst, Violence 
Likes & comments are welcome! 
Please do not steal my work! 
Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
2 weeks. It took you two weeks for you to leave the guest room. You requested time off and were granted 2 weeks but after that, you’d have to go back, back to the place that no longer felt safe since Blake had found you. 
He had crossed the country to find you, he didn’t care about the restraining order or that you had only packed the essentials and moved. No, you were still his, his to control, his to break, his to own till death, and even after that. You were his baby, his honey, his sugar, and he needs you back home. Your love hasn't always been like this. He was your college sweetheart, you were his tutor. His smart, kind, patient, and outgoing Y/N/N. After he graduated he went into the Navy to be a navigator and you continued your nursing school. Once you had graduated you became a civilian nurse serving on base. It was picture-perfect if you ignored the screaming matches and the occasional pushing and shoving. It didn't get bad until you were treating some of the naval men and he saw them flirting with you. 
That's when the abuse started, he’d beat you within an inch of your life in places no one could see. He’d even threaten to shoot and kill you if you ran away. No one noticed till you were wearing long sleeves in a Virginia July. That's when your charge nurse Maggie asked you. You tried to lie but the 55-year-old saw right through you. She slipped a paper in your locker later that night with several phone numbers to call for help. You knew that she was just looking out for you but, at the moment you felt hurt and angry. Thankfully, the calm part of you kept that note and hid it in your locker. After six months of plotting with Maggie, the clouds parted and Blake was given orders to be deployed for 2 months. You took that as your chance to run. After saying your goodbyes, you sold your car and changed your phone and phone number, opened up a new bank account and purchased a plane ticket to your new haven.  
It was your haven until he showed up. Destroying all you had built up, all of the work you’d put into making this place feel like a safe place had just been squashed by him. So here you are lying in Phoenix’s guest room, scared he’ll break through the second-story windows or the door.  He’d threatened to kill you before who’s to say he won’t kill Phoenix to get to you? You need to start over again, how far would you go this time? Coast hopping didn’t work, maybe you needed to go to a northern state, he did hate the cold. Maybe in a small town in Montana, get a job at a hospital this time. Yes, that should work. You’ll just choose the smallest town possible, maybe ditch your phone and switch to a pager, they still had those right? You hear a knock at the front door. Your blood runs ice cold, and quickly you run into the ensuite bathroom and lock the door. 
“Hey, Y/N it’s just me,” says Phoenix. “I bought groceries, what do you want for dinner?” she asks from the kitchen. You slowly exit the bathroom and start to head to the door, placing your hand on the handle you stop. Maybe you should just run at night and just take what you had here, grab your car, withdraw most of your money from the bank and run. By not telling anyone it would keep them safe right? Turning around, you text Phoenix that you’re not hungry and ask if she is going out tonight. She replies that she is, unless you want to talk. You tell her to enjoy her night and start researching on a private browser about where to go, maybe Sidney, Montana. It seemed small enough that no one would think to look there, now to look at apartments. After googling for about 30 minutes, Phoenix shouts that she’s leaving. Walking over to the window you peer out waiting till she leaves. Once the coast was clear you quickly started packing a bag and making a mental checklist of what you needed to do. 
get food
Leave a note 
Call Uber to the base 
Bank and gas 
25 minutes had passed and all you needed to do was get food and gas then stop at the bank, but first, you needed to get your car.  You bring all of your things to the door. When all of a sudden you hear someone knocking at the front door. “Fuck” you whisper under your breath. Quietly you grab a kitchen knife and look through the peephole. When you are met with the most perfect green eyes. It was just Jake, you sigh and put the knife down. “Go away Jake,” you say through the door.
“Phoenix gave me a key, I’m coming in,” he asks. 
“No, go away,” you say. He doesn’t listen and slowly enters the apartment. You grab the knife and point it at him, enraged he didn’t listen. “I said don’t come in Jake,” you say, clenching the knife for dear life. As he crosses the threshold, the two of you make eye contact. He has never seen someone so broken and scared, it breaks his heart.  
“Hey Y/N” he says slowly approaching, you clench the knife trying to push back the fear. It's Jake, he’s not going to hurt you, but you thought the same thing of Blake. How could you have been so stupid? “Y/N Imma need you to put the knife down darling, I just want to talk okay?” he said, itching closer to you. 
“Jake please leave, I don't want to talk. I just want to be left alone” 
“No it looks like you're trying to run” he says pointing to the suitcase and backpack next to the door”. 
“Why does it matter if I do? I have only brought trouble into the team's life. I've taken over Phoenix house and probably have a write-up at work for causing a scene. So just let me go, you’ll be fine without me.” you say hesitantly placing the knife down. 
“No? What do you mean, No?” you say looking into his eyes. 
“No, what about me? I know that’s selfish but you can’t leave me. I was an ass before I met you, I didn't care if I died on a mission as long as I went out in a blaze of glory, but now you’ve given me something to care about, someone who wants to come home too. So please stay, we can get you help. Cyclone says he could look into it, he just needs your permission.” Jake hesitantly walked up to you and cupped your face. 
“Can you promise that you won't hurt me? '' You say as your eyes glisten with tears. 
“I promise,” Jake says, pulling you into a hug. 
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What parts / bits of Papa Titan's speech do you agree with when he was talking to Luz about Belos? Was he right when was said that Belos liked being the hero of his own delusions and was afraid of things he couldn't control?
So there are two major lines that I think the Titan is dead wrong about Belos: the first is “You assume Belos’ goal comes from a genuine place" and "that man doesn't care about anything but his own need to be the hero."
The first line feels less about explaining Belos' motivation and more like the Titan is trying to absolve Luz's (narratively stupid and overly drawn out ) guilt about "helping" Belos. Because Belos' goals do come from a genuine place; he really thinks he is out there protecting humanity and that he will be thanked for it. He tells Luz that he does not want to see "one more human life destroyed by this place." The man carves up his own arms and ears to achieve his goals! Belos may be genuinely wrong about the target of his mission but he was raised and encouraged to be a witch hunter (by his brother!) and it's the only thing he has left justifying his horrific existence so he has to go through with it.
The second line is missing a lot of context as to why he feels the need to be the hero. A lot of people think that Belos just wants praise and glory and to be the Witch Hunter General but his actions and the story focuses more on the trauma connected to his brother than any desire for fame and glory. He set out to the Demon Realm to save his brother but when that failed, his goal warped from "save brother" to "save humanity because I could not save my only family." His desire to help Luz and bring them home in King's Tide is proof of this.
The Titan's lines are extremely reductive and either ignores a lot of context behind Belos' actions or are flat out wrong. The only thing I do agree with is that Belos is afraid of things he cannot control. Growing up in a Puritan community, he would have been taught to fear the Unknown, the Other. Anyone who didn't fit into the rigid standards of Puritan society was deemed suspicious. The show supports this reading when Masha says that the Wittebane brothers became witch hunters "to fit in." They talk about how the brothers tried to adapt to their new home but failed, so the two adopted the path of violence to gain acceptance and security in the community. With that background and mindset, Philip would be wary of anything different because he was different, and anything outside the norms could threaten his status as well.
We see this a lot in real world communities where anyone who is different is stamped down into conformity because such differences upset the status quo and threaten the identity of the community. It's a toxic environment that breeds suspicion that then can be turned onto anyone, even those already on the "inside."
When Philip arrives in the Boiling Isles, everything is turned up to 11. The inhabitants look just like the creatures he's been taught are pure evil, he can't eat the food, and the very environment itself is dangerous to humans. If Luz had a hard time adjusting to the BI even though she loves witchcraft and all things weird, then for Philip it would have been literal hell. And then he finds his brother alive and thriving in this hellscape and when he dies, Philip has no one to guide and support him. Small wonder he never changes.
I think what's most disappointing about the Titan's speech is just how dismissive it is; we could have had a great story about how trying to adhere to toxic conformity is ultimately destructive, about how small-minded communities traumatize children and continue the cycle of violence, and the importance of positive social connections, especially for the community's most vulnerable members.
But instead, the show decided to spit on all that and reduced Philip's complex story to make the protagonist feel better. It's frankly disingenuous and hypocritical that the writers gave the audience all of these tantalizing details that have massive implications for the character and motivations of the central antagonist, only for all of that to be ignored in the end.
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Gal here with that ‘HS!Alastor did murder someone post’.
So in one of my past post I made about everyones family dynamics, I mentioned how Alastor found his mother dead after coming back home after school during his Middle School days, and how his father went missing a few weeks later.
I also made Alastor living alone in an apartment paid for by his grandfather(On his mother’s side). So, here’s the answers of what happened.
So Alastors father was basically an abusive and manipulative asshole. His father was white, and his mother was Creole(from what I learned)
When his father and mother first met, everything started out great. At least that was what his mother thought, his father thought nothing more of there relationship and only thought of it as a ‘Summer fling’. But then his father got his mom pregnant.
And because his father’s parents were conservative, they made Alastor father marry his mother to uphold there reputation.
One hand, Alastors mother always wanted a family, and thought that that the marriage was an act of love, while his father never wanted a kid, and only thought Alastor as a burden.
It didn’t help that they lived in a more conservative community, where it was mostly white people. And though the community was nice, there was still a majority of people who weren’t….. fond of race.
Because of that, Alastor father thought he would bring there reputation down instead of upholding it like his parents wanted. So fast forward they got married and Alastor was born.
Alastor dad did try to connect with him growing up, but since his dad had certain beliefs on how men should act, they always butted heads.
While his dad wanted him to play sports, Alastor rather spend time listing to his great great grandparents(mothers side) old antique radio.
He wanted Alastor to learn how to fix a car, Alastor learned how to bake and cook.
Alastors mom tried to talk to his dad about just letting Alastor do what he liked, but his father always rebutted back against her. What started small arguments eventually turned into an emotionally and physically abusive relationship.
Alastors mom did try to leave, but his father threatened her by saying that since she didn’t have a job, there was no way she could provide for her and Alastor. The only reason he said that was because if they got a divorced, his reputation will fall.
Alastor became really worried for his mom, especially when he noticed that she started getting physically hurt by his father. But his mother always told him that she would be alright, and that the best he could do for her was smile.
Over the years, the relationship between his parents would become so toxic, that his father wanted nothing more to get rid of the women who he believed destroyed his life(Alastor dad is a bitch). Even though non of this was Alastors mom fault and she did nothing wrong.
So one day, while Alastor was at school, his parents got into another argument. This one though, was horrifying. As it would eventually lead to his father…..ending the poor mother’s life.
When Alastor came home that day, he was expecting his mom making her famous stew….but what he saw was his mother who he loved dearly, dead, belaying on the floor, with his father standing over her……
The next few days were a blur to Alastor. The police tried to question if he had any idea about his mother’s death. But his father threatened him to keep his mother shut, and if he didn’t, he would spread rumors about his mother, ruining her reputation even after death. Not to mention that Alastor was still a middle schooler, and at that age they don’t really know what to do, or even if they can trust anyone to tell. So, he didn’t tell the cops anything.
The next few weeks were hell. Not only did his father start abusing him, kids at school talking bad behind his back, getting bullied, but he also had to go to his mother’s funeral. He only ever cried at his mother’s funeral.
It wasn’t until 2 months passed, that he had enough od his father. He couldn’t care less if his father hit him, what only mattered was that he wanted to get rid of the man who took away his mother. He thought it was a good thing he snuck a kitchen knife into his room.
So one day, when his father was yelling and hitting him, calling him useless like his mother. Alastor snapped. He pulled out the knife, and without thinking, stabbed his father.
Of course, Alastor only meant to stab him, as he knew his mother wouldn’t want him to kill and turn out a murderer like his father. But when he snapped back into reality, all Alastor saw was red…..the source being his father’s unmoving body.
Alastor doesn’t remember much after that, all he knows is that he dragged the pathetic accuse of a father and husband body into the woods, and buried it somewhere.
A few days later, Alastor reported his father missing. While no one ever found out what happened to his father, they came to the conclusion that he perhaps abounded Alastor as he couldn’t take care of a child after the passing of his Wife.
The only ones who knew the truth was Alastor, and the deer plush his mother made for him.
His grandfather from his mother side took him in after no leads came from the search for his father. Over the years, Alastor grandfather noticed that he has mental issues and trauma. So he put Alastor in therapy.
The therapist suggested that Alastor may need a change of scenery, so his father bought an apartment in California and sent Alastor to live there. He would have gone with him, but he had to continue working to afford the apartment. Luckily his other daughter lived on the same town, so at least Alastor has an aunt he could got to for help. Not to mention his little cousin Nifty.
So that brings us to now, Alastor living an apartment alone in California. Been living there for 2 years. Now he’s a junior in high school. One year away from being a senior.
He thinks his mother would cry seeing how much he grown.
I feel like I just went on an insane emotional rollercoaster and specifically would like to say his dad deserved it, intentional or not
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fairycheol · 11 months
nct 127 as older brothers
warnings: implied fem!reader, mentions of food, periods, minor injury and mental health issues
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Johnny loves teasing the crap out of you, in front of family, his friends, YOUR friends, and especially around anyone he knows you like. (why you gotta be like that John ☹️)
He’s very overprotective. Luckily no one has ever tried anything with you cause ain’t nobody trying to get a 6ft tattooed man threatening to shove them in a locker (he has fr said this).
Given that Johnny was an only child for like half of his life when you first came into the picture he was NOT happy. He never liked to hold you or even sit next to you, he just thought you were gross. (it’s a baby johnny be fr)
As time went on though he grew to actually like you 😱. No but seriously, he’s very proud of the person you’ve become and tries to show up to very important events that you have because you’re his younger sibling and he loves you that much.
If i remember correctly Taeyong already has an older sister so when he found out he was getting ANOTHER sister, bro almost broke down.
Actually no he did in fact have a break down.
Unlike Johnny tho, he swore from the second you took your first breath that he was gonna nurture and care for you. He was acting more like a mom than your actual mom 🤦‍♀️
He makes you breakfast, lunch and dinner. Always has the pantry filled with your favorite snacks. He does your hair even when you don’t want him to and most importantly he keeps you from loosing your sanity.
When it came to school Taeyong always made sure you weren’t exhausting yourself physically or mentally. He’d let you cry in his arms for however long necessary to get all the nasty feelings out.
Yuta also already has sisters so when you were born he simply accepted having a brother would probably never happen.
Because of his older sisters Yuta is great at painting your nails, doing your make-up and doing your hair. He’s also very careful around you when it’s yk that time of the month. He’s been traumatized before and he is not gonna risk anything.
He LIVES for any school drama and it’s mandatory you give him every single detail, he’ll sit crisscross on your carpet listening to you rant while giving his two cents,
“no way she did that!” “see i never trusted her smth about the way she walks” “what a two faced bitch like seriously 😒 “
yeah he loves gossiping.
Doyoung was a little awkward when you were born because he was used to playing with other guys so having to be taught how to play with a baby let alone a girl was a little confusing.
He caught on relatively quick though (he got some paternal instincts fs) and was settling in to being a protective older brother just fine.
The two of you would eventually team up to bully your eldest brother because well it’s just what obnoxious younger siblings do.
Back to the paternal instincts, Doyoung for sure has you promise to message him every hour when you go out with friends and insist he pick you up from school or anything that involves you being gone for hours at a time.
One time, you got stood up on a date and when he picked you up and eventually got you home he snooped through your phone (cause you knocked out after crying) found the guys address and was almost arrested for destroying someone’s property.
Don’t mess with Doyoung.
Jaehyun is just a weird older brother. That’s just the vibe he gives me. He doesn’t really care what you do or who you hang out with but if any of his friends try flirting with you *cough* Johnny *cough* then he’s gonna get overprotective,
“i love my friends but they CAN NOT be trusted in relationships, they all function on one collective brain cell” Nvm Doyoung might be the only one he trusts around you.
Jaehyun def thinks your an obnoxious little shit after you tour his ass apart for legally changing his name to YoonOh (why Jae? WHY?!), but that’s just what he gets for always making fun of you.
I also think he’s the type of brother to ask your opinion on a girl before he asks her out and if you have a y problems with a girlfriend of his cause let’s say she’s being a bitch, he 100% listens to you and breaks up with them. Love that for him.
Yk how Jungwoo kind of kept his older sister a secret? Yeah the members didn’t find out about you till like a few months ago and it was in the worst way possible.
Jungwoo was bringing the entirety of 127 to your parents house and stepped out for some groceries and told nobody you’d be getting home from school so walking through the front door you were met with a bunch of grown men standing on top of your couch holding pillows up as protection 💀.
Jungwoo likes to bring up that moment and any other embarrassing moments of yours that he’s witnessed to make fun of you, like the time at a dance recital you tripped and face planted in front of everyone. (you were 6)
Jungwoo is another MAJOR gossip queen. It’s to the point y’all have code names for people (which like same), but it really makes no sense since Jungwoo is never gonna interact with your classmates you have drama with 😭.
Idk why but Mark gives me the vibe that he’s an older brother who for some reason is just terrified of you 😭. From day one bro has kept his distance and i think he has the mindset that he’s gonna do smth to upset you so he’d rather play it safe.
The whole distance thing changed when he began spending like 90% in the SM building training at the age of 13. He got really homesick and missed the full family moment’s.
He’s a great listener tho, when school is getting stressful or arguments with friends/significant others occur he’s gonna let you talk through your feelings and on some occasions he’ll give you advice.
He’s def written poems about his family, like i’m thoroughly convinced he has written for his mom, dad his brother and now YOU 🫵🏼, it’s his way of showing his appreciation without yk, getting embarrassed having to verbally say anything.
idk if you can tell but i started running out of ideas so please give requests even if my writing is bad 🤟🏼.
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cw: vent as long as should be expected from reddit refugee, r*ssian psychiatry being as dehumanizing as every other things in this country, english at the level of a non-native who got lost in reality while writing at least twice;
massive tw: forced hospitalization, suicidal troughs mention, abusive therapist and cruelty i suppose?
i don't even want to start it with "NPD culture is" cause i honestly (desperately) want that no one here will relate with my experience. i also will completely understand if this rant will not be posted, it's long, terrible, it's about may be specific to my doomed country's doomed medical care only. even i myself wish to having no idea about it. i not even goin to be anon here since i have a little fate in this end up posted.
well, NPD culture is dissociating each time anyone share they ideas about how often they supposed (they always supposed that is "never") pwNPD are searching for a therapy. i was the one who did search indeed and found out unpleasant fact that not only i won't get any help, but the one who should help me eventually will try to utterly destroy me. it's was what happened last time, i believe now i could have PTSD and here's the story.
after some dramatic events my npd symptoms slowly started getting much worse. i won’t describe everything, it’s enough to mention that during the year since the dramatic events™, i almost completely isolated myself from society and almost stopped doing anything for my studies, trying to avoid negativity from people around me. i tried seeing a counselor in college to address at least this issue, i can't remember anything about her other than she blamed me for my "parenting stance" and kept telling me i didn't want to work on myself and just wanted to blame everyone but myself for my condition. i tried to visit another psychologist. and another. while i was spending my last money trying to find a specialist who would at least hear me, it was getting worse, maybe because of the my belief that everyone would always be against me. when idea about getting lost in a river nearby my house became more common through than "go brush your teeth" i went to a town psychoneurological dispensary... i should have go to work spending the rest of my vitality to pay for another attempt at private psychotherapy.
just going to the dispensary was humiliating, and by that time I had already lost the idea that it was shameful to seek help. i had to describe troubling symptoms to the psychiatrist on duty... standing in a room full of strangers, only some of whom were medical staff, and the psychiatrist himself looked at me like i was a maggot. and I had to go through this procedure twice, because the first time, “I’m constantly thinking about throwing myself into the river,” apparently they didn’t hear. when i finally got to the dispensary, all those tests that were done to assess my sanity.... the wording of the questions was humiliating to say the least, and even with my belief that i was the most honest person in the world, i admit that lied on that tests. again, no one listened to me, patients in general were given as little attention as possible. when one of the conversations with the therapist she touched on a topic that was painful for me and i couldn't hold back my tears, i was threatened that if I didn't pull myself together i would be sent to a hospital. which exactly what happened.
this was supposed to be the longest part of the story, but it's physically hard for me to describe what happened, so I'm just listing it. i was not allowed to contact my family, to take any things, at least clothes from home, they just put me in an ambulance and took me to this prison. they took my phone and I didn't see any of my stuff until I was discharged. when they brought me in, they injected me with something and did it for the three days i was in the isolation ward where they put all the newcomers. later on, they transferred me to a general ward and again every day they gave me a hell of a lot of medicine. I don't know what they were. i know how it sounds but alas this is how russian psychiatric hospitals work and this horror can be confirmed in the stories of other... survivors? we were not allowed outside (because of covid they say), there were no family visitation days, the only thing we did was to walk along the corridor along the wards. no privacy, no emotions allowed, YOU a nothing.
i spent a month there. for crying. i could have gone longer, but I was able to convince the superintendent at the weekly meeting that i could be returned to the care of the dispensary. when I left, i was told that my good behavior would get me bipolar instead of schizoaffective disorder so they "wouldn't ruin my life." what does schizoaffective disorder have to do with anything? ut's what in this country they like to diagnose when they don't know what to diagnose. doesn't really matter if you fit criteria. i didn't fit any of them, so thanks for... not ruining my life i guess.
it took me two years to recover from all this. i think i'm mostly fine as long as no one mentions how bad narcissists are for not going to therapy. like even though I know I need therapy, i can't bring myself to do it. i know there must be normal therapists, but I feel too deep a dislike and distrust of people in this profession. you know... it could cost me life?
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Could I request rise raph with the prompts, 4, 14, and 29?
This is my prompt list for those who want to know. Sorry for the long wait, TMNT has been hard to write for me recently. Aged up as usual :)
This fic is a mutual relationship, it just takes place in an AU of after the movie where you attempt to help Raph through his unhealthy coping of trauma caused by the Krang. So expect dark themes even if it is short.
Yandere! ROTTMNT Raphael Prompts 4, 14, 29
Pairing: Romantic
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it."
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
"I want to be this close... forever...."
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Trauma, Unhealthy coping, Imprisonment implied, Clingy Raphael, Delusional behavior, Fear of abandonment, Accidental manipulation, You have no idea your relationship is becoming toxic, AU of after the Rise Movie.
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Raphael loves his family. He's a family turtle and wants to love and protect his loved ones! He's hopeless when it comes to love and gets all giggly around the one he adores.
You can see it clear as day when he's around you. Raphael is so giddy when around you. The tall and hulking turtle towers over you but with innocent excitement. He just loves you so much.
Love makes some people act a bit irrationally.
Raphael wants to be super affectionate with you. Physical touch makes the large turtle feel loved. It makes him feel that you're safe....
Raphael has had trouble feeling safe ever since Leonardo's near passing due to the Krang.
He's quickly become overbearing. His hugs are a bit too desperate, crushing you in his strength. It's like Raphael forgot boundaries around you.
You try to rebuild said boundaries, only for him to tear them down.
He never means to, of course. Raphael's just dealing with a bit of... trauma. Trauma he needs you to help him get through.
His coping mechanisims are a bit extreme though.
"It's too dangerous in the world..." He starts, tears in his eyes. "You need me, you should know that!"
Raphael holds you close, arms tightly wrapped around you as you lay on top of him. He had gone into a mental breakdown when you tried to leave the lair. It's been three days... his mental health declining without you around.
"I trust you to protect me... but we need space." You try to convince him, turning to hold his face. "I'm here to talk although I want to go home-"
"This is your home! Home is wherever we are.... I don't want you to be hurt. Please... trust me! I'll protect you as long as I'm here!"
"Raph..." You sigh softly. "I can't always be here."
"Then I'll always be around you!"
"You can't do that either...."
Raphael holds you closer, not liking what you said. He's matured from when he was younger. It's just that the Krang attack really made him think of just how easy it is to lose someone.
He's scared if something goes wrong... he may lose you next.
"You don't know that! I'd do anything for you..."
He nuzzles himself closer. You feel like a teddy bear in his arms. Something to cling to when scared....
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it."
He gives you a nervous smile. He may be as old as you... but he still acts like a scared child. It saddens you... yet it's expected.
Seeing nearly all your home destroyed and your loved ones threatened would affect anyone this way.
"I just want you safe. The lair is the safest place I know! Why don't you want to stay here with me?"
"I want space and the ability to be my own person, Raph."
You comfort him softly despite his denial being evident. You sigh and pull him closer. You loved him, yes...
Love should not mean imprisoning your partner, however.
"I'll be here to comfort you... just please, let me go."
Raphael is silent, you swear you hear him sniffling. You stay still and allow him to hold you. You have a feeling if he keeps this up... your relationship may be strained.
"I want to be this close... forever...."
Your heart sinks at what he says. You allow him to roll you over and cage you into the couch. Nothing malicious... he just wants to feel your warmth.
Raphael is adorable to you... even if what he's doing is wrong. Despite what he does, you find him adorable. You have a feeling you can help fix him and bring him back to how he was before.
You have no idea that your love only encourages his obsession...
Or that he may only get worse if you give into his clingy behavior and not fix your boundaries.
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A few days ago, I blazed a post about the SCOTUS threat to ICWA. Today I want to share one of the stories at the center of the case.
To recap for anyone unaware of the situation. From America's early years, it kidnapped indigenoua children and forced them into boarding schools where they would be abused and forcily assimilated into Anglo-European culture, and some were even murdered. Some children were kidnapped and then given to White families to adopt. The explicit goal of this, which can be found stated in numerous documents by the people who did this, was to destroy Native American and Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian cultures. This lasted into the 1970s. Therr are survivors of this period alive today.
To combat it, the Indian Child Welfare Act was passed, which gives Native American and Alaska Native tribes control over the foster care placement of the tribes' children.
But now, ICWA is being challenged. Here's an article about one of the cases.
Robyn Bradshaw, a boarding school survivor, helped raise her grandaughter. When her daughter struggled with substance use disorder, Robyn took custody. But due to treatment costs, the family lost their home. They stayed with friends for a while, but Robyn was able to find a new home for them. But she needed to finalize the arrangements, so she left her grandchild with her father.
The father disappeared with her while Robyn was trying to secure a good home for her grandchild. He committed a drug offense, and her grandchild was taken into foster care.
When Robyn tried to pick her grandchild up, the state refused. They moved the child through seven different foster homes over 2 years, despite the fact that she had a grandmother who loved her and wanted her back so badly she attendes every single court hearing.
"The reason for Bradshaw’s disqualification? A 15-year-old felony conviction for receipt of stolen property. No one informed Bradshaw that she could have had the record cleared, court filings show.
"Ultimately, Bradshaw did clear her record. But not before the “error led to considerable and unnecessary trauma,” according to records filed to the Minnesota trial courts."
Ultimately, Bradshaw was able to regain custody, and multiple courts have decided that her grandchild has a deep bond with her grandmother, but the Cliffords (the grandchild's former foster family is fighting for control.
Did Bradshaw make mistakes in her past? Yes. Should she have trusted the father. We don't know. We don't know how much she knew of him. But she has done nothing that should bar her from custody.
The decision should be up to the tribe, not thr SCOTUS. In addition to ICWA, Native American and Alaska Native tribes are sovereign nations. If the government of Scotland came and told a US grandmother to give up her grandchild, the US government would not take that kindly.
Edit: Please boost this. Tumblr refuses to Blaze it, and I find that troubling because they also don't Blaze posts about Mahsa/Jina Amini or abortion. They Blazed my other post about ICWA, so maybe I shouldn't be too suspicious, but I am. @staff
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