#and I wrote this ove like three days
adashulaz · 7 days
A little something I wrote because I want and need Season 7 rn
Sorens ok, why wouldn't he be? He'll be there when we get there and he'll have a smile on his face to hide his own nervousness.
The thought kept repeating in his mind, it was the only thing keeping him sane as he sat upon his horse. His hands gripping the reins tightly as he rode alongside King Ezran. “The letter said they'll be in the woods as a way to stay out of sight. They're close to the town though so it'll be easy to find them.” Grens voice broke the silence between everyone as he interpreted Amaya.
“How many were injured?” Ezrans voice was shaking slightly, like he still couldn't believe Katolis was attacked. “They didn't give a specific number, only saying that several people were injured due to either being trapped by debris or getting too close to the flames.” Grens voice was steady, steady like Amayas signing.
“How many were lost?” Silence followed the words. The only noise came from the steady sounds of hooves hitting the ground harshly as the animals ran towards Katolis. Amaya only looked forwards, unable to look at Ezran. He knew why, Katolis was attacked by a dragon. The amount of survivors would be small, especially of those who were within castle walls.
Soren was within the castle walls.
The thought made his stomach churn. His chest felt tight and his mind felt like it was mush.
I beg of you, let Soren be one of the few survivors from within the walls. I don't care if it's selfish, just let him be alive.
“Around a hundred, all of them were from within the castle walls and mostly from the first wave of flames.” He saw as Ezran only stared at the back of his horse's head. He only looked ahead of him, they've been riding for two days with very little and short breaks. “I'm sure Callum and Rayla are already there or almost there. They'll be able to offer assistance until we get there.” He hoped the words were able to comfort the young king.
It was all he had to offer as he couldn't even comfort his own heart.
After two more days of riding, they finally made it to Katolis. They slowed their pace as they made their way to the woods. He could feel as his heart beat increased as they got closer to the campsite. The sounds of people moving around and doing different tasks were loud in his ears. They paused a little bit away from the entrance of the camp.
He only looked around from his horse, his eyes moving from person to person as he searched for his person. He only held back a frown when he couldn't find the one he was looking for. He only got off his horse when the others did as well. “Ezran!” The familiar voice of Rayla caught his attention. She would know where his person is.
Ezran only rushed to her once he spotted her. He only watched as the two hugged, Rayla seemed relieved that Ezran was ok and Ezran seemed relaxed in her hold. It made him smile a bit. “I'm so glad you're ok, we saw what happened when we went to Lujannes.” Raylas voice was full of emotion. It was the most emotion he's ever heard come from the girl. It made him worried, did something happen to her and Callum besides this?
He only looked around once again, his eyes scanning the area for his person once again. He could see Callum rushing over to Ezran and Rayla before joining their hug. It didn't take Amaya to join them, he could see as Amaya briefly lifted the three from the ground. He only looked at the group. From the corner of his eye, he could see some of the medics that came with them were heading towards the camp.
He only scanned the area once more. His eyes landed on a familiar head of blonde hair. He only walked towards the person, his footsteps quick. “Soren.” At the sound of his name, Soren turned to look at him. He only paused as he stared at Soren. “Corvus.” Sorens voice was quiet, the quietest he's ever heard it be.
Sorens body looked burned, trails of lava leaving grooves in his skin as it traveled all over his body. More importantly, Soren looked scared. Scared of what though? Was he scared of how people would react to him now? Whatever the reason, he didn't care. Underneath whatever happened to Soren, it didn't matter anymore, it was still Soren. It was still his Soren.
He only rushed towards Soren. He brought a hand to the back of Sorens head as he wrapped an arm around Sorens torso. “You're ok, I'm so glad you're ok.” His voice was soft, he turned his head a bit so his lips were pressed against the side of Sorens head a bit. Soren only wrapped his arms around him. His hands held onto his shoulders loosely as his face pressed into his scarf. “I'm sorry.” Sorens voice was quiet, slightly muffled by his scarf.
“Don't apologize, none of this was your fault.” He held Soren tightly, Sorens skin felt like it was on fire. It burned his hand from where it rested but he didn't care. Soren only held onto him a bit tighter. He only held Soren tighter as well. Soren only buried his face into his scarf. “It's not your fault, you did what you could.” Soren only nodded into his scarf.
His hand felt like it was on fire from where it rested on Soren. However, it didn't matter to him. Why would it? Because by the gods, it would burn so much more if he wasn't holding Soren.
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circle-with-me · 8 months
Will Ramos In Love (headcanons)
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**Disclaimer: These headcanons are purely fictional. They're not intended to describe Will in real life in any shape or form. These are just for fun!
Wrote these with @concretenoah because this golden retriever jersey boy has rotted our brains <3 thank you bb for working with me on this. I had a blast!
tag list: @deathblacksmoke, @malice-ov-mercy, @meekahy, @cookiesupplier, @lacktoesandtoddlerants, @midnight-eternals, @sammyjoeee, @collective-heartbreak, @lyschko666
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Will has big emotions and he’d be very vocal about them too. He’d always be telling you or doing little things to show you how he feels.
He pays attention to things you like and love and makes sure to keep them in mind and use them when he wants to make you feel special.
For example: making your favorite food, bringing your fav snacks home, taking notice of what movies you seem interested in when you see movie trailers so he can take you to see them.
If you see a clothing item you really want but don’t wanna spend the money on yourself, he’s buying it for you. Even if it’s a cheap $15 t-shirt.
You argue with him and tell him not to buy it but he wants his baby to have whatever she wants.
He takes you to get your nails and toes done. He’ll hint strongly that you should get acrylics if you don't have long nails because he loves it when you scratch his back or sides. 
If you text him and tell him you’ve had a long/bad day at work he’s using his key (if you don’t already live together) to take the dogs out and feed them so you don’t have to.
He’s also making sure your apartment is clean so you don’t have to worry about a thing when you come home but cuddling up on the couch with him and watching anime/movies all night.
When he’s in love, he’s very touchy-feely. He smothers your face with kisses. He’s always holding your hand and has his hand on your leg or thigh when you’re sitting together. He wants to be in your space one way or another.
He loves to cuddle but you notice how cuddling with Will changes when he’s in love with you. At first, you cuddle together on the couch or in bed with your head on his chest and his arm around your shoulder. The more time you spend together, cuddling turns into more of a connection. He’s enveloping you completely, turned towards you, your legs are intertwined. 
He’ll ask you to lay on top of him so he can feel your entire body weight on him. It’s not sexual, it’s purely for the sake of being close to you and to feel connected to you. He rubs your back gently and kisses your head. You lay there together and talk quietly or just enjoy the sound of each other’s heartbeats.
He also loves to just crawl between your legs and lay his head on your tummy and chest. Once again, it’s not sexual. It’s intimate but in a bonding way. When you wrap your arms around him, he feels safe and happy. 
Will dance with you in the kitchen while you’re cooking together, when you’re doing chores together, or anytime the mood strikes him. He sings to you, smiling and pushing the hair out of your face. He’ll twirl you around and pull you back in, dipping you down and kissing your lips softly.
He’s always taking photos or silly videos of you to keep for when he’s not with you or on tour. He wants to be able to see your face or hear your voice when he's away.
If the photos/videos are appropriate he’ll send them to his friends to brag about how great his girl is.
Will calls his cats his “little chickens” and you made a comment about how you wanted to be his chicken too. He thought it was so adorable he HAD to start calling you his chicken too.
His cats are VERY important to him. He loves them and it’s important you love them and vice versa. When he comes home and sees you laying on the couch asleep with them cuddled up to you, he has to stifle his cuteness aggression noises (iykyk), and he’s probably going to wake you up anyway because he’s sliding in to cuddle up with the three of you.
Speaking of his cuteness aggression noises, he makes them whenever you send cute snaps or wear something cute, like matching pj’s with him on Christmas (yes, he’d do this with you because he loves you hehe)
He sends you cute texts messages:  “I love you, chicken. Have a good day ♥️” “Need to see your pretty face, baby 🥺" “Look at my pretty girl. I can’t wait to wife you up one day 😍” “Good morning beautiful ♥ ️about to head over, do you want a coffee?”
When he’s missing you really bad, he’ll start with the baby talking. He’ll send messages like “wuv you 🥺”.
Speaking of baby talk, that’s another indicator he’s falling HARD for you. 
He will make playlists with songs that remind you of him and send them to you. Or just playlists of his favorite songs in general. Music is important to him and he wants you to listen to his favorite songs to get to know him better.
NSFW HC’s under the cut
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When Will is in love, sex changes between the two of you as well. 
This doesn’t mean that sex with him at the beginning of your relationship would be meaningless but once he’s falling in love with you it shifts much like cuddling does. It’s less about the need/want to fuck and more about him pleasuring you. 
There’s a lot of body worship, he’s taking his time with you, and it’s not so rushed. Sex becomes more passionate because he wants to enjoy every moment and learn everything that makes you feel good.
He wants to memorize every little noise you make so he can remember what he did that caused it and do it every time.
After a long night of making you orgasm so many times you can’t remember, he asks you for one more. He’s had you repeatedly but can’t get enough of you. Afterwards, you’re sore and shaking. He whispers soothingly, “Shhh, baby, you’re okay. I’m gonna kiss it better.” He leaves kisses all over your body….on your breasts, your tummy, your hips, your inner thighs. He spreads your trembling legs open and places soft kisses on your pussy, praising you for how well you take him, how good you were for him, and how much he loves you. 
dividers by @cafekitsune
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vampwritesstuff · 2 years
Someone to Save Me ~
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Pairing : Xavier Thorpe x Addams!reader (fem pronouns)
Summary : in which when her crazy, obsessive father comes searching for her, she needed a knight in shining armor. Or maybe a tortured artist.
Warnings : attempted kidnapping, abuse, swearing, mentions of being stalked, use of the word “princess”
Genre : angst to fluff/comfort, frenemies to lovers
Requests : open
Words : 2k+
This is an idea I had thought of and wanted to write, don’t remember what I had been doing but I immediately went to my notes and wrote a general idea on this, so here is a fleshed out version! I want to say that reader’s father is NOT Fester!
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Having a crazy and obsessive father was difficult. That’s what led you to run from him, showing up on your Aunt Morticia and Uncle Gomez’s doorstep, seeking refuge in their home. They knew how your father could get and allowed you to stay with them. You were 13, they couldn’t leave you to fend for yourself. Something that just sort of happened was that Wednesday basically became your bodyguard, she was never far from you anytime you were at school or in public. So, after being expelled for throwing piranhas into the swim team’s pool during their practice, you obviously had to go with her to her new school, Nevermore.
Now, you weren’t a normie, obviously since you were an Addams. You had an innate ability to control plants and organic objects around you. And seeing that there were woods that surrounded the Nevermore campus, it made you feel at home already. Pugsley had taken a liking to calling you ‘nymph’ because of your closeness to nature. It was a sour parting when your aunt, uncle and younger cousin had to leave. Pugsley had given you and Wednesday a tight hug, while you had patted his back and gave him encouraging words, Wednesday was… well, she was Wednesday. Your aunt gave you and your cousin each a pendant, while Wednesday’s could turn into a ‘W’ and ‘M’ for Wednesday and Morticia, yours had a carefully crafted tree on it. You smiled softly and thanked your aunt, giving her a hug before she got into the car where Lurch stood by, holding open the car door. Then they were off.
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It had been barely a month since you’ve arrived at Nevermore Academy, and somehow your cousin has found herself playing detective in a search for a monster that most weren’t even sure existed. Of course, you believed her and have helped her in her investigation.
Despite Wednesday’s many complaints, you were given a single room, while Wednesday had to deal with a roommate who was the exact opposite of her. You thought it was good for Wednesday to have some social interaction with someone besides you or her family. Many of her complaints consisted of her trying to reason that she needed to protect you from your father, as she had been doing for the past three years. However, you were quick to shut her down.
“Wednesday, if he hasn’t found me yet, how in the hell do you think he would find me in a school for outcasts in a little town that’s barely on the map?” You had told her one day, during an outing in Jericho to go to the Weathervane. Of course, your cousin stayed silent, knowing that it was unlikely that your father would find you. You were good at covering your tracks.
It wasn’t long until Tyler Galpin, a normie and someone who had taken interest in your cousin, sat down with you both. You tensed, Tyler did not give you good vibes ever since you first met him, however your cousin seemed to never notice your state of nervousness whenever Tyler was around. It didn’t help that he was sitting next to you, and you were trapped inside the booth.
You stared at the table for the remainder of the time you and your cousin were at the Weathervane, unwilling to speak up that you wanted to leave in the case that you were going to be seen as rude. That’s when your phone buzzed, a text from Enid saved you. “Sorry Wednesday, but Enid says she’s having a crisis and needs me back at Nevermore.” You spoke up as Wednesday and Tyler talked over theories about who the monster could be. Tyler got the hint that you needed to leave and moved from the booth to allow you to slide past in order to leave. Wednesday just nodded, “Don’t get yourself killed.” She said as Tyler sat back down, you knew that was just her way of telling you to be safe. You nodded and left the Weathervane without another word, making your way from Jericho back to the school.
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You were barely 5 minutes into the wooded part of the Nevermore campus when you got the eerie feeling that you were being watched, the hair on the back of your neck standing on end. You stopped to look around, only hearing the chirp of birds and the noise of bugs.
Hesitantly, you started walking again, this time at a much quicker pace. Already having your phone out with Enid on speed dial and ready to take off or fight for your life at a moments notice. There was no way in hell you were going to die in the woods, alone.
That’s when you heard a twig snap, stopping once again you looked around, taking note that it wasn’t you who stepped on a twig and broke it. That’s when you felt a presence behind you, immediately your instinct and training from Wednesday kicked in. Spinning around, you took control of some of the vines on the ground and used them to wrap the figure up and keep them from moving, they fell to the ground with a deep grunt, groaning as the vines tightened around them.
When your initial adrenaline wore off, you were able to make out the Nevermore uniform, specifically the male uniform. “Fuck, Y/n, didn’t think you would attack someone like that.” Xavier groaned as he was still constricted by the vines. “That’s why you don’t sneak up on a girl in the middle of the damn woods!” You exclaimed, letting the vines go of your control and allowing them to unwrap from Xavier.
You held out your hand to help him stand up, which he took in response. He brushed himself off, standing in front of you. “Sorry, sorry. Don’t sneak up on girls in the woods, got it.” He mumbled, “what were you doing out here anyway?” He asked, but you gave him an incredulous look, “Where else would I be going? I’m heading back from town to the school. Enid messaged me that she had something urgent going on and needed my help.” You told him as you turned and began to walk away from the artist.
You and Xavier had an odd dynamic going on, some days you both could be civil with each other, other days you were ready to rip his throat out just listening to him talk. Right about now, you were borderline annoyed with the boy, in between being civil and tying him up with vines again. You almost groaned as he caught up with you easily, ‘Curse his long legs.’ You thought. “What were you doing in Jericho?” He asked you, watching your expression carefully. “I was with Wednesday at the Weathervane.” You answered shortly, not wanting to delve into detail of your most recent outing with your cousin. From the corner of your eye, you saw Xavier nod stiffly. ‘Odd,’ You thought, ‘He’s never stiffened at the mention of Wednesday..’ you squinted at him, suspiciously.
“Now, what were you doing out here?” You turned his own question on him, he looked at you and shrugged, “Came to clear my head,” he told you but you looking at him seemed to make the boy nervous, something he never usually was when around you. He normally matched your energy, which made you even more suspicious of Xavier. “Okay.” There was something up with Xavier, and you knew it. But you didn’t want him to catch onto your suspicion, so you pretended that you believed him.
There was a silence between the both of you as you reached Nevermore, “See you later, Xav.” You said to him as you walked away, heading to Enid and Wednesday’s dorm in Ophelia Hall.
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You seemed to run into Xavier in the woods a lot more than usual, especially on your daily stroll through the woods which you’ve recently been going on alone, since Wednesday was too busy with her investigation to join you. Each time you met in the woods, he seemed much more different than during school. Like he was a completely different person. Eventually, you decided to confront him about it, when he once again interrupted your stroll.
“What has been goin on with you lately, Xavier? You’ve been acting completely different lately, especially out of class.” You told him as he once again, joined you on a walk through the woods. “What do you mean, Y/n?” He tried to play you off, but you knew Xavier. He wouldn’t dismiss accusations against him, you’ve learned that since Wednesday began suspecting him and he found out about it. That’s how you realized.
“You’re not Xavier.” You whispered, barely loud enough for ‘Xavier’ to hear. When you looked up again, someone else was smirking at you, and it was someone you hoped to never see again. “Hello, princess.” Your father’s dark eyes bore into you as you were struck with fear, unable to move or make a sound as he walked towards you. “I’ve been watching you for a while now, such a shame that you saw through my disguise.” He stated as he caressed your face, his fingers lingering through a strand of your hair. “Why don’t you come home, princess? You belong with me. I am your father, after all.”
Finally, your sense came back to you and you moved away from him immediately. “No, you aren’t my father.” He began to look angry as you said that. “I don’t belong anywhere with you, and I’m sure as hell not your princess!” You shouted at him. By now, the man in front of you was fuming with anger, he reached for your arm and took hold of you in a vice grip, harshly pulling you towards him.
“Ungrateful little bitch! I created you, you are mine! You decide nothing for yourself.” His gripped tightened and you let out a yelp of pain, trying to pull from him. “Let go of me! I’m not going with you!” However, your father was much stronger than you, slapping you across the face as your head was immediately sent reeling to the side, your cheek stinging in pain. The hit was hard enough that it scrambled your thoughts, which allowed your father to pick you up without a fight and begin walking away from Nevermore.
Neither of you were aware that Thing had been following you. The hand immediately went to the closest person he could find to get help.
The sound of the shed door opening alerted Xavier that someone had entered his art studio, however he did not expect to find Thing frantically tugging at his pant leg, signing something Xavier couldn’t make out. However Xavier knew something was wrong, extremely wrong. “Show me.” Was all Xavier had to say and Thing was leading him into the woods.
Coming back to your senses, you were tossed over your father’s shoulder as he took you somewhere you didn’t recognize. You began thrashing around in his grip, “Let go of me! Someone help!” You screamed, hoping by some miracle, someone would be in the woods and hear you. “Stop squirming!” Your father shouted and threw you off his shoulder, your bodying hitting the hard ground and knocking your breath away from you, your lungs gasping for air. “You will come home. You will obey me. And you will never run from me again.” He seethed, his boot landing a kick to your ribs, then your stomach and head.
Tears filled your eyes, pain shooting everywhere throughout your body, you could hardly think. Hoping that someone would find you. Your father grabbed you and lifted you up by the collar of your shirt, “I’ll just have to break you into submission if you won’t be a good little girl.” Your father grinned at you as your half lidded eyes could hardly stay open, but you knew he was raising his fist to strike at you again.
“Get away from her!” You heard as you felt your self be dropped again, your father being tackled away from you, you could make out the shape of a hand in front of you, “Thing..” you whispered before having passed out from exhaustion.
Xavier had followed Thing at least a mile into the woods, adrenaline rushing through his veins, he didn’t know who was in danger but he knew they were important to Thing, so that left him with either two options. You, or Wednesday.
When he saw a man lifting you up by the collar of your shirt and his fist readying to hit you, something snapped in Xavier. Anger boiled over in him as he got close enough to see how terrible of shape you were in, blood covered half of your face and blood ran from your nose, your clothes torn and dirty. “Get away from her!” He shouted as he tackled the man away from you, blinded by pure and utter rage. All Xavier knew was that he had to protect the girl he had begun to accept his feelings for, and the scariest part was that he might’ve not ever gotten to tell her if he hadn’t been there in time to save her. Xavier didn’t stop until the man was a bloodied, unconscious mess. When he calmed down, Thing was tugging on the sleeve of his arm, ushering him to check on you.
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You woke up in a hospital bed, looking around to see many get well soon cards, flowers, and other little gifts. Your head was fuzzy, but the last thing you remembered was dropping onto the ground and seeing Thing before it all went blank. No one was in the room with you, it was dark outside so you knew all of your friends and cousin were told to go back to Nevermore. Realizing that your throat was scratchy and you desperately needed some water, you pressed the small ‘help’ button on the side of your bed. It wasn’t long until a nurse and doctor rushed in to check on you, your throat hurt but somehow the nurse was able to understand that you needed water and left the room, retuning a few minutes later with a cold cup of water.
While the doctor did some checks on your vitals, you asked the nurse if she could inform principal Weems that you were awake, she nodded but told you it would be until the next day that anyone would be able to visit you. The doctor finished his check up and left the room with the nurse, allowing you some rest.
The next morning came quickly, and you were reminded of how much pain you were in when you attempted to sit up, “Ms. Addams, please stay laying down.” You heard a woman’s voice and looked to see principal Weems, standing in the doorway of your hospital room along with sheriff Galpin. “Sorry to question you so soon after waking up, but the station needs a statement about what happened when you were attacked. Wednesday told us that was your father, correct?” The sheriff asked you, quick to cut to the chase. A shiver ran down your spine as he mentioned your father, “Yes, that was…” you were interrupted by a coughing fit, “… that was my father.” You continued after the coughing had stopped. “What happened before Xavier got to the scene?” That question threw you, Xavier was the one who saved you? You shook yourself out of it, you’d worry about that later. “My father had disguised himself as Xavier and intercepted me during a walk, when I realized he was not Xavier, that’s when he began telling me that I had to go home with him, that he made me and owned me, that I was nothing without him. When I refused and tried to leave, he grabbed me. It’s a little fuzzy from there, but I remember a sting across my cheek and being carried away, I think I came to at one point and started fighting back. That’s when he threw me on the ground and started beating me.” You had to take a shaky breath to keep yourself from breaking down, “then he picked me up, and that’s when he was tackled away from me. I had no idea that it was Xavier who saved me.”
Once sheriff Galpin had finished getting your statement, and reassuring you that your father would be put away for a long time, you were discharged from the hospital and allowed to return to Nevermore. When you and Weems arrived, a large crowd of students were waiting to welcome you back, no doubt the work of Enid and Yoko.
When you stepped out of the car, Enid and Wednesday were the first ones to be by your side. Enid engulfed you into a hug, while Wednesday tried to keep her from smothering you and breaking anymore of your ribs. “Enid, she doesn’t need anymore broken ribs.” She chided the bubbly werewolf, who immediately let go and apologized. You looked at the crowd of students, recognizing some faces and not recognizing others. However, the one face you hoped to see, was not there. “Where’s Xavier?” You asked, hoping one of them knew where the artist was. “He’s been sulking like a lost puppy ever since you were put in the hospital, I’d bet he’s in his art shed right now.” Wednesday told you, keeping her accusatory remarks to herself, he did save his cousin’s life after all. The least she could do was cut him some slack.
“Oh, I was hoping I could talk to him.” Your mood significantly dampened since the guy who literally saved your life, couldn’t be bothered to welcome you back. “Hey, don’t look so upset, he did stay by your side the entire time you were asleep in the hospital!” Enid attempted to console you. You smiled at her, and at the thought of Xavier worrying over you. You decided that, for the time being, you would settle back into your routine and confront Xavier later.
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It was a few hours later when Xavier showed up at your dorm room, knocking on the door. When you opened the door, you were greeted by a even more tired looking Xavier, the bags under his eyes were darker than before and he looked like he hadn’t had a proper sleep in ages. “Xavier, you okay? You look like you haven’t slept in days.” You worried over him, but her just looked at you with such emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t tell what her was feeling.
Then he stepped closer and pulled you into a hug, burying his face into your neck. Hesitantly you hugged him back, unsure of what exactly was going on. Half the time, you and Xavier couldn’t stand each other. The other half was spent laughing and making jokes about each other. You had never seen Xavier so vulnerable before.
Before you knew it, Xavier was crying while hugging you, hiccups interrupting him every few sobs. “Hey, hey. Xavi, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” You pushed him away slightly, so you could look at his face. “I thought I was going to lose you.” He rasped, “And when I saw your dad holding you like that, limp and lifeless, I realized just how important you are to me.” He hiccuped as he explained.
You pulled him back into the hug, rubbing his back as he continued to sob. You didn’t know where this was coming from, but over the past few months, you had realized that he meant more to you than you originally thought. “Y/n, I love you, and I have no idea what I would’ve done if you were taken away from me.” Xavier spoke again, this time clearer. You were shocked, you figured your feelings for him would end up being one sided, so you pushed them far far down. However, those feelings bubbled to the surface as he said those words. “I love you too, Xavier.” You replied, you could see him visibly relax at your words.
“Let me take you on a date, whatever you want to do, we’ll do it.” He told you as you smiled up at him, he leaned down and leaned his forehead against yours, both of you closing your eyes and enjoying each others embrace. “I’d love to go on a date with you.” He smiled and as you both looked at each other you shared your first kiss, of many to come.
Yeah, Xavier saved your life. He was your artist in shining armor.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 1 month
Hiii me again, i really love what you wrote for Ryusei bf headcanons so I wanted to request a little oneshot for him (I'm living off of crumbs bear with me pls there's not enoug material for himm)
It's winter and he is about to go to a gang meeting but only in his uniform, then he ecounters reader who is on going a little walk and she gives him her scarf cause she doen't want him to freeze.
Thank you in advance and hope you're having a good day/night 💖
This took hella of while so I deeply apologise for that. This request was sent in 29th July and I'm doing it NOW ycsgdxsgt I'm so sorry😭Thank you so much for requesting tho! I love Ryusei so much!
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8pm, Baji said. Oh well, it's 8pm and 10 minutes now, but knowing Ryusei, that's normal. In fact, it's surprising he's attending meeting today since he skipped the previous three ones but this one's topic was lot more serious than last ones. As a vice-commander of first division, he must have showed up.
Ryusei took the Toman's jacket out of his closet, momentarily glancing at his old uniform, recalling his time when he wasn't part of Toman...But he immediately snapped out of it.
Going down the first floor, his mother asked where he was going-surprisingly enough. She was already aware of his delinquent activities so she didn't pry much after he answered "Toman's meeting."
Ryusei is good judge of weather and rarely gets into such stupid situation where he's freezing. Plus, he has plenty of warm jackets but Toman's definitely wasn't one. Since the members would be boiling in hot weather or after the fight if the uniform was thick and warm. It's not thin and surely it can warm someone up but for a cold weather like this one, it definitely wasn't the best choice. "Shit, I should've worn warmer shirt inside.." said the pink haired boy.
It was probably 16-17 degrees by now and no one was outside. Of course no one would be outside in such a cold weather. Ryusei hasn't even crossed the street yet when he heard the familiar voice, one that he just adored with all of his heart. "Ryusei..?"
The boy turned in the direction where the voice came from and saw you, wearing warm clothes, scarf and even gloves. Soft smile found its way on his lips. "[Name]! What are you doing here at this hour and in this weather?" He asked, now fully facing you with his usual smile that you've gotten used to.
"I could ask you the same question..."
"Eh..I'm going to Toman's meeting now. I'm a bit late now, by 17 minutes but I'm pretty sure Baji will understand." He spoke while checking the hour. "Imagine if I get there when meeting's ov-" but he got cut off by the warmth of scarf around his neck as you wrapped it around him.
Ryusei's eyes slightly widened before softening again, eyeing every movement you made to wrap your scarf around him. "You'll catch a cold like this." You said while putting the scarf on him.
He touched the scarf to feel it in his hand. It was warm. Just what he needed. "Thank you, [name].." Ryusei looked at you once again. "But are you sure that you don't need it now?"
"Nah. I'm wearing warmer than you and plus I'm on my way to home right now. Just give it back tomorrow, okey? Don't lose it please..." The scarf was important to you since you worked so hard to sew it yourself other day so you were praying that he would lose it.
"I won't. I'll give it to you tomorrow." He reassured you, his voice quiet but sweet. You exchanged farewells before you continued walking the path to your home. While Ryusei watched you until your figure disappeared behind a building, then deciding to finally move from his spot.
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I'm sorry! I know this is very short TwT
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gellavonhamster · 8 months
monthly media recap: january 2024
Mayakovsky. How to Make Poems (Маяковский. Как делать стихи) by Aleksandr Kondratyev and Askold Akishin - a biography of Rusaian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky in the form of a short graphic novel. A lot of information was new to me but probably wouldn't be new to those who normally take more interest in the biographies of the authors they're reading. Liked the art style; I'd say it fits his poetry well.
Same-Sex Desire and Intimacy in Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables and Its Adaptations: A Creative and Critical Study by Amelia Roberts - so someone on Tumblr wrote a PhD on Les Mis, and it's really interesting, especially the parts on historical context and comparison with the works of other writers of that era, particularly Balzac, references to historical and mythological figures in the descriptions of Enjolras and Grantaire, Valjean's past in the context of Hugo's other works about convicts, etc. There's also a lot about the fandom, which simultaneously made me smile fondly more than once and reminded me why I'm happy to barely interact with it. Also, made me really glad I never got past ep1 of that BBC show, because yikes. Here's the link if anyone's interested.
King of Morning, Queen of Day by Ian McDonald - three generations of women able to connect with the dimension of myth and bring the gods and monsters invented throughout history into the real world. Mixed feelings about the ending of part 3, but overall I really liked it - the genre fluctuates between parts, going from weird fiction à la Arthur Machen to historical fantasy where Ireland is as much of a character as people, to urban fantasy - feels like three books for the price of one, hehe. Gorgeous writing, and the translation I read was great and had footnotes - a pleasure to read. The more I stare at the cover of the edition I bought, however, the more I'm convinced it is AI-generated, and that annoys me.
+ currently reading A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman, which my friend gave me for my birthday/Christmas/New Year (yeah, we haven't seen each other for a looong time). Still reading One Piece as well, currently on Chapter 994.
The Three Musketeers: Milady (Les Trois Mousquetaires: Milady) (2023) - not a fan of this duology's attempt to turn a court intrigue satire into a gritty war movie. Or of most of the casting (btw, they changed Buckingham's actor? I thought I was going crazy). That said, it was interesting to watch, if only because they changed so much compared to the books that I had only the vague idea about what's going to happen next. I also liked how this movie subverted Milady killing Constance (and made it even more tragic). And the ending!
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ilightmytorch · 2 years
My Year in Writing, 2022
I wrote 139,257 words of fanfiction in 2022, a new record for me.  Since 2017, I’ve written 672,659 words.
On average, I wrote 381.5 words/day in 2022.  I wrote more during the three NaNoWriMo event months (42% of all words for the year in 25% of the time), with July being my most productive month at 24,108 words.  Looking at non-NaNo months, I wrote 291.8 words/day.
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Other than 119 words for “We’ll Find a New Way of Living” (Teen Wolf), everything I wrote in 2022 was for Julie and the Phantoms.  62.5% of all words written were for Electric Boogaloo, and the other 37.5% included The Thief and the Dude of Honor, the two rain soulmate AUs, and F or Stay Dead and its sequel.
I published 17 fics in 2022, 2 for Teen Wolf and 15 for Julie and the Phantoms, for a total of 124,866 words.  I’m up to 266,809 words total and 43 works.  More than a quarter of a million words published--that’s very cool, I think!
Plans for 2023:   Every year I look at the WIPs lingering on my writing timesheet and decide which ones I’m going to “trunk” rather than copy over onto the next year’s list.  I’ve already decided I’m trunking “I’ll Build a House,” my Allison lives AU, with a few chapters published as one/two-shots.  I’ve also trunked Two Years, Seven Months--I just can’t see myself writing for Olicity anymore.  I’m going to look over the various pieces of You Can’t Spell Family without I-L(ove)-Y(ou) to see if any of them can be separated out as one-shots, and then that’s also getting trunked.  (I really love that fic, but it needs 100k+ to finish it, and I just don’t have the will to focus that long on anything that’s not Julie and the Phantoms.)
The only WIPs I’m planning on keeping on the active list other than my JatP stuff in progress are Wrong Coast, because it’s so close it’s painful, like just another 1-2k words, and BIDWTW.  BIDWTW is a WIP I haven’t worked on 2017, and I know I keep talking about it, but I’m starting to think I actually want to pursue publishing original fiction so finishing something novel-length would boost my confidence.
I had something on last year’s year in writing that I didn’t do, but want to:
I also want to start critiquing at my writing and working on my weak areas–description and plot come to mind.  I’ve literally never read a book of writing advice, and I glance over posts on tumblr but I’m not sure how much sinks in, so studying writing advice in a more purposeful way is also on my list for 2022. 
I didn’t do any of that because of a combination of working on other things in my free time like computer projects and because I feel like I shouldn’t focus on writing when I need to be job hunting--I still haven’t found a decent job.  So I almost feel like job hunting, for a non-writing related job, should almost be part of my writing plan for 2023 because the sooner I can get that part of my life settled the sooner I have more free time and mental energy for writing improvement.
In terms of actual projects for 2023, I expect Electric Boogaloo to take up most of my time--I’ve finished 30 scenes out of about 80 for the season, so working on the remaining 50 will take more than all the words I’ll write in 2023.  And I expect to have side projects--the Willex rain soulmates AU, BIDWTW and Wrong Coast, and I’m sure there will be others.
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quixotickaya · 2 years
Hello January
I tend to get all kinds of pensive at this time of year, and I wasn’t sure if the mood was going to hit me or not during this cycle of the sun, but with only 3 days left until 2023, my brain finally decided it was time.
I have been seeing all the stuff I wrote for my end-of-year babblings coming up on my TimeHop app, and I have to say, it’s kind of embarrassing to see myself so full of hope and determination only to find myself 12 months later in suck a complete state of winter bluesy-listlessness.  I’ve got nothing to be sad about, life is legitimately good!  The future is bright!  The skies are clear!  But that’s not how depression works, so that’s not how my brain works.  That is, it doesn’t matter how happy I am, the chemicals in my brain will not let me have what I need to feel motivated and self-loving. I know this, and yet somehow, I am still determined to use 2023 to figure out how to break it.  That’s right, I’m not going to fix anything. We make resolutions, we fix ourselves, we make declarations of self-care, and all for what?  To watch ourselves crash and burn within the first three months?  I read a few days ago that only 8% of people who make a New Year’s resolution actually stick with it and genuinely improve themselves.  I can’t be the only one who thinks that 8% is bullshit and knows that we can do better.  We can do better as individuals, and we can do better as a community if we help each other.
I’m not one for all of that self-help nonsense, but I do think there is something to that whole “you manifest your own reality” thing.  So, I’m not making a resolution to lose weight or exercise more or take a bath every week or make more time for me or whatever it is that people resolve to do. I’m looking to make month-long goals in bite-sized pieces when it comes to earthly things, and I’m going to spend the whole year using my mind, my heart, and my soul to manifest myself a better reality.  And hey, I’d like to lose weight, but maybe doing that has nothing to do with “new year new me” rhetoric and more to do with what you’re ready to bring into the world through your own will.  Praying, manifesting, casting spells…  It’s all the same thing… So more of that is what I’m going to do.
Every year I say I’m going to spend less time on Facebook and more time writing, and this year I’m going to do it, damnit.  I’ve already started working on deconstructing some things about Facebook that I find myself relying heavily on.  I have to remind myself that I’m not, in fact, a Meme Lord, and that while I may brighten a few peoples’ days here and there, the amount of time I spend doing it is taking away from things that could better my life and help me achieve my personal goals, most of which get neglected when I get in a scrolling zone and I can’t or don’t want to get out of it.  If I’m going to sit on my ass anyway, I ought to be writing.  There’s I said it.  I ought to be writing.  I say it every year, and it’s true every year.  I ought to be writing.
I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I am not a Meme Lord; I am a writer.  I’m a writer, goddamnit.
Overall, I have to say, I may not have reached my more superficial 2022 goals, but 2022 was pretty good to me.  Sure, I’m still chunky, and I’ve put on all the weight I lost over the summer in a matter of weeks, but other things are looking up, and those are things I must be grateful for.  My partner of 5 months now is a loving, supportive, strong man who loves me for me, and only wants the best for me and to see me happy.  I’m sure he wants a few other things too, but those are things I’m happy to give *wink wink*.
My beautiful daughter is 7 years old now and approaching 8 at what feels like lightening speed.  I’m happy and excited to find out that kind of person she is going to be, and I’m trying to nurture her personal growth without being too lax or too strict.  I want her to grow up to be herself, and not anything she thinks that I want her to be.  I want her to have opportunities that I didn’t have, I want her to make her own decisions and be her own person.  She asked to change her name to Luna this year, and while she probably got that from Mama (wanting to change her name), I wasn’t going to tell her that she couldn’t or shouldn’t because she’s becoming herself.  I named her before she could speak, and now she can stand up and say, “my name is Luna!”  I’m going to let her be Luna, whatever that happens to mean.
I’m dying my hair tonight.  You probably wouldn’t notice if I didn’t tell you.  I guess that’s something that women do when they’re emotionally drained or super stressed.  I’ll admit, I’m stressed about starting this eating plan over again because failure doesn’t feel good.  Failure also results in having to drag my “fat pants” back out, or worse…  Buy new ones.  Work is rough during the holidays, and basically from November 1 to January 1, it doesn’t get any easier or better.  Customers are demanding and cranky, my whole department feels overworked and underappreciated, everybody in the company who isn’t on the bottom of the totem pole is taking time off either because they have to keep their PTO total under 40 hours for the new year’s roll over, or because they just plain feel like it.  Or they’re sick.  There’s been some of that running around.  One of my Outside Sales buddies called me today to thank me for doing such a good job with one of their new accounts, and when I asked him how his holiday went, he disclosed that he’d spent it with the new strain of COVID.  It never ends, does it?
So yeah, I’m stressed, and I’m feeling it, and I know that if I want to meet my health goals, I’m going to have to make some serious changes in my mentality and in my daily life.  I have a group set up on Facebook chat for support and accountability.  I have a boyfriend who’s a damn good sport and knows that all this walking and yoga is good for him anyway, so he might as well do it with me because it makes me happy. That’s a huge plus.  I think the biggest thing is willpower, and it’s lacking because I just don’t want to.  I just don’t want to have to be so strong and so strict and so specific anymore.  I want to be able to eat chips and watch TV and not gain 10 pounds in one night.  This is one of those things I’m going to break, though.  I’m going to figure out once and for all why my body seems to be so needy just to maintain some normalcy.  All I can think about there is how I agonized for months over not being able to make enough breast milk when my daughter was first born, and I searched high and low for an answer only to stumble upon it on an obscure England-based website.  I went through lactation consultants and doctors and friends and all kinds of people who thought they had good advice for me, but it turned out that my problem was my sodium deficiency.  I started eating pretzels and the milk just came pouring out.
I think that there’s a real conspiracy in this country to keep us fat and sick, and it has bled into censoring information on American websites that would legitimately help people feel better.  It’s all about making money over here, and the diet industry makes BIG money…  BUT it wouldn’t continue to make money if people actually got better.  There’s a secret here that no one is letting us in on, and I’m going to spend 2023 finding it.
0 notes
Helpless (Part 4)
Plot/storyline: You knew that getting a job at Hamilton: An American Musical as an ensemble member would be challenging. You didn’t mean to fall for Lin and now it’s just another part of your life you need to fight to keep in control.
Disclaimer: I’ve had experience backstage and onstage during musicals and plays so i know kind of what I’m talking about and the rest is made up. I don’t know what kind of work gets put into a broadway musical and by no means trying to make it seem easy cause show biz is super hard. Also I’m pretending that the obc is still together at this time.
UPDATE: this is like a day late but yeah school is slightly an issue. I think I will pst the next fic chapter on Monday and after that it will be like every Friday. I’ve just planned this fic series to maybe like ten chapters. The others might be longer but i t really depends how creative I feel that day but because i do both drama and film in high school I’m normally like out of creativity by week 2 of school.
Words: 1080
* Just going to say that you guys should just assume that I’m going to swear in every fic cause I’m a horrible human being
You didn’t know it was possible to laugh as much as you did that night. Everything about the slumber party was perfect. From the company, to the good food and the silly games that you were playing. It seemed like you had finally found a bunch of friends that would really stick. You guys had already put on the facemarks and you were all sitting down about to play a game of truth or dare. “Alright, here’s the event in our friendship that determines if we will be friends forever. Truth or Dare”, said Jasmine excitedly. “For some reason I don’t think that this is that serious Jas”. “Oh yes it is, it determines the weak from the brave. Are you going to cop out and take a truth instead of doing a dare. Hmmmmmmm????? “
“I guess you’re about to find out”, you said with a grin on your face. “Ok, rules. The dare can not be physically endangering to anyone here. The questions you ask must also be somewhat sensible and shouldn’t be anything too dark and embarrassing. Although, if you tell the most embarrassing story tonight I’ll make sure to give you an extra bottle of wine”. She was such a lively talk that it was almost impossible to not laugh or smile at whatever she was saying. “Alright, alright, let’s start. Well, cause we’re celebrating Y/Ns broadway debut, it would only be fare foe her to ask the first question”. Said Pippa in a calming voice. “Yes I do have a good one. Ok, Jas, Truth or Dare?” “Dare, duh.” “Alright, hm… I dare you to lick anyone in this rooms armpit”. “Huh, easy. Aren’t you even gonna try to challenge me”. “I’m not finished. I want you to send it to Anthony with out any context”. Jas turned over to look at Pippa and before she could register what was happening she had lifted her arm and had her camera out ready to take the photo. A squeal of complaint came out of Pippa’s mouth but by then Jas had already taken the photo and sent it to Ant.
What they didn’t realise was that Ant had sent back a text telling Jas that the guys were only a few minutes away from the apartment and were going to swing by. She smiled down at her phone and told them to hurry up before quickly turning it off and turning around to face Y/N. “Done. Ok, my turn. Y/N, truth or dare?” “Truth, obviously.” “Ok, What are your feelings about Lin?” “ Well I don’t know, he’s a great guy, talent and kind I’m sure you guys already know this”. “Yeah but do you LIIIIiiiiiKKKKkkkkkkeeeEEEEEE him”, said Pippa over enthusiastically. “ Well, I mean, he’s a great guy whats not to like? ” Before you could continue making a fool of yourself you guys all turned around to hear a loud thud on the front door.
“Oh, I forgot to mention, we have some guests visiting us.” Jasmine wriggled her eyes at you and before you could ask who was at the door you saw the door open and a red faced Lin stumble into the room followed by Oak, Daveed and Anthony. You didn’t even have time to get mad at Jas. You were in your mismatching pyjamas, wearing a green face mask and had some questionably oily hair. Yup, the universe was out to get you. You were so focused on mentally trying to laser eye Jas that you didn’t notice Daveed sitting next to you and putting hi arm around you.
“Well, aren’t you just the prettiest Elpheba around”, and with that you busted out laughing and you were back to your normal idiot loving self. Something about Daveed always got you laughing and you were always able to be yourself around him. You got up to wash off your face mask and headed over to the bathroom so you could wash it off privately. You had just finished getting the final residue of the lush face mask off your face when you saw Lin standing at the doorway and gave a stated shriek.
“God, you and Daveed need a fucking a bell around you so I know when you guys are about to sneak up on me”. “Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to, I just wanted to..” You cut him off before he could continue to ramble on in his usual cute way, “Lin, it’s ok. Do you need to use the bathroom?” “No, I just, I wanted to say you were really good tonight. I mean you’re like always really good at performing but yeah you were like amazing today. I just wanted to say that and not have like the others tease me for like complimenting you. Um, anyway, I just wanted to say that Phillipa is going to be taking a little break next week so you’ll be filling in for Eliza those day. Yeah, but, you were really good tonight and I know you’ll be great as Eliza”.
“Oh my god, I’M GOING TO BE FILLING FOR ELIZA NEXT WEEK!!! This is the best news I’ve heard since I’ve been cast. Holy crap”. You jump up and down and pull Lin into a hug. In that moment you feel like you’re unstoppable. All of these amazing things were happening in your life and you felt as if you were on a non stop. You pulled away to see Lin smiling as you with a slight blush on his face. His arms were wrapped around you when you heard Daveed creep up behind you guys”.
“Well, I sure hope that I didn’t interrupt anything”. Lin pulled away from you before he started to nervously babble, “No, I was just congratulating Y/N on her debut. I also told her about her playing Eliza, ok well, um yeah good job Y/N, I’m gonna go join the others”.
You watched Lin walk off before you turned to stare at Daveed, “you’re a jerk you know that right”. “Uh, come on wounding your best friend isn’t exactly the nicest thing to do on a night like this is it. Dont think you’re going to get out of explaining this. but we should join the others before they think were doing something less than appropriate”. He said wriggling his eyebrows.
“ Yup, you’re a fucking jerk”.
You walk back to the kitchen with Daveeds arm around you and a smile on your face.
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nightlight-writes · 2 years
Darkness, Electricity, Warmth (Shu Yamino x Reader)
Genre: fluff
Notes: My first fic on this blog! I wrote this bc I got inspired by a blackout that happened in my area recently (and also to sate my desire to be held but you didn’t hear that)
DISCLAIMER: The depictions below concern the character, not the streamer.
After a long day outside, you had finally reached your apartment. Your vision was covered by a thick mist; your ears were focused on the sound of rain pattering on the steps. When you rang the doorbell, you could hear footsteps rushing in your direction. Soon, the door opened, and as your vision cleared you could see a man with jet black hair.
“How was your day, pal?”
You were sharing this apartment with a man named Shu Yamino, mostly as a way of cutting down on living expenses. It was a very modest apartment with very little space, but as long as you had a roof on your head you would be alright. Speaking of Shu, you had never seen him outside the apartment; in fact, you were certain that this was his first contact with fresh air in months. In response to his question, you nodded and walked inside, shaking the rain off your clothes.
There were three rooms: a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. You went to the bathroom to change your clothes. Thankfully, there was a curtain obscuring the shower, so you decided to change there. You changed into a shirt and loose shorts while listening to the sound of rain drizzling outside.
When you went back to the living room, Shu was on the couch playing a game on his laptop, seemingly ignoring the constant stream of cursing coming from his friends. Behind the couch was a bed large enough to just barely hold two people. You sat down on the bed and brought out your phone. While you scrolled through your contacts list, the room suddenly turned dark as thunder and lightning roared outside the window.
You heard the sound of a notification coming from the other side, so you looked at the direction of the couch. There purple flames on Shu’s back illuminated the room, drawing your eyes towards his position. After a few moments, Shu was sitting on the bed. You noted that the glow highlighted his amethyst purple eyes and his large biceps. Suddenly, Shu spoke, bringing your attention to the worried expression on his face.
“Are you okay? You’re awfully quiet. Well, more quiet than you usually are.”
You nodded and told him you were planning to contact someone else before the black out. You almost blurted out who it was, but at the last moment you realized how he would react to your contact’s identity. Shu’s eyes started shining brightly, almost like those of a puppy.
“So who were you gonna call? Can you tell them I said hi when the power comes back?”
Sure, you couldn’t resist the pout on his face, but knowing what he was like even calling the Ghostbusters would be healthier for your pride and dignity. Reluctantly, you handed over your phone, groaning as you did so. A huge grin appeared on the brunette’s face as he looked at the name on the screen. Soon, he burst out into thunderous laughter!
“You were calling your mom?!”
The sound of Shu’s laughter was an everyday occurrence, but no less special. Being caught in snafus like this was slightly annoying, but they also helped you relax when you got back home. In circumstances like these, you absolutely needed that sense of comfort. As soon as the laughter ceased, Shu handed back your phone. After seeing your face go from a pout to a tiny smile, he couldn’t help but smile too.
The two of you were now lying down in bed, looking up at the ceiling. After some time, you closed your eyes, hugging the pillow by your side. But the thunderstorm outside was as loud as ever, making you squirm more than usual. After what seemed like a few hours, you could hear a small ‘good night’.
Warmth suddenly surrounded your body. The sensation was very tight; you swore you could hear one of your bones cracking. The boy next to you then brought you into his chest, making you blush. The sound of his heartbeat soon overpowered that of the weather outside, lulling you into a deep slumber.
After this fateful night, your feelings for him would never be the same.
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idkkikoig · 2 years
Can't Sleep….! Ft. Mammon.
CW: Themes of Insomnia; Slight intrusive thoughts.
Note: I wrote this at nearly three in the morning while I couldn’t sleep, so hopefully the depiction is accurate enough.
No… not again!
I tossed and turned all night hoping to sleep, but it never happened.
I don’t know why I’m like this. Every so often I go through terrible insomnia; Its almost as if I really am afraid of sleeping.
 Ugh… I don’t want to think about that right now.
So, I decide to go dowstairs to the kitchen;
I wonder if Belphegor gets Insomnia…?
I thought about that time he slept peacefully while Leviathan and Mammon were fighting loudly over another anime figure.
Eh, probably not.
Once I made it to the kitchen, I checked the cabinets and empty drawers before making my way to the fridge.
I open the refridgerater door over and over trying to see if something new would appear; but then-
“Hiya, MC!”
When I looked over I was suprised to see Mammon standing under the dim kitchen light.
He said, much quiter than before.
He must have heard me sneak to the kitchen. I tried to be as quiet as possible, but I tripped oved a pile of clothes on the way.
He didn’t get an answer for a while, so instinctively, he started walking towards me.
As he got closer and closer, my heart raced in a panic;
What is he doing up so late? Was he worried about me? A sharp pain formed in my chest.
What if I woke him up?
Or worst of all, what if he found out I had insomnia?
Its not that I’m scared of him, it was the thought of telling him. What if he didn’t get it? Or… what if he thought I was pathetic?
I couldn’t help but flinch when he spoke up again and pulled me away from my thoughts; When I looked up at him this time he was merely inches away.
Whats wrong…?”
Nothing! Mammon, I’m completly fine.
“Then, why are ‘ya cryin’?”
He started to raise his hand and then stopped; when I gave him a small nod he reached up and wiped my tears with his thumb.
“You don’t have to tell me”
My eyes widened in suprise. He was so patient with me. I’m really glad I met him.
Thank you. I whispered.
He yawned. Clearly, I had woken him up, but he came down anyways; to see if I was okay.
I opened my arms for a hug and he pulled me closer.
“I love ya, MC”
After the crying mostly stopped, I snuggled into his robe and started to calm down. I could’ve sworn he even smelled like money.
I smiled and he put his head on top of mine.
We both eventually feel asleep on the kitchen floor–
That is, until Beelzebub came to get a snack. Mammon got hit with the fridge door and complained about his neck the whole day.
I love him.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 years
Purple Converse
Summary: Little disputes lead to love? And maybe a late-night drive helps reel it in altogether.
Fluff, Mutual Pining, Strangers to Lovers au
Word Count: 2,366
Dino [Chan] X Reader [Mentions: Seungkwan]
Not Requested
[A/n: I have had this in my drafts since last year and have been meaning to finish it. Three days before it turns a year old, and it’s done and published :). Also, I wrote this at different times throughout the year, but it generally takes place in October ig?]
Chan never saw someone as stunning as you. When you walked in, it took everything in him to look away. He was doing three double-takes all at the same time. One at his outfit, two at his friends, and three at you. How was he going to survive the night? Well, he is sure not taking this sitting down, he thought to himself. He asks the one person who knows everyone, “Kwan, who’s that?” Seungkwan looks over to where Chan is looking and smirks back at him. “That’s (Y/n). They belong to the co-ed on the other side of town.” Chan nods, “Um,... are they single?” Seungkwan rolls his eyes, “Of course, you’d ask that. And to answer your question, yes, yes they are.” Before Chan has the chance to leave, Seungkwan says, “If I find out you hurt their precious little heart. I'm not talking to you for two months.” Chan smirks over at him, “Doesn’t sound too bad.”
Before Seungkwan can smack him upside the head, Chan moves towards you. He starts thinking of all the ways to start a conversation. When he notices you wearing the same color converse as him, he comes up to your side and says, “Purple Converse hits differently, doesn’t it?” You turn around, and he swears he nearly melts into the floor. You look down at both of yours converse, “It does. It’s nice to see someone else who has good taste in colors and shoes.” He smiles, “Same here. What’s your least favorite brand of shoe?” “Adidas.” “Fair, I’m not a fan of Sketchers.” You gasp, “But Twinkle Toes?!” Chan can’t help but bite back his laugh, and he says, “You have to admit it’s a copy off of our shoes.” You cross your arms over your chest and pout, “Yeah, but Twinkle Toes light up and sparkle!” Chan smirks, “You can’t tell me you wouldn’t buy light up Converse if they came out with them?” You shake your head, “That’s not what I was saying. I was saying that you come into this Fraternity and dare to insult Twinkle Toes.” He shrugs, “I belong to the Fraternity. And I’m sure it’s heard worse. And it was more aimed at Sketchers, but yes, I dislike Twinkle Toes.”
That’s how you and Chan ended up talking on the couch for the rest of the night, moving away from the Twinkle Toes dispute. To different topics to argue about, like what’s the best color, and why is it blue? No, it’s definitely Green! The best texture is velvet. Oh, that fabric makes me want to shrivel up and die, but I guess it’s better than tulle. The worst fabric is tulle; you have me there. The best guitarist? I’d say, Eric Clapton. Any man that proclaims that they are God. Are already ruled out-- And it’s definitely Jimi Hedrix.
Chan started up most of the arguments that night. But it seemed more often than not you were winning. As it grew to be two am in the morning, the two of you called it quits until you saw each other again. Not before you guys exchanged numbers, of course.
Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to meet up in the cafeteria?
Chan <3: Yeah, I can be there in ten!
Which lightbulb is best?
He raced to the cafeteria, throwing on his purple converse and purple cardigan to match. The boys never saw him move so fast, but Seungkwan immediately knew the boy caught feelings.
--[Pov change]--
After grabbing two pumpkin spice lattes from Dunkin, I grab a table for two. I watch over the entrance and wait for him to appear. And when he does, it takes my breath away, ‘was he this good-looking last night? I thought he was beyond cute last night,... But oh,... he’s taking my breath away, omg.’ I wave him over, and he smiles and walks over to the table, and I can’t help but smile back. I tell him, “I wasn’t sure what kind of coffee to get you, so I decided on getting us pumpkin spice for the season and all. Is that okay?” He grins and gives me a nod before he sits down. I smile back at him as he says, “Fluorescent is the best--” I shake my head at him, “Incandescents are--.” He shakes his head back at me, “Fluorescent, not only comes in soft yellow light like incandescent now. But it’s also better for the environment.” My jaw drops, “I did not know they had a soft color! That is cool, but at least an incandescent will keep you warm.” He raises an eyebrow, “And that’s supposed to be a positive? Edison stole his work, you know.”
Chan pats himself on the back and leans back while taking a sip of his latte. He looks me in the eyes and asks, “What’s your favorite color and why?” I go on about (f/c) for a few minutes before turning the question on him. And he tells me, “It used to be blue, but the color purple has been growing on me lately.” I can’t help but laugh and look down to see our shoes matching. He seems to notice it too, and we click them together with a laugh, and I tell him, “I have to agree purple is a pretty good color.” That’s when I ask, “What’s the best food in your opinion?” And that’s how we spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing until the cafeteria closed up.
He offers to walk me home, and I agree, and we talk about various things, like how we miss certain things from home like his grandma’s kimchi. And how much I miss my mom’s cat, we carry on like that until we reach my dormitory. It wasn’t until I was up the steps and in my room that I realized we were holding hands the whole way there. I’m not sure if he noticed it either. At least, if he did, he didn’t mention it. We were so comfortable with each other that skinship just came naturally. And now I’m hyperventilating. I just held his hand?! And I didn’t ask him if he wanted to go on a date with me?! No, because I didn’t pay attention, I was too lost in his eyes and our conversation to think.
Chan <3: Hey!
Hey! :)
Chan <3: Are hotdogs a sandwich?
It’s one piece of bread instead of two so,... no.
Chan <3: But don’t you make open-faced sandwiches with pb & j?
You have me there, but I still stand by what I said.
Chan <3: They are a sandwich. Let’s agree to disagree.
Chan <3: Yes!
Is water wet?
Chan <3: I don’t like that…
--5 minutes later--
Chan <3: I just searched it up, and it says it’s a property of water, and it technically isn’t wet.
Yeah, I don’t like that either…
Chan <3: Goodnight!
Goodnight :)
I’m bored in College Algebra sitting next to Seungkwan when he asks, “So, (Y/n), how’s Chan and you going?” I gasp, “How do you know about that?” “Honey, there isn't a thing I don’t know.” I blush, “I think it’s going pretty well; I really like him, you know.” He nods, “Well, I know for a fact that it is going well. So, when are you guys going to make it official?” I blush and look down at my purple converse, “I also noticed that you two haven’t stopped wearing that pair.” I scratch my neck, “These shoes are just the most comfortable to wear. We uh held hands for the first time last night.” He grins, “Sure, that’s why you both wear them, ALL the time, even when it doesn’t go with the outfit. Because, that’s something you of all people would do, uh-huh. But alas, that’s my favorite couple!” I squint at him, “I thought your favorite couple was Seungche-” “I’ve moved on. I must endorse the most likely to succeed.” I shake my head at him with a smile playing on my face.
Later that evening, Chan texts me to meet him outside my dorm. I rush down, trying hard to conceal the smile plastered on my face. He rolls down the window and waves me over. I wave back and open the door, my excitement clearly showing on my face. “Where are we heading?” He smiles, “For a drive along the coast.” I smile, “Wicked.” He turns on the radio to an oldies station, and I laugh, “I didn’t expect you to like this.” He smiles, “These songs make me want to dance the night away with the love of my life.” I grin, “Yeah,... the love is sweet and sincere.” He nods, and with that, we settle into a comfortable silence letting the music filter through the speakers.
We're two city blocks away when he hits a red light and asks, “What do you wanna listen to?” I smile before I pull out my phone, “Do you mind?” He shakes his head and gestures to his aux cord. I plug in my phone and turn on my late-night drive playlist. He can’t help but smile as the first song comes on, “You like the King of Pop?” I grin at him, “Who wouldn’t?” He smiles brightly over at me, “I like that attitude.” I smile and ask, “Favorite song?” He slows down as he approaches another red, “Billie Jean and you?” “The Way You Make Me Feel,” I tell him, and he asks, “How do I make you feel?” I feel my ears turn red before I tell him honestly, “Giddy inside. I never know what we’re going to talk about next,...” The light turns green, and he waits at the light and turns toward me, and tells me, “I feel the same way.” Before focusing back on the road.
Not too much longer before we come up upon another red light before he looks over and goes, “McDonald’s or Wendy’s?” I scrunch my nose in thought, “While Wendy’s has killer frosties, I’d say McDonald’s is more of a late-night drive type of food.” He smiles, “You have me there.” He pulls into the drive-thru, “What do you want?” I tell him a medium chocolate shake and nuggets would be fine. “Two chocolate milkshakes and a twenty-piece nugget.” He says without a second thought and pulls up to the window. And before I can hand him my card, he already has handed his over to the cashier. When he sees me gawking at him, he winks and goes, “Gotta be quicker next time~.” I roll my eyes, and we wait at the second window. He places the two drinks in the cupholders and hands me the bag of nuggets.
I shove a straw into each milkshake and hand him his at the next red light. After two traffic lights, he parks in front of a turnpike so we can watch the traffic go by, “Do you ever wonder where these people are going? And if you’ll ever see them again?” I nod, “Sometimes, I wonder if the person in the fast lane has to pee or if they have a need for speed?” He laughs, and I smile over at him, “Do you ever see what you think is your friend's car and then end up waving to a complete stranger?” He nods, “It happened to me once when I swore it was Seokmin’s car. And I look over, and I’m waving at a college professor,… It was so awkward walking into that class later that week.” I laugh, and we eat our chicken nuggets and drink our shakes while talking about various things between bites.
He’s driving us back home, and we fall silent as the streetlights flash over the car. And buildings blur past as the speed limit rises, the songs permeating through set a soothing mood. Our arms rest on the middle console, and like before, our hands bump once. And we move away for a moment before we settle back, and they bump again. He stops at the red light, and we exchange a glance before interlocking our hands. And I couldn’t help but feel giddier.
When he goes to drop me off at my dorm, I can’t help but feel a little disappointed that the night has already come to an end. I unclick my seatbelt and look over to see him unbuckling his and opening his door. Before I can even move my hand to open my door, there, he is holding it open for me. I can’t help but giggle behind my hand and step out of his car. He shuts the door behind me and walks with me up to my dorm.
“Well, this is me.” I tell him as we reach my door, and he says, “Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you later!” He smiles and goes to walk back the way he came when I let out, “Wait!” As Seungkwan’s words ring out through my head, ‘So, when are you guys going to make it official?' He turns on his heel to face me, and before I can regret it, I ask, “Would you consider tonight our first date?” He smirks, “Only if there are many more to come.” I grin, “Then, a first date it is.” The two of us grin before he turns back around, and as I unlock my door, he goes, “Wait!” I can’t help but smile, “After our first date, aren’t I supposed to kiss you goodnight?” While looking down at my purple converse, I tell him, “Depends on how you view the steps.” I watch as his matching purple set comes into view, and that's when I feel his breath fan my face as he brings my chin up to look him in the eyes. And instead of kissing me on the lips as I had thought, he kisses my forehead. Leaving me wanting more, I gasp, and he smiles before releasing my chin and skipping away. I shake my head with a big smile on my face, already excited for our next date.
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this-is-spn20 · 3 years
FLUFF ALPHABET! Sam Winchester!
A/N: Here’s Sammy boy! My small adorable baby! Let me know what you guys think about this! 
A ctivities- What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Sam is a pretty laid-back man. When he sees a chance at relaxing with you, he snatches as quickly as possible. Whether it’s just walking or driving around towns, going to the local library (cause God knows the only book they have at the bunker are the Wizard of Oz books, and the men of letters’ books.), to looking up fun recipes to try with you. The man will always keep you occupied!
B eauty- What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Sam likes that despite you being very soft-spoken, you’re nowhere near dumb. You’re also very confident. Of course, you’ll still ask Sam what he thinks if you piece together a somewhat bold outfit. But you might as well call him Bruno Mars cause- well you know.
 I feel like if you are an artist of some sort, he might decide to pick up your art of choice as a hobby for when he has no research or hunts. Maybe if you draw, he’ll buy both of you sketchbooks and pencils. Or if you use a tablet he might buy you a better one. He’ll try doing simple drawings to start off with a tree or two. An eye here and there. He struggling and he’s probably gonna get a bit upset with himself if his skills don’t pick up like yours. But he’s trying really hard! If you like making music, he might ask you to play guitar. He might even ask you to teach him how to sing! But be patient, he can barely carry a tune but he’s so happy to learn! Might take him almost a year to get the hang of it, but once he does, he is an absolute Beast with some strings!
C omfort- How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Sam has anxiety himself so he knows the signs when one is coming on. He’s been around stressful things/people/events all his life. His father was abusive throughout his and Dean’s childhood. When he ran away to go to college, he had to learn to interact with new environments and people. In conclusion, the man KNOWS what anxiety is. And how to handle it. He’ll have you sit down and close your eyes. He won’t touch you just in case it makes you more nervous. He’ll breathe slowly with you, serving as a guide to get your bearings. Once you’ve slowed your breathing he knows you can’t hold anything so he gets you a glass of water with a straw and holds the glass for you. He knows you probably won’t want to eat anything so he just picks you up when you say he can, and brings you to bed, and reads you to sleep while holding you close. 
D reams- How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Sam knows for sure he wants to marry you. He also wants kids with you but the risk of being raised in the life he kept him up at night. Now don’t get him wrong, he knows that whatever happens, family will take care of it. They always do. But he’s not sure if that’s a risk worth taking. He just wants to have the apple pie life. He’d kill every monster with his bare hands just to have that with you. 
E qual- Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Sam is quite dominant in the relationship. He always takes care of everything for you. He doesn't buy into the stereotype that women should be doing everything for their partners. He tries to help you out with everything and he doesn't take no for an answer. You've known for a while that Sam's love language is Acts of Service. All he's done all his life is help people, so it just seeps into the relationship. Sure he believes that a relationship should be a healthy balance of 50\50, but at the same time, he can't help take over and take care of you. This man is just precious. 
F ight- Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Depending on what the fight was about Sam would be pretty open to forgiving you pretty quickly. However sweet Sam can be, if he believes that he has even a pinky toe to stand on in the fight, he’ll stick to it. It’s only when the shouting has gotten too much for you that you walk away that he may see where you’re coming from. Give him a or two. That way you both had time to cool down. You’ll spend the rest of the day talking it through, seeing each other’s perspectives. Even if you guys can’t agree with each other, you’ll know how to better handle the situation next time. 
G ratitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Even though he mostly does mundane things for you, you try to help out as much as he’ll let you. For example, if you noticed that he has a lot of research to do, while he’s sleeping or is on a supply run, you’ll continue his research so that he’ll have more time to relax and let loose a bit more. You think he doesn’t notice but he does, and he appreciates it. It makes him feel like he hasn’t been ‘slacking off’, or that he hasn’t wasted too much time doing other things. Sometimes you’ll even finish the research and he’ll have nothing much to do for a while. Except relaxing with you of course!
H onesty- Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Sam doesn’t have to hide much from you. You’re a damn good hunter. He would even go as far as to say you were better than him and Dean. He knows damn well you can take care of yourself and that you don’t like being babied often. He knows your secrets as well as you know his. It takes a big weight off his shoulders, knowing he doesn’t have to hide who he is with you. 
I nspiration- Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You were always an adventurous and carefree person. You always had a hard time balancing fun and work. Sometimes it got you into trouble. Sam noticed this when you two first met and as your relationship got more serious and tried to help you with the balence. By all means you aren’t magically better, but you’re learning. Sam on the other hand, had the same issue. The work and fun balance is a tricky one to master. You help Sam have more fun, like you he’s getting better at having more fun. But again it’s not going to happen overnight. Oh and you eat a salad of two once a month now!
J ealousy- Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
On the rare occasion the Sam gets extremely jealous, it's usually when someone tries to touch. Regardless of whether you let it happen (for fun) or not, he can’t help himself. He wants you all to himself. No Sharing!!
K iss- Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Sam is a very good kisser. He always kisses you like he hasn’t seen you in years. Most of the time his kisses are very rough but intimate. The first kiss was after four dates. Yes that’s a long time but you wanted to make sure you did this right with Sam. Plus he reassured you that he’d wait as long as you wanted to. You were sitting next to Sam in the Library doing some light research since most of it had gotten done earlier that week. The tension had been building up all week, you were finally ready to kiss Sam. Despite this not being your first kiss, you hadn’t kissed many people so understandably, you were nervous. You reached your arm over his and gently closed his laptop and angled your body toward his. You leaned over to him slowly, creeping your hand to his shoulder and finally your lips connected. Sam’s hand softly grabbed your hand on his shoulder and you both stayed like that until you both needed air. That was one of, if not, the most intimate moment you’ve had with Sam so far.
L ove Confession- How would they confess to their s/o?
Sam would be a bundle of nerves when he tries to confess. He’s tried to do it at least three times but each time he either got too nervous or something would interrupt him. Eventually settled for being simple, yet intimate. He had invited you to come to the library with him to sit and read for a while. It was about an hour and a half of you both being immersed in your own books that he told you he was going to the coffee shop in the bookstore to get a coffee. He got you your favorite drink. He had the barista give him a sharpie before they made your drink, then he wrote his message to you and bought you the drink when the order was done. You could see Sam was shaking and fidgeting but you couldn’t tell why.You figured you’d let him tell you when he’s ready. If only you know. You were only a few sips into your drink when you noticed some writing on the cup. Curious, you read the message which read; 
(Y/n), I have loved you from the best of times to the worst. Would you do the honor of going on a date with me?
You sat up, a bit stunned. You looked at Sam to see him smiling shyly at you. You couldn’t do much but giggle and nod at the giant softie. 
M arriage- Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Marriage is something Sam and you have talked a lot about it. You two know you definitely want to get married but the question was when. You want to do it sooner rather than later. While Sam agrees, he also feels like that it should be a sign of both of you leaving life for good. Sam is a very nostalgic person, which means he’ll most likely recreate him asking you out and your first date. At the end of the night he’d get down on one knee and before he gets to say one word you burst into tears. When he finishes his speech, you of course say yes and the night continues...elsewhere. 
N icknames- What do they call their s/o?
Sugar is used more often than not. Baby and babygirl are pretty prevalent. Honey Bunch is used less but when he does call you that usually puppy dog eyes are shortly behind. 
O n Cloud Nine- What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Sam is in love it’s less obvious to everyone, but if they know Sam, they’ll notice the little things. Things like Sam now has permanent smile lines and his shoulders don’t hold so much tension anymore. If you didn’t come on a hunt with him and Dean he always has Dean stop off to get a bouquet of flowers. Of course he gets shit from Dean but he still does it everytime cause he is a good big brother.
P DA- Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
While Sam will let anyone know that you’re together (if need be), he’s pretty subtle about it. There is the subtle hand on your thigh or around your waist. Maybe a little quick forehead kiss but other than that unless they knew you, someone wouldn’t be able to guess you two are together. 
Q uirk- Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Sam has this really deep, rich, raspy type of voice. That makes him the BEST narrator ever! He often reads you to sleep when you two spend a lazy night in or if you have a nightmare. He’s there with a book you’ve been reading and he reads you a chapter or two before you’re out like a light. 
R omance- How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Sam is the KING of romance. When he plans something for you, he goes all out! When it comes to making you happy, he’ll do whatever it takes. There are almost no limits to his love. He lives by the term “Happy Wife, Happy Life.”. Sam is pretty nostalgic so he’ll be cliche, but he’ll be creative and add his own twist to it! So you could say he’s pretty creative. 
S upport- Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Sam loves learning about your goals and helping you achieve them. If you have 5 different goals, he's all there for you, helping you learn ways to achieve them quicker. If you want to. If you feel like those goals are impossible to reach, he’s there to help you see nothing’s impossible.
T hrill- Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
While Sam likes to have a solid routine, he tries to keep things *spicy* when it comes to your relationship. Whether it's something mundane or outrageous, you and Sam try your best to keep things fun for the both of you. 
U nderstanding- How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
You and Sam know each other so well it's gotten to the point where if you or him need something, you know what’s needed and how much before the other even opened their mouth. When this happens, Dean just kinda stares at the both of you with a “what the actual fuck?’ look. 
Sam: *sees you walking into the kitchen* Hey babe we-
Y/N: We need to get some milk today. You wanna leave at 11?
Sam: *goes back to drinking his coffee* Yep.
Dean: *freaking the fuck out*
V alue- How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Sam knew from the first date that his life would be in your hands. He trusts you with everything he has. What’s your relationship worth to him? More than any diamonds, jewels, or power. Nothing can ever be worth more than you. 
W ild Card-  A random Fluff Headcanon.
Sam took you to an event at a bar one night for a date. The theme that night was ‘50’s and 60’s dance night!’ He bought you a dress that would be worn in that era and he wore his brand new tux he bought, just for tonight. Just for you. Your feet were screaming in your heels but you and Sam were having too much fun to leave the dance floor. When you guys got home that night Sam gave you the BEST foot rub ever. 
X OXO- Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
In private, Sam will smother you with kisses and cuddles. The man can almost never let you go. The poor touch starved baby.
Y earning- How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Sam likes to log in to your Spotify, he knows most likely wherever you are, you’re listening to your music. He likes to listen to your playlists with you. It makes him feel closer to you. 
(He’ll never admit it but you have better taste in music than him.) 
Z eal- Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
It’ll be a close call but if he had to choose to save Dean or you, he’d choose you. It’d break him for a while, but he knows his brother wants him to have the apple pie life with you. And in the end, he’d always do it. No matter how hard it’d be for him and you every time, he wouldn’t change a thing. 
A/N: Thank you guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Requests are always open!
Spread Love!
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
Are you still doing the fluff alphabet? If so, could you do Levi?? Thank you 😘
Absolutely! Fluff alphabet masterlist is here
School may be crashing and burning but at least I’ve got time to write :) lmao
I wrote this at 3 AM and I refuse to edit, so enjoy <3
Fluff Alphabet: Levi
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
I honestly don’t think the activity matters to him. He likes to stay home a lot because it’s easier, and because he feels more comfortable somewhere private. Big fancy dates aren’t super common because he views expensive romantic dinners and such as a cliche that he’s too old and mature for, but if it’s something his s/o would be excited about, he’d be secretly excited to indulge sometimes. He’d also probably enjoy museums and art galleries. But again, for the most part, he just wants to spend time with them, it doesn’t matter where.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Levi’s definitely not an appearance-oriented person. Don’t get me wrong, he thinks his s/o is stunning, and he makes sure they know it. But that’s not what he admires about them, their connection is so much deeper than that. He genuinely sees them for who they are and not what they look like, which is why they’re just so beautiful to him, if that makes sense. 
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He probably panicked the first time he saw his s/o struggling. He’s not the most in tune with his emotions, so he especially doesn’t know how to help others with this kind of thing. But I feel like his protective instincts would kick in and he would actually be really comforting. Most likely, he’d just sit by his s/o’s side silently and make his presence known until they were feeling well enough to talk. At which point he hears them out and offers some advice, of course with the perfect amount of sarcasm and shit jokes to cheer them up a bit. And he’d probably ask them later what they would prefer he do in that situation if it happens again, which of course he would remember in the future.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
This is a point of internal conflict for Levi, for sure. After everything he’s been through, again, he’s become pretty emotionally closed off. He can’t really depend on anything or anyone staying in his life for too long because they never have. So it would really take a while before Levi can really start to picture his future with his s/o. Even then, he would feel a bit guilty for allowing himself to indulge in those dreams. But at the end of the day, he just dreams about some sort of stability with his s/o some day. He doesn’t really care about the details, he just wants to know that they’re going to be together, and that they can develop some kind of routine and stability that he never really had in the past.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It’s definitely equal. Levi shares any decision-making with his s/o, and he’d definitely prefer that they do the same, just because that makes their partnership stronger. Because they are very much a team.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Levi does tend to have a bit of a temper, but it’s not something that he would ever want to bring into his relationship. He doesn’t let either of them fight over something petty just because it’s not worth it. And with a more serious disagreement, he’d try hard to start a genuine discussion about it. Things happen, though, so they obviously get in fights sometimes. Levi can be kind of rude when he gets really frustrated, which is why he tries to avoid it. But he’d never actually say something to hurt his s/o, even when they’re both upset. Usually, even the rare argument calms down enough to be settled rationally.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is so incredibly grateful for his s/o; he sees and appreciates everything they do for him, and he makes sure it’s known. Explicitly saying something like that makes him a bit uncomfortable, so he finds other ways to silently show his gratitude. He makes sure his s/o’s favorite mug is always clean, and he makes them his favorite blend of tea whenever he sees that they’re stressed out. Just little things that he does to make sure they know he’s thinking about them.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
There are pretty much no secrets in the relationship. The past is a little complicated; there are a few stories that Levi probably will never be able to share (or at least, it will take a very long time), and his s/o is more than entitled to keep secrets about their past that they just cannot share. But other than that, it’s an open book. Levi wouldn’t see any reason to lie about most things, unless it’s about keeping his s/o safe, and it would make him really uncomfortable to know that his s/o keeps secrets. Not that there are no boundaries, it’s just that he wouldn’t want to pour his heart out and be vulnerable just to find out that the other person doesn’t trust him as much.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I think Levi’s s/o probably helps him a lot, actually. He’s been emotionally closed off for a long time, and being in a relationship with trust and a deep connection would help him to open up a bit and be more vulnerable. He also just lets himself be a bit happier and more optimistic with his s/o, so his life is just a bit easier in general.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He’d never admit it out loud, but he actually does get pretty jealous. It’s mostly just self esteem issues, not a lack of trust at all. He trusts them more than enough to know that they’re not going to secretly abandon him, so of course he’d never make a big deal out of it (although I think it goes without saying that if someone is hitting on his s/o or something in public and they look remotely uncomfortable, he would go absolutely batshit) But, still, sometimes he can’t help feeling sometimes like he’s not enough for them. He tries to hide it, but it’s pretty obvious that he’s sulking when he’s upset, so his s/o would most likely spot it immediately. And all he would really need is a gentle reminder that he IS enough for them.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Alright I’m conflicted on this one. I’m just gonna say it, his first kiss with his s/o was kind of just not that great. He wouldn’t DARE not ask for proper consent, HOWEVER he ended up asking like three times just to make sure it was alright, which made it a teensy bit awkward. Once he finally gave in, he just gave them the teensiest little kiss and that was it for like two weeks. He’s not really great with physical touch so it takes a while for him to get comfortable. His s/o would probably have to take over from there or else they’d never kiss again, but once he gets comfortable, he does fine.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It’s during something incredibly mundane, probably just a car drive or a regular movie night. He’s going about his day when he realizes he loves them, and he’ll be damned if he’s gonna stew on that knowledge for another two weeks just because he’s too nervous. So in the middle of a movie or just like halfway home from the store, he just blurts out “hey, I love you”. It’s completely by surprise, but it’s not like it’s particularly early or far into the relationship, so it makes sense. From then on, he wouldn’t be the type of person to say it all the time (I mean, come on, his s/o should know by now, it’d just be stupid). But he also wouldn’t hold himself back from saying it when he’s feeling particularly grateful for his s/o one day. And hearing them say it back would definitely make him blush just the slightest bit every time.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Levi would be absolutely terrified to get married. BUT that’s not to say that he wouldn’t want to. It would take some considering, sure, but especially if it’s something he knows his s/o wants, he’s all in. He’d probably propose in a similar way to how he first said he loves them, except at least just a bit more planned out. It wouldn’t be a cliche grand proposal with doves and rose petals and champagne, that would drive him crazy. Most likely, he surprises them with a homemade dinner, sets the table with candles, and hands them the ring. He’d put on a confident face, but he’s panicking for sure. He’s not really a marriage-y person, so he’s not going to be buying those matching couple towels that have like “mr ackerman” and his s/o’s name on them, and he’s most definitely not giving in to those cheesy weird nicknames (”hubby” makes him glare so hard). But he would love the perceived sense of stability, commitment, and routine that go along with marriage.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Just their name, for the most part. Maybe “love” or “sweetheart”, but he always says that most nicknames are just too cliche. I mean, only lovestruck 20 year olds call each other “babe”, and that is most certainly not their relationship. But, honestly he wouldn’t mind if his s/o gave him one of those cheesy names... not that he’d ever let on to that, of course, but if they happen to figure it out one day... he wouldn’t be mad. Mostly he just loves to hear his name in their voice, so they call each other by their names. 
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
The token stoic expression Levi keeps in public isn’t going away just because he’s in love. To an outside eye, absolutely nothing is different. But even in public, his s/o can probably tell. Maybe it’s something about the way his eyes are just slightly warmer, slightly brighter. Maybe it’s because he’s just the slightest bit more willing to talk and hold a conversation when they’re by his side. But when they’re alone, he finally lets down that stone expression, and he’s like a whole different person. It doesn’t happen often, but on days where he’s just absolutely lovestruck, he walks around his house smiling, holding his s/o’s hand, maybe even curling up on the sofa together to nap. On those days, he just kind of lets himself be happy. 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Levi’s definitely not a fan of PDA. The relationship isn’t a secret by any means, but he’s also not broadcasting it for the entire world to see. The people close to him know, and that’s plenty. He doesn’t like PDA partly because it’s too vulnerable, but also just because it’s kind of gross and unnecessary to him.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
This man has the best memory of anyone you’ll ever meet. It’s honestly a bit unsettling, but he remembers everything his s/o says, and he’ll find a way to bring it up like months later. Sometimes it’s as simple as remembering their favorite food and bringing it to them when they’re stressed out. But it could even be so crazy as them saying in a random conversation in July that they hate when mashed potatoes aren’t totally mashed, and boom, at Thanksgiving that year, they find him mashing the potatoes a little extra just to make sure. (Don’t ask how I came up with that example, my brain is weird.) His mind is a steel trap, and he uses it to his advantage.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Cliche romance irritates him so much, he avoids it at all costs, so he’s mostly creative in that sense. He has an eye for picking out ways to make his s/o happy, and even though he doesn’t consider himself particularly romantic, he actually really is.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Absolutely! Levi wants nothing more than to help his s/o achieve whatever they’re working towards, and he’s completely supportive. Anything he can do, any help or emotional support he can offer them, he’s more than willing. 
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I don’t think he’s AGAINST trying new things, but he really just prefers a routine. Again, it makes him happy to have that connection of stability with his s/o, and he feels so much more comfortable knowing he can depend on that.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He’s very empathetic. He might struggle sometimes with understanding, just because it’s not very likely that he and his s/o have had similar experiences in life, but he knows them like the back of his hand. What he lacks in immediate understanding, he makes up for in conversations about any issues and an ability to read their expressions really really well.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Honestly, if Levi is in a long term relationship with someone, they’re one of the most important parts of his life. He doesn’t make superficial connections, and he especially doesn’t open up to people he doesn’t care deeply about, so it’s safe to say that he values his s/o greatly. 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He buys his s/o flowers once a week. It’s just a little tradition that makes him happy, and he likes seeing that it makes his s/o happy, so he’s kept it going. If they don’t like flowers, then maybe it’s a little trinket they collect, or a cookie from their favorite bakery. But regardless, he hasn’t missed a week since they’ve been together, it’s really important to him.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He’s not necessarily an overly affectionate person. There are occasional days where it really just hits him how lucky he is, and he just wants to hold his s/o for a while and not go do anything that day. But for the most part, he’s not clingy in any means, and his s/o would have to initiate most cuddling. He’ll let them know if he’s really not in the mood, but he usually doesn’t mind (because let’s face it he’s a teensy bit touch starved). But yeah, he shows his affection in different ways for the most part.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
It’s not really an issue for him. He’s always been an independent person, so even after he lets himself trust that his s/o isn’t leaving him, he’s not going to be that level of dependent on their presence. He probably would have to fill up his schedule a bit more, though, just so he didn’t have too much down time to get all sad and miss them. He’d also probably clean everything in his sight to calm down until they return.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s zealous for sure, he isn’t about to let go of a relationship that means this much to him just because he wasn’t willing to put in the work. He’d do as much as he could to make it work. 
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lilacandladybugs · 3 years
Winnie the Pooh Rendition: Tommy and Tubbo go Mining and Nearly Capture a Tyrant
In the depths of Pogtopia, inside the pristinely decorated ravine, there was a singular patch of dirt Wilbur had gotten from an Enderman and placed underground. This singular grass block was his thinking spot. Whenever he was Feeling Things he always went to his thinking spot, to mull them over, and make sure all of the thoughts were quite thoroughly thought about.
Wilbur knew that this was an entirely reasonable thing to do, despite Technoblade’s claim that he was “simply sulking,” and “needed to go outside and touch some Real grass.”
“Nobody can help me,” Wilbur said to himself out loud, as he picked some grass and folded it over to see if he could make a whistle out of it. As it turns out, he could not.
“I am simply Miserable and Sad.”
He discarded the blades of grass, “Pathetic. Nothing means anything.”
After tossing the grass to the side there was a crash from around the corner, and Tommy came out with Tubbo trailing behind him.
“Hallo Wilbur!” said Tubbo and Tommy.
“Hallo Tubbo, hallo Tommy,” Wilbur replied, as gloomily as he could muster.
Tommy crossed his arms at Wilbur who was sitting on his grass block, “What has happened today?”
“Oh nothing in particular,” Wilbur said bitingly, “only there is a Tyrant in L’Manburg.”
“A Tyrant?” Tubbo said and he crossed his arms as well so he and Tommy were matching.
“Yes, just that, a Tyrant,” Wilbur responded.
Tubbo did not think that cleared anything up, but he figured Wilbur was not in a very explaining mood, so he kept his questions about Tyrants to himself.
Tommy however, was already scheming. “Well have a good day Wilbur!” he said.
“Is it?” Wilbur responded.
“A good day?”
“Oh, it will be,” Tommy said. This would have been a concerning response to Wilbur, but he simply didn’t have the energy, and so Tommy and Tubbo were allowed to hurry out of Pogtopia completely unhindered.
Once they were outside and Tommy was confidently walking away from Pogtopia, Tubbo hurried to catch up to him. “What’s the plan?”
“Well, you see, there is one thing that we haven’t tried yet.”
“And what’s that,” Tubbo asked, always open to any untried ideas.
“You’re on my side, aren’t you?”
“Of course.”
“Well then,” Tommy pulled out his pickaxe, “I’ve already started building a huge hole, you see, and I’m going to make it because I think it will intimidate everyone. And then I’m going to use the resources from that to make a huge tower, and then that will also intimidate everyone.”
Tubbo squinted trying to remember the word Wilbur had used, “Even Tyrants?”
“Yes,” said Tommy confidently, “especially them. In fact this huge hole will attract Tyrants. We shall make it a very Cunning Trap.”
“Have you ever seen a Tyrant before Tommy?”
“Yes I have,” said Tommy, wondering what exactly a Tyrant was like, “actually I have seen many of them. That’s why I know that this Cunning Trap would work so well.”
“Where is the hole?” Tubbo asked.
“Reasonable question, reasonable question. It is right outside of L’Manburg, which should be perfect for trapping Tyrants.”
“But Tommy,” Tubbo said, “Why would a Tyrant get trapped in a hole?”
Tommy and Tubbo sat down for a second on a few logs to think it out.
Tommy’s first idea was that they put some diamond blocks at the bottom of the hole so that any Tyrants passing by would be tricked into falling inside, and then they could-
“Who’s diamonds would we use?” Tubbo asked, already feeling the ender chest in his inventory getting lighter.
Tommy also was thinking of his ender chest and said very quickly, “Well, never mind that idea then.”
Then Tommy suggested that they could put a sign by the hole that said, GET IN THE HOLE, because then the Tyrant would be so intimidated by the Huge Tower and Huge Hole and they would simply get inside out of intimidation.
“Would you get in a Huge Hole because a sign told you Tommy?” Tubbo asked reasonably.
“Well no,” said Tommy, “But you see, I am not easily intimidated. But you see, it’s going to go straight to bedrock, and Tyrants are notorious for being easily frightened, so I am sure they will simply get in the hole when they are told by a sign.”
This was a reasonable enough explanation to satisfy Tubbo, and so with the plan in mind, and shovels in hand, they headed over to L’Manburg.
Digging the hole took them a whole six hours, which was longer than Tommy had spent doing anything in quite a while. The entire time he and Tubbo chatted about how they had been doing, since Tubbo was gone so often with important spy affairs, as well as how Wilbur had been doing. Tommy informed Tubbo, as they got closer to bedrock and he got more tired, of how Wilbur recommended not digging holes, as it would make you out of breath, and how it often made one sore, and generally upset later on in life.
But despite the exhaustion of digging such a huge hole, the two of them finally finished, wrote the sign in all capital letters, and headed back to Pogtopia together.
“Well, goodnight Tubbo,” Tommy said, “I will meet you at L’Manburg at six o’clock tomorrow morning, and then we can see how many Tyrants we’ve caught in our trap.”
“Six o’clock, Tommy. And have you got any string?”
Tommy checked his pockets, “No, I haven’t killed any spiders today. Why?”
“To help lead the Tyrant home.”
“Oh,” said Tommy, “Well I think that Tyrants are really more for trapping and then keeping them trapped, so you can look at them sometimes. They’re not really for bringing inside.”
“Oh,” said Tubbo, once again thoroughly confused. “Are they dangerous?”
Tommy scowled, thinking about what Wilbur had said, “Not at all! Goodnight Tubbo!”
“Oh. Well goodnight then Tommy!”
Tommy woke up the next morning with his brain full of the word Tyrants. He could not for the life of him shake the question that Tubbo had posed last night about whether or not they were dangerous. Were they large? Did they have teeth? Maybe they could climb out of holes, like spiders could, and then he could get bitten, or eaten.
Most importantly, were they only for looking at, or were they for keeping?
And even more importantly, were they easily intimidated by huge holes?
As he walked out of his small dirt room into the hallway, he caught sight of a tall dark figure in the corner of his room. His heart pounding, and praying that Tyrants are not vengeful, he pulled out a torch and held it up to the figure. It was his old red balloon.
“On second thought, I believe that it would be best for Tubbo and I to walk to L’Manburg together. After all, Tubbo is very bad at directions, and needs someone like me to help direct him there. I always know where I am, so I can help him.”
When he walked outside his door, Tubbo was already there.
“Hallo, Tommy,” Tubbo said, “I thought that it would be better for us to walk together.”
“Yes of course,” said Tommy, “I am better at not getting lost.”
So they headed back to L’Manburg, as stealthily as they could, creeping over twigs and branches, and hopping across stones in creeks.
At first, Tommy was hesitant to go up to the edge of the huge hole, as it looked quite eerie in between the oak trees in the sunlight of the early morning. But then he remembered that he was with Tubbo, and he couldn’t let anyone think that he was easily intimidated. Intimidation was for everyone else, but it was certainly not for Tommy.
So instead, thinking confidently that he would get to see a Tyrant for the first time ever, Tommy crept up to the edge of the huge hole, and peered down inside.
“Oh,” said Tommy, feeling both relieved and disappointed at the same time, “I have been very foolish again, haven’t I?”
“No,” said Tubbo, looking into their empty hole, “You’ve done a good job.”
“Well what can we do for Wilbur? There is a Tyrant in L’Manburg and he is Moping about it.”
They sat down again on a couple of logs to ponder their options. This time, Tubbo was the first one to have an idea.
“I have a sort of idea,” Tubbo said, “though I don’t suppose it is a good one.”
“I don’t suppose it is either.”
“Hey!” Tubbo said, and they both laughed, feeling better already. “Well I was thinking that we could use my silk touch pickaxe and give Wilbur some more grass blocks to sit on.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea,” said Tommy. He thought a little bit about whether there was anything that he could give to Wilbur. He thought to himself and thought, and rubbed his forehead quite hard. He thought about his little dirt house, and his three furnaces, and his oak doors. Then he remembered waking up that morning and being frightened by the balloon in his window.
“I know what I can bring him!”
“Then let’s meet him there,” said Tubbo.
“At twelve o’clock?”
“Twelve o’clock.”
Tommy collected the balloon from his dirt hut and immediately headed back to Pogtopia with it, going maybe a little too fast for his own good. He just knew that Wilbur would be happy to have a bright red balloon inside of Pogtopia, it was so dark and damp down there. And grass blocks would also help him to feel more like he was outside.
Tubbo and Tommy approached Wilbur slowly, as he was still lying on his grass block Thinking about Things. “Hallo Wilbur!” Tommy said. Willbur sat up to look at them.
“Hello Tommy, is it somebody’s birthday?” he asked, looking at the balloon.
“No, we’ve just come to give you something that might make it easier to not Think about Things anymore.” He handed Wilbur the balloon. “You see, it is a good red balloon.”
“Oh,” said Wilbur, “that’s my favorite color of balloon actually.” He stood up, “In fact, I think this balloon would go very well with my Pogtopia interior design.”
“I got you something too Wilbur,” Tubbo said, and handed Wilbur a stack of grass blocks. When Wilbur saw the grass blocks, he said, “This is perfect for my thinking place! Now maybe Technoblade won’t say I need to go and touch Real grass anymore!”
“Well, I think you should probably still go and touch other grass-”
But Wilbur didn’t hear them, as he was placing grass blocks over and over all over Pogtopia, with his red balloon trailing along behind him.
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transformerfan97 · 3 years
I have no idea where this came from? But uhhhh...here have this fic I wrote today on my day off. Should I post a second chapter?
Anyway, sorry for any/all mistakes! Hope you all enjoy! Sorry I posted it on my phone so I couldn't add the "read more" thing!
This is the time that I've just made up for them. I know it's not 100% right but whatever. I got it from TFwiki at least:
Nano-klik: Seconds 
Klik: Minutes 
Groon: Hours 
Cycle: Days
Breem: Weeks
Orn: Months
Vorn: 1 year
Joor: 5 years
Deca cycle: 10 years 
Mega cycle: 50 years
Solar cycle: 100 years 
Stellar cycle: 1,000 years 
"So when were you two gonna tell me about this?"
Prowl and Smokescreen looked up from their respective tables towards the door of the rec room. In it stood a very rare sight; a pissed off Bluestreak. His arms were crossed, doorwings held high in agitation, and face scowling. Two more very rare things followed this, Prowl bit his lip and looked to his elder brother and Smokescreen sighed then stood up to be the mature one. 
The rec room went dead silent to watch the trio. Everyone knew the three were brother's, and fights weren't uncommon. However, when a fight broke out it was usually between Smokescreen and Prowl with Bluestreak coming between them. To see Bluestreak mad at one was rare. If he was, he'd usually ask to speak with said brother privately, and sometimes he'd ask the other to join. To see him this mad, and at both, enough to approach them in a public setting? Something big happened.
"When was I supposed to find out? Next time we see him? Or when he's dropping off his new sparkling? Or when the bot is dropping off a sparkling to us? Or, or, in a few hundred or thousand solar cycles when we run into a bot that looks just like us?!" Bluestreak growled. "Because you know that's how it'll happen!"
"Bluestreak!" Smokescreen yelled, "he's on his way to visit, and the bot is comin' with him."
Bluestreak's optics went wide at this, "Wh-what-? How do you know?"
"Because he told me."
"Oh of course he did." Prowl growled. 
Smokescreen rolled his optics and turned towards his middle brother. "He wanted it ta be a surprise for you two, and me. I didn' know the bot was comin' with until Jazz showed me the flight list." 
Bluestreak glared and Prowl rolled his optics. Smokescreen just threw his hands in the air and huffed. 
"Doesn't explain why you didn't tell me about the bot." 
"Because we knew you'd react exactly like this Bluestreak." Prowl waved a servo towards him, "cause a public scene, bring our family's personal business into the light, and throw a temper tantrum." Prowl scoffed at his little brother.
Bluestreak's optic twitched and he snarled, "you wanna see a temper tantrum Prowl?" He aimed his shoulder canon at his elder brother and growled, "I'll give you a fragging temper tantrum!"
Prowl's optics went wide at this. Red Alert, First Aid and Perceptor quickly jumped up and away from the table. 
"Bluestreak don't you-" before Prowl could finish Bluestreak fired a shot at his brother. Smokescreen grabbed the bot and pulled him out of the way before it could hit him. When Prowl looked back at his chair his optic twitched when he saw it sparking from the static shock his brother shot at him. He turned back to scream at said brother, but was punched in the mouth. Smokescreen grabbed Bluestreak's shoulders and pulled him back. Bluestreak struggled for a minute before he slammed his helm back against Smokescreen's chin. Smokescreen lost his balance and stumbled. Before he could catch his balance Bluestreak tackled him to the ground. 
"You- punch- two- punch- never- punch- tell- punch- me- punch- ANYTHING!" Bluestreak screamed in Praxian as he repeatedly punched Smokescreen's face and chassis. 
Prowl tackled his younger brother and held his arms down and pinned his legs with his knees. He glared at the struggling bot below him until Bluestreak finally stopped and laid flat to glare back. 
"You realize I could, and should, throw you in the brig and take your SpecOps title away for this? For unprovokingly attacking a commanding officer? And not just any, the-"
"The second in command of the Autobots." Bluestreak mocked. "S'not like anybot actually likes you or wants you to lead if something happens to Optimus Prime! For frags sake, he made you his second because if he didn't you'd whine and probably never have come. Not like you know the first thing about leading anyway." A smirk crossed Bluestreak's face suddenly, "besides you only raised through Praxian ranks, to get where you are now, because you're so good at sucking spike and spreading your legs."
Prowl went stiff at that. There were a lot of rumors as to how he so quickly rose through the ranks. The most popular one being he slept his way to the top. He could, and did, ignore most of them, but that one he hated the most. 
"You damn well know that isn't true." Prowl hissed. 
"That's why you're so good at being in this position, right?" Bluestreak hissed back. 
Prowl looked down and noticed what Bluestreak meant. Granted he was pinning his brother down so he couldn't move, it did look very sexual. 
"And with your own brother? That's fragging gross Prowl. Have some self respect." Bluestreak mocked. 
Prowl sat back on his knees and stared down at his brother with a blank look. He felt a servo on his shoulder and immediately recognized it as Smokescreen's. When he looked up at his older brother and saw the energon dripping from his nose and cracked optic he twitched. He inhaled to calm himself down and that's when he realized his own energon was dripping from his mouth. Raising a servo he felt it and when he pulled it away he was shocked at how much there was. Shrugging he looked down at Bluestreak and sighed. "Fraggit." Prowl pulled his arm back and punched Bluestreak right in the face three times. When he pulled back to deliver a fourth blow he was tackled to the floor. Looking up he wasn't all that shocked to see Jazz on top of him. What did shock him was when he felt the stasis cuffs put on him and himself being lifted and pushed out the door, followed by Smokescreen with Ironhide and Bluestreak with Red Alert. 
"I...I don't know what to say." Optimus said sadly as he looked at the three bots in front of him. "This kind of thing is expected of Red Alert, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, but even they don't shoot and attack one another."
"There are two accounts of Sideswipe putting Red Alert in the medbay, three of Sunstreaker putting Red Alert there, three of Red Alert putting Sideswipe there, four of Red Alert putting Sunstreaker there, and over ten of them all ending up there together because of fights." Prowl said, a slight annoyance to his voice. 
Red Alert went stiff at this. Prowl has access to a lot of information, especially as second in command, but even he shouldn't know medical information on bots. Unless it's critical of course. 
"Rung and Ratchet have told the three of us if we can't talk it out then to sort out our issues physically. Multiple times. Not that that's your business." Red Alert replied dryly. "How you even know our medical information is beyond me, and a breach of security and Autobot privacy."
"I'm second in command. Nothing is a breach for me." Prowl mumbled, his back to Red Alert. 
"I'm the head of security and security director. I know more than any bot what they should know and who should know what, and as second you do not have access to private medical records of other Autobots. Only Ratchet, Rung, First Aid, Swoop, Ambulon and Pharma have access. As well as Optimus Prime, only if he requires specific information for a valid reason. In fact a Conjunx can't access the other bots' medical records unless given permission." 
Prowl huffed and kept his back to Red Alert. Optimus watched his second and security director for a moment before sighing and leaning against the front of his desk. 
"Prowl, Red Alert is right. You have no right to that information. How did you acquire it?"
"This is really what we're focusing on? Not Bluestreak attacking Smokescreen and I? As well as making accusations against me?"
"What accusations?" Optimus asked, looking at Bluestreak. 
Bluestreak sat up straight when Optimus addressed him, but glanced at his brother and glared, "I didn't accuse Prowl of anything."
"There were plenty of Autobots in the rec room Bluestreak. You can't lie your way out of this one." Prowl growled at his brother. 
"Prowl, you an' Blue were speakin' Praxian. None of us had any idea what you were sayin'." Ironhide said, crossing his arms. 
"We were what?" Prowl asked. 
"Speakin'- bot are ya deaf?" Ironhide growled. 
"Ironhide please." Optimus raised a servo and Ironhide rolled his optics. "Smokescreen can you please tell us what Bluestreak and Prowl were saying?"
Smokescreen stared at him for a moment then blinked, "ummm...Blue knocked me out. I came round and saw Prowl on top of him on his knees." 
"So, no one understood what Prowl or Bluestreak were saying?" Optimus asked the other three. 
"I sorta caught a lil ov it, but ah was tryin' ta help Smokescreen." Jazz rubbed the back of his helm. 
"Can you tell us what you heard please Jazz?" Optimus asked. 
"You speak Praxian?" Smokescreen, Prowl, and Bluestreak all asked. 
Jazz smiled at the three, "jus' enough ta get by. Anyway, all ah really caught was Smokescreen and Prowl neva tellin' Bluestreak anythin'. Tha's when Bluestreak was hittin' Smokescreen. Then when Prowl jumped on Bluestreak ah rushed ta Smokescreen ta make sure he was okay, an' he was in stasis. All ah heard from there was Prowl threatenin' Bluestreak with strippin' his title, Bluestreak sayin' somethin' 'bout you an' Prowl and Prowl being second. Somethin' not being true an' tha' was it." 
Optimus nodded at his third then looked at the three bots. He had a feeling he could fill in what Bluestreak had said to Prowl. He exvented and shook his helm. The three weren't known for fighting, not like Red Alert and the twins, but even those three kept their more violent fights away from prying optics. What could've possibly happened to set this off? Especially to have provoked Bluestreak, of all bots, to attack his elder brothers? Two bots he looked up to and respected so much.
"What brought this on?"
"Prowl accusing Bluestreak of throwing temper tantrums is what really started it." Red Alert said. 
Prowl glared at Red Alert for that. 
"No, I mean, Bluestreak, why did you attack your brothers to begin with? What did they do to hurt you so deeply you felt the need to do this instead of communicating with them, or perhaps coming to Ratchet, Rung, Wheeljack or myself?"
"These two didn't tell me something about our family. That I had every right to know!" 
Smokescreen sighed and Prowl rolled his optics. 
"If you don't mind my asking, and if need be Jazz, Ironhide, and Red Alert can leave and we can call Rung in here, what is it?"
Smokescreen looked at the ceiling, Prowl stared dead ahead and Bluestreak crossed his arms. Optimus looked up at the three bots and went to ask them to leave, but before he could, Bluestreak said something in Praxian. Prowl replied in a hiss and Smokescreen mumbled an annoyed comment back. 
When Jazz suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter all the bots turned towards him. The three brothers with annoyed optics and the others with confused. 
"Th-thats why you three did tha'?" Jazz tried to control his laughing, but he couldn't. 
"Truly a professional Jazz." Prowl rolled his optics and turned back towards Optimus. 
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, but you'd do it too I bet...well...maybe not you...probably Bumblebee though…" Bluestreak mumbled. 
"In hindsight, it's pretty fragging funny. I'm with Jazz." Smokescreen said, sitting back. 
"So...what is it?" Optimus asked, immensely confused now. 
"Our Sire has a new mate." The three said in unison. 
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wonderwhump · 3 years
Too much blood
I wrote a little whumpy SEAL TEAM story for Febuwhump 2022 (@febuwhump ) day 1 - head wound. Hope you enjoy it!
Brock felt something impact with the back of his head. Hard. His head, and with it his whole body, flew forward and stars exploded in front of his eyes. His legs buckled and he was too dazed, or maybe just too surprised by what the hell was going on here, to put his arms in front of his body to catch his fall. Painfully he faceplanted on the sidewalk. He heard his nose crack and break, blood pouring over his face. The coppery taste of blood was in his mouth. He felt lightheaded and saw black dots around the edge of his vision. Brock blinked several times to try and get rid of the blurry vision and clear his head a little. He wasn’t entirely successful with it and had a hard time focusing, when a heavy boot kicked him in the ribs. Pain exploded in his chest and he gasped for air. Once, twice, panicking slightly. He folded up on himself, lying on his side, one arm up to protect his head, one arm around his middle, curled in fetal position.
“Grab his wallet, Joe. And his phone or whatever that dude has on him.”
Ah, so that’s what this was about. A mugging.
“Wallet ‘n’ phone are in my jeans pockets. Just take ‘em ‘n’ piss off!” Brock slurred. He looked up at them. Two, no, tree guys, twenties, white, smirking. They had a baseball bat.
“Awww, look at him, trying to be cocky. You one of those SEALs, boy? Well, you’re not so big and brave now, are you!” one of the guys sneered and kicked him in his back. The pain shot through his body like fire and Brock arched his back, panting. The guy with blond hair rummaged through Brocks pockets for any objects of value he might find.
“Only a wallet. Let’s take it and go, Tony,” he said nervously.
But apparently Tony had other plans, he didn’t just want to take Brock’s money and phone, he wanted to play with him – hurt him.
Brocks Vision started to tunnel again. But he wouldn’t go down without a fight. So, still lying on the sidewalk, he grabbed the legs of the guy closest to him - wallet-guy - and yanked. The man lost his balance and crashed down hard on his right side next to Brock.
Brock tried to scramble up, but was brought back down to the ground once more buy a kick to the stomach that made him groan.
“You wanna fight, SEAL boy?” Tony shouted and some more kicks and punches from the three muggers rained down on Brock. Head, back, leg, ribs…
His head started to feel all mushy and dull.
“Maybe I should have just stayed home tonight, instead of going out for drinks with the team,” he thought. “Drinking is bad for your health anyway.” And for a second, he found that thought so funny that he chuckled quietly.
“What’s so funny, SEAL boy? Hm?” Tony screamed at him.
Brock came up on his elbows, all dizzy, and vomited pinpoint on Tony’s boots.
Then everything went black.
“Oh no, Brock forgot his phone here!” Trent discerned back inside the bar, where he was still sitting with Clay, Sonny and Lisa. Brock had just left, earlier than the others, to check on Cerberus at home. “He’d forget his own stupid head if it wasn’t screwed on,” Sonny joked.
“I’ll go and see if I can still catch him. Blackburn will kill him if he doesn’t show up for a possible mission briefing in time just because he’s a scatterbrain.” With that Trent jumped up from the bar stool and paced for the door of the bar. It was dark outside, but he still spotted Brocks truck a bit down to road, right away.
“Brock? Hey, brother, you forgot your phone,” he shouted while waving the phone in his hand. But Brock wasn’t sitting in his car. He also wasn’t standing beside it. Trent went around the truck towards the trunk and almost stumbled over something that way lying on the ground there.
He looked down and saw that it actually wasn’t something on the ground, but somebody. Brock. His best friend lay there in a bloody heap. Clearly unconscious.
His stomach clenched and adrenalin rushed through him when he looked over his friends crumpled form. Trent had no idea what had happened here and at the moment it was irrelevant anyway. Medic mode kicked in and he knew he had to assess and treat Brocks injuries as soon as possible. He crouched down next to his younger brother and softly spoke to him. “Hey Brock, you with me, brother?” Slightly patting his cheeks, then rubbing his sternum.” Open your eyes for me, ok?” A small, painful groan from Brock. “Hey Brock, you have to stay awake for me now!” Brock half opened his eyes. “Tr’nt…? Sick!” With a painful heave Brock retched and puked water and bile.
“Oh Jesus, Brock. What happened to you?”
Trent started checking Brocks head first, that’s where he saw the most blood. His nose was clearly broken, there was blood all over his face, the nose was swollen and the bruising under his eyes had already started to form. But that wasn’t what worried Trent. It was the pool of blood on the street under Brocks head that made his heart sink. Carefully he checked and found a big gash on the back of Brock’s head. Head wound. Concussion. That would explain the vomiting. But it also could be something worse, head trauma, fractured skull… Brock needed a hospital ASAP.
At that moment Trent saw Clay coming out of the door of the bar. When he spotted Trent crouching next to Brock’s truck he started to run towards them.
“Clay, call 911. Now! Brock is down. He’s lost a lot of blood. Head wound and possible head trauma!”
“Fuck! I’m on it!”
Trent would have liked to cradle his friends head on his lap until the ambulance was here. But he didn’t dare move him because of possible spinal injury. So, he just took his jacket off, carefully placed it under Brock’s head to hopefully stop or at least reduce the bleeding… And then sat there on the ground, next to his friend, and stroked the young man’s hair. The hair that was sticky with blood. Too much blood.
“I got you.” He repeated over and over again. “You’re going to be ok. You’re going to be ok.”
“Copy that.” Brock mumbled, hardly audible and gave a week smile before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out.
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