#and I'm still not allowed to work since I'm not allowed to put weight on it for a week
about time I realized how important I am and treated myself to the shiny rainbow checkmarks
... tho I forgot that you only get two, and somehow expected the entire rainbow
important, but not necessarily smart XD
anyways I'm plugging along trying to get some stuff done! Scrivener recently updated and threw a wrench in my plans... I prefer to write there, then paste things into a LibreOffice document to preserve the formatting before I post text anywhere, but, well, with the latest update, it won't save the formatting when pasting it from Scrivener to LibreOffice. and I've tried it with WordPad which should preserve editing as well, and apparently the Scrivener update was a major overhaul of the code, so something done got fucked and it's a problem with Scrivener :/
sucks since I paid money for Scrivener and genuinely enjoy using it and I feel it makes me a better writer, but I'll keep checking periodically to see if the issue is fixed, and just write in LibreOffice in the meantime
I wanna get at least 10 things done to toss in the queue so that it's at least a little full to start with and doesn't immediately get empty for days whilst I work, and I think I've got... 7 new things done at the moment?
so hopefully y'all will see some content from me soon! love u all lots <3
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multific · 4 months
In Sickness and In Health
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Paul Atreides x Reader
Summary: Paul fears leaving you while you are sick.
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Paul hated to leave you alone, especially since you haven't been feeling so well lately.
Paul knew he needed to go with his father, but he didn't want to.
"I will take care of her." his mother tried her best to reassure him, but Paul was worried.
The love of his life, his beautiful wife has been forced to bedrest for the last few days.
The doctors examined you and determined that you had a simple illness.
A simple one, yet you suffered greatly because of it.
You had a high fever, you could barely eat and sleep was a difficult task.
You were separated from Paul the second day of your illness, now, he was only allowed to visit you.
He was kind enough to bring you books or read you some of his own.
"You must go, Paul, your father expects you to."
"I do not care. I don't wish to leave you alone."
"I understand, but I will be fine, I do feel better already, so please, don't worry too much."
"My mother said she will visit you often," he said as his grip tightened around the book he was reading to you. "I still don't want to leave you." he promised to be by your side, in sickness and in health.
"I will be fine." you said with a smile. Your smile made him believe that it might be all fine after all.
Yet, his worry never left him.
The next day, he left with his father.
Lady Jessica kept her promise and visited as often as she could.
You even started conversations with her. And she did enjoy talking about Paul when he was young.
Then, she even mentioned her marriage, and how she wished you and Paul wouldn't have to face the same or similar difficulties.
The week soon passed, and you were much better as you awaited Paul's return.
And soon enough, you were told that he was landing.
You rushed over, by the time you got there Paul was already off the ship, making his way to you.
"Paul!" you smiled as you slowly jogged over to him, he fully started running.
You opened your arms and wrapped them around him as he lifted you off the ground. You giggled into his ear.
"I'm so happy to see you." he said. "You look so much better."
"Your mother gave me a special tea, it truly helped," you said as he finally put you down on the ground and kissed you.
"I missed you so much." he said and you laughed a little.
"I missed you, Paul."
Paul never felt so relieved in his entire life. He was worried about coming back, so when he saw you, full of life and smiles, running over to him, the weight from his shoulders just disappeared.
All his worries left his body in a matter of seconds.
He held onto you tight and strong, afraid to let you leave his sight as he watched your face, full of life, your eyes, filled with love as you looked at him.
Not even in his best dreams did he ever imagine coming back home and finding you like this.
He was forever grateful for his mother for healing you.
He made a vow to never leave your side ever again, and it is a promise Paul intends to keep for the rest of his life.
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Taglist: @castellandiangelo @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @brascaris @il0vebeingdelulu @deliciousfestsalad @groovyqueer
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hellenhighwater · 4 months
Mildly weird question for story research purposes: when your cats ride on your shoulder, what does it feel like for you?
Context: My main character has a cat who likes to ride around on her shoulder, and since it's a thing that happens frequently, I'm trying to make sure I write about it well. And, unfortunately, I do not have a cat to even attempt to test it with, so I'm going to the one person I KNOW has experience with this situation.
Specific things that would be helpful to know:
Do you have to be careful not to upset their balance, or can you more or less walk normally once they're up there?
How are they keeping themselves up there? Are there claws involved? Or just good balance?
Where's most of their weight? I looked back at some pictures/vids, and it looks like they typically ride with their front paws on the shoulder and their back paws somewhere a bit below and beside your neck, but I could be wrong.
How long can they stay on your shoulder before one of you has to take a break? Is the weight of the cat tiring, or is it pretty easy to deal with?
Anything else I should be aware of regarding shoulder cats?
Thank you SO MUCH for your help!
Oh, I can definitely answer that! One: It's waaay easier to shoulder a small cat than a big one.
For the most part, they kind of drape themselves over the shoulder; this is specifically what I've trained them to do. Cats will also "shoulder" by draping across both shoulders/back of neck, but this forces your head forward to allow room for them, and it's not comfy. Hence the trained posture. (Malice, in the early days:)
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I taught Mal to jump up when I bent forward for her, and circle to face front while I stood up. She can actually do that pretty quickly. Their weight is pretty evenly distributed across the top of the shoulder and down on the pectoral, not really on the back at all. Mal sometimes hooks her back claws into my shirt near the shoulderblade, which is more about balance than weight support. Nim, who was significantly smaller, actually kept her back feet tucked up so that her feet were on the top of my shoulder. This is a significantly more ready posture than Mal's--she would have to readjust for a better foothold to jump down; Nim could leap directly off at a moment's notice. Overall, Nim had far superior shouldering skills to Mal. Malice rides like the meatball she is; I'm hoping she'll learn with age. Here's some pictures of Nim:
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To give them a stable position, I do keep my back straight and shoulders back; if I have to pick something up, I will crouch down instead of bending over. If I have to bend forwards, I will put my palm up flat so that they can stand with their front paws on it and keep their body on my shoulder. Generally, I can move, walk, and even work normally. I've cooked, painted, done chores, even run. Both hands are free to use, though generally you can't lift the arm the cat is on above a T position. They don't need to use their claws for balance unless I am doing something really active. I do shoulder almost exclusively on my left shoulder, so that my dominant hand is more free.
The weight is not significant--Nim was only about 8 lbs, Mal is about 11, and because there's no grip to maintain them and they're naturally situated on the shoulder, it's easy to carry them for a long time. I used to walk miles with Nim on my shoulder. It's actually more the heat--cats run hot, and it's a lot of fur on your neck and shoulder if it's warm out. Great in the winter, though!
Notable things you might not realize--their head is in front of yours, so you can still see ear positions, what they're looking at, etc. Nim's night vision/hearing/sense of smell was better than mine, so I could tell if we were sneaking on wildlife based on her reactions and responses to things. You can also feel them tense or adjust posture before they jump or try to get down, and you can feel their tail moving. You can also feel if they're growling or purring, even if you can't hear it. If you're used to paying attention to those cues, you'll notice them while just carrying the cat normally too--Nobody could sneak up behind me if I was carrying Nim facing over my shoulder to the back.
They can jump from shoulder height but it's a hard landing. Usually if I want them down, I just kneel with a knee up, or lift a leg flat while standing so they can jump to the top of my leg and then to the ground.
If I was in a fictional setting and traveling with them long term, I would be investing in a really weird piece of leather armor, that goes to the edge of the neck/crest of shoulder, and down past the bottom of the shoulderblade, with little easy-to-grip leather loops or chainmail on the back of the shoulder.
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astraystayyh · 25 days
chan x reader. hurt and lots of comfort. description of an anxiety attack and its aftermath (based on my own experiences).
please consider donating for gaza through my kofi. we have exceeded 1k dollars and our goal is 1500! a little goes a long way, you can donate as much as you can! thank you
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If you remain still long enough, breathe as quietly as you can muster, would the world forget you exist and pass your anxiety along to somebody else?
A selfish question, perhaps, but one that you can’t help but ask as you sit on your freezing bathroom floor, knees tightly hugged to your chest.
You don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve sat in this position. Time suddenly seemed elusive to you, as if a concept too hard for your frantic heart to grasp. All you knew was the ache of your limbs and the feeling that doom was just around the corner.
It was one of those days where you woke up feeling anxious. As if your brain had made up its mind about you in your sleep, deciding to hold you hostage to your anxiety. The bed was cold, your boyfriend Chan long gone to his studio, his lingering cologne the only indication he was ever there. So, you tried to distract yourself throughout the day— going on a walk, listening to music, cleaning your house, but it didn't help. Nothing seemed to help you.
So here you were, hours later, sat on your bathroom floor, trying to calm yourself down, all alone. But you could tell that it wasn't working, that you were on a losing race against your own body. Soon, you wouldn't be able to control your anxiety, soon it would turn into a full blown attack.
You wanted to call Chan, you truly did, but he was busy, and you refused to be a burden. Especially since he told you through texts that he'd be home late, so that definitely meant that he was making a new track in his studio.
So, you settled on rocking yourself back and forth, your hands slowly moving up to your shoulders, patting yourself down. This is what you used to do before knowing Chan. When you didn't have anyone around you who understood. You’d trick your bruised mind into believing you were hugged, the warmth of your own touch easing your anxiety a little.
But tonight it had the opposite effect. Tonight, you broke down in sobs, your breathing more irregular than ever. You curled into a ball on the floor, your hand moving to your chest in a futile attempt to slow down your heart. You could no longer breathe, the air in your lungs morphing into unkind fingers, choking you from within. White dots started dancing in front of your eyes, as your entire being shook like a lone leaf, left to fend for itself before the unyielding winds.
It suddenly got too much— the sobs, the pain, the ache. You couldn't bare it anymore. So with trembling hands, you unlocked your phone, calling the only person who would be able to calm you down. Chan. You put the phone on speaker, before tossing it on the ground next to you. You couldn't even muster the energy to hold it to your ear.
“Hi my love, I'm a bit busy right now can I call you later?” Chan's rushed words ring through the bathroom, your anxiety intensifying before the possible antidote. “Honey?” he asks again when he doesn’t hear your reply.
“Chan—“ you sob, the only word your weighted tongue allows you to speak of.
“I’m here, I'm here baby. I'm coming right now,” his panicked voice rings through your ears, following the frantic rush of your boiling blood. The sound of shuffling indicates that he’s getting up and leaving the studio, the confused ‘what’s going on?’ Han shouts confirms it.
The only reply you give him is your sobs, and his heart constricts, twists and turns at the sound of your cries. “Hey, hey, sweetheart. It’s okay, you’re okay. Breathe for me, okay? Take a deep breath with me, please—” his voice breaks, “please baby.”
You try, with all your will, to force a steady breath to rise from your stomach to the tip of your tongue. It escapes faintly, but Chan catches it. “You’re doing well, baby. Fuck—” he turns on his car’s engine. “Um… Minho bit my ass today.”
His words catch you off guard, the gears in your mind stopping for a split second. You remember a faint conversation under your covers, months ago, when you told him that distractions help you when you’re anxious. Force you to redirect your thinking somewhere else.
He remembered.
“Was it tasty?” you breathe out, and he chuckles, a sweet sound intermingled with a sigh of relief. “I don’t know, I need to ask him baby.”
You nod though he can’t see you, willing yourself to breathe again. In, out, in, out, Chan’s own breathing guiding you. “Should I bite him in return?” he asks. Tears pool in your eyes once again. “I’m close, so close,” he reassures.
“To the biting?”
“Mm,” you manage to hum, as you hear the door of your apartment open, Chan's hurried steps echoing in your home. You knew he was looking for you but you couldn't call out to him. After painfully long seconds, stretching out as if to torture you even more, he finally opens the bathroom floor.
He finally finds you.
“It's okay, I'm here. I'm here,” he wastes no time before scooping you into his arms and hugging you. He knows that the pressure eases your anxiety so he tightens his hold without you having to say so, pulling you as close as two pages of the same book.
With you on his lap, he starts rocking back and forth, his words coming out a jumble mess. He can’t settle on what to say to you, switching between stupid jokes his friends told him, and words of reassurance he repeats like a promise.
His words break, his tongue faltering each time your sob gets louder, but he speaks. He speaks and speaks for twenty minutes, all to distract you, all to keep you grounded, and safe.
After a long while, the storm finally passes, leaving behind an excruciating exhaustion. You turn into a puddle in his hold, softening like malleable clay. He holds you as gently as a porcelain vase.
His warm palms settle atop your cheeks, his eyes gazing into yours for the first time since he got here. A sheen glaze taints them, one you know is mirrored in your own. His thumbs gently swipe away your remaining tears, grazing your face with a tenderness that makes your being ache. Your lips press a faint kiss onto his palm, his find their way to your forehead, and you feel it all, through his kiss. His fear, his relief, his love, soft and gentle, for you.
“Thank you,” you whisper, voice slightly hoarse as you kiss his forehead back.
“I’ve got you my love. Always,” he smiles at you softly, his dimples appearing like the sun after a cold day.
“Did Minho really bite you?” you giggle faintly, and he scratches his ear sheepishly. “No, but I don’t put it past him to do it.”
“Is that something you’re into?” You cock a teasing eyebrow at him, and he shakes his head, his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek. “Only if it’s you,” he says as he wraps his arm around your waist, picking you up swiftly.
“I’ll consider,” you yawn, wrapping your arms around his neck, your face finding a refuge in the crook of his neck.
“Why thank you,” he smiles as he leads you to your bedroom, settling you gently atop the bed. He quickly climbs in with you, bringing you so close to him, his warmth ends up spreading through your entire being, filling up every nook and cranny of your soul.
“I think as long as you’re near, I’ll always be okay,” you say, as your eyes close slowly, you miss the tender smile that blooms in his face at your words.
“Good thing I exist to be near you, then.”
please consider donating for gaza through my kofi. we have exceeded 1k dollars and our goal is 1500! a little goes a long way, you can donate as much as you can! thank you
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yourmomxx · 7 months
i wanted to request something sweet with my man aaron hotchner. like r and him work at the bau but their relationship is a secret until r kiss him on accident because shes excited about something!!! i hope this make sense idk!
thanks bestie have a great week!
i’m loving me some babygirl aaron hotchner honestly, i hope you like how this turned out!!
The office lights were blinding.
Like clinically cold balls of headlights that were penetrating through your skull, buzzing at an abnormally high frequence consistently.
You groaned inwardly and pressed the balls of your hands deep into your eyesockets, anything to just make that stupid headache go away so you could continue filing your reports that laid unedited on your desk.
You tapped the head of your pen vigorously against the desk top to jog a flow of words for you to write down.
With your hand supporting your head, you didn't notice a figure approaching you out of the corner of your eye.
"Hey." The tone of Aaron Hotchner's voice was soft and warm, but you still couldn't help but jump at the unexpected presence so near next to you.
You sighed when you noticed it was him, and leaned your head on your hand again. "Hey."
Aaron threw a look on you, then your files, and then your hunched figure again.
His gaze softened.
"Why don't you go home?" He suggested. You opened your mouth to openly protest, but Aaron cut you off before you even started talking.
"You need the rest," He made it clear to you, "and I'm sure Jack would love if you read him a story before bedtime."
You threw him a look. "You can't just lure me home using your son. That's not fair game."
The corners of Aaron's mouth twitched and he tilted his head.
You sighed. "Even if I wanted to go home," You said, "This paperwork won't finish itself."
Aaron moved closer to you and threw a glance over your shoulder, one hand supporting his weight on your desk as he leaned over your body.
"Let me do it," He offered.
You turned to look at him. "I can't ask that of you."
Aaron straightened up. "You're not asking, I'm offering."
Carefully, he pulled your pen out of your hand and put it back into its designated holder with multiple other ones that probably weren't even functioning anymore.
"Now," He drew out slowly, while his fingers were circling under the collar of your jacket hung over your chair, and he held it out to you, "Go home."
You threw him a doubting look. Aaron raised an eyebrow.
"I can make this an order if I want to."
You raised your hands, defeated.
"Alright, alright."
Slowly, you rolled your chair back and stood up, and accepted happily when Aaron helped you slip into the warm jacket. His hands kept steadying you at your shoulders. You closed your eyes and let your muscles relax against him for the blink of a second.
"Thank you," You muttered to him.
Aaron nodded. "Of course."
Your bag was already packed, it was a plus, as you lifted it off the floor.
"Maybe you can read Jack the book you brought him the last time," Aaron suggested. "He hasn't put it down since I showed him."
At his words, your face cracked into a huge, beaming smile.
"He actually liked it?" You hushed. Aaron nodded, smiling.
"That was my favorite book as a child, I'm so glad!"
You strode forward and pulled him closer to you in a short, but emotion-pouring kiss.
When you leaned away, Aaron smiled.
"Get home safe," He said. "Text me."
You dug out your headphones out of your bag and smiled at him.
Then, not without throwing your lover a last kiss in your steps, you made your way out of the glass gates and left the building.
Only when the closed elevator doors put you out of his line of sight, Aaron allowed himself to finally pull out your chair and sit down.
He cracked open one of the brown files and started writing.
Only a few tables away, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi, Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid were frozen in the same position they had been in just one minute ago.
Emily opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again.
Derek turned to Rossi. "Should we-?"
"No." The elder Agent cut him off.
Emily gestured wildly with her hands. "But they just-"
"I know, but - let's just not."
Spencer tilted his head.
Emily gave in.
They all just watched as their Unit Chief sat on your desk and filled out files that weren't his, as if it was the most normal thing on earth.
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logansargeantsbabymom · 2 months
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader
TW: hurt/comfort & cursing
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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Logan's been so focused on working out that he hasn't noticed that his phone has been ringing the past minute and a half, not at least until there's a banging on his home gyms door.
Logan's head snaps towards the door at the sudden noise, taking long but cautious strides to see who's there, opening it only to reveal a less than pleased Y/N standing there.
"Hey," Logan says breathless as he wipes sweat from his forehead "You could've called first"
a scoff leaves Y/N's mouth "I just did, you've blowing me off this past week. I need you to talk to me"
Logan's first season in Formula 1 wasn't the best, he was a bit underweight, not following the diet his trainer gave him and he wasn't managing his energy well in the car which would burn him out and either made him DNF or finish last, which was really getting to him.
"I'm working out, Y/N, I'm busy." he pants, going right back into the exercise he briefly put on hold.
"You're gonna make their weight requirement in the next 10 minutes?" Y/N spat, a little harsher then she intended it to come out but she still stood her ground, making Logan stop and stare at her.
"Thanks you for being so supportive of my work" Logan said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.
"Because you've been such a champion of mine?" Y/N scoffed. It's true, Y/N just recently signed a contract with WWE's developmental program NXT and not even a single congratulation from her boyfriend.
Logan turned around, fire burning in his eyes "What's that supposed to mean?"
Y/N looks back with an icy stare "What do you think it means?"
Logan just stares at her dumbfounded which causes Y/N to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration before she continues, "I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to talk about my needs? What needs?"
"Did I say that?" His eyebrows knit in confusion as he stares at her urging her to explain.
"You didn't have to say it, it's implied." She rubs her forehead in anger
Logan whips around in utter confusion "How is it implied?"
"You're the athlete and I'm the girlfriend. That's how you feel right?" That causes Logan's hands to cover his eyes and roughly rub his temples as he senses an argument brewing.
Logan absolutely hated arguing with his girlfriend, but ever since his first season started that's all they ever seemed to do. Logan left the TV on all night? Argument. Logan ate something he shouldn't have? Argument. Y/N left her shower towel on top of Logans beach towel? Argument. Y/N forgot to lock the ferret in the cage and now Logan's keys are missing and he's late to a very important William's meeting (he wasn't making it anyway, he took too long acting like Taylor Swift during the ERAS tour in the shower)? Argument.
"Can we talk about this later, please" Logan tries to change the subject so he can finish his workout
"When Logan? When is later?" Y/N raises her voice an octave higher than she intended.
"Not tonight," Logan said, tears of frustration forming on the brims of his eyes threatening to spill.
His response made Y/N's face contort with anger in a way he's never seen before that he made a mental note of never to make her that mad again because he was scared.
"I have been working out all day. I have up since 4 this morning. I have tried to make their weight requirement for a week, and I am nowhere!" Logan yells, those tears of frustration once threatening to spill have now poured out his eyes with more following in pursuit.
"I've been telling you how unhappy I am for months!" tears have now also started flowing out Y/N's eyes as they argue.
"Everyone's unhappy in Miami! That's what Miami is!" Logan screamed has he throws a 5 pound dumbbell on the floor by the bench
"I don't know how to get through to you anymore. You keep shutting me out! You keep putting up these fences!" Y/N's hands tremble in anger as she throws them up, running her fingers through her hair
"I'm not, I'm not shutting you out" Logan states as he wipes the tears from his face but to no avail as more tears spill from his green eyes
"You're a million miles away all the time" Y/N's voice trembles as she lets the tears free flow.
"Actually, I'm right here." Logan says with the straightest face you can have as a crying arguing mess of a man
"Are you Logan? Actually? Cause I know you" Y/N says as the tears slowly stop falling.
"You're right. I've been distracted, but I promise you, after I make this requirement-" before Logan could finish his statement, he gets cut off
"After the requirement?" Y/N whispers in disbelief
"After the requirement!" Logan confirms in a harsh tone
"Everything is after the requirement!" Y/N screams
"What if you make the requirement and nothing happens? No William's contract extension? You don't go straight to point positions? You're still a bad driver, You still DNF, You don't get signed with anyone else? What then, Logan? What about me?!" The tears that briefly stopped streaming down her face started back up and flowed faster than this time.
"I can't move with you to Orlando. I can't leave my career behind" Logan ripped off the band-aid, he couldn't put off the real reason he's been avoiding this topic, why he's been avoiding Y/N.
"You think I don't know that?" she trembled.
"What," Logan stops, unsure of what she means and what he wants to say next, a million thought in his mind at what his girlfriend just said to him, but not one of those questions are coming out of his mouth right now "What are you...? What is this? What do you want?" he finally manages to choke out
"I guess I just, I wanted you to tell me not to go" Y/N finally lets out and that's when all the emotion she's been bottling up for months comes out, unable to stop the sobs she chokes out. She's a shaking sobbing mess on the floor and all Logan could do was just stare. He knew she'd been hurting at his cold shoulder treatment but he didn't think it hurt her this bad. He couldn't believe that he was watching her hurt this bad because of him and there was only one question floating in the back of his mind...
why don't I feel bad?
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perpetualfox · 1 year
Whoa dude, I love your work mate! I was wondering if I could ask for a NSFW König x female reader, where he comes back home from a long mission, that lasted several months, and sweetly (but with passion) absolutely RAILS his wife. I would me most grateful! Keep up the awesome work!
Language Lesson - König x Fem!Reader [NSFW]
Warnings: Manhandling, Semi-Rough Sex, Creampie
Wordcount: 2521
Well. This got away from me a little bit. Please forgive how long this took and any grammatical fuck ups in the German. I'm still learning (and lowkey using this as practice since I have no one to speak with lmao) (also thank you so much <3 I'm so glad you're enjoying these)
→The mattress groaned as König shifted his weight, bearing down upon you, pressing your body into the plush memory foam. He revelled in the glory of it beneath his battered knees. After so many months sunk deep into mud, and dust, and blood; after so many months catching sleep where he could—in the back of a transport, on the cold metal benches of an evac helo, or the cold, hard ground—he could hardly believe something so soft even existed.
→You on the other hand, he could believe in. Every dip and curve of your body was etched into his memory; burned against the backs of his eyelids. You had graced his thoughts during every precious moment of downtime and haunted his dreams at night. But those echoes were nothing when compared to you—the living, breathing you who looked at him like he hung the moon and stars each night, and bid the sun to rise in the morning.
→How lucky he was, how privileged, how honoured to have you like this: to growl against your throat, his teeth bared against your flushed skin. How blessed he was to strip you naked and marvel at your beauty, to have you to himself—all to himself. He pressed forward, crowding you against the headboard, his hips slotting against yours as though they had been made to do so. His cock lay heavily against your stomach, already flushed and leaking.
→Always so eager.
→You had missed that terribly in the months since he’d been deployed.
→You had missed everything about him—the way he loomed in doorways, always uncertain if he was welcome in to sit with you; the way he held your hand in public, his thick fingers flexing around yours, grip tight: a lifeline and a warning; the way he snorted when he laughed, blushing to the tips of his ears as he did so, and burying his face in his hands.
→You missed the way he always left the grocery shopping to you, but wouldn’t allow you to lift a finger in the kitchen; the way he sat on the bathroom floor while you bathed, his back braced against the side of the tub, long legs splayed out on the tiled floor, just listening to you chatter on about your day; the way he curled his body around yours at night, his strong arms wrapped around your waist, murmuring about what he’d like to make you for breakfast in the morning.
→Even the things you hated about him, you missed—the way he always left his boots right in the middle of the doorway: in the perfect spot for you to trip over them later; the smell of his cigarettes and how he thought he could get away with smoking them indoors so long as he opened a window first; his complete and utter aversion to putting his dirty shirts in the hamper. Then there was the way his tongue sharpened when something put him in a mood; his tendency toward catastrophizing even the most trivial problems when he could not solve them for you immediately; the sulking; the jealousy; the territorial possessiveness; the paranoia.
→You missed it all. The memories were not enough, the few short phone calls he’d managed were not enough—memories and phone calls couldn’t hold you, couldn’t satisfy you, couldn’t fill the empty parts of you. It wasn’t enough to know that he was alive. You needed him home.
→His fingers tightened around your thighs, nails biting into your flesh as he dragged you down, pinning you beneath him. His face remained tucked into the crook of your neck, but his hands were busy, one kneading at your inner thigh, the other guiding himself toward your entrance. He pressed himself against you, warm and thick, the length of him slipping against your slick folds. The crown of his cock bumped up against your clit, and you gasped, nerves sparking.
→“Mmm, babyyy, no fair! Don’t tease!”
→You felt his breathy chuckle more than heard it—a warm puff of air ghosting across the side of your neck. For a moment, he was still, stamping heavy, open-mouthed kisses against your flesh. Your skin felt too tight—overwarm and buzzy. You needed him. Now.
→The breath fled from your lungs in a heavy rush when, at last, he pushed forward, the blunt head of his cock stretching you open for the first time in months. You grabbed for him, hands clutching desperately at the short hairs at the nape of his neck. God, you’d forgotten just how much of a stretch it was to take him like this. The burn of it licked at you, thrumming through your quivering thighs and up into your belly. Your fingers could never come close to the sheer girth of him, nor could they reach as deep as you needed them to—as deep as he could.
→“Scheiße…” The word was little more than a hiss, slipping out between the tight clench of his teeth, “Du bist sehr eng…ich hätte zuerst deine Muschi dehene sollen…”
→His English came back slowly when he’d been away for so long. Though he had been teaching you, and you’d been improving in leaps and bounds, with your brain leaking out around his cock, you were hopelessly out of your depth. He could have said anything to you—threatened your life, called you names, read out his to-do list, or the numbers in a phonebook—it wouldn’t have mattered. Not when he sounded like that. His voice, usually breathy and nasal, had taken on a new tone: fuller and deeper. He always sounded, to your ear, more confident in his native tongue, no matter how excellent his English was. You loved his voice no matter the language it spoke, but there was something about that self-surety that always sent a shiver through you.
→He groaned as he rocked into you, working you open around him little by little. The sudden gush of your warm arousal aided the slide of his cock against your walls. The slick sound of his movements was mortifying, and yet you could do little else but whine, your voice caught high in the back of your throat, “Ohh, fuck, please!”
→When at last he had sheathed himself to the hilt inside of you, König stilled. Your thighs shook, trembling with the strain and overstimulation. He was so big, his cock nestled up against every spot that lit your nerves on fire. After months of poor substitutions, you were finally, blissfully fucking full. Your pussy clenched tight around him; you were so close already, your body thrumming with the promise of it. Your heart hammered a frantic rhythm against your breastbone—dimly you wondered if he could feel it too, throbbing beneath his chest and around his cock. Surely, he was deep enough for that.
→His lips brushed against the junction between your neck and shoulder. He trembled against you, shaking with the effort it took to hold still; to not simply hold your hips down and take you like an animal—rutting into you until you were a sobbing, writhing mess beneath him. What a pretty picture you’d make pinned beneath him, his cum leaking out around his cock as he fucked a third or fourth load into you.
→You stared up at him, eyes wet and wide—uncomprehending. His hands slid up your body to cup your face, thumbs stroking gently against your heated cheeks. His lips ghosted against your own, warm and wet as he spoke, his tongue tripping over the words as his brain struggled to form a sentence you could better understand. “Let,” he panted, his hips kicking impatiently forward, burying another inch of his cock inside of you, “Let me hear you whine like I taught you, yes?”
→You swallowed hard, dimly catching his meaning, but struggling to remember a single thing he had taught you. The hours you’d spent curled up in his lap, tracing the prominent bow of his lips as he spoke, trying (and often failing) to mimic the sounds he made seemed wasted to you now—a distant dream, the details of which you could no longer recall.
→“Um…­b-bitte…uhh…” Your brain sputtered and sparked, trying desperately to think around the rhythmic clenching of your cunt and the sheer heat of his cock inside of it. You could feel him throbbing—a steady thrum pulsing beneath the frantic beating of your heart, “Ich…Ich…möchte d-dein…mmm…schwarz—no! Schwanz!”
→A peal of laughter, dark and deep shuddered through you, rattling your bones and making your head swim, “Lange nicht gut genug. Nochmal.”
→He kept rocking into you in shallow little thrusts, stopping just short of the spots where you needed him most. Your thighs were shaking. You couldn’t think, you could hardly breathe. There was no room left inside of you for anything but him…
→“Nochmal!” The command rang in your ears, and he snapped his hips forward. The tip of his cock brushed against a spot inside of you that made your vision blur, the world tilting around you. You sobbed, nearly coming undone around him then and there, but with that single thrust, he ground to a halt. His cock pressed relentlessly against that spot, but it wasn’t what you needed—he wasn’t moving. It wasn’t enough. You writhed beneath him, desperate for stimulation, desperate to cum. Your cunt throbbed around him for it, but he had asked something of you, and you wouldn’t get what you wanted until the request had been satisfied.
→“S-Sei…gentle? Gentle…” You wracked your brain for the word, trying desperately to ignore the pulsing need that lay nestled between your thighs. “Ah! Sanft! Sei sanft mit m-mir!”
→König’s cock twitched inside of you, the sound of his language falling so prettily from your lips was almost too much for him to bear. A low, purring chuckle rose from the back of his throat, his hips grinding forward. Stars burst across your vision. A mewling cry escaped your lips as your nails dug into his flesh, leaving red welts in their wake as you clawed at his back.
→“Besser, aber nein, Schatzi.” He leaned down, scraping his teeth along the column of your throat, the salt-tang of your sweat blooming across his tongue. “Ich kann nicht, vor allem nicht jetzt.”
→He surged forward, taking your thighs in his hands and forcing them wider apart, pushing them back over the tops of your hips. The cold metal of the ring on his finger bit into your flesh, but even that keen sting melted into pleasure as he began to fuck you in earnest, using the leverage of your new position to bully himself deeper inside of you. You were sure the tip of his cock was kissing your cervix with each snap of his hips. Again and again, his name tumbled from your lips—not ‘König,’ but his name. his real name. It was music to his ears.
→“Ich liebe es dich winseln zu hören, Liebe.”
→Bracing a thigh against his forearm, his thumb found your clit and you thrashed against him, tears streaming down your face as he rubbed harsh circles into the sensitive nub. He cooed down at you, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His eyes flashed in the low light, “Fühlt sich das gut an?” His simpering tone sent another rush of arousal through you. You could practically feel yourself dripping around his cock.
→“Yes! Ja!” You whined, hips kicking up against his hand, desperate for more of his touch after so long without it. “Plea—uh, bitte!”
→“Gutes Madchen. Meine gutes Mädchen.”
→Your cunt throbbed around him, and he whined long and low into the darkness, his thumb still stroking your clit in time with each harsh thrust. You were going to cum—you could feel it building in your stomach and pulsing behind your oversensitive clit. Each swipe of his calloused thumb brought you a little closer to that edge; made you a little more desperate to finally reach it.
→“Fuck! Fuck! I-I’m…I-I’m gonna cum!” You didn’t have it in you play his game anymore. You hadn’t the room in your mind for it now, and he knew as much.
→“Ja, ich weiß.” His lips brushed against the crown of your head, a shockingly chaste gesture for a man buried to the hilt in your cunt. “Es ist okay, Liebe. Komm für mich.”
→Almost at once, as though his permission had been all you had needed, your muscles locked up, clamping down hard around him as the first waves of your orgasm crashed over you. Your eyes rolled in your skull, the whites flashing in the darkness. Your hips jerked beneath his fingers as he pressed them tight against your clit letting you grind against them as the pleasure rocked through you.
→You felt his head drop back down against your shoulder as he fell into you, losing himself in the rhythmic clench of your cunt. His pace was rough and sloppy as he shed the pretense of humanity and fucked into you like it was the last thing he’d do. His lips worked feverishly against your flesh—mouthing a silent prayer into the side of your neck; a devotional in your name: the only God he still believed in.
→His teeth flashed against your skin as he came, your flesh muffling his keening whine as he caught it between his teeth. He couldn’t fuck you through it, his shaking thigh giving out with the intensity of pleasure. Instead, he trembled against you, his hips pressed flush against yours as he flooded you with a searing warmth. He whined your name like it was the only coherent thought in his mind, slurring it against your kiss bruised flesh until it hardly made sense to your own ears anymore.
→How had you survived without him?
→As he slowly came back to himself, he rolled his hips, fucking into you with slow, languid strokes. He revelled in the soft whining sounds he pulled from your throat, grinning against your throat. “Mein.” His voice was little more than a whisper, his chapped lips ghosting over your soft skin, “Mein, mein, mein.”
→He peppered your neck and shoulder with gentle kisses, a contented sigh escaping his lips. His hips shifted to the left, as though he were preparing to roll over. “No!” You gripped his arm tight and shook you head. You felt the knot forming in his brow before he pulled back to look at you, his head cocked to the side in confusion.
→Your head was clearer now, his lessons easier to recall as the lust-addled fog began to clear from your mind. You locked your legs around his waist, “Kannst du noch einmal?”
→For a moment, it was all he could do to stare down at you, his eyes wide. At length, he spoke, “You…practiced?”
→You nodded, staring up at him, your eyes wide and hopeful, desperate for his approval.
→His eyes flashed, his fingers digging deep into the meat of your thighs, “In that case, du wirst mich anflehen müssen, damit aufzuhorenh.”
Translations (huge thanks to @disastersareajoy for their corrections <3):
→Scheiße - shit
→Du bist sehr eng…ich hätte zuerst deine Muschi dehene sollen - You're very tight…I should have stretched your pussy first
→Nein, Liebe - No, Love
→Frag mich auf Deutsch - Ask me in German.
→B-Bitte - P-Please
→Ich…Ich…möchte d-dein…mmm…schwarz—no! Schwanz - I…I…want y-your…mmm…black--no! Cock (hope this makes sense 'Schwarz' and 'Schwanz' sound similar to my ear and I get them confused all the time)
→Lange nicht gut genug. Nochmal - Not good enough by half. Again
→Sei sanft mit m-mir - Be gentle with m-me
→Besser, aber nein, Schatzi - Better, but no, little treasure
→Ich kann nicht, vor allem nicht jetzt - I can't, especially not now
→Ich liebe es dich winseln zu hören, Liebe - I love to hear you whine, Love
→Fühlt sich das gut an? - Does that feel good?
→Gutes Madchen. Meine gutes Mädchen - Good girl. My good girl
→Ja, ich weiß - Yes, I know
→Es ist okay, Liebe. Komm für mich - It's okay, Love. Cum for me
→Mein, mein, mein - Mine, mine mine
→Kannst du noch einmal? - Can you do that again?
→Du wirst mich anflehen müssen, damit aufzuhorenh - You will have to beg me to stop
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byunpum · 12 days
Back to you | Part 1
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Pair: Jake(human and avatar) x Neytiri x Human reader (trio couple)
Warning: None, i think kinda sad. More in future, maybe soft-smut in the future.
Note: I'm still alive after disappearing for 1 month. Ahh omg, it's been so long, I'm so sorry. A lot of things have happened, more good than bad. But we're back…and as I had posted. Here I bring you this story, based on my mini-series 'mama's boy'. Here I share with you how our characters are paired up. I hope you like it, and let me know what you think and if I should continue with the mini-series. Love ya <3
+Read 'Mama's boy' HERE+
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You were feeling uncomfortable in the metal chair, which was placed next to the bonding machine, which allowed humans to use their avatars. Since the routine expedition, Jake had not returned. Everyone knew he was alive, but where was he? No one knew. Grace had asked you as a favor to monitor him until he returned. You weren't complaining, but you had avoided having any contact with Jake. He reminded you of things…Not even 20 minutes had passed, when the machine made a noise indicating that it would open. You get up from the chair as quickly as you can, to assist Jake. You help him open the lid, finding a confused, sweaty Jake with a stupid grin that made your heart pound. “You won't believe where I am?” says Jake, as you let out a big sigh and shift your gaze to Grace.
“Oh my god…you're back!!!” shouts grace from her desk. Coming towards you, she was already releasing a machine to take jake's blood pressure. “Grace…I'm in” says Jake, the man was lying on his shoulders. He was still a little weak, you force him to drink water from a bottle. Taking his chin to make him open his mouth. While grace looks at him with confusion. “What?” grace continues to work on adjusting the machine on his arm. Jake had been so many hours without using his body, he could pass out at any moment. “Yes…they accepted me. I'm inside their home” jake, looks at you. “You're in the tree home?” you ask. You watch as he nods his face quickly. Grace takes jake's face in her hands, and gives him a warm smile. “I can't believe it…are you serious?!!!” grace was shocked. They had tried to get in, but it was impossible. “I'm with a girl…ahhh netyy ahhh” jake tries to remember and pronounce the name correctly of the girl who is supposed to help him adjust. “Neytiri?” you speak softly, but loud enough for jake to hear you. “Yes her” jake speaks up.
Grace looks at you quickly and she can see the sadness in your gaze. You change your face and mood, moving away from Jake, helping him to put his weight down. Turning away from them, you bump into norm who had approached you moments before. “Are you okay?” norm asks, touching your shoulder, but you push him away. Walking as fast as you could away from them, you wanted to get out of there. You felt short of breath and were wiping away tears hiding your emotion. She was fine. It had been so long since you had heard from her. On the other side a group of friends are confused, “What's wrong with her, did I say something wrong?” asks Jake, looking at Grace. The woman was still looking towards the exit, sighing deeply. “It's a long story…come on out of there you need to rest and tell me everything” says grace, helping Jake into his wheelchair.
Lunchtime came quickly, and the entire team was gathered in the dining room eating dinner. The group of scientists were very excited and focused on every word that came out of Jake's mouth. It had been so long since they had been able to have a connection with the Omaticaya clan. Even grace was giving him their undivided attention. Meanwhile you and norm were standing a little away from the group, eating the disgusting food. You couldn't help but laugh at the look on norm's face, you could tell he was very upset. You kicked his foot a little, “hey get that face away” you scolded him, but you saw how he snapped with his teeth. “I can't stand this… it's a very unfair” norm says. “Unfair?” you ask, as you put a mouthful of food in your mouth. “Yes, Tom has been studying for 3 years and I've been studying for over 6 years…and where am I? sitting here, doing nothing. In fact, if anyone in the whole RDA deserved to be with the omaticaya clan, it's you. You've been in pandora all your life…you're part of the clan” speaks norm annoyed, seeing how you interrupt him with your index finger. “Ah ah was…past!!!” you speak, lowering your gaze for a moment. Some memories come to your head, yes, it was very true what norm said, you were once part of the omaticaya clan…but it's been so long. Maybe… they have forgotten about you. “Norm…I understand your discomfort, but there's nothing we can do, the pretty boy was lucky to be accepted” you joke, seeing Norm's disgusted face. “Jake pretty boy?!!!! You have to be crazy” you laugh loudly, looking at the group of scientists who were still harassing jake. “Well…you were tom's girlfriend, that says a lot about you” Norm says, now he was the one laughing at you. “We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend…we just spent a few nights together” you speak up, laughing with your friend.
While you and Norm were still laughing, for a moment you see Jake look at you and give you a smile. You return it, seeing how jake makes a help signal with his hands. You laugh even harder, but you feel Norm pinch you “don't be fooled by the enemy” says Norm “Norm let me go!!!” you roll your eyes back. Norm could sometimes be very very annoying. But you were used to it, he had always been like that.
You remember when norm and tom came to pandora. Just for their studies, and you were the first to meet them. From then on… you had grown very fond of them. When the news that tom had been killed reached your ears, you were heartbroken, again…but you got over it little by little. But with the new member of the group, it wasn't very easy. Since Jake had arrived, he hadn't taken his interest in you, and to make things worse for you. Grace had delegated all responsibility for Jake's avatar to you, so if anything happened to him it was your fault. And the last thing you wanted was for a $20 million dollar avatar to happen to him, or else the RDA was going to kill you.
After the meal, and when everyone was about to go to their respective rooms. Norm had gone ahead walking as fast as he could through the cold corridors of the RDA. You were walking more calmly, plus you wanted to meet Jake. You felt you owed him an apology for leaving him alone. By pure chance you find him, you see that he was talking something with Quaritch. You look at him with concern, if you knew one thing, it was that quaritch never had good intentions, if he wasn't given anything in return. When you see both men stop talking, you decide to approach jake. “Hello” you speak softly, catching the man's attention. Jake turns around, with a small smile. Lifting his gaze. “I'm all ears” jake says. You had barely spoken to jake since he arrived, so you were a little nervous. “One question…ahh where did you leave my avatar?” you ask. “Your avatar? It's in a safe place” jake says. “Yeah, but what safe place?” you wanted him to be more literal, because his concept of safety might be very different from yours. “I'm sleeping in some kind of giant leaf…ahh I don't remember” jake speaks up, shuffling his hair.there was a short silence between the two of you, but you decide to speak. “You're in the big tree?” you speak. Jake can see your eyes light up for a moment. “Yes…that. There I am” jake can see you kneel down in front of him, and move much closer. Placing your hands on his knees. As if whatever you were going to ask him, you didn't want anyone else to hear. “And how did you see everything? Is everyone okay?” you ask. “Yeah…normal, there's only one who seems to be a bother and he's warrior…I don't remember his name” jake says and can see how you smile softly. “That's tsu'tey” you speak. “That same one, do you know him?” jake gets closer to your face, and you quickly push him away. “Ahh thank you for answering me…see you tomorrow” you get up quickly, and leave quickly. Before you continue walking to your room, you stop “By the way…sorry for leaving you alone when you wake up, next time I'll take better care of you” you apologize, and turn to continue on your way.
Jake stood there confused, he thought you looked kind of strange. But cute…very cute. He could understand his brother now. Laughing to himself, he started on his way to his room. Although he must admit that he found it even stranger, that you knew the name of that navi. It was assumed that only people who have an avatar have had contact with the Omaticayas, and he understands that not all of them have. How did you know that?
The next day came quickly, and Jake had almost no time to wake up…because he had to get up early. Wiping his eyes, he was already sitting on the edge of the connection machine. “Good morning” you hummed, approaching him. You had a cup of coffee in your hands, offering it to him with some vitamins. “Good morning gorgeous” jake chuckles, as he can as norm makes a dirty face. “Here…you'll need this” you hand him the stuff. “And this?” jake asks. “It's some vitamins that will help your body not collapse from not eating all day and a coffee” you speak, as you practically force jake to take it all. Grace approaches you, accompanied by Norm. “Well, here's the information,” says Grace, showing Jake a screen. On it was all of neytiri's information. You come to Jake's side, looking at the screen with a warm smile. “Please don't disrespect her….y do not be a jerk” norm speaks, giving jake a dirty look. “You're just upset because I'm the one going on a date with the leader's daughter” jake says in a mocking voice. Grace rolls her eyes and tells you to take care of hooking Jake up. As jake lies down, you approach him. “ Advice…don't try to flirt with neytiri” you speak up. Watching as jake raises an eyebrow, and laughs a little. “There you go…and how do you know that?” he speaks. You now give him a big smile, but one of sarcasm. “I know why I say that” you speak, as you turn away from jake. “You should listen to her,” Grace shouts from the distance. “Good luck…soldier” you speak, being the last face jake saw to wake up in his avatar body.
And yes, jake should take your advice, you knew neytiri more than anyone. And yes you were hating the fact that he could be with her. It had been so many years since you last saw her, you didn't even get to say goodbye…nothing. The last time you saw Neytiri was when that tragedy happened at school. You sigh a little, as you begin to prepare the week's paperwork. But your thoughts are interrupted when you feel grace sit down next to you. “I have good news… a new project is coming out tomorrow,” says Grace. You look at her curiously. “Project?” you ask. Grace's face ascends. “Yes…we need to be closer to the clan, a place we are safe, but we can still get on with the project 'jakesully” says grace, watching you laugh. “I was able to convince the RDA idiots to have a bunker, where we can have a team, a small lab. i'm counting on you, right?” grace looks at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for your answer. “Can I refuse?” you speak, feeling Grace hug you and press a kiss to your hair. “It'll be for the best… we'll have a great time, no personal space” grace jokes, as you groan loudly.
And as if by magic, within a week you were in the bunker in the middle of the jungle. Norm, grace, judy, jake and you. Although judy came and went from time to time to get everything you needed. Even though she used to get away so often, she was part of the team. You adjusted too quickly, it seemed to be comfortable. And the comfort you felt around Jake was increasing too, and very quickly. This seemed to be nice for grace, she liked to see you happy and excited about something or someone…it had been a long time since she had seen you like this. Watching from afar, as you wiped jake's face with a wet rag. “I'm not a baby” says Jake, as you wipe his eyes. While you hold your face with both hands. “Yeah but you're barely taking care of yourself…I know your avatar body is amazing, but you're here” you touch his chest and feel his heart. “Can you feel it moving? It's that fast for you “ jake jokes, watching you laugh and turn away from him. “That was the worst thing you've said so far” norm complains from behind you, as he sips his coffee.
You liked it when jake would go back to his body in the afternoon, and do his video documentaries. And you could listen to everything he had learned, plus he would also tell you everything he had done with neytiri. “It's just that it's hard to use the bow…it's” Jake would explain with his hands, you could see the frustration in his eyes and gestures. Neytiri could be very rude at times, but that was the way it was and he had to learn. “The trick is to put pressure on the back arm” you move, and show him the pose. “And boom…done” you joke. Jake shakes his head to the side, watching as you continue to explain how he should do things. Just like neytiri was doing, they were explaining almost identically. Jake leans forward and brushes a strand of hair away from your face. Tucking it behind your ear. “Thank you” you speak timidly, now pulling away. “Thank you for helping me” jake says.
Since you had gotten closer to him, he had improved so much with the lessons with neytiri. If she told him something, he would ask you as soon as he returned to his human body. And you answered him without hesitation, sometimes he didn't understand how you knew so much about the clan. Only grace and a few avatars were supposed to have had contact with the clan, norm could know some things. But you were an expert. And your advice is really paying off. Now jake was in his avatar body, he was holding the bow again, and he remembered what you had said to him. “Neytiri was asking you to put strength in your arms, so you will be more accurate in your shooting” jake remembered your words, he adjusted his stance. Neytiri was approaching him, but stopped short. When she noticed Jake's stance, she stood watching him. Seeing how the shot was perfect. “Well done” says neytiri, watching as jake smiles at her. She was wondering how he had improved overnight. But if she could tell, it was the technique jake was using…it was very similar to yours. Neytiri tries to distract herself and keeps walking towards the prey.
For a moment during the day, the two of them had sat down in a nice quiet meadow to eat something to eat…neytiri was minding her own business eating her food. But she could feel jake's gaze, he might change his gaze once or twice. But he would look back at her. “ What are you looking at so much?” speaks neytiri without taking her eyes off her fruit. Jake remains thoughtful for a moment. “That necklace around your neck” jake points to the woven necklace neytiri had around her neck, she touches it while looking at it warmly. “What is it?” jake asks, but he thinks he knows the answer. The reason he's asking is because the night before, when he came over to fix your hair. He could see you had that same necklace, he wanted to believe it was something grace gave you. But today he noticed the same one on Neytiri and was surprised. They were identical. “This…” neytiri holds her necklace tightly. “This is a memory of her” neytiri says, she stops eating for a moment. She could look thoughtful, like she was remembering someone. “Her?” asks jake. Neytiri looks at him slowly, you could see her little teary eyes. But she gets up suddenly, “Come on…we have a lot of things to do” says neytiri. Jake stands up behind her, and catches her hand to stop her for a second. “Neytiri…are you okay?” the boy asks. Neytiri squeezes jake's hand for a moment, looking down and taking a deep breath. “Yes,” she says. Starting to walk to a new route, but Jake could tell how she didn't let go of his grip and continued to hold his hand tightly. Jake didn't refuse at any point, neytiri is not very affectionate to say the least, and the fact that she was still holding his hand. It meant that she needs him right now.
That same afternoon, when jake and neytiri came home from training, they had lunch with the whole clan. And lay down to rest in their respective places, neytiri waited a few minutes to carefully lift her head and see if jake had finally fallen asleep. She had her home with her parents, being still single, neytiri could live with her parents. But right now, she had the task of training and taking care of Jake. So she had to be wherever he was. Neytiri notices how Jake is asleep. Getting up from her hammock, to walk carefully in the branches. Leaving the resting area, running carefully to her ikran. “sense…come on” says neytiri, climbing into her ikran quickly. flying away from the familiar tree, she hopes no one was following her, because she was heading to a place she only knew about.
Not far away, there was a very tall tree. Too tall to be anything but scary for anyone to come and interrupt. Neytiri leads Seze to a giant branch, which had a beautiful view of the jungle of Pandora. Neytiri climbs down from the ikran, stroking the creature's head, stretching a little. To approach the tree trunk, picking up a small bag. Now to sit on the edge of the branch. She sighs a little, looking at the scenery. Opening the bag, and taking out of it a piece of paper. Very carefully she unfolds it and laughs to see what was drawn on it.
A cute doodle drawing…on it were two girls. Neytiri laughs to herself, as she touches the paper wistfully. “I hope you never forget me…my Y/N” Neytiri speaks softly. Hugging the paper carefully, this was the only thing I had of you.
What do you think? should I continue? btw, If you want to be tagged, let me know.<3
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spamgyu · 6 months
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DESCRIPTION: She had grown tired of being on his back burner, the person that he had kept warm until he gotten the girl he has had his eyes set on for years... And with a little help from her friend, maybe... just maybe she'll finally be the first choice. PAIRING: Seungcheol x Reader | Mingyu x Reader GENRE: Angst & Fluff PART 3 | SERIES MASTERLIST | MASTERLIST
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When he had told Jeonghan that his roommate had convinced him to go over to his best friend's house to finally tell her how he felt, he wasn't lying.
It wasn't just for show – to tell a fake story to make their lies believable.
"Seungcheol fumbled, are you going to do the same thing?" Minghao asked him, keeping his eyes trained on the screen while they worked together to complete their game's mission.
For the past few months, they had almost always circled back to one topic.
It was almost as if a switch had turned on in his head the day he realized that she was the one he loved this whole time. Just as has his mother predicted since their high school days, Mingyu had fallen in love for the one constant that was in his life.
"It's complicated, Hao. Shoot shoot– fuck." Mingyu cried, chucking his controller to the side as the screen flashed "MISSION FAILED".
Minghao shrugged. "How complicated could it be?"
"Well for one, it's one sided." He listed. "And then what, I lose her? Rather not have that."
"Just give it a shot. I doubt she'll cut you out anyways. She's stuck around this long, hasn't she?"
He was right.
She had seen the good, the bad, and the ugly and yet, she was still here. She still stuck by his side through it all.
He brought his fingers up to his lips, biting his nails – a bad habit he had developed whenever he allowed his thoughts to consume him.
The worst that could happen was that she could reject him, which he was 99% sure she would.
He just needed to get this damn weight off his shoulder.
Now more than ever.
Sighing, Mingyu stood from his seat. "Alright, I'm going to do it."
He had all the intentions of doing so that Valentine's Day. Showing up to her doorstep with a small bouquet of tulips he had picked up at Trader Joe's along with her favorite sweet treat from their bakery section – the brownie cookie combo that he swore was far too sweet for anyone's taste buds.
But instead, he was greeted by a girl with red eyes – it was clear that she had been crying just minutes before his arrival.
"Are those for me?" She sniffled, pointing to the contents in his hand.
"Yeah, I figured you were going to be upset this Valentine's day." He chuckled, lying through his teeth.
It wasn't the right time.
Mingyu wanted to tell her how he felt.
He wanted to finally feel the weight come off his chest but he knew it wasn't right.
Not when he still plagued her mind.
"Thank you." Y/n smiled, using the sleeves of her sweater to wipe her eyes. "No plans today?"
Mingyu shook his head, plopping down on her couch. "Today is for couples."
"Fake dating?" Minghao repeated what his friend had just debriefed him after his arrival. "At your big age, you're going to pretend to fake dat– You know you've had many bad ideas before but this one takes the fucking cake."
Mingyu groaned, putting his head in his hands. "I know okay? I know, I just– She– I don't know. You know I'd do anything for her."
"Including helping her get Cheol back?" He cried.
"I just want her happy."
Minghao sarcastically clapped. "Let's give it up for the stupidest boy alive."
"Leave me alone." He pushed his friend's hands away from his face.
"This is going to be so fucking messy." He shook his head as he headed for his room, leaving his friend in the living room to wallow in his own thoughts.
After three days of non-stop activities, she was ready to tap out – groaning in her bed as she flipped laying on one side to the other. She had mistakenly agreed to go hiking with Seokmin, Seungkwan and Hansol the day before and as someone who rarely did any physical activities, she was regretting her decision – feeling her thighs ache under the covers.
"Let's do something." Mingyu suggested from his bed, growing bored of the show he had been watching on the television.
Everyone else had left the hotel early in the morning to go ziplining, and considering her current state and his fear of heights, the duo had opted to sit this one activity out.
Getting the rest they deserve.
"I'm tired." She whined.
"Come on, I wanna go back up north and look around the shops." He pouted dramatically, batting his lashes at her.
They had all been so busy trying to complete the itinerary Eunji had so kindly organized that day that they weren't able to fully enjoy all the small town had to offer – Mingyu making note to pay it another visit during his free time.
Which was now.
She never could resist him.
Letting out a sigh, she sat up in her bed – trudging over to her suitcase. "You better fucking buy me something."
"I'm your boyfriend not your sugar daddy."
Grabbing the nearest article of clothing, Y/n turned around and threw it at him – hitting his face.
"I'm the luckiest man alive." He chuckled, tossing it back at her – making it perfectly into her suitcase.
"You sure are, baby." She winked, heading straight to the bathroom – outfit in hand.
"I thought we won't use baby!" He called out as the door slammed shut – a wide grin on his face.
He didn't care if it was in pure sarcasm. Mingyu felt his heart skip a beat.
Just as it had been the past few days.
Oh he was down bad.
Within an hour, they were back on the same road, blasting the same playlist – the two taking turns singing obnoxiously along to her favorite songs.
"I like it here." She reached over to dial the volume down, turning to point her film camera at him. "Smile– oh my god don't pose– ew!"
After a year of nothing but pure heartache, riding the roller coaster of emotions that Seungcheol had managed to strap her into, this was the first time in a while that the girl had enjoyed her time.
She couldn't help but dread the thought of the trip wrapping up, having to face the music of her reality – going back in to work, coming home to an empty apartment... and be alone with her thoughts.
With no Mingyu to distract her.
In the past few days, she had gained a new appreciation for her friend – noticing the small details of his actions. Especially after voicing this to Seungcheol on the beach, in attempts to defend their lie.
And even more when Mingyu had confirmed this two days ago.
At the time, she was simply saying what was at the top of her head. She had always known that he was there for her, answering all her calls in an instant and showing up with no questions asked.
Even if it was to help her get a bird, that had accidentally flown in and wreaked havoc, out if her apartment.
She remembered how stressed and terrified he was of hurting the poor thing as he used a broom to usher the small creature out – recording the whole thing on her phone for future entertainment purposes.
"Thank you." She glanced over at him, a soft smile on her lips.
"For what?" Mingyu's brows furrowed, confused at the sudden change of tone and air between them.
"Just being a good person." Y/n shrugged.
"Are you going all soft on me, y/n?" He teased.
"Don't make me take it back."
"I'm kidding." He chuckled, reaching over to give her cheek a poke. "I should be thanking you. You bullied me into being a good person."
Aside from his parents and his sister, she had a big influence on who he was and the man he had become today.
Y/n had never once let any of his mistakes go by without a single lecture. He remembered all the times he would sit in silence while she talked his ear off, even if it was something minor as forgetting to clean the lint trap out of his dryer.
Something about starting a house fire.
Before, when he was in his teens and still unappreciative of her nagging, Mingyu would simply roll his eyes – letting her words go in one ear and out another. As time had gone by, he had learned to appreciate it.
Welcoming it even; beating her to the punch to text her of his mistakes and asking for advice on how he could make it right.
"Not enough though. How many girls have cried because of you?"
"Don't make me take it back." He jokingly threatened, using her line.
Laughing, she allowed for the views to distract her once again – snapping a few more pictures.
"We should come back here. Make it a tradition." She said, as the treaded through the small tide pools, pointing out the small school of fish that swam along their legs every now and then.
"Holding you to that."
The two had many traditions that they had set in place, one of them being spending a week during their summers camping with both of their families. A tradition that began when he had tagged along during one of her family trips – it wasn't long until his family joined in the following year, their fathers instantly becoming friends during the first day.
This would merely be another trip that they would continue on until they were old and grey.
"Do you think our kids will be friends? Like us?" Y/n asked aloud, stopping him in his tracks.
"I haven't really thought that far."
A lie.
He has.
Though, he would much prefer if their kids were siblings rather than friends.
They say a man knows in an instant whether they want to marry a girl or not.
Mingyu was no different.
He remembered that day so clearly. She had dragged him along to the mall to help her find the perfect dress for Jeonghan's wedding, and with nothing better to do he had agreed.
She had stepped out of the dressing room in a one shoulder satin maxi dress, fitting perfectly on her body. It was a simple dress, no ruffles, no sequins, no lace. Just a plain satin dress; but somehow she made it look like it was worth far more than the tag attached at the seams.
Mingyu remembered his heart skipping a beat that day, the breath in his lungs didn't seem enough as he took in her beauty.
He didn't know what triggered it, maybe it was the constant talks of the wedding, but his brain was instantly flooded with the thought of being the one at the end of the aisle – waiting for her as she made her way down in a white dress.
This soon then spiraled to thoughts of a married life with her; spending the rest of his life with his best friend.
It took him nearly a week to snap out of this day dream, his mind constantly wandering back to that day and the whirlwind of emotions that hit him like a ton of bricks.
"Have you at least thought about what you want for dinner?" She laughed; bringing him back to reality.
"Poke probably." Mingyu muttered.
"Sh.. the fish can hear you." She feigned shock as another school of silver fish swam by her toes.
"Yummy yummy fish." He cooed.
Sitting atop of the roof of the car, the two picked at the various small bowls for cubed fresh cut of the day that they had picked up from the local market – humming in content each time they took a bite.
Instead of meeting the rest of the group for dinner, Mingyu and Y/n agreed it would be best to simply pick up the poke he had originally suggested as opposed to racing back to the city.
Watching the sunset while parked by the sand was far better than the chaos, anyways. The two needing a break from all the voices that seemed to always talk over one another.
"Hold still," He picked up his phone and pointed it at her. "This would look good on my story."
While they sat in silence, digesting the dinner they had just finished not too long ago, Mingyu couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked under the soft orange and yellow hues of the sun that had dipped halfway into the horizon – illuminating her face in a new light.
Both metaphorically and literally.
Without a second thought, the girl listened to him – holding her pose of looking straight into the shoreline, a soft smile on her face. "Lemme see." She held her hand out as he handed her his device. "Send this to me."
Mingyu swallowed as his heart battled with his brain to do the unthinkable.
Maybe it was the fact that they had spent the whole day alone, acting as though they were still around their friends – pretending.
Or the fact that this his trip had given him a glimpse of what his life would be if they were actually together, the flirting, the hand holding, the soft whispers, waking up to her in the morning; the sweet moments he yearned for.
Or maybe, just maybe, it was because he's been wanting this for so long – unable to hold off any longer.
"Bug?" Her head tilted to the side, seeing the gears turn behind his eyes.
There goes that nickname.
The one that they have sworn to use just as part of the act that soon became a part of their daily vocabulary. Even when it was just the two of them.
"Let me just–" His mumbled, leaning down – which wasn't hard as they were already only inches apart, capturing her lips in his.
She didn't pause.
She didn't push him away.
In fact, she kissed him back.
Bringing a hand to cup her face, Mingyu moved his lips against hers slowly. He had been dreaming of this for a while now, and he could have sworn he thought their first kiss would be much rougher – thinking he would be hungry for her lips.
But this moment was delicate. He knew that it could all come crashing down the minute he pulled away, so he proceeded it with caution – his thumb caressing her cheek as his tongue swiped her bottom lip for permission.
She allowed it.
Mingyu's head was spinning at this point, wanting nothing else but to stay in this moment forever.
But he knew he couldn't.
They needed air.
Pulling away, Mingyu swallowed; preparing himself to receive an earful from her.
Instead she sat in silence, blinking at him.
He had fucked up.
"I'm sorry." He croaked.
Mingyu knew that if he wasn't the first one to speak up, she would let the tension swallow them whole – leaving them to drive back to the hotel without uttering a single word to each other.
"I think we should head back." She cleared her throat, scooting towards the moon roof they had slipped through.
"Hey–" He placed a hand on her shoulder.
She turned her head, lips pale. It was clear that she had regretted what had happened, a lump forming in Mingyu's throat as the worst had finally come.
"What?" Y/n asked softly.
"Just wanted to see if you were foaming at the mouth." Mingyu joked. "Since I have rabies and all..."
A small smile formed on her face, a wave of relief washing over him. "You're so fucking stupid." Y/n ducked into the car.
"No rabies?" Mingyu called out.
"Get in the damn car, Mingyu." She called back.
They were going to be alright.
For the first time in a while, she was confused.
She should have listened to the voice in her head when it had warned her that pretending to date her best friend was a bad idea.
At her ripe age of twenty six, she should have known this would happen.
Maybe it was the close proximity, or the fact that they had spent the whole day absentmindedly pretending to be a couple despite none of their usual audience being around, or maybe it was that he kissed her.
They made out.
Either way, her mind was in a mess.
It wasn't like she's never had feelings for him before.
But the last time didn't count.
They were in high school — and everyone had a crush on him.
It was tiny crush that she had soon gotten over when she met her first boyfriend.
But this time was different.
There was more on the line.
Their friendship, their whole group's dynamic.... and Seungcheol.
The man who had been the main reason why she was in this predicament in the first place.
A part of her wanted to dismiss the moment atop of their car as a moment of weakness, the sunset and island hypnotizing the both of them.
Besides, it was Mingyu. He had plenty of girls in line, waiting to get a chance with him.
He must have simply been caught up in the moment.
If it was anything genuine, he would have acted differently instead of jumping back into the sense of normality as they drove back to the hotel.
But no, he made a joke out of it all.
It was a mistake to both of them.
But another part of her wanted it to be real – falling into the trap of their own acting.
While he had excused himself to the hotel gym, to work out with Joshua and Soonyoung, y/n was left with her thoughts – wanting nothing more but to silence it all.
She didn't want Mingyu, even if his actions was everything she wished for in a man.
It was– It had to be Seungcheol.
A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts.
It was as if the universe read her mind, opening the door to see him standing with a plushie in hand – nervously shifting his weight from one foot to another.
"Hi." He greeted softly, holding the t-rex stuffed toy out. "I uh– it reminded me of you."
If her mind wasn't a mess before, it sure was in pure chaos now.
It reminded him of her.
She recalled back to the one good week they had. No fighting, no tears, no mixed signals.
She had come down with a nasty cold and he had doted on her while she was bed ridden – staying over at her apartment to nurse her back to health.
They had spent that whole week binge watching all the installments of Jurassic Park, cuddling on her bed despite her protests of not wanting to pass whatever virus she had come down to him.
He didn't care for it, showering her with kisses.
"Thank you." Y/n accepted the plush.
She picked up on his nervousness, stepping aside to let him in. "Is everything okay?"
He nodded, bringing his hand to scratch the back of his neck – trying to find the right words to say. "I– I want to say sorry. For all of it. The pain, the confusion..... I– I'm sorry for being a dick."
"It's fi–"
"It's not." Seungcheol shook his head. "I had some senses knocked in me and–"
Y/n watched as he licked his lips, pacing in front of her before he came to a stop.
"It's you." He breathed. "I– I choose you."
Her world came into a halt.
The metaphorical glass shattering.
"That night, when you asked me to choose, I– I shouldn't have hesitated. I should have stopped you. I'm sorry." He continued, pain evident in his eyes.
He was being genuine.
Y/n tried to search for any signs of lies on his face, unable to comprehend the words that left his lips.
This was the moment she had finally been waiting for, but why was she so afraid?
"I know an apology can't fix it. But if you'll allow it–" Seungcheol hesitantly took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze. "If you'll take me back, I'll spend however long trying to prove that it's you."
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bsxcrxts · 5 months
I'm still petitioning for mommy kink spencer whenever you're up to it🚩
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the people have spoken!!!
Good Vibrations
a Spencer Reid x fem!reader fic
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. my posts are for those 18+ ONLY! put your age in your bio to interact with me and my works or find yourself blocked!
Content Warnings: reader referred to by gendered terms (sorry, I usually try to avoid this but with mommy kink it's hard), porn mentioned as the way Spencer first heard of this kink but not described in detail at all, small cock Spencer alluded to (sorry I have to live my truth), mommy kink (as more of a title than anything tbh), vibrator usage, sub/dom dynamics, edging him, the vague mention of assplay but it doesn't happen (maybe a sequel idk 👀)
Word count: almost 1k <3 not proofread (sorry)
Spencer's not particularly keen on porn. He hasn't watched any since the two of you started dating, but of course before that, when he was a bit younger and it seemed like no one was ever going to give him the time of day, he'd at the least been curious.
He's a man of science, after all. He knows the value of testing a hypothesis. He likes knowing things.
Most of what he found back then was... not his style. He'd known he was into being bossed around instead of being the one in charge, liked the feeling of a person telling him what to do, and on the surface, most of the videos were rather the opposite. So, out of a certain nosiness, Spencer kept looking, but nothing ever really stuck with him.
Except for one.
He'd never gone looking for it again. He didn't need to. The majority of the contents of the film itself weren't particularly of interest to Spencer. Just what the woman had told the man to call her.
It stayed with him for years, but he could never really quite bring himself to say it, or ask you about it. He wasn't at all dissatisfied with your sex life, quite the opposite, and there was no real reason to bring it up.
So he just... hasn't. Until today. By complete accident.
You're on the bed, straddling his thighs, pinning him down with nothing but your weight. Spencer's head is thrown back and he's writhing beneath you as you press your vibrator wand against his cock, letting it tease him before yanking it away.
Spencer reacts well to being edged, you know. He gets needy and whiny and absolutely desperate, and runs his mouth like a brat before he breaks and says anything to be allowed to cum.
You lightly drag the vibrator across his cock, and his hands scramble to and from the sheets to your thighs, trying to grasp onto anything to ground himself in the sensation.
"D-don't s-stop this time," he pleads, hips trying to buck under your body.
"Aww," you coo, "you like that feeling on your pretty little cock?"
"Mhm!" he gasps. "Keep going, g-god, keep g-going."
Spencer bucks his hips uncontrollably and tries to grab at your hands and pull the toy closer to intensify the feeling.
"Be polite," you tut, maintaining the vibrator, barely pressed against his tip.
"U-uhn! I-I am polite," Spencer sasses you a bit, frustrated as he tries to wiggle closer to the vibrator, chasing the sensation.
The contact vanishes from his cock as you take the toy away for the third time in this session. His cock kicks against his stomach, pre-cum oozing from the flushed head, impending orgasm vanishing.
Beneath you, Spencer huffs out a whine. You lean over him and kiss him, but refuse to touch his dick whatsoever.
"Spencer," you murmur, when he's stopped squirming underneath you. "Are you going to be good?"
Spencer nods, but whispers, "Wanna cum."
"I know, sweetheart. I want you to cum, too. But you have to be good. Can you behave?"
"Yes! Yes," he whines, running his hands sweetly up and down your thighs, stilling beneath you.
"That's it, such a good boy," you praise, and click the vibrator up to a middle intensity as you press it against his cock.
Finally, the relief of the contact in combination with the praise has Spencer's head reeling. He can't think straight, which is saying a lot for someone of his IQ, and he delves into rambling, saying anything that comes to his mind. That's when it just... slips.
"Thank you! T-thank you, mommy!!" he cries out, immediately tensing a little when he realizes what he's said.
You blink a little, not sure what you've heard. He's never called you that before.
"What'd you say?" you ask softly.
Spencer's cheeks turns beet red, and he turns to try to hide his face in the pillows.
"I'm sorry, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want–" he starts.
"Mommy, is that what you said? That's hot, Spencer," you say. "I liked it."
Spencer's whole demeanor changes. He instantly relaxes, becoming re-aware of the vibrations on his cock. "O-oh," he stutters, "then, um, good," and then, shyly, "m-mommy, can we keep going?"
"You want more, sweet boy?" you tease.
"Want whatever mommy gives me," Spencer gasps, sweetly obedient.
His words send shock waves through your stomach to your cunt, and you crank up the intensity of the vibrator, letting it run full strength against his twitching cock, and he jerks under you, unable to stop his reaction.
"Fuck! Mommy!" he cries out.
It takes a lot to get Spencer to cuss. You like the way it sounds when he says it, especially when he's lost in his pleasure below you.
He's fucked out, returning to his babbling as you tease the length of his cock with the vibe. You're reaching down to toy with his hole, running a finger along his taint and tapping there, not pushing in, not without prep, but even the suggestion of it drives him crazier.
"P-please mommy, next t-time, you could, um! Fuck!! Anything you want, mommy, just let me cum. I want you mommy, oh god, just like that!!"
"Anything I want, hm?" you tease.
"Y-yes, mommy!"
"What about you, sweetie? What do you want? You wanna cum?"
"Mommy, I needa cum. Please don't stop," he whines.
"I won't stop this time, Spencer, you were such a good and honest boy for me," you tell him, "go ahead and make a mess for me."
"Mommy!" Spencer moans, and spills all over his stomach and your vibrator.
It's certainly not the last time he calls you by that name.
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skyahri · 3 months
Retire |Kakashi X Reader| HC
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Summary: You need some convincing to leave ANBU.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and depression. Mentions of suicide. A bit angsty and self-destructive, but fluffy overall.
- - - - -
Even though he'd retired a few years back, you were still an active ANBU captain.
The job was grueling, and he was well aware that the longer you stayed, the worse the missions became.
That isn't just because of the overall baggage people acquire, but because seasoned black ops were often sent on the more... unethical missions.
You'd been acting off recently. He had let it go at first, knowing how taxing the line of work could be, but something in his mind was bugging him to investigate.
He assumed everything had started to actually get to you, so he decided to check in on you between missions with team 7.
He knocked on your door. It took a minute, but you answered.
He wasn't sure what he'd expected, but this wasn't it.
Your appearance was appalling.
You'd lost a lot of weight, you had bags under your eyes, and you reeked of alcohol.
"Just checking in on you. It's been a while."
"Yeah, Tsunade has me on back to back missions. This is my first break in months."
He had assumed his intensive schedule with his team was the thing keeping you two apart, but apparently not.
"How about you get cleaned up while I go get us something to eat? My treat."
"I'm pretty tired, Kashi. I think I'd like to continue rotting for the time being. Thanks for the offer, though."
You gently shut the door in his face.
A sour look plastered itself on his face.
Unfortunately, your use of rotting didn't seem too far off, so he decided to talk to a third party about it.
His first stop was to see Tenzo. Maybe he knew what was up since you two worked so closely.
"I've noticed as well. I tried to ask, but they told me it wasn't appropriate for subordinates to question their captain."
Add that to the list of odd behavior.
You loved Tenzo like family, just like Kakashi did, so the sudden change was worrisome.
He went to ask Asuma as well, knowing he had been in the village more often than he had recently.
Asuma pulled him inside his home and away from prying eyes. Last thing he wanted was the wrong person hearing such a sensitive information.
"We already talked to Tsunade about it months ago when we noticed a decline in her health. Word got back to them, they said something about breach of trust, and they haven't spoken to any of us since."
Kakashi just nodded.
He remembered a time where he also reacted poorly when he'd been questioned in a similar manner.
The only difference is lord Third actually listened instead of allowing him to dig himself deeper into an early grave.
He dwelled on it for a few days.
He cared about you deeply. It was different than any of his other friendships- more personal and open.
The last thing he wanted was to go behind your back and end up with the same treatment the rest of the group was getting.
So he put on his big boy pants and showed up at your door again with vengeance.
He had been practicing what he'd say the whole way over. He needed to be prepared for anything you threw at him so he didn't falter.
But when you opened the door, his fire simmered out.
You just looked so tired.
His words got stuck in his throat.
So he did the only thing he could think of - he just walked forward, straight into you, and wrapped you up in a hug.
You resisted at first, but the second his warmth hit your bones, you relaxed.
It only lasted for a moment before the feelings started to set in, causing your body to shake with sobs.
You fell to the ground, dragging him with you, but his hold didn't loosen one bit.
"It's okay. I'm here for you."
That only made things worse. Something about his comfort was making all the feelings you've worked so hard to repress bubble up to the surface.
After you'd visibly calmed down, he'd picked you up and carried you to the couch. He positioned you so you'd be touching as much as possible without him being too forward.
"I hate ANBU."
Straight to the point. He wasn't sure if that was good or not.
"Why don't you retire? It's been almost fifteen years. That's way longer than most make it."
You hesitated. You had a reason, but the thought of saying it out loud made it sound so silly.
One look at Kakashi’s face told you he wasn't messing around.
You sighed and leaned your head on his shoulder. It made it easier to answer without him looking at you.
"If it's not me going out there, its someone else. I'm already too far gone, may as well save someone else from this fate."
Kakashi had fully been expecting some sort of 'I can handle it' response, but this one was so... awful. Just absolutely heart-wrenching.
He collected his thoughts, trying to find a way to reason with you.
"There are people in ANBU who can handle that kind of mental load. You were that person many years ago,"
You just looked at him with that sad, defeated face, and it broke his heart all over again.
"But that's not the case anymore. It's time to pass on the torch."
You shook your head, ready to get up and kick him out. He just pulled you back down and held your hands in his.
"I was so angry when I was forced to retire. I felt like I could do more, like it wasn't that bad, and everyone was underestimating me. Do you know what happens when shinobi like us aren't told to quit?"
You shook your head.
"They end up like my father."
You stayed silent after that. How could you argue when he had just pulled the dead dad card?
So you promised to think about it.
He knew that would be as good as it would get, so he dropped it and opted to switch to a lighter subject.
After an hour or so of talking, you fell asleep. He carried you to your bed and tucked you in. He thought about staying over, but decided against it.
He didn't see you the next day. He'd knocked on your door, but no one answered, and he couldn't sense you inside.
He hoped you were just busy and not on another mission.
He did see you the next day, however.
He was heading to the Hokage's tower to chat with Tsunade about team 7's next mission when he bumped into you.
You smiled at him.
It felt like he was looking at a different person. You were almost glowing. Your eyes seemed a bit brighter, face looked a little fuller, and overall vibe was less damming.
"I retired this morning."
He damn near hugged you in front of the whole village.
"That's great to hear."
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adore-laur · 3 months
— here’s an update on dad harry & the fam <3 please reblog/comment, or i will haunt you
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You've been dreading this day since March began.
Every time you passed the calendar on the refrigerator, you averted your eyes so you didn't see the specific date circled with the words "Lovebug's First Day" written inside it.
Time ticked by in an unyielding manner. Like an apex predator lying in wait, it crept up on you and pounced, leaving you disoriented, helpless, and wounded. You couldn't mentally process the breakneck speed of reality sprinting straight at you. When you merely blinked in a daze, another month unfurled, leaving no chance to recover.
The day arrives with a strong western wind and a brilliantly bright sunrise that mocks your low spirits. You're awake before anyone else, which is rare. Sleep evaded you last night, your eyes rejecting the heaviness that always comes with sleeping in Harry's warm embrace. The restlessness was paired with a fierce ache clutching your heart and holding on tight until the early morning.
At almost four years old, your eldest daughter is attending preschool today. After being a stay-at-home mom since she was born, you're finally setting her free to grow somewhere new. It was always in the cards, considering you would like to get back to working part-time to help provide for the family. You love bonding with and nurturing both your girls, but you're eager to put your brain to use in a different environment. It's time to return to other identities besides being a mother and a wife.
You begin brewing coffee, then open the kitchen curtains to allow the sun to pour in. For some odd reason, the atmosphere feels different. It feels like your first day of school all over again, where there's that nostalgic zest in the air fused with an underlying fear of the unknown. It's impossible to describe lucidly, but its presence is strongly felt nonetheless.
Today will forever change your family's routine, and it will make you want to rip your hair out and also burst with pride. There's a tug-of-war match taking place in your heart right now. Your nerves feel frayed; anxiety's merciless hands are harshly plucking at the threads. It's like fighting a biological battle with no shield—your brain is futile against all the attacks.
The sound of the wooden stairs creaking dissolves your whirlwind thoughts. Harry appears, wearing a snug black sweater and athletic shorts. He yawns, the sparkling sunlight accentuating his face gorgeously. The neatly trimmed scruff on his jaw he kept throughout winter. The tired shape of his eyes. The wispy way his hair curls after his morning shower. It's a blessing to be able to see the serene side of him that just woke up and isn't burdened by stress.
"Hi, sweetheart," he says, taking the mug of black coffee you prepared for him and sipping with an appreciative hum. "Both kids are still asleep."
You simply nod, afraid that if you speak, your poise will crumble instantaneously. Your hands distract themselves by lighting the wick of a sandalwood-scented candle. A part of you falsely hopes the comforting aroma will calm you down, but you know nothing will break through the full-body anxiety you're currently experiencing.
"No cuddles in bed this morning?" Harry asks curiously, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He smells like his sage and citrus body wash. "I missed you. Thought we'd have a little cry session before leaving."
Did he really have to mention the elephant in the room? You force your tears to save their arrival for later and say, "Sorry. I'm just trying to avoid crying as much as possible today."
His sigh is weighted with emotion as he sets his mug down and massages your shoulders. "I'm losing my composure already," he admits, laughing weakly.
At least he's in the same boat as you. Being a father has cracked him open in the best way possible—he's more softened than ever, and these parenting milestones always make him tenderhearted.
You rest your head against his chest and say, "This is harder than I thought it'd be." Every outcome you predicted involved an aching heart. Now, in the thick of it, you're defenseless.
"Remember our first night at home with her?" Harry asks, applying pressure with his thumbs to get rid of the muscle knots in your shoulder blades.
"Yeah. You woke me up because she had the hiccups."
He groans into your neck, almost like he's reliving the panicked moment. "I was so scared something was wrong."
You recall opening your eyes in the dead of night, the mellow lamplight illuminating Harry's troubled expression. Your baby, so small and precious in his arms, had harmless hiccups leaving her mouth. While you were half asleep, you reassured him by saying it was probably because she fed for too long. He agreed, yet still brought her to bed and gently rubbed her tummy until they were gone. You two were learning and tag-teaming through pure exhaustion. It was tough, but the rewards came in refreshing waves.
"Then she threw up on me," Harry adds, shaking his head fondly.
You turn around and slide your palms under his sweater, feeling the gloriously warm skin of his sculpted stomach. "Remember when she said her first word?"
He smiles reminiscently. "Mama."
"You started crying, if I'm not mistaken."
"Because she recognized you. It was special."
"Are you surprised she didn't say Dada first?"
"No, considering I talked about Mama all the time around her." His knuckle strokes under your chin. "Still do."
You hum thoughtfully, welcoming the pleasant memories that replay behind your closed eyelids. "Our girl is all grown up now. What are we going to do?"
Harry tilts your head to kiss the sensitive spot behind your ear. "You and I will be okay. It'll take time, but we'll eventually sink into this new normal."
"You think so?"
"I know so. Our love is steadfast, and nothing will ever change that." He hugs you in an all-consuming way—it's intimate and infuses you with safety, warmth, and a hopeful spark that everything will patch together the way it's supposed to.
When the preschool comes into view, you get slammed with immediate sadness.
You toured it with Harry months ago, ensuring it was where you wanted your daughter to be during the weekdays. The curriculum focuses on outdoor learning and is nestled in a safe neighborhood only ten minutes from the beach house. The teachers, classrooms, and overall energy of the place made you less anxious, but now it's back with a vengeance, eating away at your calm facade.
Kids linger outside the building, the sun shining on the blacktop that's scribbled with chalk drawings. A few participate in supervised hopscotch, while others twist their bodies nervously. A gated playground area is off to the left, with colorful swings, slides, and seesaws. To the right is a woodsy area with a large sandbox and flower beds. The stone pathway is decorated with little handprints that must have been dipped in paint. It's darling.
In the rearview mirror, you watch your daughter kick her legs in excitement and hug her tiny ladybug backpack, all ready to go. She woke up happy as a clam and impatiently scarfed down the big breakfast Harry had made her. After that, Harry braided her hair while sitting on the front porch, the March winds and briny air bringing the spring season with them. Pictures were taken, hearts were broken a bit more, and then you all were off to part ways.
Harry to the restaurant; you to your part-time job. No babies to look after, just an empty house waiting to be filled with love again.
Your youngest daughter, who's ten months old now, sleeps peacefully in the car seat. She's getting bigger every day, and it's a double whammy to see both of your children become more cognizant. You want to curse time for being such a thief.
She'll be dropped off at the nearby daycare center next, which will further twist the knife. It's possible for separation anxiety to occur, and while you can handle it, your baby girl's reaction will be a mystery. You sincerely hope the transition from home to somewhere unfamiliar will be smooth sailing.
Harry parks the car and looks over at you unwaveringly. "It's now or never," he whispers.
You draw in a deep breath, then exhale slowly. "Let's go."
Stepping out of the car, you open the back door and let your daughter hop out. You'd walk her to the door, but you want to stay near your youngest.
As she bounces with anticipation, you open her backpack and double-check that she has everything—her lunch box, a change of clothes, sunscreen, and the comfort blanket she's had since she was born. You zip it back up and then unhurriedly help her arms into the straps, trying to stall what happens next.
Harry, never the one to procrastinate, kicks things into gear by crouching and cradling her head. "You have the best day, all right? Be kind, make friends, and have fun. I'll be picking you up later."
"Can we eat ice cream after?" she asks, clasping her hands and standing on her tiptoes. "And play on the beach?"
He kisses her forehead. "We can do whatever you want, lovebug."
You can envision it now. Harry will bring the girls home, exhausted from work. He'll make dinner and wait for you, then you'll all sit at the kitchen table and attentively listen to her talk about her day in great detail. Then, as the sun sets, he'll entertain her by the shore until he insists on bedtime. Come tomorrow, he'll do it again with the same steadfast devotion because that's what good fathers do.
"We love you so much," you say, petting her braided hair.
"Love you," she replies distractedly, eagerly glancing at the front door. "I gotta go now, Mommy. Bye, Daddy."
She turns, ready to break free, but Harry stops her and says, "Not so fast, little lady. Give us some love to get through the day."
She shyly hugs him. She's growing out of her clingy tendencies and becoming more independent, and you can tell by Harry's sad smile that he recognizes it too. She briefly hugs your leg before running to the front door, where teachers are waiting with enthusiastic expressions and name tag stickers.
Harry slowly stands, never taking his eyes off her. He's more adjusted to not seeing her as much during the week than you, but you know the sentiment of her starting school still weighs heavy on his heart. After watching her disappear, he slings his arm around your shoulders and guides you to the car.
Inside is where you fall apart. The first cry that escapes has Harry blowing out an unsteady breath and embracing you. Against your neck, he sniffles, letting his piled-up emotions finally fall to pieces. He's not much of a crier, but when he does, it's a raw sight to see.
"Reservation for a cry session? Table for two?" he says humorously, rubbing your back and lightly scratching it.
"We're so lame," you whisper, gripping his sweater like a vice.
"God, I know. I even packed tissues." Harry takes an on-the-go pack out of his pocket, plucks two tissues out, and wipes both his and your tears with them.
"Eventually, we're going to have to do this again," you say. From the passenger seat, you peek at your baby girl and shoo away the thought—you still have more than enough time with her before she starts school.
Harry kisses your cheek. "One day at a time, honey."
Undoubtedly, this routine will get easier. It will become second nature, and you'll discover the exquisite simplicity of watching your children grow before leaving the nest and soaring through the sky.
They came into this world like a soft spring breeze, carrying seeds and dispersing them into your life. The roots emerged from under your home and flourished into a bountiful garden. Each day, there are new blossoms to admire and appreciate. And each day, you aim to help them thrive with support from Harry's sunshine.
Try as they might, the winds of change won't cause harm. Your family's roots are firm in the ground.
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cobaltperun · 4 months
Woe out the Storm (3) - Thunder
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Wednesday Addams x female Reader
Summary: It took some time, but eventually you came to realize only Wednesday Addams could look at the raging storm of chaos and destruction and make a home out of it. Only she could listen to the cacophony of the roaring thunder and hear a melody.
Story warnings: Wednesday Addams, violence, slow burn
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
Word count: 3.3k
-I was lightning before the thunder-
The Harvest Festival, frankly, you preferred it over the Outreach Day, for plenty of reasons. One of which was easily the fact you could just kick back and relax instead of working for people that despised everything you and other students were against your free will.
The only issue was you couldn't relax this year. Wednesday would escape tonight, meaning tonight was Rowan's last chance to try something.
And then there was Galpin... Talking with his father. Now, you did hear he stopped bullying people with the other three, but you found it difficult to forgive and forget.
You frowned and looked at Wednesday. "Really, Galpin is the one driving you?" you couldn't help but ask.
"I don't see how it concerns you," Wednesday replied.
You nodded, simply choosing to back away. Wednesday wasn't helpless, and who she interacted with definitely didn't have anything to do with you.
"Obvious dislike aside, are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asked, though she did send you a bit of a teasing smile.
"I trust that I can handle myself," Wednesday replied. Considering what she did against Bianca you found it difficult to disagree.
"Well, good luck and safe travels," Enid stepped toward her with her arms spread wide, only for Wednesday to decisively take a step back. "Still not a hugger. Got it," Enid shrugged, smiling at the girl.
"If you change your mind a third of that room is going to stay yours," you grinned.
"Until Weems puts someone else in," Wednesday told you.
Your grin turned into a smirk as you lifted your hand up and allowed a few sparks to appear around it. Just for a moment you thought you saw a spark of interest in Wednesday's eyes as she observed the sparks. "Nope, I'll personally make them ask for another room." you promised.
Enid coughed and elbowed your side.
You winced. She sometimes forgot her strength. "Nicely, of course, I'll keep my lightning to myself."
Wednesday tilted her head to the side by less than an inch. "Pity," she said.
You leaned to the side, shifting most of your weight to your right foot, you weren't sure how to take those words. "Since I won't be seeing you again, I, uh, I think you're great with the cello," there, a compliment to end the brief time together. That shouldn't make Wednesday uncomfortable, right?
Her eyes met yours and you felt a shiver run down your spine at the intensity of her stare. "Thank you," she eventually spoke up and the three of you parted ways soon after.
The moment Wednesday was out of sight Enid clasped your shoulder and smiled sympathetically. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."
"You don't have to pretend, I don't get what you see in her, but you don't have to hide it from me," somehow Enid got the wrong idea.
You sighed. This was your life now. Enid thought you had unrequited feelings for Wednesday. "Look, I know I can't change your mind," she enthusiastically nodded at that. "So, I’ll take a page out of Wednesday's book, somewhat. If you gossip about those feelings you claim I have, I'll fry your stuffed unicorn collection."
Enid squealed and bounced excitedly. "OMG! You do have feelings for her!" she wasn't going to let this go and you didn't even know how she came to that conclusion! Her eyes widened suddenly. "Go after her! Go!" in less than a second she was behind you and pushing you in the direction Wednesday went. "At least find a way to exchange letters with her if you can't convince her to stay!"
"Enid," you groaned, facepalming as you dug your feet into the ground to try and keep her from pushing you. All that achieved was two rows of dug up ground behind you. From the corner of your eye you saw Rowan, even more agitated and anxious than he was back when you confronted him in his and Xavier's room. "I have to go," you said, moving so abruptly Enid stumbled and almost fell to the ground.
Wednesday only touched Rowan for a moment, but it was more than enough. She saw flashes, glimpses of what was to come, all vague and unrelated, painting a picture she couldn't understand. She saw the purple book, the flames, the tree in the quad breaking into pieces, the raven surrounded by lightning, a glimpse of a blonde woman holding a bloodied hand and crying as blue eyes closed, red eyes turning orange, herself surrounded by cloud of dust and smoke with a huge beast surrounded by lightning standing over her trapping her, Rowan screaming as he was being torn apart by claws. And then the vision stopped
"Rowan, come back!" she ran after him, ignoring Tyler calling after her. She didn't understand why she was running, why she wished to prevent the last vision from coming true. Perhaps she just wanted to see if everything she saw was true, or if it somehow could be changed.
"Rowan, wait!" she shouted as she followed him deeper into the woods, the only signs of the festival that remained were occasional flashes of firework and the sounds they made.
Rowan stopped and turned toward her, furious and looking unhinged. "Argh! What do you want? Why are you following me?!"
"I don't have time to explain, but you're in danger," she wouldn't tell him about the vision, she didn't know how much time she had.
"I think you've got it backwards," he lifted his hand and suddenly Wednesday felt an invisible force lifting her up and slamming her back into a tree.
Even with her pain tolerance she still grunted, feeling the trunk digging into her back uncomfortably.
"You're the one who's in danger!" Rowan told her.
"What are you doing?" she demanded, and though she struggled it was futile. She couldn't get free.
"Saving everyone from you," he grunted, straining to keep her pinned to the tree. "I have to kill you."
That's when she pieced it together. "The gargoyle, that was you?"
"Yeah," he even smiled a bit.
"It's always the quiet ones," Wednesday commented as a piece of paper floated out of Rowan's pocket and unfolded in front of her. She saw a girl, dressed in black, with the background that looked like quad, only on fire.
"Girl in the picture, that's you," he said, she could feel the strain in his voice, but the force pinning her to a tree only got stronger.
"You want to kill me because of some picture?!" that was a ridiculous reason to kill someone, even for her standards.
"My mother drew that picture 25 years ago when she was a student at Nevermore! She was a powerful Seer. Told me about it before she died," Rowan yelled, as if that fact made his excuse for trying to kill her any better.
"Rowan, put me down," she demanded, his powers made it harder to breathe. He was choking her; he wasn't going to stop.
"No! My mother said it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to Nevermore because she will destroy the school and everyone in it!" he cried out as Wednesday became unable to breathe.
"Rowan! Let her go!" she heard your voice and looked to the side, just as you threw a knife toward Rowan. Your aim was awful. He didn't even need to move and it would miss him by at least two feet.
And then she saw it, just as the knife was about to reach Rowan your body was engulfed in red lightning and you disappeared, your entire body shifting into lightning and bursting forth toward the knife. Wednesday watched, speechless as your body regained form right in front of Rowan, the knife in your left hand, and you, too fast for him to react.
You slammed your fist into his guts, sending him flying back, though she couldn't help but notice you didn't use lightning for the punch, just the natural momentum and strength you had. It still sent Rowan flying.
It also broke his hold on Wednesday and you threw the knife toward the tree, zapping toward it just in time to catch her before she fell to the ground. Wednesday blinked, still dazed by what just happened as you set her down and knelt in front of her. you weren't touching her, but she could clearly see the concern in your eyes.
"Are you hurt?" you asked, looking for any visible signs of injuries.
"I'm fine," she denied having any injuries. What were you thinking? That she'd show vulnerability to you just like that?
"Y/N!" Rowan enraged, bellowed as he got up to his knees and raised his arm. Your eyes widened as you were pulled into the air.
"Wait, Rowan!" Wednesday found herself shouting as she tried to get up.
"I'll kill you after I'm done with Y/N!" he had lost his mind completely, the madness in his eyes made that clear.
"Bring it! I'll show you exactly why Weems and the staff dread the storms!" you thundered, lightning gathered around you and began concentrating in a ball above your head. "Give up or I'll drop this on you! Forget all this madness!" despite the anger she could hear you pleading deep down for Rowan to just listen to you.
You never got a chance to do so, as a monster emerged from the shadows and grabbed Rowan, slicing and tearing him apart with its claws.
You dropped to the ground, landing on one knee. You were too surprised by the monster's appearance to maintain the ball of lightning. The monster turned to look at you two, with its bulging eyes, hunched back, sharp claws and greyish skin it was unlike anything Wednesday saw in her life.
"That's an," did you recognize the monster? "...oversized Gollum?" she expected too much from you...
The oversized Gollum fled and you and Wednesday were left with Rowan's corpse. You didn't need to be an expert to see he was ripped open by those claw and dead.
You watched, wondering if there was anything you could have done. You had your lightning ready, but you just couldn't react in time. Were you going to hurt Rowan? Yeah, as far as that went you couldn't say you were any better than the monster that attacked him, but you weren't going to kill him, as strong as the lightning you gathered looked. You were going to aim for the ground in front of him, close enough to knock him out from the shock, but not nearly close enough to kill him.
You were frantically looking around, searching for any signs of the monster coming back, but it looked like it really left.
"We need to get someone," there was an urgency in Wednesday's voice you didn't quite expect, but you could see her legs shaking slightly. Shock from Rowan's death? No. She didn't look shaken. Was it the hit she took when he tossed her into the tree?
Deciding that it was probably that you nodded and followed closely behind her, just in case she couldn't keep standing. Damn Xavier for slowing you down, maybe all of this could have been avoided if you were only a minute quicker.
The first person you came across was Bianca and you noticed Wednesday faltering just for a split second. "Rowan was killed by a monster, I don't have time to explain, just get someone," Wednesday opened straight with that.
Bianca's eyes widened. "Are you crazy? What are you talking about?"
But before Wednesday could reply she began falling forward. "Wednesday," you caught her and turned her around in your arms. She was unconscious. "Bianca we both saw him get killed. Get someone, I need to take Wednesday back to the dorm," you knew you were putting your life at risk by doing so, and that Wednesday probably knew roughly ta thousand different ways to inflict pain, give or take a few hundred, and that she'd be more than eager to put you through them. You still picked her up. "Please don't wake up," you pleaded, but your gaze softened. Wednesday looked peaceful and you couldn't help but notice how light and small she actually was. "I got you, I know you can't hear me, but I got you."
In the most ridiculous turn of events Rowan was actually alive, even though he clearly got killed less than 24 hours ago. How was that possible? You had no idea. You just knew the entire school thought you and Wednesday made that up. So, here you were, in the woods, looking for anything that could prove the two of you weren’t crazy.
And you found it, you found Rowan’s glasses with drops of blood on them. With glasses in your hand you went back to your dorm. Someone was covering things up.
When you came back to the room you found Wednesday and Thing at her table, looking at the drawing she took from Rowan. You placed the glasses on her table, near Thing. "Someone is covering this up," you went to her other side and leaned back against her table, your hands gripping the edge of it.
"These are Rowan's. You went to the woods?" she demanded, looking at you with slightly widened eyes.
You nodded. "I wasn't sure if the oversized Gollum was still there, so I went alone," you heard tapping and saw Thing rapidly signing to you. Somehow you understood. "I wasn't being reckless, I'm a raiju," in your mind that was all the explanation you needed to give.
"Don't do that again," Wednesday stated firmly. "I want to make sure we don't miss any clues," she said and then showed you the drawing. "I need to know what this is about."
That made sense. "Any clues as to where that's from?"
"No," she then pointed at the upper right corner. "But I noticed this just before you came in," there was a mark there, it was faint, but you could see it.
"Looks like a flower? I guess?" you couldn't offer much aside from that. You've never seen it before.
"Let's go to the library," she stood up from her chair and Thing went into her bag.
“You can go ahead first, I’ll join you in a bit,” you figured she was too eager to search for the book to let you go into the library first.
“Why?” she immediately asked.
You looked away, embarrassed. “The rumors, I guess? Most people go to the library for reasons that don’t have anything to do with books, if you get what I mean,” when she remained silent, and more importantly when she maintained that same look that inquired you to keep going, you were left with no other choice but to sigh and elaborate. “Making out. Most people make out in the library. So, we go there together and it won’t take Enid’s vlog for half the school to think we’re doing the same,” she was already deemed a psycho by most of the school, and the rumors that she killed someone could still be heard every now and then. Add in the fact that the entire school thought the two of you made up Rowan’s murder and as far as you were concerned the last thing Wednesday needed right now was for people to think she was with a raiju of all outcast groups.
Wednesday just frowned, tilting her head the same way she did during the festival. “Do not assume I care about such trivial rumors. Come on,” she was already halfway to the doors by the time you processed what she just said.
“Wednesday, I’m a raiju,” you reminded her, but still followed. She wasn’t going to stop and talk about this.
“I don’t see an issue with that, lightning beast. You can back out if you’re so sensitive about rumors,” she said evenly, there wasn’t a hint of hesitation, or any emotion in her voice, it was as if she was just stating a fact.
You could just watch her back, not entirely sure how to feel at the moment. “It’s not me I’m worried about.”
That got Wednesday to stop and turn around to look at you. “Then you should know I don’t care if they think I’m with you,” she just said it. As if she didn’t just say it didn’t matter what you were. That it didn’t matter you were a raiju. Sure, there were more dangerous outcasts, but raiju were solitary creatures. Docile, but uncontrollable, and you weren’t talking about just storms. That could be controlled, with time and practice you’d be able to stay in the rain and not worry about uncontrollable discharges. No, it was the beast form. Untamable, driven by instincts, unable to speak or fully grasp the situation it was in. Lightning is only capable of destruction and that form was the embodiment of lightning. Even with all the efforts you put into learning how to control your lightning you’d never, under any but direst circumstances, willingly shift into the actual raiju form.
Your father, as much as he cared about his roommate while at Nevermore, still lost control when he shifted and the man and his brother barely avoided being killed during a particularly bad storm. The fear of doing the same was what made you so adamant on staying in control all the time.
And here Wednesday was, acting as if rumors about her being with a raiju wouldn’t bother her.
All you could was to let out a weak laugh and go after the girl to the library.
Basically bursting into the library the two of you were met with the sight you expected to see. Heavy make out session of two students, vampires this time. You awkwardly looked to the side, not really wanting to meet their eyes as they fled the library, embarrassed to be caught.
Wednesday, for whatever reason, and against your expectations, didn’t seem to be affected by what she saw. She just went straight into searching for the book. Thing got out of her backpack and began searching as well, so you did too. You looked for anything purple that had the mark on the page Wednesday had.
"I keep seeing that same purple book," Wednesday said to thing after you showed her yet another shade of purple that didn’t match what she was looking for.
Apparently, Thing didn’t have much luck either. "The cover was darker, more like a day-old contusion, keep looking."
“That’s one way to describe a color,” you grinned at her, but before she could reply, if she was even going to reply, the doors opened and the two of you looked up to see Thornhill at the top of the stairs. Thing quickly hid behind the books.
"I don't usually find students in here looking for actual books," Thornhill said as she came down the stairs. "Most sneak in to make out."
"We accidentally walked in on two vampires fanging, I can't unsee that," Wednesday said and you looked away, rubbing the back of your neck.
“I’ll come back later, if you don’t mind,” you said, not really wanting to spend time with the woman. You couldn’t get the look in her eyes out of your head whenever you saw her. That look of fear she had when she saw you electrocuting Tyler and his friends on the previous Outreach day. It was barely stronger than a taser, but it could have been stronger, and no matter what was said or done your and Thornhill’s relationship was permanently and irrevocably damaged. Hence, why you didn’t pay attention to her classes and did the tests just well enough to pass them.
"Sorry about that, I'm afraid Y/N and I got off on the wrong foot," you heard Thornhill saying as you left the library.
A/N: So, I'm just gonna say it right now. In the middle of writing this chapter, I was struck with sudden inspiration and I skipped way ahead and wrote the ending scene. You are probably going to hate me when you read it. (No, Reader doesn't die, in case anyone considered that for a moment.) So, yeah, until next time, bye!
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 3 months
Sex work
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Paring: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!reader
Synopsis: Spending money on a hot male sex worker♡
Content: Slow burn (?), virgin y/n / virginity loss mentioned, y/n is mentioned to be in her late 20's near 30, nail salon business y/n, sex worker toji, dilf toji, rich y/n mentioned, light aftercare, birth control mentioned, praising/light degrading, creampie, Dom toji, hand holding, choke hold, names such as "baby, princess, good girl" used
Word count: 5.5k♡
A/n: I've been wanting to write about tojis sexy ass but never had a plot. Now I do🤓☝🏾
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"Oh, come on, y/n. Don't give into society's pressure and think you have to lose your virginity," your bar tender friend said, with a sincere smile on her face as she handed you a cocktail. You let out a deep sigh as you took the drink and took a big gulp of it. "It's not society making me feel this way. it's just... I'm almost 30 and still a virgin." You said.
"And that's not a bad thing," your friend reassured you. "I know, I know. I just want to experience sex. I want to know how it feels to get aroused by someone eles hands on me other than my own. To feel desired and lusted for.. I'd go on dating apps, but I don't trust that, and the men we see on a daily basis aren't exactly my type." you explained with a sour face.
Your friend laughed, hearing about your sexual frustration. "Yeah, none of these guys are your type. I can look up guys in my man's friend group for you to hook up with," she teased and hit you playfully. You chuckled, "Thanks, but I'll get over it. I'll take another cocktail. Since I'll be finishing this one soon," you joked and gave your friend a sad smile.
Your friend gave the same smile back and turned around to get started on making you another drink. You held your empty glass with both hands and had a moment with your thoughts. Was the sexual frustration really getting to you? Or was it just disappointment and embarrassment that you wouldn't get to experience that part of life as you age on.
You could have sex with any man who was as desperate to lose their virginity, but your pride wouldn't allow that. You wanted to have sex with a man who was your ideal type. A man who is more experienced and knows how to pleasure a woman. A man who's much bigger than you. Taller, weight wise, or muscles, it didn't matter. It turned you on just at the thought.
Your friend made your second cocktail and gave it to you for you to start sipping on it. You were silent. Lost in your thoughts, tipsy even and not being as alert to notice that someone had sat down beside you at the bar counter until he spoke. "I'll take a beer," a deep voice said. Your eyes shift from your drink to see a big veiny hands almost slam down five dollars on the counter to your bar tender friend.
Everything happened in a second. You glanced at this man, and your eyes widened a bit to take in just how handsome and attractive he is to you, and then your eyes turned to your friend. She was already looking at you with the biggest grin on her face, already knowing what you're thinking without words being said. However, you both couldn't make this awkward, so you looked away from each other so your friend could do her job in the moment.
"Coming up. How's your night going, sir?" Your friend took his money and began to get him a glass of beer. "No need for the formal introduction. The names Toji," He said with an exhausted sigh and held his hand out to grab the drink that was soon given to him. "Didn't get paid much tonight, so that has me pissed," Toji said and began to chug down half the beer.
Your friend raised her brows in a teasing way and eyeing you to look at Toji again, and you did just that. He had such nice, jet-black hair, and he looked so good in his baggy pants, along with his tight fitted black t-shirt. The alcohol was definitely getting to you since you wouldn't usually stare, but you couldn't help him. "He's just so fine," you thought to yourself.
Once Toji put his glass down with a deep sigh from chugging down that much of his drink, he turned to you. Toji's face changed into a frown of annoyance as he watched you staring at him. "What are you looking at?" He said with aggression in his tone. Your friend quickly stepped in to defend you in case things got out of hand. "My friend is just tipsy. She didn't mean to," she said.
"Sorry." You gave Toji a light smile and went back to finishing your second cocktail. Toji didn't reply, but now, he's the one looking at you. "Could've sworn I've seen you before," Toji commented, which made you raise your brow in question. You couldn't recall seeing a guy like Toji around, and you thought hard if you really saw him around but nothing came to mind and you shook your head.
"Maybe you've seen me, but I haven't seen you before. I own a nail salon business called [business name] in different locations. I go to those locations when I can so.." You smiled nervously, not wanting to be rude but also hoping Toji could provide more of an explanation to what he's saying. "Yeah, that place. I have a daughter who gets her nails done religiously at that place." Toji chuckled.
"Really now?" You asked and watched Toji nod his head. "I guess the location you work at is the main one. I always gotta wait with my friend in the car until she's done. My daughters name is Tsumiki. Tsumiki Fushiguro," Toji said, and you gasped lightly. "Yes, I do know her. She comes by at least once a month." You chuckled. "Now that I think about it. She would always mention to me how her dad would get impatient when waiting. So technically, yeah, we did meet. My name is y/n." You introduced yourself
"Yeah. Your work is good, but you take so damn long," Toji chuckled. "So... Do you want another beer?" You grinned, with some shyness as you attempt to flirt with Toji. "Didn't you hear me before? I said I didn't get paid much this time, and I gotta save-" "I asked you if you wanted another beer. Who said you'd pay?" You cut him off and giggled at his surprised expression.
Toji wasn't used to having another woman buy him something like this, but how could he pass this up? Toji had the biggest grin on his face and moved his chair closer to yours, and put his arm around you. "Might just spend all your money if a pretty woman like you is gonna spoil me." Toji flirts and then turns to your friend. "Bring us two more beers," he said.
You and your friend both made an excited face and squealed softly at each other for your accomplishment of getting Toji to get some interest in you. You and Toji started to have a good night for the past 2 hours at the bar, especially since it was a Friday and the bar itself got more lively as the night went on with music playing and rounds of drinks. You and Toji didn't drink till drunk, but you drank and became very flirty with one another throughout the night.
You gave the heads up to your friend to let her know you were good, and she went home for the night. After her shift was done. You had good conversation with Toji up until the topic you originally had with your friend came up since Toji did come into the bar just as you finished that previous conversation and he just had to ask about it. "Huh? You're still a virgin? Are you waiting until marriage or something?" Toji raised his brow at you as he laughed at your confession.
However, you didn't laugh. It may seem funny to him, including others, given that you're almost 30. You can't blame them, but it was embarrassing. You ended up scoffing at Toji's question and looked away from him. "No, I'm not waiting. Plus, if I did wait, I'd definitely die a virgin." You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.
Toji grinned at your little outburst. His arm was still around you, and he brought his hand to your face and pinked your cheek to annoy you more. "Tell you what. I know some guys who'd be willing to have sex with you, but you'll have to pay them," Toji suggested. You raised your brow in question, "And how would you know that Toji?" You smirked. "Cause I'm a sex worker, pretty girl. How else would I know?" Toji smirked back at you.
That came to a surprise since you didn't expect Toji to be a sex worker, let alone be ignorant to believe sex workers like this still exist even in the year 2024. You took a moment before opening your mouth to say something bold at Toji's suggestion. "You'd rather have me spend my money on another sex worker when you have the opportunity to ask me?" You chuckled but then stopped once Toji's big hand rest on your thigh.
"I suggested other guys cause they are used to taking virgin clients. Unless you'd want your first time not to be so... vanilla," Toji teased, but he wasn't wrong. Sure, you wanted things to go slow only cause you never had sex but you definitely didn't want vanilla sex. You were more freaky than that, and you knew it. You had to swallow your shyness to properly communicate in order to take Toji for this opportunity.
"What thoughts are going through that pretty head, mm?" Toji whispered in your ear and bit his bottom lip lightly with a smirk as he watched your flustered expression. Toji already found you attractive, but now? You were getting this man excited, and he rarely gets excited during these talks when getting a client. "I'm just thinking... I don't have to look into other sex workers you may know since I'd like to take you... if that's okay," you asked softly.
"You're cute." Toji brought his hand to your head and began to mess with your hair. He was so annoying. You slapped his hand away and frowned. You watch Toji reach into his back pocket and pull out a black card. It stated the sex work origination toji works with, and it said his name, along with his phone number. "This is my number. Text me, and then I'll have my boss send you an email for us to have an appointment together." Toji winked.
You stared at the card and then took it to put in your bag. You pulled out your phone to check the time to see that it's 3am. Toji leaned closer to see as well and then looked at you. "Think you can get me an Uber to get home." Toji asked, and you raised your brow at him but decided to do it since you wanted to go back to your house too and typed in the location gave you.
"Broke ass," you joked. As you added two stops, you're house and then Toji's.
The next week, you went back to work. You texted Toji after the weekend, and you've been chatting with him. It was normal talk, just to get a better sense of each other, but you felt like a teenager texting your crush. On another Friday, you got an email from Toji's boss. You opened your perosnal lap top to fill out thr form. Toji mentioned previously that the form would be easy to fill out.
It was things like consent for this and payments and then some other morning stuff until the last question that was added by Toji. "What the fuck!?" You said to yourself in your break room alone and just like that, your phone started to buzz in your pocket. You checked to see who it was, and lo and behold, it was Toji. You picked up and said hello.
"Hey. Did you get the form?" Toji asked. "Yeah, I did.... but I have a question" You asked, and Toji hummed for you to continue. "Um... how come there's a question asking, "Do I like getting creampied or nutted on my face?" Wouldn't that be asked more... I don't know. Professionally?" You asked, still having that shocked face. "Yeah, but I changed that. If you want me to cum in you then you have to be on birth control. Cause I can't handle another kid" Toji laughed.
"I am on birth control!" You said. "Learn to take a joke, princess. Well, half joke." Toji chuckled. You sighed and answered the question on the form and sent it back to his boss and closed your laptop. "You finished?" Toji asked. "Yes," you replied. "Good girl. I'll see you on Saturday then," Toji said. You just knew Toji had a smirk on his face, but you nodded. "See you," you said before disconnecting the call.
You laid back in the chair and took a few breaths to calm your heart from racing. He was such a tease yet sounded so hot doing it. As the week went past, you got yourself ready for the weekend. Making sure to have the money to pay him, getting your home nice and clean. Once everything was done, you were home alone on a Saturday evening when you heard a knock on your door. You looked through the peep hole and just saw Toji's chest.
You opened the door and saw him there. His style didn't change much, but he still looked as handsome as ever. "Come in," you invited Toji, and you walked him walk in with a gym bag and took off his shoes, and then watched him begin to examine your home. You closed the door and followed behind him to your living room to hand him the cash that was in a small envelope. Toji took it and started to count the money, but then he looked at you.
"$400? It was just $300, cutie," Toji said, put, kept it anyway, and put in his gym bag. "I want a longer night..." You admit. Toji's fingers grabbed under your chin and made you look at him properly. "You thought we'd get straight into it? What kinda guy would I be if I did that?" Toji said, and his thumb played with your bottom lip before letting go. For the time being, Toji suggested to watch a movie together.
Usually, he'd say you both should shower before getting into it, but he wanted you to get used to his touch even if it wasn't sexual just yet. Toji wasn't big on cuddles, but he kept his arm around your thoughts out the movie and held your hand a lot. You attempted to cuddle, but he just straight up hugged you, which wasn't bad either. It felt nice to have this physical affection before having sex together.
Once the movie had finished, you took your bath and then came out to dry yourself off and kept your towel over you as you waited on your bed for Toji. You didn't feel scared or anything bad but instead nervous? Worried, he may not like what he sees? He's had sex with other clients, so what if he says negative things about your body. That small worry of insecurity was normal to feel before your first time, so you shook your head and waited once you heard the water stop.
You waited and saw Toji walk out your bathroom 5 minutes later. "You shower long," you said with a nervous smile on your face and ajust your towel to cover your tits more. "I took 20 minutes. You took 30" Toji called you out, and you laughed. "Yeah, you got me there," you said and watched Toji stand at the edge of the bed with his towel around his waist. Your eyes scan his body as you look at his muaclar physique. His face and body were just perfect.
"Why are you all the way over there? You're not nervous, are you?" Toji placed a knee on the bed and began to crawl towards you. His towel began loose and eventually fell off from his waist and you got a glance at his cock. Your eyes widen a bit to see it's size and he wasn't even hard yet. You quickly look at Toji, who is now inches away from your face. "I'm not i- I just don't want you to think my body looks werid," you say, and Toji gives you a werid look.
"Why would I think that? Your body is sexy. It's a shame you still wanna keep that towel on, too." Toji's deep tone softened as he brought his hand to your body and started to play with the rim of your towel near your breasts. Your breathing became unsteady. You took slow breaths, feeling the atmosphere become hotter with the sexual tension arising between you and Toji.
You look at Toji's lips and then lossend your hands from your towel and allow Toji to slowly remove your towel from your naked body. "C'mon. Lay down and get comfortable," Toji said and placed his hands on your hips to help you lay down underneath him properly. "Comfortable now?" He chuckled and watched you nod.
Toji slides his hand up your side and eventually holds your hand in his. Toji began to compare hand sizes with you while being inches away from your lips. "Your hands are so much bigger than mine.." you whispered and intertwined your fingers with his. "Well, I'm a big guy," Toji chuckled. "Can I kiss you?" He asked and gave your cheek a quick peck. You nod in response. However, Toji didn't like that.
He shook his head and held your hand tighter. "Words, baby. Can I kiss you?" Toji said against your lips while still, maintaining eue contact. You felt his breath hit your lip, and he felt yours, given how close your lips were, and you opened your mouth to speak softly. "Yes, please kiss me," you begged softly.
Toji first gave you a peck. He wanted to see how you'd react to that. I'm not too sure if that was your first kiss, but you reacted normally. You brought your hands to his face, and Toji went in for a deep, passionate kiss. His lips were so soft against yours. He took the lead by kissing, making out with you slowly, and slowly started to force your lips open more to take breaths in between.
Toji's hands went down to your legs in the kiss. His hand rubs up and down your legs, and you gasped softly in the kiss as Toji opens your legs to fit himself in between. "Mhmph~" you moaned softly in the kiss as you felt Tojis cock brush up against your pussy. "You okay?" Toji asked between his smooches and soft heavy breaths. "Yeah~" you said. Once Toji knew you were okay with this, he took it a step further.
Toji bit your bottom lip. It surprised you a little, and you opened your eyes more to see him. He looked at you with so much lust and from his lip bite. Your lips opened more, you jaw doing so as well, and Toji slides his tongue inside your mouth to touch your tongue and slides out for a second to kiss you. He repeated this and slowly but surely, you got the hang out of it as well.
Heavy breaths and soft moans were exchanged in each others mouths as you both felt the arousal growing more. Toji's hips couldn't stop himself from softly humping you. His cock between your legs and rubbing up and down between your wet folds. "Toji~" you moaned his name in the sloppy kiss and felt some saliva spill down your chin.
Toji lets out a low groan as his hands grip onto your sides and stop his hips from grinding against you. He breaks the kiss and uses his tongue to lick up the saliva that ran down your chin. "I need you. So fucking bad" He said through a deep breath and sat up. "Just look how hard you made me.. even getting some of your wetness on me. Fuck~" Toji said, seeing some of your slick on his shalt.
You bit your lip softly, feeling your wall clench at the site of his girthy cock. "Toji. Toji, please I.." You begged. You felt your clit throbbing, you wanted him too and now. "Yeah, I got you." Toji got down on the stomach on the bed and pulled your body towards him. "You ever made your cum before?" Toji smirked at you with his head between your thighs and inches away from your needu cunt.
You hesitated to answer, feeling somewhat embarrassed, but you eventually answered. "With a clit toy yeah.." you admitted. Toji stuck his tounge out and gave your clit a softly kitten lick and watched your hips buck from his sudden lick to your sensitive bud. "Well I don't fuck with toys so you got two options as a start. My tounge, or my fingers. You'll get both eventually, but what do you wanna start with first, princess?" Toji asked.
Your mouth opened in a small 'o' shape, not being able to hold your voice back as Toji continues to tease you with his soft licks to your clit. "I think you're living my tongue. Just look at how those hips roll up in my face" Toji said as he gave your clit a long lick, while applying more pressure on it with his tounge. "Y-yes~" you said through a whimper and brought your hands to Toji's hair.
"Yeah?" Toji's long tounge rolls around your thobbing clit and kisses it lightly. He wrapped his lips around your clit and applied pressure on it with his tounge in a circular motion. Toji couldn't get enough of your moans, how your hips kept bucking and rolling in his face while your thighs kept squeezing his head.
You gasped once you felt Toji's tongue licking further down to your leaking hole, and you grip his hair tighter. "Oh fuck~ Toji not there~" you whined yet, you felt your arousal throughout your body from just his tongue. "Just wanted to taste how wet you are for me. This pretty pussy can't stop leaking for me can it?" Toji said and began to slide his fingers between your wet folds. "Ready for my fingers?" He asked, playing with your slick between his fingers.
"Yes!, yes~" You rest your head back as you feel his finger press against your hole. "Relax. Let me ease my finger in." Toji thrust his thick finger inside and moving it in and out. You covered your mouth with the back of your hand, moaning from just one finger. "Nah, don't do that. Let me hear you. Move your hand from your mouth, " Toji said and added another finger inside you.
"Oh my gosh~ oh fuck." You said through shaking moans. You eventually move your hand away from your mouth and brought your hands to the sheets to grip onto them as Toji slowly begins to finger fuck you harder. His fingers open you up, spreading apart inside to open your walls up before adding in a third finger. "Toji- Toji!" You moaned his name in a small panic, your eyes tearing up as you feel your orgasm coming already.
"You're doing so fucking good. It's okay. Fucking cum on my fingers." Toji finger fucked you faster and he went back to licking your clit and this time, sucking on it. You whimpered loudly and moaned. You felt Toji's other hand hold yours, and you quickly held his hand back. Your back arches and your eyes shut tight as you cum on his fingers. Your other hand grips onto his hair, slowly riding out your orgasm my grinding back into his face and your walls clenching down on his three fingers.
You calmed down and relaxed into the mattress. "Felt good, didn't it?" Toji kissed your inner thigh and pulled his fingers out to see the mess you made. "Yes- Oh, there's issue over there- Toji!" You said in shock as you watch Toji clean his fingers of your cum. "I don't have time to get off this bed and get some tissue to clean it up." He said and placed his hands on your knees. "Now. Are you ready to take me?" He asked and you look down to see his hard cock, oozing out pre cum.
He needed you badly. Toji pushes your thighs back and places your ankles on his shoulders. "You okay with this position?" Toji asked. "Yes. I'm okay." You smiled at Toji and brought your hands to hold onto his sides. Toji grabbed his cock and rubbed his tip against your clit and between your folds. He looked at you, making sure you're okay once more, and you nodded your head.
Toji pushed his tip inside. You try to relax, taking in slow breaths as you feel his hips thrust forward and feel yourself scratch open. "G-gentle gentle~" Your breath hitched, and you bit your lip. "Yeah, I know. You're just so tight." Toji grunts as he gave you a second before continuing. You felt slight pain, not as much since Toji prepared you before. However, you just felt the pressure.
"You're doing so good. Just keep relaxing. I'm almost in." Toji grabs the sheets. He moans at how your walls squeeze around him until he finally gets in. He wasn't exactly balls deep, but he wanted to get to that part in a bit and didn't move until you were ready. "It doesn't hurt, dose it?" Toji asked. "A-A little bit.. but it doesn't hurt badly... I just feel so f-full. You can start moving, though, " your voice trembled.
"I figured. Maybe this can help." Toji leaned down to bring his mouth to your nipple and sucked on it lightly. "Ooh, Toji~" Your mouth hung open with moans as he sucks on your nipple while thrusting his hips slow. It was already so overwhelming. But it felt so good. "That's it. Moan for me. You're taking my cock so good right now baby" Toji bit your nipple softly and then went to the other one, sucking on it as he thrust his hips at a stead rhythm.
"It's sooo, good- oh fuck" your nails big into his sides as you felt his cock slide in and out, feeling his veins drag along your walls and your wetness leaking down to your hole already. "Ready for me to get a bit faster?" Toji whispered in your ear as his hips roll in slow cirlcles, making your feel his cock more. "Yes~ I wanna feel you more. Fuck me please" you begged softly with teary eyes.
Toji pulled his hips back, stopping once he felt his tip almost slip out and slowly push back into you again, this time getting balls deep until his tip kissed your cervix. His thick thighs began to slap lightly against your skin as his speed increased. "That's it. Opened up more for me and- taking it so good" Toji says through moans.
Your brows knit together, and your moans grew Louder as Toji fucks you faster. "And these tits." Toji grabs one of your boobs and licks your nipple and gives it a softly nibble. "Love the way your pussy sucks me in when I play with these pretty nipples." Toji said and eventually holds both of your boobs together and begins to lick both nipples at the same time.
You tried to speak, but Toji's hips began to thrust harder. His cock so deep and bullying your cervix all while againsts your gspot and his heavy balls smacking against your wet asshole. "Toji~ Toji, just like that~" you muttered. "Yeah, like this." Let go of your boobs and sat up to hold your legs to his chest and began thrusting his hips faster, having his skin clay against yours.
"Yes, just like that!" You moaned in a squeal as his cock fucks into you and hit all the right spot. Your tits bounce, and your body jerks forward from his powerful thrusts. It felt so good you couldn't help the tear from your eye run down your face. "Look at that fucked out slutty face you got goin on. So sensitive, aren't you? And so wet. You're getting it all over me" Toji says through deep moans as he sees the ring of your pussy creaming around his cock and feeling your wetness on his balls.
"Can feel you getting close. Cum, cum for me. Let me feel this pretty, needy pussy grip onto my cock" Toji continued to fuck you harder while having a slight fucked out expression on his face as well. Your eyes rolled back a bit and your hands grip onto the bed sheets, moaning, almost screaming as your back arches and you cum, on his cock.
"Yeah, that's it~ You feel so good clenching on me like this- fuck." Toji said and continued to keep thrusting his hips. "Toji- tojii~" you whined his name and brought your hands to his abdomen. "Move your hands, baby. I'm so close," Toji whispered as he shut his eyes and grabbed both your wrists and thrust faster than before, even making the bed shake.
Toji's moans got Louder, and he threw his head back. He got himself balls deep, clenching his jaw, and stopped thrusting as he came inside you. "That birth control, better work" he pants, "I was thinking if I should fill you up, but this cunt is too good not too. Fuck~" Toji, let go of your wrists and grab on your thighs to ride out his orgasm.
"On your stomach now, princess. We're not done yet," Toji grabbed your legs and pushed them to the side to help you turn around. "Like this?" You laid on your stomach, bring one of your pillows to your chest for support, and had your legs spread open as you looked back at Toji. "Just like that," Toji said in a low growl, watching some of his cum still spilling out of you and grabbed your ass tightly before positioning himself to fuck you again.
Toji shoved his cock back in and you both moaned at the feeling. "Fuck me harder Toji~ ooh God, I want more this time" you begged while pushing your ass up against Toji as he thrusts his cock inside you. "You're realing asking me that?" Toji, put some of his weight down on you and brings his arm around to put you in a light choke hold and slams his hips down, fucking you roughly.
"You took it like a good slut before. You're gonna take it like a good slut again." Toji grunts. "Your cunt is just gushing, even when i fuck my cum back inside. So. Fucking. Wet," Toji said from his rough thrusts and choking you a bit harder in the choke hold he has you in. You tried to talk back, but all that came out of your mouth was loud moans and soft choke sounds as he fucks you into the mattress.
"I-im gonna cum again- Toji, wait~ wait~" your pussy clenched on Toji's cock harder and felt yourself dripping with each thrust. "Nah, I'm not waiting- holy fuck, Gonna cum too, gonna cum so hard" Toji let's you out of his choke hold but he brings his hand to your throat to hold you while his other hand grips onto the bedsheets rightly.
Your teeth bit down on the pillow, letting out screaming moans with tears of pleasure rolling down your face, not being able to hold yourself back from squirting all over the bed until a small puddle was made. Toji's maons turned into deep whimpers in your ear and his hand had a firmer grip on your neck and his slammed his hips, having his tip kiss your cervix as he fills you up again with his cum.
"Oh fuck~, Toji~ Toji," you moaned his name, panting, and your eyes shut as you pass out right after. "Ah shit... was i too rough???" Toji said, being concerned.
You ended up sleeping after that for almost 30 minutes. When you woke up, you sat up slowly to check the time. It was 2am. Once you blinked to realize what was going on, you found yourself in new pj's and cleaner bedsheets. You were about to get up until your bedroom door opened again, seeing Toji came in with a bottle of water and something eles in one hand and tea in the other.
"You're awake. Now take this." Toji handed you some painkillers and the water. "Thank you, Toji. But I'm okay. I just went to sleep." You chuckled and took the medicine. "You could get a headache or something." Toji got in bed with you and laid down beside you. You looked at him, almost confused until Toji's hand suck around your waist to pull you closer into a hug, almost cuddling again like before.
"Don't look at me like that. All sex workers gotta give aftercare." Toji said, looking away with a faint blush on his cheeks. "You were a beast in bed but blush at aftercare? You're cute," you giggled and rested your head on Toji's chest. "Just so you know, when you fall asleep again, I'm leaving so your front door will be unlocked," he mentioned.
You instantly got annoyed. "I take it back," you said. "If you want another time like this, then you know how to book another appointment." Toji said
"Oh i will~"
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pinkishplush · 3 months
Sweetest Revenge
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"I can't believe this, shit!" I thought to myself as I watched Janis put Lard into some empty face cream container. They planned for Cady to give the false face cream to Regina. It was all a part of their master plan ever since Cady saw Aaron and Regina kiss.
Now don't get me wrong I also despise Regina in the slightest bit because I had the same interaction that Janis did with her but with me it was different. We were actually dating in secret for a little while before we settled on just being friends.
But one day I met someone new and we started dating. Regina publicly humiliated me and her, forcing her to move states after a few weeks of long distance dating she finally cut ties with me all because of my crazy ex.
Of course I didn't tell Janis and Damian about this. But after finding out about Janis situation I guess we just clicked. So yeah, I hated Regina but what they were doing was just wrong and I know exactly how Regina will take this and kindly isn't an option.
"Guys don't you think this is a little extreme. I mean come on Aaron is her ex so what if she still likes him?" I tried to reason as Janis continued filling the container. "Are you crazy, y/n? We all know Regina only kissed Aaron because she's spiteful and bitchy like that. She's knit picking at Cady." Janis said with a scoff.
I sighed softly "Ok, I get it we hate Regina but why ruin her high school life like this?" I asked for an exact reason, trying to shut down their plans knowing it would only back fire. "Like she ruined middle school for me and currently is ruining high school for us?!" Janis said as she put the lid on the container and handed it to Cady.
I looked at Damian for help but all he did was slide the glasses into his eyes. I rolled my eyes and slouched in my seat "You haven't been tortured by her like I have y/n. It's finally time for me to get back. So it's either you're in or out with the plan." Janis shrugged carelessly.
"And if I'm not in?" I asked "Then you can leave." Janis stated. I looked at her bewildered and scoffed at how careless she was to toss me to the side just so she could get back at Regina.
I stood up from the sofa and stormed out. I wasn't gonna just allow them to do this. I couldn't. Especially knowing that it could all backfire. Sure, Regina's spiteful and bitchy, but she always uses that to her advantage.
And they don't know just how those two words work in cahoots with each other. It makes her vengeful and when she's vengeful she does the unthinkable.
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I stood at my locker watching as Cady took out a Kalteen bar from her locker. "Is she seriously planning on giving one to Regina?!" I frowned as I recalled the moment when she told us that they were used for gaining weight.
I have two options right now. I could either warn Regina that Cady was not the innocent new foreign kid that she thought she could embarrass easily or I could do this by myself on my own timing.
Since I cut off all conversation when Regina tried talking to me after my breakup other then our usual butchy remarks toward eachother. It would be weird to suddenly be friendly and just warn her. She would obviously think I'm lying so I decided to just do it undercover.
I watched as Cady closed her locker but then re-opened it, obviously forgetting something. I watched her put in the code to her locker intently. '6-3-5-3'. I watched as she slid the facial cream container out of her jacket and into the locker.
I continued to watch as she walked away with a smile on her face. When she was out of the clear I walked over to her locker and put in the code. I swapped out the facial cream with the same brand container but it contained the actual included contents.
I closed the locker and walked away like nothing happened. I walked down the hall and noticed Cady at the candy gram set up. After she left I made my way towards the girl sitting at the gram setup "Can I see that candy cane?" I asked.
The girl shrugged and handed me the candy cane. I read the paper and it was just as I suspected. Cady was faking as if she was given a gram by Regina. "One candy gram please." I asked as I handed the girl the gram back.
I didn't know who she was planning to tick off with the gram but I'm taking a wild guess and saying Gretchen she's the only one that could possibly tick off. So I wrote a candy gram out Gretchen acting as if it was from Regina 'To Gretchen the truest of true friends, XoXo bestie.' I wrote on the paper.
I handed it to the girl and walked off. Jesus this might be a lot harder than I thought it would be.
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I walked into the cafeteria and noticed Regina snatching a Kalteen bar from Cady's hand, looking at it in amazement. Cady must've told her it's for weight loss. I couldn't do anything about it because Cady was right there so I just sat down at my usual table.
After finishing my lunch. I continued on my merry way and walked past Janis and Damian who glared at me. It was obvious they knew what I was up to but it was all a part of the plan. My plan.
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Fuck, everything was going so wrong. Regina just busted her ass on stage because of the weight she's been gaining from the Kalteen bars. A lot of people had their phones out and were recording.
I got up for my seat and ran to close the curtains. I knew it was probably too late as I listened to all the laughs from down below and watched all the flashing lights go off.
I sighed before heading to leave the auditorium. Maybe everything will be fine tomorrow....
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your-girl-mj · 10 months
whiney when drunk [1610!miles × drunk!reader]
summary: [name] drinks too much, and miles has to face its consequences.
warning: mention of skintone, but i think it was harmless. kinda cringe, but she's drunk, so what can i say?
note: based on a scene from "Hidden Love" when the girl got drunk. she/her for reader, he/him for miles
created: august 7, 2023
published: august 9, 2023
first part | second part
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miles were in the middle of his homework, and the paper is consist with equations and small doodles on the side. his head booping at the music from his headphones, tapping his pen every now and then.
his work came to a halt when his phone rang and the music stopped. the device moves the slightest as it vibrates on the hard surface of his desk.
checking the caller id, a smile tugged his lips, seeing it was his girlfriend. "hola, mamí." he greeted his eyes, caught the clock, and it was already nine, almost ten. "are you finished hanging out? want me to pick you up?" miles asked, already standing up from his seat.
miles knew it was [name] and her friend's outing since they all passed their finals. she asked him to come as well, but he still needs to finish his homework for college. "..hello?" a slur voice erupts from the device, making miles frown his brows in confusion. he struggled to put his suit on with one hand as the other held the phone.
"[name], are drunk?" he frowned. It's not like he's not allowing her to drink. he just doesn't want her to get drunk and feel horrible in the morning after. and of course, especially when there are boys in her friend group. "you said you don't drink."
"...i don't." she answered before a little giggle followed right after. "i miss my boyfriend..." her hand was leaning on a table. her vision is blurry, and her body seems to be disobedient today and does not help her balance. "my... adorable spidey—"
"okay, okay!" he cut her off his nervousness are rising up at the thought of his girlfriend exposing his identity because she's drunk, quickly putting his jordans in a bag as well as things he knew she'll need, then rushing to get his keys. "don't drink anymore, okay?"
"mm.." she hummed, looking around the restaurant. picking a food from her plate and eat it. her head is too fuzy to think straight and following the first thing that comes to her mind.
"can you tell me where you are?" miles rubs a hand over his face, a little disappointed that she drinks a little too much than she couldn't handle.
"[adress.]" she said in a slow and low voice. her eyes were dropping as it was only two hours before midnight.
"wait there, I'm on my way." he puts on his mask and jumps off his window. his other hand still cling on his phone.
"whhhyy?" she squint her eyes, tilting her head before she soon feels like her head is weighted two times heavier and presses her temple on the cold surface of the table, resting it there.
her friends calling her name in the background, but she paid no mind to them, wanting to only hear her boyfriend's voice.
"because I'm going to pick up a drunkard." with that miles hangup. leaving a very confused [name] on the other side.
"a what?" she sat up straight, migraine swirl in her head making her massage her head. "miles? hello?" looking at her phone, the girl only saw her lockscreen of her and miles. [name] clicked her tongue, "you can come here and you'll see me, but when i come there, i won't see you." she frowns at the image of miles in her phone. "you're so weird..."
"i'll be off," she announced to her friend group, taking her bag with a drowsy action. as she stood, her feet were giving her a hard time to walk straight.
a series of goodbyes are heard as she slowly walked her way out. pushing the door with all her left out strength, it didn't budge as she thought it would. "girl, how much did you drink?" the voice of a friend came to her side, helping her pull the door open.
"i don't know.." she blurb out, "miles is going to..pick me up, you don't have to come.." [name] lightly push her friend back to the entrance. "have fun in there.."
"no, no, no. I'll get back when your boyfriend shows up," her friend insisted, holding her arm to steady her body. "you okay?"
"no," [name] answered, getting out of her friend's grasp and crouching down with her head leaning on her knees. "i feel like throwing up..." her voice coming out as mumbled, her friend slowly rubbing circles on her back.
miles, finally in his civilian clothes; jogged up to where the said place is. a sigh left him as he saw his girl sitting down on the floor with a friend by her side.
"oh, hey! you're here," her friend greeted, noticing miles, standing up straight. [name] leaning her body into her friend's leg. "it was a mistake to make her drink, we're sorry."
"nah, it's good." he nods, then meets his girl's eye level. [name] slowly lift her head up and meet his disappointed face. the girl only scoffed at him, frowning.
"who are you?" her eyes squinted as she tried to look harder and tried to figure out why he looked familiar. miles couldn't stop a chuckle to get out.
"your boyfriend." he answered, his negative feelings are now gone. he waved back to her friend as she made her way inside.
"no, you're not." huffing, she turned away from him. still sitting down on the street.
"then, i'm a friend of your boyfriend."
"no, you're not... i only know one."
"and who is it?" he started to get along with whatever she had in her mind. slowly taking her hands, and tried to pull her up.
"ganke, and he's asian.. and white." she mumbled, standing up as he pulled her. miles came to a conclusion that she'll be an easy target for kidnapping. "and you're not white..." she leaned her body into his, taking a short nap. her voice is now talking nonsense.
"no, i'm not." he laughed, slowly taking her arm and guiding her on the way to take a cab. his other hand held tightly on her waist, not wanting her to fall. "you're whiny when you're drunk." shaking his head, a smile still plastered on his lips
it only took a short while before she protested, "don't touch me," scolding him, [name] pulled away from him and sat down once again, "i have a boyfriend. and i'm waiting for him.."
miles are smiling ear to ear as she refuses to take his hand because she thinks he is a stranger, "but i'm your boyfriend." he sat down as well. it was a good thing they stopped in a park with no people around.
"you are..?" she tilted her head, looking at him clearly now. miles only replied with a hum, nodding. [name] took his face and observed it carefully. miles thought she's getting more adorable as second pass by. "miles!" she broke into a grin, squeezing his face.
"hey!" he lightly greets her, mimicking her beam. "you finally recognise me," placing his hand aboves hers, he caresses the back of her palm.
"i missed youuu!" [name] whined, the alcohol is taking major effects. as tears coming out of her eyes, pouting at him, "but you don't miss me.."
"aw, mamí.. i missed you every day. " bring her hand to his lips, and he kissed her palm. smiling at her with a lovesick grin.
"you don't..." she cried, taking her hand away; wiping her eyes. miles blink at her, confused why would she think that way.
"i do, [nickname].." he took her hands again, rubbing it gently.
"you don't." her face is flushed, hazy eyes are fighting for consciousness. "you said we're gonna— we're gonna have a date and then... you cancelled..again!" she started to cry for the second time tonight. her voice cutting off on its own as it was hard for her to talk while sobbing. "you don't love me anymore..!"
what makes it worse, her sobs made her migraine throb much more. miles can only feel guilt in his chest. he chose not to explain it tonight since he knows she'll not remember anything and that he can focus on taking care of her. but how?
his head was in a fuzz, not knowing what to do. is this why she doesn't drink? "i do love you, [nickname]." she cried even harder, making miles in a full panic. "don't cry, don't cry, baby..." he pulled out wipes from his bag and wiped her face gently. "...how much did you drink?"
"dunno'... it was on a small cup. hehe, cute cup.." [name]'s face is red from her cries and the effect of the drinks. she stays still as miles clean her face, "i feel sick..."
"i know you do, let it out. you'll feel better," her boyfriend pulled out a plastic bag and held it for her.
"no! it's disgusting..." her eyes are now close, her head bopping before miles catching and made her lean into him. "i love you..." she mumbled, nuzzling on his chest. a pout is still present.
"i love you too, [nickname.]" he kisses her forehead, giving her a tight embrace, rocking her back and forth in slow motion. the guilt is still present.
"kiss?" she perk her lips up, wanting to give her a peck. miles waste no time to fulfil her wish and give her a short yet sweet kiss.
"you taste like booze." he commented. she's so wasted that she can't even feel her own feet.
she suddenly opened her eyes at him, her lips started to wobble and started to cry again, "i'm sorry...! i didn't mean toooo!" she sobbed.
miles could only blink at her, and a chuckle escaped him. "it's okay, mami. you're okay," a snort followed.
[name] looked at him betrayed, "you're laughing..." this made miles purse his lip, taking all his might to not laugh. "you're making fun of meeee," she then layed down on the cold floor, lazily swinging her arms.
who knew booze can change a whole person's personality?
miles did his best not to laugh, "no, i'm not laughing, [nickname]," he took her hands and carry her to her feet, the boy is biting down a grin as she kept looking at his face, "i'm not making fun of you, it's okay you got drunk."
"but you're mad!" she throws her head back, huffing. her head feels heavy all of a sudden, and everything is blurry like before. miles was quick to put a support behind her head, confused by what she meant.
"mad? why would i get mad?" Scooping her by her hips and back, miles carried her like a princess. he made sure his girl was comfortable before walking, doing his best to not sway too much.
[name] snuggled into his arms as he carried her, "on the phone.. you're mad because i got dru...nk ..." her voice trailed off, slowly getting others taken by sleep, "but i love you so..." with that, she's finally sleeping soundly on his chest.
miles smiled at her, she looks so beautiful even with a rough night like this. kissing her forehead, he replied to her words. "yo tambien te amo, mi vida." [i love you too, my life.]
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should i make a "morning after" part?
edit: morning after part <3 here
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