#and a bit of a direct prequel to the first fic i wrote for this au
baronetcoins · 10 months
wrapped game: 17 <3
[send me a number 1-100 and i will try to write a short drabble based off whatever song that corresponds to in my spotify wrapped]
17: The Fall by Lovejoy
Aspiration for a different destination to me Across the Pennines, there's a thin blue line, a knife and a mall Would do something, if it wasn't also half my fault 'Cause I'm so high, my brain can't even look at the fall And when you've reached the top there's nowhere else to go but-
Quackity's tablet was left on the kitchen table when he crept out in the morning early enough to read the latest reports. If he didn't want Wilbur to read his intelligence briefings, he should stop falling asleep and leaving it unattended. He flipped through the latest on Eros idly when he saw Ranboo's name on the top of them—they were the ones most likely to be reasonable.
"You're not as quiet as you think you are." Quackity leaned against the wall, Pato hovering over his shoulder and wrapped hastily in his cloak.
"And you haven't changed your password." Wilbur kept reading. They'd included pictures of the ziggurat, the pyramid. Another evil defeated. His fingers traced the alien architecture, stark black against the endless snow.
"Maybe you just see what I want you to see."
"You wanted me to see this?" He hit play on a video marked Consensus//Clearance. It was a shaky video from inside a helmet, capturing a snippet of a battle. The user slammed their hand into the ground and summoned a wall of ice which shattered a group of screebs into thousands of shards. "A new element?"
"That's enough television for today." Quackity snatched the tablet from his hands.
"You're no fun."
"It's no fun if I give you all the answers either." He rolled his eyes and slipped out the door. Wilbur stood to follow him, then sat back down. A new element. A planet made of ice. A pyramid.
"Sa-" He started to speak, and then stopped. He'd just have to do it on his own.
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Unsmooth Operator
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Femme!Reader
Summary: It’s summer in Hawkins and Eddie finds himself caught up on the cute girl working at the record store in the mall
Warnings: Reader uses she/her pronouns, brief mentions of sexual content (nothing sexual actually happens), swearing, potentially lethal levels of adorableness 
A/N: First of all, sorry it’s been so long since I posted my last fic. My poor little ADHD self is a slow writer, I’m afraid. But anyway, I kind of wrote this as a sort of prequel to my Henderson!Reader fic, but there’s no direct mention of Reader being related to anyone, so you can either read it as that or not. Also, special thanks to Mr. Joseph Quinn for confirming that Eddie Munson has no game. 
My Master List | Ao3
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It’s June in Hawkins and the summer heat has already grown practically unbearable. The shitty window A/C unit Eddie’s been using has finally crapped out, and in the heat of the day the trailer is approximately the temperature of the sun. Mercifully, he’s found a sweet, air conditioned refuge in the newly built Starcourt mall, a temple to 20th century decadence and consumerism that also happens to be a very pleasant temperature inside. 
Jeff and Gareth are tagging along today, which is fun except for the quick pit stop they had to make at the homegoods store so Gareth could pick up some new linens for his mom. They’ve finished that now, though, and Eddie’s already got their next destination in mind. 
“I’m gonna do it”, Gareth insists as they go, “I’m gonna get a tattoo.”
“Your mom would kill you”, Jeff replies.”remember when she caught you smoking? I thought she wasn’t going to let us see you ever again after that.”
“It’s different now”, Gareth tells him, “I’m 16. I’m gonna be a junior. It’s time I make my own choices, you know?”
“Good luck with that”, Jeff laughs. 
“Let’s hit the record store next”, Eddie cuts in, “I want to pick up the new Bob Dylan album for Wayne.”
“More like you wanna see the cute girl working the register”, Jeff teases.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, Eddie retorts, desperately hoping his cheeks aren’t actually turning as red as he thinks they are.
In truth, he does have an ulterior motive for wanting to go to the record store, and it is you. You’ve been going to Hawkins High for the past three years, but admittedly Eddie had never really been more than vaguely aware of your existence until this past semester, when you two had PE together. He had this routine he’d do where he would imitate the gym teacher when the man wasn’t looking, and it never failed to elicit a giggle from you. One day Eddie noticed how cute you looked when you laughed and well, he’s been a little bit stuck on you ever since. 
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Gareth comments, as if it’s just that easy.
Sweet, naive Gareth. Maybe for guys like Steve Harrington it’s that easy, but Eddie isn’t Steve Harrington. Gareth wasn’t there for Eddie’s early high school days. He wasn’t there during Eddie’s sophomore year when two hot juniors decided to prank him by convincing him their cheerleader friend was “super into him” or his junior year when he invited that girl from drama club to join Hellfire and she laughed out loud at him. Most girls don’t even want to be seen with Eddie “the Freak” Munson, let alone date him. 
“Jeff’s talking out of his ass”, Eddie lies, “come on, let’s go.”
You are, of course, there at the counter when they walk in, and oh God, is that an Iron Maiden shirt you’re wearing? Fuck, as if he couldn’t be more into you. 
“Um, Eddie, you good dude?” Gareth asks him and he realizes he’s stopped right there in the entrance of the store, just staring at you. He quickly turns away and walks the rest of the way into the store, thankful that you’re currently checking out a customer and probably didn’t notice him ogling you like a total weirdo. 
Admittedly, this may not have been a good idea, at least if he wants to convince Jeff and Gareth he’s not into you. He quickly grabs a Bob Dylan tape and starts making for the door, desperate to just get out of there and spare himself anymore humiliation.
“Um, you gonna pay for that?” Jeff asks and fuck. He’s shoplifted before but he’s not interested in getting barred from the record store, so he’s not gonna risk it today. 
“Right”, he mutters and then he forces himself to go up to the counter. 
He feels like his heart is going to explode in his chest when he walks up and you flash him that brilliant smile of yours.
“Hi, Eddie”, you greet and his eyes grow wide because you know his name. Well, obviously you did, you had a class together, but it just sounds so good coming from your mouth that he momentarily ceases to function. 
“Did you need help with something?” you ask after a moment.
“What?” Eddie asks, “oh no. Just um, just this.”
He sets the tape on the counter and you grab it to ring it up.
“Dylan”, you comment as you do, “not your usual fare.”
“It’s for my uncle”, Eddie explains, “he’s a big fan.”
“Cool”, you say, “I like your vest by the way. Dio. Nice.”
Well, that’s it. It’s over. Eddie’s done for. 
“That’ll be $6.30”, you say.
“Oh, right money”, Eddie sputters and fishes a ten out of his pocket. He knows Jeff and Gareth are standing nearby, watching this all play out and probably laughing with each other about it. He’s definitely never living this down.
“You want a bag”, you ask as you finish gathering his change. 
“Oh, I um, I guess”, he replies, not actually processing the question. You hand him his change, then place the tape in a bag and slide it over to him. He goes to grab it, and because he’s not at all paying attention to anything but you, inadvertently sends the display of Beach Boy tapes sitting on the counter tumbling to the floor.
“Oh shit”, he hisses, “oh fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay”, you reply, coming around the counter, “I keep telling Doug he shouldn’t put that stuff so close to the register.”
You bend down to start picking up the tapes and years worth of Wayne’s lectures on behaving like a gentleman come flooding back to Eddie, so he quickly follows suit.
“Let me help you”, he says.
“Thanks”, you say and you’re smiling again and Eddie kind of wants to die. 
With the two of you, it doesn’t take long to get everything cleaned up and back in order. 
“I’m really sorry”, Eddie says again as you make your way back behind the counter, and then before he can stop himself, he blurts, “maybe I could make it up to you somehow?”
“What?” you ask, clearly unsure of what he means.
“I mean like, maybe I could buy you a-a coffee or something sometime”, he stammers.
You peer at him for a moment, and he braces for the inevitable rejection he’s about to endure.
“I like ice cream”, you say, “if you meet me here at 3 tomorrow, you can buy me some ice cream and we’ll call it even.”
Maybe Eddie’s already dead and this is heaven. That or he’s being punked somehow. Either way, he stands there like an idiot for a second, trying to process that you just suggested the two of you meet for ice cream. 
“Um okay”, he says.
“Cool”, you grin, “see you then.”
“Right”, he says, “see you then.”
And then he’s swiping his bag from the counter and stiffly making his way back to Jeff and Gareth, his body still trapped in a state of shock.
“So”, Jeff prompts, “what was all that?”
“I um, I think I’m meeting her for ice cream tomorrow”, Eddie informs them. 
The two younger boys exchange glances, mouths stretching into a matching pair of shit eating grins. 
“Talking out of my ass, huh?” Jeff teases.
“Shut up”, Eddie snaps, “I’m just being polite okay? It’s not like a date or anything.”
“Sure it isn’t”, Gareth replies smugly. 
“Whatever”, Eddie huffs and the others know not to continue the conversation, even if they spend the rest of the afternoon exchanging amused glances at each other.
Eddie waits until he’s back at the trailer to let everything sink in. When it does, he feels a vague sense of panic washing over him. 
Embarrassing as it is, Eddie’s never had a real, serious girlfriend before. Hell, aside from a brief flirtation with Tammy Thompson that ended in a very awkward hand job in the school parking lot, he’s never really had any experience with girls (or boys for that matter) at all. And Tammy was the one that initiated that. He wasn’t even really into her, he was just desperate for some sort of female attention. 
You, though, he is into you. Very, very much into you. And he has no idea what the hell he’s supposed to do or say. He finally, finally has a chance to go out with his dream girl, and he’s almost certainly going to say something wrong and scare you off like pretty much everyone he’s ever been into. 
He wonders what the weather in Wisconsin is like this time of year, because he’s halfway to hopping in his van and heading there now, never to be seen or heard from in Hawkins, Indiana again.
Then again, maybe he’s over thinking it. It’s not like the word “date” ever came up in your conversation. Maybe this really is just him paying you back for his clumsiness, and afterwards you won’t even spare him a second thought. In the end, he figures that whatever the case, he’s not just going to leave you high and dry, so he has no choice but to go. 
Eddie shows up outside the record store at 2:45 the next day. He stands there awkwardly, fiddling with his rings and secretly hoping that you don’t show up and he doesn’t have to deal with all of this.
No such luck though, you appear exactly at 3, looking as cute as ever in your jean skirt. 
“Hey”, you greet and Eddie momentarily forgets how to speak.
“Hey”, he repeats, unable to formulate a coherent enough thought to do anything but copy your greeting.
“You ready to go?” you ask and he nods. 
The record store is a fair bit away from Scoops Ahoy, and for probably the first time in his life, Eddie finds himself unsure of what exactly to say. Thankfully, you take the lead.
“So, have you heard Megadeth’s album?” you ask, “I got it the first day it came out and I love it.”
“Me too”, Eddie says, and he can feel himself being knocked out of his stupor then, “you know, my friends and I have a metal band.”
“Really?” you ask.
“Yeah”, he tells you, “we perform Wednesdays at the Hideout, if you ever want to come see us.”
“I’ll keep that in mind”, you smile and Eddie thinks his heart momentarily stops. 
Walking into Scoops Ahoy with you by his side is an almost unreal experience. You and him go up to the counter and Steve Harrington is there in his little sailor suit that Eddie almost feels sorry that he’s forced to wear. 
“Hey Steve”, you greet.
“Hey Y/N”, Steve replies, and then he notices that Eddie’s with you and he gets this super confused look on his face. 
“So, uh, get whatever you want I guess”, Eddie says.
Once you two have ordered and gotten your ice cream, you eat it while idly wandering around the mall, just chatting about anything and everything. Eddie, as always, is frequently cracking jokes, and God is it mesmerizing to see the way you laugh in response. 
It’s quite the disappointment when you’re finishing your ice cream and you’re bidding him farewell. 
He knows he has to at least try to see you again so he tests the waters with a quick “that was fun, we should do it again sometime.”
“I’d like that”, you smile.
“Awesome”, he replies.
“Here”, you say, rooting around in your purse, “give me your hand.”
He obliges, and you produce a pen, which you use to scribble something onto his outstretched hand.
“What’s this?” he asks.
“My number”, you reply, “call me tonight or tomorrow?”
“Sure”, he tells you. 
“Great”, you say, “I’ll see you, Eddie.”
“See you”, he says, hoping he doesn’t sound as absolutely lovesick to you as he does to himself. 
You flash him one final smile before departing, and he just stands there awkwardly for a second, watching as you go. Once you’ve disappeared from sight and he’s snapped out of his trance, he peers down at the numbers you’d scrawled onto his hand. He has to remind himself that it’d be weird to get them tattooed onto himself permanently. He can’t believe that it worked. You went on a date with him, in public, and didn’t care if you were seen together. You laughed at his jokes. You gave him his number and asked to see him again. You liked him. 
The trailer is as unbearably hot as ever when he returns, but for once, he doesn’t care. He’s too excited to call you later and hopefully set up another date. 
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allwaswell16 · 9 months
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Fics by allwaswell16 📖 2023
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🍄 Louis/Harry 🍄
Bitter Ends Turn Sweet (series) [E, 34k, kid fic, fic post]
Part One: Bitter Ends Turn Sweet [E, 30k, fic post] It had been four years since Harry first heard the song his ex wrote about him and far longer since they broke up. He forgave Louis long ago, and now his life was focused on his career, his family, and especially his son, Max. But Louis was back in Chicago, after all this time, and he’s not an easy man to ignore.Or a songfic inspired by the song Chicago Part Two: In Time [M, 2k, fic post] Harry's uncertainty about their relationship began before he ever stepped foot on the plane to Amsterdam.A prequel/timestamp to the fic Bitter Ends Turn Sweet Part Three: Yours and Mine [T, 1k, fic post] Louis goes to the library with his favourite people, his boyfriend Harry and his son, Max.A Bitter Ends Turns Sweet timestamp
Heart Beat [E, 33k, kid fic, fic post]
Hideaway Haven is the place that Louis has always called home. It's also the place that Harry had tried to leave behind him. When Harry returns to start a music academy in his hometown, he finds himself face to face with his high school crush—and his charming daughter who wants to learn to play the drums.
Ace of Spades (series)
Part Three: Ace of Hearts [E, 10k, fic post] Louis Tomlinson, the alpha Duke of Yorkshire, had returned to England to stay now that he’d married and mated. But since his husband was also the omega he’d once held captive aboard his half-brother’s pirate ship, he held back from pushing Harry into parenthood.With the Ace of Spades now docked in London, Harry spent time with his friends from the crew and remained a bit oblivious to his alpha’s deepest desires. What he was aware of was his best friend’s hurt and his mother-in-law’s wish for more than friendship with her oldest friend.
On That Note [E, 6k, coworkers, fic post]
Louis’ office job on an omega only floor would be absolutely fine, if not for the alphas he and his friends have to deal with in the building. But although they’ve never met face to face, the friendly notes sent between him and Harry in Purchasing help him get through the day.
Do You See What I See [T, 2k, pets, fic post]
Harry may or may not be rescuing stray animals as an excuse to see the very hot local veterinarian.
Or an absurd pet fic inspired by She Is Beauty We Are World Class
All This Time [T, 1k, a/b/o, fic post]
Louis Tomlinson had been best friends with flower shop owner Gemma Styles for years. It wasn't until she suggested he date her alpha brother that he ever thought of Harry that way. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea...
Netflix Original [T, 1k, neighbors, fic post]
Harry's hot neighbor overhears that he doesn't have Netflix.
Walk of Shame [T, 1k, meet cute, fic post]
On a cold, rainy autumn morning Louis meets someone else doing the walk of shame.
A Deal [T, 898 words, Potter Direction, fic post]
Slytherin Harry Styles spends his free time drawing down by the lake. Unfortunately, he can't show anyone what he's drawing because they're all of Gryffindor Louis Tomlinson.
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🍄 Rare Pairs 🍄
One [E, 4k, Louis/Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders), fic post]
When omega Louis Tomlinson becomes pregnant after an unexpected encounter, he decides his only option is to flee his pack. But Tommy Shelby, pack alpha of the Peaky Blinders, might not be willing to let him go so easily.
Daydream [T, 2k, Louis/Zayn, fic post]
Every Thursday, Louis nods hello to her fellow regulars at Horan’s Cafe, one of whom is the woman of her dreams.
Crush [T, 1k, Louis/Niall, fic post]
When Niall stops smiling around the office, his co-worker Louis sets out to lift his mood with the help of their office mates.
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epickiya722 · 8 months
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them?
Thanks if you want to answer....
I'll tell you, all my fics are special to me and most of the time, I find myself having fun writing them. Writing isn't just a hobby, but a way for me to release pent up feelings I have or express an idea that came to me.
To name a couple...
Beware of the Bunnies - It's the first fic I wrote for "if Miruko was Midoriya's mentor". It was fun writing that fic, especially when it's a fic for my two #1 faves. I honestly didn't expect the amount of attention I got for it!
Not Red, Black - I sometimes like branching out from writing warm-hearted, funny fics and this is one of those times. Another AU idea I had, but if Miruko and Midoriya were eldritch-like creatures and related. Unlike its prequel, this one stepped more in horror imagery and I think the direction the fic took.
Forbid a Woman from Being Great - Yes, another Miruko fic and one I actually wrote out of spite. When it comes to this fandom (as with any), is how double standard they can get. With Miruko, I have seem people hate her for being "too aggressive" or "too mean", but praise other characters for those same traits or even give excuses for their behavior. Or with fanservice, the same people who complain about it also thirst over the male characters getting bloody and shirtless. I don't hate characters like Dabi, Shigaraki or Hawks but I can't stomach how their fans act when it comes to Miruko or any other character really. It was actually a Hawks fan that irritated me enough to write this fic as well as get me out of the writing funk I was in.
An Absolute Menace - This is a fun little fic. It's part of a series of Class A and occasionally B partaking in antics. With this one, writing Koda as this troll was new, but fun.
Let's SK8 Over the Rainbow - This is actually a SK8 series that I wrote and it's still one of my favorites. It started off as a headcanon (Reki allowing Koyomi to paint his nails) and then spiraled into a collection of short stories themed around colors and I love colors so much. One of the fics, You're Lime Green Jell-O, I dove into expanding a character that only appeared once in SK8. Her name is Miki and she has green hair and I remember seeing her and going "You, you're getting some personality, a story, etc." Best decision ever. I just loved writing Miki and I think it was the first time I wrote a whole story for a character that only had two lines in canon.
Tu es le Moment Auquel J'appartiens - Another series I adore. I wanted to write some jealous Vanitas since I don't think I had seen a lot of Vanoé fics where he was the jealous one while Noé was more oblivious. Not at the time, I don't know about now since I haven't read a VNC fic in a long time. The title translates to "You are the moment I belong to" which is a line of lyrics from the anime's first ending song that I love so much.
It's the Pink Hair, Isn't It? - Do not get me wrong! I do love the AUs I see where Sukuna and Yuji are brothers, but the idea of this fic came from what if they were identical strangers and not related in the slightest. Even funnier, in the fic, Kenjaku and Suguru are siblings that look like twins, but Kenjaku is older. My favorite scenes probably have to be Kenjaku and Yuji interacting and Sukuna and Yuji meeting. I've also been cooking up a sequel so I can write more of Kenjaku and Suguru being siblings and Yuji's brothers and I do mean all nine older brothers. (I relate to Choso so much.)
Your Heartbeat Is My Comfort - Ever see a beautiful piece of fanart and you want to write a fic about it? That's what happened here. I saw this FushiIta art post here and it was like BAM! I had to write a fic. It was also another I didn't write something comedic, but more somber, bit of tragedy yet comfort in there.
Maybe Someday We'll Meet Again - I'm all for the Teacher Geto AU! However, this fic came from a what if scenario had Suguru and Yuji had met when they were younger and I always how Kenjaku was even aware of Suguru's technique. So I put both ideas together and thus this fic was born. It isn't dark, but little less comedic than others and I tried my hand at focusing on more of Yuji's strangeness and innocence here along with Suguru's character before he became a curse user.
You Are My Special - Again, another time I went for less comedy and fluff and tried with something else. I actually don't know how to categorize this one in terms of genre. SPECIALZ was stuck in my head for a long time and it got when I really started thinking about the lyrics and decided why not try writing something from Kenjaku's POV about Yuji? It may have took forever to write, but I'm glad I did. I actually wanted to write a companion piece of sorts but from Sukuna's POV about Yuji.
The Pink Sky and Cherry Blossoms - I actually just posted this fic and I'm glad I waited to answer this ask because of it. I was rereading the manga and came to Uro's fight with Ryu and Yuta and instantly fell in love with her character and thought about how would it have been like if Uro met my other favorite, Yuji? They have some similarities going on there and it was eye-opening writing those into this fic, especially with Uro's character. I wasn't around when that arc came out, so I didn't know how the fandom acted towards her, but for me, I just felt there's more to her than the surface. She's the Miruko of JJK to me as Yuji is the Izuku. Just as I would love for Miruko and Izuku to be a duo in a big sis-lil bro/mentor-mentee way, I love the same for Uro and Yuji.
The Craving That Paints Your Lips Red - The last fic I wrote for 2023 and a sequel to another fic, I wanted to try my hand at the horror again. But more tame, but still "Oh my gosh". I'm writing a post about it, but I have thoughts about Yuji and Sukuna's relationship and sometimes I have this feeling that Sukuna wants to corrupt Yuji, kind of like shape him to be the next him almost. Not for certain, but it's an idea that kind of struck me. For this fic, I wanted to explore a more horror fic side of Yuji housing the King of Curses. The best part of this fic for me is how I unintentionally stuck with the idea that Yuji keeps getting back up no matter how many times Sukuna tries to break him.
That list got longer than intended, but again, I have a lot of fics I have enjoyed writing! I'm glad to have talked about them and I thank you for asking! 💜
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navree · 5 months
What do you think the relationship between Aegon and Aemond will be like next season? Some people think they'll be working together and getting closer, and some think Aemond will harm Aegon intentionally at Rooks rest and they'll be enemies
I don't know how close they'll be personally, but I do think they'll be working together. I can't see how Aemond would harm Aegon intentionally, since that causes a lot of problems for their faction, and as people pointed out when Aemond was talking about being king in ep 9, Aegon has (or is at least supposed to have) one son still alive even after Blood and Cheese, so Aemond wouldn't stand to inherent, at most he'd get what he gets anyway, the regency. Plus, having Aegon and Aemond at intense odds to the point of outright enmity would be a severe deviation from the source material, which I don't think the show is going to do because this is a prequel that does have reaching implications into the original series.
What I do expect is that their relationship is going to be turbulent. In the book, Aegon is the only one not upset at Aemond for what happened to Lucerys's boring ass, and given that in the show it's an accident that Aemond tried to prevent and is immediately remorseful about (and whose circumstances were nowhere near as calculated), I'd like to see Aegon put on his big brother hat. Try to find the bright side, and be a bit of a support for Aemond after Otto and Alicent get upset due to what Lucerys's boring death means. But then, as we all know, we've got Blood and Cheese, a really horrible event that happens as a direct result of Aemond's actions at Storm's End. It's possible that Aegon might blame Aemond, might lash out in his grief, and depending on how much Aemond might blame himself, it could cause some strife for them, though I do think there will be some level of rapprochement by the time of Rook's Rest, given that they fight together. And then after that, I don't think they're gonna get much time together, since Aegon's gonna be convalescing and Aemond's gonna be in the field.
I personally have long said I'd love them to get at high highs and low lows this season. I want Aegon to be Aemond's support after Rook's Rest, I want Aemond to try to be a comfort to Aegon in the aftermath of Blood and Cheese (wrote a whole fic about that actually), and I do want a moment at least where Aegon blames Aemond because he's grieving the loss of his child (and I want Aegon to at least punch Aemond without Aemond fighting back cuz he thinks he's earned it). I've also been very open about how I want Aegon's involvement in Rook's Rest to be a surprise to Aemond. Given how it's the first major conflict after Blood and Cheese, and how the book takes pains to point out that Meleys might have been able to win against Vhagar before Sunfyre got involved, I want Aemond to treat this as almost a kamikaze mission before big brother comes in to help save him (that quote where Tyrion talks about how he had to fight without his big brother in ASOS? yeah.....).
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dangerously-human · 8 months
for the fic writer game: 3, 4 for take his hand, 8, 20 for merry metamorphosis (am I trying to make you write pregnancy fic... maybe), 27 for ch2 of here's a safe place, 37, 49
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I write a lot of family life for traumatized characters, stuff that requires a lot of intentional growth but also leaves space for tenderness. Love me some literal sleeping together, too. I mostly write post-canon, and a lot of introspection. And I think I'm always working off of an assumption of redeeming the narrative, in a sense - not that things will always go well, but they will always have meaning. It's the Christian worldview, I suppose.
4. What detail in [Take His Hand] are you really proud of?
Honestlyyyy, I could wax rhapsodic talking about this fic and how it came to be. Lucy's chapter may be killing me a little bit, but there were parts of Lockwood's that truly feel like they came from outside of me (we've talked before about the Holy Spirit influence on this one). I know I already mentioned this in my reply to your comment, but the fact that Lockwood was praying with his old rosary beads from when he was a kid when the call from Penelope Fittes comes in says a lot. It's a nod to (part of) what Lockwood chose to pray about, after all those years of distance - the right opportunity to invite Lucy to come home - and it also ties the success of the company to a lasting legacy for the Lockwood family, which is such a key aspect of understanding Lockwood himself and just what he's trying to include Lucy in. It also says that he unpacked the literal box of memories, however painful, even if he's not 100% ready to unpack the metaphorical one - except he has started to, he's praying and acknowledging the God he feels let him down (or maybe the other way around, depending on the day), and he's doing this thing that reminds him so strongly of Jessica and their shared grief. It's not "solved," Lockwood still has a long way to go and a lot of Jacob-like wrestling with the Lord to do, but at least he's stopped running in the opposite direction and actually let himself feel something - which is what the Black Winter is all about, in his arc. I could go on about this for ages, truly.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
Captives Come Home by Run Kid Run is just BEGGING for Other Side fic, - please, the number of times the lyrics repeat stuff about creeping shadows and the other side! - and maybe I'll write it eventually but I'd be equally happy to read it if someone else did. Would love to see it start with Lockwood and Lucy's first crossing ("There's hope inside that box you close/That only opens when your life explodes/On the other side, come home"), then tackle when the whole crew is there ("Don't you know you gotta get up/Get up and find a way back home?/So hold on tight, let's go/Leave behind false sense of hope/Where creeping shadows call your name") and then focus on post-canon efforts to clear the fences so the captive spirits can finally reach their final destinations ("As I'm waiting for the world to end/I'm clinging on to oxygen/I'm pulling captives by the hand/Come home, come home"). I have not shut up since my first read through TCS about the Harrowing of Hell imagery and, yeah, I just think I deserve this one, as a treat.
20. If you wrote a prequel to [A Merry Metamorphosis], what would it involve?
I know I already said this to you the other day, but bestie, do I have good news for you! Next (new) project on the list is literally this. 😆 To be fair, it doesn't exactly take a lot to encourage me to write pregnancy/kidfic, lol. But yeah, been thinking a lot about protectiveness and what that would look like for Lucy and Lockwood as they prepare for a baby, and how that would interact with their work (logistically and emotionally), considering they're still pretty young when they have Ivy.
27. How long did it take to write [Here's a Safe Place to Lay Your Heart Down ch. 2]? Describe the process.
FKlejgklaegl well. According to the date I created that Scrivener file, parts of that chapter were written in early September, and I just published it to AO3 last weekend, so you can do the math. Here's the thing about Lay Your Heart Down: while the core themes/message remained the same throughout, it went through several iterations in how I conceptualized it, and that made the writing process AGONIZING, because it was a constant repetition of knit/purl steps and untangling and reworking. (I don't knit, so take my metaphor with a grain of salt.) Honestly, this mostly came about because I kept asking myself if The Necklace counted as an engagement ring in Lockwood's mind, which obviously I kind of answered in Woke Up in a Safe House Singing, and that pivoted to a very vivid idea of how Lockwood would think about picking out a ring for Lucy and what it would look like and why. So. That could have been a drabble, but I also have a lot of feelings about the Touch/possession scene in the second episode, and that had to go somewhere!! And overlapped a lot, thematically. So a lot of the Lockwood having a self-isolating freakout stuff from ch. 2 was written first, plus the bit immediately after THB with the broken headphones and remembering watching Lucy dancing. All that used to be together in one chapter, which was going to be sandwiched between Lockwood picking out the ring and a sweet future scene that featured the ring somehow - the narrative started out even less linear than it ended up. (That final scene is now its own WIP.) Then I ended up with all the canon-era relationship development in the first chapter and the second could focus on that core conflict, Lockwood panicking about those lines from the show - "he gave me the ring, he wouldn't hurt me" - but in the context of all the various ways he could get Lucy hurt, because old conflicts (internal and interpersonal) tend to reemerge at transition points like the engagement period. A couple things that got me unstuck with this chapter were actually writing out more of what happened on the job that went wrong, letting Lucy be more upset (while still understanding), working out that Lockwood's fear this time was less about Lucy getting hurt and more about being the reason for that happening, and drawing direct parallels to Fairfax and Annabel (which in turn let me work in that good stuff about devotion and mutual belonging).
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I'm not shocked Onward, Ontologically has gotten very few eyes on it - if nothing else, Continuum is a tiny fandom, even less active now than when I was originally writing for it, plus Kiera and Alec are a complicated ship (I'm often curious if they would still be a rarepair if the fandom were larger, though - I could see it going either way). It worked for my Yuletide recipient, though, and that's all that really matters. I really like the quiet domesticity of it, and that it leaves space for the S3 conflict between Alec and Kiera to remain somewhat unresolved - I like complicated, and I don't think an easy resolution would have been realistic after everything these two went through and did to each other, and the tangled doppelganger web.
Within this fandom, one I wish got a little more love was Smoke & Shield. Gen is usually a bit, idk the right word, quieter? So I wasn't expecting as much excitement as with my Locklyle works, but I do think it's a really good character study of Jessica and her relationship with her little brother. I got some truly lovely comments on it that tell me it still found an audience to resonate with, though!
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Well, since you attacked us all with baby fever, here's a snippet from the "Lucy learns she's pregnant with #4 via George's powers of observation" fic. (I don't think I've posted this bit before? Idk, this is the problem with lingering WIPs!) I've been WIP-hopping a lot, but this is one that's gotten a bit more focus lately:
With arms outstretched to take one twin off my husband’s hands, I explained, “I’m not even sure yet myself. It honestly hadn’t occurred to me until George said something, but…” My voice got smaller as I finished, “I think he might be right.” Transfer completed, Lockwood let his hand linger, then drop to hover just over my belly. At the open wonder on his face, I blushed. It wasn’t as though we hadn’t done this part before - twice, in fact - yet it seemed even at the mere possibility, he couldn’t help looking at me like I was made of something magic. To be fair, that wasn’t all that far off from Lockwood’s normal.
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outofangband · 1 year
Inspired by this absolutely gorgeous art by @ofmiceandwomen !! Thank you so much for letting me use as inspiration
I actually wrote two things to go with the art. This one has a bit of a focus on poisoned blades
Sort of acts as a prequel to this fic but can be read alone too!
cw: violence, general Angband mistreatment, deaths of unnamed elves from poisoned blades
I hope this is ok! I wrote it in little bursts so I’m not sure how it is as a whole
The knife was cold upon the back of his neck. Unnaturally aware of everything, he felt the tension in its owner’s grip, the warmth of perspiration leaving the rough hands slick, the knife poised to slip should he dare move. Maitimo was certain he felt each individual strand of hair pulled away from his scalp in the grasp of the second of the guards. It was a stinging pain that made the fury of his humiliated defeat reverberate through him more forcefully.
The other guard held a blade too. It dripped blood steadily onto the rough floors. This one Maitimo was somewhat more keen to avoid, despite his reckless anger. It had touched him just once upon his shoulder. The effects were rapid and frightening.
He had seen the poisoned blades some of the orcs carried work their cruel power, first on his own guard at the ambush. The blood they had spewed from their nose and mouth had come from no wound he could see upon their faces. This had not been the reason for the downfall of the too small party but the gratuitous agony inflicted on his people Maitimo was not soon to forget.
Then in the passages of the fortress the taller of his two escorts had taken particular pleasure in cutting down two emaciated figures who stood chained at one threshold. Looking briefly at a mark etched into pale flesh, the guard had paused, nodded to the other and forced Maitimo to his knees right there in the dark corridor. The two shackled elves stared with blank eyes. They made no move to fight or flee when the blade was raised, not that they could have. A blue tinged froth had choked them before the blood they spilled could reach Maitimo’s bare feet.
“What king you are to watch and do nothing!” The guard had chortled, kicking out at one of Maitimo’s legs. Maitimo could not have said just where the taunt was directed; whether at his failed kingship or the fact that of course he had been forced to watch and do nothing, overpowered and shackled by the hideous servants of the Enemy.
The poison could have not entered his blood but nonetheless he felt nausea rise in him as he watched the skin the blade had brushed grow discolored. It holds his attention for several moments, enough that he does not detect the changing position of the guards behind him until it is too late.
He nearly cries out as his head is forced back, hair pulled taut, tearing away from his scalp as the knife slices at it. Nelyafinwë had forgotten that this indignity had been promised him.
Clumps of hair fall haphazardly onto his the irritated skin of his back. The russet color is disquieting on the filthy stone ground.
Laughter coats his ears with a hot, flushed anger. The force of the two guards holding him intensified. Another part of his initiation as a thrall had been completed.
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 month
fic questions for the Morgan AU #s 1, 6, 8, 14, 16, 17 <3333
1: What’s your favorite part of writing [the Morgan AU]?
Barry & Morgan! I could talk about them for ages, truly, I love them so, so much. It’s funny how they were originally going to be friends to stepsiblings to siblings, because that’s just…so jarring to me now. Imagine, if I hadn’t written the s1 arc, that would still be the direction. Barry would’ve called Morgan his sister for the first time in SEASON 2 (at the end, mind you). Isn’t that wild? I look back and laugh because…geez, their siblinghood is so key to s1 and beyond (and it’ll make s3 hit so much harder too), I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner. Writing them is always like putting on a warm fuzzy blanket 🥰 I adore them
6: Who is the easiest character to write?
Well for the Morgan AU, the answer is obviously Morgan 😅
Generally speaking…I’d say Izumi or Sam LaRusso, they’re very similar to me in a lot of ways
8: If you wrote a prequel for [the Morgan AU], what would it be about?
Well it would have to be about Morgan & Thawne in Morgan’s childhood—before she was 7, that is. I can write bits and bobs of it here and there (and I have), but to write extensively about it would be difficult. It’s much easier to talk about that era than actually write it, because getting into Eowells’s headspace during that time is quite challenging. I’d have to pinpoint the trajectory of when he starts loving Morgan not just as Harrison’s daughter, but rather as his…and that’s a transition that’s easier to tell than show 😅
14: If [the Morgan AU] was a published book, who would you thank in the dedication?
My frequent commenters 💞 you know who you are
16: Talk about something you like in [the Morgan AU]
…ah well at the risk of not repeating my answer for 1, another thing I like is Morgan & Iris’s friendship! This definitely wasn’t planned…if you read early versions of the s2 arc before I tweaked it some months back, you’ll remember that Iris did not know about Morgan being Sentry originally, because them being friends at all wasn’t part of the plan.
Originally, Morgan would’ve been Barry’s Team-Flash teammate (his friend, but that would’ve developed over the course of s1 rather than as quickly as it does in the actual s1 arc), and then met Iris after she was looped in (since I hadn’t yet decided to loop her in sooner, this would’ve been circa 1x20), and they would’ve slowly become friends from there (emphasis on slowly, because…we all know what poor Iris has to go through post-s1, and keeping up a new friendship wouldn’t be high on her list of priorities). Thus, she wouldn’t have known Morgan was Sentry until s2 when Morgan inadvertently reveals it while rescuing Caitlin
In this one however…this friendship was actually born out of necessity at first 😅 well, necessity and “ooh this would be cool.” I wanted Morgan to find out about Barry being Eowells’s coma patient…but how, she has no connection to Barry and Eowells would be keen to keep her out of things. But…if she knew Barry’s best friend, she’d figure it out (after Barry woke up from a coma, but still). I also thought it would be neat to have Morgan and Iris be friends and interact…and especially that Iris is the one to introduce Barry and Morgan (fun fact: in a different AU, Iris and Morgan’s roles are switched 😉). Barry’s most important girls befriending each other? YES PLEASE! Not to mention, it provided a great opportunity to loop Iris in earlier…just have Morgan go first, and Barry will surely follow with enough prodding 😂 and he did!
I just love them both so so much 🥰 can’t believe there was ever a time when they weren’t barista besties, that feels so weird to me (same with the Barry-and-Morgan-aren’t-siblings-until-s2 thing)
17: Talk about something you like less in [the Morgan AU]
I don’t like that I started writing s2 first lol because in some ways it feels like I pigeonholed myself a bit. Of course, s2 was the main point of intrigue, and s1 wasn’t even on the table for me to write back then, but…idk. I sometimes wonder how different things would’ve been if I’d started from s1 and just gone straight through. Prequels are challenging to write, and writing s1 does feel like writing a prequel 😅 even though it’s really not, it’s just closer to the beginning
fanfic ask game!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me, @omgpurplefattie!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
78 😅
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
864,062 - this is apparently just a bit more than Gone With The Wind....twice. I don't know how to feel about this.
What fandoms do you write for?
The Untamed (I have also written a handful of fics for Word of Honor and a very tiny one-shot for Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty, but I'm definitely a CQL/MDZS author lol)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You Need Tending - A very young, tiny Wangxian meet as children in Yunmeng and canon diverges sweetly from there.
Unexpected Solutions - LXC POV - What if the other sect leaders got to see the Burial Mounds instead of taking JGS's word for it that WWX was raising an army?
You Are Of Their Ilk - Sequel to You Need Tending, a LQR-centric fic examining what it's like to actually raise the Jades (and WWX) when he's got a Sect to run and parenting insecurities to overcome.
Plans To Make - A Wangxian-centric Time Travel Fix-it AU, technically the prequel fic to my first 3zun fic (in which the fixings-of-it have already been done and the post-canon, 5-years-in-seclusion Lan Xichen wakes up in the altered timeline wondering how the hell he has two husbands who are definitely not dead).
Professor Lan, Babysitter Extraordinaire - Modern AU Professor!LWJ spends an afternoon minding A-Yuan for Mature Student!WWX and is instantly charmed.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes! I used to respond to every single comment I got when I first started posting, but then I just got really overwhelmed and had to stop, and I've never picked up the habit again. If I feel particularly strongly about a comment or have something specific to say I'll try to respond, but otherwise I bask in them all silently (sorry, and I love y'all, I really do read every single comment I swear).
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Shadow's Call - An extremely depressed Lan Xichen is violently dragged out of his seclusion in the Hanshi 8 years post-canon by fierce corpse NieYao, who definitely aren't sentient at all but still somehow feel incomplete without their third.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Aside from The Shadow's Call all of my fics end happily!! I just can't do the depressing ones most of the time 😅 I think some of my favorite happy endings for various reasons, though, are The Sculptor, After Each Midnight Begins A New Day, anything in the Orville Peck Cinematic Universe, and anything from the 90's Strip Mall AU, Tales From Jianghu Shopping Center. (Everything in the last two especially is just pure feel-good fluff, not only the endings haha)
Do you get hate on fics?
Not anymore! The XiYao troll must have found something better to do so we can now like JGY in peace 😌
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I don't know what kind though 😅 the smutty kind? I don't really delve too deeply into kink or BDSM, and I don't write omegaverse or tentacles or anything all that creative; I just write what I would consider bog standard 'I'm ace and I understand people like doing this, I really hope the allos find this enjoyable to read' kind of smut. (Usually for me it's more about the emotional impact/character development use of it rather than the porn-y-ness of it, if that helps??)
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope! I like writing AU's of my favorite ships blended with other media I like, but not direct crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hope not!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Вони — це ми/ They Are Us is a Ukrainian translation by sandbranco of 'They Are Us', El escultor By Eleanor_Fenyx is a Spanish Translation by ellieffect and KabiBaali of 'The Sculptor', and another Spanish Translation of 'The Sculptor' by GabyObando13. I'm always so flattered when someone likes something of mine enough to do such an incredible labor of love as translating it ❤
What's your all-time favorite ship?
3zun, my beloveds
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Plans To Make - In an ideal world I would finish this soon so I can stop being eaten up with low-simmering guilt about it (along with several other projects, let's be real), but the fact of the matter is that I never actually wanted to write the full fix-it for this universe in the first place. I started Lan Xichen's introduction into this universe after the fix-it has already happened partially because I find that dynamic of a depressed Lan Xichen suddenly partnered with a happily married NieYao really interesting, but also because I don't like all the tangled threads of a universe-wide fix-it and I knew I'd get way too bogged down in details to really enjoy it. That's exactly what's happened, and that's partially why the fic has been sitting so long without an update. I do really want to finish it one day, though.
What are your writing strengths?
I occasionally get comments praising my characterization/character voices, so hopefully that's one. I also like to think that I do a decent job with accurately communicating both relatable and not-quite-as-relatable experiences - queerness of various flavors, neurodivergence, strangely specific life experiences...I usually try to write what I know, and I'm always happy when it resonates with people in the ways that I'd hoped for while writing them.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I can get sooo long-winded, and I'm also kind of bad for setting up plotty bits in my longer fics that I never actually follow through on.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
The furthest I'll go is honorifics that I'm confident with using, I absolutely do not trust myself or any online translator to attempt whole lines of dialogue.
First fandom you wrote for?
BBC Sherlock - those fics are all orphaned now, though
Favorite fic you've written?
I'm going to choose three just because I can: After Each Midnight Begins A New Day (3zun), The Sculptor (Wangxian), and Main Objective : Destroy Yiling Laozu (Breath of the Wild AU, my beloved)
I'm going to tag: @little-smartass, @wei--wuxian, @scarlet-gryphon, @wishthatiwasnessiesgirl, @threephasebird, and anyone else who writes who wants to play!
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Drumroll Please
I have recently come to the decision to share more of my fan fiction on Tumblr, hence this shiny new sideblog to collect all assorted snippets, first chapters, new ideas, so on and so forth. First order of business will be laying out all the fandoms I post for over on my AO3, and putting together a Masterlist with links to each “what if” series. My other blogs here include @triscribe for Shenanigans, @birdsandbatsofgotham for all the DC art/writings I stumble across, and @storiesfromthescribe where I only talk about my original projects.
Featured tags here will henceforth include:
-westeros (my catch-all tag for the various GoT and HotD stories that have begun circling my mind as of summer 2024. Some inspired by other fics, some entirely of my own creation, but there are so many little twists and turns and trails not taken that could’ve sent canon in wildly new directions) The Pack Thrives
-pjo (new as of 2024, I finally watched the new series and guys. GUYS. I love it so much. And I love even more that it’s inspired me to write more in a week than the past two months) The Trade AU
-star wars (originals, prequels, sometimes sequels, plus a wide swath of cartoon show characters and occasionally a reference to the live action ones too) Main Series: What-If AUs and Vod’e An and Visions
-marvel (I am first and foremost a Spidey fan, so he’s usually the one getting tossed into shenanigans with a healthy dose of GotG on the side) Avengers Nonsense Starring Spider-Man and Guardians Shenanigans
-dc (listen. LISTEN. I haven’t touched any comic to have come out in the last decade, but I would never have become a fandom person if not for the Bats, so I will make new AUs based off of their familial nonsense until the day I die) Canon? What Canon? Batfam Stories  and YJ AU Assortment
-hogwarts (for all things Harry Potter, because She Who Shall Not Be Named created a great sandbox that I still love to grab and run with, usually down a road called Total Disregard of the Author) Main Series: Alternate Living Arrangements
-transformers (I’ve got knowledge from half a dozen different continuities and I am not afraid to assemble my favorite pieces into a whole new amalgamation of adventure) (catch-all series to be determined) Cliff and the Kid
-alta (I can remember blowing off a friend’s slumber party to watch The Boy in The Iceberg when it premiered, okay? My fan fic ideas for this show are not a recent development, but actually writing the dang things down and posting them is new and comes in fits and spurts) Avatar AUs
-bnha (My Hero Academia was a bit of an accidental fandom, honestly, but for a year or so it was just about the only thing I wrote for, and there’s a heap of fic on my AO3 account to reflect that) Wild Cards and Something Strange Hit Me and my Doubles AU
-misc (the catch-all, the extraneous, the fandoms I really only dabble with, hence adding an extra tag to keep them all bunched together for quicker identification) Featuring: Back Again (Merlin) and Smallest, Smartest, Youngest (Voltron) and Got to Be Joking (Ranger’s Apprentice)
-originals (which won’t appear here all that often, but since I *do* have a few pieces of my own worldbuilding creations available to read...) Scribe Sampler and The Understudy Project
Alrighty, last couple of links to other websites: Tri on Instagram, where I occasionally post my art of various fandom and canon characters Ko-fi, where one could commission a speedier update to one of my fan fiction stories they particularly love or purchase a signed copy of my self-published novel And as of March 2023, I’ve also got a brand new Patreon account, where the first pieces of big WIPs go up, and you can read the first chapter of my book Wolfen’s Rage for free.
Now then. Who’s ready to read?
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wolfboy88 · 2 years
Year In Review
tagged by @thiamsxbitch and @theoceanismyinkwell
post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
The One That I Want: Stiles decides to make it the packs new mission to find Liam a girlfriend so Liam will stop hanging out with Theo but their unaware that Liam and Theo are in a relationship.
The second fic that I ever wrote, the first one for 2022 and one that kinda got me started in wanting to continue writing fan fics. I remember I had the general idea for this fic while I was at work and ended up writing the majority of it while on break over numerous docket sheets then pretty much typed the first draft when I got home that day. It was one of those ones where the story is so vivid in your head and you know if you don’t get it out now you know it’s not gonna be there later. It’s also the reason why I pack a notebook in my backpack now!
Heart of Stone, my Warrior Guardian:  Liam inherits an old bungalow from his grandfather that has a life-sized stone statue of a gargoyle perched above the fireplace. But why does the gargoyle keep appearing in his dreams? Are they even dreams or is he losing his mind? And what does the gardener know about it?
My gargoyle au and one of my Halloween/Writober challenge pieces. I was intrigued by the gargoyle prompt and didn’t know if I was actually gonna be able to fill the prompt. I fell the down the rabbit hole of researching gargoyle mythology/architecture and fell in love with legends. I’m really proud of what I accomplished here and of the end result.
Coming Home: It's been almost two weeks since everything went down at the hospital and an injured Theo turns up at Liam's house.
This was basically my first time writing from Theo’s POV as I always tend to favour Liam. I am proud of the balance of restraint I had in this (as sometimes I get to wordy or descriptive) and the blend of emotion and fluff.
The Alpha’s Authority: Scott's wolf is upset with his beta mating Theo and breaking primeval traditions. After seeking advice from Derek and under the influence of his wolf, returns to Beacon Hills to satiate his rampant alpha urges that only his beta can please on the full moon.
The fourth entry in the Dominance & Submission series. This was just basically a little bit of plot and a hell of a lot of smut but it was thanks to a lovely guy commenting and mentioning Dom Scott and it rolled around in my brain until a plot formed and then I spat out 20k’s of smut which is literally the longest thing I’ve ever written.
The Way You Shake & Shiver:  Theo is helpless to a pleading beta wolf and ends up at Lydia's Halloween pack party wearing Liam's jersey.
This piece was part of my Halloween challenge I set myself and this was one of those that was just fun to write. Snarky Theo is just a treat, and I don’t know why I haven’t written more from his POV.
 your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year:
A Little Less Lonely: my piece for the Liam Dunbar Appreciation Week 2023. I am finding this one a little bit trickier/challenging to finish as it dives into Liam’s IED/mental health. I had wanted to do more pieces for the Liam event but I don’t think I’ll get there and I’m just gonna focus on finishing this one.
The Wolf & His Chimera (working title): dark thiam retelling of S6B although it will basically pick up from the defeat of the Ghost Riders. Currently it’s plotted to be a 6-chapter fic and I have most of it plotted out.  
Gargoyle Prequel: to Heart of Stone, my Warrior Guardian, focusing on how Jordan broke the curse on Derek.
After Practice II: another instalment in the Thiam’s Smutty Adventures series and Nolan joins the fun.
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing (or art) over the past year:
1.      Planning – I always like to try an outline or a rough idea of where the story is going although sometimes the story goes in a totally different direction anyway, but I find it helps with getting me started at least.
2.      Knowing when I need to delete/cut something because it’s not working or is not relevant to the overall story anymore.
3.     Being able to know when I’m being too descriptive and I need to par it back
 your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year:
1.      I tend to overuse descriptive words when someone is speaking and I’d like to be able to just you ‘says/said’ more or infuse the speaking into the action maybe.
2.      I’d like to branch out and write other ships which is why i’m looking forward to working on the gargoyle prequal but I’d also like to maybe write Mason/Corey or Scott/Isaac 
 and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Um, I just gonna go with this one from Coming Home because I feel it sums up Thiam perfectly:
And for the second time tonight, the beta’s managed to throw him off centre and knock the wind from his lungs. Theo shakily places the beta’s hands onto his hips, and they gaze at each other knowingly. They don’t need to speak or use words, just communicate with their eyes. It works for them and it’s just easier that way, emotions and feelings are overrated anyway.
Tagging @blue-runt @maplefire18 @sterekshipper-writer
and anyone else who wants to participate.
But no pressure only if you wanna!
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haztobegood · 2 years
My 2022 Fic Fest Participation
This went around last year and there were so many incredible fests throughout the year, so I’m bringing it back for 2022! I love seeing all the creative fests that this fandom comes up with. Thank you to everyone that modded fests and created spaces that inspired some amazing works this year!
Number of fests: 8
Numbers of fics: 8 out of the 13 I posted were written for fests and I also created art for 2 fic fests!
Favorite fest/fic: We're Getting Better With Time for the @1dsilverfoxfest. This fest inspired a ton of incredible fics with older characters that were very fun to read. My fic was about second chances and coming out later in life. I received so many lovely comments on this fic.
Fests you would love to do again this year (if they come back): I look forward to @wankersday and @1dtrickortreatfest every year! They are always a fun challenge.
Tagging: @disgruntledkittenface @reminiscingintherain @fallinglikethis @louandhazaf @allwaswell16 @lululawrence @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @beelou @kingsofeverything @jacaranda-bloom
A list of my creations and reflections is under the cut!
The Phantom Heart for @girldirectionfest NR, 500, Harry/Louis | Post Break-Up
I had this scene drafted in my wip folder for so long, it was meant to be part of a long, angsty getting-back-together fic based on a song, but I lost interest in writing it and I never thought it would see the light of day. When this fest was announced, this scene stuck out to me. I polished it up and really focused on trying to make the angst as heartbreaking as possible. And to challenge myself more, I kept it to 500 words.
That's What I Want  for @harryrarepairfest E, 4k, Harry/Lil Nas X | Mpreg
I knew I wanted to pick a very rare rare pair for this fest. It was based on Lil Nas X’s album promo and Harry’s apparent fascination with pregnancy. When I first got the idea for this fic,  I couldn’t decide which one in the pair should be pregnant. I laughed so hard when I finally figured out the plot for this. And for some reason, pancakes/waffles and syrup became a bit of a motif in my writing this year.
Hex Appeal for @wankersday E, 4k, Harry/Louis | Modern Magical Realism
I started writing this one in July of 2021. When the idea struck, I typed it all out in one night. The rough draft sat untouched until much closer to the fest, when I finished editing it. I have an idea for a prequel that I might try to write for the next round.
Close Our Eyes (Pretend We're Miles Away) for @1dastroficfest E, 5k, Girl Direction Harry/Louis | Thelma and Louise AU
I watched Thelma and Louise one night and I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to write a girl direction au. I wrote out some of my favorite scenes and focused on finding a way to tell their story without so much focus on the deadbeat husband or the detective. When I received the tarot card prompt Judgment for this fest, I knew this fic was perfect. I used a lot of the imagery from the card in the final scene, as well as the growth of Harry's character throughout the fic to fit the prompt.
We're Getting Better With Time for @1dsilverfoxfest T, 5k, Harry/Louis | Second Chances
This fic came together so quickly, and I learned so much from the process of writing it. I got stuck about halfway through, frustrated because I kept thinking that the story would be told better if I could write a long slowburn fic. But I didn't have time for that. I had to shift my focus and the fic is stronger for it. I thought about all the elements I'd want if I were writing the long fic, and tried to show those elements in a sentence or two. It really improved my descriptions of Harry and his life, and created a much more layered story.
The Rescue for @1dtrickortreatfest NR, 666, Harry/Louis | Short Horror Story
I challenged myself to write something scary this year, and I think it worked. I didn't quite know where I was going with it until I wrote the last 100 words. Having such a short word limit is always a challenge, but creating strong emotions in a condensed space is a lot of fun.
It's All Come and Go for @louisrarepairfest E, 3k, Louis/Orville Peck | Truck Stop PWP
I picked this pairing because there were no other fics on ao3 with this pairing and I thought it would be an interesting challenge. I'd watched a stream of Orville Peck's Coachella set and before he played Drive Me, Crazy he said “Truck stops are like the original Grindr.”
Change of Plans for @1dchristmasfest G, 3k, Harry/Louis | Queer Platonic A/B/O Relationship
Two of the prompts submitted to this fest really stood out to me, and I used parts of both to create this. I was really interested in exploring the experience of an ace omega in an A/B/O world, and what that would mean for their partner as well. While I was writing, a post about queer platonic relationships was going around tumblr and that inspired the rest of Harry and Louis' relationship dynamic.
Art for they say looks can kill (and i might try) by @loveislarryislove for @1dreversebang M, 18k, Harry/Louis | Superheroes
This fic was inspired by my drawing of Louis that I submitted to the fest. I loved the idea of Louis being a vigilante named The Rogue and I decided to draw it in a futuristic, cyberpunk style. The fic that Annika wrote is amazing and brought the idea to life! I also drew this piece based on a scene from the fic.
Art for Baby, I Can Love You Better by @homosociallyyours
This collab was for @onedirectionbigbang and Megan's summary was so inspiring. I love drawing girl direction and I created a few pieces for their fic. I can't wait to read the rest and share my art when it is finished!
2021 summary
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stifledlaughterao3 · 9 months
End of Year Fic Writing Bingo
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This year was a pretty good one for fic! I think a key element of 2023 for writing was that I dug back into some WIPs that had been languishing and just sort of forced myself to finish them, even if they weren’t as perfect as I imagined they would be, or went in a different direction than I had originally intended. A lot of these, looking at the list, were gifts or inspired by prompts, which helps in having a firm deadline. I didn’t do my ‘write daily’ thing I did in 2020 and 2021, but I still wrote a lot, and initiated WIP hours with friends so that I would have a dedicated time to write. 
Fannishly I did a lot of other things this year too: 3 Fic Clique Ficlet episodes and a handful of podfics! They were really fun and I hope to do similar things next year. 
As you can see, I sadly did NOT make bingo (despite being so close SO many times) but hey, I tried! 
(Individual fic commentary below the cut)
something else entirely holds me in thrall (Pokemon)
“Everyone lives and nothing hurts” – I had started this fic due to re-playing Pokemon games from my childhood (Pokemon Crystal my beloved). It’s just my friends and I in the Pokemon world having idealized jobs with our Pokemon. I was encouraged internally to finish it so I could give it to one of the friends who had a character in the fic to help them through a hard time. So less “everyone lives” (all friends in it are alive!!) but “nothing hurts” definitely hits in this self-indulgent, really happy AU of our lives. 
shorn-off children like them (Call Me Chihiro (2023))
“If no one else will write it, I will” – so I watched the movie on a whim and it REALLY hit me where it hurts. So few movies get the ‘estranged child’ feelings well, and I saw a lot of myself in my mid-twenties with this character. So I wrote this because I just don’t see analysis of people in my situation in media, and I wanted to give her the character development I went through to end up in a happier place. 
The Archon is Too Sublime (原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game))
“Thought of a great line” – I really liked the summary line of this fic, it sets the tone for the whole thing. I just honestly love writing irreverent, silly but sincere fics like this. 
beloved gem, plucked rose (原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game))
“I was joking with my friend and then it happened” – shoutout to Purple for fucking around with “haha what if Tighnari accidentally became a cult leader and Cyno loved the idea of being a beautiful cult leader’s beloved” and it spiraled into one of my most popular fics of the year. 
it flows as the breaths inside the lungs (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)
“This is going to be SO hot” – My first fic in a new fandom is giving pharaohs heat cycles based on the Nile flooding?? Sure!! It was definitely one of my horniest fics I wrote this year, and I was very pleased by the result. 
ex situ by stifledlaughter (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)
“But what happens AFTER canon?” I quite liked Marik’s character when I first watched YGO– I related a ton to the ‘very bitter after religious abuse’ backstory he had, and I wanted to explore how he seemingly mellowed out a ton in the last season. 
Dragon-In-Wait (BNHA)
“Thought of a great scene” – so this was the prequel to one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written, Last Out the Winter. I started it in 2020 and sometime in early 2023 I was like “I have 40k down. I just need to slam out 10-20k more to finish it.” 40k later, I had finished it, and, amusingly, the “great scene” I had in mind from the beginning was slightly changed! But that’s what happens when you let a fic languish for 3 years. 
(space) riot when I'm with you (IT - Stephen King & Pride and Prejudice)
“It came to me in a dream” – While this was indeed a prompt from the Fic Clique podcast, the plot to it was a hazy contrivance of having read a LOT of Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic and wanting to explore the horror genre a bit more. It just sort of coalesced in my brain to the surprisingly coherent fic it turned out to be. 
A Timely Convergence of Melodies (new chapter) (Kuroko no Basuke)
“I just want them to kiss” – Ahhh, my fic that is the slowest to update of all time. I went 3 years in between updating this chapter and the last. Since each chapter focuses on a different couple reliving the same 5 or so hours, I do consider this mentally a ‘one shot’. This was another “omg just FINISH IT” fic I yanked out of my drafts and slammed out. It wasn’t what I originally wanted for it, but I’m glad it’s done all the same. 
A Handmade Scrapbook (new one-shot) ("Designation: Miracle" fandom, a Kuroko no Basuke AU)
“Fuck this character in particular” – I love Masaomi from Designation: Miracle with all of my heart but boy is it fun to Put That Man In Situations. Doing a SVSSS crossover with the OT4 appeals to the nichest audience of like 4 people on the planet who have read D:M and understand SVSSS but it was fun for ME to write and that’s what matters. 
deep in the night, I am looking for some(one) (2 new chapters) (Fanfic of the "Letter to the Headitor" AU for BNHA)
“I want this universe and those characters” – As always, my fanfics of the LTTH AU are my little bouncy house of humor and fun to roll around in. I went a little more serious with the most recent chapter, but it felt very earned after the other more lighthearted ones. LTTH will always be a fic that, in watching it update in real time, helped me through some real bad stuff and I will always write about it with joy in my heart. 
Untitled Fic Clique Episode (Fandom RPF & Untitled Goose Game (Video Game))
“Just to see if I could” – The SECOND I got the idea for this I yanked out my computer and slammed this out in approximately two hours. I was losing my gourd, possessed, feral with my goose teeth and wings. It is possibly the funniest thing I’ll ever write and I may have peaked but that’s okay. 
Game of the Scene by stifledlaughter (原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game))
“This idea won’t shut up until I write it” – I’ve been noodling on this Razor/Fischl/Bennett future fic for a while now, and part of my “just write it!!” mentality this year involved me taking the noodling thoughts and stir-frying them into something edible. I was pretty pleased with it in the end, especially the female OC, who is definitely one of my favorites I’ve written. 
adularescence (new one-shot) (原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game))
“Gift fic” – my yearly solstice gift for my metamour! She let me write Zhongli with two dicks this year, I was really excited about that. 
the skin you're in (Wizard of Oz) 
“Found a prompt list” – more specifically, a Yuletide recipient’s list! What’s funny about this one is that originally, I had been assigned to them for a different fandom (Neopets) only to read the rest of their prompts and read their cool prompt for a genderqueer Ozma. It prompted me to re-read select books from the Wizard of Oz series so I could better write this fic, which was pretty fun. 
more mundane and magical (Love and Leashes (2022))
“I saw the plot and needed it for my OTP” – So I have been really really wanting to write a fic set in the modern day kink community/scene, even though I left my in-person kink community several years ago due to burnout. I still have many fond memories of it, and truly wanted to write a fic that reflects the good parts of the community with rose-colored glasses, so I no longer felt as bitter about the bad parts. When I saw this movie requested for Yuletide, I knew that I had to write for it, and that finally, I could marry this plot idea (“put those characters in the kink scene”) with this fantastic movie that lends itself so well to that idea. Writing it was joyful, cathartic, and a little melancholy, which I feel really enhanced the fic. 
Clean bingo card:
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Fanfic ask game
E (King, but I may have already asked you this before?), L, N, T, U, V, W
thank you!!!
E: If you wrote a sequel to [King], what would it be about?
Well, this one's tough because I don't have the full story in King and Lionheart to go off of. I imagine it would involve the Corinthian tracking down the cause of Lee's untimely death and... let's just say, bringing swift justice to whoever's involved. But honestly I haven't really thought about a sequel for that one.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
I have no freaking clue. I revise as I go, and then do one final sweep when I post it to AO3 (largely because I need to input all the bolds and italics that don't transfer over). Usually when I open the document, I start by re-reading what i did on the previous day and editing it before I add more.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Not really? Even if I managed to find the absolute best writer in the world, it wouldn't be the same story as if I wrote it myself. That's not a vanity thing, just that there's a way I want these stories to go and it wouldn't be quite the same if someone wrote them for me
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I avidly avoid ABO stuff, I find it intensely uncomfortable. Or anything that involves strict possessiveness or domineering, really. I can appreciate a character who is protective of their significant other, but I have problems when it veers into possessiveness.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
(To keep this even, I'm avoiding writers that I'm friends with. Bestie I love your writing and there's several others on here too that have INCREDIBLE writing styles and easily make the favorites list, but I want to stay 100% impartial)
sunstones on AO3 - They haven't posted anything in a while, but I was an absolutely avid follower of their Spider-Man fics. They have an incredible penchant for descriptions and extended metaphors, a writing style that's chock-full of hidden details and foreshadowing
a_reader_and_a_writer on AO3 - They've written oneshots and drabbles for easily a half-dozen of my favorite characters, and every single one is delightfully written and effortlessly in-character
brigid1318 on AO3 - Similarly, they haven't posted in a while, but they were one of the first authors I read when I got into fanfic. Not only is their writing style absolutely lovely and their plots delightfully unique, they offered support on one of my earliest fics (even though it had to be a bit of a struggle to read through, since I was still pretty new to writing) and are a big part of why I'm so active in writing now
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Hmm... this is a little tough because so many of the fics I read are unfinished, so I don't know how they'll end or where a sequel would go. In terms of finished fics, I'll go with The Demons Within by your_dragon_just_shot_at_me, it's a crossover between X-Men and Doctor Strange, and it's just so wonderfully unique and well-written that I'd love more! (plus so few people write for Alex Summers, I want more wherever I can get it lol)
For fics I'd love to see an update/continuation on, I'll go with The Empty World by strawberry_jam_and_sunsets. Again, such an interesting premise and main character, and wonderfully in-character for Donald Pierce. It's a slowburn too, so I'm currently dying of tension waiting for an update!!
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
I think it depends? If I'm writing something small, like a warmup drabble to spark motivation, I'd rather have something specific. That way I can think more about the characters without having to worry about what direction I'm going with it, and I can get warmed up for more "high-intensity" writing later.
But if I'm writing something longer, like a gift fic, I'd rather have a more general prompt so the final product can still be a surprise.
Fanfic Asks
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riverlethe · 2 years
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(via Sailor Moon Usagi GIF - Sailor Moon Usagi Balancing Pen - Discover & Share GIFs)
Fic Authors Self Rec
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! 💖
Thanks to @areptiledysfunction1107 for the tag!
Here are mine, in no particular order.
1. Once More, with Feeling! This is my ongoing WiP, a re-write of the Dark Kingdom arc in which Usagi and Mamoru begin dating before learning each other’s alter egos, and then navigating a relationship in secret afterwards. It’s mostly Manga-canon from Mamoru’s perspective, and I took some liberties with Mamoru’s psychometry and plot. There’s angst-galore (who doesn’t love angst?) but also plenty of tenderness and romance.
I purposely didn’t age them up because I am a sucker for the “high school sweethearts thing” (yes, she is in Jr High, but you know what I mean) so while their relationship is very physical, (as teens tend to be), there is nothing explicit.
This was my foray into writing, if you will, because I needed a mental distraction from my health care worker job during COVID back in 2021. OMwF! has changed so much since I originally started posting it, and I just couldn’t be prouder of it considering it is my very first fanfiction, even if a few of my other stories were posted first.
Rated M
2. Home My Day 2 Contribution to UsaMamo week 2021 was supposed to be about Post-Stars Usa and Mamoru while he is at Harvard for his Study Abroad 2.0, but the story took itself in another direction. What was originally intended as a sweet story about how Usagi is “Home” for Mamoru, instead transformed into an emotional Usagi-centric introspection about the events of Stars.
And I just love it. All aboard the Feels Bus!
Rated T
3. Interlude Full discloser, this story was written for 2 reasons: 1. Because of a discussion on the Moonlight Legends Discord back in August or Sept of 2021 in which we lamented the lack of Dark Endymion and Usagi/Sailor Moon fics, and 2. Because I wanted to push myself out of my M-rated comfort zone and write some actual smut for the first time.
Now, for some, the smut-level of this story is still pretty low (I referred to it as “Diet Smut” when I originally posted it), as it wasn’t overly explicit. But when I reworked it a bit for @dendyweek, I did make it a tad more explicit. I also made the story a better a companion for another I wrote later called Consequences, a Princess D Masquerade fic inspired by @areptiledysfunction1107′s Deja Vu (and posted with her approval) that became an unintended prequel to “Interlude” (funny how that happens)
Rated E
4. What Dwells Within My Day 4 contribution for @dendyweek 2022. I really wanted to try my hand at a psychological horror inspired piece, and I had so much fun writing it. As we move further and further away from Dendy Week I find myself wishing I had done even more with this concept, perhaps even a short multi-fic, but I am so very proud of this story as it is.
Rated T
5. The Morning and Evening Star My Day 1 contribution to @sailormoonrarepairweek is all about Sailor Venus!
SilMil Venus makes an interesting proposal to Kunzite to blow off some steam, and the rest is history. While I don’t have anything against any ships involving the senshi, I just don’t really ship them with anyone. But if I did have to choose one SenShi pairing, it would be Venus/Kunzite.
This could very well be the only non-UsaMamo story I write, and I love how it turned out.
Rated E
Tagging @goddessalthena @moonchildoh8 as many others I know have already been tagged, but please feel free to share your own favs! This is open tagging! I don’t know everyone who writes, so please introduce yourself and your works!
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calaisreno · 2 years
Hey. For the “The Half-Life of Death.” Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 9. It was the first fic I read from your collection of works. Thanks a bunch.
Thank you, @seekers-who-are-lovers ! I'm guessing you mean The Half-Life of Love!
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I was inspired by some of the teenlock stories I'd read, but felt the need to explore what happens to a teen relationship when life takes them in different directions. Young love can be beautiful, but would it survive? Very few people meet the love of their life when they're teens, and that struck me as the tragedy lurking beneath the teenlock story: the inevitability of change.
I began with them meeting at school, which is were a lot of teenlock begins and ends. Originally I intended to trade the narrative POV between John and Sherlock, but decided to stick with Sherlock because he is selfish when he first loves John. I wanted him to gradually realise what he'd lost and why he'd lost it, and begin to hope he might get it back. All of that needed years to develop, so it became a prequel to canon, ending with their reunion at Barts after John's service in Afghanistan.
I gave it a shell-story told from outsider POV: the first chapter is Lestrade, the last is Molly. The rest is Sherlock.
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
I don't have a particular line, but there are parts I felt came out well:
The second chapter orientation to Sherlock's character. He's a bit predatory and sees John as a prize he can go after, but I hope readers can also feel his loneliness and vulnerability.
And Chapter 6, where he sort of loses his mind and becomes paranoid: "It was just a tape playing in his mind, so they could trick him."
5: What part was hardest to write?
I hadn't written a story that covered so many years before and didn't want the narrative to be boring and dragged out. I may have telescoped the plot a bit too much in places. It was a compromise, showing time pass and hitting the highs and lows.
The ending was also hard to write, their confessions and realisations.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Yes! This story is based on one of my first adventures in writing Johnlock, one I never posted, but it taught me how not to write the story. I think a lot of my first efforts at fanfiction were self-indulgent. I have kept them and sometimes mined them for ideas that later became posted stories.
Anyway, in the original version, they are not separated, defy Mycroft's attempts to keep them apart, go to university together, etc. None of it was very interesting because it wasn't really going anywhere. It was episodes of "bad stuff happens, but we're still in love." It was wish fulfillment. A reminder of why ending sexual tension, or any kind of tension, usually results in jumping the shark.
Thank you for asking! It's been a while since I looked at this story. Though it's not the first one I posted on A03, it is one of the earliest Johnlock stories I wrote.
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