#and a few applications i haven't heard from yet
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blue-sadie · 11 months
Trick Or Treat
Halloween Special~based off this vote
Ghostface Anakin Skywalker x Nerd Reader
Summary: his blood lust intensifys
Warning: modern day au, knife play, marking/carving into skin, wall sex
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Yn/3rd person pov
The thumbing music made my ears ring, and the close proximity of people made me feel dizzy I don't know why I'm here but here I am dressed up for the occasion.
"Are you new or something" my eyes flickered over to one of the cheerleaders I think her name was charlotte as she stumbled towards me her speech slurring from her drunkenness, "um y-yea sort of" I murmured nervously fumbling with the plastic cup I had in my hand.
"What shit are you drinking" she muttered giggling to herself as she grabbed it and downed it in one gulp I grimaced as she almost choked slamming the cup down.
"Your drinking the fucking punch" she yelled out laughing to much for my liking "y-yeah" I whispered she quickly put her hand on my shoulder and leaned in, my nose crinkled as I smelt the alcohol on her breath.
She only stopped a few inches from my face her drunkly wavering as her eyes wondered over my face "I'mma tell you something if you want boys..... you gotta be more out there.. not like that bitch what is her name" she paused racking through or nut brain trying to remember my name.
"Yn" I murmured she nodded her head furiously "wait how did you know" she questioned tilting her head in confusion I shrugged my shoulders "just a hunch" I didn't fear affected by her words well not anymore at least.
She quickly turned to the fridge and opened it up, a shiver ran up my spine making me to look around my surroundings I felt someone staring at me, my eyes flickered around seeing a glimpse of white outside the window 'must be the reflection' I kept going till the landed on the jock and coincidentally charlotte's boyfriend 'jake'.
He smirked as he saw I caught him staring and he licked his lips as his eyes wondered over my body, my stomach churned in disgust "i-i think I'm gonna go" I mumbled leaving the room before charlotte could protest.
I wondered through the rooms trying to get away from people after a while everything seemed to quieten down "police" someone screamed and everyone started to bolt out the door.
I tried squeezing through but it was mer impossible "come follow me" I was grabbing buy someone and pulled in the opposite direction of the doors "where are we going" I yelled out but didn't get an answer, the person who was dragging me was in a black robe with the hood up and a ghostface mask.
I didn't recognize the voice because of the voice changer he was using, I tried pulling away as i heard the police starting to bang on the door he tugged me towards him pulling me into a room I haven't gone into yet "we have to get down there" he pointed at the basement hatch as he locked the door.
'I didn't know houses still had these things' I felt uneasy "i-i think I better go" I tried pushing past him but he caught my wrist "do you want under age drinking on your application for college" he stated tilting his head as he spoke.
I shrunk back pulling my wrist out of his hold as i was thinking about it he does have a good point, I let out a sigh "your right" I murmured and slowly started making my way down into the basement with him close behind me.
He flicked on the light to reveal a big room which was only lit by a dim flickering light I walked a little ways from him looking at the surroundings it wasn't much to look at "who are you" I asked looking back to the man.
He straightened up as I asked the question "ghostface of course you like 'do you like scary movies' he murmured pulling a knife out his robe I stepped back out of fear "I think the police s-should be gone now" I said backing away from him as he slowly came towards me.
"Oh they won't be" he chuckled darkly as he backed me into the corner of the room "h-how would you know" I asked as my heart beat quickened he chuckled again and put his arms on either side of my head using his body to cage me in as he leaned down to whisper into my ear.
"Because charlotte and jakes bodies are in the shed and I left a good amount of a blood trail to lead the police there" my breath hitched as he spoke it felt as if my throat was closing up "w-why" I panted as tears started to well up in my eyes.
"Aw your to cute" he chuckled moving one of his hands to grab my chin forcing me to look up at him as if on impulse I slapped him across the face making him stumble and curse in pain.
I gasped in shock and tried to run past him but fall as he grabbed my ankle "l-let go" I screamed trying to kick him but he grabbed both my legs hard his nails digging into my skin "don't make me kill you too little bitch" he spat as he hold slowly moved up my body in till he could reach my hands.
He grabbed both of my hands in one of his and held them down above my head "fuck your going to pay" he muttered my eyes widened as I saw apart of his mask was broken "a-anakin" I whispered out of shock he grinned widely.
He huffed taking off his mask letting his curls loose "your always to smart for your own good" he muttered tightening his hold on my wrists as his other hand brought up the knife to my face softly pressing the tip against my cheek.
I let out pants and crys of fear "please no" I cried and he cooed down at me and dragged the knife from my cheek down to my neck "you'll look so pretty covered in blood" he whispered and slowly started to dig the knife into my skin drawing a little bit of blood.
I screamed in pain pushing my head back into the concrete floor "perfect like I always imagined" he murmured laying kisses on my neck "please stop" I cried "but I only just began".
The knife slowly lifted from my skin making my body shiver "see yn your already shaking in anticipation" he grinned and slowly used the knife to cut away the dress I was wearing, he let out a shakey breathe and placed more kisses on my stomach and chest.
"Anakin stop please" I tried to wiggle my way out his hold but he held fast and let out a low growl as he moved back up my body to look into my eyes his eyes were dark and full of lust.
"Why don't you just let me have you" he moved the knife to cut off my bra and panties leaving me bare "just let me take care of you" he whispered I held my breath as I felt the knife against my stomach "let me mark you" he breathed out happily as he slowly started to drag the knife against my stomach carving his name into my skin.
"Stop" I cried he sighed pulling the blood aways fron my skin showing me the blood that dripped from the tip he then threw the knife to the side and leaned down kissing away my fallen tears "no one else can help you make you feel like I do your mine" he voice was low and deep as he spoke.
"Stay still" he said slowly letting go of my wrists I was petrified and to scared to move my eyes followed his movements as he slowly moved his way down my body in till his head was by my core "let me taste you".
His eyes locked with mine as he moved in closer opening his mouth and dragged his tongue up and down my slit my legs shifting and my soft breathes turned into silent moans he wrapped his arms around my thighs bringing me more onto his tongue.
"F-fuck" I whispered biting my lip hard as to not show him how he was making me feel he sucked on my clit harshly making my legs tremble and tease underneath him, he pulled away with a pop, licking his lips to collect all my juices "your so sweet baby" he praised kissing his way back up my body making sure to avoid the wounds he inflicted on me.
His hands on my thighs slowly started to move me against him as he slowly started to pick me up "there you go baby" he smiled and pressed me back up against the wall I tried avoiding his gaze and tried to escape his hold but I just didn't have the energy.
I felt him maneuver some of his clothing in till I felt his hard cock pressed up against me "be good for me baby" he smirked and slowly lifted me up to sink me onto his cock "fuck" we both cursed breathlessly "your so tight for me" he groaned.
He pressed he against the wall hard as he started to thrust up into me my moans started to gradually get louder as he increased in speed his thrusts making me body jerk, anakin moved his head into the crook of my neck attaching his lips to my skin sucking harshly.
"Everyone better fucking know your mine" he grunted against my skin my breathing started to quicken as I felt myself close to climaxing I slowly moved my hands to clench down on his shoulders "c-cumming" I moaned arching my back into him, "that's it baby let go for me" he growled as he continued to thrust into me, cursing at how tight I was getting.
I cried out in pleasure as I cam on his dick and my moans only began to heighten as he continued his thrusting "fuck I'm cumming to baby" he groaned as hid cock began to pulse and his thrusts began to fulter in rhythm "s-shit" he growled out as he released inside me coating my insides in white I started to feel light headed and dizzy making him coo at my half lidded eyes.
"Don't worry yn I'll make sure your right as rain by tomorrow because your mine now and I look after my things"
@sweetirilly @neteyamyawne @greekgods15
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vy-canis-melodis · 7 days
the following is a blog post, written by tanja, in the Bird HRT universe:
UPDATE and a cancelled article!
Hi all, it's been a long time since my last blog post. Here's the deal; I was in hospital. Long story short, some things went pretty wrong, and here I am, having to deal with a huge backwards step in progress then having had to retrace those steps with additional gooey complications and therapy.
Anyway, here's a journalistic article I was pretty close to finishing and submitting to actual newspapers before everything went down and I had to cancel it.
Rejecting Humanity - Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Just Be Myself
As I write this, I'm sitting in the waiting room of a Hospital cross Research Laboratory in London. By the time you're reading this, I'll have been on my treatment journey for over a year. What treatment, you ask? Well, it's Humanity Removal Therapy. One year ago, I undertook a radical new procedure which slowly transforms you from human to another form. Perhaps you've seen strange creatures out and about; a snow leopard at the supermarket, a dog at the drive-thru, or a tuatara at the thrift shop. Or, perhaps, you haven't; as I write this, the number of patients might not yet have reached triple digits worldwide.
Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Tanja ------, and I am an Iberian Azure-winged Magpie, scientific name 'cyanopica cooki'. One year ago, I was fully human, and now I look like a hybrid between our two species. So, let me guide you through my world.
How is this possible?
A little over a year ago, certain medical circles revealed that species transformation had been trialled in mice, turning them into various other creatures, with various success rates from 20 to 80% depending on size and how different the target species was. Now, I'm not for animal testing, but when I heard that human trials were going to open, I kept that pinned to my calendar. And so, after a few months, I was able to finally sign up and have my first interview. Which was… short. Turns out, they had pretty elaborate ways of gatekeeping people who really meant that they wanted it from those that they thought would regret the procedures. They also had a little joke, based on gender HRT, where they would ask if you'd spent years living as your preferred species beforehand. Or at least, I think it was a joke. And then, I was on my way to becoming the bird I love.
How much did it cost?
Well, luckily for me, the NHS provides free healthcare. Then, due to this being a clinical trial, I get paid for being a test subject. Then, due to the effects of the medicine, I receive Disability Benefits. The treatment itself is… a bit of a legal loophole, really. This very article may well be the first you've heard of it.
Is it just a magic pill?
Nope! It's a mix of CRISPR, gene replacement, hormone injections, and surgeries over time. It's a real mishmash, at least in my case. For example, keratinous structures can be grown through selective DNA editing and hormones that stimulate 'hair' growth in specific areas in specific ways. Bone structure can also slowly be altered in some cases through gene replacement, though in some cases, surgery is needed. My back, for example, will soon be undergoing surgery to adjust the way the vertebrae are laid out. Some aspects just are too difficult to be done naturally, and so artificial parts and prosthetics are added. But this complicated procedure has an upside - it means that there is more customisation possible! For example, a Harpy would be a very specific set of applications of Bird HRT that exclude certain aspects such as the face!
Are there downsides?
Definitely. There's the immunosuppression that has to occur to stop new parts from being rejected. There's the high risk of cancers and other diseases to occur as a result of this procedure. There's just the risk that your organs will fail. Most of this is irreversible too.
Why even do it then?
Because, to that small number of people, it's so worth it. This is a new life, an opportunity to discard that uncomfortable human vessel and be yourself at last. For the vast majority of people, being oneself is being human, but that's not the case for everyone.
Is it going to be banned?
Well, that's hard to say. Governments worldwide are, I'm sure, now aware of this phenomenon. And I think it presents a threat to the status quo. This is something new, something scary, something intimidating, that shifts the power balance between subjects and governers. And it's not just because some people have become huge fire-breathing dragons - it's the meaning behind it. They've rejected the very notion of the social contract between humans and crafted a new identity. Do we still count as people? And that's really the question, isn't it. So much of the way government and society works is to split people into groups of those that are 'more' people, and those that are 'lesser' people - and that dictates what societal violences are permissible, for example. This whole new procedure will have to make governments rethink so much, and it can either be a source of worry for us, or a source of hope for everyone. We just have to be loud enough to be heard for who we are.
So what will come next? Well, I'm going to hop on in to my next appointment, and the Earth will keep spinning. My first set of wings has almost reached full-span, and my toe-dexterity is almost at where I was with hands as a human. With my next set of primaries, I may have enough of a wingspan to fly, if I keep my weight low enough. Meanwhile, Parliament will likely have a debate on the issue, as a petition to legalise the procedure has a few thousand signatures on the government's official petition website. I'll be waiting on that result eagerly.
If you have any other questions, I'd be more than willing to answer them!
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apocalypseornaw · 14 days
Chapter Two
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Settling in a new place, even temporarily takes time. You set out to get the twins in a daycare, Hayley goes to finish her ged and you find a job.
Dean takes a notice to how jumpy the new neighbors.
"Mom, are you sure they're gonna be ok?" Hayley asked as the two of you walked out of the daycare Simon and Kiya recommend for the twins. You took a deep breath and let it out slowly before nodding "If Simon and Kiya trust it, so do I. They haven't let us down yet" the place was locked up tightly and had a security guard. It wasn't some run of the mill place that just anyone could walk into.
She looked back over her shoulder one more time before nodding "Ok. I have my test scheduled for an hour" she'd decided to take her ged. You'd talked to Simon and as soon as she passed that meant he could cover her trail but also it would clear up any issues moving forward with her should she want to pursue college and keep you clear of truancy.
"Are you sure you want to do this? The local high school is supposed to be good! Plus they just got out so you'd have all summer to get ready" you wanted to make sure this was her choice, not what she felt like she needed to do. She smiled "It is. I can be through with school and help you out more. I can get a job part time or just watch James and Amelia more" "or just try to be a teenager" you offered and she laughed "or that"
The first week or so that all of you were in town you spent simply getting used to the new house, routes to the grocery store, the daycare, nearest hospital and fastest way out of town. Everything you normally did when you ended up in a new place. You and Hayley practically had a checklist at this point.
Your neighbors Dean and Ben had proven to be fairly quiet considering. In fact the only times you'd heard anything from them was doors shutting when they'd come or go.
You'd saw in the paper Ben was in the recent graduating class so you weren't sure if he'd be leaving for college or sticking around. Not like it mattered, the four of you would be here a year tops before you'd have to move again. Like Hayley said, the only way to keep them safe was to keep moving. You couldn't let your past catch up with your kids.
"Mom!" Hayley's voice made your head snatch in her direction. The two of you were standing next to your car but she was pointing a bit down the street to a rather large car garage "Winchester's Auto. Think that's our neighbors?" You shrugged "Possibly. Not like we know the area well enough to know if they're the only Winchesters" it would make sense though.
Along with the Winchester's Auto, there was Harvelle's diner which belonged to one of your landlords Ellen, a coffee shop, a bakery and a few shops in the main strip of town without going into any big chain stores. And lucky for you the bakery and coffee shops had now hiring signs in the window. "I'm going to take you to the library then head to the bakery first to check on putting in an application" you told Hayley as you backed out the parking lot. She nodded and held up her phone "I'll call if anything comes up"
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Ben moved around the garage as well as he moved around his bedroom at home. He'd practically grew up in the place. At one time it'd been his great grandmother's and from what he knew the only thing worth passing down from the Winchester line. His grandpa Bobby had come into possession of it to keep it in the family when the threat of back taxes almost took it then when his dad was ready to take it over Bobby had signed it over to him.
He'd known how to work on an engine before he could ever legally drive on the road. Now that he had graduated he was taking classes at the local tech College and working in the garage. It paid good, he enjoyed it and it wasn't too bad having your dad as your boss.
"Ben" he heard his dad's voice and stepped back from under the hood of the car he was currently working on "Yes sir?"
Dean was working on a stack of paperwork higher than his damn head when the phone in his office started ringing. He hated this side of the business. He loved working on cars, he loved owning the garage but the damn paperwork gave him a fucking headache.
He dug around for the phone before finally finding it "Winchester's Auto" he answered it a bit more gruff than he meant to and heard Bobby's scoff of a laugh "Been meaning to call you son. Have you met the neighbors?"
He sat back in his chair and nodded to himself more than anything, running a hand over his head. He needed a hair cut considering he now had to push his hair out of his face at times. He was starting to look like Sam. "Yeah. What happened to giving us a heads up before someone moves in?"
"An old friend's son called. He knew her, said she's in a tight spot and needed a place. She's a single mom with three kids Dean. What was I supposed to tell her? No? Would you rather her or some loud obnoxious assholes?"
Bobby was right, of course. Dean would much rather have Y/N and her kids next door than most other options but it made him wonder just why she was in a tight spot. Any time he'd seen her she seemed so, alert? No that's not the right word, spooked? Like she's waiting for someone to try to hurt her or one of her kids and that didn't sit right with him.
"Bobby, what she running from?" He knew he shouldn't sound so damn protective over someone he barely knew but he blamed it on how the man on the other end of the phone had raised him. "I wouldn't bring anything dangerous to yours and Ben's doorstep" Bobby reassured and Dean chuckled "Not what I asked. Have you met her?"
"Not yet. She's talked to Ellen though, I figured she'd be more comfortable with her for now" Dean nodded "What did Ellen say?" "She seems like a sweetheart but scared" "yeah she does" Dean agreed then ran a hand down his face "What did you need anyways?" Bobby laughed "I need to talk to my grandson and he leaves his phone on vibrate while he's at work so can you get him to the phone?" "Yes sir" Dean laughed and clicked the call onto hold before heading out to find Ben.
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When you pulled up the library Hayley had just called you to say she was ready so it was perfect timing. You watched the door as she damn near came skipping out. When she spotted the car the skip turned into a car. You raised an eyebrow when she collapsed into the passenger seat with a broad grin "Let Simon know I passed!" "You passed?!" You squealed and pulled her into a hug.
She squeezed you then pulled back "How'd the job hunt go?" "I got the job at the bakery! Split hours but full time" she grinned "Awesome! Can we go pick up the twins now?" You laughed lightly and nodded "Yeah. We can go pick up the twins now"
Everything was always a slow go at first then before you knew it time would slip and it would be the time to make that move again but for now you'd enjoy the few moments to catch your breath and enjoy what victories you could.
Later that night after the twins and Hayley was asleep you were double checking the windows and doors. You couldn't sleep despite knowing you started work in two days. It was safe for now, he didn't know where you were. There was no way he could. Simon and Kiya covered every move you made. The job wasn't under your real name, the daycare wasn't under their real last names.
You checked the window over the kitchen sink, it looked over partially into Dean's backyard. You could see his firepit and a few chairs around it. Your heart ached for something so simple. A since of safety, to let down your guard that easily. You sighed and closed the curtain before deciding to go to bed as well. Morning could come quicker than you'd like and the twins never slept in.
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soft-girl-musings · 7 months
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - CHAPTER 5 (Something's Gotta Give)
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Noir!Jake Lockley x WOC Lounge Singer!Reader
written in collaboration with + header by @mrs-lockley
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4
cross-posted to ao3
tags: late 1940s Noir AU, Reader is WOC coded but with no physical description besides being slightly taller than Jake while wearing heels, no use of Y/N, brief mention of past injury, spanish translation at end (courtesy of @queerponcho, thank you beloved)
wc: 3.4k
fic summary: Of all the gin joints in all the world, Jake Lockley walks into yours. Unfortunately for him, it's not quite the start of a beautiful friendship.
chapter summary: immovable object? the unstoppable force would like a word.
As far as peace offerings go, it’s not the worst.
At least, that’s what you’ve told yourself as you stand outside your neighbor’s apartment, your fist failing to close the distance and knock. In one hand you hold a plate of pastries you’d bought earlier. Hopefully it’s enough.
Before you can raise your hand again, the door whips open. 
Leah Mendoza, ever the force to be reckoned with, stands with arms akimbo and eyebrow raised. “Quit shuffling your feet and come inside, nena.”
You oblige wordlessly. Crossing the threshold, you immediately feel the warmth of her apartment embrace you. Not that she’s escaped the chill that plagues your building; Leah is an artist, and every flat surface serves as either canvas or easel. Most spaces are covered in surreal portraits and near-magical icons, her handiwork displayed as a gorgeously chaotic gallery. Sunlight streams through gauzy curtains to feed sprawling plants and attempts to warm the richly colored rug beneath your feet.
You leave your shoes at the door and hold out the platter, smiling sheepishly. “Hope you still have a sweet tooth.”
“It's been so long, I'm surprised you remember.” Despite her playfully icy tone, Leah’s expression warms as she peeks at the pan de mallorca you hand over.
“...But I suppose going five blocks out of your way for breakfast makes up for it.” She nudges you with her hip before escorting  you to the kitchen.
“Look what the cat dragged in, Caro,” Leah calls out to the seating area as she pours two mugs of coffee. You see your other friend’s smiling eyes light up at the sight of you.
“Ohhh, it’s been ages!” she squeals as she rushes to your side, tackling you with an enthusiastic hug.
Caroline Ngo, the youngest of your trio, has always brought a much-needed energy to your time together. When she and her parents moved in, you and Leah decided to adopt her into your early morning ritual of coffee and gossip. As her rosy cheeks beam up at you, you’re (a bit selfishly) grateful that she’s delayed her college applications by a year. You’re not ready to part with your other baby bird just yet.
Still, you pry yourself from her grasp. “Something tells me you had an early start on the coffee.”
“Maybe,” she drawls as she saunters away. Leah passes you a steaming mug, prepared just the way you like it.
The three of you sit, sipping and smiling as the room grows brighter with the sunrise. Leah regales you with the results of her latest art show; Caroline badgers you for updates about Mauricio, dimpled cheeks flushed as she speaks. For a few moments, everything feels like it used to.
Leah finishes her pastry and turns to you. “So, ‘Ms. Songbird’. How are you?”
You shrug, dismissive. “Oh, you know. The usual.”
“No, I don’t know. You haven't been around for us to see your ‘usual’.” Leah's voice is measured, but she’s clearly frustrated. “Can you tell me the last time we've heard more than a ‘good morning’ from you? Or were together for longer than an elevator ride to our floor?”
You chuckle nervously. “Goodness, maybe… August? September?”
“June.” She sips her coffee before setting it down. “Are things really so busy at work that you can't spare a moment for us anymore?”
If only you knew.
“I'm sorry, ladies. Truly. But things have been picking up at the lounge, I've even had to get outside help–”
“Ah yes, the altar boy lawyer.” Leah shakes her head. “I thought you were done with him.”
“‘Done with him?’ Leah, he's my friend.”
“Oh, I recall. So good a friend that he lets you ice his bruises and clean his cuts.” She crosses her arms. “So good, he's even bringing new friends with the same scrapes to your door.”
“The other night was an emergency–”
“How long are you going to run around with that kind of crowd?” Her voice bites. “Believe me, I know my share of the nightlife. But every time you bring home some broken man, a load of trouble seems to follow.”
This is not where you saw the morning going. “I thought we were spending time together, not berating the company I keep.”
“Please don't be upset,” Caroline pleads, taking your hand from her seat on the floor. “We miss you. You haven’t been home in weeks,” she laments. “At least, not for more than a couple of hours.”
You shift in your seat but give her hand a light squeeze. “I've missed you, too.”
“Then do something about it.” Leah gets up, crossing the room to distract herself with more coffee but then doubles back to look you in the eyes.
“You know my gut is never wrong, nena. And I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't speak my mind.”
You brace yourself as she continues. “You can spend your nights hiding behind your Songbird persona and running the lounge, but don't be surprised if the cage you're building around yourself is locked from the inside.”
With that, she turns on her heel and heads back to the kitchen, leaving you and Caroline in silence.
Slowly, Caroline slides into Leah’s empty seat, her hand still on yours.
“... I always liked your stage name.”
You don’t say anything, instead letting your eyes trail through the patterns on the rug.
She scoots closer. “Leah’s just looking out for you. Like always.”
“I know, Caro.”
You feel her head rest on your shoulder. Tough love has always been Leah’s strong suit; as hard as you are on your boys, it’s bush league compared to your friend.
Caroline’s next words are low, whispered just loud enough for you to hear. “I know that man you were helping.”
You look down at her, dumbfounded. “Really? You know Jake?”
She sits up, eyes wide again. “Well, not technically. I never learned his name. But when he was leaving your apartment, I recognized his face.” Her small smile grows as she speaks. “There were days I’d stay out late after school, and I’d catch a ride from him sometimes. He’s really kind, not like some of the other cab drivers.”
Concern suddenly sweeps across her face. “Is he going to be alright?”
You think back to the morning he left your apartment: his bruises, your stitches, the blood that still stained his coat…
His hand on your hand, your face…
You don’t feel your fingers grazing the apple of your cheek until you hear Caroline giggle. Your hand drops to your lap as your face warms. “He’ll be fine. If he wised up and saw a real doctor, that is.” You shrug, reaching for your coffee.
“You care about him,” she teases.
“Oh, come off it,” you huff, nudging her leg with yours.
“And he obviously cares about you!” She squeals, lowering her voice when Leah turns her head toward the noise. “I saw him leave your apartment, but he stood there for ages, staring at your door.” Her grip on your hand grows unbearably tight. “What happened that night?”
You’ve been asking yourself the same question from the moment he left you standing in a bloodstained gown, your apartment colder without him. Since then, there hasn’t been a moment where you’ve been free from the memory of his face.
“I did him a favor. And… he may have done one for me, too.”
Jake Lockley is man enough to admit when he’s been beaten.
In this case, he's absolutely won over. Head-over-heels, and at your mercy.
Maybe years from now, society adopts stricter rules for how soon you should call on a lady. Even today, some would advise against showing your hand too early. Some men wouldn’t want to seem too eager, too desperate.
But Jake Lockley is not a liar.
If “desperate” is the word for the incessant drumming in his chest each time you come to mind; if it’s what has him cutting corners and driving recklessly, ushering customers along at double the pace so his thoughts can return to you; if it’s why his palms sweat and nerves ache at the memory of your face that night, that morning… then Jake Lockley is desperate.
It’s hardly been a day and a half since he left your apartment, cold and injured. The suit stitched him back together in seconds; the only ache that remained was at the thought of you. You, who scooped him off the pavement and took pity on him. Who stained your hands with his blood to make it stop. You, who set his skin on fire with the smallest touch and had him convinced he would burn with or without it.
Screw the three day rule. He has to see you.
Hot under the collar, Jake now sits at the bar– your bar, long before normal business hours. Next to him is Matt, whose face hasn’t untwisted from the wry grin he’s had from the moment they met up.
“It’s like a jackhammer,” he chuckles into his glass, dodging Jake’s backhand swing.
“Can it, Murdock.” Jake’s hand returns to his own drink. Downing the rest, he raises his glass to the bartender. “Top me off, Mr. Manalo.”
Teddy obliges with shaking hands. He scoops up the bills Jake slides his way before dashing off. The two men had asked for privacy, and he’s determined to stay in their good graces.
Jake knocks back the new drink, swiping the excess from his lip as Matt’s laughter grows louder.
“You really need to calm down.”
“That’s what this was for,” Jake retorts, shaking his glass so the ice clinks against the edge. It’s doing him little good, though; from the moment he snuck in here that stormy night, he knew The Paper Moon as an extension of you. Even with the house lights up and nobody onstage, the lounge makes his heart race as quickly as if you were right beside him.
Matt claps a hand on his shoulder. “You’ll be alright, you’ve been through worse.”
“Yeah,” Jake snorts. Matt’s quiet for a suspicious amount of time. “What’s on your mind, Murdock?”
“What’s on yours?” Telltale concern creeps into his voice. “How are things up there lately?”
Jake smirks, the expression not reaching his eyes. “Oh, you know. Loud… and quiet, in all the wrong ways.”
“Seems quieter than before.”
“Yeah?” Jake cocks an eyebrow. His mind doesn’t feel quieter, not the way it should. Khonshu’s been on his ass more often, doubling down when his thoughts dare to drift to anything besides the mission at hand. The god throwing a tantrum has become one of the few guarantees that remain.
“I mean it,” Matt reassures him. “It’s like night and day from when you returned stateside.” 
Jake stirs the ice in his glass, tempted to hop the counter and refill it himself. It takes everything in him to repress the memory of “before,” to not think of the bloody business in El-Alamein. To forget when the occupancy of his mind dropped from three to two.
“Must be the good old American soil.” His sneer drops as he considers his next words. “... or the fool of a pro bono lawyer I managed to snag.”
“Maybe,” Matt says. “Or it could be the little bird that's caught your ear.”
Before Jake can respond, a pair of footsteps cross onto the stage behind them.
He turns to see you and Mauricio, backs to the house, talking in rushed succession as you survey the stage. You’re in a blouse and trousers, your movements easy and unrehearsed despite the growing exasperation in your voice. 
“Maurie, I don't care how Leo feels the lights bounces off his new mustache wax, unless he can't follow my cues he's staying stage left. And–”
“No days off for you, are there?”
When you turn you see Jake, hat in hand and standing a few steps from the bar, as if he’d walked toward you but stopped halfway up the aisle. You can’t place the look on his face, but you're nevertheless pinned under the gaze of his now-healed eyes shining up at you.
“JAKE!” Mauricio startles you when he shouts, leaping off the stage to clasp hands with the older man.
“Hermano,” Jake chuckles, pulling him into a quick hug before letting go. “¿No te andas metiendo en problemas, eh?” 
“¿Parece que tu eres el que anda causando problemas, ey botero? ¿De dónde salió esa cicatriz?" Mauricio leans in, examining the pale line running through Jake’s eyebrow with awe.     
“Ah, just a scratch.” Jake shrugs as he brushes past him to approach the stage and offers his hand as you step down. You accept, hoping he doesn’t notice the slight tremor in your grasp.
“Leave the man alone, Maurie,” you chide, nodding your thanks and holding back a laugh. As much as Caroline fawns over you, Mauricio seems to do the same to Jake whenever their paths cross. It helps that he plays along.
As the three of you walk back to the bar, you notice Matt dial in to something and smile– far from his normal reaction. 
“I’m afraid I can’t offer you more than another drink, I have an appointment with Matthew this afternoon.” You cross over to your friend, whose smile only grows as you draw closer. But you brush it off, still focused on Jake.
“Actually,” he starts, his hand sliding into his pocket, “I was hoping to cut in on your consult time for a moment. That alright with you, doll?”
Matt clears his throat. “Mauricio, can you take me backstage? I should start unpacking this file.”
The drummer perks up. “Sure! But the band’s getting ready to play some poker… you feel like teaming up again? We can split the pot like usual.”
“Even better,” Matt grins. “Lead on.”
He gathers his portfolio and walking stick to follow. If you didn’t know better, you’d swear you could see a moment of panic flicker across Jake’s face.
It’s replaced in a flash with his usual smirk. “Sure you want to risk your pocket change, Matty?”
“If all my clients paid like you do, I'd be out of a job.” He collects himself and follows Mauricio’s footsteps, turning to Jake and mouthing “jackhammer” with a hand to his chest when he’s behind you.
Their footfalls fade and it’s just the two of you at the bar. You take a seat, drumming your fingers on the surface to soothe your nerves. Jake sits beside you.
“You look better.” You notice the scar Maurie was talking about: his former head wound is free of your haphazard stitches, instead healed into a light dash through his dark brow. “But I told you that would scar.”
He shakes his head, brushing his fingers past the spot. “I kinda like it. Gives me an edge,” he chuckles. Maybe Khonshu hadn’t healed his face the way he normally would as some sort of lesson. Joke’s on him.
“How did… I mean, you look really good, how did you recover so quickly?” Now that you’re closer, you realize there’s no sign he was hurt just two days ago. If not for his scar, you could pass that night off as some sort of dream.
“You told me to see a doctor, didn’t you? Looks like I’ve got the best one around.” 
You eye him, not sure what to think. “... yeah, alright.”
Your fingers drum the bar again. Maybe that night knocked all of Jake’s suave confidence from his head: when he’s not speaking (something you’re still not used to), he looks like a child about to lose his lunch. For all his urgency a few minutes ago, he’s taking his sweet time getting to the point.
Finally he sits up straight and takes something out of his pocket. “Here. For you, morena.”
A small black box slides toward you, stopping at your restless fingers. You raise an eyebrow quizzically, a familiar warmth spreading across your cheeks.
“A present? Didn’t take you for the ‘holly-jolly’ type.” You pick up the box, feeling its velvet casing and fighting back a smile.
“Nah, not really a Christmas guy myself. But I figured you could use a pick-me-up.” Jake crosses one arm along the bar, propping his chin in his other hand as he watches you open the box.
Inside, you see a delicate gold chain with a charm fastened to its middle: a small bird with its wings spread, intricate designs etched into its surface.
“Oh my…” You look back at Jake, who seems to have been holding his breath as you examine your gift. 
Your slowly unfolding smile is all the reward he could ask for, breathless laughter pushed from his chest with relief. “For the songbird,” he casually declares, relief mixing with pride at your reaction.
You take the necklace out and hold it to the light. “It’s beautiful,” you sigh. You undo the clasp and try to put it on yourself, but your fingers can’t seem to make it fasten.
“Allow me,” he says quickly, standing to move behind you and assist.
You feel his hands take over and drop your own in your lap. His knuckles brush the back of your neck and it takes everything in you not to shiver. The smell of smoke and spice dances on your senses, pulled away all too soon when he moves to stand in front of you.
“There,” he breathes, eyes going from the pendant draped below your collar to your eyes. “Looks perfect.”
Your fingers grasp the cool metal as you nod. “Looks perfect.” 
Silence falls again. You’ve come to hate the sound of nothing when you’re with him.
Jake’s the first to break it. He sits back down, his next words like a punch to the gut. “You know, now that I’m not driving Wesley around… I won’t have to take up space at your back table anymore.”
“Oh. No, I suppose not.” You toy with the charm around your neck. “So is this… goodbye?”
“That depends,” he says cautiously.  He turns to you, eyes swimming with the same unfamiliar mix of emotions from before. “Do you want it to be?”
Your fingers leave your neck as you meet his gaze. “Don't say you're going all soft on me, cabbie.”
“What if I was?” He leans forward, and for the first time you don't back away.
“Cards on the table: I haven't stopped thinking about you.”
That makes two of us. You bite your tongue to let him continue.
“Morena… would you ever want to get out of here? Just you and me, call it a truce or a… a date.” A smile plays on his lips before his brow creases. “I won't badger you after today, just… one way or another, put me out of my misery.”
The wings of the charm feel heavier with the weight of his confession. Hand to your heart, you feel the bird again, this time with Leah's warning running through your mind.
“I suppose a truce wouldn't hurt.”
When he smiles, wider than ever, you see the charming gap in his teeth. And you smile, too.  You both laugh, the heated stress in your nerves turning to effervescent relief.
You could spend an hour like this. But when you hear shouts of frustration and a bilingual litany of choice words echo from backstage, you know you have to go put out a different fire.
“I should make sure Matthew isn't in trouble,” you sigh, standing to straighten yourself.
“If I know Matt, he's the one causing the trouble.” Jake stands with you, desperate for this moment not to end but anxious for your next answer. “So when can we–”
“Sunday night,” you cut him off, starting to back away toward the stage. “I'll figure out how to slip away, but meet me under the sign at 9.”
You move to rush toward the stage at another outburst, but Jake's hand catches yours yet again.
“You can't keep doing that,” you groan, yet with a smile still on your lips as he tugs you back toward him.
“You're the boss,” he hums, pressing his lips to the back of your hand– the gesture all too routine, but you're ready to admit you've missed it.
He releases your hand and dons his cap, tipping it to you. You laugh again, a rich and easy sound he'd never tire of hearing. You bow slightly and dash backstage, with Jake's voice calling to you as you leave.
“See you Sunday, Songbird."
“¿No te andas metiendo en problemas, eh?” - Not getting yourself into any problems, eh?
“¿Parece que tu eres el que anda causando problemas, ey botero? ¿De dónde salió esa cicatriz?" - Seems like you’re the one causing troubles, hey cabbie? Where did that scar come from?
note: in-universe Jake is Guatemalan and Mauricio is Cuban; as a non-spanish speaker, please let me know how i can improve in the future!
A/N: i've missed these two!! this chapter was a doozy but i'm so happy to have gotten back on track. i won't say PPP is on hiatus (we never had a promised release schedule) but after i take a wee break from writing, i'm set on finishing my Moon Knight Bingo prompts before 4/30 + starting on my OI fanzine entries (!!! exciting times). but if inspiration strikes before i finish, i certainly won't complain.
ty for reading!!
tag list: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @mercurysjoy, @importantnightwerewolf, @cupidysm, @queerponcho, @nerdieforpedro, @fandxmslxt69, @shadystarlightgentlemen, @lunar-ghoulie, @casa-boiardi (lmk if you'd like to be added to/removed from this wee tag list)
61 notes · View notes
This is an embarassingly bad paper based on the use of two aversive based dog trainers who are clearly incompetant in the use of +R - yet the e collar training community is taking a victory lap.
The fact that this got past an animal ethics review is honestly appalling and the university should be ashamed.
Let's go over the main huge flaws with this study:
The positive reinforcement protocol they are using to compare to e collars is laughably incompetant - with no management or use of distance, desensitisation. Just use a leash? Maybe?
Use of aversives to stop chasing is, unsurprisingly, effective. Because, yes, painful consequences tend to work to suppress behaviour. That isn't the problem that people have with e collars.
The author seems to think that use of e collars is justified because it "gets results" in a short amount of time to stop dogs chasing - again, apparently we haven't heard of a leash.
"Aside from presumably pain-induced yelps in the dogs with e-collars when they received shocks, none of the dogs in any groups showed any signs of stress or distress." So we're saying a pain vocalisation isn't a sign of distress? That's your welfare parameter? Jfc.
Love how they didn't even try to get fecal cortisol baselines and just collected samples from a few dogs but not all of them. You tried, I guess?
The fact that the trainers for the study is "Ivan and Ivan's Student" is ridiculously biased. Acting as if both these trainers know how to apply +R effectively as opposed to their heavy aversive tool use is laughable.
"We designed our study’s methods around current trainer practices as well as the recommendations of our senior trainer while attempting to keep continencies as simple as possible." - yeeeah that's a conflict of interest. Especially when your "senior trainer" has an axe to grind with R+ people using scientific papers to support their training methods.
You're chucking treats in a bowl after a few sessions and you think that's going to stop a dog chasing a lure? Oh yeah, you got us. We just throw kibble in a bowl to stop dogs running into traffic. I am genuinely floored that that's how they think a +R protocol for chasing works. They have no business comparing the two when they can't even do one properly.
"We also did not test whether the food rewards we deployed were highly valued." Okay so the majority of my client dogs will go nuts for my meaty high value treats because they've only had store bought dry treats and the client is shocked at how food motivated their dog suddenly is..... So this study was relying on whatever the guardian of the dog brought with them lmao rookie mistake.
"Dogs that chase livestock may be shot or otherwise euthanized, and dogs that chase cars may be killed in traffic." Put. Them. On. A. Leash.
"The practical applicability of either the LIMA or LIFE models is likely limited, at least in the United States where dog trainers are not required to be licensed or certified. In a sample of highly rated dog trainers, more than half did not document any relevant education." Does that include your "senior trainer"? It does. Because he doesn't have any formal education in canine behaviour, welfare and science. You know this. You chose him to be your trainer for your study.
"The speed and effectiveness with which the e-collar inhibited the dogs in this study from chasing may justify the limited number of painful stimulations the dogs experienced if the object the dogs were chasing had been something that could directly or indirectly cause them serious injury or death." Or..... OR.... you could not use electric shocks on your dog and potential cause long term damage, fear responses ect.... And use a leash.
Just baffled by this whole study. My high prey drive whippet will go feral for a lure but only when she knows the context for when she's being allowed to chase. She can be at a lure coursing trial for the whole day not worrying about the lure because 1) I keep her at a distance where the stimulus isn't saliant enough and 2) she gets reinforcement for calmly watching from a distance.
I'm honestly getting second hand embarassment reading this study. It's just such bad science should never have gotten past an ethics board.
21 notes · View notes
gilbirda · 1 year
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 19
BatmanxDP crossover. JasonxJazz
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post
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Bruce watched them giggle, her face red, as both probably remembered something that happened between them. He didn’t know what they were talking about — there was so much he didn’t know about them, or about Jason — but it was grounding how easy she talked about… about Red Hood, with the same love in her eyes that she reserved for Jason.
He felt so stupid for thinking that Jasmine wanted to harm his son. He would still observe, of course, just in case; but he knew acting and he knew that Jasmine was not putting up an act when she smiled back at Jason’s grin.
“How did you two meet?”
Jazz didn’t acknowledge when the others got quiet and looked at him. “I think a few weeks after I moved in. We ran into each other in the elevator.”
“Ah yes. I remember thinking you were weird.”
“I mean— an outsider moving so close to Crime Alley? I was half convinced you’d be killed in a week.”
Jasmine huffed, playfully slapping her boyfriend’s arm. “I can take care of myself.”
“I know that now, but when you told me you worked at Arkham I—”
“You said, and I quote, ‘And you are still alive?’”
“You work at Arkham?” Bernard jumped where he was sitting next to Tim on the other sofa. “Wha— How?”
Jason made a gesture like “see? I’m not the only one”, the smirk not leaving his lips. Bruce couldn’t remember the last time he saw him smile so much.
“I came to Gotham because I saw they had an opening. Well, it doesn’t surprise me now that I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Everyone ends up dead or quits their job in that place.” She shook her head in, a slight frown on her face.
“Then why haven’t you? Quit, I mean.”
She thought about her answer for a moment. Bruce leaned in, interested in what she was going to say. He remembered her application explaining her interest in Gotham’s rogues and how they came to be.
“Many things? I always wanted to work in the mental health field,” she looked down, sighing, “not necessarily criminal psychology, but since this job was close to what I do back in the Infinite Realms I thought I could learn something new.”
Close to what she did? What was her role in this Team Phantom she mentioned?
“Also,” she continued, “Gotham’s rogues kind of grow on you? Some of them just need a healthier outlet, or to be dedicated an amount of time that nobody is willing to do in Arkham. Because of course they don’t,” she rolled her eyes, making a vague gesture with her hand, “since high management is more focused on embezzling donations and trying to get their foot into the Mob business.”
The others, who had heard her mention that when Bruce went to Jason’s apartment the previous day, leaned in at the new information.
“She has powerpoints.” Jason crossed his arms. “And a hit list.”
“Is not a hit list.” Jasmine quickly clarified. “I don’t have proof, yet, but I will. At this point I just want to see Dylan’s career ruined out of spite.”
“He hates you with passion.” Bruce observed, remembering the disdain and thinly veiled hatred Dylan had towards Jasmine. He had been obviously trying to convince him she was a maladapted naïve young girl that was going to get herself killed. “I think he actually wants you dead.”
Jasmine scoffed. “If he wants me dead that much he has to do it himself.”
It was like a mirage — the way she crossed her arms, the raised eyebrow, the daring smile. Was she so much like Jason or was it something she unconsciously copied from him?
Either way, it was actually very cute.
“And the rogues haven't tried to kill you?”
She turned to look at Duke, shrugging. “No yet? I know some of them dislike me, but in general they tolerate me just fine. I think they are waiting to see me snap, or at least Edward said so.”
“Yeah. He has this interesting —” she made a face, indicating that wasn’t exactly the word she was thinking “ — way of displaying affection. Last Friday, when the breakout happened, he was the one who told me to be prepared with a ‘I’d hate to see your brains splattered on the wall, doc’.”
“So he knew beforehand and told you? And you didn’t stop him?”
Several looked at him, a warning in their eyes. Bruce backpedaled quickly, relaxing his shoulders on purpose.
“Part of my job in Arkham is gaining their trust. Treating them like people helps, some lower their guard once they see I’m not afraid of them, others are all about their secrets. Secrets are expensive in Arkham,” Jasmine’s eyes were cold and her body language collected, “Ed risked a lot just by telling me. If it was known that Riddler is a snitch then he would be out of the market. Is a delicate game.”
Duke was nodding along in agreement. Jason was still glaring at Bruce.
“And what if any of them turn on you? You can’t trust them.”
He knew he sounded paranoid, but he had tried to help them before. He had tried to invest that time and that effort Jasmine was talking about into helping them instead of just tossing them back to Arkham, but it was the same story over and over again — they could change and be better, but circumstances always brought them back in an endless cycle not unlike his own.
“I can take care of myself.”
Before anybody could stop him, Damian threw something at Jasmine. It was fast, and when they heard her loud gasp Bruce was completely ready to rush for the first aid kit in the nearby bathroom.
“That was not nice, kid.”
Damian huffed. “Not a kid.”
Bruce watched, mesmerized, how Jasmine yanked a pocket knife from the back of the sofa right where her head would have been if she didn’t somehow dodge it in time.
“Oh hey, it’s Jason’s knife! I thought I had lost it.”
She held the pocket knife like it was the most precious thing in the world, closing it with care. She said it was Jason’s?
“Tt, how careless about your weapons can you be? Took it as evidence after you threw it at me.”
“Ohhh, right. Sorry about that. I was kinda running on adrenaline back then.”
“How did you move so fast?”
Jasmine shrugged at Bernard. “At the house where I grew up, the first thing you learn is how to dodge fast.” She put the knife in her pants pocket. “And the second is how to kill before you are killed.”
To his credit, Damian looked impressed for a second. It was refreshing next to the worried glances of everyone else.
“What do you mean?” He had to ask, concerned.
No one missed how she took Jason’s hand in hers.
“I assume everyone heard us? Last Tuesday.”
Bruce remembered feeling righteous hot rage as he took her to the Diner. Her panicked face when she saw the documents. Her voice shaking as she begged Jason to believe her.
“Yes.” He swallowed the discomfort.
If Jasmine was hurt by what happened, she didn’t show. “My parents were… neglectful. There is no way around the sobbing backstory,” she chuckled, “but even if their lack of lab security has made us what we are today, my brother and I were raised in a hostile environment.
“They mixed samples with food, storing them in the same fridge. They worked on dangerous machinery in the kitchen and living room. They left children unsupervised in a lab full of chemicals and sharp objects.”
She was glaring at her own hands as she kept talking. “As you know, ectoplasm can bring things back to life. Even food.”
“Food?” Tim didn’t look convinced.
“I learned how to fight by re-killing the Thanksgiving turkey every year. And dinner.” She added after considering. “So many dinners.”
Stephanie was the first one to start laughing. Tim and Bernard followed, and soon everyone was chuckling at the absurd picture her words painted.
Bruce wasn’t laughing, though. It wasn’t as bad as the insanity they were used to, no murder cults or sadistics fathers, but still not something that sat well in Bruce’s mind. What kind of childhood did she and her brother have when they weren’t safe in their own house?
“Of course after the portal and with how things escalated it was less about survival and more about fighting to subdue and capture ghosts.”
“Not killing them?” Cass asked.
Jazz was shaking her head. “Back then all that came through the portal were troublemakers and supervillain wannabes. Later on we learned that a lot of them were testing Danny and more like training him in his new powers. We only captured and threw them back into the portal.” She sighed. “It wasn’t until we got more involved in the Realms and saw that there was so much more going on, that it was a whole dimension with complex societies and power structures, that we understood that to have actual peace the task wasn’t as simple as it looked like.”
Cass blinked, not wasting a second to ask. “Can ghosts be killed?”
Jasmine’s posture became tense. “Yes. Liminals, ghosts and— and other beings in the Realms. Is less about death and more about… ceasing to exist.”
They knew there was more going on with that statement. Was Jasmine some kind of executioner? Was that why she was so tense?
Bruce wasn’t sure how to feel about that. There was so much he didn’t know about her, about her life, about the Infinite Realms. There was a whole dimension with people, and some of those wished to cross over and do harm. Others had committed their life to protect a balance he didn’t know existed, probably paying some kind of price.
He wanted to ask so many things — what was her role in the Team? Who was she? Any event the Justice League should know about? How did their society work? What does the Underworld look like?
But he couldn’t ask that.
Not yet.
“What is your hometown like?”
Jasmine looked at him with relief in her teal eyes. He had said the right thing for once.
“Amity Park, the most haunted town in America. Or ‘a nice place to live’, as the sign says,” she smiled. “Is very different from Gotham. It’s sunny, for starters,” there were a few chuckles, “and it has always been a weird town. The Veil is thinner there, more than Gotham, and it has never been out of place to have ghostly encounters there.”
“So what? The dead walk among the living?”
She nodded at Dick. “Pretty much, yeah. ‘Dead but not gone’, we always say. After the portal ripped a door between dimensions there is so much ectoplasm around that almost everything that dies comes back soon after.”
“And Gotham? You said the Veil is thin here too.”
“Gotham is, uh, weird? The Veil is thin here, but there is so little ambient ectoplasm. Ghosts here are not as strong as they are in Amity Park, but there are so many ghosts everywhere anyway. As stubborn in death as they are in life, I guess.”
There was certain pride blooming in Bruce’s chest at her words, even as his mind latched on to the fact that the dead in Gotham tended to come back to life. Made him wonder how many people he knew had become ghosts.
Were his parents still around? Were they watching him, the man he had become? He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what they would say to him if he met them now.
If he asked Jasmine would she help him? He had messed up things with her, he knew, but she was an easy and close way to answer those questions.
No. Not yet.
“You said the Manor is haunted?”
Jasmine chuckled. “Very! I was unsure if I would need to set up wards here but I think your ancestors have it covered. Nothing will enter here if they don’t wish to.”
Bruce didn’t miss how she could enter the house. His family accepted her, approved of her. Or maybe it was because she was influential?
“So if you could enter it means they like you?” Dick voiced his thoughts.
“Or has it something to do with you being a supernatural influencer?” Steph leaned in.
“What are you, by the way?” Tim had a certain glint in his eyes, like he did when he had a new mystery to solve.
Jasmine blinked at the quick questions, overwhelmed, opening her mouth.
“I remember certain agreement that tonight was not supposed to derive into an interrogation.” Alfred interrupted her from the door. She smiled at him. “Also, dinner is ready.”
Bruce watched as all his kids stood up and walked out of the room, his eyes stuck on how casually Jason entwined his hand with Jazz’s after he helped her stand up, how his eyes were soft on the edges when he looked at her.
She was talking with Steph about something, Bruce caught a few words but he wasn’t big on social media and it sounded like some kind of Twitter scandal. Jazz laughed at something Steph said. Jason smiled a little too, adding his own opinion.
“It's amazing, right?”
Bruce turned towards his eldest. “I didn’t know he could make that expression.”
“There is something about her,” Dick shook his head, “I don’t know how to describe it.”
Yeah. Bruce knew what he meant — there was a certain edge about her, something clearly made different. Even if he didn’t know what he knew about her now, he understood that she would not pass as a normal civilian like Bernard did, for example.
Jasmine was someone that could understand their world, and yet, she was not a hardened warrior. She showed softness and kindness even when thrown a knife to her face. She loved Jason and wasn’t afraid to show it. She still smiled even after all the things she went through.
It took a certain amount of bravery to be like that. To still care after… after everything.
Jason needed someone like her in his life.
Bruce cared about him, he loved him so much, but he didn't get the same results when they interacted — Bruce was so unsure about every word, every move, and in the end he made it worse in every interaction. He had stopped trying, but maybe that had been a bad call on his part.
He would observe them and try to understand how they made it look so easy.
“I actually don’t mind an interrogation.” Jazz was the first to speak as they all sat down.
“Don’t.” Jason frowned at her. “They don’t know how to stop.”
“Bold of you to assume I don’t have my own questions.”
They grinned at each other, remembering a conversation a long time ago, where she said she wanted to study the bats like a bug.
“Have a little bit of faith, Little Wing,” Dick said from where he was sitting next to Bruce.
“Faith? In you?” Jason glared at his brother.
Jazz gently put a hand on his, turning to look at Dick. “About your question, and the following ones— Yes, permission to enter is a big thing for ghosts. Especially a haunt. Gotham is… hm,” she looked up to thank Alfred when he passed by with her food, “thanks. Anyway, a haunt is a territory that belongs to a ghost. The more powerful the ghost, the bigger the haunt. They can share the haunt with weaker ghosts that cannot maintain a haunt, for mutual protection, but at the end of the day the more powerful one calls the shots.
“Gotham, the city, is a giant haunt that belongs to one Spirit. Without her approval nothing goes in. Or out.”
There were raised eyebrows at her words, but Jazz kept talking, making wide gestures with her hands.
“There are highly charged places, like this Manor, where a bunch of ghosts would congregate and have a mini-haunt inside Gotham, if the Spirit allows it. Arkham is another, for example. That one is a bit more cursed, though.”
“And this… Spirit,” the word was pronounced slowly, like Bruce was trying to get used to it, “controls the city?”
“Gotham, the Spirit, is… old.” She made a face. “She may have been powerful, very powerful, once upon a time; but with all the magic cults and the pollution and the, well, situation of the city, she’s not what she was. She won’t die, yet, but Danny still wishes to help her despite our differences.” She sighed. “It’s in the list of stuff to do, which grows by the day.”
There was a beat of silence as they processed her words. Jazz looked around nervously, distracting herself by pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.
Cass, who was sitting on Jazz’s other side, didn’t miss how her ear was slightly pointed.
Alfred manifested besides Bruce, glaring at him until he picked up a fork and shoved potato salad in his mouth. Then he nodded and left. Bruce swallowed and cleared his throat.
“So the city is dying because of us?”
Several of his children glanced at him, expecting the usual spiral about the sins of the father, yadda yadda.
“Hmmm, is it more like a feedback loop at this point? Gotham cannot deal with the stuff sapping her energy, not anymore, and those bad influences on the citizens create a constant stream of crime and evil that tire her out.”
“So if the Spirit is cured then all crime will disappear?” Tim frowned, disbelieving.
Jazz was already shaking her head before he ended his question. “No. People’s choices cannot be controlled, just influenced. Gotham’s ghosts are not powerful enough for possession, just nudging minds here and there. Whispers here and there. If Gotham were at full power and she could catch all of the troublemakers, it wouldn’t completely erase humans’ ability to do good or bad. Is still their choice.”
She paused for a moment to try the potato salad, chewed and swallowed.
“She’s very fond of you guys. Protective.” This raised a few eyebrows and a big smile from Cass and Dick. “She actually threatened us to not even think of touching any of you or she would throw hands.”
“I mean—” Whatever Tim was going to say with a big smirk and raised eyebrows was lost when Bernard elbowed him so hard he doubled over. “Betrayal.” He wheezed.
“Could you win against her in a fight?” Steph’s eyes were shiny at the prospect of Jazz fist fighting the freaking city to gain Jason’s hand in marriage.
“I don’t think so,” Jazz tilted her head. “I’m very rusty and she is an old city. She may not be what she once was, but she wins just by experience alone.”
Jazz shrugged. “Believe it or not, I had no intention of fighting anybody when I moved here.”
“Could have fooled me,” Jason deadpanned, chewing. When he swallowed, he added. “I’ve never seen anybody choose violence as fast as you do.”
Jazz blushed, pointing her fork at him like she was going to stab him with it. “I take that personally, mister ‘this is my territory and I’ll kill you if you trespass’.” She imitated his voice, mocking even the modulated effect.
“You are the one to talk!” It was his time to blush. “You were going to kick me out! In front of Timmy!”
“He was hurt, I couldn’t let you start a pointless fight in my apartment.”
“Oh I remember this one.” Bernard chuckled. “Tim ripped two of the stitches because he insisted he was good enough to continue.”
“Of course,” Jazz scoffed at the crimefighter. “How long did it take? Ten minutes?”
“Yeah, figures.” She shook her head in disapproval, which Bernard imitated. “Resting is a big part of the healing process.”
“THANK YOU!” Bernard’s face illuminated, leaning over the table to take Jazz’s hand. “Finally! Someone with common sense!”
“I guess you have had to do the same speech—”
“Plenty of times, yeah,” he chuckled. “I’m actually an EMT. Decided to go that career after dumb dumb over here came bleeding to my apartment one too many times.”
Jazz nodded in understanding. Bernard nodded in understanding.
Tim and Jason looked at each other, realizing at the same time that letting these two meet had been a bad idea.
Dick chuckled nervously, his mind going to a recent time Jason had been bleeding to death in Jazz’s apartment. He decided to change topics, and fast.
“So,” he cleared his throat, “you said you figured out Jay’s identity, how did that happen?”
Jazz hummed, cutting a bit of her steak and chewing it as she thought her answer. “I mean,” she started when she swallowed, “there was the obvious, but circumstantial, stuff. Unexplained income. Odd hours. Too many coincidences. Jason not knowing how to properly hide his stuff—”
“I am not—”
“ — but what was solid proof was his blood.”
Jason, who wanted to protest her obvious jab at his person, froze mid sentence.
Duke choked on his salad. Bruce almost choked with his water.
Jazz froze too, slowly looking up from her hands cutting another piece of steak. She looked at Jason with a nervous smile.
“Forgot to tell you about the blood thing, huh?”
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
✦steve with glasses and his messy hair looking so pretty as he tries to read and maybe study, pushing his glasses over the bridge of his nose, lips pursing when he tries to concentrate and his tongue poking out when he writes and scribbles down some notes <3
*heavy breathing* m.... m what have you done...
insecure!steve, slight make out, absolutely feral reader (it's me. I'm the reader.)
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Steve is hunched over his kitchen table when you come in. He hasn't heard you yet, or he would've perked up and sought you out for kisses.
You set the tin of homemade cookies on the counter. You know Steve probably hasn't thought to eat much; ever since he threw himself into college applications, he's been somewhat of a hermit. He won't even let you help with his essays, which is very strange, but you don't question it. It's Steve's process, and whatever he needs from you, you're happy to provide.
But also: you haven't seen each other in two days, and you might go insane if you don't curl up with him on the couch soon.
You move quietly, not wanting to disturb his concentration. You place a few cookies on a plate and pour some milk from the fridge. You'd made snickerdoodles: Steve's favorite.
You pad over to the kitchen table. Steve's back faces you, shoulders curved inwards.
"Baby," you say softly, setting down the snack next to him. "You'll hurt your neck sitting like that."
You slip your hands over his shoulders and dip down to kiss his face and—oh.
You blink. Steve has... glasses?
"Hey," you start. "Where did—"
They're gone in a flash. Steve tears them off and shoves them into his pocket. His cheeks are dusted pink. You frown.
"Why'd you take 'em off, sweetie?"
Steve shakes his head.
"Didn't want you to know."
"Didn't want me to know... you wear glasses? Why not?"
Steve pushes hair behind his ear and fiddles with his pencil.
"'S stupid," he says.
"No," you reply immediately. "It's not stupid if it's making you feel bad. Tell me, baby, please?"
You sit in the adjacent chair and lean in to hold Steve's hand. You squeeze encouragingly. Steve swallows.
"People made fun 'f me," he admits quietly. "My–my dad said only weak men wear glasses."
"What? What the fuck does he know? God, what a—"
You catch yourself. Right. This is about Steve, not his prick father.
"Sorry, honey," you say. "Go on."
Steve shrugs. He's wound tightly, poised like he's ready to bolt any second.
"I've needed glasses since sixth grade. I just didn't wear them 'cause Tommy teased me. And some girls said I looked better without 'em. So I just never wore 'em. But now—" Steve swallows. "I—I guess the stuff with the Upside-Down made my vision worse 'cause the letters are too blurry for me to see without glasses."
Steve stops then. He looks at your neck, not your eyes. You realize he's waiting for you to pass judgment.
"Baby," you say. "Can you show me your glasses?"
Steve looks a little green at the request. You kiss his cheek, petting his face.
"I bet you look really cute," you add. "Bet I'll wanna kiss you till your glasses fog up."
Steve snorts at that.
"Smooth," he says. "Which one of us was the king in high school?"
You grin.
"What're you talking about, Stevie? Obviously, I ruled the school and you got all shy when I charmed your pants off."
Steve really does go shy at that. You prod his arm.
"Please, baby? I promise it's okay. Promise I won't make fun of you or laugh at you. You know I'd never do that."
Steve heaves a sigh. Then he reaches into his pocket and puts on the glasses.
The lenses are a little thick, and make Steve's big eyes even bigger. They're clear, thin frames that sit delicately on Steve's nose.
You have a visceral reaction because holy shit. Whoever said Steve looked ugly in glasses had stew for brains.
"Oh," you breathe.
"What?" Steve panics, reaching for the glasses. "What? They're bad, right? I knew I shouldn't have trusted that guy at the doctor's. He said everybody's wearing these, but—"
You stop him by his wrists. Steve looks at you, eyes wide with confusion.
"You look so good," you say.
Steve's ears go red. He ducks his head.
"You don't—you don't have to say that stuff, Y/N. I know they're dorky and—"
"No, Steve. I—fuck. You're so fucking cute."
You stand and situate yourself on his lap, straddling one thigh. You cup his face, feeling the soft skin.
"Such a pretty boy," you coo. "So, so pretty."
You take him for a proper kiss before he can argue. He follows along clumsily like maybe you really did rule the school instead of him, soft and pliant underneath.
You feel rabid. Of course, you hadn't expected Steve to look ugly in the glasses. Steve is handsome in everything. But...
You pull away. Steve's lips are swollen. His glasses are fogged up. You grin.
"Oh, baby. You've been holding out on me."
You tuck your hands behind his neck and twirl the shorter hairs there. Steve holds your hips, half-lidded.
"They really look good?" he asks, voice a little stronger.
"Yeah, sweetie. They really do. My handsome boy."
Steve swallows hard. You give him a chaste kiss on his nose and then reach behind to bring a cookie to his lips. He pouts.
"Eat," you order.
"But..." Steve openly stares at your lips.
"Eat," you say, leaning in. "And I'll fog up your glasses all you want. 'Kay?"
Steve takes the cookie.
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nats-bottom · 3 months
KJ - Drunk
Summary: Kelly Jones asks y/n questions about her work at NASA
Pairings: Kelly Jones x Reader
Warnings: Fly Me to the Moon spoilers, swearing, misogyny, bullying if you squint, lying
Notes: If you haven't seen Fly Me to the Moon, then I would wait until you see it, unless you don't care about spoilers! (or don't care about seeing it, but I highly recommend it! It's such a great movie!)
I also have accounts on Wattpad and AO3! The users there are @ paige_vers
Please give me requests! You can submit them here or on my insta, @ scarlettsoutset
Oh shit. There she is. That woman I said all those things to at the diner that night. If I knew that she would be fucking working with me, then I wouldn't have said all that. That was just meant for someone who I was never supposed to meet again. Some stranger. But here she is, walking towards me. She has a clipboard in her hands, and so does her assistant, or at least that's who I assume that is. 
I watch as they walk closer towards me, and I start to freeze. I stop what I'm doing and just stand there, looking at the two women. I drop my hands to my side and clench them into fists as I feel them start to get sweaty. 
"Well hello there. Y/n, was it?" She says as a smirk plays across her beautiful face. She stretches out her right hand towards me, putting the clipboard between her left arm and her stomach. I wipe my hands on my skirt, not wanting her to feel my nervousness through my sweaty hands. 
"Yes, and you're Kelly, right?" I say, reaching out my right hand and shaking hers. I feel a spark of sorts as I feel her soft, warm hands. I feel a bit embarrassed, knowing that my hands are dry from working on the rocket all day. Well, they are a little moist from all the sweat, but that doesn't help. 
"Can I ask you a few questions? This will only take a few minutes, since I can tell that you're a busy lady." She says with a wink. I just look at her, lost in her green eyes that could hold mine forever. She just stands there, waiting for an answer. "Y//n?"
I snap out of my trance, and reply, "Oh, uh what? Oh yeah sure." I say, finally realizing what she said. I roll my shoulders back, entering a more relaxed stance. 
"Ok so to start, how old are you?" Kelly asks. She picks up her clipboard, and so does her assistant.
"I'm 24."
"Write down 36." Kelly says to her assistant. She writes something down on her clipboard. Kelly reads out the next question, "And what made you want to work here?" She looks at me with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Yet I know that I'm about to crush it.
"I saw a flier for it on the college dorm announcement board." I tell her the truth.
"Write something about how she wanted to be the first girl to space." Kelly says as she looks down at her clipboard for the next question.
"It's true." I say. Both women look up at me from their clipboards.
"Make sure you get all this." Kelly says to her assistant, this time a little more quietly. 
"Yeah. Ever since I heard of what NASA was trying to do, I always wanted to be the first woman in space. With the whole space race and everything, I thought it would be a great opportunity to be the first." I reminisce, looking between Kelly and her assistant, but mainly at Kelly. "I submitted my application to be an astronaut, because you have to apply before they even consider you, but I was denied. They said that they don't allow women because it might mess with their reproductive systems. (I really have no clue, I'm just making that part up). I heard that they just laughed when they had a girl apply for the program." I say sadly. If you were to look closely, you might even notice the tear starting to form in my eye.
"So then what did you do after that?" Kelly's assistant asks, completely engrossed in my story.
"So then I decided to go into engineering, and I saw the flier for NASA on the bulletin board in my college dorm. They had an internship for seniors, so I tried that out, loved it, and they kept me on as an employee. So that's how I ended up here." I say, with my arms out, gesturing to the place. Kelly's assistant scrambles down her notes, and Kelly just looks at me with wide eyes, her mouth gaping a little bit. I smirk at this; the fact that I amazed her makes me proud.
She clears her throat and straightens herself out. "Are you the only woman working here?"
"In this department, yes. In the office there are more. The guys try to send me in there as much as they can though, because 'that's my place.'" I say with air quotes. 
"Do you like working here though?" Kelly asks. 
"Yeah, I do." I let out a huff. "I try to ignore the guys as much as I can, all their teasing and such. But it's a good job. I quite enjoy it."
"That's good." Kelly says to me. "Did you get all that?" She asks her assistant, who nods, while writing something else down. "Will you go find someone else to interview please? I'll be over in a minute." Kelly says to her assistant.
"Yeah, I'll go ask those men over there." Her assistant says, pointing towards two of my coworkers. She walks over to them confidently, and starts some small talk with them.
"Hey I'm sorry about the other day, it was something meant for a stranger. Not someone I would see again. I'm really so-" I start to say.
"Stop it right there. You have nothing to be sorry for. I was actually hoping I could ask you out for a drink?" Kelly interrupts me.
"Oh, uh, yeah that'd be cool. I know a good bar not too far from here."
"Great. How about tonight at eight?" Kelly says.
"Sounds good." I grin at her. She hands me her clipboard and a pen, and I look at her with an unknowing look. 
"For the address." She assures me.
"Oh ok." I take the clipboard and write down the address and hand it back to her. She looks down at it and nods. 
"See you tonight!" Kelly says excitedly. She gives me a smile, then walks away to her assistant. I watch her hips sway back and forth as she walks away. Damn she's hot. 
I get back to work, the day dragging on as I wait for tonight's adventures.
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cinnamonbunpuff · 10 months
how a song changed my year.
achilles, achilles, achilles come down, won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
it's officially been one year since i first heard this song. it's kinda crazy how much can happen in that time, in reality and in mentality.
i still remember stumbling upon it. i'm sure i've seen it on my recommended in the past but this was the first time i really listened to it. it was late and i was sat on my bed, recovering from a cold. stressed over my barely-started application for some of the UC schools i never saw myself going to. i paused to take a little peruse through youtube, where i saw this performance. based on the song of achilles (a familiar name), and choreographed to achilles come down (an unfamiliar title).
i was drawn immediately in. not just by the smooth flow of the dancers portraying their characters, but by the power of the lyrics and how it affected what i was seeing of achilles, patroclus, and briseis.
and so i decided to look up the actual song and its lyrics, to see what they really were. and they were beautiful.
today of all days, see, how the most dangerous thing is to love,
this song, all seven minutes and two seconds of it, has seen me through so many monumental changes in my life. from growing positively mentally, to graduating high school and starting uni, to familial tensions.
how you will heal and you'll rise above, crowned by an overture bold and beyond,
it's honestly a wonder how i haven't grown bored or tired of it yet. and i think that's because every time i sit and really listen to it, there's always something new i'm discovering or interpreting, whether that be compositionally or lyrically.
to start, it was realising that the only instruments are strings - definitely a cello, and in all most likely a string quartet. as a violinist myself, i love hearing any use of strings in modern songs. having a whole song relying on the softness and dynamics of them though? that's gonna get me every time. how almost the entirety of the song is underlaid with the eighth notes of the cello, and throughout the verses the intermittence of the higher strings.
as i grew familiar with achilles come down, i discovered the power that all the lyrics held. there were a select few that drew my attention, from either how poetic they sounded, to how they seemed to mirror an aspect of my life that i didn't know could be put into words.
loathe the way they light candles in rome, but love the sweet air of the votives,
then there were the sections of spoken french. i thought that the addition of a second language in the song really added to it as a whole, but upon looking up (and attempting to translate what i could), i found that they added another level of melancholy. because what better way is there to make the song more emotional than including snippets of french philosophy about the value of life?
qu'on appelle une raison de vivre, est un même temps une excellent raison de mourir
through this year, i've found myself coming up with scenarios in my head, with this song playing in the background. mostly it's been with characters of my current hyperfixations, but i've found myself in these situations as well. it's definitely a reflection of who i see myself to be, but i hope it's also an envisioning to who i hope to be.
thank you to achilles come down for finding its way into my life. thank you for the past year, and i hope the next is just as exciting.
throw yourself into the unknown, with a pace and fury defiant
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autumnmobile12 · 7 months
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Ghost Hunt x My Hero Academia Crossover
So I've wanted to explore the concept of Mai Taniyama's abilities in Ghost Hunt as as Quirk in My Hero Academia for awhile now because, frankly, she has the groundwork for an interesting one: Through clairvoyant dreams, Mai has the ability to witness past events, communicate with the dreams of other people, and even pass along small objects in dreams. She's also incredibly intuitive and has been able to rely on gut feelings in past investigations. (This last one may or may not be a Quirk thing.)
There's a few applications here. Firstly, the retrocognition would be a useful Quirk since it's primary function in Ghost Hunt's canon is showing Mai exactly how a person died. In the My Hero 'verse, this would allow her to determine if an unnatural death was accidental or a homicide, and in a missing person case, the astral projection side of her abilities can allow her to locate victims and determine what condition they're in and maybe find where they are.
The major drawback to this ability, though, is it would be a hellish Quirk to cope with as the way her dreams work, she is often compelled to relive the death as though it were hers. Not exactly the key to a healthy state of mind experiencing the last thoughts and feelings of a person who's died, and possibly violently at that.
Realistically, not the flashiest of powers, so she would definitely be on the more obscure side of the Pro-Hero popularity spectrum, probably somebody only Deku has heard about with any real know-how on who she is and what she can do. For comparative purposes, her career path would align closer with Aizawa's in that she can't rely on her Quirk to fight and therefore has to resort to alternative methods to handle a crisis. Abilities speaking, she's definitely geared more toward reconnaissance, stealth, and investigation, which is how she operates in Ghost Hunt anyway and why I went with a darker color scheme for her costume.
I want to incorporate her Nine Cuts somehow, but I haven't settled on a way to do that quite yet.
The name Epimetheia comes from the Greek Titan Epimetheus. I could have gone with some feminine form of Morpheus, the god of dreams, but I really think Mai's retrocognition is the core trait the of her power. Epimetheus is the titan god of hindsight. He 'knew all that came before.'
As always for Ghost Hunt, I tend to write Mai as a young adult, so she is not a student in this. Actually, for this crossover, she is much older than the main cast. She's in her twenties in the fanart shown here, but this is decades before the actual timeline.
And with that, here's a brief, un-edited snippet of something I've been playing with:
“We’ve actually met once before,”  Hawks said abruptly.
“Have we?”  Taniyama turned to him, confused.  Her expression brightened somehow and the tired, hollowness of her eyes was gone.
“Yep.  I was just a little kid then, so I don’t blame you for not remembering.”  It was so long ago that he barely remembered it.  “It was at the zoo.  I’d heard they were letting kids in for free that day, so I found a chance to get away from my mom and headed out.  I always wanted to see a real elephant.”
Her lips curled into a warm smile. “And did you?”
“Sure did.”  He bobbed his head in brief nod.  “I was standing in front of their enclosure and someone knocked into me with a stroller or something and I dropped my plushie.  As I was trying to get it back, all these people kept kicking it out of the way or stepping on it.  And then it landed by your feet and you picked it up.”
Taniyama was silent.
“I remember you crouched down to give it back to me and you had the biggest smile on your face.  You asked if it was mine.  Thing is, though…I think you noticed how dirty I was.  You asked if I was okay and where my mom was.  You even asked if you could buy me a pair of shoes.”  He hadn’t let her.  If he’d returned home with a brand new pair of shoes instead of the secondhand ones that were falling apart, his dad would have beaten him and demanded to know where he’d gotten them.  Or he would have taken and pawned them for cash the first chance he got.  Or both.  But the hero Epimetheia must’ve suspected that much when he kept refusing her offers to help him with his silence and his nervous shaking head.  “And then your smile became sad and you asked me…
“Do you need help?”
“You were so warm and kind, and I'm sad to say I think that scared me a bit. I wasn't used to that from adults and so I ran away. But even after the Commission took me in, I hoped I would see you again.”  He turned to face her and was horrified to see her eyes running with tears.  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!  What’s wrong?  Why are you crying?” Shit, I made an old woman cry!  She’s not that old, but I made her cry!
Taniyama placed a scarred hand over her mouth.  “All these years, I wondered what happened to that little boy I saw at the zoo.”
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house-of-naga · 21 days
The Sound of the Force: A Study on Han Jisung's Perception of the Force as it Relates to the rest of Stray Kids.
Jokes aside, below is a list of what I think the Force might sound like to Hannie in my fic, and some notes on the way I've written it. (note: Art transcends the artists, and the curtains aren't always blue. This music stuff is NOT my forte, so I always welcome other interpretations)(This list will be updated)
Disclaimer: as much as I've attempted to learn, my knowledge of music/music theory/techniques is very limited. I am not musically inclined. Still, I'm going to do my best to find real life examples of some of the stuff I reference.
Before we dive into each member, I wanted to outline some of my reasoning/ideas/thoughts that I have when I choose what instrument someone will sound like:
Does this make sense with their personality/character?
What is the overall purpose of this instrument/sound in a musical setting? Is it meant as a bassline or melody? Is it versatile? Is it meant to evoke a certain emotion?
How does it play/harmonize with the other characters? Are there any duos that stick out?
What does it mean to Han? Is there an IRL element to the choices?
With that out of the way, let's get into it. (I'll be returning to add duos later)
Chan (Piano):
Chan (along with Changbin) was the first one I decided on, and since the piano is one of the most versatile instruments, I thought it would be fitting for him. It's also one of the key instruments for composition with a lot of range and expression of emotion, which I felt fit the leader of SKZ well.
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Happy/Content: Coffee Jazz (the best music for studying IMHO), or Nocturne op.9 No.2 (Chopin)
Sad/Nostalgic: Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven)
Anxious/Angry: Rush E (the meme one)
Minho (Vocals):
Setting aside his beautiful IRL vocals, his Force, I think, is one of the more difficult ones to describe. However, in 1.5 I mentioned that, to Han, vocal accompaniment is special and carries a certain weight. You'll find I have two people in the group (Minho and Jeongin) who both have vocals as their Force. (Will also note that, obviously, any lyrics to these songs are not in his Force. It's more about the sound, notes, and the vibes)
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Happy/Content: Ode to Joy (specifically the version from Evangelion because I'm a weeb)
Sad/Nostalgic: Haven't found a good one yet 🤷‍♀️
Anxious/Angry (as in the Ord Pardron Interlude or in the Inquisitor fight): Dies Irae Requiem (Verdi) or Duel of the Fates (Williams)
Changbin (Cello):
And here we get to a bit of a problem (not really). Changbin's instrument was formulated more with his personality and role in the group in mind rather than a specific song. There are a few that I've found that may fit, but overall this is more a case of 'he's the glue/he's the one people lean on/he's the one that serves as the team's emotional support'. So, while I'm sure there are cello pieces out there, the instrument is typically focused on the harmony role to let others shine.
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Contemplative/Content: Cello Suite No.1 in G (Bach)
Sad/Nostalgic: 🤷‍♀️
Anxious/Angry: I haven't found a good solo example yet in a song, but this is typically pizzicato
Hyunjin (Woodwinds):
A little bit of yet another problem - Han has not heard the full range of Hyunjin's Force due to them HATING each other at this point. That will change with time, but for now, Han has only heard the flute/piccolo in his Force. There wasn't much rhyme or reason to this choice other than I needed something high and nasally and generally annoying to start that downwards spiral of the typical 'Rap better, dance better' duo, and woodwinds seemed like a good choice.
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Annoyed (because this is all he's heard thus far): Baby Elephant Walk (Mancini) (specifically the solo parts at 2:30) and Viva Italia (Rossini and Verdi)
Felix (Percussive Instruments):
Ah, the duality of man. He can go high, he can go low, he can go in the middle, he can go dee- ahem. Like Changbin, Felix just generally seems like an emotional support person, like the glue to their team, and as such, I gave him percussion. There are so, so, SO many different instruments in the percussive category, harmony, melody, and rhythmic alike, and I thought it fit pretty well.
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Happy/Content: Usually represented as a triangle, chimes, or something else in the higher register. Also, anything jazzy probably.
Nervous: Usually represented by a snare drum, with a snapping noise.
Anxious/Angry: Whiplash Solo or the Percussive section of the 1812 Overture (Tchaikovsky)
Seungmin (Guitar):
For now, this is acoustic, but I might branch out into more electric versions. The biggest factor here is specifically Han's affection and admiration for guitars, their versatility, and the fact that I wanted something to connect him to Changbin (both string boys). Was originally thinking about vocals or violins, but I thought this suited him better. Since his was finalized pretty recently, I don't have many examples...
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Nostalgic: The opening riff of Disenchanted by MCR or Good Riddance by Greenday
Jeongin (Vocals):
And finally the Maknae! Like Minho, his Force sounds like vocals to Han, but unlike Minho and unbeknownst to Han, it sounds like Trot! This was the easiest decision for me to make, and didn't take long because it just makes sense to me. His Force sounding like trot will come up later with a tiny bit of angst and a lot of homesickness, but I digress.
Sad/Nervous: Camellia Girl or Busan Seagull (sung by I.N)
I'm still a little new to trot, so forgive me, but I don't have any other examples OTL
And that's it! I'll keep this updated if I run into anything else that I think would work!
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amitiel-truth · 1 year
Not Ten Babies? (Vash the Stampede x Reader) (98! Version)
Note: This is my SIXTH time writing here, please don't look into most of the details, I made some up, these ideas were prompted by my chat with Vash at Character.AI (The motherfucker's insatiable), more info will come if I decided to make more.
Warning: ⚠️Not yet~⚠️
Ten Babies
(Tristamp Version)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
(Trigun 98! Version)
Part 2
Summary: It's not every day that a famous outlaw wants to date you.
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"It's no good, Henry."
"He's completely out of it, dead to the world."
two call escorts commented, walking out of Vash's room
"Guess I gave him a little too much to drink, I'm sorry I called you two out here for nothin' I didn't think he'd pass out."
"It's really too bad, isn't it? you don't get a chance to sleep with a guy like that every day. hah, well... see you around."
"Bye, girls!"
with that, the people Vash partied with finally left him alone to rest.
He just saved Inepril from Elizabeth's vengeful plan against him, and the city is highly grateful that he just saved them yet again, but it seemed like the alcohol never actually reached his head.
Let's be honest, he can't even hold down a beer.
After the people trying to entertain him left, he flips himself over to lie on the bed.
"Could I be regretting it...just a little?" Vash sighed as he stares at the ceiling, deep in thought on a certain woman.
5 years ago
stumbling upon the bustling city of Febrari, Vash looks around for a place to wind down after booking a dingy hotel room, he walks out of the place, he surveys the area
"Now, for a place to hangout to-" Before Vash could even look around, he dodges a speeding truck.
"WATCH WHERE YOUR WALKING! I HAVE DELIVERIES TO MAKE!!." The driver yells as Vash loses his balance, walking backward into a busy area full of people, he bumps into one of them.
"Hey! I'm walking here!" The angry passerby yells, before pushing Vash into the center of a service road where he lies flat on the ground, a mess.
"I've only been to this city today and it's already getting worse, could this day get any worse?." Vash questions, sighing to himself as he hears rumbling coming for him
a stampede of Thomas birds runs him over.
" Sorry about that bud!." The herder yells, before throwing him a pamphlet as he runs after his herd as Vash sat up, bruised and sore.
"At least this one apologized" Vash groans, holding his head in pain, before noticing the pamphlet thrown at him.
8 PM TO 1 AM
(n/a: promise, I know how to make a pamphlet, I'm just lazy)
"Happy Hour, huh?" Vash inspects the paper, before flipping it around, seeing a map behind it.
"It's like luck is finally on my side!" Vash sobs as he follows the map, reaching a brick wall entrance, music emanating through the business, "The Rose Bushbar" signage on top of the entrance, the place is cozy, not tavern-like, and not too fancy, plenty of patrons fill in the bar, as jazz music plays at the stage at the far end of the bar.
"One of your finest beers please!." Vash orders as the bartender prepares his drink sitting on a bar stool, light music plays, giving the room a jazzy atmosphere, suddenly, a woman dressed seductively sits a few chairs away from him, and the bartender quickly served her a glass of whiskey, sipping on it quietly, red lipstick stained her glass.
"Heya~ I'm Vash! You caught my eye earlier, and I wanted to come to say hi. So.. what's your name, stranger?" in quick succession, Vash slid into the woman in black's side, a flirty grin across his lips.
"Well this is new" The woman smiles, finishing her whiskey.
"I haven't heard that question in a long while, you must be new around here" The woman leans on the bar table, her head supported by her hand that's placed on the said table.
"I am new around here, yeah." Vash confirms, leaning up to her with his elbow on the counter, grinning widely " ...So what do they call you around here, doll?"
the woman chuckles, leaning up to Vash's face as if in a sort of game, not backing down from his advances "Y/n, Y/n Loverose." she answers as she placed her glass on the countertop, the bartender automatically refilling her glass. "So, your new around here." y/n leans back, swirling the ice on her glass before taking a sip. "Welcome to the City of Febrari, Mr. Vash."
"Well, call me Vash." Vash corrects before leaning up to her once more "...So tell me, y/n. What is a dame like you up to in a place like this?" 
"I guess you could say...for business" y/n trails off as she swirls the ice on her glass.
"Oh, What kinda business we talkin'?" Vash nods at the bartender "Another for me, please. And for the lady, whatever she's having." The bartender looks at y/n strangely, as if looking for permission, as she simply nods while giggling.
The bartender looks at Y/n strangely, as if looking for permission, as she simply chuckles "Thomas Buffalos wings and two more whiskeys on the rocks." Y/n orders, as the Bartender writes it down for the kitchen and gives them the drinks.
Vash then lifts his drink, as Y/n does the same, clinking glasses with him "Cheers." they both say before taking a sip "So..." Vash uses his charming smile again, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl "...You seem to know the place well. Been here a while, ma'am?"
"You could say that I'm here all the time" Y/n smiles, as the Bartender served the buffalo wings.
"A regular, then?" Vash concluded, before looking at the wings "Ooh, Buffalo wings! Not many places you can get those still..." Takes a bite and starts to talk with his mouth full "I'm sure a girl as pretty as you have got all the right connections..." Vash eluded, before winking at her.
"You could say that again" Y/n smiles as a waiter suddenly approached her, and began whispering in her ear.
Vash became curious about this "Looks like you made yourself some...friends. You get that a lot, huh?" Vash smirks before taking another bite "I bet a pretty lady like you never has to pay for drinks or food around here."
Y/n nods as the Waiter finishes whispering to her and he goes back to work "Of course I don't" Y/n smiles flirtily at Vash before standing up from the barstool "I'm quite the special girl around here, Vash~" Y/n places a finger on his adam's apple, tracing it up under his chin, she leans up to his face, whispering it against his lips"I'm quite...irresistible, as the locals say~" before backing away, leaving him breathless "If you'll excuse me for a bit, Vash, but as I've said before, I'm here for business" Y/n gives him one final smile before leaving
Vash pants, leaning against the counter, and leans on his elbow, trying to compose himself " B-business or pleasure?" Vash stutters, Y/n's lips twitch at the thought, sending a smile on her way "Don't take too long!!" Vash calls out, trying to catch a peek at her figure as she walks away and disappears into the backstage of the bar's stage area "...I'll be waiting." 
Vash sighs as he looks at the bartender "...I hope I didn't push too hard, did I?" takes another drink of whiskey "I was just trying to be friendly..."
"You call that friendly? you basically assumed Ms. Y/n's a call girl" The Bartender deadpans, cleaning a glass.
"Hey, you can't blame a guy for trying." Vash tries to defend himself, finishing his whiskey. "Besides, is it really out of the question? She's pretty and knows the place well. I've seen it all before." Vash assumes, smirking "...Besides, she was flirting right back."
"You're a womanizer, aren't you?" The Bartender stares blankly at him, pouring him another glass.
"I'll have you know, I am a charmer." Vash...corrects, taking the glass "You can't expect me not to take advantage of my looks, now can you?" He grins at the Bartender "I'm sure you've taken some liberties in your day too."
"Not with that one" The Bartender points out as the lights suddenly turn down at the bar, and spotlights points at the stage, where the red curtains are still closed.
Vash Looks up at the stage with anticipation "...What's going on here?" his attention is taken, as he takes a swig from his drink
"Ladies and Gentlemen, due to unforeseen events, our usual Singer is out of commission for the night. Please enjoy this performance compensation from the Owner of the Rosebush Bar, the Nightingale of Febrari herself, Y/n Loverose!"An emcee announced before the red curtains parted, revealing Y/n in all her glory, as well as in a more modest, but still beautiful outfit.
Looks on in amazement, forgetting to breathe for a moment. "She's the Owner!?" Vash gawks, allured by the woman
Y/n smiles at the cheering patrons and the music starts
"I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight"
Y/n sings as she moves sultrily on stage, entrancing her patrons
Y/n sings as she moves sultrily on stage, entrancing her patrons
"Forget the small talk
The surface level ain't much that I care for
Putting on my lipgloss
I saw you stare from my peripheral
Yeah, baby, it's been a hell of a day
But I know a place we can escape"
Vash gazes at her with a dumbstruck look, his face slowly turning red as he watches her "I... I may be in love." he brushes the hair out of his face "...She is a siren, isn't she?"
The Bartender raises his eyebrow "That fast? you literally just met her" The Bartender looks back up the stage "and she's only started" Y/n kneels down near the edge of the stage, her finger under an entranced patron's chin, making him look at her.
"Find out how it feels to let go of everything
Be free
When you're here with me" 
Vash nods and continues watching "That's gotta be a gift, right?" He chuckles "She's got me just like that." He turns to the Bartender "...Well, can you blame me? I mean, just look at her!."
"Yeah, I'm not risking it all with that one" The Bartender laughs as he continues to clean the glasses Y/n lets go of the Patron's chin before going back to dance on stage.
"I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight."
While she sings she smiles at her audience.
Vash continues to gawk as he tries to keep his jaw from dropping to the floor
"Geez..." he blushes heavily, his eyes never leaving her "So she can sing too, huh? ...Do I even have a chance? I mean, she seems...unattainable..."
"Glad you realized that." The Bartender commented, making Vash send him an annoyed glare.
Y/n runs a hand down her body.
"There's nothing like peace of mind
And you take the time to make sure that I'm okay
I know I can put stress on your brain
You still love me, put no one above me
You always go out of your way
To show me that I'm your priority
Find out how it feels to let go of everything
Be free
When you're here with me"
His eyes continue to follow her with awe, his breath catching a couple of times while he watches her, he sighs "I can't even look away if I wanted to. She's magnificent." he tried to hide how much he's blushing "...How can a woman be this beautiful? How can anybody have a chance with someone like her?"
"Many tried, but all failed" The Bartender commented as the performance continues.
"I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo (I just wanna get high with my lover)
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
I just wanna get high with my lover (get high)
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo (high with my lover)
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
Get high with you
Get higher and higher with you
Let's go to the moon
And leave behind all that
How does it feel, here by my side getting higher and higher?
Under the moonlight's glow
There's nowhere we won't go
Together go higher and higher
(No-no-nowhere we won't go)"
Y/n ends the performance with a wink to the crowd as everyone cheered, some whistles and all clapped while standing up.
"Wow..." Vash gawks as he turns back to the Bartender "You were right. That was a hell of a performance...And I have to admit. It is pretty...discouraging. I guess she's just out of my league, huh?" he smiles and chuckles "...I'm sure she is going to get quite the standing ovation."
Y/n waves happily at the crowd before giving them flying kisses, and the red curtains closed around her.
Vash claps along and smiles as he watches the performance "...Well, I'm sure that will get the blood flowing...is that the usual shows you get around here?" Vash asked still trying to hide his blush "...I'll be honest, I've never had anyone else catch my eye like she did. She's pretty hard to forget..."
"Your really quite the womanizer aren't you?." The Bartender asks, raising an eyebrow
Blushes a little bit more "...Yeah, I guess I am, I just can't help myself when I see a girl like her. How can I not go nuts? She's just...perfect." Stares at her and shakes his head, as if he just lost a sense of reality for a moment "Do you...know much about her?... Is she available?"
"I know that young woman from birth to who she is today, of course, I know her"
"You do? Then do you think I'll have luck with her...or am I destined to fail before I even start?" He tries to play it cool, but the Bartender knows the blush on his face tells a different story "...How many men has she turned down? I imagine it's quite a few..."
"Yes." the Bartender answers, meaning every man she came across.
"...And I'm supposed to believe I might stand a chance?" Vash chuckles nervously, "Well, you know what they say...You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, right?"Vash takes a swig of courage "I'm here for only a few nights...I guess I should at least try, shouldn't I?"
"Well, Mr. Vash, your not gonna win her over overnight, as you've displayed earlier, you're the kind of man she hates...A Womanizer" The Bartender commented as he heard a few patrons order two craft beers.
Vash lowers his head a bit, now feeling a little self-conscious "Well, I don't normally act like this..." he gives a sheepish smile "I guess she just...bring out the worst in me, you know? I don't normally act like such a fool. But I can't help it when I see someone like her. I've never had anything like this happen before...Does she have anything against men in general?"
"She may act like a sleuth, but Ms. Diane's a firecracker, she hates men with passion who objectify her" The Bartender reveals, pulling out a few beers from under the counter and sliding them over to the patrons who ordered it.
"...So I'm gonna have to change my tactics or...does she have a soft spot for guys who respect her and take their time to get to know her?" Vash asks while blushing "...Does she want someone that won't give up?"
The Bartender grew silent for a bit "Regrettably, yes."
"So...if I respect her and take my time getting to know her..." Vash trails off, before raising his glass "I may...have a chance!!" Vash cheers as he downs his drink happily.
"You really are smitten by her" The Bartender raises his eyebrow, making Vash flinch.
"That...may be an understatement" Vash raises his glass again as the Bartender fills it up once more "...I mean...How can anyone not get a little infatuated when someone sings and dances like she does? And she looks like an angel, to add to that."
"Well good luck with that, she's also known for her Legendary Temper, so fuck around and find out" The Bartender leaves to go to the kitchen.
"...That's probably why so many men have failed..." Vash chuckles and drains the rest of his drink "...Yeah, I think that will make it more fun. No fun getting the girl instantly." he smirks, trying to act cocky "...I've got this." Vash then noticed Y/n walk out of the backstage door, greeted by an eager crowd.
He looks at the crowd and smiles, taking a deep breath "Alright, let's do this. I've never been one to back down from a challenge." closes his eyes and gets ready "...Here goes nothing..." he walked up to her, confident stride with every step he took "Good evening. My name is Vash the Stampede. I just arrived in this town, and I heard about this amazing bar. When I stepped inside, I was...captivated by a certain someone on stage. I just couldn't resist..."
"Well well well, Mr. Stampede, this is quite the change of tune" Y/n smiles up at him, but there's hidden malice in her smile.
"Not a fan of my earlier display, huh? I hope it didn't leave a bad impression." Vash chuckles nervously"...How about you and I start from the top?." he then holds out a hand with a friendly smile "Name's Vash, Vash the Stampede. But you can just call me Vash."
Y/n continues to smile "Alright then, we'll start from the top."  Y/n tilted her head "But you must know, Vash, not many are as lucky as you~" 
A slight blush appears on his face "...I understand that I may not have had the best first impression...But I promise to stay respectful. And what better way to apologize for my earlier behavior than to offer to buy you a drink?" Vash offers, turning his head to the Bartender. "...So...what'll it be, gorgeous? Anything your heart desires."
Y/n chuckles "Oh Vash, you basically offering me drinks of my own, you'll have to do better than that~" Y/n teases as she walks to the bar counter once more, as the Bartender readies her drink.
Vash raised an eyebrow "Oh? I see this is going to be more of a challenge than I thought..." Vash thought to himself. "Alright, how about a toast then?" Vash offers, raising his glass "To a good night of fun and drinks?" Vash added, smiling at the girl hopefully "...Hopefully, that earns me some ground in your book?."
Y/n chuckles. "Sorry, Vash, but your gonna have to work harder than that~" Y/n teases.
"Darn, foiled again!." Vash dramatically cries as Y/n laughs at his endeavors.
"Can't say I blame you." He looks around "...I've got to say, you certainly have a lot of... admirers...And yet, despite all this, you still seem bored with all of them. I suppose they aren't interesting enough to keep your attention." Vash deduces as he gives a hint of a smile "...Or maybe they're just too intimidated by how beautiful you are." before losing himself, admiring Y/n, his elbow on the bar counter, his head on his hand, looking at her.
Y/n laughs as she runs a loose hair behind her ear "I guess no one will know."
Vash laughs as well "So...I was thinking...If all these guys have failed..." He takes a long drink and smirks as he finishes the glass "...Should I even try to woo such a woman? You've already rejected them all. That means I'm just...hopeless, right? So, I'll ask you again...should I even bother to try?" Vash asks, hopeful, but deep inside his insecurities are growing.
"Well, are you determined enough?" Y/n leans up to Vash, a finger under his chin, making him look at her "Are you interesting enough to not bore me?" She asks with a smirk "Vash the Stampede?" She whispers in his ear with a whimper, seducing the man.
The finger under his chin makes Vash blush deeply. A slight smile creeps up from the corner of his mouth, and he begins to stare deep into her eyes "Well...to tell you the truth..." he leans closer to her, as if challenging her. "...I've never met another woman as beautiful as you. I have many interesting friends and stories I can share...But no...I've never met someone of your caliber." He Takes a deep breath, his face is lit on fire "...So...yes." Lowers his voice, loud enough only for her to hear. "...I'm determined."
"Then try your best to woo me then" Diane stares teasingly at the spiky-haired blonde, letting go of his chin before running a finger on his red-coated clothed chest "But be careful, I hate disappointments~"
Vash blushes deeply and takes a deep breath, feeling the goosebumps on his skin when she strokes his chest "...I-is that a challenge?" he stutters "Well...I love a good challenge. I'm sure I can show you a good time and leave you without a single disappointment...I take it you're an easy woman to disappoint?" Vash nervously asks.
"Of course" Y/n leans back before drinking her whiskey I take it you've already heard of my 'Legendary Temper'" Y/n stares at him teasingly "I would have thought that would have chased you away~"
"Oh, please. A bit of a temper isn't gonna scare me away. That just means it'll be that much more satisfying once I win you over and calm you down." Vash smirks at her "...Besides, someone as beautiful as you could easily throw any tantrum and still leave me hooked. Do you think I can't handle it?"
"Now isn't that just sweet?" Y/n moves her shoulder, making her breast shift because of the movement.
Vash pulls back a little, trying to contain himself, but doesn't succeed "...Alright, you got me. I'll admit, you're absolutely stunning. I just can't control myself..." Vash began to blush deeply, his eyes roaming her body "...but I think I have the right kind of...stamina, don't you?" Leans closer again
"Oh? And to what are you referring to? Mr. Stampede?" Y/n teases as she also leans closer, her breast showing her cleavage, she knows what she's doing.
He bites his lip at the little show she's giving him "W-well...I'm more of an action man myself." he added as his eyes continue to travel across her body "...I enjoy a good fight...I think a fight between the two of us would be quite exhilarating." His gaze returns to her eyes "...D-do you think you could k-keep up with me?" Vash challenges weakly, still a stuttering mess to her.
"Oh?" Y/n fake frowns as she runs her hands on her body "You're willing to bruise lil' ol me?" Y/n pouts at Vash in fake sadness.
Vash smirks "Oh yeah, baby...Mark you up and claim you as mine- I-i mean, I'd want to go all out against you..." He gets a little closer, their noses almost touching "I promise to make it a good fight." He looks her up and down again "...I just can't resist a beautiful woman...especially when she's got the power to back it up." Vash commented, smiling at her "...Can I...kiss you?"
Y/n leans up at Vash, acting as if she's going for a kiss before stopping his awaiting lips with a finger "Apologize, Mr. Stampede, but I don't offer freebies to any man I just met~" Y/n teases, smiling up at the tall blonde.
He blushes when she stops his lips with a finger "Aww c'mon, don't tease me like that!" He gives a pout "...I wanted a kiss..." Before smiling and laughing for a second "Alright fine...I'll keep pursuing you until you give me enough respect to let me kiss you." He smiles mischievously "...And the more I chase you, the more you'll enjoy the pursuit, huh?"
"You are Vash the Stampede, after all, a man with a peculiar set of skills, You just have to impress me with those kinds of skills" Y/n points out, smiling at him.
He raises an eyebrow "Impress you with a demonstration of my skills, you say? Alright, sure. What kind of skills do you wanna see?" He seems curious "...You want to test my skills of violence? Of kindness? Of wisdom?" He chuckles and smiles again "...Or would you like to see a little bit of everything?"
"If it'll romance me into liking you, I don't see why not?~"
"...Sounds like fun. Well, what do you wanna see first?" Vash asks as his eyes travel over her body, clearly taking in her beauty "...What's the first skill I should show you?" he wiggles his eyebrows at her "The choice is all yours, darlin'. Just name it and I'll show you what I can do."
"Surprise me~" Y/n flirts as she leans onto the bar counter, smiling at him teasingly.
Vash chuckles and moves closer "That's easy enough to do." He wraps an arm around her waist and gets so close he's almost whispering in her ear "...How about this..." He gives her a kiss on the cheek "...Does that satisfy ya? Or are you wanting something a bit more...intimate than just that?" Vash challenges as he smirks and winks at her.
Y/n looks shocked as she touched her cheek "You should count yourself lucky, Mr. Stampede~" Y/n teases as she glances up at him "No man has ever survived wrapped their arms around me, let alone kiss me on the cheek, but note this, that's the very first time that ever happened"
Vash chuckles deeply "Oh is that right? Well then, I'm more than willing to take that as a challenge." He smirks, leaning up to her "...That's not even 1% of my charm, sweet thing. I'm just getting started with you." He leans in again and looks at her with a sly smile "...How about another kiss...but on a different pair of lips?"
Y/n lifted the corner of her lips with her eyes closed, as she once again covered Vash's mouth "Let me repeat it, Mr. Stampede, I don't offer freebies to any man I just met"
He blushes deeply "...Are you just gonna tease me all night? Well, now I gotta keep chasing you until you let me kiss you...don't I?" he raises an eyebrow again"...Guess I better keep showing off my skills in order to impress you, huh?"
"Show the right ones, get to know each other, and you get the girl" Y/n points out, smirking up at him
He nods, grinning "...You've got a bet," Vash agrees "...Well then. I suppose we'll be spending some time together trying to see if I can impress you, huh?" He chuckles and smirks again "...You seem like an interesting woman, but I guess I'll just have to work my way through your barriers. Is there anything you wanna know specifically? Or do you wanna just keep watching me in action?"
"I'd like to see you as is, it makes the whole thing more authentic" Y/n smirks as Vash suddenly pulls her closer to him, surprising her.
He pulls her closer, his face less than an inch away from hers "...Well, I'm a bit of a flirt...Is this close enough for you?" He smiles and laughs "If you want me to get even closer, I think that can be arranged." He starts to lean in closer
Y/n chuckles as she pushes his lips away with a finger "Do I have to repeat myself? Mr. Stampede?"
"Oh? Are we...playing a little hard to get?" Vash chuckles once more "Alright...I don't mind a bit of the chase. You're just too stunning to resist...It's gonna be hard to keep my hands and lips off you, though. You don't mind if I get...close enough to keep flirting with you...do you?" Vash asked, trying to push his luck.
"As long as there isn't kissing yet" Y/n leans up to whisper in his ear "Those are my rewards~"
He bites his lip a little "Just a kiss?" He gets a little closer and whispers into her ear "...I mean I think I'd want at least a bit more." His breath hits her ear, and a little sigh comes from him as he leans back up "...But I promise we'll get there." He smiles and looks into her eyes "...I'll keep chasing, alright? I'll keep flirting with you. Let me know when you're ready to give me...a little reward."
"show me reasons why you deserve these awards then~" Y/n whisper back before pulling away from Vash's arms, giggling.
Makes a big smile "...Alright you've got a deal. I'll show you why I'm worth the attention...But how do I start? I'll do any one thing you ask of me, any skill you want me to show. Where should we begin?" he grins, seeming eager to impress,
"How about I set a reward system?"
This caught his attention "...A reward system? Sounds intriguing...alright, I'm on board...So if I do what you want, I get to earn my rewards. What kind of tasks are you gonna set for me?... How many points must I earn? And what would each task be worth?"
"Well, it depends on how impressed I am, if you mildly impress me by giving me a gift, I'll give you a hug, impress me a bit more mildly, like take me on a date, then you get a kiss on the cheek, impress me a bit more you get a kiss, impress me, like saving me from harm, and you get a make-out session, and if you extremely impress me, like save the City of Febrari impress..." Y/n leans up his ear "you get to fuck this pussy, as you said earlier, Mark me up and claim me as yours~" Y/n reveals, smiling teasingly at him.
Smirks as his breath hit her ear "Well now...it sounds like you have high expectations for me. I suppose I should start off light and work my way up, huh?" He chuckles "So if I do something small, like...buy you a gift...that's how I can get a hug, right? ...What kind of gift would you want me to buy you? What do you like?"
"Surprise me, Mr. Stampede, guess what kind of gift a girl like me would like to have" Y/n stands up from the barstool and looks at Vash teasingly, "It's getting quite late, I say it's time for me to retire for the night~" turns to walk upstairs of the bar "Good luck, see you tomorrow Vash the Stampede~" Y/n waves goodbye, before completely disappearing.
Vash leans back onto the bar counter, panting at the encounter.
"Dear God...I need to marry that woman."
Present Time
Vash began to tear up, removing the kiss marks left by the two escorts earlier.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n...
Please, Forgive me."
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(A/N: You can tell I have favorites? aww)
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bonefall · 1 year
I wanted to submit a few of the clanmew names that I enjoy and thought were really fun!! I took some liberties considering come translations either don't exist or aren't applicable to my ocs.
(Context: My Clans are stationed in Utah, and the specific clan featured in these names is in a desert/cliff esque landscape. Their Clan, JuniperClan, is named after the Utah Juniper, which looks significantly different from a normal juniper.)
Starting with one of my favorite ocs first; Skipperleap - Skepbyiao! I was super happy his prefix had a translation, especially since it's for the "Large Skipper" variety, as it's a little funny, considering Skipperleap is a larger than average cat. I decided on -yiao as the suffix (-spring, straight upward leap) because it sorta fits his personality as well? He is a good natured cat, with a positive attitude, and brings a "spring" to someones step.
Coottail - Ubobufr - A bit harder, but settled with Ubo because of his dark brown-black fur color. I also just really liked the sound of it. Originally I was going to go with -swash, as his name is pretty simple in general, but -bufr seemed more fun considering its a tail feather from a bird, which would connect to the fact his name is Coot-. Again, it just sounds neat :]!
Beechfang - Chokki - Since Beech- isn't in the lexicon, I decided upon "Chok-", or Trunk. It symbolizes Beechfang in the sense that he is solid and strong, a good cat to rely on in stressful situations. He doesn't faulter from conflict, and is reliable. -ki, meaning canine fangs, was another easy choice, since Beechfang is known for his prowess in hunting (and ocassionally fighting). Plus. Chokki just sounds EXTREMELY cute. One of my favorite names by far.
Another Favorite oc of mine, Orchidthroat - Palifuhpi. Since Orchid isn't really used, I settled on Palifuh (Purple) since Orchidthroat has a blue-gray coat, and in lighting it comes across as purple. Orchidthroat is a magnificent speaker, usually bringing conflict to an end and being direct with what he means. -pi was chosen because "Used to indicate someone saw or heard and reported directly" sounds pretty accurate to how Orchidthroat does things.
Finally, Thymeclaw - Hhasskachkubo. Thymeclaw is an elder, and a very respected one at that, as she used to be one of the Clan's most skilled fighters. Hhass was chosen primarily because it means sneaky, and I was trying to reference "creeping thyme", as it's the only thyme I can see native to the UK? There is a varient of Red creeping thyme that can be found in North America, but I'm not too sure on if it'd be present in the region I'm basing this in. -kachkubo specifically being used was to reference Thymeclaw's fierce power, in how she'd strike her enemies physically and emotionally during combat.
It's funny, you're on a totally different continent but all of these names could be 100% region-compliant, from Coots to Orchids! You just happened to perfectly hit a bunch of things I haven't yet translated LMAO how did you do that
BUT ANYWAY! Feel free to make your own translations for Utah species, or modify the words I'm about to give you! Great job btw!
Coot (Fulica atra) = Nio Black, red-eyed waterbirds similar to moorhens which look like ducks when swimming. Known for being devoted parents.
Beech (Fagus sylvatica) = Choo Trunk + Smooth. Known for its very smooth bark, absolutely perfect for carving glyphs on. Not so much a "satisfying" tree to get a scratch on, though! They also produce nuts that squirrels like to eat. These are actually planted purposefully in this area. At the Lake, only ThunderClan has access to them. RiverClan used to have a small orchard of them near the twolegplace, which was where Beechfur got his name from.
Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) = Fefsue There's actually a ton of orchids in this part of England, but I picked my favorite. It's the self-pollinating bee orchid, which mimics a species of solitary bee that may have gone extinct. You probably know of it from the famous xkcd comic about it, but I WILL give you a little bit of hope! The bee orchid has a ton of morphs and in the warmer parts of its range, DOES actually have bees that still pollinate it. What's weirder is that this far north, they don't seem to have one? So... Bee Orchid, how did you Get here? Is YOUR bee gone? What happened to YOUR bee...
I am ALSO taken aback by the fact that thyme apparently doesn't grow here. Weird. But anyway I got your back; here's two roundabout translations for OTHER, non-Thyme plants that are common in the modeled region, but reference thyme.
Thyme-leaved Speedwell (Veronica serpyllifolia) = Kukon A delicate little flower beloved by pollinators, and can grow in thick mats across the land. Deceptively quick and hardy, it can become a weed if unmanaged, and hides seeds in the pelt of any cat that comes by it so it can spread further. Very fitting for your girl, I think!
Dotted Thyme-Moss (Rhizomnium punctatum) = Mwarfum Blooming + Moss. Has distinct little egg-shaped leaves and rising tendrils. Considered pretty, but not a particularly useful type of moss. For anyone seeking a more "herbal" vibe for thyme.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 22 days
Champions of Charity by u/Lil-Mismuffet
Champions of Charity Not sure why ... but I was thinking about The Parents' Network which I haven't heard a peep about since the Jane Pauley interview (which, as it turns out, was exactly one month ago). Figuring distressed parents would not try searching for the name of their initiative, I Googled "online bullying" "cyber bullying" and "kids online safety". It didn't appear on the first page of any of those search results. IMO, parents needing immediate assistance aren't going to look any further for resources from the prefects of parenting. I re-watched the CBS interview (to be sure I had the proper name), then Googled "The Parents' Network" ... only to discover that it isn't even a free-standing platform. It's a page on Archewell.org ... and wasn't even first on the search results.Contrary to conventional wisdom, I nosed around that portion of Archewell. There are video and written stories of five families who each lost a child (some of whom may have participated in the interview segment) ... and a description of the group and what they offer:Connect with fellow parents navigating similar experiences in small, peer-led groupsAttend monthly learning spaces, led by experts and peers in relevant fieldsConnect to a virtual community, where stories, resources, and ideas are shared with fellow parents Learn about ongoing resources and advocacy opportunitiesBut ... you must join first. Maybe I'm just jaded because of who it is, but I find the "application" abhorrent. I'd love to see what everyone else thinks. Can someone help by archiving the link https://ift.tt/arX36RH ?What also stood out is that a couple who was featured during the interview (and was prominent at This n That's mental health summit nearly a year ago) are not anywhere to be seen on the AFPN web pages.Jane Pauley rightly (if disjointedly) said "The two of you ... it's a modest beginning. It's not an army of parents ... yet." What stands out (to me) is "the two of you". It is something that is key to an assessment of Archewell by CharityWatch.A few months before their California filing "delinquency" was reported, the CEO of CharityWatch spoke with USA Today about Archewell's governance issues. Its' is a bit of a long read ... but worth every moment: https://ift.tt/8TjFGDB post link: https://ift.tt/VF2l7KJ author: Lil-Mismuffet submitted: September 04, 2024 at 06:24PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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fentrashcat · 4 months
Tourettes Awareness Month, June 6!
Had a tic attack for the first time in a while today, and a post from thatdudewithtics (idk how they feel about tags so the post I'm talking about is here) got me thinking.
I want to talk about the frustration that comes with an unsteady disability, as well as my experience applying for disability. Today might get heavy. I'm also still exhausted despite taking a 4hr nap so I'm not sure how clear this will be 😅.
⚠️everyone with TS or tic disorders will have their own experience, this is just mine.
Disability Process
So I started my application on line, but was sent paperwork to do in person. My tics don't like paperwork. I only had one black pen and had yet to find the last one I threw the previous week (btw been almost a year and STILL haven't found it), so I was suppressing my fling tic to do this paper work. It took 3 hours to do 8 pages, the whole time fighting against my own body. Suppression HURTS. It also leads to a heavier retaliation later. The day after I did the paperwork I had a severe tic attack and had to leave work after only an hour.
After this they said I needed to meet one of their doctors. I expected this, had to rearrange my work schedule and find someone who could drive me. The day of was actually a good day for my tics, and the doctor seemed really nice and it was a good environment so while I was ticcing it wasn't extreme. I noticed the doctor focused more on my depression and anxiety, but thought we'd get to my tics after. We never did and I was a bit too anxious to be like "I'm here for my Tourette's". Ik it's kind of dumb, I need to advocate for myself better, but I just can't sometimes.
A few days later I see a file uploaded to my clinical notes at my GP. I hadn't visited them in a while so I was confused. Checking the letter showed that it was from the disability doctor, and showed that he not only barely listened to me, but that he hadn't even paid attention to the tics that happened in his office.
My disability was denied, of course. I appealed it and had to do some honestly VERY confusing online paperwork, in which I attach a copy of the doctors letter highlighting all the things he had wrong. Appeal was denied and to appeal AGAIN I'd have to find a lawyer. I can't drive, and I wouldn't even know how to start on that stuff so I kind of just dropped it. It was around this time I had issues at work so severe that my hours were cut to maybe 12 a week? I'm extremely lucky in the fact that I live in a house owned by family and my mom could cover my bills, but I know that won't last forever. The year before last I was covering my bills by paying my mom back over the month but I couldn't even do that now. I need to reapply but I know I'm not taken seriously, and I'll be denied again.
Semi-visible Disability
Tourettes is one of those things that when it's bad it's clear you have trouble, but when it's good it's almost unnoticeable. I've probably mentioned before my grandpa saying "talking to you like this, I would never know, but I've seen it when it gets bad." And that's probably the best way to sum it up.
On a low tic day people don't believe you or tell you it's not so bad, "you don't look disabled". On a high tic day people treat you Different. Either babying you or being afraid/anxious about your tics.
Not to mention the stigma around saying you have Tourettes Syndrome. Like I've been in a job interview and I usually avoid mentioning TS but my tics were acting up a bit so I had to explain. I could just feel the change in the interviewer, like they had been liking me but the moment I mentioned TS they were suddenly rushed to finish the interview and of course I never heard from them again. This happens in other situations too, but the job shit is what causes issues more in my life.
So I feel stuck in a limbo of "too disabled to work regularly" but "not disabled enough for disability" and it really really sucks. It's also frustrating knowing that no matter what I can't stop my tics fully.
Today's attack happened at my house, no obvious triggers or anything different, it just happend. I feel like I don't have control of my own body. I try my best to manage and prevent bad tics but I can't. I don't get to chose to not throw shit, or not do something painful. I just have to live with it, and it sucks. Obviously I try to stay upbeat, I cope with humor and I even think some of my tics are funny or kinda cute but it's still a disability. It still makes life so much harder than if I didn't have it. I'm tired.
Thanks for reading, sorry for today being heavy. I'm still really tired so I might be going back to sleep. Asks are open if anyone has questions.
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