#and a few more I want to put but haven’t kept up with their development/games in a while and wanna catch up with current lore before hand
All (current) Si ships
Get ready, this post'll be a doozy! Since it'll be long, it'll be under the cut! More will probably be added eventually as I go through more blogs/play more games, and maybe one day I'll get through the enormous backlog of art I've gotten myself into.
Also, some of these vary on lore and some vary on au, I like to think of a lot of scenarios for both writing and rp purposes and sometimes ships just happen, lol!
Here we go!
Ezra x Si (main pairing admittedly)
Exra x Si x Chris (Guard Dogs au)
Ezra x Si x Bess
Si x Bess
Si x Steph (accidentally angsty but also cute besties to lovers)
Si x Steph xBess
Si x Sammy (⚠️horny⚠️)
Si x Chris
Si x Chris x (unknown character in universe 👀)
Si x Adam
Si x Cain (*cough* biased towards this one)
Si x Alan
Si x Stu (mostly were au, but some in game angst hohoho)
Si x Friend
Si x Carter
Si x Z (this one is NEW- were!Z though *knuckle bite*)
Favor VN
Si x Z (wow, two Z's)
Si x Ray
Si x Haley
Double Vision x Si (angsty and not a Good Route)
Be My Muse (LMRY)
Si x Zecharias
Si x Salvador (waiting on more lore but Sal and his cute lil tsundere crush- *gets pelted with a violin bow*)
Si x Jack/Jacktor
Si x Shaun (da-
Si x Nick(-ddies)
Si x Ian (ex-boyfriend and angsty purposes until more lore is dropped)
Si x Bo
Hot Killer Babes (VERY NEW -thanks Lily lol)
Si x Diva
Si x Eddie (?) (Si would have a hard time with the whole enemies to lovers souly for the fact that Si would see that Eddie didn’t like him, try and avoid him as much as possible and get the project done asap, then realize that Diva and Eddie were twins and curse the world for his luck in having to hang out with Eddie more just for Diva and because he has a hard time telling people no without a good excuse lol. Getting past that, I think they could be cute, but Si wouldn’t believe Eddie at first if they got to the confession stage and would think it would be some sorta joke at first because rumors tend to spread that way and he’d think that Eddie was only hanging out with him for Diva’s sake.)
Blackberry Winter
Si x Conrad
Si x Keith
Si x Damien
Si x Harper
Mushroom Oasis
Si x Mychael
Yan ocs w/o a game
Krow x Si (@ thekrows-nest) (new)
Vic x Si (@ starsetven) (new)
Avery X Si (@ starsetven) (new)
Si x Miles (my oc)
BG3 (Si’s a Teifling btw uwu)
Si x Will x Karlach (trying for this in current play through, but will be happy with just Karlach lol)
Si x Halsin
Si x Astrion (not romanced in game yet)
Si x Douglas (this one got deleted while saving drafts from my phone to my laptop oops)
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myreia · 6 months
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It has been an age since I’ve done one of these! So I’m just making up my own thing.
This is the first year I’ve written fanfic since 2019. It’s been really nice returning to something fun and low stakes that doesn’t have the same pressures as my original fiction. Writing for myself is something I lost over the last few years and it’s been so nice getting that back. There’s something really powerful about having your own little blorbo just for yourself and pursuing the things that speak to you.
All of my fanfic this year was FFXIV related and it was so nice sinking into a new world and rummaging around. I love that I get to know Aureia better the more I write her, and her journey is very near and dear to my heart. I haven’t finished anywhere near to all the stories I want to write about her, but she is very clear in my head Aureia’s been through hell, but she’s also my favourite blorbo so I’m not going to apologize for making her suffer.
Fandoms: 1
Total Fics: 10
Fics Published: 9
Fics Unpublished: 1
Words: 103,788
✦ Divergence of the Heart
Rating: Explicit
This is probably my favourite fic I’ve written this year, if not my favourite fic I’ve ever written. I started it in February of this year and finished it in December. It was the multipart that just kept growing. It was supposed to be two chapters, then three, then four, then five, then seven—by the time I wrapped everything up the way I wanted to, it had landed on eleven.
Aureia’s relationships with Aymeric and Thancred have eaten away at my brain for most of this year. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this, but one of Thancred’s lines in the Heavensward patches fuelled and idea and now I’m here all these months later fully invested in a love triangle that has been way too much fun to write. This fic was an opportunity to explore asexuality in a particular light, so there’s a lot of myself in here. The writing in later chapters is some of the most vulnerable I’ve allowed myself to be lately and I’m very proud of how everything has come together.
I also think “No Greater Calamity Than the WoL’s Love Life” is an excellent use of the AO3 tags and I endeavour to use it more.
✦ Bound by Faith
Rating: Explicit
I love this fic with all my heart. It’s my second favourite thing I’ve written this year and would have been my favourite if I hadn’t finished Divergence of the Heart. I am very enamoured with late game Aureia and Thancred—how much they’ve been through and how many times their relationship has been reset. I like writing them as a little older, a little more mature, a little more grounded. They’ve both been through shit and come out stronger for it, and I needed the get the moment where they are finally together out of my system.
Also writing Thancred and Urianger banter is extremely fun and one of the most enjoyable things about putting this fic together.
✦ To Ash and Ember
Rating: Mature
Listen. I had an unexplainable feral compulsion to write Aureia’s fight with Lahabrea. It wasn’t going to leave me alone until I did. I think this fic set the tone for so much of her characterization and development; this moment—both in the fic and in-game—was character defining and it’s where everything came together.
✦ A Question of Desire
Rating: Explicit
This started as a prompt and then turned into my first FFXIV smut fic. It had been a while since I had written erotica, and it was nice to visit that kind of scene with Aureia and Aymeric. Their dynamic is very soft and sweet (especially in the time period of the late Heavensward patches), and I’m very pleased with how the second part came out—especially with the hint that not everything is all right with their relationship. There are cracks, they just can’t see it yet.
✦ Bitter Frost
Rating: Teen
The transition from ARR into Heavensward is one of the most powerful moments in FFXIV for me, partially due to the attachment Aureia (and me) had to Ul’dah. This fic was a scene in my head almost immediately after playing it. I wanted to spend some time when she was at an absolute low, and develop a bit of her relationship with Alphinaud—and experiment with some ways that black mages may attempt to fend off the cold, because why not. Let a magic girl be magic.
✦ Far from Happenstance
Rating: General
I like this one! I think it was fun revisiting the very early moments of the Ul’dah questlines from Aureia’s perspective. I had a better handle on her voice here; I hadn’t entirely figured out her backstory at this point (she was keeping it a secret from me), but she started to feel like a fully-fleshed out person here.
✦ Sand and Stone
Rating: General
This was my first FFXIV fic! I wrote it shortly after finishing base ARR and I was madly rotating the final fight with Lahabrea in my head (I’ve been ruined by the Worst Ascian since that cutscene and it doesn’t even make sense!! Am I mad (affectionately) about this? YES, OF COURSE I AM. Could have chosen literally any other villain but no, this is where I had to peak.).
This fic established some repeat themes for Aureia, namely her close association with fire and the burns on her back, as well as her close friendship with Thancred and his nickname for her (Aureia was not a fleshed out character until she was Aur, nicknames really do something for me, apparently).  
✦ Untitled Post 5.3. Fic
I haven’t published this one yet since I ran out of time to finish it (trying to finish another multipart in the last two weeks of December was not something I needed to add to my plate). But I am excited to work on fics set after Aureia and Thancred get married and dig a little bit deeper into how their relationship changes through marriage. There are still difficulties to be overcome, ways that they test and support each other. I really enjoy writing established relationships, so it’s fun to poke at the evolution of everything that has come before.
A little excerpt since it's not finished yet:
“No,” he murmurs. “I know what you’re doing—and I love you for it, never think that I don’t—but no. In this case… it does not help.” She nods, swallowing the lump in her throat, and exhales a shaky breath. A dozen thoughts rest on the tip of her tongue, a dozen questions she wishes to ask, but she holds herself back. It’s not what he needs right now. “One hundred and eleven,” Thancred says. “That is how many steps it takes to climb the battlements.” She presses her lips together and turns her back on the aetheryte plaza, leaning against the parapet as she gives him her full attention. He glances at her, staring at her through the curtain of hair, and his throat bobs. “I never knew that until today,” he continues. “In all our years here, all the times I have walked these battlements, not once did it occur to me to count the bloody steps. Not once did I imagine a future where it would be a near impossibility to reach them.” His gaze flickers to the aetheryte. “Not my first time being a fool, I suppose. I took my aether for granted once too.” “It’s not an impossibility,” she says firmly. “You dragged yourself up here—” “And I can barely stand. All my efforts and I have nothing to show for it save the reminder that I am…” He trails off, tempering his frustration before he says something he regrets out of spite. “Krile will give me a tongue-lashing for this, I know it. She will say I am pushing too hard. That I am being unkind to myself.” “And maybe you are.” “How can I not? If I must be sequestered off in a dark room and sit on my hands while the others return to their regular duties I will—well. I will…” “What?” He makes a face. “I would say ‘eat Urianger’s hood’, but he’s not exceptionally fond of those anymore, now is he?”
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russos-one · 2 months
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“As I sit down to write this letter to you all, I don’t quite know where to begin, or how I feel. There’s sadness, of course, that in a few short weeks this will all be coming to an end. But every time I think about you – about what we have achieved over the last 12 years, together – I can’t help but smile. Because you made it. You made the experience, this journey that we have been on, far greater than you will ever know. There is nothing more special than the love between a team and its supporters, and I can’t ever thank you enough for what you’ve given us over the years.
I think back to those humble beginnings at Staines. Wheatsheaf Park might seem like a million miles away from what we’ve built at Kingsmeadow, but to me it was the start of something magical. A small, but dedicated, home fanbase quickly became a small travelling army. Those chants we heard at Wheatsheaf Park soon started popping up at Donny. Then Birmingham, Manchester, wherever.
You know I did everything I possibly could to make it the best experience for you, pushing the club to put on buses, even funding trips myself over the years – and plying you with wine gums and mints to keep you sugared up! More than that, I wanted to provide you with a team that’s reflective of you, a diverse group that we can all see ourselves in. One that is proud to represent the badge, that would run through brick walls for each other and do anything to achieve success. Because that’s what you would do for us.
We’ve created so many magical memories together. From the first FA Cup win at Wembley, quickly followed by a first WSL title at Staines, to those early Champions League trips – something special was building, and it’s just gone on and on from there. Honestly, there’s too many highlights for me to list.
When I think of the journey we’ve been on, I cannot imagine what it would have been like without you. We had a taste of that during Covid, and football just wasn’t the same. I feel sad that you weren’t able to be with us for the Champions League semi-final win over Bayern Munich, and I honestly believe it would have been a different experience if you’d been there with us in the final. But to come out of the other side of that with an FA Cup final at Wembley against Arsenal, on a cold afternoon in December, and being together again is something that will always live with me.
I love that you’ve created a community for yourselves, starting at Wheatsheaf Park and then onto Kingsmeadow, which has become like a fortress because of you, and now Stamford Bridge. As we’ve grown, so have you. Wherever we go, you’re there with us in huge numbers, developing your own memories from supporting the team across the country and Europe, over land and sea (and Leicester!). You’ve been amazing to our players throughout that time, and I know you’re going to keep creating memories together long after I’ve gone.
I want to thank you for all the songs, which kept me going so many times on the bench. I especially want to thank you in those losing moments, which fortunately there haven’t been too many of. I always heard you. Always. You show your appreciation for the team no matter the scoreline or how the game has gone. That’s what true fans are.
You’re the lifeblood of this club, the heartbeat, and I think you’ve been the envy of the entire league with the support you’ve given the team. I look forward to being one of you at some point, with Harry alongside me.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making this the experience of a lifetime.”
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Rise!Leo falling in love Pt. 7
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author’s note: did I say plot last time? I meant next next time… more brother moments, more character development, <3 hope you all enjoy
warnings: fluff, lil jealousy, angst? cursing
previous - next?
previously. . .
“I can’t believe it!!” You laughed happily, “I told you, you’re a natural! All you needed was a little practice,” Raph set Mikey down and Mikey then let you go, both beaming prideful smiles down at you.
Leo hadn’t heard from you in hours and he wondered if maybe you were just busy.. or perhaps texting wasn’t your thing? He didn’t know! But he was feeling pretty restless. The comics weren’t as interesting anymore and he kept looking over at where his phone lay on the bed hoping for it to flash with a notification.
He sighed looking back at the Jupiter Jim comic in his hands, eyes glazing over not really reading as he started to overthink. Maybe he should call you? Would that be too needy? Surely you had to be thinking of him even if you were occupied? Leo dropped the comic on his bed, grabbed his phone, and headed to his twin’s lab. Donnie was always there and if anyone could help with this dilemma it would be his smarter than average (but not a genius bc let’s be honest his ego’s already too big) brother!
“Donniee open up, it’s your favorite brother!” An intercom sounded from the door, “you don’t sound like Mikey..” and Leo put a hand to his plastron, “you wound me brother, now open up!” He started banging louder and an irritated groan was heard before the door unlocked and slid open. “Thank youuu” Leo said as he entered, the lab door closing behind him immediately. Donnie turned in his swivel chair, “What is it now Nardo?” his arms already crossing. “Can’t I just come hang out with my own twin without being questioned about my motives?!��
Donatello’s eyes narrowed, “Alright alright, can you tell me if Y/n’s at their house? They haven’t responded to me all day and I just wanna make sure they are okay,” Donnie shook his head, “or maybe they are busy?” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Look can you do it or not?” Leo grumped not wanting to argue or be forced to think that yes you probably were just doing something super cool without him and not thinking about him at all! “fine but the next last slice of pizza-“
“Is yours, yes yes yes yes yes” Leonardo agreed and Donnie turned to the big screen. Leo didn’t know what his brother did but after some keyboard typing and a few passwords a map appeared, then color coordinated circles. The purple and blue were together, yellow and orange were together- oh April is here! That must’ve been the commotion Leo thought to himself. “Looks like they’re with Raph in the arcade,” Donnie zoomed in on the red dot that was next to a dark blue one.
Leo blinked and then blinked again, okay one more blink he needed to process this fully. You were here in the lair, hanging out with his older brother Raph. Without. Him. “Uh Leo you just gonna stand there dumbfounded or?” Donnie asked as he swiveled in circles. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous again are you?” Donnie smirked totally knowing his words hit a mark. Because as soon as they were out Leo grabbed his swords and portaled, straight to the arcade.
。・゜・( pov change: y/n )・゜・。
“Seriously this place just keeps getting better and better!” You gushed as you took a seat at the ‘Ultimate Racing Machine.’ Mikey and April went off to the kitchen earlier on and that left Raph to continue showing you around. He thought the next best place besides the ramp room would be the arcade. You had lit up like a light at the idea, you loved video games even if you weren’t a master at them. Raph got in the player 2 chair and that was all you needed to start steering the wheel getting a game setup. “So who’s got the highscore?” You asked curiously, it was pretty high up there, “that’d be Donnie” Raph said but added on, “I’m really close to beating him one of these days!”
“Well I’m sure you’ll kick my ass!” You laughed as the count down began. The two of you tensed and readied as the screens went green ‘GO!’ and the match was on. Three laps winner takes all! “AHA! Found you!” You lurched back in surprise as a blue bandanna came into view blocking the video game. “Leo!! I was in the lead!!” You said as you moved your head around trying to see the screen. Raph laughed in victory as he passed you up reaching the finish line for the first lap. “Haven’t you checked your phone?? I’ve been wondering what you were doing, where you’ve been, and here you are!” Leo said moving his face in front of you whenever you tried to look past him.
“I thought you knew I was here! Mikey invited me and I just guessed you were busy, plus I haven’t exactly gotten to know your brothers that well, and today has been going great so far,” you were talking but still not looking at him, you had hopes you could maybe pull out a win somehow but Raph was still in the lead by the second lap. “Leo! I’m gonna lose!!” You said in despair, as Raph said “Maybe next time Y/n,” you thought to yourself if only you didn’t have such a big blue distraction maybe you’d have a fighting chance! Leo crossed his arms, thinking over what you said and immediately zoning in on solely the fact that you’ve been having such a great time without him practically all day. He needed a plan, so you would see how much fun you were missing out on by not hanging out with him.
The third lap came into view and ‘LOSER’ came across your screen and you slumped back into the chair while Raph next to you hopped up and stood with both hands in the air full of victory. “Yes!! Leo thanks for your somewhat assistance but that was still all me babyyy!” Raph struck a pose, flexing and you finally tore your gaze away from the red screen to see Leo looking at you deep in thought. “Alright you two, I’m getting hungry, lemme go see if April and Mikey figured something out yet,” you listened to Raph’s footsteps fade as you acknowledged what he said. It got quiet, electronic video game music in the background. “Leo I think you’re overthinking,” you said to him as he seemed to be snapped out of his thoughts when he felt your eyes on him, finally.
“Pshhhh me? Overthinking? Hardly!” He retorted as he leaned back glancing at the red screen. It made him think of Raph’s red dot with yours. He rolled his eyes, going over to sit in the player 2 seat. “Wanna go against the master?” Leo questioned raising a cocky nonexistent eyebrow. “I thought Donnie had the high score?” You asked curiously. “What?! Hell no I’m the record holder here, who’s filling your head with lies?” You laughed, “okay okay almighty master, let’s see it then!” Ready to play, and this time hopefully with no more distractions. “Oh you don’t know what you’ve just summoned!” Leo remarked as the two of you chose your separate cars. “Let’s goooo” Leo said getting hyped as the count down began.
‘GO!’ The green screen flashed and you were sucked in, music getting louder as you leaned in unconsciously closer to the screen. “Yes, take a good close look at how I’ma leave you in my dust!” Leo trash-talked teasingly and your mouth twisted wracking your brain for a reply, “We’ll see about that..” your tongue sticking out slightly in concentration. Leo was so cocky of his assured victory that he stole glances towards you just to see your reactions to his supreme skills. So cute! He thought seeing your pink tongue, and that was all it took for you to suddenly take the lead on the second lap! “YES!” You exclaimed as Leo turned back to the screen focusing up. It had been a close race, Leo coming back at the last second and you threw yourself out of the seat as the red screen appeared yet again. “NO!!!” You cried, feeling pretty bitter at how you lost, “Who’s the racing master? I’m the racing master! Oh yeah!!” Leo gloated with the glow of the green celebratory screen shining on his face. “Ugh,” you groaned pitifully as Leo snickered. You were such a sore loser.
“Alright gaming aside, what else have I missed today?” Leo hummed, wanting to know everything. You clambered back into the chair, turning to face him as he looked over at you waiting, “Well, Mikey invited me over with April to watch a skateboarding competition in the ramp room!” And you were off going into detail and then gushing at how they had took the time to teach you how to board and even manage to survive the ramp. Leo listened intently, a small smile on his face, you talked so animatedly, and even though he wished he had been with you he was happy to hear how well you got along with his brothers, and vice versa.
“Not to brag but I’m also like the greatest at skateboarding too if you want a real pro to give you lessons,” he offered with a big smirking smile and you rolled your eyes smiling too, he always seemed to be an expert at everything. It didn’t seem possible but you didn’t feel like knocking down his incredibly large ego at the moment. “I’ll have to fit that into my schedule,” you teased. Leo stood, “how about an addition to the lair tour? You up for it?” You nodded and followed after him as he led the way.
“Woah,” you said as you approached the subway, walking with Leo to an open doorway, “Ta-da!” He said giving you jazz hands, “welcome to my room” he showed you his comic book collection and the posters on his wall then all the other knickknacks. You smiled listening to everything, “and yeah that’s about it! I’m kinda proud of the collection heh,” he became a little sheepish towards the end because he really meant it. “It’s amazing Leo! It must’ve taken a long time to collect,” you noted as you sat on the edge of his bed. He sat beside you smiling and nodding. You pulled out your phone and saw a couple of text messages and one missed call. Two messages and the call from Leo, you smiled softly to yourself, “I’m sorry I didn’t check my phone sooner Leo,” you admitted you felt guilty because it had been a couple of hours. He waved his hand dismissively, “it’s cool I was overreacting” he shrugged.
He wanted to be a cool boyfriend. A laid back boyfriend. You reached over grabbing his hand, “are you sure?” You wanted him to be honest, with you and himself. He nodded slowly, then tilted his head as he thought over his feelings. “Maybe a teensy bit worried” Leo admitted nonchalantly. “But Donnie’s got a tracker on your phone so I probably won’t be feeling that way again,” you raised an eyebrow, “really?” You deadpanned. “Uh what I mean to say is he used his genius brain powers to shoot a text to Mikey who ended up telling us that you were here!” A bright fake smile dashed onto Leo’s features. You crossed your arms, scooting over on the bed away from him.
“Aw c’mon what was a turtle supposed to do?” He whined, “when you’ve got a whiz kid of a twin brother you use him when you’re worried about-” you sighed, effectively shutting him up without having to say anything. Now he was the one reaching for your hand, “how about..” you started but remembered how you had basically ignored your phone for a couple of hours… “I don’t know, a full day going by before the tracking comes into play?” Leo stared at you seriously, “and if I’m really really worried?” You looked into his eyes, he looked to be thinking back to the noodle shop situation. With the crazy psycho with the gun. “Okay,” you agreed only because you didn’t want him to stress needlessly. “But I don’t think you’ll need to, I’ll pay more attention to my phone” you said confidently.
“Pizza’s here!” Three voices rang out throughout the lair. “Hungry?” Leo asked squeezing the hand that was resting in his palm. You squeezed back, “starving!” you said dramatically and he couldn’t help himself any longer. He scooped you up into his arms and nuzzled your neck before planting a kiss on your surprised lips. “Leo!” You squeaked, “whattttt? I’ve been waiting all day to do that!”
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beepyscircus · 1 year
Big-ish infodump on Caustic rn because I surprisingly haven’t talked about him surrounding my AU/ kind of rewrite of Apex??
(With some doodles ig)
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So this whole thing started out with me just not liking the Medusa arc that much or the mole arc and then I looked into it some more and realized Caustic is horrible representation for ASPD, I’m in no means an expert, but I know being a violent murderer isn’t exactly one of the symptoms 💀
Then I just- hated his relationships throughout the game
So much unnecessary drama between him and the others that could’ve been either avoided or resolved completely, and I’m aware the fact is that it’s drama, but it’s bad drama, imo at least, and I wanted to revamp Crypto and his relationship especially since I’m tired of tropes with transracial siblings not getting along and the fact that many poc, understandably, felt like it was racist, and I’m not even gonna blame them because it feels like that sometimes, I want their relationship to stay complicated but I don’t want them to completely hate each other. I feel like they’d be kind of awkward for the most part I just want the fuckers to be relatively happy and all respawn is doing is making me mildly uncomfortable with every update about them.
Besides that, I’m working on why/how he becomes involved into death and such to even kill people in the first place, but other than that he’s almost completely developed
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He’s still killed people he just kind of stopped I have no idea how to explain it rn he is a very complex and weird guy alright-
He still experiments on people, though it’s mostly bodies, kind of like how it’s- I think is hinted at during the mole arc??? I can’t tell what was happening in that comic tbh I just think it’s an interesting idea for him to get his stuff from shady places and shit, I still have to catch up on the older chapters because I joined right in the middle of the shitstorm
I’m also trying to develop his relationship with other legends that isn’t just hatred
For example he’s friends with Wraith kind of, (it gets shaky after his fight with Wattson which still happens because I’m not trying to make him a complete good guy or smthn), Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Fuse, and Mirage. (Pathfinder too but he’s friends with everyone so), he ranges from liking the company of these guys to tolerating them, but it’s never always completely the same, because ya know sometimes friends have bad days and that’s fine. I want it to fluctuate because again I’m not like- trying to make him perfect.
I feel like everyone else is either neutral, indifferent, or just weary of him.
I also redesigned him because erm
It’s fun
I actually took most of his design aspects for my AU from one of his beta designs (I literally tried my best to add the specific one I’m talking about but Tumblr literally kept breaking on me)
Because I think it looks very pretty to me
If you look at some of my older posts of him you can actually see me doing this for a while now
Because I have.
I’ve been working on this for- I wanna say 3 years?? Maybe more idk.
I might post some of my older Caustic character stuff when I was first getting into it but some of it comes off as….uhhhh-
Very biased.
Don’t get me wrong I still am it’s just more apparent in my older stuff, I wanna try getting away from that in my AU because uh I don’t like it so-
I like re-writing characters it’s a big hobby of mine when smthn about them irks me personally, you can like canon Caustic btw I do too, this is just smthn I mostly do for fun anyway
Most of the stuff I’ve changed about Caustic have all just been personal headcanons (example being he is a trans man) or things that I felt like would make the story more interesting than what they were initially doing (his dad dying of the same cancer he has), I’m not gonna ramble and put them all here but I’m thinking of making separate posts about them or probably rough comics-
Maybe even fan fictions if I’m feeling brave enough, because I have a few.
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nyuksw · 3 years
need you, sunwoo smut
warnings/content: use of pet names, praising, begging, unprotected sex, overstimulation, oral (fem) gosh i hope this is good enough for my writing comeback fehdjek
You heard some rustling behind the door before it opened, revealing a happy Sunwoo smiling widely at you, his smile soon dropping the second his eyes landed on your face with tears running down your cheeks.
You rushed into his arms, his arms instantly wrapping around you comfortingly.
“What happened?” he asked in a soft yet concerned voice.
“My boyfriend and I - we broke up.” you manage to speak between tears.
“Why? Did something happen?” his voice sounded more concerned.
You sighed and pulled away, too embarrassed to say it. “The sex was bad and that was affecting our relationship…”
Sunwoo raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean the sex was bad?”
“It was him, he would only focus on his own pleasure. I… I never came with him.” you said, lowering your voice at the end as if that would make it any less embarrassing to you.
“So you’ve never had an orgasm?” Sunwoo asked, his voice too loud for your liking making you turn red.
“Sunwoo!” you whined, hitting his arm lightly.
“What? He never knew how to pleasure you properly, what an asshole.” he scoffed, knowing very well he was one of the many guys who put his needs first every single time.
“I have something to ask you.” you pulled him out of his thoughts.
He looked at you, scanning your body language. A habit he developed from being your friend. You were fidgeting with your fingers, you were nervous about something.
“What is it?” he asked, extending a hand to wrap it around your wrist, making you stop your fidgeting and looking up at him.
“I need your help…” you spoke softly, your voice fading without you even noticing, your nerves eating you alive but you were still determined to say it.
“For what?” he asked, raising his eyebrows and nodding slightly forward to encourage you to speak and say it all at once.
You took a deep breath, “Will you have sex with me?”
Sunwoo’s eyes widened, he just stood there for a few seconds. Unsure if he heard right or if his own mind was playing games on him. Were you, his best friend, really asking him that?
A smile started to creep at the corner from his mouth, you knew he probably didn’t believe you. “I’m being serious, I want to have sex with you. I need it…”
Something clicked inside Sunwoo’s mind, feeling slightly hurt. But why? Was it because you only wanted to have sex and have an orgasm and only that, or was it because he was hoping you were asking him because you liked him the same way he has liked you for some time secretly.
“So you only want to use me to ogasm?” He didn’t mean for his tone to come out so bitter but it did.
“It’s not like that!” you quickly reassured him, “Look, we’ve been friends for so long and I trust you the most. Losing my virginity wasn’t as special as I would’ve wanted, so I would like for this to be special, to be with someone that’s important to me. That person being you, Sunwoo.”
Sunwoo’s eyes softened upon hearing that, a gentle smile forming on his lips. He stared into your eyes, already caught in the feelings. He was going to take good care of you and make you feel the way no one else has done before. Even if it was only for one time.
He wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled you towards him, his other hand cupping your face as you stumbled towards him, lips crashing into a heated kiss. His hands slid down your body, creeping up your shirt. His cold fingers making you shiver as his thumb massages your skin in circles. He started to take steps back, dragging you along with him without breaking the kiss until he felt the couch behind his knees and he pulled you down with him.
You placed your knees at each side of him, wrapping your arms around his neck to steady yourself. Gasping when he squeezed your ass, taking the chance to slip his tongue in. You started to slowly grind against him, making him groan and pull away.
Unsteady breathing and messy clothes and hair already, he looked up at you. Eyes filled with lust matching yours.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
Sunwoo smirked and gripped your hips, pulling you down and making you moan the moment you felt his erection nudging your clit through the thin materials of your clothes. He started to move you back and forth, grinding against him again but this time harder and closer.
“Feel that? My dick is already so hard for you and I haven’t even seen anything yet.” he said, his voice coming out in a low husky tone. “Do you like how it feels?” he asked and you nodded.
He swiftly removed your shirt, leaving you only in your bra.
“So fucking hot, you look so beautiful.” he murmured, hands exploring your body.
He unbuttoned your pants and slid his hand down your core, his fingers coming into contact with your wet folds.
“Fuck you’re dripping wet.” he said under his breath.
He started to move his fingers, rubbing your clit in circles. “Come on baby, let me hear you.” He said trailing kisses all over your chest, fingers moving faster. “Don’t be shy.”
You stopped holding back, moaning and squirming under his touch. You have never been this aroused before, you were in pure ecstasy and you haven’t even done too much with him yet.
Sunwoo inhaled sharply, looking up at you with almost dark eyes. “Beg for it, I want to hear you beg. Beg me to make you come.”
“Please make me come.” you managed to say breathlessly.
“I’ll make you come so hard, baby. But I need to hear you beg for it.”
“Sunwoo… p-please.” you whimpered, feeling closer to your orgasm.
“Please what, angel?” he smirked, adding more pressure and speed to his movements.
“Faster -- fuck, please do it faster!”
“Like this?”
His movements became rougher, you felt it building up. Dropping your head to his shoulder, hearing your moans so close to his ear turned him on even more. “I can’t wait to fill you up with my dick.” he groaned and you felt yourself clenching around nothing as he kept his pace with his fingers against your clit.
The tension inside of you bursted, making you throw your head back. Having your first orgasm caused by someone else in so long, it felt so good. His fingers stopped his movements, taking out his hand ghosting over your sensitive clit and making you jolt over the slight overstimulation from the contact.
You came back to your senses, opening your eyes only to see Sunwoo looking at you. His gaze became tender, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear leaning in to peck your lips.
“You look so beautiful.” He whispered.
“I’m probably a mess.” you chuckled.
He shook his head, leaning in back again, capturing your lips into a kiss. He lifted you up carefully, placing you down into the couch. He pulled away to remove his shirt before leaning down to kiss your body all the way from your chest towards your stomach, his fingers pulling down your pants and panties at once as you moved your hands behind your back to unhook your bra and remove it.
Sunwoo looked at you completely naked, eyes once again filled with lust and licking his lips as he got a full view of your exposed core. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”
“Then do it, what are you waiting for?” you asked, biting your lip.
“I’m on something else first,” he smirked and kissed you one more time before he kissed his way down to your core.
He got his arms under your legs and reached for your boobs, massaging them just as he gave your folds a long lick. You gasped with your hips bucking up against him, still a little sensitive from your previous orgasm. You let your eyes flutter shut when Sunwoo continued licking your pussy, teasing your clit with his tongue and placing kisses on it before wrapping his pretty plump lips around it and sucking on it lightly. Sliding two fingers up your slit and pushing them inside you, earning a hot moan from you.
You ran your fingers through his hair and pulled on it lightly as he ate you out, his nose gently rubbing into your sensitive clit.
“Sunwoo, I-I..” you gasped when he curled his fingers inside you, touching your spot and fastened his tongue licks.
“Hmm?” The vibrations of his deep voice made it feel like electricity running all over your body, and just as you were about to speak again, he took your hard nipples between his fingers again, rolling them.
His eyes looking up to you, a proud smirk forming on his lips. “Yeah? Did you say something?”
“I need you…” you breathed, whimpering when he swirled his tongue around your bud and continuing with slow, teasing licks. His fingers kept rolling your nipples, and it all together was adding just too much pleasure.
With a gentle suck on your clit once again, Sunwoo sent you over the edge one more time. You squirmed, your hips bucking up as he hungrily licked all your juices.
Once you calmed down and came back to your senses, cupping Sunwoo’s face with your hand. “Please make love to me.” you whispered.
Sunwoo looked up at you immediately, his eyes almost melting into yours with so much love. He smiled and nodded, quickly pulling down his sweatpants and underwear, moving up towards you and kissing you while getting on his knees between your legs, pumping himself a few times before aligning at your entrance. Looking up at you one more time, you nodded giving him permission.
Sensitive from your previous orgasms, you wrapped your arms around him, whimpering quietly. He noticed and pressed his lips against yours, sharing a gentle kiss as he thrusted into you. Nails digging into his back when you felt him hit your spot, and he grunted at the way your pussy clenched around him, making his thrusts become deeper.
You tightened your legs around his torso, trying to pull him deeper and closer with the heels of your feet pressed against his lower back. He moved his hips against yours, thrusting deeper making you gasp every time he hit your spot. Sunwoo’s breathing was getting more unsteady and his kisses got hungrier as the orgasm he had been holding back started approaching.
“I love you y/n,” he murmured against your lips, sneaking his hand between your bodies so that he could rub your already sensitive clit. You screamed when he increased the speed of his thrusts and angled his lower body so he could hit your spot with each one.
“Sunwoo!” you screamed his name when you finally reached your third orgasm.
Sunwoo buried his head in your neck, groaning and his hips stuttering when he filled your pussy with his warm cum. Quickly pulling out just to see the way it leaked out of you, using two fingers to push it back carefully not to touch your overstimulated bud while doing so.
He stayed in the same position, bringing a hand up towards your face to wipe off some of the sweat in your face and move the hair out of your face. His eyes bore into yours, his stare was soft and staring at you lovingly.
“That was beyond amazing, I’ve never experienced or felt anything like that before. Thank you Sunwo.” you said, thinking if you should lean in to kiss him or if it wasn’t allowed anymore after the sex was done, but his voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
“I meant what I said earlier… I do love you but not as friends.” he confessed, his deep voice from a while ago now soft, sounding even scared.
“Sunwoo I --” you started to speak but he wouldn’t even give you a chance.
“I know! I know… we’re just friends and you don’t want to ruin this friendship. I just -- I thought that perhaps you asked me to have sex because you may have feelings for me too but --”
You cupped his face and pulled him down, stopping his rambling by pressing your lips against his. You felt him relax under your touch, your thumbs softly caressing his jawline, making him smile against your lips.
You pulled away, smiling up at him. “Sunwoo you idiot, of course I also have feelings for you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have asked you to be intimate with me. I’ve loved you, as more than friends for a while now. Why do you think I even dated that asshole? I thought that way I would forget about you.”
“There’s no point in going back to the past, what matters now is that now we know how we feel. And now I don’t plan on letting you go again.”
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
Morningstar’s Rec List
Part 1 - Canon Divergence
To celebrate @klarolineauseason I’ve piled together all the fics I know and love into one place, to share with y’all. I’ve tried to include the well-known classics in the fandom that I adore, but also some more obscure ones. Hopefully there are some you haven’t read!
Deal of a Lifetime by Anya-Paradox
One-shot. Caroline meets Klaus when she’s still human, while on vacation with her father. They have a summer fling while she’s still sixteen, and a few years later after going their separate ways, she finds out ‘Nick’ is actually Klaus Mikaelson, the same guy who’s trying to kill her friends. I loved reading this fic, as it captures all the innocence of Caroline at sweet sixteen and falling for her first love, but also the character development that comes in their years apart, and how Caroline is a little older, a little wiser when she meets Klaus next. She’s in love with Klaus, but she’s not about to let him walk all over her. She’s worth being put first. And she knows it.
O’Holy Night by BelleMorte180 / @bellemorte180
One-shot. Another ‘Caroline meets Klaus early’ au. However, this time she’s a freshly turned vampire, confused and alone, forced to relive everything Damon did to her as the compulsion slowly wears off now she’s no longer human. Klaus finds her before her friends do, and it changes everything. At first, Caroline is aware she’s just a pawn in Klaus’ game, but as they spend more time with each other and Caroline learns of what Klaus wants - and he of who Caroline Forbes really is - this begins to change. It’s a beautifully crafted fic, and I loved how it slowly had them fall for each other, even though it’s only around 30k. And hey, because it’s one of Erica’s fics, you know Damon will get his due in the end. 😈
Their Nightly Ritual by bellyamywinchester
Multichap. Complete. Now this? This has to be my favourite canon divergence fic EVER. Dear god, it’s so good. It’s quite an old fic now, and it may not be a 500k enemies to lovers slowburn that you read at 3am, but it gives just as much serotonin for your brain. Set right after 5x11, Caroline is at college and Klaus has kept his promise to walk away and never see her again. But we all know Klaus - he’ll find a loophole if there is one. And fortunately for us, the loophole turns out to be he promised she would never see him ever again - he never specified about never hearing his voice again. And so, begins an exchange of nightly phone calls where Klaus asks Caroline about her day. Both of them are never even in the same room throughout the entire fic, but somehow this author has captured every nuanced aspect of Klaus and Caroline’s relationship, the insecurities on both sides, the struggle Caroline has in allowing herself to love Klaus and the easy love Klaus bestows her in contrast. It’s just a masterpiece. Go read it.
like a wedding dress needs dirt by coveredinthecolours / @definedareasofuncertainty
One-shot. This is so beautifully written, honestly fills me with joy. The concept and ideas behind this fic are so original too - it’s certainly nothing I’ve seen before. Fresh from leaving Stefan at the alter, Caroline spends her wedding day in a graveyard, burying her past life of make-pretend. Klaus is there, simply because she asked him to be, like always, and the fic ends hopefully, promising a new beginning for our favourite otp.
The Way Back by Cupcakemolotov / @cupcakemolotov
Two-shot. Complete. Another treasure. Having spent a near-distant future with Klaus only for it to end in tragedy, Caroline ends up sent back into the past by Bonnie to fix things before they go so very wrong. Little does she know, she wasn’t the only one sent back in time.
the guilty ones by grim grace
Multichap. Complete. Probably one you’ve already read as its a fandom classic, but amazing all the same. Caroline falls in love with Klaus without knowing he’s Klaus, and as always, things spiral from there.
Give Me Love and it’s follow up Love Interruption by idiot-wind89
Multichap. Complete. A classic canon divergence au in the sense it diverges directly from canon, Caroline and Klaus becoming endgame. To this day, I still vividly remember a scene in this fic where Klaus takes Caroline horse riding, when she’s supposed to be distracting him from her friends’ plots. Which is why I blame this author entirely for my obsession to read as many fics with these two interacting with horses, or riding together once more.
Til I Tasted You by KiryTheStitchWitch / @kirythestitchwitch
Multichap. Recently completed! Bonnie completes a spell to find Caroline’s mate, both of them expecting it to be Tyler and well - you already know how this goes. There is a magnificent quote from Klaus in this fic that honestly had me swooning: “As if I could be jealous of a boy who has no concept of what it is like to touch the sun and then spend a millennium looking for daylight in every strangers’ face.” Like. Take a moment to let those words sink in. Like dear god. Klaus you smooth motherfucker - thank you Kiry, for forever ruining my expectations for men, I hope you’re proud.
Blood and a Quick Murder (and isn’t this how it always is?) by KS_Caster / @ks-caster
One-shot. Has to be one of my favourite one-shots in the fandom, due to its originality and the utter brilliance of it all. Through magical hijinks, Caroline ends up human again and goes straight to Klaus, asking for his blood and a quick murder - hers. This fic showcases the differences between Caroline and her friends, how they always hated vamprism while she never regretted becoming a vampire, despite it not being her choice. It also sees Caroline finally arrive in New Orleans. What more could we ask for?
Red Queen by KS_Caster / @ks-caster
Multichap & Series. Part 3 of the series is still a WIP, but parts 1 & 2 are complete and waiting to be read. This was probably one of the first klaroline fics I read, and it still holds up now, years later. I love it immensely, mostly because it explores so much with the characters. There’s some in depth lore of the author’s own making, Klaus doesn’t shy away from his werewolf side which I ADORE OKAY and Caroline is pretty badass too, seeing through Silas’ lies. Klaus also puts Caroline first, seeking The Cure for her in order to save her from dying, rather than for his own ends. It’s an amazing series, highly recommend.
not for him a watery grave by MyLadyElise
Multichap. Complete. This is a lovely what if au for 3x21. The Mystic Falls gang succeeds in dropping Klaus at the bottom of the ocean, and while her friends celebrate the victory, all Caroline can feel is a paralysing wrongness to it all. So she calls Rebekah, and then she plans a rescue. Absolutely love the idea of this one, go check it out.
The Stubborn Grace of Being Loved Regardless by perfectpro / @helpless-in-sleep
One-shot. I will scream about this fic til the end of my days and then I will scream some more because it’s too fucking perfect, seriously Jenn. How did you come up with this piece of pure perfection? Unlike in canon, Caroline doesn’t become a vampire in this fic and instead becomes sidelined from her little group of friends, kept out of the loop about supernatural drama. Which is probably for the best, as there is no way in hell I could see this Caroline Forbes spending any time in close proximity with Damon Salvatore. This fic explores the full extent of what he did to her while she was human, and at it’s heart, the one-shot is about Caroline’s trauma and recovery. Along the way, she falls for Klaus yes, and - slight spoiler here - there may even be some Damon murder involved offscreen, but’s it’s Caroline’s story told here, first and foremost. And it’s beautiful, so bloody beautiful. Never have I read a fic so beautifully crafted with such fine detail and respect. Honestly, leaves me lost for words.
Wayfarer by perfectpro / @helpless-in-sleep
One-shot.  The perfect little fic to cure the woes canon bestowed us. Years in the future, Caroline is travelling the world. But travelling alone isn’t what she expected it to be, and Paris certainly isn’t wowing her either. Almost deciding to call it quits and leave, her mind is changed when a familiar face appears. Perfect for solidifying these two are endgame, this fic is short but packs a great hit all the same.
she’s a rainbow by sunnydaisy / @little-miss-sunny-daisy
One-shot. Original!Caroline. The relationship built between Klaus and Caroline in this just incredible. They’ve been a couple for centuries, but like all relationships, this one has its struggles, and they work through it and come out stronger than ever. The fic is also so much fun. The Mystic Falls gang are oblivious to who Klaus and Caroline really are, which leads to some great moments.
Wisteria by sunnydaisy / @little-miss-sunny-daisy
One-shot. Another ‘Caroline meets Klaus early’ au, and probably my absolute favourite of the trope. This fic is packed with so much fluff and make-you-smile moments you’ll be grinning madly by the end. Carolines flees to the coast to escape Mystic Falls for a few days, saddened by Matt’s rejection and still coming to terms with being a vampire herself. In a bar, she meets Klaus, unaware he is also a vampire, and they hit off from there. It’s so cute guys, I just can’t. She tries to compel him and Klaus goes along with it because you can tell he finds her adorable, this blond baby vampire full of sunshine and- god. Just read it before I start crying again over the perfectness of it all.
Ghost by sunshineandfangs / @sunshineandfangs and it’s sequel Help me, please!
One-shot, or technically a two-shot if you count its sequel. This is my other favourite one-shot of the fandom. IT. IS. AMAZING. Like seriously, drop dead, scream into your pillow a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Go read it. Caroline dies when still human, killed by Damon. She watches as Elena softens to her murderer, as Bonnie helps him and Stefan turns into a similar monster. Hate and anger festers and grows, until she’s strong enough to interact with the world she’s barred from. As a ghost, she meets Klaus, and with any loyalty she held for her friends lost the day they left her to die, she helps him break his curse. Spooky, rife with betrayal and thus revenge, this is a great read for fellow chaos demons like myself.
Pet Wolf by these-dreams-go-on / @these-dreams-go-on
Multichap. WIP. Come for the klaroline, stay for the wolf!klaus who is a menace and an absolute delight. Seriously. The chapters where Klaus is stuck in his werewolf form and Caroline unknowingly adopts him as her pet is pure genius and the true highlight of this fic. He chews her dad’s shoes. He growls at boys. He watches freakin TV, fur and all. Asdfghjkl- It’s amazing go read it.
Wicked Schemes by willowaus
Multichap. Complete. A classic. Caroline inherits some badass powers from a forgotten relative and is pulled into the supernatural political shitstorm that is New Orleans. Looks like the city finally has its new Queen.
...My god that was a lot of recs. You can tell canon divergence is my favourite au, heh. Now go forth and devour them!
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Day 63: Hair
After the war, after his eighth year at Hogwarts, after training to be an Auror, after quitting that soul-sucking job, and after accepting the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts, Harry started to let his hair grow out. It wasn’t intentional at first, not really, he was just unbelievably busy teaching. But after a few months, his hair, which had always had a mind of its own, had grown long enough that the wavy-curls brushed his jaw.
He'd looked at himself in the mirror one morning and heard his Aunt Petunia's voice in his head, scolding him and telling him that only girls had long hair. He told that voice in his head to fuck right off and kept growing his hair out.
Not that it mattered what anyone else thought, but nearly everyone had said that his hair suited him. The exception, as it so often seemed to be, was Draco Malfoy. It wasn't as that the Potion's Professor had said outright that he didn't like Harry's hair, but his eyes were always slightly narrowed as though his hair was doing something offensive just by existing. Harry couldn’t understand it.
It all came to a head one afternoon, Harry was in the staff room grading papers and generally minding his own business, when Malfoy marched in and plopped down a pile of his own parchments on the table to mark, “Do you mind if I work here, too?” he asked.
"Not at all," Harry said, gesturing to the place Malfoy had already decided to occupy. He looked down and marked his place on the paper he was struggling through before looking up at Draco and pushing his hair out of his face.
Draco rolled his eyes and gave his head a little shake.
“What?” Harry asked.
“Nothing,” he replied, very clearly looking at Harry’s wild curls.
He sighed, “Out with it.” It had been a very long day, in Harry’s defense, and he just couldn't take another minute more.
“It’s nothing,” Draco insisted, even as his eyes flicked over to where Harry’s fingers were toying with the ends of a strand of hair.
“What have you got against my hair, Malfoy?”
(Read more below the cut)
“Oh, it’s back to Malfoy is it?” he asked, voice light and teasing. “I haven’t got anything against your hair,” he repeated.
“Come on," Harry urged, "You think because your hair is cut short and is always a perfect quiff that it’s better than mine?” Harry asked, and he knew it was childish but he couldn’t stand Draco thinking mean things about his hair for one more instant. “Do you think I look like a girl?”
“What?” Draco asked, sounding startled. “Of course I don’t think you look like a girl. What are you even saying? My father always had long hair, if you remember,” Harry flushed, knowing that was indeed the case. “And while my hair does, as you said, always look perfect,” he added with a smirk, “Your hair is very nice as well. Very healthy, the curls suit you.”
Harry felt his neck grow warm at the compliment, “Then why are you always glaring at it?”
“Because you’re always fussing with it. When you’re anxious or grading papers, it seems like it’s in your way and there are a million things you could do with it so it wouldn’t hassle you so.”
“Like what, cut it?”
“No, don’t be an idiot,” Draco said, rolling his eyes.
“Then what?” Harry muttered, petulantly pushing his hair out of his face once more.
“Like a plait, or a bun, a twist, a half bun even. There are also a myriad of products that could help you.”
Harry chewed on his lip, shoving his curls back behind his ear and thinking about what the other man was suggesting.
“For Merlin’s sake,” Draco muttered. "Here," he snapped, standing up and moving around the table near Harry.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked.
Draco's fingers slipped into his hair, "Trust me."
I do. Harry thought as Draco's fingers started weaving through his hair. It felt surprisingly nice, actually, and Harry found his eyes drifting shut.
"There," Draco said and Harry opened his eyes to see that he'd conjured a mirror and was holding it up for Harry to look into. He'd braided part of his hair back, clasping the hair that was always in his face and pulling it back into a barrette while the rest remained down around his shoulders.
"Thanks," Harry said.
"No problem," Draco replied carelessly as he sat back down to grade papers.
Harry went back to marking his own and they graded in silence for quite a while until Harry spoke up, "This is actually pretty nice."
"Hmm?" Draco hummed, scratching out something a student had written and writing a note in the margins.
"Having my hair back," Harry replied.
Draco looked up at him, giving him a little smile, "You have perfect hair for braids and buns, lots of volume."
"This would be good for teaching," Harry mused, "Especially on days like tomorrow when I have my older students practicing dueling."
"I could stop by in the morning before breakfast," Draco offered, "put it in a braid or something?"
"I wouldn't want to impose-"
"It's no imposition," Draco interrupted. "Honestly, I'll be glad not to watch you fiddling with it all day."
And so began their tradition of Draco stopping by Harry's rooms before breakfast. Harry made coffee for both of them and they enjoyed the quiet together while Draco did something with Harry's hair.
How he would do Harry's hair each morning was always a mystery but every day when he showed him the finished result, something warm and pleased unfurled in Harry's chest.
After about a month of this Draco asked him one morning, "What's your hair care routine like?"
Harry shrugged, eye's closed as Draco's fingers worked through his curls, "shower, shampoo, conditioner," he replied. "Every other day usually."
"That's it?" he asked.
"What else is there?" Harry replied, too relaxed by the way Draco's fingers were moving through his hair to get worked up by his indignant tone.
"Potter, do you know what I did while you were training to be an Auror and all that nonsense?”
“Err? Your potions proficiencies?” Harry ventured.
“Well, yes, obviously,” he said as he tucked some hair up into what Harry suspected was becoming an elaborate bun at the base of his neck. “But I also developed potions for a beauty company. Especially potions for healthy hair.” Harry felt a hair pin sliding into place, “when Minerva offered me this position I almost didn’t take it. I had several offers from businesses who wanted to fund my research and allow me to build a brand for them.”
"Really?" Harry asked. "I didn't know that."
"Yes," he replied, "And you are literally killing me. We're going to start doing weekly conditioning masks for your curls. Spa night," he demanded. "Every Saturday."
"Alright," Harry agreed.
"I'll bring the hair care and skin care supplements."
Harry hummed, "Alright. What should I bring?"
So they did. Spa nights on Saturdays and Draco every morning to do something different with his hair, and he loved every moment of it.
Harry had never been a morning person but for the first time in his life he found himself looking forward to being awake and out of bed each morning. He was happy and his hair seemed to be, too.
It seemed impossible, but Harry's hair had grown and grown and grown in the past five months since Draco had started all of this. His wavy curls reached halfway down his back by this point and Draco never seemed to tire of coming up with new ways to do his hair.
One warm Sunday afternoon in May, Harry invited Draco for a picnic and Draco had given him a pleased smile and said yes.
They found a quiet spot on a hill and ate lunch while they chatted and laughed as they watched students goofing around and generally just having fun.
"Merlin," Draco laughed as a group of second years rolled down the hill, sending up puffs of dandelions in the wind, "Were we ever that young."
"Honestly?" Harry asked, glancing over and tossing the curls that Draco had left loose over his shoulder, "I don't think so."
Draco frowned at him, "Even before you knew about Voldemort?" he asked.
Harry laughed and looked at the kids who were skipping rocks over the lake, "Especially then."
Draco moved to kneel behind him, taking down the part of Harry's hair that he'd put up earlier that morning, "Tell me about it?" he asked softly.
He hummed, "Not much to tell, really," he replied.
Draco's fingers started at the hair just above his right temple, "Tell me anyway?"
"Well this," he sighed as Draco started braiding, "Would never have been allowed. Long hair was for girls."
"Pfft," Draco huffed.
Harry smiled, "they," he swallowed, the words still somehow causing him bitter grief, "they didn't want me."
"Just," he shrugged, "They had their own child and I was just a burden dumped on them. I wasn't allowed to be a child, I was there to do chores and not get in the way. Everything about me was wrong from my skin color, to my hair, to my eyesight, to my accidental magic."
"That's horrible."
"Yeah," he agreed, "But it was a long time ago. And I turned out alright."
"You did," Draco affirmed and Harry saw him pluck a flower from the grass beside them.
"Were you allowed to be a kid?" Harry asked.
"Sort of." Harry saw flowers zip past him and into Draco's outstretched hand. "There were things that were befitting of Malfoys and things that weren't. Anything that was appropriate for an heir of a noble pureblood house was fair game."
"Mmhmm?" he hummed.
"It's been nice defying my childhood with you."
When Draco spoke he could hear the smile in his voice, "Likewise, Harry." He tied off the elaborate seven-strand braid he'd been working on and put it over Harry's shoulder to show him to flowers he'd woven in.
"Beautiful," Harry murmured, brushing his fingers over the array of flowers.
"Yes, you are," he replied.
Harry's gaze snapped up to find Draco watching him closely. "There's another way that I'd very much like to defy my upbringing with you," he ventured, clinging to every shred of Griffyndor bravery he'd ever possessed.
"Oh?" Draco asked with a little smile.
He nodded and reached out to cup Draco's cheek in his palm, "Can I kiss you?"
"I thought you'd never ask," Draco replied, leaning in and pressing his lips to Harry's as he buried his fingers in Harry's hair.
And if several groups of students caught sight of the two of them kissing on the hill, well, no one was surprised.
ahhhh! Sorry friends. This one got a bit out of control. I was just feeling a lot of feelings about Harry having long hair.
Side note, if anyone feels inspired draw Draco doing Harry's lovely flower braid (and I'm not saying it has to be @pato-roldnart but I'm obsessed with your art) I'd love that more than anything.
AHHHHH pato-roldnart did the thing! Look at this GORGEOUS art. I'm in love, please go look at it!
Anyway! I hope you guys enjoy it even though it's long! <3 Thanks for the prompt anon!
Day 62: Clothes | Day 64: Shower
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ptergwen · 3 years
warmer than cuddles
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w/c: 2.4k
warnings: may plays matchmaker and makes some suggestive jokes
prompt: you and peter get caught in the rain and have to share an umbrella
a/n: thank youuu to the angel who requested <3 swear this is my favorite trope to write hehe ☔️
one of the many things you and peter have in common is being lazy. it’s sort of the basis of your friendship. you’re not the kids who drink or party or get in trouble. you play board games and eat pizza on his ripped up couch. the riskiest thing you’ve ever done is sneak into a movie.
peter was so paranoid you’d get caught, he couldn’t even pay attention. he kept whispering to you about paying the whole time. you had to drag him out by his hand after the movie ended. the next time you went to that theater, he bought an extra ticket to “make it even.”
that about put an end to your trying new things phase. you went right back to your comfy nights in pajamas. tackling each other for the remote, baking terrible cookies that you just throw out, sharing a blanket to stay warm. what also helps is that you cuddle under it.
all the fun you need is you, peter, and your love for doing nothing. may disagrees.
she’s always trying to get you two out of the apartment. in her words, it’s “unhealthy for developing teens to spend so much time cooped up inside.” peter once asked which mother’s facebook group she joined. you snickered at that. may gave you a warning look.
well, you don’t have a choice to stay in today. she’s kicking you and peter out because she has guests coming over.
“it’s girl’s night,” may tells the two of you with a satisfied smirk. she hangs her raincoat on the rack and comes into the living room. peter squints his eyes at her. “you have friends?” he sounds too surprised for your liking. you flick his arm hard enough to make him go “ouch!”
“peter, we only have, like, four friends. that’s counting ourselves,” you inform him with a laugh. peter drops his head onto your shoulder. “and i don’t need any of them but you,” he says sarcastically, rubbing his cheek on your sweatshirt. “aw, i know,” you coo and rest your head on his. may crosses her arms and shrugs.
“you should do a group play date with everyone! i haven’t heard from ned in a while,” she suggests, your eyes flicking over to peter. he’s biting back a grin. “play date?” you try to stifle a laugh when you ask. “you know what i mean. a hang out,” may nods at her better word choice. peter winces in protest.
“eh, ned will probably wanna go out somewhere. we don’t do that,” he tells may, like that’s a completely normal thing for a teenager to say. you raise a finger in agreement. she laughs in disbelief at you and peter. you’re splayed out on the couch, on a saturday, complaining about doing anything else.
“you two make me feel young.” may’s words are a joke, but her tone isn’t. “you are young, may,” you reassure her and smile a little. peter says nothing. his eyes become hooded as he settles into you more. “look at you two, like some old married couple,” may gestures to you from where she’s standing. she smiles this time.
peter’s face gets hot from the mention of you being a couple. your heart skips a couple of beats. you’re pretty sure he can tell from how close he is.
“do whatever you want, just not here,” she gets back to the real conversation. peter hides his entire face in your shoulder as a form of protest. you pat his back. “and not each other. unless you’re safe,” may adds. “may, please. no,” he groans out, positive he’s all red now. you blink at her in horror.
may knows what she’s doing. peter isn’t the most subtle person, especially not about liking someone. she’s learned all the signs that her nephew is falling. he’s falling for you. she sees it in you, too. the way your eyes soften when they meet peter’s, how fast you are to hug him back or beam at the silly things he says.
you two spend so much time apart from your other friends, you basically are a couple. you’re just not old or married. the only thing you need is a push to realize that.
“ok, we’re gonna go now,” peter decides and pulls away from you. “god bless,” you say only so he can hear. he chuckles at that, you getting up from the couch. giving him a knowing smile, you grab one of his hands. he lets you pull him to his feet while exhaling. he’s already exhausted. may watches and shakes her head.
peter walks up to give her a quick hug. “enjoy girl’s night. love you,” he murmurs as she squeezes him tight. even though they tease each other a lot, their relationship is really sweet. it’s very telling how a guy treats his mother. well, aunt in this case. that thought has always been in the back of your mind.
“have fun!” you grin at may when her and peter pull apart. he comes back over to you and tugs on your sleeve. “thanks, kids. we’ll be done around eleven,” she lets you know. you’re already getting your shoes on and ready to leave. eleven is a while from now.
“don’t forget an umbrella! it’s drizzling!” may calls after you two. peter grabs hers that’s leaning against the front door. it’s pink with purple polka dots. you giggle at that. “hey, i like pink,” he defends himself and opens the door, letting you out first. you raise your hands in defense, leaving the apartment.
peter waves at may one last time. “good luck, peter,” she tells him once you reach the stairs. he furrows both eyebrows. “good luck with what?” “you’ll see,” may raises her own eyebrows in a way that’s all too familiar to peter. he calls it her face of wisdom.
still confused, peter heads out. he finds you at the bottom of the stairs. you shove your hands in your pockets and push against the door to open it. peter meets you outside, twirling the umbrella between his fingers.
“is there anywhere you wanna go?” he asks as you start to walk. you’re just going down the block for now. “back upstairs,” you sigh out. “i wish. not an option, though,” peter puffs some air out of his cheeks. you fumble to pull up your hood. he easily reaches over and does it for you.
“thanks,” you say quietly. “you’re welcome,” peter pats the top of your head for emphasis. “we could just walk around.” “until eleven o’clock? that’s five hours from now,” you laugh out, adjusting your hoodie to block your face. disappointment crosses over his features.
“should’ve brought my suit,” he mutters mostly to himself. linking your arm with his, your eyes widen. “i’m not trusting you to swing me around in this weather.” his bicep flexes when your arm wraps around his own. “what? i’ve done it before, y/n/n. on patrol.” you turn your head towards him.
“didn’t you get hurt last time?” you already know the answer. “sprained wrist and a few cuts,” he grumbles, you humming because you’re right. he’d called you in tears when he got home, scared he broke something. you reminded him he would heal soon and stayed on the phone until he calmed down.
that ended up being the whole night. you’re probably the most supportive of peter being spider-man. you of course worry about the toll it takes, but you understand why he does it. the least you can do is be there for him while he navigates the superhero world. not talk him out of it or scold him for making mistakes, be there.
that’s why he loves his lazy days with you so much. they’re his break, his escape from what he lies awake worrying about most nights. you’ve seen what he has to go through, so you respect that. whatever he needs to do to unwind is fine by you. as long as you get to do it with him.
“then you couldn’t patrol for weeks. you could barely hold a pencil.” your other arm sneaks around his. they’re both hugging him now. “you had to be my note taker,” peter reminisces, a smile making its way onto his face. “that sucked, man. you’re such a perfectionist about them,” you breathe out.
peter flips the umbrella around in a show-off kind of way. “you don’t complain when i send them to you.” he sounds so cocky you can’t help but roll your eyes. he isn’t wrong, though. “whatever. seriously, where should we go?” “uh,” peter’s eyes scan the block for inspiration. they land on a man carrying takeout.
“dinner? not at a restaurant since we’re in sweats,” he adds the last part so you don’t have to. “ooh, let’s go to panera,” you happily squeeze his arm. peter quirks an eyebrow at you. “you’re always hungry after.” “so? we can get dessert, too. we have a while.” that makes his heart flutter. a while with you.
“cool, cool, cool,” he sings to you, leaning into your side as you walk. you giggle and push at his shoulder. “i think we can make it there before the rain picks up.” there’s a clap of thunder right after he says that, like something out of a movie. it’s followed by a heavier rain coming down on you two. you pull at the strings of your hoodie to keep it tighter on your head.
“jinxed it,” you remark, both of you stopping so peter can open the umbrella. “ugh,” he grunts out. his lower lip is between his teeth while he undoes the velcro. he pushes down and watches as the umbrella springs open for you two. “here, c’mere,” peter welcomes you under as he holds it above your heads.
it doesn’t quite fit you both since it’s only meant for one person. you forgot he took may’s. the two of you have to squish together so you can avoid the rain, which is pitter pattering down hard on the sidewalk.
you’re comfortable under here with him. the freezing cold weather outside of the umbrella is hardly an issue anymore.
peter turns to face you, letting out a breathless laugh. “you can take off your hood now.” your arms slip from around his. you remove it from your head and give him a toothy grin. it’s one that’s meant to be over exaggerated. “there’s that pretty face,” peter’s voice gets quieter. unlike what you did, that wasn’t a joke.
your pretty face loses its smile. you’re suddenly very aware of how close peter is to you.
you can see the faint scar on his chin from when he banged it into a wall in your living room. he’d ran straight into it during your two person game of hide and seek. yes, you still play that. it was gushing blood for half an hour.
there are also the thousands of freckles dotting his face, the ones you only notice by looking at him super hard. you try to count them whenever you get bored. peter stares back at you while you fall in love with every tiny detail about him.
he takes the time to admire your lips, not just because they look really kissable right now. because of every curious expression they press into when he does something you can’t believe. your eyes, that he feels a sense of safety and honesty and familiarity every time he looks into. he finds them and feels like he’s home.
“peter?” you speak up after a few moments. your tone is hesitant, as if whatever you’re going to ask will change what you have forever. that’s because it might. it’s silent except for the sound of the rain hitting his umbrella. peter finally answers, almost in a whisper. “yeah?”
“i... i think,” you clear your throat before going on. his eyes trail down to your lips again, then back up to your twinkling ones. even on a gloomy day like this, they could light up the whole sky. “i think i love you,” you get out, a hand over your racing heart. peter gives you a small but sure nod. “i think i love you, too.”
he takes a step closer to you, if that’s even possible. his hand without the umbrella comes up to hold your cheek. you watch as he uses his thumb to wipe away a few stray rain droplets. your head tilts to the side, lips parted on instinct. peter leans in until his lips just brush yours, letting you decide what comes next.
you choose to close the space between you two. his eyes squeeze shut, whole face scrunched up when he kisses back. this is a release of all the emotions he’s been holding in that he didn’t even realize he had. you slip into a rhythm, using the angle to move your lips against peter’s.
his hand drops from your cheek to your jaw to support you while you kiss. your own hands grab his biceps, fingers pressing into him, depesrate to have him in your arms. peter lets out a content sigh against your lips before detaching them. it’s not for long. he comes right back in after taking a breath.
you get one long peck from him, then another that’s softer than the last. you give him a short kiss back, lips curving into a smile when this one ends. peter’s thumb smooths over your jawline while he searches for your eyes. he grins at you and tightens his grip on the umbrella handle. he’s surprised it didn’t blow away in the midst of your mini makeout.
“i definitely love you, peter,” you state so genuinely, hands on his shoulders now. that has to be peter’s favorite sentence he’s ever heard. the most beautiful combination of words, said by you to him. “i definitely love you, y/n,” peter agrees, punctuating his statement with one last kiss. you haven’t stopped smiling when his lips meet the corner of yours.
may was right about two things that night. you needed the umbrella for that huge storm, but it did more than protect your from the rain. it also brought you and peter together in a way. the second thing she was right about was that peter loves you, and every feeling he has mirror yours for him.
actually, she was right about three things. you two have to get out of the apartment more often.
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black-dragon1998 · 3 years
Life at castle Dimitrescu
Summarry: reader (half-human/ half-demon) living at castle Dimitrescu. her interactions with the lady of the castle and her daughters. 
Autor note: I haven’t played through the whole game (Resident Evil Village) but I have played through castle Dimitrescu and know what happens to Alcina, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela. I am not going to follow the canon universe in my fics about RE8 unless specified otherwise. The Dimitrescu ladies deserved more.
Likes and comments are always welcome.
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The sound of your heavy boots running over the marble floor almost drowned out the sound of the person chasing you. Unlike you, they weren’t running but still. Your chaser was catching up to you. In your head, you could imagine Lady Dimitrescu casually walking behind you, her tall frame allowing her to cover more distance. This all forced you to be smarter and hope to outsmart them.
In the main hall, you took 10 seconds break. Go up the stairs and to the bedroom halls or go via the courtyard to the music hall. Hearing the buzzing sound coming from upstairs made that decision for you. So you ran to the dining hall. It was winter so too cold for the girls to go outside so you only had to keep an eye out for Lady Dimitrescu outside.
Your heartbeat sped up the closer you got to the door. In your head, you had already reached the safe zone but you willed yourself to stay focused. From pasted experiences, you had learned not to get ahead of yourself when Lady Dimitrescu was involved in the game. The moment you wanted to open the door it opened, revealing Lady Dimitrescu making you stop in your tracks. falling on your ass and skiting forward.
“Well, well little one it seems I have cut off your escape route.” Alcina mocked with her signature wicked smirk. Not giving up just yet you scramble back onto your feet and try to get back to the main hall, hoping the girls had already moved on from the second floor. A hand clamped around your ankle as you reached the threshold, hoisting you up into the air upside down. You can’t help but frown that is forming on your face as Alcina lifts you to look at your face.
“we promised no powers, If I can’t shift then you guys can’t teleport.” Your frown had now turned into a full-blown pout. Alcina couldn’t help but smile at how adorable you were when you pouted. She wouldn’t admit it but she had developed a soft spot for you. Ever since Daniela brought you back to the castle after finding you in the town beaten and bloody. Her youngest daughter had chased away the Lycan that had hurt you before bringing you back. All four Dimitrescu women had became intrigued when they noticed your black blood and only hours after you entered the castle all your wounds were healed.
Almost a year had gone by since your first entered the big castle and over that time you had really warmed up to the Dimitrescu ladies. The girls liked to play hide and seek with you and when they learned you were half-human, half-demon they practically squealed. They didn’t have to be careful when they were playing. Sometimes Alcina joined you and the girls in your little games, but when she joined you always lost.
“no little one, you made that deal with my girls, not me.” Lady Dimitrescu says while letting go of your foot. You make an elegant turn so you land on your feet.
“and don’t think I wasn’t on to your little plan. Going through the courtyard where my girls can’t follow.” Alcina continued raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow at you. Having no reply, that was your plan so you didn’t have a comeback so you stayed silent. Alcina took this as confirmation.
 Before the conversation could go on Daniela materializes into the room and latches onto you. Instinctively you pull her closer and drive up your body temperature, making sure she didn’t get cold, handy perk you could do. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela liked to snuggle up to you on cold nights like this.
“did mother find you?” Daniela asks to giggle just sounding a little too sweet. Knowing what it meant if you said yes.
“you already know the answer to that darling, she always manages to find me.” You replay while following lady Dimitrescu further inside, leading Daniela to the fireplace. She was feeling too cold for your liking and you wanted to warm her up.
The moment you sit down on the couch Infront of the fireplace Daniela was immediately on your lap. Bela manifested on your left and Cassandra on your right. Before either of them could strike you warned them.
“each gets one bite. Remember I do bite back.” Each of the girls gives you an affirmative sound before they take a chuck out of you. Bela bites into your arm, Cassandra does the same but on the other side. Daniela decides she wants a taste of your blood and sinks her fangs into your neck. After a few tugs, you give Daniela’s side a little pinch telling her to knock it off. Bela and Cassandra already retreated.
“I said one bite, Dani, not suck me dry.” You grumble as you pry her off your neck, Bela and Cassandra giggled among themselves. The only thing you caught was Cassandra’s reply to Bela.
“I think Dani would love for (Y/N) to take a piece out of her. They are always all over each other.” Cassandra giggles seeing your face heat up. Instead of denying anything Daniela just throws gasoline on the fire.
“they aren’t wrong, I do love it when you leave your marks on me,” Dani replies in her most sluttery voice she could muster, making your face flush and a couple of fires pop up around the room. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the sisters who couldn’t help but laugh at your expense. You wanted to be mad at them you did but at moments like this, they looked the most human and happy. So if it had to be at your expanse so be it.
 The night went on, with the sisters talking under themselves. Dani not leaving the spot on your lap. Lady Dimitrescu came checking on the four of you once in a while but mostly kept to her chambers. As a mother, she baskets in how happy her daughters and she admitted at least to herself that part of it was because of you and she was forever grateful for it.
 When they kept on teasing you, you threatened with tacking away their toys and forbid them from going into the village the moment it became warmer. Lady Dimitrescu herself had given you that privilege and the girls knew this. The threat alone made them stop.
You basket in the silence that emitted around you, knowing it wouldn’t last long. The girls were good at many things, staying quiet and sitting still wasn’t one of them. Only minutes later the sister started begging you if they could watch a movie on your laptop.
The only electronics meant for entertainment were in your chambers after you asked, begged Lady Dimitrescu to keep them. After that, the girls were hooked on Disney movies and occasionally one of them would ask to get them something. The only reason lady Dimitrescu allowed it was because it was the only activity the girls could do without bickering or fighting.
Even though the girls wanted to watch a movie. The moment you were all installed and sat down on the bed, the girls scattered around your bed. The moment it came to choosing they couldn’t decide. When the bickering became too loud you made the decision yourself and put on Beauty and the Beast. Relaxing into your cushions in the middle of the bed.
Bela was the first to notice it and stopped bickering with her sister to snuggle into your side. Daniela was next , she laid down on your other side and rested her head on your chest. Cassandra eventually laid down next to Bela and rested her head on your hip.
 That is how Alcina found you the next morning. She was happy with how affectionate you were with her daughters. Even though you and Daniela shared a lovers bond you never forgot Bela and Cassandra. You tried to give all three the same amount of attention and Alcina couldn’t be happier. Deciding to let the four of you sleep for a little while longer she retreated to her chamber letting the maids know not to disturb you.
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
A Birthday Gift
Pairing: Nomad!Steve x fem-Reader
Word Count: 5665 (I know, I know)
Summary:  The nomad crew have been holed up with you for months and tensions are high. Nat, being an unrepentant pot stirrer, decides to arrange a pleasant birthday surprise for you.
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content, explicit descriptions of consensual violence, SMUT! PORN! 18+!
A/N: Hello my fellow hoes and sluts! My birthday is today and it has me in some kind of mood, so I hunkered down and blasted out this fic. @stargazingfangirl18​‘s lovely Tree Trimming fic has my holes quivering for some hot Nomad sex, so please sit back and enjoy my birthday present to all of you!
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You had always hated your birthday.
Fortunately, Nat was completely willing to take your mind off it with a good sparring match. The snow was falling heavy outside of the large windows on the side of the gym, but the minor exertion was keeping you pleasantly warm. You’d been on the mat for almost an hour, but you still couldn’t seem to get your mind to focus.
Of course, it didn’t help when Rogers came in, glowering, to work the bags, giving you a wary look before he settled into his routine.
Nat and the rest of the team had been with you for almost 3 months now. When she had called you after the events in Berlin, to arrange a potential safehouse for her and her compatriots, you of course offered to have them join you at your isolated lodge on the Snæfellsnes peninsula. You were as off the grid as they come, and with the help of your Wakandan friends, still able to provide the modern creature comforts you were sure they had become accustomed to at the Avengers compound.
You had missed Nat, after all. It had been almost 7 years since you last saw her, but the grin she gave you when they landed in the early Autumn made it seem like she’d never left. You got to know everyone else over the months as well. Sam and you bonded quickly after you introduced him to Aquavit and spent the next 2 days helping him slowly move back to solid foods. Vision of course took everything that happened in stride, and while you couldn’t say you were friends, you had developed a mutual respect for each other. Wanda took longer to warm up (understandable after everything she had been through) but when you told her about the time you had spent in Sokovia, she quickly came out of her shell, and the two of you would often stay up through the night reminiscing about your homes. Even Barnes had softened once he got a look at your weapons room and you took it out to the Fjord to test out some next gen tech Shuri had sent you.
The only problem was Rogers.
No matter what you tried, it seemed that every time you got near him his hackles went up. You could feel him watching you constantly, and whenever you met his gaze, he would simply clench his jaw and stalk off like a cat.
“He’s just overprotective.” Nat always said. “He’s a big papa bear protecting his cubs. He’ll warm up.”
You snapped back to the present as Vis and Wanda wandered into the gym chatting idly. She had convinced him to join her out in the snow for a brisk hike, and was now laughing lightly as she brushed a dusting of soft flakes off his shoulders. Bucky was working his way down from the weights level, patting his neck dry with a towel. You heard the pounding on the bags stop, and glanced over to see Rogers unwrapping his hands as he stared at you, but this time he didn’t break eye contact when you met his gaze.
Those deep blue eyes disarmed you, and you lost your concentration for a split second. Nat seized her opportunity and crawled up your back, wrapping he legs around your neck and shoulders to try to get you into a submissive position. You tried to regain your composure, but your instincts kicked in for just a moment, and when you drove yourself back into the mat to break her hold, you landed quite a bit harder than you intended and thought you heard a snap as she gasped out in pain.
“Shit, Nat you good?” You scrambled onto your knees and looked at your friend with concern. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Rogers striding over, jaw clenched and brow furrowed. Vis and Wanda stopped their conversation to glance over and Bucky moved quickly to intercept his best friend with a hand on his chest.
Nat broke the tension with a laugh, and everyone in the room relaxed. “God, Y/N, guess you’re still an aggro bitch. I though I might’ve had you for once.”
“Jesus, Nat. I’m sorry, lemme grab you some ice. Anything broken?”
“Don’t think so, just a bruised ego. Look at you, you haven’t even broken a sweat.”
You tossed a pack to her from the freezer, along with her typical post spar electrolyte drink. She gave you a wink as she pressed the pack to her ribs, and you could only shake your head at her.
“Steve, you wanna take over for me?” She said to the large man who was now leaning against one of the windows, only half listening as Barnes tried to distract him, while glaring at you.
You both snapped your heads around to stare at her and started protesting over each other while she grinned back and forth between you.
“That’s probably not a great idea…”
“Don’t want to hurt her…”
“Oh my god, you two are ridiculous. Y/N, you obviously still have to work out your birthday issues, and Steve, you’ve been complaining for the past 3 weeks that me and Buck are getting too predictable.”
“Y/N, it’s your birthday? We should bake you a cake!” Wanda exclaimed, always the little ray of sunshine.
“That’s ok Wand, please don’t.”
“Should we perhaps sing?” Vision was now adding his two cents to the discussion.
“No singing. Thank you, so much, for that, Nat.”
“She’s right Rogers, you’ve been looking pretty bored during our sessions, change of pace might be good for you.”
While you were eternally grateful to Bucky for getting the topic off of your birthday, you really didn’t think Rogers was going to go for this.
“Fine, we’ll give it a shot.”
You looked at him with surprise, but gave a shrug and nodded. You definitely still needed something to take your mind off the day. You loved Nat, but always felt the need to hold back during your sessions, and it might be nice to take the safety off.
Nat looked like the cat that ate the canary for some unknown reason, as she giggled and clapped her hands before setting down onto one of the stools to observe. Bucky looked relieved as he leaned back against the wall, chugging the contents of his water bottle. Wanda and Vis went back to their flirty conversation, content to let you two do your own thing.
You unzipped your hoody and threw it to the side, stretching your neck and bouncing on the balls of your feet to loosen up. Rogers looked you over, eyes lingering over your tattoos that you realized he’d never seen since most of them were easily covered by a long sleeve shirt. He pulled his own sweatshirt over his head, and you had a hard time not taking a second to appreciate just how good his torso looked in a simple grey tee.
“Jesus, you two, just get to it.”
The look you shot Nat was pure poison. You weren’t sure what her game was, but you’d be sure to break out the vodka later tonight and get it out of her.
You squared up with the captain, keeping a loose stance on the balls of your feet while he brought up his fists and shrugged his shoulders.
His first strike seemed sluggish, and you slapped it aside easily, frowning at him. He shuffled forward, throwing a few more jabs that you also dodged. Was he holding back on you?
The next few shots he tried to take all but confirmed it; he was pulling his punches. You ducked around them easily, starting to get frustrated. You stepped inside his reach and delivered three quick strikes to his abdomen, followed by an open-handed push to the center of his chest, causing him to take two steps backwards.
His eyes narrowed at you. He was just hoping to get Nat and Buck off his back. Nat had been trying to get him to interact with you for months, but there was something about you that set off warning bells in his head. He trusted Nat and Nat trusted you, which should have been good enough, but he couldn’t get over the thought that there was something dangerous about you that he couldn’t figure out. He’d hoped that a quick spar would appease Nat and get whatever was bugging him about you out of his system, but he had expected you to be on Nat’s level of physicality. The contemptuous way you slapped his blows aside, and the way you got under his guard fast, only made him more wary.
You saw him adjust his stance and tucked in his arms, and gave him a small smirk as you stepped back and raised your fists again.
He moved forward quickly this time, throwing a quick combo of punches aimed at your head and torso and trying to get his arms around you for a hold. You still dodged his strikes easily and when he tried to put you in a hold, you delivered a swift knee to the juncture of his waist on his left side, dancing back again.
His long hair had fallen into is eyes at this point, and when he straightened back up, the look of appraisal he gave was laced with frustration.
Your breathing was still even and relaxed, and Nat had been right, you hadn’t broken a sweat at all in the past 45 minutes. You loosely rolled one tattooed shoulder and gave him a grin, practically begging him to try again.
He clenched his jaw and rushed you. You kept dodging his blows or batting them aside but when he brought his foot around suddenly you moved a little too slow and felt it glance off your cheekbone. He took advantage of your brief surprise and moved behind you whip fast, wrapping one arm around your neck as he braced the other around your right shoulder and he tried to force you to the ground. You sprung your legs off the mat, raising them above your waist before swinging them back down as you got your left hand behind his head and grabbed the back of his tee, then used your momentum to fling him over your shoulders and toss him 15 feet across the room.
He shot up fast and turned back to with a look of complete shock on his face as he crouched into a protective stance. He stared at you like that for a beat before clenching his jaw and straightening up, rolling his head to right.
You followed his line of sight, perplexed. Bucky had jolted off of the wall and looked ready for a fight, flicking his gaze between you and Rogers. Wanda was staring at you with surprise, but was still relaxed. Vis looked at everyone around the room in confusion, trying to understand where the sudden tension had come from. The only person who seemed unfazed by what happened was Nat, all doe eyed innocence as she sipped her drink, not making eye contact with you or Rogers.
Poor Sam chose this moment to wander in. “Hey, Y/N, I heard it’s your b-day. You ready for me to drink you under… What happened?”
“Fuck’s sake Nat, you didn’t tell them.” You hissed at her.
“It didn’t really seem important, Y/N. Besides, it’s your secret.”
“Not a secret Nat. Jesus.”
“Someone want to tell me what the fuck I missed?” Sam was still flicking his gaze around the room, trying to figure out what was happening.
“Y/N just threw Steve across the room like a ragdoll.” Bucky said.
“Oh, word? Interesting.” Sam said.
“Someone want to explain this situation to me, slowly?” Rogers was looking murderously between you and Nat, and you honestly could have killed her yourself.
“Oh, did everyone not know about Y/N’s brain implants?”
All of you looked at Vision when he piped up, and he got a grin on his face like he had just solved an especially difficult puzzle.
“Baby, I think it’s safe to say only you and Nat knew.” Wanda whispered to him.
“But wasn’t that why we came here? Y/N has been hiding from multiple governments for years and her expertise has been very helpful in shielding us from both the United Nations and Stark industries.”
“Yeah, honey, just assume that you’re the only one who knows what you’re talking about.” Wanda said exasperatedly.
“Oh, well then, Y/N was part of an experimental program run by HYDRA under the guise of SHIELD during the 1990s where adolescents received brain implants designed by Dr. Emil Zola to increase sensory perception, decrease pain receptors, and specifically, maximize the efficiency of fast twitch muscle fibers via the phosphagen system, allowing use of these muscles for longer periods of time without negative effects. This was of course after multiple failed trials with a new super soldier serum.
“The program’s graduates were deployed at the beginning of the second Gulf War, purportedly to hunt terrorists, but were also used as HYDRA’s own assassination squad in the eastern hemisphere. The program was discontinued at the end of 2007 and it was thought that all the graduates were culled, but Y/N simply disappeared on mission at the Wakandan border. I admit, I was a bit surprised when she greeted us as she’s presumed dead by most intelligence agencies, but I thought her history was the reason we chose this location. Did I miss anything?” Vis looked at you with genuine interest.
“No that’s pretty much it, thanks.” You said flatly, running a hand over your face.
“See, not that big of a deal.” Nat shrugged.
“Well, Vis and I are going to head to bed.” Wanda chirped up, looking nervously between you, Nat, and the two super soldiers who were now staring at you again. She ushered Vision out of the room quickly and shushed him as he tried to ask if he had done something wrong.
“You really didn’t think this is something I might have wanted to know Nat?” Steve had now turned his attention back to your friend, murder written all over his face.
“No, Steve. Like I said, this is Y/N’s business and it changes literally nothing about how much I trust her. I can’t help it that you got your panties in a bunch over some perceived threat when I told you over and over again that I would willingly put my life in her hands in any situation.”
“You should have told them Nat.” You shook your head at her. She was still playing some sort of game, you could tell, but you didn’t know what.
“Ok, fine, I’m sorry. I just didn’t think you wanted the drama, or to have Barnes look at you like some little lost lamb.”
“Aw geez, Buck, stop looking at me like that or I’m going to punch you. I’m fine.”
“Ahm, sorry.” Bucky’s look of overwhelming sympathy would have been heartbreaking if it had been directed at anybody but you, and you really couldn’t handle that right now. “I’m here to talk if you ever need it.”
“Thanks, Barnes.”
“Besides, you and Steve are both in desperate need of a good fuck, and I thought an impromptu discovery like this would give you the push you need.”
And there it was.
“Well, I’m going to have to make it a rain check on those birthday drinks Y/N, look at the time, it’s… 6 PM. Let’s go Barnes.” Sam was now looking everywhere except at you and Rogers as he did his best to drag Bucky, who was doubled over crying with laughter, out of the gym.
You and Steve glared at Nat as she just sat there grinning, looking overly pleased with herself. A flush was creeping up Rogers neck as his fists tightened and loosened. You could see his jaw clenching under his beard and the tendons on his neck stand out in a look of absolute fury.
“You are such a meddling bitch, Romanoff.” You growled at her. Sure, it had been a while, but you were plenty capable of taking care of yourself, which you had told her after she plied you with three bottles of good Russian vodka.
“Yep.” She hopped off her stool and tossed her ice pack into the freezer. “I’m gonna leave you two to it. Talk, fight, fuck, do something. Your sexual tension is bringing down the vibe.”
She easily dodged the kettle bell you lobbed at her head with a laugh as she scurried out of the gym, closing the door behind her.
After about a minute of uncomfortable silence, you and Rogers turned back to each other. His face was no longer bright red as he looked at you, but you noticed something new in his gaze. His pupils were dilated as he peered at you through the hair that had fallen into his eyes. His breathing was deeper as he stepped closer and looked down at you. You were quite a bit taller than Nat, but still only came up to his eyes. He had moved his gaze to your chest, which was rising and falling in a slightly faster rhythm as he took you in, before moving it to your lips, then back up to your eyes.
“Wanna talk?” he asked.
You both took several steps back, retreating to your corners. Some unspoken agreement passed between you and Steve ripped off his t-shirt and sweatpants, until he was down to only his boxer briefs. You removed your sweats as well until you stood there in your sports bra and boy shorts. Neither of you examined whether you were doing this to increase your range of motion or for some other, hungrier reason.
You gazed at each other for a beat, drinking each other in. Steve rolled his broad shoulders and neck, bending from side to side briefly as you watched the muscles in his abdomen tighten and relax as he stretched. You reached your arms over your head before folding yourself over to wrap your arms around the backs of your thighs, twisting yourself to loosen your back muscles and feeling his eyes on you the whole time.
After straightening back up, you each gave each other a swift nod then rushed forward wordlessly.
You managed to gain the upper hand first when you vaulted over him as he dove at you, wrapping one arm around his throat as you carried your momentum and brought him to the ground, coiling your legs around his torso like a snake and stretching his right arm out with yours, pinning it in place.
He reached his left arm over his shoulder and punched you in the face.
You let go of him with a grunt and rolled up quickly, but he was able to get behind you and grabbed your left wrist with his right hand, hauling you over his shoulder while his left arm wrapped around your thigh and he drove you backwards into the mat, knocking the air out of your lungs before rolling over to try to pin you.
You got one leg between the two of you and drove your foot into the center of his chest, sending him flying across the room to crash into the free weights. You didn’t give him a chance to recover before charging back into him driving a fist into first his ribs, then his hip and causing him to buckle over before you wrapped one knee around his chest and rolled forward, slamming him into the ground so hard the floor cracked as you went to straddle him.
He caught your knee and carried you into a kneeling position before throwing you into the sandbags with enough force to knock one loose. You landed heavily and grabbed a kettle bell, whipping at him. He barely dodged it as he covered his head and it glanced off his forearm, giving you enough time to rush forward.
He caught you in the center of the mat and twisted you over him until you were pinned; one of your wrists in each of his hands above your head, legs wrapped around your thighs forcing them apart as he pressed his whole body weight into you.
You stopped struggling finally and stared up at him. You both were breathing heavily and covered in sweat. Steve’s hair was falling into his eyes, which were now lust blown as he stared at your lips. You could feel the muscles in his torso twitching against you as he held you in place.
He suddenly released your wrists without a word, and brought one hand behind your head to pull your mouth to his hungrily. His tongue ran along your lower lip and you opened yourself up to him, sighing into his mouth.
His other hand worked its way down your back as his legs loosened their hold on yours and he pressed your hips into his. You felt him start to grind his hardened cock into your mound and let out a low moan. He growled into your lips before releasing your head and started to kiss and bite his way down your neck, drawing soft whimpers from you as he did.
When he reached the tops of your breasts he pulled away from you suddenly to skim one hand up your abdomen before hooking three fingers under the edge of your sports bra and slowly drawing it over your head, eyes boring into yours as he did so. Once his obstacle had been removed, he nuzzled his face into the valley between your tits before gently sucking a bruise there as his beard scratched against your skin. He then moved his mouth to first your right nipple, then your left; rolling them between his teeth and tongue as you pressed your chest further into his face with a gasp.
He continued his downward journey, dipping his tongue into your navel before he reached the top of your shorts. He slowly drew them down your thighs and off until you were laying underneath him, fully bare and wanton, your cunt clenching around nothing as he stared up at you, resting his chin on your lower abdomen as his eyes asked you a silent question and you nodded, almost imperceptibly.
He drew your knees over his shoulders and pulled you down until his beard was flush against your mound. He nuzzled into the soft hair there before kissing the inside of your thighs slowly, his beard scratching the soft skin there as he gently ran the edge of his teeth up to your juncture then back down at an agonizingly slow pace. When you felt him breathe against your entrance, you wrapped one hand in his hair and moaned, and when his tongue found your clit you screamed and arched your back into him.
His tongue slowly circled your clit as he brought up his right hand and brushed his pointer and middle fingers through your arousal slowly, before inserting one finger into your pussy at a deliciously slow pace. You felt him smile against you as you moaned, wrapping your thighs around his neck as he moved in and out, curling his finger against that soft, spongy spot over and over again before adding another finger.
His tongue had stopped drawing it’s slow circles and was now pressing and releasing against you at faster intervals, causing your breath to hitch in your chest as you writhed against his face. He held a third finger at the edge of your entrance and when you pressed yourself into it, he inserted it into your canal, stretching you so good you let out a thin whine. He shook his head back and forth quickly but gently, adding a brand new sensation before he began to suck on your clit.
All the breath rushed out of you at once as you brought your second hand to press his head further into you. His fingers were fucking into you fast now and you felt the tension in your abdomen building as he alternated between sucking and licking at the small bundle of nerves. When he finally latched on, at the same time he curled all three fingers against your g-spot, you came apart around him, screaming his name as your thighs wrapped around his head like a vise as every muscle in your back tightened, thrusting your torso off the mat violently before you sank back down, relaxing as Steve helped you ride it out.
His name was the first thing either of you had said in almost 15 minutes, and he didn’t want to break the silence now. He was afraid if either of you spoke, you’d break the spell that seemed to have settled over you. Instead of saying anything, he gently pulled you down until you were straddling his waist, then nuzzled his face into the juncture between your neck and shoulder before resting his forehead on yours and staring into your eyes.
You looked back at him, blinking slowly as you moved your hands down to his hips and slipping your fingers under the edge of his boxer briefs. You slipped them over his hips slowly, and you felt his legs shifting in between yours as he moved himself to help you remove them, never breaking eye contact with you. You matched each other’s breathing as he shifted his hips and lined himself up at your entrance, his eyes giving you a pleading look. You shifted your hips closer to him, and he slowly breached you with his tip, closing his eyes as he did so and letting out a low moan from the back of his throat. He started thrusting into you slowly, trying not to collapse on top of you as he held himself back.
You brought your face up to his and slowly kissed him, gently drawing your tongue along the outside of his lips. The hand you didn’t have buried in his hair moved to his lower back and pressed him into you further, and you softly whispered against his mouth “Please…”
He let out a feral growl and settled his full weight on top of you as his hands moved from their supportive positions. One moved underneath you to hold you against him as he fucked into you fast, the other buried itself in your hair as he wrenched your head back and ran his teeth over your throat, nipping at the small hollow at its base. His hand on your back tilted your hips so each drive of his brought him flush against your clit, and you started breathlessly whimpering as he drove into you at a punishing speed.
Your second orgasm came almost without warning. You felt yourself flutter around him one moment when he suddenly tilted your hips just right and you were seeing stars, your body spasming as an uncontrollable wave of pleasure crashed over you repeatedly.
Steve still wasn’t finished though. He gave you a kiss like a starving man before pulling out of you suddenly. You groaned at the loss before he flipped you over fast and slammed back into you, causing you to let out a cry as his tip kissed your cervix.
He maneuvered you into the position he wanted quickly; one knee hooked over his leg and brought up close to your side with your other leg stretched behind you. He brought one arm underneath you to wrap a massive hand around your throat while the other tangled itself in your hair and drew your head back enough for him to kiss you hard, shoving his tongue down your throat as he continued to drive into you.
You had another orgasm almost immediately. Your pussy was fluttering and clenching like crazy as your body almost vibrated with pleasure. Steve still wasn’t slowing down and you were having so much trouble catching your breath you were worried you were going to pass out. You couldn’t stop driving your hips back into him though, matching his pace and feeling the tension in your core begin to gather again. You rolled your eyes back in your head and let out a thin whimper as you moved a hand between your thighs, trying to gain some sort of control over your own pleasure before your brain short-circuited.
Steve ripped your fingers from your throbbing clit with a growl and replaced them with his own, drawing harsh circles around the overstimulated bundle as you gasped and whimpered. He moved the hand he had at your throat to cup your chin, and tugged at your bottom lip with his thumb. You opened your mouth to gently nip at the rough pad as you felt his hips start to stutter, and he when he bit into your shoulder harshly you let out a scream and came apart violently, shaking underneath him uncontrollably.
His own release was right behind yours, and you felt his hot spend coating your insides as you fluttered around him and he wordlessly roared into your ear. He collapsed on top of you, burying his face in your neck and breathing deeply as he moved his hand from your face to softly cup your breast, lazily rolling one nipple in between his fingers and you came down from your respective highs.
You felt him softening inside you as you started to untangle yourselves. He slowly pulled out and you let out a small sigh at the loss of him. You heard him groan as he caught the sight of his cum slowly leaking out of your swollen cunt, and he left a slow trail of kisses down your spine before gently turning you over.
You wrapped one hand around the back of his neck and pulled your face up to his, kissing him deeply as your other hand trailed through the hair on his chest before coming to rest on his abdomen. He rested his forehead against yours again as you both got your breathing under control, before he broke out in an absolutely sinful grin.
You both started laughing then, the previous tension completely broken as you buried your face in his neck and he held you close to him, shaking with laughter.
“Oh my god, I really did need a good fuck.” You said breathlessly, tears leaking down your cheeks.
“Yeah, well I’d say we shouldn’t give Nat the satisfaction of knowing she’s right but I doubt she wasn’t listening in this whole time.”
“Jesus, of course she was. She’ll never stop meddling now.”
He grunted in agreement before giving you a brief kiss to the top of your head, then you separated yourselves to stumble around and locate your clothes.
The gym was an absolute wreck. Aside from the crack in the floor, the weight racks had fallen over in a domino effect after you had kicked Steve into one and two of the sandbags were leaking everywhere.
You were both covered in bruises from the sparring session and the stiffness you always felt after overexertion seemed to have multiplied tenfold as you struggled to pull your sweats back on, groaning at how tight your muscles were. Steve seemed to be feeling it as well as he let out a hiss through his teeth when he pulled his sweatshirt back over his head.
Once you were both dressed, he stalked over to you like a cat and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulling you in for one more kiss.
“Guess we should go face the rest of them.” He said, resigned.
You groaned as he dragged you out of the gym, hand in hand, to endure what you were sure was going to be a chorus of cat calls and innuendos, but when the two of you arrived in the living area, it was just Nat curled up on the sofa, giving the two of you a satisfied smirk.
“Where is everyone?” You asked her, looking around to see if maybe they had moved into the kitchen.
Nat threw back her head and laughed. “Oh they all ran out into the snow once you two really got started. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look as embarrassed as Bucky did in my entire life. He forgot his shoes.” She was crying with laughter.
“Outside, Nat, it’s freezing out there!” The sun had already gone down with how late in the year it was and once that happened, the temperature would drop severely.
“I told them but they couldn’t handle it. Bunch of prudes.”
“Yeah, while you sat here and listened, you pervert.” You and Steve started pulling on boots and coats to head out after them.
“I’m the pervert! While you two had the world’s loudest fuckfest less than 20 feet away from the rest of your housemates, hey!” You had thrown her coat at her face and she caught it to shrug around her shoulders. “They probably had to go out five miles before they weren’t able to hear you.”
Steve growled at her as he ripped the front door open and headed out with you on his heels.
“Oh, you’re welcome by the way! It sure would be nice to get some appreciation for your birthday gift, Y/N… shit.”
Steve had lobbed a snowball the size of a golden retriever at her that she barely dodged at the last minute, cursing under her breath.
Steve wrapped an arm around you as you headed out into the fields to find your poor housemates and apologize, nuzzling himself into your hair with a grin. “Happy birthday.” He murmured to you, giving you a quick kiss before ruining the moment by bellowing “Barnes, get your dumbass back here, you forgot your boots!”
You grinned at him, looking up at the sky where the borealis had started and thinking that maybe birthdays weren’t so bad after all.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
I've always wondered this, but what do you think the Cullen's political viewpoints would be, given their individual backgrounds? if vampires don't change after they turn, then surely they would all be extremely racist (especially Jasper). would this not come up at some point? they aren't like the Volturi because the Volturi are too old to care, but the Cullens are young enough that they have been brought up with opinions on stuff like sexism, racism, homophobia and the like.
Oh fuck.
You get an early answer because otherwise I'll just chicken out and delete this one, pretend I never saw it.
Since I'm guessing you meant American political viewpoints, we need a disclaimer. I am not American, and not too knowledgeable about your politics. Not just in the sense that I don't follow the day-to-day drama, but as I am not an American citizen there are several things I don't know, can't know because I've never lived in your country and therefore can't know what the effects of living in a country ruled by American policies is like. What I do know is based off of the news in the foreign section, social media (by which I mean tumblr posts), and Trevor Noah's Daily Show.
I am an outsider looking in.
Which is really rather appropriate, since the Cullens are too.
The Cullens go to high school and college, Carlisle works, they pay taxes, they own real estate, and submerge themselves in American culture. Esme, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, and Bella are young enough that this is in many ways their world, and apart from timeouts they've more or less spent their entire lives, human and vampire, integrated into American society.
Not fully integrated, mind you, they do what they need to to fit in and get to school or, in Carlisle’s case, to work. They go no further. No extra-curriculars for the kids, no book clubs for Esme, no game nights for Carlisle. They walk parallel to humans, not among us.
In addition to this they're obscenely rich, which puts them another thousand miles from the experiences of your average American. They won't deal with the health system, which means healthcare is a non-issue, they're not going to need welfare or other social programs, unemployment is another non-issue. Name your issue, and the Cullens don't have personal stake in it. Even the climate crisis won't be a problem for them the way it will for us.
What I'm trying to say is, American political issues are a concept to them, not a lived reality. Just like they are for me. So hey, you made a great choice of blog to ask.
I'll also add here that you say the Volturi are too old to care, and I agree- from an ancient's point of view, racism is a matter of "which ethnicity are we hating today?", and it all looks rather arbitrary after a while. Same with every other issue - after a while it all just blends together into "what are the humans fighting over today? Which Christian denomination is the correct one? Huh. Good for them, I guess."
I can't put it any better than this post did, really. The Volturi are real people, humans are nerds and tumblr having Loki discourse. Aro thinks it's delightful and knows entirely too much about Watergate (and let's be real, Loki discourse as well), but the point I wanted to get at is that politics really don't matter to vampires.
And I don't think they matter to the Cullens either.
So, moving on to the next point while regretting I didn't put headlines in this post, I'll just state that I don't think vampires' minds are frozen. Their brains are unable to develop further, and they can never forget anything, but... well, this isn't the post for that, but in order for this to be true of vampires they would barely be sentient. They would not be able to process new impressions, to learn new things, nor to have an independent thought process. Yes, we see vampires in-universe (namely, Edward, who romanticizes himself and vampires) believe they're frozen and can never change, but there is no indication that this is a widespread belief, or even true. Quite the contrary - Carlisle went from a preacher's son who wanted to burn all the demons to living in Demon Capital for decades and then becoming a doctor and making a whole family of demons. Clearly, the guy has had a change in attitude over the years. Jasper, in his years as a newborn army general, slowly grew disenchanted with his life and developed depression. James initially meant to kill Victoria and hunted her across the earth, then became fascinated and changed his mind about it.
Had these people been incapable of change, Carlisle would still be hating demons, Jasper would be in Maria's army, and James would still be hunting Victoria.
It goes to follow, then, that they are able to adapt to new things.
The question is, would they?
Here I finally answer your question.
So, we have these people who don't really have any kind of stake in politics, who keep up to date all the same (or are forcibly kept up to date because high school) and are generally opinionated people.
Where do they then fall, politically?
(And this is where you might want to stop reading, anon, because I'm about to eviscerate these people.)
Alice votes for whoever's gonna win. She also makes a fortune off of betting each election. Trump's 1 to 10 victory in 2016 was a great day to be Alice. MAGA!
The actual policies involved are completely irrelevant, she does this because it's fun. Election means she gets to throw parties. Color coded parties for the Republican and Democratic primaries, and US-themed parties for Election Night! (Foreigner moment right here: I at first wrote "Election wake" before realizing that's not what y'all murricans call it.)
Alice loves politics. Doesn't know the issues, but she sure loves politics.
Bella votes Democrat. She actually knows about the issues, and cares about them. This girl is a Democrat through and through.
Carlisle doesn't vote. I can't imagine it feels right. Outside of faked papers he's not a US citizen, this is meddling in human affairs that he knows don't concern him.
More, this guy has never lived in a democracy.
In life, Carlisle lived under an absolute monarchy that, upon civil war, became an absolute theocracy. From there he learned that vampires live under a total dictatorship.
For the first 150 years of his life, democracy was that funky thing the Athenians did in history books thousands of years ago, no more relevant to him than the Ancient Egyptian monarchy is to me. Then the Americans, and later other European countries started doing this.
Good for them.
There's this mistake often made by those who view history from a... for lack of a better term, a solipsistic standpoint. A belief that the present day is the culmination of all of history. “My society is the best society, the most reasonable society; all the others had it backwards. Thank god we’re living in this enlightened age!”
The faith in our current system of government is one such belief. We (pardon me if this doesn’t apply to everybody reading this post) have grown up in democracies, being told this is the ultimate form of rule, and perhaps that is true - but remember the kings who have told their subjects they had were divine and the best possible ruler based on that. Remember also that most modern democracies haven’t actually been democracies for very long at all, America is the longest standing at some 230 years (not long at all in the grand scope of things) and they have a fracturing two-party system to show for it.
Every society, ever, has been told they’re the greatest, and their system of government the most just. Democracy is only the latest hit.
This is relevant to Carlisle because he’s immortal and decidedly not modern. Democracy has not been installed in him the way it was the rest of the Cullens, Jasper included. To him- well, it’s just not his world. He has no stakes in our human politics, and as he is older than every current democracy and has seen quite a few of them fall, he’s not going to internalize the democratic form of rule the way a modern human has.
I think the concept of voting is foreign to him.
It requires a level of participation in human society that he’s simply not at. He does the bare minimum to appear human so he do the work he loves, but nothing more, and I find that telling.
As it is I think he'd be iffy about his family doing it. He won’t stop them, but in voting they’re... well it’s kind of cheating. They’re not really citizens, none of this will affect them, and by voting they’re drowning out the votes of real human voters. He does not approve.
Edward votes Democrat. He's... well he’s the kind of guy who will oil a girl’s bedroom window so he can more easily watch her sleep without being discovered, justifying it to himself as being okay because if she were to tell him to get lost he’d stop immediately. Same guy is so sure that he’d leave and never return again if she wanted him to, except this is the man who returned to Forks to hang around his singer, knowing there was a significant chance he might kill her. To say nothing of his Madonna/Whore complex, or of the fact that he tried to pimp out his wife twice, and was willing to forcibly abort her child.
This guy is very much in love with chivalry, with being an enlightened and feminist man who supports and respects women, while not understanding the entire point of feminism, which is female liberation.
He votes Democrat because he’s such an enlightened feminist who cares about women’s rights.
Emmett doesn’t care to vote, but if he has to he votes Republican. The guy is from the 1930′s, and has major would-be-the-uncle-who-cracks-racist-jokes-if-he-was-older vibes.
Esme doesn’t vote, that would require getting out of the house.
More, I just... can’t see it. I can’t see her being one to read up on politics and The Issues, period, but if she has to then I doubt she’d be able to decide.
Jasper doesn’t vote. Alice can have her fun, he does not care.
There’s also the whole can of worms regarding the last time he went to bat for American politics.
I imagine he stays out of this.
Renesmée doesn't vote. She has no stock in the human affairs. Who would she vote for, on what grounds? When Bella tries to pull her to the urns, she points out that she's three years old.
Rosalie, guys, I’m sorry, but that girl is definitely gonna vote Republican. Perhaps not right now as it’s become the Trump party of insanity, but the Mitt Romney type of Republicans? Oh yes.
And for the record, yes I imagine she does vote. To step back from politics would be another way she was relinquishing her humanity, and that’s not allowed to happen. So, yes, she goes to the urns, less for the sake of the politics involved and more because like this, she’s still a part of society in some way.
Now, onto why I think she’s Republican, I think it’s both fiscal and social.
This girl was the daughter of a banker who somehow profited off of the Depression, and who then became part of a family with no material needs that would soon become billionaires thanks to Alice. Poverty to Rosalie is a non-issue, as it is I imagine she views it as a much lesser issue than what she’s had to deal with. The humans can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, Rosalie’s infertility is forever.
Rosalie’s empathy is strongest when she’s able to project onto others, and she won’t be able to project onto the less fortunate at all.
Then there’s the fact that the Republican party is all about traditional family values, and pro-life.
Rosalie, a woman from the 1930′s who idolizes her human life and who���d love nothing more than to get to live out this fantasy, is down for that. And as of Breaking Dawn she’s vocally pro-life, so there’s that.
This all being said I don’t think Rosalie cares to sit down and fully understand these politics she’s voting for, the possible impact they’ll have- that’s not important. What’s important is what voting does for her.
TL;DR: I bet anon regrets asking.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
All The Colors
Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Colorblindness, Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Romance, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: The colors are not always seen but rather felt. Just like Y/N feels the colors through their best friend and boyfriend Corpse. That’s how they realize that what they can’t see is the most beautiful and genuine feeling in the world. The feeling of knowing something and someone so deeply.
Requested by my dear friend Lulu, who you might have known as greenieofshield. Unfortunately she’ll never get to read this fic and I’ll never forgive myself for not putting it out sooner but I’ll also never forgive the universe for being so cruel as to take her away so early. She was one of the best people I’ve ever met, always so full of optimism, always there to brighten up my day and make me smile. Always so strong and brave, never falling victim to the hate she received despite not being deserving of it. The world lost an angel the day she died and I as well as so many other people will forever miss her.
Love you and miss you with my whole soul and hear, Lulu. Hope they’re treating you right in heaven ❤
For what it’s worth, Y/N has never asked people to describe the colors to them. In their eyes that seemed like the equivalent of poorly patching up a wound: they could hear thousands upon thousands of descriptions of each color and still wouldn’t be able to imagine it. The descriptions would only make that worse to them. So to avoid feeling even more like they’re missing out they never asked.
However, that doesn’t mean they haven’t developed their own way to ‘visualize’ and imagine colors throughout the years. They’ve tried loads of different methods, few of which stuck around and not for long either. That is exactly why they frequently used to tell their friends: “You can’t paint me a rainbow with black and white and shades of grey and expect me not to feel like I’m missing out on something. Paint me the gloomy sky on a rainy day and only then we’ll be even cause you’re seeing the same greys I am.”
Little did they know how drastically their logic was about to change in the following years.
Speaking of said following years - they met Corpse who became one of their best friends in practically no time. And within just a few months of that friendship’s blossoming, a romance sparked. A romance their friends would jokingly refer to as ‘romance of a lifetime’. Maybe it was said jokingly but Lord knows they weren’t wrong in saying so because the two were completely head over heels for one another -s till are to this day - and never shied away from showing it.
Y/N and Corpse met through Rae who Y/N was staying with while on a little vacation to Los Angeles. To be even more specific here, the two met through a game of Among Us, the game responsible for many wonderful friendships since its release.
“Guys, guys, guys.“ Y/N said after sparking up a bickering session for falsely accusing ‘blue‘ of faking a task in Navigation during the final round for the day, “Here’s a little rule of thumb for whenever we play together again: don’t trust me if I accuse a color instead of a name.“ It’s safe to say that statement rose a few eyebrows in the Discord call, the confusion serving as amusement to them before they explained themself, “Oh, why that is? Hm, I don’t know, maybe cause I’m colorblind.”
Rae who was in on the scheme the whole time and was struggling to hold in her laughter finally snapped while the rest of the players were left processing the information that had been dropped on them.
“But you practically kicked our ass every single round?!“ Corpse said, amazement and confusion in his tone.
“Expect the unexpected from this schemer, take it from someone who’s known them for a decade now.“ Rae said, winking at her friend from across the room. Not failing to notice the blush on their cheeks while doing so though.
“Corpse, are you calling me a good liar?“ They poked a stick at him teasingly, desperately avoiding Rae’s gaze which widened the second she realized why her friend was so flustered by Corpse’s remark.
“Practically a con artist.“ He replied to them with a laugh, earning one from them in return.
And so they practically conned him into falling in love with them with their quick wit, sarcasm and cuteness. If someone is to ask Corpse if he expected to fall for Y/N, he’d probably say yes.
“They were like a magnet the moment they entered the lobby and started talking.“ He said once on a live stream in response to a question he received in the chat regarding Y/N, “It wasn’t hard at all, falling for them. What took me a while was realizing it. While I was referring to them as ‘best friend’ all my friends were rolling their eyes and going ‘Sure, bud.’ Just took me a bit to realize why.”
Luckily, it didn’t take him too long to grasp what his heart was actually screaming at him. Good thing they came to terms with it so soon too, otherwise they would’ve driven their friends insane.
Anyway, enough about what happened and what could’ve happened under one circumstance or another, what matters is the ‘here and now’ of their relationship. And trust me when I say it has never been better and it keeps getting better every day.
The beauty of what those two have is in the tiny every day things that they do for each other, the good morning texts even though the other person in probably just in the kitchen making breakfast while the other cannot find it in them to get out of bed; or it’s laced within the calls between them when neither of them are home or at least one of them is out and about, busy with a task they’ve probably been putting off for far too long. Don’t get me wrong though, the romantic gestures aren’t rare either. Random gifts are exchanged by them on regular intervals but one consistent and super romantic gesture that repeats a few times every year (of the two years they’ve been dating) is Corpse giving Y/N a bouquet of flowers.
A detail Y/N couldn’t help but take notice of was the fact that the bouquet was always made up of the same flowers with only small changes to the arrangement of them and maybe some tiny ones added too. Unfortunately, they aren’t artificial so they couldn’t have kept them thought they wish they could’ve. That being said, it goes without saying that those flowers mean the world to Y/N, the gesture actually - they know flowers are a common gift to give but anything they receive from Corpse is so special and makes them feel like the only person who’s ever received such a gift.
And so they got curious, they had to ask. They had to ask the question they never thought they’d actively ask considering their view of the topic. But they still did.
“Hey Corpse.“ Y/N spoke up out of the blue, breaking the silence that had fallen over them while they watched the movie they were only partially interested in given how exhausted they both were from devoting themselves to their respective tasks and responsibilities throughout the last few days.
Corpse hummed in response, the arm wrapped around their waist doing a little motion as if encouraging them to continue, his gaze immediately traveling down to his partner.
“What color are the flowers?“ They asked, gazing at the bouquet - a gift they had received from him for their birthday a few days prior - in the vase on the dining table.
They waited a few seconds but when they didn’t hear nor feel any sort of response from him they couldn’t help but look up at him. Upon doing so, they saw his small smile as his eyes too remained on the bouquet. “They’re black and white.“ He replied eventually, “Black roses and white daffodils.“ His gaze wandered away from the vase and down to meet theirs, “I don’t want you to think I’m seeing them in their ‘full beauty’ while you only see them in black and white. You are seeing them in their full beauty and not missing out on anything. They are absolutely beautiful black and white as they are.“
As a response to his answer, Y/N couldn’t suppress the growing smile on their face no matter how hard they tried. So they didn’t try at all, they let the smile lighten up their face before speaking up: “You’re a wonder, Corpse.” They said, pushing themself as upright as they could to be able to kiss his cheek. “However, you’re wrong.” They say when they pull away, smirking up at his confused expression, “My world was black and white until you came into it. You’re all the colors, Corpse. Your love’s red, joy’s yellow, sadness blue, chaos green. Love red. You’re all the colors and out of all the people that have tried to describe to me how they look, you have managed to do that just perfectly without even trying.”
Little did they know that’s exactly what he thinks of them - their world is black and white because all the colors live within them. Because they are all the colors.
And maybe they both are, seeing as how they came into each other’s lives exactly like the rainbow after the pouring rain.
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iwadori · 3 years
Hey! I really liked that atsumu x reader fic where reader's Kita's sister. Could we get a similar fic but instead it's Kuroo dating kenma's equally as socially awkward sister/team manager?
Dating your Brothers teammate PT 2 (Kuroo)
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Part One Part Two Part Three
Word count: 1.8K
Genre: angst, fluff
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You were a first year in Nekoma high school
You kept to yourself, since you found it hard to make friends
You spent your time in your classes, the library or joining your old brother’s (kenma) practices, although when you did attend you didn’t socialize with all your brother teammates you either sat with a book on in your hand or (if you were lucky) played on Kenma’s nintendo swtich.  
When Kuroo first saw you, he thought you were the prettiest girl that he ever laid his eyes on. He was speechless, to say the least. Kenma introduced him and you first as when you started in your first year, since he knew that you two should at least be acquainted with each other as you were all going to be walking to school together.
You found Kuroo very annoying (and that was an understatement) his debonair smirk, his wild wild bedhead and all of his continuous chemistry puns were things you found attractive annoying about him.  
Sometimes when you attend practice, you could tell that Kuroo was trying extra hard in an attempt to ‘show off’ to you, but you took no notice since you knew what type of guy Kuroo was (well you thought). Kuroo was a heavy flirt (well everyone he laid eyes on) he also was a giant dick. To you, he was a your average stereotypical teenage boy.
One day, Kenma fell ill with a cold so it just left you alone to walk to school. However, when you left your house, you see the last person you want to see.  
“Kenma’s not coming today” you whisper softly, but loud enough for him to hear.
“Yeah I know” he smiled
“So then why are you here?” you ask
“Well I’ll have you know Y/N, I’m here to see you.” he said as you start walking
On your route to school, you don’t say much just letting Kuroo talk about things or asking you questions to which you just nodded or shook your head in reply. As much as you’d like too, you didn’t know how to properly talk to someone like Kuroo, knowing the types of conversations he’s used to having with people, especially other girls.
Reaching the gates of Nekoma, before you could step inside Kuroo pulls you to side and puts his hands on your shoulders “Y/N” he says,
“Yes Kuroo?” you look up at him
“I just want to say I like you..” he says waiting for a response from you  
“I-I ...umm” You didn’t really know what to say, although you did find him annoying beyond relief there were some redeeming qualities about Kuroo that you could think of. But would two even work properly?
From your lack of response Kuroo continued, “I’m sure you don’t trust me right now, but Y/N don’t worry I’ll make sure I’ll prove to you that I’m a good guy for you.”
You couldn’t do anything but nod, since you didn’t really know what to say to that. Just then, the bell rings and you were still frozen in place, only snapping out of your trance when you hear Kuroo shout from afar “Don’t worry Y/N im going to do my best to woo you!”
Over the next month, Kuroo is doing his extra best to get you to fall in love with him doing things like: walking you to your lessons, carrying your books for you, bringing you lunch and spending everyday complimenting you to your face and to his friends.  
His actions made you swoon, you did feel more comfortable around him, although you haven't confessed your feelings yet, you were planning on to at the date that you reluctantly accepted to go on. You were going to have dinner first at this nice restaurant that you showed interest in ages ago and you were planning to watch a sequel to *insert favourite movie here* since he knew that you really liked the first one.
Before leaving out to the date you looked in the mirror giving yourself a once over. ‘Wow I look hot’ you thought smiling, you were kind of excited to see Kuroo and hear what he had to say about how you looked today. When you were leaving you were startled by Kenma who said
“Where are you going Y/N?” he asked with his eyes focused on his game
“Oh, to the library” you lied your cheeks heating up.
“Sure, you are...” he said
“Bye Kenma” you say putting your hand on the door knob
“Oh Y/N” he calls
“You look nice today” making you smile wide giving your brother a ‘Thank you’ before finally leaving.
On the way to the restaurant, you had a pep in your step, you felt the happiest you’ve ever been in a while. You stood outside the restaurant and took a few deep breaths to calm the sudden surge of nerves that washed over you. You counted to 10 and walked in the resturaunt freezing at what you saw, there was Kuroo looking as handsome as ever but next to him was a beautiful girl who was tall and had long hair, pretty eyes and a great body who also reminded you of someone you knew (but you just couldn’t put your finger on it.)
She exclaimed “Tetsu!” and pulling into a hug, her boobs pushing against his chest making you cringe. You didn’t know what to do, you couldn’t compete with this European-looking supermodel, especially she already looks really friendly with ‘Tetsu.’  
You storm out the restaurant a bit too aggressively, causing attention to yourself making Kuroo look at over to you, cursing himself for knowing how the situation looks to you. He chases after you, but sadly you were already gone.
When you got home, you rushed upstairs to your room with tears in your eyes. You knew this was stupid in the first place ‘Trusting a guy like Kuroo Testurou, how stupid can you be.’  
Kenma came into your room, never asking or caring to know what happened as he knew that once you were ready to tell him you would. You and Kenma have always been close, as you’re both as quiet as each other you never felt the need to be surrounded by a bunch of people since both of you were just what each of you needed.
You managed to forget the awfulness of your ‘date’ getting distracted by trying to win in a game of Murder Mystery on roblox and also having fun trolling 6 year olds with your brother. The night was basically ended and before you dozed off to sleep and Kenma went to his own bedroom he said “At least talk to him Y/N” leaving your room not waiting for a response.
As you slept, you thought about what Kenma said ‘what more is their to say to Kuroo?’ You did think about all the possibilites of what could’ve really happened with Kuroo and that girl. Maybe they’re just friends? You didn’t want to think about the possibility of you being wrong. You were never wrong. So you just slept with the assumption of Kuroo being who you thought he was in the first place. A womanizing dick.
As lonely it was, you didn’t tag along with Kenma to the gym and you made sure to wake up earlier so you didn’t have to walk to school with your brother and your boyfriend his best friend.  
Kuroo really wanted to talk to you again but you were heavy on the ignoring him. He even asked Kenma for help, but even though your brother was definitely always going to be on your side no matter what, he didn’t want to be in between his bestfriend and his little sister.
When you were walking home from school one day, you were stopped by the pretty girl that was with Kuroo on your ‘date.’ “Hi, my name is Alisa Haiba” she said smiling
‘Haiba’ you thought ‘Where do I know that surname?’ until you realised, “Oh your L-”
“Lev’s sister, that knucklehead is my brother” she laughed
“So what do you need me for?” you ask  
“Me and Kuroo are just friends, I know you probably won’t believe me but me and him are NOT dating or anything romantic, he’s as much as a little brother too me then Lev is” she said
“Oh ok, thanks” you didn’t have any more to say and with this newfound information, you did feel more inclined to give Kuroo a chance, and that is if he even wanted one after all the ignoring and avoiding you’ve been doing. Now you feel stupid.
You thought back to all your times with Kuroo, making you smile. You knew what you had to do, you couldn’t shy away from this anymore, you thought about the scenario of him completely rejecting you and to be honest you were content with that as if ‘you don’t ask you don’t get’ or whatever the saying is. Since it was Friday, you knew that Kuroo would be at Kenmas playing smash bros on their switches (and that’s when you would usually spend extra time at the library to avoid him.)
So, you rushed to your house, dramatically opening the door exasperated. “Kuroo!” you shout, not even looking to see if he was there, to your horror there was the whole team over tonight who were quite humored by your shout.  
You went red and then shyly whispered “May I speak to Kuroo please?” looking up at him “that’s if you wanted”
“Umm...sure” he said getting up to follow you into your room.
Kenma gave you a reassuring smile that read ‘Everything's going to be ok.’ You led Kuroo to your bedroom and sat on your bed fidgeting.  
“I’m sorry”
“I’m sorry”
You both say at the same time, making each other laugh he waits for you to speak, “Kuroo, I’m sorry for misreading the situation and ignoring you and making you out to be a complete dick, I know I’m probably a bit too late but I’d love to ask you on a proper date... one that I won’t run away on this time”
“Y/N, it’s fine. I’m sorry for not actually explaining the situation as I know what it looked like. And yes, I will definitely take you up on that date... that’s if you’ll have a ‘dick’ like me” he jokes
You playfully shove his arm, making you both laugh. You spend the rest of the night with Kuroo in your room catching up on all the things you’ve both missed out on in the time when you were ignoring him.
The date you went on was better than you imagined, Kuroo was definitely a great guy (making you feel even more stupid for assuming differently in the first place.) You developed an amazing relationship with Kuroo, which lead you to eventually become mrs Y/N Kuroo and having Kenma and Kuroo be able to officially call themselves ‘real brothers’
AN: I really actually enjoyed this one, so I hope you do too. <3
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Hello! Im glad i made it on time for request! T^TI would like to request a chishiya x female reader. Where the female reader is strong and intelligent and chishiya just basically falls in love with her. He tries to get close with but apparently reader doesn't live in beach she lives in her own homemade house. So chishiya tries really hard to find her.
Of course, here you go! 🥰
Search | Shuntaro Chishiya
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Chishiya
Summary: Chishiya searches all through Tokyo to find you, who he met at a game and fell for instantly.
Warnings: swearing, somewhat creepy behaviour from Chishiya, violence
Word Count: 2.2k
*reader is female
Author’s Note: sorry I closed requests for so long! They’re open again now for a few days so please send in anything you want me to write! ❤
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The dark streets of Tokyo echoed the sounds of the wind travelling through the trees. The silence that filled the atmosphere was deafening, leaving Chishiya to nothing but his wandering thoughts that pottered so carelessly through his head. The occasional cry of a crow kept him grounded, always bringing him back to the reality that was in front of him.
The young man was taking yet another attempt of finding the peculiar and alluring figure that he had encountered at many games. No one had ever taken his interest as much as this, and even if they had, he would’ve given up at finding them for the fact that they live in the huge empty wasteland that is Tokyo. Any nook and cranny could have the chance of being your home, but Chishiya was determined to find you. He didn’t have anything else to do anyway. But now that he’s taken interest in you, he finally has something to work towards rather than just waiting around to die at The Beach.
He strolled effortlessly through the Shibuya crossing, recognizing the place from when he was first thrown into the game, always returning to the large open area to use as a safe space. Even after being in the game for as long as he had, it still felt foreign to see not a single soul crossing the road, very unlike usual Tokyo.
The only source of light he had to assist him was a small torch he took from The Beach and the occasional game sign pointing to some late running games. He felt unsettled every time he entered an area where no light was available, and the silence didn’t help.
“Tch,” he scoffed to himself, rubbing his sleeves over his eyes to keep them from dropping from how tired he was. He had been at it for weeks, not even getting the slightest clue where you stayed in the huge city.
“This is ridiculous, as if I haven’t found her yet.” He was becoming more and more frustrated as each night dragged on. All he wanted was to meet you in person that wasn’t in the registration section of a game, where he wasn’t even sure either of you would leave alive.
After being saved by you during a hearts game, Chishiya developed an irrational attraction to your selfless and strong demeanour. He admired the fact that you managed to look after yourself and others at the same time, always thinking of an intelligent way to make sure that everyone survived. He was impressed and taken back, for he had never met or encountered anyone like you.
Chishiya strutted over to a large building near the Shibuya crossing that displayed a screen pointing towards a game. He had to sit down for a while, he had been walking for hours and his legs were beginning to hurt. He shivered and pulled his hoodie tighter around him as he walked through the entrance of the building to find that place nearly trashed all through. Obviously some people had attempted to search the building for resources to assist in their survival.
He slowly made his way further into the building, being mindful of the shards of glass and other debris that scattered the floor. The last thing he wanted was the trip of something and ended up with sharp glass shards in his back.
Chishiya entered a large room that almost seemed untouched. Much unlike the other rooms, this room was clean and no furniture was turned over. He frowned, wondering why no one had bothered to search this room.
“Huh, must have missed it,” he answered his own question. He walked to the centre of the room and sat on a small brown couch that was placed there, rather inconveniently. The layout of the room was very scattered and random resources such as water bottles and empty cans of beans and tuna were laying around on every surface.
The cans of food looked awfully too clean to have been left there for long. The leftover specs of food remaining appeared fresh, and the smell of tuna was far from smelling off. Chishiya moved his tired eyes around the room, trying to find any more evidence of someone being there recently. His eyes locked on a small pile of blankets and pillows in the corner of the room, all bunched up together to create a comfy nest almost.
The pile seemed a bit too lumpy to be holding only blankets, so Chishiya’s curiosity got the better of him and he stood slowly to make his way over to the makeshift bed. He thought maybe someone was hiding some more food underneath it, probably planning to return some other time to collect them.
He kneeled down next to the pile, scanning the small space. His eyes widened as he saw the blanket move, slowly lifting up and down incredibly slightly. He almost stepped back in shock, but decided against it and lifted his hand slowly to lift the duvet.
He grasped the soft material and carefully pulled it back towards himself. His breath became caught in his throat when he locked eyes with what was underneath it.
There you laid, peacefully sleeping and tucked into yourself. Your legs were folded and against your torso with your arms lying lazily next to your head. You looked so vulnerable and small, especially since Chishiya just found you hiding from the world underneath a blanket. He assumed that you covered yourself so if someone was to find your hiding space, they wouldn’t see you and potentially hurt you.
Chishiya couldn’t help himself. After seeing you become so aggressive and resilient in games, seeing you so calm and at peace pulled at his heart strings. He knew it was wrong, intruding on you while you weren’t aware he was even there, but he knew that he wouldn’t ever hurt you.
His heart hurt from the sight of you holding yourself in a tight ball, obviously being anxious that something would happen while you were asleep. He pouted and tilted his head, examining you closely.
“So pretty,” he whispered. But just as the words left his mouth, his stomach dropped when he saw your eyes snap open and lock directly onto him.
Before he could even think, you had swung a fist at his face, punching him square in the jaw, making him yell in pain as he backed away while squatting on his legs so he could get up and run if he had to. He held his face in his hands, trying to reduce the pain throbbing in his jaw.
“What the fuck?!” you exclaimed, standing up out of your bundle of blankets. “Fucking creep! Piss off!”
Chishiya groaned and glanced up towards you, noticing that you were now standing over his meek body on the ground. You held a small knife in your hands, pointing the sharp object towards him in case he made any sudden movements.
Chishiya’s usual smug smirk crawled onto his face, making your frown more as he stood up slowly, hands held up in surrender. “Wow, feisty,” he chuckled.
Your angry expression softened and you lowered your weapon slightly as the bright moonlight shined through the window and painted across Chishiya’s face. You immediately recognized him as the young, white-haired man that always assisted you at games. But what was he doing here?
“What do you want?” you glowered, taking a few threatening steps towards him. Chishiya raised his eyebrows, but kept his composed behaviour as your weapon pressed lightly on his chest, making him wince slightly as the sharp point pierced his skin through his white shirt.
“Rude. I don’t even get a hello? A how are you? All I get is a knife in my face,” he smugly responded. “You did that to yourself by watching me sleep like a fucking stalker,” you hissed, leaning your face closer to his.
“I guess so,” he sneered. “By the way, I wouldn’t kill me if you were considering it. Trust me, I’m not on my own.”
You felt ridiculed by his calm behaviour, hating how he didn’t seem threatened by you at all. Out of all the people you’ve scared off, why did this skinny, short man have more nerve than anyone else?
“I wasn’t counting on it,” you reassured. You pulled back your knife slightly, but still kept it drawn in your hand in case he tried anything. You may have met him a few times in games, but trust was very hard to earn from anyone in the Borderlands.
“So, Y/N,” he started. “I’ve been searching for you for a while now. I’m glad I’ve finally found you.”
You scowled at his words. “Me? What could someone like you possibly want from me?” You watched as his pink lips curled up into a smirk, making you cringe slightly.
Chishiya turned away from you and strolled back over to the brown lounge in the middle of the room. He leaned comfortably on the back of it, facing you again. You had lowered your knife, feeling reassured now that he was further away.
“I’ve noticed you,” he started, staring holes into your eyes. You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “You know how to handle yourself in games, and I can’t help but become a little immersed in your methods.”
The way he spoke gave you a headache. He sounded too smart for his own good, making you question if he was bluffing just to trick you into believing that you were needed, when he would just use you then leave you in the dust.
“Yeah? And what about it?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
Chishiya looked down to the ground and tucked his hands into his pockets. “I would very much appreciate it if you joined me,” he suggested. “I am staying at a hotel called ‘The Beach’, but everyone there is an idiot. If you are willing to put your trust into me, I promise that I will help you collect all the cards and escape this place.”
You kept your gaze on him, trying to see any sign that he may be lying. If he was lying, he was incredibly good at it.
“What’s the catch?” you asked, fiddling with your knife.
“There is none. Only the fact that I’m asking you to join forces with hundreds of idiotic, drunks that act like children.”
There was a moment of silence before Chishiya continued.
“But I can reassure you, if you stick by me, I will be sure to keep you safe and alive.”
You rolled your eyes at his promise. “I don’t need your protection. Look at you, you’re skin and bones. I can take care of myself.” You turned back to your pile of blankets, lifting them to search for your radio that had become lost in the sheets during the night.
Chishiya thought to himself, trying to think of something to say that would convince you to come back with him to The Beach. He couldn’t downright say that he was in love with you, because it would probably scare you off. If he wanted to have a chance with you, he first had to gain your trust. But that was deemed difficult when he was the shady character that he is.
“There’s food and water at The Beach,” he spoke up, making you freeze in your movements and turn back towards him. “There’s comfy beds and personal rooms, as well as allies and guaranteed protection from militants. If you really want to survive, you’d be best there more than out here by yourself.”
You stared at him before glancing around the room, eyes landing on the scattered cans of food and random dirty clothes everywhere. You would admit, you were lonely, and hungry, and cold.
“What makes me sure I can trust you, Chishiya?” you challenged.
Chishiya stepped away from the sofa and walked over to you, making you stand up from your position on the ground so you were at eye level.
“Because you have no other choice,” he smugly stated, “You’re lucky enough for it to only be me to walk in here and find you. Just think about it, if I can find you, so can a group of murderous people, or starving people, or people desperate for cards.”
He had a good point. You hated that you were falling prey to his manipulation, but if The Beach was even slightly better than the dirt hole you were inhabiting, you were interested enough to at least take a look.
“Okay,” you mumbled, turning away from him and leaning down to pick up the small backpack that laid next to your bed. “I’ll come, but if I find out you’re lying or trying to have me killed, it’ll be your head hanging from a lamppost in Shibuya.”
Chishiya smiled at your threat, not being affected by your violent words. “That’s the kind of talk that will get you killed Y/N,” he warned, turning around and making his way towards the entrance of the building. “Keep that up, you might be the one losing a head.”
You groaned and rolled your eyes at his warning.
Chishiya smiled to himself as he stepped out into the cold night air. He could finally relax, knowing he found you and would now be able to keep you in his sight at all times. Even if he had to tell a few fibs to make you come with him, he believes it was worth it, as now he could stay by your side.
He knew it would be a work in progress to earn your trust eventually, but he would make sure that you always trusted him over anyone else.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Hello! I hope you're having a good day! I was wondering if I could request the brothers with a partner thats been away for awhile maybe visiting family or something and the brother is having a hard time with them not around, missing them, so the mc decides to come back early to surprise them. Like maybe they open their bedroom door and mc is sitting there waiting for them or mc pops out of nowhere and gives them smooches and a big hug. What would their reactions be? If you don't feel up to it then please feel free to delete this, I'd never want to bother a writer. Also! I want to say, your writing is really great!! I can't wait to see more works from you in the future!
Some fluff for everyone~ you're not a bother, I just let myself get overwhelmed and some poor timing irl just happened last time - I'll be sure to be more thoughtful about how many asks I accept to do in such a short time
Though I only made it a short surprise visit - sorry!
He was ashamed to say it but he was missing you
You were having a small summer break to see your family and be back in the human world
For a man who's lived thousands of years he never suspected he'd fall this hard
He stared at the other side of his, foolishly believing you'd be there to greet him in the morning
What he didn't know that due to pact magic; you could sense his mood
An invisible tug pulling at your mind telling you to see him
When he got back home he immediately headed to his room, not wanting to deal with his brothers
"Hello (Y/N)."
He stopped, whipping around to see you on his bed
He let go of his shame, rushing over to you and fell to his knees
"I've missed you, my love."
"I know~ i could feel it in our pact, I never knew you'd miss me this much, you really are a softie."
"You're teasing will not effect me this time, are you back for good?"
Why? Because he was whipped and was internally screaming with excitement
"No but I thought I'd pop in to give you these-"
You cupped his face and smothered his face in kisses
Before he could do anything you suddenly disappeared, giving him a peace sign
He got a text not too long after saying you'll pop in next week
Everyone knew he missed you and I mean EVERYONE
even random demons on the street knew!
He was moping around, whining about you being gone
He constantly looks like a kicked puppy
And you could feel it with your pact, you decided it was best to visit him
You teleported in his room
He wasn't there at the moment so you kept yourself busy by playing pool
As soon as he trudged into his room you greeted him
You were surprised his neck didn't snap due to how quick it moved
"(Y/N)!!! YOU'RE BACK!"
He was Infront of you, picking you up and putting you down on his pool table
His face buried in your chest
"i knew you'd miss me, our pact was telling me to see you so I'm visiting."
"only visiting...? You won't stay?"
"Don't use your puppy eyes on me or else I won't give you your gift."
He immediately perked up at that, mouth sealed shut
You cupped his face and covered it in kisses, making sure to mostly aim for his lips
He wanted more
He tried to hold you closer but you only disappeared
Happy to see a note on his bed saying you'll come back soon
Nothing felt the same anymore
Gaming with people was just annoying and made him rage quit
He just rewatched old shows, saving up the news ones for when you came back
Is worried you're never coming back
You took pity on him feeling his pact flare up
You came back to the devildom wanting to surprise him, the human world feeling a bit lonely without his presence
You were hiding in his bathtub, under all the cushions
When he stormed into his room with a massive frown you immediately rised out of your hiding spot
He screamed pointing his fork at you almost dropping his food
"you're here?! Like---- actually!??!!!"
You almost tripped when you jumped out of his bed, rushing over to him
He didn't care how overwhelmed he got, letting you stroke his hair and hug him
"Only for a little bit, but your pact told me you were lonely and I wanted to see you."
He immediately got embarassed knowing he got called out
"i- I miss you."
You smiled, kissing all over his face and holding his hands
He was stunned and bright red but you suddenly teleported away
You texted him, telling him what you'll come back officially and for him to expect more surprises
Was more aggravated without you
'excuse you, that's my emotional support human'
He hated seeing any couple as he knew you were still gone for another week and he couldn't hold your hand like others could with their partner
Your pact was always raging; you almost tripped when you felt that invisible tug
It seemed it was time to visit the Devildom to sooth your boyfriend
You were hiding behind his door
When he came into his room you just missed getting hit by it
You saw his tense he looked and immediately slinked over, wrapping your arms around him
"Asmo I swear I will-"
When he saw it was you all tension left his body
He hugged you, sighing with joy as he leaned against you
"Now I feel bad I'm only popping in."
"hm, it is a shame perhaps you could stay then."
"I love you but I left mid dinner with my parents, there's only so long you can be in the bathroom before it gets concerning."
You both laughed but you knew you had to get back
So you kissed his face as much as you could reach before dipping back with a quick "see ya!"
Poor Solomon, having to hear him complain about you not being there almost every day
He spends most of his time in his room hiding away from his adoring public
Noticing his skin keeps looking awful no matter what he does
When your pact kept tugging you you knew you had to go see him
You teleported over, landing on his bed
He just left his bathroom, an oversized shirt on him and a towel aroulnd his neck catching the water still dripping out of his hair
"AH-! nooo sweetheart why did you come back now?! My hair isn't dry!"
"I'll come back later then-"
He pulled you into a hug, hiding his face in your neck
"nooo!! I missed you so much."
You just laughed, having mercy on him and patted his hair causing it to completely dry
"I missed you too, but I'm only seeing how you are."
"you're cruel."
You kissed his head before moving his face so he looked at you, he was pouting
You kissed all over his face before giving him a big smooch on his lips
You immediately teleported back when he tried to cling to you
You left him a note on his table that you'll be back in a few days
Don't look at him like that
He's just stress eating okay??!!
He's so use to having you cure other cravings he has that now he's gone back to being a complete eating Machine
Sure that never really changed but before your arrival he ate ALOT more
His pact with you was always shining and you felt the need to see him
You decided you'll pop in
You somehow ended up in mini fridge, all the trays were taken out and there wasn't a spot of food inside
You saw your boyfriend chowing down and coughed into your hand
"surprise, baby!"
He stopped eating, quickly gulping down and helped you out of the fridge
"you shouldn't be in there you could catch a cold."
"I missed you too."
You kissed both of his cheeks, giving him some actual kisses
He just let you shower him in kisses as he held your hips
"I missed you aswell, are you staying?"
"not for long but I'm coming back next week, save me some of that Ice cream."
He looked down at the ice cream and nodded with a frown
You teleported back after kissing his forehead
Has been clinging to anyone he could get his hands on
Which mostly was his twin, just clinging to his arm, leg, back, wherever he could
He missed hugging you and taking naps with you
Didn't even bother to hide how much he missed you
Has considered going back on all his chatacter development just so he would come back
You had a feeling it was best to go back to the devildom for a visit when your pact kept fizzing
He was sitting in his room, crushing a squishy plush cow with a snarl
"Missed me?"
He whipped aroulnd and just stared at you in shock
"I am asleep again?"
He frowned
"this is reality, I'm just making a stop here to see you."
He hugged you, breathing in your smell, missing it already
"I missed you, when are you coming back? Naps haven't been the same."
"you gotta survive another week, but I got something for you."
He raised a brow, confused on what it could be
But surprise! It was kisses all over his face
He felt true peace feeling you kiss him again and actually fell sleep smiling
You laughed as he suddenly flopped smiling like an idioit
You made kissed his cheek one last time before heading back
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