#and a goddamn horse
lookninjas · 5 months
Anyway, someone brought up SisQó as part of this whole Kendrick/Drake thing (Drake fucking wishes), and it reminded me of this perfect performance. The horse! KOOL MOE DEE! Dru Hill! Surprise Stevie Wonder at the end! The pageantry! The showmanship! The Janet Jackson reference! The fucking purple suit!
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zillychu · 5 months
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i have entirely too many people enabling me to stop at this point
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Watching Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron again as an adult is so great because not only do you appreciate the nostalgia and joy of it, the stunning 2D animation mixed with early 3D techonology and well written tight story with a main character that never speaks.
But also you appreciate that the plot relies on horses, despite not being typical talking horses in cartoons, being extremely intelligent to the point that they are aware of their captivity and exploitation. And it involves a hyper intelligent horse dismantling (or, at the very least significantly delaying) American colonialism's expansion into the west.
This horse also very likely killed many colonialists when they were either launched at high speeds from his back, kicked in the head or blown up in a train explosion.
Good for him.
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ghastlylamb · 5 months
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He's just so
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wasyago · 1 year
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one day he will trip on his own dress and die
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pancakemolybdenum · 1 month
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realized i never posted the full cards i made for @jjbatarotdeck!
leftover sales are open and will be until the 14th of september or when the decks run out! u can buy it here!
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qiu-yan · 3 months
sensitive topic incoming
not a haterpost i promise.
sect leader yao is not a reliable source
further explanation/hypothesizing:
it happened exactly as sect leader yao said: self-explanatory. the version of events preferred by jiggy antis
he mercy-killed rusong: maybe rusong was already showing signs of a life-altering disorder as a result of the incest. or maybe jiggy just felt that, if the incest information ever came out, rusong would be doomed to a life of suffering in a heavily prejudiced society. jiggy himself had spent his entire life suffering and getting kicked around due to his own proximity to society's pariahs/taboos, so perhaps he felt that he could not subject his son to the same miserable existence. thus, jiggy gave rusong a more peaceful end, before (in jiggy's mind) society could force rusong to suffer.
he allowed rusong to die through inaction: this is really only a "kill" under a utilitarian moral framework. by this explanation, maybe jiggy found out in advance that someone was planning to kill rusong; however, for any of the other reasons listed here, jiggy decided to do nothing and allow the assassination to happen. thus jiggy would consider himself guilty of allowing rusong's death to happen through inaction.
he did it to justify eliminating an opponent of the watchtowers: maybe the advancement of the watchtower project, which jiggy knew would make society a safer place, had hit a deadlock because of a particularly stubborn opponent. so jiggy killed rusong and framed the opponent in order to engineer a situation in which his annihilation of the opponent would be entirely socially sanctioned.
and here is where the utilitarian arguments come in. perhaps jiggy knew that the watchtower project would improve the lives of millions of people and would make society as a whole safer. and he saw that one political opponent as the final major barrier. and jiggy could think of no other way to get rid of this guy. so jiggy weighed the lives of those millions of people against his one son, and concluded those millions of strangers were weightier; his son became his iphigenia.
of course, this is still a rather unhinged plan to just come up with on your own, so perhaps a better explanation of events is this reasoning paired with the "he allowed rusong to die through inaction" series of events.
rusong was killed by political opponents and jiggy blamed himself: now we reach the "he didn't do it" section of the potential explanations. jiggy has a habit of claiming kills he didn't strictly perform himself; so long as the chain of cause and effect can somehow be traced to somewhere near him eventually, jiggy will claim credit for someone's death. this is how jiggy takes credit for the death of jin zixuan: even though [novel canon] no one forced wei wuxian to lose control of wen ning and no one forced wen ning to attack jin zixuan, jiggy still acts as if he can call himself jin zixuan's killer, simply because he sent jin zixuan to wei wuxian's location.
jiggy, in pursuing the watchtower project, aroused a lot of public anger. jiggy made himself, and by extension his wife and his child, the political enemies of many, and thus political targets as well. thus, if an enemy targets the life of jin rusong because they are jiggy's enemy, jiggy is entirely justified in feeling as if rusong's death is his fault. after all, if he hadn't pursued the watchtower project, then maybe rusong would still be alive.
jiggy said "he had to die" as a Cope: losing your son sucks. perhaps jiggy, in the despair following his son's death, tried to cope with the new reality by telling himself that rusong would have had to die anyways, because he was an incest baby. if rusong was always slated to die, then the fact that rusong is now dead can now be survived. thus, "rusong had to die" becomes an emotional coping mechanism for jiggy.
no, jiggy himself is uncertain if he allowed rusong to die through inaction: this one is a a bit fanciful but bear with me here. on one hand, jiggy loves his wife and son. on the other hand, jiggy is horrified by his marriage with his wife and by the existence of his son, because his wife is also his sister and his son is the product of incest. jiggy lives with not only this horror but also the constant fear of exposure, because if this information ever got out, the lives of himself, his wife, and his son would all be over.
rusong's growth thus becomes a source of dread, not hope: every day lived brings the possibility of rusong developing some disorder or condition that eventually proves the incest. is it not possible that jiggy, living every day under such fear, might come to believe that things would be better if rusong stopped growing older? if rusong died--then gone too would be the evidence of the incest, would it not?
now along comes the political opponent who assassinates rusong. jiggy does not see it coming and jiggy is thus unable to stop it. but afterwards, upon beholding the corpse of his son, what does jiggy feel? rage? despair? no--relief! he feels relief! though he also grieves, the constant fear shrouding his entire life has, for once, lifted!
but if jiggy is relieved by the death of his son, what does this imply? can jiggy truly say, with full confidence, that he did not see the assassination coming? can he really say, with heaven and earth as his witnesses, that his failure to stop the assassination was not to some degree a choice? is there truly no small part of him that did in fact see the assassination coming--yet, knowing it would be so relieving for him, simply chose to do nothing?
but if jiggy did not see the assassination coming at all--if rusong's death truly cannot be pinned on jiggy at all--then what does that say about jiggy's power? about jiggy's safety? jiggy being innocent of killing through inaction means that jinlintai really is somewhere assassins can penetrate into. then jiggy's son really was killed by a force jiggy had no way of stopping. then, in this situation, jiggy really was powerless.
you can remove the ambiguity and argue the case either way: jiggy knew about the assassination and let it happen, jiggy legitimately knew nothing and could not have stopped the assassination. but the ambiguity makes this scenario more interesting to me. jiggy lives for the rest of his days uncertain if he chose to allow his son to die through inaction, or if he really was just weak enough to fail to protect his son. maybe jiggy's memories of the incident even manage to start distorting after a while, implying either one or the other depending on jiggy's own mental situation.
thus, when jiggy says "rusong had to die," he's uncertain if he's justifying his actions or delusionally coping with a reality he had no hand in making. when jiggy says "i killed my son," he's uncertain if he's even telling the truth or not.
ah well. this is basically original fiction at this point. it's just a potential scenario.
anyways, these are just a few scenarios based on various meta and fanfics of this subject ive read over the past few months. you can probably come up with all sorts of explanations. whatever you come up with, though, should be better than just blindly taking sect leader yao at his word.
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reds-skull · 7 months
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I am thinking about yet another AU
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ragemuffin · 23 days
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He’s so done with these fucking teenagers.
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cuubism · 2 months
taking cosplaying hob gadling to another level by having an increasingly bad knee
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Prompt 28
Jaskier is sure the last hurdle to winning Geralt's heart is to finally make Roach like him. So he gives her apples and sugar cubes, and braids her hair, and cleans her hooves, and brushes her fur, and buys her new tack, and pets her every chance he gets, and he can tell that slowly but surely, she's starting to like him! Now he just has to wait for Geralt to fall in love with him! Jaskier eliminated the one problem that Geralt would reasonably have with them getting together. "If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands!" Ah. Apparently there was... more wrong with Jaskier than he initially thought. Roach meanwhile watches as the flowerman who gives her all the best treats walks past her sobbing. Where's Geralt??? Go fix the flowerman! She waits a while but... Geralt isn't coming. Geralt can handle himself. prettycolorflowerman cannot! He is stupid!!! So she follows him. Geralt returns to what was their camp, already feeling like shit for blowing up at Jaskier, only to find that- What th- Did Jaskier steal his fucking horse!? Jaskier is already a town or two away, and is done performing in exchange for a room, when he looks outside and sees Roach. Did Geralt come back for him!? He always hoped that- Oh.. No. He didn't. It's... just roach? Is he in trouble? No she's certainly in no hurry to leave. Perhaps she just wandered after him and needs to be told to go back to Geralt. She's not moving- Entice her with treats! Not working. Do the special little whistle Geralt does when he needs her! Not working. Shove her toward where she came from. Not working. Fuck! How is Jaskier going to give Roach back to Geralt without... Without seeing Geralt!?
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rcrisdraws · 2 months
Thinking about horses and riding and how everywhere I've been they encourage you to hit or threaten to hit the horses if they don't comply and the trainers yelling at you if you want to be gentle and how not one trainer i saw thinks about changing the environment to facilitate what the horse actually LIKES doing or taking in account herd dynamics...
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norigohan · 1 year
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he's so cool i wish horses were real :(
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unknown--author · 2 years
Alternate Version of Leona and Yuu's first meeting (sorta)
Leona: I could kill you right now, Herbivore.
Yuu: You should.
Leona: What?
Yuu: *Flops down in the flower bed* I'm tired, man. You know how this all started? With a freaky-ass skeletal horse ringing my doorbell.
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mercisnm · 8 months
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previously on @wordsbyarwen: Greek myth AU, the mages are gods and use avatars to appear to their followers, Tissaia is the lord of the Underworld and god of the dead, her Hades avatar vs the form she was born into
bonus Rita as Aphrodite
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saint-sebastian-coded · 8 months
why did no one tell me that its not just hector's horse lampus being called sparkles, its one being called blondie and sparkles is also godlike
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