#and a special shout out to her plan that's all about slipping through the cracks
curioussubjects · 1 year
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Kara has ADHD in every episode: "The Hand of God"
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firefly-in-darkness · 3 years
What Happens In Vegas...
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Pairing → Sam Wilson x Reader
Characters → Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Joaquin Torres
Summary → Sam had to be the calm, mature and responsible one. With the mantle of Captain America, he couldn’t be anything else. Y/N is a pain in his ass and a liability. Everything comes to ahead during an undercover mission in Las Vegas.
Word Count → 2.9k
Warnings → 18+, injury, blood, canon level violence, implied smut, swearing
Betas → @princessmisery666 // all mistakes are my own.
Prompts → As part of my 3k follower celebration, @captainorbust-blog sent me the following: Flying, Opposites, Las Vegas.
A/N → I hope you like this sort of enemies to lovers Sam Wilson fic. He deserves some happiness!! I also had a prompt from @star-spangled-bingo but I missed the deadline for this round (oops!), it's in bold - "It just slipped out." Special shout out to @kalesrebellion for talking me through the last couple of scenes too.
As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated💕
Firefly’s Masterlist
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Gamblers scream and run for cover, as the spray of bullets, poker chips and playing cards fill the space between the Avengers and the thugs defending the private elevator to the offices the team were attempting to break into.
Y/N and Sam hid behind an overturned table, his disapproval dripped from his features with the scolding look he sent her way for not sticking to the plan. Now he had to fight, in a suit that had no thrills or Stark tech to magically make his shield or wings appear. He begrudged bringing Y/N on an undercover op, and even more so now that he just watched her rip the very expensive dress, splitting it up her thigh.
Sam had to be the calm, mature and responsible one. With the mantle of Captain America, he couldn’t be anything else. Not with the government, the world, and possibly the universe, watching his every move. He was constantly on edge, holding his breath and waiting for the moment that the public saw him fail, to have the shield taken away from him.
Sam knelt and fired over the table, taking out one of the henchman’s knees, the body crashing against the slot machine, causing the winning chimes to sound off and the clinking of coins rushing into the metal bowl. Any other time and he would have laughed at that moment. He couldn’t be the wild and free Sam Wilson that his closest and dearest knew him to be.
“You weren’t supposed to do anything other than look pretty,” Sam huffs, “we were supposed to get in there undetected.”
When he falls back against the table, he instantly reloads. Y/N taking his place, aiming, and removing two more of the men from their battlefield. She was six months into their training and on her third mission with the team. She was impulsive, careless and on occasion an absurdly sensitive human being.
Sam never quite understood the meaning of polar opposites until he met Y/N. She stomps around to Italian rock bands, and Sam glides along to the dulcet tones of Marvin Gaye. She uses TikTok and Instagram, while he’s still getting to grips with Twitter, he has Facebook down. He cracks jokes using pop culture references and she talks about memes. And their choices on team-bonding movie nights always cause a dispute to some extent.
Bullets whizzing in her direction had her crashing back down as she watched them lodge in the slot machine, in line with where her head had just been.
“Aww, you think I’m pretty,” She breathlessly commented, “It’s not my fault he couldn’t handle a joke. It just slipped out.”
Sam scoffs and rolls his eyes, regardless of whether she’d see or hear. It was typical of Y/N to make a joke at the expense of the security guard and his boss, who was not at all impressed. She was always coming out with a one-liner or laughing uncontrollably as she tried to reach the punchline at the most inappropriate times. Bucky seemed unphased by her antics, but Sam had spotted the odd smirk whenever she showed the soldier her favourite videos.
She is a pain in Sam’s ass and a liability. But being her superior, it’s his responsibility to make sure that everyone remains safe, and the mission is completed without a hitch. He couldn’t let Y/N get away with too much otherwise he’d have General Ross on his case. Sam despised the man long before he threw him into the raft all those years ago, and he didn’t want him breathing down his neck. Or his team for that matter.
Sam did enjoy the moment when she pretended to be frozen in the conference call with the General and ignored any questions directed her way. Even after her cat walked across the webcam. He drew the line when Y/N became reckless and had to reprimand her; she couldn’t take chances or risk the safety of herself and the team.
Y/N hadn’t held back from retaliating as they limped across several dunes with minor injuries and without any way to contact headquarters. She gleefully pointed out all the ways he had done the same thing on several occasions before he took up the mantle. That was when Sam had introduced the silent treatment or as Bucky had liked to call it ‘playing with fire.’
The first time he ignored Y/N as if nothing happened, it had her riled up for ages. It gave Sam the chance to cool off and hopefully get her to think about actions and consequences. However, the last time he did it was a few weeks ago when she barely escaped an explosion that toppled a Hydra base. Sam couldn’t forget the way his heart hammered in his chest that day; the anger and fear seeping through his veins while he waited for Y/N’s return.
Through that stint of the silent treatment, Sam realised how truly scared he was of losing Y/N. He would have waited forever for her to return, long after the building collapsed. His feelings weren’t as platonic as he originally thought. Opposites attract but similarities can create an even stronger bond. But that bond was always tested, never more so when it came to him and Y/N.
Sam channels the frustration, stemming from his unconfessed feelings into pushing forward and navigating the casino; ducking and weaving between the tables to reach the stairwell. There was no way they’d be able to take the elevator, it was probably disconnected as soon as the goons boarded and escaped with their target.
It wasn’t until Sam was halfway up the steps that he realises Y/N had slowed down and was almost crawling up the steps behind him, blood pooling on the floor beneath her. Without a second thought, Sam hauls her arm over his broad shoulders to bring her up the remaining steps before the next set, resting her against the window looking out onto the bright lights of Las Vegas.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Sam growls, moving the blood-soaked material of her dress aside. Bullet wound. Even though he was focused on yanking off his tie and wrapping it around her leg, the silence aggravated him, “answer me, Y/N.”
Sam looks up when there is no response. Y/N’s face has slumped to the side, eyes closed. Fuck. Instincts kicking in, he pats her cheek, calls out her name. The earpiece is quickly discarded, silencing the panic of Joaquin and Bucky’s demand for him to tell them what was going on.
Y/N groans and bats away Sam’s hands, “Enough.”
“Y/N, you need to stay awake, come on.” Sam coos, glancing above and below the stairwell. Nobody was around, a sinking feeling settles in his chest as he tries to work out the plan of his enemies. They weren’t attacking or attempting to hold them, they’d just disappeared.
“Sorry.” A whisper came from his side.
He couldn’t help the grin, “You shouldn’t have said that I’ll never let you forget your first apology.”
“Sam, I don’t feel too hot.” She whimpers and applies more pressure on the haphazardly bandaged wound.
“I’ll get us out of here.” Sam hushes her, rubbing her arm.
“You’re supposed to tell me I’m still attractive.” Y/N gives him a goofy grin but looked more delirious than humorous.
“That was awful.” Sam shakes his head, then whips around to the crashing coming from above, shielding Y/N from further injury with his body and outstretched arms.
The sound of gunfire and explosions ricochet down the stairwell and Sam’s panic returns as he tries to figure out how he was going to get Y/N out of here, safely. And so, he can tell her how he truly feels. He freezes at the train of thought; he’d never really considered telling Y/N anything. Not only would she use it to her advantage, but she might reciprocate the feelings he felt towards her.
“Birdbrain!!” Bucky’s voice echoes down to them, and upon catching eyes from a few flights above, he sees the soldier racing down the stairs with Joaquin not far behind.
They are covered in dust and blood, and Sam realises that they must have rushed into the building from their lookout on the rooftop. But he doesn’t respond to the disobedience for not remaining at their station. He couldn’t. Not when Y/N was slipping further away by the second.
“Back up aren’t going to be here for another ten,” Joaquin informs quietly, unsure of how his superiors would react to the information.
Bucky winces, gloved hand running over his short dark locks, looking around for an answer in the casino’s stairwell, “Fuck Sam, we need to get her back to the motel, now.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Sam snaps, pulling off his suit jacket and wrapping it around Y/N’s shoulders tightly.
Sam looks at Joaquin, “First time for everything right?”
Joaquin nods and places a small round device onto Sam’s back, and instantly the technology begins to morph. The nanobots take the form of a backpack, sliding around his torso and over his shoulders. Sam pulls Y/N into his arms as if she weighed nothing but the feel of her body pressing against him and the way her arms link around his neck meant she was still here. Still with him.
Sam crashes through the window, glass shattering as the red, white, and blue wings fully extend. Y/N buries her head into his chest, shielding away from the rain and strong winds, tightening her hold on him. His heart thrums in his chest, hoping she couldn’t feel it where her head tucked neatly into him.
“If I knew getting injured would get me a free ride, I would have complained about a papercut.”
“I’m pretty sure you alwayscomplain about the tiniest injury. Like when you stubbed your toe on the corner of the couch,” Sam grins as they fly away from the casino.
She was making jokes, making him laugh. She was going to be okay.
“Worse than being shot,” Y/N scoffs but her voice is quiet, “I lied. This hurts. A lot.”
“A few more minutes, sugar. A few more minutes,” Sam reassures, himself more than her.
As he weaves in tandem to the air currents, Sam thinks of how he wanted Y/N’s first flight experience to be. It should have been a moment for them to share, not have her almost unconscious because of a bullet wound lodged in her leg.
They reach their destination moments later, and Sam gently settles Y/N onto the bed before tearing up the place looking for the medical supplies. Cupboards are thrown open, drawers yanked completely out, contents spewed across the floor. By the time Sam reaches the last cabinet and finds the alcohol and a first aid kit, he hears a gasp from the other side of the room.
He races back to Y/N, to see blood spilling onto the sheets, the bandage no longer helping, “Shit. Right, Y/N I need you to lie down for this.”
She grimaces at the small bottle of vodka but twists off the cap. She chugs it back before turning on her side to expose her wounded thigh. Sam pours the remaining bit of alcohol over her flesh and works at exposing the wound, spotting the offending item.
Y/N’s fingers cling to the material beside her tightly, her screams muffled by the pillow she’d buried herself into. It did nothing to stop the sweat beading on Sam’s brow as he pulls out the metal fragments, one by one. The stitches weren’t his best work, hands shaking too much, the adrenaline had worn off the second he’d removed the last piece. He hopes it won’t leave too much of a scar, but knows when Y/N is better, she’ll give him shit for it regardless.
The fear of almost losing her had settled too deep to ignore, he couldn’t help but feel like this was cliche. A scene from one of those bad romance movies where the main character confesses their love to the one that’s about to die. But he’s not going to do that, because Y/N isn’t going to die. She’s almost passed out from the pain, yet she stirs when Sam’s fingers absentmindedly stroke around the wound.
He glances at her as she tries to sit up, “Easy.”
Y/N settles back against the headboard, the pain is etched across her face and Sam doesn’t like it one bit. He sits at the edge of the bed, handing a glass of water that she tentatively accepts.
“You called me ‘sugar’, I heard you.” Her voice drifts around the room, a whisper amongst the silence, “I liked it.”
He quirks his brow, a slight smirk forming on his lips, waiting for a punchline. To her to yell at him that he’d got punked! But it never came, her eyes flutter open and latch onto his, taking his breath away at the adoration that they directed at him.
“Think all of this drama has gone to your head,” Sam places the back of his hand against her cheek, checking her temperature. No fever, that’s a good sign. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Y/N nods, and gently takes his hand in hers, turning it to press a kiss to his palm. Sam takes a moment, relishing in the feel of her soft plump lips against his skin. He couldn’t believe this was happening, that he was no longer thinking about the future or what could be.
Taking the chance, Sam leans forward to kiss Y/N, worry festering deep in his heart at the thought she’d pull away at the last minute. Their lips met delicately, and, moments later, eyes close as Sam caresses her with his tongue.
It wasn’t long before clothes are discarded, giving them a chance to bask in the beauty of one another, to see each other bare for the first time. And to feel what had always been between them laid out for the taking if they reached out just a little further.
Sam was the first to fall out of the trance, reaching for Y/N and bringing her into his embrace. The kiss deepening with each touch, exploring the pleasure elicited from their caresses. They fall apart together, lost in the euphoria of their intimacy.
The realisation of what had happened seeps into Sam’s pleasure-filled haze, the uncertainty of his feelings, and Y/N’s for that matter, coming back to the forefront of his mind. He was her superior, she was injured. He felt as though he had taken advantage of her, even if she had initiated and consented to it.
His body turns rigid, losing all sense of calm and replacing it with the dread that he has learnt to carry as Captain America. He wants to be Sam Wilson and enjoy this moment but even his own mind was taking that away from him.
Y/N curls into his side, wrapping her arms around his torso. Sam’s plaguing thoughts disappear as he watches Y/N’s eyes flutter closed and feels the warmth from the content hum fall from her lips.
“What happens in Vegas…” she mumbles into his chest then her eyes fly open, and she abruptly sits up, speaking a mile a minute. “Unless, oh god. Sam, I didn’t mean to offend you. No, wait. That’s not what I’m trying to say. I like you, God, I really do. But you’re my boss. And I completely understand if this was a one-time thing.”
Sam’s heart soars at the flustered way Y/N tries to explain her ramblings, not too dissimilar to his own thoughts. Without responding, and cutting her off mid-sentence, Sam pulls her into a heated kiss, pressing his feelings into her lips.
She pulls away, too soon for Sam’s liking and rests her forehead against his, biting her lip and unable to look at him, “Does that mean you like me too?”
“Yeah, I like you, sugar.” Sam pulls Y/N back to his chest, tucking her into his side, “You need to rest, Cyborg and Torres will be back in an hour, and they’ll probably want to check in on you.”
Sam stirs at the sound of the door opening, he hadn’t fallen into a deep sleep but even through his slight sleep blurred vision, he could make out the blush rising on Bucky’s cheeks and a very excited Joaquin. Neither of them had a chance to say or do anything, they were silenced with Sam’s gesture of an index finger pressed to his lips and a nod to the sleeping woman beside him. Bucky and Joaquin quietly backed out of the room.
Sam’s eyes fell on Y/N’s watchful gaze from where she had nuzzled herself against him. “You knew I wasn’t asleep.”
“Yeah, well, gives me some more time to have you all to myself before we return to the compound,” He grins at her, fingers tracing haphazard shapes onto her back. “Everyone will know by the time we get home now that those old ladies have something to gossip about. You good with that?”
Y/N nods, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, “Are you?”
Sam responds with a kiss. His shoulders felt a little lighter, his chest a little warmer and thoughts a lot quieter.
The End.
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johnnysnostril · 3 years
makeup sex with nct 127 | part four [18+]
mark & haechan
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i slipped my phone underneath my sheets and cuddled into my pillow.
yes, i was home and no he didn’t need to know that.
i didn’t wanna talk. there was nothing to be talked about.
mark knew how jealous i could get, but it’s only because everyone fucking loves him. i never get any of his time anymore- and the longer he stayed away, the more jealous and paranoid i got. i don’t think he really understood that though. i didn’t mean to be so jealous, i was just always worried that someone was going to take my place, like in the past.
i know mark was different but still- i was worried.
suddenly my mom came knocking on my door.
“honey, mark is here.” she whispered with a smile.
i shook my head.
“i’m not here.” i whispered back.
my mom slightly frowned, eventually nodding then making her way back downstairs.
i laid still on my mattress, trying to see if i can hear what was going on- nothing. it was quiet as a mouse.
i finally exhaled deeply and shut my eyes, thinking i was in the clear.
a few moments later, my door opened.
“i’m sorry mom, i just don’t wanna talk right now.” i mumbled, trying to not cry. she said nothing. the door softly shut and i finally let out a few tears. i really hated crying.
i felt my cover pull back, as someone climbed in behind me- wrapping an arm around my waist.
“baby, don’t cry..” i heard mark’s voice say.
realizing it was him, i just cried even more. he squeezed me close to his chest and placed an innocent kiss on my shoulder.
“why are you crying?” he whispered against my skin.
i didn’t answer. i didn’t want to-
“baby, talk to me- please.” he pleaded.
mark gently climbed over me, making his way to the other side of the mattress so he could see my face.
i instantly hid.
“stop it-“ he said pulling my hands away and pulling me into his chest.
“i didn’t mean to make you feel like this, my love.” he admitted. “i swear on my life, you’re the only one i want.” mark slowly rubbed my back to try and calm me down.
i could feel his heartbeat. it was so calm. it almost made me feel better.
“i promise you, nothing happened- i would never lie to you.”
mark slightly pulled himself back, searching for my eyes.
i looked up at him and he smiled.
“god, you’re so beautiful.” mark’s eyes glistened as he looked at me. he lifted my hand, placing it on his chest- to feel his heartbeat. “do you feel that?” he asked. i nodded.
his heart was racing.
“you’re the only person who can do that to me..” mark whispered. “only you.” wiping one of my tears away, he leaned forward- placing soft kisses over my eyelids. “you’re still the most beautiful woman to me- even on your worse days.”
i rested my head on his chest and just listened to his heartbeat.
mark had never really done anything to hurt me. it was just my mind playing tricks on me, like it always did.
“why do you put up with me?” i mumbled into his chest.
he answered right away.
“i love you- and there’s nothing that could change that. i told you i’m here for you and that’s what i mean.” he began. “i’m here regardless if you don’t want me to be. you’re my person and i won’t give up on you, babe. i’m patient and will love you through all the pain you’ve experienced.”
as we looked at each other, i could feel my body becoming numb with tingles.
i loved this man so much.
“i love you-“ he repeated. “so much.” mark cracked an innocent smile as he glanced down at my lips.
“am i wrong for wanting to kiss you right now?” he groaned.
i shook my head.
instantly, he leaned in- connecting our lips and tangling his fingers in my hair.
the butterflies flew through my stomach as i slipped my fingertips underneath his shirt.
within seconds, his tongue was in my mouth- swirling around mine. his kisses were intense and deep, making me breathe a bit heavier.
mark found himself on top of me, as i tugged at his shirt. taking the hint, he lifted up and removed the fabric from his body- throwing it on the floor.
we haven’t had sex in almost two months.
our bodies were hungry.
before i knew it, we were both naked. mark’s fingers were inside me as he continued to kiss me. i moaned against his lips, gently sinking my teeth into his bottom lip. as i spread my legs wider, his fingers moved faster.
sliding my fingers into the back of his hair, i pulled him closer before releasing his lip.
“mark, fuck me-“ i moaned.
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i threw my phone on my mattress and groaned loudly as i got up to get dressed. haechan was so damn hardheaded and it really annoyed me sometimes.
i quickly dressed myself in some jeans and one of his hoodies.
hearing a knock on the door, i rolled my eyes and made my way to the peephole.
seeing it was haechan, i folded my arms around my chest. “who is it?” i said with an attitude.
“the best boyfriend in the world. what do you mean?! open the door.” he said playfully. “no.” i shouted back.
he smiled and leaned against the pillar by the doorbell.
sighing, he slipped his hand into his pocket- pulling out my favorite candy.
“alright- well, i guess i’ll have to eat this by myself then.”
my eyes scanned the wrapper as he peeled back the shiny paper.
“you asshole.” i mumbled.
as i clicked the top lock, haechan stuff the candy in his mouth. i ripped the door open- making my way over to him and slapped his chest. “oh hey, babe. i didn’t see you there.” he joked. as i tried to snatch the candy out of his hands, he held it above his head as he chewed.
“mm mm, imma need a kiss first before you try and steal from me.” he winked, pushing his lips out for a kiss. i stood there for a minute before sighing, reaching over to the front door to close it- then made my way over to his car.
haechan laughed and quickly ran behind me.
“nice hoodie.” he said slapping my butt.
i ignored him.
reaching his car, i yanked on the door handle.
“not so fast, little missy.” he said dangling the car keys in front of my face as he leaned against the back door. haechan smiled and poked his lips out again for a kiss. i rejected him.
“why are you still mad, huh?” he said in a serious tone, trying to give me the candy.
“i don’t want it.” i lied.
“yeah right. just take it, meany.”
snatching the candy out of his hand, i placed my free hand on my hip. “so, i’m the mean one?” i began. “after you cancelled on me, again?!” i shouted.
haechan pouted, reaching out to hold my waist.
“i said i’m sorry baby. that’s why i’m here.”
i shook my head, looking off to the side.
“i’m so tired of your shit, haechan.” i admitted.
“i know-“ he shot back. “i’m trying, okay?” leaning down a little, he kissed my neck. “please be patient with me. i really don’t mean to work this much- i just don’t have a choice right now, babe.” he mumbled against my skin.
haechan slowly rocked us back and forth before he chuckled.
“hug me, baby. i haven’t seen you in two weeks.”
he kissed my neck again.
i shut my eyes, trying not to be angry anymore.
he smelled so good and he felt good against my body.
“if you’re nice to me, i can show you what i have planned.” his hands trailed down to my butt and he softly squeezed.
i didn’t want him to know that i was actually enjoying this moment.
he lifted his head and smiled down at me.
“don’t be so angry with me. i really have something special planned.” once again, he pushed his lips out for a kiss.
i actually kissed him back, but only a little.
being the dramatic soul he was, he instantly fell back against the car- holding his chest.
“oh my god. are you trying to kill me?” he shouted. “damn, someone bring me an oxygen tank!”
i rolled my eyes and laughed at his comment just before he sat back up to cup my chin. “there’s that beautiful smile.”
haechan unlocked the doors, opening the passenger side- for me to get in.
pulling into a tiny parking lot, he parked the car. “what are we doing at the beach?” i asked as i finished the other half of the candy bar. haechan smiled, getting out of the front seat and making his way to the backseat. i followed behind him.
as he faced me, he pulled me in for a kiss and i went with it.
“i wanted to just chill here with you and watch the water.” he mumbled. “but there’s something i need to take care of first.”
in one motion, he popped the button on my jeans and yanked the zipper down.
“what are you doing?” i said leaning back, with a slight smile.
as he pushed me back into the seats, he continued.
i watched him as he removed my shoes, jeans and underwear in a quick manner.
“clearly, you need a reminder of who am i.” he smirked.
pushing my legs open, he lowered himself down and began to eat me out.
haechan tossed my legs over his shoulders, making himself comfortable as he swirled his tongue around my clit.
i moaned loudly.
he was vicious with his tongue and lips as he sucked and licked. i tangled my fingers in his hair and crumbled under his touch.
“daddy…” i moaned out.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Kickstart My Heart Pt.II (Kang Yeosang) Rated
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<<Previous // Next>>
Pairing: Racer! Kang Yeosang × Waitress!/Fuckgirl! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Light Angst, Crack, 80s Au.
Summary: Getting the chance to spend time alone with Y/N, Yeosang jumps at the opportunity, getting a little more than he bargained for.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Dumb attempts at humor, second hand embarrassment, Lynn is still creepy, slight voyeurism/ exhibitionism, making out in car, heavy petting, allusions to oral (male receiving).
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The two best friends giggled amongst themselves as they entered inside the establishment, hands full of bags that contained to go boxes with several assorted sandwiches, burgers and fries inside of them. Hearing the bell signal customers, the peppy blonde at the front counter looked up from the thick stack of papers in front of her, mouth automatically showcasing her perfect and commercial worthy smile she always used when greeting newcomers or even regulars.
"Good afternoon what can-" Her expression immediately soured, smile fading and in its place puckered lips took shape.
"Oh... it's just you two." She drawled out the last words, eyes rolling as she peered back at the papers she was busy with.
Looking over at each other, Lynn simply shrugged her shoulders as one of her eyebrows raised up in puzzlement. Meanwhile, Y/N couldn't contain the soft snort that passed through her tight sealed lips, the sound coming out more like a goofy raspberry that further irritated the girl at the counter.
"Hey Sora. How's your day going so far?" Y/N tried to make conversation, but it was obvious the girl wasn't having it, blatantly ignoring both of them as her hand scribbled even faster, pages being turnt at a fast speed. Shifting awkwardly in her stance, Y/N turned her head to look at her friend, who merely shook her head, face clearly indicating to her to not try to act nicer and to simply get to the point of why they had come all the way to the workshop.
"Are the boys still here?"
With a few muttered grumbles, Sora lifted her pen and pointed it behind her towards the door that led to the garage, silently answering where the mentioned individuals currently were.
Sora let out a scoff as the two girls made their past the counter, annoyed ever so vastly by the fact she had no authority nor power to forbid them from going to the back. Being friends with Wooyoung and the rest of the gang, obviously they got special privileges that allowed them to come and go as they pleased not only in the shop but also down at the tracks. And frankly Sora hated it, hence why she didn't refrain from demonstrating her hostility towards Y/N and Lynn, but especially towards the latter for more personal and complicated reasons that everyone was aware of but Lynn herself.
"I don't know why you go out of your way to be friendly towards her. She's been needing to take a chill pill ever since high school." Lynn retorted. Putting down the bags she was carrying for a moment, she pulled the sides of her oversized denim jacket back over her shoulders, the top having slipped off rather uncomfortably on her torso.
"Honestly?...... merely to piss her off." Y/N snickered maliciously, her true intentions finally coming to light.
"Well I'd say you do a fantastic job then. She just takes one look at you and her blood is boiling." Lynn pointed out as she picked up the bags once more.
"Trust me Lynn, you anger her more than I do." Thay statement made the petite girl do a double take at the office behind them.
"Me? Whatever did I do to Barbie?" She questioned, never once recalling a moment where she even spoke two words to the preppy girl that wasn't a casual greeting or goodbye.
Y/N looked with a deadpanned expression to her friend.
"You seriously don't- you know what? Never mind."
Not wanting to waste time trying to explain to her frequently unobservant buddy why Sora had a price on her head, Y/N just quickly rushed over towards the group of men huddled around the red Ferrari F40, one of them hidden underneath it, no doubt in the process of checking or fixing minor issues. Seeing the girls approaching them, all of the boys quickly sprang to life, Wooyoung leading the entourage as they came up towards them.
"So our lovely diner girls actually decided to join us for a movie night. I knew you guys couldn't resist my deadly charm."
Not only were the girls unamused by his little joke, but even his friends behind him shook their heads, disapproving greatly of his overly confident and light narcissistic attitude that he exuded at times.
"I only came cause I am not going to spend a perfectly good Friday night cooped up in my house watching Dynasty." Y/N firmly stated, shutting down any further attempts of flirting directed towards her.
"I like to see people get stabbed or gutted to death."
Cringing at the macabre girl's overly calm response, Wooyoung tilted his head back and looked at the tallest member of the gang, nose crinkling significantly as he silently mouthed a few words over to him, deeply questioning his friend's taste. Said friend simply shrugged and stepped up closer towards the girls, not surprising anyone that he'd pick a stance that had him facing Lynn from the front as he always liked to do.
"Well I'm just really happy you guys decided to join us. I thought you would be happy at knowing it was a horror film."
Not too far behind him, San and Mingi were already giggling amongst themselves, sending each other signals and jokingly theorizing how the night was going to go like.
"I am exceedingly happy Yunho. My body is so filled with joy and immense contentment that I can hardly keep myself from grinning." Despite the jubilant sentence, Lynn's face displayed absolutely no emotion and her raspy and low toned voice was still as monotone and lifeless as it tended to be. Yunho's bright smile nearly faltered, feet rocking back and forth awkwardly as he did not know how to proceed after such a statement. Luckily Mingi stepped in and changed the topic.
"Please tell me there's food in those bags and that we can have some." He pointed to one of the many bags that the girls were carrying.
Lifting one hand up then the other, Y/N shook the contents lightly.
"Your favorites." She chuckled when San came up and tightly squeezed her body into a hug.
"This is why I love you both." Y/N did not mind the slightest bit when he suddenly pulled her face towards his, mouth pressing hard and intense pecks on her cheek repeatedly as a show of gratitude. She was so used to his affectionate nature.
Turning around, Wooyoung cupped his hands over his mouth so that his voice could resonate loudly.
"Yeosang quit tinkering with it already! You're going to get dirty and we have a movie to catch." He shouted at whom the girls presumed was under the race car.
"You literally have speakers built into your vocal chords, there was no need for that makeshift megaphone." Lynn grumbled at him, causing the male next to her to burst out in a fit of giggles.
"Speakers built in hie vocal chords. Good one." Lifting his hand up, Yunho held it up towards Lynn, expecting her to high five him back but was instead met with her cold, squinting eyes that inspected his palm.
"Your aura is overly forced....and you have leftover grease on your hand." She looked away after finishing that sentence. Hearing her say that made Yunho instantly check his hand, immediately wiping it off on his jeans as he mentally slapped himself for looking like an idiot in front of the girl he fancied.
Not paying mind to whatever was happening around her, Y/N's eyes were glued on the figure that emerged from under the car. She couldn't help but admire the strong and buff biceps that were peeking out of the plain white tshirt the man was wearing, sleeves slightly rolled up above his shoulders. The angelic face belonging to him looked even more dazzling due to the light sheen of sweat around his temples, no doubt caused by the work he was doing. Even as he reached for one of the cleaning towels so he could wipe the grime and oil off his hands, Y/N continued to gaze at Yeosang, mind already conjuring up many ideas and fantasies with him as the main protagonist.
"Oh sweetie, you're not making this any easier." She mused inwardly, one of her fingers twirling a strand of her hair.
Discarding the rag on one of the toolboxes nearby, Yeosang carefully approached the group of friends, still awkward in interacting with all of them, trait that only helped in making him stand out like a sore thumb, more than he already did. Clamping a hand over his new buddy's shoulder, Wooyoung brought a hand up and patted one of his squishy cheeks.
"Now that you're finally here we can go." Looking around, Wooyoung gestured around.
"So who's riding with who?"
Immediately Yunho turned his face towards the girl next to him, about to voice out his want of having her in his car, but it seemed as if his plans would fall through as Mingi latched an arm around him.
"I'm going with Yunho." He seemed determined not to let go of him.
"Why? So you can cling to him during the scary parts?" A chorus of laughter poured out at San's amusing words.
"As if!" Mingi huffed, though it was more than obvious to everyone that it was precisely as San had predicted.
"Mingi... I was kinda hoping I could... you know?" Yunho tilted his head over to Lynn, making him get the picture of what he wanted.
"Whatever happened to bros before hoes?" Mingi sighed as he detached himself from Yunho.
"Ok then. Yunho you go with Mingi, San you can take the girls and I'll keep Sangie here company since he's still a little bit shy you know."
It seemed as if it was all decided about how their night was going to run, so Y/N knew she had to speak up and take the opportunity before it was all settled.
"Why don't I ride with Yeosang instead?"
Hearing her suggestion, the male in question widened his eyes in shock, not expecting her to voice that out loud. Even Wooyoung found it slightly odd and suspicious that she'd say that. But then he remembered the type of girl Y/N was and it started to set off alarm bells in his mind.
"Oh it's ok Y/N. You probably won't like to have him scream in your ear and cover his eyes like a baby at the jump scares." Not taking kindly to such blasphemous talk about him that painted an inaccurate picture.
But Y/N remained undeterred. She would stand her ground no matter what.
"Oh please, I insist. I'd love to take care of him..." She did not hide the sultry way she said that last part, eyes locked on Yeosang's, the boy swallowing hard and pressing himself further into Wooyoung's side. Wanting to bargain even further, Y/N took hold of her friend.
"How about this? Lynn goes with Yunho and Mingi, you ride with San and I get Yeosang?"
San cupped a hand over his mouth to muffle the laugh he wanted so desperately to release.
"I don't think it's just him she wants to get." He chuckled to himself.
"You're seriously leaving me alone with these 2 giants?" Lynn pointed to the two men at her right, one of which obviously was more than willing to welcome the arrangement.
"I promise Mingi won't disturb you too much with his crying." Yunho swore to her, hand coming up to clasp around Mingi's mouth when he attempted to protest that decision.
Wooyoung looked over to Yeosang, leaning in and dropping his voice so that only he could hear.
"If you don't want to, just say the word and I'll get her off your case." He offered. Although they had only met just a couple days ago, Wooyoung felt compelled and obligated to look out for the new boy, even if it meant protecting him from his other friends.
Knowing that he probably shouldn't and that it was a bad idea, Yeosang glanced over at Y/N. Meeting her eager eyes and cunning smile, any resolve to stay close to Wooyoung was immediately dispelled from his mind. He might never get another opportunity such as was presented to him and he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he was rather curious to find out more about the young vixen that he had heard so much about since he moved into town. With an assured smile that slightly worried Wooyoung, Yeosang stepped forward and held out his hand towards Y/N.
"Shall we get going then?"
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Unable to focus his attention towards the gigantic screen right in front of him, Yeosang slumped down further in his seat, fingers tugging his red sweater over his body. Every few seconds or so, he'd turn his head to peer at the girl on the passenger seat, looking exceedingly calm and collected unlike him. He was overly anxious to the point his food was still untouched, sitting in the backseat, long forgotten. Y/N, although collected, was bored out of her mind, elbow rested on the window, head being supported on her palm as her eyes never lingered away from the gore filled scenes being displayed across from them. There was a deafening silence inside the black Iroc Camaro, the tension between both individuals becoming increasingly thick.
Becoming desperate after 40 minutes of not getting him to make a move or even attempt to break the ice, she decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. Unzipping her green varsity jacket, Y/N began to slide it off her shoulders, revealing the low cut crop tank that she was hiding thus far.
"It's so hot today, don't you think?" She asked him as she tossed the clothing item behind her before settling back into her seat, fighting hard to keep her signature smirk off her face.
If he wasn't feeling hot before, Yeosang certainly started to feel heated after she had taken off her jacket. His hand reached out to grab the cup of soda in the cup holder, gulping most of the contents and ice down to help cool him down. He made an effort not to glance back at his companion anymore, knowing if he did he would have been unable to keep his eyes off her chest. Although it was dark and he turned away almost immediately, he had not missed the fact that she had chosen not to wear a bra, her nipples slightly poking out through the thin and flimsy shirt that even slowed one to make out the outline of her areolas. It was definitely a weakness of his, and Y/N was quick to find that out. Thumb coming up to her mouth, she began biting down on the nail to keep from giggling at Yeosang's reaction. He was devastatingly adorable with his wide eyes and stiffened posture, knee restlessly bouncing up in an agitated fashion. Looking in between his legs, she felt disappointed that she hadn't caused enough damage to earn a tent forming in his pants. He obviously knew how to calm himself in time. That wasn't enough to make her give up. On the contrary, it only hardened her resolve to get him to break.
Letting out an overly dramatic sigh, she reached her hands inside of her tank top. Cupping her breasts in her palms, she started off with slow movements, massaging them gently. Her eyelids started to flutter, closing only briefly as very faint and soft sighs were being exhaled through her nose. Although it was mostly done to tease the boy next to her, she got carried away and started to become more and more turned on with what she was doing. Each time she'd purposefully pinch and pull at her hardening peaks, a muffled whine would be heard coming from her throat, legs starting to spread inch by inch as her planters started to stick against her core.
Opening her eyes and tilting her head, she witnessed Yeosang's astounded expression that also held some lust in it. He was no longer sipping from his drink, but rather his teeth and tongue were merely toying around with the blue plastic straw as the grip on the base of the cup was lightly crushing it. The movie ultimately failed its purpose of keeping him distracted as his attention had fully diverted over to the sexy girl next to him, watching intently as she pleasured herself, wishing that it were his hands instead that were ministering such devotion to her breasts.
"Wanna be a doll and help me out here?" It seemed as if she had read his mind.
Without even a second of hesitation, Yeosang reached down and adjusted his seat back as far as it could go. Jumping at the invitation, Y/N climbed on top of him until she was straddling his lap. Yeosang's hands eagerly clasped around her waist, thumbs circling on the skin of her exposed abdomen. Cupping his cheeks, Y/N leaned her face down and harshly entangled her lips over his own. Yeosang hummed softly as he tasted the remnants of her cherry flavored chapstick, head tilting back when one of her hands tugged at his hair. His hands didn't hesitate to trail up and cup her mounds through her shirt, taking over the job that was previously being done by the owner's hands. Her insistent mouth parted his trembling lips, tongue poking out ever so slowly until it began divulging in the sweet taste of his wet cavern. Although he was no stranger to French kissing, Yeosang had never experienced a makeout session as intense as the one Y/N offered. She was very skilled and experienced, as proven by the swirl and swivel of her tongue against his own. He couldn't stop the moans pouring out from inside him, his hips bucking up into hers as if on instinct while his hands became more harsh and aggressive as they grasped at her breasts with near ferocity. Y/N would only pull away from their kiss for a few seconds to allow him to catch his breath before her lips lured him back into her. It was finally dawning on Yeosang's mind why so many men became captivated by her charms, even when knowing what the outcome would be. Here he was, the most lovely and hottest girl he'd ever met in his life, on his lap, making out with her while simultaneously getting to second base. He felt so damn lucky. But Y/N wanted to take it up a notch, not satisfied with ending the night with just heavy petting.
Sliding off his lap, she suprised him when she took hold of his belt and began to take it off him. Getting an inkling as to what she might have had in mind, Yeosang took hold of her wrist, making her head shot up at him.
"Is something wrong?" She began to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Had she really fucked things up already.
Yeosang turned beet red as he swallowed harshly, trying hard to form the words his head was attempting to sought.
"Are you.... are you a virgin?" She felt like she would have died if the answer was yes.
Seeing her worried face, Yeosang quickly shook his head.
"No! I'm most certainly not a virgin." He sounded almost offended at the insinuation, but it helped calm Y/N down, releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"I just...I've never tried...that before."
His confession just made him cuter in her eyes, previous desire to corrupt and play with him only heightening to new levels after that revelation. Wanting to entice him, she moved her hand to cup at his bulge, loving the way he immediately gasped when she started palming him through his jeans. He bit down at his lip so harshly he believed it would draw blood. He wouldn't contain himself as he bucked his hips up into her palm, desperately wanting her to help him out with his problem. When her fingers reached for his zipper again, he didn't stop her, he merely lifted his hips up to help her as she pulled his pants down by the belt loops, his hardened cock popping out to greet her, surprising her when she noticed how large and thick it was, the head leaking with precum which she used to her advantage and began spreading it down his shaft. The contact of her hand gripping him had Yeosang shuddering, low groaning spilling out his lips. Looking up at him with a devilish grin, Y/N began lowering her head until her lips brushed against his tip.
"Just sit back and relax pretty boy."
A raspy wheeze was caught in Yeosang's throat as soon as he felt her warm mouth on his length, hands flying behind him to clutch at the leather seat of the car. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It felt so dirty, so wrong and yet he wanted it. He wanted her........
He didn't care if he was playing with fire and he'd get burned by the end of it.
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Taglist: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @yunhofingers @deja-vux @hanatiny @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters @minhyukmyluv @rainteez02 @nanamarkie @serialee
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cazimagines · 3 years
Hold on I still need you
Author's note: This was a request from anon, I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to get to it but here you are. I hope you are also doing okay and have a lovely day. If you ever want to chat, any of you, my DM's are always free. I've also decided not to tag anyone in this fic as it deals with triggering themes and I don't want to tag people if it could potentially trigger them. Oh and if for some crazy reason you want to be even sadder I based the plot also on the song 'hold on' by chord oversheet so uh listen to that if you wanna be in the feels.
Synopsis: Request from anon: Can I request a sui*idal reader? Like they have thudding thoughts, the whole day her head is buzzing. Then they decide to do IT (you can decide how) and Zemo walks in and becomes heartbroken and floooooofff pls
Word count: 2k
Warnings: MENTIONS OF S*ICIDE, if you don't think you'll be okay reading it then please don't, your mental state always comes first, lots of angst followed by slight fluff, overdose
(Please check out my master list to see what I will be writing next and if requests are open or closed)
Cross-posted to ao3 under the same username
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They wouldn’t miss you
You’re just an inconvenience to them
He doesn’t care for you. It’s all a huge prank.
It would be better if you leave
You groan in anger, hitting your head slightly to get those thoughts out of your head, but no matter how much you willed it, they would not leave you alone. Each time you tried to resolve one thought, reflecting on reasons why they do like you, your mind instead found persistent reasons for why they didn’t. Every small thing they have done which seemed off weighted down on your mind. Especially Zemo. Why didn’t he kiss you goodbye this week like he had done other weeks? Your logical side tried to argue that he simply forgot, but your paranoia always got the best of you. There is more. There has to be more. Another reason for him to avoid you. To hate you.
You didn’t want to be one of those girls whose entire life revolved around their boyfriend. You had your independence, your responsibilities, your hobbies. But these days they seemed so bland. They didn’t excite you the way they once did. Things you did for fun now felt like a chore to you. Doing anything these days felt exhausting. You knew it was annoying Zemo by how much time you spent in bed, how you stopped organising dates. But how could you find the will to do anything when you were so exhausted of life? It wasn’t as if you wanted life to end for you; it was just that you needed a break from being alive.
If you thought about it, it was the best option, right? You would finally get your peace. Your friends didn’t have to pretend to care about you anymore. Zemo could move on to date someone he actually loved. He wouldn’t feel like he only dated you out of pity. This was the best outcome. It had to be.
One of the worst things was the last walk. Your footsteps echoed along the pavement as you walked to yours and Zemo’s house. It was almost as if everything was going in slow motion for you. The corners of your eyes were blurred as you just concentrated on the path ahead. The usual outside sounds were faded, muffled to you. Instead, that singular voice inside of you rang out clearly.
‘I’m going to do it,’
Just that, again and again inside your head, unrelenting. It was as if you were still trying to convince yourself to go through with it by repeating it. Your legs felt like stone as you forced yourself to continue to walk to your resting place. Your breath quickened as you approached the door.
Walking in, you were barely coherent. Zemo was still out. He should be gone for the next few hours. That’s plenty of time. You felt a pang of guilt in your heart as you thought about him. How would he react to seeing you? You didn’t want to think about it and thankfully if all goes to plan you would never would.
You manage to find yourself in the bathroom, locking the door behind you. By the window was the medicine cabinet. Stored full of many painkillers for the headaches Zemo often got. Often his past would come back to haunt him. Shakily your hand reaches up to grasp the door handle and open it up, your eyes focusing on all the orange pill bottles that cluttered it. You weren’t focusing as you reached to grab them, your hands instead accidentally knocking them to the floor.
Swearing under your breath, you rush to pick them up, feeling your eyes water up. Finally, you felt you had enough. Swallowing one last time, you open your mouth and down the hatched.
Zemo’s hands clutched the bouquet. The smell of sweet roses floating off them. Roses were typical, but always one of your favourite types of flowers. His hands gently graze against the box held in his trousers pocket. A reminder of the task that had been making him nervous for the last month. To propose. No matter what happened, the time had never felt right. He wanted it to be meaningful, for it to be special. After losing his last family, he wasn’t ready to let someone like you go away.
Still, he worried for you. Your behaviour had changed over the last few months and though he tried to ask you about it, you had always shrugged it off. It was nothing. You were fine. It wasn’t nothing. You weren’t fine, and he hated that you didn’t trust him enough to tell him the truth. That is why he was determined tonight was the night. He’d show you just how much you meant to him, and maybe then you would trust him enough to open up.
“Y/n?” he called out as he walked into the house. He’d taken the afternoon off for this moment, preparing it down to the tiniest detail, and finally, it was all falling into place. Now he had to just find you.
“Y/n?” he called out again
He paused, waiting for a response, but furrowed his eyebrows when none came. That was odd. You were always back by this time.
He started to walk around the house, checking in every room for you. As he found every room empty, his voice rose higher as he became more panicked.
Reaching the final floor, his eyes focused on the closed bedroom door, dread pooling into his stomach. The roses slip from his hand and the petals broke off as they hit the ground. His feet were already rushing to the door, his hands reaching for the handle, but no matter how hard he would push it wouldn’t give away.
“Y/N!” he shouted, hitting his fist against the wooden door in a desperate attempt that you might still be awake. He pushed his shoulder against the door with all his strength. The lock strained, giving crack to a single strain of hope for him.
He pushed his weight against it again, and then again, and finally; it broke. He stumbled, almost falling to the floor as the door burst open. He glanced around and his skin went cold as he saw you laying there surrounded by empty pill bottles. His legs folded as he collapsed beside you, pulling you close to his chest. His ears were ringing and his eyes were blurry as his fingers rested against the pulse in your neck, his head resting against your chest as he prayed for something, some sort of life.
A sob echoed from his throat, whaling coming deep from inside his chest. “Please,” he cried out, “Don’t you leave me. Not you too”
The tears streamed down his cheeks, falling on your pale, clammy skin. “Y/n” he whispered, his fingers still pressed against his pulse.
And then if by a miracle he felt it, hardly there, but he felt it, he’s sure he did. A beat.
He had already gathered your body in his arms and was racing you to the car. Ambulances would take too long. He had to get you to the hospital now. He was driving well over the speed limit but fines could easily be paid, your life couldn’t.
He swerves in and out of other cars, desperately trying to avoid any traffic, almost causing traffic by how carelessly he was driving. He could hear the cars honk at him, the expletives shouted, but none of that phased him. All that mattered was getting you to that hospital and thankfully, it paid off. He was at the hospital in a matter of minutes.
Grabbing you off the seat, he runs into the hospital holding you bridal style, screaming for help. The poor receptionist looked traumatised as she saw your ghostly pale head swinging as Zemo rushed towards the desk.
Quickly nurses had grabbed a hospital bed, and Zemo carefully placed you onto it. As they carted you away, Zemo grasped your hand, determined to follow you. He was instead forced to let go of you. He argued relentlessly to them that he needed to be there; he had to be there with you. Didn’t they know who he was? He got everything he wanted if he so asked but now he was forced into the waiting room along with everyone else. He couldn’t be with you, and it was killing him.
He paced around the room anxiously. People watched his stressed-out self as he ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up. Occasionally his hand would flicker down to his pocket where the ring rested and a lump would come to his throat. Every time a nurse came into the waiting room, he would instantly turn to them, hoping that it would be about you. But it wasn’t and so he was left with his thoughts again as he went over in his mind what he had done wrong for you to ever want to do that. It must have been something he did. The way he treated you. Something he said. The blame rested solely on him.
Finally, the nurse came in, looking for him. As soon as she said the words, he was rushing to your room. As he reached it, he burst through the door, his eyes focusing on the bed in front of him.
There you laid peacefully.
But alive.
The next few hours he spent sitting beside you, just staring at your peaceful face, his hand grasping yours. The nurses tried to get him to leave, claiming you would be asleep for a few hours, but he refused. He had to be there when you woke up. He couldn’t imagine leaving you to wake up on your own.
After a few hours, your eyes finally crack open as you awake. As your senses come back to you, you could feel something holding your hand. Moving your head slightly, you saw Zemo beside you.
As soon as you moved your head he perked up and a wave of relief washed over him seeing you awake.
“Y/n, oh thank god,” he whispers, squeezing your hand tightly.
“Zemo? Where am I?” You ask.
“You are at the hospital after you… well,” he trails off, the word getting chocked in his throat as he thought back to what happened.
Your eyes started to swarm with tears as you feel guilt wash over you, knowing what must have happened for you to end up here with Zemo.
“Zemo, I’m so sorry”
“Please don’t apologise, you don’t need to apologise” Zemo instantly says, sorrow deep within his eyes, “But please, tell me what I did wrong. I can’t lose you y/n, so whatever it is, whatever lead you to that tell me”
“Zemo, it isn’t your fault. You’ve been perfect, you always have been. It’s me, it’s all me. It was so stupid of me Zemo, I shouldn’t have put you through something like that”
His grip on your hand tightened as he leaned over to put his hand on the side of your face, making you turn to look at him. “Don’t say that. You are not stupid. Far from it. Now please, tell me the real reason”
You sigh, leaning into his hand. “I didn’t feel worthy of you. Of anyone. I’m tired Zemo, I’m so tired and you deserve someone who can give you their all. And that isn’t me. I don’t feel alright and I’m not sure if I ever will again”
Zemo’s thumb strokes your face in comfort as he looks at you before deciding to get up and get on the bed next to you, pulling you into a hug in the tight space you two had. “I love you y/n, if anything I do not deserve you. I understand how you feel and I know you will feel better in time, with help you will be. I will ensure you get the best help and will be with you every step of the way if you will have me”
He clasped you as you cried into his chest, his whispers of comfort and reassurance settling deep within yourself. You knew things would be hard; you knew you would doubt yourself again; you doubt him. But a part of you knew that with Zemo beside you, helping you, loving you. You could pull through.
A/N: If you made it to here I salute you for getting through the angst. Just remember you are never alone and if you are ever feeling in a bad way don't be afraid to reach out, I love you all 💕
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greensaplinggrace · 3 years
.........anyways, talk to me about how after 500 years, mal and darkling still can't say 'i love you' without making it a) sound like a joke, b) sound like a threat OR c) one of them being 'this' close to dying
I love how you send me this ask and then have the gall to ask me if I'm okay in the tags of my (admittedly very chaotic) Malarklina post! Like wtf this is so angsty! I mean it's also some great insight into their characters and their relationships with the word love, specifically in regards to each other. But now you've given me Emotions (tm) about these two idiots and I can't stop thinking about this.
Anyways, Mal says it first.
For weeks he's planned it: the perfect moment, the perfect words. He'll take Aleksander out to a field of blue irises and lay a quilt atop the grass. Then he'll lay Aleksander upon it.
It will be intimate and tender. Like Mal's done with Alina hundreds of times before and Aleksander has done the same in turn, the both of them speaking softly into her ear, bodies pressed so tightly together.
Except this time, the words won't be for Alina.
This time, Mal will take the other man into his arms as they always do at night. He will press kisses into Aleksander's skin, tell him that he's beautiful, that he's special, that he's wicked and kind and tastes of chocolate. And then Mal will tell him - he will. In that perfect, beautiful moment, he'll tell Aleksander he loves him.
The trip is planned for tomorrow afternoon, supplies packed and horses readied. Mal is nervous, palms sweating. Even after hundreds of years his heart still races like a lovestruck teenager when he thinks of them. It is an emotion he'd thought he'd lose as he grew older. One that has instead grown stronger, fiercer, more debilitating than ever.
His mouth tastes of sand and his mind flashes to their long, drawn out history. All of the ups and downs and violent, deadly strikes at each other's weaknesses. He thinks of Aleksander's scars and Alina's hair and the mark of an arrow just a hairs breadth away from his own soft heart - things he should be over by now. But he's not, and Aleksander's not. And they are all, probably, not.
So Mal is nervous and excited and maybe a little bit in love. He wipes his sweaty palms on his pants and reminds his racing heart of the way Aleksander had brushed his hair from his forehead the other night, fingertips feather light against Mal's skin and expression softened by adoration. He reminds himself of the way Aleksander had tucked his face into Alina's neck and curled around her under the covers, Mal's hand pulled over his side and held tightly to his chest.
Mal doesn't have to remind himself that he loves Aleksander. That one comes like breathing.
All he has to do is say it.
Aleksander is himself, of course, the night before. Not at all nervous. Instead watchful and sharp, slate grey eyes following Mal around the house in dedicated vigil. He's trying Mal's patience, ready to pounce on any piece of information Mal might let slip about his plans - observing and waiting under the likely impression that he appears the predator - but Mal has known this man for centuries and finds himself only amused by the evidence that Aleksander is dreadfully curious.
Mal raises a brow at the other man's impenetrable gaze and reveals nothing. Aleksander goes to bed frustrated that night, and Mal can't say that either he or Alina are unhappy with the development.
The next day, they ride out on a bright, sunny morning. The wind ruffles Aleksander's hair and puts a blush on his cheeks. Mal imagines that he looks much the same, grinning widely over at the other man, heart pounding, as they ride all the way to the meadow.
Then he spreads out the quilt, lays Aleksander upon it, and presses kisses into his skin.
And that is all he can do with his mouth, for the entire afternoon, words dead on his tongue.
He does not say it.
He cannot say it.
They return home later that night pleased and sated, quiet, with the words, as always, left unspoken between them.
Afterward, the months pass in a blank, formless blur. Mal tries to focus on other things, like patching the roof of their small cottage and tending to the garden and dedicating inordinate amounts of time to making both Alina and Aleksander flush. He tries very hard not to think about that day, and the night before, and how certain he'd been of his bravery.
He feels like a coward.
And then the riders come, with swords and guns and fire, burning their life to ground in an instant, and suddenly Mal doesn't have the time to feel much of anything anymore. He runs from the house, pulled along by Alina and pulling her in turn, barely dodging the whistle of a bullet, and thanks every Saint he can remember for the sight of Aleksander's dark figure at the treeline.
Zhenya is a beauty of a horse, strong and lean with a coat of pure silken white. Aleksander tugs at her reigns to calm her, seated upon Ilya at her side, and wastes no time in turning them both in the only direction they can flee as Mal pulls himself and Alina onto Zhenya's saddle.
Alina turns with a whip of her hands, brilliant light blinding their pursuers, and Mal follows the blackened trail of shadows that coalesce all around them.
Hoofbeats chase them for miles, the sound of pursuit relentless and daunting. Mal doesn't have his bow; he doesn't have his gun. Alina shivers against him in the cool night air wearing nothing but a thin shift, and Aleksander looms ahead of them dark and dangerous but ever so weary, haunted by weeks of insomnia and nights spent awake.
They are going to die. His partners. The people he loves.
They are not ready for this.
And they aren't ready for the cliff, either - the end of the forest and the sudden break in the earth. Aleksander shouts, Ilya rearing, and Mal only has a moment to even think to pull on Zhenya's reigns before she's bucking, whinnying in terror, and Mal is sent flying through the air.
He hits the ground with a curse, tumbling forward and scrambling desperately at the loose dirt for anything to halt his progress. There's nothing - nothing - and everything goes white.
"Alina," he gasps, mind blank except for the sheer, mind numbing terror that she could already be gone. And when he finally reaches the cliffside and the floor falls out from underneath him, all he can do is feel his heart plummet to his stomach.
He chokes out a yell and clenches his eyes shut, still reaching for anything that could keep him here by Alina's side - by Aleksander's side. Then a hand closes around his wrist, grip hot and hard and painful, and Mal is met quite suddenly with the solid ground again as his face meets the cliffside.
He swings for a second in the air, attempting to find purchase along the rocks with his feet, and looks up to see Aleksander above him. The man is wide-eyed, lips parted, staring down at him as if his entire world is coming to an end, fingers white with the strength of his hold on Mal, and Mal thinks for one bright, clarifying second that oh, this is what true fear looks like.
He wonders blankly if Alina would have seen it on himself not two seconds ago when he'd believed her dead.
"Don't let go," Aleksander tells him - demands of him, the controlling bastard.
He's looking for a promise, Mal realizes. But his voice is shaking, arms unsteady, cheek painted in red. Blood drips down his chin from a wound on his forehead, face pressed against the cool earth and eyelashes fluttering. His grip on the edge of the cliff is weak at best, and Alina's shouting voice is too far away to share some of the weight.
We're going to fall.
"We're going to fall."
Aleksander blinks at him for a second, bleary eyed. Then he swallows, breaths coming out shorter, heavier. Mal's known him long enough to realize when panic is setting in. "What?"
"I'm sorry," Mal tells him, because he is. Because he wants nothing more than to be with these people forever.
Alina, he thinks again, and wishes fervently that she were here.
Aleksander is shaking his head, swallowing roughly, lips forming a pained, desperate "no." But no sound slips out. His grasp slips, fingers loosening, and Mal can see him straining to keep them both in place.
"I love you," Mal breathes out, overcome with the sudden desire to say it again and again every day for the rest of their lives. "I love you. I'm sorry. I love you."
"No!" Aleksander roars furiously, eyes wide and expression stricken, thunder cracking in a blackened sky.
Mal lets go.
Aleksander exhales sharply, face going white as his grip slackens, fingers grasping at nothing but air. "N-no."
And Mal falls.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Trying So Hard - Harry Potter
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Title: Trying So Hard Pairing: Harry x Fem!Reader Warnings: NSFW!!! Unprotected sex, fingering, tbh this is pretty vanilla lmao mentions of pregnancy/trouble conceiving! Summary: Sometimes in life instead of trying hard, it’s best to not try at all. A/N: for the anon who wanted Harry and his wife trying to get pregnant! Feedback is always welcome!!
“Negative,” Y/N sighs sadly as she rejoins Harry in their bedroom. She drops the used pregnancy test in the garbage can before collapsing onto their bed.
Harry frowns and moves so he’s laying next to Y/N and wraps an arm around her middle, pulling her to his chest tightly. “It’s okay, sweetheart. We knew it wouldn’t happen first try. It’ll happen when the time is right, yeah?”
“But this wasn’t the first try,” Y/N responds quietly. “Five months and five negative pregnancy tests. I thought now was the right time, but I guess not.”
Deciding when to have a baby was not an easy decision for Harry and Y/N. Both of their careers have been thriving, and they were both torn on whether they were ready to slow them down to have a family. But every time a baby so much as looked at Y/N when they were out in public her heart would melt and her chest would start to yearn for her own little bundle of joy to coo at. And whenever Harry stopped by Hogwarts to give a guest lecture or visit Hagrid he couldn’t help but wonder what it’ll feel like when he gets to send his own kids off to school. Spending the holidays with the Weasleys surrounded by Bill’s and Percy’s kids only solidified what Y/N and Harry felt in their hearts: they were ready to start their family. They decided to start trying in the new year, and now with it nearly halfway gone, they’re no closer to beginning parents then they were at the start.
Harry starts to rub Y/N’s back in slow strokes, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead. “I know it’s gotta be discouraging, sweetheart. All the negatives. But half the fun of starting a family is making the baby, isn’t it?” he jokes, hoping to make Y/N smile. The corners of her mouth twitch faintly, and Harry leans down to hiss her softly. “So, we’ll just keep trying and before you know it we’ll be swimming in baby clothes and diapers. Just you wait and see.”
“I know, I know,” Y/N sniffles as tears suddenly start to flow down her cheeks. “It’s just so discouraging, seeing that stupid negative each time. Like we’re not supposed to have a baby or something.”
“Y/N,” Harry coos, holding her tightly as she sobs. “Everything will be okay. We just gotta trust the process.” Harry starts to rub her back harder, slowly rocking them on their bed, desperately trying to make his wife feel better.
“You take the test?” Harry asks excitedly as he joins Y/N in bed. In their efforts to start a family Y/N has started tracking her cycle more closely and taking fertility tests to determine when it’s at its highest and giving them the best chance at conceiving. They’ve been trying for seven months now, and Harry has gotten pretty good at remembering when the different parts of her cycle occur.
“No,” Y/N says flatly, not even bothering to look up at Harry from her book.
It had only Y/N two more months of trying and two more negative pregnancy tests after her breakdown for her to get completely discouraged. Her and Harry have an unlimited amount of yearning for a baby and an equal amount of love to give a baby, but clearly the universe doesn’t think they’re ready, or deserving of one. It doesn’t help that it seems everywhere she goes is filled with pregnant women and babies. Three of her coworkers announce they’re expecting in the same week, and when Y/N stops at the market on the way home she’s stuck in the checkout line with a baby on either side of her. It’s as if the universe is laughing at her, and it’s starting to make Y/N think that having a baby just isn’t in the cards for her and Harry.
Harry’s eyebrows furrow as he slips under the covers next to Y/N. “You got your period already? It’s like what, 10 days early?”
Y/N rolls her eyes, of course Harry would know that. “No, I just don’t feel like doing anything tonight is all. No matter what those stupid fertility tests say.”
“Sweetheart,” Harry starts, reaching out to grab her hip. When Y/N scoots away from his touch he frowns. “I know it’s been hard on you, all the negative tests. But we just gotta keep trying, yeah? We’ll get there eventually and that’s what matters.”
“I’m just not in the mood tonight, Harry,” Y/N says firmly, finally looking away from her book so she can look Harry in the eyes. “It feels like we’ve been having sex nonstop since January I just want one night to myself. Is that alright with you?”
Harry’s taken aback by Y/N’s harsh tone and he retracts the hand he’d been trying to settle on her before leaning back against the pillows. “Alright, yeah. Of course, Y/N. Whatever you want.”
Except one-night turns to two, which turns to three. And then before Harry knows it Y/N’s period starts, and their baby making window for the month has closed with them barely even kissing, let alone trying to conceive. He gets that Y/N is disappointed that they haven’t  had the easiest time getting pregnant but shutting him out completely is certainly not the answer to their problems. It seems like every time he tries to touch her she’s shying away, barely letting his fingers ghost over her skin and as much as he misses their sexual intimacy, he misses their regular intimacy as well. Harry’s so used to just casually reaching over and grabbing Y/N’s hand while they walk together or sit and eat together, or throwing his arm over her shoulder and cuddling her close while they sit on the couch together and the feeling of her body tangled with his in their bed never fails to lull him to sleep. But now all he has to get by is a quick kiss in the morning before work and another before they go to sleep. It’s killing him on the inside, and he wish he knew how to make her feel better.
“What going on with you?” Hermione asks during lunch one day. “You’ve been awfully quiet for the past few days. Something’s gotta be on your mind.”
Harry sighs and pushes some of the food around on his plate. His and Y/N’s baby making plans have been a secret shared only between them, so that when they’d reveal the news of their pregnancy to their friends and family it’d be even more surprising. But Harry needs to talk to someone and if Y/N won’t let him in Hermione and Ron are his next best options.
“Just relationship stuff with Y/N. We’ve been going through it the past couple months,” Harry responds, looking up at his friends.
“Marriage isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, eh?” Ron jokes, prompting Hermione to smack him on the arm. “I was only trying to make him laugh ‘mione, no need to turn this into a domestic,” Ron grumbles, rubbing the spot Hermione hit.
Hermione rolls her eyes fondly and reaches over to grab Ron’s hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “What’s going on, Harry? Did you two get into a fight or something?”
“Not exactly. We’ve been trying to a baby since the start of the year and things just aren’t working and-.”
Hermione holds her hand up to cut Harry off. “I’m sorry, what? You’ve been trying for a baby and haven’t told us? We’re your best friends, Harry.”
Harry’s cheeks flush pink. “We haven’t told anyone, Hermione. That way when we announced it everyone would be more surprised, and it’d be more special. But it’s been 7 months, and nothing has happened yet, and Y/N is getting, I dunno, depressed maybe? We didn’t try at all last month and she barely even lets me touch her anymore.”
Hermione frowns. “I’m sorry, Harry. I can’t even imagine what you and Y/N must be going through. Have you tried talking to her about it?”
“I don’t even really know what to say,” Harry admits honestly. “I feel like I’d end up saying something stupid and end up making things worse.”
“Then do something to make her feel special. Let her know that you’re thinking about her and that you’ll be there when she’s ready to talk,” Hermione explains softly. “Help take some of the pressure I’m sure she’s feeling off of her shoulders. Reconnect naturally, take things slow. Let her know there’s no rush to have a baby. That it’ll happen when it happens and that’s alright with you.”
“Harry, love. I’m home!” Y/N shouts as she shuts the door behind her. The living room is drenched in shakes of orange and red from the sunset streaming in through the windows, but the rest of the house is dark. She can see the faintest light coming from somewhere upstairs, so she heads towards it, throwing her bag on the couch and kicking her shoes off as she goes. “You up here, love?”
A surprised noise falls from her lips when she enters their bedroom, her eyes landing on Harry. He’s standing in the middle of the candlelit room holding a bouquet of roses, with a bright smile on his face. She steps into the room slowly, feeling tears coming to her eyes.
“Welcome home, sweetheart,” Harry greets, handing Y/N the flowers. He wraps his arms around her waist and presses a soft kiss to her cheek. “Have a good day at work?”
“Uh yeah, it was sound,” Y/N responds slowly, her mind racing to try and figure out what’s going on. Her eyes flutter closed as she takes a deep breath, smelling the sweet scent the roses are giving off. She relaxes into Harry’s embrace for what feels like the first time in weeks. “What’s all this for? Did I forget our anniversary or something?”
Harry chuckles, shaking his head. “Just wanted to do something to show you how much I appreciate you, Y/N. I know things this year haven’t worked out the way we wanted them to and that’s disappointing for both of us, but that’s okay. Having a baby is supposed to be fun and exciting and I think we’ve been putting too much pressure on it. So, to hell with the fertility tests and having sex just because we’re trying to have a baby. Let’s just, be together. And if a baby comes this year it comes. And if not, we’ll just keep trying.”
“Harry,” Y/N says softly, pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss. She can feel a few tears leaking down her cheeks, wiping a few away as their kiss breaks. “I’ve been such an awful wife and just person in general lately. I’ve been pushing you away instead of just talking to you about how I feel. I just kept thinking that it’s my fault that we haven’t gotten pregnant yet and I just feel so bad. Like I’m not good enough for you or something.”
Harry takes the bouquet of roses from Y/N and tosses them aside so he can embrace Y/N properly. “Sweetheart you should never feel like that. It’s not your fault, it’s just life. The universe will give us a baby when it’s our time.” Harry kisses her again, cupping her face gently. “Now you can go soak in the bath I just drew while I order us some dinner.”
Y/N bites her lip and brings her hands up to Harry’s neck, dangling her hands in the hair on the back of his head. “Or we could make up for lost time,” she whispers, bringing their mouths together in a hot kiss. Y/N feels Harry’s grip tighten on her waist as he deepens their kiss, and she starts to move them back towards the bed.
“Only if you’re sure, sweetheart,” Harry breathes as he lands on the bed. He watches with wide eyes as Y/N pulls her shirt off over her head, his eyes raking over every inch of skin that’s revealed. He pulls his own shirt off and grabs Y/N’s hips as she settles on his lap.
“Very sure,” she purrs, leaning down to press kisses against Harry’s neck. “I’ve been lonely without you, Harry and it feels like the right time.” Y/N reattaches their lips, grinding her hips down against Harry’s as she slowly lays him back on the bed.
Harry lets out a gasp against Y/N’s mouth as she grinds down against him, his cock twitching in his trousers. He guides her hips down against him, letting his lips trail down across Y/N’s jaw to her neck. “God I’ve missed you,” he groans, nipping at the sensitive skin on her throat.
Y/N moans as Harry sucks on her neck and reaches behind herself to unhook her bra. Once the piece of fabric is off of her arms she tosses it aside and rolls onto her back, so Harry is now hovering over her. “Yeah? Missed having me wrapped around you?” she asks through a moan as Harry nips at her collarbone.
Harry kisses further down Y/N’s chest, stopping to flick at her nipples with his tongue. “You have no idea, sweetheart. I love being close with you, I’ve missed the feeling of your body against mine.”
“Harry,” Y/N moans as he takes one of her nipples in his mouth, her nails scratching down his back. She pushes her hips up against his, desperately searching for friction on her aching pussy. Y/N hasn’t felt the best about herself over the past few weeks, but having Harry make an effort to make her feel special has put her on top of the world, and she’s aching with need.
Harry chuckles and leans up, pressing a brief kiss to Y/N’s mouth. He smirks as her hands immediately land on the waist band of his jeans and her fingers start to work at the button and zipper. “Someone’s eager,” he teases lightly, pinching and rolling one of Y/N’s nipples between his fingers. Her back arches and a breathy moan falls from her lips, causing him to apply more pressure.
Y/N whines as Harry takes her nipple back into his mouth, her fingers shaking as she shoves his jeans and boxers down to the tops of his thighs. Her hand immediately wraps around his cock, starting to stroke him lightly. “Please, Harry. More.”
Harry groans as her hand twists around his cock, his hips moving up into her strokes. It’s only been a few weeks since they were last intimate, but the feeling of Y/N’s hand gripping him tightly is pure euphoria. It makes him feel like a teenager again, when everything was new and exciting. The past several months sex between them has felt robotic, still extremely pleasurable, but it was as if it was a necessity, not something they were doing because they both yearned for the touch of their spouse. But this, tonight, feels passionate and raw like how they used to be and while Harry would love to draw this out, he feels just as desperate as Y/N does and he can’t help but give  into her demands.
“Anything for you, sweetheart.” Harry kisses Y/N again before reluctantly pulling away and getting off the bed to rid her of the rest of her clothes. He takes her skirt and panties off in one go, letting his eyes trail up her bare legs to her dripping core as he settles back on the bed between her splayed thighs. He lets his fingers ghost up her soft legs heading to wear she needs him most. Harry just barely brushes her clit with his thumb, his index finger softly circling her entrance. “So wet, sweetheart. Just gonna warm you up a bit before I give you what you want.”
Y/N lets out a low moan as Harry sinks his index finger into her pussy, her walls immediately clenching and flexing around the digit. “So good,” she pants, her hips starting to work down against his hand. “Always make me feel so good, Harry.”
Harry flushes under Y/N’s praise, and he leans up to kiss her slowly as he brings another finger in to join the first. He curls them both, and when Y/N moans he takes the opportunity to lick into her mouth. He speeds up the movements of his fingers, scissoring them inside of her to make sure Y/N is ready to take him. He applies more pressure to her clit and kisses her one last time before pulling away. “Ready for me, sweetheart?”
Y/N swallows thickly as she nods, her chest heaving with deep breaths. She can’t remember the last time she was this turned on from a bit of teasing, and her pussy is aching to be full of Harry. “Always ready for you, love.”
Harry hitches on of Y/N’s legs on his hip and grabs the base of his cock, slowly guiding himself to her entrance. He braces himself over her on one hand, rolling his hips forward slowly until he’s fully sheathed inside of Y/N. They both groan as their hips touch and Harry leans down to kiss Y/N sweetly.
“Move please,” Y/N begs as Harry breaks their kiss, her hips slowly grinding down against him. She lets out a whine as Harry starts to finally move, his hips moving at a moderate pace as they slam back into her hard. “God you feel incredible, Harry. Missed your cock so much.”
Harry brings one of his hands to Y/N’s core, starting to rub her clit in hard circles. Her thighs are trembling around him and Harry starts to fuck back into Y/N quicker. “Feel so good, sweetheart. Always so tight for me, gripping me so well.” He can feel her walls pulsating around him and Harry hitches the leg on his hip over her shoulder so he can fuck even deeper into Y/N. “Fuck,” he moans at the new angle, his hips stuttering. “Feel like heaven, Y/N.”
“Getting so close Harry, fuck,” Y/N moans as her toes curl from the pleasure radiating around her body. The tip of Harry’s cock is massaging her g-spot with every thrust and with the lack of sexual activity between them the past few weeks she can already feel her orgasm edging closer and closer. “Harder,” she begs, reaching up to dig her nails into his shoulders.
Harry complies, slamming his hips into Y/N’s with more power. “Come on, sweetheart. Want you to cum on my cock. Wanna make you feel good.”
“Oh god Harry, fuck,” Y/N moans as she cums, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and her back arching as pleasure rolls through her body. She can feel her thighs trembling and she clenches around Harry tighter, wanting to bring him to his orgasm as well.
“That’s it sweetheart, gonna cum, fuck,” Harry groans, his grip on Y/N’s hip tightening as he reaches his climax. His hips roll slowly as his cock twitches inside of her, shooting his release deep into Y/N. He doesn’t stop moving until he’s emptied himself completely and he slowly pulls out before collapsing against Y/N on the bed.
“I love you so much,” Y/N murmurs as she cuddles into Harry’s side, pressing a kiss into his sweaty skin.
Harry hums and leans down to press a kiss to the top of her head. “I love you too, Y/N.” Harry kisses her again, before lifting her chin up to look Y/N in the eyes. “How about that bath?” he asks with a cheeky grin.
“Oh my god,” Y/N gasps, her hand shaking as she looks at the pregnancy test in her hand. The positive pregnancy test in her hand.
She’s not even sure what possessed her to take the test. Her period isn’t even late yet and she’s felt no symptoms, but when she left Harry on the couch watching a film to use the bathroom, she had this overwhelming urge to take a pregnancy test. They had bought them in bulk when they first started trying, and there were still a few stashed under the sink in their bathroom, waiting for when the moment was right. Y/N hadn’t even thought this could be the moment, but now that it is she can feel happy tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Took you long enough,” Harry comments absentmindedly when he hears Y/N’s footsteps approach. “Missed half the bloody movie you were gone so long.” When Y/N doesn’t join in with his laughter Harry turns around, worry immediately taking over him when he notices the tears on her face. “What happened? What’s wrong?”
Y/N joins Harry on the couch excitedly, shoving the pregnancy test into his face. “I’m pregnant. We’re pregnant. We’re gonna have a baby!”
Harry’s jaw drop as he looks at the test in his hands, reading the word pregnant over and over again. He looks up at Y/N then and he lurches forward kissing her hard. “I love you so fucking much,” he whispers, pulling Y/N into a tight hug.
“I love you too,” Y/N responds, placing her hands on her stomach between them. “You and our baby.”
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icysaturn · 4 years
An Act of Villainy
Hi! This is my first fic so bear with me <3
Summary: You force yourself to get kidnapped by the LOV alongside Bakugou, and you refuse to leave their hideout without him by your side. To do so, you embrace your inner villain.
Pairings: Bakugou/Reader
Content warnings: violence, cursing, fluff!
word count: 3.8k
Your quirk: Water manipulation (basically you’re a waterbender on steroids lol)
You had been part of the bakusquad since the get-go, having been friends with Kirishima and Mina since your middle school days. Upon entrance to UA, you immediately fell head over heels for their angry blonde friend. You and Bakugou had grown close over the past few months, but he never seemed to show you the special treatment you so craved from him. But, you decided you were lucky to have Bakugou in your life in any way he would allow it.
That’s why now, as you stared at Bakugou’s fear-stricken face and the scarred hand wrapped around his neck, all rational thought flew out the window. You and Deku raced towards him and Dabi, but the warp villain’s quirk had almost swallowed them completely whole.
“KACCHAN!” Deku screamed, the knowledge that he wouldn’t make it in time evident in his strained voice. But you could.
Thrusting your arms behind you and angling your palms backwards, you emitted a great blast of steam from them that propelled you forward and past Deku, barreling for Bakugou. You could’ve sworn his eyes were about to pop out of his sockets as you reached a hand out, grappling for his shirt.
“Y/n... Deku…Stay back,” Bakugou wheezed around the fingers gripping his throat. But you couldn’t; you knew you could never forgive yourself if you let the boy you love slip through your fingers. With a victorious shout, you felt the sweat-soaked material of Bakugou’s shirt twist in your fingers, and you pulled yourself to him as you both tumbled through the purplish-black mist.
The three of you emerged in what appeared to be a musty abandoned bar, but you didn’t have time to gather your bearings as Dabi shoved you off of Bakugou in disgust and you landed on the floor in a heap, breaths ragging. Kurogiri quickly slapped quirk-dampening cuffs on Bakugou and tugged him to a chair at the far wall. Bakugou roared as he was tied down, his crimson eyes burning in rage.
“Who the hell is this? You guys can’t do anything right, can you?”
You heart stuttered in your chest as you recognized the gravelly voice of Shigaraki, turning around to see him leaning casually against the cracking wood of the bar.
“It wasn’t my fault she was dumb enough to throw herself at us,” Dabi sighed, annoyance pinching his brow. He stepped up to your shaking form and extended his hand, blue flames flaring to life. “I’ll get rid of her, boss.”
You and Bakugou both cried out, you throwing your hands up in a sign of goodwill. Your gaze shot to Bakugou, eyes wide, lower lip trembling. He actually looked… scared. Well shit. If he was scared, then this was really, really bad.
Dabi stopped, cocking his head. “And why shouldn’t I torch you on the spot? You weren’t what we came for, brat.”
You wiggled into a sitting position, leaning back against the wall with your hands still held in surrender. “No, but I should have been,” you say casually, willing the fear out of your voice and raising your chin to look Dabi in the eye. You made sure to wipe all expression from your face, a steady chill creeping over your skin that you mentally shook off.
“The fuck?” Bakugou shouted from his chair. He sounded strained. “Y/n, what the fuck is wrong with you!? Get out, I don’t need your help—"
“Shut it brat. Tell me, y/n… why should we have taken you?” Shigaraki pondered. You slid your gaze over to him, repressing the shudder that crawled over your tired body at the sight of the decayed hands latched onto him.
“Feel free to tie me up with Bakugou, if it makes you feel better, and I’ll explain,” you answer, leveling your stare at the leader of the LOV.
“Oh, I don’t think you have a choice in that matter, dollface,” Dabi grins, nodding at Toga who bounds over and pulls you gently to your feet.
She leans in close and presses her nose to your neck, and it takes all of your will-power to not recoil. She smelled like blood; the copper tang thick around her. “You smell sooo sweet!” she cheers, yanking your wrists together and slapping cuffs on them tight enough to make you wince. You angle your head down and look at her pointed canines through half-lidded eyes. “Yeah? You think so?” you whisper. Toga giggles and Bakugou tugs at his restraints with a grunt at your expression. She marches you over to him and straps you to the chair Compress placed next to Bakugou’s.
You turn to smirk at him, but he’s already glaring at you with… anger?
“Traitor,” he barks, jerking his chin away from you, but not before you catch the tears brimming in his eyes. Your heart clenches painfully and you will your mental apologies to reach him, praying he catches on to your plan.
“Start talking,” Shigaraki snaps, and you swivel your gaze to look at him and the members of the league.
“Hi, nice to meet you all,” you smile. “I assume you watched all of our matches at the sports festival?” Your tone is bold with a slightly sinister lilt to your words.
“Oh of course!” Toga claps with glee. “I thought you were the cutest!”
“Shut it, psycho,” growls Dabi, but Toga only points her knife at him with a sadistic grin.
You smile at her and bat your lashes, forcing a blush. “Yeah? I like this one,” you wink, nodding your head towards her. You want to throw up.
Shigaraki waves his hand. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. You have a strong quirk. So?”
The shackles chafe your wrists and you’re sure your skin is rubbed raw. “Ever since you attacked my class at the USJ, I’ve been trying to find a way to join the LOV,” you answer slowly, gauging the league’s reactions. Shigaraki merely raises his eyebrows, but you see Bakugou whip his head in your direction at his words.
“Well, you see, I’ve been a big fan of how you guys operate for a while now, not to mention how much fun you guys seem to have together! I want that!” You angle your gaze down at your shackled feet and continue in a hushed voice, summoning tears to your eyes. “You see, I never really felt like I belonged at UA. Sure, my classmates were nice to me, but it was all fake, I could tell. I don’t owe anyone anything, and I want what you guys have,” you admit, flicking your gaze up to see tears shining in Toga’s eyes as well and Dabi’s relaxed expression. Seems like they joined the league for a similar reason.
“Why the hell should we believe you?” Shigaraki asks, but Bakugou interrupts.
“You have friends, you shitty woman! Why are you acting like we don’t care about you, dumbass?” Bakugou shouts.
You jerk your head to look at him, willing anger into your features, but it’s a struggle. He looks so hurt: mouth slack and eyebrows relaxed as he stares at you with wide eyes. You force a laugh. “Really, Kacchan?” You continue even as you watch the boy you love flinch away as far as his restraints would allow. “You’re always bullying me! You insult me at every chance you get, and you see how I’m everyone’s last pick during training!” you snarl at him. He looks at his feet, shoulders trembling slightly. It hurt, but for this to work, he couldn’t know what you were planning.
Dabi barks a laugh and Toga pouts. “How rude Bakugou!”
You continue with your pathetic villain origin story full of holes you hoped your quirk would fill. “Plus, there are things I can do with my quirk that are banned, things that are seen as ‘villainous and evil’. Things that I can use to help you guys take down All Might once and for all.” You hated the words as soon as they passed your lips, but you knew they were your selling point.
“Oh? And how do we know you won’t use your quirk on us as soon as we set you free?” Shigaraki drawls, sounding bored, but you can hear the interest piquing in his voice.
You answered with a sneer that would have scared the shit out of you if you had a mirror. “I’ll use Bakugou to show you.” You fixed your crazy eyes and cheek splitting smirk on your classmate. “I owe him one.”
He spat on you and you flinched a bit. “The fuck you will, you traitorous bitch! Fuck all of you!” he shouted, struggling against his restraints with a renewed sense of fear.
You had ranked third in the sports festival and had almost beaten Bakugou a few times even without your banned moves. You could feel the apprehension rippling off of him. Now, it seemed, he was scared of you. Probably fair, given your flipped personality.
“Hm... Alright. Do you have enough space here?” Shigaraki asked, motioning Dabi to untie Bakugou from the chair.
“No, unfortunately. Do you guys have someplace safe we can go outside?” I ask innocently.
“This bar backs onto an alley that should be suitable,” Compress answers, pushing himself off the wall he had been resting on. “We’ll all go with to make sure you don’t have any tricks up your sleeve.” He fixes you with an untrustworthy glare and smiles.
“Of course not,” you smile sweetly. “I want to join your cause, remember?”
Dabi moves to release you too, and you force a smirk, raising your half-lidded eyes to stare at him. “Hey there, hot stuff. You can be rough with me, I can take it,” you purr. You hear Bakugou “tch” from behind you.
Dabi burns through your cuffs and you rub your aching wrists, but freeze as he leans into your ear and says, “We’ll see about that, sweetheart.”
You stood in the cramped alley, lit only by the glow of the lights flooding from the bar’s open door. The LOV are stationed sporadically around the alley: Compress at one end and Dabi at the other, with Kurogiri guarding the door to the bar and Toga and Shigaraki standing in front of you and Bakugou. His hands are still shackled, a hitch to your plan that will be a bitch to work around.
“Here are the rules,” Shigaraki calls. He was uncomfortably close given his quirk, but you didn’t have much of a choice here. “You must tell us your moves before enacting them, and you must keep the kid alive. Also, you are forbidden to attack one of us,” he extends his hands near your face threateningly, and you swallow thickly.
“Understood, boss,” you smile at him. “Sorry Bakugou, this is gonna hurt a bit.”
“Shut up,” Bakugou snarls. He’s standing with hunched shoulders, not looking at you. Angling your body away from Shigaraki and Toga, you announce, “my first banned move is my ability to form ice inside someone’s body. For example, I can freeze their veins, their lungs—essentially stopping vital functions. For Bakugou, I will mold a lump of solid ice in his trachea, but only for a few seconds.” That got everyone’s attention. Bakugou whipped his head to stare at you, taking a step backward.
“Y-You can’t, Y/n, please,” he stuttered, his usual angry demeanor lost.
“Oh, but I can. Don’t worry, I won’t kill you,” you taunt. You caught his eye then, mouthing “it’s okay, I have a plan,” before outstretching your wrist and changing the humidity in his throat to solid ice. Bakugou’s hand instantly flew to his throat, trying to gasp for air, but no sound came out. You had never hated your quirk before, but in this moment you despised it.
You kept your hold on him until his face flushed and Shigaraki stated, “that’s enough.”
You instantly released him and he collapsed to the floor, heaving for air. Tears pricked your eyes but with a twitch of your fingers, you evaporated them into the air without a trace.
“Whaddya think?” you gleamed, turning back around to face the others.
Toga looked absolutely devilish, clapping her hands and giggling. Dabi smirked at you, and you winked back. The rest of the league nodded their heads in approval, and Shigaraki tilted his head, thinking.
“I like you,” he rasped. “I think we could use someone like you, yeah?” He glanced around at the league, who smiled back.
Kurogiri spoke up next. “With her, the league would be, well, in a whole other league.” Dabi rolled his eyes at the joke, but the warp villain continued. “What else do you got, kid?”
“For my next trick,” you winked at Compress, “I will control the water flowing in his veins, and thus control his body. I saw it in a T.V. show once, and what do you know? It worked!”
Shigaraki nodded his approval, and you swiveled around to face Bakugou once again. This is when your plan would kick up a notch, and you needed him on board for it to work.
Bakugou finally got up from the ground, his normal pallor back. He shot daggers at you, and rasped, “Don’t fucking touch me, you bitch.”
You turned around and pouted at Toga, whose face flushed pink. Turning back to Bakugou, you wiped the smug expression off your face. His eyebrow quirked in confusion and you softened your gaze, nodding slightly.
“Get ready, Katsuki,” you said seriously, and it seems like the gears finally clicked in his head. His mouth went wide before settling into a hard line as he furrowed his eyebrows.
You threw out both arms in front of you and shut your eyes, sweat sliding down your temple in concentration. Sensing the water mixed in his blood, you seized it like reigns. When you next opened your eyes, you lifted your left arm up, and Bakugou followed suit. The league of villains gasped and Bakugou struggled against your control. Gritting your teeth, you tugged his arms in front of his face and he shouted in frustration.
“He’s like a puppet!” Toga cackled, Dabi laughing as well. You glanced at Shigaraki, who crossed his arms in his appreciation of your quirk.
“Well, Y/n, we have a deal.”
“I knew you’d see my side of things,” you smiled genuinely, taking a few steps to the right, away from Shigaraki and Toga and towards Dabi a bit. You nodded at Bakugou, releasing your hold on him, but you both stayed in the same position.
“There’s one more thing I can do with my quirk,” you say carefully, making eye contact with Bakugou.
“And what’s that?” Shigaraki asked greedily.
“This!” You felt the perspiration on Bakugou’s hands, felt the water molecules trapped between his skin and the cuffs. With enough force, water can break through almost anything. Pleaseworkpleaseworkpleasework, you chanted as you used all of your strength to rip the water molecules through the cuffs.
“Wait, you little shit—!” Shigaraki yelled, but it was too late. The cuffs split down the middle and Bakugou tore them off him, immediately crouching into a fighting stance and igniting a massive blast right at Shigaraki. Bakugou whooped in victory, turning to blast Kurogiri backwards into the bar before he had a chance to warp the two of you somewhere else.
“C’mon!” You screamed at him, tugging his elbow and sprinting towards Dabi.
“Don’t tell me what to do, shitty woman!” Bakugou screamed back, but he raced down the alley with you.
“Oh, shut it!”
Bakugou was about to blast Dabi, but your quirk was a better match for him. You gripped the blood in his veins and thrust your arms forward, effectively shoving him further down the alley. Just as Dabi was standing back up to brush the dirt off of his coat and launch his flames at you, you caught your breath and formed the lump of ice in his throat that sent him keening to the side, pressing a hand to his throat to melt the ice.
You saw Bakugou turn to start blasting at Toga and Compress, who were quickly gaining on you.
“Katsuki! We have to go, NOW!” You shouted over the bangs, turning to throw up an ice wall on either side of you for a moment of rest.
“Fuck! You dumbass! Get on!” he grumbled, crouching down for you to hop onto his back. Once he was upright, you angled a palm at the ground and shot steam from it, shooting the two of you into the air right as Dabi sent a torrent of flames through your ice wall, the heat licking at your heels.
Bakugou used his blasts to fly you away from the alley, and you craned your neck just in time to see Compress throwing his blue prisons at you. You crystallized them with ice and they fell back into the alley where the League of Villains stood, getting smaller by the second, but you couldn’t miss the look of pure rage on Shigaraki’s face.
You rested your forehead on Bakugou’s shoulder, using all of your remaining strength to cling to his back, but the exertion of your puppeteer technique was taking over, your arms feeling staticky and your vision darkening at the edges.
“Fuck, that was scary!” you breathed a laugh, grip loosening a bit.
“You idiot! That could’ve gotten us both killed!” Bakugou barked, the wind carrying his voice towards you.
“I think what you mean to say,” you wheezed, “is ‘thank you.’” And with that, the darkness took over and you felt yourself slip off his back, the balmy air embracing you as the lights of the city rose to meet you.
“Y/n! —”
You felt the brightness of the lights burning in front of your eyelids but refused to open them. Shit, did your body hurt. It felt like you had been hit by a truck, and you reached out with your quirk to sense the distortions of water in the air, trying to assess how many people were in the room with you. You only sensed one, your body relaxing as you realized you recognized the caramel scent of the person sitting next to you. Groaning, you cracked your eyelids open and saw a sleeping Bakugou resting on his forearm at the edge of your mattress. You were in Recovery Girl’s office, thank god. You pushed yourself to a sitting position, fighting the soreness in your muscles. Closing your eyes in concentration, you nearly jumped out of your skin when Bakugou shouted, “Dumbass! Lay back down!”
Your eyes flew open just in time to see Bakugou looming over you, his hand pushing you back in the bed. You gulped at his closeness but shouted back. “Shut it! I have a headache asshole! Now help me up.”
He grumbled at you but tugged you up into a sitting position regardless, fumbling with the knobs on the side of the hospital bed to raise the top so you could lean on it for support.
“Shut up, shitty woman.”
You rolled your eyes at him, and he rolled his at you. “So, uh, what happened?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
He flushed, shifting in his seat a bit. “You fell off my back while we were escaping. I caught you, of course, but the old lady says the overuse of your quirk and the whiplash from the fall knocked you out… for the past 18 hours,” he finished, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
“18 HOURS?!”
“Oh, right,” you giggled. “I’m a good actress, huh?” you elbowed him jokingly. Bakugou flushed again, moving to sit on the edge of your bed.
“Hell no! You didn’t fool me for a second,” he grumbled. “Dumbass.”
“Sure, boom boom boy.”
You both looked at each other, a tense silence taking over. Bakugou looked confused like he wanted to ask you something, so you nudged him.
“Did you really mean all that shit you spewed back there?”
“What shit—oh. No, I didn’t. I have you and Kiri! Mina, Denki, and Sero, too. To be honest, I just thought you didn’t like me very much, that’s all,” you laughed.
“Then why?”
“Huh?” you scrunched your face at him.
“Why did you save me? You could’ve gotten yourself killed!” he shouted at you. “Do you look down on me or something?!”
Your eyes widened at the hurt expression on his face. It threw you back to the league’s hideout and how afraid yet stubborn he looked.
“Because I knew I could.”
“Bullshit, try harder.”
You swallowed. “Uh, well, I—uh, hmm.” He raised an eyebrow and you took a deep breath. “Because I couldn’t stand the thought of what they could’ve done to you. Because I know even the strongest need help sometimes; I could see it in your eyes.”
He only arched his brow further. “I told you, I didn’t need help! —”
“Because I care about you! Because I-I’m in love with you!” you interrupted.
You ducked your head, your hair falling to cover your face as your heart pounded in your ears. You peeked up through your lashes to see Bakugou sitting perfectly still, his mouth agape.
“Shit—uh,” you looked up at him. “Don’t feel pressured to feel the same. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that… I don’t want to make you uncomf—mmf!”
But you were cut off as Bakugou snapped out of his trance and silenced you with a kiss. He pulled away just as quickly, and you stared at his blushing face. “I love you too, idiot,” he said.
“You do?”
“For a while now. Don’t make me say it again!”
You grinned softly, but it fell as you recalled yesterday’s events. “I’m so sorry if I hurt you, Katsuki. I just—I just didn’t know what else to do,” you admitted, fiddling with your fingers in your lap.
Katsuki reached out and stilled your hands. “As if, stupid.”
You searched his eyes, but they were steady, gazing into your e/c ones. “Promise?”
“Promise. That’s one hell of a trick you got there, but it could use some work.”
Smiling so wide you thought you’d break, you closed the space between the two of you and ran a hand through his surprisingly soft hair. He cupped your face and you both melted into each other.
Gasping, Katsuki pulled back just enough to whisper “thank you” against your lips before leaning in for one more kiss. “But don’t ever do anything like that again, shitty woman!”
You pressed your forehead to his, laughing as you reached up to cup his cheeks. “Hmm, we’ll see about that.”
You felt his smile against your lips.
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heliads · 3 years
Making the Team
Based on this request: “The reader is the daughter of natasha and steve, and she is nervous about for her first mission. Her mom and dad tell her that everything is gonna be great, and the mission is complete, but the reader is badly injured and her parents and Bruce takes care of her.”
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You’re awake when the first light of dawn tentatively begins to shine through your window. You’ve been awake for a while, actually, too excited to sleep a wink. This is the day of a very important mission. It’s probably going to be the most important mission of your life, in fact. If you do well on this assignment, you’ll be made an Avenger. If you don’t, you’ll have to get sent back to training and know that your entire future might have just slipped between your fingers.
Most teenagers your age would never have gotten this opportunity. If they were lucky, they might be accepted to the S.H.I.E.L.D. academy or embark on an internship with Tony Stark. You, however, happen to have two Avengers as your parents. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff, the classic Avengers couple. After much wheedling and careful manipulation on your end, they’ve allowed you to begin training as a potential Avengers recruit. Now, all you have to do to cement your place on the team is to prove yourself in this mission.
It’s not like you’re getting into this team solely based on nepotism, though. Your father was a super soldier and your mother was trained in the Red Room. Ever since you were old enough to walk, it was evident that you would be destined for the same path as they so famously trod. You ran faster, knew more, threw punches harder than anyone else your age. Even without your parentage, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have tapped you long ago. You just get to bypass the protocols and go straight to a potential slot on the team.
Eventually, you can lie in bed no longer, your adrenaline already pumping through your veins at the mere thought of the upcoming mission. You sling your legs over the side of the bed, jumping down onto the floor and rushing over to don your awaiting clothes. Your real suit is waiting in a quinjet at Avengers Tower, so all you have to do is pull on some casual clothes and rush your parents out the door.
They’re already up, as it turns out. Your mother is nursing a cup of coffee, and your father is standing over the stove, brow furrowed as he considers a pan of scrambled eggs. Natasha smiles when she sees you. “Look at you! Ready for the big day?” You nod excitedly, starting to grab the beginnings of a breakfast. “Couldn’t sleep a wink.” Steve chuckles. “I’m starting to think you’re excited about running headlong into danger.” You stare at him pointedly. “I wonder who I learned that from.” Natasha laughs at Steve’s expression. “She’s got you there.”
By the time you’re pulling up to the Avengers Tower, however, the excitement bubbling into your chest is deepening into nervous worry. What if something goes wrong? You’ve never been allowed on a mission as large as this one before, where civilians and the other Avengers alike are counting on you. What if you mess this up? The stakes are higher than you’ve cared to realize- not just a spot on the Avengers, but the lives of those you care about. You head over to the quinjet, but your fears only grow when the plane takes off.
You force yourself to calm down, heading over to the racks of weapons and gear in the hopes of distracting yourself. There at last is your suit- a flexible, bulletproof black jumpsuit with armored paneling overtop. You glance at your reflection in the mirror, but instead of seeing the usual confident version of yourself, you only see a nervous teenager. Why have you been allowed on this mission in the first place? What if this really isn’t what you were meant to do?
You hear footsteps behind you and turn hurriedly, doing your best to wash away your worries and plaster on an expression of relaxed calm. Your mother, however, has been reading people her entire life, and nothing can get past her. Especially not the worries of her daughter. She frowns at you, pausing at the doorway and heading inside. “Hey, you alright?” You sigh, staring at your palms. “What if you guys were wrong about me? What if I’m not supposed to be an Avenger after all?”
Natasha shakes her head. “We’re not wrong about you. That’s a promise. Y/N, I’ve seen you since you were little. You can do things that most soldiers couldn’t even dream of. If Steve or I thought that you couldn’t do this, we wouldn’t have suggested you take the mission.” You look at her anxiously. “But Steve is a super soldier. You’re a Black Widow. I am none of those.” There’s another voice from the door now, and you turn to see your father leaning against the doorframe.
“You don’t have to have that experience to be special. What about Maria Hill? You’ve seen her before. Even Thor’s afraid to take her on, and she doesn’t have any special abilities.” Steve walks into the room, smiling comfortingly. “No, Y/N, you are more than capable, even without training or a strengthening concoction. Honestly, if I was out in the field and I came toe to toe with you, I’d be worried.” A laugh rises unbidden to your lips. “You just have to say that because you guys are my parents.”
Natasha shakes her head, a small grin crossing her face. “Actually, us being your parents means that we wouldn’t usually say that at all. We made sure that you were given the best training and preparation, and that you had equal treatment with the other recruits. You didn’t make it this far because of us, you made it this far because of you. And, if that isn’t enough to convince you, check out your file. We didn’t write that, your instructors did, and your instructors gave you the highest marks we’ve seen in years.”
You smile grudgingly. “You’re sure I can do this?” Steve nods, reaching out to pull you close in a hug. “I know you can do this. You’re an excellent fighter, Y/N, and after today, you’ll be an Avenger. Just like that.” You laugh, returning the hug. “Just like that.”
This, however, is easier said than done. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avenger training have done a lot for you- teaching you how to fight, readying you for battle. Nevertheless, no amount of simulations can prepare you for the mission at hand. There are hostages inside a building, dozens of guards and soldiers waiting outside. The hostages aren’t the only things to contend with, though- there are civilians, goons, and the knowledge that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans are hidden in the coat pocket of one of the hostages. At any moment, the guards could find out, and then the mission would be over before it even started. You have to rescue the hostages before the data is uncovered.
Your group fans out, looking for entrances. You spot one quickly, rushing to it. There’s an opening on the roof, and you jump from window to window, quickly scaling the building. There, you’re able to take out a couple of snipers and a few roof guards before heading inside the building through a service entrance at the top. The fighting gives you a rush, and you find yourself smiling as you take down yet another soldier. Maybe you were meant for this after all.
At last, you find the room with the hostages. You draw back, waiting around the corner out of enemy view. You tap on your earpiece, speaking hurriedly. “I’ve found the hostages. Second floor, far east side, about a dozen or so guards.” Steve’s voice crackles across the radio. “We hear you. Do not engage, wait for us.” You nod. “Affirmative. Waiting for you.”
Steve and Natasha, however, take their time getting to you. The soldiers must realize that someone’s found a way in, as they’re doubling up around the entrances. You stare at the room with the hostages, watching with bated breath as the leader of the goons circles the captive men and women. The man frowns, pausing by a woman in blue. She has a gold circle pinned to her chest, designating her as the leader. The man stares at the pin, then at her. You can almost see the pieces clicking into place in his head.
You curse softly as you realize what he’s about to do, and switch your radio back on. “The leader has figured out that someone has the plans. I think I have to go in.” Natasha’s voice is sharp over the comms. “Negative! Y/N, do not engage.” As you watch, the man draws closer, flipping open the woman’s jacket with the tip of his rifle. Even from here, you can see the hidden pocket, and even from here, you can see the man’s eyes light up as he spots the rectangular package tucked away inside.
Your hand rises to your earpiece once more. “Sorry, but I have to do this.” You flick your radio off, drowning out the frantic voices of your parents. You race over to the room, kicking down the door with your boot. The guards turn to you when the door crashes open, but you fire your weapons methodically, taking down the guards one by one as you race around the room to the woman. The leader is standing back up, shouting orders at his troops, but you’re not paying attention.
Then his rifle is raised again, pointing towards the woman with the plans. You feel your feet moving without a second’s hesitation, pounding towards the pair. You manage to shove the woman aside just before the man’s finger tightens on the trigger, and you can feel her slip you the plans even as the bullet impacts on your side. For a second, you don’t feel anything at all, and manage to turn your weapons towards the leader, knocking him to the ground. Then your hand comes up from your side, stained red as blood begins to pour onto the ground, and the pain truly hits.
It’s the worst pain you’ve ever felt in your life. You’ve seen Thor wield his thunder before, seen him raise his hammer and watched as a boom of thunder cracked the sky. Lightning arced down to the ground before him, burning the ground and decimating his opponents. You’ve wondered what that would feel like, and now you have a fairly good idea. Maybe you’re not being electrocuted, but you feel like you’ve just been hit by the blow of a god.
There is shouting above you, more shouts ringing out. You stand up unsteadily, hand clamped to your side, and realize that Steve and Natasha have finally found you. They take down the guards with an almost frightening certainty, and then they see you. Just like that, their calm and cool exteriors break away and they run to your side. Steve visibly pales when he sees the blood pooling out from your side. “Y/N!” He shouts, and you weakly hold up the plans. “It’s alright, I got them. They’re safe.”
Steve shakes his head, and he’s saying something else but you can’t quite make it out. You think you hear your name, then Natasha’s, but for some reason you can’t focus on his words. Then the room tilts dizzyingly, and then you can feel nothing at all except for the overwhelming pain in your side and a sickening worry that your parents will never be able to forgive themselves if you die on this mission.
When your eyes open at last, you’re in a bleached white room. A smiling face swims before you; after a second you recognize it as Dr. Banner. His smile widens when he sees you sit up. “Hey, easy there. You took a pretty big hit.” You groan, feeling pain starting to blossom again from your side. It’s not as bad as it was in the room with the hostages, but it isn’t a picnic either. You rub your face with your hand, still disoriented. “What happened?”
Bruce chuckles. “You took a bullet for Ruth Hanaway.” At your confused expression, he clarifies. “The woman with the plans. You know, with the rest of the hostages. She’s fairly important, too. Apparently a higher-up among the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and she’s very impressed with what you did. She said you didn’t hesitate at all, just dove to save her. Now, that’s Avenger material.” You frown up at him, remembering the stakes of the mission. “So that means-”
You’re cut off by Natasha, who’s just burst through the doors. “Yes, you’re on the team.” She rushes to embrace you, and you smile at the show of affection. “But I got shot- I disobeyed orders-” Steve, who’d been closely following Natasha, shakes his head. “You saved the mission. If you hadn’t acted, the plans would have been lost. As much as I hate to say it, you did what you had to do.”
He fixes you with a sudden glare, although you can see right through it. “That being said, that was incredibly dangerous. You could have died or suffered serious injury. Even as it is, you’ll be spending at least a week in the hospital wing. We thought you were going to die, Y/N. No amount of missions will make up for your life.” You smile up at him, undaunted. “I’m not planning on repeating this anytime soon. I’ve had my life-and-death risk quota used up for the time being.”
Natasha chuckles, mussing up your hair. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Barely awake five minutes, and you’re already cracking jokes. I didn’t expect anything less.” You fix her with a triumphant grin. “Hey, I’m an Avenger now. I’m supposed to be used to this whole lifesaving thing.” Bruce chuckles, standing up to check a few readouts on the surrounding monitors. “I have no doubt about that. You might have to contend with Parker for the title of youngest Avenger, but I think that will be the least of your worries. Welcome to the Avengers, Y/N. We’re happy to have you.”
requested by @maximeevansblog​
marvel tag list: @mycosmicparadise​
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
Steamy Seduction
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I’m back!! I finally finished that fic I mentioned forever ago lol. Believe it or not but since school’s started I’ll be able to produce more work. Without further ado here is some long overdue love for Mitsuri! As always, enjoy~Amanda
Side note: the fact that I'm almost to 1k followers is mind boggling so thank you all!!
Warning: NSFW, mild dom/sub themes, eating out, semi-public, Fem!reader, language
(1.7k+ words)
“Hmmmm” you sighed in relief, submerged up to just below your nose in the boiling water of the hot spring. It had taken some major planning, but you managed to gather most of your Hashira friends (Sanemi and Obanai both thought this was a waste of time) to take a much needed vacation at a local hot springs in the mountains. “Sometimes you could be such a child” Shinobu snickered from the edge of the water; she and Mitsuri sat wrapped in white towels, the water morphing its shape to hug their form- you almost purred at the sight of Mitsuri’s breast, just barely covered by the cloth.
floated over to the girls, tightening your bun in the process. Mitsuri couldn’t help but giggle as she watched the way her friend glared, your fingers finding Mitsuri’s. Shinobu stretched, pulling herself out of the water, “I don't want to end up like a prune so I’m going to bed, you two love birds stay out of trouble” she winked, grabbing her robe and disappearing.
As if on instinct, you moved to Mitsuri’s lap, your legs trapping her against her seat. “You look so pretty with your hair down” you cooed playing with the loose strands. She looked away shyly, her arms softly hugging your waist. “You always say I’m pretty, so how will I know when I look bad?” she probed. “Impossible. You’ve never looked anything but beautiful”. You moved on from her hair, your fingertips brushing against the skin of her neck up to her cheeks, holding the rosy flesh in your hands, your thumbs rubbed soothingly along her features.
Mitsuri hummed in content as your lips traveled along her skin, leaving open mouthed kisses along her jawline, down her throat, until finally reaching her lips. You pressed your chest against hers, groaning into the kiss at the feel of Mitsuri’s hard nipples against yours. Your tongue slid along her bottom lip, silently asking for permission, nibbling gentle against the swollen skin. Her grip on your waist steadily tightened as her legs figgetted between yours. “We can get into a little trouble, no?” you flirted, toying with the edge of the towel. Mitsuri fervently shook her head, already trapped under the spell of your touch.
You shifted, bringing your knee between her thighs, pressing against her naked mound. “Agh!” you swallowed her moan with your mouth, moving your knee back a bit. “ Sorry baby, but you’ll have to be quieter than that” You held her chin, staring into her wide eyes, “Just over that wall are all the guys, you wouldn’t want them to hear you” you inched your knee closer again, just brushing against her folds. The sound of Uzui’s booming laughter emphazed your point. “Or maybe you want them to hear how easily you come undone at my touch. But you know baby, I don’t share, I want all your delicious noises for myself so if you can’t keep quiet I’ll just have to stop” you pulled away slightly, “No! I’ll be good I promise” Mitsuri pleaded, pulling you against her. “That's what I like to hear baby, you're always so good for me” you dawdled, your knee gently grinding circles against her cunt. You pulled her towel open, riding her of the pesky cloth and leaving her on full display.
You thumbed at her nipples, watching the way Mitsuri  shuddered at your touch before taking one in your mouth, sucking. Mitsuri covered her mouth quickly, broken moans muffled as they slipped through the cracks. If she was having a hard time piping down now, you couldn’t wait to watch her struggle during the main event. You switched between sucking and nipping while your leg still worked under the water, never putting more pressure than needed. Your whole body worked in a steady pattern, never easing the pleasure you were giving- if you weren’t careful Mitsuri would come sooner than you wanted.
You pulled off her breast with a wet pop, marveling at the hot mess beneath, pressing harder against her clit. Your face landed in the valley between her breast, licking a trail up over the juncture of her neck, across faded marks from previous nights. Mitsuri’s eyes were screwed shut, she was biting her fingers so tightly in an effort to suppress her mewls that you were afraid it’d draw blood. In one swift motion, you pulled away completely, ceasing all movement. Mitsuri whined at the loss of your touch, her bulging eyes pleading. “Don’t worry baby,” you removed her hand kissing the palm lovingly, “you were so good for me, of course I’d let you cum” you pushed her wild strands back behind her ears, peppering her skin with kisses. “Could you sit up on the ledge for me please? I promise you’ll feel good”  you urged, placing the towel on the cold floor for her to sit on.
She nodded hazily, lifting herself out of the water and onto the towel. You growled at the sight of the water beads falling down her naked skin, her flushed cheeks filled you body with warmth- oh how you couldn’t wait to taste her. You gripped her legs, pulling them apart slowly, too slowly for Mitsuri’s liking. Your eyes bore into hers through wet lashes, biting at the supple flesh of her thick thighs. “Y/n please” she cried, her arms unsteadily holding herself off the ground. “Be patient baby girl, you know I just love this part” you mumbled against her inner thigh, the skin littered with bruises. You could smell her juices, close enough that your breath caused shivers to pass through her spine. Your index finger trailed her sopping slit, gathering her slick on your finger. “See? Beautiful.” you showed off her mess like it was some glistening prize, before bringing your finger past your lips.
Mitsuri couldn’t take much more of this teasing, she was desperate for anything. For you though, she would sit through hours of torturous teasing and that thought alone brought you face to face with her dripping pussy. “Baby you should lay down, your arms will get tired” you spoke caringly, your nose grazing her navel. She did as she was told, yelping at the sudden feel of your tongue prodding her hole. You pushed her lips apart, your tongue moving as far inside as possible, your nose bumping against her sensitive bud. Her delicate fingers held your hair, the others returning to her own mouth.You licked and stretched, drinking up as much of her as you could. “You’re delicious baby” your sultry voice rang, the muffled vibrations causing Mitsuri to clench around nothing.
You moved south, stuffing two digits into her soaked cavern; she winced in pain slightly. “It’ll only hurt for a minute baby” you consoled, your thumb rolled against her nub in hopes of distracting her from the dulling pain. You circled your lips around the quivering bud, tugging it gently. Mitsuri sobbed quietly, your fingers scissoring inside of her, just brushing that special spot she yearned for you to touch. You were relentless; edging her closer to her release with each swirl and thrust.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the girl writhing on the stone floor in front of you.. Her face was flushed and her brows knitted tightly in ecstasy, sweat mingled with the drying water that cascaded down her milky skin. Her knotted tresses sprawled out on the floor, while her own manicured tips gripped your roots yanking from time to time- Mitsuri’s fucked out image was stunning.
Swiftly, you hoist her legs over your shoulders, the new angle giving you easy access to her g-spot, ready to abuse. Mitsuri’s muscles constricted in a feeble attempt to keep herself from suffocating you- if you were going to die, there would be no better way then to be suffocated by your girlfriend. . “Go wild baby” your sinful smirk pushed her over her limit. Her moans sprunge free and breathy from her puffy parted lips, her eyes locked on your bobbing head as she held you in place with a firm grasp, feet digging into your shoulder blades. She came hard, a string of cries and stuttering “Y-Y/n”. You drank every drop of her salty-sweet slick, Mitsuri ground her hips against your face, riding out her climax.
You savored the lingering taste on your tongue, cleaning the glistening residue off your chin with the back of your hand only to wipe it away with your tongue. A shiver passed through your spin as the chill air tickled your damp body, clambering out of the heated water at last, slithering up Mitsuri’s spent body slouched against the stone. “You were so good for me baby” you smiled softly, petting her unruly hair. “It's the least I could do, you always treat me right my Love” she mumbled wearing an exhausted expression. You relished in the feel of your slippery, bare bodies pressed flush against each other for only a moment before moving to stand. “Wait.” Mitsuri moved to clutch your hand, “what about you?” she huffed wistful, round eyes. “Don’t worry about me princess, you’re body’s spent” you reached for a dry towel, engulfing Mitsuri’s shivering form in its warmth. “Besides, there’s always tomorrow” you baited with a seductive glare.
You woke up alone, Mitsuri’s flowery scent already fading from your shared space. You groaned, rubbing your sore knees, the rocks from last night really did a number on the tender skin. “Where is she?” you thought, scrambling out of the mess of bed sheet.
“Morning” you grumbled to the gaggle of Hashira’s, all baring a creepy knowing smile. You watched confused when Shinobu spoke up, “I heard you had a pleasant time in the springs last night” her eyes hiding something sinister. “Yes! We could hear all your gasping laughter from our side of the wall!” Rengoku added, sporting his own grin as Uzui’s wolfish laughter shook the room. “I’m going to find Mitsuri” you shouted exiting, “Oh she went to go shower, she said she was dirty” your face flushed- They fucking knew.
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kasienda · 3 years
The Five Minute Adventures of Snake Noir: Ch 3 - Best Laid Plans
Chapter 1: I Want It To Be You
Chapter 2: Best Friends
Chapter 3: Best Laid Plans
Chat Noir was wearing the snake miraculous this evening as he always did now, but he hadn’t activated it. Tonight, he needed Alya to remember he had been there. He landed on the balcony of Alya’s bedroom and peered into the room cautiously. He had never actually been here before, and wanted to confirm he was in the right place. 
Sure enough, Alya was sitting at a computer across the room. 
He tapped on the glass. She looked up, and her amber eyes widened when they landed on him. He waved. She got up immediately, and slipped through the sliding glass door. 
“Sorry to drop in on you like this,” Chat said.
She smiled warmly. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Chat Noir?”
He couldn’t help the hand that went to the back of his neck. “Well, this might seem like it’s out of nowhere, but I was… kinda worried about Nino?”
Her eyes popped out of her head. Whatever she had been expecting, that had not been it. “What? Why?”
Read on Ao3
“Well, Hawkmoth has impersonated him twice now. Once as actual Nino and another as Bubbler. It seems like Nino has become a target. I just… if it was me, I would worry about my friends and family mistaking an imposter for me. And I would want to protect them.”
If anything, Alya’s eyes grew larger. “I don’t know if Nino was the target,” she whispered. “I think Hawkmoth is using him to get to me.”
Chat frowned. “Why would Hawkmoth be targeting you?”
“I… uh… I think he thinks I have a special connection with Ladybug… you know, because of the Ladyblog.”
Chat Noir nodded. “I suppose that makes sense.” 
She sighed and leaned against the railing next to him. 
“So what do we do?”
He stared out into the skyline. “I was thinking it would be fairly easy actually. You and him just need to set up some kind of call and response code. Something that only you and he know. You could tell him to do something similar with all the people he’s close to. And maybe you could do the same with people in your life… if you’re worried.” 
She nodded. “That sounds good.” And then she considered him for a moment. “Why did you come to me instead of going to him directly?”
He tensed at the question. He had been rather hoping she wouldn’t ask that. Honestly, he could have mentioned it to him as Adrien, but he felt that Adrien had less reason to notice something was up with Nino, and Adrien didn’t exactly have the background to be thinking about threats constantly. His father hired people for that. And Alya and Nino - they were just super close - and seemed to communicate well. He just thought Nino would be more receptive if the idea came from his girlfriend. But it’s not like he could explain all that. 
But maybe, he could explain some of it. 
“Well… uh… I don’t know him?” he lied.  “But I do sort’ve know you. And I’m sure he would take it better coming from someone he knows and cares about rather than a random superhero.”
She scoffed. “You’re hardly some random superhero, Chat Noir.” 
“Nice to know I have a fan,” he purred, waggling his eyebrows playfully. 
She shoved him back with an eyeroll and he grinned. “Stop,” she scolded. “You know I have a boyfriend.”
He smoothed out his face and gave her a genuine smile. “You are both very lucky to have each other.” 
She smiled. “I definitely think so. Thank you, Chat Noir. I appreciate you looking after my boyfriend this way.”
He gave her a two-fingered salute. “Of course! Just doing my job.” He was about to leave, but then he hesitated. “Do you have a pen and paper?” he asked. 
“Uh… sure. Give me a second.” She slipped inside and returned with his requested items. 
“If you run into any issues that need my attention, this is my username on the Ladyblog. You can DM me.”
She blinked at him, at the offered paper stupidly. “Oh my god!! You’re on my blog?!”
He grinned cheekily. “Of course! I am Ladybug’s biggest fan after all. And you seem to have the best scoops in that regard. I don’t know how you do it! Sometimes, it seems like you know her better than I do.”
She burst out laughing. “Well, a girl can’t give away all her secrets, now can she?” 
He smiled again. “I suppose not,” he said. “Thank you, Alya.”
“No, thank you, Chat Noir.” She stepped forward and he stepped easily into the offered embrace. He squeezed her tightly.
“For what?” He pulled away. 
She smiled sincerely. “For everything you do.” 
He blushed at the praise. “Like I said. All in a day’s work. See you around, Ladyblogger!” 
“See you, Chat Noir!” 
And he launched himself back into the sky. 
He should have gone back home. It’s what he had planned on. He had a history exam coming up next week that he wasn’t entirely prepared for, but he was already so close by, he couldn’t help, but want to check in on Nino. He would set the time loop, check in on how Nino was doing, reset it, and head home without Nino ever knowing he was there.
He landed in a crouch in Nino’s bedroom.
His friend was sitting on his bed, swiping through his phone. His golden eyes snapped towards Snake Noir the second he had landed. His eyes narrowed. He did not so much as crack a smile. 
Something was wrong. 
“Is there an akuma?” Nino bit out, his voice hard and unwelcoming. 
Adrien shook his head. “No,” he said, and then frowned. “Dude, are you okay?” 
“What do you want?” Nino demanded, ignoring his question entirely.
Snake Noir took a step backwards. “Nino?”
“I think you should leave,” Nino said, and turned his gaze away from his unexpected guest. 
But Adrien didn’t want to leave. Not when Nino was so clearly upset. “Nino, it’s me. Adrien.” 
Adrien expected Nino to soften and pull him into a hug like he had every time Adrien had revealed himself, or at least explain why the hell he was so upset. But that’s not what happened. 
Nino eyes shot back towards him, wide with shock. “W-what?!” He took in a shaky breath. “Dude! How could you do this to me?!” Nino was screaming now. He had bolted to his feet. 
Adrien took another step back, raising his hands in surrender. “Nino! What are you talking about?” 
“Like you don’t know!” Nino snarled. 
“I don’t know!” Adrien insisted. 
“I think you should leave.” 
“What?! Nino! Please! Can we talk about whatever this is?” Adrien begged. 
“No! I don’t think we can.”  
“Second chance,” Adrien mumbled to himself, and he was outside Nino’s window. He glanced at Nino’s slumped form sitting on the bed for just a second before vaulting upwards to the roof of the building. 
He sat down on the tiled roof. What the hell had happened? Why did Nino hate him now? What had he done? Adrien’s hands were shaking even transformed. Nino was his rock, and now he felt adrift without that support. 
He lost the transformation and pulled out his phone, and immediately dialed his best friend. It wasn’t Adrien he was mad at - at least, not until he knew Adrien and Chat Noir were the same person. But why the hell would Nino be angry with Chat Noir? 
Nino immediately answered.  
“Hey dude,” Nino greeted, his voice sullen. 
“Nino, what’s wrong?” 
Nino sighed. “I think Alya is cheating on me.” 
“What?” The idea didn’t even compute, it was just too incomprehensible. 
“With Chat Noir.”
“What?!” Adrien said again, more in shock. 
“Dude, I don’t know what to do!” 
And Adrien could hear Nino’s pain. He had to fix this. It was clearly a misunderstanding.
“I’m here,” Adrien told him. “Now, explain this to me from the beginning. Why do you think Alya is cheating on with you? And with Chat Noir?” 
“She’s… been off for awhile now. I don’t know what’s going on, and I didn’t want to pry. She usually will tell me things when she’s ready. But she started missing a bunch of our dates, and her reasons… they don’t sound… right.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“It means… I think she’s lying.” 
“Could there be any other explanation?” 
“For the avoiding me and making weird excuses? Probably! But I saw her earlier today with Chat Noir.”
“Okay, did you see them kissing or something?” Adrien asked. He knew there hadn’t been anything to see. He had maybe flirted a tiny bit, but even then she had only rolled her eyes and chastised him. 
“Nothing like that, really. But she was laughing. She was so at ease, open, and lively. And I… I haven’t seen her like that in… weeks.”
“Nino…” Adrien trailed off, uncertain what to say. “I don’t claim to know what’s going on with Alya, or why she’s been distant. But she wouldn’t do this to you.” 
And neither would Chat Noir. 
“You didn’t see them together!” Nino shouted, and Adrien had to pull the phone away from his face. “I know what I saw!” 
Adrien’s phone buzzed. And he opens it to reveal a picture of Alya and Chat Noir in a hug. 
“Nino, this…” how did he explain this wasn’t what it looked like? “There’s no way Alya would cheat on you. Not even with a superhero.” 
Nino dissolved into tears. “I just don’t know anymore. She’s hiding something. And I don’t want to pry, but my mind just keeps going in these spirals and I don’t now how to get it to stop. I just can’t… help but wonder if she doesn’t love me anymore. And she’s always loved the heroes. It would be difficult to compete with a guy like that.”
“Nino, what are you talking about?!” Adrien asked, wanting to point out that Nino was a hero, too. “You’re a fantastic catch!”
“Sure, but he’s Chat Noir! Have you seen his butt in leather? And he’s funny! And… charming! And who even knows how many times he’s saved Paris!”
Adrien was grateful this wasn’t a video call, but he could still feel the heat from his cheeks to his ears. 
“He flirts with everyone!” Nino continued.
Adrien stiffened. He didn’t flirt with everyone. But he had flirted a tiny bit with Alya earlier, but he hadn’t meant anything by it. He was just being friendly. 
“He could totally steal away someone’s girlfriend!”
Whether or not that was true (and Adrien had his doubts), Adrien knew he would never do that. 
“Or even someone’s boyfriend!”
“Does Alya need to be worried about you coming on to Chat Noir?” Adrien interjected.
“What?! No! I would definitely put him in his place! I love Alya so much!”
“And she would do the same!” Adrien insisted.
Nino didn’t say anything. And a few seconds later, he realized Nino was crying. His visit to Alya had made Nino cry. He had only been trying to help. He had to fix this. 
“Nino, I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean…” he trailed off sadly. He couldn’t truly say what he wanted to. Not without revealing himself. Which… he probably would have if Nino wasn’t so pissed specifically at Chat Noir.
“You don’t understand,” Nino sobbed. “Chat is not just some superhero to us.”
“He’s not?” Adrien asked cautiously. He really hoped this wasn’t going where he suspected it was going. 
“Alya and I know him.”
“He has saved you both more than once,” Adrien said. Please, take the excuse. Please take the excuse. 
Adrien could hear Nino pulling his own hair out in frustration.
“That’s not what I mean,” Nino said. “Dude, can I tell you something? I’m not supposed to, but I’m going to lose it! I don’t know who else to talk to about any of this!”
Adrien squeezed his eyes shut. It didn’t really matter if Nino told him what he already knew, was it? But he knew Ladybug might feel differently about it. 
Of course, he didn’t have to say anything to Ladybug. What was more thing he couldn’t talk about? 
“You can trust me, Nino,” Adrien assured. 
“Alya and I are superheroes, too.” 
“You and Alya?” Adrien repeated, covering his face with the palm of his hand. How did he not see this coming?! Ladybug was going to kill him. 
“She’s Rena Rouge. And I’m Carapace.”
Which made so much sense it wasn’t even funny. He was so close to losing it to hysterical laughter anyway. 
Seriously, was everyone he knew a superhero? Who was next? His father?
“Please say something,” Nino begged and Adrien shook himself out of his thoughts. 
“Wow,” Adrien said. “You’re a superhero! What’s that like?”
“Dude! I can’t even explain it. It’s exhilarating, and terrifying, and I don’t know how, out of everyone in all of Paris, Ladybug chose me to help her.”
Adrien smiled. Yeah, that was a pretty amazing feeling - the only fond memory he had as his time as Aspik. 
“I mean, Alya showed me some footage of Anansi. You were pretty badass even without a miraculous. It doesn’t surprise me that Ladybug would recognize that.” 
“Thanks, dude. That means a lot. I just… I don’t want to be mad at Chat Noir. He’s my friend.” 
Adrien found himself tearing up. 
“Or he was,” Nino added on. And Adrien sighed.  
“Nino, this isn’t really about Chat Noir. This is about your relationship with Alya. Do you trust her?” 
“I don’t want to be mad at Alya even more than I don’t want to be mad at Chat Noir.” 
“Have you talked to her about any of this?”
“Have you talked to her about any of this?” 
“No,” Nino admitted. 
“I’m telling you, Alya loves you. She wouldn’t do this. Not even a superhero who she happens to work with or be friends with. You’re her hero.”
“You really think so?” 
Adrien snorted. “Yeah man, I really do. Will you please go talk to her before you make assumptions.” 
“I don’t know where to start,” Nino said. 
Adrien thought for a second. “You could probably start with what you told me. Tell her that you feel like she’s been avoiding you. See what she says.”
Nino laughed. “You don’t think I should start with accusations?”
“I mean…” Adrien hedged. He wasn’t going to lie. He was definitely scared of Alya. Just a little bit. “I wouldn’t?” 
Nino laughed. He actually laughed, and Adrien breathed a sigh of relief. “Alright dude. Thanks for talking me off the cliff. I’ll call her now, and see if we can meet up.”
The call ended and Adrien stood up, hoping that Nino’s conversation with Alya went well. He knew that hug had been her thanking him. Surely, she would explain and everything would be fine. 
He transformed and ran across rooftops anyway. He wouldn’t be able to stand it if Nino hated half of his identity. He wouldn’t be able to visit anymore, even with the snake. 
 Adrien had to have faith in Alya. It would be okay. 
Nino knocked on the door. Etta answered. Or maybe it was Ella. Honestly, Nino hasn’t learned to tell them apart yet, and today, it wasn’t his highest priority. 
“Alya! Your nerdy boyfriend is here!” 
“Hey! Be nice!” Alya chastised her younger sister. And then she pushed her back into the room as she came out on the patio, closing the door behind her.
The beaming smile she offered him went a long way toward soothing his tortured feelings. Adrien was probably right, but there was still an inkling if doubt that he couldn’t quite quash. He managed a weak smile back. She deserved more. 
“Nino! I was just about to call you!”
“You were?” 
“You won’t believe who paid me a visit earlier today?!” She told him, her voice literally oozed with excitement. 
“Chat Noir?” he guessed, unable to keep the hurt out of his voice. 
Her eyebrows furrowed together. “How’d you know?” 
He pulled out his phone, and flipped to the picture. “I was on my way to visit you.” He squeezed his shoulder, trying to reassure himself.
She took the device from him eagerly, her smile only widening. “This is such a good shot! I’m so happy you caught it!”
“You are?” And he might have sounded a little accusatory. He was trying to clamp down on it, and not start with accusations like Adrien said. 
She glanced at him, startled. And for the first time, she seemed to sense something was off. “Nino? What’s wrong?”
“Okay, so this might seem ridiculous, but what does Chat Noir mean to you?”
Her eyes narrowed for a second, and then went wife as she rapidly connected dots. “Oh my god! Are you serious right now?! You think that I would do that to you?” Her eyes had returned to hard narrow slits; she was pissed! 
But for the first time in his life, Nino was thrilled that she was furious with him. Her anger put to rest all her fears. “I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s just you’ve been so… distracted lately. And you’ve bailed on several of our dates and it feels like when I ask you dodge the question.”
She softened. And he barreled forward. 
“I didn’t know what to think! I was actually coming over to talk to you about it when I saw you so... umm... friendly with Chat Noir. And I just… I haven’t seen you that open and happy in awhile. So I can’t help but wonder if I’ve done something wrong?” 
He was wringing his hands. He didn’t even realize how much he was hurting himself until she took both his hands in hers and rubbed soothing circles with her thumbs onto the back of his hands.
“You’ve done nothing wrong,” she murmured, her eyes staring straight at him. “I’m sorry. I have been distracted, but it wasn’t anything to do with us. It’s just a bunch of Marinette stuff. And… she didn’t want me to talk about it with anyone, and it’s all driving me crazy, so I just… am having a hard time being completely there the rest of the time.” 
“But… you looked so happy when… Chat Noir was there.” 
“Nino! He’s a superhero! And I run a superhero themed blog! I get a little fan girly, it’s true.”
She pulled him into a hug. And he melted into her arms. 
“The truth is,” she murmured into his ear, “I feel like I don’t have to pretend around you. I didn’t mean to push you away or out. I was feeling overwhelmed and crazy and around you, I thought I could just be low and it would still be okay.”
His arms tightened around her. His eyes were burning with threatened years. “I’m sorry I doubted you. Doubted us. I want to be able to be a place where you can be less than one hundred percent and still feel loved and supported. I’m sorry I didn’t live up to that.” And he was horrified that his voice cracked on his last word. 
She pulled away just a bit, and pressed her forehead to his. “I didn’t tell you that to make you feel guilty. I told you that because I love you. And next time I’m feeling detached, I will try to tell you so you don’t have to worry or wonder.”
He leaned forward and kissed her, letting the last of his hurt roll off his shoulders. “I love you so much.”
She smiled, and kissed him again. “I love you, too.” 
They hugged, and Nino just let himself stay wrapped up in her familiar embrace. 
At least until she pulled away with furrowed eyebrows. “Chat Noir was here like… hours ago. I only didn’t call you immediately because I had to watch the twins. Have you been stewing in this that whole time?” 
Heat bloomed across his face, and he wanted to duck his head behind his hat, but this was Alya. He didn’t want to hide from her. “Yeah… I was really upset,” he admitted. “I assumed the worst, and kinda wanted to track down Chat Noir and start a fight!” 
He held up his hands. “I know. I know. But Adrien called me at like the perfect time, and he kinda talked me down. He was insistent that you loved me and that you would never cheat on me.” 
“I’ll have to thank him,” she said, smiling. 
“You and me both,” he said. Then started fidgeting with the brim of his hat. “So… ummm… am I out of line if I ask what you and Chat Noir were talking about?”
“I was going to tell you anyway! Before you freaked out on me! But yes, if you must know, we were talking about you!” 
Nino blinked for a minute. “What? Me?” 
“He was worried about you.” 
His eyebrows scrunched together. Chat Noir was worried about him? And here Nino had been thinking the worst of the superhero. “But why?” 
Alya reached out for his hand, and their fingers were quickly threaded together. “He was worried at how much Hawkmoth has been targeting you, that he has been impersonating you. He thought that maybe it might happen again, and he was worried about how it might be affecting you mentally.. He suggested I get you to come up with some call and response passwords with the people in your life, so you could protect yourself and your loved ones.”
Nino’s eyes could not get wider. “Really?” How had he completely misjudged the whole situation that badly. Chat Noir wasn’t trying to steal his girl at all - the hero was trying to look out for him and her by extension. Instead, the hero was like, reading his mind, and coming up with ways for Nino to address his fears head on.  
“Really,” Alya said.
“Why did he go to you instead of me?” he asked. He felt so sheepish and embarrassed, and a tad bit guilty.
She shrugged. “Honestly, I think it’s just because he knew where I lived.” 
Nino laughed, and pulled her to him once again. His head rested on her shoulder. “Tell me that you love me.” 
“I love you,” she said, her tone smiling even if he couldn’t see her face.  
“How much?” 
“More than a superhero.” 
He grinned. “That should be our call and response code.”
She rolled her eyes. “If it makes you feel better.”
“But only if I ask you to tell me you love me, or vice versa. We don’t want other people to overhear it.” 
She nodded sagely in agreement. “Sounds good.” 
“I’m sorry I was an idiot.” “You’re my idiot.” 
And she lifted his head, and then she was kissing him. 
He smiled against her lips, his hands snaking around her waist. 
He really was a lucky guy.
Chat Noir sat across on a rooftop across the street from Nino’s empty bedroom. His legs were kicking back and forth in a way that would have seemed playful to anyone that didn’t know him well, but actually was a sign of how anxious he felt. 
He breathed in a deep sigh of relief when Nino returned to the room with a huge grin plastered on his face. As soon as Nino had closed his bedroom door, Chat launched himself across the street and into the room, landing with his trademark thud. 
Nino looked up at him in surprise. “Ch-Chat Noir! Uh… hey!” 
“Hi Nino,” Adrien said, his voice subdued. 
It was silent, and Adrien didn’t know what he was waiting for. He had come here with the intention of clearing the air. He hadn’t even transformed with the snake. He wanted to come clean. He spun the ring around his finger. This would be it. Nino was going to know who he was, and he wouldn’t be able to take it back. And he didn’t even know why he was nervous. He had told Nino dozens of times at this point, and his reaction had always been rock solid. 
Well, except for the last time. 
Maybe that was the problem. 
“So… uh… Alya, didn’t seem to think you knew where I lived. I’ll have to tell her that she was mistaken,” Nino said. 
Adrien nodded. “I may have led her to that conclusion. If it’s all the same to you, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t rat me out.”
Nino frowned. “Is there a reason you don’t want her to know?” 
“There is actually, but I can’t explain it yet. Maybe later?” 
“You’re being awfully cryptic tonight, dude.” 
Chat rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’m just a bit nervous.” 
Nino stared at him, his eyes blinking in shock. “You’re nervous? Why?!” 
“You seemed pretty pissed at me earlier today.” 
Nino frowned. “How do you even know about that?” 
Chat’s gaze dropped again. “I may have cheated?”
“I’m wearing the snake miraculous.” 
“That’s the one that creates a time loop?” 
Chat Noir nodded. 
Nino eyed him up and down. “You don’t look any different than normal.”
“I haven’t activated it yet, but I’ve been using it to, well, cope, I guess would be the best word.” Chat Noir trailed off.
“Cope? Cope with being a superhero?” Nino guessed. 
“Yeah, it allows me to confide in someone without anyone remembering. And honestly, you’ve been really supportive the last few weeks. You have no idea.” 
Nino’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What? But I don’t…” 
“Remember? Yeah, I know you don’t. That’s what I’m saying.”
“But you’re not transformed now, so that means I’m going to remember this conversation.” 
Chat nodded.
“So, what’s different about today that I get to remember?” 
“I just… the last visit made me realize that I wanted you to know this was happening. I want you to remember giving me permission to do this.” 
“I’ve given you permission to do this before?” 
Chat nodded again. “I realize the why might not make sense to you, but you did.”
“Why me?” 
Chat Noir looked up with a small smile. “What? Don’t think you’re good enough?” 
“That’s not what I meant! It’s not everyday that you learn that you are the secret confidant of one of Paris’s superheroes and don’t even know it!” 
“Because you’re definitely good enough! You saved me from being akumatized like I don’t know how many times.” 
Nino frowned. “We’re not like having a secret affair or something are we?” 
Chat laughed. “Umm… no, but you know, I’m beginning to think you have a crush on me.” 
Nino blushed. “It’s a celebrity crush!” he defended. “Leave me alone! I didn’t know that we knew each other outside of akumas that well.” 
“Well, I’d like to explain everything to you if that’s okay. Clear the air so to speak.”
“On a timer? Or without?” 
Chat took in a deep breath. “You choose.”
“What do you want?” 
“I really want you to remember this time, but it might be dangerous.”
“Dude! As you totally already know, I’m already a target of Hawkmoth.” 
“Which is probably a reason I shouldn’t let you remember this. Which is part of the reason you let me erase your memory over and over again.” 
Nino frowned. “How often have we uh… done this?” 
Chat Noir winced. “Ummm… I don’t know?” 
“Shit dude. That’s…” Nino looked away. “Answer one question for me without giving away the thing you’re worried about?”
“Why did I agree to it the first time?” 
Adrien thought about it for a moment. What could he say? 
“You saw me have a breakdown where I was likely to be akumatized. I needed to talk to someone, but it wasn’t safe for me to talk about any of it without literally risking the world. You told me not to leave this room until I was okay.”
“And would you be risking the world by telling me now?”
Chat gripped the back of his neck. “Ummm… I don’t think so?”
“Dude! That’s not reassuring.”
Chat’s claws tore through his hair. “Yeah… you’re right. We can do it the other way. I’ll transform and set the timer, and explain everything. Then with context, you can make an informed decision about whether you want to remember or not. But either way, now you’ll at least remember that this is something that happens on the regular. You won’t bite my head off or assume that I’m trying to steal your girl when I’m talking to her.” 
“Thank you for that by the way.” Nino’s voice is small. And embarrassed. 
“For what?” 
“Talking to my girl? Apparently you were worried about me?”
“I’m sorry,” Nino said. “For assuming the worst.” 
Chat Noir shook his head. “It’s fine.” He wasn’t sure if it was, but he understood now why Nino had reacted the way he had. “I’m used to far worse.” 
“That doesn’t make me feel better, dude,” Nino told him, his eyes staring at him with a concern that Adrien was far too familiar with.
He pasted on a bright smile. “Well, let’s get this show going, yeah?”
“Sure,” Nino said, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. “What do I need to do?” 
Chat grinned. “Don’t worry about it, man. I got it covered. Sass, Plagg, unify!”
Nino put a hand over his eyes to block out the light. “Woah, dude. That’s quite the light show.” 
Snake Noir laughed. “Second chance.” 
“Alright mec, lay it on me,” Nino said. 
Snake Noir took in a deep breath, and then looked right at Nino. “I’m Adrien.” 
Nino paled. “What?”
“I’m Adrien,” he said again.
Nino’s eyes were as wide as the Seine. “Dude! You came here earlier when I was pissed at Chat Noir?” 
“Please tell me I didn’t hit you,” Nino said, his eyes never leaving Adrien’s masked face.  
Adrien frowned. “You didn’t hit me. Were you worried that you might’ve?” 
“With where my head was at? I definitely wanted to punch you. Chat Noir, you, I mean.” Nino cringed. “I guess… that’s not much better.” 
Adrien tried to smile, but didn’t pull it off. “Your… umm… hostility toward me was a bit of a shock,” Adrien conceded. 
Nino snorted. 
“I just… I think I had gotten used to your… easy acceptance. I realize that I took it for granted.” 
“Dude! Stop! I was definitely in the wrong this time. And I’m sorry.” 
Adrien smiled. “It was just a misunderstanding.” 
“This is how you knew to call me?” 
Adrien nodded.
“I’m so sorry! I never meant to lay into you about… well, you! I just kept thinking about things being off with Alya, and obsessing over how I was supposed to compete with a superhero.”
Snake Noir bumped Nino’s shoulder. “But Nino, you are a superhero, too.” And then his head hung. “And we all have doubts.” 
“Dude, are you okay?” 
“Not really,” he admitted. “The whole reason Ladybug gave me the snake was so that I could confide in her, but I haven’t really done that. I keep using it to talk to you.” 
“Why can’t you talk to Ladybug.” 
“I can! And I can’t. So much of what I want to say is about her and that just makes it awkward. And every time I tell her who I am she starts crying.” 
Nino’s brow furrowed. “She has better not be disappointed!”
Chat shook his head. “No! I don’t think so. I think she’s sad that she has to forget.” 
“Why exactly does she have to forget?” Nino asked. 
“Us knowing each other’s identities apparently led to the end of the world.” It was getting easier to say.  
Nino starred at him flatly. “What. What do you mean, end of the world?” 
Chat threw his hands up in frustration. “I don’t know! I didn’t see it. She did! But apparently, I was akumatized and had the power of unlimited destruction, and blew up not just the earth, but the moon as well!” 
And yeah, maybe it was getting easier to say, but Adrien was shaking in agitation. 
Nino considered him for several seconds before finding his voice. “Dude. That is… heavy.” 
Snake Noir slumped down on the floor. “You’re telling me.” 
“I’m glad you’ve been able to come here,” Nino finally said. “I cannot imagine going through this alone.”
“I don’t know how I can ever thank you,” Adrien admitted. 
Nino pulled him into a sideways hug. “You don’t have to. That’s what friends are for.” 
“Little did I know, you taking pity on me for having Chloé as my only friend was one of the luckiest days of my life.” 
“Ha! I’m glad you have more options now.” 
Adrien smiled. “So, what do you say? Is this something you want to remember?” 
Nino nodded. “If you want me to know, I want to know.” 
“Even if it puts you in more danger?” 
“Dude! Do you think it’s possible for me to be in more danger at this point?” 
“Nino, I destroyed the world. Not Hawkmoth.” 
Nino frowned. “Now, that’s where you’re wrong. You said you were akumatized. That’s all on Hawkmoth.” 
“I doubt Hawkmoth’s goal was to destroy the world,” Adrien said softly. 
“Which just means, you must have broken from his control or something.” 
“To destroy the world?” Adrien asked sarcastically. 
Nino placed a hand on either of Adrien’s shoulders. “Dude, look at me.” 
Adrien looked up. 
“I’m not going to lie. Seeing you transformed as Snake whatever with Adrien’s brooding face is majorly trippy.” 
Adrien laughed. “Sass, scales rest. Plagg, claws in.” And in a burst of light, he was just Adrien sitting on his best friend’s bed. 
“You were saying?” Adrien prompted when Nino continued to just stare at him in shock. 
Nino seemed to shake himself lose. “Right! I’m saying this once and I will say it as many times as you need to hear it. You don’t really know what happened in that timeline. Like you said, you didn’t see it. And, you haven’t destroyed the world. Just look outside, you can see it!” 
Adrien opened his mouth to argue, but Nino silenced him with a waggling finger. “No, dude! I know what you’re thinking, but I know you. You would never destroy the world if you were in control of yourself. You are too good. Too pure for this world. And you’re fucking Chat Noir! You literally throw yourself into death’s jaws like every week to protect everyone. I will not let you feel guilty for all of time for something you haven’t even done.” 
Adrien watched Nino through his monologue, unable to help the smile that stretched across his face. “Are you done?” 
“That depends. Are you still beating yourself up?” 
Adrien smirked. “I’m feeling better at the moment actually, but I don’t promise I never will again.”
“Well, you just have to promise to come back whenever you’re feeling that way.” 
Adrien offered an open hand at chest level, and Nino clapped his own hand into it, and they pulled each other into a hug. “Deal, as long as you promise to talk to your girlfriend whenever you’re having doubts.” 
“What? I can’t talk to you about my girlfriend?” 
“I mean, you can! You can talk to me about anything.” 
“Oh my god! You’re Chat Noir!” 
“Uh, yeah?” 
“And I’m Carapace.” 
“Yeah, you gave that away in like my second loop.”
“We can literally talk about anything,” Nino concluded. 
Adrien smiled again. “I guess we can now. I hope you don’t come to regret that.” 
“Dude!” Nino squealed. “This is going to be so cool!” 
Chapter 4: A Thank You
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Save Me From The Dark
Summary: If I don’t lie to my heart, who will? 
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Author's Note: The feedback to this story has been overwhelming and beautiful honestly, I've never done anything like this for a non canonical couple but so many of you have told me that this pairing makes sense to you too. They are just two lost souls to me and bringing them together is simply destiny. I saw on the timeline that TB was hard to watch tonight for my Seojun lovers,  I thought this might cheer some people up. Sorry for the brevity I’m writing between lesson planning, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
Special huge shout out to @ewolfwitchwisegirl​ who made a header for me, it's so gorgeous and better than anything I could have ever done. This chapter is dedicated to you for inspiring me with this masterpiece!! Everyone who makes a gif set, header or anything because of my story you are loved, thank you. I am honored.
p.s. the burn will still be slow but it’s slowly starting tehe. 
"What? Where is she now?" Su-ah's face scrunches up in disdain as Ju-Kyung explains what she missed while in the nurse's office, the shorter girl looks more enraged than she's ever seen besides when that video of her being bullied was posted. Su-ah and Su-jin came over everyday until she finally caved in and let them in, taking turns crying in their laps. She’d been so ashamed to face them only to end the night teary-eyed with snot dripping from her nose, as they took turns wiping her runny nose. It was disgusting, but in that moment she knew that all her fears had been for naught, they were her friends regardless of what she looked like beneath her foundation. They'd been her saving grace and two huge reasons she could walk back through those doors with her head held high. Suho’s constant love and support only helping to make her feel even more invincible.  She can feel that same protectiveness wafting off the her friend now, Su-ah is fierce when it comes to the people she cares about. She's just honored to be among that short list.
"She's okay. I covered her and brought her to the roof."
"And then you left her? All by herself?! Come on we have to go back she needs us." She staggers as Su-ah grabs her hand forcefully, spinning her in a circle but she digs her heels into the ground interrupting the motion.
Su-ah looks at her baffled, tugging harder. Her eyes squinted into two thin lines. Immediately she puts up her hands, calming the agitated girl.
"She's not alone."
Su-ah tilts her head cutely in confusion, seeming to consider who exactly could be with their friend and conjuring nothing after a short pause complete with a finger on her bottom lip. She puts the girl out of her misery and gives her the answer, "Han Seojun. He's with her."
She'd been just as bewildered when she saw the name flashing on her phone.
Han Seojun.
Sure they were friends, he was also Suho's best friend so they all hung out a few times but he'd never called her prior and she'd almost forgotten they even possessed the other's number. Making her believe that his reason for calling had to be important, since he’d never done it before so she answered without hesitation.
Before she could utter hello, he was barking at her "Where are you? Is Su-jin with you?" She looked over at the other girl, wind whipping her long raven locks wildly around her beautiful face. The frantic raise and fall of her chest was the only thing marring the picturesque sight. Breaking her from her admiration Seojun repeated his inquiry but there was an unusual quality to his voice the second time, he sounded as if he was pleading. She didn't know what was happening but he sounded as if every second not with Sujin was torture. Before he could repeat it thrice, she answered him.
"We're on the rooftop."
His speed reaching them was impressive, before Su-jin could fully interrogate her about who exactly was coming to the rooftop, he was already bursting through the doors and unafraid despite the wrath on Su-jin’s face, she stared in surprise as he called her princess of all things snarkily, she watched them appraisingly waiting for Sujin to sneer at the cutesy moniker but that reprimand never arrived. Seojun seemed comfortable, too comfortable easily pressing into Sujin's space as if he belonged there, as if he wanted to belong there. She felt like she was intruding watching them prod and snap at each other, so she slipped away no longer worried about her friends safety. She seemed to be in good hands.
She snaps back to reality realizing that Su-ah has been bombarding her with questions, "Han Seojun? Why is he with her? Was he the one bullying her, I'll get Tae-Hoon to kick his ass!" She looks at her friend considering her boyfriend, and then Han Seojun, almost in sync they both shake their head.
"No, forget that. He can't fight someone like Han Seojun, can you tell Suho to beat him up? Do you think he'll do it?"
She chuckles while capturing the other girl's hands, "We don't need anyone to beat him up. He didn't do anything, he helped us actually. He got everyone to go back to class and stop looking."
Now Su-ah looks positively beaming, smiling that bright wide smile that is definitely the reason that Tae-Hoon can't stay away from her.
"Why? Why did he do that? Are they close?" The girl ask coyly, always ready to matchmake. 
It's not her place to say, she's just a bystander and honestly she doesn't quite understand what's happening, Seojun is always full of surprises. So she tugs Su-ah away, knowing that if pressed Sujin will retract and push Seojun away on principle, she doesn't know what's happening to the other girl but when it all comes tumbling down it's clear that Seojun won't be far behind.
"I think they're becoming friends. Sujin could use some more friends, don't you think?"
He doesn't know what he was expecting, it was a crazy idea. Absolutely insane. But regardless of the insanity of his words, he meant each and every one of them. Standing this close to the crying girl he could see the swell of her right cheek, the same cheek that had been bleeding the night they met. Ran into each other, might be more accurate.
It wasn't a fever dream or a hallucination. It was all painfully real, she was being hurt and nobody else seemed to know. She hid it well, even he could admit that her ice princess façade never cracking at school. She'd always looked like a perfect little doll in her designer clothes, he had imagined that she had a loving perfect family. He of all people knew that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, yet he took one look at her expensive appearance and thought he had her all figured out.
He wouldn't make that mistake again.
So he knows that his suggestion is crazy but that doesn't ease the anger when she pulls away, turning her back to him before answering.
His fists tighten in the balls he has by his side but each quiet exhale that causes her small shoulders to lift up and down, unknowingly calms his rage and he finds himself smothering his own fury to offer another suggestion.
With a deep breath he says, "Ask Ju-Kyung if you can sleep over then. You shouldn't be alone."
She also shouldn't go home. Her words echo hauntingly in his ears, he used a belt. Bile coils tight in his throat, it was her father then he was the one hitting her, destroying his own daughter until she couldn't stand to be touched by others. The urge to fight has never been this visceral.
She sighs as if he's bothering her, he already knows what she's going to say before she says it, so he intercepts her stepping around her so they're face to face.
"I dare you to tell me to mind my business." He growls at her, giving her enough space so he's not looming over her much smaller figure but staring hard enough that she knows that he's serious, he's decided to make this his business she better deal with it.
She stares at him, mouth lax after his deep challenge glaring right back after she regains her composure but her eyes shift away, unable to meet his own now and without a word she huffs before stomping away. He watches her leave, knowing that he's reached the point of no return. He's going to follow this through to the very end.
If she tries to run, well he has long legs.
And a motorcycle.
The pain of her raw water soaked skin grounds her, but the swooshing of the faucet does nothing to drown out her thoughts as she rubs vigorously at her palms, scratching at imaginary dirt that will never be lifted from her hands. Making the water piping hot she hisses at the sting of the water on her bruised hand, she has to punish herself. She almost did something infinitely moronic.
"You almost said yes." She whispers to herself in the grimy school mirror, looking back at her own face in disgust. Feeling the flame of hope desperately grasping for air, yearning to awaken under the boys insistence.
She can't explain her reaction to him, they are nothing; less than nothing she wouldn't even consider him a friend.
Yet, he knows more about her than her best friends. Knows her deepest darkest secret and instead of gossiping or avoiding her, he's chasing her down and demanding to help her.
"He's insane. There's nothing to understand, there's no logic to insanity." She reasons with herself in the mirror, choosing not to focus on the fact that she's having a conversation with herself. His crazy is rubbing off on her, when she put her head on his chest it must have leaked on her.
She can remember the heat that always seemed to radiate from him, maybe that was a result of being loved. He was warm. She wanted to reach out and grab....
What? Grab what? She immediately reels her wayward thoughts back in. 
What am I thinking? 
She needed to stop her train of thought now. That had been a mistake, a lapse in judgement. It wouldn't be happening again. If he was hellbent on following her she couldn't stop him but she knew it wouldn't last, no one was that selfless eventually her pity story wouldn't be enough and he'd realize she wasn't worth the effort.
She tries to convince herself that this is what she wants. Lying to herself has become as natural as lying to others, it’s a means of survival. 
Upon entry to the cafeteria every eye shifts to her or so it seems, time too stops as they all cease their conversations to watch her like she's an animal on display. Her skin prickles from the overwhelming attention before the silence bursts like a bubble and the noise washes over her, people begin to point in her direction whispering not so subtlety to the person next to them.
She almost bolts before she feels a hand on her elbow, her instincts almost make her snatch her arm away but the familiarity of the perfume halts her movement.
"Come on. We've been waiting for you."
Su-ah doesn't give her a chance to decline dragging her over to their table, Ju-Kyung's smiling face greeting them. She's shoved down onto the bench, in between the two like they're trying to shield her. The idea makes her feel warm and uncomfortable so she pushes it to the back of her mind.
She silently eats her food, staring intently at her tray before she finally relaxes as she realizes that no one is talking to her, they aren't demanding to know what happened. She's not ready to talk about it, not yet and they are showing her that that's okay. They will be here for her regardless of not knowing the full story. Under the table she discreetly grabs both of their hands, squeezing them hard. Squeaking in embarrassment when both girls twist and smother her in tight hugs, she pretends to loathe it pushing them both away but they cling to her until she gives in. She's so weak today.
"Oh. Seojun-ah over here!" Ju-Kyung blares in her precious ears, waving rapidly over her shoulder and she feels her stomach dip. Not him again he never ate lunch here and when he did it was with his gang, why was Ju-Kyung calling him here?
Pinching at her vulnerable thigh under the table, she hisses at the other girl "Hey! What are you doing? Don't call him over."
Unfortunately it's too late, she can already feel his aura behind them getting closer. There's barely room on the other side of the bench, then Hyun-Kyu yelps before looking up in their direction, then he swallows and nods as if receiving an order, he presses his glass further up his nose before collecting his lunch and leaving. She watches the interaction confused before turning to look at Ju-Kyung who has an exaggerated look of innocence on her face.
"I guess he was finished eating. It works out though, now Seojun can sit there."
He's slipping into the evacuated space before she can yell at Ju-Kyung for meddling. Huffing she burrows into her food refusing to look up. She’s only been ignoring him for a few seconds before he seems to reach his limit. 
"Give me some."
She watches in shock as familiar hands invade her space and grab her tray, pulling it across the table before lifting one of her sausages to his mouth with his fingers, the uncivilized swine. She's reaching out before she can reconsider or think about how they will appear to others she doesn’t share her food damn it, she reaches to cover his hand stopping him from biting and stealing her last sausage.
"What the hell are you doing? Don't touch my food." She scowls at him, grabbing at her food and humming victoriously when she gets it back. Only to stare wide eyed and flabbergasted as he shrugs before devouring the juicy morsel, directly from her fingers, a brief brush of warm wetness on her finger tips. They both freeze, staring at each other. The air between them charged, almost crackling from their locked eyes.
"Seojun! You're the man! You're a natural flirt, eating from her hands!" Appearing from thin air Seojun's gang boisterously chants his name, clapping him on the shoulder and she physically cannot be in this room any longer. She shoves her tray at him, grabbing her backpack before hopping over the bench.
"I'll see you both later." With a tight smile at her friends, she races from the cafeteria unaware of the eyes tracing her every step.
The rest of the day drags by, she spends it lost in a daydream making sure not to look at the boy behind her. She just wants to get home and lock herself away, this time nothing will get her to open the door. With a sigh of relief, she stands as the teacher dismisses them for the day. Packing up slowly to miss the surplus of students at the door, they are all still looking at her warily spreading rumors about her rudeness and supposed narcissism. Creating explanations for her scene in the bathroom, the majority of them painting her as stuck-up. She doesn't mind it's better than them knowing the truth. Let her be a rich spoiled bitch in their minds better that than a victim.
Like clockwork, Su-ah and Ju-Kyung latch onto her from the left and the right. She lets them pull her out the door and towards the entrance, absently listening to their heated debate of where they should eat today. She sighs out loud, amused but hiding it behind a passive face.
"Why are you even arguing? You know we’re such going to get spicy tteokbokki anyway."
They always do, it's like arguing is their warm up before the noodles because no matter how passionate they both get about the different possibilities they've never eaten anything else together.
Walking out the school gate, they all jump back as a motorcycle suddenly skids into their way blocking them completely. Instantly she's annoyed, breaking their linked arms she storms over to the idiot, shoving at his chest before shouting at him.
"Hey! Are you crazy? Were you trying to kill us?" She slaps at his helmet when he tilts his head at her, the loud knock satisfying as she glares at him. 
Then he reaches up like he's staring in a shampoo commercial and tugs the helmet off his head, hair stylishly falling onto his neck. Instead of looking upset at her rough treatment he smirks, leaning over the handle bar right into her face.
"Since when are you scared of my bike? Don't act so fragile princess." She gapes at him affronted by his unapologetic attitude, then further bothered by his second use of that infuriating nickname. She's nobody's fucking princess. As she opens her mouth to tell him this, he turns away from her before talking to Ju-Kyung.
"Take her to your house tonight. Have a sleepover or whatever you all call it. She told me she really wanted to ask you but she was too embarrassed." He points over at her, lying easily through his too white teeth. She wants to punch that smile off his face.
"Hey when did I say anything like that to yo--!!"
But he's on a roll, bulldozing through her interjections with the same ease he used that night on the highway. Pulling something from his pocket and thrusting it at her.
"Give me your number."
He looks at her like she's wasting his time, rolling his eyes before repeating slower, the asshole.
"Give me your number."
She scoffs at the brazen order, sneering at him before grabbing her friends. "Let's go."
But never of them are budging, so she pulls harder but still they don't follow and she turns to them both annoyed. "Didn't you hear me let's go."
"Give me the phone."
Her jaw drops as Su-ah reaches out at Seojun, he looks as surprised as she does before he shakes himself from his confusion and hands the girl his phone. Su-ah happily taps away before handing the phone back over.
"There you go." Su-ah smiles easily before tugging them all away now, she wants to fight her hold and run back and take his phone, delete her number and tell him once and for all to leave her alone and stop playing whatever game he’s playing.
"I'm hungry from all that arguing, let's get tteokbokki." Ju-Kyung states happily, leading them towards the shop.
She just goes along quietly, feeling outnumbered and indignant. They were supposed to be her friend. She pouts the entire way. 
Seojun watches the three girls walking away, eyes fixated on the figure in the middle until they turn a corner and disappear from his sight. She'd looked like she wanted to kill him, a woman had never looked at him with that particular expression before. She could be quite scary when she wanted to be.
Hooking his helmet onto the arm bar of his bike he finally looks down at his phone, thankfully still in one piece.
When he sees the number he smiles softly before his eyes shift down and laughter bursts out of his chest, he can't stop the bubbling bouts of joy that fall from his lips.
With another chuckle, he pulls on his helmet before revving the bike to life and peeling out of the school feeling lighter than he has in a long time. He doesn’t question his gut, no he’s not someone who overthinks he jumps first and looks later. 
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cloudywriter · 3 years
camp staghorn - 2
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alright, here’s part 2, starting to get good now! next part features rowan’s side of the story its very exciting. anyway, enjoy! also send in prompts (preferably rowaelin) if you want, i like a mix of things im writing or i get bored. 
masterlist, main masterlist, AO3
It was the first official day of camp. Aelin was slightly disappointed by the basic ice cream sandwiches that were apparently the well sought-after prize, she almost felt bad for sabotaging Rowan over such a thing. 
Nonetheless, Aelin got dressed along with the rest of her campers. They sleepily weaved around each other as they readied for the busy day ahead. Pulling on a generic tank top and shorts while shoving her hair in a ponytail, Aelin decided she was ready enough.
“Alright, everyone has to apply sunscreen before we go!” Aelin reminded the group as she squeezed toothpaste onto her brush. She received a couple of okays in return. 
Finally, she and the rest of the camps made it to the dining hall where eggs and mini pancakes were being served. Aelin spotted Rowan Whitethorn from across the room, hunched over the small, white table surrounded by his friends from the other day.
She made her way to the line forming for food, consequently passing Rowan’s table in the process. 
“Hey, Rowan, look it’s the girl who kicked your ass!” She recognized Fenrys as the one making the snide comment. Rowan only glared.
Aelin tossed him a sweet smile, “The ice cream was delicious by the way!” She didn’t linger for a response, instead, she joined Lys in line, but she heard Fenrys laugh and slap Rowan on the back.
The rest of breakfast went without consequence, Aelin sat with Elide and Lys while keeping a close eye on her campers. She thought she’d likely just have to endure Rowan’s glares and frowns for the rest of the week in retaliation for her behavior. 
Boy, was she wrong. 
It was midday and the afternoon sun was beating down on everyone. Aelin felt sticky with sweat and sunscreen as she sat down with the rest of her campers on a bench painted with a peeling, light green rouge in front of the stage.
Every day, before lunch, the camps were scheduled to gather back in the center. It was a time for kids to hydrate and camps got the chance to perform skits or play games. So far, Aelin’s group had gotten plenty of time on the rock climbing wall. She was enjoying herself despite the weather, she was having fun getting to know her campers. 
Now, Aelin was desperately gulping down water as Gavriel appeared on stage. 
“Hey, guys! I hope everyone is having a good first day at camp so far! As you know we at Camp Staghorn like to take this time for some fun between the camps! First up on today’s agenda camp 12 has a special skit they’re apparently dying to perform, so without further ado, everyone give it up for camp 12!” The crowd responded in claps and even a few whistles. 
Gavriel exited the stage and handed Rowan the microphone as he did so. Rowan hopped on stage with his group of boys in tow, they all looked giddy, practically bouncing in their shoes. 
“Hi everyone, I’m Rowan, camp 12’s counselor, and today-” 
“We will be baking a cake!” A little boy screamed into the mic, interrupting Rowan. 
“Uh, yes, a cake.” Rowan was adorably awkward on stage, Aelin had to admit. 
Rowan passed the microphone down to another little boy, “First, we need a volunteer!” The boy shouted enthusiastically into the mic. Hands shot up around Aelin, kids were half out of their seats jumping up and down in an attempt to obtain the boys’ attention.  
“Hm,” the boy mused as he surveyed the crowd. Rowan bent down and whispered something in his ear and that’s when the boy pointed right at Aelin. “We will take you as a volunteer!”
Aelin’s girls giggled and started trying to push her out of her seat, she rolled her eyes playfully and made her way on stage. Once she was up there the boy instructed her to sit in a chair that had been pulled onto the stage. Aelin did as told and waited. She wasn’t quite sure what was about to happen but Aelin was never one to turn down the spotlight. 
“Alright, everyone knows the first ingredient that’s called for in every cake recipe is flour,” Rowan now spoke into the microphone once again. Aelin waited patiently for directions when suddenly a mound of flour was poured into her lap. It coated her, the flour stuck to her sunscreen and covered her face, attempting to wipe it off was futile. 
“Don’t forget the eggs!” A boy yelled and then Aelin truly almost lost it.
An egg had been cracked atop her head and was sliding down her hair, she could feel it. The kids were laughing hysterically now, all thinking it was one big joke but Aelin was seeing red. She was honestly shocked and trying to process what the hell just happened. 
“We need sugar too!” As soon as a granule of sugar made contact with Aelin’s hair, she hopped out of the chair, still wiping at the flour around her eyes. 
“What the he- heck!” Aelin demanded, turning to face Rowan with a scowl. 
“Did I not mention it was a human cake?” Rowan grinned, looking mighty pleased with himself. 
Aelin wanted to punch the stupid smile off his face. She wanted to curse him out with every dirty word that she could think up but the laughter of children reminded her of their audience.
“I’m afraid you didn’t,” she responded in the coldest tone she could muster. Rowan only shrugged then wiped his finger through the flour on her cheek. 
“You’re a little under-baked.”
It took every ounce of Aelin’s self-control to walk off the stage and back to her cabin to wash off without murdering Rowan Whitethorn. 
Poor Rowan had started a war with the wrong girl. 
As dinner approached Aelin had thought up about 10 different ways she could get Rowan back and she kept a mental list of all of them. 
Her campers were well aware of Aelin’s foul mood and let her have her space as the day went on. The wheels kept turning in her mind until Aelin deduced she had a perfect plan to get him back tonight, it wasn’t anything too crazy, no. Aelin wanted to start small, minor inconveniences until she could really fuck him over as the week progressed. 
Aelin and the girls were taking a stroll around the lake when she turned to them. “How do you guys feel about getting camp 12 back for their little skit this afternoon?”
The girls raised their eyebrows and a little girl named Ansel spoke up, “Like a prank war?”
“Yeah, like a prank war,” Aelin considered. The girls giggled at that and were totally on board as Aelin explained her master plan. 
The camps were meant to be eating down at the lake tonight, cuddled up around campfires and each camp had their own pre-packed dinners to bring down there. Aelin and her girls went to the dining hall early, ready to snatch up camp 12’s dinners well before they came to collect them. 
Nobody was even there to question Aelin and her campers as they retreated with the dinners, slipping out of the dining hall with ease.
Now, it was time for phase two. It was a fairly simple plan, easy to execute. They stuffed all the dinners into a trash bag and ventured into the forest where there was a collection of mini ziplines that traversed a flowing creek. 
It was just too easy to tie up the trash bag onto one of the ziplines and send it off until it was dangling above the middle of the muddy stream. 
“Looks good girls, now let's go get our dinner,” Aelin turned around to the group of girls all wearing wicked smiles.
So, Aelin made her second trip to the dining hall that evening to claim her camp’s dinners. She decided to leave Rowan a little note on a napkin where his food was supposed to be, she intended for him to know exactly who had done it. 
I heard there’s special dining tonight at the staghorn mini ziplines 
She even added a little heart for emphasis. 
taglist: @live-the-fangirl-life
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
I Can’t Handle You Being Back~Chou Tzuyu x black! fem! reader {4}
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Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pairing: Tzuyu x reader
Summary: You’re still acting careful around Tzuyu as the both of you start to practice more and grow closer as you both had did five years ago. Your rekindling friendship starts to bloom to something more as you guy's duo performance at JYPEs showcase crawled closer, your feelings start to grow into something more until someone gets in the way.
Word Count: 2, 917
Writer's Note: Chapter 4!  I hope yall enjoy and keep the comments coming, I'm glad you're loving the fic. If you have any requests send them my way and if you sent some in I'll get to them soon.
Another music show performance of I Can’t Stop Me drained me for the entire day. We arrived back to the dorms and I collapsed in my bed immediately and groaned while Jeongyeon flopped on right beside me. 
“So, how’d I do this time?” I asked with a muffle caused by the pillow. 
Jeongyeon nudged her shoulder against me. 
“You did amazing as always,” she said. “Now are you really going to stay in bed? It’s not even eight yet.” 
“No, no! Y/N the day has just begun!” Sana shouted, jumping onto the other side of the bed, squishing me in between her and Jeongyeon. “We’ve got so much planned!”
I’m able to turn onto my back to meet Sana’s face clouded in over excitement. 
“Like what?” I said. 
The moment the words leave my mouth, Dahyun and Nayeon strolled into the room with huge grins on their faces. 
“We’re all playing games!” Nayeon announced. “Mina’s getting her switch step up now!”
“You got to join us Y/N!” Sana said as she wrapped me in her arms. 
“Fine!” I said as I struggled a bit in her grip. “Just let me get up already.” 
Jeongyeon’s already on her feet, pushing a giggly Sana playfully while she helps me to my feet. 
“So,” I said as the five of us trek down stairs. “What are we playing?”
“Well, I kind of stalked your Instagram again and found your Twitch account,” Sana said, rather innocently with her hands behind her back. “I found that you love Dragon ball fighterZ so I begged Mina to buy it!”
“We both found it Sana,” Nayeon groaned.
They both bicker a bit; Jeongyeon and I met eyes with faces matching in confusion. 
“You could have just asked instead of stalked,” I said. 
“I know,” Sana said. “I just didn’t know how to ask. I know you’ve been with us for almost a month now, but it’s pretty crazy to have you here after five years.” 
Sana’s eyes cut to the floor. Her excited demeanor now replaced with something more reserved and sheepish. I take her hand with a grin before shaking her gently. 
“And I’m not going anywhere anytime soon OK?” I declared. 
Sana nodded and pulled me into a bear hug before she skipped over to the carpet of the living room where Chaeyoung and Mina sat putting the Switch together. 
Tzuyu, Jihyo and Momo sat on the couch facing Mina, Chaeyoung and the television. My eyes landed on Tzuyu, nothing but a smile spreads across her face. It’s not huge or anything, yet I still don’t know how to act around her. She defended me a few nights ago, not only in front of Onces but the entire world: it set the entire internet a blaze. Of course the loyal Onces stayed true and cheered Tzuyu and I on in helpful ways. (There are some that are already shipping us and dubbing us “Rush Hour line” due to whatever reasons, even though Tzuyu’s not from China and---they got the spirit but it’s still tone deaf and a bit racist on both of our parts.) 
Then of course the netizens had their take on it, but I don’t pay attention to them that much anymore. 
“You could sit here if you want, Y/N,” Jihyo said as she gestured to the spot between her and Tzuyu. 
Tzuyu nodded, solidifying my decision as I take the seat. 
Nayeon sat beside Momo and purposely covered the gap of space between her and Jihyo while eyeing Jeongyeon. 
“Oh, Jeongyeon no more room,” Nayeon said. “Guess you’ll have to sit in my lap.”
Jeongyeon shook her head, yet the redness of her cheeks remained. She slapped Nayeon’s arm. 
“Quit playing,” she whined, then whispered something to Nayeon, who moved her arms immediately and smirked. 
I look between Jihyo and Tzuyu, trying to ask what’s the deal between those two. Jihyo caught on as she leaned in towards me with a giggle. 
“They’ve somewhat had a thing since pre debut,” she explained. “They love each other to death, but it’s really complicated at times.” 
“Oh, makes a lot of sense,” I whispered. 
The living room filled with the opening music to Dragon Ball FighterZ blasting around us. 
“All right!” Chaeyoung announced as she hopped up. “Who’s ready for the greatest tournament the world will never witness?”
“Why would it be never Chae?” Tzuyu asked with a snicker. 
“Because we aren’t playing it for Time to Twice or V live or anything,” Chaeyoung said. “Unless you guys want to.”
A collective unit of no’s came from everyone. 
“Week got a week off before that stupid KBS JYP special we have to rehearse for,” Nayeon groaned. “I need time off from the cameras and time to get drunk.” 
She rose to her feet, and disappeared in the kitchen.
“Grab me and beer too!” Jeongyeon called. 
“Are you guys even playing?” I asked. 
“Nope,” Nayeon and Jeongyeon said in unison as they each cracked open their beers respectfully.
“What about the rest of you?” I said. “I know Sana happened to spur this on during the last minute.”
“Oh I’m defiantly playing,” Chaeyoung said as she wrapped her arms around Mina. “Mina is too, right babe?”
Mina giggled and nodded.
“I’ve been playing since the game dropped, but I only played it with my brother back in Japan so I haven’t tried it out on Switch yet,” Mina explained. “Playing on camera won’t be a bad idea for future uploads for Once.” 
“I’m playing too!” Sana said with a grin. “What about you Dubu?”
Dahyun shook her head. 
“Nope, I think I’ll kick back, and cheer you on as much as I can,” Dahyun said as Sana wrapped her arms around her. 
“I’ll sit this out too,” Jihyo said. “It’ll be interesting to see how long Nayeon and Jeongyeon stay sober this time.”
Nayeon gives Jihyo the finger; Jihyo  pushed her playfully and I turn to Tzuyu, who’s eyes were on me then averted to the TV. 
“You playing too?” I asked, while trying not to seem like I caught her wondering eyes. 
Tzuyu shrugged. 
“Why not?” she said. “As long as I can play against Chae first.”
Chaeyoung let out a roar. 
“You’re on Tzu!”
A few hours crawled past: Dragon Ball FighterZ night escalated with Mina and I going up against each other with a tied set. It’s 3 to 3, this game would settle. Sana, Jihyo and Tzuyu huddled up behind me while Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Momo rallied behind Mina; Jeongyeon and Nayeon were slumped on the couch, cheering us both on when they could. 
“C’mon babe, you got this!” Chaeyoung shouted. 
I bit down on my lip as Mina zoned out my final character, Goku with her own, Vegeta. This was not only a stressful, but the final fight was reflective of Goku and Vegeta’s rivalry that ran deep in the anime. My heart pounded in my ears as the time of the round continued to slip by as I waited for any mistake. Mina didn’t yield as she fired the energy blasts my way. I blocked every one, even through Chaeyoung’s insistent cheering. My hands started to twitch and I took a deep breath. 
“You got it Y/N! Just focus!” 
My body jolted at who shouted just as loud as Chaeyoung: Tzuyu. 
I moved, jumped over Mina’s blasts and then she vanished. Vegeta appeared behind Goku, aiming to make the finishing blow. My finger almost slipped from the analog stick, but I blocked and reflected the hits Mina tried. There’s the opening I needed! I struck. Getting Vegeta up in a simple combo and ending it with a level 1 special move to ensure victory. 
“Nooooooo!” Chaeyoung groaned.
“Damn,” Mina said. “Great stuff Y/N. Good games.”
We shook hands, then giggled it off with a tight hug. 
“Great job Y/N!” Jihyo cheered as both she and Sana took me a bear hug. 
I melted into them, even allowing Sana to kiss my cheek before she pulled back with a chuckle. Jihyo kept her arms around me however, and whispered a quick ‘I’m so proud of you’ before slinging off to deal with Jeongyeon and Nayeon. They’re already asleep: Jeongyeon’s head laid on Nayeon’s chest as they snored softly. 
“Can someone help me get these two to bed?” Jihyo asked. 
Mina, Sana and Chaeyoung helped upon request as a confused Nayeon grumbled over who won. 
“Congrats Y/N!” Nayeon shouted with a smile. 
I mumbled a thank you and watched everyone file out the living room. All except Tzuyu, who took my hand--and I froze. My heart pounded yet again, proof that I’m still alive and Tzuyu hasn’t crushed me. Dahyun caught my gaze, then threw a wink my way as she left the room arm in arm with Momo. I’m not even going to ask what they’ve got going on. It’s complicated and I’ll figure out with time. 
“I knew you could win,” Tzuyu said. “I doubted it a lot since Mina’s so good.” 
I shivered as she walked around to face me; she looked nervous too. 
“You sure you believed in me till the end?” I asked.
Tzuyu nodded sharply. 
“You have this face where your entire body goes still and you just become sharper,” she explained. “You look pretty--ah! Pretty lame when it happens.”
Tzuyu’s face grew red; I scratched my arm in embarrassment. Maybe this is real after all. Still same Tzuyu being sly when giving a compliment. 
“Yeah, and it was totally lame cheering me on right?” I countered. 
Tzuyu shrugged and turned away. 
“I-I should let you go rest,” I said. “Pretty long day, right?”
Her head whipped back to me, the red color in her face left.
“I-I wasn’t going to yet,” she said. “Um, is it OK if we talk? I-It’s about our KBS performances in a few weeks.” 
“Oh, yeah. Of course,” I said. 
Tzuyu let go of my hand and gestured to the couch. We sat, giving us enough space between but not as much as we gave a dew weeks prior. This is the first moment we’re alone, no other members or managers among us. Just Y/N and Tzuyu. I can’t help but think back to five years ago: how exhausted we were in the JYP dance rooms at 5 a.m. as sweat clung to us. We didn’t care though; the smiles continued even through the hardships until--
“Y/N,” Tzuyu said. “Are you all right?”
I met her confused gaze and I couldn’t help but think back to the days of Sixteen, my elimination and eventually her own elimination. The tears that she shed, begging me to stay on Korea and breaking her heart by saying no.
I shook my head at her question.
“What about you? Tzuyu?” I asked. “You were right about before, I have no idea how much I hurt you while leaving.”
“I’m so sorry Tzuyu,” I said cutting her off. 
Tzuyu destroyed the space between us and hugged me flush to her, shocking me in the process. 
“I’m sorry too,” she whispered. “I frightened you, didn’t I? You’re back now, that’s all I ever wanted was my best friend back.”
Her voice shook. A hint of tears threatened to spill but I pulled back to cup her face. Our eyes met again, even through the emotion that clouded and covered her face, she still looked beautiful. She leaned in, making my heart pump faster and faster. 
“Your heart is so loud,” Tzuyu said with a giggle.
I inhaled as she pressed a firm kiss to my forehead. 
“I-It’s just excited to know we’re on good terms, right?” I said. 
“Yes,” Tzuyu groaned. “What else do I have to do to prove it to you?”
Her question made me blush a bit at how close she once was. Tzuyu must have picked up on it as her face grew red. 
“You don’t have to do anything else,” I let out quickly as I grabbed her hand. “Well, you could help me brainstorm what we could do for our KBS performance.”
Tzuyu nodded, her face brightened up. 
“Yeah! Well, Momo unnie is doing a solo so that leaves the nine of us. I think Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Sana are doing a set. We could pair up together if that’s OK,” she suggested.
I nodded as Tzuyu rubbed her thumb over the back of my hand. 
“Yeah, we should pick a song. What about something from Rihanna,” I said. 
Tzuyu chuckled as a wistful look overtook her face. 
“Oh gosh, do you remember our performance on Sixteen? What song was it?” she asked. 
“Oh my God, I remember!” I said. “We were too young to be dancing to S&M anyway!”
Tzuyu fell into a fit of laughter that I thought I wouldn’t have been able to see ever again. It’s like she said, we’re best friends again and I can’t help but feel like I can’t function from all the excitement bubbling up inside. 
“Would you want to do that song again?” she asked. 
“Not really--”
I was cut off by a yawn that forced itself abruptly.   
“We’ve got plenty of time,” Tzuyu said as she stood. “You need to rest.”  
“So do you,” I said as she took my hand and led us up stairs. 
The door to Jeongyeon, Momo and I’s room was shut, so I had to be a bit careful of stepping in to not awaken them. 
“Well, thank you for believing in me,” I whispered. “And becoming my best friend again.” 
Tzuyu only nodded and brought me into her arms again. I hugged back, burying my head against her chest. She had hints of perfume from earlier, along with the warmth that she always carried whenever I needed her. Now she’s back and I didn’t need to worry anymore; I could breathe around her.  I relaxed in her arms so much so that I didn’t want to let go; Tzuyu didn’t either as she gently rubbed my back. 
“You sure you’re all right?” Tzuyu whispered, the sensation of her words warming my chest. 
She pulled back to examine me, her arms not yet leaving my back. 
“Y-Yeah, I just miss your hugs is all.”   
Tzuyu smiled, kissed my forehead and squeezed me tightly again before letting me go. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight,” I said, leaning the frame of the door until she disappeared in her own room. 
I did the same, albeit, carefully in case Jeongyeon and Momo were asleep. My hunch was right: Jeongyeon was snoring softly on her bed and Momo laying on her own while scrolling through her phone.
“So, did you kiss her goodnight?” Momo teased. 
My breath caught in my throat even at the mere thought. 
“N-No, “ I stammered. “We hugged. W-We’re friends.”
Momo shrugged. 
“So were Mina and Chae and now look at them.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I muttered as I got in my own bed. my mind still on how warm Tzuyu felt. 
We just got back to being friends again, but I couldn’t help but think about how it would be if I did kiss her. No, she’s my band-mate. I can’t think like that, not anymore. 
Morning arrived quickly, even through the nonexistent dreams I still thought of Tzuyu and Momo’s words. Maybe I should talk to Jihyo about how Mina and Chaeyoung happened, even with Nayeon and Jeongyeon’s situation there had to be some agreement between the other members.
I waited until one groggy and hungover Jeongyeon rolled out of bed to help with breakfast, and for Momo to slunk behind her groaning about food. I shot a text to Jihyo for her to meet me here to talk privately. A knock soon came, forcing me to sit up and take a deep breath. 
“You can come in!”
Jihyo entered with a toothy grin and a sigh. 
“Sorry, I had to make sure Momo didn’t take all the food again,” she said as she sat beside me on the bed. “What’s up? Are you holding up OK?”
I nodded sharply; Jihyo noticed the nervousness and slid close to put an arm around me. 
“Breathe Y/N,” Jihyo reassured. “We didn’t overwhelm you yesterday, did we?” 
“No, of course not. It was really fun!”
“Yeah?” Jihyo said as she squeezed me gently. “What about the other members?”
“Ah, about that!” I said. “It’s about a member uh, Tzuyu.”
Jihyo nodded. The smile dropping from her face. 
“She hasn’t been giving you hard time, has she?”
“N-No, actually the opposite,” I said. “She’s been really cool. So cool in fact that I-I- our friendship picked up right where it left off five years ago. Jihyo I think I might like Tzuyu. Like her in a romantic way.”
Jihyo nodded throughout every word, but stopped once I finished. 
“Yeah, I had a feeling,” Jihyo said. “She always had eyes for you only, you should have seen her whenever you sung or performed five years ago. Saying she was mesmerized would be too simple.”
My face grew hot. 
Really? I saw pieces of it last night, but to this level?
“Nothing’s simple with any of us, is there?” Jihyo asked. “That’s why I’m going to let you do what you think is right as long as it doesn’t hurt either of you emotional, physically or harm your public image. However, I do have to let you know one thing before you let Tzuyu know anything.”
“W-What’s that Jihyo?” I asked. 
“I like you too.”         
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folklord · 3 years
3. winless fight
part 3 of HOAX series | din djarin x f!reader (au)
ao3 | my masterlist
summary: when you promised the Empire that you would destroy Mandalore, you did not expect that approximating your old friend would become yet another obstacle in your hoax. Suddenly, to know Din Djarin was to watch the death of your past plans and, at the same time, the creation of a faithless love.
warnings: this part is about war, literally. mentions of blood, death and injuries. emotional vulnerable din. season 2 spoilers. but don't worry, next one is all about romance | word count: 2k
thanks @mrpascals for the review <3
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About ten Mandalorians stared intently at the Mand'alor instructions in the meeting room. All war strategies were taught by him in a didactic way and all questions were calmly answered. You were there for about ten minutes, waiting for your permission to speak. Bo Katan and Vizla often questioned Din about his tactics, but the two seemed to have opposite ideas. Din acted as a mediator between the polarities in the room.
"Can the Empire's presence be confirmed?" The Mand’alor asked, bringing you back to the present moment.
“I did a meticulous analysis. It was, in fact, a kind of BT-1, the ancient droid of Darth Vader.” All the Mandalorians began to whisper upon hearing the famous name, while Din continued to stare at you. “But that doesn't mean anything. The circumscribed initials are from a disabled imperial cruiser. And believe me, the Empire would not send messages or threats in the form of carcasses.”
Silence filled the room for a few seconds until Din’s voice echoed between the walls:
“You may leave. Kaya, please stay.”
It was surprising how everything was going according to your plan. Every person who left the room stared at you, especially Bo Katan - you already knew her from past situations, but her crystal eyes seemed to burn you when they analyzed you from head to toes.
Approaching Din after the last soldier left, you noticed that the visor was facing a specific place: Keldabe, the old capital. He seemed to have lost himself in his thoughts, so you decided to start a conversation.
"Din, if I may ask…" he turned to you, "Why are you so sure an imperial invasion will happen?"
"Because I screwed up Moff Gideon's plans." The tone of his voice as he spoke that very specific name sent goosebumps through your body. You kept staring at the helmet, waiting for him to explain even though you already knew what happened. “The child… Grogu was special. He is special… He was important to the Empire”
“Grogu…” you repeated the name, as an affirmation.
“Moff gave me the darksaber so easily, and laughed at Bo Katan's frustration when she saw me with the weapon that she wanted so badly… But he didn't care, as long as he had the kid.” His voice cracked. You could swear his eyes were teary. “But he didn't expect… No one expected a Jedi to save Grogu. Gideon shivered in fear as Luke Skywalker destroyed all of his droids, and he did it all alone.” The last word was said almost in a whisper. “The Empire does not dare to challenge him to get Grogu back, not without the saber that is now in my hands…”
“And you are sure that they will come because they know that Mandalore is already too weak to fight...”
Your words were chosen carefully. Din turned to face the board, and his left hand held a miniature of a Mandalorian soldier so tightly that you could only see half the helmet escaping between his thumb and forefinger. In that instant, you knew it was the perfect time for your next move because it was clear that Din took everyone out of the room to be alone with you, so he could be vulnerable. He trusted you enough to let you watch even the human being behind the tiniest beskar slowly slip between his fingers.
“Din, you saved my life… and it was so easy for you…” stepping closer, you took his hand between yours. The black glove was rough on your skin, but you didn't hesitate to draw small invisible circles over it with your thumb until Din was slowly undoing his fist. “I noticed, two different groups are respecting you and they are all fine… The child, Grogu, is fine” the miniature Mandalorian soldier was already a little crumpled, but you kept it on his palm. "There is no other Mandalorian with more honor than you."
When you finished the sentence, Din tried to remove his hand, but you pulled him by the fingers. The miniature fell to the ground, but the loud sound its fall produced was unimportant when you decided to hold his right hand as well. His hands were so big that they covered yours, but you found a way to fit them between your palms.
"I did what I had to do." His voice cracked.
“You did so much more…” you looked directly into the visor, trying to meet his eyes. “He wasn't your son and you crossed the galaxy to rescue him, you fought ruthlessly against villains to have him back… That's all Mandalore needs, a protector, a lover…”
“It was this love for him that made me less Mandalorian.”
The words came out with tremendous anger and pain. His hands dropped yours into the air, making you realize again how cold Mandalore's air was today and how he had warmed you. You rubbed your palms together to recover from the heat shock, while his last sentence still echoed in your ears. What made him less Mandalorian and yet worthy of the Crown? What had Moff Gideon not told you?
"Din, I-"
"Sir!" A child in mandalorian armor ran across the room to Din, leaving your words stuck in your throat. "Mand’alor, the Empire is here!"
His exit from the room was so fast that you almost didn't see it, and in the seconds you tried to process what had just happened, the first imperial attack came upon the skies: you saw through the window that the place you admired, where the children were playing yesterday, was already on fire.
"Kaya!" The same child who alerted Din called you, pulling you by your cloak. "The Mand'alor told me to give this to you." He handed a key into your hands. "He told you to take your weapons and go to the Great Room: Burc'ya vaal burk'yc, burc'ya veman."
The key was to the Kyr'bes Room, you deduced. Din had given you the key to the entire Mandalorian arsenal, unaware that you were the greatest imperial weapon - and you were pointed directly at him.
The next few moments went out so fast that you didn't have time to think. With the key in your hand, you opened the room and searched for your weapons. The rest of the arsenal was made of the kind of weapons that not even the soldiers could carry with their bodies and that would, therefore, also be useless to you. Din's voice echoed down the hall, mixed with the screams and doors being rashly shut.
With your weapons, you ran to the Great Room, the same one you were greeted in. Din was standing next to his throne, in front of hundreds of Mandalorians, all facing their Mand'alor.
“…and you know they only want me. So protect your ade, Mandalore's future must remain safe"
All the children were taken to a corridor on the right, and you noticed that none of them hesitated or cried. This was the most beautiful example of how Mandalore culture raised their warriors.
“We know all the strategies and we know that there are no better creatures than the Mandalorians when it comes to wars. But we also know that our weakness is in our differences. Don't you dare fall into the imperial tactic of playing us against each other… this is the oldest trick in the galaxy, and it always works.”
Din took his darksaber and walked across the room until he was face-to-face with Bo Katan.
“Someone once told me: Mandalorians are stronger together. This is the way.”
The huge doors began to open as some Mandalorians put on their helmets and took up position. The Mand'alor, in front of them all, held his saber in his right hand and the beskar spear in his left. You saw at the opening, the glare of the imperial bombs hitting the planet's ground.
“Aruetii! Aru'ela!” someone in the crowd shouted. You knew what it meant: foreigner, enemy.
Suddenly, the doors closed again. The rattling of armor echoed off the palace walls and all the Mandalorians turned against you. All the blood in your body was frozen.
One of them, in blue armor, came out of the crowd with a spear similar to Din's and pointed it at you, positioning it right in your chest. You almost acted on impulse and wrenched the spear from your body to start a fight, but Din's visor — highlighted over the crowd by the reflection of the darksaber's light — made you hesitate.
"What are you implying?" You tried to speak as calmly as possible.
"You entered the room confirming that this was an imperial droid. In the next moment, they are already on our planet. Aru'ela!”
Shit. Moff was a real son of a bitch. You weren't even allowed to take control of the situation… you were, really, just an imperial doll who needed to find a quick way out.
“Can't you smell smoke under your helmet? Your planet is coming-”
“Aru'ela!” this time, everyone screamed. Dozens of soldiers raised their weapons in your direction.
"KE'MOT!" Din's scream followed by the sound of the spear hitting one of the doors made everyone fall silent. In the next instant, everyone turned to him, except the man holding the spear, at which point was almost ripping off your clothing.
The doors opened again, probably on Din's orders, but you were too nervous to be sure. Then everyone shifted their bodies and turned their weapons down. The blue soldier with the spear ran the point down your neck, but without hurting you, just as a warning which you understood very well. When the entire doors were open, the crowd went out towards the battlefield that had become the Palace garden. It wasn't hard to tell Din apart from the rest of the crowd: his darksaber cut through every droid and every stormtrooper in just one try.
You were fighting for Mandalore. Everything you've done so far resulted at that moment when you decided to hurt the first stormtrooper - but this one seemed insignificant when you lost count of how many you'd already killed. You were an intruder, an aruetii, fighting for the wrong side as hard as your body and heart could - and you were already feeling the effects of that effort. Your now weak arms acted like an instrument of annihilation and your legs tried to find a balance between the bodies of imperial soldiers on the ground. Your entire physique felt like a death machine on autopilot. Nothing stopped you until you realized there were no more stormtroopers around, at the same moment when your eyes caught the glimmer of Din's darksaber against Moff Gideon's neck, and an imperial weapon bigger than an X-WING directed to the Mandalorian Palace.
From the distance you were, and the weakness your body was at, you couldn't see much beyond blurs. All the Mandalorians around had guns pointed at the Empire - which at that moment, as far as you could see, was just Moff Gideon and a dozen private soldiers. The instant you've managed to open your eyes again, the glow of Din's saber seems to have faded and you saw Gideon walk toward his ship. The imperial weapon was dragged into the cruiser, and everything disappeared into the sky.
When there was nothing else to distract you, your exhaustion took over. Your legs could no longer support the weight of your body, making your knees ache as you hit the sand floor. As you tried to draw in more oxygen, the right side of your body throbbed as if it had been burned. Sitting on your feet, you brought your hands up to your ribs, and shit, you were bleeding.
If there was anything in the galaxy that was divine, you'd be sure to beg now so you could at least get away near some body of water. You haven't seen or felt clean, natural water since you were a child when everything was still fine. In your dreams, you imagined your death with the sound of a lake in the background, but all you could make out at that moment was the sound of someone approaching you and beskar material crashing against some surface.
“Cyare… what did you do?”
Part 4
@la-lunaluna @meetmwhallway
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Overtired ~ KNJ [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 3K
↬↬↬Genre: Fluffy and family!
↬↬↬Pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
↬↬↬Warnings: None that I know of, some swearing if that counts as a warning.
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Each morning started the same way for you, your alarm would wake you up and you would get up to start the day, the morning sun sneaking through the curtains.
"Joon, come on." You whispered turning over to see Namjoon still fast asleep, how he slept through that alarm every morning you never knew.
"I'm going for a shower, get up." You placed a small kiss on his forehead and walked in the direction of the bathroom. Namjoon and you had been married for six years and you had a beautiful daughter together as well as a handsome new-born son who was just 4 months old.
"Check in on the kids," You said before shutting the bathroom door and turning on the hot water, you loved your life with him. It was everything you'd ever dreamt it would be, the perfect husband and the perfect kids living the perfect life together. Sure, sometimes it was hard but you made it through like all married couples. You stepped out of the shirt you were wearing and got under the water right away, you never knew when the next moment of peace like this would come so you were going to take advantage of the quiet morning for as long as you could. The water hit your skin and it felt like heaven to you,
"Babe! I'm gonna make breakfast! Do you want anything?"
"No, I'm okay Joon." You shouted over the water and then you heard his footsteps back away from the door. His cooking had gotten better, it had gotten to the point where you didn't have to panic whenever he was in the kitchen alone.
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"I'm going to be home late again all week but you have that baby shower to plan so it's okay right?" Namjoon asked as he was getting ready to leave, you had your son in your arms as you bottle-fed him and your daughter was in the kitchen eating her breakfast.
"Yeah, it's fine Joonie. Have fun and work hard, but not too hard." You warned him and he bent down giving you a kiss on the lips and leaving a small kiss on his son's forehead.
"Bye little man." As soon as the front door shut you let out a shaky breath, pretending to be well-rested around Namjoon was one of the hardest things you had to do.
"Are you almost ready for school baby?" You cooed going to the kitchen, your 5-year-old daughter was washing up her plate and nodding her head at you. You adored that she tried to help around the house, she was always watching you run around after her and Namjoon and said she wanted to help - she'd even gotten a fake vacuum for Christmas last year and regularly used it whenever you were cleaning.
"I'm ready mummy." You took the empty bottle from your son and placed it into the sink reminding yourself to clean it out later.
"Uncle Jin's wife is outside, you'll be a good girl for her won't you?" You placed your son on your shoulder and started to burb him while you were walking her towards the front door, she grabbed her backpack and opened the door.
"I always am," You bent down so she could kiss you and then her baby brother and you watched her leave, waving at Jin's wife who was on her way to work and always took your daughter to school along with her kids.
The front door shut and your son was asleep, now was time to start your real day. The day that never seemed to end even when you went to sleep. Nothing was ever truly done around the house, you were always up to something no matter what it was. The house never felt clean to you so you were constantly running around cleaning up clothes from Namjoon and your daughter, cleaning up the baby clothes and making sure everything was organised and well put away. Once that was done it was time to vacuum, dust everything, and then mop up the floors this week was your busiest week yet though. It was only Wednesday and you were already exhausted, you'd stayed up most of Monday night with your son who was crying and then Yesterday you'd had no time to plan the baby shower for Jimin so you spent most of the night doing that and managed to get two hours of sleep but despite that, you were still going strong and wide awake. The baby shower was less then three days away and you had to make sure everything was perfect for them. You were used to running on nothing but caffeine and that buzz of having no sleep gave you, you grabbed the washing basket and began throwing dirty clothes into it.
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Everything in the house was clean and you still had a few hours before your daughter would come home from school, you laid out the baby shower folder on your kitchen table then went to grab your son from upstairs. He was a great baby, barely cried and when he did it was because he was hungry, wanted attention or needed his diaper changing, other than that he just slept and it was bliss.
"Hi baby boy, are you ready for some lunch?" You greeted him bending down into the small crib and picking him up, he was still half asleep which meant you could put him into the small bouncer downstairs while you got everything ready for him.
"I bet you're so hungry huh? So's mummy, so while you have your milk I'll have something too," You cooed carrying him down the steps and ignoring the tiredness in your eyes.
"You go here," You laid him down on the bouncer next to your kitchen chair and grabbed his milk and your coffee, you sat down and held the bottle in his mouth while you sat down at the table reading through everything. That was one thing about being a mother, you'd become excellent at multitasking which was something you could never do before having babies.
"You're hungry huh? Take after your dad," You giggled looking as you looked at him, although he was only 4-months he was learning quite quickly and was already trying to hold onto his own bottle when normally they didn't try that until six-months.
"You take after your dad in everything," You smiled and took the empty bottle over to the sink and then went back to burp your son before letting him sleep again.
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"I thought you wanted a cake?" You asked over the phone as you rocked your son in your arms, it was 5 pm. Your daughter was doing her homework on the table while you were trying to calm your crying son down.
"I did but now we think cupcakes would be so much cuter! Can you do them?! We die for your baking skills?" You looked at the date on the calendar, the baby shower was in less than four days and baking and decorating over 500 cupcakes was going to knock you on your ass.
"Sure," You faked sounding happy about it, it was their first baby and you wanted the event to be special for them even if it meant putting your sleep last for a little while, you could keep running on a few hours a night it was no big deal.
"You're the best! I'm so glad Namjoon married a party planner! What would we do without you?!" She screamed and you giggled over the phone before saying goodbye and looking at your son who was finally asleep.
"How's your homework going darling?" You put your son down into his bouncer and took the plate away from in front of your daughter, she'd had an apple for an after school snack.
"It's okay, I'm stuck on this one though." You placed the plate into the dishwasher and sat down next to your daughter, explaining the math equation to her and then showing her how to work it out for herself.
"Go and get changed, and then we'll cook for daddy?" She quickly got up from the table and rushed to her bedroom while you put her homework into her bookbag and got the ingredients out for the dinner you were making.
"Come here you," You grunted picking up the bouncer and putting it onto the middle of the table where you could see him more clearly, he was sound asleep and clutching onto a blanket one of the boys had gotten him for the day he was born.
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Namjoon dropped his bag by the front door and expected to find the house quiet and lights off but he could see the kitchen light was on under the door,
"Babe?" You hummed hearing his voice, he walked into the kitchen to see you making cake batter in the stand mixer he'd gotten you for your birthday - You'd asked for it, he wasn't just buying you kitchen appliances.  
"What are you doing up?" He stood behind you and placed his hands on your hips kissing the back of your neck and watching you closely. It was 2 am and you were normally asleep by now so it was a shock to find you awake and baking,
"You have food in the oven, and I'm just doing some baking." You'd left his food to stay warm in the oven when he said he'd be late home but you assumed he met 8 or 9 not 2 in the morning.
"I got something at the studio, I'm going to sleep. Come up to bed soon okay?" You nodded and he kissed the side of your neck wishing you goodnight before disappearing up the stairs to bed, you smiled at his actions and went back to cracking eggs into the stand mixer you had to get these done for her.
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You continued on like that for three days, averaging on two to three hours of sleep each night because you were too busy during the day to cook and decorate the cakes.  Namjoon hadn't seemed to notice your lack of sleep, when he came in you were asleep in the bed and when he got up you were awake just as it normally was but you'd started to go to bed at 1 am and wake up at 3 am just to get as much done before everyone got up and started there day and today was the final day. You were crashing already but the cakes were almost finished, you had to add the white frosting to all 500 cupcakes and then Jimin would pick them up later for the shower tomorrow. Namjoon left without saying goodbye that morning, he was working hard on a new album so you didn't hold it against him. You loved how hard working he was,
"Uncle Jin is picking me up this morning," Your daughter said as she slipped into her jacket and looked at you, she frowned.
"Mummy you have bags under your eyes. Mrs Park said when we have bags it's because we're tired, are you tired?" You faked a smile at her and shook your head not wanting to explain what was happening to your daughter,
"I'm fine sweetie, you're going to be late." You walked her over to the door and waved to Jin who looked at you full of concern,
"Everything okay?" You nodded at him, and he came over to the front door.
"I'll take your son for a while, I've got the day off and it'll let me practice for the new one coming along." You stared at him, he was like an angel sent from above. If he took your son for a little while it would give you the chance to get the house spotless, finish the cakes and have dinner ready for your daughter.
"That would be perfect, are you sure?" You knew his wife was pregnant again and he was out of practice since his daughters were both 7 years old now. He followed you into the house and you got the bag ready for your son, putting in bottles you'd had ready-made for him, nappies, changes of clothes and then his favourite stuffed animal.
"He'll sleep through the day until Lunch," Jin nodded and placed your son in his arms while you took the car seat out to his car and put it in the front passenger seat.
"You're an angel." You whispered kissing his cheek and watching them all drive off. The front door shut and you walked into the living room with a sudden burst of energy, ready to get everything done starting with the cakes. 350 left to decorate and then you could do the housework.
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"S-Shit," You groaned holding your head as you walked into the living room, it had been two hours since Jin left and the cakes were finally done. Each piped to perfection and waiting for Jimin to come by and get them but now you were having a splitting pain through your head. You stuck your hand out to feel around for the sofa once you found it you sat down on the arm of the sofa to try and stop the room from spinning a little. It felt as though the whole world had decided to start spinning faster than before and your eyes were struggling to stay open. Taking in a deep breath you stood back up and went to get ready to start cleaning when it felt like a rug was swept out from underneath you and you were falling onto the floor. Your head came into contact with the corner of the coffee table and you slipped unconscious instantaneously.
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"Y/n?! Y/n?!" You groaned pushing your hands onto whoever was trying to wake you up,
"Go away." You mumbled turning over in what you thought was your bed but your face came into contact with the bottom of your sofa.
"Shit!" You sat up quickly and looked around, the house was a mess and Jimin was staring at you.
"What happened?! Why are you on the floor- Your heads bleeding!" You groaned as he started shouting, your head felt like someone was ramming a hammer against both sides, your eyes stung and you wanted to sleep.
"I-I must have fallen over. I'm fine." You lied getting up from the floor and going to the kitchen to take some painkillers for your head,
"You are not fine," He argued taking the box away from you,
"Jimin, I'm fine. Give me the painkillers." He held up the box in front of you to reveal that they were kids vitamins and not painkillers,
"How tired are you?" He walked you over to a chair and sat you down going to look for a wet cloth to clean up the blood that was coming from a small scrape on your head,
"You're lucky this isn't worse." He lectured and you rolled your eyes at him and looked at the time. Your daughter would be home from school soon and you'd done nothing around the house,
"I have to clean up." He sat you back down and stared into your eyes,
"You need to sleep. You look awful-"
"Gee, Thanks Jimin. You look great too." You started laughing but Jimin didn't join in, he was serious. You looked like you hadn't slept in months and you had blood coming from your head.
"I'm fine. I'm just a little tired, I'll clean and get the kids ready and then I'll go to sleep." He watched as you walked towards the bathroom, he grabbed his phone and called Namjoon to tell him what had happened when he came around to get the cakes from you. There was no way you could continue on like this, everyone loved how hardworking you were for them but this was way too much.
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"You're home early." You smiled seeing Namjoon sitting at the kitchen table but as soon as you saw his facial expression you knew he wasn't happy. Jimin had left an hour ago and you'd started on the laundry that needed doing while he was away, and you'd come down to
"I have to clean up baby." You said trying to make an excuse to get out of the kitchen with him but he took your wrist in your hand,
"Namjoon. I need to sort the house before the kids come home-" You stopped talking when you looked to his left to see a suitcase sitting there,
"W-What's going on?" You stuttered suddenly getting the crippling feeling that he was going to leave you, you shakily sat down on the chair next to his.
"The kids aren't coming home-"
"Namjoon. If this is about earlier, I promise it's never happened before. I've just been tired and I knew the kids weren't here so it's okay and it'll never happen again." You were talking so fast you were starting to pant heavily and Namjoon shook his head taking both of your hands into his and looking at you.
"No, no. I'm not leaving. We are. The kids are with my mum okay? We're going to get away for the weekend. Just me and you, you're going to catch up on your sleep and we're going to relax." You stared at him and felt a weight lift off your chest as he said you were both going to relax,
"I'd been planning it for our anniversary but I think it's needed more now than later," You nodded and he cupped your face in his hands and ran his thumb under your eyes.
"The next time you get like this I want you to come to me." He was begging you,
"I promise." You whispered to him leaning up and giving him a kiss on the cheek,
"Good. Go and get some clothes, all sweatpants and leggings. We're going to relax." You giggled at him and walked towards the staircase to get some clothes for your romantic and relaxing weekend away.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @fan-ati--c​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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