#and also this is inspired by a girl i want to go to prom with but wont ask and eating pizza in my history class this morning with someone im
brightbluekicks · 1 year
everyday i am delighted by human connection
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qprstobin · 11 months
Stobin Different First Meeting AU where they go to prom together. This was meant to be an au post and turned into a mini fic oops (written completely within a tumblr post so sorry for the poor quality)
(edit: realized I should link the fic I was inspired by for those who don't follow me and so didn't see me reblog it earlier)
Steve doesn't necessarily want to go to prom, right? Like yeah, he'd been imagining it for a while, but now that he was very, very single it just didn't have the same shine that it used to. And he really wasn't ready to start dating yet. However, he didn't want to just, not go to prom, and also knew it would seem really weird (and pretty fucking sad) if he didn't go.
Which leaves him in a conundrum.
He thought for a while that maybe he would go with one of the junior cheerleaders. While he didn't have any close friends anymore, he was still friendly with plenty of people. There were girls that wouldn't be going to prom unless they had a senior boyfriend - some he had even gone on dates with in the past who wouldn't think a single prom date meant that he wanted a new girlfriend.
However, he is pretty sure most of those girls would have... other expectations for the night. And honestly? He isn't quite sure that he was ready to get back on that horse either.
... Not that he thought women were horses.
He's pretty sure men are normally the ones called horses in riding metaphors.
That left him stuck. He couldn't just not go to prom, but also didn't want to wind up trapped on an actual date with someone. So who could he ask?
His solution ended up coming from an odd place.
Robin Buckley was... quite honestly, kind of a weirdo.
She was cute, in an alternative sort of way. She never took any of his shit (he wasn't completely sure she even liked him) but also reluctantly laughed at the snarky shit he said under his breath during their Film History class. And not in the fake giggly way girls did when they were flirting, but didn't actually care about what he was saying, just the way he said it. She actually seemed to think he was funny. Even if that revelation seemed to piss her off.
The only reason he was even in Film History that semester - and therefore, knew who she was - was for the easy A. He got to watch movies in class, and watch movies for homework. He was willing to plow through a couple of shitty essays in exchange for a class that he didn't feel like a complete idiot in.
(Well, he was pretty sure Robin thought he was an idiot about movies, but just because he had trouble remembering the names and shit of characters, didn't mean he couldn't analyze the themes, fuck you very much, Buckley.)
They had gotten assigned a project together early on, and it hadn't been completely terrible. She had quickly taken over doing most of the writing portions, but hadn't thought all of his ideas were terrible. By the end of the project he thought they were even sort of having fun together.
He'd always been one to try his luck, take a little more than he was given. So, after that assignment was over, he started sitting next to her in class, not wanting that easy, if sharp, camaraderie to end. Robin rolled her eyes at him and asked him what he thought he was doing the first time he did it, but she never sent him away.
They ended up chatting more and more during down times, passing notes to each other and sharing sly comments under their breaths during the movies. Steve often had trouble paying attention at school, his mind easily wandering away, and it was almost as bad during most movies, but Robin helped keep him on track.
The class turned into one that was done for the easy grade, a last ditch effort to improve his already hopeless GPA, and became one he actually enjoyed.
The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of going to prom with Robin. It made the night seem a little less unbearable.
He thought about making a big deal out of asking her, because he knows that's what girls (and even Nancy) had enjoyed for past dances. He quickly scrapped that idea, however, because not only did he not want to put pressure on her like that, but also she seemed to hate public spectacles like that.
Or at least when aimed at her, they both enjoyed watching drama unfold in the halls a bit too much to say she hated it completely.
So Steve waits until the end of the day, their film class being their last, to pull her into an empty classroom. She follows him without question in a show of trust he didn't realize she had in him. The notion warms him, and for some reason makes it more difficult to get the question out.
"Why do I feel like you're about to try to sell me drugs or something?" Robin asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He squints at her in offense.
"Why is that your first assumption?!"
"I don't know! Why else are you pulling me out of the hallway all secretive like, making sure no one followed us, into an abandoned classroom," she asks, throwing her arms into the air.
"The classroom isn't abandoned, it's the end of the day! Also, who does drug deals on campus, that's just stupid?" He asks rhetorically, before waving one hand through the air, as if trying to erase the current thread of conversation. "That doesn't matter, you're distracting me."
"Well then, get on with it! Some of us have practice we need to get to."
"It's like talking to the kids," he mutters to himself, "Whatever. I wanted to ask - will you go to prom with me?"
That stops Robin up short. There's panic in her eyes now, though Steve isn't sure what exactly put it there. Was his reputation that bad that even band geeks are terrified of getting asked out by him?
"You want to go on a date? With me?" she asks slowly, disbelief coloring her voice, though it doesn't hide her unease.
"No, I want to go to prom with you," he scoffs, "Not go on a date with you."
"That is a date, dingus! The person you go to prom with is literally called your date!"
"Okay, sure, maybe, but I don't actually want to date you," he said, rolling his eyes at her.
Like, okay, he understood his reputation for being... what did she call him last week? A 'huge effing rake'? But that didn't mean that he was trying to date any girl that looked in his direction. A lot of girls looked in his direction. That was too many women, even for him.
Robin relaxes a little at that.
"Then why are you asking me to prom instead of someone you actually want to date?"
"Because!" he says, resisting the urge to flail his hands back at her. "I don't want to date anyone right now. Most people I ask are going to expect all these things from me - they're going to want dinner, and at the very least a kiss at the end of the night if not more, or another date the very next day. Because Steve Harrington is supposed to want those things!" He takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair to calm himself. "But right now? I really don't."
"Well then, what does Steve the Hair Harrington actually want?" She had relaxed fully at this point, a smile playing at the corner of her mouth.
"I want to go to prom with someone I consider a friend, someone who makes me laugh," he says after a moment of silence. "I want to dance badly to really corny pop music and drink just enough spiked punch that I don't remember how much I hate wearing any sort of tie. Then I want to go get milkshakes or go see a really trashy midnight horror flick, just because I'm having so much fun I don't want the night to end."
That small smile has grown into a reluctant grin on Robin's face. It makes her eyes shine and her freckles pop. Steve thought that if he was in a better place, if they had met at a different time, he could have fallen in love with her.
But they had met now instead, in some shitty public school elective course, and she was the closest thing he had to a friend that wasn't a snotty middle schooler.
"That sounds... like a lot of fun, actually," she says, mischief sparking on her face. "Who would've known the hidden depths hidden behind all that hair."
"Hey!" he protests half-heartedly, unable to keep a grin of his own off his face. "So what do you say? Wanna go to prom with me?"
"I guess," she sighs, acting like it was such a trial to go to prom with him. Him! But her next words make up for it. "Since we're friends, and all. However, I still expect you to buy me dinner, though you can keep the kiss goodnight to yourself."
Steve can't help the giddy laugh from spilling out of him. For the first time in weeks, he is actually looking forward to prom.
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mvltixcc · 4 months
Girls Like Girls - Robin Buckley X Cheerleader!Reader
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Summary: Robin has a crush on the new girl in town. Y/N is also a new member of the cheer squad, which means Robin sees her all the time at games and other school events. Unfortunately, Robin is put in a tough situation. She's scared to talk to her because the cheerleaders have a reputation of being mean girls and she fears that Y/N may not feel the same. Little does Robin know that Y/N does not appear as she seems. Y/N becomes best friends with Eddie, which seems unlikely at the surface due to different social circles. This leads to rumors of course and word spreads like wildfire here at Hawkins, which then makes Robin's feelings even more confusing. After hanging out with Steve and the gang, Robin starts to see a different side to Y/N. Will they end up together or will they just remain friends?
Word Count: 4.4k
Pinterest board for inspiration
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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Things had been a little peaceful at school since the night of prom. Chrissy and everyone else involved in the paint prank got suspended for some time. Eddie was the happiest about this as the ones that were suspended picked on him more than anyone. When they were finally able to come back, they had to issue an apology to you and Robin, anyone that was hit with the paint, and the janitors as well. Their parents also had to pay for the banners to be replaced as some were splattered with paint. Everyone dreaded the day they were coming back to school. No one knew how things were going to be once they came back. Would things go back to the way things were? Would things change for the better? No one knows and that thought alone scared a lot of people. 
You knew that people could be cruel just for the fun of it or because they could be. But for Chrissy, you knew it was deep rooted. You never excused her behavior because she still treated people horribly and you always stuck up for those she picked on. Chrissy picked on people because she wanted others to feel just as miserable as she was at home. You knew of this secret, but never told a soul. While you were on the cheer squad, everyone thought you were like her and the other girls that followed in her footsteps. But the difference between the two of you, is that you would have never stooped to the level that Chrissy did by using a secret against her. While she should be punished for her awful behavior to others, it wouldn’t be by your hands. Her karma would come and that day came sooner rather than later.
A few weeks had passed before the big day that no one looked forward to. You and Robin had walked into school and were immediately met by Principal Higgins. 
“Good morning to you both, I need you to follow me into my office please.” He said sternly. You and Robin followed hesitantly. 
“Here we are.” Higgins said as he held open his office door. “Please take a seat.” You entered and saw Chrissy sitting there. You sat down and Robin followed.
“I think you both know why I’ve called you in here.” He stated looking at the three of you sitting before him. You all nod in response. “The floor is yours Ms. Cunningham.”
Chrissy let out a sigh. “I’m sorry for potentially harming you and trying to ruin your prom night by dumping a bucket of paint on you Carrie style. It was immature of me to do and it will never happen again.”
“Now that wasn’t so hard was it?” Higgins asked.
“Is that all you needed us for?” You asked. You didn’t want to hear anything from Chrissy and Robin sure as hell didn’t care either.
“Uh yes, that’s all.” He said taken a back.
“Okay then, well we better get to class. Our exams are coming up and I don’t wanna miss anything.” You say standing up. Robin followed after you as well as Chrissy. “Hey, I’ll meet you there.” You told Robin, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“What are you-” Robin began to ask but then soon caught on as she saw Crissy at her locker. “I’ll see you in class, just be careful.” Robin gave your hand a gentle squeeze. You nodded and parted ways.
“Cunningham, wait up.” You said making your way over to the girl.
“What do you need?” She asked softly.
“I need you to do me a favor.” You stated. She nodded for you to continue. “Chrissy, I know you have shit going on in your life, but it’s no excuse to treat people the way that you do. Maybe this will teach you to be kinder to people. Now, I want you and your friends to also apologize to Eddie for they way you’ve treated him and leave him alone for good.”
“Yeah I can do that. I’m sorry once again.” She said with sincerity in her voice.
“Oh and one last thing.” You said, moving closer so that only she could hear you. “Stay the hell away from my girlfriend or else we’re gonna have some serious problems.” She nods to you and you make your way to class.
“Everything okay?” Robin asked as you walked into class. 
“It should be now.” You say giving her a small smile.
“What does that even mean?” She asked with concern. 
“Good morning class! Today we will be doing more study packs to prepare you for your final exam! This time you can pair up in a group, just make sure you are actually studying this time!! The final exams are a big portion of your grades!” The teacher stated. 
“Yeah Eds!” You joked to him. 
“Hey!” He laughed. 
You, Robin, and Eddie grouped up and started to work on the packet for the rest of class.
“Hold on, why the hell does Greg have so many damn apples?” Eddie asked jokingly. 
“Really Munson, THAT'S what you’re worried about?! Not even finding the root of X to find out how many apples he ate?” Robin laughed.
“Oh I‘m sorry, are you telling me that if someone had THIS many apples you wouldn’t question it?!” He replied.
“No you goof, maybe they really like apples. Did you ever think about that hmm?” Robin teased back. The two of them continued to banter back and forth the rest of the period.
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“So are we still on for Hellfire tonight?” Dustin asked Eddie. 
“Of cour-” Eddie started to say.
“No!” You interrupted. “You have to study Edward!” 
Eddie let out a large groan. “Can’t I just wing the test like I do every year?” 
“Look how far that got you dude.” Jeff said.
“Ugh fine, I’ll study.” Eddie sighed. 
“Perfect! It’ll be you, Nancy, Robin, and myself. We’ll meet at my place after school. Just make sure you bring your books this time. Oh, and snacks too!” You say. 
“Yeah yeah yeah, I’ll bring the snacks. Don’t I always?” Eddie joked. The rest of you continued to eat your lunch until the bell rang. 
Normally you would have gym right now, but since it was still a mess from the paint they granted everyone a free period. You went to the quiet little spot that Eddie showed you when the two of you became friends. It was in the woods just outside of the school grounds and it had a little picnic table. How it got there you still aren't sure. You knew Eddie used it for his deals, but you used it to be by yourself and clear your head. Before you made your way there, you stopped by your car to grab your Walkman and your headphones. You laid on the seat just listening to your music and staring up at the trees, just thinking and enjoying the nature around you. Those thoughts were soon interrupted by a thud. 
“There you are, peach!” Eddie exclaimed as he stood above you. 
You turned off your music and began to sit up. “Here I am!” You giggled. 
“What are you doing out here all by yourself?” He questioned as he sat next to you.
You moved closer to him and set your head on his shoulder. “Just thinking.”
“Thinking about?” He asked.
“Life and how crazy it’s been.” You chuckled.
You both sat together like this until your watch alarm went off. “Well we better go, don’t wanna be late for class.” You stated standing up from your seat.
“Yeah I guess you're right.” Eddie said following you back to the school.
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 For the next month, You, Robin, Nancy, and yes even Eddie studied your asses off everyday after school until it was time to take the final exams. 
“Y/N, what if I fail again?” Eddie would often ask you. To say he was nervous about taking the exams would be an understatement. 
“You won’t fail them Eds, you can do this! I know that all of this is really scary, but you’ve been doing well with the practice tests that Nancy printed up for us. I believe in you.” You always tried to reassure him. Despite what people thought of Eddie, he was actually really smart when he set his mind to it.
“I’m just scared I’ll fail again.” He said with a frown.
“Eddie, I’ll be here to support you no matter what. I’m always here for you.” You said giving him a smile to cheer him up.
Once it was finally test week, you all decided that once all the exams were done and you had gotten your grades back, you’d have a big get together of some kind. You would still have your usual traditions with Robin which helped the both of you relax during this time as well. The four of you were confident you would pass, well Eddie not as much, but he was still confident nonetheless. 
“How do you feel, Eddie?” Nancy asked as Eddie approached your group. You all had just finished the last exam.
“Relieved to be done with it.” Eddie said as he let out a sigh.
You were sitting on the hood of your car with your arms wrapped around Robin. “Well what do we do now?” You asked.
“I guess we just relax and wait to get our grades.” Nancy shrugged her shoulders. 
You wouldn’t find out about your grades until next Friday when they sent the results in the mail. Just another week, that wouldn’t kill you right? Well maybe not you, but for Eddie it would eat him alive. All he wanted to do was walk across the stage with his best friends and make those he cared for proud of him. He wanted to feel accomplished, he wanted to show those that doubted him that he COULD do it. 
“Well why don't we meet up on Friday and we can look at our grades together?” You asked. Everyone nodded and agreed to the plan. 
“Well on that note, I’m off to take my girlfriend to lunch! I’ll see you guys on Friday!” You stated hopping off the hood and jumping in the car with Robin. 
“Where are we going for lunch?” Robin asked as you drove.
“Mm I was thinking maybe I could pick up a pizza and we could just hang at my place, how does that sound?” You asked, grabbing her hand gently. 
“That sounds perfect to me.” She said, squeezing your hand and flashing you a smile.
“I do have to make a quick stop before I grab the food though.” You had pulled into the parking lot of the video store. 
“What are we doing here?” Robin questioned.
“You’ll see, stay here beautiful I’ll be right back.” You say giving her a quick kiss. Robin sat and waited in the car upon your return. 
You arrived after a few minutes with a brown bag in your hand. “Alright, you ready to eat?” You asked starting the car again. Robin, still confused as ever, just stared at the item in your lap. You noticed her looking puzzled at your lap and handed her the bag. "Take a look. It’s a gift for Steve.” 
Robin looked in the bag and let out a snort. “Oh he’s gonna hate you for this.”
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It was finally the next Friday and you were on the way to the Wheeler’s residence with Robin to open the letters that held your grades. You pulled in the driveway to see Eddie had already arrived. You parked the car and the pair of you made your way to the door. Nancy was already standing there waiting for you both. “Come on, let’s go!” She exclaimed.
“Well someones impatient.” Robin remarked. 
“You haven’t seen Eddie for the past 10 minutes, he’s been pacing back and forth waiting. He’s kind of a mess right now!” Nancy continued as she led the two of you to the basement where Eddie was in fact pacing.
“Oh thank god, let’s get this over with!” Eddie said.
You all stood in a small circle and opened your letters at the same time. It was silent for what felt like forever, even though it was probably just a few seconds. 
“Yes!” Nancy cheered, she had obviously passed.
“Oh thank god!” Robin sighed in relief. She had passed as well.
You had also passed the exams. Now all that was left was Eddie’s results. He just stood there with a blank expression on his face which worried you. “Eds, what is it?” You asked him.
“I- I um.” He spoke softly.
“Well did you pass or what?” Nancy asked. 
“I passed.” Eddie said in disbelief. 
Nancy and Robin looked at him with wide eyes while you pulled him in for a hug. “I knew you could do it, Eds, I’m so beyond proud of you!” You hugged him so tight. 
He hugged you back. You could hear him sniffle and shake a bit. All he ever wanted was to make someone proud of him and feel like he did something good. And the fact that it was coming from his best friend made him feel special. You both pulled away from one another and you wiped away his tears.
“Congrats Munson!” Robin praised, giving him a high five.
“I guess this calls for a celebration!” Nancy exclaimed. 
There was a big party planned at Steve’s house later that night. After all the hard months that you all had put into studying, you all deserved this. Music was going, people were laughing, the energy was good. Everything was perfect. “Oh I almost forgot something, I’ll be right back.” You announced. You made your way to your car and grabbed the gift you had gotten Steve last week. You made your way back to the party and everyone looked at you with a puzzled expression. 
“What the hell is that?” Sam asked.
“It’s for Steve, go ahead and open it!” You say handing him the bag.
“Aww you shouldn’t have, that’s so sweet of-” He smiled as he opened his gift, that smile soon faded. “Alright, I take it back. Screw you Y/N!” He joked.
“What is it?!” Everyone asked with anticipation.
Steve pulled it out of the bag to show everyone, Eddie let out a snort and his drink shot out of his nose. It was a copy of Carrie on VHS. 
“Now why the hell would you get me this Y/N?!” Steve asked jokingly of course.
“What? You said you had never seen it before!” You laughed. Eddie couldn’t stop laughing, he found it truly hilarious. 
While everyone was inside, you pulled Robin outside to have a moment alone with her. You sat at the edge of the pool, the very same spot that you two had confessed your feelings for one another. “Hey pretty lady.” You say, giving her a small kiss on her nose. 
“Hi there, beautiful.” She giggled. “You having a good time tonight?” She asked.
“I’m having an even better time now that I get to sit here with you.” You laid your head on her shoulder. You both had your feet in the pool and just sat and talked.
Robin started to go on about a movie that she had seen the other day and you couldn’t help but just stare at her and smile. She looked beautiful with the moonlight beaming on her. You were thinking about her cute freckles and how you could kiss them for hours on end, how her eyes sparkled when she was talking about the things she was passionate about, and how when she wears her hair up like she was tonight, there was always hair in front of her face and you’d have to move it out of the way for her. She was just perfect to you and was everything you had ever dreamed of. 
She noticed you staring at her and stopped talking about the movie. “What? Oh god, is there something on my face?” She asked frantically, wiping her face. 
You moved her hands out of her face and just held them in yours. “No no, there’s nothing on your face my love.” You giggled. “I just- I just love you so so much. More than anything in this world. You’re my everything Robin.” 
“I love you too, so damn much.” She smiled and kissed your forehead. You both sat there in silence, just enjoying each other’s company in the cool night.
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“And with that, congratulations class of ‘86!” Principal Higgins announced. You and the rest of your classmates threw your caps in the air in celebration. The auditorium was roaring with cheers and clapping from all the loved ones that had attended. Everyone had piled out into the parking lot and soon you met with your grandparents.
“We’re so proud of you darling!” Said your nana as she gave you a hug and a kiss, your papa following soon after. You thanked them and looked around for your friends and Robin.
 “And there he is!” Your nana exclaimed as Eddie and his uncle Wayne approached you. She pulled him in for a big hug. Your grandparents loved Eddie as if he was a part of your family. 
“We’re so proud of you Eddie!” Eddie could barely talk, he was fighting back tears all day. He just nodded in response, they knew what a big day this was for not just you, but for Eddie as well. Wayne had the biggest smile on his face all day. He loved and adored Eddie as if he were his son. He couldn’t be more proud of him. 
Before you and Eddie met up with the rest of your friends to celebrate your achievements, you pulled him aside to have a moment with him. 
“Eddie, I’m so beyond proud of you and how far you’ve come. You deserve great things in life, truly you do and I hope you know that. I’m so incredibly grateful to have met you and to have you as not only my best friend, but as someone that I consider family. You mean so much to me, I love you so much Eds.” You say to him. 
He couldn’t hold his tears back anymore. He began to sob and you pulled him in for a hug. You don’t know where you’d be without Eddie. Yes, Robin was your girlfriend, but Eddie was your person. Just like Steve was to Robin. 
“Okay, I think I'm good now.” Eddie said, pulling away from the hug. You handed him a tissue to wipe his eyes and blow his nose.. He didn’t want people to see him be vulnerable, that was a private moment for him and only a few people got to see him like this. You were one of them. Eddie trusted you more than anyone and he knew that you would never judge him or pick on him for the way that he was. He gained his composure and you both made your way to the rest of your friends to continue the celebration.
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You and Robin sat in your usual spot in the field at the park having a picnic. It was her turn to pack the lunch and whenever it was her turn, she ALWAYS made sure to pack your favorites. You both had finished eating and were currently laying your head on Robin’s stomach while painting her nails. You giggled to yourself as you saw the tanlines where her rings were. 
“Can I tell you something?” She asked.
“Of course you can my love!” You say looking up at her. 
“I uh, this is gonna sound so stupid. Promise me you won't laugh at me okay?” She said with nervousness.
“I would never laugh at you baby.” You reassured her.
“Well before all of this-” She said, waving her hands around, indicating that she meant everything before you. “I used to think- oh god, I used to think that you were mean and scary.” 
You sat up from your spot and looked at her. “Me?”
She looked down, like she was embarrassed. “Yeah…”
“Now why would you think that you goose?” You chuckled.
“You said you wouldn’t laugh!” She chuckled a bit.
“I’m not laughing at you, I promise! You’re just silly is all! Was it because I was a cheerleader?” You asked.
Robin nodded.
“Well am I still mean and scary now?” You ask as you tickle her. You both fell over and you continued to tickle her. 
“I surrender! I surrender!” She laughed. You both chuckled together for a bit before just laying there. You moved a piece of hair out of her face and pulled her in for a kiss. Robin smiled into the kiss, she was truly happy. The kiss lasted for a bit longer until Robin pulled away. “I have something for you.” She said softly to you. She sat up and pulled a gift she had packed out of the basket. 
“For me?” You ask sitting up. She handed you the gift and you kindly took it from her. You opened it and gasped at what was revealed. “No way!! You didn’t!” You exclaimed quickly unwrapping the rest of the present. Robin giggled. She had gotten you the entire Lord of the Rings book collection, including The Hobbit. 
“This is perfect, thank you my sweet angel!” You thanked and gave her another kiss. 
“You’re very welcome, I wanted to get you something special for graduation. I know you’ve been wanting to read all the books and now you don’t have to borrow Eddie’s beat up copies anymore.” She chuckled. It was true, Eddie’s copies had been through the ringer, he’s read them so much.
“I may have also gotten you a gift.” You say turning to your bag and grabbing a box with a bow on it. 
“What is it?” She asked with a confused look on her face.
“Well open it and find out silly!” You chuckled.
She opened the box and her face lit up. “You remembered!” She said with awe. 
“Of course I did, I was there when it broke, remember silly?” You had gotten her a new chain since her last one broke while at a cookout at Eddie’s. 
“Thank you baby, I love it!” She thanked.
“Here let me help.” You had her turn around so you could help her put it on. “There, it’s perfect.” You say as she turns back to face you. You both stayed there for a while before it was time to meet everyone at the new ice cream shop. 
“What took you guys so long?” Sam asked as she pulled you in for a hug. 
“Yeah?! What were you two doing hmm?” Eddie teased. 
“Okay calm down, we were at the park!” Robin laughed.
You all stood in line and waited to order your ice cream. There was a good amount of people there already waiting or eating their frozen treat. “Is this place even any good?” You asked. 
“Yes!” The younger ones exclaimed in unison.
“How do you know? I thought this place was brand new?” You questioned.
“It was actually a shop in the mall before it had burned down.” Steve stated. You nodded your head to show you understood. “You know-”
“Oh hey would you look at that, we’re up next!” Robin interrupted. You looked at her with suspicion. 
Once everyone had their ice cream, you found a table and sat down. “Hey guys-” Dustin started as he motioned toward Steve and Robin. “Do you remember when you used to work at Scoops Ahoy?” 
You almost spit out your ice cream. “I’m sorry, what?!” You exclaimed.
“That’s what I was trying to say earlier before SOMEBODY interrupted me!” Steve stated looking to Robin. 
“Is this true?” You asked, turning to your girlfriend, who had embarrassment written all over her face. 
“Oh yeah! They had to wear uniforms and everything, the same as the ones they’re wearing I’m pretty sure!” Lucas said as he pointed to the workers behind the counter.
“Oh please tell me you still have that uniform!” You gasp and say to Robin.
“I may or may not still have it…” She said softly to you. “But what I DO have are photos of King Steve in his uniform!” Robin chuckled.
“Oh now that I absolutely HAVE to see!” Eddie proclaimed. 
The entire group started laughing. You all were joking around with each other and having a good time. You lay into Robin as you all watch the sunset. You couldn’t help but start to think about the year you’ve had. Moving to Hawkins, meeting Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire gang, all the drama with Chrissy, and most importantly, meeting and falling in love with Robin. You began to get emotional just thinking about everything. 
“Hey, you okay? What’s the matter love bug?” Robin asked as she noticed you getting teary eyed. She pulled you closer to her to comfort you.
You sniffled and shook your head. “Nothing’s wrong, everything is just- perfect. You’re perfect.” You say interlocking your fingers with hers. You never wanted this moment to end. There you were with the people you cared about more than anything. Life felt amazing, despite the ups and downs you faced this year. You wouldn’t have changed a thing.
“I love you so much.” Robin said, giving you a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
You looked up at her and smiled. “I love you too.”
The End ♡
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 3 months
~| Yandere! Reiner Braun x Female Reader |~
Inspired by @seiyasabi go check out her version.
Modern AU
“Sorry Reiner. I already have a date for Prom..” Y/N muttered quietly. “I hope you can find someone else to go with.”
Y/N L/N. The prettiest girl in all of Shingeki High School, rejecting Reiner Braun, the most popular boy in Shingeki High School. Girls would faint just at the sight of Reiner in the hallway whilst boys would stare in awe at Y/N skipping along the pathway. The two would seem like a power couple if put together but behind the looks and fame, there was a layer no one thought about.
Annie stood nervously beside Bertolt and the other sports players, who stood behind Reiner. He put down his sign reading out ‘Will you go to Prom with Me?’ As he stared down at the shorter girl.
”What do you mean you have a date? Who the hell is he?” Reiner asked.
”It’s Jean. Y’know from our old school?” Y/N asked as she nervously looked at the people behind him, wanting to leave. “We have been dating for a few months now..”
”Why didn’t you tell me? No, drop that loser Y/N. Trust me, it’ll do you good. You and I can go shopping for your dress if you want! We’ll get photos together and-“ Reiner began to rant.
”I-I’m not going to drop my boyfriend. What wrong with you? I just said that I can’t go with and I hope you find someone else to go with.” Y/N scolded as she took a few steps back.
”Oi Reiner! Don’t tell me you’re going to let her reject you like that?” One of his friends teased.
”Shut up Porco!” Annie whisper-yelled as she nudged him.
Y/N quickly turned around and looked at Ymir and Krista who were also uncomfortable. They had to meet up with the rest of the group so they quickly left the arguing group. Reaching the Cafeteria, Y/N sat next to her boyfriend and her best friend, Sasha.
”Hey babe!” Jean said as he wrapped and arm around her waist, bringing her in closer. “What took you so long?”
”Oh just another guy asking me to Prom..” Y/N muttered, trying to change the topic.
”How many guys is that now? 9 or 10..?” Sasha asked teasingly.
”Haha very funny Sasha.” Jean said as he turned back to Y/N. “I think those guys don’t understand how much I love you Y/N. Don’t worry about it though! I’ll save you if any of ‘em think of touching you!”
Krista awkwardly looked at the couple before turning to Ymir who was much braver to speak about certain topics.
”Reiner asked her out.” Ymir bluntly said, gaining everyone’s attention.
”Ymir!” Y/N and Krista yelled.
”R-Reiner?!” Marco spluttered out. “What happened then? Are you all okay?”
The rest of the conversation was awkward as Y/N explained the situation she had to face and how she explained how she told Reiner she was in a relationship with Jean and was unable to go with him.
”Good luck fighting him, Jean!” Connie said as he bit into his sandwich.
”Shut it Caillou!” Jean grumbled before looking at Y/N. “Why didn’t you want to tell me?”
”I didn’t want you to think about it.. you’re already mad about Reiner and his friends’ behaviour towards this group.” Y/N explained. 
“It’s okay Y/N, as long as we are all together I don’t think Reiners going to harm our friend group.” Krista explained.
”Let’s change the topic now and talk about how amazing I’m going to look at Prom!” Jean joked, trying to change the subject.
”You’ll look as good as any other horse in a suit!” Sasha said as the table erupted with laughter.
“Damn.” Jean muttered under his breath as he looked at Y/N in awe.
She was wearing her Prom Dress which was her (f/c) and her hair was let down as her face glowed under the disco lights.
“Sorry I’m late Jean-“ Y/N began to say.
”When did I get so lucky?! You’re like an angel who just dropped from heaven!” Jean complimented in which Y/N blushed at. “Say uh.. how about when this is over, we play Super Smash Bros?”
”You’re on!” Y/N quickly said before dragging him to the table that everyone sat at. “Hey guys!”
“Y/N you look so pretty!” Krista complimented.
”Sometimes I wonder how a guy like Jean landed a girl like you Y/N.” Ymir jokingly said as everyone laughed and ate small appetisers.
The night was full of fun. Y/N had been asked by many guys to dance in which Jean stepped in and refused to let anyone touch his girl. Sasha unsurprisingly ate all of the snacks near their table and had to be restrained. Krista and Ymir danced to the slow music whilst Connie pulled out his Spanish moves on the foreign music. Marco stood next to Jean as his hype man whenever he needed support.
“Y/N! Looking hot as always!” A voiced yelled out from the distance. Turning around Y/N looked back to meet faces with Reiner almost as if he rushed over quickly.
”H-hey Reiner.” Y/N said as she took a few steps back and looked for Jean.
”Say, how about you and I leave this place and have a bit of fun? We can bring my friends if you’d like, they like you a lot.” Reiner suggested.
”N-No thanks.” Y/N quickly said as she turned to run away, only to be pulled back forcefully.
“How about you and I dance? You did come with me, no?” Reiner asked as his hand gripped her arm.
”L-let go. And no I didn’t come with you, I came with Jean.” Y/N stated.
”Again with the horse-faced bastard.” Reiner mumbled angrily. “Forget that loser and hang out with me!”
”L-Let go of me right now! I mean it!” Y/N said as she looked at his friend group. “Annie! Help me please!”
In an attempt to get away from him, Y/N ended up hitting her head against a pillar and falling unconscious. Jean looked around for his beloved girlfriend only for her to be in Reiners arms, unconscious and blood dripping and trickling down her forehead. Marching over there he quickly grabbed Y/N back and held her close, knowing Reiner hurt her.
”What the hell is wrong with you, you bastard!” Jean yelled as he tried leaving. “If she said she doesn’t like you then don’t do anything to her.”
“I just wanted to dance with her! I didn’t think she’d resist-“ Reiner began to say as he blocked him.
”That’s not the fucking point! Move out of my way, I have to get her to the nurses office.” Jean said as he walked off.
Marco and Connie stood beside each other as they quickly rushed Ymir, Krista and Sasha off the dance floor and explained the situation and how they should leave now.
”Shit, we should’ve known Reiner would do something.” Ymir muttered. “Should we get going?”
“What happened to Y/N?” Eren asked as he walked over to them.
”One word. Reiner.” Connie said before crossing his arms over his chest.
”What did he do?” Armin asked as he stood beside Eren, looking back at the exit.
”He knocked Y/N out! That meathead doesn’t understand how-“ Ymir begun to mutter.
”Hows the party been for you guys?” A voice asked from behind. Turning around, the group saw Pieck and Annie who stood quietly.
“Good, we’ll be going now.” Ymir bluntly said as she exited with the rest of the group.
”S-sorry about her, she just means to say we have other plans for the night.” Marco said before dashing after them and dragging Sasha away from the food.
”Reiner, they didn’t stay.” Pieck spoke into her phone.
“Shit, those guys really piss me off. Don’t look for me, I’m taking a break..”  Reiner said before hanging up.
Years had passed from then and Y/N hadn’t seen Reiner in so long. She continued her life with Jean during college and stayed close with her friends too. Any mention of Reiner was prohibited and all was nice. The group also didn’t mention Prom as it was also one of the worst and best nights of their life.
”Guys, have you heard of the party tonight?” Connie asked.
“There’s going to be 20 different parties in just a day, be more specific Baldie.” Jean said before biting his omelette.
“I think it’s a frat party-“ Connie began to say.
“Oh hell no, anything but a frat party.” Y/N said as she sat back.
”What?! They have all kinds of alcohol, why on earth would anyone pass up an opportunity to go to a frat party?” Ymir asked.
”It’s a frat party.” Sasha simply answered.
”Come on! Think about it guys, we never go partying cause of exams but none of us have any exams now.” Connie begged. “There will be snacks.”
”I want to go!” Sasha quickly said at the hearing of snacks.
”You already know I’m going and so is Krista.” Ymir said as she sipped her drink.
”I am?” Krista asked only for Ymir to quickly cut her off and say that she was.
”I guess I’ll go if everyone else is going.” Marco said as Y/N and Jean agreed and decided to go along too.
Later that night, they all arrived at the dorm party and walked up to the door. The ‘bouncer’ was average height, had a hat but it was flipped around and he had sunglasses.
”Who the hell are you?” Ymir asked confused. The guy pulled down his shades to reveal his familiar hazel eyes and quickly just nodded and allowed them in. 
“There’s plenty of drinks and snack inside.” The guy said quickly covering his face again.
Walking in, the group had no where to even walk as it was so crowded. In the distance, Y/N could see a group playing beer pong whilst another group was chugging down as much alcohol as possible.
”Sheesh! I didn’t think Frat Parties would be this crowded.” Connie said as the group walked over to a nice seating area. 
“Really?” Jean said before scoffing. “I’m not surprised, you never think with that big ass head of yours.”
”Hey!” Connie said before sitting down next to Sasha, who had already started eating food.
”How’s the party so far?” A voice asked from behind. Turning around the group saw Pieck after years, in the same position ads they last saw her. Nothing had really changed in her appearance since then so the group instantly recognised her.
”How are you here.?” Krista asked nervously.
”I got an invite from a friend that goes here. Porco is the bouncer so he’s not getting any time to himself.” Pieck said.
”I knew he looked familiar!” Ymir mumbled before drinking a beer.
”That’s nice, the two of you here and partying like everyone else..” Connie muttered before turning around to grab a few snacks.
“Oh it’s not just us two, Annie and Bertolt are here as well. So is Marcel, Colt and even Reiner.” Pieck explained, making everyone freeze. “You should say hi to him Y/N, he misses you a lot-“
”N-no no. I’m quite alright, I don’t want to meet anyone else tonight-“ Y/N began to say.
”Y/N!” A deep voice yelled out in the distance. Jean slid a hand around Y/N’s waist, protectively as Reiner made his way towards the seated area. He was most likely drunk due to his constant stumbling but soon he finally reached the table.
”It’s been a while Y/N! Looking hot as ever, just like in High School.” Reiner said before sipping on a beer.
”Thanks.” Y/N muttered before leaning into Jean, uncomfortably. A wave of awkward silence passed until Marco spoke up like the responsible one he was.
”How’ve y’all been?” Marco asked only to be ignored by Reiner.
”I’ve been missing ya Y/N! Where’ve you been?” Reiner asked as he tried slinging and arm around her but failing.
”She doesn’t want to talk to you, leave before you make everyone else more uncomfortable.” Jean said.
”Oh it’s you. Horse-face bastard.” Reiner muttered before turning back to Y/N. “How about you and I get outta here and have some fun together baby?”
”Get away from me Reiner. I don’t want to do anything with you so get out of my sight, you don’t even attend this college so you might as well get of this site!” Y/N said.
”Y/N let’s go.” Jean whispered as he intertwined his fingers with hers whilst taking her by her hand and dragging her out, Sasha following after them.
”I-it was nice seeing all of you.. I guess.” Marco said as he rubbed his nape and followed Ymir and Krista.
”No it wasn’t. It was a pain in the ass, I completely approve of what Jean did.” Connie said to both Reiner and Marco as he quickly followed after Marco.
”For fucks sake, those stupid friends of hers are still tailing her like lost puppies.” Reiner groaned as he pulled out his phone and went on social media.
”R-Reiner, what’re you going to do now?” Annie asked nervously, looking at sweaty Bertolt.
”Maybe you s-should let her be with Jean-“ Bertolt stuttered out.
”No! I refuse to let him even touch her, especially in front of me.” Reiner exclaimed. Porco came rushing in, hair messy and hat thrown onto his shoulder.
”I tried to stop them from leaving but that freckled girl punched me!” Porco yelled angrily. “Reiner, get yourself a plan or else I’m leaving this shitty friend group.”
”Don’t worry about it, I got a plan alright.” Reiner muttered before going towards the Beer Pong game.
Finally moving in with Jean was like a dream come true. The apartment looked really modern and cute, littered with photos of the couple.
Walking towards the stairs, Y/N made sure to say hello to the old lady that lived next door to them. She quickly looked away from the mailboxes and turned to Y/N, making sure to compliment the beautiful lady.
”How’ve you and Jean been? When are you getting married?” The sweet lady asked.
”Hopefully soon, we’re still trying to figure out some sort of plan for the near future.” Y/N said as she giggled at the lady’s question.
”You guys must be having a guest over tonight. He walked into your apartment today, I could hear Jean just so happy and loud.” The lady said.
”Guest? I think Marco or Connie must’ve come over then.” Y/N muttered before smiling. “Thanks for telling me! Hope you have a good day.”
Y/N walked up the stairs to her apartment and knocked on the door, groaning at the fact that she left her keys inside. 
“Jean, it’s me! Open the door, I have the snacks that we wanted.” Y/N said before the door slowly creaked open. Pushing it open, Y/N looked into the dimly lit apartment and walked in slowly. “Jean? Where are you?”
Slipping her shoes off, Y/N turned to close the door and walked further down the hall only to have a large, rough hand cover her mouth whilst a massive arm pulled her into the figures chest. Her screams were muffled and her attempts to escape this unfamiliar person’s grasp were unsuccessful.
”Darling calm down. It’s only me.” The deep voice muttered. In the corner of her eye, Y/N saw her High School nightmare, the drunk frat guy, Reiner Braun.
Quickly dragging her to her shared bedroom, Y/N was pushed onto the bed and sat paralysed. As the light flicked on, Jean was tied up, on the ground, bruised and muffled with a dirty rag. Just the sight of each other made tears form in their eyes.
”Jean!” Y/N yelled as she got up to go to him, only to be stopped by Reiner. 
“Sit down princess and don’t make a sound or else.” Reiner threatened.
”Or else what?! You broke into my apartment, beat my boyfriend to the point where he’s bleeding and you expect me to shut up?!” Y/N yelled trying to go to Jean.
Reiner quickly pushed her back onto the bed and grabbed a baseball bat that Jean had kept in the closet. Swinging it at Jeans stomach, his screams could only be heard from within the room. Tears dropped from his eyes and streamed onto his lips.
”Stop it! Stop hitting him!” Y/N yelled as her own tears flowed down her cheeks. “I’ll sit down and b-behave, just don’t hurt him.”
”Good. Now, in case you don’t know, Porco is in a car in the parking lot. Pack your bags now so I can take you to our new house.” Reiner demanded as he towered over her.
”W-what..? What do you mean new house?! I’m staying here with Jean-“ Y/N began to say.
”No you’re not. He’s been sleeping with what’s mine, talking with what’s mine, kissing what’s mine for years. Now you’re coming with me, to our home where I can treat you like you should be treated.” Reiner explained sternly.
”L-Listen. If you leave now, we promise not to tell the police. I’ll forget this ever happened-“ Y/N suggested.
”Shush darling, I’m not going to be listening to any of your nonsense right now. It’s either Horse-Face gets the beats or you listen to me like you’re supposed to and come with me.” Reiner said as he turned to loom at Jean is disgust.
Jean’s screams were muffled as he pleaded for Y/N not to leave. He loved her so much that he would take those beatings just for her.
”Y-You promise not to hurt him.?” Y/N asked.
”If you don’t want me to.” Reiner muttered before smirking like a psychopath. Y/N simply cried silently and grabbed a suitcase to start filling her bag, Jeans words couldn’t be understood, his throat going dry. Once her suitcase had been packed, Y/N looked at Jean and untied him.
”Y/N! Please don’t go! I’ll get help, I’ll send someone to hunt him down, just don’t go with him.” Jean quietly begged, eyes red.
”Jean, I promise we’ll find each other again. Just for now, please get treated and contact someone.” Y/N whispered before kissing him gently.
”Let’s go.” Reiner said in a deep tone before grabbing Y/N by her wrist and dragging her out with the suitcase in his other hand. She felt sick. She had just left her boyfriend in their shared apartment, to attend to his wounds by himself. 
Getting in the car, Y/N was forced into the backseat and saw Porco at the front, not wanting to make as much eye contact. Reiner sat in the passenger seat and let Porco drive them off to their new house.
How long had it been? Captured and forced into a home where a lady could have anything, Y/N was stuck in her massive bedroom. She had been forced to live like Reiners wife and soon fell into depression after not seeing anyone but Reiner and his friends.
She remembered what it was like when Annie and Bertolt saw her, gagged and chained, tears falling down her face. How Annie muttered a sorry and how Bertolt reassured her that living with Reiner would be better.
Grabbing a Bobby pin from her drawer and tried unlocking her ankle chain. Y/N had never done this before but it was worth a shot, it was her only chance to escape. To some sort of miracle, it clicked open and released her, allowing her to get up and exit the penthouse.
Opening the door and rushing into the living room, Y/N bumped into Reiner who looked down at her in distraught. She stood still like she was paralysed and gulped before speaking up.
”R-Reiner!” Y/N stuttered out.
”What’re you doing out of your room..? No. How did you get out of your chain?” Reiner asked as he towered over her. “You were trying to escape again weren’t you?”
”W-what?! No! I love you so much that I could never imagine leaving your side. That’s why I left, because I missed you so much!” Y/N lied.
”Really?” Reiner asked whilst smiling before looking down at her again and blankly staring at her pretty face. “Y’know.. you nearly got me there darling. Let’s go back to our room, this time I’m shortening your chain.”
Reiners trust in Y/N had dropped back to zero once again and had to feed her, bathe her, dress her as an excuse of not trusting her to do it alone again. Eventually, this led to Reiner doing some ‘private activities’ on Y/N. He just craved her touch so much! How could someone blame him for wanting a child with such a beautiful woman. 
Once she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, he just wanted to hold her so close to him, knowing that she was his. Seeing her grow a child in her stomach just made him want another, which led to him having another boy. Soon Reiner was a father of 4 boys, 4 boys that he would cherish and play with for the rest of his life. He would constantly thank Y/N for various things, only for her to nod silently. 
“Mommy! Why don’t you ever smile at dad?” Aaron asked curiously as he looked at his mother who held her newborn close to her.
”I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N simply said before lying. “I smile all the time.”
”Mom! Look at what I drew!” Matteo exclaimed before showing his colourful, messy drawing.
”Thats wonderful.” Y/N mumbled as she took the picture and smiled. She had to smile at her little boys or else it would raise suspicion. She would also get locked in her room once again, only given food or water every 4 days.
“Mom, the phone is ringing!” Aiden said as he handed the phone before getting back to his work.
”Hello?” Y/N said.
“Y/N! It’s me Ymir!”  The voice on the other side said. “Get outta there! We’re here to save you, go to the front door and wait for Marco to unlock it.”
”Y-Ymir.” Y/N said as tears formed in her eyes. Quickly getting up and setting down her child, she rushed towards the door only to be grabbed by the arm by Reiner.
”I heard you say her name. That freckled bitch.” Reiner mumbled. “You’re not leaving, I’m going to go and break all of their skulls. Stay here.”
”N-No! No! I finally have a chance to leave, to leave this nightmare-“ Y/N began to sob as she fell to the ground, not caring if her sons saw.
”Dad? Is mommy okay?” Aaron asked quietly.
”Boys, go to your rooms for now. Mommy and I have to talk.” Reiner ordered.
The three boys rushed to their room, leaving Y/N and Reiner alone. Pushing her to the floor, Reiner rushed towards the door and grabbed his baseball bat and walked out the door.
After years of being abducted, Y/N had the chance to see her friends, family, her true love. After a long time, Reiner came back to the penthouse, his white shirt stained with red.
“No one’s getting in our way now Darling.” Reiner muttered as he smirked mischievously. He crouched down and cradled Y/N before kissing her temples passionately. “Go make dinner for us okay? I’ll go check on the boys.”
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) Masterlist
Welcome to my Eddieverse, which I'm affectionately referring to as Evil Woman, Don't You Play Your Games With Me. These are snippets of a playful, prank-filled relationship that begins in 1984, starring Eddie Munson and a female reader I call Evil Woman.
These stories were originally designed to be standalones that could be read in any order, but as this world grows, a little organization might help. The original list below, with descriptions, is the order in which they were posted. There's also a list in chronological order. You can still pick and choose and read in any order you want. Both lists will be updated as I post new stuff.
If you are a blank or ageless blog who interacts with a fic that contains as Do Not Interact (DNI) warning, you will be blocked.
🧡 - Regularly scheduled light-hearted fun. 🖤 - Shit just got real. 💛 - IDK man, this one just kind of wrote itself. 💖 - Wait, there's romance now?
Wrapping Paper 🎅🧡 Eddie thinks he's here to hang out while you wrap presents, but you have something else in mind.
Fucking Fireworks 🎇🖤 Eddie doesn't like fireworks anymore. (New Year's Eve angst, AU where the events of S4 weren't prevented by the fic below)
The Fastest Fix-It (Or: How a Jealous Girlfriend Shut That Shit Down and Saved Eddie Before the Bell Rang) 🧡 In which a jealous girlfriend completely de-rails season 4, but Eddie's fine, so it's all good. (Fix-It, via the path of least resistance)
Draw Me Like One of Your Dwarf Girls, Eddie 🧡 Inspired by Titanic, Eddie decides to work on his drawing skills, and accidentally awakens a monster.
Eddie Munson and the Worst Valentine's Day Ever 💝🖤 An 8-year-old Eddie Munson has an experience that changes his feelings on Valentine's Day forever. (will make you cry)
Eddie Munson and the Best Anti-Valentine's Day Ever 💝🧡 In a sequel to the story above, Eddie discovers that Valentine's Day isn't so bad when you have someone to hate it with. (2.8k of me trying to make amends for what I did to him in the prequel)
Involuntary Secretary and the Dream Escape 💛 People won't leave you the hell alone, so Eddie comes to the rescue like the hero he is.
Classy Girl and the Scruffy Boy 🧡 Eddie's girl invites him over for a romantic dinner and a movie. It's... not exactly what he expected.
Wake-Up Call 🧡 Eddie doesn't want to get up. Sucks to be him.
The Case of the Missing Eddie 🖤🧡 Eddie disappears, and you freak the hell out.
Pinch Proof 🍀🧡 Eddie forgot to wear green on St. Patrick's Day, but you have an easy solution.
The Nerd King Cops a Feel 🧡 Eddie learns something about bras: He hates them.
Revenge of the Freaks 🧡 The Hellfire Club does April Fool's Day a little differently than you might expect.
It's the Easter Dragon, Eddie Munson 🐣🧡 Just a big scary metalhead doing cute Easter-y things with Evil Woman and her family for the first time, nothing to see here.
Evil Woman, Don't You Play Your Games With Me 🧡 The story of how Evil Woman got her name.
The Ups and Downs of Dating a Trash Panda 🧡 Eddie and Evil Woman's first date doesn't go exactly as planned… but everything works out in the end. Obviously.
It's Okay If You Are 🧡 Evil Woman and Eddie have a talk about The Dreaded V-Word.
Smoke Break 💖 Hellfire is holed up in your basement on prom night, but you can't sleep. Might as well drag Eddie outside for a smoke break.
I Touched Banana Bubblicious For You 🖤🧡 Some dickhead stuck a wad of gum in Eddie's hair, and you get the honor of removing it.
The Fuck Did You Just Say to Me? 💛💖 Eddie tests the degradation waters. Evil Woman boils him in it.
Who's Your Fucking Daddy? 💛💖 Eddie tries out the "daddy" thing. EW has an unexpected reaction.
You're the Fucking Worst 💛💖 Eddie tries talking dirty. Evil Woman is not a fan.
The First and Last Breakup of Eddie Munson and Evil Woman 🖤 Once upon a time, two stupid teenagers fell in love. And then they broke up for a stupid reason and spent a whole week doing stupid things because they're stupid teenagers. (angst with a happy ending)
Werewolf Children 🧡 The first time Eddie spent the night with Evil Woman, it was kind of an accident…
Sweet New Tatty 🧡 Eddie has a new tattoo, and it's driving Evil Woman crazy.
A Very Important Date 🎂🧡 Evil Woman doesn't want to make a big deal out of her birthday. However, she's dating Eddie Munson, sooo…
Clown Around and Find Out 🤡💛 Eddie decides to play a prank on Evil Woman, and quickly finds out just how dangerous that is.
The Little Air Conditioner That Could 🔥🧡 Eddie's girl is having a love affair with his air conditioner.
Secret Weapons 🧡 Eddie's mad at Evil Woman (over something dumb, don't worry, doesn't matter), but she knows how to win him back.
This Is Better 🧡 Eddie's lady love is down with The Curse, but his cuddly nature and massive paws come to the rescue.
Fangs for the Mammaries 🧡💖 Eddie wants to try a sexy new toy into the bedroom. Evil Woman wants a divorce. (unhinged Halloween-adjacent fluff)
Don't Move 💖 Eddie looks really good waiting for your snacks to come out of the microwave. So good that you'd rather eat him instead.
Eddie Munson Is My Babydaddy 🧡 Eddie and Evil Woman are responsible for a Flour Sack Baby for a week. Shenanigans ensue.
Flying Monkeys Couldn't Drag Me Away 🍂🧡 Evil Woman invites Eddie over for a fun fall night of makin' treats and watchin' a movie with the family.
What If Real Life Is the Nightmare? 🖤 Evil Woman has a dream about finding Eddie's broken body in a dark and awful place full of slimy monsters and red lightning… but it's just a dream, right? RIGHT? (dark but has a happy ending, I promise)
Bonus Blurb: What If Real Life Is Good? 🧡 Evil Woman comes home after What If Real Life Is the Nightmare and has A Heartfelt Moment with Baby Bro. (brotherly fluff, not much Eddie)
The Last First Day 🧡 Eddie and Evil Woman have a dramatic reunion on his last first day at Hawkins High. Class of '86, baby!
The First Lazy Thanksgiving 🧡🦃 Eddie comes to stay with Evil Woman during Thanksgiving Break '85 for a lazy and turkey-filled few days… but do holiday plans ever actually turn out the way they're supposed to?
I Hate Mondays 🧡 Like his beloved Garfield, Eddie hates Mondays. Evil Woman decides to give him a reason to look forward to them.
The Family Holiday 🖤🎅 It's December of 1985, and Evil Woman is ready to spend her first real Christmas with Eddie… why is he being weird about it?
I Promise 🧡🎅 Eddie gives Evil Woman something special during a quiet moment together on Christmas Morning '85.
A Slightly Late Munson Christmas 🧡🎅 Eddie spent Christmas '85 with Evil Woman, but it's time to go home and celebrate with Wayne… what if he brings her along?
The First Countdown 🧡🎇 Eddie and Evil Woman go to Reefer Rick's on New Year's Eve to say goodbye to 1985… and hello to a new favorite tradition.
The Best $7 Eddie Munson Ever Spent 🧡 In the fall of 1983, Eddie bought something he thought was cool… but he didn't realize how important it was until a year later.
The Devil's Trip 🧡 Eddie and Evil Woman embark on an epic spring break road trip… in which everything goes wrong.
Evil Woman's Tit-Warming Service 🧡 Eddie's cold, and there's only one acceptable solution to this very perky problem.
The Freak and His Evil Woman Do Valentine's Day 🧡💘 Last year's anti-Valentine's Day date was a success… but what if Eddie and Evil Woman tried normal romantic stuff in 1986?
Three Days 🖤🧡 Three days after Eddie and Evil Woman met for the very first time… there was a jock encounter they'll never forget.
Have You Ever Choked a Chicken? 🧡 Evil Woman decides to pop in and surprise Eddie with some morning cuddles… but, uh, he's a little busy.
A Situation 🧡🍍 There's only one thing in the world that could make Eddie turn Evil Woman Action down… and it's down there.
Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands 🧡 Eddie's on the phone talking to a nerd, and not in bed pleasuring his beloved like he should be. Evil Woman finds a way to make him focus on the important things.
Boys Are Idiots 🖤 Evil Woman gets partnered up with Steve Harrington for a science project. Which means she has to TALK to him? And be NEAR him? Eddie Munson is NOT a fan.
The Breakfast Club 🧡 It's 1985, and it seems like the entirety of Hawkins High is obsessed with The Breakfast Club. Evil Woman drags Eddie to the theater to see what all the fuss is about.
Evil Woman Sees (Big) Red 🖤👊 Remember in I Touched Banana Bubblicious For You, when Evil Woman had to get gum out of Eddie's hair? Again? Well… what if she found the person responsible?
The Long Con 🧡 Evil Woman brings Eddie a thoughtful gift… but there are some springs attached.
Can't Take You Anywhere 🧡 Eddie is super bored in the BMV and Evil Woman needs to find something for him to do, stat!
Heaven and Hell (Or: Eddie and Evil Woman Do… Prom?!) 🧡 Eddie and Evil Woman are checks notes going to prom? Like normies?!
The Letter 🖤🧡 Evil Woman gets a letter in the mail and says it's not a big deal… but to Eddie Munson, it's a very big deal.
Go Get 'Em, Tiger 🧡 Evil Woman sees Eddie in his gym shorts. 😏
Munson v. O'Donnell 🖤🧡 It's 1986, and Eddie Munson's long and storied high school career has come down to O'Donnell's final… and EW believing in him.
Did I Forget to Mention That? 🖤🧡 Eddie overhears a phone call between EW and the father she hates, which leads to a discussion they probably should've had ages ago.
Look At Him Now 🧡 Evil Woman sits with Wayne and watches Eddie be a dork.
Want to read the Eddie x Evil Woman stories in chronological order instead? Click here!
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Blurbs Based on Emojis 🔪 - Worst Baby-Sitter in the World 🥺 - Ugh, Fine! 🧝‍♀️ - Yes, My Queen 🐈 - Eddie's Familiar 🎢 - Traveling Death Trap
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...and sometimes I write for Other People's Eddies. funsonmunson-again's birthday game oneforthemunny's summer game oneforthemunny's one-derful year
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colectingstrz · 11 months
➤ (🏀) oneshot | Jake x fem reader | fluff | ex’s to lovers | word count: 1.8k | high school au | not proof read soz 🥲
Soo's smol notey:📝: I saw this pic on Pinterest and I was immediately inspired to write a Jake related fic with some correlation to basketball ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ + plussss Jake is soo so the type to yell this is for you and miss 😭 hence the title 💀
“Unknowingly, when you call my name Heartbreakingly, my heart is pounding”
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After a messy breakup things have been awkward especially as your the teams manger and have to interact with Jake on a daily basis or in which Jake is determined to win you over and get you back even embarrassing himself in the process
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TO SAY THINGS ARE AWKWARD IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. You and Jake’s breakup was as messy as it could be. Jake had cheated on you the whole thing drove you mad not only did you drag the girl by her hair you also dragged Jake and attempted to drown him in the pool in front of everyone. If it weren’t for your friends and his getting involved you would have gone to jail for murder that day.
Though time has gone past and you are no longer upset and have accepted reality, you are still slightly embarrassed about how you acted at the time as well as the status of your and Jake's relationship, especially as you are his basketball team’s manager. You pretend it's nothing, but you're bothered and find it difficult to be comfortable around him.
"So... do you have a prom date yet?" Jake inquires, gazing your way as he dribbles the ball. "Why should that worry you? It's none of your business who I'm with," he groans, "it's my business you're my ex," you smile " key word here is ex..my life should not concern you now, stop asking stupid questions and start shooting some hoops," you say one final time before leaving and heading to the back to collect additional basketballs, which Heeseung had requested earlier.
While looking for which set to pick you feel a presence behind you. So you turn around to be face to face with the last man you wanted to see. Go away Jake seriously “ dont make me report you for stalking ”Jake laughed holding his chest “ ahh im so hurt y/n” you roll your eyes turning back but Jake held your shoulder forcing you to turn to him “ who are you going with tho?” Why does he want to know so bad.. it’s weird “ since your begging for an answer I’ll let you know..honesty I have no idea yet I haven’t decided “ he hummed as a response but you could tell he was thinking
He had that I’m thinking of something stupid jake face on right now “ go on.. just say it I know you want to..” his face lit up before he took a deep breath “ well I have no one to go with and you seem to not have anyone to go with..soooo you and me prom! what do you think ?” Is he on drugs ? Or has he just genuinely lost the plot you blink your eyes aggressively perplexed as to what you were hearing.
“ what do I think? Why would I got to prom with my ex who cheated on me ? Do you seriously want to know what I think-because I have a bone to pick with you Jake don’t even get me started" you felt yourself getting worked up as you resurfaced locked memories you never wanted to remember “ i already told you I even showed you how sorry i was.. I even tried explained to you what actually happened but you would not listen! You know I would never hurt you” here he goes again with the lies
“ I don’t want to hear it.. I do not want to have this conversation with you.. I’m not going to be your prom date go ask some other girl” you shove past him and storm out of the hall forgetting the little side quest heeseung had set you on. A deep sigh was let out as you rested on a the wall of the hallway why can’t you just leave me alone Jake
JAKE’S 2ND ATTEMPT. The next day was simply no better jake was really pushing your buttons “ the answer is 45 btw” he whispered to you. At this point he had basically given you the answers to half of the paper he might as well have just sat the test for you instead. I don’t need your help leave me aloneeee “ jake piss off I don’t need you I can do this myself” you whispered back basically spitting out your words at him so he would get the point and leave you alone. He sighed, turning away from you , relieved to have some peace and quiet you attempt the to tackle the other half of the paper and realise you had no idea what any of the questions were or how to answer them.
You sighed, knowing you needed Jake's assistance. Kill me now pls You look to your side to already see Jake staring at you with his head resting on his Palm “ it seems you need me love ” you roll your eyes “ call me love again and I’ll drown you in the pool for real this time just give me the answers ” your response causes Jake to laugh slightly as he turns his paper in your direction so you can copy the rest.
" you owe me for basically giving you a free A " you sigh " you never asked anything back when we were together tho.." Jake flicked your forehead causing you to flinch in agony. What the hell jake " we’ll likeeee you said earlier, you're my ex, so this kind gesture comes at a cost, my love," he should stop calling me that. "So, what exactly do you want?" Jake grins “Be my prom date." You step back "Oh my Jake, you've turned into a comedian haven't you? “ You were laughing so hard you had to hold your stomach because it was starting to hurt. "I'm not going to be your prom date" get somebody else to do it You pat him on the back with a fake smile before walking away, or rather sprinting away, because you could see him following you again in the corner of your eye.
JAKE’S 3RD ATTEMPT. if it was not bad enough he tormented you at school he had the audacity to show up at your house and disturb you in the comfort of your own home. Your sitting down chilling while doing some sketches, when you hear a bang on your window, what the hell? You are on your knees, peering out, to get a peek only to find Jake waving down at you, holding a flower he had snatched from your mother's treasured garden. The more Jake kept going the more it gave you any tiny hint of hope..you were even willing to look past what he had done to you almost wanting to give in. Why can’t you just stay out of my life Jake stop making me feel things
Jake, as usual, got his way, and you ended up letting him in through your window and now sit on opposing sides of the bed. "you know... you could have just knocked and my sister would have opened the door for you... she's like the only one who likes you in this household," you said slyly, to which Jake sighed and looked down. " Can we not do this right now?" You raised your brow. "Do what argue? Are you afraid of being called out?" Standing up, Jake sighed once more.
“ stop this it’s so-so irritating ! I keep trying to explain myself to you and you never want to listen to me ! It’s like In your head you’ve already painted me as some Cheater when that’s not what happed ” I don’t have time for this “ well I don’t know how you expect me to believe you when I saw what I saw ! Even my friends told me that they saw you guys together before I even came down to see it for myself !” Jake sighed in irritation, approaching you and placed his hands on your shoulders “y/n.. can you just trust me for once and take my word.. you know how much you mean to me, I would never go out of my way to hurt or disrespect you." “She kissed me, and I didn't know what to do. I pulled her away, but you had already left."
You didn't want to believe it, yet you gave in so easily, especially when Jake sounded so serious and genuine that you couldn't detect a lie anywhere... Reality had hit you. You realise for some reason that you never really talked to Jake after that, and ghosted him because you had fixed your mind on your opinion of what had happened, never really wanting to hear his side of the story
You hated yourself for doing this and ignoring him all this time, you both had been hurting for no cause. If it went for yourself and your overthinking and actually had bothered to talk it out with Jake now you could have still been together. Gosh why am I so quick to always jump to conclusions this is my fault " Jake.. I'm so sorry..I-“ shhh it's ok it’s alright " Jake cut you off by pulling you into his chest, one hand resting on your head and the other on your waist as he pulled you into a hug. "All that matters is that you believe me now in this moment.. that's all I ever needed and wanted from you my love," similar to before before hearing him call you that made your heart flutter but in this circumstance you felt your heart just melt.
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“Here is my heart out for you ”
JAKE’S FINAL AND LAST ATTEMPT WAS THE GRAND FINAL. Now that you and him were on talking terms the awkwardness eventually faded away and it was like freshman year all over again with the two of you locking gazes across the room and quickly looking away. Blushing at any compliment he would make. Cute exchange of love letters in class it was nostalgic. Jake was the happiest he had been in a long time, and his teammates noticed. Jake's performance had improved shooting many goals more than he had in the previous semester, and it was clear from the lovey dovey glances you two exchanged across the sports hall at every practise session that you and jake had patched it up. Though Jake, on the other hand still wanted to ask you to prom.
But now that you two are back on track, he wanted to make a huge proposal that would show you and Convey how how he truly felt and as well as a cool way to ask you out. Jake wanted to impress you with want he knew best aka basketball.
During practice you had arrived a bit late due to your teacher but you still rushed to the hall not wanting to keep the team waiting. As soon as you arrived you sat down on the front bench as you went on your phone to quickly reply to your friends message ." hey y/n" You look up to see Jake joyously waving at you, and you reciprocate one. He holds the ball up pointing in your direction " This one's for you! " He yells before shooting into the hoop. Jake had a vision of how this would play out, which included him taking a beautiful shot, you being amazed, and him asking you out to prom. But, unfortunately for you Jake and everyone else in the room, he absolutely missed it; he wasn't even close to getting it in.
The entire situation was humiliating. Afterwards to top it off Jake clumsily stood on one knee almost tripping while he whipped out a Harry Bow ring form his pocket , reaching out to you, "w-will you be my prom date?" No..way he can’t be serious You were resisting the urge to laugh, but you managed to let out a small "yes" as you ran into his arms for a big bear hug. The whole thing was amusing. Jake was clumsy, but it was adorable because you could see he tried his hardest for you even if it didn't work out.
Despite all that and happed between you two… you was happy to see he was still the awkward and cute boyfriend you had learned to adore.
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𖤐 steal my work and I’ll come to your house and suck your blood 🧛‍♀️
𖤐authors notes and dat pt2.📝: broke off the sad ending streeak 😻 wrote tbis at 4am so if sometimg is spelt wrong erase it from your memory and act like u didn’t see it (ง'̀-'́)ง aniii ways i hope you liked it !! + if you already saw this it is a repost 😭 I privated it and made some changes
- peace and love ♡︎
𖤐 link to my other works !!
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stealeroflemons · 1 year
eah thingy but make it darker because I said so and I'm having twisted eah withdrawals #22
I won't lie some of this will be inspired by things I've heard and seen in my own high school or at other high schools near mine so if you think this is too dark then congrats, you go to a better high school than I do
(btw if you want to watch something incorporating childhood and gritty dark humor but still colorful and unhinged watch Sam and Mickey's Barbie stop motions they are hilarious and help me during depressive episodes)
TW: mentions of drugs, OD-ing, mentions of blood drinking, and other sensitive topics
Okay so prom? yeah, the worst time ever. Briar literally did coke lines in the bathroom with Holly and Poppy while avoiding Hopper on the dance floor
Half the school is medicated. not even joking. most of it is just royals who're under too much pressure from their parents
Sometimes when students are short on cash they sign up for those testing trial things as test subjects. It normally is people like Raven testing her powers on people and paying them for it after
Faerie blood can get drugs out of someone's system, so it's a really common thing for faeries to donate blood to hospitals dealing with overdose cases
Building off that, Briar knows what Faybelle's blood tastes like
Faeries also cannot hold their alcohol AT ALL, like one sip is enough to possibly incapacitate them
When going to parties Faybelle kind of just monitors Briar to keep her from drinking (my girl has a blackout reputation) and they're the best kind of judgy girlfriends in the corner
Apple has a strong ED from her mother criticizing her curvy figure and comparing it to her taller frame
Darling loves her girlfriend's curves and works out extra hard to be able to carry her around bridal style everywhere
Darling is also 100% a gym rat
Dexter has the trifecta of insomnia, anxiety, and OCD, which disappoints his parents to no end
One time he poured energy drinks and coffee all in one cup when he had to pull an all-nighter for an assignment before
The parents in EAH are the type to pull the "smoking helps you lose weight so you should smoke" kind of bullshit while also saying "how dare you smoke, we are classier than that and you are a disgrace to this family"
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cameronspecial · 9 months
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 15)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Sexual jokes and Ward being a meany.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.9K
Summary: The end of the school year brings about a lot of different activities when you are graduating and spending the with Rafe is absolutely perfect. But this also means the start of a new chapter in their lives.
A/N: Can't believe this is the last part! I absolutely loved writing this story and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you to the anonymous person who sent me that ask for inspiring this series. I don't know if this is the Rafe you were talking about but still got me inspired.
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Y/N never understood the big hubbub people throw when it comes to Prom. And she definitely does not understand how any girl could want such a public display of being asked to Prom. She watches as Bane Rogers rides into the cafe on a horse in a knight costume toward Grace Harper. He held a promposal sign in his hand and the look on Grace’s face indicates she is going to say yes. Y/N watches the whole scene with clear disinterest, which contrasts the look of most of the other girls in the room. “You seem to be the only girl not captivated by the Bane’s scene right now,” Mason comments, sliding beside his sister into the booth. Rafe is not far behind, his eyes not leaving the scene. He is so glad he knows Y/N would not want a big spectacle when he asks her because he doesn’t know if he’d be able to handle the embarrassing feeling of doing something like Bane.
Y/N watches Rafe as she replies, “Yeah, well I just don’t get the point. Big and fancy proposals, prom related or not, have always weirded me out. With such a public display, it almost feels like you are trapped to say yes and I don’t like that. I definitely don’t want anything special for a promposal anyways. I mean poor Rafe is already going to have to think of a marriage proposal, I don’t want to give him a harder time by having to top a promposal.” Rafe nods at her words in  understanding and feels a blush creep up on his neck at her mention of marriage. “Well, in that case. My rose, will you go to prom with me?” 
She looks at him with an incredulous look. “Ugh, no. Rafe, you were supposed to disregard my words and give me a promposal that tops Bane’s.” Rafe panics quickly as he tries to backpedal disappointing his girlfriend. She sees his struggle and giggles, “I’m joking, Cameron. I would love to go with you. Could we match? I’m thinking light purple.” Rafe not one to say no to his rose, of course, agrees. 
Y/N looks around at all the other girls showing off their prom dresses and her eyes almost pop out of their sockets at the amount of money some of them spent. Rafe looks amused at the look on her face. “What’s wrong?” Y/N tilts her head so she can look him in the eye. She brings her lips close to his ear, “All their dresses are so expensive. I mean twenty thousand dollars for a dress. Going to Paris to get the dress made. I don’t want to make fun of people but these girls are acting like they are getting married. I wouldn’t pay that much for a wedding dress, let alone a prom dress.” Rafe laughs at her candour and just shakes his head. “Well, you aren’t like most girls. Wow, that was cheesy. But those girls were cheated, honestly. You probably paid one percent of what they did and you are the most beautiful person here.” She smiles up at him and rewards his adorableness with a kiss. “Come on, let’s go dance.”
Her lilac a-line scoop floor-length chiffon dress trails along the floor just perfectly thanks to the cream-coloured heels she is wearing. She absolutely loves it, but her favourite part is the pockets. It was the very first thing she showed Rafe when he came to pick her up. Rafe follows Y/N towards the dance floor and places his hands on her hips when she started dancing. He is wearing a lilac suit jacket and pants that are an identical shade to Y/N’s dress. It is a bold colour he would not usually wear, but he loves the idea of matching her. He wears a white dress shirt with no tie to give it a little bit more of a causal look that matches the same aesthetic of Y/N’s dress. They both looked formal in their attire but with a hint of leisure. 
The beat of the music moves the crowd of teens in various directions. At a certain point, Lacey joins the couple and starts dancing with Y/N. Rafe being made the third wheel, not that he minded, makes his way to the food table. He wants to get something for Y/N to eat when she eventually gets peckish after dancing. He fills one plate with a few fruits and vegetables before filling another plate with just about every cocktail food at the table. He makes sure to add double of anything that has cheese in it. He gets himself some chicken wings and then balances all the plates over to the table Y/N wanted to sit at. 
Mason comes over to see the stockpile Rafe created. “You plan on hibernating this summer?” Rafe shakes his head, “Haha, I’m just getting all the good stuff for Y/N before they are gone. She is dancing over there with Lace.” Mason looks over to where Rafe points. “I see. Preparing for when she gets cranky. I see you got two of all the cheese things. Good, cheese calms Y/N/N,” Mace teases. He doesn’t see that his sister has made her way behind him, so he doesn’t expect the hit on the arm she throws at him. “Hey, I don’t get cranky,” she objects. “And thank you, Cameron. I am pretty hungry, right now. These all look so good. What do you guys choose for dinner? I got the portobello ravioli and I’m excited.” “Mace and I chose the steak. You can have some of mine if you want,” Rafe answers. Lacey sits at the table with them, “I ordered the vegan meal. I wanted to see how they made an upscale vegan dish.” It doesn’t surprise the group that Lacey’s dinner choice was based on her curiosity about how the meal is made instead of what she actually wants to eat. 
Dinner is served a few minutes after the group sits down. Dancing quickly resumes once the meal is finished and it is soon time for Prom Queen and King to be announced. Y/N isn’t too thrilled about being on the Prom court. The idea of being crowned is not high on her list of things she wants to accomplish, but she knows Rafe secretly loves the idea of being Prom royalty. So she is going to suck up her lack of enthusiasm and put on a smiling face for him. “And this year's Prom Queen and King are Y/N Y/L/N and Rafe Cameron,” Principal Grant announces. The sound of applause fills the banquet hall as crowns are placed on both of their heads. 
Rafe looks down at her as they slow dance as the King and Queen of the night. He can’t hide the love held in his eyes from her and even though she doesn’t understand the big deal about prom, she can understand that this moment is perfect. Pretending it is only her and Rafe in their own little bubble under the beautiful fake stars on the ceiling.
Graduation. An important milestone that people like to celebrate with extravagance. The students at Kildare Academy aren’t immune to these wishes. Y/N and Rafe had decorated their caps with matching roses the week before. It’s easy to spot each other through the crowd of other graduates looking for their own friends and loved ones. She runs into his arms with her diploma in hand, making sure to hold her cap so it doesn’t fall off her head. “We did it,” Rafe cheers, twirling her around a little quickly. She laughs at his action, “We did. I’m so proud of us!” “Come on, let’s go find everyone else so we can go to the graduation party.”
Surprisingly, Ward Cameron helped Cassie and Marvin a little bit with planning the joint graduation party. Rafe had refused to have his graduation party without the presence of Y/N and Mason, so he left Ward no choice but to allow the party to be combined with the Y/L/N’s. All of the three graduates' family and friends, who didn’t have their own parties, came to celebrate them. “Yes, Great-Aunt Ida. I am dating Rafe. Yes, Rafe as in Mason’s best friend,” Y/N clarifies to her mother’s aunt. Ida gives her a funny look, “Really, my dear? You don’t seem like you would have the same personality. From what I remember, he is much more social than you are.” Y/N meekly nods at the statement and excuses herself with some fake excuse of helping Bella with something. 
Y/N had had multiple conversations like that one throughout the party and she was beginning to get tired of having to reiterate the same points to her family member’s still unaware of her relationship with Rafe because it had been a while since she’s seen them. Luckily, Rafe is there to whisk her away somewhere private. “Now, why do we have to be in private? It would be really weird to do anything during the party with literally just about all of our family downstairs,” she teases, turning towards Rafe. 
“Of course, that’s not what I want. When did you get such a dirty mind? I just have a gift to give you. Now, close your eyes.”
“But Cameron, we promised no graduation gifts.” 
“I know, but this isn’t really a gift just for you. It’s a gift for both of us. I promise.”
“Okay, fine. But the next big event we celebrate, I’m buying the gift for ‘us’.”
Rafe waits for Y/N to close her eyes before placing an envelope on top of her palms facing up. She peeks her eyes open and quickly shuts them before he can see her; she knows he would want to be the one to advise her to open her eyes. “Okay, you can open them, now.” She does just that and opens the envelope without hesitation. Inside, she finds various receipt screenshots for plane tickets from North Carolina to Oxford. The dates on the tickets are for all throughout her school year and the last one is even the seat beside hers for when she goes home for next summer. 
ˇOMG, Rafe. These are too much. What if something happens?” 
“Nothing will happen. And I just wanted to get us them to show you how sure I am about our relationship.”
“Thank you so much! I love them. I can’t wait for you to visit already and I’m not even in Oxford. I’m going to spend all my free time looking for places for us to go.”
Rafe laughs at her excitement and lets himself be pulled into the big hug she throws at him. 
A week before Rafe is supposed to go off college, Ward asks Y/N if he could talk to her. After graduation, Rafe had gone back to living at Tannyhill because he only had a few more days with his sisters, so the couple was spending more time at his house. Rafe is currently dropping Wheezie off at a friend’s house. “So my son is off to college next week,” Ward states, rounding his desk to sit in front of it. Y/N inches a little bit from the door, “Yes, I know that. I’m supposed to help him move into his dorm. Mason is already in Toronto and I start at the beginning of October, so I have time to help out.”
“I see. And am I to understand that my son already bought tickets to come to visit you at Oxford.” 
“He did. I didn’t ask him to, but it was a sweet graduation gift.”
“It is. It is. And what have you sacrificed for my son?”
“Excuse me?”
“Well, from a parent's perspective, I see Rafe always making an attempt to sacrifice things in his life to keep your relationship going. He didn’t throw a big birthday party for his 18th because you don’t love big parties. He was going to break the family tradition of going to UNC, just to follow you across the pond. Now, he is sacrificing his reading weeks to go to Oxford. Instead of going to Miami or California for spring break, he is going to Oxford to watch you study.”
“I never asked him to buy those tickets.”
“Yet, you didn’t think of buying them yourself. Is it because deep down, you already know what you have to do?”
“No, it’s just… it’s just that UK universities have a different timing for school breaks so it’s better to buy my tickets closer to the actual day.”
“Sure, you keep telling yourself that. I have nothing more to say to you. You may go.”
Y/N leaves the room without another word. Truth is that Ward had been correct. At the time, she was super excited about Rafe’s gift. It felt so romantic. However, the more she started to plan her future with Rafe, she realizes he is indeed the one doing all the sacrifices. Ward pounding that into her head doesn’t help. Rafe is now returning from dropping Wheezie off and he sees her. “Hey, everything okay?” She smiles up at him, “Yeah. I just thought I saw a spider.” 
A week has passed meaning Rafe’s move-in day is today. He is packing up his stuff into his jeep and waiting for Y/N to get here with Mason’s car, so she can bring the stuff that doesn’t fit into the car. He hears the gravel succumbing to the weight of the tires and turns towards the opening of the gate. He watches her get out of the car, jogging over to give her a kiss. She doesn’t have her brilliant smile on his face which concerns him, but he doesn’t say anything. He notices as she leans away from his kiss instead of leaning into it like she normally does. He shyly moves away from her and watches as she starts putting his stuff into Mason’s car without saying anything. Once they have everything packed up, Rafe says a heartfelt goodbye to his family and they drive off. 
Rafe and Y/N planned to stay on call throughout the drive when they were separated between the two cars to make sure she doesn’t get lost. Rafe expected the conversation to flow and to be bountiful, but instead, he is left with a one-sided conversation with her just humming in response. Rafe knew the silent battle going on in her head. The argument she is having with herself about what she is going to do when they get to their final destination. However, Rafe isn’t going to let her just give up on them without a fight. 
They arrive at Rafe’s dorm and they swiftly get all of his stuff out of their cars and into his room. Rafe’s roommate isn’t supposed to come for another two days, so they have the room to themselves. He doesn’t feel like doing anything else after they get all the boxes inside. “Should we get some dumplings? Or maybe a pizza? Or how about some ramen?” he recommends, wanting to delay the unwanted conversation as much as he can. “Cameron, we need to talk.”
“No, we really don’t. We need food. Food is what we need.”
“Cameron, please. Don’t make this any harder for me than it already is.” 
“Then don’t do it. You don’t have to. We can work out the long distances. This doesn’t need to be the end.”
His tears begin to shed like a waterfall. He feels helpless in this situation like he is drowning. He tries to cover his eyes; however, she takes his hands into hers. “You know it has to be. Cameron, there is just so much against us. I mean the distance, our personalities, our futures. We aren’t meant to be.”
“Don’t say that. Don’t say it as if you believe it. Please, my rose.” 
“But I do. I wouldn’t be saying this if I didn’t believe it. I love you, but I need to let you go.” 
“No, my rose. Please. Just give this a shot before you end the possibility completely.”
“I’m sorry, Cameron. I can’t. I’m breaking up with you.” 
Rafe’s sadness shifts to anger as he realizes how easily she is willing to let him go. He knows it’s futile to put up any more of a fight, so his brain switches to the next best thing, which is defending his heart from any more heartbreak. “Fine, you want to be that way, then go! I don’t need you anymore, Y/L/N. You were always such a ball and chain to me anyways. I’ll be better off without you!” he shouts, gesturing his hands around like a wild man. Y/N looks at him with sad eyes. She can see the hurt in his eyes and understands what he is doing. It still doesn’t stop the sting of his words in her hurt. She gets up slowly from the bed they sat upon, “Okay. If that’s what you want, then I’ll go. This past year with you has been amazing. And I will never stop loving you. But I’m doing this for us, Rafe. You’ll see.”
With that, she gets her purse off the floor and walks out of his dorm. Rafe has no choice but to watch his rose slip out of his hands without a clue of if she is ever going to be back within his grasp. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @terraeluce @f4ll-for-you @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist @rafegirly
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wintersbitterfly · 1 year
in her eyes | episode one
genre: fluff
scenario: highschool!au
pairing: sana x f!reader
content warnings: reader is a teen mom
a/n: I do not advocate getting pregnant at such an early age, but there are teenagers who unfortunately have to go through this kind of situation everyday. this story is kind of personal as well. while I’m not a teen mom or pregnant at all, i am the daughter of one. whether you or someone else has been through this situation, I just wanted to write this for those people and just for people to see a perspective ig. and this idea is lowkey inspired from ginny and georgia, thank you</3
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one thing you would’ve never expected is for someone to be so…accepting for you having a child so young.
you’ve always steered away from dating ever since you had gotten pregnant. your main priority has always been your little four year old girl. and she always will be.
but you’d never ever think that someone else besides your family would make her a beloved priority as well.
it was a Saturday, and beautiful Saturday afternoon. the sun was out, your little girl was happy to be out, hand-in-hand, as she was pointing at everything that fascinated her.
the smile on your face was caused by her, always by your daughter.
you both enter a clothing store so you could buy her new clothes for school, including an outfit for yourself.
you squat down to your daughter’s height, where she gives you her full attention.
“stay close, alright? I don’t want you getting lost. and if you do, you remember what to do right?” you ask the girl.
“marco!” she answers happily.
“polo,” you answer with a chuckle, “good girl.”
once you let go of her hand, she doesn’t go too far, staying in your vision as you told her to do.
you look through the rack of clothes that you find cute. as you try to find your size, you overhear these girls, your age, laughing and talking about prom.
you look up seeing the girls looking at prom dresses, one of them talking about how much they loved pink on one dress, while the other talks about purple.
you smile listening in and blurt out, “I like that color.”
the three girls stop and look at you.
“I think that would look pretty on you.” You say with a soft smile.
one of the girls, flattered, smiles, “thank you! are you going prom shopping, too? are you going with anyone?”
just as you’re about to answer, you hear your daughter coming up to you.
“mommy! can I pretty please get this?” she holds up a necklace toward you.
you go silent, watching the three girls mouth to each other ‘mom?’. they each make stares filled with judgement and all steer clear away from you.
you bit your lip with a sigh before turning your head back toward your daughter who’s holding the big necklace.
you smile and chuckle, “that’s too big for you, silly.”
she pouts before putting the necklace back from where she found it, then following behind you where she takes your hand.
it wasn’t long before you and her made it to a section where her size of clothes were.
“how about this, sweetie? you’d look so cute!” you hold up the jean jacket to the little girl, who nods with a smile.
“I also like this, mommy.” she points at a shirt that’s hanging on a rack.
you take the shirt and hold it up to her once more, “ooh, you look so cute. my cutie.” you begin to tease her and poke her sides, causing her to burst out in laughter.
this makes you smile as you continue to do it, the laughter of your little one making your day.
but there was one person who was also smiling at the sight and sound.
this girl who was looking at a clothing rack, who happened to hear the giggles nearby. she turned her head seeing you and a little girl laughing together.
it made her heart flutter. it was an adorable site to see. so much so she didn’t even notice the word ‘mommy’ come from the little girl’s mouth.
when you both calm down, you continue looking for some pants.
you let your daughter wonder to the sunglasses section, where she was trying on different glasses, the size of them unproportionate to her face.
it made the older girl giggles as she watched your little girl.
soon she found the hats where she tried one on, it being too big for her head.
“I can’t see.” she says.
she finally takes the hat off, where she’s met with a much taller woman staring down at her with a smile.
“hey there, cutie.” she waves.
your daughter waves back with a smile before you end up back beside her, “are you ready to go, sweetie?”
she nods as you look up seeing yourself in front of the stranger that your daughter waved at.
“oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you both.” the girl apologizes.
you shake your head, “no, no, it’s okay. you’re not bothering anyone.”
the girl looks back down at your daughter, then back at you, “she’s so cute, she looks just like you.”
your eyebrows raise in shock, “oh, uh, thank you.”
she nods before you explain you having to pay for your stuff now at the register, which she understood.
once you did, the nice little lady at the register told you the price, but when you brought out your wallet, you realized you didn’t have enough, making you sigh.
you even asked the lady to take off your jeans, but even then it was still too much.
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” the lady says with a sympathetic sad smile.
you shake your head, “it’s alright. I’m sorry, baby. looks like we’ll have to wait.” you say to your daughter.
she nods sadly which broke your heart.
it was only until you heard the whispers and snickers of the same three girls from earlier, making you feel embarrassed. not about your daughter, but from some stereotypes about teen moms.
“oh, don’t worry, I’ve got it.” you hear a cheery voice from out of nowhere.
you look to see it’s the same girl who you just spoke to, who was handing the cashier her card.
“oh! no, you don’t have to-”
“really, I don’t mind. besides, I don’t wanna see your little one so upset.” the girl says pinching your daughter cheek a little, making her giggle.
once everything was paid for, you couldn’t help but feel so thankful for this beautiful stranger.
“thank you so much. how can I repay you?” you ask her.
the stranger only smiles shaking her head, “you don’t have to do anything.”
you give her a soft smile as you pick your four year old in your arms.
“you’re too nice.” you chuckle.
“my name is sana, nice to meet you…”
“um, y/n.” you answer.
you and sana send each other smiles of which that could only light up a thousand other eyes.
“well, I’ll leave you both to it then. bye cutie.” sana waves to the toddler who waves back with your matching smile.
“and bye, y/n.” she then walks away.
you still wanted to thank the girl, but you didn’t know how to begin with. you’d figure it out even if she said it was fine.
but you couldn’t help but feel like you’ve seen her before?
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midnightechoes · 1 year
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Okay, so My Adventures With Superman was everything I hoped it would be and more! Clark is a fun, charming, earnest himbo. Lois is a driven, confident reporter with a knack for finding a story and not really thinking of the trouble it'll get her into. And Jimmie is an eager conspiracy theorist who's ready to uncover the truth with his friends.
I honestly love this version of the main trio. They're funny, energetic, and lively and they go together well. And most of the background characters are fun so far. Perry is fantastic as their perpetually tired and fed up with their bs boss. This Ma Kent is FANTASTIC. And this version of Livewire is an interesting (and hot) take on the character.
And I love how immediately into each other Lois and Clark are. Their obvious crushes on each other is refreshing and done really well, leading to a lot of cute moments just in the first two episodes.
So okay, when I watched this, my first thought, after just "holy shit this is great!" was that WOW, for a completely straight show, it just kind of feels gay. Like, it has a very queer vibe to it. Somehow, despite Lois and Clark being a het relationship it kind of feels sapphic as hell in the way it's done. And I'm sorry, but this version of Livewire was designed for lesbians:
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So I looked at the credits, and yep, it made sense.
The show was developed by Jake Wyatt, who worked in the animation department for the Duck Tales reboot and Steven Universe. Josie Campbell is the co-producer, who was a writer and story editor on She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. The first episode was directed by Jen Bennett, who directed 17 SPOP episodes, including Princess Prom, Promise, and Save the Cat. And the second episode was directed by Diana Huh, who was a co-director and storyboard artist on SPOP, and a storyboard artist on the Duck Tales Reboot, Infinity Train, and DC Superhero Girls.
My point is that there are a number of SPOP alum working on this show and it shows because somehow, someway, this silly little (so far) completely het show about one of the oldest superheroes and America's boy scout, feels fresh and gay as hell.
And who knows, maybe there'll actually be some queer content down the line. I mean, Kara is supposed to show up at some point. 😏 A girl can dream, can't she?*
My Adventures With Superman feel fun, fresh, and very anime-inspired and I 100% recommend checking it out. It airs on Adult Swim and HBO Max, and the first episode is free to watch on Adult Swim's Youtube page.
Also, I want you all to know that I worked really hard to make this a decently coherent post and not just a lot of squealing about how great this show is and how adorable fucking Clark and Lois are.
*For real, if, against all odds, this show was somehow the show that pulled off Supercorp, I would LOSE. MY. MIND. I know, there is a 0.0002% chance of that happening, but again, a girl can DrEaM!
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liyawritesss · 1 year
Do you think you could do a riri x reader at prom or some type of fancy event
ᴛʜᴇᴍ & ᴅʀᴇꜱꜱɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ꜰᴏʀ ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ
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Characters: MCU!Riri Williams, MCU!Shuri Udaku, MCU!T’Challa Udaku x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: How would these Black Panther Characters be when it comes to dressing up for an important event?
Warnings: mild cursing but other than that, general fluff and Riri not being a dress girl at all 
A/N: Since everyone’s going feral for Letitia’s appearance at the Met, I figured I’d use this ask to write how certain characters would be when it comes to dressing up fancy. Hope that’s okay! Also I linked pinterest boards to inspire pics for each characters outfits, just click their name and you'll be redirected to the boards!
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @zayswriting @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @itsmaniiiiiiiii @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed @aaliyg @cafehyunji @chunkybabygorl @rosielovesfamily @lulu-network @killmongerskeepermain @riri-red-car
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Riri Williams
Riri hates dresses. There are no if’s, and’s or but’s about it. She doesn’t like how they fit, she doesn’t like how they flow, how constricting they are to her movements, she hates hates hates dresses with a burning passion.
That being said, when they’re on you, she finds them more than pleasant. The way the fabric hugs your body, how it flows down your legs, and the colors that look so gorgeous against your skin. And if it’s something off the shoulder? A deep V-cut? Backless? Oh it’s demon time.
Expect her to not keep her hands off you when you’re both together. Even if it’s just holding your hand, Riri feels she’s gotta be close to you when you’re looking this good, because let someone try and swoop in to talk to you…she’ll treat they ass with no remorse lmaoo
As stated previously, Riri doesn’t like dresses in the slightest, so she will be more than willing to throw on a simple pantsuit or a fancy jumpsuit for a lowkey event. She doesn’t really like big events anyway, but being one of the fresh faces for tech and innovation, she gets invited to a lot of shit, and is nagged by not only her mother but Shuri of all people that to keep appearances up, it’s best that she go to at least one of them.
Riri asked Shuri why is it so important for her to do so, because….why? And Shuri’s response: people need to know who they’re rooting for, as well as who their enemy is. Which, Riri could kind of understand, she thought. So she begrudgingly took Shuri’s word for it; she was a princess after all, so she knew good and well about going to events she didn’t want to go to for publicity reasons.
So Riri ends up gathering a small but fashionable catalog of suits. Basic greys, blacks and navy blues cuz ain’t nobody got time to be doin’ too much when you don’t wanna be there in the first place. But she also has this forest green suit with a cream turtleneck she only brings out for high profile events in the winter because she knows you go batshit over it, bc forest green looks so fucking good against her skintone.
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Shuri Udaku
Shuri is kind of indifferent to it. She grew up not really having to go to a lot of events because she used her lab as an excuse. She’s never liked the camera and never saw a reason for her to go to these upscale events, even if it was something where the entire family needed to be present.
When the inevitable happens as she has to become more of a public figure to represent her country, she has a team of people who advise her on what to where. Though they’re not just any people - majority of them are people from her childhood whom she grew up with, alongside a seamstress who previously worked on all her family member’s elegant attires for high scale events.
I feel like at first she tries to replicate the simplicity of her father and brother’s outfits paired with the elegant and extravagant-ness of her mothers, but over time she starts to figure out her style and what she prefers to be seen in. Silvers and golds are prominent in nearly every outfit. She prefers pantsuits but dresses are still fair game, especially if it’s an at-home events where the fabric used for it is breathable and light, compared to having to wear thicker layers outside of the country.
Shuri likes to match outfits with you, showing that the two of you are a combined package. It can be something as simple as matching jewelry sets, or your dress matching her tie, or going all out with matching color schemes and designs within the clothing pieces. It shows people the dedication she has to you in showing the world that you two are the better halves of each other.
She likes it when you wear backless dresses or two pieces because of how elegant they look on you. There’s an air of amorousness and delicacy that has her looking at you with the most lovestruck eyes anyone has ever seen. And best believe at any event her eyes are only ever on you and your immaculate beauty.
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T'Challa Udaku
Now T actually likes dressing up, which I think a lot of people are perplexed by, because one would think that when it came to political events, the style of your attire would be the last thing on your mind.
But I think he especially likes to play around with different fabric garments that can be easily added and detached to a simple suit, or having subtle designs embedded into his suit jackets that, when looked at closely, would wow the viewer with the pattern and layering and attention to detail that was taken when creating it.
I like to think he also plays around with jewelry a lot too. He’s a fan of silver link chains and has a couple that are solely designated for important events to pair with certain suits. He also has a wide range of oddly and very specific watches that he wears to certain events depending on what it is and the theme. He keeps good maintenance of them, cuz lowkey he’s keeping track of time and doesn’t wanna be somewhere longer than what he has to be
Like his sister, T’Challa loves matching with you. I think he’d prefer it to be through colors and jewelry precisely, because we all know this man will drop several bags on you real quick to ice you out. Therefore, your jewelry selection is just as expansive as his is, and everytime he gets a new bracelet or necklace or ring, you find a bag of two more of whatever piece of jewelry he’s acquired on your dresser too.
He has a very specific style of dress he absolutely goes feral for you in…backless with long sleeves, cinched from the waist to the hips and then flows out at the knees. Please wear royal purple or sage green, he won’t be able to keep his hands off you.
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mvltixcc · 4 months
Girls Like Girls - Robin Buckley X Cheerleader!Reader
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Summary: Robin has a crush on the new girl in town. Y/N is also a new member of the cheer squad, which means Robin sees her all the time at games and other school events. Unfortunately, Robin is put in a tough situation. She's scared to talk to her because the cheerleaders have a reputation of being mean girls and she fears that Y/N may not feel the same. Little does Robin know that Y/N does not appear as she seems. Y/N becomes best friends with Eddie, which seems unlikely at the surface due to different social circles. This leads to rumors of course and word spreads like wildfire here at Hawkins, which then makes Robin's feelings even more confusing. After hanging out with Steve and the gang, Robin starts to see a different side to Y/N. Will they end up together or will they just remain friends?
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: When I mention 'Sam' in my story, I'm talking about the girl in this photo. She was never in the story of the show but I wanted to add another girl to the group and this photo helped capture what I needed.
Pinterest board for inspiration
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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“Nancy, no offense, but you are no help. None of these look good on me.” Robin stated as she stood in front of the large mirror trying on dresses. She lost track of how many she tried on. None of them stood out to her and she didn’t feel like herself in them. 
“Well maybe we just need to keep looking?” Nancy suggested. Robin stood there fidgeting in the fabric and making a sour face. Nancy could tell something wasn’t right. Luckily she knew how to fix it. “You know what, why don’t you change back into your clothes and then meet me back here.” Nancy said. Robin sighed in relief and went back to change. Nancy left Robin and walked to the front counter. “Hi excuse me, is there any chance I can use your phone please?” Nancy asked the employee. She nods and hands Nancy the phone. 
“Hey it’s Nancy, are you busy?”
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“What are you doing here?” Robin asked as she saw Steve standing next to Nancy.
“Nancy here thought you may need some help finding the right outfit for prom and a dress just won’t cut it, so that’s where I come in. I’m gonna take you shopping to help you find what suits you.” Steve said with a smile. 
“I am relinquishing my duties and passing them off to Steve.” Nancy said with a chuckle.
“Let’s get this show on the road, Buckley!” Steve said, clapping walking toward the exit.
“I’m coming dingus!” Robin laughed and followed behind. 
The two sat in the car on the way to the next shop. “So if you’re not taking me dress shopping, then where are you taking me?” Robin questioned.
“You’ll see Buckley, be patient.” Steve said as he continued to drive to the destination. 
“I don’t see why I can’t just go with Y/N, she is my date after all and I care about looking nice for her.” Robin said, rolling her eyes.
“You think I won’t find something that makes you look nice? Do you know who you’re talking to?” Steve asked jokingly. 
“You know what I mean, you’re a guy. How exactly can you help me with this?” Robin continued. 
“Robin, I know you better than most people do. Why do you think Nancy called me in the first place? You are not a dress kind of girl, you and I both know that. But, we can find something else that works for you and what you’re comfortable with.” Steve said. 
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” Robin said.
“I’m sorry, what was that? I was what?” Steve joked.
“Alright Harrington don’t push it.” Robin laughed and gave her friend a light shove.
“Okay okay, we’re here anyways.” He laughed and pulled into a parking space. Robin looked up at the sign with a puzzled look. “What? What’s the matter?” Steve asked.
“Why are we at the Men’s Factory? I thought we were looking for clothes, not tools.” Robin questioned. 
“Are you serious?” Steve said. “Robin, this isn’t- dear god help me.” He sighed.
“What?” Robin asked.
The pair got out of the car and walked into the store, Robin was soon hit with the realization that it was in fact NOT a home improvement store. It was a store full of all different kinds of suits. Steve and Robin walked around hoping something would jump out to her. But so far nothing.
“What about this one?” Steve asked, holding up a brown suit. 
“Oh god no.” Robin said, making a sour face. 
They continued to walk around, going from suit to suit. Trying things on left and right, until they found THE one. It was a nice white button up, a black tie with a black vest, and dress pants to match. 
“This is it. This is the one.” Robin said as she stood in front of the mirror. She loved how she not only looked, but how she felt as well. She felt like herself and that’s what matters the most. 
As she checked out she couldn’t help but think about you. She hoped you were having a good time shopping for the right dress.
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“Can you all stop running around and sit the hell down!” Sam yelled at the rest of the guys as they ran around the store trying to help you find the right dress. 
“This is not it.” You said walking out in a bright yellow gown. “I look like a banana!” 
“I think you look like a lovely banana!” Gareth said as he stood next to you in the mirror. 
“Well of course you’d say that, you picked this one out in the first place!” You chuckled to him. You turned around and saw a few of the boys holding up more colorful dresses. “Why do you people want me to look like a fruit salad?” 
“You people clearly don’t know her at all.” Sam stated walking over to the rest of you. “Stop trying to put her in bright colors, you all should know that Y/N doesn’t like that kind of stuff!” Sam proclaimed. 
The group continued to look around to find you a dress. Nothing stood out to you. You got changed and walked out to the rest of your friends. “Let’s just go to the next store and be done.” You were getting frustrated that you couldn’t find anything. You had already tried 2 other shops and you were getting tired. The group had agreed and you all climbed into Eddie’s van and went to the next store. 
“So where are we off to now?” Eddie asked you quietly to not let the others hear. He knew that if they did they would suggest another dress shop. 
“Can we just go to the thrift store? I really don't need anything fancy, that’s not even my type of style.” You replied.
“Trust me I know that.” He chuckled. “We’ll find you something, don't worry.” He reassured you. 
“What are we doing here?” Jeff asked as you guys pulled up to the thrift shop. 
“Guys I really don’t need a ball gown or anything fancy. I just wanna look and feel nice while having a good time with my girlfriend.” You said walking into the store. They agreed to help you find something that was more ‘you’. 
You all walked around and found random items like necklaces and bracelets. But no dress yet. Until you heard Sam screech. “THIS IS IT!” 
She ran to you and huffed and puffed as she showed you the dress. You took the item and went to try it on. You stood in front of the mirror and you knew as soon as you put it on that it was the one. You walked out of the changing room to show everyone the dress.
“It’s perfect!” Sam exclaimed.
Most of the boys stood in awe.
“You look beautiful.” Eddie said, walking up to you. He looked at you tearfully. 
“Thanks, Eds.” You turned to hug him. “Everything is gonna be perfect.” You were now even more excited to go to the prom with Robin.
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You finished getting ready and made your way downstairs as you waited for Robin to arrive for pictures. You were nervous to say the least, you just wanted everything to be perfect for the pair of you. 
“You look beautiful Y/N!” Your nana stated as she stood in front of you. She pulled you in for a hug.
“Thank you Nan!” You said, hugging her back. 
“Alright let’s get some pictures with you and Eddie!” She suggested. You nodded and made your way outside, Eddie following behind shortly after. 
As you and Eddie had finished taking pictures, Steve pulled into the driveway. Robin jumped out before he could even fully park the car. “God Buckley, would you be careful?” Steve said sarcastically. 
Robin didn’t care though. She was too excited to see just how beautiful you looked and boy was she right. You looked breathtaking. “Wow.” was all she managed to spew out. Robin stood there in awe as you had approached her. 
“Hi buttercup! Well look at you, you look absolutely perfect!” You said as you pulled your girlfriend in for a hug. You pulled away from the hug soon after. “Is that for me?” You ask as you point to the box in Robin’s hands.
“What? Oh uh yeah, this is for you!” Robin said with excitement. It was a corsage that matched your dress. Robin had been asking all week what your dress looked like, she was too eager and wanted to know everything. Knowing that she would ask until your ears fell off, you gave in and told her about the color of your dress. 
“It’s beautiful Robin!” You exclaimed. “Wanna help me put it on?” You asked. She nodded and took it out of the box and helped you put it on your wrist.
“It’s not too tight is it? Or too big? I wasn’t sure-” Robin began to ramble.
“It’s perfect!” You said giving her a soft peck on the cheek. You could see her cheeks turning red which caused you to chuckle. “I have something for you too!” You turned to Eddie who was standing behind you with a box similar to the one that Robin had and took it from him. You opened it to reveal a matching boutonniere. You helped Robin put it on. “There, now we match!” You said with excitement. 
“You guys look great!” Steve complimented as he approached the pair of you. “Wait, why are you all dressed up?” He asked, pointing to Eddie. 
“Oh please this is hardly even dressed up!” Eddie proclaimed. He wore a simple black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and some dark jeans. He also paired it with some boots and his usual jewelry.
“It’s dressed up for you!” You chuckled.
“That still doesn’t answer the question though.” Steve said.
“Eddie’s also going, I thought you-” Steve interrupted you.
“Well how come he gets to go and I don't?!” Steve pouted. 
“Maybe because I’m still a student there?” Eddie laughed. “Plus I’m not even going in, I’m gonna be sitting in my van making sure nothing happens to them.” 
“Why don’t you come with Steve? I’m sure Eddie could use the company.” Robin suggested.
“Oh I don’t think-” Both Eddie and Steve said in unison.
“That’s a great idea!” You proclaimed. 
“Alright alright, let’s get these pictures taken so you kids can be on your way!” Your nana said as she held the camera up. 
You and Robin took your pictures and soon you all loaded into Eddie’s van and made your way to the school.
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“If anything happens you just get Sam and she’ll come get me, okay?” Eddie said going over the plan again. 
“Yes yes I got it! Okay we’re going in now.” You said, you were eager to get in and have a good time with your girlfriend. “Just promise me you wont kill each other?” You asked before closing the van door. 
“Yeah yeah we promise.” The two said in unison once again. 
“Okay, let's do this!” You say, closing the van door and taking Robin’s hand as you walked toward the doors. The two of you stood at the doors for a moment, preparing for the night ahead of you. “You ready my love?” You asked, looking at Robin. 
“As I’ll ever be.” She replied nervously. She wanted this night to be special for you both.
You opened the doors and walked into the gym. It was magical. All the lights and beautiful decorations that lined the room really brought it all together. You made your way over to Sam and her date who was grabbing some punch. 
“Hey guys!” You greeted your friend. 
“Wow you two look amazing!” Sam complemented you both. 
“Thanks, you guys look great too!” Robin thanked.
“We’ll be keeping a close eye on you guys throughout the night. Now go out there and have a good time with each other!” Sam spoke. 
You said your goodbyes and you both made your way to the dance floor.
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Everything was going great. You and Robin were dancing and singing your heart out. You both had danced with some friends as well. The both of you were now at a table eating snacks and just talking about the night so far. As you were talking with one another, a slow song started to play. You both make your way to the dance floor to have a special moment. There you are in the middle of the gym, holding one another and just enjoying each other. This night was perfect. Or so you thought.
“Well look at you two, how adorable!” Chrissy said as she approached the two of you. 
“Can’t you leave us alone for one night Cunningham?” You asked in annoyance. 
“I come in peace I promise!” She stated with her hands up.
“Uh huh, I’m sure you do.” Robin said also now annoyed at this point. 
“Honest I swear! Look I know that things aren’t so great between us, but I just wanted to offer your spot back to you on the team!” Chrissy began as she turned to look at you.
Chrissy continued to go on and on about some random bullshit as she does when suddenly Robin felt something wet fall onto her hand. She looked down to see a droplet of red. Robin looked above and saw what appeared to be a bucket with some rope tied around it on the rafters above you both. She turned to the left to see the other cheer squad members laughing with one another holding onto the rope that was attached to the bucket. She turned to you to get your attention. 
“We have to go, like now!” Robin whispered in your ear. 
You looked at her and could see that she was serious. You nodded to her. “Well you know Chrissy, this little chit chat was fun and all, but I think we’re gonna head out now. You and Jason go have a fun time now!” You say trying to get away from her.
Chrissy tried to get you both to stay and talk with her, but despite her efforts you both weren’t budging and kept walking away. This made her extremely mad and her demeanor changed. “Ugh god get back here NOW!” She yelled at you. 
As you turned around to face her, you saw red liquid falling from the ceiling. Robin pulled you out of the way as it came down. It all fell directly onto Chrissy. “What in the Carrie?” You said to yourself as you watched the scene in front of you. The gym fell silent at this point. A few other people were hit with whatever was in the bucket, but it was mostly all over Chrissy. The realization had hit her like a truck and she began to scream off the top of her lungs. You both made your way out of the gym and booked it for Eddie’s van. 
“No no no Lord of the Rings is so much better than that!” Eddie proclaimed. 
“God you are such a nerd!” Steve laughed. Suddenly the van door swung open. “Whoa whoa what happened? Are you both okay?” Steve asked as you and Robin jumped into the van and slammed the door shut. You were both out of breath from running. 
“Well considering the fact that we almost got Carrie’d!” Robin exclaimed while trying to catch her breath. 
“Huh?” Steve questioned. 
“My god Harrington do you seriously not watch movies?” Eddie teased.
“Okay we can pick on Steve about that later!” You stated trying to get to the point. 
“Hey!” Steve proclaimed. 
“Chrissy tried to pour a bucket of-” You began.
“Pigs blood?!?” Eddie squealed.
“No! Now let me finish you goose!” You laughed. “It looked like I don’t know-” 
“Red paint!” Robin stated. 
“How do you know?” Steve asked, turning back to the both of you as Eddie drove you all back to your place. 
“The way it stained my hand is the same way that paint does. Can’t imagine what she’s gonna look like after this.” Robin said. 
“What I wanna know is how the hell did you guys not get hit with that?” Eddie asked.
“Robin was the one that got me out of there.” You said.
“I felt something wet on my hand and saw the red. Then I looked up and saw the bucket that the cheerleaders were tugging at with a rope across the gym.” Robin replied. 
“That was some quick thinking there Buckley, nice job.” Eddie said, giving Robin props. 
“Thanks Eddie.” She said with a smile.
“Now as for you!” You said poking Steve. “I can’t believe you haven’t seen Carrie!” 
“I keep telling him he needs to watch it!” Robin chuckled.
“Okay you know what!” Steve stated.
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 “Thanks for the ride Ed’s, drive safe now okay?” You said as you stood at the driver side window of the van.
“Hey, I’m here anytime and I will try my best.” He laughed.
“Edward!” You yelled.
“Okay okay, I’ll drive safe! You go and get some sleep.” Eddie said. You said your goodbyes and Eddie drove off. You made your way over to Robin to say goodbye to her as well.
“Well despite everything that just happened, I had a really good time with you tonight. I’m really glad that we went.” You giggled.
“Yeah me too, it was a really special night that I definitely will never forget!” She laughed back.
Robin pulled you close and wrapped her arms around you. “Though, to be fair every moment with you is special because I get to spend it with my beautiful girlfriend.” Robin spoke softly. You began to turn a bright shade of pink. “Aww is someone blushing?” She teased, you put your head into her neck to hide the flustered expression on your face. 
You pulled away and looked at her for a moment. “I love you so much.” You professed. 
“I love you too, my sweet angel.” She said, smiling back at you. 
Robin pulled you in one more time, but this time it was to give you a kiss. Every time you would kiss each other, it was instant sparks. She loved how soft your lips were against hers. Robin pulled you closer to deepen the kiss. She didn’t want this night to end, but that thought was soon interrupted by Steve coughing loudly indicating that it was time to go.
You pulled away from one another shortly after. “Well, I guess I’ll see you on Sunday for our usual breakfast date.” Robin said as she gently kissed your cheek. 
“I’ll pick you up at the usual time!” You giggled. 
“You sleep well, okay love bug?” Robin suggested. 
“I will, you better sleep well too!” You replied.
“I promise, scouts honor!” Robin said, holding up her hand. 
“I’ll see you Sunday you goose.” You chuckled and said your goodbyes.
Once Steve left, you went inside and decompressed from the night you just had. As you lay in bed thinking about how perfect the night was, you began to drift off into a peaceful sleep.
Next chapter
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strljaem · 2 months
play “maneater” by nelly furtado ft. timbaland while reading, you’re welcome.
tw ; inspired by the movie “jennifer’s body”
this is quite long but bear with me!!
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The corridors were a swirl of chatter, the noise level ebbing and flowing with each step I took. It was the usual routine: boys leaning against their lockers, girls pretending to be busy with their phones, all eyes subtly shifting in my direction. I wasn't naive; I knew exactly why I commanded attention. My reflection in every classroom window told the same story: the way my hair cascaded over my shoulders, my toned legs peeking out from beneath my skirt, and the smile that seemed to light up the entire hallway. I was the most popular girl in school, and I knew it.
It wasn't just about looks, though they played a significant part. It was the confidence I exuded, the way my hips swayed as I walked, the infectious laugh that made even the dullest class bearable. Teachers liked me because I knew when to charm them, and students idolized me because I set the trends. But despite the throngs of admirers, there was only one face I cared to see among the sea of faces. Na Jaemin.
He was the new kid, having transferred from some prestigious school across town. The moment he stepped into class, everyone went quiet. His dark hair fell perfectly around his sharp features, eyes that seemed to pierce right through you. His lips, which held a slight smirk, hinted at the confidence he didn't need to boast about. He had this effortless style, this quiet charisma that set him apart from every other guy I'd met. It was impossible not to notice him.
And I did notice him. A lot. He had that brooding vibe that made you want to know what he was thinking. While other guys fumbled with their words or tried too hard to impress me, Jaemin simply gave me a nod, his lips curving into that subtle smile that made my heart race. He was different, and I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
The rumors about me and Jaemin spread like wildfire. Some said we were dating, others claimed we'd been secretly meeting after school. I didn't mind the speculation; it kept people guessing, and that was part of the fun. But the truth was, we hadn't even had a full conversation. Just stolen glances, a few exchanged words, and that undeniable chemistry. I had guys queuing up for me, but I only had eyes for him.
I knew I could have any guy I wanted, but with Jaemin, it wasn't about conquest. It was the way his eyes seemed to understand me, the way he carried himself with that air of mystery. I had everything I could want in high school, yet he made me feel like there was something more, something deeper. It was the way he didn't fall over himself to get my attention, the way he was just... cool. And it drove me wild.
Every day, I looked forward to catching a glimpse of him, wondering if today would be the day he'd say something more than a simple "hey." And each day, I felt the tension build, the anticipation growing. I was the queen bee, but when it came to Na Jaemin, I was just another girl with a crush, waiting for him to make his move.
Prom night was approaching, and with it came the usual flurry of excitement. Everyone at school was buzzing about it, the latest topic of conversation at every lunch table and group chat. Who would go with whom, what dress to wear, who'd arrive in the most extravagant way—everything had to be perfect. But for me, it was a different kind of chaos.
Being the most popular girl in school had its perks, but it also had its drawbacks. Since the prom was announced, I'd been bombarded with invitations from almost every guy in my class. Some were sweet, others tried to be suave, and a few were just plain cringeworthy. The truth was, none of them stood out. They were all the same—awkward, sweaty, trying too hard to impress me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their attempts.
The first few invitations were easy to decline. A polite "no, thank you" usually did the trick. But as prom night drew nearer, the pressure mounted. It was like every guy thought he was the exception, the one who could win me over with a cheesy pickup line or a hastily written poem. Some even enlisted their friends to plead on their behalf, as if that would somehow change my mind. But the more they tried, the more uninterested I became.
There was Jeno, the captain of the soccer team, who thought flashing his abs would do the trick. Then there was Haechan, the self-proclaimed "class clown," who sent me a barrage of memes to get my attention. And let's not forget Chenle, who serenaded me in the cafeteria, completely off-key, much to everyone's amusement. It was all so desperate, so pathetic. None of them had a clue about what I really wanted.
The thing is, I wasn't interested in just going to prom with anyone. It had to be someone special, someone who made me feel like more than just the queen bee of the school. But all these guys? They just looked like shit—shallow, predictable, and completely lacking in substance. I didn't need a prom date to prove my popularity; I needed someone who could match my vibe, someone with depth and style. And so far, none of these guys even came close.
As the days passed, I could sense the tension building. My refusals became a hot topic among the gossipers, and everyone wanted to know who I'd choose. Would I go with the guy who offered a limousine? The one with the guitar? Or maybe I'd surprise everyone and show up with a total stranger. The speculation was endless, but I kept my cards close to my chest.
Deep down, I knew who I really wanted to go with. It was the same guy who had caught my eye weeks ago, the one who didn't need to try too hard to be cool. Na Jaemin. He hadn't asked me yet, but I had a feeling he would, and when he did, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. Because unlike all the other boys, he had that effortless charm, that quiet confidence that made my heart skip a beat.
Prom night was just around the corner, and I had no intention of settling for anything less than extraordinary. I'd let the other guys sweat it out, wondering who I'd choose, but in my mind, I already knew. I was waiting for Jaemin to make his move, and I was ready to say yes. Because while the other boys might look like shit, he was the one who made me feel alive.
The prom was less than a week away, and I still hadn't said yes to anyone. Not that I didn't have offers—far from it. I had a stack of crumpled notes, elaborate messages on social media, and even a couple of homemade cupcakes with "Prom?" spelled out in frosting. But none of these attempts did anything for me. They all seemed forced, like they were trying to buy my favor with a flashy gimmick.
What I was waiting for, though, was for Jaemin to ask me. He was the one who had caught my eye from the moment he transferred to our school. With his effortless style and those eyes that seemed to see through the façade I carefully crafted, he was different from all the others. He didn't try to impress me with grand gestures or desperate attempts for attention. Instead, he was just... Jaemin.
So when I saw him walking down the hallway towards me, my pulse quickened. He had that confident stride, the kind that made people instinctively move out of his way. His hair was perfectly tousled, falling across his forehead in that casual yet deliberate way. But it was his eyes that did it—the way they locked onto mine with a hint of mischief, like he knew something I didn't. The air around him seemed to hum with electricity.
As he approached, I tried to play it cool. I leaned against the locker, crossing my arms in a way that I hoped looked casual, though my heart was racing like a drumline at a pep rally. He stopped in front of me, his lips curling into that subtle smile that always made me weak in the knees. It wasn't a full grin, just enough to reveal a dimple on his left cheek. I wondered if he knew how devastatingly charming he was. Of course, he did.
"Hey," he said, his voice low and smooth. He wasn't loud like the other guys who'd asked me to prom, all bravado and nervous laughter. He spoke with a quiet confidence, like he didn't need to prove anything. That made it even more intriguing.
"Hey," I replied, hoping I didn't sound as breathless as I felt. I could see other students watching from the corner of my eye, curious about what was happening. This wasn't just another prom proposal—this was Jaemin asking me.
"So, prom's coming up," he said, his eyes never leaving mine. "You got a date yet?"
I shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "I've had a few offers," I replied, a smirk playing on my lips. "But I haven't found the right one yet."
His smile widened, just a bit. "What about me? Would I be the right one?"
It was a simple question, but the way he asked it, the way he looked at me like he could see right through my confident exterior, made my heart flutter. I felt the familiar rush, that sense of power and excitement that came with being the center of attention. But with Jaemin, it was different. I wasn't just another pretty face to him; he saw something more.
"I think you could be," I said, unable to hide the smile that spread across my lips. "If you're lucky."
He laughed softly, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Lucky, huh? I'll take my chances." And with that, he leaned in slightly, his eyes holding mine. "So, is that a yes?"
I nodded, feeling a thrill that I hadn't felt with any of the other guys who'd asked me. "Yeah, that's a yes."
The buzz in the hallway grew louder as he smiled and gave me a nod, like we'd just shared a secret that no one else understood. I knew in that moment that this was going to be a prom to remember. Jaemin had a way of making me feel like the most important person in the room, even when we were surrounded by a crowd. It was the way he spoke, the way he smiled, and the way he looked at me with those intense eyes. As he walked away, I couldn't help but grin. I was ready for whatever came next.
My room was buzzing with energy as I prepared for prom night. The evening sky outside my window was darkening, casting a warm glow through my curtains, but inside, my room was a whirlwind of activity. “Maneater” by Nelly Furtado blasted through my speakers, filling the space with its infectious beat and fierce lyrics. It was the perfect soundtrack for my pre-prom ritual—a blend of confidence and allure, just like the look I was going for tonight.
My makeup desk was a mess of cosmetics, brushes, and hair accessories. I had set up a large mirror, framed with soft LED lights that bathed my face in a flattering glow. Lipsticks, eyeshadows, and blushes were strewn across the surface, with my favorite perfume bottle—a sleek glass container with a hint of rose and vanilla—sitting proudly in the center. The chaos was controlled, though, with everything I needed within easy reach.
I started with my eyes, using a smoky eyeshadow palette to create a dramatic look. The rich grays and blacks blended seamlessly, adding depth and mystery. I carefully applied eyeliner, creating a sharp wing that elongated my eyes, making them even more captivating. A few coats of mascara made my lashes look impossibly long and thick. Each stroke was deliberate, each layer building on the last to create a seductive gaze that would be impossible to ignore.
Next, I moved on to my lips. I chose a deep red shade, bold and confident. It glided on smoothly, the color vivid against my skin. I blotted with a tissue, then reapplied to ensure it would last through the night. The red lipstick was the perfect contrast to the dark eye makeup, a combination that screamed glamour and seduction.
As the music thumped in the background, I turned my attention to my hair. I had already washed and dried it, so it was ready to be styled. I opted for loose waves, using a large curling iron to create soft, flowing curls that framed my face. The hair tumbled over my shoulders, bouncing with each movement. I sprayed a light mist of hairspray to keep everything in place, but not so much that it felt stiff. It was all about looking effortlessly alluring.
Finally, it was time for the dress. I had chosen a sleek, figure-hugging gown in a deep shade of midnight blue. The fabric was smooth and silky, clinging to my curves in all the right places. It had a plunging neckline, showing just enough to be intriguing without crossing into inappropriate territory. The back was low, with delicate straps that crisscrossed, adding a touch of elegance. The dress flowed down to the floor, with a subtle slit on one side, giving me freedom to move—and a hint of allure.
I slipped into the dress, adjusting the straps and smoothing the fabric. It fit perfectly, making me feel like a movie star on the red carpet. I added a pair of strappy silver heels, which gave me a few extra inches of height and made my legs look longer. A simple necklace and a pair of dangly earrings completed the look, adding just the right amount of sparkle.
As I stood in front of the mirror, I took a moment to appreciate the transformation. The girl looking back at me was ready for prom, ready to turn heads, and, most importantly, ready to see Na Jaemin's reaction. The vibe in my room was electric, the music pumping, the air filled with excitement. Tonight was going to be a night to remember, and I was prepared to make an entrance no one would forget.
As I stood in front of the mirror, the final touches to my prom look in place, I couldn't help but smile. But this wasn't just any smile. It was the kind of smile that curled at the corners, revealing just a hint of teeth—a smile that suggested I knew something others didn't. It was a slow smile, spreading across my lips like a secret unfolding. The way my lips curved upward, slightly crooked, gave the reflection in the mirror an eerie edge.
My eyes narrowed slightly, the smoky makeup accentuating the intensity in my gaze. It was as if I was gazing through the mirror into another world, a place where I held all the power, all the control. The dim lighting in my room cast shadows across my cheekbones, enhancing the effect. The look I gave myself was confident, almost predatory, like a lioness sizing up her prey before the hunt.
As the music played on, the pulsating beat in the background seemed to echo the rhythm of my heart. Each thump was a reminder that tonight was mine, and I intended to own it. The smile I gave myself was a warning to anyone who might cross my path—I was ready to be the center of attention, and nothing would stand in my way.
The eerie quality of my smile came from the unspoken confidence behind it. It was a smile that suggested I knew my worth, that I was ready to claim my place at the top. It was alluring and intimidating at the same time, the kind of smile that could charm and unsettle in equal measure. I felt a rush of excitement, knowing that this was the look I'd carry with me throughout the night, a reminder to everyone that I was not to be underestimated.
The reflection in the mirror stared back at me, and for a moment, it felt like I was looking at someone else—a darker, more confident version of myself. But as I continued to smile, I realized that this was who I truly was: a force to be reckoned with, someone who could command a room with just a glance. It was exhilarating, and I knew I was ready for whatever prom night had in store.
My phone buzzed on my makeup desk, its screen lighting up with a notification. My heart leaped at the thought of Na Jaemin. I grabbed it, hoping it was him—and it was. The message was simple: "I'm outside." My excitement shot through the roof. The fact that he was here, at my door, sent a surge of energy through me. I rushed downstairs, my heels clicking against the hardwood floor. The house was eerily quiet; my parents were out of the country on business, so there was no one else home. This moment was mine alone, and I was ready to embrace it.
I reached the door, took a deep breath to steady myself, and opened it with a smile. Jaemin stood there, looking dashing in his prom suit. It was a classic black tuxedo, tailored perfectly to his lean frame. The jacket hugged his shoulders, giving him a sharp silhouette. He wore a crisp white dress shirt underneath, with a black bowtie that added a touch of sophistication. The contrast of the dark suit against his pale skin was striking, and his black hair fell naturally across his forehead, giving him an effortlessly cool vibe.
As he looked at me, I could see the surprise in his eyes. They widened slightly, a mix of awe and confusion, as if he wasn't expecting me to look quite like this. My dress, with its seductive cut and deep neckline, seemed to take him off guard. His eyes traced my figure, and for a moment, he seemed at a loss for words. The slight smirk he usually carried disappeared, replaced by a look of genuine admiration.
"You look... wow," he said, his voice trailing off as he tried to find the right words. "Gorgeous." His eyes locked onto mine, and I could see a hint of lust there, like he was seeing me in a new light. It wasn't just about the dress or the makeup; it was the confidence I exuded, the way I stood with my head held high and that eerie smile playing on my lips.
I laughed softly, a low, melodic sound that seemed to snap him out of his daze. "Thanks," I replied, leaning against the doorframe, my posture relaxed but alluring. His reaction was everything I had hoped for, and I could feel the power that came with it. Jaemin was the kind of guy who rarely showed his emotions, but tonight, he couldn't hide the way he felt. The suit gave him an air of sophistication, but it was his eyes—those lustful, dark eyes—that revealed his true thoughts.
As he extended his hand, inviting me to step outside, I could sense the electricity in the air. It was going to be a night to remember, and I was ready to make it unforgettable. With Jaemin by my side, looking as dashing as he did, I knew we'd turn heads the moment we walked into prom. But for now, I was content to let him take in the sight of me, knowing that this was just the beginning of a night filled with surprises.
Jaemin had his dad's car, a sleek black sedan that glistened under the streetlights. As he opened the passenger door for me, I couldn't help but notice how the suit accentuated his tall frame. He flashed me a grin, a hint of mischief in his eyes, and I slid into the seat with a soft rustle of my dress. The night was cool, a light breeze drifting through the open windows as we drove toward the prom venue. The city lights blurred past, a cascade of colors and movement.
The prom was being held at the city's grand hotel, a venue known for its extravagant events. As we pulled up, a line of other cars stretched down the block, all filled with couples in their prom best. The hotel was lit up, golden chandeliers visible through the large windows. A red carpet had been laid out, leading to the grand entrance, and photographers snapped pictures of each arriving couple.
Inside, the ballroom was stunning. High ceilings with intricate designs, walls adorned with draped fabric, and a massive chandelier that cast a warm glow over the entire space. The DJ booth was set up at one end, with speakers booming a mix of dance tracks and popular hits. People were already dancing, a vibrant crowd swirling in the middle of the floor. Tables lined the edges, covered with crisp white tablecloths and decorated with floral centerpieces.
Jaemin led me through the crowd, his hand resting lightly on my lower back. The energy was electric, a mix of excitement and nerves. We passed by a buffet table, where trays of appetizers and finger foods beckoned. Mini quiches, sliders, and a variety of desserts were on display. A chocolate fountain stood at the center, with skewers for dipping fruits and marshmallows. People mingled around, laughing and talking, their faces lit by the soft glow of the chandelier.
Jaemin guided me to the dance floor, and as we reached the center, the DJ slowed the music to a romantic ballad. The crowd thinned, leaving just a few couples swaying to the gentle rhythm. Jaemin turned to face me, his eyes locking onto mine. He extended his hand, and I took it, feeling the warmth of his touch. He pulled me closer, his other hand resting lightly on my waist.
We moved together, our steps slow and deliberate. The world seemed to slow down, the music becoming a soothing backdrop as we swayed. Jaemin's eyes never left mine, a soft smile playing on his lips. His movements were gentle but firm, guiding me effortlessly across the floor. The gentle sway of my dress and the smooth glide of his suit added to the dreamlike quality of the moment.
As we danced, Jaemin leaned in, his voice low and intimate, almost a whisper. "You know," he said, his eyes locking with mine, "I've never met anyone like you. You light up the room just by walking in." His words sent a shiver down my spine, the sincerity in his voice making my heart flutter.
I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through me. "That's because you're the one who's making me glow," I replied, my voice just as soft. The way he looked at me, the way his hand gently held mine, made me believe that tonight was something special, something that would last beyond this one dance.
He smiled, his dimple appearing as his eyes sparkled. "I hope this isn't our last dance," he said, his tone hopeful, almost playful. "I was kind of hoping you'd let me stick around a bit longer."
I nodded, the slow music and the closeness between us creating a perfect moment. "I'd like that," I said, our eyes meeting in a shared understanding. As the song played on, we continued to sway, the world around us fading away, leaving just the two of us, lost in the rhythm of the dance and the promise of something more.
The dance floor was crowded, and the noise seemed to grow louder with each passing song. I looked around and caught Jaemin's eye, giving him a sly smile. Without saying a word, I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the crowd, weaving through the throngs of people. He followed, his grip firm but gentle, the warmth of his touch sending shivers down my spine.
I led him through a small door at the side of the ballroom, down a dimly lit corridor, and out into a hidden garden. The contrast between the noise inside and the serene silence outside was striking. The garden was magnificent, reminiscent of the one in the "Cinderella" movie, with a magical quality that made everything feel enchanted.
Tall hedges bordered the garden, providing a sense of seclusion and intimacy. The pathways were lined with soft, glowing lanterns that cast a warm, inviting light. Flowers of every color and variety filled the space, their petals illuminated in the gentle glow. A central fountain stood at the heart of the garden, its waters cascading gently, adding to the tranquil ambiance.
Jaemin looked around, his eyes wide with wonder. "Wow," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "This place is incredible."
I nodded, leading him to a stone bench near the fountain. The garden was ours alone, a hidden oasis in the midst of the bustling prom. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming roses and the distant sound of music from the ballroom. It felt like we had stepped into another world, a place where time moved slowly and the rest of the world didn't matter.
We sat down on the bench, our shoulders brushing lightly. The tension between us was palpable, a mix of excitement and nervousness. I could feel the heat of his body next to mine, and the closeness made my heart race. Jaemin seemed to sense it too, his eyes darting from the fountain to me, as if he were searching for the right words.
"So, why did you bring me out here?" he asked, a playful smirk on his lips. "Tired of the crowd already?"
I laughed softly, my gaze fixed on the fountain's flowing water. "I just wanted some quiet," I replied, turning to meet his eyes. "And I wanted to talk to you, without all the noise and chaos."
Jaemin nodded, his expression softening. "I get that," he said. "It's nice to get away from it all, even if it's just for a little while." He paused, then looked at me with a hint of curiosity. "So, what do you want to talk about?"
I hesitated for a moment, feeling a mix of excitement and vulnerability. This was the first time I had him alone, away from the expectations and rumors that came with being the most popular girl in school. I wanted to know him, really know him, beyond the charming facade he presented to everyone else.
"I guess I just want to know more about you," I said, my voice softer now. "We don't really get to talk much at school. You're always so quiet, but I can tell there's more to you."
Jaemin smiled, his dimple appearing. "There's not much to tell," he said, his tone light. "I'm just a guy trying to figure things out, like everyone else."
I shook my head, leaning in a bit closer. "That's not true," I replied. "You're different. There's something about you that... I don't know. It just feels different."
Jaemin's eyes met mine, and I could see a spark of interest there. "Maybe you're different too," he said, his voice low and smooth. "Maybe that's why you notice it."
The garden seemed to grow quieter, the lanterns casting a soft glow around us. I could feel the tension building, the unspoken connection that was forming between us. It was like we were on the edge of something, something new and exciting. I didn't know where it would lead, but I was eager to find out.
His dark hair tousled just enough to look effortlessly charming. His eyes sparkled in the dim light, and every so often, his gaze would meet mine, sending a thrill through me. I knew I had him, knew he was caught in my web, but I wanted more. The evening had been perfect so far, but I craved that one moment, that spark that would make this night unforgettable.
I leaned in, my eyes locking with his. His lips parted slightly, as if he was expecting something, and I knew I had him exactly where I wanted him. My heart raced as I closed the distance, our breaths mingling in the cool night air. The first touch of our lips was gentle, almost hesitant, but there was an underlying current of desire that couldn't be ignored.
I pressed closer, deepening the kiss, feeling the warmth of his breath against my skin. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me in, and the world seemed to spin. The kiss grew more intense, each moment building on the last. What started as a soft brush of lips became something more urgent, more demanding.
His hands moved to my waist, drawing me closer, and I responded in kind, my fingers tracing the lines of his shoulders. The kiss was no longer gentle; it was fiery, filled with a hunger that could only be quenched by each other. I could feel his heart racing against my chest, matching the rapid pace of my own. The heat between us grew, and the garden seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us locked in this passionate embrace.
We eventually pulled back, our breaths heavy, our eyes locked. The garden was still there, the fairy lights still twinkling, but everything felt different now. The connection between us was undeniable, and I knew that this night would be one I would never forget. The moon continued to shine above us, casting its light on our tangled forms, a silent witness to the intensity of our kiss and the promise of what was yet to come.
As I pulled away, Na Jaemin's eyes were wide with surprise. The intensity of our kiss had left him breathless, his chest rising and falling with each rapid breath. His normally calm and composed demeanor had shattered, replaced by a look of stunned awe. The shock in his expression was a mix of confusion and intrigue, as if he couldn't quite believe what had just happened.
His lips were slightly parted, still tingling from the kiss, and his fingers hovered near his mouth as if to remind himself that it wasn't a dream. He took a step back, a hand reaching out to steady himself against the stone wall of the garden. The twinkling fairy lights around us seemed to reflect in his eyes, giving them a luminous quality that made him seem even more captivating.
"Did... did that really happen?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. It was as if he was trying to piece together what had just transpired, and I couldn't help but smile at his reaction. I knew I had taken him by surprise, and that was precisely what I had intended.
I nodded, the playful smile on my lips deepening. "Yes, it did," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of mischief. "Why? Did it surprise you?"
Jaemin shook his head, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. "Surprise is an understatement," he admitted, his cheeks flushing a shade of pink that made him look even more charming. "I wasn't expecting that... at all."
I took a step forward, closing the distance between us once more. The air between us was charged with an electric energy, and I could tell he was still reeling from the intensity of our kiss. His eyes searched mine, as if looking for answers to questions he couldn't quite put into words.
"Was it too much?" I asked, my voice soft but teasing. I wanted to see how far I could push him, to see if he would retreat or meet me halfway.
He hesitated, his gaze flickering from my eyes to my lips and back again. "No, it was just... unexpected," he said, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "But I'm not complaining." He tried to sound confident, but the slight tremor in his words gave him away.
I leaned in, my lips brushing against his ear as I whispered, "Good. Because there's a lot more where that came from." I could feel him shiver at my words, and I knew that the night was far from over. The garden was ours, and the possibilities were endless.
Na Jaemin blinked, as if he was trying to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions swirling around us. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves above, but it was no match for the storm of passion brewing between us. His eyes searched mine for answers, a question forming on his lips, but I wasn’t ready for words—not yet.
He opened his mouth to speak, but I leaned in, catching him off guard with another kiss. This time, I was bolder, more aggressive, my lips pressing against his with a hunger that left him breathless. The shock registered in his eyes, but it quickly melted away into something else—something raw and untamed.
The scent of him was intoxicating, a mix of cologne and the natural warmth of his skin. It drove me wild, and I pulled him closer, my hands tangling in his hair as I deepened the kiss. There was no hesitation now, no holding back. I was a maneater, and he was my prey, helpless against the surge of desire that coursed through me.
Jaemin stumbled backward, his back pressing against the stone wall, but I didn’t let him get away. I pressed into him, my body molding against his, our kiss growing fiercer with each passing second. His hands found their way to my waist, gripping tightly, as if he needed something solid to hold onto in the midst of the chaos.
He tried to speak again, but I didn’t let him. My kiss silenced him, my tongue tracing the curve of his lips before exploring deeper. The taste of him was addictive, and I couldn’t get enough. It was as if every touch, every kiss, only fueled the fire inside me, making me crave him even more.
The garden around us seemed to fade away, the twinkling fairy lights and the soothing sound of the fountain disappearing into the background. All that mattered was the heat between us, the way his body responded to mine, the way his breathing grew more ragged with each stolen kiss.
I pulled back for a moment, my breath hot against his cheek. “No questions,” I whispered, my voice low and husky. “Just let me have you.” The words sent a shiver down his spine, and I could see the way his eyes darkened with desire.
He nodded, unable to speak, and I took that as my cue to claim him once more. My kiss was rough, unrelenting, driven by the thirst that had been building all night. The way he tasted, the way his body yielded to mine—it was everything I wanted, everything I needed.
Jaemin’s grip tightened, and he pulled me even closer, our bodies pressed together as if we could merge into one. It was a kiss that spoke of desire and need, a kiss that left no room for doubt or hesitation. It was just us, caught in a whirlwind of passion, and nothing else mattered.
(jaemin’s pov) :
As I stood there, trying to catch my breath, I couldn't help but notice something strange about her eyes. They weren't just intense—they seemed to glow, reflecting the faint light in a way that didn't seem quite natural. It was as if the darkness of the garden had come alive in her gaze, and it sent a chill down my spine.
She tilted her head, her lips curled into a predatory smile. It wasn't the playful grin I had come to know; it was something else, something darker. It reminded me of the look in Jennifer Check's eyes in that movie, "Jennifer's Body." It was as if she could see right through me, as if I was just another prey to be hunted.
The light from the fairy lights flickered across her face, casting shadows that made her features look sharp and angular. Her eyes, once warm and inviting, now seemed cold and piercing. The transformation was subtle yet striking. I wasn't just surprised—I was startled. This wasn't the same girl I had been laughing with earlier in the night; this was someone—or something—else entirely.
Her posture shifted, her movements fluid and predatory. It was as if she had shed her human guise, revealing something much more dangerous underneath. I tried to convince myself that it was just my imagination, that the shadows were playing tricks on me, but the way she watched me, unblinking and unyielding, made it hard to dismiss the feeling that something had changed.
I took a step back, my instincts screaming at me to put some distance between us. The garden, once a romantic setting filled with roses and soft lights, now felt like a trap, its beauty hiding something sinister. I had always joked about her being a maneater, but now it didn't seem so funny. The way she moved, the way she smiled, it was like she was a hunter closing in on her prey.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. I wasn't sure what else to say. I wanted to believe that she was still the girl I knew, but the look in her eyes made me doubt everything.
She didn't respond. Instead, she took a step forward, her eyes never leaving mine. The intensity in her gaze grew, and I felt my heart race with a mixture of fear and excitement. This was no longer just a prom night—this was something else entirely, something that I couldn't quite understand.
I swallowed hard, trying to calm my racing heart. "Maybe we should... take a break," I suggested, my voice shaky. But from the way she was looking at me, I knew she wasn't planning on stopping. She was hungry, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to find out just how much.
I forced myself to look into her eyes, hoping to find a hint of the warmth I had known earlier. But what I saw made me swallow hard. There was a hunger there, a dark intensity that I couldn't quite place. It was as if she had shed her humanity, revealing something more primal beneath the surface. The light from the fairy lights caught in her eyes, turning them into cold, gleaming orbs that seemed to pierce right through me.
My breath caught in my throat as she took another step forward, her gaze never leaving mine. I raised a hand, hoping to create some space, but it felt like a futile gesture. Her presence was overwhelming, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was standing on the edge of something dangerous.
"You didn't even look human," I said, my voice filled with confusion and a touch of fear. "Are you actually okay?"
She didn't answer right away, her lips curling into a slow, predatory smile. It was a smile that held no warmth, only a hint of something that sent a shiver down my spine. I took a step back, trying to put some distance between us, but she followed, her movements graceful yet predatory.
"Seriously, what's going on?" I asked, my voice wavering. "This isn't funny. Are you okay?"
She tilted her head, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she was studying me, assessing my reaction. The silence between us grew heavy, the garden no longer the romantic setting it once was. Instead, it felt like a place where the boundaries between the real and the unreal had blurred, and I was caught in the middle.
Her silence was unnerving, her gaze unrelenting. I felt the pulse in my neck quicken, my instincts screaming at me to get away, but I couldn't move. It was like I was rooted to the spot, unable to tear my eyes away from hers. Whatever was happening, it was beyond anything I could understand. The girl I knew was gone, replaced by someone—or something—that made me question everything.
When she lunged, it happened so fast that I had no time to react. One moment, we were standing face to face in the dim light of the garden; the next, I was on the ground, my back hitting the grass with a hard thud. The shock of the impact sent a jolt through my spine, but it was nothing compared to the sheer force of her strength. It was as if she had become superhuman, her grip like iron as she pinned me down.
"Relax," she said, her voice low and smooth. Her eyes bore into mine, unblinking and cold. "I'm just a little... hungry." Her lips curled into a smile that sent a shiver of fear down my spine, the kind that made every instinct scream for me to get up, to run. But I couldn't move. She held me there with an iron grip, her hands pressing into my shoulders, her knees on either side of me. I tried to push back, to roll out from under her, but it was useless. She was too strong, impossibly strong.
Panic rose in my chest as I struggled against her grip, but it was like trying to push against a stone wall. Her eyes remained fixed on me, and there was a hunger in them that went beyond mere desire—it was primal, feral, something that I had never seen before. The beautiful garden around us seemed to disappear, the fairy lights and the gentle breeze fading into the background as all I could focus on was her and the darkness that had taken over her gaze.
"What's happening?" I managed to gasp, my voice shaky with fear. My heart raced, thumping against my chest, but she just smiled down at me, her grip tightening as I struggled to break free.
"Shhh," she whispered, leaning in closer. Her breath was hot against my ear, sending a chill through me. "Don't fight it. It won't hurt... much."
The words sent a wave of terror through me. I had come to this prom with a girl I thought I knew, but this... this was something else entirely. I tried to twist away, to get to my feet, but she was too strong. It was like she had an unnatural power, a strength that defied all logic. I was trapped, held down by someone who didn't seem human anymore.
I looked into her eyes, searching for any sign of the girl I had danced with earlier, the girl who had made me laugh and had kissed me with such passion. But she was gone. All that was left was this creature, this demon who seemed driven by a hunger she couldn't control.
"Please," I whispered, my voice trembling. "Let me go."
She didn't answer. Instead, she leaned in, her lips hovering over mine. The hunger in her gaze was terrifying, but there was also something else—a flicker of sadness, a hint that maybe, just maybe, there was still some part of her that cared. But it was buried deep, overshadowed by the darkness that had taken hold.
I knew I was in over my head. The prom, the garden, all of it seemed like a distant memory. All that mattered now was finding a way out, a way to escape this nightmare. But as I looked into her eyes, I knew it wasn't going to be easy. The hunger in her was too strong, and I wasn't sure if she could—or would—resist it.
(narrator’s pov) :
I released him suddenly, my grip loosening as if something within me snapped. The change was abrupt, like a switch had been flipped, and I pushed myself off him and ran, vanishing into the shadows of the woods. The darkness swallowed me whole, my figure a blur against the trees as I disappeared into the night. The garden fell silent, the only sound the rustling of leaves and the distant murmurs of the prom music.
Jaemin lay on the ground, dazed and confused, his heart racing from the sudden release. The pain from the kiss lingered, a sharp reminder of how intense and forceful it had been. His lips were bruised, his skin still warm from my touch, and he rubbed his shoulders, feeling the marks where my hands had gripped him. It was as if a whirlwind had torn through his world, leaving chaos in its wake.
As he sat up, trying to make sense of what had just happened, he heard it—a sound from the woods. It was distant at first, a faint howl that echoed through the trees. He froze, listening, his instincts on high alert. The howl grew louder, a raw and anguished cry that sent a shiver down his spine. It sounded like an animal, but there was something unsettling about it, something almost human in its pain.
Jaemin felt a surge of fear. The garden, once a place of romance and beauty, now felt like the edge of a dark and foreboding wilderness. The howling continued, each wail sending a chill through the night air. It was as if the woods themselves had come alive with some unseen torment, the cries a warning of the dangers that lurked within.
He got to his feet, his knees shaky, and backed away slowly, his eyes darting between the garden and the woods. The fairy lights seemed dimmer, their soft glow unable to pierce the darkness that had settled around him. The howling grew louder, more urgent, as if something out there was calling for help—or seeking revenge.
Jaemin felt a wave of uncertainty. Should he follow? Should he try to find me in the darkness, to understand what had driven me into the woods so suddenly? Or should he run, get away from the nightmare that was unfolding? The howl echoed again, sharp and anguished, and he knew that whatever lay in the woods was not something to be taken lightly.
The garden seemed to hold its breath, the air tense and filled with foreboding. Jaemin took another step back, his heart racing, knowing that this prom night had turned into something far more sinister than he could have ever imagined.
The howling in the woods grew louder, its haunting echoes cutting through the night air. Jaemin's instincts screamed at him to run, to get as far away from the garden and the unsettling sounds as possible. But something held him back, a nagging sense of guilt mixed with a surge of curiosity. I had vanished into the woods so suddenly, and despite the fear, a part of him felt compelled to find me, to help if he could.
He took a few hesitant steps toward the edge of the garden, peering into the darkness. The trees loomed like silent sentinels, their branches casting long shadows that seemed to shift with every gust of wind. The howls had stopped, replaced by an eerie silence that was somehow even more unnerving.
Jaemin edged forward, his breath shallow, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching him, something lurking just beyond his line of sight. As he moved closer to the tree line, he saw a figure standing by one of the larger trees. It was me. I was standing there, facing him, the moonlight casting a ghostly glow on my tangled hair and my prom dress stained with blood.
His eyes widened in horror as he took in the sight. Blood smeared across my mouth and down the front of my dress, splattered in dark streaks against the fabric. My hair was a wild mess, strands tangled and matted, and my eyes—those once bright and inviting eyes—were now cold and empty, devoid of the warmth they once held.
I smiled at him, a slow, chilling smile that sent a shiver down his spine. There was something feral about my expression, something that spoke of a hunger that couldn't be sated. I tilted my head, watching him with an intensity that made him feel like a cornered prey.
"Jaemin," I said, my voice low and husky, carrying a hint of the same hunger that was written across my blood-stained lips. "You came back. I'm glad."
He tried to find words, to make sense of the scene before him, but nothing came out. His legs felt weak, his hands trembling as he fought the urge to turn and run. But he couldn't move, couldn't tear his eyes away from me.
"What... what happened?" he finally managed to ask, his voice shaky with fear. He knew the answer even before I spoke. The wolf howling in the woods, the blood on my mouth—it all pointed to one chilling conclusion.
I took a step forward, my gaze locked on him. "I was just a little hungry," I replied, my smile widening. "But now I'm full."
Jaemin felt a wave of nausea, his stomach turning at the thought of what I had done. The girl he had danced with, the girl who had kissed him so passionately, was gone, replaced by something monstrous. He knew he should run, that every instinct screamed for him to get away. But he couldn't move, couldn't look away from the horror that stood before him.
As quickly as I had appeared, I was gone. I darted into the shadows of the woods, vanishing like a wraith into the night, leaving Jaemin alone in the darkness. He stood there for a moment, his mind racing, trying to make sense of what had just happened. The blood-stained dress, the tangled hair, the feral look in my eyes—it was all too much to process. He stumbled his way out of the woods, his heart pounding, feeling like the world had turned upside down.
That night, back in his bedroom, he couldn't stop thinking about me. He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind replaying the night's events over and over. The kiss was still fresh in his memory, his lips still tender and swollen from its roughness. He sat up and looked in the mirror, seeing the redness and the slight bruising where my lips had pressed against his. He winced at the pain, but it wasn't just physical—it was emotional too. What had he seen in the woods? What was I becoming?
The next morning, Jaemin got ready for school in a daze. He couldn't bring himself to tell anyone what had happened. The trauma of the night before weighed heavily on him, and he knew he needed time to process it all. He kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with everyone as he walked through the crowded school hallway.
But then, he saw me.
Jaemin felt a cold chill as he watched me stroll down the hallway, my steps light and my demeanor carefree. The bright glow of my skin, the bounce in my hair, and the effortless way I moved—it was all so normal, so... human. Yet he couldn't forget the feral intensity in my eyes from the night before, the blood that stained my lips, my dress. How could I be so calm, so completely at ease after everything that had happened?
He approached me cautiously, his heart racing. It was as if he was stepping into a surreal dream, uncertain of what he might find. I noticed him coming and flashed that same dazzling smile, as if I hadn’t just devoured a wolf and left him alone in the woods to overthink it all night.
"You're fine?" he asked, his voice a mix of confusion and disbelief. It was a simple question, but loaded with all the uncertainty and fear that had plagued him since I vanished into the trees.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I replied, my tone light and carefree, as though I hadn't a single worry in the world. My smile was disarming, my eyes bright and lively, devoid of any trace of the darkness that had consumed me the previous night.
Jaemin hesitated, struggling to find the words. He opened his mouth to say something, to express his confusion, his fear, but nothing came out. The hallway was filled with other students, their laughter and chatter filling the air, and I seemed perfectly at home among them.
Before he could say anything else, I turned away, joining a group of friends who greeted me with enthusiasm. It was as if the entire incident had never happened, like it was all just a bad dream. But Jaemin knew better. He had seen the blood, felt the force of my grip, and witnessed the savage look in my eyes. There was something beneath the surface, something that I was hiding with my charming smiles and casual words.
As I walked away, Jaemin stood there, feeling more alone than ever. He was left with the unsettling realization that what he had seen the night before was real, and yet here I was, acting as if it was all perfectly normal. The unease lingered, a constant reminder that the nightmare might not be over. But for now, all he could do was watch and wait, unsure of what might happen next.
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valuunit · 1 year
Cornerstone. i
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Harry Styles x Reader
Inspired/based by the Arctic Monkeys’ song by the same name.
Content: Fluff to Angsty. Use of people to move on? Really shity environment. Use of Y/n. Use of she/her pronouns, sorry :(
Disclaimer: English is not my first lenguaje so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, i’ll try to correct it. Don’t mind the face claims, they are just for illustrative purposes xd. Also, some dates are mixed up, so the real life time line would be a little bit affected.
3rd person narrator.
Y/n and Harry were their lifetime sweethearts. That’s what everyone around them said.
They were inseparable, always sat next to each other in class when they had the opportunity. Always were their prom date. Always at each others house. Even convince their parents to make last minute changes to their summer vacations, just to be together.
Since they were kids, they had a sweet spot for one another. With the time, their innocent and adorable relationship had evolved into a less platonic one, still very adorable though.
As teenagers do, they started exploring new forms of seeing the world around them, including the relationships they have, re-evaluating everything about them. Including their close friendship, of course.
Harry started watching his friend into a more intense way, you could say. Starting with more superficial stuff like her physique. For example: her face wasn’t so round now, although he kind of misses her puffy red cheeks. Or her new style, with more experimental outfits that make her shine, as well as her body.
But what really made him fell head over heals for her was her new empowerment. When she was younger, she was shy and passive, always giving in for people choices over her. People perceived it as kindness and sweetness, but Harry knew her, knew how sometimes she wanted to speak out loud and protest, but always was afraid of what they will say. Over the course of years of ‘fake it 'till you make it’ and self improvement, she finally doesn’t care about the destructive opinions of other, having a lot of confidence in herself.
On the other hand Y/n also founded herself in a dilemma about Harry Edward Styles. How his sweet personality made her feel loved and wanted, important. How he was in her process of improving her self esteem and always was there to help, not only her, but others. And speaking of physical appearance, he also changed, his jaw was prominent now, he was getting more and more tall everyday.
“What’re you thinkin’ about?” his deep voice interrupted her string of thought.
“You know, the immortality of the crab” she put her head back on his shoulder, which shook a little bit as he let out a chuckle. They were watching to the nothing from her bedroom’s window.
“I wanna to tell you something.” Harry’s voice sounded unsure for a second. Y/n raised her head again, watching his eyes, before she could said anything he continued “Please, please promise me that you’re not going to get upset”
“What did you do Styles?” she joked, but he didn’t laughed at that. “ ‘S everything okay?” she asked in a more serious tone.
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s alright. It’s just… I-I” he let a pause to reorder his sentence. “We’ve been friend for a long time-”
“Y/n/n! Omg look!” Y/n’s sister entered with no warning. She erupted from the door and practically jumped to the bed, getting between Harry and Y/n.
Her older and only sister was holding her phone with the biggest smile you could see in someone, ear to ear.
“Why’d you look like the Joker?” Y/n laughed, Harry also let out a quiet laugh.
“Shush, look! Oh, hey Harry” the other one greet friendly. Harry only shook his head.
“Am. What am I suppose to look?”asked the younger in the room asked.
“Remember Walter, the guy you gave me advise for?”
“Oh, okay, this is Walt.”
“Yeah, he asked me out!”
“Yep, I see.”
“And all because of you! Than you, thank you!”
“No problem, always here to help, baby girl.” Y/n brushed her fist with her chin giving and wink. Harry wanted to laugh out loud so hard since moment one, but this killed him.
“I should start planning what to wear”
“Definitely!” everyone and everything in that room could see the sarcasm in Y/n’s voice, expect for her sister, apparently. Y/n wasn’t trying to be rude, well, a little, but she was annoyed of always hearing her sister only talking about boys. She could talk about girls also, Y/n thought.
Like her sister entered that’s how she went out of it.
“What were you trying to tell me again? Sorry about her” she directed her eye towards his.
“Uhm, nothing, it was nothing.”
“I don’t think so… tell me.” she began to insist. She was curious.
“No” he said calmly.
“Tell me.” again, this time she got up from the bed.
“No…” he said unsure of her next move.
“Tell… me…” she was getting close to him again, with a pillow, which he didn’t realized when or where did she grab it.
“No…” he let out a nervous chuckle. Getting further into the bed.
“You’re gonna get that attitude with me, huh, Styles?”
“What are you taking’ about” he said laughing.
“Come here.” she also got into the bed, being on top of him. She forgot about the pillow, beginning to tickle Harry. Both giggling, every now and then screaming. Very open to interpretation, to be fair.
“Stop it. Sto-op” he begged laughing, obviously.
“No, ‘till you tell me what were you were about to tell me.” her breathing was heavy, for the laugh and for the activity.
“Agh, all-right” laugh “just let me g-o”
“Okay” she raises from her core, didn’t realizing she still was straddling him.
He let a deep sigh laying in the bed, putting his hands over his forehead looking at the ceiling. That catches Y/n’s full attention. “I’ve been thinking ‘bout a lot of things-“
“What in the hell‘s going on here?”
“For fuck sake!”
“Both of you, get out of that bed.”
It was their mothers. Anne and your mum. They were at the fully open door, with dropped jaws. Now they realized the compromising position in which they were found.
“I-It’s not what it lo-looks like” A very flustered Harry stuttered quickly. Y/n rolled her eyes at the sentence.
“What it was supposed to look like?” you muttered.
“Pardon me?” your mum asked. “You, young lady, don’t realize what you were doing? Here, all alone, with a guy, that you-” she stopped herself before speaking more than she should, Y/n also saw what was about to come if she didn’t stop. “A guy. In your bed?”
“Mum, you know Harry. He’s not just ‘a guy’ you know him and you know me, we wouldn’t to anything.”
Anne and Harry remanded in silence. But the looks that the woman was giving her son were scary enough.
“We just want you to be more respectful. Alright?” Your mum breathed.
“Yeah, okay, we know it.” Y/n said.
“Harry, i think’s time to go home, come on.” Anne said going to the other side of the bed, where the younger ones were.
“I, can you give us a minute? please?” Y/n asked.
Both women looked at each other before shaking their head in signal of a yes. They left, but they didn’t fully close the door.
Now the young ones were laughing and laughing and they couldn’t stop.
“I’m so so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, in any case i should be thankful.”
“You know, you ‘defended’ me with your mum”
“My mum loves you, what are you taking’ about? She probably loves you more than me. It was just the hotness of the situation, i don’t know.”
“Right. Uhm.” he scratched the back of his neck “i think I have to go, see you later.” he was leaning to give his goodbye cheek kiss when Y/n pulled away shaking her head in disapproval. That made Harry froze.
“Tell me, please, I don’t care if it’s a silly thing, it won’t let me sleep at night” she laughed once again.
“Exactly it’s somethin’ silly, it doesn’t matter.” he shrugged it off.
“Tell. Me. I give you 8 seconds ir i will not talk to you tomorrow at school.”
“You know how to play, Y/n…” she started counting with her fingers. “Okay, don’t hate me, but…” another second passed by “I-I th-think i’m… in love with you” he started slowly, and the it was light speed, Eminem speed. “No. No.” at this point Y/n wasn’t counting anymore. “That doesn’t sound correct. I- I am in love with you.”
“What?” she muttered.
“I am in love with you… Y/n.” he said watching to the floor.
“Wow- I…” she was in shock, but she could put herself together to say “I am in love with you too, Harry, since like i don’t know so much time…” she was muttering at the beginning and got a bust of confidence in the middle of the sentence.
The stare at each other for a couple of seconds.
“Then what are we waiting?” Y/n whispered, watching how Harry was leaning towards her.
“Right. Uhm, can I-can I kiss you?” Y/n smiles for a little second for the nervousness of the boy in front of her, she nodded and stand in the tips of her feet, with one hand wrapping sweetly Harry’s cheek and the other was in the nape of his neck.
He has a shit eating grin with the touch, he mimicked the move of the girl, cupping her face with one hand while on the other hand, literally, he let it levitate to her back.
With a clumsy beginning they started a sweet kiss, they understood each other pretty quickly. They wished they could stay like that for a little while, but the knock on the door let them know it could be in another occasion.
“I’m coming mum…!”
“Go, i’ll see you later.” Y/n encouraged Harry to go giving him a peek, being new to that sensation.
“Yeah. Bye. See. You. At. School.” with every pause he let a kiss on Y/n’s face.
That summer was unforgettable for the both of them. They experienced so many new and exiting things together and apart that made them feel like the wanted to eat the world in one bite. They just had sixteen, but the felt so much older.
Then Harry got signed up for the X Factor by his mum. Y/n was so excited to see him perform his undeniable talent.
And after some months of uncertainty, One Direction was founded. It still was a shock for everyone. Now they were talking about recording an album and selling it and doing a tour, that with luck will be all around the world. That was obviously exiting, right.
To Y/n that was a daydream, even though she has almost nothing to do with the situation. She was exited for Harry.
Harry was as exited as Y/n, but also, thinking a lot about it, he would have to be apart, like completely apart for the people he loved the most for a very long time. He didn’t know any better than his girlfriend, friends and family, so he had to learn.
Harry’s POV
I was stuck in my hotel room doing nothing. I was bored, and I could just easily sneak up into some of the boys’ rooms, but I just wanted some comfort. The type of company that is warming, and home-like.
“Hey, mate.” said Louis entering through the door. He never called me that, we are not 30.
“Hi.” I returned my gaze to the ceiling.
“‘S everything ‘lright? his accent sometimes could become very thick.
“Yeah, all good.”
“Are you sure?” that was not Louis’ voice anymore, it was more high pitched and sweet. I quickly get up knowing that voice perfectly.
“Y/n/n” I run towards her, picking her up while hugging her. God I missed this. I could hear an ‘Ouh’ from her, I almost make us fell over Louis, who was just behind her.
“Sorry Lou” Y/n apologized leaving the embrace for a slight second.
“Ah, ‘s okay, just don’t start fucking in front of me, lovebirds.” he said. “Now, I’ll let you guys catch up. Uh, and Harry, they wan’ us in the back lobby in an hour, don’t be late.”
“Yeah, thanks Louis. See you” We shared a side embrace, since Y/n was in cuddled up in my left arm. She sent a kiss towards him, he catches it and threw it to the trash can, Y/n/n gives him the middle finger.
“Hi.” I said.
“Hello, Mr. Bandana boy.” she smiled passing her hand through my hair, that I was letting grow.
“D’you like it?”
“I love it.”
“Thanks, m’girlfriend asked me to let it grow.” I said sitting down on the edge of the bed, I pulled her between my legs hugging her hips.
“She has such a good taste...” Her hand left soft touches all over my hair.
“I know, she’s a genius”
“I agree with you.”
She was fixated with my hair, I just stared at her while she is distracted.
“Hey” I whisper. She hums in response. “hey…” I drag my try to make her look at me. “Can you give me a kiss?”
“Sure” she says before smiling widely and leaning down to meet my lips. I felt like it was forever since the last time i felt like this, when it was probably less than a month ago. I feel my face warm up, my stomach tightened, i felt like the butterfly on my chest was about to fly out. “I’ve missed you.” Our forehead were together, our eyes looked funny being like this.
“I’ve missed you too.” I laughed.
“I know.”
“Nice” she giggled.
“How have you’ve been?” she sat down next to me.
“I’m ‘kay.”
“Are you sure?” she repeated her first sentence in this room.
“Yeah, and now that you are here with me i’m perfect.”
“You’re so silly sometimes.”
“And you love it.”
“Yeah, I have a thing for goofballs”
“Well, thanks. How have you’ve been? I feel like we haven’t talked in forever.” And it was true, with my weird and tight schedule and her university and projects we barely talked outside our daily good morning and good night messages.
“Yeah… but you have me this week, and the next one.” she said kissing my cheeks.
“Oh, I’m so so so lucky” I said exaggerating.
“Okay, then bye” before she could stand up, I hugged her waist pulling her towards me.
“No. You’re trapped now.” I laughed to her mute scream as I pushed her to the big mattress.
“I’m gonna fall off the bed” she exclaimed.
“I got ya, love.”
We stare at each other for a while. But it was enough of the corny stuff.
“Now, let’s make up the time apart.” I shoot an exaggerated wink.
“You have less than 20 minutes, hun” she said sassy.
“I jus’ need 3, don’t worry ‘bout it.” she laughed so hard I laughed at my own joke too, or it was more for her laugh.
Y/n’s POV
“Please, answer…” It was the 7th call in the last hour or so. But nothing. Directly to voice mail.
Then I heard the door of the apartments open. I got into my robe and walked to the loud noise.
First it was the sound of the keys hitting the glass table, then the fight with the shoes to take them of, and the a curse.
“Agh, stupid shit” he said. I was so mad, but seeing him safe was a relief.
“Good morning Harry.” I said. Clearly upset.
“Hello, Y/n.” He said in the same tone before letting out a dumb chuckle, he was drunk.
“Oh, please welcome! D’you need something? A coffee, or an aspirin, maybe?”
“Nah, ‘m alright, thank you.” now he was staggering towards the couch. If I heard that condescending tone one more time…
“Oh, good, good to know you are okay. Thank you very much.”
“Yeh, now, can you let me sleep, please?” Oh god.
I wanted to yell on the spot, but now i was just gonna have no response, so i take a deep breath and went to bed again.
The next morning was like any other one in the past few months, i woke up in an empty bed. I was tired even thought i just woke up. I knew what was coming up, and i didn’t want to step out of the bed.
I was in the bathroom washing my face. Today was the day. I was going to give him the ultimatum.
It’s been months since Live on Tour ended, i supposed that Harry would be enjoying his time home, with his family, friends and, well, me. But it looks like he’s still in the chip of partying and wild rockstar life. At the beginning i was kind of okay with that but when he kept living as if he was single, not in a way of cheating, as far as i know, but neglecting that he has someone that is waiting for him at home, that’s what upsets me.
I’ve been staying up whole nights worried about Harry. He’s not a ‘normal’ guy, he is a world wide known celebrity and most importantly, my fiancé.
I went up to the kitchen counter for a cup of coffee that i definitely needed. I saw a the back of a messy hair sticking out of the couch. He was looking to the nothing, with a cup of coffee, a glass of water and some aspirins on the coffee table.
“Morning’ ” i said calmly. He turned his head in my direction.
“Hello, love.” he said under his breath, i saw a hint of shame in his attitude, i was hoping he understood the meaning behind our fight.
“Are you feeling good?” i asked. He went up from the couch and walk to the counter, right next to me.
“I don’t know how you do it.” he put me into an embrace from my waist. His head was in my neck.
“What’re you taking about?” i giggled lightly, i couldn’t be upset at the moment.
“You know…” he let moment of silence, thinking. “being… patient with me…” he started kissing and biting “and so good, so beautiful… so sexy...” what.
I immediately took off pushing him from his shoulders. I looked at him directly in the eyes, frowning “What?”
“What? What?” he joked. I shook my head saying no and returned my body to face the counter.
“You don’t know why I am upset, do you?” i began to play with the only ring in my finger.
“Are you upset?”
“Yes, Harry, I am upset. Thank you for noticing.”
“Did somethin’ happened at work?” Was he fucking serious?
“No, wait. Is it because I was out yesterday? Nothin’ happened, it was a band thing.”
“I don’t care about that, Harry. I wouldn’t mind if you drank all the bar or kissed every person out there, ‘cause i’m fucking done.”
“What are you saying’?” his tone had a bit of panic and another bit of anger.
“This Harry. Whatever this turned into.” i couldn’t look at him. “It’s been like, what? Three months, tell me, have we have eat together once, have we even talked more than ten minutes? I don’t know nothing ‘bout your tour, you don’t know nothing about this past months, and you don’t seem interested at all.”
“I’m no interested? What about you! Always stayin’ at home, never wanting to go out.”
“You have never invited me out since you return. Not in a date. Not in one of you funny little night bar adventures, saying that where ‘band things’. Even Sarah invited me over sometimes.”
“Then why didn’t you go?”
“Because if you, my partner, didn’t tell me about it was obvious that you didn’t want me there”
“Of course i wanted you there!”
“Congratulations, i don’t care!” i took a deep breath “I don’t want to fight or yell… I-I don’t think that this is working.” I removed the ring from under the counter.
“Please, tell me it’s not what i’m thinking, you are not giving everything of this up just for some nights out, are you?”
“It’s, not just ‘some nights out’ it’s you neglecting me. I just think if this is gonna be the same every time you tour and i don’t think i could handle it.”
“Then we’ll work on it” he grabbed my hand, the one without a ring on. I’m sure he did noticed, but decided not to comment on it.
“No, you haven’t seen how dysfunctional everything has been since i finished my major?” He shook his head “No you didn’t, you were focused on your album, and i understand, but right now nothing’s stopping you from being here.”
“I’ll do it. I’ll be here”
“Harry… I promised to myself that this would be an ultimatum, i do want to keep being a part of this relationship, i want to do a family with you. But i’m not gonna put my needs and mental peace under the carpet. It’s not worth it, nothing is.” I put the ring on the marble surface. I could hear Harry’s breath began to be faster.
“I understand that, and i promise you that i’m going to fight for this to keep going. Please give me the chance,”
“I’m gonna give it to you.” i simply replied.
“Why are you trying to give me your ring?” he said with shaky voice.
“H… I thought that you would see it. It’s obvious that we are not ready for a compromise as big as it’s being engaged.”
“We’ve been together for eight years, Y/n!”
“Okay, let’s calm down.” I don’t want yelling.
“You don’t want to get married, ‘s that it?”
“No. It seems so convenient to me that when you’re about to go back to London for that… work opportunity… you magically try to return me this.”
“Harry, that was, like, half a year ago.” I couldn’t believe how quickly he was fucking this up. He looked at me, he was thinking the same. He tried to excuse his comment. “No, i’ve heard enough.” I began to walk trough the house, with him following me immediately. I blasted into the bedroom.
“Wait. Y/n.”
I didn’t responded. I entered into the closet, making sure that i closed it with lock, grabbed a suitcase and began to pack.
“Don’t call me that.” I whispered while changing into the first thing that i picked out, a black loose pair of pants and a tank top, not the greatest, not the worst, but i couldn’t care less about that.
Before going out of the closet i picked up my phone, fortunately i had it in my robe’s pocket, as always. I called Nick.
“Y/n/n, please, i’m so sorry. This is exactly what i want to work on.”
“I was about to give you the opportunity, you were the one messin’ it up” I said through the door. Then i opened it, he was sitting in the bed, his elbows in his knees as he passes his hand through his hair, in frustration.
I walked pass him to go to my nightstand, grabbing my journal, my passport and a key.
“W-what’s that?”
“Your new car. Congrats for your album.” I said as dry as i could sound, my childish self wanted that, the hurt in him, like the one he made me feel. I threw the keys to the bed, getting out of there, also hoping that they were enough distraction for him not to reach me out.
I took the elevator until i reached the first floor, on my way down i couldn’t help but started crying, i was about to explote if i didn’t. Then, to get to the ground floor, i used the emergency stairs, exiting the building from the back door.
Just two seconds later there it was Nick, in the black van and his usual suit. “Is everting good, Ms, Y/n?
“Uhm, y…es, thanks.” i said giving him my suitcase.
Then I went to the airport and bought the fist ticket to the UK and fuckin’ go.
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Kaia @kaikei • 3h
This is clearly a very intimate moment. Leave her alone.
arg 👾 @argusbmd • 2h
and they were getting married????? 😭😭😭😭
sn @oldpanic •3h
i hope they are okay :(
rebb @revelrebecca • 1h
HOLY SHIT I i hust saw her gettting into a plane to th UK
Hssss 🐍 @snakeszs • 2h
Why can’t you just put her name without the [name of the partner]? she is a human on her own.
Part ii
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yawnzzznnn · 8 months
hi ! I’ve been wanting to request a sumin x reader one shot for a while but I haven’t got the inspiration , while I checked your song prompt list I saw Jk’s ICONIC song. Still with you. So here’s more context cuz my mind went CRAZy abt this. sumin and reader met in college , they both were in the same arts class , with their commun friend , Jinsik. Reader is an outgoing person , they (you can use any pronouns I don’t have preference ) are the type of person who isn’t scared to talk to new persons or to make new friends. And actually reader is quite popular for their bubbly personality too. So reader and Sumin met at their usual art class. Everything’s went well during the year and they grew closer and closer. Until prom. The party ended , and it was raining , everyone went back home , but sumin and reader. Sumin told reader about his and jinsik’s idols career and reader told about their career too , like reader is either a trainee under a big compagne like hybe or jype, up to you! And sumin’s thought are the lyrics ykkk
Time flew by and they don’t talk as much as they used to , if I may say they don’t talk at all lately. But they both are stuck in each other’s mind , so one rainy days , after a long time no see each others , they met. They both were walking alone in the rain , reader with an umbrella and sumin just walking , soaking wet from the rain. But when he met reader’s eyes all his thought vanished and he wasn’t thinking about anything but reader and his feeling for them
This kind of vibe yk! Like old lover type of stuff
you don’t have to follow what I wrote at all it’s just for u to see what I meant by that and the kind of vibe I want
anyways have a good day! Love !
♡︎보고 싶었어요 - Sumin♡︎
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♡︎Title: I Miss You
♡︎Special Thanks Too: strawbe3rryyayy, Sumin, Xikers
♡︎Note: sorry this took so long I've been writing short formed story's since that's all I have time for so sorry if this seems rushed or anything of the sort, also remember I have a 25 days till Christmas prompt going on rn your free to request whatever prompt and whoever you want (EMF pump is a small box that puts off lots of energy used for ghost hunting)
♡︎TW: slight angst : cursing : gender not specified but I probably called reader a girl :
♡︎Prompt: Still With You - Jungkook
♡︎Words: 1011
♡︎Taglist: @eumppappasgrippers @mxlly143
You never took your popularity for granted, never joining the group of girls who think they're hot shit, taking everything with a grain of salt. You had a decent amount of friends. Always jumping to help others, always conversing in the halls during free time, a people-person, is what people would describe you as. A normal day in art, you and your good friend Jinsik were sitting and talking, “oh right, my friend Sumin is supposed to transfer today, he’s a lot like you, i think you'll like him” Jinsik said, sketching an eye on his paper. “Like me? You mimicked, looking up from your own paper, in response Jinsik nodded, “yeah, he's super friendly you’ll balance each other” Jinsik said, lifting his head to look at you.
“What makes you think I'm willing to get along with him?” you teased, Jinsik dead panned at you, a few small giggles left your mouth “ok sorry your friend sounds lovely” you giggled. Jinsik rolled his eyes, focusing back on the drawing in front of him, a few minutes later a group of kids called your name drawing your attention to them. Getting up you quickly walked to their table, sitting in the empty seat, giggles and laughter echoed from the table as you helped them with their work. “All I'm saying is if you want an A use black paper with a white pencil, the teacher eats it up” you giggled, the students laughing and listening. Almost 20 minutes later you made your way back to your desk, stopping to see a male with green hair in your seat. Putting on a huge smile as you made your way in front of your desk, the guy looked confused “told you someone sits there” Jinsik giggled.
“Dont worry about it, you can have my seat” you said quickly stopping him from standing “what's your name?” you asked, pulling a chair up sitting in front of him. “Sumin” the boy now known as Sumin giggled “what's yours?” Sumin asked tilting his head slightly to the side, “yn, nice to meet you Sumin” you giggled holding out your hand waiting for a hand shake, Sumin reached up shaking your hand energy raiding off him like an EMF pump. “Sorry for taking your seat” Sumin rubbed the back of his neck slightly embarrassed, “don't be it's fine you just wanted to sit next to your friend i understand” you giggled, Sumins eyes slightly lit up “your even kinder than Jinsik said!” Sumin giggled. 30 Minutes of you and Sumin talking and Jinsik being the third wheel later, the three of you made your way to the cafeteria, you and Sumin slightly ahead of Jinsik talking.
“damn , kinda feel like a third wheel..” Jinsik mumbled, you and Sumin bursted out laughing, the three of you sat at a table in the middle of everything, “do you normally sit here” Sumin asked, before you got a chance to answer Jinsik answered for you, “people like to come up and sit with us” Jinsik said getting comfortable in his seat, “they really need to put better seats in here” you mumbled shifting uncomfortably in your seat, Sumin and Jinsik hummed in agreement, you and Sumin started talking again, kids came and left, this routine went on for a year till the end of school.
“Yn i think you should go, it's the end of school for our whole lives.” Jinsik said laying on your bed, “yeah he’s right, it’ll be fun you won't even have to stay the whole night” Sumin said, “are you two working together now?” you giggled, after hours of convincing from both of your friends you agreed, “What y’all think about this one?” you said holding up an outfit, Jinsik scrunched his nose “too revealing” He said, Sumin sighed “you'll look great in it” Sumin said standing up holding the outfit out to see it properly, “your so weird” Jinsik said rolling on his stomach, Sumin slightly rolled his eyes, causing you too giggle. “Finally!” Jinsik said dramatically, standing up. “Woah…you look…” Sumin said trying to find the right words “ugly? Throw up? Death? Absurd? Disgusting?” you asked jokingly,“nono amazing!” Sumin said a faint blush forming on his face, Jinsik took notice of the faint blush, chuckling making his way out your bedroom door.
The party went just like you thought, slightly overwhelmed by the amount of noise, making your way outside breathing in the fresh air, you heard the door shut, “partied out?” Sumin jokes “overwhelmed too much noise” you giggled, Sumin nodded in response “we’ll still be friends after college right?” Sumin asked doubt falling on his face, “I hope so, we never know what the future has for us, so I can't confirm nor deny” you sighed, turning to face Sumin, you noticed people start leaving “id head home before the rain starts” a girl said passing by. You and Sumin walked home together. 
Jinsik sent a text saying he had already arrived home. “It's just…yn look….me and Jinsik are in a boy group called Xikers…once collage ends tomorrow, we won't have as much freedom as we do now..” Sumin said, looking down at the ground, “Sumin..” you mumbled grabbing his attention “im a trainee..i understand” you said grabbing his hand reassuringly “a trainee?” Sumin questioned “yeah under hybe, so i wont have free time either but we can try thats all that matters” you said softly, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand. 
That conversation was the last you'd have with Sumin, Jinsik old text left with a thumbs up from your end. That was until you and Sumin crossed paths 4 years later at Kcon “Although I'm standing still under the frozen sunset, I want to walk towards you one step at a time, Still with you, Dark room, no lights, I shouldn't get used to it, but I'm used to it again” Sumin thought to himself before making him way up to you, rebuilding the forgotten friendship, this time growing to something much more.
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Prom Night |One-Shot|
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Summary: With senior prom around the corner, you persuade Eddie to go with you, Jeff and Grant. But what happens he decides to take Chrissy?
Author’s Note: Inspired by an episode of Derry Girls. I also added the California gang as well.
Warning: swearing, smoking, alcohol and weed consumption, references to Carrie.
“Come on, Eddie,” Jeff begged the Dungeon Master. “You’re finally graduating. You’ve gotta come.”
“Why would I wanna dress up for some shitty formal dance?” Eddie retorted, as he leaned back on his chair.
“It won’t be the same without you, dude,” Grant replied.
“Besides, we don’t have dates, so we might as well go together,” you said as you put your arms around Jeff and Grant’s shoulders.
“But weren’t you asked by a couple of guys?” Lucas asked you before he sipped his drink.
“Yeah, but I turned them down. There was that Andy from the basketball team. I figured he was going to prank me, so I told him where to get off.”
“Wise choice,” Dustin said, giving you an approved look, as you took a bite of your crisp, before telling them, “Then there was Fred from The Weekly Streak. He was genuine but he seemed intimidated by me when he asked me.”
“Probably scared that you would hit him for asking you,” Mike joked.
You threw a bit of crisp at him, causing him to flinch.
You then turned to Eddie, asking him, “So, what do you say?”
Eddie shook his head, as he said, “I appreciate the thought, sweetheart. But I’m still not going.”
You and the two older boys groaned, before Jeff told him, “Look man, just because you can’t go with Chrissy Cunningham, it doesn’t mean that you have to miss out.”
Eddie massaged his forehead as Gareth said, “Besides, it’s not like she’s gonna waltz in and ask you to go with her.”
You sighed as you got up and placed your hands on his shoulders before assuring him, “Look, just because she’s going with Jason, it doesn’t mean she’s going to be joined at the hip with him all night. You can still have a chance to dance with her.”
“True,” Eddie replied, as he tilted his head.
“Plus, you two are friends, so it’s not like you’re a random creep to her.”
Eddie thought for a moment, before deciding, “Fine, I’ll go.”
The boys cheered, as you back hugged him.
Like you said to him, he can still have a dance with Chrissy.
Later on, before the Hellfire meeting, Eddie was going back inside after smoking his cigarette when he saw a teary-eyed Chrissy coming out of the girls’ toilets. He slowly went up to her, as he began to speak, “Chrissy?”
A sniffling Chrissy looked up and greeted him while putting on a fake smile, “Oh, hey Eddie.”
He put his hands in his pockets, as he asked, “You okay?”
Suddenly, Chrissy shook her head, as she burst into tears, covering her face.
“Hey, hey. What’s wrong?” Eddie softly asked as he put his hands on her shoulders.
Chrissy wrapped her arms around his waist, as she sobbed, “Jason dumped me for Marianne. And now he’s taking her to prom.”
“Oh I’m sorry, Chrissy,” Eddie cooed. “It’s his loss.”
Yeah, his loss, he thought, as he smirked. But it could be my gain.
As he gently pulled away from her, Eddie asked, “Listen, why don’t you go to prom with me?”
“With you?” Chrissy replied, as she wiped her tears.
“Well, I’m going with some of the Hellfire members anyway, so maybe we could all go together.”
“That’s sweet of you Eddie, but I don’t want to impose.”
“You won’t be. They’ll be cool with it.”
Later on, after the Hellfire meeting, Eddie told everyone about him taking Chrissy to prom. “What?!” The boys shouted.
“I’m taking Chrissy to prom, well...I told her that she can join us.”
The room was silent for a moment, before Gareth cackled, “You’ve gotta be bullshitting us.”
“It can’t be true,” Jeff said.
“Well,” Eddie began to speak, as he took out a piece of paper. “Do you call this bullshit?”
He handed the paper to you, revealing a leaflet for a new clothes store.
“That is where Chrissy suggested for me to go to get a suit,” Eddie explained. “If you guys don’t believe me, come with me to Starcourt tomorrow. We’re meeting outside of Scoops Ahoy.”
The older boys cautiously looked at each other, when you said, “I’ll go. I need to get a dress anyway.”
Eddie smiled at you, before turning to the guys and asked, “Gentlemen?”
The next day, the rest of Hellfire were waiting for Chrissy while you went to Scoops Ahoy with Erica, Will, Max and El, to get some ice cream. Eddie frantically looked at his watch, as Grant told him, “It’s a prank. I can feel it.”
“She’ll be here,” Eddie retorted.
A moment later, you and the kids came back with some ice cream cones. “Sorry it took so long,” you began to apologise, as you and Will gave everyone else their ice creams. You pointed at Erica as you continued to explain, “Erica kept asking for free samples.”
“Just checking the quality,” Erica retorted.
“Sure you were,” Lucas replied sarcastically as he, Mike and Dustin got up from their seats.
“Well, we’re gonna go see Short Circuit,” Dustin told you and the older boys.
“Have fun. See you later,” you replied, as the younger teenagers left.
You and Erica sat down between Eddie and Gareth, as Eddie was tapping his foot.
“Seriously dude! Stop!” Gareth yelled. “You’re making me nervous, and I’m not even going.”
“Don’t worry,” you said to Eddie, as you patted his shoulder. “She’ll be here.”
“I still can’t believe Carver dumped her for Marianne,” Jeff said. “Sure, she’s pretty, but she’s a total snob.”
“Well, she is Ex-Mayor Kline’s daughter,” Gareth answered.
“I wonder why Jason would choose her over Chrissy,” you replied, as you finished your ice cream. “Surely he doesn’t like Marianne that much. No one likes Marianne that much.”
A moment later, Chrissy came from around the corner and waved at Eddie, while calling his name.
Eddie grinned as he quickly stood up, and greeted her.
After she greeted you and the rest of Hellfire, you all made your way to the clothes store as Chrissy asked Eddie, “Have you been waiting long?”
“No, we just got here,” Eddie fibbed.
“Yeah, like half an hour ago,” Gareth retorted.
You smacked his arm, before telling Chrissy, “We’ve been looking after the younger members until they went to the movies with their friends.”
Chrissy smiled at you, as she replied, “Ah, okay.”
She turned to Erica, and said to her, “You must be Lucas’ little sister. I’ve seen you in the crowd at the games. He’s told me about you.”
“It better be all good,” Erica retorted.
“Have you got your dress yet? I need to get mine,” you told Chrissy.
“My mom reserved mine weeks ago, but I can pick it up after you pick yours,” Chrissy replied.
You turned to the boys, and told them, “We’ll see you guys in a bit.”
As you, Chrissy and Erica headed to the women’s department, the boys made their way to the men’s department.
A few moments later, you were in the changing rooms, trying on different dresses while Chrissy and Erica were browsing for some dresses for you.
You groaned after trying on the blue victorian style dress. “None of these suit me.”
Suddenly, you heard Erica’s voice from outside, as she called your name. You opened the curtain when Erica passed you a black dress with thin straps, telling you, “Try this.”
You thanked her as you took the dress from her and closed the curtain. You took off the previous dress and put it back on the hanger, before slipping on the black dress.
You smoothed it down, as you took a look in the mirror, taking in your reflection.
You spun yourself around, checking the back, before smiling at your reflection, saying to yourself, “Perfect.”
You checked the length of the dress, as you said, “Plus I can wear shorts underneath.”
You pushed the curtain and showed the girls the dress, asking, “What do you think?”
“Amazing,” Chrissy gushed.
“Crit-hit,” Erica replied, giving you the thumbs up.
After returning the other dresses, you went to pay for your dress, when you saw a blonde haired young woman arguing with the cashier.
“I want to try that dress!” The woman yelled, pointing at the pink short strapless dress.
“Is that...Marianne?” You asked Chrissy, recognising the woman’s voice.
“It sounds like it,” Chrissy replied unenthusiastically.
“And as I’ve said, it’s already been reserved,” the cashier replied.
“By who?”
Marianne leaned forward on the counter, reading the label, “Cunningham?!”
Chrissy raised her hand and told the cashier, “That’s my dress.”
Marianne turned and glared at Chrissy, as the cashier asked for a receipt.
Chrissy handed the receipt to the cashier, when Marianne told her, “I wanted that dress.”
“I’m sorry, but my mom reserved it for me weeks ago,” Chrissy replied. “You already took Jason from me, what else do you want to take?”
“Prom Queen,” Marianne spat. “I mean, you already took the Head Cheerleader position from me. So I deserve to be Prom Queen.”
“What makes you think that you deserve to be Prom Queen?” You asked her, as you folded your arms. “Just because you’re Larry Kline’s daughter, it doesn’t mean that you can get everything you want.”
Marianne obnoxiously cackled, before telling you, “You’re just saying that because you’re not nominated, freak.”
“Well, at least her or Chrissy dad’s aren’t in jail for fraud,” Erica interjected.
Marianne scoffed, “Okay, why is this kindergartener talking to me?”
“I’m eleven, you horse-faced snob,” Erica retorted, which made you and Chrissy stifle your laugh.
Marianne was about to explode, when the cashier interjected, “Sorry to interrupt your little prom drama, but we have customers to serve.”
Marianne looked at the queue and growled, before walking out of the store.
As Chrissy took her dress, you turned to Erica and giggled, “I honestly thought she was going to explode.”
As you paid for your dress, Chrissy said to Erica, “I can’t believe you said that to her.”
“I can,” you replied, as you took the suit carrier holding your dress.
“Just the facts,” Erica retorted.
A moment later, you three made your way to the men’s department when you spotted Jeff and Grant in tuxedos.
“Looking sharp boys,” you complimented them, when you noticed Eddie and Gareth was still looking at the suits. “Still haven’t found what you’re looking for, Eddie?”
“We’ve tried almost everything in the store,” Gareth replied. “And he can’t pick-“
“I can speak for myself, Emerson,” Eddie snapped. He rubbed the back of his neck, as he said, “Most of the suits are shit, and the ones I like are out of my price range.”
Suddenly, you noticed a brown two piece suit with a plain white buttoned shirt on the rack. You walked up to it, and checked the price tag, before calling to Eddie, “How about this, Eddie?”
He dashed towards you and examined it. He checked the tag, confirming that it was in his price range.
“Give it a try,” you told him, as you handed it to him.
A moment later, Eddie came out of the changing room, wearing the suit.
The boys were shocked by his appearance, in a good way.
“Eddie dude, you look good,” Jeff complimented him.
“I concur,” Grant responded, as Erica nodded in agreement.
“Oddly enough, it suits you,” Gareth told him.
“Really?” Eddie asked, as he looked at his reflection, with a grin on his face.
“Yeah, very handsome,” you said, when you suddenly felt your heart beating rapidly, as you gazed at him.
“Well...” Chrissy spoke up, with hesitation in her voice.
Eddie turned and looked at her, asking her, “What is it?”
“It’s nice, but I feel that you should wear something more...Colourful.”
“Colourful?” Eddie asked, furrowing his brows, as everyone looked at her with confusion.
“Yeah, like...” Chrissy looked around when she spotted a metallic blue two piece suit with a frilly white buttoned shirt and matching bow tie. She picked it up and show it to him, as she said, “This one.”
Everyone gaped at the outfit, as Gareth whispered to Jeff, “You’ve gotta be kidding.”
Eddie looked at the tag, with a grimace look in his face.
“Uh...Chrissy,” Eddie began to speak. “The suit’s...”
“Don’t worry about the price. I can pay for it,” Chrissy replied. “At least try it on.”
Seriously? You thought.
Eddie gazed at Chrissy batting her eyelashes, before hesitatingly told her, “Uh...okay.”
Another moment later, Eddie stepped out the changing room in the metallic blue suit.
Everyone else exchanged looks of shock, seeing their dungeon master in a bright suit, while Chrissy grinned.
“Well? What do you think?” Eddie asked everyone’s opinion.
While the boys were hesitant to tell him what they really thought when Erica bluntly said, “Nope.”
Eddie raised his eyebrows, as he asked, “Is it that bad?”
“Well-“ Erica was about to speak when you interjected. “It’s not that, it’s just...”
“What?” Eddie asked.
“It’s not...you.”
Eddie looked at himself in the mirror once more, and grimaced, when Chrissy chimed in, “Well I like it.”
Eddie turned around, as she went up to him, and straightened his bow tie.
“Really?” Eddie asked.
“Absolutely,” Chrissy replied, as she lightly patted his shoulder. “You like it, right?”
Eddie looked over to everyone else, as he stuttered, before gazing at Chrissy, who smiled at him.
Not wanting to upset her, Eddie grinned at her, as he lied, “I love it.”
“What?!” Erica exclaimed. “That’s bullsh-“
Gareth had clasped his hand over her mouth, not wanting to piss off Eddie.
As Erica slapped Gareth’s hand away, you silently looked at Chrissy gushing over Eddie in the horrendous suit, whilst shaking your head.
After Chrissy had paid for the suit, Eddie took the suit carrier from the cashier as he told Chrissy, “I appreciate that you bought it for me, but at least let me pay you ba-“
“There’s no need, Eddie,” Chrissy replied as you all left the store. “Think of it as a thank you for taking me to prom.”
As everyone was walking through Starcourt, Eddie offered to carry your suit carrier.
“Thanks,” you told him, as he took it off you. Suddenly, Chrissy noticed a barbershop and stopped, before asking Eddie, “Eddie, why don’t we go there?”
Eddie stopped, and stared at the barbershop, before telling her, “Uh, Chrissy. I’m pretty sure they don’t do haircuts for women-“
“No silly,” Chrissy giggled. “For you.”
Everyone gaped at her, as Eddie started stuttering, “W-well, I-I don’t-“
“Come on Eddie, I’ll pay for it.”
Eddie paused for a moment, before saying. “Just a trim, right?”
“I’m thinking more of...” Chrissy pointed at a picture of a guy with a haircut identical to Jason’s. “That.”
It’s bad enough she made him have that ridiculous suit, and now she wants him to be a clone of Jason? You thought to yourself.
“Come on,” Chrissy said as she was about to pull a nervous Eddie in when thankfully, Erica pulled him away, telling Chrissy, “Sorry, I need him to take me home. Curfew.”
Everyone else darted away from the barbershop, leaving a confused Chrissy alone, as she quietly said, “Oh...okay.”
A moment later, you and the others stood outside by Eddie’s van, panting.
“That was close,” Eddie said.
“Now I’m sure that this is definitely a prank,” Grant panted.
“Can you stop saying that?” Eddie growled. “Chrissy wouldn’t do that.”
“But you would be happy to let her dress you up as a Ken doll,” you blurted.
Everyone turned to you, as Eddie went up to you and asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You sighed before telling him, “Look, I’m sure she had good intentions to help you getting stuff for prom, but letting her turn you into Jason’s clone? That’s crossing the line.”
“What?! That’s ridiculous.”
“I don’t know, man,” Gareth chimed in. “It’s strange that she chose that haircut instead of letting you decide.”
“That’s bullshit,” Eddie growled.
“No! What’s bullshit is that you’re changing your image for some girl,” you retorted.
“It’s just for prom, and Chrissy’s not some girl-“
“No, I forgot. She’s the girl you’ve been crushing on since middle school.” You spitefully said.
“What the hell’s got into you?” Eddie asked. “One minute you’re getting along with her and the next, you’re being a bitch. Are you jealous or something?”
“I just don’t like that she’s trying to change who you are.” Suddenly, you grabbed one of the suit carriers and began to tell him. “But if you love her so much, Mr ‘Forced conforming is the real monster’, you go right ahead and change yourself.”
“Fine!” You turned to Erica as you walked away, “Come on, Erica. We’ll get the bus.”
Eddie turned to face the van, as you and Erica walked away, when a few seconds later, you went back up to him and muttered, “I took your carrier by mistake.”
You and Eddie swapped suit carriers before you silently walked away again, catching up with Erica.
A week had passed since the argument, you and Eddie hadn’t said two words to each other. You sat with Nancy, Robin, Jonathan and Argyle during lunch time, while Chrissy sat in your spot, talking to Eddie about prom. From what you could see, most of Hellfire were getting sick of hearing about it. You even asked Erica to be your substitute for the campaign, as you didn’t want to be in the same room as Eddie. One day, when you were getting a ride with Jonathan, Will, El and Argyle, you spotted Jason calling out to Chrissy, who walked past him, not saying a word.
Jason rubbed the back of his neck, when he spotted you and called, “Want something, freak?”
You rolled your eyes as you got inside Argyle’s van.
”Hold onto your butts, brochachos,” you heard Argyle say, as he turned on the ignition and started driving off, as you noticed Eddie and Chrissy happily chatting by his van.
You threw your head back, thinking about what happened at Starcourt. Not about the argument, but how he made you feel when you saw him in the brown suit. You couldn’t help to wonder what it could’ve been if you had asked him to be your prom date. You snapped out of that thought as you heard Argyle being philosophical, “Have you guys ever wondered why Hawkins’s mascot is a tiger and not a Hawk?”
Prom night had arrived. Eddie was in his metallic blue suit with his hair in a low bun and without his signature rings, searching for something in his room, “Uncle Wayne!” Eddie called out, “Have you seen a white small box anywhere?”
“There’s a box on the kitchen counter,” Wayne replied, as he grabbed his tool bag, about to leave for his late shift. As Eddie came out of his room and found the box, he heard something drop to the floor.
He turned to find his uncle, looking shocked, as he grabbed his bag from the floor. “What?” Eddie asked.
“Not to be rude, son,” Wayne began to speak. “But, what are you wearing?”
“What? You don’t like it?” Eddie looked down at his outfit, before looking up at Wayne, who responded, “It’s not that, it’s just...not you.”
The response echoed through Eddie’s head. It was exactly how you told him. Eddie quickly brushed it off, telling him, “It’s just for prom. It’s not like I’ve got my hair buzzed.” Eddie then said quietly, “Although, I was almost suckered into getting a haircut.”
“It must’ve cost an arm or a leg for a suit like that,” Wayne told him.
“Well, Chrissy paid for it, as a thank you for taking her to prom. And she said she likes it, so...”
Eddie picked up the box and opened it, revealing a pink and white corsage. He closed the box, before rummaging through his pocket and took out a piece of paper.
“What’s written on there?” Wayne asked.
“Oh, just a list of things of what to say, and...what not to say to Chrissy’s folks,” Eddie replied, as he quickly tucked it back in his pocket.
“So, all of this...” Wayne gestured, as he continued to asked, “The suit, the list and the corsage, is for Chrissy?”
“Yeah?” A confused Eddie replied, wondering what his uncle is trying to say.
Wayne sighed, as he walked towards Eddie and put his hand on his shoulder, before telling him, “Look son, I know that you’ve liked this Chrissy girl for a long time, but if you’re doing this, changing yourself to appease her, then maybe...she’s not the girl for you. If she likes you, she wouldn’t change who you are.”
Eddie silently looked at his uncle for a moment, before grabbing his key to the van, and told him, as he was leaving the trailer, “I gotta pick up Chrissy.”
Meanwhile, you, Jeff and Grant were in Jim Hopper’s police car, with your dad.
You thanked both boys as they helped you out of the car, before turning to your dad and Hopper, saying, “Thanks for the lift, Mr Hopper.”
“You’re welcome,” Hopper replied.
“Remember,” your dad began to speak, “No drinking tonight.”
“Yes, dad.”
“Or smoking. And no drugs.”
“No, dad.”
“And no dancing with boys.”
You furrowed your brows, as you told him, “But, it’s prom, dad.”
“Yeah, you’re right...” Your dad began to reply. “No talking to boys. In fact, no looking at boys.”
“You do realise that Jeff and Grant are boys, right?”
“They don’t count as boys.”
Jeff and Grant looked at each other with confusion, as your dad continued to speak. “Which reminds me, if any of those little jock bastards give you a hard time..”
Your dad was about to pass you a baton when Hopper stopped him. “Woah, hey! Maybe not give her that.”
Hopper opened up the glove compartment and took out a pepper spray and passed it to you, “Here, take this. If anyone says anything, tell them Jim Hopper gave you permission.”
“Thanks, Mr Hopper,” you replied, as you took the pepper spray from him.
After saying goodbye to Hopper and your dad, they drove off, as you put the pepper spray in your bag, before linking your arms with Jeff and Grant, making your way inside the school.
A moment later, Eddie parked opposite Chrissy’s house, and fixed his low bun, before grabbing the box from the passenger seat. He smiled to himself, before telling himself, “Here goes nothing.” He turned to face the house and was about to get out when he noticed a limousine parked on Chrissy’s driveway.
A confused Eddie watched when he saw Chrissy stepping out of her house in a strapless pink dress, with her arm linked with Jason, who was wearing the same suit as him.
“What the hell?” Eddie’s voice cracked, as he watched them walking to the limousine. Suddenly, a couple of tears fell down to Eddie’s cheeks. He wiped his tears with his sleeve before starting up his van and driving off, not realising that a guilty Chrissy saw his van.
Back at the prom, you, Jeff and Grant were enjoying yourselves. Both boys took turns to dance with you, while Nancy, Jonathan and Steve were by the buffet chatting as they watched Argyle dance with Robin and Vickie.
After the song was finished, you and Grant joined Jeff at the table when Grant noticed Marianne, who was wearing a purple Victorian style dress, talking to Billy Hargrove.
“Hey, I thought Marianne was going with Jason tonight,” Grant mentioned. “Why’s she with Hargrove?”
You and Jeff looked over to see them talking, as Marianne had her hand on Billy’s shoulder. Suddenly, you noticed Chrissy coming through the hall with Jason. “I don’t believe this,” you angrily muttered, before you got up from your seat and stomped towards the couple, leaving a confused Jeff and Grant behind. You went up to Chrissy and asked, “Can I have a word?”
Chrissy hesitated when you pulled her to one side. “Hey!” Jason called out.
“Stay out of this, Carver!” You shouted back, before turning back to Chrissy, saying angrily, “This is between us girls.”
Chrissy bit her lip, as you asked her, “What the hell’s this? I thought you were going with Eddie.”
“I was, but...” Chrissy stammered.
“But what? You realised that Eddie didn’t fit into your perfect prom night after all?”
“It’s more complicated than you think. Jason just showed up, and-“
“Then you should’ve told him where to get off. Eddie was looking forward to going with you.”
Chrissy started sniffling, “I...I’m sorry.”
“It’s not me who you should be apologising to, Chrissy,” you growled, before turning your heel and walked away from her, as Jason went to comfort her.
You went back to the table, when Jeff asked, “Where’s Eddie?”
“I don’t know,” you replied as you grabbed your bag. “I’ll call to check on him, you guys wait here in case he shows up.”
You rushed out of the hall and ran to the pay phone. “I’m so glad I chose not to wear heels,” you said to yourself, as you reached the pay phone.
You took out some change and inserted it in the slot, before dialling Eddie’s number.
You heard the dialling tone going, as you muttered, “Come on, Eddie. Pick up.”
There was no response. You cancelled the call, thinking of who else you can call. Then, you thought of Max. You inserted more change into the slot and dialled Max’s number. The dialling tone lasted for a few seconds, before you heard Max’s voice on the end of the phone, “Mayfield residence.”
“Max, it’s me.” You told her your name, before asking her, “I need a favour. Could you check if Eddie’s van is parked outside please?”
You waited for a response, when Max told you, “It’s parked. There’s also that shitty music playing in his trailer. It’s so loud, I can’t even listen to Kate Bush in peace-“
“Can you see him in his trailer?” You interrupted.
“I can see a shadow, but I can’t see him...wait!”
“Looks like he’s grabbing a six pack from the fridge...”
Shit, you thought to yourself, before telling Max. “I have to go. Thanks Max.”
You hung up and ran back into the hall, telling Jeff and Grant, “He’s at the trailer park. From what Max told me, he’s in a bad way.”
“We better go there-“ Jeff began to speak when you told him, “I’ll go, you two wait here in case he comes.”
You searched for Steve, hoping that he can give you a lift, but he was nowhere to be seen. And you couldn’t ask Jonathan as he didn’t have his car. The only person you could ask was Argyle. You went up to the buffet table, as Argyle was eating a cocktail sausage.
“Argyle,” you said, gaining his attention.
“What’s up, my dude?” Argyle chuckled, as he raised a cocktail sausage, before eating it. “I’ll tell you what, these baby sausages are schmackin’.”
“Yeah...Listen, I need your help.”
“Well, I’ve got my Palm tree delight in my backpack back in the van if you want relief-“
“No, I’m not here for your palm tree...thingy,” you interjected. “I need you to give me a lift to Eddie’s. Please?”
“Well...okay. But I’m taking these baby sausages with me.”
You thanked him, as he took a plate full of cocktail sausages with him.
A moment later, you were in Argyle’s van, as he drove to the trailer park when you told him, “Wait! I need to get something from my place.”
You gave him directions to your place as he continued driving.
After reaching your place, you got out of the van, as you told Argyle, “I won’t be long.”
You ran to your door and unlocked it before rushing up to your room. You looked over to your desk and grabbed a tiny black box and put it in your bag. You ran back downstairs and went out of the house, closing it behind you. You ran towards the van when a branch got caught a side of your dress. You paused and pulled the branch out, when you noticed a hole on the side of your dress near your torso. You felt the hole as you muttered, “Shit.”
You quickly ran to the van, before you told Argyle how to get to the trailer park.
As soon as you reached the trailer park, you pointed out his trailer.
After Argyle parked his van, you got out of it, before turning to Argyle, telling him, “Thanks. I’ll be as quick as I can.”
As you ran, Argyle called out, “Take all the time you need, my dude.” He went into the back of the van and picked up the plate of cocktail sausages, before eating one. “Schmackin’!” He exclaimed, before eating another one.
Meanwhile, you ran up to the door and knocked on it rapidly, as you called out his name. “Eddie, it’s me! Please open the door!”
You looked through the window, but you couldn’t find him. You went up to the door again and knocked on it, as you called out his name again when you heard him shout, “Alright, Red! I’m turning it off!”
After the music was turned off, you heard him shout as he opened the door, wearing the blue pants and white frilly shirt, looking puffy eyed, “Happy now, Red?! I’ve had a really shitty-!” He stopped as soon as he realised that was you. “Oh, it’s you,” he said quietly.
“Can I come in?” You asked, as you were trying to warm yourself up with your hands.
Eddie didn’t answer. Instead, he gaped at you in your dress, as he thought to himself, She looks beautiful.
“Eddie!” You shouted, snapping him out of his thoughts.
Eddie cleared his throat, before telling you. “Sorry, come in.”
As you stepped in, you noticed one can of beer among the six pack opened on the coffee table.
“Want a beer?” Eddie asked.
“Eddie, you know I don’t drink,” you retorted.
“Oh well, more for me then,” Eddie snickered, as he was about to open a second can when you grabbed it off him and placed it back on top of the table.
“What? Now I can’t have a drink in my own place?” Eddie asked.
“I saw Chrissy, with Jason,” you sternly told him, causing Eddie to sit down as he got teary eyed.
“Eddie, I know that you’re upset, but drinking is not going to make you better. I could’ve stay at the prom, you know?”
You folded your arms, as you continued to tell him. “I could’ve just let them be and just stayed and have fun. But you know what I did?”
Eddie looked up at you, as you told him, “I called her out. I told Chrissy that you were looking forward to going to prom with her, and I called you, and then Max, because I was worried about you. Even after our fight, I was worried about you. And now, here I am, wearing a ruined dress, which I actually liked, because I wanted to make sure that you’re okay!”
You panted, trying to calm yourself, when Eddie suddenly told you, “Take it off.”
You glared at him, as you asked, “Excuse me? How many drinks-?!”
“No, I mean,” Eddie sighed, before he continued to speak, as he undid his shirt and took it off, passing it to you. “Take the dress off, and put the shirt on, so I can fix it for you.”
A moment later, you sat on the couch, wearing Eddie’s shirt, and luckily, your shorts which you wore underneath your dress. You silently watched Eddie sew up your dress, while sticking his tongue out as he was concentrating. “Thanks,” you told him. “You didn’t have to-“
“Don’t worry about it,” Eddie interjected, as focused on putting the thread through the dress. “Besides, it was my fault that your dress got ruined.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say it was your fault. I didn’t look for that stupid branch.”
You and Eddie chuckled, before you silently looked at him, as Eddie continued to sew. “What happened, Eddie?” You asked, causing Eddie to look up at you. “When you got to Chrissy’s?”
Eddie cleared his throat, before telling you, “I drove to her place, and I was about to get out of my van with the corsage. But when I turned, I saw them come out of the house. And the worst part was, Jason wore the same suit as me.” Eddie sighed, as he rubbed his forehead, saying, “Jesus Christ, I was so stupid, thinking that she really wanted to come with me-“
“Chrissy told me that Jason just showed up.” You interjected.
“I didn’t really give her a chance to explain, but that’s what she told me. She also said that she was sorry, but I told her that I wasn’t the one that she should be apologising to.”
Eddie looked down, and continued to sew when you suddenly put your hand on top of his, causing him to stop and look at you. “Eddie, I’m sorry about the other day at Starcourt,” you began to apologise. “You probably think that I was jealous of you and Chrissy. But I swear that I wasn’t. I was happy that you were taking her. I just hated that she tried to change you, even though it was for one night, but still, I hated it.”
Eddie silently blinked, as you continued to tell him, “And the fact that you couldn’t tell her how you felt about the outfit, it was like you were someone else. Not Eddie, not our dungeon master. Not the guy who jumps on cafeteria tables, riling up the jocks and most importantly, being unapologetically himself. That’s why I love you. Why we all love you.”
You moved your hand away to grab the black box from your bag. You handed it to Eddie, who had put down the thread and took the box from you. “We were going to give it to you at graduation,” you began to tell him. “But, you can open it.”
Eddie opened up the box, revealing a pair of customised cuff links with the Hellfire logo on it.
Eddie gaped as he took one of the cuff links and admired it. “Holy shit,” he quietly said. He then looked up at you, and began to ask, “How did you-?”
“Jeff, Gareth and Grant used some of the money they got from the gigs, plus they have been giving lessons to people who wanted to learn how to play an instrument. I worked extra shifts at Family Video to earn more cash, the freshmen also did odd jobs. And although Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan aren’t part of Hellfire, they wanted to contribute. Even Argyle gave us some money from his Surfer Boy job.”
Eddie sniffled as a tear fell down to his cheek, as he said, looking at the cuff link, “This is the best gift that anyone’s given me.” He had put the cuff link back in the box, before putting it down on the table. He then pulled you into a hug, as he said, “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome, Eddie,” you replied, as you rested your head on his bare shoulder, feeling your heart racing.
Suddenly, Eddie pulled back, before telling you, “I better finish your dress.”
You smiled, as Eddie did some final touches to your dress. “All done,” Eddie said, as he cut the thread.
You examined it, as you told him, “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
You got up and took the dress with you, as you went into the bathroom.
Eddie had put the empty can in the bin and put the rest of the cans back in the fridge when you stepped out of the bathroom, wearing your newly fixed dress. You were admiring Eddie’s handy work, when you heard him say, “You look beautiful.”
You looked up at him, and smiled at him as you thanked him.
“Listen,” you began to tell him, as you went to grab your bag. “If you don’t want to go to prom, you don’t have to-“
Suddenly, Eddie lightly grabbed your hand, making you stop and turn to him. “Eddie?”
“Could you...could you give me a minute?” Eddie asked.
You nodded, before Eddie ran into his room.
You went up to the window, to check on Argyle. You could faintly hear music playing in his van and from what you could see, there was smoke coming from it.
You then heard Eddie clear his throat, making you turn to him. “What do you think?” He asked you, as he stood with his hair down, wearing a plain black buttoned shirt, with his black leather jacket over it, and a pair of black jeans with his signature Reebok sneakers. You noticed that he had his rings back on.
You smiled as you told him, “I love it. It’s definitely you.”
Eddie then pulled back his jacket sleeves, revealing the cuff links, which made you happy. As he went up to you, he took out a Hellfire pin from his pocket, and told you, “I know it’s not a corsage, but...”
He pinned it to your dress, as you said to him, “Thank you Eddie, I love it.”
You gave him a peck on the cheek, before you linked your arm with his, as you left the trailer.
You both approached Argyle’s van, and Eddie opened it for you when gust of smoke came pouring out, revealing a giggling Argyle sitting in the back, with a palm tree delight in his hand and a plate which was almost empty, on his lap.
“Cool threads, my dude,” Argyle told Eddie.
You turned to Eddie, as you asked, “Are you sober to drive?”
A few moments later, Eddie was parking Argyle’s van, with you in the passenger seat. After Eddie had helped you out, you and Eddie peeped through the back window, looking at a sleeping Argyle.
“Do you think we should wake him?” You asked him.
Suddenly, you both heard Argyle mumbling in his sleep, “Baby...sausages...”
Eddie quietly chuckled before telling you, “I think he deserves a good dream.”
You laughed, as you and Eddie linked arms, before walking into the school.
As soon as you reached the hall, you were both greeted by Jeff and Grant. “Hey man, you finally made it!” Jeff said as he hugged Eddie.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” Eddie replied as he hugged Grant.
“You got here in time. They’re about to announce the winners,” Grant mentioned.
As you watched the prom king and queen nominees standing on the stage, you noticed Billy hiding by the stage, holding a rope. “Why’s Billy holding a rope backstage?”
The four of you followed where the rope was leading, revealing a bucket over the stage.
“Jesus H Christ,” Eddie exclaimed. “Is he going to do a Carrie?”
“Wait, you don’t mean...?” Jeff began to ask.
“Someone’s gonna get the pig’s blood treatment,” Grant shrieked.
You then noticed Marianne turning to Billy, giving him the okay sign.
You glared as you blurted, “That bitch.”
The boys turned to you, when you told them, “Marianne’s gotta be behind it. That’s why she was being friendly with Billy earlier. She’s probably bribed him to help her, in case Chrissy wins.”
“Shit! We’ve got to help,” Eddie said.
“What?! After Chrissy ditched you? You want to help?” Jeff asked.
“Look, that doesn’t matter,” Eddie retorted. “What’s matters that we get everyone off stage.”
They were about to go up to the stage when Principal Higgins came up on the stage, and started making an announcement, “Can I have everyone’s attention please?���
“Too late!” Grant exclaimed, as Higgins made an announcement.
“No, it’s not,” you said. “Eddie, you and Jeff try and get everyone off the stage. Grant, come with me.”
As you and Grant ran to go backstage, Eddie and Jeff quickly moved closer to the stage, when Higgins announced, “Now, the moment that everyone’s been waiting for.” He took out an envelope and opened it, as he announced, “Your Prom King and Queen of ‘86 is...Jason Carver and...Chrissy Cunningham!”
As everyone applauded, you and Grant caught Billy moving the rope, when you called out, “Hargrove!”
He turned to you both and smirked, “Stay out of this, freaks.”
Suddenly, Grant started screaming, which was unheard by the crowd, as he ran up to stop Billy, only to be kicked back by him.
Meanwhile, as Chrissy received her crown and bouquet by Higgins, Marianne turned to Billy and growled, “What are you waiting for? Do it now!”
As Billy was about to let go of the rope, you ran and grabbed the rope, holding it.
“Let go!” Billy growled, as you both struggled.
Back on stage, Eddie and Jeff ran up to Chrissy, trying to convince her to get her off the stage.
“Chrissy! You need to get off the stage now!” Eddie told her.
“Eddie, what are you doing?” Chrissy asked, trying to pull away from him and Jeff.
“Hey freaks!” Jason shouted, as he tried pulling Eddie away. “Let go of her!”
“We’re trying to help her!” Jeff retorted.
“Chrissy! Please listen to me,” Eddie begged. “You need to get off the stage now.”
“What? Why?” A confused Chrissy asked, when Marianne told Billy, “Now!”
Billy pushed you away and let go of the rope, letting the bucket tip, with the dark red liquid falling onto Eddie, Chrissy, Jeff and Jason, as Chrissy had let out a high pitched scream.
Everyone gasped at the sight, as Chrissy shrieked, “Oh my God! It’s pig’s blood!”
Jeff licked his lip, as he said, “No, I think it’s tomato juice.”
Jason grabbed Eddie by the shoulder and turned him to face him, as he asked, “What is this? One of your sick jokes, Munson?”
“It’s not, we were trying to stop it,” Eddie retorted.
Suddenly, a loud shrieking laugh echoed through the hall, as everyone turned to see Marianne pointing and laughing at Chrissy.
“I got you good, Cunningham!”
As she continued to laugh, Chrissy had let out a high pitched cry as she ran towards Marianne and pushed her to the ground, while Jason started picking a fight with Eddie and Jeff. At backstage, Billy started a fight with Grant when you shouted, as you got out the pepper spray, “Hey Hargrove!”
Billy turned to you, when you sprayed it in his face. Billy wiped his eyes, as he screamed, “My eyes!”
“And before you say anything, Hopper gave me permission!” You retorted.
A red eyed Billy was about to ram into you, when Grant pulled you out of the way, knocking Billy to the wall. You then took the opportunity to jump on his back, tackling him.
Eddie took notice, and was about to help you when Jason grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back.
As the fight continued, Argyle waltz in with a plate of cocktail sausages, and started eating one before offering it to Jonathan.
“What have I missed, Byers?” Argyle asked, as everyone on stage continued fighting. Higgins went up to the girls, trying to break them up, when he got accidentally knocked over by you and Billy, as Grant ran up to you both.
Later that evening, you were in Eddie’s trailer, making hot chocolate. You had changed out of your dress, which was ruined by the tomato juice, and into your plaid pyjamas which you left in the trailer. Suddenly, a shirtless Eddie came out of the bathroom, wearing black sweatpants , towel drying his hair. You greeted him, before telling him, “I’ve picked out a shirt for you. I’ve left it on top of the chair.”
“Thanks sweetheart,” Eddie replied, as he went to grab his Dio shirt from the chair. He put it on and looked at his wet clothes as he said, “You know, I wish I wore that stupid suit now.”
You giggled, as you handed him a cup of hot chocolate. “At least the cuff links weren’t ruined.”
“That’s true,” Eddie chuckled, before taking a sip of hot chocolate. “I can’t believe how scary Chrissy was. Did you see her cat fight with Marianne?”
“Yeah, even when I was busy fighting Hargrove,” you laughed.
“You were a badass, fighting Hargrove.” Eddie went to put down his cup and grabbed his roll-up and lighter from his lunchbox, as you told him, “Well, I have to give credit to Grant too. He saved me from getting crushed.”
“Yeah, Jeff saved my ass from getting thrown off stage by Carver,” Eddie replied, as he opened the front door, and leaned against the doorway. He lit up his roll-up and took a puff, as you asked, “By the way, did you get a chance to speak to Chrissy?”
“You mean after Higgins kicked us out for fighting?”
You nodded, before taking a sip of your hot chocolate.
“Yeah, she said that she was sorry. She also told me that Jason just showed up unannounced, and she tried to tell him to leave, but her folks saw him, so she couldn’t turn him away.” Eddie took another puff, before he continued to explain, “He told her that he made a mistake with dumping her for Marianne. Apparently, she was like a total promzilla, wanting the perfect dress, the perfect date, right down to her being Prom Queen.”
“Well, that doesn’t surprise me,” you told her. “She wanted Chrissy’s dress when we saw her in the store the other day. I’m surprised that she didn’t snatch it off her right there and then.” You sighed, “I’m starting to wonder if she bribed Jason to go to prom with him.”
“Like father, like daughter,” Eddie chuckled.
You giggled, as you watched Eddie take one last puff of weed, before he stepped back inside and closed the door. “I’m sorry that you didn’t get to dance with Chrissy,” you told him, as you sat down on the couch, before taking another sip of your drink.
“Nah, I’m over it,” Eddie replied, as he sat down next to you, while you put down your drink. “Wayne was right. If she liked me, she wouldn’t have tried to change who I was, and I wouldn’t have to change myself just to make her happy.”
You silently gazed at him, as you heard him say, “Besides, there’ll be other dances, other women to dance with-“
“Or men,” You laughed
Eddie chuckled, as he repeated, “Or men.”
You bumped shoulders with Eddie, before you confessed, “It’s a shame that we didn’t get to dance. I mean, I danced with Jeff and Grant, but we never got a chance to dance together.”
Eddie silently gazed at you for a moment, before he suddenly got up and looked over at his uncle’s record collection, as he asked you, “Well who said that we still don’t?”
You watched him go through the collection, when Eddie pulled out a Dr Hook’s A Little Bit More album.
He took the record out of its sleeve and put it in the record player, before playing the record.
As the song, More Like The Movies started playing, Eddie went up to you and bowed, extending his hand to you, as he asked in a posh British accent, “May I have this dance, Milady?”
You chuckled, as you got up and curtsied, before taking his hand, responding in the same accent, “You may, Milord.”
Eddie pulled you closer to him, as he put his other hand on your lower back, while you put your hand on his shoulder, before he swayed you.
As you rested your head on his chest, taking in his scent, you heard him humming to the song, which made your heart race. You giggled as you heard the metalhead singing along to a country song.
“What? What’s funny?” Eddie softly asked.
“Nothing...” you began to reply. “It’s just, I’ve never heard you sing to this type of music before, that’s all.”
“Well, what can I say? My uncle has got some pretty cool taste in music.”
You both giggled, as you moved your head to face him, and told him, “I concur.”
Suddenly Eddie raised his arm, so he could spin you around.
You giggled, as Eddie spun you, when you suddenly knocked into him. “Jesus Christ!” Eddie exclaimed, as you both fell onto the floor.
You both laughed, before he asked you, as you sat up, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you replied. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Eddie chuckled, as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head. “I think the weed’s starting to kick in.”
You chuckled, as the song changed to A Little Bit More. The both of you silently gazed at each other, before you bashfully looked down when Eddie began to speak, making you look up at his doe eyes, “Sweetheart?”
“Yes Eddie?” You asked.
“I don’t know if it’s because of the weed, or the record, or maybe both,” he began to babble. “But there’s something I want to ask. If you don’t want to, it’s cool. But if you-“
“Eddie?” You interrupted, putting your hand on his shoulder. “What is it?”
Eddie swallowed, before he took the courage to ask, “Can I...kiss you?”
You smiled before you nodded, replying, “Yes, you can.”
Eddie smiled, before you both leaned closer and kissed tenderly.
You both giggled as you pulled away from the kiss.
“That was nice,” you commented.
“Really?” Eddie softly asked.
You nodded, before he asked, “Can I kiss you again?”
You both leaned closer once more, and kissed.
This time, the kiss was more passionate, as you cupped Eddie’s face.
You moaned as Eddie deepened the kiss, before you straddled him. Eddie pulled you closer to him, so that you were lying on top of him.
You continued to passionately kissed, when you both heard pounding on the door, followed by shouting, “Hey Munson! Turn it down!” It was Max. “Some of us are trying to sleep!”
You both broke off the kiss, as you both looked over to the door, when you saw a ranting Max open the door entered the trailer, “I swear, Munson, if you don’t turn-“
Max stopped as she caught you two on the floor. She shuddered, before turning around. “Gross,” she commented.
Before she left, she shouted, “There is a place called a bedroom. Use it!” After she slammed the door, you and Eddie turned to each other and cackled.
You buried your face into his chest, trying to contain your laughter, when Eddie placed his finger under your chin, signalling you to look at him, before he leaned in to kiss you once again.
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