#and cereal too...the soup with the variety ~
Why is my blog soup themed? Like i don't even like soup??
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possessionisamyth · 10 months
can’t read even 1/4 of the het ships in this tag because people put all the women into such tradwife roles it makes me want to vomit, so here are my headcanons when it comes to cooking abilities
Jill Valentine- Military rationing because it’s less time consuming. She cooks once and makes enough food to eat on for two weeks. She will eat that soup/beans&rice/chili for every other meal until she runs out. All her recipes are “throw everything in a pot and let it simmer overnight” style. Anything that has her sauteing, baking, or frying will get burned since she gets distracted doing other more important stuff.
Rebecca Chambers- Does not cook. Can not cook. Has not figured out how to cook. Take-out Queen. She can find a good restaurant or cafe in any area and this skill was honed on purpose. Hates long wait times for food though, so if she can she’ll send someone else to get her food/drinks.
Claire Redfield- Cooking level is tolerable as in she can follow easy recipes when there’s a video to watch, but may get an ingredient or measurement wrong and wonder why the dish tastes off. Anything more complicated than meatloaf or country fried steak is her nemesis.
Ada Wong- Fucking hates cooking. Can cook something decent with the littlest variety of ingredients, but hates it so much. She hates the mess during prep time, the mess during cooking, and the clean up afterwards. Hires a personal chef where she can or goes out to eat. (Before anyone disagrees saying she doesn’t trust strangers this much, consider she has a lot of money from her jobs and most people do not actually know who the fuck she is.)
Sherry Birkin- Substitution Queen. Loves to cook, and loves to experiment with food even more. If she starts cooking and finds she’s missing an ingredient, she’ll look at other recipes to see if she can replace it with something else. Will finish eating her food experiments or new recipe attempts even if they’re a little bland while constructing ideas on how to make it better next time.
Ashley Graham- Cooks college student food even into adulthood. Lactose intolerant but ignores it.  Her mom couldn’t cook, and no longer having a personal chef left her in the wild to figure things out. She will put together any strange combination of food for the taste and calories. She mixes cereals together. She mixes plain yogurt into her ramen. She will lovingly add a slice of cheese on top of the most white looking piece of baked chicken before adding hot sauce and sandwiching it between 9-grain wheat bread for the sake of getting some kind of fiber in her body.
Ingrid Hunnigan- The planner. She can follow almost any recipe without too much difficulty, and always makes sure she has all the ingredients before she starts. She cannot improv or substitute ingredients to save her life.
Sheva Alomar- Teaches herself how to cook a new recipe or better a current recipe when she has the time. Has 5 go-to recipes she’s mastered which everyone loves, but no consistent recipe book. Will default to military rationing where she’ll make a big pot of something and eat on it for a few days until she gets bored of it and goes out to eat. Forgets about ingredients she purchased and only used a little of, and they go bad making her feel guilty.
Helena Harper- Frozen meals or box meals where she adds a “secret ingredient” into whatever she cooks. The secret ingredient is always cayenne pepper or bouillon powder.
Mia Winters- Can cook only the most white american food possible, but thankfully is not afraid of spices or spicy food. Hamburgers, steak, casseroles, tuna salad, and so on, she can manage pretty well. Any “foreign” food is lost on her. The first time Ethan brought home an avocado with plans to make guacamole, he caught her using a potato peeler on it.
Let me know if you’d like a similar list with the men of RE.
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oldnewhaven · 1 month
Types of Food each corporation would distribute– A post I started writing at 1:23AM yesterday while Hungry, Part 1 [?].
- Dahl is all about Militaristic Seriousness to comical degrees, so it shouldn't surprise you that most of what they have to offer is Rations. Canned food, nutrition packets and weird astronaut looking pastes, all packaged up in neat browns and greens to match with the very boring aesthetic of the Rest of their products. Everything is neatly separated and easily accessible in Dahl settlements. One bonus of it is that it never expires, so if you're hungry and need a snack, just find an old military base and that should have you pretty much covered for a few weeks.
- "But Magnus, what's in the packs?" I hear you ask, and not to worry my situational friend, I've done Way Too Much research on this and can absolutely tell you ! Again, its all very shelf stable and nutritional, so it ranges from cereal bars, dried up meats and nuts, protein powders and pastes (usually peanut butter), some mildly flavoured crackers, a variety of canned foods (including but not limited to: "Spaghetti", """beans""", soups and veggies. These are meant to be complimentary, not really eaten on their own), and ready-made "pop it in a fire for a few seconds" sustenance providers like curries. It's good enough to eat ! Hopefully.
- ...It does Not. Taste like the best thing in the world usually. If you're desperate enough you won't notice it at first, but these things are meant for soldiers who haven't dreamed of a non-dehydrated vegetable in 10 years, so it's tough to swallow once you're not suffering from all the malnutrition ailments. It's very barely seasoned to account for the vast majority, and it's probably not a good investment to waste spices on any of it either. You could still reasonably throw a meal together with the pastes plus the canned stuff and (if you get lucky) have a chocolate cake for dessert though, even if it does taste like a biting an old boot.
- Tediore is, by all lore definitions, a 'budgetarian' company. They appeal HARD to the aesthetic of the common person, and that their main demographic are consumers who are just looking for something quick and reliable, knowing people will more often than not only use it because they have no other choice, so it shouldn't surprise you that their business model for selling food is basically the same as Walmart's. In my mind they mostly sell quick snack food you'd usually see in a convenience store– Likely not the best choice as far as nutritional value goes, but it's tasty, affordable and it hits the spot when you're in a pinch or when you're starving after a long day of Torment Nexus'ing around the six galaxies. so you really can't afford to be picky most of the time. Sometimes Pretty Literally.
- The food itself is, again, just about everything you'd find in a convenience store in the middle of nowhere after a long roadtrip and are so hungry you can't see straight: Isles upon isles of chips, cereals and cookies, pre-made lunchable type meals in refrigerated containers, soda that is Technically brand name, but is still so obscure you have to look up if its even real later. It's the perfect combination of accessible, cheap and edible enough to grab the attention of people. The packaging in general tends to vary between shades of gray plus some extra shines to be recognized as food and not bagged motor oil, plus varied mascots to differ each product from one another as though they're from separate entities and not just Tediore All Over Again.
- How does it taste though ? Well, the answer is that it's good, even though it probably Will give you either a headache or a stomachache later. Like all hyperprocessed food, Tediore knows that the secret to making stuff taste good is to just either put a Lot of Salt or a Lot of Sugar in it, and that's really the whole secret. Let's say you get a nice Cheese Flavour snack bag from the local bodega: You eat 5 chips and think "Oh, that's really good!", completely oblivious to the fact you will regret this decision, and eventually eat the whole bag. Hard cut to you on the couch sluggish and weird, unsure to what caused it, but it was 100% the amount of sodium you consumed just being so high your body thinks you're sick. Or something like that. I'm not speaking from experience here.
- Now, let's get this out of the way: Maliwan is as much a corporation as it is a cult. Its corporate identity as "hip" and cool and sleek and transhumanist and beautiful is all a facade for what they're really trying to sell you, which is an insecurity they can profit off of. They approach people who are already very lost, exhausted and burdened by the world and promise them a place to belong, to become something More, and if they need to manufacture your burdens, they will. All of this is to say, they're social media influencers creating problems you didn't know existed so they can sell you More Things, so obviously they're the "organic"/diet product food sellers of this world. They're like if an MLM had WAY too much credibility and power and people just had to live with it.
- You know the kinds of products I'm talking about. It's stuff that comes bragging about how it's "from the farm to your door!" even though it has gone through the same industrialization as everything else that is mass produced and meant to be sold. It's your diet versions of products, yogurts and teas and protein milks and "healthy" snacks, despite the fact they're the same composition-wide and just marked Way Up. They'd probably sell a lot of very niche products too though, all with the same promises for health benefits and what have you, but that at least have the decency to be interesting or *a little* flavorful. For one I think Maliwan branded gum would be really good, and they'd probably make some really good flavour blocks for putting in soup and stuff. That's their forté to me.
- Most of the food just tastes really bland and has kind of a chemical aftertaste, and the textures tend to vary between "Really airy and light, kind of like a foam or shaving cream" to "Unbearable combination of crunchy and soft that makes you confused on what you're even supposed to be tasting". It's a very high chance to be hit or miss depending on what you try, and since it's so expensive it's usually not worth it unless you're using these products for really specific dietary goals.
- Hyperion to me is complicated to say on what they'd offer as far as food goes. On the cafeteria area in TPS you only really see fast food, so I imagine that the conglomerate would own most of a food court in your average shopping mall. All the name brands are owned by Hyperion and your variety is manufactured to look like you're spoiled for all the choices when, really, you're just going to give them money either way. The food is all pretty consistently good, even though the sourcing for it is questionable and it's always plated the same everytime, which makes you think all the ingredients just go through moulds before they plop it into your plate, and it's probably the closest thing it'll get to something like homemade food from the corporations.
- Again, variety is their main selling point, so as far as food goes, you'll find a little bit of everything. Pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs, food that's been genetically modified or has poison in it, tacos– really, the world is your oyster ! They probably have that on the menu too if you look ! Its all about the flashiness and the exclusivety and the way its presented and sold that really gets peoples gears turning. They're not bound just by ONE thing, they have ALL the things you could possibly ask for right here !
- ...But does it taste good ? Ehhh, that's more of a complicated issue. Again, because of all the variety and the way everything is synthesized and made based on the standards for the company, it'll always just taste Good (as in, You bite into it and say "Yeah, that's pretty good"), and after a while of eating Just Good food, you'll already have built a tolerance to it and it'll just taste mid after a while... and that is when they start advertising to you Bigger and Better foods, stuff that's been made in a lab to taste as good to human beings as possible, something so unbelievable your tastebuds might explode ! And then they do. Because it was an experiment and they were using you as a guinea pig. But hey, all in the name of progress, right ?
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l3m0ncyan · 1 year
New to Life | Chapter 11
Steven Grant/Marc Spector x hispanic! Teen! Reader
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Next Chapter
Warning: Almost SA event at the end
Y/N walked through the automatic doors wearing a grey hoodie, sweatpants, and sneakers. Her eyes felt puffy but not in the way that one does after crying. It was more of her eyes feeling so tired, that she was able to feel her eyebags. Because of this, she probably seemed like she would yell at you or rudely speak to you if you were to exchange a word. She scanned the grocery store for the aisle where she could start shopping. She grabbed a red plastic basket near the entrance and made her way through the crowd of scattered people.
After last night's incident, she was rather paranoid about there being a murderous god roaming around. Oh and of course to top it all off, she finds out her powers are some kind of leech. Sadly, she couldn’t even tell her friends since they were threatened by the very creature. Coming back home, she couldn't rest knowing that at any moment, that thing could go and bite her head.
She only got a few hours of sleep due to the lack of it and awoke with a migraine. She walked to her fridge, thinking it was because all she needed was a nice breakfast, and lo and behold. Her food was all moldy and expired. It made sense since she was gone for a week. Groaning, she decided to go grocery shopping with the last of the money she had saved.
Which is what she was doing now.
She grabbed a can of ravioli while browsing the select items on the shelf. She could buy actual groceries and ingredients, but she was looking for something quick to make. As per the square price tag on the shelf, if you bought four, you would only pay about 2.44 pounds. It sounded like a good deal, well to her at least, she didn't know if it was worth it or not.
She put them in her cart and proceeded down the aisle to see if there were any other items she could buy. As she stared at the packets of dry pasta, she considered making soup like her mother used to make. It would mean her calling her for instructions on making it, but it's worth a shot. She kinda wanted to get Steven's and Marc's reactions to foods she grew up eating. She went to the next aisle and discovered a variety of cereal.
She moved on to the cereal boxes aimed at children, who wanted something sweet. Is she concerned? No, it wasn't childish if it meant she could eat. A familiar deep voice came into her ears as she looked at two boxes and thought about the taste.
“What do you think im doing?” She whispered in an annoyed tone.
“Not that, I am talking about those”
Puzzled, she turned to her right side and saw a woman probably in her 30s. She had a toddler in her cart who pointed to the items she thought were tasty. Y/N's eyes widened and she returned her gaze to the shelf.
"You are not going to murder a mother and her child! Plus, I need t buy actual food for myself, not you," she said quietly.
As she continued to browse, she noticed the price of (favorite cereal) which was a little higher for her taste. Sighing, she returned it to the shelf and examined the off-brand items. Her 'friend' seemed to notice.
"Why don't we team up? You take whatever food you need, and I eat any guards who try to stop you. It's a win-win situation"
"You want to rob the store?" She says it loudly, which causes the mother beside her to look at her strangely.
She quickly pulls out her phone and implies that she is on a phone call. Making it appear as if she was on the phone with a friend who was cracking jokes. The woman nods and returns her attention to her shopping.
“…we aren’t about to do that” this time she says it in a hush tone.
“It is a good plan though”
“Thats a terrible plan”
"Because you're still going to be murdering innocent people!" She becomes quiet as she realizes her words were too loud.
The mother looks at her, shocked and terrified. She moves quickly away from the aisle with her child and away from Y/N. Y/N groans and runs her hand down her face while gripping the basket handle.
“Great, now I look more of a crackhead than I already did” she mutters.
She grabs the cheapest box and heads to the milk aisle to get out of there as soon as possible. She started walking back to the apartment building after she paid. She looked over the bag of groceries she had purchased, relieved that she had purchased enough items.
Moving through the crowd of people who were most likely late for work, she calculated that she wouldn't be home for another block and ten minutes on the bus.
As she walked down the street, she noticed a homeless man sitting on the ground with a cup in his hand. Most likely, asking for money.
“How about him? He does not look innocent”
"Jesus, are you still talking about eating people? No," she said, her face scrunched.
“But you said innocent people were the ones I couldn’t eat”
"That's an innocent person, dude," she said as she looked at the man who flipped her off for staring, "maybe innocent."
“You are changing the rules”
"I haven't changed a thing. How about I ask you questions instead because I need a very good explanation," she gestured with her hands, drawing a few pairs of eyes to her.
“Why did you decided to show yourself now instead from the beginning?”
“You were busy with other matters”
“Those animal beings with powers”
“You mean the Egyptian gods? You were scared of them?” She scoffed
Y/N arrived at the bus stop, where many others were waiting, most of whom were dressed in business suits and carrying briefcases. She waited away from the crowd, however, because she was speaking with the symbiote.
“I was not scared, I just did not want them to know about me. Especially the female one”
“You mean Hathor? She was sweet though”
“She was not”
When the bus arrived, everyone shoved each other. As the last person to arrive, Y/N pushed her way through the crowd in search of a seat. Finding one, she rushed over to it as if a spotlight was shining on it, but it was won by a man. Her shoulders sagged and she groaned, continuing to stand while clutching the bus's handle.
Surprisingly, Mania remained quiet on the bus ride, which Y/N quietly thanked. She didn't want to risk appearing even more insane on the bus, and she was still tired. So this was a welcome relief from dealing with the symbiote.
The bus came to a screeching halt at Y/N's stop. Her feet led her down the path to the apartment, hopping off. She shoved her hands into her pockets as the cold air blew in. She quickened her pace to get home faster, grateful that she had decided to wear baggy and warm clothes. The building was visible in the distance, as was the merchants' who were outside of it.
She walked past many sellers as she approached. Most of them she recognized, and some of them recognized her. Before the trip to Cairo, people would say things like "good morning" or "afternoon." The greeting was always returned by Y/N, but that was it. It was the same in this case, one said 'hello' and she would say it back.
She looked at the number screen as she passed through the pair of doors and into the elevator, waiting for the 5th floor to appear. She returned her gaze back to her grocery bag and placed a hand on the milk to ensure it wasn't warming up. But who was she kidding? It was cold outside, so the milk had to be fine.
The doors opened and she stepped out as the elevator chimed. There was no one walking down the hall, so she could talk to Mania if she wanted to. However, Marc and Steven would be suspicious if they were in their flat. And she didn't want them to be a part of her problem. So she decided to keep her questions until she went inside.
Opening the door, she walked in and made her way to the kitchen. She placed the bag on the table and began putting the items back in their proper places. It was quick because all she had to do was put away cereal, ravioli cans, milk, and other items.
She then walked over to the couch and took a seat. Her hands were on her lap, and she was staring at the wall. She was considering the questions she wanted to ask. She began at the beginning in order to gather as much information as possible.
“All right, so what really happened at the alley? You know the day we met"
Mania stayed quiet before it started to speak.
"The body I was controlling was physically weak, and I needed a replacement. That's when you passed by."
"And you picked me? Why? Also, what was the deal with the red explosion?"
"...I lunged at you, trying to eat you. Because your human mind couldn't comprehend, it created that image of a blast. Also, I did not choose you; it just happened that you were a good fit for a body."
"Wait, you're telling me I was about to die that day, but I survived because we were a match?" Y/N paused.
With that piece of information, her life changed a little more. Yes, she had the option of dying at the tomb, but she chose to return. She would not have returned if she had died at the start. That would have been the end of the story.
“So when I blacked out, did I actually die?”
“You did, but when I took over, I healed your body”
“Wow…so I died three times” she swallowed the thick saliva in her mouth. Her mind went blank.
“It is two actually”
“Doesn’t matter. Okay wait then why didnt you heal me back at the tomb?”
“When you were hurt, I decided to get out of your body and leave. You were not the effort”
Y/N scoffed offensively, “Oh so you just decided to leave me behind?”
“I came back didn't I?”
Y/N leaned back on the couch, her arms crossed. Knowing she wasn't as important to hurt her a little, even if the opinion came from some creature. She imagined what would happen if she died that night in the alley, and how everyone would react.
Of course, her family would be devastated. Her siblings would be blaming themselves for not making an attempt to better her home life. Her parents would probably be distraught and believed they should have tried to convince her to stay in California.
But Steven. He'd probably be bewildered, wondering how he could have let that happen. He would be saddened to learn that his friend had died. Marc would probably feel terrible for leaving her to die. He wouldn't forgive himself.
Speaking about those two, she still wondered about how she was able to hear them through reflections.
“By any chance, are you the reason why I was able to hear Steven and Marc in mirrors?”
“What do you mean perhaps?” She mocked it.
“I realized you were not so capable, so I went to them multiple times, but they were...unexpected. That lead me back to you"
That still didn't answer her question, and she was irritated at being called weak. Marc and Steven, on the other hand, would have dealt with it. Their stress level would have most likely skyrocketed and who knows how they would have changed.
"I assume you're confused. When I returned to your body, I believe I brought some traits from their mind with me. That is, their ability to communicate through reflections."
It made more sense to her that the 'ability' Mania was referring to was most likely Marc and Steven's disorder. The disorder was like tracking mud into the house, and Y/N's mind was the floor. All that was required was to clean it or, in this case, wait for it to fade away.
It was a bad analogy, Y/N shook her head and rested her face on her palms.
She kept asking it questions, trying to wrap her head around it. One of the most important was where it came from. She knew Hydra had to be to blame but was it created or did it come from somewhere else?
It turned out that it wasn't even from this universe. It explained how one day it ended up and, in the words of Mania, "A place that a human can get a type of liquid to feel numb." To say it another way, a bar. It explained how it had no recollection of being there, only that something similar existed like it.
After being found by scientists, it was stolen by Hydra and then used in experiments. Hence the man who was in the alley that day. When it was easy to understand, the next piece of information made her queasy.
"So what happened to that guy?"
"If I tell you, you won't like it”
She readied herself, not expecting what could have happened, “What?”
"After I took over your body, I needed nutrients...He was the closest thing”
Her lips parted and she looked down at the floor, unable to imagine how. But she did, and it was terrible.
“You’re saying I ate him?” Her breath quickened.
Her mouth began to water, and her stomach began to squirm. She dashed to the restroom, slamming the door open, feeling something come up her throat. She knelt by the toilet and gripped the seat as her body pushed out her last meal.
She murdered a man. A man who was attempting to flee danger, but her idiot self had to stumble into that alley. If she hadn't, she might have been able to save him.
“Even if you didnt check on him, he would have still died”
She scowled, raising her head. It didn't explain how it could read her thoughts which freaked her out more. She stood up to the sink, wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her sweater, and poured water onto her palms. She splashed herself with the cool liquid after rinsing her mouth.
She stepped back into the living room, biting on her tongue in rage. She thought having these powers would be cool and something she'd be able to show her family, but she couldn't. It would only mean putting them in danger.
"I need you to leave," she said as she stood in the middle of the room, her gaze fixed on the floor.
“Leave? Why, when there are so many heads, torsos, and legs around me?"
Y/N wrinkled her brow as if it smiled at the fact.
"Plus, if I did, you'd just be a loser again."
She laughed and shook her head, recalling Hathor's advice to keep an eye on her power. She did, and now she has to deal with a symbiote. Hathor could have at least given her a heads-up that her powers seemed more like a curse.
"Alright, if we're going to call each other names, you got to be pathetic because you need someone just to move around," she flailed her arms and slapped them to her side.
“I can move on my own just fine”
"Are you sure? If you can, then just go and look for someone else or go back to your weird planet!" she remarked sarcastically. "Before you can do that, you're still a fucking parasite!"
Tentacles rushed out of her back and onto the wall, slamming her body against it. Her head shook and she grumbled from the pain. When she opened her eyes, she saw that she was pinned up against the wall, her feet dangling. She looked at her arm and tried to pull it away from the wall, but the same tentacles held her back
"Let me go! I get it! You're sensitive to the word parasite!" She yelled, still attempting to remove her limbs from the wall.
Her shoulder tingled and another tentacle emerged, but this one was different. It was much thicker than usual and moved between strands. As it approached her, the tip began to morph teeth and eventually became a head.
The same figure she saw in Stevens' bathroom stood in front of her. It had sharp white eyes and long sharp teeth that formed a smile this time. It returned her stare as the stem moved and squirmed around.
“What the hell?” She breathed out.
"Listen carefully, Y/N; I am smarter and stronger than all humans combined. I'll use you as a ride, and in exchange, I'll keep you alive; that's my deal."
"What if I say no?"
"Then I'll kill everyone you care about, beginning with those two neighbors, that woman, and your family, and saving you for last."
She had no choice; she was being threatened, but that didn't mean she was going to let it win.
"Are you still going to be eating people?" she continued to make eye contact with it, fearing she would irritate it.
“Very much”
She leaned back and looked up at the ceiling, both sides seemed like there would be killing. Panic slowly built up in her body, wondering what would be the best approach.
“Since you, won't be leaving anytime soon, how about we add to the deal?”
“I'm listening”
“I'll let you eat people if you promise its only bad people”
“How would I know the difference? All you humans are horrible”
"Oh, I believe you, but there are some worse. Like Harrow and Hydra. Those are the people who want to cause harm to others for power and shit like that"
“Hmm, that is difficult”
She sighed, “Ill tell you which ones are good and bad, deal? Oh, and I don't want to be bossed around too much. I just want to live normally, alright?”
Before Mania could say anything, there was a knock at the door and they both turned. Y/N had a feeling who it was but before she could say, Mania won her.
"It's those two," it grumbled
There was more knocking and Marc spoke up, "Hey, are you busy?"
Y/N widened her eyes and asked Mania if they had a deal. Mania appeared hesitant, but Marc's constant knocking rushed them.
"We need to talk about last night. You were acting weird and rushed out on us before we could talk about the news" Marc, on the other hand, was very concerned. He felt helpless without his powers, especially with a killer and her acting strangely.
He continued to knock as the pair inside tried to negotiate.
"Come on! He's gonna get suspicious and he's gonna know" she whispered.
Mania looks at her before returning her attention to the door. It couldn't believe some insignificant human was going to force it to agree to her terms. Its head nodded, groaning.
Mania dropped Y/N, causing a large thud. Marc paused and began to shake the doorknob.
"Hey! Is everything alright?" With her silence, he began to panic more. Holding back from kicking the door down.
As she struggled to get up, she felt pain in her knees. Mania instructed her to hurry up and open the door. She opened the door, almost slipping, to see Marc standing there with his leg raised. They both stood there, taking in the situation.
"Were you about to kick down my door?" She looked him up and down.
He immediately planted his foot back down, "I was uh, what was that thud?"
"Oh," she scratched her head, "I slipped..trying to do a pushup"
Marc nodded and asked if he could come into her apartment. She nodded and stepped to the side to allow him to enter. He looked around and his gaze was drawn to the wall to his right.
"What happened there?"
When Y/N looked at what he was talking about, she noticed a large dent in the area where she was pinned down. She cursed in her head, trying to come up with some lame excuse.
"I don't know. It was like that when we came back. Probably an earthquake" she shrugged.
"I don't think an earthquake could cause that"
Marc nodded and continued eyeing the white wall. This caused both Y/N and Mania to grow nervous. For Y/N, it felt like that one episode from Spongebob where he and Mr.Krabs think they killed a health inspector.
"They are on to us. Lets kill them!”
“No!” Marc looked over at her, wondering why the sudden burst.
"No...pues que raro verdad?" she gave an awkward smile.
Marc just stared at her, puzzled, knowing something was wrong. Instead of prodding any further, he decided to discuss last night's event. Maybe it was that that was causing her to act weird.
"Right, anyways about last night," he moved to the couch and took a seat, "How are you feeling?"
Y/N followed and sat a seat away from him to give each other space, "I'm alright you know, honestly feel better now that they are gone"
She was referring to both Harrow and Ammit, and Marc felt the same way. Worry was eating him up, knowing that Harrow would soon unleash Ammit again. That he would then go after Y/N as well. Fortunately, Harrow was killed not long after.
"Same here, but I still want to know how he got killed" he crosses his arms and leans back.
Y/N nods and looks to the side, attempting to round up all suspects. Hathor would not waste her time attempting to kill him. Layla and Tawaret didn't seem to like the idea of killing him, and she would have called if she was in London. Khonshu was the only one who made sense, but how did he find an avatar so quickly?
"I am hungry, have them leave so we can find bad people"
Her shoulders sagged as her thought process faded. They both haven't eaten in a long time. Y/N would have eaten at home, but she didn't want to keep Mania waiting while she ate. She was afraid that if she did, it would try to devour Marc right here. So she had to excuse herself and say she had to go shopping for the last item on her college shopping list.
"I'll go with you" Marc began to stand up.
Y/N panicked and shook her head, "It's alright, it's just a few quick things you know. Waste of time for you, just go and sleep or something"
Marc waves her off, "I'll be fine, and like you said its only a short trip"
"A short trip that is like an hour long because of the walking and the ride on the bus. Yeah no, you stay at your place" she grabs her wallet from the dining table.
"That's cool, going out can give me some fresh air"
"She's acting weird"
"He's persistent"
"Then just open a window or something" she gestured to hers.
He raised an eyebrow, "Why do you want me to stay so bad?"
"Why do you want to go so bad?"
"Whoever killed Harrow is probably still here and you might come across them" he says with a serious tone.
"That's where I use my powers" she raised both arms.
Seeing this was becoming a loop of some kind, Steven suggested Marc to let him front. Maybe he would be able to convince her to let them tag along. He sighed and nodded, his body tensed up. Y/N already knew the signs for when one switched, so seeing this wasn't surprising for her.
“Great, the smart one is here”
"Oh love, you look pale, is everything all right?" Steven asked as he took in his surroundings. He approaches her closer to inspect her further.
She had just finished vomiting, so she was obviously not fine. She hasn't eaten either, which irritates her because she was hoping to eat the canned raviolis. But not anymore, because she now has to go hunting for bad guys while keeping the boys away from her. Who knows what Mania would do to them.
“I wouldn’t do anything”
“Im fine dude, just let me go to the store and you guys relax at home. I promise I can handle myself” she said, not trusting Mania still.
"I know you can handle yourself, but shopping would be exciting! Let us join you!" He almost claps with delight at the idea of going shopping with his friend.
“Make the journey there sound like a waste of time!”
"I'm literally just getting a backpack," she says, her head cocked to the side. "And, knowing how indecisive teenagers can be, we go through each one and analyze every detail. Yes, that does sound boring."
“Nonsense! I would be delighted to help you with choosing one, and I may know of a few stores to visit. That way, you can be the sharpest-looking student at your university! Oh! We can even go shopping for clothes! What do you think?" He laughs.
It warmed Y/N's heart but she couldn't let him join. She was more concerned about telling an adult man to stay at home at this point than she was about her finals. Mania continued to rush her out of there, adding to her anxiety.
“If I don’t eat at least one head in the next few minutes, I’ll be eating both of yours”
"Can you be quiet?" She whispered to her side, hoping Steven wouldn't hear. But he did. And she felt her heart drop as she saw his expression of hurt and sadness.
He frowns but speaks calmly. "Y/N, I know we are being clingy, but all we want to do is spend time with you before a new problem sweeps us off our feet."
Y/N felt guilty, despite the fact that her remark was directed at Mania. She could see the two attempting to bring peace to her life, but she was sadly pushing them away. It wasn't on purpose; it was all to protect them from the symbiote inside her.
It hurt her to see Steven hurt by her words. Marc was probably in there hurting too because he saw her wanting to stay away from them.
Sighing, she looked back to Steven.
After feeling bad about herself, Y/N decided to let Steven tag along. Mania, of course, did not like this idea, so Y/N created a plan to escape Marc's and Steven's watch and go look for trouble. She had no idea how she would find bad people, but she would try.
She wondered if some of Harrow's followers were still at the London hideout. Or if some of those Hydra people were still out there looking for their experiment. She hoped one of them was walking around here, that way she can get this task out of the way.
Steven's voice awakens her from her trance. He was listing all of the stores and what he had purchased from them. The last one Y/N catches is a store where he purchased his bag and mentions how many options they have. She decided to go with that one, and Steven was delighted to show her one of his liked stores. She assumed they were going to a tailor for leather backpacks from how Steven was explaining the store. Where an old man would show her his best creations, each with her name engraved on it.
Like she said, it sounded like a dark academic-style building, but when they arrived and walked to the location, it was nothing like her expectations.
It was just a large grey square building with posters advertising their big sale. A blue square sign with the words 'Poundland' in yellow was placed in front of the building. It honestly looked like a mixture of Walmart and Ross.
She knew at this point that she had to stop stereotyping everything in England as old and medieval.
Inside, it definitely reminded Y/N of the store Ross. The memories of her mom leading her to some random aisle and then waiting almost an hour just to move to the next one came to mind. Fortunately, she was with Steven who she hoped did not act the same way.
"The bags should be around here...There!" he lead her to an aisle where many backpacks were hung.
Right, she was supposed to buy an actual backpack now with her low funds. She was honestly planning on just using one of the bags she used to travel to England, but not anymore it seemed.
Steven grabbed one of the bags and looked at it then showed it to her, "Look at this one, it's waterproof and you can charge your phone!"
Y/N grabs it and looks at the size of it, "Its nice, but.. it looks too small for my laptop"
Steven gives an 'oh' and continues to examine each backpack, realizing that it must be larger than the one he previously displayed. It was honestly quite difficult trying to choose one because most of them were either for children or too small.
After about ten minutes of searching, Steven brought Y/N a large leather backpack. It was a caramel color with two side pockets and one square pocket at the front that you could zip up. The top flap was black leather with a long piece with a magnet that could be clipped onto the second one to close it. It was also large enough to hold her laptop.
Grabbing a hold of it, her eyes took in the small details, "I actually like this one"
"I did tell you I would be of help" he chuckled
Y/N rolled her eyes and looked at the price tag, 33 pounds. That was twice more than what she carried. Placing it back, Steven was confused and looked at her puzzled.
"Was something off about it?"
"Nah it was just...more than I can afford" she shrugged, "Is there a clearance area?"
Steven nodded but he was still disappointed in the fact that she couldn't buy something that she liked. Where would be the fun if she could only get items that she didn't even want in the first place?
"She really liked it, did you see the look in her eyes?"
"I don't mind getting it for you," Steven said, returning his gaze to the leather bag.
Y/N looked at Steven, surprised, "No, you don't have to…"
"I insist," he said as he snatched the bag from the hanger, "how about we get you a jacket before we leave, I heard it'll be quite chilly tomorrow."
She nodded, enjoying the idea of going shopping with Steven. In fact, just hanging out with him. Every time she went shopping or went out with someone, she felt obligated to focus on that person's happiness. Usually, she rushed shopping because she thought the other person got bored. The action was returned this time though, and she was happy about it.
Sadly, today wouldn't go as normal. She still had to go and feed Mania whoever she found on the street.
"Sure, but I uh, need to go to the restroom first"
She quickly walked to the restrooms after excusing herself. Normally, there would be an emergency exit or a way out nearby. Looking back, she noticed Steven walking towards the men's aisle, looking for something for himself, while still carrying the bag she had chosen.
Sighing, she looked straight ahead.
"So how many bodies do you need? 10? 20?" She quietly asked, wanting to quickly come back.
"You exaggerate too much. One would do for now"
She breathed out in relief, "Okay good, I'll take you to...man I don't even know"
She thought of the many places that might have criminals. Prisons she didn't know where they could find one. Mafia hideouts, hell no. The closest thing she could think of was an alley in the sketchiest place.
"Why not look for that building where you found Arthur Harrow and his minions?"
"I really don't remember where it's at"
"I do, I can locate the surroundings from your memory"
"That... is actually useful. I guess we can head the-"
The yelling of others cuts her off. She turns her head to the sound and sees many people fleeing or hiding. That's when she heard several guns go off. She walks toward the source of the commotion, using the aisle shelves as cover, and sees six men at the front wearing only half a mask.
"What the hell?" she whispers.
One of the men orders the customers to sit down and not move. Other men yell threats and the like while pointing their guns at everyone. That's when she notices Marc, who is crouching, glaring at them. She wonders why he isn't suiting up, but remembers how powerless he is now. That won’t stop him in fighting though, he was probably planning a way to take them down.
Seeing that the majority of the people in the store are either at the front or hidden, Y/N enters an aisle and crouches on the floor.
"Looks like the food came to us"
"Yup, the thing is we can’t get to them without Marc seeing you, and I know you want to stay hidden still, right?" Y/N considers using her powers, but knowing that it's just Mania doing the work, she lets it take the stance.
"We can go after them while being hidden”
Y/N stands up and notices herself growing taller before she can even ask anything. It's not her actual body though; instead, it's the same black goo she saw on Mania. It covers her from her feet to her torso, and her head is soon enclosed in the dark substance. An abstract white figure of a spider appears on her chest. Three spikes adorn her head, giving her a punk look.
A pair of white glossy eyes and a smile with long sharp teeth adorn the face. The smile line begins where the mouth opens wide from where the ears should be; it was like the Jokers in other words. Mania doesn't give Y/N time to take in the appearance before leaping out of the aisle and toward the men. The same men notice, and their face is filled with fear.
"What the hell is that?!"
"Shoot it!"
They begin to rapidly shoot but Mania's body deflects the bullets, causing them to fall.
"Where was this trick back at the tomb?" Y/N who was able to see what is happening from inside.
"I wanted to use it in a more badass way"
It grabs one of the men's guns and crushes it with only one hand. Mania smiles seeing the man's eyes widen.
Marc, bewildered, looks at the black creature who just came out of nowhere. What he doesn't anticipate is the creature devouring a man whole in one bite.  It doesn't make a bloody mess despite its long teeth. Deciding to back down, he looks around to see if Y/N is anywhere on sight.
"What the hell is that, Marc? Do you think Y/N is safe?"
"...I-I don't know" Marc doesn't say it but he feels like he's seen that same black goo from somewhere.
With only two men left, Mania walks over to one of them and lifts him up from the ground. The man tries kicking it but it’s no use. Up close he can see the thick saliva drooping out of its mouth while it’s eyes had an iridescent look.
"Eyes, lungs, pancreas. So many snacks, so little time" Mania growls.
The man tries to free himself from Mania's grip, but it tightens even more. Mania licks the man's cheek with its long tongue which he cringes at. Another man shoots it from behind before it can eat him. Mania chokes the man and throws him across the store. It then chomps on the man who shot it, decapitating him and leaving his body on the floor.
Before Mania can pursue the other man, police sirens and officers yelling to shoot are heard. As bullets fly, Mania runs to the back of the store, breaking through the wall and escaping. Mania detransforms as soon as they reach the outside and Y/N hides at the side of the building. The officers are perplexed by seeing the opening it made. The creature is gone. Y/N can hear them discussing setting a perimeter to look for it, which makes her panic.
“There’s a door”
When Y/N looks to her right, she notices that Mania is correct: there is one. They go through and see the flickering lights with the mess of items knocked down the shelves.
Many people are either fleeing or frozen in place. A few officers patrol the area with their guns drawn, looking for Mania. They had no idea they had just walked past it.
As she walks through the store, she hears Marc call out for her. She follows his voice and finds him still holding the backpack. Despite being in a hostage situation, he still kept the bag she liked in hand. His gaze is drawn to her, and he rushes to embrace her.
"Oh, thank God you're fine," he exhales, "come on, we should go."
He drags her out of the store and through the crowds of police officers. Some of them ask if they need to be checked by EMTs, but Marc says they're fine and walks away. News cars surround the place and there are people talking about the incident.
Y/N looks around and notices the last man attempting to rob the store being handcuffed. His face contorts in great shock as he mutters a few phrases about a demon before being placed in the backseat of a police car.
Once away, Y/N looks at the bag in Marc’s hand, “Did you-“
"Don't worry, I paid for it," he says reassuringly, "Did you see what happened back there? ”
She nods, “Yeah, creepy ass monster thing”
“Fuck you”
“Yeah” Marc replies, “Good thing the police came in before it tried to kill everyone”
"It didn't look like it was trying to hurt us, more like trying to save us…" noticing Marc's suspicion, she shifts her perspective, "But if it did, I would have used my powers"
Marc shakes his head, “No, it would have been dangerous. You don’t know what it could have done, I saw it. It ate those guys in one bite”
Y/N gulps, she remembers. She remembers everything that happened while she was being controlled. Rather, while her body was being used as a vessel. It felt strange like you were wrapped in a blanket while watching television. She recounts how powerful she felt as they defeated the group of men.
The two walk to the bus stop, which is thankfully already there. They walk in, find seats, and lean back. Y/N was relieved as the sun began to set for the first time. She just wanted to get to sleep so she could be ready for her first day of college. Forget about the hostage situation and Mania.
“I don’t think you have eaten, have you?” Steven asked her. Guess Marc's job of keeping them safe was over.
“Nope, was planning on just eating some canned food that I bought earlier”
"Canned food?!" Steven almost screamed. "You mean you'll eat processed food instead of home-cooked meals? ”
"I'm not going to let it happen; you're having dinner at my apartment.  I'll prepare my famous spicy and baked cauliflower for you," he declares.
Y/N smiles, “Sounds good, I won’t pass up food that I don’t have to cook”
“I didn’t”
Y/N bit her cheek, trying not to tell Mania anything. It laughed at her reaction and decided to remain silent. Y/N wouldn't lie, she was beginning to see Mania as less of a burden. Her friends and family would be safe as long as there was a surplus of criminals. Well, that's all she thought she had to worry about for now.
The bus ride was quick, but walking to the apartment was even faster. Y/N and Steven ate together at his place, discussing her schedule and when she would return from university. It turned out she only had four classes to complete three days a week. That means she'd have a lot more time to herself.
"Seems like you need to pick up a hobby for now" Steven took a bite from his bowl of food.
Y/N did the same, "More like a job, I've applied to like five and none called"
Steven hummed in response, "There will be an opening you'll see, plus its only been the second day"
Steven's phone rang and he looked at the caller ID, his eyes widened.
"It's Donna" He said in a hushed tone, showing her the screen.
"We hate her!"
Her fork dropped from her grasp, and she exclaimed, "Fucking she-devil or something we didn't know about?"
"What do I do?" He looked at her for guidance.
"Answer her! Wait, give it a second to ring. Don't wanna look desperate you know"
Steven nodded and let the phone ring for a few seconds longer. He returned his gaze to Y/N to see if it was good to go, and she nodded. He cleared his throat and responded with his best 'Good Afternoon.'
"Put it on speaker," Y/N said quietly, and Steven did as he was told. Donna's voice echoed throughout the apartment.
"Finally you bloody answered!" Her voice pierced their ears.
“Sorry-” Steven was perplexed when Y/N abruptly shook her head. She motioned her hand to Steven, implying that he didn't need to apologize. He cleared his throat and nodded.
"Right, I mean, I was really busy, I didn't even know you called," he said almost sarcastically. Y/N almost laughed, forgetting that Steven had a habit of getting an attitude when someone irritated him.
"What are you even busy with? Anyway, I'm not here to strike up a conversation. Although it irritates me to ask," Donna huffs, the two of them wondering what kind of news she despises so much. "I hope therapy has been doing both of you well...Would you and your niece like to work at the museum again?"
Steven looks at Y/N, and she returns his gaze. Among all coincidences, they now have the opportunity to reclaim their job. It was a pain if they were honest, mostly because the entire staff was rude. Most of them pretended to be friendly with them while they talked shit about them in the break room.
Aside from the people, Steven and Y/N enjoyed working there. They enjoyed working in an Egyptian museum, particularly Steven. It was fun seeing artifacts and seeing the different kinds of people who held an interest in Egypt. Furthermore, the pay was higher than in other places.
Steven placed his palm over the microphone portion of his flip phone and turned to face Y/N. "What should I say?" He mouthed.
"Don't agree yet! It'll make us look weak"
She agreed with Mania silently and thought about keeping the option open, “Say we’ll think about it for now”
He removed his hand, nodded, and said, unimpressed, "We will think about it.  I'll let you know later tonight."
“…Fine. But hurry because we are short on staff” Donna then hung up and the pair were met with the beeping of the phone. They both made annoyed faces, "Damn, would it kill her to be nice for a change". Y/N grabbed her fork again and began eating aggressively.
"She literally begged us to come back at the end." Steven continued to eat before pausing to ask, "Do you think we should go back?"
"And deal with her again?"
"And deal with the looks we'll get when we come back"
"Deal with J.B's bullshit"
"Don't forget the dirty looks from my failed date"
As the two named the cons of the job, they could agree on one thing.
"…The pay was good, though," Y/N said as she fiddled with her food.
"It was good..." Steven said as he stared down at his phone.
That was what tipped the scales in their favor. They waited about 20 minutes before Steven called Donna and agreed to return to work. They discussed Y/N's schedule and such, and Donna hesitated to agree. When told that they would begin tomorrow, Y/N declared that they should drink to the news.
"I don't think it's such a good idea to drink the night before your first day of classes and work," Steven said, taking his and her plates after they had both finished their meals.
Y/N sighed in defeat, "I hate that your right"
"Let's just drink back at your place"
"We don't have wine back over there" She whispered.
"Did you say something?” Steven turned around, holding the bowls in his hands.
Y/N scrunched her brows, “…No?”
Steven let out a 'hmm' and said how he thought he did. She ran up to Steven and helped him wash dishes, hoping to distract him from thinking about the subject any further. He kept telling her she didn't have to, but she shrugged. They just kept washing dishes until there were none left.
Y/N then walked over to the dining table to gather her belongings before returning to her flat. Steven motioned for her to wait as she was about to walk out the door. She sees him holding out the leather backpack she bought earlier. She had completely forgotten about it, and she felt somewhat guilty about it.
Taking it from Steven's hands, she smiled at him, "Hey thanks for getting me it"
"No problem, me and Marc saw you eyeing it back at the store before all that happened," he said with a small laugh.
"I didn't realize I was, guess I'll have to watch my body language next time," she joked. "Anyway, I'm going to start going, good night to you, and good night to Marc if he's here."
Steven's body tensed up and out came Marc, "I'm here, good night kid"
He ruffles her hair, and she moves her head to avoid his grasp. She waves goodbye as she walks to her apartment.
She began brushing her teeth after showering, this time more paranoid. She kept looking in the mirror, thinking Mania would pull the same stunt again. She glanced at the mirror, still on edge after cleaning her teeth. She exhaled thinking Mania wouldn't try to scare her while looking at her eyes, lips, and the few spots on her skin.
That was until Mania's form came on the reflection, giving Y/N a smile.
Y/N recoiled and let out a small scream. Her reflection returned to normal, but Mania continued to laugh as it came out of her right shoulder.
"Fuck you, man," Y/N groaned as she exited the restroom. She went to her backpack, which sat by the bag of materials she had collected a week before, and brought them to the couch. She then began organizing each piece on the inside.
"You are easy to scare, Y/N"
"You are so funny," she said, mocking its laugh. She kept putting the last items inside. She finished by extending the backpack away from her body to inspect it, making sure she removed all tags. She placed it on the couch, nodding in approval.
After turning off all the lights, she walked over to her phone to make sure that it was charging. Setting up her alarm, she laid on her bed and went under the covers. Falling into a deep slumber.
“I don’t know why you are rushing, we still have 3 hours to go”
"I'm rushing because I still have to try to find where my classes are," Y/N said as she hurriedly put on her black boots and jacket.
She dashed to her backpack and checked to see if she had everything; wallet, notebooks, pencils, and so on. She swung her backpack on her back, satisfied that she was all set. She took a step back to check herself in the mirror before heading out the door.
It was a simple outfit, she wore a white t-shirt and a gold necklace. She wore simple jeans with a black belt and an oversized coat that she found while thrifting. As for shoes, they we’re just leather boots.
She walked over to the door and out into the hall, nodding in approval. Steven appeared in a matter of seconds. He was dressed for work in a button-up with his signature jacket and jeans.
“Are you nervous?” Steven asked.
She shook her head, “No…maybe”
Steven reassured her by patting her back and telling her she had nothing to worry about and that she would do great.
As they exited the apartment and boarded the bus, they were forced to stand once more on their way to work and school. The two could only exchange quick exchanges because they were pressed together by the large crowd.
“You think this looks fine?” Y/N continued to examine her clothes.
“It looks fine, love. Do you have all your materials?”
"Yup, double checked last night and this morning," she said, nodding. "Do you think they made any changes at the shop?"
"I don't think they would have after only a week. Honestly, I think what changed was everyone's perspective on us," he sighed, slumping.
"Eh, who cares," she shrugged. "They had no idea we were saving their sorry asses."
Steven nodded and kept his grip on the bus. Steven's stop finally appeared after about ten minutes.
“That’s you” Y/N gestured her head to Steven.
“It is. Okay, well wish you luck in your classes, focus, make new friends, and, most importantly, have fun. Oh! And be careful!" He said this as he took a step back from her.
“Got it” She snapped her fingers and pointed a finger gun at him.
He smiled and shook his head, that’s when Marc switched over, “If anything happens, call us. Even if some kids are picking on you”
“Dude, everyone on the campus is over shit like that, but I appreciate your effort” she lightly bowed her head.
“Right, anyways be safe and let us know when your on your way”
Y/N nodded, “Of course, later gators” she grinned.
Marc paused and smiled, “In a while-“
“-Crocodile” Steven then switched in.
They waved goodbye to Y/N before exiting the bus. Now it was just her and her thoughts, with Mania thrown in for good measure. There were many seats left empty after a wave of people left, so she decided to take a chance.
Her stop was still a few blocks away, but the ride was relatively short. She spent the majority of it staring into the abyss until Mania spoke up.
“What is the point of college?”
Y/N would sigh and take out her phone, acting like she was in a phone call.
"It turns out that the world has made it so that you have to pay thousands of dollars just to get a piece of paper that says you're qualified to work.  And that work usually earns you a shitload of cash." She came to a halt after finishing and considered whether she still wanted to be a nurse.
“I just made you rethink life” Mania laughed.
It did, and now Y/N was wondering if working 12 hours a shift was worth it.
Y/N stood in front of tall buildings after finally finding the entrance to the university. Each one had its name plastered on its side. In all honesty, they looked exactly like she imagined them to: old and medieval. Each light pole had banners in the colors of the school which were red and white.
Many students were rushing to class as she walked in. There were many stands along the walkway with people attempting to recruit others into their fraternity or sorority. She made a mental note to stay away from them since she grew to be scared of those groups. She checked her phone's time and realized she still had about an hour before her class began. She began walking around the campus, pulling up her schedule to see which building her classes would be in.
After about 30 minutes, she was still no closer to locating her class. She could feel her brain pounding in her skull and was on the verge of crying and quitting. Perhaps college isn't for her. Is it too late to drop out and come back to America? No, she couldn't do that; she liked London and its relative peace.
She also had a real good friend, or rather friends who cared about her well-being. Back in California, most of her friends were fake and only concerned about themselves. Some of them would even go out of their way to bring her down. Apart from them, she had one friend who resembled Steven, Marc, and Layla. Except they stopped talking after they graduated high school.
She sighed and walked to a nearby bench, where she sat, still analyzing Google Maps. Perhaps there was a secret path or something, similar to Harry Potter.
"This is boring, let me just help you find the room"
Checking her surroundings, she quietly said, "What's making you help me out of nowhere?"
"I rather not see you cry and make yourself look like a total loser in front of everyone"
"Oh, well I guess that's kinda nice in a way-"
"And so we can hurry up and eat more bad people"
"There it is, anyways how can you even help me?" she crossed her arms.
Mania said nothing else and began to emerge from Y/N's lower back. "What are you up to?" Y/N almost panicked as she turned and followed the black trail with her eyes.
"Stop doing that, you'll make my existence known if you keep staring at me"
She turned around to see a few people passing by, a few waving or smiling at her. She'd return it and then return to talking to the air, "You didn't answer me though," she'd say.
"Found it"
"Wow, that was fast. Where is it?"
"...You'll probably get angry for what I'm about to do but it's the fastest way"
"Wait, what do you mean?" she asked quickly as her body was yanked away from the bench and launched into the air. She felt like she was being dragged away by a rope. She screamed as she flew through the air before being thrown against the side of a building.
She opened her eyes slowly, her back aching after falling to the ground. She looked up from behind the bushes that surrounded her to see if anyone was coming to see what was up, but no one seemed to notice. Mania poked her head out of her shoulder again and looked at her.
"You could have fucking told me!"
"If I did, you would have said no and we would have walked more"
Y/N groaned and stood up, "Are we even at the right place?"
She looked up to the wall of the building and read the name, it was. Mania commented on how it was faster than she was and was expecting a thank you. Y/N rolled her eyes and thanked it, getting up and cleaning herself up.
Quietly getting out of the plants, she speed walked away and out to find her classroom now. Before Mania could tell its idea again, Y/N put a finger to her lips.
Y/N finished her first day of college after nearly five hours of classes. It didn't go as planned because Mania was occasionally whispering in her ear. It would ask on how long class would last and whether they could go in search of its next meal. As a result, Y/N had to write notes on her notes in order to communicate with Mania.
Aside from that, Y/N was now late for work. She wasted time by getting lost on campus and trying to find her way out. This resulted in her missing the bus and nearly having an anxiety attack. She was now attempting to run the next four blocks before her shift began in ten minutes.
Her legs were burning as she pushed herself to keep moving. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. Passers-by would simply stare at her as she was a gasping mess. If it was cold before, it was no longer so because she was sweating.
"At this rate, you aren't going to have the energy to work"
"Shut up..." She breathed out, wiping her forehead with the sleeve of her coat.
"Let me help you"
"Last time you helped me, I almost got a concussion"
"This time you won't, I promise"
Mania sounded genuine, which surprised Y/N. She paused for a moment, taking in the distance she still had to cover. She'd be late because of the numerous traffic lights that would keep her waiting until it was her turn to cross the street. She reluctantly allowed Mania to help her.
Mania instructed her to go into an alley without anyone seeing. Y/N walked into one and hid beside a dumpster, looking around if everything was clear.
Y/N took a breath in and shrugged, "I guess"
Mania then transformed Y/N into the same black figure from the store. Mania ducked to make sure no one was nearby before piercing its claws into a nearby building. It launched itself up and landed on the roof of the same building.
It then started running, jumping from one facility to the next. It kept doing so, and the people below didn't seem to notice. In Y/N's opinion, she appeared to be on one of those rollercoasters with many ups and downs. It was actually rather enjoyable for her to just jump in the air and not see anyone be eaten. Especially since Mania knew exactly what it was doing and would not let them die from fall damage. So her stress was low and she was able to sit back.
She wouldn't tell Mania, or perhaps it already knew, but Y/N had taken a liking to it. Even if it's only been two days since she has been able to communicate with it. A part of her is relieved that she has someone or something to talk to when she is alone, even if it means that same thing not wanting to be a part of her social life.
The building of the museum came into view and Mania jumped onto the roof. A loud thud occurred and Y/N felt her body cringe, knowing that it was heard from inside.
She was right, Steven and the rest of the staff heard it. They exchanged glances, and some speculated on what it could have been. Some speculated that it could have been a pipe exploding or something. Others speculated that it could have been the monster from the news.
Donna who was unfortunately by Steven began to talk to him, "Did you hear what happened at the Poundland by Sterling? Crazy things are happening around here, ever since those Avengers defeated Thanos"
“Yeah, I think everyone has heard” Steven said in an uninterested tone.
"Honestly, you'd think they'd gotten rid of all extraterrestrial life here on Earth, but no, now we have to deal with all this crap," Donna says as she leans against the counter.
"Technically, we are also seen as extraterrestrials by other extraterrestrials," he pointed out, which Donna rolled her eyes at.
"I forgot all about your attitude, hope your niece lost hers in the week you two were away. Speaking about her, where is she? She usually arrives on time, but it's almost 3 o'clock," she checks her watch.
This made Steven nervous, especially after the previous conversation about the monster from yesterday. Y/N was usually early because she was always worried about being late. Perhaps her last class lasted longer than it should have. Maybe there was traffic. It was probably some reasonable, normal thing that occurred.
Or perhaps that black slimy creature chose to specifically attack the bus she was riding on. Maybe she was already on her way here when that thing took her. She most likely tried to use her powers but they didn't work, so she called for help but no one answered. He didn't respond. He wasn't there. He should have been. 
All these thoughts were freaking Steven and Marc out.
“Relax, I’m sure she’s fine…..try calling her”
Steven quickly pulled out his phone, ready to dial her number, until he heard someone run into the museum.
“I’m here!” Y/N slid inside and came to a halt.
"Look here, it's the long-lost gremlin." JB teased, and Y/N walked by him, flipping him off.
Steven sighed in relief and put his phone back into his pocket, “Glad you made it on time, thought you might have gotten lost on the way”
“Technically we did”
"Uh, yeah, I kinda got lost, then I missed the bus, and then I had to run all the way over here," she said as she straightened her clothes and combed her hair.
Steven approaches her and pulls a feather from her hair, "I see, did you happen to run into a flock of birds?" He chuckles.
In reality, while she and Mania were on the roof, they landed near a nest of baby birds. Awestruck by the sight, Y/N approached them and cooed at them. That was until their mother arrived and began trying to pluck her eyes out. As a result, she has a feather in her hair.
Of course, she couldn’t tell Steven this since she would also have to explain how she ended up there.
The day went on, and the two continued to work their shifts. They didn't get any training for obvious reasons, and Donna just wanted the pile of work to be done. Y/N and Steven were a little rusty at first, misplacing things or not understanding how to use the cash register. That was quickly resolved, and they both worked quickly.
Aside from actually working, their predictions about the rest of the staff and their opinions were correct. There would be whispers about both of their "manic episodes" and how crazy runs in the family. Steven would be concerned about Y/N, but she would laugh it off, pointing out how, despite the fact that they are unrelated, they are living in people's minds for free.
"Not to burst your bubble, but don't you gossip about others behind their backs?" Steven inquired.
Y/N would give him a half-lidded look, "You taking sides now? Besides, you would talk shit about people all the time"
It was dark outside now and most of the visitors were gone. The museum's lights gradually went out, leaving only the gift shop's lights on. The two were almost finished with their tasks and were eager to get home and rest. Steven was finishing up inventory on a clipboard while Y/N gathered all the scattered items.
"I believe that is it for today, you almost done?" He clicked his pen and placed it on the holder of the clip.
She nodded and straightened out a stack of fact cards on a shelf. "Let's go ahead and clock out. I was thinking we could stop for food on the way?"
"That sounds like a good idea" Steven smiled.
Donna interrupted their conversation while carrying two boxes stacked on top of each other "I have bad news for you two. These have just arrived, and I need you two to put them on display for tomorrow. This includes taking inventory."
"But our shift is almost over" Y/N crossed her arms.
"Almost, meaning you have time. Either way, you two will be paid for the extra hour. So take advantage of that” She placed the boxes on a table and then walked away, leaving the two exhausted bodies standing there.
Y/N groaned, "Fucking piece of shit, I swear”
Using the scissors from the counter, she aggressively tore through the tape that sealed the boxes. Steven avoided trying to calm her down because he knew it would irritate her even more.
Inside the boxes were both cardboard displays that needed to be assembled with a sheet of how the end piece was supposed to look. Plus the new items were many jewelry pieces with hieroglyphics engraved on fake gold. Some of the jewelry pieces were necklaces, rings, and earrings.
Y/N double-checks the sheet to see how the display should look. It turns out that she needs to build a whole shelf, which includes putting every single jewelry piece in its proper place. To make the display more visually appealing.
It appears to be tedious work, but she does not dwell on it. She takes one piece and then another, putting them together but discovering they don't fit. She reaches for another piece, but it, too, does not fit.
"I think it's this one" Steven hands her a navy rectangle shape.
It was a match when she held it up to the other piece. She thanks him and continues to try to get everything set up.
Steven counts the packages and records them on his clipboard. Although it may appear simple, he must also write down the item number of each jewelry set after counting how many there are. So this is also exhausting work, and at this point he is scribbling whatever comes to mind.
After about ten minutes of trying to keep the pieces together, Y/N throws them down on the table. "Bro, God fucking dammit! Esta pinche-!" With frustration, she groans and bangs her fist on the table.
She now understood how Marc felt after trying to put together the constellation map back at the desert.
"Don't strain yourself," he says sympathetically, "just finish inventory and we'll deal with this cardboard situation."
She nods and he continues to work on his task. He notices that there is no blue ink coming out of his pen as he writes. He tries again and again, but nothing comes out. He shakes it, but nothing happens. He walks over to the counter to see if there are any more pens, but there are only pencils.
He couldn't just change the color pattern on the sheet, so he asks Y/N if she has one. She raises her head from the table after studying the image of the display.
"Don't have one...but I think JB has some" she grimaces.
"Great, let's see if he doesn't do that thing where he hands me one and just as I'm about to grab it, he pulls it away," Steven groans.
"Good luck" she sings.
Once he leaves, Y/N continues trying to put the display up but she is starting to lose patience. It seems like Mania is too.
"I am tired of this, let me do it"
Y/N's elbows to hands are covered in black goo, and they begin working quickly. She sees the shelf on the table being built and soon enough, finished in the blink of an eye.
"What the fuck? You did that fast" Y/N is taken aback.
"I memorize everything, but you're doing the rest"
Before Y/N can respond, Steven comes back.
"I finally got the pen. I was right about his move; it lasted about five minutes. Marc grew tired of it and fronted, grabbing it from his hands" As he got closer, he noticed the tall display on the table and his eyes widened slightly. "Wow! How did you finish it?"
"Eh, I got the hang of it. Anyways let's hurry cause I want to go home"
Steven nods, and the two start wrapping up their shift. He quickly finished the chart and began assisting Y/N in hanging all of the necklaces and such.
With the display and work ready for tomorrow, the two exit the museum and make their way to the bus stop.
"Do you still want to go eat?" Steven looks to Y/N who shakes her head.
"I don't know about you, but I kinda just want to go to sleep"
Steven agrees and they head straight home.
Y/N has returned to her apartment and is dressed in her oversized clothes, ready to sleep. She covers herself in her bed sheets after checking to see if the door is locked and her phone is plugged in.
"Since we are only working tomorrow, can we go and look for more bad guys?"
Y/N sighs, "Not really possible since were working almost the whole day"
"During break"
"That would be hard since we only get like thirty minutes. How about in the weekend?"
"Jeez, alright alright! I'll see what we can do, are you sure humans are all you eat?"
"...I might have kept things out"
"...I also eat this sweet thing that you humans call chocolate"
"…Are you saying we could have just bought chocolate instead?" She gave a deadpan look up at the ceiling, as if it were Mania.
"I can't believe you, yet I do. We'll just get chocolate tomorrow, yeah?"
This time she sits up and asks, "What store is open at…" She takes out her phone and checks the time. "Twelve o'clock in the morning"
"The store down the street, I saw their times and they are open 24 hours, meaning forever!"
"...You're not gonna let me sleep huh?"
So there you have it. They arrived at the same store where Y/N had gone before meeting Mania. With that coincidence, she purchases various chocolate items, such as chocolate bars, chocolate chips, chocolate milk, and so on.
After they pay, the wind picks up, causing Y/N to zip up her hoodie. Despite her fuzzy pajama bottoms, the cold was getting to her.
As she walked down the block, she had a flashback to how she had walked the same route around the same time a while ago. Speaking of which, she notices a woman walking quickly in front of her. Behind her, it seemed like she was being followed by a group of men.
What the fuck?, Y/N thought to herself.
The woman then dashes into an alley. The same one where Y/N and Mania fused.
The men then follow behind, and Y/N feels her stomach move, as if her gut was telling her something terrible was about to happen. As she gets closer, she hears the same woman plead and cry.
"Bad guys right?" Mania growled
Y/N wanted to flee and pretend she hadn't heard anything, but the other part of her wanted to charge in and beat the crap out of those guys. Her feet moved by themselves, and she found herself a few feet away from the crowd. The guys surrounded the poor woman, making catcalls and such.
One of the guys notices Y/N and smiles, motioning for the others to approach her. "You want some too?" they all ask, with wide grins. The woman looks down, feeling guilty for involving Y/N in her situation.
She shakes her head, "Nah, just wondering how fucking pathetic y'all are"
They frown and approach her. One of them reaches out a hand to grab her, but a black tentacle wraps around his arm and snaps it.
The man screams as he looks down at his arm.
Mania snatches him up and swallows him. The others try to flee, but tentacles from the back grab them and pull them in.
One man looks up in terror as he witnesses all of his friends being devoured by the black creature known as Mania. Finished, Mania makes its way to the last man, a sharp grin on its face.
"You come near her again, in fact, you go anywhere in the city, preying on innocent people," Mania grabs the mans neck, "We will find you and eat both your arms and then both of your legs, then eat your face right off your head, do you understand?"
The man shakes his head and asks for mercy.
"Yes, so you will be this legless, faceless thing, won't you? Rolling down the street, like a turd, in the wind" Drool falls from Mania's mouth. "You feel me?"
"...What the hell are you?" The man asks.
The right half side of Mania's face peels back and reveals Y/N's. Black veins grip on the side of her face as she stares at the man.
"We, are Mania" a mixture of Y/N's and Mania's voice comes through. They both smile at the man and then Y/N's face is covered again in black goo.
"On second thought..."
"No, please"
Mania licks it's teeth before chomping down on the man. The woman from before stares in horror as she sees Mania finish the last of the men who tried to hurt her.
Y/N is transformed back and she cracks her neck, trying to relieve tension from the transformation. She looks over to the woman and raises her palm to show she won’t harm her, “It's okay, you're safe”.
She then walks away, grabbing the bag that held all the chocolate inside. The woman doesn't do anything but just stares at the teen walk away.
“That felt great”
“I mean yeah, you just filled your belly with bad guys dude” Y/N continues to walk down the block.
“Not that, I meant saving that woman”
Y/N blinks, “You liked helping her?”
“Yeah, we should do this more”
“You want to become heroes?” She said it in a joking way and cocked her head to the side.
“Yes! Let’s become heroes!” Mania yelled enthusiastically.
Y/N laughed, “Okay, okay. We can think about it at home”
They continued walking, the apartment building coming near view. That’s when something told her to look up. The same sense she felt at the glass pyramid at Mogart's.
On top of a building was a dark figure and all she could see was a pair of white glowing eyes. She paused and stared before it disappeared into the night.
“You saw that right?” She breathed out.
“Yup, bad guy?”
“…I don’t know”
She took one last look before she continued to make her way back to her apartment. She put her hood up and kept her eyes down.
Whoever it was, they didn’t seem to want to harm her. That’s what she hoped. They probably now knew who she was and what power she held, which scared her. She didn’t notice, but as she made her way home, that same person kept their eye on her from a distance.
I’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense or it seemed rushed 😭
Also scenes i drew for more visuals ;)
Taglist: @itsjusspele @dustyinkpages @scoliobean @moonywritings
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skips-is-asleep · 2 years
Autism + Trolls Part 3: Food
AHHHH I'm going crazy with these my head is overflowing with ideas
Aradia: I think she's a sandwich girl. Burgers, grilled cheese, that sort of thing. Things that are wet and cold suck, cereal, pudding, cold soups/pasta dishes are always disgusting even if the flavor is food.
Tavros: haha noodle boy. Pasta, ramen, chicken noodle soup, just all of it. I don't remember if the whole chicken nugget thing was rooted in actual canon but yeah sure give him the nuggets. I think a hypothetically vegetarian Tavros would be an expert in the best substitute nugget game
Sollux: he does not like eating. His fridge is full of meal supplement shakes, liquid IV's, protein shake mixes. He still DOES eat, but if he could photosynthesize, he would without thinking. Eating is messy and food rarely tastes good enough to seek it out
Karkat: opposite to Sollux, karkat loves food. He loves exploring flavors, combinations, and texture contrasts. He's more into savory then sweet, I don't think he like chocolate unless it's chocolate + something else, like with filling or something
Nepeta: she looooooves meat. Steak of all shapes and cuts and speices are her favorite. Troll Nepeta is an actual carnivore, but human Nepeta is just mostly carnivorous. She hates cooked vegetables, especially leafy greens and even more especially spinach and similar greens.
Kanaya: she has a sweet tooth, she loves cakes of all variety (except cakes with things in them, carrot cake/funfetti etc and also cakes with fillings) however, she loves donuts with fillings. She does not like cheese, except maybe marscarpone/cream cheese
Terezi: crunchy crunch crunch. Chips, raw pasta, fried foods with thick crunchy coatings, toasts, it's all her favorite. Sweet, savory, it doesn't matter. They do nOT like anything with powdered sugar tho, why am I eating dust, hmm?
Vriska: small finger foods, especially ones that don't get too messy are her favorite. Little candies, appetizer, french fries, those taco bell cinabon delights. She loves chocolate, the darker the better.
Equius: Another sweet tooth, and vegetarian. He doesn't like things that are trying to be meat, he'd rather just eat things that aren't tricking him. Fresh fruit and vegetables are his favorite
Gamzee: I said in part 1 that gamzee's a picky eater, if it's not pie or pie adjacent, he has a lot of difficulty eating. But he's at least not picky about flavors, but his favorite is custard based, so pudding and things of that like are cool
Eridan: I think his status would impact his taste in food, in more ways then one. Hates chips, anything that's messy or greasy at all. He loves fruit, cheese and wine, complex combinations that tantalize the taste buds. Charcuterie boards are frequently a whole meal for him
Feferi: obvious seafood and as stated by part one, jiggy squishy stuff. I think she'd like sushi, octopus, hell yeah. Also beef tartare, and troll Feferi just raw dolphin and steaks.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Fruit Compote Day
With a burst of natural sweetness, this delightful mix of fruits cooked to perfection promises a fruity explosion that tantalizes taste buds.
If you’ve got a sweet tooth, you’re probably a fan of the fruit compote. A delicious mixture of fruits or berries and sugar, the compote brings a punch of flavor to greek yogurt, a fruitful ending to a full course meal, or a sweet addition to your morning cereal. And on March 1st, if you ever needed an excuse to start your day with a mixture of sugar and fruits, then here it is!
History of Fruit Compotes
A fruit compote is a simple treat. It is technically a fruit sauce, made with fresh or frozen fruit chunks and sugar. The sugar is cooked on the stove to make a syrup, and the fruit is added in and warmed until the two mix together to create a syrupy sweet sauce. The sauce has a variety of uses, such as toast spread, in smoothies, on top of cakes or waffles, or into granola.
Food historians credit the dish’s original origin to France. The dish was originally served by itself in 17th century France as a dessert item. Interestingly enough, the dessert was originally created for its supposed health benefits.
The idea was that this dessert, or fruits cooked in any syrup, balanced out the effects of humidity in the body. The dessert was treated as a health remedy originally but eventually was served for pleasure as a dessert.
As the dish entered the medieval era, it was served at the beginning of the final course at a feast, usually with a potage, or a creamy vegetable and grain soup. Compote then became a staple dish in all feasts! In the Renaissance period, the compote was served cold in a dish to signal the end of a feast.
Since the meal was easy to prepare, did not cost much, and could be greatly varied based on the type of fruit, it became a staple throughout Jewish homes in Europe. The item was served at Jewish meals on toast, in yogurts, and creams.
Today, many countries serve compote instead of whole fruits and vegetables. Vegetable compotes are often served as soups, dips, or spreads. Fruit compotes are often used as toppings or desserts. Today, some of the most prolific compote recipes come from Germany, Holland, Belgium, Scandinavia, and France.
History of National Fruit Compote Day
Exactly when National Fruit Compote Day started being observed isn’t clear, but the food item is celebrated has been around for donkey’s years. The word ‘compote’ is from the French language, meaning a mixture.
With no dairy ingredients, fruit compote became a popular staple cuisine in Europe – but you will often find it served with yogurt or whipped cream. Many people who observe a dairy-free diet will also freeze fruit compotes in containers and eat this as a dairy-free ice cream substitute!
Fruit compote also goes well with cakes and biscuits, often serving as the fruity part of homemade cheesecakes. Pouring it over granola and cream also makes it the perfect end to a full course meal.
How to celebrate National Fruit Compote Day
If you’re feeling a bit handy in the kitchen, cooking up some fruit compote of your own isn’t too hard to do at all. Just choose your favorite berries and fruits, and boil them in water with plenty of sugar and spices. To give it some extra flavor you can add vanilla to the syrup, or drop in some orange peel or cinnamon sticks while it’s boiling. Dropping in some grated coconut will give your creation a little something extra.
Consider also trying a compote-based recipe, such as using compote to make frozen fruit popsicles, or mixing compote into ice cream to make a thickened frozen fruit treat! Make a simple compote to put into other treats.
Try topping your toast, cereal, granola, yogurt, or ice creams with this sweet spread, and you may just find your new favorite treat! If you want to eat it hot, try baking a cake or cupcake, and then filling or topping it with warm fruit compote!
If you’re in the mood for something a little boozy, one traditional recipe sees the syrup made with wine, but you could just use dried fruits soaked in alcohol if you wish. Some recipe variations call for wine, rum, or tequila to create a tangy flavor mixed with sweetened sugary fruit. You can either soak the fruit in alcohol for a few days to soak up the flavor, or you can mix the alcohol in at the cooking stage for a sharper flavor!
Looking for a creative way to get your daily serving of fruits? Don’t like eating fruits whole? There’s no better way to get your “five a day” than with a tasty treat like this, so give fruit compote a try today and join many others across the world observing National Fruit Compote Day.
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Random Self-care suggestions from tired adults:
Brush your teeth, listen to me... you get one set of adult teeth and dentistry is expensive. And take your meds. And get vaccinated for the love of FUCK.
Pre-diced frozen veggies. Seriously, people, sometimes you can have all the ingredients, but a full sweet potato can just drain your willpower if its been a Big Day. Get yourself some pre-diced and/or frozen vegies an whack 'em in the freezer.
Canned Fruit / Fruit Salad Fresh fruit is great, but can be very anxiety inducing when you have a 20sec window to eat the damn thing... there is nothing inherently wrong with having some canned fruit around. IS it as fresh as it could be? No. But it's still fruit.
Change your pillows once per year (at least) Esp, if you have respiratory issues or sensitivities. After 12 months, you have dust, dustmites, their poop, dead skin, and all manner of body fluids (sweat, drool, tears, other) in them. CHANGE THEM.
Have a second bank account for savings You can slide two bucks in there each pay or whatever, but there is a level of stress that can be taken off knowing that if you suddenly have an unexpected household/vet bill or all your teeth turn into goblin scholars... you can at least make a downpayment for urgent support. And be open with a vet or dentist, bc mostly they have payment plan options as long as you can meet a minimum deposit. [There is VetPay in Australia, too, aparently]
Shopping list Your brain will be salsa by the time you get to 5pm or later most days, have a post it note with cryptic scribbles or maybe a stone tablet reminding you to complain about a certain merchant... it stops the "Ah, fuck... I forgot the..." moment. But also be nice to yourself. We all fucking forget something several times over, that's adulthood.
Basic Meds In your home, you should have some basic stuff in a first aid drawer. IF you're on a farm, you probs have one. Super stark basics are painkillers, bandaids, a bandage, tweezers, lozenges, hydralite or similar dehydration support, berocca or similar (similar for rehydration), cold and flu stuff, tissues, lipbalm and similar. Please be careful of using ibuprofen if you are on SSRIs.
Bulk / Reuseable If you use things like handsoap or laundry soup, you can get a BIIIIG bottle that refills the smaller ones several times over. It can be very helpful in the household if you can afford it.
Premade Meals Nothing wrong with something that can be bunged into the microwave or oven. Quick and easy still counts, and is better than hungry.
Variety Silly, but true. You will get bored of routine rapidly. A multipack of something with multiple options (eg. the little cereal packets of different kinds, chips, etc) can give soe general variety without making you go out of your way to make things Magical.
Make a Treat Put whipped cream on your ice cream. Put some jelly in the fridge and let it set so future you gets a snack. Buy the pre-made cookie dough and cook yourself something. Feels good to Make Things. Plus, a treat.
Do a physical craft, hobby or task. Especially if you are an anxious person, having a small task to do with your hands can and will help to ground you. Even if it is just a crossword puzzle in a magazine, etc. IT gives you a sense of achievement, releases physical tension, and you can make fun stuff. [ALSO: Make bad art / don't try to monetise your hobby See #5, but don't place expectations on yourself. IF you muck up five or twenty time sbut get it on the 21st? Hell yeah. >Listen to me, the people on etsy and similar sites? They spend a LOT of time and effort and money to create and provide those items. This is, in effect, mostly their Job. It's okay to just have something you do for fun, you don't need a side hustle! You don't have to turn every waking moment into profit! It will make you miserable.]
Do not listen to youtube ads / MLM propaganda All that bullshit about 'only work 4 hours and make $$$$' is MLM nonsense. It's a scam, ignore it. Also don't buy things that youtubers are made to shill to you... there' a bunch of good posts about how shitty those things are.
Work out a fragrance you like Get something that smells like it. Shower gel, soap, candle, one of those pillow sprays, etc. IT woill make you feel better.
Sheets Change them. Weekly. At the absolute max, fortnightly. I know it's a bitch and a half but there's nothing on earth like being showered and on clean sheet. 10/10 baby.
Water Drink it. If you can't stand base water, do not HESITATE to try the cold water steeping stuff, and if that's as weak as nun's piss to your tastebuds, try cordial.
Clutter Don't clutter your space up, you will start to feel overwhelmed and blocked in. Get all the fun tacky ornaments you want... but make sure there is somewhere for it. Use a second person as your "Do you REALLY need it?" guy, because your Want is not always a Need. Always think about a goofy purchase (for instance, a horse-sized snorlax plush is great in theory, but where would you put it?).
Delete Candycrush / Clash of Clans / Merge Games / the other games that demand constant attention and money They won't make you happy, they want your money, they want you desperate to spend real life cash to earn that sweet extra life for... no real payout. Yeah they can be fun but pay attention to your engagement with them. Some people have lost a LOT on those little apps, because they are literally made to be addictive.
Don't Wallow If you're in the dumps and cycling through stupid shit in your brain, tell it it's bullshit and go do something that takes focus. A puzzle, talk to someone. Go straight to be in a room with other people. Hell, go to the library and just be around people or chill at the park if you can. 20. Work out local supports Check out if there's a 24/hr servo in the area that you can access in an emergency. Know how to get to the hospital. Look into what local services there are around health, housing, community engagement
Don't kill (prank or otherwise bitch about on social media) your roommate/s No matter what they do, or how annoying they can be, they are not forever. Imagine it if you must, but look for other options and get out. None of those ridiculous passive aggressive prank wars or sniping on social media. Some people don't click well in an enclosed space, it happens, but you will look ridiculous if your every social media post is a rant against X, or you do things that can be considered offences against Y. I know tiktok and the youtube prank channels make this stuff look Interesting, but it isn't. Adulthood is compromise. SElf-care is reacting in the best way you can to bad situation, because unfortunately social media is literally impacting people's jobs.
Remember that there's nothing wrong with being solo There is a lot of pressure, and more than a few people have confessed feeling that they Should Be in a relationship or with kids by 25... but remember. You are you, and your journey through life is like no one else's. Jumping from relationship to relationship can cause more harm, especially if you haven't had time to find out Who You Are outside of a Couple (or more). There's time. You've got time guys. Remind yourself that no one knows what happens next, and its only in hindsight that the thread of your life becomes an intricate pattern of choices made, paths not taken, etc. None of it is inherently wrong, just things to wonder on... if you went with B not A, etc. --------\ add to this if you can think of something off the top of your head do feel free to ask if there's another way to do something or a way to make it self care... the sade truth of adulthood is that you can, and will, get excited to have new cleaning items and more efficient ways to do stuff
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moiraimyths · 2 years
Circling back to the cooking question: I'm aware that's the order of the skill, but how are each of them individually? On a scale of grow-your-own-scratch to burning-bowl-of-cereal.
Shae: Grows their own fruit and vegetables, and can create masterful meals from them. Their mom taught them everything she knows, and she knows a lot. Keagan: He knows the basics of cooking, and can even make a couple of intermediate level dishes. He doesn't really enjoy cooking and prefers not to, so his skills are limited to what has been necessary to know. Aífe: She is simply too pretty to cook, darling. Also rich. She was never taught how to do it, so she remains... not great at it. The few times she's had to fumble her way around a kitchen were not fond memories, for a few reasons. Maeve: She can make some soups, and won't burn meat. Don't ask for much more than that. Flannán: His mam taught him not only how to cook, but the importance of hospitality. Treating those around you to a hearty, home cooked meal builds bonds, particularly so when such things are scarce. As such, he hunts and prepares meats into a variety of meals, from your typical meat-and-potato meals to soups, stews, etc. He's baked bread a few times, too. He loves the smell. Robin: They will eat anything, and also tend to have WILD cravings, so whatever they make is usually... not good. Proceed with extreme caution. There are occasional winners, but not many.
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thebiscuiteternal · 2 years
ive seen you post before about days where even using a microwave is too exhausting and god i feel that. do you have any tips for making yourself eat on those days?
Honestly, nonnie, the best tip I can give you is to unlearn some food shame. Because literally any way you can force some calories into your body on those days is better than just going hungry because chronic illness has got you feeling like shit, because then you'll feel even worse the next day and feel even less like eating/making anything to eat.
But if you want some more specific options for things that are easier to manage on days you Just Can't:
Bottled or canned meal shakes or yogurt smoothies. Kinda pricy, but they'll keep you full the longest.
Straight up bread and butter, or bread and gravy, or anything else you can dip bread in that'll add some flavor.
For that matter, chips and dip.
Any fruit that doesn't require a lot of preparation like blueberries.
Fruit pouches like those little applesauce ones that have become popular, or even baby food pouches. There are high-vitamin varieties now.
Sandwich crackers or granola bars or trail mix or pop tarts (if you can stand 'em untoasted) or dry cereal. Anything of that nature.
Keep some boiled eggs handy in the fridge and eat em with a little soy sauce.
Lunchmeat and/or sliced cheese straight from the packages. Don't even bother making a sandwich.
Non-condensed soup or pasta straight from the can (again, as long as it doesn't bother you).
Hope this helps a bit.
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poptimus-prime · 2 years
Try this one on for size, assuming they could eat and drink human food. What food/drink would be their favorite and least favorite? Talking about the bots of course but feel free to include the humans too (canon and your ocs if you want!)
Ooh, this one is fun, and I went nuts with it. Reference to this post about McDonald's Sprite.
It's really long, so below the cut.
Autobots (Just doing them bc I was thinking about them. If anyone wants Cons, please send an ask and I will do them)
I think Optimus has a buck wild sweet tooth and would especially like chocolates flavored things (pastries with the tea he's constantly drinking, naturally.) He would also hate cold meat, even if it was meant to be eaten cold.
Ratchet would prefer bottled juices and smoothies because they have that Super Smooth Texture, and he has all the sensory issues (hashtag projection.) He will willingly eat other foods but won't be too chuffed about it.
Arcee probably loves chili and is one of the team's spicy people. She doesn't strike me as especially picky. She'll eat anything she can get her hands on, but she's not a fan of cottage cheese. If there's an alternative, she'd prefer that, thank you.
Bumblebee probably likes softer foods because of how messed up his throat might be. Applesauce, yogurt, ice cream, things like that. Anything especially sour, salty, or spicy is a turn-off, but he actually really likes bitter things.
Bulkhead is a pot roast guy. I don't make the rules. He'd also really like barbecued foods because of the charred taste. He doesn't strike me as a guy that likes tomato-based pasta sauces, though. Pesto is clearly the superior one.
Wheeljack eats the spiciest things he can get his hands on and looks the devil in the eye while he does it. He hates coffee served any other way than black or two creams and two sugars. How he has not wrecked his digestive tract is beyond everyone.
Smokescreen likes buttered rice and chicken with barbeque sauce. He will eat a vegetable if you demand it, but he'd prefer not to. He doesn't like soda but has a Monster Energy can collection.
Ultra Magnus is a sandwich and steamed buns guy. Anything he can easily hold with one hand while he's going over documents. This being said, he's not a huge fan of milk in his cereal (or milk, period.) He'll eat it dry, thanks.
Raf likes soups of all kinds. Even better if they don't have any chunks of meat or vegetables so he can sip it from a mug while he's working. He's still a relatively young kid, so some foods are still way too bitter for him, like radishes and Brussels sprouts.
Miko loves crunchy foods. Chips, crackers, that kind of thing. She probably prefers golden curry when she's feeling homesick. She hates peanut butter because it tastes funny to her and gets stuck in her mouth.
Jack actually does like tofu, especially with broccoli and garlic. He's the kind of person who looks for a lot of textural variety in what he eats. He's sick and tired of KO burgers, but he doesn't turn it down if he's offered free meals as a work perk.
Fowler really likes stews with bread, which works out for him because most stews are very crock-pot friendly, so he does not have to cook after a long day of dealing with the bots' bullshit and putting out fires. He hates sour gummy worms. He bought them once on accident and was so disappointed.
June absolutely puts potato chips in her sandwiches at lunch and drinks iced coffee every morning. She's not strictly a vegetarian, but as she gets older, she finds herself eating less and less meat. She REALLY does not like eggs.
Bonus: OCs
Stormy really likes a hot bowl of rice and beans or cooked vegetables. They are also team "not technically a vegetarian but doesn't eat a lot of meat." They refuse to drink coffee unless it's grossly oversweetened.
Olivia loves making and eating pierogi (her favorite fillings are potato and cheese or cabbage and mushroom, depending on her mood.) She hates cranberry juice and hard-boiled eggs, don't even try it with her.
Carbon Copy would really like fish and rice. Just like a hot piece of cooked salmon flaked and mixed up with rice. They would also hate yogurt, especially ones with weird flavors like cotton candy.
Urgency would be obsessed with pineapple and ham pizza and salted watermelon, much to the potential dismay of people around her. However, she would hate watermelon juice and watermelon-flavored candies.
Horseradish would gnaw on Milkbones because they Taste, but her favorite food would be bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches. She would try horseradish because it's her namesake, and HATE it.
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spxcemuses · 1 year
senses and other oddly specific headcanons
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what does your muse smell like? Jack almost always smells like freshly baked pie (this is canon) because of being in his factory a lot. Other scents associated with him include plums/plum juice and expensive lotions/colognes, or even the occasional whiff of cigar tobacco.
what does your muse’s hands feel like? His hands are massive. They are surprisingly soft and warm at the palms, his fingertips cooler. Can sometimes be damp/clammy but not all the time. The knuckles on his hands and fingers are a bit rough due to work but otherwise soft as well. what does your muse usually eat in a day? Just pie (I'm kidding). For real though, he usually eats 2-3 times a day, with him eating dinner and breakfast the most. For breakfast, Jack has something simple to start off so his appetite isn't ruined later on. He has either poached or scrambled eggs with toast or hot cereal, and coffee is almost always included (the guy needs caffeine). He always eats breakfast and never skips. For lunch, he usually has sandwiches or soups. Sometimes he'll scarf down a few mini-pastries along with some herbal tea (or any type of tea). Sometimes he taste-tests pies and gets to eat a slice too if it's deemed worthy for shipment. He eats lunch the least due to being so busy. Dinner is his largest meal and he'll have a variety of "rich-people" foods (because he's wealthy duh). He's had anything from roast duck to expensive cheeses/etc. and just more high-quality/gourmet items due to his wealth.
does your muse have a good singing voice? Jack's not a professional singer or anything, but his voice isn't grating to listen to. He is likely a baritone when singing. He is more of the kind of person to speak-sing than actually sing. This clip is a great example on how I imagine him to sing.
does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks? bad habits: interrupting, eye-rolling, bragging, unnecessary aggression (just to name a few; he has a LOT), childish behavior. nervous ticks: throat-clearing, eye twitching.
what does your muse usually look like/wear? Jack is a very large and fat man in stature, with his cheeks being disproportionately larger than the rest of his face. He has pink bob hair and bluish-lavender eyes. Normally he wears a long purple jacket over a light purple buttoned shirt with a double triangular cut, a white shirt underneath that, a pink tie, brown trousers, and black knee-high boots with small heels. When not wearing his iconic suit, he wears classy, elegant clothing in various shades of purple and/or pink.
is your muse affectionate? how much? how so? Jack is hardly affectionate, if at all (so no). He'll give the occasional pat on the shoulder or slightly softer glance but he's not a big guy for affection to most people. With those he's closer to/significant others, though, he's more affectionate albeit hesitant. He's more of a guy who gives words of affection and lavish gifts than physical affection (and the fact that he's an irredeemable monster /hj).
what position does your muse sleep in? Jack usually sleeps on his stomach, his arms tucked neatly under his pillow. Sometimes though he tends to sleep on his back. It really depends on the situation and how he's feeling that day.
could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room Definitely. Jack is a big guy both in stature and presence, so hearing him from another room is a positive. Whether it's from his petulant, irate shouting to joyous declarations, his voice carries and you WILL hear him.
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what does your muse smell like? He smells like a multitude of things, but two descriptors can be used: wet and raw. Probably smells like a wet dog with the faint mixture of garbage and iron (like the metallic scent blood gives off) due to his living conditions. He doesn't mind it too much and will wear perfumes/colognes if "You" wish him to.
what does your muse’s hands feel like? His hands are slender, his grip firm and uncomfortably warm (very much like how a person's skin feels when they're having a fever warm). They also have the texture of clay and can be squished around.
what does your muse usually eat in a day? Doe doesn't really need to eat, but he will literally eat anything food and non-food related; he's like a goat. He will especially eat anything YOU like. One of his favorite snacks is teeth. He also likes sour and bitter flavors.
does your muse have a good singing voice? He doesn't sing, so no. I'd imagine he'd be very off-key and scratchy at times when he does sing. He loves it when you sing for him, though.
does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks? Bad habits: licking television screens, prolonged staring, clinginess/neediness, slouching. Nervous ticks: fiddling with his jacket sleeves, nail biting (sort of), sweating, stumbling over words (sometimes).
what does your muse usually look like/wear? His appearance can change to suit "your" needs/wants, but he has a standard look. John Doe is a slender entity with pale skin. He also has black, curly hair that goes down to his upper back that is also prehensile. He has four fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot, wide unblinking eyes and a persistent yellow smile with an unnatural amount of teeth. Doe usually wears a short-sleeve grey t-shirt with a red design that's always changing, a black hoodie, brown trousers, and pointed black shoes. If he's not wearing his hoodie and t-shirt, he wears anything in colors of black, grey, and/or red.
is your muse affectionate? how much? how so? Doe is very, VERY affectionate. Once he has someone in his sights, he will do anything to be around them, even going so far as to be physically clingy. Hugging, giving praise, and anything romantic is what he is searching for.
what position does your muse sleep in? He lies flat on his back, stiff as a board (think log or soldier position). Doe doesn't really "sleep"; he rests there with his eyes shut for 8-9 hours and is fully rested afterward.
could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room? Probably not. Doe is oftentimes a quiet entity unless you get involved. He has a bad habit of scaring people unintentionally (usually) so he is quiet most of the time.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
This is just me being me....
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Soooo! Levi wants to go shopping at the local farmers market. He wants to pick up some tasty food and maybe stop by a place on the way home to grab some plants for the garden.
Which tasty stalls do you stop by and what plants will you guys grab for your garden?
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He's eyeing those deals.
CAT! My darling! I must apologize to you (and others) for letting things sit in my inbox.
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Part of me just gets distracted, or forces myself to finish my work (not often lol) before interacting. Another part literally feels like I can't do justice to things people send me.... I'll work on that.
(I have no excuse for being so late in tag games except, distractions lol)
Anyway! Let me promote myself LOL I'll take a little inspiration from the Farmers Market fic I wrote a while ago. (this is also slightly self indulgent)
I think you'd have similar tastes and your favorites of course... Am I about to go overboard?
As far as fruit, I stand by Levi liking apples (I have a fic for that too hehe), and cherries, and fresh navel oranges. He's always got an apple or orange for lunch, or snacks on a bowl of cherries when they're in season. And loving apples as well, you're known to make tasty treats like tarts or muffins or crisps, and Levi always has his share.
You can't pass up the pineapple as well, or the blueberries and strawberries in season. Your freezer is full for smoothie ingredients. (Imma make a HC about everyones favorite fruit sometime)
Moving on to veggies, you stock up for salads and quick snacks. Bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, yes! All of it! How can you pass up a 1.5 pound organic zucchini for $1? You can't!
You like winter squash as well like butternut for soups or acorn for stuffing...or both for muffins or casseroles! (I have recipes!)
Also potatoes for baking or mashing yourself. And they last forever.
Okay but the zucchini? You have to visit the cheese stall and get asiago or mozzarella to shred on the zucchini and pop it in the oven for 15 minutes. SO GOOD. Also feta for salads. Cheese is the bulk of your dairy as it's coconut or almond milk in your fridge.
The tea stall! Loose leaf, baggies, give us the usual black or green tea. Chamomile or sage tea, cinnamon and honey lemon, and fruity flavors once in a while like pomegranate or pear mango. :D
Oh and dried fruit and nuts! Levis a weirdo and likes dried beets and such. He can have those. The hazelnuts too. But you both like raw almonds and the nutty granola blend for days you have oatmeal and want a crunch. Sometimes you just use it as a cereal base and throw in the blueberries! Dried fruit like mango or papaya wind up in your bag too. And those apple slices!
We can't forget the bread! You have to watch it here more than anywhere. Rye or pumpernickel loafs, small rolls of sesame seed or garlic herb. Sometimes they're for breakfast and sometimes for lunch.
How about your honey and fresh jams and peanut/almond butters? Gotta have something to put between those sandwiches! Apricot preserves, orange marmalade, classic strawberry jam. (Jam spreads better then jelly!)
You know I don't know where you're going to put all this stuff LOL
Sometimes you also grab eggs, and look at the non food items like the crafty handmade woodwork or coasters (no more coasters!) or fresh bar soap like lavender!
BTW if anyone is waiting for me to throw meats in there, you're going to have to do it yourself haha sorry
Oh wait but maybe you splurge on pasta? There's so many varieties! Maybe you go for lemon garlic linguini, or sun dried tomato fettuccine. And pasta sauce made with organic tomatoes, garlic, onion, basil and olive oil. YUM!
And if you go early and don't eat breakfast, you'll get it there. Strawberry mango smoothies, waffles, guava or chocolate empanadas?? (You eat healthy all the time, it's okay to not once in a while!)
Maybe you get lunch to go like woodfire pizza, or veggie wraps and rice and beans. Yes, you have lots of food, but after lugging it around and putting it away who wants to cook? You need to take it easy for a minute!
As far as plants, more zucchini, you can never have enough. Tomatoes and whatever lettuce variety is your favorite, and fresh herbs like basil, rosemary and parsley.
Fruits are a little more tricky I think, but a fig plant can go indoors or outdoors, and fresh figs are a nice treat! Lemons and limes are a good option too, and you can use them for some flavored water or to keep cut apples fresh :D Maybe if there's room blueberries too, or plums. (and apples)
So, what do you think? You going to the market with Levi? What are YOU getting??
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waytogoodhealth · 2 years
8 tips for healthy eating
These 8 practical tips cover the basics of healthy eating and can help you make healthier choices.
The key to a healthy diet is to eat the right amount of calories for how active you are so you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use.
If you eat or drink more than your body needs, you'll put on weight because the energy you do not use is stored as fat. If you eat and drink too little, you'll lose weight.
You should also eat a wide range of foods to make sure you're getting a balanced diet and your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs.
It's recommended that men have around 2,500 calories a day (10,500 kilojoules). Women should have around 2,000 calories a day (8,400 kilojoules).
Most adults in the UK are eating more calories than they need and should eat fewer calories.
1. Base your meals on higher fibre starchy carbohydrates
Starchy carbohydrates should make up just over a third of the food you eat. They include potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and cereals.
Choose higher fibre or wholegrain varieties, such as wholewheat pasta, brown rice or potatoes with their skins on.
They contain more fibre than white or refined starchy carbohydrates and can help you feel full for longer.
Try to include at least 1 starchy food with each main meal. Some people think starchy foods are fattening, but gram for gram the carbohydrate they contain provides fewer than half the calories of fat.
2. Eat lots of fruit and veg
t's recommended that you eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and veg every day. They can be fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced.
3. Eat more fish, including a portion of oily fish
Fish is a good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals.
Aim to eat at least 2 portions of fish a week, including at least 1 portion of oily fish.
Oily fish are high in omega-3 fats, which may help prevent heart disease.
Oily fish include:
Non-oily fish include:
4. Eat less salt: no more than 6g a day for adults
Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke.
Even if you do not add salt to your food, you may still be eating too much.
About three-quarters of the salt you eat is already in the food when you buy it, such as breakfast cereals, soups, breads and sauces.
5. Get active and be a healthy weight
As well as eating healthily, regular exercise may help reduce your risk of getting serious health conditions. It's also important for your overall health and wellbeing.
Being overweight or obese can lead to health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease and stroke. Being underweight could also affect your health.
6. Do not get thirsty
You need to drink plenty of fluids to stop you getting dehydrated. The government recommends drinking 6 to 8 glasses every day. This is in addition to the fluid you get from the food you eat.
All non-alcoholic drinks count, but water, lower fat milk and lower sugar drinks, including tea and coffee, are healthier choices.
Try to avoid sugary soft and fizzy drinks, as they're high in calories. They're also bad for your teeth.
7. Do not skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it'll help them lose weight.
But a healthy breakfast high in fibre and low in fat, sugar and salt can form part of a balanced diet, and can help you get the nutrients you need for good health.
A wholegrain lower sugar cereal with semi-skimmed milk and fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and healthier breakfast.
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
do you like candy corn? I do. I can’t wait until I’m able to eat normally again cause I have a bag of Funfetti candy corn waiting for me.  favorite halloween candy? My normal faves like Reese’s, KitKats, M&Ms, etc but Halloween themed, ha. And candy corn, obvs.  do you like pickled vegetables? I like pickles.  favorite fruit? least favorite fruit? Bananas are my favorite and pretty much the only one I ever eat. I don’t like oranges or tangerines at all.  what is the strangest food combination you like? I eat my scrambled eggs with ranch and Pizza Rolls with mustard. I like tater tots with mustard, too. 
what is your favorite snack? Chips and dip.  what did you have for lunch today? Nothing, yet, it’s only 12:29AM.  do you usually eat breakfast? I got in a good habit of that for most of this year until I had the breathing tube put in and could no longer eat. I can finally eat some things, one of them being Cream of Wheat, so I’ll be having that now.  favorite dipping sauce for chicken strips? Ranch usually, but it depends on the place. Like, if I go to Chick-Fil-A I get Chick-Fil-A sauce and if I go to Raising Cane’s I’ll have their dipping sauce.�� do you like sweet potato fries? I do.  least favorite vegetable? Most of them to be honest. The only veggies I eat is spinach, potatoes, green onions, broccoli, green beans, and corn.  favorite vegetable? The ones I listed above.  do you like chocolate and mint together? Mmm, yes.  have you ever dipped fries in a milkshake? Yep.  favorite flavor of gum? Mint. what was your favorite food as a kid? Pizza and chicken nuggets.  favorite fast food place? Jack in the Box, Taco Bell, Chick-Fil-A, Raising Cane’s, Carl’s Jr.  favorite soda? Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, and various flavors of each.  least favorite soda? Root Beer.  do you like sweet or unsweet tea? I like to add a little sugar to mine.  how do you like your coffee? (or do you drink coffee at all?)) Hot, with either flavored creamer or cream and sugar.  do you like bubble tea? I like milk tea, but not the boba.  do you like curry? I can’t eat spicy food.  favorite type of cuisine? Italian.  favorite sandwich? Turkey or bologna with provolone or Colby Jack cheese, mayo, mustard, spinach, and sandwich oil with a pickle on the side. favorite cheese? I love a variety of cheeses.  have you ever been vegan or vegetarian? No.  
favorite breakfast cereal? All the sugary ones, basically. what do you eat when you're sick? Not much honestly, but I try to make myself have some toast and soup.  favorite thanksgiving dish? I love the main meal, which for us consists of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and rolls, but honestly the appetizers are probably my favorite. We put out like a charcuterie board, chips and a few different dips, sourdough bread with a few spreads, and deviled eggs.  favorite salad dressing? Ranch and balsamic vinaigrette.  what are you currently craving? I can’t wait until I’m able to have my Wingstop again.  Snickers or Milk Way? I like both.  have you ever had chocolate covered gummy bears? Yes.  pulp or no pulp orange juice? Blech, neither.  beans or no beans in your chili? Beans.  favorite burger condiments? Ranch, mayo, mustard, BBQ sauce, olive oil, pesto, balsamic vinaigrette, black pepper... there’s likely more but yeah. I’m a total condiments/dips/sauce kinda gal.  do you like peanut butter? Yes.  what flavor of jelly/jam is your favorite? Grape.  favorite flavor of potato chips? Original, sour cream and onion, cheddar and sour cream, BBQ.  how do you like your eggs cooked? Just about every way to be honest, but I have scrambled eggs and over-easy eggs most often.  favorite kind of soup? Ramen, French onion, and broccoli and cheddar.  do you like cold pizza? I did when I was younger, but not so much anymore.  do you like sour candy? No. what food do you absolutely refuse to eat? Seafood. 
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toddberner · 2 months
Daily DozenInspired Recipes
Daily Dozen–Inspired Recipes https://ift.tt/ACpJsPm Dr. Greger developed the Daily Dozen using the best available balance of evidence from scientific nutrition research. Rather than being a meal plan or diet in itself, the Daily Dozen is a checklist to inspire you to include some of the healthiest of healthy foods in your everyday routine and encourage you to design more balanced meals. The Daily Dozen is meant to serve as an aspirational minimum, so feel free to add even more whole, plant-based foods throughout your day.  Here are some recipes to help you check off some Daily Dozen boxes.  Brownie Sandwich Cookies Check out our Brownie Sandwich Cookies for a fun way to incorporate beans into your desserts. Cheesy Broccoli Soup The Cheesy Broccoli Soup from The How Not to Diet Cookbook is the perfect way to add some cruciferous vegetables to your meals. We eat first with our eyes, and the lovely green broccoli florets against a backdrop of cheesy broth will have you wanting to eat with your mouth, too. Pre-Workout Smoothie Who doesn’t love a good smoothie? This Pre-Workout Smoothie is especially antioxidant-packed and has a beautiful color that is irresistible! Sensational Tahini–Dill Dressing This Sensational Tahini–Dill Dressing is a quick and delicious sauce that can be used in a variety of ways. Serve it over whole grain and bean bowls, chopped salads, roasted potatoes, or pasta salads. Korean Soy Milk Noodles Kongguksu, Korean Soy Milk Noodles, combines a homemade soy broth with whole-grain buckwheat noodles and vegetables. The broth is usually served cold but can be enjoyed warm if desired. Feel free to top the dish with any additional vegetables of choice. Groatnola Groatnola is a homemade, health-promoting breakfast cereal that’s made with simple whole food, plant-based ingredients. Treat the granola like regular breakfast cereal, and pair it with berries, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, ground flaxseed, and unsweetened soymilk. Use the granola with smoothie bowls or sprinkle it on top of nice cream.   We have many more recipes available on our whole food, plant-based recipes page.  If you’d like to share your experience with the Daily Dozen with your friends and family to help inspire them to include plant-based foods into their meals, check out our Daily Dozen Challenge! Together, we can help encourage more people to adopt healthier lifestyle habits. The English, Spanish, and Chinese versions of The Evidence-Based Eating Guide are available pre-printed through the DrGreger.org store and are 20% off through May 20, 2024.  Join us for eleven weeks of Daily Dozen support emails to help you Do the Dozen with ease. Each week, we will send you an email with tips, tricks, facts, and tasty recipes to help you incorporate some of the healthiest of healthy foods into your daily routine. via NutritionFacts.org https://ift.tt/McSNHWY March 28, 2024 at 08:00AM
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Food Day (No. 1)
Join a World Food Day event like a contest, tasting, or cultural showcase, or donate your time or money to food charities that provide food to those in need.
Food brings people together in a huge variety of ways, from family gatherings to first dates. Everyone has a favorite food, with varieties ranging from pizza to pasta, cookies to cakes, and all of the good stuff in between! So many amazing dishes and ingredients are available to indulge in today, and World Food Day celebrates them all.
Learn About World Food Day
World Food Day is not only about celebrating the amazing food that people have the privilege of indulging in, but it is about raising awareness for people who do not have such privilege. People all over the world who suffer from hunger. Starvation is a massive problem in a number of countries, and we need to do more to raise awareness and combat this problem.
World Food Day can also be leveraged to raise awareness about healthy diets and what bodies need. In recent times, education has grown about healthy diets and which foods are healthy or unhealthy, but we are not there yet! World Food Day offers a great opportunity to further education and awareness in this area.
History of World Food Day
World Food Day was established in 1945 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a specialized agency of the United Nations. But it would be another 34 years before it was recognized as a world holiday at the 20th FAO conference in November 1979. Following this, 150 countries proceeded to celebrate the day once it gained its official recognition by the United Nations. Since 2014, the popularity of the day has been used to promote the idea of feeding the world and eliminating poverty in rural nations.
The main principle World Food Day celebrates is the furtherance of food security all over the globe, especially in times of crisis. The launch of the Food and Agriculture Organization by the UN has played a huge role in taking this worthy goal forward. Its annual celebration serves as a marker of the importance of this organization and helps to raise awareness of the crucial need for successful agriculture policies to be implemented by governments across the world to ensure there is ample food available for everyone.
In recent years, World Food Day has used its annual day of celebration to focus on different aspects of food security and agriculture, including fishing communities, climate change and biodiversity.
A number of different themes have been attributed to World Food Day over the years. Some past themes have included: Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too; Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty and Feeding the world, caring for the earth.
Many different organizations around the world now celebrate this day, including the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Programme. Many businesses also take part.
World Food Day is a reminder that coming together with friends and family around a well-set table is a privilege that not everyone can enjoy, but is one that everyone should experience.
How to Celebrate World Food Day
A number of opportunities exist to get involved with World Food Day! Celebrate the day with some of these ideas:
Make a Donation to a Food Bank or Charity
One of the best ways to celebrate World Food Day is by giving food to people who need it the most. If you do a quick search online, you should be able to find the nearest food bank to you. Most food banks are happy to accept food or money. The sort of food that is in a typical food parcel includes cookies, canned fruit, tea, coffee, canned vegetables, canned meat, beans, pasta sauce, rice, pasta, soup, and cereal.
World Food Day is also a great time to donate to a charity. You could also opt to do some fundraising as well. There are many different ways you can go about this, from fundraising events to sponsored activities. If you are able to raise awareness and some money in the process, it’s a great thing!
Visit a Farm or Food Producer
World Food Day might be a great time to understand where food comes from by visiting a local farm or dairy, or even visiting an open kitchen restaurant to see the time and effort that goes into creating such delicious food.
Attend a World Food Day Event
A number of different events take place on World Food Day, so it is worth looking into these to see if there is anything going on in your local area. This includes everything from concerts and contests to cultural performances, exhibitions, hunger marches, and marathons. And if there isn’t anything going on in the local area, why not be the person to host the event?
Learn More About Countries Around the World
Countries all around the world need help because they are battling starvation,such as Kenya. In countries like Kenya, the price of basic foods has skyrocketed, which has resulted in a large number of children going hungry. A lot of different charities work hard to change the lives of families and children who need it the most, ensuring they have the food they need to survive.
It is worth spending some time researching the different ways that countries all around the world honor World Food Day. More than 150 countries participate in this day, and there are conferences and different events that happen all around the world.
For example, in the United States, the Iowa Hunger Summit has been held on World Food Day, or near to the date, since 2007. In Cuba, the media strongly supports awareness on various campaigns relating to World Food Day, and an agricultural fair is held so that producers can exchange their experiences and views.
In Mongolia, they have made it tradition to organize the Food Security conference on World Food Day. This event is about promoting research to develop regulations and policies, as well as valuing the contributions of researchers and scholars to the country’s food security. In Cyprus, special ceremonies are organized in secondary and primary schools where teachers teach their students about World Food Day. In Italy, many exhibitions and conferences are held by NGOs, international agencies, research agencies, universities, and ministries.
A lot of countries also use this day to support the people in their society who need it the most. For example, in the Philippines, a lot of the work is focused on increasing food gifts to poor urban families. The same has occurred in Pakistan whereby they provide food packages to the poor on this date.
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