#and dad showed me someone else doing that exact thing a few days ago.
princesscedar · 5 months
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c0ld0utside · 8 months
May I request a yandere vampire mafia boss? I dunno you can ignore this if you want
Yandere Vampire Mafia Boss Dad
You got it!
Warnings: Inaccurate Mafia writing, Violence, Death, Kidnapping, Possessiveness
Years ago, before you were born, your father made a deal. In exchange for protection, loans, and medicine for his sick (and pregnant) spouse, they’d donate to another family in need. A family that the people in your downtown side of the city feared greatly, not just because the family was a literal Mafia.
They also weren’t human.
And, like most people in your downtown side of the city, they fell into debt a few years later when you were five.
Growing up, you were used to the man with pointy ears, clear skin, and piercing eyes visiting every three months. Your parents always made you hide out of sight when he was around, usually putting you in your room and telling you that it was nap time or something along those lines. Usually, something that involved you being quiet.
Sometimes, you’d peek through the gaps in the doorway, seeing the much taller stranger tower over your parents and speak with them for a few minutes before taking something and leaving. Sometimes he’d be nice, and sometimes he’d be rude. Sometimes he wouldn’t say much and go on his way. Sometimes someone else showed up.
That day was different though. It was the man you saw most of the time who showed up. You don’t remember the exact words, something about your parents falling far behind in their payments and how their time was up. Your mother had gasped and started begging, your father was trying to negotiate, and before the stranger could do anything you bolted out of your room and hugged your father’s leg.
The stranger paused immediately, eyes going wide. Your father quickly scooped you up and handed you to your mother, who started to back up. She froze when the man hissed at her. Hissed.
“You didn’t tell me your woman was pregnant.” The man said, a furious undertone in his voice. “The Boss isn’t a complete brute, you know.” He went silent, gaze drifting around your home as your father started up again. He wasn’t listening, taking in the worn and unclean scenery. Your home went from being well taken care of to a complete mess over the years.
And then his gaze landed on you.
Judging by the looks of it, you were your parent’s first priority. That gave him some relief, but the stranger knew your parents couldn’t balance you and their debt anymore.
“Y’know, my Godfather lost one of his fledglings recently.” He says. “You remember Matteo, right? Poor kid, only seventeen. May he rest in peace. Godfather’s really torn up about it.”
“No,” Your father says automatically. “Don’t be stupid. You can’t take care of them any longer,” The stranger says, gesturing to you. Instinctively, you cling to your mother and she starts to cry. “Now, now, it’ll be alright.” The man says, voice oddly gently. “If you hand them over, you and your lady will live. I’ll speak with the Boss and we’ll see how things go.”
“I don’t think your boss will be too happy about the idea of replacing Matteo,” Your father says firmly, earning a fist to the face shortly after. You can’t help but scream and the stranger cringes at the sound. “It’s not like that,” The man hisses, kicking your father in the stomach and watching him roll into the kitchen. “Now quit arguing with me and hand over the damn kid.”
You aren’t sure what happens next- it’s all a strange blur. Your father grabs something and tries to attack the stranger with it, and the next there’s red all over the walls and your mother is screaming while the man wipes and licks the red off of his face. He sighs in disappointment again. “It doesn’t have to be this way, lady. Just give them to me-”
She tries to run. Tries to run past him with you in her arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her plan is simple- get outside and start screaming for help. People will notice. They always do-
You’re ripped from your mother’s embrace and are pulled into the stranger’s chest. The smell of cypress fills your nose, drowning out the smell of iron. Your mother screams your name and gets cut off. It’s only when the man starts to shush you that you realize you’ve been crying and calling out for your mom and dad.
“It’s okay, they’ll be okay.” The man says soothingly, but you know it’s a lie. “They couldn’t take care of you anymore, but the Boss will. He’ll be very happy to meet you.”
The Boss observed you the whole time the stranger explained what happened.
“…I know his passing was recent, but I thought-” The man spoke up, but the Boss held up a hand to silence him. “Thank you, Virgil. You may leave.”
“I need to get to know my youngling, after all.”
With a nod, the stranger- Virgil- left the room. The two of you sat there in silence for a while. The Boss was the first to speak.
“What’s your name, little one?”
“[Name],” You reply, voice hesitant and small. He notices immediately and his gaze softens. “Come here, tesoro.” He commands gently, motioning for you to come closer to him. It takes you a few seconds, but with shaky steps you walk over to him. Once close enough the Boss picks you up and places you on his lap.
“My name is Massimo,” He introduces with a small smile. You go cold when you see his fangs, starting to lean away from him. “Oh? It’s alright, tesoro, you’re safe. Now where was I…? Ah- yes, I am Massimo, and I will be your guardian from now on.”
Your new life starts out rough for everyone. You’re quiet, keeping to yourself and not engaging. Massimo tries his hardest, talking to you as you sit on his lap while he works. He even takes the time to try and play with you, bringing you dolls and making them do silly things. You smile softly, sometimes even laugh, but it always dies back down.
He sits with you when you eat your meals, taking note of the ones you seem to enjoy and dislike. Massimo tries using desserts to get you to be more talkative, but it doesn't really work. He doesn't give up, though. He'll keep trying no matter what.
When you’re not quiet, you’re crying. You ask for your mom and dad, wanting to go back home. Wanting to see if they’re okay. Wanting to watch TV with your dad and hear stories from your mom. Massimo can’t blame you for not understanding fully just yet. He shushes you, wrapping you up in a hug and rocking you back and forth.
“Your Mama and Papa are gone, tesoro mio, but it’s okay. They’re okay. I’m your parent now, you just need to get used to it.” Massimo whispers, patting your back gently. “But I want my real parents,” You hiccuped, making him frown. “Your real parents couldn’t take care of you anymore, caro/a. So they gave you to me. Virgil had to hurt them because they changed their mind at the last minute and tried to hurt him.”
“You have to understand gioia, if they kept you, you would’ve gotten hurt. Your Mama and Papa were already hurting you. They were selfish. But it’s all okay now, because I’m here. And I won’t ever hurt you. Now shhh, go to bed. I know sleeping during the day is hard, but we need to prepare you for when you officially become my fledgling.”
Hey it’s me! The end of the post! I feel like making a part two. Still new to this whole “writing and sharing” thing, hoping it’s been good so far. Let me know if I missed any warnings and do give me criticism. You look lovely today! Take care of yourself and drink water. Go have a snack, too.
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kidstemplatte · 1 year
I recently came out to my parents as a trans man and long story short it didn't go well and my Dad still won't talk to me.
I know this isn't what you normally do, but could you write a story about Terzo comforting the reader after a bad coming out in a fatherly (platonic/non sexual of course) way? If not that's chill too
(platonic) terzo/ ftm reader
of course, anon🤍 there’s a message for you and anyone else who wants to hear it at the end of this.
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
-when terzo knocks on your door and hears a weary “one second”, the brightness absent in your voice, he immediately knows something is wrong.
-after wiping your tears, you walk to the door and open it.
-what’s wrong?” he asks when he sees your eyes are puffy and red.
-“i… i came out to my parents and it didn’t go well.”
-his heart sinks at what you just told him.
-“and now my dad won’t talk to me.” you sniffle.
-he’s upset, not just upset, angry. he’s confused, how someone could treat their own child, one as treasured as you, with such bigotry.
-“oh no, mio caro… come here.” he says, pulling you in for a hug. “mi dispiace. i’m so sorry.” he whispers as he holds you tightly.
-“it will be okay, piccolo. your papa is always on your side. not only me. the entire clergy is on your side. beyond that, anyone with morals and love in their heart.”
-he wipes the tears from your eyes and gently tilts your head up to meet his gaze.
-“hear what i am saying. you are a smart, caring, talented, and very special young man. your future is molto luminoso. so bright. keep your head up.”
-you nod.
-“anyone would be lucky to have you as their son. getting to see your smile every day, your handsome face.”
-you can’t help but smile at his kind words.
-“there we go. molto meglio.” he says once he sees the smile he loves so much, ruffling your hair as you laugh.
-“thank you, papa. i don’t deserve you.”
-“your papa is always here for you. that is why i am here, it is my job. not just in the church, but as someone who cares. i want to help you. you help me all the time, it is the least i can do.”
-“thank you papa.”
-“of course.”
-terzo is always there when you need to talk, whether it’s about your situation or something lighthearted.
- after a conversation with your family gone wrong, he is always willing to listen, lend a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.
-he’s also generally so sweet to you regarding your transition in general. if you try out something new with your clothing or appearance, he’s always the first to compliment you. he’s so funny about it too.
-maybe you cut your hair, or simply style it different way. he stops you when he runs into you.
-“ay, look at you!”
-before you can say anything else, he’s spinning you around to get a 360 of your hair.
-“very very nice.”
-or when you wear a new outfit, maybe a new suit, something a little more formal.
-“i could use some fashion advice from you. i am old, not up to the trends.”
-if you guys are similar sizes, he will let you wear his clothes 🥺🥺🥺
-“this one is old… maybe not up to date- but… i guess vintage is cool, no?” he says, holding up a dark purple suit.
-“i love it. and vintage is cool.”
-“you can keep it, then.”
-he tells you stories of what happened in the particular outfit he’s showing you. it’s nearly always something outlandish and hilarious.
-“please, be smarter than your papa. but have fun.”
-terzo has the sweetest most accepting heart. i firmly believe this. not just for the sake of fanfiction but genuinely.
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
anon 🧭🤍
this is another request i can’t ignore or stall on.
i am so sorry you had that experience. i myself am not trans but i know these things are so difficult. i’m so sorry your dad isn’t talking to you. i wish i could reach through the screen and give you a hug.
i watched this exact thing happen with my trans brother a few years ago. my dad is incredibly conservative and transphobic. it put a huge strain on his relationship with my brother after he came out. he refused to call my brother by his name and pronouns.
my dad still doesn’t support the transgender community. but he does support his son now. after a long time, my dad finally came around. he’s not a perfect person, has a long way to go, but he came around.
i guess what i’m trying to say by sharing that is that this isn’t the end.
but whatever you choose, to remain in contact or not, i want you to know that you are in control. this is your future and your identity, and you deserve to feel secure in who you are and who you are surrounded by.
you are so valid and real and i love you.
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rxin3akamallory · 9 months
That Night
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I keep pumping out art like it’s no tomorrow good god!
Ok so y’all need context for this one, this is based on a short story I wrote I wanna say a year or two ago focusing around the day Barley and Maria became a couple. Maria’s mother passed away when she was young, and today was the anniversary of her death. It’s unfortunate that that day happened to also be her mom’s birthday. The whole day Maria was going through different emotions, but was determined to keep them bottled to herself. At least until she got home. Barley unintentionally makes her crack and in the drawing, he arrives inside Maria’s home. He’s come to apologize for not being sensitive towards her feelings and not giving her enough space.
An excerpt from the short I wrote is provided below. It’s ehhh tbh but still probably one of my best written work within the last year or two.
Barley: Is it ok if I come in, or?
Maria: Oh! Right, I’m sorry.
Maria led him inside. Barley sat on her bed while Maria went back to work on her broomstick.
Barley: Hey, you’re making a new broomstick.
Maria: Yeah I finally got the motivation to work on a new one.
Barley: I remember what happened to the first one. You were so devastated. You acted almost Iike how you were today.
Maria: Yeah, I almost didn’t want to replace it. That broomstick meant so much to me.
Barley: I saw a name carved onto the broomstick. Elizabeth Morven. Are they a family member of your’s?
Maria: That’s uh.. my mother’s name.
Barley: Oh. Did she give it to you?
Maria: Mhm. She made that broomstick for me so I could have it when I’d set off for witch training.
Barley: That’s right. It’s what witches used to do when they were the age of 13. They’d set off on a year’s training to strengthen their magic. You were able to actually go into training?
Maria: Yes, I know other witches stopped doing that decades ago, but my family believed in keeping older traditions alive so they insisted I’d go train. My mom especially wanted to see me go. But.. she passed away before she could see that happen.
Barely: I’m so sorry, Maria.
Maria: I was trying to hold back my emotions because tonight’s the night she passed away.
Barley’s eyes widened. He knew she lost her mother when she was young, like how Barley lost his father, but he never knew how she passed away. She never really talks about it to anyone. He wanted to know what happened but at the same time, he didn’t want to press on in case he’d hurt her again.
Barley: Oh. You don’t have to talk about it, but I know what that feels like. You feel like you have to keep strong for the one you lost. You want them to be proud of the person you’ve become, you know? So you try to bottle in your emotions.
Maria: Mhm. You see this bracelet?
Maria held up her wrist so Barley could see the purple bracelet she was wearing.
Maria: The night my mother passed away, was also her birthday. My father gave mom a new bracelet as a present. As she took off her old bracelet, she handed it to me.
Maria held up her left wrist and showed the exact bracelet her mom gave her.
Maria: I wear it everyday ever since. So I can always keep her close…
Maria started to tear up, Barley instinctively gripping her hand.
Barley: I’m so sorry for your loss, Maria.
Maria: She made me feel safe and secure as a kid, and to lose her so suddenly terrified me. I lost that secure feeling. I worry everyday the same thing could happen to someone else, to my friends, to you, to grandma, to dad.. To me..
Barley hugged Maria as tight as he could.
Barley: Shh, Maria no. Don’t think like that.
He let her cry into his shoulder for a few moments until her sobs turned into small breaths.
Barley: What did you get her?
Maria: Hm?
Barley: Your mom’s birthday. Did you give her anything?
Maria: Hold on.
Maria lets go of Barley and opens a drawer on her desk. She takes out two large rings meant to be wrapped around the end of a broomstick.
Maria: I wanted to give her one to put on her broomstick and one to put on my future one when I got older. I might put mine on my new broomstick, but I don’t know where to put my mother’s.
Barley thought about it for a moment until he got an idea.
Barley: You got any string on you?
Maria: Yeah why?
Barley: You’ll see. Here, hand me the ring.
Maria hands the ring along with some rope. Barley carefully puts the string in the ring and ties the ends together, making it into a necklace. He motioned Maria to turn around and when she did he slipped the necklace around her neck.
Barley: There, now your mother’s right where she always was.
Barley points to her heart where the ring was.
Maria: It’s perfect. Thank you, Bar.
Barley: And you shouldn’t feel unsafe, Maria. You still got your father and grandma, your friends, and you got me. You shouldn’t worry about what’ll probably happen to us, you should be more focused on right now. And right now, from this day forward, I want to make sure you feel safe so I promise to protect you like your mother did. With your permission that is.
Maria smiled, new tears falling down her cheeks.
Maria: Of course. I can’t think of anyone better to fill that role.
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drivenbywords · 1 year
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞.
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The brisk wind danced along my face as I made my way into the cemetery. A familiar place to me at this point. It looked the exact same as it did a year ago. But this time, it wasn’t for the burial of a parent. It was for someone else. Black rainboots took steps into the damp grass, creating a little ‘squeak’ each time. I finally came face to face with the man of the hour. Dad.
“Hey. Thanks for agreeing to meet up with me.”
I muttered out polite words. My eyes took a second to scan up and down his body. Black sweatshirt, dark blue coat over it, used up brown boots, and his favorite pair of jeans. Yep. Some things never change. He returned a slow head nod before scanning around the area. His eyes snapped back to mine as he offered.
“Wanna walk around here?”
I slipped my frigid hands into my jacket pockets and our journey began. It wasn’t a walk with a purpose; it was more of a stroll with an old friend. Right off the bat, the awkwardness filled my lungs up more than the oxygen surrounding us. But I wouldn’t let that negativity consume me entirely. After a few moments of my eyes watching each foot step in front of the other, my curious voice made an appearance.
“So, fill me in with everything going on back home. How are things?”
I could hear the failed attempt in my words to show a sign of joy or even a breath of fresh air, but as always, the void of curiosity took me in within a second. His eyes kept forward with the small pathway ahead of us, having the same neutral look on his face that never changed for years. Mixed in with a faint shrug of his shoulders.
“Nothing extravagant has happened since the funeral, if you’re asking. I’ve been cleaning around the house, which helps clear my head these days.”
I turned my head to pay attention to him and his body language. Seeing my dad brought a level of comfortability, which wasn’t often when it came to him. It was never a bad relationship. It just felt like a forced one for many years so hearing him ramble on about his everyday life, my face couldn’t help but let the curves of my lips curl up to a small smile. He continued on.
“I actually got a new place to work at. A husband of one of your mother’s friends reached out to me a month after the funeral and offered me to be the Administrative Assistant at his job.”
My eyebrows raised in shock and awe. Maybe it was the low expectations I had on my father growing up, but I would never see him in that line of work. Guess you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. My gaze shifted to the tombstones and gravesites surrounding us during the walk, briefly taking in some names before bringing up a response.
“The hell do you mean ‘𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥?’ That’s a pretty big thing, dad.”
He was known for being nonchalant with achievements in his life so this wasn’t the first time I saw this kind of reaction. It honestly brought a chuckle out of me. Like I said, some things just never change. I decided to give him one last compliment for more reassurance.
“I’m glad to hear about that, seriously.”
He finally shared a small smile for me, then a low chuckle following along. He knew he had moments of doubling down on his accomplishments, but I was always there to remind him of the victories. No matter how annoying of a daughter I was.
“Your turn to share updates, Jen. I did my part so tell me about you.”
I didn’t really know where to start. It felt like there were so many things to say, but it also felt like nothing happened. It was a new feeling that I wasn’t familiar with. I was confused if it was due to the nerves of this conversation with my father, or the thought of opening up felt like the back of my throat was on fire and it was my body’s attempt to keep everything in place. Or saying no to getting my hopes up for the future. I didn’t know. But the one thing I knew was that I had to say something or else, the interrogation questions would begin. I pushed out a deep breath before starting my series of words.
“Well, California is nice. Definitely a change from the upscale buildings of New York, but nothing overwhelming. I’m currently a babysitter, but I’m also looking for other jobs since the rent in the west coast is just plain freaking rude at this point.”
Another faint laugh from my dad, which brought warmth in me. He was a blunt man so if he found something funny, he meant it. He was also a difficult man to entertain so I mentally gave myself a pat on the back. But that feeling was short-lived when I had a specific thought in my head that was important to say, but once again, the tension kicked in. I didn’t know how to approach this, but the bandage needed to be ripped off for once.
“I gotta share something. I didn’t know when to say it, but this is important.” I informed him, turning my head to show the seriousness and sincerity in my eyes. It instantly made him nod with a gentle nudge on my elbow with his. Even his voice got softer.
“Talk to me, Jen. What is it?”
I lost my strength to keep my eyes on him so they moved back down to my shoes. A gesture to cope with my anxiety, I guess. The stroll was silent for a moment before the words finally spewed out of me.
“I know about my half sister, dad. I know about Ryann.”
That made him immediately stop in his tracks, only letting a shaky breath be heard. I turned my body to face him, taking a moment to analyze his reaction. It was different, very odd. He was still as a statue and the warmth in his eyes evaporated. Not a scary cold look, but one of guilt. Remorse. Maybe even shame. He parted his lips, but nothing came out. I knew it was going to be a sensitive topic, but it needed to be said once and for all.
“I know about the picture in your drawer,” I uttered with a lower, somber tone. “I reached out to her and I’ve been staying with her in Charming ever since. I know more than you think I do.”
I had never seen my father in this state. He was slowly falling into a timid and scared demeanor right before my eyes. I never saw my father express much emotion growing up so I was unaware of how to adapt to his current behavior. I tried not to make a big deal of this point in time so my eyes just wandered the scenery around us.
But then another thing caught my eye. I turned my head and glanced around, noticing we were at a familiar part of the cemetery. She was around here somewhere, I just knew it. I walked away from dad to scope out the names on each gravesite to spot the right one. Until I found it. Right there. Mom. My voice returned with my eyes never leaving her carved name.
“Come here, I found her.”
I didn’t hear steps until a good minute later, like he finally snapped out of his thoughts. My back was facing towards him as my attention was set on the stone in front of my feet. His next set of words finally brought back my awareness to the conversation at hand.
“Would it be alright for me to try and explain what happened?”
My eyebrows furrowed to the tone of his voice. It was small and faint, like a child getting in trouble for getting caught doing something. I swallowed a knot in my throat before giving him a nod, mentally preparing myself for what was next to come. The small words were heard once more.
“Before I met your mother, I was stationed down in Arizona for the Air Force. One night, my buddies and I went out to the bar and I was introduced to this woman. We exchanged numbers and eventually, we ended up in a relationship. Only lasted about six months or so… When my time was up, I moved back to New York and I thought that was that.”
I slipped my hands out of my pockets to cross my arms, letting him continue on before I shared my own thoughts on this.
“When you were three-years-old, I got an email from my ex saying I was supposed to pay her child support for a kid I didn’t know I even had. Hearing that news brought a whirlwind of emotions for me. I was shocked no one told me, I was ashamed of myself, I thought I was a better man than that. I even sent some money and a letter giving them an apology for not knowing. But… I doubt they even cared about it.”
My heart began to sink a bit when he went on a tangent about everything he felt at that time. My god. Dad really didn’t know anything and yet, he was still beating himself up for it. His head fell down to watch his foot step on a damp leaf next to us before muttering out his next words.
“Once I got more information, I flew out to California to see them and I met Ryann for the first time. We took a picture and I’ve never gotten rid of it since. She was still young so I don’t know if she was aware of me yet, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was that I finally got to meet my daughter.”
I stayed quiet the whole time, giving him the stage to finally air out all that he needed to me. At first, I thought he was going to make up dumb excuses on why he didn’t say anything. I thought he was just going to make a gaslight situation out of this cause that was what I was used to. Not from him in particular, but from men everywhere. I was waiting to watch another episode that was unveiled right before my eyes. But I guess I stood corrected.
For the first time in a while, my dad finally looked over at me. His despondent eyes met my searching ones. They were never looking at him through judgmental lenses; it was simply a daughter allowing her father air out his truth and be heard. All of his life, he was told to ‘man up’ and ‘not grant access to his emotions.’ I was giving him the opportunity to share those things that were so foreign to him. But the next words sent a strike to my heart in the weirdest way.
“I’m sorry, Jen. I’m sorry for not telling you about your sister. I’m sorry for not being the greatest dad in the world to you. I’m sorry for pushing you away when all you wanted to do was help. I’m sorry for everything I did wrong in your life. I made a lot of mistakes and have a lot of regrets in my life, but my biggest regret was not being more involved in raising you. Even if I was there physically, you and I both know I was rarely there emotionally. So, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.”
The apology surprised me enough to only express a shaky breath. I dropped my hands back into my pockets with my head turning simultaneously, keeping in the tears from shedding down my face. I never thought in a million years I would receive an apology from him. I’ve had dreams about this moment, but nothing prepared me for when it became a reality. No one prepared me for the influx of feelings. I took my time to close my eyes and recollect myself before returning my attention back to my father. I felt stuck, like I should say something. But I decided to make a bold move and walked over to give him a hug. My arms wrapped around his neck with my chin resting on his shoulder. I didn’t feel his touch right away, but suddenly, I felt secured and warm in the embrace. I couldn’t tell you the last time I properly hugged him, but I didn’t care if this was the first one ever. It felt right and it felt needed.
“Love you, Jen.”
“Love you too, dad.”
They were mumbled words, but the fondness was eminent. I slowly pulled away from the hug to look down at mom’s grave once more, having a soft smile planted on my face absentmindedly.
“Thanks again for agreeing to meet with me.” I expressed this to him, who was also looking down at his wife’s name on her grave.
“Thanks for hearing me out. I’m proud of you for bringing that up, I know it wasn’t easy for you.”
It seemed like there was strength in his voice once again. It felt refreshing after the conversation we finally had. His praise molded a bigger smile on me, having another moment to mentally pat myself on the back. The softness came back with my words as I emitted.
“I just wish mom was here to see all of this. She would’ve been shocked at the both of us.”
I heard a laugh come out of him, following up with a low hum.
“Me too, kid. Me too. I don’t know who she would be more shocked at.”
The silence fell back on us, but it wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward. It was a soothing one, seeming like a sense of closure. I rested my head on my dad’s shoulder, which gave him the opportunity to plant a gentle kiss on the top of my head. I felt another kind of warmth above me, but it was physical this time. I brought my eyes up to the sky, watching the sun move out from the clouds and that was when I realized. Mom was here. She was watching this whole time. She never went away and that was another sense of closure for me. A faint chuckle escaped my lips, which prompted my father to look over with a curious grin.
“What’s up with you now?”
I kept the sun between me and mom. Just for us. I moved my gaze back at him with a shrug, matching his grin.
“What do you call a sleepwalking nun? A roaming Catholic.”
He was confused at first, but the realization hit him and his laugh was harder this time. He shook his head as if he was mockingly disappointed in me.
“God, you really are my kid. That wasn’t bad, I’ll give you that.”
The laughter didn’t feel forced like it usually did. The presence didn’t feel awkward. Everything now felt genuine and at peace. At some point, a low rumble came from my stomach which prompted another thought in my head: food. It was like ten in the morning and I hadn’t eaten yet.
“I heard that,” My dad affirmed, raising his eyebrow. “You didn’t have breakfast before coming here?”
“No. You know how I am when I’m anxious, I didn’t have an appetite all morning.”
An idea popped into his head, giving me another light nudge on the elbow.
“Wanna go to the usual diner place we took you on your birthday? It’s not that far up the road, it’ll be on me.”
I took a little while to think about the proposal. I hadn’t been there in years, but I couldn’t say no to a free breakfast. So I gave him a firm head nod.
“Sure, I’m down. I’m in the mood for pancakes anyway.”
Dad and I took our time with saying our goodbyes to mom before departing the gravesite, returning back to our stroll on the pathway towards the entrance this time. Then it was his turn for a stupid joke.
“What do you call a book club that’s been stuck on one book for many years?”
I threw my head back in a laugh, even shaking my head and lightly pushing him on the shoulder. Despite the horrendous dad joke, everything seemed to be falling back into place with one puzzle piece at a time. Even with mom being gone for a year now, it wasn’t too late to start building a relationship with dad. It started with a rainstorm for us, so that we could find the sun together.
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coffinofconfections · 2 years
TW; mention of abuse (not described), numbness, mild head injury description (not me), mention of family member getting surgery.
Acid reflux is back, although it's pretty bad. I know I have GERD and it's something that will happen from time to time, but it's pretty bad and hasn't gone away for at least three days now, if not longer. And it is painful like it used to be before I got stomach meds several years ago.
I hope it improves, but it's probably the stress and stuff that's been bad lately that's subconsciously bothering me. I haven't been able to process a lot of things, including the fact that I'm reacting differently, in a way, to trauma memories and recent stress. I think I'm just so scared of getting abandoned or hurt again, or making another mistake or hurting someone by accident, that I'm just straight up not processing shit and I'm going numb instead. [More under the cut]
Recently, mom had a serious head injury that resulted in her having to get her head stapled shut plus a huge black eye. She's recovering now, but last time she was here a few days ago, she was surprised at how good my glasses looked and wondered when I'd gotten them. The same exact glasses I've worn for years in front of her. They're hard to miss.
My grandma also recently had a serious head injury and mom showed me pictures of it, which disturbed me. They were in weird lighting with flash and it looked horrible, I don't know why she showed me them. Thankfully there was no blood in the photo.
I lost my case manager. He's changing positions to one he had his eye on, but I'd grown to like him and he's the nicest and most respectful one I've had. There is no replacement, as I've mentioned before. I'm scared, but I am also fighting the depression from a feeling of being abandoned again, of losing someone I felt so lucky to have. I don't think he can be friends with me, we had some stuff in common, but probably is forbidden. I'm really upset.
I'm still dealing with trauma dreams and trauma cycling in my head since the holidays started in November. I'm just not processing any of it.
When I was doing laundry a few days ago, it was after I'd been in a busy grocery store the day before. I have agoraphobia so it's already bad being out, but with fibromyalgia and not being in shape, my lungs were burning as I tried to hurry because my laundry took longer than usual and I didn't want to be an inconvenience. I almost broke down crying at the laundromat because everything was just coming together like a huge weight on my back.
Sitting here now, and last night too, even a few nights ago, I get the urge to cry. I think about my dad's health too, and how it's very poor after he survived several mini strokes a few years ago as well as a serious life saving surgery. No one knows how long he has left especially with emphysema.
It's hard to process because my parents were also abusive, my dad was very abusive in many ways that I couldn't process for a lot of years. (Won't go over it again, but it involves disturbing shit.) I struggle with their mortality and when they get really hurt because I can't process it. I had just decided, again, to try to go no-contact, and then mom gets the head injury right then.
I feel like I should have certain feelings that I don't. I should be worried. I should check on them. I should care more. But I feel nothing but the distress at wondering how to process a LACK of these things.
So, yeah. My GERD has flared up because the trauma from the end of 2020 likely made me too afraid to process things, because the last time I did, people took offense or I said something unclear or wrong and I lost a whole group of friends after they gaslit me and talked behind my back when I tried to apologize.
So now I just can't process anything and I've chosen to isolate because when I'm alone and by myself, with my head fam, I can't hurt anyone else or worry about someone taking my words out of context.
0 notes
makeste · 3 years
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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deanstead · 4 years
Somebody’s Watching
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request by danipearl16: Request- Jay has a girlfriend that nobody knows about and then they get a case where she’s being stalked and her stalker is killings women that seem to remind him of her and it turns out to be her ex-boyfriend from high school and Jay starts going downhill a little bit because he’s worried about her. Also his girlfriend is more on the younger than his side by 7 years
Word Count: 4,365
Warnings: cursing, mention of sexual assault/misconduct (non-graphic), mention of non-con touching, stalking, minor OC death, mention of injury, angst, fluff
A/N: Please beware of the triggers before you continue reading! I changed some parts to fit into the storyline but I still hope you like what I did with it! I’m pretty excited about this fic so I really really hope yall will like it! It’s my first time writing such a detailed case in so I hope it turned out well? Please hit me up and let me know what you think! Love yall!
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You looked up from where you were sprawled on the couch, fiddling with your phone. Jay was sitting at the table, a small frown across his face as he pored over case notes.
Jay usually didn’t bring his work home with him but they’d just closed a big case and he had spent a whole week in the district. So instead of spending more time there to finish the paperwork, Jay had opted to bring it home instead.
You smiled to yourself just as Jay looked up. “Sorry babe.” He said, making a little face at the papers strewn across the table.
Chuckling, you climbed off the couch and moved towards him. You stood behind him, looping your arms around his shoulders, resting your chin on his shoulder. “I missed you.” You whispered.
Jay turned slightly, tugging you so that you now landed in his lap.
“Missed you too.” He whispered, smiling as one of his arms snaked around your waist, holding you securely to him, another hand reaching up to cup your cheek. “Sorry I’ve been busy.”
You shook your head, smiling.
You’d been dating for a while but no one else knew. Both of you had agreed to keep it on the down low, partly because of your age difference. Even though you had agreed you’d keep it quiet at least for the first few months, it had been a lot more than that and it had been going so well that you didn’t really want to purposefully invite anyone into this world that Jay and you had created for yourselves. Rather than keeping it a secret, you guys just hadn’t made the effort to tell anyone or publicize it to the world. This also meant that when he was stuck at the district, you didn’t get to see him but on such days, Jay was always mindful about checking in.
“What’s on your mind?” Jay asked.
“Just thinking I’m lucky to have you.” You responded, leaning in to try to give him a hug. Instead, Jay stroked your cheek and pressed his lips to yours. “Now, I really need to finish this.”
You laughed. “Go forth.”
Jay had taken a few well-deserved days of furlough, which he had mostly spent curled up with you. You didn’t have any complaints, it had been just what you both needed.
But Intelligence couldn’t catch a break. It was Jay’s first day back and now, he was already walking up to a crime scene.
Jay pushed the yellow crime scene tape upwards, letting Hailey walk through ahead of him before following behind her.
“What do we have?” Jay asked, approaching the spot where Adam and Kim were standing.
Kim turned. “Kate Whitewood, 22, stabbed multiple times.”
“She’s not in the system. No priors, nothing.” Adam added.
“No belongings on her?” Voight asked, looking around.
Adam shook his head. Jay frowned. “There’s barely any blood here.”
Kevin nodded, jogging forward to join them. “This is probably just the dump site. She must have been killed elsewhere.”
Hailey stood from where she had bent to examine the body. “She has defensive wounds on her. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find skin under her fingernails.”
Jay bent forward slightly. “What are those? Marks around her neck? We need to get her to the ME to get the exact cause of death.”
“Kim, bag her hands and get forensics to run a deluxe.” Voight said, as Kim nodded.
“My CI works this street, let me see what I can find out.” Jay said, turning away.
“So Kate was last seen at this bar right in town.” Hailey said, walking in and sticking a screenshot onto the board, which showed a camera view of the street outside the bar.
Kate could be seen on the image, her head turned slightly as she waved to someone, a man standing by her side. Hailey tapped the image.
“We can’t find this guy. His face is always turned away from the camera, facial recognition is out.”
Voight nodded. “Jay, have you heard from your CI?”
Jay nodded, resting slightly against Hailey’s desk, his arms crossed in front of him. “My guy says there haven’t been any deals going down. I think we can rule out drugs or gangs. Streets have been quiet ever since that big bust we did last month.”
“It was 28 degrees out last night, ME couldn’t find the exact time of death. But there were signs she was raped, signs of asphyxiation and five penetration wounds from a knife.” Kevin said, opening the file he had gotten from the medical examiner earlier.
Voight turned to Kim. “Who was she?”
Kim sighed. “Kate was a hard worker, she had just started her job as a receptionist at a dentist’s office in South Loop. Dad’s MIA, Mum’s remarried and relocated to New York so she’s living on her own.”
“Have we found who she was with last night?”
Adam nodded. “I’ve gone through her phone. Looks like she was meeting her friend Grace at the club last night.”
“We need to talk to her. I want to know about the last day of Kate’s life. Timeline. Check all sex offenders in the area. Comb her social media. Let’s go.” Voight instructed.
Jay knocked on the main door, glancing sideways at Hailey. The door swung open.
“Grace Archer? I’m Detective Upton, this is Detective Halstead, can we come in?” Hailey asked.
She furrowed her brows. “What’s this about?”
“You’re friends with Kate Whitewood?” Hailey asked, without directly answering her question. She nodded and without missing a beat, Hailey continued, “We need to ask you a few questions about last night.”
Grace stepped back to let them in, her face falling as she led them to the sitting room.
“I heard from her parents. The whole thing’s horrible.” Grace whispered, wrapping her hands around herself.
“Can you tell us what you remember?” Jay asked.
Grace looked up. “Kate’s boyfriend had broken up with her a few months ago, so I took her out. She needed to get out again.”
“Were you approached by anyone?” Hailey asked.
“Several.” She answered.
“Anyone that stood out?”
Grace paused, trying to recall. “Kate didn’t even really want to go. She barely looked at the guys… except…”
Hailey sat up a little. “There must have been something about this guy that she left with, something unique. We have a photo of him on the surveillance tape. Flashy?”
Grace nodded, “Yeah, he had this like... attitude… like he was hitting on us but he was making a joke of it at the same time.” She paused. “The last thing she told me was that she had a great time… I shouldn’t have forced her to come out.”
“This isn’t your fault.” Hailey leaned over and patted Grace comfortingly on the arm. “Thanks for talking to us. Please call us if you think of anything else.”
As Jay walked out of Grace’s house with Hailey, he looked at his partner. “This guy’s confident, he’s smooth and it doesn’t look like he knew Kate or Grace.”
For the rest of the day, the team had almost combed through the whole of Kate’s whereabouts before she had disappeared and all they had was a big fat nothing.
Jay typed a quick text to you to let you know that he wasn’t going to be able to come over tonight.
You read the text, smiling a little. Jay was busy but it was cute that he always kept you informed. You stopped walking, typing back a reply to tell him it was okay and to do what he had to do, before you kept her phone back into your pocket.
You walked along the street, the same street you walked on every night, frowning a little. You turned around, scanning the street behind you.
You could swear that it was like someone was watching you, or following you. But the street was empty. This wasn’t the first time you had had this feeling - like the little hairs on the back of your neck were standing but you had nothing to back up this feeling you had.
Holding your bag tighter against you, you pushed yourself forward, quickening your footsteps, only letting up as you passed the safety of your apartment building’s front door.
As you passed the threshold of your apartment and closed the door behind you, you pulled out your phone, staring at it for a while. Part of you wanted to call Jay, to hear his voice and have him tell you that you were just tired, imagining things. But the rational part of your brain convinced yourself that everything was okay, reminding you that Jay was so busy and deep in a case, he really shouldn’t have to worry about you.
Ultimately, you put your phone on the counter, chuckling at yourself. Maybe you really were too tired.
By the next morning, another body had turned up, not two streets away from the first dump site.
Jay felt an uneasy feeling spread in the pit of his stomach as he stared at the photo of the new victim that was already up on the board. They had a serial killer in Chicago and this guy’s victim type had physical characteristics that were scarily similar to you.
“Jay.” Hailey broke Jay out of his thoughts. “Emma Green, 23, strangulation marks, six stab wounds.”
Jay turned to his partner and nodded. “Did they go to the same club?”
Hailey handed Jay a file. “No, but look at what we picked up on the surveillance camera.” Jay opened the file, studying the photo.
“This is our guy isn’t it?” He pointed at a male figure who was standing next to their second victim, his face still hidden from the camera, wearing a plain cap.
“Hey guys, I might have found a link.” Kim said, walking in. “I checked the employee records and there’s a bartender that works in both clubs and he was on shift on each day our victims went missing. He’s got a prior for aggravated assault and harassment.”
“We’ll take it.” Jay said, grabbing his jacket and heading out of the district.
Hailey fell into step next to him, glancing at him. “Jay, you okay?”
Jay nodded. “Let’s just get this son of a bitch.”
They travelled the rest of the way in silence. Hailey seemed to pick up that this case was affecting Jay differently but she didn’t press further, allowing Jay to lead the way into the closed club.
“Ben Carlton?”
The bartender looked up from where he was, his eyes falling onto the police badge that was hung around Jay’s neck.
In a sudden motion, he ducked out and ran.
“Hey, stop!” Jay yelled, as both he and Hailey launched themselves after him, Hailey shooting out the front door to try to head him off.
“5021 George, I have a suspect fleeing on foot.” Jay called into his radio, sprinting after the bartender.
The bartender barely made it onto the next street before Hailey flung herself at him around the corner, rolling onto the ground as Jay pulled out his gun. “Don’t move!” He yelled, as Hailey pulled the bartender to his feet.
“Let’s go.” Jay snarled.
“It wasn’t me!” Ben yelled as he sat in the interrogation room, facing Jay and Hailey.
Jay sighed internally, watching Ben’s reactions and the way he was answering the questions Hailey was shooting at him.
“Those were mistakes, I didn’t do this!” He yelled again.
Jay pushed himself upright, getting up from where he was leaning against the wall and pushing the photos of the victims onto the table. “This. Look at this. We can place these girls at the bars you worked at just before they died.”
“Look.” Ben said, looking up at Jay. “I saw them but they left before I even finished my shift.”
Jay glanced at Hailey. “Who did they leave with?” Hailey asked.
Ben looked from Hailey to Jay. “Look, I don’t know the guy, he’s not a regular. But he’s white, about their age. I noticed him because he headed for them the moment that he walked in. Like he knew they were there.”
Before Jay or Hailey moved, a knock came from the door.
“You guys gotta see this.” Adam said, sticking his head in.
“Sit tight.” Jay said to Ben, following Adam outside, where Kevin was waiting as well.
Kevin handed the file to Jay. “We got another one.” Jay flipped open the file, which told him what he already feared. Another victim, of a physical type that not only matched the first two victims but also you.
Jay looked up. “His cooling off period is getting shorter. We need to get this son of a bitch.”
The feeling was getting a little stronger that someone had been watching you.
You glanced over your shoulder but as usual the street was empty. Maybe you needed to stop staying late.
You turned back towards the front. There were sounds of footsteps but you swallowed the lump in your throat, quickening your pace as discreetly as you could.
It definitely felt like someone was following you now. You were almost running by the time you rounded the corner, colliding with someone.
You gave a yelp of surprise.
You had collided with Jay.
You let out a breath, spinning around to look over your shoulder.
“What’s going on? You okay?” Jay’s eyes snapped from you to the empty street behind you.
You turned back to look at Jay. Now that he was standing in front of you, it didn’t seem that scary anymore - maybe you had imagined the whole thing.
You shook your head, taking one last glance behind you. “What are you doing here? You finished the case?”
Jay smiled but the smile didn’t really reach his eyes. “Just wanted to check in on you. I have to go back soon.”
You reached for his hand without saying anything and that’s how the both of you walked back to your apartment, your hand clenched securely in his, almost like the both of you had a tight bubble around you.
You could tell Jay’s mind was far away, and it was even more unlike him to come see you in the middle of a case. You knew there was something troubling him but you weren’t one to press. Jay would tell you when he felt he could or he wanted to.
Instead, you just squeezed his hand.
Almost as if you were prying him from his thoughts, Jay looked at you and smiled. He pulled you closer to him, tucking you under his arm.
“You’re okay, right?” You asked, without looking up at him, just as he escorted you to your door.
Jay turned to look at you and nodded. “I will be, once this case is over.” He leaned forward to give you a kiss. “If anything happens, you call me, okay? No matter what.”
You raised an eyebrow but nodded at him, watching him disappear into the elevator before you retreated back into your apartment.
Intelligence had been tirelessly chasing down leads but they now had four bodies and Voight was getting pressure to solve this quickly as well. They needed a break in this case and fast.
“Okay, let’s regroup, what do we have so far?” Voight barked.
“All four victims were raped and found with multiple stab wounds. We know he picks up his victims from bars and appears non-threatening enough that his victims are willing to leave with him.” Jay said, getting up.
Hailey headed to the board, frowning. “We dumped their phones but we weren’t able to find any connection between the victims other than their physical type.” Hailey cast a look at Jay, which Voight didn’t miss. “I think he’s working his way up to something.”
“Hey guys?” Kim spoke up as she walked back in, flipping open the file sitting on her desk. “I went back over the first murder to see if we missed anything. Look at this.”
Kim pulled in her chair, zooming into the photo. “This badge here on his jacket, it’s barely visible so we missed it the first few times. I sent it to the lab to see if they could enhance the image and this is what I got.”
Kim clicked and up popped the crest of a high school. “Look, it’s not just a general badge. Look at the year.”
“Okay, that is the crest for Lincoln High. It’s a jacket given to those who graduated that year.” Kevin said, frowning at it.
“I’ll run the list of students who graduated in that year.” Jay barked, heading straight for his desk, his fingers flying across his keyboard.
Cross-checking was the worst job ever but the moment Jay’s eyes landed on your name on the list of graduates, he pulled it together, eliminating the women, men who had moved out of state or country, until finally he only had three names on the list.
“Okay, I have a Steven Miller, Charles Shoemaker and John Marlin.” Jay finally spoke up as everyone looked up. “But only Steven Miller has priors.”
“For harassment, sexual misconduct, and attempted assault. Sarge, this has to be our guy.” Jay looked up at Voight.
“Do we have an LKA?” Voight asked.
“Already on it.” Adam said.
“Go pick him up.” Adam nodded, motioning to Kevin as they headed out.
Something was bugging Jay. Steven Miller. That name was…
Jay pushed back his chair, entering Voight’s office without knocking and closing the door behind him.
Voight looked up, frowning a little at the look on Jay’s face. He put down his pen and leaned back in his chair, looking up at Jay.
“I’ve heard Miller’s name before. It was bugging me, but I remember now.”
Voight sat up straighter.
“I’m seeing his ex-girlfriend.” The words slipped past Jay’s lips. “Sarge, everything makes sense now. The physical type, the way he’s building up because his actual target…” Jay trailed off.
You had told Jay about Steven just once. You hadn’t gone into detail but you had told Jay about the short period that you had been together with Steven – his need for control over all aspects of your life, how he had always been a little rough, how he hadn’t taken any form of rejection well, and how you’d ended it the day he struck you.
“Take Hailey.”
Jay was already halfway to the door.
You had left early today.
It had been a while since you had done such an early shift but you’d been feeling more and more uneasy while walking home at night and the news coverage on the murders that were happening at the moment didn’t help.
You didn’t need Jay to tell you that you looked exactly like those girls who had been murdered. It was clear as day.
You fiddled with the key in the lock, opening the door.
You felt your heart drop into your stomach as you registered the person standing in front of you. In your house.
“Steven.” You muttered, your voice trembling, barely registering the butt of a gun heading towards your temple before it went dark.
Hailey hadn’t said anything but she knew something was off.
“Jay, what’s going on?” She asked. “How do you know this girl’s the target?”
Jay didn’t answer but pressed harder on the accelerator, gripping the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles were white. The ringing tone going off through his bluetooth speaker in the car making him feel even worse.
“Jay.” Hailey said again. “I’m your partner.”
Jay glanced at her now. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Hailey’s eyebrows shot up. “I didn’t even know you were seeing someone.”
Jay let a beat of silence passed. “Miller’s her ex. I should have seen the signs, the physical type, everything, I…”
“Jay. She’ll be fine. Come on.” Hailey reassured him, as he turned his truck onto the familiar street.
“She’s still not answering.” Jay said, through gritted teeth. He’d been trying to call you since he had left the station.
Without hesitation, Jay bounded up the stairs, Hailey right behind him. From down the corridor, Jay could already tell your door was slightly ajar.
“Hang back.” Jay whispered, pulling out his service weapon.
Jay quietly approached the door. “Y/N?” He opened the door with his foot, freezing as his eyes landed on you, sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, your eyes frantic as Steven held a knife to your throat from where he stood behind you.
Jay gritted his teeth, using his foot to slam the door shut, knowing that Hailey would know what to do.
“Step away from her.” Jay growled, pointing his gun directly at Steven.
Steven smiled. “I was wondering when you’d arrive. Put that down.”
Jay grinded his teeth but didn’t move. You felt the cold blade of the knife press against your skin and inhaled sharply.
“Put. It. Down.” Steven repeated.
“Okay, okay.” Jay said, glancing at you before putting his hands above his head, disarming his gun and putting it down onto the floor.
Steven smiled again, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“Don’t you fucking touch her.” Jay growled.
“I don’t think you’re in a position to tell me what to do.” Steven answered.
“Jay, I’m sorry.” You whispered.
Jay looked straight at you. “It’s going to be okay. You focus on me, you hear me? I’m right here.”
“We broke up a long time ago, what the hell are you doing?” You asked. You were afraid, hell you were trembling, but this was crazy and you had to help Jay to find a way out of this.
“We wouldn’t be broken up if he hadn’t come between us.” Steven snarled, moving closer towards you, his lips almost touching your ear.
Jay growled. “Leave her alone.”
Steven looked back up at Jay again.
“What, you mean don’t do this?” Steven asked, crushing his lips against yours.
“Don’t you fucking touch her!” Jay yelled. “Is that what you did? How you forced yourself on all the other girls? What do you want, Steven? What are you trying to accomplish?”
“All I wanted was to be with Y/N! But you took her.” He spat.
“So you decided to go on a rampage?” Jay asked. You saw him twitch like he was looking for something so you started talking, as much as it made you want to gag.
“Steven, why didn’t you just talk to me?” You asked, trying to distract him.
“Talk? All you care about is him!” He yelled, lifting the knife and pointing it at Jay.
It happened in a split second.
The moment he lifted the knife, Jay yelled, “Now, Y/N!”
You threw yourself forward, covering your head with your hands as you heard the gunshots go off, just two. You weren’t sure who was shooting but you didn’t move until you heard Jay’s voice again.
“Y/N, it’s okay, it’s over.” Jay whispered.
You looked up, Jay’s face hovering above you.
Jay nodded, “It’s okay, come here.”
Jay pulled his arms around you.
“He…” Jay shook his head, shielding your view of Steven’s now motionless body. “Don’t look back, come on.”
Jay tried to lead you out of the apartment, barely making it to the main door before his teammates appeared. “Jay!” Kevin called, as he spotted both of you.
Jay nodded. “Thanks.” Kevin nodded, his eyes lingering on the way Jay was holding you close to his side before making way for Jay to lead you back down to the ground floor where the ambulances were waiting.
Jay led you all the way to the waiting paramedics, not even leaving your side to get himself checked.
You weren’t hurt, not really. There was a little open cut from where Steven had pressed the blade a little too hard when he had been agitated but other than that you were fine. Well, that, and that disgusting feeling that came with remembering how Steven had pressed his lips against yours.
Voight approached you and Jay. Jay squeezed your hand. “I’ll be right back.” You smiled and nodded.
Jay and Voight talked in low voices until Voight turned to look at you. “And she’s okay?”
Jay nodded. “Yeah, she is. I just need to…”
“Do what you need to do. We’ll finish up here.” Voight said, nodding and clapping Jay on the back.
The paramedics had dressed the wound on the scene before Jay had brought you back to his apartment.
After getting you into a clean change of clothes and some warm food in you, you had ended up back in your favourite place in the world – on Jay’s couch, in Jay’s apartment, encircled in Jay’s arms.
You lay your head on Jay’s chest.
“So this was all because of me?” You asked in a low voice.
Jay sat up, looking at you. “What?”
“He killed all those women… because of me. I got them killed.” You whispered.
“No, no, baby.” Jay propped himself up, but didn’t let you go. “This is not your fault. Steven he… he did this, not you.”
You looked up at him. “He even… in front of you… he…” You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, you felt disgusting. He’d kissed you, he’d done it in front of Jay and he’d ruined everything.
You hadn’t said that much but Jay just tilted your chin upwards and kissed you. “Jay…”
“I’ll take it all away.” Jay whispered. “I’m sorry, I should have been there sooner.”
You shook your head, swiping away the tears that had slid down your cheeks.
Jay cupped your cheek again, pulling you into his chest. You balled your hand around his shirt, gripping at Jay.
“It’s okay, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” Jay whispered.
“I’ll never let anyone touch you ever again.” He half snarled, still caressing you gently.
You leaned into his embrace, closing your eyes as the sound of Jay’s heartbeat gently lulled you back into the feeling of safety and security.
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sunsets for somebody else
Daphne runs into her long lost husband arguing with another man in the grocery store. Things start to take a turn when she realizes they're married.
The bottle of bleach drops from Daphne’s hand into her cart, landing with a sloshing thud as she takes in the scene in front of her, frozen in her tracks. Emmanuel is standing right in front of her, arguing with another man about cleaning supplies.
Wearing a beige trench coat for some inexplicable reason—it’s almost 90 degrees outside—Emmanuel listens to a man who’s explaining in minute detail how to clean an oven. They’re both wearing wedding rings, and Daphne’s heart swells for a moment before she realizes it’s a different ring from the one she gave Emmanuel all those years ago.
“Dean, I don’t think this is safe for Jack. This is going to create noxious fumes,” Emmanuel says, squinting at the ingredients of the cleaner apparently-Dean had thrust at him.
Dean pinches the bridge of his nose, and Daphne squeezes the handle of her shopping cart harder, feeling faint. It’s not every day you come across your long lost husband at the Stop N’ Shop.
“I think the kid can take some fumes,” Dean says, plucking the bottle out of Emmanuel’s hands and putting it in the cart. “We wouldn’t even have to worry about this if someone didn’t let the pizza fall onto the bottom of the oven.”
“The directions said to put it directly on the middle rack!” Emmanuel protests, and Dean rubs a hand down Emmanuel’s back in a familiar way that makes Daphne’s stomach roil.
She’s not jealous, she’s not. She was just helping Emmanuel when she found him, after all. Their marriage was simply one of…convenience for Emmanuel. It’s not like he had a birth certificate with him, or a social security number. What did Daphne get out of all this? Well. Daphne looks at his cheek bones wistfully, her gaze dipping down to his strong forearms his trench coat is rolled up to reveal.
Dean rolls his eyes fondly, and then he tugs Emmanuel into his side, kissing him on the temple. Daphne jerks her stare away for a moment before returning it, noticing now that their wedding rings match.
“Emmanuel?” she chokes out, against her better judgment.
For a long second, she doesn’t think Emmanuel heard her, but he turns around. “Daphne?”
Daphne nods, her words forsaking her. She doesn’t miss the way Dean clutches possessively at Emmanuel’s hip.
“I…thought you were dead,” she finally says. “I filed a missing person report.”
Dean squints at her, before something like recognition passes over her face, and now that she thinks about it, Daphne recognizes him, too. He’s the one who showed up right before everything went to shit. Horror stories of Stockholm syndrome flash through her mind.
“Emmanuel, are you…happy?” she settles on.
Emmanuel gives her a smile, leaning harder into Dean. “I am.”
“Good. That’s. Good,” she says, a strangled look on her face, she’s sure. “Would you want to catch up some time?” she asks before she fully registers what’s coming out of her mouth.
Emmanuel gives her a warm smile. “I’d love that.”
As they set up a time to get coffee, Daphne tries to ignore the glare Dean levels at her throughout the whole conversation. He insists that their meeting be tomorrow, since apparently they won’t be in the area for long. Daphne tries to ignore the warning bells in her mind that tell her she’s about to get murdered and takes solace in the fact that at least they’re meeting in a public place.
Besides, even if Emmanuel’s husband is a serial killer, surely Emmanuel won’t let him murder her, right?
The next day, Daphne hems and haws as she debates what to wear. Whatever this is, it’s the exact opposite of a date, anyway. She knocks on the door of her foster child, Alex, to wake them up before she goes into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. Really, she’s just doing it for herself. She’s allowed to want to look nice!
When she finally deems herself as ready as she’s going to get, she goes back to Alex’s room to make sure they’re actually up. To her pleasant surprise, they’re sitting on the edge of their bed putting on their socks and almost ready. “Excited for school today?” she asks.
Alex makes a face at her. “Never,” they say, but their voice at least has the edge of a smile to it.
They’ve come a long way since they were first placed with her, and even though Daphne knows she shouldn’t be getting overly attached, she can’t help it. She walks down the steps and into the kitchen, deliberating for a moment on breakfast before putting frozen waffles into the toaster. If she’s about to get murdered while Alex is at school, she can at least make sure the last thing she made for them wasn’t cereal.
Alex tromps down the steps, dragging their bookbag behind them, and Daphne hides her smile behind her glass of orange juice. Alex lights up at the sight of the waffles, disturbingly easy to please, as always. They inhale them, as teenagers do, before putting their dishes in the sink. Daphne cracks open her laptop as they wait for the bus, attempting to get some of her work done for the day since she’ll be taking a break later for the coffee. She really hopes her boss doesn’t try and call her while she’s out.
Or, maybe she does. She’s not sure she’s prepared for the level of awkwardness that she’s about to go through, but maybe it won’t be as bad as she thinks. She really wants to know what Emmanuel has been up to for all of this time. She’s still…embarrassingly hung up on him, and it would be nice to get some closure.
The bus pulling up in front of the house jerks her out of her thoughts, and she gives Alex a wave before they race off to get on. She watches them settle into a seat with one of their friends, and smiles at the fact that they even have friends now.
In the end, Daphne doesn’t manage to get much work done before she clambers into her car and drives to the coffee shop they agreed on. She doesn’t really think she needs caffeine with the way her leg is bouncing already.
Emmanuel and Dean are already there when she walks in, Emmanuel with a cup of black coffee he’s dumping sugar packets into and Dean with something with whipped cream and chocolate syrup drizzled on top. She gives them a tentative wave before ordering hot chocolate for herself, settling herself delicately in the seat across from them.
“So,” Dean says. “You were Cas’s wife?”
She squints. “Cas?”
Emmanuel speaks up. “After I regained my memories, I remembered that was my name.”
“Oh.” Smiling weakly, she tries to reconcile that. “You have them all back now?”
Emman—Cas nods.
“Just forgot about me, though?” she tries to ask lightly, but it comes out a little garbled.
“You took advantage of him!” Dean explodes from the other side of the table, making Daphne flinch. “Who the fuck finds someone naked with no memories and marries them?”
“Dean,” Cas chastises, his arm shifting like he’s putting his hand on Dean’s thigh under the table.
“I was helping him,” Daphne says hotly. “Would you have just wanted me to leave him there?”
Cutting Dean off before he can say anything else, Cas looks at Daphne and smiles in a way that makes her heart flutter. “I’m very grateful. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to let you know I was alright.”
Dean crosses his arms over his chest and leans back in his chair, taking a sip of his sugar monstrosity. He comes away with a whipped cream mustache, and it’s hard not to laugh as he wipes it away in total seriousness.
“So,” Daphne says. “You two have a kid? Jack?”
Scowling, which seems to be Dean’s automatic reflex, he exchanges a glance with Cas before softening. “Yeah, we have a kid. He’s four.”
Daphne thinks maybe Dean should have been a little bit more concerned about the fumes of cleaning chemicals if they have a four year old, but she keeps her judgments to herself. Cas beams. “He’s very bright.”
Returning the smile tentatively, Daphne asks, “How long have you two been married?”
“It’s almost our one year anniversary,” Dean says gruffly.
Daphne tries not to let it affect her, even if that’s more time than she ever got with Cas. “Practically newly weds, then!”
“It’s been an adventure; that’s certain,” Cas says, smiling serenely even as Dean elbows his ribs. “Tell us about you, Daphne. What have you been doing?”
Daphne shrugs a shoulder. “Oh, not too much.” Mourning the man I pulled out of the woods and saved and married, she doesn’t say. She knows Emmanuel never felt the same way about her that she did him. “I got approved to be a foster parent, so I’ve had a few kids come through.”
“Helping people has always been your calling,” Cas says softly.
Daphne takes a few minutes to gush about Alex, and her previous kids before them, before she notices Dean’s not actively glaring at her anymore.
“That’s…nice,” he begrudges when she finishes.
“What do you do, Dean?”
Looking like he just dropped something on his foot, he stammers before he hastily says, “I work construction.”
Daphne squints at him. She has the feeling he’s lying to her, but she has no idea why he would be.
“And what about you, Cas?”
“Oh, I mostly just take care of Jack.”
“You’re a stay at home dad?” she asks, the thought making her stomach twist into knots and heat rise to her face.
“Of a sorts,” Cas agrees.
God, they’re making it impossible to carry on a conversation with them. Daphne keeps a smile pasted to her face. “What do you two do for fun?”
“I’m convinced Dean thinks fun is superfluous,” Cas confides, even as Dean splutters at him. “But I like to drag him to thrift stores with me. Dean likes to bake, also.”
“I work on cars, too,” Dean says, and Daphne can feel his desperation to maintain his facade.
She tries not to quirk a smile at his discomfort. They chat for a while longer, Dean getting increasingly dodgy about the questions she asks before she finally excuses herself to go to the bathroom. She shuts the door behind her and looks down at the dank floor. Is she getting what she wanted out of this? She has no idea what she even imagined happening when she asked to catch up. Emmanuel running away with her? Maybe in her wildest fantasies. Taking a deep breath to ground herself, she looks in the mirror and checks her makeup, rubbing at her under eye circles before walking back out of the bathroom.
Cas is at the counter ordering another drink, for Dean, by the sound of the sugar content, and she walks over to him. Hesitating before she bites the bullet, she asks, “You’re not…like, being held against your will, right? That Dean seems,” she pauses, “interesting.”
Cas laughs warmly, putting a hand over Daphne’s. “No, nothing like that. This is a choice of my own free will, believe it or not. Dean is much more caring than he lets on.”
Well, Daphne’s not sure she believes it, but. At least he’s happy, and in the end, that’s all she’s ever wanted for him.
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floraltypes · 3 years
OHSHC Meeting The Parents
Who - ohshc hosts x reader
Type - fluff !
Summary - the hosts meeting your parents
AN - my requests are open so request something!
unedited :/
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You had told Tamaki that your mother was dying to meet him
The woman wouldn’t stop asking you questions regarding him after you dropped a hint you were dating someone
So, one day she threatened to lower your allowance if you wouldn’t invite him over
Hence, why you are running around with trying to finish up your hair and the maid trying to help is stressing herself since you won’t sit down
When the doorbell was rung the butler quickly opened it and your mother and you both rushed down the stairs to try and get there first
Tamaki looked nervous in the beginning but his eyes lit up once they landed on your figure
“Y/n!” He called out, jumping a bit
Tamaki was very much dressed for the occasion, no surprise, and cleaned up well
You mother put a hand on her heart while Tamaki squished you into his arms
“So adorable, my little y/n,” Your mother cooed
“Uh, Tamaki, I can’t breathe,” He let you go quickly, put kept his arms on your shoulders
He soon realized that your mother was there and quickly turned around bowing a few times and apologizing for not greeting her sooner
“No worries dear, why don’t we go to the dining room to begin eating. Y/n’s father will be later due to work,” Your mother told him
The three of you sat at the larger table, Tamaki sitting right besides you
Your mother asked him many questions and he happily answered, staring at you most of the time and your mother could just tell how much he was in love
She thought he was so cute on how he kept asking you questions throughout dinner to involve you in the conversation like ‘what is your favorite class?’ ‘Y/n, you like that game too, as well, correct?’ ‘Y/n sure is very intelligent!’
Your father ended up being very late and didn’t eat with you three
You and Tamaki decided to go to a one of your extra rooms where there was a large TV and couch
You both sat down besides each other and watched something on the television, Tamaki holding your hand
At one point, Tamaki was trying to reach over you to reach a drink on the table besides you, but it ended up being farther than he thought and he feel ontop of you
He looked up from your legs with a awkward, yet cute, smile
At that exact moment the doors swung open and your father walked in
“I apologize for being late, your mother said the boy was in he- why are you laying inappropriately on top of my child?”
“Uh, i-, no, never!”
Let’s say your father didn’t think the highest of Tamaki like your mother did…
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You were both working on some homework one day when you brought up the idea
“Do you think it’s about time to meet my parents?”
“Should I?” He asked back
To be honest, Kyoya knew he was a respectable man and knew how to behave, but still had some nerves
You also didn’t want to exactly have to sit through a long dinner with your boring parents who only knew how to talk about business deals and money, but it would be something your family would eventually ask you
When it came time, you were meeting Kyoya and his parents at a restaurant with your own
When the two of you viewed each-other your eyes lit up a little
“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Kyoya’s father greeted, bowing in front of your parents who soon exchanged the gesture
You greeted Kyoya’s father, your second time seeing Kyoya’s parents again after the dinner you had with them not too long ago
“Y/n,” Kyoya pulled out the chair for you, which you soon sat down on and he sat right beside you, your other side being taken by your mother
“Kyoya, you’re the youngest, correct?” Your father quickly asked, sending a glare
“I am the youngest son, yes,”
“Ah, so you should know what competition is like,”
“I do,”
“Good because they’re many men competing for my daughters hand in marriage,” He laughed, soon turning his attention back to your mother who was chatting with Kyoya’s parents
He mumbled something to himself and grabbed your hand, intertwining it with his
You rubbed small patterns with your pointer finger as a quiet way to reassure him, sending a small smile which seemed to lighten his mood highly
He knew that with you competition seemed worth it, something he was willing to put up with as long as having a chance with you is the prize
When the two of your guys’s families were getting to depart, Kyoya turned to your father before leaving
“I know competition, and I’m very successful in all types of it, I will win the competition for your daughters hand, I just hope you will be able to accept the victor,”
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Telling Hikaru that your mother found it important for her to meet him seemed ridiculous to him
Both of your parents weren’t apart of the relationship, so what should it matter what they think of the other
You loved him and he loved you, he didn’t need anyone else to say otherwise
“Come on Hikaru! My mother will continue to bother me until you finally agree,”
“Only if you promise me something,” He quickly told you, snickering secretly at his brilliant plan
“Anything, I’m so tired of her complaining,”
“A kiss,”
You quickly moved your lips to hover in front of his and connected into a sweet and short kiss
His cheeks brightened to a vibrant pink and he scowled turning his head away
“Not now,” He mumbled.
A week later he was outside your door with a cocky smile and a bouquet in hand, (advice from Kaoru)
“Hello, Mr and Miss L/n,” He bowed, handing the bouquet to your mother
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you son,” Your father put a hand on his shoulder
“Son?” Hikaru asked silently, looking at you with confusion
“My father always wanted a boy,” You tell him, laughing a little
“You look nice Miss L/n,” Hikaru complimented your mother, already
“Oh Y/n, he is so kind!”
Though at first, Hikaru thought meeting your parents was ridiculous, now he’s laughing with them at some joke your father made and being invited over next week for another dinner
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He’s another person who isn’t so confident about the idea
You both were snuggling on his bed, his arms wrapped around your waist and head lying on your chest while you combed through his hair
“My grandma wants to meet you,”
“She does?” He looked up with a spectacle look
“She isn’t bad, much more open to things considered her age,”
“It makes sense why she would want to meet me, so I guess,” He sighed, then taking in the comfort from the position he was in.
“I don’t want to make a bad impression,”
“You won’t! She just wants to treat you to one of her iconic desserts,”
The both of you slowly got up from your spots and got ready to go to your grandmas that evening
When she opened the door, she gave you a tight hug and then soon threw her arms around Hikaru, squeezing him tightly
“Y/n says you love chocolate, I made some treats so she can show you to the dining room,”
He ended up losing all his nerves after taking a bite of the cake
“It’s amazing!”
“I’m so glad you like it. You’re such a sweet young boy, take some more,”
He felt really comforted by your grandmother and comes back next week after she sends him a letter inviting him
When you came home after a shopping trip with your friends, and saw your boyfriend chatting with your grandmother in the kitchen you were very confused
“Hikaru, I didn’t know you were coming over. Did I forget to tell you I was seeing my friend today?”
“You did,” He walked over you you and gave you a hug and small kiss on the cheek
“Then, uh, why are you here?”
“Your grandmother invited me!” Soon your grandma walked in with three cups of tea
“Oh thanks grandma, did you here me come in?” You went to take the other cup before someone came in behind her. “What are you doing here?”
“She wanted to meet Kaoru’s twin,”
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The both of you were in the library doing some reading
You had recently been describing this book to him that you fell in love with and he wanted to read it for himself
You just wanted to read in general
It was a quiet time, but the both of you sat near each other and your head was lying on his shoulder
You had totally forgotten that your dad was begging to meet this man
“My dad wants to meet you,” You voiced, looking up at him while he just nodded, eyes still on the page
“Which one is that?”
“Dad is the really energetic one, papa is the really smart one,” You told him, the poor boy still having trouble with the names for your two fathers
“Ah,” He hummed, moving a hand to rest on your thigh
“Great, I’ll tell them you will be over this weekend!”
“Mhm,” He rubbed a small circle on your clothed thigh and the two of you kept reading, basking in each other’s presence
When the day came Mori wasn’t exactly nervous, but he wasn’t excited
He had brought a treat that his mother wanted him to bring over
“Mori, is it?” Your papa questioned, while your dad quickly took the treat.
Your boyfriend nodded his head, and scavenged through his pocket for a little box
He handed it to you, and you tilted you head, letting a small smile take over the features on your face
“ARE YOU PROPOSING TO MY BABY ALREADY?!” Your dad asked, jumping and trying to rush to grab the box from your hands, getting pulled back by your papa
“No, it’s a present, calm down hun,” He said with his stern voice, though your dad could easily tell her was just trying to be considerate of you and Mori
“Thank you,” You looked up at Mori and pecked him on the lips
“DID MY BABY JUST KISS HIM?!” Your dad yelled once again.
“You kissed me after our first date, remember?” Your papa reminded the man
“Mori, please come in, take a seat, eat, smile, talk, dance, sing, whatever you please,” Your dad pushed him into the living room and your papa followed
You soon pulled the two aside, sending a look to them
“Don’t be rude to him, I already told you that he doesn’t speak much and that’s his choice that we need to respect,”
You soon felt arms on your shoulder and looked back to see your boyfriends figure towering over yours
“It’s okay Y/n. I’m willing to answer questions to help soothe your parents worries and to show my love for you,” He smiled down at you and placed a kiss to the top of your head
That was when your papa and dad knew that this man was truly a good one
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“Y/n-chan! I want to meet your mom!” Honey told you one day while the two of you were waiting for Usa-chan to get cleaned at the cleaners
“How come?”
“I want to meet the person who helped make you so kind!” He exclaimed, gripping your hand tightly while the two of you walked through town
“Sure, if you really want to,” You shrugged. “My mom is a big cake fan so I think the two of you would get along,”
“Yeah!!!” Honey cheered and the two of you continued your walk with grins on your face
A couple of weeks later your mom was finally home after her stressful business trip and was excited to meet the boy you had been dating
“Mother, this is Mitsukuni,” You introduced her to the childish blonde who was holding on tightly to his stuff animal
“You can call me Honey! It’s so great to meet you! Y/n-chan told me you like cake, so I brought some!” Your mother put on a fake smile and showed him to a area to place it
She soon put on her shoes and coat and the three of you took the limousine to a restaurant nearby
“So, you’re a third year?” Your mother asked once the three of you were seated at a table
“Mhm! Along with my cousin Takashi, he is one of Y/n-chan’s friend as well,”
“He’s the tall one right, I thought he was your boyfriend, someone you could depend on,”
“Mother,” You mumbled, loud enough for her to hear, hoping she would behave kindly to Honey despite the boy not acting like a normal third year
“Y/n can depend on me! I promise! I’m very dependable,” Honey placed his stuff animal on the ground and sat up straight
“You are,” You looked over at him, agreeing with your boyfriend.
The rest of the dinner was a little awkward and when Honey asked to order cake your mother shot him down, it took a lot for the boy to try and hold on his tears
He thought for sure that he would get along greatly with your mother
“Well, aren’t you a cutie?” A man walked up to you, walking alongside you with Honey on your other side holding your hand, your mother was a bit ahead on a phone call
“Um, can you please leave me alone, I’m not interested,”
“Oh come on now doll, don’t act so uninterested, don’t lie, I know you are,” He was about to place a hand on your shoulder before he was on the ground and Honey was holding him in the position
“Y/n! Y/n! I’m so sorry,” Your mom rushed to you and quickly hung up the call looking at the man on the sidewalk and pulling you into her arms.
“I’m fine mother, he didn’t touch me. Mitsukuni got him for me,” You reassured her, pointing to your boyfriend who was watching the man run away
“Oh Honey! I’m so sorry for how I behaved, you really are a good boy,” She pulled him into her arms. “Why don’t the three of us go get some cake to celebrate!”
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It was something your father found important
You and Haruhi had been chatting for awhile and your father had overheard you on the phone many times
The poor single father couldn’t figure if your giggles were friendly ones or ones someone would have when talking to a crush
Though he was intelligent when it came to taking care of the colleges he owned, he knew nothing about girls and their crushes
So, he had to ask his secretary for advice, which he did often since he was raising a girl on his own
The advice he received was to just… ask you?
“Y/n, sweetheart, who are you chatting to?”
“Haruhi, Fujioka Haruhi,” You told him, then getting back onto the phone
He rushed to his phone and asked his secretary to found out some more
When he received the information, he rushed to you again, a bit confused it was a commoner, but open to the idea
“I want to meet this Fujioka, and their parent,”
You told Haruhi and she understood, thinking it made sense that your father would want to meet her, especially since Haruhi liked you a lot and was thinking of ways to ask you out soon!
“I’m Hiro, a pleasure to meet you….?” He looked at Haruhi’s father with confusion.
“Ranka, sorry, I’m coming back from my job,” He apologized, whipping the scarf around his neck a little tighter. “You must be Y/n, Haruhi talks about you often! You’re so adorable!”
“Thank you!” You smiled, then grabbing Haruhi’s hand and dragging her into your larger home
Haruhi was very nervous to meet your father, she didn’t want to say anything and tend to just try and stay glued to your side
“Haruhi, you chat with Y/n often, um, that’s good,” Your father was nervous as well, he didn’t want to make the assumption that you two were dating and risk embarrassing you, something he unfortunately did often
“Yeah, Y/n is nice,” She nodded, and you continued to drag her up to your room, showing her trinkets and books
Ranka and your father went to your garden to chat and have some tea
“You have such a lovely home,” Ranka complimented. “Where is Y/n’s mother, at work?”
“She actually isn’t with us,” Your father coughed. “She passed away after having Y/n,”
“I’m so sorry, Haruhi’s mother hasn’t been with us for a while as well,”
Something in common!!?!
They soon started to talk about the difficulties on raising children on there own, and found each other to be much kinder when the nervous aspect disappeared
(they end up calling each other often when they need more advice with their kids, they become good friends!)
“Haruhi is always talking about Y/n, it’s so cute! My little girl is in love..!!”
“Love?!?!” Your father choked on his tea
“Why yes, it’s so painfully obvious that Haruhi doesn’t even realize it herself! I bet it is the same with Y/n, I hear the way she chats and her giggles through the phone,”
“Y/n is in love?!?!”
“Yeah! I think Haruhi is going to ask them out soon!”
“Ask Y/n out?!?!” Your father was about to pass out on the spot
But, Ranka helped him breathe and she revealed just how great of a daughter Haruhi was that your father didn’t seem too scared
Though he didn’t chat with Haruhi too much because the both of you were too busy chatting with each other, he felt she was a good person
“Well, Haruhi, fine young woman, treat my child well, you are well, um, yes,” Your father nodded and Haruhi did the same
The two won’t go and see a movie together, but they’ll be able to get rid of some nerves soon enough and hold some nice conversations together
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keijislove · 3 years
Hi babe! I was wondering if I could request a Tony Stark x daughter reader? With lots of angst and her being locked in her room because she’s being bullied for her darker skin
(I understand if you’re not comfortable with this)
Safe Place: Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader
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I think this turned out a bit longer than I expected.
Sorry :(
I hope you like this, I don’t really have a lot of experience with this matter, so I hope I captured the emotions right!
WARNINGS: Slight EXTREMELY racial comments, mentions of death, toxic relationship, angst, Tony being a little... well, Tony.
Being Tony Stark’s daughter was nearly everyone’s dream. Well, everyone you’d come across at school, anyway. It seemed rational from their point of view – big house, big bedroom, expensive branded clothing, basically an overall exquisite lifestyle coupled with fame of being his daughter which was sure to earn popularity points anywhere and everywhere. A man rolling in that amount of money would make a great dad... right?
You thought differently. Which was one of the main reasons you did not tell anyone who your father really was and your teachers understood your predicament and played along to your story of being an ordinary girl with no scope for coolness whatsoever.
Your mother had met your father a long, long time ago – when Tony was still in university. Of course, he’d left her before he even knew she was pregnant, and they never saw each other again. You didn’t exactly love your life as his daughter. In fact, from what your mother had told you, he was (in your vision) a complete monster whom your mother had the sad misfortune to meet.
It was her untimely death that had forced you to go live with the man who was the reason you were born and the man who ruthlessly left your mother to fend for herself and a baby. You had tried for foster care, but the agents told you that your father was still alive and more than capable of taking care of you – being the famous Tony Stark and all.
So it would suffice to say that Tony was lowkey shocked when you turned up at his doorstep one day with a grudging expression and declarations of being his daughter. He actually didn’t believe you at first and asked you to piss off which confirmed your earlier assumptions about his character – asshole. After you’d snapped at him and showed him all the legal documentations stating that you two were blood-related as father-daughter after all, Tony was even more shocked than earlier.
Though he would rather die than admit it, he felt sad after seeing your fourteen-year-old self standing at his doorstep. He’d missed your birth, your first steps, your first words, he even missed helping you with homework in preschool – basically all precious moments you enjoy with a child. But you made it pretty clear that you didn’t want to be here – something that made Tony’s already overlarge pride swell like a bullfrog and stopped him from ever getting close to you. While you were busy thinking he didn’t want you, you overlooked a small detail – he took you in.
If anyone had the power to bribe an adoption agency to get rid of their kid, it was Anthony Stark, yet he never gave you away. The simple explanation (that he would never, in a million years, admit it to you) was that he didn’t want to lose you – around the only blood-related family he had left.
And so began your life as Y/N Stark. It functioned surprisingly well for your expectations. Pepper was really nice to you and those few occasions when the Avengers came over, you were able to talk to Natasha about ‘girl things’, her presence reminding you of the mother you had lost only too young. You sometimes even asked Bruce for help with homework, too proud yourself to go to Tony. Overall, you stayed out of his way while he stayed out of yours – an arrangement you were both satisfied with.
The worst part was that you never talked. Ever. You would wake up and walk to school, refusing Jarvis’ continued protests of letting you use the self-driving car, came home the same way where you did your homework and grabbed a snack before you ‘father’ came back upstairs from his little man cave in the basement and a small ‘good-evening’ passed between you two as you went your separate ways. This cycle repeated itself every day. Recently, your life at school hadn’t been going great.
You’d known that your skin tone was a notch darker than the others at your school – something you had gotten from your mother – and this was not something you really cared about. That’s when they started coming – the comments. What were originally small, snide retorts of ‘wash your face, ew!’ (A/N: I AM SO SORRY) had now escalated to them calling you obscene names you’d never heard before and asking you to leave ‘their’ school
Which was why, instead of being at school today, you were locked in your bedroom, sobbing into your pillow.
It had started out as a very unusual morning. After getting comments hurled at you left right and centre the previous day, you’d had enough. You’d woken up and declared to Jarvis that you were skipping school and he was to, under no circumstances, notify your father about this. After that you tried to eat some cereal, but the bubbling dread in your stomach made it taste like dry carpet, so you gave up and stomped into your room, locking the door before flinging yourself onto the bed and crying your heart out.
It was in times like these that you felt the need for something – a gaping hole in your chest. It seemed foolish to even admit it to yourself, but you really wanted someone like a parent. Someone who listened to your problems and comforted you accordingly, someone who actually cared about you. And since Tony Stark filled neither of these requirements, you gave up the foolish dream and sunk, once again, into your self-fashioned depths of misery.
Tony casually sipped on his wine, putting one last screw into place to make the latest piece he was testing out. As he powered the device on, it vibrated for a moment before the words ‘model failed’ appeared on the screen Tony was examining.
He swore loudly and shoved it ungracefully aside before running his hands through his hair. There had been many an occasion where Tony seriously considered going to your room to just say something to you that wasn’t a monotonous ‘good evening’ or ‘the milk’s finished’ or something else like that. He wanted to talk to you. To you.
He wanted to get to know the real Y/N – what you were like when you weren’t too busy being bold and refusing to appear vulnerable. As if reading his thoughts, Jarvis’ voice filled the room suddenly.
“Sir, I do believe that Ms Stark is currently locked inside her bedroom. She refused to go to school just this morning.”
“What?” Tony exclaimed, “Why, did she tell you anything else?”
“Just this, Sir, along with a few obscene warnings of not informing you about this occurrence. If I recall correctly, Ms Stark told me she would rip out my sockets with her bare hands had I come to you.”
Ignoring the small smirk that was growing on his lips at the thought of you behaving exactly as he would, Tony wiped his tired hands on a nearby cloth before sprinting out the door and up the stairs to your bedroom.
He knocked on the door.
“Go away Pepper, not in the mood,” came your muffled voice. It was weak and raw – evidently, you had been crying.
Ignoring the poking feeling of dread bubbling in his stomach, Tony knocked again.
“Open up, kid, it’s me,” he shouted.
“Definitely not in the mood, thanks.”
Tony sighed. This was exactly what he had tried so hard to avoid –turning out like his own father. Not knowing how to deal with a daughter properly, he just let you go about your business as you wanted, hoping that it would yield better results than what his childhood had been like. Now, looking back at how much he’d neglected you, he suddenly realised that he had done the exact thing he was afraid of – hurt you.
“Y/N Y/M/N Stark, open the door. Please.”
Perhaps it was the please at the end or the way he acknowledged you as his living, breathing daughter for the first time that made you stagger limply over to the door and push it open.
Your eyes were puffy, red and swollen from bawling nonstop and your brows were knitted into a disapproving frown. It broke Tony’s heart to see you like this.
“Listening,” you sniffed, crossing your arms.
“Okay, why don’t you sit down,” Tony frowned slightly.
You gave another hearty sniff and led him to your bed where you flopped down and watched as he took a seat beside you.
You both sat in a very painful, deafening silence for the next few minutes.
“You didn’t go to school today,” Tony casually remarked as you played with your pillow, refusing to meet his eyes.
“I did,” you said simply.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on?” Tony offered.
“I really don’t,” you admitted as he burst out laughing and you gave a grudging giggle despite yourself.
“Seriously, kid,” Tony said in an undertone, “You’ve gotta open up a bit more. I mean, it’s been like what, two years since you moved here and you never bother telling me what’s going on. And look where that got you – come on, tell me what’s going on. Is it school?”
“Partially,” you quietly said to which he cocked an eyebrow.
“Completely,” you amended, sighing, “Kids, you know, they’re just being – well, mean.”
“Okay,” Tony nodded slightly, “You want to talk about it?”
“They... they make fun of me,” you admitted, “About – about my skin colour and stuff. And I know I’m being stupid, getting upset over this –”
“It’s not stupid,” Tony broke in, “It’s not stupid at all. Nothing gives anyone a right to talk to you that way.”
“Try telling that to them!” you burst out, final letting go of the pent-up emotions you’d been holding for days, “What did I ever do to them – it’s not my fault I look like this, maybe if I could choose what to look like, I’d choose something they want! Just about everyone seems to have a problem – what the hell do they expect me to do? It’s unjust, unfair, unsettling and unkind, but of course they don’t care, do they?!”
Tony didn’t even flinch throughout your entire outburst until you broke down and tears began rapidly pouring out of your eyes once more.
“Hey, hey, stop, listen to me,” Tony sternly said, seizing your shoulders and turning you to face him.
“You’re a Stark,” he said, gazing you dead in the eyes, “You are beautiful, you’re smart and you’re kind. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
This was too much for you to handle and you started sobbing again – sobs of partial happiness and partial guilt that didn’t look like they would stop anytime soon.
“Come here, kid,” was all Tony could say as he pulled you into a hug, allowing you to sob into his shirt while he stroked your hair, trying to calm you down.
“I’m sorry if I’ve ever been mean to you,” you whispered finally.
“It’s okay, kid,” Tony murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I’m sorry I haven’t been a great father all this time.”
You two sat in a now comfortable silence, occasionally clearing your throats or sniffling a bit before Tony finally spoke.
“If anyone says that to you again, I will have them cut up and fed to the fish in my house in Malibu.”
“Thanks, dad.”
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bloodyhell-lucifer · 3 years
Daddy is the devil | Lucifer Morningstar
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x fem!reader
Summary: Reader is one of Chloe’s best friends and they haven't seen each other for a long time so the decision was made. Finally a sleepover at Chloe’s house since Chloe has a day off of work and Dan took Trixie with him to have some dad-daughter time. What they didn't know is that Lucifer will come with unexpected visit and reader’s shirt will cause such a mess.
Warning: language, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), praise kink, daddy kink, +18
Based on this request: Hello, I hope you are doing well, I would like to politely request a one shot (or more if it inspires you, you do you) from Lucifer, you can do whatever you want with it, reader insert, oc, smut, no smut, totally up to you but I would like it to involve Lucifer meeting/seeing the reader/character (preferably female, gender neutral is also fine) wearing that crop top from Blackcraft that says “Satan Is My Daddy” please and thank you
Thank you so much for this request sweet anon! I couldn’t wait to write it down because this idea was so cool.
To be honest it’s my first real one request so I’m pretty excited and also this is my first smut so I’m not so proud about it. I think I don’t know how to write them. Someone teach me?
If there are some mistakes let me know because English isn’t my first language so as soon as possible I’ll correct it.
If you would like to send me a message, ask me about something or send me a request about imagine then the link is in my bio so feel free to message me! I would like to know you better and read your ideas and write them down😄
If you guys like my shitty writings you can follow me for more. I’ll be posting new things sooner than you think and thanks for so much activity under my posts and all the follows, it means a lot and I love u so so much xx
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You and Chloe had everything planned for tonight. When you were talking on the phone to discuss the details you decided to have a movie night with some alcohol. You bought some wine, chips and sweets for you and your friend to have some snacks. Feeling of excitement was huge about finally seeing your friend after such a long time. You showed up at Chloe’s door about seven pm ringing a bell to her door. After few seconds the door were open and Chloe lean out from behind of it.
“Oh my god hi girl, so good to finally see you.” she enveloped you in a big hug wrapping her hands around your neck.
“Hi Chloe, long time no see.” you hugged her back. With a gesture of her hand she invited you inside and you stepped in.
After two hours you two were slightly drunk and making fun comments over character that was on the screen of tv during the movie.
“So tell me Chloe, some time ago you were taking to me on the phone about that guy you were working with that just have some attitude and always have something to tell and joke about. What was his name again? Lucian?” You asked her taking other sip from glass of wine.
“Lucifer to be exact. His name is Lucifer.” on her face appeared frown and she raised her brows. “Why you asking?”
“Just asking. You like him?” Hint of concern could be felt coming from your lips.
“Of course I like him. I work with him. He’s my partner.” she responded and nervously began to rub her hands against her thighs.
“You know that’s not what I meant. Is he that handsome that it’s bothering you?” you got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen to pour yourself another glass of wine since you finished the last one.
“Please stop. He’s definitely not my type. He’s arrogant, has got a big ego and always have that stupid smile on his face every time we go somewhere.” She folded her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes.
“Oh I hope I’ll meet him someday. I want to know who’s working with my best friend.” you winked at her and laughed along Chloe.
“Some day for sure.” Chloe was praying that this whole Lucifer topic will end with that. “Tell me you have someone?” She tried to change the topic of that conversation.
“Of course not. Some time ago I had a date with this guy named Brian but it didn’t go well and I lost hope for finding someone.” You said going back to couch and putting your glass on the coffee table that was in front of you. “Listen I’m gonna go and change because this jeans are so uncomfortable and I’m losing my shit with them” You grabbed your bag and went to bathroom to change. You picked your normal pjs which were just crop top with caption ‘Satan is my daddy’ on it and black bottoms.
“Oh Jesus Y/N what a shirt” Chloe blurted as soon as she saw you.
“It’s just a crop top Chloe. Can you just chill? We are already drinking a second bottle of wine and you still seem so stressed about something.” You declared after seeing her sitting so tense. One of the movies you’ve chosen was still playing in the room and none of you was watching it so Chloe switched it to music channel.
“Y/N I’m so sorry. I know I screwed this up. I’ve been stressed about work and Trixie and I don’t know what to do. I hoped I will invite you, we will have fun together after long time and this feelings would go away, but I guess it doesn’t go away and I can’t have fun. I messed up” she sighed and got up from the couch to just stand in front of you having her hands on your shoulder.
“We’re all humans after all, Chloe. I get it and I understand. You don’t have to worry. We can talk about it if you want and we still have time to make it fun. Go get change into your pj’s and and I’m expecting you turning back with a smile on your face.” You smirked to her and went up to set new snacks on coffee table.
When Chloe returned she didn’t have time to say anything because the bell from the door rang immediately.
“Did you invite anyone else?” You asked curiously.
“Of course not. Just you and me. No one else.” She added going to the door to check who was that. You were just standing right behind her.
She opened the door and Chloe saw the the last person she wanted to see today.
“What are you doing here?” She hissed and it was obvious that she didn’t want that person’s presence. You still couldn’t see who that person was.
“Oh don’t be so rude detective. I was in the neighbourhood and I thought that I’ll stop by with a visit.” You heard men’s strong deep voice with a British accent.
Chloe was so tired of this. She didn’t have strength to fight with that man and let him in and then you saw him. The man was a lot taller than you, shit he towered over you. You were so shock seeing that handsome man that you though that you were having a hallucinations seeing a Greek god. He had pitch black hair with little stubble. His hazel brown eyes were twisting into yours like he wanted to see every inch of your soul. Of course his devilish smile was there too to give him another hundred points to looking too fuckin’ good. He was dressed in fancy black suit and black button up that hugs his body so perfectly. You could see from distance that under all that suit he must be having a nice, trained body. Is that legal to look that handsome? You though to yourself.
“Bloody hell detective, I didn’t know you were having a company.” He sent you an evil grin and came into your way. Chloe stood there and she was about to say something when that man spoke to you.
“Hi, my name is Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar.” He stepped closer to you and took your hand in his. He kissed the top of your hand.
“Like the devil?” You asked and you didn’t know if to laugh or to start panicking.
“Don’t bring my dad into this darlin’. Yeah, like the devil.” He still was having that smirk that could knock you off of your feet by any second. “And you are?”
“I’m Y/N” you gulped suddenly feeling naked under Lucifer’s gaze.
“Oh that’s a real beautiful one” he responded and lean in just to be few centimetres away from your figure. He took one of strands of your hair and put them behind your ear whispering to you. “I really like your shirt baby.”
You wanted to say something, anything but you just couldn’t. You didn’t want to believe that is was that guy Lucifer that you were asking Chloe about.
“Okey enough, Lucifer. Leave Y/N alone. What do you want?” Chloe closed the door behind him and asked Lucifer with frown on her face and furrowed brows. She had her hands on her hips and she really looked like she was not in the mood for such things.
“I said loud and clear I came just to check on you, but now as I see your friend I might want something.” He chuckled and looked at you again. You were so intimidated by his presence that you were looking down at the floor in that moment with blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“Can you stop being the perv that you actually are? If you don’t stop you’ll have to leave.” She urged staying in the hallway. Chloe really was pissed off.
“Okey dokey.” Lucifer raised his hands up in a gesture of surrender and he stepped back from you and went to the living room and you and Chloe follow along.
“Okey ladies, let’s start the night properly” Lucifer loud voice echoed through the room and you already had known that you gonna regret it later.
Chloe told you and Lucifer that she had enough of drinking and that’s it. She was not the one to convince so you and Lucifer were left to the alcohol that still was in the house. After another two bottles of wine and another two hours later in the night Chloe’s phone started buzzing and within moments she went to grab it and answered the call leaving the room. You knew you two were pretty drunk but you could still manage with yourself. Lucifer on the other hand after that two hours ended up with his shirt half unbuttoned and messed up hair after you challenged him to do so. You couldn’t get your eyes off of him sitting like that with his legs spread out and your whole body was screaming to straddle his lap. You though you were going to drool yourself at sight of his muscular torso. You felt pretty damn wet in your panties after sights like this.
“Guys I’m leaving for now. I’ll be right back but Dan called me saying that Trixie is burning up and probably having a fever. I’m going to pick her up. I have already ordered a taxi. Please don’t do something stupid. Y/N, I’m counting on you” Chloe shouted to you putting on her shoes, already changed and slumming her front door shut.
“Guess we have some time alone sweetheart.” Black-haired man said to you turning his head towards you. He put one of his massive hands on your thigh and you sighed after his touch touching your sensitive skin. Your knees were touching and you felt shiver running down your spine. His face was millimetres away from yours. The pad of his thumb running across your bottom lip making you tremble. Your breath hitched as Lucifer smirked at you.
“What do you say baby girl? I know you want me.” He seductively admitted. His deep voice echoing through your years. You felt like you were in trance. Thoughts and consequences be damned, you wanted him more than you’d ever wanted anything, and fuck anything that was in your way.
His thumb moving away from your lips as he was leaning in closer to you. His lips ghosting over yours. His hands cupped your face with his two hands caressing your cheeks. Both of you starred at each other. Your eyes fluttered closed as Lucifer laid his lips on yours. He kissed you passionately, your lips moving in sync. Lucifer’s eyes fluttering closed as well. He grabbed a hold of your hair pulling at them causing a moan felt from your lips as the kiss began to got deeper and needer. You decided to make a move and straddle his lap. His fingers moved from your jaw to your hips digging into them harshly. Your fingers quickly unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on his shirt. Your hands didn’t waste time to trail down his muscular torso what made him groan into the kiss. You broke the kiss first moving your head down towards his exposed chest, pressing your lips against it. You trailed wet, sloppy kisses down his chest, then down towards his stomach. Stopping above the waistline of his pants. Lucifer smirked down at you, as you got on your knees. Looking up at him, as you undid the button of his pants, then unzipped the zip pulling his pants down, as well as his boxers, you freed his growing bulge. Lucifer let out a hiss, as his cock sprang up, while you bit your lip. You stared at his big cock in awe making your way back to the couch to sit next to him.
“You like what you see baby girl? Would you like daddy’s cock in your tight, little pussy of yours? He asked grabbing a firm hold of your jaw making you look him straight into his eyes.
“Hell yes, please daddy” you said arching your back to get some friction from your actions.
Lucifer lowered you to the mattress, your back met the rough material of the living room’s couch. It felt so inviting, so intimidating. You wanted that so badly, your entire body screamed for pleasure. You felt air leave your lungs because of the handsome man has begun to kiss your neck. Your chest were heaving, you raised a hand to the base of his neck and held him there as he sucked strong marks onto your skin. Little moan left you, while your body began to surrender to him.
“You’ll be in hell soon darlin’. Sorry baby but this shirt needs to get out with rest of your clothes but it’s so beautiful and welcoming.” He quickly made you get rid of your clothes quickly. When Lucifer bended down while still keeping his brown eyes locked with yours his tongue swiped a lick atop your breast, then immediately took your stiffened tit in his mouth to suck. His other hand worked on massaging your other breast and you forgot about everything around you and let your body take over as your mouth produced another groan. That’s when he decided to pull your nipple lightly in between his teeth.
“Oh, fuck,” you exhaled the curse in ecstasy.
“Naughty girl aren’t you.” Lucifer grinned, but his tone suggested he’s aroused with your language. His hand ran down the plane of your stomach and slipped down to feel your pulsing desire. You could see it in his eyes how pleased he is at the amount of slickness he felt coating his fingers. He toyed with your clit in deliberately slow circles, and you whined at his touch while moving your hips to receive more stimulation. But Lucifer’s fingers went on to explore further inside you, and you couldn’t hold back the gasp that left your lips as he began to stretch you. He bended down again so that his face is above yours, cologne so strong yet soothing. Lucifer’s kisses were hot and needy. His tongue made a reappearance and became acquainted with yours. Your next gasp bled into a groan into his mouth when he added another finger.
“Yeah, please daddy, I want your cock so bad inside me.” you practically begged.
His fingers may be removed from your sopping heat, but in their place, Lucifer’s bending cock slided between your legs to coat it with your wet pussy. Dark haired man finally entered you. Your back lifted off the bed as you let out a lust-filled cry. It was a tight and delicious fit with your muscles constricting around his eager girth. The man’s lips twisted up at the sound and creates his own unbridled groan.
“Spread your legs wide, babydoll. Take the devil all in.” He was so big you didn’t even know how you can adjust, but your body found a way to relax enough for Lucifer to slide in deeper.
Your eyes squeezed shut at how he stretched you fully, but your voice begged him to move, to give you more. He went on to create a steady rhythm with his hips and all with that filthy comments on how tight and perfect you felt around him. You made another desperate noise as you continue your ascent, which prompts him to ask between grunts, “Speak, love. What do you need from daddy?”
“Your big hands with your fingers daddy” you somehow told with filling voice your need amidst your hedonistic sounds.
“It’s going to the direction I didn’t know it’s going” Lucifer laughed with devilish smirk upon his face.
It was what you need after all, the extra stimulation to bring you closer and closer to what could be the strongest orgasm of your life. In a series of ‘yes’s and curses, you reached another plane of existence. Flashes of white light grew behind your eyes while your mouth widened. Lucifer, in turn, exhaled a shaky and pleasurable moan as your body repeatedly constricted and pulled around his cock.
“Oh shit, doll, just right there.” He came inside you, hot and fast, and you feel the descent of your high flow through you. Every part of you was warm and exhilarated and thoroughly pleased. When Lucifer pulled out from you, he rolled over back onto the couch. His grin read that his own desires have been fulfilled. You knew you got yourself into a deep shit and there’s no way going back.
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fangirl-creates · 3 years
The Most Unlikely Thing
A Stolitz Wedding One-Shot
Inspired by this lovely art by @sator-the-wanderer on Instagram (Link at the end)
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(Note: This is my first time writing with Helluva Boss Characters—I was worried they wouldn’t be in character, but I hope you enjoy!!)
Most would say a night like this would never happen. That it was one of the many outlandish and downright ridiculous thoughts that appeared within the mind of anyone who knew them. If you said it outloud, you’d get a quick laugh out of the person you told, then the subject would be changed in an instant-as if it was never said at all.
Moxxie had that thought once. Right around 2AM he woke up from an uneventful dreamscape, and processed the thought with every ounce of his intellect. Even after that, it still made no sense. He turned to Millie’s side, taking a deep breath before he spoke.
“Millie? Are you awake?”
His wife stirred for a moment, a small yawn before she responded. “Yeah, Moxx?” She mumbled.
“I...had a weird thought..” He sat up, running his hand through his snow-white hair, soon scratching the top of his head.
“What was it?” She sat up a little, both curious and worried about what he might be thinking.
“Well-” He paused for a moment, giving the room a good look around before he continued. If a certain someone was here, listening, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. “It’s about Blitz and uh...Prince Stolas.”
Millie’s golden eyes widened as her tail started swishing like a curious cat. Any worry she had was gone, now she wanted to know all the details surrounding this. “Well?? Don’t keep me in suspense!” She smiled eagerly, shaking him by the arm a little.
“So like...and this is just a hypothetical..” He chuckled, smiling nervously for a quick second. “I just wondered for a second...well..” At this moment their eyes were locked, Moxxie’s face now torn between smiling or frowning. He had no idea what to feel. “Do you think they could ever...end up like us?”
Millie tilted her head, raising a brow. “Ya mean like...married ‘n stuff?”
Moxxie nodded a few times. “Yeah, Yeah! Do you...do you think-?”
She put a hand on her chin. “Well...I don’t think it isn’t possible. I mean...I’m pretty sure...excluding their little agreement...maybe they do like each other..”
“Do they though?” He started to lay down again, now staring at the ceiling. “I mean clearly Stolas likes him to the point where he won’t stop gushing over him. But...Blitz?”
“Who knows, hon. Blitz hardly talks about how he really feels. Maybe he does. And maybe one day they will…” The last thing didn’t sound so sure.
Moxxie turned his head. “But?”
“All relationships are complex, Moxx. And those two? Hell, it could take them years before they even think about something like that. But then again…”
“Sometimes the thing you least expect might happen sooner than you think.”
Moxxie blinked a couple times, squinting a bit. “Sooo...you do or you don’t think they could-” He was interrupted by Millie giving him a kiss on the lips. She turned the light off next, shifting back into her sleeping position.
“Goodnight, Moxxie.”
Moxxie sighed, slowly closing his eyes as sleep began to cloud his mind again.
He still couldn’t believe he actually thought that. Although it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it still surprised him no less. But despite how much he just wanted to forget it, it made him think about what Millie said.
It was true Blitz was starting to show a small glimmer of affection towards the Goetian Prince, especially since the rescue from a few nights ago. The concern and sudden display of power through a demonic transformation was enough to make Blitz gawk at the sight of it. And the way Stolas gently cupped his face asking if he was alright afterwards made everyone else in the room stare, Blitz feeling slightly embarrassed by the whole situation.
Yet it still made him think that maybe...just maybe something like that could happen. But that wasn’t up to him. Whatever they decided would leave this idea, this thought, completely within the hands of faith itself.
And with that, Moxxie fell asleep.
Three years ago, it was never spoken of outside of that one night. And neither of the two had ever acted upon such a decision until much much time had passed. But now the stars were in their favor.
The sky was a dark, beautiful crimson that had mixed with a captivating wine purple. The stars were scattered, dusting the sky and turning it into a dazzling display of twilight.
They had kept it small, the only ones being present were close friends and family—which was basically four people. But it didn’t matter how many people were there, or where they did it. All that mattered was that it happened—which had ended up on the roof of I.M.P’s office building.
The vows had been short, with a few important bits here and there; Moxxie having to be both the one to wed them and the best man to the boss himself. He wasn’t sure he had the exact authority to do so, but both explained it was better than having someone else they didn’t know. Because once this got out, they’d have a whole other thing to deal with. But that was a future problem they would solve when it became relevant to them.
Blitz was given a stepstool so he could reach Stolas without having to stand on the tips of his toes. He didn’t want the stepstool, saying that he’d look like a complete joke. But if Stolas had to lift him up for this part, he would be unable to think clearly from the embarrassment.
Stolas didn’t seem to care how many people were present, or where they decided to host the reception. There was only one thing that mattered in this moment, and the smile of genuine compassion refused to leave his face the entire night. Blitz looking up with him while trying to contain himself only seemed to make him smile more. He was adorable.
Both eagerly waited for Moxxie to finish up, Blitz trying to keep himself from falling off the stool by how much he was moving. Of course he stood perfectly still once he heard the last few words out of Moxxie’s mouth.
“You may now kiss—”
Blitz practically jumped into Stolas’ embrace, quickly locking lips with him as the two slowly started to get lost in intimacy.
The four clapped while giving the newly weds smiles of congratulations. But those quickly faded away when they noticed the two weren’t paying attention anymore. The passionate kissing lasted for almost two minutes before Loona had to break them away from each other.
“Hey, lovebirds. Maybe wait till none of us can see you.” She rolled her eyes, putting Blitz down after basically pulling him off of Stolas.
Blitz put a hand on his head, taking a look around. “Oh shit, I forgot we were doing this.”
Stolas bent over with a light chuckle, booping Blitz’s nose. “-and aren’t you so glad we did, Blitzy~?”
The Imp pushed his face away as he blushed a bit more. “Yeah yeah just…don’t make it a bigger deal than it already is..”
“Looks like someone’s trying to pretend he can’t be romantic for once.” Moxxie smirked, making Blitz turn around in retaliation. His face was now a different form of red.
“Well you know what, Moxxie?! You—!” Then he stopped, biting his lip as he put his accusing finger away. “You…did..a good job…tonight..” He mumbled under his breath.
Moxxie kept smirking, raising a hand to where his ear would be. “Oh, what was that? Could you repeat what you said a little louder?”
Blitz shifted uncomfortably, hoping this was the last time. None of this was like him. And in front of his entire friend circle too!
“You…didagoodjobtonight..” He said it louder as per Moxxie’s request, just a bit faster than normal. Now everyone heard him…however-
“Maybe a little louder…and slower?” He leaned in closer.
“Goddammit, Moxxie! I already held back insulting you just let me have this!” He snapped a little, making everyone else just laugh in response. Moxxie put a hand on his shoulder, his smile genuine.
“Thanks, Blitz.”
The rest of the wedding had lasted a couple hours. Since the group was so small, dancing and talking underneath Hell’s strangely unnatural starlight felt more meaningful.
Eventually, M&M had to leave. But they wished the two best of luck, the wedding present they got the only thing left of them from tonight. Octavia and Loona decided to head inside the office to give their dads space. Now that they were legally sisters, hanging out would feel more genuine. Like you had someone else there looking out for you. Loona now was able to shout anything about being her big sister to anyone who tried to mess with them.
Up on the roof, Blitz and Stolas were laying down on what used to be the tablecloth to the buffet, staring at the stars. Blitz had taken advantage of using Stolas’ chest as a fluffy pillow. It was so comforting, like he could just lay there forever and never get up. But then…something did make him get up. He sat and hugged his knees close, his expression somewhat distraught. His eyes turned briefly to the owl demon, feeling strange.
“Stolas?” He finally broke the silence.
Stolas had already taken note of Blitz sitting up. But he quickly sat up when next he saw his partner’s face.
“What’s the matter, Blitzy? Are you feeling alright?” His questions were genuine, making Blitz feel worse.
“Is this…is this what you want? Do you really want…me?” Something in his voice cracked and that made Stolas’ heart feel a strike of pain.
“Of course I do! Tell me, what brought this on?” He held Blitz’s chin in his hand gently so their eyes met once more.
“It’s…It’s just how we started out. And everything after that…I don’t know why it took me so fucking long to actually admit that I…” He paused. “…felt this way.”
“And…I didn’t think that you would actually..! You…You said yes.” His eyes started to water. “Why the hell did you say yes?!”
Stolas pulled him in close, caressing his back. “Because I love you, Blitzy…And you being there all those times, even when I didn’t truly feel this way—it still meant something to me. And I know it meant something to you.”
Blitz let out a crying sound, something he would never do. At least, not in public. He didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he just felt so vulnerable now…and he hated it. Stolas quickly responded to this by cupping his face and lifting it up so they were at eye level again.
The Imp’s lip was quivering and his eyes were bloodshot enough to almost blend in with his eye color. The tears were staining his cheeks, big droopy ones making him look like an absolute wreck. He looked even more embarrassed now than he did before.
Stolas wiped some of the tears away with one of his hands, a comforting smile. “Oh, Blitzy…do you think we’d really be here if I didn’t feel this way?”
He sniffed, trying to contain himself before he responded. “No..None of this would be…” He took a deep breath. “I guess I’m so used to pushing people away I never thought you’d actually stick around.”
Stolas gave him another kiss, shorter than before, but something about this one felt even more emotional than the last. Something about this one made Blitz want nothing more than to be with him. No matter what his fears were telling him.
“I love you, Blitzy…” It was the third or fourth time he had said it tonight, but this time it felt deeper.
“I love you too, Stolas…” He returned the kiss, both landing back down on the floor.
It was at that moment they refused to let this feeling leave them. For even though the memory of this magical night would fly by, they would never ever forget it.
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sergiovinazzi · 3 years
Stolen - Lando Norris x Reader (Chapter Two)
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2.9k words, rated E for everyone :)
Lando’s voice, amplified by the TV speakers, echoes around the humming Red Bull garage. “I’m fine but I’ve been better. I can say that I’m not in perfect condition, I’m not gonna lie. Some work to do mentally of course. I talk about that a lot, and mental health and mental strength is very important. I’ve not been sleeping that great and so on… not ideal and I’m feeling a bit sore, but I’m not the guy in the worst position after Wembley. I’ll work on it, I’ll make sure I’m in the best shape possible, and I feel like I can still go out and focus on what I need to do, and that’s the main thing.”
Your mind races as you listen to the boy plastered across the many screens revisit his experience at Wembley. He sounds awful; something about his cadence making it even more obvious that he is really, truly shaken up. The wavering pitch, awkward pausing, fumbling for words; everything about the way he presents himself is serving as a brutal reminder that being physically unscathed is no indicator that harm was not dealt. Even as the interview moves past the topic of last week’s Euro Final, you notice the shift in demeanor and your heart aches. You worry that bringing the watch to him is a bad idea, that it could prompt unbidden memories and disquieting feelings. You understand how big of an event Silverstone is from your dad’s tangents alone, especially for an English team with an English driver, so you reevaluate whether your decision to come was selfish, one made solely to alleviate your own sentiments of guilt rather than to verily right your believed wrongdoings.
On the journey to Silverstone, your dad had made multiple attempts at lessening your stress, even opting for variations of the if he steps out of line I will put him right back in his place father speech. Unfortunately fruitless, your father’s attempts mean you remain just as anxious as when you had first discovered that you managed to obtain a stolen wristwatch.
You’re not sure whether it’s the crisp morning air or your nerves that sends chills across your flesh, but your attempt to ground yourself subtly doesn’t go unnoticed by your dad as he passes you in the garage.
“Time is ticking,” he informs you, a smirk playing on his lips. “No pun intended.”
You roll your eyes in an attempt to downplay your apprehension, but your voice gives away any and all signs of the false confidence you hope to portray. “Can you do it for me?” you plead.
“I can’t just stroll on over to the McLaren garage without an invitation or proper reason, especially not a couple hours before free practice starts. It doesn’t look good.”
“It’s not like me walking in there instead would look any better,” you retort, gesturing to the Red Bull logo plastered across the chest of your black polo. “Your branding isn’t what I would call subtle.”
“Look, the McLaren team are a good sort. They’ll help you out if you just explain the issue and show them the watch. I’m sure Lando will understand too, he seems like a pretty nice bloke,” your dad reassures you.
Sighing, your eyes meet the floor, fingers intertwined with each other as you fidget incessantly. Before you can speak up in further defiance, however, an additional set of footsteps grow nearer and you freeze at the voice which speaks up.
“Christian, how much longer until our media slot?”
You lose your breath momentarily, locking your gaze onto your shoes as you wait for the person to pass by.
“About five minutes, Max,” your dad replies. “We were just about to head over.”
When you hear the footsteps grow fainter, you risk looking up, thankfully being met with only the observance of your father. You don’t even realize that you’ve tensed your body until your dad points it out.
“Relax,” he says. “He’s not going to say anything here, especially not on a race weekend.”
Nodding, you feel your shoulders ease up but you remain quiet.
“Anyways, like I said, our media briefing and interviews start soon and we’re after McLaren this weekend so they should already be back in their garage,” he says, realizing that you still appear troubled by the task ahead of you. “I promise you, everything will be fine. Just go over there and I’ll meet you back here when we’re done. The quicker you head over, the quicker you’re done with it and we can all move on." With that, your dad walks away and you reluctantly leave the Red Bull garage, adjusting your shirt as you straighten up.
You take a brief glance at your phone, turning it off after you try one last time to keep the picture of the boy imprinted in your mind. Eyes darting rapidly, you attempt to scan the paddock for anyone looking remotely like him while you make your way towards the bright orange and blue indicators of the McLaren garage.
The frequency of orange-clad individuals grows the further you stray from the safety of Red Bull’s garage, and you feel your heartbeat begin to increase. Worried that someone would stop you before you could approach the one person you had traveled all the way to Silverstone for in the first place, you quicken your pace.
You’re mere meters away when you spot him. Pushing past a few people while trying to keep your eyes trained on him, you watch as he turns around to talk briefly with the woman next to him.
Huffing, you muster up the little confidence you have and tap him on the shoulder.
His confusion is evident and the blonde woman next to him does not look pleased to have been interrupted. The silence is palpable as they stare at you, expecting an explanation for the abrupt ending of their conversation.
“Hi,” is all you can deliver. You’re at a loss for words while the woman next to him seems to lose what little patience she has with you. Everything you had rehearsed beforehand, gone. Your mind is foggy and your mouth feels dry as you try to compose yourself. “Um, can I talk to you for a second? It won’t be long, I promise.” Your voice breaks at the end and you wish you had never agreed to get on that stupid red-eye to Silverstone in the first place.
Lando offers a look of sympathy and then turns to the woman next to him. “Charlotte, could you just give us a second?”
Pursing her lips and turning on her heel, the woman walks away, heading towards the mouth of the McLaren garage. She’s far enough away that you’re out of earshot, but close enough that you feel her gaze linger as Lando turns back to face you.
“Hey, don’t worry,” he tells you with a smile. “We can take a picture if you want or I can sign some stuff for you.”
“What? No.” You shake your head, mentally slapping your palm against your forehead and forcing yourself to get a grip. Idiot. “Fuck, sorry, that sounded so rude! It’s just-” you rush to explain.
“Oh no, it’s okay!” he stammers. “I should’ve guessed from the Red Bull shirt anway.”
You both share an awkward laugh before you compose yourself and reach a shaky hand into your bag.
“This is going to sound so weird, but I was online shopping for a new watch the other day because I lost mine, and I’m pretty sure I bought the one that was stolen from you. I didn’t know anything about it, I swear. I just...well, here,” you say, offering the watch and its temporary box to Lando.
He looks at you, taking the box only to go wide-eyed at the contents inside.
“I have all the information that I was able to get, but the ad was taken off of eBay and I really wanted to do the right thing and give it back to you. Please don’t be mad.”
“What the hell?!” he exclaims, earning a few looks from people passing by and catching Charlotte’s attention once more. “Sorry, sorry. How did you get this?”
Amused, you laugh quietly while he studies the watch intently. “That was my dad’s reaction too. Basically there was a listing for it on eBay and it was sort of an impulse buy,” you explain. “I didn’t see the news coverage of what happened until afterwards and I felt awful. I’m really sorry you had to go through that, I genuinely had no idea.”
Shrugging, he plays it off. “Nothing I can’t handle.” It’s hard to miss his sudden change in attitude from the interview you watched moments ago and you can’t help but wonder whether he has your or the watch’s presence to thank.
There is a brief moment of silence between you both before he continues. “How much did you pay for it?”
“It was so cheap, honestly,” you say. “Nothing compared to the original price, I’m sure.”
Charlotte, alerted by Lando’s attention-grabbing reaction to being reunited by his watch, returns to where the two of you are standing. “Oh wow, did you find a replacement watch for him?” she asks you, clearly impressed by the apparent likeness.
“No, Charlotte”, he corrects her. “It’s my one. Look.” He hands the watch to his PR manager, who receives it so gently you think she’s afraid it might shatter in her hands. Flipping the watch between her fingers, she studies the small engraving on the underside of the face.
“Oh my god,” she whispers.
Lando nods. “It’s the exact date it was given to me, there’s no way anyone else could know that and make a copy of it.”
You feel the need to justify yourself to her. “It was listed online and I bought it before I knew anything about the situation. I didn’t even really know who Lando was until I saw what happened on the news, I swear.” You anticipate her anger or disapproval, preparing yourself to withstand the lecture you’re about to receive and mentally promising that, as soon as it’s over, you can run back to your dad and tell him you just want to go home.
But it doesn’t come.
“I can’t believe it!” she exclaims. “We all thought we’d never see it again and you found it on accident.” The smile she gives you sets your mind at ease. “Technically, this is a police matter now, so I’ll have to hand it over to the right people, but this helps us tremendously. Did you get any information about the seller?”
You explain the situation to her, about how the listing was taken offline but you have a printout of the messages and address the seller gave you, which you hand her from your bag. She lets you know that someone may get in touch soon to ask questions but not to worry, that it’s only a formality. Eventually, she asks if you’d like to watch free practice from a spot in the mobile hospitality unit, but you politely decline, explaining that you needed to get back to your dad in the Red Bull garage instead.
Charlotte smiles fondly at Lando and presses the brim of his cap down over his eyes. “Come on, you, we have to go and get ready now anyway.”
He takes off his hat, cheeks flushing as he makes an effort to quickly brush the curls lining his forehead, placing it back on and dismissing Charlotte with a wave of his hand. “Okay, just give me a minute.”
Once the two of you are alone, he pulls out his phone. “Do you have Venmo? I’ll pay you back, it’s not fair that you had to waste your money.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.”
Lando seems unconvinced. “It’s really not a problem.”
“Seriously, it’s all good.”
“Well,” he continues awkwardly. “I have to go, but are you here for the whole weekend or...?”
You shake your head. “Just today. I’m not into Formula 1, I find it a little bit boring.”
“Seriously?! The fastest cars in the world and you’re calling it boring? Why even come to something like Silverstone if it’s so boring?” he feigns offense, doing air quotes as he imitates your apparent disdain for the sport.
Laughing quietly, you shrug. “I have family at Red Bull, so it was basically just luck and convenience that you were in the U.K. this weekend,” you clarify. “I don’t really understand Formula 1, that’s all.”
“Fair enough, it’s not for everyone I suppose,” Lando replies. “So who in your family works at Red–” The end of his question is drowned out by the sound of his name called by an evidently disgruntled, impatient engineer.
He sighs. “I’m sorry, I’ve really gotta go, but, um,” he exhales with a nervous laugh. “I still feel like I need to repay you in some way. Do you want to go get a drink after the race on Sunday? I’m busy for the next few days but Sunday night I’ll be free. Only if you want to, of course, I don’t want to, like, pressure you or anything.”
You laugh, appreciative that the nervousness was shared. “That– Yeah, that sounds fine. I’ll give you my number.”
He types your details into his phone before apologizing once more, thanking you again, and rushing off into the garage.
On Sunday, you let your dad believe he’s the one who convinced you to stay for the entire race weekend, but it’s the promise of Lando’s company later that night and the endearing text messages on your phone that prompts the desire to see this weekend through. You had spent the previous nights on your phone, going through driver and team Instagram accounts, as well as the F1 website, to get an idea of what to expect. Typically, it would pain you to look through motorsport news pages, especially with so many of the reports centering around Max and his vie for the championship as of late, but you manage.
You notice almost immediately while settling into your spot at the back of the garage that the energy does not match your own. You are enthusiastic and eager, while the rest of the team is stressed and rushes around you. Presumably, it’s because race day impacts their livelihoods and paycheks whereas it only dictates your family’s dinner topics, but, nevertheless, your excitement refuses to simmer.
Unfortunately, if it was weird for you to be seen at the McLaren garage before the first free practice, it would be infinitely more suspicious for you to be lingering around on race day, so you were not able to catch Lando at all since your initial meeting on Friday. However, you made sure to message him good luck beforehand, to which he thanked you and expressed excitement for your upcoming night.
“If you need anything, just ask. I’ll be on the pitwall,” your dad says, snapping you out of your whirring mind. He notices your obscure behavior, quick to comment on it. “Is it weird? Being here after so long?”
You nod, shrugging. “Unusual, for sure. So much has changed since the last time I came and watched, but I’m excited, though.”
“Well, it’s always good to have you here.”
Reciprocating your dad’s grin, you silently send him on his way. He exits quickly and leaves you to your own devices. Though, your own devices look to consist of impatiently waiting for the race to start and scrolling absentmindedly through your phone. Ironically, your boredom with pre-race antics appears to create quite the dichotomy against the chaos exuding from the garage you find yourself encompassed in.
Regardless, your attention is regained when frequent cuts are made to the drivers in their cars, and you recognise that the race will be starting soon. You are temporarily startled when the cars begin moving without hearing an official announcement, but quickly realisee that it is merely a formation lap and no one else around you seems to be paying all too much mind to it.
When the cars return to their positions on the grid, you watch eagerly as the lights flash and the announcers begin yelling. You keep your eyes trained on the orange car towards the front of the grid, watching Lando so intently that you almost miss what happens to the cars in front of him.
Your eyes go wide as you watch the events unfold: the Red Bull car out front collides with what you identify as a Mercedes, spinning and slamming into the barrier. Gasps chorus across the garage as the screens replay slowed clips of the crash as an announcement states that the safety car has been deployed. They replay it from every conceivable angle, your astonishment at the severity is present upon your first viewing, but it’s only after the sixth clip that it clicks in your head that the person in the car is Max.
“For the second time this season, Hamilton and Verstappen clash and tangle on the opening lap, but, this time, it is ending in dramatic consequences for the championship leader.”
If you had perceived the pre-race behavior in the garage as chaotic, this was a whole new level of absurdity.
People rush around you while orders are shouted and frustrations are verbalised.
Your dad is angry.
The last time you recall him behaving like this was when your younger sister had broken the wine glasses he had bought for your mother on their honeymoon. You, however, ignore his yelling and remain encapsulated by the TV, releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding as the events unfolding finally, finally register in your brain.
Car number 33 is in the wall and out of the race, and your ex-boyfriend is inside, silent and unmoving.
tag list @lovebynorth @its-astrotea-love
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rafescoke · 3 years
Crime ; Rafe Cameron
Part #1
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Reader would do anything for the boy she loves from a summer ago.
Warnings: Story takes place at the start of season 2 (and some flashbacks from season 1), swearing, angst, death penalty, gaslighting, reader just needing help
A/N: i don’t think this is my best work at all :( but i’ll post the part 2 straight away!! didn’t know tumblr has a word limit now wtf
p.s; tell me what do you think of this fic!!
(Y/N) had begged for somewhere else to spend the Summer. She couldn’t go back to that place, not when there were too many memories that awaited her. No one seemed to listen to her, and her father continued to check something online.
“Rafe Cameron.”
“(Y/N),” she had smiled, and she thought about how gorgeous a boy could be. This man before her; with his hair messily parted and that goddamn blue eyes had her holding her breath, and she wasn’t in her usual demeanour.
“You come down here often?” Rafe asked, raising his eyebrows. (Y/N) watched as he chugged on his beer, and gave her another sly smile again.
“Um, not really. This is my first summer here.”
“That’s nice,” he shrugged, “Welcome to Obx.”
“Thanks,” she nodded, liking how Obx already is. She made a mental note to tell her friends back home about this island, and most importantly; Rafe Cameron.
“Do you wanna take a walk?”
(Y/N) never really accepted any boy’s invitation for a walk, because all the boys in the city never had good intentions with her. She never dated anyone, never bothered to do so.
“Sure,” she smiled, and walked alongside the dirty-blonde boy to the far end of the beach. He sucked in a breath, glancing at her from the corners of his eyes, and laughed.
“You look nervous.”
“You could be a mass murderer.”
“Isn’t that just the perfect person to spend the summer with?”
(Y/N) looked up at him, the moonlight from the sky illuminating his features. God, he really is beautiful. “I guess.”
“So would that be a problem if I killed someone before?”
(Y/N) laughed easily at the joke, bumping her arms against his. She felt a jolt from the touch, and swallowed her saliva. “No.”
Rafe chuckled, “Yeah. That’s more like it.”
(Y/N) had thought of that moment as nothing but a joke. A playful joke, meaning to flirt with her. The next few weeks were spent with only them two, sometimes in his house or (Y/N)’s stay. They were inseparable; always attached by the hips morning and night, and (Y/N) knew about all of his problems.
“Try it.”
“What? Coke?” She asked, bewildered. She looked down to the table, her hands fidgeting, and she quickly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked up to Rafe again, “I don’t know how.”
“Come on, I’ll show you,” he smiled, pulling her by her wrist and seated her beside him. She felt the jolt again, but she had gotten better at ignoring it.
Rafe lowered his hand, a finger placed on his left nostril, and snorted the line of white powder. He grunted, throwing his head back, and after a few seconds, he gave her a smirk.
“Your turn.”
(Y/N) smiled back, reaching for the rolled up bill before lowering his head to the last line. She took a deep breath, still so shaky, and snorted the powder before she could change her mind.
Her heartbeat quickened, and her mind was all over the place. She could feel her forehead getting clammy, and before she could do anything, Rafe cupped her face in his large hands.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay,” he expressed, looking straight into her eyes. (Y/N) didn’t realise she was starting to cry, and stared back into his eyes.
“You’re so pretty,” he said suddenly, rubbing comforting circles on her temples. (Y/N) relaxed under his touch, “Such a pretty girl.”
“I thought you’re friends with that Cameron boy,” her father suddenly said, shaking her out of her memories. (Y/N) closed her eyes, trying to push away the thoughts, and gave her father a grimace.
“So? I don’t want to see him.”
“What happened between you two? You used to ask me to move to Obx,” her father laughed, still clicking on the mouse to the laptop.
“People change, dad,” she muttered, and made her way back to her bedroom to be alone with her thoughts.
“Rafe! You don’t have to do this,” (Y/N) gasped, her hands around her mouth. She looked around the gazebo by the lake, her eyes brightening against the beautiful fairy lights and veins decorating the railings.
“It’s your last week here,” he shrugged, helping her to her seat before sitting for himself. He pointed to the food displayed before then, “Steak. Your favourite.”
“You are amazing,” she expressed, her eyes suddenly glassy. The lake never looked so calming, and (Y/N) wished she could capture this exact moment in her head.
“Just thought you should see the other side of Rafe Cameron,” he shrugged, his lips forming into a smile. “I’m glad you came down here to Obx.”
“Me too,” she breathed, and went for the food. “I’m so glad to have met you.”
“Yeah?” He chuckled, cutting his steak into small pieces before biting into one. “Didn’t you called me a mass murderer the first time we met?”
“It was a joke,” she rolled her eyes, “But I’ll still like you even if you are.”
She didn’t know the truth behind her words.
“You will?” He looked up to her, grinning. “And just like?”
“Just like. What are you playing at, Rafe?” She faked groan, putting her cutleries down and clasping her hand together. “What? You’re going to propose to me or something?”
Everything happened so fast; Rafe chuckled, awkwardly running his fingers through his fair, messing with his slicked back hair. She liked this messy hair better, but she liked anything about Rafe Cameron, messy hair or not.
Rafe held out the tiny velvet box in his hands, and (Y/N) never saw a prettier smile than his.
“No,” she repeated, her breathing heavy. She was too shocked by this, only meaning the proposal part of her speech as a joke, and looked into his sincere eyes again.
“I’m not proposing to you,” he laughed, getting down to one knee and opening the box to a beautiful diamond ring. (Y/N) sucked in a breath, mesmerised. “I will though, in the future.”
“Oh my god, Rafe, I can’t accept this,” she gasped, watching as the diamond glinted under the bright light. “You’re too much.”
“It’s a promise ring,” he smiled, “And a proposal to ask you to become my girlfriend.”
He sucked in a breath, and (Y/N) swore her heart stopped. She never thought of herself worthy as these kind of moments, but here she was; all teary eyed, her hand against her heart to calm her crazy heartbeat.
“Will you be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?”
She laughed, wiping the tears that had rolled down to her cheeks, and cupped his face into her hands. “You’re so fucking dumb. Of course I will, asshole, without this whole dinner thing. You could ask me while we’re in the swimming pool and I’ll say yes.”
Rafe laughed, melting into her hands, before taking out the ring he had saved up for (by not buying anymore coke) and asking for her permission to slide it over her ring finger.
(Y/N) nodded, holding her breath, and the diamond ring slid to her finger, and she gasped at how pretty it looked. She wondered about how much it had cost Rafe to buy the ring for her, but pushed the thought away when Rafe tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“We haven’t even kissed yet.”
(Y/N) laughed, “I told you you’re too fast, Rafe.”
Rafe smiled, inching closer to her, and (Y/N) just instantly stopped thinking. He was so beautiful, so angelic, and she wished she could stay at Obx forever.
“I love you, (Y/L/N).”
“Rafe,” she expressed, placing her forehead against his, “I love you too, okay?”
(Y/N) groaned, deepening her face against the soft pillow. She felt like screaming, but she didn’t have the energy to do so.
She would do anything for Rafe, and the next few days after that proposal went too fast that she felt like God was being unfair to her. He made her feel so good, and no one had made her feel the way he made her feel.
She felt like she was in heaven.
Until that one, certain Friday; the day before she went back to New York.
“Rafe, please,” she cried, pulling him by shirt as he pointed the gun at the sheriff, his eyes flaring up in anger. “Rafe, it doesn’t have to be this way.”
She looked at Ward, who looked afraid as well, and sucked in a breath. “You told me-”
“Shut up!” He grunted, his own fingers trembling on the trigger. “Fuck! Shut up.”
She didn’t know what to do. Sarah was looking at her for help, but she had tried her best to console him. She tried to reach for him again, to which he quickly pushed her away.
“Do that again, and I’ll kill you next.”
“Shut up!” He yelled again, and before she could do anything the pulled on the trigger, and the sheriff fell to the ground with widened eyes.
(Y/N) jolted from her position at the knock, and groaned when her mother came in. She scooted away, giving her some space on the bed, and laid with her face planted against the pillow again.
“You never told us about what happened with you and Rafe,” she sighed, running her fingers through her hair. “Are you okay?”
“Okay, so why don’t you want to go to Obx for the summer?”
“I want new boyfriends.”
Her mother laughed, “Okay. Then find new boyfriends in Obx. The blonde boy who helped us carry our bags the first time we arrived there can be one.”
“He’s always around the island too, helping people for money,” she shrugged, “That’s a good kid. Doing honest work for honest money.”
“I’m not actually looking for a boyfriend, mom,” she rolled her eyes. “It was a figure of speech.”
“Well,” she stood up, “You better be looking for one. We’re spending the summer in Obx, and that’s final.”
. . .
(Y/N) rubbed her eyes against the glowing sunlight of North Carolina, her body screaming with pain from hours of sitting in the same position. She heard the pilot said something, her mind still woozy from only being caffeinated, and placed her head against the seat again.
“It’s a bright day, like it’s waiting for us,” her mother exclaimed, fixing her sunglasses before walking down the stairs to the road. (Y/N) groaned, still so tired, and she wished for nothing but to stay in her room with Netflix to watch.
“Hey, Mr (Y/L/N),” JJ smiled, and (Y/N) noticed the fake exterior he was trying to portray. “Come down here for another summer again?”
Her mother, who admired JJ’s ‘honest work’ gushed out to beside him, asking about his school and his works. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, not interested in making any new conversation, and she looked back at the area where the incident took place.
JJ caught her looking, and when her parents and the little brother had entered the car, he went to her to help her with her bags.
He crouched down, wrapping his fingers around the handle, and quickly whispered. “You saw, right?”
“What Rafe did.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she muttered, and went into the car before he could say anything else.
God. Just how she expected her first moments after arriving in Obx.
“Hey! Welcome back!”
“You called the Camerons?” She groaned, looking at her father for some kind of useless explanation. After the brief conversation with JJ, she wanted nothing that could remind her of Rafe and hoped she could stay in her room for the whole 2 months.
“(Y/N), wait-”
She barged into her room for 2 months, noticing the old posters she had put up the year before, and thought about how happy she was at that time. She felt nothing now, and she couldn’t wait until the end of summer.
“Fuck!” She yelled, her head feeling so light, and placed herself before the naked bed. She sighed, trying to calm herself down, and thought of the ways to ignore the certain boy a few miles away.
Maybe he’s in college.
Maybe he’s going to leave her alone.
Maybe he has found someone new.
She felt a tug at the thought of the last sentence, and she couldn’t explain why she would even be devastated over him finding a new girl. That’s good, she guessed, at least she doesn’t have to think about staying away from him again.
Maybe she should spend her time with the pogues; JJ’s friends. They looked fun to hang with.
“Hey, (Y/N).”
“I’m not in the mood,” she grunted, shielding her eyes from the sunlight. “What do you want?”
“Can we go to the beach?”
“The beach?” She huffed, “We just arrived. Shouldn’t you clean your room or something?”
“Okay. But can you bring me to the beach after I’m done?”
“I’ll think about it,” she expressed, but after a few hours of sweeping and mopping the dusty room, placing the new bedsheet over the mattress and taking down her old posters, all she wanted to do was get out for some fresh air. She had slept most of her time in the plane so she wasn’t feeling like taking a nap at all, and she guessed it would be appropriate to bring her little brother to the beach.
She walked to her room, her hands around her waist. “Hey, you’re- where the fuck did you get that?”
“What?” He asked, raising the frame with his sister’s arms around Rafe, smiling happily at the camera. “This? Isn’t he your boyfriend?”
“Throw that away!” she yelled, “I said throw that away!”
“Okay, okay,” he groaned, throwing the frame into the big plastic bag before dusting the dust off of him. “Can we go to the beach now?”
“You’re an asshole, do you know that?” She huffed, watching as he changed into his swimming shorts, “And we’ve been cleaning for 3 hours. You’re not half done yet.”
“Whatever,” he said, and closed the door. “Just wait for me downstairs.”
The ride to the beach didn’t take long, and (Y/N) actually felt peaceful riding the bicycle and letting the breeze hit her square on the face. She had laughed at a stupid joke by her little brother, and she thought about how she could do this for the next 2 months.
“I wanna learn how to surf,” he said, letting the water soaked his feet and dumped his feet into the sand. “Do you?”
“You’ll forget how to when we’re back in New York,” she mumbled, gazing at the sky, “Also your body’s too weak to fight the waves.”
“No, it’s not,” he argued, “What are you going to do for the summer, (Y/N)? Are you going to be with that-”
“No,” she quickly said, curling her toes at the feeling of the water soaking her feet. “I’m not going to be with anyone.”
“Isn’t that your friend?”
“Ha-ha, nice joke,” she laughed falsely, still closing her eyes against the bright sky. “Who’s the friend? Is it Rafe?”
(Y/N) sat up straight, her heart beating wildly, and what greeted her sight sent shivers down to her spine, and she quickly clutched onto her little brother’s wrist before pulling him away.
“Ow! What are you doing? (Y/N), let me go!” Lucas groaned, looking back at the boy who wanted nothing but to talk to his sister. “Rafe, help!”
“Shut up, you bitch,” she groaned, still pulling on his wrist. She knew about the possibility of leaving a claw mark on his skin, but she wanted nothing to do with the boy.
“Help me, Rafe! She’s going to kill me!”
“I said shut up!” She yelled, her chest heaving now, and she didn’t care about her hair that was hanging loosely from her hairclaw.
She didn’t know if Rafe was chasing after her, and she didn’t dare to look back.
“Ride your bike home,” she fumbled with the handle, “Now. Please, now!”
“Okay,” Lucas groaned, “What’s wrong with you? It’s just Rafe.”
“Go!” She yelled, already set to cycle back home, with her clothes all wet and sticking against her skin. She couldn’t breathe, and she hated the sight of him. She cycled back home hurriedly, tears streaming down her face, and she wished she had stayed home.
The night after the day on the beach she didn’t bother to come down for dinner, only staying in her room and browsing through Netflix. She didn’t feel like doing anything, and she hated how quick her mood was ruined.
She didn’t think about seeing him that quickly, especially after just arriving on the island that morning. This was exactly the problem; she couldn’t face him, not after what he did, but she couldn’t bring herself to turn him to the authorities. She was pushing him away, but at the same time protecting him.
The next morning, she felt shittier than ever. Being in the small island, where everywhere she goes could remind her back to Rafe, she decided to stay in bed and browse through more movies, only going downstairs for a glass of water before going back to her room. She was glad Lucas and her parents were enjoying most of their time here in Obx, and she would do the same if it weren’t for what happened last year.
She was scared. She was mad at herself too, because she couldn’t bring herself to tell anyone about what she saw. As much as she hated him now, a part of her still loved him.
“(Y/N)! Wait!”
“Get the fuck away from me!” She yelled, her eyes red and her cheeks wet. “You’re a fucking psycho.”
“No, no, baby, please-”
“Don’t call me baby, I swear to fucking god!” She yelled again, getting into the car and watched as Rafe desperately banged against the car window, pleading for her to hear him.
“It’s not what you think-”
(Y/N) cried, her head painful, and slowly slid the diamond ring from her finger before lowering the window by a slit and throwing it outside. Rafe watched the ring roll away but didn’t care to fetch it, only trying to speak to her through the tiny slit.
“I had to do it, please,” he begged, “Please. Baby. I can’t do this-”
“Go to hell,” she hissed, and sped away.
That was the last time she had ever seen Rafe, and she knew he tried to contact her with different phone numbers every day, but she had blocked every single number. The trouble stopped after a while, and (Y/N) realised how much she had been missing him.
Who could she confront about this?
Who could she tell?
She couldn’t. She loved him too much.
A week after settling in their summer home, (Y/N) was tired of all the screaming and nudging by her mother for her to get out of the house, and ‘get a life’. She didn’t feel like having a whole summer of just hanging out at the beach, not when the last time she had went there and bumped onto Rafe, so she decided to keep her distance off Figure 8 and made her way to the other side of the island.
She had only been there twice with Rafe before, to pick up something at Barry’s (he told her not to worry about it), so she never really quite get used to the road around here.
She stopped the jeep by the side of the road, glancing at the signboard and the road behind her. Did she go too far? Or was this just the wrong way?
She rested her back against the car door, already tired, and decided to just wait until she was good enough to drive home.
It was half an hour later when she heard the roaring of a motorcycle, and she quickly got to her feet, her chest suddenly heaving.
“Yo? You’re okay?”
“Huh?” She fixed her hair, “Um- yeah. Just resting.”
JJ nodded, “You should turn off your engine. You don’t want to-”
Just right on cue, the engine stopped completely and (Y/N) groaned, getting into the car to turn the engine again. It made some noise, until silence fell between them.
“That’s what I’m saying,” JJ said, “Where are you heading to?”
“Oh, nowhere in particular,” she sighed, getting out of the jeep and shutting the door angrily. Good. Just like how she wanted her day to be.
“Let me send you back home,” he offered, pointing to the black ride behind the jeep. She shook her head, her mouth forming into a tight smile.
“That’s alright, I can-”
“Walk back home? Come on, you’re far from Figure 8, and you’re 50 minutes away from The Cut on foot.”
She didn’t exactly wish for this, but it would help.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, helping her up to the motorcycle and placing her hands on his shoulders for some balance.
“You’ve never ridden a bike before?” JJ asked, half-amused. “No, no, because you look nervous.”
“I’ve just never ridden a bike with you driving,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Can you send me to the taxi stop or anything?”
“Really? Why can’t I just drive you home?”
She groaned, “Just send me to the taxi port, Maybank.”
He laughed, putting his helmet on, and (Y/N) placed her hands against her ears at the loud sound of the engine.
(Y/N) hate to admit it; but the ride to The Cut was the most thrilling thing that she had ever felt in months. She felt a smile slowly forming onto her face, and JJ swore he could see it too from the side mirror, and when they finally stopped at the taxi port, she was so happy she felt like buying a bike for herself.
“Thanks for the ride,” she said. “Minus one point for no helmet.”
“I didn’t know I would see you laying by the side of the road,” he rolled his eyes, a hint of teasing in his tone. “But where’s the fun when you’re all safe?”
She hummed in response, “I’ll see you around then.”
“So you’re just going to get an expensive ride back to Figure 8? Why wouldn’t you let me send you off?”
She knew exactly why, but she didn’t want to admit it. She was scared of Rafe seeing her on JJ’s bike, knowing that he’s not on good terms with the pogues, and the last thing she had ever wanted was to make him feel like he was being replaced.
“Don’t trouble yourself too much, JJ,” she sighed. “Besides, you can see me for the next 2 months everyday if that’s what you want.”
He grinned, “Good offer. Will think about that soon.”
(Y/N) laughed, tilting her head to one side before making a move to reach for her phone. JJ watched as she filled in her passcode, went straight to Contacts, and handed him the phone.
“What’s this?”
“Oh god, you’re annoying,” she rolled her eyes. “Put in your McDonald’s order.”
JJ laughed again, his fingers sliding over her phone screen easily to fill in his number, and he handed her the phone back after saving his name as ‘Handsome pogue’.
“I’ll see you around, (Y/L/N).”
(Y/N) smiled, this time sincerely, and she thought about the possibility of spending her summer in The Cut with JJ where she knew there would be no troubles awaiting her.
It was safe to say that JJ and (Y/N) were inseparable after spending so much time together the next few weeks. Everywhere JJ goes, (Y/N) would be there with him, either by helping him with his work in the restaurant or running for groceries to deliver with him. She liked it with him; he took her mind off Rafe, and that was everything that she needed.
JJ knew about the girl’s relationship with Rafe last year, but he was careful not to cross the invisible line. He was gentle with her, always studying her reactions at certain places (he was sure Rafe had taken her to those places before) and in return, she knew everything about him.
“I’m sorry about your dad,” she bit her lips, letting the water soaked her jeans as they laid on the sand, gazing at the view. She felt sorry for the blonde boy after knowing the truth about his father, and wished she could help him in any way.
“That’s okay,” he replied. “Hey, I’m bringing you to meet my friends. Would you like that?”
“Your friends?” She raised her brows, “Like Kiera and Pope?”
“Yeah,” he smiled, “Would you like to meet them?”
(Y/N) thoughts went back to the many times Rafe had told her about the pogues, but she always saw them as a tight group of friends who always had each other’s backs. She never had that kind of friendship before, especially living in New York where almost everyone is fake, and sometimes wished she could have something like that.
“Okay, yeah,” she nodded, “Would they like me?”
“You’re kidding? You’re amazing!” JJ gushed out, throwing his arms onto the air before slapping the water, resulting in a splash across her face.
She gasped, “Fuck, you’re fucking dead.”
“No, no, I don’t mean it-”
The conversation turned into a water fight, their screams filling the air and attracting everyone’s attention, but (Y/N) didn’t care. She was enjoying the moment, with JJ, and she wished she could do this forever.
“Stop it!” JJ laughed, pushing her down to the sand before pinning her arms on top of her head. He watched as her chest heaved, a smile playing on her lips.
He pulled away, clearing his throat. “I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
(Y/N) pulled him into a kiss, her fingers wrapping themselves around his jawline and allowing the water to completely wet their whole body. JJ softened into the kiss, still so shocked, but he never felt better than ever.
(Y/N) pulled away, giggling. “You’re red in the face, JJ.”
“Huh?” He smiled, and quickly pulled her up with him. “Let’s go to the Chateau. Get you cleaned up.”
“I’m not meeting your friends looking like this, J,” she rolled her eyes, pushing him away slightly. He pulled her close, placing a soft kiss against her forehead that left her all breathless.
“Why not? You’re still pretty.”
She made a face, but let her body be pulled away by JJ to his bike. She was nervous, of course, to see his friends, but she decided it was time anyways.
If she was to date JJ, then she would have to meet his friends and talk to them eventually.
When (Y/N) first entered the chateau, she didn’t know what to expect. Pope and Kiera were friendly to her, but she could feel the strange vibe between her and Kie, but they were both trying to be polite not to mention anything.
(Y/N) knew there was somebody missing from the group, but she didn’t dare mention it to anyone. JJ had hinted about this to her before, something about John B getting convicted, but she had tried her best to stray away from the topic.
“Let’s play truth or dare,” Kie smiled, clasping her hands together and laying her back against the chair. She watched as JJ whispered something to (Y/N), feeling her heart tightened when she laughed, and shook her head. Kie would never let anyone like her trouble her.
“JJ, truth or dare,” Kie said, crossing her arms. Her question was directed to JJ, but she watching (Y/N) intently.
“Come on, we’re short of one person who could think of the best dares,” she said, and (Y/N) realised the piercing tone and attention towards her. She sucked in a breath, not sure if she was just stating or directing the statement to her in a satirical manner.
“Okay, truth,” JJ rolled his eyes.
“Do you miss John B?”
“Kie-” Pope groaned, “Not the time.”
(Y/N) watched as he glanced at her, but quickly pulled away when he realised she was staring at him too.
“Okay, since you guys wanna be such assholes,” Kie sat up straighter. “(Y/N), truth or dare?”
“I’m not playing.”
“Of course you’re playing,” Kie laughed, “You’re fucking with JJ now right? You gotta show-”
“Shit, Kie, what’s your problem?” JJ sighed, throwing his arms up into the air. “She’s a friend of mine.”
“She’s not your friend!” She suddenly exclaimed, “She fucking saw Rafe shot Sheriff Peterkin but decided to keep her stupid mouth shut because-”
“Stop it!” JJ yelled, pushing her against the seat. “Kie! Not right now!”
“What do you mean not right now?” (Y/N) asked, disbelief lacing in her tone. What was even happening? She was having the best time of her life a few hours ago at the beach, and now this?
“Oh, did your boyfriend not tell you?” Kie laughed. “It’s all an act for you to confess to him that you saw Rafe kill Sheriff Peterkin. Don’t fucking act dumb with me, (Y/N), you saw, and you didn’t tell anyone.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she gritted her teeth, “I never saw him kill anyone.”
“Kie!” JJ yelled, using all of his power to hold off the struggling girl. He motioned for Pope to take over and tried to reach (Y/N), only for her to walk straight towards the exit.
“Wait, wait, I don’t mean it-” he sighed, wrapping his fingers around her wrist before pulling her close. “I don’t-”
“You betrayed me,” she said. “Are you that stupid? So you planned about helping me to the taxi stop so that I can confess whatever it is about Rafe? Is that your fucking plan?”
“No, oh my god, I didn’t mean-”
“Fuck! I know I can never trust you guys,” she hissed, pulling her hand away before walking towards the door. She groaned again when she realised the lack of a vehicle to drive home, but she rather walk back home than be in the same distance as JJ or Kie or anyone else.
She walked alone all the way to the main part of town so that she could hire a cab, and just to make her day any better; the rain suddenly decided it was time to cool the island, and (Y/N) was left to soak.
She put her arms around her, shivering slightly, looking back at her previous way and wondering how much time she had spent walking from the Chateau. If only she had driven all the way from Figure 8 to The Cut, she wouldn’t have had to waste her time walking mindlessly.
A few minutes after, she saw a car pulling up beside her. She decided to ignore the black vehicle in hope for whoever it is to finally give up.
“Get in, (Y/N).”
Part #2
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tom-holland-parker · 4 years
Lets get Married
Summary: On a class trip to Vegas, Peter is determined to make this trip a memorable one, even if it means doing something crazy. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word count: 2911
Note: If you’ve never heard Lets get married by bleachers you are missing out.
Taking a bunch of 17/18 year olds to vegas probably wasn't the best idea. Between Flash's constant suggestions on going to a strip club and being stuck on a crowded bus in 90 degree weather, it was already turning out to be terrible.
"Well someone doesn't look too happy" Peter joked as you rested your head on his shoulder. You could feel a headache forming in your head and the heat was only making things worse. "If Flash doesn't stop talking I'm going to stab him" you groaned trying to block out his loud voice.
Peter chuckled, giving you a kiss on your forehead, "sorry to burst your bubble but it's my job as Spiderman to make sure you don't do that"
You rolled your eyes, "but it's your job as Peter AKA my boyfriend to let me get away with it"
"You do realize you're joking about murder" Mj interrupt as she poked her head above her seat in front of you. "I know you're thinking the same thing Mj". She shrugged before returning to the book.
"I’m very glad we finally got a peaceful field trip I don’t think I can handle another Europe or Washington" You joked looking up at Peter. He chuckled, “Don’t jinx it. I don’t want any sort of trouble to happen”
"Well we could always cause some trouble" you smirked, "I've been researching some casinos"
"Since when do you know how to gamble" He laughed. "I'm Tony Stark's daughter doing risky stuff is in my blood. Plus my dad left me with his credit card" you opened your wallet showing Peter the shiny black amex that was tucked in the pocket.
“I don’t know about this,” He said nervously. You scoffed, “You’re telling me that I made all of us get fake IDs and you’re not even going to let me gamble” 
Peter rolled his eyes, remembering the exact day you were talking about. It was almost a month ago when you tricked him and your friends into taking photos that they thought were for the yearbook but turned out to be fake IDs that you needed to get into a party. “I never wanted that fake ID” 
“Yeah but you’re beautiful girlfriend got you one anyway” You leaned over placing a soft kiss on his neck, “Please baby let have some fun. You know what they say What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”
"If you guys are planning on sneaking out, count me in" Mj interrupted, not bothering to wait for a reply before ducking her head back over the seat.
Peter sighed as he shook his head, "Fine but only because Ned has been studying the art of poker for weeks". He pointed to the row next to you where Ned sat reading The Poker Players Bible
“He’s learning poker from a book?” You shook your head in amusement, “He’s gonna lose” 
Peter chuckled, “Have some faith in him. I think he’d make an excellent poker player”. You rolled your eyes, glancing at Ned again before looking back at Peter. 
"Wanna make a bet?" You smirked sitting up from your slouched position. Peter smiled and nodded. "We'll let Ned play three games of poker. If he wins at least twice I'll do whatever you want but is he loses twice then you have to do whatever I want"
He hesitated trying to figure out whether or not you were joking. He rolled his eyes when he realized you were serious, "deal". He shook your hand, "I need to talk to Ned''. You rolled your eyes and put on your headphones as Peter got up and walked to the row besides you.
You didn't notice but Peter had been nervous ever since the plane had landed in Vegas. He knew you'd always wanted to come here and he wanted to make your first trip here a memorable one. "Hey Ned" he whispered, glancing towards you to make sure you weren't paying attention, "I need your help"
"I thought you said you wouldn't have to do Spiderman things on this trip" he replied in a worried tone.
Peter shook his head, "no it's not that" he reassured, "Y/N and Mj are going to come with us tonight to the Casino, but I've made a bet with Y/N and I need you to win two of three poker games tonight"
Ned smiled, "don't worry I've got this I spent the whole plane ride playing in small online competitions and I've won a few games so I'm pretty much a pro"
"great" Peter chuckled nervously, "I'm just nervous. I still don't know what I'm going to do to make this trip memorable for her" he glanced at you watching as you stared out the window.
"Why don't you just cross out number 4 on her bucket list" Ned said as he looked at his book again.
"What are you talking about?" Peter questioned. Ned sighed putting down his book again, "do you remember last summer when we all hung out at her place and she stole a bottle of her dads tequila and she started talking about her bucket list"
Peter nodded waiting for Ned to explain, "well number 4 was get married in Vegas even if it's just a joke"
A burst of laughter exploded from Peter, "are you insane? I can't do that. Her father will kill me" he whispered trying to avoid the strange looks he was getting from his sudden outburst.
"Oh come on I'm sure he'll find it funny" Ned smiled.
Peter nodded, “Ok yeah I’m gonna do it. I'm gonna marry her”. Ned chuckled, "Great. Now I need to study or else you’re going to lose this bet” He returned back to his book as Peter, who was now lost in his thoughts returned back to his seat, letting you rest your head on his shoulder for the rest of the bus ride. 
“Ned if you don’t quiet down we’re going to get caught” You whispered as you and your friend piled out the hotel room. It was nearing 11 and all the teachers had forced the students to stay in the rooms for the rest of the night. “Your heels are making more noise than me” Ned joked as you all entered the elevator. 
You rolled your eyes grabbing Peter wrist to look at the time on his watch, “Alright we all need to be back by 4:30” 
To your surprise the casino wasn’t crowded, then again who is going to a casino on a Monday night. “Ok babe, me and Mj are gonna play craps. I'll leave Ned to practice before you lose this bet” You kissed his cheek before grabbing Mj’s hand and guiding her to the dice table. 
“Don’t you think your father is going to question why there are charges to a Vegas casino on his credit card?” Mj asked as you took money out of the ATM. You shrugged, “That’s a problem for another day”. She chuckled as you moved to the table and placed your bets on the game. The dealer handed you your chips as well as the dice signaling to you that the game had started.
It was only an hour later when Peter met up with you and Mj. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you placed your betting chips in their spots, “Are you winning?” He whispered as you grabbed the dice from the table. 
“I’ve done pretty good so far. I need a 7” You shook the dice in your hand before turning to him, “Kiss for good luck?”
He chuckled and gave you a quick kiss, watching as you threw the dice. He could sense your nervousness as the dice moved down the table hitting the wall before landing on the lucky number 7. 
Everyone at the table shouted cheerfully, happy that they had won the round. You gather your chips from the dealer, “Alright Jerry it's been nice playing with you I hope to do it again sometime” you waved goodbye as you all walked to the poker table where Ned sat waiting for the group to join him before he started another game. 
“Alright Ned three games I betting on two loses but Peter thinks differently” You teased as he rolled his eyes, “Prove me right”
If you were being honest you didn’t exactly know what was going on. You’d seen you father and the other avengers play poker before but they never let you in on the game so you hardly knew anything about it, but so far you could tell that you were losing the bet. 
Ned was in the middle of the second game and according to Mj, who didn’t have a biased opinion on this bet, things were looking good for Peter. Ned had won the first game and it looked like he was going to win this one. You sighed in annoyance, hating that you had to admit you were wrong. 
Peter smiled, wrapping his arms around you, “Don’t worry babe I think you’ll actually like that i have planned”. You rolled your eyes watching as Ned cheered clearly happy that he won the game. You sighed, “Ok what do you want” 
“Give me 3 minutes. Stay here” He smiled, grabbing Mj’s arm, leaving you alone at the table with Ned. 
“Ned what does he have planned?” You smirked hoping to wean out whatever Peter was going to do. He shook his head, “Y/N I love you but Peter’s my best friend and I can’t just give away the surprise” You rolled your eyes, turning around at watch as Peter talked to Mj. 
“Please Mj” Peter begged, “I want to make this trip memorable and i'm only asking you because her father doesn’t know” 
“You’re insane” her eyes widened at the thought of you and Peter getting married this young, “You guys are 18 do you seriously think getting married is the best idea” 
“It’s been on her bucket list for years” He pointed out trying to justify his plans. “Please Mj if not for me then do it for the happiness of your best friend” 
She took a deep breath, “Fine I will walk Y/N down the aisle”. Peter smiled pulling Mj into a tight hug. “You’re the best” 
“Guys I don’t appreciate surprises” You joked as Ned guided you through the crowded sidewalk. “Don’t worry we’re almost there” He reassured you. You sighed and kept walking as all your friends laughed. 
You came to a sudden stop as Peter grabbed your hand, “Ok Ned you can uncover her eyes” he chuckled. Ned took his hands off your eyes stepping back as you looked around in confusion. Peter was on one knee with a nervous smile plastered on his face. “Y/N I love you”
“Peter what are you doing?” You looked up noticing the small chapel you all stood in front of, “Please don’t tell me-”
“I love you and I know this is on your bucket list so” he kissed you hand, “Will you marry me?”
You stood silent for a moment, shock taking over your body, “Peter-” His face dropping, thinking maybe this was completely ridiculous. You smiled through as sigh, “Yes I will marry you” 
He stood up quickly, pulling you into a hug. “Alright well we better hurry because it’s already 3 and we need to be back at the hotel soon” 
You nodded your head as everyone walked into the small chapel, “Hi I made an appointment online” Peter said nervously as you walked to the front desk hand in hand, Mj and Ned trailing close behind you.
“Peter?” The short lady said. He nodded, grabbing his ID and handing it to her. You did the same as she typed the information in the computer. “Ok boys you can go through there and stand at the altar, girls you can come with me” 
She smiled guiding you and Mj into a separate room, “Ok so we have different dress and veil options for you to pick from but you don’t seem like an extremely flashy girl so I'm going to suggest the little white dress option” 
She handed you a hanger that held a body con white dress with glitter details, it actually looked like something you had in your closet at home. You nodded your head moving to the dressing room to put in on. You locked the door behind you taking this time as a moment for you to take everything in. You were about to get married. Even if it was just a joke it was still a crazy thing to do. You weren’t nervous that you’d regret it, you loved Peter with all your heart, but you were nervous about everyone else's reactions. I can do this, You whispered to yourself putting the dress on before walking out the small room.
“Alright here goes nothing” You smiled nervously and you grabbed Mj’s arm. The song over the speaker began to play as you slowly walked down the aisle. Peter turned to look at you, shocked at how good you looked in all white, a color you rarely ever wore. 
"Wow" he muttered as you stood in front of him, handing your bouquet of fake flowers to Mj as she stood behind you. "You look amazing" You smiled grabbing his hand. 
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Peter Benjamin Parker and Y/N Y/M/N Stark, in marriage. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife" the short lady read from the thin book in her hands. "Do you Peter Parker, take Y/N Stark to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
Peter smiled, looking you in the eyes, "I do"
"Do you Y/N Stark take Peter Parker to be you lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part"
You nodded your head enthusiastically, "I do"
"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" the room filled the applause as you pulled Peter into a quick passionate kiss. Only pulling apart when you realized your empty fingers, "wait we don't have rings"
"Oh i got that covered" Ned said cheerfully as he pulled out two contained of rings, the ones you usually get from the quarter machines, "they were the only ones I could find on short notice"
"they're perfect Ned", you chuckled, pulling out the pink and purple rings, "Dibs on pink"
Peter rolled his eyes forcing the small ring onto his finger, "I don't think I'll ever be able to take this off" he joked
"That's the point of a wedding ring" you grabbed his hand, "you can't get rid of me that easily"
"Alright time for pictures and then certificate" the short lady appeared with a Polaroid Camera snapping pictures of you and Peter.
"Are you happy?" You looked up and smiled. "I'm married to my favorite girl in the whole world. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Peter smirked before giving you a quick kiss.
Time flew by so fast. After the certificate was signed, a bottle of champagne was popped leading you to get extremely tipsy. By the time you all got back to the hotel it was already 5. Peter carried you up the stair bridal style watching as you moved sleepily in his arms.
"What the hell" Flash said loudly startling everyone. You all turned around watching as Flash stood in the hallway in his bathrobe surrounded by two girls who definitely weren't students. "Go to bed Flash" you mumbled, cuddling further into Peter's arms.
"You guys snuck out?" He said in a shocked voice, "Oh I can't wait until you guys to get caught"
Mj chuckled opening the door to the hotel room you shared with her, "Flash do those girls know that you're 16" she lied. The girls gasped quickly walking away from the angered boy. He took a deep breath before stomping back into his room. "Gosh I hate that dude" Ned said as you all walked into the hotel room.
Peter placed you in bed, taking off your shoes before tucking you in, "I'll see you tomorrow morning Mrs. Parker"
You smile tiredly, "I love you Mr. Parker"
"Well well well if it isn't the newly weds" Your father said angrily as you walked through the elevator doors. You kept your composure not wanting to give you and peter away
"What are you talking about?" You said through a smile
"Don't act dumb" you father said as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, "I'm the one who gave Peter the emergency credit card I can see everything he buys"
Your eyes widened, Peter took a deep breath, "Mr. Stark-"
"Im gonna give you ten seconds to run" Your father said as he threw down the paper. 
"I'll talk to you later babe" Peter quickly kissed your cheek before rushing out the room. You father quickly trailing behind
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