#and eat as much delicious food as i can lol
yohankang · 9 months
i really need to pack but i'm in the 'tee hee i'm going on a trip :D' mode and i can't focus at all ahjdfjsjs
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bonefall · 2 years
Does mapleshade still follow Crookedstar in this? What if her purpose doing that is to make sure riverclan never rejects a half-clan kit again (that’s why he doesn’t question Misty and stone and another reason for wanting his grandkits in riverclan)
I'm passionate about the idea that people are heavily influenced by their circumstances. It's much easier to be a good person when you have loving guidance and the environment to be your best self. Likewise, pain and suffering can bring out the worst even in the kindest, most selfless people.
And in both of the AUs I have for Mapleshade, she is not a particularly nice person to begin with. But being StarClan's best prosecutor allows the positive aspects of her personality to shine. So to answer your question:
"Does Mapleshade still follow Crookedstar?"
#Bonefall Rewrite
In the current version of my rewrite, Mapleshade is condemned to the Dark Forest for 3 counts of murder. She takes the ruling with pride and confidence, playing to the sympathetic crowd by chasing the other damned souls into the Dark Forest.
In truth she's just as spiteful as she was in life, and now she's alone with no friends or family, bored, in Hell, and uses all that spare time to haunt Appledusk's lineage, and basically everyone associated with her death (Perchpaw/shine as well).
So, it's really not for a constructive reason that she follows Stormkit. She pushed him off the stone to kill him and only broke his jaw. She notices that Rainflower has a spiteful, awful view of her son, and decides that it would cause even more suffering to keep Stormkit alive. She kills some more kits so he'll have a foster to suckle him, just to watch them make each other miserable.
(rewrite recap: Rainflower is now the Appledusk descendant. Stormkit is not getting a cruel renaming, Crookedjaw is an honor title.)
Crookedstar follows Darkstar's commandment, the Queen's Rights, because he is a good, proud leader who abides by the traditions of his predecessors. That's all. Mapleshade doesn't need to bully him into 'clan loyalty' or anything, her haunting is much more actively malevolent than canon.
#Better Call Mapleshade AU
In StarClan, Mapleshade is with her kits. Her wonderful, sweet children-- they are an excellent influence. She's still ruthless and vengeful, of course, but she lives for the contrary position she can hold up to StarClan
A LOT of her motivation stems from that. From knowing that StarClan would otherwise let people in who shouldn't be there (hypocritical? Yes) and she takes this duty very seriously.
The BCM AU shares some aspects of the Bonefall Rewrite, but here, I think it's very similar to canon. Mapleshade watches Rainflower emotionally abuse an innocent kitten, and she KNOWS that Rainflower would just get into StarClan without any intervention (the way she did in canon). Mapleshade needs more evidence to condemn her-- and she will create scenarios to get what she needs.
On one paw this IS born out of righteous fury. She IS thinking of her own kits, you might agree that Rainflower deserved the Dark Forest, and Mapleshade won't FORCE Rainflower to do anything she wouldn't already do. She will test her, that's all.
But to test her? She is going to use Crookedkit. This WILL cause a lot more pain to him than if she just left it all alone and let Rainflower get into StarClan. She encourages him into positions of power to prove himself, she lets this young cat think that his value is tied to what his abusive mother thinks of him.
Because the more pain he displays, the further the lengths he goes to in service of appeasing Rainflower, the more Mapleshade can use as ammo to get her damned.
Mapleshade always serves her own interests first and foremost, not those of the greater good.
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moodr1ng · 11 months
americans are so good at making food items we cant get here look so much better than they are. like how well-known nyc pizza is, or how iconic kraft mac n cheese is, or hot pockets or the major fast food chains that are so famous i know about them and their twitter accounts even tho we dont have them in my country. then i went to the us and all the food was profoundly mediocre. like ngl im still a little disappointed about that fucking kraft mac n cheese cause you guys REALLY hyped it up as this nostalgic staple you loved growing up and then it tasted so bland and pathetic
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dravidious · 7 months
You're more amazing than hugging
Reject the imperfection of your flesh, embrace the perfection of artifice- What? Phyrexia? No, of course not! I meant
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#asks#custom cards#the donut elian is only partly because i like vore#i also just like donuts and the idea of being so sweet and doughy and chocolatey is really neat#also i tend to make elian cards small because. duh. tiny kitty cute#but i ended up making plushie elian have and give indestructible and giving that away for 3 or less mana is Not a good idea#so i figured out a compromise by making them small in stats but high in cost#also i was thinking about the idea of a food role and realized the role/roll pun so i was legally obligated to make Delicious Roll#is it good? no almost certainly not. but there's no more room for text lol#also donut elian's “cast from graveyard” ability is only there because i had to make sure elian doesn't get perma'd#requiring no cards in hand means you can only use it when you're out of options so that avoids a lot of problems with infinite recursion#both of the elians might be overpowered anyway but whatever. it's a treat. for me. a tasty chocolate treat to eat while snuggling a plushie#also just like with Plufri i really didn't know what a plushie-themed magic card could do#plushies aren't violent! they shouldn't be fighting!#but passive creatures slow down the game#i eventually settled on the idea of them being so soft and squishy that punches just bounce right off or something#it means that the plushies will never die!#obviously you can't go throwing around indestructible too much so that wouldn't work as a proper theme but on just one card it's fine
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kcrossvine-art · 3 months
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Hi fellow adventurers!! A few weeks ago i caught wind of "Delicious in Dungeon". I'm not really an anime person, but I am a TTRPG, CRPG, and cooking person- . And holy shit. It is so good i  convinced my partner to binge read the whole thing. I'm caught up on dungeon meshi, the anime, and just yesterday i also finished dungeon meshi, the manga.
Its rare to come across a serialized story that is so thematically cohesive and knows its characters so well. All of the bonus content like the artbooks and monster tidbits are just the icing on top.
So, inspired by Ryōko Kui's writing and illustration I'm going to attempt to create a recipe for every single Delicious in Dungeon recipe!-
Today that means Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom hotpot is on the menu!
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to a Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom hotpot?” YOU MIGHT ASKThis is one of the pricier dishes until we get to the kelpies and dragons of the menu-
Rock lobster tail
Porcini mushrooms
Shiitake mushrooms
Snow fungus
Small potatos
Fensi (glass noodles)
OPTIONAL: your choice of dipping sauces
There was a crossover/promotional event in Shibuya which featured various realworld dishes from the series. They had one for Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom, but they used prawns.  while those cook better in a hotpot, they also didn't look enough like the scorpion for me, they also used udon noodles for the slime and a seaweed/kale(?) mixture for the algae. If you're looking for substitutes due to price or availability i would start with those ingredients.
AND, “what does a Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom hotpot taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKI hope Senshi would forgive me for technically cooking the lobster outside the pot, once he tastes it.
Okay im always partial to veggies but wowowowowowowoowowowow the snow fungus and the mushrooms tasted soooooooooooo good in the lobster stock
A nice delicate layering of different flavors
Try to get a bite with the lobster meat and shiitake together, dip in butter then chili- trust me
Its up to you what texture you prefer if you want to put the noodles in at the end or put them in halfway through the meal. Either way dont go for eating those first as theyre very filling
I think this would pair well with a citrus drink, something light and clarifying
This would also pair well with being extremely high and hungry (if you feel safe cooking while inebriated lol) very calorically dense
For the trial run I did one lobster tail in the pot with everything else, and one lobster tail off to the side to be picked apart. The former is more in spirit with a hotpot, but it got rubbery as the meal went on and lost its nice taste. The latter may be a bit more work but all you have to do still is boil it and set it aside. I found it held up much better. It was also easier to get inside the shell.
. If you have hardshell maine lobster available, i think it would be superior to rock lobster (keep in mind crustaceans will get rubbery if cooked too long in the pot) . Green onions and/or lotus root would make excellent additions
From getting the ingredients out to sitting down and eating, id say it took maybe 30 minutes max? It'd vary on how fast you can prep vegetables and get the various implements heated.
Hotpots are not something i do very often as i'm usually just feeding myself. I think thats why a hotpot makes perfect sense to start the series off. If you want to set the tone of "take care of yourself, eat food with others, and use what you have" (generally speaking) there is nothing more simplistic, flexible, and defeats-the-purpose-if-you-eat-it-alone than a hotpot. Gather around and let your friends bring ingredients to the pot if you want to fill your heart up extra full <3
I'm doing something different here because unlike previous recipes where i used a bunch of different sources and made my own recipe out of hodge-podging it, or just used another persons recipe entirely if they did it really well, i made this more whole-cloth based off of what i had available, what I could discover through research, and my existing knowledge. Instead of the recipe being 50/50 original, this one is more 20/80. So. I'll pass the final verdict off to you guys :D 
What would you rate this recipe out of 10? (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) Did you love it, did you hate it? What're your thoughts on what I could do different, and what would you have done instead?
2 Rock lobster tails
3 Porcini mushrooms
2 Shiitake mushrooms
Snow fungus (a good handful, should rehydrate in the hotpot)
2 Small waxy potatos
Fensi (glass noodles)
Water/lobster stock
Lightly rinse all of your vegetables beforehand and let them dry.
Vertically slice the porcini mushrooms. Cut off and dice the stems of the shiitake mushrooms. You can slice the tops if youd like.
Peel and cube the potatoes, roughly an inch each.
For the lobster tails; Boil a pot of salted water. Keep the shell on. Weigh the largest tail and add 1 minute of cooking time for every ounce of weight.
When done, strain the lobster from the water. Pour the water into your hotpot as the base. Serve the lobster on the side so people can pick the meat out to dip into the hotpot.
Bring the hotpot to a simmer. Add the potato cubes, snow fungus, mushrooms, and noodles.
OPTIONAL: this wasnt in the show, but its fun having sauces on the side :) i had oyster sauce, dry seasoned chili dip, melted butter, and soy sauce available
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
How do you think Alastor would react to being called cute, hot etc.along those lines
Like how would it make him feel? Pre-Wifey. Like it’s Wifey, but she ain’t wifey yet lol
Wifey rizzing up her man??? 👀
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being TORTURED, Reader has that WIFE energy, Alastor thinks about killing someone
Description: ☝️⬆️
Alastor was a confident man who prided himself on not being taken unawares by anything or anyone
The keyword is was
But meeting you and getting to know you has completely caught him off guard because he's FALLING for you
He knew you were a dangerous woman, but he didn't realize just what sort of danger he was in
In danger of losing his HEART~
He couldn't help it, you were beautiful and witty along with a number of other fantastic qualities/talents
And when you smiled at him it made him freeze in his tracks, even the simplest eye contact made him feel flushed
But then you opened your mouth and actually spoke to him which made things so much more difficult
"You look good today, Alastor~ Did you do something different? Very debonair~"
He wonders if you're torturing him like this on purpose, if you know how he feels about you
But he does his best to remain unfazed, or at least not let you see how your words affect him
"I can't say I've done anything new, but I appreciate that someone around here notices my good looks~"
Your soft laugh makes his heart skip a beat, and he almost blushes when your fingers play with the ends of his hair
"I always notice you, Alastor."
He's at least able to wait until you leave the room to suddenly collapse on a table, steam coming out of his ears as he clutches at his chest
He would be insanely jealous if you acted this way with anyone else but you seem to reserve it all for him, something he's secretly grateful for
Even when you're drunk, you always seem to find a way to make him fluster
Alastor finds you at the bar, cheeks pink from the alcohol in your system, talking to the bartender about something
Or someone
"-he's just so handsome..! I can't get over it-"
Alastor takes a seat next to you, cutting off some random guy from taking the seat in hopes of getting an easy mark out of you
"Who's handsome now?"
He's totally not asking because he's jealous, or trying to figure out who he's going to hunt down and ki-
You hiccup and give him a drunken smile, leaning in to get in his face, which immediately makes his heart race
"You are~ Hand...some~"
Alastor can feel the heat rushing up to his face as you poke his nose before clumsily leaning back to get your drink
Okay, you've definitely had enough to drink
"I think you've had enough for tonight, let's get you home, my dear."
You whine and pout as he drags you out of the bar, only complying when he wraps an arm around your waist to keep you steady
He hopes that you're too drunk to remember the way he blushes the entire way home with you, holding you tight
It doesn't help that you're so snuggly when you're drunk, nuzzling your head under his chin
He almost explodes when he manages to pry you off of him and lay you down on your bed only for you to stare at him with glassy eyes
"Mm...that's hot...you're so hot~"
He rubs his hand over his face in an effort to hide the embarrassing choked sound that escapes him
"Please... just go to sleep..."
He's less sure that you're messing with him when you say things like that while drunk out of your mind
Your worst attacks are the sneak attacks that come out of nowhere for him, making it painfully obvious how much he feels for you
He's eating when you suddenly come in, rolling your eyes as you sit next to him, listening to all the little noises he makes as he eats
He can't help it, the food is delicious~
You suddenly grab a napkin and dab the corner of his mouth, giving him a small smile
"You're cute, you know that?"
He almost chokes on his food, your words along with the physical touch making his mind go blank
Fuck, his voice cracked, making him blush uncontrollably as you obviously try not to laugh at him
"Ahem! Cute is not a proper word to describe me, I am many things, but cute isn't one of them..!"
You take his plate away from him, helping yourself to his meal as he rants about how he's not cute
"Say what you will, but I think you're a very cute man~"
He just groans and lays his head on the table, openly blushing now as he watches you eat
"I'm not... cute..."
You just laugh at him and it makes his heart beat a little faster despite his visible pouting
You're an evil woman who's torturing him for falling for you, trying to make him confess so you can tease him about it
He's sure of it...but it doesn't diminish his growing feelings for you any less
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This one was so fun 😭
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daisynik7 · 7 months
cw: mentions of food, smut - minors do not interact
Author's Note: This is a super silly nanami drabble, don't mind me! just coping the best way I know how - with smut LOL. MDNI banner credit to @/cafekitsune.
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Nanami always craves dessert whenever you do. 
You’re staying with his family this year for the holidays, sleeping in the guest bedroom downstairs. In the middle of the night, you wake up, craving that extra slice of pie your in-laws saved for you, hiding like buried treasure in the back of the fridge. Not wanting to wake your husband up, you slide out of bed as quietly as possible, tip-toeing out the door and into the kitchen, turning the lights on to the dimmest setting. It’s a peaceful kind of quiet, the distinct chirping of crickets barely audible from outside. Someone snores upstairs, only obvious if you listen carefully. You take the first bite and break out into a blissful smile, savoring it in your mouth with your eyes closed.
Your ears perk when you hear the shuffle of slippers getting closer. Nanami appears, looking at you with bleary eyes and a small smile on his face. There are crumbs on your lips as you return his grin, sheepish for being caught in the act. “Hi,” you muffle, mouth still full. 
He chuckles softly, stepping towards you. He’s wearing a very adorable set of flannel pajamas, ones that match yours. “Having fun?”
You nod, offering him your plate and fork. “Want a bite?”
He yawns, sliding his hands on your waist, pulling you forward to press a kiss on top of your head. “I’m craving a different kind of dessert. Something much sweeter.”
Oblivious, you take another bite, saying, “I think there’s some leftover cheesecake in there – ”
“That’s not what I meant,” he cuts you off, amused by your misunderstanding. He takes the plate from your hands, setting it on the counter, wiping the crumbs from your lips with his thumb, sticking it in his own mouth for a taste. 
“Oh,” you utter, finally clicking. “Oh.”
Within seconds, your craving for pie is completely overtaken by Nanami’s craving for you. You’re propped up on the countertop, stripped bare from the waist-down, legs spread open for him as he eats you out, licking and sucking on your clit eagerly. His hair is bunched between your fingers, your grip tight on his scalp the deeper he devours you. One hand is pressed firmly to your mouth to hush your pleasured moans, the other has two digits buried in your wet cunt. He puckers his lips around you, suckling on your now swollen clit, releasing you with a lewd pop. “You taste so fucking good, sweetheart. So juicy, so delicious.”
You let out an exasperated laugh, breathing out onto his palm, gently squeezing his face with your thighs. “You’re so bad.”
“Only because you made me this way,” he grunts, removing his fingers to fuck you with his tongue, licking up every drop that leaks out of you.
“Fuck me,” you whine, impatient and desperate.
He drags you off the table, turning you around so that your back is flat against his chest, his mouth hot on your ear. He shoves the waistband of his pants down, releasing his hard cock, stiff against his abdomen. “You really want it? More than that fucking pie?”
You bite your lip, trying to contain your laughter. He can’t seriously be jealous of a piece of pie, can he? Not wanting to tease him further, you moan, “I want you more than anything, Kento.” 
He hums, satisfied with your answer, before he tips your chin towards him, kissing you fiercely, guiding his cock inside you while his other hand plays with your clit. “That’s right. Better than any fucking dessert you can ever have.”
Okay, so maybe your husband really is jealous of a piece of pie. 
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goldenhypen · 9 months
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PAIRING | ot7 x fem!reader
GENRE | crack
WARNINGS | mentions of food; reader is referred to as “girl”; i’m pretty sure it’s fine but it is possible i made mistakes w the tenses (i’m still tryna get used to writing more in present tense T-T)
DISCLAIMER | THIS IS NOT IN ANY WAY A FORM OF HATE TOWARDS ENHYPEN (pls i love these boys w my entire being how could i) this is a joke so don’t take this too seriously lol
A/N | had the time of my life choosing pics for the moodboard btw they had me out here cackling at 3 am (first red flag: i’m out here losing sleep bc of them !! smh)
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too handsome… how can you stand to look at that devilishly handsome face without ever passing out due to lack of oxygen in your lungs when he’s always taking your breath away?! also y’all become way too popular; people are always staring at you two (not only heeseung but you too obviously 😏), it’s tiring being so famous yk 🙄
good at everything… it’s lowk invigorating sometimes bc he’s always outdoing you in everything. when you play games, he’s beating you; when you’re having fun at karaoke, he’s always out-singing you or showing off with his fancy riffs and harmonies; when you’re playing sports together, he always has a way of beating you, no matter what the sport. he even manages to do better at the simple task of making ramyeon. and we all know that’s only to list a few. it’s just so tiring having such a perfect bf 😔
박종성 ! JAY
jawline is too sharp… you cup his jaw as you kiss him then suddenly you hurt your hand on his sharp jawline !! it’s not fair that you have to sacrifice your hands every day just because he looks so good.
cooks for everyone… because he cooks so much, you can’t just be hanging out watching him be all hot and sexy as he cooks for everyone all the time !! you’ve had enough of back hugging him, cheek pressed against his firm back muscles (they’re so strong, it hurts your face !!), or smelling and eating all the delicious food,,, you just wanna spend alone time with your man, without the kitchen as the third wheel :’D your bf is just so husband material, and being able to provide for everyone aside from just you and him is just so, totally, very much, rlly unattractive (that’s sarcastic btw i actually couldn’t come up w any negative points to this why would anyone hate that about him-)
심재윤 ! JAKE
always has his tongue hanging outside of his mouth or his teeth sunk into his bottom lip with a smirk… no wonder my man always has ulcers lol jk i have no idea how that actually works,, but you can never kiss him cuz his mouth hurts !! but he’s too hot for you to handle anyways so- sometimes he’ll be all seductive with that smirk after swiftly swiping his tongue over his lips and you have to literally take a moment to compose yourself before he wraps his hands around your waist, biting his bottom lip before leaning in to kiss you,, oh my heart :’>
loves his dog too much… sure, loving layla taught him ways on how to love on his own future girl, but you didn’t realize how long it would take him to transfer the title of his most favourite girl from layla to you. you were always competing with a dog and yes, she’s cute but how was this fair?! so let’s just say it took many years of hard work and determination until you finally stole that hard earned title.
doesn’t hang out with enough girls… so he has no experience when it comes to dating you. even before dating you, he was basically a total clutz. not being around girls enough made him feel nervous whenever he was around them due to lack of experience. and so whenever it came to you at first, he was always a nervous wreck and super awkward. and even after dating you, though he is so much better and confident, he still has his slip ups and tends to get super shy whenever you make him flustered (which occurs a lot more often than you’d imagine)! alexa play ‘super shy’ by newjeans 👖
too funny… he randomly comes out with these stupidly funny jokes or comments that make you laugh so hard, it makes your tummy, cheeks and lungs hurt. whenever you tell him you’re gonna die of laughter, you’re not joking.
김선우 ! SUNOO
too sassy… like why does he always have to react with his eye rolls or side eyes whenever you tease him, with that snarky scoff. and then when he’d tease you back, he’d just take the remarks to a whole other level. but occasionally this sass would be used in your favour; whenever a friend would tease you, he’d always get very defensive and have the best comebacks. actually depending on how close you two are with the friend, he once in a while would take the side of your friend and just tease you harder.
perfect figure… he outdoes you all the time. like sunoo give us ladies a chance to shine?? he’s always stealing the spotlight, it’s annoying sometimes !! 🙄 like yes, you (y/n) are always hot and super attractive (self confidence!!! you deserve to love yourself 😌) but for some reason people are always complimenting sunoo’s body instead of yours. but let me let you in on a little secret… it’s only because it’s obvious you’re the one who’s clearly more physically attractive. and who states the obvious these days anyway? hmph 😌
too loveable… in other words,, there’s nothing to ever (playfully) hate on him with or tease him about !! so boring 👎👎👎 like you just constantly wanna love on him. he can be teasing you about an embarrassing moment of yours that happened just a couple minutes ago, and then you try to think of a comeback but then you take one glimpse into his eyes and suddenly you’re melting on the spot as your mind is wiped of everything you could’ve ever thought up in one quick moment. and suddenly you can only think about the things about him that give you warm, fluffy feelings. HE COULD BE DOING THE BARE MINIMUM AND YOURE FULL HEART EYES FOR HIM he’s just perfect. so unfair and so not fun 👎👎
duality… DOES HE EVEN UNDERSTAND THAT HE SHOULD HAVE YOUR HEART TO LOOK AFTER ???? like what about your well being ??? how about YOUR FEELINGS ???? like you’re constantly being emotionally pulled this way and that cuz one second he’ll be the cutest bf ever with his bread cheeks and fluffy smile when all of a sudden he has a dance to practice and all of a sudden he’s in performance mode, and his duality is just insane !!! is that even the same jungwonie that was with you just a second ago ???? i think not !!! smh
西村 力 ! NI-KI
too tall; doesn’t stop growing… (if he’s a lot taller than you) how are you gonna kiss him?? how is he gonna kiss you?? no but even if he isn’t a lot taller than you now, this boy doesn’t stop growing. you won’t admit it but it’s actually really romantic and hot the way he’d do things to match your heights, such as the other day when he carried you onto the counter, stood between your legs, and pressed his lips against yours in the hottest kiss you’ve ever shared. it’s simply not okay ???
too good of a dancer… outdoes you in every dance game. like riki at least give us a chance??? i mean sometimes he does, but the competitive side of him always wins and he just ends up beating you anyways like always 🙄 also getting to watch him on stage is like seeing a whole other riki. you mostly know him for his goofy personality, but whenever you get to see him perform, he switches that off and enters his alter ego and it has to be the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. so you get the best of both worlds… which obviously isn’t healthy for your heart ???
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authorhjk1 · 1 month
I hope its not much to ask but any chance you can make an Irene short pls? Her photos for her upcoming photobook is driving me nuts lol especially the one where shes lying sideways and looking at the tv.
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You close the door behind you, take your shoes off and walk into the living room.
"You are still up?"
The love of your life lies on the couch in your shared apartment, watching TV. The room is just as dark as the night outside. You hesitate to switch on the lights, the blue shine of the screen illuminating your wife's gorgeous face.
"Of course I am."
It took her a moment to tear her eyes off the screen. But once she looks at you, her face grows softer.
"I always wait for you, when you work late."
You lose your words, when you realize what Irene is wearing. Several years of marriage and you still can't help but feel like a stupid teenager when she looks this fantastic.
As she gets off the couch, the white shirt or dress slips down her frame. You can't really tell if it's your shirt or her dress, which she brought a couple of weeks ago. It's still dark. But you are disappointed nonetheless. It hides the beautiful curves of her hips.
"I left some of the food in the fridge, if you want me to heat it up for you?"
"I love you."
She smiles back at you, tiptoeing her way around the couch.
"Love you too."
She gives you a peck on your lips, before disappearing into the kitchen.
Once you are inside the bedroom, you quickly get rid off your suit and change into something more comfortable. After a quick stop at the bathroom, you enter the kitchen.
Your wife has already finished reheating the food she made.
"Thank you."
You lean over the kitchen table, kissing Irene's forehead.
"I'm just making sure you are not going to bed hungry."
You shake your head with a big smile on your face as you sit down in front of the meal.
What did you do in your past life to deserve such a woman like her? Caring, beautiful, loving, gorgeous, funny...
The list goes on and on.
As you reach for your fork, the dim light of the fridge makes the golden wedding ring on your finger shine. Irene wanted a fridge with a window in it, so it would be easier for her to see what she needs to buy, without having to open it everytime. Her own ring reflects the blue light as well.
How lucky are you? How is it possible that you are the man who was able to put that ring on her finger?
While you enjoy the food she made, you notice Irene looking at you. Her chin resting on her hand, her elbow on the table. A dreamy smile plays around her lips as she watches you eat.
"Do you have work tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow is Saturday, silly."
Irene giggles as you focus back on your food.
"I thought we could do something together. Something in the city."
"What exactly?"
Irene leans a little forward, visibly excited and curious.
"I'll tell you tomorrow."
She pouts at you, leaning back a little.
"Is the cake already gone?"
You notice she didn't give you any as you reach the end of your meal. You don't have to tell her you enjoyed it. She knows it. She watched you the whole time.
Your wife gets off her chair and walks around the table.
"The cake is gone,"
She is now standing next to you, her hand resting on your shoulder. Irene leans down a little to whisper into your ear.
"but I'm sure we can find you something delicious to eat."
Irene kisses you right next to your ear, before walking into the bedroom. You look after her, watching how she moves with grace.
After quickly finishing the meal and putting away the dishes, you arrive at the bedroom door.
Irene is lying on the bed, her head resting on her hand again. She looks at you. But this time it's different. Gone is the loving, caring look she so often wears. It's replaced by a darker, almost evil stare. Her teeth slightly bite into her lower lip as she sees you standing in the doorway.
"Time for dessert, baby."
Despite her whispering, you can clearly hear her voice, dripping with lust.
You immediately get onto the foot of the bed. Grabbing her luscious thighs with your hands, you pull Irene closer. She is moaning already, knowing what's to come.
As you lean down, you suddenly realize that the pantyhose she is wearing is blocking your access. As if she read your mind, your wife shakes her head.
"Don't tear it open again. I have to buy a new one almost weekly."
"Now I know how you spend all my money."
Before she can protest, you rip the thin fabric apart. The loud tearing sound fills your bedroom for just a moment.
Irene's head sinks into the pillow at your actions. Everytime you do this, she realizes she can just buy a new one.
Pulling her black panties to the side, you are greeted with her pink pussy. It's a meal you have had every day for the last years. A meal you can never grow tired of.
"Oh gosh, baby."
Irene moans as you tease her by kissing and licking her thighs. But when you are so close to her, you can't keep it up for long. Your kisses start to circle around her pussy. You tighten it further and further, until your lips finally meet her clit.
A loud whine echoes through the room. You can tell that Irene is biting her lips, trying to prevent louder sounds from escaping her mouth.
You indulge in your favorite meal. Your favorite dessert. Her most intimate part is yours.
Years of marriage have taught you everything you need to know about your wife. That includes her body. What she feels like, wherever you touch her. How she feels when you touch her. How to touch her. It's all in your mind. As if you wrote a book or painted a map. You know every inch of her skin like it's your own.
Small and quick kisses on her clit make Irene sigh and tug at her own hair her with her hand. Licks along her folds make her whimper, almost shake in anticipation. Burying your tongue inside her snatch makes her moan. Your hands on her thighs, massaging them, makes her melt.
The combination of all of the above makes sure that you give Irene the time of her life. Her flawless body is hit by wave after wave of pleasure. Her mouth can't seem to close and her hand eventually finds your head.
As she pushes you down, her nails digging into your scalp, you know that Irene is trying to fight a lost battle. A battle you've already won. From the moment you first placed your hands on her thighs a couple of minutes ago.
And the sound of victory is your wife's high pitched cry. Irene reaches her high, her mind going blank as her body betrays her. She has no control over it as she squirms and shakes on the sheets. Her wet pussy is dripping with her juices, leaving a wet spot on the sheets beneath her. Well, more like a puddle.
While she still rides out her orgasm, you plant kisses on her clit, almost apologetically.
With her taste still lingering on your lips, you quickly rid yourself of your clothing. Irene's chest rises and falls as she takes heavy breaths.
She looks up at you. No other words are needed to express her gratitude, her satisfaction, her longing. Her eyes sparkle with lust as she silently begs you to fuck her.
Knowing how wet Irene becomes after her first orgasm, you align yourself with her snatch without any further preparation. You don't have time for that anyway. Her pussy captivates you, every time you catch a glimpse of it.
"Oh, god!"
Irene moans loudly as you push inside of her. Your hands on her thighs push them apart a little, making sure you have one of the most beautiful views anyone could have.
Your wife's gorgeous face twists in pleasure as you start to fuck her. Slow and deep at first, making her gasp, everytime you hit her cervix.
The lewd sounds her mouth makes eventually coax you into thrusting harder and faster. Irene's moans become louder, her thighs are a little shakey once more.
"You're so tight, baby."
You can't help but praise your wife. She is everything a guy would want in a partner and so much more. And her insides are no exception. The way her walls wrap around you, whenever you thrust into her. The way she squeezes your cock, making sure you feel just as good as she does.
The two of you quickly lose track of time. It was already late when you got home. Both of you were already tired from the long day. But this gives you new energy. New passion.
"More, baby."
Irene moans into your ear as she tears open old scratches on your back.
By now you've carried her to the window after finally undressing her completely. The torn pantyhose lying somewhere on the floor. Her bare back is pushed flat against the cold glass, causing goosebumps to cover her skin. Her legs are wrapped around your waist as you keep pounding into her with hard thrusts.
You kiss Irene's neck, making her moan even louder as you find her soft spot with ease. Her walls clench down on your cock at the same time. A not so silent battle about who makes the other person lose first. And losing is not bad at all. By no means. Losing has only one single outcome. Which is, cuming inside your wife. Something you would gladly do the entire day if you could. Something you did do every day, the entire day, when you were on your honeymoon.
You gladly admit defeat as you keep pushing inside of your wife.
"Yes, baby. M-Me too..."
You feel Irene's walls squeezing and contracting around you. You plan on holding on throughout her orgasm, but you both know it's not meant to be.
With small "Love you"'s and kisses, the both of you cum at the same time. You feel yourself getting drained by Irene's contracting walls as she feels your load painting her insides. The two of you keep hugging each other in a tight embrace as you ride out your climaxes. Irene's usual squirming and shaking is reduced to a twitching of her stomach and abs, which welcome your cum inside her belly.
"I can't wait for another girl."
You chuckle into her neck.
"That's how you spend all my money."
She grins into yours, peppering your skin with kisses.
"Four times is the charm."
After showering together, you open the door at the end of the hallway. Both beds are occupied with two small figures, visibly sleeping. You kiss them both on their foreheads, before entering the room on the right. Your oldest is sound asleep too. She almost looks exactly like her mother.
"Sleep tight."
You whisper, before joining your wife in your bed.
Thank you for reading everyone!
I hope you guys enjoyed. I'm working on the next pieces, so stay tuned.
This got a little longer than I expected it to be. (As always)
I had to wait for the bus a little longer than usual, so I thought I would give this a shot.
Stay healthy!
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rninies · 2 months
✮ one bite
౨ৎ veritas ratio x reader. fluff, gn!reader, ratio has bad taste in ice cream (sorry not sorry), modern!au, ratio is a model here LOL — wc: 465
notes. i love my silly tsundere also, if i open a taglist for hsr fics would anyone want to join? </3
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going out with veritas on dates is a rare occurrence, especially since he’s busy 24/7. the only few times you could go on one is when it’s either a public holiday or just a rare free day off his manager gives.
today was one of those free lucky day off. veritas has booked a restaurant in advance, so here you are, sitting in an ice cream shop after eating in a fancy restaurant (you wanted dessert and veritas couldn’t say no).
“can i get a bite of your ice cream?” you asked veritas after receiving both of your ice cream orders. “i wanna try it.”
“no,” veritas raises his ice cream cup higher so you aren’t able to reach it. “i’m not going to give you a bite because i know you’re not going to like it. then you’re going to ask me how the hell i like it, and i don’t want to listen to that right now.”
your jaw drops in disbelief. “how would you know i don’t like it?! i haven’t even tried!”
“i know your taste, and knowing what type of food you like and stuff, you will hate the ice cream i chose.” veritas points out pretty obviously.
you frowned in response, eating your ice cream in disappointment. “you’re so mean to me sometimes, i hate you. so stingy.”
“stingy?” veritas repeats, sounding offended. “i’m just trying to save myself from your nagging on my food tastes,” he gives you a smug grin, and you were so close to just slapping the grin away from his face. “plus, you have your own ice cream.”
“you know how much i love taking small bites from yours! just one bite, i promise i won’t complain about how disgusting it tastes,” you swear, placing a hand over your heart to show your sincerity (or at least you tried to show how sincere you look).
veritas stares at you for five seconds straight and lets out a begrudging sigh. “fine, but if i hear one word of complaint escape your mouth i am taking away those chips you love.”
you nodded quickly, taking veritas's ice cream in your hands. you observed it for a while before taking a small bite — veritas was right. you hated this, but knowing that he will get angry at you for complaining, you kept it to yourself. “mm… delicious…” you hesitantly veritas, handing veritas his ice cream back.
he looks at you with a weird look. “really? are you sure you like it?”
you nod, not wanting to say anything else because you know you’re going to complain. veritas leads you back to the car, driving back home.
“...that ice cream tasted so disgusting.” you ended up saying in the middle of the ride.
“i fucking knew it.”
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dolliehina · 3 months
Hi, there! :D
You said you wanted requests so I'll try to make my own:
Platonic Grimm headcanons with a fem (prefect) who treats Grim as his little son and her as his mother. Who prepares him delicious meals and sings him soft songs and gives Grim lots of love in general? 🌼💙
It pains me to think that my little baby cat has been alone most of his life. ✨💐😞💕
OMG YES!!! (My Yuu is like this so this is PERFECTTT)
At first when he met you he was confused. A girl? In NRC? Eh, no matter, you'll just be a henchmen in the end anyways.
Or so he thought.
You where just so.. sweet??? So patient with him, and you tried so hard to get him into NRC and out of the janitor title. Plus, when you two went into Ramshackle, you let him have the more clean side of the bed or some of the food you had.
It was after this that he started seeing you as more than a henchman and more of a friend a lot sooner. You took great care of him, plus you had such an angelic voice! He loves ur lullabies.
He has 100% called you 'Mom' on accident, and Ace and Deuce have never let him live it down (Even though they lowkey have called you mom too lol)
He absolutely loves it when you pet him, I headcanon his fire ears burn anyone who touches them unless he's comfortable with them. So only you're aloud to pet him. He knows you'll be gentle <3
Okay, but in all seriousness, he's never had a Mama before, so you mean so much to him. Probably more than he does in the game :(
He snuggles against you when you guys sleep, and definitely purrs.
He also lets you carry him around or pick him up around NRC so he can send a warning to the boys who wanna mess with his mother henchmen.
Whenever a boy harasses you around grim, he either bites their ankles or burns them with his fire (not enough to kill them, obviously) but enough to give them nightmares. The students he bit probably had to get a rabies shot.
He loves it when you cook for him. He might even prefer it over tuna!
Probably not, but its a close second!!
Even if you suck at cooking, his henchmen made it for him, so he'll eat it all.
But he also lets you bathe him if he doesn't feel like licking himself clean. Bubble baths with Mom- I MEAN HIS FAVORITE HENCHMEN (lol I meant mom.)
He's probably a LOT more cooperative with you as well and doesn't run away as often, so he doesn't worry or disappoint you :(
The classes you can't participate in, he tries a little harder in for both of you. Mostly for you, but he won't admit it. And he only tries a LITTLE harder.
When he hurt you in book 5-6, he was so mad at himself that he cried a little about it because he hurt his only caring and loving figure in his life. And even after that, you go after him and rescue him, and comfort him??? He never wants to hurt you again, and even after you reassure him and tell him you love him all the same in your sweet and gentle voice, he still beats himself up over it :(
But in the end, you love him like a son, and he loves you like a mom. And still gets teased about it by Ace and Deuce (until they also accidentally call you mom and their whole career is ended by grim)
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pebblethestone · 4 months
The Worng Action ³
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Vox x Reader /Alastor's sibling
Summary - making a meal for everyone, having a talk with the older deer, what next a TV appears?
One Wrong Action Masterlist
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
Words - 1545
Warrings - swearing, cannibalism, cigarettes and mentions of blood and cannibalism
A/n - uh little later then I thought I would be posting this but it's done, it's not read proofed cause am always too lazy to do that, and I feel asleep before I got the chance to post it lol
Your eyes fall onto all the dishes that you've made for everyone still nice and warm to eat for tea time, making everyone a different dishes to what you think they would like the most.
Well you and Alastor are having venison you made his one just how he likes it, rare as you prefer yours more cooked, even though the both of you are not on the best of terms right now, he still is your older brother. And you wouldn't want to upset everyone by cooking sinners even though that is your special.
Clapping your hands together as you use your magic from some shadows to carry the plates to the dinner table. Watching as they head out the kitchen door. As the last one leaves you follow it.
“Y/n, this looks amazing, and everything looks so good!” you hear Charlie say as she walks with your lip forming into a small smile.
“Thank you, Charlie, would you mind getting everyone? And telling them that the tea is ready,” you say to her as you get to the table the plates get set down and the shadows disappear.
“I don't mind at all Y/n, I can't wait to try your food,” she says as she hurries off to get everyone to the table. Watching everyone come one by one and telling them where to sit so they had the right food.
As everyone is set you take a look at everyone's faces, as it looks like they like the look of their dish
“Well, on you go, have a taste” you say picking up your knife and fork as you start cutting into it.
“Oh, wow- this is so- delicious ” you hear Angle Dust say though eating with his mouth full, a little annoyed he likes it which you're glad about.
“well, Y/n I do dearly miss your food when I used to bring back parts that you wanted after I had killed someone” you hear him say as everyone stops what they are eating and turns their heads to you worried. As you choked on your food a little.
“Ahah don't worry you guys are not eating sinners, I wouldn't do that to you, I don't want to get kicked out of the hotel already, do I?” you say with a glare at Alastor. Pissed that he would mention that your ears were pinned back as the air around you crackles. watching his smile widen.
“well, Y/n I think that everyone is enjoying their food, and I love mine so much” you hear Charlie say seeing her smile as you calm down a little.
After everyone had finished their food they said thank you and how much they had enjoyed it.
“Am very glad that everyone enjoyed their meal I look forward to making more for the future. You all can do whatever you want now” you say as you watch everyone leave the table to go back to their room or to what they were doing before. Getting up from your chair you head to one of the back doors making sure no one's following you.
Opening a door, now standing outside at your back see a bench as you take a set on it a hand going into your pocket and pulling out a small case that holds some cigarettes, as you take one out before lighting it, sighing as you bring it up to your mouth, before hearing footsteps heading towards you.
“There you are little one, you just disappeared,” you hear from behind you, as you panic a little on the inside, you had promised him that you would stop smoking but it's a bad habit you did try, try your best let's just say that.
“Yes, I did need some time to myself Brother” you say calmly. Watching him take a seat next to you.
“Mmm, and I thought I told you to stop smoking, it is a really bad habit. But I guess you never listened to your brother anyway” he says
“And I thought I told you to butt out of my personal life,” you say. Watching as he holds his hand out knowing exactly what it is he wants you to take out the small tin case from your pocket and hand it over to him muttering to yourself as you do so.
“But Y/n I do miss, that gorgeous food of yours. Our mother would be proud” you hear him say from next to you as you are about to reply he's gone, making sigh yet again.
It's been about a week since that encounter with Vox, sitting in your room as you make up your bed making sure it was tidy, you loved Niffy but you didn't want her to clean your room. Hearing loud knocking coming from the other side of the door.
“Uh, Y/n you haven't done anything to upset an overlord or something like that have you?” you hear Charlie ask from the other side of the door as you take long steps to the door, swinging it open.
“What?” you ask confused
“Well, uh the TV demon is outside asking for you,” you rolled your eyes hearing about the TV.
“tell him am not here, and I've gone somewhere,” you say to hear as you're about to close the door Vaggie puts her food down to stop it.
“No Y/n you will tell him to leave, we aren't doing that for you,” she says her arms crossed over as she gives you a deadly stare.
“hmm, fine then” you say walking out with them as you walk ahead they follow after you chatting about whatever Vox wants to talk to you about. Getting to the door you see that it's closed you open the door.
“Y/nnn, how are you?” you hear him say as he stuffs flowers into your face, your ears twitching. The smirk on his face, so so annoying always with the charm you guess.
“Vox.... what a present surprise,” you say with a harsh glare as you lift your hand to move the flowers out your face to get a better look at them, a dark blue with an f/c rose sits in the middle surrounded by black roses. Your eyes soften a little but not much to be noticed.
“Well, how about we spend time together like old times?” you hear him say. As you're about to reply.
“How About no” you hear from behind you, of course, Alastor had to intrude, and you turn to face him.
“Alastor I have this handled, you can leave,” you say as he stays standing glaring at the TV his smile seems even forced more than normal. You move forward toward Vox, pushing him a little back as you both stand outside and slam the door closed in Alastor's face. Vox now looking a little concerned as he looks at you.
“I wanted to give these to you,” he says holding up the roses to you, taking the flowers from his hand as you take a closer look at him they ate real roses and no camera in sight. You click your fingers as they disappear.
“Thank you... i. Uh, I think that you should leave, and don't come back. We'll meet next week for our yearly deal and that's it.” you say. You didn't want to hear what he said he looked hurt when you made the rose disappear. You turn your back and open the door walking back into the hotel.
“So are they going out with the TV head?” you hear Angle Dust say on the couch you snap your head towards him.
“What did you. just say?” you say creepily calm your eyes Turning black as you try and relax he only said one thing no need to get over it. Noticed that Alastor had stayed standing at the door.
“Nothing toots, don't get your pants in a twist,” he says, your glare still on him deciding not to reply to the spider.
“Vox is not going to destroy the hotel won't worry, I'll talk to him when I need to. And I'll be heading to my room now” You walk passed them all to head up the steps.
Once you had gotten to your room unlocking the door and locked it again when you got into the room walked past a vase holding the flowers that Vox had given you as you flopped onto your bed.
Sitting in a quiet little restaurant, a place you found, it was quiet and not a sinner in sight well ones that would cause havoc.
“Y/n! You're here” You hear a surprised voice from behind you.
“Well, why wouldn't I be? It would be rude to decline such a kind offer” you said as he quickly took a set from across you something in his hands.
“Well, uh this is for you,” he says as you move a bunch of black roses towards you. Making you smile you take the flower out of the vase sitting on your table and throw it onto the floor so you could put the roses into it.
“My what a gentleman you are, these are lovely," you say with a smile as you neatly fix the black roses up.
Part 4
Just leave a comment if you would like to be added to the taglist
Taglist - @hxzbinwrites @22carolina08 @queenlibra134 @decaf-nosebleed @n3tb0t @cyariika @lem0n-eater
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scara-writes · 9 months
Knight! Reader x Y! Prince
(gender neutral for readers)
No proofreads. Forgive me for not answering y'all ask/request! I will do them once I'm done publishing the other ocs! (Y'all wilding for yandere gold digger and omega! Lol) this one is short tbh and has another part but I'm unsure about posting it because it was too long. Let me know if you wanna see it.
Warning: hints of death, yandere, psycopath
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You woke up groaning. Your throat hurts, confused at yourself. You never had a problems with your throat. Always hydrated before going to sleep, So why the hell that it feels like its dry at the same time it's not?
It's kind of like itchy.
You went down the staircase, hearing the bustling sound of your subordinate roommates.
"Captain! You look pretty tired today. Did you perha—woah! What happened to your neck?" One of your members looked shocked, their eyes looking at the said neck. The other members in the room looks at you in confusion before their face was the same as the person who asked you.
You raised your eyebrow at him. "What about it?"
You let your calloused hands caress your neck, feeling if there was out of ordinary. "Can some of you hand me a mirror? I am confused as to why everyone looked shocked right now."
One of your subordinates quickly ran around to find you a mirror. When they found it, they immediately handed it to you.
You look yourself in the mirror. Just like their reaction, you were shock to witness it.
"What... How...?"
"...It looks like a deep wound from one of our melee weapon, specifically a knife. Captain. No wounds can someone survive that!" The person sitting at the dining table said as he observe it."How did you got that?"
You shook your head,"I don't know.... I only woke up feeling my throat feels dry and fine at the same time. Itchy I would say, it doesn't hurt. It feels irritating."
"I think you should consult a physician or a doctor for that."
You trace the scar on your neck. Thoughtful, of where had you gotten this. "... I might."
You strolled up to the palace, not getting any breakfast—even dinner last night—and skipping your schedule to train as forgetting the fact that you are late to see your master, so you immediately went to the palace of your prince. The one you serve in your whole life.
Maids greeting you a good morning, and you greet them back. One of them offered you a sandwich, it looks pretty neat and delicious to eat. Drooling at the thought chewing on it. You tried to refuse but they insisted on giving it to you, seeing you didn't get a breakfast and dinner, you looked a little dizzy for someone who trained to endure without food for months. You accepted it along with a water, thanking them, feeling a little hungry and quickly gobble up the food making your way from hallway to the kitchen with them before anyone can scold you for eating around the halls. Parch from the food, you drank the water from the glass and put them on the sink before going back to your task to check up on your prince. You bid the maids a good bye.
Once you reach the room of your master. You saw there was no lady in waiting nor a butler on his doorway. So you knock on the wood, announcing yourself, waiting for your master's response to let you in.
"(Y-y/n)?" You heard a whimpering voice behind the room. It sounded like he was crying. You asked him if he was alright, but before you could get any answer from him, you saw the door being pulled opened and then finding yourself engulf by an arm around your shoulders.
"Mmm sorry—shouldn't doubt you!—my own fault!... Was supposed to trust you—love you so mmmh–much!I-I— don't l-leave m-me—hicc!" The prince cried on your shoulder, babbling incoherent words that you didn't understand. You look bewildered at his sudden burst, not expecting for someone who always smiles and befriend anyone regardless of their status. You slowly went to embrace him, comforting him, feeling him wrapping his legs around your hips and you let him, crying on your now wet uniform full of tears and snots continuing to blabber incoherent words.
You tried to let him lay down to his king sized bed but his grip on you wouldn't let you. So here you are awkwardly patting him on the back as you sat yourself on the edge of his bed instead. You were hesitant to touch his hair, it is against the rules that a lowly life like you has the audacity to touch them especially in their hair, it's a sign disrespect and could lead to a treason. But you decided to do it anyway, he needs your comfort right now and that rule doesn't apply to you if the prince needed it anyway—plus you already broke the rules when you hugged him back.
He freezes up when he felt your hands on his head before slowly taking a deep breath, sniffling, calming down from your touch. He buried his nose onto your neck, shuddering before planting a small kisses from you, whimpering.
"sssorry—hic-!ssorryyso-sorry... louvv you too..m..much.. shouldnn't...leea-hic-!leave me..."
You cannot comprehend what he was trying to say but his action made you surprised, but you let him be for now, continuing patting his back awkwardly because this isn't what you expect first thing of the day when you work.
Prince Rylle must have a nightmare for him to act like this.
"... Your highness?"
You heard him whimpered before leaning himself away from your neck, slowly looking at you. His eyes were puffy, some tears were spilling. Prince Rylle was sniffing and hiccuping from his tears.
You looked away from his eyes, indirectly obeying his older brother's words to not look straight at him. You carefully wipe away the water droplets coming out from his orbs, waiting for his nerves to calm down.
He stayed there at your lap for a few minutes, until he recollect himself.
After wiping his tears, one of your hand went to grab a handkerchief from your pocket trying to rid of the snot that was clogging his nose.
But before you can do that, the tanned male squeaks and tried to push himself off on you, falling down from your lap. Head first colliding on the floor. Thankfully, he didn't bleed.
"Your highness! Are you alright?" worriedly you went to assess his head from the impact.
"I-I'm fine!" He quickly got up, wincing from the slight concussion from his head.
"I apologize, it was my mistake for startling you. I shall be careful next time."You got up from the edge of his bed before stroking his head gently.
He looks at you, the way he gaze up to you seems like he had seen a ghost.
"... Are you really..here?" He whispered. You were puzzled by his question. "... I'm here your highness." Quickly bowing down to his level.
He walk up again to you, requesting if he could hug you again. You stood up and saw in your peripheral vision his eyes were starting to become teary again. His snot were starting to clog his nose, but you let him hold you.
You felt his arms around your waist. Hands firmly grip on your sides.
"... God, I t-thought I lost you." He whispered. Whatever nightmare that was. It must have traumatised him. You felt his tears running down again to your clothes.
"... I'm here your highness.."
"... You're really.. h-here." He whispered.
You patted his back. "... I am here."
"Today is 7th of May, Year..890." You uttered before jotting down the notes for your report. The prince was beside you, silent at his own office. He too is jotting down his report or at least he is, but you felt his gaze on you. You weren't used to the prince Infront of you being silent. He would always filled this room with his chattering, sharing his knowledge to you on what he learned from his teachers—since a commoner like you doesn't deserve education—and sometimes he would always complain about the other nobles being rude to their servants and how obnoxious they were.
So you broke the silence filling in the room. It is unusual for your master to be this silent.... And staring at you for quite some time."Is everything alright your highness?"
He didn't answer. He was still gazing at you.
"Your highness?" You repeat.
The prince snapped back to reality.
"O-oh! Yes! Yes I am! I'm-I'm still recollecting m-my thoughts about my nightmares haha!" His fake laughter died down when his gaze stayed to your neck. He frowned. He was contemplating whether or not he should ask. But he did.
"... Where did you get that? The... Scar on your neck."
You cleared your throat before feeling the scars again. Just like earlier, you didn't felt any phantom pain from it.
"... I would have tell you the reason behind it but I have no idea, your highness. I must have slip a knife drag it on my nec—" You wanted to jest about it but you got a sullen look. His face was frowning even more.
"Please, do not do it again."
"...I... Yeah. I am jesting your highness... I had woken up with a scar already imprinted on my neck." You didn't get a response after that, he avoided his look from it.
You look back at your finished report. Organizing them, putting them aside the table, before standing up. "Umm.. As much as I would like to accompany you all day, your highness. I have business to attend to with the crown prince." You didn't particularly give him the detail why you need to leave, you walked away. His brother technically assigned you on something dangerou—
"... Were you going to assassinate the southern duke who was accused of embezzlement of the empire's treasury?"
Your boots stop clacking on the tiled floor of the room, quickly turning your head back to your master. Whose eyes were blank as if he just absentmindedly told you what he said.
"... How... Where did his highness learn this... Information."
You were supposed to make him believe that everything around him is perfect. Is what your master's psychopath family told you to do. He doesn't need to know everything.
He was supposed to be completely utterly away from it and only focusing on the bright side of the kingdom.
The tanned male before you gave you a nervous smile. You realized that today he is acting weird."No! Nothing I-I was just speaking something ill! It was a mere jest, my sweet!" His hands were wavering as a sweat formed down to his cheeks, when he talks.
He was lying.
"Where did you get that information, your highness?" You looked at him, your body turning to him. Repeating your words.
He gulped, one of his hand pulled his collar a little as if he was sweating from his clothes. You noticed how his eyes were looking everywhere except your figure. He mumbled something before turning back to you, stammering."... Forgive me... I ... I overheard your meetings with my older brother that n-night."
You thought about the meeting he was talking about. It was Prince Rylle's birthday that time and he was at the very center of the attention so none of the nobles or slaves have witness you left to the garden when the his older brother, the crown prince commanded you to follow him there. You made sure before you left, the last time you saw him before you had gone to follow his highness, Prince Rylle was dancing with one of the noble ladies.
So it is not possible that he might overhear your conversation when he had to take turns on the ladies that lining up to have a dance with him.
"But you were in the middle of dancing with the lady Rub—"
"N-no! I wanted to-to find you to accompany me by the garden when you were not in your post! I found myself walking alone in the garden and then I saw with my brother! I promise I did not mean to eavesdrop on your conversation with my brother!"
That wasn't the only thing that his brother ordered you to kill someone. You would have refused if it weren't for the fact that your mother's expenses for her health wasn't increasing. But the crown prince promised salvation to your mother as long as you do what he told you. It was tempting deal but you did it, feeling pressured as if refusing that bastard's command would give you penalty of death. Was that even a deal? Plus shedding someone's blood by your own hands wasn't your forte. You are a knight that was supposed to protect Prince Rylle. You can only immobalize your enemy but you cannot bring yourself to kill.
The duke was not the only one who you need to assassinate tonight and you weren't even sure if he really did try to embezzled the treasury. You witness that old man to be strict, intimidating but he took a great care the people who serves under him and the villagers who were residing in his property. All you heard from his rumors was that he was a good leader and a good provider.
"Was that all you heard, your highness?" You were internally panicking. Not wishing to meet your punishment if one of his family heard about this. Prince Rylle needs to be pure from this world is what his family told you. He needs to be away from these secrets.
"... Can I ask you a favor?"
His soft gaze wanders around your lips before slowly nodding. So you asked him a favor to never let his family knows about him finding out about this.
He frowned as if he realized something. The white haired male stood up from his seat and walk towards you, as he softly grabbed your hands to his. Clasping it.
"Now that Gods favored me, this time I will protect you."
" Of course, darling... I will not let them." He unclasps his hand from yours before giving you a hug. You can't quite hear the last sentence he said.
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cash-111 · 2 months
Random filth,
My hcs for the Slytherins
Pairings: female reader x Theodore/Mattheo/Draco/Enzo/Blaise/Tom
CW: explicit talk of sex and kinks under the cut.
A/N: it’s that time of the month. Don’t come for me.
You can tell I got tired near the end lol
Theodore is an absolute munch. I see him being obsessed with oral far more than any of the others. He’s had a rough day? Smothering your lips until you squirm, and everything else is drowned out by your cries of pleasure, will cheer him up. He’s had a particularly good day? Gotta celebrate with his favorite activity, which, coincidentally, includes his favorite person.
on this line of thinking, I could see him being into food stuff. Especially for Italian!theo, food is super important in Italian culture and I can see it being a big comfort for him, if not just something he finds pleasurable. He’ll feed you strawberries, fill you a nice glass of wine, and ‘accidentally’ spill some chocolate fondue over you… well, your clothes are ruined now, so you might as well take them off? Just lay down and let him take care of the sweet mess he made, just for him to make an even worse one out of you. <3
Hot take, but I think Mattheo is a switch. He’s got that sweet burnt out golden child flare: high expectations and in turn high standards for himself, all the while upholding a public reputation (good or bad). I think this flows into spikes of dominance and/or submissiveness; he can absolutely be arrogant and imposing, he’ll have you melting and behaving for him one way or another, but we all crave intimacy and the freedom to be vulnerable too, and he’s no different.
Those times he wishes you would take care of him too, let him be whiny and delicate, breakable. He’ll grip at your flesh like a thirsty man grapples at water, thrusting up with you lazily, whimpers against your soft skin about how “you feel so good… so good” spilling over and over from his mouth.
I also think he carries a lot of guilt with him, so on a particularly bad day he’ll let you completely ruin him, rub him so raw he cries for you to stop. His throat is soar, his chest puffing, and his lips a slick blood red from all the biting and drooling. The overstimulation is too much, but even though he could easily break free, he surrenders, hoping the hot of his skin will burn down all of his impurities.
I’m sorry to all my tall girlies, but I think he’d have a thing for size difference. If you’re shorter, it’s just so perfect to him: he loves to make fun of you, rile you up and savor the cute spectacle you make for him; he loves how he can encompass you when you sit on his lap, and has to fight the urge of eating you up every time you’re in public; and when you hug his waist, hold his bigger hand, or do anything stupidly cute, he just wants to scoop you up and whisk you away. And he probably will.
Draco is similar in the way he also has high expectations to deal with, but I think he’d see it more as a loss of control, with his father cutting out a perfect path for him, his wish is to take his fate into his own hands. This results in a more domineering nature during sexy times, but I don’t think he’d ever be outright disrespectful, even on the spur of the moment.
Unless you ask for it, he’s not the type to let all instinct take over and risk hurting you. I adamantly believe in mama’s boy Draco, he may not respect dreadful Potter, or be influenced by a strict purist household, but he surely respects women.
One word. Possessive. What’s his is his and once you commit there’s no going back. He’ll guard you like a dragon does to his stash, a hand unconsciously always searching for you: an arm draped over your shoulder, curled around your waist, fingers laced with yours, or a firm grip on your wrist when he’s more nervous.
For this reason I think he’s hand-dominant when it comes to pleasure. He wants to feel, feel, feel. When he’s caught up in the delicious delirium you cause him, his hands will be all over you: your breasts, neck, arms, thighs, waist, there isn’t a stone left unturned. He’ll definitely lose himself in the trance of all the sounds he can get from you while his fingers are buried deep into your warm, pulsing core. And don’t you dare look away from his eyes, Merlin knows what happens when you do.
Some would have you believe Enzo is the most innocent of the group, but I actually think that boy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing: with a fervid imagination and a lot of love to give, Enzo is helpless to his mind’s work when it comes to you.
He will try not to let it show, but images of you plague his mind and blur his vision, so much so that he tries to avoid you, but, instead of toning it down, your absence just makes his fantasies that much more desperate.
Only one freaky (and with a solid parental background) enough to consider sharing you. He’s obsessed with your pleasure, he wouldn’t mind sitting back for a bit and just observe you, he knows all the sweet sounds you make are for him.
Hot take, but kind of a sadist (in a sweet way). Mf loves to watch you unravel and ‘humiliate’ you about it; would coo and say filthy things in your ear, a hand to the neck or on your hair when you both get really into it. I see him having switch up moments sometimes where something more primal engulfs him, it’ll have him rail you to the end of tomorrow in a way so contrasting to the sweet person he is, you’d wonder if it’s even him, but you can’t really think during those times…
Blaise is a chill man, I don’t think he’d have many depravities, but he’ll try anything at least once, if it’s to your liking. And you can bet he’ll give it his all, he just wants to have a good time with you, so it’s only natural he’d give everything a fair shot. Very soft top of him.
Only more out there thing I really see him actively bringing into your relationship, would be semi-public escapades. I think he loves the thrill of having you two almost caught, and certainly enjoys making it into a game of who can get the other to break first, before going back to a more secluded, private, area.
He will have you squirming in your seat during meals, or in the back of the classroom, hand stuffed down your panties. You’re helpless to stop him, a hand gripped tightly around his wrist, while the other tries to muffle any whimpers he tears from you. He’ll smirk as he wets his lips, acting like you’re the only compromised one (while his cock strains painfully in his tight uniform trousers, tip leaking and crying for attention), and whisper into your ear, his other hand tracing featherlight on your other side. “Just admit you need me”. He’s an ass, but you do.
What I need you to understand for Tom, is that, in French spirit, his whole stigma is about being grand and iconic (💅) , he’s a psycho and you’re his devoted pet.
Will hold you a collaring ceremony. You’re his pretty little thing, in the literal sense. You’re his possession, and as such you will do anything for him. If you’ll be good, he’ll make sure to take care of you. Since you’re an extension of him, he can’t have you being damaged or neglected (in the face of the public. That’s very important). You need to shine for him, like a pretty jewel: make him proud. Unless you want to be bad, reject him, demean him. Then he’ll have no mercy, using you as an outlet, bullying you with his cock, until you forget where you are, and throwing venomous words at you, until you remember your own place. (… and who knows, maybe you planned for it)
Isn’t affected much by physicality, but is absolutely obsessed with lingerie. He finds it classy, intriguing. He’ll bring you endless racks of it: you’re expected to try each and every one, and always wear it when meeting him. Also perfumes, he’s very opinionated and has a sensitive nose, which he’ll push deep into your neck when he unravels upon you, groaning against your marked skin.
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nikitunez · 2 years
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ຊ pairing : enhypen x gn!reader ຊ genre : fluff, headcanon ຊ words : 434 ຊ contains : hugging, kissing, mentions of food ຊ maya's notes : thank you anon for requesting this! i loved writing it! it kinda did turn into a preferred love langues thingy in the middle but i wanted to make each member's hc as unique as possible lol 😭 please leave feedback and reblog if you enjoyed it! i would really love to know how everyone found it hehe ❤ if you would like to read more from me, my taglist and requests are open as well! but that's all for now, enjoy reading :)
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𝙃𝙀𝙀𝙎𝙀𝙐𝙉𝙂 : honestly, he loves literally any kind of physical affection. but to name a few, there is running your fingers through his hair, giving him tight hugs as well as cheek and forehead kisses, saying i love you, and finally complimenting him for little successes like winning a game or making some good ramen.
𝙅𝘼𝙔 : he's kinda a high maintenance boyfriend and loves when you buy him gifts. it doesn't matter if they're cheap or expensive because for him, everything you gift him is priceless. the gifts could be anything from clothes to food to a short little trip to some nearby town.
𝙅𝘼𝙆𝙀 : if jay is a materialistically high maintenance boyfriend, this boy is high maintenance in every other department. i'm talking words of affirmation and physical affection and kind gestures. give him everything and he's a happy boy. but more specifically just remember to kiss his lips and tell him that you love him every thirty minutes if you can.
𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙂𝙃𝙊𝙊𝙉 : more than cuddling with him or giving him kisses just make him a large cup of delicious hot chocolate and i promise you he will get down on one knee and ask you to marry him right then and there. but he also really likes when you offer to wash his hair for him for no reason because it's such a silly yet soothing thing to do.
𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙊𝙊 : who needs a massage chair when you exist? he loves when you sense that he's tense and wordlessly start soothing his muscles. for starters, it feels so amazing and relaxing. but also, he realizes how much you care about him and how intuitive you are when it comes to him and all of those emotions just make him feel so grateful to have you.
𝙅𝙐𝙉𝙂𝙒𝙊𝙉 : just hold his hand and watch as his eyes fill with love. he likes the way your hands fit together so perfectly, and you don't have to be walking somewhere for him to want you to hold his hand. that and whenever you poke or kiss his cheeks. he swears he hates it but deep down it makes him all warm and fuzzy inside.
𝙉𝙄-𝙆𝙄 : back hugs. make him feel like he's in a kdrama and he will cherish you for life. also whenever you push his hair out of his eyes for him. the way you smile at him when he meets your eye makes his heart skip a beat. he also likes when you feed him. whenever you're eating together, you construct the perfect bite for him and hold your palm under his cheek while asking him to open wide. he loves it.
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© nikitunez
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ventique18 · 4 months
~ Crowley Vignette Pt. 2 ~
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"Good grief. This morning was certainly a pickle."
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"However, no matter what difficulties come knocking...
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"Lunch time is certain to lift one's spirits up!"
He goes and gets today's special menu, which is meat pie. He goes to find a seat and sees that the staff members, Crewel, Trein, and Vargas are already seated together. He's delighted to see them and asks to sit next to them. They do a bit of chatter and Trein notices Crowley's meal. Is that a meat pie?
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Crowley: "Indeed. I do so love meat."
"Not only beef, but pork, chicken, and I do so fancy eating even wild game meat."
Trein questions what he means by wild game, so Crowley clarifies that it's called Wildbret. Doesn't he know? Vargas chimes in because he recognizes Wildbret; the venison he ate one time was delicious and energizing. Crowley comments that Vargas has a refined palette.
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"Aside from venison, there are many other types of Wildbret. Everyone, we must absolutely..."
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Everyone's SHOCKED so Crowley tells him not to just suddenly pop up out of nowhere like that LOL. Sam says everyone looks like they're having fun so he just had to join in. Crewel wonders what Sam's doing here, because normally he'd be tending to his shop at this time of day. Sam answers that he just had a delivery for the ghosts, then goes on with his sales pitch to sell wild game to Crowley.
Crowley praises how reliable Sam is, but adds that the truth is he doesn't like only meat, but vegetables, fruits and sweets as well. He doesn't like spicy foods though! Crewel comments that they already know Crowley's an omnivore though.
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Crowley: "An omnivore... Can you not say it in a less barbaric way?!"
As a segue, Sam notices that everyone's ordered lunch was a reflection of their personalities. Vargas' is chock full of eggs for their protein. Crewel also likes pie and wanted the same lunch as Crowley's, but he thought the serving was too much. While it's good for growing boys like the students, for them adults it's not an optimal meal. Trein agrees and says he also changed his mind when he saw how big the pie was. If he ate something like that for lunch, he feels like he'd be sick for all of his afternoon classes.
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Crowley: "Is that so? What a waste. And how delicious this is too~
Vargas notices that Crowley has a wonderful appetite so he can't lose too.
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Trein: "He's gobbling up that pie overflowing with butter and juicy meat... What is he, a young man..."
Crewel: "You really haven't changed even from when I was still a student."
Trein: "Actually, I don't think he's changed even from when I started working at Night Raven College..."
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Crewel: "Headmage... Just how old are you? I'm curious, but I'm not sure I want to know..."
Sam: "Hehe... He really is full of mysteries. What an interesting guy."
Crowley finishes his meal, and then thanks his past self for recruiting that five star restaurant chef from how long ago...
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"That was... Hm. How many decades have passed since then?"
He had a long pause between "That was" and "Hm." I know it's a fae thing to not be aware of time, but the way he suddenly stops to realize time marches on far too quickly than he realizes reminds me of Malleus... And that emphasis that he's a BIG eater, just like Malleus. 🤔
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