#and even if i did do that… so what? 😭 my bills getting paid are way more important sorry 🙏🏻
wttcsms · 6 months
guys, i don’t mind curiosity or eagerness when it comes to another update or a follow up on a fic, but i genuinely want to put out good work nowadays, and have fics that actually have some semblance of a plot or a theme to it, or parallels in my writing, or decent characterization, and i dick around on the feed a lot, but i think you guys forget that i’m a grad student with my full time internship and a weekend job, so i can’t really sit down at my desk and write fanfiction for hours on end nor do i have the energy to do so. this isn’t me lecturing anyone on asking for the ever so elusive part two or “when are you gonna update”, it’s just a friendly reminder that im a person??? not just an ai generated bot that u send a prompt and i spit out a fic
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anothermansjeans · 5 months
oooo i would LOVE if you could do a blurb where we see youtuber reader getting ready with spencer’s voiceover spliced in between your descriptions!
hehehe YES! i was wondering if anyone would have wanted to see it SO THANKS FOR GIVING ME A REASON TO WRITE IT!!
cw: fluff, spencer is a menace at times
wc: 599
youtuber!reader masterlist
The engagement of your most recent TikTok was off the charts. It wasn't something that you normally thought about. Yes, making content was your job and what helped keep the bills paid, but you always did well enough to not have to worry (you're very aware and never take this for granted). There was just something about Spencer in your videos that made the views and comments skyrocket.
The video went as follows: it was a simple set up, you were at your vanity with your makeup setup, and you sent a smile and wave to your phone. A voiceover of yourself talking. “Hey lovelies, I’ll be doing my makeup but Spencer will be doing the voiceover! Okay, bye!”
The video continued on with you massaging spf onto your face, followed by some primer. “This is Y/N doing her makeup routine, even though I tell her every day she already looks perfect.” Your awe was heard after his statement. “It looks like Y/N is putting sunblock all over her face. She’s not putting on the recommended amount which is about ¼ teaspoon. Many dermatologists recommend the ‘three finger rule’ when applying so that you know you’ve used enough.” Your scoff could be heard in the background, but Spencer continued. “She’s now using another product with the name ‘elf’ on it. I believe this is a skin primer, which I learned blurs pores and smooths your skin so makeup can glide on.”
The video continued on as you went through putting on concealer, foundation, and contour. “She’s now putting concealer under her eyes and on red spots. I believe this is for color correction, but she should be using a shade of green to neutralize the red and then put concealer or foundation on. She’s now blending in the concealer very vigorously.” His next words were a bit softer, most likely looking directly at you when he spoke “you should have a lighter hand so bruising doesn't occur or worse, when you're blending on your eyelid the possibility of popping a blood vessel.”
Your giggles could be heard as well as your words, “okay babe, you're missing some of the video though.”
“Right! Okay, now she's using foundation. This shade looks to be a shade too dark though. Y/N, did you run out of your winter shade?”
“Sorry, sorry, now she’s blending again, still very harshly, but now she's using a darker shade to contour under her zygoma and on her mandible.”
The video went on with Spencer’s commentary sprinkled in. He knew exactly what each process was (you think he watches more of your videos than you originally assumed), and he would only roast you every other step. It was the end of the video when you were putting setting spray on and Spencer let out a sigh. “And the last step. I think. She’s spraying something on her face. She told me this helps her makeup stay on all day, but her skin produces oils throughout the day so it's likely this really only works for a couple of hours at most.”
Your grumbled voice could be heard after his. “Outro, Spence!”
“Thanks… for watching? Was that good? I don't know how to stop the recording, Y/N–”
And the video was over. People were obsessed with Spencer just from his voice alone. The quips were funny, his voice was a bit raspy, TikTok declared they loved him (and you– they were obsessed with this relationship). You had a feeling Spencer would be a lot more involved in your content from here on out.
BONUS: some comments
@ user: HE KNEW SO MUCH??? 😭
@ user1: he's so sassy PLEASE...sassy man epidemic is REAL
@ user2: his...voice... girl i would die a happy death fr
@ user4: why is he DRAGGING you ever so slightly LMAOSHSJDJD
@ user5: yall are so cute i want what you have 🫶
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
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dreamlifebunny · 1 year
a better way to affirm (and make any method more effective!)
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every desire we could ever want has already been said "yes" to and everything is possible - this is the beautiful truth of the law of assumption. a very popular method for manifesting is affirming for your desires: with affirming, we tell ourselves "i have money, my sp loves me, i am safe, etc." attempting to conjure up the feeling that the affirmations are true. however, when we don't actually believe in the affirmations, repeating them over and over can feel vapid, yucky, and even make us feel like we are lying to ourselves, causing us to feel the opposite of the affirmations we were using.
when talking about imaginal acts and imagination, edward art has often said that it's not the details of the scene that matters, but what the scene implies about us that is important. it was after listening to his "though false" lecture that i realized, in order for affirmations to be effective, we must first believe they are possible for us at all and they must tell us something beautiful about ourselves.
yes, it is true that mindlessly repeating affirmations over and over again without feeling them can manifest just as effectively as feeling your affirmations and only repeating them once, but the reason why either of these methods work is because you believe that they will work. if repeating affirmations mindlessly 10k times gives you the same feeling that your manifestations are yours, then please keep doing that method! but if you struggle to believe that mindless affirming will actually bring about your desires and you find the repetition boring, this post is for you.
i would like to repeat: the law, in all of its beauty, reminds us that every single thing that we desire has already been said "yes" to. with this beautiful concept in mind, let us create affirmations that feel softer, easier, truer, and give us the peace of mind that we are seeking.
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this post is inspired by and at some points directly lifted from edward art's "though false" video. i take zero credit for the ideas that he originally shared, i just wanted to add on my own interpretations and share it with the community so that more people could be inspired!
this post was also inspired by @alilarew23's post "what if god said yes?" i can't believe when i first wrote this that i didn't realize how deeply it was inspired by her incredible post, and only now after reading it again did it dawn on me 😭 i wanted to make sure this post of hers was linked because it is SO good; please give it a read if you want to feel wonderfully validated, safe, and comforted in the knowledge that your desires are YOURS!
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decide what it is that you desire and let the daydreams begin - what do you naturally imagine happening? what do you hear? see/hear/feel/etc. the imaginal act that naturally comes up when you think about your desire (don't worry that you're not doing it right, it's simply a sweet daydream about what you desire)
next, ask yourself: if this desire manifested and really came true, what would that imply about me? what does the manifestation of this desire tell me about myself? get to the core of what the manifested desire says about you. for example, if you wanted wealth and you naturally visualized travelling the world with all the money you have and imagined that the scene was true, the core belief could be "i am free to do anything i want without barriers." if you wanted wealth and you naturally visualized seeing your bills paid off and imagined that the scene was true, the core belief could be "i am always safe and looked after financially."
we have now figured out what our desire says about us, and our next step is to ask god if what it says about us is true. since WE are god, we go within and ask, "God/Self/Subconscious, am I (insert the answer we found in step two)?" the example could be, "god, am i lovable? am i safe?" etc.
because we know that every desire we could ever want has already been said "yes" to no matter what, answer yourself as god: "yes!"
feel the feeling of relief - you now know that a) your desire will manifest, and also b) that you are everything that your desire implies about your wonderful self and that you now know that your affirmation of choice is true! how beautiful is that? repeat these steps however often you need peace.
as you can see, this takes you right to the feeling that you are trying to get achieve by manifesting your desires. we manifest to feel loved, happy, successful, wealthy, so why not feel those ways while we wait for our manifestation to show up? it gets us to the core of the belief and helps us figure out exactly what it is we are wanting to feel about ourselves. it makes the affirmation feel a lot more powerful and personal, and a lot more "guaranteed" knowing it is coming to you from yourself as god.
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lets say i have decided that i want to manifest a partner back, who ghosted me with no explanation and who chose someone else over me, and that it left me feeling worthless. the imaginal act that comes to my mind when i imagine him coming back and choosing me is my partner holding me tight, crying and apologizing for the pain he has caused, and telling me how much he missed me, loves me, and how badly he wants to rebuild trust and cherish me for the rest of our lives (💅)
if my desire came true, it would tell me that i am irreplaceable, lovable, obsess-worthy, worthy of affection and love, unforgettable, irresistible, etc. (how lovely that would be to feel!)
"bunny (god), i know that everything that i want has already been said yes to. does this mean that i am irreplaceable, lovable, obsess-worthy, worthy of affection and love, unforgettable, and irresistible?" (i would probably just use one hehe but you get the point).
knowing that i am god and that my word is law, i tell myself the beautiful "yes!" that i know is true! i feel the reality that i am lovable, i trust that god (myself) knows the truth and is powerful.
i relax, knowing that the inherent nature of god is a resounding "yes," and that that means i am already lovable, irreplaceable, etc.!
i hope that this exercise can bring you peace, remind you of your incredible worth and of how truly lovable and wonderful you are, and ensure you of the guarantee of your desires manifesting. if you have made it to the end of this post, please consider watching the "though false" lecture and ali's post "what if god said yes?" for even more validation and love!
love and hugs, bunny 💕
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base0h · 1 year
Hi can I request Sabo , Ace and Luffy bonus if you want to include Shanks or Kid hcs where finding the reader who’s got her/their arm stuck in a vending machine?
Reader called them up for help because they got their arm stuck while reaching for their candy that was RIGHT on the edge and about to fall but wouldn’t. Basically “I paid for the damn candy, I’m going to get my damn candy!”
Please 💗
a/n - um. I did the same thing today 🧍how did you know 😭
Warnings - g/n reader, crack as usual
I’m getting what I paid for
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- he’s afraid of vending machines specifically for this reason- he once paid for a fucking OVERPRICED water ($6.00) and it got stuck in the window
- poor guy was devastated, face on the glass and all as he stared at his overpriced Dasani water that seemed to be taunting him from inside the machine.
- came home and almost cried about it to you 😭 but he’s an big man so he held it in. you could tell he cried about it right outside the door before he came home tho.
- but guess what? You gotta conquer your fears right?? 💪🔥
- so, you two were walking around in the city, and damn you were thirsty, so you found a vending machine and took your wallet out. I imagine that Sabo immediately knew what was happening, he sensed the vending machine on his radar of fear
- he stared ominously as you took your wallet out, and as you took a five dollar bill out, you fed it into the machine, pressing the buttons. WHY WAS THE BEEPING SO LOUD ?? Was he sweating? Was it hot there? sabo honey it’s winter
- the machine slowly made the water come out, and it fell as usual, PHEW! Nothing bad happened… Maybe that vending machine was just weird before right?
- you reached into the machine and oh no. it wasn’t there
- “Damn it..”
- cue the dramatic lighting on Sabo- WHAT? IS IT STUCK?
- “These machines are so 50/50-“ -you
- “Is… is it- stuck?” -him
- “Yeah, just gimme a sec.”
- He’s now crying inside. Dead. Wasted.
- “Aw- I’m sorry y/n.. How much was it? We can go get coffee instead!”
- he was so sweet, literally offering anything in the world as if you just lost your dog or something 😭
- you put your hand in his face as you slammed your arm farther into the machine until only your shoulder was visible, and you were literally about to break the machine 😂😂
- mans was shocked- wtf were you doing?! “Y/N- IS YOUR ARM OK?!”
- “Babe- we can get something else!” -sabo
- you were his hero, his deity, his idol. How were you so brave to stick your hand in the machine? The thing of his nightmares? God he fell in love with you all over again
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- he has spoken to the manager about losing 5 dollars to a vending machine (shanks don’t be a Karen)
- will not hesitate to fight the machine if needed 💀 he would put his hands up and shift his dad sandals into sport mode
- why is water so damn expensive? I mean it’s not like he’s poor or anything but DAMN Dasani 😭
- when you two were peacefully trying to get a soda from the vending machine nearby, OF COURSE. IT GETS STUCK.
- shanks tried punching the window, and shaking the whole ass machine and it just would not budge at all. He couldn’t fit his hands far enough inside the machine, so he asked if you could
- after about a solid 10 minutes of you fighting with this machine, he tried to tell you that he could just buy you a soda elsewhere but no. This machine better give you your fucking soda
- “I’m getting what we paid for shanks.”
- man was laughing, wheezing as you tried so many things to grab the soda can. Sticking your whole arm inside, your foot, hell- you even tried fitting your head in there at some point 💀
- finally… YOU GOT IT!
- if shanks had confetti right now he would be dumping it on your head- and you were so proud of yourself (you should be proud)
- “watch out vending machines, Y/N will not hesitate to fight you 💅”
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- ace loved getting donuts… donuts, from the vending machines. (Please come and punch me for this joke) and you did too! Especially the little mini ones that just hit the spot :)
- it was your routinely night out with the amazing and wonderful Ace, and you two stopped by your usual vending machine. You fed the machine a 5 dollar bill and just waited for the machine to dump out the donuts
- you saw it fall, but… Why wasn’t it where the little door was? You reached in farther, feeling around for it, but it still wasn’t there…
- Ace just kept watching you struggle (bitch) and the little greasy shit had a grin on his face.
- “Ace it’s stuck!”
- “Yeah i noticed.”
- “Can you help me?”
- “I dunno it seems like you’ve got it! 👍🤭”
- “bitch.”
- after a couple minutes, you finally got it, and you triumphantly opened the pack of donuts. Ace reached out for one but hell nah. The unhelpful bitch wasn’t gonna get any 💀
- “Y/n please I’m sorry-“
- “No.”
- “…no. Bitch.”
- “why are you so mean?” -ace
- “I know you could’ve just broken open the machine and saved me that trouble.”
- “But it’s funny seeing you frustrated with a vending machine!”
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- Surprised you haven’t gone broke because this man raids vending machines. Will not leave ANY snack alive. (RIP snacks)
- “Ooo! Y/n that machine has cookies!”
- Your poor wallet was suffering but it’s ok, Luffy’s happiness was all you needed :) so you bought the cookies, and waited for the machine to drop the pack into the dispenser
- “Thanks y/n! You’re the best :D”
- “You’re welcome Lu, but next time please bring your wallet too.”
- The cookies got stuck in the window, DAMN IT! You shook the machine a bit, and it didn’t do much. Luffy reached into the machine with you, trying to grab the snack.
- “Luffy i got it! Take- your arm out!”
- “I’m getting what I paid for though! I want the cookies!” -Luffy
- “Excuse me what YOU paid for?! I paid for it dumbass!”
- you pushed his arm out before you shoved your arm all the way inside, painfully. Bro was shocked, the effort you were putting into getting his snack! He knew you were the best person in the world but this was yet another reminder of that :)
- you finally grabbed it, pulling it out before giving the machine a punch and a glare, “Stupid ass- machine.”
- “I love you y/n!”
- “Yeah Mhm..”
- “Here you can have… one. >:)” -Luffy
- “dumbass you better give me more than one 💀”
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a/n - ace is such a bitch but I feel bad about the joke
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
What if we spend the entire day with him and then when we come home, we give him another surprise *wink wink* (pls tell me yk what i mean 😭😭 i dont know how to say these things withoit feeling awkward)
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My fingers went nYoooooom! Also don’t feel awkward! I hear you and I shall feed you the crumbs of my brain basement
At least I hope this is what you mean otherwise I’m so sorry for your eyeballs-
warnings: ns!fw, Oral spice, lots of spicy words (I went all in for this one aaAAA), swearing, gn!reader, not proof-read.
Characters: Tartaglia (Childe is the worst name for spice istfggggg)
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It had been a busy week preparing for the big day.
You could of been doing commissions, relaxing with friends, enjoying the beach and the warm summer sea, but no-
You had been practically ripping your hair out planning for you boyfriends birthday.
Tartaglia was a very… interesting character-
You knew he’d love whatever you got him but the thing is, nothing felt special.
He had the ability to buy anything he wanted, whenever he wanted. So trying to find something that would impress the ginger was becoming more challenging than his impromptu sparring “dates”.
That was until you caught sight of a small, very discreet looking stall hidden behind some crates near Liyue’s harbour that sold silk clothing that definitely wasn’t intended to stay on for long.
And so began your special birthday surprise~
“There’s my birthday boy!”
Running over to Tartaglia, you flung your arms tight around his waist.
The day In question had finally arrived and so had your mildly insane but lovable boyfriend.
“And there’s my favourite comrade! Didn’t miss me too much now did you?”
Smiling wildly, you rolled your eyes at him before the two of you started catching up on what he had been doing the past few days that he was away.
As a few minutes turned into hours, you both talked and walked around Liyue, visiting your favourite spots and giving him a giant whale plushie that you had spent the last few days seeing together, along with a extremely romantic dinner at the Liuli Pavilion.
When I say romantic I mean romantic-
The table was set with candles and silk flower petals, and not a chopstick to be seen, much to the gingers relief.
“You know, you’ve really impressed me this time. I don’t think I could of asked for a better birthday even if I tried”
“Good thing it’s not over then~”
“Not over? Have my irresistible charms finally decided to accept that sparring challenge you’ve been avoiding~”
Rolling your eyes, you promptly paid the bill before you decide to change your mind about the entire plan.
“No, you know I wouldn’t walk out of that alive. Now just shush and follow me”
Taking his hand, you eagerly pull him along in the direction to your home, not paying attention to the endless pestering of your boyfriend who’s curiosity was doing more than struggling to stay contained.
“Is it a surprise party?? Oh wait, did you kidnap someone for me!? Babe you’re so swe-”
“SHH! No I didn’t kidnap anyone and you should know not to say stuff like that while outside!”
Shaking your head in frustration, you finally reached your door.
Quickly unlocking it, you pulled Tartaglia in with a small grunt before closing it behind you.
“Alright, stay right there. I’ll be back now- and don’t get into trouble!”
“Huh? Wait- where are you going?”
With a giggle, you gave him a kiss on his cheek before running to your bedroom and closing the door.
Laying out on your bed was the outfit you got earlier that week.
Without hesitation, you pulled your clothes off and threw them to the floor, quickly putting on the outfit, albeit with some mild confusion to how it went on.
It was made from a delicate silk, framed with lace and ribbons that hung down your body, perfectly framing your figure.
Giving yourself a quick look over in the mirror, you took a deep breath and opened the door, peeking outside just incase your boyfriend was waiting outside.
Once you found the coast clear, you took a step out as started walking to the living room where you could hear him humming while obviously nosing around your belongings.
“Finally. you were taking foreve…r-”
Dropping a book he had been flipping through while waiting for you, Tartaglia’s expression shifted from shocked to embarrassed, then to a dangerously sly grin as the ginger took in your appearance.
“We’ll, well, well~ is it just the weather or did the room suddenly get extremely hotter”
Instinctively shrugging off his attempts at flirting, you took a step closer; placing your hand on his chest you pushed him down to the couch with a smug grin before sliding down between his legs.
“W-wow, really… really not wasting any time today, are we comrade~”
“I don’t want to keep the birthday boy waiting now, do I~”
With a purr in your voice, you began rubbing against his crotch that was already straining from his… impatience~
Working your hands against the growing tent in his pants, your fingers found their way the button before releasing his erection causing a quiet groan from the ginger who was now watching your every move like it was the most important thing he’d ever seen.
“So hard already? Just for me~?”
Grinning even more as you can’t help a sense of pride rush through your body, you placed soft kisses along his tip, moving down his shaft all the way to his balls before repeating the process, refusing to break eye contact with him.
Spending a few more minutes enjoying watching your boyfriend start to squirm and get impatient under your touch as your hand slowly pumped up and down his shaft, pulling out soft grunts of pleasure from him as you do.
Finally deciding that you’ve teased him enough you start to let your mouth do the work for you.
Still locking eyes with him, you rub his tip against your lips, savouring the taste of his pre already forming a pearl.
With one swift motion you slide his length inside your mouth, making Tartaglia let out a sharp moan as he threw his head back in pleasure.
“O-oh fuck… babe that’s… Ngh~”
You be lying if you did admit that it even shocked you a little, how well you took him all in first try.
Hearing him whimper and moan every time you bob your head up and down his length, enjoying his slightly salty taste.
“Archons, babe… keep going just like that~”
Feeling his hips start to buck into your mouth, pushing his length even further down, making you gag a little bit still not discouraging you from reaching your goal.
“Oh fUuck- babe I’m going to cum…~”
Without any time to brace yourself, you felt his fingers grip tightly onto your hair as he thrust his hips harder, causing you to gag even more and grip onto his thighs for support before he finally releasing his load.
“Holy fuck yes~!”
Pulling back to admire his breathless, shaking state, a trail of white dripping down your chin-
You can’t help but feel a little more excitement for the rest of the night as you pull out a pair of handcuffs from the draw next to the couch.
“I hope you’re not too tired just yet, I’ve got a lot more in store for you yet~”
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This was so bad, I’m so sorry hdicufif.
I’m back into doing requests as normal now that’s I’m pretty much completely recovered eeeeee I’ve missed it so much T-T
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slash-me-please · 11 months
I am sure your tired of writing for Amanda by now but your the only person I could find that’s willing to write for her and is actually good at it 😭 spare me i’m desperate and don’t know how too request but could you do a imagine with Dom!Amanda and shes really protective over reader to the point where it’s kind of toxic, she finds out who readers shitty ex girlfriend is and does anything and everything to show the said ex that reader is hers now like: showing up at her place of work with reader, making out in front of her, really touchy, whispering dirty stuff so the ex can hear, etc. Just some examples. You can pick whether reader is fem or gender neutral it doesn’t matter to me :)
On another note: Thank you for your service🫡 I love your writing so much.
you said dom!Amanda therefore you are getting smut i am so sorry to force this on you. :) not really love u.
A/N: Sorry about the wait!! I got caught up on bills today and have been working full time and also doing schoolwork. Luckily I paid my rent + electric so i have some free time!!!
Warnings: Revenge sex trope, voyeurism/exhibitionism, bondage/shibari, fighting, jealousy, dub!con, reader being an absolute asshole, murder, use of vibrator.
Pressing your fingers against the loose fabric of a dress, your lips held in a thin line. The needle pressed through the fabric, and back again. You were focused on your work, a nice sheer fabric for a nightdress you had been working on for a while. You were a tailor for a small business which made custom handmade dresses, one of the best tailors of the six of you.
The office you worked at was small, just like the business. The six of you crowded into a medium sized room. Your boss had created you a small section to yourself, as she insisted on making you employee of the month. So you pressed your hands against the fabric, the slow push and pull of your hands against the machine kept you in a trance. You had loved your job once, and while you enjoyed what you did- there was one downside.
Her. The problem. The reason you got into fights with your girlfriend every night this week.
As you pieced together your nightdress, across from you your ex watched- eyes wide and focused on your hands. You wanted to say something, you wanted to complain. Anything. But you never did, instead opting to do your job.
"L/N!" You flinched, hand jerking forward and pinching your finger in the machine. You yelped, pulling backwards and cradling your finger against your chest. "Look what you did!" The familiar voice of your lover rang through your ears, and you felt yourself turning to look. She was barreling towards you, eyes focused on your boss, who had yelled your last name. She seemed angry, reaching foward to hold you against her stomach.
Amanda placed a brown paper bag on your table, freeing her hands to examine your finger under her "Professional" gaze. She seemed almost content for a moment, eyes narrowed in on yours. "It's just a nick, but i'll fucking murder that ratty-bastard if you want." Your head shook back and forth, eyes widened with shock. "I'm not sure that's necessary!" You whispered, turning away from her to move back to your dress. "What are you doing here Amanda?" She sighed, the back of her hand hitting the paper bag. "I brought you lunch,"
"I might be too busy eating out Jenny to get to that, sorry." You snapped, turning your head away from her. "Fucking look at her, she's fucking you with her eyes. I don't know why you're acting like you can't see that." Amanda snapped back, her arms crossing against her chest. "It doesn't matter what she thinks about me. I told you I only want you! Why does it matter if she's looking at me?" Amanda released a sigh again. "It's about respect, I don't understand why you allow her to do that." You felt your face begin to heat up, beyond aggravated with the entire situation. "She's just not even worth the fucking air! I'm sorry you're too insecure to let it go!"
You only began to feel bad when her face fell and she turned on her heel and out towards the parking lot, but you didn't dare follow her.
You can end here, or read this fucked up smut.
Vision static and dizzy, you wobbled in the chair you were tied to. The last thing you remember was getting home and your lover reaching her hand around your mouth and nose to suffocate you with a damp rag. Your throat felt dry and sore, as if you'd been yelling but you knew that you hadn't. Amanda got like this sometimes, but you knew this time was your fault.
It looked like you were in an abandoned garage, the lights were cool and flickering. You were propped on a chair, both legs tied with a spiral futomomo tie and kept apart with a spreader. You were entirely naked, and bare to the garage.
And your ex.
There sat Jenny, her eyes wide as she stared at your bare form with an underlying lust beneath that fear. Her mouth was ducktaped shut and she was chained to the chair by her ankles and wrists. You squirmed beneath her gaze, whining out for Amanda. A few moments later she made her entrance, yanking off the worn pigs mask. She glared at you with an anger you'd only seen a few times. Goosebumps erupted onto your skin.
"I'm sorry, can you let me out?" You plead, and she frowns. "Don't act like you don't deserve what you're going to get."
She made her way behind you, and you heard her shuffling a few items around. You thought for a moment that maybe she had a table back behind you, but she left you no time to dwell when you felt a cold hand grasp your shoulder.
"Tell me, Love." Amanda took a deep, shuddering breath. "Do you like her eyes on you?" You whined, head craning back to look at her and deny the accusation. "I only want you baby, I promised!" Your pleading did not phase her, she only reached into your hair and yanked your head forward. Your eyes made contact with Jenny's and she watched as Amanda's hand flicked on a vibrator and licked it.
"I want you to watch, let me show you what's fucking mine."
And with those words, she hunched over you and placed the vibrator over your clit. Your head threw back, and you yelped. "Goddammit!" Your legs shuddered against your restraints, pulling against them with a pain. "Please!" Amanda laughed, her eyes trained downwards as she watched your sex shudder against the silicone head of her vibrator. "Good girl..." She whispered into your cheek, placing a cruel kiss on your skin. Your voice wobbled, back arching as you pressed yourself impossibly closer to the source of your pleasure.
Across from you, Jenny watched, cheeks flushed and eyes dilated. Her legs rubbed together as she watched Amanda rub the toy against your clit. She treated you generously, her other hand snaking down to your throat to give it a squeeze as she upped the setting on her toy. You keened loudly, hands balling into fists as you chanted her name.
"You like this? All I had to do was force you to show her who you belonged to?" She sneered, pushing the vibrator lower. She let it sink into your hole, and she began to lightly thrust it inside of you. "God!" You cried, mouth hanging open as your climax ran up to you. "I'm so close!"
Amanda snickered, glancing up to watch Jenny stare between your legs.
Her mouth twisted into something angry, her other hand reaching down to rub your clit in circles. You flailed against her ministrations, mouth open in a wail which could not be contained. Finally, you came against her hands, legs quivering as you soaked her hands and the toy, the rest of your cum wetting the concrete floor beneath you. With that, she flicked the vibrator off and placed it back on the table, grabbing something sharper.
"Did you enjoy the show, Jenny?" You heard her breathe. You heard her walk back behind you, her hand yanking your head backwards. "Love you..." You gasped, picking your head up to give her a kiss. She nodded, fingers releasing your hair. That is when she walked past you, flipping a hunting knife around in her hand. "It'll be the last one you'll ever see."
Jenny began to push against her restraints, shaking her head no and yelling pleas. None of which appealed to Amanda, instead the smooth twist of her wrist pushing the blade into her abdomen and then actively gutting her appealed way more.
You watched the life leave her eyes and you sighed, making eye contact with Amanda and biting your lip.
"Are you done?"
She dropped to her knees, crawling forward to attach her lips to your cunt.
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astrae4 · 10 months
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navigation | tbz!masterlist
First time he met you, the only thing he could think about was how pretty and cute you are. You were both in a cafe, and he was inevitably drawn to you. Was it because of the bows in your hair, the dainty pearls on your neck, or the light and elegant dress you have on? Chanhee has no idea, but oh, how he knows that he’s enticed by your aura.
( He asked for your number then, and you accepted, luckily! ) Weeks come to months and you guys are officially dating! (hurrah!)
Chanhee definitely takes the lead in this relationship! From planning dates, to picking you up, pulling your chair for you, and paying ( you tried to pay a few times, but the man just won’t let you! 😓 it’s okay though, you do your end by batting your eyelashes lovingly at him and holding his arm affectionately after he paid for your things hehe~ 😆 ) your dates’ bills. He even confessed first to you! ( as a man SHOULD. It is their job your honor, I am a firm believer! ) The confession was PERFECT too, by the way. Pink roses, chocolates, and a miffy plush!
Oh, how perfect this man is! He might not look it, but he’s sure as hell strong! ( did you guys see when chanhee carried his members AND his chanel bag at the same time?!?! My nose bled omg ) He carries all your bags for you and even helped you carry your new table in the living space and set it up for you! You fear that you now have a bad habit of not tying your own shoes anymore because the! Man! Does! It! For! You!
Also??? CAN I JUST ADD A SCENARIO?! CHANHEE’S HANDS. They’re so attractive and for what. The way he KNOWS you love it too and always teases you for it! The way he also loves teasing you because you get flustered way too easily for your own good. Just the other weekend, you were unable to reach the menstruation pads because it was placed too high for you and you called him to help you! He asked what it is you need, and you pointed at the pads because it was too embarrassing to say out loud. What happened next was so EVIL of Chanhee to do to you!
“Hm?” What is it you need?” Teased Chanhee, pushing a strand of hair behind your ears. His index finger lingering in the back of your ear while his thumb grazes your jawline softly. You’re way too flustered to say anything, especially with the way he looks at you—or should I say; the way he looks at your lips.
You look away, muttering “Stop it”, way too embarrassed for your own good. His slender fingers move to each side of your face and your chin, bringing you to look back again him against your will.
“But you have to say it for me to understand, baby…In words.” (HE’S A MENACE AHHHHHHHHHH)
“C-Can you please take the menstrual pads down for me..” you barely got it out. But, Chanhee’s satisfied enough with that reply. “See? Isn’t that easy to ask?” He then follows the sentence by giving you a soft peck on your lips before taking it for you, only to leave nonchalantly. (LIKE? HOW DARE HE???)
Anyways ! 😭 back to the main topic… (sorry i get sidetracked a lot) He also lets you play with his hair and makeup because girly activities are SUPERIOR!! I stand by what I say. Monthly fashion shows featuring your and his closet is a must! You know what else is a must? Him giving you his sweaters of course! They’re big on you and warm, so you often use them to sleep ( sorry chanhee, but they aren’t yours anymore! )
Your honor, he knows the sidewalk rule! He also loves holding your waist when walking, that way he wouldn’t lose you! You love the way you don’t need to use your brain when walking with him cause he’s always guiding you. He’s the big spoon in cuddles for sure (you don’t mind, you love being the little spoon and nuzzling your face on his neck) Loves dressing you up too for the day by the way, it’s his favorite morning activity atp.
You know the okokok lalala trend?? He’s totally the okokok to your lalala. He’s attentive and listens well while you babble about your day. He thinks you’re so cute when you do so! You often speak quietly, so he has a habit of putting his head nearer to you when you speak!
Look. Out of everyone in tbz, this boy literally has the most bbg energy out there, so all his members would definitely have expected that his future girlfriend would have been the pants of the relationship! But then,, you come and visit their dorm for the first time, and? Let’s just say they were shocked!
You walk in: pink silk ribbons in your hair, face dolled up, and your cute long dress swaying as you closed the door with a gift basket FOR them.
You know what shocks them even more? How affectionate Chanhee was with you, and how soft he was around you. Like um??? Gf privileges much!!! 😠 They can’t even get him to accept their aegyo and here he is; untying your shoes, carrying your bag, and smiling with eyes that look at you like you carry the stars??
Out of all the members, Eric would be the first to speak up to you, sending you a big wave. You replied with a small wave and a shy “hello.!” Soon enough, all the members surround you and you get slightly overwhelmed. Chanhee notices this and tells them to go away, pulling you into his bedroom.
“See,” he’d say, “you have nothing to worry about. They love you!” You could only smile, flustered. Chanhee thinks you’re adorable, and gives you the sweetest kiss on your cheek.
Sure enough, they did love you. In fact! They kept pestering Chanhee to bring you over nonstop! He says no to them like 😠🤨😒, though….😓😓 pookie’s a very jealous man…
© astrae4 2023 | please don’t copy, translate, or plagiarize my works on all platforms!
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lexleif · 4 months
rant about my life and how it’s going rn (not good and super long)
so I do have a job but since I’m an esthetician it’s commission based which means I only get paid when I have a client. since its summer it’s been dead I’ve been working here for about 3 weeks now and I could probably count how many clients I’ve had on my 1 hand😭 yeah so really bad. so that also means I’m not getting paid even when I am at work just sitting waiting for someone to book or doing promotion things. my industry is REALLY hard so I did expect it to be slow at first but not this bad! another thing is while wasting gas at my current job I have been actively looking for hourly paying jobs and I’ve had like 2 otp interviews and 1 actual in person interview. I’ve basically applied everywhere I can even jobs I don’t necessarily qualify for. all that with nothing to come of it and I do like everybody else have bills to pay like rent and such. I’ve really just been surving off my dead mom’s life insurance policy money and that’s also hard bc my family doesn’t trust me to have access to it on my own. (There’s a whole story behind this but the distrust really comes from them bc they still think of me as a child and had an issue with me using mary jane until i had to tell them my dead MOM was absolutely fine with it and knew about it!) anyway so every time I need money even just for food I have to ask one of my family members to write me a check and it’s embarrassing bc the literal checks have my OWN NAME on them and she still writes that’s it’s for me on them😭! that’s also an added stress to my life bc I already have a hard time asking for help bc most of the time it comes with some sort of judgement (about my career or anything). so I’m super stressed out now bc my family member just lmk that the funds for my mom life insurance policy are frozen and that’s scary asf! I’m grinding for clients but that doesn’t have a guarantee and it also doesn’t help that my bf lost his job a month ago as well. his car being totaled by a tree in January and his family being of no help or support for that at all😭 (mostly his dad bc he had the title to his car and couldn’t find it for months and chose to get it fucking mailed which takes forever) bc we need to try to sell it. of course my bf has been doing his best with trying to find a job that’s close bc he’ll need a bike at the least to get to and from. also our lease on our apartment that we live in (my bf moved in with me a little before my mom died). it’s just the lease is up in July and we’re both pretty much freaking the fuck out about how we’re going to make it. It’s also very hard for me to even try to explain this to my family (older millennials/boomers) about just how hard it’s been to just try to make it and have enough money for food, gas, rent, etc. so if we can’t make rent for next month we’re both pretty much fucked I’ll have to live with my grandparents and my bf will need to move back in with his dad probably but I know he hates even the thought of that bc they’ve always had a bad relationship and he’s just not a good father in general.
I just needed to rant bc I have no one else of than my bf who I can talk about this with so if anyone can relate in the slightest or just understand what I’m talking about please feel free to message me we all need support :)
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bat-writer · 1 year
Hi! Couldn't find rules so I hope this is alright!
Could I please request Bruce Wayne getting close to a suspect just to see if she's going to be dangerous but ends up falling hard for her? She's not dangerous but she's a bit of an anti-hero and is an accomplice to a bigger villain, how's that like for him? She doesn't really do anything bad, she just doesn't do anything when the villain she's accompanying does something bad
A/N: I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for but I hope you enjoy! 😭
Warnings; language | ~~~~: time skip
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 ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
"Hey Alred, how have you been since the last time?" you ask taking the tea cup he served you. Now this was not a regular visit to just a friend. No, no, this was an interrogation.
By the Batman.
Now you weren't villain but you also weren't a hero. Not your style. You just needed benefits to get by, get fed, and have your bills paid. You'd pair with villains and simply get the information they needed. Bruce's issue with you is that you knew too information. The way that he would find out information is the same way you did. Only you were faster, more detailed and you always slipped away at the last minute.
Luckily you didn't provide information that would put other people in harms way. Although sometimes you did end up stealing or blackmailing those of higher social class into benefiting those who really needed it. However, he can't hold you to any crimes since, you never committed them nor were you an accessory at the scene. It has gotten to the point however that you come to the Batcave often to be asked questions. Even Alfred and you interact and even trade secrets to house keeping and cooking.
"So batman, what do we have questions about today?" you ask as the tall stoic hero comes into the room.
"You're aiming for certain organizations. Ones that are in charge of rebuilding a school. Why?" he asked with his signature glare
"looks bats," you sigh "those organizations aren't what you'd think they were. Sure they're made to look like they're for a good cause, but in the end they're all greedy assholes"
He huffs underneath the mask "So, stealing from-"
"The corrupt rich correct." you smile "And it's not just limited to snobby rich boys, but bigger villains like Penguin, Two-face, even Riddler had a couple of dollars to take just to name a couple."
"They don't donate," he added
"I know, but I need some way to keep my rent paid and keep them from blowing shit up, causing more work for you." you smirked at him
"I'm keeping you here for a couple of days just to lighten things up" he said as he pushed the buttons on his panel to open a clear cell.
"Ugh the cell again?" you groan "Wasn't I doing what a good citizen does though Bats?" you ask as you walk along side him. This wasn't the first time you spent the weekend with the Bat. But, since you weren't a threat to society, yourself or him, he was pretty relaxed around you. He opens the door for you to enter but you stop before stepping in
"pay me a visit after you patrol?" you said looking up at him seductively as your hand slides over his armored chest. You just loved teasing the ever so strong hero of Gotham "I get lonely ya know" you smile
"For now the books will keep you company. Alfred is here if you need help." he said stepping away.
Under neath that mask and armor was also a man who would yearn for the feeling of love. However, because of who he was, what he was - it was complicated.
"Alfred I'm heading out"
"Of course sir, anything I should be aware of?" he asks
"Nothing that I can recall. Y/N is in the cell for today and tomorrow night" he said getting into his bat mobile
"So no love affairs for tonight then?" he asks as the advanced vehicle closes with a hiss
"Keep things in control please" he asked dodging the question. This wasn't the first time this has happened. There has been playful banter, some flirting and maybe even a kiss on the cheek. Alfred would tease the hero in his own nonchalant way. And just like that, the billionaire hero skids from the cave and into the night.
"Looks like it's you and me tonight Alfred" you wave at the butler with a smile.
"I do believe there is a new episode of butlers 7 bucks tonight miss Y/N, would you care to join?" he said changing the large screen in the cave causing you to smile
"Of course I would"
Walking into the bat cave he didn't find much but you were right about villains pilling money for their own personal gain. But from the other organizations? He'll figure that out as Bruce Wayne. Looking over into the cell he sees you had fallen asleep, curled up to be as comfortable as possible.
Opening the door he takes off his cape and drapes it over your figure. Over to the next day he lets you go early since there really wasn't much more information you could give. Since you were somewhat a target for his usual villains, he'd check up every now and then to see if you were safe.
"So I'm free to go Batman?" you ask waltzing out of your cell "or is this another interrogation?"
"No more questions but I will pop in every now and then."
So every now and then he'd drop by your window and sometimes he'd stay a while and listen to you about your day. There was even one time where you had a pretty rough day and without asking you were comforted by this typically cold and quiet hero.
He held you much longer than a hug that was. You didn’t complain or push away, this felt more than a pity hug. There was want behind it, you felt his warmth. You look up at him with those e/c he loves to look into. Almost as if it were magnetic your lips come into contact with one another in a slow short kiss.
For what felt like hours staring into his eyes while his nose brushes against your own, you could feel your heart skip multiple beats. This then started happening multiple nights in a row.
Some night were sweet and innocent with some pecks or playful flirting. Some were even close to hot and heavy. Carrying you over to your countertop to enjoy your make out session as your bodies stay flush together. He’s sometimes stay a bit longer outside of your window until you fell asleep, as a precaution.
On a certain night however you were in this strange state of a passionate but also very delicate kiss. As if you had kissing for both the first and 100th time. His large hands cradling your face as he practically made you melt on the spot. You pull away to finally speak up on how you felt but, before you could even focus your vision or get your head straight he was ready to leave.
“Wait! Batman! Come on you can’t just leave like this!” You stop him
“…this Wouldn’t work Y/N. You know why…” he said trying not to sound defeated
“…i know but….couldn’t we try?” You ask teaching a hand out but drawing it back in hesitation
“We Can…but you won’t like what May come of me…” he said looking over his shoulder
“…but I could learn to like that version of you as well…” you try and plead with your eyes to him. He looks as though he wanted to elaborate on things but held himself back
“Take care of yourself, know that you aren’t in harms way” he says as he swoops off into the night.
“Ans just like that, the bat is gone” you groan as you “UGH. What am I thinking ?! This is the Batman not some guy I met at a-“ you stop as you see something stuck to your windowsill. A single piece of paper with a note
“Friday at 6. Dress nicely. -B”
“Huh, but bad bats…not bad at all” you from as you shut your blinds for the night. Tomorrow first thing in your list was to buy a dress.
I hope this was somewhat what you were looking for! -Kitty 🐈‍⬛
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autisticlee · 10 days
sometimes am afraid people will accuse me of not needing accommodation or say im using autism as an excuse or be denied disability assistance in future because I have a job now. had job for over 10 years. but thing is, it's not "normal" job. gave up after applying to over 300 jobs and being told at interviews i'm not qualified because *undesirable autistic trait i cant change* despite claiming company is "inclusive/doesn't discriminate for disability"
because of autism I cant get a job. I only have one because my mother handed it to me and I go to work with her. do the same things every day over and over. she takes care of everything else like talking to the boss and driving and telling me what to do when I forget things. I do what she says. I'm not expected to talk to anyone. use noise canceling headphones with music. can stop and rest whenever I want if chronic pain is bad. don't do anything but go to work with mom and do same thing every day. will never get a job that doesn't have expectations and make me do things I struggle with and force me to talk and punish me for forgetting or needing breaks. no job will show me how to do things over and over then let me do same 3 things every day at my own pace. no job will give useful accommodation I actually need. will always be fired for things i cant change. that's if I did actually pass an interview.
but because I technically have a job, get paid, and worked over 10 years, no one cares it's basically doing house chores with my mom but at office building! no one cares I don't have skills for "normal" job and get rejected because i'm incapable of talking and acting and looking "normal" and answering questions in interviews. no one cares if my mom does everything for me outside of my 3 specific tasks (collecting trash from bins, dust mop floors, then wet mop floors), no one cares that this job hurts my body and makes chonic pain worse. i'm considered "able to work" and will always get struggles dismissed and be denied help 😭 I will always get told if I worked that long it means I can get a better job and do more work or i'm just being lazy. no one cares my job is bare minimum and I still struggle a lot. but I have to pay bills because my parents won't help with that (they also deny I need help and dismiss my struggles😔)
I know i'm lucky and privileged to be given job even if I cant stand the job (boring and painful and unfulfilling) when so many others can't get job handed to them like this. which is why I never quit. but doesn't mean I can get another job or any help when I lose this one! and thats scary 😭
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archaeren · 21 days
how did you get into game writing and VNs and such?? i did one freelance job a while back and loved it but since then its been so hard to get into the industry…. i keep getting rejected despite having writing experience/publication in other areas 😭
(omg I didn't realize I have a bunch of messages in my inbox oops) Unfortunately, my game industry work that pays the bills is mostly as QA director, for which we are contracted by other studios. I do writing for our own studio, but I tend to not pursue contract work for writing because I don't want the creative pressure. (Though I was spontaneously offered work on that by another studio recently, so who knows, maybe I'll cave XD) But I will tell you what I tell people who ask me how to get into the games industry. Sorry if you already know some of this, I can't tell from your profile how much experience you already have in the industry! >.< 1. Build a portfolio of game work. You can do this by participating in game jams, itch.io has tons of them running all the time. If you can find in-person game jams (such as the Global Game Jam), even better! They'll help you build connections. If you can show you have strong skills in branching narrative, that's a massive plus. (yeeeeah, this involves basically doing a lot of unpaid work in your free time. but hey, nobody else is getting paid for it either! game dev notoriously pays like shit anyway. XDDD as the joke goes, if we wanted to make money, we'd work in software dev.) 2. Go to where the game developers are. In person. I can't stress this enough. If you want work in the games industry, the best/easiest/quickest way to do it is to meet devs in person. Some people may argue this is not necessary and that you can find work online--in my opinion, those people are either very lucky or very hopeful. You can maybe find some work by hanging out in game dev spaces online, but from personal experience, every client our studio has EVER HAD was either someone we met in person or someone we were introduced to through someone we met in person. Every single one. Here's a list of ideas of places to meet developers: - IGDA meetups, see if there's a chapter in your area. (Or if there isn't and you have the time and ambition, maybe you could start one!) - Local non-IGDA dev groups, you can sometimes find these through Meetup or Facebook - If there are colleges in your area that offer game dev degrees, you could try asking their professors if they know of any local events - See if there are any local game studios in your area that would be able to point you toward the community. Game dev studios aren't just in big cities!! It's not necessarily comprehensive, but you can check out https://gamecompanies.com/map - Game conventions/expos such as PAX - Game developer conferences/events, such as GDC or language/engine-specific conferences such as PyCon (GDC is WAY more worth it than PAX, but extremely expensive. I don't advise going to either until you have a solid game plan of what you're looking for there. There are also organizations that are willing to sponsor people with less means and underrepresented perspectives to attend GDC, so make sure to investigate that!) (And if you do go to a major event like PAX or GDC, make sure to google the afterparties list) And final protip for attending any sort of in-person event: We don't use the word 'networking'. It is a cursed word. We are not networking. We're meeting new friends and like-minded creators. <3
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crow2222 · 10 months
Darry with a shrimp/sea food allergy that he and the gang only realize after he's eaten it?
I'm genuinely curious of how and why you thought of this, it left me stumped for a while because I don't have any allergies 😭 but after weeks of being in my drafts, here you go!!
WC; 1268
Summary; The gang go out to celebrate Darry's big promotion until something goes horribly wrong.
We were out for food after I found out I had a big promotion coming up, for some ungodly reason I let my brothers decide the place we'd be going for dinner and for some reason I knew I'd regret the seafood.
It all happened not in the way that I expected. I just figured I wouldn't like it or something, I really only liked the grilled fish the way Dad used to make it, or maybe my body couldn't digest it and I'd stay up in the bathroom.
The restaurant itself seemed pretty soc-y for a couple of greasers like us and the amount of times I had to stop the guys from misbehaving is embarrassing.
At least we were in our nice clothes. As nice as we own anyways.
Pony, Soda, Steve, Twobit and I quickly got our orders in, where I also had to remind them there's still a price limit, which was mostly directed at my non-blood brothers. "Just because I got a promotion doesn't mean I'm suddenly made of money" I hissed to Twobit who tried to get the most expensive meal on the menu.
Afterwards, Twobit made sure everyone in that damn restaurant heard his latest story with a blonde he "managed to score", which was so foul I had to cover Pony's ears after my attempt of shutting up the culprit himself was futile.
It didn't take long for our food to arrive, and I actually found my shrimp and rice enjoyable. It was a bland meal sure, but I was used to simple dishes from my own cooking, surely there's nothing wrong with getting something small, whereas Ponyboy thought the opposite and got himself a huge steak which not even I could finish by the looks of it.
And then on the other side of me, Soda seemed upset because his meal (salmon) wasn't dyed another colour like he'd find himself doing so, but I didn't bother to even comfort him. No one else did either, it's just one of those things you can't talk about to him. If I knew any better, he probably had a blue dye bottle in his shoe he might pull out any second to dye our food.
Twobit got lobster tail which seemed interesting to me, so much so that I managed to sneak a bit of it for myself once his head was turned. I didn't really dislike it, but it was just not my kinda thing.
And last but not least, Steve. He also had something with shrimp in it like me, but it seemed more like a complicated dish. It resembled a salad which looked like an impossible meal for a sweet tooth like Steve to eat but glory, he ate it all up. I'll give him that much.
I had to admit I felt a bit weird as I stared at my cleared plate. I don't know what it was, maybe the seafood was actually going to make me sick like I feared, but I didn't bring any notice to my odd feeling and quickly wiped my runny nose with my napkin before we got up.
Once I paid the bill I was preparing to regret anyways, we headed out to the Dingo to meet up with other guys to have fun with. I knew what the fun was going to consist of, so despite the heat from the gang and nicknames like "buzzkill" and "party-pooper" being thrown at me, despite the fact I was the reason they were even celebrating in the first place, I was going to head home. The way I had to start fighting the urge to throw up just convinced me to get home faster.
I was mumbling my goodbye's to everyone at the parking lot and telling Ponyboy and Sodapop to come home at curfew or else we'd have a problem, but my threats weren't coming off strong with my sudden shortness of breath.
I let out a sharp wheeze at the end of my sentence as my breathing started to quicken, as if I couldn't get enough air.
"Darry?" Sodapop immediately knew something was up judging by his tone of his voice, or maybe it was Ponyboy. I don't remember..
I let my calloused fingers wrap around my throat as I gasped and coughed violently, each cough racking through my body. What the fuck is happening? Twobit tried to remove my hands clutching my neck for some reason, did he think I was choking myself or something? I felt my throat get squeezed more and more with each passing second.
The nausea quickly became overwhelming, to the point where I let myself fall to my knees and double over, ready to get rid of the poison in my stomach but my cough was completely stopping me.
I could feel the confusion and panic from the gang around me, but I had no answers like I'd usually have. I felt just as confused and panicked as them, if not more.
I felt tears prickle through my eyes as I screwed them shut. Somethings very fucking wrong.. Why is this happening?
I felt so many hands on me and eventually I heard the old creak of the truck. That's when I realised I was pushed into the passengers seat. I don't know who was beside me, or driving, or who were the lucky friends stuck in the back but I couldn't find myself caring as I struggled to breathe, the itch covering my arms wasn't helping either.
I was trying, I was trying so goddamned hard to breath but to no avail. I was spluttering and choking still, with a gasp of air here and there that managed to keep me somewhat conscious. I feel the need to say "somewhat" because if I was going to be honest, I felt like I was on the brink of staying conscious.
I had a mighty strong itch on my arms at this point but I was too preoccupied with holding my throat to scratch myself. I don't know why I was doing that, a reflex I guess.
We must've arrived at the hospital at some point during my rushing thoughts because next thing I know, I was on a stretcher, maybe I was on the couch at home? and cold hands were all over me again, this time they were fighting me with my arms, I remember the satisfying feeling of letting go of myself and punching someone before they managed to get my arms stiff by my side.
Someone was holding me down, and before I could open my eyes to the harsh lights that was visible from my eyelids, I felt something cold enter in my thigh.
I didn't know if my brothers were even near me at this point, but I was rolled somewhere where I was pricked with something again and finally a mask on my face.
I greedily took in the air given to me, which I realised was even possible because my throat wasn't as closed up anymore. Did they actually help me?
It then took a little while longer until all the medical staff left and my brothers were allowed in.
Despite my mind still being a bit fuzzy, I listened to the nurse that entered alongside my brothers that explained my situation. I had something called an anaphylactic shock.
Basically, I had a severe allergy reaction to something, and I know exactly what it was.
The glance Ponyboy and Sodapop shared told me they knew as well.
"How about rice and beans next time Darry?"
God I hated them.
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alemi-i · 1 year
PLEASEEEEE DO stray kids spoiling u and ur like ‘no stop’ and they insist or like arguing to pay the bill ag a restaurant AHHHHH help it’s so cute thank youuuu ~ 🧃
chan LOVES spoiling you: buying you flowers, necessities, taking you out to fancy restaurants– literally anything you want. even after a copious amount of protests, he’ll never let you pay; it goes against his dating rules! yet you both always argue back and forth about who gets to pay for the bill, and he will not hesitate to (playfully) start yelling. 
minho does not think twice to buy you something you like. he’ll take you out to cute dates, insisting to pay since he planned them. however, when you’re consistently urging him to let you pay, he will jokingly agree– knowing full well he’d already paid prior to receiving your orders. he’ll always reassure you that he doesn’t care about his money if it’s spent on you!! (teehee)
changbin would honestly get offended you even thought of paying for dinner. he’s aways showering you in little gifts that you cherish forever– but when you want to spoil him a bit it’s a crime? he’ll whine about how he should be the one paying for the dinners, but if it truly bothered you, he’ll let you pay a tenth of the price!! 
hyunjin SPOILS you, his gifts practically flooding the entirety of your home!! he’ll give you extremely pricey gifts that you do love, but his little diy ones are just as perfect. like changbin, he’d get offended by your suggestion, assuring you that he can and will forever pay for you!! but will definitely joke about how if you did pay for yourself, you’d go bankrupt.
jisung will fight you if you ever reject his money. he will make sure your wallet will forever be hidden in crevices of your home, because what type of man lets their beautiful partner pay!! will get all whiny and pouty if you complain about how much he spoils you, so it’s best you go along with it. he appreciates your concern about his income, but jokes about how you should worry about your own (whoops).
felix is such a CUTIE!! his gifts don’t have to be expensive to be the absolute most adorable thing you’ve ever received. will get confused about why you always worry about his money when he willingly spends it on you. is so so reassuring that you, yourself, question why you are worried about what he does with his money. will compromise with you if it truly bothers you (baby </3).
seungmin is always thoughtful about what he buys you; if he can’t express his love using words, then he best do it through gift giving. he will lowkey judge you for attempting to even bring money with you, and will not let his ears listen to your hopeless pleas to let you pay. like minho, he will jokingly agree to let you pay, but his hands are always quicker to snatch the bill (and in general hehe!!). will start reminding you that he willingly pays for you while you’re out. 
jeongin is always taking you out and letting you buy whatever you want, as long as you’re not paying. when you offer to pay for yourself, he definitely goes all “🧐🤨”. he’s very persistent in paying for all your expenses, and is genuinely shocked you feel bad about it. he will always reassure you that what’s his money is also yours!! he just wants to make his partner feel like royalty. if you were really bothered, he would tell you to pay him back with kisses. </3
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izicodes · 2 years
do you have any advice for someone who kinda "failed" to break into tech and is still in the medium-level for learning. i feel like i've spent so much time (years) on this but haven't made much progress. how do i really get into it and stay in it? love your blog btw. i'm tempted to start one of my own but my projects are a mess and ugly 😭
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I'm sorry to hear that you feel like you haven't made much progress in breaking into tech. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is different, and it's never too late to start or improve. But then again, you have spent years learning and you want to into the tech industry.
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The obvious advice would be don't give up. My dad has been studying to get into Cybersecurity since the early 90s and he just got into the industry this year. He never gave up - family to look after and he could study like the other students in his university course because the large majority of them were single 18-22-year-olds who their only responsibility is themselves. Don't give up and don't compare yourself to other people.
You've got to look at what has been holding you back. Health issues, work issues, money? Can't study full-time or even part-time if you need to pay the bills.
Even if you can, are you consistent with your studying? We all know consistency is key. Studying for one week but don't study for 2-3 weeks won't work. I know the type of learner I am - if I don't code or study every day, even just for 30 minutes, then my tendency to procrastinate will increase a lot and it'll all go downhill from there.
Know your strength - build on the skills you are good at. Believe it or not, I know a developer I met in a discord server who only uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build websites and webpage themes for clients as a freelancer and he's doing really well. It's because he realised that he's really good at those three basic languages and he worked really hard to excel at them. Expand on what you know best.
On the flip side, you could look at job postings around where you live or nationally in your country and see what skills/languages/technologies they ask for the most for hiring developers. Example: I live in the UK and a couple of months ago when I was actively looking for a new Frontend Dev job, I saw that Vue.js, React.js, and PHP (besides the usual HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) were asked for the most. If I wanted those jobs, I would learn those technologies, create a few projects to showcase my knowledge in them, and start applying. That could be one way to break into the industry.
Another way would be certificated. Bootcamps, online courses, or in-person courses like university or community colleges. Yes, they say that you don't always need a university degree to get into tech but some kind of education you've gone through that is tech-related e.g. Google courses or the Frontend Dev course that Meta is providing (paid). My colleague completed a computer science degree but he then did a bootcamp and he completed and that's how he landed the job where I work. So even graduates are getting further education. If you can't afford the massive fees, Udemy is a great place to get courses. And don't be shy with the Havard CS50 course videos they have on YouTube - free and you get a certificate free as well!
The advice I give might not work if you haven't identified why after all these years you haven't gotten your foot into the tech industry. This is no way intended to be rude, but if another person who had the same amount of time you studied, and they have gotten a tech job in that time, what makes you different? Goes back to what I said about the things that are holding you back. Some of the reasons are inevitable like health but you need to keep making that effort!
If you need help, you need to ask. Find a mentor or support group. Having someone to guide and encourage you can be incredibly helpful. Look for a mentor or join a support group where you can connect with others who are also learning and growing in tech. You can search for them online, some people offer advice for CV/Resume help or real "getting into tech" advice on places like Fiverr or Upwork or just google for some consultants online. They would cost obviously but if you're really struggling, this might help. After completing bootcamps, they tend to help you get your first job etc so they might be worth considering!
The last bit of advice is do you have a portfolio? No no, like a proper one where you feel confident enough to give to family members, friends, and potential employers? No? Either learn to build one (free of charge) or hire someone to build it for you (costs money) A portfolio is a great way to showcase your skills and projects to potential employers. Even if your projects feel messy or ugly, focus on highlighting what you learned and what you accomplished.
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Obviously, I gave hints of advice more towards Frontend Dev because that's what I know more of but you can alter the advice to whatever niche in programming you're into. Remember, breaking into any field takes time and effort. Stay motivated and focused on your goals, and don't be afraid to reach out for help or support when you need it. Good luck!
** I'm not the best at giving advice but I hope this helps 💗
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doll-elvis · 1 year
Hiii, I always love reading your perspective on Elvis. What do you think about the friendship between Scotty Moore and Elvis? I think his book doesn't get much attention and not being talked about enough, so I'm curious what happened between them (because I loveee seeing the early pictures of Elvis with the Blue Moon boys). Did they go in separate ways in bad terms? Thank you!
stop you are so sweet !! 😭 thank you so much for taking the time to read my posts and for saying this, it truly means the world to me that you get something postitive out of my perspective and the info that I share, thank you again 🫶🏻💗
and I wholeheartedly agree that his book needs more attention, solely because of the unique, and very genuine, insight that he offers as he was right by Elvis’ side when he became the performer/star that we all know and love. It was really interesting to read from the perspective of a fellow entertainer/musician, as opposed to a friend or girlfriend
The best part of this book, and what makes it worth reading, are all the stories of Elvis and his fellow bandmates, many of which I never knew until I read it
As for your question, when Scotty initially quit in 1957 it definitely wasn’t on the best terms however I don’t think either of them harbored any hatred for one another as Elvis invited Scotty to play in the 1968 comeback special which he did agree too. And while Scotty mostly talks highly of Elvis, it’s clear to me that he held some resentment towards Elvis and an overall feeling of frustration at how his professional career went while working for Elvis
The reason for Scotty quitting, as he tells it, was because he was paid very little for the work he did with Elvis, which wasn’t Elvis’ fault but rather the Colonels’. However Scotty didn’t see it that way and he felt betrayed that Elvis never stood up for him or the others against the Colonel
And despite Scooty Moore and Bill Black going to the press after they quit and saying that they were paid next to nothing, there was talk of reconciliation between them and Elvis. But before the band could reunite, Elvis was drafted into the army in 1958 which definitely put the nail in the coffin for their professional relationship and personal relationship ⬇️
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I was also really shocked to learn that after they reunited for the 1968 comeback special, Scotty Moore never saw Elvis again and he didn’t even go to his funeral
And I don’t know if I’m misinterpreting the passage below wrong ⬇️ but the “misunderstanding” Scotty is referring to is the whole situation of him not being paid enough. And so it seems to me like Scotty was upset that he couldn’t have a career with Elvis and make money again as he had passed away… it’s just such a weird thing to be upset about of all things. Like Elvis passed away and you’re still stuck on how you could have gotten a better career out of him?
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But anyways- other than that I would still say it’s a must read for any Elvis fan. However, if I were to read it again, I would only read the chapters dedicated to the 50s 🤧
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maybanksbabe · 1 year
this might seem like angst but i promise it’s fluffy, feel free to ignore it though if you’re not in the mood:)
jj and kook!reader who had like a hugeeee fight about jj being recklace with the gold hunting and everything literally hours before all the pogues go missing to poguelandia. and the whole time he’s gone she beats herself up for not supporting him because now she thinks he’s just not telling her where he is on purpose.
anyways later on, a couple days before the pogues get back, gossip is spreading around the island that Luke dipped because he got a warning letter that if he did t pay the bills within the next 72 hours he’d be evicted. so he basically split to make it jj’s problem. and when reader finds out she goes down and pays for the house, and she tries to clean up and everything. she doesn’t have a lot of time cause she only finds out the day before, so when she gets there there’s already caution tape and the eviction notice up on the door (she’s paid everything but it was already up)
she pulls the caution tape to the floor and starts cleaning, throwing out all the trash that litters the floors, scrubbing the fridge clean and mopping all the floors. she even picks up all the dirty clothes she finds on the floor, she can decipher which is luke’s and which is jj’s, she throws out luke’s and takes jj’s home with her to do the laundry.
when she comes back to fold and put away his laundry, jj comes home.
he sees the caution tape on the floor and the slightly open door with the notice on it and his heart drops out of his ass. he’s thinking that not only has he been evicted, but someone broke in and is soliciting. but when he goes inside he sees his kook princess sitting on the ratty, stained couch that’s uneven as it’s missing a leg and the fabric is torn. she’s sitting pretty in his version of hell and folding what he recognizes as his clothes. he stands in the doorway for a while and she doesn’t notice him until she hears a sniffle. she shoots up, the laundry baskets of clean clothes falling off her lap as she runs and jumps into his arms.
“JJ! You’re ok, you didn’t tell me where you are I was so worried, i thought you hated me!” she’s squeezing him so hard and it takes him a second before he’s squeezing her even tighter.
“You cleaned” he smiles through fresh tears. “I have so much to tell you.” and he breaks down and tells her everything. but they turn the house into a completely new place for just the two of them
“I love you JJ maybank.”
“You’re the absolute love of my life Y/n.”
😫😭 love them with my whole fuckin heart 🧡
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