#and even if it isn't caused by some kind of hyperfixation
meownotgood · 2 years
it genuinely makes me so happy to see people's dedication to their random favorite fictional character like yes, please show me the itabag you've made for an obscure video game character from 2006, please show me your shrine that you've dedicated to your favorite anime boy, please tell me about how your comfort character brings you so much joy!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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izacore · 2 years
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eggmeralda · 1 year
can you get burnout from doing nothing
#or am i going through a mental breakdown. based on the symptoms matching whatever the past week has had going on#unless it was caused by trying to socialise online#which i am so bad at and i guess seeing other people easily be all friends with each other kind of made my brain go 😨😱😖🤯#<- along with various other surrounding emojis#i'm stuck at uni rn bc my band has 2 gigs coming up + rehearsals so i have to be here. but there is nothing to do except Think#but yeah there was the alienated fandom feeling bc idk it always feels like everyone speaks to each other in dms and has all this like#lore with each other and i have no idea what's going on#and trying to actually interact is soooooooo exhausting and i always feel like i'm too slow or behind everyone else and yeah#and then camp weehawken began and i couldn't even deal with seeing everyone doing that and all knowing each other really well and idk#so i just left tumblr briefly. bc of everything. bc i'm irrational#basically the worst feeling is when you have friends in a fandom but then your hyperfixation starts to wear off and turns out they weren't#close friends they were fandom mutuals. btw this isn't about anyone in particular this has happened for most fandoms i've been in#it was more of a sudden realisation that's been creeping up on me for years. so to deal with the fading hyperfixation i just had to Go#and now i'm obsessed with threads. which has like no fandom. so at least the hyperfixation fadeout will be easier to deal with lol#but yeah it's that sort of feeling when you finish at some place and you make some friends but once you leave you never talk to them again#and knowing you didn't really leave a strong enough impact on them that they still wanna keep in contact with you#pretty much like that#at the same time though there's nothing to do atm so maybe i am just bored and overthinking#but still it's annoying to go through especially when it's happened for almost every experience in my life#also like I'd occasionally log back into tumblr to see what's going on but i'd see people liking posts on the swag archive and it's like#cool at least people like the archives :') but anyone could've done those#idk it's like i have to do something like that for people to actually care and as soon as i'm not contributing anything then i'm just#forgettable or something#i wanna come back to tumblr but idk if my brain is ready for that dsjkljf. i told myself i'd only come back when things feel stable#but also i'm impatient lol#again this isn't about anyone specific my brain just LOVES to malfunction it's actually its favourite pasttime <3#but either way if i seem really negative lately or just. weird. it's just my brain being its classic overdramatic self#i mean the thoughts are very real and based on vaguely true evidence but also my brain loves to exaggerate things to sabotage my life#i'm hitting tag limit so anyway. at least threads isn't happening rn so that's pretty good#ramble
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catboybiologist · 8 months
About to fall asleep ramble time, this has been kicking around in my brain for a bit and I need to get some form of this thought out
I was diagnosed with ADHD and gender dysphoria one day after the other back in August. Extremely stereotypically zillenial of me, I know. Handling both of these has dramatically improved my quality of life. yes yes insert discourse about how much you need to have dysphoria as a diagnosis, it's just a tool for the medical system that's ultimately meaningless, that's not what this is about.
There's one thing that was really, really weird about the experience of getting care for both of these.
Most treatment and public talk of transition and motivations to transition are about misery. How much despair your birth sex gives you and how gender affirming care is the only stopgap against suicide (oftentimes, used as a barrier to entry that it should only be given when it's at the suicidal point). How crushing dysphoria is.
In contrast, most of the public perception of ADHD is this cutesy, "omg look I'm so quirky" kind of thing. People talk of ADHD "superpowers" and how neat it is to have hyperfixations (I'm low key starting to dislike that word, even though it's an accurate description of many things- it's very overused).
My actual experience has been almost exactly the opposite.
I absolutely had gender dysphoria, and still do, and misery associated with being AMAB. But is that what defines my trans experience? No, and in fact, it feels like a more incidental blip in it. My trans experience has mostly been defined by joy, by feeling my mind and body slowly make me more and more content with my default existence day after day. And the exploration of it all! The social roles, the romantic dynamics, the friendship dynamics, even small aesthetics like clothes and makeup, and again, the body and mood changes. It's incredible and it brings me joy so much of the time. That, more than anything, has defined my trans experience.
In contrast.... ADHD has objectively made nearly every aspect of my life more miserable. Working with my therapist and my pysch, as well as feeling what it's like to be properly medicated, have shown me extremely well how much the constant feelings of misery I always seemed to have were caused by ADHD. ADHD means being unable to receive a baseline level of dopamine to function under normal circumstances, so your brain starts looking for any way it can get new sources. And wouldn't ya know it, novel stimuli are a perfect way to do that. Keep in mind that dopamine isn't just "the pleasure molecule" it's a neurotransmitter with a broad range of functions. If you don't have ADHD, or even if you do, I want you to think about how miserable of an existence that is. Your default state is depression and inability to do things. It has been for me for most of my life. Additionally, anxieties creep into your head and distract you far more easily. You're less functional. You can't do simple things most of the time. You're distracted and have anxiety spikes easily. Continuous tasks are hard. And day in, day out... You are miserable. Almost constantly.
Oh also, you're easily addicted to extreme novel stimuli. For me, it was self harm. And when that stopped working... Well, I was in a state of mostly background depression that was only punctuated by spikes of massive, overwhelming anxiety that my brain hooked itself on. At a certain point, I just wanted it to end, by any means necessary.
It's been almost ten years since that day, and at this point I can genuinely say that I'm glad I'm still here.
But it wasn't dysphoria that did that (it contributed a bit, but still wasn't the biggest factor). Or a depressive disorder. Or bipolar. Or whatever the big, more "scary" mental illnesses or neurodivergencies are. They tried to treat me for some of them, and it ended horribly. My symptoms fit mixed presentation ADHD perfectly, including my physiological response to stimulants. They don't fit anything else. I likely don't have any strong comorbidities, unless you count the symptom-level anxiety and depression. ADHD did all of that to me. The "cute and quirky" one.
By the time I got around to a diagnosis, my pysch was astounded that I made it as far as I did with symptoms as severe as mine. Tackling ADHD has removed so much misery from my life, it's indescribable. Adderall has been the only thing that has ever actually gotten rid of my constant anxiety.
It's not fucking cute. Keeping with this being the flip side to my dysphoria, I do try to keep it light most of the time, and I join in on all of the classic "whoopsie doopsie my ADHD" trains and jokes. You don't have to stop making those, hell, they're fun. There are cute and funny parts to having ADHD, and ways it's made my personality what it is. But don't forget that this is also something that makes people genuinely suffer well beyond the "oopsie I'm such a procrastinator!!!" Type thing.
Idk where this thought is going. It's just kind of an observation that's been kicking around in my head for a bit. So uh. Hope it at least generates discussion? Feel free to add your experiences if you think it'll help you. But fuck I need to sleep lol
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reverieblondie · 9 months
Chapter 3: Web-Heads
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: None....But it's starting to heat up...
Summary: After a terrible night you find that your restless, turns out your not the only one who isn't asleep at this hour. Maybe things will start looking up for you...
A/N: Finally got this done! I have so many fics in the works currently, so I am slowly trying to get them all out but I write slow and can only write when I am hyperfixating on that specific story. it all comes in waves for me unfortunately. Enjoy the chapter!
Word Count: 4,012
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Your eyes fly open, meeting the darkness of your room. Nothing is working…
Four hours of tossing and turning, trying to will yourself to sleep but nothing is working. With a sigh and slowly rising from your bed, you conclude that sleep is just not going to happen for you tonight. This should all be expected though, how can you get rest when you feel your life is in knots? Unfortunately for you untying them is going to take longer than one night so sleepless nights seem to be in your future. -damn stress causing you to have insomnia…
Sitting up in your bed your mind starts going back to everything that has happened so far, what could have happened if Spider-man didn’t show up. As you think you feel the pricking ache in your eyes, a lump forming in your throat. With a deep breath you will the feeling down, you have cried enough you don’t want to keep getting worked up. Scanning the room you're looking for a distraction then you find it; your hamper filled with clothes catches your eye. That will have to do. 
Pulling on your hoodie,  pocketing your phone and keys, favorite fuzzy slippers on your ready; you drag your hamper down to the complex's laundry room, well to the elevator then the laundry room. Typically you wouldn't be doing your laundry at this hour but you're hoping for no company, that must be why you didn’t even bother to brush your restless bedhead. You have already had a rough night, it can't get any rougher right? 
Finally making it down to the washroom you walk through the doorway and see none other than your neighbour the spider enthusiast. Just can’t catch a break tonight. 
Walking in you try your best not to pay him any mind but you can’t help but notice how he seems very surprised to see you. Well granted it is an untimely time for laundry but he’s down here as well so you should be giving him a look as well. As you go to give him a look you stop, you just don’t even have the energy for that right now. With a sigh, you keep your head down and just do your laundry in silence. 
Placing your clothes in the washer you sort them carefully as you go in two different machines, it's just the two of you so you can be a bit rude to get your stuff done. At this point you couldn't care either way. 
“Rough night?” His voice carries to you and all you can do is just hum, not denying but not exactly agreeing either. 
“Yeah, you look…” he thinks for a moment and you assume he is looking for some kind of insult, that would just be the cherry on top of your night, wouldn’t it? What will he poke at? Your hair? Your clothes? Your puffy face? Your fuzzy slippers? Feeling the anger build at your assumed thoughts you turn to him quickly making him look at you a bit surprised. 
“I what? Huh? Are you going to say how I look like shit? How do I look pathetic?” the pain in your chest starts to rise and you just throw your clothes in both washers no longer having the will to sit and sort. 
With a slam, you start the washers and go to leave in a huff but as you make your way to the exit in an angered rush one of your slippers comes off forcing you to have to turn back. Spinning around quickly you see Peter is standing with your slipper in hand, a concerned look on his face, already so close to you. If you were not so completely irritated you would question how he got to you so quickly. 
“I was going to say you look sad…” it's the gentlest you have heard him speak, makes you feel like an ass from your off-the-handle reaction. He holds out your slipper to you, “Want to talk about it Cinderella?” 
With a sigh you grab the slipper putting it back on your foot, “Not particularly…” 
“You're not from New York are you?” he asks somewhat suddenly
“What was your first clue?” 
“The screaming at the spider.” you look at him and can’t help the small laugh that leaves your throat, he notes this so he keeps going, “Yeah, definitely the dead giveaway. Plus there is you not knowing about this month's rainy week and believing the weatherman, another not New Yorker mistake.” 
You sigh, “I can’t even trust the weatherman…” 
“Not from channel 12 no, try channel 34, he’s the one I watch.” 
“Oh, and here I thought it was your special New York weather sense.” 
“Well that helps too,”  he says nonchalantly, causing you to laugh again. 
You look at him and see that he's watching you with a smile. As he waits for his laundry, “Why are you being nice to me? I thought I was dramatic?” 
“Eh, your dramatics are only funny when you're peeved, not sad.” 
“Oh, well I am so glad I could entertain you then.” 
“Least you can do after waking me from my sleep because of a spider.” You laugh and the room becomes silenced between you two the only sound being the whorling of the washers and the slight music coming from Peter's earbuds filling the room for a long moment. “So was work bad? Did something-” 
You are quick to cut him off.  “Ah- still don’t want to talk about it.” 
He holds his hands up in mock surrender humming in agreement. A part of you doesn't know why you don’t tell him. Maybe it is because talking to him is finally making you forget about it, making you laugh and relax a bit. For a second the thought of being in Spider-man's arms hearing his heartbeat comes back to you, how relaxed you felt in his arms, how safe you felt. 
“So what do you do? I mean we are around the same age, are you like…let me guess a waiter or something? Or a barista at some hip coffee shop?” changing the subject from you back to him. 
He furrows his brows at you in a look of playful disgust “Did you say hip?”  
Throwing your arms up you let out a confused huff “What? New Yorkers don’t say hip?” 
“Whatever, so what do you do, judgy pants?” 
“It’s Mr. Judgy pants to you, I go to school at Empire State University and I do freelance photography for the Daily Bugle.” 
As you two talk the washers go off and you two start gathering your things placing them in the dryer as you continue the conversion. Getting to talk to Peter like this is nice and it’s nice that you two are getting to know each other. 
“What kind of photos do you take?” you as casually as you prep the dryer settings. 
“People, landscapes, but the Bugle pays me for my Spider-man pictures.” 
The mention of Spider-man makes you pause, then you look back to Peter to see that he’s already looking at you but turns his head stuffing the dryer as you notice him. 
“Isn’t he hard to get pictures of?” you ask, trying to seem casual about your prying. 
“That is the rumor, but I have my ways” 
“Oh well we don’t want you giving up your secret ways,”  Peter smirks and starts the drier, you come to his side and whisper to him “You can tell me, you know him or something don’t you? One of your buddies or something?” 
He looks at you and laughs “More like we have a coworker kind of relationship, but it's all very confidencial I can't say anymore or I will be webbed to a bridge by my feet.” 
“I don’t see the problem?” 
“Ha. ha. You're very funny” he says, rolling his eyes at you. Before his eyes go towards you while you two sit back down to wait “So, why are you asking about Spider-man?” 
Shit, do you tell him you met him? Uhhg but then he's just going to ask more questions as you don’t want to deal with all that prying, quick defect! “He’s a superhero, who wouldn't ask some questions?” -nailed it
Peter just hums with a small nod as a response. For about 40 minutes you loop through idle small talk and silence. You had the least amount of clothes to dry compared to him. Now you two are standing at the folding tables as he helps fold your laundry, you insisted that he didn't have to help you but he insisted otherwise. Peter might not be all that bad a guy, but maybe you can be friendly acquaintances and one day possibly friends. 
“Overall, how has your move for your scholarship been treating you?” Peter suddenly asks as he folds one of your towels. He must be used to having to do chores as a kid and he folds rather nicely compared to some other college students you've known.  
“Fine…” you say a bit too high pitched to be convincing, Turning to Peter you see that he has a concerned look on his face, almost one of pity…you avert your eyes feeling your chest get tangled up again. Why does he have to look at you like you like that…don’t people know that doesn't help…
“I grew up in Queens. I've been around this place all my life, I can only imagine the adjustment you're going through. If you need help or-” Peters's voice dies off as he looks at you again seeing that you're getting upset. With a sigh, he lazily reaches into the basket to grab something to fold as you watch through the corner of your eyes you see that he grabs your lacy pink underwear. Biting back a laugh you watch as Peter feels the material confused before turning bright red and shoving them back into the basket for something else. As he’s embarrassly apologizing, you break out in hysterical laughter. 
You watch as Peter's face scrunches at you, the blush of his embarrassment still on his face. He is not as amused as you are, “Oh, don’t be so embarrassed Peter it's just panties, they won’t bite you.” 
Peter rolls his eyes and mocks laughter as he makes his way to the dryer that just got down with his clothes. You finish your folding as you hear Peter suddenly cuss, looking over you see him holding what you assume used to be a white shirt that is now splotched with red and blue. 
“Oh no, do you want help fixing it? I think I have some bleach.” approaching him you see him get tense before he pulls out all his clothes in a hurry and slips past you quickly with his basket filled. 
“It’s fine I will just get a new one,” Peter starts to move to the exit. 
“Wait? You helped me fold my clothes, do you want help?”
“No!” he quickly interjects “I uh, I like to fold my clothes…it's very…relaxing to me.” 
“See you around!” with that he rushes off and all you can do is give him a very confused look at where he once was. -weird.   
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Despite Peter leaving in a rather rushed and odd matter everything before that was…. nice. After your laundry and chat session, you were finally eased enough to fall asleep for a while and rested just enough to help get you through your workday. As you're getting ready for your shift you turn on the TV, you see the weatherman from channel 12 but you quickly flip it to channel 34; per Peter's advice. 
Deciding to dress warmer for today's shift you go with your favorite pants and a black short sleeve. Yesterday's attack is still inching in the back of your mind. The thought of anyone seeing your bare skin right now makes you feel ill. Better tips be damned. Once your makeup is done, a bit darker than you would usually go, you gather your hair to wear it pinned up then you can’t seem to find your tie. 
Walking out of the bathroom you scan everywhere for it till you spot it on your nightstand, swiftly grabbing it you put up your hair but you pause for a moment looking at the note…Spider-man…
Grabbing the note you reread the simple message and observe the doodle. He saved your butt, didn't he? Looking out your window you look at the cascading of colors from the setting sun. Would you ever see him again? Get to properly thank him? The city is massive and you hear the bustling of people and machinery. A whole city he has to take care of…that's got to take its toll on a person…
As you're getting swept up in your thoughts your alarm tells you it's time to go. Gathering your coat and purse you double-check your things, wallet, keys, IDs, and planner. Pursing your lips you take a mental note: you still need to buy pepper spray and an umbrella, the weatherman said there will be rain tonight so it looks like you're out of luck for today. Maybe you could order your things and have them delivered here? As you exit your door you look towards your window with the blinds that you keep open. 
Huh, you pause before stepping towards the window where your purse was returned. Looking at the window you still see the webbing residue from last night, confirming that it all happened. As your eyes scan the webbing and then go to the city outside only one thought plagues your mind, how did Spider-man know what window was yours?  
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Leaning on the bar top you let out a sigh as you watch the front door of the bar, the sound of pouring rain and soft thunder is paired with the voices of the few patrons who needed to brave the weather for their drink fix. Peter was right about the weatherman from 34, the guy knows his stuff. Peter… thinking of him you think of how he mentioned he was a photographer for the Daily Bugle… and took pics for the Spider-themed hero…
Turning your head you see the few customers seemingly content and with full glasses, so with that and it being so dead tonight you decide it would be okay to pull out your phone for some internet snooping. Usually, this is something you would never do while behind the contour but Gregory had given you the okay, he felt bad that you had to come in during this storm. The bar tonight was only being managed by three people tonight because of the rain, Gregory and his wife Melissa and you. Melissa was a delight at the bar, plus you couldn't help but smile as she severed drinks while rubbing her growing belly. 
Getting comfortable you type Daily Bugle - Spider-man in your search engine and wait for the results. Turns out that the Bugle was not the biggest Spider fan, calling him a menace and blaming him for most things. Though the articles left a sour taste in your mouth the pictures with the articles were amazing. You have seen pictures before, but those were either blurry or from a super long distance. Peter had some talent, you would have to bring that up next time you saw him in the laundry room. 
You continue looking at the pictures, Spider-man was something else. His athletic build swinging in the sky, something you did just last night; you can feel your cheeks warm at the memory, if only it wasn't raining you could have looked as you swung with him. A stray thought of the possibility of ever doing it again crossed your mind, though you doubt you would ever see him again or if you did he probably wouldn't recall you. Your eyes focus on every curve of him, the tight spandex makes your mind race with what could be underneath. And those hands…so large…
“Oh, looks like we got ourselves a web-head.” Gregory says with a chuckle as he catches a glimpse of your phone. 
“A web-head?” you had never even heard of that before what was he talking about? 
Gregory points to your phone with a deep chuckle, “Spiders fangirls, we call them web-heads.” 
Fangirl?! Your face goes red and you press your phone to your chest looking terrified which only makes him laugh, Melissa comes to swat his arm. “Don’t tease her Greg.” she turns to you with a smile “Honestly I can’t blame you, he’s just the cutest thing. Though I think he's a bit too young for me.” 
You want to deny this narrative of you having a thing for Spider-Man but her words catch you by surprise. “Wait, what do you mean? Have you met him?” 
Melissa lights up “I did, he saved my life once. It was a while back but a villain was rampaging the streets and as a car was getting flung towards me he scooped me up and swung me to safety. I tell you, my heart was racing not just from the adrenaline of the situation.” she nudges you and you both share a quick laugh while her husband huffs. 
“Why do you think he's young though?” 
“Well after he saved me he called me ma’am and I could just tell from his inflections he was still young, still figuring himself out.” -interesting, maybe you two are around the same age. 
“Then he left.” Gregory cuts in catching your attention. His face is down as he refills a glass from the tap. Turning back to Melissa she's looking at her husband with a tight-lipped gaze before turning back to you. 
“What do you mean he left?” you question
Melissa leans in almost like what she is saying is a secret “Rumor is that after a huge fight with some villains, something in him broke, like he just couldn’t handle all the pressure anymore. He was gone for months almost a full year before he returned to face the rhino. Now he’s just around again like he never left.” she shrugs “Odd right?” 
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With work now over you are standing in your spot under the canopy as the rain is still coming down, though not as heavy as earlier. As the rain falls you think about the hero and his disappearing act. What would make a hero leave? Did he get hurt? Was it all too much? Shoving your hands in your pockets you sigh to yourself, maybe it's best not to dwell on it? Has nothing to do with you, though that gnawing curiosity is still in you, wanting to know more…
Not wanting a repeat of yesterday you buddle your jacket tighter to you, deciding it's best to just brave the rain and take a hot shower when you get home. Taking your first step from the safety of the canopy your skin is immediately chilling at the feeling of the rain hitting your head. Just as you go to start to run a familiar whooshing sound catches your attention making you turn back to the bar. Then right in front of you is a spider symbol. 
Looking up from his chest you see an incredibly close spider-man looking down towards you. The second thing you notice is that you no longer feel rain falling on your head looking up and seeing a red umbrella shielding you both. 
Feeling completely confused you try to form any words but all you can stammer out is a “wha-huh-what?” 
He kinda laughs. It starts naturally but you notice he deepened it a little, “Sorry to spook you, but I figured you could use this.” 
“You came here to bring me an umbrella?” you say still filled with confusion. 
“Actually I was in the area patrolling for yesterday's robber.” -oh right, “But, then I remembered you and you saying that you don’t have an umbrella, so here” 
Standing so close to him you can admire his physic better, pictures definitely didn’t fully do it justice. Maybe these web-heads are onto something….
“Thank you, but I’m a bit surprised you remembered that. I mean I know it was yesterday but don't you talk and save a bunch of people often?” 
“Yeah, to be honest I usually have a hard time remembering things or people, but you stuck out to me,” he says nonchalantly. This sudden confession makes your eyes widen as you look at him. Wait? Was that a good thing or a bad thing? 
He looks at you and seems to take in your surprised expression interpreting what you might be thinking. “I mean, it's not often I steal people's purses”
That snaps your mind back to your earlier question you had asked yourself before leaving home, “That reminds me, how did you know that was my window when you retired my purse?” 
Spider-man's eye lenses go wide for a second before he places his hand on the back of his neck, seemingly shy about it, maybe not the best time to ask him. “That I uh, I got lucky that you left your blinds open so I saw you.” 
For some reason, the thought of the masked hero being able to see you through the window makes your cheeks warm. You should close your blinds more often…or keep them open more. 
“Well, get home safe and try your best to stay dry, okay?”
“I’ll try my best.” 
You give him a confident smile and gently take the umbrella from his hand, as you do you brush your fingers with the warmth you felt yesterday.. Whoever this guy is, he is very thoughtful. But what do you expect from a hero? As you begin to walk off to hurry to your apartment you hear him call for you. Turning you see him in the rain arm reaching towards you but he quickly adjusts himself to a casual stance.  
“Do you work late every night?” 
“Most nights” you confirm
With a hum, he thinks for a moment before he nods and claps his wet hands together, “Well, I will have to make this a regular patrol area. Have a good night” 
Just like last night before you can say anything more to him he's swinging off leaving you to watch his fading figure, though you think tonight he knows you're watching by how he does a backflip in the air. Pretty impressive…
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As you get into your apartment your feeling, better. Today was drastically different from yesterday's events, You still adjusting but there is a weight that seems to be lifting from your shoulders and you can't decide if it's from having a calm work day, your relationship with your obnoxious neighbor is seeming to get better, or that fact that you might be developing some kind of friendship with the infamous Spider-Man. Though you don't want to get your hopes up too much…
As you start to set your stuff down and grab a drink from your small kitchen you hear a thwap at your window. Heading over curiously you see a note stuck to your window, grabbing the note from the window you read it: 
"Glad you got home safe, you might want to close your blinds before bed.” Then there is a doodle of a spider under an umbrella, very cute. 
Looking out of the window you look around to see if you see him around one of the buildings but no luck. Grabbing your blinds you go to shut them before something makes you pause, biting your lower lip you move from the window and quickly grab a loose sheet of some pale blue stationery you bought before your move, you write a note, rereading it a few times before going to your window and placing it on the sticky web. 
A giddy feeling spreads through you as you walk away from your window to go to your room. Leaving both windows curtains open…
@huesdreamhouse @keiva1000 @spdrwdw @betizda @lunablackcosplay @juliluvhz @avareadsthings @xxrougefangxx @briviny @llpovi @beautyb1ade
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angelr-fish · 8 months
NPMD characters if they were in percy jackson cabins?
I do this thing where I always end up crossing over my hyperfixations so I NEEDED to do this.
Peter Spankoffski - Child of Athena
Peter is quite obviously a nerd, and while he doesn't come up with many strategies, he does have a some qualities in common with other children of Athena. (he is also the only one to notice that the building was not structurally sound)
Ruth Fleming - Child of Dionysus
Ruth loves theater, so much so that she'll do anything to be around it even though she cant be on stage. he is also the god of fertility which kinda fits yeah
Richard Lipschitz - Child of Hecate
now this one is kind of a stretch, I had a very hard time placing Richie somewhere. I landed on this one because Hecate is the goddess of "magic, witchcraft, the moon, graves, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery." now while that is a mouthful most of those is what led me to this in the first place. magic and sorcery? that is some anime shit and Richie loves anime shit. now graves, ghosts, and necromancy that one was more of a stretch for me, I mostly chose it because he dies first. yes very big leap. in this little universe I've created for myself there could be a tie to this as to why Richie is the one who interacts with max first idk I'm rambling here.
Stephanie Lauter - Child of Jupiter
we are bringing in the roman gods now. Steph is a child of Jupiter because there is no way she isn't a child of the Big 3. I chose Jupiter specifically because she is often seen leading the group and if i were to chose a character she was similar to it would probably be Thalia. as for the roman thing well its just another way for max to forbid Pete from liking her cause of the camp rivalry. This is quite ironic in the same way it is in the show because....
Grace Chasity - Child of Janus (Huntress of Artemis)
yep grace is also a roman kid, kind of like how she's the exception of being a nerd in the show. I chose Janus specifically because he's the god of "beginnings, gates, transitions, duality, doorways, passages, and endings." Grace is the catalyst to the entire show, she unintentionally causes a lot of the issues that happen so I thought that slightly fit the doorways and passages part cause she kind of leads them through this maze. Grace has A LOT of duality to her. she is a nerdy prude through and through and yet, she does so many things like touching herself and lying to the police! next, she causes the ending of Max Jagerman's life as well as the end of his afterlife so that part fits. as for gates, she just talks about the gates of hell so much and I thought it was kind of funny. being a huntress is kind of self-explanatory though. I mean being abstinent and immortal? sign this girl up!
Max Jagerman - Child of Ares
I really don't even think I need to explain this one. 1. Competitive, its in a Ares kids blood to be competitive, lets be so real right now. 2. Daddy Issues, Every Ares kid has them, I mean why wouldn't they? they are all constantly competing with there siblings for just an ounce of his attention or approval and it just fits in my eyes 3. Bloodlust? have you seen this guy? he killed like 4 people! 4. Fuck Clivesdale
okay that's all I have of the main characters, but I might work on some of the others. or maybe even just Hatchetfield characters in general
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wyllsravengard · 7 months
mutuals i know you don't know arthur morgan and a lot of you never will but i really need you to know how Moving and Compelling the cowboy game is like im being deranged of course and i do hyperfixate so often but arthur morgan is such a well written character he has such an amazing arc and genuinely it makes me sick thinking about him for more than a single minute. his entire story is based in this inevitable doom and its obvious from the beginning of the game that things are starting to go wrong. you learn about arthur slowly, and at the start - he's exactly the kind of man and protagonist you expect. he's cold and he's uncaring at least seemingly and he's awkward and he's badass and what every man who plays a game like this would want. but then he isn't. you start to play the game and you look at arthurs journal and you get to see him introspect and you get to view the sort of tenderness he sees the entire world with. he is so tender he is so thoughtful he is so considerate of nature and he takes so many things to heart. he has something to say and introspect of everyone he meets. he cares deeply about this world he's in and struggles so much to find a place with in. he admonishes himself and praises characters like charles who seem to be so good naturally. he believes deeply in his own evil and acts on, and he has a code sure - but he never feels good about what he does and it causes him such deep strife. he clings onto the life he has because its all he knows. being an outlaw is all he has ever known of himself, been like that since he was fourteen. just a boy and the two men who adopted him into his gang. he clings so desperately onto this belief that even when things fall apart, all arthur can hope for is that he can save those he cares about. its what he has always wanted deep down. its who he is which is someone who is sensitive and careful and wants deeply to live in a good world and be apart of a good world. the gang falls apart and everything goes to shit and where does that leave arthur? when young men and good men die? the man he admires as his father dies and whats left of them becomes the worst version of himself and so arthur, after all of this time, becomes his own man. at some point, he realizes what matters most to him is his brother and the woman he has a child with. and he realizes that he is simply afraid but what of exactly? of believing that he was good all along. of accepting that he has changed and that he was always good. its all so very complicated and shit starts to go down hill so quickly and just when you think it can't get worse - arthur goes to the doctor. hes sick. its tuberculosis. ailment that he received when he beat a man who couldn't pay his debts and committed a sin so great. arthur is going to die. he's sick. its not a bullet that will kill him but the weakness in his body. the same thing will happen to him in some crazy tragedy. arthur will give his life up for john and he won't regret it. he'll tell the shell of his father figure that he gave up everything for him. he will die alone in the mountains and see a stag bathed in yellow gold. but he will believe in goodness at the end because of a nun in saint denis and the woman mothering his little brothers child. he will believe deeply in the kindness of the world because he chooses to. arthur will die because he is doomed to die. there's nothing he can do except go, and he will never live to know what an impact he had on those around him. every life he's ever touched so profoundly effected by him and he never gets to find out. the man he used to admire so much, charles, buries arthur somewhere where the sun always rises. even in death he haunts the world of the game like a ghost. arthur morgan is dead and you'll hear him every where you go. john inherits his dead brothers journal and his guns and everything else and he learns a side to him he never knew. arthur morgan is dead and the world rippled in his absence like a drop of water pulsing through a lake. and he loved. most of all he loved the people around him. he loved.
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gazspookiebear · 7 months
Ghost hcs mostly him having autism
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Has compression socks and gloves bc they help keep him regulated, but he HATES tight clothing anywhere else. He strictly wears loose and baggy clothing, like oversized hoodies
Hates flavored water unless it's tea. Green tea? Sure. Any kind of sparkling water? Nuh uh
Likes mud and rain puddles. Don't ask me why
Can't stand the smell of coffee in the morning, it overwhelms him. He can and will leave the room if someone just made coffee
Doesn't like hugs, or really just being touched in general. (Mostly due to trauma, but the autism isn't helping either)
That being said, when he does get hugged, he prefers it to be firm. Heavy knuckles running up and down his back is the quickest way to make him melt in your arms. Soap is the only one allowed to do this, but Price and Gaz will very occasionally be offered one of those awkward one-armed half hugs if they need one.
He masks most of the time (literally and figuratively) so it's not very obvious that he's autistic from first glance. If he's comfortable with the people around him, or if he's alone, he might stim
He does jazz hands as a stim, and can occasionally be found tiptoe walking
He also knocks his knuckles together and rasps them on desks. He likes the noise.
He prefers rough or smooth textures over soft/fluffy ones. Denim, mesh, leather, linen, and polyester are the only fabric types he'll be comfortable in.
He keeps his hair buzzed, not just because he's in the military, but because he pulls on it and ends up tearing it out of his head when he gets sensory overload from it touching his face (me too bro, me too)
He listens to metal songs on max volume when he's sensory seeking (you can hear that shit through his headphones)
He doesn't like having things in his ears, so he prefers headphones over earbuds. He won't complain if he has to use earbuds though.
Surprisingly enough, he can't stand weighted blankets. Unless that weighted blanket is Soap 😏
He gets aggressive when he's excited, so he'll often go to the gym to blow off some steam. Rookies see him going to town on a punching bag and assume he's pissed, but really he just doesn't know how else to express his feelings.
He hyperfixated on komodo dragons for a while (he now has several random facts in his arsenal)
His special interest is weapons. Any kind, he just thinks they're interesting. Especially crossbows. (He knows just about every weapon under the sun, ask him literally anything)
He steals Soap's phone to play neko atsume (he has become emotionally attached to the cats, but you didn't hear me say that)
He prefers to sleep with blankets under him instead of on top because it makes his skin crawl if they're not the right texture.
He's always cold but radiates heat like a motherfucker, definitely has an electric blanket at his place
He has a favorite pen that he carries everywhere, refuses to use anything else.
He eats the most random food combinations. Tomatoes with sour cream? Delicious. Avocados with cream cheese? Absolutely divine. A normal fucking sandwich? Hell no.
He struggles with hygiene but hates feeling dirty. He'll often force himself to shower even when he knows it'll drain his energy.
He has to buy a specific type of eyeblack because of the texture. He doesn't like any kind that feels too greasy. Not that it'll stop him from wearing it if that's all that's available, but he won't be happy about it.
He used to bite his hands as a kid. Hard. He has a few small scars because of it
He enjoys heavy bass. He likes low rumbling/knocking noises. He may or may not be considering buying a bass drum...
Alternates between sleeping in a hammock and a bed at his place
Loves chairs that spin, though you'd never catch him spinning 😔
Everything he says sounds sarcastic, even when he's being genuine. This has caused many people to get annoyed with him.
He tends to grind his teeth, so he chews on tree bark to keep his mouth busy
He used to climb trees as a kid because he liked the way the wind felt from up high in the leaves
He isn't a fan of the way paper feels. That being said, He loves old books. He spends most of his downtime at the library since it's quiet and peaceful, plus it gives him a way to get out of the house and busy himself.
He still wears a mask off duty for many reasons. For starters, he's never been the best at facial reactions. He thinks it's easier to just hide it altogether than to try and contort his face into the "appropriate" reaction. Secondly, he has stims and occasional tics where his mouth moves, and he doesn't want people to stare. (Snapping his mouth like a shark... so real to me) Also, he just thinks it should be common practice. He's never understood why people don't cover their mouth and nose, or at the very least cover it when they cough/sneeze.
He will actually fan the air in front of him if someone he doesn't like just walked by. He doesn't want to breathe "their air". (Graves was very confused as to why Ghost kept waving the air every time he walked by)
He wears sunglasses in public, regardless of whether or not it's sunny out. He just doesn't want to have to make eye contact with people if he doesn't have to. He can make eye contact, but he much prefers not to.
He punches his legs or the walls when overstimulated.
He has dromophobia (fear of crossing streets) and tends to speedwalk across roads
Has the biggest vocabulary known to man because he used to read dictionaries as a kid. (He can and will abuse this power when someone is annoying him)
Prefers non-fiction. That's it.
He cleans doorknobs daily. He specifically keeps a pack of wipes with him to clean doorknobs- who the fuck knows when they were cleaned last. He can't stand the idea of touching something that dozens, if not hundreds of people (who may or may not have washed their hands) have touched prior.
His favorite color is orange. He always avoids touching anything orange because he's worried he'll ruin it somehow.
He washes his hands before and after everything he does (when he can)
He has a crowbar. He keeps it beside his bed, and he's very fond of it.
He can stay completely still for concerningly long amounts of time. Useful for missions, unnerving the rest of the time. Can and will be seen in the corner of a room staring at people.
@waiting-so-long I'm so glad someone wanted to hear my nonsense lmao
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daftdrac · 6 days
If you were in a conversation, what topic would you like to talk about? :D
Something X-Men related, probably specifically anything deadpool or wolverine (Deadpool isn't exactly X-Men but I'm counting him cause he's also a part of this hyperfixation) anyways I LITERALLY GOT THIS NOTIFICATION WHILE IM WATCHING THE WOLVERING AND THE XMEN CARTOON LMAOOO Yeah I'm super into. X-Men shit right now because I watched Deadpool 3 and my brain said YES. THAT. I am absolutely taking this as an opportunity to rant by the way cause there is so much random shit about this show that has me giggling. Errrmmm spoiler warning I guess ?
FIRST OF ALL LOGANS VOICEEEEEVEVEVDBDBE 👹👹👹 I'm not one to simp for fictional characters (lie) but I'm down bad JUST because of the voice (also lie im down bad for a lot of reasons)
ALSO THE FUCKING AMOUNT OF LOVE INTERESTS HE HAS IN THIS. JEAN, (KINDA-ISH) WHO DOESN'T SHOW UP UNTIL EPISODE 23 OF 26??? SOME RANDOM JAPANESE WOMAN WHO'S MARRIED TO A SAMURAI?? SOME ALIEN-MUTANT-THING WOMAN WHO WORKED WITH HIM AND WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND BEFORE HE LOST HIS MEMORIES OR SOMETHING ?? Emma kinda but not really she's not an explicit love interest but you can kinda tell it's a little implied at some points. I definitely am forgetting a few my memory is still shit but A BISEXUAL CHARACTER AND NOT A MALE LOVE INTEREST IN SIGHT <3 thats why Cyclops is here. He's supposed to be kind of a romantic rival to Logan kinda (cause they both like jean or whatever idk it REALLY doesn't seem like Logan likes jean all that much but I guess he does) but it really just ends in them having tension that feels less like they despise each other and more like they're waiting for everyone to leave them alone so they can go at it so I'm counting Scott even if he isn't like OFFICALLY a love interest he basically is
Oh also gambit is a thing for like 2 episodes. All he does is cause issues which. Gambit core I guess idk much about him 💀 all I know is he is REALLY like. Cunning and confident and shit. Tryin to think of the word. CHARMING yeah he's charming. Or supposed to be I guess he looks a little funny so he just makes me giggle looking at him. Honestly if he wanted to fuck Logan he could probably convince him to buy he's in love with one of magneto's daughters or whatever?? That he met for like a few hours and kissed once?? Before being thrown in a cell for kissing magneto's daughter??? And then abandoning her after promising to take her away from genosha with him?? I don't even know man.
Anyways I'm a complete noob X-Men fan I literally didn't know jack shit about anyone but Logan before I started watching this. Already a hardcore wolverine/cyclops fan they're gay to be fr with you. I should read some of the comics huh. Anyways here's my live reaction to Logan and Scott interacting like normal people:
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Also silly goofy images from this show no I'm not sorry 3/4 are Logan he's BABYGIRL in this okay
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Here have a poolverine meme to end this post
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silliestlittledemon · 3 months
The 12th doctor caregiver headcanons!
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- He has had to cancel multiple lectures because he physically wasn't able to leave you alone for 2 hours.
- Loveeees yapping to you about his interests! Only when you're non verbal though, he's gets too embarrased when talking for so long when you're able to respond.
- He adores giving you a bunch of little kisses on the top of your head.
- He doesn’t leave you alone with Missy anymore when you regress. The last time he did so, she taught you about 20 new cursewords.
- He's too afraid to leave you on your own without anyone watching over you. That also counts for when you're sleeping, he'll just sit besides the bed, waiting for you to wake up.
- He's horrible at actually going through with punishments. Most of the time, he'll put you in the corner, look at you for a good twenty seconds and instantly decide you've been sitting there long enough.
- He attempted singing you a lullaby once but he thought it sounded horrible... and is now too embarrased to ever try singing again.
- ^ He's now learned how to play all your favourite lullabies on his guitar instead. ^
He uses a lot of innocent lies to get you to behave. Stuff like 'You know if you don't stop being naughty right now, the bogeyman's gonna come get you.'
- He always makes you hold his hand while walking out in public cause he's terrified you'll wander off without him.
- He isn't a huge fan of being called dad cause it makes him feel old. He manages to ignore that feeling for you though.
- He always carries some kind of comfort item around for you. Even when you're not around him he still always has something stuffed in his pockets.
- If you have long-ish hair he's constantly gonna want to put your hair in ponytails, braids and buns cause he thinks it makes you look absolutely adorable.
- He prefers taking care of baby regressors, just cause they're generally more quiet then older kids. Also cause he's able to hold baby regressors in his lap all the time.
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HURAY IVE MADE HEADCANONS AGAIN Brrrbr I really needed these... the past few weeks have been ROUGH 😞. Anywho, IVE GOTTEN SO HYPERFIXATED ON THIS OLD MAN IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE. He's taking up about 80% of my thoughts atm. Also I want to eat his hair
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m3lonpire · 1 month
hi! I'd like to request makoto, Kyoko, and byakuya slowly becoming best friends to maybe lovers, idk, with a male or gender neutral reader who just, doesn't participate in the killing game? Like, as soon as monokuma announces that, 'omg lol, killing game, haha' they just take off to their room. Nobody sees them again. They only really show up at the trials and motive announcements. but even with the motives, they don't participate! they're just: nope not gonna watch that. nope not going to read that. nope, don't care about money. even in trials, they do not care, they just stand there and zone out for three hours until it's time to leave.
the only reason the characters even become friends with the guy is because they sometime appear for food or for a book to read, and the characters just, kind of talk to them until they fuck back off to their room. but eventually, they come out of their cave more and more, specifically to engage with the characters for a while.
sorry for all the DR asks, this hyperfixation is kicking my ASS so hard rn, it's not even funny. 🥲
Will do, Dino-boss! Something random, I tried to type the words "as well" and ended up with "ass well", which sounds like a strange slang term for a toilet.
"Decided to come out of your room, huh?" Byakuya comments, idly flipping through some random book as you step into the library. Honestly, how snooty he was made you want to go back to your room and never come out again. You were tired of all of this. Tired of the killing game, of the people here, everything. You were about to give him an earful before Kyoko chimed in from the corner of the grand (albeit rather small) library. "Leave him alone," she said firmly. "Yeah! Who said we needed your input?" Makoto blurts out from next to Kyoko. "I get where he's coming from, staying in his room. Decreases the chance of getting.... well, killed," he trailed off. Byakuya smirked as he responded. "Cute. Being a hermit isn't helping anyone, and it's not going to help us get out of here." Makoto pouted as Kyoko chimed in again, "There are still plenty of us here, even after what happened to Sayaka. He doesn't need to help all the time." "Kyoko, I can defend myself," you respond, crossing your arms. Nodding in response, she backs off. Makoto clears his throat, noticing the tension in the air. "H-hey, Y/N, do you wanna sit with me at breakfast tomorrow?" "I'll sit with you two as well," Kyoko comments, causing the three of you (including Byakuya) to turn your head to look at her. She raises her eyebrow, responding "To protect you." Byakuya rolls his eyes, putting the book he was 'reading' on the table next to him. "Fine, I guess I'll sit with you two as well. But don't get the idea that we're... buddies."
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Not sure if this was asked before but... how do you get your *passion* back for writing - or any old hobbies at all? Maybe bc of ADHD, but I used to hyperfixate on writing, reading and other things. They were my world. Now, when I actually have time to write... my interest is meh. Mild. Barely exists. But I'm still interested. Just not passionate. My heart doesn't flutter at new OC ideas anymore - or ships. Or family dynamics. I'm bored... what gives?
ADHD: Interested in Writing, But Not Passionate
I really struggled with this. Mainly, because I have a hard time wrapping my head around, "My interest barely exists but I'm still interested." I can't make sense of that.
I've written three different versions of an answer, none of which I liked in the end, because I think the long and the short of it is this: you can be interested in writing generally, but stuck on a WIP or unable to get started generally. And there are all sorts of reasons why you can be stuck on a WIP or unable to get started generally (including executive dysfunction... thanks, ADHD!) However, at the end of the day, if writing was a hyperfixation for you, that may be all it ever was. Even if some part of you is still "interested."
Which brings me to a story from answer attempt #2, which I think is still worth sharing. Years ago, I hyperfixated for weeks on a particular historical topic. I couldn't get enough. I read about it, watched documentaries about it, subscribed to magazines about it, fell down topic-related rabbit holes for hours at a time. My brain needed to understand every single thing there was to know about the topic, which was troublesome because everything about this topic isn't known... even by those who study it.
One day, my attention shifted to something else, but I never really lost the "interest" in this topic. My ears still perk when I hear something about it. I still skim articles about it when they come up on social media. I would probably pause in my channel surfing if I happened on a documentary about it. But my interest isn't the same. It's not enough for me to dive in to the extent that I did when it was a hyperfixation. And this was tested by the fact that not long ago, I visited a museum with a whole wing dedicated to this topic. And I knew it was a big deal that I was there, and that hyperfixated me would have blown a gasket out of sheer joy, but I just wasn't able to engage with the exhibits the way I wanted to or felt I should. I was looking at the artifacts and absorbing the words on the exhibition labels, but I wasn't feeling anything about it. It all fell flat. Which was kind of depressing, to be honest.
So, I'm telling that story because I think there's a very real possibility that may be what's happening for you with writing. It may just be a hyperfixation that still interests you in some way, but which can never really inspire that same level of interest you once had--unless you become hyperfixated on it again, but there's no way to force that. And there's no way to know for sure if that's what's going on except to try some of the things suggested in the links below to see if you can troubleshoot a cause or kick start your motivation. If not, it may just be something you did once and may come back to again eventually. ♥
Guide: Filling Your Creative Well Guide: How to Rekindle Your Motivation to Write Getting Excited About Your Story Again Getting Unstuck: Motivation Beyond Mood Boards & Playlists 5 Reasons You Lost Interest in Your WIP, Plus Fixes! Feeling Unmotivated with WIP
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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grapefacegrfa · 2 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Trailer Animalities
Mortal Kombat isn't my current hyperfixation (at least not the main one), but that new trailer has me super hype for September. I know my usual content is fan art, but when I saw the animalities, I started thinking. We saw Mileena's is a Praying Mantis, but what about the other animals we saw in the trailers? Whose are those?
TW: Some of the images past the Quan Chi section have blood. I tried my best to avoid gore as much as I could, but I couldn't do so with the Wolf or Pufferfish animalities. I apologize. :(
Also, before you read the rest, please note that I'm not at all an expert on the franchise. It's one of my special interests, but I don't know everything. Additionally, this is more of a ramble post, but I did do my research. I'm merely speculating here. If your thoughts are different, please feel free to let me know what you think! I wanna hear what other people have to say too! :D
Since I'm doing these in the order as we see them in the trailer, let's start off with the hyena. My first thought was Havik, and that was before I even decided to look at it closer. Mainly because hyenas are known to be skilled opportunistic scavengers (they aren't just scavengers though), and I thought it fit with Havik because, while I don't know that much about the character, I feel like his characterization kind of fits with the hyena. Hyenas can symbolize cleverness, but they also symbolize greed, stupidity and viciousness. That was my first thought. Then I watched the trailer again to look at the hyena a second time and that's when it became obvious.
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Notice it?
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Similar, if not exactly the same, facial disfigurement. I'm fairly certain the hyena is Havik's animality. Moving on to the next one, we have the hippo.
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I think this is Geras. My first thought was because of the glowing blue eyes, which makes sense as Geras is the only character on the MK1 roster with glowing blue eyes specifically and I'm pretty sure real life hippos don't have glowing eyes (/lh /s). Not only that, but even the saliva resembling sand (or maybe it is just straight up sand; it was hard for me to tell) and the odd looking veins (I think??) on the side of the head with a pattern resembling the face plate looking things on Geras's body and the color resembling his tattoos.
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Hippos are symbols of great skills in problem-solving, confidence, self-reliance, and strength. Also, in ancient Egypt, the hippo was a symbol of power and fertility. Not only that, but the hippopotamus is said to have the strongest bite of all land animals at about 8,130 Newtons per square inch. They are herbivores, but if disturbed by humans, they can be very dangerous and cause fatal injuries (according to ifaw.org). Next is one that's honestly given quite a bit of trouble.
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A gorilla. I'm having trouble figuring out who this might be. My first thought was Shao Kahn given that the fatality is done brutally with just the gorilla's hands. Gorillas are stronger than 10 or more adult humans combined. They're also known for being incredibly destructive and ferocious in fights. Their behavior and strength lead me to believe this is Shao Kahn's animality, but I'm not entirely sure because this could also apply to Reiko? Kind of??
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While there was an animality involving a large primate in MK3, that one belonged to Reptile. It's possible that the gorilla animality could belong to Reptile again, but I highly doubt it. It doesn't fit Syzoth's character. Plus, if all the past animalities were the same in the new game, that would mean Scorpion's is a penguin again and, while that could be cool as a reference and for comedy, I don't think the devs would do that.
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Then we have a fossilized T-Rex. Now, there has been a T-Rex animality before in MK3, but that one belonged to Stryker (if you ask me, it should've been a pig /lh /hj).
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However, given it's a T-Rex's skeleton being manipulated here, I believe it's Quan Chi's because. Well. Necromancy.
Next image contains blood. I couldn't avoid it. :(
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This one's Kenshi's. I don't have a doubt about it.
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While Kenshi didn't debut until Deadly Alliance and didn't have an animality but Nightwolf did, whose was a wolf, the addition of the transparent wolf resembling the appearance of Kenshi's ancestors gives it away.
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Do I even need to say anything here?
No, but I will anyway.
This is obviously Scorpion's animality. In MK3, this one actually belonged to Sheeva and Scorpion's was a penguin, but given they made Reptile's a chimpanzee in that game, I suppose that isn't too surprising. As for why Scorpion's was a penguin, I'm not sure.
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It was most likely for comedic effect because you wouldn't expect Scorpion's animality to be a small creature associated with freezing temperatures. Thankfully, this was changed in the next game because Scorpion's animality is a scorpion in MK4.
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Plus, the way the animality ends is similar, with the giant scorpion stabbing the opponent with its stinger.
Next image has blood too. Sorry. :(
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The last one we see aside from Mileena's, which we know because we see her transform into a Praying Mantis in the trailer, is a pufferfish. Specifically a purple one. This is Rain's. Not only because it's an aquatic creature, but the color matches Rain's attire.
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In MK3, Rain's animality was an elephant, which was most likely also for comedic effect, but it could've also possibly been because, with enough pressure and concentration, water could be strong enough to cut through skin. Pressure washers have this capability since their force is usually around 1600psi, yet it only takes about 100psi to puncture human skin. Of course, cutting skin off is different from simply blowing it off of someone's body, but while the water could easily cut through fat, muscle, and tissue, I'm pretty sure most pressure washers aren't able to cut through bone. That doesn't mean water couldn't do that, but the fact that the elephant blows the opponent's skin off rather than simply piercing right through their body is kind of similar to how much damage pressure washers could do. I don't know, I'm probably looking too much into it because MK3 had some goofy animalities and Rain himself as a character is inspired by the song "Purple Rain" by Prince, so maybe I'm just taking it too seriously.
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Anyway, back to the pufferfish situation. The pufferfish is often seen as a symbol of adaptability and resilience. However, it also has negative connotations, as people who are associated with these animals tend to overestimate their abilities or talents. They may have a knack for making their voice heard and getting their message across, even if they have to project a prickly persona (meaning they lose their temper and/or get frustrated easily) in order to do it (according to whatismyspiritanimal.com). I think the negative qualities suit Rain. He's known to be obsessively ambitious and, from my observations, rather prideful, even in MK1.
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And that wraps up my analysis! I spent over 2 hours on this post, but I love doing research of my special interests, and getting to do that for some cool animals and the Mortal Kombat series was super fun! Again, feel free to correct me and/or share your thoughts! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you consider reblogging if you did. ^^ /nf
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narabea06 · 7 months
ASMP Headcanons bc I'm hyperfixated -
(Spoiler hcs under the cut)
Aimsey often moves her hands a lot when they talk and will pace around a room as they ramble oftentimes. Aimsey now doesn't pull her sword out for long periods of time when they're not in battle due to them unconsciously fidgeting and swinging it when they do.
Aimsey has a lot of jewelry and and shiny stuff due to being a prince. A few of these include some pretty rings, their crown, some gems they woke up with in their pockets, some blue diamond earrings, and a moon pendent they clipped to their button up. They also have matching little moon buttons on the cuffs of gems sleeves.
- Aimsey and Guqqie have matching flowers in their hair that Aimsey picked for them. Aimsey's are blue, Guqqie's are orange.
Guqqie often will watch over Aimsey while they sleep, since Guqqie is actually nocturnal and can go long periods without sleeping. Aimsey doesn't know about this and Guqqie doesn't want to tell him about it because they're scared that if Aimsey knows she guards gem in their sleep, Aimsey might be scared off or might laugh at them.
Aimsey actually lost their hearing in his right ear due to the explosion, causing him to often purposely move so a person they're talking to is on their left side more often than their right, that way gem can hear them more clearly.
When Tud asked if Aimsey was able to be picked up after showing them the enderman picture, he actually held his hands out to try, which caused Aimsey to flinch back in a defense position bc Aimsey doesn't like to be picked up.
Ever since Aimsey tried to give Phil that one blue flower, Phil has been much more drawn to stopping to look at flowers. Even though he threw away the flower Aimsey gave him, he kind of regrets it in a way and now isn't able to look at those blue flowers the same way again. Phil also wasn't very used to people just giving him stuff without him having to steal it so he was very surprised by Aimsey's gift and still kind of wishes he kept it. He even started collecting every blue flower he sees at this point when he has time.
Guqqie covers their body with their tail when they sleep, since their tail is so thick and fluffy that it genuinely works well as a blanket.
Tud wears goggles on their head where one eye is regular glass and the other is empty. This is because this is a place to put a spyglass into so he can see things up close. When he takes Aimsey's spyglass, he places it on there so he doesn't have to keep manually lift up the spyglass any time he needs it.
Aimsey is not a fan of direct eye contact with new people and often prefers looking at the bridge of someone's nose to make it look like he's making eye contact.
Guqqie is very cold to the touch and has very cold hands. Because of this, while Aimsey does like holding hands with them or hugging them, he can't hug them for too long because she's too cold. Guqqie likes to tease Aimsey about this by touching Aimsey's face or arms with cold hands suddenly to scared them.
Aimsey got Phil that blue flower because the color matched his eyes.
Guqqie draws a lot actually and Aimsey sometimes finds her using a stick to draw random stuff in the dirt, or using the map supplies to draw little doodles. Sometimes, she even draws Aimsey when they think they aren't looking.
Aimsey has tried multiple times to pick up endermen, and Guqqie has watched Aimsey literally bear hug endermen to see if they were strong enough to lift them. For a while, Aimsey could even not figure out that endermen were hostile due to him never making eye contact with them. The only reason they actually started to dislike endermen and think they were hostile was when they saw an enderman take a block from their castle. They got really pissed by this and even had Guqqie make a little "No Endermen Allowed" sign to hang on their castle.
Tud is not really physically emotive and often it's pretty difficult to tell what they're thinking. He often keeps his hands in his hoodie pockets most of the time and the only thing he really emotes with are his cat ears and tail, and his eyes. (Yet again tho, Aimsey doesn't make eye contact)
Phil actually has been talking to the moon like Aimsey told him to, though he's been having a bit of trouble with not feeling awkward about it and often won't say much more than like two sentences describing his day. He also gets scared to steal from people when the moon comes up due to him being worried the moon will see him do it.
Tud wears flipflops.
The first time Aimsey went through Tud's painting, they actually tripped, which caused them to accidentally fall through. Aimsey immediately got back out before Tud realized they already went in, but Aimsey could not unsee what they saw.
Tud realized Aimsey was human the moment gem took off their armor, due to them taking off their helmet revealing their ears. Tud tried to distract Aimsey and himself from the realization by just pointing out their crown and outfit.
Guqqie took and washed Aimsey's vest and sword when they got home from killing Tud due to both being covered in blood, and Aimsey passing out the moment they got home.
When Aimsey went through the painting, they actually just stood there in shock for a moment after stepping through. The thing that mentally pulled them back to reality was actually Tud physically reaching in and pulling Aimsey back out. When Tud pulled them out of the painting, Aimsey did hit the wall behind them due to stumbling, but they recovered rather quickly.
The books in the chest in Tud's house are actually one singular book with a bunch of pages ripped out for the logs that are missing. When Aimsey grabbed it though, all the pages the logs were on fell out of the book. When Tud told them to put the logs back how they found it, Aimsey had shoved the pages hastily back in the booj to try and get it to look at least somewhat similar to before.
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You have awakened a hyperfixation that has been long dormant. It requires Natsu headcannons for nutrition (please, and thank you very much kind person)
Ah but of course. Would I even be Phoenix if I couldn't even oblige a comrade with Natsu headcanons
Always has something flammable on him. Packs of matches, lighters in his pockets, sparklers in his bags, etc. He's always gotta have something on him for snacking purposes when he's traveling. This also, incidentally, is a reason why no one likes having him near their kitchens because they know he's gonna swipe their matches/lighters.
Doesn't like reading much despite how much he loves stories. He gets why other people like it but it's just not for him. There's just not enough in there to catch his whole attention. He'd much rather listen to someone narrating a story to him than try to force himself to read it. This is the basis of how Natsu and Levy started hanging out as kids, she'd read some of her books aloud and he was her most avid listener.
Is unintentionally snobby towards other fire wizards. He's not even doing it on purpose! It's just if you use fire magic within his vicinity he will judge the quality of the flames, heat intensity, overall control, etc. It's even worse if he eats it and doesn't like it.
A lot more reliant on his senses compared to the other slayers, especially his sense of smell. Every new thing he encounters has to pass a sniff test first. He does this with people too but tries to not let it be too obvious (kept gettin too many complaints but he doesn't always remember). Flip side though is that he can get easily overwhelmed by smells that are too strong :(
Adrenaline junkie. Much to the annoyance of his friends. If he doesn't do anything that'll guarantee him a head rush he'll explode.
Absolutely despises anything touching his neck that isn't his scarf. He hates anything that touches his neck (and by proxy, the scar on it). It is an absolute no no zone for for anyone or anything to touch.
People fucking hate fighting him because he is all over the damn place. He's slippery, he keeps dropping to all fours like some freak. Can't let him get too close cause he bit someone a few minutes and they dunno if he's willing to sink his teeth into another person. Plus there's something in his eyes that makes people uncomfortable cause no one should look that excited while bleeding and fending off a hoard of bad guys.(In a normal sanctioned fight like GMG or something official he will not bite, he can hold back for that. Outside fights he's playing by his own rules though)
Started his collection of souvenirs from each mission as a way to tell Igneel about everything he's done over the year while he was gone. Stopped a lil bit after Igneel's passing but picked it back up again down the line. Maybe not as meticulous about it as before but it's a hobby he still keeps up.
Ambidextrous but favours his right for a lot of things. Still doesn't get why it's a big deal to people that he is tbh.
He could literally watch Happy stab someone but would still defend Happy without question and with his last breath. 'Oh? My lil buddy stabbed you? Well what'd you do to piss him off huh? He wouldn't do that just cause. Obviously you did something that made him defend himself! What were you tryna do to him huh?!' It's why Happy's so smug, he knows he can get away with almost anything cause of Natsu.
Had severe Tony Hawk syndrome before GMG and his face got known enough for people to finally be able to put a face with his nickname 'Salamander', which honestly he kinda misses. Sure free stuff is nice, and meeting new people but he could do without people always hounding him sometimes :/
Does not know how to tie shoelaces and never will. You can't make him.
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caus34concern · 1 year
i'm tired of pretending that play rehearsal/theater isn't some sort of escape mechanism for christine and that she doesn't have a ton of underlying issues so here's this thing
an escape mechanism is a mental process which enables a person to avoid acknowledging unpleasant or threatening aspects of reality.
"I look around, and everyone's hurting. I wish there was something real I could do to make things better, but I don't know how. So I guess I'll just do theater."
christine's whole character revolves around play rehearsal/theater and her passion for it. when it starts, she's happy. when it's over, she's sad. basically, on a surface level, her entire personality is just being an eccentric theater kid. theater could just be a hyperfixation of hers since she does have adhd, but hyperfixation itself can also be a coping mechanism in the way that sometimes it leads to the avoidance of your problems and instead just causes you to turn to your hyperfixation as a distraction which is basically just escapism. she mentions doing similar when she talks to jeremy right before the pitiful children in the bway production.
for a more in-depth analysis on how and why it's an escape mechanism, it's basically just rooted in how christine wants things to be easy. she said so herself in voices in my head. and that's why she enjoys theater. because it makes her life easy. everything is planned out in a script and there's no uncertainty or pressure of having to decide what to do. she doesn't have to worry about making mistakes or sudden surprises or going off-topic into some tangent because everything is planned. if something happens in a play, it probably happened for a reason, and that reason ultimately usually leads to a happy ending.
another thing about theater she likes is acting. she mentions in a guy that i'd kinda be into that she doesn't relate to other people her age unless she's on stage which is basically just her indirectly saying that she feels disconnected to others and only feels connected when she's on stage. when she's playing a role. when she's acting as someone else. basically, she only connects with people when she pretends to be someone who she's not. in addition, she says in i love play rehearsal that the only time she gets to be the center of attention is when she's acting. there's also this line from the i love play rehearsal demo where she says that when she's being praised on stage she feels like she's in control but then remembers it's just the role she's acting which gives another example of how she uses theater and acting as an escape mechanism. she uses it to feel in control because, as mentioned previously, with a script she won't have to worry about what comes next. she feels in control knowing that everything will work out in the end, but then she remembers that that isn't actually her life and she's merely just acting out someone else's. so she actually isn't in control. her story doesn't have a script to follow or have an ending to be happy about yet.
now onto some of her underlying issues. acting and her lack of sense of self kind of go hand in hand. you know the phrase "losing yourself in a role"? yeah, take that but make it literal and that's christine. due to her often playing roles and acting as someone else, she loses her sense of self. and since she has no friends or at least isn't shown to have any, she has no way of telling what her "true self" is. maybe if she had a friend, they'd be able to tell her that she wasn't herself or that what she was doing was something she wouldn't usually try doing, but since she doesn't, she doesn't know what her true self is. she doesn't know herself outside of the role she acts. she doesn't know herself outside of theater which is practically her life. even jake fell in love with her acting rather than her. the reason jake liked her is because seeing her acting made him feel something and that's all it ever was. the reason they broke up is because "she wasn't juliet". christine was mostly reduced to and liked for her acting by jake. jake didn't like her for her.
and it's due to her lack of sense of self that makes her subconciously a people pleaser. she doesn't realize because she finds it natural to pretend to be someone she's not. she doesn't realize because she doesn't have a sense of self to begin with. christine mentions in i love play rehearsal that she wonders if she's living up to all she's meant to be. at first, maybe it's about her acting. something like am living up to the expectations of those around me? but with her previous issues taken into account, it might instead be am i showing people who i actually am instead of who i can be? jake said something similar himself in the bway version of upgrade. he asks christine when was the last time she tried something new that wasn't on stage. she's been limiting herself to a life on stage and grown used to acting as someone else to the point that she's never actually able to "live up to all she's meant to be".
ok that's it i just really needed to get this thing out of my system, and i hope this causes one less person to mischaracterize christine or water her down to an eccentric theater kid with adhd because that girl is so insecure and sad
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