#and eventually i lose those skills and then i’m sad
oliverryart · 1 year
I love discovering new artists to froth at the mouth for because sometimes they inspire you and make you so excited or have a style that brings you joy or have storytelling aspects you adore,,,,,
And other times they rip apart a personal bias that’s been holding you back and make you realize that the only reason you haven’t drawn something is your own fear of failure and FUCK that noise i’m gonna go draw ALL the things!!!!!
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bts-trans · 2 years
[KOR/ENG LYRICS] Yun by RM (with Erykah Badu)
결국 진리에 살다가 가야 한다는 거야. 우리 또한 그자리에서는 At the end of the day, we have to live while holding on to truth. In that place—
인간의 본질인데 it’s human nature but
진선미 진실하다는 진자하고 착할 선자하고 아름다운 미, 내 생각에는 진 하나만 가지고 다 해결되는 거야 “Jin. Seon. Mi”. “Jin” meaning truth, “seon” meaning “goodness”, and “mi” meaning “beauty”. In my opinion, just having truth alone solves everything.*
F*** the trendsetter
I’mma turn back the time
Back the time, far to when I was nine
좋은 것과 아닌 것밖에 없던 그때 When there was nothing but the good and not good
차라리 그때가 더 인간이었던 듯해 It feels like I was actually more of a person back then
이쪽저쪽에서 받았던 손가락질들이 Fingers pointed at me from all sides
이젠 가야 할 곳이라며 저 산을 가리키지 Now they say there’s a place I must go, and point at that mountain over there
That’s where you belong
Oh you gon’ be alone if
뭣도 아닌 그 진심들을 고집하면은 you keep stubbornly hanging on to that truth, it means nothing
팀 빠진 넌 사실 뭣도 아니야 너는 Without your team, you’re nothing honestly
고속도로서 오솔길로 가려 해 너는 You’re trying to go from a highway to a little trail
그냥 내 말 좀 들어 그러다 다 잃어 Just listen to me, you’ll lose everything that way
늘 그랬듯 you go with the flow, you get better Like always, you go with the flow, you get better
F*** that s***, 에뜨랑제의 lifestyle F*** that s***, the lifestyle of an étranger
늘 나의 자리는 경계선의 pipeline I always stand on boundary pipelines
여전히 난 허락되지 않는 꿈을 꿔 I still dream dreams I’m not allowed to
아무도 보지 않는 춤을 춰 I dance dances no one sees
You keep the silence
‘Fore you do somethin’
You be a human
Till the death of you
I wanna be a human
‘Fore I do some art
It’s a cruel world
But there’s gon’ be my part
Cuz true beauty is a true sadness
Now you could feel my madness
I wanna be a human
'Fore I do some art
It's a cruel world
But there's gon’ be my part
Cuz true beauty is a true sadness
Now you could feel my madness
그는 말했지 늘, 먼저 사람이 돼라 He always said, “be a human first”
예술 할 생각 말고 놀아 느껴 희로애락 Don’t think about making art, just feel all the pain and pleasure, the joy and sorrow
What is it with the techniques
What is it with the skills
What is it with all the words
In your lyrics that you can’t feel?
나 당신이 말한 진리가 뭔지 몰라 다만 I don’t know what the truth that you spoke about is, but
그저 찾아가는 길 위 나의 속도와 방향 I just go on the paths I find, in my own speed and direction
You’re dead, but to me you the f***in’ contemporary
여전히 이곳에 살아서 흘러 permanently Still living here, flowing permanently
이 모든 경계의 위에 선 자들에게 To all those who stand on boundary lines
반드시 보내야만 했던 나의 밤을 건네 I give you these nights that I just had to spend
반짝이는 불꽃은 언젠가 땅으로 Shimmering fireworks eventually fall to the ground
카이사르의 것은 카이사르로 Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s*²
시커멓게 탄 심장 A heart that’s burnt black
재를 뿌린 그 위에 시를 쓰네 I write poems where the ashes were spread
사선을 오갔던 생과 To a life that went back and forth between life and death and
당신이 마침내 이 땅에 남긴 것들에게 To the things that you left behind in this earth in the end
나 역시 그저 좀 더 나은 어른이길 I, of course, just hope to be a better adult
You keep the silence
'Fore you do somethin'
You be a human
Till the death of you
I wanna be a human
'Fore I do some art
It's a cruel world
But there's gon’ be my part
Cuz true beauty is a true sadness
Now you could feel my madness
I wanna be a human
'Fore I do some art
It's a cruel world
But there's gon’ be my part
Cuz true beauty is a true sadness
Now you could feel my madness
죽기까지 못할꺼야 I won’t be able to do it till I die.
그렇게 하고 싶은데 안돼요 I want to do it that way, but I’m not able to.
그럴려면 이 욕심도 다 버리고 In order to do it, you have to get rid of your greed.
모든 욕심 다 버려야 해 You have to get rid of all of your greed
천진무구한 세게로 돌아가야지 and go back to a world of perfect innocence.
그리고 약간 And well,
나는 그렇게 하고 싶은데 I want to do that.
왜 안 되는 거야 But why can’t I?
근데 죽을 때까지 그렇게 해보려고 노력을 해야지 But I have to keep trying till I die.
그게 인간의 목적인 것 같아 I think that is the purpose of human beings.*
Translators’ Notes:
*The dialogue translated in this section is our best guess, as the nature of vocal sample makes it difficult to hear the words clearly.
2. From Matthew 22:21.
Trans cr; Aditi | Spot Check cr; Faith & Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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jacksope-lives · 1 year
If ur still doing kiss prompts maybe 30 or 31 for 2russ?
Your wish is my command!
31. ...as comfort
Life had settled down, at least for the time being. There’d been a plan concocted by Murdoc to get the band out of LA for a while using some fake passports, but when that had fallen through the Gorillaz found themselves, as they often did, waiting for the other shoe to drop. In the meantime at least the group decided to get more into some hobbies. Russel had returned to his taxidermy work, but he’d also decided to get really good at card games. His reasoning was simple: back when he’d worked with his uncle, he could never beat him. 
Now that Russel was much older and those days were long gone, he figured he didn’t have much to do but bide his time, and what a better way to bide said time than to pick up the pass time. Of course, that meant Russel would have to practice his skills, and considering Noodle refused to play with him, and he didn’t want to play with 2D for…other reasons, he was stuck battling against Murdoc. He was doing really well, which was actually a bad thing, considering how big of a sore loser the man was.
“You’re a bloody cheater!” Murdoc yelled as he threw his cards down on the table, seemingly quitting. Russel resented that accusation heavily, considering who it was coming from. “And Noodle’s probably fudging the score,” he added, gesturing to Noodle, who’d been observing the game and tallying wins. So far it was fifty-four for Russel and one for Murdoc.
“Come on, man, I’ve been watching you shove cards down your pants this entire game. Not mention leaning over to look at mine,” Russel explained and Murdoc simply grumbled that it was different and, short of flipping the table, simply walked off in a huff. “You sure you don’t want to play with me?” Russel asked Noodle, and she simply shook her head as she erased the board she’d been tallying on.
“Part of life is avoiding the battles you can’t win,” she assessed, and Russel took it as a compliment of his playing. At that, moment, 2D walked in the room, and suddenly Russel felt the urge to shut down the entire game. 2D, his sweet, silly, absolutely adorable boyfriend, was horrible at card games. And moreover, Russel just couldn’t bear to see him upset after a loss, even if he did his best to conceal it. Unfortunately, his plan failed, and 2D asked what he’d been dreading.
“Are you playing card games? Can I play?” he asked with an excited tone in his voice. He remembered he’d once compared 2D to a golden retriever, and he felt that comparison was apt. His soft, fluffy blue hair and wide white eyes always gave Russel the urge to ruffle his hair, and made it impossible to say no to him. So, Russel nodded, giving 2D a head pat before the other man sat down across from him. Noodle began keeping score and the game began. It went about as predictably as possible.
2D took a long time to decide what he wanted to play, and when he did, it was always something easily counter by Russel. And whenever he lost, he’d get this little frustrated look in his eyes before insisting that they play again. Eventually, Russel couldn’t take that sad frustration in his face anymore and started losing on purpose. Once that game concluded and Noodle read out the results, Russel expected 2D to be happy. Instead, he was just as upset as before.
“You shouldn’t let me win on purpose,” he assessed, and Russel quickly stuttered out a response, hoping that 2D hadn’t noticed.
“I-I didn’t-” he started before seeing that look on 2D’s face again and relenting. “I’m sorry D, I just thought it would make you feel better,” he offered and 2D shook his head, leaning across the table to plant a gentle kiss on Russel’s lips before giving him that same sweet gap-toothed grin he always did. Russel averted his eyes, embarrassed at having to be placated.
“There, now I feel much better,” 2D assessed as he touched Russel’s face, refocusing his eyes towards him. “And from the looks of it I’d say so do you,” he added, and Russel couldn’t help but chuckle at how bad he had it for his fellow bandmate. Next to them, Noodle seemed to be writing something on the board and when Russel looked, he saw that she’d erased the score and written something else.
“I think this game goes to 2D,” she concluded before getting up and leaving the two alone to kiss some more.
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urhurtingme · 2 years
I’ve been logged out of this account for maybe 3 or 4 years?
I’m better now. I’ve seemed out therapy. Medication. Journaled. Learned skills.
Looking back on these posts, and seeing I’m getting notes and reblogs to this day my heart is breaking.
I no longer identify with who ever made these posts. And if you relate to any of them, I promise it gets better. And when it does get better you will still have bad days.
But you will know you’re better when you can stop and take a deep breath, even when it seems impossible. Even when your fear, terror, sadness, anger, hate, guilt, what ever it is you’re feeling is eating you alive. The fact you’re able to STOP. take a deep breath and realize these feelings; they are all temporary.
Maybe now you feel this way, but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Who knows the people you will meet, the people you will lose; whether good or bad, it will shape you into a new you and a new mindset. A new experience, a new feeling, or a new perspective.
All the bad came into my life eventually led me to good. And it’s impossible to have good without bad.
I still listen to the same songs I listened to back when I posted on here, sometimes I feel sad but most of the time I feel happy I can listen to them. And understand the lyrics, but also not IDENTIFY with them. I remember the way I used to feel, the way I used to BE, the PERSON I used to be. And I look at myself now. I hold a job, I can communicate (for the most part, nobody is perfect) I can not only put into words how I feel, but now I can truly understand it. I don’t see my pain as art anymore I see my paid as pain. My sadness as sadness and my anger as anger.
I think the mistake I made in my recovery was romanticizing my own pain. Because I couldn’t stand to truly see why I was feeling those ways. I blocked it out with poetry and posts that made my suffering seem desirable instead of what it was; unhealthy.
If you can’t afford therapy seek free resources! Dr Daniel James Fox on YouTube, a DBT workbook you can find PDF files online for free.
Dr Daniel James Fox also writes books you can find on amazon or Barnes and Noble, it’s not all reading there’s journaling prompts to help you understand where you wounds truly come from and how to fix them!
I promise there’s help out there for you just as there was for me. I promise it gets better. If you understood my posts on this account I highly recommend talking to someone or at least finding a DBT work book online.
The pain you’re feeling is valid, but I promise there’s a better way of dealing with it.
And I promise promise promise. You. Are. Not. Alone.
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The Boat Chronicles Pt. 2
Summer 2014
Her name was One Love, and she was the most beautiful sailboat I had ever seen, not that I’d seen all that many sailboats. I knew nothing of boats, but my artists eye told me that she had good lines, and the previous owner had painted her in a really pirate-y red/black/white theme; it was love at first sight. I ran headfirst into her arms and held her like I’d never let her go, and for a time she held me too.
She taught me so much in those months, I’m still unraveling it all.
Her previous owner had a memorable sounding last name, and it quickly become an epithet, uttered every time something new broke, someone put a foot through a new soft spot, water found a new way to intrude. To be fair to the poor guy, none of it was probably really his fault, he’d inherited a rotting mess, and we had taken her on in her death throes. She needed a real shipwright, someone with time and money. We had time, but sometimes you really do need to have all the things. All that aside, what happened happened, and she exists now as salvaged pieces on the walls of friends homes, in two different states.
It was relatively early on that our cat put her head right through the transom of the boat, like right through it, like “cat shaped hole in the back of our boat” through it. “We’ll fix it eventually” became a mantra. The dock master would remark to me that we’d “bitten off a large bite with that boat”, projects piled up, leaks grew worse, and life was lived in the in-between spaces. And it was a good life, despite the hardships I grew so used to stuffing aside I swear some of them will stay buried forever, it was good. Sofia, our dog Lucy, and I had some of the best adventures during that time. Going exploring with my kids is one of my greatest strengths as a mother, anything can be magical if you frame it the right way.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll continue to say it: I don’t regret one single sunset. All those years, all those struggles, the fear, the sadness, the absolute hopeless despair, I wouldn’t trade a single one of those sunsets for anything. The person I am now could not exist without them.
Spring 2015
Money is low; it’s nothing I’m not used to, but an added stress on top of a project that is truly beginning to seem impossible. I do finally manage to put my skills to use though. Nothing I know how to do at this time actually applies to boats; I learn by doing, and since it is also my job to raise our kid and keep her happy, I really don’t have much chance to learn about boat restoration. But I know plants, and I can feed my family on those skills; I’ve proven this. It’s a different kind of walk in the woods, when you’re looking for a meal. Less taking in the scenery in general, more scanning the undergrowth, looking for the certain types of situations that I simply cannot put into words but know with an almost religious conviction will provide me with food, with medicine. It’s the edges, the places between the fields and the forests, the sides of roads and the place where deciduous forests give way to conifers, they live in those places, and at this point I can spot them from much farther away than I can read a street sign. It would be another handful of years before I would admit I needed glasses.
Sea beans are a new acquaintance, tasting like what the ocean would taste like if it were a vegetable, and there is plenty of chickweed, wild lettuce, sorrel. The mulberries are prolific. I even try my hand at digging for clams, until I’m informed by a concerned fisherman that, even though I have a fishing license, I can’t just dig for clams wherever the hell I want, and I lose my nerve. That was one amazing meal though. Protein is the hardest thing to forage. I never learned how to fish, the crab pot we found washed up on the beach yields a solitary shrimp that falls through the gaps in the wire as we pull it up, not one crab. We quickly give up on trying to be fishermen.
Slowly, slowly, the work is done. I don’t do much of it myself, a bit of sanding here and there, but overall my work is in keeping the kids (both in and out of my belly) fed and happy, and keeping up the front that everything is, indeed, just fucking fine. And it sort of is? The decks forward of the cockpit are replaced and painted, the leaks should be drastically reduced, we take a few photos, exchange a few high fives, and leave her for what was planned to be a two-week trip to visit family.
I would never see One Love again.
Late Summer 2020
I have taken to walking again, months after the disastrous birth of my fourth child left my body unable to do any of the things I generally count on it to be able to do, I am slowly growing more active. It comes as such a relief, going on walks has always been a standby for me. Cranky kids? Throw them in the stroller, strap the smallest to my back, walk until no-one’s screaming anymore. This time period is hard to bring into focus, existing beneath the cloud of the deepest and darkest bout of postpartum depression I would ever experience, my memories mostly center around light. Deltaville has really great light.
There is a point in the late afternoon, early evening, when the sunlight filters through the trees around the boatyard and makes everything glow for a few moments, like you can actually physically see the hope contained within those hulls. Like the dreams they represent have substance for a moment, before fading back away like dreams do. Boatyards know this better than most places, enfolding within their gates so many dreams that will never sail away, so many hours of labor that will never pay off, so many valuable lessons learned, regardless of the outcomes.
There is one walk in particular that I always take with the kids. The late light throws the corn field into sharp relief, you might even see a few deer race by. The yarrow flowers indomitably all season long here, my favorite medicine forever, she brings me hope when hope is otherwise nowhere to be found. This evening I see the seasons first ghost pipes, and something inside me flickers, just for a moment, a reminder that I’m still alive in there somewhere. That there really is an end in sight. We are coming up on one year in the boatyard. What was meant to be only a couple months stretched, as time does, until most mornings I wake up with a silent scream stuck in my throat; “Will this ever end?” But with the sight of those otherworldly white flowers, tinged with bright pink and so pale they almost glow, I remember that right now is all I have. Right now, in the boatyard, giving up, and I have to somehow find a way to make it alright.
It’s a good thing the light is so perfect in Deltaville, it makes it easier to pretend that everything is just fucking fine.
Summer 2018
We are motoring out of Jackson Creek; the crisp early morning sunlight bathes us all, renewing us, and the ridiculous, question mark shaped, entrance channel is much easier to navigate in daylight. The sandbar on our starboard side is alive with splashing and shimmering, and I point excitedly to Sofia and Naomi:
“Look girls, dolphins!”
“Uh, mom?” Sofia looks at me like I’ve grown an extra head, “ Aren’t those stingrays?”
They were, absolutely, 100%, stingrays.
Listen, I can identify plants all day long, but nobody’s perfect.
To be continued…
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manicali · 4 months
Character Lore: Smiley
Trigger warning: Suicide, abuse, neglect, alcohol abuse, murder. Its not like horrific but I have no idea how the average person feels about such topic so I’m warning anyway
Twenty six years before Ash fell through the veil in the cardboard house, a girl named Hailey lived in its parallel.
Hailey was afflicted with horrible luck from birth, her mother dying during childbirth, and her father being a piece of shit.
Neglected since infancy, its a miracle she made it to the age of six, where she entered the first grade having missed kindergarten.
She was severely behind her peers in academics and social skills, getting bullied quite a bit for this.
Bitter and alone, she met her first and only friend. The silhouette of the small girl grinned up at her from the pavement.
Smiley outlasted the average imaginary friend, with Hailey insisting they were real until the age of eleven, when she learned that lying was the best route to staying out of trouble. She stopped talking about Smiley, but not to them. The two still maintained a close friendship.
Around this time, Hailey’s anger issues began to alienate her from others. She eventually learned that relying on anyone else was not the best idea.
And so this was life for five years, until the fateful day when Hailey was sixteen. Her father was home and angry and drunk out of his mind. He hit her, throwing her across the room. At this point something finally snapped in the girl’s head. She took a kitchen streakknife and stabbed her father with it.
(God that sounded like a creepy pasta murder, I will show myself into the bucket of tacks I belong in for writing those last two sentences)
Horrified, she turned the blade on herself, ignoring her friend’s pleas, and she took her life via her wrists, hence why Smiley wears those red leather cuffs
Two dying people and a a crumbling figment of the imagination must have been of interest for a younger deity who had crossed into the “real world” that night, intent on seeing it for themself.
The veil had thinned to such a degree allowing Smiley to stumble over, their last look at the world behind was of Hailey’s dying body.
Over their time there, a gateway had begun to root itself in the house, long known by neighborhood children as haunted. The “real world” house had fallen into disrepair, no one daring touch the place where such a tragedy occurred. On the other side of the gateway, through the veil, a broken home of cardboard and sadness had built itself, with Smiley still lingering on the other end, playing the children’s games of pretend she and Hailey used to play.
Fun facts about the character
•Hailey and Smiley had one stuffed rabbit growing up, and after a few years in the cardboard house, it appeared there too
• Camilla and Smiley are like sisters, Camilla taking her under her wing
• There is a long running dislike between Smiley and Clover, nobody knows why and they refuse to explain
•Smiley is the first character introduced in the dream world
•They love tea, especially fruity ones, by any of them are great
•While relatively small, they grow about an inch in early morning sunlight or late afternoon sunlight
•Their original voice made me lose mine for like a day it was super raspy
Im not even sure this will stay the same because I dont know if it’s allowed to be depicted in a cartoon
• Smiley used to always smile, hence their name. They gained the ability to frown and stuff upon moving to the Othwrworld
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blckdtd · 7 months
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Dear 18-year-old me,
I’m sorry I didn’t took care of you enough, didn’t took care of ourselves. I was having a long standing battle with myself at that time. I don’t think I even knew how to smile properly at the time where I’m genuinely happy, comfortable, confident with myself.
I was still figuring out college during that time. I did asked myself if we were in the right group of people or if we were walking right path at the time.
I had so many questions about us during that time. It gave me sleepless nights, anxiety, and I guess long term sadness and hopelessness that I think I still have in me even today.
You’ve been a night owl ever since, but sometimes we do hate being awake at night because it reminds of things that we know will drown us even further.
I think everything bottled up to the point that where we attempted to kill myself. For some reason, I forgot to count how many times I tried to end myself. At first, I did open up to somebody that these were my thoughts at the time. But eventually, I randomly share it.
It’s a confusing part where I don’t know of I’m numb on what I feel? Or am I just getting skilled at shrugging pff these voices I mostly hear in my head.
We met so many people btw. We also had a crush on so many people lol. We fell in love really hard on someone, he is a friend. Of course, we were rejected, and you were right before you even begun second year of college that you will have a crush on this friend of yours.
We tried to end our lives in 3rd year, but we were so coward to even do it. We didn’t went to school for a whole week. Even today, I still want to end my life for the most parts. But for some reason, some love still lingers in my heart to not do it yet. I do question my self if am I really a suicidal person as I claim to be or am I just being like this for attention.
To be honest, I know that I failed you to live the life you really wanted. Maybe also because we lost our will to live for everyday. We’re just existing for the sake of existing.
We got scammed back in 2020 because we are too foolish to believe in a too good to be true person, and this is something I am so ashamed of to tell anyone. On why I blinded myself because of starvation of being desired by someone, of having someone by my side, and I’m really sorry for being so dumb and didn’t know any better. You lost so much money because of that person. To the point that you wish to die because of the shame that happened. You also gave your first kiss to this person. Fuck that. I pity myself even today that, that happened. And now you don’t know how to build those money again. That money that you just lost.
I’m really sorry for failing you over and over again. I’m sorry for losing your genuine smile and compassion to others. I’m sorry for what is happening to us right now.
I tried to make everything better overtime. Build our confidence as we search for path in this world. We try to learn how to tone down our voices. But sometimes, emotions gets the better of us.
Life was still a flow. There’s up and downs. Just when you thought that youre getting better at you job right now, you believe yourself too much and fuck things over. So now you need to build yourself all over again.
We never got the money btw. Cause we temporarily move out of house. And you like to eat all the foods you enjoy. So no. We have no savings. I think we need to start atleast a burial plan. Cause i can feel that i might kill my self really this time.
Its still a challenge for us to love ourself. Sorry bout that. I hope that the other us, in another universe, is living well, loving herself, and also experiencing love that she deserves.
Love, C
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zootplayz · 9 months
Aliens to the Left of me, Enemies to the Right
So at the end of my last post I said Jamie was having a slow start. Guess what he's on his last post! Honestly I can't believe it but Joanna really stole the spotlight. Somehow I managed to complete all of his required skills, which I was getting worried about. But with all his boxes checked and his daughter just beginning her adventures it's time to pass the torch and wrap things up here. Summer in Oasis Springs is unbearably hot but Joanna doesn't seem to notice. It's as if she was made for this climate.
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There are rare occasions when she takes a breather and lounges in the kiddie pool.
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But those moments are rare and usually when she doesn't have any school work to get through before dad gets home.
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Because once he gets home the two are inseparable.
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Whether they're outside looking at the sky, where Dad finally told her is where she came from. Or inside watching movies.
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This father and daughter can't be separated. When Joanna goes to bed though Jamie has been seeing someone.
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An abandoned and homeless alien who's been living in their neighborhood. Things started when Jamie heard rustling in his yard to discover the young man rooting in the garbage for food. Initially Jamie was hesitant up to this point his only interactions with aliens were for experiments. But this poor guy just looked so lost and sad Jamie's charitable soul just had to help him. Eventually things between them became romantic and despite wanting 4917 in his life Jamie is worried about how his daughter will react. It's only been the two of them for so long. Jamie decided that on Joanna's birthday he would introduce her to 4917 who is now calling himself Neil and using a sim disguise thanks to advice from Jamie. Jamie: Me and Neil have been seeing each other for awhile now and he just has nowhere else to go. His family just left him to fend for himself in an unfamiliar place. Jo: Then we have to help him Daddy! Jamie smiles.
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Jo: You love him don't you? Jamie blushes. Jamie: Yeah, I do. Jamie responds taking Neil's hand in his. Jo: Well I'm glad. You two seem happy. But is Neil alright Daddy? He's glowing. Neils face turns bright red and Jamie pats his hand. Jamie: It's ok Neil. Joanna, Neil is like you. Joannas eyes grow wide. Jo: You mean you come from the sky too?! She exclaims at Neil who nods. Jo: But daddy can we trust him? Those sky people haven't exactly been nice to you. Neil: I would never hurt your father he has been the only one who has ever been kind to me. Jamie: Neil's different sweetie, trust me. ???: Different? Pfft they're all the same! Just like you Who's. Claiming you want to help people but the only ones you ever help are yourselves.
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Jamie: I'm sorry, do I know you? There's really no reason to bring such hostility to my daughter's birthday. ??: That little whelp? She'll amount to nothing just like her father my mother was right about you. Self righteous, goody two shoe do gooders! All you do is stick your nose where it doesn't belong and other people like my mom lose everything. Jamie: Wait a second is your last name Beethoven. The old man scoffs. B: You know it is. Jamie: My mother told me about you. Said the only reason she didn't go to the authorities about the unethical experiments your mother performed on aliens was because of you. By all rights your mother should of gone to jail. B: For what? They aren't sims! They're space garbage! Like your little disgusting family here. Furious Jamie gets to his feet. Jamie: Don't you dare talk about my loved ones that way! We have done nothing to you and were just enjoying a nice day out for my little girls birthday. I want you to apologize and leave. B: I think not.
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Old man Beethoven attacks Jamie and despite being a pacifist to his very core Jamie has no choice but to defend himself. Ultimately winning the first and only fight in his life. Jamie: It didn't have to come to this. I tried to be polite. Just go home and leave my family alone. I never want to see you again!
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Beethoven is now enraged.
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B: You young whelp! How dare you talk to me like I ... I.... Im..... Jamie: Oh Watcher. Sir are you alright? Beethoven looks at him with pure hatred but can't say a word as he falls to the ground, dead.
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Everyone at the quiet park is shocked. How did such an innocent and pleasant day out end like this? After Grim collected the soul of the Beethoven man he asked whose birthday it was. Jo: It's mine, sir. Grim: No need to call me sir, young lady my job is done and I'm officially off the clock. You don't think I can get a piece of cake do you? With childlike wonder Joanna replies. Jo: Sure, just let me blow out the candles first.
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It was indeed a memorable birthday and not one I think anyone will forget anytime soon. Jo especially. But she's young and processed the whole event without totally understanding everything that transpired. She just went on with her life.
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Dad's boyfriend Neil moved in and got himself a job working in a bar. Where juiced patrons are less likely to notice glowing. He also promised to help Joanna build the rocket ship she's working on to one day see the stars for herself.
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N: Just you know don't tell your dad. You know he'd never approve. You know how unpleasant his experiences with our people have been.
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Jo: No duh, Neil they came again last night when he was helping me with my school project. It was scary actually seeing him grabbed like that.
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Jo: One second everything was fine then bam being sucked into the sky. Why can't they leave him alone? N: I don't know Jo, I sometimes wonder if our people have any conscience at all. Joanna wants to make sure that when she's ready to journey among the stars she is ready to take on whatever or whoever will be waiting for her. Taking on a strict exercise routine with a strong focus on rock climbing and the strength and endurance that requires.
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As you can see once again the yard has undergone a transformation but whatever Joanna wants Jamie makes sure she has it. Though what all those metal scrap pieces are for is beyond him. He was never very mechanically minded. A good joke, good music and good conversation were more his speed. Too bad his mother is no longer around she would know what Joanna is up to. Joanna is so unlike her father she has goals. Big goals and dreams and she plans on getting them. All of them. She will see her homeworld one day and she is going to do whatever it takes to get there. Her best friend Wanda, who has no dreams of her own, wants to help her. Joanna had been worried about telling her friend that she wasn't a normal sim like her but after too much sakura tea and rose petals Jo blurted it out.
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W: An alien?! Is that why you're glowing? It's not just the tea is it? J: No, it's you.
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With her goals ahead of her and a plan in place with Wanda at her side, Joanna is ready to be the next doctor who.
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Part 02 Read the full article
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signalwatch · 1 year
90's Watch: Chungking Express (1994)
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As Jamie and I discussed after the movie - the 90's were the wild west for cinema in the US.  Indie cinema and the *flavor* of that indie movement were a truly big deal.  It was also a rich era for a semi-mainstreaming of international cinema as the same theaters that carried those indie pics also brought in some European film and Hong Kong cinema.  I'm not saying no theaters do this anymore, but it was much more a part of your standard film scene at the time.
And if you didn't see it in theaters, you might still find the movies for rent - maybe not next to Robot Jox at Blockbuster, but in the go-go 90's Austin film rental scene, I could walk across the street from my dump of an apartment and get whatever I wanted at I Luv Video.  
But, as mentioned before, I just never picked up the films of Wong Kar-Wai.  I was too busy watching Chow Yun-Fat kick ass or whatever.  I was still a dude in my 20's.  Grant me peace.
And the reason I bring all of this up is that Chungking Express is more or less what I guess a quirky romantic comedy with some heart to it is made elsewhere by folks with a lot of skill but their own worldview, aesthetic, story-telling modalities, etc...  Ie: what does a Tarantino-era romantic comedy look like coming out of Hong Kong with a storyteller as famed as Wong Kar-Wai?
You can't not mention the film contains two completely separate stories.  They share no common characters (which led to me making a really dumb comment during the film about the chronology), but they do reflect on one another.  It's two cops, one a plain-clothes cop and hopeless romantic, and the other a beat-cop with a certain rigidity looking to get shaken up.    
It's early in the cycle, but both stories have a bit of the manic-pixie-dream-girl aesthetic, one with more of a pulp-crime angle as our clueless romantic pines for a girl who clearly does not miss him until he eventually meets a criminal on the run.  The other is a story of a cop who can't move on (Tony Leung) because, for him, nothing has changed until he meets the erratic girl behind the counter of his favorite snack shop.  
Apparently this was meant to be a triptych, with three stories told - or possibly four.  The remaining story or two were spun off into 1995's Fallen Angels, which I've yet to see, but like the first film, includes the criminal underground of mid-90's Hong Kong in its stories about shattered relationships.
The first story in Chungking Express includes a human trafficker/ smuggler who somehow manages to lose a gaggle of Indian nationals she's sending abroad loaded down with cocaine.  While the cop ignores his job and hangs out at a snack shop hoping his ex will call, a heavily disguised Brigette Lin tries to find her charges in Hong Kong, growing increasingly desperate.  Her concrete worries are juxtaposed with the worries of the cop who thinks his girl will come back to him if we can keep finding cans of pineapple with an expiration date one month from their break-up.  The absurdity of both's plight leads them to meet in a bar, get drunk and find companionship - if not romance - crashing in a hotel room.  
The second story follows Tony Leung who believes he's found the one in an air hostess who dumps him for more exciting times and men.  The somewhat insane new girl working at the snack shop receives a letter meant for the cop, including the return of his key from the air hostess.  While the cop is out, she ventures into his apartment, slowly replacing the items in the apartment - an almost haunted place for the cop who thinks the things there held the sadness he felt - until, eventually, he no longer misses the air hostess and is ready for new things.
Like many 90's relationship movies, or break-up movies, it's a mood as much as anything.  There's certainly plot, but the work of the film is to capture a feeling, some more sympathetic than others.  We can recognize the plainclothesman is a bit of a dumdum in matters of the heart and can't recognize a disguise or actual criminal right in front of him, but still root for him to land on his feet.  And we may think Faye is nuts, but still cheer for she and Tony Leung.
In an American film, I'm not sure how any of this would be presented.  In the mid-90's, I can see the goofy, $15 million dollar movie getting released with one of these stories, but made into a slapstick, knocking the edges off that make this film have a sense of realism and therefore relatability.  It's possible an indie movie would have tried for this, but then you can imagine the fun-friend that would be added to give the cop someone to talk to rather than hearing their inner-monologue.  Everyone would be telling the lead males to buck up.
People love this movie, and I get it.  I liked it a lot.  It made me very glad to not be dating, but I liked it.  And I'll be following up with Fallen Angels soon.  
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/gxeYlTZ
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ersouthside · 2 years
Short Story On A Love
These are my note entries on a girl. A girl that changed my life.
Hey Taylor Ik what we talked about last night but I don’t feel like I can turn the feelings I have around. It hurts. Hurts my heart so much and when I even think about just dropping all of those feelings I just wanna break down and cry. You give me feelings no one’s ever given to me before. I know you have a boyfriend and you want that to work out and it’d be good if it workout out or it may not. Something deep down inside me doesn’t want y’all to be together though. I know it’s horrible horrible horrible. But I wanna see us together one day.
Today tye was showing Taylor one of her books and she was over there admiring it so much, I wanted to see it. When I went to read it I was so disgusted by the things that the book said. It made me want to leave. Go home. But Taylor was there to ask me if I was okay when I wasn’t in that good mood. I told her I wasn’t and why I wasn’t. She was very understanding and talking to me and she made me in such a better mood In the matter of minutes. When we got into the commons area I still wasn’t in a good mood, but when we sat down and talked I feel like it magically got better. Everything sad goes away when I’m with her. She went to write in her notes, but I had reminded her that she said she wasn’t gonna write in em again. Which was a mistake for me because I honestly like her writing about me. But she had told me she had deleted the pictures she took of the book. I have a feeling she did that because I hated them so much. But why would she delete them for me? I don’t really know.
Tye asked us in class today if we ever get tired of flirting. I told her “I just have really good social skills” but besides that, Taylor was looking sad after that and I told her to walk with me after class. I walked with her and asked her if she was okay, because I really do care so so so much about her. She told me that she didn’t know she made it so obvious that we showed affection for each other and she said she needs to change her ways. And that put a big chip in my heart. I don’t want her to change her ways. I love what we have between us. I love it. I don’t want to lose it.
I say all of this but she still has a boyfriend. She still loves him. Which I don’t want her to not love him. It just makes me feel so bad having all these feelings for her.
Oh and the butterflies. I’ve never experienced butterflies until yesterday. It was something definitely different. But definitely amazing. It’s something I cant describe. It may have been a mix of so many feelings. I just knew what it was when it happened. I feel like that kinda means something. Maybe not.
Taylor you were the first girl to give me butterflies. Not just the nervous ones. The ones that make me think I’m falling in love. The ones that make me forget my surroundings. The ones that make me so nervous I can’t even process what you may be saying to me.
Well I think that’s enough for tonight, I hope the happiest for Taylor in life.
I had a dream about Taylor last night. We had a kid and had gotten married. I don’t remember too much about it but I know we were so so happy. We rode motorcycles. She was riding her motorcycle onto the interstate and someone merged into her and she swerved and hit the guardrail. It sent her flying into the air. She was laying on the ground. I threw my bike down and started running to her. I eventually got to her and she was laying there, lifeless. It was so sad. I was crying and screaming in the dream. It woke me up and I was crying.
I don’t know if dreams are supposed to mean anything but I feel like that may have been one of the most meaningful dream I’ve ever had. I think it’s supposed to mean that I couldn’t live without Taylor. Which I don’t know if I really couldn’t live without her. She makes me so happy.
I woke up to three deleted messages from her. I asked what’d she delete but she’s not awake to respond to them. I looked at her story and it was a video of her and her boyfriend. I feel like she’s starting to cut off those feelings she had for me. Which makes me so sad. But happy her and Aidan might work out.
Taylor, you showed me what you had written in your notes about me. It adds on to my feelings about you so much. The way you can picture all of those things of us together in that way is amazing. And I paid attention on how you felt you are a bad person on the note. I know it’s an awful thing to have those feelings in the situation you are in. No I don’t think that you can just leave someone for the next like it’s easy. I think there’s an opportunity for love there and you don’t want to take it because you already love somebody. No I don’t think it’s right to love two people at once, but there is a point where you have to come and make a decision on how good it’s going to be for you in your life. It makes me like you even more that you feel the ways you do. The way that most everything I do, you like. You also do so much for me that I like so much. Sure it’s easy for me to say these things because I’m not in a relationship. Everything you do is so nice to me. The way we can tell each other everything, the way we can talk for hours everyday, the way we can make eachother laugh. And it’s crazy. I can picture us doing everything in your notes that you saw us doing. I don’t know what else to write about. I have a lot more I could do but I can’t really put it into words.
And a lot of the things that scare me is that all these things could probably never happen. Which makes me so sad. It hurts my heart and I don’t want my heart to hurt. It makes me want to cry thinking that these things will never happen. They probably won’t ever happen. And I guess I’m just gonna have to except that. It’s gonna be one of the hardest things ever for me to ever get over. But I think I’m just going to have to for the better health of me.
Taylor I think this is the last note I’m going to write to you. Not because I don’t want to, I just feel like there isn’t the need to. Seeing how happy you and Aidan looked today was so great. Great for you. And it makes me happy to see you happy. But that deep down feeling is just completely heartbroken. I guess my heart now knows it can’t have something it wanted, and it’s just so hard to accept. Taylor you put a smile on my heart. But some things that may have made that smile even bigger probably won’t happen. I’m laying here crying right now. You’re the only girl I’ve ever really cried over. And it’s crazy cause we’ve never even dated. But I feel like my heart felt like there was love from me at least. I don’t know. There’s so much going on. I just don’t feel good anymore. Taylor I love you.
I said that that was going to be my last entry. Turns out it’s not.
Taylor sometimes I just wish I was Aidan. Without this whole situation going on. I want to be your boyfriend Taylor. I know, Aidan is and it’s wrong for me to want that. Everything about you is just so perfect in my eyes. You are truly amazing. I want to give the world to you. I want to see the world with you Taylor. Not just the actual planet, but the world. I want everything with you. I can see us growing old being best friends and being together forever. I know forevers a long time, but it’s really not when you’re spending it with someone you truly love, someone that’s your best friend.
When I read your notes and you said those things you wanted with me. I want them so bad. I want to do all the fun things with you. I wanna laugh with you, I wanna cry with you. I want to go through everything our lives may have to offer. Together. And what makes me sad is that there’s the strong chance that it may not be able to happen. That’s heartbreaking for me.
Taylor, you have me heart. My heart belongs to you. Even with everything going on. My heart still is yours.
It’s all hard for me and it’s hard for you. But we’ll get through it together. Together. That word. Together with you is such an amazing thing.
Yes I’m jealous of Aidan and honestly kind of mad at him. Mad that he doesn’t do all the things that I want to do with you, Talk to you the way I do. And I’m jealous because he has you. I want you. I know I sound stingy and cocky, but I really only want you Taylor.
You’re so beautiful inside and out, you’re like an angel sent from god. For me to have the happiest and best life with.
Here’s some more
When you post the things on your story like the one you just did saying it’s about time for fall dates, I want to do all of those things with you so bad. You posted a girl duck hunting with her boyfriend. I would trade anything to do all of these things. Why do the situations have to be this way? I wish. I don’t know specifically what I wish. I wish everything with you Taylor.
You’re happy with Aidan now. I’m glad you are. I’m gonna assume I’m not really in the picture anymore. I think I’m just gonna have to settle with being best friends. And that’s okay. Not what I wanted it to end up as, but at least you’re happy.
I still love you Taylor. That’s not gonna die. I’ve just got to accept that it won’t go any further than friends. It hurts my heart but it looks like it went the way that I didn’t want it to go. That’s alright. Fuck it we ball right?
I feel like I’ve just gotten back into this pit of sad and not good feelings. Maybe I’ll find happiness or joy in something that makes me not think of the things we could’ve had.
I’m not planning on going for anybody. You were the one I wanted. The one I still want. You told me some things and got my hopes up a little bit, but I guess I get my hopes up too much.
Who knows we all may be better off just staying friends. I guess it’s just one of those high school things. Not sure what to really do anymore. I’m not okay deep down. I told you it wasn’t gonna make me upset if you didn’t end up taking the path, but it really does. Sometimes you just gotta accept things you don’t want to.
Taylor you were the first girl I cried over. The first girl I pictured being my best friend and possibly spending the rest of my life with. I’m crying writing these notes. My heart doesn’t like it. I’ve gotta move on. It’s so hard. You were the first person to give me butterflies. You were the first person to treat me the way you do.
This is the final entry to this note. I tried my best.
“Right person wrong time” -Taylor
Here I am again. After I said that I wouldn’t write in here anymore. More to talk about some things you probably don’t care about anymore. You’ve moved on, you chose your path. I haven’t moved on though. Don’t think I will. You’ve done things for me that no one else has ever even came close to. And now we’ve kinda separated after you made your decision. I understand you’re doing what you need to do to stay happy with Aidan. And I respect that. I just wish some things didn’t turn out the way they did. I like to remember the day I brought you a peach. The way I was able to bring so much light to your day that wasn’t going good at all. I miss being able to do that. Now I understand you don’t really want things like that from me anymore and it just really hurts. I’m hooked on you Taylor. I fell in love with a girl I couldn’t have. And it’s really hard for me. I don’t know what you think about me anymore or if you write in your notes about me anymore. I miss what we used to have for eachother. But you and Aidan need to work out so I’m not going to bring it up to you. I’ve been crying writing these. You do something to me that is so amazing and special. We’re never gonna get to be together but I’m gonna have to live with it. I sound obsessed but I’m really not. I fell in love with you Taylor. I fell in love with who you are. Everything you do. All reasons for a man to fall in love. The thing that hurts me is there’s no one else out there like you. I’m happy about it but it’s bad for me. No one’s ever made me feel the way you do. It’s crazy what kind of effect you have on me. I miss you Taylor. The old you. The one that made me so happy everyday, the one that I could make happy everyday. I’m just sad now. There’s no other way to put it. I try to do things to cope but it always catches up to me somehow. I can’t take any more of the crying tonight.
Why are you still on my mind. Why are you there. I try to block you out of my life but somehow you still pop up. I don’t want anything to do with you at all. I was hurt. Hurt really badly. And it has changed me as a person. The way I act towards and about women. And the way I act towards you. You tore my legs out from under me. I wish there was a way I could leave from your existence. Just forget you as a whole. I don’t want you in my life. But here I am asking that question again. Why are you still in my mind? Why is that deep void of pain and suffering still there? How could one person have such an effect on me? I have no idea. But as you don’t see me the same anymore, I don’t see you the same either. It’s been 3 months since everything went down. But I keep it to myself. No one has known about what happened. When jayden asks me about you, which he was the only one I could really talk to about you, I just tell him nothing happened and I just didn’t wanna be with you. But the thought of you is still there. I want it gone. I want it gone completely. Sadly there really is no way to do that. You ruined my life, changed the way I see women, and I really can’t say the things I said to you to another woman. You ruined it. But we’re still “friends.” Why? Why do I keep putting myself back in that hole when I was just reaching the top. I don’t know. I don’t know why I keep these notes. I guess to kind of give me an idea of what not to ever get myself into again. Now we try to live our lives like nothing ever happened. I don’t know if you ever still think about it. But I was in love. But now I look back at it and I was a fool. A fool for falling for something that wouldn’t happen. It’s a lesson learned. I can’t get away from you, because we have school together. But after school is done, every bit of existence that I know of you will be gone. All social media with you will be forgotten or blocked. I cannot live a life in mental pain and suffering. Oh how a woman can change or ruin a man’s whole life. I want you gone from my mind. Gone forever. This is the end of this writing today, hopefully this note won’t be wrote in again.
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tartglias · 4 years
General relationship headcanons with genshin boys
“Since it's open, what about general headcanons for the boys? ;0 like what's it like to be with them for a headstart :D”
i was originally going to make six characters, then five, but then i accidentally deleted th draft and had to start all over again. i already feel bad for posting late so i’m sorry it’s just four and not five :( i’ll probably make a part 2 of these soon!!
characters: diluc, kaeya, scaramouche and xiao
The beginning of the relationship was slow, painfully slow. So slow that a certain bard and the one and only Cavalry Captain had to step up, since neither of you would make the first step. Both of you were too scared of rejection, so you decided to swallow your feelings and “face” reality.
A few pick up lines over here, a jealousy scene over there, and the result was a very angry and flustered Diluc taking your hand and leading you upstairs for some privacy. It was then and there when he confessed his feelings for you, a sigh of relief leaving him when you reciprocated.
Both of you are private people, so you decided that keeping the relationship away from the public eye would be the best option. Sure, affection was reduced to an extent but that doesn’t mean that the relationship lacks love!
Affection in public meant exchanging soft glances and shy smiles from across the room, interlocking of pinkies and stealing kisses when nobody was looking. Very rarely, when he was feeling wild and desperate, he would drag you to somewhere secluded and push you (gently) to the nearest wall, caging you in between his arms as you wrapped your hands around his waist. Then, he kissed you slow and passionately.
Behind closed doors, the story was different. There wasn’t a single moment in which his hands weren’t touching your skin, or your hands weren’t playing with his hair as you kissed him passionately to compensate for the lost time. A kiss here, a kiss there. Again and again. A kiss for every hour you couldn’t spend together.
You found out about Diluc’s nightly activities rather quickly. It happened on a night in which he came back home slightly injured and breathless. When you questioned him, he simply said that some treasure hoarders ambushed him, but you knew he was lying. You could tell. Diluc soon realized there was no point in lying to you, so he told you his identity as the Darknight Hero.
Overall, your relationship may have started in a messy way, Diluc sometimes wishes he could have confessed in a different and more appropiate way. Your relationship may also be quiet, but quiet doesn’t mean that it lacks love. You both spend late nights and mornings in each others arms whispering sweet nothings. And your relationship may be scary at times, you often feared that he wont come back home one day. But you also know he always does, and you trust him every moment of the day. And he feels the same way. He doesn’t trust people easily, he rarely lets people in. But you are different, you make him feel different. He trusts you more than anything in the world.
It was no secret that Kaeya was a flirt. A few compliments over here, a charming smile over there and that was basically the formula to have most people in Mondstadt wrapped around his finger. Most people... except you. With a shy smile and an evident blush on your cheeks you were always fast to dismiss it and laugh it off. “You shouldn’t go saying those things” you used to say.
It started with a desire to make you swoon, it was like a goal for him. But eventually, he caught feelings and you were the one who made him swoon. So one day, he had enough. He wanted to confess and tell you how he actually feels.
And so he did, yet somehow you still thought it was a joke. “Kaeya you can’t say those things as a joke... someone will actually fall for it” you said, looking down at your feet as your heart started beating faster and faster by second. “I’m not joking, y/n. That’s how I truly and deeply feel about you” he said, taking your hand and placing it on his chest so you could feel how fast his heart was beating as well.
The closest word to describe your relationship with Kaeya would be that it was like an adventure, interesting and fun. You’re bored? He would take you to explore interesting (and safe) places he encountered while on his commissions. You’re sad? Nothing like him dragging you to the very top of the Cathedral and hugging you close to him as you both watch the sunset wouldn’t solve.
Kaeya’s kisses can be either quick or desperate and hungry, yet passionate. The first case usually happened whenever you two were in public, though he doesn’t have a problem with PDA. If it were up to him, he would spend every second of the day kissing you. But you’re both busy people so most times one of you is in a hurry. The second case happens when either one of you come home after a long day. It starts slow, maybe a few pecks here and there, but soon enough he picks up the pace. One hand around your waist, keeping you close to his body, and his other hand on your face, deepening the kiss. It always leaves you breathless, and he takes those few seconds you take to catch air to kiss your jaw and neck. He loves you and your body, he could spend a lifetime worshipping it.
Insecurity was somewhat a problem in the relationship, from both sides. On his side, he sometimes worried that you would get tired of him and slip away, just like most people in his life. And on your side, you feared that he would find someone who was braver, prettier and more skilled than you. But at the end of the day, even if there were times in which you argued over this problem, you both would always come home to each other. Nights would be spent in each other’s arms, constantly reassuring each other that you’re both here to stay.
Overall, dating Kaeya isn’t easy. You knew this the moment you both confessed. But it is worth it, no one makes you feel like he does, no one makes you swoon and laugh like him. And no one, and I mean, not a single person in Teyvat, could make Kaeya happier.
Scaramouche was angry, to say the least. How dare you, a fellow Fatui Harbinger who he had to see almost daily, make his heart beat fast and legs shake? Why was he feeling like this? So stupid?
He thought your confession was part of a game, a dare. He saw you laughing with Childe a few moments before, and not that he would ever admit it, in fact he would rather lose his Vision and die than admit it, but he was a little bit jealous of the scene. He wanted to make you laugh like that, he wanted to make you blush and he wanted to have your heart. The moment you confessed, he was angry. He was sure it was a dare and Childe’s plan to make fun of him, but he quickly regretted it once he saw your sad face. “No, leave” he had said. Your shy smile dropped instantly and you slowly nodded, turning around and starting to walk away. His mouth opened before he could actually stop and think of what to do. “Do you mean it?” he asked. “Do you actually like me? It’s not a dare?” “Why would it be a dare? Scaramouche, I’ve liked you for a while now, everyone knows but you” you said, facing him once again only to find him trying to hide away the strong blush on his face. “Then... I think I like you too” he said, not daring to look at you.
Scaramouche was a harsh and jealous lover, he wanted you for himself. Fights were normal in your relationship, words without real meaning would be thrown at each other all the time. Yet, neither of you walked away. Neither of you verbally apologized for the harsh words either, but instead, you would let your actions apologize for you. Normal fights would be due to his jealousy, you spending a little too much time with Childe or other Harbingers for his liking. Yes, he knows you love him and yes, he knows that he is better than everyone else there. But he also knows he’s not the most liked person among the Fatui, and often worried that you would soon agree with people who said that. After taking a deep breath of air, you would drag him to bed and hold him close to you. His arms around your waist as he snuggled closer to you and buried his face on your neck. You hold him for a few hours while whispering soft promises of love and endless praise, reassuring him that you are not going anywhere anytime soon. “Don’t worry, you’ll have to put up with me for a long, long while” you whispered as you kissed his forehead. “I wouldn’t have it any other way” he whispered back.
Contrary to popular belief and also to his personality, his kisses are soft and unsure. He doesn’t have a lot of experience in this area, so his kisses tend to be short yet soft. Mostly in private as well, since he would rather die than let his underlings see this side of him. He would wrap his arms around your waist, probably as he makes a teasing comment about how desperate you are or how much you probably missed him, and then kissed your lips. He is fascinated by the way your lips feel against his, he gets drunk by the feeling.
Overall, your relationship with Scaramouche is wild, to say the least. One moment you’re yelling at each other, ready to fight and the next one you’re holding him close as he whispered protection promises and kissed your neck. But despite all the problems you both encountered, you’re always there for each other. You rely on him and he relies on you, and that’s enough.
“What’s this?” He asked you as you slowly pulled away from him. “A kiss” “Disgusting. Do it again” He said, pulling you back to him with one hand as the other rested on your waist. You smiled through the kiss, and he felt like all his pain and karma vanished. After a while, you pulled away. “Again” he said, chasing your lips before crashing them with his in another soft yet desperate kiss. You giggled and pulled away. “I need to breathe” you said, chuckling at sight of his lips pouting. “Why”
The first time you met, he saved you from treasure hoarders. But before you could thank him, he disappeared. You didn’t know who your savior was, so you tried your best to remember the mask that was on his face. You didn’t see him again, until you found yourself in Wantshu Inn after a long day of commissions far away from your home in Liyue Harbor. You needed rest, but the clear night and stars were calling for you, and before you noticed you were at the top floor of the inn. That’s where you saw him, and for reasons he doesn’t understand, he didn’t leave. He remained sat on the floor, looking at the sky as his legs were hanging from the edge. “Isn’t it pretty? I barely see stars as clear as these back home” you said to the stranger from a close yet appropriate distance. He didn’t reply, he didn’t look at you, but he knew who you were. He remembered you from the time he saved you. Next thing you noticed was the mask that was on the floor next to him. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped. “You’re... the one who saved me” you said, shock flooding your face. He rolled his eyes in response, can’t he be left alone? “I never got to thank you so... thank you” you simply said, a soft expression replacing your shocked one.
You started dropping by Wangshu Inn a bit more often, whenever your time and commissions allowed you too. And every time you brought different kinds of foods to offer to Xiao, no one ever telling you that his favorite was Almond Tofu. He found it annoying at first, but soon enough got used to it. The day you brought Almond Tofu though, he almost smiled. Almost. His expressions as he ate the offering didn’t go unnoticed by you, and quickly learnt that it was his favorite.
After a while he started looking forward to your visits, but if someone ever asked him about it, he would just say it wasn’t because of you, it was for the almond tofu offering. You started spending more time with him, even though he barely opened his mouth and you did all the talking. He found you amusing, truly. Something about you, made him feel funny inside. And that scared him.
Your relationship started with a kiss. “Again” he would say. “Again” he would repeat whenever you broke away to breathe. This was new to him, and he knew it was wrong since he is who he is and could harm you at any second, but he was addicted. He was addicted to your kisses, to your touches. He got drunk by the feeling you gave him, not wanting to ever let go. “Let go, let go of them. You’ll only harm them” he kept repeating to himself in his mind, but his body moved by itself, pulling you closer to him. He was addicted, and he knew it was bad.
There weren’t many arguments in your relationship, maybe a few over you taking dangerous commissions, but other than that it was full of affection. Affection used to be a strange concept for Xiao, who once was determined that it’s better for everyone if he stayed away. But then you appeared, and no one ever made him feel the way you did. He started yearning for your touches and he looked forward to you coming back to him so he could kiss you. You were better than any medicine Zonghli could ever give him, you made his pain ease. And as you were wrapped in his arms watching the stars at the top floor of the Inn, he made a promise. A promise of protection and love, he would never let anyone or anything harm you, and even if you die of old age he would still love you for centuries to come, and he will find you again in your next life.
Overall, your relationship with Xiao started slowly, but soon grew more and more with each passing day. He trusts you almost as much as he trusts Rex Lapis, and he would always watch you closely whenever you go out on a commissions. How did you get so lucky?
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Idk if you already made this but Hanako, Kou and mitsuba jealous Hcs with their girlfriend that is quite popular among the students pls? thank u!!
hanako x f!reader, kou minamoto x f!reader, mitsuba sousuke x f!reader
a/n: sure thing!! No worries, I haven’t made it yet :D you’re so very welcome, and thank you so much for requesting!! I love jealousy headcanons tho I don’t think I’ve ever written them? I hope these turn out alright, and I’m so sorry for the time this took!
warnings: jealousy?
word count: 1,936
Hanako <3
Oh boy- can I do anything but wish you luck?
Hanako is already a fairly clingy and jealous guy, that’s practically canon. He’ll stand between you when you’re talking to anyone, and I mean aaaaanyone. He just can’t risk losing you!
(It’s got a whole lot to do with his insecurities, of course- while he wouldn’t admit it, not wanting to drop his “ah? I’m just an innocent little boy, free of issues and perverted thoughts <3” attitude, he does struggle a lot. He’s a ghost, a murderer, and imperfect in more ways than those. You’re popular for a reason. You’re so pretty, so kind, so lovable- you’re alive, and probably have morals. What are you doing with a dead murderer?)
Wow, ANYWAY- we’re here for jealousy, not Hanako’s issues, though they will probably resurface shortly.
Seeing everyone around you… always wanting your attention, always complimenting you…
You deserved it! He thought all of those positive things and more-! But… at this point, so many people admiring you, why were you still with him?
Even if you explain to him constantly that you love him dearly, and wouldn’t leave him for anyone else, he still gets somewhat possessive. Eventually putting the “but why does (Y/N) still love me,,” aside, he just wants others to keep their hands off you :((
It’s no fault of yours, and he acknowledges that! But it’s the fault of others getting so close to you >:((
Though they can’t see him, when people go up to you, talking joyfully- he’s standing there, arms wrapped around you, head on your shoulder as he glares daggers into their souls.
You’ve never seen him super angry, much less murderous. He doesn’t want you to see him that angry normally- but holy moley is he about ready to beat someone.
Yet, he’s still just a ghost- plus if he did something Teru would exorcise him, booooo. So, he settles for continuing to glare, standing between the two of you, hitting their arm if it’s resting on your shoulder. Once again, they’re completely unaware of it, but you aren’t!
“Hanako, you know I won’t leave you for them. They’re a classmate, I barely know them, really.”
“But they want to know you. And I don’t want them to know you… they’re gonna try and take you from me, (Y/N)!”
“I won’t let them take me, you big dummy. So, if you could please let go of me so I can get back to class?”
“No :((“
Not only does he cling to you, of course- though he hugs you bunches and squishes your face just because you’re cute- you can also expect a lot of kisses. Ranging from quick “hey, I’m here, and please don’t choose someone else over me”, “hey, my kisses are better than theirs!! Here’s proof!”, “you’re my girlfriend, not theirs, and if they keep treating you like you aren’t taking I’m going to stabby stabby (but I can’t stab cos Teru’s here, but I would if it wasn’t upsetting)”, etc, etc. It’s… almost strange how easy it is to understand what he means from the way he kisses you- but, I digress!
Overall, he gets jealous fairly easily, and gets very clingy when jealous. He’s not amazing with words, so he wants to show you that he loves you with actions!! However, those actions, more often than not, end up just being… clinging to you, and glaring at people who try to get too close to you.
(RIP Akane, Kou, and Nene for bearing witness to you walking around the school with a visibly angry Hanako. Though the worst the others get is the feeling that someone is staring at them, they get to witness his jealousy from off to the side.)
Kou Minamoto <3
He’s nearly completely opposite from Hanako, actually! He doesn’t get jealous very often, trusting you to actually tell him if something were wrong in the relationship. And, when he does get jealous, he does his best to not show it.
He’s not fond of being jealous. It makes him feel like he’s betraying you…? Like him being jealous is the same as him saying that he doesn’t trust you. But, similarly to Hanako, he trusts you. He just doesn’t trust others quite as much. Not with his very cute and very pretty and very sweet girlfriend :((
While it takes a lot to get him jealous, two things that really can make his temper cut short are (similarly to Hanako) when someone outright flirts or touches you. Especially if they touch you and the two of you aren’t at least friends-
If someone flirts, he’s going to casually slip into the conversation, if he wasn’t there already. A quick “hey, (Y/N)! Wait, sorry, I didn’t realize you were talking-“, then he’ll stand next to you, grabbing your hand lightly. One thing about Kou is, he does his best to be gentle all the time! Even when he’s jealous, he’d never ever hurt you intentionally-!!
If someone’s touching you, he’ll hop into the conversation as he does when someone flirts, adding a “I need your help with something, when you can.” This time, or any time really, if you’re uncomfortable you can use it as an excuse to get away!! Kou’s got your back!!!
If it’s been a day where people just constantly seem to be needing your attention, he’ll start to let his jealousy get to him a bit. It’s not even that some people like your attention- heck, he gets it! He likes having your attention as well. It’s more that… they constantly need your attention. Someone always needing something, even when he just wanted to have a conversation with you :((
In that case, he’ll be slightly clingy, and slightly pouty. Almost like a young child. His lips will be pouted slightly, eyes looking a bit lower to the ground than usual. His hand will be secured in yours, and your shoulder will be lightly pressed against his.
“Kouuu, tell me what’s wrong~,” You spoke, poking his cheek with your index finger. When he was like this, it was easy to tell he was embarrassed about whatever he was pouting over, and not upset over something too serious. It was the perfect time to mess with him.
His face would flush as it usually did- and he’d look away, pouting a bit harder as his eyebrows furrowed slightly. “It’s nothing, (Y/N), really.”
“You’re pouting. Come on, now, you really can tell me. I promise I won’t think of you any less!”
“…it’s just… well- well, seeing all those people around you all day, and I couldn’t really… even get to talk to you. You even had to leave early during lunch-! I’m not angry or anything- it’s dumb, it’s dumb, really-“
“Awwwwh, Kou! Don’t be jealous, sweetheart! It’s not dumb, I actually find it sweet. You know I’d choose you over any of those people. I’d much rather spend time with you than them, but it’s not exactly easy to say no… but, if it makes you feel bad, I’ll make sure they know that, at least, lunch is off-limits.”
“Y-you don’t have to, but… that’s up to you.” (AKA “I want you to, but I don’t want you to feel obligated to do something just for my sake.”)
Overall! Kou’s going to be a sweetheart, even when (not very often) jealous. He doesn’t want you to think he’s silly or not trusting of you when he does get jealous- so he does his best to hide it? Still, he fails, since he can’t help but want to be at least a little closer to you!! Plus the way he pouts- he’s easily read in most situations, and that type is no different.
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
Ahh, where to begin… I suppose the same way I’ve been beginning the other two-
Mitsuba is… a complicated jealous boy? He gets jealous rather easily- and… doesn’t admit it, but makes it painfully obvious. He thinks he isn’t being obvious, but it’s practically plain as daylight.
As he does all things, he masks his jealousy in insults at first! Making his way into whatever conversation or interaction your having, offering an ‘uninterested’ “what’re you doing?” After that, he criticizes every little thing the other person does- his levels of mercy depending on how much the person deserves it.
A quick question? Minimum amount of insults. Maybe one, two if they drag it out.
Just having a normal conversation? More than a short question, but not an excessive amount. If they drag it out too long, the insults go up.
Flirting? Lays the insults on THICK. Plus, after a moment, an annoyed and rather cocky sounding: “why haven’t you gotten lost already? Can’t you see I’m (Y/N)’s boyfriend? You idiot. Moron. Pervert. Who talks to a taken girl like that??”
Touches you? Doesn’t even happen. They reach for you, and he’s smacking their hand away. “Idiot. What right do you have to touch my girlfriend?? That’s invasive. Gross. You’re so weird, trying to put your sticky little hands on her.”
But! If it’s a situation he can’t interfere with, be it because he’s dead and the other person’s alive, or in which the people needing your attention goes on for too long- he enters Sulky Mitsuba Mode.
Don’t get me wrong, Sulky Mitsuba is still full of insults, just… sad. In those times, as a ghost, he can’t help but wonder if you’re content in the relationship. Look at you… popular with other students- other students who could leave the school, buy you things, and such. He was a cute ghost, but he was a ghost. He wasn’t even really Mitsuba- he wasn’t the classmate you once knew. How hard was it for you? Yet, you gave it your best to get to know him again-
Luckily, Mitsuba has the ability to tell himself “if (Y/N) did that much for me, she must at least care.” However, it won’t get rid of all his doubts- and he’ll still sulk once you finally catch up with him.
“Hey, Mitsuba! Sorry, I’ve been busy!”
“Mh? Have you? I’ve barely even noticed you were gone.”
Terrible acting skills, Mitsuba. He looks annoyed, his voice sounds uninterested, but… it’s still somehow easy to see through his little act. He’s jealous, and you’re bound to be aware of it.
Take a seat next to him, and he’ll scoot away. Be patient- when he’s jealous, it’s like approaching a stray cat. No sudden movements or you’ll scare him away!
“I’m sorry, Mitsuba. I know I’ve been caught up today, and I’m really sad that I haven’t seen you much until now. Did you have anything you wanted to do? I’m all yours now!”
“Tch, whatever. I don’t have anything I want to do, so just leave it be.”
Ah… do I even have to mention that he’s stubborn. Apologize a bit, he’ll dismissively forgive you, and go from there. Lighthearted conversation, asking him about his day, talking about yours- slowly move closer to him, and! Next thing you know, his heads on your shoulder as he rants about something that happened.
Overall, Mitsuba does get jealous rather easily! He’s stubborn as always, partnered with his insults constantly ready to be fired- it’s interesting when he gets jealous. He never outright admits that he trusts you, and doesn’t consider much more than “I’m feeling a bit jealous since this person keeps taking (Y/N)’s attention, but he’d never put the blame on you. Just… like I said, be patient, and don’t get too offended.
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ominous-meme · 2 years
DigiFes Frontier Cast Talk event!
@citrus-cactus here it is, finished just in the nick of time before the archive is removed! Enjoy!
(It is literally 23:50 rn, and the archive disappears at 23:59 lmao)
Once again, please excuse any translation errors, as I’m still working on my Japanese skills! I’ve noted down whatever I could understand and keep up with under the cut!
Warning: THIS IS VERY LONG. A brief summary: everyone thinks they’re the only normal person in a cast of weirdos.
Talk event begins after the drama reading, with an MC named Ohashi coordinating the event
Cast introduces themselves: everyone delivers the “Spirit Evolution!” line with their character’s human spirit name…except for Hiroshi Kamiya (Kouji’s VA)
Cast introduction: Junko Takeuchi (Takuya), Hiroshi Kamiya (Kouji), Sawa Ishige (Izumi), Michael Shitanda (Junpei), Kumiko Watanabe (Tomoki), Kenichi Suzumura (Kouichi)
SuzuKen: *laughs and hesitates before delivering his Spirit Evolution line*
MC: “Is it okay for Kamiya-san to not do that line delivery?” Kamiyan, immediately: “YUP! It’s fine!”
Takeuchi (who has goggles with her): *teasing Kamiyan and telling him to do it* “You can’t run away~”
MC: *trying to convince him*
Kamiyan, eventually: “I’m Hiroshi Kamiya, who played Kouji Minamoto”
Takeuchi: “That really is Kouji-like behaviour, isn’t it” (everyone else: *agrees*)
Takeuchi: “this is the first time we’ve gathered together for this kind of event - I’m excited and nervous!” Kamiyan: “Can’t believe this is the first time we’re doing it in 20 years”
MC: “what kind of atmosphere are we getting today?” SuzuKen: “a fun atmosphere” *everyone laughs* “back then we said a lot of things, but today we want to express things we didn’t say as well”
Kamiyan calls Kumiko Watanabe “Ku-san”
Lots of banter between Ku-san and Kamiyan about what went down between the group in the dressing room before the event
Everyone: “It feels so nostalgic, doesn’t it? Nothing’s changed”
The themes of the anniversary talk are based on survey responses received from fans - the first theme being: “something impressive”
First topic within the theme: “not normal”
Ishige-san volunteers to speak: “this is my personal experience, but when Digimon Frontier began, I was still a newcomer…the person who voiced Bokomon (Sugiyama), told me: “Sawa-chan, you are a normal person, but when we’re chatting, you don’t seem normal, so please focus on the performance” I was so shocked that my super-senior was telling me this, and it’s an impressive incident that stayed in my mind.”
More banter, and then Ishige-san says “Compared to the rest of them, I’m actually normal!” (Possibly referring to her character Izumi in this situation) Takeuchi: “That’s not true!” Ku-san: “you do have a bit of a deceitful image, I think”
Some discussion on whether the twins are actually the “normal” ones
Kamiyan: *not sure whether or not he wants to or is going to get a word in*
Ku-san: “Is this Kouichi o’clock ?” Ishige-san: “It’s not one o’clock, it’s (presumably about to say Kouichi o’clock, since ichi means one in Japanese) hang on, this is something I want to talk about all night!”
Ku-san: “Let those two (Kamiyan and SuzuKen) talk for a bit, it’s pitiful” Kamiyan: “What’s pitiful? Who is pitiful?”
Ku-san: *says something about lines on the forehead that needs to be scanned like they’re a barcode* Kamiyan: “what are you on about lmao”
Ku-san: “no no, the lines on your forehead are so deep because you’re thinking”
Kamiyan: *fucking losing it rn*
Ku-san: “you looked so sad when you had those lines”
Takeuchi: “enough about that, already!”
MC: “Nobody is really ordinary, are they?”
Next topic: handwritten script
Takeuchi: *raises hand before MC is even done reading the topic*
SuzuKen: *joins in, explaining about some legend involving the scriptwriting company*
Takeuchi talks about having to read the handwriting and formatting in the script or something like that (didn’t fully catch the discussion here), and concludes with “the script is a really important treasure for us, you know”
Next topic: mischief
Kamiyan: “Who is it, who is it~” Everyone else: “Bro it’s literally you”
Talking about the anticipation for next episode’s script, and learning about how “Kenichi-kun” will have his character become a warrior on the side of justice
Kamiyan: “So Ku-san and I took a pen and replaced all mentions of Kouichi with Kouji and Kouzou” (implying the existence of a TRIPLET lmao)
Ku-san: “Huh? Me?”
SuzuKen apparently freaked out, and wondered wtf had happened to Kouichi in the story, and had to check with the staff “This is Kouichi, isn’t it? It was correct in everyone else’s scripts, but in mine it was written Kouji or Kouzou - and this happened, like, EVERY WEEK”
Next topic: Hospitalisation
Person involved: SuzuKen
MC: “So this is when Kouichi becomes Kouzou—” SuzuKen: “To hell with Kouzou”
Apparently, during his initial attempts to record his first “Spirit Evolution!” line, SuzuKen threw out his back. Hoping his pain wouldn’t get noticed, he tried moving, but did not work out - he couldn’t even stand - seems like he had to SQUAT the whole time. Everyone asked him if something was wrong, and he was like “nope, all good!” Eventually he had to admit that he couldn’t move, and had to go to hospital; how he admitted it was hilarious: he said, “Apologies, but I can’t move” (he used the term “Sumimasen,” which is a catch all phrase used in Japanese to say “Sorry” “Excuse me” and sometimes even “Thank you” in a way that conveys the speaker apologising for any inconvenience). He managed to hobble over to the car and got taken to the hospital
APPARENTLY THIS INCIDENT MADE IT TO WIKIPEDIA? (could not verify this, unfortunately, but if anyone else reading this post is good at Japanese, please let me know if it’s mentioned on his Japanese Wikipedia!)
Kamiyan: “Him not moving was Part A, going to the hospital was Part B, but then after that, we were so worried that we called his manager and asked if he was ok; manager was like ‘at the moment, he feels kinda guilty’” (SuzuKen loses it at this part)
Some more banter, then the new theme: “What would you say to yourself from 20 years ago?”
Topic 1: “Please, stop!”
Ku-san raises her hand: apparently this was an incident that had her heart thumping. They were taking a break from recording (possibly for the drama CD?), she felt really off inside, and this seemed to have impacted her voicing Tomoki (she said it was a “black voice,” not sure what that means). Then it seems she got a letter stating that Tomoki would not do something like this! Because she really cared about the character Tomoki, she didn’t push herself (I think that’s what she said; I didn’t understand some parts of the story). Letter-writer was anonymous, but Ishige-san pretended to search for the culprit among the cast for a few seconds (so cute!)
Topic 2: “I’m sure you’ll find it!”
Shitanda goes for it: The story is about his bonds with the rest of the cast, and how he wasn’t as close with them at first, especially since many of them were his senpais; he may have also mentioned that he lacked confidence. He then mentioned something about working hard and possibly talked about finding that confidence in himself, especially since the MC mentioned him feeling lost 20 years ago and how worried he must have felt during that period
Takeuchi-san: “you worried a lot, right? Not knowing which way to go; Kamiya-san, what did you think?” Kamiya: “I didn’t have any thoughts” *everyone laughs* “well, we did have fun - it was too much fun” (then he says something about it being so much fun to be so reckless at the time, and something happening on Wednesday mornings)
Final theme of the talk event: “20-year self-evolution chart”
Each main cast member was rated by survey respondents on 5 parameters on a scale of 0-100: Thinking Power, Sociability, Acting Ability, Adventure (Dream), Economic Power
Takeuchi-san “They’re strange (parameters), right?”
First the results of them from 20 years ago: Takeuchi-san doing great on Adventure, not so great on Economic Power, Acting Ability (which is hilarious given that this was before her big break in Naruto), and Thinking Ability; score is bad on Sociability
Kamiyan fared much worse: Adventure rating was 100 points, but all others were below 40
But Ishige-san had the lowest scores: 0 for everything except Sociability (100) and Economic power (10-ish)
Shitanda-san scored average or good on everything except Economic Power, which was below 50
Ku-san had highest scores: 70 or above in everything except sociability (around 60). Acting Ability was at least 80
SuzuKen scores were also low: only Thinking Power and Adventure went beyond 50; all other parameters were 50 or below
Everyone amazed at Ishige-san’s scores; Ku-san: “Sawa-chan’s (chart) looks like a radar or something!”
MC: “Junko-san, Suzumura-san, Michael-san all have a good balance on their scores”
Next comes the scores for the present day:
Junko-san: Acting skills…STILL THE SAME?? sociability, thinking, economic power gone up, adventure gone down
Kamiyan: literally everything crosses at least 60, with thinking almost at 100 and adventure gone slightly down to about 80
Ishige san: her chart literally looks like a clock lmao, with sociability and adventure at 100, thinking and economic power just under 25, and acting replaced by…art? (Still very low)
Shitanda-san: adventure went down to about 50, but everything else is 75+!
Ku-san: adventure is the same, sociability is around 90, everything else reduced to 50
SuzuKen: adventure and economic power at 100, everything else in the 50-75 range
Takeuchi-san: “HANG ON”
Kamiyan: “Sawa-chan’s is—!”
Ku-san: “Ishige-san’s looks like a boomerang!”
Kamiyan, very straightforwardly: “7:15” (like on the clock)
Everyone: *loses it*
Ishige-san: “Maybe my scores are predicting something/making me a prophet!”
MC: “It’s also looking like half-past two lol”
Kamiyan says something about a cat, everyone’s like “huh?” or agreeing
Ishige-san protesting wildly at the results
Everyone else then goes in then to analyse the change in their individual scores, with lots of banter in between (it got a bit technical, so I couldn’t keep up with some bits)
Everyone giggling during the discussion of Ku-san’s results
The discussion goes to how Ku-san is strange, and SuzuKen says “All the strange people are sitting close together over there! Us interesting people should come sit here!”
Discussion about how some of SuzuKen’s scores have exploded and that he’s famous now; Kamiya: “and you’re rich! Yeah, that’s right!”
SuzuKen: “I don’t have THAT much money, but when you compare me and Hiroshi, the money I have is easy to hold!” (Either that, or he said something about who pays when they go to izakayas and wondered why that person was paying; I couldn’t tell)
Kamiyan: *dying of laughter*
SuzuKen: “We used to go play pachinko after work lmao”
Ku-san apparently said that these two used to sit in the studio corner playing Gameboy on CARDBOARD? Like, they used to pretend the cardboard was a gameboy???
Ku-san: “That’s not normal, are you guys ok”
Takeuchi-san, Ishige-san, Ku-san agreeing that it’s cute, like a bunch of elementary schoolers
The person whose scores are being discussed gets to choose the next person in line, so SuzuKen says “My Pachinko Partner from that time, Hiroshi Kamiya”
Kamiyan’s discussion is relatively straightforward, where he just reflects on that time and what he thought and did and wished for
Kamiyan: “Kenichi-kin and I were hella broke at the time”
Says something about SuzuKen, and the others advise him to “lower your voice lol” (the discussion seemed to be about their current finances)
Next person: Shitanda-san, who finishes his discussion too quickly and reflects on his skills 20 years ago
Then Takeuchi-san, who says that everyone else in the cast is just plain weird and that there were too many weird guys in the cast while she was the only normal/decent person (audience loses it)
Kamiyan: “She’s terrible! In the end when all the legendary warriors come together to become Susanoomon, they were trying to figure out who will voice the character.” Apparently Junko-san volunteered and he was like “HUH? You’re already in the leading role! Give it a rest alreadyyyy! She’s mean! Why is she doing it?” (SuzuKen agrees)
Takeuchi-san: “Well, I heard…” Kamiyan: “Ha?”Takeuchi-san: “Kamiya-kun’s speaking ability, picture, and being the star, well…” Kamiyan: “LIKE YOUR SPEAKING IS ANY BETTER” (translation of this bit to be rechecked shortly)
SuzuKen: “Junko-san really hasn’t changed” (everyone agreeing)
Takeuchi-san gives the closing speech for the talk event (not the whole fest, since there was a 02 event that I didn’t see)
“I may be considered the lead, but the true lead was…Kouji! Okay, Kamiya-kun, over to you!” Kamiyan: “What?“
MC: *makes a joke about him being the potential voice for Susanoomon*
Kamiyan: *wondering what to say* “Well, it was really fun, working together every week” *mentions other cast members* “That one year was a really fun period. Coming together today after so long, nothing has changed, I felt at ease.”
End of Frontier Talk Event.
There was a 02 event after this, followed by a rendition of the various songs from Frontier and other seasons, sung by different artists associated with the Digimon Franchise (event opened with Fire). Singers present were AiM, Ayumi Miyazaki, Mazano Oda (?). In the end, all the singers and Frontier + 02 cast attending the event came on stage and sang Fire together!!
I hope you enjoyed my attempt at detailing the Frontier talk event! Apologies for any translation errors and misinterpretation! I’d love to chat more about Digimon with all of you, so please feel free to drop in my ask box to chat about the show!
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
Tears of Themis: Xia Yan/Luke 【妄夜之魇】 Looming Nightmare - Date Translation
Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist | Unsubbed Video
Transcript below cut:
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Part 1
In the morning, a group of villagers walked slowly through the forest’s rocks and mud.
Nearby, a young man dressed as a knight noticed them.
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Luke: Please wait!
The young man pushed aside the dense branches, rushing over to the villagers.
Villager Captain: You are…?
Luke: My apologies for troubling you all. I’m Luke Pearce, a knight.
As he spoke, he balled up his left hand and placed it before his chest, displaying a standard gesture of courtesy to the villagers.
Villager Captain: So you’re a knight. Greetings, is anything the matter?
Luke: I’d like to ask you all if there is anyone who knows where the evil dragon is?
Villager A: E-evil dragon?!
When they heard “evil dragon”, a momentary fear displayed on all the villagers’ faces.
The whispers among them gradually grew louder, and the originally calm group gradually began to lose control.
Villager A: W-why are you searching for the evil dragon…
Villager B: Why are you asking about that beast’s whereabouts?! Are you trying to get it to come over here again?!
Villager B: O-our village, it…
Villager Captain: Calm down.
The young captain placed a hand on the shoulder of the middle-aged man to calm him down temporarily.
Villager Captain: We were impolite. Sir Knight, none of us have malicious intentions. It’s just…
Luke: Were… you all also attacked by the dragon?
Villager Captain: Indeed…
The young man sighed.
Villager Captain: We originally lived in a nearby village. Three days ago, our village was attacked by that dragon.
Villager Captain: The flames it breathes, and its massive wings that kick up gales when they beat…
Villager Captain: That’s how our houses and fields were thoroughly annihilated.
Villager Captain: Many villagers that couldn’t escape were left forever in those ruins.
Villager Captain: But that dragon didn’t stop there. It… even carried off lots of innocent people.
Villager Captain: That’s what happened to my wife and that grandma’s only daughter.
Villager Captain: We don’t even know if they’re still alive.
The young man spoke until his voice faded. The hands that hung on his sides were tightly clenched, like he was trying to control his emotions.
Villager Captain: Like us, lots and lots of villages and cities have been destroyed by it in the past several days.
Villager Captain: Those attacked by it can only flee in search of a temporary safe place.
Villager Captain: We…
Luke: … I’m sorry for making you recall such horrible things.
The young knight lowered his head in apology.
Luke: On my journey, I’ve also heard lots about its terrible actions.
Luke: When I saw you all from far away, I thought you were all normal passersby. I didn’t think…
Villager Captain: It’s alright. We do have to learn to face this eventually.
Villager Captain: Although, Sir Knight, why are you looking for that dragon?
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Luke: Because…
A flash of desolation appeared on the knight’s face.
Luke: Because I’m looking for someone who is incredibly important to me.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Fortune-Telling Location
The fortune-teller fiddled playfully with the crystal ball in her hands. The lights floating in the air moved as she did.
With a sliver of curiosity on her features, she lifted her gaze and looked over her visitor, then placed her hands piously in front of her chest.
Fortune-teller: Esteemed Sir Knight, may I ask why you are here?
Luke: …
The knight’s rigid body leaned forward slightly, an unconcealable urgency and distress in his eyes.
Luke: I want to find someone. She’s vanished, and I have no idea where she is.
Fortune-teller: Oh? Find someone? Who might it be?
Luke: Someone… that grew up with me since childhood.
Fortune-teller: Someone that grew up with you?
Luke: Yes.
He released a deep sigh.
Luke: It’s been eight years since the start of the war.
Luke: The day I left for battle, I promised her that I would return home safely and live with her forever, never to leave again.
Luke: But after the war ended and I returned to the village, all that welcomed me was an empty house.
Luke: I asked everyone around about where she went, but they all said that she suddenly vanished one day.
Luke: Only after did I find out that everyone had thought that I’d died in battle.
Luke: She…
The knight grasped tight on the longsword in his hands. The ruby on the hilt flashed faintly in the darkness.
The fortune-teller leaned against the table, holding her chin with her hand.
Fortune-teller: Have you ever thought that she just couldn’t keep waiting anymore, or that she might have moved elsewhere because she thought you were dead?
Luke: She wouldn’t. We’ve lived together for so many years. I know best about what sort of person she is.
Luke: I know that even if I made her sad or if everyone said I was dead…
Luke: As long as she hasn’t seen my corpse, she won’t give up, and she’ll keep waiting for me…
Luke: … Something must have happened for her to choose to leave without a farewell.
Luke: So, I want to find her. I want to know what exactly happened.
The young knight’s voice gradually weakened, until it was nearly inaudible.
The fortune-teller tittered quietly.
Fortune-teller: I understand. Then, please wait a moment—
She placed her hand on the crystal ball. As the lights and shadows drifted, an image of a dragon occupying the plains gradually appeared.
Luke: This is…?
Fortune-teller: Do you know of the legend of the evil dragon?
Luke: Evil dragon?
Fortune-teller: Yes. This dragon runs amok over the continent, scattering destruction and annihilation everywhere…
Fortune-teller: Its evil reputation is now common knowledge among all people.
Luke: But what does that have to do with her?
Fortune-teller: I am unsure of the exact connection it has to her, but based on the image in the crystal ball…
Fortune-teller: You just need to kill the dragon and obtain the treasure chest it protects to discover the way to find her.
Luke: …
Luke: Are you sure?
Fortune-teller: Of course. My divinations have never been wrong. If not, Sir Knight…
The fortune-teller unconsciously knocked a few times on the crystal ball, and a clear sound reverberated in the room.
Fortune-teller: Then you wouldn’t have come to find me, correct?
Luke: … They say that you are the greatest fortune-teller on the continent, and that there’s nothing you don’t know.
Fortune-teller: Which is even more reason for you to believe me, no?
Luke: …
The knight nodded ponderously.
Luke: I understand. Where is the dragon right now?
Fortune-teller: That’s for you to find out.
Fortune-teller: However, there is something that you must think over first.
Fortune-teller: You are a brave and martially skilled knight, but the path ahead may be much more dangerous than you imagine.
Fortune-teller: Even if so, will you still proceed?
Luke: Yes, I must.
Fortune-teller: Even if the price it requires is your everything?
[Flashback end]
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Luke: So I can only do as the fortune-teller instructed, travelling as I search for clues on the dragon.
Villager Captain: It seems like the person you’re looking for… must have been captured by the dragon too.
When he finished listening to the knight’s story, the captain gave a quick conclusion.
Villager Captain: The young lady you’re looking for isn’t the only one. In the past while, that dragon has already captured many good girls.
Villager Captain: Many noble ladies and wives in the city weren’t even spared.
Luke: Then… has anyone ever returned among those who were captured?
Villager B: No – no one has ever seen them again after they were taken.
Villager B: Whether the dragon has hurt them, whether they’re still alive, or where they’re kept… no one knows anything.
Luke: No one knows anything, huh…
Luke: If no one knows, that means there’s still hope, right?
The knight suddenly lifted his head, looking firmly at the villagers.
  Part 2
In the forest, the young knight faced the villagers, his gaze firm.
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Luke: If no one knows, that means there’s still hope, right?
Villager B: This…
Looking at the villagers’ somewhat hesitant expressions, the knight smiled slightly.
Luke: I understand your concerns, but to me, as long as there is still one thread of opportunity, I will definitely not give up.
Luke: So…
Luke: Please, do any of you know anything at all about the dragon?
Villager Captain: …
The villagers looked at each other. The young captain tilted his head as if trying to recall something.
Villager Captain: I don’t know much about the dragon, but…
Villager Captain: Three days ago, when I was fleeing the village, I think I saw that dragon flying towards the highest mountain peak on the northeast of this forest.
Luke: The peaks in the northeast…
The knight looked towards the direction that the villager captain was pointing towards. He could vaguely see the shape of a mountain peak there.
Villager Captain: Yes, but that mountain is farther from here than it looks.
Villager Captain: Plus, there’s also a path full of thorns at the end of this forest that normal people can’t get through at all.
Villager Captain: Currently, not many people have gone there, so I can’t be sure if the dragon is actually there.
Luke: Is that so… but it’s worth a try.
Villager B: Uh… I’ve also heard a little about the dragon.
The formerly irritable middle-aged man, possibly being moved by the words earlier, hesitated for a moment before he spoke.
Villager B: That dragon probably does live on that mountain peak.
Luke: Are you sure?
Villager B: Yes. Two weeks ago, an artisan from the city went with his brothers there.
Villager B: But several days later, aside from a young man, no one in that group returned.
Villager B: That young man said that they were attacked by that beast on the mountain…
Villager B: But sadly, his wounds were too grave, and he passed away a few days later.
Villager B: After that, no matter how much money the city nobles offered, no one else dared to go put their lives on their line.
Villager B: We also…
The middle-aged man sighed.
Villager B: We’ve… given up already.
Luke: …I understand. Thank you all for giving me so much information.
Luke: It’s not that early anymore, and I need to head for that mountain, so I’ll be heading off.
Villager B: Sir Knight, are you really going to look for that dragon?
Villager B: With how massive and brutish that dragon is, it’ll kill you!
Villager B: You don’t know how that young man who returned…
Luke: Thank you for your concerns, but this is a promise I made with her. No matter how difficult the path forward is…
The young knight looked straight at the group in front of him, his voice firm and resolute.
He spoke each word emphatically, answering the question earlier, yet seeming more like he was telling himself.
Luke: No matter how difficult the path forward is, even if everyone has given up, I will not stop moving forward.
Villager B: …
Villager Captain: …
The villagers fell silent for a moment.
A long moment after, the young captain spoke.
Villager Captain: Sir Knight, since you’ve made your decision to go, we have no reason to continue trying to persuade you.
Villager Captain: The road ahead will be difficult, and defeating the dragon is sure to be no easy task…
Villager Captain: All we can do is to pray that you find the one you love quickly and return safely.
Luke: Thank you, everyone.
The knight made a sincere gesture of courtesy again towards the villagers, then turned around and walked into the depths of the forest.
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After a long trek, the young knight bypassed that rumoured thorny block and arrived at the wilds outside the forest.
Luke: …
Though it was called the wilds, all the plants had long been burned into crisps. Black dust had settled densely over the rocks.
A massive mountain stood at the edge of his range of vision. A dense black fog lingered over the peak, quiet and strange.
At the foot of the mountain, many volcanoes and short rock mounds created continuous undulations, extending to the horizon.
Luke: …
He lifted his head and looked towards the faraway sky. The red light of the pre-sunset sun was harshly dazzling.
Luke: A precursor to the solar eclipse, huh…
Luke: Maybe it really is as the person before said…
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Villager B: Sir Knight, before passing, that person who returned said…
Villager B: On the day of a solar eclipse, it seems like the dragon’s strength will weaken.
Luke: Weaken?
Villager B: Yes, that person kept repeating this before he passed, so I remember it very clearly.
Villager B: If you really must get near it, maybe you can choose this day.
Luke: … Understood.
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Luke: …
Luke: Based on the appearance of the sun, the eclipse will only start tomorrow…
Luke: The volcanoes around look pretty unstable right now. Now is definitely not the best time to act.
Luke: I’ll build a temporary residence near the forest and wait for a chance.
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Temporary Residence
In the wooden hut, the knight was in the middle of pre-battle preparations.
Luke: …
He cleaned his sword in the firelight. When his gaze brushed over the ruby on the hilt, he fell into a momentary trance.
Luke: …
Luke: …
Luke: Soon, I’ll be able to see you again.
Luke: Right?
Luke: …
In the empty room, the only response he received was the crackling of burning firewood.
The young knight lowered his head.
The emotions that he had continuously restrained quietly trickled out where no one could hear, under the comfort of the moonlight.
Luke: I’m sorry… I couldn’t contact you even once for so long…
Luke: You must have been so worried during then…
Luke: …
Luke: I wonder how you’re doing right now, and if you’ve encountered any danger…
Luke: Were you scared, facing that dragon alone? Were you injured?
Luke: Don’t be scared, I’ll save you very soon.
The wind blew past soundlessly. In the quiet hut, the knight’s voice became clearer and clearer.
It seemed as if a burning flame had ignited in his eyes. The moonlight shone in, casting light over the entirety of the room.
Luke: We promised that no matter what happened, you wouldn’t leave, and we’d always be together…
Luke: I won’t let you bear everything on your own anymore.
Luke: It’ll be tomorrow… wait for me.
He smiled, his fingertips brushing over his own reflection in the ruby.
Luke: Goodnight.
The knight placed his sword by his side and sank into a shallow sleep.
Just like all the nights in the past many years.
Part 3
Garrison Camp
Troop Leader: Hey, Luke, you returned with perfect timing.
Troop Leader: Just finished bringing over the new delivery of rations. I brought you the letter from the one at your home.
When he saw the person who was placing the letter on his bed, the knight shook his head helplessly.
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Luke: Leader, we’re still in the troops right now. Even if you want to address her…
Troop Leader: Alright, alright. The letter that your wife sent, does that work?
Luke: We haven’t gotten married yet…
Troop Leader: Hahahahaha—
Troop Leader: Hey, honestly though, Miss MC really does treat you well.
Troop Leader: I have no idea how she managed to get that many rations and letters sent over here.
Troop Leader: If I remember right, she’s just a commoner, right? The type without even a fief. Tsk tsk tsk, she really is good.
As he teased him, the leader came up to the side of the bed, jokingly bumping against the young knight’s shoulder.
Troop Leader: Luke, I feel like she’s even more proactive than you. Bring out your knight’s spirit already!
Troop Leader: Though we can’t contact the outside world, I’m cheering you on inside, yeah?
Luke: Thanks, leader.
Luke: Although there’s something you’ve gotten wrong. Though I can’t send her replies…
He layered the letters together, placing them in the closest spot to his heart in his armour.
Luke: This is my answer to her. My heart is always with her.
Luke: The day the war ends, I will return to her side, safe and sound.
Luke: When that time comes, I won’t leave her ever again.
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Luke: …
When he saw the multiple letters in front of him, the young knight sunk into his memories.
To prepare for the nearing battle, he came to the riverside at dawn to change the medicines on the wounds he received in the war.
Luke: Back then, I thought that I would be able to reunite with you after the war ended.
Luke: We’d then be able to be like thousands of other normal people, living out our lives healthily and safely.
Luke: But I never thought…
He couldn’t help grasping tight on the letter papers.
Luke: Did you know that during those eight years, I kept thinking about you over and over, speaking on my own, just like this?
Luke: I remember every single thing you wrote to me about.
Luke: You said that the neighbouring auntie’s puppy stepped all over the rose garden at the doorway again.
Luke: You said that the honey that a friend gave you was very sweet, and you wanted to see the bee yard too, but you didn’t go because you knew I wouldn’t agree.
Luke: And so much more… I’ve remembered every single thing perfectly.
Luke: I… really… miss you.
The knight couldn’t help covering his face with his hand, as certain crystalline things fell slowly between his fingers.
A few minutes later, he took a deep breath, then put down his hand.
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Luke: This is bad, I lost control of my emotions for a moment.
Luke: I wasn’t even that sad last night, but maybe it’s because I saw you in my dreams again, so I…
Luke: Now isn’t the time to be sentimental. I’ve got to bolster myself to face the upcoming battle.
The sunlight shone into the forest, past the gaps between the swaying leaves, falling dappled on the knight’s armour.
Far away, the sun displayed a light that was different from normal.
Luke: Is it coming…
He quickly put on his clothes and grasped onto his sword again.
Luke: Wait for me.
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Because he had already crossed over the forest once, the knight arrived at the plains much faster than before.
Clouds smothered the originally-blue skies. The roars of the dragon resounded nonstop at the horizon, and the air was heavy enough to make breathing difficult.
Luke: …
Suddenly, the roars of the dragon became unusually clear. A massive black shadow rushed down from the mountain peak, gradually nearing the centre of the plains.
Luke: !!!
Luke: This is my chance!
The knight immediately broke into a sprint towards the black shadow.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
The moment he arrived at the centre of the plains, the dragon was landing with two young villagers in its claws.
The two people tossed on the round tumbled a few times. Tears covered their faces, and their hands were tightly clasped.
Luke: !!!
Luke: Run!
The knight threw a wooden gun towards the dragon, then yanked out the dagger at his waist and threw it backhandedly on the ground near the forest.
He loaded an arrow as he sprinted towards the dragon.
Luke: Take that dagger and get out through the forest now!
Luke: I’ve left markers on the path. Follow those!
Female Villager: O-okay… tha-thank you!
The pitiful villagers tremblingly picked up the dagger and ran towards the forest as they supported each other.
They passed by the young man, kicking up sand and stone. The two sides of the battlefield changed in a flash.
Luke: …
The knight did not look back to the already faraway villagers. He calmly set his hands on the bow.
The dragon roared furiously at him, spitting a ball of fire.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: …
The knight stepped swiftly off the rocks in front of him, resolutely loosing an arrow towards the dragon, sidestepping the close call of the fire.
Luke: This won’t do. It’s too fast.
Luke: I won’t be able to dodge at all with speeds like that…
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: !!!
Without giving the knight room to think, the dragon launched its second attack.
It looked again at the person in front of it and spat out a large amount of fire. The flickering firelight lit up the entire desolate plains.
The knight dodged the attack. The winds surged, the glint of the blade shone, and the surroundings continuously heated up.
Luke: …
Luke: This is how strong it is when it’s weakened?
Luke: If this keeps going, I’ll lose all my footholds.
Luke: What do I do…
His brow wrinkled tightly, looking at the dragon that had built up its power and was waiting to attack again. His hands held his hilt tight—
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Evil Dragon: Roar—
The dragon opened its mouth wide, flying towards the young man.
Rocks were sent flying from the intense movements of the two opponents. The knight planted his feet on the shards of rock, both of his hands gripping his longsword.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: Want to kill me? Keep dreaming!
As if he couldn’t hear the dragon’s roars at all, he was completely focused on looking for a chance to attack.
Luke: If it’s the instant before it breathes fire… as long as I grab that chance…
Luke: If I can strike your vitals…
Luke: I’ll still have a chance!
Evil Dragon: Roar—
The dragon threw back its head, releasing a long roar towards the skies.
Luke: Now!
The knight lifted the sword and sprinted up to the dragon, slashing down on the dragon’s neck with all his strength.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Blood sprayed, and the massive creature struggled, writhing, and finally spread its wings, flying off towards the heights.
Luke: Don’t even think about escaping!
The young man ran up, and three arrows cut through the air.
Howling winds blew as the eclipse fully set in. On the faraway peaks, the contours of a black castle could suddenly be seen.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
The dragon dodged the arrows, roaring in pain, then escaped in flight towards the faraway castle.
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Luke: It all ends here.
The young knight discarded his longbow and gripped at his sword, planning to chase after the dragon.
However, right then, a pattern of lights shone from the astrolabe he was carrying.
He froze for a moment and thought back on what the fortune-teller had told him before—
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Fortune-Telling Location
Fortune-Teller: Wait.
Fortune-Teller: Keep this with you.
The fortune-teller called out to the young man who was on the verge of leaving and handed a metal astrolabe to him.
Luke: This is…?
Fortune-Teller: If the astrolabe starts flashing, it’s a warning from me to stop fighting immediately.
Luke: … I am well aware of when I should stop.
Fortune-Teller: Sir Knight, you do indeed have lots of fighting experience.
Fortune-Teller: But I am the only one who can help you, so trust me, alright?
Luke: …
[Flashback end]
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Luke: …
Luke: Ouch…
The knight frowned in pain, as if he had finally come to his senses from the tense atmosphere, and looked over himself out of habit.
Luke: !!!
The dark armour had long been stained in blood, and some of the parts that were exposed were covered in wounds of all sizes.
Luke: I was… injured this badly?
Luke: Sure enough… that dragon’s strength…
He ultimately decided to stop.
  Part 4
Temporary Residence
The knight closed the door to the residence.
He leaned on the wall, like an injured little animal.
Luke: How could this be…
Luke: Is the difference in strength between me and that dragon that big?
Luke: How am I going to save her at this point… I…
The astrolabe beside him shone again. Then, after a flash of white light at the doorway, the fortune-teller pushed open the door.
Luke: It’s you?
Fortune-Teller: Sir Knight, I hope you have been well since our last meeting.
The fortune-teller looked over the person in front of her, her eyes squinting slightly.
Fortune-Teller: Looks like you listened to what I told you. Well done.
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Luke: …
Fortune-Teller: This expression… were you not willing to give up?
Luke: None of your business.
Fortune-Teller: None of my business… haha, do you remember what I said back then?
Luke: …
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Fortune-Teller: You are a brave and martially skilled knight, but the path ahead may be much more dangerous than you imagine.
Fortune-Teller: Even if so, will you still proceed?
Luke: Yes, I must.
Fortune-Teller: Even if the price it requires is your everything?
[Flashback end]
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Luke: …
Fortune-Teller: Has reality now changed your mind?
Luke: No. No matter when, I will not change my mind.
Fortune-Teller: Will not change? Then… what can you do?
Fortune-Teller: You must have realized the natural difference in strength between you and the dragon from battling.
Fortune-Teller: It looked like you won the battle, but what are the results?
Fortune-Teller: Even while it was weakened during the solar eclipse, the only effective attack you landed was that single slash.
Fortune-Teller: While you…
The fortune-teller looked at the young knight’s right arm, mottled with blood and some burn marks.
Fortune-Teller: You’re covered in wounds already. How much longer can you hold on for?
Luke: …
Luke: I don’t know. All I know is that I can’t give up. I must get that treasure chest and find her.
Luke: I don’t want to think about anything else.
Fortune-Teller: … Is it worth it?
The fortune-teller went silent for a moment, then asked this question suddenly.
Luke: It is.
Luke: I promised her that I’d return to her, that I’d safely tell her that everything had ended, that we would never be apart from then on.
Luke: I think about her every day, and I look forward to seeing her again every day. I’ve reread each of the letters she sent too many times to count.
Luke: She is my everything. I won’t just give up like this.
Fortune-Teller: … So you plan to seek out that dragon again?
Luke: Yes, and I don’t only plan to find it…
Luke: As you said, I will defeat and kill it, no matter what the price is that I must pay.
Fortune-Teller: … I understand.
Fortune-Teller: Then let me tell you one more thing.
Luke: ???
Fortune-Teller: Do you know why that dragon always flies towards that castle?
Luke: Do you mean that the treasure chest is…
Fortune-Teller: Yes. It’s because the box that it values the most is in the castle…
Fortune-Teller: When it is attacked, it will naturally return there.
Fortune-Teller: In ten days, the eclipse will end, and the sky will return to normal.
Fortune-Teller: The skies before daybreak are always the darkest…
Fortune-Teller: In ten days, when the sky is lightening, the dragon’s power will be at its weakest.
Fortune-Teller: It will also lose the ability to breathe fire.
Fortune-Teller: If you must go, go on that day.
Luke: !!!
Luke: Thank you.
Fortune-Teller: No need for thanks, but Sir Knight, let me give you one last warning.
Fortune-Teller: The path you have chosen is full of the unknown. I hope you will not regret this in the future.
Luke: I am sure that I won’t.
Fortune-Teller: That would be best.
The fortune-teller looked at the knight, smiled strangely, then left.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
After the knight cleaned his wounds, he finally had some time to rest.
Like usual, he stood his sword by his side. When he looked over the ruby on the hilt, he suddenly stopped.
Luke: This ruby… you gave it to me.
He gently stroked it, his warm breath leaving a mist on the gem with his movements.
Luke: I remember on the day I set out, you stood at the very front of those who were sending off the troops, a total mess of tears.
Luke: I was the one who was leaving, but you were even more agitated than me.
Luke: You kept reminding me to take care of myself, to not force myself.
Luke: Then I held your face with a smile, telling you that it wasn’t like I wouldn’t return.
Luke: …
The knight suddenly turned away.
Only when he was able to smile again did he turn his head back, as if everything before had just been an illusion.
Luke: Before I left, you took off a ruby from the mirror you always used and embedded it on my sword.
Luke: You said that a highly skilled person gave you that mirror, and it had magical power.
Luke: Especially these rubies, which represent inextinguishable fire and burning vitality.
Luke: We made a promise together, and then you watched me mount the horse, but I never looked back.
Luke: I thought that I would be able to see you soon after the war ended.
Luke: But now that I think about it, I should have taken one more look at you back then.
A slight bitterness appeared on the young knight’s face, but it was soon replaced by his usual expression.
He laid down on the bed, looking at the fluid moonlight in the sky.
Luke: Did you know that there’s something that I didn’t tell you back then?
Luke: Rubies don’t only represent fervour and life. They also represent love.
Luke: I told myself that after the war, I would confess to you, and let this ruby bear witness to our love.
Luke: So, please wait a little more for me.
Luke: There are still ten days.
Luke: No matter what the price is, I will be the victor.
The knight mumbled as he slowly closed his eyes.
Outside the hut, a black mist rose, then vanished in the silence. The moment that the smoke dissipated, a woman’s quiet laugh seemed to sound from deep within.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Ten days later, as the fortune-teller said, the young knight made his way towards the old castle.
But he did not successfully reach his destination, because on the plains under the castle…
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: …
Luke: Are you here to obstruct me?
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: Looks like the fortune-teller was telling the truth. The treasure chest really is in the castle.
Luke: So it must also be true that you’re at your weakest today.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
As if in response to the knight’s words, the dragon snarled in fury. Its massive claws beat heavily on the ground, drawing up plumes of dust.
The knight retreated a few steps, held up his longsword, and stood in battle stance.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: …
Luke: You sure look enthusiastic.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: Perfect, then. Let’s have a fierce battle this time.
Luke: This is the last chance. I won’t let you escape again.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: …
At the edge of the sky, the black sun that had persisted for ten days started to “move”. The light of tiny stars shone through the air, casting light on the person and dragon.
The knight lifted his sword.
Luke: Let’s start.
Dust flew as the shining sword blade cut through. Both human and dragon soon were immersed in intensive battle.
Their battlegrounds shifted several times, from the plains to the mountain peak, finally arriving to the front of the castle’s door.
The eclipse was slowly retreating, and the dark sky was beginning to show its original hue.
Compared to last time, the battle this time lasted for a very, very long time.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Old Castle on the Peak
Luke: Urk…
The knight brandished his longsword, pushing himself to block the dragon’s attack.
The originally flat field had already been ruined to the point where it was difficult to stand on. Thunder boomed intermittently as dark clouds accumulated above.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
The massive dragon moved again.
Luke: Ow…
Luke: …
This time, the knight’s resistance started to become sluggish.
Scorching blood sprayed out. He lost his footing, falling brutally onto the ground.
Luke: Ugh…!
Luke: No… I can’t fall yet…
He stabbed the longsword into the ground with difficulty and stood staggeringly up again.
He looked at his enemy, his bloodied, dirtied face full of resolution.
Luke: Ha… what sort of battle is this? Just a bunch of mutual killing attempts…
Luke: But did you think I’d be scared? Stop kidding around.
Luke: You have no idea what sorts of emotions I put behind each slash.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: Although, you don’t need to know, because…
The knight suddenly brandished his sword and rushed at the massive dragon.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
For an instant, the heavens and earth shook. Dust and sand flew as the world was submerged in chaos.
Only the knight’s shouts cut through the air, transmitting into each and every crevice.
Luke: Even though – even though there’s no way you can hear this right now…
Luke: But, I’m sorry… I’m sorry!
Luke: I’m sorry for leaving you all alone for these eight years. I’m sorry for letting you face the dragon yourself after the eight years.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: Do you know how scared I was when I returned to the village, yet didn’t see you at all…
Luke: I was scared that I would never see you again. I was scared that I couldn’t save you…
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: Let me see you again, alright?
Luke: Even one instant, one second is enough!
After an enormous sound of collision, the young man was knocked through the air onto the ground, sliding to a faraway cliff, to the very edge.
But this time, it seemed like he didn’t have the strength to stand again.
Luke: …
Luke: Does it… all end here…
Luke: But I… you…
A downpour of rain suddenly started.
  Part 5
A downpour suddenly started.
Rain struck against the ground audibly, falling on the young knight’s body, flowing towards where the blood and water had accumulated.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: Am I just… going to lose like this?
The knight couldn’t control his gasps.
Luke: But…
Luke: I still… can’t bear to give in.
Luke: I still haven’t found her… I still haven’t seen her… I …
His voice was full of an unrestrained frustration and helplessness.
He tried, or even forced, himself to keep his heavy eyelids open.
Luke: …
Silence suddenly descended.
It seemed like the rain had weakened, and a small sound was resounding through the air.
Luke: !!!
The knight suddenly opened his eyes wide.
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Luke: Is that you?! Is that you, MC?!
He struggled, reaching out into the emptiness.
The black mist suddenly surged over from all directions, winding around the knight’s hand, as if in a gentle “embrace”.
The knight suddenly smiled.
Luke: Are you trying to comfort me?
Luke: Mhmm, I’m not scared. Whether they’re happy things or painful things…
Luke: I don’t care about any of that anymore.
He slowly stood his sword upright, staggeringly standing up.
Evil Dragon: Roar—
Luke: I will… keep going until the final moment…
Luke: MC, you are my strength, and I will fight for you until the end of my life.
Evil Dragon: …
The dragon’s movements suddenly stopped.
It looked at the human in front of it without moving in the slightest, and it seemed as if a light had flashed in its terrifying eyes.
Luke: …
Luke: Now!
The knight brandished his sword for the last time, stabbing it deeply into the heart of the dragon.
This time, the dragon did not struggle nor attack back. It remained in its spread-winged posture as it toppled with a boom.
The turbid blood flowed out from the wound, and soon, its breathing stopped completely.
Luke: H-has it ended?
The knight slowly walked up to the dragon’s corpse. After repeated confirmations, he released a sigh, as if he had been freed from a heavy burden.
Luke: Next… I just need to find the dragon’s treasure chest to find you. Wait for me.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Old Castle Interior
The knight pushed open the door to the castle.
Just as the fortune-teller said, there was a treasure chest placed in the centre of the large room.
Luke: …
He knelt with one knee to the ground, brushing off the dust on the chest.
The moment he opened the chest saw what was inside, he displayed a shocked expression.
Luke: This is…?
A mirror inlaid with ruby sat quietly on the top of the chest.
The knight reached out with both hands, carefully holding the item in front of him.
Luke: Isn’t this the one you usually use…
Luke: Ah!
Suddenly, the gem on the mirror flashed with a dazzling light.
As if induced, the ruby on the hilt of the longsword beside the knight started to shine too.
They shone together, blindingly bright.
Luke: …
Amidst the light, multiple images gradually appeared in the mirror, like a light carousel—
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Luke: !!!
In that familiar village, the young woman suddenly lifted her head as she trimmed the plants, her scissors falling onto the ground.
Her face was full of shock and disbelief. Tears slid down her face, finally vanishing.
Luke: !!!
She then left the village on a journey. She walked to all the ends of the world, as if in search of something.
She traversed deserts and snowy mountains, wearing out pairs and pairs of shoes, and her originally fair skin gradually became rough.
But on her face, all there was, was day after day of ever-increasing defeat and pain.
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Luke: No… I’m here, I’m still alive! I’m right here!
Finally, she arrived at this castle.
Seeming like she’d lost all hope, she collapsed on the found. Tears and blood fell, droplet after droplet, on the ruby of the mirror’s upper part.
Then, a light suddenly flashed, and the girl in the mirror vanished.
The black mist filled the mirror, and a vicious dragon flew out of the castle.
Luke: !!!
The knight’s entire body trembled.
He dropped the mirror and sprinted out the door, as if he had gone mad.
Luke: No… not possible… no way… it can’t be…
Luke: How could you have been the dragon?! No way, I couldn’t have killed you…
At some point, the storm had started to rage again.
The figure of the dragon had already vanished. What replaced it was a figure that the knight was as familiar with as could be.
Luke: No way… why…
Luke: Why!!!
He held the girl’s corpse in his arms, then howled in despair like a wild animal.
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The girl’s body was as covered in wounds as the knight’s was.
The rain struck their bodies, rushing frigidly over each of their wounds, as if mocking them.
Luke: No, no way…
Luke: This isn’t real… this isn’t real…
Luke: MC--!
The knight held the girl tightly. His throat was already raw, and all the light had left his eyes.
Luke: Is that why you stopped right then? Did you recognize me?
Luke: Why didn’t you escape? Why did you wait for me to kill you?
Luke: Please open your eyes, alright, answer me!!
Luke: Why?! Why?!
Luke: Ah--!!!
The rain descended in torrents, finally trickling down to the ruby, which had lost all its shine.
   Part 6
The storm raged, and the knight’s heartrending cries never once stopped.
The air distorted for an instant. Right after, the fortune-teller stepped out from nothing, walking up to the sobbing Luke.
Fortune-Teller: Pitiful Sir Knight, you still ended up at this point.
Luke: !!!
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Luke: It’s you… it’s you!
Fortune-Teller: It is indeed me, Sir Knight, the one who pointed you down this path.
Luke: Pointed me down this path… right, you know everything!
Luke: Let me ask you, did you already know that she was the dragon?!
Fortune-Teller: Yes, I know everything.
The fortune-teller looked at the young man, her voice gentle and tantalizing.
Luke: Then why did you have me find it - have me kill her?!
Fortune-Teller: I had you kill her? That’s quite an unfair accusation.
Fortune-Teller: I am a mere fortune-teller. All I can see is an established truth.
Fortune-Teller: This is her and your fate – you two are destined for an ending of death.
Luke: !!!
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Luke: No way! What fate, what ending – I don’t believe any of it! There must be a way to save her!
Luke: I’ll keep looking. I’ll keep looking. I will definitely find it. I will definitely find it!
The young man clutched at the corpse in his arms and forced himself to stand.
The ground was slippery. He fell one time after another, yet he stood again, one time after another.
Fortune-Teller: …
The fortune-teller stroked the crystal ball, looking at the girl who was gradually getting colder in the rain.
Fortune-Teller: There is a way that might be able to save her, but…
Luke: What is it!
The young man shouted hysterically, but his voice was already so hoarse that he was nearly incoherent.
The fortune-teller paused, then looked at him again, her lips curving slightly.
Fortune-Teller: Simple. Make a deal with the devil, using your life.
Luke: …Deal?
Fortune-Teller: Indeed. As long as you offer your heart, she will be able to live again.
Fortune-Teller: But she will lose all memories of you…
Fortune-Teller: Perhaps she will love someone else and live a happy life, or perhaps…
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Luke: What do I do?
The knight cut her words short.
Luke: Can you bear witness to the contract?
Fortune-Teller: … Of course.
Luke: Tell me what I need to do. We start immediately.
Fortune-Teller: … Alright.
The knight’s resoluteness far exceeded the fortune-teller’s expectations. After a simple explanation of the ritual, he finished his preparations.
Fortune-Teller: Will you not say any last words to her?
The fortune-teller placed the crystal ball in front of her, looking towards the silent knight.
Luke: …
The knight lowered his head, looking at the girl in his arms.
Luke: I never would have thought that our last meeting would be like this…
Luke: But at least you can continue to live…
The corners of the knight’s mouth lifted with difficulty. He reached out, pushing aside a lock of hair aside on the girl’s face.
Like a deep, yet wordless, farewell.
Luke: There are some things that I didn’t have the time to say before, but it shouldn’t be too late to say them now…
Luke: I…
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The knight closed his eyes.
He slowly lowered his head, solemnly and gently kissing the hair of the girl in his arms.
Luke: Goodbye, MC. I pray that your life from today onwards will be happy and joyful.
He looked at her face, looking as if she were in a deep slumber, and said this to her for the very first and very last time—
Luke: I love you.
Right after he spoke, he stabbed his sword into his chest.
Bright red blood covered the marks that had dried on the sword. Thunder boomed as rain fell in torrents.
His heartbeat’s sound gradually stopped.
Fortune-Teller: …
Fortune-Teller: Hahahaha, hahahahaha—
The fortune-teller suddenly burst into laughter.
A black mist gradually wrapped around her. Her body and clothes changed form, finally turning into the form of a witch.
Witch: Hahahaha, what fate, what ending, what deal with the devil? Utterly foolish, truly, ridiculously foolish!
Witch: Although… thank you both. I found this drama quite the satisfying watch!
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
MC: …
My consciousness gradually awakened.
MC: Luke! Don’t do anything stupid!
MC: She’s obviously doing this deliberately! Don’t get tricked by her!
I tried my best to call out his name, yet I anxiously noticed that I could not even make the slightest of sounds.
MC: Luke!
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Luke’s Home, Third Floor
*Tira’s note: The date itself said it was the second floor, but his living quarters (the background shown) are on the third floor, not the second.
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MC: Luke!
I sprung awake from my dream.
And because of this tiny movement, Luke instinctively popped off the sofa, standing upright on the floor.
I lifted my head and looked hazily at Luke, and my consciousness gradually returned to reality.
MC: …
Luke: …
We looked wordlessly at each other for a few seconds, then couldn’t help laughing together.
Then, Luke gently sat back down beside me.
Luke: What happened? Did you have a nightmare?
MC: Mhmm…
As I gave an affirmative, I moved my body a little, realizing that my arms and legs had become a little numb. My chest also felt somewhat stuffy.
MC: (Huh, was I sleeping in a weird pose? I don’t think so…)
Just as I was thinking, Luke started to rotate his shoulders too.
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Luke: Why are my arms this sore all of a sudden… I’m sure that I slept pretty well…
MC: …
Luke: Huh? What’s the matter?
MC: I figured it out…
Luke: What?
The only reason why our arms were so sore… probably was because Luke was holding me the whole time while we had an afternoon nap.
MC: (So that nightmare… probably also happened because of this…)
I felt both a little frustrated and amused, and seeing Luke’s dubious expression, I couldn’t help laughing aloud.
Luke: What’s the matter?
MC: Nothing, I just hadn’t woken up completely from my dream yet.
Luke: Alright, you’re fine now. I’m here with you.
Luke: If you’re still scared, then should I sing a song for our great lawyer?
MC: Sure!
I knew Luke was just teasing me, but I felt like either way, it would be pretty nice to listen to him sing for me again.
Luke: Then sit comfy first.
MC: Mhmm.
I shifted over a bit, and Luke sat down beside me, covering us up again with the blanket.
Then, he gently wrapped his arms around me.
Luke: Then, what does the great lawyer want to listen to? Twinkle Twinkle again?
MC: Yep!
I looked up at him, and then Luke started to tap my shoulder like a metronome as he began singing.
Luke: Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
Luke: How I wonder what you are…
MC: …
As Luke sang, my emotions gradually calmed down.
Amidst this relaxation, I couldn’t help thinking of the scene in that dream again.
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MC: (A ten-day eclipse… man, the weird stuff I come up with.)
MC: (Did the earth stop spinning or did the sun just check out of work? So ridiculous…)
MC: (Plus, how could Luke be tricked by someone like that…)
MC: (Although…)
Though that was what I was thinking, I still knew…
Just like the knight in my dream, the love and protection Luke gave to me was always that silent, yet so etched into his very being.
But unlike the dream, we were now walking towards a happy future together.
I would hold his hand tightly, and I would never let go.
MC: …
The afternoon sunlight pervaded the room, and a slight breeze blew past. Everything was as great as always.
On the storage cabinet on the side, the mirror and sword model were stacked together. Under the sunlight, the rubies flashed faintly.
They looked somewhat familiar.
Hi! Good morning, are you up yet?
Ah… I bought a medieval-themed game that looks really interesting, so I wanted to ask if you wanted to play it together.
This game also has dual-player co-op mode. We can hit new game records together, just like in the past.
The game plot? Seems like a knight went on a quest to slay a dragon to find his missing lover.
I feel like this story’s pretty remarkable, and the animations done for the fights with the dragon in the middle were done really realistically…
Huh, what’s the matter? Why do you have such a pained expression on?
You don’t want to play this game… why? Does the plot make you feel uncomfortable?
Huh?! You had a nightmare with the same plot? And the main characters were you and me?! And we didn’t even get a good ending?!
Pfft… silly, it’s just a dream, don’t take it to be real.
Plus, doesn’t everyone always say that dreams and reality are the opposite?
You saw a bad ending, which means that we’ll have a good ending. So don’t be afraid, it’s all fine.
Hm… if you still don’t feel at ease, then how about we work together to beat this game?
I’ll prove to you that we’ll definitely reach the Happy Ending!
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shotosprincess · 4 years
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♡ dating the bnha boys — hcs
。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆
➪ shoto todoroki
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pls you’ve prolly been terrified of him for a while prior bc of how ?? talented ?? the mf is ??
but mans prolly saved you at some point and there was this lingering stare you two shared before he left you at recovery girls’ office; were you reading too far into things ?
spoiler alert: you weren’t.
he’s the kind of boyfriend to tenderly brush your hair for you and attempt to learn how to tie and braid your hair up in cute ,, simple designs !!
he’d always be ready with little things you’re constantly forgetting; extra snacks,, water,, a fully charged portable charger ,, trust me when i say that man is pREPARED- after all ,, he needs to be ready with everything to take care of his little sweetheart ,, does he not ?
at some point he’d find you sitting on the roof by yourself late at night,, only to stay with you and let you fall asleep on his chest as he drapes a blanket over you and heats it up a lil with his quirk
prolly bc he just wants to prove to you that he can be useful
pls just let the man know he’s useful and important he never shows it directly but he needs the reassurance—
he’d give you a warm massage w his quirk whenever you’re in pain :”)
loves heating//cooling things for you ,, like instant noodles or ice packs !!
surprises you w jewelry that have his initials on them !!
would hold an umbrella for u while you loop your arm into his as the two of you walk home through the light rain :”)
cries into your chest sometimes after youve fallen asleep bc it’s late nights like these when he reflects on just how lucky of a guy he is to have you— it’s hard for him to articulate it directly ,, but when he does fully open up to you ab it ,, you end up crying too .
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➪ katsuki bakugou
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prolly got with you initially bc of a dare ( and he nEVER passes up a dare ) ,, but eventually those feelings started to become real and honestly ? it kinda scared the shit outta him . he didn’t know why ,, but for some reason he didnt actually want to leave .
teasingly-mean nicknames = his love language . enough said .
makes you wear his hoodie whenever you show even the sLIGHTEST hint at being cold
he just rly wants to see you in his clothes
he’s so clueless on how to do this whole boyfriend thing ,, but he’s definitely trying bc it’s for you :”)
watches and tries so desperately to copy all the cute couples in the movies you guys watch together
“ roses...do you want roses ? “ “ what ? “ “ the guy in the movie gave her roses...do you want roses too ? “
but at the end of the day you just appreciate him for who he is and that’s more than enough for you :”)
will take any and every opportunity to show off his strength and quirk to you <3
now we all know this man gets jealous hella easily ,, and its no different w relationships :”) he’d constantly make it a point to hold you extra close to him in public ,, show you off on social media and call you by a nickname//petname whenever possible just to reiterate to ppl the fact that you’re his and he’s yours
pls i could rly see myself doing that i wont lie
honestly sometimes he forgets himself and his temper gets a little out of hand ,, but the second he sees his feral reflection in your fearful eyes,, he pulls you to his chest and apologizes profusely :”))
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➪ denki kaminari
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one tiny kiss turned into two ,, which turned into three ,, and before you knew it ,, the both of you were spilling out the pent up feelings you had for one another all this time—
mina never shuts up ab it ,, she’s so proud of her matchmaking skills
when the power goes out during a storm ,, he holds onto you tight and plays w your hair as he uses his quirk to turn things back on ,,, “ shhh it’s ok,, i’m here “
will do anything and everything to make you smile <3
he has a lil album in his camera roll with all his favourite pictures of you ,, which is practically just all of them tbh ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
super energetic n bubbly but at the end of your dates he passes out right away in your arms
you make sure to wrap him up in blankets and give him an overload of kisses after he’s rly asleep though
will work embarrassingly hard to win you stuffed animals at the fair !! it doesn’t always work ,, but it’s cute nontheless <3
some of the staff and children at the fairs get pissed off but oh well ,,, what you do for love
pls he prolly makes you lil bento boxes for lunch every now and then ( ESPECIALLY DURING EXAM WEEK ) w tiny notes and designs taped on them
constantly calls you “ shawty “ lowkey un ironically and dice rolls in ur direction whenever he sees you ,,, you just end up laughing and playfully punching him
you both agreed that at home cozy netflix dates w microwave popcorn and fuzzy blankets >>> movie theatre dates
110% made a playlist for you at some point when he crushed on you from afar and shared it w you after you started dating
he made a collaborative playlist for yall AND multiple playlists of songs that remind him of you afterwards
pls i just kNOW this man’s love language is making playlists
theyre prolly all categorized by mood or smth too w the cutest covers ever pls
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➪ ejirou kirishima
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you initially met him bc he was hella upset and alone this one time and you were the only one to notice and be there for him bc he ran away from everyone else to hide the “ uNmanLy “ tears :”))
takes you w him on his lil gym visits ,, hypes you up with every little thing u accomplish !!
constantly teasing bakugou with how he’s able to pull you and how lucky he is to have you
bakugou gets hella annoyed most of the time and just blasts him away-
idk bro i just feel like kiri prolly calls you “ adorable “ alot i wont lie-
LOVES HAND HOLDING,, takes any opportunity to hold ur hand and trace lil casual patterns across your knuckles w his thumb
sometimes he’ll even draw lil hearts on your hand
play fighting but sometimes the two of you get too carried away and he actually loses half of the time-
LATE NIGHT GAME NIGHTS WITH HIM AND THE BAKUSQUAD,, he loves being on the team against you so he can get all competitive
mans gets hella insecure ab himself sometimes ,, so he loves doing lil things for you !! opening a can ,, pulling the blanket over you ,, zipping up your jacket <33
lets you dye his hair—THATS HOW MUCH HE TRUSTS YOU BYE
pls yall prolly aggressively play wii sports and just dance against one another on a regular basis;; it’s literally your thing and you cannot tell me otherwise ahjdjfj
pls i just KNOW this man’s an overly passionate wii player
will wrap his arms around your waist and hug u from behind as you make breakfast
slow dances in the living room at midnight w you !!
eventually as you spent more time together ,,, you were able to change his idea of “ manliness “ ,, and he was able to realize that manliness is not equivalent to stoicism and that expressing ur feelings is still totally manly and totally valid !! <33
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
just like magic with marvel cast, the vibe is----- a perfect song for a lil b*tch with a good heart and a sarcastic mouth
just like magic is the song we ALL need for 2020😌 Start manifesting ya’ll🖤 Also thank you sm for the request I am so so sorry this took so freakin’ long😭 Love u, happy reading🖤🖤 Tried to add my own lil twist to your request:)
(A lil different from the request, but I tried to make the reader have a bit sas.)
just like magic
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Growing up within the Marvel Cinematic Universe was probably one of things you were most grateful for. When you first started out you weren’t that social. You were new to the business, you didn’t know anybody and you were intimidated by every single actor you crossed paths with.
At first you didn’t feel like you fit in. You felt as if you were a burden to everyone else. You barely talked to anyone which made the others approach you out of force by the Russos. Everyone around you was talented while you were just some newcomer who had jack shit as experience. The first few years you were insecure of yourself mentally and physically. You weren’t as pretty or fit as the other women in the MCU nor did your skills live up to theirs. Which led to some unhealthy habits. Plus there were haters and movie critics who would say horrible things about you and your acting.
You had a rocky start unlike Tom Holland and even Lexi Rabe. Until one day when you realized that you had to change how you were thinking. It took you a while but all that negative thinking you were doing was only bringing you negative energy. So when you had a break from filming movies, your number one goal was to improve yourself.
Wake up in my bed, I just wanna have a good day (Mmm, ah)
Think it in my head, then it happens how it should, ayy
Twelve o'clock, I got a team meeting, then a meditation at like 1:30
Then I ride to the studio listening to some shit I wrote (Oh)
You woke up with smile on your face in a sense of calmness. The sun shined bright hues into your room as you got up from your bed. Today was the first day back on set. You guys were finally filming Civil War and you were honestly so excited. As you did your morning routine, you went over how the day would go in your head. You’re genuinely excited to see the entire cast. It has been almost half a year since you’ve seen everyone and you couldn’t wait to be back.
You took one last look at yourself in the mirror. Compared to the previous year, you looked and felt healthy. Your eyes shined and you looked well relaxed. You know like one of those face cleanser commercials? That’s how you felt. You felt like a breath of fresh air.
The ride to the studio took a good 30 minutes but it felt like seconds. You entered the set with a new sense of confidence and pride. The energy was practically radiating off you.
“(Y/n)?” You hear someone call from behind you. You turn around and see Scarlett looking at you.
“Hey!” You greet her as you approach her. You pulled her into a hug, startling her.
“Oh! Hello to you too, honey.” She laughed as she wrapped her arms around you. “How are you?”
“I’m doing great! Life’s been good.” You answer as a toothy grin graces itself on your face. Scarlett’s eyes are filled with shocked. From the previous times she’s talked to you she’s never seen you so loud or open. You were always shy and closed off from everyone on set.
Good karma, my aesthetic (Aesthetic)
Keep my conscience clear, that's why I'm so magnetic
Manifest it (Yeah), I finessed it (I finessed it)
Take my pen and write some love letters to Heaven
Eventually everyone on set caught on to your new attitude. Though they tried to be discreet about their reactions and shocked expressions, you could still see how they were caught off guard by your sudden change of nature.
Anthony watched as you conversed with Elizabeth and Scarlett on the couch in Robert’s “village” . You were probably the most smiliest person in the room beating Evans, who was eating his lunch.
“She’s like different. But in a good way. It’s like she’s bloomed.” Anthony thought out loud to the men beside him. Chris (E) and Sebastian look in your direction.
“Bloomed?” Chris snorted as he swallowed his food.
“Yeah, like she’s growing into a woman.” Anthony hummed proudly as he went back to his own lunch. Sebastian smiled at you, “I think she’s gained some confidence in herself and finally realized how good of a person she is.”
“If she’s finally realized that, I’m glad she did. She’s like a ball of sunshine, it’s adorable.” Chris smiled proudly at you as your hands move around animatedly while explaining some story to the two women in front of you.
“Y’all think it’s a boy?” Anthony wondered. Sebastian rolled his eyes at his friend. Before he can even respond Anthony is calling you over. You approach the men with a smile and take a seat beside Sebastian.
“What’s up?” You greet them. Chris nods at you as he chews on his sandwich. Sebastian greeting you with a quiet “hey”.
“So who’s the lucky man?” Anthony asks teasingly. Your brows knit together head tilting to the side.
“Yes man, or boy, whatever. Who’s got you feelin’ yourself, (y/n).” Anthony wiggles his brows as he shimmies closer to you. Sebastian, who’s in between you two, cringes at the man to his left.
You didn’t take any offense to the question, knowing that everyone was curious as to why you were so unlike yourself.
You chuckled before smirking at the older man, “Anthony, honey. I don’t need a man to be feelin’ myself. I did this on my own.”
Chris and Sebastian’s mouth drop at your answer. Chris laughed as he pointed out Anthony’s face. Sebastian slung an arm around your shoulder bringing you into a side hug as he laughed with Chris.
“To be fair” Chris began to say but started to laugh, “To be fair, you deserved that.” Anthony’s face went flushed as he nodded to himself. You suddenly felt bad that you put him on the spot.
“Alright, stop laughing at him.” You playfully glare at Chris and Seb. You poke Anthony’s arm, “To answer your question, I’ve just been working on myself. Thinking more positively, I even tried manifestation.”
“You know what, that’s good. You’re taking care of yourself mentally and physically. I’m proud of you for doing this for yourself, we all are.” Anthony tells you as he motions to the two other men.
You look at all three of them, all of them looking at you with pride, “Thanks guys.”
Just like magic (Baby), just like magic (Oh yeah)
Middle finger to my thumb and then I snap it
Just like magic (Yeah), I'm attractive (Oh yeah)
I get everything I want 'cause I attract it (Oh)
As the months passed, the more you evolved into another version of you. You walked with determination, carried yourself with such grace and you’ve gained confidence in your career. You didn’t let your insecurities get to you, instead you faced them and overcame them. You were tired of letting them control you.
Your change in attitude and perspective on life has definitely affected your life in many ways. Manifestation was one of the things that have helped you the most. Writing about your goals and putting that energy out to the world has helped you persevere in your job. You’ve only faced good karma; sending out positive energy and receiving it back from the universe.
So far you’ve been casted in two new projects and have a campaign lined up with Gucci. If you were told a year ago that you’d be working with big time directors and freakin’ Gucci, you wouldn’t have believe them. Life has been unreal ever since you decided to change your life around. But of course you had to thank your Marvel family, without them and their support you probably wouldn’t haven gotten to where you were today.
Looking at my phone, but I'm tryna disconnect it (Oh yeah)
Read a fuckin' book, I be tryna stay connected (Yeah)
Say it's tricky at the top, gotta keep a slim ego for a thick wallet
Losing friends left and right, but I just send 'em love and light (Oh)
As many people recognized your success many people still tried to pull you down. Some fans on social media have noticed your change in behavior and have even praised you for practicing self care. While others still tried to push you off the mountain of success you were currently on and drag you across the ground.
These were the reasons as to why you were barely on your phone anymore. You used to be invested in your phone but after realizing how much negativity it brought you, you’ve decided to slowly disconnect from it. Which led you to becoming more interested into books.
Chris (E) had even brought some of his favorite arts of literature for you to borrow. You were currently on your third book of his, Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. You were sitting outside your trailer in a fold up chair under the shade. Your peacefulness was interrupted by Tom (Holland) who had a worried expression on his face.
“Have you not seen it yet?” He asked you as soon as he was in front of you. Being the two most youngest actors on the current set, you guys were closer to each other than with the adults.
“Seen what, Tommy?” You put a finger in between the pages you were reading to save your spot. Tom pulls his phone out and began to type. He tapped on his screen and turned the screen to you.
“She’s been talking crap about you for days.” You read the article and saw that one of your “friends”, Sabrina has been speaking out about your success and how it’s changed you as a person.
“She’s going off about how the more money you get in your wallet, the more bratty and arrogant you become.” He grumbled as he turned his phone off.
“I could care less, honestly. I know I haven’t done anything to her and if I did I was unaware of it. Plus, she stopped talking to me after I said I couldn’t get her a part in a movie.” You shrugged as you placed a proper bookmark in the book.
“You’re not upset?”
“I mean it’s sad that she’s acting so two faced. But if that’s how she wants to roll, then be my guest. It’s her loss, not everyone has great taste.” You flicked a piece of hair away from your face with your hand.
“You’re not gonna release a statement against her?”
“No, probably just wish her well with her life and move on with my own.” You answered much to Tom’s dismay.
Redesign your brain, we gon' make some new habits
Just like magic (Just like magic), just like magic
Filming has officially ended a few months ago and now you guys were doing press tour for Civil War. Before you were the new and improved version of yourself, you dreaded press tours. Some interviewers were nice and respectful, but there were those who would ask inappropriate questions and were just rude in general. All you could remember during those past tours was wanting to leave those rooms as soon as possible.
The q&a panel at New York had a packed room. There were many journalist crowded in the room shoulder to shoulder. You were sat in between Elizabeth and Scarlett, two of the women who have been guiding you and teaching you about life as a woman in the business. They were also like your older sisters.
The panel had been going smoothly for the first half hour until a man with a snobby face and cocky demeanor approached the mic.
“Hello, I’m Keith and my question’s for (y/n).” He began. You nodded in his direction, motioning for him to continue.
“I think everyone’s noticed how you’ve changed and developed as a person. Obviously something’s changed in your life. So I want to know if you’ve had any intimate relationships with any of the men in the cast?” You were surprised at the man’s question. First it was bold of him to ask such a question and second it was just disrespectful to you and the others on the cast.
“I mean someone’s gotta be fucking you good to make you crawl out your shell.” The man finished shrugging nonchalantly. Robert was about to interject but your mouth was quicker than his. The men of the cast were disgusted at the man while they sat at the edge of their seats.
“Well last time I checked my contract, my job was to act, not sleep around with the men who are part of these movies.” You spoke into the mic. All the attention was on you while the room was at a standstill.
“It’s also very upsetting that you think a girl needs to be fucked in order to be confident in herself. I hate to break it to you but women are completely capable of turning their lives around without the help of men and that says a lot about you, sir. So if I were you, I’d take myself back to my seat and rethink my life because if one of us has to redesign our brains it’s you.” You finished as you placed your mic on your lap. The room was silent until the cast began to clap. This was your first time standing up for yourself, usually Robert or Scarlett would swoop in and save you but this time, you were saving yourself.
You shook your head as you blushed, shoving your head in your hands. You felt some pats on the backs and cheers from your dysfunctional family. You look up and see Scarlett and Elizabeth smiling at you proudly.
“Isn’t she amazing?” Robert asked the crowd as he hugged you. The crowd cheering you on.
Just like magic, your life felt like a dream come true, knowing that you were worth it and enough for the people around you and for yourself.
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