#and everyone is just so freakin nice and lovely and amazing and i just love yall
hellishgayliath · 1 year
Shoutout to the rottmnt fandom for curing my depression ✌✌✌
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celestialalpacaron · 1 month
Ayo, someone by the name of Curly-B-Blog is redlining art of yours from 2020 (while pretending that it's actually Sai Scribble's work), and kind of being a dick about it. just thought you should know.
You know, originally I was just gonna brush it off, but then I went back to look at my old SU art from 2020 and did so much self reflection from then till now.
I think this was around the time I was just learning how to do perspective and tried to use the perspective tool on Procreate for the first time? :0 and I remember telling Sai “Sai I have this STUPID idea, I CANT believe it this stupid joke it’s so DUMBBBB, it’s living rent free in my BRAIN I SWEAR THIS IS GONNA BE SO STUPID DCIUWHEFIUWHIRFUIW4F” and being super excited to show her the finished product. People still think Sai created the Cursed Skin Gloves comic and I think it’s hilarious wjhwnuhwijwuiw
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The comic was received very well and it made LOTS of people laugh and I’m still proud of this comic to this very day! :D and tbh if it wasn’t for my obsession for Sai’s Switcheroo AU I never would have found my passion in comic work! (love you you stinky hoe @saiscribbles 🩷)
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HOWEVER…. I definitely still had lots to learn! I wasn’t very good at perspective at the time I’ll admit, but I was definitely having lots of fun learning :3
And throughout the past 4 years, ALOT has happened.
I graduated from college with TWO fancy pieces of expensive papers in Visual Development in Animation and Illustration learning from Will Kim and Jeff Soto, and as a I was working with the funny voice man Cougar MacDowall as a comic/story artist and reached in total around 7 million views for my fan series FNAF Security Malware Breached (it was even #21 on the trending list around the time of my birthday 🩷 what a lovely gift), had an insane opportunity to work with Mike Geno and with the voice cast from The Amazing Digital Circus for a fan song as a background and character asset artist, Vivienne Medrano liking and sharing my silly Overlord Husk AU comics, currently on my route to getting my certificate from Aaron Blaise’s Character design program and graduating from Marc Brunet Art School, and now I am completing my first year as professional colorist and art assistant for my storyboard and comic mentor Michelle Lam, aka Mewtripled! (Also I’ll be heading out to Lightbox Expo 2024 on October 26 with Michelle and the team so if y’all ever wanna meetup hahahajaj wink wink wink wink wink)
So you can say I learned ALOT and I enjoyed every minute of what I do :D I try to be humble about my accomplishments because blah blah being humble good yes yes but this time I wanna be selfish and say HELL YEAH I DID ALL THIS!!! AND IM SO EXTREMELY PROUD OF MYSELF FIUGEIURGERGGRS
Now here’s my most recent comic page that I posted like 2 days ago without the text.
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That’s pretty freakin wild to me, I can’t believe I used to draw Steven Universe art like that back in 2020 LOL LIKE GUYS I DREW THIS!! WITH!!! MY HANDS!!! IS THAT NOT INSANE!!!???
Anyways moral of the story:
Learn from everyone and everything! Yes, even then mean ones too! If you can learn to work with anyone, I promise you’ll get to where you want to be faster. People can be a little mean on the internet, but that shouldn’t stop you from being where you want to be in the future. I’m so EXTREMELY grateful for all the opportunities and to all the kind professionals who were willing to give me a chance. Seriously, I’m so graciously thankful for everything, and I hope everyone here will support me and my silly little comics I will do now and in the future!
And one more thing:
Don’t be a jerk. Be to be nice to everyone :D nothing good comes out when you’re bad to everyone.
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lunerna21 · 1 month
It's been such a freakin hot mess the last several weeks in my life, but I really wanted to talk about the recent update (or last month) with the JPN server
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When I tell you I was ready to see my sweetheart Kalim again, I actually started crying seeing his sweet smile again lol
It was so sad though to think that Kalim didn't go to NRC in his dreams, and everyone questioning if he enjoyed his time at school
....And then seeing a happy, go-lucky Jamil right from the start of Kalim's dream...
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Like nope that's disgusting I want the old Jamil this is definitely a nightmare 😭
The outfits for both Jamil and Kalim are stunning I honestly don't know which one I prefer more!!
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And then jumping into Jamil's dream and seeing his handsome face!!!
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And I know Jamil having to face his past self was so freakin important, and both Kalim and Jamil hashing it out was SO WELL FUCKING DESERVED
Those two having so much built up between them and I'm so happy that instead of talking it out they literally fought each other and addressed they conflict between one another
Both of their positions aren't ideal and both have it's pros and cons but at least Jamil and Kalim got through pretending everything was okay and instead hashed it out once and for all
When I tell you I was relieved at the ending, knowing we're getting closer to seeing everyone and adding Kalim and Jamil to the list was SUCH A GREAT FEELING!!!
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And Jamil remembering every little dirty secret about Azul so he can just blackmail him later 😂👏🏻
I cannot wait for the update tomorrow! We're getting so much closer to seeing everyone again!! (ACE AND DEUCE I MISS YOU SO SO MUCH!)
(Screen shot from https://www.youtube.com/@gasmask01
They post updates quickly check them out and give them love!!)
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what-gs-watching · 11 months
“Now, I may be wrong, but frankly, I doubt it.”
So I finished a draft of my new and improved resume today and I’m super jazzed about it. It looks hella professional (jokes on you, recruiters!) and it makes sense in a way my resumes never have before. I’ve got that nice, warm feeling of accomplishment going. Gotta appreciate the little wins where you can. 
Keeping with this nice little boost ( while I listen to 1989 Taylor’s Version), I wanna talk about another comfort show I got into last year. Stay with me here, really.
Murder, She Wrote.
Wherein a retired English teacher from a sleepy seaside town in Maine that never gentrifies simultaneously discovers she’s incredible at writing murder mysteries and solving real life murders. 
If you were born in the 80’s like I was, you’ve seen at least pieces of episodes on tv when you were a kid. You could probably recognize the intro music and you most likely think ‘yeah, I’m good on that.’ BUT! But, but, but….
It’s really got everything. Random murders with ridiculous weapons that make you go ‘I really don’t think that would have killed someone’ and dead bodies with very little blood. Like, there’s never blood. And random guest stars you’d never expect. And murderers you can guess sometimes and sometimes you can’t because it’s convoluted or silly but that makes the episode better. But those wily murderers are always, always caught.
And there are TWELVE SEASONS! 264 episodes, running longer than the typical 42 minutes because we used to not shove so many ads down our fucking throats. 
I spent like, nine months making my way through it and it was fantastic. Jessica Fletcher is an absolute badass, and she’s the grandmother figure I didn’t even realize I wanted. This bish is polite to a fault, whip smart, observant, and she faces down murderer after murderer without ever losing her nerve. She is utterly fierce, but kind. And you don’t really get a lot of female characters like that. 
This powerhouse would outwit cops easily, solve their shit with the weirdest clues and seemingly random details, and then she’d make them feel like they did a good job and let them take the credit. She doesn’t want notoriety, she’s already got it through her best sellers, she just wants to help and ultimately catch the bad guy. 
There are so many things I love about this show. It satisfies my pure, unadulterated lust for ridiculous murders, while making you feel cozy as hell. It’s comforting to know that by the end of the episode someone was going down and everything would be wrapped up neatly. Sometimes you need that. 
And the fact that her character is an extremely accomplished writer in the universe is wonderful. Like, she sat down at her kitchen table one day and banged out some incredible book. And then kept doing it. Throughout the series, there’s mention of like THIRTY different books that she wrote. It’s totally implausible, there’s no way she’s writing like two books a year while also running into all these dead bodies but I love it. It makes my heart happy. It makes me want to write something, finally. Something real. 
And y’all. The cameos. THE CAMEOS! Young Courtney Cox. JERRY ORBACH and his entire arc! George freakin’ Clooney. Baby Neil Patrick Harris! That one guy from that thing, and that chick from the other thing! Literally, everyone. I got my sister watching and she was behind me so every couple of days she was getting texts about who popped up. It’s impressive, really. If you were trying to be anyone in the late eighties, early nineties, you had to get your ass on Murder, She Wrote. 
ALSO, Angela Lansbury is amazing. Hell of an actress, talent oozing from her pores. At one point, she plays her own British cousin, and it’s fantastic. She was in her 60’s when the show started! Like, someone gave a 60-year-old actress her own show. She was a ground breaker, a glass shatterer. She was a fucking icon. 
I’m not sure what I’m driving at here really, but the show is just, such a place and time. And that place and time are really beautiful and relaxing and soothing and silly and entertaining. You don’t get shows like this anymore. Everything has to be edgy and dark and foreboding and yeah it’s a show about murder primarily but it doesn’t feel like that. Why can’t we make fluffy murder shows that make you feel like you're just hanging out with your cool aunt, and she’s radiating  the intrinsic knowledge that everything is going to be perfectly fine? Why isn’t that a thing? Are we just that terribly jaded now? 
Jessica Fletcher is a treasure. And she’ll warm your heart from the inside out. If you need to be snug and cozy, Cabot Cove is the place for you. It never changes and it never should and there are no loose ends. It’s just nice. And there isn’t enough nice out there. Trust me, and get it where you can.
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viridiave · 2 years
8path2 demo first impressions like less than a week before the full release because I am. So bored.
It's mostly spoiler-free! Mostly!
Ochette - My starter! I relate to her a lot in terms of atmosphere and physique (because I too am small and brown and from an island country)! Mechanically, she's my favorite traveler because of just how much they've buffed the Hunter job - like?? You are just never going to run out of stuff??? For breaking and healing??? Her story's a little slow-starting for now and I'm keeping a close eye on it in case uh - some unsavory things happen. Culturally.
Castti - Out of all the stories, I look forward to playing hers the most. Castti was my second Chapter 1, and my god is it a wild ride. I also just love Castti as a character - like? She's nice without being too motherly or demure? Her personality has darker undertones to it that isn't immediately obvious but it's clear to us that she's ultimately a model apothecary that has a heart of gold??? She's steeped in so much mystery and I'm dying to know more about her
Throne - I was absolutely not expecting much out of Throne. I will admit that Therion's story tempered my expectations a bit - but her story came swinging out of the woodwork being so distinguishable from Therion's that it made me care about her so much like?? I want so badly to see her be free. Her Chapter 1 set the scene for her circumstances and personality so well that it made me attached to her gjdjfjf also her recruitment is S-tier 10/10 Throne is a dog person
Osvald - Man I was actually most excited for Osvald's tale when the trailers first dropped - and while it's still amazing in my eyes, I feel like the other Chapter 1's just whisked me away a lot better than if I just started with him like how I initially planned. That said, I am extremely happy about getting to play as a canonical DILF whose first chapter is a freakin prison break :DDDD
The amount of worldbuilding it establishes is also refreshing like - I just screamed when they explained that he was the only prisoner there with a muzzle and I want so badly to examine the implications of that.
Partitio - Partitio's Chapter 1 made me shed tears. I was not fucking ready. I was not READY for the way they handled his story - it was a refreshing and hard-hitting portrayal of commerce and it does so much for his character like??? There's too much that I can say about Partitio's well-founded optimism and circumstances and personality but I'd be here for hours and I would not be fucking past the scene where he asks his dad to pretend that there was meat in the stew. I love Partitio so goddamn much.
Agnea - Agnea's story is what I'd describe as a lighter Partitio - and I say this in that this was the second-closest time that this game was able to make me cry. I went into this expecting a light story about a girl who wants to make everyone smile, and I got it - but the way they went about it endeared me to Agnea so much that I unironically would bawl if I think about how sweet and earnest she is. I want to see her succeed so bad and my god the full release really can't come any closer huh :'''DDDD
Temenos - I did not expect to like Temenos this much. But then I played his chapter and it begins with THAT and I just - his story is going to make me scream. It already did actually - multiple times, whether it be because Crick is dying of the gay or because of the things it does to my Catholic Guilt?? I feel like I'll end up relating to Temenos the most out of the 8 just because of that angle of doubt it shines on religion even if I do feel like the insurgents are too heavy-handed.
Hikari - Oh Hikari gods bless you. He is precious and I mean this completely as in he is so full of love for his people and that just broke me. He embodies the spirit of 'these are my dear, beloved people. They are mine, and I love them all so much.' and I am a goddamn sucker for it. And he's not without intrigue outside of that either like??? The mystery behind the curse of the Ku Clan??? It mechanically being integrated as his Latent Power and how the voice acting reflects that??? God why is this game so good at this and why is the 24th so far away
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abcd-adventures · 1 year
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This "season" of life is certainly a challenge. I still wouldn't trade my life for anyone's ever, but holy crap time flies by and all-too-frequently I'm just:
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C has moved back home and is experiencing some sort of existential crisis about who he is and where he's going in life. I'm trying to be loving and patient while also being like...have that crisis without lying around all day leaving dirty dishes around my house, please. Hard conversations are about to be had.
The husband has been in Portland for the past couple of weeks for work and gets back on Saturday night. We went to visit him for a couple of days and that was nice, but man traveling with two "kids" of such disparate ages and trying to balance everyone's needs and moods...wouldn't say it felt like a "vacation" all that frequently. Still, there were many wonderful moments, and the weather was certainly a welcome change from 100+ every day. Portland is such an incredibly beautiful place, too. On another note, these few weeks without the husband have made me question how in the HELL I did the single-parent thing back in the day. Did not give myself enough credit back then. My husband is an amazing human, partner, and dad--CANNOT WAIT to have him home.
B is doing well. We put him in YMCA swimming lessons this summer and after only three lessons, he's already doing more than after several seasons of Emler programs. YMCA lessons are $80 per session. Emler was close to $500 per session. Ugh, but glad the Y is working out so nicely! He's also still really enjoying his music class on Fridays and his little school. September starts his last year in preschool before Kindergarten. Man, that happens fast!
Work is still incredible. I still love my job and my people, and now that I've been there for a while it is really cool to review with clients their progress. It is such a freakin honor to do what I do. Even on the hard days, I just feel so incredibly fortunate. Coolest job ever.
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dynamitesunshine · 5 months
My Kamen Rider Faiz Paradise Regained Thoughts: I watched Kamen Rider Faiz 20th Anniversary Paradise Regained and absolutely loved it, It was so freakin' glorious. It brought back all the feelings I loved about Kamen Rider Faiz, with a whole lot less communication issues, lol. Always great to see Takumi back, I've called him my spirit animal and I still feel that way at times. That he was just confused about everything made a lot of sense with what he was going through. I am happy he got with Mari, it's great to actually them connect like that and you know the whole Orphnoch love scene lol. I love the Next Faiz suit, but love how he kicked Muez's and Kaixa's asses in the original suit; something just felt right about it. Still great seeing Takumi's hot food aversion, always a fun aspect of him. It was odd seeing him with Smart Brain, but them keeping him alive and his mixed feelings on living makes sense why he'd be with them. I did love how Kaidou stopped him in Axel form lol using the sauce lol. I wasn't expecting them to change Mari into an Orphnoch, but I loved it and how it connected her with everyone. Her Wildcat Orphnoch form is badass and I loved how she fought in this; she should become a Rider, we need another Faiz movie to continue this lol. Her and Takumi fighting together in Orphnoch forms was magical, something I didn't know I was waiting for. I knew something was up with Kusaka, he was too nice besides the creepiness to Mari, which is Kusaka lol. I want to know how they can make androids of both Kusaka and Kitazaki with their personalities; that seems like they have an Orphnoch database or something, Smart Brain has more to it. Kitazaki was great to see again too; I love his actor from Garo and Faiz; great to see him return. Kaidou was amazing, great to see him back and running the restaurant to help train Orphnochs and protect them. I really like the ideas in this and could watch an entire second season of Faiz based on this concept. Rena is an interesting character that she was embarrassed transforming was fun, but I liked how she was obsessed with Takumi, like a Yandere for him; crazy especially with what she did to Mari, but definitely fits in with Faiz lol. I enjoyed Kei too she was fun; so was Jotaro definitely was in the spirit of his uncle; Kouta was alright, felt bad for him who just didn't want to die giving up the others but that didn't work out well; Hisao, the new Delta was okay too, I feel there was more to Mihara lol. I wonder how this would have went if Kiba's actor didn't pass away, I could have seen him maybe be an android too. Would have loved to have seen Mihara back too, but feel he might have met the same fate lol. I had lots of questions that did get answered and some that didn't too, but this is Faiz so this is normal lol. This definitely expands upon the lore of Faiz, delves into the amazing characters more, and just a wild ride.
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OH-MY-GOD! It's unbelievable and insane! I've written almost 40 Rylan One Shots (they aren't short, really) and it's still ongoing!!!!!!! 😱😱😱 I still have plenty of ideas, bc I friggin love these two so damn much! 🖤🤍 What started out as "just a nice little opportunity to overcome the summer months" grew fastly bigger and bigger. I never expected it to take on such proportions. I really never expected or planned this one shot collection to be this huge - the biggest I've ever written. I just thought I'd write some few little OS to a quite nice couple, but then... I fell madly in love with them. I fastly realized that I totally fell in love with Dylan and Ryan (and the game itself as well as the other counselors). I love this ship/fandom so much and I truly enjoy writing about them very much! 🥰🥰🥰 They have such great potential! That's why I'm still sitting here writing about them - even in 2023 and even though it seems most of the people already left/abandoned this amazing ship/fandom, which is very sad - but I don't fuckin care, because I will stick with them forever! They freakin deserve it! Hahaha they really hold me in a very tight chokhold and won't let got, won't ya? 😂 So this is a huge special thanks to everyone supporting and keep loving this ship/fandom and hasn't already abandondet it like most of the others whose hype is already over. So keep spreading your love about Rylan and The Quarry! 😚 If you're such a crazy fool like me, feel always free to write me if you like to or by any interest follow me on my Wattpad (user is AngelNi5) to support me there 😊 As said I'll keep updating my Rylan One Shot Collection there. AND I also still thinking about a english translation 🤔 But I'm not sure. Is there any interest about a translation out there? Bc it would be a lot of work (as said the One Shots aren't very short 😅) and my english isn't perfect. So please let me know if I should give it a try to at least tranlate some of those One Shots so that maybe more people can enjoy them more easily - can enjoy more Rylan Content. (or if you wanna help translating or with editing also let me know) So don't hesitate to write me and tell me your thoughts on any of this. It just makes me happy if I can make others happy with my writings or meet other people who enjoy the same ships/fandoms~ Alright! Probably nobody will read this, but I had this feeling that I just had to get those words out of my head. So now I spat it out :D
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reaurelynios · 1 year
I eat your art. So much. I just go NOM NOM NOM and don't stop. I'm not letting go. It's just... so freaking amazing!!! I seriously love the style so much!!!!! So freakin snazzy!!! And not to mention how nice???? You are???? I swear ya'll deserve ALL THE GOOD THINGS IM SENDING MWAHS YOUR WAY /P. ALL THE AFFECTIONS. GET APPRECIATED AND CARED FOR LIKE YOU RIGHTFULLY DESERVE. Just- Thanks for being so wonderful. For being so nice and amazing, and managing to bring a smile to my face!!! -Randomly Positive Anon
you better be having the most amazing day!! sending good vibes your way!! <33
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
I am so glad to see that Anna got a new friend in Tsubaki, who actually synched up with the Red Aura. It didn't last long but I would love to hear more about that and what Tsubaki thought about its power. I also heard about that guy that tried to antagonise Anna and I gotta say how freakin' dare he?!
We haven’t had much about Tsubaki so it’s hard to say for sure with her character but I do like the idea that she wasn’t entirely afraid of the Red power. Since she’s Anna’s friend I could see her being well suited for it, like it just seems natural that Anna would end up gravitating towards someone who has the possible qualifications to be a member of Homra. I imagine when Tsubaki manifested the Red power she was probably scared like everyone else around her, since normal people don’t know about Kings and didn’t know what that kind of power was, but at the same time I imagine her just staring at her glowing hands and thinking that it’s so warm. While other people are using the power to be destructive I like the idea that she just sat there and let the power keep her warm until it faded (also imagine Tsubaki maybe having some small vestiges of it left that she isn’t aware of, telling Anna that she can’t do anything amazing the way Anna can but she can make this tiny Red butterfly, and she doesn’t understand why Anna’s smile looks so sad).
The bullies who picked on her are lucky Anna is a nice person and doesn’t burn people indiscriminately, Mikoto would have left no blood no bone no ash XD I do like how Anna herself showed up to handle them and save Tsubaki, even if the other Homra guys showed up afterward Anna did most of the work. Somehow I imagine after this the same guys who bullied her are probably the type that now show her respect and try to call her ‘boss,’ much to Anna’s bemusement. Yata’s very insistent that guys like them can’t be welcome in Homra, like how dare they try to be respectful now after being mean to Anna, but Anna just smiles quietly and says it’s okay, as long as they’re not doing bad things again she won't worry about those people.
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stardreamer28 · 1 year
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SPOILERS for Sniper: GRIT! this was my live-cap for my bestie so forgive any rambling or shorthand lol posting for anyone who wants to squeal with me over yet another AMAZING movie!
zero is kinda miffed brandon made friends with his ex wife's husband lol. definitely some bro squabbling there but i love them both so much. ryan's a bit too caveman on the beard but they're both so hot lol. they have a new high tech bunker lol. i love how zero says he didn't know they thought LD was dead lol. the cult is basically similar to the one in iron man 3, that's how i see it. MAJOR show of muscles from both guys omg they make me wanna faint! zero's doing pretty good at taking people out after the last movie, i give him props. alot of the locations we saw in chad's video during filming. I love zero's way with languages, that's definitely his thing. damn brandon shot 2 at once! niice! LD thinks the dr is a nice guy but he's soo not. he sewed a tracker into her bullet wound. ok luna as LD - not completely as skilled as sayaka, she's more of a jujitsu leg kinda girl whereas sayaka was great with hand to hand. but luna is really good at aiming a gun & knife so we'll go with her. not sure if sayaka recommended her or not since there's no interviews. I think sayaka brought more humor to her version of LD, very on point. but luna's a bit more laid back. not bad just different. like steve & billy different as jase on GH. i like how we're getting a bit more focus on zero & how he cares about LD almost as a daughter. hehehe zero hid in the jeep cuz he didn't trust creepy dr. he called pete to track since their new techie wouldn't do it lol. 2nd baddie is LD's dad!! holy ninja!! ok luna's LD is REALLY good aim & the drama. he basically sold her off into being an assassin as a kid. how is that costa lady alive after brandon shot her?! how does that happen! even though the effects seem smaller budget it's still got the same action & humor, i love it! hehehe i love the part where they throw their phones up & shoot em, so cool! hehe the boys squabbling over the bad clothes. aww he got brandon a pair of sunglasses hehehe. pete found a new orange soda he loves lol. oh goddamn brandon laying on the car with his rifle mmm. they just realized they have to dig the tracker out of her wound OUCH!! ok that scene is cringey!!! mmm them all getting ready for a fight. all 3 shot the hitman tracking LD WOW! hehehe the colonel & pete make me laugh. I think the father wants LD dead cuz she tried to kill him first for turning her into an assassin? bit confusing there. ok seriously neither zero or brandon can break out of zipties with those muscles? yea right lol. zero getting all mad at her dad trash talking her, love it! oh here we go with the allout shootout with everyone! this entire scene rocks! brandon's got great skills as usual & zero's just freakin done with nonsense lol. LD going grappling & knife on the baddies, you go girl! aww pete! he took shots at LD's dad to get out of the compound. poor pete but he did really good! zero takes out half the goons with an uzi and gets so caught up in it lol. they all just look at him like are you ok. & when LD's dad is on trial of course she takes the killshot. not my alltime favorite of the series (ya’ll know that’s Rogue & Assassin’s End) & not as much of brandon's sniper skills this time which made me a bit sad but I like how every one of these movies shares each character's story equally and gives each of them awesome stuff. can't wait for another!! & oh damn as if i didn't like it enough ryan did the music for that big take down in the middle, i thought i knew his voice!!!!!!!
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annicaax · 2 years
Help! I have a new fave!!! PLUST's MIKOTO AMAMITSU
Mik's story was so good. Freakin hilarious and cute but also involved sentimental themes and emphasized on not giving up your dreams and aspirations. And how much it's comforting to work on your goals together with your partner/friends.
I love this title. It looks very promising so far. After reading Mikoto, I'd recommend it and the guy to everyone who has a similar taste. I'll list some of my forever favs (from Love 365) below so you'll know what I'm into.
MPD CTY, ASA, FILA, RMD, TLH... and PLUST (safe to add now. I think) So you can predict the themes I like now ;)
It took me 3hrs 47 min to binge Mikoto's story which I managed to do during different hours of the day. Spent about 240 hearts to unlock every heart choice and the SHE plus bonus track.
The art and the OST are gorgeous. I wish there's a steam release where I can buy the whole thing in one package with the OST. The OST is that good. It's so worth the effort (in reading a long story with a slow burn plot.)
(Oh this is a slow burn plot, mind you. And I love the stuff lol) The MC is fair enough. At times I cringed a bit, wondered why she wosn't protest when the guys casually get touchy with her. (Oh she does at times but she could grow more strong).
The fan service thing sounded unrealistic but it was still hilarious and cute. I was laughing falling in love not just with Mikoto but all the guys as a whole. They are all amazing. I think I'm gonna read every route. tho at present I have my eyes set on Mik, Wataru alone.
Guys like Claude aren't my type but I'm curious about him. I think Kotoha is a sweet guy, a tsundere. And Ryogo. Well I love childhood friend trouples so I'm gonna read his MS. He was super sweet in Mik story but the guy who stole the show (when it comes to side characters) was: Zeus.
The ThrOne guys. At first I didn't understand MC's obsession, specifically as they described the group is cold to its fans, but then I understood. That's not the scenario. Zeus has me very fascinated. I'll say I like him already. And his attachment to MC means we MAY get to see sparks flying between him and Mik. (I'd love to see Mik getting jealous haha)
Now I ramble about Mik here: Mikoto is a charmer but he's not overbearing or commanding. I only saw a trace of the pushy guys I played and liked in him. Just a trace. He apologizes when he's wrong. He thanks the MC. He encourages her!?
I expected Mikoto to be like Guy or more like Ikesen Nobunaga (both my faves) but he isn't.
Mik is so refreshing, so chill. Just like TLH Suzu was, captivating, with just one main story! He's blunt but not condescending. He's cheeky but with a sweet awkward side to him. He tries to shoulder his burden alone. The slow reveal of his true personality was a treat. I was rooting for him and MC! There were so many moments: them walking the ramp, rehearsing lines... Watching the show a pop star acted in, with the guy, and sharing a highfive? Haha. That's freakin cute. I love Mik and his Ducky.
So by the End of the SHE I'm super content and looking forward to MC and Mik's budding romance to blossom more. Which I expect to happen in MS 2. And anticipating more of the guys while hoping this title wouldn't take forever to get updated. (Well I understand making games isnt easy. I'm willing to wait tbh. But I see some title updates getting rolled out quickly, so)
Ugh! I went into rant mode there. Will post more content tomorrow. (Not much tho and not many spoilers. Don't wanna hit the game's earnings coz... well that's what I do. Be moderate. I think nicely done posts/shared stuff actually boost sales and earn more fans. THAT is what I try to do on my blog. Share. Share. But be nice.)
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chidoroki · 1 year
Black Clover ch365
Sealing off the Black Bull’s pain is great but what about us huh?? It hurts me seeing everyone getting thrashed so badly! And this chapter has got a copious amount of suffering!
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Seeing Charmy go all out with her Food magic and bring the wolf back out is one of the few nice things this chapter gave us. Seems to be quite successful with eating up the angel’s attacks, but Damnatio finds another way to counter as usual.
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Now, I may be stupid, but I don’t remember if we heard of the supreme devil Baal before? Atmosphere magic definitely seems new though so perhaps this is the first time we hear of both. Either way, it’s doing numbers on our precious Bulls and eliminating them real quick.
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We’ve seen all of Secre’s past but this is the moment where it all hit me kinda hard. Living alone for one year seems tough enough, I can’t even begin to imagine what 500 could be like. To not interact with anyone, to just be haunted by your own actions and thoughts while you wait around for the perfect opportunity to make things right.. aahh. Gotta give her credit for holding on so long for the sake of her mission and how deep her love of Lumiere was, but I’m so happy the Bulls were able to provide her with happiness. She truly deserves the world after enduring everything she went through. 
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It’s so bittersweet to see Luck defend Magna like that, but I’m very surprised to see Manga attempt the soul chain deathmatch spell again! I thought it was gonna be a one time thing since it took him so long to create it, but here we are! Damnatio wasn’t impressed as we were unfortunately and remains completely unfazed.
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What hurts my heart the most though is seeing Vanessa get attacked. I was a bit relieved her and Finral were focused on preparing the door of fate and therefore away from the onslaught outside, but shame on me for thinking that tiny moment of peace would last long. Quite surprised even the Witch Queen gets knocked so easily. I was honestly hoping to see her do more this arc since she finally returned after so long.
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This moment is very reminiscent of when Sakura calls out for Naruto during Pain’s assault on Konoha, mostly because the cry for help actually works.
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But daammnn, what an epic entrance this is! I love how comforting that wholesome head pat to Secre is and yet our boy looks so freakin’ serious at the same time.. amazing. That bastard Damnation better be prepared. Ain’t no one harms the Bulls and gets away with it!
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I hope with Asta now here, it means the Bulls, Dorothy, the Witch Queen & the other forest witches can take a moment to heal up and assist. As much as I wanna see Asta go completely feral against Damnatio, I wanna see everyone else in action again too. (Also, where the hell is Finral at? I know he was working on the fate door as well but I didn’t see him when the whole squad was getting tossed around like rags dolls.. unless I’m blind)
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seonghwasblr-moved · 1 year
i am Intrigued (tm) by your latest gif with dude with e-guitar... tell me about him + give me some song recs pls? :')
Lee Jooyeon is the main vocal and bass guitar(?) player (it's a bass guitar!) of Xdinary Heroes! He's the youngest and from 2002 (three other members are also from 2002).
He's great. He looks cool, but he's really funny and cute and just seems like a really cool nice dude. His voice is amazing!
Will link some performances under the cut!
They just had a comeback a week ago, so now is the perfect time to get into them! This is their most recent title track "Freakin' Bad"!
Some of my personal faves are...
Knockdown! Jooyeon's high note right after Gunil (the drummer) singing always hits so hard!!
Strawberry Cake! It's pretty much everyone's favourite. It's so good!
Happy Death Day! It's their debut song, and it's just really freaking iconic. It's so uniqe but so good! Jooyeon is the one with the rainbow in his hair!
Good Enough! It's a lot of peoples' favourite from their new album. It's their first all English song!
Checkmate! It's another great song from the new album!
Man in the Box! Also one of my faves from the new album!
They don't have that many songs yet actually (like I think it's only around 20 songs or so?), so I recommend listening to all of their songs. They have their own style for sure, and I just love it a whoooooole lot!
They also have a lot of great covers. If it's Xdinary Heroes, the chance is it'll be amazing!
If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask! I am always ready to talk about these dudes!
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the-strange-world · 1 year
Rating April Kpop Comebacks
Based on title tracks or singles
Super - SEVENTEEN - ♾/10 - AMAZING! Succeeded my expectations that were sky high!!!! The bsides were good. I didn’t like dust or fml (the lyrics are incredible tho) and I liked April showers the most
Freakin’ Bad - Xdinary Heroes - ♾/10 - AMAZING!!! the “freakin’ freakin’ bad but good” part is everything! Loved the “if you seek amy” reference 😂
Super Chic - New Hope Club & P1harmony - 10/10 - love it! The “hooonneeeey” part? So good
VingleVingle - HEIZE - 10/10 - amazing!
For You (Go! Go!) - Maka Maka - 10/10 - they are so underrated! LOVE the “it could be butterfly” part
Journey - WOODZ - 10/10 - love this so much!
D N D - Apink - ♾/10 - SO GOOD! It’s fun and just makes you wanna dance. The lyrics are uplifting
Lemonade - DreamNote - 10/10 - fun and summery
Sunshower - EPEX - 10/10 - fun and groovy
KNOCK - LEE CHAE YEON - 10/10 - I love the nananas! The song is so catchy
Macarena - BLITZERS - 10/10 - LOVE it! Blitzers is so underrated
On my way - VI’ENX - 9/10 - it’s a nice song!
Harmony - DKZ - 9/10 - they never disappoint and are so talented! This song is so sweet
Without You - KARD - 9/10 - so good
SEVEN SINS - DRIPPIN - 9/10 - I like it and DRIPPIN is underrated! I love the bridge!
TIME MACHINE - GIUK - 9/10 - love this genre
Dream - OMEGA X - 9/10 - this song is beautiful and they deserve so much more!
jinjja!! - TFN - 9/10 - hype song
Blank Effect - PARK JIHOON - 8/10 - I like it! It could be on a soundtrack or something
Dawn - KIM WOO SEOK - 8/10 - could be in a show or movie
Cherry Coke - YE EUN - 8/10 - it’s chill and then BAM at the end. For some reason, everyone thinks this song sucks but I like it!
FRIEND THE END - BOL4 - 8/10 - it’s a chill fun song. It’s my fav song off the album so they picked a good song to be the single imo
Dear My Light - DAWN - 7/10 - pretty
Dangerous - TEMPEST - 7/10 - it’s kinda good but I was a little disappointed
Grabby Girl - RYU SU JEONG - 8/10 - It’s very spacey
Salty - n.SSign - 5/10 - the songs good but the performance video was so bad (the album apparently came out 2 months ago but they only just now put it on Spotify/Apple Music)
I AM - IVE - 5/10
Perfume - NCT DOJAEJUNG - 5/10 - I didn’t really like it but it was the best song on the album. The album was not it to me. I am, show down, and perfume are giving me the same vibe. Kinda boring imo
Camellia - JUST B - 4/10 - It’s calm and pretty but I probably won’t listen to it again
Need you - SOLE & Sung Si Kyung - 3/10
Giddy - Kep1er - 2/10 - they 100% should’ve picked LVLY or Back to the City as the title track instead of that song imo
Bad Revenge - from20 - 1/10 - I didn’t like it
Easy Breezy - Jueun feat. Seo In Guk - 5/10 - it was ok but I probably wouldn’t listen to it again
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asyouwish · 11 days
riize in cinemas summary
(because i miss it already)
in conclusion, they all were unbelievable. i could not stop cheesing at sohee he was so handsome and soo freakin talented and he hyped up the crowd soo much. p sure everyone in the theater had a soft spot for sohee lol. he was belting his notes and eating it up so well. also he looked soo confident and was so playful i rlly just loved his presence even more after watching him yesterday :'))))
they were all so amazing at singing and dancing. wonbin and anton were mesmerizing. like anton was literally so freakin gorgeous and he just shone so much oml. wonbin was sweet and also A MENACE especially during the hyung vs dongsaeng games. sungchan bday boy was so cute and happy i loved seeing the amount of love he got :D
TARO WAS THE FUNNIEST DUDE EVER. omg he was so fun and GOOD LORDDD his dancing was so fucking amazing like i actually cant believe i saw that in a full screen he's so good at what he does. eunseok was BEAUTIFULLLLL. like omfg his voice was so unbelievable i loved it so much.
also combo and 9 days were my faves. combo i knew i'd love that song so much ever since the trailer but my GODDD hearing it surrounding u in the theater and the literal chills i got from the performance.. it was magical. their singing was unreal it best the best stageee as well as rising sun.
also i love love lovedddd their outfits. i think they have diff ones for every day of the finale but it was super nice esp the bomber jackets they wore for siren. aghhh i just loved the whole concert it was so fun.
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