#and fuck terfs
quillandrapier · 1 year
Posting here because posting any trans stuff on twitter these days is asking to be harrased.
Tw// trans death, transphobia, hate crimes, child death, racism, anti-black death, knife crime. //
I need to get this out but...
I'm honestly really devestated Brianna Ghey death. The pain truly hit when I realised she was born in 2007. She was so young.
But if i express this despair in front of peo, ple I know as a young Londoner I can already feel the apathy and confusion over my pain.
I've heard stories of children dying for years due to knife crime and I feel the pain and sadness then. I feel people I know will point to that and diminish the tradgey that has taken place. Why care about her, nobody cares about us. Which yes is an issue but we can care about multiply things. Also the trans community is a dispersed and connected despite not knowing each other in person. And I know for a fact when a black person is killed for being black the community mobilises. I grew up in the shadow of Stephen Lawrence, the New Cross Fire, Mark Duggan, Belly Mujinga and more. I know we move when our own face injustice, can't you see trans people are doing the same?
Despite what the police say, this was a hate crime. And even it it wasn't, Brianna will face indignity in death due to being misgendered by the state and media. Trans people who talk about it will be harrassed, attacked online and treated like shit.
Yet I feel even now cis people I know will agree that its sad but will not care more than that. It will be just dagger reminding me how little cis people care about the injustice trans people are currently facing.
I hope that I am wrong, however I doubt I will be.
I need more people to fight for trans rights, not just support them as they are under attack right now and trans children are being caught up in the crosshairs.
Being part of multiple minority groups means you'll constantly be dismiss by one group and treated as a traitor by another.
I'm just tired and heartbroken and wish only love and protection for trans people right now and those who loved and knew Brianna in life.
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I FORGOT: We were discussing Halloween Spirit Week ideas for work, like what themes and all that, and my coworker brought up Harry Potter and I was like absolutely tf not. Like point blank just “I don’t like Harry Potter” (bc I only have one coworker I’m out to bc they’re also trans and I don’t feel 100% safe being out like that at work), and it thankfully got dropped right away
I would rather die than send any money to JK Terf-ass and I definitely didn’t want that to persist when my other coworker wasn’t around to say anything
So (hopefully) that means no Harry Potter them will be done, and if it does I will not be participating 🙃
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phoenixisnthere · 2 years
Not to talk about HP on this JKR hate blog, but Harry should have been a fucking teacher.
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creepymutelilbugger · 7 months
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wilwheaton · 7 months
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beemovieerotica · 3 months
depicting sexual assault in media is not an endorsement of it 🤝 it's reasonable for audiences to expect a certain level of care and awareness in its presentation 🤝 there is oftentimes an over-reliance on sexual violence in creating the backstories, trajectories, and conflicts of fictional women 🤝 sexual violence is prevalent in society and stories about it do need to be told as a reflection of our reality 🤝 sometimes male writers and directors are extremely bad at telling these stories and audiences are justified in demanding better
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eldritchsquared · 8 months
doctor voice hello yes im here returning your call about scheduling! ^_^ so the next appointment we have is tomorrow at 4am. after that the earliest we can get you in is december 2025... either of those sound good to you?
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the-final-sif · 7 months
Shoutout to all the people of Ohio who just passed abortion, contraception, and reproductive rights of all people into constitutional law by a fucking 12+ point margin despite the state legislature desperately trying to do everything they can to fuck up the vote. I'm so proud of y'all!!
Edit: Trans people fucking rule, sex work is cool and deserves respect, sex isn't a binary, gender critical theory is based on terrible disproven science and is just Phrenology for sex.
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milfweirdal · 1 year
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original gilbert baker pride flag colourpicked from this specific weird al shirt
(edit: hai. the main version of this post that's going round has the lesbian, bi, trans, nonbinary, ace and aro flags attached to a reblog. here's a link to a version of the post that also has intersex, genderfluid, aroace, pan, bear, leather kink, genderqueer, polyamorous and mlm flags. for completeness. hope you're all having a great day and had a good pride month.)
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luminarai · 10 months
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hey, hi, I was just on the former bird app and came across this info from a brand new study and now I cannot stop screaming internally??? what the actual fuckkkk
theres' an article from the guardian here and here is the actual study:
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glumby · 2 years
I love the concept of exile. like dude just get out
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ink-the-artist · 1 year
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Some bonus art, I initially started making this in a totally different art style but changed my mind about halfway through lmao, here are the parts I finished
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retrogradesleepdrift · 3 months
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Graffiti in the women's bathroom at The Velvet Underground in Toronto, ON.
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I think the reason there isn't this big outcry around seemingly random transwomen getting banned is because the fucking CEO of tumblr isn't making it into a big spectacle like he did with predstrogen. Theyre just fucking banning tgirls quietly and ofc its only other tgirls who are noticing and speaking up about it
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coypurat · 8 months
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oh to be carefree like this. theyre both so fucking epic
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tenebrous-academic · 10 months
The question of the day is if someone’s eyeball could be summoned with an Accio during a duel
Would it just pop out and the force would disconnect the eye from the muscles surrounding it?
Or would it initially start to come towards the caster and then dangle down the opponent’s face since it’s still attached to the muscles?
If it did arrive, would it be intact or would it start to ooze and deflate?
Would you have to specify which eyeball? If a plural is used could the caster effectively blind someone with one spell?
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