#and get my candle and carry myself off to bed
cursedweedman · 4 months
so idk what i was thinkin but i wrote down 42 starter ideas so like i guess this is a backwards starter call or a highly specific me-based meme. so put the phrase "goodnight sweet prince" in my askbox (or u could like i aint fussy) n i'll send u a random one, or send me a number from under the cut n i'll do u that one
Do coke with jimmy
jimmy has a chainsaw
jimmy smoke big weed
get a burger with jimmy
kill a guy with jimmy
jimmy leaves the function on a bad amount of ketamine ranting about monsters
get jimmy home, he's too drunk
your muse is in jimmy's kitchen at four am. Shit is kicking off
jimmy's in a sticky situation, but don't worry, surprise hammer
post a letter with jimmy
get escorted off the premises with jimmy
get escorted off the premises with molly
jimmy's half-cut, and very happy to see you
borrow money off jimmy
go on vacation with jimmy
you're in the car with jimmy but he has to make a “quick stop”
get on a private plane with jimmy
it's saturday night and jimmy is skateboarding in his underwear
jimmy is a pugilist. Witness him pugalize.
Jimmy gets his piece out
jimmy loses his cool
your muse witnesses jimmy conducting business over the phone
molly wants to fight your muse
buy drugs from molly
help molly pick an outfit
party with molly
she's crushing up pills on the cistern in a club toilet, giving you life advice
molly is very drunk on a golf course trying to play a perfect game
molly girlfriend experience
get a lap-dance from molly
molly is waving her knife around in walmart
escape the function with molly
there's a spook in your basement, john's at your door offering to get it out
john's stuck down a well. Help him out.
The bigfoot was just some fool in a suit, John's got him out hanging in a trap
meet john in the astral plane
meet death in the astral plane
there's a witch in the woods, and she's closing in, John gets there in the nick of time.
John shares esoteric knowledge
perform a ritual with john
Normal people don't tend to visit graveyards at night, do they john?
Your muse fucking dies. Death does her thang. (i'll probs dm u about this one if it comes up)
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c-o-t-o · 3 months
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Veiled Whispers - Zayne (Part 1)
Author: c-o-t-o
Character: Zayne x fem reader
CW: 18+ only, sexual content/smut, explicit language, drunkenness, dubcon, teasing, bdsm (some CWs apply to other parts)
Misc: ~1.7k words, Part 1. This fic is supposed to take off where the 5 star memory ends with Zayne.
About: After falling asleep to Zayne's kisses, you wake back up to him taking more care of you. Zayne drinks more than he realizes and starts making moves.
*Do not remove info or credit from posts when reblogging or sharing!*
You wake up on the couch, vision a little bit blurry and struggling to focus. You look over into the kitchen and see Zayne cooking. What time is it?
“Zayne? What are you doing?” You ask while rubbing your eyes. How long had you been asleep after he kissed you and let you fall asleep on the couch?
“Cooking.” He replies simply. You look at the table in front of you and reach out to grab the small bottle of wine that you were gifted to sip a little more, and notice that it's almost empty.
“Did you…drink this wine? I thought you didn't want any.” You pout and swirl around the remaining wine in the bottle before taking a small sip and savoring the flavor. It was very sweet, almost like a dessert wine. That's why it was so delicious to have, and hard to stop drinking.
“After you fell asleep and left me alone by myself, I got curious. I tasted the wine and did end up liking it. I see now, it's very good.” Zayne seems to be stir-frying something and it smells delicious. You end up finishing the little bit of wine that's left in the bottle and get up to get rid of it. You walk over to see what Zayne is cooking, and see that he is stir-frying some noodles with meat and vegetables. Your stomach growls when you realize that you hadn't really eaten in a while since the banquet ended.
Realizing that you and Zayne are about to have a nice quiet meal together, you get excited and set the table. You light a small candle in the center, set the dishes and utensils, and pour a glass of wine for each of you from Zayne's bottle that he was gifted and hadn't drunk from yet. Sitting at the table, head in your hands, you look up at him giddy as he serves you both your food.
“It's not good to go to bed hungry, you'll wake up feeling even worse. I suspect you'll be hungover tomorrow, so at the very least, you shouldn't also be hungry. Enjoy." He says, motioning to your plate. Still feeling somewhat drunk, you happily oblige and start eating.
“Zayne, this is delicious. How did you make this? I didn't even know that I had these ingredients in my fridge." You say between bites. The flavor was perfect, the meat tender, and the vegetables still crunchy. If he wasn't there to feed you, you probably would have just rummaged through your snacks and finished a bag of potato chips or something before falling back asleep on the couch.
“Well, I…” Zayne somewhat bashfully covers his mouth with his hand and looks away momentarily. "You don't realize where we are, do you? For a hunter, it's not very good to be unaware of your surroundings.”
You feel your face turning red as you stare at Zayne eating. Looking around, you suddenly realize you're at Zayne's house. You had been there many times, so drunk you didn't even remember that you were briefly home before falling asleep. Zayne tells you how he didn't feel right leaving you drunk at home alone, so he brought you to his place to keep an eye on you.
You enjoyed seeing this side of him, it wasn't often that he took care of you in a non-medical sense. Plus, you don't know when you'll ever get a home cooked meal from him again, so you savor every bite. Especially because he could have just left you at home and went his separate way. Thinking about how he had to have carried you out of your house to his car, and into his house… it made your heart melt and your longing for him grow even more.
You and Zayne continue to finish your dinner, talking about random things like work and the banquet, enjoying your wine between bites of food. At the end of the meal, the alcohol hits you once again. You hazily look up at Zayne, who is sitting there across from you, staring off into space. You think how it's so unusual to see him so unfocused, almost in a trance-like state.
“Zayne? You okay…?” You ask, moving your face into his line of vision so that he's looking at you. His eyes move to meet yours, when you think you detect the slightest hint of red on his cheeks.
“I… I had wine with dinner…” his voice trails off.
“Yes? And?” You ask confused. You thought it was pretty obvious that you were both drinking the wine that you brought home from the banquet.
“It's just… I had forgotten I already drank wine when you were asleep on my couch. I-” Zayne rubs his eyes while his head sways a bit. "I don't drink often, so when I do, alcohol tends to take effect fairly quickly.” Zayne’s speech is a bit slurred. You giggle and look back at him with a heartfelt smile, your chest aching with longing for the man in front of you who was always just out of reach. “Or, I might just be tired. It has been a very long day, and I'm still awake taking care of you at this time of night. Yes, I'm sure now, I believe I'm just tired.” Zayne tries so hard to convince you, or more likely himself.
You move your fingers over towards his hand and rest them on his. Zayne looks over at you with his head drunkenly tilted, looks down at your hand holding his, and back up at you. He quietly chuckles to himself, but you can see his eyes smiling, a drunken twinkle glistening in them. The blush on his face starts to redden, as well, making your heart flutter.
“I'm really glad I'm here, Zayne." You confess. “We don't get time together like this very often." You find that you've started subconsciously rubbing the back of his fingers with yours, almost in a self-soothing way.
With all sense of restraint gone from the alcohol, Zayne suddenly jerks his chair back, scraping the floor loudly. You jolt and sit upright in response. He stands up abruptly, walking over to you, and grabs your face with both of his hands. He stares so deeply into your eyes that, for a moment, you swear he could probably read your thoughts.
“I need you. Right now." Zayne says quietly and deeply, slightly slurring his words. “Come with me." He demands, starting to walk away from you. When you hesitate, confused about what just happened, he somehow whips around (you assumed with how drunk he is that he would have stumbled after doing that) and picks you up bridal style. Zayne holds you up like it's nothing, and you can feel his rigid arms and body against you. He brings you into his bedroom and nearly throws you down onto his bed.
Zayne tries to play it cool, but you see him slowly coming apart in front of you. He looks down at you on his bed, his hair falling over his eyes. He keeps trying to comb his hair back with his fingers, but it's no use. Eyes locked onto you, Zayne falls to his knees on his bed, and begins to slowly crawl over you. He needs you, and he can't fight off the urges any longer. Zayne after too much alcohol is a Zayne that becomes starved for your touch. And he WILL get what he wants, no matter how hopeless he may end up looking. To him, it almost doesn't matter if he doesn't look cool, calm, and collected anymore, as long as it means satisfying his desires. In the end, it'll be a win for him, anyway.
Zayne holds himself up above you now, looking down at you so directly. Not used to seeing him so lustful and forward, you look away bashfully.
Zayne grabs your chin and pulls it so that you're looking back at him. You hear him swallow hard, followed by a slight pant while he tries to catch his breath.
“Be a good girl for me, won't you?" Zayne whispers with a voice so deep that it vibrates through you. He leans in to kiss you, but stops inches away from your lips. “Doctor's orders."
Your face blushes HARD. And you immediately feel a burning sensation between your thighs. Zayne moves in closer and closer to your lips, still holding your chin. He gets so close that you can feel his breath on your lips… when he stops, chuckles, and pulls away.
You can't help but whimper out loud, fully expecting that he was going to kiss you on the lips. Slightly annoyed from the tease, you pout.
“Doctor's orders? I thought you were only ‘Doctor Zayne’ when we were in the hospital. You said you're just ‘Zayne’ otherwise." Your eyebrows narrow in frustration, your heart palpitations turning to heartache as you want nothing more than for him to actually kiss you.
Zayne lets your chin go, but runs his fingers through the back of your hair, fist tightening and grabbing your hair slightly. He pulls your head up towards him, making you gasp out loud.
“You’re in Zayne's house now. Or have you already forgotten? Under my roof, you'll follow my rules, including my doctor's orders.” Zayne slurs, but still with a hint of sharpness in his words. He smirks, looking you over with his eyes. You open your mouth to say something back to him, but are cut off. Still holding a fistful of your hair, Zayne leans down and licks your lips, pulling your bottom lip into a bite. His teeth pull away at your lip until it leaves his mouth. You gasp, and Zayne laughs quietly under his breath. Still gripping you with one hand, he drags the back of his other hand down your face.
“I'll give you what you want… yes. But you'll do the same for me in return. And what I want right now…” Zayne pulls your head closer to him, his other hand now grabbing your bottom lip with his thumb on your tongue, “Is your mouth.”
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marvelavengerspovs1 · 3 months
Feel Better
Pairing: Bucky x F!reader
Warnings: No warnings, just fluff!
Length: 674
Summary: Bucky takes care of you while you’re sick.
A/N: I am currently sick so I decided to write a cute little post to make me feel better (and so I can procrastinate on my calc homework)
I do not give consent for my work to be translated, copied, or sold!
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You felt fine a day ago. Maybe your throat was a little scratchy and you sneezed maybe once or twice but you felt completely fine. But Bucky knew better.
The scratchy throat soon turned into a sore throat and the sneeze turned into a coughing fit and a low fever.
“Bucky, I’m fine!” You push your boyfriend’s hand away from your shoulder and try to get out of bed.
“Doll, you need to rest.” You give up and let Bucky gently tuck you into bed.
“Bucky, It’s probably just allergies.”
“Doll, you’re burning up and all you want is soup. It’s not allergies.” You sigh and watch as he goes into the bathroom.
You hear him turn on the bathtub and fill it with warm water and some Epsom salt. He goes into your side of the dresser and gets out a clean pair of black sweatpants, a pair of underwear, and his red henley that you stole.
“Really, Doll?” Bucky turns to you with a smirk.
“It’s a comfy shirt and it smells like you.” You shrug.
Bucky lets out a laugh and brings the clothes into the bathroom. He grabs one of your favorite candles and lights it before turning off the bathroom lights. He goes to your side of the bed and sits next to you, gently stroking the side of your face.
“Come on, Doll. This will make you feel better, and I’ll make you a nice bowl of canned soup and some ginger tea.” You laugh at his comment about soup but start coughing.
“Bucky, just go stay with Steve. I don’t want to get you sick!” Bucky looks at you before kissing your lips.
“Well, I just kissed you so now I guess I’m sick.” You gasp before weakly punching his arm.
Bucky’s face scrunches and he holds his arm. “OW! What the fuck Doll?”
“Why did you do that, I’m sick! I don’t want to take care of your whiny ass!”
Bucky smiles down at you and kisses you again. “Doll, I’m a super soldier. You don’t need to worry about me.”
You look up at him before grabbing his hand. “I’m sorry for punching your arm.”
Bucky kisses the tip of your nose before getting up and carrying you bridal style to the bathroom. “It’s ok, Doll. Now let’s get you in the bath.”
Bucky gently puts you on your feet and helps you undress. He peppers kisses all over your body, saying how sorry he is that you’re sick. He gently takes your hand and helps you get into the tub, making sure that you’re comfortable.
“Ok, Doll. I’m going to make your tea and soup, I’ll be back with a glass of water.”
You grab his hand before he can leave and kiss his knuckles. “Thank you, baby.”
He kisses your forehead with a smile. “Anything for you.” And Bucky leaves the bathroom, leaving the door open in case you needed him.
You relax into the bathtub and close your eyes. You could feel your muscles relax as you let yourself be. However, the chills start to come and soon you’re shivering. You decide to sit in the bath for a few minutes before getting out to get dressed, you wanted to get all of the “sick” off of you.
Bucky comes in with a glass of ice cold water. “Doll, you’re shivering!”
He quickly puts the water on the counter before rushing to you. He helps you get out of the tub and gently dries you before helping you in your clothes.
“Can you get me some medicine?” You ask, your teeth chattering.
“I already put it on your bedside table with your soup and tea.” Bucky quickly picks you up to tuck you into bed.
“You don’t have to do all this Buck, I can handle getting into bed myself.” You tell him as he runs to get the water he left in the bathroom.
“Don’t worry about me, I’m doing what I want to do and that’s taking care of you.”
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sixpennydame · 10 months
Hey Sailor! I hope you're doing well!💞
How about number 5 with Levi? You can choose the scenario :)
Hi Klara! I hope you enjoy this little drabble I wrote for you. ^_^
Please (Me)
5. Tell me what you want
Levi x fem!reader
C/W: NSFW, Minors do not interact! arranged marriage, loss of virginity, oral (fem receiving)
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Freedom. To choose what you want, where to go, who to love.
These were luxuries you’d never been given, your family made sure of that. You lived to serve them and now that you were of marriageable age, you would serve a new master - a husband chosen by your father.
Levi Ackerman.
You’d only met him a few times before the ceremony; handsome, but quiet and stoic. His eyes were piercing, as if he could see right through you, but there was something else there..you just couldn’t put a finger on it. Your family teased that you wouldn’t last a week with him - his fierceness was that well-known.
The first night, you sat nervously on the bed, your sheer white nightgown hanging loosely off your body. Levi sat next to you and when he reached out to touch your cheek, you flinched. You didn’t mean to…it was just habit.
Levi sighs, then lays down and pulls the covers over him.
“Are we not..” you can’t even finish the sentence.
He turns to look at you. “I won’t force myself on you. I want you to come to me of your own accord.” He blows out the candle next to him. “Goodnight.”
You spend the subsequent days learning the rules and manners of your new home as well as your new husband. You discover that although he is strict, he treats everyone with respect; he takes you to town to buy you new clothes, that you get to choose yourself. No one had ever done that for you before; in fact, he asks your opinion on a great number of things, encouraging you to be more confident. Like a budding flower, you open up more and more every day, and every evening, when you sleep beside him, he never lays a hand on you.
But oh, how you want him to now.
You wait for him in the bedroom and as he enters, you stand up and unlace the tie of your nightgown, letting it fall to the ground and revealing your naked body before him.
“What’s this?” He asks as his eyes move up to meet yours.
“I…I’m ready..” you answer meekly. You’ve never been touched by a man but even the thought of it now - of being touched by him - sends a heat through your body you’ve never known.
He moves toward you and cups your flushed cheek. This time, you don’t flinch. He kisses you, gently at first, but when you open your mouth his tongue eases its way inside, mingling with yours. His hands move over your body: cupping your breasts then moving down to your hips, and you feel like every part of you is on fire. You fumble with the buttons of his shirt but before you can take it off, he’s lifted you up and carried you to the bed. He hovers over you as he pulls his shirt off, then begins to kiss your neck, moving up to you ear.
“Tell me what you want.” His voice is like velvet, “I want to hear you say it.”
“I want you.” Your answer barely a whisper. “I want you to make love to me, Levi.”
Levi smirks as he kisses down your neck. “I will..” he growls as his mouth moves over your body, marking you along the way, “but first, I want to taste my wife.”
He moves down between your legs and you feel his hot breath. “Beautiful..” is all he utters before he starts licking your folds softly. You’ve never experienced such sensations, and you immediately feel your body reacting to him. He sucks on your clit and you arch your back; without thinking, your hand goes to grip his hair, but you let go quickly.
“I’m sorry..”
He stops to look at you. “If you want to pull my hair, then pull it. Don’t apologize for taking what you want.” He dives back between your legs, his tongue lapping and flicking at such a speed, your mind can barely process the amount of pleasure you’re receiving. Both hands go down to his head and grips his hair tight, your legs pressing tighter around him only seems to urge him on. Suddenly, you feel a pulsing sensation growing more and more from your core and spreading throughout your entire body.
“Levi..” you whimper, as your climax rises and falls. Levi continues to lap up your juices, stimulating you even more. When he raises his head, his mouth is glistening and he wipes with the back of his hand. He takes off his trousers and you see your husband naked for the first time: toned muscles leading to his erection.
“Do you want my cock?” He asks as he positions himself on top of you. You bite you lower lip and shake your head, but that’s not enough for Levi. “Use your words - tell me.”
“I-I want your cock. I want you inside me…please.”
He eases himself inside you slowly and watches your face for any pain or discomfort. “Relax…breathe…” he instructs as he moves his cock further in, then pulling out slightly. Your head caged in by his arms, he kisses you as moans escape your lips. The initial discomfort subsides, and what is left is utter pleasure; each thrust a little harder, a little deeper.
“Faster, Levi,” you whisper, your hunger for him growing. He responds by snapping his hips against you. “That’s my girl, telling me her desires.” He lifts up and pushes you knees into your chest, his cock disappearing inside of you and hitting a spot that sends a wave of euphoria through you each time. You feel light headed, intoxicated by the look in his eyes, the feel of his body against yours. If your first orgasm was a pulsing then your second is an explosion - the shockwaves spread through you and you scream out his name. “Levi! Don’t stop!”
He follows your command, but when he feels you tighten around him, his steady pace falters and he cums inside you, finally collapsing on your chest.
You wrap your arms around him and kiss him. “Can we do that again?”
He smiles. “I’ll do anything you want. All you have to do is ask.”
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@mrsackermannx @youre-ackermine @notsaelty
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1-ker0sene-1 · 4 months
❤️❤️ah, I didn't want to dump requests into your inbox in case it came off as "cater more to ME" but if you do take requests.. I've been struggling with serious fatigue and migraines lately (Dr and I have no idea what's causing it) so I've had a hard time dragging myself out of bed and taking care of myself. Which of the cod boys do you think would find ways to help? I think Simon would be gentle but absolute in his caretaking. I bet he would hold me upright in the shower, whereas Gaz would share a bubble bath and order takeout :')
{I hope you get some answers soon anon! And don't be worried about sending requests! I love getting them ♥️}
Personally, I think each of the 141 would have similar yet subtly different approaches.
John is a worrier. Always has been. The man exudes stress when it comes to the ones he loves, especially when they're in pain. He'll bundle you up in some blankets, carry you to the couch and turn down the lights. Letting you rest comfortably.
Without taking his eyes off you, he's probably in the kitchen talking to your doctor on the phone. He wants to know how to help you, not having answers frustrates him.
The rest of the time is about you. He'll get you some migraine medication. He's definitely making you eat a lot of fruit because he read somewhere it helps with headaches. He doesn't want to toss you around, just trying to keep you comfortable.
He also will not tolerate if you feel guilty about being so exhausted.
"You just don't feel good love.. don't you worry about a thing. Just let me take care of you. It's what you deserve."
Kyle, dear Lord, will take such good care of you. Like it's second nature. From the moment you wake up, you're held close in his arms. As soon as you stir in pain he'll ask what's going on, pressing kisses to your skin.
You're gonna be pampered the entire day. The room is only lit by some candles, he'll carry you from bed to a warm bath. Stripping down and joining you as well. You won't have to lift a finger, not that he'll let you anyways- definitely not an excuse to wash and play with your hair.
He'll wave you off anytime you say that you feel like you're burdening him.
"You know I like takin' care of you anyways"
He might leave to go get you medicine real quick, probably sits in the tea aisle as well- trying to find something that helps with migraines.
Johnny, the sweet bastard, kinda takes this to have a lazy day with you. If anyone, he's the one ordering take out with you. Arms wrapped around your waist, kissing on your stomach and snuggling into you.
"my poor wee lass.."
Cooing and doting after you. You aren't getting up even if you want to. He's pulling you right back in bed, whining to not over exert yourself.
"You tell me what you need hen."
And you somewhat have to, he doesn't really know exactly what to do. But he'll do anything you ask of him. Get your medication, get you some water, practically spoon feeds you. Opens the windows to get you some fresh air. If you're cold, well he's right there to warm you up.
Simon is more of a watch dog. At your side constantly. If you want up and around, he won't stop you. But the moment you look too exhausted, or wince from your migraine? You're getting scooped up and taken back to bed. He just wants what's best for you.
Anon is right about the shower. He'll hold you up against him, lips pressed to your forehead. Supporting you against his body, mumbling sweet words into your skin as he washes you up. Swaying the both of you slightly together with a deep rumbling hum.
"I'm right here doll.. I'm not leaving ya.."
He mutters. Simon can sometimes be a hard ass, even in your relationship. But when you're hurting like this? He can't have a mean bone in his body. Every little thing you do, you're getting so much praise for it. He knows how tired you are, you're doing so well.
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maximumkillshot · 6 months
I Won't Lose You- ICLY 7.5
Warnings: Cheater POV, a lot of not nice things are said. Definitely something to think about if you are sensitive to that type of subject matter, cursing, some air of grand diosity,
Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
Characters: Chris, Seungmin
A/N: So a lot of people have been wondering what Chan has been thinking... Welp... You get what you wish for... even though it ain't pretty.  I wanted to punch him writing it. This is after Chris gets banned from the hospital room. Since it is following him and not the reader, I decided to give it a different name, with the annotation being 7.5. Happy anger management people!
I Can't Lose you Masterlist-CLICK HERE
Stray Kids Masterlist-CLICK HERE
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Han looked up at Bin, trying to will himself not to cry. The both of you are so sweet, so kind. He could see the weight on Bin’s shoulders, crushing him. He could see it in his head, Bin keeping everything bad from crashing on top of you, his arms outstretched, using his whole body as a shield. Han knew that if it meant keeping you safe, Bin would carry the world. That’s what separated Bin from Chris. 
Both may be fond of you. Only one has ever put your safety over everything. Only one ever made you feel heard and seen. Only one ever made you laugh until you cried. Only one would take off work to take care of you when you’re sick. Only one made you understand that there is no priority above you. Only one would calm you with just a touch. Only one truly loves you with their heart and soul. That “only one” was in the bed with you right now. 
Han watched, eventually just letting the tears fall as Bin held you saying, “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you, I’m sorry. I love you… I’m so sorry. Don’t leave me.”
That was the first time Changbin had ever let himself say it out loud, “I love you so much it hurts…I Can’t Lose You.”
Chan’s POV:
I have never seen Y/N like that. A part of me wants to say that it was something that was a freak accident, that Soo and I were a freak accident. We weren’t. Y/N deserves to know that, to have it acknowledged. I want to scream that I regret it, that I want to take it all back, that I wanted to erase it all. That would be a lie.
You can’t regret something that you actually initiated. I don’t regret what I did. I wanted a release, I got a release. I wanted to feel exhilaration, I got it. What I am sorry for is getting caught. Of course I’d never say this out loud but, the truth is my marriage was a means to an end. She loves me, of course… and I love her… to an extent. I loved it when she would perk up when I came home, or be passed out on the couch, waiting for me to come home. In a lot of ways, Y/N is like a puppy. She would do all the tricks in the book to make me happy. If she was lucky, she’d get rewarded. 
 There is an even more fucked up part of me that is relieved that she knows. Sneaking around wasn’t the hard part. The hard part was making it look like I was with the boys when I wasn’t. Y/N is so close to the boys it was a pain in the ass, all it would’ve taken was one text and right there my cover would be blown. I know that I can come back from this, though. Soo never held a candle to my wife. I just told Soo whatever she wanted to hear. I made it worth it for her to do what she wanted… what we wanted, who am I kidding, I wanted it. 
Everything is still so raw, she’s not really going to leave. I know she told me when we started dating, but I know that I can prove myself to her. She is the type to really believe that everyone is good inherently. It was something that I used to every advantage, if I’m honest. I’m obviously better than Changbin. I make more, I am more level headed… obviously… I am willing to do whatever I need to make sure I get what I want. How could she want anyone else? That’s like trading in a top of the line Ferrari for a beat up 1999 Taurus. Plus, she always gives people second chances. This is all one giant hiccup.
While the rest of the boys and I filed into the elevator, I heard her voice. She was so scared, I couldn’t hear exactly what she was saying, it was so meek, fragile… weak. That’s really the only downside to her. She is weak. Her emotions get the better of her always. Given, what happened would make anyone go crazy, but at the end of the day, she can’t keep control over her emotions. She is the type of person to read a room and follow the tone of the room. She isn’t a trendsetter, a leader. The only reason why the boys are the way that they are is because she is hurt. Something about their “white knight” complexes. Honestly I could puke just thinking about it. While they were playing games, painting, or just practicing on vocal technique, I was ensuring their continued employment. That will never change about her though. She folds under pressure. Like a skeleton with no spine. Sometimes it was exhausting, others amusing; that’s the biggest tell as to her coming back. She has no spine without me. She needs me… just like everyone else. 
Knowing the woman Y/N is I knew that for her to be this way, she had to hurt so badly. It ripped my heart out, seeing her finding comfort in another person, almost as much as knowing that I was the one to do all of it to her. It made me look so bad, to everyone. Hearing Changbin call out to Han that she was slipping, I’ve never heard a voice like that before. I’ve never heard screams like hers. I should’ve never tested her, calling our child “it”. She has been trying so hard, comforting me non-stop, that it’ll happen when it’s meant to happen, that she’ll be on top of it. To let me know in the cutest way. Nothing���s more cute than finding out on your third anniversary that your family is going to get bigger. 
It hurt me saying that, calling them “it”, that was exactly why I knew it would get the job done. I needed to peel her away from Changbin without touching her, but it worked a little too well. Why was I punsihing her, punishing them? I think the answer to that is simple. I don’t want the attention on me. Which is counterintuitive, given my natural tendencies. Right now, in this moment, I don’t want to be acknowledged. The way that they see me right now threatens everything I worked for, and it looks like everyone chose their side to stand on. Me giving them more of a chance to hate me is only going to make my job down the road harder.
I think some of the boys could tell. I am royally pissed. I got caught, which for one is annoying, but for all of them to take her side? That was infuriating. I spent so long honing them, training them. I always protected them, supported them. It is infuriating to have people that you did everything for to just dismiss you. Why were’nt they comforting me? That child was mine too. Why am I not getting any condolences? Hell, when we had no money to eat, I wouldn’t eat just so the 8 could have something… anything. The days I went to bed starving, the nights I worked around the clock to give them the opportunities that they now take advantage of. 
This is how they repay me? Screaming at me left and right, Changbin threatening to kill me, even Felix turned his back. I just fucked a side piece… I mean I know what that caused is on me. That I was responsible for what happened to our child. If I could feel like I was attached I am sure I would’ve been a wreck. Something that was mine being taken away does that to a person like me. One thing is for sure, I truly never wanted to hurt her. I never wanted to look bad, hurting her would do that, and so I made sure to tread lightly, my go to’s being, “I know Baby, I’m sorry,” and “What time is it? Shit Baby I’m so sorry.”
That didn’t stop me to wanting to have my own little thing. My own little secret. It was a different type of high that I didn’t know I craved… needed. It’s no doubt that Soo did feel better in bed. I could tell she knew what she was doing. Y/N had no experience before me and that did a wonder for my corruption kink, but after that… It was like pulling teeth. I had to teach her everything, so every time we we’d sleep together I had to act like I liked the fact that she’s so innocent. Which I do, but I also don’t want to have to have a health class every time I wanted to have sex. Soo wasn’t like that. She knew what she was doing. Hmmm… maybe I’ll clean up the house and finish what we started. 
In the elevator, no one wanted to say anything. I didn’t want to say anything either, I didn’t want to make anything worse than it is. It’s a unique empty feeling. Y/N would look at me like I hung the moon itself. The feelings that she gave me, I was seen, heard, and loved. Constantly reassured. I can’t live without that validation. The minute I walked out of the elevator I didn’t even look back, all I said was “Take care of her. Do what I didn’t, she needs you. Call me if you need anything.” That made me feel a little better, giving them an order, felt like the last say in a way. 
It was Seungmin’s voice that cut through, I heard him stop the elevator with is arm, “That was never a question, we’ve always taken care of her, don’t wait up. We all know you’re not used to being the one waiting for someone. Wouldn’t want to inconvenience you.” My lip upticked at his comment. Mostly because I didn’t imagine Seungmin to have balls like that and another was that I didn’t have a rebuttal. I always have a rebuttal. He’s right though, I always kept her waiting, not the other way around. It always made me feel important, that she needed me to go to bed well, that she craved to feel me.Yet now I find myself willing to wait an eternity if it meant being able to hold her one more time, to have her cook for me, then to cuddle up and pass out together, all of that shit I see as a waste of time. To think I hate needing someone yet here I am, needing her. 
I kept walking after I heard the elevator close. By the time I made it to the car I was trying my hardest not to collapse. My wife was in that hospital, fighting for her life, after I caused her to miscarry, a baby we have been wanting since our first anniversary. I am enraged. I’ve never felt so out of control and it’s driving me crazy. I am always in control. That is the only way that I function. It is something that I pride myself on. Now everything is out of place everyone stepped out of line. All I have to do is get them back in their rightful place… Then we can move on. 
 I’ve never imagined anyone else as the mother of my children, she is giving enough to focus on them while I work on my career. It’s always been Y/N. That thought was the one that made me slam my door a little too hard. She’s going to come back, she’ll be back. She will have my child, we will be happy… When everyone is in their place. 
I tried to distract myself as I went home. It felt like an out of body experience, seeing myself in the rearview mirror, hating the person I saw, just for the sole fact of getting caught. It was such a rookie move. I should’ve known that there was something going on when everyone said they were out for the night. No matter how loud I made the radio, I heard noting but her screams. I wanted to blame someone, get the pain as far away from me as possible, trying to make me out to be the good one. I’m not. The only things I’m good at are music and acting. I could still see the little glances she’d give me, convincing herself that I am just busy. She is so trusting, it honestly baffles me. Just another sign that she’s weak.
I wanted to make it her fault. She shouldn’t be so naive. Seeing Soo disappearing at the same time I am? The way that I couldn’t really look her in the eye for most of last month? She should’ve told me sooner. Maybe if she did that our child would still be here. That’s not even including how I’ve had to keep Soo on a shorter leash than anyone, her face gives so much away. The first time she hung out with us I had to take her to another room and tell her to get it together because she almost started crying in front of Y/N. I know that people will say that’s not fair, What part about anything that I’ve done screamed ‘oh this is reasonable’? None. It’s been so long I’ve been doing this that I don’t even remember how all of this started. Ah I remember now.
I guess a year ago it started off with me venting to Soo. I didn’t know why we weren’t conceiving. We timed out the cycles, we did everything correctly, but still it wasn’t happening. If I told the boys I know I would look weaker for it and I didn’t want Y/N to be even more stressed about getting pregnant. Soo validated my feelings and told me that she was always there for me. That was the first mistake. I should’ve gone to Y/N. After a while it went from talking when I was aggravated to talking daily. 
I looked forward to those calls so badly. It felt like a little interaction that was all mine. Making her laugh made me feel like when I used to get Y/N to laugh. The butterflies came soon after that, seeing that I got a form of attention I didn’t realize I was missing. About two months ago she told me that she was seeing me as “not just my friends husband”. That made my heart leap in my chest. I should’ve avoided her like the plague after that, I should’ve gone to my wife, but not only would that make her mad, it’d also make sneaking around harder. I did something worse.
“Good to know it’s not one sided.” I felt the words drip out of my mouth, even recounting it makes me a little excited. I turn onto my street and I heard Soo’s voice in my head, “Chris...” I knew it was wrong, I fucking knew it was, “I know. I know it’s wrong.” Then hearing her say, “What if she finds out?” with a giggle. “We’ll be discreet.”
We met up that night. I wanted to scrub myself head to toe, till my skin bled, making sure her scent was gone completely. It was so thrilling, so different, and I hated that I liked it. I liked it so much I knew I had to do it again, and soon too. Every time I came home Y/N was either passed out on the couch or in our bed. Notes left on the counter full of how much she loves me. I still remember the first one from that same night, “I know how forgetful you get in the studio, made extra of your favorite, it’s in the fridge, missed you-XOXO Y/N/N.” I looked at her form on the couch, clearly trying to stay up to see me. I ran to the bathroom to vomit, it made me anxious. I knew that I was playing with a downgraded version of my wife. If anything went wrong, I’d be left with the dollar store version of Y/N. For some reason that anxiety turned to exhiliration. The longer it went on for, the more comfortable I got of having my cake and eating it too. 
She never did anything wrong. I asked for space, she gave me space. I asked for anything and she would do it in a heartbeat. She always wanted me happy and stress free. After a while I made it okay in my head by saying that she wants me to be happy and having both make me happy so it’s okay. I know better, I always knew better. 
 I always got up too early, that way I didn’t afford myself time to see the person that I love in one of my favorite ways to see her, happy and sleeping. The last few days I gave myself that. Feeling the guilt eat me alive, rightfully so. I felt guilty for putting all of this on the line, putting her on the line, not for her, but what losing her means to me. I’d practice my apology while she slept, “I’m so sorry, I love you.” 
If it wasn’t for the boys being there, I could’ve had a better handle on her. I could’ve reiterated that practiced apology over and over. I could’ve kept the control I spent years making, which is really the most fucked up thing about all of this. I was in training for almost 10 fucking years, I finally get the perfect group of people who followed perfectly without question. Then Changbin goes ahead and goes soft for Y/N. She’s gorgeous, I know, she’s funny, and kind, but she was also making Bin step out of line a bit. Every time she was around, he would try to take point, try to be the center of attention. At first I thought that it was Bin trying to be cute. When he asked me how he could ask her out a few months after this started, I felt my stomach drop. She threatened everything I worked for. So I spewed some bullshit to make him question himself a bit more while I figured out what to do. 
Some wouldn’t see this as a problem. I am not some. I only let my members have center because I permitted it. If I threw myself in the spotlight always, it would look off. So I made myself into the best, most supportive leader, the leader of the 4th generation, how can you get bigger than that? The perfect wife… Y/N. It was perfect, if I had her, not only would I have more control over Bin, but I’d also have the perfect little family one day. That was when I decided to ask her out after getting her separated enough from Bin. Which wasn’t too hard. There were some unseen snags but overall it was easy. Keeping her is going to be just as easy. When she’s healed. Then everyone will fall back in line.
I pull in to my driveway and go to the door. Once I opened up the door, Bins clothes covered in blood were there, taunting me. I walked further into the house, I looked on the mantle, the picture from our wedding hung there. I remember that day, that gorgeous day. I threw it away. That woman with the most infectious smiles, the woman who’d hold me so close during horror movies. I found myself grabbing that picture, I dragged my finger over her face. I heard her voice, “I love you”, and I collapsed on the floor, right next to the clothes, sobbing, clutching the photo. She was so perfect. 
I got so mad at that point. I shouldn’t be crying, SHE ISN’T LEAVING ME. I can fix her just like I fixed everything else around me. My perfect wife, My perfect group, MINE.  
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mxlktxa · 1 year
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birthday girl
moder!au pairing; ellie williams x fem!reader cw; language, (brief) 18+ content , alcohol use, modern!au, (brief) underage drinking (reader is turning 20, while ellie is 22) an; i only did this cuz my bday was yesterday (may 5th) ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
I placed my keys and bag right at the front door, leaning against the front door to mentally prepare myself for whatever Ellie had planned for my birthday today.
"Ellie!" I called out, knowing she had to be somewhere in our shared apartment, "I'm home, Ellie!"
"Don't any of turn the lights on. Just come to the bedroom," her voice came from down the hall, exactly from our bedroom.
My legs carried me through the dim hall, passing by the closed bathroom, a bit annoyed as it looked as though she left the light on in there. Jesus, our utility bills are gonna be so fucking crazy, I can feel it.
"El?" I called out to her again, not seeing her anywhere in the room. Not because it was dark, there were a few candles lit in the bedroom, a bunch of different flower petals all over the floor and plenty more on the bed. On either side of the bed, there were an almost absurd amount of 'Happy Birthday!' balloons, which of course made me giggle at them.
"Hey, baby," Ellie kissed on the nape of my neck, a glass of wine entering my peripheral view on both sides of me, "happy birthday, gorgeous. Got you a drink."
"Ellie, I'm a minor," I joked, biting my lip and turning to face up at her. She rolled her eyes before handed me the drink anyways.
"Ugh, shut up and take the damn drink. No one's here to bust us."
"You're going to jail," I whispered, keeping eye contact with the woman in front of me as I took a sip from the cup handed to me. Ellie chuckled and did the same, her hand reaching for my waist and looking me up and down a few times.
"Why's the bathroom light on?"
"It's not."
"Then why's there light coming from beneath the-"
"One thing at time princess," Ellie chuckled, "Take these clothes off, I'll show you why the 'light' is on," Ellie took both our glasses, placing them on the nightstand on her side of the bed before coming back to me and slowly starting to strip.
"Oh, you were serious," I raised a brow, following her lead.
"Of course I was serious. Keep your bra and panties on though."
"Oh, but you can walk around without a bra on?"
"I have no fucking tits. What do I need to wear a bra for?"
I pouted at Ellie, tossing my shirt at her and unbuttoning my jeans, "whatever. Whore."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, you whore," I giggled, putting my hands on her chest as she closed the distance between us, smirking and letting her hand latch onto my hips.
"I dare you to say it again."
"No. I'm good on that," I smiled up at her, doing my best to keep my eyes on her.
"Pussy," Ellie nodded, "take your pants off, let's go," the freckled woman, left to the bathroom without me which sent me into a bit of a panic and I nearly died taking my pants off.
After a little bit, I found Ellie bent over the bathtub, dumping a handful of bath salts into the bubbly water. I also noticed the candles on the sink, the toilet and the two front corner of the tub. On the mirror, the words 'one year left until you can buy alcohol... legally' was written in pink dry erase marker.
A giggle left me as Ellie turned to me and gently tugged at my undergarments, asking to peel them off me. I gave her the green light, watching as she kneeled down, a little too excited to undress me.
"You're so pretty, baby. So pretty."
"I know. You told me about eight million times today, Ellie."
"That's not enough."
"It is for me."
"Yeah, to you. Not me," Ellie tossed them to the side, standing up so she could undo my bra now, "I didn't know if you wanted a bubble bath or just bath salts so I did both for you. Get in, the water is boiling, just how you like it."
"Oh, how thoughtful," I scoffed, watching Ellie now completely undress herself and then help me in the tub with her. I took her hand, sitting in front of her and her behind me, of course.
Right off the bat, Ellie started massaging my back, leaving a trail of kisses every now and again. Her hands would sometimes find their way to my thighs or breasts but she would hesitantly pull away, replacing her lewd actions with kisses and more massages.
"Just do it, babe. I deserve it. Work was stressful and it's my birthday."
"Thank fuck," she huffed, instantly going to grope my tits and kiss the side of my neck, "I've been waiting way too long for you to get home."
"I can tell," I grinned at her comment, shutting my eyes while she had her little fun, "No ice cream cake?"
"It's in the freezer."
"Mmm, we're not lighting it tonight are we?"
"Definitely not, sweetheart," Ellie huffed, biting down my shoulder and moving her hands down to my thighs, kneading them like dough, "fuck, I missed you all day, you don't understand. My favorite birthday girl."
I wanted to respond, truly but Ellie was dipping her toe into an exhilarating trance and I followed right beside her. Her little grunts and groans were not helping either of us leave this rapture. Her long fingers had slipped inside of me, sending a shiver down my back and a soft gasp leaving me. I could feel her lips curl into a grin on my shoulder. Ellie was definitely going to start acting like a dickhead, she was already too far in. That was until we were startled by a knock on the door.
"The fuck?" we spoke in sync, Ellie hugging me close to her rather than attempting to move, "did you invite anyone over?" I muttered, removing her hands and getting out of the tub.
"No. Dina, Joel, and Jesse said they'd come over but I told them not to."
"You know they don't listen to anyone, damn it," I rolled my eyes, handing Ellie a towel as she stepped out after me and went to the room, I assumed to get us robes.
"I'm sorry. I was truing to give you a good birthday present. But these jackasses-."
"Minus Joel!" I cut Ellie off, punching her shoulder and pulling her away from the closet so I could look through it.
"Fucking, excuse you!" Ellie laughed, damn near putting me in a head lock as she walked me to the bed, "Don't be a little shit! Your birthday doesn't exclude me beating your ass!"
I squealed a bit before getting out of her grasp and crawling on the bed. Ellie climbed on top of me, starting to playfully land some punches on me.
"Stop it! I'm cold, it's cold! Get me a robe, Ellie, please, I'm sorry!" I yelped, blocking her and kicking my feet in the air.
"Say you're sorry! Admit you were wrong!"
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry! I was in the wrong, now get me some clothes, I'm freezing!"
We lied on the bed laughing for a bit before Ellie got up, finding me some lacey underclothing, shorts and one of her tops and jackets. I quickly got dressed so I could watch her get dressed.
"Go blow out the candles, drain the tub. I'm gonna open the door."
"Are you forgetting something?" I backed my ass into Ellie's hip, glancing back at her as she raised a brow at me actions. Her hand raised slightly then came down harshly, leaving a crazy sting on a single cheek.
"Nope! No, complaints! Go do what you were told," Ellie spoke as I opened my mouth to cry about how hard she had spanked me, "I'll kiss it after they leave. But the longer you take to blow out those candles-."
"The longer it's gonna take for things to go my way, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"Atta girl," Ellie chuckled, kissing my forehead before going to blow out the candles lit in our room then leaving to open the front door.
Fuck Jesse and Dina. Love Joel, of course. He gets a pass.
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harmshake · 8 months
Midnight Snack
Your late night guest, Daniel Garcia, has a sweet tooth...but not for food.
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Daniel Garcia x Fem Reader (1st person, black fem) | 18+ ONLY, NSFW, smut | ~5k words
a/n: This story is based on a sexy lil dream I had about this cutie. 🤭
Happy reading! Read my other Danny fics and stuff here, if you'd like. ✨
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Living in Manhattan was a luxury I never thought I would be able to afford. It's New York City and the penthouse apartment I rented would be almost impossible to afford with my salary alone. Since I lived by myself in a three-bedroom and two-bathroom loft, I learned to get resourceful and decided to sublet the spare space to whoever needed it. 
I usually attracted tourists who visited NYC for a few days. I always made my home inviting with a welcome tour; complimentary snacks in a special cupboard and shelf in the refrigerator in my kitchen; and a candle with the scent of their choice for their temporary bedrooms. It was a good gig that paid the bills and then some—and it suddenly got even better when I noticed two familiar names book a night for this weekend.
As I sat in bed with a glass of wine and scrolled through my reservations to gather a list of groceries and goodies to buy beforehand, my usual routine on Sunday nights, I nearly coughed up my Chardonnay when I saw Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia appear as two upcoming guests. I was a huge pro wrestling fan and adored All-Elite Wrestling—especially Daniel, my favorite member of The Jericho Appreciation Society.
When I watched him wrestle (or "sports entertain" as he would rather people call it), my eyes would be glued to him and his handsome babyface, his lean yet toned body, and his adorable, little hip dances he would taunt his opponents with. He was hilarious, sexy, and a treat to watch on television…and he would be staying a night in my penthouse, oh my god.
I knew exactly why Daniel and Chris were in Manhattan: The AEW House Rules tour passed through NYC this weekend. I already had my ticket. I was a bit shocked that they hadn’t booked some fabulous hotel in town where the venue was, but I figured since they seemed to be traveling alone together they were trying to save money where they could—and I did have pretty great rates. Either way, I was thrilled, no, losing my ever-loving mind that they decided to bunk here.
I spent each day until they checked in agonizing over every detail of my apartment as it had to be perfect for them. Cleaned until it was spotless. Stocked the kitchen with an assortment of sweet and savory goodies. Extra soft linens for the bedrooms. By the time Friday night arrived, I was confident Daniel and Chris would enjoy their stay—but my heart was still trying to escape my chest as I waited for them to emerge from my private elevator. 
I couldn’t help it…Daniel Garcia was about to be here, in the flesh, and inside of my home. I tried and failed to not pace near the lobby as I checked my cell phone a dozen times. Chris gave me a heads up that they would be here late, like past midnight, and he apologized in advance for keeping me awake just to let them in, but I didn’t mind at all. It was only 12:12 am and I was wide awake and ready to greet them.
As the elevator's double doors slid open and two tall men carrying duffel bags strolled into my sight, I fought not to squeal in excitement. It was really them, like, actually Daniel Garcia and Chris Jericho ten feet away from me. They both looked slightly exhausted like they’d been riding in a car all day, but they both wore warm, friendly smiles as they spotted me. It made a stupidly big smile spread on my face, too.
I prayed I looked as decent as two hours' worth of teasing my afro into a puff ponytail atop my head; coordinating my burgundy, crop-top sweatsuit to match my furry slippers that showed off my cute, pastel-pink-painted toenails; and moisturizing every inch of my coconut-brown skin until I was soft and smelled like vanilla.
And when Daniel's deep brown eyes fell on mine before they dropped over my round, yet curvy body, I believed those two hours were well worth it...
It felt like he could see right through my clothes the way his gaze lingered before he looked into my eyes again and flashed the most beautiful smile. “Hey, thanks for waitin’ up. We promise we’re the nicest guests you’ll ever have,” Daniel said in an apologetic tone yet his deep voice was a bit teasing and flirty.
“Yeah, sorry again we got in so late,” Chris said, pulling his sunglasses to the top of his head as he came over to shake my hand. Both men towered over me and made me feel shorter than I already was, but I liked it…and I liked how Daniel looked down at me with a sexy, little smirk on his full, pink lips. 
“No worries, guys. Welcome in.” My heart was pounding hard again but I refused to be a Fangirl™ who couldn’t handle meeting her fave. I took a discreet, deep breath to steady my nerves before I touched my hand to his when he extended it for a handshake…and dammit, he had the biggest, softest, and warmest hands. It made me twitch and I knew he felt it when his lips twitched into another smirk as he let me go. 
“Lemme give you a lil tour before you crash. Y’all look tired,” I replied in almost one run-on sentence as I spoke a bit fast from my nerves, and Daniel’s hands, making me feel delightful yet jumpy. The lobby opened up to the kitchen, dining, and living room so the only spaces to guide them to were their bedrooms. As I led them through my penthouse and opened the door to the first bedroom, I said, “This is your room, Daniel.”
"Is that your room there?" he pointed to the door down the hall.
"No, that's Chris's. I'm in the master across the loft."
He nodded but there was something in his eyes that read like disappointment...
Not only could I read those eyes, I could feel them on my ass as I walked ahead of them to show them the rest of the place. It made my nerves want to act up again until he soothed them with his easygoing charm. The entire time he threw out little quips, making me giggle, and I teased him back, making him chuckle, too.
“What do we do if we need to get a hold of you for…emergencies?” he asked.
“For emergencies, call 911. For more toilet paper, you can just text me.”
“Hmm. I'll just knock on your door if you don’t mind...”
Afterward, both men retired to their bedrooms to shower and unwind. I wound up in the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and Daniel showed up, too...and of course, we brushed past each other when he grabbed a red bag of Doritos from the snack cabinet. My ass accidentally grazing his thigh made us both give each other a heated look, but we pulled away…
I thought I would be sleepy after waiting all day for Daniel and Chris to show up, yet I was wired as hell and couldn’t shut my eyes. I'd threw on my pink tank top and Soffe shorts and crawled into bed, but I was just too excited to have one of my favorite wrestlers (and my pathetic crush) in my home. I laid there for an hour wide awake as my mind tortured me with visions of Daniel lying in his bed across the loft…under the sheets…in his pajamas…or completely naked.
It truly was torture so I pulled out my laptop and watched some old Botchamania episodes on YouTube, my favorite thing to do when I couldn’t sleep. While I could have stayed in my bed to do that, I decided to lounge in the dark living room, sprawled out on my sectional sofa with AirPods in my ears and my laptop as the only light source on the coffee table. I was hyper-aware that Daniel was only a few feet away and I kind of hoped he would pop out so I could see him...but I tried to be normal and just watch my silly, little wrestling botch web series.
Yet when I heard a nearby door creak open and saw light spill out that flooded the living room, it took everything in me not to crane my neck and watch him. I could see the silhouette of his shadow stretch across the living room when he opened my refrigerator, probably in search of another midnight snack. But then his shadow grew bigger as he approached the couch...
“Whatchu still doin’ up? Watchin’ a movie?” Daniel quietly asked behind me. I felt his weight shift the backrest cushions as he leaned his elbows on them. I took out my earbuds and put on the coffee table before I glanced up at him and his eyes shifting from my laptop to mine, making warmth spread through my chest. He had such gorgeous, brown eyes that had an impish glint in them, even in the soft, blue lighting from my laptop screen.
“If you must know, I’m watching Botchamania,” I said, trying to hide the impish smile threatening to grow on my lips at the fact that he chose to talk to me instead of going to bed at this hour—especially when I noticed his hands were empty after rummaging through the kitchen…
“Oh, you a wrestlin' fan? Ah, shit. Hope you don't catch me on there lookin’ stupid,” Daniel said with a smirk.
“I don’t think you don't need much help with that,” I teased him with a smirk, too. It made him laugh before he rounded the couch and loomed over me by my feet. He looked so good in his black tank top that exposed his bulky arms and hugged all of his other muscles. He had it tucked into matching sweatpants and I strained to keep my eyes away from his crotch where his bulge peeked through...
“Well, damn. Lemme watch witchu.” He went to plop down but then let out a grunt at my feet on the cushion under his butt. “Ay, you hoggin’ up the whole couch. Ain't this supposed to be the ‘living room?’ Scoot over and let me live, please.”
I giggled before I replied, “You can live it up over there on the armchair,” and pointed at it on the other end of my coffee table. Daniel shook his head like that just wouldn’t do.
“Nah, I wanna sit right here…” He dared to grab me up by my ankles and take a seat, throwing my legs over his lap. His sudden touch made that warmth in my chest move lower on me, the heat between my legs rising to feel his heat on me. Yet I did my best to hide my surprise as I playfully glared at him.
“So you just makin’ yourself comfortable in my space?” I said and he shrugged as a cute grin tugged at his lips.
“While I’m here, this is my space, too,” Daniel joked. He’d been cautious to keep his hands off my legs, tucking them behind his head after he sat down. But then he slowly placed them over my bare calves, his soft palms on me making me shiver. “Besides…I ain’t got comfortable yet.”
“Oh?” I breathed as his touch carefully massaged up to my knee.
“Yeah…if we cuddled, I think we’d both be more comfortable.” His fingers brushed along my thigh and I bit back a moan as this felt unreal. Daniel being a guest in my home was one thing…but flirting with me with his hands on me was a whole other thing. Yet the look in his eyes as he waited for my response let me know he had more in mind than cuddling…and I was down for that.
“Okay, but this is a small couch. How are we gonna cuddle comfortably?” I challenged him, licking my lips.
“It's simple. You put this thigh here…” He rolled onto his knees on the cushion and softly gripped my right thigh to put around his left hip. I could feel my heartbeat in my chest and my pussy as he spread my legs…
“And this one here…” He rested my left thigh on his right hip. Then he leaned down to gently rest his weight on top of me. My breath hitched to feel him between my legs, to feel his warm breath graze my face as he hovered a few inches away…
“My hands go here…” Daniel said in a hushed tone as his hands slid beneath me to hold me in his arms. “And my lips go here…”
He pressed his pillow-soft lips to mine for a kiss that made that warmth swallow my entire body. I closed my eyes and melted into him instantly, letting his lips lead the slow kiss that made slight smacking sounds as it grew deeper quickly. My hands reached for him, fondling both sides of his face and savoring his flavor, half minty from his toothpaste and half his natural taste, my pussy responding to both as I felt it throb from his saliva on my taste buds when he teased his tongue into my mouth.
The quiet moan I’d been fighting back escaped me as Daniel’s lips fell to my neck. I heard him breathe a chuckle as he kissed my collarbone, as well as my cleavage that peeked through my tank top. “You smell really good. That vanilla?” he murmured against my skin and I nodded with a shy grin. Then one of his hands found their way to the hem of my top that he lightly tugged. “May I…?”
“Yes, you may,” I whispered and he tugged it until my bare, big breasts spilled out. He scooped them into his bigger hands and covered them in kisses, his lips suckling my nipple before he moved on to the other one. I struggled not to moan again as I was acutely aware that we were not alone in my penthouse like I always fantasized…but my heavy breaths threatened to dip into groans as Daniel kissed his way down my stomach. 
And he kept going, scooting back on the couch to fit his head between my thighs that he kissed as he held them to his lips. He gazed up at me with that impish glint filling his eyes before his lips planted a kiss on my pussy behind my shorts. He felt me shiver again as he rubbed his cheek on my thigh. “Can I ask another question?” he asked.
“What's that?” I asked back, already willing to say yes...
“May I…get a taste?”
I nodded almost immediately and he moved just as quickly to pull my shorts to the side with his thumb. Feeling the cool air of my living room caress my humid heat compelled a desperate sigh from me…but that sigh rolled into a hushed moan when Daniel’s warm tongue gently caressed my soft pussy lips as he made them blossom like petals of a flower into his mouth. I slapped a hand over my mouth as I watched him cover me with long, slow flicks up to my clit and down to my little hole. Over...and over...and over. I already felt my body giving into hot tingles of pleasure as a long, raspy moan spilled out of me that was too much for my palm to catch, and I prayed Chris didn’t hear it.
“Oh, shit...that sounded sexy,” Daniel pulled back to tell me. “I need these off you so I can hear you moan like that again.”
He went to roll down my shorts and I nodded helplessly, craving more of his mouth. Once they landed on the floor, his mouth landed back on my pussy, lapping between my wet folds like he wanted them wetter. I couldn’t stop my fingers from wriggling into his hair to hold him right where I needed him: his warm, wet tongue dragging along my clit in sweet circles. I could feel my wetness starting to drip down my cheeks and onto the cushion, but I didn’t care…I was more concerned with that tingling, hot pressure building below his tongue on my clit that had me ready to scream.
“Unnhhh, I'm close…” I softly cried before I clapped one of my hands back to my mouth.
“Yeah? I wanna hear how you moan when you cum...” Daniel mumbled to my pussy as his eyes met mine. “Unh unh, now. Take your hand off your mouth. Lemme hear them sexy sounds you make.”
“But Chris might hear,” I complained.
“Fuck him,” he grumbled, and then I giggled.
“But he's trying to sle—”
Daniel shut me up by dropping his head back down and tracing my clit with those luscious circles until I moaned for him again. I felt his lips curl into a smile before they wrapped around my clit. “Whatchu was sayin’?” he asked and I couldn’t help but grin as I bit my lip. 
“Nothing…” I gave in and let him lick more of those circles around my clit until my chest heaved up and down, that searing hot pressure swelling inside me as he devoured me. And when he worked his thick, middle fingers into me, pushing them up on my g-spot that needed that stroke, my thighs trembled around his head as I moaned, “Mmmunhh, right there…I'm cumming.”
Daniel didn’t let up until my heated orgasm finished seizing my body which convulsed on the couch and in his grasp. Damn, I hadn't cum that hard awhile...
...And he was prolonging my pleasure as he didn’t seem to be in a rush to remove his fingers, instead studying me as his pretty eyes caught mine. I was embarrassed by how my attempt to stifle my moans turned them into squeaks and squeals, but he just smiled that impish smile at me when he felt my pussy throb in his hand as he gingerly rubbed his thumb on my tender clit. 
“Fuuuck,” I whined with another ripple of my afterglow that wouldn’t settle with his fingers still nudged up on my tender g-spot.
“I would pull out but your pussy is still grippin’ on my fingers...that nut was powerful, huh? Damn, I'm good,” Daniel goaded me as he licked me off his pink lips. He left teasing kisses on my thighs that felt as sensitive as my pussy and it tickled, making me giggle and moan at the same time.
“It was aight,” I teased him back and his cute face scrunched up as he feigned being hurt.
“Let me try again then…” 
He took his time sliding his fingers out that he then slid into his mouth to clean them of my sticky nectar. The sight made me want to moan again but I held it together…but then he sat up on his knees again to reveal his bulge that was hard and long as it twitched behind his sweats. It made my pussy twitch just looking at it as he laced his fingers around it to squeeze it and show off how thick it was in his right hand.
“Can I try with this?” Daniel asked quietly and I nodded, anxious to see it in the flesh. It flopped out over the hem of his boxers and sweats when he slowly pulled them down to show me. Thick, heavy, and chocolate-brown…I wanted to taste it.
“Yes…” I replied just as quietly before I leaned up to skim my fingertips along it, lifting it to my lips. He let out a sexy, breathy grunt when I let my tongue sweep across his tip, back and forth, keeping my rhythm along his shaft as I sucked him into my mouth. I got an inch beyond halfway before I realized I wasn’t going to be able to fit anymore without gagging. I thought about pushing myself to swallow him, especially when I could taste that he was close as his flesh grew saltier with his precum flowing onto my tongue. I wanted him to finish down my throat...but when I looked up at him he was looking down at me with lust for something else swirling in his eyes…
“You don’t wanna cum in my mouth?” I held his dick in my hand to ask but I licked along his length as I waited for his answer, making him moan to me.
“While you grind on me...”
“Oh okay...then hold on a sec,” I said with my coy yet impish smile and Daniel shot me a smirk before I shot off the couch and to my bedroom to look for the box of condoms I stashed in my closet. When I came back to the living room, he was sitting on the couch with his legs spread wide, his sweatpants on the carpet next to my shorts. The sight of him half-naked with his hard dick in his hand as he slowly stroked it made heat shoot through my body…
I fell to my knees and rolled the condom on him as he held himself still for me. He looked into my eyes as I stood up again and he asked softly, “You ready to sit on this dick?"
Another heatwave trickled through my body as I nodded, biting my lip as I climbed onto his lap to straddle his waist. It had only been a few months since my last hookup, but this felt like my first time as my heart thudded again to feel his lips on mine…and his blunt tip as it pushed inside me as I sat down on him slowly.
“Mmmm, shit,” I mumbled into our kiss. Daniel felt big and even with his hands on my waist to help me ease him inside, I was getting woozy from how drunk and full he had me already. His dick nudged on my every sweet spot as he took his time nestling himself inside of me. I hid my face in the crook of his neck and shoulder to hopefully hide my moans as he started to grind into me, slow swivels that made me grab at his tank top with both hands and nip at his neck with my teeth as fuck, that felt good…
“This must be your spot…right here…isn’t it?” Daniel whispered to me as he buried himself in me, grinding his dick on my g-spot. He was right as my body was heating up like I was catching fire, my pussy feeling warm and vulnerable to his every thrust. I couldn’t respond with words as I merely let out a soft moan in his ear, trembling against him. “Yeah, I can feel it…look how I got you shakin’ on me. I'm too good,” he answered for me and made me grin.
“Shut…up,” I managed to whine but it was quickly cut off by another moan as he held himself on my sweet spot.
“Nah, I like talkin’ while I'm in it and I think you do, too. Listen to how you moan for me…” Daniel said softly as he gripped my ass in his hands now, kissing my neck as I kissed his while he broke me down into another whimpering, panting orgasm. “Music to my ears…fuck, mmmn. I feel you grippin’ me again...go ahead and nut on this dick...”
I was at a loss for words again as I felt my body leave my control with those succulent heatwaves that matched the rhythm of my pussy spasming around his dick. I adored the breathy sounds that Daniel made as he moaned with me, squeezing me in his hands. I didn’t know when I came to and regained control of the pace, but somewhere within seeking every last drop of the intense pleasure he made drip from me, I wound up holding onto his shoulders and bouncing on him until our hips were slick and squelching with my juices and our sweat. I knew the sounds of our sloppy sex probably echoed throughout the silent loft at this point, but I couldn't...stop...
Not when pouncing on his big dick like this made him hit deeper, made it hurt so good. I was determined to take all of him—even as it made me feel damn near lightheaded. 
And not when the sultry look that seized his handsome face, his lips pouty and eyes squinted as he watched me fuck him, made me want to feel him cum…
“Goddamn…ride this dick. Mmmn, no pares...móntame. Just like that,” Daniel grunted with that sexy, breathy moan of his before he bit his lip. My pussy clenched around him to briefly hear his native tongue in my ear, making him moan and slap a hand to my ass before he grabbed at it again. That was loud yet the slight sting and the way he bottomed me out with each thrust made me nearly yelp louder. He covered my mouth with his as he grasped me in his big hands before he quietly gasped, “You're gonna make me cum…unnhh, shit.”
I couldn't help but sob and gasp, too, feeling him hold me still as he wedged himself into my stomach and came hard. It felt like my head was spinning to witness and feel something so beautiful from a man I never thought I’d meet, let alone have inside as his dick throbbed for me. It felt surreal but his hands, his mouth, and his body on mine felt so warm, so soft, and so hard at the same time as his muscles tensed while he crushed me in his arms, his lips crushed to mine.
I didn’t want it to end, but when I finally crawled off his lap and rolled the filled condom off of him, I could tell from his cute, droopy eyes he was satisfied and spent. A yawn flew out of me at the same time because so was I, but I didn’t want to go back to my room alone…
“Guess you're goin’ to bed now?” Daniel asked as he observed me as I went to throw the condom into the kitchen waste bin. I noticed the time on my microwave read 2:32 am. I came back with a couple of hand towels to clean up myself and handed one to him as he slowly stood to do the same.
“I think so...it's late and I am pretty sleepy now,” I replied with another yawn, covering my mouth and watching him wipe my juices from his groin as his face broke into a naughty grin. "What?" I asked as we pulled back on our pants.
“I wore that ass out, huh?” he said haughtily and I went to mock-punch him in the arm, but he snatched my fist into his and kissed my knuckles. “Come cuddle with me,” he added in a whisper and I felt myself shiver with a blush.
“That’s all we’re doing, right? Because I see how you like to 'cuddle' and I’m ready for bed,” I whispered back as he kissed my wrist and then my arm before he pulled me into his arms altogether. I blushed harder to feel his body surround me as I rested my head on his chest, feeling the soft pattering of his heartbeat on my cheek.
“Me, too. It’ll be innocent, promise,” Daniel assured me. And when we tiptoed to his room near Chris’s and fell into his bed, he made good on his promise. He snuggled up behind me as the big spoon, securing me to his broad chest again, our bodies so close, warm, and cozy under his comforter that I fell asleep before he could finish telling me good night.
He was a heavy sleeper as the next day I woke up before him and pried myself from beneath his hefty arm to sneak back into my bedroom across the loft. I would have loved to cuddle with him all morning, but I didn’t want Chris to realize I’d spent the night in Daniel’s room. I was a grown-ass woman but I rather he minded his business.
Yet as the three of us stood in the kitchen a couple of hours later, the men sipping on coffee I just brewed and munching on blueberry muffins from the glass cake stand on my island counter, Chris glared at Daniel from behind his steaming, beige mug. 
“Were you watching fucking porn late last night in the living room?” he asked him and my eyes widened. Thankfully Chris’s eyes were steadfast with disgust on his travel partner. “I was too exhausted to get up and tell you to turn that shit off, but I was like, ‘What the fuck is going on?’"
Daniel shot me a smoldering look of his own that made me tremble in my black, silk robe, a hint of a smirk on his lips, but the entire thing was so fast Chris didn’t seem to notice. But then he looked my way for validation about Daniel and I struggled not to choke on my bite of muffin in my mouth.
“Uh, yeah. I, um, heard it, too, and it woke me up. Very rude," I murmured after I swallowed, playing along and glaring at Daniel, too. I could tell he had to stifle his laugh when his lips quivered and he took another sip of coffee.
“My bad. I guess I shoulda worn headphones, but I didn’t think this place had crazy reverb like that…” he apologized, throwing me a phony, dejected pout with sad puppy eyes that made me bite my lip to keep from giggling.
“Jesus, I can't take this guy anywhere. Sorry about that," Chris then apologized and I nodded devoutly. Neither Daniel nor I could make eye contact after that unless we wanted to burst out laughing.
It wasn’t until they were packed up and headed out shortly afterward that we finally caught each other’s gaze. We stood in the lobby together as he let his smoldering eyes bore into mine, making that familiar warmth hug me all over before he dared to take a step closer to me and put his arms around me.
“You better hope Chris takes a while in the bathroom,” I warned as he leaned down to plant a kiss on my lips. Yet the way his mouth moved on mine as he tasted my tongue and held me close had me suddenly not giving a damn if he did catch us…
“What's he gonna do? Stop me from comin’ to see you? He ain’t my dad.” Daniel sucked his teeth and I giggled.
“When are you comin' to see me?!” I asked in an incredulous breath, my hands on his chest. I was fully prepared to savor the experience for what it was since what we did last night still felt wild, like once-in-a-lifetime wild…
“Next time I’m home in Buffalo…if that’s cool with you,” he replied and gave me another quick kiss that made my heart pound between my legs before we heard footsteps coming up the hallway. 
“It’s cool,” I purred, my eyelids a little low from his dreamy kiss and his strong hands slipping from around my waist. 
We were still standing awkwardly close when Chris appeared, yet he swiped up his duffel bags from the wooden floor and thanked me for a lovely stay. I had to convince myself that it wasn’t all a dream as they piled into my elevator with their luggage and waved goodbye.
Yet as Daniel locked those devilish, deep brown eyes on me and mouthed, “I’ll call you,” as the double doors closed, I knew he was going to bring my delicious fantasies to life again. I couldn’t wait for another taste.
Thanks for reading! 💜
Hey, my first AEW fanfiction! And it had to be Daniel because that's my baby boy and I miss him on my screen. 🥹
Hope you enjoyed! 😈
Tag squad 🫶🏾
@harlem11680 @mzv11 @visionarymode @miyuhpapayuh @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @angelreigns444 @vebner37 @flawlessvictory2020 @dreamsinfocus @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @jeyusos-girl @nayys-world @msbigredmachine @purplehairgawdess @dayjlovesromance @mohawkmama @smuts-whore @po3ticb3auty @alyyaanna @murrylove @papireigns-05 @thewarlordsworld @vintage-pvssy @christinabae @itsautomaticfaegirl @bebesobrielo @urasunflower @iguessilikewrestlingnow @seeingstarks @555sage @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @theninthwonder @tabletheofhead @weirdosandhopelessromantics @venusesworld @ariieeesworld @sassginaswanmills @twocentuar
190 notes · View notes
kaulitzhotel · 11 months
can you do tom x f!reader who's really scared of the dark? Like super super scared like she'll be bawling her eyes out if she's stuck in pitch black darkness
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Synopsis: The band and you stay at an Airbnb since you were traveling around the small town. The guys leave to pick up some food. But you stay alone in the house and the lights go out. (2007)
Content: Fluff.
Notes: This one is pretty long too. Enjoy! Thank you for requesting. I'm getting to all of yours when I get the time.
°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° *  .  :  :●.   *° :●.   * °
Dark Knight
I and the guys were at an Airbnb as we stop by to take a break from riding around the town. The house was old and had that pine smell to it. But it was old-fashioned from the 80s. It was cozy as we were in and an old lady greeted us.
“Welcome! Please enjoy your stay. Here's the key. Just wanted to stop by and make you guys comfortable. The house is all yours.” She said handing the keys to Georg.
And in a second she left the house.
We gave ourselves a tour and I was in awe of how gorgeous it was. We went to the backyard and saw a fountain and decided to sit by it and have some drinks.
The atmosphere started getting cloudy and I felt droplets of rain hit my face.
“Let's go back inside,” Bill suggested.
We all agreed and headed back in.
I went to my room and unpacked some of my things.
“Hey me and boys are going to go out to buy some things you want anything?” Tom walked up to me.
“Not that I can think of but hurry back I don't like being alone.”
“We will be back before you know it.” Tom smacked my ass and walked off.
“Such a loving boyfriend you are.” I groaned. And I heard him laugh as he walked downstairs.
They all left and I wandered around the house looking for things to do since there was no TV. I saw some bookshelves and picked out some books. I carried them to my room. I plopped myself on the bed and started reading.
35 minutes later
It was raining hard than before and it was dark out. The guys weren't home yet. Also, there was no service. At least the lights didn't go out. But I was wrong as soon as I thought that they flickered and turned off.
I make my way to the door to get the candles from downstairs but the door wouldn't open. The house was so old that the doors were stuck to the ground. It was jammed. I felt myself starting to freak out a bit. It's pitch black and I'm alone. A sudden panic attack was rising in my body. My eyes started welling up and I got on the ground trying to steady my breathing. I hid in the corner of the room and cried uncontrollably.
Toms p.o.v
There was some light traffic as we were heading back to the house. I tried texting Y/N but it wouldn't deliver. I hope she's okay.
A few minutes later
We finally made it back and I bought her a bag of her favorite snacks.
“Did the lights go out?” Gustav pointed at the windows with no light.
“Y/N...” I ran inside and went upstairs.
“Y/N!” I called out but nothing. I knocked on her door but no response. I put my ear to the door and I could hear quiet muffles.
I tried opening the door but it was stuck. I hold the door still and pushed the door opened as it slammed against the wall.
Your p.o.v
I could hear Tom faintly calling for me but I couldn't talk. The door slammed open and I saw a shadow coming over to me.
I closed my eyes fearful. Till I felt arms wrap around my body.
“I'm here,” Tom reassured.
“Tom...” I choked on my tears.
“I'm sorry. Don't be scared there's nothing here.” He continued.
It made me cry more as he comforted me. I tugged on his shirt leaning against his chest.
He wiped my tears, “Don’t cry everything is okay.”
I relaxed a bit but tears were still coming down. There was a slight flicker in the room and the lights were back on. We could hear the guys cheering downstairs. Tom looked at me, “Your eyes are swollen let me go get you a cold rag.”
He started at me a bit startled.
“Don't go...” I hold onto his shirt.
“Whatever you say.” He kissed the top of my head.
The emotions were churning in my stomach and the heat from his body made me calm.
I felt his lips press on my cheek multiple times. I clung to him and watched my breathing. Trying to match it with his.
“I brought you some of your favorite snacks.” He said eyeing the bag by the door.
“Thank you.” I force a smile. He grabbed my face and kissed my eyes and my lips.
“How are you feeling?” “My head hurts and I'm still a little scared.” I chuckle as he kept kissing my face.
He started rubbing circles on my arms. His other hand rested on my leg.
“Can you spend the night in my room?”
“Sure, I was planning on sneaking in anyway.” He gave me a goofy smirk.
“Of course you were.” I hit his arm playfully and he continued to hold me.
“Thank you,” I whispered to him.
°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° *  .  :  :●.   *° :●.   * °
306 notes · View notes
nhlclover · 1 year
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summary: your boyfriend comes home after a rough game, only to let his frustrations out on you
warnings: arguing & angst
word count: 0.99k
I turned the tv off after all the Ducks had walked down the tunnel after having given up 6 goals and marking none against Edmonton. The boys were exhausted and frustrated after an abysmal season. I was seeing that firsthand in my boyfriend. 
With every loss, he would come home a little less joyous than the one before. Trevor did a good job at leaving it all on the ice but he’s also the type of person that blames every loss on himself. He carries the weight of every loss on his shoulders, letting it pile up till it becomes too much. That leads to him taking his frustrations out on the ice and being reckless with how he does it. 
I knew it would take a minute for Trevor to get home, so I finished some chores while waiting for his arrival. I was just starting the dishwasher when I heard the door click open and shut, paired with him kicking off his shoes and his backpack dropping to the floor.
I enter the living room where Trevor’s shuffling through, unbuttoning his white dress shirt. He grimaces as he removes it, stretching out his arms. 
“Hi, my love.” I say softly, sitting on the edge of the couch in front of him.
“Hi.” He sighs.
“How was the game?” I ask, even though I know exactly how it went.
“Did you watch?” He asks me.
“Well yeah, of course I did but-”
“Then you know how it went.” He grumbles.
I’m slightly caught off guard by Trevor cutting me off and his curt tone, but I understand where it's coming from. I watch him grimace again as he rubs his shoulder, which I assume is sore from being checked into the boards by one of the Oiler's D-men.
“Are you alright?” I ask.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied sharply.
I sigh, getting up and standing in front of him, delicately placing my hands on his shoulders. “Hey, how about we take a hot bath together? Hmm? I can get the Epsom salts and maybe a couple of candles?” I ask him.
He finally looks into my eyes, but his are tired and slightly frustrated. “I’m just going to take a shower on my own.” He says.
“Are you sure?” I ask, rubbing my hands up and down his upper arms. “I mean you never turn down a bath.”
Trevor suddenly pushes my hands off and steps away from me. “Yes, I’m sure, holy shit.” He said in an exasperated tone. “Get off my back.”
“What the fuck, Trevor?” I ask, not bothering to watch my tone anymore.
“What?” He shoots back.
“Don’t say ‘what?’ like that.” I snap. “I don’t understand why you’re taking your anger out on me.”
“I’m not.” He grumbles.
“Yes you fucking are, Trevor! You’re being so short with me and for what?” I ask. Trevor runs his hands over his face and walks away from me.
“Whatever, I don’t need this right now. I’m going to take a shower.” He mumbles, heading down the hall and into our master bathroom. 
I feel like screaming, but I don’t out of fear of bothering my neighbours. I get that he’s stressed and frustrated, but it doesn’t excuse him being a complete and utter asshole. It feels unfair for his anger to be misdirected to me. When the shower turns on, I walk into our bedroom and prepare for bed. I try to fall asleep before Trevor’s done with his shower but I find myself kept awake by my anger and our unresolved argument.
I hear the shower turn off and a bit of movement in the bathroom before the door opens and Trevor begins changing. I stay still and shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I don’t have the energy to argue some more with Trevor tonight, so I hope that his attitude will change by morning.
I hear the drawers of his dresser slide open and shut as he changes into some sweats. He slides into our bed, and his arms snake around my torso pulling me close.
“I know you’re still awake, baby.” He whispers, pressing a delicate kiss to my shoulder. His tone is a stark difference from before, now soft and mellow, a hint of sadness trailing every word. “I’m sorry for how I was acting earlier and how I treated you. That wasn’t fair for you. Shit’s been difficult with work and I took it out on you, but you didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry.”
I let out a breath of air I had been subconsciously holding in, twisting around in his arms to face him. “Lay it on me.” He says, expecting my outburst to continue.
I chuckle softly, brushing his wet hair off his forehead. “I forgive you,” I say, knowing he truly didn’t mean to take it out on me. “But I need you to talk to me. Or Troy, or Jamie, just somebody. It’s not good for you to just let this all bubble up and then lose your temper like this when you get a little bit upset.”
“I know, I know.” He sighs. I pull him close, resting his head against my chest, our legs tangling together. “It’s just so fucking frustrating. It doesn’t matter how much I score if I can’t fucking get back and defend. I’m letting way too many shots get to Gibby or Stolie. And we’re just getting dominated in every game."
“You need to stop putting every loss on yourself,” I tell him. “It’s good to recognize what you need to improve on but at this point, you’re taking on the faults of others.”
He lets out a deep sigh and presses his forehead into my sternum. “I’m so proud of you, you know that right?” I ask him, feeling him nod in response. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” He replies.
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13as07 · 3 months
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Object #3
(Akatsuki Smut)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to mick347]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 4,558
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Still no explanation, better luck next time. This is horrible, my apologies
Characters include: Hidan, Kisame, Itachi
Sadism (Hair pulling, death threat, biting, choking)
Nicknames/Name Calling: Angel, Sacrifice, Whore, Guppy, Kitten/Kitty, Object, Sweet Girl
Knife/Blood Play (sacrificial use of blood, cut marks, blood used as lube, licking)
Domination (different levels)
Exhibitionism (public sex)
Improper use of the sharingan (not like that, dirty minds)
Breeding Kink
     "My little Angel!" Hidan's voice calls out, clawing me back out of my lazy sleepy state. One of these days I'll get to have a peaceful nap. Not today though.
     "Just ignore him," Deidara whispers into my skin, tightening his hold around me as he attempts to bury his head further into my neck.
     "Angel!" Hidan calls again, slamming the bedroom door open. "There you are my angel from Jashin," he coos, making quick work towards the bed.
     "Go away," Deidara bitches, tugging me closer as if that'll stop Hidan.
     It doesn't. Hidan's hands wrap around my arms, tugging me from Deidara's hold. "It's time to pray, Angel. We don't want to upset Jashin."
     "Wait your turn, Jashin dick rider," Deidara continues, trying to grab me back from the older member.
     "You've had her long enough," Hidan starts, placing me on his torso. "Besides, we pray to Jashin every day at six. It's almost six, it's time to pray." The younger member cuts his losses, blowing me a kiss and waving before he slumps back over in bed.
     "My pretty Angel," Hidan continues to praise, hands wondering my body as he carries me down the hallway. "Our God would have been angry if you slept through prayer time."
     "Your god," I correct, resting my head on his shoulder to enjoy the last few moments of peace I have.
     "Our God," Hidan barks, yanking my head up by my hair. His tongue clicks a few times, fingers still stiff as they cling to the roots of my hair. "We'll have to ask for your forgiveness. I don't want Jashin taking you back. If he must then it shall be, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't tempt him too."
     Hidan is the only member I think is truly insane. Everyone else is somewhat sane, but from the constant Jashin talk and the weird rituals I'm stuck doing for this 'God', I'm pretty sure Hidan just doesn't have any marbles left. If he had any, to begin with.
     "Alright, Angel," he hums out, releasing my hair to the door to his bedroom. Since the psycho is as close to immortal as possible, Hidan doesn't need to sleep, which leaves his room as a huge shrine to this Jashin entity. "You sit, and pray, and look pretty," he orders, placing me on the ground.
     A triangle trapped in a circle has been drawn out in black paint along the ground, with me slap-dab in the middle, like usual. At each point of the triangle is a bowl, one with dirt, one with water, and one that has a stick of incense burning in it.
     Candles line the circle, candles that Hidan is slowly collecting. My eyes trail after him, watching as he makes his way back to me. "Hello my little sacrifice," he coos, settling the candles down.
     Once they're lined up, Jashin symbol up, Hidan grabs my arms, pulling me towards him. He tugs a knife from his pocket, littering kisses over my wrists as he traces the symbols in the candle, deepening them and removing the wax that seeped into them yesterday.
     "Sit still, Angel," he orders, using his robe to wipe the wax off the knife. Hidan's eyes are dark as he grabs for my arms again, the tip of his knife gently dipping into my skin. Blood trickles out when my skin gives in, only making the psycho’s eyes darker.
     "That hurts," I hiss, trying to tug my arm back.
     "The pain will be minuscule compared to the blessings Jashin will offer you," Hidan answers, his focus on filling the candle carvings with the blood leaking from me. "All he asks for is your loyalty."
     I bite my tongue, keeping the disagreements stuck in my throat. "See? Minuscule," he mutters, setting down the last coated candle. Hidan's tongue slides out, crawling over my wrists, licking up the unneeded blood. His usual olive skin starts to shift, coating him in a dark black with his usual decorative white lines. "My pretty, perfect sacrifice."
     Once the praise is out, I'm left alone in the middle of the ritual circle. The dark room is filled with the soft flames of the candles, Hidan lighting them as he lays them back out. The dark reds of the room are brightened from the new light, but still barely counteract all the black of the space.
     Hands wrap around me from behind, tugging at my shirt. "Hidan," I whisper, squirming in his hold.
"Sit still," he huffs, his hold tightening as he shimmies my shirt off. "Well that’s disgusting," he grumbles, fingertips digging into the still sore wounds caused by Deidara. "That will not do," Hidan continues to grumble to himself. "Jashin will not be pleased."
My skin burns from the constant pressure to the cut marks, and back arches to try and escape the pain. "Please stop touching them," I whimper, tears already prickling my eyes.
"Jashin will not be happy," he repeats, shoving me forward so I fall on all fours. "We got to get rid of that... horrendous attempt at ownership. Jashin owns us, not that dumbass." As the word 'dumbass' spills out, Hidan traces Deidara's careful carving of his name. "We will fix it, stay put."
Hidan disappears, leaving me to ache from the leftover effect of his curious fingertips. Nagato was right, I need a break from the needy and rough Akatsuki members.
"I'm back." The short sentence is followed by my back erupting in pain again. Hidan chips away at Deidara's carvings, making new waves of pain slide out alongside new rivers of my blood.
"Please stop," I whimper, my arms already threatening to give out from the pain blooming down them. My blood coats down my sides, pooling under me. The life liquid is warm but sticky as it coats me.
"If you weren't disrespecting Jashin I wouldn't have to do this. But no, you're an object of service to the Akatsuki instead." Hidan's knife has dropped down to the bird cut into my back, the blade rough like the words of his hateful lecture. He chips at it as well, destroying the artwork left from my time with Deidara.
"See? That's so much better," Hidan says, kisses and his tongue sliding over the open gushing wounds. "Now let us pray." Clothing shifts behind me, his dick pressed to my thigh before my skirt is flipped up. "You need to ask for forgiveness," he adds, fingers dipping into my wounds again, scooping up some of the blood.
I let out a hiss from the pain, my mind scrambling to find a not sarcastic plea for forgiveness. "Jashin," I mutter, my breath heavy as Hidan's blood-coated fingers dip into me. "Please forgive me."
"That is a lousy prayer of forgiveness. Jashin should kill you for that mockery," Hidan grumbles, his fingers pumping slowly. "Maybe I should kill you for him."
"Please don't," I whimper, heart beating and pussy clenching from the mix of the threat and the stretching of my pussy.
"Why shouldn't I? You're mocking our God. Not to mention how much of a whore you've been today. Your cunt is all stretched out and used. You're not an object of choice for sacrificing. Jashin would be disappointed."
"I'm sorry," I whisper, mind going foggy from blood loss and lust. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. Please. Jashin, please?" The name slips out solely on accident, my thoughts getting difficult to keep straight.
Despite it being an accident, Hidan doesn't seem to notice. Quite the opposite. Kisses litter my back again, hands hooked around my hips, shoving me down. My arms and chest clash to the ground, ass still in the air as he shifts around. "Maybe I am wrong," he mutters, sinking his dick into me. "Maybe Jashin sent my Angel to me so I could show you his greatness."
Highly unlikely, but I don't have the strength nor the mental stability at the moment to fight him on it. "Keep praying, Angel. Let Jashin know what you wish for in return for your loyalty."
"A faster pace would be nice," I mutter, managing to piss off Hidan again.
His hand shoots forward, gripping my hair and snapping me upright. "You my dear Angel," he husks out, giving in to my request. "You are going to suffer at Jashin's hands if you keep acting up."
My spine tingles as my blood trickles down my back, shifting from the previous trails down my sides. "I'm sorry. That... that wasn't... please forgive me, Jashin." The words come out sluggish, my mind growing foggier by the second.
Hidan hums in approval, his teeth digging into my shoulder. He rips at the skin, tearing it with his mouth and making more wounds and fresh blood coat my body. "Hidan? Please? I can't," I whisper, my sight starting to go spotty with dark marks.
"You're fine," he mumbles, tilting my head in the other direction before he continues tearing at my shoulders. "Just be silent. Be a pretty sight for Jashin as I pray."
I do as I'm told, falling silent and enjoying Hidan's thrusts. They're sloppy with no rhythm as he prays. Mumbles for prosperity, wealth, and continual immortality spill from him as he uses me.
By the time he's done praying, I can barely keep my eyes open. "Don't go dying on me, Angel," he grumbles, releasing his grip on my hair. I fall forward, face buried into the ground again. Hiden doesn't seem to care though. His hands cling to my back, and dig into my wounds, forcing my blood to spill out faster.
"Thank Jashin." I try to do as I'm told, slurred unfinished words coming out instead. "Maybe I should sacrifice you. Leave you here to bleed to death when I'm done with you. At least then you'd be of some use to our God."
"Tha... thank... you... Jashin," I mutter, letting my eyelids win our battle. I can feel Hidan's smile as he licks the blood off my back, his tongue squirming against my skin as he continues thrusting into me.
I'm slowly shifted forward with each thrust, my pussy tingling in mellowed pain compared to the constant attack on my spine. If I wasn't so fuzzy-minded, I know my insides would be screaming from the lack of preparation and constant rough pumps into me.
Hidan's thrusts fall back to a patternless pace, his dick twitching in me as he starts another prayer. "Thank you, Jashin," he husks, stalling in me. He cums in me, his semen leaking out and mixing with my spilled blood on the ground. "Thank you. Thank you, my Lord. Thank you Jashin," Hidan mutters on repeat, his head resting between my shoulders as his hands continue to dig into my wounds.
The feeling of his weight pressing into me and his hot breath coating my skin only makes it harder not to slip into unconsciousness. Just as I'm about to give in, Hidan jerks me backward, shaking me out of it. "Let's patch you up, Angel. I can't have Jashin's favorite sacrifice dying quite yet."
"Ya... okay," I mutter, leaning back and resting against his chest. As my eyes sink shut again, the soft shifting of black soaking off of Hidan is the last thing I see.
"You'll be okay, Angel. Jashin will take care of you," he whispers into my ear, my limbs feeling light as my body is lifted.
"It's okay, you're okay," Pain says, the words coming out harsh from his inability to be gentle. "You're fine." It sounds pissy like Nagato is over my whines, but from his carefully placed hands and the way they cling to me, I know he's attempting to be gentle. "The water will help."
I know he's right, I know the water will help with the inflammation of my back, but the pond is so cold that it almost hurts more. Whines and whimpers of pain spill from me as Nagato slowly lowers me into the pond. The water coats me, stinging for a minute or two before I adjust and the pain starts to numb.
"See? You're fine," he mutters, settling on the bank as close to me as he can. His eyes trailing my muscles as they relax in the water, face as stone and unemotional as ever. "Stop being so whiney."
"You're one to talk," I mutter, settling my eyes closed.
"Don't do that," he hisses, leaning forward to grip the chain still hanging around my neck. "Look at me." I do as I'm told, eyes fluttering open to look at the attention-starved man. Pain's face scrunches up, hand drops his hold on me. "Don't... don't do that," he repeats, tone softer this time.
"Pain?" A voice calls out, tugging Nagato's sight away from me. I keep my sights set on him, knowing I'm not able to take the fit he'll throw if I piss him off again. "Konan was asking for you," Kisame continues, the shark-themed man falling into view as he approaches the pond.
"What does she want?" Pain asks, eyes fluttering back to me. The purple swirls of them seem tenser than usual as if I'll disappear if he blinks too slowly.
"I don't know," Kisame grumbles, his eyes flickering between me and the scenery. "Something about Hidan complaining about chains or something."
Nagato exhales through his nose, eyes repeatedly blinking as he looks at me. I have no clue what happened after prayer time with Hidan, but from the lack of the masochist, and me waking up in the med-bay, I assumed Pain wasn't too happy with Hidan. Or that Hidan would still be alive if he was mortal.
"Watch her while I'm away," Pain orders, eyes scanning over me.
"Yes, Sir," the shark man continues to grumble, eyes flickering over me again.
Pain reaches forward, his hand hovering for a second before he pats my head. "Relax. Behave." I nod yes, staring back at him. "I will be back."
"Okay." Pain walks away, continually looking over his shoulder at me.
     "You're bleeding," Kisame mutters, his eyes scanning the water once Nagato is inside the house.
     The watered-down red color of my blood coats a bit of the pond surface, a lot less than before but still present. "Ya, I know. Diedara and Hidan were... a little too much today," I mutter, sinking lower into the water so it settles above my shoulders. "Hence the ice bath."
     Kisame grumbles at my answer, his attention shifting away from me. I paddle around the pond, watching as he shifts out of his mission gear. "What are you doing?" I ask, working my way back to the edge of the water.
     "I'm going to get in with you. You haven't been of use to 'e yet today," he answers, tugging his shirt off.
My eyes jump over his green-tinted skin, taking in the way his muscles are stretched over the stone of his frame. Kisame is a big man, easily towering over almost everyone in the Akatsuki. My sights jump down, continuing to watch him strip. His penis matches the rest of his body, big, long, and a lot to take.
     Once he's nude, I back up so the shark man can slip into the water. He makes it wave as he sinks in. "Come here, Guppy," he husks out, hands wrapping around my arms, and tugging me forward.
     I'm settled against his chest before Kisame sinks, settling on one of the submerged rocks. "You weren't kidding," he says, fingers gentle as they skirt over my back. One of his hands jumps up, tilting my head so he can look at my bruised cheek better. "Is that from Hidan too?"
     "No, that's from Kakuzu," I murmur, shifting on Kisame's lap.
     His head dips down, pressing kisses into my neck, littering the gained bite marks and hickies with softness. "Stop squirming, Guppy," Kisame's calm voice says, the hand not running across my back shooting up to cling to my throat.
     "Sorry," I murmur, letting my eyes flutter shut. I soak in the gentleness of the giant under me, enjoying the way his lips coo and calm my wounds.
     "Sit up," he mutters, using his hold on my neck to lift me off his lap. Kisame shifts us around, settling me on the rock as he squirms out from under me. Kisses continue down my front, littering my breasts as his hands toy with my thighs. Fingers crawl up my legs chased by teeth sinking into my boob. Kisame's sharp teeth quickly make their way through me, coating me with the familiar stickiness of blood.
     "Kisame," I hiss, my hands shooting forward to grip his hair. "That hurts."
     "I know, Guppy. You're doing so well," he praises, his voice husky as his fingertips dip into my pussy. "You'll survive," he hums out, head tilting the other direction. Teeth sink into my other boob, new blood trickling out and being chased by Kisame's tongue.
     He continues kneading my titties with his teeth as his fingers pump in and out of me. Aches erupts from my chest as pleasure erupts from my cunt, the familiar mix of the two filling my body.
     Kisame tugs himself from my boobs, tearing more skin as he lifts his head. His teeth are coated in the red of my blood, the liquid slowly dribbling down his chin as it escapes his mouth. "Sit still and be good," he mutters, covering my face with blood-tinted kisses.
     Once the praise is out, Kisame sinks under the water, his fingers clumsy leaving me before being replaced by his tongue. My knees jerk, clasping around his head. His head tips back out of the water a bit, warning eyes shooting the order at me again before he dips back between my legs.
Kisame's tongue flicks at my clit a few times before sliding down to penetrate me. My hands tighten on his hair, knotting the dark locks around my fingers. My focus is split between not moving and the pleasure tingling in my pussy.
The poking and prodding doesn't last long though. When he's satisfied with my prep, I'm scooped back up and switched back to his lap. I'm settled on his tip, the head of his dick toying my hole as Kisame sits back down. "Are you going to be good at take all of me?"
No. I know I can't. His dick is massive, just like the rest of him. "Yes, Kisame."
He smiles at my answer, pointy teeth beaming as he looks down at me. "That's a good Guppy. Be a pretty object for me to use."
The praises are followed by me slowly lowering on Kisame's dick, the head bullying its way through me. I'm stretched, muscles strained the further I sink onto him. By the time I've settled on his lap again, my breaths come out as hisses.
"Easy Guppy," Kisame coos, a finger falling to rub circles on my clit. His hands keep pace with each other, the circles on my clit matching the pace he forces my hip into.
Kisame's thrusts almost hurt as I'm dropped back down his length, the head of his dick still bullying my pussy into compliance to take him. His head falls back to my boobs, teeth sinking in to tear more skin, and his tongue sliding over the new bite marks to lick up the spilled blood.
My hips ache and my chest is more torn than intact skin by the time Kisame stills in me. "Look at that, Guppy," he coos, hand sliding up to cling to my throat again. "I can see myself," he teases, forcing me to look down as his free hand presses against my stomach
He's right. The faint outline of Kisame's dick is present on my lower stomach. The imprint twitches as he cums deep in me. The mix of his warmth and the evident proof of him in me makes me clench around him, only encouraging Kisame's semen to spill out. "What a good, Guppy," he coos again, littering my face in more blood-tinted kisses.
     "Princess?" Pain's voice echoes from the porch, making Kisame pale.
     "Well, I'm a goner," he mutters, quickly yanking me off of him.
I can feel eyes on me, the heat path of them jumping around my bare back. "You look terrible, Kitten," comes Itachi's soft noise, his equally soft paces filling the med-bay.
"I know," I whisper, the words getting jumbled up by the pillow my face is buried into.
After being torn from the pond, Pain settled me in the medical room again. Half-assed promises to be back soon and for a soothing night spilling from him as he rushed to go 'ran an errand' with Konan. In his rush, Nagato didn't give me any pain meds and I'd rather deal with the aches than another safety lecture from him if I chose to find medicine myself.
"Poor Kitty," Itachi coos, fingertips gentle as he runs them over my bandages. "Are you alright?"
My answer is followed by pale arms wrapping around me, gently shifting me so I'm sitting up. He slips onto the bed behind me, hooking my legs over his as I face away from him. "We can fix that, Kitten," Itachi murmurs, hands sliding under my bandages to pull them off.
"Your fingers hurt," I whine, back arching away from his touches.
"I know, I know, it's okay, Kitty," he continues to coo, a hand jumping up to tilt my head backward. The red of his sharingans snags in my sights, filling my mind with the glow of them. My mind goes fuzzy, the forced light in my mind shifts to softer colors. The pastel blues, yellows, and pinks swirl in my head, causing my pains to seep away.
"Better?" Itachi's voice rings out, the soft pitter-patter of fingers shifting a gentle sizzle across my body.
"Better," I mumble, leaning back to rest my head on his shoulder. "I don't know what you're doing though."
"It's a genjutsu."
"A what?"
"It's control of your senses. I'm controlling your sense of touch, so you can't feel your pain but can feel everything else, so your muscles will calm," Itachi softly explains, hands losing their sizzling feeling but still dancing over my body as his lips brush against my neck. "And I'm controlling your sight so you can see something calming and can't see your injuries."
"Why?" I whisper, his fingers sliding over my legs making it hard to focus.
"It'll help you calm down too. I can't enjoy you if you can't enjoy yourself." The words are hushed, buried into my skin by the kisses continually pressed into me.
Itachi's fingertips ghost through my folds, nimble fingers searching for my clit. "Though," he continues, kisses trailing across my jaw as the controlled images in my head start to filter away. "I would like you to watch."
As the scenery of the room filters back into my sight, his fingertips toy with me. They toy with my hole, massaging it in the same way my clit is rubbed. "Watch Kitten," he says, nuzzling my neck to encourage my head down.
I do what is asked of me, dropping my head down to take in the sight of my skirt balled up my legs and Itachi gently working me. My compliance is rewarded with his fingers thrusting into me. He continues to toy with me, testing curls and paces. "Tach," I moan, my orgasm quickly building up.
"Kitten?" He whispers into my war, nibbling on my earlobe. The gentle coo breaks the band in my stomach, coating Itachi's hand and the medical bed in my cum. "That's a pretty Kitty, ya?" He continues to coo, slipping out from behind me.
Itachi rounds the bed, settling on the floor, kneeling between my legs. His arms wrap under my legs, tugging me closer to the edge before he dips down. His hands slide up from the movement, hooking on my hips as my knees rest on his shoulders. "Keep mewling for me, Kitten," he mumbles, his hot breath coating my mess.
His tongue slides out, focused on cleaning my folds before it skirts over my clit. Once again I do as I'm told, not because of willingness though. Itachi's tongue stays busy, licking circles into my clit and thrusting into my cunt to tongue fuck me. The lack of a cool-down quickly pulls another orgasm from me, this time coating Itachi's face.
His head pops up from between my legs, sharingans glow as a soft smile coats his lips. Kisses lead Itachi's trail up my body, hands sliding down to cup my knees and lock them around his waist.
"Itachi," I whine when his bulge presses into me.
"Oh, I know, Kitty. You're so sensitive aren't you?" He gently mocks, kisses coating my lips as he works himself out of his pants. "You'll be okay. After all, this is what you're for right? A pretty object for me to use. I've been nice to you, haven't I? Be nice back, Kitty."
The soft mockery is followed by Itachi toying with me again, the glow of his eyes watching as I squirm from his tip teasing my hole. His eyes flicker around, catching every one of my movements. His smile is still soft as he sinks into me, eyes running a mile a minute to catch every micro-movement my body makes.
Itachi's pace is slow and gentle, just like everything else he's done today. The clan killer doesn't live up to his reputation, especially in moments like this. His hands are like feathers, costing my body like he's trying to burn the feeling of my skin into them. His mouth does the same to my lips.
My body sizzles on nerves, the constant stimulation almost being too much. "Pretty Kitty," he coos, his thrusts picking up their speed. "My pretty Kitty that's going to have my pretty litter."
Itachi's words make my spine tingle, causing my hips to thrust up. That seems to do it for the masochist, his thrusts jerking before his body is pressed into mine. "Kitty, Kitty, Kitty," he mutters against me, his nose buried into my cheek. The line of praise is paired with me being filled, not even the thought of pulling out rolling around Itachi's head as his semen fills my cunt.
"Princess?" Nagato's voice echoes in the hallway, causing Itachi's head to rise.
"He's on top of it tonight," Tachi mumbles, tucking himself away and tugging my skirt back into place.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask, my focus on scanning my body. My deeper wounds have vanished curtsy of the man in front of me, leaving the simpler ones, my hickies, and bite marks.
"Last I knew Hidan was hanging in a tree," Itachi confuses, hand clinging to the back of my neck as he kisses my forehead. "That, and Kisame is in a bit of trouble."
"Oh," I whisper, eyes flickering to the door as the sound of Pain's footsteps creep closer.
"Goodnight, Kitten," he whispers, pecking my lips before vanishing. I don't know how Itachi does that and I'm not sure I want to know.
"Princess?" Pain grumbles again, pushing the door open. "How are you feeling?"
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saruman-the-silly · 7 months
Alrighty, so I'd like to request some comfort hcs w the papas (or just Copia if you're not feeling like doing all of them !!) also it gets quite personal, so slight content warning for burn out and imposter syndrome
I've been really stressed out lately, as I'm pursuing very demanding studies (preparatory class yay) and they're starting to take a toll on my physical and mental health. And to top it off, I find myself unable to get anything done bc of failure anxiety, which leaves me very tired with intense imposter syndrome :') How would the papas comfort a gn or fem s/o in a similar situation?
Take the time you need, and have a good day/night !! <3
aw hey I'm sorry to hear that!! but I know you're gonna get through this, and hopefully these headcanons might help a little :) this took a little longer than I liked, but I hope you like it and hope this will bring some comfort for you <333 sending much love and encouragement!!
How Papas would comfort their s/o during their studies
A sweetheart, as I have mentioned in previous headcanons, he would be knocking on your door with a cup of warm tea.
Primo sees the dark circles under your eyes, sighs, and wraps you in a warm hug which you just melt in.
"Amore, how I wish you could just relax for a moment, this stress is not good for you."
You mumbled something about being a failure and Primo lifted your head gently with his hand, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Never talk about yourself that way amore. You are already working so hard towards your goals and dreams, you could never be a failure. Not to me."
Primo would then absolutely spend the rest of the evening making sure you were relaxing, even for a little while. He would read to you if it helped you calm down, he would light up some scented candles and give you a massage for your sore shoulders.
You, being so tired and stressed out, would soon fall into a deep sleep in Primo's arms, for once feeling safe and secure.
Secondo sees your distress but does not know how to address it. With you stubbornly insisting that you're fine, he doesn't want to cross any boundaries.
Instead, he starts leaving little notes and tiny gifts for you, like a cup of coffee beside your bed when you wake up. The coffee was made precisely to your taste, and it was sinfully good.
Even with these tiny gestures, Secondo can still see the way you carry yourself is less and less confident every day. So, he decides to address the elephant in the room.
He sits you down one day, asking about your studies and how are you doing. You insist once again that, you're fine, there's nothing to worry abo- Secondo takes your hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze, looking at you with understanding in his eyes and you break down.
You spill everything out, and he just listens. He doesn't comment, he doesn't offer advice, he just sits there, holds you hands soothingly and listens. After you're done venting, Secondo presses a soft kiss to your forehead, and tells you: "Amore. You are the most intelligent person I have ever gotten the pleasure to know, but even I know that you need rest now."
You try to protest, he doesn't care lmao. Secondo makes you your favourite meal (You hadn't even realised how hungry you were) and you watch some trashy soap operas together for the rest of the evening.
Terzo notices right away and tries to gently ask you what's wrong.
Remember, he loves you. So much. But he does not know how too approach this subject so he will keep pestering you about it and you argue, insisting you're fine.
It turns into a full on argument, since both of you are too stubborn to accept defeat, until he accidentally hits a sore spot and you just snap. Everything spills out and you just start sobbing on the floor.
Terzo hates himself right now. He's beating himself up mentally so bad for hurting you when you're clearly in distress, and he gets down on the floor beside you, hugging you and comforting you.
After you have calmed down, Terzo apologizes profusely, you shush him and tell him it's fine but he insists.
"Amore. Amore mio. I am not good with this but let me lend you my ears and my full attention. If I can help in any way, I am here for you." So, you just sit there talking for the next 2 hours. Terzo rubs your back comfortingly and whispers words of encouragement when finding words seems to be hard.
Remember, he loves you so much. Terzo's not a serious guy, he isn't good at this, but for you? He's willing to do anything.
Copia doesn't notice until someone points it out. Lol. Poor man is just so overwhelmed with his own work, as usual´.
When he does notice, Copia abandons all of his work. Immediately. You and your well-being are his top priority.
He will gently approach you one day, seeing you drowning in your studies.
"Amore, please, take a break and come drink some tea with me." You smile at him, eyes tired but shake your head. "Thank you darling but I have to finis-" Copia wraps you in a warm hug from behind, putting his head on your shoulder.
"Please?" He whispers into your ear, making you shiver. You smile and sigh, while poking his side. "Fine, just for a few minutes." Little do you know, it was more than a few minutes.
Copia is excellent at distracting you from your studies. He lets you play with his rats, showing you all the tricks they know and letting you teach them some. You laugh and smile until your cheeks start to hurt, and Copia feels his heart getting lighter with your smile.
When it's later in the evening and you're laying in his arms, he gently asks about your studies. Feeling more open and relaxed, you open up about your stress, and like his brothers, Copia is an excellent listener. He listens, and is there for you.
After you have opened up, he kisses your forehead gently before wrapping you in a tight embrace. "Thank you for telling me this, I promise to help you in any way I can."
Here it iiiiiiiiiiiiiis finally :DD I really hope these will bring some comfort during tough times, and hope you enjoy <3
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changingplumbob · 24 days
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 12
Time for Eliza's birthday!
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For reasons you'll soon read about her style change happens sporadically over this part
Tiana's thoughts will be in brackets for communication
Bob: She’s asleep, it took a while but she’s snoring now
Eliza: You do a good job with her Bob
Bob: I guess. I just feel like she deserves the world and I fall short
Eliza: Hey, you never fall short to me or our older kids. Tiana will be no different. That's just your gloomy side trying to throw you off. Now, care for some birthday celebration
Bob: But your birthday isn’t until tomorrow
Eliza: Is it? I guess I’ll go to bed by myself then
Bob: *laughs* No you don’t! Come back here, let me treat you
As normal Eliza doesn’t need much convincing to join her husband in bed.
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3:30am and Tiana wakes with a start. What is she doing here? This isn’t the crib it’s… the playmat? How did she get here? Sounds like a pile of poop to her. To emphasize this she poops her diaper in angry infant mode.
Eliza: Good morning Tiana. Mother's just come to check on you
Tiana: *coos in grumpy* (wakeup time is the worst, what's so great about being awake)
Eliza: Now I’m afraid daddy seems to have come down with Starey Eyes so it’ll be you and me against the world today
Tiana: *coos in still grumpy* (daddy was going to show me cooking)
Eliza: Hey there miss grump, you really don’t like wakeup time do you? I guess we’ll have to find something fun to do
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Eliza scoops up Tiana and blows a big raspberry on her tummy before carrying the grumpy infant to her ensuite. Tiana angrily fusses all the way but doesn't have enough coordination to flail out of Eliza's grip.
Eliza: Now Tiana this big thing is called a bath and here we have a seat, just for you. How about that
Tiana: *coos curiously* (is it comfy)
Eliza: Let’s take off your- oh you used your diaper, lovely
Tiana: *smiles* (it's warm in here, I think I'll pee)
Eliza nestles Tiana in the special infant seat and fills the tub with warm water and bubbles, constantly checking the temperature. Tiana smiles as Eliza tickles her nose and she tries to pat at the bubbles. When she is all clean Eliza gets her dressed and feeds her a bottle.
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Bob may be feeling awful but feels like he would be a failure as a chef if he can’t make his own wife a birthday cake. Despite his head screaming at him and generally feeling dizzy he goes through the motions of cake making, luckily all the past bakes help him do the process pretty quickly given the circumstances. Then he rings in to let his boss know he’s ill before adding candles and heading back to bed.
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Onyx: Happy Birthday mother! I thought you were going to have a party
Eliza: Your dad isn’t well so I decided to cancel
Onyx: Make a wish mother
Eliza: *laughs* okay, here goes
Adulthood has reached Eliza! In celebration Tiana grabs her feet for the first time and Onyx gives Strawberry a loving pat.
Eliza: Good luck for the exams
Onyx: Thank mother but I don’t need luck, I studied
Eliza: That’s my kid!
Onyx: See you after school Tiana
Tiana: *coos questioningly* (where is sibling going, sibling not leave me) *cries*
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Eliza: Oh Tiana, it's alright. Onyx will be back later, yes they will
Tiana: *sniffles* (mother promise?)
Eliza works on some tummy time with Tiana who learns how to roll onto her back! Strawberry is impressed. Eliza settles the infant on the mat for a nap and goes to grab a late breakfast. She eats it on the couch while talking to the dogs. Not the birthday she imagined, but one that she doesn’t mind. Hopefully all this time at home will help her be full of energy when she returns back to work.
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Eliza is happy to spend the main part of the day cleaning while Bob rests up. Once Tiana has finished her nap Eliza begins a dance workout. Soon enough she has to stop however as Tiana has begun to sparkle while she plays with her toys.
Eliza: Are you going to have a milestone honey
Tiana: *giggles and coos* (I am mother so you don't need to trade me)
Eliza: You’re laughing! Oh that’s adorable! Daddy will be impressed, yes he will
Excited at her daughter’s progress Eliza decides to give a game of peek-a-boo a go. Unfortunately Tiana worries her mother has disappeared and bursts into tears.
Tiana: *cries* (Mother is gone! Why did she leave me! Did I do something wrong? I was trying hard for her and daddy)
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Eliza: Oh I’m sorry! Mother is here, mother is here
Tiana: *sniffles and coos* (promise to never leave me again mother)
Eliza scoops Tiana in her arms and cuddles the infant close until she stops sniffling. The pair are practicing sitting when Onyx and Fergus arrive home.
Eliza: How was the aquarium
Fergus: Fine, I've got homework. See you and Tiana later
Tiana: *coos and wobbles* (so this is sit)
Onyx: Mother, great news, I aced my exams! Again! Can we maybe talk about getting a horse now
Eliza: That’s it Tiana, keep your head up. Oh I don’t know Onyx, the household is pretty full
Onyx: But mother-
Eliza: Darling if you look outside does it even look like we have room for a horse
Onyx: *points* Yes it- OMG MOTHER
Eliza: Oh dear Tiana, your sibling is pretty loud when they want to be
Tiana: *giggles* (Onyx is funny)
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With a chorus of thank you’s over their shoulder Onyx races outside where they spotted the foal Eliza had purchased for them.
Onyx: Oh you are pretty. What shall I call you? Hmm, I know, Maelstrom! Yeah, that’s a good name
Maelstrom: *neighs* Hi
Onyx: Oh how rude of me, are you hungry? Do you want some milk
Maelstrom eagerly grips on to the bottle Onyx holds for her and guzzles away.
Onyx: You know, I wanted a horse but a foal is even better. Now we get to spend more time together! I know I have cheer and school and stuff but I’ll be your best friend, I promise
Maelstrom: *neighs* sounds good to me
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The foal spent the evening running around the property having a good time. Unfortunately the exploring took its toll and Maelstrom began to feel scared. Hearing the change in general noises from their bedroom Onyx went to comfort their new foal. Maelstrom was skittish from the new big world but with love and affection returned to being happy. Looks like Onyx is a natural.
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And at midnight Bob felt well enough to put in some dad time. After giving Tiana a cuddle he knelt down and practiced sitting with her.
Bob: And up we go, how is that huh
Tiana: *giggles* (I up for daddy)
Bob: Who’s the cutest infant in the world? Is it you? Is it you sitting
Tiana: *giggles* (I am cute)
Bob: Alright and back down we go. Wait, what are you doing honey? Eliza!
Eliza comes rushing into the nursery in time to see Tiana roll from her back to her tummy all by herself. Bob is overjoyed and Eliza gives Tiana a snuggle, telling her how proud they are.
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That’s it for this chapter of the Pancakes. With 3 new additions (4 if you count the dust bunny) the household is now running at maximum size. I didn't get as much done with the teens as I had planned but hey, can't make real life not happen. Thanks for your patience and support readers!
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writingwhimsey · 21 days
Married to The Enemy- Shingen Ch. 19
Warning: NSFW, 18+ content, fluffy, spicy, super loving, body worship, oral female receiving, PIV
Chapter 19
Shingen led Ava out to the garden, his arm wrapped around her waist as they walked. After her being distant for two weeks, he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to keep her close. He wanted to indulge himself just a bit, especially after her confession. The garden offered them the perfect place to be alone…and a selfish part of Shingen had wanted to have Ava to himself for the rest of the evening.
“It’s a beautiful night out.” Ava said, looking up at the stars.
Shingen smiled as he looked at her…the stars were nothing compared to the beauty that she held. “It truly is, especially now that I have my moon goddess at my side once more.” He was then giving her waist a squeeze, pulling her closer and kissing the top of her head.
Ava smiled, leaning more into him as they continued to walk. Shingen could tell she had something on her mind…another reason he had wanted to steal her away. “Again, I would like to apologize…”
Shingen cut her off, placing a finger on her lips. “You’ve nothing to apologize for, Ava.” He assured her. “We may have not spent any time together these last two weeks, but I feel closer to you now. Especially knowing you return my feelings.”
Ava’s cheeks reddened, but she smiled and then kissed his finger that was pressed to her lips. 
Shingen grinned. “My goddess is feeling affectionate.” He declared slowly removing his finger from her lips.
Ava smiled. “Very affectionate, actually.” She answered.
“Oh?” Shingen asked, they had already stopped walking at this point. He turned to her and wrapped both of his arms around her waist, pulling her close. “Does that mean I can have some more kisses?”
Ava smiled as she lifted her arms up to wrap around his neck. “I was thinking…of something a little more.” Her cheeks were red and she bit her lower lip coyly.
Shingen felt his heart rate pick up. He had to fight the urge to scoop her up into his arms and carry her to bed right that instant. “Oh?”
Ava nodded. “I’m going to go back to my room. Come by in about fifteen minutes.”
“You are planning something?” He asked.
Ava nodded. “I think you will like it.” She replied, stretching up to place a light peck to his lips. “Do you think you can wait?”
“I am a patient man…though this will be the longest fifteen minutes of my life.” He replied.
Ava giggled. “I promise it will be worth the wait.”
“Oh, I know you are.” Shingen replied, pecking her lips.
Ava giggled and blushed, kissing him once more before pulling away and heading inside, leaving Shingen to ponder just what she would have waiting for him.
After parting ways with Shingen…and once I was out of his sight, I practically ran to my room in a hurry to get myself and everything else ready. Saki had already set out candles and the incense I had requested. All that I had to do was light them. That was the easy part.
Once I had all of that taken care of, it was time to get myself ready. Saki had laid out a special sleeping kimono for me. It had been a parting gift from the other seamstresses at Azuchi. It was made from a rather thin pastel pink silk. I took off my regular kimono and folded it up neatly and slid into the silk one. 
I draped the thin silk over myself and loosely tied it, leaving it mostly open. I brushed one shoulder down so that it barely hung on my arm and my cleavage was nicely exposed. I took my hair down and quickly raked my fingers through it, letting it fall in waves down my back.
I felt so giddy as I inspected my reflection in the mirror. I hoped Shingen found me as sexy as I felt. It was funny, I felt as nervous and giddy as I did on our wedding night when I had thought it would be our first time.
Almost as soon as I was finished there was a knock on my door. “Ava, may I come in?” Shingen called.
“Come in.” I called, trying to make my voice seductive. I turned as the door slid open.
Shingen’s gray eyes were instantly on me, a look of desire flashing through them. His breath seemed to catch in his throat. “You look…stunning.” He told me as his eyes continued to drink in my form. He quickly shut the door behind him. He smiled as he looked at me and then at the room. “Candle light and incense…?” He made his way over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.
I felt my cheeks flushing slightly. “I…I know it’s far from the first time for either of us, but since it’s our first time together…I wanted it to be special.” I confessed, as I rested my hands on his arms, feeling the bulging muscles beneath his sleeves.
Shingen’s eyes were warm. “As it should be.” He replied. “And…you’re sure that you’re ready?”
I nodded. “Yes…I…I want you, Shingen. And I want to share all of me with you.”
Shingen’s breath hitched. Then a seductive smile graced those handsome lips even as a fire burned in his eyes. “Perhaps Yuki is right that you are an enchantress because your words work magic.” He murmured before capturing my lips in a heated kiss.
I melted into him as his tongue slid inside my mouth to twist and tangle with my own. My knees gave out and the only thing holding me up was Shingen’s strong arms. Slowly, we broke our kiss, both of us panting. He grinned at me as he scooped me up in his arms. “I’ve got you.” He said as he carried me over to the futon, laying me down gently before climbing over top of me.
My breath caught in my throat as I looked up at Shingen. His large frame fully encompassed my smaller body. I felt my heart rate picking up already.
Shingen lifted a hand to caress my cheek, “That’s quite the lovely flush and a rather heated look in your eyes.” He mused, leaning in to kiss me lightly on the lips. “I wonder what other looks I can bring to this beautiful face as I worship my goddess tonight.”
“Oh…I have a feeling you’ll be seeing lots of faces.” I replied.
Shingen gave a warm chuckle as he leaned in to kiss my lips and then down the side of my neck, over my exposed collarbone and shoulder. As he kissed me with those warm lips, those incredibly large and impossibly strong hands began to roam over my body, spreading heat and pleasant tingles over my body, even through the thin fabric of my sleeping kimono.
“Mmm…Shingen…” I moaned as I reached my own hand for him, fingertips reaching inside the front of his kimono and tracing over the hard muscles of his strong chest…which I had a feeling would make a nice pillow for me later.
“Mmm…your touch is truly divine, Ava.” Shingen murmured against my neck. His hand reached for the sash that was loosely tied and gave it a gentle tug. “And you’re a generous goddess, allowing me such easy access.”
I felt my cheeks heating up. “I…didn’t want to waste time…” I replied.
Shingen grinned at me as he undid my sash, my kimono falling open and revealing my body to his appreciative gaze. “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” He told me, his eyes drinking in every inch of my form as if he had been a man lost in the desert and I was an oasis. “Every part of you is absolutely perfect.”
I felt my entire body flush with pleasure from his praise. In the past I had always had the urge to cover myself the first time I went to bed with a man…but with the way Shingen was looking at me, I had no such desire. I wanted to continue to feel his heated gaze on me. 
“So…you’ve been imagining?” I asked, a coy smile on my face.
Shingen’s fingertips began to trace delicately over my skin. “I am a man and you are the most stunning woman my eyes have ever beheld.” He replied. “How could I not want to imagine?”
I could tell his words weren’t empty flattery. There was no faking that look in his eyes. Hungry and sincere. Passionate and warm. A moan slipped past my lips when I felt Shingen’s calloused fingers trace over my nipple. “Mmm…Shin…gen…” I moaned, arching into his hand.
“I want to touch and kiss and worship every part of you.” He told me as he leaned in and began to kiss over my heated flesh.
“Mmm…that sounds…nice…but I…”
Shingen looked up at me as he gently caressed my thigh with his other hand. “But what?”
“You’re…not the only one who has been imagining.” I replied, reaching my hands towards the sash at his waist. “I want to see you, too.”
Shingen grinned at me. “I can’t ignore such a request from my goddess.” He replied, allowing me to untie his sash and then shrugging out of his kimono.
Somehow he looked even larger with no clothes on. I was able to see all of the muscles that had been hidden and hinted at beneath his clothes. Perfectly broad shoulders…perfect pecs… washboard abs…bulging biceps…perfectly sculpted thighs…he called me a goddess, but he was the one who had a truly divine body.
I reached my hands to forward, trailing my fingertips over his hardened muscle. I guess swinging around a great sword is one way to get the body of a god. “And you called me perfection…” I murmured.
Shingen smiled as he leaned in, his face over mine. “I take it my goddess is pleased?” He asked, though he already knew the answer.
“Very.” I answered.
“Well, you’re about to be even more pleased.” He replied before capturing my lips once again, his tongue delving into my mouth. He tasted so sweet.
I moaned into the kiss as I felt his large hands roaming over my body. One hand massaged a breast while the other teased my thigh, fingers tracing over the flesh before giving a gentle squeeze.
I wrapped my arms around him, my hands roaming over the muscular lines of his back. Every part of Shingen was pure perfection…and the way he completely covered me with his body… it was amazing.
I arched my back, pressing myself closer as Shingen continued to kiss me and find all of my most sensitive places with his hands. His hands were clearly skilled and I was quickly becoming putty in those large masterful hands.
Our kiss ended, only for Shingen to trail kisses down the side of my neck, over my collarbone. “Every part of you.” He murmured against my heated flesh. “I will worship every part of this beautiful body. Let you know how much I cherish you. How much I desire you.”
His actions and his words only added to my growing desire. His mouth came to my breast, drawing a nipple between his lips, flicking it expertly with his tongue, causing electric thrills of pleasure to flow through me. “Nhg…Shingen…” I moaned.
Shingen released my nipple only to move to my other breast and repeat the process. I arched into him, wanting more of his touch and kisses. Once he had finished, he trailed kisses over my chest and the valley between my breasts before moving to my sibs, my side, and my tummy.
“Mmm…you’re so soft and supple…” He murmured as he spread loving kisses over my lower belly. “So perfect…” He continued to kiss lower.
“Your…your kisses…feel so good…so warm…” I gasped out.
“I am glad.” Shingen replied, turning those gray eyes to my face as he placed a kiss just below my belly button. “May I?” He asked.
I nodded. “Yes…please I’ve…been wanting you to touch me there…”
Shingen chuckled reaching for my legs and then resting my thighs on his shoulders. He kissed the inside of my thighs before dipping his head down and those warm lips were on the center of my heat.
I gasped when I felt his tongue slide out, circling and flicking and twisting and twirling in ways I didn’t even know were possible for a human tongue to move, over my sensitive bud. “Ahn…Sh-Shing…gen…” I moaned as he continued to devour me as if he were a condemned man and I were his last meal.
“Hmmm…” He hummed into my heat even as he continued to kiss and lick me. My hands moved of their own accord going to fist in his hair as if I could hold him there. I bucked my hips, seeking more as my release drew nearer.
I could feel that coil winding tighter and tighter and soon my release was barreling through me. Strong and powerful. Shingen continued to stimulate me, drawing out my release.
When he slowly pulled away, I was beginning to come down from my pleasure high. “Hah…Shingen…that…was amazing…”
Shingen smiled as he moved to hover over me once again, licking his own lips, which were still glistening with my release. “You taste even sweeter than I imagined.” He told me.
“You…imagined that too?”
Shingen nodded. “Yes…I had dreams about it in fact.” He answered. “Though nothing compares to reality.” His arms wrapped around me as he began to reposition himself, his lower body between my legs.
“I…I’ve maybe had some similar dreams.” I replied. “Especially after our first kiss.”
Shingen grinned. “Well, I’m glad I could make your dreams come true.” He said. “And what else did you dream about? Perhaps…this?” He asked as he slowly slipped himself inside me.
I gasped as my body stretched to accommodate him. Shingen was large everywhere. “Mng…y-yes… though reality…is much better.” I agreed.
Shingen let out a groan once he was fully sheathed inside me. He stayed there a moment, letting me adjust to his size. “Reality…is indeed better.” He told me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled up at him. “Shingen…I’m glad…I married you.”
Shingen’s cheeks reddened slightly. “As I am glad…I married you, Ava.” He replied before capturing my lips once again and beginning his thrusts. 
My hips bucked to meet each of his thrusts, not wanting to miss a second of the pleasure he brought me. I could feel my pleasure building once more and my body clung tighter to Shingen. The feeling of his large frame pressed against mine, just the lightest of pressure as he made love to me…it sent me over the edge and I was soon falling into another round of blissful pleasure, my vision sparking white as another powerful release hit me.
“Sh-SHINGEN!” I called as I came undone.
My release soon pulled Shingen into his own and he groaned my name. “Ava!”
We were both panting as we descended from our shared pleasure high. We still clung to each other, Shingen still resting inside of me. Neither of us ready to part in any way yet. Shingen’s gray eyes looked deep into mine. “You are amazing, my goddess.” He told me.
“I could…say the same about you.” I replied.
“I hope you know…this is only the beginning.” He told me. “I need all night to truly worship every part of you.” He was then kissing me once again. This would be the most pleasurable evening of my life and the first of many.
Tag list: @limonzu @zulablaise @tele86 @selenacosmic @kisara-16
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eddieschains · 1 year
Missing A Corroded Coffin Show
Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
Yeah i saw this and couldn’t help myself
i also just busted this out on my lunch break and barely proof read it so sorry lmao
TW: 18+, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), backshots, let me know if i missed anything!!
You’d had a long grueling shift at work full of displeased customers and co-workers not wanting to carry their weight, resulting in you working 3 hours past your scheduled shift. Eddie had a show with Corroded Coffin tonight and while you’d never missed a show before, Eddie could tell how tired you were when you got home and told you he’d be fine if you stayed home.
“Baby look at you, you can barely keep your eyes open.” He pointed out.
“But i’ve never missed a show. I should be there to support you.” You pleaded, near tears either from feeling so guilty or from being dead tired. Probably a bit of both.
“Come here.” He pulled you into his chest, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “You have every other show to come to. We’re not going anywhere. Now go put some comfy clothes on and take a nap. I’ll leave as soon as i can after the show to come cuddle you.” He smiles as he stuffs his guitar in its case.
“God i love you. I’m sorry, i promise i’ll be at the next one.” You tell him, walking him out to his van.
He pulls you in for one last hug, pulling back to give you a long deep kiss before hopping in the van and starting the engine. “Get some sleep, see you a few hours.” You wave him off as he screeches down the road.
You decide to kill some time by taking a warm bath, putting one of Corroded Coffins mixtapes on to bring a little bit of the show to you. Once you were satisfied with your bath, you changed into a pair of Eddie’s sweatpants and one of his old t-shirts. You rarely wore your own pajamas to bed since Eddie had so many old clothes you liked to wear instead. They were comfier and you liked that they smelt like him. You slept next to him every night and could smell him just by rolling over, but that was besides the point.
You cuddled up underneath the covers of your shared bed and lit a candle before pulling out the book you were currently reading. You had gotten through another couple chapters before your eyelids began to feel heavy. Instead of fighting off the sleep like you normally would, you place your bookmark inside the book and blow your candle out before turning the light out.
You were woken up a couple hours later feeling Eddie’s chest pressed against your backside while his arm snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You let out a deep breath, relaxing your body under his touch. You feel him slowly grinding his half hard length against your ass as he drags his hand down your side, rubbing circles on your hip.
“Good show?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper. He mumbles a mm-hmm in your ear. He usually felt frisky like this after a show with the adrenaline running through him.
“Tell me about it.” You place your hand on his, pulling it down to your core. He groans in your ear, wasting no time in slipping it under your sweatpants, dragging his finger up and down your slit.
“We got a bigger crowd tonight, about 30 people.” He toys with your entrance before slipping his middle finger all the way in. “Played that new song i wrote about you.”
“You tell everyone- fuck- tell everyone about me?” He curls his fingers into you just the way he knows you like, while his thumb is rubbing circles on your clit.
“Yeah i did baby. Told everyone how fucking hot you are. And how you’re mine, how this pussy is mine, how you belong to me.” He pushes a second finger in, fucking you harder, feeling your walls start to clench around him. “Told them how much i love you, and how much i wished you were there. How i couldn’t wait to go home and fuck this tight little cunt.”
Your legs start shaking, his words sending you over the edge as your orgasm hits. You arch your back into him, feeling his cock pressing harder into your ass as his fingers continue to milk you through it.
He pulls his fingers out of you and pulls his own pants down his legs as you do the same.
“Why don’t you show me how bad you wanted to fuck my cunt.” He sits up on his knees, flipping you onto your stomach. You can hear him spit into his hand and start stroking his cock from behind you. The sounds of his hand rubbing his wet shaft were almost enough to end you once again.
You start bucking your hips back and forth with sinful moans leaving your mouth, begging him to take you already. He places one hand on your hip while the other pushes your head into the pillow. He drags his dick up and down your slit one last time before slowly pushing inside of you.
“Jesus christ.” He whispers, pulling out slowly and slamming back in. “She takes me so fucking good. All the time. Like she was made for my fucking cock.”
He continues thrusting in and out of you at a faster pace each time, with your moans being muffled by the pillow. He brings on of his hands to your ass, smacking it over and over making you whimper as your pussy twitches around him.
“Fuck me Eddie. Make me cum. Make your good girl cum all over your cock.” He snaps his hips up to yours, pulling your head up to his by your hair. He wraps one arm around your waist while the other holds on to your neck.
“You wanna cum baby?” He grunts into your ear. You shake your head, responding with nothing but a moan. “Good girls use their words. Tell me what you want.”
“Wanna cum for you. Wanna be your good girl please Eddie. I’m so fucking close.” You respond, bouncing up and down to meet his thrusts. His grip on your throat gets tighter, while his mouth starts sucking on the spot just below your ear.
“Then be a good girl.” He whispers, and with those words your shaking again, screaming his name so loud you know the neighbors can hear. You fall out of his grip and back onto the bed as the wave of pleasure takes over.
He grabs onto your hips, his grip so tight you’re sure it’ll leave bruises in the morning. He starts pulling your body into his for his last few thrusts. A loud curse of your name falls out of his mouth as he pulls out and you feel the strings of his own cum dripping down your ass.
His body falls on top of you, still grinding his dick on your ass to ride out his orgasm as he places wet kisses all down your spine.
Once he regains his strength again, he’s skipping to the bathroom to find a towel to clean you up. He lays back down on the bed, pulling you into his chest while running his fingers through your hair.
“I’m sorry i wasn’t there tonight.” You say, placing a soft kiss on his chest.
“I’d say you made it up to me pretty well.” He laughs.
“Did you really tell everyone about how much you wanted to fuck me?”
“Only a select few.” He smirks as you slap his stomach. He pulls you in for one last kiss before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.
Must’ve been a hell of a show.
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tytarax · 4 months
more fanfics with goku black i need this man bro😭🙏 btw i love your works
But of courseeee! We need him as a life source!
I'm very glad you like my works, that gives me motivation to keep writing. Sorry it's kinda short :')
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Today was a bittersweet day for Black, on the one hand, his spoiled daughter was turning 5... on the other hand, his partner _____ was not giving him the attention he deserved.
Despite the joyous occasion of his daughter's birthday, Black Goku couldn't shake off the lingering feeling of discontent. His partner, you, seemed too busy, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to catch your attention.
He watched as his daughter gleefully opened her presents and blew out the candles on her cake, but his mind kept drifting back to you.
_____: So, did you like the present from dad?
Dahlia: Yeah! I loved it! Thanks daddy! Mommy, can you help me put them on? - she said handing the pair of fake purple pothara earrings to her mom.
_____: Sure! Come're
Black watched his partner as she helped their daughter, and then received a big hug from the girl.
_____: Well then, now open mine
Dahlia: Yay! More presents!
Little Dahlia opened the box her mom gave her, there was a big stuffed animal of her favorite... animal.
Dahlia: Mom! I adore it! It's really beautiful!
_____: I'm glad you liked it... Black, aren't you gonna say something to her?
Black: Yeah... happy birthday brat...
Dahlia didn't feel bad for the nickname, but she did a little pout. ____ noticing this, elbowed Black in the ribs.
Black: You shitty woman...
_____: Alright honey, I think you should get to bed. It's pretty late.
Dahlia: *yawn* Yes momma
_____: Do you want us to help you get ready for bed?
Dahlia: No, I'm a grown child, I can do it myself
_____: Hahaha... well then grown child, at least come here to say goodnight to your parents.
The girl approached the adults and said goodnight to both of them. After that, she went to her room and proceeded to sleep.
_____: Now mister, - she said approaching him from the back to start rubbing his sore muscles - do you mind telling me what bothers you?
Black: *huff* It's nothing...
_____ knew him too good to know that was a lie. And she knew what was happening. As the thought crossed her mind, she giggled.
_____: Seems someone wants attention... ow come here. - _____ moved from her place behind his back to the front of him, and gave him a hug burying him on her breasts. She heard Black giving a deep breath, and then hug her around the waist.
Black: Maybe... but hey, I have an idea.
_____: Hm? What's on your mind?
Black: Maybe so that she doesn't get all your attention and someone else can give it to her…
_____ thought on her own brother, Dahlia loved to pass time with him, maybe that was what Black was planning.
Black: We could give her a sibbling, or two... or more
Wait, what!?
Before _____ had a chance to say anything, she was already in Black's shoulder being carried to their bedroom.
This was going to be a long night... It's not like _____ would complain.
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