#and girl imma be honest that shit sounds Stressful!
chompe-diem · 1 year
shoutout to my discarded poll post for my followers asking whether or not i should watch crown of candy
#sigh bc on one hand theo is Really Intriguing To Me#and food puns??? fuck yeah#then on the other considerably larger hand#ive heard So Much about how Emotionally Taxing that season is. im p sure there was huge char discourse stuff amongst the fans as it aired#and girl imma be honest that shit sounds Stressful!#full disclosure it does not sound like something im looking for in my media consumption!#but also the fomo & the completionism (only IH szn i havent seen yet) and it does sound in a lot of ways like a genuinely compelling watch!#like it’s a lot of people’s favorite! the fact that it was such devastating watch implies that it resonated with viewers!#i think the only ih part/campaign i see talked abt as much as this one’s is f*h and arguably i might see less f*h posts#and i hear the lore is rlly good and the battle sets are fuckin awesome#like. it sounds like great content.#ive kind of been operating under the premise that i wont watch ac*oc ever and while Evidently i’m not unmovable on this concept#ive been sort of leaning very heavily that way since ive gotten drop*out#i backwatched all the ih campaigns in order and intentionally skipped it#ive been lightly back and forth on watching it bc again there are intriguing factors#but ultimately every time i consider it i end up deciding no it’s not worth it or at least no not today#however again the completionism and the fomo and also t*rw happening and general exposure over time to random tumblr posts w/ no context#but also it’s like. do i WANT to have context? do i want to have takes on this shit? do i want to submit myself to finally Knowing#at the cost of Also having very serious feelings on the very serious characters?
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beecherdrysdale · 3 years
Hehe hiii I’m writing this before I go on the treadmill lol.
Alright the screaming will be non stop- and I’ll be glad to make girls jealous lol. I am ready to distract some kids. “GO BRIGID!!!!” Yes we do have some vv hit friends esp you brigid, with dyl and Jamie 😏 the girls would be sooo jealous. Ryan and I bumping each other around will be a regular occurrence. Imao “not again...” yesss the boys are embarrassed but still hold onto each other! Hehe poor Quinners hand. Hmmm maybe I will make it up to him later 😏. Dyl would be a nervous wreck lol. I’d probably throw my sweater at him so that he can close his eyes, but he would still annoy me and ask every 5 secs “is she winning?” “How is she doing” “I can’t look” “this is too much for me to handle” and I chirp him so hard, but would understand because he really likes you :)
Ya right after shower etc. And we go out to celebrate the chirping restarts. I would have to many in my head. At the end of the day Jamie and dylan were amazing and you are proud of them. I’ll be sure to try squeezy applesauce!! Hehe I eat cliff bars between breaks but recently stopped because it took me forever to chew lol so now I just bring a banana to my matches. Brigid we should go to Costco together and ride in the cart- I would probably not bring the boys just cuz Costco’s huge and we would lose them hehe.
Yess team TRAMPLE GET READY. We promise not to damage your suit:) the girls would be jealous hehe.
Ig it is hard. But we understand. If me, you and kesh go to their games, would you sit across the rink or w us lol?. Cactus club is great, the food is très bien. Same w Cora! I’ll take you there !!
Imao people would be so confused on why I was crying but I just saw all of you 🥺 yay pls distract me while I warm up my hips w my resistance band lol. Nah it isn’t weird that you aren’t nervous. Look I’m a confident driver but that entire day was weird. It was summer and like an hour and a half before, I was getting my legs waxed lol and my legs were super slippery because of the oil they put on you after hehe. So first of all I was nervous all ready (shaking lol) and then in the car my entire seat was just so slippery, so that didn’t help and it was like plus 29. But anyways I passed, so ig going through that horrible experience was worth it. I’d probably make eye contact w y’all in between points and just burst out laughing but it’s ok. imao at the end I hit Ryan in the face w a ball. He would be mad cuz you start dying of laughter beside him and Jamie’s like panicking because he doesn’t know what to do and he just get you water. But you are still laughing . I’m down on the court also laughing and Ryan’s just trying to climb and get onto the court to chase me around hehe. Awww Quinner my bb, gotta give him my post match kiss. Ooo time to sometimes like I yell at the screen, but I could just see you being annoyed and yelling.
Ooo yes it’s getting semi spicy at Coachella. Dylan’s getting handsy 😏. Ya Jamie would just be glaring at Dylan’s back lol. And you’re just enjoying the view of Dylan’s hair and the performance lol. Oooo you can play w his hair. Aw thank u Braden for offering, I’ll take you up on that .but I can just see Quinner glaring at us too and getting flustered. He would get so annoyed hehe. I’m so oblivious sometimes, but I get down from bradens shoulders and go on yours lol. You can go on mine too:). meanwhile kesh is just in kirbys shoulders chilling and not even paying attention to what’s happening. Oo I’m not a big fan of makeup. I never wear it. I only have a clear lipgloss that I wear to events and sometimes I don’t even wear it lol.
Imma be honest we will probably not last very long on each other’s shoulders but It would be so cute if you are just watching one of the performances and Dylan or Jamie just come behind you and wrap their arms around your waist from behind and put their chins on top of your shoulder or head 🥺 and you are just swaying to the music with them .... Coachella is so fun at night according to the videos my bro has due to the lights and the fireworks that they release at night!! So you can kiss under the fireworks 🥰.
Our outfits would be amazing, like Brigid your hair would be so cute in Dutch braids!! Hehe yes the guys would look so hot, and not even try but just imagine being at Coachella w this team!! We gotta make sure we don’t forget sunscreen lol . And water, gotta hydrate !!
lol that’s fun, we love the treadmill. jk i hate treadmills, i feel like i’m not going anywhere when i’m on the treadmill and i can’t stand it. anywaysssss long post
lmao yes please distract my competition so i can win hehe. honestly it might work bc there are rarely hot guys in the stands at swim meets, so you never know. and then they would be like what are they doing bc you guys would be so chaotic up there lol. and everyone’s squeezing everyone else’s hand but pretending they’re not. “no we weren’t holding hands, what are you talking about?” and you’re just absolutely destroying quinner’s hand, so you have to make it up later 😏 and then dyl is just hiding his face in his hoodie, which make sure you wear a shirt under your hoodie ik i never do lol, but you’ll want one bc it is hot af at swim meets. like when you’re wet you feel cold, but in the stands it’s soooo hot. anyways dyl’s face is in your hoodie and he just asks how i’m doing every 5 seconds. “dyl just look yourself, i can’t tell it’s too close” and then he refuses to look so you chirp him lmao. but it’s ok bc then after i win we all have our epic trample hug lol. i love how it’s turned from a hug into just a huge trample lmao 
haha you and ryan preparing chirps the entire time i’m swimming and just saving them til after lmao. but it’s ok bc i’m just chilling with jamie and dyl who were surprisingly really good at keeping me distracted and getting me all of the food i need. yes try squeezy applesauce, i literally love it sm, like i have a strange addiction to it but it’s fine. oh yeahhh clif bars do take a really long time to eat, i kind of forgot about that. personally i’m a weirdo so i hate bananas unless they’re superrrr green. yesss that’s part of our vacay now (i mean we already had going to a store but it’s fine) and then we make the guys push us around in the carts lol. we’ll def lose them at some point, but yk what it’s fine we’ll find them eventually
haha it’s ok i can still sit with you guys, i’ll just be wearing a usa jersey. probably my 1980 o’callahan jersey i got for christmas bc i love it sm. yes please take me to get food lol
hehe yes everyone is confused why you’re crying and you’re just like i’m fine my friends are just here. yes ofc we’ll distract you from your warmups. oof that whole driving test experience sounds awful. anywayssss yes i could def see you making eye contact with us between points and just start laughing and whoever you’re playing is so confused. hehe and then you hit ryan with the ball and he’s mad at me bc i just start laughing, but then he gets over it and decides to go after you lol. meanwhile, jamie’s just like wtf do i do? and he’s trying to get me to drink water lol. and then ofc you give quinner a kiss. but just be warned if you’re not winning or it’s close and i’m stressed about the match i will start screaming at you lol
oooh yes coachella is gonna be so fun. hehe dyl getting handsy 😏 sorry jamie, i love you too bb, but you got to let me and dyl have our moment. and i’ll just be playing with dyl’s hair while we’re watching 🥰 meanwhile, you’ve taken up braden’s offer but then quinner’s jealous so you feel bad lol. so then we take turns on each other’s shoulders. and then kesh is just chilling on kirby’s shoulders oblivious to all the guys getting jealous lmao. but then later we’re just chilling standing there and then jamie comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder 🥺 and just swaying together to the music. that’s the softest shit. and kissing under the fireworks 😍 the literal dream. anyways yeah the only makeup i ever ever wear is mascara, but that’s hardly ever, but our outfits would be so cute. and we could do matching dutch braids! omg yes the guys would look so hot, but we have to bring sunscreen for our white boys. and yess water bc i’m always dehydrated
ily too 💗
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staliaqueen · 4 years
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bittersweet | 15
pairing: stiles stilinski x oc a/n: this is chapter is incredibly angsty, there’s so much angst, but it’s so much stalerie as well. the best moment between them so far honestly. I really enjoyed writing this chapter (guess I’m a demon?) and I can’t wait to see what you think about it. comment if this made you cry or not because if no one does Imma be a bit offended.  warnings: angst, sick parental figure, mentions of dead parental figure, mentions of cancer, themes of death and implied suicidal thoughts.  wordcount: 1178
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“What did you see the night at the bank when Scott was trying to save Deaton?” I followed dad through the hospital.
“Nothing,” he said. My surprise at his denial made me falter in my steps.
“Dad, you saw him healing himself after he tried crossing the mountain ash.” A few quick strides and I had caught up with him again.
“I don’t know what I saw.”
“You saw something that you can’t explain,” I insisted.
“Stiles,” dad finally turned to face me, “I have seen a lot of things that I can’t explain in this town. That doesn’t make them supernatural, and that doesn’t make them real. They just found another body. That’s real. And that’s the lead I’m following.” He turned away from me again.
“Dad,” my voice came out much softer this time, but it grew more desperate, “another teacher’s gonna die if you don’t start listening to me.”
His sudden tone took me aback. Dad looked around shamefully at the people who were now staring at us. Tears started pricking my eyes as I said:
“You just don’t believe.”
For a second, dad looked like he was going to respond, but instead, he turned back, walking towards the exit.
“Mom would’ve believed me.”
As expected, that made him halter in his steps, but I didn’t stay to see if he turned back or not.
Running a hand over my face and taking a deep breath, I tried my best to sort out my thoughts. I picked up my pace, hoping to relieve some stress, and when that didn’t work, I leaned against one of the walls, right next to a door.
Before another thought could even enter my brain, however, I heard a voice that  I recognized. It was coming from the other side of the door.
“Well, do you have the results?”
Furrowing my brows, I looked through the small window on the door and managed to match the voice to a person.
It was Mr. Thomas. Valerie’s dad.
It was unmistakably him. He had the same graying brown hair, the same old reading glasses, and the same scowl plastered over his face.
Mr. Thomas was standing opposite to a nurse, and Valerie stood next to him beside the hospital bed. She had that expression on. That mask. Like she was brave. Like she didn’t care. I had learned long ago not to trust that expression.
Valerie shifted and now I could see the woman lying on the bed. I had never seen her before, but I knew who it was.
Valerie really was the spitting image of her mother. They had the same button nose, the same freckles, face shape, mouth, they even had the same posture. Even while her mom was lying down, I recognized that Valerie moved exactly like her.
There were only two key differences. Mrs. Thomas didn’t have her daughter's blue eyes. In fact, both of her parents' eyes were brown. Though, in the light of recent events, I don’t think Valerie’s blue eyes had anything to do with genetics.
The other difference was their hair. I’m sure Mrs. Thomas’ hair would’ve been blonde, but I couldn’t see it. She was completely bald. And in a place like this, that could only mean one thing.
Suddenly it all made sense. All the times I’d seen Valerie at the hospital. The way her voice quivered when she asked Mr. Harris about the parent-teacher conference. It was because her mom was sick.
My breath hitched as I suddenly felt a huge wave of sympathy for the girl. God, I knew what this felt like. Long story short: it felt like shit. Pure, complete, all-consuming shit.
I was so overwhelmed with shock, sympathy, and misery that my brain blocked out all sound, and I couldn’t hear what the nurse told them.
But my vision was okay.
Valerie’s mask faltered, and just for a split second, I could see the disbelief, the misery, the desperation on her face before the mask slipped back on.
I knew exactly what that meant.
Valerie ran a hand through her blonde and purple hair and stormed out of the room.
She didn’t notice me at first, as she was busy running her hands over her face.
My voice was quiet and a bit hoarse, but she heard me. She turned abruptly at the sound of my voice. She could tell by my expression that I knew, and just like that, her entire facade fell. She knew she couldn’t keep this from me. She knew I could see through her. She knew I knew how it felt.
Tears brimmed her eyes and she sniveled. I recognized what she meant and opened my arms. It was then she allowed herself to fall apart.
She fell into my arms, clinging onto me hard. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as she shook beneath me, sobbing. Her tears stained my flannel, but I didn’t care. I just stroked her hair in a sad attempt of reassurance.
Valerie’s voice was muffled against my shirt, and her voice was soar from crying, but I still heard what she said next.
”When does it stop?”
She didn’t have to specify what she meant.
”It doesn’t,” I said honestly.
”Then how do you do it?” Her voice was clearer now, as she lifted her head from my shoulder, but that only made it worse. Because now I could hear the helpless desperation in it clearer than ever. ”How do you still get up in the mornings? How do you stay alive?”
That certainly was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it? It’s weird to think about, I lost my mom years ago, and yet no one had asked me that question.
I knew sugar coating this wasn’t what Valerie deserved. I had to be honest with her. Like I wished someone was with me.
”I don’t know. You just have to do it. There’s no moving on. Some things you can’t move on from. They’re not a part of the past, they’re a part of you. But you can move forward. That’s all you can do.”
I don’t know how long we stood there, but after a while, Valerie’s sobs started quieting down. She stilled, and soon all we were doing was hugging each other in the middle of a Beacon Hills Hospital corridor. No one disturbed us. This was a hospital, after all, this wasn’t anything unusual for them. Though it would be, I thought, if they knew Valerie and I.
The biggest reaction we got was sympathetic looks from passer-bys. If Valerie could see them, I had no idea. I couldn’t see her face, so I didn’t know if her eyes were open or not. It didn’t make a difference anyway. If she could see them, they wouldn’t help. I had first-hand experience with that.
The silence was finally broken by Valerie once again.
“I’m still mad at you,” she whispered. Contrary to her words, she gripped onto me even tighter.
I sighed. “I know.”
(not my gif)
taglist: @idontgiveahufflefuck64 @woyee
bittersweet taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @theholydestiny @1967-chevy-impala-called-roscoe @cherry-sweet-cherry @kingidols-blog @xceafh @purple286 @bilesxbilinskixlahey @chipster-21​ @profoundscissorshandsdiplomat @michellebarista​ @mey-rapp​
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chimie-chat · 5 years
The Big Book: A Roy Harper recovery fic
It was funny how a situation that should have been perfectly normal could suddenly be so stressful. A clink as glasses tipped against one another. The oh-so-familiar EDM bass beat that filled the air until it practically vibrated against his skin. The clammy feeling in the palms of his hands…
Roy took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to occupy his thoughts with literally anything other than the 1.75 milliliter bottle just on the other side of the table. His eyes were trained on the deep honey color of the liquid inside while his fingers traced the circle of condensation his own cup left behind on the vinyl tablecloth. 
Stop staring. Come on Harper. You can do this. He tore his eyes away, screwing them shut as he brought his cup up to his lips and took a sip of shirley temple. The artificial flavor of grenadine tasted way too sweet, but the bubble of the soda against his gums made him relax ever so slightly. That was the feeling he loved. Not exactly, but it was pretty damn close. Not a day went by that he didn’t imagine the ghost of beer fizz on his lips, but if he could mimic it, even slightly, then it made this shitty situation just that much easier. 
Living Sober, a book written by and for alcoholics, suggested keeping a sweet drink in your hand any time you would be near alcohol. Needless to say, ever since he managed to start this bout of sobriety, Roy had kept nothing but sugary drinks in hand at all times. His soda intake had gone through the roof. But hey. At least he wasn’t drinking.
He wasn’t drinking.
He wasn’t drinking. 
That would be great… If he wasn’t surrounded by people who were. It was some kind of get-together; a bad attempt at rekindling friendships between his former Titans team, his current Outlaws, and various other vigilantes in their age range. That was a lie. IT was just gonna be the Titans. At least, that’s what it started as. That’s what the plan was. To be perfectly honest, Roy hadn’t wanted to go at all. Did he like his friends? Sure. That was the word for it. They were like a second, third, and fourth family to him after all. But he knew them all too well. He knew that spending time with them would mean white knuckling it as they drank. Them pretending they were being conscious of his predicament while simultaneously clinking their shot glasses together. God he didn’t want to be here.
“So then Wally turned to the guy and saidー”
“No! You’re gonna do it wrong!” The speedster cut Dick off with a hand over the guy’s mouth. Wally. The only other member of this ragtag group that wasn’t some form of intoxicated right now. It wasn’t by choice though. No matter how much the man drank, his metahuman genealogy made it impossible for him to get drunk. What a lucky prick. “So I turned to the guy and saidー”
Roy took another sip of his shirley temple. 
“Hold on. I’m gonna go get another one.” Donna pushed up from her seat, and Roy couldn’t help but look at her face. The woman’s face always got a pink glow after she’d had a few. It was a sure tell that she was getting close to her limit, but everyone knew she wasn’t going to stop any time soon. She walked with her highball glass to the bar counter on the other side of the sleazy joint they were in and waved down the bartender. 
“Oh yeah. Another!” Dick reached for the bottle of gold Jose Cuervo and poured himself another shot. That was just like Dick. Always sloppy.
Still. Roy watched the tequila pour and couldn’t help but lick his lips. God he loved tequila. He remembered when he first started drinking, and would still pour salt on the back of his hand and bite into a lime wedge with each shot. When had he stopped relying on tricks to keep it down? When had it started going down like water? By the time he was about… Eighteen maybe? No. Probably seventeen. The ginger man felt a shiver roll down his spine. Right. That’s why we quit. Because it was too easy not to.
He reached for his pocket, opening up his wallet and peaking at the orange colored coin inside. Two months. Two whole months. He pulled it out slightly and reach the inscription on the back.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
The prayer played on repeat in his head like a broken record. He could do this. Just an outing with friends. He could do this.
“ーgrade, right?” 
It took a moment for Roy to realize someone was talking to him. “Huh?” He slipped his coin back into his wallet and looked up to find Lilith staring right at him from across the table. To be honest, he didn’t remember talking to this girl all that much. At least not recently. Not since she moved to the… Oh lord where had she moved to. West coast? That sounded right. Wow. He was a really shitty friend. “Sorry, what was that?”
“Lian. She’s in the first grade now, isn’t she?” The red headed girl swirled her straw through her strawberry daiquiri. 
“Oh uhー”
“She’s still in kindergarten.” The voice came with a weight leaning down on Roy’s shoulder, and the man didn’t have to look up to know exactly whose it was. Jason fucking Todd, hopefully here to save the day. 
“That so? How nice.” Lilith seemed to accept this, smiling over the lip of her drink, and for some reason not using to straw to take a sip. Why? What was the point of that? Using the straw made it easier to get straight to the rum that settled at the bottom of the glass.
“Hey Jaybird. Better late than never, asshole.” Roy smacked the guy’s arm away. 
“Hit some traffic.” The man just shrugged before dragging a chair away from another table and somehow fitting it between Roy’s and Donna’s. Probably for the better. “Didn’t realize yous guys would get the party started without me.”
“What? You think we’re just gonna wait for ya?” The archer did his best to flash a grin as he lifted his glass, tipping it back against his lips, only to find out that it was empty. So instead he pulled one of the ice cubes into his mouth and chewed on it. Ok. That worked too.
Jason eyed him for a second. “Want me to get you another?” 
“Nah, I’ll be fine.” Roy placed the glass down, tapping his fingers against the sides of it.
“Hold on a sec. Hey waiter!” Jason called out towards some poor, underpaid girl in a waist-apron. He waved her over. “Can we get anotherー Wait what were you drinking?”
Roy felt his nerves spike. He didn’t like announcing his prissy, sissy drinks to the world. He had this manly persona to keep up. Someone like him should be ordering a glass of whiskey. Someone like him should be getting ready to slam down another jägerbomb, then disappear into the bathroom to do a line of some sketchy shit he bought off some random guy in the parking lot. “The usual.” He muttered.
“Alright so Imma need a gingerale, and a shirley temple. Make sure to put a few extra cherries in there for me too, if ya could.” Jason rattled off the order without any need for clarification. Damn. This bastard really knew him too well. 
With the waitress gone ー he was oddly nervous about eavesdroppers ー Roy felt like he could relax again. “You’re not drinking?”
“Nah. I’m good.” Jason shrugged before stretching an arm over the back of Roy’s chair. It was casual. Nothing odd about it at all.
“Oh. Ok then.”
“Jayyy?” Dick’s slurred words interrupted. “When’d you get’ere?”
“I’ve been here this whole time.”
Roy couldn’t help but snort at the confused expression on the man’s face as he sincerely tried to remember whether or not Jason had, in fact, been with them since the beginning. Eventually, the acrobat just shrugged, and took a sip of some highlighter blue drink he’d somehow acquired. Well, Donna was back, so maybe she brought it for him. 
“Dick slow down.” Wally tried to grab at the end of the glass, but their drunken mess of a leader pulled it tight into his chest instead.
“No! I’m only on like…” They all watched as the man counted on his fingers, before holding up one hand. “I’m on drink seven. I’m fine!”
What a lightweight. Seven drinks was nothing. Roy needed bare minimum twelve strong ones. 
“What an idiot.” He heard Jason mumble. 
“Our fearless leader.” Roy dipped his fingers into his cup and pulled up another ice cube. If this is what he was stuck with, then that was fine. Damn. When was that new drink gonna get here?
Jason looked him over. “You doing ok?” The question was whispered.
There was a pause as Roy just let the ice cube melt on the top of his tongue. He sucked on it lightly, tasting the residual sugar that it must have picked up from the syrup. “Yeah. I’m alright.”
“Don’t lie to me, Harper.”
The stern tone in Jason’s voice made Roy chuckle and roll his eyes. “Yes Mom.” He looked off at the decorations on the wall of the pub, lifting his hands to adjust the cap on his head. He couldn’t quite decide if he wanted it to face forward or back, but he decided to settle on forward for now. “Yeah. I think I’m ok. I’m making it by at least.”
“Alright, man." 
They somehow integrated themselves into the conversation again, though it was mostly Jason making sarcastic comments on whatever trash left their increasingly drunken friend's mouths, while Roy stayed on the sidelines. The waitress coming back was the biggest blessing he'd had since sitting down. He immediately pulled one of four maraschino cherries out and popped it into his mouth, the cool gush of the juice kicking his senses back into gear. 
There were several moments where he thought of jumping into the conversation, and putting in his two cents. Instead, he leaned back in his chair, and thought about which AA meetings he could get to this week. As fun as the seven thirty am meeting was, it seemed like he would be out late tonight, so he probably wouldn't be able to get up for it. He could probably get to a noon meeting, but he really preferred the noon NA meetings. It's been a skinny minute since he's gone to NA actually…. Well he didn't really have anything to do tomorrow, so he could go to that, and then stick around for the four o'clock AA, and then pick up a Happy Meal for Lian for dinner. Yeah. That would work. She loved getting those toys too.
It wasn't until Jason tapped on the back of his chair that Roy realized he'd really let himself zone out. He frowned. That wasn't like him at all. He needed to be more active in the conversations; at the very least, crack some jokes. He listened in on Donna attempting to lecture the rest of their teammates on the buddy system, before he finally jumped back in. 
"Oh come on, baby. How much trouble could they get in?" He grinned, leaning on his elbows.
Apparently, this question caused some kind of horror, cause the star-spangled girl immediately looked at him in shock. "A lot, actually."
"Nah. They'll totally be fine." He waved her off, crossing his arms behind his head. Did he know the context? Not at all. Fake it 'til ya make it, am I right?
"Oh my god you really are all dumbasses." The woman hung her head in her hands.
"Uh hey. Don't lump me in with this." Jason frowned. "I'm not part of your little troupe."
"No you just stole Roy from us." Wally jabbed, pushing the now empty tequila bottle to the other side of the table. When did it get empty? Who drank it? Who drank the most tonight?
"This idiot? You can have him back any time."
"Ouch. Tell me how you really feel."
The chatter stayed pretty consistent, and for a while the archer was actually feeling quite comfortable. This was easy. Talking. He could do that. Now that drinks seemed to be done with, and they could all collectively agree to give Dick shit for how he was acting, this was all fine. Wow. Being sober was great. Going out with friends, knowing that he'd remember getting home? Amazing. Not googling the nearest ATM so he could get cash to blow on smack? Definitely saving the bank.
He could do this. This time, he'd make it work. This time he'd go through the steps, and rely on his sponsor when he needed it. He’d do a ninety in ninety, and collect those chips like they were Pokémon cards. He could build a display for them. He loved building things, and tinkering, and he’d been looking for a new project. He could make enough spots for a whole years worth. It would give him that bit of motivation he needed. 
He vaguely caught a whiff of a glass of wine being served at another table, and flicked his wallet open again to see the picture of his daughter he kept over his license. That right there was his main reason for keeping clean. That smile.
He had to do this.
“Dude, you ok?” Wally’s voice shook Roy out of whatever train of thought he’d somehow wandered down.
“Huh?” He rubbed his thumb back and forth over the photograph. 
“Idunnoman.” The fellow redhead shrugged, tipping his chair back on its hind legs. “You just seem out of it. Really weird too. You’re not talkin’ all that much either.”
“Um…” Roy pulled the lip of his baseball cap down over his face, and took a breath. “Yeah, man. I’m doing fine.” 
“You sure? Cause like, you just seem different andー”
“He’s the same as he always is.” Jason practically slammed ー well, loudly placed down ー his soda. The action itself wasn’t very threatening, but the glare that came along with it wasn’t one you’d want to be on the other end of.
For some ungodly reason, rather than just dropping it, this asshole just had to keep pushing. Man, fuck speedsters. Sure, Wally was one of his best friends, but like… Screw you, man. “But like… I dunno it just doesn’t really seem like you wanna be here.” He doesn’t. “Like you didn’t have to come, but since you’re here you could likeー”
“What?” Roy felt his face drop. No. No that wasn’t what he was thinking at all. “Dude, I was the one that suggested we get together in the first place.” It was his sponsor’s idea. Rekindling old friendships was supposed to help him relearn how to be social. 
“Not to start an argument here,” Oh god Donna not you too. “But I do agree that you’re acting different than you normally do. If something’s wrong, you know you can talk to us.”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Nothing’s wrong with you guys, but everything’s wrong with him. Roy felt his heartbeat picking up. Was he really that… weird? He thought… He thought he was doing so well…”
“You surー”
“Leave it.” Jason cut in again, this time a lot more forceful. Thank his Higher Power for this guy. Honestly? Where the hell would he be without this guy? The angry, warning voice came with a hand on Roy’s thigh, which he hadn’t realized was bouncing at about a mile a minute. It gripped, and Roy stilled.
“It’s fine, Jay.” He whispered, though he placed his hand down on top of the other’s. “It’s…” He took a deep breath. “Actually, can I go?”
Jason just nodded, instantly pushing his chair back. “It’s pretty late. You probably gotta pick Lian up from the sitter, right?” Thank you for making up an excuse. Thank you so much.
“Shit. You’re right.” He did his best to feign like he’d completely forgotten about that. He didn’t actually have to pick Lian up until the morning. He’d made plans just in case he fucked up tonight. She didn’t deserve to see him any kind of distressed, or under any kind of influence. She didn’t deserve to know her daddy was such a fucking mess. He looked back towards his friends, making sure to smile even though he really didn’t feel up to it. “Sorry guys. We should do this again next week though.”
“Totally!” Lilith jumped in with a smile. She was always nice. Wow. He seriously needed to talk to her more. At the time, it didn’t occur to him that she was a psychic, and could probably read the sheer distress that was rolling through him. No. That was something he wouldn’t realize until tomorrow. “I’ll make sure to keep my weekend free for you. Oh, could you bring Lian next time? I haven’t seen her in ages.”
Any excuse to think about his little Squeaker was an excuse to actually feel good. “I’ll send you a picture of something she drew a few days ago. I think you’d like it. Well uh…” He looked to Jason, who was pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket ー no wallet apparently ー and dropping it on the table. It was more than enough to cover both of their drinks. “Yeah. I’ll see you later.”
He vaguely registered a very drunken goodbye from Dick, and what sounded like Wally getting smacked ー he deserved it ー as he pushed his way out of the pub, his feet carrying him faster than would be deemed normal, but he wasn’t quite running, so that was probably fine? 
The cold night air filled his lungs when he stepped into the parking lot and it was… It was so much. The combination of finally able to release that tension from white knuckling it through the past few hours, and the shame of apparently being a bad friend made him just.... Men don’t cry. They don’t. They’re not supposed to, but right now, standing outside of a shitty dive joint he didn’t even want to go to in the first place, stuffing his hands into his armpits because of course he hadn’t brought a jacket, he could just feel the sting in the corners of his eyes; the pool, and the threat that this of all places was where he was finally going to break down, and… God he just… He felt so useless. 
Hinges cried out as the door opened and slammed shut, before a body was standing right next to him. He didn’t have to look up to know is was Jason. It was always Jason. Soon that slightly stained, definitely thrifted leather jacket that was so iconically him was being draped around Roy’s shoulders. First he felt the warmth. The smell of cigarette smoke came as he muttered his thanks, and adjusted the coat so his arms could be shoved into the sleeves. One of Jason’s hands dug through the jacket’s outer pocket, and pulled out a Marlboro box and an old fashioned zippo. The only sound between them was the repeated flicks of the lighter, before Jason took his first drag. “Want it?” He held it between them.
Roy looked at it, before shaking his head. “Stopped that too.” 
“Oh. Sorry.”
“Nah. It’s fine. You didn’t know.” He pulled at the collar of the jacket, and took a deep breath. “It was the easiest thing to quit.”
“I bet.” The cigarette was only half finished when Jason tossed it to the ground and snubbed it out with the toe of his boot. “I know you didn’t drive. Want me to take you home, or do you want to come back with me?”
Roy thought about it. Home would be empty right now. That didn’t sound great. Of course, Jay would stay if he asked. But they both knew who had the more comfortable bed. “Your place.”
“Cool.” A finger and thumb pinch at the hem of one of Roy’s pockets and gave a tug. “Come on. My bike’s over here.” 
Roy let himself be led. “Don’t you think a car would be smarter in this weather?”
There was a slight hum, though they both knew there was no way Red Hood would ditch his bike for a Honda Civic. The only reason Roy traded his out was because a carseat couldn’t fit on his Harley. “Nah. I think I’m good. ‘Sides. I got good tires.” 
Jason was parked on the other side of the lot, which was awfully far from the entrance to the pub, but really close to the road. He always did that. Closer to the road meant it was easier to get away. They did a lot of that; getting away. 
The second seat popped open, and Jay pulled out the ever-iconic Red Hood helmet, holding it under his arm as he held out a second, all black one out. “Can’t have your brains splatting all over the road.”
He couldn’t help the chuckle that left him. “Damn, how bad did your driving get?” Roy took the helmet and just… Stared at it. The tinted face shield would make it impossible for anyone to identify the wearer, but it still somehow caught a glare from a nearby street lamp. He felt himself frowning at it. “Hey… Jay?”
“Am I…” He swallowed. He didn’t actually know what question he wanted to ask. Words were never his strong suit. Action always worked best for him. Punching things, and shooting things, and… and… What else did he like? Maybe he didn’t need to ask a question right now. Actions. Doing things. Yeah. That’s what he needed right now. He needed to do something. Anything. Anything that would make him not think about the bees in his teeth. “Sorry. I’m being and idiot.”
“Hey. None of that.” Jason hung his helmet on the handlebars before stepping in and pulling the one out of Roy’s hands, placing it on the leather seat. Hands found their spot on Roy’s shoulders, squeezing them in a really awful massage, then traveled up to grip much more reassuringly at the back of the man’s neck. One pulled at the brim of Roy’s hat and twisted it around. “You’re doing great, Roy. You’re doing really great.”
He nodded, letting his partner step into his space. His head fell when thumbs rubbed into the tangles on the back of his neck. 
“Roy. Bud, at me.”
He shook his head.
Hot breath fanned over his face in time with the forehead that pressed against his own. The leather strap from his cap made it awkward, but neither man made any effort to move. “You’re going great, Roy. I’m so proud of you for getting through that.”
“I justー” The archer swallowed the lump in his throat. “I need it to stick this time. I can’t mess up this time.”
“You won’t.” Jason whispered. 
“How could you possibly know that?”
“Cause I know you, and you’re a hard ass.” It broke the tension just enough for both of them to give a slight laugh. Then, Jason pulled back, smiling as he looked into Roy’s eyes. “You can beat this. I know you can.”
Roy swallowed and nodded. He reached forward, gripping into that shitty, high-thread count polo shirt the other man was wearing. God he hated how that one piece of clothing probably cost more than his own full outfit. Every fiber of his being craved everything he couldn’t have. He craved the absolute lack of control and massive confidence boost alcohol gave him. He craved the clarity and creativity LSD opened his eyes to. He craved the euphoric rush of cocaine, and peaceful relaxation of weed. First and foremost, he craved the mellow, the “world is beautiful” feeling, the “life is worth living” feeling…. He craved just how fucking nice heroin was. Roy felt himself shaking, as he met Jason’s eyes, and he just knew what the pleading expression on his face looked like. A glance of blue eyes over his absolute mess of an expression, and he knew Jason had figured it out too. 
Lips pressed together, groundless and chapped, but enough to fill that last craving up. For now. Roy sighed and leaned in close, ignoring the voice of his sponsor in the back of his mind telling him just how stupid he was to be starting something with his best friend right now. No offence Waylon, but you’re an idiot if you don’t think this hasn’t been in the works for years, and an ass for trying to get him to stop now. 
“Better?” Jason asked, pulling back just slightly. 
Roy closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his senses filling with that cigarette smell that clung to his partner. “Not really. But thanks.”
“Is there a meeting tonight I can take you to?” A hand gently pushed the motorcycle helmet back to Roy. “Or I can take you in the morning. I’ll go with you.”
“Tomorrow…” Roy nodded. “I wanna go to my homegroup. It’s in Star City though.”
“Easy.” Jason grinned, and stepped back, grabbing his mask and throwing it on, before swinging a leg over his bike. 
“You sure?” For the first time in what felt like all night, Roy felt that stupid, broken smirk of his form on his face again. “The early bird meeting is at seven thirty.”
That seemed to make Jason pause for a moment. Bats weren’t exactly known for being early to rise. “I’ll make it work.”
“So difficult.” He took his cap off and jammed it into the inside zipper pocket of the leather jacket, then put his own helmet on, before hopping on the bike. He gripped at the strap of Jason’s belt, curling his fingers tight around it. He wasn’t about to be caught dead wrapping his arms around the dude’s waist. “Thanks, Jaybird. I mean it.”
The engine roared to life, and he shut his eyes, once again reciting the usual prayer in his mind.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
(treat me nice) never let me go [branjie] 2/15 - pinkgrapefruit
chapter 2. first things first imma say all the words inside my head
previous chapter 1.
A/N - Hi! Welcome back to Pretty Woman branjie style - in chapter one we saw our leading ladies meet each other - who knows what they’ll get up to this time. Special thanks to Frey and Linda (Qtip) for always being my heros/betas/favourite people and Meggie for being my grammar hero Let me know what you think and Enjoy!
Vanessa is lying on the floor, eyes transfixed on the show on the screen, when Brooke’s phone goes off. She shoots the Canadian a glare, far too comfortable in the penthouse now to take anyone interrupting ‘The Office’, and to be honest, Brooke almost understands - almost. She’d put on the series to try and smooth over any tension from the bathroom incident and for the most part, it seems to be working, the Latina sprawled over the expensive rug, head propped up on her hands, and mini-bar snacks left forgotten as she laughs and awws at every movement on-screen. It’s Brookes favourite show and it makes her a little fluffy inside to know that Vanessa likes it too (not that anyone needs to know that, she is an ice queen, she cannot let that façade drop).
She has to pull her eyes away from the girl, as the man on the other end of the phone demand for her to read a case file that’s about sixty cases away from being important right now. She sighs, pulls herself into a more upright position and tries to mediate the call with snippets of information she’s sure any idiot could find if they read the file instead of asking her to do the work for them. 
“You okay?” Vanessa mouths, a difficult feat as she tries to chew a chocolate strawberry. Brooke finds it endearing and she nods tiredly, rolling her eyes as the man on the other end of the line yells about business numbers in Japan - she knows exactly what he’s talking about, but finds more joy in being a little bit difficult.
“You?” she mouths back, an eyebrow raised at how at home Vanessa has made herself. 
The girl smirks, “Carpet picnic,” she replies as if that answered the question. It didn’t.
The sigh of relief Brooke lets out when the call ends is audible, and it makes Vanessa giggle a little bit. She visibly relaxes into the armchair, lets the cushions absorb the leftover stress. 
“You want a drink?” the brunette chuckles as she watches the other woman rake a hand through her hair, flipping the parting until the blonde strands cascade over her left shoulder.
“I’m high on life, can’t you tell?”
Vanessa’s laughing and, god, if it isn’t the sweetest damn noise Brooke has heard in a while. She moves chairs to be a little closer, a soft smile on her face, as she watches the girl. Vanessa must feel her eyes and mutes the audio, looking at her with a tilted head. Brooke makes the mistake of poking her tongue out, letting it wet her lips, because suddenly they’re dry as a bone. 
The shorter girl pushes herself up from the carpet and crawls slowly towards the chair, holding onto the arms when the reaches it. She gently runs a hand up one of Brooke’s legs, the woman tensing at the feeling of cold hands on her warm flesh. She allows Vanessa to manoeuvre her, wonders where this is going, although she has a vague idea by the girl’s heavy-lidded eyes and quiet smile. The girl removes her skirt and bodysuit slowly, teasingly - allows Brooke to focus on every inch of skin for a second or two before another is unveiled. She’s good at her job, there’s no question about it. She’s wearing a matching red lace bra and panty set, and the way it hides a little too much, but still absolutely nothing starts to drive Brooke wild. 
Vanessa leans forward, breath warm and heavy on Brooke’s neck as she unbuttons the silk work shirt that the Canadian is oh so fond of. She feels the lace of the bra grazing her lower abdomen as the girl pauses.
“What do you want?”
“What do you do?”
“Everything.” She smiles seductively, places a small kiss on Brooke’s left breast before moving, so her face is an inch away from Brooke’s. “But I don’t kiss on the mouth.”
Brooke smiles - confident, not cocky. “Neither do I.”
As Vanessa leaves a trail of hot, lip-gloss kisses down her torso, Brooke leans back on the chair, relaxing into the feeling. She is good at her job.
Brooke showers to wash off the feeling of dread that encompassed her the second she realised that she’d paid for sex. She’s not ashamed, she doesn’t have anything against sex workers, not at all, she just hates that she paid for something with someone she actually likes. Maybe. She’s trying not to think too hard about the girl asleep in her bed - knows that this is a hole she really can’t afford to dig herself into right now.
After being pummeled with scalding water for twenty minutes, she decides she’s clean of her various sins and wraps herself in a fluffy hotel towel, letting her long, wet hair fall down her back. She’s just checking her phones when she notices a mop of blonde hair on a lamp. Brooke smiles to herself, clocking what’s happened with a quiet laugh. She paces around the corner to the bed, and her heart grows in size when she sees the short girl, curled up topless, surrounded by a halo of dark chocolate hair. The blonde suited her, the angled bob giving her face a more chiselled look, but this - it looks right. She looks younger and more innocent - gone is any power she may have held in the thigh highs and the wig - this is the real Vanessa.
Brooke clambers into bed as smoothly as she can, trying not to disturb the sleeping woman beside her. She flips, so she’s not facing her, and tries to fall asleep (definitely ignoring the way the smell of girl’s coconut shampoo fills her with a heavenly feeling).
Brooke’s taking a call when Vanessa wakes up. The blonde is sat at the table, body covered in a black silk robe, and hair cascading down her back. She’s got a coffee in one hand, a phone in the other, and her half of the table is covered in books, files, and the remnants of salmon, avocado and egg on toast left unfinished on a plate in front of her. 
“I’ll meet Shuga for dinner tonight, it’s fine,” she says, low and full of conviction.
“Brooke, I really don’t think it’s a good idea for you to meet her alone. It could go really wrong,” comes the voice down the line, he sounds vaguely worried, although anyone could tell that he’s not worried for Brooke. 
The Canadian makes a humming noise, sips her coffee and pauses for a second, a mock consideration.
“Well, you know, there’s always a possibility things are gonna go wrong. That’s why I enjoy this so much.” She purses her lips and waits for a response, which doesn’t seem to be coming.
“Oh, by the way, Ru, about your car.”
“Oh, god. What?” She chuckles at the reaction she gets, can imagine Ru’s fear over his precious car.
“It corners like it’s on rails.”
Ru promises to make the dinner plans as soon as Brooke promises not to go alone - it’s a deal that will benefit them both and they both know it.
Brooke’s call finishes just as the shorter girl walks around the corner, and she watches as the Canadian visibly changes from ’work Brooke’ to ‘relaxed Brooke.’ She watches the way her shoulders loosen up and she clings to her coffee with a little less aggression.
The blonde looks up, smiles a warm, comforting smile and gestures for her to sit down. 
“Brown?” she asks in reference to her hair, eyebrow raised comically.
Vanessa nods uncomfortably but is quickly put at ease by how soft the taller woman is acting. There’s something quietly powerful about this Brooke, and she feels privileged to be able to witness it.
Brooke once again gestures to the spread of food taking up the not-case-covered side of the table.
“Are you hungry? You must be. Why don’t you sit and have something to eat? I, uh, took the liberty of ordering everything on the menu. I didn’t know what you’d like.”
Brooke rambles uncontrollably and Vanessa finds it endearing as she sits down, grabbing a danish pastry. She takes a bite before emptying six sugar packets and a tub of creamer into the black coffee waiting for her. When she sips it, she looks up to see the taller woman with a slightly disgusted look and almost snorts into the drink. 
“Oh, she’s a black coffee girl?” teases Vanessa and Brooke just laughs, feels the bitter taste on her tongue melt into something sweeter.
“So, did you sleep well last night then, Brooke Lynn?” the girl questions, mouth half-full of dough and eyes full of mirth.
She smiles, wipes a drop of coffee from the edge of her cup, before making a face indicative of a little sleep - not enough to feel rested.
“You don’t sleep, you don’t do drugs, you don’t drink, you hardly eat.” Vanessa reels off - still with a joking tone. ���What do you do, Brooke? ‘Cause I still ain’t sure.”
Brooke swivels in her seat to face the girl, eyes a little harder than they were a second ago and coffee left on the table. “I’m a corporate lawyer,” she answers, an air of finality in her words. Vanessa tilts her head quizzically.
“Which means…”
“I help companies buy other companies, mergers, finances, stocks - that shit.”
Whatever cloud took over the Canadian, it appears to leave when a cocky grin spreads across the Latina’s face. “I was right!” she exclaims, bouncing a little in her seat, and Brooke is inclined to attribute it to the ridiculous amount of sugar she’s piled into the coffee. 
“What kind of companies?” she asks after a short pause - choosing to pile more pastry into her mouth as Brooke sips on a protein shake the waiter brought in.
“Uh, I buy companies that are in financial difficulties.”
“If they have problems, you must get ‘em for a bargain, huh?”
Brooke didn’t expect her to be so interested - even her mother won’t listen to her talk about work at family dinners - speaking of, she should really call her. She adds it to her list of things to do, below ‘find this protein shake recipe’, but above ‘learn how to use twitter’. She almost feels bad, but she doesn’t.
“Well, the company I’m helping someone buy this week, I’m trying to get it for the bargain price of about one billion.”
Vanessa looks a little starstruck., “A billion dollars?” she asks, mouth opened in a mix of excitement and shock. She doesn’t quite understand how anything can be worth so much, never mind how the woman in front of her - looking awfully disarming at this point in time - could do that.
“Wow. You must be really smart, huh?”
Brooke chuckles in response, it’s warm and melodic, and reminds Vanessa of a Tampa beach. They both stand up, moving away from the table and Brooke walks into the bedroom. She half closes the door, and so Vanessa just waits outside - she doesn’t want to intrude.
“I only got through the eleventh grade,” she says, wistfully. “How far did you go in school?”
“All the way through, law school and everything.” It’s muffled, and then Brooke walks back out - wearing burgundy slacks, a crisp white button-down and a matching blazer. She has a tie dangling around her neck and curses lightly as she tries to fasten all the buttons.
“Your folks must be really proud, huh?” She watches as Brooke clamps up again, feels like she hit a nerve - knows she did. Brooke sighs and Vanessa moves on.
“So what do you do with the companies once you buy them?”
“I sell them.” She struggles with the tie and after redoing it twice, Vanessa beckons to her.
“Let me do it,” she requests, although they both know she’s not asking. “So you sell them,” she leads on, tries to distract herself from how close they are, how she can feel Brooke’s hot breath on the top of her head.
“Well, I - I don’t help sell the whole company; I break it up into pieces, and then sell that off - it’s worth more that way.”
“So it’s sort of like, um, stealing cars and selling ‘em for the parts, right?” She sticks her tongue out in concentration - remembers tying ties on her brothers back in Florida.
Brooke exhales a laugh, but it comes out a little more breathy than she would have liked. “Uhuh, but more legal,” she replies.
She pats the tie when it’s done, a strange look of adoration in her eyes. Brooke smiles - she wants to ask where Vanessa learned to do that - it’s fascinating to her how multifaceted this girl is. 
“Mind if I take a swim in your tub before I go?” she asks, hopeful - and who’s Brooke to deny that?
“Stay in the shallow end,” she banters back before slipping on her heels and running to her now ringing phone. Ru’s on the other end and she curses herself for getting so caught up in, in - she catches herself before she can think of an end to that thought. She answers the phone.
“Hello? Look, Ru, I’m just running out the door.”
“I just wanted to let you know, Shuga is all set for tonight.” Brooke lets out a sigh of relief she didn’t know she was holding, but immediately regrets it.
“She’s bringing her protegee, the one she’s grooming to take over.”
“Ah, yes,” She knows who Ru is talking about - can’t tell if she’s happy or scared by the information. “Very intense young woman named Yvie. She plays polo.”
“Look, I gotta say this again. I don’t like you goin’ alone,” reminds Ru, the tone is a warning, but the sentiment is more concern. Brooke would be grateful if she really cared what he thought, if his words didn’t feel a little like paper cuts rather than constructive notes.
Brooke ponders this for a second, unsure of the path to take. She wants to tell him she’ll be fine on her own - because she would be, her mama didn’t raise someone who was scared of a woman who plays polo - but she understands that strategy dictates she take backup. You don’t bring a knife to a gunfight, and Yvie is a gun ready to go off. 
In the midst of this, she hears a woman’s voice, softly (but very enthusiastically) singing. It’s coming from the bathroom, and whilst conceding to Ru over the phone, she moves to stand in the doorway. Vanessa is having the time of her life in the bath - eyes closed like she’s in a spa or on a beach somewhere - Brooke assumes she probably thinks she is. The song becomes more obvious as she reaches the chorus and begins to sing (if you can call that singing) Janelle Monae at the top of her lungs. 
It’s like I’m powerful with a little bit of tender
An emotional, sexual bender
Brooke has to stop herself from bursting into laughter down the phone, as her boss witters on about procedures and other things that she’s memorised way before now. She’s too focused on the brunette in her bath to really give a damn.
“Who is that?” asks Ru down the line, and it takes Brooke a heck of a lot of restraint not to say anything incriminating. 
“My waiter is singing,” she replies, hopes he can’t tell how she’s smiling.
That’s just the way you make me feel
“Look, Ru - I know a lot of nice girls,” she says, looking straight at Vanessa, who still hasn’t noticed she’s not alone.
“No, you don’t.”
She sighs, runs a hand through her hair that she’d left out of a restrictive bun today.
“You just concentrate on finding out what Cain is up to. I’m on my way.” She hangs up.
Moving back over towards the shorter girl, she taps on her shoulder (the one not submerged in enough bubbles to entertain an entire kindergarten).
“That’s just the way - “ Vanessa stops with a start, slowly removes the headphones from her ears and tries to regain any of the dignity she’s just lost. “Don’t you just love Monae,” she quips.
“More than life itself,” Brooke deadpans back, pulling over a chair, so she doesn’t have to kneel in the trousers she’s wearing.
“Don’t you knock?”
“Vanessa,” Brooke starts - calm and coolly confident. “I have a business proposition for you.”
The girl sits up in her bath, bubbles barely conserving her modesty, and Brooke feels like she’s invading some sort of privacy, even though the girl made her forget her own name with just her mouth last night.
“I’m going to be in town until Sunday, and I’d like you to spend the week with me.” 
There is no wobble in her voice that suggests uncertainty, she is collected and knows what she’s doing - this is Lawyer Brooke, there is no doubt.
“Really?” The other girl squeals in excitement and the blonde laughs with her.
“Yes, I’d like to hire you as an employee, would you - would you consider spending the week with me?” She laughs again to try and hide some of the awkwardness she is feeling. “I will pay you to be at my beck and call.”
“Look, I’d love to be your ‘beck and call girl’.” Vanessa smirks as she teases. “But you’re a rich, good-lookin’ gal, I’m sure you could get a million girls free.”
“I want a professional,” she replies simply. “I don’t need any romantic hassles this week.”
“If you’re talkin’ 24 hours a day, it’s gonna cost you,” the brunette bites back (there’s no sharpness behind it).
“Oh, yes, of course!”
“All right, here we go.”
“Give me a ballpark figure. How much?” Brooke would pay anything - money isn’t an issue here, but she likes the dynamic they have going. 
 “Six full nights, days too. - Four thousand.”
The Canadian raises an eyebrow at her boldness, she’s impressed, but she’d rather not show it. “Three hundred times six is eighteen hundred.”
“Well, you want days too.”
“Two thousand,” she raises.
“Three thousand.” Brooke gives in there, they could continue all day, but there’s no real point.
“Holy shit!” Vanessa exclaims, smiling at her like she hung the stars in the sky - she lets out a loud whoop before sinking under the bubbles. The other woman just laughs.
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The Weekend {Byun Baekhyun}
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Requests Open || Smut Game 1 || Smut Game 2 || Smut Game 3 || Smut Game 4 || Smut Game 5 || BTS Masterlist || GOT7 Masterlist || Monsta X Masterlist
Prompt: Song 
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Word Counts:
Warning: Infidelitiy, hook-ups, 
**First song fic I’ve ever done so if it’s not set to the cliche format...sorry!**
“How you want me when you got a girl?”
Baekhyun watched you from across the room, his arm slung over his girlfriend’s small shoulders. She was going on about something, something he really didn’t give an honest shit about. He drawled his tongue over his bottom lip, eyes moving down your form. You were everything his girlfriend wasn’t, he was all about body positivity and all but his girlfriend reminded him of plank from that child’s show Ed, Edd n Eddy whilst you were filled out in all the right places. A few weeks ago, he never would’ve thought he’d be attracted to a foreigner, well that was until he saw you. You were as the Americans said ‘thick’. You were currently wearing a red long sleeve crop top with a black skirt that came down to your knees, usually, he’d frown at skirts that long but you had pulled it up just enough to show a sliver of skin between the bottom hem of the shirt and the hem of the skirt. He hummed in an appreciation at the look. Your smile was perfect and your laugh floated toward him and he wished it were him making you laugh. Speaking of smiles all Baekhyun could really think about was your lips wrapped around his cock and he knew he shouldn’t have such thoughts while his girlfriend was beside him but with her endless rambling he couldn’t help but imagine her lips wrapped around his cock too, whatever it took to get her to shut up. “Baek! Baek!” Snapped his girlfriend, literally snapping her fingers in his face. He growled under his breath and pushed her hand from in front of his face, having to look away from you.
“Yes?” He sighed and she pouted, crossing her arms.
“Did you even hear anything I said?” He heard it but did he listen, no.
“Yes, yes of course.” He weakly smiles, weakly kissing her, she places her hand on the back of his neck trying to deepen the kiss but Baekhyun purses his lips, pulling away. She whines, and Baekhyun rolls his eyes looking back in your direction to find that you were gone. Fuck. He thought. His mind rolling back to the thought of you somewhere in the club on your knees sucking his cock.
“Gettin' all in your love,”
You don't exactly remember how it happened or what was said but the last clear thought you had was being pushed against your bedroom door, lips hurriedly finding yours again after having lost them in the process of pulling your shirt over your head. Baekhyun smirked against your mouth, his tongue pushing against the seam of your closed lips. You part your lips with a soft gasp, eager to feel his tongue in your mouth. Your fingers pulled at the collar of his black button up, and you whine into his mouth, ripping the shirt down the middle. You smile at the sound of the buttons hitting the floor. You push the shirt off his shoulders, pulling away from the hot kiss to connect your lips to a random patch of skin along his jawline. He moans at the feeling of your lips against his skin, his hands skimming over the sides of your body, pulling you into him. You place wet, hot, open-mouthed kisses along his jawline. His hands pull at your skirt, deciding to pull it over your head as well. You break away from his to let him do it, revealing your white laced panty set to him. His waggles his brows and you chuckle placing a hand on his chest, pushing him a little, his shoulders jerking. He gets the memo and backs toward the bed. You place a hand on his shoulder and push him down, he sits on the bed. His eyes are hungry and darkened by lust. You smile down at him, your stomach flipping at the way he looks like he's ready to ravish you, his tongue flicking over his lips. It was a feeling you've been needing.
“I don't care long as you're here by 10:30. No later than, drop them drawers. Give me what I want.”
You sighed, looking at your phone, it was 10:42 and Baekhyun had texted you half an hour ago, asking if it were okay for him to come over. You were still laughing at the audacity of the question, that boy knew the routine, here, at your house on the weekends by 10:30 which is why you were confused by his lateness. You were snapped out of your thoughts by a loud knock on the door. You jumped up, excitedly rushing to the door, fixing your hair before opening the door. You put on a bored expression, softly smiling when he rushes into your apartment, he wasn't afraid to appear too eager. "You're late," you tsk at him, clicking your tongue in disapproval. Baekhyun sighs, running his fingers through his hair. You close the door, locking it, "Why are you late?" It was so unusual he was usually always on time. He could hear the slight worry in your voice, and he bound toward your, picking you up into his arms. You wrap your legs around his waist, giggling at the abrupt affection.
"That bitch wanted to throw every question in the book at me, guess it's cause she found these." He tilts his hand to the side, revealing his bruised neck. You squeak, apologizing. He shrugs, sitting down on your couch. You straddle his waist, teasingly dragging your barely covered over his bulge. "I love it when you mark me," Baekhyun smiles, settling back against the couch, his hands moving to settle on your hips. "The feeling of your mouth, hot, against my skin." He bites the tip of his tongue, his eyes falling down to where you were rubbing yourself against him and when they come back up to meet yours, your knees buckle.
"Fuck," Baekhyun chuckles, loving how you tried to put up a dominant front only to crumble with a simple look.
"What do you want princess?" Baekhyun softly whispers, beginning to aid you in moving your hips along his.
"You," You mewl, feeling your panties stick to your slick core, and you could feel yourself getting wetter second by second.
"What were you waiting for princess?" You bite the tip of your tongue, eyes gleaming as you look down at him.
"Your cock,"
"You're like 9 to 5, I'm the weekend. Make him lose his mind every weekend."
"Baek," You hummed, wrapping your arms around his waist. "You're so tense," You turn him around, standing on your tip toes, placing your lips against his, softly smiling into the kiss. "Let me help you relax." You push him against the counter, hand trailing down his body, groping his bulge. "I hate that she stresses you out so much." You pull at his belt, loosening it around his hips, before dropping to your knees. Baekhyun can't help but moan at the sight of you dropping everything to help him relieve his stress. Your fingers hook in his briefs, pulling them down his legs as well. His cock springs to attention and you giggle, wrapping your fingers around his cock. You lean in, tongue flicking across his leaking slit, collecting the salty extractions. You take his tip into your mouth without second thought, eagerly sucking on him like a lollipop. Baekhyun grasped the edge of the counter, bucking his hips into your mouth, eyes fluttering closed at the feeling of you gagging around him.
"Fuck!" He whimpered, grabbing the back of your head, guiding you on and off his cock. "That feels so good, so fucking good." You swallow around him, wanting to completely take his mind off of his girlfriend. He scratches his nails against your scalp in appreciation, letting you know you were doing exactly what you had intended to do. You slack your jaw and let him set his own pace. You run your tongue along the underside of his cock, eyes fluttering shut as you lose yourself in the way his cock feels on your tongue. You slip your hand in-between your thighs and he shakes his head no, "Not yet baby, Imma take care of you after you take care of me..." It took him a minute or two to get the words out, the occasional moan and whimper slipping from his swollen lips. "How pissed do you think she'd be if I sent her this picture?" Baekhyun chuckled, looking over at his phone on the counter, "God I want to send her this picture so bad," He picked up his phone, his mind racking over the possible outcomes to when he finally realized he didn't care. He opened his phone, opened their messages and took the picture of you swallowing his cock. He sent it to her with the attachment, 'no one can do it better than she can,'
"Monday and I'll be at your door. Ready to take her place. Ready to give you, what you've been missin' on weekdays."
You knocked on the door, biting your lip as you looked around. Bakehyun had texted you about an hour ago, asking you to meet him at his house at the current time. You were confused by the request seeing as the two of you usually met at your apartment but had no obligations. The door is hastily swung open, revealing the angry face of Baekhyun's now ex-girlfriend. You're shocked to see her and she can tell by your 'o' face. "So you're the famous Y/N?" You didn't know what else to say so you just shrugged, slowly nodding. "The girl that's been sleeping with my man?" You continue to slowly nod, not expecting to feel this bad, finally facing her. "Well congratulations, you've won a dickhead. Bye!" She carries on, a couple bags in her hands, she was being kicked out.
"Baekhyun?" You call out, stepping into the apartment. He turned the corner with a bright smile on his face.
"Hi," You point back to the door,
"Hi. What the hell was that?" Baekhyun clasps his hands together, eyes gleaming with hope.
"I broke up with her and kicked her out, there's someone else I want and I'm tired of living the double life." He bounds across the living room, wrapping his arms around your waist. He lifts you into the air, spinning you around. You can't help but mirror his smile but at the same time, your mind begins to flood with questions.
"Well, I'd love to be yours and all but how do I know you won't find a girl for the weekends? Find another me, well girl like me because let's be real, there's no other me." Baekhyun rolls his eyes at your rambling and grabs the back of yoyr neck pressing his lips against yours.
"Like you said, there's no other girl like you and I only want you..." You smile, but roll your eyes at the cheesiness,
"Fine then, I'll be yours." You smile, planting another kiss to his awaiting lips.
I was going to make her say no but I don’t do angsty endings soooooo miss me with that shit.
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1: 6 of the YouTubers you watch the most? Probably Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, PewDiePie, MattShea, paulsoaresjr, and literally every account with chickens on it. 2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Markiplier, hands-down. 3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. 4: What do you think about most? My life after college, I guess. Or chickens. 5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? "Orange daddy puff whyyy" 6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? With, but, like, tank tops and shit. 7: What's your strangest talent? A while back, I did magic in a banana costume for a talent show. Oh, and I can play the recorder with my nose. 8: Girls... (finish the sentence); Boys... (finish the sentence) Girls matter just as much as boys do. 9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? Haha, nope. 10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? Air guitar? Nah. I'm a bigger fan of the air piccolo. 11: Do you have any strange phobias? Can't remember what it's called, but that thing where you don't like holes bunched together, like a wasp nest and stuff. 12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? Skittles. Turns out, doesn't work as well as eating through your mouth. 13: What's your religion? I don't consider myself anything, really. I don't know, and probably won't know where we go, if we go, when I die 'til I die. 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Probably taking pictures like the white piece of shit I am. 15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Usually behind it. 16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Does Ninja Sex Party count? 17: What was the last lie you told? I don't lie often. "I don't lie often." 18: Do you believe in karma? Hell yeah! 19: What does your URL mean? It came from a comment on Wattpad, something about your favorite flavor booty. I started to go for pineapplebooty, but it was taken, so I went for toastedmarshmallowbooty. 20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? My weakness is Nutella, my strength is how much I can eat it how fast. 21: Who is your celebrity crush? Ugh, Laura Prepon, hands down. That woman is sexy as FUCK. (Yeah, I'm gay.) 22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nope, praise the Jesus. 23: How do you vent your anger? Fuck shit up til I calm down. 24: Do you have a collection of anything? Neat leaves. 25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? FaceTiming. 26: Are you happy with the person you've become? Eh, I'm alright I guess. 27: What's a sound you hate; sound you love? I don't like the sound of chewing/ metal on metal, but I love the sound of chickens clucking. It reminds me of my grandparents' farm. 28: What's your biggest "what if"? What if my cat is plotting to kill me, and how the hell would I even know? 29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and yes. 30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Right arm: a pillow. Left: my cat. 31: Smell the air. What do you smell? Spring!!! 32: What's the worst place you have ever been to? Ugh, this motel we had to stay at on the way to Orlando. I had to sleep with one eye open. There was a lot of screaming/yelling in the room over, and I saw several roaches. 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East coast. 34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Gross, men. 35: To you, what is the meaning of life? I don't know, I guess chickens. 36: Define Art. Hate to be that guy, but pretty much everything. 37: Do you believe in luck? Yeah, short answer. 38: What's the weather like right now? Too damn hot for winter. 39: What time is it? 6:27 PM 40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Not much and no. 41: What was the last book you read? Bad Kids, it's a book on Wattpad. 42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? YESSSSSS! 43: Do you have any nicknames? Not really, if we're not counting my Wattpad and Tumblr username. 44: What was the last film you saw? The Bee Movie 45: What's the worst injury you've ever had? Thankfully, I haven't had any serious injuries, knock on wood. But I do have a tendency to fall down stairs, so it's probably coming. 46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? YES AND IT'S AMAZING. 47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Orange Is The New Black and Stardew Valley, currently. 48: What's your sexual orientation? Fabulous. ❤️💛💚💙💜 49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? Yes, several. 50: Do you believe in magic? I'm not sure what the question means, but sure, yeah, why not. 51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Yes, too many. I'm like a blonde Soup Nazi. 52: What is your astrological sign? LEO! 53: Do you save money or spend it? Usually save, and then spend all at once once I've saved enough. 54: What's the last thing you purchased? A new cage for the rats. 55: Love or lust? Love, 8/8 that's great m8. 56: In a relationship? Nope. 57: How many relationships have you had? Zero, as far as I can remember. 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Yep. 59: Where were you yesterday? In Stardew Valley. 60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes, my socks. 61: Are you wearing socks right now? Yes, they're pink. 62: What's your favourite animal? CHICKENS. 63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? People like me? Wow! 64: Where is your best friend? Probably on Tumblr rn too. 65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. I just started, so there's only one I can REALLY remember, and that's chickenhugs. It's too pure for its own good. 66: What is your heritage? Swedish, Irish, Dutch, and Scottish, mainly. 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Writing friendfiction. (It's called Don't BOther, and it's on Wattpad, if you want to read it.) 68: What do you think is Satan's last name? Imma guess Mr. Satan. 69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Nope, but I've heard it can reduce stress. I use tea for that, so there's not really a need. 70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Fuck no. 71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Screw McDonald's, get the dog!!! 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? I don't like to think about that, so Imma be a loser and not say any more on that subject. 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. Trust, you can't have love without trust, so what's the point of it? 74: What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? The Orange Is The New Black theme song. 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? dick 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust and happiness on both ends. 77: How can I win your heart? Be Laura Prepon. 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? I mean, Gary Busey told me yeah. 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Existence... 80: What size shoes do you wear? 6 1/2. I'm a smol child. 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? "Told you so." 82: What is your favourite word? Perkele 83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. The Lion King 84: What is a saying you say a lot? I'm an idiot. 85: What's the last song you listened to? 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing,' by Set It Off 86: Basic question; what's your favourite colour/colours Indigo 87: What is your current desktop picture? Harambe. 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Trump, hands down. 89: What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on? Literally anything about death. 90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do? Wake up. 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Coca-cola shoots from my wrists at will, and I can teleport from alternate universe to alternate universe. 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? The time I first met my rats. ❤️ 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Hearing that Pharrel Williams song, 'Happy' 94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? I'm asexual, sorry guys. 95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? To the universe where Laura Prepon is my wife. 96: Do you have any relatives in jail? They were bailed out recently, but yes. 97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? Far too often. 98: Ever been on a plane? Yes, but only a few times. 99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? "AHEM!... ya like jazz
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