#and go through the pain of being a better person just FOR that pain because that's all they deserved
nothorses · 2 days
You've made a lot of really great posts about transmasc experiences and struggles, and they really resonate with me! So I guess I want to in complete earnest ask: why the push for 'transandrophobia' when anti-transmasculinity as a term has been around for longer and faces little friction by comparison? I don't really *dislike* transandrophobia, but its meaning gets muddied everywhere from different directions, while ATM is pretty direct and succinct I feel. It's very clear that it's about TRANSmasculine oppression. I'm not against having a dedicated term at all, but the content of our struggles gets lost in the weeds of attaching kind of understandably divisive terms like misandry and androphobia in an attempt to mirror a phenomenon very specifically about misogyny; it seems more trouble than it's worth considering ATM is right there
I'll be honest, this ask is confusing to me for a few reasons.
When I started talking about transandrophobia around the summer of 2020, the conversations I was encountering were very much, like, a handful of people across Twitter and Tumblr (literally, a handfull!). I picked up "transandrophobia" because it was one of two words I saw in use, and the other- "transmisandry"- felt much less clear and much more contentious. It seemed super obvious to me that people would draw a line from "men's rights activists" trying to push this idea that "misandry", as a systemic oppression of men by women, to "transmisandry", and assume some ill intent where there was none. It's confusing!
"Transandrophobia" was the better of two options being floated at the time, at least in any conversation I saw. "Anti-transmasculinity" was not really a term I'd been made aware of, if anyone at all was talking about it at the time.
I have seen people pick up "anti-transmasculinity" more recently (maybe in the last year?), and this is definitely the first I've seen someone shorten it to "ATM". The people I've seen use that term have been mostly people who seem really new to the conversation, and the vibe I've gotten has been very, like, "we're the Good Transmascs, our word isn't dirty and gross like those other Bad Transmascs everyone hates. you'll listen to us now that our word is Good and Pure, right?"
Which is like... kind of frustrating, and kind of sad, honestly. I think these people honestly believe that if they just choose the right word, all the people who've been dragging me and every other transmasc talking about these issues through the mud for the last 4 years or so will really just stop & listen. If they can just say it right, these people- who have been relentlessly harassing and spreading lies about every single transmasc who came before them for years now- will care what they have to say, and will be willing to engage with them in earnest, compassionate dialogue.
If you just find the right word, all of these people will care about your hurt, your pain, and the suffering of your community.
It kind of breaks my heart. It's an incredibly hopeful, kind, loving way to view the world. It's compassion and patience and forgiveness that these folks are not being given, but that they so badly want to offer to others.
And at the same time, it sucks to be the Bad Transmasc. It sucks to have fought so hard for so long, and for the people I've been fighting for all this time to turn around and say, "you're gross, and dirty, and evil, and everything you've done is a mistake." It sucks to see the people I've been fighting for agree with the people I've been fighting against, and shove me under the bus in an effort to appeal to the people running me over with it. Knowing that the bus is going to aim for them once it's done with me just makes it sadder, yknow?
@saint-speaks wasn't the first person to ever speak the word "transandrophobia", but he is the one who coined and popularized it in its current form. And then he was dragged through the mud so hard and so brutally that some people think I coined it, just because when I defended him (too little and too late, imo) I withstood the mud-dragging better than he did (and gee, I wonder white.)
And now people take for granted that everything everyone said about hymn to justify that frankly fucking evil harassment campaign was true, actually, and we should abandon the word he coined and find one with purer origins.
If you honestly think "anti-transmasculinity" is just a more practical word, that's fine. I don't care what word we use. But they're going to cover it in mud, too. They're going to cover every one of you in mud.
Will you keep fighting for "ATM" once they make it the new dirty, gross, bad, evil word? Will you keep fighting when they drag you and everyone else through the mud for using it? Or will you agree with them, make up a new word, and never look back?
Please don't let us drown in the mud. We've been fighting for you, and we want to fight with you. Please.
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sehtoast · 3 days
At Heart (Ryan Butcher, parentified!OC)
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ben being a parent, ryan deserved to be hugged and held for this one, ben will be getting him a new milkshake btw, spidersona oc | Fic Directory
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The web-head all but nearly shatters the balcony door rushing inside.
While not particularly cut from the cloth of parenthood, Benjamin has grown to see Ryan as his own more than he ever knew was possible.  So when faced with the sight of him sobbing on the couch, of course he went into overdrive.
“Hey, woah!” Ben rattles as he tears the mask from his head and plops down beside the boy, a hand placed on his shoulder to gently shake him from his woe. “Ryan, hey– what’s– what happened?”
Ben’s answer is the boy throwing himself forward to hug and bury his face in his shoulder, crying as he explains it all.
He killed another person.
That fucking scripted save– Vought’s ridiculous insistence that the boy become their next hero to market to the world.
“K-Koy’s dead because of me! S’my fault again!”
Ben was familiar with Koy.  The stunt director always liked him, always loved when the bug would string a few webs from the ceiling to let him toy with during his own rehearsals.  It’d been so long since he’d seen him; public footage of his saves had been more than enough for Vought to let the bug off the hook.  And now…
“Fuck…”  Ben  sighs.  “Ryan–”
“He brought me a milkshake and took it because I– Dad said– he said I shouldn’t care…”  He hiccups.  “T-That they’re toys for us to b-break. N-now he’s mad at me and–”
Of course he is, Ben thinks to himself as he pets through Ryan’s hair. Because he’s not sure why you’d show empathy to the people who’ve always broken him.  But you don’t know that…
“W-Was my mom just a toy too?”
“No,” Ben shakes his head, sighing dejectedly. “No, your mom wasn’t a toy.  No one is– your dad…”  He swallows thickly.  “He–”
“Hates me–” He chokes through sobs.
“Damnit, Johnny…” Ben mumbles.  He loves that man like nothing else, but sometimes he really had a way of fucking up.  The bug pulls back from Ryan, hands grasping his shoulders to hold the boy steady.  “Your father doesn’t hate you.”
“He doesn’t want me either–”
“Ryan.  Look at me.”  He shakes him softly, brows knit with worry.  Doesn’t want you either?  “He just doesn’t know how to help you.  I’m not saying he’s right for saying what he said, don’t get me wrong, just… he literally doesn’t know what to do.”
“I don’t know what to do!”  Ryan shouts, gripping tight to Ben’s wrists, eyes suddenly going wide when that near silent wince rang through his ears.  He loosens his hold immediately. “I don’t– I can’t–” Heaving breaths through the panic. “I’m sorry–”
“I know…”  The bug murmurs.  “I know.”
Truthfully, what could he possibly say?  That it’d all get better?  He couldn’t guarantee that.  Should he tell the boy not to stress about the damage he’s caused?  Absolutely not.
All he can do is hug him close and let him cry it out, shh-ing him and rocking from side to side.  Benjamin wishes more than anything that he could know what Becca did for the boy when he was so utterly devastated.  Hell, maybe she never even had to do something like this– at least not for this magnitude of agony.
There’s no manual for this.
At least when the sniffling stops, Ben feels like he’s done something right.  Granted it only stopped because the boy cried himself to sleep, but…
It’s something, right?
He carries Ryan to his bedroom, up the stairs and to the left.  It used to just be a storage room before the boy came about, then John had it converted to be everything he’d ever wanted when he himself was a child.  Benjamin tried to explain, but… it just never clicked.
Gently, Benjamin places him onto his bed, snagging the nearest throw blanket to drape over his form.  Even asleep, the kid looks exhausted– and rightfully so.  He doesn’t deserve any of this. The pain, the sorrow, the guilt.  Ryan’s just a boy who’s been through far too much.
Not terribly unlike his father.
The bug sighs dejectedly, knowing there was a conversation to be had with his boyfriend about consoling the kid.  Homelander will get defensive, spiteful, angry– he’ll feel attacked right off the bat.  He’s trying, but he’ll never get it right if he doesn’t realize one terribly tragic thing about his son.
Try as he might to shape Ryan in his image, he will never truly mirror his father.  Homelander will never understand why, but Benjamin?  It’s not at all hard for him to see.  Not in the slightest.  It’s not a bad thing, but it’s certainly not good.  
Tragedy will always hit the boy hardest.  It will devastate him in ways his father can never understand.
Ryan is a human at heart. 
He always will be.  
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tarjapearce · 3 days
Hello! This is my first time ever communicating with you as I'm mostly a more introverted reader and author, but when I discovered that you've been experiencing something similar to copyright issues, I HAD to say something.
As someone who has recently experienced the same thing here on Tumblr, I know how you feel. It's frustrating and discouraging seeing events, ideas, or even exact copies of your work being used without permission.
Also, I don't understand why someone is saying you are overthinking and being dramatic, an author KNOWS their work. We KNOW what we have written, KNOW what we have put our blood, sweat, and tears into; so we also know if someone copies our stuff, even if it's not blatantly obvious to readers or viewers.
People can steal authors' ideas, too, which is still copyright infringement, no matter how different the wording is.
For example, if I came across a Miguel fanfic about him working out in the gym, then becoming enraged when Peter B. Parker dropped a dumbbell on his foot, and I decided to write it that would become a stolen idea because it wasn't originally mine, no matter how differently I write it.
So please do not feel like you are making things bigger than they are. The least the person wishing to use anything of yours should do is ask the author of the original idea for permission for use or at least, credit them in their story.
(As of now, I'm unsure if the person who stole your work has credited or asked you yet, but I simply wished to say this.)
My DMs are always open to you. I've been a huge fan for a while, and it pains me to hear you are going through something like stolen work. 🙄🙄
I swear, it takes the joy out of writing or producing art when someone feels entitled to take something that obviously doesn't belong to them.
I just hope things get better for you. Just let me know, and I'll try to assist in any way. ❤️❤️
Thank you, dear ☺️❤️
You're too kind. Will keep it in mind.
And yeah. Can't blame artist and creators when they go on hiatus because of these sort of things.
But I love my man too much to let him hanging. So, We're on it.
Your support has been invaluable for me, specially today that everything exploded.
This is the last ask regarding that situation btw. Don't wanna ruin my mood over this.
Thanks for believing me. And hopefully this situation teaches people that if you steal, you get consequences.
And again, if me being dramatic or problematic makes you uncomfortable, then, stop following? Block me? Don't stay just cause morbidity. Simple as that.
Those that minimize by saying dramatic haven't clearly got their stuff stolen, so it's natural for them to talk. And hopefully never happens to them. Cause I'm sure I'd see post about it. So yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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I don't know if you've done this or one terribly similar, but what about a full hc or drabble for julian with an MC who gets wrist tendonitis? they draw and/or write frequently, but they're unable to do either of their hobbies for at least a week while they wait for their arm to heal, and they keep being woken up early due to severe pain.
Yes, I recently had to deal with this 😭 and it made me think of a certain doctor
The Arcana Drabbles: Julian when MC gets tendonitis
Waking up before the sun has made its way into the sky when you didn't plan to is not very fun. Waking up because you're in pain is considerably worse, and not being able to fall back asleep is downright miserable.
Julian, for once, is fast asleep and completely oblivious to the cares and worries of the world. The constant throbbing radiating along your arm seems to subside for a split second as you take him in, rumpled curls spilling across his pillow, expressive brows relaxed and smooth, auburn stubble decorating his sharp jaw as the occasional satisfying snore reverberates through his hooked nose. You stare a little too long.
"Nguh - huh? Wha? Ah - Hello, m'dear." And there are those bleary grey eyes, gazing lovingly at you through the fog of a rare deep sleep.
"Hello," you tell him, and then, "You should go back to sleep."
It's too late. He's already shuffling up onto one elbow, sleep shirt slipping further open as he looks down at you with a little more awareness. Even his red eye looks soft like this.
"And what's keeping you from sleep?" His forehead crinkles as he takes in your grimace, gaze zeroing in on the awkward positioning of your arm. "Oh dear. You're in a great deal of pain, aren't you?"
You're getting ready to protest, but he's already jostling the mattress as he fumbles out of bed and rounding the bottom of it to stand at your side. "Allow your personal physician to see to your worries, will you? I can promise you the - ah - the most excellent care this side of the Strait."
You nod, already feeling relief from the ever-cool, gentle pressure of his fingers on your wrist. "Tell me if this pains you."
He's methodical, somehow able to scrutinize every detail of your arm and expression despite being half-awake as takes your hand in his. He bends the joints of your elbow and fingers first, lightly pressing at the tissue around them to test their tenderness, before making his way to your wrist and hissing sympathetically when a slight nudge makes your face crinkle up. "Ah - I'm so sorry, my dear, I didn't mean to hurt you."
He leans forward to press a stubbly, scratchy kiss to your forehead and straightens to leave the room. "I'll be right back."
Less than five minutes later, a much more alert Julian is perched on the bed and carefully wrapping your wrist where it lies in his lap. "Do want it tighter? Looser?"
"It's just right." He shoots you another small smile as he ties it off, the compression doing wonders for your angry tendons. The cooling salve underneath tingles deliciously on your overheated skin.
"Much." You answer, the receding pain giving way to a mighty yawn. You really didn't mean to wake up this early. Your partner brings his bare hand to his face to stifle his own responding yawn.
Moments later, he lurches back with a startled yelp.
"Ah - the cooling salve, it got on my face - one moment while I -"
He goes to wipe his fingers off on his trouser leg, but being in only his sleep shirt, it winds up on his bare thigh instead. It's a little hard not to laugh when your beloved, intelligent doctor is dancing around your bedroom in woolen socks and a sleep shirt to the sound of his own hissed curses.
"Hells, that's powerful stuff!"
"Are you coming back to bed, Julian?"
"Do you want this all over you?"
His incredulous exclamation is the last thing you get as he whisks out of the room to wash off. You know he'll be back in five minutes, damp and sheepish and ready to lie back down even if he won't be able to sleep. Maybe waking up several hours before you meant to isn't as miserable as you you thought it would be.
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goldkirk · 5 months
it’s so scary and so freeing to just be a person.
#the discovery and fulfillment of my curiosity as I go#trying to scientific observational field researcher my way through discovering#What Existence Includes#while I’m in this state to experience it#it’s like being back to my very youngest days before I started learning the major rules#when I was just sensation and experience and curiosity#making sense / making an ongoing story of the world and time itself as it flies past#personal#cult escapee#katie.txt#past me: thank you thank you thank you for holding on through the nightmare. thank you for riding out the huge world-ending pain. thank you#it was worth it it was worth it#of course it isn’t perfect but I SAID it’d be better within a few years didn’t I?#you signed up for this you made the commitment when you knew.#you tried allowing yourself to trust yourself again for the first time since age 7 or so.#you knew you couldn’t hold it all up front for that long if you were gonna survive transplanting yourself like an organ.#you knew you’d be giving up a lot. and you did it anyway because you were brave and you cared that much about how very very little you#deserved better for her world#and here you are. and here we are.#you told the therapist ‘of course not!!!’ so instantaneously and so full of belief. so dead sure on deep reflex that you could NEVER#trust yourself in a million years because even if the supernatural surveillance state wasn’t real and you didn’t have innate evilness#just from the Doctrine Is Saying So#where was I going with this. I’m typing tags on mobile and it’s religious for me but it’s also impossible as a ui#anyway my POINT WAS: it is so hard and so scary but it’s like walking into the world of Sesame Street for real.#you were right. it IS good to be alive. the whole thing all the way through is a bewildering baffling marvel. you’re ok to be delighted#about it and marvel at how wild it is that there’s so much about it all and so many things to see and think and meet and feel and do during#our spans of time#no matter what came before or what might come next#what a goddam marvel of it all. ain’t it just the strangest thing of all that we’re alive. what a marvel. what an absolutely magnificent hit#existence is an absolute absurdity
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dykedvonte · 2 months
If Ulysses has a million haters, then I'm one of them. If Ulysses has one hater, then I'm THAT ONE. If Ulysses has no haters, that means I'm dead. If the world is with Ulysses than I’m against the world.
#this is slightly joking but like also not but also like am mixed on Ulysses on many factors#infuriating because i sympathize with his pain but it’s like#he is a well written and fundamentally flawed character whose hypocrisy I found doubly in#black characters I can tell were designed by white people with a semblance of an understanding of activism and bipoc oppression#but not enough for the character to not feel like hand holding for the majority white audience#plus personal grips with the whole twisted hairs thing and reference to slave braiding patterns#Ulysses irks me as a black person on a weird personal level and I can go into debt on why him being black is a big detractor for him to me#like he continues this cycle of distancing himself from his roots before remembering over and over again through his actions#he leave so much in his wake that the courier ends up correcting or helping like in honest hearts and old world blues because he’s self#righteous in a subtle way even to himself that he believes he stand out of his one man rule when he does not play an active hand#saw a post talk about how you choose to continue moving through his story and can leave at any moment and this it is partially your fault#but what of the oath that is set before you and is forced to take that he set up#I do not have to walk it but when I do the steps are not my own but those taken for me#you have to go out of your way to change it which is not something he expects because he’s playing by a story he’s been perpetuating in his#head about you two and the effect one man has when he’s continually been that one man more so than you as many of his actions directly lead#to the one you go through also the irony in the flag he continues to bear being the real reason he has no home#like he reps it when the package is likely enclave and thus use the same symbol#also still can’t get over how anyone could have delivered the package and he tries so hard to act like it was the couriers destiny or fate#when this was the one case of chance and that once man was likely a enclave engineer and how it’s really is never one man#it the process and he’s so annoying about it like he’s a cool character but if you don’t believe in his philosophy or already went through#these ideas cause they are very common talking points in poc especially BIPOC spaces he’s just old hashings and stunted#fallout#fallout new vegas#Ulysses you upset me but I’m like I feel you could be better if you weren’t so incessant#I don’t think I ever want to make a serious post stating this about him just because I’d start yapping and it’d never get finished#ulysses fnv#fnv ulysses#lonesome road
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hella1975 · 9 months
are you guys thinking about touya todoroki today because i am
#what if he just wanted to be good what if he burned up and out waiting for his parent to look at him and just LOVE HIM#what if all he ever wanted was that positive affirmation what if he just needed to be treated kindly and was instead#offered only cruelty what if he was a child who didn't need to be strong he just needed to be held#what if raising children to be soldiers regardless of good intention is still a fucked up thing to do#because they're CHILDREN they just want you to be nice to them they don't care about being the strongest#and why does being the strongest matter more than anything else? is that really worth doing all this damage?#is it really worth being so mean? you're supposed to love them why won't you show it#and it haunts him so much he literally BURNS HIMSELF ALIVE OVER IT and no one even comes to watch#and when the rejection finally FINALLY gets through his head and he's forced to accept that he's never gonna get that love#and acknowledgement that he needs so much he doesnt heal from it and choose to be the bigger person#he instead becomes something ugly and mean and messy and awful and he's a sum of all the acts made against him#because he's ANGRY and he doesn't care that he's angry he's shameless and embracing of that rage#because it covers up the hurt and if he has to hurt people in order to avoid his own pain then that's what he'll do#and to the very end he's shouting every bad thing that happened to him refusing to go down quietly about it#refusing to be a good little victim that shakes and cries in a corner and lets things sort themselves out because it NEVER DOES#NO ONE EVER SAVES HIM. NO ONE EVER PROTECTS HIM. WHY WON'T THEY PROTECT HIM#and not a single person acknowledges him. not a single person looks on him with pity#there's no one there to say 'that was shit and you deserved better'. no one. and what did he honestly do that was so bad as to deserve this#he was a child who wanted to be loved. to be good. that's all#touya todoroki#literally feels like his character was created to make me specifically want to blow my brains out el oh el <3
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fellhellion · 11 months
I have a rich inner world abt both iterations of Miguel and the relationship to fatherhood <- literally just hc
#90s miguel would explode on the spot if he spontaneously became a father shdjdjfjfjf he’s barely grappling through the emotional arc of#trying to become a better man AND he has the most hang ups ever regarding parents in general.#BUT. but. his biggest issue w being a dad would honestly be his own tendency towards self sabotage AND the fact Miguel is like. desperately#scared he’s bound to his own blood. he’d honestly probably fuck up being a dad not because he lacks the capability to be a kind man (all of#2099 demonstrates he DOES have the ability and desire to change) but because#he’d be scared he’d intrinsically fuck it up and in that fear. actually fuck it up. and then see those mistakes as further proof he just#isn’t capable of this.#not to mention like. given just how complicated his relationship with his family is I don’t think fatherhood would EVER have been something#90s miguel would’ve even THOUGHT of. he’s too busy been terrified he’ll turn into his OWN father(s)#atsv miguel on the other hand. difficult to draw too many concrete strands of analysis from because we don’t know how his past will be#conceptualised. BUT I personally like to think he’s very similar to the 90s counterpart except he sees a version of himself as a father.#and he sees that version of himself be HAPPY as a father. be a *good* father. someone who raised a sweet daughter. who lives with definitive#proof that you aren’t bound to enact pain upon your children. that you CAN be a better parent than the ones you had.#I think THAT would shake Miguel. and I like to think atsv Miguel didn’t know he wanted to be a dad - didn’t even THINK of it - until he saw#a reflection of himself that said this was possible. that you can go on and have a family of your own and you can choose to make it a good#and loving thing.#ANYWAYS. ✌️ she came. she posted a huge Miguel rant. she left ✌️#tunes talks spiderverse#tunes talks 2099
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spaceratprodigy · 6 months
one of my favorite things abt how faith reacts to max in fallbrook arc is her being directly faced with her own hypocrisy
#I am a faith apologist but also she's whack fr#like girl you haven't been honest about yourself or your past either 💅#she's very evasive when she's the topic of conversation#not that she outright lies but she avoids questions or answers as vaguely as possible#just because she kinda learned early in Edgewater the consequences of her trying to be truthful about her life#and how unglamorously people react#figured adopting the mysterious persona and isolating herself was her only option#because phineas was the only person she could talk to the only person who understood to some extent what she was going through#and to add to it..#her own history with violence and anger#and even tho she became a very numb quiet distant persom because of her own past#halcyon got it's hands on her and cut her deeply and awakened a certain fire in her for better or for worse#excluding how often she has to defend herself for a variety of reasons and how it makes her feel..#punching nelson (twice) + shooting hortense between the eyes + shooting tilda in the knee..#girl you're not exactly a great role model at having control over your violent tendencies either 💅#but there's something so raw abt her and max just.. knowing those feelings intimately.. and not wanting it for the other..#defending each other.. seeing the good in each other.. /knowing/ the good in each other..#understanding how messy and complicated they are and then understanding why and just ough bringing out the best in each other#reaching a point where they can breathe and heal and not be in such a spiraling pain anymore they can just be loved and be themselves#unapologetically. caged no longer. being harmed no longer. by others or by themselves. and taking it out on others no longer#anyway#what I'm saying is..#the call is coming from inside the house..#yes he had an entire revenge scheme and lied abt his intentions.. but like.. he's also holding a mirror up to her face#SORRY I just love thinking abt how complicated cap faith is lmao she's a very broken soul who is trying her best in an unfortunate situatio#the way she handles her own traumas and griefs just isn't pretty and that's a whole other can of worms she's constantly faced with#rambling#faith and max
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martyrbat · 2 years
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red hood: the lost days #6
[ID: Jason Todd pinning the Joker down in a puddle of gasoline by sitting on his chest. Jason is without his helmet with it laying in the gasoline near them. He has red eyeshadow around his eyes in the shape of his Robin mask and is snarling through gritted teeth down at the Joker, who's smiling up at him. Jason's muscular arms are exposed by wearing a black tanktop and blue jeans while the Joker is in his pinkish purple suit. Jason is holding a lit torch and behind them is a barricade of flammable barrels and the bright, full moon. In front of the moon is Batman with his cape flared out to resemble wings, his only visible feature being his glowing eyes. END ID]
#i know his dramatics and revenge fantasy gets the best of him but for the joker it just. didn't make sense#'i want it to be long and painful like how he beat & killed me' can be something yea but?? to actually stop ?#have him fantasize and build up this idea of what itll be like to kill joker and then the toppling down as hes still just so traumatized#and hurt. have him realizing how it didnt magically fix everything while also being confident in his choice because that risk of another#kid being merciless beaten or killed is gone. that he killed a horrible person and the world is better because of it#just... he isnt the world.#he stopped potential harm for others he feels good in killing joker he believes it was the best thing to do and he did it#but? what do you do when that harm isnt potential? when it isnt a threat but instead a memory that you have to relive through with every#single breath that you aren't supposed to have in the first place?#you did what you surely must been brought back to life to do. but now youre alive and you're alone and you dont know what else to do.#then have his anger or betrayal feelings at bruce. have jason developing and discovering himself#not as robin. not as a vengeful ghost. not as anything. but as jason todd and how hes carving his own destiny and the universe doesnt know#how to handle that. let him go through grief and trauma and anger. let him be cunning and a bitch. let him have the biggest heart.#let him work his way through crime rings and solo work and be a drug lord and how he helps gotham directly and just have some growth that#isnt centered around the man that killed him and the man that failed him.#jason todd#the joker#red hood#c: red hood: the lost days | i: 6#crypt's panels#lost days#covers
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curiouschaosstarlight · 7 months
(*Quick clarification, 'cause I feel like I should say this right away, I don't mind people not liking or even being really uncomfortable with certain characters, especially villains that have canonically done some really horrible stuff, even if I happen to really love the character in question! It's all in the Handling of the topic, and someone that's like "oh they're just not my cup of tea" or just don't want to talk about the character at all 1000000% has my respect and appreciation <3)
On the topic of demonizing characters that have violent or angry responses to their trauma
The thing about it that really gets my goat is the fact that I as a person have had anger problems ever since I can remember. I've had a pretty bad mix of anxiety and anger problems due to being traumatized, and have had to work really, really hard to get my knee-jerk temper under control, and really nothing fucks you up like thinking you're "fixed" but the reality winds up being you just were in a state of "nothing too stressful's happened lately" and then when things start getting incredibly stressful again, you realize you still have more work to do and you have to watch yourself way more than you thought.
I'm still not "fixed", and, after talking extensively with a therapist, I'm kind of just going to have to be okay with that; still trying to do right by the people I care about and not be an asshole about things, but I'm just going to have to live with the fact that in response to high anxiety and high stress, I become an angry person, and I'm not always going to be able to remember to take a step back from a situation when I feel myself getting heated (my success rate in this is going up at least)
So It Really.
Bothers Me.
When fandom tries to claim that a character isn't traumatized, or isn't traumatized enough, because their response to that trauma is to be violent and angry and malicious. And when they try to claim that because a character reacted this way, they're just evil and irredeemable and have no further depth to them, and any attempt to add depth (even canonical depth) to them is "wrong (and a sign the person doing it is an Abuser/Terrible Person irl)" or is "woobifying them".
And yeah. Part of what bothers me is that I tend to fall very hard for villain/antagonist characters that handle trauma badly, or otherwise have signs that they probably have some trauma they haven't exactly worked through, especially when that villain character gets to have a redemption arc. (And I do NOT mean that as "they cast away everything they were before and completely denounce and despise who they used to be and go through the whole repent and penance number". Give me more villain characters who are TRYING, who are STRUGGLING, who have conflicted feelings, who aren't an entirely new person and shouldn't be left to just wallow in self-hatred over it because!! no one!! deserves!! to wallow in self-hatred!! I want redemption arcs in the form of "person who did wrong is doing their best to be a better person" and NOT "character needs to suffer and be heartbroken and sad and unable to move on forever", I hate when I see people writing the latter shit, Idc what the character canonically did, no one who's genuinely trying deserves to be perpetually miserable and it is Highkey Concerning to see that attitude happen again and again) Plus, I LOVE media and character analysis, it is MY JAM, and.
I've got a lot of feelings that go into this kinda stuff. It's why when I see "no nuance!! just evil!!!"-type takes, that shit really boils my blood.
And is also why I don't actively participate in fandom anymore.
Like, yeah, I make some posts here and there. And I'd love to interact more with like-minded people -- I really love talking to others about characters and media and ships and all that good stuff!!
But I don't go searching for fandom stuff unless it's some art in a completely different language. After my last two fandoms went absolutely horrifically for me in two different ways, I think my trust in modern fandoms is just gone, and I don't think it's coming back.
There's only so many times a person can be told they're inherently evil (indirectly) or badwrong and stupid (directly) for a simple fucking opinion over goddamn fiction of all things.
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annoyinglibra · 1 year
They should invent medications that don’t make me believe my friends would be happy if I died as a side effect
#so far I don’t even know if these are going to help me with my physical pain#nor can I be sure that the emotional side effects will stabilize#but within an hour of taking my meds I’m convinced my friends would have better lives if they never met me or if I just ended it all#the secret third thing it makes me think is that I don’t mean enough to anyone for them to care that I’m in their life to begin and#to begin with and*#subsequently don’t care whether I’m dead or not#so I would simply like medications to not do this to me#because it makes me have a terrible night with terrible dreams and then my day starts terribly because of it#and I have to hope that I can turn my mood around at some point or else I’m just depressed all day too#I told myself I’d stop making vent posts after I was getting dangerously close to talking about certain things but I’ve come to terms#with how I can’t tell anyone for a myriad of reasons. not sure I’ll ever even tell my therapist. but regardless I’m not worried about that#now. so at the moment it’s literally just me needing to vent that these medications make me want to fucking die because I believe people#are either better off without me or that I’m meaningless enough for nobody to care to begin with#like the other day I literally dreamt that I got shot and was bleeding out but my friend didn’t give a shit#which is entirely unlike him he’s a good person even if I’m worthless he’d care that someone is like. dying.#ugh and even this! I genuinely believe I’m worthless rn#all sorts of stupid shit that I’ve mainly gotten through except at my worst times#has come back to just being a daily thing#and I don’t want to talk about it because it makes me feel pathetic and like a burden#and if I talked about these feelings to andrei it’d scare him so much that my guilt just won’t allow it#<- for the record if you know him please don’t tell him all of this he already knows and also even though I want to kms I won’t#it’s just that I can’t like.. get help for it as often as I feel it because nobody in the world is equipped to hearing the person they love#say they think the world would be better if they were dead literally every night because that’s how often I feel it#the funny part for me is literally nobody irl is aware of how bad this is because I’m 1) good at acting 2) don’t want to scare my mom or#brother because they already had to deal with years of me actively being suicidal 🤪#if you managed to read all of this you’re a fucking saint and I don’t deserve you in my life even if you’re just a follower who’s never#interacted with me before. I still appreciate you#delete later
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 1 year
Brain is braining too much me thinks
#thoughts#oni talks#oni vents#I feel like I’m being torn between 2 futures and I know one isn’t really realistic and is a thing of the past but it’s also like#not only does it feel like giving up but it also feels like I’d have to face the fact that I can’t go back and unexperience some things#that changed me as a person and I know me wanting to go down that path is me trying to go back to when I first started feeling hope for#life again (if I ever had that tbh) & it’s meant so much to me for so long and like I know that I 100% would not be able to have achieved#any of what I’ve achieved now if I hadn’t started that first path. the fact that the second one is even an option is because of the first.#I also wonder how much is on me & it compounds in the severe regret I’ve been having about some recent stuff in my life along with recurrent#realizations and nightmares of the past haunting me & just. it’s so painful I know maybe I’m being dramatic and there’s a possibility that#in the future if it will work out and I can have my cake and eat it too but I genuinely don’t know how realistic that is to achieve#I want to be able to recapture the feelings I had before but there are certain experiences that so thouroughly crushed the person I had#finally begun to build up that I don’t know if that’s truly possible & if I just have to accept that I need to change to face who I am now#I’ve been really stuck recently when it comes to getting better and I know why but I’ve also blocked out so much of it that it’s just like#hard to even work through things you just want to forget and act like they never happened because that’s easier & logically I know it doesnt#work that way but it still feels painful. I feel the weight of my mistakes on my shoulders again. & it’s been resulting in what I know is#a lot of self sabotage & I feel like I should be better than this but I’m not I feel like I’ve regressed & like it wasn’t that long ago that#I literally felt like I was a kid again it was so surreal and strange & gross & I just hate so much of what’s happened in my life but I also#know there’s a lot of good that’s come from it & so it’s hard to process all these awful things when I know if they weren’t there the stuff#that I do love wouldn’t be either. it’s really hard to hope for a future I’ve never experienced. I’ve been meeting so many new people & its#reminded me of how anxious I actually am as a person bc normally I don’t have to face that bc I am by myself or in specific scenarios I’ve#cultivated to be tolerable & i feel like I keep learning things about myself or my experiences that I just don’t want to learn or to exist#& it’s frustrating bc there’s also so much pressure not just from myself but other ppl that I want to be able to pull through & do things#I know are probably not the most realistic but then a part of me is angry at myself at being a coward & wondering if I’m just awful & broken#I’ve been trying to fight back in what ways I can and the results have (usually) been really good but they come with their own prices#I hate how easy it’s become to simultaneously prefer escapism while not feeling like things are bad enough or that there is no escapism#I hate that I keep having moments where I get things and then I just fall again & Ik I’ll get there eventually but I’ve lost so much hope#that I don’t know if it’s even possible to ever get back. the last year or so is just so many ups and downs and new things and idk#I feel so torn because this is a future I foresaw and even wanted at some point and now it feels so heavy & costly & I just feel#like I’m evil & irredeemable or smth & every time I get told the opposite a part of me immediately can’t accept it especially
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Micolash’s ‘Can somebody, anybody, please look into my eyes?’ and Rom’s ‘I revolt both humanity and the divine, can anyone, anything, please accept me?’. I never realised how they are both absolutely alone in who they are (’: Having no choice but to build a “kind” of their own around themselves (Mico by making corpse marionettes and Rom by rebirthing humans into her spider Kin apparently)
#bloodborne#fandomry rambles#*sets the counter 'X days since I just utilised my pain and existencial trauma to write a BB character better' to 0 again*#i wish i could actually work on my problems instead of escaping into art and pouring my crisis into a morbid videogame character#like i said my priority is to either switch on part time job or go unemployed and literally hunt my food (gov won't help the mentally ill)#days off are just... not enough for me to recover energy at all#let alone having energy for absolutely insane shit like cooking my food or cleaning my room... i've hit critical point recently#i've been denied the light of sun since early july but i am denied the chill embrace of the shadow too now#(good luck deciphering my metaphors)#emptiness. solitude. no way out but to create sort of... conditions that fit my design...?#like misty lake hahaha#i am literally rom#no matter what sweet innocent 'dumb' child you see her as but...#seeing everything and being amalgam of every kind of superior creature in lore does... things to a person#only someone like her would be able to accept so much knowledge and not implode#i think she is called 'idiot' (or 'vacuous' in english version) because like...#anyone else with this sort of knowledge would either go insane or know how to use it to rewrite the universe itself#instead of just 'perceiving' all this knowledge and lay around like a lazy potato#only doing her part by hiding this knowledge from those that aren't ready but her barrier is-#-penetrable because with enough insight you can still see through her concealment#she doesn't mind you see messed up secrets if you want them so much just don't rope unprepared people into it too
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spacedustmantis · 2 years
if we're being realistic, being ripped apart by a horde of zombies has to be the most gruesome, most painful death of them all
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arklay · 2 years
i didn't really talk about it cause i think most mutuals know. but the reason that fic causes me so much pain is because they've been together for over ten years at that point and have never had a fight where they need a break from each other... they've never even had a fight where they yell
#leah.txt#pair: ewskers#tw: body image#they've bickered a lot like that's just how it goes. especially when you have two big defiant and domineering personalities. but they would#always laugh it off or just leave the room to clear their head then come back and apologise over getting shitty with each other but they#always talk things out and have these big just discussions to clear up any misunderstandings or you know just to air it out. they don't#like to let things fester. but the problem with this is like diana didn't want to bother him because of how busy and obsessed he was with#the project and his work so she just kept it all to herself and ofc you combine that with her love languages not really happening (physical#touch and quality time) because he rarely came to bed so they weren't having their moments of just cuddling and talking for ages. and#quality time ofc wasn't happening then too but when they were together it was always about just work work work. there were no breaks#and like he didn't really confide in her much anymore with what happened with spencer. like he did at first and they worked through that#and diana thought like he was Okay. like he was dealing with it. but he really just shut it out. he didn't want to confront it. he didn't#let himself *feel* the pain (which is why post volcano momence its A Lot for him to deal with... but they actually work through it better#then) but yeah like there's a lot going on behind all that fic. and with diana too. okay. so her childhood is one i don't really talk about#much but really high expectations were put on her from really young and even though she excelled in all areas like it was never good enough#and plus a few other things like it led to her constantly seeking for praise and admiration and recognition and like she was actually a#people pleaser until she was in uni for her bachelor's and before she moved to america. like. there was a lot going on there. so like she#had a lot of feelings of inferiority growing up and like not feeling worthy ever sooooooo it hurts + the humiliation her ex-husband put her#through kinda warps al just being busy and preoccupied and not thinking about anyone else to singling her out and doing the same thing her#ex did to her. so yeah. plus her body changing with the virus over the last few months has made her very like just. lies on the floor. like#because he always found her so beautiful and loved her eyes and made her feel beautiful when she had a bit of insecurity so now she's like#oh no but i look different now... maybe he doesn't think that anymore. lies on the floor
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