#and half of them are fruity i mean come on
windybreeze12 · 2 months
i love how no one, literally no one from the main/secondary cast is a straight white male in DBD.
Let's break it down:
Edwin: Straight White Male Charles: Straight(?) White Male Crystal: Straight(?) White Male Niko: Straight(?) White Male Esther: Straight(?) White Male Monty: Straight White Male(?) Jenny: Straight White Male Cat King: Straight White Male(?) Tragic Mick: Straight(?) White Male(?) Night Nurse: Straight(?) White Male
They're all just a textbook about diversity and this is reason number #984342423429 why this show should be watched and loved and not cancelled. GO GO GO
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trippedandfell · 2 months
stop the world just to stop the feeling
The night before Maddie and Chimney's wedding, Buck and Eddie talk on a balcony. | 1.5k | buddie | ao3
Eddie’s just uncapped his second beer when he hears footsteps behind him, so familiar he recognizes who it is by sound alone.
“Hey,” he says, as Buck sidles into view, arms coming to rest on the balcony railing beside him. He’s got a drink in his hand, too - one of those fruity vodka seltzers that Eddie’s reluctantly started stocking in the bottom drawer of his fridge. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Buck fiddles with the tab on his can, the silver of it reflecting in the moonlight. “Something like that.”
His shirt is slightly too big, slipping down just enough to expose the sharp jut of his collarbone, the dark bruise forming on the edge of it. Eddie’s eyes fly to it without permission, and Buck flushes red. 
“It’ll be covered by the suit tomorrow, promise.”
“Mm.” Eddie takes another sip of his beer, ignoring the sour way it curdles in his stomach. “Good. Think Chim’s one incident away from going full groomzilla.”
“Can you blame him?”
“Not at all,” Eddie admits, and Buck huffs a laugh. “You should have been me the night before Shannon and I got married. I was a wreck.”
He’d been alone, in the shitty little apartment they’d rented once they learned about Christopher, Shannon spending the night at her mom’s across town to help them cling to some ragged sense of propriety that neither of them truly believed in. It had been one of the most awful, stomachache-inducing nights he’d ever had up to that point in his life, and it wasn’t until he saw Shannon in the church the next day, glowing in a way that had nothing to do with the bump hidden under the folds of her white dress, that everything had finally clicked into place.
“Hi,” she had said, reaching out to squeeze his hand, and Eddie had let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
Buck’s staring at him now, as if he can sense the myriad emotions playing out in Eddie’s head. “It’s so weird,” he says. “Maddie and Chimney have basically been married for a while now. But all of this just makes it feel so real.” He gestures a hand at the expansive hotel grounds, the ocean beyond. “I mean, my parents are here.”
Eddie knows. Eddie had done an exceptional job at ignoring them at the rehearsal dinner that night, tucked in the corner by himself, Marisol having gone to their room earlier with a headache.
He feels a brief, guilty flash about leaving her alone now, although she’d been snoring when he’d crept past Chris on the sofa bed and out into the light of the hallway. He wonders, idly, if he should have left a note.
“They seem to be behaving,” he offers, which is about all of the goodwill he’s able to give the Buckley parents at any given time. Buck makes a face at him, and he adds, half-teasing, “for now.”
As far as he knows, they haven’t said a word so far to Buck about Tommy. He should probably ask, but somehow he can’t make his mouth form the words.
Buck drums his fingers against the balcony, quiet. “Do you ever think about it?”
What, fighting your parents? Eddie almost jokes, but he knows that’s not what Buck’s asking. “About getting married again?”
“Or getting married at all,” Buck says, and there’s something in his face, something suspiciously like longing, that has Eddie taking another gulp of his beer. “Like, big reception, flowers. The whole nine yards.”
“I wouldn’t do a big reception,” Eddie says, shuddering. “Just in the backyard, or something.”
Buck cracks a smile. “You do have a nice backyard.”
“You’re just saying that because you did all the landscaping,” Eddie says, bumping their shoulders together. “I had to weed it the other day though, so I should at least get partial credit.”
Buck looks sheepish at that, which wasn’t what Eddie was going for, but also wasn’t not what he wanted to happen. “I meant to come do it this week, I’ve just been -”
“Busy,” Eddie finishes for him, which isn’t fair, not really. Not when Buck is still over at his house most days, not when he hasn’t missed a single one of his afternoons out with Christopher. It’s just that there’s now a new purple marker in his kitchen, carefully outlining Buck’s availability on the calendar.
Eddie’s never had to schedule Buck in before. Not with Taylor, or Natalia, or even Ali, way back when. 
Combine that with the fact that Buck’s now asking about marriage…
Eddie drains the last of his beer. “You should get some sleep. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” Buck agrees, but stays where he is, shoulder still pressed against Eddie’s. “Hey - uh. We’re good, right?”
“Buck, you’ve already apologized.” And grovelled, and apologized again, until Eddie was back from medical leave and working with the 118 again.
“Not about that.” Buck shakes his head, the movement bringing him closer to Eddie still, their forearms nearly overlapping on the railing. “I mean - about me. And Tommy, I guess.”
And Eddie - Eddie will be the first to admit it took him a second to come to terms with it, to fully wrap his head around the idea of Buck with a man and, more specifically, Buck with Tommy. But he’d hugged Buck, and stumbled his way through some approximation of support, and then gone home and researched until his eyes were burning and he’d bookmarked every tab he could find about bisexuality and being a good ally - so. He thinks he’s been doing okay, overall. Certainly not poorly enough to make Buck question if he’s been harbouring secret homophobic tendencies all this time.
“You know I’m good with that,” he says, and means it. “And you and Tommy seem - really good. So if you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Buck’s eyebrows crinkle together, and Eddie has to resist the fanatical urge to reach over and smooth them out. “I know. I know you are. But something else just seems - wrong.”
“With me?”
“With us,” Buck says, voice veering toward frustration. “Come on, Eddie. You know you feel it too.”
Something thumps in Eddie’s chest, like his heart is suddenly trying to beat out of his chest. “Buck, I promise nothing’s changed-”
“But something has,” Buck says. “And I don’t know what, and it’s driving me insane, and every time I’m at work or at the gym or even with Tommy-” Wait, what? Eddie thinks, panicked -  “I’m lost in my own head, wondering how the fuck I managed to mess up the most important relationship in my life.”
“You didn’t fuck anything up,” Eddie says, honest. “No one did. It’s just - growing pains. You’re in a relationship, I’m in a relationship - it’s natural that we maybe don’t come first for each other anymore.”
Buck stares at him, the corner of his eyes suspiciously red. “We both know you don’t actually believe that.”
He doesn’t, but they’re veering into dangerous territory now. “Buck-”
“Why is it different now?” Buck says. “We’ve both dated people at the same time before. Taylor and Ana, Marisol and Natalia. Why is this different?”
Eddie doesn’t feel like he’s capable of breathing. “Buck-”
“It’s not because I’m with Tommy,” Buck says, raking a hand through his hair. “Or that I’m bi. It’s not actually any of it, is it, Eddie?”
He doesn’t sound angry, just - resigned. Tired. The beer bottle is clammy against Eddie’s palm. 
“You never answered my question earlier,” Buck says. “About if you would get married again.”
When Eddie speaks, his voice feels like sandpaper. “Maybe. If it was the right person.”
“Is Marisol the right person?”
“Is Tommy?”
Buck flinches, minuscule. “I asked first.”
“You know what my answer is, Buck,” Eddie says, and he’s tired, so tired. 
“You know mine too,” Buck says, soft.
He does know. Just like he knows Buck’s favourite song, favourite dinner, favourite feel-good rom-com. Just like he knows that Buck will spend all of tomorrow night dancing with Tommy, but he’ll save one dance for Christopher, spinning him around the middle of the room while Eddie watches. Just like how he knows -
“Eddie,” Buck says, and Eddie realizes how close they are now, facing each other with the moon still high overhead, lips a hairsbreadth apart. “We can’t.”
Eddie can feel Buck’s exhale against his lips. “I know,” he says. Taking a step back feels like swimming against a riptide, but he manages to get his limbs to cooperate eventually. “We should head back in.”
Buck swallows, chin bobbing as he nods. “Yeah. I’ll - uh. See you tomorrow?”
There’s something here, slipping out of Eddie’s grasp. He doesn’t think either of them knows quite how to cling on to it. 
“See you tomorrow,” he echoes, and then Buck’s turning toward the door, back to the hallway that’ll lead him to his room, to Tommy in his bed.
Eddie waits until he’s fully out of sight before he follows.
also on ao3!
tags: @leothil @sibylsleaves @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @deformed-globule @cantyouseethatyouresmotheringme @silassstingy
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k-atsukibakugou · 5 months
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the bathrooms at house parties are really only used for one thing
pairing: katsuki bakugou x f!reader w/c: 4.0k warning/s:  fem!reader (has a pussy, wearing makeup + skirt), established relationship, toxic relationship, cheating, alcohol mention (tipsy sex), blood/biting/marking/cutting mention, unprotected sex, degradation/name calling (not really but just in case), hair pulling, fingering (f!receiving), oral (m!receiving)
crossposted to ao3 • masterlist • wip updates & voting • kofi • askbox
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“you know you're a terrible friend, right?” your voice was already broken, growing more and more uneven the more your chest heaved against his, your words nearly silent against the blond’s skin, painted lips planting a kiss on his before travelling down his jaw and neck to the collar of his shirt. your airy voice was just loud enough to be heard over the heavy bass music shaking the wooden door, near deafening on the other side of it, the party in full swing, whooping and cheering, and a near constant clink of beer bottles tapping together breaking through the music occasionally, the celebrations downstairs continuing as if the two of you had never been there at all.
“i am, huh? what about you? abandoning the party you set up, just for a quick fuck?” katsuki was too breathless for his mean tone to carry any of the usual bite, the words only coming across as a hushed, panted attempt at his typical bullying. it made you return an equally breathless giggle at him, pulling back from kissing his neck to stare up into his carmine eyes studying you with half-lidded, smoky eyes; your dark eyeliner smudged around them just the way he liked. leaning back on the sink to rest your back against the small mirror behind you, your eyes sparkled staring into his, mischief and lust swimming around the depths of your pupils. he couldn’t wait to have them rolling into the back of your head, exactly like they did every time you met like this, rushing, locked in cramped, darkened rooms whenever you both had a free moment, not a second thought for the time or place, only thinking of feeling one another.
even here, your game of kings cup and bursts of dancing cut short when your eyes met his ruby red ones across the hall the moment he walked through the door, only breaking the intense contact to answer a heavy tap on your shoulder; the birthday boy tilting your chin up for your punishment drink, the cup half full of random splashes of everyone's alcohol; your’s and eijiro’s hard lemonade, ochako’s gin and tonic, momo’s prosecco and jirou’s fruity vodka, and you thought you could taste juuuust taste the beer denki dug out too. eijiro flashed his sharp white teeth down at you in a lopsided grin when you dipped your head back further and opened your mouth, your eyes locked up into his scarlet ones as you tried your hardest not to choke on the gross mixture of the drinks, cheering with high fives, whistling and whooping with everyone when you swallowed it with a sour face, missing the way katsuki’s scarlet eyes tracked a stray droplet of the liquid down your jaw, to your neck, to your chest before it disappeared into your neckline.
while you were celebrating, receiving a boyish slap on the back from hanta, katsuki was still surveying you, only pulled from his focus on you by his friends shoving him in greeting, dragging the fashionably late blond into the kitchen, denki passing him a can while mina handed him a fresh cup, pressuring him to catch up before you could even get in a greeting. katsuki had already downed half the cup by the time the redhead let go of your jaw to greet his final friend to arrive. you wiped your chin, catching any last stray drops from the foul drink with your finger, sucking into your mouth, your heart jumping to your throat catching his gaze once more, cherry red eyes locking to your lips over the rim of the plastic cup, stormy pupils glued to your dark lips wrapped around your finger.
not even an hour after he showed up, here you were: your skirt hiked up around your hips and your hair mussed while your heartbeat thrummed under the skin of your throat against his soft lips, the centre of them stained red from whatever he was drinking before pulling you in here, the empty cup abandoned on the edge of your sink beside your own, both of you preoccupied with exploring hands under shirts, lips and teeth clashing, both of you trying to take everything you needed from each other; desperate to feel his hot skin against yours already, one kiss from him already getting your breath hitching in the back of your throat, your blood burning hot with need.
“oh please, you know that is nowhere near what you’re doing, this has to be some kind of record, you couldn’t even wait, what? a week?” you teased, catching the way his eyes flashed a shade darker in the mirror ahead of you when he spun you around, a threatening squeeze of his rounded fingernails into the fat of your hips and the sharp point of his canines serving as a warning to shut your mouth before he’d do it for you. you were right, he knew it, but he also knew you weren’t much better, maybe even worse, parading around in the shortest skirt he knew you owned; he could picture you clear as day digging through all of them for this one, picking it for the way it hugged your figure, for the ease katsuki would hike it high on your hips to leave your thighs on display, so little of the fabric covering you he hardly even needed to tug at it to admire the curve of your ass. biting your lip, you submitted to his threats, not having the time you typically would to play with him, to mock his obsession with you, your addiction to each other, instead settling in more against the sink, pushing your ass back against him, “you got a condom, ‘ki?
“i’ll pull out,” his warm breath and soft lips on the side your neck reminded you of every time you’d ended up exactly like this, katsuki always determined to kiss you anywhere he could reach in the time you had, but never leaving any evidence, the same couldn’t be said for your lipstick marring his jaw, clearly this rule was being thrown to the wind tonight, dull fingertips digging into your clothed tits as his teeth latched onto your neck, finally laying his claim on your skin after nearly a year of this, letting his fingertips leave ten cute bruises on your skin beneath his hands, ignoring the way you tried to push him away from you (with next to no effort, not really wanting him to stop), whispering sternly to him, “oi.”
“shut up, no one out there is sober enough to notice.” his lips didn’t move far from the side of your throat while he gruffly responded in your ear, sliding your shirt up your stomach to expose your tits to him, hot fingertips toying with your hard nipples as his mouth moved, stormy garnet eyes watching you shiver at his unusually bold behaviour before he moved back up toward your face, nipping hard beneath your ear to force a gasp from you, “‘n i know you need it, sweetheart, need it rougher than what he gives you, i could cut you and you’d thank me. or don’t you remember when you were on your back, voice all high, beggin’ me to fuck you like a bitch in heat? use me, katsuki, that sound familiar?”
you flushed hot hearing him mock your high-pitched moaning, your mouth snapping shut, not wanting to admit you thought of it constantly, replaying his growls and deep groans in your mind when you needed to cum. when you stayed quiet, not admitting anything, he continued, one thick hand travelling up your bare navel to your chest to settle at your neck, holding your jaw like the redhead had earlier, keeping your face forward for him to stare down in the mirror, “next time you tease me like that, you’ll have handprints to try n’ explain to him.”
it wasn’t so much a threat, as it was a promise, no venom coating the words, only desperation underlying his arrogance, damn near begging you to give him a reason to make you his. you melted more into his touch hearing his voice dropping at the mention of his handprints littering your skin, giving up trying to dissect his tone, instead just revelling in his rough, impatient hands roaming your body, slipping between your thighs to stroke the slippery, sensitive skin there, the very tips of his fingers tugging at the tiny amount of fabric there. katsuki’s frenzied touches to your pussy sent electricity through your nerves, the feel of his warm hands on your more addicting than any other date could ever hope to be, his eyes far more captivating, always keeping your gaze locked on his in the mirror, your eyelashes fluttering to break the intense contact the moment his fingers sunk into your dripping cunt with a low groan.
“see, baby? you still need me, you always will.” you were too distracted to respond, to try and argue despite how wet you got looking at him, focusing on keeping your sounds of pleasure as soft as you could, making sure the music remained the most prominent sound in the house. katsuki had already let go of your face, but hypnotised by his sculpted form, you kept staring forward at his reflection, his free hand now pressing on the small of your back to keep you arched in front of him, keeping your needy cunt on display (katsuki addicted to how your body reacted to him, it didn’t tease or mock him, it never lied about how much it needed him). your pussy was the star of the show, evident by the way he toyed with you; plunging and curling his fingers deep inside you until you keened, only pulling them back to rub your clit, taking his time to warm you up, hardly needing to when you fucked him only five days ago in an unused supply closet, shelves covered in a thin layer of dust disturbed only by his handprints and your ass.
you got lost staring at him, your heart racing anytime his strong hands were on you, thinking about what he was saying with his hand around your neck; he was right of course, katsuki had always been the only one to satiate you, to scratch the itch deep inside you that no nice guy you’ve ever dated would be able to, the kind of itch only he could relieve, a frenzied fuck that had you both out and done in under thirty minutes, half of that time spent toying with each other, instead of making love for hours into the night. his thick fingers, sharp teeth, venomous words and stormy glare doing more to you than all the others before him combined, locking knowing eyes with him across a room getting you closer to cumming than some of their cocks.
“quit thinkin’ so loud.”
his words brought you back down to earth, back to focusing entirely on his body heat on your skin, one of his hands squeezing your hip so tight you were worried he’d keep his promise and leave a dark mark on your skin for days to come. attentive eyes were locked on your reflection, he waited until your mouth dropped open to spit back some bratty retort at him, certain it would’ve been dripping with attitude if he didn’t sink himself into you, cutting you off; barking out a laugh at the way your eyebrows furrowed and you immediately bit down on your bottom lip to stay quiet, he thought you looked like your eyes were about to cross like some lewd manga kaminari and sero would froth over. not even giving you a moment to adjust to him, not like you really needed it with how effortlessly he got you wet, katsuki started fucking you urgently, his hips slamming into your ass over and over again, almost as if he was suddenly aware of the time constraint you were on, someone sure to notice the pair of you missing soon enough.
hard porcelain dug into your hips, your hands gripping the edge of the sink doing little to hold your body up against the strength of katsuki’s hips pumping behind you, no concern for the way he kept pushing you forward, your head nearly bumping the mirror if not for him gripping the hair at the back of your head.
“nothin’ to say now, huh, baby? you know i’m right, he doesn’t fucking compare to how i fuck you, or you wouldn’t keep crawlin’ back.”
katsuki’s arrogance was well-deserved, even if you wouldn’t say it aloud, the barely-there brush of his calloused fingertips over your clit had you hissing, your hips bucking into his touch, demanding more. he’ll give it to you, finally giving up the cat and mouse once he was satisfied with how you sought after him, circling two fingers around your swollen clit, lust-filled eyes flashing at the surprised moan that escaped you, your palm not fast enough to cover your mouth to muffle it. your shining eyes rolled at his cockiness, now stuck back in your skull at his ministrations, drawing you closer and closer to your end while you desperately nodded your head as much as you could in his grip at his words rather than squealing out a “yes, yes, yes katsuki!” like you wanted to.
katsuki kept a tight hold on your hair, his grip close to your skull, keeping your head up while the rest of your body slumped over the sink, your chest nearly touching the mirror with how deep your back arched, only getting deeper the more you slid against the slippery porcelain of the sink. your body was entirely supported by his hand, and the sink at your hips, your arms and legs weaker and weaker the longer he fucked you, the fat of your ass rippling with every slap of his hips against them, every thrust back inside you forcing another gasp and whine from your throat, muffled as much as you could with your hand, “you’re really about to cum?”
his voice was back to being mean, low and mocking, nearly black eyes watching your face contort with his words, his rough tone like a lightning strike straight to your cunt, your muscle squeezing around his cock enough to have him following you soon after. you couldn’t even nod if you tried, the only motor skills your brain was concerned with being your hand, buried under your skirt, circling your swollen clit until you were trembling, thighs tense and your knees shaky. still with a vice-like hold over your mouth, your eyebrows furrowed in the centre, your eyes squeezing shut, your tits bouncing against the mirror.
usually he’d be watching your face in the reflection, or the way your tits were spilling out more and more with every rut of his hips, instead, his eyes were glued to the way your cunt and thighs glistened in the dim yellow-y tinted light, admiring the white ring of your cream around his cock. the sight of your cunt so wrecked had his hips stuttering in your beating cunt, having only just enough composure left to pull out of your heavenly pussy, leaving you shaking and slumped over the sink without his strength to hold you upright.
your body felt like unset jelly, your head swimming with pleasure, your body still recovering from waves of aftershocks that had you whimpering when he was muttering to you again, pulling you off the sink with strong hands, “c’mere, baby.”
delirious, you blindly let him guide you to your knees in front of him, his leaking, hard cock level with your glassy eyes, wide and cockdrunk staring up into his. without another thought, you sat up straighter on your knees, reaching a hand out to stroke his cock, wet with your cum, your eyes flicking down when you licked your lips before staring back up at him through your eyelashes, parting your glossy lips to take him eagerly into your mouth, any remaining lipstick you might’ve had after kissing him now smearing down his cock.
“shit,” he hissed when you sucked the tip of his cock into your mouth, your tongue swirling slowly with your hand wrapping around the rest of his hard length, slowly taking in more of him until your lips met your hand, whimpering around him at the taste of yourself on his skin. his hand shot to the edge of the sink when his head bumped the back of your throat, gripping the edge warmed by your skin until his knuckles were turning white. his head fell back to stare at the ceiling with bitten lips, sure if he kept looking down at your pretty face he’d cum down your throat far too fast, garnet eyes flicking down to you when you whined around him, eyebrows squeezed together, your tongue gliding over his skin clouding his mind. katsuki swore again under his breath, squeezing the sink impossibly harder, grounding himself when he pulled out of your mouth, the soft pop sound drowning out your sound of disapproval.
“stick your tongue out.” you obeyed his gruff demand, at the stage of your encounter where you were too dumb to argue anymore, your games at the very back of your mind, resigned to listening, obeying. katsuki’s eyes looked darker, menacing to the untrained eye, but you knew the black was swimming with pleasure, your kneeling form reflected in his endless pupils. his eyelashes cast shadows over his face, kissing the tops of his cheeks, the light hitting the tops of your cheekbones when you tilted your head up toward him, your mouth falling open in front of him while he jerked his wrist over his length; only thrice more until his cum was spilling from the tip to your eagerly awaiting tongue. your lips shined under the light, saliva, your own cum, and now his reflecting under the downlight; your eyes shining with something else katsuki could’t place, the sparkle swiftly replaced with your usual fucked out expression, your mouth closing around the tip of his cock, your tongue flicking over the head to savour the last of his salty taste.
about to take him further into your mouth, desperate to make him shake like he always did when you pressed your tongue to the vein running along his cock– your eyes go wide staring up at him, a gentle, irregular knock echoing in the small room, your heartbeat spiking at the dull sound, jumping away from the blond at the noise, like a child caught in the cookie jar. you sobered up immediately at the noise, your mind suddenly clear and your blood cold, your body lost in anxiety instead of the intoxicating air surrounding katsuki.
katsuki returns a fist of his own on the wall, a louder slam of his hand on the wall than the soft rap of knuckles on the door, yanking his pants back up his hips with his other hand, belt between his fingers when you scramble to your feet, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, “occupied, fuck off.”
whoever interrupted you was sent stumbling down the hallway at his brash response, searching for another bathroom while you both tried to recover from the sudden adrenaline surge, katsuki sliding his belt back into place while you sucked in a deep breath, letting it out in a soft laugh before turning around to face the mirror. the silver surface reflecting back your smeared makeup, looking just as debauched as you felt. with another slow, deep breath, you wiped a thumb under your plump bottom lip to clean any remnants of lipstick, cleaning yourself up as best as you could, trying to ignore katsuki shifting from foot to foot behind you while you tugged your skirt, straightening it against your thighs, trying your best to not to look like you were just fucked stupid in the upstairs bathroom of eijiro’s birthday party. katsuki looked perfectly dishevelled, his hair spiked around his head like usual, his belt done back up loosely around his hips, the accessory serving no real purpose other than to watch the way your mouth watered when he tugged it free from the loops. shaking your head, you dropped the thought of his thick fingers around the leather, instead leaning closer to the mirror when you smacked your lips together, your thoughts of him interrupted by katsuki's gravelly voice, “you should head down first.”
your gaze flicked back over to his, he looked as if nothing had changed between his arrival and now, minus his stained, swollen lips, the same couldn’t be said about you, reaching under the sink to search for your lipstick, hoping the cute tone could save you. rubbing the colour onto your lips with your ring finger, you admired the same colour still on katsuki’s jaw, running your fingers over your hair when you were satisfied, you hummed in agreement, “yeah, i’ll go get the cake ready, you’ll come down in two?”
you did a quick twirl, waiting for his approval on your state, his eyes raking over you to make sure your skirt was over your ass, your shirt back in place, and your face clean of lipstick, spit and cum.
“i look alright?”“wouldn’t fuck you if you didn’t, sweetheart.” you rolled your eyes at his teasing, like a switch for his cockiness was flicked back to on, a proud smirk painted on his face, carmine eyes already feeling like he was trying to see through your clothes to the skin beneath, a signature expression around you. he doesn’t move when you shove his shoulder, your uneven movements barely even disturbing a hair on his head when you stumble past him to exit the cramped bathroom, alcohol and adrenaline swimming in your veins making each step downstairs wobbly.
with a lasting stare down at you, mostly watching the way your hips move from side to side, vermillion eyes locked onto a single wet spot on your skirt, the patch easily explained away if anyone could see straight enough to ask you about it, he could already hear your sweet voice now excusing it, “the sink splashed back at me!”, or “ugh, i knocked my drink over when i was fixing my lipstick.”, sure your friends would believe either excuse without a second thought before realising the truth of the spot. katsuki only turns back around to face the mirror when he can’t see you anymore, roughly rubbing at the blooms of colour on the underside of his jaw. he does little more than smudge the pigment around, the colour now covering his fingers and in patchy lines than in the clean kiss marks they were when you’d first locked the door. satisfied he was as clean as he was going to get it, he turned back around, swinging open the door to follow you out.
hearing your laughter in the living room, katsuki makes his way down, sauntering down the stairs far slower than you had, turning left at the end where you swivelled right, circling around to the kitchen from behind, second nature to him at this point to cover his tracks without even needing to think about it. rounding the corner into the kitchen, katsuki’s eyes found you again, drawn to you, a need panging deep in his stomach watching your skirt swish around your thighs as you twirled around in the kitchen, spinning a final time to walk a cake over to eijiro, his name messily written in red icing underneath too many burning candles. you placed it at the head of the table, gently setting it down in front of him, the birthday boy drunk and oblivious to where you and his best friend had disappeared to for the last twenty minutes, even more oblivious to the evidence still on your skirt and low on your throat when he smiled sweetly up at you.
“happy birthday, baby, make a wish!” you plant a kiss on your boyfriends cheek, transferring your fresh lipstick in a perfect kiss stain, identical to the ones katsuki just finished ruining, eijiro slurring back his affection with a bright, lovestruck smile, “i’ve got everythin’ i need with you, baby.”
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© all works belong to @k-atsukibakugou, @gwen0m, and dlirious on archive of our own, do not plagiarise, translate, repost or recommend my work on other platforms or translate my works, i do not give permission for my works to be bound and sold. 18+ minors and ageless blogs do not interact.
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obsessedduh · 22 days
genre: smutty with a mini plotty
cw: it's a shabang! simon and johnny are a little fruity tuity. simon is meanie,ig. implied fem reader!
side note: sha-sha-shabang 😼😼 this was so rushed but whatever bro.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚*
you, simon and johnny have been living together for quite a bit now. you moved in around eleven months ago because of the ad they put online. you broke up with your boyfriend, so you were in need of a place to stay, and they were your best option. not to mention crazy hot and a bonus they were dating!
it's been great so far! well, in some cases, simon is welcoming, johnny isn't so much. you quickly became close with simon! johnny, not even an inch.
you think he hates you, but you don't know why. you've tried to be polite but he always comes across as he doesn't want you to be near him, like you were an annoying fly buzzing near his ear and all he was wants to do is squash you in his palm.
every time you talk to simon, he would always find a way to stop your conversation, and every time and when simon wasn't looking, he would give the darkest glare ever.
you gave up on being nice to him. he was such a prick! not to mention full of arguments. it wasn't a day the two of you wouldn't argue, and it was honestly pissing simon the fuck off. you guys would argue over the most dumbest things as well, i mean once you guys argued over an unwashed spoon. seriously, an unwashed-fucking-spoon!?
today was one of those days, you and johnny are arguing and simon was not in the mood. he walked up to the two of you and told you guys to shut the fuck up, which you both did. he made you guys sit next to each other on their shared bed. he stood up and stared at the two of you with a serious look on his face and honestly you have never seen him that serious. it was horrifying...
"the fuck is wrong with you two? been arguing non stop ever since you met."
dead silent. just the two of you guys side eyeing each other, "don't just sit there and answer me."
you were about to speak when johnny interrupted you, you shoot him a glare but don't bother to start anything, "she's annoyin' and dresses like a fuckin' slut."
you scoff, "no the fuck i don't!?"
"oh? but yer' fuckin' doo. always wearin' them tight clothes."
"um, they're called pj's ever hear of that!?"
he rolls his eyes, "i ain' never seen pj's tha' show s'much fuckin' cleavage."
simon simply stares at the two of you and then simply laughs, "all this because you guys need to bang one out?"
you both look at him with wide eyes. you both say in unison, "WHAT."
── ✧《✩》✧ ──
you guys never thought today would end up like this. johnny's cock buried deep inside your pussy. not only was johnny's cock bigger but also thicker than your ex's, really thick. it took a bit to accommodate to you. your gummy walls slowly clenching around his length.
but that was ages ago now because at this point, you and johnny were oh so very desperate, and simon was being very mean! just when you guys were close and think he will finally let you guys cum, he'll tell johnny to pull out or slow down, bursting your bubbles and ruining your orgasms. the pleasure slowly fading as you both whine wanting the addicting pleasure to come back.
again, if he tells johnny to go faster. he gets all excited and does so, hoping simon let's the both of you cum but then just when you guys are close. he tells johnny to pull out, leaving the two of you again for the sixth time that night, disappointed.
it's become so cruel because it's been going on for about an hour and a half straight of your guys' pleasure being taken off of you and right now, johnny is plowing in you, desperate to cum as much as you are while simon watches the two of you with his cock in his hand. he stares at the two of you with a shit-eating grin. what a cruel, cruel man, taking pleasure from the two of you like this.
johnny was close again, his thrusts slightly slowing down and becoming uncoordinated. you also were close, simon could tell from the way you moaned and clenching around johnny's extra hard, so he told johnny to pull out. johnny did so with a groan and you whined. the empty feeling and your core untightening making you desperate all over again.
"don't act like that. you wanna cum? beg for it."
you both let out a string of please's, looking at him with pleading eyes that are filled with tears. he smirks and watches you two beg, which didn't even sound like begging just a load of words to be fair. he shrugs, "alright then, go on."
johnny wastes no time and buries his cock back inside of you, spreading your legs wide open so he can fuck you better. you guys are sobbing at this point. the sensitivity of not cum becoming prone. johnny slips his hand a little lower and rubs your clit. as soon as his thumb comes in contact with your clit, you cum hard, waves of pleasure rushing over you as your pussy spasms around his cock.
johnny cums not to long after, his cock twitching inside of you while he paints your sensitive walls white. your greedy pussy was still clenching him hard, trying to take all of his cum for himself.
he pulls out and his slowly goes limp on you thigh. simon watches johnny's cum pool out of puffy folds and the way you both pant. you both suddenly see a camera flash and look at simon.
"there, now the next time you guys argue. i'll show you this photo and remind you guys of the time you guys finally got along..."
*✧・゚: *✧・゚*
extra side note: guys i know its bit dookie but whatever man, my motivation to write has been slipping lately so this is a lazy write.
wanna know more about me? —> here
masterlist —> here
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videovamptramp · 1 year
the great war pt 1
natasha romanoff x fem reader
warnings: if you count flirting as cheating then nats a cheater 🤡, angst, breakups, idk why i can never write fluffy shit…, kinda mean nat?, natasha’s a bad girlfriend but she means well.
(part 2 will be uploaded on saturday or sunday morning depending on where u live! i already have it written, just need to revise and edit 😊)
natasha knows treating you the way she has isn’t enough. she knows she’s doing almost everything wrong in the relationship. she doesn’t understand intimacy too well (if not at all), she barely grasps the concept of monogamy (it doesn’t help that she flirts with almost every woman she meets), and she doesn’t understand you at all. sometimes, you feel like she doesn’t even try. above all of that, natasha has never even told you that she loves you. it’s been two and a half years, and she’s never said it. some days, natasha racks her brain trying to figure out why you haven’t left yet.
natasha loves you. she knows this, though she doesn’t know if you do. she wonders if you know just how much she loves you; how she often craves those gentle touches of yours that only you can give her. you read her so well, she never even has to ask, you just know. whenever she’s had a bad day or a tough mission, you somehow know. whenever she wakes up craving pancakes, there you are making pancakes without her even saying anything about it. it’s funny, wanda maximoff is the mind reader, but you seem to be the only one who can truly read natasha romanoff.
though, tonight— tonight you aren’t too sure about what natasha’s doing, or what she wants. you’re currently at the bar with kate and yelena, while watching natasha flirt with maria hill right in front of your face. you’ve had to sit through not one, but two sexy dances. watching your girlfriend let her work partner grind all over her isn’t actually how you imagined the night going. the truth was you didn’t even want to come out tonight, but you did for her. she asked you to come out with her, and now you’re sitting at the bar watching her practically undress maria with her eyes.
you chug the rest of what’s in your drink, and turn your attention back to yelena and kate. “i think i’m gonna head home. i’m not feeling too well.” you half lie, and kate’s face falls. “what?! but you’ve only been here for an hour! come on, stay! don’t let natasha ruin your night.” kate tries, and yelena smirks. “you know, you and i can always dance and make her jealous.” yelena offers, and you giggle sadly. “thanks lena, but that’s not what i do... truthfully, i don’t even care anymore. if she wants to flirt or hookup with hill tonight, that’s fine.” you sound exhausted, and this causes both of your friends expressions to morph into looks of concern. “i’m tired...” you trail off, and you stop yourself to keep your voice from breaking.
... i’m tired of trying to be what she wants. i’m tired of not being enough.
you clear your throat, reaching into your pocket and pulling out a twenty dollar bill for your now finished drinks. “at least let me drive you home!” kate tries, and you shake your head. “no, you stay. have fun! i’ll get a cab.” you assure her, and she looks like she wants to protest but you quickly gather your things and stand up, adjusting your dress. “if nat notices i’m gone, which i doubt she will, tell her i went home.” you request, and yelena only nods as you walk away. you turn your head and catch a glimpse of maria whispering something in natasha’s ear. whatever it is it makes natasha grin in a way you haven’t been able to in months.
your heart feels like it’s being squeezed in your chest, but you manage to pry your eyes off of them, the image fully engraved into your mind as you walk out of the club.
“should we be worried? about her? like i know natasha’s your sister and all, but she’s cheating right in front of our eyes.” kate points out as she sips her fruity drink. yelena looks over at natasha who’s still talking to maria, seemingly unaware that you had even left. yelena shakes her head, “natasha? she’s always like this. she pushes and pushes until she pushes the person she loves to snap or leave. you can call it what you want, but i call it self sabotage.” yelena blurts out her retort, and kate shakes her head. “but y/n loves her, yel. i’m really concerned, because she’s willing to let natasha cheat on her. who does that?” kate asks and yelena sighs, reaching for another shot.
“someone who’s tired. she’s probably... how do you say... mentally gone already? yeah, that’s it. she probably doesn’t care anymore about what natasha does.” yelena says, and kate’s face changes as she notices natasha somehow is now behind yelena, and can hear everything the blonde is saying. “i mean, would you? she’s given maria hill more attention in the last hour and a half than she has given y/n all month.” yelena adds, “i wouldn’t be surprised if natasha gets home one day and she’s gone.” yelana continues and kate shakes her head, flashing yelena a look of panic.
“what? do i have something on my face?” yelena asks, and natasha clears her throat from behind the blonde. yelena turns around, and is seemingly unfazed by her sisters sudden presence. “well if it isn’t the woman of the hour! how is your night fling going, сестра (sister)?” yelena asks with a drunk smile on her face, causing natasha to scoff. “fling? and do i wanna know what you were just talking about? or why?” natasha asks, and yelena chortles sardonically. “yes, your fling. your shield partner who you’ve been dry humping all night in front of your girlfriend.” yelena answers and kate sips her drink awkwardly, trying to avoid natasha’s harsh gaze.
“you know what yelena? what do you know about my girlfriend?” natasha asks bitterly, knowing too well about yelena’s not so little crush on you. yelena rolls her eyes, “apparently more than you. y/n has been gone for almost half an hour now, and you haven’t even noticed. i may not have experience in relationships, but i know you’re not supposed to hurt her all the time.” yelena states, and natasha’s fists ball up. “i hurt her all the time?? is that what she tells you?” natasha asks and yelena huffs. “obviously not, natalia! you know she practically worships the ground you walk on! you know what i think? i think when you know someone loves you, you never think twice about them again.” yelena spits harshly, and natasha’s hard expression falters at the words.
“people like you truly don’t know what they have until it’s gone. and when she realizes she deserves better than catching a cab on her own in the middle of november— better than watching you give someone else attention while you’ve barely spared her a single glance since you’ve been back from your mission— she’ll be fine. she’ll find better. but you won’t find someone who loves you that much again, and you know it.” yelena says through gritted teeth, and natasha is staring into yelena’s eyes as if she could see right into her soul.
kate was positive someone was going to get murdered tonight, and it was definitely going to be yelena. until natasha shifts from one foot to the other, and sighs, “where’d she go?” natasha demands, and yelena chuckles, “oh now you care?” the blonde asks, and kate puts her hand on yelena’s shoulder. “she went back home.” kate cuts in, and natasha only nods. she avoids yelena’s gaze before talking again, “i do love her.” natasha starts, and yelena rolls her eyes, turning her head to the side in order to gaze away from natasha.
“you’re both the only two people i love unconditionally in this world.” natasha adds and yelena seems to soften only a bit at the words. “you have a funny way of showing it, сестра (sister).” yelena murmurs, and natasha sighs as she looks at kate, silently apologizing like a scorned puppy. “she’ll forgive you. she always does.” kate tries to reassure the redhead but this only makes her feel even more guilty. natasha nods, but says nothing else. “you better gravel.” yelena blurts out, snickering as natasha walks away.
the entire way back to your guys shared apartment, natasha thinks about you. the way she’s treated you. yelena’s words ring through her head, and she can’t help but grimace she thinks about them.
“you know what i think? i think when you know someone loves you, you never think twice about them again.”
that couldn’t be further from the truth. yet, yelena’s words still hurt. what if you think the same way as the blonde?
“i wouldn’t be surprised if natasha gets home one day and she’s gone.”
yelena’s words hold heavy weight and meaning, and they manage to make natasha’s blood run cold. she doesn’t want to think about you leaving, but she’d be lying if she said she never does. every day she thinks about how much better you deserve, and how wonderful you are. she thinks about all the little things you do for her, like purchasing her favorite brand of hot cocoa from the grocery store. the way you always leave sticky notes on the mirror, telling her you love her. she notices every little thing you do for her. from the way you organize her drawers, to the way you cook dinner based on the foods she prefers.
when she gets home there’s a chilling, deafening silence in the apartment. there wasn’t a single sound other than the sirens and noises coming from the busy streets of new york. “detka?” natasha calls out, as she shuts the door behind her. when she walks in, she sees your sweater from tonight carelessly thrown on the back of the couch. the redhead walks further into your shared apartment, and as she approaches her bedroom, her heart sinks.
you’re not here.
“y/n?” natasha asks, her voice louder this time. when she’s met by more silence, a wave of panic washes over her. “no— shit, fuck—“ natasha slurs while she curses as she fumbles with the purse in her hands, her slightly shaky hands searching for her phone. something in her chest tightens as she unlocks her phone, the screensaver she has of you eating ice cream would in any other case make her smile. right now it makes the uncomfortable pit in her stomach grow as she starts to sober up while pressing on your contact information.
the phone rings twice before natasha can hear your phone ringing somewhere in the kitchen. natasha rushes over in the direction of the sound, and when she sees your phone on the counter, her heart drops right into her stomach. that little condescending voice in her brain is screaming ‘she left. of course she left you, who wouldn’t leave you after all the shit you’ve pulled?’ along with things like ‘yelena was right.’ ‘you never deserved her anyways.’ ‘you’re just a whore, natalia.’
her thoughts are suddenly interrupted by you casually entering the apartment wearing your pink velvet short pajama set. your hair is in unruly curls, and you nearly stop in your tracks at the sight of your girlfriend standing in the middle of the apartment with an inscrutable expression on her face. “you’re home?” you ask uncertainly, yet your voice and face don’t indicate any signs of anger. in fact, you sort of look confused. it’s hard for natasha to swallow as her hands tremble and she lets out a breath of slight relief as she realizes you’re back. “what’s wrong?” you question after not getting an answer from your gaping girlfriend.
“i— i got home and you weren’t here... where— where’d you go?” natasha asks, swallowing past the lump in her throat. her fists are opening and closing, and she’s standing robotically across the room. you step closer to her subconsciously, “mrs. rodriguez knocked; mr. whiskers got loose in the building and i was helping her look for him. we found him on top of the vending machine on level three.” you reveal, explaining your short absence to the ex-assassin. “why are you home so early?” you ask nonchalantly, as you walk past natasha, towards the counter where your phone is.
“you left early. why’d you leave?�� natasha asks, ignoring your question, and you notice the way her voice breaks every so slightly. you furrow your brows, “i— i was tired, and i didn’t want to ruin your night... i told yelena and kate to let you know.” you retort, and natasha folds her arms. “you should have told me.” she states, and you raise a brow. “and interrupt whatever the hell was going on between you and maria? no thanks, i was already humiliated enough.” you murmur, and natasha tenses up.
“there’s nothing going on between me and agent hill.” she says seriously, and you roll your eyes. “does she know that? because she was blushing at everything you were saying tonight.” you respond smartly, and natasha scoffs, her crossed arms tightening over her chest. “i didn’t do anything tonight that i don’t usually do when i go out.” she points out, and you sigh, pushing your hair behind your ears. you look at natasha, and she can see on your face how exhausted you are. “yeah, i know.” you say under your breath, “that’s the problem.” you add as you go to leave and natasha moves with you, blocking your way to the bedroom.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” she asks a bit demandingly. you shake your head, “it doesn’t mean a thing to you, i know that.” you respond, your tone lacking it’s usual softness. natasha pauses, and you sigh. “look, i’m really tired, okay? i can’t do this whole fight just to make up thing tonight. i’m going to bed.” you declare, and natasha blinks a few times as you manage to make your way past her and towards the bedroom.
“you’re tired... tired of me?” natasha asks, her voice different than it usually is. this causes you to stop and turn back to look at her. “i’d never get tired of you. ever.” you affirm certainly, but your answer doesn’t seem to satisfy natasha. your shoulders slouch a bit, “i’m tired of the way you make me feel, nat.” you admit, your tone low, and your eyes on the floor. “i’m tired of laying awake at night while you’re out flirting and doing who knows what with people i have to face day to day, and they all wonder the same thing i do. i know it.” your voice cracks as you swallow thickly in order to keep your voice clear. “and what’s that? what are they all wondering?” she asks in a manner you’ve never heard before. your eyes meet hers, and for the first time she can see just how hurt you are.
“if i’m even enough for you. or why you’re even with me in the first place.” you whisper, looking away as your eyes begin to water. the way your bottom lip begins to quiver, and the way your eyes are begging for an answer makes natasha’s heart shatter. “detka...” natasha trails off, her voice faint and quiet. you shake your head, trying to be strong as your teary orbs meet hers. “you know you don’t have to pretend to love me, or settle for me... right? i— i’m a big girl, natasha, i can handle the truth. i think... i think i deserve the truth.” your voice trembles, but you keep your gaze locked on natasha despite the tears in your eyes and you’re trying to blink them away rapidly, causing each tear to fall one by one; streaming down your cheeks to your jaw.
the titian-haired woman stares at you for a long moment, her eyes now glossy and full of anguish. the flicker of emotions in those forest-green orbs does nothing to ease your fears and anxieties that are creeping up on you. tonight’s the night, you think, the night she finally admits you’re not enough for her. you never will be. “pretending to love you? is that what you think i’m doing?” natasha inquires in pure disbelief. “you think i don’t really love you? you think i settled for you??” natasha asks, sounding more upset than you’ve ever heard her. you don’t know what comes over you, but the dam that’s been poorly put together, finally bursts.
“not just me, natasha… everyone thinks that. and tonight— god, tonight you were just showing me how you really feel and i need to stop ignoring it.” you breathe out, the end of your palms digging into your eyelids, as you try your absolute hardest to ignore the urgent need to cry. natasha shakes her head, “that’s not true! i love you more than i love anything! you know that!” natasha raises her voice, and you stare at her with a pained expression. “i don’t. not anymore, and especially not after everything you’ve done.” you respond in a monotone.
natasha stares at you, trying to figure out your next move, but for the first time since she’s met you, she can’t. “maybe... maybe you should just go. go back to the club... back to maria. i’m sure she’ll be more than happy to let you stay at her place... just till i can find a place of my own—“ you begin to ramble, and natasha’s eyes widen. “no!” she shouts, causing you to nearly flinch. “no, please— please don’t. please... don’t make me go.” natasha begs, her voice cracking and you can’t help but flash her a heartbroken expression.
“what else can i do, natasha? i’m not going to compete with her. i can’t... not when she’s obviously the better choice for you.” you hug your arms around yourself, turning away from natasha in order to hide the insecurity written all over your face. “the better choice?” natasha asks unrecognizably, and you turn to face her; the look on your face shatters her. “please don’t make me say it.” you beg, you’re heartbroken enough. “you’re going to have to, because i don’t understand. on what planet is maria hill a better choice than you?” natasha asks, and your fingernails dig into your upper arms.
“just... just leave me alone for the rest of the night. please.” you plead, and she takes a step closer to you, causing you to instinctively take a few steps back. “not tonight.” you add in a strained tone, natasha swears the floor might swallow her whole, and she desperately wants you to hold her. but the way you looked at her— you look absolutely disappointed in her. it makes her realize yelena had more of a point than she anticipated. you turn away, facing your bedroom, and you’re ready for this night to end already. you’re exhausted and all you wanted was to watch movies and cuddle tonight. instead you got this. again.
“i’m sorry.” natasha croaks out, and you close your eyes tightly, clenching your jaw. “me too.” you manage to voice out as you walk into the room, shutting the door behind you. the sound of the lock makes natasha’s heart fall further into that pit that only seems to be growing.
natasha’s legs feel like jelly as she shuffles to the bedroom door. her nose practically touches the cold wood, “i’m sorry.” natasha repeats through the door, “i’ve been a shitty girlfriend. i haven’t treated you the way you deserve, and i know that. i don’t mean to be this way...” her tone is broken and frail, and you stare at the door with tears falling out of your eyes. “the truth is, i don’t know why i do a lot of things. i was trained for everything...” natasha trails off, her voice getting caught somewhere in her windpipe. she swallows past the lump in her throat, “... but i wasn’t trained to keep a good thing. i’ve never had a good thing like this, and when you say you’re not enough for me, that’s just not true. i’m not enough for you.” natasha doesn’t realize she’s crying until she can taste the bitter salt on her lips, falling off her jaw and down to her collarbone.
her forehead is touching the door, and she lets out a ragged breath, squeezing her eyes shut. you don’t say anything, and god, she‘s terrified that she fucked this up beyond repair. then, she hears the door click, and she stands up straight, sniffling as you open the door. you peak through, your eyes full of tears, and they only multiply when you see her red and puffy eyes. she’s staring at you like a lost puppy and you reach for her, immediately seeking her comfort. natasha wraps her muscular arms around the back of your neck, pulling you flush against her. you both say nothing as she holds you in her arms, crying simultaneously. natasha’s arms are wrapped around your neck and she breathes you in. she never wants to let you go.
a few minutes of silence tick by, “i can’t do this anymore, nat…” you whisper, and the words make her heart fall deeper into that blackhole. there’s tears falling out of your eyes and you sniffle as you pull away from the taller woman. “i c-can’t keep doing this. i’m… i’m gonna stay at lizzie’s for awhile.” your voice cracks, and natasha’s eyes widen, she shakes her head quickly, “no— detka please. i can fix this. please, just give me a chance to fix it.” she begs, and you look down, the salty tears streaming down your cheeks. “no nat. i— i need time to think… i don’t want to feel this way anymore.” you express, your hand on your chest as if she’d literally taken a knife and stabbed you through the heart. natasha feels an enormous amount of guilt and regret as she realizes just how badly her actions have affected you.
“baby please… i’m sorry. i don’t want you to leave.” her voice cracks, and her mascara is running. she looks heartbroken, but so do you. it took her this long to realize you’ve been feeling this way, and it was all because of her foolish actions. “you should’ve thought about that before… you really hurt me, nat.” you try to sound strong, but the way you’re crying makes you feel weak. you turn around and make your way into your bedroom, ready to gather a bag of your things then call your sister to come and get you. natasha’s stuck in place as she watches you move around the bedroom, packing a duffel bag. her hearts pounding in her ears, she can’t move or say anything as you talk on the phone with your sister and she agrees to pick you up.
her body doesn’t feel like her own as you throw on a pair of jeans and your own hoodie; it becomes too real as you put your shoes on. she feels like a robot, standing in the middle of her bedroom. you give her one last look before throwing your bag over your shoulder and leaving; you don’t even realize you take natasha’s heart with you when you leave. after the door slams, the silence engulfs her and she can physically feel her heart break in two. what the hell did she do?
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seresinhangmanjake · 3 months
Not Your Type: Part 2
Jake Seresin x goth girl!reader
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Summary: Jake Seresin doesn’t usually have to try hard to get women, but the only woman to catch his attention in a long time doesn’t want anything to do with him.
Written in the form of sharing milestones of their relationship as it develops. For example - Day 1: the day they meet; Day 3x: the day they (...); Day 5xx: the day they (...); and so on.
Notes/Warnings: Jake being annoying but also desperate. Cursing.
Words: 2990
Full Masterlist
Day 14:
“What do we want for this round, girls?” Gemma asks. She stands, albeit a tad unsteadily, at the edge of your booth with her hands on her hips, ready to take your order as if the Hard Deck provides her with biweekly paychecks. 
She’s been in California all of three days; she and Lola—friends from your hometown who were in desperate need of a change of scenery and accepted the offer of your extra bedrooms. And as usual, Gemma effortlessly embraced her new environment within the first twenty-four hours of her arrival. To onlookers, you imagine that of the three of you, she would be the assumed local.
“More of this fruity stuff, whatever it is,” Lola says around the thin straw clenched between her teeth as she nurses the current ‘fruity stuff’ in her glass.
Gemma looks to you with a raised brow, but you shake your head, tapping your nail against your soda cup. “I’m good.”
“Party pooper,” she playfully sighs, flipping a section of deep purple hair over her shoulder and turning in the direction of the bar.
Getting the drinks was meant to be your job—a welcoming treat after their exhausting move—but Gemma got a peek at the bartender, and by exercising the magical abilities that come with her smile, has spent half the night providing the three of you with free alcohol and fountain sodas.
“I’m the DD!” you call after her, but as is the case on most Friday nights at the Hard Deck, the volume of the room devours your voice before it can reach her.
“She’s gonna go after that bartender the second his shift is over,” Lola tells you. “Poor guy has no idea who he’s dealing with.”
“No,” you agree, chuckling and rapidly recalling the string of heartbroken men who would reach out to you or Lola in the hopes of getting ahold of Gemma after she’d ghosted them. “But they never do, and unfortunately, they never learn.” 
“You know, I’ve been told I’m a phenomenal learner,” you hear, but it’s a much deeper sound than the curly-haired woman at your side is able to produce. The unexpected addition makes the sip of soda in your mouth travel down the wrong pipe, throwing you into a coughing fit. 
“Oh, shit,” the voice rushes out, snatching a napkin from the next booth and thrusting it in your face. You take it to muffle the sharp choking noises fighting their way out of your windpipe. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You scold yourself for not realizing he was here before he made himself known. It was almost two hours ago that you began feeling that same burning sensation from a couple of weeks ago, but you thought little of it, having scanned the room for him when you first arrived at the bar. You even opted to sit facing the front door, figuring you wouldn’t miss it if he entered, but he still managed to sneak in. He still found you. He still affects you.
As you recover your breathing, he extends his hand past you toward Lola. “I’m Jake.”
“Lola,” she replies, shaking his hand as she glances at you.
You let out a final cough, dabbing a napkin at the corner of your mouth then wiping it just under your waterline to pick up your tears. “Fuck,” you mumble.
“Name a time and a place, sweetheart, and I’m all yours.”
Lola snorts with her lips around her straw. Her following giggle makes air bubbles burst from her shallow glass. Stray droplets splash onto the table, a few soaking into the sleeve of your top.
You have no time to decide who is more deserving of your glare—Traitor Friend or Ken Doll—before Gemma’s return. As she slides into the seat opposite yours, she’s so focused on keeping liquids from sloshing over rims that she doesn’t notice the intruder. 
“Fruity thing for Lo,” she pushes the glass to Lola who eagerly accepts a fresh drink, “spicy thing for me, and, tragically, nothing for the DD.” 
When she finally senses the vibe at the table—greatly altered from what she left behind a few minutes prior—she turns her head. The surprise in her expression settles into subtle excitement as she rakes her eyes up Jake’s body to his face. With that wicked smile of hers, she plants her elbow on the wooden surface and rests her chin atop the back of her hand. 
“And what would you like?” she teases in a low, seductive tone.
“Just a chance to talk with your verbally vicious friend,” he says, jutting his chin in your direction. 
“This is Jake,” Lola informs her. 
“Jake?” Gemma questions you, cocking her head in genuine curiosity. “You’ve never mentioned a Jake.”
“He isn’t worth mentioning.”
Jake smirks through the jab. “You know, you don’t have to repeatedly stab me in the chest.”
“You’re the one who keeps standing in front of my knife,” you shoot back, crossing your arms.
There’s not a single uttering from the group of four as Lola and Gemma stare at you and Jake staring at each other. Neither of you is willing to break eye contact, and the tension becomes heavy, like rich honey—thick enough to drag your finger through. 
“Can we talk privately?” Jake then asks, that smirk still in place. He looks away from you only to address your friends. “You ladies don’t mind if I borrow her, do you?”
“Not at all,” Gemma answers, each word out of her mouth a little less crisp than the last. “As long as you borrow me next.”
“Gemma!” you snap. “Not this one.”
“But he’s so hot,” she whines.
“I’ll cut you off.”
She gasps. Then her bottom lip protrudes in a pout, and her hands cradle her glass as she pulls it closer to her chest protectively.
“That’s a very flattering offer, if we can call it that,” Jake says. “However, that guy over there, the one with the outdated mustache,” he steps aside and points to the friend you recognize from the other night. The brunet’s cheeks redden and he quickly jerks his head in the opposite direction of Gemma’s prying gaze. “He’s been having a hell of a time trying to keep his eyes off you tonight. Just can’t help himself.” 
Jake shakes his head, clicks his tongue, and faces your table again. “Honestly, I know the feeling,” he says. His eyes connect with yours, puzzle pieces locking together until the burn starts to sear too deep and you have to look away. “It’s a tough spot to be in,” he continues. “And I can’t in good conscience move in on the girl whose laugh has made another man blush three times within the last hour.”
Just like that, Gemma is over Jake. Other than the pang of relief you feel, you don’t think anything of her swift attention shift until five seconds, then ten, then fifteen pass without her ceasing her careful examination of Jake’s friend. 
“Will you come with me?” Jake asks you. “I promise I won’t keep you long.” 
You chew on your lip, trying to ignore his pull.
“Lola, you think she should come with me, right?” he says.
Lola doesn’t glance his way as she runs her finger along the rim of her glass to collect the leftover grains of sugar. “Secondary locations are very suspicious, Jake,” she says before pressing her fingertip onto her tongue. 
“We won't go far.”
Lola raises a brow at you and you sigh. “He's annoying but I'm pretty sure he's safe,” you tell her.
Jake smiles; another thing you don’t have to see to know it’s there. You feel that grin just from its power alone.
Standing, you straighten out your skirt, your fingers running down the dark material that flares from mid-waist to mid-thighs. Your belt is purely decorative, with consecutive overlapping chains that wrap around the band of your skirt and a tiny, crescent moon charm that dangles a bit lower than the rest. As you adjust the belt so the charm rests where it is supposed to at your hip, you catch Jake’s fixed stare on your movements. 
You don’t know what he’s thinking. You remind yourself that you don’t care.
“I'll be back in a minute, Lo,” you promise. “Gem, do you intend to blink any time soon?”
Gemma doesn’t turn. Jake’s friend has found a bit of boldness and no longer avoids her eyes. “No,” she says, waving you off. “Have fun.”
Jake tucks his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I was thinking the deck since it's on the beach.”
Ignoring his suggestion, you begin to walk in the direction of the front door. He follows into the chill of Evening’s breeze and you suck in a refreshing breath. Was it always so suffocating in there? 
“Ok, what do you want?” you ask once you’ve walked far enough to avoid blocking the entrance.
Jake remains a good six feet from you. His hands haven’t left his pockets. “To apologize, for starters,” he says.
“Bothering you the other night.”
“So you decided to bother me again tonight?”
Jake’s lips part to respond, but he pauses, mouth snapping shut. Glancing down at the gravel by your boots, his brow pinches as his actions sink in. “Ok, ‘bother’ wasn't really what I was going for a second time around, but in hindsight–”
“If that was just your starter, what’s the rest?”
He looks at you with a tick of false innocence that rapidly dies under the weight of mischievousness, and you prepare yourself for what he’s about to deliver. “Maybe I shouldn’t say,” he teases, smile budding, teeth showing. “Maybe I should prolong the suspense.”
You fold your arms over your chest. “Do you remember what I said about wasting my time?”
“Something about my ego suffering the consequences,” he replies. “Even though you’ve had my ego in a choke-hold since you threw around that whole ‘I’ve noticed you but you’ve never noticed me’ thing.”
That, you didn’t expect. You didn’t expect him to remember everything you’d said, or care. But neither did you expect him to approach you after that night, so you suppose he’s full of surprises. You're just not sure if you like them. 
He nods. “Yea, that one…that one was a thinker, for sure. Haven’t been able to stop thinking about it, actually.”
He sighs and drops eye contact. Like it’s too hard to maintain. Like he’s ashamed or confused or contemplating, or all three. Then he wets his bottom lip with a dart of his tongue; he draws that lip between his teeth, biting down; he barely shakes his head before he rejoins your gazes.
“Because I look at you now, and I don’t understand how it was possible,” he admits.
Your breath hitches. Your heartbeat trips, tumbling over itself, and you will it to find its proper pace before you dare open your mouth.
“Anyway,” Jake says to fill the gap that was meant for your response, “I also wanted to ask you out. On a date.”
You blink hard. Long beats snail along as you process the lunacy of that statement. “Has anything I've said to you indicated that I would ever agree to a date?”
He shrugs. “No, but it was either try once more and see if I have a chance with you, or don't try at all.”
For a man you’ve witnessed succeed in his every attempt at wooing women until you, you won’t deny that what he’s doing is gutsy and, you suppose, unworthy of being shamed. He’s resilient, determined, and you have great respect for perseverance, but in this case, it's not sufficient to rearrange your perception of him. 
“Do you even know my name?” you ask. “I never told you.”
He smiles; not broadly, not boastfully, but gently, sweetly, as if reliving a memory. “I asked Penny after you left that night,” he tells you. “It’s beautiful. Suits you.”
Your woven arms tighten, pointed nails digging into your bicep. Don’t shiver, you command your body. Don’t show the tingling chill he just shot up your spine and through your limbs. You try swallowing through the ghost-like grip he suddenly has on your throat. The light grasp of wispy fingers that don’t aim to choke, but simply rest around the column. Possessive but not controlling. Also not really there. And you don’t appreciate the growing strength of his power to touch you without you being within reaching distance.
The problem is, men don’t compliment you. Well, they do, but not like this. They compliment tits and ass and legs and face. They compliment clothes that they imagine ripping off, and makeup they hope they can ruin by the end of the night. Your name doesn’t often come to mind, and the ones who do ask for it, don’t ever use it again. That’s part of why you didn’t give it to Jake when he had asked. 
And then he went over your head. Fuck this guy.
“Before you say anything else—I’m willing to earn it.”
Your brows raise halfway up your forehead. “You're willing to earn it,” you repeat. “Why? You don't know me, and I have a feeling you understand that using me to prove some kind of point to yourself or your friends will only get you castrated.”
“I wouldn't have guessed castration, specifically, but that does seem in character,” he says.
He steps closer. His arm moves toward you, hand prepared to plant itself on your forearm, but at the last second, he thinks better of it and drops that limb back to his side. His fingers ball into a fist that tightens and loosens and tightens and loosens. He doesn’t know that you see him doing it, and then it stops. “Look, when you said that you're not my type, you were right. You were right. You're not right anymore. You only weren't my type because I'd never seen you before.” He takes a breath. “But I know I could swear that up and down, right here, right now, and you wouldn't believe me; not really; maybe not at all. So I have to prove it, don't I? I have to earn it.”
He seems to have forgotten that you know, and have known, who he is for months. Observation reveals more about a person than getting to know them firsthand. The Observed can’t pick and choose what they share with you to aid their desires and goals. In their cluelessness, they lose all defenses, all illusions, and Jake is no exception.
You’ve watched him pursue and flirt and conquer. You’ve watched him in the aftermath of the pursuing and flirting and conquering. You’ve watched his strategy of radiating cockiness to draw them in. There are the laughs, the winks, the tamed touches that bring out blushes, all of which join together until it’s the woman—and all of the near carbon copies of that woman—who takes the lead, pulling him into the bathroom or onto the back deck or out the front door. He’s tricky like that, but you’re not easily tricked.
“Have you considered that maybe you are not my type?” you ask. 
“I have, actually. It was a very troubling thirty seconds.”
“Thirty seconds of consideration?” Your head tilts. “Is that all?”
Jake acknowledges the offense you’ve taken. He doesn’t apologize but the disappointment in himself is palpable enough to satisfy you. But then he says, “Would you have come out here if you weren't attracted to me?”
And now you’re disappointed in yourself, because, no, you wouldn’t have come with him if you weren’t attracted to him. Attraction and curiosity convinced you more than his words, and therein lies the problem. One problem. One of many. 
“I shouldn't have.”
“But you did,” he says. His tone is low but it packs the punch of an exclamation point. You’re going to be hearing it for days. “Doesn’t that count for something?”
You sigh and let your arms unweave, falling at your sides. “I…” you begin, but you shake your head. You need to say this right. “Attraction is basic. It’s human. It’s all up in our personal space at all times. If that counted for anything, I’d be dating half of the usuals in the bar.”
You know the same goes for him. He finds a new woman to be attracted to whenever he walks into the Hard Deck and you’d be hard-pressed to believe that doesn’t extend to every room he enters. So you leave it at that and twist on your heel to head back inside. 
You hear a crunch of gravel as he takes a step after you. “Will you at least think about it? Please.”
Not stopping to answer, you reach for the handle of the door. “Have a good night, Jake,” you toss over your shoulder.
Being inside the bar does not stop your heart from thumping or your mind from racing through a jumble of thoughts that are no easier untangled than the voices around you, and it’s too much. So to avoid exhausting yourself, you shove those thoughts aside in favor of directing your attention to more important things, like one-third of your trio missing from the booth. 
“Where’s Gem?”
Lola nods her head and you follow. 
Across the bar, Gemma has Jake’s dark-haired friend leaning against the wall, her palms braced on his chest. One of his hands rests at her waist and the other is at the side of her neck just under her jaw, his fingers hidden by the curtain of her hair. There’s an oddness to their kissing. It is very non-Gemma kissing. They kiss freely like no one is around, but it’s not an attack of teeth and lip tugging or sloppy tongues; it’s slow, sensual. It clashes with the room. 
“I was gone for five minutes,” you say.
Lola shrugs. “She only needed four.”
tags: @kmc1989 @wkndwlff @dempy @sagittarius-flowerchild @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @penguin876 @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @emilyoflanternhill @wretchedmo @shanimallina87 @crowsreadsarahjmaas @mamachasesmayhem @sky2nd @jessicab1991 @averyhotchner @rosedurin @horseshoegirl @roosteraloha @b-bradshaw @ssa-sadboi @buckysteveloki-me @whatislovevavy @dreamlandcreations @memoriesat30 @harrysgothicbitch @yvonneeeee @gg-trini
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slutforthanatos · 3 months
18+ ONLY || MDNI divider by benkeibear || mdni banner by me!!
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All I can think about today is sucking Victor's cock. So here's this for all my loves who also are orally fixated on their fave. tagging: @arlerts-angel cw: m!receiving oral, reader is engaged to character, large c*ck kink, swallowing, slight dacryphilia, reader is (in my mind) fem bodied.
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You both had been together for years, so getting naked in front of each other was nothing new. You both had showered together, gotten dressed in the same room, and made love countless times, so it was pretty much second nature.
However, much like your fiancé, whenever your eyes gazed upon his naked body, you couldn't help but act like it was the first time you've ever seen it- every time.
So, today, your handsome partner emerged from the bathroom, a towel clad around his waist, his body sparkling with the rivulets of water that drip down his sculpted frame. He winks at you, before heading to the dresser to pick out a pair of clothes.
Your hormonal self (of course, this was your fertile week) eyed his figure. You couldn't help but look at his large shoulders, his perfect narrow waist, and then....
He drops the towel, truly showing off his birthday suit at once. You blink, and try to discreetly glance at him- without coming off too.. creepy.
This is your soon-to-be husband, Y/N. You say. It's okay to ogle him.
Your attempts to conceal your eyeing of his, well, extremely large dick, were obviously in vain (and vein, too, right?) when he straightens his posture, looking at you.
"I can see you looking, Y/N." He remarks. "Just tell me if you want to have sex. It's okay." He chuckles.
Gosh, you couldn't help it. He's a very magnificent example of a male figure and his giant cock just.. added to it.
"I mean, if you wanna...." You twiddle your thumbs. "I have a better idea." You grin, moving to the edge of the bed, where your lover stands.
You press a kiss to his navel, looking up at him. "Can I?" You ask, pretty sure that it's obvious. "I mean, if you wanna...." He laughs, mocking your earlier statement. You giggle in response, taking his thick cock in your hand.
You pump it a few times, feeling it get more and more harder in your hand. Precum starts to leak from the tip, and you gently kiss it. You feel every vein of his dick, every inch of the Beautifully Crafted Pretty-Boy-Cock™ before you take it into your mouth.
You moan at his taste, slightly salty, but still with a hint of fruity nonetheless. Thank god for his obsession with healthy eating. You continue to pump what you couldn't fit in your mouth with your hand, which is a little less than half of his member. While you considered yourself to be pretty damn skilled at oral, of course that was in cases where the man's cock wasn't the size of the fucking Titanic.
However, your fiancé's cock was impressively large, and your poor little mouth couldn't fit any more of him without practically dislocating your jaw.
Your hands move down to his balls, squeezing them as you relish in the way his cock jerks in your mouth. He moans, his fingers grabbing your hair, moving your head to take more of his cock in your mouth.
Your eyes prick with tears at the feeling, but you'd rather be tearing up than gagging- so you continue to take him deeper until he's fucking your throat. He thrusts into your mouth, moaning your name.
"Fuuuuck," he moans. "Oh, shit. Fuck!" He says, before he spills his hot load into your mouth. The stripes of it coating your throat, your mouth, some of it even leaking out of your mouth, mixed with your saliva, as it drips down your chin.
He pulls out of your mouth, looking down at your pretty little face, and then your mouth, which is coated in his cum. He kisses your forehead, before pushing you down onto the bed. "Now it's time for me to do the same to you." He says.
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Eren, Armin, Levi, Erwin, Reiner, Gojo, Toji, Geto + Your Faves!!
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changetyre · 1 year
Experimenting || CL16 & MV33
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SUMMARY: You’ve always thought Charles wasn’t fully straight, you could tell by the way he looked at certain men and maybe some things he liked in bed but he always seemed too shy to say anything. You decide to call for a helping hand. Charles Leclerc x Reader x Max Verstappen
WARNINGS: 18+ Terribly written Smut, Male oral, Fingering, Fruity behavior, A*s play, mentions of pinning Frotting, and some more stuff probably.
A/N: in honor of Pride month ig 😪 also want to make it super clear that this is not me imposing a sexuality on anyone, this is obviously a work of FICTION and nothing should be taken as real!
“Fuck yeah right there” Charles whimpered as you stuck a finger in his whole while blowing him.
Ever since you first suggested trying ass play on his part to him a few weeks ago he quickly grew obsessed and you swore you’d never seen Charles cum so har before or emit the noises he did until now.
You knew having a man comfortable enough in bed to try anything didn’t have to mean anything other then them being comfortable in their own sexuality.
Except for you in your years of relationship with Charles you’d grown to notice more and more the way he behaved towards certain men, attractive in both your eyes. The way he got flustered or shy around them and how sometimes you noticed him get turned on by some.
Your suspicious only grew stronger when Charles asked you to try pinning. You could tell he was both exited and nervous watching you put on a strap on starting at a moderate size for him.
He was nervous you could tell but he fell in love with the feeling of having a cock inside of him and as much as he tried to convince himself it was simply the fact that you were doing this to him he couldn’t help but imagine what a real one would feel like.
No, he wasn’t growing bored of you or loosing attraction to you in the slightest it was only that as he grew more comfortable in your relationship, in bed, he had allowed himself to explore himself more in ways he hadn’t found the space too.
Little did he know how much you noticed this and how much it turned you on to see Charles become nothing but mush with all these things you were trying and how much you wished to continue and increase his pleasures as much as you could.
Which is why a few days ago you’d taken the liberty to invite a friend on an adventure with you hoping to get Charles to open up (quite literally).
“Fuck cherie don’t stop! Don’t stop! I’m gonna cum” Charles breath grew erratic as he came into your mouth, your fingers slowing down their pace in his whole.
“Did you enjoy that baby.” You swallowed before you left small kisses on Charles dick making him twitch and gasp from the sensitivity.
“Beaucoup trop” he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around your neck pulling you up to his lips for a kiss. It was hot, he could still partially taste himself on your tongue making his cock twitch slightly.
“I love you.” You whispered after pulling away from the kiss, both your lips swollen and sore from the hours you’d been going at it previous to Charles final release.
“Je t’aime amour.” Charles whispered placing a soft kiss to your temple.
“Charles I need to ask you something.” You propped yourself up on your elbows looking at Charles directly. Your tone was soft trying not to make him nervous.
“What’s up bebe?” Charles smiled, it comforted you.
“I want to try bringing someone else to bed…and I invited Max to come tomorrow.” You revealed.
Out of everything you could’ve said this was the last thing Charles could’ve imagined to come out of your mouth. His mouth opened in surprise trying to wrap his head around what you said also half expecting you to reveal it was a joke.
He felt like he should get angry or at least annoyed for you taking on such a big decision on your own but he couldn’t quite bring himself to feel that way because as much as it scared him to admit it the thought excited him, it aroused him more than he’d liked to admit.
You sensed his hesitation. “I can always cancel baby I don’t want you to feel pressured or do anything you’re -“
“No!” Charles sounded a little more desperate than he intended and you had to fight back the smirk that wanted to appear on your lips. “No…it’s fine I’m okay with it…let’s try it.”
This time you allowed yourself to smile. You also took note of the fact that Charles had no protests on Max being your invitee and instead you could see the twinkle in his eye at the mention of his name.
Maybe the lestappen fan base aren’t as delusional as they seem, you thought to yourself.
“Are you sure you wanna do this baby?” You asked Charles one last time. Max should be arriving at any minute but you wanted to make sure Charles was 100% sure and comfortable with what was about to happen.
“Yes amour I’m sure. I promise.” Charles answered just as there was a knock at the door. His stomach fluttered but he couldn’t tell if it was nerves, excitement or both.
You rushed to answer the door, Charles taking a deep breath before following after you. It wasn’t until you opened the door and his eyes connected with Max’s did he realize he had no idea what you told Max.
Did Max know you wanted to have a threesome with him? Or were you both going to try to seduce him? Was Charles meant to play with Max or would that only be you?
He began to get caught up in his thoughts until he felt your hand on his arm. Your touch easing him significantly.
“Charles is a little nervous but I’m sure we can help with that right?” Your eyes remained on Charles even though you directed your question at Max.
“Of course, you know what Dani says this isn’t my first rodeo we can get him to loosen up in no time.” Max patted Charles's chest before letting his hand drop to Charles's waist as he walked past the doorway into your home.
Charles couldn’t ignore the way Max’s words and touch made blood travel right down to his center.
Charles stood in awe watching Max's hand tightly around your bare waist as he made out with you passionately in front of him. He watched as Max's hand traveled down to your ass which was covered by nothing but your red lace before he gave it a squeeze making you let out a soft moan.
Charles wasn't jealous of Max, he was seriously turned on by the sight in front of him. In fact, he was slightly jealous of the fact that your hands were all over Max's abs and the way your hand rubbed up and down his bulge over his underwear.
He started doing the same to himself. Except his heart skipped a beat when he saw Max make eye contact with him while he kept making out with you.
He pulled away from you. "Come here, Charlie," Max called out to him nonchalantly as he carefully pushed you back towards the bed making you sit on it.
"Why don't you help him relax," Max spoke to you this time as he brought Charles in front of you, you got on your knees smirking at Max's proposition before you released Charles from his boxers.
Charles's head fell back as your mouth covered him and you bobbed your head up and down his shaft. His feelings intensified by the fact that Max was rubbing his shoulders, and chest and even letting his fingers flicker his nipples.
"Ah, I won't last long like this." Charles sighed as he grabbed your head softly pulling you off him.
"What do you want us to do then?" You asked as Charles helped you off your knees and you placed a short but deep kiss on Charles's lips.
Max walked around him joining your side as you both faced Charles. It was only then Charles realized Max had stripped completely and now all three of you stood in your full naked glory.
Max was big there was no denying it but he wasn't bigger than Charles which is something he took notice of, although Charles couldn't deny the girth Max carried which made him nervous.
"I don't think I'm ready for..." Charles stumbled on his words as his gaze remained on Max's length.
"That's okay...we can do something else for now," Max reassured him unable to contain the proud smirk on his lips at the way Charles admired him.
"I have just the thing." You couldn't hide your excitement and what you had planned, something you really had been wanting to try, and just the thought got you wet. "Baby lay down on your back for us." you instructed Charles.
He did as you told, trusted you enough not to question it.
"Max can you straddle his thighs please" you then asked Max as you climbed onto the bed kneeling beside Charles.
Max smiled quickly figuring out what you had in mind.
Charles felt tingling in his entire body as he watched Max climb on top of him and jumped slightly when he felt Max's length graze against his skin.
"Relax baby, you'll enjoy this." you leaned down whispering in his ear before leaving kisses down his neck, and chest.
"What now?" Charles breathed getting slightly impatient and frustrated at the urgent need for something to happen.
"Ready baby?" you asked as you kept trailing kisses down his body reaching his dick.
"Yes, please do something." Charles's dick twitched involuntarily as your lips neared it.
He let out a long sigh as you licked a stripe down his length before doing the same to Max. You repeated the step, blowing them a couple of times getting them slick enough for the next step.
Once you felt they were slick enough you finally did it. You had to use both your hands as you joined their dicks together rubbing them against each other slowly while you moved your hands up and down.
Charles let out a guttural moan at the new feeling, his head immediately falling back and pressing into the pillow behind him. His eyes shut tightly, he didn't have to see what you were doing the feeling was overwhelmingly pleasurable enough and he also thought that if he looked he would cum immediately.
It was embarrassing how wet you were from the pleasure you were causing both these men, watching Charles trying to hold back his release and Max's ragged breath as he watched and thrust into your hand.
You jumped when you felt two fingers inside of you not realizing Charles had reached around, of course, he was worried about your pleasure too. He moved his fingers in and out at a rapid pace curling them exactly where he knew.
You almost orgasmed when Charles pulled his fingers out of you and used your juices to coat over his and Max's dick making sure everything remained slick enough, repeating the process of wriggling his fingers inside of you and collecting your wetness multiple times.
"I'm gonna cum." Max announced after a few minutes.
"Me too." Charles and you sighed in unison.
You released first around Charles's fingers and only a fraction of a second later did Charles cum quickly followed by Max whose cum mixed with Charles on his stomach.
Charles finally allowed himself to see the mess he and Max created on him although the scene didn't last long before he watched you lick his stomach clean swallowing all the contents.
"Fuck that was so hot." Max chuckled.
As usual, Charles grabbed your neck pulling you into him and kissing you deeply tasting now not only himself but also Max in your mouth.
"That was...incredible." Charles sighed after you pulled away, he watched Max climb off him and begin to put his boxers on.
"Call me anytime, and whenever you're ready we can try more." Max winked getting dressed in such a relaxed manner like he hadn't just aided in giving Charles the most incredible orgasm of his life.
"Thank you." You sat up thanking Max, he leaned over pecking your lips quickly before doing the same to Charles and walking out the door.
You looked down at Charles watching the confusion on his face at Max's action before a small smile appeared on his lips.
Maybe next time would come sooner than you thought and you couldn't be more excited.
Part 2
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
Try to learn about the old foods
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I have most recently started to meal prep, with making a lot of foods and putting them in the freezer. This ended up allowing me to buy the foods in bulk from the local market. And, well... This allowed me to eat some of the foods that the supermarket does not have.
We do have a bit of a problem. And that problem mostly is that we got our food kinda messed up. Because people have lost the connection to the food they eat. But also because of colonialism.
The big thing that happened is, that we lost contact with most local foods. No matter where I go in the "first world nations"... The foods offered to me in the supermarkets are the same - and they also look the same.
This means that a lot of people have no real idea, what foods came from where in the world - but also do not know half of the foods that originated with where they are from, because they are not easily available.
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Tomatoes are an example. Not only did historical tomatoes look and taste very differently from the tomatoes we eat today, but obviously... they came from the Americas. So they are not a food that originated with Europe and was not widely available in Europe until the 1600s. While, yes, the first tomates came here more than a hundred years earlier... it took a while for them to catch on.
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This is parsnip. Another root vegetable that was commonly eaten in Europe for most of history. It has a more intensive taste than the usual carrot - but is also not that different from it, when it comes to consistency and how it is going to cook.
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This is fennel. You might know fennel seeds as a spice or something you might drink as a tea. But the rest of the plant is edible, too, and a surprisingly strong flavored vegetable. It also is very crunchy and makes a really great addition to salads. But it is often not really sold in many places.
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This is the Jerusalem Artichoke, another vegetable that originates within the Americas. To be exact, this is the root of a kind of sunflower. It got its name for being very similar in taste and tecture to the Artichoke. I honestly do not know, though, why it is called "Jerusalem Artichoke", because it does not have anything to do with Jerusalem.
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The Potimarron is a kind of squash that - like basically all other forms of squash - originates in the Americas as well. It has a very nutty flavor. In Europe it was very popular in France for a long while, hence the french name. It has tons of meat and really makes for great stews!
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This is a rutabaga, which originates from somewhere in northern Europe. We do not really know from where. All we know is, that it was a Swedish botanist who cultivates the form we still eat to this day in the 1620s. Which is why it is also called the "Swedish turnip". It does taste like a more bitter carrot, but makes really good addition to stews or can be served stamped.
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This is the Chinese Artichoke and another root vegetable, that as the name suggest originates from China. It was cultivates in China in the late medieval period and has later made its way to Europe, especially France. It has a really sweet and nutty taste and can be eaten raw or in salads. Though there are dishes mashing the vegetable, too.
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These are tigernuts, a vegetable that has been around forever. It originates in southern Europe, southern Asia and northern Africa. It is a dried fruit, with a sweet and earthy taste and it is known a lot in Spanish cuisine, but also in the cuisine of southern Asia.
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Yacon is a root vegetable that originates with Peru, where it is still eaten, while the rest of the world mostly forgot about it. Well, except Japan, where it is currently getting more and more popular. It is a vegetable, but it has a very fruity taste.
I could now go on and name more vegetables from all around the world that were once grown and fed people, but got forgotten more and more in favor of the very limited diet made up of potatoes, corn, potatoes, peppers, cucumber, onion and tomatoes, that is basically what you will get to eat in most places.
And... Well, the thing about it is that... It is not really a good thing that we grow the same stuff everywhere. It is not good for us and it is not good for the environment. It is not good for those foods, either.
I really wish people would try and eat more of the stuff that originates with their region. And that they would eat the not-so-perfect looking foods as well. Because it is gonna be more sustainable in the end.
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Here ye, hear ye! I do declare I headcanon
Hobie ALWAYS smells good asf
Without exception.
It's something you can always notice, because every day he smells slightly different. But always good.
It's on purpose.
I mean, look at all his accessories and clothes - he probably has a nightstand piled high with spiked bracelets and studded chokers and silver rings. And right next to his accessories - is his cologne collection.
Some bottles are older, half filled bottles of vintage finds he loves. Others are newer, fancier - ones knicked from high end shops. If he smells it, and likes it, he takes it.
His favorite are the woody, smoky, spiced smells. Like sandalwood or cognac. Things that smell like shag carpets and roaring fireplaces.
Sometimes he may be in the mood for something a bit sweeter, so sometimes he'll of dark chocolate, or maple syrup, or chai.
The most common ones are surprisingly fruity.
Hobie often smells of cherries. Dark, deep maroon cherries, the kind with sweet dark juice. Others, on more playful days - green apple, a little bit tart but still fresh.
I Hc he likes candy too, and is constantly popping jolly ranchers. Sometimes you can hear it when he's eating one, the quiet clacking of it - and the faint scent of blue raspberry, or super sweet watermelon.
When it comes to Spider Senses, I like to think Hobie is a sensory seeker.
He likes loud music and big speakers and heavy, layered clothes. He's likes strong sounds and scents, bright colors, and interesting textures. And cologne is one of his favorite parts of an outfit -
Cause he does consider it just that - apart of the outfit. Don't let Mr.'Cool This Whole Time' fool you - he thinks about outfits. Hobie really enjoys putting them together.
He's actually into fashion - just not in the industrial consumerist way most assume. But he still loves matching pieces, making them, putting together fits. And he never leaves the house without some fragrance.
It REALLY adds to the appeal.
Diane's trying to talk to him about work when they first meet and she's already nervous
and then she's can't help but notice and be like 'oh- WOW, you smell good. Heh. wOW. Sorry. Sorry. I just did not expect you to smell like cherry blossoms-'
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'oh goodness, wait a minute, that's not it. I - I don't even think I could place that scent-'
She's standing there in the middle of the hall smelling Hobie - train of thought derailed the tracks and rolling down a mountainside, Miguel's work forgotten
Hobie goes 'its jasmine, really. Jasmine and saffron'
Diane's like 'JASMINE AND SAFFRON??? Boy. whatchu know about some Jasmine Saffron!'
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Cause how dare he. How dare he be that fine. It's not okay. How can she live her life in these conditions?
She goes to tell Margo like 'Girl!! Did you know Hobie wears cologne?!' and Margo is like
'... Sis I'm not even physically here what makes you think I can smell'
Even Miguel notices after a while.
It's a group meeting, and he's lost in thought as he rambles off another plan, pacing back and forth.
He stops suddenly when something comes to mind.
'Who's that? Whereas that smell coming from? It smells like Horchata in here. Who was drinking Horchata??'
Cause if someone was drinking Horchata he wants some. Undebatable.
Half the room is like what the hell is Horchata???
Miguel's like 'it's cinnamon and rice and vanilla - it's a Mexican drink, alright. WHO WAS DRINKING IT.'
Hobie raises his hand and Miguel's like 'Not now, Brown. We're talking about something important.'
Hobies like 'Bruv it's me. I ain't drink it I just smell like it-'
Of course Miguel is calling bullshit cause he's sure Hobie is fucking with him until he goes over and Miguel's thinking 'oh fuck he does 😳🤨 que diablos???'
But he just looks down at Hobies smug ass face and he's like '.... As you were, 138.' before trying to act like nothing ever happened 😭😭
I think to think Hobie Brown is just That Smooth
The good looks ain't by accident he is BROKE, PUNK, and HIGH MAINTENANCE
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stargazing-imagines · 26 days
Hold Me — Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
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Description: you are back in Cousins, but along with you came a secret that you are hiding from Conrad.
Warning: fighting, violence, slight Domestic Violence, let me know if there’s more ASAP! Plus if you are in a Domestic Relationship, YOU DESERVE BETTER! just putting that out there! NOT EDITED!!
Fandom: the summer I turned pretty
A/n: it’s summer again and you know what that means!! TSITP imagines! So get ready for a ton of them! We may not be getting season 3 till 2025, but that doesn't mean the fics stop there! Enjoy Connie Baby Stans *Winky emoji*
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“I don’t know what Conrad is going to say when he sees Connor.” You said as you were packing your suitcase to head back at another summer at Cousins beach, your best friend Carolina who sitting beside your open suitcase on the bed.
“Come on y/n, Conrad shouldn’t be that upset.” Said Caroline “I mean he was the one to break up with you, and you’re better then that.”
You half smiled at your friend before looking down at your suitcase, to say that you were looking forward to cousins would be a lie.
“I don’t know… the breakup was pretty messy.” You said removing your suitcase before sitting down on your bed.
“Yeah it was bad, you were in a ice cream coma for a long time.” Said carolina “besides this summer is the summer to embrace who you are! Be yourself.”
You smiled at Carolina, before nodding your head in confidence.
"Your right! I need to just be myself."
"That's the spirit." said Carolina "Now I have to go home before my mom makes an Amber Alert for me." said Carolina as she looked at her phone before looking back up at you "Have fun, remember, call me if I need to fight anybody."
You laughed waving her off.
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"Ok kids I need you all to pitch in to help with the chores this summer." said you mother "Plus with Susannah in the shape that she is we will be helping her as much as we can."
"Wait... What do you mean with the shape that she is in?" you asked as you stopped mid-bite of your Fruity Pebbles.
"We didn't want to tell you kids till the end of summer because of the boys but... Susannah's cancer is back."
"is she going to be ok, right?" you asked, pestering your mother with questions about her health, your mother stayed silent.
"Oh my god... I need to talk to belly." you said as you stand up, but your mother stops you with her hand on your arm.
"She can't know y/n." said your mother "Susannah wanted to wait till the summer is over so that we all can have one last full summer together.
You nodded your head, letting the news sink in.
"ok mom... I keep it a secret."
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"Come on Conrad, you seriously can't still be hung up on y/n." said Jeremiah as he was playing video games with steven, taking his eyes off the tv every few seconds.
"I heard that she got hot." said Steven "From the way Belly talks she has a whole boyfriend and everything."
"Can we stop talking about y/n?" asked Conrad as kept his focus on the television "Besides I don't care if she has a boyfriend or not."
"Oh thats right?" asked Steven as he paused the video game to face Conrad "Your dating Nicole."
At that moment, Belly came stumbling down the stairs in a blue and white summer dress, before she can open the door; laurel stops her.
"Where do you think you're going young lady?"
'Over to y/n's house... Me and Cam are double dating her and Conner at the drive in."
"Well... Ok." said Laurel "But be back by 10."
"11?" asked Belly
"10:30, and that's it."
"Yay! see you guys later." said Belly as she walked out the door, Laurel walks back into the kitchen, the boys hearing hushed voices from Susannah and Laurel.
"Belly has a date?"
"With y/n and Conner."
"Oh that sweet boy that Connie keeps mentioning? he so handsome, apparently he is lifeguarding with Jeremiah at the country club this summer.
"You know what I'm thinking?' whispered Steven to Jeremiah and Conrad.
"No... what?" asked Jeremiah
"Crashing this 'double date'."
"You know we can't do that?" asked Conrad
"Yeah but do you really want to leave y/n alone with this conner freakshow?"
"And see Belly making out with Cam Cameron? no way!" said Jeremiah
"Come on... I know you want to."
"Ugh fine!" said Conrad "lets go."
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It was pitch dark at the drive-in, Barbie playing on the screen. Belly and Cam were in the back talking, and whispering. Y/n, and Conner were in the front seat, conner with his arm around y/n, and her head on his shoulder.
"Can you guys be quiet? we're trying to watch the movie?" asked y/n as she looked towards the back.
"Your no fun?" said Belly as she playfully shoved you.
"Your getting Cherry Coke all over my car!" yelled out Conner in a playful manner, but it didn't seem playful.
'Conner, chill." you said "She just a teenage girl."
"I know but did she have to come with us?" Whispered Conner "I mean..."
"She's my best friend Conner."
"She's 15 years old." said Conner "You shouldn't be hanging around with 15 year olds."
"That's it. I have had enough." you said as you get out of the car, slamming the door making Cam, and belly shrug their shoulders.
"What is wrong with you?!" shouted Conner as he came running behind you as you were speed walking away from the scene.
"Away from you!" you yelled before walking away again, that was the moment that you saw Conner's true colors.
He placed his hand on you arm, tightly swing you around to face him. Terrified to your core at his sudden move.
"Listen here, you are going to be a good girl and walk back to the car if you don't want anything bad to happen."
"Get your hands off her!"
you turned around, and saw Conrad trailing behind you.
"This doesn't apply to you." said Conner "Now go!"
"She not going anywhere with you, Jeremiah go get Belly and Cam they don't need to be hanging around this guy."
Jeremiah Nodded his head before walking away, Conrad facing you again, checking you over.
"Your ok?" asked Conrad "He didn't hurt you did he?" You shook your head.
"Go wait in the car." said Conrad as he looked Conner stern in the eye you followed his command walking away from the situtation.
"This isn't a place to fight man but what you did tonight really hurt her."
"Shes my girlfriend, she told me all about you and how you dumped her last summer." said Conner "You really think you are the guy for her huh?"
"Oh I know I'm the guy for her, and because of what you did... You deserve this."
With that, Conrad punched Conner in the face which resulted him into breaking his nose.
"Dude you broke my nose!"
"Be glad that was all that you have broken."
With that Conrad left
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"How long has this been happening?" asked Conrad
"Ever since we broke up..."
"What else has he done to you?" Asked Conrad concerned
"I don't want to talk about it..." you said "Can you please hold me?"
"Of course."
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The Summer I turned Pretty Masterlist
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ficclings · 4 months
Hybrid! Yunho OneShot
This hasn't been proof-read so I apologise for mistakes!
Reader - Bat Hybrid Yunho - Dog Hybrid A little something for Valentine's Day because I'm lonely.
Yunho enjoyed being outside in the winter, the cold was a lot easier to escape than the humid, burning sun.
It was more the aesthetic of going to a coffee shop and cozying up by the window that he enjoyed but he still appreciated the beauty that came with the late season.
It was also the season that managed to spike his Hybrid senses into overdrive, making him hyper-aware of everybody around him and being on edge whenever somebody came near him; even his closest friends had to be careful in the winter which made having a Christmas gathering a little awkward with a Retriever Hybrid constantly trying to bite back his growls.
He hummed as he blew over the top of his coffee, the cold air brushing over his skin as a rather comforting contrast.
Work had gotten too stressful for him and so he had convinced himself to call in sick so he could relax for the day.
He would’ve loved to have a big old fireplace where he could just sit and relax at home but he was certain it would go against the safety code of the building.
Yunho licked his dry lips as he looked around for a spot to sit but ended up pouting when every table was taken, meaning he would have to take one of the outside tables in the freezing cold and he was certain he had heard of a possible snowfall today.
Making himself comfortable, he buried his face into his scar a little more and cuddled his coffee with his bare hands as he was an idiot that morning and forgot to bring his gloves.
His roommate, Wooyoung (a Peacock Hybrid) had even stuck a sticky note on the fridge about not forgetting them, but Yunho had walked straight passed the fridge in order to make the breakfast menu at the coffee shop.
Freshly made croissants were a weakness and Yunho just couldn’t resist.
“E-excuse me?”
Yunho looked up to find a woman shyly peering at him from within her own scarf cover, and tilted his head to the side as he desperately tried to calm his Hybrid half down.
“May I…may I sit here, there aren’t any spaces inside,” she was almost whispering as she spoke and her gloved fingers were clenching and unclenching in a clear attempt to calm her anxieties down; something that made Yunho’s heart ache for her ever-so-slightly.
“Go for it,” he invited with a friendly smile and his tail wagged when she smiled back at him.
Yunho watched her for a few moments, taking note of the unusual ears atop her head and the slight miscolouring of her eyes; he couldn't detect what Hybrid she was and even his Retriever side was confused.
“I’m a bat,” her voice made him jump and she giggled, hand coming up to her mouth as she did.
“I didn’t mean to stare,” Yunho could feel his ears turning red as he replied, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen a Bat Hybrid out and about,” he remarked bashfully as the woman bowed her head with a matching colour of her cheeks.
“It messes with our sense of direction,” she explained with a laugh, “the sun I mean, we’re all a little partially sighted so being nocturnal is just sensible,” she continued as she picked up her own beverage, a fruity herbal tea, and took a sip.
“Is it that hard with sun out?” Yunho pondered with a cute quirk of his eyebrows and a wiggle of his tail as he seemed to forget that agitation the season brought with it.
“I don’t even understand it myself but it is difficult to navigate with the sun, it hurts our eyes even when looking at the ground,” she playfully puffed her cheeks up in mock annoyance and Yunho felt his entire body suddenly flush with warmth and fluttering.
“Wow, the most I have to deal with is winter agitation and getting distracted by people playing football,” he muttered and grinned when the bat hybrid burst into a fit of laughter.
“I have heard of dog hybrids doing that!” she covered her mouth again and Yunho desperately wanted to take her hands away to see what she looked like when she laughed; even though he knew it would still look both adorable and beautiful at the same time.
“Have you ever chased after a ball?” she was now fully facing him now, fingers scratching at her cup of herbal tea and nibbling at her already sore bottom lip.
“I did when I was a lot younger,” he admitted with a cheeky grin, “my friend Hongjoong had to literally tackle me to the floor to stop me and even though he’s tiny, he managed to do it,” he smiled at the memory and took a mental note to call Hongjoong later that day to catch up on things.
“I can’t imagine anybody taking you down,” it seemed she said this without meaning to and covered her mouth once more but this time in embarrassment, “I-I mean, you’re so tall and things,” she nervously giggled and scratched at her fluffy ears.
“Well, Hongjoong can do anything,” he pointed out and felt a sting of pride for his older friend, “even take down a giant,” he added and they both fell into playful banter, the weather no longer an issue and the sun seemingly not able to blind the Bat from the stunning man across from her.
The next time Yunho bumped into her, was when he was fully decked out in pyjamas and a big puffy coat; having run out of instant noodles for his dinner, he had decided to just pop down to the shop near his apartment building.
The winter night was bitterly cold but the sweet Bat hybrid was also doing a bit of late night shopping, which she quickly explained was actually her morning shopping if you took into account that she was normally a fully nocturnal person.
They spoke for so long that the shop owner, who had the heaviest bags under his eyes Yunho had ever seen, finally asked them to leave.
Only when they had said goodbye to each other did Yunho realise that he had forgotten both his noodles and to ask her what her name was.
“Yunho!” Wooyoung’s voice sang from the living room, making the retriever grunt from his bed, nice and toasty from the cold.
“Yunho, my little puppy!” his door was pushed open with reckless abandon and he was suddenly attacked by the younger male, straddling him with a wild grin on his attractive face.
“I had a late night, please,” Yunho mumbled trying to hide his smile as Wooyoung proceeded to nuzzle into him lovingly, behaviour that he did everywhere that made people believe they were a couple.
“And why was that, lover boy?” Wooyoung let out a loud laugh and sat back up so he could look down at his friend, “I’m aware you were speaking with your precious little batgirl, but you don’t have to turn nocturnal yourself,” he poked Yunho’s cheeks before smooching them with an over exaggerated MWAH leaving his lips.
“Okay, okay, get the hell off me,” Yunho laughed as the peacock let out another laugh and finally released him.
“Oh, and just saying,” Wooyoung stopped at the bedroom door, “your little batgirl goes to your Internet Café,” he looked over his shoulder at his now blushing friend.
“How do you know?”
“Yunho, she is a nocturnal hybrid and that’s rare to see in the daytime; she stands out quite a bit when she decides to be a daywalker,” Wooyoung then threw him a flirty playful smile, “you owe me a kiss,”
With a big eyeroll, Yunho threw his pillow at him.
In hindsight, having a crush on a purely nocturnal person probably wasn’t a good idea when your own biology was catered to being awake during the daytime.
But he was determined to get to know her, desperately wanted to see if there was any sort of hope for something to blossom between them.
Yawning behind his large hand, he flopped down on one of the chairs in the café and tapped into the system so he could try to calm his nerves by playing a game.
He was halfway through a dungeon mission when his eyes caught movement by the window he was sat at and quickly typed to his teammates that he’ll be right back.
His tail started to wag violently at the sight of her making her way to a computer in the far corner, not even noticing a very happy retriever but this was understandable as he also noticed the small guide stick, she was holding to help her avoid bumping into things.
He spotted her pulling a controller out of her bag and plugged it into the back of her computer and his lips spread out into a wide grin.
She played games!
It was something else that they had in common and he had to hold himself back from immediately running over to her to ask a hundred questions.
He un-paused his game and continued to lead the march through the virtual dungeons as a powerful wizard; maybe this will help him calm down a bit more before he would even think of going over to her.
It ended up working a little too well as he got immersed in the world he had been playing for years; a frustrated groan leaving him when he died for fifth time in one of the hardest dungeons in the game and he pulled at his fluffy ear out of habit to try and stop himself from yelling at the screen.
“Do you need any help?” he just about jumped out of his skin and grabbed the front of his chest, coughing at the quick intake of breath he just took which in turn made the adorable bat panic and hold onto his hand as if he was dying.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you!” she squeaked and patted his back as his coughing slowed down.
“You’re a ninja,” he commented as he finally stopped coughing, “I’m okay,” he added with a blush when he noticed she was still holding his hand.
“Sorry,” she smiled a bit and sat down next to him, controller in her other hand, “um…I heard you earlier getting annoyed,” she giggled slightly.
“Oh uh,” his ears must be on fire right now, “yeah, we’re having a bit of trouble with this dungeon,” he explained with a pout making his ears droop and the sight made the bat smile warmly.
“Well, I know the Elf class can heal the team a bit but I think you need a full-on healer,” she pointed out and then bashfully pressed buttons on her unplugged controller, “I wouldn’t mind helping you,” she whispered making his heart skip a beat as he took in how she seemed to shrink in her shyness.
“I’d love that,” he smiled before quickly adding, “what’s your name?”
And finally, he got his answer.
Wooyoung smiled as he watched Yunho on his computer, headset on and fingers tapping quickly on the keyboard as he barked orders at his teammates but then had a very soft voice when asking for a bit of healing.
It was quite funny to hear and Wooyoung was tempted to record him just so that he could then show Yunho the double standards he had.
“Are you okay? I have protect ready to go,” Yunho’s voice was soft again and Wooyoung snickered into his bubble tea, pizza in the other hand threatening to let melted cheese fall onto his jeans.
“I said right!” Yunho’s ‘Captain’ voice came out, a heavy sigh falling from his lips as it did so, “don’t go off on your own, we have sixteen levels left!”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes but looked over his shoulder to watch his friend have a battle with himself as he both tried to order and flirt at the same time.
“Do you have a shield ready for us?”
“If you need help, I’m right next to you,”
Wooyoung’s high pitched laughter finally came out and he fell back on the sofa, the actions and sound making Yunho nearly drop his mouse.
“Oh my god, you are so down bad,” Wooyoung cried covering his face to try and silence his laughter, but it didn’t work, especially when Yunho gave him a death glare as he tried to cover up the microphone.
“Yunho, is everything okay?” Y/Ns voice was laced with worry, and he smiled shyly even though nobody could see him apart from the peacock (he was convinced Wooyoung was also part Hyena) on the sofa, “should we pause?” she added, and her character even turned towards his.
“No, no, I’m okay,” he chuckled, “just a film my roommate is watching,”
A little laugh came from his teammates, but it was Y/Ns that made him want to melt into his chair.
Wooyoung was convinced he was going to get himself slapped around the head the moment Yunho got off the game; he quickly sent a text to his friend Changbin, grabbed his keys, boxed his pizza up and took it with him out of the apartment.
“My heal is on cooldown so be careful!” Y/N’s voice came through his headset, “I have aura-heal but that means you’ll have to be stuck to my side,” she muttered clearly displeased with the fact her team couldn’t move freely.
“It’s alright, Y/N, I have potions!” came a response from the archer, Mingi, “I can heal myself,”
“Me too!” the tank, Seonghwa added making his character wiggle around in a playful manner.
“I have potions too and if anybody goes down, I have revivals,” Yunho slumped back on his seat as they all waited for the long loading screens to finish.
“You have revivals?” Y/N gasped with excitement, "I haven’t learnt that spell yet, you legend!” she giggled and he returned his hands to the keyboard as the loading screen finally finished, a fluttery feeling in his chest as eh found he liked the fact that Y/N could rely on him; even if it was just in a game.
“Don’t compliment him too much, his ego will get even bigger,”
“Shut up, Mingi,”
It wasn’t long after having regular game nights, that Yunho finally worked up the courage to invite her to his apartment; mostly to hang out but to also meet Wooyoung.
The thought terrified Yunho, not because he didn’t want them to meet, but because he knew Wooyoung was going to tease him relentlessly.
He supposed it was a blessing that she was quite literally a creature of the night and therefore she would be there quite late, meaning Wooyoung would most likely be in his room trying to sleep.
“You’re going to wear the floor out,”
Yunho flinched at the sound of the peacock’s voice.
Wooyoung snorted before looking to his strange alcoholic beverage, plastic umbrellas decorating the rim.
“You’re walking up and down in the same spot, I’m surprised you haven’t worn the floor out and said hello to our downstairs neighbours,” Wooyoung took a sip of the bright green liquid and almost purred at the taste.
“I don’t know how to calm down,” Yunho muttered and as if on cue, he began pacing up and down the hall again.
“Yuyu,” Wooyoung grabbed his friend’s bicep and forced him to stop, “if this woman is as nice as you go on about, then stop worrying, she’ll just be happy to spend time with you,” he explained with a much more serious expression than Yunho was used to, but he appreciated that Wooyoung was genuinely trying to help him.
“Have this,” he offered his toxic looking drink and Yunho pulled a worried face that made the peacock laugh, “relax, it’s Lime-Melon Soda,” he grinned, “it only has a small amount of alcohol because I must get up early tomorrow,”
Yunho chuckled before taking a cautious sniff, decided it was fine and then had a small mouthful.
“Not bad,” he giggled before shyly pulling the other man into a hug, “thanks Woo,” he felt his tail wagging and had to stop himself from rolling his eyes.
Damn thing always giving away how much he liked somebody.
“Just be calm around her, she’s a bat, right?”
Yunho nodded.
“So, she’s very aware of things around her,” Wooyoung then placed his hand on his own chest, “we gentle creatures are like that,”
This single comment sent Yunho into a fit of laughter with tears streaming down his face because out of all the words to describe his friend, gentle, would not be one of them.
“It wasn’t that funny!” Wooyoung shrieked before puffing his hair out of his face and walking into his room.
Once his laughter had finally stopped, he found himself staring right through the peephole to see if she was there yet almost jumping out of his skin when he realised that she was on the other side pacing just as he had been; clearly nervous herself.
“She’s here,” Yunho whispered before remembering that Wooyoung wasn’t beside him anymore.
He tried to focus on making sure that his tail wouldn’t wag when he heard her soft knocks on the door; taking a deep breath, he pulled the door open slowly to not startle her senses.
Her face practically lit up with both happiness and anxiety when they locked eyes.
“Come in, come in!” he ushered her inside and adjusted the heat in the apartment to making it slightly warmer.
If he was going to spend money on warming the place up, it was when Y/N was there.
“Wow is that your gaming area?” she gasped, and he couldn’t help but laugh when she practically hopped on her way to the set-up he had.
“Yeah, I have a set-up in my room as well,” he felt a little flustered admitting that he had a lot of gaming equipment but thankfully, she was also a very big gaming enthusiast.
“You’re so lucky, I can’t find the new Playstation anywhere,” she giggled and stroked the top of the machine, making Yunho flush as he thought about receiving a pet on the head from her.
“Well, he hunted it down,”
Both quickly turned to see Wooyoung peering out of his doorway at them with a knowing smirk on his lips.
“I’m Wooyoung, his roommate!” he explained and approached her with a slow pace.
“I’m Y/N, I’ve only heard you in the background when in games,” she admitted with a shy laugh.
“Because he’s a loudmouth,” Yunho commented and as if to prove his point, Wooyoun let out a shriek of denial.
“I’m the reasonable amount of volume, thank you very much, now I shall bid you good day,” he turned his nose up at them and strutted back to his room.
Y/N smiled up at Yunho once they were alone and he just about felt his heart plummet through his body as he realised why he had actually invited her.
“Um, would you like something to drink?” he stuttered and she nodded, fingers clutching her arm nervously.
“If you have anything blueberry flavoured,” she nibbled her lip as she walked towards the kitchen with him.
“I have a ramune,” he pulled it out of the fridge and handed it to her.
“Thank you!” she gasped and excitedly pressed the glass ball down to activate the drink, the bubbles jumping around her nose as she took a big gulp.
Yunho fixed himself an energy drink and they made themselves comfortable of the sofa, conversations about gaming and manga filling the air.
Both getting very expressive with their passion; Yunho was pretty sure that he’d never heard Y/N be this loud before.
“He was one of my first ever obsessions,” Y/N seemed surprised by her admission and buried her red face into the crook of her arm, “sorry, that was too much information,”
“Y/N, you seem to be forgetting that I have a poster of 2B from Nier on my wall,” he pointed out and nodded his head in the direction when she looked up.
“I guess we both enjoy pixel people,” Y/N snorted and took another gulp of her drink.
“Yeah, but having somebody real is good too,” Yunho chuckled and shuffled around on the sofa, so he was completely facing her.
“Yeah,” she agreed quietly and Yunho watching as several emotions washed over her face; her ears twitching in thought, “can I ask you something?”
“Of course,”
Y/N took a deep breath and locked eyes with him, making his breath catch in his throat.
“I don’t…” she paused, “I don’t know how to do this,” she laughed anxiously, “but I uh…” her eyes dropped from his and she almost seemed to curl into herself.
“Take your time,” Yunho encouraged as he heard his blood pump in his ears loudly.
“I really like you, Yunho,” she whispered with a shaky voice, “I don’t want to lose you as a friend though,” she added quickly, using her hair to try and cover her bashful expression.
Yunho all but started to choke on his own spit, causing Y/N to burst into panic and quickly rushed to get him a glass of cold water.
“Are you okay?!” she squeaked and handed him the glass, patting his back as he tried to get his breath back.
“M’fine,” he coughed and cleared his throat several times, hands shaking as he took a few sips of water, “I’m so, so fine,” he continued and gently pulled her down to his level, “I really like you too,” he finished with another clearing of his throat before pulling her towards him and gently kissing her.
Yunho’s large hands pulled her next to him on the sofa, where he then laid them on her waist and the back of her neck.
Y/N shivered as she tried to keep up with him, not experienced in these matters, but she practically beamed with pride when Yunho let out a small moan when her small fangs bit down on his bottom lip.
Her hands fixed either side of his neck, thumbs stroking the side of his face, an action that truly made Yunho feel treasured and it made his tail thump against the sofa; causing them both to start laughing into the kiss.
“Sorry, has a mind of it’s own,” Yunho grinned brightly when he noticed how out of breath she was.
“It’s cute,” she replied and brushed her fingers down it and took note of how Yunho sounded as if he was going to start choking again.
“Are we…” Yunho started as their lips met once again, “are we together now?” he groaned as Y/N’s arms threw themselves around his neck.
“I wouldn’t kiss anybody I wasn’t wanting a relationship with, silly pup,” she playfully bit his jaw, and it took everything in the dog hybrid to hold his hips from jerking upwards at the action.
“Good! Hopefully he’ll stop being a whining moron now!”
Y/N started to laugh again as Yunho let out a growl of annoyance and rested his head on the back of the sofa; the atmosphere changing in an instant.
“I’ll steal your feathers and sell them!”
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sugumii · 1 year
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Sanji X Reader: Comfort
Warnings: None. Very slight spoilers about Sanji’s past, very vague however. Slight angst to fluff. TW: My horrendous writing and plot.
It was a beautiful, peaceful day on the Sunny. The waves crashed gently against the ship, creating a pleasant rocking, and the sun shined brightly, allowing the crew to soak in its rays and bathe in its warmth. The last island the crew had went to was one with a much colder climate, so they were ecstatic to have warmer days ahead.
Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper ran around the ship’s deck, happily playing some sort of tag game with each-other. Usopp was complaining loudly, pointing an accusing finger at his captain and calling him out on his cheating. Chopper stood there dumbfounded and had no clue that Luffy was even cheating. Nami and Robin chatted casually on their sun chairs, soaking in the sun for a nice tan. Franky was working on minor repairs in the men’s bedroom below deck while Zoro was napping per usual in the training room. Finally, the blonde cook was in the kitchen, preparing snacks and refreshing beverages for the crew. Most specifically, the ladies. However, something was missing. Rather, someone.
Where were you?
Sanji happily spun out of the kitchen, practically twirling his way towards Nami and Robin, handing them the fruity concoctions he had made.
“NAMI-SWANN, ROBIN CHWAAAN FOR YOU MADAMEMOISELLES!” Sanji exclaimed excitedly with hearts in his eyes. He spun around their chairs happily, careful not to spill the remaining beverage he had on his tray.
Nami nodded her head in approval while Robin smiled and said a small “Thank you.” At this, the love cook blushed and happily exclaimed some compliments to the girls until he noticed the remaining drink on his tray. He paused briefly to scan the deck of the ship, searching for the remaining crewmate. “By the way, have you ladies seen Y/n-chwan around?”
Nami gently lowered her sunglasses for a brief moment, making direct eye contact with Sanji before pushing them back up again. “No, I haven’t seen her at all today actually.”
Sanji turned his attention towards Robin next as she spoke.
“I haven’t seen her either. I’m sorry, Sanji.”
At this, Sanji frowned and sighed, walking away from the girls and towards the lower deck of the ship, more specifically, your bedroom. He was a bit disheartened at not seeing you on deck today with Luffy. Usually you tended to join the trio in their shenanigans and challenge their captain to silly games. Not to mention, Sanji had been feeling a bit lonely lately, feelings of self doubt and hatred rising up. He didn’t necessarily mean to doubt your feelings, but whether or not he actually deserved them. He continued his search, bearing in mind he hadn’t seen you in any other rooms much before, so your bedroom was the best educated guess.
He arrived at your door in a matter of seconds before knocking gently. “Y/n-chwan? Are you in there?”
He knocked again, knuckles lightly wrapping against the wooden door. “Y/n?”
Again, no reply.
He muttered a quick “Coming in…” and cautiously opened the door, peeking in. He wasn’t sure if you were dressing or asleep, so he wanted to be extra careful not to intrude. His eyes scanned the room before landing on your bed, making out a familiar frame. The sight caused his heart to skip a beat and an instant nose bleed.
There you were, sprawled almost naked across your bed, sheets messily sprawled across the lower half of your body while the top was only covered by a thin cover. Your hair was messily framing your face, causing you to look absolutely breathless. A small string of drool escaped from your lips as tiny snores could be heard from you. Your eyes were shut peacefully and your face looked calm and adorable. In his eyes, even while sleeping, his beloved Y/n looked like a God/Goddess.
Carefully, Sanji made his way to the side of your bed, placing down the long forgotten refreshment on top of your bedside and admiring your cute state. He took in every detail of your face, burning the picture into his mind to think about later. He had never seen you look so calm, it made his heart flutter at seeing his love sleeping so peacefully. It was moments like these he truly cherished, even if you weren’t conscious. He was happy to be by your side, nonetheless. Whether he deserved to be or not.
Sanji shook his head at the negative doubt and instead smiled and carefully reached out to remove a strand of hair out of your face, which caused you to stir. He froze, retracting his hand almost immediately before noticing you resuming your peaceful slumber. He exhaled a sigh of relief, thanking the gods that he didn’t wake his god/goddess and internally scolded himself for almost doing so. How could be be so careless and disturb you when you wanted to rest? He was debating exiting and leaving your drink for later until your eyes fluttered open, eyeing him lazily.
“Mmm… Sanji?” You mumbled sleepily, voice laced with tiredness.
He flinched, not having expected you to wake and made eye contact with you, smiling.
“Good morning Y/n-chwan! I made drinks, but you weren’t around so I came to see where you were.”
“Oh, is that so?” You said, noticing the pinkish purple drink on the side. “Thank you, Sanji. I’m grateful, but I’m still so sleepy.”
Sanji laughed, stroking your hair and humming softly. “But it’s time to wake up my love! You already almost missed breakfast and you know it isn’t easy saving a plate with Luffy around. I won’t allow you to miss two meals Y/n.”
You stayed silent, pondering his words as you let him play with your hair. It was a normal occurrence for him to do so as he was your partner, so you hummed happily and leaned into his touch.
“Yes, my dear?” Sanji replied, pausing temporarily and looking at you. Your eyes still held that tired and sleepy look.
“Can you lay down with me?”
“W-WHAAAT?!” Sanji blushed, eyes turning into hearts as his face burned a bright crimson. “A-anything for you, my love…” He fought the upcoming nosebleed coming and quickly slipped into the bed with you. Although his thoughts came back he did his best to push them to the back of his mind. He can’t do this here… not with his love near. His eyes remained glued to your face, scared to look elsewhere and disrespect you. He lay stiff, hesitant to get any closer to you due to the little clothing you had. You noticed this and chuckled.
“Sanji, you can lie closer to me you know. We’re dating, it’s okay my love.”
His breath stopped momentarily as his heart beat quickened. “Y/n-swan… if I get any closer to you I might not be able to take it.”
“Take what?” You questioned, confused as to what he meant. You turned to rest on your side, facing him as his face reddened even more. He began stuttering with sweat droplets running down his face. You eyed him lazily and hummed. “Well?”
“Its just that… is this really okay? As hard as it may be to believe, I’ve never been this close to anyone before.” His eyes held a look of shame and embarrassment as he continued. “I just don’t want to do something wrong and make you to hate me.” His voice cracked at the end almost as though he was going to cry. Would you find him less manly just for sharing his true sentiments with you? What if he has a nosebleed and scares you off? What if you hate him…?
“My love…” Your heart broke at hearing his voice crack. You scooted closer to him and hugged him, wrapping your arms around his back and pulling him close to your chest. He let out a shocked breath and blushed, hesitantly leaning into your touch. It’s not that he didn’t want it, he did, but he’s just so scared to be vulnerable around someone as amazing as you. What if you looked down on him for being so emotional over something so small? What if-
“Sanji.” You said, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked up at your worried face and felt guilt for not paying attention and causing you to worry over him. “Sanji, listen to me please. I love you, nothing will ever change that. You don’t need to be afraid of getting close to me- I’m your s/o for crying out loud! I love you so much please don’t hesitate to come talk to me or get touchy with me.” You felt him lean closer into your chest and rest his cheek against it fully. His eyes closed as his cheeks had a soft pink hue. Even like this, he looked gorgeous. With blonde locks as golden as the sun and eyes as bright as gems. “I love you.” You said again, reaffirming your love for him.
He smiled, finally returning your embrace and wrapping his arms around your waist. He snuggled into your chest and rested his head there. He was so lucky to have someone as amazing as you in his life. God, just what did he do to deserve you? In all his life, people treating him terribly and pushed him away constantly. Only few such as his mother and sister actually caring for him, besides the crew and you. It felt almost magical to him, to have that someone who genuinely wanted him. His touch. His heart. His gaze. His love. His everything.
With that, he leaned his head up to meet your gaze and slowly closed the distance. His eyes locking on your plump lips as you do the same. He kissed you, slowly and passionately. He poured all his love and being into this single kiss. All his appreciation, his contentment, and his love for you.
And everything he wanted to convey to you, every emotion he poured into this kiss, you felt. You felt every ounce of it and returned the passion.
Finally, he pulled back and kissed your lips one last time, then your cheeks, nose, forehead, and lastly your lips once more. You blushed as he did this, now becoming much more awake. Any sleepiness you had entirely leaving. Sanji smiled at you and finally grabbed your hand, placing another gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“Now my love, it’s time to get up, hm? I want you to try the drink I made for you. I made it with the fruits you love!”
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luveline · 2 years
shy reader who starts working with rockstar!remus and thinks he’s super grumpy and mean, but eventually he reveals that he’s a huge softie and is really sweet to her. maybe she gets the impression bc she sees him arguing with someone or gets told something. thanks so much for all your amazing writing!
tw implied slut shaming ♡ rockstar!remus x shy!fem!reader | 1k words
Remus is technically your boss. You don't expect him to treat you any differently than that – a boss employee relationship suits you fine. It actually suits you perfectly. If he'd been chatty like James or overly flirtatious like Sirius you may not have survived this long on tour, but you have.  
Sirius' assistant Mabel had told you on your first day that Remus can be quite short with others. And over time you've found she's right. He doesn't say more than he needs to, he doesn't adopt any beguiling tones. Short, though, might be the wrong word for it. He's quiet. 
You try not to label him too harshly. After all, you barely talk. If people were calling you grumpy because of that alone you'd feel a great sense of injustice.
You wipe your damp cheeks. Maybe being called grumpy might be kinder. Grumpy you can own. Grumpy is something you can actively change. 
"Are you okay?" Remus asks, shocking you out of your thoughts. 
You sniff and stand as quickly as you can, stiff from sitting outside in the cold for so long. You don't look at him as you say, "I'm okay." 
"Are you sure?" 
You chance a glance at his face, unreadable as always. "Yeah." 
"What's upset you?" he asks seriously. 
The wind whips at your clothes and bites at your fingers. You tense them up into balls. With no jacket to hide them in they might as well be made of ice. 
Remus is similarly underdressed for the weather. Different cities, different climates. You miss the South American half of the tour dearly. 
"We should go inside," he says into the silence. 
You don't want to go in yet. "I'm gonna stay out here." 
"It's too cold." 
You nibble the inside of your bottom lip and try to fight another embarrassing wave of tears. "I don't want to go back to my bus, yet." 
He nods, eyes very obviously on the tear dribbling weakly down your cheek. "Okay. Okay, but we can't stay out here. Come on."
He nods his head towards the right where the band's bus, bigger and shinier than anyone else's, sits parked. You follow him up the steps and into the small front where there's a sort of L-shaped sofa around a square table covered in laptops and paper and drinks. You've been in here before, though usually there's another Marauder causing havoc. Remus opens his arm toward the table and you take it as a cue to sit as he disappears into the bedroom area down the way. He returns with a thin quilt and passes it over. Obviously his, it smells exactly like him, woodsmoke and sandalwood and that hint of fruity jasmine. 
You try not to breathe it in too deeply as you pull it over your lap, frigid hands hiding beneath it. "Thank you." 
"If somebody's done something to you, you can tell me." 
"Maybe I'm homesick," you try. 
"Are you homesick?" 
He sits beside you. Not close but closer than you thought he would've. If he wanted to, he could wrap his arm around your shoulder. 
"Are you feeling warmer?" he asks after a minute. 
"Yeah. Thank you. You didn't have to-" 
"Of course I did. You're my favourite assistant." 
You laugh, startled. "I bet you say that to all of your assistants." And he must have a few. You only handle his on tour expenses and comfort. He barely ever needs you.
"Only the very pretty ones." He tilts his head to the side. "Are you okay?" 
His caring tone is sobering. You nod slowly and then with more enthusiasm. "Yeah, I-" You shock yourself when you realise how much you want to just tell him what had happened, and when he smiles at you to keep going, you do. "One of the, uh, one of the tech guys. I got in the way and he- he asked me why I couldn't be more useful. 'N obviously uh, I'm your- I'm usually with you, and it looks… well, they think we're sleeping together. And one of the girls said I have plenty use." Your voice wobbles.
"One of the girls on your bus, you mean?" he asks gently. 
"Yeah. That's why I didn't want to go in." 
"You don't have to go in. I can't get them to put you on a different bus, if you like." 
You shake your head. It's a silly thing to be upset about. So what if everyone things you're having sex with a rockstar, right? And you don't really care about that. Sex is sex. But, the animosity that she'd said it with. 
"I guess- I mean, I thought she liked me," you say weakly. 
"More fool her if she doesn't. You're lovely." 
You laugh wetly. "What?" 
"I said you're lovely. You're sweet. You've never heard that?" he asks. 
You turn your face to him and smile shyly. "No, I've never heard that." 
He raises his eyebrows and rolls his eyes before huffing a breath out of the corner of his mouth. "Well, that's a crime." 
You don't know what to say. You think maybe he's knocked himself unsteady as well, because he reaches over your lap to grab a heavy looking laptop and pull it open in front of you. "I got that movie you like. The one about the aliens." 
"A Dark Line?" 
"I didn't know you liked-" 
"I don't. Or, I mean, I didn't. But you were so excited to see it when we were in Brazil, I thought it must be worth watching." 
The DVD he got is dubbed in Portuguese. You have to sit very close to read the subtitles, and his arm is a heat against yours. When he laughs you can feel it in your chest. 
You sneak a glance at him out of the corner of your eye. His smile is the farthest thing from grumpy, at least in your opinion. 
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nkirukaj · 2 months
The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe (10)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing; Sexual implications?
Genre: Angst/Fluff (& Humor!)
Word Count: 8.1K
<Chapter 9
10. Mother
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“I have a question!” Voe runs into the parlor, shouting
They look towards her “What is it Voe?” Charlie asks
“What month is it? Please tell me what month it is!”
Charlie strokes her chin and thinks, not knowing the names of months
“You died in March right? So that would make it….September?” Vaggie chimed up
“Holy fuck!” Voe falls face-first on the couch
“What?” Angel leaned over her with his lean frame
She lifts her head up from the couch “It’s almost time,”
“For what?”
“For…the rut”
The others are quite confused “The what?” Charlie asks
Voe sits up “The rut. It’s the name for mating season.”
“Okay,” Angel says “What’s the problem?”
“This is my first year here, my first year as an animal, I don’t know how I’m going to to react to the unending biological desire/need to breed.”
“It’s not really that bad,” Angel plops down on the couch “I mostly take it in stride.”
Voe sits on the arm of the couch “You don’t get it. I’m a horny degenerate on the regs. Imagine that, plus animalistic desire or need.”
“What do you mean you’re a ‘horny degenerate’?” Charlie questions
Voe blinks at her “I mean I’m horny like all the time.”
“Are ya horny now?” Angel raises his brow. Voe looks away not answering the question. “Oh you little slut,” he grins 
“Just a little, just a little!” she dips her head in her hands “I don’t know what I’m going to do next month.”
Angel puts his hand on her shoulder “Why do you just, I don’t know. Fuck somebody?”
“This will be an uncontrollable rampage, Angel.”
“Then fuck a lot of somebody’s. Isn’t that what you did when you were alive? Just do it now.”
Voe looks up and thinks “Where am I finding people down?”
“It’s Hell toots. I guarantee that if you went on live and asked ya, little followers, if they wanna fuck you, they’d all say yes. Or at least half of ‘em. Or…..” He raises his eyebrow
“Ya don’t really have to go that far to find somebody to fuck toots.”
She tilts her head in confusion “What do you mean?”
“There’s someone you could fuck the floor right above you,” he teases
She scoffs “Oh don’t waste my time,” Angel laughs
“What?” Charlie questions
“Ugh, he’s talking about Alastor.” Voe rolls her eyes
Charlie gets excited “Ooooh, that sounds interesting tell me about that. You like Alastor?”
“I don’t think anyone likes Alastor,” Vaggie says under her breath
“Yup she does,” Angel answers for her
“Yeah, she does!” Husker calls from the bar 
“Until you make me a fruity drink I don’t wanna hear a word from you!” She points at the cat, who winks at Angel “And can you guys lower your voices, because I don’t want him to hear you.”
Angel puts his arm around her “Why, because you’re scared he’ll reject you?”
“Yeah, why?” Charlie asks
“Because if that cocky bastard thinks I have a crush on him, he will never let me hear the end of it!” she whispers
“But don’t you?” 
“No!” she puts her head in her hands again
Angel and Husk both nod silently at Charlie while Voe isn’t looking
“Well Voe, I think that if you do like him. Not saying that you do, but if you do then-“
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Vaggie!” Charlie glares at her girlfriend “If you like him,” Voe glares at her “Or anyone! Then just be yourself and tell them. Anyone would be foolish not to like you! Cuz you’re so amazing!” Charlie ends the pep talk with a bright smile
“Thanks, Charlie, but I don’t need that advice. I know that already. Ugh, I’m going to my room. Fuck you guys.” she flips the men off and exits the parlor.
When Voe comes down to the parlor at night to raid the fridge, she’s wearing her pajamas. A big shirt that just barely covers her tail, shouldn’t be an issue because no one was down here at this time. She opens the fridge. She loved having it be the only light on the entire floor. Sometimes she stood in the fridge and ate, other times she took the food to her room.
After taking about another cold pan of jambalaya from the fridge and placing some on a plate, Voe’s ears twitched at the quiet sound of floorboards creaking. She stops her movement instantly, searching the darkness to find nothing. She relaxes her shoulders only to be startled into screaming when she turns to close the fridge and sees the tall red demon standing on the other side of the door, just barely bathed in light.
“Ahh, what the fuck!” she jumps backward, fists bared
Alastor only chuckles at her shock and fear “Don’t mind me, continue on with your plans.”
Voe turns on a lamp, which only covers a small area, but it is enough to see him at least. “This is the second time I’ve seen you down here. Why are you always down here in the dark?”
“These are my nighttime activities. It seems you were the only one unaware of that.”
“You don’t sleep?”
“Not if I can help it. But the real question is, why are you always down here?”
“You come down here every night at this exact time to take food from the fridge and eat, why?”
She blushes “How do you know that?”
“I hear you,” is what he said, but the truth was that he smelled her “Now do tell me why. I was beginning to get offended at your aversion to my cooking.”
“Your cooking is fine.” he raises his eyebrow “It’s good. Great I guess, whatever.” Alastor smiles and waits, expecting more. Voe inhales “I just don’t like eating in front of people okay, geez.”
“Why not?”
She rolls her eyes “Is that really even your business?”
“Fair enough, I’ll mind my business. But I did approach you for a reason.”
“Yes?” She asks getting increasingly irritated
“This afternoon I will be taking a walk around the city, would you like to accompany me?”
Voe widens her eyes in confusion “Is that a joke?”
Alastor seems playfully offended “I think that it is very clear when I’m joking.”
“You want me to go on a walk with you, why?”
“Sometimes it’s nice to have company,”
“Yeah, but me?”
“Why me?”
“Why not you?”
“I thought you didn’t like me.”
Alastor shrugs “I told you my opinion of you has changed,”
“So you do like me?”
“Would you like to come or not?’
Voe stands up straight “But you do like me then?”
“I’ll see you at noon. Goodnight, my dear.” Alastor once again dissipates into shadows
When noon arrived Alastor stood at the door, dusting off his sleeves, waiting for Voe to come downstairs.
“Ooooh Alastor, what are you getting into today?” Charlie bounces over to the Overlord
“Just going on a walk, my dear.”
“Nice! Get some fresh air! What are you waiting for?”
“I’m waiting for my walking buddy, of course!”
Charlie is confused “Your walking buddy?”
Voe comes rushing down the stairs with her super speed, causing papers and anything not nailed down to get blown back by the wind she created. When she stops in front of Alastor and Charlie she lays down her flowing sundress and fixes her hair, which is down today.
“I’m not late!” She says to Alastor
“Right. Okay, we should be going now!” as they both exit the doors
“Wait, you two are-?” the Princess’s voice is cut off by the sound of the door slamming
They are walking in silence, their heels clicking on the pavement. The sounds of crackling fire and screaming sinners fill the air for them. Voe looks around at the sky and notices all the demons that jump away or light themselves on fire when she passes with Alastor. She looks up at him and he sports a closed-lipped smile as he looks straight ahead. They pass the area that she fell into when she first arrived, still remembering how her face hurt when she landed on it.
“Ooh that’s where I melted those guys’ faces,” she says to herself looking off the path
“Hmm?” Alastor questioned, looking down
“No, I just said that’s where I melted those guys faces,’”
“Look at you, coming into Hell and starting chaos” He looks back up ahead
“I didn’t really start anything. If anything, I just added to it.”
“And finished it?”
She looks up in thought “I suppose,”
They continue on in silence until reaching ‘Cannibal Town’, which Voe reads off the sign. She notes how all the residents have creepy smiles like Alastor’s and pitch-black eyes. He leads her into a building filled to the brim with sinners and once inside he says
“Excuse me for a moment, I have to go say hi to a friend,” and disappeared into the crowd instantly
Voe didn’t like being left alone in situations where she only knew one person. Now she was hoping nobody else noticed her because she was not prepared to talk to anyone else at this time. She made herself busy by looking at the displays of fingers and hands. Do they not take the nails off when they eat them? Wait. Do they eat these…raw? She mulled over the thought of eating raw meat, and it sent a disgusting shiver down her spine. 
Alastor returned with a tall lady, dressed in old-fashioned clothes and a rather large and ostentatious hat, black eyes, and the same grin as everyone else, although on her it wasn’t so creepy. Voe was slightly intimidated by her stature and presence, she radiated confidence, joy, and respect.
“Alastor I do enjoy your visits, but you know I’m very busy. You can’t just keep showing up here unannounced,” she said to him
“I love stopping by to see you! And I wanted to introduce you to someone new in Hell. I believe you’d like her,”
He leads the woman over to Voe, who waves shyly. “She’s one of the hotel residents and I invited her to come on a walk with me. A darling doe named Voe.”  He gestures toward her
“Hi,” she says
“Well hello! Look at you, so pretty!”
“So I’ve been told,” she flips her hair, flattered at the compliment. She laughs at the doe’s brazenness 
“And Voe, this is my good friend Rosie, one of the few Overlords more dangerous than me,”
“This new generation of sinners is something else. Alastor, what are you doing with this pretty young thing?”
“Calm down, we’re just going for a walk! I wanted to come see my friend!”
Rosie puts her hands on her hips “And you brought her? Why?”
“She’s one of the least annoying friends I have.”
“Friends? Haven’t heard you use that word in a while!”
Voe is also shocked by his use of the word ‘friend’. She wasn’t aware that that was the kind of relationship they had at this point. Shocked, but pleased.
“I just wanted you to meet the newcomer. She’s pretty famous, she goes by ‘Voe the Beau’.”
“Alastor you know I don’t frequent the interwebs!” She laughs and turns to Voe “Very nice to meet you ‘Voe the Beau’,” she bends down to be eye-level with the doe.
“I’m sorry, but you are literally Mother right now,” Voe says to Rosie
Rosie is shocked and confused by her statement. She looks to Alastor who is just as, if not more confused than she. Voe is smiling giddily so Rosie shrugs it off “I suppose I’ll take that as a compliment,” Voe nods profusely
“I do have a question,”
“What’s that?”
“Do you eat this stuff raw?”
“Well of course! It’s the only way to eat it!” 
Voe looks around “But why?’ she asks “Like, if you cook the flesh you’d still be cannibals. So why eat it raw?”
Rosie glances toward Alastor and rolls her eyes “I started getting this question nonstop nowadays. This new generation!” Rosie waves her off “Now Missy, we’ve all got our own tastes, we can eat however we want,” She leans down to her again
“Okay,” Voe blushes “Yes Mother,” she says under her breath
Voe feels a yank on her tail, she turns around to see a young child behind her. A warmth in her chest arises and her heart swells. She loves children.
“Hey! You have a tail!” the child says
“I do have a tail indeed,”
“Can I pull it?”
“Well, no. But I can play with you and your friends if you like.”
She’s dragged away by the child to sit on the floor in a circle of cannibal children, tossing around the bone of a leg they had all just shared
“Guys!! We didn’t save the lady any leg!”
Voe smiles “Oh no, I’m perfectly fine, you don’t have to share with me!”
“I have a finger I can share!” spoke a different child
“My mommy gave me a toe!”
“I’ve got a whole foot!”
Voe was grinning at her absolute limit, trying to convince these kids that she was satisfied as they tried to get her to eat one of the limbs they had spared. Alastor stood in the same spot watching as she got lost in the crowd of children, his smile softening slightly as he inhaled and exhaled deeply.
“What do you think of her?” he says to Rosie
“She seems like a nice girl. What do you think of her?”
“She’s quite tolerable to be around, yes?” he says without looking at her
Rosie pursed her lips “Now Alastor, why’d you really bring her to me?” she spoke from behind him
He snaps out of his little trance “Whatever do you mean, Rosie?”
Rosie looks as though he’s trying to play her for a fool “I thought for sure I had you pegged, and there you are, surprising me again!”
“What are you talking about, my dear?”
“Nothing,” she surrenders, holding up her hands “It’s just,” she whispers in his ear “You’re starin’ a little more than usual.”
“Something about her, I just can’t put my finger on it.” 
Rosie nods next to him, knowing exactly what he means before he does
On their walk back, Alastor pointed out a tea shop “Would you like some tea?” He asked her
Voe wasn’t exactly paying attention when she heard his request “What?”
“Would you like some tea?”
“Uh sure,” They walk into the tea shop and he orders one for her “Oh right, you don’t like tea.”
“Oh, you noticed?”
She looks up at him “Oh, well yeah.”
“Mhmm.” He looks up again taking the tea when it’s handed to him. They walk out and he passes it to her, grazing her fingers as he does. She can feel the sharpness of his claws on her knuckles
She holds the tea with both hands and looks up “You’re being nice,”
“I suppose I am,”
“Why not?”
They keep walking “You’re not normally nice,”
“Would you rather me be mean?”
She smirks, “I’m not sure,” she sips the tea “Holy fuck that’s good as shit!”
Alastor chuckles at this reaction, his pupils lowering to view her gulping down the hot tea. They continue walking in silence as Voe plays with her wrist, and tugs on her ear, growing restless.
“Why did you want me to come on this walk?” she finally burst
“I do believe I already told you why,”
“But we just walked there and now we’re just walking back. Like, we’re not even talking!” she drinks more of the tea, her brows furrowed
His pupils are on her as he continues to walk forward “That is what I invited you to. A walk.”
Voe pouts as she finishes her tea, holding the cup until she can find a trash can “That’s boring as hell,”
Alastor shrugs as they continue to walk
“Are you a cannibal?”
Alastor rolls his eyes, knowing she wouldn’t be able to stay silent for long “Yes,”
She widens her eyes “So you eat other people?”
“That is the definition, darling.”
She stares straight ahead, in shock for a moment “So did you get something from where we were?”
“No, today I’m in the mood for venison.”
She looks around in confusion “Isn’t that deer?”
Voe starts snickering somewhat randomly, and Alastor stops to look at her, wondering what was so funny. When she sees him staring, she says “Of all the meats you could prefer, you found a way to be a cannibal, twice!” Alastor smirks at the somewhat amusing coincidence
“I suppose that is funny,”
“So like, were you that tall in real life or…”
“Because everyone is like a giant or a tree. I’m trying to figure out what the fuck happened to me.”
“Perhaps that is part of your punishment,”
“I think my punishment is growing fur on my legs, and having my ears on top of my head now. How am I supposed to listen to music like this??”
“Don’t think about that, think about how adorable it makes you look, little doe.” He pinches her cheek 
“Yeah, I know.” There’s a beat of silence before Voe chirps up again “You know you’re cute too.”
He does not respond to this. It has been quite a while since someone has dared to call him ‘cute’, especially to his face. 
“Do you think you’re attractive?” Voe piped up again. 
“I believe that I am wonderful.”
“That’s not what I asked you,” she scoffs 
He takes a moment to think “I suppose I do find myself attractive.”
“Hmm.” She smiles, humming to herself
Alastor looks down, pleased by the interaction.
When they arrive back at the hotel, Alastor stops her before she enters the doors.
“I’d like to discuss something with you, my dear.”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I require something from you.” Voe raises her brow “This will benefit both of us,”
“Mhmm?” she responds “What is it?”
He approaches, standing as close as he possibly can “Give me, your soul.” Voe widens her eyes “And I will teach you to control your powers, and I will protect you. It’s quite a good deal really.” He bends down to meet her eyes.
Vera sticks her hip out, thinking “No.”
“No?” Alastor is shocked “What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I mean no. I am not giving you my soul.” 
“Why not??” He questions, growing annoyed “I’m offering you protection and power.”
“A soul isn’t something that you can put a price on. I plan to own mine for eternity. Alastor’s eye starts to twitch “Why do you want to own me anyway?”
He looks away, not wanting to confront her gaze. “It’s really nothing my dear. It’s just a soul. You’re not using it.”
“If it’s nothing, why do you want it?”
“Because I’m willing to protect you.”
“But I didn’t ask you to.”
“I know, but we are becoming friends now, at least that’s what I thought you wanted, so I’d like to protect you.”
She smiles sarcastically “Ah, yes the age-old rule of friendship, one has to own the other.”
“Now now, I think you are misunderstanding the lack of value that your soul has, right now, it’s just a burden. Let me take that burden from you.”
“Of course, and you’re being so altruistic by helping me out.”
“Well, what’s the big deal? Angel gave his soul away and he’s doing just fine,”
Voe scoffs “Yeah, right. He is clearly miserable, no matter how much he lies to me about it.”
“Ah yes, being the most famous adult film star in Pentagram City is misery.”
“Oh don’t be dense! You know Valentino is weird. And not in a good way!”
“He is a bit feminine-“
“That is not what I meant!”
“What do you mean, my dear?” Alastor’s eyes pierced into her
Voe closes her eyes “What I am saying is that my soul is important to me, and I need to know why you want it.”
“To help you! Isn’t that what I said?” He tilts his head
“Okay, then give me yours.”
“You’re not powerful enough to take it,”
“That shouldn’t matter if you give it to me.”
“Why would you want my soul?”
“Why not? It’s just a soul. It’s a burden, I’m helping you out!”
“But, I gave you a reason. You haven’t given me one.”
“You didn’t give me one.”
“I did! I want to protect you. You’re not powerful enough to protect me. Or even yourself!”
Voe looks irritated “I can protect myself.”
“But what about Angel?”
“What about Angel?”
“You can’t protect him.”
Voe doesn’t respond to this. She purses her lips, looking away from the taller demon. 
“Like I said, give me your soul and I can help you…” his tone was sticky sweet and she started to consider it.
She shakes her head vigorously “No. If we’re going to be friends, we’re going to be equal.”
“Who said we wouldn’t be?”
“You own Husk, right?”
“You two are not equal.”
“Oh, Husker’s different. He’s just a sad old drunken gambler. He needs me.”
“And I don’t want to get to that point.”
His smile stretches up to his hairline “Oh, I would never do that to you. You’re much too smart.”
“I bet you said that to him!”
He rolls his eyes “You might be the only sinner this stubborn.”
She snickers “Of course not. You’re here too.”
“You really want to keep your soul?”
“Why are you asking me that, as if it’s unreasonable?!”
“I suppose you’re right..” he says looking quite annoyed
“Hey….” she leans forward 
“What?” he glares down at her
“Are you upset?”
He scoffs and enters the hotel doors, closing them behind him.
“Wow,” Voe steps back “Someone’s upset,” she said under her breath before entering the hotel doors herself.
Voe had been summoned to work in the middle of an afternoon, very unusual behavior from her boss, but of course she came. When she arrived, however, she did not find Velvette immediately. She saw Valentino smoking a cigarette and Vox pacing around hyped up on rage. Velvette approached her from the side.
“Hey love, you’re gonna want to sit down. Vox is not happy.”
Vox throws a table across the studio, sending papers flying
“Hey! Stop destroying my studio! It’s literally always me!” She goes to pick up the papers that he dropped, as he kicks in a door.
“YOU!!!!” he points at Voe, storming towards her “You said that he would be talking about me!!! Were you trying to make me look foolish?? Do you think this is a game???”
“Hey! HEY! No! Use your words!” Velvette yelled back at him 
Vox calms himself down and repeats the question “You said, he would be talking about me. But he ended up talking about you. Why??” he asked, riling himself up again
“That’s just what he told me!”
“Right, and then he goes on his broadcast to talk about you. And that’s just a coincidence?”
“I suppose..” she looks away
“Are you working with him?? Against us??”
“Then what the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know, I guess he just thought it was funny!”
Vox laughs full of insanity “Well here’s a joke, you’re fired!”
Voe’s stomach drops and she starts to sweat. Her mouth drops open, and she tries to keep the tears in her eyes from falling.
“Now hold on Vox, this is my employee, and I think there’s a better course of action that we can take.” Velvette claps her hands and the contract from earlier reappears. She turns to Voe “It’s been 5 months sweets. It’s time.”
Vox pushes her out of the way “Sign the contract or get the FUCK out!”
Valentino starts to laugh evilly. “Perfecto,” Valentino purrs, blowing smoke in her face again
“It’s time,” Vox stood in front of her, one of his eyes growing large
Voe is apprehensive “Uhh, this is my soul.”
“Do you want to be on billboards or not?” Velvette lifts her chin with her index finger. She manifests a quill and slides it into Voe’s hand.
‘Voe the Beau’ she signs, and it disappears. She looks to Velvette as Vox starts throwing a tantrum “Are you FUCKING kidding me?!”
“Oh calm down Vox,” she turns back to Voe “Is that your real name?” Voe shakes her head “Well write your real name,”
The three Vees all lean in cackling maniacally as she drags the quill over the contract. V-E-R-A
“Excellent,” Vox’s voice lowers in pitch “Now you’re going to help us destroy that Old Timey Prick, understand, my dear?”
Voe stares up at the man, nodding “Yes,”
The gang had started setting up for the party a few days ago, but Voe had just begun to notice.
“Hey, Voe!” Charlie waves “Do you wanna help set things up?”
She taps her chin “Not really,”
“Are you serious? This was your idea, and you’ve literally been nowhere to be found since we started working on this.” Vaggie scolded
“Vaggie! She just started working, give her a break!”
“Angel works, and he’s helping.”
“Angel has six arms,” Voe refutes
“No one said you had to do anything big. You could literally put up some posters or decorations. You don’t even participate in Charlie’s activities! Are you even trying to be redeemed??” Vaggie scoffs while Voe has no response “Ugh, whatever.” She walks off
“Vaggie!” she turns to Voe “Sorry Voe I know you’re doing your best.” she follows Vaggie out of the room
Voe didn’t know what to do at that moment. She didn’t want to start helping now and it would feel like everyone was staring at her, but she didn’t want to go to her room and prove them all right. She enters the kitchen and takes a seat. Niffty is sweeping the table furiously and muttering to herself. Voe sits and watches her clean. 
“Mommy, what are you doing?!”
“Hmm? What?”
Niffty pokes her with the broom “You’re in my way! I need to clean!” she moves her out of the kitchen with the broom “Make it clean, make it clean!” she keeps muttering as Voe leaves.
No one wants you here. 
She makes her way to Lucifer’s tower, with nothing to do and feeling very superfluous. It seemed like everyone was mad at her. She knocks on the door.
Lucifer opens the door “Can I help you-oh! Hey Voe! You can tell Charlie I’ll be down in a minute to help. I’m working on my Ducky ducks.”
“Um, hi. I was wondering if I could hang out in here?” She looks sheepish
“Oh yeah, of course.” He opens the door and lets her in as she goes to his wardrobe.
When Voe enters the room, she notices the King’s bare back. She watches him drape his shirt over his body. She closes the door. She continues to stare as he turns around to face her.
“Welcome back Ducky,” he widens his arms
“You don’t have to button up if you don’t want to. I mean, it’s…your lair, right?” a blush creeps up her neck “I mean, it’s your body, do what you want. I-“ she shakes her head
He tilts his says “You alright? You seem a bit on edge.”
She doesn’t answer but makes a few confusing gestures in response.
“Aww, what’s wrong with my Ducky? Is it Alastor again?” He pats the seat next to him and she sits in it
“Um, no. I just feel really out of place right now.”
“Would you like to stay in here for the rest of the day?”
She nods and he opens his arms. She lays on his still-exposed chest, feeling his warmth, and before she knows it, falls right to sleep.
She woke up to Lucifer shaking her “Hey,” he whispered in her ear “You wanna get ready for the party or do you wanna stay up here?”
“Hmm? Party?”
“You can stay up here if you’re not feeling up to it,”
Her eyes flutter open “Party? Oh shit, my party! They need me!” She stands up instantly “Sorry,” she says to the King  “I’d love to see you down there,” she tells him as she leaves the room.
She couldn’t host a party dressed like this. She made a beeline to her bedroom, throwing out a mountain of clothes to find the slim party dress she got from Velvette. (Hot pink of course). She removes her glasses and puts her hair up in a high pony, with some pieces falling in the front. She checks out her makeup, decides that it will suffice for the night, and heads her little tushy downstairs.
Once she heads downstairs she’s greeted by a very high Angel Dust “Hey! You finally made it!”
“Yeah, of course, it was my idea!”
“I thought you were gonna flake on us! Come here, sit down. Have some of Angel Dust!” he grins 
“Do you mean you or crack?”
Angel gestures toward the table, picking up a baggie to show her 
“How long have you been high today?”
“Not long, like 48 hours? I think?” 
“Okay, you should do that…less.”
He crosses two of his arms “I’ll stop doing crack when you admit you’re either fucking Alastor or Lucifer!”
“I’m not fucking either of them!”
“And I’m not gonna stop doing crack!”
“You weren’t gonna stop anyway.”
“You damn right!” He laughs and pulls her into a side hug “I love our relationship!” She laughs and hugs him back “Have a great time toots!”
Voe goes to the front of the parlor and puts her phone on a stand. She goes live on Sinstagram and speaks to the camera.
“This is Voe the Beau speaking. Coming to you live from the littest party this side of the Pentagram! Anybody who’s anybody is here and is staying here. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel bitches!”
oh shit they have parties over there??
ain’t nobody going to that shitty ass hotel
you look GOOD girl
“Thank you, thank you. Now that I’m here, parties are what’s on the agenda. We know that drinking and drugs do NOT make you a bad person. They’re just activities you can take part in to have fun. And we know that having fun is an essential part of redemption. Am I right?” she turns to Angel and calls him over “Angel! Angel! ANGEL!!” 
“What?” he comes over
“Talk to the live!”
“Wassup bitches!!! Come hit up the hotel. Free drinks, free drugs, and free SEX. In any room you like!”
Voe enters the camera “Not mine,”
“Definitely hers!”
“Nope! Not mine! The only one having sex in there is ME!”
i would totally come jus to have sex in her room
do we get to fuck u angel????
are u free 2night angel???
“Nope! I’m never free!” He cackles and walks back over to the table with the crack
“I’m technically free. You don’t pay with money, but you do pay.” She sticks out her tongue “Charlie! Charlie! Come here!” the Princess walks over “Talk to your people!”
“Hi?” She says with a drink in her hand
lol look it’s the bitch that leaves everyone starving and homeless
nobody gives a fuck about that bitch
can we cum fuck the princess of hell 2night?
“She is in a committed relationship, you guys.
can we kill the princess of hell???
“If y’all touch my bitch, Charlie, I’m ripping your fucking legs off, and that’s on period!”
“Maybe I should go?” she looks slightly uncomfortable and walks away
“Look what y’all did! Being mad fucking rude! Now y’all on timeout!” She walks away from the phone and over to the bar. “Hey Husker, are you still not willing to make me a good drink,”
“I would make you a good drink, but you keep asking for trash!”
“You’re telling me everyone here is fine with the hard stuff?”
“People wanna get drunk, they don’t care how. Nobody else is picky like you!”
She rolls her eyes “And no one else is as stubborn as you.” She pushes herself off the bar chair and waltzes to the middle of the dance floor. 
The great thing about the lights being dimmed for this party was that Alastor was able to blend in with the shadows, able to watch the residents and other employees at this party without having to engage in it himself. In the shadows, he stood and observed, the effeminate spider snorting lines of snow, the princess and her partner standing off to the side only interacting with each other, Husker behind the bar looking miserable and Niffty running under people’s feet cleaning things they’ve dropped. Yes, from this spot he could see them all.
Including her. He watched as she flitted about going from person to person, watching as she moved, as she danced. He watched as she put her hands on her hips, threw them in the air, and tucked strands of scarlet curls behind her ear. She was not wearing her glasses tonight, and without the frames, he was able to lay his eyes on the freckles that adorned her cheeks. A darker brown than her skin, perfectly framing and contrasting her red irises. The dress she wore hugged her frame and accentuated parts of her body that were hidden in her more modest choices of dresses. All this he noticed from the shadows.
Alastor had not spoken to her since she had declined to give him her soul. He would admit that the ask was a bit impromptu and his pitch wasn’t as airtight as it would usually be, but he thought of it as a good investment on the walk back from Rosie’s emporium. All in all, it still seemed like a good deal in his eyes. But when she told him no, it lit him on fire internally. He was disgusted, enraged, and- not that he would ever admit it -embarrassed. Surprisingly not embarrassed at the rejection, but at what came after. Why do you want to own me anyway? She’d asked. He’d been asked that many times, as a deal maker, and he always made it clear that what he wanted it for was his business, but this was the first time he’d dodged the question, not because he didn’t have an answer, but because his answer frightened him. For the first time, it was an answer that he didn’t even want to admit to himself, let alone to the person he sought to make a deal with. No matter, he would inevitably win her soul, maybe not today, but he had all of eternity to find a game she’d be willing to play.
Voe slinks away from the parlor and enters the kitchen, just to sit. She leans back against the wall, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply before exhaling a long breath. She remains there with her eyes closed before hearing
“Unfortunately I have to eat my own words, my dear.” Voe turns to find Alastor standing beside her “This was in fact, a good idea.”
Voe smirks “I know.”
“I saw you…dancing” He said 
She smiles up at him “I love to dance. Not like I’m a dancer or anything but, I took classes” She shrugs “I don’t know what I’m saying.” She laughs at herself
“It makes sense. I’m not a dancer either, but I can do a mean jitterbug,” he sits down
Voe laughs, and when she’s done a small smile is left “Are you still upset?”
“I have taken the time to think on it, and I have forgiven you,”
She scoffs “Forgiven me?? I did nothing wrong. Might I remind you, that you were upset with me just for wanting to know why you wanted my soul.” She leans back  in her chair
“I remember,” he says, his tone bordering on acidic
Voe glances back at him “If anything, I should be mad at you,”
“And why is that?”
“Because it’s just like a man to demand that he gets to own you,”
“Except I offered something in return,”
The doe turns to face him “They always do! But they never deliver.”
“I assure you that has never been an issue for me.”
“And how am I supposed to know? There’s too many that lie. And even when they aren’t lying, they do deliver and you find out it wasn’t worth it”
“Excuse me for my gentlemanly instincts to protect and help a lady”
“You use that word so loosely and unfoundedly. ‘Gentlemanly’. What even is that? There are no gentle men. Men are aggressive and manipulative. They demand control of you and make you suffer for it. You wanna know why I’m so stubborn? Maybe because I’ve dealt with too many ‘gentlemen’ who weren’t really ‘gentlemen’. If men could be ‘gentle men’, then maybe I’d be free to be a lady!” She spits back at the Overlord
“And I am telling you that I take that descriptor quite seriously. I may be a fearsome demon, but I was raised correctly by the strongest of women. I know of the struggles you refer to and even in death I work every. Single. Day. To be the solution to the problem that you’re afraid of.” The pitch of his voice lowers as he gets more serious “I may be capable of unspeakable things, but I am a demon of my word, so if I say that I am a gentleman, believe it. I am a gentleman and you are a lady, and I not only desire but crave to help and protect you.”
When he finishes speaking he looks down to realize that he is towering over her. She is looking at him with dilated pupils and her two-tone lips are slightly parted as she breathes heavily through them. Her chest rises and falls as she turns her head up to look him in the eye. The distance between them was shorter than a pinky finger, he could feel her breath on his neck, and see the flush rising up hers. 
He had never been this close to her, and the only thing he was aware of at this point was her. All he could see was her face, all he could hear was her breath, and all he could smell was her scent. There it was yet again, that burning, unfamiliar to him, somewhere inside his chest.
They sit in silence for a beat. 
He whispers “Why are you in here? This is your party after all.”
“Yeah,” she responds, her eyes darting around his face and chest “Sometimes I just need a break you know? A lot of music, a lot of people. I need to take a breather for my own sanity.” She laughs dryly “I’m surprised that’s one thing that followed me from life”
“I take it you’re not drinking.”
She nods “Correct,”
“Why not? Everyone else is,”
“Well, because Husker refuses to make me the kinds of drinks I like.”
“Which are?”
“Any kind of fruity or sweet drink. Preferably the kind where you can’t actually taste the alcohol.” she chuckles
“Oh my, that’s quite the request,” he squints his eyes
“Whatever, it’s what I like,” she shrugs shakily
“Husker my good friend!” Alastor calls to the cat over the music, when the bartender looks, Alastor says “Make the darling doe what she requests!”
Voe looks at the cat, sticking out her tongue and holding up her middle fingers as he sneers back at her. When he finally brings her the drink, she’s very excited. Alastor stares as she lifts the glass, wraps her lips around the rim, and empties it within seconds. “More rounds for the lady here!” he calls back to the cat and watches as she grins. After about 3 glasses, Voe began to feel the warmth overtake her. She shakes her head as Alastor watches her close her eyes and tilt her head back.
“Are you done?” he whispers to her
She shakes her head “One more,” she whispers back “I just want one more, and then I’ll be done,” she says and turns to look at the tall demon’s face, not being able to stop herself from grinning. He grins back at her and they start laughing. A constrained giggle is the best way to describe what came from their mouths. Husker brings the last glass for her along with a bottle and shot glass for Alastor.
“Ah you know me well, my good man.” He fills up his own glass, reaching over Voe and she stares at his arm, her eyes widening 
“You have really long arms,” she turns back to him with wide eyes
He downs his shot and looks at her “I suppose so,”
Voe opens her mouth to say something when Angel calls for her “Voe! Come over here toots! Cherri and Sugar are here!”
She turns to Alastor, “I’ll be back,” she reaches out to touch him, but then simply pats the air around him
“Ohh, hey it’s you,” Cherri rolls her eye
“Hey, sexy…” she wiggles her fingers
Cherri glances at Angel “Oh she is pissed” She grins “Maybe now she’ll be less weird!” 
Voe looks at Sugar “Hey girlie… I haven’t seen you in forever. You look so pretty.”
“Um thanks,” Sugar says, feeling uncomfy
“How are those pills not working yet?” Cherri asks Sugar
Sugar is holding her arm “‘Cuz I didn’t take them?”
“What the fu- take ‘em!”
Sugar rolls her eyes and throws her head back ingesting the mystery pills
“Oooh, what are we doing?” Voe does a shoulder shimmy
“LSD and X?”
Voe frog blinks “Like…like…like…ecstasy?” 
“I’ve never done that before,”
“Here,” Cherri opens her palm and has two of the pills in her hand
Her eyes are wide looking at Cherri’s hand
“Thought you didn’t do hard drugs toots,” He leans all over the girls
“It’s the only drug to do,” She pops one into her mouth
“I’ll smoke weeeeed. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY WEED?”
Cherri “I’ve got marijuana tablets,” she pulls some out of her pocket
Angel gasps looking offended “You had marijuana tablets and didn’t tell me?”
Voe takes a tablet and ingests it “And now we wait,” she grins 
Voe stands on the table in the parlor and starts to dance, her body swaying to the music. Alastor crosses his legs in the kitchen, downing another shot he sees her as she’s perched up on the table. Her curls wildly whipped back and forth with her head. The traceable curve of the arch in her back as she bends, and everything moves in slow motion as he watches her. He blinks and she is in front of him, leaning over to look into his face.
“Hi,” she’s very smiley and she hasn’t stopped moving, still somewhat dancing to the music. She wiggles her fingers at him
“Hello,” he speaks calmly and evenly
“You look so pretty sitting there,” she steps closer to him
He widens his eyes, “I take it that you’re now ossified?”
She squints “Are you asking me if I’m drunk?” she points at him
“Yes,” he nods
“Well…” she wiggles her finger, pointing at him “Yes,” she grins widely “But I know what I’m saying!”
“Be careful,”
She nods, her eyes wide and innocent “Okay,”
“Good girl,” he said, cupping her chin and dragging each claw over her skin. She felt her core twitch at his words but ignored it.
She bats her lashes “I want to touch your hair! Can I please? Just for one second. One second!” she begged
He sighs “Proceed,”
She giggles excitedly and her fingers quickly and lightly caress his strands, her mouth is agape “It’s so fluffy!”
He chuckles “I suppose,”
“Would you like to touch my hair?” 
Alastor shrugs “Sure,”
Voe hangs her head down in front of him, he grabs her ponytail with sufficient force and lets the strands run through his fingers.
“Oh my, it’s quite thick.” 
Voe puts her head back up and giggles “Just like me,”
“Exactly,” he winks 
“Your voice is so…” she does a chef’s kiss 
“Thank you?” he raises his brow
“No, thank you.”
She puts her finger on her lips and just giggles “I’ll be back,” she says again, heading back to the parlor
She returns to the dance floor and Alastor’s smile settles, until seeing that turkey they call the King of Hell approach her. He taps her on the shoulder and she turns around and is quite excited, her grin going from ear to ear. She pulls him into a tight hug and the tighter the hug gets the tighter Alastor’s chest feels. She says something to him and it causes a sly grin to form on his face.
“Do you wanna dance with me?”
“I’d be delighted to,”
“Okay, but you have to drink too”
“Oh, I’m not much of a drinker..”
She holds a shot in front of him “Oh come on..”
He takes the glass “Well, maybe a few,” he downs the shot quickly and reaches for the other shot in Voe’s hand, downing that as well. Voe wraps her arms around the King’s neck and pulls him closer to her
“How do you feel?” she whispers to him
“Pretty relaxed actually,”
She bites her lip “That’s good,” she takes his hat off and places it on her head, smirking at him. When the song changes, Voe turns herself so her back is touching Lucifer’s chest. She takes an arm and pulls him to press against her, Lucifer holding her hips in place, his face pressed into her neck. Alastor watches as she grinds her body against Lucifer, he squints and every moment where his front connects with her back is another inch that Alastor can feel vomit creeping up his throat. What on earth is he doing to her? Defiling her and in public! Lucifer spins her around by her hips, she looks shocked, but when he pulls her in with her chest touching his, he leans down toward her lips with his own and she leans in as well, almost closing the space between them. Alastor’s eyes widen and the air is caught in his throat.
“Voe,” he speaks sternly. The doe’s ears twitch in response and she turns her head toward him she smiles
“Everyone wants a piece of me tonight!” she whispers something in Lucifer’s ear and he whispers back, making her giggle, she comes over to Alastor “At your service Sir Bucky,” she bends down once more and giggles
“I was just wondering, you said you have taken dance classes, and I have yet to see you dance.”
She blinks in confusion “I was just dancing,”
“That was dancing?” he raises his eyebrow smirking
“Hmm, could’ve fooled me,” he taps his temple
Voe huffs and stands up straight “Are you saying I can’t dance?”
“If the tap shoe fits…” with a close-lipped smirk
She furrows her brow “I can dance!”
“Then, by all means, prove it.”
She looks around “How?” she pouts
“Is this not a party?” He stands and outstretches his hand “Show me what you’ve got”
She looks at his outstretched hand and back up at his face with awe. She places her hand inside his. His hand was cold and smooth, he placed his other on her waist and squeezed it slightly. He pulls her closer to him and her eyes are wide, her lips slightly parted and her head looking up at him. They start to dance, classic style, the music smooth and slow, not exactly Alastor’s preference, but better than the vulgar nonsense that was being played before. He led her, dancing her around in circles, twirling her, and pulling her close in what felt like a beautiful eternity. He ended with a gentlemanly dip, giving a light flick to Lucifer’s hat on her head, making it fall off. She stares at him in shock, while he stares at her like she is a delicious snack.
“You know what I just realized?” She asked with her chest heaving at every breath 
“Hmm?” He questioned with a grin on his face
“You sly buck, you just wanted me to dance with you” A smile creeps on her face. His grin turns evil and mischievous, his hand still firmly pressed on her back “You could have just asked.” Voe pressed her palms on Alastor’s hard chest, then brought them up to his shoulders, staring at him all the while. He had sweat on his forehead and some in his hair. 
“Where’s the fun in that?”
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Chapter 11>
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spicybylerpolls · 3 months
people sleeping on the fact that mike and will hadn't seen each other in their time apart, which is when their sexualities were coming into bloom. so any sexual attraction and burgeoning sexuality is not about objectivism or lewdness, but rather fantasy, sensation memory, imagination...
the duffers made this absence a choice in the story, and its a clever device. think how different stranger things would be if will and el hadn't left, and mike's attraction to men was coming into bloom with will and el still around in hawkins!
so seeing as it's fantasy, its not like byler's attraction could even be dirty - it was just about them thinking of being close to each other, their dreams etc were probs so vague and emotional instead. and then when they saw each other again, it reiterates the awkwardness of said fantasy, because their memories probably distorted how each other looked somewhat and so encountering the real thing is jarring.
i also think that will is just as aware of sexuality as mike, but also a little closer to accepting his identity (alan turing poster). his discomfort is a huge part of the story, his IH, his dad, his shame, but just because will doesn't have posters of guys on his wall doesn't mean he isn't thinking physically of sex: he checks out mike at the airport, when theyre walking out of the airport, at the breakfast table, etc.
at this point, again, a lot of it is curiosity: i haven't seen you for half a year, oh, this is what you look like now... AND oh, i'm attracted to you and now I can see what your body looks like, i hadn't paid much attention to that before ...
and ofc we have mike doing the same (in the bedroom scene) and then there's all the phallic imagery which is a wink and a nod, but also i think has double meaning for other things in the story, like the split/rod through the brain changing the personality thing from s2
and lastly, let's not forget that will is an artist. we don't know if he has been doing life drawing classes (not sure how the US system works with this stuff in schools) but he HAS been drawing figures for much of his life. when he did that painting of the party, a lot of attention to detail was paid. not to say it's a sexual painting, but if you look at mike's stance compared to the other party members, the way he's standing, you have to acknowledge that will had no problem painting mike's anatomy, his legs, crotch, his body. the stance calls for it, but will could also have picked another stance. he could have had the shield lower (it's barely covering mike actually - is it symbolic of something else?!?!), mike's left leg could have been forwards... anything. as an artist, when i was younger specifically, i would have been blushing as I was painting a friend i was in love with, if i had to paint their body in this way.
we know will expresses himself through his art and stories, and painting someone is a very intimate act. i think will expresses not only his love but his sexuality this way.
++ am i saying that when theyre a bit older, mike is going to pull a rose dewitt bukater and ask to be drawn? jury's still out. but for now, that painting, for will, was probably an extended part of the fantasy of mike in his absence.
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Delicious points, nonny!
"Then when they saw each other again, it reiterates the awkwardness of said fantasy, because their memories probably distorted how each other looked somewhat and so encountering the real thing is jarring."
YES! 🫡 Of course, that's a huge part of the deliriousness, awkward fever dream of the airport reunion and the fruity ass roller rink. And I'd never thought of this aspect of it, but I LOVE the idea that Will's painting and the level of anatomical detail given to Mike inherent to it is a huge way of Will expressing and exploring his sexuality.
No wonder El picked up on Will liking someone. He was glowing with desire and passion. He was overflowing with love for Mike Wheeler. Art is the one place Will can be gay as hell, the one place where Will's fantasies have a natural (and plausible deniable, if needed) outlet.
And I can't imagine that as a teen boy, his mind didn't wander to other places lmao, especially while drawing Mike in this way and thinking about what might be underneath Mike's armor 😋.
And if just the idea of Mike being the heart and being the leader and being the hero is enough to get Will giggling and twirling his bowl cut and kicking his feet? RIP Will in Season 5. Especially with the muscles Mike has started to show in these recent Finn pics? ❗❓
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