#and have plans to acquire more of the manga
silverior968 · 4 months
Someone watch Children of the Whales I beg of you I can't be back in the fucking building alone
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nymphbroadcast · 2 months
I had no idea how to go about this, but if it isn’t much to ask, could I request the Diasomnia boys with a Twilight Sparkle! Yuu/Reader headcanons. Romantic or platonic is completely up to you.
(P.S.A. Is it alright to put General Lilia instead of Present Lilia? I just really love Lilia in his General era, you don’t have to do this though.)
Diasomnia x MC! Like Twilight Sparkle
Sinopsis⊹ೃ🐉⋆ The Diasomnia boys with a MC! / Yuu Or S/O like Twilight Sparkle.
⊹Relationship⊹ೃ🐉⋆ Fall in love/ Free of interpretation.
⊹¡FEM! MC/Yuu/Lector ⊹ೃ 🐉
⋆⊹Clarifications: AAAAA I really loved this idea! Thank you anonymous for your request! Twilight is my favorite of the Mane Six and who I identify with sometimes, so I was really excited to imagine an MC! like Twilight with the Diasomnia boys, especially because of the plot that surrounds Twilight during the series, I kept many canon things about Twilight and Yuu from the game and the mangas, enjoy your request! PD: I'll also add Spike, because I love the older sister-little brother or mother-son relationship they both have ;)
⊹Twilight's Context⊹ೃ 🐉⋆
• Twilight is a character with great duality, she is very skilled in magic, she is intelligent and is always willing to acquire new knowledge, but that made her focus too much on just her studies and leave aside her social life, It is reiterated on several occasions that Twilight represents the Element of Magic and Dircord mentions that Twilight is the embodiment of magic, and in the comics Twilight's true magical ability is explored. On the other hand, more familiar, Twilight belongs to a family of high aristocracy, with her parents in noble positions and her brother as captain of the royal guard and she as the private student of Princess Celestia, who would later be her heir... At the beginning Twilight was apathetic to social events and even teamwork, which over time she began to fall aside and accept that friendship was not something like a distraction but rather an instrument to grow, both personally and intellectually. Twilight is a great leader, said on many occasions, she is able to recognize her mistakes and weaknesses, she also knows when to stop and does not put her pride before rationality for the common good, Although that does not mean that she does not have her negative sides, she can also worry too much and her tendency to worry about others often makes her fall into despair and paranoia, as well as when she is given a task of great responsibility and In her anxious process she begins to plan excessively and put all the responsibility on herself. Although as shown in the series, she always learns different lessons from her friends, who also help her constant personal improvement and as a future ruler.
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Malleus Draconia
🐉 Oh someone catch this cute dragon boy because he's falling in love!
🐉 You are like a gift that his own magic has brought to him, you are so similar to him but so different from him too...
🐉 Something to sayis that you both are solitary (at least at the beginning) although you did it of your own free will and because of your desire to study, unlike him... Although that no longer matters, now you are his friend! and maybe... something else ;)... Something else that you both also share is your prodigiousness with magic, although since you were little you have the desire to learn more and you are talented and skilled through your own efforts and not just because you were born special.
🐉 Technically you come from a very high society, since being a star student of a famous princess **insert ur fav disney princess** surprises Malleus with your incredible social and magical position.
🐉 As your relationship progresses you introduce him to your little dragon companion, Malleus goes blank when he sees the young dragon even without his wings fully developed (don't even think about introducing him to Lilia, because Malleus's adoptive father will release the baby album Malleus) However, due to your friend's young age, Malleus does not see him as competition or in a jealous way. Over time, he may even come to see him as a son, believe me, he will become fond of him when he sees him being so close to you. and seeing you as a mother or older sister will soften Malleus' heart... Although, when you tell him that technically the little dragon is your son since as proof of the talent of your magic Malleus does not know what to say, since he has not even done something like effecting the birth of a being, he begins to respect you when he sees the magnitude of your knowledge and magic.
🐉 Although, returning to your flaws... Malleus doesn't know exactly what to do when he sees you enter a nervous and almost psychotic state when something happens that upsets you, he has never had to calm someone down before and the fact that that someone is you... Malleus decides to follow his instincts and Lilia's advice, words of comfort and physical touch, he hopes that that and his presence will calm your turbulent mind and to no one's surprise, it works.
🐉 As both have great magical potential, it would be necessary to see who has more knowledge, since Malleus has had some of the best magicians as teachers, but you have a Princess as a teacher and you have mastered countless spells with little effort, even mastering the light and dark magic (The return of the Crystal Empire, Twilight replicates Celestia's spell to open the door, in fact it is King Sombra's magic) and you handle different situations very well, which not only depend on your magic... Although anyway, you and Malleus meet to read and practice magic especially, since the magic that the Draconia possess makes you very curious and Malleus actually loves that instead of fearing his magic, it makes you very thirsty of knowledge.
🐉 Malleus is surprised how in a short time you have managed to learn the history of Twisted Wonderland and many of its nations, in fact you may be one of the few who really don't get bored in Professor Trein's classes, which is already an achievement, but see that you are seriously capable of storing all that data in your memory really amazes Malleus.
🐉 (Only a variant of the 'Cutie Mark' and a small suggestive hint are described here) Due to the type of NRC uniform your body is not exposed enough, but if you both reached 'that' moment, Malleus would quickly notice a cutie mark. a star and others around it on your hip, although he does not ask you directly, he investigates about this brand and discovers that in Twisted Wonderland this brand has been used multiple times to represent absolute magic, which leaves Malleus speechless and with heart pounding... Seeing that you are practically the incarnation of magic, he feels luckier that you are his and promises to take care of you and love you forever.
🐉 You are definitely someone very interesting in their eyes, in fact too much, you are always thirsty for knowledge and surrounded by books of all kinds, however from your side more people can see that you are a born Leader, loving and empathetic but firm and strict in the Maybe, for some reason, he feels that destiny has prepared a future for you as Ruler and he deeply hopes that it will be by his side.
🐉 Assuming that your promotion to princess would be soon, as well as Twilight's, you will have the big dragon boy attached to you for good and shouting to everyone in Twisted Wonderland that you will be his wife, he hugs you and coos at you whispering compliments and loving words of congratulations on your new status: "I always knew you would make it", "You look so beautiful even before you were an official princess" and "Now there is no excuse to hide that I love you, that we love each other, my dear~"
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Lilia Vanrouge
(Present and General Lilia!)
🩸 The current Lilia would be fascinated in a good way by you, in his eyes he can really distinguish the pure magic that makes up your being and it amuses him to see how others seem to ignore it, even knowing that although you do not "belong" to Twisted Wonderland you are perfectly capable of using spells the size of Malleus himself.
🩸 While General Lilia would be intimidated and defensive, he is also able to sense your magic due to his proximity to Maleanor, but not knowing you or your intentions, it is normal for him to believe that you want to attack them, since that happens in wars and even more so. in one like that.
🩸 The present Lilia would have a lot of fun watching you deal with the Overblots and challenges that exist in the NRC, especially when you don't know the things like traditions and customs of Twisted Wonderland.
🩸 We already saw how shameless and to some extent cruel General Lilia can be, so don't be surprised when he doesn't believe that you are the student of a powerful princess or that you are equal or superior even in terms of magic to the Draconia.
🩸 The present Lilia would be absolutely delighted when she meets your baby dragon and memories of baby Malleus come like a waterfall, he does not stop fawning over the dragon and telling you anecdotes about when Malleus was a small lizard that barely existed (because don't tell me he didn't , there was nothing in that Malleus baby head) and also praise you because unlike the one who took 200 years to make Malleus born by giving him his own magic, you did it in an instant and without sacrificing your magic.
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🩸 Unlike General Lilia, he doesn't know what to say about your little dragon companion, he's obviously not a draconian and although there are other dragons in Twisted Wonderland it's hard for him to associate them with the little one and he's even more stunned when he hears that your own Magic was what caused the birth of the dragon.
🩸 Lilia can see your strengths and vulnerabilities, he sees your constant anxiety and can't help but come to calm you down with words of support and, if necessary, knock you out so that your mind can rest, even for a minute. (In the case of General Lilia, he only use the last option.)
🩸 Although in the end, he ends up liking you for your duality in any way, he feels that somehow you will be someone great in the future and he hopes to be able to see you when that time comes.
🩸 In case you go out with one of his three sponsored children, Lilia would feel proud to see how you are a balance between 'humanity' and 'magic' and how honest you are in your affection towards the boy, and it has just been proclaimed adoptive grandfather of your little dragon.
🩸 On the other hand, if you are his partner, he will promise to take care of you and pamper you, make you feel at home with him and be a good father to your little dragon.
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⚔ For Silver, you're so... Strange... In a good way, we all know he's not very social, so I don't think he's ever met anyone with as much thirst for knowledge as you.
⚔ However, if there is something he admires about you, it is your great capacity for leadership and self-sacrifice. Silver fully trusts you to wake him up if he falls asleep... Eventually.
⚔ In his free time, Silver likes for you to read a book aloud, it helps him relax and sleep better, regardless of the topic, Silver loves to listen to your calm and at the same time very interested voice in the topic of the book. +Bonus points if you let him put his head on your lap!
⚔ At the same time, you are incredible in magic and unlike General Lilia and Sebek, Silver has no problem comparing your magical potential with that of Malleus, for him you are actually admirable, given that you must not be more than 100 years old unlike Malleus. and yet you can cast spells of his Young Lord's level effortlessly.
⚔ Although more than your magical talent or the magic that emanates from you, what attracts Silver to you is how capable you are of facing situations that you possibly never thought you would experience.
⚔ It's not hard for him to believe that you're a student of a famous princess, considering he's seen you deal with Overblots and Dire Crowley's irresponsibility with ease.
⚔ Although it takes a while, he eventually becomes convinced of your magical power when he meets your little dragon companion and learns that you caused his birth and is practically like your son/little brother, Silver loves animals of all kinds as can be seen when he they surround him while he sleeps, so he will eventually become attached to the little dragon.
⚔ Although he won't believe you when you tell him that you used to be extremely asocial before coming to Twisted Wonderland, since he has always seen you accompanied by another first-year student and one of your two (Grimm and Spike) creature companions.
⚔ Although like Lilia and Malleus, Silver also notices the negative side of your personality, you are extremely anxious and prone to panic, not to mention when Crowley puts something important on you because he doesn't want to, although Silver wants to be careful and gentle when dealing with you to calm down, thanks to being educated and raised by Lilia, he ends up being a little... Brusque... With his words, although it surprisingly works. (Imagine Applejack kind of scolding Twilight, more or less)
⚔ Silver may be a lost prince and possess great magic from his dynasty, but even in his 'ignorance' he manages to identify your brand as the representation of the concept of magic itself and that makes him feel luckier to be with you.
⚔ Silver recognizes you as a great Leader, full of unknown potential and an attractive personality, even with flaws, Silver continues to see you as a beautiful balance between Magic and Humanity, something that attracts him more deeply to you, He promise to be the Knight to your future as a Princess, from now on. (And Malleus, of course)
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Sebek Zigvolt
🐊 Sebek... Sebek... This is a complicated boy, at first he doesn't see you as anything more than a curious human with inferior, otherworldly magic.
🐊 And I'm sorry to tell you that this would be like this for a long time, until I can see more of your true identity and your magical power and as a person.
🐊 Rather, in Chapter 7, when he sees you fighting with your magic and comforting and helping Silver and Lilia.
🐊 Seeing you like this will make him remember your attitudes and why he suddenly changes his mind about you.
🐊 He understands your almost endless thirst for knowledge, he has seen you a couple of times in classes and admires that about you, no matter the subject you are always attentive, even with your energic friends on top.
🐊 Also remember your anxious side due to your worries and take note to help you (in your own way) with your anxiety attacks when you witness them, trust him, he is skilled with comfort even if it doesn't seem like it.
🐊 He obviously knows your little dragon and to be honest... He likes him much more than Grimm... He, incredibly idolizing Malleus and the Draconias themselves, will be incredibly delighted with your little friend, praising him for his helpfulness to you and his 'worthy' nature... Although he stiffens when you tell him how he was born, he slowly accepts that maybe... Just maybe... You could be much more skilled with your magic than he thought... Even almost like his Young Master.
🐊 Although yes, he is a little suspicious when he sees the symbol that you usually wear, he quickly recognizes it as the representation of magic itself and in reality, Sebek doesn't know what to think so he is patient.
🐊 Don't worry because this guy is slowly maturing and will eventually find you worthy of admiration and affection, without or with magic.
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Nymph's Note:
I still don't know how to write to a romantic or loving Sebek, sorry T-T and sorry for take me too long, but I'm back again ♡
I hope you enjoyed!
Remeber to tune in, end of this broadcast!
Diasomnia Dorm x MC! Like Twilight Sparkle Done!
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Can I request a short scenario about Gojo falling in love with Sukuna’s favorite lover? They got unsealed first & was discovered by Gojo. Darling tried to escape one problem only to acquire an even worse one
Darling is gender neutral and it’s Romantic Yandere Gojo
The plot was a bit complicated yet vague so I hope the idea I came up with works ^^; I don't know much about the Heian Era so I am guessing. AU where Jujutsu High is actually Jujutsu University for the sake of ages and plot.
This deviates from the request a bit but I hope you enjoy it anyways :) The end is a bit butchered as I had no ideas :( The yandere behavior is vaguely implied, I wish this was executed better but I was working with what I had. Constructive feedback is appreciated.
Possible Manga Spoilers, Please read with caution.
One Long Century
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Story (Ft. Sukuna)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Violence, Possessive behavior, Slight rivalry themes, Jealousy, Stalking, Darling hates relationships, Themes of toxicity in relationships, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship.
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The Heian Era was known as a legendary time for Jujutsu Sorcerers. After all, this era was where Sukuna and Kenjaku originated from. Speaking of which, there was another Sorcerer that history recorded who dealt with these two.
You were Sukuna's favorite lover, out of all the partners the King of Curses had, you were his best. You were experienced in utilizing Curse energy, which made you a favorite. However, you never wanted to be tied to the monster.
Sukuna took you as a partner due to your abilities as a Sorcerer. While you were originally his enemy, he broke you in due to his strength. You were never stronger than him but he liked your potential. Truthfully, your plan was to die trying to take him out.
You never got such an easy fate.
No, instead Sukuna contacted Kenjaku to speak of immortality. You understood Sukuna wished to live forever, but you fully expected to die here. Unfortunately... Sukuna didn't want to waste such a good partner.
"Make them a cursed object, too. I want them to follow me eternally."
You were never like Sukuna. No, your morals were more pure than his. You had the morals of more modern Jujutsu Sorcerers.
Protect the weak... For you are strong.
Against your will you were made into a sealed cursed object. You reluctantly lay in wait for a time where you can awaken. With the body of a host... you can be reborn.
Even if you didn't wish it.
For a century your cursed object was passed around and stored. Legends and rumors told of your relationship with the King of Curses. It was often said that you could calm the King of Curses if things ever got out of hand.
Eventually, like some of Sukuna's fingers, you found your way into the protection of Jujutsu University in their Cursed Warehouse.
You weren't chosen to be reborn until enough of Sukuna's fingers were collected. Higher-ups realized that if something goes wrong they should have you ready. Which lead to a host being chosen...
And you being reborn.
It felt... strange to be reborn in the modern age. Everything was so different, from the amount of Sorcerers to even the clothes and buildings. You were brought back for a reason it seemed.
You feel like you're being judged.
You can't blame these modern Sorcerers for suspecting you. Sukuna was known for sadism and being known as his favorite lover didn't help. However, you did your best to prove your true allegiance.
Any side fighting Sukuna works for you.
You didn't meet Satoru Gojo until you were allowed to be "used". Their wording disturbed you, yet you try not to judge in turn. They have their reasons to be worried.
Unfortunately... meeting Satoru Gojo comes with reuniting with... Sukuna.
You were told that Sukuna had taken host in a student named Yuji Itadori. Satoru Gojo was given the job of being his teacher and being a handler. Your job?
Stick by them both... and keep Sukuna under control.
You loathed the idea... but you hated the idea of Sukuna going unchecked more. As a result, you comply with the order. This makes you part of Gojo's group.
It also gets you involved with Gojo and Sukuna... the blights of your life.
As expected, being in the group started uncomfortable for you. Gojo was curious of an ancient Sorcerer such as you. One who wasn't malevolent... but kept alive for some reason.
Admittedly you weren't as strong as Gojo... but you were up there.
You then met the younger students who accompanied him. Yuji (Sukuna's vessel, according to your intel), Nobara, and Megumi. They were all quite interesting and powerful in their own right... and over time you found yourself attached to them.
Then there was Sukuna, the King of Curses and your supposed lover. He festered within Yuji, much to your disgust. You dreaded whenever he took control.
You could never have a normal conversation with Yuji without Sukuna popping in to taunt you. He was unfortunately still flirtatious, seeing you as his lover. He didn't care if you hated him... just like all those years ago.
You wished you could just stay enemies with him.
You wished you weren't brought back.
Arguments often occurred between you and Sukuna. It was usually verbal as Gojo was around to prevent physical fights. For the sake of everyone around you.
Speaking of Gojo, you often spoke with him. You both often acted as mentors and guardians to your group. Originally, the air between you was tense.
Then Gojo realized he could get along with a strong Sorcerer such as you from ancient times.
You don't mind Gojo at first. He helps you adapt to modern times now that you're able to be out and about around other people. You two even bond well in battle against Curses.
Sukuna often mocks the fact Gojo is so close to you. The King of Curses is still possessive of his remaining lover. You often hear Sukuna vowing to take you back once he takes full control of his vessel, Yuji.
You plan on preventing that with Gojo.
You help Gojo train his students. For the most part you stay out of the way of other activities unless it's Sukuna related. Occasionally you even help with Kenjaku issues once those become known.
Soon months begin to pass and Gojo grows more... intrigued. He knew attachments could be dangerous, especially with an individual as mysterious as you. However...
It didn't stop Gojo from falling for someone he shouldn't have.
Gojo's obsession with you doesn't go unnoticed by Sukuna. In fact, he often acts out more around Gojo. Which leads to more work for you.
You begin to notice things when Gojo leaves your side less. He often excuses his actions as the higher-ups just wanting to keep you monitored. You believe it since Gojo is technically monitoring two dangerous Sorcerers.
In reality, Gojo can't keep his eyes off you.
He originally didn't want to think of the idea of being in love with you. Yet despite the difference in your eras and origins, Gojo still managed to be playful and interested in you. You even played along.
If anyone was worthy of Satoru Gojo...
It was you.
Gojo is really your only guide to getting around this new age. You have power, but without him you could've been misguided. At least, Gojo seems to think so.
As you work with Jujutsu University, Gojo only seems to grow closer to you. He often asks how you manage to get Sukuna under control and what you've learned throughout the ages. If anything, you're the most valuable asset he and the rest of the Sorcerers has other than Yuji/Sukuna himself.
Gojo's strange behavior doesn't get better as you work with him. It perplexes you. After all, you aren't that much of a threat. So why is he so close at all times?
If only you knew the true extent to his feelings.
You haven't thought much of romantic relationships due to your circumstances. After all, Sukuna is still around and he's turned you off to such relationships. Which is why it disturbs you when you notice Gojo's... obsession.
It's fitting that the strongest craves the strong, no matter how forbidden it is.
However, when you see the signs, you're reminded of how you were treated all those years ago. The possessive glares, then hostility towards those who don't accept you... it's familiar.
Gojo's much nicer and more playful than Sukuna...
But it appears they're both their own type of monster.
Whenever Gojo pulls you into an embrace, you shove him away. Whenever he playfully teases you, you go cold. You don't wish to be trapped again....
Yet Gojo never stops to consider his actions....
His hold on you is always tight. His confession for you was rather sudden once he did say it. When you tried to refuse, his behavior didn't change.
In fact he only seemed more violent towards those you fought against... Including Sukuna.
"We're good partners, aren't we?" He asked you, a smile on his face. "So wouldn't we be good... romantically?"
You hate that you still persist even now.
Even now, when you just want to rest, Gojo's there. You begin to dislike company of any type by this point. Yet you're forced to endure as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.
Originally you could deal with him being overly affectionate. The hugs were even originally comforting. You kept telling him you didn't like him romantically, but he seemed to ignore such a thought. You were tired of him constantly being by your side no matter where you go.
Although, snapping would only bring you trouble.
If you snapped, the higher-ups would order you exorcised and their control over Sukuna would falter. That or Gojo himself would seal you so you're harmless. As much as you hated it...
A century ago you told yourself serving Sukuna was your duty. Now, in modern times, you tell yourself that serving alongside Gojo is your duty. It didn't matter what happened as long as the weak were protected....
It was once again your duty to please.
Gojo was so focused on you two being strong together, he never thought about what you think. In his eyes, the strong belong together. No matter what.
Instead of piercing red eyes, you're met with glowing blue ones. Instead of the King of Curses, it's the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer. There may be differences...
But in the end you're still left with a monster...
A monster that has so much more power over you... A monster that claims to love you... Just to take everything you have all over again.
A long century has passed... and nothing has changed.
"We'll be unstoppable, won't we, baby?"
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Blue Revenge arc, a turning point in Ciel and Lau's relationship? A theory.
This is a follow-up to my analysis of chapter 212
Tl;dr Aboard the train, Ciel and Sebastian are being watched. Although well aware of the situation they're in, both engage in a leisurely discussion about their top secret plan for all to listen, while sipping tea.
I have been thinking... If Scotland Yard is listening in to Ciel and Sebastian's little chat, doesn't them mentioning Lau being directly involved in their operation plus potentially trying to smuggle some advanced technology to China, essentially amount to throwing him under the bus?
I believe an arrest warrant was issued for the sevants already (Finny was making the front page of The Times alongside Ciel and Seb), so mentioning them offhandedly is kind of inconsequential at this point.
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Lau, however, he's been hiding our crew for a few weeks yet the police didn't knock on his door, meaning he wasn't that high on their list of suspects.
Looking at the way Ciel speaks about his relationship with Lau, it is a purely buisiness-based, mutually beneficial one. He doesn't believe he was done any favours for free and Lau himself did say he was expecting the debt to be payed with interest.
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O!Ciel is currently embroiled in a mass murder, blood harvesting scandal. If the police catch wind of Lau, one of his accomplices, effectively acquiring advanced medial tech shipped for China, wouldn't that add more allegations against o!Ciel? He could be charged with treason, to top it off. Lau is obviously not paying any mind to his actions' repercussions on o!Ciel's already muddied reputation. He could even be planning to flee England altogether if everything goes smoothly.
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and Ciel, of course, is aware of that.
Which is why, if you look closely at Ciel and Sebastian's discussion, the most they do in regards to the other servants is drop their names and some personal trivia. Nothing about their missions or whereabouts.
In contrast to that:
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-Ciel spared no effort exposing Lau's ties to the mafia, his location, his goals AND his motivations. Not only that but Sebastian backed him up, saying that there was no doubt about his operation's success... They are basically urging, nay, *begging* the police to go to Athena Sanatorium to thwart Lau's schemes, be it by getting him arrested or simply having the Yard sieze the medical equipment (and the miracle healer?) before he gets his hands on it.
Ciel and Lau are playing 4D chess and unfortunately for Lau, Ciel is three steps ahead of him. He refuses to compromise and is ready to cut Lau off the second he's served his purpose, aka dismantling the blood collecting facility.
Now, the question is: What will become of Bard in all of this? I don't know. I doubt Ciel informed him of his plans but I am sure he'll come back to retrieve him if he ever gets caught. Maybe Bard is sharp enough to sniff out Ciel's plot and retreat in time.
In conclusion: Could we possibly be witnessing Lau's villain origin story? If he connects the dots and manages to slip through the fingers of justice, he'll certainly try to get back at our earl. Which will unavoidably lead to an epic confrontation not unsimilar to that of season 1 of the anime!
(Yes, I believe that for better or worse, the manga will follow the main plot points of the anime...)
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casual-praxis · 16 days
Another FS Manga Observation
I think about this random throwaway line from Green during his fight with Vio probably more than I should, given the fact it really is just a random statement. They never elaborate on it and it doesn't come up again, but still.
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Given the context, I assume he's referring to how there's literal fire and brimstone all around them, and yet Vio's just chillin' (like a villain). But on the other hand, he could be talking about how Vio seems unbothered about the upcoming fight, or maybe even a mix of both.
Personally, I've used this line as a springboard for my hc that all the colors are affected by temperatures differently depending on elemental alignment, but I've also thought about it from a more "canon-based" angle.
Like, why isn't Vio sweating here?
Could be because of the ice rod.
We know it's at the fire temple with them because Red acquires it later.
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Maybe the fairy saw either Vio or Shadow place it on the pedestal while spying on them, and that's how she knew where it even was.
It's a bit of a stretch to assume Vio had the rod with him, especially since we don't know for sure the rods emit their respective magic while not explicitly active, but it's still a possibility. Perhaps it was meant as a failsafe in case he fell off the edge? We know it can freeze lava, so maybe it was part of a backup plan we just never got to see?
This is exactly what I mean when I say I think about this line too much. It might not have even been in the original Japanese version, but it's what I have to work with so I'm gonna try to work it, damnit.
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tzipporahs-well · 1 month
Hey it’s @flangstynerd AKA @scinerdwrites but on a new blog. There’s been a lot of changes in my life in the past couple years, and as a result I wanted to make a new blog for jumblr. Several of my friends are on here and I got inspired just to reblog their stuff :D
What’s Changed:
I converted to Reform Judaism from Catholicism in May of this year. I’ve been doing this conversion journey since November 2021, but I didn’t want to announce it to the internet until everything was done and finalized. After 2.5 years, everything is finally official.
I plan to be slightly more active on tumblr than I have been previously. I named my blog based on my Hebrew name (Tzipporah), and how I wish to provide a treasure trove of info.
I would say my ideals of practice are some kind of cross between Conservative and Reform Judaism.
I’ve acquired some chronic illnesses and disabilities over the years. My body has been tough to me for the last couple years.
I have a Jewish podcast that has several eps already now. Our podcast has a tumblr blog, but please dm me for more info for safety reasons.
What is the same?
I’m still Chinese, Hmong, and queer (pronouns: they/she). I’m still culturally Italian as an adoptee. Those are not going anywhere lol.
Still have several varieties of neurodivergence (autism, PTSD, anxiety, psychosis, some kind of unclear mood disorder). My brain likes playing it rough. I have healed a lot of trauma, but the other stuff is still a wild ride.
Still don’t plan to be super duper active as I have a scientist day job. But if I ever see a great jumblr post from one of my friends or otherwise, I’d be happy to reblog.
Still hold a lot of nerdy interests: Disney fandoms (Tangled the Series, Encanto, etc.), classic literature (Shakespeare, 19th century European literature), certain manga/anime (Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note)
Still can be quite critical of the things I enjoy.
About Me (Jumblr Edition):
Favorite Torah character (first 5 books of Moshe only): Tzipporah (I relate to her so much as someone who came into the tribe and a nontraditional wife; the bridegroom of blood scene is iconic)
Favorite Tanakh character: King Shaul (very relatable for me as I feel like I struggle from similar challenges as him: mental health issues, low self esteem, and paranoia) followed close behind by Esther (she’s a role model for me, and Purim is my favorite holiday)
Favorite Jewish Holiday: Purim (relatable message especially for these dangerous times; also a lot of fun while still being a relatively low stress holiday)
Hamantaschen vs. Latke: hard choice but I have to go with traditional poppyseed hamantaschen. They’re older (~1500s) than the potato latke (late 18th to 19th century) and store better.
Areas of interest: Jewish history, Tanakh discussion, Jewish culture (food especially; I love cooking and baking), Jewish learning (especially more about Jewish life in Israel)
What Jewish value can I improve on? Chesed; I find it hard to always express loving-kindness, and my impatience and temper can get the better of me. I’ve been trying to improve on these for the past two years but 5784 has been especially trying.
What Jewish value is very important to me: Ahavat Yisrael; it is important that we as a people stay united. United we rise, divided we fall. I admire all legitimate Jewish streams (side note: Messianic Judaism is not a Jewish stream)
Important note: If something says #goyim don’t touch, listen and obey! Don’t even try with the antisemitism.
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pheonixxfoxx · 3 months
My Flashy Haul!
This is an ideal time to show off all the goodies that came in that enormous box from Japan on Monday. Plus, other cool stuff I've acquired over the week! First up is this sexy mint in box Buggy Samurai figure by D.P.C.F-DX!
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This brilliant figure is even more amazing then I could have ever anticipated! Well worth every penny, even the pennies on shipping!! Admittedly, I didn't expect it to be quite so, um...big though, LOL!! Will I eventually remove him from the box? I'm hesitant of that at this time, space being a contributing factor. Next up we have a variety of goodies! Yes, there will be lots of can badges; I seem to like them and cards/flats a lot!
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I finally was able to snag the Mascolle Great Deep figure of Buggy for a reasonable price! Seems like he is moderately obscure to find too, but now I don't need to worry. The hunt was successful and is now over, woot!!!
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The volleyball Buggy can badge is one of the best things ever! A fun addition to my ever growing collection. A mutual friend of mine wisely said that Buggy should be banned from sports, LOL!! As previously mentioned, I seem to have a soft spot for flats. While some specific items in this group are duplicates, there were a lot of intriguing things I didn't own yet, but had been eyeballing.
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Besides, I couldn't pass on the "Buggy Conspirators" sticker. One thing I often seek out is unique items, and that sticker seems to be rather different. I honestly can't believe how many can badges that are in my collection at this point, LOL!! They are located in various suitable places around my collection room. The plan is to eventually take individual photos of every item I've obtained.
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The face can badge, from what I perceive was part of a special promo this year for the 25th anniversary of One Piece. They took 10,000 face images from the manga and made them into can badges. Best part, no two are alike! I purposely obtained this one, as it is from Impel Down. The part where Buggy goes to kick out a Muggy Ball at Minotaurus. The nose can badge was a fun find too, apparently it is relatively old! Here is the last group of items from the glorious box of flashy goodies. The box that made my entire week as I I grinned like a Cheshire Cat.
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There are in fact 8 of the birthday can badges, LOL!! I might have to create me an itabag with all the extras, it would make for a fun project. Oh and the art on the Amada sticker is beyond sexy!! *drools* I treasure it more then words can express!! Yeah, it doesn't take much to make me happy. Now onto the other items I received throughout this week.
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I really like the composition of this card. It's a card, which has been on my radar for a bit and was ultimately able to snag for an affordable price. This is where you all will find out that I am an immature 2 year old.
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This card set was mainly purchased because it mentions "Buggy Balls," LOL!! Eh, I'm a kid at heart, what can I say? Last, but not least is this rather flashy keychain of Buggy at Marineford.
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Done for now, though there is one other item I could add to this for funsies. However, it is my most prized item of the Star Clown. I think it should receive a post all its own.
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basil-does-arttt · 2 months
Hello. What do you think Vergil's life was like before the events of the DMC3 game and manga? How did he live? Was he homeless, or did he have a place? Did he have any friends? Did he stole? How did he acquire all his power and knowledge?
I believe in his very early years, between the ages of 9 to maybe 13 at least, he would've been living out on his own. I dont see young Vergil as the kind to trust strangers so easily so him living on the streets is plausible, getting by off of things he's stolen or even begging if he was that desperate. Him also spending a lot of time in places like public libraries is something i see happening; its somewhere warm and sheltered, and he has a chance to read and learn too.
At some point before the DMC 3 we know Vergil visited Fortuna, my guess is he was around 14-15 at this time. Now its left up to interpretation what his life was like back then and you dont have to agree with my HCs, but my version of events runs a little something like this;
Having spent most of his life vulnerable on the streets, fending for himself and barely scraping by, he arrives in Fortuna seeking out information regarding Sparda, and possibly how to gain the level of power his father had as well. During his time in Fortuna he meets the Lady in Red, personally i really like the idea of them meeting in a library and her teaching Vergil how to read the language Fortuna's texts uses (in Deadly Fortune, Dante comments he cant understand what the books are saying in that room where Nero first fights the angelos.) But regardless of how they met, Vergil sees a chance at a new life in Fortuna with her. So he settles down with her, gets to know her a bit more, and finds himself a peaceful slice of paradise in the quaint little city, eventually concieving a son (Nero). But of course since he was a child, he's rightfully been paranoid of demon attacks, and even more so now that he's built himself a new start. Gaining the power to protect himself had always been his main goal in life, but now he wants to protect these people too.
Cue DMC 3, raising the temennigru to gain ultimate power and whatnot. I feel he had plans to return to Fortuna post-temennigru, but unfortunately we all know how that game ended...
As for his power and knowledge, I think a lot of his power stems from Yamato and whatever Sparda had taught him in his childhood. In Fortuna he could've read up more on Sparda and demonic things and gained further knowledge then. That, and constant training of his abilities whenever he can (going off of his sword taunt in DMC 5 where he goes through a routine with Yamato, we know he does train when possible. He could also do that with his DT form, giving reason as to how he's able to use it so effortlessly and for a tad bit longer than Dante as well.)
(Also i believe that Vergil gained his DT when he was a kid, specifically when he was stabbed by those demons and almost killed in VoV. We never see him trigger of course, but how else would an 8 year old survive an attack like that? Half demon or not.)
I hope that answers everything! Thank you for asking, i love having an excuse to rant about my beloved Vergil <3
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eastcoast-envy · 5 months
I've been thinking about getting one or two more hermit crabs and I'm trying to brainstorm some names for them. Usually my names follow a pattern (like the many, many Undertale crabs I have had the pleasure of keeping over the years).
This time around I am hoping to name them after anime characters (because naming the crabs is one of the best parts!)
Which anime/manga (that I am currently interested in) should I take their names from?
I will post a picture of my precious crabs once I acquire them!!!
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natasha-in-space · 7 months
I have a headcanon if you don't mind. Saeyoung with MC, she is kind and optimistic but the problem is her "ability", she and her family possess this "ability". Anywhere she went, chaos happened without logical reason, the chaos doesn't harm MC but it does harm others around her. Occasionally, the chaos does help when she's in need, Saeyoung is often harmed by the chaos but he will endure for his 606
Oh my God, this ask reminds me so much of Kofuku from Noragami! Her shtick as a goddess of poverty is that bad luck follows her wherever she goes. And I know that sounds kinda depressing, but it's actually played out in a very lighthearted and endearing way in the show and manga! She's kind of aloof about it, and a real sweetheart, so it's always fun to see her causing all kinds of silly shenanigans. She also has a lovely husband (at least it is very much implied, but they are definitely together, I just don't remember if they are fully married or not) who's always trying to keep her out of trouble.
Uh, that said, I understand that you haven't sent this to read me rambling about Noragami!
So, when it comes to Saeyoung, he will do everything in his power to keep you safe and out of trouble. When it comes to his loved ones, he is already very naturally paranoid and anxious. Sometimes to a fault. He grew up with a self-asigned role of 'protector', and that's something he internalized into his very core. So, in the event of something beyond his control suddenly occurring and causing harm to you, or your loved ones?
He has a very high risk to go overboard with his overprotective tendencies.
He's very likely to start blaming himself for not being able to keep you safe at all times. And that blame quickly transcends into action, as he either intensifies his constant observation of you or tries to come up with elaborate and downright ridiculous ways for you to keep yourself safe. Depending on your personality, this can become very overbearing and downright intrusive to deal with. You have every right to want privacy. He means well. He really does. But, he's just so frightened at the idea of losing control. Terrified of you getting hurt. Terrifying of failing you, and failing to protect you.
You will have to work together on this inner issue of his, side by side.
That said, if we're talking about a more established relationship with him, when he is more than aware of your weird little quirk, he is much more relaxed about it. Saeyoung has a unique way of predicting when things may go wrong due to his natural craftiness. He'll grab onto your waist and pull you aside just as a random plant pot falls from above. He'll catch a plate in midair right before it hits the ground. If he has that familiar unpleasant feeling tingling in his gut about something, he'll cancel plans.
With time, he acquires the ability to cope with your constant bad luck with impressive grace.
And when it comes to him hurting as a result of it, not you? Unfortunately, that's for you to worry about. Saeyoung doesn't care much if he gets hurt or not. He'll just chuckle and wave off your concerns, giving you a brief kiss on the lips and reassuring you that it's fine, and that he had it way worse. His lack of concern for his safety can become a very big source of frustration for you. It's very much possible you'll have to grab him by his arms and shake some sense into him eventually.
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fostersffff · 1 year
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Many of you are already aware that Right Stuf was acquired by Crunchyroll late last year in August of 2022 in order to expand the latter's eCommerce services. Since then, we've all been wroking hard towards integrating our collective websites into a one-stop shop for everything anime and manga. And now that time has come... On October 10, 2023 Right Stuf will sunset and all listed products at https://www.rightstufanime.com will migrate over to their new home at the Crunchyroll Store at https://store.crunchyroll.com. It's the end of an era, to be sure, but all of us at Crunchyroll want to assure you that this is also the beginning of a bright (orange) future! So, what does Right Stuf's sunset mean going forward? First off, and most importantly, anime and manga fans will still be able to find all r (sp?) products, which were previously listed at Right Stuf, now at the Crunchyroll Store! Our Buyers will continue to place purchase orders and we have a goal to reach even more fans who love owning the physical products you offer. We also want to continue to pursue and partnership opportunities with you; from exclusive items and mutually beneficial promotions just to name a few. With the integration we've practically acquired a new superpower, piggybacking on Crunchyroll's already expansive reach into anime fandom via its streaming services, and, with that in mind, we're aiming to grow our eCommerce offerings as well. Looking to the immediate future we are still planning for a 2023 Holiday Sale similar to what Right Stuf has been known for, but there will be some changes to how the sale operates. We'll be reaching out to you soon with details to follow and hope to have you onboard for the Crunchyroll Holiday Sale in 2023! We're fans, just like you, and we want to see anime and manga continue to thrive and grow! We appreciate your support but if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to any member of the buying/merchandising team.
I have said it so many times before but I need to urge everyone now, when it's on the precipice of being too late, if you have any internationally (primarily Japanese) licensed media you want to own forever, now is the time to do it. Sony, via Crunchyroll, owns a worryingly large share of the anime and manga distribution market, both digital and physical, and the more they own, the worse it's going to be for consumers. It's going to be even more worse in the event Crunchyroll fucks something up, like how The Embracer Group bought up all those video game developers, then a single deal fell through and now they and everything they bought might be on death's door. When it comes to corporate consolidation and monopolies, consumers will lose one way or another.
If you can support official releases of things you love, please do so to ensure that you will always have access to it. And- failing that- never forget that piracy is always a valid option.
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runabout-river · 10 months
something I wanted to know is why in jujutsu kaisen the deaths are so superficial death in jujutsu is very different than in other animes The deaths also don't have as much impact, which is quite notable. I think there were only two deaths that had an impact outside of Toji and Geto, both of which caused problems in the jujutsu world.
That's an interesting question because my first thought was "Many of the deaths have an impact on the strory" and "there are more deaths in JJK than in other shonen manga, so their impact can't be too much without the narrative getting cluttered".
Seemingly contratictory thoughts, so I have opened an episode list to go through with all the deaths. First JJK 0:
Geto (villain): his death led Kenjaku to acquire Cursed Spirit Manipulation as a new CT -> he gets possession of Tengen and is now able to do the merger with humanity. Huge Impact.
Grandpa Itadori (side character): his death is an inciting incident mostly but his last words repeat in Yuji's head constantly and up until Shibuya he tried to live his like how his grandpa told him to. This one doesn't get a counter because he's basically Yuji's backstory and character motivation.
Junpei (side character): he is the first death that affected Yuji mentally. To the plot he was unimportant though. Moderate Impact.
Eso and Kechizu (side villains): Yuji already felt bad about killing them but that guilt grew later when he realized that they were brothers. In terms of plot, their death leads to a huge chain of events: in Shibuya Choso seeks out Yuji for revenge -> Yuji loses, gets force fed Sukuna's fingers -> Sukuna emerges, kills Jogo -> to save Megumi Sukuna kills 3000 people.
Choso could've fought against Yuji anyway but in terms of plot as it is written, Eso's and Kechizu's death directly lead to all of the above (having Jogo dealt with and Megumi saved isn't bad though). Moderate Impact.
Amanai Riko (side character): Tengen ascends because of her death and is now in Kenjaku's clutches. Huge Impact.
Toji (main villain): Toji's death is tricky because his impact comes from being alive and taking certain actions. So what did his death contribute to the plot?
Megumi grew up under Gojo and not the Zenin clan. Megumi had deep seated insecurities because he felt abondened by his parents. Toji's resurrection led to the death of a Disaster Curse and Megumi surviving against Jogo. Megumi being attacked by Haruta led to him summoning Mahoraga -> Sukuna kills 3000 people to save him.
We see that some narratives intersect to create the story. But for Toji I'd say that him being alive was more impactfult than his death so: Moderate Impact.
Death of Hanami, Dagon, Jogo (villains): Low Impact.
Death of Mahito (main villain): Kenjaku extracted Idle Transformation out of Mahito to transform Tengen's Barriers into the Culling Game. This wouldn't have happened if Yuji and Todo hadn't defeated him prior. Huge Impact.
3000 people/Nanami/Nobara (side chars/main chara/important side chara): the consequtive deaths of all of them led to Yuji basically becoming suicidal. His "cog" mentality emerged and he planned on dying so Angel would free Gojo. We don't know how he did in the time skip but he's probably still like that at least to some extent if not even more so. Huge Impact.
Naobito (side character): Megumi became clan head because of his death but that didn't go anywhere for Megumi. But because of this the clan elders decided to kill Megumi, Maki and Mai. Huge Impact.
Mai (side character): Maki became fully realized because Mai died and took their shared cursed energy with her. Now the world has another God of Destruction, Maki is in possession of a sword that can cut souls and the Zenin doesn't exist anymore. Huge Impact.
Reggie (minor villain): Megumi was ruthless against him. It's more that Megumi's desire to save Tsumiki at all costs had an impact on him that led to Reggies death. Still, Reggie cursed Megumi at the end and later Megumi became possessed. Moderate Impact.
Yuki (side character): What did Yuki's death achieve? Choso chose to be human I guess. Low Impact.
Tsumiki's death (side character): Last part in Sukuna's 3-step plan to subjugate Megumi. He had to kill her because the first two steps weren't enough but Megumi was passive during her killing. Moderate to Huge Impact.
Gojo (main character): Huge Impact.
Hope I didn't forget deaths (other than from minor characters)
I wouldn't say that deaths in JJK are superficial, just that the narrative and the characters meet death more readily than characters in other manga. In AoT the deaths are shocking and like a punch but that's part of the horror aspect of the manga: the people don't want to die.
In JJK the horror aspect leans more to (reluctantly) accepting a gruesome death. That's why we have moments like Gojo simply taking the death of Nanami in without having an emotional outburst. Emotional control is itself soemthing that is taught to sorcerers so the JJK characters are as a baseline a bit more stoic than characters in Naruto or One Piece.
In terms of Impact, most of the deaths do have it. It's just woven into the story or the impact is more internal than external.
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ninapi · 1 year
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Kimetsu Daycare ╝
Premise: Kiriya calls the former pillars to celebrate his coming of age ceremony. Since the three of them have children, his sisters offer to take care of the lot. Welcome to a hell of a day in the Kimetsu daycare.
Word count: 4026
Note: This is based on the families I created for the three of them in my previous work (you can read them here Sanemi, Giyuu, Tengen).
Warning: Spoilers, this story takes place after the original manga timeline.
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A day to celebrate has come, Kiriya-Sama’s coming of age ceremony. It was finally happening, him being officially an adult and as a healthy as one can be gave more than one reason to celebrate.
He sent crows to call for the former pillars, he had acquired a letter his father left for him to read after his passing if he ever reached said age and in it there was a section dedicated to every single pillar, even the ones no longer with us, he wanted to share his words with them as means of celebration.
His sisters volunteered to take care of the children so he could be a host for the adults without having kids running around everywhere, it sounded like a good, well thought plan. But the Ubuyashiki clan was anything but sloppy, everything had to be done to perfection, they had to have everything under control.
Kanata and Kuina had a list for everything. A list for snacks to buy, a list of toys to prepare as well as games, a map of the state listing the best rooms to hold the activities, even a list of their guests with notes gathered by informers.
“Ok, so Shinazugawa-san has five children, Tomioka-san one and Uzui-san has three. It should be ok with just the two of us, two of the children are old enough to help. Let’s go over the list Kanata.” They were pacing around the room chosen to be the designated day care for the evening, making sure they had everything ready, from toys to art supplies, to snacks.
“Sure, ok. Shinazugawa Sanehiko, age 9. The oldest of the lot and the levelheaded one. Brother of Genma, age 5, Remi, age 3 and Senri age 1. His youngest child will stay with her mother since she was born recently. From this list the girl is the one known for being a little troublemaker.” Kanata was now checking the toy box making sure they had toys fitting all listed ages.
“Tomioka Yuki, age 3. He’s pretty much a clone of his father. Never liked him much so he might be troublesome. Known to be quiet and well behaved though, but spoiled.” nodding in agreement her sister was adding more sweets into the baskets as a way to persuade them later on in case of tantrums.
“And lastly the Uzui household. Uzui Shingen, age 8, brother of Tenya, age 3, they’re both a little eccentric but not enough to worry about. They also have a half-sister, Sachi, age 6, who’s personality is just like her mother’s and is probably the one we need to look out for the most. The brothers are also not reliable, according to the information gathered they don’t get along with her.”
“Seems like it will be a long evening….Let’s go make sure the rooms where they will be staying for the night are ready. We probably need extra futons for the Shinazugawas.”
The state was quite far from majority of the other’s houses, except for the Uzui household, so they had prepared not only dinner, but also rooms for everyone to enjoy the celebrations to their full potential and a bountiful breakfast for the next morning. This was everyone’s birthday, not just Kiriya’s but his was more significant, a milestone that had to be celebrated beyond typical family traditions.
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Once everyone arrived at the state, party mode was on.
Kiriya was a sight to behold, he looked just like his father just that without the scars, just as handsome, just as gentle natured. It gave mixed feelings to the former pillars, a lump of tears clogging their throat. They were happy for him, happy he was able to reach this important milestone, healthy, happy they managed to break his family’s curse. But they were also sad his father couldn’t see this moment. Angry they couldn’t protect their master.
After hugs and introductions, the children were taken to their playroom for the night while the parents stayed together at the main hall. Kiriya was being spoiled by the women of the equations and he was living for it. The night took an unexpected turn for the host, but he was enjoying his coming-of-age ceremony just fine.
Meanwhile the pillars got to catch up.
“So, are you telling me you lived with your wife for seven years before you got her pregnant?” Sanemi was out of words, he knew how Giyuu was overall as a human, but there should be limits to how dense a person could be.
“Yes, is that a bad thing? How long was it for you?” his clueless self was the common cause of laughter around. His wife had made some ohagi for the Shinazugawas as she learned about their obsession with the treat on their last visit to the household, so the three of them were munching on the sweets as they chatted.
“Ugh, three weeks? Something like that, under a month for sure.” Giyuu was the one speechless now. Tengen was cackling in the background overjoyed with the new information gained.
“You both are the worse. Shinazugawa, you need some restraint. Tomioka, you have problems man…I thought you’d get her full by the time Shingen was born. You both looked so ready.” Giyuu was deep in thought trying to analyze his own past, Sanemi smirking on the side, taking Tengen’s words as a compliment.
“It took a while for us to move forward. We were part of the same family, even if it wasn’t by blood.” nodding Tengen understands the dilemma quite well, he was forced to take three wives at a young age, it did take him a while to get intimate with each of them separately and he has a good outgoing personality, unlike Giyuu.
“How about you, Shinazugawa? Is baby Sae the last one?” Giyuu kept on sneaking glances at the sleeping baby in her mother’s arms, he really had a thing for babies.
“Stop staring at my wife Tomioka, or I will gauge your damn eyes out of their fucking sockets.” scowling at his old pillar mate, he cleared his throat. “Can’t say for sure. We don’t really plan them out if you know what I mean. They come when they want to come.” shrugging, he sipped on the fine sake provided by their welcoming host.
“And you’re no one to stop them from coming. Am I right?” Tengen was wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at Sanemi, which made his wicked grin to grow wider.
“That’s right.”
It’s funny how well the three of them get along now a days, getting older had its perks, they see the world differently now and even if Sanemi keeps being as snarky as ever, Giyuu a sour sad looking lad and Tengen the sleaze ball he always was, they now see what they have in common instead of what makes them different.
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The evening was lovely.
Tough the Ubuyashiki sisters were not quite enjoying themselves at the moment.
Sachi was wailing like the world was about to end, desperately calling out for her mother. They didn’t think this through, maybe it was a bad idea to separate them from their parents. They thought the youngest ones would be the ones to cry for their mother, which they prepared for, but this one was old and they had no idea how to calm her down.
“Can’t you do something about your sister, Shingen? I’ve never seen someone cry this much.” Sanehiko had a headache, and he was in charge of taking care of his siblings, he wanted to shove a toy down the child’s throat, but he does his best to repress such violent thoughts the way his mother taught him to.
“She’s not my sister.” that just made her cry even louder. She wanted nothing more than her siblings recognition.
“I only have one brother and he is behaving, even when he’s only three. She’s the annoying daughter of the other woman.” Shingen didn’t like Suma, he couldn’t really understand his dad, why did he have to have four wives? Was his mother not enough? Was he and his brother not enough? He was going through a difficult age where he started questioning adults and trying to find his place in this world, but Sanehiko, the closest in age, never had to worry for something like that and didn’t know how to comfort his new friend.
Sachi was now hitting his back with both of her fists, crying even louder for calling her mother ‘the other woman’. Kanata decided to take the child out and look for her mother as the rest of the kids were starting to get edgy because of her, leaving Kuina as the only guardian of age in the room.
Thankfully things went smoothly as soon as the crying girl was removed.
Tenya was a flamboyant child, at least according to his father. He had interesting tastes in life and would chose to engage in very different activities than the others, he was currently making feather necklaces for him and his brother to wear, utilizing the art supplies given by the care givers. Like a true Uzui, fashion was important at all times.
Genma was trying his best to keep his sister off of Yuki-kun who was now pulling at her hair after she bit his cheek. “Nii-nii let Remi go! Yuki is mean! Have to bite!”
“No more biting Remi, mother will be upset!”
“Ppa laughs when I do.” she was now chewing on her brother’s hand, Genma’s eyes silently calling for his older brother to interfere.
“Remi enough. Come here, I need you to help me with Senri.” being the eldest had its good side, even wild little Remi would listen to him.
The love-hate relationship Remi had with Yuki resembled the one their parents used to have back in the day, even if her mother suspects her daughter has a cute little crush on the youngster. They’re still too young to know the difference.
Once Sachi was out of the room and Remi on baby duty, the room was pleasantly quiet. Shingen was reading a story to his brother, Genma and Yuki, while Sanehiko was helping Kuina bring out some snacks.
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Tenya, unlike Yuki seemed to enjoy being around Remi. He would constantly cling onto her and even made her and Senri a matching feather bracelet for them to wear, making little Yuki sulk in a corner of the room. Is not like he wanted Remi pestering him around, he also didn’t want one of those crazy looking bracelets, but he wanted to be part of the group, they were the closest to him in age after all but he didn’t know how to approach them.
Sanehiko being the older brother to four, knew what was going on. He beckoned Yuki to play with him and they spent all night playing boardgames along with Shingen. They were having a blast; it was a shame their houses were all so far away from each other.
Specially for Yuki who was an only child, he deeply craved for this type of connection with others, unsurprisingly, the oldest ones were the ones that brought him under their wing, he was way too mature for his young age, he felt more comfortable with them than with the other toddlers.
By the end of the evening he was silently wishing Sanehiko was his older brother. Even if he gets a sibling one day he knows he would never have an older brother no matter how much he wanted one, he would always be the eldest, so in that little head of his, Sanehiko became his older brother that day, the one he looked up to, the one he wanted to be like, the one he wished to spend his time with.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
On the main hall hell broke loose. Suma had to leave with her child as even her father was now annoyed and tired of her bad behavior. Tengen isn’t a strict father, if he was being honest, he probably neglected his own daughter. He is constantly training his eldest son or lounging around with his youngest, teaching him the ways of a flamboyant high maintenance man. So this was probably his fault, he needed to discipline not only his daughter, but her mother as well.
“You have it rough, Uzui. Who would have thought being a manwhore would bring such a problematic life as an adult.” Sanemi was enjoying this. He was proud of his family, they were all well behaved, sweet children. Their mother had high standards of education, the two eldest even knew how to read and write by now. His wife wasn’t of high society, they were farmers, nothing fancy there, but she was the brightest star in his eyes, and he wanted to brag about his success, feeding off others’ problems.
“Yeah…don’t ever do that man. Keep just one wife...” he thought Tengen would snap at him, shove him around, banter for a while. Never thought he would agree to his statement.
Sanemi scoffed, offended by his reply, “Like I would ever do something to hurt my wonderful wife. She’s more than I deserve.”
“Hurt, huh…? Yeah…you’re right. I never thought things would get out of control you know? I thought bringing one more wife into the family would be just one more mouth to feed. Never thought it would cause such chaos.” Sanemi was a little startled by this, Tengen wasn’t one to open up, not to him at least. “I fell in love. I brought her to my house. Gave her two beautiful sons. All I wanted was for her to be happy and I concentrated on her and my first born for a long time, everything was wonderful back then. But Suma…she kept on pushing she wanted a child too, always asking for my affections, and who am I to deny her? She’s my wife too I can’t just give my entire life to one of them and ignore the others.”
“Of course you can man, is called divorce. You’re just looking for excuses.” the term made Tengen squirm in distaste. He’s thought about it, what’s even more scary, he knows his darling love had thought about it, but it wasn’t that easy.
“I can’t just leave them, Shinazugawa. Life doesn’t work that way. I made a promise to protect them, keep them by my side.”
“You made a mistake, Uzui. But that wasn’t bringing the woman you love to your house and giving her children. The mistake was keeping the rest around. Of course they would want their husband to pay attention to them, of course they would want kids of their own. You can’t have it all man.” he never thought of Sanemi as a wise man, he could see how much growth he’s done in the past ten years and makes him wonder if he had changed at all, but he assumes not.
“The other two don’t mind honestly. If it was for them we would have more kids than you already. They get along really well and love her like if they were real sisters and they kindda have each other if you know what I mean.” he pointed over to his eldest wife’s hands all over Makio, slightly drunk already, making Sanemi gasp in understanding. So that’s how he managed to keep that many wives happy. Makes sense.
“So the annoying one is the problem. Can’t you like I don’t know leave her? Or better, you leave with your woman and your sons. Get another house just for the four of you, leave the others in the old house and visit your daughter when you can. They’re capable women, I’m sure they can survive without you.” It wasn’t that bad of an idea, he needed to think this through for the sake of the people he loved. Sanemi might be a little to harsh and drastic but he speaks truth, he needed to find a way to support his crumbling family before it was too late, set his priorities in order.
Giyuu was feeding Sae who was now being held by her mother, much to Sanemi’s distaste. He couldn’t get his paws off his little baby and his wife allowed him to hold the newborn.
“Tomioka you really like babies, don’t you? Or is it baby fever again? Go get your woman pregnant your poor child could use a sibling to play. Must be awfully boring having you as his only playmate.” Tengen needed to distract himself, bullying Giyuu was always the easy way out.
“W-what are you saying. She’s just so small and soft…is distracting.” baby Sae was now holding onto Giyuu’s finger, gazing up into his eyes.
“Don’t you dare fall in love with my daughter, you would end up with my nichirin shoved up your ass.” Sanemi was now holding his wife from behind, nuzzling her neck with his face. The alcohol was getting to him by now, making him needy for his wife’s attention.
“Oh for fuck sakes, get a room you two. So much sweetness is making me sick.”
Giyuu froze at Tengen’s words, hogging the baby to the side in case their parents decided to act upon the suggestion, he wasn’t ready yet to say goodbye to lovely Sae.
Kiriya was now walking up to his comrades, the night was still young, but the children were probably tired already, Kanata looked like she lost a couple of years of her life span when she brought the Uzui child back, his sisters also needed to rest and enjoy their coming-of-age day.
“I have an announcement to make.” he sat on the middle of the room, the former pillars making their way over to sit around him like they used to when his father was still alive.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting married, Kiriya-sama.” Kiriya’s face got bright red, he’s been eyeing a potential candidate, but he hasn’t acted upon his one-sided feelings yet.
“Nothing of the sort. My father, he left a letter for me, for this day if it was to ever come. In it he left a message for all of you, thought it would be appropriate to share it on this day.” the faces of the three of them fell, immediately sobering up.
“The letter addresses every pillar except Rengoku-san, not just you, I wanted to voice out his thoughts even if they aren’t here with us today, in his honor if you’ll let me.” the lack of arguments from the rest made him continue.
“Sanemi, my child. I hope you’ve found happiness in this awful world full of darkness. Your heart is the purest I’ve ever seen; you deserve nothing but love and a prosperous life. I entrust you the safety of my children, I know I can count on you for anything.” Sanemi was sobbing quietly, his wife gently rubbing his back as his knees got wet with the long rivers of frustration tears streaming down his face.
“Obanai, Mitsuri, pretty sure I’m late to the party, but hope you’ve found what you needed in one an another. Love has always been surrounding you, my children. Please don’t forget to share a bit of the love you have for each other with this beautiful world and its inhabitants.”  
“Muichiro, your kind heart always reached those in need. I’m sure you continue filling the void left by demons in many. I know you’ll keep going with our mission regardless of what happens.” They were now all in tears, even Giyuu had a hard time keeping them hidden.
“Shinobu, our lovely little flower, your knowledge will be of great use to this world. Please continue to help those in need. You’ll always have a big place in our family’s heart, you can rely on my children when in need.”
“Tengen, your boisterous laugh and courage always brought smiles to my face. Even if you had to retire early, I will be forever in your debt, without you this beautiful family of strangers wouldn’t have been the same. As one of the eldest, please take care of your brothers and sisters pillars, they love you as much as I do. Never forget that, rely on them, they are your family now.” Tengen felt a hand on his back, Sanemi was giving him a harsh pat, reinforcing the words of his master, they would be there for him now, he could continue opening up to them, they’re a family, they have been for a while now and they would help each other out no matter what the struggle is.
“Gyomei, I hope you got to live something close to normalcy at least once by now. You deserve the world, your kindness and understanding for this universe are beyond any other, please don’t forget to take care of your health and much like Tengen, please be that older brother the rest of the children need.”
“Lastly Giyuu, my boy.” he stiffened, still with the baby in his arm. “I know you’ve always struggled with yourself; I know it’s been hard for you, and I gave you a terribly heavy load by making you a pillar. But please know I did it for your own good, your potential has no limits. Trust your brothers and sisters, rely on them. Love has many faces; you’ve been loved by many ever since you arrived in my care. Make sure to save space in your heart for all of those who’ve been with you all this time.” Tears dried out in his eyes even before falling, he could feel the love his master had for him, he could feel how his words were true, he could feel his brothers beside him, supporting him and his family. He could also feel the ones that left this world earlier, he could swear he could hear his fallen comrades sobbing at the words of their master, very much like the ones present in the room right now. But it could all be in his head.
Kiriya on the other hand, could see them.
He could see the fallen pillars holding the ones still alive in a warm embrace. Tears and smiles present in their faces.
He could also see his father, mother and sisters. All sharing a loving smile with his now adult son.
They’ve all been through a lot, but the roots of love are strong, deep and would keep growing over the years.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was now time to leave, Tengen and his family would go back to his home. It was close enough for them to walk there and he needed to think about many things.
Tenya had fallen asleep by now and was being carried by his father. Shingen was on his mother’s back telling her all about the games they played together and asking for permission to go on playdates with Sanehiko and Yuki during the summer months.
Sae had now been safely returned to her father’s arms, reluctantly. Her little hands kept stretching out to Giyuu, making his heart break in millions of pieces. Maybe Tengen was right, maybe it was time to give little Yuki a baby sibling.
Said child was now in Sanehiko’s arms, refusing to leave his newfound older brother. “Father, can we bring him home with us? Please…” not even his adorable puppy eyes could allow this request to be fulfilled. Sanemi was now on high guard as two of his children wanted to be abducted by the same family.
Yuki was quickly exchanged for Remi. She had also fallen asleep, on Tenya to be exact, and needed to be taken to their room for the night. Sanemi had baby Sae and his wife was carrying Senri, it was his duty to take care of his younger siblings and he was proud of it.
“You can come visit us whenever you want, Yuki-kun. Right father?” Sanemi wasn’t thrilled with the idea, but the words of Oyakata-sama lingered within the three of them. They must be united, they’re bothers now, they need to support each other’s family. Live for those who weren’t able to hear his last will.
“Yeah, you can kid. That goes for you too, Uzui. Seems like my daughter is sort of dating your kid, make sure to bring them often so they can play for a while.” Who would have thought Sanemi would be the reliable older brother type. He was to Genya and his siblings, but this was a new side of him for the former pillars.
“Yeah, see you around lads.”
“Let’s go to bed kids, it’s way past your bedtime.”
Giyuu was the only one who didn’t reply, but deep within he knew he would be visiting both of them more often from now on, honoring the will of their beloved master, savior, father, and be the family he wished for them to be until it was time for them to reunite in a different, less chaotic life.
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welcome-to-hyrulepark · 2 months
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July 30th marked 5 years since I published the first drawing of Link meeting the boys from South Park. You have no idea what has happened over the years. First of all, Hyrule Park has outlived most of the other South Park AU comics such as Mirai Park, Hell Park, Revenge Park, SP Fleur Blue, SP Left 4 Dead, my pals South Park High and others. While they were actively developing and then abruptly canceled, Hyrule Park was just drawing its second chapter😆. During this time, my AU acquired a couple of fans but the comic took so long to develop that most of those fans lost interest in it (and some even lost interest in Zelda and/or South Park in general). But despite all this, I do not lose hope of acquiring my own fan base who would draw me fanarts, made memes, or just asking me, "When is the next part?"
Guys, I hope that your interest in Hyrule Park will be renewed, because I actually waited all these years for the release of Tears of the Kingdom so that I could immediately build the entire chronology of events, and at the same time honed my writing skills. Someone will say: “Hey, why do you need to hone something? Your pursuit of ideals will only destroy you! Do whatever you want.” And I really did. And here is the result: the comic version is being reworked, because I started making it back when I knew very little about the lore of both the Breath of the Wild saga and the Zelda universe in general.
Fun fact: I did not plan this story as a multimedia saga. It was supposed to be a short banter comic about Stan, Craig, and their homies ending up the world of Breath of the Wild, meeting Link, going on an adventure, saving Zelda and going home. But then I found out that the BotW sequel is in development, then I found out how fan comics work and what is interesting to fandoms. Then Age of Calamity was released, and I came up with a prequel fanfic called Hyrule Warriors: Backstories, after which I learned about new needs in the fandom. By the time I adapted this story for Ficbook.me, its canon had changed to such an extent that I had to rewrite everything from the beginning. Fortunately, I only wrote the first two chapters. Then I got other projects (FNAF MA, The EDM Gang and even the lore of my cybersona grew into a plot worthy of a manga), I had a need for promotion, so I started doing all these marathons of my favorite animated series and AU, taking part in Linktober and Art Fight... In the end, I have ADHD, a mental disorder that makes it hard to concentrate on anything, so my brain needed a change of activity all the time, which distracted me from Hyrule Park.
So, yeah. There are a crap ton of reasons for delays. But there is good news: I am already prepared enough to continue this story. I changed its format, and now I don’t have to draw every scene of the comic. Instead, I can describe some of them with text. I also formulated a more or less clear picture of further events. All I need are those for whom I will try, and I need to know about such people through feedback.
Hyrule Park - 5 years later, everything is just beginning!
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empressofthewind · 2 years
I made a comprehensive list of every time Mello and Near interact/mention each other/think about each other in the manga (minus a few brief mentions because they didn’t feel notable enough; things like Near saying that Light wants him and Mello dead, etc). I compiled this for my own reference, but I figured someone else might find it useful so here it is!
Chapter 59
-         Mello walks past a room at Wammy’s House where Near is sitting and appears to look in
-         Mello and Near are called into Roger’s office and informed of L’s death
 Chapter 60
-         Mello thinks about how much he wants to beat Near, establishing their rivalry and Mello’s primary motivation throughout the mafia arc
 Chapter 61
-         Continuation of Roger’s office scene
-         There is a flashback where Mello receives a paper graded less than Near’s and glances back to see a crowd of students admiring Near’s score
-         Mello hands L’s role over to Near
-         Near is quite willing to work with Mello and looks sad, or perhaps a little annoyed, when he leaves
 Chapter 62
-         Near pulls Mello’s photo out of… where exactly?? His shirt???
 Chapter 63
-         Near says “it might be better if the notebook moves from the hands of the Japanese police into someone else’s possession”. I find this line interesting because the context suggests that he wants Mello to get the notebook; he’s talking about how he’s going to let L, who he sees as incompetent, deal with the kidnapping, i.e., he assumes L will fail to negotiate and the Death Note will be handed over to the mafia, so the line suggests that this could be a good thing (or at least the lesser of two evils, in which the mafia having the Death Note is more favourable than the task force having the Death Note). Maybe Near assumes that Mello acquiring the Death Note will result in the SPK ultimately getting more information about it, which isn’t technically wrong, but there is the intermediate step that many of his employees will be killed... there is no indication that he predicted that, though
 Chapter 64
-         Near looks like he’s smiling each time Mello outsmarts Light. Per my previous ramble, this could be another sign that he wants Mello to acquire the Death Note and is excited that Light is failing to prevent this. Alternatively, he finds it funny that Light is so incompetent. Or a combination of the two.
 Chapter 65
-         Near interrogates Mr Yagami about whether Mello was eating chocolate, and sort of compliments his plan by describing it as “elaborate”
 Chapter 66
-         Mello kills most of the SPK’s members
-         Near tells Light about Mello
-         The task force receives the drawings of Mello and Near, in addition to information about Wammy’s House
 Chapter 67
-         Near tells Light he is going to capture Mello and tries to explain Mello’s thought process behind sparing Chief Yagami and certain members of the SPK – it’s clear he understands Mello’s psyche in depth, and also feels that he is one of the people who matters to Mello (“Kira, you and L are all just people standing in his way”), though obviously not in a positive way
-         Near states that “Mello isn’t stupid”
 Chapter 68
-         Mello requests that the president tell him all the SPK’s movements, meanwhile Near tries to track Mello
 Chapter 75
-         Near mentions Mello when discussing the fact that the task force joined up with Kira
-         He says the words “Luckily, Mello escaped”, suggesting that he is happy Mello survived. There are several ways to interpret this. A) He believes Mello will cooperate with him at some point, which is also supported in chapter 76. B) He believes Mello has the knowledge and skills to track down Kira on his own (and to Near, either of them catching Kira is a victory). C) He did not want Mello to die for sentimental reasons. Mello is someone he grew up with and canonically, he likes and cares about Mello. I could realistically believe that Kira aside, Near was just glad that Mello lived
 Chapter 76
-         Light says, “Near would probably believe Mello” and damn right he would
-         Near once again analyses Mello’s thought process and basically implies that he needs Mello in order to progress through the case. He asks his team to give Mello all their information if they come into contact with him
-         Mello thinks about Near whilst an attractive woman showers in front of him
-         Mello visits Near’s headquarters in his classic dramatic fashion and Near welcomes him
 Chapter 77
-         Near defends Mello when Gevanni and Rester act wary of him
-         Near compliments Mello’s achievements in the case thus far, which Mello misinterprets as Near using him as a tool
-         Near gives back Mello’s photo (once again, pulling it out of his shirt) in exchange for information
-         “Dear Mello” is written on the back of the photo which indicates to Mello that Near always intended to give it back and wasn’t just holding it for future blackmail or with some other malicious intent
-         Mello gives his iconic “I’ll be waiting for you” line
 Chapter 78
-         Near lies to the task force about the circumstances of Mello’s visit
-         Light tries to convince Near that Mello is lying to him, but Near doesn’t even entertain the notion
-         Near says “I believe Mello over a Shinigami”
-         Near volunteers to write Mello’s name in the Death Note, expecting the task force to say no
 Chapter 79
-         Mello sends Mogi to the SPK headquarters and tells Near he’s good at interrogating; Near is impressed with Mello’s plans
-         Near justifies Mello’s questionable actions to Mogi
-         Near’s hideout gets raided two days later whilst Mello is still on the phone, which suggests that they’ve been working together to interrogate Mogi for those two days (or they’ve at least been in contact with each other)
-         Light proposes that Mello was responsible for the attack which Near doesn’t buy for a second
 Chapter 80
-         Near tells Mello that he’s going to escape from the SPK building
-         Mello looks annoyed when the raid happens – it could be because his plan was interrupted, or some rare semblance of concern for Near’s wellbeing (I am firmly of the belief that he never wanted Near to get hurt or die, even if it was just because a victory by default is not a victory in his eyes), or it could also be related the fact that Near is discarding a very large portion of a fortune that Mello was a potential heir to
 Chapter 82
-         Near explains Mello’s thought process in detail to Aizawa with the context of their upbringing at Wammy’s House
 Chapter 83
-         Near asks Lidner to give Mello information about the case, except that Light is L as he has faith that Mello will also reach that conclusion – presumably, if Mello independently identifies Light as the prime suspect, it would strengthen his conviction
-         Mello correctly assumes that Near wanted Lidner to give him all his information, but does a lot of mental gymnastics to convince himself that they’re just doing favours for one another rather than outright working together
 Chapter 85
-         Mello tries to guess what Near was thinking when he gave Mello information, nothing particularly notable but it’s interesting that they both have a good understanding of one another and their thought processes/working styles
 Chapter 86
-         Continuation of Mello pondering Near’s intentions in giving him information. Interesting to note that he doesn’t come across as angry at all when he thinks about Near – the interaction in chapter 77 was tense but it really feels like he mellows out after that (pun intended)
 Chapter 90
-         Near mentions that Mello is a wanted criminal, and that he “lets his emotions control him”
 Chapter 94
-         This is the first time Near’s finger puppets are shown, and Mello’s puppet is positioned next to his in the collection. They seem to be arranged by organisation (so the SPK’s puppets are together, the task force’s puppets are together, and Near and Mello’s are side-by-side in the middle)
 Chapter 99
-         Near is frustrated by Mello interfering, and asks Lidner to stop him “at all costs” – this is one of the few times that Near seems genuinely angry in the manga
-         Near mentions that Mello wouldn’t respond if he contacted him
 Chapter 100
-         There isn’t much shown of Near’s reaction to Mello’s death (even his facial expressions are hidden) and he is very quick to cut Lidner off when she’s about to mention him
 Chapter 103
-         Near retrieves Mello’s puppet and gives him credit for the victory. His eyes are obscured in these panels
 Chapter 104
-         Near goes into detail about why he owes the victory to Mello, and explains that he has always believed the two of them could only surpass L together rather than alone
-         Lidner mentions that in her last conversation with Mello, he said “I guess I’m going to have to do it”, and when he’s shown, he looks very sombre – Near doesn’t believe he thought far ahead enough to know that the notebook in Near’s possession was fake, but there is an implication that the act of kidnapping Takada was done in an effort to assist Near, rather than surpass him as was his goal in the beginning
-         Mello’s eyes are obscured in the panel that’s shown of him, and Near’s eyes are obscured most of the time whilst he’s talking about Mello – this doesn’t necessarily mean anything but it makes them look sad. I find it hard to believe this wasn’t deliberate
 Chapter 108
-         Near is shown eating a bar of chocolate
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lucky-clover-gazette · 2 months
How do you think Volo would interact with the FSA boys?
oh YAY thank you for this ask >:)
i'm going to mostly answer this with both the manga characterizations and my personal characterizations in fics (in my fics they're adults, not related or clones, shadow and vio are characterized how i like them, etc.)
i'll do the easy ones first. i think in general, volo would dislike the four links on principle for being the goddess's chosen heroes. obviously. either volo is jealous, or just overall resentful and uncomfortable with the entire situation post-game.
he would almost certainly keep up the fake merchant act with green, blue, red, and zelda. privately, hero stuff aside, he would have a neutral tolerance for them, kind of how i imagine he feels about most of the people in hisui. not particularly interested or attached, and oftentimes annoyed, but mostly just not paying them much mind at all. he's got more important things to think about.
conceptually, i think that volo would vibe with manga shadow's entire premise. he would relate to shadow in his dealings with vaati and ganon (giratina), but he would disagree with shadow sacrificing himself to save the heroes. volo would have tried to dethrone ganon in shadow's position, not destroy him, and he wouldn't have cared about helping the other links or princess.
i don't think volo would have any strong feelings about the shadow i write in my fic. my shadow doesn't actually have a very big ego or god complex or anything, he's usually characterized as desiring attention and belonging more than any kind of power. the subversion of his dynamic with vio, in my writing especially, is that shadow is a pretty chill guy with conventional moral values, and vio is... vio. if shadow was to be assigned a role in a story based on who he is alone, he would be the hero, not the villain. a strange and theatrical hero, but a hero all the same.
volo is strange and theatrical too, and i do think a core aspect of his character is his desire for attention and belonging. however, he wants to acquire those things in a very different way from the shadow i write, and he does not possess conventionally heroic qualities at all. so much of the volo we see in the game is an intentional deception, which means we don't actually know a lot for sure about his true self. however, based on his mask-off moments and the way he went about his plan and constructing his fake persona, i don't think "fixing" him as a villain would work in the same way as "fixing" shadow typically does/did in the manga and my fics.
volo would fucking despise manga vio. specifically, he would hate the fact that vio does ultimately attempt to break the mirror and abandon shadow, and that he (and the others, but specifically vio) reform link at the end. a couple reasons for his hatred of the character:
he'd really like vio from the forest scene to the confrontation at the volcano. he'd probably be like "holy shit this is the realest bitch i've ever read, fuck being a hero, let this theatrical nerd go apeshit with the evil demon"
but then he'd basically flip his perspective when vio fakes killing green and continues to lie to shadow. volo says in the game that he resents the way the world is unfair and causes pain--i think it's safe to assume that some part of that is due to the way other people have treated him in the past. i can definitely see volo relating to shadow's attachment and trust of vio, and the sort of high he got from having vio on his team. the devotion of it all. so to see this heroic character balance his conflicted interests and ultimately choose his destined responsibilities over the stuff he'd gotten up to with shadow, would piss volo off. after all, volo is the guy who got so engrossed in his unique hyperfixation, and doing it in his own way, that he chose to work retail part-time instead of joining the survey corps under people who thought they knew better. the man genuinely believed that he could do a better job being god, than god itself. he'd see the way manga vio enjoyed being around shadow, and doing non-heroic shit, and then the way vio eventually kinda just gave up and lost that part of himself, and hate it.
volo would feel less hatred, but not much else, about most of my fanfic vios. especially in the fics that are mostly just ab ship stuff with shadow, i don't think he'd give a shit. i don't really see volo as a person who thinks often about romance, given the fact that his only real friend is a sentient egg. he would hate my vios less, because i don't think i have written a single fic in which vio ended up exactly how he did in the manga, but he'd still kind of just be like whatever about him.
corruption but it's unchill au vio could probably give volo an existential crisis. that vio has crazy beef with god, but his solution isn't to defeat and subjugate god and then become god himself--instead, he and his friends tell god that her creations could do better, and then use the power she gave them to banish her from the realm entirely.
i don't think volo ever considered that an option during his storyline, because he was so convinced that the world wasn't worth saving, and he had no one truly on his side. like, it must have been so deeply isolating for him, to share his true self with no other human beings at all. vio in cbiuc has shadow, and as i repeat multiple times in the fic's prose, it matters. i think volo would be a little jealous of that. maybe if volo had been less of a misanthropic freak and teamed up with some people, he could have found himself in a world worth living in, with people who understood and loved him. one of the fic's main themes is "misery loves company," and volo spent his story both very miserable and very alone. so maybe seeing vio's arc in cbiuc would make a post-canon volo realize that it's the company he's really missing.
(maybe eventually i'll tackle that in a fic about volo, but i'm still kinda detoxing from the process of writing cbiuc even like months later. that shit tormented me.)
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