#and he also gets envious of people who CAN carry - not in a bad way but in a
cosmicswritings · 1 year
so more reproductive but also body hate hcs for starscream. so he is a seeker, and seekers were created to be strong grade military bots, and when it comes to reproduction they were specifically created to sire. seekers themselves were not actually made to carry, they were seen as 'sires on demand' and it would be something that was expected of them because a sparkling sired by a seeker has extremely capable flight abilities and agility, but is also strong and sturdy.
starscream didn't like that, he didn't ever have the desire to be a sire or use his spike, but it was always something that was expected of him. so the whole thought that, due to his body type he had to be a certain way and it was expected of him, even by some romantic partners, made him really sick and it makes it difficult for him to get in romantic relationships or talk about starting a family. starscream only wants to exclusively carry but not a lot of people want that from him or expect that of him. he also had to go through procedures to get it done as well, to be able to carry and to completely remove siring capabilities/protocols from his system.
one of the many reasons he likes to change his body around so that he isn't associated with a seeker frame type when he gets into relationships.
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jays-therapist · 11 months
I don't know if this a hot take or not but I really disagree with the idea that Yukio is jealous of Rin's power and physical strength? Rather, I think it's Rin's emotional strength that Yukio envies.
I have a lot to say about this lmao, so I'm just gonna put it all under the cut that way people who don't want to read this long ass analysis don't have to. Also, manga spoilers.
Blue Exorcist is a fun shonen manga because it measures strength outside of just "how hard can i punch this dude." Often, when characters talk about getting strong, they're talking about wanting to be mentally resilient; they want the ability to persevere, to be independent and face their fears/emotional turmoil on their own. Shiemi is a good example of this, I think. She constantly talks about being strong, but usually in the context of naviagting the world after living so long in isolation, and struggling to support her friends. Yes, she wants to get physically stronger, but at the core, she just genuinely wants to have a strong spirit (like a weed), and to be emotionally strong enough to help carry her friends' burdens.
Now, back to Yukio.
The biggest reoccuring theme in Yukio's jealousy is how he puts his brother on a pedestal, while constantly downplaying every good thing about himself (they both do this lol). You'll see this a lot in the examples I bring up.
There are four scenes I really want to focus on when discussing just how Yukio defines strength: his flashback in Chapter 29, his inner monologue in Chapter 37, his suicide attempt in Chapter 93, and That Time He Shot Rin in the Head in Chapter 96.
In Chapter 29, Yukio has this five-page montage of flashbacks, depicting specific moments where he felt both admiration and envy for Rin. And each of these moments highlight Rin's empathy, his care-free behavior, his kindness, his ability to inspire others, his desire to protect his little brother. Not his habit of setting things on fire.
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This is important because Yukio fundamentally believes that he is not a good person. He believes he is not kind, selfless, or brave. When he, as a child, cries because he can't adopt a puppy he wanted, he's envious that Rin is just happy to see the puppy in a nice home. When his brother rushes to save him from bullies, Yukio's upset that he couldn't do it on his own, that his brother feels he is so weak he can't even take care of himself.
From Yukio's perspective, these are examples of Rin either outshining him inherently or looking down on him. No matter how strong Yukio gets, he will never not be able to feel bad for himself when the puppy is given to a different family. He will never be able to prove to his brother that he can do things on his own. He was born with this weakness and he can't seem to kill it. He can't win, and he hates it.
In Chapter 37, after defeating the Kraken, Yukio and Rin have a little heart-to-heart. Here, we see Yukio's true feelings towards Rin's claims of "surpassing him", which is that Rin already does. Yukio feels that if anyone needs to surpass anyone, it's him. He will always come up short where it counts, whenever he needs to let things go or be more empathetic. Yukio is strong of body, but weak of spirit.
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So, with this in mind, when Yukio falls to his knees in Chapter 93 and says, "I was weak, and I couldn't get any stronger," he doesn't mean, "damn. wish i could've harnessed the demon power in my eyes to blow shit up." No, he's admitting defeat. He tried so hard to be strong, both physically and mentally but especially mentally, and he failed. He couldn't carry burdens like his father and brother could, like his friends could. He was cruel and cowardly. He hurt people he loved, and as long as he continues to live, he will keep hurting the people he loves.
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What is strength to Yukio? It's resilience. It's taking risks. It's independence. It's Rin.
(Or at least, how Yukio sees Rin. As I've said before, he likes to put Rin on a pedestal.)
In contrast, weakness is cowering. It's waiting for someone else to solve the problem. It's hurting good people who haven't faulted you. It's Yukio.
That leads us to Chapter 96, and this---
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This is kind of the crux of it all. Yukio is suffocating on his own perceived weakness and seeking to escape it. Here, Yukio is burning every bridge (the fact that this is literally taking place on a bridge is pretty ironic) that could possibly allow him to return to the Order to ensure he does what he needs to do. To be strong, he needs to be independent. To be independent, he needs to be alone. He can't let his brother solve all of his problems anymore.
So, like. Yeah. In conclusion, I think Yukio is heavily inspired by his brother's strength of character, just as much as he feels abased by it, and that's why his ideas of strength steer closer to broader concepts like bravery and self-determination rather than "let's hit the gym and summon Satan." He uses physical strength as a mask to conceal his perceived emotional weakness.
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❣️Bad Influence❣️
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Pairing : Mick Schumacher X Cherrie!
Word count : 7.2k
Summary: in which Cherrie is a bad influence. She’s also a little over protective too.
Mick stood in front of the reporter with a amused smile tugging at his lips as the topic of his girlfriend and rival on the track was brought up again.
His cheeks flushing a subtle pink just at the sound of her name , shifting on his feet with a shy laugh as he glanced around him to make sure that she wasn't near him to make fun of him when he acted like a fool in love for her in front of everyone .
If she saw him blushing over just hearing her name, he would never hear the end of it. The picture would be screen shotted and framed in their apartment with a proud plack engraved with the words 'SIMP #1' on it.
How did he know that would happen?
Because it already had the last time she caught him giggling about her to the press again.
"How does it feel for your partner to beat you today? Is there any part of you that is envious of her constant wins lately?" The man asked him clearly looking for some drama to stir.
But he was picking the wrong man to hear it from . Because mick was as in love with Cherrie as a man could possibly be.
She could crash into him on purpose and he would still refuse to blame her for it. In fact he'd probably thank her for it . That's how soft he was for her.
Mick just smiled at the man with a small laugh , shaking his head at him.
"No, no. I'm Incredibly proud of her. She's one of the best drivers in the world and she deserves every single win that she has achieved. She works incredibly hard and there's been days where she's literally been up all night on the simulator refusing to come off until she's satisfied that she's knows the track by memory. Even when I try and get her to relax and enjoy her time off-" he laughed fondly at the stubbornness and insane drive to win that she had .
"She'll just look at me like I've asked her to go to Mars. So I've learned to leave her alone and just let her be the best that she can be. Because her hard work pays off .. I mean, she's won again so she must be doing something right!" He exclaimed with a proud look on his face .
Before laughing a little as he felt his phone buzz in his hand, already knowing who it was and just what it would say .
He looked at the camera with a small smirk , chuckling . "Look- she likes to annoy me with it though. She's not very er- she's not very humble and loves to brag.." he told them in amusement at how shameless his girlfriend was when it came to rubbing her success in other people's faces for her own amusement.
He then laughed loudly as he opened up her text and showed it to the camera for the world to see.
"Look- this is my super supportive girlfriend by the way ... she's wrote- ‘I've just got back home after taking a ride in the winners car. You did amazing today, not as good as me because that's impossible , but still fabulous! So I've gotten you a cake.." he read out with his tongue in his cheek as he looked at the photo she had sent him.
It was of a large cake with white frosting , and written in bright red icing were the words
'Better luck next time gorgeous!'
The reporter and cameraman chuckled at her teasing and the usual cheek that she had . Not at all surprised by her behaviour .
It was one of the reasons why people had been so shocked when Cherrie had announced her relationship with mick over a year ago now . No one could quite believe it.
Because the two of them couldn't have been more opposite If they tried.
Cherrie was this loudmouth , arrogant and risky driver who wasn't afraid to get into someone's face and tell them that exactly what she thought about them.
Like the time that Cherrie had took a hold of max before he could leave the paddock just to ask him what the fuck did he think he was doing after nearly taking her out on the track.
Mick had to hurry over and intervene , physically carrying his furious girlfriend away while she cursed max out in Spanish and promised him that karma would bite his ass soon.
Karma being herself because the next race after that incident , Cherrie had overtook him at the last second , deliberately leaving him to think that he was about to win before pressing full throttle at the last second and taking the leadership away from him just like that.
The smug look on her face when she stood next to max on the podium , clearly proud of herself for getting back at max in the best way possible.
With pure Success .
"It's what he gets. Maybe he'll think twice before trying to screw me over time . Because I don't get sad . I get even." Cherrie had simply told them, unbothered and confident in herself like always .
Where mick was sweet, Cherrie was a cocky asshole who found humour in pissing people off.
And where mick was soft spoken and polite, Cherrie was mouthy and came across as rude sometimes with how blunt and unfiltered she was .
Many a time has mick had to slap his hand over her big mouth before she could start another verbal fight with someone just because she was bored.
And while mick had a hard time sometimes sticking up for himself and speaking up to his team when he didn't think something was right , too afraid to upset anyone or cause any trouble with someone.
Cherrie was not shy or hesitant at all.
When mick had told her that his team weren't listening to his complaints about his wheel not feeling right , telling her that they had just ignored him and refused to listen. Cherrie had simply told him that she would handle it.
And by handling it she meant storming into his garage and screaming at his team, with a face of fury and tightened fists as she had refused to leave until they had Listened to every single one of the issues that he had been silently facing .
She had Stood beside him like a pissed off and over protective  parent while he quietly told them his problems with the car , giving him a encouraging nod each time he looked to her for approval.
And as they had been leaving . The camera had picked up on her threatening his team principal without it giving a single shit at the amount of trouble she was going to be in for doing so.
"You better give him a better car and actually listen to him next time . Otherwise the lot of you will be leaving here in an ambulance!" She had snapped at them while mick had laughed nervously and told them that she was joking , pulling her away before she actually de-knee capped them all.
They may have been different but mick was certain that was why it worked so well between them.
His kindness and gentleness helped calmed her down , he brought her back down to Earth when she was spiralling out of control inside her clustered head. He brought her calmness and safety , knowing that she could trust him  and just be herself after an exhausting day of people expecting things from her.
Whereas Cherrie gave him more confidence in himself. The minute she heard him even slightly putting himself down or blaming himself over something that was out of his control, she would give him a firm slap around the head and tell him to stop being stupid .
She would then sit there with him and list off every single amazing thing about him, she would hold him tight and promised him that no matter the problem. They could work it out together.
Even though she was in a different team and the two of them were supposed to be Rivals. None of that applied to them because Cherrie did whatever the fuck she wanted to.
She let him use her teams simulator with the track that they would be racing on. Sitting up all night with him and showing him tips and tricks to use at certain corners, showing him the best places to brake quicker and which corners he needed to be careful on. Even though she wasn't supposed to be helping him, she did anyways.
Because while they may not have been a team on the track, they were a team off of it and she would always have his back. Always.
It was a nice feeling for him to know that he would always have someone on his side even when he was the one in the wrong. She would simply defend him without any hesitation to the public but scold him in private when they were at home. Telling him what he had done wrong instead of making him feel like shit about it , she would simply go over his mistakes with him and fix them. Showing him what to do next time instead.
They loved each other and it showed.
And was his girlfriend a slightly crazy, obnoxious , and intimidating woman? A little bit , yes.
Did he care? Absolutely not. It was what made him love her even more .
She kept him on the edge of his seat and never once had he ever doubted her love for him because it showed in every single thing that she did .
"Would you say that Cherrie is a bad influence on you?" He asked him with a knowing look on his face.
Mick hesitated at that , titling his head side to side with a bashful laugh as he thought about how mischievous she was. How she always managed to drag him into her shit too.
"Er- yes , a little. I can't deny it. She likes trouble and she likes to get me into trouble too." He admitted with a grin as he thought back to all the times she had been a bad influence on him.
There was that time in Monaco when Charles had offered to take them on a tour around the place , both of them had been waiting by his car while he walked back inside the hotel to take a phone call, telling them that he'd only be a minute .
They were stood there waiting for him for ten minutes when Cherrie finally had enough. Unable to stand still and huffing and puffing with each second that passed by without Charles reappearing .
"Christ! who is he in the phone with? The insurance company?!" She whines out impatiently , rolling her eyes in annoyance as she turned to look at the ferrari in front of her.
Mick just laughed and rubbed her back gently , used to her inability to just stand still and wait.
"He won't be long-" he broke off into a startled gasp when Cherrie suddenly opened the drivers side of the Ferrari and slid into the seat , the keys having already been left inside , having just been about to leave before he got a call.
Mick looked at her with wide eyes as she turned on the engine and looked up at him innocently .
"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed with a nervous look back to the hotel. Knowing that Charles wouldn't want her driving his precious car without permission.
But his girlfriend simply didn't give a shit. Giving him a look and nodding over to the passenger seat impatiently .
"I'm hungry and if I have to wait here for another minute I'm going to go mad! Are you getting in or what baby?" She looked at him with a challenging  smirk , closing her door and reviving the engine again just to wind him up some more .
Mick hesitated , running a hand over his face anxiously as he chewed nervously on his lower lip.
Glancing down at his cool as a cucumber girlfriend who was looking up at him in amusement at the way he kept shooting nervous looks over his shoulder at the hotel .
"This isn't a good idea! We can't just steal his car! He'll go mental!" He scolded her , taking a small step closer to the Ferrari despite himself.
Cherrie just laughed and leaned over to open the passenger side of the door for him, nodding confidently to the seat knowing that there was no way on earth he would let her drive off in Monaco without him.
"We'll be back before he's even noticed we’ve gone! Come on baby! You don't want me to starve do you? I haven't even had any breakfast yet!" She knew just how to guilt trip him.
Mick hesitated with his head halfway in the car , looking at the love of his life with a concerned frown.
"You haven't? Cherrie! I told you not to go without something to eat first! Oh my god! You never listen!" He scolded her , quickly sliding into Charles's Ferrari before he could chicken out and change his mind.
Cherrie stepped on the gas, quickly speeding off down the road without any hesitation. Laughing loudly as mick reached over and clicked her seatbelt into place for her , untucking her hair from beneath it too so it didn't tug at her head.
"I had some toast. I was just lying to get you into the damn car!" She giggled like a naughty kid at the disbelieving look he sent her .
Mouth dropping open in disbelief "Cherrie! This is a crime! We've stolen his Ferrari! This is peer pressure!" His voice went higher incredulously at how unbothered she looked.
The wind blowing through her hair as she turned on the radio and glanced over at him with a pretty smile on her face . Mick's heart fluttering when she placed her hand on his thigh and squeezed teasingly.
"Love you." She sang to him playfully , tilting her head for a kiss.
Mick yelled "keep your eyes on the road!" Before quickly leaning over the console to give her a kiss, then he grabbed her jaw and turned her head back to face the front again. Shaking his head in pure disbelief at her.
Crazy . She was crazy!
"I quite like this car. It's very smooth to drive. Do you want to drive it?" She nudged his shoulder with a smirk as they both slowly walked back to the badly parked Ferrari , Cherrie holding a small tub of ice cream in her hand .
Mick swallowed down the bite that she fed to him, humming at the sweet taste as he caressed the back of her head affectionately. Admiring how pretty she looked underneath the beaming sun.
Before Shaking his head "no because then I'm the criminal. Right now im just - a witness." He told her before giving her a stern look when she looked up beneath her dark lashes at him, tilting her head cutely.
He inhaled sharply "no! No! Don't give me that look. You are not dragging me any further into this- I am not driving Charles Ferrari away. We really need to take it back before he kills us!" He tried to stick to his own words, he really did.
But then she pouted up at him and gently kissed his bicep a couple of times . Mumbling a small "please? I want you to drive me to the beach. Please mick.."
He groaned "no. I meant it. I'm not doing it-" he was adamant .
Five minutes later mick was driving Charles's Ferrari to the beach with a sigh , glancing over at a pleased looking Cherrie in the passenger seat taking photos
Of him behind the wheel to send to a furious Charles .
He never let them anywhere near his Ferrari again.
Or there was that time at the hotel when some of the drivers had been lounging around the pool while they had an off day.
Mick was stood behind Cherrie as he gently rubbed sunscreen onto her back, biting his down on his lip as he admired her Tanned and sweating body in the tiny red bikini that she was wearing. Sighing in awe, unable to believe that she was all his.
"You look beautiful. Are you sure that you don't want to head back up to our room?" He murmured suggestively into her ear.
Kissing the side of her head as he wrapped his arms around her chest from behind , resting the side of his cheek against her own as he hugged her close to him. Enjoying having her to himself again after such a busy week.
Cherrie just giggled as she leaned back against his chest, lifting one of her arms so that she could hold the hand dangling over her chest, intertwining their fingers together lazily as she stared over at max who was stood by the edge of the pool talking to lando about something.
Narrowing her eyes at him, still feeling a little pissed off by the risky overtake he did on her . She sighed loudly and lifted mick's hand in front of her , kissing his knuckles gently to soften him up.
"Did you see that dangerous move max did to me at the corner?" She murmured to him, smiling a little slyly when she leaned her head back to look up at him through her lashes . Just like she always did when she wanted something from him.
Mick frowned a little at the reminder , humming in confusion once he saw the calculating look on her pretty face.
Fighting back a loud sigh already knowing that whether she was about to suggest would be no good.
"Yeah? What about it? He apologised to you this morning didn't he?" He had seen max hesitantly approach his girlfriend while they had all been getting breakfast in the hall.
Trying not to laugh at the way max had stood a good metre away from her while telling her he was sorry, Cherrie just glaring up at him unhappily as she bit into a banana aggressively while looking him straight in the eye.
Cherrie just hummed, leaning up to kiss his jaw gently as she mumbled to him. "Still.. do you remember what I did when pierre did the same thing to you?" She was referring to the time that the French man hasn't left enough room and sent mick spinning into the wall.
Mick looked down at her warily , recalling the way she had found pierre in the club later that night and then proceeded to tackle him to the dance floor. Keeping him in a headlock until he apologised to a flustered mick who was trying to get her off him while their friends all laughed hysterically at the scene she had made .
"Yes... what about it?" He worried as he caught her eyes shifting back over to max by the pool, groaning as he realised what she was hinting at him to do.
"Cherrie- I am not attacking max-"
She just scoffed and waved her hand in front of her "no, no. I'm not asking you to do that! I'm just saying.. look how close he is to the edge of the pool. He's just asking to be pushed in Isn't he?" She said to him with a smirk.
Mick pulled away from her with another groan, frowning at her disapprovingly . Wondering why she was like this.
"I am not pushing max into the pool for you-" he whisper shouted to her . Eyes widening as she started to give him that look .
Rapidly shaking his head at her in denial "no- no!"
She walked behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and kissed between his shoulders with a mischievous giggle . Knowing that she always got what she wanted .
"Please mick? It'll be so funny! It'll be good for him to cool off in this heat anway! Plus I took down gasly for you so it's time you returned the favour-" she told him confidently .
Mick looked over his shoulder at her with wide eyes "I didn't ask you to put pierre in a headlock! I don't want to piss max off either-" he reminded her .
But he still glanced back over at max who was standing so incredibly close to the edge of the pool , oblivious to cherrie's plan for him.
Mick took a small step closer to him as he thought about how max had nearly taken his girlfriend out of the race with his risky cut off.
Hearing Cherrie giggle like a evil little gremlin behind him , narrowing his eyes at her as he hesitated just a couple of steps behind max.
Cherrie just beamed at him , eyes sparkling as she nodded insistently towards max.
"Do it!" She mouthed to him with a smirk, hands pressed to her cheeks in excitement .
Mick looked at Max's back and then back to his hopeful girlfriend , hands twitching as he hesitated .
Bedore letting out a defeated sigh and turning around, walking straight over to max who looked over at him in confusion , starting to smile at him politely.
"Hey mate what-?" He started to say only to gasp loudly as mick gave him a hard shove to his shoulders and sent him tumbling straight back into the pool behind him.
All he could hear was Cherrie laughing hysterically as she fell down to her knees in tears, gasping between giggles at the big splash max made as he fell hard into the water.
Spluttering and coughing as he came back up for her , soaking wet and blinking water out from his eyes as he gaped up at a sheepish mick in disbelief.
"Why?! What was that for?!" He exclaimed in shock while the other drivers laughed and took photos of him.
Mick just shrugged and scratched the side of his neck sheepishly , glancing over to his giggling girlfriend with a small grin . Pleased with how proud she looked of him.
"That's for nearly taking Cher off the track. You're lucky that I didn't do what she wanted me to do to you." He told him honestly.
Walking back over to her and placing his hands underneath her armpits to pull his hysterically laughing girlfriend up from the floor. Placing her on his lap as he sat down at the end of one of the sun loungers instead .
Cherrie immediately wrapping her arm around his shoulders and giving him a kiss before pulling away to watch max pull himself out of the pool with a huff.
"And what did she want you to do?" He dared to ask, shooting a giggling Cherrie an unimpressed look.
"Kill you. But mick said no." She replied without any hesitation . Face serious .
Max paused and eyed her warily while mick just laughed nervously and placed his hand over her smirking mouth , shaking his head .
"No, no. She's kidding! She never told me to kill you. She's really sweet actually!" He lied with a smile as he pulled her down to lay with him instead before she Could get them into any more trouble .
Locking her body between his legs as she squirmed on him, still laughing like a naughty kid. He hooked his arm around the back of her neck, resting her head in the crook of his elbow to keep her still.
Leaning down to give her a brief kiss "behave. You've already paid a fine for threatening to break Max's nose last time remember? It'll be even more if you do it again." He whispered against her lips, smiling despite himself .
Finding it funny how her first answer to everything was violence . Always being the one to calm her down and tell her that killing off all of her rivals wouldn't solve a thing.
She just sighed and buried her face into his neck, snuggling into him happily.
"It would make me feel really good though. But if he does that to me on the track again.." she trailed off, peering up at him with a smirk.
Mick just sighed in defeat "then I'll pop the tires to his car and cancel his plane ride home. I know . You've already told what to do." He murmured in amusement  . Getting another proud kiss from her as she whispered that she loved him.
So was she a slightly bad influence on him?
But she was also fiercely protective of him too and she showed just how much she loved him with her actions.
Like that time he crashed into the barrier and Cherrie had been right behind him, just narrowly missing being taken out by one of his wheels flying onto the track.
She slowed down her car and looked over at his crashed car in worry , her radio quickly coming on.
"Okay that's a red flag . You need to pull back and follow the safety car-" he told her firmly.
Cherrie didn't listen, instead she felt her heart pounding her chest with worry when mick didn't get straight out of the car like he usually did.
"Fuck that was a bad one! Stupid fucking car they’ve dumped him with! Who the hell did that? How did that happen?" She turned off her engine , refusing to move her car away from her boyfriends crashed one.
Her team knew her though and immediately replied with concern "you need to stay in your car and follow the-”
Cherrie cut him off with a scoff , eyes never leaving the car opposite her .
"Fuck off! I'm not leaving him there! I'll pay the fucking fine or whatever they slap me with. Okay?" Was all she snapped at them before pulling off her wheel and hauling herself out of the car .
The announcer was going crazy "that's something you don't see very often! The Ferrari has come to a complete stop and Cherrie is getting out of the car, denying team orders! That's going to get her into a lot of trouble but by the sounds of it she really doesn't care!" He exclaimed , sounding impressed.
Cherrie ran over to his car as fast as she could, quickly kneeling beside it and bending over so that she could see mick inside.
Placing her hand ontop of his helmet and tapping it gently "you okay? Are you good? Are you hurt? Can you get out?" She rushed the questions at him in worry.
Signing loudly in relief when mick lifted up his visor and looked at her with tears in his eyes, clearly upset with crashing again.
"Yeah I'm okay. I'm out of the race though- the team isn't going to be very happy with me-" he mumbled to her sadly.
Cherrie just scoffed and pulled out of his wheel, throwing it down to the side and grasping his hands in her own to help pull him out .
Wrapping her arm around his waist to steady him while he got his footing again, pulling off his helmet and placing it into the car with a sigh.
Cherrie pulled her own off too and carelessly flung it onto the grass. Bending her head down so that she could meet his teary eyes, she immediately pulled him into her side for a hug.
"I don't give a shit. I'm just glad you're okay! That's all that matters! If your team has anything to say they can say it to the both of us tomorrow because we're going home!" She snapped , checking him over for injuries  herself.
Mick wrapped his arm around her shoulder and frowned in worry . "I don't think we're allowed to. We'll be fined if we leave-" he reminded her , waving the medics off and telling them that he was okay. Just winded.
Cherrie pushed past all of the people and grabbed his hand in her own, pulling him along the side and over to the wall with determined strides. Mick following behind her without any hesitation, trusting her to have his best interests at heart like she always did .
She didn’t mess around when it came to him.
"Then they can fine me . I don't care. You're worth more than money and you know that the press will only hound you and they'll have you doing media for hours to cover over for what a shit fucking box your team have given you." She ranted angrily as she jumped over the wall that lead to a parking lot that was about five minute walk away.
Mick just smiled and kissed the side of her head in adoration. “thank you. I just really want to go home and calm down." He murmured to her honestly , grateful for her stubbornness and determination to protect him all the time. Damned the consequences.
"Then we'll go home and calm down. Fuck the rest of them. Come on." Was all she muttered as she wrapped her arm around his waist, letting mick lean on her side as they walked side by side down the road to where she had parked her car.
A camera drone filming them getting further and further away from the track , still in their races suits and ignoring everybody else as they chatted casually between each other . Hand in hand.
"I can't believe this! They have left the Grand Prix! They've jumped the wall to the car park, instead of heading back to their team and garage. They're leaving together-!" The announcer exclaimed in astonishment as the whole world watched Cherrie gently push mick into her car and quickly get in herself .
The black Ferrari quickly reversing and turning around bedore speeding down to the nearest highway , before disappearing completely out of sight.
"Now that's what you call love! She got him out of there before his team could even think of calling him down! No doubt they'll be in a world of trouble for this but-" he laughed in amusement , sounding proud.
"Cherrie cares for nobody but mick! His team principals won't even get close to him if she's there! It's clear to see who's the real boss here isn't it?"
Or there was that time when mick wasn't feeling too good and was slouched down in his seat at the airport , hood over his head as he tried to drown out the loud noise coming from the rest of the drivers that would they would be sharing a plane with to attend some fancy gala by one of their sponsors.
Already dreading being in a plane with them, his head pounding and just wanting some peace and quiet so he could rest.
He looked around for his girlfriend who had taken one look at his miserable face and disappeared, spotting her jogging back her to him with piece of papers and both of their passports in her hand.
She smiled down at him gently , nodding behind her. "Come on. Let's go." She said casually as she pulled him up from his seat by the sleeve of his hoodie.
Mick glancing down at her in confusion "what? The planes not here yet." He told her with a frown.
Lando and Charles glanced over at them once they noticed Cherrie trying to drag him away.
"Where are you going?" Lando questioned them in confusion. The other drivers now looking at them too.
Cherrie paid them absolutely no mind , keeping her gaze on her flushed boyfriend who clearly wasn't well.
"I've got us a private plane. It's ready now. Come on." She simply told him as though it was no big deal.
Mick looked at her in disbelief , heart warming . "You got us a private plane? To the event?"
She looked at him with a small smile "no. To home. We're not going to some pretentious gala . We're going home and you're going to bed to rest. I've texted my mum to drop off some soup for you when we get there as well." She informed him softly , wrapping her arm around his waist and pulling him along with her casually.
Mick looked at her with love in his eyes, heart squeezing in his chest from how thoughtful she was to him without even making a big deal out of it. And without him even saying a thing.
Charles looked between the two of them in disbelief "I thought we were all travelling together? You've got a private plane just for the two of you ?!" He exclaimed in shock at how they were just ditching them there without any hesitation.
Cherrie just glanced at them briefly , unbothered.
"Yes. Enjoy your noisy flight. We'll be in the jet with plenty of leg room and champagne! See you guys!" She chirped at them with a smug smirk before turning back around and heading on their way.
Mick grinning to himself as he sheepishly waved at the read of the shocked drivers , jogging to keep up with her long strides as they headed over to the private part of the airport where a small, sleek plane was waiting for them.
"I love you so much." He whispered to her honestly , unable to believe that it was possible to love someone as much as he did her.
She was his life, his soul and his heart .
And he didn't know what he would do without her. She was his person. His best friend. She always had been and always would be.
She may have been a cocky little asshole but she was his cocky little asshole.
It was the only time that she ever let her guard down and showed how truly soft and caring she could be, but only for him. It was all the little things that she did for him that showed everyone else how much she loved him.
Like the way she was about to pass mick to head to her own media duties , stopping to wish him luck for his press conference with Lewis and Charles.
She leaned into his side for a brief hug ,waving off her assistant who was trying to get her to hurry up. She just told her to give her a minute as she spoke to mick.
"You okay?" She murmured to him, leaning up to give him a quick kiss. Squeezing his waist affectionately .
Mick hummed a little , sniffling from the cold as he gave her red cheeks a kiss. Nudging her nose with his own fondly .
"Yeah. Just want to get this over with . I didn't get to eat anything yet- I'm really hungry." He grumbled to her . Upset that he hasn't had the chance to even have any breakfast before he was dragged away.
Cherrie frowned at him "thats not good. We'll go out for dinner tonight yeah? Order the whole menu." She mumbled to him , yawning from how tired she was. The both of them not morning people at all.
Mick smiled at her and gave her another quick kiss before he was pulled away, waving to her .
"Sounds good! Love you!" He called over his shoulder to her loudly .
She gave him a wink "love you too! Have fun!" She sarcastically added , laughing when he pulled a face. Both of them hating media just as much as anybody else .
It was almost halfway through the conference when there was some rustling and loud muttering from
Behind them, the interviewer pausing mid question as they all looked over to the commotion at the door.
And mick could only sink into his seat with a flustered grin as his girlfriend confidently pushed past security , rolling her eyes at them when they tried to stop her from going up on the stage.
She just gave them a look before waving over at mick happily. Nodding respectfully to Charles and Lewis who were chuckling at her sudden appearance in amusement , not all all surprised with her crashing the conference.
"Oh my god. What are you doing?" Mick flushed, giggling a little in embarrassment as she casually walked over to the table with a brown paper bag in her hand.
She leant down and gave him a quick kiss "I got you a sandwich and a cupcake from the bakery around the corner ." She told him simply as she handed him the food she had rushed off to get him after he had told her that he was hungry.
Mick's face softened at her kindness , smiling at the way she was pretending to be casual and unbothered by the glances she was getting as she also handed him a hot chocolate to drink too.
He looked up at her in amazement , fondness coating his voice as he mumbled . "Thank you baby. You didn't have too."
She just shrugged and waved his thanks away like she always did . "course I did. You get pissy when you're hungry and there's only enough room for one mean little bitch in this relationship and it's me." She simply replied. Ruffling his hair before stepping away from The table , ready to leave as quick as she had came.
Having put off her own media duties to drive to the nearest cafe, she ignored the way her assistant was glaring at her. Not caring that she was going to be in trouble again .
Mick came first , always.
He quickly reached out with his hand to stop her from going , smiling at her gently . "One second.." he muttered to her before reaching into the bag and seeing two cupcakes .
He pulled out the chocolate one and handed it to her , raising his eyebrow at her sternly when she refused to take it.
"I got it for you." She muttered with a frown .
He just smiled and placed it into her hand "I only need one baby. I'm not the only one who's an asshole when they’re hungry. Eat it and I'll see you later okay?" He murmured to her quietly but the microphone on the table still picked up his affectionate words.
Cheeks flushing red when he heard Lewis 'aww.' At them fondly.
Cherrie just sighed and took the cupcake reluctantly, rolling her eyes at him playfully . Leaning down to give him one last kiss before pulling away.
"Love you. I'll see you at home?" She said as she jumped down from stage.
Mick didn't take his eyes off her , taking a sip from the hot chocolate to cover up his lovesick smile.
"Definitely. I'll call you when I'm done!" He told her , getting a thumbs up in response before she disappeared back around the corner as though she had never even arrived in the first place .
He sighed happily , only to pause in his place when he turned his head and noticed the amused looks he was getting from both the press and the drivers.
"You two are made for each other." Lewis said with a grin , laughing at the way mick flushed red and could hardly meet their eyes.
Charles nodded along in agreement , chuckling. "I think you're the only that she smiles at. If I told her I was hungry she would just pull a face and tell me to eat something then!" He said amused.
Mick thought back to the way Cherrie had given him her coat that morning when he said he was cold , having forgotten his own at home.
She didn't even hesitate to give him hers. Telling him that she ran hot anyways when he hesitated to take it from her.
Clearly lying because this was the same woman who had bought five blankets for their bed and tucked her hands under his shirt just to warm up her freezing cold hands during the night.
She simply did it Because she loved him. The hot headed , self proclaimed ice queen , uncaring and bitchy woman, loved him and would do anything for him.
And mick would do the same. Because she was it for him.
So he smiled bashfully down at his fingers and laughed shyly , biting down on his lip to control his lovesick grin.
"She's the love of my life. I'm gonna marry her someday." He admitted to them quietly , cheeks red at the awwwing he heard from around the room.
Lewis just laughed, not surprised at all.
"Not if she beats you to it first. She's definitely the type to propose before you do." He mused.
Charles agreed "yeah mate. We all know who wears the pants in your relationship." He chuckled , grinning at him.
Mick just shrugged, unashamed by the fact that she was the starring role in his life.
She took the lead and mick would follow her wherever she took him without any hesitation. Because he loved her, as simple as that.
"She looks great in my pants anyway." He smirked a little , laughing beneath his breath.
Feeling a little smug as he felt the ring box in the pocket of his hoodie just waiting to be opened tonight.
He couldn't beat Cherrie in a lot of things, but he would just this one time. It was a special occasion after all.
And even when he didn't win the race he was still winning when she ran over to him each time with a pretty little smile on her beautiful face.
He won everyday when he woke up in her arms each morning.
He won by the way that every man wanted her but she went home with him without any hesitation, he was the only one she whispered ‘i love you’ to in the darkness of the night.
She was the one. A little crazy and a little bit unhinged, but the one for him nonetheless.
And what was better than having a girlfriend that could fight too ? Mick would never have to even clench a fist because she would go swinging for him.
It was nice how wanted she made him feel .
She made him happy , she made him feel safe . She made him feel like superman. Like he could do anything he wanted as long as she was there by his side.
She was it for him. It was a rare kind of love, the kind that barely made any sense to someone who didn’t know the them well. But he didn’t care.
Because their love was real. Theirs was chaotic and messy. It was fun and safe. Loud and proud.
Their love was unfading and true. That was all that mattered to them.
Fuck everybody else. They had each other. That’s all they needed.
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inkandguns · 1 year
I’m having a veteran moment.
I absolutely can’t stand hearing the civilians try to Monday morning quarterback the Israel/Hamas conflict.
There’s two classes of men - the warrior class and non-warrior class. Those who have carried arms in to battle against other men simply can’t convey the gravity of that to men that haven’t.
The warrior class answered the call of duty - to nation, family, or home. They prepared for months or years to greet the enemy in battle. They savored mere minutes of sleep in mud and shitholes across the globe. When I hear the words, “I would have enlisted, but…” I am filled with emotions. Since I moved away from Fort Carson I haven’t given it much thought. I’ve met maybe one or two combat vets in Washington.
In many situations I feel alone. The non-warrior class is so foreign to me that sometimes I feel like no one will ever understand me. But this week I’ve felt a shitload of anger. Hearing civilians discuss a bloody and hateful armed conflict has been making my blood boil.
Please, and by all means, discuss the geopolitics of the conflict. Discuss the implications for first world nations. But it enrages me when these soft-hands desk worker types get involved in the tactical discussions. It’s like hearing Walmart cashiers discuss the finer (or not so fine) points of astrophysics.
What frustrates me even more is that people fail to understand why those of us who have experienced war want to avoid it at all costs.
I took a pragmatic view of land warfare. It’s a necessary part of human existence. It made me a better man and made me have a new level of respect for my fellow humans, but it also made me understand that the taking of a human life must be absolutely deliberate and justified. One can only rally have a true and genuine appreciation of life once they realize how fleeting it is.
Loomer and Shapiro say wipe Gaza off the map, the DSA says spill more Jewish blood. Meanwhile, men of the warrior class are putting in real work.
But for me, personally, I don’t want any of my tax dollars going to more bloodshed in a region of the world where they can’t stop killing each other.
After seeing broken bodies by the roadside and family members grieving war casualties, I have a strange relationship with war. I’ve lost brothers to suicide, and struggled with it myself at times.
Now when I put a shovel in to the dirt in mid-May to start my crop, I think about my old, “enemy” in Afghanistan. Not so different from me, he wants to raise a family, grow some good weed, and care for his animals - he wants to honor his god too. The only way I could meet s man so similar to myself in combat would be at the behest of men more powerful than us.
And when those men are soft-hands, desk worker type fuckers, it makes my anger heat up. When I hear B-Shap in the hizzouse and Loomer talk about a brutal military campaign I can feel it in my heart. That would be bad. The attacks over the weekend were bad.
Over the weekend on both sides, brothers were lost and warriors were laid to rest. And the fucking most sickening part to me is the pundits who have never served get all of the attention and money.
I think the lie that the VA tells you is that someday you might be “normal” after land warfare. To those that I know, and those that I don’t who have gone back to total normalcy after the war - I’m envious.
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blues824 · 2 years
jade, floyd, malleus, trey, and rook with a reader who is like makomo from demon slayer? i just think she's the sweetest, despite her three minutes of screen time that consists of two words🥰
also, i know youve been doing requests left and right, so feel free to just do jade and malleus!
Reader is described as ‘motherly’, but no gender-specific pronouns are used.
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Trey Clover
You both treat each other like husband and wife, and not in an overly lovey-dovey way. It’s the kind of old love in a new couple that people are happy to see rather than jealous or envious of. You both often walk hand in hand, and can often be seen baking together in the kitchen.
You take on the role of the mother of Heartslabyul, while Trey is a bit like the father. You both tend to be more gentle towards everyone else, like if Ace is doing a problem wrong then you will remain patient and kind as you tell him where he made an error.
Now, when Riddle overblotted, Trey witnessed as you used your water breathing style to behead the monster that was behind the Housewarden. You didn’t seem angry, but rather saddened that he never told you how he was feeling. The Vice Housewarden was surprised at your agility and precision.
Afterward, the baker rushed to see if the two of you were going to be okay. Riddle was carted away to the infirmary, and you seemed alright. However, he wanted you to at least have a check-up, so he carried you to the nurse.
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Jade Leech
He’s very protective of you. If someone wants to try and take advantage of your kind soul, then they will have to go through him. You get scary guard eel privileges. This mushroom-lover just wanted to make sure that you were safe and out of harm’s way.
You act as a kind of motherly figure towards the dorm. Floyd often places his head in your lap as he rants about his oh-so-terrible day, much to Jade’s dismay. The former tweel often does this just to piss off the latter tweel. Once he’s finished, the latter tweel will pull you by the arm into his chest and wrap his arms around you in a possessive manner.
When Azul overblotted, Jade saw that you were in your element, especially with your blade. He had never seen someone fight with that style, but you moved quickly through the water and beheaded the monster that was providing ink to Azul.
Afterward, the Vice Housewarden rushed over and knelt down beside you after you collapsed from exhaustion. You were heaving up and down, so Jade picked you up off the ground and rushed you over to the infirmary alongside the Housewarden.
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Floyd Leech
He’s also very protective of you, but not because he worries for your safety. I mean, he always wants you to be safe, but he’s not protective of you for that reason. No, he viewed you as his and his alone. No one else deserves your kindness in his mind.
With how caring and tender you were, he always went to you when he had a bad day. He knew that you would offer comfort, so he would place his head in your lap as you softly ran your hand through his hair, ranting to you about what made him upset. This would always put him in such a good mood after.
When Azul overblotted, Floyd tried to protect you but you understood what you had to do. You brought out your blade and moved with split precision, and the tweel was so worried. He was distressed, and Jade had to hold him back from rushing into battle alongside you.
Once you beheaded the monster, Floyd quickly swam over to make sure you were alright. Then, he placed so many relieved kisses all over your face while telling you between smooches that you can’t ever do that again.
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Rook Hunt
He could write poems for you day after day and night after night about how much he adores and loves you. You both are like a married couple, and he totally doesn’t picture the both of you in a cottage in the forest with a few kids… him teaching his kids how to hunt while you prepared the animal for supper…
I wouldn’t say he was protective of you, but if he saw or heard someone plotting something then he would stalk them until they backed off. Ok, so he was protective of you, but not in the typical sense.
When Vil overblotted, he was frightened since you rushed into battle. You have already told him about your experience with fighting against monsters/demons, but it still scared him since this was different from a demon. However, he was surprised at how quick and agile you were, and he believed that you could do it.
After the battle, Rook ran over to see if you were alright. He scolded you for making him worry so much over you, but he was just relieved to see that you weren’t hurt too badly. He accompanied  you and Vil to the infirmary, where he felt his heartbeat finally slow down.
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Malleus Draconia
Oh, he is overprotective of you. Sure, he wouldn’t lock you up in a tower and keep you to himself, but he does follow you to make sure that you aren’t harmed in any way. Mans is like a lost, lovesick puppy, please give him love and affection.
During your walks through the night, your arm is in his as you both talk about the day the both of you had. Malleus tells you about how his retainers are great, but sometimes they are insufferable and suffocating. Just talking about it made him feel so much better, you wouldn’t understand.
He saw you fight against Leona, and he was scared for your life. You had good form as well as a strategy, so he had no reason to be afraid, but war was always unpredictable. He was angry at the Housewarden of Savanaclaw, and planned to fight him later.
After the battle, he (against his retainers’ advice) rushed over to check and see if you were hurt. If you were, then he would move the fight to right now, not caring if the lion was passed out. However, upon seeing that you weren’t severely injured, he just held you close, letting out a sigh of relief.
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rosies-den · 1 year
20 things I love about Ash Lynx. 🌅❤️‍🔥🦁🎂🎉
It's the 12th of August.
Ya know what that means?
It's a big huge loving Happy Birthday to our Ash!!!!!
For his birthday, I wanted to write something, so here's a very appreciative appreciation post for my favourite character of all time.
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Here's just 20 reasons I love him with all my heart and soul.
1. His birth name. Aslan Jade Callenreese. His mum (or maybe just Yoshida being Yoshida) even made up "Aslan" to mean dawn/daybreak in hebrew when it actually means lion in turkish. However I like to interperet that, similar to a lion's mane, the sun shimmers with a golden light, and that's what his old lady meant when she named him Aslan to supposedly mean dawn.
2. His hair is also golden and reminds me of a lion's mane! And it's long. I love men with long hair!
3. His inner child. Ash has always been childish at heart and his most treasured memories are his childhood with Griffin. I love that as he opens up to Eiji, he starts showing his childish side more and more too.
4. His fear of pumpkins 🤭 mf is scared of a vegetable for christ sake!!! What a goofy thing to be afraid of. Cute though.
5. His jokes. Shit like telling Eiji to go watch Sesame Street, or being given an inkblot test at the hospital, the researcher asking what the inkblot sheet looks like, and he responds "Your wife". Countless examples of this cheeky fucker's one liners!
6. Speaking of which, that attitude he has. He's brutally honest, never backs down, says it like it is, and is unfiltered. He's smart whilst cutting the bullshit.
7. He knows how to lead, he sets goals clearly and he's strong and unwavering whilst not being outright cruel.
8. His fiery energy, especially being a Leo (more lion theming hehe) he's sucha a passionate person and that's a trait I both relate to and admire.
9. He remains loyal to his friends, through thick and thin, and even tries to understand people he has a bias against (Max for example, before they became like father and son.)
10. Despite being a gang leader, he does genuinely care for human life and doesn't like people dying for no good reason. Man's got morals.
11. His perseverance. Despite the cruel world trying to tear him apart time and time again in every possible way, he carried on with his investigation and his fight because he knew it was the right thing.
12. His intelligence! The dude can write advanced essays on politics and science and he does so for actual useful research reasons, not just to be a smartass.
13. He's the kind of person who drinks milk straight out of the jug. No, seriously. Look at this:
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Absolute madlad.
14. His fashion sense! I love his denim jackets, his hoodies, his ripped jeans, even that plain boring ass white shirt he loves to wear so much!
15. He agrees with me that beans are fucking gross. I don't blame him at all for being so petty about natto!
16. He's canonically bisexual. (This isn't debatable, his two canon crushes are Eiji and a girl he liked when he was 14. If you insist he's gay or straight you can get your biphobic ass outta here.) It means a lot to me as a bi person to have that sort of representation, plus it explains a lot of things, like the aforementioned hoodies and denim jackets (big same!).
17. He's the kinda guy who sits to read a good book. I'm kinda envious of his habit to read things that aren't just from a screen, but I also really want him to read to me. Storytelling podcast with Ash Lynx anyone?
18. His relationship with Eiji. They bring out the best in each other. Eiji helps Ash open up and express the emotions, good and bad, within him, whilst Ash inspires and helps out Eiji to get stronger, more independent, and more confident in himself and his abilities. Easily my favourite relationship of all time. They compliment each other perfectly and are so lucky to have each other.
19. His kindness and protectiveness towards children. He of course had a lot of respect and fondness towards Skip, and inspired Max and Jessica to become better parents to little Michael. He knows how vulnerable kids can be, and wants to protect them from violence and abuse. I love that he refuses to let these vicious cycles of parental neglect and child abuse continue.
20. His ability to love beyond all else. Love is what motivated him to save his friends and allies, take revenge for his brother and others he lost, and protect people from atrocities. Despite everything he went through Ash was, is and always will be that loving playful, childish at heart boy who cares for his loved ones beyond all comprehension. His love for Eiji and his friends expands beyond the universe.
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And that folks, is just 20 reasons why I love Ash from the deepest part of my spirit. He has inspired me in so many ways that I cannot even begin to go into right now, but just know thar he is an absolutely incredible character with such an important impact.
Thank you, Aslan. I love you so so much and I hope you have an amazing day in Japan with your husband. 💕💖💞💗
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petitelepus · 2 years
Hi, could I please get TF separated 
Yandere [Con Me] | Merformers [Me as shark-like Neutral Mer] | Cute Humans!AU
SFW and NSFW [I'm 18+]
I'm NB and use they/it pronouns. I'm Demi/Pan and I take a long time to get comfortable with most people. I'm pretty androgynous and average looking, except for a lot of scars, some facial.
I dislike touch unless initiated by me or from trusted friends. I don't take a lot of care of myself, but care a lot about my friends and their health and comfort. My preference is to do things alone, but I tend to overwork myself. I get motivated quickly, but then spiral into long bouts of unmotivation. I have a sleeping disorder that leaves me with very little sleep and I tend to get nauseous. 
I'm very creative and I read and write a lot, but I'm also very stubborn and hot-headed and get envious quickly. I tend to have a wandering mind and I chew on everything, when I think. Beyond fighting sports, I'm otherwise rather lazy. I tend to hyperfixate and I like to collect. When I sleep, I like to sleep in 'nests'. 
Thank you very much. 
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Wheeljack is Yandere for you!
It started with a fight, as they usually did with the reckless Wrecker. You were the new Con on Earth and he was a new Bot on Earth, it was only a manner of time when the two of you changed blows.
"Scars are a sign of bravery or cowardness. Which one are yours?" He can tell and separate old scars from new ones and by the way you fight against him he can tell you're one of the rare honorable Cons.
A personality trait he admires and develops an obsession for. Soon enough fighting with you isn't enough for the Wrecker, but he wants to have you all to himself.
So what if you're Decepticon? It doesn't matter to him since he knows that he can change you, and make you an honorary Autobot.
If you try to fight against him, he makes sure to address you as his personal prisoner of war. It doesn't matter to him and if you try anything he can easily roll the blame on you.
Who are they going to believe? You, a sneaky Decepticon, or him, an honorable Wrecker and loyal Autobot?
Some Bots like Arcee are suspicious, but they don't know about the details. Bulkhead backs up Wheeljack for they have been friends for so long that the green Bot can't tell something is wrong. Talk about blind trust.
Wheeljack won't touch you unless you let him to, but it's lonely being a prisoner and isolated from the rest of the world. The other Autobots can't help you because Wheeljack has made sure that you can't be trusted, painting this false image of you.
He offers you his company and is sweet about it. He wants you to only rely on him and only on him. He takes care of you like a proper Conjunx would and offers you presents you can use to write or do something else you might enjoy but that you can't use to try and contact your fellow Decepticons.
If you choose to accept Wheeljack's feelings then he might assure his fellow Autobots that you can be useful to them, but he never lets you out of his sight. He would rather fight every Decepticon in the galaxy rather than let you leave him.
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I match you with Megatron!
Shark Mers have a scary reputation among both humans and Mers, but the rumors about them are highly exaggerated. People think you hunt and kill for fun, but you only kill and eat when you need to and never other Mers.
You just want to live life peacefully in solitude and maybe occasionally go to watch fighting rings where more "dominative" Mers fight each other for the privilege to court the "prize" Mers who would carry the sparklings created by winners' and their copulating.
Certain Mers, Sentinel, judge you purely by your species and shun you away, while some know better than to judge anyone based on rumors alone.
Though you do have a bad habit of chewing things with those razor-sharp fangs of yours and it can make other Mers skittish.
Team Prime accepts you as you are, but it might just be too late for them to reach out to you once the damage has been done by Sentinel and other naive Autobots who believed all his accusations.
While Autobots may have forsaken you, the Decepticons approach you and welcome you to join them with arms wide open.
Megatron himself is a huge shark so he assures you that he knows how it feels to be shunned by those Autobots who think they are better than anyone else.
All he wants from you is your loyalty and devotion to Decepticon's cause and if you swear your loyalty to him then you never will go hungry or feel like an outsider ever again.
Soon enough, you have a great number of admirers, all willing to slay and hand you an Autobot of your choice if it meant you would give them a chance to charm you.
But your spark belongs to Megatron, the one and only who accepted you as you were when others shunned you. He knows the itch when you need to bite something, he knows the feeling of being outcasted, and he knows you.
He offers his lair to you so you can rest and sleep in peace, and while he makes sure that you're left alone when you need to rest, there will be a Con or two guarding his lair where you are resting.
In fact, Megatron trusts and honors you enough to choose you as his mate. He knows that the two of you could no doubt create powerful shark Mers to lead future Decepticons to victory if he was to fail, but if you don't want to carry then Megatron will honor your choice.
But if you choose to carry his heir then you will be spoiled beyond belief. Once you are carrying, you will have Megatron's most trusted followers Lugnut and Shockwave look after your well-being. They might argue, but one word from you and they both back up like a couple of small fishes.
You have Megatron by your side and as his mate, your word is as good as his.
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Velocity is your Owner!
Humans were a whole new thing for this new Doctor and once she saw the pictures that her friend Nautica showed her, she decided to get one for herself as a present for passing her exams!
That's how she got you.
You're a little different from the humans she saw in videos, but she doesn't mind it. She thinks you're cute and does her research when you tell her how you should be addressed so you would be happy in the future.
Velocity shows concern about your scars and wishes she could mend them, but you don't seem to mind them so neither does she. You're gorgeous to her as you are.
Her honesty is a little offputting at first, but you can tell she is genuine with her compliments so you warm up to her pretty quickly. She is the only Bot or person in general who can touch you.
When Velocity isn't feeling good or is sad you are always there for her, wiping those tears away and offering yourself for her like a therapy human. She honestly thinks you are a blessing at those times when she just wants to lock herself in her habsuite and sulk.
The Bot is eager and happy to provide you anything you might want or need since humans' stuff aren't that expensive. If you want to read something she downloads it to your own datapad and gives you a keyboard if you want to write. If you let her, she would love to read your stories. She is your biggest fan and supporter.
Velocity would try her hardest to make sure you're comfortable and able to sleep well. She can get you some medicine, but mostly she buys you tons of soft pillows and different blankets, normal and weighted, that she lets you arrange into a nest where you can actually sleep peacefully.
You are so cute when you turn a little envious if Velocity pays more attention to someone else than you and when asked about it, you stubbornly try to deny that you were ever jealous.
Velocity tries to spend as much time with you as it's possible, but she makes sure to give you also some space so you don't feel smothered. But the best thing that ever happened to her must have been all those times you said her name with that pretty voice of yours.
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princeheir · 1 year
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˙    🐍  profile .
BIRTH NAME :  severus snape. 
ALIAS  /  NICKNAME :  sev.
TITLES :  the half-blood prince.
AGE :  21.
DATE  OF  BIRTH : 01/09/60.
PLACE OF BIRTH :  english midlands.
BLOOD STATUS : half-blood.
RESIDENCE :  london.
EDUCATION :  graduated from hogwarts (slytherin, slug club).
OCCUPATION :  potioneer, aka, a potion maker. his prices do change on a whim but he is the best in the business.
SIDED : death eaters.
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˙    🐍  personal details .
GENDER :   cis man.
SEXUALITY :  sees himself as an equal opportunity bloke, isn’t exactly labelled nor cares about sex that much.
FACECLAIM :  louis garrel.
TATTOOS :  the mark on his arm.
CLOTHING :  big & dark coats, suit and tie whenever he can, long & dark robes, green details here and there, snake skin, silver jewellery (especially earrings and rings). doesn’t modern fashion all that much.
HAIR STYLE :  long-ish black hair. a little oily (which he doesn’t like, but doesn’t know how to change).
POSITIVE  TRAITS :  loyal, proactive, intelligent.
NEGATIVE TRAITS :  cunning, cruel, closed-minded.
HOBBIES :  beyond journaling, he enjoys reading muggle books but will go out of his way to hide that. he is also passionate about gardening and foraging (especially for poisonous mushrooms). 
INSPIRATIONS :  henry winter, canon&fanon snape, that one two hour video essay about snape wives., also beth from the queen's gambit for the family dynamics (his dad did leave but he'd spend the hols at hogwarts and would barely be home during the summer, so snape didn't actually notice until his sixth year).
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---- CHILDHOOD , all i know is you said hello and your eyes look like comin' home .
His is the story of the scorpion and the frog.
There was no love in the Snape household, neither was there warmth. Often enough, there was barely sound, only soft inhales from Eileen Prince’s lonely bedroom, — she never quite got used to her husband’s last name, carrying with herself the prestige of the Prince bloodline —, long parted from the sheer moments of honeymoon glory. Sometimes, if Severus was lucky enough, he’d hear the sound of his father’s keys turning on the door, only for it to be taken away in a matter of seconds, a new business trip waiting for the muggle salesman. It was a cliche, really. A saddened housewife and an unhappy traveling salesman, a love-story straight from the all-British muggle books.
Happiness was fleeting. And then it was not. With red, oh so lovely red, consuming the afternoons the young boy spent alone in the meadow. Lily bloody Evans, his best friend, his first love, the personification of laughter. And goodness. And warmth. She was everything he wasn’t, and everything he longed to be. In their few, stolen moments, there was no blood purity. There was only a boy. And a girl. And so much magic between them.
---- SCHOOL YEARS , i get mean when i'm nervous like a bad dog .
The dungeons were almost home. They were just as cold, just as unlived in, but they were loud. They lacked the meadow, — and in consequence they lacked his best friend’s blooming smiles —, but they were filled with ideals. They boomed in the winter and were awfully quiet with the arrival of the last month of school. Severus was lonely, and he was misguided. And, well, he was the perfect recipient to whatever nonsense other snakes were willing to sing in his ears.
And, Saint Merlin, he was so incredibly envious. The others had it all, had they not? Barty had the wealth, Regulus had the name, but Severus? He had the anger. He had excellent penmanship. He had a brain that refused to stop. He even had the means to respond to those idiotic pranks without ever tarnishing his own name. Who’d think the prince of potions would ever turn every Gryffindor tie into a snake? They weren’t even poisonous.
What he did not have, however, was Lily. No, that was propriety of the Gryffindors. Of the people who had loving parents, wealth, a future in the wizard world. She wouldn’t, couldn't choose him, and he had no choice but to help her discover that. He was cruel, and sometimes he was be downright evil. Because if not him, who? Who’d show those foolish lions what waited for them the second they’d step outside from the bounds of Hogwarts?
He did what he felt needed to be done, no matter how terrible it could be. There was no regret, no moment of sudden realization of how the mark in his arm would change everything for everyone. He wanted the wealth, he wanted the name. Sometimes he even wanted the fame.
---- CURRENT DAYS , cause cruelty lives in the movies .
It was clear something had changed inside of him. From the little boy who longed for connection to a man who destroyed everything he got his hands on. Although loyal, it became known Snape was inconsequential, brutal, and always a little too eager to fulfill a plan in the Dark Lord’s name.
When it comes to his work, however, Snape is known to be a man of equal opportunity. No matter your affiliation, if you have enough money (and courage) to look for his help, he’ll provide you with a top-notch solution for your afflictions. Not even Severus himself understands why he does that, why he’s so willing to put poison in the hands of members of the Order. Maybe he’ll never know.
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 year
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Envy is caused by the insecurity and frustration of not being able to get what others have, and it is one of the most common feelings among friends, relatives, colleagues and sometimes even neighbors, someone wants your partner, your work or simply envy your brightness etc ... Fortunately there are rituals and amulets within our reach that will help us drive away these bad energies, on this occasion I will tell you about some RITUALS AND AMULETS to fight envy and attract prosperity and protection..
the horseshoe is an amulet, which has been used
For a long time to attract good luck and open paths, it had to be found and used by a horse to have all the energy that a free-spirited animal represents. the horseshoe is placed on the main door of the house and adorned with 7 different types of ribbons, some accompanied by the miraculous aloe vera.
The Turkish eye or also known as nazar, possesses protective characteristics that will ward off any energy of envy and bad deeds around you.
Simply use this amulet, either in a bracelet or necklace.
This is one of the most common amulets against envy and bad vibes. It is part of the general culture, the awareness of using a red ribbon can ward off people full of pessimism and bad luck. For this, all you have to do is surround the left wrist with a red ribbon. This can be closed with 7 Franciscan knots, so you will have its protective effects. It is very important that you use the red ribbon on your left hand because from that hand you receive energy and from the other you deliver it.
There are different theories on how to place the red ribbon or thread, most say that it must be placed by another person with good energy and that he must tie 7 knots. This is undoubtedly a very popular anti-envy ritual that is simple to perform and will keep people with bad intentions away.
If you are looking for how to ward off the envy of the people around you, you should know that garlic is considered in esotericism as a great element to repel bad vibrations. If you have a wallet or a place where you can load a male garlic or a clove of garlic you can also put it inside a felt bag or similar material, do it, as it is a powerful amulet to ward off the envious to which they cause us negative effects.
If you don't like the idea of ​​walking around with a clove of garlic but you want to protect a particular space, you can also leave the garlic well hidden and covered to prevent it from giving off a bad smell. It is one of the best protection amulets to get rid of bad energy in your business or home. You can also combine garlic with other natural amulets against bad vibes, such as laurel and parsley in fact together they become a protection ritual.
Rue is the natural protective element par excellence. Carrying a twig in your wallet or pocket is said to be enough to counteract the bad energies of these dark and negative people. If you feel that people of these characteristics have passed by your home, prepare an herbal tea with rue and spray the environment with a sprayer. If you're looking for ways to keep bad vibes away from your home, plant two rue on each side of your front door. It is a very popular plant for these purposes.
You can also prepare a rue water to sprinkle around the room.
An old esoteric trick to protect yourself from people who bring bad luck is to place a drop of thyme essential oil behind each ear or on your wrists. Thus you will be able to drive away the negative vibes of envious people It camouflages itself as a perfume as it has a sweet pleasant aroma and at the same time protects you. Thyme can also be part of a bath to cleanse the body of bad energy along with rue and bay leaf.
If you're wondering how to ward off bad vibes you need to know that thyme is just one of many herbs that attract positive energy. Mint, bamboo, and jasmine are other plants that are considered magical that will help you purge negativity from your environment.
Cleaning your home from negative energies is very easy, you just need sliced ​​onions. If you have had an encounter with people with bad energy or somehow they have entered your home you can always count on the power of onions.
You have to carry out a simple ritual with onions which is done like this: cut them into slices and place them in ceramic dishes that you have to distribute throughout your house. Leave them to act with the windows open and then quickly throw them in a bag outside the house. It is one of those simple rituals and charms against envy that you can apply at any time.
Some hang an aloe vera plant by the root on the right side of the door of the house or attached to a red bow to protect themselves from the influence of negative energies or from envy.
CreditToTheOwner: Pietre: Bosco e Magia (Monya)
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xtrablak674 · 1 year
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Sixteen Miles
My hibernation in my apartment had lead my body to forget the exhilaration of bipedal movement. My foray to the clerk's office on Monday to file the small claims document was two miles to and from the court, total four miles.
I had said after my niece's visit that I would get back to walking, but at the time it was too cold to be out in the park like that. But now it was summer and albeit a little humid, it was perfectly fine for a stroll around what I think is the best park in New York City, but I may be a bit biased.
As I make my way counter-clockwise around the parks now closed to cars lanes my mind does a few different things. First I am much more aware of my senses, two days a jogger passed me and a bottled musky smell past by me, I knew he was wearing cologne, which I thought was a little odd to jog in since you would probably be showering after.
My ears are more acute, I play a guessing game with bikers and joggers, trying to determine if its more than one bicycle and if its the racing bikes, electric or casual user. Bonus points if I can guess if there are more than one bikers. With the joggers I attempt to guess their sex by their foot falls, I will admit really short men or tall women usually throw me for a loop but my accuracy isn't that bad.
Having run track in high school and also studied dance, I am acutely aware of people's form and this takes two senses, sight and hearing. How the foot sounds striking the pavement speaks to technique and to be very frank I encounter very few runners with a good technical run. But it is a pleasure when you see someone really bouncing off the balls of their feet and getting their knees high. As a former sprinter I can really appreciate running well.
Being a proud owner of a healthy case of body dysmorphia I am also acutely aware the different body types and the races and ages of those exercising in the park. As you may know I of course love tall men, and twice have seen this guy who I just call Shoulders, he's like 6'2" always jogs shirtless, a little pale but has beautiful lean muscles up and down his fine ass form. I usually only see him once because I encounter him when I am on my last leg right before the final hill. #🤤
I love the older Black women who all seem to know each other, and be out there jogging and walking with the best of them slaying everyone with their flawless skin. Our geriatric crew is also fun to see, usually they are whyte and skinny in a variety of heights, its easy to visualize them as someone's peepaw or great grandfather.
My prime group is the super-lean men with the swimmer like forms that are like skeletons with just a little meat on them and musculature that is refined from the perfect fusion of good food and well-balanced exercise routines. I covet this group so much, albeit most of them are quite short. I have never been lean, and don't really think that genetic profile runs in my family, our folks be meaty and big-boned!
There are a handful of Black men in this group but they are mostly whyte men, some with long hair, other bald all with usually superior technique and clearly the bodies that show for their hard work. I will be candid I am not truly envious of this guys, I really just want to be a leaner version of myself. One thing I have learned from my self-portraiture is that when my stomach is flatter I look great. I mean other than the natural aging effect of being on the planet the amount of time I have been here, I am well preserved.
My favorite wind-down is taking off my sneakers a block from my house and walking barefoot the last block carrying my shoes. It give my feet the air they desire after the ninety minute walk and is a wonderful tactile feel for my well calloused feet. I plan to do fifteen miles next week, and may keep it up as long as the weather allows and will switch to yoga on days where I just can't go out.
[Photo by Brown Estate]
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sleepy-eepy-head · 1 year
Time for Beam Saber Character Thoughts (gabbin' about Ilia)
I've been thinking a lot lately about my Beam Saber character (what else is new) and specifically his relationship with his emotions.
I picture Ilia as being very sensitive as a kid, the kind who would cry and get really upset with little provocation because he just feels things so hard. As is usually the case, this didn't go uncommented upon by his family, so he tried to train himself to be stronger, which unfortunately meant bottling all those feelings up and conditioning himself into thinking he was being unreasonable whenever he was upset (definitely not speaking from experience lol).
Ilia loves machines, and I think in a way he's kind of envious of them. They're objects that are really really good at doing very specific things very efficiently, unbothered by how bad things are in the world or emotional turmoil that keeps humans from achieving great things. Ilia definitely saddles his self worth on his engineering abilities and how useful he is on any given team he's on, so he's happiest when he can feel like a reliable, well oiled machine (he also likes machines because they're void of gender but he's not ready to talk about that quite yet).
Ilia grew up poor in the Ascension, which is controlled by a fascist regime, so even before Ilia joined the military to become an engineer he saw a lot of bad shit, and he wasn't able to process that trauma properly. He developed a kind of mentality about people that went something like... he sees good in people and genuinely wants to be kind and help people, but he also knows that those people can be taken away easily, so he has to take steps to make sure that if a relationship ends for any reason, it doesn't affect him too deeply. So he tends to view relationships as transactional; he provides them with his skills, they provide companionship and hopefully affection. Another thing to oil the machine and keep it working.
This definitely carried over into his military career and is relationship with his former partner Jericho, who was a member of the engineering team on his old squad. Ilia was kind of rigid as a partner, who while very affectionate and loving, didn't really know how to let himself go, if that makes sense? His work always came first, and Ilia viewed his relationship with Jericho still very much as an emotional and sexual transaction (even though he did care about him a lot), while Jericho saw it as something deeper. Ilia felt more himself when began to fall in love with Judith (his mech, lol) because he felt such a kinship with her as a fellow "machine." He felt like he could truly be himself around her.
And of course, there are times when the facade breaks and Ilia gets upset, angry, and emotional, because he never stopped being that highly sensitive person he always was. Even so, he sees succumbing to these things as a weakness and becomes the mayor of Beating Yourself Up-ville over it quite often. As I continue to play Ilia, I'm really looking forward to getting to a point with him where he can see those feelings as a strength and not a weakness (again, just like me for real). And eventually let him be honest with his feelings about having a queer body, but that's a WHOLE other post.
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grahamstoney · 6 years
You Can Take Not Caring What Other People Think Too Far
New Post has been published on https://grahamstoney.com/self-esteem/you-can-take-not-caring-what-other-people-think-too-far
You Can Take Not Caring What Other People Think Too Far
Most of my life I’ve been plagued by the fear of what other people think of me manifesting as self-consciousness, social anxiety and fear of rejection. While this exaggerated fear can be really annoying, in moderation it turns out not to be an entirely bad thing.
A few weeks ago I started playing open mic nights with my new band The Sketch Artists. At our first gig in the inner west we met a guy who was a regular at the venue. Let’s call him Peter, because that was his name.
Peter seemed friendly and sociable, and soon joined my band-mates and I at our table while we waited to go on and perform. One of the first things that Peter said to us proudly was:
“I don’t care what other people think”.
At first I thought this was a very enlightened point of view and felt a little envious that I haven’t yet reached this pinnacle of spiritual development myself. Judging by his unkempt beard and general scruffy appearance he also seemed to be quite congruent with what he was saying, although I couldn’t help but wonder whether he was cheating somewhat with the beer he was drinking.
True to his word, Peter talked as if he had no concern for what other people were thinking (or feeling), to the point where he seemed quite oblivious of how to really connect with us. He was amusing at first but after a while his incessant banal chatter became vaguely annoying in a way that wasn’t easy to pin down. I started to wonder whether what I first saw an an attitude of enlightenment was really just poor social skills in disguise.
You Can Also Take Worrying What Other People Think Too Far.
Last week I turned up with my band to play again. I was feeling so anxious on the train that when I arrived, I dumped my guitar with my band mates and went straight to the toilet to throw up. Not like food poisoning style vomit but more nervous energy style vomit. You don’t need all the details.
I returned to the table a little worse for wear but determined to perform. At this point Peter came over and started talking to/at us again. I was totally not in the mood but felt guilty (and afraid) of saying so. How would I like being told “I’m sorry, but I’m just not in the mood to talk to you right now”?
That was my truth though.
Perhaps I could have softened the blow and gone with: “I’m sorry Peter but we’re having a private band meeting to discuss top secret intelligence on the music industry”, but I’ve only just thought of it now.
Instead my band mates and I tried to focus on watching the other acts, while I made the occasional sarcastic remark in response to Peter’s ongoing monologue. He just kept talking at us. It was weird because he wasn’t really saying anything particularly obnoxious but it was just irritating. It’s amazing how quickly I can get turned off by someone who is talking at me and not listening or expressing any kind of interest in how I’m doing.
At one point there was a fly buzzing around that was also annoying me. Peter said that he never killed any living thing because all life was sacred. I was a bit tired of all this enlightened bullshit by this stage and responded with: “What about cockroaches? Do you kill cockroaches?”
“No”, he said.
“Mosquitos buzzing in the bedroom at night?”
“No”, Peter would not kill a mosquito buzzing around him in the bedroom at night.
I was about to inquire about whether he’d maintain this position if he knew the mozzie in question was carrying the Ebola virus. I don’t even know if mosquitos carry the Ebola virus but it was just a thought experiment. Or if in fact he’d go so far as to advocate on behalf of viruses themselves as a pseudo life form that deserved sanctuary… when I decided to relent and let the guy be.
I went back to watching the bands and eventually Peter left us alone. I’m not proud of it but I just wasn’t in the mood to work really hard connecting with someone who seemed to take not caring what other people think just a bit too far.
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serotaejin · 3 years
#this is gonna be long rant but also appreciation for serendipity/jimin/joon but also v personal so trigger warnings#negative / mental health stuff / drug mention / relapse tw#im quite shit at listening to previously released music and take a lot of time to go through the discography and tbh I haven't even#scratched the surface with bangtan but i wanted to prepare for bangbangcon so i looked up the setlist and listened to it#before the date and since then. i've been listening to serendipity every night and sobbing my eyes out. every single night.#jimin's vocals have always been my favourite. like ever since i first heard them in dynamite. and serendipity is just. ethereal#that song was MADE for him. he is enchanting. the yearning for this new thing to work when it's them vs the world. oh u can just feel it in#his voice. and the performance... i really cannot get through it without pausing every few seconds. jimin is SUCH a graceful performer#he flows to the music. he flows with the emotions and fuck it IS the most beautiful thing ever. only jimin could carry the tenderness#of this song so beautifully. when soulmate & i watched a performance she mentioned how she felt like she was being held in a trance#because she could mot take her eyes off of him and i knew exactly what she meant. bc every since the first time i listened to it ive been#wanting to relapse. the song/performance reminds me of how i felt when i was using. i used to use bc i was depressed as hell and needed#something to make me happy. and it made me happy. my chest would be filled with happiness but also ache. this is exactly how i feel now.#the lyrics... they hurt. a lot. joon writes so beautifully. he really is one of the greatest poets of our gen. idc it's a fact#the way it says that universe planned this. it planned us. you have nothing to worry about. we were meant to be.#and how the uncertainty is quelled over and over again by reminding themselves that the universe moved for them and fate/destiny is envious#he says he's afraid too but it goes away when they see him. when they touch him. all this had been planned ever since the universe was first#formed. yeah i can't.... 🤧 there is nothing more precious than this and it just makes my heart ache so much bc i want it so bad#i just wanna be in love. so in love. so consumed. im so sick of messing around with people who i don't care about.#i don't want to care about anyone else. just them and what we could build together. at the same time it disgusts me to see myself#be like that. i can't even think about it without shuddering. why am i so afraid. why can't i take my own advice and out myself out there?#why do i hide behind a wall. why do i not let myself form any type of feelings. i know that im not afraid of getting hurt SO WHY#i just can't being like this. i need to love. i can't relapse and escape my issues once again. i just cannot.#ig thank u jimin & joon for awakening something in me. i love u#please don't rb or if u have anything condescending to say keep it to yourself#some... thots
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
New part from Hope!
I hope you like it!!
Part 2. Babba!
Daryl Dixon x Reader.
Warnings: none.
Words: 1600
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @ruinedbythehobbit @thefemininemystiquee @xxtinasxxblog @hail-yourselves @ravenwings73
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You have to admit that you have adapted well to life in Alexandria. The community is large, with a lot of different people, you have learned to get along there, you know the streets and most of its inhabitants, they are even looking for a job for you.
You love the peace, the calm that exists in that place, of course not everything is rosy, there are small altercations that the people manages to solve, some lost Walker, some group of unwanted people, more people who want to live in peace, some typical constipation of the season.
But what you love the most is Daryl.
Daryl and Hope.
You love watching them together. You don't know how to explain it, but Daryl and your baby have created a bond that you can almost say you're envious of. From day one, Daryl has taken care of you, now that Hope is there too, he's not separated from either of you. The first time Daryl held her in his arms you felt as if she was made for him, as if she was born the perfect shape and size to fit in his arms. A shy, but excited smile decorated the hunter's mouth and you felt your heart melt.
And it wasn't the only time.
Daryl would take care of Hope whenever you needed some time to yourself, whether it was because you'd had a bad night, like if you were feeling discomfort after childbirth, or just because you were feeling over the top with emotions. Daryl would lay with you with Hope between you and you felt yourself relax, physically and mentally grateful that Daryl was with you. One of those times you needed him with you, you both fell asleep, when you opened your eyes you discovered that Hope was sleeping peacefully on Daryl's chest, who was also sleeping comfortably, one of his hands resting on the baby's bottom to prevent her from falling.
You watched them sleep until he frowned and slowly opened his eyes, you witnessed how his cheeks turned reddish when he was discovered, but you didn't say anything, when Hope woke up you settled down to breastfeed her and Daryl took the opportunity to prepare some breakfast.
Your kiss? No one has talked about it, nor has it been repeated. It's like it's something that never happened.
You've been so focused on taking care of Hope, on making sure she's safe and well, on enjoying Daryl's attentions, on seeing them together, that you haven't thought about it again.
You're a little embarrassed and afraid, to tell you the truth, you were the one who kissed him, in a moment when you got carried away by your emotions. You don't know if Daryl feels the same way. Neither of you have acted strangely after that day, Daryl has continued to treat you as usual, you're not sure if that's a good thing or if he just doesn't care, or doesn't want to care, wanting you to understand that he doesn't want anything to do with you in that sense.
You are confused.
You go home after going to see Olivia that morning, Hope is starting to try some things other than feeding her milk, you have gone to get some fruit to make some puree or smoothies for your little girl. When you enter the living room of the house you discover Daryl playing with the little girl, he is lying on the floor lifting her up in the air, Hope doesn't stop laughing and brace and you smile, the first time Daryl did that didn't go well, Hope had just eaten and when he lifted her up and moved her in the air she ended up vomiting on the archer's chest. Daryl learned that if he wanted to play with Hope like that he had to do it before the baby ate or at least two hours later, so as not to get any unpleasant surprises.
You watch the scene in silence, Daryl is totally oblivious to your presence, all his attention focused on the little one in his arms, whom he rocks and swings in the air and then picks her up and brings her close to his face, biting her chubby cheeks or rubbing her nose. Hope is delighted with all the attention Daryl is showering on her and her squeals of excitement and amusement make you laugh.
Daryl slowly sits up, resting the baby against his chest, smiles at you and sits down on the floor, he sits Hope on his lap and the baby squeals and stretches her hands out to you when she sees you. You have never felt that your daughter prefers Daryl to you, you have never felt that your bond with your baby is not as strong as their and gestures like that prove it to you every day. Still smiling you walk over to them and kneel down kissing her cheek and holding her in your arms. Daryl watches you chewing on his lip, one hand stroking your little girl's hair.
"G'mornin'." He says to you with a growl in his voice.
"Good morning, did Hope wake you up?"
"Nah, I noticed when ya woke up this mornin'." He explains to you matter-of-factly as he shrugs.
That's one of the other things you've accepted naturally, you and Daryl sleep together in your bed, both of you attentive to any movement of Hope in her crib, you sleep together and some nights Daryl even cuddles you and you snuggle against his body.
But you've never really talked about it.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
"No worries, what did ya bring?" he asks you curiously looking at the bags you put down to get Hope.
"Some food for us and fruit for Hope, the moms have given me some idea to prepare for her." You explain and hand it back to her, Hope sits on Daryl's lap and he holds her hands, but gluing her to his chest so she wouldn't fall. "I'm going to leave this in the kitchen, I'll be right back." You tell him and leave him alone in the living room again.
From the kitchen you listen to the small conversation Hope has with Daryl, the little girl barely mumbles words and squeaks, but nothing makes too much sense, however Daryl gives her his full attention and answers her when she seems to want to know his opinion. When you return to them, you sit down on the floor as well and Daryl brings Hope back to you, it's time to eat and you're surprised she hasn't protested about it yet.
"Babba!" the little girl shouts waving her arms at Daryl and you both freeze. "Babba!"
Daryl's face transforms into a nervous and worried grimace, Hope seems to sense his unease and she herself becomes a little uncomfortable. You manage to calm her in your arms and lift up your shirt. Daryl then stands up to give you privacy, he always does when you're ready to get a breast out in front of him, but he never moves too far away, he just doesn't look.
When you finish feeding her, you put her down on her playpen in the living room and walk over to Daryl, he's still nervous, biting his thumbnail, he looks sideways at you and lowers his head as if he feels ashamed of something he's done.
But Daryl has done nothing wrong.
"Daryl, listen..."
"I'm sorry..."
"Hey, don't..." You walk up to him and hold his hand squeezing it between yours. "Don't apologize, you have nothing to apologize for..."
"I'm ain't his father..." He whispers and tries to let go, but you grip him tighter.
"You're not?" You ask him back with a small smile. "I think we need to talk..." You tell him and you see him fidget nervously. "I love that you take care of Hope, it's wonderful to see you two together, but I have to ask you..."
"Y'know what I mean."
"You may not be her biological father, Daryl, but you've taken care of her since day one, even before she was born." You smile caressing her cheek. "If you just want to be her Uncle Daryl, it will be, but if you wanted to..." You blush now at the thought.
"Ain't wanna she thinks I replaced his father..."
"And she won't think that, when she's old enough to understand I'll tell her about her father, what he was like, who he was. But none of that will change what you mean to her."
"Ain't wanna her to hate me..."
"For God's sake Daryl, that's impossible, she adores you." You laugh softly and he smiles because he knows it's true. "There is a perfect bond between you, since day one and I would like it not to be lost, I know Hope will learn countless things with you, that she will never feel unprotected or insecure..."
"And ya?" Daryl hushes your words, his eyes fixed on you now. "W-what's goin' on between ya and me...?"
"That I don't know... I kissed you months ago, when Hope was born and... and you've never said anything..."
"I-I didn't... I didn't know..." He mumbles, lowering his head again.
Since he accidentally fell into your house, Daryl has never had a problem talking to you, he's always been straightforward and calm, but now he's a nervous wreck. He's not used to dealing with situations like this and even seems overwhelmed by the whole situation. He's not able to put it into words, but it's obvious that he has feelings for you too. You smile and move in again, kissing him very slowly. Daryl takes a few seconds before he responds, kissing you intensely, holding you by the back of the neck, pressing your bodies together, making you gasp into his mouth.
"Babba!" you hear across the room and the two of you break apart. "Babba!"
"I think someone needs you." You laugh against his lips. " go, I'm going to fix something to eat."
"Okay." He nods his head.
You watch as he turns away from you to walk back into the living room where Hope screams and laughs at the discovery of him, Daryl says something to her that you don't quite make out, but you smile anyway heading back into the kitchen.
A warm feeling settles in your chest.
I hope you liked it!!
See you in the next stories!!
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snifflesthemouse · 3 years
There's a sense of freedom that comes with anonymity of online interactions. This sense of freedom only exists because of the fact it's difficult for the real world to catch up with you in your real life. Unless of course, you go after the wrong one.
When a person goes after someone else solely because they think differently or have a strong opposing opinion, they often do so with a false gusto and bravery that only exists in the virtual realm. Like many say online, "You'd never say that to my face." And that's true for most people... but not all people.
And because of this anonymity, that affords all internet users the freedom to say whatever, a real life concern spawns from a virtual world. This real life concern is often referred to as "doxxing" where one internet user uses what clues and resources they have available to "expose" another internet user's real life. This has happened to many people I watch on YouTube. Some have even had to involve the real life police, as well as uproot their entire lives and move because of doxxing.
For example, Murky Meg has been doxxed a couple times now. She's had her real life threatened by doxxing. Terrifyingly, she wasn't the only target threatened because the douche flutes also brought her children into it. Yes, the same people who worship the Montecito Madam and preach the mantras of "compassion and kindness" and "leave children out of this" have gone so far as to go after Murky Meg's real life and real life children. And sadly, the threats and attacks never really stop. Especially when articles like the one I wrote about make the rounds. But Murky Meg doesn't allow this all to silence her; she keeps calm and carries on regardless.
Another example involves Yankee Wally. She was targeted repeatedly over copyright infringement on her YouTube channel, as well as having her social media accounts suspended repeatedly over the last few years. And even though Yankee Wally has never pretended to be anything or anyone else than who she is in real life, people have attempted to use her past as a weapon to discredit her. Those attempts are futile, though, because Yankee Wally has always been open and honest about her life. She's also been very clear to the people watching her that she will fight back if need be.
Then there's According2Taz. While Taz has gone through the same ringer that so many others have gone through (from doxxing to threats, harassment, and verbal abuse), she has also been attacked financially. Especially when it comes to her supporting good causes. Some twat waffles have sent her £0.01 via PayPal with notes attached. Notes that are grossly abusive, calling her fat and ugly, and saying her husband is cheating on her. Others have sent requests asking her to pay them £100 with notes attacking HRH Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge and her book. Murky Meg got a similar request, as well. But the most heinous impediment coming from the Montecito Madam's extremists, involved charity. Once, when Taz was raising money for Australian wildlife affected by the wildfires; someone reported her PayPal account and those funds were held up for some time before getting released for the cause. Then, again, Taz was targeted when she was raising funds to help an elderly woman who got robbed. Yes, the very same people, who stand on custom-made soap boxes emblazoned with the Sussex monogram, did everything they possibly could to marginally disrupt charity. Yet Taz does not waiver; she keeps going.
As bad as Murky Meg, Yankee Wally, and Taz have had it, they're sadly not alone. No, they are only three examples from a plethora of examples. Of that plethora, one more example comes to mind. That example involves DanjaZone (Ashli).
Ashli, who started her YouTube channel before the whole Megxit ordeal as a way to keep in touch with family, was even the subject of a blind item from CDAN (crazy days and nights). You see, Ashli and her family lost everything they had in a horrible house fire. Rumors swirled around the fire, but the most heinous comments came from the Sussex Squad's more prominent loudmouths. Some accused Ashli of lying about the fire in an attempt to scam people for money. Others called her white trash and trailer trash. So while Ashli was going through the loss of her home and everything she owned... while she was grieving the loss of family pets and irreplaceable family mementos... while she was down and out on her luck and trying to cope with all the pain and loss... while she was going through all of the attacks from doubters saying she faked the fire or was lying, that she was trailer trash... the disciples of the Duchess were laughing and celebrating her pain as a win. Never once considering the fact that Ashli has been in recovery for years now, and the stress from the fire coupled with the heartless, feckless attacks, could in fact push her over the edge.
No, the very same people, who scream via CAPS lock on social media that critics of Meghan should "leave her alone", that her critics drove the Montecito Madam to "suicidal ideation while pregnant" could care less about Ashli's mental health. Yes, the very same people, who lodged over 50,000 OFCOM complaints against Piers Morgan because he questioned their beloved's outlandish attacks during the Oprah interview, previously found no issues with attacking Ashli during one of the hardest times in her life. Yet, Ashli picked up the pieces and never gave up or gave into their attacks.
Again, these four examples are just the tip of the hypocritical iceberg. There are countless more examples out there. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people who criticize Meghan's and Harry's behaviors can all relate. Nobody is safe or off limits from this iceberg; from Royal Rota reporters, celebrities, and politicians to regular people who aren't rich, famous, or in possession of a global platform.
Yet nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody, in the media or in journalism ever cover any of this. You can find articles galore written with the intentions of exposing "Meghan Markle Haters". Articles like the one I wrote about attacking critics and reducing us all to the stereotypes of racist, misogynist, bigot, envious, etc.
What that does is send a clear, prominent message to the people who cling to every word of the Montecito Madam. The people who cling to the wind coming from her mouth, her "close friends" or fake "palace insiders" hear those dog whistles loud and clear. The dog whistles that say "It's okay, keep attacking and hurting people. They're evil, hateful racists. They deserve the abuse. You're on the side of good. Go harder!"
When in truth, the wind they cling to coming from their beloved's mouth or mouthpieces is actually falsehoods, lies, and manifestations of grandeur that is no more real than Netflix's The Crown. No, the wind they cling to really comes from the south mouth of their beloved. But God forbid anyone hold their little cult accountable.
We cannot have a society where sensationalism trumps truth. We cannot weaponize the press and use it against people simply because they criticize the Meghan Markles of the world. It is unacceptable for the press, media platforms, or anyone with a prominent influence on society, to celebrate defenders of the Meghan Markle faith without first acknowledging the truth.
The truth, which is often dream dashing and harsh, is that "Meghan Markle Lovers" could care less about compassion, kindness, charity, children, or community. The truth is, they could care less about forgiveness or loving thy neighbors. We don't have to look to their savior figurehead to prove this to be true. We only have to look at the comments section or Twitter.
Those of us who criticize or dislike Meghan and Harry because of their behavior know all too well the truth will never be written up on the front page of the Sun, the Daily Mail, or People Magazine. The mirage of us being the racists, misogynists, or detesting haters sells papers. And the papers don't want to be in that same category.
Maybe one day the press will tell the stories of people like Murky Meg, Yankee Wally, Taz, Ashli, and countless others in an effective way that exposes the real haters in the relationship. Maybe one day, the victims of the Montecito Madam's cult following will be doxxed, exposed, and sent a new message. A message that says, "We see you for the hypocrites you are. You may repeat the preachings of your Madam like it's the new woke gospel, but you don't practice it. You're a big reason why people loathe your beloved. You make her look worse. You aren't defending her, you are condemning her. Keep it up, because we see you and we will expose you!"
If only...
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katzkinder · 3 years
question! if Servamp continues the theme of sins and virtues being neutrap, how would that work with the envy pair? Isn’t it impossible for kindness to be a bad thing?
Hello anon!! That's a good question, cuz... Kindness IS a difficult thing to consider to be negative, huh? And Envy is hard to look at as having any kind of positive application.
Basically my logic here is that Envy can be used as fuel to better oneself or their craft, because sins are only sins when they hurt someone, so possessing Envy in and of itself is not harmful. There is SUCH a fine line between admiration and jealousy, but Envy is born from admiration first and foremost. This should tell you a lot about how I write Mikuni and Tsurugi's relationship
Mikuni admired what Tsurugi had. The friendship, the belonging, and his skills, because Tsurugi was strong, all on his own
Meanwhile, Mikuni was so weak he needed not only a mutt to protect him (do not crucify me for that, that is Mikuni's headspace, not mine lolol) but also the creature he blames for his family falling apart.
It’s a frustration with the self that is going to choke them both if things continue without changing.
At the same time, Kindness without bounds tends to ignore the desires of those who are being acted upon and it turns into cruelty. It becomes a god complex, of thinking you always know better, and unpopular opinion, but Mikuni and Mikado both showcase this habit with how they handle Misono. Mikuni takes after Mikado FAR more than people are comfortable with acknowledging, which I don't blame them for!! It's incredibly uncomfortable to acknowledge that you can carry the negative traits of the parent you carry the most disdain for in yourself, and it's difficult to confront that aspect in a way that isn't going to send you on a mental health spiral if your relationship with them is very strained.
--Which is another thing about Mikuni and Tsurugi's relationship that can have some light shed on it, at least from my reading of Mikuni's character (I actually have a huge post about how Mikuni embodies his virtue very well).
Mikuni dislikes Tsurugi not just because he's envious of him, but because he sees a sort of mirror to his own situation. Very different aspects and execution, but it's the core which rings the same for him. He doesn't understand why Tsurugi, who has a support network in the form of his friends, including one with a lot of political power by virtue of his family, won't just... LEAVE Touma. Not when he was able to leave everything behind when the only person he had to rely on if he did was someone he hated and blamed for everything. Keep in mind, Mikuni didn't meet Shuuhei until his second year of high school, and Mikuni left home as a first year, at only 15. He didn't get to START building a support network for himself outside of his family until already a year after he really needed one.
And yet, in his own way... He has still remained Kind. A very twisted form of it, one corrupted by pain and Envy and loneliness... But he's trying. My god, does he try.
But he needs to relearn that he cannot make decisions for others, no matter how Kind he might think he's being when he makes them. Because if he makes the choice, then the blame lies on him, right? Except that's not how it works.
I'm sure my disabled followers know EXACTLY what I mean by this selfish sort of Kindness rooted in perceived superiority which does more harm than good.
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