#and he says this is closest we'll ever get to standing in a room and having those around us truly tell us what they think about us
bejeweledreverie · 5 months
Where The Ocean Waves Met My Anxious Heart And Your Strong Embrace
wc: around 1.5k
warnings: reader almost drowning (as a flashback), mentions of fear of death, panic attack, written in 1st person, english is not my first language, ooc rafe?, fluff, not fully proofread
a/n: AAAA my first fic and i am not sure how to feel about it. truly hope it makes sense. comment if you want to be added to the taglist for future fics (ideally would love to put out one fic every week but we'll see how that goes ;-; )!! if you liked this, please comment and reblog <333
p.s. can't decide if the title fits this at all
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I never liked him. In fact, I want to gag anytime the name ‘Rafe Cameron’ leaves someone's mouth. He had somehow (unsurprisingly) lived up to his title in the Outer Banks, the Kook Prince. An arrogant and cocky asshole was all that he was to me.
I never really cared about the whole Pogues and Kooks thing. I was friends with both, in fact Kie, Pope, John B and JJ were some of my closest friends. Just because I live in Figure Eight, doesn’t make me better than those who live on the Cut. That is what my parents always taught me, since both of them also used to be Pogues.
But I was never gonna live it down when it came to the eldest Cameron offspring. He always calls me ‘the rip-off Kook’.
Sarah and I have been best friends since forever, but I never got along with Rafe. Ever. Even when we were kids, he always annoyed me, trying and often succeeding at pissing me off or upsetting me. 
You would think that we would’ve grown out of our childish antics as time went on, but it only got worse. We could never pass each other without sending glares or saying snarky remarks.
It’s a Friday night in late June. My family and I are at Cameron's for our annual summer barbecue. 
I had left my camera there a couple days prior after a sleepover with Sarah. As always, I was tasked to document the gathering, so I went inside to look for it.
And that is why I found myself in Rafe’s room, looking for my camera, that Sarah had left there for some unknown reason to me.
I had been in there a couple times before, but I never had the chance to check it out completely.
I was surprised to find the wall behind his bed covered in photos. Was he also into photography?
My eyes drifted to the window that overlooked the front yard of Tannyhill. 
There was soft music playing, as our families were conversing, sipping on wine and enjoying the food. My need to capture this moment became unignorable. But as I turned to grab my camera from his desk, I saw Rafe standing behind me. I flinch from his presence.
“Jesus, can you not creep upon people like that?” I say.
“Didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart,” he answers, a lazy smirk on his lips.
I roll my eyes at the nickname, turning back to the window.
“What are you doing in my room, Y/L/N?” he asks, as he moves to stand next to me.
“Came to get this,” I picked up the camera from the desk and prepared to snap the photo I was planning on taking before Rafe interrupted me.
“I find it hard to believe that you only came to take your camera, you wanted to snoop and find something to blackmail me with,” he says, jokingly accusing me with a smirk on his face.
“Oh Cameron, I have known you for over a decade, pretty sure I have enough dirt on you as it is,” I laugh slightly, as I adjust the camera settings.
“Really, because in all these years you have never used it on me.” 
“Knowledge is power, Rafael. Don’t expect me to play all of my cards out at once,” I say, zooming in a little bit on the party in the yard.
Once I’m finished taking the photos, I turn to Rafe, finding him already staring at me. I’m used to receiving glares from him, but this time his eyes held something else. An emotion I can’t describe. His gaze was intense.
Feeling a little uncomfortable, I turned to look at the photo covered wall.
“I didn’t know you were into photography,” I say, absentmindedly admiring each photo.
Rafe looks down at his shoes, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah, I, uh, always wanted to try it and I ended up liking it a lot.”
My eyes settle on one particular photo. It’s a photo of the ocean, which appears to be right before the storm.
I look at the date in the bottom right corner and my body freezes. 
I can feel the water filling my lungs and I can hear the storm again. The fear of death clouds my brain. 
All of a sudden I’m hiccuping for breaths and I feel my legs give out.
It was supposed to be a stupid dare, but my stubbornness knows no boundaries. 
When JJ jokingly challenged me to surf in the storm, I should’ve just laughed it off, but I didn’t.
Everything was going well, until the wave threw me off the board and I was pushed underwater.
The storm had gotten stronger, so did the waves, and I could barely breathe in when I came up, as another wave pushed me below the surface. Safe to say I was drowning. 
I was so scared, but I couldn’t scream out for help. My limbs were burning from trying to stay above water and slowly I gave in. 
Suddenly, I felt strong arms wrap around me and attempt to pull me out.
Then it all went black.
I felt Rafe’s arms wrap around me to keep me from falling as I choked out a sob. It was like I was experiencing that day all over again. I couldn’t breathe properly and I was shaking like crazy.
“Hey, Y/N, hey! Look at me. You’re safe, you’re not in the water. Just breathe.”
His proximity, my almost drowning, it was too much for me. I tried to wriggle out his grip, failing, as his arms around me only tightened.
“It’s okay, you are safe. I am here.”
I finally let myself collapse into him, sobbing into his chest. He started to rub my back soothingly, while whispering sweet nothings into my ear.
The blurry images of the waves crashing still flooded my brain.
“I thought I was gonna die,” I sobbed
His arms only tightened around me hearing that sentence.
Once I was calm enough, I pulled away slightly. Rafe was already staring at me, and once again, I couldn’t describe the emotion behind his eyes. Was it pityness? Worry? Or was it care?
No, there is no way he cares about me. We hate each other. Right?
I find myself staring back into his captivating blue eyes.
And then the puzzle pieces start falling into place.
“You saved me that day,” I state, my eyes widening with the realization.
Rafe looks away, his hold on me loosening. 
Oh my god. That’s why he knew what my panic attack was about. That’s why after the accident he didn’t talk to me for weeks. Does he actually care about me?
“Rafe, why did you never tell me?” I ask, my hand on his jaw, turning his head so he looks at me.
He sighs, before getting up and walking towards his photo covered wall. He takes off the picture of the ocean from the wall and gestures to me to sit on his bed. 
“I, uh,” he starts nervously, “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want things to change between us."
I sat down in front of him, waiting for him to elaborate, nervous as to where this was going.
“Y/N, no matter what happened, you were always there to call me out on my bullshit, whether that was treating my sister poorly or bullying others. You always knew how to put me in my place and I didn’t want that to change.” 
I look at him, surprised. 
The boy who pulled on my braids in elementary school, the boy who knew which buttons to push to annoy me, that same boy was now sitting in front of me telling me that I am the only thing in his life that he can count on.
He worriedly flips the photo to the other side and hands it to me. I take it and look at the writing on the back of it.
Once I read it, it didn’t take long for our lips to meet for a gentle kiss that is filled with years of pent up emotions and feelings that we didn’t know were there.
His hands are gently cupping my face, as if he was afraid I would break.
When we break apart, a little breathless and dizzy, I once again look at the inscription of the photo and I know that I have never been so sure about something in my life before. Somehow everything that had happened over the last 10 years made perfect sense. And even the accident made sense, because without it, we wouldn’t be here right now smiling shyly at each other.
On the back of the photo, in squiggly handwriting, were written 6 words.
The day I almost lost her.
@winterrrnight @h34rtsformilli
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m3talmunson · 1 year
WORD COUNT: 2,296 (just warning u <3 enjoy loves)
Steve didn't expect anyone to remember. It's not like his parents ever remembered to leave a message. It's not like Nancy remembered (although, a couple months later she called him bullshit, and well, that takes the cake). He never bothered to tell the kids, and he didn't blame Robin for not remembering when the day they told eachother they were still coming off of those Russian drugs. He remembered hers though. He remembered that her birthday was March 10th. He threw her a surprise party, invited her band nerds, invited Eddie, fresh out of the hospital, invited Dustin and Erica, their whole trauma bonded troop.
And somehow in the mix, a month later when it was his turn, nobody remembered his.
That was, at least, what he believed. But one person remembered.
A week prior, Dustin had got his grubby little hands on the information of Steve's birthday. He needed to know and wasn't willing to ask Steve, not willing to expose that he didn't know the older man's birthday. So he asked around.
After going down the list, through most of the other kids, through Robin, and even Eddie, he ended up slinked over at the Byers-Hopper residence, quizzing El on how far her powers go, if she could maybe find a way to figure out his birthday. El explained that she probably can't do that, but she was willing to try for Dustin's sake. She rushed into the living room, Dustin in tow, finding the nearest radio and trying to rush out with it before getting stopped by Hopper and Joyce, who were on the couch watching the TV, which those two gremlins so unceremoniously cut in front of it twice already.
"Woah woah woah! Slow down there, what's going on?" Hop asked. He knows when El frantically needs access to a radio, that something's going on.
"It's Steve." She says, not offering any context. That immediately gets Joyce into defensive mode. Nobody messes with her boys. Or any of her kids, for that matter.
"What's wrong with Steve?" She asks, jolting up out of her comfortable position.
"Woah hold on, he's ok!" Dustin explains. At that, Joyce let's out a relieved sigh and lays back into Hoppers arm that was just wrapped around her.
"Yes! He is ok, we just need to see him." El finally explained.
"Yeah! About early June a year ago I said something about his age and I was wrong, which means his birthday is some time soon and I don't know it! And El said she might know a way to find out!"
"Oh you don't need to go through all that! Steve's birthday is next Thursday. I was gonna make him a cake and bring it to his house, like I did last year! Why didn't you just ask around?"
All three of the others in the room were confused by her response, even Hop, who had never even thought of the idea of doing something for the Harrington boy's birthday, even though he's the closest thing to a father figure the boy has got.
"Next week??" Hopper asked, suddenly feeling bad for not knowing that about the boy, or that Joyce has been the only one caring for him the year prior on his birthday.
"No I did ask around! You just happen to be the only person in Hawkins to know it!" Dustin said, cutting off any answer that might have come to Hopper's question.
"Not even Nancy or Robin or Eddie?"
"Nope. You're the only one." El said. El didn't really have a birthday, so they threw her a 'Found You!' party every year. It gave Will something better to focus on that day every year, so it made everyone pretty happy. She knew how much birthdays meant now.
"Well that just can't be. We'll have to throw him a party. Everyone needs a good send off into year 20." Hopper said, standing up and getting Joyce and El and Dustin to the dining room table, pulling Will away from his painting too, to plan how they were doing this.
One game plan, a thoroughly scribbled-on napkin, and a couple of phone calls later, Robin and Eddie were in on it, finding a way to get Steve from work to the Byers-Hopper house on a random Thursday. Robin wouldn't be working that day, so Steve wouldn't need to drive her to work. Eddie was fresh out of high school, (it really was his year!) so he did actually have a job, but he was pretty used to spending his lunches at Family Video.
They decided that Eddie would offer to hang out after work, shoot the shit or whatever, and pick Steve up from his house after work, bringing him to the house where the kids and everyone would be waiting.
This year, Steve was going to feel valued, no matter what.
Steve woke up, dreaded his shift ahead, and got ready as per usual that day. It didn't really matter that it was his birthday, there was no red dot on the receiver saying anyone else knew it was his birthday and might have called, so he pretended it was just a normal day, exactly like the rest of the world was doing.
The real crime is that his birthday fell on a Thursday. Thursdays, even over summer, are the slowest days for Family Video, so they don't even bother scheduling two people for the day. So he couldn't even hope Robin had maybe remembered his birthday, because he wouldn't see her all day. He would at least see Eddie, who he thought didn't know his birthday, so he couldn't feel bad for not telling Eddie, and Eddie couldn't feel bad for forgetting.
He had grown to love Eddie's lunch visits, sitting behind the counter talking to someone who understood him, who he could lower his mask around. Not all the way though. There are some parts of Steve that are for Robin's eyes only. Like the fact that he has feelings for Eddie. Feelings that he intended to keep hidden away. Where they were safe. Where he was safe.
Nonetheless, he lit up when that bell above the door chimed at 12:35, accommodating the quick ride from the record store Eddie worked at.
And, so what if Eddie didn't know it was his birthday, Eddie still asked to hang out after work, said "I found a spot you'll want to see," in that voice of his that eludes mischief, and Steve was in. He was going to go home, put on a nicer shirt and the watch he forgot on the bathroom counter that morning, and he was going to hang out with Eddie for his birthday.
He kept that dinky little smirk on his face for the rest of the day, and clocked out the moment Keith walked into those doors to pick up the closing shift, not sticking around for chit chat. He had 20 minutes till Eddie was off of work, which meant he had 30 minutes to get home, change shirts, spray on fresh cologne, and then pretend he wasn't waiting by the door to hear Eddie knock.
When he did though, Steve was not prepared to see a Eddie's bandana wave at him.
"You're gonna want full shock value for this one, big boy." Eddie said, whilst Steve hoped Eddie didn't see the blood rise to his cheeks at the nickname.
"Can I at least put it on in the van?"
"I'll settle for that if you don't gripe about the music!" Eddie joked. He had actually gotten a tape from Jonathan of Tears for Fears, so he knew Steve wouldn't.
"How am I supposed to do that when you blare it loud enough for Indianapolis to hear?"
"I think you'll like it today Stevie." Eddie said, opening the car door for Steve and giving a little bow, then watching Steve tie the bandana around his eyes as he walked around to the driver's side.
"Feel like I'm getting the full El treatment." Steve chuckled, as he heard the car door open.
"Hardy har, just make sure you can't see. I mean the shock value thing." He said, turning the key in the ignition. As the music started, Steve let out a little gasp, and reached blindly for Eddie's arm beside him.
"Is this?? Tears for Fears?? Aw, Eds, you don't hate all of my music after all, how sweet." Steve joked.
Eddie was thankful that Steve was blindfolded, so he couldn't see the pink tinge to his face.
"Just for you Stevie."
Steve relished in the quiet music, the bumps in the road, and the comfortable silence between him and Eddie with a smile on his face. It was a miracle, to Steve, that someone cares for him on his birthday, even unknowingly, because it hadn't happened in so long. Steve was even contemplating telling Eddie it was his birthday, thanking Eddie for the best birthday he had in a long time, when the van stopped, and the music right after.
"We're here!" Eddie told Steve. "Ah ah ah, don't take the blindfold off, I'll help you where we're going. Full. Shock. Value."
"I'm beginning to think it's a special occasion or something." Steve said, like it wasn't one. That hurt Eddie's heart a little, but it's ok, he thought. Steve will know how loved he is soon.
"C'mon, I'll help you up the steps." Eddie offered, grabbing Steve's hand for completely platonic reasons.
"Steps? Eddie where are we?" Steve asked.
"Full shock value, remember?" He said, opening the door for Steve and guiding by the shoulders into the Byers-Hopper living room, where the party, Jonathan, Nancy, Robin, Joyce, and Hopper were waiting behind a cake that Hopper haphazardly stuck 20 blue and green candles on. Lucas even dragged Erica along, when she pretended she didn't want to go wish Steve happy birthday.
"Blindfold off Stevie." Eddie said.
Steve didn't expect anyone to remember. Didn't expect to peek from behind the blindfold with one eye and be serenaded with a chorus of "SURPRISE!!!"
He stepped back into Eddie at the loud noise, Eddie grabbing back on to Steve's shoulders.
Steve didn't expect Joyce to be holding up a cake with 20 lit candles, didn't expect Dustin to rush to his side, didn't expect Hopper to clap him on the back after he stepped forward.
"Happy birthday kiddo." Hop said.
"How did you- when did- guys!!" He said, looking down at the cake.
"Red velvet and chocolate icing, with blue and green candles, your favorite." Joyce told him.
"Just like last year-" He was cut off by Joyce putting down the cake on the coffee table and wrapping Steve up in a hug. Which caused the rest of the group, even Mike, to wrap Steve in a huge group hug. When they all pulled away, Lucas held up the cake.
"Make a wish, man." He said.
"Guys- I don't deserve all this, how can I-"
"Oh cut the shit Steve, we love you. Now, you heard him, make a wish."
And so, Steve closed his eyes, thought for a second, and blew out the candles. And then, just like that, the big old sheet cake was getting sliced into enough squares for all of them.
As the party went on, and they all laughed, and drank an obscene amount of soda, Steve slipped into the silent outdoors offered by the Byers-Hopper back porch swing. He stared off into the treeline, hoping nobody would notice his absence. He would be back inside in a minute or two, he just needed to catch his breath after it all. Then he heard the squeak of the screen door, and saw Eddie's leather jacket sleeve before looking back into the tree line.
Eddie took a seat to Steve's right, and placed a little wrapped package on Steve's lap.
"Oh Eddie, you didn't have to-"
"Open it." Eddie cut him off.
Steve carefully tore the (oddly enough, very neatly done) wrapping paper away, revealing a hellfire shirt.
"You? You got me a hellfire shirt? But I'm not a part of the party?" Steve failed to stop the smile from leaking into his face.
"Of course you are? Considering how since school got out you've let us use your house, you drive the goblins around, and you've been doing it for years! It's about time you have one." Eddie explained.
Now, Steve couldn't stop the tears from gathering in his eyes.
"Yeah but, I don't deserve any of this. Anyone can drive those kids around, anyone can lend you a space, it's the least I could do. Hell, I'm not even going to college, I'm just another a high school has-been asshole working at a barely above minimum-wage job. There's so many better people you guys could have chosen to care about." Steve settled his eyes back on the treeline, trying his best to hide the tears that his voice revealed, that were now slowly streaming down his face.
"Steve no. Absolutely not. You're so much more than that to all of us. To me." That got Steve to look back at Eddie. Eddie held Steve's face in his hands, let the tears run down his arms."You're our warrior, you keep those little misfits safe, you saved my life. And we all know you would take bullets for those dorks. You heard Little Red. We love you, Steve..." Eddie hesitated, looking away for a moment. "I love you, Steve. Even if none of the other assholes in this world will, I do."
Steve couldn't let Eddie go on any longer. Not when he was saying stuff like that. So he closed the distance. And when Eddie kissed back, he knew everything would be alright.
He didn't expect people to remember. He didn't expect people to care about him. But now he finally understood, the unequivocally did.
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ysljoon · 9 months
Whumptober Day 6-Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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✲Prompt: “It should have been me.”
✲Warnings: angst, death, car crash, feelings of grief
✲a/n: im having so much fun with whumptober so far buuuuut i think i gotta slow down with the posting after this week its getting really draining to post every day. its not set in stone, but we'll see this is just a heads up that if you see my posts slow down you know why
✲MINORS DNI (have your age in your bio or you're getting blocked)
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The days have been devoid of color since your death. It’s been four months since your tragic passing. It was so unexpected. You were on your way home from work and had Simon on speakerphone as you were driving. You were just droning on about your day at work telling him that nothing spectacular or out of the ordinary had happened. He was half listening as he was folding up a fresh load of laundry that was still warm from the dryer. You were less than six minutes away from your home until a car suddenly shot out into the road and despite your fast reflexes you couldn’t brake in time and the two cars collided. Simon heard the commotion and felt his blood run cold. He shouted your name hoping that he would hear your voice call out to him, but it was nothing. He heard the clamor of other people’s voices on the phone, but none of theirs was yours. 
He flung down the clothes, grabbed his keys and sprinted out the door. His eyes quickly scanned the screen of his phone trying to pinpoint your location and started to drive. He was thankful you weren’t too far from home and was able to reach your location in no time. He dissociated the entire ride. He was out of it and just needed to see your face to snap back into reality. The road was already surrounded by police cars and ambulances and the sirens were just a dull buzz in Simon’s ears. None of this was making sense for him. He rushed over to the closest officer to see if he could get any insight on how you were. 
“My wife is in this crash! I need to see her and make sure she’s okay. She drives the silver sedan!” The officer jumped when he turned around and saw Simon’s hulking figure and heard his loud and abrasive voice. “Sir, you need to stand back. Once we retrieve your wife from the wreckage we’ll be able to tell you on how to proceed.” Simon was anxiously waiting trying not to make this harder than it needed to be. He saw the paramedics bring out a gurney towards the car you drove and once he saw your limp and bloody body he lost all control. He sprinted towards the ambulance that you were put in, but the paramedics closed the doors before he could get a better glance at you. 
“Please I need to see my wife let me in!” One of the stockier-built men stepped up to Simon to put space between him and the other paramedics just in case they thought Simon was about to lash out. “Sir we’re taking her to the nearest emergency hospital 3 miles from here but we need to leave now if we want her to have any chance of survival. She needs to be put into surgery now. Just follow the truck and you can wait in the waiting room.” Simon nodded and said nothing in response as he jumped into his car and trailed the ambulance that swerved through traffic with its sirens blaring.
Simon couldn’t relax in the waiting room. This was the only time he’d ever felt so wound up in his life. His feet incessantly tapped the linoleum tile and his hands gripped the edge of the leather seat until his knuckles were white and his veins popped out. He knew your surgery was going to be a while after suffering such a traumatic injury and he would wait lifetimes if that meant that you were going to be okay, but the minutes felt like they were dragging on and it was starting to feel unbearable.  
“Mr. Riley?” His head shot up as he had a doctor's request for him. He stood up and followed the doctor into the hallway. He noticed that the doctor’s facial expression was hard to read, but he tried not to panic. “Sir, I am so sorry to say that the surgery was not a success. Your wife had multiple bones broken and there was too much blood loss despite giving a blood transfusion. Her body went into shock and we could not bring her back.” Simon’s ears were ringing and his body was trembling. He was stuck in place. He couldn’t even process the grief. Everything was numb. 
The doctor gave Simon a pamphlet for cremation and burial services and then led him down to the morgue so he could get one final look. Your body was covered with a pristinely white sheet up to your collarbones and your eyes were closed. You were so much paler than Simon could ever imagine you and it stunned him. He’s seen multiple people die in his life due to his career, but he would never want to see you like them. It was entirely too much. Simon couldn’t do anything but silently cry. He caressed your cheek and pushed back your hair to place a last kiss on your forehead. The coldness of your skin made this whole situation really sink in for him.
“You didn’t deserve this, my love. It should’ve been me.”
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autisticprentiss · 1 year
Emily Prentiss X reader.
You and Emily start cuddling to help each other sleep on away cases. It's probably not the best idea when you're both hiding feelings for the other.
Part 1/?
Not edited, and posted from mobile :/
/ Wednesday 7th, 11:55 pm. Seattle. /
You stand with the team watching Hotch talk with the motel receptionist. You can tell from the way she doesn't quite meet Hotch's eyes that you're not getting as many rooms as he's asking for. 
You've been with the BAU for 6 months now and have managed to avoid sharing a room on non-local cases up until now. 
Hotch takes the offered keycards from the receptionist, and heads back over to the team. 
"We got two shared rooms, any volunteers?" He says. 
You shrug, "I'll share," it's 5 to midnight and you know you won't be spending that much time at the hotel while you're on the case anyway, so you may as well try and get into a bed quickly. 
Emily nods, "I'll room with Agent Y/N." 
Hotch hands you each a key marked for room 305 and waits for anyone else to volunteer. 
After a moment of silence, Hotch sighs, "Okay, Morgan and Reid; you're sharing too. Everybody get some rest, we'll meet back here at 8am."
You see Rossi and JJ both silently cheer and thank Hotch as they grab their keycards and run off like they're worried Hotch will change his mind. 
Emily laughs as Morgan grumbles under his breath as he takes the other matching keycards from Hotch. 
"Please, no podcasts tonight." He begs Reid and they walk off towards the elevator with Hotch. 
It's just you and Emily left in the small reception area, you quickly look at her then dart your eyes to the stairwell, already starting to move when you challenge her, "Race you?" 
You don't stick around to hear her reply, but you can hear her footsteps right behind you as you race up the stairwell. 
You're at the door first, but the lock refuses to accept your card and Emily smirks as she unlocks the door on the first try. 
"I guess we'll call it a tie?" She suggests, laughing as she drops her go-bag on the bed closest to the window. 
You both go about your routines, getting ready for bed silently and whisper your "Goodnights" into the darkness. 
/ Thursday 8th, 1:30am /
You turn again, bury your head in the pillow and try not to scream. 
You've been trying to fall asleep for over an hour now, and everytime you feel you might be close you jolt awake. 
"Trouble sleeping?" Emily asks.
You mumble, "I'm used to a weighted blanket at home, just need to adjust."
You can hear her shuffle about in her bed, before she speaks, "Come over here. Bring your bedding, I'm the big spoon." Emily's voice has a finality to it, and you know she'll just insist if you argue so you sigh and throw your pillow at her, dragging your blanket behind you. 
She pulls you to lay next to her, covering you both with the blankets and shifting until she's comfortably pressed against your back. 
"Sleep now," She says, throwing her arm around your stomach. 
After barely 10 minutes you feel her breathing even out on the back of your neck, and you relax fully against her and fall asleep. 
/ 6:40am /
You wake up slowly, warm, minutes before your alarms due to sound off. You and Emily must have both moved around in your sleep, instead of spooning you, she's now on her back with you cuddling her side like a baby koala. You have one leg thrown over her hips and your head is buried in the crook of her neck, you wish you weren't just cuddling as friends or co-workers, you want to wake up with the casual intimacy of nosing along her jawbone, trailing kisses along her skin until she stirs. 
Instead, you gently nudge her shoulder, sneak in a quick boop to her nose, "Em, you might wanna wake up soon." 
She mumbles something, you're not sure it's English, and pulls herself up to rest on her elbows. 
"I think I know what 'well rested' means now, that's the best I've ever slept." Emily sounds surprised, and you hum.
"Maybe we should cuddle more often," you joke. 
"I might take you up on that, seriously I don't even think I need coffee this morning."
"That's a shame, I was going to shout you for getting me to sleep last night."
"I said I don't need coffee, not that I didn't want it." She pouts, you pull yourself away and out of bed to where your go-bag ended up and fish your wallet out, throw it towards Emily's bed.
"3 sugars with milk please? I'm gonna grab a quick shower." 
You shower quickly, just finishing up when you hear Emily come back in the room. You dry and dress quickly, heading back into the main room. 
Emily hands you a coffee cup and small brown paper bag, "I brought you a crossant too."
You thank her and both of you sit at the small coffee table, flicking through the case file and sharing some thoughts while you eat. 
At 7:30 Emily crumples her cardboard coffee cup and sighs, "I'll shower and we'll head down to the lobby." 
"Sounds good," you nod. 
/ 8am / 
Emily and yourself are the first to reach the lobby, with Morgan and Reid close behind, playfully arguing with each other as they exit the elevator. 
"How and why do you two look so awake and alert?" Morgan asks. 
You laugh, "We didn't room with Reid," and Emily makes a mock snoring sound. 
You, Morgan and Emily all laugh while Spencer glares. Hotch, Rossi and JJ exit the elevator together and everyone stands up a little straighter, ready to receive your assignments and head down to the precinct. 
Hotch clears his throat, "Reid and Y/L/N you'll head to the precinct and meet with Detective Babineaux, he'll show you where we can set up a workspace. Prentiss and Rossi, go down to the mourge and see M.E Chakrabarti and the two victims' bodies. JJ, Morgan,  you're with me, we're speaking to the victims' families." 
Everyone nods along as he speaks, and you break off into your groups. Since the Medical Examiner's office is part of the precinct, you, Reid, Rossi and Emily share an SUV.
All thoughts of sharing a bed with Emily again are gone from your mind as you focus entirely on the cases, reading over Reid's notes while Emily drives.
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Mummy p15
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Media TMR AU X Pycho
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Horror / scary/ horrifying
Mummy Series
"that's it. That's where his story ends" I said closing the book "what happened to Lilly?" "I don't know. Never saw her again." "I don't see how this story changes my opinion of you, you were just as teary and cuddly when we first met" "True" he blushed"but it's what happened after he stopped writing" "What happened newt?" "... He came up here. He told me what he did, and we both knew what my mother would do. So we spent what little time we had left, together. After all, he was the closest thing to a father I've ever known. We sat together and we repaired my train, repainted it with fresh colours, we had a cuddle and he told me a story and we made a deal"
"A deal?"
"I help him, and keep it our little secret. He didn't want to suffer at the hands of my mother" he explained "He knew my mother would torture him, make him suffer for what he did. So we agreed I'd do this for him and keep it our secret." he explained "Once the train was fixed and we said our goodbyes, he got settled and I wiped my tears. and Yeah," he sniffled wiping his tears 
"You- You..."
"I killed him. He begged me, I couldn't let him suffer. I did as he asked me too. so I did as he asked"
"You killed him. You really killed him?"
"See this is why I didn't want to tell you."
"Newt. it's okay" I told him holding his hand "I understand. that's a very kind thing you did for him"
"He wanted to go peacefully, without my mother's torture. so I let him go"
"That's a very sweet thing newt. I don't think any different of you newt. I promise" I smiled giving him a cuddle he held me tightly squeezing me tightly "I forgive you, and I'm sure he does too"
"I hope so." 
I sat nervously on the bed my knees pulled tightly into my chest listening to the intense shouting beyond the doors. It had been a good few weeks since we lost our baby but the time seemed to have slipped away from me completely, I'd barely left the bed since we buried him. Newt had been supportive as much as he could be given he wasn't in the best state either. 
But she was causing problems again.
She was constantly coming and forcing us down for dinner, forcing us to have conversations with her just doing anything she could to get us out of the bedroom.
Newt and Ava were downstairs arguing, she had taken him away to have a privet conversation and he begrudgingly agreed too and it quickly became an argument.
She was trying to demand we started trying for another child so it didn't go well. 
"You can't be serious! you're a monster! we've barely had a month since we buried our baby in what world do you think it's okay to ask us when we're going to start having another baby!" He screamed at her 
I wanted to go down and help but I didn't want to get hurt by her and honestly, I sort of liked hearing Newt shout at her, I liked hearing him stand up for himself, for us. I didn't want to get in the way.
After a while the sound quieted down, I heard footsteps up the stairs and immediately hid myself behind the bed as the door opened and quickly closed again. I held my breath squeezing my legs tightly.
"It's just me sugar cookie" He says coming around to help me to my feet 
"How'd it go?"
"How do you think it went, she's pouting," he says forcing a smile 
"I can imagine so, I can't believe her"
"Me either. Let's not worry about it" he says kissing my forehead "Come on, would a bubble bath make you feel better?"
"it would"
"Alright We'll go and run a nice bath" 
I sighed as I knew we didn't have much of a choice Ava was forcing us down for dinner tonight so we'd had a bath, We often took baths together nowadays as it's the only room in the house with a lock other than the basement, even if it's just the bathroom it gave us some privacy, some time to feel safe in ourselves behind a locked door. It was our time to run the tab together and sit in the empty bath talking and cuddling. But tonight as she was forcing us to come down for dinner, she said she was making a special dinner. We shared a nice bath as usual and we returned to our room and got organised 
"She's going to ask" he says as he as always helped me into my little dress                                                                                          
"I know"
"I don't understand why she's like this, She hated you being pregnant so I don't know why she wants you pregnant again" 
"She wants a child to mother, you've matured so much since I've been here. she doesn't like it. if she can't have you she'll have our child at least then it's a part of you" 
"I've had to mature," He says coming to wrap his arms around me and giving my cheek a kiss "Trauma does that to you. or it does when you understand it"
"I didn't mean to-"
"No, I needed to sugarcookie. I couldn't stay that way forever, I'm thankful I have you every day and everything you've taught me"
"I don't want to get pregnant again"
"It won't happen. not till we're out of here I promise" he says turning me to face him and kissing my forehead "if she forces us, I'll fake it. I promise I'm not getting you pregnant till we're far away from here, where the baby can be safe" 
"Newt darling!" Ava calls 
"Come on let's get this over with" He sighed I nodded and we headed down hand in hand Seeing she had set the table with flowers, potatoes, chicken, cheese, veg quite a spread indeed Newt pulled out the chair for me letting me sit and tucking it in behind me before taking his own seat making a point to walk past the chair of his mother without doing the same for her getting the orange juice on the table to bring it between us sitting in his own seat beside me, she took her own seat and there was a very thick tension as she carved the chicken watching us eat, I did make a point to eat a fair amount as I was rather hungry and it left little air open for discussion if both newt and I just kept eating constantly chewing and having things in our mouths prevented her from starting conversations, the room deadly silence with the only sound the clocks ticking, the fireplace's cracks, the sounds of cutlery occasionally making contact with the plates and serving bowls as we ate 
"So, when am I to expect you to be expecting" she said and Newt rolled his eyes dropping his cutlery a moment 
"Not for a while Mummy"
"Why is that? you having trouble?"
"No. we're not. We are just not planning on children" 
"Why not?"
"We just don't have any plans right now. We're still grieving our son"
"You can't grieve forever. Just let me in. Let me know your plans"
"We don't have any. Please stop asking your up-setting us both"
"Well excuse me for being curious," she says starting to cry "I just want to know what's going on with your life, You hardly ever speak to me anymore and spend all day up in your room, I feel so alone down here, I don't get to talk to you, I don't get to see you,"
"Well maybe there's a reason for that," he says 
"You really need to get pregnant soon," she says to me 
"Mother! Enough" He says "You had enough?" he asks me and I nod "Me too, come on have a nice night Mother," he said helping me out of the chair She began to try again but we just went upstairs to the bedroom and he pulled me closely "I'm sorry sugarcookie"
"It's okay newt," I told him nuzzling closer
"Come on let's just get to bed" he sighed, 
We got sorted for bed and it wasn't long until we drifted off, It was strange just how quickly we drifted off to sleep but I guess maybe we were just tired. 
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mrschimpf · 13 days
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A Girl, Letting Go
Barbie – "I didn't get put here to lay down and leave you and Sasha flailing. I'm all in on this, and like they say at corporate; I can do anything."
Gloria – "You were, and are, my dream, and my dreams are never wrong; we'll cry when we watch our daughter graduate. I only love you, Millicent Barbara Handler."
AU Glorbie; Gloria is a young intern at Mattel in 2005 just out of USC when she has a breakdown, finds out she's pregnant from a one-night stand, and when her parents find out, Gloria's Catholic father shames her and slaps her upside the cheek for her being the deshonró a la familia, and tells her the only way she'll be supported is full compliance with his wishes for her future.
Unconsciously while taking down a commercial shoot Gloria holds a Barbie. She recalls memories in the past in that moment, about being repressed from loving her student council's president because of her mother's racist and homophobic views, recalls how in that girl's worst moment before she was shipped out to Nebraska and stricter relatives, the two women exchanged a kiss of comfort and support and acts it out with the doll, imprinting upon it. Barbie feels it in Barbieland out of the blue while on the beach, and runs back to her house with other Kens and Barbies trailing her, whom she does not acknowledge.
Barbie feels the hurt, the abuse from Gloria parents for pursuing design and shooting for USC rather than Azusa, and the pressure to find 'the right guy', leaving her with Richie, a good man, but only that. Fears of her future and how she raises her child without her the support of her family if she lives her authentic self. Her mood plunges and she knows that she can't stay in Barbieland one moment longer.
Barbie breaches into the San Fernando Mission Cemetery to find Gloria at the grave her abuelo, the only person to ever know Gloria carried sapphic feelings and who treasured her the most, even more than his own daughter, seeking prayer and guidance, and breaks down, her head upon his gravestone. She approaches slowly and carefully, touches her shoulder, and when Gloria looks up...
That feeling she had for her Millicent...her Millie. The bluest eyes and softest mouth, her height protective over her and the school. There is no doubt; they shine together, and Barbie cries with her and breaks down with her. They just know; Gloria remembers when she imprinted upon her at the shoot.
Barbie feeling such deep love immediately pushes her fully into the real world and Weird Barbie had explained the consequences; she can't go back, but Mattel will properly support her, and she has a job as a trade show model. Despite all those who look at her in different ways and so many offers of affection, Barbie's heart stays only true to Gloria, and they begin to fall in love as Gloria sets up displays and find little moments to be intimate, in trade show hotel rooms, Barbie's little extended stay apartment, Gloria's own building, and anywhere they can. Their lovemaking is soft, but still intense, and each morning after is filled with promises, tears and care as Barbie catalogs each day of Gloria's pregnancy when she can.
Eventually her parents confront her without knowing about the relationship; she has to stop her internship, be a proper Catholic wife and marry her child's father. Richie didn't expect this and is scared; he knows Gloria loved him only that night but if he doesn't marry her, Mr. Esperada suggested certain 'connections' to ruin his life.
Gloria moves back in with her parents and Richie; they try to avoid the topic of the wedding, claiming they want to make sure it's later in the pregnancy. Gloria continues to intern to run out her term, secretly hoping that Mattel switches it to full-time work.
When Gloria thinks she's attending a baby shower offered by her friends, she finds out that her parents planned it instead as a wedding and her closest friends sold her out with Richie acquising to his future father-in-law's wishes. It's betrayal, and in her last desperate act, she calls Barbie at the biggest event she has, LA Comic Con and leaves a voicemail to let her know . Barbie risks it all by sneaking out without telling anyone because she wants to actually get her hands dirty with toys; she's much more than a pretty face for the company.
She tries to sneak into the house while everyone is in the background; Richie catches her; they've seen each other and know Gloria has a unique connection to the mother of his child, and helps her crawl into the window of Gloria's childhood bedroom. Richie heads back out to find a distraction to get Gloria in and finds it when he realizes there's no wedding cake and raises hell with her parents fighting about it. Overwhelmed, Gloria flees into the room because whatever the cake is, sugar has pretty much made her vomit since she got morning sickness.
Gloria finds Barbie on the bed and is thrown off. They keep their voices down as her first worry is Barbie's future employment.
"Do I look like I give a fuck, G? Your health, safety and care is my most important priority right now. "It can't be! I'm a fuck-up about to have a kid and...look at you. Who wants a chubby failure, especially someone who...come on, Barbie, you're a knockout! I'm just...Gloria." "You're not a failure, good God, would you look at yourself? You're gorgeous, kind, funny, and full of heart. You connected with me and I feel what you feel, my heart was racing all day at the convention center because all I feel now is panic! I can't let you do make this mistake–" "She needs a father!" "She'll have one and Richie is all in on support, that's not in question, but you're going to let these backwards zealots get their way? Why, because you're human? I wasn't human a few months ago and I wouldn't trade going back to Barbieland for anything in any world." She pushes up Gloria's shirt to place her hand on her stomach. "I'm here for you, I'm here for Sasha, and I don't give a damn if Mattel dumps me, you're my whole heart. I will not let you say 'I do' and just dispose of your life because of some religious shit to maintain the 'proper family'. You're my family and–" Barbie startles as she feels a sharp kick against her palm and Gloria lets out a sharp gasp. "Barbie?" "Is something wrong?" "I...I think you imprinted onto...us." Gloria is emotional. "My doc told me that I should be concerned if–oh my God, another. If she didn't kick by now." She shudders and begins to cry. "She...she kicked for you. She...she knows. My body knows." Another couple of sharp kicks; Barbie feels emotional herself.
"Wow, she's a regular Abby Wambach." Barbie and Gloria lay on the bed, and Barbie lays against the woman's stomach. "She didn't until now?" "I didn't want to freak anyone out with all this going on, and–" Gloria brushes Barbie's hair aside as she feels soft pecks on her belly...and little boots with each kiss. "Baby." "I love you, and I love you," Barbie whispers against her belly. "My daughter will never know the hate and persecution her parents have forced upon her." Gloria is struck by the seriousness of her girlfriend's tone.
"Barbie," she murmurs. "You think of her as...that?" "As much as this horrid society can let me claw out," she hisses bitterly. "I'm here, and I am never leaving you." She holds Gloria's hand. "I didn't get put here to lay down and leave you and Sasha flailing. I'm all in on this, and like they say at corporate; I can do anything." Gloria looks directly in Barbie's eyes; she sees nothing but fire in them that will never be extinguished, and a determination she never knew from anyone who ever loved her. She hears the argument in the living room between Richie and her parents; that chaos could be her life.
But in Barbie, she sees the comfort she felt around Millie, and the support that the girl gave her before she was shipped off, her spirit effectively vanquished. Without Gloria, Millie lost her fight. She still remembers collapsing in her dorm when she heard the news that she had passed in her garage, her self-worth crushed and her body bruised from further abuse.
Barbie reminds her of Millie in so many ways; the sharing of her name as Barbie's middle name especially. It's like she floated around, waiting for Gloria to come back, and her life force was within this warm and tangible woman, who would support her all the way.
"You're free of that pain," Gloria says, blue eyes upon brown, brushing aside some stray hairs from her face. She's tearful and joyful. "You're here." Barbie's eye catches on a photograph taped to Gloria's mirror in that moment, of her and Millie candid in a student project. The two women look so young...and then the memories course through, of their small moments, their conversations about homework and projects, and of how the most innocent thing...a mere dream she voiced, wishing to kiss Gloria, was how Millie's parents found out.
The clarity of her resemblance, and of knowing the feeling of those last moments in that garage; Barbie had just suddenly...existed in that Dreamhouse. There was no childhood, no teenage years, nor any love to find with Ken.
The memories of her high school years return. Of her childhood, and that her parents snuffed her flame at every opportunity. Even as she had all A's, that didn't matter.
Only the Lord did. Only that awful boy who she somehow by some miracle kept from doing anything more than forceful kissing. Of how that girl, who was described in racially crude terms, was the only one to understand her at all. "My first body...by the end, I looked forward to the darkness," Barbie admits, tearful. "I think that...form...it was done." She bawls into Gloria's shoulder. "Never...leaving...you...again." Barbie always wondered why a certain scent that Gloria wore was so damned persistent in her mind, but she couldn't place it because the years in the limbo of Barbieland were a fog. She kisses Gloria softly, and where she saw fear only a few minutes before, now she saw full determination, and strength.
"You were, and are, my dream, and my dreams are never wrong; we'll cry when we watch our daughter graduate. I only love you, Millicent Barbara Handler." She held the woman's hand firmly in hers. "You've faced and survived death once. We're growing so damned old we get on the news when we're 110 and say like, ginger beer keeps us alive, some bullshit. It's our spirit." "And our connection." Barbie nods. "If we leave–" "No looking back. Things can be replaced. Souls, cannot." Gloria gets off the bed, Barbie getting up with her, and embraces her into a deep hug. "You, Sasha and I, against the world." She kisses Barbie on the lips.
"The worlds," Barbie corrects. "And so many lifetimes and guises, our love will be eternal. It already was." She looks down at the stomach of the smaller woman, filled with joy and wonder. "You ready, honeybee?" Gloria nods. "They don't accept, they don't know her. Ever. And I'm content with that." They come out of the bedroom, and indeed, the trio stands firm; Richie will not marry Gloria, and he doesn't give a damn if he's a marked man, he knows Barbie is her true love. LAPD does have to get involved, but Barbie protects Gloria with all she has, and the three are able to escape any charge, refusing to yield to one of Gloria's more aggresive uncles and his orders to marry her. Richie is able to defend himself and though hurt, he will live with nothing more than a minor stab wound.
The Esperadas indeed disown Gloria, but it means nothing; a work friend of Barbie's caught her fleeing and vouches to Mattel that she'd never leave work unsaid outside a true emergency, and Barbie is thankful to get a slap on the wrist and a relieving downgrade to voiceover-only roles and some consulting. Gloria gets full-time with Mattel after maternity leave with her portfolio and display work impressing her superiors. Richie shares a new apartment with them to bond with Sasha, and finds his own love, staying nearby to remain a strong force in her life.
The second chance and motherhood invigorate both women, and before long, whatever hurdles the Esperada-Handlers, their friends and the Church put in their way are easily overcome, and they and Gloria's former friends are shunned when the community at large finds out about the shower-turned-wedding; the other Esperada siblings outside two loyal to their parents turn away from them too, content to let them wither away and their bigoted calls for Gloria to repent go unheeded.
Several years later, Gloria and Barbie marry when they're able to, with Richie giving Gloria away, and Sasha as a flower girl, and they love each other more every day. And on the tenth anniversary of Millie's death, the two women visit a certain residence in Nebraska, both to understand why she took her life, and to confront her parents and an uncle for their abuse.
The three take sight of a woman who looks like Millie, but all grown up, and the father drops dead of a heart attack, the mother of a stroke, and that cruel uncle? Nobody believes him when he says he saw Millie in the flesh, and he spends the rest of his life institutionalized, hearing Barbie's words to him.
"I lived and loved Gloria after all. You'll go to your grave knowing that my spirit lived through the pain you forced me through."
And when they visit Millie's grave in that churchyard, they come upon it, thinking nothing of the lilies, before a woman there at the same time makes note of it.
"They just began to grow one day, nobody knows why." It's then that they notice the subtle rainbow of pink, orange, and violet lilies, full of life.
"Your pain in that life, is now full-throated and colorful love in this one," Barbie whispers to the grave, her thumb caressing Gloria's chin before drawing her into a soft kiss. They both imagine the spirit of Millie above them, freed and comforted that Gloria found her soul on Earth anew.
Millie looks down at them, grateful that she can now be fully at peace, and that her soul will be united with barbie's decades from now, in bliss and contentment.
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(part two) If The Reader Had A Zodiac Curse Like Kyo's.
This is a continuation of part one of this story. This is the final part to this story.
When he arrived to Shigure's house he was greeted with Shigure. "So, y/n is sleeping in your room because there wasn't enough time to set up another bed before she wanted to sleep so, yeah." Kyo started turning red. "What?! Why my room, why not Yuki's room or Tohru's room?! You can annoy Yuki all you want I don't care! Or even Tohru because they're both girls!" "Well, she is the closest to you so she should be more comfortable with you." "Ok I'm going inside." Once he was upstairs he heard a cry. When he was trying to find out where the cry was coming from he saw Yuki standing outside his bedroom door. "Yuki! What are you-" "Shh, be quiet y/n is crying in your room." "Oh come on what did you do now-" "I'm useless, why would Kyo ever want me as a friend. Is it out of pity for me? Or is it because I'm too stupid to be alone? Why? Why me?" Once Kyo heard that he slammed open his door. "Y/n! I heard that! Don't think your useless ever again!" *small scream/yelp* "Where'd you come from? And I can't help it, Kyo. I have many secrets that you don't know. Such as how I have these voices in my head telling me that if I tell you some of my secrets that I'm gonna be alone forever and you will hate me for it." "I would never leave you, y/n. So, tell me some of your secrets and see if I leave you. You'll never know if I'll leave you until you try." "Um, well, I- *sigh* I'm also a cursed zodiac spirit just like you- no exactly like you. I also transform just like you. If you bring Tohru in you can see." "Okay, then." While he leaves he hears you start to slightly whimper so he knows he need to hurry and get Tohru or else you'll feel alone again. As he asks for Tohru he hears a growl and bark. "Y/n?! Are you okay?!" "I'm useless! I say things that make you leave me! That's probably why I should have never been friends with you!" "Um, excuse me, but what is going on here?" Hatori has arrived. "Hatori! You're finally here! It turns out that y/n is a zodiac animal and she transformed into her true form!" "Ok, let me talk to her alone. Okay?" "Okay, we'll leave." Once they left Hatori started to talk. "Y/n, this isn't your normal self what provoked these feelings strong enough to transform into your true form?" "Uh, I just have intrusive thoughts about Kyo leaving me forever. But it's fine I swear!" "Ok, I'll leave and let Kyo talk to you then." "Y/n! I'm so sorry for not realizing that you were feelings these feelings before." As he is hugging you telling you how much you are worth to him and how no matter what happens he will always be by your side, you slowly transform back to your normal self. "Y/n! Your back to your normal self!" "So, you don't think that I'm worthless and disgusting?" As tears fill your eyes he smiles at you. "No, you're perfect just the way you are. And, you're just like me so why would I want to push you away?" "Well, I guess I can learn to try and stop the voices from getting to me." "Okay, that's a start to your new self already." Kyo starts smiling and the all of the Sohma's that are in the house plus Tohru are smiling at you too.
The End.
I'm sorry that this ending is short and rushed, I didn't want to go over the character limit and need to make a part three. Other than that I hope you enjoyed this story and have a great day!
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Manuscript Search Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @blind-the-winds! :D
Words: catch, call, class, chase and close. These are from Totentanz:
Through the arched doorway, up the spiral staircase, round and round the tower. Diarnlan tried to keep walking as fast as she had before. But eventually she had to concede to physical limitations. The tower was simply too high, and she was simply too tired. She stopped to catch her breath. Karandren caught up with her, puffing and panting. He gave her a look that suggested he would happily throw her off the tower's top if she didn't slow down.
No one who had ever attended Laoivere Academy would ever forget that infernal bell. It clanged to wake everyone up, it clanged to call them to meals, it clanged when lessons began, it clanged when there was an emergency -- real or imagined -- and sometimes it even clanged when a stray spell hit it. The noise it made could never be described. It was like a creature being tortured at the same time as a construction crew smashed rocks with sledge-hammers. Mentioning it to former students would prompt anguished groans. Current students spent much of their time planning to destroy the damned thing.
Karandren's classmates generally tried to ignore his existence. They'd stopped outright bullying him after their ringleader died so mysteriously. After that they adopted a policy of pointedly turning their backs on him when he walked into a room. The students at the table closest to the door automatically began to turn away as soon as he entered the dining room. Then they stopped. Their heads swivelled round. Their eyes grew rounder and rounder until they were practically standing out on stalks.
"We'll have to lure them in ourselves," Karandren said. "Remember the one that chased us to the forest? We could hurt them but not kill them and then they'll chase us anywhere we lead them."
It was Karandren's turn to open and close his mouth wordlessly. When he finally thought of something to say he snapped, "Well, if I'm going to get arrested I want it to be for something worthwhile! Not because you stole a few coins!"
Tagging @zmwrites, @primroseprime2019, @theimperiumchronicles, @author-a-holmes, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D New words: borrow, before, become, bring and blood.
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cajunandfire · 1 year
Hi Spicy! So many good choices for your fic drabbles list! I’d like to ask for #39 for Diana/47 ❤️
“Friends don’t look at each other the way you two do”
"Friends don't look at each other the way you two do" from this fic drabble ask challenge.
The teaspoon sings as it swirls around the large ceramic mug. 47 peers down, pleased with the shade of the milky beverages. He sets the utensil down, collecting both mugs as he begins to leave the kitchen, but not before a figure stands in the entry way before him.
"Good, you're here. We need to talk more about getting you onto the Isle of Sgaíl." Lucas says, as he makes his way around 47, removing his jacket and placing it on one of the kitchen barstools.
He reaches out for one of the mugs in 47's hands, "Two sugars?"
"No," 47 furrows his brows, slowly pulling the mug towards himself and out of his brother's grasp. "It's tea."
"Tea? Why on earth would you make me tea?"
"It's not for you," 47 replies lowly, standing there as serious as ever and as if the answer was as clear as day.
Lucas raises his brows slightly, a small knowing smirk starts to make its way across his lips.
"Ah, for your precious Diana then."
"Keep your voice down." 47 immediately scolds.
Diana sits in the next room, on the far side at the dining table, focused on her laptop as Olivia sits on the couch, flipping through channels on the TV.
"So you admit it," Lucas says in a lower tone. "She is precious to you."
"Six," 47 frowns. "What are you doing?"
"I'd say it's about time you were honest with me."
47 turns, placing the mugs down and resting his hands on the old marble counter. He shifts his jaw but stays quiet.
"She's more than just your handler, isn't she?"
"No." 47 responds abruptly, pointed and sharp. He's immediately defensive.
"No?" Lucas asks, incredulously. He slides onto the kitchen barstool right in front of his brother.
"Then what is she to you?" He continues.
47 swallows hard under the scrutiny.
"She's... My handler."
Lucas practically snorts at the response. "I said honest didn't I, 47? I've seen the way you two act around each other."
"She's my partner," 47 retorts, his eyes fixated on the steaming hot mugs in front of him.
"Mhmm, perhaps another kind of partner," Lucas grumbles beneath his breath, as he paws at a tin of biscuits to remove the lid.
47 exhales slowly, aware that Lucas won't let him off the hook just yet. "She means a great deal to me. She's... my friend." The word sounds almost foreign on his lips and cumbersome on his tongue. He hadn't called anyone a friend before.
"Come now little brother," Lucas pauses before taking a bite of the biscuit he's found. He reaches over to squeeze his brother's forearm. "Friends don't look at each other the way you two do."
The smallest tinge of pink graces 47's high cheekbones. Despite his best efforts to keep his feelings under wraps, they've given him away. He opens his mouth to respond, but shuts it wordlessly.
He finally looks up, his eyes pleading with his brother to stop the line of questioning. 47 wasn't ready to divulge the details behind the reality of his relationship with Diana. She was his closest human connection and everything about their relationship was shrouded in mystery, specifically done so to protect it after all these years.
Lucas smiles, motioning to the doorway with his head. "Go ahead. We'll talk later. We don't want that tea getting cold."
47 quietly walks out, almost sheepishly peering out from the kitchen to ensure their conversation wasn't overheard. To his relief Olivia and Diana are talking about something on the news. He settles the mugs down on the table, right in front of Diana. The two look at each other, sharing a small smile as Diana thanks him. When a preoccupied Olivia returns her attention to the television, Diana reaches two fingers over to softly caress 47's knuckles. He gently captures her two fingers, and holds her hand. They share yet another small, knowing smile.
47 looks up and over Diana's shoulder, catching Lucas leaning on the kitchen doorframe with a smile on his face.
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padfootastic · 1 year
once again i have basket of compliments that you will listen to without feeling overwhelmed or under selling yourself
idk why i have this hunch that while you're normally a confident bean but whenever someone compliments you you're just like pen.exe has stopped working i need a table to hide under
1) sausaude (also the spellings of these are definitely gonna be wrong) -
the entirety of it just i was screaming on the inside. it's SO GOOD.
IT'S SO GOOD THAT I WANT TO DO A DANDWAT PRANAM FOR IT, don't worry I'm not gonna do it
also if you're worried that the break you took made your writing weak or something. don't. that was a masterpiece you wrote.
but esp the end parts like when sirius finally spoke. and just i for .2 seconds wanted them to reconcile cause they have such a history among them and they're the last ones standing BUT then i remembered it's because of that fucking history they can't cause Remus knew padfoot. knew James. knew their bond. and then this happened so no remus will never get padfoot again and they will live on like shattered glass with a piece missing (James) so they can never fix it. they burned too bright and their sun was taken away and now they're just planets with no sun left to orbit
2) notes app drabbles, the entire series like i just— can't tell you how many times i randomly go back to it to read it in middle of night, whenever i want the oomf and saltiness and it's to a point that i now have lines memorised. and boy didn't that hurt? shouldn't he be used to betrayal from that corner in room hits like a gold mine at 3am idk what to say and also the one where harry says (politely) stfu mrs Weasley.
3) shovel talk!!!! i love it so so so much cause it's the quiet arrogance that does it for me. I'm such a sucker for that. and lily going from confidence to pro max to oh I'm talking sirius back and actually feeling that talk which si retroactively hilarious.
so we all are all fucking emotional whores here and definitely not prudes so you know that i have definitely read some serious explicit shit with the straightest face ever.
bhai i really really could not tell that not kidding comes in top 5 best explicit work I've ever read . it's that good for me.
5 ) i can't just lost all of them na, but it's true like i love little tiny things in all of them that i try to type we'll be here for 375849 hours—the descriptions of tattoos/ sirius's lip ring (which knowing about yours is ehfjfjfjn)/ harry liking smell of cigarette/ RANI/ labor of love and that vivid scene of just a kid on counter mashing potatoes while you add masalas.
you invoke imagination like no other.
FOUNDATIONS OF DEACAY I'm so so looking forward to that cause it's intresting so see what harry will do next
ash you— i— i’m so??? incoherent!??
(stop it stop calling me out, i’ve had people physically restrain me while giving me a compliment because i break out in literal hives and even reading this kept making me hide behind my hands and curl my toes because!!!!)
also!!!! the fact that ur fav fics (saudade, shovel talk, fall to pieces) r literally the ones closest to my heart is so—we’re on the same wavelength fr.
ur way too sweet to be real, ash. i don’t even know what to do w myself rn. pen.exe really has stopped working. needs a reboot.
Tell me what you love about my writing
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bloodypeachblog · 2 years
Warning: this post will discuss stuff about kidney stones, urine, medical prep, body functions, that kind of stuff. If that stuff grosses you out, you have been warned.
Ok so you remember when I said a while back that I had kidney stones? No? Well, long story short, I had 3 of em. Anyways..
A few weeks ago, I felt what I believe was a stone moving, so I told my mom and we set up a plan: take the remaining tamsulosin i had from the last stone [the date was still good] and call my doctor.
Later on, one night, I was lying in bed sleeping and I then feel something akin to trying to push something through a hole but it got stuck. The next few days, I started having pains in the lower belly area and where my bladder is.
Then the dry-heaving began. It was time to go to the doctor.
The appointment comes, doc has me do a urine test, it came out normal. But he did think something was going on, so he scheduled an IVP and ultrasound to check things out.
Well, today was that day. And yes, I had to do prep. Which was the worst pain I've ever experienced, and I've had an oblong kidney stone go through me.
Let me just say this: you should NOT fuck around with magnesium citrate. That shit is so nauseatingly sweet that you will gag or feel sick at even thinking about it afterwards. Plus it BURNS going down. Also, by any means, DO NOT DRINK IT WHILE IN A MOVING VEHICLE. (My mom was looking after my grandma, so they picked me up to go to her house since itd be a shorter trip to the hospital).
(A side note, I had to do a clear liquid diet after I took the magnesium, so I felt so envious when I saw my mom and grandma eat solid food. The broth I drank tasted like Lipton's Noodle Soup, so it did help fake fullness).
And you thought the entry of the magnesium drink was bad, wait til you hear about the exit. It BURNS. You will be ABSOLUTELY RAW. You will cry. I sure did. It stings because the liquid coming out of you is the magnesium citrate, which is a saline solution. Saline, for those of you who don't know, is salt water. SALT WATER ON RAW SKIN. Now you can imagine the pain.
Also, my grandma's house has no AC whatsoever, at least upstairs where I slept (I had to sleep there because the room I had was the closest to the bathroom). I'm also heat sensitive, so that mixed with dehydration was not a fun time. When I fell asleep, I woke up thinking I was dead because I could hardly move. But that's my fault for taking my regular meds along with a Unisom gelcap. But I couldn't sleep well because of my constant bathroom trips and the constant burning from what I said before.
Now, the actual appointment. We get there, got me signed in, and I'm taken to the ultrasound room. The lady was very nice and friendly, but when she scanned me with the scanner and she pushed down, OH GOD THE PAIN. I think it hurt more because my body was still tender from the prep, I was very tired, and I'm sensitive to pain, so I'm not blaming the woman. She was just doing her job. But I was ready to scream. Luckily it wasnt long til it was done.
Then after that, i was sent back for my IVP. What they do is, they have you in nothing but your underwear, shoes, socks, and a hospital gown and you have to lay on this table under what looks like a sci-fi machine but is basically an x-ray machine. And they put an IV in you to inject a contrast dye so they can see everything clearer. Now I've always had difficulty with IVs and getting blood drawn because of my deep veins (it's genetic!), but the lady that did it was a champ, it barely even hurt. But the tourniquets were SHEER PAIN. After all of that though, it was smooth sailing. Some re-positioning, some more pics, a few standing pics, then we were done.
After that, I was finally able to eat and go home and sleep. Guys, food is a great thing. So is sleep.
I'm starting to recover and I'm doing better than before. My next appointment with my urologist is on the 6th, so we'll see what they find.
Anywho, that's that. Imma sleep now.
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petrichorvoices · 2 years
we were supposed to go to bed early on account of having a math final tomorrow and then the new WTNV episode dropped. alas
#anyway now that i've made what looks like a normal post i can be a freak in the tags#because i'm sparklesemoji self conscious!!!! sparklesemoji#listen i can't be bothered to copy paste the actual emojis rn. anyway. it's weird balancing being a fictive with#being a fan of a source. like i'm trying to view things from just a fan perspective but...... that's my husband. that's my husband who#i'm holding right now. and i know he doesn't take it personally or at least he's better at not taking it personally than i am but i know it#like. it shouldn't bother me???? i don't know why i'm unable to separate the fictional Carlos that people talk about from my husband Carlos#or the fictional Cecil that people talk about from myself. myself who as far as i know is very much real. or is at least trying to be#but i can't like. i can't ever say this anywhere. because who would believe me? how do i expect people to believe me when i say that that's#me or that that's my husband like it's weird. it's fucking weird!! it's not something that people are supposed to believe i guess#and i guess i have to wonder like. do i love the character of Carlos so unreservedly because he deserves it or because i'm a fictive of#the character's husband and i'm married to a fictive of the character? who knows. and Carlos says that if the criticisms people have of the#character affect how i see him that's fine because the things they criticize him for are things that he did actually do#and he says this is closest we'll ever get to standing in a room and having those around us truly tell us what they think about us#without being scared to hurt our feelings. and now i feel worried that through this post i'm jeopardizing that chance. i don't know. it's a#lot and i don't think that this is something that i as a person am supposed to be able to handle. i'll learn how to handle it anyway#because that's what i'm supposed to do and because what other choice do i have? but i think i'll always know#it's not supposed to be this way.#Cecil's tag#rambling#plurality tag#for what's in the tags lol#so i can find this ramble again later
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zodiyack · 3 years
Rude! (3,000+ Follower Fic Special 1/3)
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female!Hopper!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Billy stuff, lyrics, fluff
Song: Rude by Magic!
Words: 1,798
Summary: Billy's love for Hopper's daughter is too strong to be stopped by the tough Chief Jim Hopper. Despite being told "not in a thousand years", he plans to love her regardless.
Note: Thank you so so much! I love you all, and writing your ideas, as well as sharing mine with you, has been so fucking fun and amazing! I'm sorry for my lack of words, I wish being an author came in handy with writing this, however, all I can say is that I love you all from the bottom of my heart. I've seen people do shout-outs, and ask-related stuff with their follower things, and I may do that, I'm not sure. For now, I hope you enjoy this... Thank you all, again!
Also 1/3 means that there will be two other fics released for the 3,000+ follower present!
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Taglist: @urie-bowie-mercury, @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read-it, @simonsbluee, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow, @dpaccione
Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
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"Saturday morning, jumped out of bed and put on my best suit. Got in my car and raced like a jet all the way to you. Knocked on your door with my heart in my hands, to ask you a question, 'cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man. Yeah."
Billy was freshly graduated, working as a lifeguard whilst his girlfriend worked her own job, both saving up for their chance to ditch Hawkins and move to California. Sweet Cali. Billy was excited to show the love of his life around the place he called home. Though, physically, he left the salty ocean and windy beach behind, the place never truly left him.
You could see it in his eyes. The waves crashing in his blue orbs. He swore the scent had just barely clung to his belongings; the smell of the tangy air that followed a majority of the state. Working at a pool was the closest he got to the memory of California. Chlorine was most certainly not the salted ocean waters, but with the circumstances, he decided it'd do.
The way his face lit up whenever he talked about his home...it made Y/n more and more excited to see it. His girlfriend had grown up in Hawkins, stayed there her whole life. Never once did the Hoppers leave Hawkins.
But the second that was introduced to Billy, he knew it had to change.
Although they were saving for a big move, Billy had...other things in mind with what to do with his first large pay-check (or series, rather. Working as a lifeguard didn't pay well with just one check). He began to work more shifts to make up for the money he'd spent, and one day after calling in for a day off, he decided to put his plan into action.
"Billy, stop messing with the tie."
"It's annoying." Hands slapped away his attempts of adjusting the black silk tie.
"Well it won't stop being annoying if you keep fucking it up."
For the first time in a long time, Neil Hargrove was calm. Not happy, not amused, not pissed off for some unjust reason- just calm. He wasn't wreaking havoc and he wasn't being an asshole to his son. Billy hadn't seen this side of his dad in quite some time, in fact, he thought something important was going on and he was about to fuck it all up. And then, Susan retreated to the living room with a camera and a freshly ironed suit.
"You're not putting me in that."
"And who asked for your opinion?" Neil deflected with a raised brow. One heavy sigh later and Billy was leaving the bathroom, dawning the whole black and white getup.
Susan clasped her hands over her mouth, a tear leaving her eye, "You look so handsome! Just like your dad!"
Billy rolled his eyes, "Great."
However, his careless attitude was swept under the rug when the blue Camaro pulled up to the police station, interrupting a clearly distressed Chief Hopper bickering with his daughter. Billy had to get himself together before stepping out of the car, jaw slack after seeing the beauty he got to call his date.
"Hello Mr-"
"Don't even try play nice with me, Hargrove. She's not going anywhere with you. End of story." Hopper kept his eyes trained on the blond, body tense like a snake preparing to strike it's prey.
Y/n grabbed Billy's arm, slowly directing him to the car, "And in the sequel, we find out I am going with Billy. End of that story."
"There is no 'sequel.' The writer got drunk and lazy." She paused, turning to face her father who stood tall, arms crossed and face unamused.
"So his daughter picked up where her father left off, and then the sequel was published and the two lived happily ever after, the end."
While her dad attempted to search for a line that would better hers and force her to stay, she pushed Billy toward the driver's side and slid into the car as fast as she could, rolling down the window as Billy started it up. "Bye! I'll be back before midnight!"
The two drove off toward the school, leaving behind a trail of dust and very, very, pissed off Hopper.
Prom was better than Billy thought it would be. He didn't want to go at first, but after Max found out and spoke to her mom about it (the little redhead a cupid-in-the-making), Neil pushed him to go (as he was "doing something else besides being a lazy-no-good rebel"). It was then that he called Y/n and asked if she'd be going.
The suit came in handy. Clashing with his rocker aesthetic, he put it back on once more. The once-annoying tie proved to be somewhat okay in the end.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know. You say I'll never get your blessing "till the day I die, tough luck my friend, but the answer is no!"
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway. Marry that girl, marry her anyway! Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say! Marry that girl, and we'll be a family! Why you gotta be so rude?
With a deep breath, he ran-over the conversation in his head once more. Like a script for an actor, he had thought of every possible outcome and every possible line for him to face it with. He almost chickened out as his fist rose to the door, but it was too late, for his knuckles rapped against it before he realized he was even knocking.
El opened the door, eyes wide when she saw the familiar mullet and button-down. "Papa..." She muttered as she backed away and out of view.
Hopper traded places with her, his lazy expression sobering up instantaneously, replaced with a grumpy scowl. "Hargrove."
"Mr. Hopper, sir."
"What are you doing on my front porch?"
He swallowed roughly, palms sweaty against his sides. "I was wondering if I could talk to you."
"You seem to be doing just that right now, Hargrove." Hop crossed his arms and clenched his jaw.
Well, this was certainly not something Billy had thought of. He was on panic mode internally, attempting to find any response that could save his hide and accomplish what he set out to do. Unfortunately, the word-vomit button seemed to be misplaced under the button labeled "help".
"I'd like to marry your daughter, sir."
Hop's eyes grew just as big in size as El's had when she opened the door. He choked on his own surprise, coughing it off, then glaring at the boy in front of him. "Over my dead body, Hargrove. If that's all, I'd strongly advise you to get off of my fucking porch while you're still alive."
I hate to do this, you leave no choice; can't live without her. Love me or hate me, we will be boys- standing at that alter. And we will fly away, to another galaxy, you know. You know she's in love with me, she will go anywhere I go-
"Billy, he's just stubborn."
"No, no, I don't think he likes me."
Y/n sighed, rubbing her boyfriend's back. He hadn't told her of his proposal plans, only that Hop seemed to have it out for him. "It'll take time, but he'll warm up to you!"
"It's been how many years since he's met me?"
"To be fair, your reputation wasn't doing you any good until now..."
"It's not like that was fucking obvious." He slouched further down in the front seat of his Camaro. To Billy, all hope was lost. If he couldn't get Hopper to give him his blessing, he was sure he'd lose his goddamned mind.
Y/n frowned. Her frown flipped around as an idea popped into her head, her lips finding Billy's knuckles and quirking his attention. "Even if he never likes you, I'm not going anywhere."
Billy laughed softly, "he'll fucking kill me if you go against him."
"Eh, that's only if he can catch us."
"You're out of your fucking mind, Y/n Hopper."
"I know."
The rest of the night was spent in the Camaro, of course, doing one of Billy's favorite pastimes. By the time the sun rose, Billy was sneaking a kiss to a giggling Y/n before dropping from her window in the cabin and running to his car, parked far enough that Hop or El wouldn't notice. He blew her one more kiss, which she pretended to catch, then he broke into a sprint.
Maybe, he thought, just maybe; there was still a chance.
His knuckles hit the door again, shifting on his feet nervously. It swung open to reveal Hopper, an unimpressed look bringing no surprise Billy's way. It was quite expected, honestly.
"What." His tone made it clear he wasn't up for fucking around.
"Mr. Hopper, if you just give me one chance to prove to you that-"
"No, no, no, no, no. Let me make it very clear to you that I want you to have nothing to do with my daughter whatsoever. No marriage, no friendship, I don't even approve of you guys fucking or whatever-"
"We're in a serious relationship, sir. It's nothing like you think it is."
This made Hop laugh. He continued to do so, holding his stomach, until he realized Billy was unamused. "Oh, you're serious?... My answer is still no, Hargrove. My answer will always be no. Go find someone else's daughter's heart to break. You're not hurting mine."
"It's not like-"
Before he could even get the words out, he was met with a door in his face. Turned down, again.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know. You say I'll never get your blessing "till the day I die, tough luck my friend, 'cause the answer's still no!"
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway. Marry that girl, marry her anyway! Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say! Marry that girl, and we'll be a family! Why you gotta be so rude, rude?
Again, again, and again, Billy incessantly pleaded with Hopper. Different tactics were all met with the same answer; rejection.
He held up a sign outside the cabin, only for Hopper to close the curtain and chuckle as he sipped his coffee.
He asked at the door again, only for Hop to threaten to give him a black eye (which was met with "aren't you the sheriff? Isn't that illegal?").
He raced past the police station, Max leaning out the window with another sign, only for Hop to threaten them with holding cells.
He even went as far as to ask Max and El to help, but Hopper had none of that, and sent Max home with a rant full of nos.
However, if Jim Hopper thought any of it would get it into Billy's head that getting his blessing was just not happening- he was as wrong as Nancy when she claimed not to have feelings for Jonathan.
Billy had another plan in mind, and this one was impossible to say no to.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know. You say I'll never get your blessing "till the day I die, tough luck my friend- but no still means no!"
"Hopper." Billy stood before his desk, interrupting his nice date with a delicious doughnut, and earning a very annoyed glare. "I got Miss Byer's blessing. Aren't you two a thing?"
"You son of a-"
"I got Eleven's too."
"Hargrove, I'm gonna-"
"Before you cuss me out, I think you should know that I've got a stable job, an interview with a mechanic so I have a job when the pool closes for the winter, and I've got a house on the market I'm looking at. I'm devoted to your daughter and she's devoted to me. You may not like me, but I think you're a great dad, better than the one I was unfortunately stuck with. You raised a strong and amazing woman. She's incredible and I admit, she deserves better than me-"
"You don't have to say that twice." Hopper huffed, crossing his arms.
"I know she deserves so much better than me, I'm surprised she's even with me too. But she loves me, and I think you can see that. I love her too. I would never, in a million years, break her heart."
Jim stayed silent for a few minutes. The silence brought uneasiness to Billy, but that was intentional on Hopper's behalf. He finally piped up with a cough, clearing his throat, before his piercing eyes met Billy's blue orbs.
"I'll hold you to that, Hargrove."
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway. Marry that girl, marry her anyway! Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say! Marry that girl, and we'll be a family! Why you gotta be so rude? Why you gotta be so rude?
(after the wedding)
"What was that about a no?" Billy quipped with his infamous smirk.
"You're lucky I'm sheriff, Hargrove."
Why you gotta be so rude?
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I've finally finished it lmao. It only took forever 🙃 but I'm finally feeling productive so hopefully I'll be able to push out a few more things soon (no promises but we'll see)
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️: It gets kinda angsty with Seungcheol thinking he's weird for liking both of you at the same time but there's a happy ending
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Sensitive Pup pt. 3
Ever since that fateful night with you and your lovely boyfriend, Seungcheol's brain had been buzzing with thoughts. Thoughts that had left his heart in the pit of his stomach as well as a headache crashing through his skull. Everyone had noticed their leader's distress as he fell victim to his own insecurities, but no one knew what to do about it. Everytime they asked he would wave them off, claiming he just hadn't been sleeping well. Since the boys couldn't figure out what the issue was, they turned to the one thing that always lifted his spirits- you.
     You had been pretty confident in your ability to get the truth out of him since he had always been closest to you, aside from Mingyu of course, but one step into his studio told you it wouldn't be that simple. His head snapped over to you as soon as you entered the room, and a sudden tension smothering the both of you in the small space. You sent him an awkward smile.
     "Uh- hey! The boys were telling me how worried they were about you; I just wanted to make sure you were alright." 
     "O-oh, uh- sorry to bother you I guess. No need to worry though, everything's fine here." He said with an obviously forced smile. You raised a brow as he seemed to shrink into his chair, knuckles white from his death grip on the armrests and his shoulders almost up to his ears as he refused to make eye contact with you.
     "You sure? You seem a little… tense. You're not sick are you?" You asked, stepping closer to him to rest the back of your hand on his forehead. The feeling of your soft skin against his made his heart do somersaults as he fought to keep all his blood from rushing up to his face. He hurriedly grabbed your wrist to push it back to your side.
     "No no no I-I'm fine really, just a little tired. Now if you'll excuse me I have- uh- work to do. Yes! Very important work so- uh- I-I'll see you later." He didn't give you any time to respond before lightly pushing you out the door, leaving you standing there, dumbfounded by his actions. Were you the reason he was acting so weird? Your heart sank at the thought, trying to think of anything that you had done to warrant this behavior from him as you trudged down the hall. 
     Seungcheol, on the other hand, was still standing at the door he had just pushed you out of, heart lodged in his throat as he pressed his forehead to the smooth wood in front of him. He pushed a shaky sigh past his lips to stop the tears that had built up from falling down his face. Why her? He thought. Why now? Another deep sigh fell from his lips as he sat down in his computer chair. Why do feelings have to be so difficult?
     It had been three days since you had checked in on Seungcheol, and according to the rest of the boys he had more or less returned to his old self. He would still catch himself drifting to thoughts of you and that night but had ultimately decided that his new plan would be better for the both of you. Sure, one might say that ignoring someone that had been your best friend for years because of a silly little crush is childish, but at the moment he could think of no other option. To him, the plan was foolproof- he'd ignore you until these feelings went away and then you could go back to how it used to be. 
     He was currently in the practice room with the rest of his members, taking a water break after about an hour or so of practice. Woozi had sat himself next to him, talking about anything and everything as they both caught their breath. Eventually Jeonghan and Wonwoo also joined in the conversation, quickly shifting it to revolve around their eldest member.
     "Yeah, what was up with you? You barely paid attention to us and just sulked everywhere you went." Seungcheol nervously shifted in his spot at Woozi's question, letting out a small chuckle to ease his nerves.
     "Don't worry about it." Jeonghan rolled his eyes with a groan at the answer that the leader had repeated probably a million times by now. Seungcheol only sighed in response. "Look, I was having a little personal issue but I'm taking care of it now. Trust me, everything's fine." Wonwoo just shrugged as he took another sip of his water.
     "Whatever you say…" 
     Seungcheol's attention was suddenly on the other side of the room as the sound of laughter echoed off the walls. All the younger members were on the opposite side of the room laughing hysterically as Hoshi did an over dramatic reenactment of the dance they were learning, making him chuckle as well. Their laughter was boisterous and could probably be heard three rooms down, but one laugh in particular rang in his ears the loudest. His eyes drifted over to Mingyu, who was laying on his back with his arms wrapped around his stomach and tears collecting in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. 
     Seungcheol let out a sigh as he looked at him, a smile unconsciously stretching across his face. The younger suddenly opened his eyes, coming down from his laughing fit and locked eyes with him, a smile lighting up his own face as he jumped to his feet. He excitedly joined Hoshi to reenact it for the members who had missed it. How cute. The leader thought to himself. His heart skipped a beat as he focused on the younger's smile that brought energy to everyone in the room. Seungcheol froze, smile falling from his face as he finally processed that his heart had skipped a beat.
     If you weren't worried before, you definitely were now. It only took a day or two for Seungcheol to go back to locking himself in his office and shrugging off everyone's concerns. The only difference was that this time he refused to even look in yours or Mingyu's direction, and would even deliberately avoid you by walking in the opposite direction as soon as he saw either of you coming. For you, that had been the last straw. Seungcheol could avoid you for whatever reason he wanted, but the devastated look on your boyfriend's face when he realized that his hyung had been avoiding him made your heart shatter in a million pieces. To stop this childish behavior, you had rounded up the boys and concocted a little plan. 
     Their laughter rang through the hallway as they returned from practice, on their way to the car to start heading home after a long day of work. As they reached the vehicle, however, the youngest suddenly got a look of panic on his face as he patted himself down.
     "Oh you've got to be kidding me." Dino exclaimed. The others turned to him with confused expressions.
     "What's wrong?" Jeonghan asked.
     "I think I left my phone in the practice room." The pout that took over his face made the others laugh. "Hyuuuuung, could you go and grab it for me?" Seungcheol raised a brow at his younger member as he gave him his best puppy dog eyes while tugging on his sleeve.
     "Why can't you go get it yourself?"
     "Because I need to talk to him about something! It's really really important." Jeonghan interjected, pulling Dino into the car seat beside him. Seungcheol let out a sigh as he realized there was no winning this argument before turning back to the building.
     The leader grumbled to himself as he entered the empty room, wanting to just grab the phone and get home as soon as possible. He scratched his head after a quick scan of the room. It wouldn't be that hard to find; it's not like there were many hiding places here. He jumped at the sound of the door closing behind him, head snapping up to look at the wall of mirrors in front of him. You could see the blood drain from his face as he locked eyes with you through the mirror.
     "I think you have a bit of explaining to do." You said with a glare, leaning against his only escape. His mouth opened and closed like a fish as he struggled to find the words to say. A sigh escaped your lips as your eyes softened. "Look, I'm not really that angry with you Seungcheol, I just wanna know what's going on. Everybody's worried about you." The man in front of you winced. You hadn't used his full name in so long it sounded wrong coming from your lips- with you he was always Cheolie. I've really fucked this up, haven't I? 
     "I- I can't- you wouldn't-" as he tried to find the words to explain himself, he could feel his throat tighten and the tears start to build. You noticed how his eyes glazed over and his lips quivered as he wrapped his arms around himself, almost like he was trying to make himself smaller.
     "Just talk to me. I promise you, there is nothing you could possibly say that would make me think any less of you." You were directly in front of him now, hands softly rubbing up and down his arms in a soothing motion. Suddenly the floodgates opened. A loud sob ripped from his throat as he seemed to crumble in your hold, his nails digging into his own skin to prevent himself from latching onto you as the reality of the situation hit him full force.
     There was no winning for him. He could either tell you how he truly felt, the thoughts of you and your boyfriend that had been keeping him awake at night and get rejected, ruining his friendship with you forever, or he could refuse to tell you and start avoiding you again, ruining your friendship forever. He hadn't even realized the both of you were now on the floor, your hand rubbing circles on his back as he caved in on himself. The sight was truly heartbreaking. You wanted nothing more than to hug him and let him cry into your shoulder, but the death grip he had on his own arms told you that that's not what he needed right now.
     The both of you stayed like that for a while as you waited for him to calm down. When his breathing finally leveled and his sobs turned to occasional hiccups, you moved to sit directly in front of him. You gently caressed his face, wiping the tears from his cheeks while he unconsciously nuzzled into your palm. Keeping his eyes closed, in fear he would lose all confidence the second he looked at you, he took a deep breath. 
     "I- I just- god (Y/N), I'm in love with you. At first I thought it was just some stupid little crush that would go away if I avoided you for long enough, but no matter how far away from you I am, I can't stop thinking about you. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep you're the first thing I think about. A-and I know I shouldn't be feeling this way cause you and Mingyu are already together but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it wasn't just you." Another sob wracked his body as he curled in on himself even more. "I-I haven't been able to sleep or eat o-or do anything without thinking of the two of you. You just- you look so happy together and I don't want to ruin that with my stupid feelings; I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry…"
     You hurriedly wrapped your arms around him as he lost himself in a mantra of "sorry"'s, letting him cry into your shoulder as he shakily wrapped his arms around you. You gently combed your hand through his hair as his nails dug into your back. His body was pressed impossibly close to yours as he tried to return to a normal breathing pattern. Once he had finally been able to do so, you softly pushed him back by the shoulders so you could look him in the eyes. A small sniffle escaped him as you delicately cupped his face in your hands.
     "Seungcheol, honey, look at me." You gave him a minute to fully collect his thoughts before he opened his eyes to lock with yours. The soft and caring look you gave him almost sent him into another crying fit; thankfully he didn't have the energy for that right now. "There is absolutely no need for you to apologize to me, okay? There's nothing wrong with the way you feel- there are plenty of people that feel the exact same way. I mean come on, there are so many beautiful people on the planet, do you really think everybody is only attracted to one?" He let out a small chuckle, looking down to the floor as he wiped a few of the tears from his face.
     "Heh, yeah I suppose you're right." 
     "Hey," you said, lifting his chin so he locked eyes with you again, "I'm glad you told me. Even if I did have to force it out of you." You both laughed at your comment before a brief silence passed. Seungcheol silently opened his arms and you immediately dove into his arms with a smile. 
     "...thanks for not freaking out." You nuzzled up into his cheek that he rested against your head. 
     "No problem. Just- don't keep things like this from me again, alright?" Seungcheol hugged you tighter. 
     "I won't, I promise."
     The two of you stayed like that for a couple more minutes, melting in the comfort of the other's embrace before you pulled away as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You let out a small laugh at the notification.
Is everything alright in there??
I don't wanna be rude but it's not getting any warmer out here >:(
     "Cheolie, is it alright with you if I give Mingyu a quick rundown of the situation before coming back in with him so you can talk things out with him?" A smile bloomed on his tear stained face at the familiar nickname. 
     "Yeah yeah that's- wait, is he outside right now?"
     "Yeah, he said he wanted to be able to talk with you without the others around so you wouldn't be too uncomfortable so he just waited outside in my car. Which apparently isn't good enough for him cause he's complaining about it being cold." You said with another giggle. "Alright, I'll be back in just a moment." With a quick pat on his knee you jumped up and jogged out the door, letting the wide smile you had been bottling up spread across your face. You had a small spring in your step as your brain ran wild with all the possible outcomes of Seungcheol's confession. 
     Ever since Seungcheol started avoiding you (and long before that if you were being honest with yourself), you had started to rethink your feelings for the charming man. You had always found him attractive and couldn't deny that the way he laughed made your heart flutter the tiniest bit but after Mingyu had confessed you had assumed those feelings would go away. Surprise surprise, they didn't. When you had finally decided to bring it up to Mingyu a few days after the night you three had spent together, you were relieved to discover that he felt the same way. It had been a little awkward for a while but a quick google search let you know that you weren't alone in these feelings. After sharing this information with your boyfriend you talked about what this could mean for your relationship, both of you coming to the conclusion that it was at least worth asking the other man to join you guys as a throuple. Of course right after this discovery was when Seungcheol started to ignore you. Hopefully now that you'd settled that issue you'd be able to bring it up.
    Mingyu saw the dopey smile on your face as you approached the car, giggling at the way you skipped to your side. The joyful sound was muffled as you pressed your lips to his the second you could reach them. A small giggle left your lips as you pulled away, seeing that your boyfriend now mirrored your expression.
     "What's got you in such a good mood, what'd he say?" You couldn't help the squeal you let out as you excitedly tapped on Mingyu's leg with both your hands in a drumroll type motion. You took a deep breath in to calm yourself down before telling him.
     "Okay okay so- long story short, he likes us! Both of us! ROMANTICALLY!" Mingyu's jaw fell open as his eyes opened comically wide. 
     "NO WAY!"
     "YES WAY! He said that he was just confused about his feelings and didn't know what to do so he started avoiding us!" Mingyu went slack in his seat, an overjoyed expression slowly taking over his dumbfounded one. Caught up in his emotions, all your giant puppy of a boyfriend could do was pepper your face with a million kisses. When the two of you finally calmed down, you looked each other in the eyes with so much love it would give any onlooker cavities. 
     "Are we really about to do this?" You were almost certain that your face was gonna be sore tomorrow from how much you were smiling. 
     "I think we are." You shared one last kiss before jogging walking to the practice room where Seungcheol was waiting.
     The longer you took, the more anxious Seungcheol grew. What if Mingyu wasn't as accepting of these feelings? What if he starts to think Seungcheol will try to steal his girlfriend and start shielding him from you? The longer the leader sat in the quiet room with nothing but his thoughts, the more he started to regret telling you. He was quickly snapped back to reality at the sound of the door practically flying off its hinges with how forcefully it was pushed open.
     "Sorry! Sorry I- I didn't realize how hard I pushed it, heh." Seungcheol stared wide eyed at Mingyu as the boy sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest, from the loud noise or the younger boy's cuteness he couldn't tell. After a few seconds of silence, Mingyu cleared his throat. "Sooo… is it true then? You like both of us?" Seungcheol tensed as the floor suddenly became the most interesting thing in the room.
     "Uh- y-yeah. That's not too weird, is it? I don't want things to get awkward because of this. I just-" he took a deep breath, "I just want things to go back to normal now that I've gotten this off my chest." There was a moment of silence.
     "...what if I don't want it to go back to normal?" Seungcheol was sure that his heart stopped at the younger's confession, every worst possible scenario flooding his mind. He snapped his head up to see that Mingyu had seated himself directly in front of him while you were leaning on the door frame, a soft smile on both of your faces.
     "Well~, we've been talking about this for a while now," you started, pushing yourself from the doorframe to walk to where the boys were sitting, "and we were wondering, if you're okay with it, if you would like to join our relationship. As our boyfriend." Seungcheol sat there for a few seconds, eyes almost popping out of their sockets as he processed your words. Suddenly a small, sad excuse for a laugh broke the silence.
     "You guys don't have to do all this just to make me feel better. Seriously, I-I'll be fine." You and Mingyu shared a look before he leaned closer, gently cupping the older boy's face in his hands. 
     "Seungcheol, we're serious. I really like you- we really like you, and we want you to be with us. You don't have to right now if you still need time to sort through and understand your feelings, but we'll be here whenever you're ready." Seeing the overflowing amount of love in the younger's expression made tears well up in his eyes again. A small sob left him before almost tackling the boy in front of him, grabbing his face and kissing him as hard as he could. You laughed at Mingyu's wide-eyed expression before he calmed down and started to return his kiss. They both had to catch their breath when they pulled apart, resting against each other's foreheads as Mingyu laced his fingers with Seungcheol's.
     "Soooo, I'm guessing that's a yes?" The leader chuckled, more tears flowing down his cheeks as he nodded his head. He was barely able to mutter a small "yes" before you tackled him in a kiss. A waterfall of giggles left him as you pulled him up so he was sitting in between you and Mingyu so the both of you could pepper his face in kisses. This had not been the outcome he had been expecting but he couldn't be happier as he was showered with all the love he deserved from both of his partners.
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Wait wait that really really awesome and sexy snippet you wrote about Felix getting jealous and fucking Pepa and them talking about maybe letting someone else watch since the other person has a crush on Pepa or something and Felix wants to rub it in their face that no one else could have Pepa like he has her.
Would they actually do that? And if they do can you write it please?
Oh we're absolutely doing this one-listen this is the closest to a threeway anyone is getting from our main couples, at least on this blog. For free. Might try to make this self insert ish? Maybe?
"So, you weren't just being nice? You actually wanna talk about this?"
"Of course. Especially if it's something you want to do. You know I'm an open minded man."
A few days ago, Félix had a bit of a...run with Esteban, an old childhood friend of Pepa's. Long story short, they flirted with the idea of having someone watch them while they had sex. Félix only brought it up now, given that they were allowed to have breakfast in the privacy of their room. She hummed in thought as she sipped her coffee.
"I mean. I definitely think it'd be sexy."
"He'd just sit there and watch, right? And just touch himself? I'm just saying the only dick I trust in my ass, is the one we're keeping in the closet."
Pepa chuckled, nodding in agreement.
"I promise, he'll keep his hands to himself. The idea is that we rub it in his face, not that he uses either of us to touch him."
Félix thought about it, but his face seemed uncertain, even as he took a sip of his own coffee.
"I dunno. If he does try something-"
"I'll let you throw him out, and we won't talk to him ever again. Come on, you don't think bragging about me is sexy?"
"No no, it is, VERY sexy, I brag about you already. I just...I dunno."
"Do you hate the idea?"
Her head cocked a bit to the side, and the genuine worry on her face meant so much to him.
"No. I'm willing to try. Course, it can't be here in the Casita. We can get a hotel outside the Encanto, a real nice one."
"...think he'd pay for it?"
"If he finds me as attractive as you think he does, then probably."
They mulled over it for a second, before Félix nodded.
"Alright. You ask him. If he says yes, we'll do it."
"You'll try it? For me?"
"For you, Pepa, I'll try almost anything."
"It's fine. Totally fine. Not weird at all."
Esteban had to talk himself into this. He had just caught up with an old friend of his, and she was just. Beautiful. Incredible. Stunning. And married. With kids. Esteban always wanted her, but life just kinda, got in the way. He thought it was absolutely hopeless from there. That is, until Pepa came to his shop, all by herself, and made him an offer.
To watch them have sex.
And he said yes. He said yes to watching his first crush get fucked by her husband in this hotel. You'd think he'd have more dignity. But given that he jerked off the night after they reunited, you'd be wrong. He wanted this. Enough to actually pay for the whole thing himself. He was excited, but oh so terribly nervous. Mainly because her husband was a real big, real scary looking guy. He took a deep breath when he stopped by the door, before knocking. Félix opened the door, dressed in a robe and clearly fresh out of the shower.
"You're early."
"Uh yeah. Sorry, I just kinda couldn't stand to sit aroundmy place and wait. I could just sit out here if she's not r-"
"And have you freeze out here? No! Come on in, let me get you a drink."
Félix was surprisingly sweet about all of this. He didn't know him too well, but you'd think the guy would be bitter, or at least uncomfortable about this whole ordeal. Félix had him sit down on a comfy chair, before opening a beer and handing it to him. It was nice in here, fireplace, a giant bed. Bit cliché, but hey, if it works it works. Esteban took a drink from his beer, and looked around uncomfortably before forcing himself to speak.
"So. You've uh. Done this before?"
"No. But apparently Pepa has had this idea before. You know, you don't have to be so nervous. We're all amigos here."
Esteban watched as he took a sip from his bottle, and kinda realized...Félix wasn't ugly. He was a kinda...well. Nice looking guy. Full face, smooth skin. Esteban didn't like men like that, but he had to appreciate how full and firm, yet soft and gentle he looked. Did. Did he fucking like m-
"Félix? Is he here already?"
"Si, he's right here! But don't rush mija! We're just talking!"
Esteban tried not to look into the bathroom where the voice was coming from. He liked looking at Félix, but genuinely he wanted to see her already. Esteban chuckled, mostly out of nerves.
"Sorry again about the time. I've just been really excited to see her. I mean, obviously, but-"
"You're not gonna be a problem, right? Like hombre to hombre. I don't want to have to worry about you and my wife."
He shook his head furiously.
"No! Never! I'd never ruin a relationship with Pepa, or her relationship with anyone else. I wouldn't ever do anything inappropriate. I swear."
Félix looked like he didn't believe him, before shrugging, and took another swig of his beer. Félix looked like he was about to say more, when Pepa walked out of the bathroom, a huge grin on her adorable face.
"Esteban! So glad you could make it-oh no, no te levantes!"
She leaned down to hug him, yet again putting his face in her chest. She was wearing a robe this time, exposing just a bit of her chest. And she smelled so good, like mangos and wet grass. It was comforting, and he hated when she pulled away.
"Course I came. Well I mean, that's the end goal, but still."
That was funny enough to make even Félix chuckle in the background. He tried not to swoon as Pepa played with a bit of his hair, it reminded him so much of how they used to flirt.
"Oh, you were always funny. Now, we have rules before we get started. You'll be good and listen, si?"
She lifted his face up by his chin, and he tried not to whine. He really, REALLY liked it when she touched him.
"Listening. Yep."
"Good. Now, rule one. Keep your hands to yourself. If you touch either of us, Félix has permission to throw you out the window. Though I will If I have to."
"What was that?"
"I mean. Got. As in, I got it. Go on."
She patted his cheek with a bit of a chuckle.
"Uh huh. Now, rule two. This does not leave the room. We don't want the family concerned for our relationship. Rule three, you will do your best to not interrupt us while we have fun. Rule four, when we're done, you leave, understand?"
"Can I take before I go home? I. Kinda feel like Imma feel dirty after this."
Pepa glanced at Félix, who shrugged.
"Fine. Shower than leave. Any other questions?"
"Yeah- this won't make things weird, right? We'll still get lunch tomorrow?"
"Course! My treat. Now, Félix,"
He watched as she shamelessly stripped herself of her robe, showing just the cutest pair of white underclothes. He didn't know when it was appropriate to start touching himself, but right now he really, really wanted to. She had such a beautiful, freckled body, with the cutest little butt. What he wouldn't give to be Félix for a day, knowing he got to come home to that.
"You remember what you promised me."
She looked crossly at her husband as she kicked the robe to the side. Félix raised his hands in defense as he himself stripped. Pepa liked fat, hairy guys apparently.
"Hey, I'VE been polite. I'm on my BEST behavior, even though he's totally staring at your ass and it's pissing me off a little."
He was going to suggest he go home, not wanting to cause a rift between them, when Pepa clicked her tongue, and put her hands on Félix's chest.
"Don't be so grumpy. He gets to look all he wants. YOU get to touch~"
He seemed grumpy until she brought it up. A grin formed on his face, and he reached around to grab her ass, making her yelp in delight. It was sort of cute, watching them clearly love each other. He almost didn't want to do this. But Pepa looked so good when she kissed. Looked so pretty as she dug her fingers into his hair and played with his curls. He wanted that. Wanted that so goddamn badly, he could only imagine how soft and warm that body would feel.
Félix pulled away after a moment, lips traveling from her lips, to her neck. She relished in the kisses, her face falling into absolute bliss. Sure, he saw mostly Félix's body from this position, but he didn't care. Pepa was getting pleasure, and that was more than enough for a chub to form in his pants. He felt a chill run up his spine as her eye's fell onto his, and she grinned devilishly. It had been a long time, but he could recognize that mischief.
"Félix, mi sol. You know what'd be so nice?"
"If you got my pussy ready for him. Nice and slowly."
"Alright, be a good mami and lay down for me."
She yelped in delight as Félix spanked her as she did as he said. She got herself comfy amongst the bed of pillows, and spread open those long, pretty legs of hers. Félix sat to the side of the bed, letting one of his hands slowly caress her skin. He knew they were soft. He just fucking knew they were. Félix hooked his big fingers into her underwear, and slowly slid them off of her. He thought about asking for them, just something to have fun with while he sat here, but he was too distracted.
Distracted by the sight of the prettiest pussy he's ever seen. Mane of red pubic hair that was dark from her own wetness.
"You haven't seen anything yet."
Félix let his fingers caress her outside, before parting her folds, and showing her pink, soaked pussy in its entirety. He couldn't help himself anymore. He stuck his hand down his own pants, and started to rub at his balls, knowing they were just full of cum. Cum he desperately wanted to give her. Pepa giggled, a bit of mist decorating her adorable cheeks as she watched him.
"I think he likes it, Félix."
"He'd be stupid not to. Not when my wife has such a pretty little pussy."
He had to put a hand over his mouth as he leaned down, and kissed at her little clit. She cried out in surprise, trying (not very hard) to push his head away.
"Idiota- Félix! He won't be able to see it!"
"He'll see it when I say he gets to see it. Keep your legs open, just like that."
His view was blocked by Félix's frame as he started to eat her out. He could only imagine how sweet she tasted, how it'd be like mana from heaven gripping down his throat. She squirmed under him, biting her lip in a vain attempt to keep herself quiet.
"I'm sorry Esteban-Félix is a stubborn man. Here, does this help?"
He watched as she unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She had such a small set of breasts, but as he saw the nipples decorated with millions of beautiful freckles-Esteban just now realized he'd physically never want another woman. Her 'imperfections' were beautiful. Even now, as she played with her nipples, he noticed little things about her. Her toothgap, her crows feet, little bits of scars from what he assumed was her own thunder.
"You're beautiful, Pepa."
"So sweet of you, Esta-ay, RELAX!"
She laughed as Félix, probably fueled with anger, gripped his fingers into her ass as he continued to devour her. The room felt so goddamn hot, he was absolutely sweating, and he swore it was hard to even swallow in here. Pepa writhed under him, her little moans flooding his ears and making him pretend that HE was doing that for her. She kept eye contact with him, but that voice was meant for Félix, and Félix alone.
"Oh, you want him to see me cum? You want to swallow my cum while he watches? You want him to want me THAT badly?~"
Well, that's exactly what happened. She came for him, unapologetically loud as she spilled into his mouth, and as she grabbed her firmly to make sure not a drop was wasted. Her eyes looked so hazy, her face looked so flushed. He thought that was it. But boy was he wrong. Félix got off of her, wiping some fluids from his face with the back of his hand, and taking off his underwear. Esteban wasn't gonna lie, he felt a little self conscious, being in the room with such a big, thick cock. Félix stepped up to the side of the bed, and grabbed Pepa's head.
"My turn. Make him jealous."
She did just that. He couldn't help but pull himself out as Pepa kissed his tip, all the way down his length, before, very obviously, dragging his tongue alongside him. She was doing this so automatically, so fluidly, he could tell she had done this a million times. She liked it too, given how she rubbed her probably already sensitive pussy as she did so. He was pumping himself now, trying not to absolutely adore how that bulge in her throat grew everytime Félix forced his cock past her lips. Félix looked at him, as if he wasn't forcing his wife to gag around him every few seconds.
"Look. I'm a nice guy. Really, I promise. But I really, REALLY want you to know that you can't have her. Ever."
He watched as Pepa slid off him, kissing his tip as if saying thank you.
"Tell him why, Félix."
"Because you can't fuck her like I can. Look at her, she WANTS my cock. Look at her pretty face,"
He smeared her own drool all over her face with his length. It was a disgusting, disrespectful display. But she loved it. If it wasn't the constant whispers of 'damelo' it was how furiously she was fingering her needy pussy. He could fill her up. He swears he could, if he just a chance-
"Look at how bad she wants it. She's not going to get wet for you. Especially not with THAT cock."
He should be offended. But he...wasn't. He just continued to sit there, stroking his length and massaging his balls, actually sort of. Liking what Félix was saying.
"What's...wrong with it?"
Félix scoffed, as if it was obvious.
"It's not thick, that's whats wrong. Pepa would be crying if she had to suck on that. No, Pepa is a special girl that deserves very special treatment. She needs this little pussy,"
He leaned over to smack her clit harshly, and her hips bucked violently, her moans only stifled by the fact by his balls were currently down her gullet. She was letting her husband be so mean to him, all because he was making her feel SO good.
"To be fucked by a proper man. By her husband. Look at this wet cunt. That's for me. You're lucky you even get to see it. Look at you, idiota, touching yourself like some pervert to a woman who'd NEVER fuck you."
Why did that make him throb? Why did it feel so good, to be flaunted something he can't have? Pepa was finally allowed to breathe, and she was looking at Félix with big, starstruck eyes.
"Dios, estoy tan jodidamente mojado~...you need to fuck me Félix, please-"
Félix grabbed her face, and stuffed his thumb in her mouth to keep her quiet. It worked, and she was sucking on it greedily, happy to have something to suck on.
"See? I'M making her wet, while you're in the corner jerking off. You're happy MY cock is making her feel good. In fact, I want a thank you."
"A...thank you?"
"Yes. Go on. Say it."
Félix looked so serious, and Pepa wouldn't stop touching herself. He was leaking precum now, it was coating his own hand, and he adored how Pepa would occasionally glance at it. He wanted Pepa to see what she did to him.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For...f-fucking your wife, because I can't."
"That's fucking right. If you ever tried, not only am ai going to kill you, Pepa is gonna laugh at your sad fucking cock. How would you even WANT to fuck my wife, anyway?"
He thought about it for a second, trying to think about what he'd most want out of such a beautiful woman. He responded, a bit more sheepishly than he'd prefer.
"I mean...id want her to be-"
"No wait, wait. Hold on. I think I know what your sad ass wants."
Pepa was suddenly upside down (geez this dude tossed her around like she was a ragdoll), with her legs pushed to the sides of her head. It looked uncomfortable, but given the fact that his cock was immediately pushed inside of her, Pepa didn’t exactly look like she was complaining. In fact, she seemed absolutely elated to be put in such a position, looking up and giggling as she rubbed her little clit.
"Oye, papi es tan rudo conmigo~"
He really, REALLY switched from the gentleman he was supposed to be just a second ago. His grip on her thighs looked painful, and his cock was a lot for her, given how a bulge seemed to form everytime he was inside. She sounded so loud, so wet for her husband, Esteban was amazed Félix didn't just cum immediately.
"HE'S making me treat you like this. Look at him. He WANTS this. He's about to fucking cum just watching me have you."
He was right. As Félix continued to pound into her little cunt, he was moving his hand just as quickly, desperately trying to match his pace. His balls ached, ready to empty, his cock was dripping all over the floor, and he could only imagine what pathetic sounds he was making. All for a married woman. He hated that he couldn't hold it, but god he couldn't. Knowing she was married and that she craved the cock of only one man was just the final straw. He squeezed the cum out, using his other hand to muffle his own pathetic whine as ribbons of cum dumped onto the carpet below.
It was so much all at once, and even though his dick begged for him to stop, he couldn't. Not when Pepa was sitting there, laced in sweat and smirking at him.
"He doesn't even know how to cum properly. Show him, papi."
And show him Félix did. After practically MAKING Pepa cum with a smack to her ass, he came right after. As if to brag, he pumped a good load into her, before pulling out, and making a mess all over her stomach and her chest. He had so much cum in him, and she seemed absolutely delighted in it, smearing it around her tits and even licking her lips to catch whatever made it to her face. He pushed her further, letting him see the cum stuffed pussy.
"Take a good look. Because this isn't ever gonna be you. Understand?"
He nodded weakly, finding some sort of pleasant shame at the mess he had just made. Pepa giggled as she reached up to grab Félix's face, kissing his nose.
"I love you. I'm so proud of you for trying this. You're not jealous?"
"Nope. Because now we BOTH know he isn't enough for you."
They shared a bit of a kiss, before he excused himself to the shower. He thought this would be the end of it. But as soon as he put the water on, Pepa stood at the doorway, towel in her hand.
"You don't mind if I join you?"
"Uh...no. Not at all."
Pepa looked really, REALLY good when she was wet, and bruised up by her husband.
What a lovely relationship.
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ameliterature · 3 years
Neil and Todd Jealousy POV (Yes, there's more)
Charlie POV | Cameron POV
Neil was an only child and this obviously came with minor character flaws. Not only was he given all of the attention by his parent (even if it was the bad kind) Neil never really had to share anything.
Not that he didn't want to share. He just never had many opportunities to, with the lack of siblings and all. The closest he had to a sibling was Charlie. Unlike Neil, Charlie would share everything with him because he had so much to give. Was it the fact that Charlie's family was rich and that he has at least 3 of each item? Maybe, but Charlie was sure to share what he had with his best friend.
Another thing Neil "the Welton Golden boy" Perry had as a flaw was that he simultaneously wore his heart on his sleeve and yet always tried to hide his feelings. Case in point: when Charlie made a move on Todd.
Now, it's only been roughly 2 semesters since they've known Todd Anderson. Neil had the gracious chance to be his roommate, so in some way, it was like having another best friend aside from Charlie. But what he felt for Todd was vastly different from his friendship with Charlie. Something about the way Todd smiled at him, something about the way he makes sarcastic remarks, something about the way they shared glances between each other every now and then.
Neil was completely enthralled by Todd. Some might say to the point of being possessive. Neil would say protective because Todd was the kind of person who needed to be kept safe. Todd wasn't good at standing up for himself, he wasn't good at speaking the same way he wrote poems. Neil took it upon himself to be the one to make Todd feel the included. He had to be included, he had to be where Neil was.
Thankfully the whole Dead Poet Society thing worked out well, Neil was surprised how well Todd was integrated into the group. They even spent Christmas break as a group with Todd. Things were going great between him and Todd, Neil couldn't ask for more than to share his experiences with Todd.
But one night, a regular ole Study group session, something caught Neil's eyes. Todd was helping Knox out with some love poem, obviously meant for Chris, and he could hear the contents of the poem.
"Hymns from above casted when you're near
Heaven's light shine atop a golden-haired angel
My heart's full of whims and vivid dreams
but in your presence they're obligations I hold close
Be mine and I'll keep your heart guarded
Because mine is with yours, unthwarted."
Neil hears Todd recite their draft poem, hearing it as if it were meant for him to hear. His own golden-haired angel was biting the end of his pencil as Knox was scribbling the rest of the poem. Neil catches himself staring just before Todd looks up at him so he brings his attention back to the trigonometry problem he was answering with Cameron.
He couldn't concentrate on sine, cosine, and tangents at the moment, not when Todd's hand is in his peripheral view; all perfect with it's blemishes and tapping to an imaginary beat. Every so often, he'd steal a glance at Todd's eyes, darting back and forth from his paper to Knox's. He'd be jealous of any pupil Todd would eventually have if he became an English teacher. To be consulted with his sweet voice, to be seated by him as he explains anything, to be taught how to express feelings he wasn't sure how to jot down.
Oh have Todd's untampered attention.
"Hey Todd," Charlie's voice resonates across their small table. Neil accidentally shot his eyes to his friend's direction without skipping a beat. "Mind helping me out with a poem too?"
Since when did Charlie ever ask for help from Todd? Not that he wasn't allowed to or anything, Todd was the right person for this task but-- Something about it wasn't sitting right with Neil.
What wasn't a surprise was Todd's hesitant acceptance. He watched as Todd moved over to Charlie's right hand side and Neil felt his back become warm. It wasn't just his back, his guts turned into an unrested sea, and his eyebrows twitched, trying to avoid a scowl.
"What do you wanna write about?"
"I wanna write about Love." Neil saw Charlie lean forward to look Todd deep into his eyes; for a moment, he thought he saw Todd blush. Neil didn't like Todd showing that expression to someone else, or at least someone like Charlie.
"S-So... We'll use cosine to get X--" Cameron muttered, snapping Neil back to his assignment. He looked at the blurred numbers and symbols, trying to remember what the other problem was.
"Right, cosine-"
Just before dinner, Neil catches up with Todd to walk with him to the dining hall.
"So," Neil started, not exactly sure where to lead the conversation to. "I guess it's spaghetti and meatballs again, huh?"
Todd pushed out a chuckle in response. "Yeah, I guess it is."
Neil had Todd to himself for a tiny moment, for a stupid one-liner too, but it felt like he was in Cloud nine. Todd's calm expression was all he could ask for, paired with his blue eyes looking back at him.
When they reached their table, they assumed their usual spots, Neil being on the left side of the table and Todd on the other. However, Charlie decided to change up the seating arrangement and sat beside Todd instead of him.
There's that funny feeling again. Neil's stomach was nothing but a pit that resembled a deep well without a bucket, nothing to retrieve and remove the sludge that was forming in it. He hated how Todd was so responsive to Charlie's words, how Charlie was so capable of making Todd blush, he hated the sight of Todd rubbing elbows with Charlie as they ate. Neil wasn't sure why he was feeling this way, why he even thought something innocent between Charlie and Todd could make him so agitated. It could all be his imagination.
When Todd left for the bathroom, Neil decided to interrogate his best friend.
"Hey Charlie, why the sudden change of seating arrangement? Thought I was your cute best friend." He tried to sound like his usual self.
"Well, I'm trying to get closer to Todd."
"W-what? Why?" Neil felt his voice crack, much like his confidence.
"I dunno, he's pretty cute. Don't you agree?"
"I--" Neil felt his whole body stiffen, his hand tightened it's pressure on his spoon like a clamp.
"I'm thinking of asking him out soon. No one else seems interested." Neil saw it, he saw Charlie smirk. Neil's emotions became unreasonably irrational, they became unhinged and even if he tried to hide it, they were all bubbling to the surface. Charlie had everything already, he and Neil shared everything before this, but for some reason, Neil couldn't share Todd with someone like Charlie.
"Oh hi, Todd! Welcome back" Neil glares at Charlie while he greets Todd.
"What did I miss?" Todd asks innocently, still taking his seat beside Charlie.
As Charlie began his sentence, Neil cuts him off. "Nothing-" Todd shifts his eyes to share eye contact with Neil. "By the way, we should head back to our room, I need help with my poems." Neil's last attempt of gaining the upper hand on Charlie failed when Charlie brought up his and Todd's prior arrangement.
Neil didn't get it. What did Charlie have that he didn't? Or better yet, what does Charlie not possess yet that he would try to make the moves on Todd?? Neil hated this feeling- this vicious vine-like feeling trapping him. Was it... Jealousy?
Neil's never had much of a reason to be jealous about someone before. He's only been jealous of people who were freer than him-- people like Charlie. Was he jealous of Charlie in that regard? That he could proudly express what he felt for Todd and Neil couldn't? He guessed that was the difference. Charlie did have everything; down to the personality that could make Todd fall for him.
Neil was in Meeks' dorm room, resigning himself in defeat like a pathetic loser he thought he was.
All Neil could do was blankly stare into the shine of the wires that coiled around parts of their machine. A brief knock on their door broke his trance- It was Cameron.
“Do you guys mind if I hang out here? I’m just gonna do my reviewers for a bit.”
“Sure, no problem.” Meeks nods, still measuring out some amount of wires.
“Wait, how come you’re not studying in your room?” Neil questioned,
Cameron took a moment to respond. “Charlie… he wanted to focus on his homework with Todd… Alone.”
This was the last straw for Neil, the final push that made him stand up for once. He couldn't bury his jealousy anymore, he had to confront Charlie.
He left his friends to march his way to Charlie's room. He wasted no time when asking Charlie about his motives.
"Well hello, Perry! What do I owe the pleasure?"
"Quit it-" Neil cuts him off. "Are you serious about Todd?"
"... What?"
"I- I'm asking if you're really interested in Todd?"
Maybe this was all a trick, maybe Neil was just being jealous, maybe Charlie was playing a cruel joke on Neil and he had to shake it out of him.
"Yes." Charlie's expression was ripe with confidence.
With that, Neil felt his world shatter. What was he doing? Was he gonna fight his friend over his feelings for Todd? Was he gonna deny Todd of someone as fun and as romantic as Charlie? Charlie's given so much to Neil and the way he was acting was nothing short of being selfish.
If Charlie really liked Todd, then Todd would be lucky. If Todd would return those feelings, Charlie would be the luckiest man to ever live.
Neil had nothing to offer to Todd that Charlie couldn't top. Neil felt his bitter feelings turn into catharsis, accepting that Todd's better off sharing his moments with Charlie than him.
"T-then... Please take care of him, okay?" Neil buckled his shoulders.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"If you ever hurt Todd-- You're a dead man, got it?" Neil's eyes were like daggers, piercing right at Charlie's own brown eyes.
Neil figured he had to leave, he couldn't bear to see Todd and Charlie exchanging looks. But this of course wasn't the case. A knock echoed in the room.
When he opened the door, Todd was right there, his beautiful eyes staring up at Neil will a quizzical expression.
Neil assumed that Charlie would most likely profess his love to those eyes, and that knowledge broke Neil's heart.
"Sorry Todd, looks like I'm gonna have to move our study session for now. I think Neil needs your help more. Right, Neil?" Charlie spoke, catching Neil's bewildered expression.
"I'm sure he's got something more important than mine anyway."
Neil looks at Charlie and Todd, bouncing a confused face between them. He sees Charlie's wink before Todd guides Neil out of the room.
Todd sighs as he returns to his room with Neil, his sweaty hands in the midst of sticking to his papers.
How did he end up in this situation?
How could he explain the entire day?
It all started when he told Charlie about his crush on Neil in private. All he wanted was advice from the best friend of his crush and nothing more.
"Glad you came to me, Toddsie!" Charlie pats him on the back excitedly.
Todd didn't like how enthusiastic Charlie was being in this situation, though he was grateful Charlie immediately accepted him for coming out.
"I know exactly how to make him fall in love with you!"
"L-look Charlie, I'm not trying to get Neil to like me! I just-- I just wanted to know how to deal with all these feelings I'm having."
All these feelings- Todd's had these "feelings" ever since Neil shook his hand for the first time in the courtyard. He's never met someone as perfect as Neil. Yeah, he had Father Issues, impulsive actions, even the tendency to make weird noises (but he found those the cutest) and yet Neil made Todd's world move.
Neil's laughter, Neil's smile, the stolen glances he catches Neil casting his direction-- It was all Todd sought after in his recent days at Welton.
"Oh please, Todd, those 'feelings' are straight up love from what I hear. We just have to know if Neil feels the same way!"
"We don't even know if he's interested in men! Charlie- What am I supposed to do?" Todd buried his face into his hands.
"Don't worry, I'll find out a way to not only check if he swings that way, but I can guarantee I can get him to return your feelings."
"That-- That doesn't make any sense, Charlie." Todd wasn't able to question his friend any longer as they dashed into the study hall.
The Study group went on as usual, Todd assisting Knox with his poem for Chris, Meeks and Pitts building a contraption he was sure was the Radio Mark II, and Neil, Cameron and Charlie trying to answer some trigonometry homework.
What didn't help was Neil being directly in front of him. Todd could see Neil in his glasses, unabashedly handsome and very distracting. Todd would try his best to help Knox with his poem but Todd's eyes would linger onto Neil's perfectly "framed" face.
He then hears Charlie call him over. At first, Todd didn't think much of it, but he soon regrets ever telling Charlie of his crush on Neil.
The whole evening, Charlie tried to make Neil jealous without planning it out with Todd first. If Todd had at least known, he wouldn't have been trying picture Neil in Charlie's place as some sort of "method acting" to go along with this scheme. When dinner began, Charlie took Cameron's spot for 'maximum efficiency'. It didn't help when Charlie called him "cute" in front of Neil. Would Neil agree? Would Neil even describe a guy to be cute? Would Todd be able to enjoy his spaghetti and meatballs without Charlie's arm around him?
Todd decided that he should excuse himself to the bathroom for compose himself. (And to evade the plethora of compliments Charlie showered him with.)
When it came from Charlie, it felt like a joke, like a friendly description, really, than an actual compliment. Then Todd thinks if they came from Neil... then those words would make him swoon.
Would Neil even fall for this type of trick? Was it even right to trick Neil like this? Would Neil be even okay with the idea of Todd being in a relationship in with a man? He wasn't even sure if Neil would accept Todd's feelings, let alone feel jealous of Charlie.
As Todd approached their table, he's immediately greeted by Charlie.
"What did I miss?"
"Well Todd--" "Nothing." Neil cuts of Charlie with a serious tone.
Oh no... did Neil find out? Did Charlie rat him out already?
"By the way, we should head back to our room, I need help with my poems." Neil looks up at Todd with an expression that is both deadpan and attractive to him, Todd had no other choice but to accept.
"What? Todd, I thought you'd help me out?" Charlie pouts. "I did ask first." Todd didn't want to miss his opportunity to be with Neil, especially not when he looks at him like that. But Todd looks back at Charlie, raising his eyebrows as if to say "Just go along with it."
Todd was reluctant, of course, he didn't want to perpetuate fooling Neil in any way, but he wasn't sure if Neil had anything to return at all. They were always alone after all, nothing would be stripped away if he spent one evening in Charlie's room to make Neil jealous.
"Right, sorry, Neil. I'll go back to our room after I help out Charlie." Todd replied with a pained expression hidden behind his face.
That evening, when he approached Charlie's room, he hears Neil's voice muffling through. Todd wished had the will to listen in but he assumed it wouldn't be his business if it was said behind closed doors. He took another moment before knocking on Charlie's door.
Neil opens the door for Todd, their eyes meeting briefly, like a celestial occurrence that Todd took note of. Have they always been this brown?
"Hi Todd!" Charlie greets him, breaking him from Neil's gaze.
"Hey Charlie, Hi Neil."
He was expecting Charlie to pull another stunt to make Neil's brown eyes angry, but instead both his and Neil's eyes lifted in surprise when Charlie told him Neil needed his help more.
Did they come to some agreement?
And Todd could've sworn Charlie was winking at Neil... or was it at him?
All these questions didn't matter when they were alone in their room.
Their chests rattled like cages, their hearts ready to jump out at any moment.
Neil bit his lip as Todd took a seat by his desk.
"S-so Neil..." Todd muttered, "Can I ask you something? B-before I help you with your poem..."
"Oh- Yeah, sure."
"What do you think of... of men dating each other?"
Neil lets out a tiny cough. "W- Excuse me?"
"Do you think... it's ok? For two guys to like each other?"
Neil wasn't sure how to respond, was Todd telling him that he liked Charlie? Was Neil too late? Did he miss his chance to tell Todd what he really felt?
"I-- I guess it's alright," Neil answered, slumping his shoulders down in defeat. If he was gonna lose Todd to Charlie, he might as well be supportive. "But- you have to make sure it's the right person." Neil wasn't going down without a fight though.
Todd's face brightened with Neil's response. So 1 part of his query is answered; Neil is ok with the idea of men liking each other. Now it's the question of Neil's feelings for Todd.
"I-If someone, a guy, liked you, how would you feel?" Todd stood up, turning to face Neil. Both of them were by their desks, like two sturdy posts defending their base. Todd awaited Neil’s response with the anticipation akin to a war officer in a meeting room.
"I... would really only prefer it from one guy." Neil took a step forward, with the courage of a powerful Chesspiece during an endgame.
Todd took note of this, mimicking his step, this time walking a bit closer to Neil with his hands in his pockets. "Y-yeah? Who?"
Neil noted this feeling being similar to a spelling bee, like spelling out a complicated word letter by letter, taking a breath to make sure the next thing he was about to say was exactly what the world wanted him to say.
"You, Todd. It's always going to be you."
Todd looks up at Neil, who's now inches away from him from, fully realizing their slight height difference. "I'd say the same for you."
"I hope... I'm not... taking you away from Charlie-" Neil slowly brings his hand to sweep Todd’s hair aside to see his eyes better.
Todd snickers slightly, catching Neil by surprise. "Neil... You don't have to worry about Charlie. I don't have any feelings for him."
"But-" Neil looks concerned, feeling like he betrayed Charlie. "He... He likes you. Todd, I--"
"Is that what he told you? Neil... I hope you won't be angry when I tell you he's been pulling your leg."
Neil jerks his head backwards. "What?"
"I.. Just promise you won't be angry okay?" Todd had to come clean, he couldn’t handle Neil thinking badly of him if he never admitted Charlie's plan. Neil nods before Todd reveals Charlie’s idiotic scheme to get them together by means of tomfoolery.
Neil sighs with a smile, leaning forward to rest on Todd's shoulder. Todd was still getting used to the fact Neil's VERY close right now.
"Well, you guys did a pretty good job of making me extremely jealous." Neil laughs a bit. He was in relief that he didn't need to compete with Charlie.
"I'm... I'm really sorry, Neil. I told him I just wanted advice." Todd looks down with embarrassment.
Neil tilts Todd’s chin up with his hand, bringing his face up to look at him. "You're gonna have to make up for it, y'know?"
Todd’s face simmered under Neil's touch. "I know."
Todd learned that Neil was a Jealous type of guy, not the type to be possessive, but definitely the type to mope around rather than steal someone else's love interest.
Luckily for Neil, he already had Todd’s heart to begin with.
Neil wasn’t used to sharing, but he and Todd shared their first kiss that night. That's a compromise he was willing to do.
Knox, Meeks and Pitts POV:
4 of their friends (the roommates) getting paired up in one night made them:
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Thanks again to @sweettodd for that one post that spawn all these POVs haha
Taglist: @anderperrytheplatypus @she-nuwanda @andersonsdeskset @sweetnessbythesea @maisietheweltoncow [tell me if u wanna be added/removed next time]
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