#and he thinks it makes him better and they sorta threaten his ''special spot'' by also being on the journey
vaugarde · 1 year
while i say i wouldnt know what to do with crowfeather in my rewrite since hes not the one to cause the three parentage drama in it, i still kinda want to make him an outright bad person purely to spite the people who say hes an innocent brooding edgy guy who’s super compelling bc he had two gfs leave him
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iamlittlelostsoul · 2 years
A Hunter's Tale
my masterlist!
Good day everyone!
Today's my birthday well yesterday Wohoo! Happy birthday to mee!
Plus thank you thank you so much! I didn't really think I'd reach 100 followers<3
Here are a 100 followers special and also to celebrate my bday! Enjoy!
Rook x Gender Neutral!Mc
Summary: The day is beautiful as a hunter went out to do his job such a beautiful day that the hunter's lonely and woeful heart has finally been captured by an entity different from he.
p.s this is sorta like a twisted snow white with the characters being the pomfiore boys but will not really show it all just the hunter finding love<3
It was a beautiful today the hunter thought.
It was bright and windy, the sky is clear and everything is as beautiful as it was meant to be. Everything is perfect! Which makes it a perfect day to go out hunting!
The blonde hunter thought as he waltz at the beautiful forest, carrying his quiver filled with arrows along with his bow.
Oh, how excited is he!
He's sure his queen would be on the balcony enjoying the wonderful view and the perfect day, just as perfect as he is.
Oh and he'll surely bring a smile to his beautiful face once he brings a bountiful hunt. Hmm...then wouldn't it be better to bring a live one for he to keep as a pet!
Oh, how it makes his heart swell once he sees his queen's reaction!
Walking deeper into the woods enjoying the scenery as he scans the environment searching for his prey.
Deciding he was in the right environment he went jumping onto a tree hiding within its beautiful lush greenery as he waits for his prey, Patients is the key to being a great hunter!
Wandering around too much for nothing will just waste his time and efforts.
In a few minutes, his wait has been fruitful as he sighted a deer just a few meters from the tree he was hiding. Pulling out his bow and arrow he carefully aimed it at his prey.
Slowly and patiently he waited a bit more so he could hit the right spot to capture the deer.
The arrow went right through its leg.
That should do!
Following where the deer ran, he was met with a beautiful person...no fae in a bit of opening.
Leaning on a giant rock covered in moss and flowers and surrounded by animals. There the fae sat with the deer lying on its lap.
Rook observed the mesmerizing view as the Fae carefully pried the arrow, reassuring the animal that everything would be fine, just a little pain, and they shall be healed.
The Fae wrapped its slender fingers across the arrow and used a bit of their magic to make it disintegrate. Then they placed a hand on the wound, muttering a healing spell... tada, the damage is healed!
The fae happily laughed and cheered as it helped the deer to stand up.
They were beautiful, Rook thought. The fae's luscious hair shined upon the rays of sunlight, Their skin beautifully refreshing, their eyes gentle yet threatened would of no hesitation bring harm to ones that try to harm their home, and their body fit for a god/goddess!
Oh, how this humble hunter is so lucky to have met such an ethereal being; his day brightened some more as bright as his red cheeks, the same color as the apples his queen would eat.
He clutched his heart as it felt like it were about to explode with so much joy!
This is a slight mistake he made because he had made some noise making the Fae notice his presence.
"You, You're the hunter that harmed this deer!" The fae angrily said, pointing its fingers at him.
"Ah! Forgive me, dear for bringing harm to the animals in your sanctuary. Shall you give me a chance for I to receive your forgiveness?"
"Why, shall I turn you into a caterpillar then?" The fae said with a slight grin filled with mischief and wonder.
"Oi, My lady/sir! If it makes that frown on your beautiful face disappear, then I shall accept my punishment!"
"My, what do we have here such a smooth-talking hunter? Hmm... For you have brightened me up a bit I shall forgive you this once. "
"My, you are not only beautiful yet also gracious. How can I, a mere hunter, repay my debt?"
"Why I am so touched by such 'kind' words. Shall you help me decide then, dear humble hunter?"
"Shall I serve you such I served my queen?" Rook said as he walked closer to the fairy both smiling mischievously at each other as he gave them a kiss on the palm.
Rook's blood is boiling, of course not of hate nor anger! This scene makes him oh so excited. Oh since when was the last time he felt this way? Or was this his first?
Such an adventure! So many things to explore and learn! Like holds so much excitement and mystery! Oh, how excited he is about what future he awaits.
"Can a hunter serve two queens?"
"I shall do my all to do so for I am no ordinary hunter." He said with a wink.
"Hohoho...then let us see then how this shall end in the future. Fufufu~ you humans are so amusing." they said covering their mouth with the back of their hands ever so slightly.
" I am at your mercy, my dear."
"Mhm~ then you shall."
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volleychumps · 3 years
Heyy! Can you do one where Osamu, kuroo, akaashi and Tsukishima, say something mean to their s/o and their s/o avoids them for days? When they finally get ahold of their s/o, their s/o just sorta cries because it hit their insecure spot? Fluff in the end🥺
Listen, I can’t not write this. 
Irrevocable Words. 
- the one in which they accidentally make you give them the silent treatment because of their lashing out. -
~ Osamu Miya, Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, and Tsukishima Kei~ 
TW: Cursing, angst to fluff, timeskip! for Osamu, 
Osamu Miya
“Those are important files, ya know?” 
“Samu, I’m sorry. You should’ve told me you needed last month’s earnings and I would’ve looked for them before we came this morning.” The hand you tried to settle onto Osamu’s bicep was shaken off as your movements faltered. 
Your voice wobbled at the sight of your stoic fiance, an annoyed glint in his eye as he rummages through his files. Osamu felt a flare in his stomach, a lack of sleep contributing to his impatient state. The day had been a busy one, Osamu deciding that he needed this particular file for his business call tomorrow before the two of you headed home for the night. 
“I told ya not to move anything back to the place.”
“I didn’t.” You bit the inside of your cheek. “Here, just let me help-” 
“Don’t touch a goddamn thing, I’ll do it myself.” There it was. The lashing out that was bound to happen occurred with a pointed tongue as he refused to look at you, rummaging through his file cabinets. “As I do everything else.” 
He closes the cabinet sharply. “The least ya could do is try your best not to be a nuisance-” 
Osamu flinches at the slam of one of the office desk drawers, chest sinking when he sees the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. The paper he needed is thrown on the desk carelessly as you shove your jacket on, wetness slipping down your cheeks.
“And I’m not your goddamn secretary. I’m heading home first.” 
“And don’t worry, I promise I’ll manage to do this by myself somehow.” Your voice cracks bitterly, the bell by the door jingling mockingly in Osamu’s ears as you exit, the chef hanging his head with a sigh and regret tinging his chest.
He was wrong to pray this would blow over, not expecting to wake without your warmth by his side. You avoided him on the way to the restaurant, cleaning quietly while giving vague answers to his questions, shifting out of his attempts to embrace you with apologies. 
Deciding to give you space, he softly tells you to take the next few days off, unprepared for the tired look you had given him, simply nodding in response as you slipped into your side of the bed with your back turned to him.
“Where’s your pretty girlfriend?” 
“Fiance.” Osamu forces a smile at his two elderly regulars two days later, the wife’s smile widening at his correction. 
“Oho! Cherish each other while you youths still can, she really does brighten this place up, doesn’t she?” 
You do.
Osamu’s eyes feel hot as he does a messy job of cleaning up the restaurant, closing up shop early and stopping by your favorite bakery to pick up the ridiculously expensive cake he only ever buys for your birthday. 
Throwing the door open to your shared apartment hastily, you gasp at the gray-haired man’s sudden entry, dropping the spoon you were about to use to taste the dish you were making on the stove.
“Samu, y-you’re home early-” 
“What’s all this?” He tries to steady his breaths at the sight of a nicely prepared table, something you hardly ever got to share ever since the night shifts overtook your lives and caused a rift between the two of you. 
You’re silent for a second, looking away from his warm stare as you shift under his gaze. 
“...I miss you.” Dark eyes widen when you begin to hiccup over your words, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. “But I didn’t wanna be a nusciance-”
“Oh god, darlin’ no.” You’re pulled tightly into his chest as you cry, whole body shaking with tremors as Osamu’s inner turmoil merely increases.
If Osamu could go back in time and punch himself he would, unknowing of the torment he caused you over the past few days, thinking you just needed space. 
“I want to marry ya Y/N, I’m so sorry.” 
“I love you so much Samu.” You sniffle into his chest, causing him to smile softly, a hand sifting through your hair to hold you tighter to him. 
“I brought cake.” 
You laugh through the onslaught of tears. 
“And I made dinner.” 
“Then what are we waitin’ for?” 
“Just hold me like this for awhile?”
“Y/N.” He kisses the top of your head, finally feeling at ease with your figure in his arms. Osamu whispers a confession he hardly shared with you, wanting those words in particular to be special as he bridged the gap between the two of you.
“I love ya so much more, don’t you go forgettin’ it.”
Kuroo Tetsurou
“I said I was sorry!” 
“Is sorry supposed to just fix everything, Tetsurou?” 
“Tetsurou? Are you seriously withholding me from my nickname privileges?” 
You cross your arms at his attempt to make you laugh, thoroughly angry with the mess your boyfriend made of things as his smile fades at your peeved stare. 
“Look, what was I supposed to do?” 
“How about not leaving my parents waiting for you at the restaurant that you invited them to for another one of your spontaneous volleyball practices?” 
“I texted you I had to cancel!” 
“That was a half hour before we were supposed to meet, Kuroo! They were so excited to meet you they got there early. God, why can’t you ever take things seriously?” 
“You’re right.” A bitter chuckle slips Kuroo’s lips as you falter at the sudden tone change, the volleyball gym seeming bigger than ever as his next sentence makes your lips tremble.
“Since I can’t ever take things seriously, then I must not need my serious girlfriend then, right?” Your eyes widen. “I can just find somebody else who won’t fucking hound me all the time.”
His cat-like eyes widen as the words slip his tongue, unintentionally coming out crueler than he intended. To make it worse, you simply stayed silent, your body physically backing down and away from him as you turned on your heel. 
“Wait, I didn’t-” 
“Do it then.” His chest just about shatters as your shoulders tremble, refusing to turn back around as your voice takes on an uncharasterically defeated tone. “I hope they make you fucking happy.” 
Kuroo runs a hand through his raven hair frustratedly at the way you rushed out of the gym, throwing a stray ball so hard at the wall before his vision becomes skewed with heat. 
He should have expected the next week to be utter hell. You left class before he could catch you by escaping to the bathroom with all your things, leaving school another way instead of the exit you always took together before he had to start club activities. 
“Kenma, what are you doing?” 
“You can’t come in here.” 
“I’m missing class for this. Let me through.” 
“She doesn’t want to see you.” Kenma shrugged, eyes on his handheld. “I told her I’d watch the door so you can’t surprise her during our breaktime.” 
“I’m her boyfriend. And you’re not her guarddog.” 
“No, I’m her friend.” Kenma’s eyes narrow at his childhood friend. “And last time I checked, you’re on the search for someone who isn’t her.” 
“So she told you.” 
“Dick move, by the way.” 
Kuroo’s calls go straight to voicemail, his emotions affecting his playing with each passing day. He leaves little notes in your shoe locker to meet him, heart sinking more and more with every time you stood him up. 
And it wasn’t until he saw you smiling again at a joke Yaku made that he truly felt like he was losing you. 
“Go home.” 
The sight wasn’t one you were expecting to see, Kuroo sitting on the steps to your house with his hands shoved deep in his jacket pockets, the dark bags under his eyes sparking worry within you. 
“It’s probably better if my parents don’t see you-” 
“I’m sorry.” His eyes seem to have lost a little of their glint, regret swimming in the tall boy’s pupils as your guard softens. “I’m so goddamn sorry I ran my mouth and said shit I didn’t even mean-” 
“And I hurt you in the process. I hurt the one thing that matters to me the most, and I’m sitting here playing the creepy ex that stalks the girl he loves-” 
“You love me?”
“Doesn’t matter, does it? You’re done with me, and I deserve it-” 
He’s cut off with the sight of tears hitting the wood in front of him, lifting his head to see tears streaking down your cheeks. On instinct, he reaches out softly, rising to his feet to cup your cheek, astonished when you curl into his touch. 
“I’m so fucking mad at you right now.” 
“Noted.” Kuroo laughs somberly, a wave of emotion hitting him as you do something you hadn’t done in days. 
You look him in the eye, tugging him closer by the sides of his jacket. 
“But I love you too, you absolute idiot.” 
Kuroo grins into the kiss you press onto his lips, heart lifting in weight as he pulls you closer. 
“Does this mean we can go back to Tetsu?” 
“I’m going back to ignoring you-” 
“No.” Kuroo’s tone turns serious as he holds you a little tighter. “I can’t do that again.” 
You smile as he presses a kiss to your temple lovingly. 
“Being away from you was complete and utter hell, sweetheart.” 
Akaashi Keiji
“Tell me how to make this right.”
“Right, Y/N.” Akaashi refused to meet your eyes as he loosens his school tie, not slowing his pace for you to catch up with as he throws the doors open to the volleyball club. The usually put-together setter had an angry glint in his eye that silenced his awaiting teammates. “Let’s just go back in time before you agreed to be his partner.”
“Hey hey, what’s going on you two?” Bokuto jogs up, his worried tone making your lips tremble even more at the sight of Akaashi’s turned back.
“I came to you as soon as he made a move! I didn’t let him-”
“There shouldn’t have been an opportunity for him to make a move in the first place.” Akaashi’s jaw clenched as you shuffle in place.
“I didn’t do anything wrong, you think I wanted him to try to kiss me?!” You fight the waver in your voice, standing your ground. “It was a project for class. I didn’t know his intentions-“
“I told you what his intentions were, but you never listen.” Akaashi turns hastily, startling you and causing you to stumble slightly backwards into Bokuto.
“Stop defending her. She never listens to me, and then comes crying to me when it turns out I’m right.” Akaashi snips at his best friend, ignoring the silent stares from his quiet teammates. “Why can’t you get it through your head, Y/N? I’m not your goddamn babysitter-“
“You’re right.” You interrupt, fingernails biting into your palms as you choke back a sob. “You’re not, you’re my boyfriend. I just wanted to respect you by coming to you with something like this, but it turns out I’m just a hinderance.”
Akaashi falters for a second, blue eyes widening a fraction at the angry heat that fills your eyes as regret begins to bubble in his stomach at his harsh words.
“Give me some space, Keiji.” You say softly, patting Bokuto’s arm to let you through as your shoulders sink in a defeated manner. “I promise I won’t come crying to you about anything else.”
Your steps echo as you walk out of the gym, Konoha breaking the silence first when the door shuts behind you.
“Hate to say it, but that was well-deserved, man.”
Akaashi closes his eyes, head falling back towards the ceiling as he tries to steady his breathing, pretending like he wasn’t scared of you slipping through his fingers. He willed himself to not allow himself to chase after you, his anger directed towards you fading as he forces himself to respect your wishes. 
It was obvious you were avoiding him. Akaashi had blinked when Bokuto had self-proclaimed that he needed you as his “study buddy” during breaks when you weren’t even in the same year as the owlish boy. It got worse when you seemed to panic when Akaashi willed you to talk to him, eyes refusing to meet his watery blue ones as you pushed him further away.
So he gave you your space, wilting with each passing day. It wasn’t until he accidentally bumped into you a week later, the setter turning hastily on his heel to walk in the opposite direction before a soft tug on the back of his school shirt wills him to stop. 
“Keiji.” Your wobbly voice makes him turn back around immediately, a soft palm already cupping your cheek gently. “I’m s-” 
“I’m sorry for being cruel.” The words are whispered against your forehead, Akaashi’s heartstrings tugging in the worst way possible. “I was angry at the situation, my love. And that sorry excuse you call a classmate. Please,” 
His grip tightens just a little more as he feels wet warmth drip into the palm that was cupping your face.
“Forgive me.” 
“I told you I wouldn’t come crying to you-” 
“I want it all, Y/N.” Akaashi pulls back slightly, voice cracking slightly as blue stares intensely into your irises. “I want all of you. Tears included.”
You swat his chest playfully as Akaashi manages a soft smile, hand threaded through your hair as he presses you against his chest.
“Do you still need space?” He murmurs, and you smile at the sound of his hearbeat picking up as he awaited your answer fearfully. 
“Nope. The exact opposite, please hold me?” 
His embrace relaxes immediately, and your heart skips a beat at the sound of his relieved sigh, his slight nod making the weight lift off your chest. 
“Good, now I can take care of your classmate-” 
“Nope, my love.” He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, Akaashi’s eyes swirling with devotion. 
“No one gets to try anything with you so long as you’re safe with me.” 
Tsukishima Kei 
“So I’m the bad guy again.” 
“Do you want the honest answer, Kei?” You exhaustedly run a hand through your hair as Tsukishima’s scowl deepens, his long legs easily catching up with you in stride as he tugs on your wrist as the rambunctious court gets further and further away. 
“It’s not my fault you’re insecure.” 
You flinch. “Well maybe you shouldn’t let the girls in the stands cling to you after your matches. They were all over you, Tsukki! And you didn’t seem to mind it one bit.” 
“What?” Annoyance brims the blonde’s voice as he takes another step forward, clenching his jaw when he sees the quiver in your lip, distrust filling the atmosphere between the two of you. 
“Afraid that they’re prettier or better than you’ll ever be?” 
You feel as if the wind was knocked out of your lungs, breath catching in your throat at his insinuation. His guard slackens almost immediately, clicking his tongue before turning away, too proud to apologize for the words he regretted as soon as they slipped his tongue like venom. 
“Yeah.” You laugh humorlessly, making brown eyes dart over to your expression immediately. “You’re 100% correct. I am afraid you’ll find someone better than me in all aspects. Because I love you, you absolute asshole. Is that what you wanted to hear?” 
The silence that befalls the two of you in the deserted hall is broken when you flinch away when Tsukishima tries to take a step towards you. 
“I didn’t-” 
“You never mean to do anything, Kei.” You say in a hushed tone, turning your back on him in an attempt to shield the hot tears slipping down your cheeks. “But you somehow always manage to.” 
The win for Karasuno didn’t mean much to the blonde that night, hoping that this would just go away and things would be back to normal. However, it was anything but. You didn’t look his way once in class, disappearing when it was over. Your voice trembled as you had avoided his seemingly stoic eyes through his frames, simply stating that you wished for some time away from him. 
He was fine. Or at least pretending to be on the outside. In truth, he would never find better, because you were it for him, words that you would never catch slipping his mouth. So he put on a front, pretending that your absence had zero effect on him whatsoever. Pretending the brush of your body against him in the hall as you pass each other didn’t make the blonde want to cave. 
It was the smile you shot at Hinata during one of your breaks that caused him to. The first glint in your eye in awhile, and it had been caused by him of all people, prompting the tall middle blocker to tug you by the forearm into the corridor.
“I hate this.” 
You falter for a second, guard back up in a flash as your back touches the wall. “What did I do?” 
“You didn’t do anything, and it’s pissing me off.” 
“I don’t follow-” 
“I was wrong.” His forehead touches your shoulder as you stiffen before relaxing against his familiar touch. “I don’t care how many times I have to apologize. You win, okay? I’m sorry.” 
“This is a rather aggressive apology-” 
“Y/N.” Tsukishima lifts his head so it’s level with your height, unprepared for the way tears brimmed your eyes at the proximity, your guard diminishing. 
“What if you do find someone better one day, Tsukki?” Your voice cracks, inner fears trickling to the surface. “Do I need to prepare myself to lose you-?” 
You gasp as Tsukishima’s jaw ticks before kissing you intensely, his hand touching your lower back to pull you closer. 
“No. You don’t need to do something stupid like that.” His eyes were slightly glaring at you, a flush across both his cheeks. “Because there is no one better than you, okay?” 
It was your turn for heat to flood your cheeks as your eyes widen a fraction, his breath tickling your ear as you stutter. “Kei-” 
“I love you too. I said it, are you satisfied now?”  
General works: @takemetovalhalla  @faesbae  @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046   @let-me-have-my-own-name  @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite   @curiouslilbeast  @aprettyfruit   @wisepandaslimeland   @h0ngh0ngh0ng   @lmkjimin   @orangegiraffe7   @dai-tsukki-desu   @kac-chowsballs   @spikertrash   @yamaguwuchi   @lord-suneater-explosion   @holaaaf  @babyybokutoakaashi   @lexysclubhouse   @disneyloving-muggle   @kuuuuroo   @theonep1ece  @that-chick212  @mjoork
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2jaeh · 2 years
hiii would like to request for 3 and 7 with either jaehyun, mark or jaemin :))) + angsty angst to the max heheheee thank uuu
bye | jaehyun
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"i know you're sick of falling in love, but girl that needs to be us..."
genre: angst
content: gender neutral!reader, best friends to ???, jaehyun is down terrible
word count: 1.1k
♡ prompt list
author lin
sorry for disappearing again 💀 uni was kicking my ass
"I think I'm done with my job for good." You sighed in exhaustion, dramatically throwing yourself face first onto your best friend's bed.
Jaehyun lifted his eyes from the book that was resting on his lap, his knees propped up and his back pressed against his headboard. He placed the book on his nightstand and peeled the fluffy brown blanket draped over him so he could lean forward, gently poking your head with an amused smile on his face.
"That's the fourth time you've ever said that, should I believe you this time?" Jaehyun chuckled under his breath when you picked your head up only to give him your most threatening glare.
"I'm serious this time…" You insisted with a scowl, turning to lie down on your back, your eyes fixated on the ceiling, "today was the nail on the coffin."
"You wanna talk about it?" Jaehyun hummed.
"Not really…" You shrugged before sitting up, "what I really want is some ice cream."
"It's almost 2AM." Jaehyun countered, uselessly raising an eyebrow at you already hopping off his bed.
"So what?"
"Can't argue with that." Jaehyun gave in immediately, making you laugh.
Jaehyun had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. He was truly the only man you could stand; he was gentle, he wasn't judgemental and he always made you laugh. You always joked that whoever he ended up with better cherish the hell out of him, because he was a special person. Anyone would be lucky to have someone like him in their life. You were lucky enough to call him your best friend.
"Is the ice cream hitting the spot?" Jaehyun pondered with a mouth full of chocolate ice cream, his seat reclined back and his leg slightly tapping along to the music coming from your car radio.
"Mhmm." You nodded, shoveling another spoonful passed your lips.
Jaehyun turned his to the side, his eyes landing on your unassuming side profile, happily eating your tub of ice cream. With the car parked just outside Jaehyun's apartment block, your face was only illuminated by the streetlamps and the lights of the car dashboard. You quietly hummed to the song on the radio, a frown forming on your forehead whenever the coldness of the dairy dessert became too much.
Jaehyun couldn't recall when he exactly began to fall for his best friend. It was quite sudden; one minute he was trying to set you up with one of his roommates, the next he was wondering what it would feel like to kiss you or hold your hand or hug you or take you out for ice cream at 2AM in a not so friendly way. It just sorta happened and he just had to deal with it because you weren't… exactly… the most romantic person he knew.
"My colleague keeps playing wingman for her son," you chuckled, placing your empty tub of ice cream back in the packet, "how do I politely tell her that I will never in a million years date anyone, including her son."
"That's a bit dramatic." Jaehyun rolled his eyes, turning his head to look straight ahead.
"It's true though, dating is pointless," you grimaced, "but you won't understand because you're a hopeless romantic."
"Me? I just don't have commitment issues like someone I know." Jaehyun teased, laughing when you shoved his shoulder.
"Okay then, why haven't you dated anyone recently?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Just… haven't found the right person yet." Jaehyun chuckled awkwardly, letting his eyes glance over you for just a second before reluctantly peeling them away.
"I wonder what kind of person would sweep you off your feet." You giggled, letting out a tired sigh.
You. Jaehyun wanted to yell. He wanted to shout it out for everyone to hear, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. The word stayed trapped in his throat, like a prisoner behind bars. He knew better than to say anything because you would never return his feelings. You could never fall in love. You could never give anyone even a sneak peak of what your heart looked like. Cold, uncommitted; always running away at the slightest mention of love. And then there was Jaehyun; warm, hopeless and not ready to ruin the relationship with his best friend.
"I'm not that picky," Jaehyun finally responded after being lost in his thoughts, "I just want someone who's nice… and just loves me."
"Bare minimum but alright," you laughed before turning in your seat and jokingly batting your eyelashes, "if that's the case I should be sweeping you off your feet."
"Well I'm nice… ish," you grinned, reaching over to pinch Jaehyun's soft cheek, "and I love you!"
Jaehyun felt his throat go dry once the words left your mouth. Of course you loved him, you guys expressed that to each other all the time. But the fact that you could make jokes about it so easily, while it was eating Jaehyun up on the inside. His heart panged against his chest as he sat up straight and turned to you, his hands nervously shaking in his lap.
"You do." He replied with his eyes closed.
"I do what?"
"You do…. sweep me off my feet." He gulped, opening his eyes but still refusing to look in your direction.
"Jaehyun?" You laughed to fill the awkward silence, "what… what do you mean?"
"I-I love you… more than as your best friend," Jaehyun admitted, his eyes glued to his lap, "you're the person… that swept me off my feet."
The silence was deafening, it seemed as though even the music on the radio was growing quieter. Jaehyun lifted his head to look at you, but you barely acknowledged him. You were staring straight ahead, your fingers anxiously fiddling with the steering wheel. Finally you turned to face him, your eyes connecting again for what seemed like an eternity. 
"Jaehyun I…. I'm sorry," you whispered, so softly but he heard it and he felt his heart fall right down to the pit of his stomach, "I'm sorry… I'm really sorry."
"It's okay." Jaehyun cut you off before you could string out anymore useless apologies.
He knew you had nothing more to say to him. There was no polite way to tell your best friend that you didn't love them back. Silence descended upon the car again until you clicked the button to unlock Jaehyun's door.
"Maybe… you should head up." You suggested quietly, only glancing at him for a second as he opened the door. 
"Yeah, see you around." He murmured, stepping out of the car.
"Bye Jae."
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atinyidea · 3 years
Heartworm | Choi San
n. a relationship or friendship that you can’t get out of your head, which you thought had faded long ago but is still somehow alive and unfinished, like an abandoned campsite whose smouldering embers still have the power to start a forest fire.
⟶ college!au, best friend!san, brother!seonghwa, friends to lovers!au, kinda very spicy but there’s no actual smut, there’s mentions of underage drinking and sexual encounters, everything is consentual!
⟶ appellation series masterlist
⟶ 5.7k words
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600 special prompt for my lovely soul partner @san–shine, its like 50 years late and I know she no longer is active on this blog but I wanted to keep this.
42: “Exactly how drunk was I?”
49: “Good morning, sunshine.”
☞ When you were younger, you knew you were one-hundred per cent in love with your best friend, Choi San. However, because he was also, in fact, your brother’s best friend and you were a sixteen-year-old rebel adamant to never admit your feelings, you had to watch as he got his first girlfriend during a party Seonghwa had thrown for you. Now, years later and in the middle of college, you find yourself in a familiar setting: a party thrown for you by your brother and Choi San looking as breathtaking as he always does.
☞ moodboard
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Just to be clear, when you woke up, you hadn’t expected your brother to announce that there was going to be a party held at your house for your twenty-second birthday. Your brother, being the kind and loving brother he was, had yet again used your birthday as an excuse to throw a house party, even though it wasn’t even your birthday until tomorrow. Seonghwa liked to use your birthday, the date falling in the last week of the summer holidays, as a way to gather all your combined friends as some sort of final summer get-together before the school year began again. You weren’t particularly against them, the end of summer parties becoming a little tradition after the fourth year running, and the fact that they were held at your house meant you could just go to bed any time you wanted. [ thank you sound-proofed home as per your mothers request due to your fathers’ noise-making habits from his job as a musician. ] Though it wasn’t like you knew anyone who would be throwing a house party you couldn’t just walk home from.
You did not know how many drinks you had consumed, alcoholic or otherwise, but the setting you found yourself in was giving you very explicit pangs of nostalgia to the first time you and your brother had thrown one of these parties. Your current situation was not unlike the situations you had been in before. You weren’t ashamed to say that you liked to have fun with your relationships: romantic, platonic or the just-once ones. It wasn’t unusual for you to be found in someone’s lap around midnight; the last party happened to be a beautiful girl named Soojin, the party before that was a guy whose name you hadn’t bothered to remember. However, the person’s lap who you sat in usually was not your best friend, Choi San’s. Not the San you spent the better half of your life burying romantic feelings for because he was Seongwha’s friend first. Not the San, your eyes couldn’t help watch whenever he was near. You made a promise to yourself since that one time when you had just turned sixteen, the one time you found yourself on his lap. [ A promise you made to deny your feelings because the very next day, he had gotten a girlfriend who was definitely not you. ]
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At seventeen years old, San knew he was still a stupid and hormonal teenage boy. He practically got nose bleeds anytime he remotely saw a girl's lower back or tummy, their exposed thighs or neck: he knew he could be a perverted little shit. Still, having a girl for a best friend meant that he also knew what was respectful and what was just disgusting – thinking back on it, he was grateful for his friendship with you for teaching him from a young age how to treat girls with proper respect. [ Mainly because you would whack his head or punch him in the balls whenever he said something inappropriate or did something stupid. ] But, also at sixteen, San knew that he was also sorta-kinda-probably in love with his best friend’s sister. [ Who was also his best friend… was it possible to have more than one best friend? ]
During the summer of your sixteenth, Seonghwa’s eighteenth and his seventeenth birthdays, San and his family had gone overseas for an extended holiday. His father had received a promotion, and his mother struck lucky in her weekly lottery draw, so he hadn’t been there to witness the gradual changes to your body. It wasn’t like San wasn’t attracted to you before [ not that either of you knew what the fuck attraction was before ] but when you came to the airport to pick him up with your father, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to look at another girl ever again. [ Of course, that was an overdramatic thought since he proceeded to have girlfriends that weren’t you but the thought of you truly never left his mind. ]
The day of your sixteenth birthday party was something he would always remember clearly. He remembered the way you hugged him for a solid five minutes when he got to your house in the early morning, complaining about how your parents would still be away for another few days, and your brother refused to even hug you on your birthday. [ Seonghwa’s excuse was that it was your birthday tomorrow, and that was when you could claim the birthday hug. ] Secretly, he wished you would tell him you hugged him simply because you wanted to have him close. He remembered how Seonghwa had launched into a story from his last house party (one for the seniors that only he was invited to, but the stories were fun nevertheless) as he attempted to make pancakes at your request. You had bounced your way to your favourite countertop space and jumped up to sit there, right in front of the fridge, because it was the only place that was both cool and warm [ “exactly the right temperature” ] in the entire kitchen. He remembered the way his body slotted between your legs, his back to your chest as the two of you shared a vodka-and-coke at ten-in-the-morning. His mind was restlessly deciding if it was okay to lay his hands on your knees or calves, inevitably switching between the two places every five minutes. It hadn’t felt weird but natural as all three of you shared hearty laughs and then partially burnt pancakes.
[ He remembered when he had given you the small-and-terribly-wrapped box that held your present, egging you on to open it a day early. The way your face lit up as you lifted a thin silver chained sunflower charm bracelet into the air would forever be imprinted on his eyes – your eyes sparkling and lips twitching up into a wide grin as you thanked him seven times. The gentle tone of your voice as you asked him to help you put it on because for some reason, you couldn’t put clasped bracelets on for the life of you, was saved like a voice note in his brain. “You remembered,” you had whispered once he was settled back between your legs, “that sunflowers were my favourite, I mean.” The brush of your lips on his cheek lined the walls of his heart as it threatened to shatter through his ribs. ]
As a sixteen-year-old San knew that you probably shouldn’t’ve had as much alcohol as you had that night. However, as a seventeen-year-old San also didn’t care as long as you were having fun. It was not the first time you consumed alcohol, but it was the first time you’d had enough to get drunk from it. It was your sixteenth birthday party after all, and neither your brother nor your best friend had any objections when you grabbed the first vodka-and-coke at ten in the morning while you got ready. So now, at almost eleven at night, you had had more than ten of those drinks, and you could honestly say you weren’t sure if you’d remember anything from this night at all. The hours went by in a blur, and soon three drinks had turned into eight as you dragged San to your room to decide on an outfit for the night. He remembered the way his throat constricted as you strolled out from your bathroom in a neon green crop top and the pair of flare jeans you always wore. Ultimately San thought he would’ve preferred that outfit to the one you settled on – a black denim mini-skirt with a matching jacket on top of a simple t-shirt with a neon rainbow painted across the chest. The sliver of skin showing from the crop top was way less tempting than the muscle of your thighs, mainly since that was your exact plan for the outfit.
“You look good,” he had said, swallowing gulps of air and saliva when you asked, “you’d still look good in a potato sack,” he complimented you as you twirled on the spot and gifted him with a brilliant grin that simply took his breath away.
“We match!” You all but squealed when you took note of the black denim jacket San wore over his t-shirt with a neon rainbow across the chest.
He hadn’t even noticed.
His memory started to get hazy around drink number thirteen. He couldn’t remember how or what events had led to the current situation, [ or which room the two of you were actually in that was both not your bedroom and also not inhabited by literally anyone else ], but he certainly was not complaining. You were so close to him he could smell the faintest scent of your vanilla and cinnamon shampoo and conditioner you had used the day before, the slightest whiff of your jasmine scented perfume [ the one you always wore, the one he bought you your first bottle of ] and the sweetly bitter smell of cherry coke and vodka on your breath. His hands seemed glued to your lower back and hips, palms almost moulded to your skin like he were a sculptor, and you were his latest masterpiece. Your legs either side of his own, wrapping around him possessively, like he was yours and only yours, and he let you, using his hands to pull you closer to him like you were his and only his. Your faces were so close he could feel each hot exhale of breath hitting his lips, and when they stopped as you shivered and whined, he couldn’t help the way his lips tilted upwards into a smirk. The way you attempted to wire your mouth shut not to make a sound wasn’t effective, seeing as he heard all three of your whines, each one getting more prolonged and higher in pitch as the two of you continued your ministrations. His hips wanted to jut up into you. Still, he forced his movements to be as slow and smooth as possible, wanting to feel every way you would come undone above him, but when his gaze flickered across your face. He spotted the small trickle of blood falling from your lips; it was like everything that had just happened had disappeared.
From your recollection, you only remembered specific parts of that night. Your legs had been situated on either side of his thighs, your arms wrapped around his neck as his palms slowly pushed up the small of your back to pull your body closer to his. Your faces were so close you could physically see the connection between the two of you, yet neither of you pushed forward enough to make that connection real and tangible. [ You wanted to, God, you wanted to kiss him right then more than anything. Why didn’t you kiss him then? ] San’s hands felt hot against your skin, his fingertips slowly moving to draw a masterpiece on your back. You shivered slightly as a slight breeze floated around the sliver of exposed skin where your shirt had ridden up. Your eyes were drawn to San’s lips as they twitched up into a slight smirk; his own eyes flickered to watch you watch him. Neither of you had said a word to each other for almost half an hour, drunkenly pushing at the limits between your friendship with nothing but burning touches and delicate twists of hips.
You subconsciously sucked your bottom lip into the confines of your teeth, but you willingly bit down harshly to stop a sly whine from escaping your lips as San had the cocky idea to roll his pelvis into yours as he held you in place with his hands on your hips. Apparently, you had bitten down way too hard because the next thing you knew was that San’s playful smirk had evaporated into a concerned frown. He lifted a hand from your hip – the sudden rush of cold where his hand previously was leaving you feeling a sense of loss – to your lip, his thumb tugging your lip back out.
“You’re bleeding,” he mumbled, thumb coming away with a smear of blood moulding into his fingerprint. The taste of blood in your mouth was unexpected and had sent you reeling. You almost flew off of his lap and practically ran to your bedroom’s bathroom to inspect the damage. There was a tear in the side of your bottom lip. [ The side of your lip you always bit out of habit, so the skin was thinner there than the rest of your lip. ] Against your better judgment – the rational part of your brain was too drunk at that moment – you settled your tongue against the fresh cut. Finching away from yourself at the unexpected [ which really should’ve been expected ] pain, you decided that there was nothing you could do to help soothe it. After twenty minutes, that felt like two, of staring at yourself in the mirror, you finally shrugged and made your way back into the heart of the party.
As an almost sixteen-year-old, you knew you were just coming into figuring out your body and the emotions of more physical relationships as you grew into it. You knew you had grown up a little (a lot) over the summer, your chest filling out from a b-cup to a c-cup, your lanky figure could no longer be considered lanky as your limbs gained muscle, fat and tone, creating a new full and curvy figure. Your mother had been ecstatic when you came to her asking how to style clothes to fit your ‘new’ figure as it meant the two of you could go shopping [ one of her favourite activities ], and you could find your style that both suited your body and personality. You did have to admit that your style didn’t change much; you still loved a sturdy flannel shirt [ always oversized though, now you tended to wear it open with a form-fitting crop top or spaghetti-strap top underneath to show off your chest and waist ] and you still loved your favourite pair of flare jeans enough to wear them almost every other day, [ the one with the painted sunflower over the back pocket. ] You also loved pleated mini skirts and knee-high socks or a simple loose-form-fitting dress with lycra cycle shorts underneath. You didn’t like the emotional side of your summer changes, though and, while you were new to the whole attraction thing, the one person you definitely didn’t feel anything remotely romantic for was your best friend. [ Well, maybe you did, but he was Seonghwa’s friend first, and that was a no-go… and perhaps you wanted to reject the way your heart turned into butterflies when you saw him at the airport… and maybe you just weren’t ready to put those feelings into words, so you denied them instead. ]
Your best friend whose lap you were just sat on, grinding your hips into his with your noses touching. Your best friend who was now kissing another girl [a beautiful girl who was named Hyemi, she was in Seonghwa’s class and also happened to live across the road… she was always nice to you and you couldn’t find it in you to dislike her even as your stomach knotted and twisted into something green with envy ] in the middle of the kitchen. You wouldn’t remember how long you stood there, watching the two of them kiss like a complete and utter creep, and you wouldn’t remember the look San gave you as he noticed the sway of your hair as you retreated out of the kitchen with a frown on your brow.
You did not fancy your best friend, and you definitely did not care that he was kissing Hyemi in front of the fridge. [ The fridge he stood between your legs in front of literal hours ago. ] Lastly, you definitely did not feel like crying as your mind reminded you about two different memories of earlier that day – one of you sat on the counter opposite that exact fridge with San leaning back into you as he gave you the sunflower charm bracelet that wrapped around your wrist, watching Seonghwa attempt to make you birthday pancakes. The second the memory of his hands burning up your skin, the way his lips tilted into a smirk when you shivered under his hold and the way you inflicted pain to yourself in an attempt not to whine with pleasure at the way he moved his hips.
It was too raw, and now you just wanted to forget.
San’s brain refused to calculate time because one minute his hand was reaching for your bloodied lip and the next you were gone, and San was back in the kitchen getting you a glass of water [ and then he was kissing another girl in front of the fridge he rested between your legs literal hours ago. ] San wouldn’t remember what their conversation had been, only that this girl, Hyemi, was older than him and had just asked him out. He wouldn’t remember the exact way her grin turned a little too malicious to be sincere. He would, however, remember the way your hair flew over your shoulder as you spun away from the scene involving him; he would remember the way his eyes followed your figure all the way into the embrace of your brother as you shallowly smiled and stole his drink [ and he would remember the way his chest seemed to ache at that simple action. ]
Hyemi became his girlfriend at that same party; you didn’t even know they knew each other. He didn’t even know why he said yes.
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And here you were, on the penultimate night before your twenty-second birthday, in the lap of your best friend. His relationship with Hyemi had lasted six months, and he had gotten six more significant others in the seven-year gap from then til now but, right then, he was single, and you were in his lap. You had flopped down over the side of a two-seater couch; eyes screwed shut with laughter, so you didn’t realise who was sat on said couch – or that anyone was – until your head made contact with their thigh. [ Their thigh was very comfy to lay on, which was the first thing your brain commented on. ] When you looked up and met eyes with San, a small [ tiny really, in no way visible to the person who knew you best and where to look for a blush – finding it immediately ] blush was growing warmly over your cheeks.
“Hey there,” He grinned, setting down his plastic cup, [ more like throwing it over his shoulder, not caring that it hit someone since it was mostly empty anyway ] and poking your nose gently just to watch the way it would scrunch up. His fingers were moving from your nose to his ear to make sure the roll-up cigarette that was balanced there hadn’t fallen.
“Hi,” you giggled, your legs curling up to your chest, making you look like a contorted cat as your feet still dangled slightly over the arm of the chair. After a few seconds, your fingers started twitching and settled on playing with the fabric of his shirt. It was the same rainbow one he wore to your sixteenth party, matching the one you were wearing too. The both of you had grown out of them, San settling on cutting it into a crop top and you doing the same, [ since you were the one who had actually cut San’s shirt and decided to continue and do yours, so you matched again. ] His shirt gave little to cover, showing off his abdominals and tummy [ and the slight happy trail peeking out from the waistband of his jeans ] proudly and only just covering his pectorals. Your own shirt was cut higher, stopping just above the curve of your breasts. Still, your own torso was covered in a neon green fishnet bodysuit [ not that it left anything to the imagination, your torso was still on show ] that was tucked into your signature flare pants which now rode a little low on your hips and the sunflower on the back was more than a little faded.
“What are you doing?” He asked with an amused grin, [ complemented with the subtle raise of a singular eyebrow… Gods, why was he so attractive? ] one hands fingers starting to twist in the loose strands of your short hairstyle. It was nice. [ The touch of his hands against your hair was excellent, the slight tug of the strands against your skull felt really nice. ]
“Taking a break. Siyeon, Minji and Yunho broke out the karaoke machine, and they're playing the song shots game.” You replied as if it explained everything. [ It actually kind of did, San recalled you once telling him that the chaotic energy of that particular trio and the song shots game gave you awful headaches. And you hated having headaches when you were drinking because it made you nauseous. And when you were nauseous and drunk, you tended to go have a smoke, which you were trying extremely hard to stop doing for the sake of your father, who also used to smoke and now had lung problems. So, San understood your meaning. ] “What about you?”
San had to take a minute to think. Just what was he doing? Why was he so out of it today? In his heart, San knew the answer, but he hadn’t unlocked that treasure chest just yet. [ He was tired of watching you be semi-intimate with people that weren’t him… Which he refused to admit. Because both of you were pinning assholes in denial. ] Finally, even though it had only been a minute, he replied with a simple “I’m just… sitting.”
“Oh?” You asked, now it was your turn to raise the amused eyebrow, “just sitting?”
“Sitting... and thinking.”
“About what?”
“You.” The word was out faster than San’s brain had time to process what he’d said. However, now he had said it, he wasn’t going to deny it. Was it the small amount of alcohol in his system? [ It was the way your eyes widened a little as you looked up at him from your place in his lap, fingers twisting in his shirt and lips falling open ever so slightly. ]
“Me?” Your pitch ascended as the volume of your voice diminished.
“Yeah, you!” He grinned, tone equally as quiet but still showing enthusiasm, moving his free hand to boop your nose.
“What about me?”
San’s fingers in your hair froze at your question, his mind whirring with any kind of answer that wouldn’t cross the line into confession territory wherein he would lose your friendship indefinitely, but after one look at the serious longing look in your eye, he decided he would ‘man up’ [ the phrase making him cringe as soon as he thought it… the connotation of the word being so outdated and, for someone who grew up with a very stubborn girl in his life, San wondered why society hadn’t come up with a suitable alternative to the phrase ] and just tell you.
So he did.
“Do you remember what happened between us at your sixteenth party?” He asked, seemingly changing the conversation topic. Confused but going with it, a slight blush warming your cheeks, you nodded, and he took that as permission to continue, “I can’t stop thinking about it.” His voice was nothing louder than a whisper, you should’ve had to strain your ears to hear him, but at that moment, it was like all other sounds and distractions faded from the scene. Your breath hitched as you simply stared up into his eyes, his pupils dilated, almost taking over the beautiful swirling colour of his irises [ making his eyes look darker than usual, more intense than expected, and for a second, you swore your heart stopped ].
“What about it?” Your question was innocent enough, but the way you said it gave way to other ideas. Your voice was soft and breathy, like you weren’t getting enough oxygen, and like San, the words weren’t said above a whisper. Afterwards, you bit down softly on your bottom lip [ unintentional on your part, it was just a habit of yours, to be honest ], minutely sucking it in, and San’s focus shifted to watch your lips specifically.
“I’m thinking about how much I’d like to do it again.”
“You want to kiss me?”
“If you’d let me.”
“Please kiss me.” You whispered, more a statement rather than a question or demand. And so he did, leaning forward to reach you, head still in his lap, [ it felt like a slow-motion scene in a movie, but it couldn’t have been longer than two seconds before his lips were flush against yours ]. It was not the first time the two of you had kissed, but it was the first time you had kissed since becoming official adults — it felt different.
It felt good.
His lips were soft, and his kiss was gentle, at least it was at first. As the seconds ticked on, the kiss grew more intense, the soft brush of his lips pressed harder into you, his hands running over your body to pull you up to him. Your arms threaded around his neck, stretching out your torso [ if you were honest, it hurt a little… not that you were lucid enough to be aware of it ] and arching your back. He bit down on your bottom lip, tugging at it a little when your fingers twisted through the hair at his neck, pulling him to you with a new sense of desperation.
And then the two of you fell off the couch. You slid off his lap and landed on your back [ though it was more like you were on your side than your back ] while San rolled over on top of you. Both of you froze in your positions, eyes wide, [ pupils dilated but that was most likely due to the desire flowing through you ] lips parted as you just stared at one another for a second. San was the first to crack the silence, lips pulling into a grin and eyes crinkling with joy as his laugh sounded out around you. He flipped off from on top of you, landing next to you on the floor but his smile never dimmed and his laugh hadn’t faded. You rolled slightly so you were actually on your side as you continued to look at him. When he looked back at you your heart skipped a beat, his smile was so pretty and it made his dimple so deep but it wasn’t long before his laughter simmered and his expression faded as he looked back at you.
Biting your lip once again you made an executive decision [ the only decision you could think off, since all thoughts were now preoccupied with San at the moment ] to lift yourself to hover over him this time. You swallowed and let out a breath as your eyes met, searching for any sign that you should stop. Your shaking breath cut out into a soft gasp as San’s hands caressed over the small of your back to pull you down so that your chests touched. Your right hand lifted up to take hold of the cigarette tucked behind his ear, [ a small giggle leaving your lips at the thought that it was still there even after all that ] and twisted it between your fingers a little. Was it a nervous habit or just a neat trick, you couldn’t distinguish at the moment. San’s own hand came to hold yours, two sets of fingers now playing with the home-made roll-up gently. Soon enough San took it from your shallow grip and flicked it across the room, using the same hand to cup your jaw to cirect your gaze back to him.
Meeting his eyes made you want to shy away from his gaze but you let him keep you there. He looked at you with such a strong emotion you though you’d possibly be able to taste it from his lips. “I have to tell you something…” You whispered, close enough to not have to raise your voice.
“What is it?” He whispered back, the fingers on your back drawing small circles as the hand at you jaw left to curl a strand of hair around his fingers in the opposite direction. [ how he did that subconsciously and not mess it up would’ve made your head spin in wonder ].
“I love you.” You began, still whispering. “I have for a long time, though in the beginning I tried rather hard to deny it. Mainly because you had a significant other and I didn’t want to ruin that for you. And then, in a rather dick move, I got a significant other in the hopes of stopping it but that didn’t work so I stopped getting into romantic relationships altogether and now-”
He cut you off, pulling you into him to kiss the words from your lips [ which you appreciated because your inner thoughts were beginning to panic because your mouth wouldn’t stop talking ]. When you separated his smile was back, albeit not as wide as before. His eyes were as soft as his smile as he kissed you once more, resting your foreheads together. “I love you too,” he said against your lips. At his words you surged forward, pressing into him with fierce emotion as your kissed him.
You had wanted to hear those words from his lips for so long. You had wanted him for so long. And here he was, right in your reach, his hands on your body and yours tugging gently at his hair. Before all the breath in your lungs had finished and you lost your conscious nerve to a blur of desire those word had repeated at least thrice as you made your way to the comfort of your bed and the warmth of his body.
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The next day when you woke up, you woke up earlier than usual and feeling unusually chipper as you took a hot shower. The subtly sweet scent of pancakes met you as you made your way through the house and into the kitchen.
“Good morning, Sunshine, you’re up early,” your brother grinned over his shoulder, both hands currently busy holding a pan and spatula. “I made pancakes.”
“Yes, I can see that.” You returned his grin with one of your own, a teasing smile lifting to your lips as you took a seat. Your head was clear of any headaches or lingering pain from a hangover since you were better with your alcohol intake as a twenty-two-year-old, and your reckless youth had lined your stomach with a fair amount of tolerance.
“Exactly how drunk was I last night? I don’t remember anyone leaving.”
“Oh boy,” Seonghwa sniggered, a sly grin taking over his features, “the party was two days ago, you slept all day yesterday. Really freaked San out.”
“What?!” You exclaimed, a piece of pancake falling from your fingers back onto your plate, bouncing off and onto the side sadly. [ It went ignored as you stared down your brother. ]
“Yeah. And he’s been ramble-muttering about you for a solid ten hours now. He’s really not subtle at all.” Seonghwa grinned. “So now that you two have slept together, are you two actually together?”
If you had liquid in your mouth, you would have spat it out. “He told you?!” You exclaimed, heart racing at the thought of your best friend and your brother discussing your sex-life.
“No.” Seonghwa denied immediately, face scrunching up in disgust at the mere thought, “I definitely don’t need to know details about that. It’s just San isn’t subtle at all when he’s mutter-rambling. He was oblivious to the fact he was thinking out loud about how to move forward after your… time together… while I literally sat next to him.” Seonghwa then grinned at you, again, the stretch of his lips becoming a little too mischievous for your liking. “Pretty sure he passed out on the couch half an hour ago.” He hinted, motioning over to the living room with his head as his eyebrows wiggled up and down suggestively.
A puff of air exhaled through your nose as a small smile climbed over your lips. You opened your mouth to talk, but he cut you off with a gentle pat on the head, “I’m happy for you two,” was all he said but it was enough. [ Your heart soared at the approval of your brother. It was not that you nor San needed Seonghwa’s approval, but it was nice to know he wouldn’t oppose it. ] Then you made your way to the couch San was asleep on.
You sat next to him, in the space unoccupied by his body. His brow was furrowed, which you frowned at. You lifted a hand and gently pressed on the juncture between his eyebrows, smoothing them out. His face instantly relaxed under your touch [ a part of your mind daydreamed that it was because he knew it was you ] and a small smith lifted upon your lips. Your hand moved down to cup his cheek and then his jaw before you raised it to gently wipe away the hair that had fallen in his face. You bit down on your lip, confused on whether to wake him up or not but life had chosen for you as one by one San’s eyes opened and slowly focused on you.
His eyes widened, and in a flurry of limbs suddenly he was laying on his back on the floor while you had balanced yourself with your knees over his waist. After a second of shocked silence [ as the two of you came to terms with what the fuck just happened ] a grin spread across his lips, eyes crinkling in delight, as his hands came to grip your hips gently.
A silent confirmation washed over the two of you as your lips spread to mirror his grin. The two of you would be alright as the next part of your relationship bloomed, the embers of your crushes were now burning bright.
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thliahls · 4 years
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b-b-b-back once again , cldn’t wait can’t be tamed .. as with all my intros .. tis a doozy so feel free to mssg me for a tl;dr if we feelin lazy i will totally understand , or scroll to the wc’s i tried to think of as many as possible bc i wanna plot wit every1 )): !! anyhaps like this n i will come force my heathen of a gurl on u !
⌠ GRACIE ABRAMS, 20, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, THALIA HALL! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in AWARENESS TRAINING, BREATH CONTROL, HAND TO HAND COMBAT + THREAT ELIMINATION and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of dirt under a meticulously painted manicure, the shrill ring of her phone and poorly treated books creased at the spine. when it’s the (scorpio)’s birthday on 11/02/2000, they always request FISH FINGERS from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
biography / pinterest
was born in the states but dad and her moved back to england the year she was born, which was also the year he graduated blackthorne. his mother was ‘never in the picture’ which has left her imagination to go down several paths, discontent with all of them. unfortunately daddy dearest crafts a space where she’d never dare ask ! she has a bit of an obsession with the blackthorne graduation ritual because of it .
was immediately placed under the care of two retired spies, sort of a foster care system within the spy community. dad still visited whenever he wasn’t working and still technically had full custody over her. up until she went to prep school, led a very sheltered life. homeschooled by them, but they were fairly lax. her dad expected a certain amount of training to be done, but her and her foster siblings usually mucked about a fair bit. her training would always be done in the form of games which she discovered early on that she loved to win, it made her fiercely competitive.
was very spoiled by them, grew up in a huge country estate and excelled in her home school classes without trying, which made her extremely entitled. she’d often wrestle with her siblings in the garden , and bring them to tears . biting them, pulling their hair, slapping them around . it would earn her a slap on the wrist , but it was never anything a sorry couldn’t fix . spends her free time laying in the grass reading , and learning the romance languages and was raised speaking cantonese bc that’s her foster parents native language . more invested in the sociology of linguistics and how it can be used to assert and diminish power but only cares for this in a self-serving way .
spy prep rolls around and it’s very exciting ! as predicted ( by herself lmao ) she does well, without even having to try. socially , she drifts through groups , picking up on cues on how to interact , what works well and what doesn’t . doesn’t find anyone particularly interesting and would much rather be reading but by not having any sort of allegiance to one particular group , it ends with her being very well-liked . the top marks is unsurprising, further fuelled by some amusing competition , finding that her desire to earn good grades comes more from wanting to spite others than actually wanting to achieve good grades . finals roll around and she gets the highest grade in her year and in tandem with being well liked, earns her place as valedictorian . she’s very proud of herself, not for earning valedictorian, but for besting aylin . 
in the months prior , on a field trip she meets a boy and for the first time in ever , exudes big dumb energy gets his number , starts texting him , starts sneaking off campus to meet him ... he’s a total casanova , a big romantic and exactly like the protags in the romance novels she reads . it’s a big prep school no-no but as long as no one finds out it’s fine ! then walks in aylin, and destroys her whole career by reporting her ( she doesn’t know for sure it was her , but has her suspicions since their rivalry had run throughout the entirety of prep school ). she’s kicked out , denied graduation , valedictorian and is humiliated . she calls her civilian boyfriend the night of , but his line’s already been disconnected , presumably threatened / beat up by her lovely dad .
her father is livid , but is able to use his connections to get her a place at another , less prestigious prep school and negotiates with the school to take her to and fro every day , like he’s picking her up from daycare . he stops working for a full year to do this , and expects her to feel indebted to him . the monotony of repeating the year makes her irritable, made worse by the snickers she constantly hears in the hallways . but she has gallagher to look forward to , knowing she’ll still be going there because continuing tradition is important to her father , who also decided her majors for her and had a big argument with him when she asked if she could take linguistics ! he makes her call him every single night at 6p.m. if she misses a call , he contacts the school . she hates him . 
passive aggressive emphasis on the aggressive : is always withholding judgement, but inevitably always lets a comment slip. think, ‘   you’re so confident to wear whatever you want to,   ’ or, ‘   wow ! that colour’s so bright i almost need sunglasses !   ’ petty as hell  in all respects physically too , spots a bruise on your arm ? you bet she’s gonna press it and ask if that hurts, then say sorry when you yelp . 
hypocritical : detests people who don’t try but doesn’t try herself and justifies it by getting really good grades . believes there’s no point sleeping with someone unless you love them , then will drunkenly hook up with someone that very same night . 
hope less romantic : she has no hope for others but remains a romantic . thinks people have given up on courting people and wooing them . expects flowers at her door , good morning texts and candlelit dinners . leaves secret admirer notes under people's door to people she thinks are cute and thinks she might have a crush on in the future , quite creepy but at least she doesn't use magazine clippings anymore ! 
spiteful : life is a game and she wants to win it ! makes everything into a competition , even unconsciously . goes up to the adjacent treadmill and makes the speed and incline several points higher than the person next to her . painting your nails with her ? she’ll make sure hers looks better and point out that you didn’t coat the ends of your nails . board game night with her is fun for no one but her , i’m so sorry if she ever ropes you into one !
bookworm : her disgustingly high standards about love come from her singular past relationships and books . read one too many jane austen’s and now she’s crazy
loyal : her loyalty is hard to earn , but once you’ve got it , you’ve got it .
*think the arrogant exterior of jesse eisenberg as zucc in the social network with emaline addario ( everything sucks ) type dramatics every so often to keep it spicy !
wanted connections
toxic friendship ! a slow burn relationship of passive-aggressiveness and co-dependency, one day they stop taking her shit or say they’re going to but always end up in each other’s company at the end of the day . or maybe one day they don’t come back to her and thalia is forced to admit she may have been too harsh .
hook-ups she has when drunk ! which she will only have when drunk , to follow her unspecified , no rights , belief system . will pretend like she does not know you the next day . oh to be a romantic , but a scorpio . a tough life .
people she has crushes on ! and leaves handwritten poetry under their door or in their notebooks , absolutely humiliating that she acts this way ! bonus points for a note that’s left under the door and the wrong person reads it . 
sparring buddies but make it feral ! no rules sorta deal, out in the woods, scratches from twigs, bloodied rocks, anything to let some of her pent up aggression out . they can go swimming after : )
daddy issues gang ! someone hears her on the phone in the hallway , inquires , proceeds to talk about how much they hate their fathers . thalia tells them how she’s going to kill him one day <3 alternatively , her father may have been the cause or implicated in the death of your chara’s loved one .
roommates ! self-explanatory , but she probably dislikes them and is unfairly harsh on them . sets rules but lets herself be exempt from them stuff like that x also for berlin she requested a room by herself lmao n deluded herself into thinking she wld be accommodated , thus i’m going to leave whoever she rooms with up to fate and she will hate it regardless of whoever she gets roomed with !
someone who hates aylin as much as she does ! yes this is deserving of a whole connection , thalia would probably die for this person . alternatively , aylin’s friends who she hates as a byproduct of hating aylin or tries to get them to hate aylin .
rivals ! because it’s the only thing that motivates her to do well in school .  
encryption major ! who helps her find out about her dad’s past , and present . what he’s done and what he continues to do . also a way for her to maybe switch one of her majors to linguistics and hacking a report that says she’s still in her predetermined majors .
take a chill pill ! someone who gets her to relax , makes her watch reality television which she relentlessly criticizes , but this person won’t give up trying to make her less of an awful human bean .
anything else ! i am , as the kids say , down to clown .
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fandomsumthing · 5 years
Halloween Fright
Trigger warning: fake gore, could get kinda creepy (not really), slight Parksborn.
October 31st, Halloween. Kids out going door to door collecting candy or egging houses. Teens watching horror movies or going to parties because they think their too old to be out and getting that sweet treat. Well, some teens.
Adults either watching over their children or at that more adult parties or asleep. No need to celebrate it other than just to have fun. Especially for those secret heroes.
Speaking of which, a certain secret spider was sitting in his room, staring in the mirror, doing horror make up with music playing in the background. Peter had plans to met up with Harry that night for one of those Halloween parties. It was at this little area of woods that was usually rented out for these types of parties. Of course he knew that Gwen, Anya, and Miles would be there so he wouldn't have to follow Harry around like a lost puppy.
He was also told to dress scary. Apparently this party had a contest and you'd win by scaring the most people. If you get scared you're out.
"I'm not striding to win, but I am going to scare some people." Harry had told him over the phone. By people, Peter knew he meant the him. He used to jump out at him at random when they were kids. Peter would act like he wasn't scared even after screaming.
It had been like that for years, but now Peter had an upper hand with his spider-senses. And some other qualities as well. A few months back, his late night scrolling had him watching some special effects videos and that made him want to try it. So he did, and he had practice for quite some time now. If he wasn't ashamed to admit that he was good at it. But no one knew that except for May, who had walked in on him when he was trying out a zipper face.
If he didn't know that he's reflection was his, he'd probably scream. He was aiming for a zombie look and he succeeded. His had fake blood focused in one area to mimic being bashed in. His face look normal, beside the blood the flowed down from the fake bash, until it got down to his nose and under. It looked like the flesh was skinned off of his face, leaving a bloody mess. He was so glad that he was wearing an old shirt because the fake blood had dropped down his neck and trickled down the front of his shirt.
There was a fake bite mark on his arm that could be seen through one of the rips in his hoodie.It was going to be thrown away so might as well use it for something, right?
It looked mostly complete except for one thing, his eyes. He had been avoiding this part, but he knew that it wouldn't look quite right without them. He had gotten foggy contacts for his eyes to complete the dead look. He bought them with his own money as soon as he was told about the party at the beginning of the month. He had gotten them to fit the circumference of his eyes so he could wear them the whole night without any problems. (Looking at you cosplayers, make sure you know to get your eye sized by a doctor.)
Taking a deep breathe, Peter held his eye open and placed the contact in. He moved it around and then looked in the mirror. Yup, starting to look complete. His normally green eye was now heavily shaded with a grey color, but the green coil still be seen slightly. He then repeat this with the other.
Finally done Peter got up, turning off his radio and taking his phone off the charger. He was ready to scare the absolute shit out of some people.
"I'm leaving now, May!" Peter called as he walked down stairs.
"Okay! Have fun! And stay away from drunks! They could mistake you for an actual zombie!" May called back from the kitchen, catching a glimpse of her nephew. "Maybe put your hood up for the way there? Not that I don't like it, just so if any of your friends see you they don't ruin the surprise for everyone there." She added.
Peter stopped before leaving. "Genius as always." Peter smiled and pulled his hood over his head then leaving.
The way there was full of stares, compliments, and scares for some. He had actually gotten stopped by a mother who had tried to make him feel bad for scaring her son, which was not the chase. The kid was actually really intrigued with his make up. Other than that interaction, his way there was all around great.
Getting there was exciting but also worry some because there was only one person standing in front of the forest. Peter recognized her as the host, Maggie. She was wearing devil horns and a tail. She was wealthy to a point and always threw holiday parties, but this was the first Halloween one. She had made it clear that she was participating because she was the one giving out the prize and handing out the refreshments.
"Hey Maggie, where's everyone else?" Peter asked, getting her to look up. She jumped back with wide eyes.
"Jeez! Wow! That's so cool, Peter! Everyone is scattered throughout the trees, the scaring part hasn't started yet. It'll be starting soon, though, so you best get in there!" Maggie said and motioned to the forest. Peter nodded and headed in.
He kept his hood up and just continued to walked with his head down until he knew he was totally alone. Once he was, he took off the hood and unzipped his hoodie, letting it slide down one arm. He knew that it would slide down farther during the night, but zombies don't really care if their jackets are falling off. He then messed up his hair some more so that his face could be seen, but his eyes were slightly hidden through the mess. He also made sure his shoes were tied, he didn't want to trip.
As one could tell, Peter was in it to win it. He was quite sure why himself why we wanted to win so badly, but now knew he just wanted to. Though, he wouldn't be mad if he lost either. But it would make his night great if he did.
"Hello lovely people!" Maggie's voice boomed from the hidden speakers. "Welcome to the first ever scare contest! We have a few simple rules! Touching is allowed, but no touching those special parts because of you do you're creep and definitely won't win with that type of creepy! Try sticking to the arms and calf of the legs for those on the ground! You can climb trees, but be careful! And try not to drop directly on someone! Oh! And no hitting or fighting. If you are scared by a tree or a squirrel and not by an actual person, you are still in. If you get scared, please go to the far back to the actual party area with your hands up in order not to be scared by other people, though they might still scare you because why not! And I know that some of you will try lying and saying you didn't, so your scream or you're fearful cussing will be podcasted through this very PA system! Before I let this begin, the safe word is Ghost! If heard, people around them please help them to the back to be assisted by medical students or to get them water. Last one standing wins the big prize! You all must be asking yourselves, 'what is it?' Well, a part of it is money! Now that is all said and understood, let the scaring begin in 3... 2...1!" Maggie ended it with an maniacal laugh.
With the game officially starting, everything became slightly tense but mostly exciting. He began walking slowly, taking in every thing around him. He knew Miles would be in the trees already so that he appeared taller. Harry was most likely looking for him. Gwen was probably charging at people.
But Anya, oh she was his rival in winning and he hated not knowing what she could be doing right now. They had made it clear to each other that they both wanted to win. They had even "trashed talked" each other. Well, not really trash talk, more like silly school yard insults. Anya did say, however, that Peter was the least threatening person, other than Miles, in the friend group. Everyone else agree, except for Miles who had seen Peter in full on rage before. But that little comment got Peter to actually do the bite mark on his arm.
Needless to say that he was mostly targeting her, but was willing to scare anyone in his way. He learned that it's better to make scary noises then actually scream so that he could keep his voice. And that walking slowly does set people on edge before running at them. The whole thing is to conserve energy to be able to keep scaring.
He kept walking for a few minutes before feeling his senses go off slightly, not for danger but as a warning of someone approaching. He stopped in his tracks and looked from side to side calmly, knowing that whoever it was they were approaching from behind him. He continued walking. Their foot prints came closer and Peter could hear their slight chuckle.
He could see the shadow of their hand rising in order to touch is shoulder. Now. Peter turned around fast, a smile spread across his face, now staring, his eyes wide to show of more of the white, at the guy with a werewolf mask and gloves. The guy had obviously not seen Peter's face and let out a shriek, and it was repeated on the loud speaker. "The first one to fall!" Maggie's voice came after it. The guy in the werewolf mask reached up to take his mask off, revealing Flash Thompson. His face still a little shaken.
"Good job on that." He said, putting his hands up in a surrendering fashion and giving Peter a slightly smile. Peter returned it with a proud one.
"Thank you, Thompson. I was planning on doing this for our study sessions." Flash's face instantly dropped which got Peter to laugh. "I'm just kidding!" Flash nodded and walked away with his hands up.
The game carried off like that for an hour. People's screams coming from the loud speakers, some being caused by Peter. He could see other with their hands up going to the back to the party. Their costumes were scary, but they mostly look like they were made on a eighth graders budget. Well, Peter's was sorta in that cost range too, but he had been doing this makeup for months before he even knew of the party. Practice makes better.
A few of them spotted Peter creeping from behind a tree and they cussed loudly or jumped or just speed up their pace. Pretty funny in Peter's opinion. He saw Gwen and Miles walking back with their hands up, and he decided against scaring them out right. Tying his jacket around his waist, he started approaching them from the back, putting his hands in his front jean pockets.
"Who got you guys?" Peter asked which got them to stop. They turned there heads, smiles on their faces. Gwen had scales on her cheeks and forehead with damp hair and Miles had fangs in and a half assed suit.
"Harry got me- HOLY SHIT!" Miles yelled , fully looking at Peter now. Gwen was too and gave a surprised gasp.
"Did you do that yourself?" Gwen asked, her impressed eyes scanning over Peter.
"Nah, got hit by a car on the way here." Peter quipped, crossing his arms with a smirk.
"At least you didn't fall out of a tree like Miles here." Gwen nudged Miles, Miles grimacing at the ground. Gwen just unknowingly gave him grip practice for a week.
"Of course you did. Didn't you say Harry got out?" Peter asked Miles, who nodded. "Can you point me in his direction?"
Miles pointed down one of the trails. "He was there when he got me, I'm sure if you keep walking you'll find him." Miles mumbled.
"Thank you kindly." Peter said, saluting his friends as he walked away. He then stopped, "Oh, and Miles. Monday." He could hear Miles groan as he continued on his way.
As he continued down the path, he heard a scream from farther down the path that was echoed on the loud speakers. He could see a figure walking at him with their hands up. It wasn't Harry, he was slightly taller. As he got closer, Peter could see his ripped clothes and drawn on stitches that lead up to Shammas.
He looked up and met Peter's gaze, and he was obviously about to scream or yell something until Peter covered his mouth and brought his other hand up, his index finger pressed against his lips.
"Sorry, just tell me, is Harry back there?" He asked and Shammas nodded, raising a question eyebrow. Peter smiled and lowered his hand from his mouth as he got an idea.
"My guess is that he scared you, you want to get him back?" Peter asked and Shammas thought about it.
"But I'm out." Shammas said, still questioning Peter. He'd met him before, but he wasn't like this. Like, here he presented himself with more confidence while in his bloody attire. It was almost frightening.
"I know, I just need you to get his attention and I'll scare him." Peter explained. Yup, definitely frightening.
"Alright." Shammas nodded.
Harry walked in a circle. He had his area that he was comfortable in. Sure, moving around could get him a chance to scare Peter, but he also didn't want to.
Peter wasn't weak, but his costume of a drown victim was really convincing to some people. He didn't think Peter would be able to look at him like this. Plus, his sit and wait approached was working excellently. He got about ten people just laying in wait. At this point he could just sit back and-
"HARRY HELP!" He heard Shammas yell. It didn't sound like a fake cry for help. His voice sounded panicked. He also couldn't get him out if he was trying to scare him, so why would he even try?
"Shammas?" Harry yelled back. No answer. He called out again, this time moving towards where Shammas voice had came from.
As he approached, he could see a figure on the ground. As he got closer, he could see that the figure laying down on the ground was Shammas, who was laying with his eyes shut. He wasn't knocked out, just laying there.
"Shammas, what the hell are you-" Before he could finish, he was face to face with a bloody face. "Looking a little wet aren't we?" The voice was rough.
Harry fell back "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Harry screamed. It was then replayed and that's when he realized he was out. He looked at Shammas who was laughing on the ground. He caught a look at Harry's red face and got up and ran still laughing, knowing that as soon as Harry got to the party, he'd chase him down.
Harry then looked at his scarer, about to chew his ear off when he was met with Peter's smiling and giggling face dangling upside down, his arms hanging down by his head. Harry looked up and saw that his legs were wrapped around the a branch.
"Peter?" He gasped and he got a nod with a giggle accompanying it. Of course it was bloody and unsettling for Harry, and a bit too real looking, but if anyone could make a zombie look cute it was Peter.
"How'd you? When did you? What?" Peter began laughing harder at Harry's confusion.
"I'm a man of many talents, Harold." He said smiling. Harry laughed and put his hands on Peter's checks, catching Peter off guard and getting him to stop laughing.
"That you are Parker." Harry leaned in and Peter closed his foggy green eyes. Peter felt at bliss just like that, but he didn't get the kiss he was now longing for. He lost the warmth of Harry's hands, which caused Peter to open his eyes. He saw Harry holding his hands up like he was surrendering.
"Sorry my undead love, but I have to get to the party, I am out after all." Harry said walking pass the upside down Peter. Peter jumped down.
"Harry, you can't leave me like that!" Peter whined, Harry smiled and was so glad that he wasn't facing Peter. If he was, he might of just ran up to him a wouldn't be able to control himself after that.
"I'll make you a deal, if you win, I'll give you way more than a kiss." Harry said, practically hearing Peter stiffen. "See ya later." Harry then walked off, hand in the air. Leaving Peter there with a new found reason to win.
It was a few minutes until Maggie's voice came on the loud speaker once more. "Hello to the left standing! Yes you heard me correctly Peter Parker and Anya Corazon! How funny! The people who got the first two scares in the game are the last ones standing!" Peter smiled, thinking of the shock on Anya's face, "It'll probably take forever for you two to find each other so go towards the light! Is it a race, nope! But get to the light and we'll find out who's the winner through one simple challenge! Unless you find one another and scare them! But it's okay if you don't!"
Anya would take the hunting option. When Anya wants something, she'll do what it takes to get it. Which mean she could get Peter to say Ghost if it becomes too much.
Peter thought for a little then concluded that going by tree is safest. So he got up in the tree that he scared Harry in and began his trip. While in them, he could see figures under him and his spider sense was going nuts. What the hell? He didn't stop though. They could just be strangers that Maggie hired to scare him and Anya.
He got to the light, it was like a lamp post but the lights are attached to the tree. Peter stayed in the trees and circled around to find Anya. He found her approaching. She looked like a broken clown doll. Great. Clown doll. Peter didn't like either of them that much. He knew he'd definitely say Ghost if he got stuck on the ground with her.
Her's was way better than his anyways. She'd think Peter's costume is child's play. And that's when an idea came into mind. He didn't need to get her to scream, just surprise her or make her cuss.
She was approaching pretty fast so Peter put his plan into action. He got in front of her, took a deep breathe, and fell backwards, landing right in front of her. That caught he off guard.
"You fucker!" She yelled. It was repeated over the loud speaker. It was repeated over the loud speaker! Anya looked down at Peter, a slightly amused look on her face.
"You proud of yourself Parker?" She asked jokingly.
"Totally." Peter's voice was laced with slight pain as he did finger guns at Anya. The light then shut off and Anya put her arms up. Peter on the other hand stood up and brushed himself off.
"Good job on the make up by the way." Anaya commented, getting a smile from Peter.
"Shall we?" Peter asked and Anya returned it with a sigh and a nod. They walked, well Peter slightly limped, back to where the party was and were greeted with cheers and clapping.
The party was illuminated with purple lights. There's was a cleared space that most people were in so Peter guesses it was the dance floor. A snack bar that was being refilled, and some cheap decorations.
"Hello!" Maggie said, getting Anya's and Peter's attention from the crowd. "It appears that Peter has won! Fantastic! There is a second place prize of $50, so here you go Anya." Maggie then handed over two $20 and one $10.
"As for you Peter, come with me." Maggie motioned and Peter followed. They had to go through the dance floor and Peter could hear a few people talking about him.
"No wonder he won." A guys voice whispered to his friend as Peter passed. Major confidence boost coming one after another. Not enough to give him a big head, but enough to make him proud of his makeup ability.
Maggie lead him to a curtain be hind the snack bar. After getting behind it, Peter found a gift basket with candy, a bat and spider (how ironic) stuff animal, some gift cards to local restaurants, and an envelope with a drawing of witch on it.
"The envelope contains $150. Don't try and give it back to me because I know how you get when people give you money." Maggie said seriously. "You won it fair and square. Also, you should leave it here until you're ready to leave, don't want these gremlins to take your prizes."
Peter gave her a smile and Maggie gave an awkward one back. Peter then remember that he did look like he lost most of his face. "Oh, sorry, forgot." Peter said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't be! That whole thing got you this prize." Maggie said, "now go enjoy the party, Pete! I'm sure you're friends want to talk to you!" Maggie then ushered him out from behind the curtain.
Peter stood around awkwardly, trying to spot out his friends. He spotted the Harry's face in the crowd laughing at a joke that someone had made, and he started towards him.
Being the victor did cause him to be stoped a few times to congratulated or asked how to do what he did. He answered them with "I watch too much tutorials." Or something along those lines.
"Hey Peter!" Harry called as he walk towards him.
"Hey scaredy-cat." Peter said getting Harry to let out a laugh.
"You didn't really scare me, just surprised." Harry retorted.
"But you still got out, didn't you?" Peter smiled as Harry sighed but nodded.
"Yeah, you did. And you won." Harry took a step closer to Peter.
"Do you really want to kiss me here?" Peter asked, remembering that someone could snitch to Norman.
"We could go be hind a tree." Harry said, gently grabbing Peter wrist.
"You seem really excited to make out with a person who looks dead. Is there something you're not telling me?" Peter joked as he followed Harry to a far away tree. Harry laughed.
"Well, you're definitely the cutest zombie I've ever seen." Harry replied as they stepped behind the tree, out of sight from the party. He moved the hair out of Peter's eyes. Even fogged up, they looked magnificent. He leaned in and finally kissed Peter.
They've done this some many times that Peter's arms instantly wrapped around Harry's neck and Harry's around his waist. But still, the kiss still gave different effects every time. It always felt new. This kiss was becoming heated pretty quickly however.
They weren't going to go that far, they both knew that. Making out in public was already dangerous enough for them, they didn't need to get caught doing something that should be done in private.
After the session had came to an end, they bath returned back to the party, meeting up with their friends. The rest of the night was spent laughing and just having all around fun. At the end of the night, Peter found himself walking home with Harry. The basket felt weird to carry alone and he really did want to hang out with Harry.
"Maggie's talking about doing this next year, except hiring scare actors along with us." Harry said as they got back to Peter's neighborhood. "Are you going to do this again?" He asked, looking Peter up and down.
Peter smiled. "Yeah, except I won't go as a zombie and I'll be scaring the scare actors."
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chatzy // lucky f*cker
DATE: Friday, April 24, 2020 CHARACTERS: Casey and Alec ABOUT: A friendly (?) five-round competition. Cheating encouraged. Curses, not so much.
Casey didn't bother changing out of his joggers and company tee after work. Teaching children how to walk on a balance beam, Casey barely ever broke a sweat, so the clothes were about as clean as they were when he put them on. Besides, Casey wouldn't be surprised if he and Alec somehow found their way into doing some sort of physical activity. Casey felt the tall weeds smacking against his shins as he neared the lake. "Hey!" he called out to an Alec-shaped person 20 yards away.
Alec spun around, flat rock ready to skip in hand, and threw their hands into the air. "Casey!" they called back. They started to jog over to him, tripped over a stick, pedalled their arms through the air for a few seconds to regain their balance, then continued until they were close enough that they didn't have to yell. "What's up?" they asked, holding their hand out to start their handshake. "Come here often?"
"Not in the daytime!" Casey chirped back. He slapped his hand into Alec's, pulled them in for a bro hug, then tenderly laid a palm on Alec's butt cheek. He rested his head against Alec's, completely still and silent for a few seconds before pulling away. "Glad you could make it!"
Alec copied Casey right down to the seconds of silence, then laughed as they pulled away, handshake completed. "Me too! Here." They pressed the rock into Casey's hand without any other explanation. "No twister and oil, but still gonna be a fun time!"
Casey just blinked down at the rock in his palm. "Are we... Stoning each other?"
Alec ran their fingers through their hair to mess it up. "Kinda one-sided if we were, eh? Let he without sin." They grinned at him. "We can get stoned!"
Casey smiled and clasped a hand over his chest. "A person after my own heart. Please don't tell anybody, but—" Casey pulled his pen out of his pocket. "I took like, three hits before teaching my class today."
Alec mirrored him and pressed a hand to their own chest. "You say like you're only learning that now!" They leaned forward and lowered their voice to a whisper. "I'm going to tell everyone and get you fired."
Casey gasped and smacked the side of Alec's arm. "Don't you dare! Those children are grubs but their parents tip me so well." Casey held up his pen. "They're even sponsoring this afternoon, don't you know?"
"You guys are getting tipped?" Alec grinned at him and plucked the pen out of his fingers. "Thank you, parents! Think if I email them they'll sponsor my bad habits?"
"If you offer to take away their children for two hours, I think they'll sponsor anything," Casey half-joked.
Alec laughed. "I thought you meant like, threaten kidnapping for a second! Blackmail them!"
Casey clutched Alec's arm and guffawed. "That's so evil, oh my gods! How much money do you think they'd offer? Don't answer that, you'll go straight to hell." Casey shook his head and stepped toward the water. "Brilliant mind, Alec Masters, brilliant mind."
Alec shook their head vigorously. "No! I'm not condoning that at all." They winked at him. "Not at all."
Casey closed his eyes, smiled, and shook his head. "You smooth talker." He turned to gesture out toward the lake. "So what's the vibe then? A stoned swim? A baked boat race? Some fazed fishing?" Casey looked back at Alec, grimacing. "Please don't say fishing."
Alec looked out over the lake when Casey gestured to it. "Fishing? Gross, I left that behind when I was fifteen." They started heading back towards the water. "Can we combine them? Make our own game?"
"Yeah!" Casey agreed. "I love a good game. Or—that's not true. I love a good win. The game is secondary." He looked at Alec. "Are you thinking some sort of athletic competition?"
"I love a good win," Alec agreed. "No matter what." They picked up another rock and hucked it into the lake. "We should find a way to balance this shit out, you got crazy time powers and I'm lucky as all fuck." Laughing, they picked up another rock and tried to skip it, getting a solid few bounces before it sunk into the lake. "Some sorta middle ground, eh?"
"Interesting," Casey muttered. "We could play Russian roulette. I doubt you'll get the bullet and then I can just try dodging it."
"Huh. That's is an idea, but if you readily have a gun on you, I gotta go." Alec squinted at him.
Casey grinned. "Do you think I seem like the gun-totin' type?"
"Gimme a second to think on that," Alec joked, bumping their shoulder into Casey's. "I'm gonna go with no?"
"Damn, guess I bought those chaps for nothing then." Casey shook his head. "What about a tourney? Five game spread, half skill, half luck, winner takes all?"
“I’ll still admire you in them.” Alec continued speaking immediately after saying that. “Amazing. Ideas for games or are we making them up?
Casey smiled and nodded at the first part of Alec's sentence before continuing onto the next. "We don't have to make them all up, but maybe the tiebreaker—assuming we'll need one—should be a custom challenge. So we make sure the odds are dead even."
Alec messed their hair up again. “I like it. What’s the winner get?”
"Hm..." Casey looked out onto the water. "The chaps?" he joked.
Alec grinned at him. “I’ve never wanted anything more.” They tossed a rock into the water. “I’m kidding, please don’t actually give me them if I win.”
Casey laughed. "I'd have to actually get them if you did, so I can stand behind that." He shrugged. "Is there something that you want? Maybe the loser can grant some sort of wish or service to the winner."
Alec took a seat on the bank of the lake. “Yeah, sounds good. Winner gets a wish?”
Casey nodded and joined Alec on the ground. "Winner gets a wish," he repeated. "Better if it's not something of monetary value, I think. Might make it more special. Not to say that it can't have a cost associated, but more than just getting you something off Amazon."
Alec made a face. "Yeah, I can't afford anything of– what is it? Monetary value?" They laughed. "I was thinking more of the favour kind."
“Perfect.” Casey leaned back onto his elbows. For a moment he tried to think of something he could get Alec to do if he won, but realized the possibilities were too endless and shelved the thought. “Got any ideas for games?”
"That I could win? So many, you bring any cards?" Alec laughed at the idea someone could leave their room without a pack of cards in their pocket. "I mean, for you it could be dodging shit the other throws."
Casey tipped his head back and forth. "Could be..." Suddenly he clapped and looked at Alec, eyes widened. "Paintball gun. Sixty seconds each, fish in a barrel style. Nail the other player with as many balls as you can."
Alec's eyes widened. "Do you have a paintball gun? I'm so down."
Casey pumped a fist in excitement. "I don't, but I bet you fifty bucks my friend Cameron knows where to get one. Rhetorical bet."
"Awesome!" Alec scooped up another rock. "What do we do for right now?"
Casey shrugged. "We could race? Opposite shore and back? Or lap the lake on foot."
Alec looked down at the condition of their sneakers and judged they’d probably last a lap around the lake. “On foot, ready set go!” they blurted out, already launching themself forward to start running.
"Oh, fuck you!" Casey shouted after Alec, scrambling to get up. With his eyes locked on Alec's back, he took off in a sprint. Suddenly, Casey was very glad he decided not to change.
Alec laughed, losing a couple steps of speed as it took some breath from them. They continued on, jumping over sticks and large rocks as best they could without careening headfirst into anything. “I need the head start!”
As Casey veered off the path and the ground turned into stones and sticks, Casey closed his eyes and flipped a switch in his mind. When his eyes opened again, the earth was gliding below him in slow motion and each of Casey's bounding strides felt like flight. He watched carefully each time his foot hit the floor, aiming for the flattest parts of the earth too give himself the best leverage to spring forward. He could hear Alec droning ahead of him, but was too focused on his footholds to parse what the actual real-time words were. Casey just shouted back, "Cheater!" hoping it would come through even in hyper-time.
Alec glanced over their shoulder when they heard Casey say something and promptly tripped over a root. After windmilling their arms for balance they succeeded in not wiping out, but definitely lost their early lead. “Fuck!” they exclaimed with a laugh. “S’why I needed it!”
Seeing Alec's form crumple, Casey thought for a moment that he was about to witness his friend eat dirt. He snapped out of hyper-time and watched as Alec flailed, caught their balance, and then whiz by as Casey gained the lead. He laughed and yelled out, "I thought lucky kids don't trip!"
“Lucky kids don’t fall,” Alec exclaimed although they still had no idea how their powers worked. Determined not to lose any more ground, they fell silent and tried to grab for Casey in front of them to pull him back.
Once Casey had the lead, he stayed in real time to try to gain ground the "fair" way. That is until he felt Alec clutch onto the back of his shirt, pulling him back. Casey stumbled and found himself running alongside them. "Fucking cheater!" he yelled in a glee-tinged rage. "Unreal!"
Alec grinned over at him, hopping easily over the next root that came up. “Don’t be a sore loser!” they yelled back as they cut to the side, ducking under a tree in a shortcut they had spotted a few seconds earlier. Once they skidded to a halt on the beach a few minutes later, in the lead, they sat down, trying to catch their breath. “Fun!”
One moment, Casey was trailing Alec, fully engaged in hyper-time. Then, suddenly, Alec veered sharply off-course and even in hyper-time, Casey couldn't shift his momentum quickly enough to give chase. Cursing himself under his breath, knowing he had lost the race, he kept running anyway. Sure enough, when he arrived at the beach, Alec had already beaten him there. Casey used what little breath he had left in him to sprint forward and leap onto Alec, knocking them flat down onto the sand. Hovering over them, Casey pointed an accusatory finger. "You dirty, little bastard! I see your game!" His voice thundered, but Casey was smiling cheek to cheek. "You wanna play dirty? I can get dirty!"
Alec grinned up at them from the position they now found themself in and took a second to wonder how long it would be before they stopped finding sand around their cabin. They shoved Casey’s chest and laughed. “Threat or promise?”
"I fucking swear," Casey replied, panting. He pushed off the sand and collapsed onto his back, his chest heaving as he breathed. "You are so in for it," he laughed almost maniacally.
Alec rolled onto their side to face him, still grinning widely. They rested their cheek on their hand. “I’ll believe it when I see it. What’s next?”
Casey turned his head to look at Alec. "Just give me a minute to stop dying," he laughed. Slowly his breath returned to him and Casey propped himself up on the sand to look at Alec. "Alright, fine. Maybe this is a mistake, but since I picked something, you should pick the next thing."
Alec sat up as Casey propped himself up. They clasped their hands together. “I was hoping you’d say that. How biased am I allowed to get?”
"Fuck," Casey hissed, falling back onto the sand. "I already hate the sound of this. What is it?" He asked, afraid to know.
Alec laughed at his reaction. “Not that bad! Since I cheated and all.” They put the word ‘cheated’ in air quotes. “How about diving in the lake and seeing who finds the coolest stuff?”
Casey narrowed his eyes. "Okay, but are you secretly a merperson? Are you gonna try and drown me this time?"
“Yep! I brought you here to drown you!” Alec replied cheerfully. “Wanna check me for gills?”
Casey grinned. "Okay, well you know nothing turns me on like a good threat." He stood up on the sand and shook his legs out. "Is there a time limit?"
“Five minutes? Keep it short and sweet?” Alec started shaking sand out of their hair.
"Five minutes," Casey repeated. "Let's do it!" He kicked his shoes off and started pulling off his socks, making a small pile of them on the sand.
Alec followed suit and pulled their shirt over their head before running into the lake. “Starting now!” They dove down and opened their eyes underwater to search for anything out of place along the bottom of the lake.
"What the fuck!" Casey was still getting undressed when Alec ran off into the water. Quickly whipping his shirt behind him, he started toward the water, hopping out of his joggers as he went. Once he was in, he held his breath and dived deep, paddling toward the floor of the lake. He tried opening his eyes underwater to search for anything, his hands patting at the mud and sand.
Alec noticed a faint glimmer at the bottom of the lake after their third time coming up for air, and swam down to clear enough silt away to figure out what it was. A minute later, they emerged at the shore, holding a tiny chest, maybe half a foot long, over their head in victory. “Got something! Wanna open it?”
Casey was catching his breath on the sand after dropping off his third empty alcohol vessel. He looked over to see Alec emerging from the water, holding something of actual interest. "What the fuck," he sighed in exasperation. "How did you even find that? Yes, obviously. Crack that bad boy open, baby."
“Luck?” Alec chirped, sitting down on a log instead of the ground so all the sand didn’t stick to them while they were soaking wet. It took them a few tries but after slamming the clasp into the log, it sprung open and a collection of coloured glass marbles poured out into the sand. “Aw, fucking sweet. I love marbles.”
"Oh my gods," Casey gasped as the marbles spilled out onto the sand. "You're..." Casey held up a hand to block Alec from his field of vision. "You're a fucking cheater and you know it, with your lucky bullshit, but I can't even hate you because I think you're so cool, and that disgusts me."
Alec laughed and tried to push Casey's hand to the side so they could still see him. "What? How is it cheating if I can't control it?"
"Don't make me explain my logic, Masters." Casey dropped his hand and pointed accusatorially at Alec. "This is a purely emotional argument and I stand by it 100%."
Alec started gathering up the marbles to return them to the chest. "Should we put this back? I don't wanna get cursed." They slid off the log to kneel down. "But okay, okay! Your turn to choose, you can cheat now!"
Casey waved a dismissive hand at the chest. "It's marbles, how bad could the curse be?" Casey sat down in the sand, then quickly clambered up to his knees when he felt granules of sand find his way into his boxers. "Fuck. Okay. Uh..." He closed his eyes, tipping his head side to side. "I don't know. I need to catch my breath for a minute."
"If each marble is cursed it could be really bad," Alec offered as they closed the lid to the chest. They had one green marble still in their hand, and they held it out towards Casey. "A souvenir! Sure, let's take a break. You can brainstorm ways to beat me at a game. Mind map, maybe?"
Casey laughed and leaned away from Alec's hand. "Why would you say that every marble is cursed and then give me one? I'm not taking one unless you take one!"
"I said if they're all cursed!" Alec laughed and tossed the marble at Casey anyway. "I'm not risking bringing pirate treasure into the place I sleep! What if there's ghosts?" They considered the chest anyway. "But they are nice. Maybe I'll leave it here and see if it's disappeared by tomorrow. It could belong to one of the naiads, I don't want to steal it– but what if it doesn't belong to anyone, and we were meant to find it, and I'm spitting in the face of destiny by not keeping it? It's a treasure chest! That's some find, eh?"
"Okay," Casey laughed, standing up on the sand. "Just get this thing away from me because now it's just cursed in my brain. Like hashtag cursed." He walked over and placed the marble beside the chest. "And listen—I wouldn't have to brainstorm ways to beat you if you weren't such a cheater. I'm not over here, confounded by your skill, let's just make that clear."
"Sounds good!" Alec picked up the mini chest, walked to the edge of the water and hucked it back into the lake. They dusted off their hands and headed back over to Casey. "Whoa, okay, there was no cheating going on in that last game. No skill, either, but no cheating!"
"Uh-huh. How am I supposed to know you didn't run over here this morning and chuck that same box of marbles into the lake?" He shrugged. "Seems kinda convenient, don't you think?"
"Sounds like way too much work for me." Alec grinned at him. "Out of character."
Casey smiled. "Fine. I'll concede, it does seem like more effort than I can imagine you putting in." Casey walked over to his joggers and started dusting the sand off his thighs and calves.
Alec picked up the marble that they had left behind originally and threw it into the lake as well. "No loose ends!" They scooped their shirt up to pull it back on, only realizing after it stuck to them that they were still dripping water and now also covered in sand. "Aw, fuck."
Casey laughed seeing Alec's mistake. "Shit. I didn't think this through." He looked at his own clothes that he had strewn about the sand. "I mean... Guess I have no choice. Just gonna be sandy."
"We'll be smooth like rocks after it exfoliates us!" Alec sat down to put their shoes back on, giving up entirely on not turning into a sand dune. "Probably shoulda taken my pants off before jumping in the lake, eh? Too late now. I'm right tempted to just roll around and get as sandy as possible so I can stop avoiding it."
Casey laughed. "Okay, you can do that. I'm gonna wait." Casey spread his legs and held his arms out to the side, facing the sun in the hopes that it would dry him off faster.
Alec considered going through with it, but the sand was less appealing by the second. They stood up and joined Casey facing the sun instead, closing their eyes and focusing on the warmth against their skin as though concentration would aid in the drying process. "How many rounds is this competition out of?"
Casey shrugged, his eyes closed. "I don't know, five? Wait—" he looked over at Alec. "Did those two just count as rounds? Did we already start?"
Alec cocked their head to the side. "Did they not?"
"Well, if I knew they were gonna count I would have tried a little harder!" Casey argued. "Cheated a little more," he added with a smirk.
Alec grinned and shoved his shoulder. “You still got three more chances.”
Casey laughed and shoved Alec's shoulder back with a bit more force. "That's not how majority works, asshole. I only have three more chances if I win the next two rounds. If you win one more time, you already win by default."
Alec leaned when they were shoved but didn’t move their feet. “Easy solution! You just gotta win the next two rounds.”
"Alright, fine. Then I know what game we're gonna play." Casey dropped his arms and instead turned to stand completely straight facing Alec. "Ninja. One on one."
Alec huffed at the game choice, still smiling, and turned to face Casey too. “Times like this I wish I knew how to control my powers!” They shook out their arms. “Remind me the rules?”
Casey stepped away, just in case Alec tried to pull any funny business and start before Casey was ready. "We take turns. Single, one-strike movements, try to hit your opponents limbs. When a limb is hit, it's out. First person to lose all four limbs is the loser. Got it?"
Alec nodded, well aware of how this round was going to turn out but willing to give it a shot anyway. “Got it. You start?”
Casey smiled and in the blink of an eye, time skidded to a near halt. His eyes focused on Alec's leg—the closest limb to where he stood—as Casey aimed a sweeping kick at the back of their heel.
Alec tried to lift their leg up out of the way but started too late, and only succeeded in unbalancing themself as the kick landed. They winced as they hit the ground. “Can I get up or am I disqualified?”
Casey laughed. "You can take a turn to get up or you can try to strike me from the ground."
Alec grinned. “I dunno if I agree with these rules.” They kicked one leg forward anyway to try and hit his shin.
Almost too easy. Casey watched as Alec's leg swung toward them at a glacial pace. As they reached his shin, Casey just picked his foot up and set it back down after they had passed. Then, without waiting more than a second after Alec had reached stasis, Casey brought an arm down to try to take out one of Alec's.
Alec expected the next hit to come immediately, but without knowing where Casey was aiming, they still pulled their arm back too slowly and got caught on the wrist. They tucked their arm behind their back and grinned up at him. “Cheater,” they sing-songed as they lunged forward for one of his legs again.
Casey realized too late that he was overzealous in his previous attempt to take Alec out because it left him prone to a straight shot in the leg. But somehow, Casey managed to spring up as Alec lunged and hop away from their strike, landing in a more upright position this time. "Oh shit! Close call!" With a spin, Casey swiftly turned and went for Alec's remaining leg.
Alec gasped when Casey managed to dodge them and, with their momentum from the lunge forward, there was no chance of dodging Casey’s attack on their other leg. “What! That was such a good dodge!” they exclaimed, momentarily pulled out of game mode by how impressed they were. “That was awesome!” Realizing they still had one arm left, they tried to swing towards Casey’s leg without using any of their other limbs.
Casey watched as Alec came for his leg. He tried to lift his leg up over Alec's arm but underestimated how much force he'd have to apply. Casey felt Alec's hand clip his foot and cried out. "No!" He fell to one knee and assess his opponent. "Thanks. Guess your luck is rubbing off on me," he smiled. Then, after calculating his best move, Casey lunged forward to attack Alec's remaining arm.
Alec tipped backwards in a last ditch attempt to avoid Casey, but they were too slow and ended up both losing and sprawled out on the ground. “I got you once!” they exclaimed as they sat back up, rubbing their heel where Casey had kicked them originally. “That’s more than I expected! Good game.”
"Good game," Casey agreed. He held out his hand to Alec to help them up off the sand. "Your heel's okay?"
“Just bruised,” Alec replied cheerfully, taking Casey’s hand and pulling themself to their feet. “That was a sweet kick. And that dodge! Fucking awesome.”
"Dodges are my game, babyyyy!" Casey tapped Alec's shoulder as they came to a stand. "Can't get beat if you don't take heat."
"That's a fantastic motto! Rhymes and everything, full poet." Alec widened their eyes as a thought came to mind. "Did you kill at dodgeball when you were a kid? Not actual murder. Like, make your opponents cry. Emotional murder."
"Oh yeah, dodgeball was child's play. Way too fucking easy, it was almost sad," Casey mourned. "But also actual murder."
Alec laughed. "Dodgeball is child's play, that's kinda the point, eh? I can't think of it without getting flashbacks to grade 7 gym. A fuckin' time."
"Maybe we should make it adult's play," Casey suggested. "Could be our next round?"
"Adult's play," Alec repeated with a laugh. "Sounds like a sex shop. For sure, let's do it!"
Casey chuckled at the observation. "Great. Then we should change venues. And clothes, I guess, unless you wanna play wet."
“Guess we need a sorta ball, eh? Or more than one.” Alec sighed and tipped forward so they were leaning against Casey, chest to chest. “Where do you even get those?”
Casey smirked. "You trying to see my balls? Is that what this is all about?"
Alec laughed and wrapped their arms around Casey, resting their chin on his shoulder. “My Masters plan.”
Casey snorted, returning Alec's embrace. "You know, for a vegan, you're so fucking cheesy."
“I’m gonna choose to take that as a compliment!” Alec swayed side to side. “Are we gonna find a ball or just chuck rocks at each other?”
Casey lowered his arms to Alec's waist so they could slow dance more properly. "We could chuck rocks, but it'll suck a lot more for you when I peg you in the face with one."
Alec put their hands on Casey's shoulders and leaned back enough to grin at him as they followed his lead. "I can try and find the cursed marbles again, dive back into the lake."
Casey laughed as they swayed gently. "Why would they be cursed? If somebody was going to bury a treasure chest and lay a curse on whoever found it, do you really think they'd just fill it with marbles?"
"One hundred percent! Why wouldn't you fill it with marbles? What else is there to put?"
"I don't know, bones? Gold? Something more exciting?" Casey started turning them in circles as he spoke. "If I got cursed with a chest full of marbles, I literally would not tell anybody. That would be the lamest curse. I would rather let it kill me."
Alec snickered. "Maybe that's why. The true curse is the embarrassment that comes with."
Casey sighed longingly, looking into their eyes. "You just get me."
Pretending to swoon, Alec leant against Casey again. "Is the third challenge seducing me?"
Casey smirked. "Depends. Is it working?"
"Like a charm." Alec pressed their cheek into his shoulder. "But that doesn't mean you win."
"Are you sure?" Casey tipped his head to rest on Alec's. "'Cause I'm already holding a prize, baby."
"Oh my god," Alec whined under their breath. "You're so smooth, what the fuck."
"You've been hit by—" Casey thrust his hips to one side. "You've been struck by—" Then to the other side. "A smooth criminal."
Now, Alec was holding onto Casey for balance as they laughed, moving with him. "And he's talented too! Triple threat!"
Casey laughed. "Gotta have those smooth karaoke skills." He gasped. "Oh shit, we should have a karaoke party."
Alec gasped in unison. "We should– fuck! Yeah! I love karaoke." They laughed. "That can be our tiebreaker if you win the next round!"
Casey exhaled a sigh of bliss. "I am so down for that. How do we determine who wins? Won't we need an unbiased third party?"
“Aw, man, yeah. It’d be better with like, music too.” Alec took one of Casey’s hands and tried to spin him. “And karaoke’s meant to be bad! Trying to be good at karaoke goes against the laws of the universe.”
Casey lifted his arm up and spun through it. "Mm, those are some straight truths." Once he spun around, he lifted their hands to get Alec to do the same. "Okay, whether or not it's part of the game, let's make this happen for us because now I have the idea and my soul will never be at rest until we do."
Alec spun too and let go of Casey’s hands to flop back onto the ground now that they deemed themself dry enough. “We gotta! Can’t have you sticking around to haunt me ‘cause we failed to make karaoke happen.” Alec grinned up at him. “I bet we can set it up in the rec room, make it a whole thing.”
Casey clapped in excitement. "Yes! Oh my gods, are you friends with Blue? She would eat. This. Up." Casey clapped again on each word for emphasis. He joined Alec, siting on the ground beside his sweats. "Wow, look at us. Party planning committee. Who woulda thought? Not me."
Alec leaned against Casey as soon as he was seated next to them. “We got a lotta friends in common!” They laughed and twisted to flop over Casey’s lap, looking up at him. “I’m more the ideas guy than the planner. Are you good at actually getting stuff like this to happen? ‘Cause we can always rope Ime in, they’re right organized.”
Casey wove his fingers through Alec's hair and scratched their chin with his other hand. "Yeah! I organize Asian Dinner Club and I'm also doing a thing with Akira. A party's a straight shot, no problem. But definitely ask Ime anyway because they're just a legend and I would like them to be there."
Alec closed their eyes, their expression drifting from excited to content. "Aw, sweet, double the planning, half the work. Ime'll be down for karaoke night, they love watching people get embarrassing. Whatcha planning with Akira? They're so intense. Like, in a hot way."
Casey groaned. "Oh my gods, don't even get me started. Like... Oof." Casey shook his head. "We're planning a fight night. I think right now it's gonna be an elimination-style bracket, but we haven't really worked out the safety details of how to make sure people don't die." Casey squeezed Alec's cheeks together to push their lips into a pucker. "Aw. You're so cute."
“I’m guessing you agree,” Alec laughed. “But that sounds cool! I like the rhyme. Fight night.” They moved their mouth like a fish a couple times as Casey pinched their face, then snickered and lifted a hand to push his face away. “I’m cuter when my face is normal!”
Casey laughed and dropped his hand by his side. "Everybody is cuter as a fish," he disagreed. Casey scooped up a bit of dry sand and began sprinkling on Alec's chest. "Do you think we should have a theme? Or do you think 'karaoke night' is the theme?"
“There’s gotta be a theme. Pyjamas? Oh man, what about like, borrowed clothes, you can only wear shit you take from your friends. Vibe swap.” Alec traced a fingertip along Casey’s collarbone.
"Oh, cute!" Casey exclaimed. He scooped up some more sand and continued sprinkling it over Alec's chest. "Wow, that's a great idea. Huh... Except if we invite Akira, I have no idea what they look like with a shirt on," he snorted.
“They can borrow one of my cropped shirts,” Alec laughed, starting to trace spirals into the sand on their chest. “Maybe that’s close enough?”
Casey laughed. "Hot. I might ask you for one of those too." Casey scooped up another handful of sand and sprinkled it on their stomach this time to avoid ruining their pattern. Then suddenly, he gasped. "Oh my gods, you can wear my sporty spice outfit. Loved that text, by the way."
“We can swap outfits from that party! But you can wear real shorts.” Alec beamed. “I forgot about that text until I saw it again the next morning, I was some wasted. But I remember the outfit! It’s stuck in my brain. In a good way.”
"It better be," Casey grinned. "That was easily, like, top five hottest things I've worn." Casey started to scoop up more sand, then added, "Oh, but you have the wear the little white shorts. The outfit is a set. The cleats are optional," Casey joked with a wink.
“I’d never leave them out! The shorts were the best part!” Alec continued the spiraling pattern down to their stomach. “I dunno if your cleats would fit, which is a national tragedy. An international tragedy.” With a dramatic sigh, they finished their pattern and started tracing spirals along Casey’s chest. “I have the perfect pair of shorts I can lend you.”
Casey laughed and shook his head at Alec's sensationalism. Tracing their pattern, Casey spiraled his finger up Alec's torso. "Ooh, describe them to me. Paint me a picture."
Alec tapped their fingers above Casey’s heart in a moment of thought. “Nope!” they decided, grinning at him and dragging their fingers across his chest again. “It’ll be a surprise.”
Casey's jaw dropped in offense for a moment before closing back into a smirk. "Should I..." He narrowed his eyes in contemplation before shaking his head and laughing. "Fine."
“Should you what?” Alec chirped, lifting their hand from his chest to card their fingers through his hair. “You’ll like them, they’ll be funny with the shirt I wore to the party. Maybe I should offer to lend everyone my clothes for the party and start an army of short shirts.” They sighed. “But I only have three. I should buy more. But money.”
Casey shook his head. "Nothing. I thought I would surprise you back but the idea I came up with feels like an uneven tradeoff. Too inappropes." Casey put his finger on Alec's chest and resumed tracing it along the patterns on their chest. "But we could make some of my old t-shirts into crop tops. If you don't mind me stealing your look."
“Too innapropes?” Alec threw a look of clearly exaggerated offense at him. “That sounds even more fun.” They closed their eyes again. “That can be a different themed party, where everyone gets sloshed. ‘Short shirts and shoot shots’.”
Casey laughed. "It would probably be too intense for this kind of party, so maybe we'll just save that in our little back pocket for later. But yes—" Casey tapped on Alec's solar plexus. "Fucking love the sound of that. Short shirts and shoot shots. I want both of those things."
“Aw, I hate mysteries.” Alec drummed their fingers on one of Casey’s shoulders. “Imagine we call the party that and people show up ready to get wasted, but it’s really an amateur basketball league?”
Casey's eyes widened and he let out a laugh. "Wow! Oddly enough, that's exactly the kind of party the surprise would be perfect for." Casey shook his head and looked off into the distance. "Has anybody ever told you that you have a beautiful mind, Alec Masters? Beautiful, mystical, and chaotic."
“You’re killing me,” Alec whined, pressing the back of their hand to their forehead. Before they could continue complaining, their momentary frustration was erased by compliments. “Other than you, right now? Sure gotten the chaotic part a lot!” They started brushing the sand off of their chest. “My mind thanks you.”
Casey grinned. "Your mind is so welcome." Casey leaned back onto his hand so Alec could dust themself off.
Alec sat up as Casey leaned back and brushed the remaining sand off. They climbed into his lap, kneeling on either side of his legs, and rested their arms on his shoulder with a smirk. “Keep the compliments coming, it’s distracting me from how much I want to know the mystery.”
Casey hummed as Alec climbed up into his lap. He slid his hands up to Alec's waist and smiled up at them. "Wow, if it gets you on my lap, then I'll compliment you all day long, baby."
Alec laughed and started running their fingers through his hair again. “Aw c’mon, it wouldn’t even take that much. Not that I’m turning them down.” They traced the fingers of their other hand along where his neck met his shoulder.
Casey laughed and shook his head. "Okay, you say that, but I feel like we've said this to each other before and nothing has happened, so clearly it takes a little more than compliments."
Alec scanned his face for a moment then gave a lopsided grin and ducked their head to press a kiss to the side of his neck, an inch below his jaw. “And what do you want to happen?”
Casey's smirk grew into a full-on smile upon feeling Alec's lips against his neck. He wrapped his arms around Alec's waist and replied, "This." Then, Casey leaned back onto the sand, pulling Alec down with him so they straddled his hips.
Alec moved with him easily and leaned over Casey, one hand on his shoulder pressing him into the sand. “Smooth,” they commented, voice lower though they were still smiling, and leaned down to kiss him.
Casey just hummed back happily and slid one hand up to thread through Alec's hair as they kissed.
Alec broke the kiss for a second to move to lean on their elbows, half to get closer and half so their hand was free to tug Casey's head back enough that they could kiss along the underside of his jaw. They grinned against his skin. "Does this count as the fourth game?"
Casey tipped his head back to relinquish his jaw to Alec. He traced his fingers down their neck and along their spine. "Mm, depends," Casey teased. "How do I win?"
Alec hummed in thought as they continued their trail of kisses along Casey's jaw and down his neck. They released his hair and brushed their thumb along the other side of his jaw. "Not a clue."
When his fingers couldn't crawl any lower, Casey began sliding them across the rivers of Alec's ribs. "We'll call it a win-win."
Alec considered this as they dragged their teeth over his pulse. They pressed a final kiss to his skin, then sat up abruptly and grinned down at him. "I thought you were competitive.”
Casey shrugged, his hands falling to Alec's legs as they sat up. "There's no winners in love and war, right?"
Alec glanced idly around the lake. "Fair point. Wanna go back to my cabin?"
Casey smirked. "Would it make me sound too eager if I said I'd race you?"
With a laugh, Alec rolled off Casey and climbed to their feet. "Game four, race to my cabin?"
Casey reached over to grab his joggers and started pulling them back on. "If that's game four, I can't wait to see what game five is."
Alec waited for him instead of launching into a head-start this time around. "Assuming you're gonna win this race?"
Casey pulled his shoes back on, but just balled up his socks in his pockets and tucked his shirt into his waistband. "I don't know, are you gonna push me?"
Alec grinned at him. “Only if you’re in the lead.”
Casey shook his head, grinning. "Fucking ridiculous." He rose to his feet. "Alright," he announced, starting a slow jog. "Let's do this."
Alec immediately took off towards their cabin at full speed.
Casey waited until Alec was ahead of him to start picking up speed. With any luck, Alec would cramp up or run out of breath by the time they got to the cabin. Then again, Casey wasn't the lucky one. Casey slowly built up to a run, keeping at least two meters to the right of where Alec was running in case they decided to get tricky again.
Alec managed to keep up their pace until the cabin was only a minute or so away, at which point they slowed to check behind them as to where Casey was in comparison.
Casey had kept pace with Alec the entire way there. Right when Alec turned their head, Casey bounded forward to run right at their side. "Feel like cheating?" Casey taunted.
Alec huffed a laugh and tried to pick up speed again. “More with every second!”
Casey matched Alec's pace, running ahead along with them. "Sorry I have to do this! Casey prefaced before shoving Alec to the side and sprinting even faster.
Alec yelped and somehow managed to grapevine their way into keeping their footing. They found an extra burst of energy from the adrenaline, running faster to try and catch up. “Fuck off!” If they weren’t so focused, they’d be grinning, but it was still clear they were amused by the tone in their voice.
In one last mad dash, Casey burst into a sprint toward the cabin. Casey extended his hand out toward the door. As soon as they connected, he yelled, "Safe!"
Alec skidded to a stop before the door and slumped against it. “Close,” they answered, catching their breath. “Really close.”
Casey turned around to lean against the door frame. "GG." He smiled and extended a hand toward Alec. "Ready for round five?"
Alec slapped him a high five, then realized what he probably meant and grabbed his hand, tugging him inside after them. “Tiebreaker.”
Casey followed them inside, kicking the door shut behind them. "First to bust is the loser."
“Wasn’t a given?” Alec paused to lock the door behind them then reached forward to pull Casey closer.
Casey stepped on the heels of his shoes to swiftly pull his feet out as he moved toward Alec. "No cheating."
Alec turned once Casey was close enough to press him against the door. “No promises.”
Casey hummed as his back hit the wood. His eyes flickered over to the various game tables. "You ever get fucked on one of those?"
“More times I can count.” Alec slid their hands over his chest to his hips. “You interested?”
Casey feigned a sigh. "Well, I don't wanna be contrived." Casey's hands mirrored Alec's, grabbing their hips and pulling them in. "But I can't say I'm not interested."
Alec lifted one hand to touch his jaw as they leaned into him when pulled. They moved to speak into his ear. “You wanna get fucked on one?”
"Interesting," Casey replied, in a tone of voice that sounded genuinely interested. "Porque no los dos?"
Alec laughed and kissed him briefly. “Take turns?”
"Fuck yeah," Casey replied with vigor before kissing them again.
Alec pulled the tucked up shirt out of Casey's waistband and tossed it to the side, pulling his lower lip between their teeth as they pressed against him. "Yeah?"
Not wanting to break their kiss, Casey just responding by gripping Alec's thighs and hoisting them up into a carry. He moved across the cabin to set Alec down on a card table. "Hope this thing is strong," he mumbled against Alec's lips.
Alec exhaled a short laugh against Casey's lips but closed the distance again as soon as possible. "S'not a machine," they teased as they were lowered to the table. "Breaking promises."
"We can make the rounds," Casey chuckled as he moved to trace kisses along Alec's jaw.
Alec tilted their head back and grinned up at their ceiling. "Then we better get started."
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namjoon-koya · 5 years
Daughter of no one part 6
Summary: Your mother told you that your father walked out on the both of you, only for you to find out that a certain avenger is your father and had no idea he had a daughter.
Pairing: Bucky x Daughter reader (platonic) Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: ANGST, fluff, Swearing
Bucky punched the nearest wall to him, once him and the team arrived in the alleyway you were in you were no where to be found.
“Dammit Dammit.. DAMMIT!” He was hitting rock bottom, he promised himself he’d protect now you were gone, Tony was trying his best to find your location but it wasn’t easy; they had left your phone and Peter’s as well in the same spot you two were in.
“Tony! Please hurry!” Bucky yelled out “I’m trying Barnes don’t worry we’ll get them back.” Tony understood how Bucky felt even if Peter wasn’t his son he truly was attached to the kid.
After a few attempts Tony shook his head “I can’t find anything.. I’m sorry Buck.” He felt like throwing up his stomach felt like they were turning into twists and knots Steve gently touched his arm trying to help him calm down but how could? He’s daughter is gone.
“Peter no! Stop it!” You cried out, you saw Peter trying to fight back as some guards tried dragging him out the room, suddenly the man held up his hand telling them to stop.
“How about this Y/N..” he circled around you until he was face to face with you, he crouched down “how about you keep Peter as a reward.. you will follow our orders exchange for his safety understood?” You quickly nodded.
“No Y/N.. please it doesn’t matter what happens to me!”
“Take him out the room put him in a cell.” Peter cried out your name as they dragged him away from you.
“What do you want?..” you growled out, the man clicked his tongue “you see I don’t like that attitude you better change it before I think about killing your friend.” You bit into your lip “please.. what do you want?”
He smiled “that’s more like it kid!” He singled one of the guards to pass him a folder once he did he opened it “I want you to take out the avengers.” You felt your stomach sink “what?! How the hell am I suppose to do that?” He let out a dry chuckle “I’m not stupid Y/N if your mother was mutant so were you.. and I know you have somewhat of our assets super solider serum.”
You let out a whimper you didn’t want to do it, hell you don’t even know if you can even if you could you would never hurt them especially Bucky “I can’t..” you whined out “fine have it your way, prep her.”
Before you could even ask what he meant you felt something grab onto you and hold you into place “what no! Stop it!” You cried out you didn’t care if you started crying you were afraid “Dad..” you whimpered out.
“Sadly I don’t think the asset will hear you Y/N.” Suddenly the room went dark “what the hell?! What happened to the damn electricity?” The man yelled out “w-we don’t k-“ “then go check it out! Idiots..” he left with them leaving you alone in the dark.
“We did it!” Tony said in hushed voice Steve smiled he looked over at Bucky checking him for a few minutes he could see that he was tense “Bucky?” “You didn’t hear that?..” “hear what?” Bucky let out a shaky sigh “Y/N.. s-She cried out.. she called me dad..”
Of course Bucky heard he was a super solider all he could do was focus on the warehouse you and Peter were in, he wanted to punch the lights out of the men that kidnapped you no one he means NO ONE lays a hand on his daughter.
“Okay they’re distracted I think we can- where’d Bucky go?” Tony looked down and saw that Bucky was already ahead of them “STEVE! Control your friend he’ll get himself killed!” Steve, Tony and Nat followed behind him quickly.
Nat raised her gun ready to shoot at anything that was threatening she just wanted to get you back as much as Bucky did “Guys! I’m getting a heat signal.” Tony said thorough his iron mask, he gently opened the cell door his heart broke when he saw Peter in the corner he looked so afraid..
“Peter..” Tony gently said, Peter snapped his head towards him “M-Mr.stark?” He nodded, Peter quickly scrabbled to him hugging him Tony never liked hugs he thought it was awkward but when Peter did it he didn’t push him away he just held onto him.
“Tony Take Peter back to the quinjet, we still need to look for Y/N..” Bucky said in a hushed voice “I-I know where she is!” Peter said quickly Peter grunted as he stood up by himself leading them the way to your cell suddenly the lights came back on “shit!” Tony cursed out.
“W-What happened?” Peter looked at both Tony and Bucky “Tony shut off the power so we could distract them but they got it back on!” Steve said as he looked around the corner to make sure no guards were coming “we aren’t leaving Y/N.”
“Of course we’re not Bucky how far kid?”
“Down the hallway, on the left hurry!” Peter said Bucky and Steve ran to the cell once he opened the door his heart broke your face was covered with tears your hair was a mess.
He could see that your wrists were becoming a redish color “Y/N?” You let out a sob “dad! Oh my g-god.” He quickly broke the restraints you collapsed in his arms “dad! They killed mom! She’s g-gone..!” You cried into his chest.
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Bucky felt his chest tighten he gently rocked you in his arms “Bucky! We need to leave they’re coming back!” Steve shouted he got his shield ready to strike “Y/N can you walk?” You nodded.
Bucky held onto your hand he made sure you were behind him so he could protect you for any danger that would come your way you would often hear Steve throw his shield at the guards who saw you.
“We’re almost there Y/N, just a little bit more.” You could see the sun shine through the door but suddenly a large metal door slid down blocking the exit “well if it isn’t the asset.. come for your offspring?” The man chuckled deeply, Bucky let out a low snarl.
“Now now.. no need to get violent now, I just want you to return the girl that’s all.”
“Like hell I will.” Bucky barked back at the man “fine have it your way.” Suddenly HYDRA agents flooded the room, Bucky and Steve had their backs on each other as you were in the middle.
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“You ready punk?” Steve said as he held onto his shield tightly “oh you better bet your ass I am.” Bucky smirked back “...language..” Steve mumbled out, suddenly HYDRA agents started attacking at first they were doing fine but you noticed more and more of them were pouring into the room.
Bucky and Steve might have the upper hand but they would waste their energy on them before they even get to the last few that’s when you knew you had to help fight back, you grabbed onto one of the agents and slammed them down on the floor hard Bucky and Steve stared at you in amazement.
“Wow..” was all Steve could say Bucky smirked “that’s my girl.” You only smiled as you went back to taking out more of them, sometimes they would land a good punch on you but that was rare considering how you could see farther from them you knew when they would punch or kick you.
Finally you take out the last one, you let out a long sigh and crack your knuckles “there’s still one more.” Bucky said as he glared at the man who was looking down he only smiled and did a slow clap “that’s all I needed to see.. until next time Y/N Barnes.”
You guys didn’t chase after him, you knew the next time he showed up you guys would be prepared “Dad.. mom’s body.. she’s still..” Bucky nodded “we’ll give her a proper burial Y/N I promise.” You nod as you leaned against his chest “I-I was so scared.. Dad I thought I was never going to see you again.”
“Y/N.. I would go through hell just to get you back, there’s no way I’m letting you go out of my life again.” He gently hugged you, it felt so warming it wouldn’t be the same.. since your mom was gone but you still had Bucky and Bucky still had you.
Once you got back to the quinjet Bruce checked you out and made sure you didn’t have injures, after he was done you saw Peter he had bags underneath his eyes.
“Hey Peter..” you said quietly he looked up at you finally smiling, he got up and embraced you “I was so worried Y/N..” you gently cupped his cheeks “So was I.” Peter gently kissed your forehead man did you wish you two could stay like this forever.
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“Ahem.” You and Peter quickly let go and saw Bucky standing there, he was trying his best not to glare at Peter “Parker.. thanks for um.. trying to protect Y/N.. I can see you care very deeply about her.. just don’t break her heart because I will hunt you down.” He left after saying that.
“I think my dad just improved of our relationship.”
“Dad?” He said raising his eyebrow.
“Yea.. my dad.”
“I thought you hated that word.” “I thought I did too.. it just took me while to see that it wasn’t such a bad word after all.”
After you got back to the tower you and Bucky sat outside looking at the stars that shinned brightly “Dad.. how did you and mom met?” Bucky remembered that special night Tony was throwing a party he never really liked going considering that he didn’t like being near a lot of people, but Steve being Steve he wanted Bucky to go and he just couldn’t say no to Steve.
Bucky sat at the bar looking out into the crowd, he took a sip of his drink just like Steve no matter how much he drank he could never get drunk, unless Thor brought his special drink from Asgard he noticed someone sat beside him.
She had light brown hair, a dress that hugged her curves the most beautiful thing was her eyes; they were a bright blue ocean color she looked at Bucky and smiled “I’m guessing parties aren’t your thing?” He shrugged “guess not, rather be here then out there.”
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She nodded in agreement “you work with the avengers don’t you?” He nodded “I haven’t seen you before.. are you new?” “I am, I’ve barely joined shield a month ago.” They talked for a bit they exchanged phone numbers and at that point on they fell for each other.
Maybe it’s cheesy to say but he felt like it really was love at first sight, they went out together, slept together, lived together. Steve was proud of his best friend for finding someone he knew how hard it was for him to open up to new people.
Unfortunately though as months passed by he was getting busy by being called onto many missions it left no time for her, they’d start fighting a lot arguing a lot, they even slept in separate rooms until that day he left.
He regretted it why didn’t he stay and fight for their relationship? He would’ve been with you and Lauren. Him and Lauren would’ve raised you together but now she’s gone she’ll never come back.
“Dad?” Crying. He was crying in front of his daughter “s-sorry.. I was just remembering..” he said as he wiped his tears with his sleeve “we met here.. in the compound.. s-she was really something Y/N.. just like you.. she had so much fire and passion in her..” You let out a sad smile.
“I’ll miss her too dad..” God he hated that he was sobbing like a baby in front of you.
“She loves you dad.. she always will.”
“I wish I told her I loved her.”
“... she still knew you did.”
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The Secret of Shadow Ranch Game VS Book
Howdy folks!
I’ve decided to check the differences between the book and the game. I had no internet yesterday and I was bored. Fortunately this was kinda fun.
I’ve got two pages of differences so stick your heels down and settle in your saddles, it’s gonna be a long one.
I would say spoilers but the games kinda old and the book is ancient so i really don’t think there are spoilers at this point. Also it’s not in perfect order because from going back and forth from book and game. This isn’t a criticism of the game just a note of the differences.
It’s a lot and if it’s hard to read don’t be afraid to ask about parts
Bess and George arrived a week before Nancy in the book. In game they arrived after she did
Shorty’s last name is Steele in the book not Thurmond(like in game)
Uncle Ed and Aunt Bet got the ranch as repayment for a debt(two months prior). In game they simply sold the store they owned and brought the ranch(three months prior). Both were shopkeepers before though
When Nancy arrived in game Dave Gregory took her to the ranch on horseback. However in book, Nancy rented a car that overheated and Dave came out to fix it. The girls were guided to Shadow Ranch in car by Dave also in car. It was seriously hot and there was a sandstorm, also Shadow Ranch is practically two hours from the airport in Phoenix. The cars were used to get around multiple times afterward.
Sabotage in Game: Possible unmentioned things(?) - Rattlesnake bite- Water Pump explosion- electricity
Sabotage in Book:-Unnamed sabotage-windmills-trashed house and missing dog-missing palominos- electricity and water pump wrecked
There were also other acts of sabotage but the horse wasn’t “apart” of them. That sounds confusing but it makes sense in context.
Uncle Ed and Aunt Bet were present throughout the book. Absent in game due to Rattlesnake bite
In the book the rattle of a rattlesnake was dropped into Nancy’s knitting bag with a warning to leave Shadow Ranch alone. Which she ignored.
Also she was trying to knit a sweater for her dad during the course of the mystery. in the game there is no in progress sweater. Side note: the sweater was meant as a birthday present but in a later book when they had a birthday party for Carson(first in a while apparently) she didn’t even give him the sweater.
Hannah actually answers when Nancy calls her in book.
Like half of the cast for the mystery
Alice Regor- Bess and George’s little cousin
Ross Regor-Alice’s father and the cousin’s uncle. Artist and bank president
Bud Moore-Young hot cowboy who dated Bess during the mystery
Mrs.Thurmond-The real cook of Shadow Ranch(not Shorty)
Walt Sanders- The real foreman of Shadow Ranch
Tex Britten- Young hot red-haired cowboy. Very unlike in game Tex. No sister. Dated George instead of Mary.
Dave Gregory- Young hot cowboy(same obviously). Much more hostile to Nancy. Not shy and bashful. Isn’t nice to Nancy until much later. He’d thought she’d interfere with his finding the treasure but realized she wouldn’t. Was a total dick. Not Cowboy/Southern Charm. From New York so that check out.He’s sweet for the rest of the book.
Apache Chief- The handsome guard dog of the Rawleys’. Usually called Chief.He’s a large black german shepherd and a very good boy. Chases after the phantom horse and goes missing for a bit. Returns and helps solve the mystery.
Al Diamond- Boss of the Bank Robbers. Real Mastermind.
Sid Brice- Accomplice of Diamond and Shorty Steele.
Shorty Steele- regular cowboy and dumbass accomplice planted at Shadow Ranch to get rid of the Rawleys
Mary Deer- A young shopkeeper that literally tells everyone about the Valentine Treasure. Set the bad guys on their hunt unknowingly
Sheriff Curtis- Just Sheriff Hernandez with a different name
The game cut out a subplot mystery involving Uncle Ross Regor. Six months before Ross Regor went to the bank to get some papers he needed to work on. Unfortunately he came during the robbery and the bank president was kidnapped by the robbers so that they would not be identified. He falls under suspicion because other robbers disappeared and it made it look like he was one of them. He wasn’t. Nancy and the three cousins found him starved but alive near Dirk Valentine’s treasure.
Mary Yazzie doesn’t believe in the Valentine treasure. Mary Deer does.
In book Shorty left canteens empty and could not be trusted to fill them. In the game he mostly was.
The final encounter with the criminals stands in a similar rock formation/hide-out sorta deal but instead Diamond threatens to blow up Nancy, the cousins, Uncle Ross, and the treasure. It’s too late to keep it so he decides to destroy it. Nancy stalls for time until Dave saves them
The final encounter in game is pretty much just Nancy tricking Shorty into falling through a hole. Then she steals the phantom horse and rides off.
The girls go to a barbecue and square dance with the handsome cowboys. There she announces she found the treasure. Unfortunately, Game Nancy doesn’t get to square dance.
 In the book Dave is a direct descendant of Frances Humber Dale. Sheriff Humber intercepted a letter from Dirk to Frances and learned of a meeting spot of the lovers. He went and hid with his gun. Dirk arrived and was subsequently shot and killed by the Sheriff. He went home and told Frances as she was lighting an oil lamp. After hearing that her lover was killed she fainted; Frances then had become extremely ill. When she got a bit better her father sent her to Buffalo, NY to fully recover. She continued to stay with relatives after fully recovering. She married a man called Mr.Dale and had two children with him before dying at a young age. Later Dave and his family moved from Buffalo to Phoenix and heard of the treasure. Hearing of Frances’ descendants, an old friend of her’s sent Dave some of Frances’ things. It’s pretty likely that Frances never fully knew what belonged to her and her heirs. Dave Gregory’s father died and left him to take care of his younger brother and sister. Dave didn’t have enough money to raise and pay for their education. He began to work at Shadow Ranch to earn some money until he found the treasure.
In the game Dave is only distantly related to Frances Humber. His great Aunt was her cousin. Frances left Shadow Ranch in perfect health and taught in Ohio before dying. She never found love again and never went for the treasure. Dave’s brother is dead broke and sick so he needs the money to help him out. Instead of being shot by the sheriff, Dirk was captured and hanged.
There is a horse named Choo-Choo in the book. The others went unnamed but the fact that Choo-Choo wasn’t mentioned is a crime.
Bob, Tillie, Frank, Dandy, Cookie, Clyde, Don, Pako, Zeke, and Ace are to horses in game.
Fun fact Dave refers to Nancy as “cookie” in the book. But like in the cooking sense
In game Nancy had a steady back home but in the book she didn’t. However there is a set of “Miss prints” that were published that mention Ned even though he is first introduced 2 books later. Somehow Nancy knows he’s in Europe.
In the game the ranch lost water and electricity separately. In book, it happened at the same time. They did try to break the water pump separately but were caught and couldn’t finish. So they ran and cut the electricity; Effectively cutting both water and power. The spring house used electricity.
Nancy makes sure to check her girth/cinch before getting on a horse. In the game we had to make her so she didn’t end up upside down.
The phantom horse usually arrived seconds after a special whistle by Dirk as it had done so in life. In game the horse just appeared.
Shadow Ranch is near Tumbleweed. No town is mentioned in game but Mary Deer’s shop is located there.
The cake in game was a recipe from Shadow Ranch. In book it was Nancy’s own recipe. Also it’s chocolate.
Phosphorescent powder was used on a white horse in game. In the book the criminals used phosphorescent paint on filmy Japanese silk on a black stallion to create their phantom.
In the book Dave talks to the Rawleys and offers to split the treasure with them once he finds it. Uncle Ed and Aunt Bet refuse to take any of the treasure but thank him for telling them. He offers some to Nancy and she also refuses. In the game the Rawleys split it with Dave.
The treasure in game is entirely heart-shaped gold pieces. In the book the treasure included the heart-shaped pieces with bank notes and jewels. The gold is handed over to the state government but he does get money from the bank notes and jewels for him and his siblings.
The “green bottle in the cellar” wasn’t found by the cellar in the book. As mentioned above, Frances had found the bottle and the letter. When she went to read it her father told her about killing Dirk. Because she fell ill so soon after she couldn’t continue the hunt. In game, she didn’t want to find it anymore so she gave the hunt to Dave’s aunt. Who then gave the hunt to Dave.
In game Nancy discovered the phosphorescent powder when her gloves started to glow. In the book, the dog started glowing. After biting the horse, the paint stained his teeth. This was discovered when “floating phantom specks” where found in the living room. Poor Chief was just trying to play with his ball in peace and accidentally scared everyone.
Tex doesn’t have a sister. However he does have a 15 year old brother named Jack who went on a date with Alice Regor.
Obviously the Hardy Boys weren’t involved at all.
Sure there are a bunch of things in common. All of the clues are more or less the same. The book features some incidents that were caused by nature. Also features less annoying puzzles. Anyway, this was fun and tiring. I’m gonna go play FFXIV. I will do one for Secret of the Old Clock but that will take me a bit because the game is based off of four books and not just one.
I know there’s a lot of little details but hey I’m a mystery fan. What kinda fan would I be if I didn’t look into the little details?
One last time, if you need clarification or have questions, I’ve got an ask box.
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ladyjenise · 5 years
I wanna talk about the new star wars clips but without spoiling stuff for people
So I put it behind the cut...
Ok, now that you’re still with me, a lot of people are talking about the clips (shown at D23 on the weekend to attendees of a specific panel and then some of them this morning on GMA) and trying to analyze (as you do) what’s going on.
Based on these clips and the teaser from back... whenever we saw it (June?), I’m focusing mainly on what’s going on with Rey, which I think is what most people are doing. 
I don’t think showing a dark Rey (darth rey?) is the big reveal so much as they want us to wonder how the hell she gets that way. People appear to be in two camps: it’s actually Rey having fallen to the dark side, or it’s from a vision. I’m in the former camp and I’ll tell ya why. But first, why I don’t think it’s a vision:
I mean, not to knock people who do think it’s a vision. Perfectly cromulent explanation, really. It’s just that people think Rey can’t fall and come back in one movie and I’m kinda like eh about that since we’ve only really seen one person fall in a movie series and that was Anakin and he’s... special. I mean, so is Rey, but Anakin had a very specific path. It’s sorta like Rey’s but not the same. That and in Knights of the Old Republic it doesn’t take Bastila years to fall. Her fall is like, what, days? But the puzzle pieces were there for Bastila, just like they are for Rey. Anyway, I don’t want to trash on why I DON’T think it’s a vision. I’d rather discuss why I think it’s gonna happen in real time:
1.) Rey is a fucking ball of anger. I don’t like having to use the novelizations for support but I will - In the Last Jedi novelization, we get opinions of Rey from a few sources: Snoke, Luke, and the fish nuns. The fish nuns mostly think Rey is rude and destructive, Luke can’t believe how quickly she goes to the dark side, and Snoke recognizes that not only is she insanely powerful and possess a “towering will”, but that she’s filled with hatred (for him, to be fair, but still). 
2.) Rey is actually impatient. I know Rey likes to play up how patient she is, having waited for her family all that time, but there are other cases where she’s quite impatient. She gives up on Luke fairly quickly, rushes to see Kylo after one vision she misinterprets, bosses Finn around when he can’t correctly identify what are really specialty pieces of equipment. In the book Before the Awakening, Rey gets quickly irritated by the mere presence of other people helping her to repair her ship (to be fair they did later take it, but only because they wanted to leave Jakku sooooo...) The only people Rey seems to have infinite time for are her parents, and that’s because it’s her desperate need to have them with her and give her what she craves: love and affection. And the dark side is a quicker way to gain what we want, as yoda warns.
3.) Rey’s looking for parents/father figures. We know this because Kylo tells us so (and Rey). She doesn’t like to be told this, but it’s true. She imprinted on Han right away, and tried to with Luke. And before you go “why would she imprint on Palpatine???”, and I’ll say that Palpatine would probably appear to her in a way that she’d not immediately find threatening, perhaps. I mean, if he shows up looking like good ol’ Sheev Palpatine, senator from Naboo, that guy was the epitome of try-hard father figure. He’s also got a lot of experience on his resume for it thanks to his time with Maul and Anakin. He loves finding orphans and offering them all kinds of good shit.
4.) Rey’s been hearing voices telling her to burn things. I mean, not really, but she has heard voices in her head telling her shit, like to kill Kylo, etc. And this is usually when she’s tapping into her angry Rey dark side shit and going all Darth Maul on someone. She also seemed really concerned when she was trying to explain this to Luke. That “something’s inside me and now it’s awake” shit is coming to full fruition. 
5.) Rey has been trying to compartmentalizing her dark side shit for years. She tries to keep her emotions in check and that’s... not good. Like instead of just telling people “yeah I’m an orphan” she’s like “Oh no its cool my family loves me and just sold me to a guy in a junkyard who would sell me on again to skin traders if he got the right price”. It’s pretty fucked up. This sort of actually reminds me of loved ones who do this sometimes and it never ends well. All that stuff has to come out some time, and with Rey it’s probably going to come out all at once. Big badda boom.
So here’s what I think will happen:
1.) Rey will be in some darker place (mentally) due to her interactions with both Kylo and her Resistance family. Perhaps it will be them discovering her bond with Kylo and Kylo’s continued First Order shit that will simultaneously alienate her from both. It might happen quickly but still make sense in the movie, with time for her to fall and come back.
2.) Her fall will be accelerated by the influence of Palpatine. You better believe Rey is like catnip to a dude like that: angry orphan looking for love and acceptance? Palpatine is going to be all over that. Palpatine will probably offer to resurrect her parents or something. 
3.) Rey’s two outfits we’ve seen are white and black to contrast her false “purity” to her later fall. And when I say “purity” I mean “as a hero”, not sexually. I know when her white outfit came out, people were like “why?” and some people were pointing out it’s her visually trying to turn away from her past looks, where she was more grey than anything, and presenting this purer form to the outside world. And I gotta say those interpretations were probably spot-on. Her trying TOO hard to be pure and good will probably just push her further to fall, and fall hard under the expectations. And so what’s the opposite of white? Black!
4.) Rey’s fall will be quick, but also super temporary. You don’t really need to draw this out. You just need the scenes to get to the damn point. It also helps when you frame scenes from her perspective, as we’ve seen before. There’s no set length requirement to show such things happening, only that they are coded in a way that the audience understands what happened.
5.) Rey will be OK in the end. Rey’s not going to fall and then THE END. Come on. It’s Star Wars. She’ll be fine... mostly. But yeah, she won’t STAY dark, is what I’m saying. Luke had his moments where he could have gone dark forever, but didn’t. He never fell totally, but then again his childhood wasn’t as shitty as Rey’s. Anakin’s fall took years but he was also surrounded by like, what, 10000 jedi? It wasn’t until they were distracted by the Clone Wars and the Separatists and all the other shit Palpatine was throwing at them that Anakin fell. And then it took another three movies to get him back but again that’s Anakin’s story.
6.) What about Kylo? Kylo/Ben will be the one to bring her back, but I’m not taking credit for any of that because it’s what smarter people than me have already observed. Kylo/Ben loves her a whole lot, he’s just a dipshit who doesn’t know how to express it properly. But when he does it will be at just the right time to bring her back. This is basically the plot to Knights of the Old Republic anyway, but I’ve seen it play out similarly with heroes who fall/die etc and their anti-hero/villain counterparts finally get the courage to express their love. 
ACTUALLY that’s what happens in the Care Bears II movie from the 80s. Not saying you should go watch it (it’s largely kinda boring but has some nice songs and moments) but if you do you’ll see a lot of similar themes. And what does this random animated movie from the 80s have to do with Star Wars? It was animated by Nelvana, who actually worked on Star Wars cartoons around the same time because George Lucas admired the studio and their stories. So, there ya go: Six degrees of Care Bears.
Anyway, the movie looks great. Can’t wait to see what actually happens!
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neni-has-ascended · 5 years
Persona 4 Fanfic: “You Wouldn’t Expect” [Commissioned by spiralstorm]
Characters: Teddie, Labrys
Type: Romance
Description: Teddie takes Labrys out to the beach.
Read on Fanfic.net: HERE
Read on Ao3: HERE
Author’s Note:
A commission piece. Since I personally love this pairing to bits, I had a lot of fun writing it, though it took me a lot longer than anticipated... Mostly because I had trouble deciding what to do with the requested setting.
If you want to commission me as well for art, writing or translation, please check click here.
I also have a tip-jar.
Most people considered him an extrovert. Most people thought of him as a person who was incapable of taking anything serious, regardless of the situation. Most people had trouble imagining him with anything resembling a sense of shame. Most people would also assume that such a shameless, unserious extrovert would not experience any sort of anxiety going to a social outing they, themself, had suggested and set up in the first place.
Most people were wrong.
There Teddie stood, drenched in a mixture of sweat and some overprized body spray he’d snuck from the hygienics department (on Yosuke’s tab). His bike stood angled and leaned against the wall right next to him. Ever since the incident with the pine tree and the rubber tape he wasn’t allowed to use the rollerblades anymore, so fixing up Yosuke’s old ride was his only way to get out here on his own. Probably a good idea anyway; he was well aware of the enticing properties these fabled ‘rides’ were supposed to have on cute girls. Though, didn’t the bikes he’d seen in Yosuke’s magazines look quite a bit different from that bicycle next to him? Not to worry unnecessarily, but this distinct aura of lameness he could feel radiating off the beat-up thing now that he wasn’t on it seemed a bit… troubling.
Ah! Focus, focus! Teddie clapped his hands onto his face and took a deep breath. Now was not the time to lose his nerves! Not here, not today! No, not when this was the moment, the one, his irreplaceable and very special, very first… date.
His breath stopped even just thinking the words. M-Maybe the air was just especially thin today? Who would be surprised, geez, with how unbearably hot and humid it was, good thing he hadn’t come in his beautiful fur, all the moisture would just have ruined his shine, but now his poor head-hair had to deal with these conditions, and his skin was all wet and his foundation was dripping, and his clothes were wrinkled, and the flowers were wilting, and he couldn’t stop biting his lip-
“Hey. Sorry, did I make ya wait?”
-He snapped to attention and froze up like a popsicle in a straight jacket.
Without him realizing, he’d been approached by a slender figure dressed in a light, flowing summer dress, a pale-yellow ribbon holding her long, azure hair together in a ponytail. Fuuka had really done amazing work in restoring those cloaking features. If he hadn’t known better, Teddie would have assumed it was a regular human girl that had just greeted him so kindly. However, he was sure that the face and voice he saw and heard could only belong to one person in this big world.
“O-O-Ohhhh~~!! L-Labby-chan!!”
He could force melodic inflections into his words all he wanted; it didn’t keep him from stuttering. He found it so hard to not stumble over his words whenever Labrys was around. This, too, he wanted to blame on the infernal heat today. It dried up his tongue and made it so hard to articulate! Yes, that was what was going on here, clearly, without doubt.
“‘You okay, Ted? You lookin’ kinda frazzled.” Labrys’ head tilted slightly as she spoke. Oh no, now the hot weather had gotten her worried for him, too! Not that he minded being cared for, of course, but… No, no! Today was not a day to be anxious and worried. Not for him, and definitely not for her! With a hearty shake of his head, Teddie tried to throw off the many oppressive feelings weighing down on his poor little head and laughed.
“Oh no, mon ami, what are you talking about? I’m doing just bearfectly fine! Especially now that I am in such stunning company~!”
“…If ya say so.”
She rolled her eyes a little, giving a slight sigh. While Labrys wasn’t necessarily the best people-reader, she did consider herself fairly perceptive, and the fact that Teddie right now didn’t appear to be at the height of tranquility was obvious to everyone but himself. Then again, hyperactivity was barely out of the norm for the little guy, now, was it? Giving Teddie a gentle pat on the head, Labrys began to scan the area around them a little.
“Whoa, it sure is packed. You sure it was a good idea to come today? Maybe we shoulda rescheduled, huh…”
The doubt in Labrys’ voice was like a lightning strike to Teddie’s motors, and at once he was bouncing along eagerly in front of the young gynoid lady, shaking his head in utmost denial.
“Nonsense! Don’t you know that getting lost in the crowd is part of the charm of this kind of event? Walking down the beach together, hand in hand, in a sea of blissful couples, gazing at the night sky above, and then--!”
“I… I was kinda hoping we’d be going for a swim.”
That sentence killed the scenario in Teddie’s head quicker than Yukiko could kill a man’s self-esteem. Labrys continued talking, her hands tugged away behind her back as she considered her surroundings. When had she ever found herself stood in a large gathering like this before?
“Y’know, since that whole Beach Party thing we were talkin’ about in spring didn’t end up happening yet, ‘cause everyone got busy, when you said we were meeting at Shichiri Beach, I just kinda… assumed.”
His face went through at least 5 different emotions upon the realization that whatever miscommunication he had allowed to happen had caused Labrys to come here with wildly different expectation from him. Teddie eventually settled on a boisterous laugh that came out more awkward than intended, trying to right the wrongs of what he had suggested.
“Ah… AHAHAHA! Of course, of course!! Swimming, at the beach, what beautiful maiden wouldn’t want to swim at the beach, it’s bathing suit time after all!! Summer, sun, pin-up poses! Never you fear, I always carry an emergency bikini just for cases like this, right on my-“
“…Going swimmin’ in a crowd like this would kinda blow my cover. My cloaking device can’t project into water, y’know.”
Well, that was quite unfortunate. And though she tried to hide it, a certain sense of disappointment on Labrys’ face couldn’t be denied. Teddie, for some reason, felt put on the spot by this. Embearrassed, even. And there he’d been mapping out this whole, unforgettable evening in his head already. What a debacle.
“Em… Should we…” he didn’t mean to, but he ended up having his head sink in between his shoulders on him. “Should we go home?”
Fast, unusually quiet and short was how Teddie’s question came out sounding. Still, Labrys seemed calm.
“Nah, let’s stay. It’s sorta my own fault for not researching the event before sayin’ I’d come. ‘Sides, I’ve never been to a ‘festival’ before. Maybe it’s gonna be fun.”
Teddie’s enthusiasm was restored.
“Of COURSE it will be fun! You’ll love it! We’ll buy snackies and weird thingie-dings, and write wishes on tiny sheets of paper, and catch goldfish and watch the fireworks and the stars…”
A young, gold-blond boy was excitedly jumping around in front of his azure-haired friend, continuing his descriptions in such a manner that it was hard to believe he was ever going to stop. Labrys chuckled. As nervous as it made her to be around these many strangers, as long as she had Teddie just being Teddie, she knew all was still right in the world. She took a deep breath of salty beach air mixed with the scent of fried meat and Takoyaki and looked out to the festival site stretching out before them.
“Shichiri-Tanabata Festival, huh.” she mumbled to herself. “Let’s see…”
Teddie hurried to drag Labrys along to every little point of attraction that grabbed his attention, his excitement unbroken even as the hours marched along. Calling his way of selecting the booths they’d spend their time at ‘erratic’ would have been flattery. In a hurry he jetted from one site to another, from a saleswoman selling star-themed charms to an ice cream stand, to a pair of performers, to a fishing game, to a stand selling cold drinks, and so on. It definitely helped that Labrys didn’t mind his guidance, much to the contrary. She was glad to have something resembling a line to navigate along this chaotic gathering of people, whose countless voices constantly threatened to overload her sensors. Her 5th generation hardware simply wasn’t optimized for complex social situations like this one. Following Teddie’s lead and focusing on his voice helped drowning out the noise. Holding his hand to not lose track of him kept her from getting distracted. Eventually, she found herself sitting by a table put up next to a little tree with lots and lots of colorful papers hung on it, sipping from a plastic cup of iced tea (her systems could handle tasting and excreting liquids; it was only solid foods that caused problems.)
“There sure is a lot to do here,” she said with a sigh, gazing at the mass of people she’d been walking through all afternoon and wondering how she’d survived it. She turned to Teddie. “You’ve been to a festival before, haven’cha?”
“Yes, but never to this one,” Teddie admitted, still a bit flushed from the excitement of all the games they’d been playing. “The one in everyone’s town is very different from here. It’s a lot smaller and a lot less romantic. This one here makes me feel like I’m being swept off my feet!”
“Hm…” Sip, sip, sip, Labrys worked her way through her drink, considering Teddie’s statement. For someone who had never been to this festival either, he sure seemed to sure his way around. There was a lot she could learn from him, especially considering that he hadn’t been living in this world for that much longer than her. It probably paid to be as wide-eyed curious as him when it came to this sort of thing. It was then that a small stack of tourist brochures on the table next to them caught Labrys’ attention. She reached out, took one and began to read it. Of course, Teddie looked over her shoulder.
“Ohhh, English! Fancy.”
“It’s frickin’ broken as heck tho,” Labrys frowned at the grammatical mess before her eyes.
“You speak English, Labby-chan?”
“Came pre-installed with ‘nuff to read most of it. Can’t exactly speak it tho. Well, not withoutta soundin’ like an, um, y’know. Robot.”
It took Labrys some mental effort to stop her language processing programs from going bonkers trying to deal with the monstrosity presented to them. Eventually, however, she had processed the text enough to read out some of it.
“Tanabata, also known as the Star Festival, originates from the Chinese Qixi Festival. It celebrates the meeting of the stars Vega and Altair, who’re thought to be embodied by the deities Orihime, the Celestial Weaver, and Hikoboshi, the Celestial Cowherd. According to legend, the two lovers were forbidden from meeting by the Sky King, who thought their relationship prevented them from performing their duties. Only once a year, when their stars meet on the 7th day of the 7th month, the two can meet, and it is said that wishes written down and bound to bamboo or branches on this day will come true.”
“Ohhhhh, that’s so romantic!!” Teddie almost squeaked hearing the story, making wide eyes at the paper in Labrys hands. She laughed.
“Sure, you’d like that. You’re into mushy stuff like that, aren’cha?”
“Hm. It would be even better if Ori-chan and Bosshy got to meet whenever they want,” Teddie declared after taking a few seconds to process the story. “I mean, it’s so sad! I thought true love was supposed to be forebear! Not giving them a happy ending when all the other fairytales get one just screams of discrimination, if you ask me! They should complain to the management!”
Somewhere halfway through Teddie’s critique had stopped making logical sense, but Labrys didn’t mind that. She’d expected as much. In fact, she kinda found it cute. She ruffled his hair.
“It’s probably a really old story, ya know. I reckon’ by now they’ve long got it worked out,” she suggested. “Like, maybe they quit their jobs and moved in together? That’s what I think woulda made sense, at least.”
“Mhm…” Teddie replied surprisingly half-heartedly as Labrys stroked his hair. Lowering his head, he mumbled. “If it were me, I’d do everything, so-“
“Hm?” Labrys tilted her head. Teddie’s voice had been too low for her to pick up all of what he’d said. However, he wouldn’t repeat the words. Instead, he swung his legs and leapt up from the bench the two of them were sitting on.
“Aaaaaalright! Where shall we go next, milady!?”
A 180° turn to the tree next to their table gave Teddie his answer.
“Oh, I know! Let’s write some wishes!”
It wasn’t Teddie’s first time writing wishes on Tanzaku paper. He’d done it the year before with Yosuke’s family, though then he hadn’t known the legend. However, it was Labrys’ first time, and she was struggling a little. To her it felt awkward trying to put any wishes she might have into words, especially knowing how many people there were around that could possibly be looking over her shoulder. The fact that Teddie kept loudly vocalizing every single thing he wrote down, proudly announcing his wishes to the world (he was up to tying his 10th Tanzaku to the tree now) didn’t help. Just how was it so easy for him to come up all these things to say? Maybe she just ought to stop thinking and just write down the first thing that came to her?
Eventually Labrys found a wish and wording she was happy with and put it on the paper in neat, clean handwriting, tying a perfectly symmetrical bow as she hung it to the branch. Yeah, this was okay. It reflected her hopes for the future, and she didn’t feel weird about the fact that someone else might read it. She was satisfied.
Hands on hips, Teddie looked over his army of 27 Tanzaku Papers merrily fluttering on the tree, Labrys’ sole wish mixed right in with them. He seemed proud of the image, miming the hand-gestures of a photographer looking for the perfect shot again and again, though never actually taking a picture of the scene. The one to really take a photo was Labrys. The way Teddie was hopping around in front of that tree was just too cute.
“Careful, ya gonna tear ‘em down with all the wind you’re makin’ wavin’ ya arms ‘round,” she laughed.
“Wind? My lady, I will have you know, this is no orbearnary wind I’m kicking up here! It’s the cosmic shock-wave that will carry our wishes to the heavens! HMMMMMMM!” And he threw his finger up in the air and struck a pose, yelling. “ORI-CHAAAN! DID YOU GET ALL OF THIS!?”
Teddie’s display of unabashed confidence drew the attention of bystanders. A pair of college age girls could be heard chatting.
“Whoa, that kid’s Japanese is pretty good… And he’s kinda cute, too, isn’t he? Hee hee.”
“Careful what you say, I think he came with his big sister. You see that foreign-looking girl next to him?”
“Whoa, she’s pretty good-looking as well, check out that figure! How come foreigners get to have all those curves, huh?”
“Calm down, you’ll bother them. Hey, let’s move on, alright?” The girl took her friend by the hand and walked away, though she could still be heard adding. “It sure is nice, seeing that some siblings don’t feel like they need to ‘grow out of’ being cute together…”
Labrys and Teddie waited until the college girls were out of earshot. Then, they turned to each other, a little stunned.
“…Big sister?” Teddie asked, tilting his head a little. “Whatever did she mean by that?”
Labrys shrugged. “I guess we looked like siblings to them?”
“Oh, sort of like how Yosuke always says that all foreigners look ‘the same’? Geez, how rude!”
He didn’t look offended at all.
“We ain’t really foreigners though,” Labrys pointed out.
“So, we look the same to them because we’re both not human? Hmm, people are weeeird sometimes.”
“Yeah, can’t argue with that…”
“I mean…” Teddie put his fingers on his chin pondering. “It’s not like we should come across like siblings! After all, you are my fair Princess! And I am your Royal Knight, Sir Teddie, coming to your aid in shining armor.”
“Well, I dunno a lotta stuff ‘bout knights. But some of them were princes, right?” Labrys said. “And a prince can be a princess’ brother, I think.”
“Wha—No, no, no! None! That’s not it at all!” Teddie stomped one of his feet in the sand a little, not hard, just enough to kick up a dramatic dust cloud. “I mean… I maaaay be quite princely in just bearly all aspects, but! That’s not the nature of our relationship at all!”
“I mean. Yeah.” Labrys didn’t know what there was to get dramatic about, but on a purely factual level, she had to agree. “I do got some siblings, but last I checked, you weren’t one.”
“Right!?” Teddie seemed vindicated by that statement. He crossed his arms. “And… And anyway! If anything, I’d definitely be the older brother!”
At that, Labrys could only snort. “Really?”
“But, of course! In fact, ever since Sensei has gone back to the big city, I’ve done my beary best to stuff that sad, bro-shaped hole in Nana-chan’s life,” he told her. It’s not like I could ‘replace’ Sensei. Not even moi could ever do that. But! I’ve been visiting her lots and lots! We’ve been going shopping and watching TV and playing in the park and making music…”
Teddie’s mood went from high-strung to almost tranquil as he talked. His face visibly relaxed.
“Actually, you know, I wanted to bring Nana-chan here too! But… She was busy with school today, so she couldn’t come.”
“Why didn’t you just call me to reschedule then?” Labrys asked curious. “I wouldn’t of minded comin’ a day later so we can bring her, y’know.”
“No, it’s okay.” Teddie shook his head. “I’ll come with her another time! Besides… I thought it might be nice to come, maybe… just with you.”
Labrys accepted that statement, though she wasn’t quite sure what he meant by it. Generally, she found him rather unreadable at the moment. His expression, the way he didn’t really look at her but more at the ground behind her, that slightly pink tinge on his cheeks… Was he okay? If he was human, she would have guessed that he was showing early signs of a fever, but…
“Hey, hey, Labby-chan, look, over there! I wanna try that!”
And thus ended a brief, quiet moment.
The ‘that’ Teddie was referring to turned out to be a large stretch on the beach without booths, where people were currently gathering to perform some sort of folk-dance. Onlookers were evidently allowed to join in. Labrys was hesitant, after all, who’d ever heard of a dancing combat device? However, it didn’t take much coaxing for Teddie to get her to join. Despite their exotic appearances the two of them didn’t stand out among the dancers nearly as much as they could have. The crowd was diverse, some people having come in Yukata, while others were in casual clothing like Labrys and Teddie. There were even a few westerners, probably tourists, mixed into the bunch. Chaotic as it was, nobody noticed how many steps the two of them missed in their attempts to follow the shrine priestess and middle-aged man leading the dance. It was all in good fun. Some parts of the dance were performed in pairs and these were the parts that made Labrys most nervous. The idea of having to synchronize with the moves of a total stranger in order to not disrupt the event sent her logic circuits into disarray. However, Teddie kept close to her and immediately paired up with her whenever he heard the musical cue to, and though Labrys knew he probably had his own reasons for doing so, she was thankful. ‘He’s always been pretty clingy around girls, huh?’ she thought to herself. ‘Well, I’m glad he’s having fun.’ It was only fairly late into the song that it occurred to Labrys how many other good-looking girls her own age actually were in the crowd of dancers. Yet, throughout the entire song, Teddie hadn’t strayed from her side even once. When she realized that fact, Labrys fell silent.
“Labby-chan, what’s wrong? The music isn’t over yet.”
“Wha—O-Oh right.”
Labrys had been so lost in her thoughts, she’d stopped dancing on the spot. Now it was just Teddie and her standing still in the mass of dancers, small wrinkles forming on his forehead as he looked at her in worry.
“Are you tired? Should we take a break?”
“…Yeah, maybe. Thanks.”
Holding her hand gently, as if taking extra care to not hurt her, he led her to the edge of the beach’s waters, a little off from all the music and commotion. It was here, where the crowd was thinner and the noise less prevalent that, for the first time, Labrys could take a moment to breathe and process the events of the day so far. Her sensors registered a high content of sodium-chloride in water vapor in the air… Sea salt. A nice scent. In the distance the sun had begun to set, dyeing the sky and ocean in a dazzling red color. Carefully, Labrys stretched out the bottom parts of her legs to let the waves splash them a little. What appeared to be her ‘feet’ wasn’t real, of course, those parts of her body were a pure projection of her cloaking device, but it still was nice to pretend.
Watching Labrys stretch her legs out to the water like that, Teddie began to pout a little. He buried his face between his legs. “I’m sorry I didn’t take you swimming. You’re probably beary disappointed still.”
Labrys laughed at that. “What’cha even talking about? Today’s been great! I’ve been havin’ a blast.”
“O-Oh!” Surprised, Teddie looked up. “I was just thinking… You’ve been looking so nervous ever since we’ve come here, so maybe you weren’t actually having any fun.”
“Mhm… I’ve never really been ‘round this many people before. So, it’s a tad strange still, ya know?” Labrys admitted. “But a gal’s gotta get out sometime, right? I’m thinkin’, I wanna make friends that ain’t Persona Users too, some time. So, I’d better get used to seein’ more people around like this... You’ve already got that part of livin’ down to a tee, don’cha?”
Labrys grinned at Teddie as she said that, which he visibly took as permission to feel pride. Wearing her statement as a badge of honor, he puffed up his chest a little.
“Weeeell, if you ever need anybody to show you how to bring ALL the hot studs in town to the yard, you can come to me! I’ll be your wise and powerful mentor in the art of socialization and bearing it all to the world!”
“I’m sure ya will,” Labrys pet his hair a bit, partly to get him to dismount that high horse of his for a while. “Look. The stars are comin’ up.”
As the day drew to a close, the scene was lit by lights, both around and above them, all reflecting colorfully in the ocean before them. Labrys and Teddie spent the time talking, about themselves, the time they’d known each other, their friends. There was so much to say, the minutes seemed to pass much too quickly, and by the time Labrys had googled and pointed out the locations of Vega and Altair in the sky to Teddie, the festivalgoers had gathered around where they were sitting to gaze up at the stars as well. The fireworks began.
They were were even prettier than the last time Teddie had seen them, painting the sky in all possible colors, lights raining down above them in this pleasantly warm summer night. There were so many people around them, and – Labrys recalled – there were endlessly many more watching up to this same sky right now in this world. It was a concept hard to understand for someone who’d spent so much of her existence isolated from people, so why did she feel so at peace right now?
“I woulda never expected looking at some lights in the sky could be this beautiful,” she said quietly, almost a whisper.
“…Me neither,” Teddie said in much the same tone. And, whether he realized it or not, his hand was on top of hers.
In this moment, regardless of all the people and voices all around, it almost felt as if nobody but the two of them existed in this entire world. It was just like how, during the dance, Teddie had stayed only by Labrys’ side, like she would have never expected him to. That thought on her mind, Labrys found it easy to move closer to the boy next to her, her fingers intertwining with his, before she slowly drew him into a kiss.
“Next time, I’ll take ya out swimming,” Labrys told Teddie, breaking their lip-lock to bop his nose.
Stunned as he was, even if Teddie had had something to reply, he wouldn’t have known how to say it.
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Park Jimin; fluff
Happy late birthday Jimin! We love you! 
Word count: 1769
Alright yall welcome to my first official bullet scenario
Let’s see how this goes
Ok anyways
It’s Jimin’s birthday and I wanna do something special for him
I hope he gets better,, i know it isn’t serious but still
And the whole soulmate AU is something i love wholeheartedly and i want to write one
Let’s get it (imagine jungkook saying that)
So Jimin’s a junior in college
Jimin is pretty well known on campus for his dancing and although he isn’t as outgoing or social as Taehyung or Jungkook, he still is pretty popular
Mainly because he’s hot but
So being a junior, he basically knows most of the “secrets” on campus
Like where to hang out, study, eat breakfast, you name it and he’ll tell you
Oh yeah he’s such a sweetheart
Will walk you to where you need to go if it’s dark out
Carries your books if you look like you’re about to drop them
The whole “prince charming” deal, it’s understandable if hordes of girls chase after him
Who wouldnt, right?
Welp with the creation of the Soulmate System, it sorta gets rid of the idea of unnecessary crushes
Which seems sad BUT it reduces heartbreak and all the sad stuff that comes from failed relationships
So the way it works is that everyone has a black rectangle on the inside of their left wrist
And everytime they speak to their soulmate, the rectangle gets lighter and lighter until you can read the name
Of course there are flaws and your soulmate might have a different person on their wrist or you just never end up meeting them
But we aren’t gonna talk about that, this is going to be a happy one!!
Back to Jimin
As i was saying, he always knows what places to hit up
And of course, the only way to know this is if he goes there himself
One day, he finished his last class of the day and stepped outside only to get hit with a strong gust of wind and a sudden chill
Its F A L L
Which means cafes!! Warm drinks!! Sweaters!!
Once he composes himself and fixes his hair, he starts wandering through the city surrounding his college
After drifting from place to place, he finally spots a small coffee shop that’s hidden by a fancy department store
Like it’s literally right next to the store but it’s so minimalistic that you just dont really notice it
But he does!!
So he goes in and he’s just met with warmth and soft piano melodies coming from above and the smell of something sweet in the oven and he just melts
This is exactly what he needs
Walking up to the counter, he looks at the menu and decides to get something simple
Because if this place cant make a good cappuccino then it fails in his eyes
Speaking of eyes
As he was collecting his change from the cashier, you just happened to walk in for your shift
And boy did his heart do a weird thing in his chest and he just couldnt take his eyes off of you
Honestly you were just in your uniform (white button down, navy apron, dark pants, hair up) and not in the best of moods because you may or may not have forgotten to turn on the alarm and was late for your first class
Always double check your alarms friends
Basically you were just not looking your best at the moment
But did Jimin think that?
The poor boy almost left his wallet at the counter because he just couldnt stop looking at you
Although that may sound creepy at first, it was more of a ‘who is this angel in front of me’ stare with eyes bright and shining to the point where it was just endearing
That didnt stop the person behind him from coughing and letting him know that there is a full line right behind him ohmygod jimIN MOVE
You, on the other hand, didn’t notice a thing and went to your station where you made drinks and call out people’s names and all that jazz
He picked a seat near the back of the cafe after he ordered, where he had a view of everything
And by everything, i mean you
“She’s so pretty wow i want to talk to her but what if she thinks im weird??? What would i even say? How would i eve-”
“Jimin? Your order is ready”
“Ohmygod she said my name what do i do??”
“Jimin? Is there a Jimin here?”
His voice cracks and he feels his face heat up
Gone is the charming and confident Jimin
Hello to the shy and clumsy Jimin
The poor boy almost spills his drink because he’s nervous and his voice already cracked and you’re giggling
Bless your soul for trying to hide it behind your hand and spare him the embarrassment
But you laughing isn’t helping because now he’s even more red and thinking ‘wow your laugh is so cute can you literally get any more adorable’
“Does coffee make you this nervous?”
“No, it’s the cute girl giving it to me”
He’s thankful that he didn’t embarrass himself anymore and somewhat recovered
Because now you’re the blushing one (he’s still a little pink from before but he decided he enjoys seeing you flustered more than anything)
Eventually he had to leave because wow it’s late and he still has homework to do
So he sadly walks out, taking a glance at where you were working but you were busy with another customer so you didn’t see him look at you
BUT he comes back almost everyday just to see you
It does a number on his wallet but hey, who needs money when you’re in college, right?
I’m kidding being a college kid is so expensive ohmygod
Everytime he comes by, he always tries to make you blush or laugh
Maybe at the same time
He just wants to get to know you better because you’re a really sweet person and he has this urge to hold your hand or hug you or kiss you but he pushes it down
At the same time, the mark on the inside of his wrist has been getting lighter and lighter
He can faintly make out the name hidden and he oh so desperately wants it to be you
You, on the other hand, could read the name on your wrist
Guess what?
It says Jimin!
You were so happy the day you found out
And when you saw him the next day you were just !!!!!!!
But he didn’t say anything about it.. Not even a small hint to let you know he knew
So you were confused
Did he just not like you in that way?
Or even worse
What if you weren’t his soulmate?
You confided in your best friend once you got back home after seeing him
“He didn’t even mention the mark? What if it isn’t my name?”
“Does he know your name?”
“..I think he does?”
“Wait how are you not sure??? Haven’t you guys been talking for a month now?”
A few days passed and Jimin still doesnt know your name
But his wrist says ‘Y/N’ and he can’t remember anyone with that name
So he decides that today is the day he’ll ask you for your name
Because he’s also worried that he isnt your soulmate
You knew his name already, and if he was destined to be yours why hadn’t you told him?
Did you not like him?
He kept stressing over it for hours on end and his roommate finally told him to go out and ask
Although it was just to stop Jimin from pacing around their shared dorm and making his roommate dizzy from all his sudden movements
And being Jimin, he dresses up and styles his hair
To be honest, if you hadn’t already fallen for him then you definitely did when he walked through the doors
“If your man taking you out on a date, he looks hOT”
“Jackson shut up i swear i’m going to spill hot coffee on yo- hi Jimin!”
It all goes according to plan at first
He hasn’t embarrassed himself or had his voice crack
He goes and waits near you, and since there weren’t many customers you could talk to him without having another cranky customer yell at you
looking at you, old man who came in and ordered hot water. who even does that what it wrong with you
You were still a little upset that he hadn’t mentioned anything about his mark
But you acted as if nothing was wrong
So when he just says “What’s your name?” without even saying hi, your heart sort of knew what was going to happen before you did
It started beating faster and a smile was threatening to show but before you did anything dumb, you answered
“y/n… why?”
And he gives the brightest smile, like the Sun can fight me because Jimin’s smile outshines it in this very moment
“Because I think you’re meant to be mine”
Cue the various aww’s coming from your coworkers and that sweet old couple who’s been shipping the both of you ever since Jimin brought you a lily he saw on his way that ‘reminded him of you’
Jackson also starts screaming a little and jumping because finally you two pieced it altogether
Jackson knew ever since you asked him about your whole dilemma because once you took a sick day and he ended up talking to Jimin
And coincidentally saw Jimin’s wrist and went :D
But he couldn’t say anything because he wanted the both of you to reach that conclusion on your own
Still, it was really obvious that there was something there
Back to Jimin and you,,
As soon as he said that you ran around the counter and tackled him in a huge hug
Jimin didn’t see that coming but he caught you in time and he sort of stumbled back but who cares because ohmygod he finally gets to hug you
This is all he’s been dreaming of
He feels so warm and soft and smells a little like peppermint and you can hear his heart beating just as fast and yours and his whole body is shaking with laughter because he really can’t do anything other than smile and laugh
He’s hugging you tightly and everything felt right in the world
Jimin found his other half and you found yours too!
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hope you enjoyed <3
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kaleidopewrites · 7 years
Search and Rescue
Summary: After finding a terrified young Beck, you begin the search for her father, Dr Chris Beck, also your secret crush
Pairing: Chris Beck x Reader
Word Count: 2698
Warnings: swearing but other than that, none really. Littered with fluff!
A/N: Thank you, Anon, for requesting! I had my work cut out for me this time, considering I have minimal knowledge of NASA and have only seen The Martian once. Hopefully, I did things good though :)
Requests are open! | Masterlist
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Chris couldn’t help the grin on his face as the NASA facility he worked at came into view. He glanced briefly at his four-year-old daughter, Carina, as they approached. While being strapped down in her high chair, she was making rocketship sounds with her mouth as she made her little plastic shuttle fly through the air.
“Daddy?” She asked after a moment, clearly getting bored. Chris grinned. Carina had the shortest attention span he’d ever seen. But, then again, she was only four. “Yes, starlight?” He smiled and saw the cheeky giggle she erupted into.
“When are we touching down?” She giggled. Chris grinned as he started pulling up at the facility.
“We’re pulling up now, sweetie,” He smiled and threw the car into reverse. Carina was in awe, her mouth open as she strained in her chair, trying to get a better look of the facility.
Chris would have to admit, it was a little hard raising such an energetic child like Carina, trying to shift between being a stay-at-home Dad and one of NASA’s flight surgeons. But that look on her face, the awestruck and excited smile made every second worth it.
Ever since she opened her eyes, he knew she’d be just as invested in space as he was. Blue eyes sparkle like the night sky every time he came home with a brand-new story from NASA or he got her a new toy space shuttle.
She loved stargazing, having already memorised several different constellations, including the own she was named after. She’d been begging for months to go to the facility he worked at, desperate to see not only what he did for a living, but just everything space.
“Alright, starlight, you gotta calm down,” Chris laughed as he stepped out of the car, closing the door behind him. “I can’t!” He heard her call extra exaggeratedly from outside the car. He shook his head as he opened the back door, leaning over to unbuckle her.
“Remember what I told you?”
“Yes, daddy,” She pouted, sticking her bottom lip out.
“It’ll be very busy in there, and you can get lost very easily. I want you to stay close to me,”
“I know, daddy!” Chris shook his head as he turned to the boot of the car, grabbed his bag and things he needed. When he looked up, Carina was already walking towards the facility, the astronaut doll – her favourite toy – hanging loosely from her hands.
She was too distracted to see the car slightly speeding down the carpark.
Dropping everything in his hands, Chris ran forwards and managed to scoop his daughter up and away from the rapidly slowing car. He watched as the driver, a familiar-looking woman, give him a scolding look as she drove past, throwing up her hands and probably screaming at him, but the window was wound up.
With a sigh, Chris placed his daughter to the ground and gave her her own scolding look. Carina looked guilty instantly, fiddling with her toy.
“What did I say?”
“To stay close to you?”
Chris sighed as he knelt down and scooped her up in his arms, giving her a strong hug. Realisation had set in when he thought of the big what if; what if he hadn’t gotten there in time?
“I’m sorry, Daddy,”
“You better be, starlight,” He sighed before smiling down at her. “But I do still love you,”
“I love you too, daddy. I promise I’ll be better!”
“Fuck!” You screamed down the highway, forcing your palm onto the horn as you let the sound ricochet to the only slow driver on the road that morning.
Once again, you had slept in and if you didn’t hurry, you would be late. And if you were late, your boss would string you up by your hair, and let your engineering partners Scott and Barry take over the project.
You’d fought for months to have leadership on this project.
Continuous strings of curses left your mouth as you drove, the facility you worked at appearing around the corner. You grabbed the hotcake you got from McDonald’s, shoving it into your mouth ungracefully before downing a few sips of maple syrup to even things out.
You didn’t have enough time to make breakfast, so you grabbed what you could from the nearest fast food’s menu. You probably looked like a mess, hair still unbrushed and no makeup.
After finishing your unhealthy breakfast, you began raking your hairbrush through your hair, pulling into the carpark with speeds faster than you should be. You looked up from beginning to touch on the brakes when you saw a small mop of brown hair.
A kid was standing in the middle of the road.
With another curse word hiding in the back of your throat, you slammed on the brake, preparing to spin the wheel to the side if someone hadn’t reached forwards and whipped her out of your path.
With your relief, you lift your foot from the brakes, swearing at him as you passed and throwing your hand into the air, trying not to flip him off, especially with the little girl in his arms. He gave you an apologetic look, one you didn’t recognise until you reached the other end of the carpark.
You watched the man and his daughter look both ways before heading towards the facility, the girl holding onto her father’s hand tightly. You knew that man, knew him as well as you could.
Chris Beck.
He was a part of the Ares III mission a few years ago. You’d sorta been a part of his crew. And being a part of it meaning you’d help design the interior of the ship and build it, trying to make their journey as comfortable as possible.
You’d met him a few times. A little shy, but passionate about what he does. Flight surgeon, part of the medical part of the facility, also trying to make space travel as comfortable as possible. And you were hopelessly in love with him.
He was sweet and kind and passionate, you never really met someone so enthused about space. He could talk endlessly about the stars and spaceships and constellations; anything. You’d heard him ramble off people’s ears, while also being very shy about it.
It was a cute combination.
You remembered he’d taken time off to be with his wife or girlfriend or something. You didn’t pay too much attention on that part of his life, knowing he was taken was enough to break your heart. But here he was, taking his daughter into the facility.
You didn’t expect to see him again.
You watched with a zombie expression as the seconds hand on the clock ticked over to your break time. You grinned as it seemed to ring in your head before jumping out of your chair, putting your tools and things down.
“Break time!” You laugh as the boys looked up from their own work.
“What, now? No fair, you were late!” Scott called, leaning his head against a fisted hand with a pouty expression on his face. You shrug as you walk.
“Thems the rules, boys! See ya in an hour, bitches,” You smirk as you head towards the exit.
“Maybe we should tell boss man!” Barry called through the megaphone they had stored away, making you flinch at the sudden noise.
“You do that, and I ain’t paying for pizza!” You threatened, glancing over your shoulder before leaving the room.
“We love you, (Y/N)!” You heard call out behind you. With a roll of your eyes and a shake of your head, you take the slightly deserted halls towards the main lounge room, preparing to eat the lunch you did manage to pack this morning.
As you turned down the hall, you spotted a small figure curled up against the wall, broken sobs echoing up and down the hall. You furrowed your eyebrows as you walked closer, seeing her curled up in on herself as she cried.
“Hello?” You asked softly, scaring the poor little girl as she looked up, eyes red and cheeks damp with tears. You recognised her instantly; the little girl you almost ran into this morning. Your heart broke at the sight of her.
“What’s the matter?” You coo softly, trying not to scare her any more than you could be. You spotted the top of an astronaut doll in her lap, protected by her. You slowly kneel to the floor, holding up hands to show her you wouldn’t hurt her. She couldn’t be more than five years old.
“You’re Chris Beck’s daughter, aren’t you?” You ask, trying to get her to say something, anything. She looked so lost, so scared, you knew you had to help her out.
“You know my daddy?” She asked, head lifting a little higher at the mention of Beck. You smile gently as you rested on the back of your legs.
“Yeah, I used to work for him. I’m Dr (Y/N) (Y/L/N). What are you doing in engineering?” Did that mean Chris was close? Did he hurt her? He better not have.
“I’m lost,” She whimpered before more tears started streaking down her eyes. “Daddy told me to stay put but I didn’t listen and now I can’t find him,”
“Hey, hey, shhh,” You hum, trying to calm her down. “It’s alright, you don’t need to cry.” She calms down a little, but not enough to banish hiccups or sobs. You wrack your brain, trying to think of the best way to help her.
Chris would be looking for her, no doubt. But the facility is a big place, and he could’ve easily already checked through engineering. But you couldn’t just leave her here for him to find her. She was probably hungry and she was definitely terrified.
“You know what, I might be able to help you,” You say, coming up with an idea. It may put you in the bad books with NASA, but damnit, this little girl lost her father and you were going to help.
“Really?” She asked, voice slightly breaking but managing to look optimistic again.
“I’m an engineer, I build things to help people in space. But, we may be able to make a special Dr Beck Tracking Device for you,” You smiled, the plans already forming in your head.
“You can do that?” She asked, brightening with a small smile pulling on her face as she began to uncurl.
“Yeah!” You encourage with a big smile, sitting up. Who cares about lunch, anyway? “Come on,” You help her up before picking her up in your arms, letting her sit on your hip before you made your way through the halls back to your office.
“I’m Carina, by the way,” She introduced, holding the astronaut toy between the two of you. “A pleasure to meet you, muffin cake,” You grin and she giggled, cheeks going pink.
You walk into the office, catching your workmates before they could swear. You cleared your throat, surprising them and making their mouth gape open. It wasn’t every day that their sarcastic, swearing like a sailor workmate stood with a kid in her arms.
“Barry. We’re gonna need your megaphone,” You watched as he and Scott slowly exchanged a look.
“Get out of the way!” You shout as you wheel both you and Carina down the hallways, the little girl in the mobile cart giggling loudly. Scientists and the such jumped out of the way, surprised and shocked as you both came barrelling down the hall.
“Faster, faster!” Carina encouraged but you shake your head, feet touching to the floor so you could continue the running pace. “Use the megaphone, muffin cake!” She gasped before picking up the hand-held device, holding it to her lips and using it like you directed.
“Daddy? Daddy, where are you?” She called as you slowed down, having to catch your breath. Her voice echoed through the halls, making a few people peer out of their offices, probably used to the silence before you both broke it.
“(Y/N), why did you stop? Keep going!” Carina encouraged as she spun around in her seat, half struggling considering she was strapped down tightly, her head protected with a makeshift helmet.
You lean over your knees, taking in deep breaths. You didn’t exercise nearly as much as you should, so running all through two different areas in the facility really took it out of you.
“Sorry, I just… let me just… phew,” You sigh and Carina giggles as you stand upright. The astronaut was safely secured in its own seat, having been flung from the carriage a few times during practice runs.
You’d never seen a child so excited to be building something used in space before meeting Carina. She was desperate to know what pieces go where, and what things were originally used for. You spared her no secrets, unless it was for your project.
She certainly was Beck’s daughter.
“Alright, so, we’ve crossed engineering and some science-y part. Should we head towards medicine?” You ask and she nodded her head, plopping herself back down onto the seat as if to prove her eagerness.
You grin as you take the back of the wheeled carriage again, beginning a jog now through the medicine section. You called for Chris normally, while Carina made use of the megaphone, figuring out how to make it siren and get even more obnoxious.
You made a mental note to crush it later, against Barry’s wishes.
“Carina?” You heard a voice call somewhere down the hall and between the siren.
“Hey, hang on,” You call, stopping the cart and silencing the noise of the megaphone. “I thought I heard him, give him shout?” You prompt, beginning to unbuckle her.
“Carina!” Beck responded instantly, turning the corner. You struggled to unfasten the rest of the belts as Carina erupts with joy.
“Daddy!!” She screamed and you watched as he sprinted down the halls towards you both. You managed to free her from the carriage before helping her to the floor, watching as she took off like a rocket and into her father’s arms.
You free her astronaut doll before witnessing Chris wrap his arms around Carina, pulling her up against her as he held her tightly, spinning her around a few times.
“What did I tell you about running off?” He scolded slightly breathless as you approached them, thumbing the doll.
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I promise I won’t do it ever again!” Carina swore before wrapping adorable, tiny arms around his neck. He didn’t even have a response, just sigh with relief as he hugged her again.
“That sounded pretty sincere,” You smile as you make your presence known. Chris looked up as you hand Carina her told, getting a ‘thank you’ in return.
“Dr (Y/L/N),” He mumbled, slowly putting Carina to the floor. You shrug off his formality, blushing a little.
“Oh, please, just call me (Y/N),” You said, trying to but hands nonchalantly into non-existent pockets.
“She’s the one that helped me, Daddy. She built the Chris Beck Tracking Device,” Carina grinned, looking up at you. Again, you shrugged off the compliments.
“Oh, please, we both built it. You had some brilliant ideas,” You smiled at her as she blushed, fiddling with her doll.
“You helped her?” Chris asked, eyes watching you carefully.
“It was nothing. Happy to help. Besides, I couldn’t leave her on her own,” You say, looking down at the gorgeous girl but having arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly and taking you by surprise.
“Thank you,” He whispered against your skin, tightening his hold on you. Slowly, you wrap your own arms around him, trying to ignore the butterflies attacking the inside of your stomach.
He pulled away before you could say anything but soon feel something tapping your leg. You look down, smiling as Carina raised her arms to you. You pick her up, holding her against her hip, hugging her back when she wrapped her arms around your neck.
After a moment, she pulled away, leaning against your side comfortably as you look to Chris, admiring the both of you.
“Can (Y/N) be my new Mommy?”
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forgotten-sam · 6 years
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                         Sweet Potato Pie || Sam & Brooke
Who:  Sam Evans, Brooke Moore   What: Sam comes home after his encounter with Mercedes.  When: December 12
Sam threw his hat in the back of his jeep and slammed the door, shaking the window so hard it threatened to shatter. “What the fuck was that?” He grunted. He had know idea what Mercedes was talking about.  “I don’t give a fuck what she’s talking about. We are over.” He said to the air.  He grabbed his phone and typed out a quick message to Brooke.  Normal shit, that’s what he need.  This was his life and he need to get back on track.  Throwing the phone onto the passenger’s seat and put the vehicle in gear.  He’d be home in 10 minutes 8 if the route was clear.  Pulling the truck out of the lot. He wanted to get home and sort out this mess of day or better yet forget it ever happened.
Brooke had spent her day as she usually did, at the office and now she was home getting ready for date night. She had made pork chops, potatoes and green beans and had gotten a sweet potato pie from Mercedes. The woman was so happy with her restaurant she had it delivered to Brooke’s office as a thank you. Brooke was never able to get the pie to taste that good and knowing it was Sam’s favorite the moment Mercedes asked her what she wanted Brooke didn’t hesitate. Mercedes had told her she perfected the recipe with the help of someone special and just from the smell of it warming in the oven, she couldn’t wait to give it to Sam. She heard her phone go off and smiled. He would be home in ten minutes. She went to the bedroom to freshen up, and headed back down to set the table.
Sam pulled into the drive, a routine that he was all to accustomed. The house, the driveway, the home he’d built for himself.  Coming up the steps the entered the kitchen and almost instantly his mood became darker. The barking and tail wagging of the two boheimeth labs, his babies, couldn’t pull him from the pit he was in. “She was delusional and delirious.” He whispered to himself scathing behind one of the dog’s ear.  “And your ass shouldn’t care one way or the other.”  
Brooke heard the door open and the dogs run to it and she smiled smoothing down her dress. She pulled the pie from the oven and brought the other platters to the table. “Hey Sam! I am in the kitchen, just follow your nose.” She said with a laugh.
“Hey!” Sam called out.  “I’ll be there in a second.”  He undid his holster and removed it as he went up the stairs. Enter his room he followed his routine and pulled his locked box from the closet.  Brook was such a tidy little lady everything was in its place even his things.  No matter how many time he left the box open on the bed, each day she’d return it to it’s home after he left for work.   Lying it on the bed, he opened the lid and placed his gun inside. Secured the lock and  he pushed it under his bed, where he tuck it for easy access at night.  He then stripped off his work shirt and moved into the bathroom to wash his hand and face.  He wet a washcloth  and placed on the the back of his neck breathing in and out deeply. As he tried to claim himself.  After a few minutes he took the cloth off his neck and throw it into the basin.  He hesitated on a half a step at his dresser drawer, only an act of will keeping him from pulling out her ring again. “No!” He said head out of the room.  
Brooke yelled back “Okay” as she let the dogs out to the back and went to the table starting to light the candles. She wanted to make the dinner as romantic as possible, because she could tell Sam was stressed. She loved him and would do anything for him, which is why she was still there even with no more commitment than them living together. Grabbing the Lemonade out the fridge she brought a beer for Sam in case he needed one and sat down waiting for him to join her.
Sam ran his fingers through his shaggy hair as he walked into the kitchen.  “Hey, I’m going to grab my food and eat in front of the TV.”  Picking up the beer off the table he took a long swig of it, before moving to fix himself a plate.  “I’m starving.”
Brooke looked at him and stood in his path. “Sam? Do you not see the table? The dress? Candles? Tonight is date night not sit in front of the TV night. I went to that new place and got you a Sweet Potato Pie, it’s a special night.”
Sam gave Brooke a quizzical look as she stepped in front of him. He rubbed his forehead, taking in her dress, the candles, the entire scene for the first time.  “Oh… Damn, I forgot.” He said as he rubbed the back of her arm.  “It’s been one hell of a day. Rain check?” Giving her his best grin. He moved to the side and started fixing his plate again. “Where did you say you got that pie from again?”  He asked already knowing the answer.
Brooke frowned looking at him. “Sam.” She took in his face and could tell something was wrong. “Are you okay?” She moved to the stove and held up the pie. “You know when I told you that I helped a woman find a location for her restaurant? Well she had a soft opening today and she made this for me, I told her it was your favorite. I got it from Southern Cuisine, it’s actually a really great little spot and they cater romantic southern meals or weddings. I think she is gonna do well.” She said smiled towards Sam.
Sam shook his head yes, however his mouth betrayed him. “No, I mean yes.  Look I had a hell of day and just want to unwind for a little while.”  He stopped adding food to his plate, shoulders slumping in defeat. He place the plate down, already mourning his dinner.  He turned to face Brooke slowly, licking his lips.  “Look Mercedes was attacked this afternoon at her restaurant.  She’s fine but a little shook up.” he finished letting out a long slow breath.  
Brooke sat down in her chair, placing the pie on the table as Sam told her what happened. “Oh my God, what happened? I can’t believe someone would do that?” She ran her hands through her hair. “I hope this doesn’t change her mind about staying, that isn’t a bad neighborhood at all.” She looked at Sam. “Did you catch the guy? Her boys weren’t there were they? I know they were there earlier?”
“She’ll be fine.” Sam interjected.  “No, she was the only person there. Her children.” He said stiffly, “Were at home from what I could gather. We got the guys. He’s locked up in jail as we speak.” He grabbed a chair from the table and place it in front of Brooke. Lowing himself to the seat, “Look, we need to talk about Mercedes.” This was hard.  He’d stayed so silent about his past. He’d have to pace himself to try and not let to much slip.
Brooke nodded relieved. “That’s good they weren’t there. That had to be so scary for her, she had these adorable twin boys they are five I think. And she is so sweet I just hate that this happened to her.” Sam sat in front of her and she raised an eyebrow looking at him. “What do you mean we have to talk about Mercedes?” She asked looking at him confused. His face said it all, said there was more to this story then she realized.
Sam barely listened to Brooke He need to figure out how to explain how he knew Mercedes.  ‘It’s nothing.” He finally knowing what direction to take.  “I know her from my past. Actually we used to date.”
Brooke stared at him for a moment, Sam never spoke about his past so this was a shock to her. She cleared her throat. “Used to date? What exactly does that mean?” She asked wondering why was finally opening up to her, but soon realizing it was because they were now all in the same place.
Sam scratched his forehead and raised his eyebrow. “I mean we dated…” He repeated, “In my past.” He used his thumb to point back over his shoulder to emphasize his point.  He needed to tell her about the kiss, but already he could feel the conversation going off the rails.  
Brooke sighed taking Sam’s hand. “Okay you dated I get it. You saw her and you figure we all are living here and I should know. This is why I love you, instead of letting me get caught off guard you are protecting me.” She let go of his hand and finished making his food. “Now that I know I guess that double date is out the picture, though it was a nice thought.”
Sam held Brooke’s hand lightly in his. She slid off his lap and rose to fix his plate. Which only made him feel a worse. “There’s more.” He said softly moving to stand behind her.  “In her delusional state.  She sorta… Kinda… “ placing his chin on top of Brooke’s head. “She kissed me but it was nothing.” he rushed out downplaying the situation completely.  
Brooke sat based away and stared at him. “She kissed you? She’s married and she kissed you? SHE KISSED YOU?” Brooke stood back up. “So it was all an act? She’s some boyfriend kissing tramp?”
“Mercedes was out of her mind.  I’m sure she doesn’t even remember what happened.” Sam explain in pleading tones. “You’ve been singing her praises for weeks. A bump on the head, mixed with a familiar face… I’m sure it must have been overwhelming for her. It meant nothing, Brook. Nothing at all.”  
Brooke stared at him for a moment wondering if he was right, then she thought about those few times she was out of it. Like when she got her wisdom teeth out and was drugged up, she didn’t remember anything but her friends had a lot to say about what she did and said. “I’m sorry Sam but you tell me she is your ex then you say she kissed you. I was just worried but you are right, I have seen her and her husband she loves him I know she wouldn’t cheat. And you are right she was probably out of it and it’s not like you kissed her back so I can forgive a kiss like that. I am sure if she does remember she would be embarrassed. So it’s okay.”
Sam moved closer, he reached out and gripped Brooke’s elbow. “Don’t apologize.  There is nothing to be sorry for.” He looked into her eyes and calculated the struggle that was taking place in her. There was a twinge of guilt for not being completely honest with her but he pushed it away.  He was used to half truths and he didn’t want to hurt her worse. He lifted her chin with his large hands and kissed her softly. “Thank you for being so understanding.”  He breathed against her lips as he wrapped his arms snugly around her waist.
Brooke nodded hugging him back. “Its okay, I did overreact and I feel bad for it. She didn’t do anything on purpose. And I am glad you told me. Its nice to know a little more than I did before. It really is a small world. After dinner you should check on her. Ex or not, she was hurt.” She pulled away and resumed making his plate. “And I hope you don’t think I am still not gonna enjoy every bit of that pie. It smells too amazing to let go to waste.”
“Nah.” Sam said, “I have Harper taking care of her. She’s fine.” Sam wanted a way to keep Mercedes and Brooke apart. Only he couldn’t come up with a reason that wouldn’t sound suspicious.  “No I wouldn’t dream of doing any such thing.”  He said, stomach twisting a bit.   “Ummm, until we’ve had time to settle all of this, I want you to stay away from Mercedes restaurant.  I’m scared this might not be a one time deal. The gunman might have associate.” He added, hoping she listen to him without to much pushing.
“Harper? Sam you are the Sheriff, isn’t it your job to make sure everyone involved is okay? Since when do you hand off your responsibilities?” She sighed placing the plate down again. “How am I supposed to do that when we are both supposed to be going to opening night, that is if she still has it. I would think if you were worried about it not being a one time thing you would be making sure that her place and she was secure but if you feel like its not safe then I understand. But I still want to check on her.”
“I’m not handing off my responsibilities.  I have to delegate sometimes.” Sam reminded softly. “What opening night? I didn’t know anything about that.” Stepping away from Brookee he sat down in his chair again, confused. “I’m checking on her and her place. She had Harper watching over tonight and other deputies are watching over restaurant.  That still doesn’t mean I want you putting yourself in harm’s way. And don’t act like this is the first time I’ve asked you to take precautions because it’s not.”   He finish, voice rougher than he intended.
Brooke nodded. “I guess you are right, look at your finally learning how to share.” she teased, trying to change the mood of their conversation. “I was going to let you taste the pie then tell you that we were invited.” Brooke sighed heavily. “Okay I get it! You can calm down. It’s just that is not a bad area and I am sure it was a one time thing but until you figure it out I won’t go around there.”
Sam leaned up from the chair and pulled Brooke into his lap.  “Thank you. That’s all I ask.” He finished kissing her shoulder. It wasn’t her fault his life was a twisted mess and he refused to spend his night arguing over nothing.  -Damn, what was Mercedes rambling on about? He thought to himself for the hundredth time.  “Why don’t you feed me some of that food?” He smirked squeezing her thigh.
Falling to Sam’s lap, Brooke rolled her eyes playfully. “Yeah, yeah. I will just call her to check on her tomorrow. No one deserves to be attacked.” She turned her face towards his and smiled. “I think you can feed yourself food, but…” She moved to cut a piece of pie and took a forful out. “We can start with dessert and work ourselves back.” She put the fork so Sam’s lips and waited for him to take a bite, before she went to fork her a piece.
Sam looked down at the fork, lower jaw tightening.  He knew exactly what this dessert and who had made it. In his current mood he didn’t want reminders of the past.  He licked his full lips and smirked. “Dessert first.  Okay.” Standing up with Brooke in his arms he move back to the table and sat her down.  Going down to his knees, he reached under her dress with worked her panties down her legs.  Placing one leg over his shoulder he disappeared under her skirt.
Brooke watched him smirk then lift her with ease, sitting her on the table. “Sam!” she squealed as he went to her knees, she smiled towards him. “Fine you have your dessert and I will have mines.” she moaned as he placed her left leg over his shoulder. She clamped down on the fork enjoying the taste of the pie and then the feel of Sam’s lips on her skin.
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jadewritings · 7 years
Doctor, Doctor [One]
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A/N: So this is for my first request  I’m going to try to extend it to be three parts but it could end with two. I’m excited for everyone to read it! I’ve also altered the request a bit but only by a little. I have added a special surprise ;).  I was going to make it where the reader wasn’t paired with anyone but that didn’t go so well… Enjoy!
Pairing: eventually Sam x Reader
Word Count: 1,117
Warning: language, implied death (sorta.. IDK), an image of when Dean died from the hell hound ( No Rest From The Wicked, Season 3)
Finale [x]
You sighed and slumped over your desk. You have been working an extra shift of 36 hours at Miracle Hospital. To be honest, you missed your old job, that being a hunter. It was a huge contrast but you decided healing people would be the safest bet. You already lost everything and everyone to monsters. Your past was dark but only you knew that. You had a secret you couldn’t tell anyone, that you were special, since the day you were brought into this world.
You were tired and had a ton of surgeries you have to scrub in for. But you were in no shape for that. You started to doze off in an uncomfortable position, though, as long as you got sleep you didn’t care what position you were in. You were interrupted by a deep voice shouting down the halls. “Help! Somebody help me, he needs a doctor!” You jumped up and rushed out of your office.
You saw a tall man with medium length brown hair and hazel eyes. He had blood all over his clothes, carrying a dirty blonde haired man, who also was covered in blood but was unconscious.  You instantly knew who they were, you heard so many stories about them when you were still hunting. “Over here! Set him on the gurney!” you waved him over and as soon as he laid him down you got to work, checking his pupils and assessing the damage. You told a nurse to open a surgical room and another to get a bunch of gauzes. As the nurses ran off you got to work cutting open the man’s shirt. When you saw the wounds inflicted you gasped.
“Hellhounds…” you whispered, but the tall man next to you heard you and looked at you in surprise. “How do you know that?” He questioned. You didn’t have a chance to answer before the nurse came back with what you asked for. You opened them quickly and pressed them to the wound. You winked at him as you climbed onto the gurney to keep them secured. As the nurses wheeled you away you shouted back to him, “You’ll find out later Mr. Winchester!”
A few hours later you came out from surgery with shaky hands. The adrenaline that had kept you going was coming to an end. You walked to the Winchester brother and took a deep breath. When he spotted you he immediately jumped from his seat and bombarded you with questions. “How is he? Will he be alright?” he asked, his voice shaking. “Calm down, Mr. Winchester, your brother is fine. It will take a while before his wounds heal, but we’ve managed to control the bleeding and now he is resting. Thankfully the hell hound missed any vital organs.” you explained.
“How do you know that that’s what attacked him?” he was guarded and you chuckled. “Please, Sam was it? I’ve been in the hunting business before I came to work here. Besides, you should know hunters are scattered across the entire globe. I keep up.” You took it as your cue to leave when he relaxed. Before you could take another step a hand flew to your arm and gripped it firmly.
“Uh, I was wondering if you could help us track down the thing and it’s master. They got away when it attacked Dean.”
You stopped, prepared to say no, but then you remembered how much you missed the thrill of killing the things that go bump in the night. The hospital had you running around like crazy most of the time but you were wise to save up vacation days. You sighed, “Sure. But only when your brother has healed completely. Which, like I said, could take a while.” He nodded in agreement. “Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” he smiled.
You tried not to think of how much that smile went straight through your heart. “Great, you should get some rest. You can see Dean in the morning.” You smiled back. As you went back to your office you beat yourself up for having a temporary feeling that always gets someone killed.
Dean didn’t wake up for a while, which was to be expected after the night he had. Plus, you had him doped up on painkillers. When he did, everyone was relieved and happy again. Especially the nurses that always gawked at him while he slept or ate, it didn’t matter. It made you want to gag, but you could understand. He still had to stay for a few more observations before he was considered better enough to be let go. As you expected, the nurses were extremely upset when he was.
Considering you were the Chief of Surgery you didn’t have to go to a boss. You told everyone what they had to do and if they screwed up their asses were fired. You were blunt but firm, and Sam was certainly impressed by it. You knew rumors would start spreading like wildfire. Something in you didn’t mind but something else told you to quit while you were ahead. He was quite the looker, smart, funny, what’s there not to love? You weren’t going to get close to him but a girl can dream.
You all piled into the Impala, Sam let you have the front seat to be a gentleman while he was squished in the backseat.
You must have been driving for a couple of hours before the car came to a gas stop. You got out, wanting fresh air, and headed towards the bathroom. Getting your business done, you washed your hands and dried them, staring at your reflection. It seemed to be mocking you as it moved silently swiping its finger along your throat. You stared a little longer, clenching your jaw, until the mirror shattered into bits and pieces. You jumped back and held in the tears that threatened to fall. You closed your eyes and let out a breath you had been holding. Then ran from the bathroom.
When you returned, Dean was eating a miniature pie, occasionally slapping Sam’s hand when he tried to steal a piece. Your lips tugged upwards at how they acted immature and free from all this mess. You wished you could be that carefree, even if only for a moment. But reality would never let you. You made up your mind to not feel anything for them and just get the job done. You could stand to be alone and lonely rather then have your feelings be shattered if they ever found out how dark you really were. You don’t want to be the reason for their deaths either.
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