#and her brother's boyfr-
pucksandpower · 1 year
if requests are open, can I pls request baby vettel telling her brothers (the grid kids) she has a "boyfriend" when she comes home from kindergarten one day ??? if requests are closed, please ignore 💗 love your works so much !!
Grid Kids: Cooties
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: the grid kids take being big brothers very seriously
Series Masterlist
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Max’s voice is firm, his face aghast.
Charles, sitting next to him, nods in agreement. “I thought we agreed that you’re not allowed to date until you’re 40?”
Your daughter looks up from her crayon artwork, her little brows furrowing. “But Tommy said we’re boy ... boyfr …”
Lance interrupts, “Boyfriend and girlfriend? No, no, no. Absolutely not.”
George chimes in, holding up a toy car, “Tell whoever this Tommy is that you’re too busy racing to have a boyfriend.”
Lando adds, “Besides, boyfriends mean cooties. Do you want cooties?”
She tilts her head, pondering the dire consequences of these so-called cooties.
Charles, trying to be the voice of reason, kneels down to her level. “Sweetie, you’re a smart, wonderful little girl. And Tommy is, well ... you can do better.”
Mick, watching the entire exchange, laughs. “Guys, she’s just a kid. They’re probably just sharing crayons.”
Lando looks scandalized, “Crayons today, hearts tomorrow. It’s a slippery slope!”
Sebastian, watching the overprotective madness unfold, turns to you with a smirk, “I think our daughter has a solid set of bodyguards.”
You laugh, wrapping an arm around him. “Good luck to any actual future boyfriends.”
Your daughter simply shrugs, scribbles something on a piece of paper, and hands it to Charles. “For Tommy.”
Charles reads aloud, “We can be friends. But no cooties. Okay?”
The next day after school, Max bends down to your daughter’s eye level, “Now, which one is Tommy?”
She points a tiny finger to a little boy playing with a toy car on the playground. He has sandy hair and an innocent expression as he makes car noises.
Lando claps his hands together, “Alright, mates, game faces.”
George rolls his eyes but can’t help his grin, “Really? We’re really doing this?”
Lance nudges him, “We have to ensure he’s good enough for our sister!”
As the grid kids approach Tommy, he looks up, wide-eyed at the small army of grown-ups marching towards him.
Charles squats down, “Hey there, buddy. You Tommy?”
Tommy nods slowly, clutching his toy car.
George, leaning down too, tries to sound stern, “We heard you’re, uh, dating our sister.”
Lando, animatedly acting out air quotes around the word dating, adds, “We just wanted to have a quick chat.”
Mick, clearly finding the whole situation hilarious, jumps in, “You know, about intentions and all.”
Tommy blinks, “Inten-what?”
Max clears his throat, “Look, Tommy, we just want to make sure you’re treating our sister right. No stealing her toys or snacks.”
Lando jumps in again, “And absolutely no cooties. We had a long talk about that.”
Tommy nods fervently, “I don’t have cooties!”
Charles chuckles, “Good to know. So, you’ll play nice with her?”
Tommy nods again, “I promise. I just wanted to show her my new car.” He holds up the toy proudly.
George pats him on the head awkwardly, “Alright, Tommy. Just remember, we’re watching you.”
“Operation Sneaky Sneak is a go. Over,” Lando whispers dramatically into his walkie-talkie from his hiding spot behind a bush.
“Copy that,” George responds, trying to peer into Tommy’s living room window from a tree branch, “They’re ... playing with dolls? Oh, and there are some cookies. Over.”
Lance, hidden behind a garden gnome, chimes in, “I hope they're chocolate chip. Over.”
Charles, from his spot on top of a garden shed, adds, “No visual on any suspicious activities. Just some Barbies about to get the worst haircut of their life. Over.”
Mick, wedged between two trash cans, mutters, “Feels like we’re in a bad spy movie.”
Max, crouching behind a car, counters, “Feels? We ARE in a bad spy movie.”
Suddenly, the back door to Tommy’s house swings open and out step his parents, chatting and laughing. The grid kids freeze.
George, panicking, whispers into the walkie-talkie, “Abort mission! I repeat, abort!”
Lance tries to slink away, “Going dark! Going dark! We have been compromised.”
But it’s too late. Tommy’s mother spots them. “Um, gentlemen? What are you doing?”
Charles attempts to play it cool, “Oh, you know, just ... birdwatching. Beautiful sparrows around here.”
Tommy’s father suppresses a grin, “In our backyard? With walkie-talkies?”
Lando, thinking on his feet, responds, “Modern birdwatching. Very high tech. Over.”
Mick gives him a look, “Did you seriously just say over out loud?”
Max tries to salvage the situation, “We just wanted to ensure the playdate went ... smoothly.”
Tommy’s parents burst into laughter. “You guys really care about her, huh?”
Before anyone can respond, there’s a rustling from above. Thunk! “Ow!” Thwack! “Not the face!” Crash! “My hair!”
Everyone’s attention is immediately drawn to George who has dramatically fallen out of the tree, hitting almost every branch on the way down.
Rubbing his back, George groans from where he’s splayed on the ground, “Guess I should leave the climbing to the kids.”
Tommy’s mother takes pity on the fully grown children masquerading as adults in front of her, “Would any of you like to come in for juice boxes?”
The grid kids exchange sheepish glances. “Yes, please,” they reply in unison.
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axcel-lucci · 10 months
I've been coughing and feeling sick, I don't feel like getting up. This one is a request where female reader gets sick, has a flu, and its set in modern au. How would Law react when he hears that female reader has a flu for about two weeks, while being taken care of by Luffy, Ace, and Sabo? See female reader didn't want to disturb Law from work, so the ASL trio took care of her. Sabo is more responsible than his brothers. Plus Luffy would bring Marco to check on reader.😊🤧😷🤒
Tell me next time, dumbass.
Trafalgar Law x reader (fluff)
A/N: hi! Sorry I took a bit long because I was kinda down myself (can't get out of bed for reasons unknown) and can barely open my phone. So I hope this is alright! (Also unedited)
My masterlist
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Coming up with a fever wasn't really (y/n)'s perfect idea of winter. What she imagined was snowball fights, snowman making, snow angels. Maybe that's the reason she's sick.
She could've told her boyfriend, Trafalgar Law, that is also a doctor, about it so he could take care of her, but she didn't.
She would always listen to him rant about how hectic it is to work in hospital owned by "grandline" whatever whatever it's name was. And she didn't want to bother him by a simple fever.
But that's alright, she has his best friends to help.
The "strawhats" (what Luffy likes to call his gang of friends) would visit from time to time. Especially chopper. Robin's support dog, specialising in anxiety and depression.
Even though the golden retriever is working, he couldn't help but stay beside (y/n) whenever Robin is around to visit.
Nami would usually just lay beside her staring at the ceiling. Mostly because she herself was bored.
While the others would drop by but not as often because they're quite busy.
Luffy on the other hand, would visit with his brother's almost every day.
Ace and Sabo apparently has doctor friends as well. One is named Marco and the other is named... Hongo? Was it?
"In theory, Marco said some warm soup or porridge would help you." Ace said
"In YOUR theory or in this... Marco person's theory?" (Y/n) asked. She knew it would help but hearing Ace say such a thing concerns her
The two just stared at each other with confusion before sighing.
"You're making me hurt my brain, Ace. Get out of here" she groaned with a frown making him laugh.
"When are you planning to tell your boyfriend that you're sick? I'm sure he's worried because you're not calling him all the time like you used to." Sabi hums softly as he hands (y/n) a bowl of warm porridge as she starts to eat
"You know I don't want to worry him..." She muttered as she ate
"Eh? What do you mean?" Luffy tilts his head, "he asks about you all the time whenever he sees me."
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah! When I said Marco was also helping, he kinda got up and left. I don't know why though..." Luffy muttered to himself with a pout.
"Luffy..." The three sighed with a bit of disappointment in their face
"What? What?"
"Let me take that..." Sabo said as he took the empty bowl from (y/n), "how do you feel...?"
"I'm feeling fine... I suppose..." She muttered slightly.
"Alright..." Ace sighed, "look. You should tell him, even if you're bothering him... I'm sure if I was your boyfr- I mean him, I'd also want to know my girlfriend's state."
She laughed a bit, "I know... I'll tell him eventually..."
"We need to go... I have night shift at work today and some agendas for the next... 2 weeks..." Sabo frowned slightly
"And Garp's coming over... As well as the family reunion in London..." Ace huffed, "will you be alright alone?"
"I'll be fine, don't you worry"
Oh the last words of someone burning up, phasing in and out of consciousness.
(Y/n) reached out to grab her phone, trembling hands scroll through her contacts list, her eyes blurry but eventually clicking one profile and calling it.
Putting it on speaker, and placing it beside her head.
Once she heard the familiar sound of someone on the other end picking up, she coughed slightly.
"Can you... Come over...? I don't feel so good..." She managed to mutter before passing out entirely. All she heard last was a panicked voice of her name being called and soon hanging up.
Law's pov
I was sitting at the on-call room, basically glaring at my phone screen, waiting for (y/n) to message me.
"If you stared any harder, that phone would crack" Marco chuckled beside me.
I just groaned a little, "tsk. You wouldn't know the worry I have for my girlfriend because you never had one." I snapped at him with a glare
"Ouch" he rolled his eyes.
My eyes snapped back at my phone once I heard it ring and seeing who was calling, my whole body seemed to relax to realize it was (y/n). After almost three days of silence from her, she finally called.
"Hello?" I answered.
I heard her cough, which wasn't a good sign already, her heavy breathing as well. "Can you... Come over...? I don't feel so good..." she muttered so weakly, I don't think I've ever heard her so weak before hearing her just huff out a heavy breath, I don't know why, but I had a feeling she had passed out.
"(Y/n)...? (Y/n)!" I called but had no more answer than her breathing heavily.
I stood up immediately and grabbed my stuff, changing out of my scrubs as well as I panicked.
"Woah there loverboy, you can't just leave in the middle of your shift" Hongo sighed, "but you know what? I'll take your shift, don't worry. Take care of your girlfriend"
I just gave him a swift nod before leaving and hopping into my car, wasting no time to power it up and drive off to her apartment.
I left my things inside the car, but took my wallet, phone, and the spare keys I had of her apartment with me as I rushed to go and unlock her apartment door.
At first glance, it was relatively quiet. Which wasn't entirely unusual considering at this time of day, she's either drawing or just laying in bed.
After locking the door, I threw my things on the kitchen counter and rushed to her bedroom to see her curled on her bed, her phone beside her head, and her face flush with what seemed to be a high rising fever.
I didn't waste any time and rushed to check her temperature. She was already so hot to the touch, but she started shivering a little.
"Don't worry, I'm here. I'll take care of you" I whispered to her before getting up and doing what is necessary to make her fever go down.
Eventually, her fever had subsided just enough so that her temperature was 39°.
Which was still a bit too high as a human's normal body temperature was 37° but at least a bit lower and manageable than before
"Silly girl..." I frowned as I kissed her forehead.
I continued to take care of her for the next 2 days. Hongo-ya and Marco-ya volunteering to cover my shift.
I'll need to find a way to repay them somehow, but for now, my focus is on (y/n) and her slow recovery.
(Y/n)'s pov
(Y/n) slowly woke up to the smell of what seems to be an aromatic scent of... Soup? Porridge? Whatever it is, it smells delicious.
But oddly enough, she doesn't have an appetite.
The door to her bedroom eventually opened and closed quietly as she then saw, through her thick eyelashes that were blurred with some tears, that Law was now in her apartment.
She could see relief in his actions when he placed down whatever he was doing and sat beside her on the bed, placing a hand on her cheek and wiping away the tears that managed to escape while she slept.
"You're finally awake..." His warm voice calls softly and kissed her forehead, "why didn't you tell me you were sick? I could've been here for you..."
"I... It's just that... You're really busy and... I don't want to..." She muttered before being silenced with a soft hush.
"Enough of that, didn't I tell you already that if you need me, just call...?" He frowned a bit before shaking his head, "we can talk about it once you're better. For now, sit up. I'm helping you eat."
With his help, she was able to sit up with her back against the headboard.
"Ahh" Law said after blowing the steam off a spoonful of soup, "I need you to eat even just a few bites so that you can drink some medicine. Okay...?"
She sighed as she forced herself to eat, she can't taste anything but her gut told her it was delicious.
"Blackleg-ya insisted for me to make you this soup... I hope it's alright" he says as he fed her a couple more times before she refused any more.
"Alright... Wait here and I'll grab some medicine."
She nods weakly as he left, but came back almost immediately with a glass of water and medicine in hand.
"Here..." He says as she drank the medicine and water, "that's my girl..." He smiled softly before kissing her cheek.
"Yes, love?"
"Thank you... For taking care of me all this time..." She smiled softly at him as well.
"Nonsense... This is the bare minimum. I promise, I'll take good care of you in the future. Just call me up and I'll be here. No matter how busy I am." He placed a hand over hers, "I want to kiss you on the lips but I'm afraid I might get infected. But I will kiss you once you're all better."
"I'm looking forward to that..." She said weakly with a tender smile.
"Now, get well soon alright? I'll be here." He smiled, "oh, and one thing... You should've told me, dumbass... I don't care how busy I am or whatever time is. I'll defy all odds just to be here for you."
"That's my boy..." She smiled as he chuckled.
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sexyfoxlady · 11 months
Missing You📱
Father-Figure!Satoru Gojo x Mother-Figure!Reader
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Summary: young!Megumi/Tsumiki wants to talk to father-figure!Satoru Gojo on the phone who is away on a mission
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️ one curse word 'shit' butt other than that nothing 🤷‍♀️ (imk in comments)
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"haha...no Toru everything is fine here,you just make sure you get home all in one piece"
Tsumiki perks up after hearing you use Satoru's nickname 'Toru' she didn't know who you were talking to before that because you walked out of your room on the call but now Tsumiki knows it's her father on the other side of the phone she zoomed off her spot from the couch placing the book she was reading on the spot she was sitting, running over to you to speak to Satoru
"Excuse me Mama but I want to say hi to Papa" Tsumiki asked politely and sweetly just like the angel child she is
"Aw of course baby...Toru,Tsumiki wants to say hi...ok here you go" handing the phone to Tsumiki with a gentle head pat to her head before walking into the kitchen to make a light snack for the kiddos
"Hi Papa!"
"Heyo my little monkey how are you, you being helpful for mama, how was school, learn anything new today, miss you guys so much"
Tsumiki giggles at Satoru overload of questions before answering him
"I'm doing good and Mama doesn't let me help as much as I want, keeps saying I do a lot already but I like helping Mama...and school was okay I guess. We are reading a new book though, it's really good so far I can't wait to talk about it in class."
It takes a moment for Satoru to process all the information given to him from his daughter
"Mmmm you know your mom is right you do a lot already and your so cute monkey liking helping your mama out and why was your day just "okay I guess" that's not what I want to hear from my monkey why was it just okay? Do you want to tell your old man about it?"
"It's silly" Tsumiki responds meekly
"It's not silly if it means you can't have a good day because of it, come on tell papa what's wrong"
Tsumiki gives a small sigh before admitting why her day was 'okay I guess'
"It's just I forgot you were away on a mission and when we got our new book for class I wanted to read with you"
"Awww Tsumiki I'm sorry I'm not there I promise as soon as Im home we'll read alllll the books you want, how does that sound?"
"Thanks papa, I'm going to give mama the phone back now, love you, be safe"
"Love you too and I'll be home soon promise"
Satoru feels his heart is about to burst from how much love is waiting for him at home
"Hey Toru you still there?" (Y/N) asked with the phone in one hand while handing sliced apples and bananas to Tsumiki reminding her to share with her brother
"Yeah I'm here gorgeous, monkey was just trying to give me a heart attack with all her love, man she's such a great kid she probably gets it from me"
"HA doubtful very doubtful, what did she say anyways"
"Just that she misses me and how she wishes she was reading with me and how she loves me sooooo much more than you and Gumi"
Rolling your eyes at the obvious lie at the end
"Yeah I'm soooo sure she said all that especially the end part"
"Aw don't get jealous now you know you'll always be my first love" you can basically see Toru sly smile on his stupid gorgeous face
"Well you'll always be my second love" bitting back a laugh from Satoru to hear his freak out to being second especially second in your heart~
"WHAT WHO'S YOUR FIRST LOVE!?" Absolutely appalled that he second to anyone
"My Gumi of course,his is my precious baby boy" when you inform your boyfriend that Megmi is your first love you can hear Satoru's world come crashing down around him
"Why would you say that, just say you don't want me home it would be easier for my HEART" there goes your drama queen boyfriend doing what he does best being dramatic. Hearing your laugh through the phone did not help Satoru in being any less dramatic
"YOUR SO MEANNNN TO ME" basically crying through the phone. You're so engrossed into the conversation with your boyfriend you don't notice right away the tiny hand pulling on your pant leg to get your attention, putting a hand over the speaker to look down at your son to see what the matter is
"Everything okay Gumi did you get some slice apple and bananas from your sister" nodding yes before communicating what he needed your attention for
"Is that Gojo-sensei" looking at the phone in your hand
"Yeah it's Toru you want to say hi?" You asked your normally quiet son but when you did he got embarrassed looking anywhere but the phone and started messing with the end of his children's cartoon graphic t-shirt. Kneeling down before Megumi with your hand still on the speaker of the phone where your boyfriend is still most likely freaking out
"Hey it's ok if you miss Turo you can say hi if you want" Megumi's eyes widen as if you accuse him of something heinous he whipped his head around so fast to correct you
"I don't miss that idiot!" With his arms crossed and a foot stomp its hard to take his dislike for your boyfriend seriously, putting a hand gently on top of Megumi's head letting him know it's ok if he doesn't want to say hi but in his need to show how strong he is on his own, he forgot the purpose he asked you in the first place because he DOES want to say hi but not wanting to embarrass himself even more he almost decided to forget about it but you know your precious boy better then the back of your hand plus you saw how his eyes sadden when you said he didn't have to say hi so you did what a mother does best reverse psychology(🥸)
"Well I know you don't want to say hi to Toru but I know he wants to say hi to you, can he say hi?" Gumi not realizing he's nod to your question was a very excited nod not backing up his last statement in not wanting to talk to his sensei -dad, putting the phone back up to your ear to let him know another one of his children want to talk to him well "not" talk to him
"Hey handsome I have Gumi here like you wanted, to say hi" Satoru not needing any more information than that because this is not the first time Megmi "didn't" want to say hi,before handing the phone to Megmi you tell Satoru 'love you'
"Hey hey Gumi what's up" Satoru cheerfully came through from the other side of the line but nothing came after his greeting but silence
"Megumi? You okay bud?" The concern in his voice showing just a little bit
"Yes...um I" Megumi obviously not feeling quite yet comfortable with whatever he wants to say
"Hey it's okay monkey take your time you can talk to me about anything alright" hoping that Satoru using his nickname that he uses for his sister and himself will give Gumi the boost he needs to say whatever he needs. It takes him about 30 seconds to respond to Toru
"Miss you and be safe" if Satoru wasn't paying attention he would have missed what Gumi had said but he is always vigilant when it comes to his children but Satoru didn't have time to say 'miss you' back before the phone is handed back to you is a hurry
"Toru?" Came your sweet angelic voice not expecting for the call to still be going
"MY HEART!" He practically blows your earphones out with his love
"SHIT Toru my ears" you should have known better than to put the phone up to your ear after he's done talking to his children
"MY BABIES MY BABIES MONKEYS ARE SO CUTE" rolling your eyes playfully because not only are Megumi and Tsumiki too old to hold on him like monkeys anymore but this was not the first and it won't be the last time this call happens it happens every time Satoru has a long mission or sometimes even the short missions
"I promise I'll be home soon I love you. Don't miss me too much like the kids" chuckling a soft 'i love you too' at the end of the call.
Hope you enjoy cool if not don't care or read more if there is more 🙃
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bumblesimagines · 5 months
i lied and told them we were dating.
you crossed a line.
we don't pick and choose who we fall in love with.
- Patrick Blanco Commerford
i lied and told them we were dating.
you crossed a line.
we don't pick and choose who we fall in love with.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
If Patrick has a million haters I'm one of them. If he has one hater it's me. If he has 0 haters I have died. If the world is against Patrick I am with the world, if the world is for Patrick I am against the world.
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"Is it just me or does it feel like Ari thinks she can kill me with her eyes?" (Y/N) quietly asked Ander, his attention focused on the chips bag being slowly pushed out of its line. The vending machine whirred softly and stopped once the chips thumped softly at the bottom. Ander snorted softly, placing his hand on his back and rubbing his palm up and down his spine as (Y/N) leaned down to grab the chips. He took a quick glance in the direction of the short girl and chuckled.
"What'd you do this time?" Ander asked, dropping his head and slipping in front of him to insert a dollar into the machine. (Y/N) scoffed, opening the bag and dipping his hand inside to tug free one of the salty chips. He bit down on one with a loud crunch and spared the brunette a glance, finding her narrowed eyes locked on him. 
"Nothing, I swear. I've been an angel since Carla left. I promised her I'd stay out of trouble."
"I don't believe for a second the (Y/N) Rosón Caleruega has been acting like an 'angel'. A hellspawn, maybe, but an angel? I'll believe it when I see it." Ander snickered softly when (Y/N) lightly punched the back of his shoulder, casting his friend a teasing grin before scooping up the chocolate bar he'd paid for. A chair lightly scraped and pulled their attention back onto the girl, a sharp whistle leaving Ander when she walked toward them. "Good luck with that," Ander whispered, patting his shoulder sympathetically and slipping away to find his boyfriend.
"(Y/N)." Ari greeted through gritted teeth, her arms folding over her stomach and her hip slightly jutting out to the side. 
"To what do I owe the pleasure, sweetheart?" (Y/N) tilted his head, sticking the bag out in her direction but she crinkled her nose and waved him off. Ari sighed and took a step closer to him, reaching out and fixing his uniform's tie with a sugary sweet smile. What had he done to piss her off? Had he shit-talked her father within earshot again? Ah, shit. He probably had.
"You're lucky I've been in a good mood recently, sweetheart, otherwise I might've told Patrick I saw you cozying up to the janitor the other night. I don't like people hurting my family, (Y/N). I won't stand for it. Get it together or next time I'll go straight to Pat and tell him." Ari adjusted his coat next, smoothing out the wrinkles before dropping her hands to her sides and arching a brow at him. "Got it?"
"What are you talking about, Ari? The janitor? Cayetana? She's my friend, and what I do with my friends is none of your brother's business." 
"None of his business?" She repeated, her brows lifting high. "Of course, it's his business what his boyfriend does! And if I were him, I'd never leave you alone in a room with that girl."
"Boyfr-" (Y/N) clamped his mouth shut, staring at the girl as if she'd grown two more heads. He couldn't help the laugh the bubbled up, partly amused but mostly shocked. Ari scoffed at his laughter and rolled her eyes, turning on her heel and strutting away with quiet muttering. He watched her sit back down in her seat and continue eating her lunch as her words finally settled in. That son of a bitch. His jaw clenched and he found his appetite for a snack gone, irritation rolling over him like a wave. 
Leaving the cafeteria and heading down the hallway, he made eye contact with a puzzle Guzman. The boy opened his mouth to speak but (Y/N) simply pressed the bag against his chest, barely checking to see if he had a hold on them before releasing his grip and turning the corner, heading right for the lockerroom and showers where he knew Patrick would be after gym class. He threw the door open, the sound of it causing many of the guys changing to flinch or curse in surprise. They only took one look at him before scurrying to get the rest of their clothes on, some still dripping with water as they quickly left the locker room. Patrick slowly rubbed a towel into his drenched hair, his eyes flickering between the door and his face. 
"What's wrong?"
"Why is your sister saying I'm your boyfriend?" He almost snapped at him, teeth grinding together when Patrick's eyes widened with realization. He cursed softly under his breath, eyes squeezing shut and a heavy sigh escaping him. "You crossed a line. I told you we were just hooking up, nothing more, nothing less."
"Let me explain, (Y/N). Last Friday, Benjamín saw when I kissed you in the parking lot and he- he asked about it, about us, and Ari overheard so then she started asking and- and I panicked, okay? I lied and told them we were dating." Patrick explained, voice stammering as he crossed the distance. He raised his hands toward (Y/N)'s face but the teen tilted his head away, leaving Patrick to drop his arms in defeat. "It's fine, (Y/N). We're both single, aren't we? What's the harm in a little lie?"
"A little lie would be saying that it was just a dare or a challenge. A little lie would be saying that he must've seen wrong, that he was mistaken." (Y/N) crossed his arms and leaned against the locker behind him, his narrowed eyes digging into Patrick. "You can't lie about being in a relationship with someone, Patrick. People ask questions, they notice shit. Ari thought I was 'cheating' on you or planning to with Cayetana."
"What- What would make her think that?" Patrick's brows furrowed, taking a step back to rummage through his locker and begin getting dressed. 
"It doesn't matter what she thinks she saw, what matters is why she felt like she needed to confront me about it. She's your sister, I get it. Carla would've done the same if she thought I was getting cheated on. Hell, she might've done worse. And that's exactly why I don't need your sisters or your asshole dad getting into my business. We're not together. Tell them or I will." 
Patrick's lips pursed and he inhaled heavily through his nose, tugging up his briefs and slipping on the button-up before he turned to face him. "Why does it bother you so much? We could be together, don't you think? We have the same friends, we go to the same clubs, our parents would get along. We'd be perfect. Besides... no offense but a girl like Cayetana would only hurt your family's reputation, no?" 
The audacity of the Blancos was astonishing, admirable even. (Y/N) snorted, and then laughed, lifting a hand to his face to rub his forehead as more laughter shook his shoulders. "Oh, Patrick.." He sighed and dropped his hand, lips curled upward. "Don't tell me you caught feelings." 
"So what if I did? We don't pick and choose who we fall in love with." 
"Love? You think you're in love with me? Look, I get it. My family comes from money, we own a fancy winery, and everyone likes to call me Marquess. Your daddy probably gave his approval 'cause he thinks he'll be set for life if we're together. Obviously we're compatible when it comes to sex so you think that means we're perfect for each other." (Y/N) dropped his arms and took slow steps forward until he stood in front of Patrick, his hands lifting to grab Patrick's jaw and hold it. "And maybe it would make sense for us to be together. But I'd have to love you for it to work, and I don't even like you. You're whiny, spoiled, demanding and you can't take no for an answer. You're like a damn leech who won't quit. The only reason I even paid attention to you was because you wouldn't leave Ander alone, even after he told you he wanted nothing to do with you." 
Patrick's jaw clenched under his fingertips, his bright blue eyes igniting. "I don't believe you. I don't believe you don't feel anything-"
"You're boring me with this love bullshit, Patrick. I don't like being bored. If you knew anything about me, you'd know you're not the type I go for. Marina, Valerio... they're nothing like you... they're more like your sister, Mencia, actually. If only she weren't so interested in Rebeka... it would've been fun playing with her instead." (Y/N) tightened his grip on his jaw, feeling Patrick tense. A flicker of jealousy appeared in his eyes. "She's persistent but at least she knows when to back off. All you know how to do is throw yourself at people until they're forced to give you what you want. It's pathetic, honestly, but at least it's funny to watch."
"(Y/N)," Guzman's familiar voice echoed through the empty locker room followed by a sharp whistle to fully get his attention. (Y/N) craned his head to look back at him, watching him nod toward the doors. "Come on, leave him. You made your point." 
Releasing Patrick, (Y/N) backed off and headed toward the dirty blonde, slinging one arm around his waist casually. Guzman sent him a disapproving look as he slipped his arm around his shoulder but (Y/N) tilted his head back to look at Patrick with a grin. "See you in class, Pat. Might want to take care of your little friend downstairs first, though." He laughed and let Guzman drag him out of the room.
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These are just my personal thoughts and imaginations on my fav fictional character.
After 10 years from the day they found eachother that is from being an little secret to lovers to husbands to parents,a unexpected incident happened in nikobran life that is BRANDON KING GOT KIDNAPPED thats when bran first met alex--Alexander a 4 year old boy who had an abusive parents and terrible life.. got kidnapped by the same person who kidnapped bran.
After a lot of fights and damages,Nikolai and landon found bran and found the kidnappers who are serpants,(Simon one of Niko's ex boytoy),and NOAH (new character who is Landon bestfriend from young age and had a obsession on bran since young age )
Niko and lan also found alex and take both of them to hospital but alex never spoke one word to them and brandon was in ICU WARD after a while they found alex parents who done many things that never a parent will ever do to thier child they are just worst than psychos.
Landon felt something in his heart that is like his twin brother wants to say something but he can't like he can feel something is off about alex parents and brandon told him before getting unconscious to take care of alex that's when he even cared to know the name of the little boy.
In the hospital hallway where all peoples are waiting for the doctors to tell them that bran is awake they already told them that bran is out of danger and they treated his injuries .Landon king is not okay they already told alex parents to take alex with them but he is feeling so nervous and anxious and an unknown feeling of doing something wrong which his brother will never forgive them for.He felt his breaths are constricted and had an panic attack for the first time in his entire life .
There is also one thing which is unaware to others are landon king and Nikolai sokolav became a friend's like they both understood thier first priority is Brandon king and over the years bran and lan became very close since Bran's insecurities and every traumas are healed which made him separate from his other half and Landon really like really felt thankful to niko for giving him his little bro back And landon forgived MAYA SOKOLAV which niko felt thankful to lan.so there are certain things happened which made landon realised that niko is an scary sunshine and can be around with.BUT their this little understanding and friendship is hidden from all except bran.They don't want others to know this.
(Yeah there will be an solid explanation on Maya sokolav story since i felt rina ruined their bond and just gave an one sided explanation so i thought about her pov too.but but but Ilya levitsky is NOT THE BOYFRIEND. Yes Its is true they both dated but breakup after Mia-Maya things and The one who will be maya's boyfr--husband is VAUGHAN MOROZOV really in my ideas he will be an gentle man like truely gentle man to maya and treat her very gently since MAYA is his childhood love and will be his forever love........)
So back to landon's panic attack, Everyone around him don't even know what is going on when niko came forward towards him and helped lan to calm down leaving others in pure shock.
After That lan stopped alex parents from taking alex back and waited until bran wakeup .
The fist thing after bran woke up he asked is alex ......first time in their life bran asked lan and niko to kill someone that too alex parents .first time they saw alex speaking to bran and that's when bran told alex ,AS I PROMISED YOU ,I WILL HELP YOU I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU FOR THE REST THE OF LIFE AS MY SON ALEX!!I WILL GIVE YOU LOVE AND SHOW YOU WHAT IS TRUE FAMILY IS...❤️❤️
Flashback Alex:Bran...once we are free from this peoples you will be back to your family and give me back to my parents?? I am afraid bran ...please don't give me back..they will beat me and punish me by leaving burns on my skin if i speak anything ...That’s why i stopped speaking and they thought that i lost my voice .. your are the only man i spoke after so long bran..
After bran told those words to lan and niko they don't need an explanation because if bran says he needs someone killed then they must really deserve that.
After that Brandon king and Nikolai sokolav adopted Alex a.k.a ALEXANDER Brandon sokolav king as thier second babyboy .Alex may not speak with anyone in their family now other than Bran but time heals everything right..oneday alex will understand them and trust them to speak with them ...
After 1 year they welcomed their third kid STELLA HUNTER SOKOLAV KING, princess of the family, a babygirl through surrogacy.Niko was so adament on having a girl kid in thier family and it was also a wish of bran .
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hedgiwithapen · 10 hours
leverage & stargirl, any character of your choice, with “i’m not going to hurt you”
Rick stared up at the ceiling of the basement cell. Nurse Love called it his room, but he knew what it was. the lock was on the outside, and that made it no better than the barred holding cage he'd been stuck in last summer. 
He was here for the same reason, though, in a way. Matt. Matt and his temper. And just like last summer there wasn't anything Pat, or Beth, or anyone could do about it, not right away. So he was stuck here, with Nurse Love's saccharine, veiled threats and a locked door. 
No visitors, she'd told him. He was violent, very violent according to the forms Matt had filled out when he'd signed over custody to Helix's rehabilitation program. Not to be trusted.
"Look what you did to your own father," she'd said. "We can't run the risk of anyone else getting hurt because we weren't supervising you properly. Once you've settled, we'll see if anyone wants to visit you."
He'd glared and growled and not snapped that Matt wasn't his dad. He couldn't but the JSA in jeopardy like that. 
He got the feeling she already knew, though. It didn't matter. He wouldn't tell her anything.
There was a scraping at the door. He tensed, his whole body aching with it. She could ask again, anything she wanted, about the hourglass, about blue valley. He wouldn't tell her. 
The woman who peeked her head in wasn't Nurse Love, though, or any of her creepy orderlies. He'd never seen the Blonde lady before.  
"Hmm," She said. "Well, you're not Todd."  
Todd? That was... Jennie's brother, wasn't it? The one she and Courtney had saved. 
"Eh," she continued. "You know where he is?"
Rick shook his head. Whatever she wanted with Todd, he wasn't about to help her. 
The door creaked as she opened it wider. "Ok, c'mon."
He stared. He could see the hall behind her, remembered the route when they'd dragged him in. Two lefts, up the stairs, a right... He could run for it.
And then what? Helix had custody. They could drag him back. Get their pet cops to arrest anyone who tried to help him hide. The nurse had said so, had showed him the paperwork. He belonged to them for fifteen more months.
"I'm not going to hurt you," the woman said again. "C'mon. I've got other people to save, you know."
It was a risk. Rick took it anyways, stumbling into the hall, trying to dart past her. She let him go. 
He was trying to figure out why she'd let him run when he saw the trick. Her lookout was waiting at the top of the stairs, a hand on the arm of another boy. Rick may have been a loner at school, but Blue Valley was small. He recognized Alex Montez.
"And you're sure you haven't seen Todd here?" the guy asked. He was about Rick's height, long hair and an air around him that let Rick know he wasn't getting passed.
"No," Alex said. "I just want to go home. I know they've been hiding my letters--"
"We'll get you home, kid. We're looking for Todd to help him, that doesn't mean we're not going to help you. Can you tell me where home is?"
Rick thought of Yolanda. He drove his shoulder into the guy holding Alex. Without the hourglass, he wasn't super strong, but he'd use what he had. 
"Don't tell them," he warned Yolanda's cousin. "It's a trick."
"It's not a trick," the bodyguard guy said, rubbing his arm. "We're here to help."
"Why does no one ever believe we’re here to help?" the blond woman said, materializing behind him. "We're not that kind of criminal. We're basically vigilantes. I thought Nebraska liked vigilantes."
"What?" asked Alex. 
"You can't have them," Rick said, his anger rising. To Alex he said, "Get behind me."  
Alex stayed put. 
"Have who?" the man asked. "Easy, kid." He studied Rick in the dim light from the fancy sconces, and shook his head, an exasperated look. 
"We're not telling you anything," Rick said again, glaring, daring Alex to prove him wrong.
"You're a cape," the man said. "I can tell. Relax, would you? My name's Eliot. We came here to rescue Todd Rice. His boyfriend asked us to. This place had him last, right? They took you, too?" Rick hesitated, but Eliot seemed to see the nod in his face. "We're not going to hurt you, or your people, ok kid? We just want to be able to tell Danny that Todd's safe. Can you tell me that, if he's safe? Or if these people..."
Rick swallowed. Eliot looked like Pat, the way he said it. Like the idea of Todd being hurt was the worst thing he could imagine, and like he could imagine plenty of bad things. 
"Safe," he said, finally.  The Shade could keep him that way, and Jennie, too. It wasn't betraying anyone, he told himself. It wasn't.
"Good," Eliot said. "Then let’s get you and anyone else in danger out of here. We can talk more later." 
He had Alex's arm again, and Alex looked like he believed that. Like he trusted that. Rick reached for the hourglass he didn't have anymore and followed. Rescue or not, he didn't have a choice. 
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elgascreamslikehell · 7 months
I know i was tagged by my sweet @steadfastsaturnsrings for wip Wednesday
But I'm in hell (technically not yet, I'm going to hell in two weeks, now I'm packing my stuff) and I really miss all the dates.
But on the other hand I need distraction! So let it be
Something Something Sunday
Even if is technically still Saturday at my place rn but in hell where I'm going to it's Sunday already
They walk to the gift shop in silence but after five minutes Maddie asks: ‘So what did you talk about?’ ‘Well… mostly about me hurting Buck’, - Maddie scoffs but he just proceeds: ‘And my ‘huge crush’ on Sam's boyfriend. Nothing too interesting though’, - he chuckles and cracks a smile. ‘Sam’s boyfr.. you did not!’, - she covers her lips and Eddie smiles wider:  ‘I did not. Sam did. It's fine.’ Maddie puts her hand on his shoulder again: ‘I mean… do you really have… I'm sorry! When I said stuff about ‘I thought it would be Eddie’ I didn't know!’, - he laughs: ‘Maddie. Of course you knew. It wasn't a real secret. I mean… Look, your brother is in my will. Like I could be more obvious’.  Well, Maddie frowns. Like my brother could be more oblivious…
And taglist!
@pirrusstuff @idealuk @duncley @angryangeldreamsalad @blackberry-l @aspecbuddie @teayourtea @springeden7 @charleyk @lilypads-and-dragonflies @virtualstudent16 @princehattric @dantesrebellion1776 @fionaswhvre @darkrose6578 @thatshroomintheforest @princehattric @pansysgothgf
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shining-m00nlight · 3 months
Sweet Revenge
Join me in this crack Fic about Myrcella trying to get revenge on her mom by using the Starks!
Myrcella Baratheon walked into the Stark home, right into the living room without knocking or announcing herself.
“How did you get in here?” asked Robb sitting on the couch and looking at the blonde confused.
“Oh I swiped the key from Theon,” Myrcella explained.
“Why does Theon have a key to our house?” Sansa asked suspiciously looking up from her book.
Robb looked a bit embarrassed.
“Well I thought it would be better than him sneaking through the window, mom got suspicious when she noticed there were footprints around the window all the time.”
"Why don't you just.." Sansa started but got interrupted by Arya.
"OK, while Theon's habits of sneaking in here are toootally fascinating," she said with an eye roll, "I would rather like to know why Myrcella is here?"
“You are getting married!” Myrcella proclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Right at that Jon walked into the room and asked: “Who’s getting married?”
“You!” Mycrella said, “and Robb, Sansa and Arya also Bran and Rickon. So basically all of you”
“Rickon is only 15 years old.” Robb exclaimed.
“That is your first thought? Cella just said we are all getting married and Rickon's age is your only objection to it” Ayra asked her brother.
“Well not the only one, it was just the first one. Ok? Excuse me that I am against child marriage” Robb tried to defend himself.
“But marriage arranged against our will by Cella is fine by you?” Sansa smirked at Robb. A habit she learned from Margery.
“Well Cella is very smart, so I’m sure whoever she picks for you will be a good choice.” Robb replied not wanting to back down.
“Why, thank you Robb. And he is right. I made excellent choices for you and your spouses. You're gonna be very pleased!”
"Yeah, I'm out. I already have a boyfriend” Arya chimed in again.
“Don’t worry you get to keep him. He just needs to become your husband. And…”
“Okay wait wait wait. Myrcella, maybe you would like to explain to us what exactly is all of this?” Sansa stoppt Myrcella.
“Why? Can’t a friend not ask for a favor? Without being questioned?” Myrcella asked back.
Jon gave her a disapproving look that he definitely stole from Ned.
“Ok soooooo. You know how your dad and my dad are best friends? So if one of you would be married my dad would be invited and with that my mom right?”
Collective nodding occurred from the four Starks present in the room.
“And you might also know that I have some half siblings, whos existens my mom is not really fond of. Lastly, you all know my mom is a bitch!”
The dutiful nodding stopped instantly and now Mycella had four shocked Starks in front of her.
“Oh come on. Don’t pretend nobody has ever called my mom a bitch in this house”
“We would never do that! Mom would have our heads if we talked like that about anyone. Mostly she is called that Lannister woman”
“That spiteful woman, maybe”
“Or that hateful woman”
“But never a bitch”
“No, never”
"Ok, I get it. You have parents that actually tried to teach you manners but the point is, you still know what my mom is like. And I had a huge fight with her where she really showed that she hates everything and everybody, including us. Before the question comes, no I do not want to talk about it. I want revenge. And this is where you come in.”
Sansa looked a bit skeptical: “You want to use us marrying people as revenge against your mom?”
“Not people, Sansa. My half siblings. My half siblings that my mom doesn’t like. My half siblings whose weddings she would never attend because why would she? My half siblings whose weddings she would have to attend if they were to marry her husband's best friends' kids. Which happen to be you!” she said the last sentence as if she was revealing new information to the siblings.
“I think it is a great plan! I will support it under the condition that we marry in the order of age!” Arya said happily.
“Of course you would agree. Your boyfriend is one of said siblings so his plan basically doesn’t affect you! This is a joke anyway, right Myrcella?” Sansa questioned her voice, sounding worried that Myrcella might have lost her mind.
“Of course not Sansa! I have this all planned out! As we established, Arya is gonna stay with Gendry. I am very grateful that her actions while predating my plan are supporting it. Robb I know you are the oldest so I thought about pairing you with my oldest sibling but I’m gonna be honest I didn’t see the vision. So you can have my second oldest sister Bella. She is great and a lot of fun. Super pretty too. She is a bit particular about her hair which is why I didn't put her with Jon because you can only have one person per relationship caring too much about hair.”
“Hey!” Jon tried to protest but Mycella shushed him immediately.
“Don’t worry Jon. I of course have somebody great for you. Mya! I know you guys know her a bit better than Bella so I feel like I don’t need to say much about her. Last present here. Sansa. For you I picked Edric. You are basically the same age and he comes with the advantage of being the cousin of Shireen twice. And then Bran can marry one of the twins or both if he wants to. Actually both might be even better. Could you imagine my mothers face? And lastly Rickon can marry Barra. They can wait a few years for those concerned about age. We have to get through five weddings before them anyway. Just imagine how mad my mom would be if she had to go to a Stark/Robert Baratheon bastard wedding every year for the next six years. It is a perfect revenge and it will last long and will drive my mother up the wall!
…So? What do you think?”
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maoam · 2 years
I think I saw a post of you confronting an anti SNS, and a sentence that caught my attention was something that goes along the lines of "everyone is talking abt Hinata not being a good mom, but nobody holding Naruto accountable for being negligent."
Huh, I wonder WHY.
To me, he feels burdened, which is why he uses Hokage duties to not go home.
But then again that reminds me, in the Burrito movie where he was with his husband, I mean uh other half, I mean most precious person, no I mean his uh boyfr- brother, yeah, brother, he was a lot happier...
Apologies in advance if I asked the wrong blog.
Hope you're having a good day!
No one is even talking about Hinata being a bad mom, other than her leaving Himawari alone during the attack. Most of the time people just talk about her being dumb. Naruto has a lot on his shoulders, he tries to meet everyone's expectations, but in the end he can't live like he'd want to, and he ends up being miserable. But when he's with Sasuke he is a lot happier, because Sasuke makes him happy.
And thanks, I'm doing alright.
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talia-my-darling · 2 years
1920’s Ride the Cyclone AU
A thing before we start: This takes place in Chicago, America not Uranium City.
@luckynature @thespacecatgirl @jason-deann
Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg, a women strictly against Alcohol. If she supported Prohibition her recently deceased husband must have too. It was a tragic accident of what happened to Ocean’s husband but it should not be invested throughly. Ocean goes up to Police Officers like Officer Gruber to inform him over smuggled illegal alcohol. She has noted that Officer Gruber often ignores her inputs and she’s pissed.
Noel Gruber, Police Officer by day, speakeasy owner by night. Noel’s sister Monique works as a flapper in different speakeasies, usually makes her way around the block. When working as an officer, Noel would ignore the suggests about people owning alcohol and take bribes from those who did. He lives in a two room apartment with his boyf- I mean roommate Ricky Potts.
Mischa Bachinski, bootlegger. Makes piles of good money off it. Mischa known for having great quality alcohol and that many speakeasies owners buy from him. As a child with his mother he came to America for a better life but in return they got discrimination for being from Russia.
Ricky Potts, a newspaper reporter. Practically a slave to his bosses, having to write a new article every hour and finish it by the next. When Ricky was younger he reviewed restaurants, shows and other social things, usually bringing along his boyfr- I mean roommate Noel Gruber. But now that he’s older he writes about missing people, gangs, robberies and murders.
Penny Lamb, a waitress who dreamed of being a fashion designer. Didn’t earn a lot of money for her and her brother, but enough to make it by. Penny is extremely close with Ricky so if she gets a fashion business up and running she knows a few people won’t hesitate to give a 5 star review. Despite any negatives there might be.
Constance Blackwood, a jazz singer. She travels around all of Chicago performing at a different place almost every night. Constance is extremely popular and gets lots of love. But she loves going to this diner where this extremely pretty waitress works. On nights when she’s not busy at another place Constance heads down to perform at Noel’s speakieasy because they are besties.
• This AU is heavily supporting romantic SugarDolls (Jane x Constance), SpaceStrippers (Ricky x Noel) and PassionFlowers (Mischa x Talia).
• This AU also heavily supports platonic BakingDrama (Constance and Noel), SpaceDolls (Ricky and Jane), Nischa (Mischa and Noel), PerfectDolls (Ocean and Jane)
• Talia and Mischa are actually married in this AU and they knew each other before moving from Kiev, Russia. (I SAY RUSSIA BECAUSE UKRAINE WAS APART OF RUSSIA IN THE 1920’S AND KYIV IS SPELLED THAT WAY BECAUSE THE NAME CHANGE HASNT HAPPENED YET)
• Ocean’s husband is not an OC. He’s basically just an unnamed character basically a John Doe to you all. Him as a person is irrelevant.
• They are not all the same age, Constance is 19, Penny is 20, Noel and Monique are 24, Ricky is 26, Mischa and Talia are 26 and Ocean is 31.
• Noel wants to be his sister most of the time but can’t also Monique is a flapper and not a s*x worker.
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transmascwillbyers · 2 years
Honestly, the gayest part of the "Max get away from the door" moment isn't even the look Mike gives Will itself, it's the context it happens in. Like, bro, your close friend's brother is possessed and you're fully aware of it, you're scared something really bad is going to happen to her if she doesn't get out of the way, and yet you can't stop looking at your boyfr friend's lips for more than two seconds to warn her in any coherent, audible way? Wow. Just wow. Mike Wheeler I know what you are you gay disaster
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selintemel · 2 years
six feet under / a self para
They're playin' our sound Layin' us down tonight And all of these clouds Cryin' us back to life But you're cold as a night
trigger warnings: death, police & physical abuse mention
“Selin Temel? We’d like to ask you some questions about Vivian Hayes. I’m sure you’ve already seen the news. We’ve heard around town that you two had a... complicated relationship. Best friends, were you?” 
The words rang in her head as she stood on her front door, gripping it tightly as she stared up at the two -- policemen? detectives? -- in front of her. “I’m not answerin’ anythin’ without my lawyer present,” Selin immediately said, not caring if that made her sound heartless or cruel. If anything, people should come to expect that to be her norm, especially when it came to strangers trying to butt into her business. 
She didn’t shut down when it came to her emotions. She always, always lashed out. It was one of the reasons why her friendships had been through the ringer lately, and she should be lashing out now, but this all just... didn’t seem real. Just yesterday, she went to Vivi’s to try and repair their friendship, because out of everyone in the world, she was one of the few Selin couldn’t bear to lose. 
Vivi was... a light. The brightest light. An angel, if she’d ever seen one. Always putting others before herself. Had the purest heart Selin had ever seen. She might have lost Jake. She might have lost Amoni. Selin didn’t want to lose Vivi. She couldn’t. That woman was her best friend. She had stuck by her, even when Selin couldn’t bear the humiliation from her father’s trial. Vivi held her hand when she bared it all and showed the bruises to her face instead of just the pictures her brother took. Vivi allowed her the space and time to grieve the person Selin could never be again. Brought all the cake when she just wanted a quiet night in because she hated the way people stared, even when she tried so hard to cover up. She never felt judged by Vivi -- not for the sudden decision in ending her marriage, not for living with Lukas so soon after serving Dae the divorce papers, not for all the tears she shed, not for the guilt she felt for standing by while her father hurt her mother and only doing something when he had laid his hands on her. 
Vivi listened to it all, even with Selin’s misplaced anger, and loved her anyway. Vivi welcoming her back as a friend felt like coming home, something Selin knew she didn’t deserve but wanted anyway because try as she might to push everyone away, Vivi was her constant.
And now she was gone. 
“We understand. We’re just trying to see if you know anything that might help us find whoever did this to her.” 
“Isn’t that your fuckin’ job? To find the fuckin’ asshole who did this and put them behind bars?” Selin snapped and before she could slam the door in their faces, one of the policemen looked down at his notepad, causing the curiosity in her to win as she wondered what the hell was written on there about her. About Vivi. Her mind was already running towards how her family -- who absolutely adored Vivi -- had enough connections to find the best private investigators on this side of the country, which was a damn good thing because Selin had absolutely no trust in the law enforcement of this fucking town.
“Where were you last night?” 
The directness of the question caught her off guard and all Selin could do was scoff. “I was right here. At home. With my boyfr--” She paused before inhaling sharply. “With Lukas. You can ask him yourself. He’s right--”
“Were you here the whole night?” 
“Well, I-- No, I--” For the first time that night, Selin didn’t feel the anger that had bubbled up that this happened to Vivi, of all people. She didn’t feel the sadness that she knew would hit her like a wall later on. She felt fear. They honestly couldn’t think she was behind this?? “I went out for a while because we were low on drinks. I went to Nightrest Liquor. You can ask the cashier herself. I went there, bought drinks then came home,” she said, her heart thudding in her chest as the realization dawned on her.
“What was your rela--”
“Lawyer,” Selin immediately said, masking her expression because she knew she had already said enough. 
“We just wanted to--”
“Lawyer,” she repeated. “When my lawyer is available, I’ll have her give your office a call. Until then, you’d be better off actually doin’ your jobs and puttin’ whoever killed my best friend behind bars. Good night, officers,” Selin said, allowing herself the small satisfaction of slamming her front door in her faces before turning around and resting her back against it, slowly sliding down to the floor as the entirety of the situation hit her, causing her to bend over as she strangled in a breath.
Tumblr media
Vivi was dead... and people think she killed her.
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suckitsurveys · 6 months
Do you like meatball subs? I think I’ve only had one once in my life. I don’t hate the idea of them I just prefer meatballs in pasta.
What is your favorite smell on earth? Summer rain.
If you have a sib, do you call him/her “brother” or “sister” sometimes? Sometimes I call her “big sissy” and she calls me “lil sissy.”
Did you ever collect stickers? Yeah, I have a ton of stickers currently.
Have you been baptized in any religious tradition? Nope.
Do you love the smell of sunblock? I do. It’s so nostalgic.
What was the last upsetting thing that happened to you? Blah.
What was the last thing you ordered from Starbucks? I’m boycotting Starbucks.
Do you trust your doctor? Sure.
Do you ever question if your mother loves you? Nope, she’s dead.
What is missing in your life? I don’t know.
What is your favorite type of Lunchables? Pizza.
What is the worst medication side effect you’ve ever had? I thankfully haven’t had horrible side effects from medications, so the worst was just feeling SO dizzy from whatever pain meds they gave me after I got my wisdom teeth out. The dizziness was so bad I didn’t take it again.
What is your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? Baja Blast and tacos of course.
What church do you go to? I don’t go to church.
Do you take risks often? Eh.
The last time you ate leftovers, what was it that you were eating? I don’t remember. I think it was tacos last weekend? Yeah. I got 3 tacos AND an order of nachos and the nachos filled me up so much i couldn’t eat the tacos, but I ended up eating them late that night.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate? Butter Pecan.
What is your favorite song at the moment? I’m REALLY into Chappell Roan at the moment and Pink Pony Club is one of my favorites.
What is one thing you have too much of? Stress.
What type of fruit do you eat the most? Bananas and lately strawberries.
Would you rather eat strawberries or watermelon? Oddly enough, watermelon lol.
Do you prefer hamburgers or hot dogs? Hot dogs, but I do love burgers.
How far away do you live from the place where you were born? I live in the city I was born in.
If you buried a time capsule, what would you put in it? Magazines maybe?
Describe your clothing style in three words: Comfortable, lazy, unbothered.
What’s something you want to do more often? Be outside.
Who is your favorite YouTuber? I don’t pay much attention to YouTubers anymore but my all time favorite would have to be Grav3yardgirl/Bunny Meyer. I also love Mamrie Hart and Grace Helbig.
Do you believe in soulmates? Sure.
What band or artist do you think is overrated? Music is subjective and any real fan of music wouldn’t think anything is overrated. If you like it, it’s good music.
What’s something untrue that you believed for a long time? I don’t know.
Did you skateboard when you were younger? Nope.
Have you ever won a contest? Yeah.
What’s something weird you’ve eaten? I don’t knowwwww what is weird to you??
Who is someone you would like to get to know better? I wish I was closer with my upstairs neighbors.
When’s that last time you saw snow? I feel like it snowed a little a couple weeks ago?
Who are the 3 people you love the most? Mark, my dad, and both my nieces.
Last person you slept in the same bed with? Mark.
Have you recently been sick? I feel kinda sick right now.
Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? Yeah.
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? Yes.
Last reason you went to the ER? To visit someone who was there.
What facial cleanser do you use? Neutrogena.
What was the last fruit or vegetable you chopped/sliced up? Strawberries.
Does the last person whose house you were at like anyone? Uh, my dad’s house and this is a weird question to answer about him tbh.
Do you tend to talk on the phone a lot? No.
What turns you on the most? My husband.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes.
Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you? Uh huh, dumb idiot boys.
Ever get caught doing something naughty with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes.
Do you use q-tips to clean your ears? Sometimes.
Have you ever swam with dolphins? No, but I’d like to.
If you/your gf became pregnant accidentally, would you consider abortion? I would get an abortion.
What was the last candy you ate? A Reese’s Big Cup with caramel which is my new favorite candy because it combines all three of my favorite parts of chocolate candies lol (chocolate, PB, and caramel).
Do you like zombie movies? Eh.
What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? Shit covered walls.
Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? No to both.
How do you feel about runny egg yolks? Not my favorite but I don’t mind them really.
Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? No.
Who was the worst friend you ever had? Lydia.
When was the last time you made plans with someone? What are you going to do with that person? Last week but they fell through.
Are you close to your extended family? Do you wish you were closer? Kinda, with a couple of them.
While on the road, do you play any road games? I have.
Have you ever picked apples before? Yes.
Are you scared of semi-trucks? Especially when you’re driving next to one? I don’t like it.
Do you have a fence? Yeah.
If you have any pets, do you talk to them in a baby voice? Yes.
Who was the last person to comfort you? My husband.
Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place? Eh.
What was the last thing you swallowed? My own spit.
Do you like cats? I LOVE cats.
On a scale of one to ten how much do looks matter to you? In general? idk, 5?.
What are you listening to? Nothing.
What’s the closest pink object to you? My Princess Carolyn Funko Pop I have on my desk.
Are you afraid of thunderstorms? They can be a little scary but I enjoy them more than I’m scared of them.
Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? No, but I am happier when I have a partner.
Do you have impulse control? Sure.
Would you do anything on a dare? No.
0 notes
ur-fav-alien · 2 years
what really breaks my heart is Max and Billy's relationship post s2, because yeah something obviously changed, but maybe good things changed too. Because why else would Max be so hopefully that the Mind Flayer wasn't possessing Billy unless she cared about him. Because if he was still as much an asshole as everyone says he is, then why would she care? Yeah, I know about truma bonds, but Max had scared the shit out of Billy and told him to stay away from her and her friends, whose the say that Billy didn't contiune to keep up that promise? So why would their truama have anything to do with this? Even then, if you find out your abuser is being possessed with something that might kill them, wouldn't you be happy? Max on the other hand is not happy about Billy potentiality being possessed, she's very worried about him. First evidence is the god damn sauna scene where Billy's bawling his eyes out for Max to believe him and Max is crying right with him and promising him that everything is going to be okay and that they're going to help him. If Max didn't care about him, why would she be crying and telling him that he's going to be okay. And fucking- I know that he's going through something really painful right now but he's so vunrable to her and willing to tell her everything about what's going on with him. And idk the way that he talks to her in this scene just feels so heartbreaking and he keeps calling her Max instead of Maxine and ughhhhh tears man tears. And then during the battle of Starcourt, when Billy is chasing down Mike, El, and Max, Max tries to reason with him and reminds him of who he is and while she's doing this she's fucking crying. LIke UKLASDJF;LKAJSDFKLJASDFJ I can't it breaks my heart. AND THEN HE USES HIS LAST DYING BREATHS TO SAY SORRY TO HER!?!?! FUCCCK
Like yes something obviously changed about their relationship after Max damn near smashed his junk in, but they got closer between seasn 2 and season 3 to the point where Max genuinely cares about her brother and ughhhhh
This post has no point other than me crying about those stupid siblings and how Billy could've had some kind of redemption arc, because it so obvious he can change ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. this is also a fuck you to the duffer brothers because why would Max say Billy didn't deserved to be saved when she literally said she hoped he wasn't possessed. I can't-
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milkytheholy1 · 3 years
Hi hope you are having a wonderful day! I absolutely LOVE your Tmnt fanfics! And I would like to request a one shot of Rise Leo x male reader with prompt #49 where The reader steals one of Leo’s shirts (since we see the turtles wear clothes sometimes in the show)
Prompt 49: "Is that my shirt?”
The fantastical case of the missing shirt
Tmnt masterlist. Ultimate masterlist
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Leo had been wandering around his room for what felt like hours, going through the minimal wardrobe set up - clothes racked up on a chair - and through his draws, but kept coming up empty handed.
He had then gone to Raph's room, busting through the door in a fury, pointing accusing fingers at the snapping turtle. Leo continued to storm around the room, pulling out every article of clothing he could find, "Hey, hey, woah! Whattya doin' man! That's all my stuff!"
"Where is it? I know it's here!" Leo muttered under his breath, wrist deep into Raph's clothing. The eldest shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know! I don't know! Would ya just stop it!" he pulled Leo up by his shoulders and threw him out of the room, "Go mess up Mikey's room or somethin'!" he yelled out.
"Mikey, eh?" Leo hummed, now knowing his next stop. Mikey was just sitting with one of his favourite teddy bears, enjoying a simple and elegant tea party when a delicate knock on the door stopped him.
"Cominggggg!" he called out, putting his tea down and addressing the guests in his room "If you'll excuse me Miss Teddywinkle." Mikey leapt up, dusted himself off and moved to answer the door. The moment the solid wood opened, Leo dashed in, chaos surrounding his aura.
Mikey watched in horror as Miss Teddywinkle went flying into the air, her teacup spiralling out of her paws, the event occurring seemingly in slow motion. Mikey's scream was deep, his tears fanning across his face. He dropped to his knees, now holding the dying Miss Teddywinkle in his arms.
Leo stood back from his destruction of Mikey's room, "Nah, I still can't find it!" he groaned. He looked down to Mikey, "Yeesh, what happened here?"
"Leo you killed Miss Teddywinkles! Now who will I have sophisticated tea parties with?" Mikey whined. Leo rolled his eyes, "Just get Donnie to fix it- wait a minute, that's it!" Leo clicked his fingers as soon as the lightbulb lit, "Donnie must have taken it. Oh ho hooo, of course, it all makes sense now."
As soon as Leo was in Mikey's room he was gone, out like a leaf in the wind. He made a mad dash for Donnie's lab, banging on the metal doors like a psychopath. Eventually, they did open and Leo was finally able to confront the thief. Donnie was sat at his desk, shell facing his brother while he worked, "What is it, Leo?"
"Ha, it must've been you who stole my shirt, how else would you know it's me!" He pointed an accusing finger at Donatello. Donnie sighed, pinching his brother together. He turned in his spinny chair to face Leo, a mock look of pain on his face, "No, genius, I knew it was you because you're the only person to bang on the doors like that and two, I have security cameras."
"Oh, so you didn't steal my shirt?" Leo asked, slowly becoming defeated. Donnie gasped, hand pushed to his chest, "Me? Steal your shirt? Are you insane? I'd never wear anything like that, it's way too cheap. Besides, Blue was never my colour, I prefer purple as it symbolises royalty in some countries."
"Well, if you haven't stolen my shirt and Mikey and Raph are clean, then who has it?" Leo rubbed his chin in deep thought, it wouldn't have been Splinter, god he hoped it wasn't Splinter; he'd probably burn the shirt and forget about wearing anything remotely similar to it ever again.
"What about your boyfriend in the projector room." Donnie snidded, turning back to his work with a chuckle. Leo huffed, "I don't have a boyfr- (Y/N)!" he shouted out, rushing out of the lab and to where you last said you'd be.
And right on cue, there you were sat in a bean bag, the comic he lent to you safely in your hands. And on your body was his lucky t-shirt, the exact article of clothing that he had been looking for, and it was just right there...on you...the entire time.
"Is that my shirt?" Leo asked, drawing your attention away from the comic. You looked down and shrugged, "Yeah, I accidentally split some soda down mine and grabbed the first thing I could find. Why, is it okay?"
Leo shook his hands dismissively, "No, no, it looks good on you- I mean, it looks great- IT'S GREAT!" he finally spat out, rosy-faced. You snorted at him, returning your gaze to the comic "Thanks, it's my new favourite shirt."
"Why's that?" he asked, still utterly embarrassed. You glanced over at him with an honest smile, "Cause it smells like you."
You think Leo just died right then and there.
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thegrimalldis · 2 years
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By Heather Collins
The Monacan royal family want us to believe they have everything under control, that the Queen has a firm grip upon her family but even they can’t hide that they have faced their fair share of controversies over the years. 
Here is our list of scandals the Grimalldis’ would rather you forget!
6. Zola Lee’s worldwide platinum album
Miss Zola Lee, Monaca’s very own superstar quickly rose to fame when her debut album Green Eyes dropped, capturing the heart of every teenage girl who experienced heartbreak.  
The one thing that the Grimalldis’ don’t want you to know is that the platinum album is based off Lee’s relationship with the Queen’s grandson - Prince Christopher of Rosemont.
The royal family quickly denied this rumor when the album was released (as they deny a lot of things) and the Heartbreak singer has never officially confirmed the songs were written about the “Green Eyes” Prince but the lyrics have always teased otherwise.
Also, Chris! Did you really break up with her by text?  
5. The Princess of Rosemont’s troubled love life
Do you ever feel like you are failing at love? Well, there is one royal you can look at to make yourself feel better! Princess Eleanor of Rosemont, our very own future Queen of Monaca made headlines this summer when she didn’t show up to her grand twenty million dollar wedding - paid for by the lovely taxpayers of Monaca! Granted, her fiancé ditched her thirty minutes before the nuptials were set to begin but if a future Queen doesn’t have a chance at love- what does that mean for us regular folks?
The granddaughter of Queen Helena released a public statement shortly after, apologizing for her failed wedding and to the foreign royals who attended. This will surely go down as one of the most embarrassing moments for the royal family.  
4. The Duke of Yorkton knocks up Monaca’s Sweetheart!
Eliza Dale, once famous supermodel shocked the world when she announced she was pregnant! There was no hiding this child, as the Grimalldis quickly confirmed that Prince Nicholas was the father and they were overjoyed by the news!
For weeks we waited with bated breath for any confirmation of a shotgun wedding but it seems this Prince was taking it slow. Not much is known about the relationship between the Duke and Duchess of Yorkton, as they have never commented on it and were barely seen together publicly before their wedding nearly a year after their daughter was born. We can only imagine Queen Helena was grinding her teeth as her son took his time on securing the family’s image.
3. The Duke of Rosemont’s rumored affair!
The Queen’s eldest son, Crown Prince Maximilian is no stranger to controversy. The future King of Monaca was something of a ladies man before he settled down with the Princess Margot of Melide, often captured out with a different lady on his arm each night.
Before that, the Duke of Rosemont was in a relationship with his brother’s ex-girlfriend, Alessandra Moore. Though the two had called it quits before any proposals were made, it seems that was not the end to their relationship. The former couple caused quite the controversy when the father of four at the time was captured leaving Moore’s hotel the day after his brother’s public funeral.
The Grimalldis have of course long denied the rumored affair, and Miss Moore has never commented on her relationship with either of the Princes but once again the cameras prove a different story.
Though, the Duchess of Rosemont found herself conveniently pregnant with her fifth child after those events - as if proving to the world that those tabloids analyzing her marriage were indeed just false rumors. You can’t deny the look of disdain she had on her face anytime she was captured standing next to her husband.
2. Cora Grimalldi’s mental breakdown
The royal family found themselves in one of their biggest controversies this summer when a video of the former Duchess of Yorkton taking a golf club to her boyfriend, Joshua Holms’ very expensive car surfaced online.
The daughter of the late Prince Nicholas faced some heavy consequences by her grandmother the Queen, even being stripped of her father’s dukedom just days before her cousin, Princess Eleanor’s disaster of a wedding.
Not much is known about the relationship between Cora Grimalldi and Joshua Holms, the two were rumored to have been dating and living together after eight years together. We can only imagine that relationship has come to an abrupt end after becoming one of the most trending memes of this year.  
1. The late Crown Prince Maximilian’s affair and love child!
Out of all scandals the Monacan royal family has tried to cover up or deny, the one that has always hurt the most was the late Duke of Worcester’s scandal. Now, I know the man was dead long before I was born but in history class we were taught about him, about all the good things he did for Monaca as the future King.
Memorials all over the country were dedicated to him, this great man who was taken too soon. The perfect husband who left behind a beautiful widow, and adorable children. They were the picture perfect family. Turns out it was all a lie.
For years, the Duke of Worcester carried on an affair with a married woman, who bore him a son that she passed off as another man’s child! The shock and the slap to the face that I know my father felt when those documents by Queen Elizabeth of Melide were released to the world. He idolized Crown Prince Maximilian, wept at the news of his assassination. Turns out the name Maximilian can only go so far in this family.
I am still signing petitions to get that statue of him in Grand Park removed!
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