#and i know im being given that opportunity through the pains
thisdreamplace · 1 year
i keep having these glimpses, of purity, of truth and also cloudedness easily provided by the ego.
i know its a moment of transformation, of rebirth. for a moment all is clear, and i get it. peace flows to me in abundance, love is a thing i am and not a thing i seek. all is well and there's nothing to ask for anymore, nothing to want.
but other times, its a downward spiral and crash landing into every painful story i ever called mine. any hurtful belief i easily accepted back then, when i simply didnt know what i know now. and sometimes its so heavy, i can hardly make the seperation between a story and my true self.
i've learned so much on this journey, experienced such beautiful things. but the truth is, things havent been easy for me lately and i want to be transparent about that. more than anything, i'd like to allow safety and knowledge of the process. knowing these things, doesn't make it an overnight process. and that's okay. i'm saying this for myself, but for everyone else too who feels like they're doing something wrong because they read the posts and they get it, and yet that hasn't stopped the fears or doubts or ego from taking over time to time. let's never pretend the process doesn't exist, because then we'd be denying this life we chose to come here and live and explore, and that just makes everything more painful than ever necessary. it's deattachment from what the ego says things are supposed to be, and just allowing what truly is, beyond all that.
the post i wrote about indifference, i understand it more than ever. that being said, it doesn't mean i am always successful. but even so, i know that's where i want to go back to each time. it makes so much sense, there's nothing to fight, and even more, there's nothing to liberate myself from. i've been sitting with myself, sometimes with binural beats on (i just really like them, no need for them tho) and just sit with everything. not in a fight, not to say "i dont believe in you, go away"... but to simply say "welcome in, your presence literally changes nothing." and sit with that uncomfortable feeling if it arises.
i'm leaving this blog indefinitely, once again. i love reading all of your lovely words, and finding small pockets of inspirations from some of you other lovely bloggers out there. but it's also time for me to turn away again, to find peace in my own life, and come closer to the god within and the love that is infinitely mine, if only i'll allow myself to acknowledge it.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 4 months
ok the askbox is open. im taking this opportunity to say ohhhhh im going crazy over the narrative constructed here. specifically with how audience (anon) interaction is intertwined with the main conflict.
because its like.. we are inherently a BAD THING. yes, some of us are actually malicious, but even if we do have kind intentions, and only want the best for ragatha.. just being there is a negative impact that outweighs any positives. we are a parasite, after all. and technically, the only positive action we could do is to simply.. stop engaging. leave the askblog alone. leave ragatha alone. except we could never do that, because we're too curious now, too attached- we want to see how the story continues, how it ends. we cant leave well enough alone, we just have to know. we need to know. so the cycle will continue nonetheless due to our nature. and we have to watch as our main character, the person we're rooting for, gets worse and worse. knowing that its our fault, because we're choosing to engage. we're choosing this path of pain. because we're curious, and that curiosity would kill us if we didn't feed it.
and of course its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things lol. no hate btw. im here enjoying it after all! though honestly i say that like this had any opportunity of existing outside of the askblog genre... or even the tumblr landscape itself- i feel like the anon feature itself is also a big part of this sort of narrative, as it allows those actively malicious anons to be even nastier. because it distances us from our actions. like.. we're given a mask, something that obscures our true identities (both to the other askers.. and to ragatha to an extent, as most all look the same to her. who knows, maybe that one supportive anon trying to cheer her up is the same one also encouraging her downfall! she cant tell!)- a thing that wipes our hands free of any consequences. a chance to become faceless and untraceable- so of course some people will indulge. be as horrible as possible. because, hey, its not like you'll be getting any consequences for it! no way to trace it back to you! no way to be held accountable! you can just sit back and watch the fire you made grow higher. more bright. thats the main goal, after all- to make a spectacle! to move the story along and make it exciting! thats the only thing that matters to you. that its entertaining. not the people you'll be harming in the process.
anyways sorry for the fucking. essay. in your askbox. i like talking and also i fucking love dissecting meta-aligned narratives like this. gggrrggrgrgrrrr chewing on this blog like a chewtoy. i hope everyone gets worse and this whole blog blows up!!!!!!!
i can't stop giggling at ' its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things ' . this was really originally supposed to just be a silly blog with little story but here we are . you really won't get this anywhere else
i get pretty happy when someone dissects this silly thing so no need to apologize !! i'm my own harshest critic when it comes to this blog so it's often difficult for me to grasp what meaning people get out of this lol truly thank you guys for wanting to see my insane , Unhinged ideas come through
and i love the dissection on the mean anons - a lot of this thing hinges on actions having consequences after all ! every little thing will have an impact on ragatha's mental state . i'll say i think the anons have potential to not be as harmful - as there was a point in the blog's time where they acted more like inner therapists to ragatha than reality-bending beings of chaos ( good times ) . it just really depends on being patient with an actually mentally ill person like ragatha - it does fascinate me how people's frustration with her echoes real life mental health situations .
but yeah thanks !!! i'll be kissing this essay and pinning it on the refrigerator that i call my brain (:
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unnerving-presence · 10 months
Hi, i just read the coochie unhooking and im in love omg 🥲💕 could we have another part with the huntress, pyra and a third one of your choice? Thank you, you're the best 👀💕
ooc shit incoming this is literally abt them loving them thighs i do not gaf i tried to make them in character somewhat anyways hehe
could you tell i’m utterly obsessed w tarhos right now i wished i could’ve written more dear lord
i had already written this for huntress initially but i did want to revise it a bit to be more in character. still sort of experimenting with it all. enjoy though :)
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Straight confusion and a.. little bit of panic? She’s never had her prey attempt something like what you did. It catches her so off guard she practically thrashes around as much as you do to get you off of her. She doesn’t like feeling so vulnerable and very much does not appreciate it when you manage to escape the hook and her alike. She can’t shake that ghostly feeling of your thighs around her. It’s like you’re still there. She can’t discern whether she likes the feeling or not.
You’re interesting prey, prey that she enjoys hunting. She mostly does it for necessity and to please the Entity, but she likes you. She likes that. She especially likes your drive to survive. It amuses her, makes her curious about you. Anna would be angry about the ordeal thinking about it, but it simply makes her intrigued now. She simply can’t brush aside the concept of your thighs around her. It was like a warm embrace she hadn’t felt since she was a child. She likes it.
She decides she will observe you more. Watch as you speak in a language she doesn’t understand and interact with those she sees as nothing more than human animals. You’re afraid, but you’re also determined. It’s cute. Perhaps she’ll conveniently place herself near the hook she puts you on next time, just to feel you fight to survive, just to feel those thighs around her again.
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Pyramid Head:
Pyramid Head would have absolutely never expected this to happen.. ever? Considering his absolute fridge of a head he’s.. startled to say the least that you managed to both effectively wrap your thighs around him AND have enough leg strength to take him down AND unhook yourself. It doesn’t all come to mind at first but he’s definitely a bit aroused. Unfortunately, that is an emotion that fades quite quickly. He has a job to do, he would very much like to get back to that. If he could get back up from the ground from his big ass helmet holding him down 😭
Pyramid Head is simply indifferent about the situation. A tiny bit excited at the though, but would quickly move on. It would certainly stay in his mind if you had done it several times over though. Some part of him is glad he has this unbearable helmet over his head, he might have had a full system shutdown had your thighs gotten too close to his face, though your thighs being around him in the first place is more than enough to turn him on a bit, not that he acts on it of course. He prioritizes his role in this realm more than anything else.
Though he won’t pass up the opportunity to listen to your cries of pain if given the chance. They didn’t mean much to him before. But now he rather likes the sound. He’d even say he rather likes you more than anything else. Maybe he should stick extra close to you from now on. Perhaps you’ll try other suggestive methods of trying to escape him. Either way, it feeds into his desire to punish and his desire for you.
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Tarhos Kovács:
Tarhos is trained for moments like this, when the enemy has the upper hand. He cut through hundreds of swordsmen far more experienced than you could ever wish to be. He wields his imposing claymore and knows he strikes fear into those that dare cross him. He is anything but one to be so easily defeated. It should’ve been impossible for him to be taken down by someone in such a pathetic position as yourself. It has to be the Entity’s assistance. It has to be. He can barely get himself together again before you dash up the stairs and out of his reach. He grumbles and pushes himself up off the ground, more determined than ever to put you in your place.
You don’t survive the trial, but it’s very clear you did something to him. He’s angry, but there’s some other emotion, like a smoldering fire that was once not even worth a passing glance had suddenly burst into a wildfire. It could be confused with bloodlust. He can barely tell the difference between the two until he sees you again by the campfire next to those worthless maggots. He watches only for a moment and in that moment he wants more. He wants more of whatever you did to him.
He will never come to terms with these feelings. He believes it’s your fault. Your existence shouldn’t even be welcomed in this place. You can so easily disrupt the balance of death, sacrifice, bloodshed. He wants nothing to do with you if you think you can deter him from his rightful privilege of endlessly butchering such peasants as yourself. He hates you more than he hates Vittorio, he thinks. Vittorio was an imbecile who thought he had the answers to peace. But you? God, you actually do something to him and you don’t even have to try.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
rant/vent post bc im exhausted and my brain won’t stop buzzing about this:
you know i find it mildly infuriating that tim had time to address the karaoke scene debacle bc of twitter fans, but he doesn’t have time to addresss the fact that since the start of s7 there have been fans who have been spouting hateful rhetoric about poc cast/characters and sending death threats to other fans, crew members, and journalists for not supporting their lukewarm ship, and he also for some reason is trying to remain on this high horse of “representation” when that is probably one of the weakest character sexuality storylines i’ve seen, and not only that but he decided to make the entire second half of the season practically dedicated to the pain of poc, as well as exploiting racial stereotypes for cheap drama….. all of this while these fans are acting like this guy who came out of nowhere (something that has literally been admitted by tim) is somehow this holy grail of a character when his emotional range is less than the “😐🧍” emojis, and tim is simultaneously ignoring the hate and blatant racism from the fans, but also promoting and giving a storyline to a racist character— even going as far as to brush that racism under the rug narratively, as well as allowing the actor to rile up controversy and division amongst fans
this is why it is so hard for me to trust tim anymore because that man has not shown to ke that he actually cares about good storytelling, he just cares about money going into his pocket.
now, no i don’t believe he is out here DM-ing fans s8 spoilers because the man is a moneymaker not an idiot, so before you try to say anything about me saying i believe bree, i most certainly do not— but unfortunately i don’t trust tim to handle any of the storylines he’s set up for s8 well until i see it.
and most of all i feel awful from ryan and oliver who want nothing more than to tell such a beautiful story but they are constantly being mowed over by tim, by the network, and now by the fans… oliver really wanted to do something with buck’s story, and all it’s done is caused a group of batshit fans to spread hate to other fans for not jumping ship after 6 years. ryan is so exhausted of having to rehash the shannon shit every season even though we’ve been given plenty of evidence to show that he has moved on from her— this storyline wasn’t necessary (and especially not the way they chose to tell it).
and lastly— oliver and ryan have wanted the fans to be happy. they want buck and eddie to be happy. and right now, neither of them are in a narratively satisfying spot, and until the show actually cuts the bullshit and starts doing something with their storyline and not just exploiting it, I’m not gonna support it by watching. they’ve shown they don’t care about queer rep by making half of a popular ship canon by bringing back a former character who was literally racist and misogynistic just to serve a character arc, and haven’t gotten rid of him despite having an entire half of a season to do so. they’ve shown they don’t care about queer rep by giving the bisexual main character a sexuality arc that lasted 0.2 seconds narratively and had him end up with the first guy who kissed him, despite there being zero chemistry or build up to imply there were ever actually any feelings of interest. they’ve shown they don’t care about queer rep by once again putting the show’s two black queer women through the same storyline they’ve had before, rehashing their trauma once again in an arc that didn’t even carry over because it was mostly resolved after 3 episodes. they’ve shown they don’t care about queer rep by saying that they wanna “do the story naturally” if they make eddie queer, yet they ignore every opportunity they have to do do by (literally) digging up his ex wife at every turn despite having written numerous lines of dialogue in which he blatantly admits to not actually loving her romantically, and stating that their marriage only happened because she got pregnant.
season 7 had the potential to be something great. it turned out to be mid.
season 8 also has the potential to be something great. until it starts looking like it im not gonna waste my time, energy, or sanity forcing myself to watch- especially if they’re just going to continue the blatant fan service bullshit after telling buddie fans for 6 years that they “don’t wanna do fanservice”….. well what the fuck do you call this dumpster fire, tim?
we may get some more information once filming starts that will change my mind, but right now it’s really not worth it after spending 7 year watching this show to just continue to be spat on and slapped in the face by the creators.
sincerely, an emotionally and physically exhausted fan who just had a long day and desperately needs to take my anxiety meds and crash
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kylejsugarman · 18 days
the way that jesse delivers the "whatever happens to me, its on me" line to his parents over the phone in "el camino" is so devastating to me but specifically because it paints this very vivid picture to me of jesse having all that excruciating time to Think in captivity, specifically to think of what he would Say to the people in his life if given the opportunity to see them one last time—but not being able to say these things because of the emotion attached. like jesse saying that to his parents sounds a bit rehearsed: its a really nice sentiment, a clean one too, in a way that we dont usually get from jesse. and him asking for jake sounds too like he had something prepared to tell jake as well. but he does this all over the phone. do u think jesse would've been able to get that nice, clean statement out to his parents if he saw them in person?? i mean, what does he say when he sees walt in person in "felina"?? to skinny and badger in person in "el camino"?? initially, he can't say anything: u can see the wheels turning in his head as he tries to get something—the words he's prepared, the words he's rehearsed as he sat there in that cage and just Thought—out. but he can't. he's overcome with emotion, with trepidation and uncertainty. jesse can get his last words out to his parents over the phone and to brock through that letter he gives ed, but in person, he would've broken. and thats somehow sadder to me, because what jesse is giving to his parents and to brock is a nicer memory, a more thought-out and precise and complete ending, but its not totally authentic. the real, in-person encounters would've been messier, awkward, painful, unsatisfying, but they would've been honest yk?? and what does it mean that jesse wanted to give his parents and brock a good final impression of him?? to remember him at a slight emotional distance?? to not see him as he is, but hear him as a rehearsed phone call, a read him as a drafted and edited letter?? this is super messy, im just heartbroken by "el camino" and how much it plays with the nuances of jesse's character and what he know about him vs how he acts
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dist0rt1on · 1 year
Synopsis: How you helped a fool realize his own feelings.
> Pairings: Sampo Koski x Gn!Reader
> Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst and Hurt-Comfort???
> Contents: Sampo being a part of The Masked Fools, backstory of your relationship with him, confessions, mostly ooc i guess? No proofread btw im sleepy
> Words: 3.8k
> A/N: Sorry if it's not rlly accurate to Sampo i just have a lot of 'what ifs' with him and this got birthed ig
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Sampo Koski is everyone's friend. A charismatic, humorous, cunning man. He's certainly a hot topic in all areas. Though, everyone around him views him as a skilled-yet-idiotic criminal. Or... maybe that's what Sampo himself wants them to think. After all, he tells himself every day that people like him are better suited to be shadowy comic reliefs anyway. Even so, no one knows how the gears behind his brain work.
Sampo Koski is a silver-tongued 'salesman' and an eloquent mercenary. He holds so much information that makes it so hard for people to not approach him for help. With the right price, he's willing to do all sorts of jobs for his lovely customers. Though, he isn't afraid of betraying his customer if he were to get paid on a higher price for it. You can't blame him, can you? Living in the underworld itself isn't easy. You gotta be willing to accept the opportunity for some extra cash if you want to survive.
Sampo Koski is a common enemy. Despite how much conflict Belobog's regions has over the years, most of the citizens in both overworld and underworld would agree that they share a similar distaste for the bi-haired man himself.
Lastly, Sampo Koski is a fool. A following fool who also thinks that the world is a joke. Just like a drama, or a soap opera that runs every day to be witnessed by the people in the audience's seats. No matter how endless the pain and suffering became, it could always be shoved away by laughter. Joy eliminates pain, after all. Laughter is a God-given right to avoid pain. Or so he heard.
Days would usually pass by just like night and day. Except you can't really see the 'day' on the underworld. Business after business through the years, he never thought of having to love someone. Not to mention someone even loving him in the first place. Though, that mindset shattered when he met you. Or specifically, after he spent so much time with you.
You two met in one of the underworld's desolate alleyways. You, who were mistaken as Sampo's anonymous customer, were trying to find some peace. Gazing upon the ceiling with wonder. 'How many more years are we supposed to endure all the suffering in the underworld before the fragmentum consumes us all?' You sigh sadly.
That thought was quickly replaced with a sense of caution after hearing faint footsteps coming your way. You turn your head in that direction, noticing a certain bi-haired man of your age with a sweet smile on his face and a waving hand.
"Hello, dearest customer! You must be the anonymous fella who asked for my services, I assume?" He approached you with his signature, charming smile. Which made you look up to him in response .
"Huh? You must've gotten the wrong person, buddy. Never called anyone for some services. Sorry..." You responded, albeit a bit confused about the salesman's arrival.
Just by your tone and expression alone, he could confirm that you were telling him the truth. Yet, he's not done with you yet. It's simple, he wants to lure you into becoming his customer too. He wants to make a profit in every corner. It's in his natural 'salesman' instincts, after all. But... there's just something about you that scratches his mind. Oh well, he can deal with it later.
"Sorry about that! The name's Sampo Koski. If you ever need someone to take care of things for you... Sampo Koski is the man for the job, who's at your service." He winks at you 'innocently'.
Though, you weren't oblivious to these types of people.
"Ah... so you're that type of businessman, arent you?" You raise an eyebrow, to which the man responded with a chuckle.
"As I said, All sorts of business are welcomed — as long as you've got the cash." He gives you a sly grin.
He saw you opening your mouth to respond to him in a brief second. Yet, before you could mutter something out, familiar marching noises filled the area from both sides of the alleyway.
...Damn Vagrants. They were surrounding the area with their weapons raised at you two. In the middle of the ambush, a masked man turned out to be the leader of said Vagrants.
By their similar physique and posture, Sampo could easily confirm that the leader is the same man who anonymously asked for his services in the first place.
Sampo himself knew that there was a possibility of this happening, but eh. He's a man who'll take any opportunity at any given moment. But he needs some entertainment too. He'd be lying if he told himself that he wasn't amused by this capture or murder attempt.
The masked man began to blabber as unprofessionally as one could blabber. Openly explaining their plans to the two while thinking that they'll be able to kill you two easily while also thinking that you play a part in the 'businesses' yourself.
By the leader's naivety, Sampo would listen intently and imagine a better scenario of said plan. But he chose to ignore the leader and decided to look in your direction.
Ah, you were trembling from head to toe. Fear and confusion wash your face as you try to get into a defensive state.
Living in the underworld for years, of course, you've learned basic self-defense to protect yourself from danger. But against more than one vagrant who has their weapons up and ready to knock the daylights over you at any moment? You cant- you won't stand a chance against them. Not without a weapon. Not without wielding an element.
'What the... hell's happening...?' You thought, panicking over the situation you accidentally got yourself into.
Sampo Koski is a man who'd rather flee before things get rougher than it already is. Unless he had no other choice. When people who targeted him managed to find or corner him, he'd usually try to charm them with his presence. Then using their confusion as the opening of his escape to flee the scene and leave the problems to the nearest bystanders. If there were any.
But this time, it was different. He didn't instantly come up with a plan to flee. Instead, he was focused on you. But why?
Because of your innocent look that was quickly washed away by your fear? No, that's not it... He thinks.
Because of your pitiful state? It could be? But... was that really the problem? Because...
He doesn't understand.
He can't wrap his head around this unfamiliar feeling.
Fleeing was always the best option for him. But for some reason, everything inside himself was telling him to not leave the poor bystander alone.
Why? He never had second thoughts before fleeing the scene before.
Maybe... Sampo Koski himself... had taken an interest in you. Yes, that must be it.
And helping you would certainly lead you to his debt. And Sampo wouldn't mind that. He'd be delighted.
"Hey- Were you even listening to me...!?" The leader shouted in an offended tone due to Sampo ignoring all his speech. But Sampo didn't seem to care this time around.
Instead, he wrapped an arm around your shoulder in a swift motion. Pulling you close as he whispers to your ear.
"Close your eyes and hold your breath. Trust me, okay?" He whispers in a soft tone.
Maybe because you were desperate to survive in this current situation that you did what he told you to do. Your body slowly tenses up as you close your eyes and hold your breath. He slowly removed his hold on you and pulls away as he pulls out some tricks up his sleeve.
Even if your vision was currently replaced by a dark void, it didn't stop you from hearing the chaos around you.
You could feel movements from Sampo's side as you could hear him throwing a few items into the ground.
"What the...? Is this... a bomb...!?"
"N-no... Its... they're smoke bombs...!"
"Gah-...! Everyone, stand... down...!"
You hear your attackers panic as they one by one lose their consciousness and fall to the ground.
Sampo approached the powerless leader who had lost his balance and gave him a shit-eating grin as he looked down at him.
"Wow, you really surprised the Sampo Koski with that ambush. As for the return, I decided to give you a surprise of my own~ How'dya like it?" He chuckles.
The leader gritted his teeth. "Y-You bastard... You'll pay... for this..." he threatens Sampo before losing consciousness completely.
Sampo then hurriedly rushed to your side and grabbed your trembling arm. "Let's go now, friend. You better keep up if you don't want to be left behind~"
Before you could even respond, he runs off from the alleyway with you.
Finally residing in a safe spot, Sampo carefully lets go of your arm. "Are you hurt, friend?" He asked as he sees you calm down.
"Sampo, was it? I... can't thank you enough for helping me escape from that. Even though I was just a passerby who got into your situation." You sigh.
"But... Is there anything I can repay you with...? I don't have a lot of cash on me, but when I do... I'll definitely pay you back though... I-I'm sorry..." You looked away. Hoping that the man in front of you won't be disappointed and decides to kill you after knowing you can't pay him back right at this moment.
Sampo chuckles as he looks at you in amusement. "Don't worry, you could still pay me back, ya'know?"
You set your eyes on him again, raising an eyebrow. "What...? But I told you I don't have much cash on me... Unless... gh...! You're not gonna do something to me, are you...!?" You point at the man in accusation. Sweating over the fact that he might do unimaginable things to you.
He quickly places a finger in front of your lips. "Ah, shushushushush... Don't paint me as a greedy and disrespectful businessman, friend. I, Sampo Koski, am still a gentleman with a heart. I was wondering if you could take up an offer instead." He pulled his gloved finger away from your lips.
"That is...?" You await his words as you see him extend his hand.
"Why don't we become business partners, hmm? You look like an interesting fella. I can't help but think that there's more to you than what meets the eye." He started to say.
"I'll deal with most of the things out there while you deal with other crucial things while hidden in the background. Ah, don't worry. We'll split the payment to our agreement. So how about it? Do you accept this offer?"
Any sane person in the underworld wouldn't trust his offer unless they were desperate. But usually, they'd harshly reject his offers. That's why... he was really surprised when you instantly placed your hands in his with no hesitation at all.
"Alright. You look like a fun guy to be with, and I bet you got a lot of surprises huh? I guess it won't hurt to become business partners with you." You smirk as if you weren't terrified a few minutes ago.
"You bet. I won't let you down, so you better do your best, partner." He smiles as you two shake hands in agreement.
That was the day you and the infamous Sampo Koski meet. Ever since that day, you did different kinds of jobs with him.
At first, the two of you were nothing but business partners. He informs you of a mission, and you help him from the shadows, split the pay, and part ways.
But the more you two started working together, the closer you two became. And now, even after the business itself was settled, you'll kill your boring ol' time to spend your day with him.
Like watching a fierce boxing match in the fight club while cheering for your favorite fighters.
"Huh... both of them are so tough! I'm still wondering how robots are qualified for a boxing match, but whatever. Beat him up, Mechanical Master!" You cheer for your favorite fighter.
You could hear Sampo laughing next to you. "In your dreams, partner. Greyback Whale's the much stronger one between them!"
"Buuut we gotta be real now, don't we? I'm a much better fighter than anyone from the fight club~ You've witnessed it yourself, yeah?" He winks with a sense of pride as you snorted in response.
"Yeah, yeah... I guess I gotta admit you're way faster and stronger than them, huh? How fierce and mighty of you, Mr. Sampo~ I might need an autograph from you one day." You playfully stick your tongue out as you tease him. Sampo responds with a playful smirk.
Or you'd spend the day with him by taking a stroll in the mines. Well... a little bit annoying when the two of you have a 50% chance of getting attacked by vagrants, fragmentum creatures, or even robots. But it's nice to back him up on a fight once in a while.
"Hey, partner! Wanna see how fast I could knock them out with these babies alone?" He cockily twirls his daggers as he focuses his eyes on the surrounding enemies.
"Hmm... sure. Knock them out in under 10 seconds, and ill fight alongside you if we have any business for the day." You challenged the man.
In a blink of an eye, you see his daggers getting thrown at the enemies. It was almost a blur. You looked in awe as you witness daggers flying as swiftly as the wind, knocking out enemies with their single touch.
The group of enemies didn't even last 5 seconds as those daggers finally return to the hands of their master. "3.5 seconds. Now, you were saying?"
"Hah, you never fail to surprise me... do you?"
You and Sampo became inseparable. You two were like puzzle pieces who complete each other.
Sampo is the strength and the brain. The active mercenary in his business who deals with all the fights and the talk.
Meanwhile you, you were the heart. The vigilant partner who usually tends to Sampo's wounds if he was unlucky enough to get them.
For a doctor, Natasha's treatments are of a much better quality. But Sampo couldn't help it. No matter how light or brutal the wounds were, he always ends up wanting to get treated in your care.
"Gah... good thing I patched you up just in time... You were on the blink of collapsing, you know...? Don't be so reckless with yourself!" You scold the man as you try to patch the smaller cuts on his arm.
"Should I just call Dr. Natasha to treat you...? I don't think I'm doing a good job on this..."
"No, no. You don't need to. You're doing a great job, okay? And sorry... I was a bit unlucky this time. But I promise I'll be more careful next time, haha." He reassured you with a weak smile.
It was a nice feeling though, Sampo thought. Even if you were scolding him plenty of times, he always notices your careful hands as you patched him up. Him knowing that you hoped your touch won't hurt Sampo more than he already is.
Even if Sampo has a quite friendly demeanor on him, he never lets his guard down. Even to the people he trusts. But there's one thing he noticed...
He started to let his guard down over the time when you two were alone. Relaxing his body to the fullest.
It felt weird at first, Sampo admits. But he quickly came to an acceptable conclusion.
Sampo Koski had developed a soft spot for you.
Now finally, the present. As of today, the blockade between the underworld and the overworld had been lifted by the help of the trailblazers from beneath the sky. It was a miracle, really. You almost couldn't believe it.
Due to Sampo's part in helping them as well, he gets a temporary pass to walk on the overworld's ground freely without any guards arresting him.
He would've used this opportunity to sneakily gain some extra cash, but he decided to go against that idea.
Not when you looked at him with those sparkling eyes. Telling him that you wanted to explore the place and the sceneries with him. And so he did.
But he never expected this one particular day.
The day you asked him to meet up with you somewhere in the overworld's administrative district.
You, holding out a cheap, single-flower bouquet for him only. Muttering multiple things he can't seem to catch. But from where this is going, he knew. By his body language that told you that he was caught off-guard, he knew what's gonna happen next.
You, looking deep into his eyes, as you successfully have the courage to tell him how you feel towards him
"I love you, Sampo Koski. I really do."
There you stood, red-faced as you closed your eyes shut. Getting ready to return some comebacks of your own when he gives you a flurry of his teases.
What you expected didn't come.
You slowly opened your eyes to a sight you never thought you would see one day.
The Sampo Koski you know... was also standing there red-faced. But... his eyes widened, and tears slowly fall to his cheeks.
Sampo Koski is a man who knows what love is, but had yet to experience it. Well, maybe he did. But after years of getting disliked or even despised by many people in the country he resides in, even if he were to blame for that, he began to gradually forget what 'love' or 'warmth' means to him.
But today, you had easily told him the specific word and answer to his own conflicted feelings about you.
'I love you, Sampo Koski.'
"H-Hey... not that I doubt it or anything, but... Do I... even deserve this kinda thing...?" He tries to maintain his playful tone, but his cracked voice quickly ruined it in an instant.
Sampo Koski is a man who usually denies his negative feelings. Every time he gets sad, hurt, angry, or many other things, he always brushes it away and laughs it off as if it was a laughing matter, to begin with. Unconsciously straying him from his understanding of his own emotions.
No, his usual playful, cunning, charismatic attitude isn't a facade or some sort. It's just Sampo being Sampo. It's just that his mindset of joy diluting all sorrow was making him unconsciously bottle up all that pain.
He always knew that the universe is merciless, but he prefers choosing the path of laughing it off. It was the guidance he got, after all. But was it because of amusement or denial? Who knows...
He is a masked fool, after all.
But your sudden confession had shattered that bottle of his. Many of his mixed emotions were scattered in his mind. Starting to swirl around his surroundings. He was getting overwhelmed.
'Why? Im an awful man. I don't deserve your love. Your kindness.'
'You deserve better.'
'So why me?'
'Why me?'
"Of course, you deserve this. You deserve everything, honestly. Thanks to you, I've never been so happy in my entire life. And... I know we spend our days together, but I want to share a much closer bond with you. Because... I've never loved someone this much before. You deserve my love, Sampo. And you'll always do." Your lips curved up into a sweet smile as Sampo looks at you in shock.
Sampo Koski is jealous of you. Envious that you had managed to tell or identify your feelings he's been struggling with so easily.
But you looked so beautiful at that moment. Your genuine, kind smile and your flowing hair matching the rhythm of the wind. The sun's warm light favors you and your beautiful presence alone.
You then lowered the arm that was holding the bouquet. "But, it's okay. I get it if you're not ready yet. Whatever the outcome, ill accept it. Just don't let it ruin our friendship, okay? I'll be waiting for your answer. Once you're ready, okay?" You turn around, getting ready to leave so you could give him some space.
"Don't you fucking dare..."
"Huh?" Before you could turn around to see him again, you felt arms wrapping around your waist from behind you. Holding you tight as if you were about to disappear from his very life.
"Don't you dare leave me here... especially after saying that..." he begs in a soft tone.
Sampo rests his head on your shoulder. "...I love you too. Even if things were hell down there, hoping to see you every time I woke up in the morning... gave me a reason to keep going. No matter how hard things became, you never left my side... And... I'm so grateful for all that... You're so... precious... to me..."
Sampo finally gets it. The differences in his feelings before you came into his life, and after.
Once, the man wandered the world on his own. With both worlds having a distaste in him while laughing in a sense he used to call 'joy'. Never letting his guard down on every corner, even on his own 'home'.
But when you came into his pitiful life, he started laughing with you. Not in a sense of that so-called joy he once believed could wash away all pain and suffering, but in a sense of comfort and warmth. You had sneaked your way into his heart and made it your home. His home.
He twirled your body around to face him. Tears were still in his eyes as he sniffles on his snot. But still, a big smile was present on his face.
"Hah... Thank you, my dear... Thank you for everything... Mhm... So, are we officially together now...?" He looks at you with that usual goofy grin.
"Of course! Ah... I love you so much...!" You were also trembling with joy as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Looking up to him with the same sense of affection.
"Too bad." He smirks as he leans closer to your ear. "You might say that you love me. But I love you more, my love." He whispers.
Sampo Koski is a man who wants to be loved, and to love back. And with the opportunity you gave him, he'll never waste his chance. He hasn't told it directly to your face, but he vows to protect your life, your heart, everything.
"*sniff* You know... I would kiss you right now, but... I'd rather have our first kiss at a more... romantic moment." He gently presses his lips to your forehead as you giggle in response.
"Saving that for our first date, huh... Pretty boy?" Your cheeks started to warm up more.
"Maybe, maybe not... Who knows?" He coos as he carefully strokes your hair. Kissing your cheek as you hum softly.
Maybe... he could send his final regards to the guys and girls at the tavern to run away with you, one day. He hopes.
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sushisocks · 11 months
DO I HAVE ANGSTY SEAN HEADCANONS???!? Is my tumblr url sushisocks??? I'm including just a couple non-angsty ones that are v important to me bcz we're here to have fun, after all lolol
Lets start out with a light one; Sean absolutely has ADHD and dyslexia. Everybody knows Sean can't read, but nobody asks WHY Sean can't read despite frequent opportunities to learn. Based on the camp interactions with Lenny, we know he has been willing to attempt to learn, but has given up. This reads a lot more like learning disability to me, than it does laziness!!
In a similar vein; Sean taking frequent naps/falling asleep a lot is because he's a light sleeper - he has had a hard time falling asleep and staying that way ever since his father got murdered in his bed by the law. Left an impression Sean can't really shake even when surrounded by friends and allies - it's easier to nap when it's light out and people are awake in the area. Combine that with the ADHD and suddenly he's sleeping when he's not supposed to - like on guard duty.
Btw Sean has REAL BAD nightmares so that doesn't help at ALL either
Sean's mom probably passed when he was very young - he doesn't have any tangible memories of her in the same way he does his dad. Telling stories about him is how Sean keeps the only real family he had alive.
SIMILARLY I imagine it was just the two of them fleeing to America together; Sean was right there when Darragh got killed in his sleep - I imagine him waking up to a gunshot tbh.
In previous posts I've talked some about Sean's parallels and similarities to Arthur. Consider; Sean having similar self-esteem issues as Arthur, but instead of being quiet and disparaging about it, Sean covers it up by boasting and talking a big game. Nobody tries to talk Sean up because they all think he has a big ego, and it sort of just feeds into the insecurities Sean already has & is trying to avoid thinking about.
Also; Sean is generally an open book about his feelings, but he struggles a LOT with being truly vulnerable or getting at the deeper stuff. He'll also always downplay and make a joke out of truly traumatic and desperate situations he's been in. Though he DOES tell you what happened, he's chuckling and acting like it's nothing. (This isn't even a headcanon, he actually does this very consistently. It's why Karen is so mad at him in that one camp interaction after the party lol)
The only times Sean feels comfortable not being The Camp Clown is when Dutch isn't around, with a limited amount of people to witness. He still feels weird about the fact that he did actually try to kill him, when they first met, like he actually pulled the trigger (I feel like people are prone to forget this abt him), and he's never sure if Dutch might resent or distrust him a little for it. Same goes for Hosea.
A MacSummers one I came up w on discord literally yesterday; Sean has a Claddagh ring heirloom he got from his late mother through his late father. He gifts it to Lenny at some point, who doesn't realize the symbolism, just the sentimental value. Lenny wears it on a chain around his neck.
The previous one could work for MacJones too but tbh I think it hits harder for MacSummers lol (im biased)
Sean blocked out a lot of what he experienced while holed up at Ike Skelding's; the teethpulling and the burned feet were probably some of the lighter things he had to endure.
Sidenote the fact that his feet were fucking burned being as brushed off as it is makes me fucking insane. How bad were they burned Sean? Are you in pain atm? Should you be walking?
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fatuismooches · 10 months
i have been silent but that does not mean i have stopped thinking about dottore
based off of some fanart i saw, im like. 99.9999% sure zandik rarely heard any nice stuff said to him n i dont know why but i just. imagine this in my head. its such a tender, vulnerable and soft moment where zandik, probably akademiya or early fatui days, fits himself between your legs as he wraps his arms around your waist. his head laying comfortably on your thighs as he sits on his knees. its a moment that shows his trust, you know? allowing himself to be small before you, a rare act of submission to your love as your fingers play with his curls, palms warm and soothing as you cup his cheek. n' u just tell him things that he struggles to believe, like how he's so beautiful, and that you care about him, how he deserves to be loved even though he's perceived as a monster. and i dont know, but i wanna gently raise his head by his chin, softly smile at him and say "zandik, you're a good boy." because i know no one has ever ever said that to him, not even his parents.
i want that boy to be treated like a pretty girl by taking him out on romantic dates and writing him love letters he's 100000% gonna keep, laminate and immortalize. i want to treat that boy like the fragile thing he is, hold him in my arms and kiss him so so gently.
oh yeah. totally not projecting onto zandik. NOPE. nuh uh. totallllyyyy....
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THAT MENTAL IMAGE YOU'VE GIVEN ME... oh my gosh. i am so soft right now. Sniff sob... Zandik being so open and vulnerable in front of you :( OH EDBEWDWE HIM IN THAT POSITION IS MAKING ME CRY HE'S SO CUTE... you have no clue how you managed to get him to be so submissive but you're not going to say anything nor are you going to squander this opportunity. You're not even sure if he's comfortable like that, sitting on his knees but... he seems unbothered and quite actually, content with nuzzling his face into your thighs, having your hands run through his fluffy blue hair soothingly. For once, he is almost eerily silent, instead of being all fight and rebuttal all the time, as he doesn't seem to have a smart answer for your gentle words this time. It's new to you, not him vehemently denying your statements, but you're going to take advantage of it, holding his cheeks and kissing him all over, whispering in his ear softly but firmly about how much you love him and everything you love about him, and that you always will.
CALLING HIM A GOOD BOY... i am on the floor in a puddle and sobbing. Kai your brain >>> peak. But it makes me so sad to know that Zandik's literally never received any kind of positive form of affection all his life 😭 Not even his parents... like fuck I'm in pain for him. It took reader SO long to even break his first wall down (he has like a dozen probably) because of how poorly he was treated by the people who were supposed to "love" him :( he just really needs some love :( i think after a really long time, Zandik would come to really crave your appreciation sometimes. Like, he doesn't make it obvious or anything, but he'll do something like perhaps deal with some fellow scholars without snapping at them, or anything he doesn't really do in general, and look at you expectantly if you haven't praised him yet. Because you're the only one who has ever praised his efforts.
HE DESERVES TO BE PAMPERED SO BAD 😭😭 ugh i know Sumeru is mostly hot and you two can't have any cold bundled up days over there but. i love the idea of you two snuggling and sleeping in one morning. Both of you know you're gonna be late for class, but you're like, fuck it we're skipping. And Zandik scolds you, but he's making no effort to leave either! So... you two just stay in bed cuddling as you pamper him (you definitely were the big spoon quite frequently back then here 😭) Slow and lazy morning as you wash his hair and body in the bathe 🥺 breakfast that you made as he looks over his notes 🥺
Bro i can't even imagine Zandik's reaction to you trying to treat him like a pretty princess 😭 Even when you two are dating he just doesn't understand :( why do you go so far for him? What he gives you in return is far less than what you provide for him... he just doesn't understand, but it seems like you're wholly content with everything the way it is so... he won't let you go.
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butchoftheoldgods · 5 months
hello!! can i hear about some of your daily/casual experiences with artemis? and how do you like communicating with her (tarot, pendulums, journalling, etc.)? i feel like she's calling me, but i'm very nervous bc im not really a nature or adventure girl, so im not sure how she could fit into my life 😭
Hey! Welcome, and thank you for asking. I apologise for taking a while to get to your ask.
The reason why I took a while to respond is because I’ve realised that I would prefer to keep specific experiences with my Deities private. I am a very private person in general, and sharing specifics would feel like a betrayal of Their trust.
That being said, if I had to sum up my experiences with Artemis in a nutshell, it would be this quote from the book Stone Butch Blues;
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Something I can share, for instance, is that when I can feel my trauma — I hate casually using this word because of what therapyspeak has done to discussions like this, but trust that I do not use it lightly — weighing me down too much, when I simply cannot find my way back to myself, Artemis brings me clarity of mind and helps me stick to who I am. I like to build a connection to her through sitting in nature, talking to her, praying, making offerings — simple things, nothing too complicated here. She guides me through proudly being a butch lesbian with a deeply homophobic, misogynistic family, facing all the shit that comes with this and all the other deeply rooted prejudices of my culture and the world as a whole.
As women, we are put through a lot of pain in our lifetimes. From opportunities we are not given, to being seen as inferior constantly, to experiencing things like sexual harassment or abuse, It’s easy to lose ourselves to what society expects us to be; Artemis protects our authenticity, our freedom, our sense of self. You mentioned not really being a nature girl, but I will still say that I cannot recommend spending time in nature enough; it doesn’t have to be something crazy, just let yourself be for a little while. This could literally just be visiting a park and having a sit-down on your own, even looking at natural patterns like leaves and branches brings clarity of mind — as well as closeness to Lady Artemis Herself — in a way nothing else will. Should you choose to appreciate from afar, however, Artemis still looks over you. Your experiences and communication with Her are your own just like your sense of self is your own; actually working with Artemis will help you understand and find your way through both.
So my final advice to you is to go for it - there is no need to be nervous. Don’t worry too much about big gestures and adventures; don’t worry about how others go about communicating with Her. Just reach out in the first way that sticks out as special to you, make offerings, seek out advice and stay true to your own freedom. Who knows, you may just find yourself learning to appreciate nature a little more along the way. Regardless, Lady Artemis will guide and protect you.
I wish you luck, feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to talk about this more.
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devondespresso · 1 year
writing my silly little fic and again im struck with how much opportunities they missed by pretending the s2 stancy breakup wasn't messy, specifically for Nancy's guilt about barb and forcing herself to grow up too fast
like s1 Nancy spends one night being a stupid teenager goofing off at her boyfriend's party and staying over to get spicy while Barb goes home. then she later realizes Barb disappeared and died that one night she was letting go and having fun. this is widely recognized trauma for her and informs a lot if not most of her actions through the rest of the show
in season 2 she's feeling the weight of it more around the first year anniversary. steve trys to help by taking her to a party to forget for a little while and 'be stupid teenagers' for a night. a perfectly set up parallel already
the way the show wants it to go, we get the bullshit argument, they fight, allegedly break up at some point, and nancy sleeps with Jonathan. later steve tells her to go with him and we're supposed to read it as Steve stepping back so jancy can happen. we're supposed to be seeing this as a happy ending.
but with the material we're given this would have been the perfect place for an emotional repeat of season 1 for nancy. she and steve go to the party and pretend to be stupid teenagers for the night. but oh no! nancy lets lose too much, lets herself relax and drink and dance, and the next day her boyfriend's pissed. hes saying she said things she never remembered saying and its hurt him and she doesn't know what to do. and kids around school are talking about them breaking up at the party, and that fits with Steve's anger she saw, so they must've broken up right? it sucks, even if she wasn't in love with him, that'd be the worst way to break up with someone (especially if she's confusing platonic and romantic feelings or convincing herself it has to be romantic when she really just values him as a friend)
and then she doesn't have time to work it out, she needs to go with Jonathan to avenge barbs 'disappearance' to give her family closure. She's got a lot of conspiracy shit to do and its stressful. so when murray starts going off about how she's not really in love with steve, how she actually likes Jonathan and he seems to like her back. they finished a lot of the hard work with the conspiracy stuff, she can let her guard down and have a quick good night.
then the next day is chaos. demodogs and labs and will being possessed. It a rough fucking day. Steve tells her to go with Jonathan while they get the mindflayer out of Will, civil like they're on good terms so she does (and thank god she did because that was rough and they needed all the help they could get)
and then everything's fine again, with the upside down. and it looks like she handled things better this time, was about to relax occasionally and still made it through.
except apparently she and steve didn't break up. he thought it was just a few fights, that they put their shit aside for the apocalypse and now they can work things out.
and it could ruin nancy. a year later and she's still hasn't learned her lesson, that letting her guard down hurts the people she cares about, that relaxing and having fun makes her lose people. its her fault for the messy breakup with Steve and its her fault that barb is gone. she's the reason she's lost friends close to her, 2 for 2, and now she only has Jonathan left (and what do you know, season 3 has her conflict with Jonathan and in season 4 she's not let anyone else get truly close to her and fred still dies)
you see what i mean?? by having conflict magical resolve itself in the background we loose so much powerful, painful character drama for her. our girl who thinks she has to keep the world around her up solely on her shoulders because she can't handle the loss of her best friend in season 1. Nancy who desperately wants to be normal and have people she loves but keeps losing them, through factors both in and out of her control, but feels like everything has to be her fault just because some things were.
and to be fair, that story is still present in the show. its there and definitely compelling, but it could've been even more so. i feel like if maybe there was less 'nancy has to be a strong independent girlboss' in there (abd it's definitely there, they want to make a point of making her a Strong Woman Character so bad) and she was allowed to have mistakes acknowledged by the narrative, this is the direction it would've gone. She could've been an excellent example of well written women who are strong and awesome through their own right instead of the narrative trying to make us like her
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quantumshade · 2 years
hi, i have to ask about gay coded rose/ten because im INTENSELY curious. i just finished a rewatch of nine and ten and i'm just sitting here starry eyed through ur sped-up chalkboard-aided lecture. PLEASE, enlighten me
thank you SO MUCH for asking, i will take absolutely any excuse to talk about this :)
putting this under a readmore because it got LONG.
a lot of this comes from a video essay by verilybitchie that i highly, highly recommend--it's changed a lot about the way i look at rtd era as well as "representation" in general. my friend @regenderate has also made a couple really well-articulated posts on this topic
but to try and put it in my own words somewhat, the doctor and rose's relationship is defined by touch. from the moment he grabs her hand in the basement of henrik's, saving her life, all the way to doomsday, with, "still just an image. no touch", and then their jubilant hug in journey's end.
which reminds me--the way they hug is something that's always really struck me about the doctor and rose. they grab on to one another as if when they let go, they will drift apart--which is, of course, what happens.
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and when you think about it, their desperation to hold on to one another, to hug, to hold hands, to touch, feels very, very significant when you remember that the showrunner is a gay man who lived through the aids crisis and writes a lot about it. as @regenderate points out, there are a lot of episodes in series 1 and 2 where touch is not only the problem, but the solution. the disease in new earth is spread through touch, but at the end of the episode, it is cured through touch, through these people who have never known a loving hand or a proper connection with another person hugging, shaking hands, touching each others' faces.
gay people are told to fear touch, that kissing and sex are sinful and unnatural, that holding hands with your partner or showing affection in any way in public could lead to one or both of you getting hurt.
the doctor and rose do not allow themselves to be together because the doctor knows he will outlive her and believes that giving in and being with her, allowing himself to be happy, will only lead to more pain for the future.
there are other things as well, like how the doctor, before eight, had never kissed anyone on screen before, and it wasn't something the audience was accustomed to. the doctor was often kept so nonsexual to the point where, while filming the five doctors, one producer asked carole ann ford not to call the doctor grandfather, because it would suggest that at one point, the doctor had fucked, and he didn't like that. rose is the blueprint, the archetype, for the nuwho companion. she is there to represent the audience, to challenge the doctor on his deep-set opinions, to grow, to be his equal. she had the task of easing an audience of both new and old fans into a world where the doctor can be a romantic figure. she had to change things, go against the status quo, and, in my opinion, she did that excellently.
similarly, when rose meets the doctor, she is deeply ingrained in everyday life, in a job she hates, in an incompatible relationship, etc, and meeting him shakes all of that up. staying home on earth, going to work, being with mickey, all of those are things are expected of her. (i fully believe she and mickey were only in a relationship together because they were childhood friends and they felt like they should be-- they are incompatible as a romantic couple, which is the point, even though fans are always determined to blame the failure of their relationship on one or the other, but that's a whole other post) meeting the doctor, traveling with him, it gives her purpose, and it allows her to grow into the person that she always could be. that's a big theme in rtd era especially--everyone has the capability for amazing things, and they can and will thrive when given the opportunity to as well as someone to believe in them.
but mickey is representing the "safe" option, of a normal, heterosexual relationship, the one that she is expected to be in. jackie is disapproving of rose's new lifestyle (not that she's invalid for those fears at all, i'm speaking metatexually here) and is constantly hoping that she will change her mind and return to safety because the last thing she wants is for her daughter to be in danger. but once rose sees what's out there, once she glimpses her own potential, once she--and bear with me here--exits the closet, she couldn't possibly go back.
from parting of the ways:
ROSE: But what do I do every day, mum? What do I do? Get up, catch the bus, go to work, come back home, eat chips and go to bed? Is that it? MICKEY: It's what the rest of us do. ROSE: But I can't! MICKEY: Why, because you're better than us? ROSE: No, I didn't mean that. But it was. It was a better life. And I don't mean all the traveling and seeing aliens and spaceships and things. That don't matter. The Doctor showed me a better way of living your life. You know he showed you too. That you don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say no. You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away.
the final point i'll make here is that the doctor has been queercoded for a long, long time. they are neither straight nor cis. and thanks to billie piper sometime after jodie whittaker's casting, we know that rose would still be in love with 13 still, which i would have wholeheartedly believed regardless, but it's nice to hear it from the woman who played rose herself. even if they are visually/optically a heterosexual relationship, they really, really aren't, textually or otherwise.
this post got away from me. it got away from me bad. but this is something i think about a LOT. doctor who, and rose in particular, have been my special interest for a decade or so and as a dyke fan who spends a lot of time with other dyke fans, i have some pretty extensive thoughts on this kind of stuff.
uhhhhh feel free to shoot me a message if you have any questions, like i said i love love love talking about this!!
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simplyender · 11 months
If it's asks you want, asks you shall get! I remember you mentioning that you think Spot will probably die in the next movie. However, Miles says something like "Spot only wants to be respected, like everyone else," before he gets interrupted by Miguel. Maybe this could hint at Spot making it out alive. Or this is just wishful thinking on my part. And if he really does die in the next movie, then it will be due to his own actions, like using up all his powers or smth like that.
tbh, my reasoning for spot dying can be boiled down to a few points. but first, i wanna talk about...
why i absolutely believe spot shouldnt be killed off.
1. the current narrative is that miles is effectively breaking the cycle that is "canon", giving a big 'ol Fuck You to whats defined as fate and inevitable pain. spots trying to force miles in to the narrative hes made up in his head (which coincides with whats meant to be "canon"), but things dont have to be that way and miles KNOWS that. i think itd be thematically appropriate if miles breaks this cycle of cruelty and allows spot to survive, making him have to face his own actions and crippling lack of self worth and actually work to make things better, for himself and everyone hes hurt.
2. im overly attached to spot being disability-coded, for more on that, please read this amazing post that opened my third eye. anyway, the tl;dr is that spot behaves and is treated a lot like a newly, visibly disabled person, subject to the same prejudices as they are as well as being forced to navigate an entirely new body, as somebody might have to if they were to receive a workplace injury that left them disfigured and permanently disabled. this is also why id like it if he doesnt get turned human again/"cured" at the end. it just doesnt feel like itd be satisfying for things to end like that for him. if anything, the most satisfying conclusion to his arc would if he got stopped, and then be given the opportunity to finally take responsibility for his own actions, and acknowledge his own fault in what happened to him and that it ultimately wasnt miles that did this to him and that even so, one of the things thats NOT spots fault is how he got treated for what happened to him so he really should get understanding and validation in that department. he also deserves to learn how to accept himself (beyond seeing his new form and powers as a tool to pursue revenge) as he is instead of it being framed likes hes only worthy of respect and recovery once he becomes human again.
3. i like him a lot and thinks he deserves better than to just be killed off.
why i think that despite it all, spot will be killed off:
1. any form of redemption or willingly giving up entirely depends on if spot can bring himself to listen to reason and take responsibility for his actions. something weve seen that hes notoriously bad at.
2. why would spot willingly choose to give up and back down when hes got absolutely nothing left for him in life? theres literally nobody waiting for him on the other side of this if he does. no family. no friends. no job. nothing. he might consider himself too far gone.
3. while 90s cartoon spot DID redeem himself, he did it through a heroic sacrifice...
4. lbr spiderman villains usually either get jailed or killed off. why would things be different for spot. because hes sympathetic? a lot of villains are. hes also insanely powerful and this could end up as a "destroys himself"" situation.
5. spot might be about to commit mass murder, which...definitely makes it harder to consider him as somebody "worthy of redemption".
6. ive watched so many of my favorite characters die. im not kidding i have the worst luck. 98% of them have been killed off and i think spot might be next in line bc its unlikely the writers care about him as much as i do. :(
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thesamoanqueen · 1 year
Warnings: Lil bit angst, fluff.
A/N: I did it for her. I did it for @galesdekarioss birthday. I dont know what I did, but here it is. Hope you like it bestie and dont judge, its my first time writing something without my man so… I tried.
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There was a different atmosphere, everyone was relaxed, problems weren't hanging over their heads. Someone still tried to make things a mess, but it wasn't the same, he knew that. He had been on the front line trying to ruin lives of those people and now he was paying the price for his choices sitting in a corner with emptiness around him and voices far away.
Someone had greeted him, someone had spoken to him trying to give him a second chance. He was there for that second opportunity and he was ready to take it at any cost, which is why he had no problem working hard, earning a place that was his, showing who he had always been, even if loneliness had a bitter taste on his mouth who alone had ever been before.
He had never thought of getting to that point, of turning his back and walking away, of being selfish for his own good, to save what was left of him. He had had to, he had left him no choice and like a medicine, he had swallowed pain, resentment, pieces that those who had loved him had walked on and he was waiting to heal. Day after day, taking what was given to him, fighting for more.
He was in therapy. That was his therapy. Sami was his therapy.
He watched him laugh, greet everyone with hugs and smiles, with that energy that belonged only to him and that for a while Jey had hated like a blind man who can't bear to see the light again. Sami, however, had fought to teach him to see again, he had endured for him and even if Jey had continued to turn his back on him, his hand had always been there ready when Jey had really needed it. Like in that moment, once again, tearing yet another smile from him.
- Im happy you here.
- Im happy to see your stupid face too Sami – eyes that dug behind his facade, like the night he asked him how he could sleep with all that hate in his heart and he had lied.
Like a baby, he had said. Yes, a baby with nightmares and Sami had woken him up, put him back on his feet. Mentally and physically. In the ring, on the phone, in a parking lot, outside that club. He had held him up, helped him raise his head, his hands pressed on his face to force him to look at him, to listen, with love, support, without force, for his own good, not like their old mutual friend and his games...
“If you need-”
“You know nothing! Mind yo business!”
“I care about you, you're my business. And If I don't know, lemme know. I'm here to listen.”
“Go away Sami…”
He watched him turn, hearing himself called and immediately look back at him.
- Come with me.
- I dont-
- Cmon, you're with me.
With him. Not behind, not in a corner. Together in that second chance.
And did it matter if there were those who still looked at him with hate? If they didn't trust him, if he had to fight one more day, put up with rumors behind his back and doors slammed in his face? No, it didn't. He had been through worse and as long as Sami still offered him that hand, he refused to leave him alone, karma was already paying off. Sami was his karma, his therapy and it was enough.
@galesdekarioss @thewarlordsworld @samijey idk who I should tag for this one 😂 forgive me
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
im kinda curious about what is your comment about Damien and Rakiel's first meeting in the arena. like. the tension is....something.
it most certainly is
like. what is this.
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was it really necessary to have rakiel compare seeing damian in person to experiencing love for the first time? like?? surely they could've gone with something else??? like reading about a place and then seeing for yourself??? or a extreme experience like free-falling or going on a rollercoaster and then experiencing it first hand???? as it is this conveys the feeling perfectly but damn does it sound a bit romantic lol
and then there's the actual conversation where we actually get a feel for damian for the first time and it's. rough. he's been hurt for so long that he doesn't really trust anyone and he's wary of strangers, especially someone like rakiel that offers treatment for his pain, something that many before had lied about.
but there's this line when rakiel is trying to get damian to trust him enough to begin his treatment that i think kinda encapsulates the role rakiel will play in damian's life from then on
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it's the,,, appealing to what little remains of damian's trust in people that gets to me. rakiel knows better than anyone what damian has and will go through, he knows the pain he's in and the abuse he's had to endure, hell he even outright says that it's almost certain damian has PTSD. but he also knows that if damian can't bring himself to trust him he will go through even worse so he appeals to the very, very small part of damian that is still hesitantly willing to trust in the word of someone he doesn't know.
and damian does. warily, hesitantly, with the promise to himself to make rakiel understand real pain if he's lying to him but he does. and it pays off. for the first time in a very long time damian gets to experience true relief from the pain that crippled him enough to make him addicted to painkillers.
and it's just,,,, characters experiencing kindness for the first time in a long time just get to me okay???
and like this?? it's really the beginning of what will eventually evolve to damian trusting rakiel unconditionally. damian comes from a place that would absolutely justify it if he never trusts anyone else in his entire life, but rakiel appealing to the tiny, hurt part of him that wants to rely on someone else gives him the opportunity to have a relationship that allows him to put his complete trust in someone and not be let down by them.
which is a good thing later on when it turns out damian can't really trust most of what he thought were his memories and,,, general existence because now he has rakiel. now he has someone he trusts implicitly and without doubt. someone he knows is trying to help and has never let him down before. someone he can guide himself by when nothing else around him feels truly real.
and then there's the reaction of damian once rakiel treats him and it turns out he was telling the truth which is??? kinda of really cute???
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i don't know!! i just think it's kinda of really cute how quickly he softens up to rakiel even if it's in a small way! he's been very standoffish with rakiel the entire conversation, with good reason, but then the moment rakiel proves that he wasn't lying to him and was genuinely trying to help, he starts being more polite and wanting to know his name, not even getting mad when he thinks he's being given a fake one just asking him to please tell him his real one when they meet again.
and it's like,,, you have this person who has been, to quote, 'forsaken by the world' and he's wary and paranoid and rightfully distrusting of the people around him,,, and then he experiences genuine help from someone, not even someone he thinks is doing out of the kindness of his heart, just someone he believes is working for the same people as him and is doing his job, and he just,,, does a complete 180º in attitude. just one act of helpfulness and damian goes from thinking about breaking rakiel's arms if he's lying to him to being polite and respectful and wanting to know more about him.
and while i wouldn't go as far as to say damian got attached to him for that one moment, i do think it's very telling that for all the hurt he went through he still didn't close off completely from people in general. like. a small part of him still wanted to have someone to trust and maybe even befriend, which i think shows in the way he treats rakiel after getting treated.
so like. maybe it wasn't an instant connection. but you can see the seeds being planted of what their relationship will eventually be.
i don't know! i just think they're neat :3
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
Can I ask you to list a couple things you do like about the show? Or the actors? Or the characters? Or heck anything 911 related? Because it seems like you and your other anons don’t like anything to do with any aspect of it at all from the writers down to the smallest of storyline details 😅
which at that point is probably a good time to step back and stop engaging with it either temporarily or permanently since all it’s gonna do is continue to feed into the negativity your having over it since nothing seems to be bringing you joy about it.
can yall not read? like seriously can yall not read the words when i say “i am not goign to watch season 8 until something good happens”
i feel like a goddamn parrot on here when people like you keep coming into my inbox with this same fucking “maybe you should step back” thing like yeah that’s what i have been fucking saying????
im not going to stop interacting with my friends on here- that’s out of the question. i still love being involved in the fanfic community and i still love the first 5 seasons of the show, but im not going to lie and say that i have been pleased with the most recent installments. if you actually took the time to read my blog and what i talk about you would see that i adore eddie and his queer subtext. i adore buddie as a ship, probably to a crazy degree. i love henren, and bathena, and madney. josh russo is literally one if my favorite canonically queer characters on tv.
i adore this cast with the exception of the talentless nepo baby half the fandom wanna suck the dick of (god knows why other than he’s a fugly white man who kissed their favorite white boy) i love seeing them interact with each other outside of the show.
can i ask you what the writers have given us to actually enjoy the past two seasons? other than the madney wedding? nothing else has been decently written, or taken the story in a positive direction. yeah, we got bi buck but he’s in a relationship with a literal misogynistic racist man who has had repeatedly treated buck horribly with no acknowledgement whatsoever. so no, i don’t like the writers or tim minear at the moment because they have had every opportunity to usher in something positive for eddie, but no bc tim “this show is a drama” minear would rather give the happy plots to his white characters while running his poc characters through more unnecessary trauma and pain (with the exception of chimney, although his happy plotline only happened after he was near-fatally sick an entire episode and bobby whose plotline was centered around a black man’s trauma being dug up and thrown in his face)
the earlier season of this show were such a joy to watch live when it felt like there was actually care going into it from the showrunners and writing team, but lately it’s just them throwing darts at whatever wack-ass drama plot they can think of.
this cast works too fucking hard for the vapid shit they get given to act out each week.
which is why i (once again, in case you were about to gloss over this) I AM NOT WATCHING SEASON EIGHT UNTIL SOMETHING IS DONE TO FIX THE MESS THEY MADE
perhaps writing it in bold, italicized caps will make it easier for you to get it through your head.
and as far as “my anons” if you actually had enough confidence in your message, then why are you hiding behind anon, hm?
i have said multiple times i love interracting with my friends and fandom content that doesn’t have to do with spec. i have said multiple times im holding off on season 8. i have never said i hate the cast or i hate every single plotline the show has ever had, but you know what i did hate? how s6 and s7 turned the show into a fucking ooc mess. it is within my rights as a fan to dislike a season of a show for valid reasons.
what’s not okay is you coming into my inbox repeatedly saying “take a break” when i’ve said multiple fucking times that i plan to rather than just blocking me if youre so offended by people agreeing with me that the show is at a make it or break it point.
please kindly take yourself out of my space if you’re not going to actually take the time to read the words i post and just immediately send me anonymous hate because you didn’t like my posts
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apthotiosis · 3 months
okay okay baghz thoughts
as someone who followed the cc's pov since the beginning im sad not many people picked up on what she was doing with her character, so i try to explain my Thoughts
out of everyone on the island she's probably the one that craved Family the most. she has a debilitating fear of being trapped and alone, which makes sense given her background - even though she cannot remember it, it still affects her immensely. she seeks out connections like lifelines, and when she finds someone who is kind to her she will go *intense* with her love. her love is loud, boisterous, tinted with violence, against herself (her tendency to self-immolate or drown herself) or against others (her love language is chainsaw :3) because thats what she knows!
she gets clingy too, because she's deathly afraid of being left behind. of not belonging. she already doesnt belong among humans as an artificial hybrid that doesnt even *look* similar to the other hybrids she knows, like jaiden or phil. she's an outlier among outliers. she took Bad and her adoptive brother (cant ignore he existed i guess) and claimed them as hers, as Flock, even though she didnt really know that. again, grew up with no interaction with other avians, so there.
so when the opportunity arose in purgatory, or shared trauma and grief and insanity, she embraced it the most out of everyone. she *loved* purgatory, because it erased all the boundaries she had set herself. because she got to call people siblings, she got to call someone she looked up to "dad", and did not get a weird look for it.
she and cellbit stayed behind because they both didn't value their own lives, or nowhere as much as their loved one's lives. and i think they made each other worse in that way. her especially never really got over purgatory, clinging to Bolas even months after the fact, even when almost everyone (not cellbit tho, and phil is like half and half) moved on from it. cellbit got better, in a way? skater boy, so cool. she really...didnt, though.
her egg was back, the island was back, but it was different. everyone was different. but she was still the same. she was still struggling, so lost, not quite anchored in that new reality. she sees bagi, is thrilled, offers to chainsaw her if she wants, because what's a little killing between friends? pain is fun. dying is fun, she just wants to share it with others. only if they want to tho :D
he built herself a cave to live in because she had come to relish in the dark and stuffy air, safe from the sulfur and burning red sun. she saw phil's nest and so badly wanted to be part of it, part of flock again. and phil bless his oblivious ass failed to really understand what was the issue, and she got rejection sensitivity like crazy.
"guess all that talk about family was just words," as she said after the fact. she was alone again. her brother was dead, jaiden was dead, slime her comedic soulmate and singing partner was nowhere to be found, cellbit was never there when she was, phil didnt want her...
i dont think she ever left purg. not really. the cc did say that if she could retcon smth, she'd have her character stay in egg island, fighting forever until she died. if i had a say in it i'd have her dig a hole back on the main island with all the bolas so they can be feral together, but thats just me.
ive been turning this over for so long ;3; and then she got lost to the days and i have finally rolled back in
anon your baghera thoughts deserve to be heard So much
so wonderfully put . baghera really msde such a freak of a duck who i think , people walked away from other povs like wow ! she has so much energy , shes a bit crazy ! but like , watching the more upsetting (and the bullshit from irl harassment) parts of the election arc . and the moment she found out she was an experiment ? thats the one thing this made me think of , through everything youve said . she grew up in a cage !! a nice one , sure , but it was still a cage ;3; and if she never had solid memories of it and only feelings , and reactions , she has no way to explain to other people why she is Like That
she thrived so much in purgatory ;0; it made going back to (capitalism) an island jarring as Fuck . like i know some people were like lol , character is traumatised - but u are so right . she never left . her ass did not come back
which ! phils oblivious ass , even if he knew (because as far as i know she didnt tell many people ? pls pls correct me if im wrong) , he wouldnt really know what to do . he might have been more gentle and let her stay in the house , or more readily helped her make a spot near him . but no . we just get 'omg baghera !! stop drowning yourself jfc p l e a s e its fine just dont live in my house'
girl (phil).. girl help her..
i love the idea of bagz retconning her character back to purgatory . even the eye cant stop her she is just There , wanting her egg so bad , and mowing people down . but i also adore the idea of a bolas nest ;3; everyone else is getting on with their lives but im sure cellbit would stay with her , and pepito n richas for sure . foosh would be there heaps . especially to get away from the disasters of New Capitalism and also tubbo lmao
((anyway i think her and jaiden should remember things from their past and maybe talk abt it and heal a little , and then also get super fucking pissed at the feds . and kill them with chainsaws mb . yeah))
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