#and i know its dumb of me that my mood depends on him in a way but just a couple nice words is all i need
thatgirlinskullz · 1 year
i can feel like shit for a full day, and all it takes is for him to say "i love you" and i feel better instantly...
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gatorbites-imagines · 10 months
Might be weird to ask but petplay? I just think certain COD men *cough cough* soap *cough cough* would be esp good as dumb puppies y'know?
COD petplay headcanons
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Little do you know anon, I enjoy petplay, so this is no weird question at all. And you are so right. Petplay COD be upon ye.
Ill be going on holiday all of next week, so if you guys are fine with shorter replies i can write some on my phone, let me know what you think.
John “Soap” MacTavish
Soap is such a good pup, kind of a brat sometimes but its because he wants your attention. You’ll catch him crawling around with your clothes in his mouth or half crawled under the kitchen table, his lower body still sticking out as he chews on something he shouldn’t be chewing on.
Whines loudly and paws at your leg for attention any time you aren’t paying attention to him. Can’t you see how good he’s being? How tempted his tummy is when he rolls onto his back? Don’t you wanna rub it?
The type to crawl around in a jockstrap, a harness, a collar, a puphood and pup gloves. Don’t forget the plug with a tail attached so he can wag so prettily for you, or so it can wag all over the place when he’s feeling playful.
Sadly, you’ll have to punish the poor pup on the regular, he makes a mess and can’t keep himself from humping your leg or crawling onto the furniture to lick and bite at you. Its not unusual to find him humping pillows in your bedroom, whining for you.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Hes more calm than the others, but don’t expect that means he’s less of a troublemaker. Will steal your keys or your clothes and hide them under the bed, or under his dog bed so that you can’t leave. Will chew on your belts and throw your laundry all over the place.
A whiner too, has this warbled pathetic sounding whine he lets out when you tell him to stay still and quiet so you can work, but settles down if hes allowed to wrap around your feet. It always ends up with him chewing or licking your ankles though.
Wears a getup similar to Soap, with the jockstrap, harness, hood and gloves. Likes how it makes him dependent on you as his master to take care of him. Sometimes he just gets home from a mission, puts on his hood, and lays down with his head in your lap to calm down from the day.
Tries to be more sneaky when he’s horny, like subtly grinding into the floor or his dog bed, or sitting down and wiggling in his spot so he can move his plug around inside him. You always catch him though, since he starts that warbly whine when he gets close but can’t finish without you.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
The most well-behaved pup, think like a well-trained military dog. Always standing straight on all fours, back straight, head lifted, and chest puffed out. He soaks up any praise you give him with a gruff bark and a small wag.
Doesn’t regularly whine, is more of a barker or growler. He growls the most if there are other pups around that try to get close to you or play with him, as he’s always standing on guard in front of you. You always have to muzzle him around other pups cuz Ghost does nip at times, especially when other pups are acting up and he needs to correct their behavior.
Tends to do play either fully dressed in his military gear, just a tail strapped to his belt and a customized hood with his skull paint. Or fully naked, only wearing maybe a harness, a spikey collar, his hood, his tail, and a cockcage unless you need it off.
If Ghost is in the mood, you’ll invite other pups over (unless you are poly and have multiple partners who are pups) and Ghost will assert himself as the alpha amongst them. This is where you take the cage off him so he can push down the other pups and take them. He will always arch his back for you though, or roll onto his back and spread his legs with a tiny barely audible whine for you.
Gary “Roach” Sanderson
A very quiet pup and doesn’t act up much, tends to be more on the chill side. Hes even allowed in the furniture since he wont mess it up like others, and likes to curl up beside you with his head in your lap.
When hes feeling it though, like if you’ve been apart for a while, he might start growing antsy. Crawling around in front of you or sitting right by your feet and letting out tiny barely audible whines. It always ends up with him pawing at your knee and looking at you with the most lethal puppy eyes ever.
Doesn’t wear as much gear at the others, I don’t think he would enjoy the gloves that make his hands unusable, and the hood might feel too restrictive to him. Instead hed just resort to walking on his knuckles, wearing a headband with ears, and maybe wearing a belt with a tail on top of his boxers.
A licker, he doesn’t say much, but you will know he’s truly in the mood when he starts licking you all over. Licking at your hands, your legs, your torso, slobbering all over your pants and crotch until you open your belt and give him what he wants.
Phillip Graves
Another troublemaking pup, a brat. Rips up pillows and gnaws on your belts and wallet. The type you have to play tug of war with for your belt as he growls and yips, wagging his tail and drooling on the floor.
The kinda pup you’ll have to spank and punish in other ways, not out of this world to put him in a cockcage or crate for the night if he’s acted out way too much. He enjoys it very much though, so it’s nothing he hasn’t asked for himself. Graves has probably come up with some of the punishments himself.
Hes fully geared up, hood, gloves, tail and all, except he wouldn’t wear a jockstrap, just fully naked expect for the pup parts. Hes not always wearing a cage as its only for punishment, so you can catch him grinding against stuff sometimes.
The most effective punishment for him is overstimulation, laying him across your lap and jerking him off until he’s whining and writhing and shaking, where after you’ll let him cuddle against your chest after cleaning him up, praising him and giving him good aftercare.
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breadsticksposts · 3 months
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-so you and scaramouche dont have that much in common, i mean..he is way smarter than you, and more serious while youre.. well lets just say you dont know how to read situation and more dumber.
-even though you are dumb but he still love you
- but sadly because he is always at work, he kinda doesnt have time for you. and also his behavior is meaner. but he didnt mind you sitting next to him while telling you about your day!
-but dont expect an answer from him, he LOVE to listen but didnt like to waste his time talking.
-but if he cant help him self, he commented abit of how dumb the story you tell him is. but he still love to listen
-he didnt really like you going anywhere other than his office or his house. so most. likely he keep you next to him or around him.
-if you got bored while waiting for hhim to finish his work, then he will give you something to do! like he give you a paper and a pencil, a book, or a small puzzle
-even though you didnt like most pf the things but he always say that those things can make you a bit smarter
“out of all thing you coud give me, you give me a book?? :(“ you whine
“maybe this book can help you pea brain some knowledge. who knows?” he says while not leaving his eyes off the paper
-if you hurt your self from somethng stupid. then he would likely to scold you while healing your wound
“this is what happens when you dont listen to me. i told you to say with me but instead you roam around the place. what were you thinking anyway? jumping off a freaking statue?? you know how tall that is! god.” he say while he patch up your wounds
“i thought i can land on my feet! and isnt bunnies supposed to have 9 lives?? and also that isnt that dumb..”
“you dumbass! cat have 9 lives not bunnies” he sigh
-now about the ears and tails part! i think he would pull your ear if you walk infront of him to fast. and about your small tail, i think he love to grab is out of the sudden to make you jumped/shocked.
-i think he will take a good care of you. when its 7/10 for me
-and if you do something amazing or something that amaze him, i think he will pat you and maybe let you out a bit.
-and what if you get out by your own? without his permission?? well get ready to be drag/carry while his worker, because you are not going anywhere. and be ready to be slap too. well he most likely to slap you and scold you. well after that he most likely to heals it or make it feel a lot better. and if you cry when he slap you then he would scold you more kinder.
-the place that you like the most this his garden! there is a lots of beautiful flower and its a big garden so you like to play with the the other little bunnies thatc scaramouche bought for you, so you something to play with in the garden.
-and the garden is the place you mostly get injured
-now sleeping headcanon!
he refused to be the little spoon. no matter the condition you will always be the little spoon. he jus love hugging you from behind . and if he feels exttra tired and need comfort then he like when you are facing him and your face is in his chest while you cuddles while he touch you ears/tails its depends on his mood
- and if he is mad at you or something, then there is no cuddle. unless you want to, the you could beg him?? but he still won budge so its kinda useless. but if the problem is not that serious the he will cuddle you, but not that clingy.
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if you have some scenerios, please feel free to tell me! {my english is not that great so forgive me if i make some mistake] 🫶
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romantichomicide95 · 1 year
Hello. How are you? You're drabbles are amazing. Would like to request a Levi x Jealous Fem Reader (canon). A slight NSFW would be great. Thank u, please be safe. 😍
Thanks :) that’s so sweet!
Slight NSFW warning.
Sorry this took longer than I thought. I kept coming back to it in drafts. I may have written Levi a little OOC. I apologize. I have a bit of a harder time writing nsfw for him while trying to stay true to who he is.
The pit in your stomach was ever growing. Watching the way they interacted made the bile in your stomach creep it’s way into your throat. You knew they were just friends, but jealousy was tricky like that. It came at the most unexpecting moments.
Levi was yours. You knew that, he had been for months. You’d exchanged “I love yous”; as awkward as it was for him; you had been intimate multiple times, you knew he was there to stay. You knew he wanted you, and only you.
However, again jealousy is tricky like that. It creeps it’s way in like a lion ready to pounce on its unsuspecting prey. Quick and sudden. And that’s how it always happened to you. Every time.
You never told him how seeing him with other woman made you feel. It didn’t matter who, but you knew he’d find it ridiculous. You knew he’d roll his eyes and scoff “you’re so dramatic” he’d say.
You also knew he’d never do anything to step out on you. He’d never cheat, or betray you. He was loyal, more loyal than anyone you knew. To the scouts, to humanity, to your commander, to his squad…and most importantly to you.
But even knowing all of that, that sting in your heart, the bile in your throat, the pit in your stomach, it all persisted. Sometimes it put you in a sour mood, you were mostly good at hiding it but today was different. Today you couldn’t hide it. She was flirting, Levi wasn’t very receptive to flirting. It took him weeks to even notice you were trying. He didn’t pick up on things like that. But still, she knew what she was doing.
So after a long day of training, after eating dinner in silence with the rest of your comrades, after avoiding any semblance of eye contact; here you were alone…with him…and you couldn’t hide it. He could read you like a book.
“What’s up with you today” he said, one eyebrow raised in curiosity. You’d just come back from dinner, back to his room. You always spent your nights with him lately, you couldn’t bare the thought of being away from him.
“Nothing…” was all you could muster to say. He inched closer to you, just a bit. He wasn’t much for affection, or extreme physical contact.
“Obviously something’s wrong Y/N” he said, his gaze on you was intent. His eyes swimming with confusion. You didn’t want him to think you were mad. You were just upset, insecurity did that to you.
“If I tell you, promise you won’t roll your eyes, or make that little huff you do…” you pause.
“And definitely don’t tell me I’m being dramatic.” You finish.
“I will do my best…swear”
“Okay, well” you take a deep breathe “girls name was flirting with you, today during training. You guys were spending a good chunk of time together and she was flirting. I know it’s dumb but she knew what she was doing and that bothers me” you let it all out so fast you almost choke over your words.
Levi just stares at you. A blank expression, you hate how sometimes you couldn’t read his face. You couldn’t gauge the thought behind his eyes.
“That is dumb…I’m sorry…” you could tell he was holding his eye roll back, he swallows. “What I mean is, I don’t think she was flirting. She just needed help.”
“You wouldn’t know if someone was flirting with you if your life depended on it Levi” you say.
“Okay…okay. I guess that’s fair. your acting weird today because your jealous?” He sounded almost amused.
“Well…that is dumb. Jealous little brat. Come here” he pulls you closer to him. It was unexpected, usually you’re the one to initiate physical contact.
He pulls you onto his lap. “What can I do to make you less jealous, to show you I don’t want any other woman? Should I do this?” He says nibbling your neck, he knew that was your weak spot.
“Levi..” you giggle “I am trying to be serious here.”
“I am serious.” He says in between kisses to your neck, he moves up to your lips. Kissing you deeply, slightly biting your lip as he pulls away. You were on top of him now, one leg on either side. You could feel him growing hard as the intensity of your kissing grew. His hand finding his way up your shirt, cupping your breasts.
“I think everyone would be jealous if they could see us now” he says while removing your shirt over your head.
You weren’t expecting for your conversation to lead here. You weren’t mad about it, but you weren’t sure how it got here. You had pretty much avoided Levi all day, one word answers and no eye contact. Could that be why? You knew he hated it when you gave him the cold shoulder, even if it was unintentional. Could that be the key to getting his attention this way? For him to show more affection, be more open.
His fingers unbuttoning your pants, sliding themselves into the warmth of you took you out of the thought. You couldn’t really think about anything else anymore, not when you’re with him like this.
The jealousy faded away, like it was never there. It was tricky like that.
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vinc3nnt · 5 months
The many things I have to babble about: Furina de Fontaine
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this is dumb, idiotic even, I've written this all by my mind, I did not stay at a single topic specifically, and ZERO professional thinking sooo plus this has rarepairs n silly shit at the end
FURINA DE FONTAINE ! (random rambling incoming)
why furina and fontaine is the best (satire??? idk but I just really like fontaine as a whole)
right before sumeru archon quest, fontaine is the absolute BEST. Inazuma kinda just felt like.. filler idk. sumeru is a LORE DROP??? but for me it just felt like a chore to do, and PAINFUL if you don't have the teleport waypoints unlocked??? i mean like so is fontaine but it isn't THAT big
but like, I'm really lazy when it comes to quests so mqybe its just a me thing??? but ever since fontaine released and I saw furina. (and the twins ig) I FELL IN LOVE. MONDSTATD? NONEXISTENT. WIPED OFF THE MAP. VENTI? HATED. /j i dont use him anyway (not that i got more motivation to do the archon quest anyway, i dont even think ive finished the fortress of meropide part LMAO)
(furina gives so nb since they came out it's crazy?? even the jp va thought furina was a boy im pretty sure??)
I don't even know bro I've loved her so much ever since she was shown in the start of fontaine's archon quest like not evne romantically its purely platonic like??? they're so my fav????
all of my new favorites in genshin are literally fontanians like,, LYNEY?? NAVIA??? AND FREMINET??? ALSO INCLUDING WRIOTHESLEY???? DAMN!!! I need to see more clorinde though
notice how furina stands out from majority of female genshin characters all sticking to/ "workaholic/ overworked girl that is nice and sweet but other than that other parts of their backstories are not elaborated on" idk like???? i dont nknow how to describe them but they are EVERYWHERE.
I am furina, furina is me
rarepairs/shipping dynamics?? !! (w/ furina, obviously smh) :
silly royal furina !! act to impress :3 (x gn reader material ?? where both are royals, but furina always acts their best in front of reader and whenever reader is amazed by furina, the silly feels like they're on cloud nine AUGHSG)
komirina/furikomi : but as ariel and that prince guy???? princey-princess furina??? (stars/sun, when she feels down in the dumps and gloomy, the other always goes to lighten their mood or smth hehehfhjfs)
furiyaka/ayarina : BUT THEM SILLIES !!! can also be a mermaid x princess au too :3 (also as the 1st part !!) sparring partners too (moon/sun?? strangely enough, ermm )
(not fatui scaramouche, it js depends what you like to call him) scararina/wanrina : i dont know they're just silly together (i dont know what kinda dynamic they'd have, maybe smth like komirina w star/sun ??, they were js both my fav characters ig !!) they're like quiet kid x theater kid/JJ
MORE about wanrina this one is random but like... they're kinda opposites??? wanderer wasn't human, but he wanted to feel human, likr... and.. focalors loved furina for her humanity (unlike ei LMAOO) now that he learns about what it's like to feel human, but just spending time w her makes him feel special ykw like,, IDK ????? they're just pretty characters (PLUS !!! light hair x dark hair) (satosugu referenc??????)
and I, thank you
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cephalonheadquarters · 5 months
my stupid ass accidentally hit unfollow instead of ask button -_- ANGYWAYS like what is UP with c.Cemelo? Camelo>?i forgot how to spell his name the second i looked away from it THE MUTLICOLORED MENTALLY ILL GUYthag one. i have so many questions about him like why is he a freak (lovingly). why is his relationship with the big guy so inasne liek whats theier deal. im so interested (props my chin up in my hands and smiles suuuper wide) i would love to hear about them if u wanna talk about them PEACE ✌ (i mean all this genuiinely btw)
HIS NAEM CHAMELO it’s just Chameleon but also Camilo. I hope that helps..you got it close in the second try. the first one is like cementHe was forced to eat cement at 6. I'm probably going to switch around with his nicknames and name a lot (Chamy, Melo) out of habit sorry if its confusing
ANYWAYS. I'M REALLY GLAD YOU ASKED HI ok. LOTS of words soooo undah da cut they go. Also sorry if a lot of this does Not make sense trust me I don't make sense to myself sometimes
He is a freak because I really like characters like him. He's basically how my thought process works so that probably also means you're calling me a freak too(Lighthearted)
He is horrifically anxious and has got anger issues and is just real irritable in general (And probably more things.?). He has trouble dealing with his own emotions because they're often so extreme, so he does things on impulse despite overthinking a lot. He sorta contradicts himself in his thoughts and feelings and actions. Idk he's weird. Doesn't always know what he wants and has a tough time with communication. Him changing colors involuntarily depending on his mood doesn't help either if the person he's talking to knows which colors go with what feeling. He tries his hardest to hide his emotions when he wants to whether it be angry, nervous, sad, even happy, but he also knows he'll always have a dead giveaway if he feels anything ever.
(Note: Optional reading in this next part I ended up rambling↓)
I do worry about him getting so worked up because I don't want people to think that I think feeling emotions is dumb or whatever because I tend to like. Make him accidentally funny or play it off as a joke. And then I remember he feels like I do so I don't care if people get mad at me for having a character that gets upset or jumps to conclusions over little things or has a lot of inner monologue that's just freaking out because I do that a lot too. I like when I can relate to characters, I like to put things about me in my characters. People have told me that a lot of my characters have very real personalities (I LOVE WRITING PERSONALITIES) so I think I'm okay. It makes me feel extra happy when people tell me they can relate too. A lot of that didn't explain anything about him actually sorry lawl they call me the rambler
Okey anyways
About him and Diesel (da big guy)....
I don't even know where to start with them goodness gracious they're a mess. I guess when they first met. Chamy got a new job at the stupid dumb pizza place that Diesel had already been working at for a while despite almost Never showing up for (Their boss, Sharlotte, doesn't even give a darn and thinks of Diesel as a "son she never had" so he gets away with a lot). Diesel noticed Melo was new and because he is like a big cartoon bully of course he messes with Chamelo, mainly by stealing his beloved motor scooter thing.
Diesel made sure Chamy saw that he stole it, he wanted Chamelo to see him. If he wanted Melo to try to get back at him, it worked. When he finally caught Diesel with his scooter, Chamelo lunged at him like a rabid animal and they started fighting over it. Of course, Chamelo won through sheer rage and took back his scooter and Diesel hasn't taken it since then, but Melo has to let him drive it whenever they're delivering together (Because Sharlotte thought it was a genius decision to partner him up with Diesel because she thought Chamelo would die).
Chamelo holds a grudge against Diesel over that whole situation, but now he just finds himself instigating a fight with him for literally no reason (There is a reason it is because he is Gay and a Freak).
He then eventually realizes he is Madly In Love with that chimaera guy and has a meltdown about it and can't tell ANYONE or he will DIE!!!!!! And so he becomes incredibly awkward and even more annoying around Diesel
Asker (his friend he doesn't know is his friend) questions him about Diesel because they notice him being weird about him and they find out he likes him but they don't really care but one time they told Diesel that Melo is kind of a freak about him and then Chamelo punched them in the face (I drew it in [this post] except it's in inklish because I thought it was stupid it's sandwiched between a bunch of other drawings sorry. I still think it's funny though)
Umm yeah Chamelo is hopelessly in love and is quite scared about it because he's never felt actual romantic love before with another fish, only his scooter(bc. objectum...). He doesn't know how to deal with his feelings! It's like, a weird mix of hatred and yearning. So like. A hate-love. He wants to keep hating Diesel, he doesn't want to get attached to him but he already is..!! He feels like he's supposed to hate him, Chamy doesn't know what he even likes about Diesel. He wants to stop feeling like this but he doesn't want to at the same time, if that makes sense. He tries to tell himself it's a passing feeling or anything that isn't being in love.
He's scared of what could happen if they ever do end up together, that he might stop being in love and maybe it was just a passing feeling after all, and he's frustrated at the thought of Diesel never knowing about how he really feels. He doesn't know what to do about this, and most likely won't for a while. It's painful and overwhelming for him both physically and emotionally :'(
Diesel still I guess bullies Chamelo sometimes but that is just because he always does that and doesn't know anything about himself 🤣🤣😂😂AAAHHHH AAAAGHHH AHHHHHH AHHH AHHsorry. He is bisexual. He does not know that. He also shows up to work more because of Chamelo. But he also didn't realize that until they had a short one-sided conversation on Squidmas [see here].
Diesel is taking longer than Chamelo to realize he likes him, and honestly I cannot imagine a world where Diesel actually reciprocates feelings. I don't want to say he will but I don't want to say he won't. I don't know how to describe it. Something just happens I guess lol. I'll figure it out
Since then, they've been oh-so-painfully-slowly warming up to each other, still getting mad at one another, still yelling, still fighting, still absolutely Hating the other's existence...but hey...they're together more because they want to be.........AAAGHHHHHHH isn't fighting so intimate😍THEY HAVE TO STOPPPP sorry .Sorry. I'm really normal about their horrendously weird relationship that is taking Forever to get better. It's like slow-burn if you put it at 0.5x speed. Also I wouldn't call them enemies to lovers, they aren't exactly enemies nor are they lovers later That doesn't make sense but I wouldn't know how to explain it. Swagever.
At some point Sharlotte's car and a modded trizooka have to do with them (along with a couple older ocs of mine) but that doesn't really have anything to do with right now. A lot of my drawings of the two are out of order because I'm impatient lol. I want to try to not go through like. arcs? so quickly because 1. I fear the day I run out of ideas and 2. Everything has to end and I don't like the idea of finishing all of my splatoon's lives but luckily splatoon happens in real time so I have a lot of years to go if I'm That determined about my guys LOL Sorry unrelated
TL;DR Diesel and Chamelo's relationship is so complex and stupid it is almost entirely beyond my own comprehension. They hate each other so much that they want to be with each other.
Okay that's all I could think of. A Billion Thankies for asking me about them... Apologies if you didn't really need all of That for me to explain. I like to explain things ❤
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hellonerf · 2 months
5 + 22 for ame!!!! :3
5 : first song in mind : depending on my mood really and how honed in i am the general themes i associate him with (how personal/human focused im imagining his issues to be in that moment) 🤤 but im gna be cringe and free rn and just say kirai kirai jiga hidai by kuragep is like easily fitting to me most of the time
22 : thing i like in fics with him vs thing i dont like : for something i like, i like when its an outside pov to him and hes like fucking weird in that specific way that really hits my marks 🤤🤤🤤 honestly its hard to explain for me... im pretty open to how his personality can be but 🤤 i like when he's not well adjusted but kind of persistently indestructible in how he behaves? like immovable object/unstoppable force lol...
as for something i don't like, thinking hard on this 🤔 i think. (trying not to come off as annoyingly prissy about his characterization...) ok putting it under in case i do just start to ramble
i don't like when people play into his hero thing with it being seen as a sincerely good honest untroubled thing like i read fics of other characters doing shit and hes something of a cop there and i start passing out really hard. i don't know i think he's generally disinterested in other people most of the time it's hard to put that with a Sincere hero talk without him just seeming like a hypocrite. obviously you could just make him not disinterested in people in ur fic for that but in my preference i'd just sacrifice his sincerity 🤤 also u make him a "cop hero" and i really just pass out so hard. getting up and leaving. sorry i can't do this shit...
well, i obviously like an ame thats ill in some ways, but i don't like when he feels too fragile personally(emphasis on personally)... this feels obvious with what i put for something i like lol. but i mean i like when something does totally destroy him but i need it to make sense in my head 🤤 though i don't mind it too hard since people do whatever mental stuff in their fics it just doesn't do it for me Personally...
this is just a lame and gay one but when he is too smooth suave whatever flirt 🙁 just total personal thing because i hate male characters who are not only handsome but like smooth and loveinterest-like and AME is my FAVORITE so he CAN'T be a CHARACTER TYPE i HATE!!!! (loud banging head on wall)
now i might make it seem like i would dislike a puppylike good honest ame. thats not true i like him like that too sometimes (when i wanna go aw... aw... aw.....)(then i start wanting to trap him in a cage) but i also want his flaws to be pulled to the front sometimes and maybe he can be forced to confront with his honest to god insufferableness or maybe other people have to. it relly depends 🤤 i like all kinds of ame it rly matters on execution i spose...
oh also i don't like when they overdo the deception thing i definitely talked about this before lol but when its master manipulator shit like 😕(BORED AS FUCK) idk. i just don't believe it. other people aren't that dumb. everypony knows you bucking lied. and if he's lying about something i'd like it if it's copium to himself too like im not a bad guy its just like this..!!! this is how it is!!! if ur gonna make him fucked up i'd like it if it's in a miserable world and no human has been or is sane bcz its miserable out here and everyone knows he lies nobody does anything about it cz argh whaetver... people have their own business all the time... i like lived in worlds and whenever everyone is caricatures while one guy is ReallySmart and pulling the strings it just doesn't feel grounded and i fall asleep
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Here's is my proposal of how to fix G1 Gil Webber:
[part 1]
At least Volume 1:
Gil's introduced as a freshwater student from another school. And he and Lagoona start to become rivalry during the swimming competition.
First half Volume 2: Gil gets transferred to Monster High: Due to his family moving in and M.H is the closest school that he can attend it. He doesn't like it being around "air breathers" monsters and his only comfort is being in a pool.
He joins Swim Team joins just despite Lagoona, intentionally sabotaging the swim competition...
After losing another competition: Lagoona has a serious talk with Gil. And tells him if he doesn't get better for the next match. She will kick him out of the team.
Gil makes a poor excuse saying the only reason he's kicking is that he's freshwater. And he's should be captain of the team.
Second Half: In an empty hall. Gil stumbles Manny. Gil calls Manny Dumb Earther. That makes Manny furious and pushes Gil to the lockers breaking his helmet.
Manny leaves before he gets caught by the teachers. And Gil falls unconscious...
Lagoona enters and she sees Gil laying on the floor. She took some water bottles that she always carries in her bag and use inverse recitation mouth to mouth. 
[While Lagoona is saving Gil's life. Spectra takes a photo and plans to make an article about them]
Gil wakes up in the nursery room. Luckily they found another helmet and ask the nurse how he gets there. And Lagoona was just sitting over there watching him.
Gil confused asks Lagoona why do want to save him. 
Lagoona responds it doesn't matter she can't just turn back someone who needs help. Despite he's done nothing but trouble for her. Lagoona leaves the room and Gil has some time to reflect 
Volume 3: Gil has slightly improved his behavior and starts to be more cooperative with the swim team and starts to like Monster High and "air breathers". Even he made friends with Deuce, Clawd, and surprising Heath
At lunchtime: Lagoona was chatting with girlfriends about Gil's change. Suddenly everyone got a notification from Ghostly Gossip blog.
[Rivals to Lovers: Gil and Lagoona story]
Everyone starts talking and Gil leaves the Creepateria and Lagoona follows him.
Gil shouts at Lagoona to just leave him alone.
Leaves MH and goes straight to his parent's house. Luckily nobody was home at the time. Go to his room and laying on his bed staring at the photo of Lagoona "kissing" Gil
He shouldn't be angry at Lagoona, He knows that she saved his life. But he can't help to have this feeling every time he sees Lagoona. He didn't realize how beautiful and kind is Lagoona. 
Sometimes Gil asks Lagoona to help him with his homework [and viceversa] or swimming techniques despite his being good at it. Gil just wants to ask Lagoona for a date.
But Gil knows very well that his parents will not approve of this relationship. More importantly, does Lagoona has the same feelings for him ? or she just saw him as a teammate? 
He doesn't know what to do?
Yes I'm practically rewriting Gil character. Like he considering the worst characters in the fandom. As for me I don't hate him but I wish Lagoona and Gil just broke up and maybe they could find better partners You know they say: There plenty monsters on the sea (and rivers) I know still have 2 volumes left so I will make part 2. I will making more rewriting or fixes in Monster High G1. Maybe Its all depends on my mood and if I have time to write it down.
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oh hello love! hope you remember me) it's been a pretty long time, sorry. happy new year, btw! how are you? how are your mental state? what about "Waiting For A Lifetime", i absolutely LOVE it! (no it wasn't inspired by that moodboard. i just wanted to see something like modern daemon but with the undying love? and added something to make some plot but your sexy brain made something so much more greater. thank u sm) i really can't describe everything i feel right now in english? it's just SO MUCH more than love and purest adoration! you made something bloom inside of me. i cried and for me it's the mandatory criteria of a good story. you made it feel so real? (if it makes sense) maybe the idea is cliche and cringey but you made the most fascinating fic out of it!! this inner conflict when the reader finally meets daemon? my soul of a person who works with analysing literature a lot is crying. this drama with aegon and him being a really pretty boy? my 'pretty boys lover' soul is crying. this soft daemon who's so eager to save his wife in the beginning? my 'desperate for love' soul is crying. it's the real masterpiece. and how daemon didn't remember the reader but (idk if you were inspired by my ask or it just felt right for you but) felt and this bond that just was felt?? i want to kiss your sexy sexiest brain and praise your writings and you for everything you do. (yes every writing of yours is soso beautiful i'm choking) i was going to ask if you've thought about writing part 2? but realised it's somehow works just like it is? yes i'd still be really happy to read part 2 but it's totally your choice. depends on your mental state, your will and just you? i'd be just glad to know that you've received it and know how much i love this, your sexy talented brain and you! thank you! for writing it! thank you if you want or not to ever write part 2! thank you for just writhing! thank you for you! stay hydrated, eat well and sleep tight! take care <3
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MENTALLY i might be sharpay ^^^ but thats just cause im dramatic though lovely loves like you come around and make my heart go
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(which is a good Squidward scream btw)
Like you have no idea how invested I was in this prompt of yours when i saw it. Its neither cringey or cliche to me (ok maybe it is cliche but that's fine haters gon hate) You have absolutely no idea how invested I AM in it now i nearly wooshed through the second chapter bUT IT JUST WOULDN'T END and now ive trapped myself into writing a p3 i think 😭😭😭😭 not that im actually complaining im g
Im surprised you weren't inspired by the mood board i reblogged lololol HAHAHA thats cool i was a bit inspired by it so 🫶🤣
Im so so glad you recognized the inner conflict 🫶😭 not to be that person but as a writer, i always assume my readers are dumb, just cause ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ WHAT IF THEY ARE AND NO ONE GETS IT AND IN TURN IM ACTUALLY THE DUMB ONE FOR MAKING SOMETHING ABSOLUTELY NO ONE GETS 😭😭😭 I TAKE I BACK NOT DUMB JUST SLOW NO ONES DUMB HERE so yeah i appreciate that it was clear or evident there was an inner conflict and not that she didnt want to see him idk idk i mean reread the fic again (which made me fall in love with that world all over again) and thought i did a pretty good job explaining everything but like 😭 idk man u never know
IM ALSO SO SO GLAD YOU LIKED MY PRETTY BOY AEGON 😭 to be completely honest with you, he was so crusty inside and out in the show i didnt think much of him, but then i found out his actor was an absolute babe inside and out and i was like HELLO HUBBAHUBBA AWOOOGAAA
Im also really glad you liked soft!daemon. Idk i have been writing really darkly for him that i feel like i have shaved a lot of his humor and his wit and the fiery love he has for his family. Idk idk daemon is not a good man but hes also not necessarily bad thus the morally grey hottie we absolutely simp for. I felt a bit apprehensive with making him so vulnerable but i was like, yeah fine its a fic whatever i am the law here 🤠
I was definitely inspired by your prompt to make daemon not know who reader is!! I actually pondered deeply on whether or not i would go through with that and i think i even spun a wheel for it lol HAHAHHAHA IDK I DON'T REMEMBER. But yeah, they have a magic connection, literally, so Daemon had to at least recognize the feelings his past self had. That'd be too cruel i think to not add lol
So yeah if it wasnt clear, already i definitely am writing (almost finished with it in fact) a p2. I hope you come back to read it. Not to overestimate myself but i might be done with it tomorrow lol.
I am so so happy you came back to tell me your thoughts on my fic. I would love it if you did the same for the next chapter 🥺👉👈 pretty please.
I am honored you took the time to express yourself to me at all and in english. I appreciate it sososososo much it was clear enough for me i hear you loud and clear.
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I am glad you came around though it has been a while since your request. I dont mind at all. Come back as often as you want my love.
Im also so happy you cried 🤣🤣🤣🫶🫶🫶 i love making people cry 😈😈😈 it means i did something!!!! You and i are alike!!! Crying is a good indicator for.... Enjoyment 👁️👄👁️ ... Lets not unpack that here lol
Also the fact you seem to like all my stories 😭😭😭 my genius brain is crying over the love im such a genius arent i? I love you so much
Gosh this reply is so all over the place i hope it makes sense 😭 im on mobile and woke up early and now its late and my brain is frazzled but i hope i went through everything you said and i hope you know i love you
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horrorknife · 2 years
id like to know more about hana chan au!! anything about it, but im interested in the dynamic with yosuke and akira-- i guess that depends on how you characterize akira. i sense :3 energy
omg thank u for the question!! im always happy to answer any specific questions abt it!!
so yosuke and joker (ren will be the name i use for him in thr fic im so sorry) are actually fake dating in hana chan au. its an everything fic. its got a lot of themes and a couple silly tropes but the fake dating thing actually serves a purpose bc theyre both dumb as hell
basically i think ren and yosuke would mesh together really well! rens got a lot of the same smug asshole traits that yosuke does, and i think they’d be funny together. they become friends really quickly after meeting on the train late at night while yosuke is coming back from his job at crossroads (hana chan au’s fic takes place mostly After yosuke has filled in for rise’s bandmate). they have this kind of like, poignant relationship with each other bc ren’s yearning for akechi and yosuke’s yearning for yu, so a lot of the time they spend together is just soft and quiet and they kind of talk about their feelings more often than they might with their other friends, altho ren takes longer to comfortably open up
ren also introduces yosuke to ann, which is the chapter that ive had in progress since uh haha february (bear with me. i can only write when im Really in the mood >__<). i don’t really know how to describe them, i just felt like putting them together for a lot of this au made sense bc i think they work well w each other. yosuke and ren are generally treated to have a few similarities that make them get on really well. yosuke also compares ren to yu a lot based on how quiet and conserved he can be at times (though i believe when comfortable ren is loud and silly, much like yosuke—yu is a lot more withdrawn than ren is bc there’s more evidence for this)
UM YEAH sorry for the long and complicated winding ass answer !! i really hope that was sufficient!! i promise i make a lot more sense when my thoughts are properly organized
tldr: ren and yosuke besties NOW ‼️
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booksandwords · 8 months
Amalgamated by Becca Seymour
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Series: Coming Home #2 Read time: 1 Day Rating: 2/5 Stars
The Quote: Truth be told, I didn’t give a shit about the lost time, the hurt. To amalgamate and have the time to figure out us as a couple was worth the growing up I’d needed to do. — Leo
Warnings: Nothing triggering. But my review does explain two potential issues for some readers.
I like Leo and Zak's story it has some similarities to the other book in the Coming Home series (duology?) in that there is self-sacrifice and miscommunication in play. It has a simple, easy-to-read and low angst plot. It is about Leo understanding the words of others, the actions of Zak and their coming to terms with their mutual long-held attraction. I love that Leo was a dumb twenty-something who did a stupid thing. Zak is a complicated man. Some people will like him some will not it is dependent on how you view his actions. He broke Leo in a way but knew he was watching and played up to it. He did not groom or act on his attraction to underage Leo. I have a spoiler discussion here in my original review that looks at a specific quote.
Leo and Zak's age gap is something to get over when you realise the ages in play. It is an eight-year age gap, with the book set when Leo is 27. This is his first time home in five years. Leo admitted his own feelings for Zak when he was fifteen and tried to make a play for him at maybe twenty-two (if not earlier). I don't hate it but I don't love it either it just feels like it's tiptoeing an uncomfortably fine line. I like that Leo's family is supportive of the relationship and wants it to happen, has always known and wanted it to happen. It may go some way to making their relationship more acceptable by on-the-fence readers.
Some quotes and comments.
I struck hard and fast as I dug my fingers in and made her squeal like a girl, which I promptly told her. “Get off. And girls are kick-arse, so I can squeal all I damn well want.” — I really with we saw more of Jenny. She's a total badass, she is Leo's older sister and the Mayor's wife. (Leo and Jenny)
There is such a pure Australianness to the description of the town. No one said excitement couldn’t be trumped by fear. And between the two emotions, I was still struggling to figure out exactly how to approach the man who’d stolen my heart so many years ago. — Their first time seeing each other after so long is perfect. But life this line there is a simple anxiety to it. (Leo)
Awkwardness had charged into the room and ran around laughing its arse off at me. — This is a total mood and I can't not include it. (Leo)
Michelle is lovely. She is Leo's stepmother but more or less the only mother he's only ever known.
Breathing hard out of my nose, I took control of my emotions. I didn’t even have to ask why he’d done it. He was Zak. It’s what Zak always did. He always took care of me. Always. The knowledge had my heart punching against my ribcage. — This says as much about Zak as anything else we see. Leo and Zak are both caregivers with actions meaning more than words to both of them. (Leo)
I'm not mad about this book's ending but I'm disappointed in it. Let me say the difference between the two Coming Home books Realigned and Amalgamated is in the ending. Realigned's protagonists Shaun and Mitch never get to full sexy times Leo and Zak do. Shaun and Mitch we leave them right before they begin, Leo and Zak in their afterglow. That is where it falls over if I'm honest. I don't think either of them needed it, I like the focus on the emotional and the choice that Shaun and Leo respectively need to make. It's implied heavily that both couples were going there and showing it means the story loses something for me.
As an explanation for the low rating, 2⭐ part of it is tied to the ending. I'm hiding that part of it under a spoiler on Goodreads but it's not all that major really and largely a personal preference. The other problem is the lack of character development. I know this is a novella so necessarily short. But it needed to be longer or skip the sex for the sake of just a little more character development. Leo's British life is ignored more or less. We don't know what he does it is a problem. I can see where the potential was in this but it just feels poorly executed.
I want to add a picture for those like me who like beautiful machinery. Leo destroyed Zak's pride and joy on his way out of the country... "Once my eyes adjusted, they jumped wide open as they landed on the machine off to the right. Still sleek, black, and sexy as hell stood his 1965 Royal Enfield. The biggest relief that sent shame thrumming through me was that it was intact. “How did you…?”" This is my best guess at the bike that Zak owns. She really is a beautiful thing. Leo as much as I adore you, your 22-year-old ass was a freaking moron.
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wigglepiggle · 2 years
if you see honeycomb answer the same infodump its cuz I want more ppl to know of this bitch (also I forgot to hand honeycomb the image of Charlie-)
SO, to start things off Charlie is a fandom oc for the fnaf fangame Dayshift at Freddy's (specifically a dsaf 3 oc for au reasons) but theres a lot more to him then that- right now Imma b honest his backstory is the more fleshed out thing then his current story cuz despite my dsaf hyperfixation (which is sorta kinda dying out) I was never rlly able to get thru watching a dsaf 3 playthrough so lemmie just graaaaaab the backstory and slap it here (no I'm not I'm tying it out cuz I only gave a tiny bit of it to Lem-)
so Charlie was born & raised in a small town in Colorado with a childhood that wasnt too odd but wasnt great either, he was bullied a lot for being feminine and his parents tried to steer him towards more stereotypically masculine activities & interests but it took several years before it ever really affected him, another issue was Charlie had undiagnosed ADHD & pretty bad mood swings which affected him quite alot and led to his parents usually being angry at him for things he didnt understand he was doing but he was usually resiliant even if he was secretly close to breaking down he just tried to ignore it & move on.
Later on in his life he became super into old-school radio and tv show hosts who had that whole vibe yk? I dunno how to word it so Imma assume you know- but anyways he got super into the persona those radio and show hosts had and started to imitate them almost down to a T and was almost perfectly able to mimic the typical voice they had in his late teens which he used to help further him in his plan to become a host for a simple entertainment show and yknow what? He did manage to get a spot hosting a show on a very local tv channel for about a year but sadly his twist on the classic tv host personality made people not want to watch his show because he acted "too feminine" and slowly ratings dropped until they had to cancel the show and his dreams were essentially ruined because he's quite stubborn and therefore wont (and probably cant) change his personality much just to be more 'palatable' to people since it'll make him seem fake anyways
[ spoilered bit contains death mention ] after that he spent around 3 years hopping from basic job to basic job usually getting fired for some dumb reason or another (cuz his personality was very 'weird' to those around him also this was like the late 70s early 80s they knew he was gay & they wanted him out) but then he found a job at the local resturant ||and yada yada died ngl his story when it starts to properly connect with the dsaf series starts to bore me out but also kind of didnt die at the same time? He ended up in an undead state and since he was still alive|| he was bound to the company forever so he basically got moved around from location to location until the resturant chain crumbled to the ground
then Jack rebooted the resturant chain by opening a new resturant & Charlie got hired as an employee because what else could he really do in his life? Not much- but anyways now he's currently working there and uh lemmie just graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab some bullshit again & explain his relationship with his friend/crush or bf (depends on the au) Rowan
Rowan was already working at the place before Charlie got hired since Rowan was the 2nd one hired just after the phone guy and one day Charlie tried to strike up some conversation while they were on break which didnt go to well because Charlie's a bit bad at socializing but Rowan saw the effort and later on tried to chat with Charlie which did end up going well and gradually they started to sometimes have conversations while doing misc work stuff & soon they became friends
Charlie was slightly clingy but thankfully respected Rowan's boundries because Charlie had been desperate for an actual friend for years and didnt wanna fuck this chance up so gradually they grew closer and [boom time to au split motherfuckers]
Rack/Rowan x Jack au: Rowan knew Charlie was one of those "single but in a way where he has good relationship advice cuz of that" people & tried to bring up the fact he was catching feelings for someone, Charlie was slightly saddened because he developed a crush on Rowan but he was willing to give advice even if it was slightly obvious this hurt him and Rowan admitted he had a crush on Jack (I am too tired to explain Jack if ykyk if you dont then insert roblox oof sound here) and Charlie gave as much advice as he could because he could handle the fact Rowan didnt like him well enough where it didnt crush him and when Rowan & Jack started dating Charlie was supportive & the crush died down enough where Charlie didnt really care
CottonCandy/Rowan x Charlie au: Charlie slowly developed a crush on Rowan during their friendship and tried to keep it secret & push the thought down until it got too bad & Charlie had to confess sometime soon, that sometime came on a random night when Charlie was being a simping insomniac & had a really big urge to text (oh yeah surprise we're in 2023 timeline wise now) Rowan confessing that he loved them, thankfully Charlie's common sense dulled that down to pulling a "I think I like someone, have any advice?" text then hinting it's Rowan from there which he then proceeded to do, ngl the text was probably basic asf & Rowan sort of got the hint but he denied it at the same time until a week later after their day at work Charlie & Rowan decided to hang out at a local park & Charlie decided to confess to Rowan, Rowan was slightly surprised but also was thinking about the hints from earlier that week and even smaller hints from the past month or so and said he had to take a while to think about it, Charlie tried to remain calm and accepted the fact as best as he could because he thought he was being rejected but a couple days later Rowan texted Charlie saying to come to his place after work & after a few hours of hanging out Rowan said he liked Charlie back too
extra dumb tidbits:
gay gay homosexual gay (& probably graysexual)
keeps that piece of metal in his eye cuz it hurt too much to remove & it looks cool
intentionally has a feminine vibe to him cuz he embraces it nowadays
usually pretends to be a girl in public because his face looks naturally feminine & he doesnt feel like being harassed by assholes
usually kicks his legs out without paying attention..sadly he's kind of good at kicking & has accidentally hurt ppl doing this before Image:
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I have not seen anything related to dsaf in awhile but I love him!!!! Thank you for sharing him with me!!!!
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warmthintouches · 2 years
Me: is there anything that you are absolutely against
Him: idk? I think I'd know of something came up in a convo, but otherwise probably not.
Me: okay
Him: yeah never really had any boundaries up until this point. Its all been pretty basic.
Me: thats not a bad thing really
Him: not really
Me: you didn't ask me the same question
Him: I figured we already went over your, but what are you're absolute no nos?
Me: what did I say they were before
Him: I don't remember but its probably saved in the chat somewhere...
Me: nbd
Him: my memory is shit im sorry
Me: whats my fav color
Him: Is it worse to not answer or to answer completely wrong lol
Me: I guess just be and honest and say you don't remember
Him: Red was the first thing that came to mind, but then i thought yellow and now i confused myself on if either of them are correct
Me: red is my least fav color
Him: well where did I pull that from then?
Me: no idea.
Him: im guessing yellow isn't up there either then
Me: nope
Him: and its not a typical "girly" color like purple or pink right?
Me: nope
Him: I feel really bad that I can't remember something this basic
Me: I remember yours...
Him: I feel like mine changes depending on my mood, but what did I tell you
Me: Blue, but specifically that one football teams color blue...like a carolina blue? Sorta. And you have a shirt you wear thats got a similar color on it. Bc I told you it looked hot on you one day.
Him: Now i feel really bad, cuz you even got the shade right too
Me: My memory is really good when it comes to things like someone's fav things...colors, animals, all of it. I think its important if you like someone even as a friend.
Him: Idk why its just not coming to me tonighy
Me: its fine
Him: im really sorry
Me: its fine lolol
Him: We had to go over that during one of our rapid fire question periods.. and im getting jumbled
Me: yeah we probably did
Him: Im just running through so many colors and i cant find one that jogs my memory
Me: you're going to feel really dumb when I finally tell you what it is
Him: like I dont already feel dumb...
Me: its fine, like I said....
Him: 😑😑
Me: Do you remember my fav season? Or if I have siblings? Or what state I would i would chose to live in?
Him: Holy shit, my memory is absolute ass
Me: I figured lol
Him: is your favorite state Washington?
Me: good guess but no. Its like my second choice tho.
Him: dont tell me its colorado
Me: nope I don't understand the hype of colorado...
Him: I feel like Winter is your favorite season (i hope)
Me: I am feeling like you don't remember any of my fav things bc you don't care...ill be honest. But! You got one right. Winter is my fav.
Him: My memory is honestly shit, im shocked i dont remember most of these
Me: 😕
Him: I feel absolutely terrible
Me: its okay
Him: its really not
Me: Idk why it bothers me so bad...it started when you didn't remember what I disliked sexually...if we're gonna bang you should probably lock that one in...
Him: choking you don't like?
Me: not the main thing I said I dislike. I want to try more choking but not too tight.
Him: I dont remember if it was the main thing, but wasnt there something you didnt like with spanking too hard
Me: Yeah there was that...im more of a squeeze person rather than spanking. But....the main thing I dislike is 1) don't fucking do anything weird with my feet. Thats gross. 2) don't fucking spit on me. I fucking hate it.
Him: I dont actually remember bringing either of those up.. but i hate feet myself and the spitting thing is also weird anyway
Me: We talked about both of those things once....it was part of the same convo where you told me you once had a girl who was into the whole like sexual preditor thing.... God, why can I remember every thing someone says but I can't remember my debit card number.
Him: Oh shit your right.. think i moved more passed those because im not even into them
Me: 👍👍
Him: 👍
Me: Do you want to know my fav color or shoukd I even bother? 😅
Him: I do wanna know, cuz if its something i thought of imma be pissed
Me: Too bad 😈
Him: you know what....I deserve that...
Me: You do...I remember all your stuff. Cant even remember my fav color....sheesh 😅 I'm just teasing btw
Him: Im seriously gonna be so pissed at myself
Me: You really are...I personally feel like if you paid any attention at all its going to seem very obvious once I tell you.
Him: Like i said imma feel awful
Me: ....just let's me know how important i am to you so 👍 good to know for future reference 😅😂 im sorry that was...a low blow
Him: Keep piling on the guilt why dont you
Me: I'm sorry. I just...feel very forgettable or unnoticeable 90% of the time. Especially at work when half the time no one even knows im there until like midway through the day. So when you want to bone me so bad but you don't even remember my fav color it stings a little
Him: I get it, and i dont help matters most of the time
Me: its okay
Him: You keep saying that and i know its complete bullshit because it hurts you and i know it does
Me: But I like to pretend to be chill about it.
Him: You need to pretend with me, come out and tell me im a piece of shit or whatever.. i understand that ive fucked up in this scenario....You dont need to pretend* (jesus my fingers cant follow my brain)
Me: But if I don't pretend to be chill about it then I might like..scare you off or something. And I dont think you're a piece of shit, just wish I mattered enough for you to remember those things about me...
Him: But pretending just isnt being genuine to either of us, if i fuck up then tell me its not gonna run me off
Me: okay...
Him: Like ive admitted that im an awful person for not remember these things
Me: But you're not really. I'm just a weirdo who remembers that kind of stuff. I shouldn't expect you to remember those things...but then I get mad bc it hurts when you don't.
Him: Then tell me that, dont tell me its okay when its obviously not okay
Me: okay, im sorry ill work on that..
Him: okay good, and ill work on my memory...I promise
Me: 😘☺ so...do you want to know my favorite color?
Him: please? 🥺
Me: forest gree
Him: I Sat here for the last like 15 minutes thinking it was like a dark evergreen type color, but didnt wanna be wrong again and make things worse
Me: 😂😂
Him: Im so fucking mad now.. i had it and wasnt confident enough
Me: 😂 don't be mad at yourself. Like I said, I shouldn't expect you to remember those types of things. You were so close dark evergreen tho!
Him: I shoukd have remembered that.. I really should have...What makes it so obvious tho??
Me: Bc I am constantly outside and always wanting to be in the forest?? I've told you several times that I would just like to be in the forest?? And my fav trees are pine trees. And my fav place to be is in the woods.
Him: Why did I not put that together to remember forest green... your right it was too damn obvious
Me: Idk? Bc you don't care to retain things i talk about? 😅😂Maybe its just me. Im always outside somewhere when the weather allows. I thought it was obvious, it probably wasn't.
Him: its super obvious...im just a piece of shit
Me: well now you know.
Him: yes I do, and I promise I will not forget again. Locking it in my vault in my brain.
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satrryeys4eva · 3 years
well, for the ao3 story, it depends who opens the door…personally i’m dying to see the reader chilling with a juice box while five is being a total maniac…also for the headcanons question…YES PLEASE YESYES PLEASE ❤️
I am defiantly making the reader a lot more chill once she figures it all out but Five is gonna be off the walls crazy
Yandere Five headcanons coming right up!!!!
*Warning* slight nsfw, mentions of violence ,toxic and unhealthy behavior and relationships
+ bad writing
Headcannons bellow
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Yandere five
Darling and Sugar
All i have to say is that he lives to call you darling or sugar and to hear you call him that
He fucking melts
Hates having to hear people talking but can listen to your voice for hours on end
Thinks that he is always clam and collected but acts like a fucking maniac
Definitely open about his yandere tendencies and his killing with you
Doesn’t see anything wrong with it
He thinks that he’s just protecting the one person that really matters to him and the one he loves
Stalks you all the time
Very hot and cold with you at first
Like one moments he’s super affectionate and loving and the next he’s cold and distant
Is very conflicted about his feelings about because
On one hand he’s absolutely in love with you and wants to be with
And on the other he thinks that his lifestyle would put you in a lot of danger
But in the end decides that he’s the only one who could protect you properly anyways
100% kidnaps you
Super controlling
Will not let you do anything with out his permission
Low-key speaks to you like your a child that needs things to be dumbed down to be understood
Does not see you as a fully functioning adult who can make their own decisions and choices
Thinks he knows best for you
Can only sleep next to you because of PTSD from having to live alone for over 2 decades in the apocalypse and his time at the commission
Touch starved
Absolutely loves your hugs and cuddles
If you don’t give them to him he gets kinda irritated and annoyed
Like this is a convo between you two
“ it has been 8 whole hours since you’ve last tried to cuddle me”
“ so ?”
“ I want my fucking cuddles “
Proceeds to angrily cuddle you
Super clingy in private
Pretends like it’s the other way around in public
When a person tries to hit on you he does not stand it for a second
Cuts in the moment someone tries to flirt 
And then drags you away
If he even sees a person approach you with flirtatious intent
He will space jump both of you out of there
Insults the person a lot
Especially their intellect
Later he kills them
Not very methodically
More like the way he killed the board in season 2
He kinda gets a rush from killing , and i quote , “ threats to your relationship “
But when someone hurts you he puts his commission training to use
*nsfw* (I am gonna age both of you up to 25 for this)
Definitely into choking
Especially when he’s mad or jealous
When you guys are doing it , it is always about you
How he can make you feel good
The pace depends on his mood
If he’s angry or jealous its fast and rough
Otherwise slow and sensual
But always intimate
Sex is always about intimacy with him
He never does it if he’s just horny
Because for him its a way of show you how much he really loves you
And if just dose it cause he’s horny it doesn’t mean as much to him so he reframes from doing that
Definitely into handcuffs ,overstimulation and edging
Wants him feel like he has full power and control over you
Which he wants outside of the bedroom too
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dememetor · 3 years
I love your writing, can I please get jealous hcs for anyone? Please include suna thi he's my latest brainrot hAHA
hi, thanks for the request! and suna brainrot?? bitch me too the fuck. anyways, hope you enjoy~
(also sorry this is kinda late, i've rewritten iwaizumi and bokuto ones a million times)
Haikyuu boys when they're jealous
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characters suna rintarou, kuroo tetsurou, iwaizumi hajime, bokuto koutarou, kenma kozume
warnings none but i'm probably gonna say fuck at some point
Suna Rintarou
he tries to be chill about it, he does
it hurts his ego to be this clingy but god
he can't help but to feel that sour sting of jealousy when he sees another guy approaching you
at first will only take a quick glance from afar, just to check if the guy is bothering you, and then promises himself to stay out of your business
well he doesn't
once he decides the guy has lost talking-to-y/n-alone privilege, he will nonchalantly make his way towards you, one hand in his pocket, other sneaking its way to your shoulder, resting his elbow and giving the poor boy a menacing look
he can be pretty intimidating too with that eyeliner and all
(but that look only works on people that don't know him well, he tried it on atsumu once and the latter just laughed in his face)
not the type to be openly jealous but when he sees someone blatantly flirting with you he will start to give you the Glance
blinks slowly (you know, like that one blonde haired guy gif) and looks at you through raised eyebrows as if to say hey babe, i love you and i trust you. what the fuck tho
and when the guy starts being borderline creepy he'll appear between you - and i mean literally will inject himself between you two and strike a conversation with you as if nothing weird happened
they usually get the hint, but this one guy tried to go around him, still rambling about whatever and suna literally turned on his heel and said "come again?" with such unrivaled coldness, his eyes exuding just sheer fucking spite
but like i said, unless the other guy is asking for it, he's not the type to start a direct confrontation
will take you by the hand and leave without much thought because he simply doesn't have the time for that shit
he might seem grumpy afterwards but a couple of soft kisses usually do the trick
soft kisses which are followed by a breathless make out session with you on his kitchen counter because he still wants you to know you're only his
Kuroo Tetsurou
this little bitch
never gets jealous
and i mean never
once pretended he was jealous just to make you feel better (??? his logic? unparalleled) but once you found out you beat his ass
loves it when you get jealous though (he thinks it's cute)
sometimes he does get insecure, but he shows it in an unusual way
like if you've been talking to someone, smiling at your phone for a while he'll just get up and randomly do a couple puhs-ups, start flexing his muscles and shit
all while you're looking at him like,,
"babe, what are you doing"
"oh i didn't think you'd notice me there. since you're on your damn phone all day"
"...are you my mom?"
nah he'll be fine (will steal your phone though)
also it's the funniest thing when he sees someone trying to flirt with you
he will literally walk over there, introduce himself (not mentioning he's your boyfriend) and act really interested in the conversation
he plays this game where he tries to see how long will it take the guy to realise you two are together (longest time: 24 minutes, record holder: yahaba shigeru)
whenever the guy asks you something he will interrupt you and answer for himself as if the guy were flirting with him
"so, like what do you do in your free time?"
"not mu-"
"oh i love taking long walks on the beach, especially during sunsets. i really think it is healthy for the mind and the soul, not to mention quite romantic too. don't you too love sunsets, kevin?"
at one point kevin will have had enough of it
"i was talking to y/n alone here"
"aw don't worry, you're not bothering me"
he is such a pain in the ass
why can't he just be normal
Iwaizumi Hajime
rational, mature, i love him
seriously, he is the bestest boy and he will treat you so well because he trusts you and respects your friendship with other guys as well
but on those rare occasions when he does get jealous,, oh boy
first of all, the PDA skyrockets, he has to have his arm around you at all times - around your shoulder? on your waist? in your backpocket? his hand's been there done that
not in any way possesive but will be really annoying unless you give him your full undivided attention that day
he lets himself be selfish a bit, after all he is your boyfriend he can have you all to himself for a day, right?
jealous sex with him? better prepare a wheelchair cause you want be able to walk straight tomorrow
sees a boy trying to flirt with you? tries not to make a scene but absolutely will throw the first punch if he needs to
one day he was having a particularly rough time at practice and all he wanted to do was lose himself in your arms and fall asleep to the feeling your fingertips tangled in his hair
and then he saw this?? guy? (the audacity!) laughing with you after telling some dumb joke and let me tell you - iwaizumi wasn't having any of it
he came up to you from behind, wrapped his arms around your waist and planted a small kiss on the crook of your neck
"when are we going home, love?"
and he gives him the calmest yet most fear inducing stare from behind you
and suddenly the pattern on poor boy's pants starts to look awful lot like piss stain
it is actually kinda hot how one single look from him can cause such a reaction
"he was just asking about english homework babe"
"yeah that's what they all say"
Bokuto Koutarou
gets jealous so so easily
it is actually fascinating
will get mad at otome games
"what does jumin han have that i don't???"
god forbid you pay attention to your pet more than him (btw you have a golden retriever and his name is bean)
you're sitting on the couch cuddling with your dog, scratching his ears, ruffling his fur and all that, and there he is, your clingy boyfriend, snuggling right next to you, demanding you play with his hair too
so dramatic
"you smiled at him... the way you used to smile at me..."
"bokuto, he's a dog"
the only guy he trusts 100% to be around you is akaashi, even kuroo is on thin ice
but him and akaashi are something else, one time you three had a sleepover and you felt like you were the third wheel
will act like a tough serious boyfriend in front of others, especially your other guy friends but in reality will look for affection immediately after
oh while we're at it - jealous bokuto kisses? are the best kisses
will also force you to wear one of his shirts for the rest of the day
my poor man is so touch starved so when he feels insecure or jealous he will look for comfort in things like holding your hand, nuzzling your neck or giving forehead kisses
but later that day, when you two are sitting on the couch cuddling he will quietly ask you something along the lines of "you still think i'm pretty, right?"
you can feel him all over you - his hands are creeping down your waist, he's pulling you in, deepening the kiss until all you can see, think and feel is him
he wants to show you exactly how much he wants you and what you were missing out on while you weren't paying attention to him
and it shocks you for a moment because you didn't realise just how much that one short moment of jealousy actually stayed with him
you have to reassure him he's the most beautiful boy you have ever met, and not only that, but also the funniest and the most caring person as well, and that you would never leave his side no matter what happened
and as much as he loves getting praised he always gets embarrassed, so he just smiles in return, but he is also happy to know you're there for him and you don't think he is too much
Kenma Kozume
it depends on his mood honestly
sometimes he doesn't mind it even if the other guy is flirting with you and sometimes will get pissy if you smile at the cashier
but when this boy gets really jealous oh my GOD
he is just like bokuto if not worse; he just hides it so well
one time you went grocery shopping with him and spent the entire time texting your friend who had just told you she was visiting your city
and he got so offended
you didn't even notice it until later that day when you came home and he suddenly refused to cuddle with you
silent treatment
lifts his nose and ignores you, only giving you dirty side glances from under the eye
such a massive sense of pride in those 170 cm even oikawa would be impressed
in my country there's a saying "it's in the smallest bottle that the poison lies" and honestly? yeah
at some point you realise why he's acting like that and you start teasing him
"i am not jealous i am just mildly irritated" is the only thing he deems necessary to say before going back to being unnecessarily pissed
he reminds you of an angry cat
it's kind of amusing seeing him like this but you were also getting real tired of his shit
don't even try bribing him (you tried buying him over with a ps5 but he just looked at you unimpressed, disgusted that you think so low of him)
the only thing he will accept is a sincere apology
if it's sincere or not is up to him to decide, obviously
which can lead to quite some bickering
will try to get you to beg but please have dignity, if you do it once he will make you do it every time
yeah generally a lttle shit but his kisses after making up are just as eager as yours so
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kyovtani · 3 years
mean dom hinata? explain away honey 👁👅👁
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you guys- when i tell you the concept of hard dom hinata is one of my favorites- idek what it is about the thought of having sunshines like him, suga or yams go brutally at me but it just makes me pussy throb so here you go ✨
a/n: i got a little carried away so this is a little longer haha 😀
— cw: hard daddy dom!shoyo, heavy degradation, mocking, teasing and dumbification, pussy slapping, choking and brief mentions of breeding <33
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hinata shoyo is not really one who's constantly in his hard dom mood. he's also not a soft dom per se, but for him to become the mean, merciless dom you love oh so much, it does take a little bit of work.
however, it always depends, who those guys are.
however, it always depends, who those guys are.
one thing hinata absolutely despises is when you visit him at practice, dressed in one of your tiniest little dresses and that one particular look on your face. he can tell the reason behind your little visit by the way you walk and talk once you've entered the gym him and his teammates spend most of their time in.
you visit him a lot, which he genuinely appreciates because he misses you a lot but can't really do anything about it because he has to practice to become an even better version of himself. however, when you come up to him with that smirk and certain kind of playful gleam in your eyes, he knows you're here to play your little games.
and then he just gets to watch the scene unfold.
you becoming incredibly handsy with atsumu and bokuto, two of his closest friends who, bless their hearts, simply can't hide the effect you have on them, especially if you're dressed like that. shoyo also calmly observes the way you talk to his captain, meian, the guy he looks up to, his mentor. he even finds it funny how you keep letting your hands graze over his big arms and even his abs, or laughing about his puns and jokes a little too much than you'd normally do.
in those moments, shoyo just smiles and calms himself down because he knows why you're acting like that. you've missed him and he hasn't had the time to give you the attention you deserve so you're here to get what you deserve.
even on the ride back home he does not say a word and that's when you know you've got him.
because the moment he steps through the door to your shared apartment, he slams it shut and wraps one of his big, calloused hands around your neck before he calmly pushes you against the wall.
and then, hinata just starts chuckling.
the sound of his deep laughter sends shivers of excitement and arousal down your spine and it feels like he's slowly setting your body on fire in a way only he's been able to.
he holds you like that for a good while, just giggling and shaking his head, meeting your desperate gaze every now and then as he applies more and more pressure on your delicate throat.
"you know what, puppy?", he begins, running a hand through his messy curls before he scratches the back of his undercut and then casually plays with the piercings in his ear.
"i actually enjoy these shows a lot", shoyo continues, his facial expressions slowly but surely hardening as he never once averts his gaze from yours all while his other hand pushes your tiny little dress all the way up your thighs, exposing your clothed cunt to the cold air of the hallway.
"all the fake giggles and compliments whenever my boys say something, honestly – it's actually quite cute. i know how much tsumu- and bo-kun enjoy your little visits and even shu-kun gets all flustered when you keep telling him just how 'big' he is", hinata explains, the smile on his plump lips slowly fading away as he pushes his thumb underneath the waistband of your panties and casually rips it with one firm tug, not even caring about the little painful gasp you let out when the fabric lightly cuts your skin.
you just look at him with parted lips, your arousal slowly dripping down your inner thighs and your cunt clenching in absolute disgusting despair the longer hinata stares at you.
"shoyo, i-", "shut the fuck up", hinata is quick to quiet you down, the playful gleam in his big eyes burning with a fire of anger in just the right way; you've finally gotten him exactly where you wanted him, "not only wasn't i done speaking yet, you were also not granted permission to say anything, pet. so you stay nice and quiet for me, hm?"
you start nodding softly, a soft whine escaping your lips when shoyo harshly pushes his thick thigh in between your legs, right against your dripping cunt. your eyes roll into the back of your head at the delicious feeling of his strong muscle underneath you; your clit throbbing almost painfully when you slowly start rocking your hips against him.
"look at how fucking desperate you are to have your stupid little pussy fucked", hinata grunts, a deep, empty chuckle falling pst his lips before he lets go of your throat and takes your chin into his big hand to have you meet his strong, alluring gaze, "it's disgustingly pathetic."
"o-only for you, daddy", you whisper and dig your fingers into his tiny waist, holding onto him as your hips move on their own, giving your little clit just the right amount of stimulation to esse some of the pressure on your cunt.
"oh, really? o-o-o-only f-for m-me? yeah?", hinata replies, his mocking of your words sending you into the sweetest haze of pleasure and you can't believe you're about to cum from basically nothing.
"didn't look like that to me when you were basically offering yourself to my boys", he hisses, suddenly pulling his whole body away from you and with a soft yelp, you let yourself fall onto your knees; desperately pressing your thighs together in hopes of getting your ruined orgasm back, only to fail miserably.
shoyo looks down to you, his rock hard cock straining against the soft material of his sweats and the thought of his weight on your tongue, you whimper softly.
"i don't fuck you for what? two days? and you forget what manners are. have i fucked you and your stupid little pussy so dumb already? because it seems like you're not doing any of the thinking anymore, hm? but i mean, how are you supposed to when cock is all you seem to think about all day", his words ring in your head, echoing sonloudly it feels like he just yelled them right into your ear.
you gulp harshly, your hands finding the fabric of his sweats as you make your way up to him; the thought of having him fill you to the brim with his cock as he says even meaner things to you clouding your mind in just the right way.
"p-please", you whisper and look up at him, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as the arousal becomes overwhelming and the radical need to have him inside of you takes over your mind, "please, daddy, i n-need you to fuck me."
you start placing soft little kisses on his clothed cock, your eyes never once leaving his strong gaze as you enjoy the feeling of his length underneath your lips knowing oh too well that he's going to take it away from you a lot sooner than you'd expect him to.
"tsk, how unfortunate that i don't need to fuck you. i'll just use my fist and watch you beg for it before i cum all over your dirty little cunt and call it a night", he hisses, pushing the messy strands of his hair out of his face before he moves out of your grip and walks towards the living room.
and just as you're about to get up on wobbly legs, hinata raises his big, tattoo clad hand snd turns his head to the side, before he mumbles a soft, "don't you fucking dare to get up. if you want to behave like a needy little pet, you're going to be treated like one. so, you better stay the fuck on all fours."
by the time you come to sit next to him on the floor, hinata just groans, pushing his sweats and boxer briefs down his thick thighs and revealing his fat, precum leaking cock to your hungry eyes.
"sit on the coffee table", he grunts, sitting down on the couch as he wraps his big hand around his throbbing length and slowly starts stroking himself.
you nod softly, moving to sit on the little table with your juices covering your inner thighs and continuously dripping down your legs and without missing a beat, you spread yourself open for hinata.
"fuck, you're dripping everywhere", he grunts at the sight of your sopping wet pussy all spread okt for him and his words easily have your hole clenching like crazy, making more of your juices drip down to your ass.
"all y-yours, daddy", you whimper, watching the way hinata slowly bucks his hip into his fist, his precum slowly finding its way down the back of his hand.
"of course you're all mine, you stupid little slut", hinata scoffs and even though you see the way he lifts his hand, the suddenness of the harsh spank on your pussy still takes your breath away and leaves you whining and whimpering as the pain slowly spreads in your veins, mixing with the pleasure and basically leaving you high.
"you and this pretty pussy belong to me, puppy", he spits and casually lands another spank on your drenched folds, a loud moan falling pst your lips as the tears stream down your temples and find their way into the coffee table.
"now cut the crybaby shit and get on top of me, show me you're worthy of my cock and i might actually breed you."
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