#and i know they got stuff they wanted (a dad and a good highschool) but like hhhhhhh they're alone
elmaxlys · 2 years
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We’re continents apart and I miss you, brother.
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north-noire · 3 months
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My Michael Afton throughout the years! ft. his own little doodles. I'll try to be brief about the timeline and how my Michael was without saying too much since it'll be explored in the Hidden Hands AU fic's chapters anyway so I won't say all the details. Feel free to read if you guys like! I have a lot to say about him.
1983 (FNAF 4) - Michael was 12 or 13-ish when the Bite happened. Very reckless yet adventurous kid. Didn't really hate Evan (William, as much as he had a soft spot for Evan, still loved Michael all the same), just had really bad friends and influence (his friends were mostly bullies) - and didn't really like that he's being told to parent a little brother he had no idea how to take care of. It didn't help that Evan tended to be a tattle-tail sometimes about the trouble he was getting into. Michael also, deep down, got scared of what the bullies would do to him if he dared stand up for his brother or spoke out against them, so he ends up going along with what they did for his own sake. After the Bite, Michael was still deeply guilty about what he did to Evan, and it haunts him every night, knowing he had no good excuse but irresponsibility for what he did to his brother, because after all, it wasn't like William wasn't giving him enough attention. Michael just knew that he deserved anything unfortunate coming to him, but is genuinely surprised that his father kept telling him he loved him all the same. From this point on, he becomes easily troubled, tends to stay close to his dad. Makes sure he follows the rules and doesn't do trouble. Just wants to do a complete personality shift, and is deeply ashamed of who he was before. 1985 (Charlie's death, Fredbear's Family Diner shuts down) - Michael was 15 here. Over the years, he slowly isolated himself from most of the people in his life since he gets worried about his past scars coming back to haunt him. Mostly a recluse and reserved. He's not handling things well after Charlie's death and a family divorce - not to mention the non-existent social life he had. Just prefers to be left alone, but he's nice if you get to know him. Doesn't really have a good relationship with Elizabeth, but is actually pretty close with William. Feels extremely guilty and hates himself/blames himself for Charlie's death. He gets paranoid easily, as he thinks whoever took Charlie is now after him, but his father tells him to not worry too much about it. 1987 (FNAF 2) - (17) Slowly having a good relationship with Elizabeth. Starts to get into stuff like the supernatural and becomes superstitious to a degree over the years. In public, he's mostly polite and nice, but his actual personality shows through whenever he's with his father or Elizabeth - he's sarcastic, and has quite a dark sense of humor, can be a bit of a rebel, he's just more subtle about it. A bit of an over-thinker - he gets lost in his imagination/head easily. Has a (surprisingly) good relationship with his dad, as he's not really afraid to be himself around him - sometimes gifts him funny things or something he knows his dad would love/would use (he gifts William a rabbit's foot - for good luck, he says). He also helped William build the Fun-Times with blueprints and other technicalities (He's not really aware of the questionable features they had, unfortunately). He couldn't really come with his father and Elizabeth on Circus Baby's Pizza World opening due to things he had to catch up with his home-schooling, he had been skipping classes to work on the Fun-Times, but he really wanted to graduate highschool with a bang, so he's giving everything his all, here. Then Elizabeth suddenly goes missing all of a sudden, and, well... I would say more, but my fic sort of takes a canon-divergence route around FNAF 2/SL-FNAF 1 so that would spoil half of the stuff I've been working/writing about! Reference-sheet wise, I just wanted to show how he progresses from a rebellious, happy and adventurous kid into a more reclused, anxious and soft-spoken adult. Sorry for the long post! I've just been wanting to talk about him for some time now. There's a looot more that I've left out but yeah that's because there will be more in the fic!
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bomber-grl · 6 months
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Sal Fisher Affection hc ! ₊˚⊹
Pairing(s): Sal Fisher x Gn! reader
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Hes so sweet 😭
As I’ve previously established
I honestly think sals love language would be quality time or words of affirmation
(Definitely words of affirmation)
If you ever had any concern or thing that was weighing on your mind Sal would most definitely reassure you
And successfully at that
I’m sure many would believe being around someone who compliments you all the time would feel insincere and not genuine
But Sal manages to convey his sincerity each time and again
He of course loves spending time with you too
He just loves being around you and just your presence overall
Sal is open with affection and it’s never really bothered him
Well, atleast it was that way when you were friends.
When you two became a couple he’d freeze up and would fluster a bit when being confronted with more romantic gestures
hes still open and willing to receive and give affection
As I’ve stated, Sal really enjoys your company
It’s one of his favorite things and when you first start dating in highschool you guys often spend time in his room and just cuddle there
It became a habit that transcended into your young adult years.
He was of course hesitant when cuddling but soon relaxed and realized there was no reason to be so panicked, he learned that he really enjoyed being in your arms.
When/if you date in highschool then if your identity isn’t what you were assigned at birth and you show pda whether it’s a quick peck on sals mask or a warm hug
(Or if you’re a guy, same as Sal)
Then Travis is your number one hater
He sees that and calls you guys slurs (obviously)
He’s mostly insignificant especially when you poke fun at him and say stuff that riles him up that ultimately drives him away.
The friend group can be a bit teasing at times
Especially when Ashley catches Sal inching his hand towards yours and you intertwining them
Ash automatically forces Larry to look and they’re just so supportive
Same with sinjin- I mean Todd
(Sorry I got that from Twaimz when he played Sally face live 😭)
Even then, you two often hug and cuddle a lot
More often than not passerby’s will see you sitting down with a doting sal leaning his head on you
Or vise versa
Ok so we all know Sal is absolutely reluctant to removing his mask in public
However, in private he feels more comfortable
Especially since you’re not only friends, but dating now.
It was only a matter of time that kissing would come into the conversation
Your guys first kiss would go two ways
The first being planned by the both of you
Or just spontaneous
Either way it’s very awkward yet sweet! 😭
The first way would be when you and Sal were just casually hanging out
His dad was out and that left the two of you guys alone
(I envision your first kiss would be when you’re in high school)
You and Sal had obvious wanted to kiss each other for awhile
And although you’d kiss him on the forehead, knuckles, and on his mask
Mostly because you’d forget his cheek was covered, sometimes not
Regardless, you both felt ready and Sal had invited you over
It was so painfully awkward ngl but regardless he took his mask off and y’all kissed
He was honestly nervous and a bit hesitant cuz although he knew you wouldn’t mind he still couldn’t shake off the feeling that you wouldn’t like it.
He even asked you if it was good enough 😭😭😭😭
The second scenario would be natural except when you forget Sal still has his mask on and you both get awkward especially since you accidentally kissed his mask.
It’s still sweet tho cuz you can actually see him being bashful instead of picking up on it from his voice and body language.
Sal is such a sweet guy and is always asking if it’s fine to hug or kiss you
Not always verbally, mostly stopping and giving you a chance to run away lol
But ofc you never do
I mean, it’s Sal fisher
Cmon now
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cloudluvrrr · 11 days
Boothill headcannons. 💭
A PROMISE IS A PROMISE 🤞🤞🤞 and I delivered 😍💪 srry ab being mia been busy playing splatoon
My bootyhill is almost MAXXED out yall 😛😛
a/n: Boothill gives me Adrianne Lenker vibes yk I can’t be the only one help anyways enjoy this 😛 long asf and I don’t believe in proof reading
— Precyborg: Boothill x g/n reader
tw warning : fluff and sad ending bc we can’t have a happy one according to hoyoverse !! 💕
ingyadar - Adrianne Lenker
my kind of women - Mac de Marco
The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - ARTMS
-I feel like you and Boothill would be childhood lovers yk? Like you two were close friends and ended up catching feelings (I would too) always hanging around each other and getting into trouble l together.
-because to me he grew up in a small town with a big family (I think of like those towns in cowboy movies 😭)
-especially in highschool, but not for long. I’d think Boothill dropped out during freshman year(?) to help with his dads but you continued your studies.
-when confronted about it he scoffed and said ‘don’t need no fancy algebra or biology.’ He’d say.
-he’d see you at school (during lunch) and you two would usually hang out after school. Or during festivals or parties.
You two would always sneak away to the lake when it would get boring, giggling and laughing along the way. This time it was during a town festival, everyone in town went so of course no one would notice if two highschools went missing.
So off you two went giggling as you stumbled behind him holding his hand (in a platonic way ofc). “Boothill wait up!” You’d giggle as you slid down the hill. “Hurry or the sheriff will get us!” He’d shout as he helped you up, and the two of you began to splash water on each other. Up until night and his dads caught him with you again
-things like that would often happen, anytime one was missing they’d always assume the other would tag along
-your families of course always shipped you two. And knew eventually you’d date (spoilers you do)
- he’d confess to you on a random summer afternoon. While you two sat on his bed in his room
— you two sat on his bed looking around nervously and awkwardly. It was never like this, Boothill would usually say something but he didn’t, he’s open his mouth but nothing came out. His mouth felt dry, unable to confess. But he mustered up the courage.
‘hey.. I, uh” he began before sighing “I really.. really REALLY like you” he finished with a red face as he looked you in the eyes. As you’d giggle nervously and soon turned into a good laugh. “I really like you too Boothill” you said softly kissing his cheek. As he nearly fainted and tackled you into a hug. ‘Finally’ he’d think to himself
- now that you two are dating nothing much has changed. Other than kisses and leaving the door open when you two hang out (his dads are concerned about him doing funny stuff to you)
-not a day went by that you wouldn’t be with him, at his house or yours.
-he liked pet names mostly using ‘baby’ or your name.
-he knew how to play guitar they taught him in school, but he learned it on his own and would often serenade to you.
-he’d love cuddling though, in his bed specifically. Yours is too crowed for his liking. (He has one pillow). And play a few records he managed to snag that were imported from a different planet
- the sun painted the sky a pink and orange hue, as your laid in boothills arms dozing off to the soft music in the background. As he whispered sweet nothings to you and some jokes that kept you up giggling. “Your cute you know” he chuckled kissing you temple as she squeezed you
-an example of how you’d spend your days, other than teasing and bullying each other 😜
-he was dirt poor. So often he’d ask you for money, which would end up in you hitting his head. But giving in as long as he got you something (most of the time it was burgers 😔)
— up until your graduated, he’d always say how he wanted to leave his dads and live alone with you. So secretly (somehow I don’t know) he’d built a small house with his buddies. ( I feel like you’d move until you were like 20 ig)
-so you’d pack up everything and moved in to the small Cabin. It was small a two small rooms and bathrooms with a big enough kitchen. Also including a farm (of fucking course). Housing his horse, two cows, and a chick coop. A barn dog and cat :3
-you lived comfortably and happily, you’d stay at home and he’s venture off to help others or sell your farm goods.
-he couldn’t propose, he barely had any savings left after buying your couch. So it often got postponed, you didn’t mind (your parents did)
-it was a winter night. Boothill was god knows where and you worked in the kitchen making a simple stew. As your pregnant house cat meowed for a piece of beef, you were scolding the cat as Boothill entered the home with a small bundle of blankets in his arms as he closed the door. “Your home.. what’s that?” You’d asked before he walked over showing you the small girl.
“WHOS KID DID YOU KIDNAP” you shouted, startling the little who began to fuss “you idiot I found her..!” He hissed “we don’t have anything for a baby boothill, you know that” you said sighing “I know.. but I couldn’t leave her out there! That’s how my dads found me ya know, aren’t you glad they didn’t leave me to die?” He asked huffing “..sometimes” you shrugged.
— there began your journey as parents, you’d sew dresses and onesies for her. As well as ask both of your parents for old baby things, Boothill had a rough time setting up basically everything
‘You can build a house but not a crib’
‘Shut up nerd’
You stood outside putting the laundry out to dry on the clothesline. And watched from the corner of your eye the little one and Boothill. As he sat in the shade holding her small guitar he’d made for her, as she sat in the middle and giggled at the kittens playing around her. She’d grown, about 8 months and beginning to walk.
“Da” she said pointing to a certain kitten “yup that’s a kitty” he chuckled watching her gently touch the fluffy ball of fur and giggled. Eventually waddling up to him and falling into his lap as she snuggled him and fell asleep. The sight tugging at your heart strings.
-most of your days were spent like that, her playing with the cats. Her waddling around the home or her touching her guitar Boothill made her.
- up until that fateful day, he’d planned to propose to you before he overheard the damn ipc officers joking about burning the town. He didn’t believe it until he saw it. Everything covered in flames, making sure to leave no survivors. And all he could do was watch as the tears fell from his eyes.
- after
he’d often lay in a run down hotel room, in his own head. Admiring the cheap ring he’d finally gotten you, and one you’d never get to wear. Fiddling with it with his metal fingers as he returned it to the small box.
‘I miss you baby’
_ 😜😜
STREAM ARTMS 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
THIA IS CHAOTIC BUT these r my thoughts
comment like and subscribe 😘😘
I’m not ready for Ruan mei & Argenti rerun 😔💔
my requests open 🤞 look at my pinned post for rules and who I write for 😈😈
- sent from my iPhone 💔
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vampiratelafitte · 4 months
She hadn't been this organised for years. Honestly, probably not since her own dad had sat down and put a wall calendar in front of her with a red pen and told her to pull herself together. Last night though Fig had cried with her head against Sandra Lynn's shoulder and then fell down the stairs with her foot stuck in a bucket of cement, and this morning she had come downstairs to find Adaine sniffling as Kristin slept with her head in her lap, and she had had more than one meeting with the Thistlesprings or Sklonda about how horrifically busy their kids were. She took the silence from Seacaster manner to mean something equally as troubling with how often Fabian was crushed under a puppy pile of other bad kids in one bed or another.
It didn't take a genius to know that they were tumbling towards burnout.
So she had called off of work, asked Jawbone to email her all the kids' schedules, and then called the school to talk to the rogue teacher about paying better attention to their students because Riz's schedule was insane. After that, she drove to the local art store and picked up the biggest cork board they had and a million different things in sets of six. Six balls of yarn, six journals, six diaries, six wall calendars, six sets of gel pens, and six boxes to fill with snacks at the local hobby shoppe.
It was maybe silly, but she was careful in assigning colours, one for each kid so they could keep their stuff straight. Even if they didn't use the planners and the bags of chips went stale, she could figure out their favourite colours.
She chose a light purple for Gorgug, who was so kind and gentle, but so good at letting his friends in on how deep the recesses of his mind went when he was left alone for too long. Crimson was red for Fabian, who was so confident and uplifting but bled emotion and love and care for his people. Riz got a deep, emerald green because he was so energetic and smart and freely affectionate. Her intelligent, careful Adaine got cornflower blue, a softer, less brash version of the colour that Sandra Lynn hopes was calming. Her loud, thoughtful Kristin got a yellow that reminded her of honey and buttercups because Kristin was a mess of tangles and wanted to be there for everyone who needed her to catch them. Fig got pink because sometimes she caught her little demon picking at the paint on the walls as if it would still be that same blush underneath. Like it had been before they moved to Mordred Manor. As if she could go back to before everything was messy, or at least tidy it up again.
On a whim (or call it mother's intuition), she picked up stickers and tape as well so everyone could decorate theirs if they wanted to, and smiled at the halfling who checked out her cart.
It was late, nearly nine, by the time the last few bad kids trickled in through the doors and her shoulders sank at the lack of lame excuses or too-innocent grins. Instead, Fabian and Gorgug sighted practice, and Riz was covered in honey for some reason. They followed her instructions and sat themselves around the kitchen table like she asked, and she wished whichever deity was currently listening to make this easier for them. Hadn't these kids died for this world enough times?
There were nachos and hot cookies thanks to Lydia — who had squeezed her arm so tight that it hurt when she explained and dragged her right back down to earth — and she had dropped a paper bag in front of each of them, their names scrawled on in sharpie. She didn't know how to do this, how to be the mom who kept everyone's shit together, but she had tried the passive thing and the wedge between her and Fig had been brutal; that wouldn't happen again. It was time to muddle through the hands-on approach.
"I know you're tired," she started and grasped at her mug of coffee like a lifeline, "and I know everything is piling up, but I'm not gonna lose you kids to highschool, so we're gonna deal with it together."
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abilouwrites · 8 months
Taylor swift szn y’all
Mat Barzal being in love w his neighbor
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The day she moved in Mat was smitten. Filled with Californian sun and those long legs and dusty light brown hair. She’s got a little pep in her step but a shuffle as she slides into her flip-flops and grabs a box.
She’s followed by an older man and a younger boy. The girl still holds his attention; she seems a little disoriented. Not in a drunk way, but in the way that makes her wonder if this is actually her new life.
“Matty” He hears his mother shout out, “be a nice strong boy and help our new neighbors”
Although he wants to meet her; it’s not under these circumstances. That’s an awkward meet cute. And not one that he wants with her.
“Mom— I don’t know.. they seem to handle it” he groans out, “Shit woman ok” he sighs hearing her stop up the stairs
“Oh mat you’re such a baby. Go on. Be a good neighbor. I’m bakin them some muffins” She tsks smacking his back as he jogs down the steps.
“Fine fine I’ll give them a hand” the brunette grumbles out.
He shuffles a little, tucking his hands into his pockets. He tucks his shoulder in and looks a little bashful through his shaggy brown hair.
The girl looks over her shoulder at him, her hair swishes back as she looks at him. All wide eyes and new to this street.
“Hey, I’m uh. Mat.. Barzal I live next door” He introduces reaching his hand out for her to shake. She shakes his hand and nods at him. Eyeing him up and down
“You’re not wearing a Shirt” She points out, before she meets his eyes again, “I’m y/n” she smiles a little. Lip turned up a little and he can see her teeth. But just a sliver.
“Yeah.. I my mom. She made me come out an help. And I haven’t done laundry yet so” he shrugs a little and smiles nervously, “how can I help?”
“Uh. Just some boxes. They’re all labeled with like kitchen and bathroom n stuff” y/n shrugs as she reaches for a box with her name, “I’m just trying to get my room set up”
“Oh, ok. Yeah let me help you” he offers taking another box with her name on it. She nods and leads him inside.
“Are those your parents?” He asks; attempting to make small talk as she walks upstairs.
“Just my dad. She’s my stepmom.” The blonde rolls her eyes a little, “this is my room” she kicks the door open a little and he uses his shoulder to open it the rest.
“Oh. Ok. Uh is that all the boxes?”
“Yeah. Just for my room. Thanks” she mumbles a little taking a knife and ripping through the tape.
“I could help you get set up..” he offers
“Oh. Yeah actually that would be nice”
The two of them unbox and rebuild plenty of her furniture. She makes idle conversation and he replies, he makes conversation and she responds.
Mat watches as she ties her hair back, “so.. you play any sports?” She asks; he nervously looks down and nods, “what?”
“Yeah. I play hockey. With my dad” he purses his lips nervous from the Californians response
“Cool. Does this Highschool have a team or is it club?” She asks
“Both. What about you?” He inquires. Shaking his head a little
“Soccer. So does VHS have a soccer team? Is it good?” She asks leaning foreword a little
“Yeah. They’re good.” He shrugs, “will you try out this fall?”
“Yeah. I’ll try hopefully. I don’t know how willing they’ll be for a junior just barging in for varsity”
“Were you on varsity at your last school?”
“Yeah, I was”
“As a sophomore?”
When school starts the two had grown closer, her hair went back to its soft brown color. And that natural curl was coming back.
Mat drives her to school and nervously looks at her, “I think I’m gonna try out for captain this year. Because I’m a senior” he confesses. Leaning back into the car seat.
“I think you would be a good captain” she tells him, leaning over a bit as the two sit in the parking lot.
“I hope. Would you come to any games?”
“Hell I’d wear your jersey” she teases. Her face smooshed against the car seat, “you’d be a good captain Matty”
“I hate when you call me that” he sighs softly, inching just a bit closer
“Why?” She inquires responding to his closeness
“It just..” he sighs and looks down, “my mom calls me that. And so does this girl”
“Which girl”
He leans a little closer to the glossy lipped teen, he looks at her lips then up at her eyes, “you”
“Why is it a bad thing?”
“It’s bad.. because when ever you say it. It makes me want to kiss you” he faintly whispers.
“So kiss me”
His hand reaches for her chin and tilts her head up bringing her in for a kiss.
She groans a little into it as his hand wraps around her neck and her arms bring him closer.
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wingamy24 · 24 days
Love all the stuff you’re doing for the jeffbritta girlies!!
And I know I’m asking for a lot but could you do like a little guide for their best episodes? Cuz when I sit down to watch a random episode I always forget what episodes have good moments with them that are not mixology certification lol
If this is too much to ask that’s okay💕
Okay, SO. This is my personal list of my go-to Jeffbritta episodes. Obviously not all of these are romantic: they're just focused on them or have funny interactions with them.
I love them and they deserve everything + endgame
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Season 1
Season 1 has a BUNCH of Jeffbritta episodes, specially considering they were supposed to be the main couple of the show back then. My favorites are:
S1 E1 Pilot: Obviously.
S1 E3 Introduction To Film: Seize the day!
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S1 E14 Interpretative Dance: This is the cute episode where Jeff brings flowers for Britta.
S1 E16 Communication Studies: This is the episode where Jeff gets drunk with Abed and ends up calling Britta and blablabla...
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S1 E22 The Art Of Discourse: This one doesn't have any explicit Jeffbritta I think? It's just fun to see them make an evil plan to take revenge on some random highschoolers.
S1 E23 Modern Warfare: One of my (if it isn't my #1 favorite) favorite episodes of Community. The one where Jeff and Britta have sex in the study room table.
Season 2
On Season 2 we got a weirdly amount of Jeffannie episodes, but we still had our fair share of Jeffbritta episodes!
S2 E1 Anthropology 101: Not really Jeffbritta, but it's still fun watching them being gross in this episode, right?...right?
S2 E6 Epidemiology: Seeing Jeff walk around with Britta to give her drinks is funny.
S2 E10 Mixology Certification: This is an obvious one.
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S2 E13 Celebrity Pharmacology: Cool cats. AKA, The Bi Panic™
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S2 E16 Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking: That's Irak, stupid. WHAT DO I KNOW, I'M JEFF WINGER'S DUMB GAY DAD!
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S2 E19 Critical Film Studies: This isn't really a Jeffbritta episode, but they match costumes... that's... that's enough, right
S2 21 Paradigms of Human Memory: Unrelated, but I just looked at the Wikipedia page, and it was almost entirely filmed in Universal Studios. The "popping the back of a raft makes it go faster" scene was filmed in a Jaws set! Anyway, we have the funny Jeffannie sequence, but it's a fun episode if you focus on Jeff and Britta, too.
S2 E22 Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts: Not a lot of Jeffbritta, but still, fun and cute interactions.
Season 3
S3 E6 Advanced Gay: I love this episode so much, it's so ridiculous at so many levels. Also, Britta adressing Jeff's daddy issues is always fun.
S3 E11 Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts: One of the many times Jeff and Britta almost get married.
S3 E12 Contemporary Impressionists: This is one of my favorites of all the show. It's so funny seeing Jeff be... whatever this is
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S3 E21 The First Chang Dynasty: GothJeffandBrittaGothJeffandBritta
Season 4
It's amazing how many Jeffbritta moments the gas leak season gave us.
S4 E2 Paranormal Parentage: Again, Britta with Jeff's daddy issues.
S4 E5 Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations: Britta helping Jeff is heartwarming. SHE'S SO PROUD OF HIM YOU GUYS. Also, them in cars. You can never have enough Jeff and Britta in cars.
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S4 E8 Herstory of Dance: This is also an episode I really like. Jeff and Britta are adorable in this one.
S4 E10 Intro to Knots: Greendale parents.
Season 5
I love the Jeffbritta episodes here, but at the same time... it's so cruel that they made all this build-up just for a Jeffannie ending. It's like they WANTED to make us suffer. Fuck you, Dan Harmon.
S5 E7 Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality: HE WANTS HER BACK
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S5 E8 App Development and Condiments: mustard
S5 E12 Basic Story: I cried
S5 E13 Basic Sandwich: I also cried. RAGE TEARS
Season 6
I don't really like watching S6, buuuut I'm gonna say "S6 E6 Basic Email Security" for the short Jeffbritta banter.
...this is it. this took me two days. okay bye
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mysticmellowlove · 6 months
Teen fem reader x yandere.
They are both in highschool maybes she’s a year below him or just a little younger anyway- she’s know around school for really just having her shit together. She authentic, she’s smart, she knows what she wants to do with her life, she NEVER fights. She’s the type of girl to be nice nasty like of someone tries something she throws out some “I’ll pray for you,” or just something classy yk?
So it is a major surprise when she walks into the front office when yan is there being escorted in by a teacher or what not with looks like disheveled hair and when the person in the office questions her she admits she got into a fight. Everyone in the office is surprised because everyone knows she’s a good girl.
Yan can’t even believe it now wait till he finds out the reason we got into our first fight!
We got into a fight because of him actually. We were sitting minding our own business when these bitches started talking about him saying stuff like: “He’s so weird and shy, he’s fine as fuck though I would totally smash.” “I would let him fuck my throat is he weren’t such a loser.”
We hear that shit and trying to be as kind and put together as we can say: “Don’t talk about him like that.” They got offended and next thing we know we won a fight and are in the office with him.
note; this bad boy grew a whole ass storyline as i was writing it damn
Unlike a certain someone, she was better at hiding her feelings. However, when she heard her classmates speaking like that about him she couldn't help herself. When she was younger her dad got her to take up martial arts for a short while so she knew where to hit. It was easy really, to just hurt someone like that.
The assistant to the principal barely had their hand hovering over her back as she made her way into the office. The instant shocked looks she got wasn't something she really expected to happen but it is what it is.
"If you could just wait here for a moment miss, I'm sure this will all be figured out soon." The assistant said as they motioned her over to a chair, right next to him. He had been looking at her the whole time she was being escorted in, his eyes never leaving her figure. He seemed to be shocked, not even the thin line of blood dripping from his hairline seemed to interest him more than she did.
She sat down next to him, her legs crossed over each other as she fought the want to look at him. He had moved here not too long ago, an ex-private school kid. Rumours had already spread about him and from what she had seen him do they seemed to be true. He had been placed at this school because he was a delinquent that didn't fit the private scene. He beat up other kids and disrespected property.
He was the exact opposite of herself and yet that's what drew her to him. She was a fierce believer in opposites attract. Or maybe she just wanted a reason behind her casual infatuation. Being the best and the brightest got boring sometimes so maybe he was the perfect distraction?
It wasn't even as if her classmates were spewing lies about him either. He was rather cute, hot even. She wouldn't mind kissing him, or lying with him or maybe even letting her choke on his dick. It's just that she would prefer that only she be allowed the privilege.
No one seemed to understand him like she did.
"Why are you here?" Her head turned as he spoke up, his voice harsh and gruff. She blinked at him, behind his cold exterior she could see that small glint in his eye. That glint told her he was just as interested in her as she was in him. It was no secret that he was interested in her, rumours had spread about that as well.
That he would pummel anyone who talked down about her, using their blood as a reminder that she was untouchable even more than she already was. Sometimes she even thought the teachers encouraged it, so long as he wasn't breaking school property he could tail her as much as he liked. Act like her secret protector...
"There was just a little misunderstanding." She mumbled, he had been close to her many times before but she rarely had the chance to get close to him without him moving away from her, as if he was scared to even be seen next to her. She found it stupid... and selfish.
"Bullshit!" He yelled, his hand slamming down on the chair arm. The receptionist at the front desk flinched a little, keeping his head down.
"Who." Was all he said as he looked at her, his eyes ablaze. The intensity drifting off of him was stifling, overwhelming almost. She felt a small shiver run down her back.
"Just some girls, I dealt with it." She hummed nonchalantly as she shrugged her shoulder, ignoring the receptionist who looked like he was watching his own private teen drama.
He went to stand up only to be grabbed by her. He seemed to look down at his wrist in alarm, his cheeks lightly blushing before he managed to remain calm.
"I said I dealt with it, can't you be near me for a few moments?" She looked at him, her eyes shimmering in false tears. He seemed to sputter something before he sat back down, his eyes refusing to meet with hers.
"Why don't you want to be near me?" She hummed as she looked at him, her fingers still wrapped around his wrist. His skin was heating up like a furnace. He got like this from one little touch?
"I.... can't control myself." He mumbled as he looked down at his shoes, unwanting to show her his expression. She tutted as she let her eyes close.
"Then don't." That was all she said.
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ilikepjo24 · 19 hours
what are your veldette hcs? ,:3
Was born and raised on Aldershot, England.
Her actual name is Maya but she changed it after she died, partly to fit the Vee agenda.
The other half of the reason is that if she's ever forced to sign a soul contract, the plan is that she'll do so with the name "Velvette" and will use the fact that this is not her reak name as a loophole to get out of it after. I imagine a lot of people in hell do that. Vox obviously did.
Which is also why only Vox and Val know her real name isn't Velvette.
Her parents divorced when she was really young but they shared custody, so both of them were part of her life.
Both of them were part of her life, but if you were to ask her she'd tell you she could do without her mom being around. They have a bad relationship.
Absolute Daddy's Girl to literally no end. Loves her dad more than Alastor loves his mom.
Was born an only child but after her dad remarried she got a new little brother and sister that are twins.
She never felt insecure about her father loving his new siblings more that her bc she just has such a good, healthy relationship with him that she never ever doubted he loves her.
But she did have a hard time getting used to the new siblings bc only child life is wildly different from the older sibling life. Now she has to share stuff, babysit and had two little gremlins bursting into her room without permission (younger siblings are the worst) (I'm a younger sibling and I can confirm)
She never got too close to her stepmother, not due to lack of trying from the stepmother's side, but due to lack of reciprocating from her own. She just generally doesn't feel very relaxed around older women, courtesy of her mother.
Struggled with an ED, courtesy of her mother, that followed her in the afterlife.
Her father worked in finance, her mother was a dance teacher, her stepmother was a nurse.
She's a phenomenal dancer, courtesy of her mother, who started teaching her how to dance when she was 2 and a half.
And it was comments about her body having to be that of a dancer that caused her to have issues with her appearance and with food. Thanks mom. Aren't you just the best.
She used to sketch outfits ever since she was a kid, and started sewing at middle school, but never considered doing it professionally until she was with the Vees.
At age 14 she had her first ever crush and it was on a girl so she thought she was lesbian, but after having a couple more crushes on different genders and some soul-searching, she started identifying as omnisexual with a preference for women.
By age 19 she was identifying as a nonbinary gray-A omnisexual that uses she/her.
She was a fairly good student. Not the top of her class or a straight A's, but she was pretty smart, nobody paid too much mind though because she wanted to be really low-key about her good grades, since "studying's for nerds and losers"
She studied marketing at Oxford university, but died before she got her degree.
Died at age 21, and in 2009. She's been in hell for 15 years and was an '88 baby.
The reason she's in hell is bc when she was still in highschool, she was a bully, and she harassed a girl so much that she committed suicide.
That and some minor crimes like shoplifting, underage drinking, driving without a license and DUI.
Drunk driving is how she died. Went out with some friends, had one too many drinks, it hit her like a train cause she hadn't eaten anything before going out (or at any point in the past 2 days) and she passed out behind the wheel, resulting to a fatal car accident.
Met Val as soon as she manifested in hell. Like, she fell from the sky on top of Val's parked car. Killed by a car, landed on a car, she can't seem to be getting away from those fucking vehicles.
When asked what the fuck does she think she's doing on top of his car, by Valentino, she proceeded to answering by going on a long, very aggressive rant about her stupid ED, and her stupid mother that is to blame for her stupid ED, and her stupid friend group for not deciding on a designated driver before going out.
Valentino barely understood anything bc his English wasn't all that good at the time. Vox was teaching him but they had known each other for 3 or 4 years by then, so it's not like he had enough lessons to keep up with her monologue. The speed in which she was talking and the blackish english accent did not do him any favours.
Despite not understanding shit he decided he liked her energy and took her home with him. He adopted her like a stray cat.
"Home" does not mean the Vee tower, because the Vee's weren't a thing yet, but a simple penthouse apartment he shared with Vox.
Vox had a cardiac arrest when he went home that night and found a random girl just sitting on his couch, eating cereal, watching a Spanish soap opera with his boyfriend, who introduced her as his new "thing".
"Voxxy, look what I found! Isn't it adorable? I found it on the street, poor niñita. I'll keep it, she's mine now, okay?"
"What? What do you mean you found her? How does one even-? And what, you just decided she's staying with us now? You can't just do that! Where did she come from? What's her name?"
"What's her name, Val?"
"What is your name, chiquita?"
"Great, now don't ever say that to anyone ever again."
She pitched herself as a marketing expert and an entrepreneur (she had a big following on Twitter (X) , Facebook and Tumblr when she was alive) to get Vox to agree to not kicking her in the curb to be homeless and unprotected in hell.
Vox and Val helped her bully her first victims into signing their soul away. It was their equivalent of watching your baby walk for the first time.
Voxbook, X-Vox and Voxblr already existed in hell, because Vox had found out about them through souls that died after those platforms where created, so he was their sole owner, but Reddit was something he learned from Velvette, and she helped develop, launch and market it, so she's the co-owner of it.
Soon enough, finding about new social media platforms on the land of the living and creating equivalents of it in hell became more of her thing than Vox's, buy considering they all exist thanks to Voxtech existing and due to the fact that Velvette cannot code to save her life, they are still co-owners of all the platforms.
The only reason Voxtagram, VoxTok, SnapVox, ect. have only Vox's name in them is bc Velvette thinks that's overkill and pathetic.
She utilized her knowledge of marketing to the fullest and is a huge part of why the Vees are as famous and rich as they are today. Did promo of Vox's products and Val's movies like her life depended on it.
In 2009, she manifested in hell. In 2010, the Vees™ became official and started promoting themselves as a group instead of individuals. In 2012, Velvette decided to add "Fashion Designer" in her CV. In 2013, she was the Channel, Dior, Loui Vuitton, Gucci and any other extremely-famous-and-expensive-brand equivalent of hell.
If the Goetia, Sins and the Royal Family have a hell equivalent of the Met Gala, she designs everything in there.
But she also IS fast fashion. H&M and Shein have nightmares about her stealing their jobs.
Fast and cheap for the poor, high quality and expensive for the rich, she sells everything to everyone and she IS fashion in hell. There's no other clothing brand except hers. She does shipments in all the rings of hell too, because she creates clothes for all shapes and sizes and that includes imps and hellhounds.
Her range in sizes is very body positive bc she knows how much it sucks to have issues with your appearance, so her products are designed to make everyone look drop dead gorgeous no matter their size.
Vox and Val have decided not to let the on-again off-again nature of their relationship affect their ability to be a united font when co-parenting Velvette. Valentino's the mom.
They are in their 40's, she's 21, it's the only way.
She hates that they do that, except from the times it feels homey and loving and sheltering and soothing. Then she hates it less.
She's on good terms with both of them, but she's closer with Vox than with Val. Once a daddy's girl always a daddy's girl.
And Vox is a major girl dad too. Val's the "do you really need it? Saving money is important." parent despite being rich because he grew up working class and old habits die screaming. Vox is the "oh, you like the Lust Ring? I'll buy it for you!" parent bc he grew up rich, fucking privileged asshole.
She never met Alastor personally, because he and Vox's friendship was already soured by the time she died, so she only knows him as "Vox's rival" and "The guy that hurt my dad colleague", which reflects on how she treats him when they happen upon each other, in the street or in meetings (not cordially, to put it nicely)
She's not on good terms with Carmilla, or Zeezi, or Rosie, or whoever tf Bethesda von Eldritch is (she showed up when I googled the names of overlords). She's generally not in good terms with older women period. Courtesy of her mother. Because hell doesn't have good therapists and therefore she cannot heal from past trauma.
I have reached 55 now, so I think I've more than overdone it. However, if you still want more of those, let me know, because Velvette is my current hyperfixation and I could go on and on about her!!
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immortalmsmoon · 3 months
BSD General Headcanons
I've been really into BSD as of late cus i had to rewatch it with my friend :3 GUYS I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER TO COME OUT
all requests are welcome!!! please read my rules first though, they were recently updated!
wordcount: 1198
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Always tired, and it's pretty damn obvious. Has prominent eye bags, and he’s always huffing and sighing. 
Has a nice singing voice. It's really clear and soft, and is nice to sleep to. 
Hates reading, and isn’t very good at it. He only got to learn the basics at the orphanage. Reading reminds him of the orphanage anyways, so it’s not something he’s very fond of. 
Likes to cook with kyoka, and they usually practise once a week. Sometimes, if they make a lot of whatever they were cooking or baking, they bring some to the agency to share. 
One of those people who is loud with the people he trusts and quiet with people he doesn’t know well.
VERY VERY oblivious. To the point that most jokes go RIGHT over his head. Ranpo likes to tease him about it, and when he does, Atsushi gets confused about it. 
“WDYM I'm oblivious? Wdym that was a joke? What?” 
So silly
Puts sauce packets on the toilet seats FREQUENTLY. Like once a week. The agency members have learned to start checking under the toilet seats, and even though no one falls for it anymore (except maybe atsushi) he still does it. 
When he hears anyone talk about food he does one of two things: BEGS the person to give him some sort of food, and harasses/threatens them until they do, or orders food and proceeds to eat it right in front of the person, while making loud obnoxious comments on how good it is. If ANYONE asks for ANY he is rude as hell to them, and continues to silently glare at them while he eats.
Makes songs out of EVERYTHING. If someone stubs their toe, he’s singing about it. Someone dropped all their paperwork all over the lounge? He stands by and obnoxiously sings about the incident instead of helping. 
Occasionally, when he sees that Kunikida is under a lot of stress or pressure, he will do his paperwork. It's still a couple days late, but he does it. And sometimes he does some cleaning around the agency. 
Also loud and obnoxious, but in a different way. 
CONSTANTLY stressing about stuff he doesn’t need to. People tell him to calm down but he never listens. 
Has a #1 DAD mug that Dazai gave him when he got employee of the month.
Outside of work he enjoys drawing, but he rarely does it because of the tight schedule that is his life. 
Has a soft spot for Atsushi, and has a sort of paternal relationship with him.. Sometimes if Atsushi begs, he’ll deter from his schedule and spend some time with him. Sometimes they go out for a walk, or they set up activities for the agency to go do as a group. 
Hides in the agency bathroom like a highschooler, and plays games on his phone when he doesn’t want to do work, and doesn’t want to deal with people. 
Spends a lot of time on the roof of the agency. Sometimes he brings some headphones and listens to some music, sometimes he just watches the clouds. His favourite is when the day is kind of windy, but just enough that it's a light breeze. 
His favourite thing to do with the agency is board game night, and they meet up and do it about twice a month. He mainly likes it because he wins, but also just because he gets a little lonely sometimes living by himself. 
When he’s tired he gets kind of delirious ....you know when you stay up so late that everythings funny? That's him, but like 4 out of 5 days a week. 
Brings two bags a day to work: one filled with snacks, one filled with drinks. 
Only really talks with Kenji and Atsushi
Admires Yosano and despises Dazai
Prepares coffee or tea for everyone in the morning, and knows exactly how everyone likes it. 
Is actually TERRIBLE at cooking, so when she and Atsushi do it, he usually does most of the actual cooking. She is better at reading the recipe than him though.
A couple times throughout the year, she will try different hairstyles. She's completely against cutting it off, but not against learning some really complex braids. She's a quick learner, so it never takes her long. 
On the topic of hair, Atsushi likes to mess around with hers sometimes, and usually just brushes it because he can’t actually do much else without knotting it. 
She absolutely loves to go see fireworks with the Agency, because it was something she didn’t really get to do when she was younger. She sees the agency as her family, as weird as everyone is, and moments like that help her feel more connected to them
Her favourite member of the agency to spend time with one on one is Kenji, because they get along really well. He talks quite a bit, and she likes to listen, but he also knows when to be quiet. They go on walks a lot. 
Has a garden on the roof of the agency
Him and Dazai tried to convince Fukuzawa to let them get a pet for the agency. They got a cat that dazai picked up off the streets, and no less than a week later, they had to get rid of it because it was diseased. 
Brings wounded birds to the agency frequently, which drives Kunikida off the walls, and he fixes them up on his desk. 
His desk is slightly smaller than most of the other agency members, and it has three drawers: the first one is full of stuff for any animal he may come across. Little bandages and medical supplies for animals, treats, even little things he can use to make a bed out of. The second drawer has his paperwork in it, and his pens and what not. The third drawer is full of a whole bunch of microwaveable meals
Adding on to the drawer of microwavable meals, Kenji hates to snack, because it never fills him up. He prefers to just eat a whole meal instead of eating something small, but sometimes he will if he has to. He also prefers savoury food over sweet food, but doesn’t mind some sweet stuff sometimes. 
Gets along with basically all of the members of the agency
Dazai and her do wine tastings once a month. It usually ends with them just getting drunk
Helps Kenji with any wounded animals he brings in, and gives him tips and pointers on how to help them.
Her and Ranpo gossip A LOT, about literally anything they can get their hands on. They judge people A LOT. 
“This girl asked me out yesterday. The one from the cafe. She's ugly, no offence.” “EWW YESSS”
Forces Atsushi to come shopping with her, and forces him to hold all of her bags. She usually brings Ranpo or Dazai with her as well, and asks them for their opinions on the things she buys.
Sucks at cooking, so usually buys food from a convenience store for lunches and dinners.
Also one of the few agency members who doesn’t mind working late.
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For several years now I’ve been wanting to buy a knotted dildo (why do they never have smaller ones) but my dad often helps me with finances because I’m really bad at math and I would be super embarrassed if he found out. I doubt he would be mad at finding out I’m a monsterfucker, but it WOULD be super awkward, especially since a lot of knotted ones are labeled “dog” I don’t want my family to have an even worse impression before I can explain! Maybe it would be easier if I could drive and try to find in-person shops and pay in cash, but I have a health problem that makes me driving illegal sometimes, so that’s not a practical option. I know you aren’t supposed to use things that weren’t designed to go inside of your body, but I’ve been using an old detachable razor handle for years because of this. I don’t know what to do! I don’t think my dad pays much attention to what I buy but if something is flagged as unusual by the bank, they will sometimes call him about it. I’m not sure what I should do. I haven’t even bought a regular sex toy because I’m self conscious about this, let alone one like that!
I’m the “my dad helps me balance my checkbook and I’m terrible at math but I want a dildo” anon, and you don’t have to post this part if it’s too uncomfortable. That’s why i didn’t include it in my first ask. But the only time I had a friend offer to help me buy one that friend later died before it could happen so… I don’t really have anyone around to ask for assistance in… this. I know these aren’t your usual confessions, but i don’t really know where else to confess to this. The only other friend I think might possibly have helped me, moved a state away and i don’t want to bother her about it. I joke about being a freak sometimes but I really doubt my older family who might have heard me say that actually expects me to consider “freaky” something beyond oral. I’m not… I’m shy and wasn’t raised by people who were into much extreme stuff (my parents didn’t even swear around us until we were all over 16, and even now they don’t do it much! There are slurs I didn’t even know existed until senior high and my parents never used them! For obvious reasons. Which is good, but gives an idea of what I mean when I say not extreme. Even my grandparents are/were like this) so I’ve been told that it’s surprising when i tell a friend about these things for the first time. Coming out as demisexual wasn’t nearly as stressful to be honest, that might be weird but admitting my (admittedly not super exciting among this community) kinks feels shameful and humiliating for some reason. Telling a close friend is different I guess. My parents aren’t conservative people, not politically or in many other ways, but they definitely don’t know much about kinks. I can say that with confidence, I’ve read the romance novels my mom had lying around and I’ve seen them react genuinely shocked when something a little crazy happens in a show we’re watching. I just think I might have super vanilla family (in the 25 years I lived with them the most spicy things I encountered were those romance novels and what might have been lube) and I’m sure they would react, if not badly, just awkwardly. It would be super uncomfortable. They are the kinds of people to hear about that, look slightly horrified, say “okay” and just avoid talking about it after that, but every time a conversation gets too close to that everyone is awkward and avoids it. It’s like when someone is trying to talk about politics and everyone has to kind of bite their tongue or a shouting match will start while we’re trying to watch the mandalorian, just less aggressive, so not exactly the same, just similarly uncomfortable. This one also got longer than I meant it to. I don’t expect that my parents would disown me or anything, but it would change some things (although because my mom and I accidentally shared a kindle account when I was in highschool I’m pretty sure she knows I’m into monster romance novels) sex isn’t really a taboo topic, but it’s also not a comfortable one
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Cat Got Your Tongue? (MMO AU: Leona Kingscholar x Reader)
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Master Post for AU: (x) please read for overview and links to other parts.
a/n: Sure Leona says he doesn't like video games but this is my blog and I choose the au. I ended up having to re-write this because the original premise wasn't working but this fits Leona's vibe a bit better. Side note, but I am thinking I'll probably write a sort of part 2 for each of these once I am finished with each of the main "routes" since there was some stuff I wanted to include in this fic but cut because it didn't flow.
notes: They/Them pronouns used for Yuu, loosely inspired by Love is Hard for Otaku and crappy otome games, Leona is a junior and Yuu is a freshman in American college years, some mild Ruggie slander? (he's hustlin and bustlin) Not a lot of gaming in this one sorry.
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Sometimes Leona really hates having a functioning brain.  Maybe if he had been born comatose his family would have taken time to understand him.  Hell maybe he would have understood them.  And maybe, maybe if he’d been a bit more stupid, a bit more happy, a bit more inspiring and a bit less morose, someone would have looked his way.
Someone.  His bright green eyes settle on a desk strategically chosen in the furthest shadows of the classroom where someone sits.  They’re tired, fighting against the eight am death sentence of a class to stay awake and take notes.  Nose always at the grindstone with so little in the way of reward, just like always.  Sometimes he wonders if they’ve ever noticed his gaze, it’s been on them for a long time creating a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach he’d gladly brush off as disgust to Ruggie when pushed.  Not that Ruggie ever pushed hard over something he wasn’t getting paid for and he had enough sense not to laugh at Leona to his face.  They both knew it was worry.  It was written all over his face and twitching through his tail, they look up to meet his heavy gaze and twitch.  A smile works its way to his face involuntarily as he closes his eyes.  
He is getting tired of waiting.
[FC] <Granny Smith> fr?
[FC] <Granny Smith> where we pullin up?
[FC] <Tempura Kun> whatever hole my Algebra TA crawled out of this morning
[FC] <Granny Smith> we pullin out (´×ω×`)
[FC] <Tempura Kun> (πーπ)
[FC] <Tempura Kun> real brave
[FC] <Tempura Kun> ur such a big man 
[FC] <Granny Smith> HEY
[FC] <Granny Smith> I thirst for the glory of combat not suicide 
[FC] <Gloomy Samurai> whisper or get in a linkshell if you’re just going to bitch and braid each other’s hair
You smother your screams with a pillow as your discord lights up with a call from Epel, which you answer quickly enough it barely gets a chance to ring.
“Just not yer day, huh?”  Epel sighs sympathetically, but you know he’s making that stupid smug face of his.  “Whatcha do this time?”  
“I accidentally gave Dr. Crewel some paperwork dad had me working on and when I tried to explain that to Leona, he laughed at me before I got it all out.”  Epel whistles.
“Did you get the papers back?”
“Yeah.”  You glare at your monitor as you settle into your desk chair.  “Would have been nice to keep my dignity though.”  Epel has enough sense to not to tease you more, just inviting you to a party and shooting a message to the guild to see if anyone is up for running a few dungeons while you stew in your frustrations, squishing your pillow and try to avoid reflecting on your day.  Realistically speaking it wasn’t that bad.  You’ve been pretty lucky in life compared to some people, as your adoptive father is so keen to remind you, he is very generous.  He’s paying for you to go to a good school (that he works for so he’s actually just paying for books), he let you keep Grim when pretty much every other foster family you were placed with tried to get rid of him, and you have a pretty solid group of friends left over from highschool.  But still, you like to think you have a right to complain about things, what sort of father makes his kid go through zoning laws under the guise  of “father child bonding time”?  And what sort of teacher’s assistant says that’s not his problem and snarks about taking off points of your actual homework?
Leona Kingscholar apparently, it’s his idea of a joke.  By the day after tomorrow he’ll be back to his lazy self, slapping a half assed grade on your homework with a bunch of snarky commentary that’s surprisingly helpful when you go to amend your notes.  Assuming he doesn’t hijack your table in the library to take a nap first.  He’s a pain in your ass, and the worst part is you really don’t know why.  Leona’s a junior, you think anyway, and outside of his job as a teacher’s assistant you don’t have any shared classes.  Epel plays on the Spelldrive team, talks him up pretty much every chance he gets, so you guess he’s pretty good at that if nothing else.  Maybe he’s mad at you on Epel’s behalf?  He invites you to their games sometimes, but you never go because you’re too afraid of the crowds.  The thought makes you huff in frustration as Rex and Snake join your party and begin bickering about what to que for; that’s between you and Epel, what’s his captain got to say about any of that?  What does he want to do, show off?
[FC] <Snake Whisper> Tempura you still good to heal?  Gran said you were stressed.
[FC] <Tempura Kun> I’ll stress more if I make you heal lol
[FC] <Tempura Kun> Thanks for asking <3
[FC] <Snake Whisper> σ(^○^)
[FC] <Snake Whisper> You’re good
You stretch and do your best to pop your neck.
Vivat Rex >> You shouldn’t stress about making him heal if you’re tired.  It’s ok to take a break.
Tempura Kun >> lol I like heals I’ll be good promise
Tempura Kun >> ty for worrying tho &lt;3 <3
Vivat Rex >> <3 ofc can’t have our only competent heals falling over dead
Tempura Kun >> HA i’m telling Nautilus u said that
Vivat Rex >> (^_~)  punk ass bitch deserves it
The instance cuts off your reply and you settle into your chair determined to enjoy the hour and a half you set aside for yourself today before you have to go back to being an overworked unpaid student.  Before you have to go back to trying to convince your friend Ruggie that you have a friend named Rex who is real and not a figment of your imagination that lives in your computer caused by dehydra- wait.  Your eye twitches settling on the date and time mocking you from the lower right of your second monitor.
“I need you to go wall to wall or I’m gonna be late for work.”
“Finally.”  Ruggie gives an exaggerated stretch as he yawns.  You sigh to yourself in relief that he isn’t too upset that you’re a few minutes late, you know Ruggie’s a busy guy from the few closing shifts you’ve worked together.  He’s one of the few people you feel actually respects your situation, if the side hustles he kicks your way are anything to go by anyway.  You’d hate for him to think you’re ungrateful for his help.   “I’m practically dead on my feet here, took you long enou-”  You pause in tying your apron, unsure of why he’s staring into you so disapprovingly you almost swear he’s been replaced by Leona.  Almost.  His signature laugh is too unique.
“Stuff it.”  You scowl and his laughter gets louder and it’s a wonder his tail doesn’t knock any of the cigarettes off the back counter shelves.
“Oh you look disgusting.”  He fishes his phone out of his back pocket as he clocks out, checking it just out of your view as you try to salvage your pride and settle into your seat.
“You don’t look so hot yourself either.”
“Yeah at least I don’t look like a truck hit me and backed up to make sure it finished the job.”  He looks somewhat serious for a brief second.  “When was the last time you actually ate food?”
“Before I came here?”
“Instant noodles don't count.”  Your silence is speaking volumes you don’t have the strength to combat and Ruggie sighs.
“I know I’m one to talk, but you should really get some rest.”  His lips quirk into a grin for half a second, quick enough to have missed if you had blinked as if he remembered something amusing.  “Unless you’re angling for someone to force you.”
“Like a health professional?  You know the old crow will just look for a second opinion.”  Ruggie lightly flicks your shoulder while he continues to focus on his phone on the way out the door.
“You mean thirty-second.”  He doesn’t even look up to say goodbye.  “Well I’m out!  Try not to scare off the customers.”  If you had to regularly interact with customers you would not have taken this shift.  Epel had given you a hard time about that, something about personal safety being more important than sanity.
[FC] <Granny Smith> not what I said
[FC] <Granny Smith> u should at least have someone visit when ur alone on shift
And you did sometimes.  Ace likes to drop by after practice, and Epel hadn’t said that with the intention of not showing up himself.  Jack and Deuce probably would have visited even if you were on a daylight shift, not that Jack would ever admit to checking up on you outloud.  But it was still very much only a sometimes thing, not that they didn’t care or worry they just had lives.  Most of your time at the convenience store was spent alone scrolling through magicam on your phone, only looking up to ring up a hoard of energy drinks for whoever was just as tired as you were.  Though maybe not today, Rex had tried to convince you to just call out.  He always does, complaining about how he’d have to run things with Nautilus now, but he might have had a point today.  The chair you and Ruggie snuck behind the counter is not remotely comfortable but you swear it feels like a cloud.  You tried to focus on your magicam feed, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to care about the fan art Gloomurai posted of the First Fantasia Knight Commander.  If anything it just made you sleepier, like he was personally inviting you to take a nap on his lap or something.  Your eyes shut and your phone drops out of your hand.  When you finally wake up you swear it has only been a minute at most but the smug look of your customer suggests otherwise.
“Morning sunshine.”  Leona looks painfully out of place in this shitty college convenience store.  The dingey, twitching light barely bounces off his hair and you swear his clothes have to cost more than all the electronic equipment in the place combined, maybe even more than your computer back home.  An odd thought to have, he’s literally just wearing the same kind of athleisure wear you had been wearing almost twenty minutes ago while gaming, but you recognize the branding on that shirt from a rant Ruggie went on a month ago.  Something about wondering why anyone would pay that much money to leave the house looking stupid in cheetah print.  “Are you even listening to me?”  Leona drawls, lazy and the slightest bit disappointed, he has been talking to you since you woke up you belatedly realize and completely fail to hide the fact.  Leona sighs, tail thrashing in annoyance as he moves to join you behind the counter.  “Whatever, just move over.”  You almost fall off your chair.
“What?  No no no this is an employee only zone you cannot take a nap back here.”  You have no idea how Leona is expecting to fall asleep, even if you’ve tripped over him on the campus lawn before you’re sure the green has to be more comfortable than this questionably sourced tile.  And yet he seems happy enough, bracing his back against the concrete wall as you turn your confusion back to the counter and notice a thermos that you don’t recognize next to you.
“That’s yours.”  Your head whips back around but the fucker’s eyes are closed and he looks so incredibly unbothered your loud retort dies in your throat.  He doesn’t bother to meet your piercing gaze no matter how long you stare at him, you get more of a response from the thermos when you accidentally elbow it trying to get more comfortable at the counter.  It’s a nice thermos, one of those expensive insulated things that cost a ridiculous amount of money, in a bright yellow that nicely compliments the royal looking lion sticker stuck to it.  There are a few other stickers, the NRC logo, a Spelldrive team logo, and a reaper job icon.  The last sticker makes you smile, you’re pretty sure you linked a similar looking sticker to Rex in the guild discord a month ago, the design included a silhouette of the cowboy hat from the class armor set behind the icon just like this sticker.  Exactly like this sticker, you realize as your tired eyes settle on the artist’s signature.  The shop bell rings you to attention, a significantly less interesting customer enters the store and you try to shove your rising panic to the back of your mind and try to focus on doing your job.
Leona’s annoyed sigh goes completely unnoticed.
“You aren’t going to tell Crowley I slept through most of my shift right?”  You have to be pushing things, Leona hates repeating himself and this is the third time you’ve asked him.  Leona had insisted on staying with you until the end of your shift, you had insisted he had better ways to spend his night but admitted, when he had explicitly asked, that no you weren’t uncomfortable with his presence just didn’t want to be an inconvenience.  That made him laugh, not unlike the little exchange you’d had this morning, but this time he had actually entertained your attempts at talking to him.  Until the time came to leave and he offered to walk you home.  Leona seeing you asleep at your shitty job was bad enough, the thought of that ramshackle house made your stomach tie up in all sorts of knots.  “I know you probably don’t see it as a big deal-”
“Because it’s not.”  He snorts.  “Really who do you think you’re trying to impress?”  You wince, Leona swings the thermos with that taunting sticker just out of view, as you huddle into yourself and he sighs stopping under a street light and turns you to face him.  “No seriously, just who are you trying to impress?  You’re always working to the point you’ve practically stopped being yourself.  It’s annoying.”  
“Well what’s it to you?”  You huff and Leona doesn’t bother to immediately answer.  Your eyes drift back to the sticker on his thermos.  
“Maybe I like playing games with you.”  His voice and face are uncharacteristically soft, but still unnervingly intense.  He doesn’t bother specifying what he means, almost like he’s daring you to ask first so he can make fun of you for thinking Rex was anyone other than him this whole time.  “Maybe I like Yuu enough that I want to spend just a little more time with them and not this weird zombie who doesn’t know the way back to their own house.”  
“Oh please-” you roll your eyes and turn back to the road only for your retort to die in your throat.  You are not, in fact, headed towards the haunted mansion.  This road, this stupid street light, is next to a diner you know the college sports teams like to go to after games.  Leona, gently, tugs you by the sleeve of your jacket towards the door.  “Hey, I can’t afford-”
“Oh don’t misunderstand we ain’t here for you, I was just feeling a bit hungry.”  The smug bastard doesn’t even pretend to hear your protests as he pushes his way into the diner and doesn’t wait to be seated.  He just drags you towards the back of the diner shooting you a truly catlike smirk over his shoulder.  “Of course if I have something left over, we can share.  Maybe if you play nice you can get your own straw.”  He spins you into the booth across from him, and despite what he literally just said shoves the plastic menu back into your hands when you try to hand it back to the clearly amused waitress.  
“How long have you known I was...”  You feel stupid even trying to broach the topic, there’s a pretty clear line you don’t cross when making online friends.  It’s even in the guild rules, you’re pretty sure “don’t ask for anyone’s IRL info” is probably Gloomurai’s life motto.  But Leona doesn’t seem to care, which you suppose is in line with what you know about Rex.  His laid back attitude was what had made him the most approachable out of all your guildmates, not that you would ever have thought to apply such a description to Leona.  If anything he seems confused why you’re so shy about talking, like he’s known who you are the whole time and that’s why he spent so much time pinging you in game or why he decided to spend his night keeping you company. 
“Maybe I like playing games with you.”  Something starts curling up in your stomach at the thought that he just might have, if Leona notices you loosening your jacket to release some steam he pretends not to notice.
“Epel mentioned he was gonna try to get you into the guild.”  Well that’s news to you, looks like someone is going to get yelled at later tonight.  “I didn’t expect you to be so excited about healing, but I ain’t complaining, it was cute and now I don’t have to take Naut’s shit outside of raids.”   Cute.  You intake a sharp breath and Leona definitely notices your nerves, clearly planning to press the point unless you can cut him off from the chase.
“W-what exactly do you have against Nautilus anyway?”  With the way Leona’s face wrinkles you idly wonder if he knows who Nautilus actually is too, or if he’s just displeased that the focus is no longer on him.  “He’s not bad at his role.”  
“Naut pays too much attention to pointless shit.  Sure he’s good but it’s not like he does world firsts or anything.”  Neither does Rex but that does seem to be besides the point when he’s paying for your dinner, especially now that it’s in front of you.  Diner food might not be the healthiest but Ruggie really was right about instant noodle not counting as a meal.  “You know he and Snake used to bitch at each other while they were supposed to be doing callouts?  Had whole ass arguments over cooking instead of calling out shackle timing.  Gloom and Musclered never stopped ‘em either since it was ‘funny.’”  They still do, just in discord and not while you run things.  It’s hard to picture someone as professional as Nautilus doing something like that, but then again you know that Rex has known him longer.  “So just in case you thought I was just being nice earlier, you are the better heals.  If I could get the cards I want with just you, Epel, and Ruggie I would.”  It’s disturbing how clear the picture is in your mind: your lala, Epel’s roe, and Leona’s cowboy coded catman being joined by some hyper pink catgirl in the mini game bunny suit that you can easily see Ruggie using to scam some tech worker out of his monthly salary in Pirate’s Port wiping to an EX rank trial because Leona decided his logs weren’t orange enough.  It sounds like a good time, and you can’t keep yourself from blurting out:
“We should try to run something sometime anyway, it’d be fun.”  And before you can retreat back into your shell,  Leona smiles, smiles and burns away any sort of shyness you wanted to have over talking video games with someone as “normal” as him.
“If you can think of something just text me.”  You fish out your phone and can’t even bring yourself to cringe at the time with just how happy that suggestion makes you feel.
And Ace said playing MMOs would get you zero bitches.
This was a mistake.  It was hard to keep that thought from drumming away at your nerves the longer you stood in the station square; Leona had been the one to invite you out, not the other way around, so if he really ended up not liking this then that was his fault not yours.  You even took into account that Leona was a lazy bitch and suggested you meet up later in the day instead, but then again…  You try to resist drowning in a wave of self flagellation over the clothes you picked out as you somehow manage to sink further into the park bench you have decided to camp out on.  For someone who had been so insistent they were not going out on a date when their generous adoptive father asked where they were going during such prime father child bonding hours, you felt insanely self conscious.  That was normal right, people who actually went out with their friends to do stuff other than pal around the local big box store put thought into their appearance.  Not that there was anything wrong with that.  If this goes south you know you already confirmed you can have Jack over here in two shakes of his tail and that’s probably exactly what you would end up doing.  But when Mannon posted in the guild discord about a First Fantasia themed pop up cafe that was going to be A) running for a limited time within walking distance from your house and B) giving out a code for an in game pet-
Well admittedly your first thought had been to invite Epel, but Leona had texted you almost immediately after Mannon dropped the link.
[irl catboy] ruggie said you aren’t working this saturday
[irl catboy] come with me to the stupid cafe i never know what to order at those places
With such a gentlemanly request how could you possibly refuse?  And now here you were fifteen minutes early trying to keep yourself from going stir crazy, or from jumping out of your skin when an increasingly familiar deep voice whispers a sleepy “hey” into your ear.  
“Seven’s Leona!”  You’re half ready to hit him with your backpack but your indignation and fright are almost entirely wiped away by the sheer figure Leona cuts against the setting autumn sun.  Someone, Ruggie you decide, because there’s no way Leona decided to dress up to come see you himself, forced your upperclassman into a knit  black turtleneck with golden claw-like trim on the neck and rolled up cuffs.  He’s kept his usual tan slacks, but the ugly woven sandals have been swapped out for a more weather appropriate pair of ugly slip ons with similar gold claws to the turtleneck.  His hair’s still tied up like he’s been at spelldrive practice, not that you fully know what he looks like outside of Epel’s descriptions and your own imagination. 
“What, did I scare you?” you drawls, clearly eating up the attention you’re lavishing on his appearance.  Before you can collect yourself enough to stand up he leans down to cow you back into the bench.  “Maybe I should scare you some more?  The mousey look really suits you.”
“Oh shut up!”  You huff and stand, trying your best to avoid cracking your head off of Leona’s stupidly broad frame as you both go to head towards the cafe.  “Did you look up the menu online or are you just planning on winging it?”
“You really like to put effort into things don’t you?”  Leona doesn’t look or sound too upset but there’s a strange wistfulness to his look you do not really like, but it’s gone before you can pick at it too much.  “Nah I figured I’d just let you pick.”
“Are you sure?”  You try your best not to sound excited, you swear the only thing you admire about Ruggie is his work ethic, not his grift.  “I could just take advantage of you and force you to get a bunch of stuff only I’d like.”  As if he’s reading your mind, Leona's green eyes twinkle with mischief you know will bite you in the ass later.
“Oh no you would never do that.  I know for a fact that you are just too nice for that.”  The “unlike someone else" goes unsaid as Leona decides to really double down on the gentleman act when you reach the cafe, holding the door and not even pretending to look at the menu until you prompt him.
“Do you want to get the reaper soda?”  Leona shrugs. 
“Does it sound like it will taste good to you?”  It does but that’s sort of besides the point, you’re much more interested in the white mage one.
“I just thought you might want the coaster.”  You murmur and he smiles.
“I’d lose something like that real fast, you can just keep it.”  Your eyes have to pop halfway out of your head with how hard he laughs, other patrons shoot a confused look at your table as you try to resist the urge to self combust.  “Let me guess, they’re worth somethin right?  In that case all the more reason for you to keep em.”  The look in his eyes is practically daring you to ask if he’s really sure, but knowing Leona he wants an excuse to tease so for now you swallow your insecurities and point your awkward smile up at the server who comes to take your order.  
“Um can we get one reaper soda, one white mage soda…” your voice trails off and Leona pipes up with the name of a burger you don’t remember reading out to him but they apparently serve anyway with how quickly she notes it down.
“And is the check separate or together?”  She sweetly asks and before you can so much as breathe Leona cuts you off.
“Bill goes to me.”  You glare at him, well try to really Leona’s a hard person to stare down.  “Didn’t I say you could get whatever?”  Not literally, it was more implied along with the trouble that you weren’t expecting to catch up to you this quickly.  His smile widens, not quite wolfishly, more like a lion staring down a particularly foolish gazelle that’s stumbled weak kneed into his territory.  “Go on, tell the nice lady what else you want, she won’t bite you, that's my job.”  Flames aren’t enough anymore.  You need to turn into a particularly fine paste or particle dust to relive how fast your heart is beating.  Luckily for you the server seems amused, letting out a good natured laugh as she shoots you a wink.
“You heard your man, what can we get for you?”  You take back every judgment you have ever passed Ruggie’s way.  With just how proud Leona seems like now he really is asking for it.
“You don’t really do things like this much do ya?”  Leona kept his teasing to a minimum after the bite comment thank god and kept his word about letting you keep the coasters.  Pretty much everything at the cafe seemed to have some sort of First Fantasia themed knick knack you were allowed if not encouraged to take back with you.  Leona had offered to walk you home once you both saw how dark it was, promising that would be your only stop this time much to your relief.  You weren’t sure how much more of his teasing you could take.
“I mean I’ve got Epel, but Ace, Deuce, and Jack don’t really like mmos.”  You aren’t sure if it has ever actually been established if you are friends with Sebek, but unless someone teaches Malleus how to use a mouse you doubt he’s going to be logging into anything other than a literal tree anytime soon.  “Sometimes Epel will send me links to merch he thinks I’d like, but he’s more into the…”  You pause to try and find the words for what it is you want to say, knowing your friend will kill you if you make him look lame.  “Sense of pride and accomplishment you get from beating high end content.”
“That sounds like him.”  Leona says proudly.  “He’s like that with anything mildly competitive.  One of his better qualities, just don’t go telling him I said that.  Wouldn’t want it goin to his head.”  There’s no way you’ll be able to keep his mild praise a secret from Epel forever, but what Leona doesn’t know won’t hurt him too much.  “But that’s not really what I was asking.”  Your pace slows as Leona lapses back into silence and you wrack your brain for what he actually could have meant.  “Do you like going out to cafe’s?”
“I… don’t really know.”  You liked tonight.  Talking to Leona, when he was awake enough to participate, was always fun.  Even when you were trading jabs back and forth in class.  “I used to dream about finally finding someone who I could do stuff like this with, but I kind of gave up after my last date said-”  you freeze in your train of thought and walk.  This had not been a date in any way shape or form.  Sure, Leona played a video game with you, and sure he’s been going out of his way to talk to you in real life more regularly since he came to visit your work.  But it’s not like he did that for any reason other than-  “said it was just too weird.  Said I was just too weird and I guess I just sort of got tired of not being able to talk about things that interested me so I gave up trying.”
“Then why not just date me?”  Leona’s eyes are a really strange shade of green now that you’re staring straight into them.  It’s like he’s got two neon lights shining a spotlight directly on you every time he speaks, judging and picking apart whoever he is looking at.  And right now he is looking pointedly at you, making it clear this isn’t a conversation he is going to let you run from.  “I told you before, didn't I?  I like playing games with you.  I want to spend time with you; I want to hear about your day every day, from what annoyed you to funny things you and your friends did.  I want to see you happy and know I made that happen, because you make my life a happier one just by being in it.  The only thing I have ever not liked about you is that you work too hard, and that’s not unfixable.  You just need to let me be a bad influence on you.”  It’s a confession you never really expected to receive, but somehow so very much him.  It’s insulting, honest, and just a touch demanding but it reaches into that small shrunken part of your heart that you’ve been burying most of your feelings in for who knows how long now and fills it with warmth.
“Would you-”  It feels like a silly question but with how intently Leona is hanging on your every word you feel a rush of power going straight to your head.  “If we were going out would you stop wiping things on purpose?”  He blinks, if he’s surprised by the request or shocked he got this far you don’t quite know, but he quickly recovers, moving into your space to offer his hand.
“If you ask nicely.”  You gladly take the offered arm and influence, squeezing his much larger hand with a soft smile.
“Then it’s a dea-”  Leona cuts you off with a kiss, swallowing your mouselike squeak along with most of your air with a speed you didn’t know he possessed.  
“Don’t use that punks line.”  He practically growls and you can’t hold in your happy laughter any longer.  It could just be the streetlights, but you don’t think Leona looks all that mad.  Quite the opposite really, not that you expect him to voice it out loud.  Instead he leans in for another kiss in a gruff effort to show just how much he means what he has been trying to say all along.
I’m happiest when I am doing things with you.
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*if you are curious about Leona's outfit, I based it off of Lion King clothing items in Disney Dreamlight Valley (black and gold claw shoes, tan sunny slacks, and the gray claw top for those looking for specifics)
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lxmine · 1 year
courting you + childe
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+. highschool au, crack and fluff
+. summary ; him courting you in highschool
+. A/N LMAO i just thought of this while writing some notes
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he would literally do anything just to get your attention on him, writing notes? you can do that later he took pictures of the board already so you can chat with him while the teacher isnt looking.
would ask stuff about the subject that ‘he doesn’t understand’ knowing damn well he’s one of the top students. “[name]~ i don’t understand this! do you mind teaching me?” goes all cutesy which u found weird and you just look at him and say “ajax you’re literally ranked above me?”
you were surprised the first time he asked you to meet him after school, he brought you to some fancy cafes and literally spoiled the fuck out of you and then asked “i want to court you.”
and after you said yes, he became all clingy. not the touchy kinda way but he always wants your attention, but he does know his boundaries. he’d always wanna eat his lunch with you. oh you left your lunch? you can have his, he’ll have you know he cooked it himself! but he got hungry too so you have to feed him *wink wink*
really wants to meet your parents and ask for their permission to court you! he’s a family guy and he also wants to care about yours and he wants you to care about his. you were scared to introduce him to your dad though cuz ajax is really… kind of a delinquent but has that high grades.
“no.” was what your father said the first time you brought him back home with you. your mom was okay with it, she thought he was a really nice guy. but your dad… he didnt even let the guy speak T-T
but ajax wont give up easily! and so he started showing up to your house more with expensive gifts for your mom and your dad, which your dad didnt like. “kid, if you think gifts can make me give you my blessing to be with my child, you’re wrong. go home now.” he says calmly and went back to watching the tv.
he did stop showing up in your house after that, but he took you out on secret dates like ice cream dates after school, so are study dates. his friends are even wondering why he barely hung out with them anymore. they also wonder why he’s not doing ‘delinquent’ stuff with them anymore. its mot that they’re a bad influence to him.
lets just say he wants to set up a good image for your father, good grades to show his and your parents, and a good manner to win over your dad. he did his research.
and he successfully did in an unexpected way. he was on his way to your home that day to take you out for lunch. it was also winter break so it was really cold. and near by the lake, he saw your dad ice fishing. “didnt i tell you to back off, kid?” your father says as soon as he noticed ajax approaching.
“eh, i think i love your [name] too much, sir. may i join you?” he asks taking a seat beside the man anyway and not waiting for a response. “what you you like about my child?” your dad asks glaring at ajax who looked at the frozen lake.
“absolutely everything, you see sir, they made me fall in love with them at first sight.” he says proudly. “of course i didnt ask them out in an instant. i just let the feelings grow in me until i thought. ‘damn, i wanna marry them.’” he smiles.
“you??? want to marry my [name]?” your dad raises a brow with a smile. “of course, i didn’t say it just because i felt like it. i said it because i want it to happen, i will make it happen. even if you dont like me now sir, i wont give up on pursuing them.”
your dad chuckles ruffling his hair. “just dare hurt them, i’ll be sure to break your nose completely, son.”
bro was so proud he got your father’s blessings now, and after that he had dinner with your family. his family already accepted you so he doesn’t have to worry about anything but your answer to his question “will you let me be your boyfriend” now.
when you finally decided to give him your answer, the two of your were out on a theme park for a date, watching a fireworks show. holding his hand in yours.
he looked at it with a blush, it almost a year that he’s courting you, and he felt proud of himself that he made you the happiest at least thats what he thinks but he did made you the happiest
“hey, you better mark your calendar today, okay.” you chuckled looking up at the sky with a smile, he looked at you confused. “what do you mean?” he squeezed your hand, a gesture to make you look at him. “what? you dont wanna forget our monthsary now do you?”
you smirked as his eyes went wide and started to water. “are you serious? like really serious? you’re not kidding?” as asked, squeezing your hand eveen harder, grabbing ahold of your other one as he made you face him. you gave him a nod. “why are you crying!?” you asked with a laugh.
“you! how could i not!? this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me! i love you so much!” he cries pulling you into his embrace. “i love you too ajax.” you whispered into his ear befire giving the side if his neck a kiss.
and now there the two of you are, sitting beside each other inside the warmth of your own home. “ah, my love! i wanna cuddle some more!” ajax whines kicking his feet. “you’re clingy, we just woke up from our nap!” you glared at him playfully.
“i know but im tired, do you know how tiring last night is? c’mon, lets spend the whole day cuddling like a real married couple.” he smirks standing up from his seat and swiftly carrying you over to your bedroom to cuddle. “ahhh, my love youre so warm~” he says snuggling his face at the crook of your neck.
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xleeleeboox · 2 years
gareth headcannons :)
Idk i dont think there are any warnings really, gn!reader, eddie steals something, a lot of fluffy stuff and random stuff please tell me how to spell headcannon thanks PLEASE read my note at the end too :) 
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815 words 
I fully agree with the headcannon of his having anger issues, but he can control it much better now in his later years of highschool since I believe he uses his drums as an outlet
I also headcannon (is it two n’s or one?? Is there a space??) that he has sisters, but one older and one younger
Spends time with the little sister much more often and fights with the older one
Has both parents but the dad is literally always gone working and mom is just always somewhere in the house or out
I think Gareth gets flustered easily
I also think he cries more than any of the other boys in hellfire 
Like he’s not gonna cry at just anything but if something hurts, he’s gonna cry, when this happens he just wants to hide his face because he thinks that it’s embarrassing
Calls you over when he is having a bad day just so he can bury his head somewhere on your body, your neck, shoulder, chest, back, stomach, thighs, oh god the thighs make him stop crying every single time
You will be sitting on the edge of his bed or smth and he pushes your knees together and then buries his head there, sure he can’t breath but that’s what helps slow it down right lol
Would get a bumper sticker that says “thick thighs saves lives” but never puts it anywhere
Eddie finds it and puts it on Gareth’s car, or takes it for his own van
Probably has a few pins on his cut off flannel that eddie got for him as a gift 
He didn’t buy them he stole them but Gareth doesn’t know that
Gareth likes all kinds of music and slow dances to 60’s love songs with you in his kitchen at night
One day his family was out to dinner and a movie and Gareth wanted you over, his parents said yes, but they haven’t met you yet and when his family came home you two were dancing in the kitchen, holding each other with your foreheads against each other smiling with your eyes closed and his mom looked into the window from afar seeing you two, back handed his dad on the chest and said “hun look, i think we gotta meet this person” 
Gareth is so in love with you and will show it he does not care
He pulls you onto his lap all the time
You cling onto his forearm and upper arm aaallllll the time and he is such a sucker, he literally melts especially if you are at the lunch table tired and gripping on his arm while laying your head on his shoulder, he moves to tangle his fingers with yours and kisses the top of your head
The rest of the table makes grossed out noises and you just smile with your eyes closed 
Anything you do that shows you are comfortable with him he melts
Sing around him please even if you can’t sing well, he’s still gonna think that it was good because you are literally perfect in his eyes
I feel like Gareth got some connection with hippies, either his mom/dad is one, or you are, oh if you are a hippie or have that style just know that he planned your wedding already
Probably has baby names picked out already because he does want kids and he does want to get married, but only if it is you
Probably slept with a nightlight for the longest time and is still lowkey creeped out by the dark (same bby)
When you spend the night and need something that’s not already in his room, he will go walking through the rest of the dark house just for you 
Tries not to look into the darkness because he’s convinced he will see something 
Every time you come over or hang out with Gareth, you pull through a drive through for some fast food and a Dr. Pepper because yes i do firmly believe he loves Dr. Pepper
He likes cream soda, cherry and grape flavored candy,
hates lemon scented cleaning products because his mom always disinfected everything with it when he or his sisters were sick, not fun times,
Doesn’t like watermelon :/ 
Broken his arm and had a red and black cast, he insisted on the two colors rather than just the one, cried when they had to saw it off like they do with casts, kept it in his closet and has like two signatures on it, he was 11 probably 
Does not sing in the shower, a psychopath 
He only kind of likes scary movies, if they are actually good, does not like comedy movies, but likes action and adventure and all that 
He would be a fan of marvel i know it
Uses pens but carries pencils just in case 
Let me know if you want more because im sure i have tons more random headcannons on gareth, do we want other characters? Hmu and let me know who you want headcannons like this for, will do
Hellfire as a group
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turtlesocksv2 · 4 months
Liveblogging DFF Ep 11
We're in the Final Stretch! Shit's gonna hit the fan and I am here for it.
Uncle Joe is the worst. He is the real villain of this show.
Interesting that Tee claims Non as his friend when we know damn well that was never true. But he does seem to mean it, pleading for Non's life and physical safety.
Non's so right to be confused. Tee is just...really surprisingly naive. "i didn't bring you here to die! Uncle said he'd help you find the money!" dumbass what on earth did you think your mafia uncle was gonna do to get the money??? considering he already extorts his underage nephew??? you've been involved in mafia shit for a while it seems like, and you still didn't realize?????
This dramatic confrontation really does make me want TeeNon though. You were the one supposed to be helping me! Why me? Is everything I do so awful? This is all your fault!
"when you pay off your debt you can go home" he's never going to pay off his debt!!! that's the point of mafia debt!!!
So Perth's unnamed character is weird. He's clearly important and isn't a fan of working of the mafia. Is he a prostitute/forced into sex work? the way he was rubbing uncle joe's shoulders that one time, the way he's Doing Customer Service in the casino. The way he tells Tee not to question his work ethic. I just get that vibe. I did laugh when Perth called Tee out for giving Non special treatment and liking Non. I just said the TeeNon vibes were real and now i am validated. thank you Perth.
"I think I'd choose myself. Would you?" that's exactly what Tee did when he got Non involved in the first place, he put his/his family's health and safety above Non's. I'm not say Tee was wrong to look out for his sick family member but there must have been a way that didn't involve dragging highschoolers into the mafia. and Tee regrets it! He's trying to make up for it! so no, at this point I don't think Tee would choose himself, necessarily. He might! But it's less likely than it was.
Interesting that Top is the one to say he thinks Non will come back to school when Top was the one most convinced that Non's ghost was haunting them.
Good on Jin for getting up and leaving the table.
Tee got a job at an arcade! couldn't you have done that earlier?! but i guess he did have to stop going to school to do it...not exactly great for the future. but neither is working for the mafia so...
oh Tee's dad is THAT kind of sick. yeah, kid never stood a chance. especially since it seems like his dad was also mafia before the dementia. like this is genuinely heartbreaking stuff. i have to assume that tee's dad is going to die soon because by the time Phi and Tan join the group Tee seems a lot lighter.
lol I don't think any of them really believe Non ran away with Mr Keng here. but fucking Top being the one to say that the video leaking was enough to make him run away! the dumbest most annoying one of the group! out of the mouths of idiots I guess. and Por! Finally someone saying Mr Keng is evil for what he did! Wow!
oh shit. Non's dead for real for real? damn, i was hoping for him to be alive and stalking everyone.
what does the paper say?????????
oh. "I'm gonna get out of this place I'm not a loser" and then i suppose tally marks for the days? that's...heartbreaking. no wonder Tee's upset.
lmao at the transition from the sad noteburning "i don't deserve to be happy" to the absolute shojo meetcute energy of White coming into the arcade. pink lights and tinkly piano music ~Cute Boy Has Entered Your Life Alert!~
White trying to hit on Tee by asking if Tee's smoking pot and can he try it??? is so funny. these fucking loser children. White slowly breaking down Tee's walls is very cute. i have to say, that's the least sexy shotgunning i've ever seen on tv, BOC, but i don't think it was actually meant to be.
Lol Fluke I seriously doubt that "I'm not involved" i just don't beleive it. Phi getting the gun from Fluke was A+, very hot shit. Tan is full crazy and I love him. He's right! These Assholes did cause Non's death! Jin needs to shut up with his "you don't want to be like New do you?" boring ass take. "you'll be no better than the bad guy" takes are always the worst.
lol TanNew slutshaming Phi. "You're a slut who didn't love my brother if you did you'd kill them!" King Behavior. and then he drugs everyone even more. I love it.
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smolbluebirb · 9 months
thinking thoughts about Billy and Max's relationship - specifically that Max needs as much of a sibling character growth arc as Billy does.
I've seen lots of fics examine the siblings' relationship and have Max's view on Billy suddenly shift once she finds out about Neil's abuse. Max develop a sudden well of empathy and understanding for Billy once she learns that his dad beats him. and honestly I enjoy that characterization and it's very much my cup of tea - but it's not what I expect from their canon portayals. I don't think Max would see the abuse in the same light as we do.
I've heard that Runaway Max makes it canon that Max knows - has literally watched - Neil beat Billy. and gone on the next day still hating him, and maybe even believing that Billy deserves it. that, horrifying as it is, seems a lot more realistic to me.
bear with me here: a story about me and my younger sibling to give perspective into my point about Billy and Max.
I've got a little brother. our family has lots of problems, but our relationship was never great as kids just cuz I didn't want anything to do with him. both of our parents are youngest siblings and I've been getting sat down for talks since I was a toddler about how he deserved a nice older sibling, and I ought to share all my toys with him and play with him whenever he wanted and be his best friend because that's all they ever wanted from their older siblings. and I resented that. I hated the unfairness of me being expected to cater to him because I was arbitrarily older.
so I wasn't particularly cruel, but I was certainly rude, and I did everything I could to make it clear that I didn't want anything to do with him. and he would go straight to our mom and say I was being mean - and I would get beaten, or lose meal privileges for a few days, or have everything taken out of my room and locked in there for a day or two.
I was in some kind of trouble all the way into middle school, and it made me really, really angry because I had never asked for a sibling. I wasn't mean, I didn't mess with his stuff, I didn't have problems with anyone else outside of the house. but because I was the older sibling, he got to hold all the cards and I could be nursing bruised ribs for weeks because he felt like telling our parents I refused to play lightsabers with him.
but as I headed into highschool he got a gang of friends and was happy to spend his time off with them, so he left me alone for the most part. I still wanted nothing to do with him but it was finally mutual, and I mostly got a break.
here is where it ties into Billy and Max.
when he was twelve, we started going to this little hick cowboy church. I had always been a people person and super popular with adults and peers alike, but I was also super into literature at that stage of life and developing some nasty mobility disabilities, and I started being bullied very badly by the people there for wanting to hang inside and read instead of playing football, volleyball, etc. outside with them. they were VERY hick, man. demonize higher education, a man is out in the field, a woman is in the kitchen, hick.
and that became a very, very regular occurrence.
and one day at home, he waltzed into my room and started telling me at length how I was worthless and no one liked me or wanted me around and I should do everyone a favor and just disappear.
people love my brother, man. they did then, they do now. he works full time with kids, mentoring them and shit. he's good at it. he's not necessarily nice, he's always had a caustic brand of humor, but it's the kind people find hilarious. hell I find it hilarious. it's a lot like Max's in the show.
and you know what? when our mom dragged us to a dinner together years later, as adults, and whined about why we weren't close, I brought up the period in our lives where I was extremely suicidal (I attempted multiple times around then and they are well aware) and all the remarks he'd make. I pointed out that he'd never given me any form of apology, nor had he ever made an effort to build a relationship with me, so I saw no reason to reach out to him.
and he looked me dead in the eye and said he wasn't sorry, and it was my fault if I'd been that bothered by what he said.
that kid was raised from infancy being told that he had every right to demand my time and attention and walk past my boundaries. that kid heard from his friends that it sucked he was stuck with a loser for an older sibling. that kid saw every beating I took and every suicide attempt I made and all the health complications I have from childhood malnutrition and mistreatment as my own fault for not being a better older sibling - because that's what everyone fucking told him his whole life.
so. Max Mayfield.
I wanted to share all this with ye peeps of Tumblr because it seems like a lot of people have genuinely never come across a situation like I grew up in. that it isn't a perspective that's easy for other people to slide into.
most of what we know about Billy comes from Max's perspective of Billy. and where does Max's perspective of Billy come from?
consider every time she hears Neil tell him to be responsible. that he's wasting his life going to parties. that his music is trash. to be a real man. to show some respect.
we know that there's nothing wrong with metal music and teenagers party and that Neil's version of respect and responsibility is toxic as hell - but Max doesn't necessarily. Max knows that her new older brother is rude and always getting in trouble. Max knows that her parents say he should be nice to her and spend time with her and give her things and he doesn't.
we learned about Billy's abuse and saw him in a new light because we know there is nothing that warrants a minor being beaten. and we know the psychological impact being raised like that can have. and we can imagine how Billy could be if he was given a safe, healthy environment instead of the horror of a homelife he has in the show.
but as a kid in that household in the 1980s, Max doesn't. Max hears from her dad that Billy deserves it and sees from her mom that it's fine and hears from her friends that Billy is the worst.
and I just don't see Max realizing that it's horrible that Neil beats Billy. I see her doing things that'll get him in trouble anyway and thinking that he's an asshole so he probably deserves it.
and after the nailbat to the nuts, I think Billy backing off and their relationship stabilizing has less to do with him being scared of Max and more to do with her finally being willing to keep up her end of the status quo of completely ignoring each other, now that she has friends to fill her time with.
and most importantly - I don't think this makes Max an awful person. I think she's a product of her environment and I think she's a kid so she has very little control over that environment.
I think we, the fandom, like to go with the easy answer that of course Max's view of Billy will change once she learns of Neil's abuse because we don't want to think of Max as being the little sibling who will tell you to kill yourself and stand by it years later. she can say "sometimes I wished he was dead" and that's okay because she regrets it now, but I'm suggesting that if Billy hadn't died, Max wouldn't have regretted it.
and I think Max both needs and deserves a character arc of recognizing that her parents were wrong and their treatment of Billy wasn't okay and that she was wrong and her treatment of Billy wasn't okay, either.
I'm not blaming Max. I don't blame my little brother. when you're a kid and you have fucked up parents, you end up where you end up. but then, you have the chance and the responsibility to learn better and do better. and we explore that with Billy all the time, but to get Max from Point A to Point B, she has to go through all that too.
Billy hurt Max, but Max hurt Billy too. they were both kids. they both have to learn better.
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