#and i laugh because i remember my mom telling me that at some point I'd have to throw away my 'stupid' star wars books
jedi-bird · 10 months
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Day two goody haul @legendsconsortium plus photos from some of the panels we attended. I couldn't decide between the lightsaber and since it was a special day I gave in and got both. Got a few more books signed and bought some extra signed ones from the Mysterious Galaxy booth (and regret passing on one but can't do anything about that now). This was probably the most fun I've had at a convention in a while, and not just because it was my first one in four years. Everyone was awesome and made it so much fun. I'm looking forward to going again in the future.
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starfxkr · 5 days
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drummer!jj x groupie!reader
you despised being called a groupie. it was more than that. you'd been following the pogues since they were performing at shitty dive bars, you were there for the music and nobody could see that.
granted it's probably because the drummer always found a way to get you out your panties.
jj maybank had a reputation--not unwarranted--but he always came back to you. he always found a way to cart you across the country and overseas to the point you were an unofficial member of the band. you can't say you hated it, on the contrary you couldn't believe the opportunity that landed in your lap because you were maybank's girl.
his main one at least.
like many times it started with an argument, he clearly pocketed some girls number like you couldn't see him from the bar so you shoved down that sick feeling and went on the prowl, finding the first hot guy you could and danced with him. you got a solid 3 songs in before jj came raging in.
he grabbed you, pulling you through the crowd until you got to the clearly occupied bathroom and he kicked the kissing couple out before closing and locking the door behind him.
"the fuck was that all about?"
it was ridiculous, the floor was sticky with who knows what, the lights dim and the graffiti scribbled all over the walls added to the dizzying feeling.
"oh don't start tonight, i saw you with that girl why the fuck would i let you play in my face like that?" the sentence is barely out before he's got a hand around your neck, pinning you to the wall as he leans in close.
"i fuckin brought you here, i'll put you back on the plane to obx in a second."
when you smile in his face he gets angrier, "go ahead, let's see who else is willing to put up with your drunk ass. newsflash jj! they don't like you. they like what they could get from you."
"and you don't?"
"i was making t-shirts for free in my mom's shed when the only people coming to see you were burnouts and old fisherman who just happened to be there for a drink. you tell me."
jj snorts, but that snort turns into a real laugh and he lets you go to cage you in and kiss your sweaty brow, wiping the smudged eyeliner from your cheeks before he kisses you, "yeah...shit those old motherfuckers were mean."
you lightly bite him on the clavicle, making him hiss and lightly push your head back, "tell me some shit i don't know, the amount of ass pinches i went through good lord."
as if to demonstrate he gives you one, making you squeak and before you can reprimand him he leans down to kiss you again, this time slower and deeper and you shiver at the lingering taste of whiskey on his breath.
knowing things will escalate you push him back again, watching as his fingers flex with the urge to touch you again.
"m'sorry for bein a dick, i don't even know why i did that shit dude i can't even remember her face."
you shrug, "you're just a man, i don't expect much from you."
"don't say that-"
"it's true! i love you babe but i'd rather die than think this would go anywhere else."
jj leans against the opposite wall and the furrow in his brow shows how troubled he feels, "why can't it?"
"nah, i'm serious, why can't it be more."
"stop fucking other girls."
"i have."
"liar." you can't hide the tremble in your voice this time, your stomach churns as the weight of what he's saying settles on you, "you're drunk."
the idea of him really stopping scares you, you can handle what your relationship is now--the push and pull is reassuring. you need the balance of him chasing after you or else what's the point of being there? what if he gets bored?
"not lying, think about it. when's the last time you slept with the girls instead of me?"
weeks, almost two months if your memory stretches back far enough, but you can't help shake your head regardless, "i don't like when you're funny."
he steps back towards you, crowding your space with the heat of his body and you want to melt.
"i know you got absolutely no reason to trust me, but i mean this shit. nobody else does it for me like you do pussycat i mean it."
a shuddering exhale is all you can manage before you say, "jj. what are you telling me right now."
"telling you i want you to be my girl."
"in a pissy bathroom?"
he lets out a shock of a laugh and cups your cheeks, "in a pissy bathroom baby, what can i say i got style."
you're pretty much vibrating, so overwhelmed you sink your teeth into his palm. for once he doesn't even flinch.
"i think we should cut the night short, i'm a little tired how bout you?"
you nod, giggling as you lean up to bite his lower lip before the two of you leave the bathroom to a line of angry patrons.
you weren't a groupie. it was much more than that.
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markantonys · 8 months
My Mom Reacts To: wheel of time season 2 episodes 1-4 (season 1)
episode 1
"if i had to carry water all that way for a bath, i'd get a smaller bathtub" you know what? that is a very fair point. just get a smaller tub, moiraine!
mom, #1 Lan Stan: so, he doesn't have any powers, right? except cunning and strength and loyalty of course me: of course
mom: so liandrin wants nynaeve to become red because she........doesn't want her to have a warder? me doing a great aes sedai truth-telling: nynaeve is really powerful so liandrin wants to recruit her for her own team
my dad predicted moiraine was scamming bayle domon and loved it when it was revealed that she was. as always, not too much commentary from him because he remains silent and seems to not be paying attention for most of the time, only to randomly come out with a completely correct prediction or read on a scene.
"i don't think it's true that neat and tidy things can't be worthwhile 🙄" clearly my mom subscribes more to the Egwene School Of Thought than to the Alanna School Of Thought
lan to moiraine after she is Mean to him: make dinner yourself mom: GOOD FOR YOU
when lan brings her the plate later and puts it on top of the maps: "what if he gets greasy food all over her maps?"
"ugh i hate dark scenes where i can't see anything" [scary fade appears] "okay maybe it's good that i can't see"
episode 2
my mom got all confused about rand's dream of him killing his friends and wondered at first if it was real, please pray for her when tel'aran'rhiod is introduced later
"HE'S BALD??????" all of us when we first saw s2 rand's new look djkfgjh
"they must like him here if he gets free food" my boy, beloved wherever he goes :')
she wasn't particularly fond of mat last season, but he's gotten quite a few laughs so far this season! (notably the moment when we ALL fell in love with New Mat, when he was miming liandrin locking the door)
she gave an annoyed TUH! at elayne dissing egwene's room, but didn't comment further, possibly because i'd just told her 20 seconds earlier that elayne was my favorite character and she didn't want to offend me jdkfgh
she was like "wait, is she blue or green???" during a scene where alanna was wearing a slightly-darker-than-normal green outfit, so i think it was definitely a good call by the show to dress aes sedai in their ajah colors always. hard to keep track otherwise!
after moiraine had her hand on her knife when verin revealed she knew about the dragon: "what was she gonna do?? just stab her right in front of all the others??? that's ridiculous!" djkfjg points were made! poor moiraine just kinda panicked and lost all her braincells for a moment there.
my mom was a randgwene shipper last season so i thought she was gonna be pissed about rand hooking up with a strange new woman whilst egwene mourns his death, but she has not said a single word about that situation yet! i did once catch her reading lanfear's wiki article which she'd gotten onto after reading lan's because "i just want to know what happens to him and i'm not going to read all those books" so maybe she retained some info from lanfear's article that made her suspect something fishy with selene?
she recognized min from s1 right away and hastened to add her to her handwritten character list, when other characters needed a couple scenes to get that honor, and i remember she laughed a lot at min's lines last season and she did again today. guys, if my mom becomes a min stan, i may never recover lmao (i'm mostly kidding, show!min has done nothing wrong and is cool. MOSTLY kidding.)
re: the list, i told her she wasn't allowed to google and print out a list of characters because she would see spoilers, only to accidentally spoil her myself last season by instinctively writing liandrin's name down in the "bad guys" column and making her ask "wait, so she's ACTUALLY a villain, not just mean??", rip (but i played it off as "oh she's just unfriendly to moiraine so that's why i put her there" so we shall see whether or not she ends up being surprised by the black ajah reveal)
when min was saying how she sees glimpses of the pattern, my mom made a connection to perrin seeing the past earlier, which i thought was very interesting! (since we hadn't yet learned that what he saw was actually a sending from the wolves.) min's viewings and wolfbrothers are the two major magical powers that have nothing to do with the one power, and it always minorly bugged me that they don't Fit In to the rest of the magic system (despite my apparently-hypocritical mocking of people who get hung up on lore rules etc haha), so i just thought it was neat to think of them in conjunction with each other.
mom, shocked and dismayed: MAT'S GOING TO KILL RAND???????? me: [vibrating with glee over The Great Cauthor Stabbening]
when nynaeve is taken to the arches: "so is she getting a promotion?"
there was some line during the moiraine-lan divorce that got a big offended gasp from our #1 Lan Stan, but i forget which one it was (it wasn't "we were never equals" it was an earlier one)
my dad just laughed when they first showed suroth and her redonkulus getup jkjfg the correct reaction to the pomp and ceremony of seanchan high blood
episode 3
when the aes sedai were saying nynaeve was ready to take the test my mom was like "NO SHE ISN'T!!!!" and was pressed about them rushing her into it
during the bandit attack in the test: "boy, i wouldn't want to live in this world!"
when nynaeve left the tower my mom was like "is this what happens in the books?!" and i couldn't reveal yet that it was still part of the test so i just instinctively said "you'll see" which is my response to everything, and she was like "no i won't, i'm not reading all these books" lmao
my dad during the version of mashiara playing during the lanaeve reunion: why is "somewhere over the rainbow" playing
sheriam: she wasn't ready mom: THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!
she was genuinely very upset for a moment because she thought nynaeve was dead, but i think she then guessed pretty quickly that It Ain't Over Yet
scene transition from nynaeve being left in the arches over to the seanchan: "we're going from bad to worse!"
i was dithering over uno's impending death because i didn't want to spoil them but i thought my mom might want a trigger warning, and thankfully my dad went "that horn looks like it's in a dangerous spot" when they first made uno kneel, so i was all clear to say "yeah this is about to get gory" lmao
my dad wondered if suroth was the dark one which fascinated me! i think everyday negroes had the same thought, iirc. i guess it IS the logical conclusion when you know that ishy is the dark one's right-hand man and in this scene we see him being suroth's right-hand man!
my mom thought elayne might be evil or a spy! how could she! i guess she isn't accustomed to wheel of time strangers just being friendly without an ulterior motive djkfg i didn't outright say her theory was wrong because i'm not about to be a booksplainer, but i'm sure i was so visibly baffled at the idea of elayne being evil that i shot down the theory nonetheless haha
when liandrin goes to visit mat again: "how does she have time for all this? she has her sick son, she has mat, and she has whatever else she does at the tower"
when liandrin blames mat for nynaeve's death: "this lady is CRAZY!!"
mat's "is that an 'i'm here to murder you' stare or a 'light i never realized how handsome you are' stare" line was a big hit! love to see my boy getting some appreciation in this house
...............which he promptly squandered when he a) initially left his cell without freeing min too, and b) did not go comfort egwene. but i pointed out that liandrin's been psychologically tormenting him for months into thinking his friends are better off without him, because i couldn't bear to see them judge my boy!
"it's like we're in 18th century france!" was the first thing out of my mom's mouth when they went to the cairhienin party, i'm sure the costume designers would be thrilled!
mom: how did this lady from the poor district get them into a fancy party? and how could she afford these clothes? 🤨 me: 🤷👀
when logain pours out the wine: "AFTER ALL RAND'S HARD WORK TO GET IT!!"
why did my dad laugh when the inn was on fire jdkfg maybe he just likes to see rand have a bad time
mom: jeez, maybe rand shouldn't stay in other people's houses anymore me: i'm sure rand's thinking the same thing
mom at the end of the test: it's so sad that they keep getting glimpses of the nice lives they could've had 😔
episode 4
mom 2 seconds before the camera reveals who the visitor is: is her little sister moiraine? [camera shows moiraine] mom: I GUESSED SOMETHING FOR ONCE
"it's pretty rude to show up to someone's house and then say 'i don't have time to hang out with you'!"
selene: the fire wasn't your fault rand mom: well it kinda was actually
there was some moment where my dad referred to "sneezing and burning down an inn, or whatever he did" and it killed me, i wish i could remember the context bc it was even funnier in context
"i speak with the amyrlin every time i open my mouth" was also a hit! as was perrin asking if he would turn into a wolf and elyas saying "don't be stupid"
mom when moiraine waltzes into the foregate dressed to the nines: i thought she wanted to keep a low profile
just earlier that day we'd been bemoaning the lack of pockets in women's clothing, as one does, so my mom was like "[delighted] now THAT'S a pocket!" when moiraine fit a whole-ass knife into the pocket of her fancy dress. WOT costumers understand the importance of giving girls pockets! lanfear's outfits have a lot too
my dad said "she seems like a bad guy" about selene during the mountaintop scene, he been knew! but he ended up falling asleep and missing the reveal that he was right
meanwhile, mom: "i'm just waiting for a monster to crawl up that cliff and get them"
when alanna & co go through lan's bags to get the poem: "aww, i thought they were his friends! 😔"
mom: too bad moiraine won't just ask her sister about rand, she talked to him at the party! anvaere: so if you want to know where that redheaded boy is, you'll have to ask me very nicely over tea mom: [just as smug as anvaere]
when ishy shows up at min's room: "how is he EVERYWHERE????"
she didn't seem TOO surprised when liandrin attacked the girls, and she clocked that liandrin was working for ishy after this scene with min (or rather, she asked me if that was the case and i said "you'll see")
she let out the fondest chuckle when rand was like "[choking back tears] i'm going to leave now, thank you" he is BABY YOUR HONOR!!!
as the Lanfear Reveal started my mom said "i just knew she was evil" so that must be why she was so silent on the relationship and so un-judgmental of rand, she must've clocked selene's Bad Vibes from the start! or else she retained something from reading lanfear's wiki article a while back lmao
even so, she went "OH MY GOSH!!!!" and clapped her hands over her mouth in shock when moiraine slit lanfear's throat, which i think is one of her biggest reactions to anything in either season so far! the initial stabbing, zero reaction, but the followup throat-slitting, freakout.
the "i'm a monster too" line + Undead Lanfear Moment has her CONVINCED that forsaken are some kind of creatures or zombies, i'm trying to explain they're just humans who are really powerful and evil haha
at the final shot of lanfear: "i'm going to have nightmares! i'll have to go read my murder mystery to calm down before bed." duality of woman
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evelhak · 1 year
Seen so many bad jokes about autistic people's literal black & white thinking that I wanted to talk about how it might actually look like. Yeah, sure, haha it's very funny if you say you have to turn the place upside down and someone thinks you literally want to turn the house on its roof, but who would actually think that? Sure, that image would pop in my head but I wouldn't think that's what you meant. Like, most people can understand the meaning of common sayings they've heard all their lives, even if they did misunderstand them for the first few times of hearing them. So if you're trying to write an autistic character and you're not autistic, here's some examples that could be helpful.
My mom asked me to empty the dishwasher while she was at the store. Once she came back and went to the kitchen, I wanted to ask her something, don't remember what anymore, but she replied that she was admiring my work in the kitchen. To which I just laughed and continued with my initial question. At this point my mom was suddenly enraged and I didn't understand why, until it became clear that she had wanted me to both empty and fill the dishwasher, which I had not understood, and "admiring my work" was sarcasm because she thought I was just being lazy and did know what she had meant. And her rage came from the fact that she also assumed I had understood her sarcasm and chose to ignore it.
What I want a writer to take away from this is 1) there's an internal logic to my thought process and actions that is just as logical as my mom's. It's not random and once I understood where my mom was coming from there was no longer confusion. 2) I also learned from this and didn't repeat the same mistake ever again.
Once at the doctor's office I was given a list of about a 100 things that one should avoid eating if they have IBS. I took the list and went home, immediately started to follow the list for a month. Next time at the doctor's office I was asked if I had been using the list and which things I had been avoiding. I blinked in confusion. All of them of course. The doctor's eyes widened. "All of them??" I was just like... Yeah. Apparently I should have understood that I could pick and choose.
What I think is important here is that 1) autistic people aren't necessarily "rigid" as if that's negative. We tend to process things very deeply so we assume instructions are to be taken seriously. 2) Again I learned from this and remember to ask specific instructions more these days.
This happened a LOT with my girlfriend: she would say something half heartedly, like, she wanted to go to a movie, and I immediately began to arrange when we could go and when I asked her if that day was good she didn't even remember she had wanted to go to a movie anymore. Because it hadn't been a serious statement, just a thought. But I could not tell the difference between serious and non-serious wishes because the words used for them would be literally the same, and I default to seriousness.
Here I'd like to highlight how 1) this example is more complicated because this dynamic can apply to so many different situations that it's harder to not make the "same" mistake again. 2) The default assumption for me is that all of people's words have the same weight. Sure, I have learned to tell pretty well if people are joking, but when they are not exactly joking it's hard to tell the degree of seriousness.
Obviously I'm giving myself as just an example.
All in all, my point is I want writers to consider the LOGIC, the subjective reasoning behind a character's actions just like they would for any other character. You can't just copy and paste together a bunch of autistic traits with no rhyme or reason because the traits are just the outcome of an internal process. They are just the visible part. And for any individual just being autistic isn't enough of a reason to give them a specific trait you have to figure out why their specific autistic presentation is the way it is. Autism is just the label. It's not the explanation. You have to understand how the individual traits your character has, relate to each other and work together from inside out, if you actually want to create good representation.
Obviously I know this is hard. It's almost like it's difficult to think with a different brain type to your own. But that's something autistic people who are high maskers attempt everyday, and can be quite successful at too. But there are still "leaks". These examples are some of mine.
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whoiwanttoday · 3 months
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The world is often full of some inherent contradictions that make it hard to navigate. Experience is really the only compass we have, which is why in theory we should listen to our elders but in reality a lot of them have dementia and the truth is an experienced dipshit is still a dipshit, so if you are young you don't really have the experience to tell which else is wizened and which one is just old and bitter. Like drugs are a good example. I grew up in an era where we sure were told a lot about how bad drugs were. I remember this one PSA where it was a guy in profile and he started talking aobut trying pot and the top of his head turned to ash, then he did more drugs and more of him turned to ash and eventually he like died in a gutter and all ash and got blown away at the end. It's scary stuff but as you get older you see other people do drugs and they don't choke on their own vomit at all. Instead Jessica Miles makes out with them. It's not at all what the PSAs warned us about and you start to feel a little lied to when you realize drugs actually make you feel good and if you do them then people think that you're cool. Obviously, it takes time to know there are degrees to all of this. You can do all the lines of coke you want off of a computer desk at 7 AM while sitting in your underwear and writing about who you want to fuck today and pretty much no one will think that you're cool, so context still matters but it is one of those inherent things that meant I saw a lot of people swing too far one way and then the other in response to this sort of thing.
Anyway, I was thinking about this and how we can really vacillate too far one way or another and Anne Hathaway and Christopher Nolan. Nolan recently said he didn't know what the line meant, "You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain" meant when he put it in the movie and I am with him there, like I kind of got it but it felt like a cumbersome line and no one had ever said that before so why did they act like it was a common saying. People say it now though and boy does it resonate as we as a culture turn on things and people. Anne Hathaway said in an interview about how hard it was when the internet turned on her. I remember that. I never quite got it but I was told it was because I wanted to fuck her so I was blinded to what a monster she is I guess. I'd love to counter this claim but my dating history makes it pretty clear that this is entirely possible. Anyway, I don't want to discount the possibility that Anne Hathaway is a monster but the truth is none of us know. She's certainly not our friend and I am willing to believe I would find most celebrities unbearable in person. This is just because they live in a world where they are surrounded by people who makes sure they know they are the center of the universe and I don't really know how that doesn't turn someone into an asshole. Like I have a ZZ Plant in my kitchen named Spencer. He's named Spencer because someone once told me plants are supposed to have names so I named him Spencer. Then they told me that's a stupid name and I said, "You're mom's stupid". We both laughed like it was a joke but I kept the name Spencer just to tweak her and I hope deep down my witty comeback still haunts her when she can't sleep. Anyway, my point is I don't particularly care about Spencer's feelings or if he even thinks Spencer is a good name. I water him when the notification comes up on my phone and otherwise kind of ignore him. What I am saying is lots of plants might think I am an asshole because I consider myself to be far above them and they might be right but Spencer is the only plant here so those other plants are just guessing. So Anne Hathaway might treat people like garbage or just sort of not think about them because she is supporting them and watering them but I don't know. So the idea that celebrities are someone to lionize or vilify is kind of weird but I think about my friends now who give their kids lectures on drugs when I fucking saw you rolling at foam parties and pretty much groping anyone who would let you. We aren't great at inbetweens. So like, sorry Anne Hathaway went through that but it's kind of just how people work. I had a point here but I lost it, I was too caught up laughing about how much it probably burns that I named my plant Spencer and got off a sick Mom joke on someone 4 years ago. I guess my core point is today I want to fuck Anne Hathaway.
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dollywheeler · 11 months
September 20th, 1996
Dear diary,
The girls and I went to the diner after cheer practice, so I got home later than usual. At first I thought mom and dad had gone out, as dad's car was gone and the house was dark despite it only being 7, but I found mom sitting in the living room on her own reading a magazine. Apparently, dad had some work event and wouldn't be home until late. The house felt lonely without dad sitting in his chair in front of the TV, and I realized mom probably felt that more than anyone now that I was out a lot more, myself.
It made me feel worse for leaving her to have dinner on her own, and realized I'd forgotten to call and let her know I wouldn't make it.
It reminded me of when I was younger, and I'd go back downstairs after being unable to fall asleep, to find mom in the sitting room, reading or sewing but mostly just keeping her eye on the door. It took me a while to realize she was waiting on Mike and/or Nancy, making sure they'd get home, without knowing when they'd be back. One night, mom had allowed me to sit with her a little longer instead of getting me back upstairs immediately, and when we'd finally heard the garage door open, Mike had rounded the corner and ran right up the stairs without saying anything.
To this day I don't know if he ever even knew she was there, or if he just didn't care that she was. I just know that mom had opened her mouth to greet him or ask how he was, but changed her mind, clearly knowing better. He'd already been halfway up the stairs, anyway.
She still looks surprised any time I let her know where I'm going or what I'm doing, the relief on her face every time we have dinner together and I tell them about my day. I don't want to stop doing that. I don't want to do that to her. Not after seeing how much it hurt her the first two times.
I don't want to do that to her ever. I guess, I came pretty close today, anyway.
On top of that, my first instinct was to go upstairs, to read or listen to music in my room, but I realised that would leave her sitting here alone, just as Nancy or Mike would have done.
So, instead, I asked if she wanted to go the movies.
She seemed surprised I'd asked, which was to be inspected and made me feel even more guilty, but it was clear she was excited by the idea.
It was strange getting into the car with her now I've been doing most driving myself, but it was a nice feeling too - like I'd only just realized I'd been missing it - and it made me feel a lot better.
Mom asked if there was a particular movie I wanted to see, and it made me pause because I realised there really weren't that many great movies playing. I just suggested watching My Best Friend's wedding as I considered it was probably most up her alley, but she remembered I'd already seen it. I insisted I didn't particularly care about anything else that was playing and didn't mind seeing it again.
At first she agreed if I was sure, but once we got to the theater she checked out the other movies anyway. She pointed out Mimic as something I'd probably like, and I laughed and pointed out it was R-rated, but she just shrugged and joked that "she may look young but still counts as adult supervision."
I told her I didn't want to watch anything she wouldn't enjoy. She gave me this look with a twinkle in her eyes and I remember that I only know the parts of her she'd wanted me to see until now. It made me feel kind of dumb - naive, I guess. Strange how that works - how we just assume that parents are parents, and everything they enjoyed as children was prelude to raising kids. That we forget they're people too.
It made me ask what she enjoyed doing at my age, and I could tell she felt weird answering that question, almost as if she wasn't quite sure how, or she'd forgotten. She mentioned something non-commital about ballet and focusing on school, but on the way home, she said she'd enjoyed the movie even though preferred fantasy over sci-fi. And then she'd told this story about how, when she was pregnant with Mike, she'd left Nancy with a babysitter one night and had gone to see Rosemary's Baby on her own. I've really been underestimating her, apparently. I always knew mom must have been somewhat like me and Nancy as a teenager, I just never realised she was - and this is going to sound cliché - cool. Cool enough to say 'fuck it' and go to the movies on her own, to one of the scariest horror movies ever, about a baby, while pregnant.
And then she said, and I can't quite believe I'm the first one hearing about this, that it was actually the first night she'd met Joyce Byers. Apparently, she was working the ticket counter at the time - just as pregnant as mom was - and had made a comment about her choice of movies. Something about her nerves never being able to handle horror and that she'd probably go into labor early if she tried.
A few weeks later, when mom was in the hospital with Mike, she bumped into Joyce again when they came to pick Will up from the NICU. Mom smiled when she recalled this, but her thoughts seemed far away as she trailed off. She'd been in a good mood ever since we bumped into them, and I know she'd been hoping for something like that to happen ever since they moved back to town.
I should probably have explained that first before going off on this tangent.
So, we went to see Mimic. We got to our seat as the previews were ending, and pretty early on as the movie was starting, my attention was pulled to two people a few rows in front of us and a little to my left. They were talking quietly among themselves, as most people were, and I immediately recognised them as Will and Mike.
It kind of shocked me - I really hadn't expected seeing them and I tensed realizing mom was with me. I didn't know how she'd respond to seeing them, and I really didn't want to ruin this night for her. It had been so nice up until now, and I doubted reminding her of the son that had abandoned her would be make this night better. Okay, maybe abandoned is a strong word, but I still didn't think it was far off from how mom was feeling.
But mom seemed engrossed by the movie and unbothered by the people talking around her, so I hope she wouldn't recognise them in the dark and tried to focus on the movie myself.
It was great - not that scary, honestly, and I'm not a fan of bugs so it was more disgusting than anything. I might just have been too distracted to enjoy it though, as I kept catching snippets of Mike and Will's commentary.
At the start of the movie they were pretty quiet, but then when the characters really started investigating the tunnels and the action started kicking up, Mike mumbled “Stupid kids sticking their noses where they don’t belong.”
“Shut UP, Mike.” Will groaned, but he was clearly biting back a laugh.
“At least we didn’t WANT to get involved. And we managed to stay alive.”
Will slapped his arm instead of telling him to shut up again, but he was laughing quietly.
Wondrously, people weren’t complaining about them whispering. Though, if I hadn’t been so focused on them I probably wouldn’t have minded either - they were being quiet enough and surely weren’t the only ones making a comment here or there.
It was a weird comment though, and I didn't understand what Mike could have been referring to. There were more comments like that, though I can't quite recall them all.
At one point, Mike repeated a quote from the movie “The world’s a much bigger lab.” and then added, "Don’t let El watch this movie. She’ll have an existential crisis.”
Again, weird comment, but Will seemed to follow exactly what he meant as he hissed out a “Mike.” before pressing a hand over his mouth to stelp his laughter.
They continued back and forth like this, Will chiming in with his own comments every once in a while, though more content to just sit and watch than Mike was apparently. Until, eventually Mike said something about "it being nice for the scientists to be the victim of their own creations for once."
"What the hell is wrong with you?” Will joked in response this time, sounding strangely fond, before dropping his voice into a more serious tone. “Are you okay? We can leave-“
“I’m fine. Joking helps.” Mike's voice was quieter as he responded seriously for once, and it was weird. I wouldn't have expected him to sober up just like that, to drop the act and be earnest after all that sarcasm. “Though I don’t like we’re watching this back in Hawkins.”
It made me scoff, strangely defensive. As much as I love Hawkins, I hold no illusion over it being a paradise, but no one asked them to move back. If they hate being here so much they shouldn't have come. I knew they hadn't wanted to come back - knew it was all just a ruse, them wanting to meet up and suddenly caring about the people they left behind is all just bullshit, a game to pass the time cause they have nothing better to do. Something they might as well indulge in now they're burned out and back where they started.
Surely they could have found a different small town in need of teaching staff.
But Will just smiled sadly at Mike's comment, before glancing around at the other patrons, enraptured by the movie or muttering and grimacing between themselves at the juicy bits. Then Will shifted in his seat, only barely, pulling his hand off the armrest causing Mike to turn his eyes back to him, and asked. “Better?”
“Better.” Mike agreed with a smile, though what had changed to make it so, I couldn’t grasp. “Oh we’re back to regular horror movie bullshit. That’s good. Watch him struggle with that lighter like a total cliché. Told you."
Weirdest part was when the movie had ended. As soon as the lights came on, I was ushering mom out of the theater because I didn't want her to see them, and I managed to get her successfully back into the foyer. She had to go to the bathroom though, but I figured that worked in my favor because I'd thought Mike and Will would be gone before she came out again.
I'd been aware of them walking behind us, and as I waited by the door, I heard Mike complain that the movie "wasn't even that scary, but just hit close to home."
I remember it clearly cause it struck me as odd - "too close to home"? I think mom would kill herself if she’d ever let a cockroach in the house. And with modern medicine plagues are definitely of the past. But then I realized he might have been talking about Barb. I don’t know exactly what happened and Nancy and mom don't like talking about it, but dad says it was a government cover-up. Something about a leak from the old lab. Though I doubt it was anything like the movie - it wasn't even a biological agent but chemical contaminant.
But what do I know.
At least they were gone without mom seeing them.
Or so I thought.
Of course, we eventually bumped into Mike and Will anyway. Mom caught sight of them the second we stepped back out into the hallway. They were standing near the bins, lost in conversation, clearly loitering as if hesitant to leave. I admit I used to do that a lot too, but only because I wanted to talk to my friends longer before we'd have to get in separate cars and drive to separate houses. Mike and Will don't have this problem, so I can only assume they did it just to thwart me.
Mom immediately dragged me over to go say hi.
I could tell she was nervous despite her eagerness, and despite my annoyance at Mike and hesitancy at the confrontation to come, I had to admire her resilience. They looked up when mom greeted them, and I caught their expression as they noticed me first, before they fell slightly into something more unsure as their eyes fell on mom.
"Oh, hi, Holly. Hi Mrs. Wheeler." Will said, taking the lead in the conversation as he smiled polite as ever at mom, but even he seemed cautious.
"Hi, mom," Mike said quietly, and I noticed he didn't hug her hello. He barely even looked at her, keeping his eyes downcast.
Will asked what movie we'd just seen, and both him and Mike seemed surprised when mom said they'd watched Mimic. I stayed quiet as they talked about the movie for a bit, until Mike seemed to notice I hadn't said anything yet.
Mike turned to me and mentioned having dinner again, saying I had yet to accept an invitation any time soon, and then he added - surprising both me and mom, and possibly even himself - "you too mom."
I could tell he was nervous after, but I didn't know if it was because he already regretted what he'd said or if he wasn't sure what our response he would be.
"What about dad?" I tried to ask, but mom just put her arm around my shoulder and cut me off with a "we'd love to accept."
I don't know why they'd want to leave out dad but I'm getting sick of missing half the conversation.
But it didn't end up ruining mom's night after all, so I'm trying to just let it go and be happy for her. Mike and Will said they had plans next weekend, and I would have considered it an excuse to procrastinate putting down an actual date if next weekend wasn't homecoming so it makes sense for them to be busy. And then they actually suggested the Friday after that, so they ended up giving a date after all. Let's see if they'll find an excuse to cancel before then.
I think it would crush her if they did.
For now she's more excited than I've seen her in a long time, and it's hard to be mad at Mike when he put that smile on her face.
It's just insanely unfair that he has that influence over her, that something so simple could make her that happy, when he can't even be bothered to stay in touch. I hope for her sake that the dinner will be the first of many, because if it's a one-off it would just break her heart all over again.
Love, Holly
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
To the end and back [daryl Dixon x reader]
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Chapter two - right where you left me
Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
Warnings - regular twd warnings
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Season 1 ep 3
'Tell it to the frog'
We all sat around waiting for the others to return from their supply run to Atlanta. Glenn, Merle, Morales, Andrea, Jacqui, and T dog had gone on a supply run while Daryl had gone hunting. I sat talking to Lori and Shane as Lori cut Carl's hair and Shane cleaned his rifle. Carl isn't pleased about his haircut. He fidgets around and has a pout on his face the entire time. "Baby, the more you fidget, the longer it takes, so don't, okay?" Lori says as she combs out her son's hair, snipping little pieces at once. "I'm trying." Carl whines. "Well, try harder." Lori says, trying to focus on Carl's haircut. I laugh. Carl must've not had a haircut since before the outbreak because he was beginning to grow a little mullet. "If you think this is bad, wait till you start shaving. That stings." Shane laughs. "That day comes; you'll be wishing for one of your mama's haircuts." Shane says as he inspects his gun.
"I'll believe that when I see it" Carl says, making Shane and I chuckle. "I'll tell you what... you just get through this with some manly dignity, and tomorrow, I'll teach you something special. I will teach you to catch frogs." Shane says as he's taking apart his rifle. Lori smiles as she continues to cut Carl's hair. "I've caught a frog before," Carl states as he turns a bit, causing Lori to readjust his head. "I said frogs' plural, and it is an art, my friend. It is not to be taken lightly. There are ways and means. Few people know about it." I remember catching frogs on my grandfather's farm as a young kid. I'd take them back to my grandma and grandpa. Grandpa would be proud, but Grandma was always so disgusted by them. She hated that Grandpa would cook them up and eat them. "I'm willing to share my secrets."
Carl looks back at his mom, brows furrowed. "Oh, I'm a girl. You talk to him." Lori says, turning her son's head back towards Shane. "I used to catch frogs," I say. Carl turns his head towards me, brows furrowed again. "You did?" He asks. Lori turns Carls head straight again. "Yep, on my grandpa's farm when I was your age with my brother." Shane raised his eyebrows. "Brother? you have a brother?" Carl asks. I nod. "had a brother," I correct. Matthew, my little brother, was 2 years younger than me; he had dirty blonde hair as he got older and bright blue eyes that will be ingrained in my memories forever. He died 1 day into the outbreak. I miss him every day I go on without him. I wish he'd met these people because he'd love them. "My grandpa used to cook them up on Sunday nights."
"Why'd he cook them?" Carl asks, face contorting in confusion. "You never eat frog legs?" Shane asks. "Eww!" Carl says, his face contorting from confusion into a disgusted look. "No, yum!" Shane corrects as he leans back in his chair a bit. "No, he's right. Eww," Lori contradicts, "they're actually really good, Carl" I say as I fold my arms over my chest. Every day I wake up, I find these people becoming more and more like family than my actual one ever was to me. "You see, she knows what I'm talkin' bout!" Shane says, pointing towards me, which makes me laugh. Lori scrunches up her face in disgust. "When we get down to that last can of beans, you're gonna be loving those frog legs, lady. I can see it now 'Shane, do you think I could have a second helping, please? Ju..just one?'" Shane says, dropping his country accent to imitate Lori. "Yeah, I doubt that." Lori says with an eye roll as both she and Shane laugh.
I turn to see Amy; she's worried about her sister. She should've been back hours ago, but they aren't yet. Dale is standing on top of his RV with a pair of binoculars, just looking out at the road. "I'm..I'm gonna go check in on Amy," I say as I stand up.
Amy is sitting in a chair under the awning of Dale's RV. "You alright, Am's?" I ask she nods slowly. Her arms are crossed over her chest as she mumbles, "They should've been back hours ago." "I'm sure they'r-" I'm cut off by a car alarm blaring. Amy jumps up, and so does Shane. "Talk to me, Dale!" He shouts as he runs towards the RV.
"I can't tell yet," Dale says before looking through his binoculars. "Is it them? Are they back?" Amy asks. "I'll be damned," Dale mutters as we watch a bright red car drive towards our camp. That car is shouting up a storm, probably drawing every Walker in at least a mile's radius towards us. "What is it?" Amy asks.
"A stolen car is my guess."
Lori has her arm wrapped around Carl and one above her eyes, shielding her eyes from the sun. The car pulls in, and we all run towards it. Out comes Glenn. Such a dumbass. I roll my eyes because that boy always seems to do the stupidest goddamn shit. "Holy crap. Turn that damn thing off!" Dale shouts. "I don't know how!" Glenn says with a shrug and the biggest goddamn smile on his face. I run over, pulling him into a hug. I can't lie and say I haven't been a big bag of nerves since he left because I have, but hugging him always makes me feel better.
"Pop the hood, please. Pop the damn hood, please." Shane says, patting the hood of the car harshly.
I let go of Glenn as Amy runs up. "My sister, Andrea-" she's cut off by Shane shouting, "Pop the damn hood!" and him banging on the hood a bit harder. Shane is very upfront with his role as a leader. He's strong, demanding, and the type of person everyone tends to hate, but I've found it easy to get along with him most of the time. He can be an asshole sometimes, but ever since he promised to keep me safe, I've found it easy to understand why he does what he does.
"What, okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah," Glenn says, retreating back into his car. Amy is still right at Glenn's side, asking about Andrea. Glenn pops the hood, and Shane gets to work on the vehicle. "Is she okay? Is she all right?" Amy asks, demanding an answer from Glenn as he gets out of the car again. "She's okay! She's okay!" Glenn shouts. Amy's brows furrow, but she does let out a tiny sigh of relief as she asks, "Is she coming back?"
Amy goes right back into panic mode. "Why isn't she with you? Where is she? Is She okay?" Amy continues to interrogate Glenn, "Yes! Fine. Everybody is." Almost everyone lets out a relieved sigh. We had been knotted up in webs of anxiety all day. "Well, Merle, not so much." No one really worried much about Merle. He could be loud, never listened to anyone, and was obnoxious at times, especially when he was mad. It'd be good to get rid of him. "Are you crazy, drivin' this wailin' bastard up here? You tryin' to draw every Walker for miles?" Shane scolds Glenn as he stands with both hands set on the car's hood. The car was a stupid thing to do; it could've drawn every person and Walker to our location. "I think we're okay," Dale says quietly. "You call being stupid, okay?" Shane argues. Glenn finally turns to me, wrapping his arms around me. "M'glad you're alright," I whisper as I wrap my arms around his neck. he sighs as I lean my head onto his shoulder.
"Well, the alarm was echoing all over these hills. Hard to pinpoint the source," Dale explains. Shane turns around with both hands on his hips, giving Dale a look that tells everyone, 'Don't argue with me.' "I'm not arguing. I'm just saying," Dale says with a shrug. It's almost like Dale can read everyone's expressions because I don't think most people could read Shane like that. "It wouldn't hurt you to think things through a little more carefully next time, would it?" Dale says, raising his voice a bit at Glenn. Glenn lets go of me and says, "Sorry. Got a cool car." with a shrug. I roll my eyes. It's weird, we're going through the zombie fucking apocalypse, and Glenn can still be the sweetest, funniest, happiest man I've ever met.
A large moving truck pulls in next, making everyone focus on it instead of Glenn. Morales steps out first and then Andrea from the back. "Amy," Andrea says as she runs towards her sister. "Andrea!" Amy cries out. The sisters embrace tightly.
"You scared the shit out of me." Amy cries with a little laugh. Morales's kids are running towards their father. "Papi! Daddy!" They cry out as they embrace their father. We all watch the lovely moments between family members. It hurts a bit to us members of the group who've lost family members along the way, but it's nice to see how happy they get. The closest person to a family I have in the group is Glenn. I get so excited to see his face after he goes out in the city. We never know if it's the last time we'll see each other; one day, they could go out and never return. Glenn wraps his arm around my shoulder and whispers, "Got you something while we were out; I'll show you later."
"You are a welcome sight. I thought we had lost you folks for sure." Dale says as he embraces Morales. "How'd y'all get out of there anyway?" Shane speaks up. Morales looks back to the moving truck before saying, "New guy...he got us out." I furrow my brows. I was pretty sure we were the last people alive; we hadn't seen other people since the early days of the outbreak. "New guy?" Shane asks with his brows furrowed together.
"Yeah, crazy Vato just got into town." Morales says as he turns to the moving truck and hollers, "Hey, helicopter boy! Come say hello!"
Out comes a slim brunette man in a police uniform. He's got both hands on his hips as he walks up a few inches. "The guys a cop like you." Morales tells Shane. The guy looks out of breath as he looks over the group. He points towards Lori and Carl before whispering, "Oh my god." And speed walking towards Carl, who's now running towards him. "Dad! Dad!" Carl cries out. The guy kneels down as Carl runs into his arms. Lori is just behind him. Both boys fall to the ground hugging. I'm just now realizing this is Lori's husband, the dead husband Shane had told me about. Lori wasn't one to talk much about him, but Shane and Carl talked about him a lot, mostly reminiscing. Shane talked about how they worked together in the force, and he died at the beginning of the outbreak, but that man wasn't dead. He picks up his son and walks towards Lori. Lori hugs him. She's in disbelief. Then Lori looked up at Shane with the most betrayed facial expression I'd ever seen. I learned from Lori that her husband got shot and went into a coma. Shane told her he died in the hospital. But obviously, he's not dead. He's right here in front of us. I understand that it could've been an accident; he might've not even heard a heartbeat, but the look on Shane's face tells me otherwise.
We're all sat around the fire, listening to who I've learned to be Rick tells us how he miraculously woke up and survived. I've got my head in Glenn's lap, and his left arm wrapped around me. "Disoriented. I guess that comes closest. Disoriented." Carl is laying in Rick's lap, and Lori sits beside them. "Fear, confusion..all those things, but..disoriented comes closest." Thunder is coming from a few miles away, which doesn't worry me much; it just frightens me every time it strikes. "Words can be meager things. Sometimes they fall short," Dale says. Glenn gently caresses my arm with his thumb as Rick says, "I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else." the crickets provide an excellent background for the silence of the night, so it's not just the dark and the loud groans, and growls of walkers in the city. "For a while, I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever."
"Mom said you died." Carl says quietly. Lori looks at her husband worriedly, like he'd be mad if she told their son that, but he doesn't seem upset. "She had every reason to believe that. Don't you ever doubt it." Rick places his hand on his son's cheek, caressing it lightly, while Lori's hand gently pushes her son's hair back. "When things started to get really bad, they told me at the hospital that they were gonna medevac you and the other patients to Atlanta..." she pauses for a second before continuing, "...and it never happened."
"Well, I'm not surprised after Atlanta fell." Lori nods, whispering "yeah"
"And from the look of that hospital, it got overrun." Rick adds the last time I was in the city, it was absolutely overrun; no one was alive, and the entire place had been taken over by the dead. "Yeah, looks don't deceive. I barely got them out...you know?" Rick looks at Shane, making direct eye contact. "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you, Shane...I can't begin to express it." Shane doesn't answer. He stares at Rick, unable to answer; he has a guilty look on his face that says more than words could ever. "There go those words falling short again..paltry things. " Dale says with a chuckle. I look up at Glenn, who's staring ahead at the fire, zoned out, but when he notices I'm looking up at him, he grins.
Before all this, I was 2 years into med school, living in a shitty apartment with 2 shitty roommates. I wanted to be a doctor. That was dream ever since I was little. Little me was wise to choose that because now the 2 years of training I did does work out. After all, now I'm the group's "doctor." my knowledge doesn't help with complex issues because I had only been in med school for 2 years, but I'm a pro with the basics.
Lori is cuddled up in Rick's arms but staring at Shane with a terrified look. Shane looks mad, maybe jealous even. Ed stands up, throwing another log into the fire.
"Hey, Ed, you want to rethink that log?" We all look at Ed like we're in elementary school again, looking at him like, 'Ooo, you're in trouble'. "It's cold, man." Ed says with his head leaned back before it falls forward a bit. "The cold doesn't change the rules, does it?" Shane says, looking over at Ed. "Keep our fires low, just embers, so we can't be seen from a distance, right?" Shane says just to explain to Rick since his eyebrows are furrowed. "I said it's cold. You should mind your own business for once." Ed argues. It wasn't a good thing to argue with Shane; he's our leader, he makes the rules, and he tells people what to do. If he says no, it means no, that's it. Shane pushes himself to his feet, walks over, and grabs something. I can't really tell what it is. He walks behind Ed, patting him on the back. "Hey, Ed....are sure you want to have this conversation, man?" He asks softly, "Go on. Pull the damn thing out. Go on!"
Carol Ed's wife sits quietly, almost embarrassed of her husband's actions. Finally, she seems fed up with her husband's childish behavior, so she stands up, grabs the log out of the fire, and throws it on the ground. "Christ," Shane mutters. Carol isn't one to really stand up to her husband; I can tell because the look on Ed's face is terrifying. She then walks back around and sits beside her daughter as Shane stomps on the log until it's no longer on fire. Shane kneels down close to Sophia and Carol. "Hey, Carol, Sophia, how are y'all this evening?" He asks.
"Fine. We're just fine." Ed is staring daggers over at his wife. "I'm sorry about the fire." Carol says quietly, almost like she doesn't want her husband to hear. "No, no, no. No apology needed. Y'all have a good night, okay?"
"Thank you," Carol whispers. Sophia looks down at her feet the entire time like she's scared of what her father will do later. "I appreciate the cooperation." Shane stands up and walks back over to his spot. "Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon? He won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind." Dale says. Daryl wouldn't be happy; he and his brother were the only family they had left. Even though they didn't get along well, he'd be upset.
"I'll tell him. I dropped the key. It's on me." T-dog says quietly. "I cuffed him. That makes it mine." Rick replies. "Guys, it's not a competition. I don't mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy." Glenn says, his arm still wrapped around me, drawing small circles on my upper arm. The Dixon brothers...well, at least Merle was very racist, and I wouldn't be surprised if Daryl was, too. "I did what I did. Hell, if I'm gonna hide from him."
"We could lie." Amy says from her spot curled up in her sister's arms. "Or tell the truth," Andrea sighs. She's right. We needed to tell Daryl the truth; if we didn't, and he found out we lied, our consequences would be worse. "Merle was out of control. Something had to be done, or he'd have gotten us killed." She was right again; Merle was out of control, and there was never a way to calm him or tell him what to do. Even if Shane tried, he couldn't. Merle was his own boss, and God bless the person who tried to boss him around. "Your husband did what was necessary, and if Merle got left behind, it is nobody's fault but Merle's." Andrea says to Lori. "And that's what we tell Daryl?" Dale asks. I don't think Daryl would just take that as an answer for why we left his brother behind, even if he knew how stubborn his brother was. "I don't see a rational discussion to be had from that, do you?" Dale asks, shaking his head. Dale was a wise older man, like our group's grandfather or even father. He was rational and knew how to survive. People like Shane say that this world wasn't made for Dale, but we'd be dead without Dale. "Word to the wise...we're gonna have our hands full when he gets back from his hunt." We would. Daryl would probably throw a fit and try to hurt someone. He was similar to his brother in expressing his anger through yelling and fists.
"I was scared, and I ran. I'm not ashamed of it," T-dog says with his arms crossed over his chest. "We were all scared. We all ran. What's your point?" Andrea asks. "I stopped long enough to chain that door. Staircase is narrow. Maybe half a dozen geeks can squeeze against it at any one time. It's not enough to break through that..not that chain, not that padlock. My point...my point is..dixon's alive, and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof. That's on us." T-dog says before getting up and walking away.
"Hey, can I stay in your tent tonight to stay warm?" Glenn whispers just loud enough for me to hear. I nod as I look up at him. I stand up, pushing myself off the ground, and hold my hand out for him to grab. I pull him up, and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "We're gonna head to bed, goodnight," Glenn says.
We walk towards my tent, his arm still wrapped around me.
He unwraps his arm around me so I can unzip my tent. He gets in first and sits crisscrossed on the far-left side. I get in and then zip the tent back up. I lay down, wrapping myself in blankets, trying to avoid freezing to death. "Do you think this will ever like end?" Glenn asks. I shrug. "I hope so," I whisper. He lays down beside me, propping his head up with his arm. "If this does end, we should get an apartment together." He nods in agreement even though we both know it'll probably never happen. It's so weird. I've only known Glenn for about 2 months, but he knows me better than anyone. It could be because we have so much time to talk. "Where were you before you came here?" I ask in a whispered tone. He lets out a small sigh before saying, "Macon...ended up getting stuck in a pharmacy in Macon with a group of people. they went to some motel, but I ended up leaving to go to Atlanta." I nod before he adds, "They ended up giving me a walkie to keep in touch, but it hasn't worked since I left," he whispers as he lets his head fall onto the pillow. "Do you still have it?" I ask. He nods before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a small walkie-talkie with stickers on it. I smile as I ask, "Why is it covered in stickers?" with a laugh. "A little girl in the group gave it to me," he says with a small smile. I let out a small sigh as we sat in a comfortable silence together for a few seconds.
"You should go to bed, Glenn," I mumble as I scoot closer to him. "Mhm, I will." I cuddle up next to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. "Don't stay up too late now," I mumble into his chest. "I won't," he says. I can tell he's smiling by the way he says it.
I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the sunlight peering through the sheer fabric of my tent. Glenn's no longer in the tent. He must've gotten up earlier. I push myself off the ground and crawl over to unzip my tent. I get out, zip it back up, and walk over to where the rest of the group is hanging out.
Carol is leaving some clothes out to dry when I walk up to her. "Morning," I say. She gives me a weak smile but replies, "Morning." She washed Rick's clothes. She's a sweet lady, definitely didn't deserve her asshat of a husband.
Glenn is standing, staring at his red car, arms crossed over his chest. Dale and some other guys are striping it clean of gas and anything they need from the vehicle. Glenn's pissed. I walk over to him. "Look at 'em. Vultures." He grumbles. I give him a weak smile as he says, "Yeah, go on, strip it clean." sarcastically. "Generators need every drop of fuel they can get. I have no power without it. Sorry, Glenn," Dale says, patting Glenn's back as he walks by with a gas can. "Thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days." Glenn mumbles. He's very obviously upset. I wrap an arm around him. "We'll get you another one like it, Glenn," I say, trying to comfort him. He gives me a weak smile. "yeah, maybe."
Glenn and I walk away from the car "are..are you guys gonna try and rescue Merle?" I ask. Glenn shrugs. "It's up to Shane," Glenn says. I nod. I wanted to go. I hadn't been out into the city since the beginning of the outbreak. I wanted to go on a supply run like Andrea got to, but I was never fucking allowed to! I could handle myself. I survived long enough to get here, but Shane was always against it. He always had some lame ass excuse to not let me go. I understood he just wanted to protect me, but if I didn't get experience fighting walkers, I would die if some came stumbling onto our camp.
Shane drives up in his jeep with water. "Waters here, y'all. Just a reminder to boil before use," he says as he exits. A couple of us walk over to Shane's car and help him carry the water jugs. I grab one, but Shane immediately takes it from me. I hate how he sees me as a child incapable of doing things alone.
A blood-curdling scream breaks our attention from the water. "MOM!" Carl screams. Rick and Lori immediately start sprinting towards their son's cries. "DAD!" Carl screams again. "Baby!" Lori yells. Shane is now also flying towards the screams of two children with a shotgun. "MAMA! MOMMY!"
"CARL!" Lori cries out as she's trying to find her child. "CARL! Baby!" Both Sophia and Carl come running out of the forest. Lori falls to her knees with Carl in her arms, examining him, ensuring there are no bites or scratches. "Nothing bit you, nothing scratched you?" Lori says, hugging at her child.
Most of us are also running that way with guns and weapons. "No, I'm okay," Carl says. Both children seem shaken up by whatever they had seen in the woods.
We finally find the Walker that the kids saw. It's in a small clearing surrounded by trees feasting on a dead deer. I scrunch up my nose in disgust. It smells horrible. Walkers smell awful, like shit, and death. It's just pure death. I stand back as the men go ham on the thing. Beating, stabbing it, you name it, they did it. The sound of leaves crunching makes Shane raise his gun.
Amy and Andrea are standing behind me. We're all preparing for the worst: another walker, maybe a horde of them. But then out pops Daryl with his crossbow and about a dozen dead squirrels. Shane lowers his gun but mutters, "Oh, Jesus." In an almost 'oh god, it's him' tone. "Son of a bitch." Daryl curses as he pushes his way through some branches and over some rocks. "That's MY deer!" As Daryl walks towards it, Rick, Morales, and Glenn step away from the deer. "Look at it. All gnawed on by this..." he then began to kick at the Walker.
"..FILTHY.." kick "..DISEASE-BEARING.." kick "..MOTHERLESS.." kick "..POXY BASTARD!"
"Calm down, son, that's not helping," Dale says, not trying to create conflict but to calm the angered man down. Daryl took it as wanting to cause a conflict, though, so he stomps over to Dale, "What do you know about it, old man?! Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to 'On Golden Pond'!" He shouts before turning back around and walking back towards the deer and Walker.
He sighs as he leans over. "I've been trackin' this deer for miles." He pulls out about three arrows from the deer. "Was gonna drag it back to camp, cook us until some venison." He then pulls out a knife. "What do you think? Do you think we can cut around this chewed-up part right here?" He asks as he leans over the deer and points to the gnawed parts of the deer with his knife. "I would not risk that." Shane replies. The deer looks definitely non-salvageable. Its guts are spilling out and just totally gnawed on. If we tried to eat it, we'd definitely get infected. Daryl sighs. "That's a damn shame." He then turns to the squirrels he has. "I got some squirrels—about a dozen or so. That'll have to do," he sighs.
The Walker's decapitated head then twitches, which is a sight to see. It disgusts Amy, who says, "Oh god." Like she's about to throw up. Andrea then escorts her away from the Walker and probably back to camp. "Come on, people. What the hell?" Daryl says as he shoots the Walker straight in the head. He pulls the arrow out of the Walker. "It's gotta be the brain. Don't y'all know nothin'?" He says with an eye roll. He walks past me, giving me a slight smile.
We follow him as he walks back to camp. "Merle!" He shouts. Everyone's giving each other looks like 'who's gonna tell him?' "Merle! Get your ugly ass out here!" He shouts again. "I got us some squirrel! Let's stew'em up." He says, putting his crossbow down.
Shane decides he will tell him; he is the un-proclaimed group leader, after all. "Daryl, just slow up a bit. I need to talk to you." Shane says. Daryl stops and turns around. "bout what?" He asks, brows furrowed. We're all stopped just a few feet away, watching. We're all crossing our fingers, hoping this won't end badly. "Bout Merle." Shane says as he continues walking past Daryl, "There was a—there was a problem in Atlanta." Shane stops and turns around, putting his hands on his hips. Daryl looks around as we're all kind of gathered around watching. "He dead?" Daryl asks. "We're not sure." As Daryl's brows furrow, Shane replies, "he either is or he ain't!" Rick then steps up and walks over to where Shane and Daryl are. "No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it."
"Who are you?"
"Rick Grimes." Rick replies in his heavy country accent. Someone was going to get hurt; I just knew it. I'm leaning against Shane's jeep, with Glenn standing beside me as we watch. "Rick grimes! you got something you want to tell me?" Daryl shouts angrily. God, I just hope no one gets hurt too bad because I'll have to fix them up.
"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof hooked him to a piece of metal. He's still there." Rick explains. I can just see Daryl's blood boiling. If steam could come out of his ears, it would be. Daryl turns around, wiping at his eyes like he was about to cry. "Hold on. Let me process this. You're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof, and you left him there?!" He shouts with tears in his eyes. I actually feel bad for Daryl. If someone had chained my brother up on a roof with Walker able to get to him, I'd be just as angry. "yeah." Rick says quietly. Daryl's face is all scrunched up in anger. He turns around just a bit before launching the squirrels at Rick.
Shane immediately gets in between the two, tackling Daryl to the ground. Daryl falls to the ground with a grunt. T-dog drops the logs he was carrying and is just about to jump in when Daryl pulls out his knife and pushes himself off the ground. "watch the knife!" T-dog shouts. Daryl then tries to swing at Rick but misses. Rick grabs one of Daryl's arms, and Shane comes behind him, both men holding him back. Rick takes a step back, letting Shane take over. "Okay, okay," Shane says, trying to stop Daryl from struggling. We all knew this would happen; Daryl was violent. "You'd best let me go!" Daryl shouts.
"Nah, I think it's better if I don't." Shane's arms are around Daryl's neck in a choke hold, and Daryl grunts and tries to escape Shane's grip. "Choke hold's illegal," Daryl grunts as Shane gets him to the ground. "You can file a complaint," Shane replies sarcastically.
"Come on, man. We'll keep this up all day." Shane warns as Rick kneels down next to Daryl. "I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that?" Rick asks Daryl. Daryl doesn't answer. Just continues to wriggle around, trying to get out of their hold. "Do you think we can manage that?" Rick repeats like he's talking to a toddler. Daryl is panting, but let's say, "mhm, yeah." Shane lets him go harshly. "what I did was not on a whim." Rick says, still kneeling down next to Daryl. Daryl's still panting as Rick says, "Your brother does not work and play well with others." Daryl stares at the ground as Rick talks to him. "It's not Rick's fault. I had the key." T-dog says. Both men look up at T-dog. "I dropped it." Daryl's brows furrow. "you couldn't pick it up?!" Daryl asks loudly.
"Well, I dropped it in a drain."
Daryl lets out a loud scoff as he looks down at the ground on his hands and knees. He pushes himself off the ground. "if it's supposed to make me feel better, it doesn't." He says harshly as he throws a handful of rocks back onto the ground as walks past t-dog. "Well, maybe this will.." t-dog says. Daryl stops as t-dog continues, "look, I chained the door to the roof—so the geeks couldn't get at him...with a padlock."
"It's gotta count for something," Rick says. Daryl sighs before wiping his eyes again "hell with all y'all!" Daryl shouts as tears begin to form in his eyes once again. "Just tell me where he is," Daryl says desperately, like he's falling apart without his brother. Even though the two fought like cats and dogs, you could tell they loved each other. "so, I can go get him."
"He'll show you, isn't that, right?" Lori says with one hand on the RV door. Rick's breathing heavily as he looks around. "I'm goin' back." Lori lets out a sigh before climbing into the RV angrily. I understand Lori's anger; she doesn't want her husband, whom she hasn't seen in 2 months, to leave again.
"Are you going back?" I ask, turning to Glenn. "If they want me to yeah." Glenn replies with a nod. "I want to go too," I whisper; Glenn's eyes widen. "You can't," he says; I cross my arms over my chest and let out an angry sigh. I don't know why every man I know chooses to treat me like a child. "I can, and I will. I don't give two fucks what you say." Glenn sighs and places a hand on my shoulder. "You. Can't." I scoff and roll my eyes. "I'm goin' anyways. You can't stop me," I say as I push his arm off me and walk over to Shane.
"I'm going with them." Shane laughs but quickly realizes I'm serious, and his smile drops. "no, you're not." I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. I don't know when he will realize I'm a few years older than Glenn. If Glenn can handle himself out there, so can I. "I can handle myself out there. I want to help!" Shane laughs and grabs my upper arm harshly. "I'm sure you can, but I'm protecting you." I hate how he always uses the excuse that he's protecting me: "I'm not a kid. I can help!" I shout; he rolls his eyes and says, "You sure are actin' like one. If you want to help, cook something or wash some clothes." I push him off of me and scoff. "Fuck you."
Rick walks out of his family's tent, dressed in his police uniform. I'll ask him. Maybe he's not like Shane. "Hey, Rick!" I say, running up to him. He stops, brows furrowed together. I realize I haven't really introduced myself, so I say, " I'm y/n, I have a question." he nods in response, so I say, "Can I go with y'all?" He sighs and looks at me like, 'Do you have any experience?' "I was in that city for a week with only a knife. I know my way around the place," he sighs again, asking, "Can you shoot a gun?" I nod. I've been able to shoot a gun since I was 7 years old. That's just the pros of growing up in rural Georgia with a grandpa who loved to hunt. "I don't care as long as you can handle yourself." I smile. I turn towards Shane, who has a scowl on his face. I grin just to piss him off.
I watch as Rick walks over to Shane; they have a hushed conversation. Shane's obviously pissed about something, maybe it's me, perhaps it's Rick leaving again. Rick begins to walk off while Shane follows shortly behind.
I think Glenn's pissed at me too. I understand he cares about me a lot, but I want to prove myself to the group. I want them to know I'm not just some helpless girl that needs protecting. I walk over to him; he's got his arms crossed with a worried look on his face. "You going with them?" He asks. I nod, and he loudly sighs, "What if you get hurt?" I rolled my eyes; I had been out in that city with only a knife as a weapon for a week. I know how to protect myself. "I'm not. I can handle myself. I did it before," I say, trying to comfort him, but it doesn't seem to work. He grabs my hand and whispers, "Why would you risk your life for Merle Dixon?" with his brows furrowed. I shrug, and He sighs as he drops my hand. "You give me so much anxiety, y/n," he says with a laugh; I laugh as well and say, "And you think you don't do the same to me?" He rolls his eyes before He smiles and grabs my hand.
Shane and Rick walk back into the area where everyone else is bickering. "So, you and Daryl, that's your big plan?" Lori asks Rick from her spot sitting by our campfire. Rick turns to both me and Glenn. Glenn lets out a groan. "Oh, come on." I laugh because he should have known he'd have to go, too. After all, he's our designated errand-runner. "You know the way. You've been there before...in and out, no problem. You said so yourself." Glenn takes his hat off and runs his hand through his hair. "It's not fair of me to ask, I know that, but I'd feel a lot better with you alone. I know she would, too." Rick says, turning to his wife. "That's just great. Now you're not only going to risk y/n's life but three of our men, huh?"
"Four," t-dog corrects.
Daryl huffs. "My day just gets better and better, don't it?" Daryl says as he cleans his arrows. "You see anybody else here stepping up to save your brothers, cracker ass?" T-dog retorts, which makes me laugh because it is quite a coincidence that T-dog is stepping up to help when Merle hates him. "Why you?" Daryl demands. "You wouldn't even begin to understand. You don't speak my language."
Dale walks over and says, "That's four."
"It's not just four. You're putting every single one of us at risk. Just know that, Rick. Come on, you saw that, Walker. It was here. It was in camp. They're moving out of the cities. They come back; we need every ablebody we've got, " Shane says, getting closer to Rick. "We need 'em here. We need 'em to protect the camp." he's pissed. He doesn't want us out there anymore, especially for Merle. He didn't give a shit about any of us, only himself, so why were we even going. To make ourselves feel better, to not have that guilt on our backs.
"It seems to me what you really need most here...are more guns."
"Right, the guns." Glenn says, slowly walking forward. Everyone, including me, needs clarification about what he's talking about. "Wait, what guns?" Shane asks with his eyebrows furrowed. "Six shotguns, two high-powered rifles, over a dozen handguns." Rick states. "I cleaned out the cage back at the station before I left. I dropped it when I got swarmed in Atlanta. It's just sitting there on the street, waiting to be picked up." Rick explained. "Ammo?" Shane asks quietly. "700 rounds, assorted." Rick confirms. Shane bows his head, thinking about what we should do. "You went through hell to find us. Yo-you just got here, and you're gonna turn around and leave?" Lori just couldn't understand why he would risk his life, leaving again. But we needed those guns and ammo. Finding Merle would just be a side quest. "Dad, I-I don't want you to go." Carl stutters out. "To hell with the guns. Shane is right. Merle Dixon? He's not worth one of your lives, even with guns thrown in." Shane runs his hands through his hair as Rick walks towards Lori. Lori stands up and says, "Tell me. Make me understand."
"I owe a debt to a man I met and his little boy." Lori looks down at Carl like, 'We have a kid too?!' Rick grabs Lori's hand. "Lori, if they hadn't taken me in, I'd have died." He says quietly, "It's because of them that I made it back to you at all. They said they'd follow me to Atlanta. they'll walk into the same trap I did if I don't warn him." Lori looks down at her feet before whispering, "What's stoppin' you?" Rick sighs before saying, "the walkie-talkie, the one in the bag I dropped, he's got the other one. Our plan was to connect when they got closer."
Shane's now sat down by his jeep, rubbing at his face, stressed, he's stressed. What are you really supposed to do in this situation? We really need those guns, but we could lose people if we did it. "These are our walkies?" Shane asks. Rick nods and says, "Yeah." with a sigh. "So, use the c.b...what's wrong with that?" Andrea suggests. "The c.b's fine. It's the walkies that suck to crap..date back to the '70s, don't match any other bandwidth, not even the scanners in our cars" Shane explains. Lori avoids Rick's eye contact, looking just behind or at her feet. "I need that bag." Lori doesn't reply. She's just speechless. Rick walks past Lori and to their son. He kneels down in front of Carl. "okay?" Carl just nods. "All right," Rick whispers as he ruffles Carls's hair.
Glenn turns to me. "We're both coming back alive. I swear if you don't, I will literally kill you." I let out a laugh. "Well then, if you don't, I'll do the same," he smiles. "Deal?" "Deal." We both laugh as I lean my head onto his shoulder.
I'm sitting in my tent, riffling through my belongings, looking for the handgun my granddad lent me before I headed off to college. I finally found it hidden under a pile of blankets. I stuffed it into my bag and stepped out of my tent. Glenn's already in the large truck Rick and them brought back. Daryl's in the back with t-dog, while Glenn's in the front. I walk over and hop up into the back with Daryl. "You find your gun?" Glenn asks as he turns back towards me. I nod as I take a seat on the metal floor. Rick and Shane walk up to the back of the truck. Shane places down a large black bag. "Hey, Rick, got any rounds in the python?" Shane asks. "No," Rick replies, shaking his head. "Last time we were on the gun range, I'm sure I wound up with a few loose rounds of yours."
Daryl sits next to me and takes my gun out of my hand. He examines it briefly before asking, "You know how to use this, darlin'?" I scoff and roll my eyes. "Yeah, I do," I say as I grab my gun back from him and tuck it back into my bag. "You know how to use that?" I ask sarcastically as I point to his crossbow. He laughs, "Of course I fuckin' do." Rick and Shane walk away, and Daryl stands up. He walks over and closes the back of the truck. The truck starts up, and we're going.
We're driving over some train tracks, which is a bit bumpy but not too bad. "He'd better be okay. It's my only word on the matter." Daryl says to T-dog it's a warning; if Merle isn't alive, he's going to hurt someone, and it'll probably be T-dog. "He will," I whisper. Of course, he will. He's fucking Merle. He'd be able to be hit by a truck, and he'd still be alright. "I told you the geeks can't get to him," T-dog says, leaning his head against the metal wall of the truck. "The only thing that's gonna get through that door is us." t-dog adds.
We come to a slow stop, and Glenn takes out the keys. he then turns to us, "We walk from here." We all get out of the car. Both T-dog and Daryl hop out first, then me.
Glenn pushes a broken part of a wired fence out of the way so we can all get through. "Merle first or guns?" Rick asks as he turns around towards us. "Merle! We ain't even having this conversation!" Daryl shouts. "We are." Rick says and then turns to Glenn, "You know the geography. It's your call." Glenn sighs before saying, "Merle's closest. The guns would mean doubling back. Merle first." a little out of breath. Daryl's definitely happy about that.
We're walking through a department store, and we're all a little on Guard. I've got my gun held out, ready to shoot any moment. We hear a Walker shuffling around, so we all freeze. Rick spots it and points it out to us before we slowly walk around the store, trying to stay as quiet and out of sight as possible. Daryl approaches the rotten, growling thing, and he raises his crossbow "damn, you are one ugly skank." He mutters. It starts to growl at him, getting ready to lunge, but he quickly shoots it straight in the head. It falls to the ground with a thud, and Daryl quickly pulls his arrow out of its head.
We made it to the top with hardly any more walker interference, which I'm grateful for. We all sprint up to the door that leads to the roof, Rick's there first, holding the chain so t-dog can cut it off. He cuts the chain, pulls it off, and Daryl kicks open the door before he runs out. "Merle! Merle!" he shouts as he gets out onto the roof. We follow him as Daryl looks for his brother, but he's not there, just handcuffs cuffed to a pipe, a saw, and a hand.
"No! No!" Daryl cries out over and over again. I feel for Daryl, I really do, but did we all really think Merle was going to stay up there? There was no doubt in my mind that Merle wouldn't find a way to get his ass off this roof, even if that meant sawing off his own hand.
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@e1d0lonk3k @soul4death
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kalivda · 2 years
Ghostly Visit (Gus Halper! Mischa Bachinski x Sister! Reader)
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After the Cyclone incident, you get a visit from someone very familiar…warnings: angst, mentions of death
words: 1369
The nightmares started after that fateful Monday. Waking up in a cold sweat wasn't the worst of it. However, it was the restless nights I spent alone in the cold dingy basement.
There used to be two people down here. Making the best out of a terrible situation. My adopted "parents" hated my brother and I. Despised us even. All because of our mom faking our ages. They didn't get the young children they wanted, but two rage and passion-filled Ukrainian twins.
The screeching of the rollercoaster was still in my ear. Watching the choir members fly off of the rollercoaster and falling to their impending dooms. A part of me feels glad I refused to get on the rollercoaster. But guilty my brother did.
I remember watching his body fly out of the rollercoaster and hit the concrete below. The screams of fair goers. The sickening crack each kid made after falling. It makes me want to-
I shot up from my sleep and ran to the tiny bathroom, vomiting my guts out in the toilet. Coughing a bit, I sat next to the it, sobbing my eyes out quietly. It wasn't fair. Why did he have to die? It should've been me. I should've went on the rollercoaster. I should've...
"Cестра (sister)?" A voice moved past my ears. "The hell..." I mutter, weakly standing on my feet.
"Do not freak out. It's me!" 'Is that...it can't be. Mischa's dead. Get it together, Y/n. You're being paranoid again.'
"Cестра?" The voice called out again, this time taking the shape of a boy. But sort of like a ghost. He was wearing a white button up with a sweater vest. I looked closely and noticed the St. Cassian's Chamber school logo.
"M-Mischa?" I asked, sniffling. "Who else would it be?" He asked, looking at me like I was dumb.
"W-wait...how is this...how is this happening?!" I almost yell, picking up the plunger near me as a weapon, my accent thickening."Really? You are going to fight me with a...." "Plunger!" I whisper-yell. "Right...a plunger? It wouldn't work. I'm a...ghost?"
Yep. That was Mischa alright. "Wait how are you even here right now? Talking to me? In our..."room"? Aren't you dead?" I asked him. "Yes! I am still dead. But a lot has happened. We met some fortune teller. And he knew you were my sister! I do not know how, but he did." I slowly nodded, hoping he would continue telling me this weird story.
"But now I guess...we're choosing someone to come back to life." He got quieter by the last part, but I heard him loud and clear. "Come back to life?! Mischa, that's so cool! Not to be biased or anything, but I think you should. You deserve it the most."
"And go back to that hellhole with our so-called "parents"? No thanks. I'd rather stay dead." My heart dropped at his sudden cold rage. "Mischa- what about Talia?" He stared at me and his face softened. "Talia...my divine Talia...I do not want to leave her, but I don't want the life I've had before."
"Mischa please! I can't keep doing this by myself! They hate me even more since the accident. Please..." I got choked up and was hiccuping over every little word at this point. "Y/n..." "I don't want to live anymore. Not if you aren't there! So PLEASE!" My voice broke and I began to sob quietly.
"соняшник (sunflower), listen to me. I need to do what's best for me. I'm fine with the 18 years I've spent with you. You need to find somewhere else to go. You need to find people that make you happy and find someone you love. Like how my shawty, Talia, and I do." I laughed a little at this comment.
"I truly love you. You were my best friend. My partner in crime. The only other person to leave me mostly positive reviews on my YouTube comment wall. I love you." Tears flowed from my eyes and fell onto my cheeks.
Little sparkles began to form it's way around my twin. "Mischa, what's happening?" I asked, concerned. "Ocean chose someone to live..." I almost jumped up, but contained myself. "And we're all passing onto the afterlife. Except for...I hear her name is Penny." He says. "Penny Lamb? Isn't that the one girl with the brother named Ezra?" I asked confused. "If that is who she is, then yes."
He sniffled a little. "Well this is the last time I think I will see you." A bittersweet smile came onto both of our faces. "I'll miss you, Mi." I said, my vision getting blurred from the tears. "You too, Y/n/n."
"Wait! Mischa, before you go...can you sing me that nursery rhyme that you sang to me all the time when we were younger? The one mom sang before she...died?" He looked down on me and nodded slightly, leaning towards me, giving some ghostly hug and he began to sing.
"Зірко, зірко, мерехти,
Недосяжна в небі mu!
(Star, star, twinkle,
You are faraway in heaven!)
Сяєш ніжно ти мені,
Мов коштовність у пітьмі!
(You shine tenderly for me,
Like a jewel in the dark!)
Зірко, зірко, мерехти,
Недосяжна в небі ти!
(Star, star, twinkle,
You are faraway in heaven!)
Щойно сонечко зайде,
Темрява накриє все.
(As soon as the sun goes down,
Darkness will cover everything.)
Зірко, в небі запалай!
Сон, малят оберігай!
(Star, light up in the sky!
Sleep, baby, beware!)
Зірко, зірко, мерехти,
Недосяжна в небі ти!
(Star, star, twinkle,
You are faraway in heaven!)
He began to sing again, but it sounded more faded, before no sound came at all. I began to doze off and eventually fell asleep under my dingy, thin sheet.
The next time I opened my eyes, it was time for me to go to school. I put on my uniform and did my hair in a decent way, to not make it look like I was just visited by my ghost brother. Before I walk up the basement stairs, something glimmers out of the corner of my eye.
Mischa's fake gold chain he won from some arcade. I take it quickly and put it on, fixing it up a little bit. Using my phone, I pull up my camera and check myself in the reflection.
"Perfect." I breathe out, running up the stairs and gently opening the door, my "father" unlocking it a few minutes ago.
I make my way out the front door and get to school, a memorial standing in the front. Seeing the choir's faces fill my heart with a pang of guilt.
"Um, excuse me?" A girl's voice spoke up. I turn and see a girl around my height with short black hair, freckles, and the brightest green eyes. "Yes?" "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Penny. Penny Lamb." She holds her hand out for me to shake.
I slowly took her hand, wondering if I was dreaming. "I think you're Mischa's sister, Y/n? You guys look alike." She says fascinated and touching my (h/l), (h/c) hair. "You okay, Penny?" I asked. "Yeah! Actually...no. It's been a week since...ya know, and I wanted to know more about the kids that died. And since you're Mischa's sister, I was wondering if...you could...tell me about him." She asked. "Penny-" "Or don't! You don't have to!" "Penny-" "Forgive me if that was offensive, I know you're planning a funeral and everything-"
"Penny!" I shouted, some kids looking at me weirdly. "It's okay. I would love to tell you about Mischa. I can tell you about some of the other choir kids too like Ocean and Ricky." Her face shows one of shock, but excitement. "Okay! How about we get a coffee or something. At the Blackwood café this afternoon?" She asked.
"I'll see you there." I smile, watching her smile back and run into school. And Mischa's words came into mind:
"You need to find people that make you happy and find someone you love."
Maybe that just might be Penny.
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dayurno · 9 months
WIP Wednesday🪭
Send an ask telling me to work on one of my WIPs! (and I will post the snippet I'm working on!)
hiiii the ever sweet and talented @stabbyfoxandrew does this little wip game every wednesday so i thought perhaps i might try it today as well to get some of my own wips back into the land of the living :3 anyway here are some wip options! a thousand apologies beforehand for the titles
1. Kevin Milf Au (de-aged 5-year-olds Andreil au counterpart to 'the lovers, the dreamers, and me')
“I don’t work for your father, I fear. I’ve never even met him before.” Neil pales. Perhaps the idea that someone does not know his father seems outlandish when Neil has been raised under his dominion — Kevin is sure it feels that way, for Neil to look so stricken. Often when you are this small and your parents are the overlords of your world, it feels strange to learn that they are not the end-all-be-all of everyone else’s. Like a little tour guide, Andrew steps forward to explain, “I think you might be here because your mom and dad went away and children have to live somewhere.” …Of course, being five years old, his understanding of the situation is about as good as Kevin had expected.
2. Kandreil Thirty Year Old Men Yaoi (here's some context asks!)
"Can I ask you what made you change your mind?" Kevin asks after a moment, tapping the long glass neck of his beer against the edge of the table. "In the Olympics, I mean." Neil hums, resting his chin on his hands. "You were celebrating with Jeremy at the hotel bar. And—" He runs his fingers through his hair, as if conjuring the memory. "You were singing that song. That stupid song. You were laughing, and singing." Tilting his head to the side, Kevin questions, "What song? I don't remember." "That stupid song about— something about 'if you change your mind, I'm the first in line,'" Neil huffs. "I thought… I don't know what I thought. I guess I wanted it to be a sign." "A sign?" "That you were still— that it was still possible. Us. You, me, Andrew." He gulps down a few sips of beer before chuckling, fond, "That stupid song. I'd never seen you sing anything before."
3. Kevseth Seth lives Canon Divergence (with @rabidfox!)
“What is the point of this?” Kevin asks, studying their joined palms. Seth doesn’t even know. “Just wanted to see if mine was bigger,” he bullshits, awkwardly pulling his hand back. “And it is. Hah.” The look Kevin gives him is nothing short of nasty. “We have work to do, and you waste my time with something like this?” He asks, and while Seth might have taken offense before, now he can’t rid his head of thoughts he associates with slipping a pretty girl’s party dress off her shoulders. It is not unlike the times Allison reprimanded him as a way of flirting, and the thought leaves him disoriented. It is best to stir the conversation into milder topics.
4. Nurse Kevin Au (aka the period where jean stays in palmetto post-nest and a very sorry kevin's terrible bedside manners)
Kevin leans back over him, one hand beside Jean’s face and the other inching towards his mouth, careful. Helpless, Jean lets Kevin push the candy past his lips, sweetness bursting on his tongue with a tart strawberry undertone, sticking to his teeth. Kevin’s fingers linger on his mouth, resting on the puffy center of Jean’s lower lip; a salty contrast to the candy that they had just pushed in. “Is it good?” Kevin asks him, studying Jean’s face. “I’ll give you another one. You’ve had a hard day.” It’s really not true at all: how pampered has Jean gotten, that a day where he just lies back and kisses Kevin can be considered ‘hard’? Sure, it’s not nice to be in recovery, but it’s not nearly as cruel as Jean’s life was before Palmetto. Still, he lets Kevin watch him as he chews, and breathes lightly under Kevin’s hand when Kevin touches his throat to make sure he’s swallowed before he feeds him another one.
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cornerofhell · 1 month
Andy and Nica reminiscing over their moms
The night was an unexpectedly quiet one, but it was welcomed. The pitter patter of New Jersey rain that would soon be sleet filled the apartment, a white noise for the end of a quiet day. But that wasn't really focused on right now.
Nica Pierce sat upon her boyfriend's lap, as said boyfriend, Andy Barclay leaned back upon their comfortable, shared couch, his arms wrapped around her like one would a precious gift.
Theses snuggles were a comfort for both of them as their birthdays approached, almost on the same day. Tomorrow would be Nica's, and after that, Andy's. The days their lives were changed forever.
They both knew the days were coming. Neither of them needed to remind the other, all they could do was prepare for what memories the days would bring, and be each others' rocks for it, as they always were.
"When was the last time you celebrated it?" Nica's voice finally broke the silence.
Andy thought for just a moment, before he shrugged. "The year before... You got taken from the ward. I still had... It, locked in my safe. Went out to eat with my mom, Kyle, and Mike. Texas Roadhouse. They got me some kind of ice cream thing. I think it was vanilla? I dunno. Mom tried to ask if they had birthday cake flavor for me." Nica noticed the tiniest twitch of a smile on Andy's lips as he thought of the memory. One of the few good ones of his birthday he had.
The man's eyes wandered down to his girlfriend, brushing some strands of hair behind her ear so he could get a good look at her. "What about you?"
Nica hesitated for a second, almost as if she was trying to remember all those years ago, before she finally nodded.
"A couple of months before. My mom... Had started getting better. Before, my birthday had caused her to get even worse depression. She was still pretty bad, but... She was trying. She got me a new laptop with more space for classes, and she even tried to make a cake. I had to help, but I could tell she was trying."
Both of them sat in silence before Nica smiled a bit in remembrance. "It was a red velvet cake, one of the box mixes. I was at the table with my laptop, testing it out, and all of the sudden I hear a crash and my mother saying the first cuss word I'd ever heard from her in my years of being her daughter. " The woman's smile had grown a bit now, a bit of a chuckle in her voice. Andy began to smile a bit as well as he watched his girlfriend tell her tale.
"I roll into the kitchen and- oh my god, it was a mess. Mom had accidentally dropped the rest of the eggs from the carton on the floor. Oh sure, she had the eggs for the cake, but the floor was just COVERED in yolk and mess, just everywhere! Poor mom was just standing there, holding the carton, with the most embarrassed face and says "Sorry honey, I'm rusty." And I just BUSTED out laughing. She tried to scold me but she just lost it. We both did! I don't think we grabbed a towel and mop for like, ten minutes. She never even explained how it happened! It was just there on the floor!"
The couple's chuckles and giggles now filled the apartment as they both imagined the situation. Something neither of them expected to do so close to their birthdays. Andy caught his breath a bit, to tell his own tale.
"That freaking reminds me of a story- My mom got out around my 21st birthday, and to celebrate her leaving and my day we went out to eat at some diner. Me, Mike, her, and Kyle. My mom told me I'd better get a huge meal because it was my birthday and I told her only if she got one too. Well, our waitress takes our huge order, but when she had, she'd interrupted a conversation between Kyle and my mom. And right as the waitress starts to walk away-" Andy was snickering at this point. "My mother turns back to Kyle and says "-And then there was the time someone stole my pills and jello." And this waitress just STOPS midstep to just - comprehend. She tells that story every year on my birthday, and we all still die laughing."
Nica had was in hysterics at this point, leaning on Andy for support as she tried to calm herself, but the thought of the poor waitress just made her lose it more, especially with how long SHE'D lived at an asylum. "I-I'm sorry- what your mom went through is fucking horrible bu-" "No no! Like I said, my mom laughs her ass off at this story! It's in her nature, to make good things out of bad. Even if she didn't like it, she'd still try a way to make it good for my day."
This comment helped Nica calm down a bit, enough for her to think about her own mother. For years, her mother had been so mentally wrecked, overprotective, everything. But the last memories she had of her- her painting, talking more, going out more, trying more... Finally getting some help... It showed that she was trying, and she TRULY cared. Sarah Pierce's entire life had been trying to make good out of a bad situation, to her death, her mother had tried. Not well enough in some spots, but she had tried. And Nica had a lot of respect for that. Especially now. She wanted to honor that.
Andy too was thinking about his own mother. Her trying, even on the day she was released for him, ever since he was little, getting that bastard doll when they had no money and she was a single mom. She always tried to the very end. Always tried to make every birthday a distraction from the past, always showed her love, always listened. She asked his permission to marry Mike, she tried so hard to sue the makers of that stupid movie. She always made him her top priority, especially on one of the worst days in his life... And she'd want that day to be good.
The two sat there, cuddling close as they thought of the different sacrifices and memories of their mothers, the good, the bad, and what they represented... Especially for the next few days.
"Hey babe?"
"Wanna have a birthday party?"
Sorry this took me so long!!!!
This was so fucking fun to write, holy shit, I love these two dorks
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coexistentialism · 9 months
I always end up glossing over how bad the sibling abuse from my brother was. It's the stuff I have the most access to, and yet even still there's still tons missing and tons I still don't have access too. But it was so fucking bad. And it always slips my mind, but it was so severe.
So many trigger warnings, uhh. Trigger warning for the following: homicidal ideation towards an abuser; brief mention of comparing an abuser to Satan; emotional abuse, specifically sibling abuse. Sexual abuse from a sibling as well. Also medical neglect?
I would scratch out his face in photographs and such. Like take a pushpin and scratch out his face. Or scribble over it. Or literally tear him out of photographs. I still have photos that have my brother torn out of them.
I hated him so much as a child that I quite literally would be like "hate is too strong of a word, only reserved for my brother because of how horrible he is."
I'd compare him to Satan and call him Satan to a point he was pissed at me one day because apparently a random kid called him Satan as a "joke", but my brother had thought that I told some random kid that my brother was Satan or whatever.
He was the definition of a school bully, but I lived with him. He was the kind of person who purposefully annoyed you. He was the kind of person on those awful "YouTube prank" channels where the "joke" is just being a fucking asshole and purposefully annoying people, upsetting them, pissing them off, but the person ""pranking"" them is just laughing because it's apparently funny to push someone's buttons.
He'd do that horrific thing where you twist someone's arm extremely painfully, like painful burning. Would do something to hurt me and when I expressed pain, would tell me "oh please, it didn't hurt" or "it didn't hurt that bad, oh my God."
At 7/8-years-old, I pushed him out of a trailer house. Like in our trailer house, there was a door that didn't have stairs leading out to the outside, and I pushed him out of it. I've pushed him down stairs too, at like 9-13-years-old, anywhere around that age.
Had homicidal thoughts towards him. Genuinely thought about how I wished I could kill him and the police would come and they'd understand why I did it because of how horrible he was. Of course that was just child wishful thinking.
There's definitely more that I'm forgetting.
Oh, I mean. The sexual abuse too lmfao. At least he didn't rape me. :/
Called me names, made fun of me. When I tried to "run away" (it wasn't running away so much as I claimed it was running away and then just walked a while away from my home and then came back after finding a stranger who called the police to take me home, but whatever), my brother (and I'm pretty sure my dad at times) would make fun of me and call me "little miss runaway."
Being so angry and upset and felt so much torment that all I could do was scream at the top of my lungs.
I remember my mom just telling me "just ignore him and he'll stop." Yeah sure.
At age, like 6 or 7, I stepped on a piece of plastic that dug into my foot and I was screaming and crying in so much pain and... My dad just thought we were fighting 🙃 So he told us to shut up until my brother had to say that hey no she (me) stepped on something and is in horrific pain.
Wasn't taken to a doctor or anything. Never really was. Don't know what happened with that or anything, but I remember the next year, my dad had to dig into my foot again, literally had to re-open the wound to see if there was still a piece of plastic in my foot and yep there was. I still have two scars from the original wound and my dad having to make a new wound to dig into.
Didn't think that that was abnormal and I still struggle to wrap my head around just how bad that sounds and just how bad that is. My therapist was completely shocked hearing about that when I first told her about it. Been told that it sounds like "a mild form of torture." And yeah I can see that. When I think about it now, the thought of somebody digging into my skin to create a wound to look if there's something inside that area, nothing to dull the pain except "here, bite down on this" or some shit, sounds horrifically excruciatingly painful, and I'm an adult. I was 7 when that happened.
As a kid, the Warrior cats book series was my special interest, and I'm fairly certain I had a Scourge introject as a child, and well. Reading all of the above, you can make obvious conclusions why (well, if you know about Scourge's story that is. TL;DR: he was abused by his siblings, was made fun of by them and bullied by them, and he ran away and then killed them when they came to him later in life seeking his help. So uh you can see why child me would've introjected him).
And I know there's even more that's dissociated away/I don't remember/don't have access to.
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rainintheevening · 7 months
Thinking about my raised-as-a-Sith Anakin AU, and how it would be cool to have singing as a symbol for freedom. Though I'd try to keep it understated.
I've always loved the scene in The Approaching Storm of Anakin singing and thinking of his mom, and then Obi-Wan telling him he's actually got a really good voice. I headcanon that Anakin sang and hummed to himself as a kid, but stopped doing it where anyone could hear after his voice changed, because he hated the cracking, and it was embarrassing.
But it would be a cool thing to have in TMH, where the prologue opens with Anakin singing his mother's funeral song, and then gets taken and given a new name, Vader.
Jump forward 6 or 7 years, and Obi-Wan has this padawan, Aster-Ryn, who loves music, and it's just something she's often doing, singing or humming.
She grew up in a place where she could express herself freely within loving boundaries, she could have learned to play almost any instrument in the galaxy, she could have heard a hundred different kinds of singing from the hundreds of different kinds of species at the Temple. I bet Mace took her to the theatre a few times (probably to also teach her some lessons about fame or other important things, because it's Mace, but anyway).
And contrast that with Vader who never sings, and he wears a mask with a vocoder in it so he always sounds menacing and off. It's like he only growls. He hasn't sung once since Shmi died.
But as he gets to know Obi-Wan, and by extention Aster-Ryn, he hears her music, and he remembers how Shmi used to sing to him. Songs of hope and dreams and freedom, things they might never have, but the music made those things real for their hearts and minds.
Singing is like speaking, it's having a voice, a way of personal expression.
And I love the idea of that being a little sign of his progress, that music slowly starts meaning something to him again, and he starts humming, then singing songs with no words, because he has no words that express his pain and loss and anger and fear.
But finally Anakin gets to that point of being able to sing in words again, and it's a small but powerful part of breaking free from the Sith. Just as important as his first smile, his first laugh, the first time he cries in front of Obi-Wan. All part of reestablishing his personhood, and agency.
I wouldn't want to overdo it, but it would be a fun thread to run through the story. Also Aster-Ryn is supposed to be based off me, and I'm always singing/whistling/humming/playing music, so.... :))))
@clawedandcute you'd probably find this cool, and of course @thefinaljediknight @ablatheringblatherskite let me know what you think.
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dad on a saturday
annie's dad dropped by as he often did on saturday morning. robbie was out -- he'd been out with jim last night and they'd gone back to julia's parents' house in the suburbs to double-team her. annie answered the door in a bra and panties -- she'd been to another fundraiser with richard last night, and they'd fucked in his limo on the way back. annie had bounced on richard's cock with her panties pulled aside in full view of the driver. it had been really hot. she could still feel richard's dried cum in her bush.
he asked where robbie was, and so annie pulled up a picture jim had sent of his cock in julia's ass and robbie's cock in julia's mouth.
"it doesn't bother you to see pictures of your brother like that?" he asked.
"of course not, he has a nice cock," annie said. "apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
"sorry about that," he said. "a little too much scotch."
"don't apologize for that," annie said. "i really appreciate the intimacy."
"i know you value that," he said. "but maybe a little too much."
"nah, i have my priorities straight," she said. "did mom get you off this morning?"
"yes," he said. "gave me a blowjob."
"good girl," annie said. "come talk to me while i shower, i have to get the cum out of my bush."
annie left the shower curtain open so she could chat with her father and stand fully naked in front of him. she literally put shampoo in her bush, which was kind of funny, but it worked.
when she got out, and as she was toweling off, she was surprised that he reached out to touch her pubic hair. "nice and soft now," he said approvingly. "sorry for touching," he said.
"you can touch me anywhere you want," annie said, not even in a flirty way, just a frank admission of the truth.
"you're a little hairier than you mom at this point," he said. "she's practically shaved."
"i really like having a bush right now," annie said. "i like it as a cum target."
he laughed. "yeah, that's always fun."
"where is your favorite place to cum on mom?" annie asked.
"her tits," he said.
"i'd like to see that," she said.
"your mother films us all the time," he said. "i'm sure she has some video."
"i can't ask her for that," annie said. they were in her bedroom now. she had pulled on white panties. her bush was still wet and left a damp triangle in the front.
"i think you two could bond over being so horny all the time lately," he laughed.
"i've always been horny all the time," annie said. "i didn't always think to act on it."
"what helped you learn that you could?"
"my mentor, at school," she said. "dr. lawrence, remember him?"
"sure," her dad said.
"well, he sort of told me i wasn't sexually adventurous enough to handle what some of my patients were gonna throw at me because i was a pretty woman and so i'd attract people who wanted to talk about sex."
"i suppose you were not very sexually adventurous in college."
"no, i'd been with like three guys. so i started fooling around with julia and a bunch of my other friends, and i fucked dr. lawrence, and i turned it around."
"you fucked dr. lawrence, your mentor?"
"yeah," annie said. "it was very cathartic."
he laughed.
after her dad left, robbie came home mid-morning. annie was horny, so he ate her pussy with her panties pulled aside on the couch, and then told her he had a story.
it was 2am at julia's house and he'd gone to the bathroom, naked, after falling asleep in bed with julia and jim. julia's stepmom had walked in on him pissing, and apologized, but just stood there in a tank top and panties. so he'd just looked at her with his cock out and said, "you gonna take those off for me or what?" and she pulled her panties down and said "i thought you'd never ask." he said she was shaved, and he fucked her bent over the sink and she asked him how her pussy compared to her stepdaughter's.
"that's fucking hot," annie said.
"i know right?"
"what did you tell her?"
"i told her to shut up and she started to cum."
"good boy," annie said.
he told her he went back to the bedroom and told julia he'd just fucked her stepmom and julia went down on his flaccid cock so she could taste her mother's pussy.
later that day, julia sent annie a screenshot from one of her brothers' snapchat accounts. it was a picture, shot through an ajar door, of julia getting spitroasted in bed by jim and robbie, and it was captioned "tfw your slut older sister moves back home."
"LOL," annie replied.
"It's not funny!" Julia replied.
"You're right it's not funny, it's hot."
"It's a LITTLE hot," Julia admitted.
annie asked jim what the dynamic was like at julia's parents' house. he said julia and her stepmom are both always walking around in their underwear. he told her he asked the brothers if they ever spy on their mom and they showed him footage of a secret camera they'd set up in the bathroom, video of her getting naked and getting in the shower.
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bylertruther · 11 months
It's that time again! Tell me about some of your favorite blogs, why they are your favorite, and tag them to fill the dashboard with positivity and love!
a selection of some of my faves in no particular order, of course 💌
@heroesbyler — my wife, my dearest, and my mike. one of my first friends in this fandom and someone that i trust so much i'd give her my social security number if she asked. stav is super intelligent (in so many ways), kind, funny, thoughtful, brave, and observant. her analyses punch me in the tit and kill me dead. she speaks clearly and with conviction. she stays true to her beliefs and doesn't say or do things just to appease the masses, which is, for whatever reason, a rarity in this fandom. a lovely person inside and out, really and truly—her kindness and empathy blows me away, and makes my heart feel all fuzzy. my mom's a big fan based on what i've told her dfjdshb. a great blog to follow if you want to take a deeper look at the characters on our screens, not just will and mike, and how all of the themes, messages, and journeys in this show reinforce each other. also if you like to laugh. :')
@miwism — mal is the most creative person i've had the honor of meeting in this fandom. super kind, super funny, and super inventive. one of the very few people that have managed to make me laugh out loud—and not just once, but repeatedly. so many posts that i'll randomly remember months later and bust out into giggles over. best fics, best art, best posts, best ideas, and best additions to your posts, too. seriously, mal, i've secretly wondered if you've ever done improv before because your ability to take an idea and expand on it is just that great. i love them, i want to hug them, and if they asked me to drop everything on a thursday to go to publix with them, i would. idec if it'd take me hours to get there, i Would and it'd be worth it. 💚
@wiseatom — just thinking about her fics makes me tear up on the spot. i've cried after reading her work multiple times, even on rereads, because a) they were so good that i felt devastated that it was over, and b) i would never experience that magical First Time Reading feeling again. thea's just overall talented out the fucking wazoo—like, it's actually insane. she's a talented writer, a talented artist, a true creative, so eloquent, so charming, and such a delight. i could never meet her irl and keep my composure because i would just be on my fan behavior without a way to turn it off. she'd try to talk to me and i'd just be staring at her dreamily like this: 😍🥹😊🥰💕.
@sayyourprayers — if nobody got me, i know they got me. 🫂 even when i think i'm being sneaky, they still know exactly what i'm talking about, which i am choosing to believe is a part of our superior warriors bond as well as them being very smart, and not just me being as easy to read as a toddler book. they're very funny and very straightforward. no bullshit whatsoever. i always read their tags and replies, and find them to be really insightful and witty. they're another individual that has their own beliefs and interpretations and doesn't change them based on what's currently popular or not. i like that, because i personally hate when shit starts sounding like an echo chamber. overall, i just really love their blog! i always, always tune in to see what they have to say and i find myself smiling whenever i see them in my notes.
@googoogagaeyes — doozy's another real one. she describes herself in her intro post as a lover and a hater and i couldn't agree more (in the best way possible, of course). i think she has a very text-focused and holistic way of tackling the show: she talks about the good, the bad, and the neutral, which i find to be refreshing and desperately needed. i always read everything she writes, whether it's in the tags or in the post itself, and either learn something, laugh, or, as is usually the case, do both. speaking of which, her analyses are always to the point and written in such a way that the reader feels respected. she doesn't drone on or fluff it up, which i appreciate. super eloquent, intelligent, and funny. very much a necessary follow if you enjoy this show and excellent commentary tbh.
@alastyearonearth — alfreddddd ✋🥺 (<- me putting my hand on the screen like the wives of soldiers at war do in dramatic movies)....... oh, alfred. if there's anyone i'm normal about, it's him 👍 (lies) (biggest lie i've ever told in my life actually) (my pants are currently on fire right now) (🚒🧯👨‍🚒 <- they're here to put me out). i feel like my feelings for him and his blog can be summed up by the fact that when i realized we both went on vacation at around the same time, i was ecstatic because that meant i wouldn't miss his posts. bdfhjbsdkj. he's one of the biggest brains and most generally knowledgeable people here, and it rocks my world every time he says anything. he has an appreciation for canon and the real people whose stories are represented within it that this fandom sorely, and ironically, lacks. also, while i'm on my fan behavior right now, allow me to admit that i would go through his blog sometimes for months before i finally put on my big kid pants and followed him. i'm very much not beating the parasocial allegations and tbh i think it's understandable bc Hello !!!! look at him!!!! (gesticulates wildly in his and his posts' direction). 10/10 would ruin my sleep schedule for him, submit myself to the torture of a 24hr flight for him, go on a museum marathon together, and slather myself in superglue right before hugging him so that we're stuck together forever afterward. necessary follow for anyone that likes to not get pissed off when they log on and enjoys canon, esp will. alfred please can we hang out please alfred whenever you're free please if you'd like to hang out can we please hang out when you are free ple—
@motherthroat — you know that andrew garfield "(you didn't know me at thirteen) i really wish i had" quote? it applies here, because i so wish i'd met him last summer. liking canon will, mike, and byler used to be so lonely and frustrating, but now it isn't anymore and that's largely because of him. if you haven't caught on by now, i like following people that are very frank, and mori's no different. he's not afraid to be bold either. i love his art, his AUs, and his takes. he's funny, treats you the way you treat him, and has a great eye for aesthetics. well. a great eye in general, i think. not to get #deep (or repetitive), but i think he sees more than he lets on, and it really comes out in his art, his headcanons, his interpretations, and the way that he speaks to people. he remembers things and really ponders them. there's a kind of carefulness there that i admire as someone with as much grace as a bull in a china shop. just a cool cat, really.
@cosmobrain00 — MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX! (screamed the same way that will screamed for mike on halloween night). they're literally so talented that it's not even funny anymore. like, their writing is next level and the fact that we can read it for free (wtf!!!!) feels like a crime. their art is so pleasing to look at and i love their style so much. their thoughts on this show and these characters are superb, too. so passionate, so kind, and so loving—and it shows in everything they do. it's always a good time whenever they decide to share their two cents and spit some divine wisdom on us plebs, so i definitely recommend everyone check them and their content out!
@drangues — arush is literally [starts snarling and hissing and snapping and howling at the moon and other cuteness aggression-related things]. sorry, i meant to say he's so bhjfbkdsjhfbdks grrrrrrrr bark bark bark awooooooooo. just unbelievable. unreal. the blueprint. he's my cousin and my friend and my son and my stinkie squishie and also my greatest enemy and bully (he's only consented to two of these, but they're still true). seriously... arush is SO funny. his headcanons are wonderful and #real, his artwork is insanely good and creative and colorful, he's so sweet and silly, and thoughtful and merciful, too. just !!!!!! squishing his face in all ways except physical right now. if you're not following arush drangues then you deserve to get sent straight to the scorpion pit, i feel.
@givehimthemedicine — effortlessly hilarious, kind, bright, and oh so talented in a variety of ways, both creatively and intellectually. and they have the nerve to make it look easy!! like wtf!!! they're also the most likely to drop the most insane observations ever and act like they didn't just change the trajectory of your life forever. pure insanity, i say. they're my favorite blog outside of the byIer bubble and their el's first haunted house post is easily in my top three and i still giggle over it.
@mikeandwillel — when sandy speaks, i listen and take notes. simple as that. a true mike understander and knower. she's posted wonderful analyses on many topics, all of which are super concise, text-based, and show a thorough understanding of storytelling. i love hearing her thoughts on this show and her interpretation of things. i'm especially excited to see what she thinks once we start getting s5 crumbs! oh, and she also posts great edits! :D
@aemiron-main — if loving em is wrong, then i don't wanna be right. if it becomes illegal tomorrow, then call me el because my ass is going to jail asap. he's one of the kindest, funniest, most genuine people on this website. he's always open to discuss things, look at them from a different angle, and share his knowledge. i can't even say that he treats people the way they treat him, because he treats them a lot better. if anything, he's extremely merciful and forgiving lol. he has a wealth of knowledge on a multitude of subjects, an extremely keen eye, and seemingly endless creativity / an open mind. literally a modern day sherlock, but much cooler. also very resilient and tough. and an outstanding artist, too! (what can't he do, sheeeesh!). he's written analyses on what feels like everything about the show at this point, so i'd definitely recommend going through those if you haven't already.
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Sweet Child O' Mine
Words: 1032
Warnings: angst, death, some small talk about trauma, probably poor writing but whatever
STRANGER THINGS Masterlist Main Masterlist
If any of y'all saw my post about HATING Tumblr and tell them to go fuck themselves, this fic is the reason. I had to re-fucking-write this because they made my entire screen go white and the only way to fix it was to reload the screen. Therefore, effectively deleting everything I wrote
I also wanted to make this fluffy but then decided that nah, just plan angst works fine. So prepare to be saddened
I honestly want to give S1 Jonathan (and this Jonathan) a hug. They deserve it
I also did this fic based off of Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses purely because it was stuck in my head. Like that is LITERALLY the only reason I did it
Anywho, enjoy
She's got a smile that it seems to me Reminds me of childhood memories Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky (Sky) Now and then when I see her face She takes me away to that special place And if I stared too long, I'd probably break down and cry
Jonathan remembered how Y/N had smiled at him as she drove. He had noticed it from his peripherals while he was adjusting something on his camera and had smiled to himself. God had he loved that smile of hers. It always reminded him of his childhood. The good parts of it, at least. Like when his mom would take him and Will to the park and the sun would be high in the sky. Not a cloud to give any hint of rain. When the sun would be high in the sky and he never felt a single ounce of the pain going on at home. He had lifted the camera to take a photo of her smiling face. He had known she had seen him take it when she started laughing. That of which had him ending up snapping another of her laughing.
He had known that later she would have looked at those photos and groaned. Would have made a comment how bad she looked laughing. He would end up disagreeing and saying how much he loved photos of her laughing. How she always looked the best in them. And she wouldn't believe him. She never did. And he never cared. It may have been a never ending circle, but he didn't care because it would be in it with her
Sometimes when he still looks at the photos of her, he gets taken back to that time. Either with Will and his mom or the moment in the picture with her. But he never was able to stare at the photos for too long. He always would remember what happened and end up breaking down crying.
She's got eyes of the bluest skies As if they thought of rain I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain Her hair reminds me of a warm, safe place Where as a child I'd hide And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by
He remembered how when he looked into her eyes and saw everything in them. It had always pained him to see them when they were full of pain. He remembered when he told her about Will's disappearance and then when his 'body' was found and was declared dead. He remembered how the pain gathered in her eyes like a coming storm. But it never gathered enough for the rain to come. Never did a single tear fall from her eyes.
But he also remembered how she had pulled him in. That he had collapsed onto her. That at some point during his break down, she had walked them into her room. That at some point she laid their foreheads together and made him mimic her breathing. He remembered that one of his hands had fallen to the back of her hair. He remembered how he had done it many times, before and after that, for comfort. He remembered how warm it felt. It didn't matter if they had been outside in the rain or snow. It was always warm.
He remembered that the warmth of it always reminded him of when he and Will were kids and their parents fought. When he would had Will sneak into his room or he would sneak into Will's and they would listen to music. That had always been his comfort during their parents fights. With Will in one of the rooms, listening to music and talking about whatever.
He used to think of it as hiding from thunder. Something he had always been afraid of. But she had always been there to calm him down. All until she wasn't.
Where do we go? Where do we go now? Where do we go? Mm-mm, oh, where do we go? Where do we go now? Oh, where do we go now? (Where do we go?) Where do we go? (Sweet child) Mm-huh, where do we go now? Ah-yah-yah-yah-yah-yah-yah-yah-oh (Where do we go? Where do we go?) Ooh, where do we go now? (Where do we go?) Uh-uh-uh, uh-uh-uh-oh, wow Where do we go? Oh-oh, where do we go now? (Oh) Where do we go, oh-oh-oh-oh? (Oh, wow) Where do we go now? Where do we go? Woah-oh, where do we go now? No, no, no, no, no, no, no Sweet child Sweet child of mine
He remembered when Hopper came to his apartment just as the rain had let up. He remembered how Hopper's hat was off. The somber look on his face. Jonathan's first thoughts were a jumbled mix of worry for his mom, brother, and Y/N. He remembered how Hopper only assured him it wasn't his mom or brother. He remembered how he asked about Y/N. And that Hopper stayed quiet. He remembered how Hopper finally said it. Finally confirmed his worse fears.
They had found her car crashed into a ditch. That she had been in it. That she had probably been driving in the storm, lost control of the car, and it spun out into a ditch. He remembered how he tried so hard not to cry. Not in front of Hopper. But the moment Hopper told him that she had listed him as her first emergency contact, he finally lost it. He finally broke down and cried.
The two of them had made the other their emergency contact years ago as a joke. Never thinking that it would be important. Never thinking that a cop would show up at one of their doors to say they were dead.
And now it was raining and was the day of her funeral. They were maybe halfway through it when he ran out. Unable to sit through it all. He knew that Will and his mom had ran after him. But he ignored him as he sat out on the sidewalk. The rain pouring over his head. Everytime there was a sound of thunder, he jumped.
He knew that his mom and brother were worried about him. He hadn't been this broken over Will's 'death' when it happened. But he thought that was because deep down he knew his mom was right. That he wasn't dead. And look. He wasn't. He was alive and breathing next to him. Unlike her. Unlike Y/N. Y/N who hadn't deserved to die. Especially not during a fucking rain storm.
And maybe because with Will's death he knew what he was going to do next. He knew that he was going to graduate High School and get a better life for him and his mom. But without her, he had no idea. He didn't know what to do or where to go from there.
He just wanted to be with her. Be with the one person who always had his back. No matter how many dumb things he did. No matter how many breakdowns he had. No matter how snappy he could get.
He just wanted his best friend back. That was all. He just wanted her back. And while Will and Joyce knew this. They didn't know everything. Not until the next words came from his sobbing lips.
"I never even got to tell her that I loved her."
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spoofymcgee · 6 months
i realized i was queer when i was fourteen. we'd just moved to a new city, i was going to a new school, and until that point in life i hadn't put much thought into who i liked. i assumed i would have a husband because i wanted kids, but i was at orientation for my new school, and there was this girl there–
but the point is, i realized i was queer in a new city, a new house, a new school, and.
the neighborhood we'd lived in before hadn't been the most religious neighborhood. some of our neighbors kept shabbat, some didn't, and there wasn't a real community there that we were part of. that was seven years of my life.
and then we moved. and we moved into a neighborhood where almost everyone was an orthodox jew, and my father taught at the yeshiva and we went to shul there on friday nights.
and for the first time in as long as i could remember, we had neighbors with kids closer to our age, who would come over and laugh and talk with my parents, who were friends with my mom, who asked me to babysit their kids on weekends.
and. look, i don't speak for the whole orthodox community, and there are plenty of orthodox jews who are fine with queer people, who are queer people, etc.
but fourteen year old me didn't know that.
fourteen year old me realized she liked girls and her first thought was 'oh my god, what will the neighbors think.'
because in my little teenage brain, we had just settled in this community and put down roots and my parents planned to live there for a long time, and what would it mean if they had a daughter who liked women, what would people think, would anyone ever talk to them again, how could i do that to them–
and i agonized over this for months. november december january febuary march. i remember being listless, crying while doing the dishes, refusing to tell anyone what was wrong.
(this seems like a good point in time to mention that this was all my dramatics and somewhat erroneous conclusions based on uncles-at-family-dinners and the like. as far as i knew my parents were totally fine with gay people , but they were outliers in the community. to be clear.)
i know the date i came out to my mother because i told her after a friend from my old school texted me 'are you part of the lgbt community? don't worry, i won't tell anyone'
(i'd fought with my best friend, who still went to that school, the year before, because she said that she thought gay people were weird. i had no friends in my new school yet.)
(i panicked and googled how to respond to that question and told her yes i was but only on wednesdays.)
she told me that she was pretty sure she was a lesbian, and please, not to tell anyone.
if she hadn't texted me and scared me like that, i don't know how long it would have taken me to tell my mom. she made me realize i couldn't do this alone.
years later, i cut my hair. it was at my waist and i convinced my mom to let me chop all of it off and get it cropped and short. i told her when it was over that i loved it and the only thing i was really worried about was what the neighbors would think, because i babysat their kids.
she told me that one of them had a sister who was married to a woman (she hadn't known earlier) and so i didn't have to worry about it. i doubt i'll ever meet her. she made me feel safer in my parents' community than anyone else in the world.
last year i went to a queer shabbat retreat up north. i met someone there whose parents live down the block from mine. we see each other, sometimes, when we're both in the area for shabbat. we sit and talk on the stoop of one of the apartment buildings and the night before pride he invited me over because he'd made flag cookies and wanted to eat the messy ones.
my father asked me, the week after that yom kippur, if i knew the son of one of the rabbis, because he'd been home and in shul for the first time in ages and had his ear pierced and as far as my dad knew his dad wasn't the most supportive, and he wanted to make sure he was okay.
i asked my friend and he laughed. they'd been friends for years, him and this guy, and my dad was wrong–his dad was very sweet about it.
i don't know where i'm going with this, really.
i've talked to my mom, sometimes, about learning to be thankful for the community being queer has brought me, all the people i get to know and love because of it.
i wish i could go back in time and hug fourteen year old me and tell her that the neighbors wouldn't say anything. they don't care. some of them will say 'do you want to come to mine? i made brownies' 'i like the pin on your bag' 'did you get a haircut recently? it looks nice'.
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