#and i love love Love neuroscience
merriclo · 1 year
i’m over the goddamn moon rn i just found out i might be able to get out of taking a third year of coding let’s fucking gooo
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periluvr · 26 days
I’ll never smile again - Frank Sinatra
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a little angst, reader is a neurosurgeon, neutral pronouns, ""friendship"", geto’s death is mentionned, cuss words, mention of death, mention of medical treatment, mention of graveyard
gojo satoru x reader
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"time of death 10:34pm"
the monitor beeps. The noise is continuous and getting heavier and heavier to bear. You put down your scalpel, raise your hands and step away from the body. You look around, at a few people in the observatory, friends and journalists who’ve come to watch the first surgery about your experiment on a certain type of tumor, a new surgical approach to removing that tumor. A rather invasive approach indeed, but one that worked in clinical trials.
The intern begins to close the patient's skull. Drops of sweat begin to drip from your forehead, your vision starts to deteriorate more and more, you've got to get out of there. "I killed him, I killed him" goes round and round in your head. You smile slightly at the journalists in the observatory, including your best friend, your friends and Gojo. "I'm sorry, I have to go" you inform the other surgeons and doctors in the OR.
You leave the room quickly. Your best friend has seen the distress in your eyes, she knows you, she knows what you're like. "That's not a good sign" she murmurs before rubbing her face with both hands. Gojo looks at your best friend blankly and gets up, leaving the observatory. "Where are you going?" she asks Gojo "I won't be long" he replies.
You take off your coat, gloves and cap, throw the coat and gloves in the trash and your cap on the floor. You're trembling, suffocating, everyone was counting on you and you failed, you killed him. You needed air, you knew the journalists would be here as soon as possible. You walk into the x-ray room. You see them, the scans of your late patient, "what the hell happened?" you look at them over and over again. You go in circles in the room, biting your lip and rubbing your eyes. You rip the scans off the wall and throw them on the floor, "fuck!". Tears start to roll down your cheeks, unintentionally.
"Are you all right?" you hear a voice coming from behind you, you knew exactly who it was. Gojo slowly closes the door behind him and moves closer, "Everything's fine, everything's fine".
"Everything's fine?! Do you really think everything's fine?! Are you kidding me?!" you reply.
"Shh, it's not your fault you know" he tries to stay calm.
"Who operated on him? Who opened his skull? Who performed an invasive surgical method on him? It’s me!" you lose all control, gojo is not your enemy in this situation, quite the opposite. You move closer to him, pointing at yourself, tears flowing, your voice starting to break little by little
"You need to calm down, it was experimental and you know it" gojo puts his hands on your shoulders
"Do not touch me!" you reply, backing away violently.
He sighs and raises an eyebrow, leans back against a wall, crosses his arms and legs, "I'm not going to teach you your job, but death is part of your job. there are things you can't foresee".
"He was 15! He was 15 and he had a tumor since 13! He died at 15 because of me! It’s not fair!" you say crying your heart out . "Death was almost inevitable, you know that" he replies calmly.
"And what do you know about death? how often do you come into contact with it?" you approach him.
"What do you mean?" he approaches you too, clenches his jaw, the tension begins to build between you. "Don’t start with those things it won’t get us anywhere" he sighs once again. He didn't want to get upset because you'd just lost a patient who was very important to you, but he soon realized that the subject could take a rather dramatic turn.
"You dare lecture me about death and inevitability when you literally killed your best friend?"
— silence.
Gojo straightens up, uncrosses his arms and looks at you, raising his eyebrows, again "What did you say?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" you’ve gone too far.
"Do you really think I wanted this? That I wanted all this?" he approaches you again, his eyes wide.
"I know I didn't, I'm sorry-" you slowly back away
"Do you really think that your job as a neurosurgeon, which you chose, and my job, which was imposed on me, are the same? Do you really think that I don't deal with death? You don't kill patients, you fail to save them, it's not the same. I kill people on purpose, that's the difference between us. — the more he talks, the closer he gets to you, you find yourself leaning against a wall involuntarily. You raise your head more and more to look at him because he's so tall — I have no choice but to do this job, you do. I kill those around me for ungrateful people like you"
"Satoru, please wait-" you start following him
The door slams and you find yourself alone in the scan room, you'd just pissed off the only person who'd come to support you after your defeat, Gojo considered you a true friend so much so that he confided about his friendship with Geto and how much he was suffering today, from his death. You knew that your patient's death and Geto's were incomparable, and yet you compared them. Why were you so stupid?
You start to follow gojo through the corridors but the journalists start to come between you "I'm sorry I have to-", "Did you make a mistake?", "why did he die?", "He was only 15, how do you feel?" fucking journalists. You see Gojo disappear in the hallway.
When you get home, you try to call Gojo, but he doesn't answer. You try to send him messages, but he doesn’t reply.
i’m sorry Satoru i know i fucked up
please, can we talk?
i think i know where you are, i’m coming
You get in your car and head down to the graveyard. A few minutes later you arrive in front of his grave and there he was, crouching, wearing his mask as usual, you've always wondered if it was also a way of hiding his emotions, the eyes speak, but his, what do they say ?
"Hi, you didn’t reply to my texts i was scared" you say softly. He doesn’t say anything. "I’m sorry you know i didn’t mean that" — "Why did you come ?" he say not looking at you but still looking at the grave. "I was worried". He laughs ironically "really ? you really are the last person i wanted to see here."
You decide to approach him a little. "I wanted to make sure you were fine" — "And I am, you can leave now"
You don’t know what to say anymore, it was all your fault anyway. "Satoru I-" — "leave" he looks at you and you decide to leave.
You know he’ll never smile the same again without Geto near him.
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hi, first post since almost nine months *tries not to panick*. I don’t know how to feel about this, i think i lost the way i was writing before ? i don’t know. I have a feeling this is botch :( I wanted to try something new but anyway.
even though i’m not a big fan of this work, i’m really happy to writing again^^
if you think i use deepl for this one you’re right 😜👍🏻
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My neuroscience brain is so happy and so amused at the same time
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Inhibiting the frontal lobes usually just makes you give in to the natural impulses that you suppress, you intelligent fools!
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hotbabelien · 1 year
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listening to library audiobooks about human consciousness while doing a rough k-sci screenshot redraw
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stuckinapril · 7 days
My forever struggle is that I’m in love with both neuroscience and medicinal/organic chemistry and I’m just insane enough to be double dipping in both constantly
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just-antithings · 2 months
That study which was the original source of antis claims that people's brains don't mature until 25 got cited by a TERF supporting a youth transition ban, so actual neuroscientists (e.g. Dean Burnett, author of The Idiot Brain) are ripping it to pieces as pseudoscience. Fingers crossed that the public discrediting sticks.
We love to see it
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jay-birds-fly · 1 year
If you or a loved one enjoys infodumping you may be entitled to “pretty please tell me about it, please”
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oatbugs · 3 months
i just wanna love my friends and travel and learn new things and find experience precious moments and maybe do research 4ever one day and kiss pretty ppl i do not need to have my heart squeezed dry by this girl
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sockaliens · 6 months
me not wanting to study for one of my neuroscience finals and my friend kindly notifying me that, yes, in fact, sherlock holmes WOULD be very interested in reading intervention papers to promote healthy aging.
well thanks now i have to study. great.
cannot wait for finals to be done so i can return to reading ACD sherlock nonstop <3
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learnelle · 1 year
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fluffydice · 10 months
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The World Is His! Happy Birthday, Kusuo, hopefully I’ll get better at drawing you every year <3
Heavy reference under the cut, I thought it was funny
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Yeah hilarious aren’t I
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ahxiang · 2 years
i had no clue autistic people had issues with balance and whatnot, thank u for explaining. if u dont mind, could u explain why autistic people avoid eye contact. i know it's uncomfortable, clearly woo young-woo hated it, but i never understood why.
you're welcome!! and i'd be happy to explain!!!! i love science sm and the eye contact thing is soooo intruiging.
the science isn't all there, but there have been several studies on eye contact, and recent studies on autistic ppl's experiences with eye contact have expanded on that knowledge, so we have a pretty clear idea of why it happens.
so firstly, to understand this phenomenon there's something we need to understand abt autism itself. unlike popular opinion and what it may seem outwardly, autistic people don't have a lack of interpersonal connection because of disinterest, selfishness, or lack of concern. what's actually happening is that autistic ppl are, as neuroscientist dr. nouchine hadjikhani puts it, trying "to decrease an unpleasant excessive arousal stemming from overactivation in a particular part of the brain." the thing abt autism is that at its core it's just a Too Much Disorder. our senses are heightened, parts of our brain are overactivated, and things can get to be too much for us. so autistic people aren't selfish or hate people, we're just trying not to be overstimulated and uncomfortable.
scientists in the past have discovered that eye contact activates the brain's subcortical system, which is responsible for memory, emotion, pleasure, and exerting cognitive, affective, and social functions. the subcortical system is what helps newborns have natural orientation towards faces and older humans perceive emotions.
MRI studies on autistic people and eye contact in the Massachusetts General Hospital in 2017 reveal that autistic people are oversensitive to the subcortical activation effects of eye contact. this study supports previous autism experts' hypothesis that there exists an imbalance in autistic ppl's signaling networks. scientists believe this is an evolutionary phenomenon meant to strengthen excitatory signaling in the subcortical circuitry involved in face perception. this causes autistic ppl's brains to basically ring a loud ass alarm without anything to calm it back down. thus an aversion to eye contact is formed and the social brain develops abnormally.
this study supporting the imbalance in the subcortical system also helps explain things like why autistic ppl have issues with perceiving emotions, understanding and applying social rules, and the general phenomenon of innocuous things causing sensory overload.
so basically, autistic brains are oversensitive to the effects of eye contact and because of their sensory input and signaling issues, this translates as discomfort. some autistic ppl say that eye contact literally burns or hurts and it does. ofc some autistic ppl aren't as sensitive as others, so it's once again important to remember that autism is a spectrum and different people have different symptoms in different ways. but it's pretty safe to say that wyw is sensitive to eye contact to at minimum a discomfort level and possibly a painful level as well.
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sanegreen · 2 years
seduce me with ridiculous science facts
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alchemyofmaya · 4 months
“The Self is really a collection of several distinct neural networks, all existing simultaneously within the landscape of your brain. So if there are different versions of yourself, floating around inside your skull, which one is the real you?”
The thing is, all of them are you. But beneath it all, the real self is the one who puts on the various masks and costumes, while remaining whole and perfect beyond your perception. The task becomes to integrate all the parts of yourself, by accepting and embracing that all of them are versions of you — even the ones that contradict themselves.
Reality really is what you perceive it to be, your subjective worldview is intricately influenced by the objective reality, which in turn is how you continue to create your own. You are the world within the world. And you are here to fully embody all that you are, be shamelessly authentic in order to align your reality to the one you truly desire — the reality that only you, with all your unique traits and experiences could create.
Authenticity is accepting your multidimensional self — that who you are cannot be labelled and fit into distinct categories.. When you are a microcosm of the whole universe in this tiny human form.
You get to choose who you choose to show up as. This time around, choose to show up as your whole divinely magnificent Self.
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ilovedirt · 2 years
mutuals we are entering the theta state together
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writeouswriter · 1 year
Me being interested in certain scientific concepts or areas of study in theory and wanting to constantly create scientist OCs vs my brain’s inability to focus on actually reading or retaining any scientific writing or related information for research no matter how much I try: fight
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