#and i recommend it as a light watch because they mix the sweet and the sour so well
petrichoraline · 1 month
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I found this to be such a random comment until I realised it was Balgeum saying it and it suddenly felt so heavy
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6esiree · 12 days
Getting Dared To Call Them Daddy Pt. 3
Summary: You get dared to call Valentino and Angel Dust daddy.
Warnings: Swearing, slightly suggestive, Val being Val. I speak Spanish but not Italian, so I just went off of what I found online. Forgive me if I’m incorrect ❤️‍🩹 Also decided to reupload this to see how it’ll do + I made some minor changes.
Your sentiments about Valentino were mixed. As a bartender, the last thing you wanted to do was chat it up with the patrons, especially because they usually only spoke to you to try to get into your pants. While the moth wasn’t that blatantly obvious with his intentions, the language he used with you subtle and strangely bordering along sweet, you knew what he did for a living.
He was a pimp, exploiting people for money and power, so you didn’t trust him all that much. Still, you couldn’t help but find him…attractive, appreciating the moth from afar with fleeting glances. That was all you allowed yourself to do, prohibiting your mind from traveling past the superficial thoughts, and you made sure of it by being curt with Valentino whenever you interacted with him.
You did this for the longest time, but then Velvette convinced you to play a game of Truth or Dare one night, and suddenly, you had to interact with the moth in the worst way possible. “I dare you to call Val daddy,” She said, immediately halting what you were doing as you processed her words. Had she noticed the way you looked at Valentino? No, there was no way she had…or had she?
“I’m sorry, what?” You stammered, setting down the glass you were cleaning. “Come on, Vel—why the fuck should I do that?”
“Got a bone to pick with that fucker, that’s why,” Velvette said, shrugging before tapping the counter, asking for another drink. “Trust me, babe, he won’t hurt a single hair on your head.”
You complied, feeling slightly relieved that her dare had just been a mere coincidence. Slightly. You still had to call the moth daddy, which was weird because how the hell would that constitute as payback? That’s what you wondered as you grabbed a bottle of tequila, serving Velvette a shot knowing damn well that she preferred cocktails.
“Okay, but that doesn’t help me understand why I should do it,” You said, sliding the shot to her.
“Look, you’ll understand when you do it, alright?” Velvette said, shooting you a dirty look before downing it like a champ in front of you. “Also, never mind calling him daddy,” She added, and you would have sighed in relief if she hadn’t continued, “Say ‘Papi,’ or however the fuck you say daddy in Spanish.”
Yeah, if you used the Spanish version on Valentino, you weren’t going to be able to walk away from him—literally. You might as well ask him to fuck you. As you opened your mouth to protest, a familiar face slid onto the stool next to Velvette. ‘Fuck,’ you thought, averting your eyes and focusing on the dirty glasses you had set aside, trying not to panic.
“Do what?” Valentino asked, chuckling when Velvette shot him a glare over her shoulder.
Even though the background was filled with the chattering of people and the incessant sound of slot machines being used, the silence that enveloped the bar was painfully loud. You decided to speak up, the tension between the two overlords only serving to exacerbate your anxiety.
“So, uh, what d’ya want, Val?” You asked, clearing your throat.
Valentino turned to you with a hum, his antennas moving at the sound of your voice. As he faced you, you were glad that he had no pupils, irises, or whatever they were called, feeling only slightly intimidated under his stare. Your throat bobbed in anticipation as you watched him contemplate your question, though.
“Hm, tell me, what does the pretty little barkeep recommend?” Valentino eventually asked, his gold tooth glinting under the dim light as he grinned.
“Well, what are you craving?” You asked, backing up and leaning onto the counter behind you, gesturing to the various liquors around you, “I can make you anything—been doing this shit for a long time.”
“You know what? Surprise me.”
Valentino perched his chin on top of his knuckles, intent on watching you work. You mentally sighed, turning around and grabbing the first bottle of liquor you saw, which happened to be rum. It was easy to make something good out of it, so you had a cocktail whipped up for the moth in no time.
“Here ya go—oh! Where’s Velvette?” You asked as you turned around, the stool next to Valentino empty.
“Over there being a fucking piss baby,” He gestured to the other side of the bar with his head. “Nothing new.”
Velvette moved several stools down while you were making Valentino’s drink, which was a bit funny to think about, admittedly. She looked pissed, but he didn’t seem to care, his claws brushing against the back of your hand as he accepted the cocktail. You mentally cursed yourself out for the way your body reacted to the gesture, goosebumps littering your skin.
“Thank you, cariño.”
You were about to ask Valentino if he liked his drink, but then you felt something hit your arm, looking down at your feet to see a crumpled piece of napkin. Yeah, it had to be Velvette. You raised your head to look at her, and oh, did you regret doing that, the way she mouthed “Do it,” with a serious expression making your heart drop.
Chewing your lip, you backed up, hoping that everything would turn out fine. It probably would, especially as Valentino wasn’t that much of a threat compared to the other Vees. You couldn’t even imagine a worst case scenario if you wanted to…unless it had to do with the whole avoiding him thing—then no, everything would not turn out fine.
“So, did I do you right?” You asked, trying your best to appear nonchalant as you leaned over the counter.
You suddenly became painfully aware of everything Valentino did, but you particularly liked the way his antennas moved whenever you spoke, seemingly delighted by the sound of your voice. He placed his drink down on the counter, slightly craning his neck as he took in the sight of you. This was the longest you had ever interacted with him for, and judging by the look on his face, he knew that.
“Of course you did,” Valentino chuckled, the nickname affecting you more than the first time, “It would have been obvious if you hadn’t, no?”
“Right,” You said, feeling Velvette’s stare burn into the side of your head.
Valentino offered you a sly smile as he picked up his drink, but before he could attach his lips to the rim, you reached out and wrapped your hand around his. The way his eyes widened as you leaned in and helped yourself to something that was not yours felt so…powerful. He quickly recovered, though, and you knew that when the scent of cigarettes and alcohol wafted into your nostrils.
“Hm, yes, it would have been obvious,” You hummed, throat bobbing as you swallowed the alcohol.
“I told you,” Valentino said, thinking he had you right where he wanted you.
“I just had to make sure, y’know?” You said, resting your cheek on your palm, looking up at him through your lashes. “Now how’s about you do me right, papi?”
Just like that, Valentino switched up, recoiling as the word left your lips. It’s not that he didn’t like it—no, he fucking loved it. In fact, he’d rail you right there on the counter, forcing you to call him papi over and over again until your voice went hoarse. But the moth knew that you’d never willingly do that, the way Velvette cackled on the other side of the bar a testament of that.
Now, Valentino was pissed, and because you couldn’t tell who it was directed at, you tried to apologize. “I didn’t—“ You started, but then he grabbed your face, bringing you in for a searing kiss that left you feeling rather…dizzy, intoxicated even. “Once I handle this pinche puta desagradecida,” Valentino spoke against your lips, a wicked smile on his face as he watched a pink streak trickle down the corner of your mouth, your eyes half-lidded, “I’ll do you right, baby, mm?” You could only nod, feeling defeated, but at least he’d make you feel good.
Angel Dust:
The first person you befriended at the Hazbin Hotel was Angel Dust. He was friendly—too friendly, even—but you didn’t mind. You liked him, and honestly, you thought he liked you too. But then you saw how often he seemed to be in Husk’s space, never missing an opportunity to invite him into his bed. That is why you took everything Angel said or did with a grain of salt, failing to notice the way he looked at you longingly from across the room, wishing that you reciprocated his feelings.
But when Angel introduced you to Cherri Bomb, a close friend of his, you started to have second thoughts about everything. She quirked a brow at you an hour into a game of Truth or Dare, her eyes darting between you and Angel, who was practically glued to your side. You shrugged Cherri off, though, because what were you supposed to tell her that she didn’t know?
“Shit, ran outta beer. I’m gonna go get me anotha’ one,” Angel announced as he stood up from his spot on the couch. “Don’t ya two play without me, alright?”
Yeah, Cherri didn’t care, and she made that known as she turned to you with a wicked smile on her face. “Truth or Dare?” She asked you, taking a swig of her beer as she waited for your response. You didn’t want to come off as lame, so you put on a brave face and said dare, never anticipating that she’d make you confront Angel in the dumbest way possible.
“Bold—I like it!” Cherri said, looking over her shoulder before suddenly seizing the collar of your shirt. “Come ‘ere, darling.”
“What are you—“ You started.
But you interrupted yourself with a gasp, your faces only a few centimeters apart as she pulled you in. What the Hell was Cherri up to? You wondered, your nose crinkling when her breath fanned against your face. She eventually turned away and settled her lips next to your ear, which you were glad about…until she hit you with something even more unpleasant.
“I dare ya to call Angel daddy,” Cherri said, letting you go before you could process her words.
You shook your head, confused by the idea of calling Angel a term he sometimes referred to himself as. And what would calling him daddy achieve, exactly? Except for making things awkward between the two of you.
“I’m sorry, what?“ You stuttered in disbelief. “That’s—no! I can’t do that!”
“Wait, nah, you’re right,” Cherry said, but she wasn’t agreeing with what you thought she was agreeing to. “Do you know Italian? ‘Cause I think it’d be more effective if you said it in Italian.”
“No,” You deadpanned.
“It’s like, papino, or uh, paparino? Some shit like that. But neither sound that hot, ya know?” Cherry continued. “You can just call him papi, ehh…no, papino.”
“You gotta be fucking kidding me,” You scoffed.
Angel liked Husk, and the last thing you wanted to do was get in between that—or did you?
“What? You gonna pussy out?”
No, you were not, but out of all the things Cherri could have dared you to do, why…that? She laid back on the couch adjacent from you, innocently swinging her legs over the armrest as you rested your face in your palms. You were so busy mentally cursing yourself for caring about how Cherri perceived you that you jumped when the couch dipped next to you.
“Is everythin’ alright with ya?” Angel asked you, your eyes widening when he settled a hand on your back.
As his fingers delicately stroked your spine, an act that felt intimate and therefore forbidden, you figured out Cherri’s reasoning behind her dare. You lowered your hands, peering up at Angel to see him looking down at you with genuine concern. His hand halted as your eyes scoured his face, but when a blush creeped up his neck, embarrassment flooded your brain.
Angel didn’t even look at Husk like that, you realized, most likely fooling around with the poor old bartender because you didn’t seem to reciprocate his feelings. That was a painful thought, but you had no time to beat yourself up over that, especially with Cherri watching you and Angel thinking something was wrong with you.
“Shit—no, sorry,” You quickly said, straightening your back and offering him a smile.
“Are ya sure, honey?” Angel asked, your stomach flipping at the endearing term. That was a first. “Ya took, like, quite a while to answer.”
“Yeah, do ya need to cool down for a sec?” Cherri added, a smug look on her face.
Of course she was acting innocent. But it made sense, considering that the two of you continued to play the game despite Angel telling you not to do so.
“Nah, trust me, I’m good,” You said, trying not to glare at her.
“Ehh, I’m startin’ to think that somethin’ happened while I was away,” Angel said, folding his arms as his eyes darted between the two of you, obviously suspicious.
Cherri downed the rest of her beer, saving herself from having to respond to the spider and leaving you completely at his mercy. It was times like these where you regretted skimping on drinking, so you had no other choice but to get over the stupid dare.
“Yeah, I have no idea what you’re going on about,” You said, leaning back into the couch and crossing your legs.
“I ain’t blind! The two of ya are actin’ all weird and shit,” Angel said, standing up and wildly gesturing around himself with his hands. “I was only away for a few minutes, so what the Hell did ya guys talk about in such a short span of time, huh?”
“Oh, you wanna talk about ‘actin’ all weird and shit’?” You got up from the couch and approached the spider.
Cherri sat up, interested to see what you were up to. You weren’t a pussy, and you were going to show her that.
“I—uh, what?” Angel shook his head, his brows knitted in confusion.
“Please, you act weird all the damn time!” You started, observing how flustered he was under your stare. “Yet I don’t tell you shit.”
“I don’t know what ya talkin’ about—“ Angel started.
You placed a hand on his shoulder, his body immediately growing tense. This was the first time that you had touched Angel, so you weren’t entirely surprised to see him react the way that he did. But when you trailed your hand down, your fingers disappearing into the fluff of his chest, that just proved to you that whatever he felt towards you was different.
“This—do you feel this?” You asked him, noticing the way his heart-rate picked up underneath your palm. “Yeah, that’s what you do to me all the time.”
“This—do you feel this?” You asked him, noticing the way his heart-rate picked up underneath your palm. “Yeah, that’s what you do to me all the time.”
“I, uh—it ain’t no different than how I treat Husk,” Angel weakly countered, a nervous chuckle escaping his throat.
“I’m not talking about Husk,” You said, trying not to glare at Cherri as she squealed. “I’m talking about this,” You placed your hand directly over his heart.
“I make ya feel like…this?” Angel stuttered, reaching up to place his hand over yours.
“Then why didn’t ya tell me anythin’?”
“Because of Husk.”
Angel stared right through you, thinking about how the two of you could have been together if you’d been honest from the start. That was what you gathered from his facial expressions, observing how they alternated between happiness and disappointment.
“I feel like such a jackass,” Angel admitted, pulling you in by the waist with his second set of arms. “All this time ya liked me, and I thought ya didn’t ‘cause—ah, I fucked up, huh?”
“Hey, I didn’t say anything either,” You smiled at him.
“That don’t compare to what I did,” Angel scoffed. “I mean, the whole time we could’ve—“
“How about you shut up and give me a kiss, papino,” You said, reaching up to cradle his face, thumb caressing his cheekbone.
You would have received your kiss if you hadn’t added the last part, but hey, you weren’t complaining. The way Angel melted in your arms was reward enough. “Did ya really learn Italian…just for me?” He asked you, too busy swooning over you to notice how your arms trembled as you held him. “Yeah, uh, something like that,” You chuckled, shooting Cherri a glare when she tried to interject. “I think—I think he’s the one that needs to cool down now,” She laughed, but the spider shook his head, mumbling something about wanting to do the opposite in bed with you. Yeah, you were in for a long night.
Credit for Angel’s part:
(Not sure if they wanted to be tagged again)
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being-addie · 1 year
Rest Days
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It's currently peak summer where I live, and it is SWELTERING. While I'm planning to be as productive as possible (I'm not kidding my sketchbook is with me 24/7 at this point), thanks to the heat, I'm finding it really hard to stay focused sometimes. So when I'm feeling particularly lazy, or just distracted I take a rest day. I feel like I can afford this right now more often because it's the holidays, but when my classes restart in June I won't be able to even sit down.
ANYWAYS. Here's what I'm currently doing during an easy rest day. Maybe you can take some inspiration <3
My rest days:
Sleep in: I sleep until it's nearly 7:30 - 8:00 am. It's late for me because usually, I wake up at 6:00 am
Move around: If it's cloudy, I'll go for a walk, otherwise, I'll cycle to the gym.
Breakfast: I usually have this thing, where I saute some veggies, scramble eggs, and cook savoury oatmeal, then mix it all together. It's healthy and filling and it's amazing with barbeque sauce. If I'm craving something sweet, I make banana-oat pancakes (which taste and look so much better than regular pancakes I swear)
Sit in the sun: It's morning, and the sun isn't harsh, so I sit in the balcony with my cold coffee and chat with my mom as I soak up that Vitamin D
Watch a little TV: I'll watch like 2 episodes of the show I'm invested in (I'm watching Big Bang Theory)
Get ready: Take my sweet time bathing, doing my hair and getting dressed.
Sketch: So this is both productive and relaxing for me, so I'll pull up Pinterest and do some practice or I'll go to a cafe and do a live study.
Do a little crafting: Ok so this is my therapy. I'm not joking. I put on some Lana Del Rey, and make a mess of my desk. I love making little handmade gifts for family (I just made this insane exploding box thing for Mother's Day lol) or making paper crafts. I'm learning how to crochet as well. Highly recommend it. Put in your earphones, get your scissors out and start making something. Doesn't have to be pretty, just keep going.
Watch the sunset: My gallery is so full of pictures, I don't have any room for anything at this point. 85% is just sunset pictures.
Evening: I just eat dinner with my sister and grandpa, and then we like to sing and dance as I load the dishwasher and she cleans the table.
Read: After chores are done, I read on my tablet for a while.
Sleep: Bedtime skincare and lights off at 10:30.
I've actually done this in way more detail than I thought haha, but this is basically a way more relaxed version of my daily routine, just no studying?? But yeah here it is.
Understand that rest days are required. You do not have to constantly work. Humans are meant to socialise and have fun, as well as work. We aren't worker ants or bees. Relax, and remember to breathe. Everything will be ok. xoxo.
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verysium · 5 months
what do you read in your spare time? you’re one of the most eloquent users i know, id love to hear how you find the media you consume and what your favorites are
omg ei 😊 welcome back to the inbox! thank you for your sweet words although i'm probably not qualified enough to be considered the full definition of eloquent. i am going to preface this post by saying that i definitely don't read as much as i should, so this list is not going to be comprehensive whatsoever. the last time i even visited an in-person library was like half a decade ago, and since then my spare time has been nonexistent lmao. anyways, here are some of my favorite/most recent reads as listed by author:
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richard siken: i think siken is already well-known both in the literary world and in whatever booktok deems is popular culture. if you don't already know him though, he is best known for his poetry collection crush, which delves into themes of obsession, gay love, and violent eroticism. i actually read this chapbook unknowingly. as in i was hounding sketchy pdf download sites at 3 AM and saw a man with bloodied lips on the cover and decided to read it. he basically became my summer fever dream after that. the way he juxtaposes images is seamless, smoother than water. only richard siken can talk about violence without making it sound violent. i also enjoyed his other poetry collection war of the foxes, especially "portrait of fryderyk in shifting light." i think light is a common motif throughout most of his poems, and he manipulates it effortlessly. the most recent piece i read from him is "piano lesson." i have nothing left to say that he didn't already say, so i would just recommend reading it for yourself. he is the og big brain when it comes to word play.
ocean vuong: he's unforgettable, and i mean that literally because nobody forgets a person named ocean. time is a mother was exactly what the name suggests: an exploration of grief, loss, and the rewind of time after his mother's death. some of the poems are almost cinematic in quality. "künstlerroman" is my favorite because it feels exactly like watching a video tape in reverse. i think his most famous work is "someday i'll love ocean vuong." it was the first piece i ever read from him, and to this day, it remains my comfort poem.
silas denver melvin: i only recently discovered him through his chapbook grit. i think he's also on tumblr @/sweatermuppet. he writes a lot on the trans experience, and his work gives me a mix of southern gothic and country vibes. would definitely read his other publications if i had the time.
chen chen: one thing about chen chen is that he always comes to devour. my favorite works from him are "self-portrait as so much potential" and "song of the anti-sisyphus." you have to put on your thinking cap for some of his poems, but once you grasp the meaning, everything makes sense all at once.
franny choi: "disaster means without a star" was the entire inspiration behind my first rin fic. i relate to her more personally in regards to the diaspora experience, but her collections are worth reading in general because of the sheer quality.
pages matam: his poem "piñata" was what got me into slam poetry. his work mostly consists of political commentary which i feel is particularly relevant in today's social climate. "on learning america's english" also resonates with people who have encountered the entire losing/learning immigrant tongues experience.
laura lamb brown-lavolie: i've only read one spoken word poem from her, and tbh i only needed to read one. "on this the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the titanic, we reconsider the buoyancy of the human heart" is my two-headed calf poem. one day i will get this tattooed.
brendan constantine: once again, this was the result of me being chronically online coupled with the boredom of an august heat wave. i found "the opposites game" through TED. honestly, i was a bit unsure about it at first, but it's a cute little poem that makes you really delve into the intricacies of craft.
yasmeen khan: she could mouth her words onto every square inch of my body, and i would still be coming back for more. ingraining them into flesh is not enough. "movie stars" is by far my favorite work from her. she writes about femininity and womanhood so profoundly. it's tragic, but really i wouldn't have it end any other way.
kaya dierks: her writing is basically middle-of-nowhere small town stoner teenage life but personified. "crushed" is my favorite piece from her. the soundtrack for this work was definitely by ethel cain, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
madeline miller: i was first introduced to her when i read the song of achilles. let's just say that book had me nonverbal for the greater half of three months. it was my metaphorical hatchet. i buried it once, and i never want to dig it up again. i read circe a few years later. the first time was during the blue hour at an airport, right between one red-eye flight and another transfer. i don't even remember that experience because i was heavily sleep-deprived. i read it again recently for a literature course, this time for academic analysis. overall, i enjoy the the heroine-centric narrative. typically, i'm a bit wary of novels with heavy feminist themes because they either project their agenda too strongly or they run the risk of misrepresentation. circe doesn't exactly have that problem. it was more about empowerment and less about exercising power over others.
charlotte brontë: as a historical figure, brontë was questionable, but jane eyre most certainly was not. that book rewired my brain, and that is saying something because i have never read any classic by choice. and it is so important to me that jane was the ugliest, plainest girl you could ever imagine. also cus i unironically enjoy angst, and this book was full of dramatic misunderstandings.
yoko ogawa: i love japanese literature, so there is no reason not to include this one here. "a peddler of tears" is one of my favorite short stories. i did not expect the ending at all, but it was welcome. something about violence, body gore, and dismemberment being framed as romantic and semi-erotic just gets to me. sign me the hell up. hotel iris is a hit-or-miss with some people. either you like the fact that art makes you uncomfortable or you shut it down completely. for me, i was alright with exploring some of its darker themes, but read at your own discretion.
ross gay: he lives up to his name both in optimism and in carefree joy. probably one of my favorite creative nonfiction authors simply based off the accessibility of his writing style. easy to read and understand but still hits you with the full force of a semi-truck. i would recommend his book inciting joy. it's a collection of essays that delve into grief, but since this is ross gay, he makes it seem like a quintessential part of life.
paul kalanithi: sixteen-year-old me was mind blown by him cus before that doctors were shrewish old men with bald spots and sterile coats, not poetic surgeons who dissected the anatomy of word and recited t.s. eliot in the most heart-wrenching way possible. he is everything i want to become in both life and death. when breath becomes air literally does take your breath away.
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financeprincess · 10 months
It is so inspiring hearing about your weight loss :) i was wondering if you had any particular weight loss tips you’d like to share? I went through a period of weight loss myself, but have lately gained back a lot of what I’ve lost and I’d like to know if there’s anything that helped you get back on the wagon. Love your blog btw!
Don’t be too hard on yourself, its rough out here especially in the US. it’s easy to accidentally slip up and gain 15 pounds just by eating a lil extra every day.
Some things that helped me:
Intermittent fasting, only a 13 hour window though. The 16:8 was too much for me and with women it can screw with your hormones if you’re not careful.
Drinking lots of water. Like a ton. I put those hydration multiplier electrolyte packets in my water as well.
Get good quality sleep. I got some Brooklinen sheets and they are 100% worth it. Definitely improved my sleep quality. I also have a really nice down duvet and an Egyptian cotton cover for it. I also have a silk eye mask and a silk pillowcase from Slip that I love. Sleep is extremely important.
Get 10k steps a day or at least just walk as much as you can. I’m sedentary a lot for school/work/etc. so I absolutely have to get out and walk and get moving. Even if you just aim for a mile or two a day it’ll greatly help.
If you don’t want to lift weights that’s okay. It’s not for everyone. I used to be super into powerlifting and got pretty muscular but it doesn’t excite me like it used to. I do a mix now of walking, jogging, pilates, rollerblading, cycling, kickboxing, swimming, yoga, ice skating, and weightlifting. That way I’m never bored and the variety allows me to choose what I want to do.
Consistency is key. Doing 4 workouts a week at a light/medium intensity is better than doing 1-2 a week of super high intensity and burning yourself out. Every little bit helps.
I do a full body stretch every day. This is super important. Our bodies get so stiff during the day. If you don’t stretch this can lead to injuries when you try to do other things.
I love the sauna (and hot yoga too). If you can find and afford a gym that has a sauna, I would highly recommend. Sometimes I will just go and walk on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes and watch YouTube videos and then sit in the sauna. It’s the best.
Make sure you’re not deficient in anything. Take a complete multivitamin and get blood work done. I was severely deficient in vitamin D and it was making me depressed. Once I took a supplement, got more sun and got my levels up it really helped my overall health.
Cut out grains, sugar, junk food, fried foods, etc. and just eat real foods. Anything with a long ingredient list usually isn’t a good idea. It’ll take a minute to get used to it but once you start eating almost exclusively vegetables, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats you won’t miss it. I have such a big sweet tooth sometimes I’ll have to eat like five servings of berries with a few tablespoons of honey just to satisfy it, but that’s better than ice cream or candy any day.
Don’t deprive or starve yourself. I eat as healthy as I can manage 80-90% of the time. But every once and a while I will eat a huge plate of pasta, gelato, tiramisu, croissants, those types of foods that I love. It’s not helpful to punish yourself and you gotta live a little.
I got a smart scale in my bathroom, the one I got is from FitIndex. It has an app that connects to your phone and it syncs to other health apps. it shows you body fat, muscle mass, water weight, everything. Honestly super triggering at first because I felt called out lol but now I step on it once a week just to make sure I’m on the right track.
You do not need a gym membership to workout. YouTube is the best. I love Yoga with Adrienne, MadFit, Move with Nicole, Charlie Follows, Vicky Justiz, and there’s a bunch of others. Find what you like and try to stick with it as much as you can.
Rest is super important. Don’t run yourself ragged. If you’re sore don’t force yourself to workout.
MyFitnessPal is super helpful. If you have a history of disordered eating this might not be for you but it’s good to be conscious of what you’re eating. Figure out what you need to lose fat/maintain/gain muscle and then track to see where you’re at and adjust accordingly.
Eat more protein. Protein, healthy fats, and fiber keep you full. You will be starving if you eat only salads. Fruit smoothies with protein, protein oats, salmon, yogurt, eggs, etc.
Get cute workout gear. It makes it more fun for me to workout with my pink towels, my pink hydroflask, my lululemon yoga mat, I have a baby blue jumprope and pink dumbbells and pastel colored resistance bands for at home workouts. A lot of my workout clothes are from lululemon, alo yoga, free people, and aerie. I have some of those blender bottles in cute colors for preworkout, protein powder, super greens powder, electrolyte mixes, etc. Some of this stuff is pricy but I’d rather be investing in my health than paying medical bills down the road so it’s 100% worth it to me.
The only way to see permanent change is to make it a lifestyle. Unfortunately you can’t just go back to eating unhealthy foods once you hit a certain goal. Those models who say they live exclusively off of pizza and pasta and cheeseburgers are lying through their teeth. It’s perfectly healthy to have days off where you indulge or don’t exercise but most of the time you’ll have to find ways to eat healthy and exercise and prioritize your health.
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naranjapetrificada · 2 months
Fanfic Friday time
This week wrt my own writing: things are picking back up again, although god I forgot how little sunlight we get during spring. Of what I've written of Chapter 3 so far, I'll probably be keeping like, 3000 words? Which doesn't feel like a lot considering how much I wasn't able to squeeze into Chapter 2, but the problem with misjudging your timeline is that you start seeing new places to put things, farther away than when you started. I also have some important pieces I need to get on the proverbial chess board and no idea how to elegantly do it so
Anyway, onto the recs! I've been reading a mix of new and old OFMD stuff, plus a disarmingly beautiful Good Omens fic I found deep in my [redacted number] open AO3 tabs that knocked me right off my feet.
Works from the A to Z of Edward Teach zine started to show up on the archive this week, if you weren't able to purchase your own copy. It's packed with great stuff, but a couple of gems that stood out to me were:
To-cat-ta and Fugue by the one and only @mxmollusca, a silly and sweet canon divergent (season 1) one shot that brings a whole new meaning to "cat energy"
J is for Jeff by @veeagainsttheday, a modern AU about Ed trying to get a new start with a new identity, but accidentally telling the cute guy whose life he impulsively saved his real name. Thing about saving someone's life is they might want to thank you for it, and if they're Stede Bonnet then Ed Jeff will want to see him again.
As for non-zine OFMD recs, well, I'm still out here trying to scratch the Fast Car itch while patiently waiting for smallestchurch to post the third* chapter. In the mean time:
I went for one of her other fics, Turn on the Light. This time it's a modern AU where Stede buys a bookshop next door to Ed's famous cocktail bar, and as we know, these boys fall in love in every universe. I adored it.
For some more childhood friends vibes, I went to If You Get the Time, the Number is Still Mine by @one-more-page. It's told almost entirely through phone calls between Ed and Stede as they grow up and apart and back together again, and did a great job of capturing the extremely specific loneliness of watching yourself lose a friend.
And last but certainly not least we have Though Heaven Bar the Way by @books-and-omens, a gorgeously written, evocative, canon divergent Good Omens fic that I'm going to be thinking about (as a writer and a reader) for a long, long time. Inspired by The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, it's set at a tuberculosis sanitorium in the Swiss Alps a few decades after Crowley and Aziraphale's big 1862 fight. When I say it knocked me off my feet I mean it knocked me off my feet. It hit me like an avalanche. I will be recommending to absolutely everyone.
*because I have a modicum of self awareness I can see the irony here, deep in my own WIP's chapter 3 trenches.
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pequenaotaku · 26 days
Hot Chocolate
"Sentiments are complicated. Sometimes, I feel like I'm like hot chocolate in a steaming cup. The sweet and the bittersweet mix together with the help of a spoon, becoming a delicious and addictive flavor right after the first sip.
I wish that spoon would spend more time mixing me. I wish it never left the cup."
Versão em português
Headcanon scene from episode 01 after the cut
"So, this is the famous Devenementiel?" I asked aloud, to no one but myself.
The company wasn’t housed in a huge building, one you’d notice from across the city, nor did it make much of a presence in the commercial area, but it was undoubtedly a modern construction. Clear, clean, with many windows surrounding practically the entire building. Small, discreet, yet with a refined appearance. It looked like an interesting place, and I hadn't even seen the inside yet.
I approached the glass door, peeking inside, although I couldn’t see much beyond a very classic and comfortable reception area. It seemed the office was on the first floor. There was no one there; I had arrived too early. I clicked my tongue, crossing my arms. I could have lingered in bed longer, as any good freelancer does when there are no projects to deliver. My shift at the vintage records and knick-knacks store didn't start until the afternoon, after lunchtime. There was no need to go in earlier, and I didn’t have any other plans for that morning, so I’d have to kill time there at the entrance while waiting for one of the employees to arrive.
A few minutes passed with me distractedly looking at the week's recommended playlist on Spotify. If I wasn’t working on a project and wasn’t in a place where I could indulge in being an idle freelancer lounging in pajamas at home all day, seeing what other musicians were up to online was a good pastime. It would never stop being delightful to hear the ideas other artists produced and released with so much passion, to experience a new type of rhythm, seek inspiration and references, be immersed in someone’s vocal or instrumental sound. I took my eyes off my phone screen for a second to look at the company building once more. I felt a tingling sensation all over my body, thinking about the work I could do to contribute to the partnership I was about to finalize. It hadn’t even been a week since I exchanged messages with my only acquaintance there about this, following his strong recommendation.
"You’re early, Collete," the deep, monotonous voice of Thomas resonated behind me. I couldn’t help but smile before turning around.
"Speak of the devil," I joked, watching with amusement as his expression shifted from a slight look of boredom to a curious one. He almost always got lost in his own head during our conversations. I had come to understand that it wasn’t because he found me boring, but rather because he wanted to decipher my words. I seriously wondered what he was thinking at that moment.
"Wouldn't it be 'talking about the devil'?" he raised an eyebrow. It seemed I wouldn’t find out the reason for his silence this time. I just shrugged. "I was put in charge of handling the administrative details for your arrival, including the hiring of another person, which means making two badges along with the identification key so neither of you would have to wait at the door to get in. And since, apparently, we need to be up at the crack of dawn to make them… Here I am, arriving after you," he seemed irritated about having to wake up so early after a long night of work while giving me that explanation that sounded more like a rant escaping his thoughtful mind. I didn’t blame him. It really did seem like a pain.
"I’m glad I’m not the only one who had to drag myself out of bed today."
"More than me, it seems," I saw a hint of a smile light up his face. I winked at him. "Anyway, it won't take long. I’ve already moved things along, so you don’t need to worry. Come on." Without giving me time to add anything, Thomas opened the door, beckoning me to follow him.
So, we took an elevator, and I finally had the pleasure of discovering the open space of the place, which couldn’t be compared to the modern facade. Suddenly, I even started to think that it seemed too cold to accommodate such a warm environment. Inside, it was a complete lively festival of colors, plants, and curious objects. There were no partitions, and amusingly, among the empty desks, I noticed that each table was not only uniquely decorated but also had very different chairs. None were the same. It might have been a small detail, but it showcased the personality of each employee working there. Thomas guided me to the most neutral, organized, and sober desk. It was undoubtedly his.
"You can sit, it won’t take long," he said mechanically as he pulled the chair from the desk next to his for me. It was strangely shaped like a dolphin. It was cute but seemed so uncomfortable and impractical. I began to doubt the sanity of its owner.
"With all due respect, I prefer to stand up, in this case.", I flashed a sly, sarcastic smile, earning another hint of a smile.
"I also don't understand why people here choose anything other than the classic office chair," he commented as he sat in his own chair, turning on the computer. "It's designed for comfort and good lumbar support. In ten years, everyone will be walking with a cane, except for me," I couldn't help but chuckle. I never ceased to find it amusing how, sometimes, he would say such things without a hint of malice. It was just logical and straightforward. "Your desk is this one in front of mine. You’re practically an honorary employee, but the boss thought it would be better if you had one to feel like you belong. You can choose a chair model for yourself later. There's someone who always supplies furniture for us, and his store has everything."
"Far be it from me to give you more work…" I began, with a falsely gentle, sweet voice. "But since you know him, I'll let you handle the negotiations. That said, any model similar to yours is fine by me," he sighed heavily.
"Very well, then I'll take care of it later."
"Don't be like that," I gave him a friendly tap on the shoulder. "Being the IT guy, manager of technology-related events, pressing buttons on a keyboard all day… I didn't give you a more torturous task than those things," I joked. He looked at me quietly for a while.
"You forgot to mention that I also greet new recruits," he simply retorted. I couldn't help but laugh again.
"Ouch," I put my hand on my chest, pretending to have been struck. This time, I really got a smile. Then, he opened a drawer and took out a folder, sighing loudly. "I agree with you, paperwork sucks."
"It's unbelievable how much time we waste on these things. Everyone should have a chip card with all our information registered. We'd scan the card and be done. All the information would be transmitted directly."
"That would be more practical, true," I agreed, shrugging. I had never stopped to think about it. He picked up a pen from a holder on his desk, looking at it with pity.
"Meanwhile, we'll stick with these… archaic methods," I blew air through my nose at his comment, shaking my head. He was incorrigible.
Taking the pen to sign the contract after a quick glance, as I had read it previously via message, I began to remember how we met. Pure coincidence. We both needed to buy a new refracting telescope, better known as a spyglass, as the old one was broken. It was the last one in the store and was on sale. I had my reasons for wanting it, and he had his. We argued for a long time under the weary gaze of the salesman, debating who, in my view, was more deserving to take it. Thomas was steadfast, he had arrived first. As for me, I needed to get it no matter what for personal reasons: to fulfill a tradition of promises made to my late older brother, to observe the showers of celestial bodies that occurred every year while drinking a bottle of hot chocolate in our special spot. It might have been nonsense; he was dead, after all. It's not like he was going to rise from the grave to demand that small promise I decided to make to no one and for no reason at all. But it made me feel closer to him; I didn't want to give up. In the end, somehow, we ended up splitting the cost, the telescope, and, on the night of the meteor shower, two bottles of hot chocolate accompanied by small childhood stories.
Nostalgia. Suddenly, I felt a strong desire to have a cup of that sugary, bittersweet delight.
After making the final curve of my name on the paper, Thomas took a laminated card from the drawer and handed it to me. It was my company badge that served to open the building's door. I stifled a laugh when I noticed that he had ignored the professional photo I sent and opted for my profile picture. Simply me making a face: a wide smile with my tongue out. One of my eyes was closed, and my hands were open beside my face, with my thumbs pressing against my cheeks. I liked it.
"Tom," I called his attention, pointing to the photo. A smile playing on my lips. "Is this really okay?" He just shrugged.
"That sounds more like you. The boss doesn't care so much about traditional professional standards; you'll quickly realize that if you haven't already," he replied simply, making a small gesture with his head to show the company's open space. It really didn't seem very conventional. "He's not the kind of person who evaluates people based on that kind of criterion."
"How funny… I'm starting to feel like I'm going to really enjoy working here."
"I'm glad you think so, because I spent a long time preparing and editing everything for your arrival. On the other hand, I don't understand what's so funny about it…" he commented somewhat reflectively. "It's just a picture of you; we can recognize you, and you look pretty. Traditional or not, it's still office work, not the most exciting thing in the world," I got stuck on his comment.
"Do you think I'm pretty in this photo?" I inquired with one raised eyebrow, exaggeratedly curious about his answer to that question. I had known him for almost a year now; I understood quite well how his little mind worked, modesty aside. But sometimes, I still struggled to differentiate when he was just being logical from when he was being sincere. If there was any difference between the two adjectives.
"It's a statement," he shrugged once again. "Your features are symmetric, your eyes are large, and your teeth are well aligned. These are parameters usually associated with beauty."
This time, I didn't stifle my laughter. Thomas Rheault was, without a doubt, an enigma. One that fascinated me a lot. If that was indeed a compliment, it was surely the least heartfelt one I had ever heard in my life. At the same time, it seemed so typical of him that I couldn't help but take it seriously. Maybe it wasn't that, maybe I was overthinking. It was always like this when it came to him.
"In any case, out of curiosity, what kind of person exactly is this boss?" I inquired, bringing the subject back. It was true that I hadn't had much contact with him. I was recommended by Thomas to work there in organizing one event or another; I liked my professional independence, but all the details involving the boring bureaucracies were solved through messages. My interaction with Devon Okere, the Big Boss, was limited to a brief phone conversation that barely lasted 10 minutes. He seemed like a mystery, or simply too unconcerned. However, being there, I noticed that, in addition to a free and unpretentious environment, there was also a lot of care. As a freelancer, I knew very well how complicated it could be to maintain a small business, let alone a physical office. So, I was quite curious about everything.
"I would say he's the instinctive type. As long as it works for him, he doesn't exactly have a reason to change methods," Thomas nodded, then glanced at the clock, then at the signed contract, and finally at me. "Well, it's done. The others won't take long to arrive. If you want to stay to meet them or take a walk around… Anyway, you have free rein here from now on."
"Uhm…" I pondered for a moment, licking my lips. I really didn't have anything better to do; what harm would it do to explore a little? Besides, a place like that really made you want to linger. "I think I'll take a stroll, yes. But mostly, I'd like to know if there's a kitchen here. I really need to quench my thirst."
Unexpectedly, he chuckled and stood up from his chair, standing right in front of me, forcing me to raise my head. Thomas was only a little taller than me, but throughout the conversation, I had seen him from above because I was standing and he was sitting. Now, however, and so suddenly, I felt a bit small and destabilized. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't even know why I felt that way, as if something should happen. It sounded so cliché.
"Of course, make yourself at home. Actually, I was thinking the same thing," he resumed, snapping me out of my little trance. "If you'd like, I can treat you to a welcome drink," he offered politely.
"Oh, I'd love that, definitely!" I exclaimed, back on track. Better than quenching my thirst was having that desire sponsored by someone.
"The drinks machine is in the pantry; come on," he called as he started to move away, a shadow of a smile floating on his lips. I hurried to follow him. "We can get there by passing through the lounge area."
Just like the open space, that area was enchanting. Large, well-lit, and with vibrant colors catching the eye. Several bean bags, on which I would love to sprawl out, were scattered around along with suspended chairs hanging from the ceiling by chains. Not to mention the beautiful view provided by the large windows from top to bottom. They were just buildings, yes, but I began to imagine a nighttime scene with one or two colored lights still on outside. I couldn't wait to rest there.
"Man, this place looks like a dream!" I exclaimed in wonder.
"Yeah, that's what most people say. But I'll show you something else really cool…" he said simply, piquing my curiosity.
I followed him once again towards the adjacent area, the pantry. At first glance, it looked like some of the hipster cafes I loved to visit. Another very open place, with lots of plants, even on the ceiling, alternating with lamps. In the center, a large round table with a tree in the middle and red swivel chairs around it. Near the windows, small tables with benches followed the same pattern. It was indeed a very beautiful place, but I didn't understand why Thomas found it more impressive until I met the famous drinks machine.
"What would you like?" he asked straight away.
"Let me see what's available first…" I retorted as I quickly glanced at the options the machine offered.
"Don't expect to see anything exotic or innovative."
"No, I know. I'm just saying that to see what I feel like," I shrugged, and then I saw exactly what I needed to see. I loved it when life became so convenient as to combine utility with pleasure. "A hot chocolate, please," the redhead smiled slightly. Maybe he expected that answer from me.
"Good choice…" he took out his phone from his pocket and typed something, then, as if following a command, the machine started working. Thomas looked at me with a proud gleam in his eyes, and immediately I sensed that it was his doing. Finally, he took the full cup and put the lid on to hand it to me. "There you go, a delicious hot chocolate on the house!"
"Thanks!" I gave him a knowing wink, reaching out to get my little indulgence.
When I took the cup, my fingers ended up over his. Our gazes met before he immediately turned away, freezing for a moment, his eyes fixed on the ground or anywhere but my face. I kept my gaze steady; I wanted so much to unravel him, to know what he was thinking at that moment. Focus. I might not be able to read minds, but I was good at picking up on subtle cues.
The seconds seemed to stretch on, his gaze moved to the cup we both held. His cheeks turned slightly pink, he furrowed his brows. Adorable. I could confidently say that the little crease that appeared on his forehead wasn't from disagreement. Maybe he was just confused, wrestling with himself in thought. His beautiful turquoise irises flickered from our hands to elsewhere in rapid movements.
Oh, I really didn't want to misunderstand things, or worse, jump to conclusions. But looking at him like that, I couldn't help but daydream a little as I observed the red curls falling across his face, adorned with a few charming freckles over his nose, his eyes subtly shifting between intense blues and greens.
Cliché. Cliché. Cliché.
Suddenly, he released the cup into my hands and cleared his throat, composing himself as if waking from a trance, pulling me out of mine as well. Everything suddenly felt awkward, as if we had been trapped in that moment for longer than necessary. I also had to clear my throat.
"Is everything alright, Thomas?" I needed to know, I was eager. He glanced at me once again. Unbelievable how mesmerizing his eyes were. I gave myself a mental shake, seeking concentration. I really needed to control myself better.
"I'm fine, yeah… Everything's okay," he murmured in a thoughtful tone. "It's just that… I wasn't expecting there to be… contact," he really must have been confused even with himself this time.
"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" I gave a nervous smile, choosing my words carefully. I did mean to. But he didn't need to know that yet.
"It's okay," he interrupted me in a natural way. I smiled more relaxed, and he returned the gesture, also making another request to the machine, a drink that I couldn't see, but he took a sip of as soon as he got it.
"Tom… Thanks a lot," I thanked him, squeezing the warm cup of my drink in my hands, also seeking to change the subject as quickly as possible. "But tell me, do you have an app to control this machine? How does it work?"
"I developed it so I wouldn't have to pay for drinks anymore. The app tricks the machine into thinking I've paid, and it serves me what I ask for," he explained automatically and simply, shrugging as if it were no big deal. I raised an eyebrow. Sometimes, I forgot how crafty he could be.
"And nobody sees a problem with that, clever boy?" I grinned mischievously.
"No," he nodded, shrugging. "Actually, after I developed the app, Devon explained to me that everything was already free. There's the coin slot, but it's… a vestigial structure. I never thought about trying to order without paying. I have plenty of coins in there, by the way. I need to remember to download a lockpicking course. Unless you're an expert at it…"
"I can manage, yes… If you give me half as payment," I negotiated, feeling clever. He judged me with his gaze, and I just shrugged, sticking out my tongue. I'm a freelancer, you don't get if you don't ask. "How would you prefer the job to be done? There's the boring conventional way, using tools, and…" I paused for effect. "The messy way, where I blow up the door. If no one minds, that is."
"It's not the most elegant solution…" he made a minimal, yet very funny, expression of disgust. I had to laugh. "I'd be bothered by the idea of damaging it, so let's stick with the conventional solution this time."
"Agreed, then."
"Well…" he quickly scanned the area after the topic was over. "I need to go start working, or this chocolate break tends to become longer than expected. We'll talk later, enjoy your tour."
Without waiting for a response, he returned to the open space. It took me a few seconds to decide to follow, but not exactly to his desk or mine. Taking a walk around the place might help distract my mind. I was in trouble. And I had known it for a while. I knew very well what those desires for his attention meant. Everyone's tired of seeing this story in movies, series, cartoons, games, and books. It was scary. He, however, would surely classify it as illogical, I was sure.
I sighed heavily, taking another sip of my hot chocolate, hoping that the sweet and bitter flavors would help cleanse my soul, covering up that complicated feeling for a while longer. The brief time until my golden eyes met his turquoise ones and all that cliché resurfaced again.
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 BEST Low Heat BLs - Soft & Sweet (Safe to Watch with Parents)
Not sure I am the right one to answer since I'm the opposite of a prude but I'll give it my best shot. Please keep in mind that these are romances, so there will be at least a kiss (in most of them), I'm thinking Disney level, so they might also be okay for kids, but as I always say with kids, you know your kid best, you have to judge what they are okay to watch. 
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1. Cherry Magic 
AKA 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard AKA 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii AKA Cheri Maho
Japan 2020 - CrunchyRoll or Fan Subbed 
The sweetest fluffiest magical realism BL, packaged as a pinning office romance, very low heat (practically chaste) but the cutest. It’s truly great. It’s not in my top 10 of all time list simply because the heat level is too low for me, personally. 
No kisses for the leads, side couple kiss is v dead fish. 
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2. Light On Me 
Korea 2021 - Viki 
Korea does an elegant pastiche of traditional live action yaoi but all tropes are cleverly deployed to bolster one of the most riveting love triangles ever put on screen… and I don’t like love triangles. LonM strategically tailors classic BL tropes to 2 different semes resulting in pristine pacing, plot, and character development, explicitly serving narrative a-not just to tick boxes. LoM is a master class in this technique. (If you write fanfic or romance you should study this show.) Full review. 
Very low heat, Korea in peak chaste form (pre their 2022 “oh, boys can kiss” epiphany). But there is dildo humor. 
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3. My Love Mix Up 
AKA Vanishing My First Love AKA Kieta Hatsukoi 
Japan 2021 - Viki 
Completely adorable absolute chaos bi disaster muffin falls accidentally and completely in love with his classmate, hijinx and friendship result. What’s great about this BL is that it deals with things like homophobia, asexuality, and one sided affection in an extremely gentle and palatable way. Perhaps sometimes too subtle, but I believe this is a great show for younger audiences, particularly if you want to spark conversations about identity, sexuality, authority, truthfulness, and consent. Oh and it’s funny. 
No kissing at all. 
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4. Seven Days: Monday-Thursday & Friday-Sunday
Japan 2015 - grey
Never doubt my ability to recommend this show. One of the best live action yaois ever made, with perfectly structured angst, fantastic characters and acting, and no problematic tropes (rare in Japanese BL). 
The leads have excellent chemistry although it’s low heat there’s still some really cute mutual kisses. 
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5. Wish You: Your Melody in My Heart (movie)
Korea 2020 - Viki
Set in the music industry featuring a talented singer and the pianist who falls in love with him (and his music), subtle and achingly adorable. High production, low heat, short run, very tame, and Korea, so more of a western style. It’s not the most logical story though. No coming out, exists in the “Korean BL bubble universe” where everything is just fine and dandy with the gays.
Kisses but they tame and no sexy.
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6. He’s Coming To Me 
Thailand 2019 - YouTube
Boy and ghost boy fall in love, must solve ghost’s murder. Peak pining but also pretty tame, features my favorite sweet but important coming out sequence. The third in my precious triumvirate of unbeatable Thai BLs, that are only nominally BL because the story, acting, and production values are so good. (Together with UWMA & 1k*).
One (maybe two) soft romantic kisses. Nothing else possible. 
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7. Restart After Come Back Home 
AKA Risutato wa tadaima no ato de 
Japan 2020 - grey
Atmospheric study in rural Japan meets complex family dynamics built on a romance framework of city boy meets country boy, grumpy/sunshine. It’s beautiful and icy sweet. Slow moving in places but ultimately worth the patience. Full review. 
Low heat, low angst, very pretty. 
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8. My Ride 
Thailand 2022 - GaGa
Thai BL grew up with this pulp - a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine AKA a cinnamon roll couple. Mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly, overworked doctor meets broken-hearted motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. The support cast is excellent, making for great friendship groups and family dynamics. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede the story, and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. In other news, I am a sucker for a single dimple. Full review.
One sweet kiss at the end. 
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9. Mr. Unlucky Can Only Kiss
AKA Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss! AKA Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai!
Japan 2022 - Viki & GaGa & indie subbed
Mr Chronically Unlucky (another adorable chaos muffin) and Mr Always Lucky end up dating after they meet at uni orientation. It’s JAPAN yet they kissed in the first episode. What freaky alt-reality did I enter into? That’s all they kiss tho, over which I was a touch disappointed. Still I spent far too much of my time with this show biting my knuckles and squealing “THEY’RE SO CUTE!” It is very slapstick Japanese style comedic (light) BL reminds me of Cherry Magic. So if you like that style of BL you’ll adore this show. 
Amusing story: I paused mid the most tooth-achingly adorable first date in the entire universe and Viki was like “something missing?” and I was like “MY HEART YOU BASTARDS” 
One kiss beginning and some shirtless lust. 
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10. What Did You Eat Yesterday
AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta?
Japan 2019 - grey  
A not really BL about middle-aged gay couple who live together, one of whom loves to cook and the other who loves to eat. That’s it. That’s all that happens. There’s a bit of coming out drama, but hardly really drama. It’s all very repressed but also incredibly restful and calming. Like classical music.
No kisses, some casual domestic affection. 
Other Options 
A Tale of Thousand Stars (Disney style ultra romantic kissing, implied sex)
La Cuisine (couple soft kisses at end)
Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru AKA I Hear the Sunspot  
Oh Boarding House (kisses are perhaps too good)
Great Men Academy (GREAT but not BL) 
2 Moons original (boring) 
His the series (boring) 
First Love Again (multiple kisses) 
Ingredients (emotional support grocery store commercial) 
Love Class (that plot) 
Tinted With You (historical) 
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (historical) 
Behind Cut (confusing) 
Old Fashion Cupcake (but that ONE kiss is a DOOZIE, there’s a lot of thirst in this one)
Others That are (technically) Lower Heat but I’m not sure I’d rec for other reasons 
HIStory My Hero (odd) 
My Dear Loser: Edge of 17 (side couple) 
The Untamed (censored bromance, violence)
Word of Honor (censored bromance, violence)
My Esports Genius Brother (China is so weird around censorship)
Friend Forever (sigh, it could have been good) 
Absolute BL 1 & 2 (parody, not a story) 
DNA Says Love You (very complex, slow start) 
Bad Buddy (bully, forced outing) 
Bite Me (boring af) 
Love Sick (side character issues also v long) 
Nitiman (poor ending)
Given (terrible singing) 
SOTUS (bully) 
2gether (I have issues with Green) 
Mr Heart (stalker) 
Color Rush (suicide) 
Where Your Eyes Linger (whipping boy) 
Puppy Honey (side couple) 
There is A LOT of low heat stuff. It’s way more common than high heat. 
More Like This:
BL series to get my very conservative, very religious mother to watch? (PGish: sweet & clean)
Heat & Angst in BL + Terms Explained 
Why Such A Limited Range of Sex Acts in BL? 
The opposite: HIGH HEAT BL and 11 BLs with the BEST Chemistry  
Recs are dated Aug 2022 no responsible for BLs airing after that date. But please do rec in comments. 
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greypetrel · 1 year
14 for Aisling? C:
Ooooh thank you for this! It’s been challenging but ultimately satisfying to write… And I think I may even re-use this, meheheh. <3
With some music recommendation! (and yes if you need it this is your clue to go and watch Master&Commander again.)
And since I’m a sucker, here’s Aisling’s dress .
Tis, on the other hand, is the prompt list!
14. Holding each other's gaze
Aisling is restless.
She doesn’t know if it’s still some lingering side effects of Adamant or the new balance in friendships that the aftermath has brought, the big question mark over Solas after her decision to rehabilitate the Wardens and their quarrel in Redcliffe, Varric who’s still struggling with Cole, Radha who… She doesn’t want to think about her. Or, some nerves for the upcoming Winter Ball, now approaching closer and closer.
Oh, she’s pretty ready for the Ball, or as ready as she’ll ever be. Josephine, sweet and clever Josephine, has organised a series of formal dinners with this and that fancy noble, to ease her into the environment and into the Game with far less at stake. This is one of those evenings: the great hall, now fully functional and polished to a shine is elegantly decorated with tables and candles to welcome guests, everyone in her inner Circle who wished to participate in their best clothes, the small string quintet Josie has found and hired to teach her dancing is softly playing in a corner a suite from a composer she really likes. It’s a nice evening, for a formal dinner, she didn’t mix the forks, not even once, the food was good and Sera has still not barged in with a full beehive.
And yet, she’s ill at ease in her skin and can’t wait to just jump on her horse and leave. Even if the next planned mission is in the Dirthavaren and it’s not going to be pleasant from the reports. She is irked by staying there and look pretty and play pretend and not being able to do what she wants. For example, her favourite passacalle just started and she can’t just leave Comte and Comtesse de Renard to grab Dorian and start dancing because she’d love to and they always have so much fun with passacalles.
But no, she reckons that this is all useful, so she puts up a nice smile, sips another bit of the sweet wine (the “stale molasses” in Dorian’s word, but he’s been scolded by Lady Montilyet to be on his best behaviour too) and just nods and reply something absolutely inconsequential over fox-hunting and riding in the countryside, shifting the topic to just riding with ease, at least.
The music changes to something slower, and the de Renards excuse themselves to go and dance, leaving her alone – for the wild luxury of maybe five minutes, if she’ll be very lucky and Josephine won’t notice her. So, she walks to the side, nodding to other people, gently raising her gown with a swish of green silk and petticoats underneath as she steps down to reach one of the tables and sit down for a while. The evil contraptions she has on her feet started to hurt, and between that and her growing antsier and more impatient… She needs to sit down. And so she does, placing her glass on the table as both hands discreetly fixes her skirt to sit on it without wrinkling the precious fabric, fixing the gown under her bottom before sinking on the chair and slipping her feet out of the shoes. Another sip of wine to hide the satisfied smile of toes blissfully splaying on the cool stones beneath them, pressing flat and wide and free, finally. Long skirts at least are useful to hide these little much needed moments of rebellion.
But it doesn’t last long, unluckily for her: not even the time to finish her wine, and Josephine’s there with her, looking like a jewel on herself in a dress of light, sheer silk that’s similar to what she usually wears but more forgiving and loose, more fit for a soirée.
Mistake. Josie pouts, clicking her tongue over her palate.
“Lady Montilyet or Ambassador, now, Lady Inquisitor.” She chides her, softly. “Can I steal you for a moment, or has someone asked you to dance?”
“No, Dorian’s…” Where’s Dorian, exactly? Which is by now the only one who invites her to dance in these occasions. She looks around her, but the mage is nowhere to be found. “…Lord Pavus took flight.”
Aisling states, frowning and pouting in offence that he just managed to slip away from the room without her. She’s gonna put salt in his coffee, tomorrow. As a retaliation for not even letting her know the nearest escape route and leaving her there to envy him a lot.
“Yes, I think he slipped into the gardens…” Josie whispers, soft enough that just she can hear, before clearing her throat, with an apologetic smile on her face. “On that matter… Duc and Duchesse de Mourny expressed their… Interest in speaking with you directly.”
“Why would that be related?” She asks, suspecting something.
“They have expressed… Opinions on Lord Pavus’ upbringing.”
“I see.” Maybe no salt in his coffee, then. She sighs, slipping back into her shoes and raising up, gulping down the remnant of her wine -Josie scoffs but she cares not, she’s gonna need it- and leaving the glass on the table. “Let’s go.”
“You look lovely in this dress, by the way.” Josie adds, satisfied. She chose all of her formal dresses after all, Aisling just put some words in colours and in staying away from too many frills and ruffles, which is really not her style.
“You too, you look like you’re out of a painting! Yellow looks so good on you.”
“As long as I don’t look out of my sister’s paintings.”
“Why so? Is she bad?”
“No… It’s that she never finishes them. I would hate being here with half a gown, you see.”
They giggles together at that, walking on the other side of the room, close to the door that leads to the Undercroft. The Duc and the Duchesse are there, talking with Cullen and Leliana, and they may be the most richly dressed people in the room: the invitations to the soirée clearly specified it wasn’t that formal of an event, but they must have missed the line. They’re both dressed in the most precious and translucent brocades and silks, in clothes that would be fit for a gran gala. The Duc’s mask is made of pure silverite encrusted in sapphires, the same sapphires that adorns the heavy necklace and earrings of his wife, face hidden by a mask of ivory very delicately carved in a net of flowers and vines. Her raven black hair is up on her head and made even higher by a pair of ostrich feathers that looks as soft as snow and dwindles in every little minute movement of her head. They would make even Vivienne run for the prize of best-dressed, and Aisling suddenly feels underdressed and very much like the chubby and clumsy chick of a cuckoo, with her dress that yes, it’s silk and has a round of lace to embellish the wide neckline, but that’s it.
Rule number one, tho, the one Leliana always insists onto: don’t let them know, act like you’re in control. And Lavellan’s good at control. So, she just smiles and hints a curtsey to them both, checking her movement, not going too deeply down, just the necessary. They exchange with a nod of their heads, the Duchess waves her fan -ostrich feathers for that as well of course- and Aisling instantly knows they’re not there to have a good evening.
“Your Graces, it’s such a honour to have you finally here. Please forgive me for not being able to welcome you to Skyhold before.”
“Bien-sure, Inquisitor. Your advisers were just informing us of how busy you all are, no need for you to reiterate.” The Duc says, dismissively. The lack of Lady speaks volumes.
“This war won’t be easily won, Your Graces, but the busier we are, the quicker peace will be restored, hopefully. I am enchanted that it still gave us the chance to meet.”
“Such lovely words and such a lovely girl all for our pleasure, isn’t it, darling?” The Duchess chortles, mirthlessly. “So polite and charming, even speaking to nobles from the Empire she favours less!”
“Your Graces” Josephine speaks, as polite and diplomatic as ever. “I’m sure you’d realise that the Inquisition was founded by will of the late Divine Justinia as an organisation that’s super-partes. Lord Pavus’ presence is detached from the Magisterium, and honours that will.”
“Mais certainement, ma chère Josephine, the institution was never in doubt. One would wonder, tho, where the true master of its pretty head lies, seeing the lenience she has for Magisters and people who were in their service.”
Dorian ran, it was for his upbringing. So, that’s it. She can see in the corner of her eyes Leliana casually moving her eyes on her, without saying a word. Expectantly. And Cullen clenching his fist on itself, reaching for the pommel of a sword that isn’t there. At least she didn’t call her rabbit. And at least now she knows that the danger lies in the Duchess, not the Duc.
“I apologise for giving you the wrong impression, Your Grace. I’m really desolate my conduct led you to think so poorly of me, but your concerns aren’t founded. Lord Pavus is far from the Magisterium, and I just freed people who were unfairly tricked in conditions of servitude. I’m sure you learnt of Magister Erimond.”
“We did, Inquisitor.” The Duchess smile, a satisfied curl in her smile. “We learnt that the Magisterium gave you space to deal with you as you see fit. And after the disaster that was Adamant... The occupation of Orlesian forts in the Approach... One wonders.”
Oh, she hates this. She hates having to justify herself to a woman who never saw more than her own monthly blood. People who killed but never by their own hands, never in front of their eyes. Josie warned her. Josie knew. Aisling thought she was prepared, but she’s not. She schools herself as best as she can, smiling amiably as she tries to think of anything that isn’t an insult to reply.
But it’s not her who speaks.
Weirdly enough, it’s Cullen to step forward and clearing his throat, catching the attention of the pair.
“One would argue, tho, what would have become of the Approach should the Inquisition have chosen to leave the matter to Orlais, and whether the Empress had means to face that threat or the War without us, right now.”
"How quaint.” The Duc smiled, venomous. “Ignoring all our effort to end the Civil War and taking all the merit for yourself. It was me who conceded Citadelle du Courbeau to the Empress, after all, and the strategic position will eventually allow her Generals to win. But what would a Fereldan country boy know? If I’m not wrong, all your experience resides in the Circles of Kinloch and Kirkwall … A couple of remarkably positive examples.”
“A Fereldan country boy who’s responsible to the aid to your own lands, your Graces.” Chimes Leliana in, smiling sweetly at the Duc. “You should thank him and the Inquisitor for their effort in freeing them from the Civil War, so you will be able to spend the summer in Fort Revasan, which Gaspard’s troops luckily conquered with no damages at all to the structure. I heard there’s a lovely view over the river from there.”
And that line, sweet as honey and sharp as a knife, has the effect of silencing the two. The Duchesse’s smile grows strained at the corners, and the Duc just scoffs, clearing his throat and not able to reply anymore without confirming that they had, indeed, conceded the other fort to Gaspard. Josie gently elbows her, signalling that it’s her turn to calm the situation down, and Aisling swiftly replies.
“Our main effort, Your Graces, is only towards peace. People, soldiers and nobles alike have suffered enough in the last year, and this only enforces Corypheus’ and the Venatori’s threat. But I am sure we can all forget about War and just enjoy the soirée, now, all matters of War could be discussed tomorrow over tea.”
The Duchesse snaps to her, her smile widening with a threat and swaying her fan gently as she but turns to Josephine, without deigning Aisling of a direct answer.
“What a remarkable work you’re doing with her, Lady Montilyet. Your dear mother would be so proud! One would almost think her a Lady, and not the wild rabbit that she is. A pity you couldn’t do anything for her poor looks. Without the ears, those horrible marks on her face and the poor dress, the transformation would really be complete.”
It’s not the first time she’s been called rabbit. It’s the first time that she’s not being addressed directly with the insult, and treated like she’s not even there. It adds to the jab, and by the way the Duchesse’s eyes darts to her on the side, it’s all orchestrated. She freezes with a smile on her face, thinking of everything else and just reacting with her hands clenching slightly in front of her, over the little bow on the belt hiding the hem of the corset. They cut her out, and she can’t reply without-
“We have different opinions on what a Lady is, Your Grace.” It’s Cullen to interrupt, again, badly hiding chagrin in his tone as he pronounces the honorific. “We may all be too simple for your taste, but at the end of the day, modesty and humbleness will get you through the winter. It will get through the winter even the people you left on their own devices in your lands, left helpless and with no shelter or resources so you could afford gemstones and feathers. Our Lady has no need to cover the smell of rot with fancy ornaments, her actions shine brighter than the most precious of diamonds.”
Were Aisling able to move her eyes, she would see Leliana smirking, an amused glint in her eyes as she observes the situation unfurling, she would see the Duc and Duchesse grumbling and falling on themselves, hear their answer lose its bite. And yet, she’s fixed on Cullen’s eyes, grateful for the saving, with him looking back at her earnestly, steadfast and proud as ever, like a rock in a storm. Thinking better of it, it’s not the first time he saved her, even if she never saw him this polished and elegant, a fancy jacket in the place of the armour, under the usual cape, face neatly shaved – no, that’s a pity, some stubble really suits him better, as it suits him better his usual attire, rough around the edges and honest. Has he ever had such pretty eyes or it’s just his words? She muses, not able to look away as she feels even more restless than before. She can’t make up her mind whether she’s blushing for real or if it’s just an impression. All that exist, for a moment, is just him, the deep, warming respect in his eyes and words, and the look they’re holding on between them.
It's gratefulness that makes her heart beat faster, sure, but maybe it’s something else, a doubt in her thoughts creeping its way up.
Her train of thoughts is abruptly interrupted by Josephine, elbowing her again casually as she clears her throat. Aisling startles, suddenly even more restless and antsy in her skin, but snapping back to the present, as Josie finally concludes one of the most unpleasant exchanges in the last series of dinners and teas with aristocrats.
“Now, this is too lovely an evening to talk about War, Your Graces. Shall we forget all unpleasantries and enjoy the rest of the soirée? You haven’t told me how did you find the canard à l’orange. We heard it’s your favourite.”
Aisling doesn’t care of the duck. It was delicious and tart and she loves citruses in savoury dishes, now. But, she’s still with the deep need of running out and find the loose strand of her thoughts, unfurl them one by one and hopefully get a grip over herself. She answers mechanically at a couple of questions that are asked to her, frowns at Leliana who’s still looking at her like the cat who licked the cream, and politely excuses herself out of the group with an excuse, promising everyone and no one in particular that she’ll be back in no time, wishing a nice evening.
Dorian had an escape route. To the gardens, then. She struggles not to raise her skirt with both hands, launch the heeled slippers somewhere -she doesn’t care now, she doesn’t care that they were bought by Mahariel and she treasures the chance to wear them- and just run out and away. All her self-control gets in keeping her pace poised, smiling and nodding at people who greet her along the way, and finally -finally!- open the door to the garden and slip out in a swish of silk.
The air outside is chilly, Spring still too early to warm the evenings up. She doesn’t care about goosebumps, and now, just now, bends down to take both shoes in a hand and finally run to a quiet, dark corner where she can fold on herself and groan loudly, voice muffled by the green silk on her thighs.
It’s friendship.
It’s just friendship.
He did it out of friendship, she would have done the same in an inverted situation.
The word, tho, has now a crack in it. It’s friendship, she counts him as one of her best friends here, after all...
And yet-
She wonders, for the first time, how would it feel to thread her finger in his hair and undo whatever he did with so much pomade to keep it in order.
She shouldn’t think these things. He’s her Commander, they’re at war and he’s her friend.
And yet-
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nverl0st · 3 months
feburary song recs!
this month was also CRAZY. first few days of the month were incredibly sinusoidal. i got really close with some friends, because some friends were being incredibly distant. almost threw up from disgust/stress at one point lol. but it worked out fine and the middle of the month was really fun. it reassured me that things were going to be okay. unfortunately things aren't always perfect so that doubt and mistrust keeps creeping up on me, but to be honest i don't really care much anymore. is it alright to let some things fade away?
--- newton dance - nayutalien x chinozo
okay so i heard this ruinene cover- from project sekai: a new voice, i think- on youtube and it's so cool. the voices fit so well (BOTH OF THEM) and the song is perfect for them and so cute. i love the theme of sciencey space love songs nayutalien does. it's SO CUTE. "can't fight your pull of gravity!" is so sweet. the tuning style makes it even more cuter. dfnisdfjnasdjfnadk. and nayutalien has a way of writing songs that scratch that itch in my brain- maybe it's the harmonic minor lol.
--- speak now - taylor swift
listen. i don't listen to pop. i don't like pop. i hate taylor swift. however. however. i love the story this songs tells. it's such a stereotypical straight story, I KNOW. but who doesn't love a stereotypical sort of sweet love story once in a while. the instrumentation is simple yet unique (for pop lol). the way she structures the chorus is different from other songs i've seen.
--- kosho yashiki satsujin jiken - teniwoha
otherwise known as "murder case at the mansion of antiquarian books". I LOVE SONGS THAT TELL A STORY (can you tell??) ESPECIALLY. MURDER. CASES. THAT. IS. SO COOL. sadly the lyrics are hard to understand but i still love it anyways. i especially love the wonderlands x showtime cover because the "sho" and "lie" parts are emphasized when you have several different voices, in different octaves, with different timbres. I LOVE EMU'S VOICE IN THIS. her cutesy voice is mixed with her lower register and it sounds GREAT. this is one of the (few) songs that work with her very cutesy childish voice. the line distribution makes this song so delicious. and oh my god. EVERY CHORUS. PUSHES. DOWN. A HALF STEP. THAT. IS SO COOL. it keeps dropping when you expect it to end or go higher. SADFNAISDUFNAISUDFIU. teniwoha, thank you.
--- sobakasu - judy and mary
ANOTHER recommendation from a friend. took some time to grow on me. what i find interesting is how the verses and instrumental breaks sound very different (pop vs. rock). my favorite part of this song is how raw and genuine it sounds. it's so catchy i hear myself humming this throughout the day. it's really just a sweet song (about love i think... something like love is like a freckle you can't get rid of ...?). the chorus loops in my mind. the way the singer sings it is so aosdfnasdfnjasdj. makes me smile.
--- new rules - dua lipa
okay i swear i don't like pop. i swear. i just heard it in my dance team's playlist and was like "wow i hate how much they play this song" then proceeded to loop it. i'm NOT going to say it's relatable. i'm not.
--- this is how to be in love with you/umbilical in milgram project
mahiru's cv works so well in this song. and i love the es cv cover too. this song itself is so sweet and makes you feel very warm and fuzzy though it's a little sinister lol. like... this is HOW TO BE IN LOVE WITH YOU?? what an awesome title. i really love the line that goes "if you're kind to me, i'm going to start relying on you, so thanks" or something. it's just such a fun vibe. i love when she sings "o-ver-heat" and "AI NAN DESU YO".
it's getting late so i will just say: yuno is relatable. let's reload the warmth y'all. light the oxygen on fire. or something. "i hope i can be someone you like."
honorary mentions: ke mu san (this meme song SLAPS my #1 listened to lol. the dance is addicting to watch)
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petrichoraline · 19 days
SLEEPOVER SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
what are your top 5 japanese BLs?
tell me about a fond memory or your comfort food (or both!!!!!)
[I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
these are suchh good questions omg okay
i suck at ranking things and don't enjoy it one bit because i don't do faves, im too fluid in my tastes and can't ever pick criteria but! let's try in no particular order
1. Kieta Hatsukoi
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i think im in the habit of dropping things from my fave lists as time goes by and especially if they're well beloved by other people like "okay then I'll focus on this less talked about thing, my bby seems to be getting enough attention"; how and why I work that way im not sure but I do and by that logic kieta hatsukoi should not be on my list but it's an honorary member - I've watched it twice (with maybe a bit of skipping which is still a lot cause I don't really do rewatches) and I've read most of the manga. it's just so..easy to like, for a lack of a better phrase. it's inoffensive and suited to be a comfort piece of media in whichever form you decide to enjoy it (and it'd make an amazing anime, i guarantee people would be all over it)
the live adaptation also takes the events of the manga and mixes them around big time but it still makes sense and it keeps you a bit more on your toes when consuming the other version, whether you watch the show or read the manga first
it's also a show I've recommended passionately and I successfully made my then new acquaintance watch which I'm a bit smug about lmao
sweet characters, supportive friends, funny, light and warm 💖
2. The End of the World With You
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*indescribable screeches*
this showwww, i dont know if i can call it a fave since i havent once come back to it, i dont feel the need to go watch compilations of my guys or anything and i acknowledge there were some elements i found a bit lacking but! it's amazing. idc, this show gave me proper complex relationship where i still end up rooting for a couple of people who were toxic towards each other and did nootttt know how to handle a relationship; the dynamic is compelling, the premise is interesting enough, there are heavy scenes and plot points but it is embedded with hope
it also helped me bond a bit with a mutual i like <3
i just am thankful for it existing out there in the world, it served fucked up relationship (that i root for wholeheartedly), sexy times, found family, amazing acting and it didnt have most of the chaos an apocalyptic piece would usually be dealing with
3. BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen
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listen. we're getting some pretty good jbls this year but i said this will be jbl of the year and i still think it's a solid nominee.
the romance is tooth-achingly sweet. the leads are adorable. the acting is perfect and manages to deliver the comedy very well. it's cute, it's fun, it knows exactly what it wants to achieve and works with its timeframe to do it. the side characters do not affect the plot negatively, the hurdles the couple needs to overcome do not feel excessive. if you happen to yell at them for being silly, it's lovingly. also we got more chemistry than i expected! and it was really good. it also set up an example for ''japanese actors working on bls'' (found the things like shooting promos and the portrayed bts process really fun) so now watching 25 ji Ajisaka de i can't help but think of this show
4. Utsukushii Kare
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my relationship with this show suffers from the "enough people love it" thing as well, i think i rewatched it or skipped through the first season? and i enjoyed the second one as well but honestly it feels not only as if enough people love it but that they love it and get it way better than i do. i didnt watch the movie out of fear of having to say bye to my guys but i also feel more disconnected from it now. im sure its still a gem of a movie and im so so happy we got two seasons and a movie, the show and the cast deserve it!!
there is just so much beauty in their yearning for each other and the misunderstandings, the downright stupid decisions they make..they all just work in making this a neat story of love that blooms from something different, from worship and the desire to be seen and to be held and to be possesed. they're wild, i love them
5. Kinou Nani Tabeta?
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this show i watched years before i got into bl and i didn't even know it was a bl when i started it lol, i was like "ohhh, theyre a couple? cool"
i rewatched the first season, watched the special and the movie, started the second season and kinda got stuck there, again with hte "i dont want to let them go"..and now ive lost momentum and ive got basically a whole season ahead (i started it when it was airing 😭)
these two love each other so much and support each other in every way that matters, my heart melts at every sweet gesture and even though the show portrays some real struggles they have to deal with, its still a very funny and light show. the best word to describe it would be "charming" - you see this couple's everyday life, you see how they came to be and what challenges they face, how they overcome them and you're left with no doubt in your mind they will grow old together, well loved and taken care of
now I wanted ti turn this into a top 10 but I felt like I was being disingenuous cause I can't overcome my need to talk about underrated shows rather than pick my faves..I can't make a faves list without turning it into a diverse recommendation list so I'll just. stop here.
favourite food.. faves again.. hahah
a fond memory involving food.. preparing food the whole day before my birthday (maybe my seventeenth?) - sushi, spring rolls, i think I made dessert too? and then having picnic with my friends who were all in awe and praising me. I felt very appreciated and truly celebrated and it was a fun party 💖
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Jae's Asian Drama Masterlist
a list of all the asian shows I've ever watched (competed, we don't talk about the ones I've been meaning to finish for the past two years), not including any animation
all of them have some form of romance because at my heart I am a slut for a good romance, colored ones are those that changed my brain chemistry
Romance is a Bonus Book (my first ever Kdrama and the first one I saw on this list, will always hold a special place in my heart)
Hotel Del Luna (iu my beloved, it did make me very sad at some points, but the dynamic between the main characters so so so good, jealous jang manwol is the best thing)
Light On Me
The Tasty Florida
To My Star
You Make Me Dance
Mr. Heart
Color Rush
Doom at Your Service (I say this is my favorite Kdrama, but honestly it has some really heavy competition. I am not above saying im a little bit attracted to whenever doom fucks someone up ok)
Wish You: Your Melody From My Heart
Kiss Goblin
Where Your Eyes Linger
Run On (its just so sweet y'all, one of the most refreshing shows I've ever seen in my life, the characters feel so real and the relationships are amazing)
Semantic Error (this is where the heavy competition is, both the movie and series versions are insanely good, I just can't recommend it enough)
Tinted With You
A-Teen (currently rewatching it with my best friend, is the essential hs Kdrama, explores so many of the problems that teens face without minimizing them, really embraces that lonely/scary feeling of being in such a turbulent time in your life)
Roommates of Poongduck 304
Business Proposal (the romcom of all time, if you are someone who enjoys a good trope or a well done cliche this is the place for you, it will make you laugh so hard and feel so much)
Our Dating Sim (aljslkasjfkd so so cute, very much Semantic Error vibes and I love that, loved the dynamic and characters so much)
The Eighth Sense (yes give me the good mental health representation, women friends, and cute relationships)
Dream (movie, watched it just for IU tbh)
Love in the Air
Kinnporsche (this gave me indescribable brainworms but I could never explain it)
The Eclipse (the series really benefited from how comfortable first&khaotung are with each other, honestly they are friendship goals, but the show itself really tackles some great issues in the schooling system and how they relate to oppression overall)
Until We Meet Again
Between Us (yeah Tumblr really won with this one, I saw one too many winteam posts and had no choice, I do love a relationship driven show and the way the show pulled in discussions about trauma and family struggles was wonderful, I have never seen more of a middle child than win)
Bad Buddy (what can I say, once again the actors have insane chemistry and their comfort with each other really shows on screen, also nanon really is just a powerhouse actor, its sort of a modern Romeo and Juliet but has the most open & honest communication in any media I've ever seen)
Cutie Pie
Cutie Pie 2 You
My School President (may have changed me as a person? I don't even know how to describe how important this show has become to me)
Bed Friend (loved the characters, idk if it gave me worms yet tho)
Only Friends (at my heart i am a sucker for anything First & Khao are in)
Takara-kun & Amagi-kun
My Love Mix-up! (Keita Hatsukoi)
My Beautiful Man (Utsukushii Kare)
My Beautiful Man 2
Be Loved in House: I Do
HIStory 3: Trapped
Because of You 2020
The Untamed (I don't even know how to explain the brainworms this show and the novel it's based on has given me, but we do love a fun period piece)
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mikimeiko · 10 months
Day 4 - Vienna (Austria)
The weather is still kinda chilly and grey but it's not raining so we'll count this as a win XD.
I wasn't really ready for most things to be closed on a Sunday, I naively thought that this being the capital things would be different (and to be fair they probably are, we're just not in Milan I guess XD). So I walk to the nearest train station in search for an open tobacconist (can't buy cigarettes fromnthe automatic machines since they don't recognise my id ;_;) and in the process I pass through the Liechtenstein Palace gardens, which are simple but pretty (Liechtenstein remains a presence in this trip XD)
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Of course when I got to the innere stadt every single tobacconist was open, so I did a very long deviation for nothing XD
Despite the weather there are A LOT of people around. Everything is very grandiose but feels a little monochromatic in the cloudy weather. My luck runs out and it starts raining again. It starts and stops, mostly light rain but with a couple of downpours.
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I eat a random pastry from a backerei and it's so good! Sweet and buttery with a tart jam mixed in that gave it excellent balance. I retreat into a Starbucks to rest and let my feet dry.
Thanks to tumblr user @andiamo-a-totani I went to Hundertwasserhaus and I'm so happy I did because it was BEAUTIFUL. I love when architecture incorporates shapes, colors and ideas from nature <3
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It looked like the sky was clearing so I headed back to the center. I love that they decided to convert the Imperial palace into museums and exhibition space, very lovely way of using that kind of building.
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The moment I set foot inside the innere stadt it started raining again. Is there a inner city microclimate that I don't know about? XD
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I got a wiener wurstel at a sausage stand, choosing kinda randomly from the menu, and I feel like I got the worst item on the menu? (while I was eating I kept looking longingly at the other suasage types grilling). Today in general actually feels like I'm stuck in the worst timeline; every decision I make feels like the one with the worst possible outcome. There's a part of me that wants to give in, go back to my capsule, just watch TV series and go to sleep. But I'm not gonna. Not yet. I have a 24h bus/tram/metro ticket and if nothing else I can still take random transport to random part of the city XD.
(The moment I stepped out of the innere stadt the sky cleared a little bit. That town centre is cursed, CURSED I TELL YOU!)
The SUN is OUT! Everything is beautiful and I can feel the angst evaporating from myself XD
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I don't return into the innere stadt JUST IN CASE and instead decide to go check out Schloss Schönbrunn by tram. The route is lovely and the Palace is lovely as well, but I give up the idea of going to see the park behind it when I realize just how big the place is.
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I take the metro to go back and to my delight it's actually not underground most of the route. I get down at Stadpark which is a very gorgeous park, and I'm quite happy that I managed to at least pass through it.
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I go back to the "film" festival for dinner (I wish there was something similar everywhere I went, noce atmosphere, various foods including local,, no stress about finding a place to eat) and I get the käsespatzle (small dumplings with cheese and fried onion on top) which are insanely good.
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It's kinda cold but I don't think I can leave without another watermelon radler (this might be my last chance to drink it after all!)
Tomorrow I'm off to Bratislava and if Hundertwasserhaus has taught me anything is that I'm clearly underprepared for this trip XD so if any of you reading has any recommendations for Bratislava, EVEN VERY TOURISTY RECOMMENDATIONS, please let me know :D
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therubyreader · 1 year
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My Review of Lockwood and Co. [Netflix]
See a full list of my book reviews here
*Disclaimer: there will be spoilers later on in the review*
Review Word Count, non-spoiler: 871 Review Word Count Total: 1,517
Trigger warning for the contents of this show: death, violence, creepy ghost faces, mild horror, very brief gun violence (let me know if I missed any)
I know, this isn't a book, technically. While I am usually a book/book review blog I have come with my first ever tv show review that's based on a book series so close enough. Now I know what you're saying, "Val, why don't you just read the books, it'll fit your concept" but quite frankly I don't want to. This isn't meant to be a diss towards the author, I'm sure the books are great, but it's just because the ven diagram of books I like to read and movies/shows I like to watch mostly overlaps save for a few things like ghost stories. I honestly don't know why I can't read ghost books but I can watch ghost shows and movies, for the most part because I am a wimp so it can't be too scary. But I have heard multiple people say that it's the most accurate book to screen adaptation ever so I will trust those people and we'll count this towards my book review list.
Anyways, about the show. Lockwood and Co. takes place in an alternate reality London where ghosts are real and they pose a threat to the city at large, because if you get touched by one you die. In this reality the only people who can see ghosts are gifted children, they posses some combination of either ghost sight, touch, or hearing, but usually one more so than the others, and they are able to use these gifts to track down and contain these ghosts. As they age their gifts start to fade so the entire ghost containment industry is staffed by child soldiers.
Now we get to our main character, Lucy Carlyle who is a listener, and after a ghost hunting adventure gone wrong, leading to the death of some of her friends, she leaves her small town in northern England for London hoping to create a fresh start for herself there. After unsuccessfully trying to join a prestigious London agency she manages to find Lockwood and Co. (roll credits) a ghost hunting agency run by two teenage boys, Anthony Lockwood, the one who's name is on the door, and his best friend George Karim. Lucy joins up with them and together they hunt down ghosts and solve the mysteries that take place over the course of the first two books in the series.
I do have so much to say about this show but for the sake of your eyes I'll try to keep it short, key word try. Overall I loved it, this show has a good mix of action, mystery, comedy, and even a slow burn romance (which I will get to in more detail in the spoiler part of the review). If you can stomach the aforementioned content warnings then I recommend the show to you. It honestly has something for everyone, and if you're not super into plot (which I don't know why you wouldn't be) the characters do really carry a lot of the story. Their internal battles and struggles propel the story forward just as much as the actual ghost hunting. You can see these characters really learn and grow over the course of the show, and they make mistakes and have real problems that most people can relate to. There is also a found family trope which I absolutely love, because who isn't a sucker for found family, and there's even a point where Lucy calls them her family which I thought was cute and sweet.
Something that I don't think this show gets enough credit for is the lighting. Now I'm not an expert on cinematography, I literally took one film class in college and it's been two years since that happened so I'm just winging it here, but the lighting of the show is great. I know its been a common theme for a lot of media recently to be horribly lit, like everything is super dark for no reason, but this show, despite most of the action taking place at night, was well lit, you could see what was happening. I hope the editors of the show win multiple awards for that and also the rest of the editing. The ghosts, for the most part, don't look super cheesy and weird. Sure the first one is kind of cartoony but the rest of the series has ghosts that look pretty creepy and you can understand the fear the characters feel. There are also different types of ghosts that all look different despite all being ghosts and the editors do a great job of making them all look unique and scary but also ghostly.
I am really really really hoping Netflix renews the show for a second season and beyond because it was just so good. I honestly binged it in one day and I'm rewatching it right now with my brother because I need him to experience it. It's honestly at the point where I keep checking google at least once a day to see if it's been renewed. If it isn't I'll actually cry for real. But yes, I recommend this show to quite literally everyone, please watch it, I need another season especially after the cliffhanger ending.
Spoilers Below!!!
You all know I have to talk about it: Locklyle. Listen, I am a sucker for a good slow burn but on the other hand I am extremely inpatient so I want it to happen now. According to my research (because I'm a fucking nerd) Lockwood and Lucy don't get together in the books which is upsetting, apparently it's only implied at the very end of the last book which is kind of rude tbh. It looks like the writers are playing into the fact that they like each other so I hope it becomes cannon in the show because if all that build up is for nothing I will cry.
My favorite part of the whole Locklyle thing is when on two separate occasions Lockwood was confronted with how him and Lucy look at each other by two separate people. And they're right, the way they look at each other is adorable (hey God, I know you're tired of me, but hear me out). Also the way that they would just casually hold hands? Like if you blinked you would miss it, that's just how casual and cute they were and I ate it up.
The previously mentioned research was me trying to find out what exactly the necklace that Lockwood gave Lucy was. Which, side note, was super cute and the fact that Lucy just kept it on for the rest of season if I'm remembering correctly. But, going back to the research, I was trying to figure out what the necklace actually was, like I can't make out what the shape of it is, which book readers please tell me what it's supposed to be I don't care if you spoil the plot for me. I did come across an article that mentioned the necklace but also that Lucy and Lockwood don't end up dating in the books which is why I was talking about that earlier, and I swear to everything holy the show writers better not do that to me.
On to my main dude George, aka probably my favorite character. With the exception of him being mesmerized by the mirror and making dumb choices because of it, he was a solid dude. My favorite part is definitely when they're in the graveyard and he's just talking shit about all of the kids on night watch and when one of them hears him he just tells her to "go write a poem about it" and I was losing my mind, it was so funny.
I feel like George is so underrated, every time I look into the Lockwood and Co. tag on here there are just posts about either Locklyle or Lockwood x reader fan fiction but nothing for my main dude George. This isn't to say I read the fan fics, I haven't read any since I was in my teens (once again, being old on main) but also because the characters are technically teenagers, even though the actors that portray them are my age, reading fan fic about kids as a grown adult feels icky. Also this isn't me trying to discredit any of the authors, I'm in support of you all, it's just not my thing. But can we please have more George related content, he is so good and pure, and also I have a newfound crush on Ali Hadji-Heshmati that needs to be fueled.
Honestly I could keep talking for ages about this show, and I honestly might especially since I'm rewatching it and looking to see if I can pick up on any new details that I missed, so I guess be making more posts about the show as time goes on. But if there were any scenes in the show that you want me to talk about, drop an ask, I'm down to scream and fan girl about it for the rest of forever.
Tag list: @batteredbooks @chibi-chellist
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flipchild · 10 months
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Girls Captions
[162+] Good Captions For Girls 2023
Leave a Comment / Caption For Girls / By Paul Chrish
Hello! Do all the girls out there want to get some good captions for girls? Okay! Believe me then that you are right where you need to be. So go nowhere and click through our list of good girls captions. You know what it’s nice for girls to select lots of photos and add some together with decent captions.
God has blessed the girls with the art of clicking the perfect images from selfish to group images. Girls have always had an incredible shot on Instagram or some other social media site to post. So girls to add some extra light and excitement to your great clicks we’ve got a package of good girls captions.
It gives down the list of good girls captions. Give a look and choose what’s best for your clicks to share stories or Instagram posts.
Table of Contents
Good Captions For Girls
Best Good Captions For Girls
Good Captions For Pretty Girl
Good Caption About Girls
New Good Instagram Captions For Girls
Good Captions For Girls
Good Captions For Girls
I Dress To Impress Myself.
There’s A Girl Out There With Love In Her Eyes And Flowers In Her Hair.
I Am The Best Designer Of My Life.
My Courage Is My Crown, And I Wear Like A Queen.
Don’t Ever Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle.
Though She Is Little, But She Is Fierce.
You Can Change The World Girl.
She Loves Herself Before She Loves Anyone Else.
Only A King Has The Ability To Attract Queen And Only A Queen Can Keep A King Focused.
I Am An Odd Combination Of “really Sweet” And Don’t Mess With Me.
I Am The Sunshine Mixed With A Little Hurricane.
Be You Because You’re Pretty.
She’s Like That Story In A Book That Makes Your Eyes To Dream.
Personality Is An Unbroken Series Of Successful Gestures.
I Am A Girl Waiting With My Eyes And Flowers.
Real Queens Fix Each Other’s Crown.
There Is Always A Wild Side To An Innocent Face.
She Is Far From Difficult And Close To Perfect, Easily Described As Imperfectly Perfect And Beautifully Complex.
Be As Picky With Men, As You Are With Selfies.
Imperfections Are A Symbol Of A Real Girl.
Better To Be Strong Than Pretty And Useless.
First They Watch. Then They Hate. Then They Copy.
She Is A Beauty. She Is Grace. She Can Also Punch In The Face.
A Smile Is An Adorable Thing You Can Wear On.
Coffee In One Hand, Confidence In Other.
She’s Far From Sane, But She Is The Right Kind Of Crazy, The Kind You Get Addicted To
Emotions Are Hidden Behind Smiles.
Heart Mixed With Emotions. Eyes Filled With Tears.
I Know Looks Are Not Everything But I Have Them Just In Case.
Best Good Captions For Girls
Ladies, you’ve got some damn good looks and beauty so why not post your picture on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites with the best good girls captioning.
So girls here are some of the best good captions for girls to add this caption to your pictures and stories in Insta posts and get a basket of encouragement, love, and admiration. Here is a compilation of the best good girls captions recommended just for you. Let’s get inside.
Best Good Captions For Girls
One Day I Caught Myself Smiling, Then I Realized I Was Thinking About You.
She Was Like A Moon, A Part Of Her Always Stayed Hidden.
I Am Not Short, I Am Just Concentrated Awesome.
Her Attitude Was Stronger Than Rocks.
Be A Pineapple: Stand Up Straight, Wear A Crown And Always Be Sweet On The Inside.
People Are More What They Hide Than What They Show.
I Am Not Pathetic, But Aesthetic.
Just A Bitch And A Blonde With An Unbreakable Bond.
Divas Don’t Do Drama. We Do Business.
My Love Is Unconditional, My Trust And Respect Are Not.
Elegance Is A Beauty Hard To Achieve.
She Is A Mess Of Gorgeous Chaos And It’s Visible In Her Eyes.
Love Yourself Like, Not Waiting For Someone, Do It For You.
I Never Let My Loyalty Become Slavery.
My Heart Light Is Brighter Than Moonlight.
Stop Study Me, You Won’t Get Graduated.
Be Kind, Be Forgiving But, Don’t Be A Fool.
I Am A Simple Person With A Complicated Mind.
I Am Not Short, I Am Just Concentrated Awesome.
Good Captions For Pretty Girl
As we think about girls, we see that anything connected to them determines how nice and attractive girls are, whether we are thinking about their looks, their personality, how they struggle with tough circumstances, how they do their work, studies, sports, and what not? The list is relatively long.
And when girls are so good and beautiful then it’s very clear that they can’t complete their posts on social media sites without adding some decent captions for pretty girls you need to put in with your clicks. For pretty girls we’ve stacked up a quite long list of good captions for pretty girl .Check them out and pick the good captions that match your pictures of pretty girl, and show your goodness and good looks.
Good Captions For Pretty Girl
Be A Diamond Esteemed And Rare, Not A Stone Found Everywhere.
I Love Pools Than Fools.
Never Selfish With Me, You Need Me I Don’t Need You.
My Personality Is Sassy And Cheeky.
Creativity Is Good But Doesn’t Waste Time Listing Those People Who Say You Cannot Do It.
Life Short Makes Every Hair Flip Count.
What She Tackles She Conquers.
Little Girls Soften Their Daddy’s Hearts.
Don’t Be Like The Rest Of Them, Darling!.
It’s Better To Arrive Late Than To Arrive Ugly.
The First Day Of The Holiday And The First Post Of The Holiday.
Live In The Sunlight, But Love In The Moonlight
I Got Gloss On My Lips.
I Don’t Compete For A Spot, I Am The Spot.
If You Are Confident, You Are Beautiful.
She Was A Mixture Of Lemon And Honey.
I Am The Material You Couldn’t Handle Me Even If I Came With
Its All About The Spark In You.
I Am Short But Hot.
No One Is Perfect That’s Why Pencils Have Erasers.
Good Caption About Girls
Good Caption About Girls
Never Regret Something That Once Made You Smile.
A Smile Is A Curve That Sets Everything Straight.
Smile. Why? Because You Can.
Stay Strong, Make Them Wonder How You’re Still Smiling.
With Little Shy, You Get Little High.
Cuteness Is The Product Of Simplicity.
It Doesn’t Matter What Anyone Else Thinks Of Me Because I Know Who I Am, And I Am Damn Proud Of It.
Stay Strong, Make Them Wonder How You’re Still Smiling.
Happiness Is.new Lipstick.
Don’t Mistake My Kindness For Weakness, Bitch.
Sweet At Heart. Cute At Smile.
Work Until Your Idols Become Your Rivals.
Brighter The Smile, Stronger The Shine.
Happiness Is.new Cosmetics, Many Of Them.
Limitless Is The Sky. Priceless Is The Smile.
I’m Here For A Good Time Not A Long Time.
Lips Without Lipstick Is Like A Cake Without Frosting.
I Love The Sound You Make When You Shut Up.
A Smile Is A Happiness You Will Find Right Under Your Nose.
Keep A Smile On Your Face And Let Your Personality Be Your Autograph.
New Good Instagram Captions For Girls
I Was Made To Be Happy.
I Am The Mixture Of A Cutie With A Mission And Hottie With An Ambition.
Think Before You Come For The Great One.
Behind Every Bad Bitch Is A Sweet Girl Who Got Tired Of Everyones Bullshit.
Beautiful Girl You Were Made To Do Hard Things So Believe In Yourself.
A Happy Soul Is The Best Shield For A Cruel World.
Don’t Be Like The Rest Of Them, Darling.
Catch On To Match On.
Be Easy To Love Hard To Break, And Impossible To Forget
I Am A Fairy With Sparkles.
Always Try To Keep Your Heels, Head, And Standards High.
Happiness Looks Gorgeous On Me.
Never Cry For That Person Who Doesn’t Know The Value Of Your Tears.
You Are Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile.
I May Be A Sweet Girl, But… If You Make Me Mad, I Have A Pocket Full Of Crazy Waiting To Come Out!
I Prefer Being Myself Whatever You Say
She Had A Galaxy In Her Eyes, A Universe In Her Mind.
If Karma Doesn’t Hit You, L Gladly Will.
I Collect Smiles, And Then I Give Them Away.
She Had A Galaxy In Her Eyes, A Universe In Her Mind
She Leaves A Little Sparkle Wherever She Goes.
Sunshine Mixed With A Little Hurricane.
Good Instagram Captions For Girls
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hildegardladyofbones · 10 months
favorite movies / shows ? (:
sorry for the late response, but i took this too seriously and started going through notes and diaries to find lists
Idioot (2011) by Rainer Sarnet. It's an adaptation of dostoyevsky's "the idiot" and it's one of the few movies i can actually call underground, because i've yet to met anyone besides my mom whose actually seen it. I don't like it because of that though, i like it because all of it is shot in a church (even the outdoor scenes) and the ending has gay undertones. it's arthouse, what else do you expect?
Amelie (2001) is one of the few romance movies i like because it's super sweet and has very interesting visuals. and also i saw it before i knew i was aroace so i didn't care about whether or not i like romance.
Knives out (2019) has super cool visuals and also very cool foreshadowing. definitely a movie i watched an explanation of later. not THAT deep though, like you get the message before even finishing it.
Tank Girl (1995) is a fucking comedy and apocalypse masterpiece and no one will convince me otherwise. I do not care about if it's accurate to the comics at all. it's just pure, unfiltered, 90s action. with implied lesbians.
In tandem with the last movie comes Bad Girls (1994), even though this one is a bit less goofy (it does not have kangaroo-man hybrids)
Kill your darlings (2013). i don't even care about the gayness, they went ham with the poetry references. like they explain a technique in poetry and then do that same thing in the movie? fucking beautiful. the soundtrack is also so unique. i could go on about this movie forever.
Birds of Prey, or the fantabulous emancipation of Harley Quinn (2020) is like all of those other superhero action movies, but this time it's For Girls (tm) and i LOVE it because of that. idec about action movies in general, that one just Gets It. Margot Robbie OWNS Harley Quinn for me
speaking of feminist action movies, Mad Max Fury Road (2015) is amazing. it has one of the most unique colour palettes i've seen, because of how much contrast there is. Surprisingly condensed, the action is not spread out at all, gets straight to the point. Also it has like no romance at all.
Hannibal (2013-2015) is my number 1, no competition. It's a rom com, it's a thriller, it's horror, it's whatever you want it to be. not gonna say too much, becuase i want you to experience its glory first hand.
pushing daisies (2007-2009) is whimsical, light hearted, fairy-tale like, fluffy, etc. basically the opposite of hannibal, even though both of them are made by Brian Fuller. fun fact: it has the only straight romance i actively root for. they're also asexual because i said so.
I am not okay with this (2020) is another one of those movies you only see in those lists of shows that netflix ended too soon, because it did. it's like netflix said "wait it has LESBIANS? we can't have THAT" which is a shame, because it's a masterfully crafted allegory for grief and depression. and as if THAT wasn't enough, it parodies while ´imitating an 80s high school movie, which gives it this cool aesthetic of the modern day mixed with the 80s.
Over the garden wall (2016). Wirt is a very accurately written teen who i want to be friends with SO BAD, and Greg is somehow even more accurately written because my sister is roughly the same age as him and they are basically the same people. It goes pretty hard with the historical influences, the soundtrack fits it so well and the story is very sweet. i recommend it 👍
Hope i didn't burden you with my ramblings too much, i don't even have an excuse. thanks for the ask tho, i had fun
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