#and i still refuse to draw eyes it just isn't happening at this point in my journey
doctapuella · 2 years
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ssahotchnerr · 3 months
Jack still sort of maintaining a relationship with Roy the first few years after Haley dies (Aaron thought it was important to maintain those connections for Jack even tho it hurt Aaron to do 😭 it was easy with Jess who he loves but SUCKED with Roy) but he gets extremely exclusionary once Ellie is born. Him being like “I will spend time with MY grandson who belonged to MY daughter but I will not be wasting my time, energy, and money on a child you’ve had with another woman. A child who – might I point out – would not have been born if you stayed married to my daughter and didn’t get her killed in the first place.”
Aaron being pissed on Ellie’s behalf (and his feelings are hurt tbh) and you being pissed on both of their behalfs. But, unexpectedly, Hc that Jack overheard this conversation and basically says to Aaron the next time Roy wants to take him somewhere (Aaron didn’t want to make HIM feel bad on top of everything else by banning him from seeing his grandfather, so he was gonna let him go), “I don’t want to spend time with grandpa Roy if he’s gonna be mean to Ellie. Thank you, but I’ll stay here.” SUCH A GOOD BIG BROTHERRRRR you and Aaron are so proud 🥺❤️
roy just completely refuses to acknowledge that ellie exists 😭
it happened right from the start: when aaron shared the two of you were expecting, roy brushed it off, muttering something incoherently in response. after she's born, aaron invites him over for family dinners, he refuses to come. he's invited to ellie's first, second, third birthday party, doesn't come. every time he comes over, he acts like he's never seen her before. disregarding her completely.
it becomes very clear very fast that he wants to spend time with jack and jack only. as much as aaron hates to admit it, in a way, he understands. roy's bitter about what happened to haley, so this was somewhat expected. it's a different situation that's hard to navigate - ellie isn't related to him, so if roy doesn't want to bring her along to places, whatever, aaron's not going to force roy to do anything. the issue is what an issue it is. how ellie is being treated.
it's more of a problem when ellie is a bit older, and wants to tag along with jack wherever he goes. she just wants to be included 🥺 sweet ellie simply says hi when roy comes over to pick up jack, he ignores her. the next time, she draws him a picture, and he doesn't accept it.
aaron gently confronts him, and that's when roy brings up haley and how this child is a disgrace to her. imagine he full-on admits he wishes she never existed?? 😭 ellie's a product of what happened to haley, he'll never forgive aaron for getting her killed, so he'll never accept this child's existence. she shouldn't exist.
that angers aaron and he starts going off - ellie is a part of this family, whether you like it or not. and fine, you don't have to love her (saying that SHATTERS aaron's heart) but do not treat her like she's nothing. aaron won't let that stand.
it starts a huge argument 🥺 roy refuses speak to aaron, except when it comes to arranging his time with jack, and the conversation is very short at that. he doesn't speak much to you either (never has). again in his eyes - you're haley's replacement. jack's new "mom"
and it's especially sad because ellie knows about haley too :( - not the story, but the simple, good things: jack has another mommy, she's not here with us anymore but you can talk to her with a candle. haley has never been a avoided topic in the house, she's encouraged. and so ellie loves haley in her own way :( so to call her a disgrace in haley's name?? when she's also keeping haley's memory alive? :((((
you feel awful. you know how hurt aaron is but he doesn't allow himself to show it. he hates talking about it, and he's always in a mood whenever roy's with jack. you feel awful for your daughter who doesn't know what's going on. you feel awful for jack who's taking an unnecessary weight on his shoulders in terms of this too.
ellie's confused and upset, this is the first person who's ever shown her unkindness. aaron gently tries to explain, but also, how do you explain this to a toddler? so he simply apologizes and scoops her up into his arms and holds her close :( he feels awful, and as if he's failing her in someway. this is "his fault", isn't it? 😭
so if roy's taking jack out, aaron or you, or both combined, take ellie out for the day to do something fun. or try to keep jack heading out on the down-low. it sucks, you still both encourage jack to spend time with his grandfather - maintaining that important relationship - even though it's exceedingly complicated behind the scenes.
and jack, being the sweet sensitive kid he is, picks up on the tension immediately. and he's torn 🥺 he wants to appease his grandfather, knows what he's doing isn't right, but also doesn't want to betray his little sister, letting behavior like this continue. he feels guilty :( he takes the initiative and brings it up to roy himself, asking if ellie can come with them someday, like to the zoo or to a movie. but roy's pretty level-headed and his mind is made up - absolutely no ellie.
so jack gets really upset :( he gets home one day and cries about it :((( you're trying to console him, as is aaron (who's close to tears himself), and ellie wanders over :( she gets sad whenever jack is sad :( and while she has no idea what's going on exactly, she just buries herself right up into jack's side as he's crying. to comfort him too 🥺🫶🏻
overall it's a reallyyyy messy situation, one that you can only hope resolves with time :(
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This question might be off topic..👀 or strange perhaps.
In your opinion , how do you think other Strawhats if each of them were in Luffy's place instead and instead of Ace , Luffy died at Marineford?
I am trying to find a way to draw other Strawhats but slightly having troubles with finding best devasted like poses/things they's do upon such trauma☆
This wound up focusing a lot more on the long term aftermath than the initial devastation because I believe it would be pretty similar for everyone (whole lot of screaming and crying), but I hope you still find this useful or at least fun to read.
In the event of Luffy dying at Marineford, everyone would be in shambles. Whitebeard (assuming he lives) would offer them a place to stay on his ship while they regroup and try to grapple with the trauma of what happened. He isn't forcing them to join his crew or anything. They're free to go whenever they please, but he would also welcome them with open arms should they choose to stay.
Zoro splits off almost immediately and returns to his life as a bounty hunter. He is very much still pursuing his goal, just in solitude. He is constantly being inundated with invitations to other pirate crews, but he rejects all of them (sometimes violently). Luffy is the only person he will ever all captain. He blames himself a lot for his death. He was supposed to support and protect his captain, but he failed miserably. He's even more cold and removed than he used to be, and he'll never let anyone else in again. He also drinks more, to the point that it becomes genuinely concerning.
Nami also leaves, but takes more time to do so. She claims that she's only going back to Cocoyasi village temporarily so that she can process everything that has happened around familiar faces, but she never sets foot in the Grand Line again. Luffy was her safety net. Even in the most scary and intense situations, she could find solace in the reassurance that Luffy would be there to handle it... But now he isn't. He's gone forever and she feels lost without him. The Grand Line is much more scary without him leading the way. She will eventually start venturing around the Blues, but that is it.
Usopp cannot handle the survivor's guilt. He latches onto the Sogeking persona to cope after Luffy's death. It becomes extremely rare to see him without the mask, and he doesn't even respond to hearing the name Usopp anymore. He wants to go home so bad, but he can't bring himself to. He can't stomach having to look everyone there in the eye and telling them why he's back. Now would be a great time for Yassop to step up and be a father, but he's nowhere to be seen so Whitebeard steps up to the plate. He supports Usopp and actually talks him through the intense grief that is choking him. It takes time, but Whitebeard does succeed in making Usopp take of his physical and metaphorical mask by properly addressing his emotions on the matter. Usopp decides to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates and accepts becoming one of Whitebeard's sons.
Sanji is devastated. He wanted to leave immediately, but waited around for Nami to be ready to go before heading back to the East Blue. Sanji goes back to the Baratie and refuses to talk about what happened. He blames himself intensely for not being there for the battle and fully believes that it's his fault that Luffy is dead. On top of his smoking habit, he starts drinking. Everything feels so hollow now, and nothing will fill that emptiness. The only times that Zeff or the other Baratie staff members get a glimpse of the old Sanji is when Nami stops by to visit with him. Even then, he's much more subdued. He never really recovers from this and has abandoned the idea of ever finding the All Blue.
Chopper is inconsolable after Luffy's death. He feels like a failure as a doctor for not being able to save him even though there was nothing that he could do. He also chooses to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates and becomes Marco's apprentice. As devastated as he is by Luffy's death, he copes with it relatively well by throwing himself into an education. He does becomes obsessed with curing Whitebeard, however. He can't stand to watch two captains die back to back.
Robin up and vanishes as soon as night comes. This breaks her. She fully believes that Luffy's death was her fault. Someone finally loved and accepted her and look what happened to him. As far as she's concerned, she's cursed. Naturally, she distances herself from literally everyone. She refuses to let anyone else die because of her. She'll spend the rest of her life in solitude, and it probably won't take very long for that to happen.
Franky goes back to Water 7 with the Thousand Sunny after confirming that the Straw Hats were disbanding and that no one else wanted it. He makes the ship into a memorial for Luffy and takes meticulous care of it. While the death absolutely does hurt him, he copes with it the best out of anyone. He is no stranger to grief, and he bounces back relatively quick. He works for Galley-La designing ships, as well as doing so as a hobby.
Brook is similar to Robin in the sense that he believes that he is cursed. He finally let someone in and joined another crew, only for the captain to die almost immediately. He resolves to never join another pirate crew. Unlike Robin, he doesn't completely sink into despair. He pours all of his pain into music, and you can find a lot of clear inspiration from Luffy and other Straw Hats in his music. He also takes the time to visit Laboon whenever he can. He doesn't want the poor thing to be abandoned all over again.
Bonus round for Ace. Ace will never emotionally recover from this, and his grief is messy. He alternates between hysteric sobbing and an uncontrollable rage. One moment he'll be begging a god that he doesn't even believe in to give Luffy back and take him instead, but the next second he'll be destroying everything in arms reach while scream his throat raw. He's cursing Luffy for being a damned martyr. For putting himself somewhere he had no business to be. For leaving him to pick up the broken pieces in Luffy's wake. There is a noticeable improvement in his psyche once he reunites with Sabo and realizes he isn't the last brother left alive, but he is never truly the same after Luffy's death. It should have been him. He is very much at risk of dying not long after Luffy because if Garp doesn't kill Akainu, he will. And he will die trying.
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bonnieisaway · 3 months
Thoughts/interpretations of past seven? (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Okay I've said it like a lot in the past but I do not believe past Seven is different from the current Seven. I will DIE on this hill, they are the exact same person. There is no two different versions of Seven.
'past Seven' is often seen through the eyes of very unreliable narrators. It is very difficult to discern what is and isn't true about Seven, because in the past he was so outwardly emotionless that everybody else would project their own ideas onto him, so any assessments of his personality from Captain Jack and Redtooth are not actually factual. Green Phoenix is the most impartial in his retellings of past Seven, so we can only trust when other characters tell us about the EVENTS that happened, not about how they thought Seven felt.
With the preface, Seven is just as sympathetic and caring in the past as he was now. This is factual. We can learn this from three key things:
He refuses to fight outside of missions, and does not draw his blade unless his life is threatened.
He did not kill Ouyang Zang when he killed his master.
He did not kill the man from season 3, who recounts the story of when Seven was chased by all the killers in Xuanwu, and Seven noticed how scared he was and chose to walk past him.
From these we can gather he does not like killing, and he more often than not is spares people he does not need to kill, even if it is in the future, possibly detrimental to him. Both of the second points come back to bite him later in season three - and that is something he would have known could happen. Ouyang Zang is actively grieving when Seven notices him, but he is not a threat to his life, so he does not kill him.
And there's a pattern set of other assassins willing to kill any witnesses or people who do not, in the current moment, cause them any harm. The assassins that killed Thirteen's mother planned to kill them both - not only for the sake of trying to hurt her father, but they were willing to kill an innocent child. Manjusaka also murders three people in a restaurant for shit-talking Redtooth. Most assassins do not care to spare innocent bystanders or people that are bad mouthing them.
So we can reasonably assume that Seven is not like this, and does not like killing people senselessly. He only ever does it to survive. And that might not entirely sound like he's still an empathetic person - which I think it does but I'll be damned if I won't drive my point home - but we KNOW he is because he scarifies everything for the Girl in White.
Somebody who is ruthless, unfeeling, and a cold hearted murderer - as Seven is often painted as by other character - would have never crumbled for the Girl in White, because they never would have had a reason to. There would never be any empathy within them for her to set free. Seven walked into a trap and committed treason to save her life, for no discernable reason. It is the first time he has ever outwardly protected somebody. Seven, in his past state, has to be an empathetic and caring person in his heart, because only an empathetic and caring person would have put everything on the line to save her. The 'ruthless, unfeeling Shadow Killer' he is painted as has no reason to do this, and would never do this, because he understands the harms way he puts himself in doing this.
These previous instances, of him sparing people and only drawing his blade to protect his life or for a mission, are our first hints that he was not the person people believed him to be.
But then you ask, if he was an empathetic person, who never wanted this, then why did he become a Shadow Killer at all? And the simple answer is: He had to be.
Seven is fifteen years old when he joins the Shadow Killers. He has zero affiliations to any clan, family, or school, and the only other person we've ever seen from this part of his life, is an unnamed, unarmed woman who unexpectedly dies. Leaving Seven alone and fighting to survive for most of his life.
We know from Thirteen's backstory that children are not seen very empathetically in Xuanwu, at the very least, her mother's assassins were not afraid to kill her, too. And we've learned in several instances that the wildlife in Xuanwu is dangerous, there is an entire species of serpent people who shapeshift into humans to try and fucking eat you. It's also incredibly hard to make a living in Xuanwu, as we know from Meowcai, and the most lucrative, easy option is becoming an assassin. Seven is a child who is, presumably, living on his own. I think it is more than reasonable to assume that Seven ended up somehow on the path to be an assassin in order to survive, and he never left because there was nowhere else for him to go. So he grew up to learn to ignore his empathy and compassion because it would only get him killed, because it was nothing but a glaring weakness. So he always keeps a straight face, never lets anybody get close, does his job, and always masks his emotions. This bottles up inside of him up until the incident with the Girl in White, and then he cannot ignore it any longer and risks his life to save her, despite only ever being a killer, and never protecting anybody before.
Seven was always an empathetic person, and he grew up in an environment where he never could be. When he washed up on Chicken Island, he was nothing but his bare bone personality. His core personality never changed, just his environment, and his care free environment allowed him to be a more goofy, loving person than he ever could've been in the past. When people say Seven is 'reverting' to his past self in season four- he's not. He is the same person, in the same environment, who cannot afford, or have the time to be fun loving and goofy. That is why he is a doomed Shadow Killer. Not because he wants to be, or because it's in his nature to kill, but because he will always end up in this situation again, and he will have to resort to killing to protect himself once again. And that 'fun loving' part of his personality will never get to show, because he'll never feel safe enough to let it. Past Seven and Seven are the same person, just in different environments. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk
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day-drawn-blog · 11 months
Epilogue II :
Moonlight burning the flower
Hold tight, don't fight the power -
'The Power'
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Pairing: Astarion x Reader. This is set in Act I.
Tags: angst ... leading into some smut.
Part I : The outer layer. Mostly angst and jealousy.
Part II : Where you try to find meaning or draw boundaries.
Part III : maybe tonight I'll rest in peace.
Part IV : There is more to do and I still want to live.
Part V : our futures bound, our bodies known.
Part VI: These ain't my sins. I broke my chains.
Part VII: You are not mine and am I truly yours.
Part VIII : Your blood like wine, invites me in.
Part IX : I welcome my sentence, to give you my penance
Part X : I can't go yet...don't let me die
Epilogue I : Leave the flames and take a chance with me
You woke up. You recognized your tent. What happened? Is it morning? No, it was still dark outside. Oh that's right... you drank a lot, and passed out. There was a party, yes, that's right. Astarion broke your heart again. You felt disappointed. You had wanted someone to take you back to their tent. But you were in yours instead. So who had carried you in here?
And then you realized, that there was someone there...with you.
You recognized the familiar silhouette. His chest showing through his clothes, just like this morning. Wait, did you have your clothes on? What had happened while you were asleep? Yes, you had your pants on, and your underwear. Where was your shirt? That's right - you were hot and sometime after you were carried in, you had taken it off.
Was he the one who carried you in?
You looked at him. Your stirrings woke him up, and he looked at you with sleepy eyes. "Ah, you are awake, darling... I've been waiting". Honeyed words were not going to pull you in anymore. You sat up, resolved and looked away from him. "Why are you here?" You asked. He propped himself up as well. "Because ... you are such a handful". He smirked.
"Why are you not with her?" You asked point blank.
You were done beating around the bush. "Who"? He seemed confused. You could feel your pulse rising, anger. "Shadowheart." You sharply clarified. "Ha!" He laughed out loud, his usual cheerful self. "Why should I be with her?" "I saw you talking" you replied, not even trying to hide your resentment and jealousy. "I was apologizing to her...you know... about the whole... blood drinking secret situation" he replied, waving his hands about, looking guilty.
"You must really want her to forgive you." You said, bitterly.
"Well, that would be nice, yes, we are all allies after all. We need to journey together, I need to know I don't have an enemy in camp". He said, pragmatically, sitting up. It all made sense to you, but you refused to believe such a simple explanation. "And ... did she?" "I think so." The answer somehow made you unhappy. You were still hurt, it felt unfair.
"So ... you are here because she threw you away..."
You said, knowing full well, how much that would hurt. You could feel his eyes on you. You dared not look back at him. He was quiet. Even though you had wanted to hurt him you regretted saying that. "I was only with her, because I couldn't refuse her." He said, his voice low, serious. "I was never hers to throw away." "But you want her to want you, isn't it?". You were not done. That question was met with silence, and you dreaded to hear his response to that. He said something unexpected.
"Do you ...want me to want her?"
Taken aback, but you wouldn't back down. You wanted to prove, that you were unaffected, not jealous, that you were above it all. Too proud to admit, that you loved him, that you wanted to be his, and him to be yours.
"Yes. I do. I do want you to want her".
You lied, in anger. You stood up and walked away from him. "I want you to go to her, and beg for her forgiveness, and be with her every night. Make love to her till dawn, again and again, till she is done with you." You stopped to breathe. "Oh ... don't worry, I will still protect you.... I gave you my word after all, didn't I." You smirked, bitterly. You were near the door, looking for your shirt to wear and head out.
You did not want to stay in his presence a minute longer.
He said nothing at first, then he stood up and came up to you, and held your left wrist before you could wear your shirt. You tried wresting free but he wouldn't let go, not until you had heard what he had to say. You looked away, "I can want her, if you want me to." He growled. "I have done my master's bidding countless times before. Lured victims in for him. And I can give my body to do your bidding". He paused "but it will not be of my own free will." His grasp on your wrist tightened.
"I will fuck her or let her fuck me, if that is what you want".
"Every night, if you want me to..." He stepped closer to you. "Would you like that? Would that make you happy? Because you see... I would rather... fuck... you." He held your face in his hands. Clearly having seen through your facade. "I can go to her, if you ask me to, but I will always come find you ....of my own ...free will" His face was very very close to yours. "you taste ...simply delectable."
He came even close to you now, breathing you in.
"Here is a secret I've heard my master say. Sensient beings, can taste positively divine... when you indulge in... carnal pleasures". "Sadly, Cazador never let us drink from any of our victims before.... so I never had ...someone, of mine own." He looked at you, pouting, teasing. "You.... were more and more delicious... with every bite I took of you. But when I bit you... here" he touched between your breasts, "I almost lost my mind. And now... all I can think about... is how you will...taste... when I take you over the edge... till you lose yourself, in me... and scream my name from your lips....darling... I can't wait..."
He almost ripped off your bodice, unceremoniously.
Then he lifted you up, and took you back to your bed before you could protest. "Push me away anytime, my love". Then dropped down to kiss you. Kissed your breasts, the side of your breasts. And trailed kisses down your stomach. Then he unbuttoned your trousers, and with one glance at you, took them off you. Your legs on his shoulders, he kissed your thighs, lower and lower...
You braced yourself for what was to happen next.
Clutching the bedding around you, you inhaled sharply as you felt him tear your underwear off of you. He licked and kissed you down there. You loved every second of it, and did not hold yourself back. Your legs wrapped around him, he made eye contact and placed a hand on your stomach. His tongue felt electrifying. Finding your folds and you could feel wetness soak the blanket underneath.
You lay there naked, admiring his chiseled body. You knew where this was headed and you knew he would not stop unless you stopped him.
You would not stop him.
Might finish the smut, some important dialogue too.
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princess-ibri · 11 months
Darkside Disney Princesses: Belle
(Edit-put my original picture for her under the cut)
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(So this one does rely somewhat on the backstories made up for my DisneyVerse versions of the parents of both Belle and the Beast. But I think it still has good precedent because of the whole Belle and Rumplestiltskin thing that happens in OUAT)
In the Darkside version of Belle's tale, Felipe never makes it back to the village to let Belle know something has happened to Maurice, either he gets lost in the woods, or the wolves find him again. And so Belle waits patiently for him to return. Waits, and waits, and waits…
Finally a month has passed, and Belle is desperate to find out what's happened to her father. With no way to know where along his journey he went missing though, she has no way to know where to start looking. And the town isn’t too worried about chasing after “Crazy Old Maurice”, gone into the blue.
Her own circumstances are getting dire as well, without Maurice there to bring in their little income from helping repair the villages various items, her resources are running low. She's taken in sewing or whatever small work people might give her, but its a small town after all, and the people are used to doing their own labor, and couldn't pay her much besides.
The kinder townsfolk give her what they can, but with winter coming on they've got to look out for themselves and their own families
Of course, there's always Gaston's ready offer of marriage, but Belle isn't that desperate. Yet.
Her refusals don't stop him from coming over and offering nearly every day, and they certainly spur him into making sure the town gets the idea that Belle is "too proud to accept charity, don't bother giving her any supplies"
So the winter closes in, Belle finds herself colder and hungrier, and her firewood is getting low. Finally, she bundles up as warmly as she can, and braves her way into the forest to gather what wood she can.
And in the glamor of the sudden snow, she too becomes lost within the trees.
The cold closes in around her. Deep and biting. The trees seem to twist around her, and finally she trips and falls, losing her axe beneath the snow that's piling higher and higher. She has no idea where she is or where to go, as the darkness deepens
Then suddenly, a light. Just ahead of her in the trees, flickering like a flame. She manages to stumble towards it. Following the dance of the light as it seems to lead her onwards, almost beckoning. Every bit of her is numb, but at last she makes it to the door of a ruined looking old tower. And inside, lounging by a roaring fire, is someone, something, between a man and a beast. It bears the shape of a man, but it's skin is mottled green, like the stuffed crocodile she'd once seen hanging in a church as a girl. It's eyes are black as coal, save for the irises, which shine-- like it's hair--like burning gold.
"Hello there Dearie", the being says, with a smile that glitters like a row of needles in the firelight. "Won't you come in? What is it that brings such a pretty young thing out into these dark and dangerous woods?"
Too numb with cold to feel fear, too desperate for warmth to think with caution, Belle accepts the offer, and lulled by the warmth of the fire and the being's careful coaxing, she begins to tell her tale. Her missing father, her growing desperation as Gaston drove away those who might have helped her, the dwindling food and firewood. And through it all the being listens, sympathizes, and finally, offers it's aid:
"For a price of course"
Belle is not put off by this caveat. She has read enough to know of Les Fées and the bargains they often make. She knows of the tricks and traps they lay. She also knows that at this point, she has little left to lose.
And so she agrees to make a bargain with this strange Imp
“You don’t know it, but there’s a power in you dearie. Flowing in your veins, deep down, like an underground spring. I can teach you to draw it up, so that you’ll never know weakness nor want again. You’ll be able to do all the things you ever dreamed of dearie, fulfill every wish—even finding your father”
The promise of this wished for dream above all lights a fire inside of Belle hotter than the one she sits by, but she asks warily: “And, what is it you get out of this?”
“Let’s just say that I’ll have the opportunity to pay something forward”
So Belle begins her lessons, she has always been a swift student. Drawing out the latent fairy magic that lies sleeping within her, waiting to be called forth. In another life she might have discovered it with the help of a more benign teacher. But that is not this life. And she learns to call forth her power through the lens of her fear, frustration, and anger over the willingness of that small and small minded town to so easily cast her and her father aside.
Time passes differently within the environs of the old stone tower. When Belle finally leaves, for her months have gone by, and yet as she reaches the edge of the forest, clad in a gown of midnight blue, her eyes dark as the winter sky above her, she perceives that less than a day has passed since she entered the woods, seeking wood to keep back the cold.
She has no need of warmth anymore.
She reaches out with the power she has learned to yield, seeking the bonds of blood and love that link her to her father. She sees them, feels them, faintly running through the forest. She follows them through the trees, unafraid of the wolves that once would have stalked her, and now slink away in fear at her approach.
She follows them to the gates of a vast and terrible castle, echoing with dying magic, a curse reaching completion she thinks, with the new arcane knowledge she holds. But she does not think on that, but on following the call. Through the door, along empty passages,up the winding stairs, to a jail cell atop a tower. Where lies the frozen body of her father, long gone.
Belle’s grief consumes her, feeding the cold flames of her power. She stalks through the halls, seeking the one who locked her father away, who left him to his fate.
She finds him at last, a snarling beast, crouched around a bell jar that holds a rose, with but one petal left upon it. Magic swirls about it, the center of the web that binds this place. Once Belle might have been curious, wished to learn the secrets of this place, and it’s strange enchanted inhabitants.
Now, she wishes only for revenge
The beast is strong and fierce, savage, the last vestiges of human thought quickly fading away as the curse nears completion, for he has never learned to love, nor earn love in return. But for all his brute strength, he is still only a mortal, and once more finds himself overpowered by a sorceress’s magic
When Belle leaves the castle, crumbling into smoking ruins behind her, she holds in her hands a staff, grown from the dying stem of a rose; once the blushing pink of hopeful love, hope that withered as its petals fell, now burst forth into bloom, the deep dark blue of a winters sky, of a heart gone dark and cold.
She walks steadfastly, resolutely towards the small town she had once called home. There are more scores to settle. Somewhere on the wind, she thinks she hears the echo of the Imp’s laughter…
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raayllum · 4 months
I'm really wondering about the order of events we learn of in "The Midnight Star" (MS) poem if only because some pieces of language aren't quite meshing with what we've previously known / potentially assumed
Elarion, trembling seed, lay down to earth in icy night, and in the cold her roots took hold defying winter’s deathly bite. Elarion, fading bloom, afraid to wilt and dim and die, she searched the dark for but a spark and caught the dragons’ hungry eye.
We know Elarion was an early human settlement that eventually became the biggest in ancient Xadia (TOX). We know that this is happening prior to the stars leaving thanks to a later stanza. Moreover, this stanza indicates that the city was drawing the attention of the dragons, which is also hinted at in Ripples, "It happened long ago, when humans had only just learned to hold fire in their hands without burning. They nurtured their precious primal flames secretly—in the dark of night, beneath shadows and shrouds—as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters".
However, Elarion suffering and struggling to hold on doesn't quite make sense if it already had primal magic... unless the first stanza condenses these events, i.e. "she searched the dark for a spark" ("that secret becomes a spark, the tiniest flicker of a primal source inside you") and that's why the city initially caught negative attention from the dragons. But even then, that contradicts statements from Ripples, in which:
"he did not know the stars as I know them. He did not know their arrogance, how they had rejoiced to look down upon their newborn sea. Where once they’d watched errant flames burn with pride and undeserved power, there was now only stillness"
the Startouch / First Elves are the ones who — seemingly — cast Aaravos out and create the sea as an initial punishment for humanity because "humanity had been given something they were never meant to have."
But MS doubles down that it's the dragons threatening the city, and that humans are still assuming the First Elves might help them, only for the stars to refuse and leave:
Elarion, frightened waif, reached bone-white branches to the night, the stars she asked their light to cast and stop the dragons’ fiery might. Elarion, unworthy whelp, Wept as the stars turned black the sky, They donned their masks They turned their backs, And left Elarion to die.
So Elarion/humans have been given primal magic by someone, who is probably Leola, a unicorn who may or may also be a startouch elf even though the First Elves disapproved (TOX, book 1: novelization). This makes the other First Elves angry and also seems to anger the dragons. When Elarion asks for protection from the First Elves against the dragons, they're ignored/abandoned.
This is, however, where MS starts to get tricky.
Elarion, dying husk, did wilt and whimper in the dark, ‘till the last star Reached from afar His touch: a blaze, a gift, a spark.
Again, we see a spark, which has most been referred to in reference to primal magic, even seemingly earlier on in the poem. We also see gift, which seems like a blatant reference to dark magic: "So he gave us magic!" (4x07) and "Lay [the staff] down? But it was a gift" (3x01). We can also read it into this section from the Puzzle House in which Claudia quite explicitly uses magic that isn't primal, either:
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He said it came from "a spark of fun" instead of primal sources, or...
And Kpp'Ar is a dark mage, and so is Claudia (in-training at this point), so it'd be within reason to assume this is some form of dark magic residue. But if it is... why not just call it that? Why make the distinction?
I think we can conclusively say there were at least two gifts given to humanity — the first was primal magic, and this seems to be more concrete. The second, assumedly, was dark magic at least in some form. But what if it was also more than that? I've talked before that as the Key of Aaravos seemingly functions now, it'd be most useful to a dark mage for categorizing spell parts/ingredients. The premonition dreams and weird blood connections between Star (Deep?) and dark magic are well known by now, even just looking at the sheer weirdness of whatever the fuck is going on with Ziard-Viren's relic staff.
The Midnight Star poem also does not help us much in figuring out the distinction between them, at least not at first glance.
Elarion, searing white, Embraced the great one’s night-black flame. And when she bowed, Her faith avowed, He whispered, “Aaravos,” his name.
Here, we get the dark-light motif pretty plainly. Fire fits with the primal flames that we're pretty sure humanity already had at this point, but we're not 100% sure. "Searing white" seems to match up with Aaravos' key, which could both relate to primal, dark, and deep magic all pretty easily.
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And giving humans deep magic isn't necessarily all bad. Elarion is called "a beautiful white city" nestled in the mountains (Tales of Xadia). Leola's Last Wish star is a beautiful guiding light. This is probably the closest to a straightforward "this is when humans got primal magic or deep magic ('good' variant)" we can read into the poem, except...
It's immediately troubled by this implication and the following stanza (said connection between 2x06 and TOX found by @its-leethee).
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The process marks its wielder, too: years of dark magic leave mages with pale complexions, bruise-like blemishes across the body, and blackened eyes. For better or for worse, dark magic became the key that unlocked a place of power in Xadia for all of humanity.
The closing stanza of the poem is why we all thought dark magic post-S2, for obvious reasons:
Elarion, black-eyed child, her twisted roots spread deep and far, The humans’ might sparked by the light of Aaravos, her midnight star.
Black eyes are found in dark magic use, twisted roots don't have a particularly good connotation, and we know thanks to S1 and S3 that many humans considered dark magic to make them powerful and level the playing field. Thus, the timeline would look something like this:
Elarion / humans eventually found primal magic (thanks to Leola + potentially others like Aaravos)
This drew the anger of the Stars/First elves and the dragons
Elarion asks the stars for help against the dragons, but they leave/reject it
Aaravos gives the humans deep magic (or something along those lines) through his cube ("searing white") which may or may not contain his chest piece / a quasar diamond
Through the cube, humans discovered/developed dark magic, thus "unlocking a place of great power"
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Okay, so, thank you for letting me share- sorry it isn't that great, but I wanted to send you my thoughts. I hope I did Erin enough justice.
Erin sits outside the school, waiting for you to appear out the door. His 3 lackies hang around him, doing thier own thing as they wait for his command. One of them, Lark, being fairly new to the gang, wanted to impress Erin. He wanted to show his toughness worthy of the group.
"I can't believe such a dork goes to this school." He snarked. His attitude was pitifully overconfident, and his eyes were shining with innocent admiration. If he wasn't so naive, he would've seen the two others immediately stiffen, staring at him in fear, fear for him. They knew what was going to happen.
"I mean, it would be better off if they went off and-" A gag and cough as he's grabbed by the throat and slammed against the school building. He's staring wide-eyed at Erin who is seething. Erin's grip refuses to loosen, and poor little Lark was gasping for needed air he could not reach.
"Listen here." Erin brings his face closer. "You're not allowed to call them any kind of name you think you're entitled to. You don't even have the privilege of insulting their very being." He prepares his pocket knife, ready to hand out punishment. "I know I picked you up a few days ago. You said you admired what I did. I let you join out of boredom, but I guess I mistook your stupid face as potential." A stupid little fledgling that didn't understand, that's what he was, and Erin was going to make sure he knew and learned the first time.
Erin takes the knife and points it at Lark's cheek, drawing just a little bit of blood to show off his serious intent. "This will be your punishment." He draws the knofe back ready to burn Lark's mistakes into his skin, but as luck would have it, or misfortune in Erin's case, you so happen to walk out of the school at that time to see the display of Eric's violence about to happen.
It was a flurry of emotions and confusion that happened in what felt like an instant. You, out of adrenaline from either fear or anger, ran up and knocked Erin onto the ground. Lark was freed and started coughing from the irregular air flow to his lungs. He falls to his knees trying to grasp consciousness and some sort of stability in his mental capacity. His brain was battling the intense fear Erin overwhelmed him with.
"Are you okay?" He's finally able to hear clearly. He looks up at you to see a concerned face. He is a bit stunned to speak. "Come on, let's get you to the nurses office." He feels your hands guide him to stand walk over back to the school building. He trying to wrap his head around what's going on.
He doesn't notice you splitting off for a bit, maybe a small mumble of "I'll be right back", but he's completely ignorant to the scene of you coming back for Erin.
You walk to Erin, who is still on the ground, completely ignoring the 2 lackies sticking to the back. You raise your foot, and give your hardest kick to the gut, before immediately walking away in disgust. He can hear you mumbling words of hatred and filth.
You catch up to a still-dazed Lark and being him to the nurse's office.
Erin lays on the ground curled up. No one is there except him and his 2 lackies, but those 2 refuse to get close enough to what had jist occured. Which was good for Erin because they would not notice his red face, his crazed eyes, and his constant muttering of your name. And all to himself in his mind was repeating the cruel actions you put against him and how much he wanted more.
Whoa! You got trash Boi down really well! It was a great read and it's almost adorable how Erin protects Reader in his own weird way. Thank you for sharing your wonderful writing!
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rmorde · 4 months
WARNING: Sukugo Dark Related Fic Ideas. If this isn't your cup of tea, scroll away. I just read 2HA and JJK 259 happened.
Maybe... I'll write this into a full story eventually. However, I have this vision:
Sukuna smirking as the world watch his trial. His crime? The murder and cannibalization of Satoru Gojo.
As Prosecutor Higurama finished his case, the judge asked how he pleads.
Sukuna, in a heartbeat, proudly answers. "Guilty as charged."
Pandemonium descends but his smiles never falls. How can it? He could still taste Satoru in his tongue. Willingly soft. Rotting sweet. Rich and warm. Bright with a citrus he could never hope to name.
That greedy man who embraced violence and death lingered in his tongue - a cherished ghost that would haunt his memory for eternity.
An irritating voice breaks Sukuna from his revelry. He grinds in teeth as his bratty nephew screams.
"He loved you! How could you?!"
Ah. Love. He knows that. He even understands it too. Sukuna just has no need nor care for it.
Still, Satoru offered it to him and more. Too happy and drunk in indulgence. Forgetting everything to be selfish with him and him alone.
But that is a secret only the two of them share.
So, Sukuna smiles.
"He wanted me to. Did you know he scooped out his own eyes for me? Satoru simply spoiled me with my favorites."
Another I have in mind was Sukuna's last request before execution. It is not yet as vivid as the one above but there is a sequence:
His request was to be given Satoru's last remains. He was not able to eat all of him before getting arrested. He was reserving the last eye for dessert. There was also one ring finger.
Sukuna's request was understandably rejected which eventually led to him doing a prison break.
He then hunts down Satoru's remains: the eye, the finger, and the ashes. Sukuna isn't greedy. But he is a glutton. He wants everything of Satoru. Besides, the man willingly offered himself. It would be rude to not consume all of it, no?
Anyway, during the Hunt, Sukuna would refuse to eat anything else. He doesn't want Satoru's lingering taste to "be spoiled".
In the end, Sukuna would be successful in eating all of Satoru's remains. After that, he burns himself to death because there is nothing else for him to enjoy at that point.
Anyway, that's just what I have so far. Well, except a few ton of key details.
The whole thing was an assisted suicide. Satoru thought it was interesting to die via cannibalism (inspired by a real life case btw). He was not doing well mentally because of, you guess it, Suguru.
Satoru and Sukuna went on dates. It was the "prepping" stage. But, like idiots, they fell in love.
The love they shared tho is fucked up. It culminates into Satoru happily offering "everything of him" for Sukuna to eat. Sukuna, meanwhile, wanted to draw this particular "request" longer than usual.
Satoru really did scoop his eye out with a dessert spoon to give away like some ice cream to feed to his boyfriend.. which is practically a wedding vow for Sukuna. They "consummated their marriage" that night. Three guesses which was fucked raw by the happy couple (inspired by the horror/slash movie "The Sadness").
Their honey moon is essentially Satoru's drawned out death. He picks a body part for Sukuna to cook. Satoru always asks for Sukuna to surprise him (Movie Reference: Ratatouille) .
Oh. They have everything recorded by the way. From the "ordering" (aka Satoru telling which part Sukuna can eat) to cooking to "dining" (which is just Sukuna feeding Satoru drugged sweets as he eats what he cooked). Yes. Even the fucking was recorded. Imagine the horror of the investigators and the lawyers when those were submitted as evidence.
Sukuna has enough medical knowledge to keep Satoru alive throughout their "honey moon". Credits to Kenjaku.
Satoru died happily ever after when he finally gave his heart via Blood Eagle. That heart dish was Sukuna's "magnum opus" dish.
The guy who caught Sukuna and prevented him from eating the last finger + eye was Kashimo. After breaking out of prison, he sought him out. Kashimo was diced and ground into a meat loaf which Sukuna didn't even eat (Which was his MO actually. He had assisted in plenty of suicides before. He never ate the dishes made from those - just taste. He either leaves them for someone else to find/eat. Satoru was an exception.)
Sukuna kills himself because he truly believes he reached the highest point in life. Nothing else can be enjoyed in his perspective anymore - he tasted the best and cooked the best meal of his life already. He refuses to ruin that with disappointments. Just the vibes here would be like the ending of the movie "Perfume: Story of a Murderer" and "The Menu"
I don't know how I could really put it in all of this but Satoru's love language is through service (he's really happy when people enjoy what he offers). Sukuna's is through food (so he's really flattered with Satoru's enthusiasm). So... you could say Satoru died NOT out of loneliness (which was his initial reason). He died out of love to connect with Sukuna and make him happy. Meanwhile, Sukuna cooked and ate all of Satoru out of "love". Reference: CSM (iykyk)
Sukuna's obsession with eating Satoru's eyes is not only reference to the canon Six Eyes. It's also because fish eyes are the tastiest delicacy and Sukuna had compared Satoru to fish before. Also, eyes = soul. The implication here is that Sukuna wants to eat Satoru's soul so they'd be together as one forever. Not that he'd ever acknowledge it as such.
There's also a theme of Satoru being greedy while Sukuna is a glutton. They're a match made in hell.
Oh. Lastly! Suguru is totally alive. Tried to reconnect with Satoru but got turned down because of Sukuna. Then the whole crime and trial blew up in the media. The poor guy has regrets... and he was doing so well too! Courtesy of his therapist Itadori Kaori (aka Kenjaku)
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I'm kinda debating putting a RDR2 crossover out there, but I don't know if this is something that only works in the recesses of my brain or actually workable... it would defiantly be crack like no tomorrow and would not include the bots. Maybe? still figuring out details.
ehm, an actual fic would be a long ways off and I've been working on this sparingly on the side (OUAT and the next OT&T is actively being worked on, exam madness is over so I want to release one of them before Monday!) but I'm just kinda interested so see if there would be any interest in some gunslinger hijinks.
Ashlyn, Jack, Miko, and Raf are all transported to RDR2 via mission gone wrong/weird cave drawings/MC luck
Ashlyn figures out what happened pretty quickly (she should be getting a universe hoping punch card at this rate)
She does not realize that she isn't alone.
Cue one Ms Moore galavanting around the RDR map while the Kids stick around the Vander Linde gang and are Very Confused.
The Kids experience includes;
Jack being renamed "Big Jack" since Jack Marston complains that it's HIS name. Jack is just having a moment. He's pretty sure he was found and rescued by a cult.
Jack joins Charles on a hunting mission, only to find the previously missing Miko impersonating a bush and doing a surprisingly decent job seeking up on the deer. Miko goes on to join the gang with Jack. She keeps trying to sneak into robberies. Hosea always catches her, and she emerges from very comical locations.
Raf initially panics. Then finds himself at a poker table at a train station. Luck is is only a game of statistics and Raf knows numbers. Becomes the Poker King, the nervous face IS his poker face. Overtime he learns everbodies business. Nice side effect of being the only sober gambler in the state. And the youngest. Via this, he turns up at the camp one day. Swanson's like *surprised pikachu face* He hears rumors about a strange cryptid running around and is like "Yeah that checks out. It's Ashlyn."
Meanwhile Ashlyn Moore is;
Roaming the wilderness treasure hunting and gives Downes's house a gold bar. Just pops up in every other town doing side quests. Stories start spreading about the wild thing looking for the Hooch man.
Eventially captured by O'Driscolls. Probably for insulting their vests, refusing to pay a bridge toll, or making some very interesting insults about not being able to rob a potato. That camp doesn’t exist anymore.
At some point, Micah and Ashlyn meet- or fight as a first meeting. She bites. He was not expecting this. Says she must have rabies, this incurred further wrath. Ashlyn is brought to the camp by Micah, saying she’s an O'Driscoll (kids are absent for the time). The girl proceeds to call out every manipulative sentence and asks for a step-by-step torture breakdown.  Poor Kieran is getting flashbacks whenever she brings up gelding. Begins to creep everyone out when she keeps moving in the night. Still tied to a tree, but it’s a different tree.  Mentions scary camping statistics (how many bugs crawl into the ear). The hotel gains a lot of business suddenly.
Ashlyn finally meets Dutch and the look in her eyes makes the kids panic. Spiderman meme is done when Ashlyn realizes others also came with her.
Ashlyn plays poker. She does not know how to play poker, but she keeps winning. Everyone is convinced she’s either cheating or a poker master while Raf is calculating how some of these moves are possible. Arthur finds this hilarious when she asks what the discs mean. Micah’s brain stops working.
Pulls The Batman references via el rata, Javier loses his mind about the incorrect Spanish. So does Raf. Bonding ensures via trying to keep Ashlyn’s mouth shut.
At a certain point, Ashlyn would make eye contact with Dutch while dropping a gold bar in the donation box. Bonus points if he's in the middle of a moneh rant.
"Who'd ya rob for that, missy?"
"A police station."
She's not telling him its the burned out one down the road.
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nbofvoid · 3 months
Sometimes Misunderstandings are the Best
I do not know where this came from, I just started writing and then I had this.
Summary: Dream has been doing this song and dance for a long time. This is a first, though, and not one he's going to complain about. He never gets this much fun, afterall.
-~4k words
"You have entered here with ill intent, impure thought and action driving your course," Dream recites, sword singing in his ears as he draws it. "You have ignored the chances to correct your course. Ignored the warnings to turn back. Ignored all the signs for you to become more than you are now. Consider this your last chance and the final one where you will face the culmination of all your choices that lead you here. The things and people that told you to come. Turn. Leave. Or you will have to battle me to gain the hand of the princess you seek."
The last words make him want to throw up, but they are needed. Have been since that first person refused to take 'there's not a fucking princess here' as an answer from Sapnap and leading to a couple missing fingers. All of those who have found their way here since have been after the cursed and trapped 'princess' and all of them are tired. Even though it feels like it drags Dream down more to have a new script he has to remember on top of the old one.
The armored knight shifts and Dream continues with the script before it can get any kind of word in. They're all the same. At least he hasn't had to watch the full effects in the same length of time.
"You have made your choice by staying here. A foolish one you will not see the other side of," he intones, wondering if he really should have just let George to take care of this. "You may have a blade, however can you use it? Will you be able to stand against another with that simple metal? Or will it break when you need it most? This will test that question, but I already know the answer. There is not a single time that one has managed to get past me and you will not be the first."
"Uh, I-"
Dream's eyes drift to the seam between the wall and ceiling. There's a crack up there one of them is going to have to take care of, but he's not sure they have the supplies on hand. Or if the building will let them mess with it. "If you still refuse to accept the fact that you are not worthy of continuing forward, draw your blade. You will have to face me in battle to continue forward and I warn you now: I am simply the first. The ones after me are stronger, smarter, better. They will know what you are capable of and you will not be able to beat them. I doubt that will be a problem as not once has blood been spilled beyond this room."
You know, he thinks they might have some leftover bricks from that fireplace repair. Maybe those could work? And they weren't rejected so hopefully...
Oh, wait, he should probably turn back to the knight in front of him. He's getting to the part where it attacks finally, Dream maybe decides to dodge it for a couple minutes, lops off its head, goes back upstairs and annoys someone into checking if they actually have bricks and fixing the crack while ignoring the body that turned to dust in front of him.
"Well? You are seeking for your true love," he says, feeling the mockery in his own words curling around his toes. "Fight for it or give up. There is no other choice for you to make at this point. Make it."
A shift and he grips his sword for an attack-
The helmet isn't looking at him. It's angled down as gloved hands dig into a belt pouch and aren't even holding a weapon anymore and this doesn't happen. Why isn't it attacking?
"I think I might be in the wrong place?" it says, staying in clear sight as it pulls out a parchment and still not looking up at him.
Dream blinks under his own helmet. This... really hasn't ever happened before. Even before the whole 'princess' thing took off no one really got here accidentally. All of them wanted to kill Dream, after all, and he killed them in turn to avoid watching the worse option.
"I was lookin' for my" something Dream doesn't recognize but sounds kind of similar to Sapnap's first language "and I was told to come here. Or at least somewhere that has a lot of the same features? I'm not really familiar with this place."
Well, Dream is kind of feeling awkward now. A large part of him wants to offer to point them in the right direction, but he literally just made a huge, rambling speech about how he's going to kill them and they're a trespasser and clearly corrupt in one way or another. That isn't how you're supposed to start a friendly interaction with someone. At least according to Bad. Hm. Maybe he can try apologizing? Bad says that's something humans do when they mess up so it should be correct in this situation, right? Dream made a mistake in thinking they were here for the non-existent princess and he can make it up by offering help in finding the correct place.
"Let me see."
The helmet finally looks up again and oh no. Is that overstepping in a different way? The others don't always like when someone tries to help and even Dream gets annoyed when one of them tries to push help when he doesn't want it. He should just clarify that he's-
"Here," the knight says, holding the parchment out. "My friend - I think that's the word - wrote it out for me."
Dream nods slightly, carefully taking the page and trying to not think about how far they must have traveled to get here if they aren't sure about the language. The writing is, weird. Parts really small while others are huge in comparison and somehow spiky and curvy at the same time. He can still read it, but the handwriting is strange enough Dream is seriously wondering if he can maybe ask to keep this for Bad to have.
"I think this is the right place," he says, trying to pull up the faint memory of arriving in this damned place and the outside world. Why did he offer to point them the right way? He hasn't been outside since he was a child.
"Really? Cause I want to find" that same word from earlier "before" a different one "gets" and they seem to just be slipping into their native tongue now. At least he can tell their voice sounds almost excited and Dream really wants to know what the fuck they're talking about if they aren't here for the 'Princess' or would be able to translate into trade. Actually, Sapnap's here right now so he should be able to ask for his help with this, right?
"I said 'I think'. It's been awhile since I've seen the outside, but I think I know someone who might speak the same language you're using," he offers. "Would that work to double check with him?"
The knight nods, "Yeah. I can stay here if you don't want anyone following you around?"
Dream stares. All of this has been weird since the script got tossed out earlier, yet the offer to just, stay in the entry hall to not overstep the tenuous 'welcome' is just as off putting as the knight not attacking. It's actually enough he pauses to think about if he's actually alright with a stranger entering the rest of the building.
"Are you okay just standing here?" he finally settles on. "It can't be that interesting, but..."
How can he nicely put 'The rest of this building is the safe place for all of us and none of us like the idea of outsiders being let in past the entry hall' without sounding like a bigger ass then he has been?
"As long as you don't mind me poking around here," the knight states, attention already off of Dream and staring at the murals along the walls.
He glances over, but they aren't that interesting and he doesn't get why the knight is apparently intrigued, but it means he can track down Sapnap in the time it takes them to get bored of the boring things.
"Okay, I'll be" wow, they don't wait even a second before jogging to the nearest one "right back."
Dream stares at them for a second before slowly backing up to the concealed pathway deeper into the building. They don't even react as the redstone activates to let him through or as it closes.
"What the fuck," he whispers, staring at the dark stone and wondering if he's actually gone insane for a moment.
He shakes it off, bolting as fast as possible into the maze of the building and yelling at the top of his lungs for Sapnap. There's an explosion from somewhere followed by a 'You muffin!' almost drowning out a thump from a room he passes. (George's bedroom, so not where Sapnap would be. And it's his own fault for sleeping while the rest of them are awake.) Luckily, it doesn't take long to come across Sapnap poking his head out of a doorway spilling heat haze into the hallway and Dream skids to a stop to avoid sudden onset heatstroke.
"Why are yelling?" Sapnap asks over the clanging of his rods.
Dream takes a breath, "I need your help with something in the entry."
Sapnap's face scrunches up, "Didn't you say that you wanted to deal with the next ones that showed up? Get some kind of fun out of beating up people who deserve it? Or" he gets a shit-eating grin "is it someone from your home?"
"None of that," he sighs, rolling his eyes under the helmet and kind of wishes he could take it off to deal with this. "I need you to translate."
That has Sapnap pausing, silent except for the rhythmic clanking of his rods. "Yeah, okay. Sounds interesting."
"Great. C'mon. I left them alone and they said it was okay, but that room is soooo boring to be stuck in and I don't want them to wait forever," he says, grabbing hold of Sapnap's wrist and tugging him out of the room.
There's a yelp and a faint struggle as Sapnap barely manages to kick the door shut, "Dream! Are you trying to burn the place down? You know that won't work!"
Dream ignores the complaining as he keeps dragging the other back through the halls. He has no idea how long the knight has been left there with how this place is structured and he really doesn't want to leave them for long enough to get bored or, you know, die, so he keeps pressing against the button to open the door even though it doesn't make it open any faster. Sapnap tugs his hand away from the button after the 20th press and he just starts tapping his foot against the carpeted floor.
"Dude. You can calm down," Sapnap sighs, throwing arms over Dream's armored shoulders and letting his full weight press down. "It hasn't been that long. There's no way Slowness has even had the chance to activate."
He shoves an elbow into Sapnap's ribs because technically yes, but in reality no. It's maybe something he should talk to them about, but he really, really does not want to talk about Before and they know that but this is really something they should-
The door clanks open enough to get through and he dashes through, lungs burning as his eyes snap around for the knight-
Who is still at the first mural, staring up at it and where they really that interested in the fucking murals depicting Dream's imprisonment? Really?
The knight's head turns to look over, straightening at seeing them standing on the dais and - oddly - Dream doesn't feel the weight of their focus on himself even though they're looking at them both so who could they-
Blaze rods clanking in a harsh smack reminds him that Sapnap's here too and he watches as the other drifts barely above the ground as he goes down the stairs calling what he knows is a greeting. With that, a whole conversation starts up in the rumbling, burning language Dream's never been able to get a hang of no matter how hard he's tried. It kind of sucks not knowing what either of them are saying, but he trusts Sapnap will give him answers and as long as he's in the room, none of the effects should have the chance to start up.
His eyes flick up to the mural the knight was so intent on, but he really can't see any reason for someone to be interested in it. It's nothing but the remainder of people who were terrified about nothing and decided the best way to deal with that was to toss him away without a second glance. It's pure luck that none of the others have decided to ask about them.
Sapnap bursts into laughter, dragging his attention back. The blaze hybrid has his feet fully on the ground, bent over to brace against his knees as he laughs and laughs and laughs. The knight looks up at him, head tilted and Dream can feel the bone deep confusion that rings in his own body. At least it seems to be a misunderstanding? Maybe? At least something Sapnap finds absolutely hilarious.
"Oh sweet Nether," Sapnap finally gasps out. "This is great."
"Wonderful," Dream says, crossing his arms. "Are you willing to share, now?"
Sapnap gasps in air, the rods and his skin flaring in brightness with each breathe, "I'll tell you, just gimme a moment."
He rolls his eyes, hearing Bad's near silent footfalls as he steps through the door, "Fine."
"What's going on?" Bad mutters, bent over to speak right next to Dream's ear. "Are they going to join us?"
"I don't think so," Dream whispers back, watching as Sapnap's coloration slowly steadies. "I just needed Sapnap's help figuring out what exactly they're here for and then he fell over laughing."
"Okay, okay, okay!" Sapnap is still laughing as he comes over. "So, they're here to fight you."
Dream blinks, "They said they weren't here for a princess? Was that just a miscommunication?"
"No. It's more like an arena match," Sapnap explains. "Or sparring with us. They aren't here for a princess or to kill an evil beast or any of the other things people have sought this place out for, they are literally just looking for a decent spar for a best of five. And they were sent here with a vague as shit description."
He looks over at the (maybe not a) knight who's head has turned back to the murals. The armor has the appearance of something that's actually used and the sword he can tell even from this distance has been cared for and, well, he has been calling them a 'knight' from the very first glance.
"I'll fight them," he says, stepping around Sapnap to go down the three steps.
Sapnap calls something out to the visitor who obviously perks up, moving to the spot they'd first stopped in when Dream had started talking. Dream stops a length away from them. Not close enough for either to actually hit with their blades and he actually feels excited to be facing a battle. It might not be much - even the others have to go three to one for him to really start having to think in a spar - but this is different and he can't wait to experience it.
"Don't hold back," the visitor says, sword dangling from their hand as Sapnap gives a count down.
"We'll see," he replies, wondering how much he might be able to draw out the coming battles. Sapnap said best of five, after all.
Every single inch of him aches and Dream can't help the stupid grin he knows is splitting his face even if it would reduce the strain in his muscles even slightly.
"Can you stop with the ridiculous smile," George pleads, dropping a warm towel over his head. "It's getting disturbing."
"Let him have it," Bad chuckles. "It's not like there's a whole lot that gets him this happy, anyway."
Dream hums in agreement, wincing faintly at the strain it puts across his chest and limbs. He can't move and Bad had to help get the armor off, move him into the back of the building, and get him onto one of the couches to rest his muscles from the strain Dream'd put them under. Not a situation he likes, but he can't bring himself to care right now.
"So I should have actually left my room to figure out what was going on," George sighs. "What happened?"
"Hilarity!" Sapnap crows, the door slamming into the wall as he rushes in. "I really, really need to tell you guys just how hilarious this is. It's great!"
The towel over his face is pulled away and Dream can actually see the other three now. George lounging in one of the chairs, Sapnap floating in excitement by the door as his rods rotate faster than normal, and Bad sitting next to him folding the towel into a rectangle he places over Dream's forehead.
"It was someone just looking for a spar," Bad offers. "Odd and certainly different from the usual, but I'm not sure why Sapnap's finding it so funny."
Sapnap gasps in mock offense, grasping at his chest, "How could you! It is absolutely hilarious and watching Dream get his ass handed to him was even more so."
Dream snorts, "Thanks."
"You're welcome," Sapnap chirps. "But seriously, it is way funnier and I should probably explain why."
"You should," George says. "Though imagining Dream loosing in a spar is funny enough."
The rods clack as he continues, "So, I mentioned that they were looking for a best of five spar thing which isn't the best explanation but it's the one I could use. Basically, a lot of the races in the Nether have this coming of age task where they prove they're strong enough to be considered an adult. Most of the time, it things like go kill a ghast or help take out a threat to the clan, but sometimes, they'll be sent out to find specific fights for various reasons."
Dream carefully turns his head to the side, eyeing Sapnap as he grabs hold of his rods to keep them from running into the couch as he sits and continues, "Rarely, something happens and they have to use something to actually find the task. I don't know all of the details cause each of them is different, but they implied that their's was a vision of some sort. Meaning, they were literally sent here by divine intervention to fight Dream. Purely to prove they're skilled enough to be an adult."
He crosses his eyes, staring at the wall, "I guess it is kind of funny, but I think you still have a lot more cultural input that makes it more so."
"Probably," he sighs. "But thinking of a god just looking at all the possibilities for them to fight and choosing to send them to Dream is-" he waves a hand around in the air, trailing off with a large grin.
"Knowing how much of a pain it is to get here, that is kind of amusing," Bad adds. "Were they another blaze? I didn't see any rods, but they could have been holding them inside the armor?"
Sapnap shakes his head, "Nah, something else which is why they had the armor. Blazes don't really do that proving thing. Mom had a handful come to challenge her while I was growing up, though."
Dream closes his eyes as they start going into questions about what the differences between the various Nether races is when it comes to coming of age. Given most of them are just 'No clue, but this is what I remember/saw', he doesn't feel bad about tuning the conversation out. It doesn't really matter to him why the visitor decided to make the trek to the building. Not when he's still turning the fights over in his head, debating what he could have done differently, what it would be like to have a rematch, how to maybe convince one of them to track down the visitor and give an offer of a place to stay in exchange for another fight.
It's been forever since he had a fight that pushed him like that.
The helmet clangs against the stone as it drops from Techno's fingers, quickly followed by the gauntlets and vambraces. The enchantment on the rest of the set stings against his skin. Pulses in waves of tingling pain that doesn't actually hurt him, but is uncomfortable enough he wants the thing off.
"Oh my god, could you not wait like another ten feet to start taking off the armor?" Skeppy complains. "You almost hit me."
"Sounds like a you problem," he grunts back, twisting around to reach the buckles on the pauldrons and breastplate.
"Just because I'm shorter than you-"
Techno's ear pricks up, turning to the flowing magma river in time to see crackling skin breaching the surface and soul fire eyes stare at him.
Skeppy bumps into one of his greaves, "Why are you- Oh, hi Tommy."
Tommy tilts his head, claws digging into the netherrack as he shoves out of the magma. Globs of the molten rock drip down his skin as he settles on the shore and reaches out to Techno. Techno steps closer, collapsing to the ground and purring as those same claws curve under the armor to pick out the buckles.
"SaaaAAffffe?" Tommy's voice rumbles out.
"Yeah," he replies, eyes drifting closed as the armor comes off piece by piece and taking the tingling of the enchantment with it. "We're both safe."
A crooning rumble vibrates through the air around them with the last of the buckles around his torso coming undone and Tommy switching focus to Techno's hair. The scratches across his scalp increase the volume of his purring as he leans back into the warm scales and skin.
"This is sickeningly sweet," Skeppy says, leaning against Techno's thigh. "Why do you have to put me through this."
Tommy hisses, but doesn't pull away from petting Techno's hair. If anything, he just pulls his trailing tail further out of the magma to curl more around the two of them.
"Succeed?" he croons.
Techno gives a positive hum as Skeppy says, "Yep! Techno really proved himself in battle and I'd say is totally an adult even if he already is and I don't really get why he had to do this in the first place, but that doesn't change that he won. It was a real pain to get there, though. Couldn't you have offered somewhere easier to get to? Most of the travel was just finding the thing and we got there and then the first thing we come across was talking about a mate or something? It was weird and made me think I got the wrong details before it got a blaze to confirm we were in the right place."
He huffs as Tommy sprawls across his back, pressing down on him and stopping with the hair petting. Something that is absolutely criminal and he grumbles and shifts to make that clear. It only gets a grumbling chuff and Tommy pressing further down on him and fine. Techno will take the physical contact for now, he guesses. He has missed being with his full sounder.
Tommy doesn't bother with more words, curling over Techno fully. He's finally comfortably warm after being cold and having to wear that armor set didn't help either even if he knows it was designed to keep him safe. Skeppy is pressed into his side humming faintly under Tommy's rumbling and his own purring. There will be time later to talk about his proving, but for now, Techno lets sleep claim him.
Details I was thinking about while writing:
Dream is imprisoned in a sort of castle-thing and has been since he was like five in order to prevent some kind of bad thing from happening. Bad, Sapnap, and George live with him, but aren't under the same imprisonment deal so they leave occasionally.
When Dream was alone, he figured out there was a sort of curse on the place as well and anyone who enters the entry hall has the chance of getting some sort of affliction put on them. And time acts weird in the Hall sometimes going faster, sometimes going slower.
Sapnap is a blaze hybrid, Bad is a demon, George is human, Dream is unknown but looks humanoid
This is Techno's first time being in the overworld and he hates it. Mainly because of the armor he had to wear and how cold it was compared to the Nether. He knows that it was the only logical option for his proving trial, though, so he puts up with it.
Tommy is a magma/lava mer and they can speak, they just tend to use calls more than words, but he puts in the effort to make sure Techno has all the resources to grow up properly. Yes, Tommy is older here. He's also a god, but ignore that. He just wants to make sure his little brother knows he's loved.
Skeppy is just like, a 6-9 inch tall golem so he was there for the battle with Dream, it's just none of them besides Techno noticed him. He's also part of the sounder and helped a lot with tracking down the castle-thing due to actually being created on the overworld.
If there's any other tags I should add, let me know!
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tti-anonymousstories · 4 months
Program: Bluefire Wilderness Therapy
Record form: Edited journal entry (Edited for clarity, grammar, and spelling)
Approx Date: Feb 9th, 2020
Tw/Cw: Talk of ED, Physical intimidation, Restraint, Me being kind of an ass about ED (Only in the entry never said to her.) [Note written in for story context.] This will be a thread because this story spans multiple days and even weeks. These will be broken up by one post per day/entry.
‘Today has been eventful, I didn't get out of bed at first and now AX is using it against me, placing blame and- anyway’ 
 [This is how I wrote it when I was 11.]
  ‘EL was stand-in chef but when I came out she said that I had to get the spread stick even though she has been stand-in because the ‘real’ chef was back, so that's my job now. The van got stuck in the mud and we had to push it until the tow truck got here to get it out and we had to walk down the road at Pano with our packs’ 
 [Panorama was one of the sites at Bluefire, it was very flat and spread out with a long path to the dirt road we were going to]
  ‘Once I got there I was the last ‘student’ to get in (Back row, far right seat.) I planned to work on my testing.’
  [It was psych testing- but here I go into a long elaboration of where everyone sat- all you need to know is that AL sat in front of me in a middle seat.] 
 ‘AL was complaining about being in the middle seat because “I do not want to elbow anyone.” Meanwhile, JL is drawing right next to her, not elbowing anyone. She asked me to move over, likely hoping I was zoned out (this would put me in the middle seat and her on the edge) I said no! At this point I was done with her shit- thankfully seniority benefits were gone because she used it to rig the pot schedule so even when she cut her food in half she wouldn't have to clear big pot.’
 [When you didn't eat your food you cleaned big pot.]
 ‘That happened about a week ago and it was just the straw that broke the camel's back apparently because I noticed it and it opened up the conversation in group, that combined with the carrot incident and other stuff it was enough for them to stop doing seniority benefits at all. Anyhow she gets upset enough we all have to get out of the van to re-arrange seating and have a ‘Standing group’ to share ‘I feel statements’ AL was guilt-tripping some shit and ended her statement by saying “And, I'm feeling suicidal.” But after that, we did enie-meanie-miney-moe to pick who got to sit where and she got a window seat but she still wasn't happy and refused to get in the van, while everyone else sat in the van she threw a temper tantrum changing the subject to big pot from the night before and talking shit about JL, she never said her name but she was making eye contact with her through the car door the whole time. A good old tantrum if you ask me. Also during standing group, she said that we were all putting the blame on her and that it was actually my fault, and that if I had gotten out of bed on time we would be on the road right now (even though I didn't set us back at all, and she would still be throwing a tantrum on the side of the road right now.) When we finally got her in the van I was writing (not elbowing anyone mind you.) She ‘Thanked’ us for not being able to call her brother for his birthday (not that we had any say in that.) Because she “Can’t” work on her accountability letter (She was actively writing). Bull. Shit. The only good part was the drive, there was a group of cattle that crossed the road with people on horses and dogs. [Apparently this is normal in Idaho??] 
When we got to the campsite we set up our tents, but banging the poles into the ground was fun. Then we got in the van and went to some dunes and you know what she does? She acts all buddy-buddy with me! “Isn't this fun?” “We should roll down it!” I ignored her. 
‘When we got back we needed to talk about the pot schedule, so we went to this pavilion at the campsite and- Shit. Went. Down. The first question was ‘Does the chef have to clean pots if it's burnt?’ -The answer was no, no big deal there. But the next question was ‘What if multiple people don’t finish their food?’ This is where it starts to go downhill. It starts with the punishment for both food waste and not eating minimum [8oz of the given food] to clean big pot and AL says “Well, I’m cleaning big pot every night because I can’t eat three meals a day” We came to the idea of five-minute increments. She said that since she would be cleaning big pot every night she didn't want help so it was amended to ‘Five-minute increments unless one person says they don't want help’ The next question was who was to clean a utensil if they used it to clean- but AL kept going back to “I will clean big pot every night.” And EL gets fed up and tells her that it isn't relevant and AL insists that it is. EL mocks her about it and gets up to walk towards her, “No the fuck is isn't relevant.” She starts getting up in her face. “I WILL FUCK YOU UP- I WILL FUCKING FUCK YOU UP!” She gets detained and says “I'm not gonna touch her.” they let her go and she storms off.
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mslanna · 10 months
New Room Who Dis?
Chapter 11 of Be My Guest now up on AO3
In which nothing much happens and that annoys Tav a lot.
The House of Hope fills up again with devils fast. Tav sighs about it and complains to Haarlep but there is of course nothing to be done. One Hell is conquered – that leaves eight to go. Raphael also hasn't made good on his promise to repeat their intimate encounter at a more leisurely pace.
Tav managed to steal fleeting touches and a few kisses, but the answer is always the same: soon. They wonder if the devil will draw this out so long that they will again be reduced to such hunger that a minute was all it took.
It is a mean-spirited thought but Tav has second-hand memories they want to experience first hand. So they visit Haarlep instead who is optimistic as ever.
"Five out of eight arch devils offered allegiance and tribute to our dear cambion already," the incubus muses. "I wonder how many he will accept. At least for a while."
Tav doesn't have to ask any longer if Raphael would go back on his word and invade an allied level of hell. He can't fight them all at once, so divide and conquer it is, if piecemeal. Also, one of the arch devils is Mephistopheles and he has to die.
"What do you want to do when this is over?" Tav asks. "What do you want to do that is not sex," they correct immediately after.
"I don't know."
"You don't know? There has to be something."
"I never thought about it." Haarlep shrugs. "It isn't important."
"But, supposed you get out of here. One day. What will you do? Open a sex club?"
"You have the best ideas." The incubus' eyes light up. "Dark and damp, full of greed and unbridled desire. It will be delicious. Of course I have to be careful about the bodies. Can't have them connected to my club."
"Life is easier if you don't kill people," Tav agrees.
"But also boring." Haarlep throws themself onto their back in a theatrical gesture.
Tav wants to argue, but they find themself suddenly armoured up. "The third in as many days," they sigh. "Somebody is getting a little desperate. You'd think they'd learn."
"Not a chance." Haarlep sits up. "Like your precious self, every adventurer counts themself the exception. Unfortunately for them only you are."
"You say the sweetest things." Tav laughs. "Maybe I'll send one your way again. Raphael may be too busy to notice."
"Whenever you're ready. My lips are sealed." Haarlep winks and Tav strides to the foyer.
The killing isn't so bad. Word got around that The Tav Themself was guarding the door and the strategies were wonderfully entertaining. And after a party of five came through with blazing weapons and spells, Raphael granted Tav command over a handful of cambions that they can call on in the blink of an eye.
They were not the most efficient lot and they refused to agree to anything resembling practice, but they did draw fire. Plus, they came from a different hell so killing them just made them pop back into existence a little later a lot angrier.
Today it's a lonely halfling who considers invisibility sufficient to sneak around.
"Really?" Tav asks as they block the incoming blade. "Sometimes I am tempted to send some of you back only so you can tell the other to come up with something challenging."
But of course they cannot do that. Raphael will throw a hissy fit. And nobody wants that. A minute later the body of the intruder sails over the nearest balcony and Tav returns to their room to armour down.
The only thing that annoys Tav about Raphael barraging in when they have their trousers halfway up and their shirt still open is that he doesn't immediately close the door behind him. It takes a very pointed look for him to get it. Maybe because he wasn't looking at their face much.
Tav pulls up their trousers but stops halfway closing them. With their hands lingering at their crotch, Tav tilts their head at the staring devil. "Something I can help with?"
Raphael takes two long steps into their personal space and runs a finger from their stomach up to Tav's throat. "Very much so. Unfortunately, you will have to come along."
With a sigh, Tav finishes dressing. At least they get to manhandle the devil’s hand for a moment. "Lead the way."
They follow him down the corridor and past the library where a new staircase leads down to the dungeon. While it is nice not having to climb a slippery ladder, Tav doesn't know what they are supposed to do down there. Does Raphael have new prisoners? And if so, what has that to do with them?
But the dungeon is not a prison any longer. A cavernous room stretches out towards a throne that looks tiny at the far end. Four door are set at both sides of the long walls and seating accommodations are scattered in the hall. Tav spies no less than five new portraits of Raphael, and once again none catches his actual countenance.
"It may seem a little grand at the moment," Raphael says, "but once I rule all nine hells, it may well be too small. Let me show you around."
With his hand at the small of their back and one wing carefully draping around their shoulders Tav has little choice but to comply. Not that they wouldn’t agree to be toured through the hells themselves held like that.
"A council chamber for war council and a staff of advisers," Raphael explains the first door to their left. Opposite is a room with tables and chairs for refreshments and networking. Next to the throne a smaller study is furnished with a central desk and shelves laden with books and scrolls. It is made to look intimidating and with a devil occupying the imposing chair, it may as well. Tav is not impressed until Raphael discloses that, naturally, all rooms are soundproofed.
"For obvious reasons," he adds pouring oil on the fire of Tav's imagination. "And lastly," he throws open the door right of the throne and Tav stops in mid-stride. It doesn't do anything because they are in the firm hold of Raphael who simply moves them inside.
Because that is what it is. There is a fireplace (fire already burning) comfortable chairs a few book shelves and a desk. The window opposite the door looks over a balcony and to their right. Tav swallows. Out of the line of sight from the door, the room expands into a bedroom with cupboards, chests, a stand for armour and everything one might want for personal use.
The bed is at least as big as that in the boudoir, sheets of a darker red like died blood. Tav takes hold of one of the four posts raising a blood-red canopy and scrambles into the middle. There is noway they can hope to touch any of the edges from their position.
Tav looks at Raphael who stands back, waiting for a reaction. As if climbing onto the bed first thing wasn't one. They shake their head. "I like it. Spacious." Also, gilded within an inch of free space, but that is just the devil's taste. "Suits you."
And soundproof. Tav bounces the mattress tentatively. The devil approaches slowly, a question on his face Tav hadn't answered yet. The human looks around trying to find clues.
"Your armour is not here yet," they say the first thing that comes to mind. "Is it in maintenance?"
"That stand is not for my armour," Raphael replies.
It takes an ungodly amount of time for the words to sink in. "For me?" Tav almost squeaks. "You want me to move in here?"
"I will be spending a lot of time down here," Raphael replies. "I will like having you near when you are – resting."
It makes sense. Tav is most vulnerable when they are sleeping. The House of Hope is already full of devils, soon it will be overflowing. "Does it have a shortcut to the library?"
"Not yet." Raphael considers for a moment. "Anything else?"
"No more visiting Haarlep in my shape." Tav folds their arms. "I get up in the middle of the night to kill intruders, I get to get up in the middle of the night for sex. You wanna fuck me silly, fuck me silly. Got it?"
Raphael raises an immaculate brow, but a smile plays on his lips. "My, my. You are possessive, are you not?"
"Maybe you like memories of Haarlep getting ravished in your shape to linger all over you all day long," Tav snaps. "I do not. And since you are going to do the ravishing, I don't see why I shouldn't get to be actually ravished."
"Be careful what you wish for." His eyes strip Tav naked, barely stopping before the skin comes of. "And Haarlep will be disappointed."
"I will deal with Haarlep," Tav grins. "They like me."
"If you believe that." Raphael shrugs but his smile is indulgent. "I leave it to you."
With that he turns and leaves Tav alone in the vast room. Sitting in the middle of the huge bed, they feel inexplicably lonely.
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asherloki · 2 years
Guide me Mr Holmes
BBC Sherlock victorian!
Fluffy fluff! Just a scenario I enjoyed writing.
Part 2 allow me
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Music has always been my favourite thing, instruments and songs always makes me content. Dancing isn't that much. I love going to ball, but feel reluctant to dance. As I'm not very good at ball dance. Men approaches to me, asking me to dance with them politely. But I refuse saying "I'm into music more". I love playing the piano and humming to myself, my piano wasn't very professional yet was pleasing enough for people to dance to it. Only music draws me to a ball, and my friends's company.
It was an evening when I was at this very elegant ball. Chandeliers were lit. This looked so expensive. So did I, as some of my mates said, men were thinking me to be some kind of rich person. I've always paid special attention to my attire, always, for myself not for men. As usual being reluctant to dance I sat beside the piano. Talking to my friends. They whispered in my ear, a posh looking man entered hastily but slowed down and his eyes found me. To this I searched for him too. There he stood, his eyes were ocean blue. He dressed to be a very posh person. He entered , with the corner of his eyes he saw me. I noticed his lips curved into a generous smile. He smiled at me and so did I. I again put my concentration on the ball.
As usual men came asked me and I refused. After few minutes another man came, his hand is the only thing I looked at, forwarding his hand he said, "care to join me for a dance".
His voice was heavy, mesmerizing. I couldn't help but look at him, to find the man, who smiled before is asking me for a dance.
"I don't dance". I replied.
"Have you tried" he said.
"No, I know I'm not good at it".
"Come let me teach you".
I've refused many, but not him, the reason I presume is they never said they'll teach me, they'll take care it doesn't seem awkward. But he did. Couldn't help holding his streched out hand and stood up.
"May I?"
He put his hands on my waist. And I put mine on his shoulder.
"Follow my lead" he said.
I stepped as he was guiding me, took us almost no time to sink in to the music.
"Who are you, I've never seen you here before". I enquired. Being honest I was captivated by him.
"Sherlock Holmes " he said, I felt my feet missed a step. And my eyes widened.
"The famous detective?"
"The only consulting detective " he said, in his posh, charismatic way. Everytime his eyes met mine I felt my heart in my hand, for some reason, never happened before, like that.
"I see" i managed to say "so detective loves ball?"
"Not entirely fond of, but work has driven me here, couldn't leave without entering and witnessing the joyous event, you come here often I presume ".
"Right, but with my friends there." I said pointing towards them.
"Yet don't dance ? Refuse such charming men?"
"I don't dance Mr Sherlock Holmes, I'm more into music."
"So am I, but you're dancing perfectly."
"You're guiding me, no one offered that before, are you into music you said".
"Yes I play violin, occasionally, or just to be relieved from the stress of cases."
Talking to him was pleasing enough for me. But his fondness for music was something I couldn't resist but like, even more. He might've noticed my hands sweat, he still held it tight.
"What do you play?" He asked.
"I sing mostly, to my close ones only, not quite fond of others judging."
"I won't"
"Sorry?" I asked as his 'i won't judge' was barely audible, but I heard. Yet wanted to hear again.
"I believe you sing pleasent" he said.
"I've heard violin is difficult, is it?" I asked enduring to turn the topic to music.
"A bit, not always, cases are harder sometimes ".
"To You too?"
"Yes me too".
"Is the case that brought you here solved?"
"Almost, I've got the clues".
The music ended and everyone bowed to their partners. We bowed too. I could notice my friends whispering to eachother, as they noticed now, I've danced, finally.
"Will you stay for some more time?" I said still holding his hands, intension of never letting go off him.
"I'm afraid I must go now, it was nice meeting you". He said kissing the back of my hand.
"Mr Holmes!" I called. "Why did you choose me? To dance with, among all the others?" I was curious, i wanted to know, I thought, I might've fallen in love. With him.
He smiled before answering. "You're the reason I came to dance".
I stared, my eyes uttering I didn't understand.
"My investigation was done, I was about to return when I saw you getting down from the carriage, I didn't know you weren't into dancing but as I noticed you I wanted to know you more".
"So now you know all about me?"
"No, that's why " he said leaning close to my ear. "Your next dancing lesson will be at 221b Baker Street ".
I knew it, he felt it too, he was enchanted by me just like was. I smiled, smile of affirmation.
"Am I allowed to learn violin a little too."
"Whatever you wish, and yes, I hope you wouldn't mind humming to me" said he, putting his hat on he went. I saw him from the ball room gate, getting on to his carriage, while snow was falling hard, london was all white, yet his eyes sparkle, as he waved and his lips uttered loudly enough for me to hear his voice in the midst of the chirping of the people in the ball, saying "see you tomorrow".
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whiteoutzz · 8 months
so this post... yeah i am having alot of fun. yeah nobody can stop me and once im done with the script i might just get to the longfic i have planned. yeah its fun
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[id: drawing of Arctic and Darkstalker standing in front of eachother; both of them have pointy shapes, with darkstalker's mane being much shorter and covering only the neck, while Arctic's covers the whole chest. Both of them have tufts on their foreheads and are looking at eachother angrily, Arctic bit more reserved while Darkstalker's anger is louder. Arctic has his wings pinned down while Darkstalker's are standing up. Arctic has blue string tied around his snout, while darkstalker has blue stitches around his mouth. Behind them there is a blue web on top of a purple background; but what covers most of it is a silhouette of Queen diamond, pure white with blue eyes, her wings spread out, iron crown with blue gems embedded in it. / end id]
(putting the story under the cut; cw for torture)
the general story is; before darkstalker kills arctic, he gets a vision clear enough it makes him stop. he sees his mother foeslayer, knowing she is alive. arctic still confessed but isn't physically harmed yet; clearsight confirms the vision but looks bit sad and confused, like she is hiding something from him, but can't tell why. darkstalker rips out bit of his scroll, but rest is confiscated so he can only cast few spells (breaking it would have similar effect; his spells would be very limited and small). he lets arctic go but follows him to the ice kingdom, enchanting himself to be invisible. he follows him for a while before getting distracted and eventually finds the tunnels; he frees foeslayer but almost as soon she is gone (and protected; he made sure to word the spell so she can't be taken back. he put it directly on her after all) and is caught by queen diamond. arctic is forced to marry snowflake again, and both of them are very miserable about it. its horrible. meanwhile darkstalker gets tortured in the caves. first diamond couldnt hurt him physically, but quickly she figured that one; he didnt make himself unable to feel pain, and two; he forgot to enchant his insides too. spell loopholes and all that she enchants him so his organs regenerate no matter how damaged, so he cant die trough that type of injury then stabs him through the mouth. she figures out more and more creative ways to hurt him later. one day she brings arctic, thinking that would be his final push, to kill his own son, but she is almost surprised how little arctic cares about darkstalker. he stabs him trough the mouth but inside arctic feels bit weird about it, especially seeing his son bleed blue. but he does not think about that. or tries to atleast.
but he tries to figure out a plan, especially that he was allowed to visit darkstalker after that, seeing that care wasnt there and he could be used as a tool of torture. but maybe he doesnt want his life to end like that. he offers darkstalker to make a plan to escape, but first he refuses. also maybe tries to talk with snowflake and while both still hate echother and snowflake is still rightfully angry for what arctic did to her, maybe they have shred of solidarity for once. and you know the whole thing with both of them already having partners and you know. things look bad but maybe darkstalker at some point will want out enough that he will agree to the plan, but for now; to be continued
(also "oooh why arctic now wants to escape even if he came back willingly?" sometimes u forget how bad things were until you experience them again)
(meanwhile in night kingdom there is a civil war happening, but i dont have details about it yet. but its fun)
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spicy-outer-space · 2 years
I've been convinced
Angst writing that I did for the discord. Am unreasonably proud of it
Tw for heavy angst , blood, and death (and probably other things too but I'm not sure)
- Starry belongs to @'buc-eebarnes
- Zara belongs to @'tippytanpies
- Thea belongs to @'seraph-draws-stuff
- David is mine
- Mark is (technically) from AHWM, except I think he's very ooc here whoops
Mark couldn't sit still. They were already arriving to some old abandoned house, but it was taking too long, and he couldn't stop thinking about Starry who was passed out, bleeding, in the back seat. He didn't dare look for the fear of accidentally locking eyes with Thea or David. (Starry'll be fine, she's strong, it's fine)
He hopped out of the car before it even fully stopped, tripping on his way and recieving a concerned squeak from Zara. He opened the back door, got Starry out of the car and started walking towards the house (Zara quick to follow him) before the sound of the engine had the chance to die down. He tried to ignore how limp and cold and small Starry felt in his arms. (They're still breathing. It's fine. Everything is ok. It's gonna be fine)
He was halfway to the house when he realised something was wrong. Behind Zara's constant stream of quiet apologies and how loud his own thoughts were, he didn't notice it sooner.
There were only two sets of footsteps crunching on the gravel: his and Zara's.
This realisation caused him to stop in his tracks, earning another startled squeak from Zara as they almost crashed into his back.
Why haven't Thea and David gotten out of the car yet.
Something was wrong
Despite his brain yelling at him about Starry, Mark turned around and started taking long strides back towards the car. Thea. He can't lose two of his friends in one day. He won't. He refuses to
He could see from afar how David lifted its head at the sound of footsteps getting closer. Mark tried to keep his voice level when he started speaking
"Get out of the car."
No answer
"David, wake up Thea and get out of the car."
Mark could see how much effort it took for David to shake his head.
"I can't do that. I'm sorry, Mark," his voice is quiet, but Mark still felt his world get knocked out from under him
This isn't really happening. It can't be happening. It must be joking
Mark reached forward, opening the car door and somehow not dropping Starry in the process (some part of his brain was screaming that her pulse got weaker. He hoped he was wrong)
"David. David ge--" he had to stop and swallow hard before continuing with a shaky voice, "get out of the car. Both of you. Ple- Please"
David was smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. It shakes its head. His voice is barely above a whisper now
"It's too late for us, Mark. You know that. Go save Starry, they still have a chance" David weakly flaps his hand. Mark is pretty sure it was trying to wave him off.
Mark's brain chimes back in at that point, agreeing with David (Starry's breathing was definitely more uneven now, he can't afford to waste any more time-), but his body refused to move.
The pause drags on forever. He already knows that it's no use, but that doesn't stop him from hoping
This is taking too long
Just as Mark turned and started walking away he heard David speak up "...hey, I think... I think you should go to Stan's after this. It's safe there. He'll look after you."
Mark stopped walking, but he didn't dare turn back around. (The adrenaline was wearing off and he was already tearing up, turning back to face his friends? One of whom is already dead and one who's actively dying? He would have broken down right there and then)
"Just.... Tell him I'm sorry, could you? You don't have to stay with him, but, please-"
And with that, Mark started speeding towards the house, where Zara was already nervously standing in the doorway, twisting their arms in uncertainty of what to do next. He shouldn't dwell. Life is for the living, after all.
A good while after the sound of footsteps disappeared into the house, David tilted its head and pressed a kiss to Thea's forehead, before resting his head on top of hers
His voice was barely there now, a sound that could easily be mistaken for the rustle of the wind, or maybe a calm exhale.
"See you soon, sis"
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