#hi hello i have created a new atrocity
doctapuella · 2 years
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based on this post
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fastlikealambo · 4 months
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holy crowns || paul atreides x black! fem reader
it was supposed to be your sister, your bene gesserit trained sister molded by the great houses, spy for the imperium. with no warning, paul chooses you instead and changes your life forever. some call him messiah, others an abomination, but you will call him husband. 18+only, minors dni note: hello! this takes place after the events of dune part two and Paul is about to become emperor. Irulan and her father are in exile and Chani is gone. i'm so sorry for the wait, I've been writing and rewriting this chapter, and even now I'm not sure if I have Paul's voice right. I hope you like it!
tw: paul has some quick naughty thoughts!
if you wish to see the story continue on beyond this chapter, please comment or reblog!
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Paul Atreides did not dream, he augured.
What great and terrible things existed beneath his eyelids, a pocket world of hope, atrocities, and hopeful atrocities all at the command of the young emperor. 
He was still young, wasn’t he?
There were times when he looked upon his own reflection and saw a thousand Fremen faces, no eyes nor mouth, just Paradise.
 In the corner of his lips, he stole a glimpse of Chani.
At night, in the very edges of his vision, Paul stared at himself and his father stared back.
Yet now, the emperor’s visions turned to you  in bed, still adjusting to the heat, sleeping fitfully, tossing and turning.
He could hold you still to rest if he wanted to, flatten the stress crease between your brows. The sweat between your breasts would not be wasted water for Paul, the tongue of the outer world would lap quick and perhaps venture further south-
No, it was not time.
Paul's sight moved from sleeping you to hundreds of thousands of visions in a single second, your past and futures laid out before your soon to be husband. 
He saw your daughter learning to sandwalk, he heard the laughter of his grandson echoing from Caladan and through his mind’s eye. 
So much love and destruction in between then and now.
  “You give the sister absolute power over the Bene Gesserit, why?” Jessica asked, not bothering to knock before entering Paul’s rooms, ripping him back into the present.
  “So the sisterhood falls in line under me, as you have done, as Alia will do. The sister is the key but I am the door, Mother.”
“Power over the Bene Gesserit is earned, the choice of Mother Superior takes planning yet you give it like a wedding present.”
 “Why does it bother you? You created the prophecy, I led the Fremen through it, the holy war has ended. You have everything you want, and now my bride and her sister are the future of the empire you desired. Is it because you can no longer whisper in my ear?”
Paul loved Lady Jessica.
But long gone were the days of Jessica’s son and he caught the way she looked at him now.
 Reverence, amusement, and just a whiff of fear she believed to be hidden from him but there was nothing anyone, Bene Gesserit or desert mouse, could hide from him, The Water of Life had seen to that.
Lady Jessica had birthed Shai Hulud in human form and yet still wondered why he swallowed the world. 
      “You turned away the most powerful family for an alliance and have given a nameless house two seats at our table. Your new  bride has no training, no rank and you bestow upon your almost assassin the sacred sisterhood.  I’m worried for you, Paul.” Lady Jessica said, kneeling in front of Paul, her son, her product.
   Paul took his mother’s hand gently and looked her in the eye.
“Do we understand each other?”
Jessica was gone before Paul could blink.
He turned his sight back to you, present you, but you were not there.
Lady Jessica had not brought worry to her son, but a distraction.
You had been taken. 
Again, I’m sorry this took so long but I hope it is worth the wait! Thank you for reading!
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gryficowa · 13 days
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Tia… Supposedly "God's Gang" has a second episode (Strange after a specific reception…), although what offends me more is that "Christians" (Whose name I don't remember… Because Ninjew took all the memory with his name …) didn't know that pork (With cheese, but well, that's less important… Unless we consider Ninjew and his reaction as cheese important… In the sense that as I understand it, in Judaism you shouldn't mix milk with her baby… Wait, what, tia… I still don't understand anything, but yes, I'll skip this reaction to cheese because I don't understand it, ok?) is not allowed in a different religion… Ok, in a different context it makes sense, BUT I REMEMBER, THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN EACH OTHER SINCE YESTERDAY, BUT PROBABLY LONGER, IT HURTS ME, BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE AN ATTEMPT TO TRANSFER KNOWLEDGE TO THE VIEWER, BUT IT WAS DONE SO INAPPARENTLY THAT THIS CHARACTER SHOULD FUCKING KNOW IT
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Now that I have your attention:
Yes, it pisses me off, I've been struggling for years to write the best script (that I can) and then you see this hole in the plot and it gives you a headache
And when I understood it, the Muslim character said "Hala"… I mean, I don't understand the context anymore, but "Haram" (Because it's a sin) would rather fit here, but that's carpentry on my part… The mistake I mentioned earlier is more irritated, if it weren't for him, I would have cared more about it, but it was so big that it reminds me of that atrocity from 2010… And yes, I watched a live video on YouTube with commentary (without it, I wouldn't have known that this thing had released a second episode)
You can simply see the typical problems of a novice creator (if there is a novice author), in short, illogicality, so that the viewer gets the key information, it would work better if someone from outside the gang created this burger, then it would make sense that the characters would talk that they can't eat it because it doesn't make sense, the characters have probably known each other long enough, so you understand… It's just a mistake of novice creators (and cartoons from 2010 and years before)
Remember to collect at the top!
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literary-motif · 6 days
I've got no idea if you're even taking requests- but I would love to see something centered around Jonah about the listeners first introduction to his stream!!!
Hello World
Jonah x Reader
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jonah asked, turned away from his computer screen. 
You sat beside him, anxiously fiddling with your hands. Despite your nervousness, you were adamant to see things through.
Jonah’s community was so sweet and welcoming — and very curious when it came to you — that you were sure things would turn out to be alright. Still, it was a bit scary revealing yourself to them. Part of you did not want to destroy the image they had constructed of you in their head. After all, what if they did not like you? 
Jonah was so proud of the amazing people he had managed to pull together around him that knowing they were disappointed in the partner he was together with would have surely broken your heart. 
“Babe?” he asked, glancing at the chat debating whether or not his snack combination of strawberries and chips was an atrocity, or genius, actually. The majority was bullying him, as usual. 
– That’s as good a combi as pineapple on pizza!
– New debate unlocked guys
“I want to,” you said, chuckling at the messages. “I’m just a bit scared they won’t like me.”
He scoffed, shaking his head as he looked at you with raised eyebrows. “How could they not?” he asked, taking your hands in his. “They’ll love you. Maybe even more than me. You’re funny. You’re kind. You’re just amazing.” 
“What if they don’t think so?” you said, trying to hide your smile at his compliments. “You’re biased because you love me. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, my anxiety is through the roof.” You chuckled, snatching a strawberry from his plate to distract yourself from the feeling of impending doom. 
You wanted to do this. The first time was the worst, you argued. If you could just get it over with — take the first step, leap into the unknown — every time that followed would be a little easier. You were sure Jonah would smooth out the initial awkwardness, creating a sweet environment for his followers to meet you. It was easy. Eventually, you had to get ready for your shift anyway, so you had a perfectly reasonable excuse to leave. Munching on the strawberry, you glanced at the chat again, trying to predict their reaction.
Jonah frowned, leaning forward to face you properly. “Hey, it’s alright,” he said, keeping his voice light to reassure you. “If you don’t feel up to it, we can do it another time. I don’t want to stress you out or anything. I didn’t tell them about this, so there is literally no pressure for you to do anything, babe.”
“No, no. It’s fine,” you said quickly, waving a hand to disperse some of the energy you were overflowing with. It felt like you were vibrating. “I want to do this, Jonah. Let’s go. Let’s do this!”
“Definitely sure?”
“Are you absolutely, definitely one hundred percent sure?”
“Jonah!” you said, feigning exasperation despite the large grin on your face at his characteristic playfulness. 
He laughed, nudging your shoulder before facing his computer. “Alright babe, here we go,” he muttered, unmuting. “Hey guys, I’m back.”
— Hiiiii
— Welcome back!
— Hey
— WB Jonah
“Listen, I have a surprise for you,” he said, smiling faintly and glancing at you. 
You winked at him, snatching a handful of chips while waiting for your cue to speak. 
“So, some of you know I have a partner.”
— OMG guys!!
— It’s happening everybody stay calm stay fucking calm
— partner reveal? On this fine tuesday? More likely than you think
He chuckled, skimming over the messages.
— I hear crunching in the background. Is it them?
“Oh,” he laughed, “Babe, they heard you stealing my snacks. Yeah, they are eating chips — after eating a strawberry, by the way. So, everyone, meet my amazing partner and” — his voice softened significantly — “the love of my life.”
— Jonah romantic confirmed
“Hi everyone,” you said, leaning against Jonah to be closer to the microphone. “Nice to finally meet you. I’ve been told you’ve heard a lot about me.”
“Only good things, babe, I promise,” Jonah cut in, wrapping his arm around you to pull you closer against his side. “Right, guys? Don’t lie.”
You chuckled, leaning your head against his shoulder while reading the replies. 
— He literally won’t shut up about you
— only heard about how cool you are. He’s in love
— noooo he’s super mean behind your back /s
— Lies! He told us you ate Strawberries and chips. Pleases say you’re normal /lh
“I did try strawberries and chips,” you answered. 
“See! It’s good, right?”
You made a face. “Meh, I wouldn’t go that far,” you said, laughing at Jonah’s affronted noise. 
“Traitor,” he mumbled, scowling as his lips twisted into a fond smile. “You have no taste.”
“I have excellent taste, actually.”
“Yeah, you know why?” you asked, biting your lip to hide the grin at the reply on your lips. 
Jonah glanced at you, narrowing his eyes before looking at the chat again. “What are you going to say now, I wonder?”
— because they love you awww how sweet
— couple goals I can’t believe I’m single
You looked him straight in the eye. “Because yesterday, I made that really delicious chicken curry and you thought it was too spicy to eat, but then you tried it and devoured the whole plate in seconds!”
— love chicken curry. Ur so real for this
“Alright, no need to expose me,” he said in false annoyance, a little pout adorning his face. 
— Ultimate question though: pineapple on pizza yay or nay?
“Uh,” you stalled, eyes widening at the chat now going a mile a minute. You glanced at Jonah, watching him shake his head at the discussion inevitably returning to food.
— ah shit here we go again
— yes! For the last time it’s perfectly reasonable
— *you* have no taste /j
“It’s always the same thing with you,” he said, returning to playing Minecraft. He picked up a strawberry. “Pineapple on pizza is good.”
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
Hello! I've been following this blog for a while now (found it at Prompt #7 first) and I was wondering if you would be interested in making a continuation of Prompt #7 with an idea of mine?
The idea is kinda simple tbh: Once Pure Vanilla convinces Hero!Shadow Milk to escape, broski is elapsing after free-falling for so long and probably falls ill and has to recuperate. Reader takes care of them, fluff and/or angst (Hero!Shadow Milk probably has a hard time sleeping considering the amount of time he's been in the darkness) ensues.
Ooooh, sure! Since you didn't mention a which timeline this prompt falls into (reader is an ancient ancient or Reader is just reader) i flipped a coin to decide. The results, tails, were for non-ancient reader but I will make an alternative prompt if you want
Requested Prompts #21 - 💓💔
" Why are you still letting me stay here?" You turned to face your new-ish roommate. " What do you mean?" You said, tilting your head with slight confusion. Your roommate sighed, staring down into his Jellybean Latte( that you had delivered, he refuses and pretty much can't leave the house after all.) almost dejectedly. " Ah, you blame yourself for all the atrocities he committed. Don't you, blu'?" You asked, letting him respond on his own time. He slowly nodded his head as you looked at him with sympathy. " I know that it technically wasn't me that did everything that he did but..." He paused, just to take a sip of his latte. " I'm still apart of the reason he exists, I created him... And I'm a part of him." You frowned, watching as his hands began to shiver slightly. " Who knows what he could be doing now that I'm not holding him back?-" You make sure that his cup is set down before you gently hold his hands. " Hey, it'll be okay. I'm sure that Pure Vanilla and the others have it under control, if they didn't, then I'd tell you." You reassured him, letting him take a deep breath before continuing. " And, why wouldn't I let you stay with me? You're still injured from... well, everything that's happened." For just a moment, you look at the shadow stained cracks in his dough. But you quickly look back into his eyes afterwards. He sighs. " You..." He trails off, keeping what he wanted to say to himself. It seems he decides on something else to say, probably a question to distract himself for a moment. " Why do you call me Blu' anyways?" He asks, looking back up at your eyes. You giggled for a moment, " Because you smell like blueberries, so it's the first thing that came to mind." And then, he smiles. It's a rather soft, gentle one, not like the maniac grin you've seen on his other half but a more genuine, appreciative one. But there's a certain melancholy behind that smile, you don't know it's source but it's there, you can tell.
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chimkin-samich · 6 months
Hi :> So idk if this has been asked at all or not, but how do the boys act if they somehow get high or drunk bc I seen in your recent cowboy comic that sun was.. Yeah and how does Tari react to it?
Considering it’s the Wild West, drinking and smoking are a common thing so it’s something they both partake in often, though Moon does prefer drinking while Sun prefers smoking, the amount of how much they do it depends on where they are,
At home they’ll let loose and take as much as they want, anywhere else that poses as a risk they do in moderation, not enough to cause an issue if they need to get out of trouble, though if they agree one will babysit while the other lets loose but it’s not a common occurrence
Now! As to how they are during I’ll put under the cut, have a feeling it’s gonna be long lol
Moon like I said prefers drinking, when he gets drunk he lets loose a lot, his constant hyper awareness is at a minimum and he can actually relax and is a bit goofy and playful, as well as having almost no filter, if he sees a pretty woman he will tell her lmao but it comes out as starstruck
Smoking is a similar situation, though he can be very forgetful (which is how Sun can trick him to smoke more than he realizes lmao) the no filter plays in also with him constantly question everything in his sight, wether it be something as simple as when did they get a new chicken to asking about the meaning of life, he’s also very giggly
As for Sun! He very much prefers smoking over drinking any day but he doesn’t mind a drink here and there especially if Moon makes him a cocktail he enjoys, but if he’s just looking to get messed up he will create what he calls a potion of many different alcohols that Moon prefers to call “an atrocity to robokind”
A drunk Sun is basically just more impulsive and reckless than a sober Sun, if the thought to jump off to the roof in an attempt to fly comes to mind HE WILL DO IT, luckily for things like this they usually hide anything that can make Sun want to cause mass destruction before hand, they’ve learned the hard way on how to avoid disasters
For the smoking, Sun is actually a bit more relaxed at least physically, he’s still just as out of pocket if not even more with what he says, smoking helps his body slow down or it can do the reverse, it’s a surprise and also how much he smokes affects the result as well
When the reverse happens, he can not sit still for the life of him and NEEDS to move around and do something, it usually ends up with him doing some weird acrobatics or creating something with whatever he finds laying around the room
Tari is a of course wary of them when their intoxicated at first, she’s seen first hand the atrocities that people have done both without and under the influence, so she doesn’t join them the first time other than having a singular drink, the wariness instantly flies out the window watching them tho lmao
She finds It absolutely hilarious to watch them both alone and interact, it’s also a bit endearing how Moon just stares at her and when questioned simple scowls and huffs out how it should be illegal for someone to be this beautiful before starting a heavy debate with Sun about how someone so beautiful can exist (it’s a common occurrence even before she was invited to their place)
She thinks their adorable and hilarious, she very much enjoys watching just how human the Celestial Bandits are, and if she gets some teasing blackmail and see how the two always end up cuddling when they crash she counts it as a bonus
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moronkombat · 1 year
Hello hello 👀
Would we possibly get general headcanons for Havik? That man has me in a tight grip and I need anything with him, both sfw and nsfw, pretty please? 🥺
Havik you say? Coming right up. Yessir slurp slurp oh and tw for gore, violence, obsessiveness
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Havik is the type of man to hold intense and long lasting grudges. He will not let them go until he has seen them through. These grudges would naturally extend to the person he finds himself rather attached to. If they have a problem with someone then this problem becomes Havik's too. Does he mind this? No. In fact, he enjoys having the extra excuse at causing more mayhem
Delving more into these fixations of revenge. He's rather sadistic when it comes to executing them but he not so simple to inflict the type physical torture. No no, he goes the full mile. There will be turmoil of every caliber. He destroys everything about that person in a frenzied but planned attack. No other method is accepted by him no matter what you say
Obsession is the very center of Havik's being. Yes, he thrives off the chaos and that need for destroying the social order but he not only thrives off of it, he is consumed by it. I cannot say this enough, if he finds himself interested in you he will not let you go
Why this obsession? Havik comes from the very lowest class and has only witnessed what he precieves as injustice atrocities. He's ruminated and ruminated over them for years so it is only natural for him to obsess over other aspects of his life as well.
It is not that Havik wishes to control his partner. He doesn't seek control, he seeks possession. He wants you and he wants you to want him. He doesn't want his partner to obey him either. He simply wants. All his life there have been no chances at wants, not in his social class. Now, he has that chance and he will not waste it. When he wants something, when he wants someone, he will get it
How does he go about getting what he wants? Through any means necessary. Now, let's say his partner shares Havik's tendencies. He will absolutely love that. There no better chaos to be had than two enjoyers of it creating it. Well, what if you're not similar to him? You will be soon. He will make sure of it. He will show you just how pure the world is when chaos is its master
This should go unsaid but I like talking about so I'm gonna say it anyway. Havik is the ultimate sadomasochist. Sex and pain are one in the same. There cannot be one without the other
In the bedroom, expect to be welcomed to a world where pain and pleasure are conjoined in the most wicked but euphoric ways.
There will be blood and it will shared between the two of you. He expects you to inflict pain on him just as he does with you. If he bites you you'll do the same in return. Maybe not right away but it will happen and he waiting for it is almost as good as the feeling of his flesh being torn by your teeth
Havik enjoys the use of anything that will enhance the experience for you. You want ropes? You want chains? He will indulge oh so happily. You'll take turns with your new bindings and the marks they will leave will tell stories you two will look back on fondly.
Speaking of marks, there will be plenty. They are vast bountiful after Havik and his partner have made their mess in the bedroom
Don't think that bedroom is the only place Havik will take part such primal enjoyments. The mark of death and chaos are all he needs to get himself going. A battle is finished? He is jumping at the chance to take you and feast upon you while the dead be your audience
Sex will often last awhile with Havik. He does not prefer quickies. no, he wants to have an entire meal with you. He's not interest in a quick snack of his favorite treat. He is gluttonous and will devour all of it, making sure to take his time so he can savor every single little bit.
Havik is anything but silent when he's with his partner sexually. He would not dare hide the noises you bring from him nor does he want you to hide them from him. If his partner did he'd tease and taunt them "Why do you try to hide your debauchery? Do you think I don't know how you feel?" He'd laugh then and there's another scratch into your thigh, one that burns. "I know because I can feel how tightly you grip my cock when I touch you like this" You know he's right
Words are not used for taunting exclusively. He will beg and plead for more and more. He wants to hear it from you too. Each pull to his skin, each new cut he hums and seethes. Then he chuckles so lowly you can feel the vibrations in his chest. He'll want more and he is sure to tell you and show you
thank you for asking about havik. i can go on for a looooong time about his devious habits because goddd i see him as just sooo nasty and toxic. i can't help it im sorry
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hi hi chrom enjoyer anon here again to ignite warfare.
what the FUCK is chrom hater anon talking about. "chrom is more popular than lucina because people want to fuck him" HELLO??? IN WHAT DIMENSION??? listen dude or dudette or duder of indeterminate gender. WHEN has a man ever been more popular than a woman because of FANSERVICE in goddamn WAIFU EMBLEM.
as if there isn't hordes of people who flatten lucina to a sex object just bcuz they wanna fuck her and ignore her own complexities. have you seen twitter. have you seen the absolute ATROCITY that is robcina.
speaking of. never imply i don't love my daughter ever again. lucina is fucking fantastic. she really does carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. she's almost a parallel of emmeryn - thrust into a leadership position much too soon, her entire childhood taken from her. all she has are the people with the same traumas as her, not necessarily her friends, just everybody who's still left.
her hiding her identity is so interesting. it's not just to prevent a knock-on effect of her being known before her own birth - she is embodying her own hero, taking his name, playing on their similarities, because she lacks the confidence to believe she should be the one to do this. ironically enough, this insecurity is what makes her more similar to chrom than anything else, both of them chasing the shining afterimage of their predecessors.
fact of the matter is, lucina is horribly underutilized in the plot. half the time you have no clue what she's even doing. why's she in ferox? to, uhh, "Investigate?" maybe?
the most major thing she does is prevent chrom's injury and emmeryn's assassination, yet the game fails to properly capitalize on the butterfly effect this creates. it goes entirely unmentioned that LUCINA did all this. and let's not even speak of valm arc. her showing up to save emmeryn is SO goddamn important to allow for a good ending to happen at all, and once she joins the party, she... tells basilio to not die? and her telling basilio to not die makes him not die and lets him pull out the macguffin out of his ass later?
once she JOINS THE PARTY you'd expect her to make more contributions, to, you know, "change fate", and all that. like, maybe SHE could've been the one to stop robin from stabbing chrom at all, instead of robin having the sudden willpower to "stab him a little less" than the original timeline. maybe she could have her own dramatic confrontation with grima as the symbol of stagnation - show the symbol of her despair and trauma what HAS changed, list out how this timeline differs from the past, and maybe even grima must admit to a sliver of truth in her words, yet pushes for the same ruin anyway out of his own despair.
there is SO MUCH they could've done with lucina! and they did NOTHING! SHE'S the awakening poster child. she was in smash first, she's the emblem, and how important is she to the plot? not very! she's important to the themes, certainly, but in the final act she's outweighed by the visions robin got FROM GRIMA when grima fucked up and amnesia'd them. THAT saved chrom. grima fucking up once. not lucina.
and that's so! frustrating! because i love her!
it's this whole theme of generational trauma, from emmeryn to chrom to lucina, of finally breaking free and doing something new, but...
lucina has the two BEST scenes in the entire game. "Lucina's judgement" is just a fantastic moment (and i'm particularly fond of the mother version). Wherein she is directly confronted with this whole thing: could you kill an innocent to save the world? could you do it to your father's best friend? or to your mother? lucina was so prepared to do ANYTHING to save her father, but now that she's in the past, that she got to reunite with him, that she got to live in comparative peace, she's scared. if she kills robin, chrom will hate her. it will save the world, but her own idyllic life will shatter. only now that she has something to lose does she hesitate.
and yknow, the reunion scene between her and chrom in ch13 is already like, awakening's most well known scene for a REASON. it's so touching. this brave enigmatic warrior crying into her father's arms, finally allowed to be the child she is. chrom faced with all he stands to lose, with the broken reflection of his own infant daughter.
it's poetic. it's fantastic. fact is: the emotional core of awakening is so deeply compelling. generational trauma as a way to mirror predeterminism and the belief in a doomed world. breaking cycles and changing fate, all wrapped up in an incredible subversion of fairy tales: what if the dragon and the knight loved each other? (whether it's platonic or romantic, i dont care at this point) what if the dragon didn't have to die to save the princess?
viewed through the grander lens of these strong, resonant themes, awakening is fucking incredible. but on a moment to moment basis... there is so much squandered potential, so many little holes that didn't need to exist. it feels rushed. underbaked. i know it was FE's last hurrah, but... man. the passion was there. the care wasn't, or it didn't have the time to be.
also anyone who calls themself a chrom fan who DOESNT also deeply adore lucina is a sham and will die by my sword. respect my wonderful daughter or else.
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Flowers, crowns and thorns
"And spring will bloom, just like the love in our souls"
Learning about flowers and nature was not an activity for a future king.
That's what his father said, but Prince David has some other things in mind and Daisy has secrets that could help him discover a new world.
*This is the story of two OC's I created. Prince David was inspired by Jamie Campbell Bower, actually. Cheers and I hope you enjoy it :)*
Warnings of Chapter one: Maybe some linguistic atrocities. English is not my first language
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Daisy's eyes reflected the sadness of the clouds and unsold pansies. Not a lot of people buy flowers in autumn or winter.
One day, a mysterious hooded customer stood at the flower stall. Who was he? A thief? A mendicant, perhaps? Why was he hiding?
She realized none of her thoughts were correct as the intriguing man looked around and took off his hood once the big crowd on the street dissipated. His eyes were as green as an emerald. He was certainly handsome.
-Hello! Did you know primroses have medicinal properties?"- The stranger finally spoke, looking at said flowers.
-I do. I use them for myself and my little sister, actually.- Daisy was not happy with the young man's question. Did he ignore he was talking to a florist?- Many flowers have them. Lavender can be used to help with sleep.
He smiled sweetly, blonde long hair falling over his shoulders.
-My apologies. It was so impolite of me not to introduce myself.- But before he could even finish the sentence, they heard the furious gallop of a horse as a loud voice called someone's name: Prince David Louis Alden.
-How many times do I have to tell you that it is improper for a royal like you to interact with these... people?- The old man asked, wrinkling his nose. A grin was the only response he received as the prince got on the horse that took them both away from the muddy streets that were meant for the poor.
Daisy waved goodbye as she always did with usual costumers, but not knowing what was going on at all.
@professionalcynic @1tgetsbetter @jamiebowerserenity here's the story! Thanks for the notes
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markerslinger · 1 year
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Hello hello brave travelers!
I reach out to you from the ether to announce that the project I am doing illustration for has officially launched! The Deck of Monsters 2!
It's a deck of 53 new and original monsters compatible with Monster of the Week!
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Stop me if you've heard this one. An independent career focused woman gets lured to a small town that's way too into Christmas. She meets a generic, yet handsome, man who shows her the meaning of the season and they end up falling in love. She quits her job, divorces her fiancee, and lives the rest of her life in this happy Christmas town. This is propaganda and these innocent women are his marks. These monsters feast on stolen ambition before forever trapping their victims in a holiday hellscape they can never hope to escape from.
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Creatures that are literally spineless, Yesmen inhabit the highest echelons of capitalist society. They have always infiltrated human power structures to push for, and enable, greater and greater atrocities that cause greater and greater human suffering. It just so happens that in the modern world they choose to be corporate vice presidents to have easier access to morally compromised mortals. They're just so easy to direct towards enacting harm on their fellow humans,  after all. Nothing to read into about that. The system works.
We got a bunch more monsters in this deck that are illustrated by a team of sure shot artists and yours truly!
You can also peruse through the myriad horrors and use them for other tables tops and scenarios! The Kickstarter is live today and at it's top tier YOU can play as horrific creator and work with us to create a monster that is included into the deck!
So what are you waiting for hunters?
Let's go to the Kickstarter and Hunt!
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sanityshorror · 1 year
Hi there! Can I ask you some headcanons of Killian?🤭
Hello:> as Killian Lynch is a character I created, I don't have HCS for him, just canon and some AUs. However, I can happily provide some canonical fun facts!!
Killian actually had numerous tattoos and scars, however I haven't drawn him with them..I promise that will change in the next illustration xD
One of Killian's favorite hobbies is horse riding. Born in 1872, the first car had yet to be invented. Naturally, he learned to horse ride from practicality. He genuinely enjoys it though. He has two horses in canon, they froze in time with him and Julius, and riside in a small stable that connects to the back of the dress shop/hell pocket dimension.
Killian drives a Black Dodge Charger with blacked out windows. He named his car "Betty"
Speaking of names, Killian names EVERYTHING. Killian's way of talking can be very chaotic to begin with, and the fact he uses the names for inanimate objects causes even more chaos.
And on the topic of how he speaks, Killian swears A LOT. Have a sketch of human Killian to emphasize this - if he's at a loss of words, then you get:
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Since we're already talking speech, Killian actually is fully fluent in three languages. He can speak Gaelic (his native language), English, and Latin
Killian has an obsession with Caesar and ancient Rome
Killian has an extreme God Complex
"rules for thee but not for me" very much applies to Killian (extreme hypocrisy)
Killian is actually a Catholic, it's his genuine religious faith. However, he's very hypocritical so, see above. Ironically, Julius was and is an actual Satanist, Julius turned to satanism feeling God had betrayed him. Now that he's a demon, he is a satanist in the literal extent. Personally, I think it's kind of very sweet that Killian, a Catholic, and Julius, a satanist - fell in love and are life partners.
For those new tho might be confused by the previous: Killian is pansexual and canonically in a romantic relationship with Julius.
Killian chain smokes constantly
Mob boss. He's a mob boss.
The ONLY thing Killian draws the line at doing, is harming children. He's not around them much, but if he is, he's actually quite protective of them.
This is mainly due to the atrocities Killian experienced as the hands of his mother and/or actions since the moment he was born.
↑ is the true root of Killian's misogyny. It's not excusable but if you know the extent of what was done to him (and you will soon), it's very understandable.
Killian loves being the villain, he basks in it.
I could go on about him for DAYS but I'll let it there for now...I need to get back to writing these stories about him ;3
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bxbatea · 11 months
i'm sorry if this seems insensitive but can you please tell me what a Zionist is? I've seen things about them all day but I genuinely don't know what it is...
Hello, thank you for asking! I do not consider that an insensitive question at all. In times like this, I believe it is always good to ask questions if you do not understand something. Plus there may be a lot of confusing terms flying around, it's never a bad thing to further educate ourselves. :)
Zionism: is a political and national movement which aims at creating and sustaining a Jewish state in the Middle East.
So a "zionist" is basically any individual who believes in "the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel." (as stated in the google definition).
You might be wondering why this is problematic, here is some additional information.
A brief History
In 1897, Theodor Herzl was a man who formed the World Zionist organisation. It was his belief that the only way his people could live in peace was to have their own country. In Europe it was a difficult time for Jews to live in due to anti-semitic sentiments rising.
Palestine was chosen. The saying: "A land without people for a people without land," quickly spread.
However there was an issue, Palestine was not a land without people. A majority of the population consisted of muslims, christians and a smaller number of Jews, who lived together peacefully for centuries.
One of the significant turning points in history, followed the horrific events of WWII and the Holocaust. The number of jews flocking to occupied Palestine increased. Western countries began backing the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine...
Midnight May 14 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed a new state of Israel.
May 15 1948, marks the 'Nakba', or "catastrophe" in Arabic. Refers to the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians.
Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of their state
Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine
They ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.
While the 15th of May is the official day for commemorating the Nakba, Zionist groups had begun the process of Palestinians long before.
In fact, by May 15, half of the total number of Palestinian refugees had already been forcefully expelled from their home.
Israel for 75+ years, continue to eradicate and ethnically cleanse the people of Palestine. Even to this day.
On predominantly Western media outlets, I've seen Palestinians in interviews have to constantly justify their right to exist.
They have to justify their right to live. No one should ever be put in the position whereas they have to justify their entire existence.
However I cannot stress enough:
Being "anti-zionist" is not the same as being "anti-semitic"
Anti-semitic: Refers to the hostility, prejudice or discrimination against Jewish people.
The Nakba did not start of end in 1948.
About the Nakba, United Nations.
Zionism explained.
I hope this was of some help. Please bear in mind this is only a condensed version of the historical records of Palestine and its people. I encourage anyone who sees this to continue researching, please continue to listen and amplify Palestinian voices!!!
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This is a list of journalists and voices on the situation within Palestine and Gaza on Instagram, some may have already seen floating around!
Currently, Israel has cute off their communications from the rest of the world. To my knowledge, from this list, Roshdi Sarraj is among the 29 journalists killed as a result of Israeli airstrikes. May his soul rest at peace.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1058: Trouble in Love Paradise (SSBU X Sonic)
10:23 a.m. at the Smash Mansion's Outside Patio.......
Almost every kid in the Smash Family stares in awe at a girl dressed in black hovering down towards the them inside a red electric forcefield. As she gently lands her feet to the ground, the girl in question begins to turn off the forcefield around her and brush the dust off her dress before shyly turning her attention to everyone.
????: G-Greetings, everyone. Please excuse the overly climactic entrance. My father insisted I should do so to try and impress all of you, but that's neither here or there-(Smiles a Little) My name is Sgae Ivo Robotnik. The daughter of the infamous Doctor Eggman Robotnik and an A.I of sorts....
Toon: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise Along With Everyone Else) Eggman's a dad now?
Ashley: Not surprising considering some of the villains are dads themselves. (Sees Sephiroth Coddling With Pichu, Who is Happily Sitting on his Pounch, as He's Walking By) In more ways than one....
Sage: (Happily Nodded) It's true. Despite his numerous....upon numerous of atrocities he has caused in the past, among with his evergrowing passion of taking over the world, he still takes the time out of each of his days to raise me as his own and I will forever be truly grateful for his efforts.
Kids: Awwwwwwwww~
Everyone turns to see the culprit of the throat clearing, Penny Crygor, as they give her sudden attention.
Penny: Hey, uh....I know this is a really sweet moment we're sharing here and I am so so sorry for ruining it right now, but....(Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You're an A.I.!? (Eyes Starts Sparkling as Well) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE!?
Sage: That's right. My father created me to be one of the most highly advanced A.I. that ever was. (Smiles Sheepishly) Unfortunately, most of my abilities have been limited altered immensely since my reawakening....(Smiles Brightly) But I still have access to a few things!~ Like flying in mid air, creating surge of electricity in the palm of my hands. Ooh! And I can also create multiple small, advanced cubes at will. Like so~ (Creates a Small Cube With Red Glowing Lines Around It)
Penny: (Smiles Widely as She Leans Closer to Sage and Whispers) Hello, new best friend~
Ashley: What?
Penny: NOTHING! I-I didn't say anything other than....(Turns to Ashley With a Bright, Awkwardly Smile) I love you~
Ashley: (Stares at Penny For a Few Seconds Before Sighing and Rolling her Eyes) Love you too, Penny, you weirdo.
Ness: (Smiles Brightly at the New Girl) Anyways, it's nice to meet you, Sage. (Proudly Points at Himself) My name is Ness: a PSI User in training. (Wraps an Arm Around Lucas Beside Him) And this is my best bud, Lucas.
Lucas: (Smiles Sheepishly) Another PSI User in training.
Toon: (Smirks With his Hands on his Hips) The name's Toon Link. The 4th or 5th Hero of Time and the most superior of all the Links.
Link: (Pops His Head Out From the Patio Door) Hyah?
Toon: (Eyes Widened Once He Immediately Recognizes that Voice) Uhh d-did I say Links? What I meant t that I was the superior of all the ink collections! (Chuckles Awkwardly) Which are all hidden away in my home and....stuff.....
Link points two fingers towards his eyes and then to Toon Link before glaring at him and slowly going back inside the mansion.
Popo: Popo.
Nana: Nana
Ice Climbers: Together we form the Ice Climbers.
Hat Kid: Hat Kid!~
Ashley: My name's Ashley, I'm a witch in training. (Hugs Lucas Lovingly) As well as Lucas' girlfriend.
Lucas: (Happily Hugs Ashley Back)
Penny: (Smiles Brightly) And I'm Penny Crygor!~ The smartest girl genius Diamond City has to offer.
Ashley: And a purest definition of a nerd.
Penny: (Quickly Pouts at Ashley) Hey, I am NOT a nerd, Ashley! (Pushes up her Hair in a Classy Fashion) I classified myself as an adorable geek thank you ever much.
Ashley: (Rolls her Eyes Again) Whatever.
Kirby: (Happily Runs By to Hugs Sage) Poyo poyo!~
Sage: (Gasps Loudly Before Turning to the Gang With Sparkling Eyes) Who is this pink specimen of cuteness?~
Ness: That, our new friend, is Kirby, the Hero of all Dreamland.
Toon: And possibly the most adorable pink puffball in the universe.
Jiggypuff gasps before angryily crossing her arms and walking away in the distance.
Sage: (Gently Picks Kirby up With a Soft Smile on her Face) Hello, Kirby. My name is Sage Robotnik and I hope we could get along with one another from here on out.
Kirby happily rubs his cheeks against Sage's, causing her to get ticklish.
Ness: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, whaddya know? Few seconds in and the little guy adores you already.
Sage: (Gasps Again Before Turning Back to Kirby) Is that really true, Kirby?
Kirby: (Happily Nodded) Po-yo.
Sage: (Heart Begins to Melt Before Floating Up in the Midair and Twirling Her and Kirby as She Blurts Out...) I ADORE YOU TOOOOOO!~
Kids: (Giggles Softly at the Adorable Exchange)
'Door Opens'
Bowser Jr: Alright, what are you dorks doing out here-
Junior's eyes suddenly begins to widen at awe at the floating girl twirling Kirby around. Her black dress, looks, and smile were plenty enough for youngest koopa to fall over head over heels for her.
Junior: ('Suddenlyyyyyyy~ Life has a new meaning to meeeeee!~ There's beauty up aboveeee~ And things we've never take notice of~ You wake up and suddenly.....you're in loveeeeeee-)
????: Hello~
Junior immediately snaps back to reality once he sees Sage and Kirby happily staring at him face to face.
Sage: What's your nam-
Junior: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Quickly Went Back Inside the Mansion)
'Door Close'
Sage: (Very Confused on What Just Happened) Nice....to meet you? Whoever you are?
Ness: ('Sigh') That there was Junior: the youngest son of King Bowser. He.....normally doesn't act like this, in case you're wondering.
Sage: I see. (Frowns Worryingly) I hope i didn't frighten him top badly.....
Penny: (Gives Sage a Reassuring Smile) Nah, I wouldn't worry too much about him. I'm sure he'll get over what's wrong with him In an instant.
Meanwhile in the Dining Hall....
Eggman: (Shivers a Bit)
Mario: Is something the matter, Doctor?
Eggman: Oh, it's nothing too serious of the sort. Just having a sudden urge to interrogate and beat up some snot nose punk for some reason.....(Looks Up at Mario and Peach in Front of Him) Are you two certain that our kids will get along with one another?
Peach: (Smiles Reassuringly) We're positive. They may not look it, but our babies can be really sweet to one another. Our niece will find right in. (Tears Starts Coming up in her Eyes Along With Mario) ('Sniff') Our sweet little niece.....
Shadow: Mother, father, is....everything okay?
Mario: (Wipes the Tears Away) Yeah, yeah. ('Sniff') We're okay, son. We're just....('Sniff') You know?
Peach: Accepting the fact that your father and I are now....('Sniff' ) N-N-Now......
Peach/Mario: (Hugs One Another to Dear Life as They Burst Out Crying) AUNTIE AND UNCLEEE!~
Eggman: (Watches the Couple Crying in Each Other's Arm in Front of Him) Yeesh. (Turns to Shadow) Are they always like that?
Shadow: On occasions. They've been like this the moment I've first told them about Sage.
Eggman: (Smiles a Bit) Hm. Well, I'm glad they're taking a liking to her. Your folks are good people, Shadow.
Shadow: (Simply Nodded) Thank you.
Junior: (Frantically Runs Right by the Group's Table) I'LL NEVER GET OVER ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
Eggman and Shadow watches Junior runs off with a confused looks on both of their faces before turning back to one another.
Eggman: What's his problem?
Shadow: I have no idea.
Meanwhile in the Living Room.............
Roy: (Chuckles While Laying on the Sofa, on the Phone With Someone) And so I told the chick " Hey, at least take me dinner first if ya-
Junior: (Runs Up to the Sofa and Screams Out....) ROYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Roy: (Winces in Pain of his Eardums at the Suddenly Yelling) My fucking ears....
Roy: (Groans in Annoyance Before Going Back to his Phone for a Second) Sorry about that, Chuck. Gonna have to call you back, my little brother wants something.......Yeah, the one with the bandana around his face.....alright. (Ends the Call Before Turning to Junior) Whaddya want, twerp?
Junior: I need your help teaching me how to talk girls!
Roy: (Forms a Sly Smirk on his Face) Ahh~ So you got yourself a little crush there, little man? Give me the details?
Junior: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth)Well, I.....Haven't really gotten the chance to know her name... On the account of me running away when she started talking to me.
Roy: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Dude, why would you do some lame crap like that? You know better.
Junior: I PANICKED, OKAY!? But anyways, she's really pretty though! She has white hair, black dress, and a smile everyone loves. And I can't get her out my mind!
Roy: Say no more, Junior. Cause from here on out....(Points at Himself With a Smirk on his Face) You're big brother Roy is here help you get your lady.
Junior: Really? Yay!~
Roy: Rule #1: Never scream out yay. It makes you look like a wimp.
Junior: Oh, right. Um...(Clears Throat Before Acting Nonchalant) Cool.
Roy: Now that's better.
Junior: (Hears Two People Laughing With One Another in the Distance) Hey, Roy.....(Points at Ludwig Walking with a Girl With Pink, Short Hair) Who's that pink haired girl Luddy's talking to?
Roy: (Groans While Rolling his Eyes) It's that Kuma chick I told you about. You know, the one who slammed my whole body down a checker board table at the park? Well, apparently, her and the nerd simp have a thing for one another and have been buddy-buddy ever since.
Junior: Wooow.....I should've gone to him for advice instead.
Roy: Yeah? Well, too bad, your decision has already been made. Now, let's get down to business.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
@astral-runic i hope you're ready for this <3
i'm not gonna explain the lore in-depth because i am BEHIND on it, but i'll explain who the gods are! and also the fun fact that the gods on flight rising have their own accounts and used to interact with players sometimes!!!! that was fun :> (i say as if i was active on the site at that point). also it's like a thing where people jokingly refer to the gods as their parents- yeah <3
for context, each dragon god on flight rising is affiliated with a specific element, or flight, and every dragon clan is associated with one of the gods. my account has been a shadow clan since day one babeyyyy so i will have a lot to say about the shadow goddess.
okay under the cut! content warnings: the plague goddess looks a bit gross at first glance and i can't spoiler tag her image, so tread lightly. if zombies make you uncomfortable, pls be careful!
first up; the earth god, the earthshaker!
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from what i understand, the earthshaker is kind of a sad old man. he's the oldest of the gods and one of the gods that helped create the world of sornieth! he wishes the other gods would still be friends and not just kick the shit out of each other all the time.
a cursory glance at his profile tells me that his followers call him variations of rockdad. fair!
next up: the fire goddess, miss flamecaller!
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the flamecaller is the fire goddess! she's one of the oldest gods and also helped create the world! we love a girlboss!!! she seems very cool, idk my clan isn't fire affiliated. i'm sure she's done some atrocities though because like all the gods have.
idk what her followers call her but i think. well. firemom is good.
next up: the wind god, the windsinger!
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hello noodledad. anyway the windsinger is pretty dope! he's all about adventure and learning new things and exploring and making the most out of life! he's also another one of the oldest gods who helped create the world. from what i gather he's not that interested in the petty disagreements between the other gods and just wants to have fun.
next up; the water god, mr tidelord!
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so this is the only part of the lore i'm up to date on lmao and that is that the tidelord's fucking missing??? or dead???? what the fuck. anyway he's cool. he lives in the ocean and he has visions all the time and goes "yikes" and i love him. unfortunately i think someone killed him. sorry, water dad.
next up: MY MOM MY MOM MY MOM- the shadow goddess, the shadowbinder!
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so i originally picked shadowmom because i liked her design the most, and that still stands. i love her. she is so goopy. those are liquid shadows dripping out of her body and i love her so much. shadowmom's philosophy is that sometimes secrets should stay secret and knowledge can hurt. which uhhh y'know isn't actually something i really agree with but it's okay she's fine-
shadow mom is a younger goddess, but she's still comparatively old as fuck compared to the newest ones.
also she calls her followers her children and i'm 🥺🥺 ily shadowmomma
next up: a bitch! the ice god, the icewarden!
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he's a cop! or something! that's kind of a reduction but this bitch made all the prisons in this world and is all "ohhhh i am holding so many horrors away from killing the world" and then in the same breath makes fun of my favorite dragon breeds. i hope he chokes /lh
i do love his design, i just think he's a little hater and deserves to be bullied mercilessly.
i will not call this beast father.
aaand next up: the capitalist, the lightning god, the stormcatcher!
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so the stormcatcher is the only god that players don't refer to as dad! i think that's neat. no, he's The Boss. he treats his followers like his employees, for better or for worse. he is all about PRODUCTIVITY and INDUSTRIALISM and i wanna push him into a locker- i'm kidding.
he's cool, i like his design a lot.
aaand next up, the worst of the bunch (/lh), the light goddess, the lightweaver!
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so as a loyal son of shadowmom, i have to bully this motherfucker. lightweaver is a punk-ass glittery hoe who creates fucked up zombies and then goes "ahaha not my problem lol." fuck you.
(this is a joke, i actually think she's super cool and has a fun design and interesting lore, but i'm a good son to shadowmom ok-)
i call her glitterbitch <3
next up: the nature goddess, the gladekeeper!
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the gladekeeper is one of the youngest deities, and i think she's super fucking cool. she's all about survival and perseverance, and she's spent millennia warring with her sister, the plague goddess. she was created in the wake of an apocalypse and has been focusing on repairing the world. i love u beardmom even if ur not my mom.
and next up: her sister, the plague goddess, the zombie plaguebringer!
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so, looking at plaguebringer, you may think she's evil. but she's really not. her whole deal is that she also wants to repair the world, but she has a very different philosophy on how to do that. the plaguebringer believes only the strongest can survive, and that strength and resilience must be cultivated for the world not to fall again.
she is so fucking cool and i love her <33333 also her followers make the funniest memes, don't @ me.
and finally, my actual favorite aside from shadowmom: the arcanist! the arcane god!
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so the arcanist is the youngest god and also the smallest, but he's bigger than every single mortal dragon breed lmao. he's caused he apocalypse three separate times and i'm fucking obsessed with him. spacedad <33333
he was born in a nuclear reactor (long story) and i highkey headcanon that his magic is just pure radiation.
he's my favorite and i have an oc i ship with him because i'm attached to him a completely normal amount (lying)
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maybeamultiverse · 1 month
Hi, I am Youssef Helles
This is my third account after the other two were suspended
I'm fighting for everyone and just want help with my campaign
I didn't do anything illegal, I just asked for help
I hope you can help me by donating or sharing
Hello, my name is Yousef Hilles from Gaza. I followed my campaign and was verified by @el-shab-hussein I hope you can help Campaign number (206)
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Here is the link to Youssef's fundairser, and the link to the campaign verification document created and organized by @el-shab-hussein. Please check out this blog for further information on how to donate and spread awareness about Palestine.
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Here is Youssef's own words:
My name is Youssef Helles, 42 years old. In 2019, I left Gaza in search of a better life for my family. I arrived in Belgium, hoping to secure a future for my wife and our five children, the youngest of whom, Zain, was born after I left. I've never seen him. Since October 7, our lives have been turned upside down. The situation in Gaza has become unbearable. My family was forced to flee our home on Al-Nasr Street after receiving threats from the Israeli army. Under a hail of bullets and continuous shelling, my wife and children walked 8 kilometers along Salah al-Din Street to escape to southern Gaza. I can still hear the screams of my five-year-old son Zain: “Get us out of here, Dad. We are dying.” Their journey through escape routes was a harrowing experience. My children have witnessed unimaginable atrocities: bodies lying in the streets, homes reduced to rubble, and the constant fear of being targeted. They saw death around every corner, and their innocent eyes were distorted forever. Their souls, once filled with joy and laughter, were now burdened by the heavy burden of shock and fear. They initially found shelter in an UNRWA school in Khan Yunis, but it quickly became unsafe. They were instructed to move to Rafah, where they now live in a makeshift tent next to a wall, with the earth as their bed and the sky as their cover, lacking basic necessities such as medicine, water and food. Recently, the situation in Rafah worsened, forcing my family to flee again, this time to the beach in Deir al-Balah. They are now without any way to survive. I do everything I can to support them from afar, but the fear of losing them haunts me, especially after I lost many of my relatives in Gaza. Escaping Gaza comes at a high cost. Each adult needs 5,000 euros, and each child needs 2,500 euros to cross the Rafah border into Egypt. This is beyond my capabilities. I appeal to all compassionate hearts: please help me evacuate my wife and children from Gaza. Any contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference and save their lives. Or restore their lives normally and build their future Thank you from my heart, 1- Relocation and resettlement expenses: Covering the costs of moving from Gaza and resettlement in a safe and stable environment. 2- Housing and facilities: Ensuring that they have a safe and stable home in their new location. 3- Food and basic necessities: Providing daily necessities for Youssef’s family 4- Education: Covering school fees, supplies and other educational expenses for children to ensure their continued education. 5- Health care: Access to medical care and necessary treatments, especially after exposure to such trauma. 6- Legal and administrative support: Assistance with the legal and administrative processes involved in their transfer and resettlement. 7- Emotional Support: Resources for counseling and mental health support to help Youssef and his family cope with their loss and adjust to their new lives. Every contribution, no matter how small, will have a huge impact on the lives of Joseph and his family. By coming together as a community, we can help them rebuild their lives and find hope for the future. From pain Youssef Helles
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audreydoeskaren · 3 years
Hello, I like to thank you for reviewing these movie costumes and doing it with so much knowledge and humor. I especially liked your review of the "Flowers of Shanghai". If you have any time available, I would love to hear your review on the accuracy of the costumes in "The Flowers of War" (Though I am might have already requested this movie to you, so I apologize if I am being redundant) and a new drama that I fell in love with called " Winter Begonia".
Hi again, I would gladly review these dramas! Do keep recommending me more I love to review costumes. I have been planning to watch Winter Begonia for a while now, so this is just the motivation I need to start :3 However since Winter Begonia is quite a long drama and there are many costumes to cover, I’ll talk about it in a separate post.
Warning: contains spoilers
The Flowers of War (2011) 金陵十三钗
cw war crimes
The Flowers of War (Chinese: 金陵十三钗) is a 2011 historical drama war film directed by Zhang Yimou, starring Christian Bale, Ni Ni, Zhang Xinyi, Tong Dawei, Atsuro Watabe, Shigeo Kobayashi and Cao Kefan. The film is based on a novella by Geling Yan, 13 Flowers of Nanjing, inspired by the diary of Minnie Vautrin. The story is set in Nanking, China, during the 1937 Nanking Massacre in the Second Sino-Japanese War. A group of escapees, finding sanctuary in a church compound, try to survive the Japanese atrocities. (copy and pasted from Wikipedia) We're back again with a Zhang Yimou film with costumes designed by Zhang Shuping. The film is set in 1937 and revolves around a group of showgirls/prostitutes and some schoolgirls, so we're looking for late 30s cheongsam and other assorted costumes.
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Collective shot of the prostitutes who form half of the primary female cast. They’re all wearing cheongsam (except the one to the far left) with Western outerwear, which was quite accurate to the 1930s. Being sex workers, they should be pretty fashionable. The over the top fur trim is both accurate and true to the flashy style of showgirl wardrobes. It also establishes that this scene takes place in winter. What I don’t really like are the shoulder pads and crisp shoulder seams, they weren’t yet a big thing in 1937. The crisp, broad shoulder look was more of an early 40s thing, in the late 30s you still had a lot of coats whose wide shoulders were created by puffy leg of mutton or raglan sleeves. The purely fur coats were also more 40s than 1937.
The hairstyles are... ok? I like the variety. There are standard brush out curls, short straight bobs, rolls and poodle updos. The bangs are a nice touch. It’s just that some of the characters’ hair seem too long. Also, around 1937-38 this curled hairstyle where the front of the hair is flat and pinned to the sides was quite popular, there should be more representation of that instead of the wavy front style.
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Late 30s cheongsam with coat combo.
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1938 women’s coats.
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You can see in this scene how long the hair is for some characters. This length is like 1940s level, in 1937 it should still be relatively short (above the nape of your neck). The poodle updos are also too puffy. Late 30s hairstyles generally still sat pretty close to the scalp.
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1937 McCall’s sewing pattern showing two women in shorter hairstyles.
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This scene shows the other refugees, who are younger students. They are dressed in plain cheongsam of a season appropriate thick fabric, and the collar is unbuttoned for a more comfortable, disheveled look. They also don’t wear any makeup and all have straight bobs which is age and status appropriate. The dark blue color is probably once again an Indanthrene reference.
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1930s student look.
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This character, Yu Mo (played by Ni Ni), wears a long sleeved cheongsam in red with giant floral print/embroidery. I can understand long sleeves since it’s winter but why did they go for the color and pattern choice that ages her the most? Younger women generally wore lighter colors, and late 1930s floral patterns were usually small and repetitive instead of giant and singular like the cheongsam here.
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Late 30s cheongsam in floral print.
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I don’t really understand the unanimity of the long sleeves, a lot of women in the 1930s and 40s wore short sleeves even in winter, warmth was mostly provided by outerwear. I noticed that all of their cheongsam have the binding/trim around the neck, which is great, but the three buttons tall collar is a bit excessive as lower collars with only one or two buttons were coming in fashion around 1937. But I guess you could brush that off as wartime scarcity.
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You can see their cheongsam more clearly in this later scene, which is more like a dream/imagination than real life. The patterns here are great and very accurate to the late 30s. I like the variety of representation, we have striped, geometric, abstract and floral in different colors.
As the plot progresses, the prostitutes decide to take the place of the girls to sing at a party for Japanese officers to protect them from potential sexual assault. They undergo a transformation sequence to disguise themselves as students. They improvised breastbinding cloths from sheets to flatten their chests, which I think is a thoughtful touch. Breastbinding cloths used to be a required undergarment for busty Chinese women prior to the 1930s because the flat shape was desirable. The way they wrap the cloth in the movie seems pretty legit.
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And then they changed into the plain cheongsam to disguise themselves as the girls. 
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Later, they all got makeovers from the main male character (who is a mortician) including a haircut and different makeup to resemble the girls more. The framing of this scene really makes it look like he’s grooming corpses, perhaps foreshadowing the danger the prostitutes will eventually face. This reversal in costuming visually symbolizes the solidarity between the prostitutes and the schoolgirls and contrasts with scenes from early on in the movie where they didn’t get along.
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In the early cellar scene, the prostitutes are shown having a party in lingerie/lingerie like costumes. It’s kind of difficult to see and screenshot individual outfits, but in general there is a lot of ostrich, bra and drawers combos and silky nightgowns, all pretty appropriate for the time. One character in the middle could be seen wearing a garterbelt, which is legit. This scene serves to distinguish between the clothing of the flamboyant, sexual prostitutes and the younger, modest, Catholic schoolgirls, which foreshadows the important plot point later on. At this time, the schoolgirls aren’t really accepting of the prostitutes and that is made clear by both dialogue and the visual contrast in costuming. I think this makes their solidarity and the prostitutes’ decision to save the schoolgirls later on more heroic. I was quite afraid when I first watched this scene because I thought the director was going to pit the women against each other and go the “ooh sexually liberated women free and good modest conservative girls bad” route, I’m very glad he didn’t do that and the female solidarity theme is just beautiful.
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Next I have some quibbles with undergarments.
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In this scene one of the female characters is wearing seamed fishnet stockings, which were mostly worn by showgirls. She is a sex worker so it makes sense kind of. In the ensuing scene there is a very male gazey shot of this character showing her crotch and she isn’t wearing proper 1930s drawers, so that’s -1 point on undergarments.
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A better screenshot showing the drawers which are too straight cut and modern. Late 30s drawers are much more loose cut and A-line.
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Source here
1930s Simplicity lingerie sewing pattern.
Overall I’d give the costuming in this movie a 7/10. The clothes are pretty accurate, it’s just the hair length and undergarment details that kind of break the suspension of disbelief. I really like the theme of female solidarity in this movie, I wish they didn’t tell the story through the perspective of the white guy and focused more on the emotional journey of the women instead of narrating everything through dialogues between him and Mo. The short romance between Mo and the white guy is also somewhat forced, it wasn’t really relevant to the central plot in my opinion. However the white guy has a very nice arc too so I’d give it a pass.
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