#and i think it really makes vlad's character make more sense LOL
dphcs · 11 months
Vlad’s father was demanding and emotionally withholding. Growing up, Vlad felt he could never be good enough for him–  he wasn’t athletic enough, didn’t have a girlfriend, and would never make enough money with the Skunk Punks for it to be a proper career.
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mewmaru · 10 days
Masters of All Time Breakdown
I wrote all this in my notes, I’m gonna do two parts: this, then a rewrite which is gonna take a bit.
So I decided to watch Masters of All Time. My thoughts will be below. First, I noted everything I liked, and everything I didn’t. I did this as I watched the episode to try to get details as accurately as possible. So now here are the notes I took during the episode, and my thoughts afterwards.
Also before I get started, I want to make this clear: no hate if you like this episode. I’m glad you’re able to enjoy something that was legitimately painful for me. It has a really neat concept, and that’s part of where my disappointment comes from. This isn’t a personal attack on people who enjoy the episode, just me explaining why I hate it. Let’s get into it!
Everything of note that either makes no sense, or points out a writing flaw in other points of the series
Why would clockwork even let Danny do this? Yes, he’s hesitant but Clockwork has been shown to only interfere if absolutely necessary, and seems to think most things happen for a reason. This is one of the things you could excuse though because erasing Vlad’s powers I guess seems like a good idea? But Clockwork should know that something big will happen in result, that fuck Danny himself could not be a ghost or stop existing at all, like yeah Sam and Tucker won’t be infected but they may not even know him at all? At least Clockwork is like yeah you’re gonna learn thing the hard way but eh. Idk you could excuse this one but still doesn’t make sense to me.
How the fuck didn’t Danny realize how big of a difference one small change was gonna make. Like, his parents being ghost hunters and like, still together? Did he not realize that Vlad not having ecno acne was going to change a lot? The incident separated him from Jack and Maddie so him actually still being in their life could change a lot???? Like idk I get Danny’s just a teen but did he learn nothing from The Ultimate Enemy
Twenty years later Jack still has the ecno acne; we don’t have an exact say on why Vlad’s went into remission but it likely had to do with ghost powers and years of hospitalization, was Jack not hospitalized? Wouldn’t he be dead from it?
Okay this one is a big gripe for me. WHY DOES JACK PLASMIUS LOOK LIKE VLAD PLASMIUS? Was that specific strain of ecno acne the vampire inspired strain or something because Vlad’s design is very intentional with his specific character, its personal to him. Jack would most definitely not have made himself look like that, especially with how he tried to do good at first. Like????
Jack hating ghosts makes sense in this world, honestly I wish Vlad shared more of a hatred for ghosts in our current timeline cause that would make a ton of sense “if it wasn’t for ghosts I wouldve never lost the love of my life” where’s that anger with Vlad?
VLAD BEING A FARMER DOESN’T FUCKING MAKE SENSE. Okay so like, you take from Bitter Reunions how he says “I didn’t have any old moves, all those years in the hospital robbed me of that” after being tackled holding a football implies he may have wanted to play football. That’s a stretch? Well his entire house is decked head to toe in packers memorabilia, and in the college photo we see HE’S WEARING PACKERS COLORS!!!! He couldn’t do an active career like football after being hospitalized, but if that never happened, why fucking. FARMING? DAIRY FARMING? HUUHHHH. WHERE DOES THIS COME FROM?
“I didn’t destroy the past, I destroyed the present!” YOU FUCKING THINK? WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN that like nothing else would change except Vlad not having ecno acne? Okay this one’s just a nitpick and I’m aware of that lol, Danny’s just a teen I know he wasn’t thinking about the consequences
WHHYYYYY does Vlad still live in the same castle? I know he’s the new dairy king whatever he owns that castle in the present cause he’s rich as sin, how did he become the dairy king? Maybe its explained? I’m writing this as I watch
Why does Vlad have grey hair? It became grey because of the incident. Speaking of, why does Jack have black hair? Make it make sense
Yeah this is a complaint because you’ll see. Vlad is clearly in love with Maddie, truly. He seems to genuinely care for her. I know later they just make him controlling for no reason which I’ll get into but like, it’s nice to see him actually care for her and her care for him too.
Why is Vlad super anti ghost? One of my “compliments” is how I think Jack hating ghosts makes sense. And tbh in the true current, Vlad having a hatred for ghosts for the same reason would make sense, he was disfigured, hospitalized, and he never got to confess to the girl he loved the most. In this world, Vlad has no good reason to hate ghosts unless he for some reason knows Jack is a ghost? We see that before any changed to the timeline are made, Vlad was a bit annoyed with how Jack and Maddie got along, maybe it has something to do with that? I dunno. I feel like this choice was made just so they gave Vlad a reason to be controlling. But Vlad is only the way he is because of the incident bitter and resentful of a life he never got to have, so why the fuck is he just controlling and mean? Why when he has everything he wants, is he still a dick? Because he’s just like that no matter what because the writers didn’t want to add anything thought provoking about how Maddie and Vlad could’ve actually been good for each other. No, Vlad’s evil no matter what blah blah blah
AND ANOTHER THING. Maddie is shown to have other personality traits then liking ghost hunting, like, Jack is the one super obsessed. She’s the one that gets annoyed that Jack makes it his everything. Who knows, if she had a life without Jack, would she have continued her thing for ghosts? Thought provoking questions this episode won’t answer. This was again just a choice made so Vlad could be controlling.
Vlad immediately forgives Maddie because he doesn’t wanna doubt her oh gee maybe its cause he actually loves her. Nahhh we can’t have that.
How did Maddie build an entire underground ghost Lab that Vlad didn’t notice. Also how does she still have the suit
Whyyyyy would Vlad slander Jack to Maddie? Is the personality they wanna give that Vlad was always jealous of Jack and Maddie’s relationship? I mean, I guess so? I guess this one could make sense but it makes me wish we knew more about their trio’s relationship in college besides what we see and how Jack describes it; Vlad did always seem like a third wheel, I guess this one could happen but as I said, just makes me wish we had more context as a whole, could make this action make more sense
Why is Vlad in his suit all of a sudden. Did they forget what episode they were doing. Did they just straight up forget. Also it’s the middle of the night why isn’t he in pajamas or something. Huh.
I just hate the narrative Danny Phantom has as a whole with how some characters are just meant to be together so other pairings have to not work or be bad in some way. How about thought provoking stuff about how the relationships that seem destined to be actually good have some solid rivalry? No? All other parings don’t work just because even if it means mischaracterizing? Kay.
I had a thought here about Vlad’s anger at Danny not making sense but I don’t remember what it was. Maybe relates again to the ghost hating thing making no sense. Idk my brain cells are dying.
“None of this should be happening” “I like it this way” what this way? Being with Maddie? I mean yeah? I mean did the writers forget that Vlad doesn’t have the knowledge of his baseline current self here?
Because I hate it so much just another point to say I hate Vlad’s behavior here. He’s just evil and manipulative no matter what? Why? Just because? Because that’s Vlad Masters? Are we forgetting that his usual behavior is very much a product of his rage and bitterness about a life that was robbed of him? Or am I just giving the “evil villain” too much credit. This is pissing me off
Things I liked about the episode:
I think the bit at the beginning with Danny’s parents embarrassing him was silly, entertaining
I like Vlad’s attitude of like “oh you’re giving me chills” just his sassiness lmao
I like getting to see more insight into the day of the incident, Vlad trying to confess but being stopped by Maddie, that was neat
Seeing exactly what caused the incident was neat, too, that it truly was Jack’s fault
It’s kinda funny that we can tell Jack didn’t name Danny cause he thinks the name is dumb
I do like we get to see Jack chose the name Jasmine, as he mentions having a cat named Jasmine
I liked seeing Vlad say like oh Danny I knew you could do it, neat to see him acknowledge that Danny can be pretty smart, even if he kinda forced his hand here
I’m too tired to go into detail, so I’ll do it later but Jesus Christ this episode sucked. It had good things about it but so much shit just didn’t make sense and was just a blatant mischaracterization of Vlad
Alright I’m finally back to this after a couple of weeks, the episode seriously drains me that much, wish I was kidding. As stated in a previous post this episode makes me so angry that it has the power to make me dissociate and feel physically ill. Some of my comments are nitpicks, and I’m aware of that. I hate the episode so I’m just angry about even little things, I know that’s weird, lol. But, I thought I’d share these nitpicks anyway.
The notion that Vlad would be evil no matter what just doesn’t make a single lick of sense considering how Bitter Reunions builds him up to show that his anger and well, bitterness stems from being robbed of the life he never got, and his desperation to have that life now. Maybe I’m just biased but Jesus. Some people will try to claim that Vlad would still be evil therefore deserves no sympathy on like, posts and videos about him and if someone starts their comment with “but in masters of all time”, the rest of the comment is immediately static to me.
I do want to make it clear the things Vlad does due to his anger is not acceptable (I’ve even got an analysis of his character in the works that addresses this further), I just see so much potential for him to be better, and Masters of All Time could’ve been that episode. To show that he’s truly a victim of circumstance that is overwhelmed by his anger and jealousy, that these events truly shaped him into the not so great person we see in the show, but that he didn’t /have/ to be evil, that if given the life he wanted, the one he felt he deserved, that he could’ve been better.
I also think this episode missed the mark to be more creative design wise. Jack could’ve had his own ghost form! That would’ve been so cool! I also would’ve LOVED to see more of the college trio’s dynamic. Were Vlad and Jack truly best friends, or was that just Jack’s rose tinted glasses? I know it’s a kids show from 20 years ago but damn they could’ve done more here. I think this episode could’ve benefited from being another 40 minute special, although I know that’s unrealistic. Just a sorta, how I’d do things thing.
That’s basically it from me in terms of the episode. But, only for now. I plan to rewrite the episode, soon! Including some of my own HCs about the college trio, and who Vlad could’ve been if the incident didn’t happen, and how Jack and Maddie could’ve been! How this could’ve been a more thought provoking episode as a whole. I may even do some drawings :3 I’m excited to share my thoughts on what we could’ve had. But, keep in mind they will simply be my ideas, and not a definitive “the writers should’ve done this instead”, just my hcs and such. This is my first sorta DP writing post, but hopefully not my last. I enjoy sharing my thoughts like this, and I know some of my YTTD ones have reached a good bit of people, so I’m curious as to how this’ll be received.
Again, yeah, I’m biased, I hate this episode, I nitpicked. This is not at all a defense of every single bad thing Vlad has done, just my opinions on why the choices made here don’t make sense.
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chibishortdeath · 8 months
i absolutely love your tags on my post about the mysterious woman, it's nice seeing someone who's as passionate about her as me ❤️
Hehehe, thank u, I’m pacing around all happy about it rn (>.< ). I love Simon’s Quest and how genuinely odd everything that happens in it is.
And the Mysterious Woman doesn’t get talked about very much and y’all are missing out!!! She’s so so so fun to speculate about!
I ran into I think it might have been an old conversation on like Gamefaqs or some other comment section somewhere and there were a surprisingly large amount of people in the conversation who said that when the game came out they assumed that she was meant to be Selena, and that’s just aaaaaa so so interesting to me. And it wasn’t just American fans either, there was someone from Japan who assumed the same. It’s so awesome getting to see the perspectives of people who were there when the game was new and this theory has me going nuts sometimes lol. On one hand it makes sense for the ghost woman in the Belmont family graveyard to be someone from the family, but on the other hand is she really “mysterious” anymore if it’s someone Simon would know?
And why did the Mysterious Woman not mention the Tooth of Vlad and only the other five pieces that she knew would partially summon Dracula instead of the intended burning, burying, and breaking of the curse? Especially if she’s meant to be Selena/Simon’s wife or if you interpret her as Sara? Simon’s Quest really went for the twist of having the call to action character and the one to get Simon out of whatever rut he was in for 6 years in the first place be the first person to lie to him. Which is just so!!!! Aaaa!!!!!!!!!!! This also raises the question: is the Mysterious Woman actually a force of good? Or did she just know that Simon was desperate enough to believe what she was saying to him? I’ve seen some people theorize that she was some kind of Dracula cultist or even a possible form of Death because of this.
Or was she completely right that summoning and killing Dracula is the only way to break the curse? After all a lot of other games in the series that revolve around curses end in Dracula being brought back and defeated. But this is also a strange option as usually when Dracula is resurrected it’s by cultists or Death or whoever else and it’s not a good thing and is just for the purpose of having the evil dark lord do evil things. So that would make this game one of the few scenarios in which Dracula’s resurrection is justified which is so weird I just— thinking about Simon’s Quest to hard is gonna kill me one day lol X,,,,,D.
She also says that one line of “within your own heart, you might be able to defeat the evil if you wager your own life” and thinking about that along with the ominous vagueness of the endings all having different eulogies so similar that you could genuinely make an argument for any of them being the canon ending and the fact that almost all of Simon’s symbolism is related to self sacrifice and martyrdom is uh… interesting. Also a lot of people forget that the area around Castlevania is also cursed, not just Simon. The swamps are messed up, the towns get less saturated in color more empty the closer you get to the castle, and there’s monsters everywhere, this wasn’t entirely a selfish endeavor to save himself.
Anyway, the Japanese manual also talks about the Mysterious Woman in specific ways, appearing and disappearing with the mist. And maybe this is a way to keep her as mysterious as possible, but it’s an interesting choice of words. They could’ve said she walked away into the mist, but they specifically said “disappear”, which is an awfully ghostly thing to do. And it’s also weird cause we kinda do see another character suddenly appear out of thin air in a graveyard in who I like to call the Garlic Guy. The Garlic Guy is also massively under appreciated like what the heck is up with that whole interaction 💀💀💀. Go to the graveyard, only at night, and some hooded figure will suddenly begin to exist in front of you if you lay garlic on the ground and then give you a bag. And then like most things it’s completely unexplained and you just have to keep moving on. I’m thoroughly convinced Simon is just as confused as we are lol. And in a way she is also treated the same way as any other NPC: she does something unexplainable and is never mentioned or important again. The way the game is written I swear it’s designed to make you feel anxious and rushed, ya know like a guy who is actively dying would feel.
And the fact that none of this is ever explained is just so ominous. It adds to the tension of the game and themes of not being able to trust anyone. Nobody trusts Simon, Simon can’t determine who’s trustworthy, there’s NPCs that you don’t even get to know who or what they are, sometimes even the hint books aren’t particularly helpful, things happen and you just have to keep going as to not waste any time.
Hopefully any of this makes sense lol I ain’t reading all that again to check cause I gotta go have lunch cause I forgor about it whoops. Anyway I am very normal about Simon’s Quest and every character in it, please everyone play this game it’s good I promise— (;w; )
Edit: oh my god I did not realize how long this ended up oopsie—
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shmowder · 2 days
Two dollars?? Whoa. I'll keep an eye out for a sale. Based on screenshots, it seems like P1 has more dialogue and more opportunities to get to know the characters better? I love the P2 art style so much though so it might be hard to get used to the original. I know some people have the opposite problem and are unhappy with some of the redesigns.
We like the same aspects of yandere <3 Oh I need to rant for a second. There's nothing wrong with legitimately enjoying the violence and kidnapping aspects, but I do feel like there's sometimes too much emphasis on making sure readers don't think you're (general "you") romanticizing yanderes. Like intellectually I know it's unhealthy you don't have to tell me every other sentence that this is wrong and bad and that the reader insert isn't supposed to like it! 🤧 ... Ngl I love willing!reader 🫣🫣 Anyway. Rant over :)
I'll never get over actually being asked for my thoughts?? Thank you, even though I often feel out of my depth lmao. Please tell me about yandere Aspity!
In addition to what you said, I think Maria would be prone to jealousy too but unlike Katerina, would feel more of a sense of entitlement and is more prone to lashing out at others and at you occasionally. Katerina is more likely to internalize perceived rejection and be self-destructive about it. They'd both want to dress you up and do your makeup (even if you don't normally wear any) like a doll >:)
Lara and Peter might be the clingy/obsessive type, would latch on to the idea of you as a lifeline to pull them out of their despair. Lara would try to prove herself to you through acts of service; you'd be the inspiration for Peter's art and he'd give you little gifts all the time.
Victor would be overprotective, treating you like glass and like you've said before, wanting you to feel you can come to him, only, with your troubles. Would also randomly ignore you occasionally lol :( He can't help it he's too lost in thought! Big Vlad would spoil the ever loving fuck out of you *and* intimidate everyone else away.
Btw. I read your Andrey x reader hcs last night and they were really good! I don't really feel anything for this guy but it seems like you've got his personality just right :) I've never wanted piercings in my life, why is that part speaking to me 😭 (ok, that's a lie, I did want snakebites when I was seventeen :o)) I liked the little bit about sketching diagrams afterwards, too. Your smut is so good forreal
🐿️ anon
Delicious juicy food delivered straight to my inbox for FREE? I am in heaven and ascending even higher rn.
I want to let you know that this concept lived in my head rent-free for the past week. Each time I came to answer this ask, I'd get distracted by the brief yandere drabbles you wrote and get lost in the fantasy. Especially the overprotective Victor one, it's my favourite. Oh god, you're a genius. Tell me more I beg!
And yes P1 had a lot more dialogue which is nice because it explains the story a lot more. Especially characters like Aglaya who get a lot of backstory and other things revealed about them. It's a game that does the best it could with the very very limited technology it had at the time, and despite the graphics it's beautiful in some areas.
The music is its crowning gem however! P1 soundtrack literally blows P2 soundtrack out of the water. It's like the devs know the graphic and everything is lacking in P1 so they more than made up for it with fire music that gets you in a trance of how amazing it sounds.
I think the major flaws are how the charactersation and story is slightly different. Some characters like Victor and Aglaya remain the same but other characters like Alexander Saburov are massively different. Also as a majority everyone is more of an asshole in P1, especially Artemy and Daniil at times.
Eva and Andrey are more slutty... do with that what you will.
Yulia in P1 feels like a younger Yulia who's still lost and figuring out life. Like a freshly out of college Yulia. While in P2 she's more of a jaded full grown up who knows how the world works but is displeased by it. I love both versions <3 She is one of the very polite characters in P1... which are surprisingly sparce. P1 is also more funny and silly with the dialogue, it's more whimsical with more realistic options too. Also you get a lot of opportunities to break the 4th wall while in P2 you can only do it while talking with the rat prophet, the replacement Artemy and endgame Mark.
And I agree with you about the yandere thoughts. The horror ones are fun but sometimes I want romanticised obsession and devotion yk? Like a yandere ready to move the earth and bring down the moon for their beloved. Where the conflict is more focused on the emotions and intenal turmoil rather than the murder or horror aspect. Even when it comes to the reader, I enjoy a little toxic reader too 👀 Like someone who encourages their yandere behaviour or doesn't mind it, someone who is okay with the obsession or someone who actively goes out of their way to make it worse. A reader who's a full fledged character rather than a damsel in distress, someone who takes actions and can effect the world around them.
But don't get me wrong! I do like a damsel in distress... as a kink. It's kinda hot to be a useless fawned upon princess that everyone is looking to save and please.
Yeah, I feel you so much on the "Don't have to tell me this is wrong every sentence." Like, oh my god, dude! I hate when stories treat the reader like they're an idiot. You have to have faith in them, especially when your content is marked for adults that they will be able to read between the lines. Like you don't see murder or serial killer stories saying how this is wrong every sentence?? Yandere is just a mix of horror, romance, and smut! It's just an archetype with interesting concepts and maybe even a fetish.
Why do people have to psychoanalyse every kink someone has??
I'll get back to the other characters in a bit, let's focus on the overprotective Victor for example! bc the brainrot is real i legit haven't stopped thinking about him for one second.
In one of his dialogue trees he has this line:
5.Victor Kain: ...If I'd learned about this earlier, I would have torn his head off already. Now give me thirty-five seconds of silence, please. I need to think.
It's when you inform him about the chemist who's helping people hide their dead. The same one who buys body parts from Artemy, he apparently also works for tha kains but manages to hide his shady businesses right under their nose.
And his reaction is just odjwofjwofkwk So Delicious? Like that chemist posed a real threat to tramble down on the fragile castle the Kain built with their reputation, start a domino effect which exposes them as law breakers for the townfolks which they absolutely cannot have.
You see him angry, even if it's just a small glimpse. He could've worded it more elegantly, used so many different expressions. But no, Victor chose the phrase "tear his head off"
THE FERALITY! THE POTENTIAL MY GOD. This man is so good at making himself a safe and trustworthy pragmatic person so much you forget there's a wide awake tiger with deadly focus behind those melancholic eyes, weighting your every word and soaking in all the information you unawarly expose to him. Memorising all the names you mention, drawing a map in his brain of your social circle and connections. Saying so little himself just to get you to keep talking and telling him more and more until a secret or two spill out without you realising it.
The way he's briefly quiet before snapping, composing himself, and holding back the flood of rage in his brain from bubbling to the surface. "I would've torn his head off" only scratches the surface of what he really wanted to do and say.
Even this simple sentence from someone usually so polite and level-headed paints a gruesome picture of a predetor's sharp teeth tearing apart a person's brain, completely dislocating the head from the shoulders and tearing the skin off with one bite. The crunching of the skull as it caves under the pressure of the tiger's jaw.
All that anger directed towards anyone who wishes you harm. It's like you struck a match inside him and now he simply cannot help but watch out for your well being from behind the curtains.
His obsession stems from thinking of you as... lesser to put it kindly. Of course you will never be aware of this condescension nor how he views you as a fragile thing unfit for the real world, a glass figurine that needs to be handled with delicate gloves so you won't crack.
Non the wiser, you think he's just a really good listener. So when he invites you over for tea, you oblige and just spill your heart out to him. Telling him how your week went, talking about the boring details and your hobbies, mentioning the mundane things like your trip to the grocery store.
And he never interrupts, at first you thought it was a little creepy how he'd have you over just to listen to you talk. Only answering with questions and dismissing any questions directed towards him ir his well being, saying he'd rather know about you more.
But with time you warmed him to him, I mean it is Victor Kain? He has never done harm to anyone has he? Sure the Kains have some screws loose but Victor always seemed the calmest one amidst his eccentric family.
You think that maybe he is just lonely and needs company or a friend! He's definitely awkward when it comes to normal conversation, so you're understandable when all he wants to talk about is you.
As far as you're concerned, that's as deep as youre surface relationship goes. It starts with afternoon tea and ands just after the sun sets down when he walks you home, ever the old school gentleman. Strange tho, he never walks anyone else home and lets Maria run loose at any hour of the night. But you've never given it much thought.
You poor sweet thing, so unaware of the monster you're feeding. The obsession you're helping nurture whenever you oblige to his request or head his advice. The rush of satisfaction that runs through his veins when you come running to him to vent after a particularly hard day, the addicting euphoria flooding his system when you thank him for listening, saying how he's the only person you trust with these embarrassing things.
Victor who's pulling strings when you're not looking. Taking over your life and holding power over every aspect of it so he can fine tune it, surgically decide every small detail like he's tinkering with the delicate inner-machinery of a clock.
Making sure he is your sole support system. Coincidentally, the friends you make are offered jobs back at the Capital and have to move away. The grocery near your house relocates, and the closest one is right next to the Kain's resident.
Whichever job you held is deemed too dangerous for someone as helpless as you and he takes it upon himself to talk to someone who talks to someone else who persuades the owner into getting you fired or at least you're out of business if it's privately owned. No one wants your services, they all deeply admire the Kains and would run to please him at the drop of a hat.
No one but Victor who so kindly extends a helping hand. If you refuse chairty money then he immediately suggest working for him instead, he needs a helper you see. No matter what excuse or response you have prepared, he has already accounted for all of them and has a convincing counter-argument.
You don't have to know that in reality, he just thinks the world is too dangerous for you to freely roam and get a job. If you want to play pretend as boss and employee then he will indulge your childish antics and offer you a job, either way the end is the same with you slowly migrating more and more under his wing and care.
Stripped of your income, support system and any opportunity for growth. Once Victor has you in his claws, he will make sure you never slip through his fingers.
Tbf he is content with you just being around, as long as you're safe and sound under his watch he will even if you just see him as a friend and nothing more.
Because while helping you is enthralling, not knowing where you are is the worst withdrawal he has ever experienced. And that man lived at the Capital before, do not let his grown up facade tirck you, he's probably even tried coke and all drugs under the sun at some point in his youth out of sheer boredom or curiosity.
It ircks him thinking you're vulnerable and bare outside for anyone to grab, it makes his brain ache to see you in a situation outside of his own control. He needs you to live in a world of his own making for all of eternity or he feels like ripping his hair out.
Zero expectations are set upon you to do anything. He isn't looking for a slave or a housewife, he just wants to be reassured no harm will ever befall you and keeping you under his watchfull gaze is the best solution he could come up with.
So what if you're basically a glorified pet? You still have your freedom... although limited. You can pursue your hobbies, indulge in his money and even befriend his two kids if you feel like it.
If you get really desperate for company other than his own and the Kains, then maybe he will think about letting you socialise with the other utopians every now and them. The mostly do not pose any dangers but some of them (caught Andrey, Eva and Vlad the Younger) Do really test his patience and boil his blood with jealousy from the shameless sexua advances and romantic propositions they throw your way as if he wasn't in the room.
Still, the utopians are your toys to play with until you're content. Didn't you ask for friends?
But he'd be lying if he said he wasn't thinking of more... forgive his brain, humans are inherently flawed and he cannot help but think of you in rather scandalous ways at times. Animalistic desires of lust and love rearing its head. Whenever you lean too close to him, pat your beautiful eyelashes or call his name out with a faux whine.
He's more than open to a seemingly "normal" relationship with you. As long as you get used to his busy schedule and periods of ignoring the world around him while in deep thought. He lives in his own brain most of the time and you rarely if ever guess what's going on in his life at any give day.
He remains an enigma while settling for nothing less than your whole heart laid bare before him on a silver tray. Proding at the fragile organ, never causing it any harm as he caresses it with gentle fingers. Feigning ignorance of the way his mouth waters, salvia dripping down the sharp fangs.
But again, he's down to compromise. You can only go places if he's by your side, even his own brother, the judge, he doesn't trust to accompany you alone.
God that was a fucking treat to write and think about. Talking with you is always so fun, I can just let go and say everything on my mind. When writing fanfics or sharing my thoughts to others I always trim the edges and make sure I'm not repeating myself yk? I have to put in effort to make my thoughts presentable and tied nicely with a bow, compress it down to bite sizes.
But man i am living the dream! A wall of text! my purpose in life! I wrote so much in such a short time that my fingers actually hurt.
Anyway I have more so let's keep going!
He'd also fall on the overprotective category but not possessive controlling like Victor Kain. No, He'd want you to genuinely be happy.
Spoils you rotten, without decorum or an excuse. Literally buys you anything and everything, even the things you don't ask for he will get you just because he thought you might like them.
The softest thing with you despite how harsh and uncaring he is with others.
Don't get him wrong. He is still a ruthless businessman with shady and amoral practices, he simply does not care. The only things worth it in this life are the people you love, and he loves his family the most.
Including you! Surprise! He starts considering you part of his family. His love is definitely not just platonic however but he does hold the most shame when it comes to getting together with someone after his dead wife yk?
Especially if you're younger, oh my god he lacks morals yes but this is just humiliating. He gets over it easily.
If you want someone who is extremely self-aware and the guilt of lusting after a young adult really eats him up to the core, then look at none other than Alexander Saburov. Not only is his wife still alive so triple the shame and guilt, but also you're a 20/30 something cutie and he well past middle age. He is getting his ass beaten by his conscience inside his own mind and having a moral crisis.
Anyway, back to Big Vlad. I think he'd try to make you get with his son as a way to coerce you into joining the family, especially if you say he is too old for you.
Try saying Victor Kain is too old for you and that old man 404 errors on the spot then quickly recovers pulls up the shady "well the passage of time is subjective and age does not define a human's mind as long as they are a sound adult" argument. I don't think he himself remembers the fact he is almost 60. Age and time is just a suggestion to the Kains.
However Big Vlad would never pull the "becoming your boss" move ever. He wants you to see him as someone close and in an intimate light, that move will just ruin everything he has built. If he wants to throw money your way then he will shamelessly do it without tact and no one can stop him.
You do get your own worms bodyguards and nice herb brides who watch over you courtesy to him however.
Alexander might be the biggest simp in yanderes but he will hesitate before doing something which conflicts with his convictions.
Big Vlad however, will not.
Your suggestions are heard and the changes you demand in his treatment of the kin are immediately obeyed. He tries his best to please you and make you happy, you literally have this man wrapped around your pinky.
A single kiss would have his brain haywire, all it takes is a pat of your pretty eyelashes and a cute pout and all the complaints fizzle from his brain. You immediately win the argument by default.
While sex is good and all, I feel like he is more of a romantic at heart. Genuinely a big doofus in love and would melt over something as simple as hand holding or having you sleep against his chest. He lives for the early morning breakfast where your eyebrows are scrunched from being so sleepy, as you walk over and sink into his arms.
If Victor Kain treats you like a glorified pet and Alexander Saburov like the temptation & sin incarnate then Big Vlad treats you like royalty, a literal prince/princess fallen into his lap and he's the king who will ensure you have the most pampered and spoiled life ever.
You're not helpless in Big Vlad's eyes, he doesn't infantilise you like Victor Kain does. If anything you're the most capable and talented person in the entire world, which is why you deserve everything good and sweet in it.
I have so many more ideas and concepts! I love your idea of Maria and Katerina treating the reader like a doll and dressing you up then making out with you- Like you're just a beautiful thing to them to cuddle with as they fall asleep and string along on dates.
Yandere Maria wouldn't care what you have to say, she never begs or asks, she just takes. The day she decides you are here doll, everyone acknowledges that you are off limits because who in their right mind would oppose Maria??
And while Katerina doesn't hold much power, her husband is the leading authority over the town criminal and justice system. He is also the biggest simp to her and is 100% okay with being a cuck if it means his wife is happy.
If having you as her precious doll to dress up, smooch, and play with will put a stop to her morphine addiction, then he'd step over his own morals and look the other way.
YANDERE ASPITY MY LOVE. She has potential! I adore non-humans obsessing over a human. You're not like other humans, you're full of surprises and she wants to test and study you more. You make her see worth in her life and the world beyond the earth and why she was born.
I also like the implication that since she is literally a piece cut from boddho's heart and moulded into a person like clay, that if she falls in love with you then the earth itself would too. With Yandere Aspity you get a Yandere Boddoh and the entirety of the kin for free!
Maybe even possessive Aspity who doesn't want to share you with the earth, who refuses to hand you over and wants you to be hers. A piece of the earth defying its original self, establishing herself as her own person by choosing to love you and never share you.
But my food already went cold, and my fingers are growing numb, so I will cut it short for now.
Ha. Short. I say while having written the entire front page article of a gossipy small town's newspaper.
Do tell me about your thoughts! I love hearing them and reading what you write! Be it your thoughts about other yanderes or your opinions of what I have written. Or even an entirely different concept in general.
Lastly, thank you so much for the praise! I'm glad you liked my Andrey fic. He was a bit challenging to write because as you can see I specialised in romanticism and down bad old men and he's a fuck boy with anger issues and a renaissance man. So I had to conceade that no, he won't take you on picnics but he will take you to get your nipples pierced and maybe get a matching set of his own.
I'm happy you like my smut! I struggled a lot with figuring out how to write it ironically- I stuided romance and fluff I didn't take any good dick courses! So I only improved through trial and error, I changed my smut style so many times ah- The current one is the one I like most!
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sanguiresse-a · 5 years
#driving to my apartment late at night and thinking......... about vladjhin#every single lore change for vladimir makes vladjhin more and more unsuitable and unhealthy WHOOP#essentially vlads character is at a point right now where he's like.........#he's tired. he's bored. he's softened out over the years bc he's been cruel and evil and manipulative for hundreds of years#and it doesnt appeal to him anymore#not as much as it used to anyway#and then this BITCH from ionia waltzes in#who just EXUDES emotion and life and energy in his twisted way and vlads just like#'huh. this guy sucks but boy oh boy does he make me feel alive!'#essentially... jhin sends vlad's character development hurtling into the Bad Zone#bc he reminds vladimir that it is fun to be a murderous manipulative bastard#and theyre both vain peacocks who talk for hours about violence and beauty#and in a way it goes the other way around bc jhins obsessive and naturally fixates on people he cant control/kill#so vladimir is just like a walking fixation for jhin#and distracts jhin from other endeavors...............#they're........ good for each other in the sense that they match together really nicely#they're bad for each other in every other sense.#absolutely terrible.#the way i write both--- jhin isnt capable of redemption and i dont want to write any ending where jhin's happy#the best ending for jhin is one where he is dead or imprisoned LOL#vlad is different; he's capable of softening up and leaning more chaotic neutral#and narratively i am satisfied with an ending where vladimir is happy#jhin.... is not conducive to that#anyways. its interesting to talk about this ship now bc it was my ride or die when jhin was first released#and i still love it but it hits different now that vladimir has changed#2016 vlad was younger (still old af tho) and harsher and more of a dick so vladjhin worked better#2019-2020 vlad is.... he's softer what can i say!#and he has kids now! dont let jhin near his children what the fuck!!!!
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kitty-av · 2 years
Hello, I have been thinking of making the clone gang into my OCs for a while now ( kinda inspired by Mortified because it's a great fanfic, I love me some characters we see for 1 min being utilised and explored ) so I kinda just... Did.
Ok so here are my bois, first I shall show a group line-up, then I introduce them in segments.
Sound good? Ok, here they are!
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These are the clone squad in human form, though I'm still debating on whether they are hypothetical forms, or if they're all halfas like Dani.
Also I have never really drawn Danielle, so she may look wonky until I get the hang of it lol
Anyway, introductions:
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This man is Dante, he's the skeleton ghost, and I based his design off of two things: his nose looks like it would be different than Danny's, and he had a bedsheet.
So therefore, he gets wavy hair, and a similar build to Danny, except his nose is different and I tried to define his brows and their wrinkles a bit more ( I don't know how to explain it better )
Dante is quite possibly the most laid back from the clone squad because there really weren't any expectations he had to deliver on, unlike his siblings.
He's the second oldest, which means Vlad was just ok with him existing because he was still getting the hang of the whole cloning thing.
This means he had time to work on his hobbies, like art and gardening and just wind down after Vlad inevitably did something terrible.
He has leg prosthetics but because I was too excited to post, so I haven't figured out how to draw them yet, so for now he has long pant legs.
He's the mom friend of the gang, will frequently drag the rest of them out of their pods for bonding time because he knows they can get caught up in their problems.
They poke fun at him for his ' bedsheet ghost ' routine but he thinks it's funny and he's vibing, so they just kinda accept it. He actually uses the spooky voice too, just because.
He's the ' We have food at home ' sibling along with Dorian, but can switch to ' McDonalds ' sibling when he wants to make Danielle happy •^•
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Now these two.
Oh, boy.
These two are traumatized let me tell you that.
Let's start with Dorian, who for the purposes of my sanity will be Dan level beefy instead of his canon beefiness. Just because I couldn't figure out how to draw it, and it's my design so screw it.
I had the idea of him looking like Jack because he's the oldest sibling so Vlad accidentally tapped into some genetics he probably didn't like.
As you can probably guess, Vlad is not his biggest fan.
Dorian is just the sweetest boi. He's the Jazz of the squad. Often ignores himself and accidentally becomes the therapist friend when there's nobody there to help him set his boundaries.
He's really into social justice, reading, and also rock/metal music ( because why not, it fits his ghost aesthetic too )
He just wants the best for his siblings, even though he's painfully aware Vlad is just... Vlad.
He will not hesitate to curb stomp you if you become a threat to his family, and while he's very patient, the clone gang has sorta given him a sixth sense for detecting mischief.
I'm serious, he walks into a room and just knows they did something.
He chooses to wear formal adjacent clothing himself, it isn't Vlad that made him do it. He feels comforted by the routine of styling himself.
Now, Dominic: I'm gonna put the pic back here for reference.
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This lil man
He is just... Full of anger. And issues.
First, his design was meant to have a lot of triangular shapes to kinda match Danny's, as well as to bring more attention to his face.
His eye is just gone in human form as well. It falls off constantly, so he doesn't bother and just carries it in a pouch in his pocket. Dorian finds that understandably disturbing, and Dante is somewhere between ' I can make eye puns when he brings it up ' and ' dude I wish my brother would have better care for himself '.
He's the third clone, and Vlad's favourite until Danielle happened. Unfortunately, because we can't have nice things, he's constantly unstable in ghost form, and because of that Vlad pushed him hard enough for him to develop the shrinking, purely out of his want to disappear and hide.
Dominic despises Vlad from the bottom of his heart, because unlike with Dani, Vlad didn't bother hiding his disappointment and loopiness when it came to his ' almost perfect son '
He's pretty jaded because of this, and he swore to himself that Dani would not suffer like he did, so he allowed himself to get blackmailed into behaving by Vlad. Basically the deal was that Dominic would obey without question, and Dani will be happy and oblivious to the fact he literally doesn't care.
Later on, Vlad tells him that he'll have Danielle overshadow Danny, but he volunteers instead because he knows it won't end well, and he's absolutely right. Vlad probably knew this so he told him specifically so his ' problem child ' wouldn't be a problem.
He would literally fight anyone, despite the fact he has bad depth perception, a lack of real offensive abilities, and an incredible lack of solidity/stability.
He probably waits for the summer with anticipation because he can fire tiny ectoblasts at Vlad and pretend it was mosquitoes.
Besides all the angst and trauma, he has a passion for theatre and mischief. He and Dani are incredibly close and prank everyone. Dominic probably taught her the ' faint to get out of a difficult conversation ' trick.
He can't talk in tiny form, it just sounds like bells ( like Tinkerbell )
Dante probably teases him for ' doing puberty wrong ' and Dominic strikes back with digs against the ' bedsheet ghost routine '. They're vibing.
Dorian and Dominic are also Metal/Rock music buddies and will listen to music together while Dorian is reading some book or other. Dominic is incredibly grateful to have his support despite all the headaches his mischief cause, and he often serves as Dorian's ' boundaries cheerleader ' so to speak.
He's the ' One black coffee ' sibling if you hadn't noticed. Only he'd probably hand it to Danielle because she's his partner in crime.
Now Dani herself, she absolutely adores her brothers. She doesn't understand why Vlad doesn't, but she thinks she can change his mind because he ' likes ' her. Then when he calls her brothers ' mistakes ' she goes ' ok I can't, but if he stabilises me, I can maybe save them too ' because she's precious like that .
Unfortunately, things don't work that way, and so when she leaves Amity park she's kinda confronted with the realisation that ' oh damn, I actually helped murder Dorian, and Dominic wouldn't help Vlad without good reason so he probably took my place ' and that's not exactly a pleasant realization.
The reason she doesn't come back for help earlier than D-stabilized is actually because of guilt. She doesn't feel like she deserves the help after what happened. Then she reminds herself that her brothers wanted her to be happy and goes off to find Danny.
I know this was a lot of angst, so here, have some sketches to balance it out OwO
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I'm thinking I also have them come back as ghosts because I want my children to be happy together, but I haven't figured out unique ghost designs for them yet. It feels cheap giving them their clone designs when they're now their own people yknow?
Thank you for reading all this, I'm really happy to finally share my bois with the Phandom •^• if y'all have any thoughts or questions feel free to share.
I'm just glad I did this because doing character design in the DP style is fun, especially considering how Dorian and Dante's facial features had to be built on top of skeletal/unfinished structure ( their noses in particular ) so that was exciting to figure out (ㆁωㆁ)
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pitch-pearl-void · 3 years
(The borderlands anon from however long ago)
So, I finished watching the show a couple days ago, because there were a couple things that showed up consistently in fics i that I didn’t understand (blood blossoms, some of the baddies, a handful of fenton inventions, etc)
First off, I still very much prefer pitch pearl to amethyst ocean or whatever the hell it’s called
And also, do you know where pitch pearl as a ship came from? I know there’s the episode with fun and super, but is that all there really was? Or were there more early fandom headcannons that supported them as separate beings?
Hello again! Sorry this took so long, I wasn’t sure how to answer 😅
Canon did a poor job with AO. I would even say it did it dirty, but it's popular enough it doesn't need that kind of support lol. If you really want to give it a fair shake I’d recommend reading fanfiction for it, but I understand everyone’s preferences are different. I personally don’t ship it because shipping best friends is something I have real issues with, but it’s not a bad ship if you want something that’s soft and makes you feel all warm inside.
Onto pitch pearl tho!
Tbh, I’m not entirely sure myself how pitch pearl as a ship started. I don’t believe it was because of the Fun and Super episode, largely because those two are rarely used in the ship. 
I asked someone else, and they thought that moment in What You Want when Phantom was first torn from Fenton as this colorless ghost might have been what started the concept they weren’t one whole person. Because, honestly? This ship goes far, FAR back. A lot of the older fics made Phantom into a voice in Danny’s head or a spirit that could separate from him at will without the need of the Ghost Catcher in order to offer Danny comfort. They had no rules because there weren’t any set way yet. The fact that Phantom could move and think independently from Danny was enough to get people thinking. It wasn't all romantic, most of it was borderline at best. They mostly focused on hurt/comfort and self-love, finding a balance between human and ghost with the occasional kiss thrown in.
Then there’s TUE, where Danny meets his evil future self and learns that his ghost half killed his human half after merging with Plasmius. It definitely gave more credence to the idea there might be more to Danny’s ghost half than simply having ghost powers. It aired before Identity Crisis, so it set the stage with a BOOM and had a much bigger impact on the ship. Phantom being seen as his own person is a bit more credible when he’s willing to kill Danny. It helped that TUE was a VERY popular episode. It drew in a huge crowd, and everyone was curious about what made the ghost half snap like that if he’s supposed to be Danny.
Supporting that idea is that a lot of the older art and fics took a darker view of Phantom in general, seeing him as Danny’s darker half or a ghost out for revenge after being imprisoned for so long. Even the name “pitch pearl” was created with that in mind. I always thought of it as “white hair/black hair” in the same vein as AO taking inspiration from Sam’s purple eyes and Danny’s blue, but when I went searching for the origins for the name, the old explanation set Danny Fenton as white pearl and Phantom as pitch black. The reasoning for that was partly their jumpsuits pre- and post- accident, but also because Fenton is human and “pure” while Phantom is a ghost and dangerous--because without Fenton, Phantom became Dan and destroyed everything.
For obvious and somewhat personal reasons, I don’t subscribe to that. But it does make all the art where Phantom looks evil while holding Danny make sense. I don’t like dark romance, and I’m personally thrilled we moved away from such a dark beginning, but it likely had a hand in the early popularity of pitch pearl.
If I were to guess how else it started when the source has them as one person, I would say it was most likely the fanart? Putting Fenton and Phantom side-by-side has a yin-yang appeal, and when they interact in art, you get the sense that these are two characters, not one. This was really popular when the fandom was much bigger than it is now.
For instance
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Save Our Soul by nycken isn't a shipping piece by any means, but it could very easily give rise to the idea, especially if someone is new to the fandom.
They did not shy away from it being a self-cest ship back then, though. The idea that Phantom wasn't Danny was there, but I don't think anyone looked for evidence in the show to support it. That seems to be something the ship has evolved into rather than something it started from, and it is honestly my favorite way to see it.
I do have many headcanons about how they aren’t the same person in canon if you're interested! There’s the out of sync transformations, the title sequence and how Super and Fun are shown to separate in the Identity Crisis episode, Vlad’s inability to clone Danny, the way Danny talks to himself, just all kinds of things! If you want to hear more about those I'd be happy to answer 😁 (they'd probably be easier too lol)
But yeah, I think it was TUE and fanart. There may have been other factors (I think this was around the time Yu-Gi-Oh and puzzleshipping was popular too) because fandom doesn't exist in a vacuum, but I really couldn't say for sure. It's a ship that means different things for everyone who ships it. I like the psychological questions when they start off as "one" (the bonded peeps version) and enjoy the aus like soooo much, but others like it only for aus, and others like it as a crack ship, and then there are even others who like it as something dangerous. Some people love it for Fun and Super in Identity Crisis because they're just fun caricatures. It's hard to find the origin point when it has so many branches lol
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pransesdp · 2 years
2, 3, 11, and 12 for the latest meme?
2) What’s your favorite fic?
Ack, tbh I haven't really been too up-to-date on reading DP-related fics these days 😅... but I do remember this one fic about an AU-version of "The Ultimate Enemy" (where Sam ended up surviving) was an interesting story to read through from what I recall.
3) If you could canonically rewrite any episode, which would you chose?
Heh... weell there's actually a few that's always been on my mind for potential "rewrite" material (not counting "Phantom Planet" 'cause I mean, everyone does that lol). Here's the three that's been most on my mind atm:
-"Teacher of the Year" (S1) = Had a good premise going with Lancer getting more development + the videogame adventure aesthetics looking cool... but I really could've done without that random "Danny and Tuck act sexist to Sam outta nowhere" subplot :/. Like... weren't these three friends since like, 2nd grade? Why would they act so condescending about her playing games as they do (+especially knowing how Sam is, I doubt she would've let this slide if she's gonna keep hanging out with them)? It just felt so OOC & unnecessary to the story that I honestly think it'd be best to just scrap it (and instead replace it with like, a story of the trio just playing the games on equal terms without much conflict (except maybe getting more "casually" competitive or something for high score-purposes)? Idk-)
-"Urban Jungle" (S3) = While I do still enjoy this one alot based purely on entertainment-value (+all the cool aesthetics like Plant!Sam & Danny's new ice powers), a part of me does feel like it would've benefitted a lot more by being a full-on movie than a regular episode. More time to give the heroes some big stakes, character development, more intense fights (+Plant!Sam being more "active" of a threat), yknow all that jazz .3.
-"The Ultimate Enemy" (S2) = I know this is a fan-favorite by the fandom and all... buuuut yeah, I'm still not all that impressed by it tbh :p. Like, okay sure having that darker atmosphere and Danny's biggest "enemy" being the fear of growing up is a good idea in-theory... but, again how does it make sense for him to turn to Vlad when losing all his loved ones?? Like... you couldn't have just had Danny doing the "splitting-my-halves-apart" ritual himself out of his own personal guilt? Honestly I feel like that angle could've added more weight to the story + show how much Danny's ghostly side has become a core part of him than he realized (think of it like how Steven Universe became so drained/close to dying when his "Gem" side got taken out in the "Change Your Mind" special). Then I guess if you had to include Vlad, it'd be through this now-separated Phantom!Danny chasing him down for "revenge" and absorbing his powers, forming into the "Dark Danny" you see today. Or... idk, maybe thats just me lol.
11) Most underrated fic trope?
It pains me that I still have yet to see that many others exploring more of the family backgrounds for some of the characters outside of Danny... like, cmon especially with a case like the gloomy goth girl Sam growing up with preppy/controlling rich parents, it always made curious of how she must've coped with that growing up :c. Sam with those like Tucker as well since we only see his folks in snippets in the show, wonder what they must be up to?
12) Most overrated fic trope?
Idk if this is still a thing "regularly" by the current fandom but... could never really get the appeal of "dissection" fics tbh (let alone performed by his own parents ._.). Like, don't get me wrong I'm all for exploring a bit of "dark" themes here and there fanfic-wise but... really? Danny's folks? The same people who accepted their son wholeheartedly when he first revealed the truth in "Reality Trip"? Idk, just feels too OOC for me to see them doing such a thing to their own kid (ghost-researching jobs or not) .-.
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starlightshore · 2 years
Wait, how can Ellie and Danny be physically identical but one of them is trans and the other cis? Ngl, as a trans guy, if i found a version of myself that was a cis girl I'd be so distraught and feel really invalidated. But I also see myself as like, not being trans as a result of nurture but nature.
I aint saying youre lore is bad or anything btw or that my take is more valid, youre enby so im not gonna act like i'm the only trans person ever lol. Just that I don't think like, a different environment can untrans someone (at least for me it wasnt cos I feel that i was born this way, but i'm no every trans person whos ever lived)
Also you are dangerously close to making me want to get into the DP fandom even though I had no intention of doing so lol.
SFJS YEAH i feel you as i said i'd be very upset too but I'd recognize that it'd be a different person at that point. i don't know how i feel about being trans being a nature/nurture argument, that's a very hard thing to analyze. it's not like you can compare real life timelines. and identical twins aren't guaranteed to both become trans.
you could make the same exact argument with Canon Ellie, as she's biologically the same as Danny. (unless you make the argument Vlad supplied some DNA but that's crossing into speculation and that still doesn't make much sense,,,)
If it's any help, Danny doesn't recognize Ellie as someone with the same face -the gender difference just flat out makes it impossible for him to see her as someone identical and Danny has a million other things on his plate. By the time Danny learns who Ellie is, he's known Ellie for at least a few weeks if not a month, so by then Ellie has already established herself as a separate person.
Ellie will have some biological similarities (probably like, brain wave stuff, health, (mostly, as they had different diets and environments) and raised by completely different people. (Ellie grew up with the GUI parents and had different babysitters and caregivers) Ellie went across country and changed schools all the time, while Danny stayed in the same small town. A big part of who Danny is, is defined by his family being the "weird mad scientists down the block." Ellie growing up with parents who are in the government who can't publicly disclose things would drastically change how people view the families.
So like, I get what you're saying and I have similar concerns, but I do want to emphasize how these characters are different people who happen to have the same DNA. It's a take on the sci-fi "cloning" trope without going into the inhumane process of actual cloning. I hope my context and explanation helps??? I'm really unsure of how else to tackle this topic
(also before joining the fandom i'd recommend asking a few people within it (i'm not super deep into it) about what sort of issues/concerns people with the fandom as a whole! every fandom's got it's own problems so be sure you know what you're getting into ahead of time. hope you have fun if you decide to join! and also lmao feel free not to watch the original show either, its not a requirement. i've talked before how i can't really rec the original as it's aged badly in a few regards)
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Heard we were talking about unpopular phandom opinions so here are mine:
》 I don't like Wes and his family I think they're all annoying and add nothing whatsoever lol
》 Danny having a protection obsession makes no sense, especially considering how he died. I think his obsession would be more along the lines of "live a normal life for fucking once" (IF he had one. I think the obsessions thing is great for angst but overall it doesn't make that much sense. Usually when I'm reading fanfic I just turn off my brain for this specific part)
》 I don't think Vlad can or should ever be redeemed. The fact that his motives and actions are bad are the most interesting things about his character, and redeemed Vlad just seems OOC to me
》 I think Swagger Bishie is an interesting ship and I like Dash as a character but some of y'all are too quick to excuse the shit he did to Danny. And honestly? Same goes for all the A-lister characters, including Valerie
》 Jazz gets so shafted in fanfics and phandom content. I think she needs more love. That being said, she also needs more character besides "doting older sister"
》 I don't... hate Sam. I think she's a good concept, but needs like. A really drastic rewrite. She's not even goth :(
》 The Fenton parents aren't abusive, but they're not great parents either. I think they'd accept Danny for who he is, but they still inflicted trauma and I feel like they don't pay enough attention to their kids to really be good. I remember seeing a post saying "they're not parents, they're scientists who happen to have kids" and that about sums it up for me
》 TUE is great for angst but plot-wise it makes no sense. Cheating on a test should not have gotten his family and friends killed. I usually let it go because it's an interesting trauma to explore but I still find it unrealistic
》 The way Danny is written in fanfic is inconsistent as hell. Sometimes he's an insanely closed-off badass and sometimes he's sad and angsty all the time. Personally, I've always thought of his as someone who would go "everything is fine :)" and ignore his own trauma until someone pointed it out to him and/or things go too far. Like, hide his trauma behind humor and sarcasm. Someone let him be snarky and make puns again </3
》 Why are there so many Vlad/Danny shippers??? You guys at the absolute very best, are fucking weirdos
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
So in Bitter Reunions, Jack resists Plasmius, but not Danny, overshadowing him. The theory that this is because he subconsciously recognizes Phantom as Danny makes the most sense to me. But then, that means he may have recognized Plasmius as Masters. Do you think it’s more likely he subconsciously knows Vlad doesn’t have his best interests in mind, or because he didn’t interact enough with Vlad to subconsciously recognize the connection?
On that same post it also mentioned that it could have been the motives of the possessing ghost aligning/not aligning with Jack's intended actions. Like all the times Danny possessed his dad, it was doing benign things that Jack would have done just in a less embarrassing way lol. When Vlad possessed him not only was he feeling the absolutely hatred Vlad had for him but also Vlad wanted to use Jack's body to hurt people and his beloved wife. That completely goes against Jack's base character which allowed him to fight back.
I do like the idea that Jack subtly recognizes the presences in his mind as friendly, its cute in the case of Danny and really sad with Vladdy bec he still sees the monster who wants to do him and his family harm as a friend.
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seths-wife · 3 years
Theory: why is Seth Twiright the demon of wrath? What's his backstory?
Note: this theory tries its best to be as objective as possible in explaining and deducing facts basing on only what is known in the novels and not basing on personal preferences and sensibilities, just cold gathering of the facts and trying to draw plausible conclusion. That doesn't mean i'm right, necessarily.
1) Demon of wrath or demon of pride? (Biblical references and discordance of themes).
2) Was Seth a victim of abuse? (Can we draw this conclusion basing only on what we know?)
3) That one comic by Ichika
4) Conclusion
Chapter 1: demon of wrath or demon of pride?
Seth is a really peculiar character: the sin he's represented by doesn't seem to be...displaying that much, contrary to those of the other demons in this series.
Gilles is clearly lustful (basing on the catholic religion definition of it, at least) seen his high sex drive.
Vlad is not really explained but he's a cook so he must be obsessed with food (joke), also his interactions with Banica seem to suggest a morbid curiosity of his to try new foods for hedonistic pleasure, no matter if it's immoral and illegal to eat those.
Marie Annette is a really prideful human/demon seen her few lines in the entire series, like "bow down to me" without any legitimate reason.
Eve...well...on another theory about that...
Rahab is clearly envious when also other people get what she has, seen that she's basically the ec version of Ayano Aishi and a big stereotypical yandere, at least in one part of the narrative.
Salem (does he even exist? (joke)) is an economist so he must be obsessed with money and gathering earthly and perishing goods. (joke)
I won't talk about Adam Moonlit as the demon of greed here as it's for another topic.
But Seth? When in the series does he show unrighteous wrath? Do we see him get angry outbursts and go around beating up and killing people because he's angry at them?
On the contrary, in the whole series Seth seems to be pretty calculating and cold, and he doesn't seem to be really excessively troubled by any behavior or at least he doesn't really show a strong vengeful attitude towards them.
Yes, he might get on bad mood when his plans don't succeed as he expected to, but he never goes like "you'll pay for ruining my plan" or something. He proceeds with his plans, trying to adjust the latters in order to fit the new situation.
Actually, sometimes he seems to find amusing and funny when people try to kill him and unmask (pun or not lol) him for his evil bahaviour, like when Adam tried to kill him and the latter was surprised he couldn't succeed since Seth outsmarted him, or Gammon when he confronted him about brainwashing Miroku.
It's as if Seth finds funny when people are frustrated because of him, it soothes his ever-roaring mind and boredom.
For months, i've thought that Seth should have been the demon of pride because of his attitude in the crime novel and because it fit him better as for the Biblical references:
We see multiple instances in the crime novel that Seth likes himself very much: he loves the fact that he consideres himself to be the best scientist in the country™ as he uses this bunch of words everytime he introduces himself (both as Horus and as himself), also he considers himself to be very handsome to the point he doesn't want to change his face because it would be "such a terrible crime" (i mean, i also think he's hot but Seth, calm down, what the hell...).
But his pride doesn't end with him flaunting his intelligence and hotness.
There are also other instances of Seth's pride that are even more remarkable.
Like for example, the whole matter of Seth making artificial humans (so called "ghoul children") mimicking the creation of the "gods" in the series. This can be considered a matter of pride, as he wants to act as the "gods", he thinks he's able to be on par of them.
Well lol, gods...i always found pretty unrealistic how we got from human scientists with high tech from almost omnipotent beings that can cast lightening wherever they want, make ladies pregnant and instill thoughts and visions in people in a single arc while being trapped inside of a spaceship. This always provoked some strong cognitive dissonance within me, this sounds like a stretched, inappropriate and unrealistic even if they have big tech. That's why i call them "gods wannabe". They're still humans playing God after all.
But that's besides the point.
Even more remarkable is this other line, right after quoting the achievements of other "gods" in the series:
"In that case—
I am the god who creates “evil”.
Seth is literally and explicitly placing himself in the place of the gods, considering himself to be a god on par of the pillar ones in the series.
And this is very coherent basing on the fact he should be the parallel of the Biblical serpent, the demon who thought he was on par of God and fell because of pride.
So it would have had much more sense to have Seth as the demon of pride.
So when and why is seth the demon of wrath since in the series it looks more like he's the demon of pride?
His motive? Not really...Seth doesn't seem to act because of some sort of anger as his main motivation is to "follow his h.e.r.s nature and make himself 'new friends' (his own definition of friends)".
Then i think we have no choice than look at his backstory and see if we can spot some unrighteous anger there.
Chapter 2: is Seth a victim of abuse and angry at his mother?
The vast majority of the theories around about the reasons of Seth's evil are based off the fact that Seth might have gone through motherly abuse that provoked him some childhood traumas back when he was a little white and red mask.
Those assertions are usually backed up by pieces of the short story "Outlaw and lychgate".
Let's look at them.
The most quoted line about this issue is:
“My, and what sort of dish is that?”
“It’s not really much of a dish. You just splash some curry powder and ketchup on a sausage. My old ma used to make it for me a lot when I was a child.”
“Just like mom used to make, hm. That sounds quite nice. My mother never did any home cooking for me.“
Well...from this particular line, fans have begun to speculate than maybe his mother starved him or refused to cook for him.
But is it necessarily the case? It can be a possible interpretation but we don't know how masks work in this series or whether or not they need to eat, especially since they don't have a mouth or a digestive system of some sort.
It can also be that Seth was just curious about food in the line upwards since as a mask maybe he could not experience food, given that he couldn't physically eat when he was a mask.
This doesn't necessarily refer to an abusive situation of a mother refusing to provide food and care for her son.
There is also another instance in which Seth spoke about his mother.
"I often hear strangers tell me that they can’t tell what I’m thinking.
Even my own mother said so, before she died.
That’s why, to get her to understand at least a little bit, I shot her in the forehead.
To this day I still remember how stopped moving, her mask cracked in two.
That was the first murder I committed."
Ok, the fact that his mother "didn't understand him" could have been because of various reasons:
1) maybe she didn't try to understand him and neglected him.
2) maybe Seth became too different from his mother since he contracted hers and she couldn't understand and relate to him anymore even if she tried to.
3) Seth is just too cryptic or changes his mind too fast (probably because of his boredom) when it comes to expressing his true intentions or having certain intentions therefore people have big trouble understand him.
I would go for 3 since Seth also explained that not only his mother didn't understand him but also various other characters, so it's not necessarily true that Seth's mother just refused to listen and understand him, it could have been that Seth was too cryptic or that she couldn't relate to a her.
Anyways, we don't have a lot of info about this but i don't think it is correct to see a mysterious passage in just one possible way.
And also i wouldn't like for Seth to be "he's evil because mommy wasn't nice therefore he's angry and wants to make everyone like him and destroy everything uwu" because:
1) that's a really misused trope.
2) it doesn't properly explain why Seth did what he did in the crime novel, it's clear that there has to be an even deeper motivation that made him do those horrific things: abuse is too much of a simplistic and lazy motivation given his role.
Also there is no specific mention of anger and resentment even if there could be.
So where can we see that Seth is angry?
Chapter 3: that one Ichika comic.
Let's look at this one comic.
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It is kinda difficult to understand what it means but the face resembles Seth's human form a bit and also this comic shows a theme of anger against the human creators of the first period since the comic seems to be talking about the second one "in this world where everything is an extension" (the second period is a virtual parallel reality to the first one in the series).
Seth seems to be pretty aware of the first period.
I think so because Kiril (his clone) at one point gained back the memories of his original.
Who? Seth? Pale? (That twist complicated things a whole lot).
I will go for Seth since in the series he's always referred to as the original talking about his "clones".
Kiril with Seth's memories came up with "Vocaloid, huh?!", showing awareness of the knowledge of vocaloid (since the first period is similar to the real world in the series) but i don't think this is an info Kiril learnt on his own but he took from Seth's memories since he was a researcher of parallel worlds and wouldn't have been out of place for Seth to learn about the first period.
So, given that Seth is the one of the comic and he's talking about the humans of the first period, he seems to be angry at the fact he was born to be an her (let's remember the humans of the first period started the her problem for their own personal gain) and in the society of the second period he's seen as a problem because of that.
Therefore Seth in his anger invites people to blame the creators instead of him since he doesn't think to have a free will and has no other choice than being evil because of those humans who "made him this way".
Funny how the same topic is faced with Irina and Levia in the duel. And funny how Levia in this series seems to also be a victim of her own pulsions and can't really be a moral authority in this, again, gods wannabe. They have their morals inspired by their originals who made their avatars who have tainted them with a virus, so they can't create, define or judge good and evil themselves.
So funny.
Chapter 4: conclusions.
So i think this is a plausible reason Seth might be the demon of wrath. But still, i wonder how it is that Seth is happy later on to follow those pulsions he thinks he can't control (given by humans) and doesn't try to fight back the instincts.
Maybe he accepted and got happy with his disease or he just resigned that that was his destiny thinking that he had no choice.
I don't know if i will make anymore theories after this, since i want to go on and make content for something else.
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yakocchi · 3 years
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2021 Anniversary Event Ministories // Count
this post contains 2 ministories: the 4th Anniversary Collection Event (Loved So Much, I Go Breathless) and the 2021 Election Collection Event (Deep Night)
o hey it’s me why did i sandwich two honestly-unrelated stories? bc i can!! actually it’s bc i feel lame when i post too much. which goes against how you’re supposed to use tumblr…. but no one ever said i was good at this
anyway, they serve similar purposes. The Election Event is supposed to be a sort of Anniversary Event, while the..… Anniversary Event is named that. the Count did not!! have a scenario Anniversary Event this year (that was apparently reserved for the top 6. sad but makes sense) so yea, make do w/ this
The Election Story is an AU where the characters are hosts of a host club. which…. not my thing but w/e, maybe some of u like that stuff The Anniversary Event on the other hand is supposed to be in-line with canon. results in corny SHIET but i like corny shiet. like the vlad one has them buying mugs (? thats a thing in the 19th century, corny mug shit? #1 best vampire mug? bruh)
in event chronology, the anni event was way before the election one but i put the election one first here cuz it’s longer (bc i included the prologue)
Spoilers under the cut!! Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*)
Deep Night // Prologue + Count
⋆ didnt screenie anything for the prologue cuz LAZY. just imagine the dumb black shirts they made some poor intern edit on photoshop, thats p much it
One city night, the year 20XX—
[Kara]: “Survived another week of hard work, me… haah,” (I finally have the day off tomorrow. It’ll be okay if I let loose a bit tonight, right?) When I was worn out from the monotony of everyday life, I would head over to a certain place for comfort and thrills. And that establishment was—
[Napoleon]: “Welcome to Club Deep Night.”
[Arthur]: “Ah, it’s Kara. You came to see me, right? ‘Been waiting.” [Isaac]: “Hold up, Arthur; she doesn’t come here just to see you, no?” [Dazai]: “Ooh, Isaac; a Host’s jealousy isn’t pretty, you know?” [Dazai]: “Well then, Toshiko-san; Your pick tonight— Wha – is me? No, no, it’s an honor. This will be a night of blinding sensuality very soon—"
[Isaac]: “She hasn’t picked anyone and you’re already going full steam ahead. —And her name isn’t Toshiko.” [Arthur]: “Right, right; Don’t hang with some guy who can’t your name right, Kara— My princess.”
As soon as I entered the club, a smile appeared on my face as a battle of charms began in front of me.
[Napoleon]: “Sheesh… every last one of these rascals are thrilled. Sorry that they’re being so noisy.” [Kara]: “No, no! Whenever I come here, it’s fun and even perks me up.” [Vincent]: “Really? If I’m to be the source of your high spirits, then I’ll make it even livelier in here.” [Vincent]: “I’ll build the champagne tower, and prepare the call!” [Theodorus]: “Hey, Hondje— Hurry and pour the champagne. It’ll be to give gratitude to the angel that’s landed on this city tonight.” [Theodorus]: “If you can be a good girl, I’ll tease and spoil you to bits.”
⋆ in host clubs, there’s a thing called a champagne call. the customer buys some very expensive bubbly, and all of the hosts gather round her table to chant, sing, w/e i was curious on how the localization handled theo’s dog nickname for MC (like 駄犬) cuz if they did a straight translation (mongrel, mutt, etc.), i feel like the western audience would hate him lul. glad they found smth
Everyone tries to entertain me, and in a single moment, their sweet words make me forget about my ordinary life. (It’s nice that everyone is so lively; but shouldn’t I go pick someone for tonight…?)
Troubled about it, arms then suddenly wrapped around my waist on both sides, causing me to cry out. [Faust]: “How long do you intend to go down one by one like that, keeping us men waiting?” [Faust]: “Come on— Please pick someone, and quickly. I can’t say... that I don’t know who you should be choosing.” [Charles]: “Ugh, there goes the cunning Doctor. I wanted to be picked by her, and now you’re doing all this.” [Charles]: “Hey— Pick me, Kara. I’ll do things to you that’ll make you feel good, utterly euphoric...” [Sebastian]: “Stop the Sexy Time. Even though you are a host, please show some restraint within club walls, Charles.” [Sebastian]: “...There being so many rivals vying for Kara’s nomination, is a nuisance.”
[Jeanne]: “If I do things that will make her feel good, will she be thrilled?” [Mozart]: “Jeanne, it’d be a good idea to not emulate what you just saw.”
⋆ “Stop the Sexy Time” is transliterated into kana, so it felt wrong to potentially change it. yes the cringe was not made by me this time. surprisingly also, this is something that gets a bit lost in translation: Charles and Jeanne both use yorokobu, in which the most common meaning is to be pleased, feel joy, etc. however, they use diff kanji which have diff connotations. Charles uses one that’s more abt physical joy (like a massage... or uh u know), while Jeanne uses one that’s more abt emotional joy (like seeing a friend u haven’t met with in a while). it’s supposed to show how dirty minded charles is while jeanne is precious LOL
[Mozart]: “Kara, come over here. You deserve to receive much finer hospitality... So, from me.” [Jeanne]: “If you pick me as well, then I’ll do my very best. Kara, won’t you come with me?” (Urgh- it’s getting more and more impossible to pick just one of them...!)
A bit farther away from everyone else, in the backroom— two men were exchanging words with each other: [Shakespeare]: “The moment Kara arrived, everyone became so animated.” [Shakespeare]: “She’s a mysterious one, to be able to draw us masterful hosts towards herself.” [Leonardo]: “Mhm, every single grown man is desperate to get the sweetheart’s attention.   [Leonardo]: “Well... maybe I should turn desperate too, hm?”
And in the owner’s quarters, there were also men watching Kara through the club monitors. [Vlad]: “That girl…” [Count]: “You mean Kara? She started frequenting this place a little while ago.” [Count]: “For some reason, I’m always interested… in who she picks each time.” [Vlad]: “Looks like you care quite a lot about one specific customer, dear Owner.” [Vlad]: “Kara… hm?”
[Napoleon]: “Regardless, all of the hosts here like you way too much. —To be honest, it makes me anxious.” [Kara]: “Huh-?” (Anxious… as a host? Or… as a man?) His words, honeyed with sweet temptation, made my heart race. His smile then deepened: [Napoleon]: “—Well, Kara; Who’s your pick tonight?”
(End of Prologue)
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[Count]: “So you’ve come, Kara. I’ve been waiting, you know.” I had paid a visit to the host club I always go to, and was invited to the owner’s quarters for some reason.
⋆ how is he still a Count in this AU lul. like yea nobility still exists, but it’s… strange, esp. if someone of nobility is openly running a host club
(Being called up here by the owner… this is the first time that’s ever happened.) I couldn’t come up with a reason why I was the only customer summoned here.
[Count]: “It’s not anything to be nervous about; I just wanted to hear something from you tonight.” [Count]: “You come here often, but you pick someone different every time.” [Count]: “Is there no one here that meets your expectations?” [Kara]: “My expectations?” [Count]: “Mhm. Being unable to satisfy our customers’ needs is an alarming matter.” [Count]: “If none of my kids happen to be your type, I’d like to hear what kind of things you seek.” [Kara]: “N-No… it’s not that none of them are my type;” [Kara]: “It’s just that everyone here is so wonderful, so I can’t pick only one of them.” [Kara]: “They’re cool, kind, great at conversation, and entertain me…” As I thought about the hosts who had surrounded me at the tables up to this point, I voiced my feelings honestly. I then recalled the words the Count had said just a moment ago, and felt a slight discomfort in my heart.
(I’m being honest when I say that I can’t choose between such amazing hosts. But…) (I also think it’s certainly true that “what I seek” is a bit different from them.) (The one I desire is more…) I shifted my eyes to the Count standing before me, and he responded with the composed smile of a mature adult. I was captivated by him at first glance, as a scent of danger seemed to drift from deep within that smiling face.
(But— As the owner himself, the Count’s not going to service a customer, of course…) Regretful, I dropped my gaze— Before I realized the Count had walked over to me. Cradling my chin in his fingers, he turned my head up so I face him.
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[Count]: “Contrary to your words… your eyes say that there is something you desire.” [Count]: “Your indecisiveness stems from wanting more stimulation, is it not?” [Count]: “Like this, for example—"
He suddenly pressed his lips to mine. Shocked, I tried to pull away— but the Count gripped my waist in place. He then drew me in closer as if to prevent escape, changing angles countlessly as he took my lips. [Kara]: “Nn-… Don’t. I can’t pick you, the owner, as my host, so…” [Count]: “That unsatisfied-looking face of yours deeply bothers me.” [Count]: “I’m retired, but if you wish it so... For you, I’m willing to make a comeback tonight.” [Count]: “Well, now… go ahead; make your choice?” As if to seduce me, the gleaming gold eyes in front of me radiate this allure. With that, I felt that he could see through the lustful desires that lied within the recesses of my heart, and my body shivered with a subtle numbness. (I’ve never felt this way before.) Wondering what kind of stimulation he would give, I wanted to be toyed by those fingers, those lips… These emotions muddled within me.
(I think the person I’ve wanted all this time... was you from the beginning.)
[Kara]: “Count— Tonight, I’ll have you…” [Count]: “To be chosen by you, is an honor.” [Count]: “I promise to sate your thirst this evening.” [Count]: “—Give yourself to me.”
⋆ or “you can entrust all of yourself to me” if u want smth more awkward but more faithful to the original text
A fervent kiss rained down on me as if to fill what I had been deprived of,
and the night that would far exceed the stimulation I had desired, had just begun—
⋆ u kno, i did try making the characters sound more 21st century in this AU. but at the same time, the count probably wouldnt be the type to say yeet (aka a useless person) so idt it showed that much
Loved So Much, I Go Breathless // Count
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Inside a swaying carriage, the Count sat across from me. Staring at me fixedly, he then gave a deep sigh. [Count]: “You are astoundingly beautiful tonight, Kara. —It was good to have left the manse like this.” [Count]: “If we had traversed the streets by foot, then I would have surely faced difficulty in having to shake off the men charmed by you.” [Kara]: “Ah-… D-Don’t play around like that, please.” [Count]: “I’m being completely honest, you know. —Well, if someone were to come near you, I wouldn’t let them lay a finger on you anyway.”
⋆ he says something closer to “those are my true thoughts, without a single lie” but that’s going too far in my arbitrary rules of “does this sound like smth ppl actually say” so whee
(J-Jeez; He always acts like this…) Wanting to mislead my pounding heart, I hastily changed the subject.
[Kara]: “Um… Where are we going tonight?” [Count]: “Oh my, did you forget? Today’s the anniversary of the day we met, of all things.” [Kara]: “Of course I didn’t forget. It was the day I changed my own fate, and met you— A day I cherish so very much.” [Count]: “It’s the same for me; And it’s precisely why we’re going to a place where I may reaffirm my love.” (“Love”…?) When I tilted my head, the Count gave a meaningful smile, saying nothing more.
With that—
The place the stagecoach had arrived, was a church I recognized. (This is… the place where we had confirmed our love for one another.) The Count took my hand before we entered, the moonlight silently illuminating the unoccupied altar.
[Count]: “I have decided from my heart— that on this day, and on every day we call ‘our anniversary’—" I shall proclaim my vows to you once more.”
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[Count]: “Kara— This is my oath of eternal love to you.” Before the altar, the Count kneeled before taking my left hand, dropping a reverent kiss on my ring finger. [Kara]: “nh- Ah-…” A sweet numbness ran from my finger, and my heart skipped a beat.
[Count]: “The time I spend with you, is filled with a dazzling brilliance.” [Count]: “—Filled to the point where I believe those centuries I had of embracing nothingness, came to be for the purpose of being able to meet you…” [Count]: “If you would allow it— For the future to come, with you by my side, I shall continue to swear such (to you).”
[Count]: “And thus, I wish that one day, I shall become one with you. —That is the greatest happiness I seek.”
He then rose to his feet, embracing me as if to envelop me whole. With my cheek pressed against his chest, I could feel his heart beating as fast as mine. (Like this, it’s as if I’m becoming one with the Count— With Abel.)
He tenderly brushed my hair aside before running a finger down my neck. One day, fangs will sink into this very spot, and love from a pureblooded vampire – called “eternity” – will be spilled within. Thinking about such things, my heart grew full— and tears were about to fall down my face, involuntarily.
[Kara]: “Abel… me too, I-…”
Overcome with emotion, I was at loss for words— When an almost-biting kiss fell upon me, cutting off my words. His tongue caught mine through my broken lips, our hot sighs immediately laden with heat.
[Count]: “—There is no need for words.” His lips only barely parting from mine, he whispered with a glossy sigh.
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[Count]: “The tears brimming in your eyes, tell me everything— that you belong to me.” [Kara]: “Ah-… Abel…” His gentle - but also denying any notion of resistance – and sweet kiss, deepened, desiring me and only me. I embraced him with all my strength, abandoning myself to this happiness that will last forever and ever…
FIN (2)
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Ikevam has been kind of boring if u dun like the top 5 all that much but i mean always has been astronaut_gun.jpg
anyway, the election was mostly a skip for me this year cuz i dun care for mini figures. also, he was doing awful in categories bc ppl are voting characters over several categories (rather than just the recommended one). frankly i think it’s dumb to vote a character in anything other than the “officially” recommended category bc the chance of losing in all categories is much higher than getting stuff in >1 category (e.g., with the midterm results u can see vlad in every category, but he’s only eligible for a benefit in one…when he could easily just win in one category period). but maybe that way of thinking is too tryhard for a game that only barely fits the definition of a game #realgamurz #weliveinasociety
i honestly didn’t do (aka pay) much and ranked rly well in character rankings. so i was happy i got decent stuff, but sadder he doesn’t get much support;; u telling me the richest guy has the stingiest fans. yes. i mean look at me, microwave pizza is my life
sorry for the lack of updates. as usual but uh better to be annoying with no updates than with too much RITE haha yes………. yes
as always, thanks for reading!
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makeste · 3 years
As you didn’t think Midnight was going to die, has your perception on who’s going to die changed at all?
Midnight was actually one of the characters I was worried about because she lacked plot armor compared to some of the more prominent adult characters. I actually had a bad feeling Horikoshi might try to pull some bullshit, which is why I kept saying angry capslock things whenever the possibility came up. I was trying to speak it out of existence, and keeping my fingers crossed that Horikoshi wouldn’t do it. sadly however he was apparently deadset on being a BIG OL’ BITCH, so I guess that’s that.
this is my list of Death Predictions that I made at the start of this arc back in January. I was right about Twice dying and about Jeanist, Hawks, and the kids not dying (though on some of those I hedged my bets lol so I can’t really brag about it, I was equally convinced that Jeanist might come back as a Noumu), but missed the mark with Endeavor. so I’d say that he’s the only one I’ve changed my mind about now. I figured Dabi would kill him in some horrible way, but Dabi opted to go for a slower, more agonizing type of revenge instead. at any rate, I’m now thinking that I’d prefer for him to live anyway. I feel like we kind of got cheated out of any meaningful interaction between him and Touya because he was all shell-shocked and half-dead at the time and we barely got any kind of real reaction out of him. and I am curious now to see how he decides to deal with this.
I feel like he will feel... not obligated, exactly, because that word implies that he doesn’t actually want to do it (which I don’t think is the case). but I think he’ll feel like he has to try and save Touya any way that he can. he has a responsibility to him. we already knows he blamed himself for Touya’s “death”, and Touya obviously doesn’t disagree. so he basically has an obligation here on three separate levels -- as a father, as a hero, and as the person who is responsible (whether directly or otherwise) for what Touya has now become. so he has to try and save him. and I imagine the HPSC may feel somewhat differently about the Touya situation -- Touya is probably near the top of their Most Wanted list now -- and so it might actually end up being a convenient time for Endeavor to resign as a hero anyway. might just be that this is a situation more suited for vigilantism. anyway, so that will be intriguing pretty much no matter what, and I now see Endeavor sticking around at least for the rest of the series, though he may end up dying at the very end.
as for everyone else, I maintain that the kids are safe (though I will confess I was worried about Mirio for a little while back there), and I still have grave concerns about All Might in the upcoming arcs, especially now that we seem to be on the verge of a Prison Break arc at last. but there’s no point in speculating about that too much yet until we have a better idea of how this newest twist is going to play out. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t already bracing myself, though.
and while I’m still pissed off about Midnight’s death, it wasn’t random or without purpose at least. it makes sense to kill off one of the U.A. teachers at this stage, to make it personal for all of the kids. it makes the battle feel much more impactful than if all of the people they were close to miraculously managed to survive. people aren’t usually that lucky. anyways, so my issue with Midnight’s death isn’t that; my issue is that, as I’ve mentioned in the past, there was only about a 1:4 ratio of female to male heroes as it was (only 12 lady hero characters compared to 41 male). which isn’t even getting into the fact that Midnight was literally the ONLY female character on the U.A. staff (I’m not counting Thirteen in this instance since they’re non-binary, although obviously it would be equally problematic if they’d died as well, especially after what happened to Magne). how are you going to justify killing off the only female teacher character and leaving all the male teachers alone. literally the fuck kind of bullshit is that. kill off Cementoss or Vlad instead then, if you want to have the same type of emotional impact on the kids. but killing off Midnight when we have so few female characters to begin with (and even fewer with actual character development -- and the fuck is up with the fact that she’s literally the only non-background hero character who died) is just a terrible move any way you look at it. it’s not Equality to go killing off your female characters when you only had one for every four male characters to begin with; that’s just being an ass.
anyway, but that aspect of it aside, killing off a teacher makes sense. I just wish it had been a different one. but anyway, this does at least grant a certain level of immunity/plot armor to the other teacher characters at least for a little while, since it would be a lot to go killing off another one so soon after Midnight’s death. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that aside from All Might (and possibly Naomasa), the next couple of arcs will be pretty light as far as character deaths go. -- oh, but Gran I think is still going to die too, though. anyway, so those are my current thoughts.
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pikahlua · 3 years
*takes a deep breath* I'm okay now. Earlier I got so exited,the first thing I wanted to do was yell,so I just literally sent that impromptu ask, sorry
I got soo excited because I was speculating hagakure to be traitor afterall. ( I was making a post once full in detail but Tumblr decided to delete that forever</3) but I'll tell you in short what the contents were
The USJ attack (todoroki said he didn't see her)
Shopping mall(If I remember correctly she was the one who suggested right?)
The final straw was when they all rescued deku and brought him back. She was the only one who hadn't said anything to him
I never believed kaminari to be the traitor after all. Now I'm curious what'll happen next, maybe still she can pull a reverse card. That's all I wanted to say, have a nice day/night
No need to apologize! It was an exciting time, lol.
I haven't really talked about the Hagakure traitor theory in detail, mainly because I think other people have already nailed all the supporting evidence. I have referenced the theory a few times, and I have always felt that she was the top suspect if the traitor turned out to be a straightforward plot line.
A lot of people took my Aoyama post as a traitor theory post, but as I explained: I don't actually think he's the traitor and have not thought so since the Cheese Incident. I think he's potentially connected to the traitor thread, that something fishy is going on with him but it's not clear what.
Additionally, while my Bugged Izuku theory is titled "Traitor Confirmed," the title was really more tongue-in-cheek intended to make fun of the weekly theory videos and posts I kept seeing with that click-bait title (ugh that was so annoying). I do still think the theory would have made for the best plot twist of this particular story-line, but there being an actual traitor does not preclude the Bugged Izuku theory from happening either; it just means it’s not connected to the traitor twist.
In short, if you ask me, the only theorized traitors that really ever had any merit were Izuku, Hagakure, Aoyama, Shouji, and Ojiro (the last two because of how little they feature and some lingering mysteries surrounding them). The Kaminari and Ochako theories relied on dramatic appeal and character bias rather than textual support. The Vlad King theory really just relied on bias for class 1-A and convenience. The Nedzu theory, while initially intriguing, falls apart the moment you consider who Nedzu apparently is. (Why would he defer to AFO if he’s smarter than humans? That makes absolutely no sense. It’s all really too roundabout of a setup to be 4-D chess like some people thought.)
So Hagakure isn’t surprising, just like Touya Todoroki’s return wasn’t surprising. However, the Touya reveal was still much more interesting and entertaining than the traitor reveal at this stage. Yes, we can argue over whether or not the reveal needed to be dramatic like Touya’s, but I still think even this transition from AFO to Hagakure’s portrait could have had a cleaner lead-up even in the chapter itself. I’m not fond of a fourth wall-breaking tagline revealing the big secret. How the next chapter handles this will really make-or-break this whole plot twist for me now.
Thanks for the ask. Take care! :)
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The Monoma Meta Nobody Asked For
I don’t remember who it was on Reddit that said it makes sense for Monoma to be one of the most empathetic characters in BNHA cuz of his Quirk, (his quirk allows him to walk in the shoes of other people in ways most will never be able to even if for 5 minutes at a time), but let’s talk about it for a minute.
Monoma is a character full of contradictions but there’s a method to the madness. 
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Let’s take a real deep look at the manga shall we?
It’s pretty much canon that Monoma trash talks 1-A so much in-part b/c he cares that much... too much... about his own classmates.  It’s implicitly obvious based on the way he interacts with his classmates and phrases his rants at class 1-A. 
The fact that he’s obviously influenced by Vlad is just the cherry on top. 
He’s prideful of not just himself but also his friends.  Let’s break down the nuances there.
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Ch196 above, Ch207 below.
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The kid has a way with words. 
The kid has a weirdly poetic way with words.
He goes out of his way to encourage or reassure his classmates in a deeply thoughtful manner at every given opportunity.
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He hyped up Setsuna Tokage before her battle with Bakugo and we saw him grin in pride when Komori took down Tokoyami. 
Whenever Monoma does criticize his classmates, it’s always frank, honest, but constructive, with the intention to help them improve.  He’s even contrasted with his own teacher for being relatively more kind in the delivery of his criticism (see the next screenshot).  Given that Monoma’s shown to be strongly influenced by Vlad, this particular difference stands out.
You never see an anime/manga character get fancifully philosophical & genuinely helpful like this unless they are an adult, usually the MC’s mentor.  Monoma’s legit acting more like an anime mentor than any of Deku’s multiple mentors.  lmfaooo.
Realistically speaking, all of this, the philosophical speeches & level-headed advice, takes an incredible amount of emotional & mental labor.  The kid’s practically doing half of Vlad’s job for him.
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It’s during the joint training arc we begin to see why his classmates put up with him and are on friendly terms despite how obnoxious & cheesy he can be & how often they need to keep him in check.
It’s clear even as far back as the sports festival that his classmates don’t actually hate him, despite the smacks & tough love they also just shake their heads with a smile on their face as they say “sorry about him,” cuz that’s just the way he is.  They love him anyways.
He’s an annoying little sh*t but he’s their annoying little sh*t.  Perhaps they even realize why he acts the way he does towards class 1-A, it’s because he cares too much.
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Sketch translated by @aitaikimochi​
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Putting Up An Act
I think there’s actually even more to it when it comes to his rowdy & brash behaviors. 
Monoma is empathetic because of how his Quirk works.  He needs to learn to use the Quirks of others in order to become a hero.  In doing so he logically needs to become privy to all the Quirk’s weaknesses, not just their strengths.  Not only does he need to become privy to these often deeply personal details of one’s lived life, he needs to experience them, even if for just five minutes at a time.  It’s natural, even necessary, for Monoma to become exceptionally close to his classmates.
But he’s only like that because of how his Quirk works.  It’s his naturally nurtured self.  His conscious self, though, is notably different.
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What we see when Monoma says he and Shinsou need to do unheroic things to get by is not his naturally nurtured self, but is a conscious decision.
At some point in his life, Monoma came to the conclusion that being too kindhearted all the time will be weakness.  This is clearly implied, almost outright stated when we heard Monoma’s thoughts when faced with Deku’s Black Whip, “All of the hopes and dreams in my mind from when I was younger are gradually becoming these heavy burdens... like some sort of curse.”  I am 99.999% sure it’s Monoma’s thoughts being shown there because the speech pattern & context don’t match up to Shinsou or Midoriya at all.
Basically, Monoma is a little sh*t because he saw his own empathy as a weakness, and overcompensates for it.  He’s trained himself to be brash & mischievous, likely from a very young age given how consistently brash he is.  We can see a little bit of this when interacting with his class-B classmates as well.
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It was @thyandrawrites​ who first noticed this in this post, but here we see Monoma scolding Kendou after losing the beauty contest, giving perhaps too much tough love & TetsuTetsu steps in to Kendou’s defense.
Given how Monoma during the Joint Training arc clearly said everything he did to motivate his friends to do better, this is likely not an isolated occurrence.  The dude cares way too goddamn much for anyone’s good.
Yet there’s something else up with the guy too, something else that contributes even more to his unhealthy obsession with the rivalry vs class-A.  The dude has some serious self-esteem issues but is too prideful to seek real help.
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The fact that he’s the only member of class-B who failed the midterm despite having an intelligence stat of 5/5 speaks for itself.
Him failing the academic exam would be a sign of serious issues going on under the surface in itself, him failing the practical means he probably failed b/c he couldn’t hold his own and his teammate had to pick up the slack.
Him failing b/c he held back his teammate would have hit very close to home since we now know he was told “You can’t be a hero if you can’t do anything yourself” since he was a kid.
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Basically, yet another reason he continues to antagonize class-A is a textbook example of someone pushing their insecurities onto someone or something else.
For something often played off as comedic relief there’s a lot of layers as to why Monoma does what he does.
But wait, there’s f*cking more.  There’s actually a particular reason Monoma expresses his insecurities in this unhealthy manner, and that reason ties into what I’ve already begun to address about his empathy.
Another Act
I don’t think it’s accident that the first time we see him have a real heart-to-heart with someone is when he’s attempting to do it for the sake of someone else.  Even if it is in a clumsy manner that ends up annoying Shinsou, it’s the intent I’m interested in here.
We almost never see Monoma receive or accept praise or reassurance, he’s always the one giving it.  He always makes it a point to put himself in the position where he’s being the emotionally strong one. 
He got over class 1-A securing their victory exceptionally fast, ready to put on a strong face for Tokage and the rest of his class.
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The few times we do see him genuinely depressed, he’s distancing himself from others.  
He’s afraid of holding others back not just as a hero, but emotionally as well.  His instinct to be emotionally strong for the people he cares about stems not just from his strong empathy and caring nature nature itself, but also from his pride, insecurities and conscious decision to do everything he can do.
This is why he’s too prideful to seek or accept real emotional help & ends up venting his emotions in unhealthy & destructive ways.
His many depictions as an actor of sorts was intentional.  He juggles many acts, he puts on an act of emotional strength for his classmates, and he puts on an act of cruelty to get by as a hero.  To antagonize people in an attempt to throw them off their game.  Sometimes... oftentimes even, he misapplies these charades & gets carried away.  Oftentimes he fails entirely, he’s trying to do some hella complex things for a kid.
Finally, His Pride
Let’s not kid ourselves here, the dude has a major superiority/inferiority complex.  He fails to see how needlessly cruel he’s being when saying class-A asked to be attacked by villains etc.
I’m willing to bet he’ll be in a phase denial for a while now that Class-B and Class-A have gotten more openly friendly in recent chapters.  But because he cares so much about his classmates he’ll likely eventually come around to adjusting to a new frenemy relationship with 1-A... with much difficulty when we take his pride, insecurities & self-righteous envy into account.
He’ll probably end up being Tsundere about everything to protect his ego and so Horikoshi can keep using him for comedic relief lol.  Even if he does realize a lot of what he’s done was f*ked up, he’s too brash of a prankster to ever go fully soft on them either.
TL;DR... Monoma is a piece of mf work.  Not surprising really.
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