#and i think jack feels like he needs to pick up the slack
lucy-moderatz · 10 months
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Summary: In your spare time, you and Emily start working on a puzzle in her office. 
Pairing: Emily Prentiss/Reader 
Word Count: 2429
“You can refresh your email as much as you want,” JJ teased from the desk next to yours. “But it’s not going to make a case appear.”
You sighed, glancing over your computer at the blonde agent sitting across from you. Her light hair was thrown back in a ponytail, and she had a light blue blouse on and black slacks. Her legs were crossed, and she looked at you with amusement in her sparkling eyes.
“Four days,” you said, running a hand through your messy hair. “We haven’t had a case in four days.” 
“For the first time since joining the team, I’m caught up on paperwork,” Luke commiserated from his desk a few feet away. “I never knew four days could feel so long.” 
Spencer whirled around in his desk chair, his brown, curly hair flying in every direction. “A recent study found that bored participants tended to think more about time, which caused it to feel like it was moving slower. Since we’re accustomed to frequently working on cases, it’s only natural that the unexpected downtime we’re experiencing would cause us to feel that time is moving more slowly than it is.”
You set your hands on your desk and pushed yourself up to a standing position. “I’m going to see if Emily has anything for us. Maybe that’ll help time move faster.” 
Spencer perked up. “Time doesn’t actually speed up when we’re occupied; it’s only our perception that—”
A groan from the rest of the team drowned out the rest of what Reid was going to say, as you navigated your way out of the bullpen and up the stairs toward Emily’s office.
You knocked twice on her door, straining to hear her response on the other side. 
“Come in!”
You opened the door a crack and peeked your head through the space. “Are you busy?” 
Emily cracked a smile. “As busy as any of you are.”
You made your way inside, closing the door behind you, and took a seat in one of the chairs opposite Emily’s desk. The Unit Chief’s raven hair hung in a curtain around her face, her bangs perfectly cut just below her eyebrows. She wore a long-sleeved red shirt—your favorite color on her. 
“No new case yet?”
Emily sat forward in her chair, clasping her hands together and resting them on her desk. “Not yet, it appears all serial killers have taken the week off.”
“Do you have paperwork you need help with?” 
Emily chuckled. “You’re so bored that you’re asking for paperwork?”
You frowned at her. “Em, I’m desperate.”
Emily’s brown eyes locked with yours for a moment. She bit her bottom lip—her tell that gears were turning, and an idea was forming in her mind. 
Nodding, she opened one of her desk drawers, reaching for something you couldn’t see.
“Hotch left this in his desk when he resigned,” Emily said, setting a box down between you.
The top of the box showed a 1000-piece puzzle depicting dolphins cresting over waves, a sunset behind them. 
You softened, thinking of the previous Unit Chief, who’d left the team to enter witness protection to keep himself and his young son safe from a serial killer. 
“Aww, for Jack?”
“No,” Emily grinned. “It was for him. He loved puzzles, said they helped him focus on a case when he was stuck.”
You picked up the box, studying the image. There were a lot of similar shades of blue, but you hoped that would present enough of a challenge to keep you entertained while you waited for a case to come in.
“Are you gonna help me with this?” you asked. 
From your first day at the BAU, being in the same room as Emily caused butterflies to flit around in your stomach. Her kind eyes, her dark hair, the confidence she strutted around the BAU with—you couldn’t help but feel drawn to her. But you’d never had the nerve to ask if she felt the same way.
You were sure she couldn’t. Even if she did, the HR nightmare of entering a relationship with your superior was likely something neither you nor Emily were willing to risk. You both loved your jobs too much, cared too much about helping people, to put any of that in jeopardy.
You watched Emily as she weighed your offer, her eyes flitting from yours to the stack of unfinished paperwork on her desk. 
“It’s either the puzzle, or we sit in here in silence working on paperwork,” you said. “Which sounds more fun?”
“Fuck it,” Emily said. “A break wouldn’t hurt anyone.”
Your face lit up with a grin. “Exactly.”
You both relocated to the couch at the far end of her office, and you set the puzzle box on the coffee table in front of it. Emily cleared off the table while you opened the box and flipped the contents onto the table.
“Edges first?” you asked.
“What am I, a sociopath?” Emily joked. “Of course edges first.”
You giggled, searching through the pile for any border pieces. “In college, my ex-boyfriend refused to start with outside pieces when we’d work on puzzles together. He said it was too easy and he wanted to engage his brain.” 
“Gee, why did you ever break up?” Emily asked dryly.
“He cheated on me. Repeatedly.” 
“Like I said,” Emily paused, holding up a corner piece as evidence. “Sociopath.” 
You tried, and failed, to fight the smile tugging at your lips. She was right—your ex, Sam, was a douchebag. You deserved better than how he treated you.
And you hoped that better was sitting next to you.
You fell into a comfortable silence as you worked, sorting through pieces. While Emily searched for edge pieces, you transitioned into organizing the middle pieces into piles by color. 
Once that was done, you collaborated on putting the frame of the puzzle together—Emily assembling the sunset on the top half, and you focusing on the varying shades of blue that made up the water on the bottom half.
As you snapped the two halves of the border together, there was a knock at Emily’s door, startling both of you. 
Emily grinned. “Come in!”
Penelope rushed through the door, file in hand. “We got a case.”
An hour ago, you would’ve loved nothing more. Now, you were already missing this one-on-one time with Emily.
“I guess we should clean this up,” you said, reaching for the box.
Emily put a hand out, stopping you. “That’s okay; we’ll leave it here. Work on it during our downtime.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, silently wondering when the next time would be that you had downtime. But you weren’t about to turn down the offer, so you nodded.
“I’ll grab the team.” 
On the elevator ride back to the sixth floor at the end of the day, you felt yourself nodding off, head bobbing up and down in an attempt to keep yourself conscious.
The rest of the team was too exhausted to comment on it. The elevator ding startled you awake, and you moved through the BAU on autopilot, beelining for your desk and grabbing your bag so you could get home as soon as possible and sleep for a few hours before you had to pick up the case in the morning. 
Fortunately, the case kept you in D.C., so you’d get to sleep in your own bed tonight. Throughout the day, the team scattered between the BAU, Metro P.D., and various crime scenes, assisting where you could. 
But before you could hightail it to your car, the light on in Emily’s office caught your attention.
“See you tomorrow,” Tara mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“Yeah, see you tomorrow,” you said, making your way toward Emily.
You were too exhausted to bother with knocking—it had been a long, emotionally exhausting day, and you couldn’t bring yourself to care about protocol. 
Emily was sitting up on her brown leather couch, her head tucked toward her chest, fast asleep. There was a puzzle piece in her hand.
You took a moment to memorize this moment, since you knew if you pulled out your phone to take a picture, Emily would actually murder you. 
Her hair was still perfect, somehow, even after a day of running around. Her blouse and pants were wrinkled from all of the activity, and as you walked toward her, you saw that she’d even fallen asleep with her shoes on.
You reached out to gently touch her shoulder and whispered, “Emily.”
She woke with a start, wincing from the light but searching for danger.
“You’re fine,” you said softly. “You just fell asleep.”
“I wanted to… work on it,” she yawned, gesturing to the half-completed puzzle. 
Earlier, while the team was building a profile and getting frustrated that things weren’t lining up, Emily suggested the puzzle. The team had gathered around the coffee table, debating which parts of the profile would need to be changed. The whole time, you kept your gaze on Emily, as if you were still the only two in the room.
You took a seat on the couch next to her. “We can work on it tomorrow.” Or so you hoped, assuming the case had wrapped up by then. 
Em nodded but didn’t move. You slid forward on the couch to get a better look at the progress your team had made on the puzzle, and you were impressed. Most of the bottom half was done—the difficult part, mostly due to Spencer—which just left the hues of red, pink, orange, and gold of the sunset. 
As you admired the puzzle, one piece jumped out to you—half red, half pink—and you saw immediately where it needed to go. You popped it into place and started searching for the next one. 
Next to you, Emily took the piece she’d been holding and slid it into place. Surely it couldn’t hurt to add just a few more pieces. You could always drink coffee in the morning if you needed a pick-me-up.
Your previous exhaustion melted away as you focused on your task—entering a flow state where nothing mattered except the picture in front of you and the women beside you.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when you found yourself staring at the last few gaps, scattered in various places around the image that needed to be filled in. 
It wasn’t until you were down to your last three pieces—you and Emily had taken to silently alternating back and forth, and at this rate, you were poised to put the last piece in—that you realized there was one missing. 
Maybe you were just tired, you told yourself. It had to be here somewhere. Hotch was too organized to have ever lost a piece. 
You put down a piece that filled in the last piece of one of the dolphins. Emily finished off part of the sunset on the horizon line, but there was a gap where one piece needed to fill in the blueish-purple tints in the sky.
You frowned, glancing at the floor around you.
“Are we missing one?” Your voice was scratchy from tiredness and the fact that you and Emily had mostly worked in silence.
Next to you, Emily was silent as you peeked under the table before standing to search the couch cushions.
When you turned up empty, you sat back down with a sigh. “Well, that’s disappointing.” 
You glanced over to Emily to find her face flushed and hands balled in her lap. Her beautiful, dark eyes wouldn’t quite meet yours.
“Are you okay?”
Her light skin turned an even deeper shade of red as she unballed her right fist. Sure enough, the missing piece was sitting in the middle of her palm.
You laughed. “Em, if you wanted to place the last piece yourself, you could’ve just said so.”
“It’s not that,” she said, putting the piece on the table but not in its spot. “I, um, didn’t want to finish it because I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I didn’t want it to be over.”
Your heart raced. Were you deliriously tired, or was Emily really saying this?
You opened your mouth to respond, but when no sound came out, you closed it again.
Emily swore, burying her face in her hands. “I knew it,” her voice was muffled. “I knew I was reading this all wrong.”
She looked up to face you, and your heart sank in your chest. “I don’t want to make things uncomfortable for you; if you could just forget I even said that—”
“Em!” You interrupted. “I feel the same way.”
But Emily was already shaking her head. “No, you don’t have to say that. This was so inappropriate of me; I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m too tired to be thinking clearly…”
“Emily,” you said forcefully. You took her hand in yours and smiled, color flooding your cheeks. “You don’t understand. I feel the same way.”
The raven-haired beauty’s eyes widened as she took in your words. “Oh! Oh.” 
“Yeah,” you said with a giggle. “But I know it would be complicated, and I don’t want to mess with either of our careers.”
Emily sobered at that. “Neither do I.”
“But…” you hedged, glancing at the clock. “It’s 4 in the morning, and we need to be back here in two hours, so the time for good decisions has already passed.”
Before you could lose your nerve, you picked up the last piece and snapped it into its place. But you couldn’t even bring yourself to marvel at the completed image, because the person sitting next to you was even more mesmerizing. 
Pressing your palms against Emily’s face, you pulled her toward you until her lips were crashing against yours.
It felt even better to kiss her than you’d imagined. Her lips were soft, and even after a long day, she still smelled of her floral perfume. You ran your fingers through her soft hair, and Emily moaned against your mouth. 
Emily’s hands gripped your waist, pulling you closer. Where you touched, your body hummed with electricity and desire. 
Too soon, you pulled back. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for that,” you confessed. 
“I’d hate to make you wait again,” Emily said, a teasing smile on her lips. “But if we want any sleep tonight, we should probably head out.” 
You pretended to ponder that before shrugging. 
“Who needs sleep?” you mumbled, throwing yourself once more into Emily’s welcoming embrace.
Tag List:
@yena-reyna, @propertyofemilyprentiss, @chaekhan, @obsessedwjill, @mrs-prentiss, @i-lovefandom, @tireddeadgirl, @lez-talk1, @emilyprentiss-ily, @ssablackbird, @sxekhaos, @Confidant._.Thoughts 
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
airport blurb! maybe reader and jack getting their apartment ready for luke and going shopping for him, etc!
“what about this one?” my attention is caught by Jack, who stands in the middle of the aisle, holding up a blue bedspread. “do you think he’d like it?”
“Jacky, i’m sure Luke would’ve liked any of the six you’ve picked up.” he smiles, tossing the bed set into the cart, and i grin, closing the space between us and wrapping my arms around his neck.
“i just want it all to be perfect, ya know? he just lost the frozen four, i want him to have as much comfort as he needs.” he tells me, his hands settling on my hips.
“it will be perfect and he will have plenty of comfort. you know why?”
“why?” Jack sighs, gazing into my eyes.
“because he’ll have you. you’re gonna be here for him. he’ll have you to teach him the ropes and be there for him. he’ll have you to remind him that it does get better, no matter how much he struggles in his rookie season.”
“i love you.” Jack leans forward, pressing his lips to mine in a quick kiss. “now let’s hurry.”
i push the cart, trailing behind my boyfriend as he treks up and down the aisles of Home Goods, throwing things into the cart at random.
i can hear Jack’s muttered curses from the kitchen. he’s currently in the guest room, soon to be Luke’s room, setting it up for his brother.
“Babe, you okay in there?” my voice carries from my spot at the oven, and he groans in response.
“i can’t get this damn fitted sheet on the bed and Luke is supposed to be here in 15 minutes.” he steps into the kitchen, sheet in his hands and an exasperated expression, making me sigh.
i know my boyfriend is stressed. this is the day he’s been waiting for ever since Luke was drafted; which is why he’s under so much internal pressure to make sure Luke doesn’t regret leaving UMich after only two years. i just wish Jack would cut himself some slack.
Jack sidles up beside me, letting his head drop down to my shoulder. i press my cheek to his head for a moment before speaking.
“Jacky, baby, look at me, please.” i coo, attempting to pull back and look in his eyes. when he does lift his head, i immediately feel at peace when i see his blue eyes. i gently grab the fitted sheet from his hold, and set it on the counter before holding his face in my hands.
“everything is gonna be okay.” i reassure him, my tone soft and gentle. “i’m gonna make the bed, okay? why don’t you take the last batch cookies out for me when the oven beeps? think you can do that?”
he responds with a nod, raveling his arms around my waist and pulling me in tight. a soft smile spreads across my lips when i hear him let out an exhale, obviously feeling calmer in my arms.
“what would i do without you?” he whispers, his breath fanning across my ear and sending shivers down my spine.
“have an unmade bed for Luke and no cookies.” i joke, making him huff out a laugh. i untangle myself from his arms, leaning up to place a quick kiss on the tip of his nose before i make my way to the guest bedroom.
i’ve just finished with making the bed when i hear a knock on the front door. peeking my head out of the bedroom, i spot Jack sporting a wide grin and he jogs to answer the door.
“c’mon y/n/n, c’mon!” i giggle at his giddy state and sprint to stand behind him as he opens the door.
Luke barely has a chance to say a single word before Jack pounces on him, hugging his brother tight and jumping up and down. a chuckle escapes past my lips while i watch them, an immense happiness filling me from the sight of them finally together again.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
TheStudy! Series Part Three: Deserving - Dean Archer x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @helsinkibaby @hufflepuffgirl @mimi-8793
The Study:
Part One: Courting Disaster - Dean realises Jack is courting you.
Part Two: Distance - Dean tries to discuss the distance between the two of you.
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At events like the drinks reception with the Board, you’re a show pony. Someone to parade around who can talk the talk and walk the walk.
You’re the Crockett Marcel of the Medical Examiners Service, Jack Dayton’s newest project.
You hate every second of it but the study it’s important, it’s making a real difference in people’s lives. You’ve seen what happens when people don’t get the closure they need, they end up on your table, just like their loved ones before them.
It’s past eleven by the time the reception begins to wind down, you’re tired emotionally, physically. You miss the evenings where you could curl up with Dean on the couch, dressed in nothing but his old Navy t-shirt as his fingers combed lightly through your hair.
You miss your husband a lot actually, the emotional intimacy, the physical aspect. It feels like you’ve barely been in his presence at all over the last few months. You know that’s down to you, this study and everything that comes with it. It steals away your time, your energy and if you let it, it’ll steal away your marriage..
“I’m starting to feel more like your roommate than your husband and I think that’s something we need to talk about.”
He isn’t wrong, he’s supported you throughout the duration of this study and you can barely spare him five minutes. You can’t imagine how much that must hurt because Dean, he’s always made time for you.
You’re staring out of the window when Jack approaches you. The other board members have filtered out of the conference room, there’s just the two of you standing in the dim lighting, surveying the twinkling skyline.
“I need to take a step back.” You say quietly. “Slow down a little, all of this it’s too much.”
“Too much for you or too much for Dean?” He asks and you can hear the distain in his voice.
“For the both of us.” You assert firmly because it’s not just your marriage on the line. It’s your mental health too, your facing burnout. You can feel yourself hurtling towards it because the workload, it’s too much. “I have someone who can help pick up the slack. Her name is Anita Lanik, I can go through her details with you tomorrow. She used to work with social services. She specialised in palliative care advocating for the elderly so she has experience and insight into the challenges we’re facing.”
There’s silence for a moment and in the reflection of the window you see Jack’s jaw clench.
“I don’t understand why you’re with him.” Jack says quietly as he tilts his head towards you. “All he does is hold you back.”
You can understand Jack’s point of view. He envisions himself as a white knight, plucking you from obscurity, elevating you. To him Dean is just a weight around you’re neck, preventing you from putting in more hours, more of your life into the program.
“You don’t know him, you don’t know us.” You chide because honestly you’re getting tired of the way he needles Dean. It’s clear that there’s resentment there, your just not sure where it stems from.
“I know you.” Jack tells you. “I know you deserve better.”
“Jack…” You say but his fingertips are already clasping your chin, guiding your gaze to meet his.
“I can give you better.” He tells you, his thumb trailing over the apple of your cheek. “Let me give you better.”
He kisses you then. It’s confident, forceful, the kiss of a man who  has never been denied a single thing. You pull away and Jack smiles, you place a palm on his chest lightly pushing him away because now you know what this resentment is about, why he despises Dean.
“I’m going home to my husband.” You tell him, picking up your clutch and heading towards the door. “I’ll send you Anita’s details in the morning.”
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
Been working on this animation for a while and it's taking a lot outta me 😭
Taking a break now but was wondering if I could get a Nun!Reader x Venti/Barbatos where the reader grew up being a nun so she never been in a relationship or had any physical contact so of course she's very deprived and well horny-
So while sinfully touching herself(let's say the church has specific rooms for the nuns who live there) and calling out his name in sin Barbatos appears to grant her her wish, her prayer of feeling him fill her up-
I'm too down bad for this man😭
If you can could you incorporate these kinks?
God complex, Corruption kink and breeding kink? 🥺
-With love, Ventis Windblume🌸🍎💚
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Venti x Nun!fem!reader. Smut. Yandere!Venti Corruption kink. Breeding kink. God complex.
a/n: When I saw this, I thought: Oh this perfect cause now I can write Yandere!Venti like I said I would. I hope you enjoy. First time writing smut with Venti😭 I hope I don't disappoint. Don't work too hard, okay!!
You were lost in your own little world, gripping the sheets in your room, rubbing your clit and fingering yourself desperately. You were a Nun. And it was generally frowned upon for a Nun to engage in sexual intercourse.
You were a bride of the Anemo Archon. Your body needed to stay pure for him.
It didn't make sense to you though, hearing that you had to stay pure in the name of Barbatos. Why shouldn't you offer your body to him?
So this was your way of doing it. You wanted to always keep in mind what Barbara had told you, though.
So you stuck to pleasuring yourself in one of the rooms at the back of the Church.
"Hehe~ You sound so pretty moaning my name like that. Please, keep doing it while I watch~" Venti giggled, seeming to materialize out of thin air. It didn't take long for you to connect that Venti and the Anemo Archon were the same person. You were a very astute young lady. He grinned at you, "Tell me when you are close to cumming. I'm going to enjoy this~."
Your heart leapt, soaring high into the clouds like Dvalin was carrying it on his wings.
Your cheeks were flushed with pride, bucking your hips up against your fingers, moaning his name with more urgency. You could finally serve your God like this!
Venti grinned the whole time, watching your every move. It was turning him on, seeing you acting so sinful in front of him. And you so desperately wanted to stay pure to your faith.
The very moment he'd heard you say to Barbara that you would always uphold your vow to stay pure for him, the only thing he could think of was getting his hands on you, corrupting you late into the night while you screamed and writhed beneath him.
He stalked you for months after that, always hanging around when you did your chores out in the courtyard, picking up the slack for Barbara so she could sing for her fans. You were so sweet for doing that.
Practically all ever he ever looked at or thought about was how perfect your childbearing hips were. You would look breathtaking pregnant. Your children would be the rarest of them all, being born with a Vision at birth.
Oh he was so excited!
Venti practically salivated as he watched you. You were showing such loyalty to him right now. It was really turning him on.
"My Lord, I'm close. Hurry please, I don't think I can last much longer," you pleaded, tears of desperation fell from your eyes. You looked more divine than ever right now.
"Don't worry, my love~," Venti said gleefully. You hadn't even noticed he was naked already. He had jacking himself off while he watched you. "I'll fill you full of my children. It's what you want the most~."
He didn't apologize for thrusting his cock inside of you without warning. You cried out in pleasure, making him shiver while he started thrusting. Your pussy seemed to suck his cock inside of you. "You have made such a filthy mess of yourself. You look so delicious that I can barely hold myself back~."
Your legs wrapped around his waist, pushing his cock to the hilt inside of you.
"The other Nuns might be disappointed when you become pregnant. They shouldn't be. Don't worry, my beautiful, loyal Nun. You'll always be pure in my eyes. You are serving your God so well. I'll make sure you are pregnant while I corrupt you slowly. It's all I ever think about.~"
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spaceagesparkledust · 6 months
Random Doctor Who Hcs: Favorite Types of Touch!!
Nine loves hand holding. I feel like Nine is very closed off (emotionally) but this man grasps Rose’s hand all the time. So much. First thing he does. And he just…never stops. While dancing. While running. While walking. Probably while sleeping. Ultimate sign of trust for him. Long as he’s got Rose’s hand in his everything is okay. 
Hugs? Yeah. Loves a good congratulatory hug/clasp on the back. But again, huge fan of hand holding, him. 
Ten loves hugs. Like he and Rose also hold hands through all of time and space but he loves hugs. And he needs one constantly. In constant need of a hug. Sir was born out of love and after Rose leaves is constantly touch-starved and clingy. Loves to pick people up as he hugs them. Little spin. Totally would benefit from being compressed into a zip file.
Enjoys people (rose, Donna) messing with his hair. Just like a little scratch and he’ll melt. He’s like a cat. 
He’s very touchy with Donna who has learned to just deal with it. He’s taller than her so he’ll just lean down and put his chin on her shoulder. Or lean against her while watching movies. Just. puddle of time lord. Personal space who?
After Martha stops being his companion, he’s much more open to touch with Martha. He enjoyed hugging her before but his hugs just feel so much better afterwards. Holding hands with Martha is also pretty nice (makes him miss Rose though).
But I think also if he’s being particularly broody he won’t let himself be touched nor will he seek it out because’s always alright. (Donna’s got him though). 
Slightly touch-adverse post Midnight. If it’s a stranger and he doesn’t initiate it, he’s not going to enjoy it. If it’s someone he trusts then he’s more open to it and will likely reciprocate. But a stranger’s hands on him start to feel a little too much like the shuttle. Especially if its a harsh grab.
Tentoo gets to touch Rose all the time. Its great. Favorite type of touch is probably cuddling and kissing because he can do that now. Any time he wants without fear. 
Eleven likes subtle touches. Grabbing Amy’s arm while he’s excited. Patting Rory on the back or shoulder. Poking someone. He moves around too much for other types of touches so he’ll give little swipes of affection. 
He does still enjoy hugs though, particularly from Amy. 
I think if the Doctor’s hugged for too long he’ll like shut down or something. 
Amy discovers the head scratchy thing and it like, shuts him off. Completely slack. Amy finds it hilarious and so fascinating and 11 hates it so much. It is a good way to bring him back down to earth though. 
“Rory, come look at this.” 
“Do you feel better?” “yes. Don’t think I’m not mad at you anymore Pond.”
River also knows about this and threatens to use it for evil all the time. She and Amy have definitely chased 11 around the TARDIS, only for 11 to run into Rory’s arms thinking that Rory is safe. He’s not. Rory knows about the spot. Rory is not safe. 
I don’t think 11 really knows how to respond to kissing. Not his favorite. Could do without it/give him a warning if you’re going to kiss him. 
He’s gotten used to kissing River but sometimes he’s still ick about it.
He does love giving Amy forehead kisses though! 
Martha likes cheek kisses. She seems like that kind of girl. A little smooch to the cheek. She’ll do it with her family, they’ll do it with her. She’ll give them to her friends. She gives one to the Doctor post-companionship. She gives them to Jack. He gives them to her. Its very cute. 
Fourteen is touchy as heck. Oh my gosh. It’s different from 10 though where he was constantly touch-starved, no Fourteen just loves giving affection to his friends. 
Most affectionate with Donna. They’re like glued to each other. 
Gives Mel enthusiastic hugs too. 
Likes giving more than receiving. He very much needs to be held for a good minute but he much prefers giving hugs and other forms of physical affection TO other people rather than them to him.
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akalikai · 1 month
Istg my dumbass keeps forgetting when Thursdays are until @notachamealeon reminds me that a tmagp ep dropped
Sam is being bitchy akhskajd literally is this bc he's still feeling good about himself after him and Celia had GASP heterosexual intercourse???
Poor Gwen having to pick up the slack she really is trying her best I love my girl.
"I've got a SPECIAL list for her" hey Gwen that's kind of fucking gay of you-
...why is there no explanation? Like why is there nothing about what this is related to, like a prelude or introduction? Augustus just...started talking??
"Than to light within them that muses' fire of inspiration" it might just be a metaphor but whenever the older cases related to the institute or the experiment bring up fire, I become a bit wary
Okay so the institute in the universe seems to be founded for the sake these alchemic experiments as opposed to Jonah Magnus creating it to serve The Eye in TMAverse
Just for anyone that wants to know, Chartism was a working-class movement for political reform in the UK during the 1830s to 1850s. That's what the second journal entry is referencing
Okay the single coachman reminds of one of Jonah Magnus's livers in his regency era harem who got fucked over by a Lukas, I think it was something about the coachman entirely turning his head 180 degrees to face backwards the entire drive or something.
Oh okay so coachman is part of the coach. Lovely.
Okay so we're focusing on the growler? And I think it's because the coachman and the coach attachment is probably due to alchemy of some sort?
Oh great. The cab ate the man. Wonderful.
BOYLE???? AS IN ROBERT BOYLE???? Wait no can't be him he died in the 1600s I remember that from AP Chemistry
Oh my god he convinced his own colleague to go into the growler dude this is giving Jonah Magnus it REALLY is
Alice my wife hating prime ministers is just So Real also with how viciously she hates the prime minister I would have thought my girl was Desi too since I hate India's prime mini-
I'm gonna shut up
Dyhard is SO endgame LOOK AT THEM
What is happening. Someone please come pick me up I'm scared why are we talking about sex
Oh Sam. I think it's kind of obvious that Celia does find this like a casual relationship. Kind of like "well if it goes well, it goes well. If not, whatever" He's definitely taking it more seriously than her.
I do also think she's kinda lying when she says Jack's her only first priority bc it's very clear the Magnus stuff is very much a priority too
And also oh god Alice being here is gonna make things awkward isn't it.
Celia is really trying to find the Archivist that she knows but I don't think she's going to get that, not in this universe at least.
Alice joining the scooby doo gang! All we need is Gwen and we got the full team!
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jack-kellys · 4 months
hiya fizz!! can I request davey + forgetting to eat for the bad things happen bingo? idk it just feels so Him yk
bonus points if there's javey involved asw (maybe with the anger born of worry trope idk)
tyy :))
hey theeere kit of course! one box per fic, though, making it harder for myself >:)
ao3 series here, and request a trope from these here!
The chillier breezes and shifting leaves of autumn came quicker than David could have planned. Not like he can plan seasons, of course, but he hadn’t had time to factor in what autumn meant to his, shall he say.. outside responsibilities.
School, for one, had picked up once September finished- assignments were piling enough and David left home that morning with Les with arithmetic still to complete. It occupied his lunch period, pencil messily scratching across the page to finish it before his next class.
And after school he’s at the circulation gate, waiting for the evening edition with a couple of the boys. Sometimes Sarah accompanies him when she can get out of the house, and especially since their folks don’t permit Les to sell anymore (much to the now ten-year-old’s chagrin), but today isn’t one of those days. It’s solely David, tapping his foot.
“He’s late,” he mutters out, not to anyone in particular.
“Who, Jack?” Racer asks, perking up. That’s true, but not what David meant.
“Wiesel,” David sighs. “Folks are expecting us on the streets in only a few minutes, right?”
“Cool it,” Racer chuckles. “Ain’t a thing. We got better things to be pissed at him about.”
“I’m not- pissed,” David frowns, shoulders bunching a little. He stops tapping his foot. Race gives him an exaggerated nod, eyes widened, and David rolls his own. Finally the gate opens and when David turns away from the window with his fifty papers in hand, Jack appears in front of him with some kind of smile on his face.
“You’re also late,” David says, and Jack only smiles wider. “You selling?”
“Ain’t I always,” Jack smirks, patting his bag- less than his usual, David thinks. “I got a request.”
David’s lips quirk, following Jack when he begins to walk them away from the circulation center. “What kind, exactly?”
“A good one, promise,” Jack replies, setting his hand on Davey’s shoulder, likely to steer him toward whatever odd adventure Jack’s planned. “It’s startin’ to get colder, you know, and Klopp can only buy so much for us. It’s up to us older fellas to pick up the slack. New socks, new gloves, extra fabric to stuff clothes with.”
That’s reasonable in terms of necessity, but not in the way that matters most. David turns his head toward Jack. “How did you get the money for that?”
Jack smiles again, wide, eyes narrowed in amusement or pride.
“Easy,” he states. “I didn’t. Now c’mon.”
For all of the legends and stories David has heard, he’s never seen Jack’s thieving skills in action. There are lots of things he’s swiped over the years, apparently, that simply hadn’t made it to his rap sheet- and most were far more impressive than food and clothing. So while David doesn’t exactly like it, he makes conversation with a shop clerk while Jack slithers into the store behind him. The bottom line is that they can’t afford it, and the kids at the lodge need it, and that has to outweigh the moral consequences of it all.
David’s normally a talkative person. Not a good talker, maybe–definitely a better one now–but he can keep going, and going. He’s leaning on the counter, having linked his english class to the price of wool going up somehow, and he feels his brain start to…slide, almost. It feels distracted, but not by anything he can tell, and his gaze falls to the counter as it does. Maybe he’s just tired, but he has to keep talking so Jack can get–
“Hey. Hey. Kid, you alright?”
David’s head snaps up with a quick inhale at the clerk’s voice, blinking a few times to sort out his vision. He’d been really intent on that counter.
“Uh, yes, yeah,” he nods quickly. “Just fine, ah- sorry, what was I talking about..?”
“You ain’t been talking for nearly a minute,” the clerk replies, “what- HEY!”
That can only mean one thing. David can hear the door open, and before it can close, he’s running outside.
“Thought you said you were good at this!” David yells, catching up to Jack. His paper bag is filled, and his shirt must be stuffed- he’s gripping his sleeves like random objects might start pooling out from them.
“I am when my partner ain’t suddenly go dead silent!” Jack retorts, glancing behind them. He picks up his pace, and painstakingly, David does the same, a pit forming in his stomach.
His expression slackens. More than a pit- something like a hurricane, swirling his insides in circles, over and over.
“Jack,” he tries, but his voice doesn’t carry this time. He’s way more out of breath than he should be. “Jack. We need to- I need to stop.”
His partner’s head swivels at that, expression incredulous. “Dave, we-”
Jack blinks, eyes widening suddenly, and he nods vigorously. Ask and David shall receive, apparently…
In a moment, Jack’s hands are on him, as if he knew David was inches from stumbling. He practically shoves David into an alley, the change in direction jostling his brain. His legs are keeping up, but his brain can’t seem to, and every time he blinks they’re an extra five feet ahead of where they only just were.
Finally, Jack stops, and so does David, breathing hard. Spots are entering his vision, and he tries to blink them away, grabbing onto a railing at the bottom of a fire escape to steady himself.
“Shit, Dee,” he hears Jack hiss, and his fingers fall away from the railing as he’s guided and then sat against the wall. In front of him are Jack’s big, blurred, midnight-dark eyes, his eyebrows creased with concern. Light dapples parts of his face from above, landing on his pink-brown cheeks. He must’ve set David under the stairs. “Davey- Davey, hey, what’s goin’ on? What happened?”
Jack pats his cheek suddenly as he speaks, jerking David back to an attention he hadn’t realized he’d left.
“I just… can’t. Run. Ri’now,” David supplies, blinking at the other.
“Yeah I got that,” Jack almost chuckles, gaze still filled with worry His hand finds David’s forehead. “Are you sick?”
David shakes his head slowly, leaning into Jack’s palm. “Had to do math, during lunch.”
This somehow confounds Jack more, eyebrows scrunching, before he nods.
“Davey,” Jack sighs. “You gotta eat during lunch, okay? Gotta do that, or you’re gonna black out mid-sprint.”
“I blacked out after,” David corrects. The corrects again- “I didn’t black out.”
Jack nods in what David assumes is mock-understanding, before the boy shifts closer, pressing a quick kiss to David’s temple. Then he leans back, sitting on his knees and watching David for a moment. He can feel himself smile slightly, and Jack mirrors it meltily, before David snorts as the other tries to quickly wipe it off his face.
“Stay there,” Jack orders, standing himself up. “I’m gonna go grab you somethin’, alright? Then we’ll head back.”
David nods, leaning his head back against the brick behind him and resting his eyes. There’s no movement in front of him.
“Stop staring and get me some food, Kelly,” he hums.
“I–” Jack huffs. There’s a pause. “On it.”
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sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months
prompt: someone needs to make an honest man out of bucky and get him pregnant. up to you who it is.
[I don't usually write mpreg, but this idea hit like a brick]
Bucky wakes from an unintended nap when something scrapes across the living room floor. He grunts and tries to sit up.
"Don't look!" Jack says, almost directly behind Bucky.
Bucky twists his head to try and see anyway, but all he can get in his line of sight is Jack's left leg. He's wearing his oldest slacks, and there's saw dust in the cuff. He's been working on whatever he's up to in the back shed again, Bucky realizes. Jack had asked him not to come back there until he was done with something special. A surprise for Bucky. It'd been easier than usual to agree and actually keep his promise. He's seven months pregnant and he's so wiped by the end of the day, he's lucky he has the energy to fall into bed at night.
"What is it?" Bucky asks.
"You'll see. I promise," Jack replies. He darts over and kisses Bucky on the top of the head, then holds out his hand. "Close your eyes for a second, will you?"
Bucky closes his eyes, then sighs in relief when Jack helps him sit up. He slumps against the couch, both hands going to his belly. "I swear this kid gains a pound every time I take a nap."
"We'll have the first full-grown infant in the hospital nursery," Jack says. He kisses Bucky, then slides his hands over Bucky's on his stomach. He rubs his thumbs down low by Bucky's pelvis where Bucky swears it hasn't stopped aching since the kid first started showing.
"Ugh, thank you," Bucky groans. He tries to open his eyes, but Jack kisses each of his lids. "How long do I keep my eyes closed?"
"Just another minute," Jack says. "I just want to set it up right."
"Set it up?" Bucky replies. "Did you finally cave and get that stereo you've been eying so hard?"
"I wouldn't do that without checking with you, first," Jack says. "You know that."
Bucky does, but it's nice to hear. He's always liked the tiny bits of domestic life no one ever thinks to talk about. Like agreeing to big purchases as a team. Since his pregnancy started, they've become an odd little emotional touchstone, a reminder from Jack that he's valued and loved. "Suppose we do already have a record player," he says. "But what if the sound's better?"
"We'll go in and see if they'll let us try it," Jack says, and his voice is a little far away and echoing slightly. Bucky knows without opening his eyes that he's in the nursery.
He listens to Jack walk back towards him and only opens his eyes when Jack's hand touches his arm. "Got your surprise all ready?"
"Sure, do," Jack replies. He holds out his hands and hauls Bucky to his feet, dragging a palm over Bucky's bump as he turns him towards the nursery. "Easy," he says as Bucky takes a step, then sways.
"Fucking center of gravity," Bucky mutters. Jack chuckles and busses a kiss on his cheek, then leads him down the hall to the nursery.
Inside, there's the crib and the changing table they'd picked out last month. The walls are mint green, and there's a stuffed unicorn on the dresser--an early gift from Buck--next to a pair of yellow baby booties and a full layette, ready for when the baby comes home from the hospital.
And in the corner by the window that looks over their backyard, there's a rocker that wasn't there before. Modern-style with a cushioned back and seat done up in blue fabric stamped with little white frogs. The same fabric as the sheets in the crib, and the two back up sets in the closet, and a little quilt tucked away until the baby's first winter.
"Jack--" Bucky swallows hard. "How--"
"You pointed it out in the Sears Catalog," Jack says. "I know that one had striped cushions, but I thought you'd like that it matched."
"Jack," Bucky whispers, and he feels tears fall, so he wipes his face, and Jack hugs him carefully around his middle and kisses his temple. "It's wonderful," Bucky says. He walks over to the rocker and pushes it with one finger. It sways forward and back in a smooth rhythm. Up close, Bucky realizes it's made of teak, polished to a high shine. He runs his palm over an armrest, astounded at how smooth it feels.
"Will you sit in it?" Jack asks, sounding bashful. "I've been wanting to see that."
Bucky meets his gaze and feels floored. He tells Jack he loves him every day, several times a day, but Jack's not as effusive. Never has been. But this. A rocking chair. For their baby. Made with his own two hands. Because Bucky pointed it out in a catalog. "How do you even know how to do this?" he asks.
"Dad taught me," Jack replies. "It's not much harder than a table or a nightstand."
Bucky scoffs. Jack built their coffee table and nightstands and they're beautiful too, but not like this. Not lovingly recreated from a photo. "You're too much," he says, then lowers himself into the chair. He sighs in pleasure as he settles into the cushions. They're thick, and angle on the back of the rocker takes some of the weight off his belly. "Oh, I might live here until this kid shows up," he says.
Jack hums a happy sound and walks over. He crouches next to the chair, taking Bucky's hand and lifting it so he can kiss his knuckles. "I'll make a pallet right here on the floor if you want," he says. "Get you anything you want."
Bucky smiles at Jack and pulls both their hands over his belly. "I'm doing all right with what I've got," he says. "Best I've ever done, really."
Jack spreads his fingers wide on Bucky's belly and looks at him with that sweet, shy smile he has. "Yeah, me, too," he agrees, and Bucky smiles right back at him, as bright and open as ever. He can't wait to find out which smile this kid in him is gonna end up with.
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biblioflyer · 1 year
How Picard should end.
The very probable end of The Next Generation is coming and with it the beginning of the end of the first phase of the revival of Star Trek that began with Discovery. Here's what I'm thinking about.
As I write this, the final episodes of Season Three, the series, and perhaps even this sub-franchise are coming into view. I refer to it as a sub-franchise because I think that Picard as a series has a storytelling approach and a set of themes that it has explored that overlap with Discovery but also has its own identity.
Because of the age of many of the principal characters, there has been a strong theme of having to adjust with grace and empathy to a world radically changed from what was normal and comfortable to you, having to acknowledge your complicity in the faults you find in this world, and of repairing relationships that have been harmed. 
Immersing myself in where Picard has been as a series, even just the first four episodes to date, has given me a strong sense of what it is that Picard is about and thus some strong, but not pugnaciously held opinions on how it should end. The failure to do any of the following will not “ruin” the series for me, although the alternatives better be really well done.
For the first time of the CBS era, I actually really feel strongly that my own aesthetics could be defied and I will still really enjoy the outcome. For example I despise the trope that Jack Crusher represents but the trope has been so superbly executed that I’m almost annoyed at how completely I’m in his corner.
Speaking of Jack Crusher….
I would strongly prefer he not be written off as a space god or killed. For one, this is just Wesley’s arc duplicated. For two, while “NuTrek” is doing a great job at moderating the setting’s default posture that transhumanism is bad, it feels too cliche and even cheap in a way for him to vanish into the aether. Let him live, as a mortal, trying to do right by all of the people who fought and died for him not because he was a space god, but because it was right. 
We’ve had three seasons of intense focus on the deeds of mortal and fallible individuals struggling to know what is right in a morally complicated universe, taking huge risks, and even sacrificing stability, family, love, peace, sobriety, and even their own lives: don’t end this with space magic. Don’t do another “space magic makes it all better so nobody really ever had skin in the game” ending.
Speaking of Wesley, having the two meet would provide a nice bit of closure for Beverly. It would bookend nicely with her line about already having lost one son to the same stars that call Jean luc.
Seven of Nine & Raffi
On again or off again, just pick a lane and make them handle it like adults.
As I’ve said before, I see two equally valid paths for Seven assuming it's handled properly. Seven can remain in Starfleet, her acceptance earned and her merits recognized by all but especially by Shaw. Ideally were this to be the case, I think I would like to see her take up Picard’s mantle of mentor to misfits.
There isn’t a character who is better positioned narratively in this series to become the person who sees something in people that others don’t and can find ways to take the round hole that is Starfleet and make it a square hole for the people who need it.
Or she can walk away and reclaim her full autonomy. Go back to the Fenris Rangers or go into Starfleet Intelligence.
As for Raffi, the past two seasons have intensely focused on the work the character was doing to first recover from addiction and then reclaim her mental health and with that the ability to have relationships without either her need to chase mysteries or the desire for control alienating those around her. It's time for Raffi’s work to be seen by others and to be supported. 
In the first season it was entirely fair for her son to refuse contact: she was too much a creature of her substance abuse and her obsessiveness. Now? Cut her some slack and let her show that she’s mastered the thing that makes her the hero no one is prepared to recognize that they need until it's too late but also makes her the villain in her own life.
I would merrily support a Worf & Raffi spy action buddy cop series. Seven, Jack, Laris, and anyone else unaccounted for who is not really a good fit for traditional ship service can come too if they want. A Star Trek answer to Firefly or The Expanse would be incredibly fascinating with good writing. Given the way Star Trek Picard has been critiquing the limits of institutional power in dealing with the unknown or morally complicated situations, I think the time is right. 
Perhaps this could be the Section 31 series instead of a 23rd century era one. Just have the Guardian of Forever send Georgiou to where she’s needed rather than where she belongs. She’d be a great foil for Zen Worf and the morally flexible but not that morally flexible Raffi.
Section 31 are bad guys, full stop.
Speaking of Section 31, either confirm that Section 31 has been disbanded and formally disavowed or that it had its Church Committee hearings and been folded back into Starfleet Intelligence with strong oversight and strong guard rails. Putting Worf and Raffi front and center in it would afford an opportunity to show that it is possible to address existential threats to the Federation without genocide or the intervention of space gods. 
It's really only been after seeing Discovery recycle the same deus ex ending, only worse, that I have come to realize that the way Deep Space Nine finished the Dominion War arc really, really rubs me the wrong way. My list of things that I think are completely antithetical to the core assumptions of Star Trek is not long, but the Federation being saved not once, but twice by attempted genocide is definitely on that list. 
Don’t get me wrong, Deep Space Nine is probably the most overall well executed series from the point of view of nearly every aspect of the show being consistently competent, but falling back on Section 31 to save the Federation? Not a fan of that.
I am not on the Bev/JL train. It had its time. For all the ways that Star Trek Picard has been in conversation with critiques of TNG’s very 1990s “end of history” worldview, one thing that was superbly managed was the idea that Beverly and Jean luc could try out a romance, realize it doesn’t work, and then be content with a strong bond that doesn’t need to express itself romantically. It was incredibly, shockingly mature for a 1990s drama.
This show did not kill off Zhabon and an ancestor of Laris for Laris to be killed off or to politely step aside.
Maybe Bev is happy being unpartnered. How about them apples? Maybe a senior woman is perfectly self actualized on her own and can take or leave romance.
This is probably one of the looming plot resolutions I am the most likely to be actually angered by if it doesn’t go the way I would prefer and it isn’t handled extremely well.
Once again, do not fridge Laris to make room for Beverly. 
That would easily make my list of the top five most appalling creative decisions of this show and this is coming from someone who has invested quite a bit of effort into defending and rationalizing its other controversial decisions. Having her step aside with her life and dignity is less distasteful but still frustrating.
The Federation and Shaw
Follow through with the overall theme from season one that institutions solve big problems but rules are not there to follow mindlessly. Conscience matters as does doing the right thing even when you are fearful. 
It may not be fair to ask 500 people to risk their lives for four people who have deliberately chosen to put themselves in harm’s way on a fool’s errand, but then when does it become fair? Does it have to be 501 lives on the line to be worth 500? How morally virtuous do the victims need to be? 
Smaller, more nimble actors don’t have to make these trades. The Mugato in the room is the Maquis. They could easily have provoked war but they did also provide a means by which Federation citizens who wanted their autonomy could contest Cardassian oppression without exposing the Federation to the specter of war  if the Federation failed to ensure their well being.
Also when and if a bad call is made out of anger, fear, or incomplete knowledge of the situation, how the consequences of that decision are addressed matter.
The Federation abandoned the Romulans. As did Picard himself. Picard accepted responsibility in Season One. The Federation extended its protection over Maddox & Soong’s Synth colony but there’s no mention of any peacekeeping or humanitarian efforts for Romulans who have rejected “the old ways.”
Finally, Shaw has his reasons and this series has been nothing if not incredibly nuanced in how it invokes trauma and uses it in a way to explain but not justify the behavior of characters. A theme I have thought about a lot in the context of Captain Marvel is the way that coping mechanisms for trauma often encourage self reliance and aloofness to the extreme. In Shaw’s own words “at some point asshole became a substitute for charm.” I would argue that the final stage of healing would be to become a team player who is capable of forging authentic relationships built on mutual trust and respect.
Now I do think this is coming in the form of a sincere working relationship with Seven but I would prefer it be extended beyond Seven. For Shaw to accept Seven as Seven is a good start but everyone is capable of accepting “one of the good ones.” Some sort of broader recognition that it's on him to swallow his terror and rage, it's not on every single XB to prove they’re not going to assimilate him.
Other characters / elements
BBEG: (Big Bad Evil Guy) I don’t know that I’m necessarily hoping for anything or anyone in particular. Armus would be cool. He’s one of the last entities on the board with an axe to grind who could conceivably be a credible menace to Changelings and shares some of their mercurial nature. 
The alien parasites would be neat as well. That that has long gone unresolved is a longstanding gripe but I feel like the time may have passed. Thematically the Changelings have more or less eaten their lunch when it comes to replacing people and intricate conspiracies. At this point, I think it would be just as well to retcon the infiltrators as having been an early effort by the Changelings to infiltrate other societies without exposing themselves to danger. The Founders certainly have the genetic engineering acumen to design a parasite species.
Elnor: at least mention him as existing, if not give the character some proper closure. Show him thriving in Starfleet and having a good relationship with Picard and Raffi as mentors and surrogate parents, explicitly connect Picard’s experiences with Elnor as a child and his effort to repair his relationship with Elnor as having been a practice run for Jack and the recognition that Jean luc would not have been his father as a parent.
Or show him choosing to leave Starfleet for the Rangers or even just to lead a quiet life of study and meditation. That’s cool too.
Jiurati: if the big bad is the Borg or related to them somehow, it would be cool to see Jiurati’s faction sweep in to help defeat them. Otherwise maybe one more reference would be nice.
The Admiral Janeway cameo is long overdue.
It would be nice for Worf to mention Alexander and Jadzia. Perhaps in the context of giving advice to Raffi on love, life, pursuing rapprochement after being an absentee parent, and living with the knowledge that your life choices place partners in existential danger. It would be a great way to cement their dualistic role this season rather than having Raffi be Worf’s sidekick.
Don’t fridge Tuvok. Find him safely.
Oh yeah, there's also JL himself.
We don't need to have Picard die on screen (again.) As far as I'm concerned Logan is all I'll ever need for Patrick Stewart death scenes. Its just too hard to contemplate. I consider the character of Picard to be a father figure and I'd kind of just prefer that he gets to be happy. I'd like for him to get good with Elnor and Jack.
"I tried so very hard to belong to this place."
Maybe pass the vineyard on as a national park that is Picard in name only. We all know his real home is in the stars. Putting him to work leading a Romulan humanitarian NGO that relies on his Starfleet contacts and credibility is I think the perfect bookend to how the series began with his despair over the Federation's failure and the ongoing interrogation of whether Starfleet is the only legitimate or appropriate entity for solving problems in the universe.
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strafethesesinners · 2 years
“Did you seriously injure yourself carving a pumpkin?” for John and Cooper?
Thank you so much for sending this in! We’ll ignore that it was a whole year ago. Please enjoy this little moment between John and Cooper
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John spotted Cooper as soon as he pulled his car up to Seed Ranch. The deputy was sitting on the front porch steps with a pumpkin in his lap. Faith had brought over several pumpkins earlier in the week, insisting on adding some “fall flair” to the ranch. John had agreed to let her decorate the place on the condition that she returned and collected the pumpkins before they started rotting. Cooper had hollowed the pumpkin out; there was a mess of its insides and seeds piled around his boots. He had his huge Bowie knife out, frowning in concentration as he effectively stabbed the pumpkin. He was so focused on his task that he didn’t look up as John approached.
“You’re here early for once,” John said. Cooper just grunted in response, swearing under his breath as he wiggled the knife around.
“What are you doing?”
“What’s it look like?”
“Attempted pumpkin murder,” John said, “or actually,” he leaned over to observe Cooper’s work, “a successful murder and desecration of a corpse.”
Cooper had made two fairly decent triangle shaped eyes, but was now attempting to carve out a mouth with teeth which looked more like he was giving the Jack O’Lantern a particularly nasty Glasgow smile.
���Hasn’t he suffered enough?” John said, sitting down next to Cooper.
“Shut up, John, this is hard.” Cooper said and he yanked the knife out sideways, creating a huge gash across the surface of the pumpkin; and his left hand.
“Fuck! Ow!”
“Did you seriously just injure yourself carving a pumpkin?”
Cooper glared at him, sucking at the cut between his thumb and forefinger.
“Why exactly have you taken it upon yourself to decorate my house for Halloween?”
Cooper shrugged and took his hand out of his mouth.
“Just bored I guess,” he said, examining his wound.
“Should I get the first aid kit?” John asked.
“Nah it ain’t that bad,” Cooper said, completely oblivious to John’s patronizing smile.
John took the pumpkin from Cooper and examined it. It was starting to crumple in on itself, and the smear of blood across its mouth made it look even grislier than before.
“Well it’s definitely macabre anyway,” he said.
John smiled at Cooper’s bewildered expression.
“Macabre means um…spooky,” he explained.
“Oh,” Cooper looked at his butchered creation and chuckled, “I guess it is…”
“Here.” John set Cooper’s pumpkin aside and picked up a small one that was sitting nearby. He took a small knife from an inside coat pocket and flicked it open.
“Switchblade, nice,” Cooper said.
John couldn’t help a small smile.
“Yes….” he said, as he began to carefully slice at the pumpkin’s skin, “still not the best tool for this but it’s better than your–”
“Pigsticker,” Cooper said.
“I think you’d need something bigger for that.”
“No no, that’s its name,” Cooper said, “Pigsticker.”
“I like that,” John laughed. Cooper grinned and sheathed the lethal blade at his hip.
John set to work on the carving. He decided to skip hollowing the pumpkin out and just chisel out a sort of relief on its surface. He worked carefully, but quickly, Cooper watching him in silence. John had no real idea of what he meant to carve at first, but soon a ghoulish face began to take shape under his skilled hands. In less than five minutes, the pumpkin bore a detailed relief sculpture of a zombie’s face, its eyes dull and staring, mouth slack. John handed the pumpkin to Cooper.
“Wow!” Cooper held the gourd up, smiling at it with admiration, “this is somethin’ else, John.”
“Thank you,” John couldn’t help the warm feeling of pride that spread through him, over something so silly as a pumpkin carving. But Cooper often had that effect on him. He made John feel good about himself in ways John never knew were even possible.
“Not bad for someone who never had Halloween growing up, eh?”
“You didn’t have Halloween?” Cooper asked in disbelief, “hell, even I had Halloween an’ my folks were a couple o’ regular sticks in the mud.”
“Halloween is the devil’s holiday Cooper,” John said, taking his pumpkin back and turning it in his hands, feeling the ridges and channels his knife had made, “or so my parents taught me.”
Cooper snorted and John looked up, eyebrows raised.
“Sorry,” Cooper said, “but that’s the dumbest thing I ever heard.”
John smiled,
“Yes, it is a bit silly…anyway,” he picked up Cooper’s discarded pumpkin, “what should we do with this one?”
“I got an idea,” Cooper said, standing up, and motioning John to do the same, “hold it out like that,” he demonstrated by holding his arm out sideways. John obeyed, bemused.
“What are you—“
The mutilated pumpkin exploded as Cooper punched it through the mouth, splattering both of them in raw pumpkin matter. John stumbled back; surprised.
“Could’ve at least given me some warning,” he grumbled, brushing himself off as Cooper laughed. He picked up his own beautifully carved pumpkin and set it at the top of the stairs.
“Right well, you’ll clean all this up then, yes?”
“Uh,” Cooper kicked the pumpkin guts and the rest of the remains off the porch into the grass, “there.”
“Great job,” John said sarcastically.
Cooper shrugged, giving John a cheeky little look that set his heart pounding.
“Fine,” he said and Cooper grinned, “come on inside then.”
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laceratedlamiaceae · 1 year
for the ship ask game if u still wanna do it for cjizzy, 11, 15, 22, and 34?
I'm always up to do any of the ask games I've reblogged! (Ship Ask Game)
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
I of course love the fanon that Jack calls Izzy all kind of pet names, chiefly among them "babygirl" and "sugartits," which Izzy alternates between finding annoying, amusing, and endearing. Izzy's go-to is "you twat," which he usually means mostly affectionately, and Jack loves it (because he loves any attention from Izzy).
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
Ohohoho you have no idea what you've opened up by asking me this one. I'll stick to six so this doesn't get too long:
Animals by Nickelback - I know Nickelback is a joke but I'm nostalgic about them and this song slaps. Also it's about road head and that's very them to me.
Snug Slacks by John Grant - A weird, horny song about awkward flirting and having sex in the back of a truck. I can easily see Izzy trying to pick up Jack like this and it somehow working.
Blush by Orville Peck - It's a country-adjacent song about reminiscing over an old lover, with sailing metaphors to boot. It makes me think of Jack, wishing he could see Izzy again.
Lightning Bolt by Pearl Jam - This one's mostly just about the vibes, but there's something there about Jack coming into Izzy's life like a lightning bolt like the woman in the song.
Jolene by Dolly Parton - I don't need to explain this one; Jack is Dolly, Ed is Jolene, Izzy is the unnamed man.
Thoroughfare by Ethel Cain - I may be biased because I'm obsessed with this song but just go look at the lyrics. Jack takes Izzy on a road trip out west and falls in love with him.
There definitely should be a Johnny Cash song in here too but I couldn't pick one.
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
Jack is always playful around Izzy, making dumb jokes and just generally fucking around. In public, Izzy does not react at all and stays completely stone-faced, but when they're alone he'll smile and maybe even laugh a little. Izzy isn't really one for being silly but it's not because he's uncomfortable around Jack; it just isn't his thing.
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
Jack never lets Izzy forget the time he got caught in the rigging and Jack had to get him out. If he's subtle enough about it that other people don't notice Izzy might not even yell at him about it. They've also basically developed an entire language for making fun of Stede (and Ed when he's around Stede).
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gemharvest · 1 year
u for the ask game?
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Fighting my urge to list off obvious responses like the Fukawas/ Reigen/ Spamton etc because like, I post about them all the time; we all know Karl is obsessed with them!! Instead gonna dig my mind for guys I'm not often super vocal about.
Kenny (Telltale's The Walking Dead) - I am the world's biggest Kenny defender. Jane fans hate me. I need a T-shirt that says "Kenny (TWDG) didn't do anything wrong" or however the phrase goes. I am exaggerating for the bit here I do acknowledge his faults HOWEVER I love him in spite of said flaws. He's just a guy who cares deeply for those he considers family and even when it comes out in bad ways I just can't hate him for it. Very uncomfortable with how violent he's written to be in s2 but there's still the Kenny I know and love from s1 down in there so whatever.
Zack Addy (Bones) - He is everything to me I'm gonna be real. I cannot describe to you how much it hurt that he didn't really come back after the Gormogon arc aside from like, some brief appearances as well as his side-arc or whatever in s12. I think the rotating cast of interns after his departure was fun and I really liked some of the guys that showed up from that but if you gave me a button that made Zack stay as a main character for the whole series I'd press it so fucking fast.
Ekubo (Mob Psycho 100) - I FEEL LIKE THIS ONE IS ALMOST AN OBVIOUS CHOICE GIVEN [*gestures at my url] BUT. I don't really post about him solo all that often which is funny given I think a lot abt him outside of Ekurei posting. I care his character growth over the series so much and if I wasn't so Reigen-brained I'd probably be so fucking annoying about him specifically. Fortunately my brother picks up the slack on that front o7 to him but yeah, give it up to Ekubo who would have to be my overall 2nd fav from MP100.
Jack Baker (Resident Evil 7) - I don't have a big spiel for him like I do the others idk my brain just latched onto him one day and I haven't been able to shake it since. I'm too much of a pussy to get myself to play RE7 (despite now owning it lmfao) and yet it's a comfort game of mine. Wild. ANYWAYS JACK BAKER him as an enemy is super fucking cool and he scares the crap out of me BUT I also like his uninfected moments. He's such a sweet father and it makes the tragedy of what happened to his family even more worse. Guys who I wish were my father.
Aoi Asahina (Danganronpa) - AOI MY SWEETHEART!!!! I know I publicly rotate the Naegis or the Fukawas or Kazuichi or etc. a lot but I'm also a big Aoi fan. Her relationship with Sakura makes me ❤💔❤💔❤💔❤ and genuinely I remember feeling so happy that she ended up being one of the survivors from that game. I still have yet to get through the dr3 anime but seeing her in the future arc is always a treat I love getting to see her again. Like Jack I don't have the deepest words for her but she just makes me so happy also like a lot of Danganronpa characters I wish she came from a better source media.
FTR I could give you so many more favs ESPECIALLY from Bones where I love the majority of the cast. But I'm holding back on giving an honorable mentions list since it would kinda defeat the purpose of the prompt AHJSNJKKGDJNNGKJ. Feel free to ask me about my opinions on the Bones cast or like my other favs. But also the Bones cast I am holding my tongue so hard on them.
[Ask game can be found here.] Don't be afraid to send an ask in I love talking about this stuff!
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
3,4,5,9,10,19,29,34,35 for chrysi and/or azure? u can pick and choose..!!!
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
chrysi’s is a quarterstaff… or a scythe… she gets to whack ppl rlly hard OR she gets to feel like she’s harvesting :3 also a bow and arrow on occasion because she feels vv satisfied w hitting her target frm a distance.
azure’s.. hmmm i always imagine him w a rapier. it’s light, it takes a lot of skill to wield, and he likes the challenge of it. vv classy. 
chrysi likes to use his rapier at times too, but she does it jst to jab at ppl. stab stab stab, she’s awful!! (she’s actually p gifted at using it, but i feel chrysi’s fighting style is more practical in the sense that she knows that sometimes you’ve jst got to whack ppl to get stuff done! no need for flashiness! azure doesn’t realize he’s being flashy because that’s jst how he was taught 💀)
4. how crafty/resourceful are they?
chrysi’s been in Situations and she sure has gotten out of them!! she’s very quick on her feet and quick to assemble cockamamie schemes to get out of a rough situation. sometimes, though, she’ll fashion a way to escape a situation that is.. very very dangerous in retrospect. azure will yell at her for it later, to which chrysi always responds with, “but did we DIE?” he has no argument <//3
azure’s less prone to coming up w batshit escape plans, but he’s p decent at coming up w a reasonable response. he’s less resourceful than chrysi because of his practical he can be though!! and also because his brain doesn’t make the connections that hers does. 
5.  how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
azure’s outfits tends to be nice slacks and a nice sweater or dress shirt.. he starts wearing band t-shirts after chrysi starts getting them for him, but he’ll always being wearing nice slacks w them, which. hm! that’s a decision! if he HAS to wear jeans, then they’ll b black jeans of course. his outfits do tend to be more practical, except for his fucking shoes. he’s always always always wearing dress shoes, even when chrysi once had to take him on a hike to investigate something. she wouldn’t stop teasing him the entire way up. altogether though, azure’s fashion sense is classy, even when casual. 
chrysi’s also p practical in her outfits, if a lot more casual. lots of off-the-shoulder shirts and shorts and ripped jeans.. okay, the off-the-shoulder shirts are a bit impractical. and her dresses are also not practical either—BUT I CAN BLAME JACKS FOR THAT! ITS HIS FAULT!!… chrysi’s a bit vain tho, so it’s also a bit of her fault too….
9. favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
azure’s fav food is. good question. juno said baguette or croissant 💀 but jokes aside, i genuinely think he would love crêpes <3 get some fresh fruit on that bitch and he’s having an excellent time. as for least favorite.. he is french, but escargot is awful horrible disgusting <3 he’s not a picky eater (literally was thinking abt how he’d enjoy bone marrow tbh…. ) nor does he have any dietary restrictions :) 
chrysi’s fav food is chocolate strawberries 🖤 tastey!!!! she jst likes strawberries a lot in general :> least favorite ughfjdksls hmmm she doesn’t like fish that much rlly…. seafood in general isn’t her thing :/// she’s not too picky besides the seafood thing, BUT. might project my banana and honey allergy onto chrysi.. it’s okay, her mouth jst burns sometimes whenever she eats stuff w that haha, don’t worry abt it! 
10. if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
CHRYSI WEARS RINGS, CHOKER NECKLACES, EARRINGS, BRACELETS, ANKLETS……. everything 🖤🖤🖤 she prefers silver + her fav gem is probably any type of quartz.. srry to be basic <//3 
azure starts wearing bracelets because chrysi got them for him + now they match :) then he wears a ring for their engagement and then their marriage, and they match chrysi’s ring sets :) he also prefers silver + his fav gem is probably ruby…? matches chrysi’s eyes !!! 
19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
i wouldn’t necessarily say either of them are quick to anger. chrysi’s definitely quicker in situations (when ppl don’t LISTEN TO HER and also when they’re already infuriating.. rlly it’s not HER fault 🤷‍♀️), but what sets her off are ppl being mean to those she cares abt + they mention her parents negatively. alright, roll up your sleeves, she’s gonna pummel you!!
azures not quick to anger at EXCEPT FOR when ppl threaten chrysi or otherwise be cruel about her. he’s very ruthless when it comes to her… :)
29. are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
chrysi’s defs fire, whereas azure’s more.. hm. he’s defs more earth and air. 
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
azure would describe himself as withdrawn, lonely, impersonal.. chrysi would describe herself as super cool and pretty 😌… but does she mean it? honestly, she’d call herself a bitch and leave it at that.
35. do they ever return home?
.. their home is each other. they return home, but they’re always torn away from it again. there’s no rest. 
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
the losers club as teachers
i just graduated yesterday (ah!) and i’m feeling weird and nostalgic so i’m gonna write this for the losers and picture some of my teachers in their places. hopefully someone in your life comes to mind when you read the descriptions, too!
bill: i think bill is an english teacher, but you could make the argument for him being an art teacher for sure. i think everyone likes bill as a teacher most of the time, he just unfortunately is a fan of homework and that’s the only way he really makes any enemies with his students. bill tries to stick to business and doesn’t get off topic much (unless it’s something else english-related). he also is not really a teacher you’d want to cross, but he’s for sure a teacher you’d want on your side to defend you. he always talks about slacking off in school himself, and he wants his students to do better and value their education more than he did. again, super great guy, his only enemies are because of the work he assigns them.
bev: bev could either be the eccentric art teacher or the eccentric science teacher. i’m not going to definitively pick one, but no matter the subject she’s teaching, she is absolutely the ms. frizzle of the school. bev is great with engaging her students, and i think she’d probably be more prone to wanting to teach middle schoolers rather than high schoolers. she comes up with a ton of fun projects and incentives for her students and loves getting involved in all the school activities she can. bev is 110% the emotional support teacher, and everyone always requests to follow her on instagram, even though they know they can’t until after they graduate.
ben: DEFINITELY the cool history teacher. ben is absolutely the laid back and super approachable and kind teacher that all the kids attach themselves to and can relate to, no matter what kind of social group they come from. he’s not the history teacher stereotype of the guy that doesn’t care and doesn’t teach, he just has cory matthews vibes and knows how to relate his lessons to kids’ lives and help them learn without it being a miserable experience. he will definitely always put his students first and is a friend and mentor to all.
stan: stan is mainly a math teacher but also teaches one or two business/computer classes. kids are definitely intimated of him before they have him, because there’s always rumors going around about how tough he is on students and how much work he assigns and everything. however, once kids actually have stan as a teacher, they LOVE him. he has high expectations for his students, but not necessarily in achievements, just in efforts. if stan seeing that a student is working hard, no matter how much trouble they’re having, they’ll do just fine in his class. he also is a REALLY great teacher one on one, and is there for any student that needs a little extra help. point being, he’s very intelligent, but genuinely wants the best for every kid and is willing to help to get them there.
mike: mike is a gym and health teacher in my opinion, but far from your stereotypical jacked and angry gym teacher that only likes the jocks and ignores everyone else. he is actually definitely more prone to connecting with the outcasts. mike is a HUGE advocate for mental health, and doesn’t put up with anyone’s bullshit. he will call out anyone and everyone when he sees any problems with bullying, and people know not to mess with him. he also has a whole unit in his health classes about mental health, and starts each class with short discussion just to ease everyone in. he does these conversations in his gym classes too. mike is a softie and wants everyone to feel comfortable. as long as a kid doesn’t mess with him or anyone else, they’ll do great.
eddie: he’s totally the drama teacher!! richie could absolutely do this too, but i think eddie just has such a knack for the fine arts that this is where he’d really shine. besides, he and richie are married, so richie helps out anyway. the school eddie works out has a reputation for the best drama program in the area because of how professional and hard-working eddie is. his students genuinely improve every single time they have a rehearsal with him, and it’s all enjoyable for them. he pushes them hard, but his students have no trouble cooperating because they know that, in the end, they’re going to get a fantastic show.
richie: richie is. a kindergarten teacher. i know that sounds like an absolute DISASTER because i’m sure we’re all picturing him riling up the kids, but he’s actually amazing with them. he knows how to have fun and be interactive and awesome with the kids, but he also knows how to get his lessons across. he’s able to draw out the best in every kid and connects with each of them on a personal level. his teaching is so much fun that half the time the kids don’t even realize they’ve learned something. in conclusion, richie is the best fucking kindergarten teacher in existence and every single one of his students comes and visits him again and again.
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sukirichi · 4 years
omg sorry im the anon who picked too many spices i’m so sorry 😭😭 so let me try again: wine for yuuta, ingredient 53, and spice 8 10 11?
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good for you
People said all bad things about him, how he wasn’t good for you, he was going to toy with you, he was someone you needed to stay away from, but that wasn’t true.
meal order: wine + 53 (bad boy good girl au) + 8, 10 (dumbification, begging kink) 
warnings: nsfw content, fingering, dumbification, begging kink, slight voyeurism, slight corruption kink, bad boy! yuuta, unedited fic
note: soooo anon...i hope you like this, this is my first yuta fic and i was really nervous i was gonna mess this up, sheesh, hope you like it and thank you for the request! have some wine~
masterlist !
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You were so good for him – it made sense you were his favorite.
The moment you felt his cold fingers graze under your shirt, fingers lightly tugging at the clasps of your bra as a promise of what was to come next, you shuddered from his touch. You leaned back to his body, your hand clutching his that was gripping your thigh.
“Yuta,” you bit your lip to hold back a moan, his expert hands sliding down your inner thighs to brush over your clothed cunt, teasing you to no end. “We-we shouldn’t.”
“And why not?” his husky voice sent shivers down your spine, and you gasped as his fingers tugged your panties away. He’d barely even touched you, yet you were soaking wet for him already. Two of his fingers slipped past your folds easily and you clamped down as he scissored you, finally releasing your bra and easing it off your shoulders. “They won’t know. We’re just studying, remember?”
Your relationship with Yuta was complicated, to say the least. Last month, your homeroom teacher assigned you to tutor him, and your eyes widened because the last person you expected to see was the notorious Okkotsu Yuta who barely attended school, preferring to live life in his own way.
He looked scary then; dark circles hanging heavily under amused eyes, slicked back hair that shone under the sunlight, and a half-sneer as an excuse for a smile.
He terrified you, until he didn’t. Contrary to what people said about him, how he wasn’t good for you, he was going to toy with you, he was someone you needed to stay away from, you never thought that way about Yuta. And he knew this too; he took advantage of your unconditional kindness, basking in your shy, soft touches and stuttering during study sessions whenever he stared at you a little longer than you expected.
You were so fucking cute he just couldn’t keep his hands off of you. He blamed you for it, really. He wouldn’t have been this addicted to the quiet, timid girl who followed rules and apologized way too much than necessary if you weren’t such a good girl for him.
But you were so cute, so curious and innocent that Yuta, being the more responsible and experienced one between the both of you, just had to give in to your pleas. Soon, your shy touches became eager ones, grinding on his thigh with your hands  tugging at his collar while you begged for a kiss. You were so pretty too, always so ready and wanting for him, but oh, everything was different when you begged.
If he thought you were pretty before, it was nothing compared to when you begged.
Innocent eyes gazing up at him under thick lashes, small hands wrapped around the thick base of his cock, your pretty red lips begging to taste him – you were at your prettiest when you were begging for him, and how could he deny you?
It was because you were so good for him that he Yuta wasn’t selfish when it came to pleasing you, his cock hardening when your head fell back on his shoulders, lips open as wantons flooded through your lips. “Shh,” he chuckled with a kiss to your lips, his fingers pumping in and out of you until you were dripping down on his palm, the sopping sounds of your pussy nearly embarrassing. “You don’t want to be loud, baby, your parents will hear you.”
At the possibility of getting caught, your eyes widened, and you slapped your palm over your mouth to hide your sinful moans. Yuta’s eyes darkened as you trembled in his arms, trying so hard to be a good girl and keep your reputation, but the way you grinded down onto his fingers told a different story.
“Y-Yuta,” you cried out, reaching up to capture his lips in a kiss. He swallowed your moans while his other hand gripped your thighs tighter, your ass barely grazing his painful erection. “I need more, please, will you-will you-?”
“What do you want, baby? I can’t give it to you if you don’t tell me.”
Yuta smirked when you whimpered in his hold, your hips pumping up and down as you rode his fingers. It felt good, but it wasn’t enough. You knew he could give you more, and Yuta would gladly do anything for you as long as you said it.
The sight of you cumming all over his fingers, tits perked from under your shirt yet still looking so innocent from your shirt skirt – he could cum in his pants just watching you. But he held it all in, fully aware that you wanted him inside you, though your shyness still remained. Ironic, really, since Yuta had already lost count of the times he had to stuff your panties down your mouth as he dragged you to the nearest empty classroom, making you cum either just on his tongue or cock alone.
He figured he’d have ruined you by now, but you were just so good, such an innocent, pretty little thing that the mere mention of his dick had you flustered.
“Yuta, I can’t – you-you know what I mean,” you palmed him through his pants. Yuta hissed at how you pulled his cock out free from his confines, the warmth of your hand wrapping around his cock, the tip already flushed and red.
He gripped your wrist and pulled you towards him, resting your ass just above his cock. A dark look crossed his face when he saw you inhale sharply as he rubbed his tip all over your lips, your pink panties tugged all the way to the side, the material loosely clinging onto the fat of your flesh. 
“Is this what you want,” he teased, hands placed on a tight grip of your hips as he slowly sank you down his length. He reveled at how you slowly lost yourself, thighs quaking, and it was just only the tip. “Do you deserve it, baby? Have you been a good girl for me that you think you deserve to feel good?”
“Yes, yes, of course!”
Your eyes were focused on the remaining length of his cock that wasn’t buried in you, and you were so needy, so fucking wet and horny that you wiggled your hips, a slight whine echoing from the room when Yuta only tightened his hips on you as a warning. “Don’t move,” he growled lowly, and like the good girl you were, you complied, bottom lip jutted out. “You don’t get to sit on my lap when you don’t beg hard enough for it, baby.”
“But, oh,” you tried to say, your words cut off when Yuta suddenly gripped your ass down all the way down his length in one go, your ass flat on his thighs.  
Both of you groaned at the feeling of him buried deep inside you; you could feel him pulsing inside your heat already. Unsatisfied with your silence, Yuta slapped your ass, forcing you to look at him. 
He was perfectly content with you cockwarming him; he could jack himself off later, but he knew you couldn’t satisfy yourself – not when your needy little cunt always wanted to be stuffed full with his dick.
“My parents are downstairs,” you tried to reason, though your actions betrayed your words as you dug your nails on his shoulders, eyes closed from the pleasure. Yuta gave small, slow thrusts, the movement just enough to scrape at your walls, almost as if to mock you that you could’ve had an orgasm by now if you just complied. “I-if they hear, they’re going to get mad, and they’ll find out that—”
“They’re going to find out what?” he thrusted his hips into yours sharply until your skirt was bunched all over your ass, his hands rough and hungry while he kept you in place. Your moans filled the room, and Yuta gripped one of your legs to press on your sides, thigh-high socks teasing and plumping up the flesh of your legs. “That their sweet, innocent daughter isn’t such a good girl after all? Look at you, walking around in school wearing that. You’re always begging to be fucked, baby.”
You didn’t deny him because his words were true, and soon Yuta had you choking in your own breath. He wanted to make you beg, to go down on your knees just to show him you deserved it, but you clenched down on him so hard that he lost himself too.
Yuta pulled you in for a heated kiss, his strong hands wrapping your legs around his waist before dropping you both down on the bed.
He didn’t bother pulling his shirt off, only jumping out of his slacks before he found home in between your legs. Yuta chuckled at how fucked out you were before him, teeth deep into one of your stuffed toys while he kept fucking into you. 
He fell forward, hands planted beside your head, his dick scraping against the warm walls of your pussy.
You were close; he could feel it. Yuta picked up his pace and started littering lovemarks on your neck, somewhere people could see his markings and to claim you as his good girl.
You were such a good girl for him, letting him pump himself into you in a rough pace until you could no longer hold back your moans. “Yuta, Yuta, god, you-you feel so good, right there, oh,” you were a mess on his cock, drool collecting from your pillow and tongue lolled out. 
He found you so pretty, so gorgeous and so good; screaming his name like that even as your parents called out to ask if you were fine just because you knew he liked it when you said his name while you were stuffed with his cock.
“Come on, baby,” he gripped your waist this time, not slowing down for a moment as his thrusts grew sloppy. Yuta’s dick twitched and pulsed harder inside you when your walls hugged him tightly, sucking him in too deep that he was hitting your most sensitive spots. “You’re close, aren’t you? You want to cum on my cock? Beg for it, come on.”
“Yuta, Yuta, please please please, want to cum on your cock, want you to fill me up,” your back arched when he hit your g-spot, your vision turning white for a moment. “Fuck, fuck, Yuta, fuck me good – please, I want you, there, please!”
His dick only further hardened upon hearing such dirty words fall from your pretty lips. You were begging so good for him, following his orders and making him feel good with your pretty pussy – how could he deny you? People said all bad things about him, how he wasn’t good for you, he was going to toy with you, he was someone you needed to stay away from, but that wasn’t true. 
He kept fucking into you until you were creaming onto his cock, his name falling like a prayer on your wet mouth, losing all your sanity and comprehension when he spills inside you, your cum dripping down your ass.
Yuta chuckled before leaning down to kiss his pretty girl, so good for him, but what they didn’t know was that the bad boy was just as good for you, and he never failed to make you feel good.
They called him a bad boy, labeled him all sorts of things, warned you so much of the dangers he brought. 
Everyone was just simply unaware how he good he was for you.
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