#i think jack kind of has an obsession with being the good son
lucy-moderatz · 10 months
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Things I have gathered about Danny Phanton without having ever watched the show (from posts and fanfics):
There's ghosts and they're kind of assholes, but they're also all friends and have christmas parties. Their presence is treated as a mild annoyance by everyone except the ghost hunters.
The main character is a dead 14yo. Sometimes. He's also trans.
There are adult professional ghost hunters around. Literally all of them seem like they are just taking out their serial killer urges on ghosts. "Man is the real monster" trope in action. At least some of the ghost hunters are a Men In Black parody.
The dead 14yo actually the most competent at removing ghosts from the mortal plane.
There is another 14yo who is not dead and also hunting ghosts. She's somehow also more competent at it than the adults.
The MC's parents are ghost hunters and want to torture him into perma-death. That is somehow not the biggest problem with their parenting.
(Like, I get that adults in kids' media need to be kinda dumb and immature for the premise of the show/book/movie/whatever to work, but I'm getting the feeling the adults in this show cross the line of 'plot necessary dumbass' into 'fucked up and abusive' territorry.)
One of the ghosts is tiny, piloting a giant mecha suit and dedicated to skinning the MC and hanging his skin on his wall. He somehow also has a cool rocker girlfriend and thinks this will impress her. Jury's out on whether or not that's a good strategy.
There is a ghost called the Box Ghost, who demands to be taken seriously. Nobody takes him seriously.
The MC's nemesis is another dude who is sometimes dead. He looks like a vampire and swears in food. He also wants to kill the MC's dad (for mostly valid reasons) and bang his mom (for no good reason at all) and adopt the MC as his son(mostly because of his hangups around the parents, not because said parents suck at being parents). In a villainous and fucked up way, because he's the main antagonists. He's also a billionaire, has a cat, and is weirdly obsessed with american football (IDK jack shit about american football, but the level of obsession is treated as not normal by the characters so I will assume it is weird and just how americans be like).
There were 3 seasons, but half of the fandom is convinced the third one may have been a fever dream because it's so bad.
There was a finale that everyone pretends didn't happen because it sucked.
There is at least one time travel fix it episode and the time travel ghost wears way too many watches.
The MC has two living friends - Wade from Kim Possible, but thinner and leaves his house, and a jewish goth vegan.
The MC has a clone and she's a baby and a gremlin.
The ships all have the weirdest fucking names.
Somehow half the named characters being dead is not the angstiest part of the show.
I kinda want to know how someone came up with it and what drugs they were taking. IDK if I want to try some or avoid them, but it would be good to know either way.
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racke7 · 1 month
Corporate War
So, I started thinking about this post.
Specifically, about what a setting with "a corporation of petty lunatics ruining the lives of their rival-company" would look like.
And then I realized:
Obviously, a small-time family-business like that won't actually accomplish much of anything, so we're roping in Vlad for this.
Vlad is a billionaire with a massive company, and an unfortunate tendency to come up with hare-brained schemes to seduce a married woman.
What I'm saying is that it's entirely in-character for Vlad to come up with some scheme of "merging" their companies together, and for Team Phantom to do the plucky-teen maneuver and switch the paperwork before he signs it or something.
Thus resulting in Fentonworks suddenly being the owners of Dalv-Co.
Now, obviously, this would upset Vlad quite a lot. But he gave it to Maddie, and now he can't take it back. (Both because of his obsession with her, and because they're always wearing ghost-proof gear, and it would never occur to Vlad to "ask nicely".)
So, now Jack and Maddie Fenton are the proud owners of a massive tech-company. They obviously have no idea what to do about that, beyond "continue inventing cool shit".
But since they're now a filter against Vlad's constant tendency to meddle and make enemies, this actually makes them into a much more successful company (Vlad is silently weeping blood in a corner).
This success finally culminates in the Drs Fenton being invited to a gala by Bruce Wayne, owner of Wayne Enterprises. Everything is going great, and then Jack meets Bruce.
Jack meets Bruce with all of his regular jolly enthusiasm, and Bruce responds with the Brucie-persona of a vapid but probably-good-hearted individual. (He might make a joke about ghosts? I dunno)
Jack comes home to Amity Park a changed man. He comes home with fury and anger and a terrible desire for vengeance.
Maddie thinks that Jack is being melodramatic, but Jack isn't listening. Jack is going to make the greatest invention ever, and then he'll shove it up Bruce Wayne's ass and fire it into space.
Vlad of course takes Maddie's side on this, because he always does that in a desperate hope to score points with her. However, he keeps getting distracted from Maddie by how vicious some of Jack's schemes end up sounding (they're terribly unrealistic, but such enthusiasm).
Vlad ends up giving in to Jack's deranged cackling of vengeance soon being at hand, because this is amazing. Vlad keeps forgetting that he's supposed to be resentful towards Jack for getting "everything Vlad wanted", because Jack shoots him gleefully vicious smiles and it's just-...
"What the fuck, Vlad?! My dad too?!" "I can appreciate a variety of things in life, Daniel. Do try to keep up."
Danny and the rest of Team Phantom quickly decide that they should stop this feud before it gets out of hand.
Sam, having access to rich-folks, gets them invites to a gala with Bruce Wayne in attendance.
And things... don't go to plan.
Tucker comes face-to-face with Tim, the genius CEO of Wayne Enterprises, who compliments Fentonworks for their "quaint" and "retro" designs. Tucker has to be physically dragged away before he can actually declare an open blood-feud to his face.
Jazz has a brief conversation with Dick (the oldest son), and immediately cottons onto the fact that Bruce is... probably not the best dad. As in, if someone drags the man's name through the mud a bit, instead of lauding him for "adopting orphan charity-cases"? He'd have it coming. Jazz washes her hands of this conflict.
Sam manages to corner Bruce, but gets distracted (as always) by some kind of comment about pollution and rights, and-... And Sam is now convinced that Bruce is setting their pollution only barely "below his competitors", as a way to have Poison Ivy attack his rivals. Sam is outraged about this, and now wants to burn down his company around him.
Danny stumbles across Damian, is immediately scoffed at, and promptly decides that, you know what? Actually? Fuck the Wayne-family.
So they return home, and suddenly? Suddenly they're very much on Jack's side in this conflict.
This of course results in them doing a bunch of petty pranks towards WE (same as in the video that inspired this whole AU). But it also results in Batman going insane, trying to track down the "villain" that's targeting WE, and find out if the reason that WE is being targeted is because somebody knows his secret identity (they don't).
Also, I feel like Dani should be allowed to return at the first rumor of a "fun feud" she can participate in. With Maddie doing the Bruce-thing and going "when the hell did we have another daughter?" (Jack is too focused on Vengeance to think too deeply about it, and Vlad keeps actively distracting her whenever she starts trying to question it).
And Jason?
Jason took a long sip of coffee, his eyes not moving from the dark-haired girl who'd just phased through a solid wall. The girl stared at him for a moment, before holding up her finger to her lips in a gesture for silence. "It's for a prank." Jason raised an eyebrow, then glanced at the bag she was carrying with her. A bag filled with what looked like lots and lots of toilet-paper. "To plug the toilets with." The girl explained. Jason imagined that that would cost a lot of money to fix. He took another sip of his coffee. "Don't forget the private toilets." The girl threw him a salute and a wide grin, and then she flew through a different wall. Jason made a personal note to remember to lace Tim's coffee with laxatives.
He's living his best life.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
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I could have sworn I had a proper ask for this, but Tumblr seems to have eaten it. Anyway I'll do my best to give which ones I have and explain my reasoning. I will continue referring to Yutu as Yutu in my writing so if you don't like these names there is no need to stick to them.
notes: this is part of my fyuuture kid au, information about which can be found on my masterlist under the series section.
Riddle! Yutu's real name is March. This is a reference both to the march hare in Alice in Wonderland and the phrase "in like a lion out like a lamb" as it reminds me of Riddle's temper.
Trey! Yutu is a triplet, and I wanted to give them baking themed names? Yutu's real name is Bran, Yutres's is Clementine, and Yushi's is Hazel. I like to think Clementine goes by Clem and has that stereotypical hatred of her full name because it means she's in trouble.
Cater! Yutu... was really hard to come up with a good name for. I kind of like Rain though? It's *unique* but it's very pretty and I could see Cater wanting a name that was a bit more hippy and alt than normal.
Ace! Yutu had Elias submitted as his real name by a requestor and I don't hate it? It's a pretty normal name and does sound like something he'd come up with thinking it would remind Yuu of their world. The other name I would offer is Jack, because well. Jack of Hearts, but that might end up being Ace's brother's name and I cannot see him naming his son after his brother or that other Jack we know...
Similarly Deuce! Yutu had the name Johan submitted in the same ask and it actually has a very similar meaning to Elias (god is gracious v lord is my god) and again. I could see Deuce wanting to honor a name from Yuu's world with their first kid. The other name I would offer is Damien, as his name is Deuce and his mother is named Dilla, so the D names seem to be a theme.
Leona! Yutu... I wrote down the name Kutaka for him. Scar has two possible real names listed on his wiki page and I became attached to the headcannon this reddit user put forward I found while researching them. The name Kutaka comes from the phrase "to want" and if he was born than Leona wanted him. Simple as that.
Forgive me but I wrote down Akiba for Ruggie! Yutu's real name. Supposedly it means "savings" in Swahili and as... unromantic and practical of a meaning that might be I could see Ruggie naming his kid that in the hopes of promoting fiscal responsibility in his future.
Jack! Yutu's real name is Ashe. It's a type of tree, and a type of grey. Jack's name is believed to be taken from the author of "Call of the Wild" but I didn't find any names there or in related works I liked. So woodsy name it was.
Azul! Yutu's real name is Archimedes. I took it from a minor character in the Little Mermaid tv show who is Ariel's friend who is also obsessed with the human world, but I like the idea of him having the same name as an important historical figure in our world. Also Yuu could call him Archie and he could hate it.
Jade! Yutu's real name is Merrin. Fannon has Jade call Yuu his pearl a lot, and Merrin can mean pearl of the sea. I like the imagery of Jade naming his child after his precious partner.
Floyd! Yutu's real name is Jasper. It's an orange red stone, and shrimps are also orange red. The octotrio all have names related to color in some way, but Jade and Floyd can also be referencing gemstones so I like the idea that they'd reach for similar names for their own kids.
Kalim! Yutu's real name is Mazin. The name means "rain clouds" but those are a blessing in the desert. Not to mention that rain is what Oasis Maker does!
Jamil! Yutu's real name is Sohail. The name seems to mean "star" or "trouble free." Najma also can mean "star" and Jamil wants for a life that is trouble free. It feels like a name he'd like.
Vil! Yutu's real name is Laurie for no other reason that his unique magic deals with painting and I like Little Women. Also it feels like a fun name and I can see Vil cooing over it.
Rook! Yutu's real name is Oliver. If he were to have a sibling their name would be Roland. This is not foreshadowing for his post.
Epel! Yutu's real name is Jyri. It means farming man and I wanted a cute sounding name.
I had a real hard time deciding Yutu Shroud's name. I sort of like Orpheus if we're being honest here... sure that's the name of a tragic hero and not how Idia would want his relationship to go, but it's a pretty name.
The Draconia's have a clear naming pattern so Malleus! Yutu's real name is Malleyu because of course Malleus wishes to name his son after his beloved spouse. In the bad timeline, as part of forgetting who Mal is, Yuu gives Yutu a different name. I had written down Cadmus, the name means "from the east" and references a man who turns into a snake.
Lilia does not have a clear idea where his name comes from and he named his first kid Silver; I think he'd defer to Yuu for names. What is the point of having a kid with a vampire fae general if you can't name him Alucard?
Silver! Yutu's real name is Lance 1) because it is a type of weapon so Silver will approve 2) as a shortened form of Lancelot, who was a knight raised by fairies.
Sebek! Yutu's name is malleus I sort of like the idea of Yuu insisting he be named Thor. It fits in just well enough with the Zigvolt naming structure (both Sebek and Baur seem to be named after gods) and Yuu gets to use something from their world.
I think we said this already but Rollo! Yutu's real name is Jehan, after his brother. Jehan is the name of Frollo's brother in the book version of Hunchback.
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
Destiel Fic Recs
Who needs to stuff your face with turkey when you can stuff your brain with fanfic? Fresh out of the oven, please enjoy these fic recs.
Raise the Black by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) @valleydean (Explicit, 246k)
There are passion projects and then there is Raise the Black which takes it to a whole new level. It's not surprising that the author of The Shawnee Trail and A Ghost Story knows how to write historical fiction, but there are so many gorgeous bits of pirate life in this fic from the superstitions to the metaphors tied to the sea. 
The story is a Pirate AU. A chance encounter has left Cas, an officer from the Royal Navy, with a lasting obsession with Dean Winchester, the notorious pirate Captain of the Impala. When presented with the opportunity to defect and save his son from the abusive practices of the Royal Navy, Cas finds himself a part of Dean’s crew. 
I cannot overstate how good this one is. The underlying pirate mythology and superstition, the horny sparring, the epic battle scenes and of course the incredibly unhinged Dean and Cas that drive this story. The story had me anxious, like literally unable to focus on work because I had to know what happened.
It's @valleydean so she gives us a happy ending, but she makes us pay dearly for it in angst (so sexy of her really). 
And it isn't just the Destiel. The casting is phenomenal. I would die for pirate Meg. The use of the younger generation (Jack, Emma, Claire, Kaia) is amazing. Sam, Benny and Charlie as pirates. Truly we get so many great characters in this one y'all.
Without giving too much away, I'll just day that this one falls into the sweeping epic category and the results are staggering.
o weary traveler by dothraki_shieldmaiden @dothwrites (Explicit, 107k)
OK. So you know when you are in like Chapter 1 of a fic and already know it's going to be one of your favorites? That was this fic for me.
A mash-up of the Odyssey and Beauty and the Beast, this fic grabbed me and refused to let go. When Dean and his crew are shipwrecked on an island, they inadvertently anger its inhabitant, Castiel. Cas, an exiled angel, decides to take revenge, culminating in a Beauty and the Beast style pact for Dean to accept punishment on behalf of his wayward crew. 
Cas in this fic is very much an ancient being lacking the human perspective and Dean is just some guy who hunts monsters. It's my favorite dynamic. The way they dance around each other and eventually come together is beautiful to watch.
Throw in some delightful worldbuilding and poetic prose and you have a powerhouse of an epic tale.
The Common Hours by quiettewandering @wanderingcas (Mature, WIP 29k so far)
I very rarely recommend WIPs, so you know when I do it's because I think there's something special about the fic. I honestly think this one and the process of getting a bit more information each week is worth diving into, even if you are normally a "wait until it's done" kind of reader (and if not, this one is worth at least marking to be read with stars and highlights and little hearts).
The fic is a twisty mystery that has me throwing out theories every chapter. Cas is an amnesiac trying to recover from trauma he doesn't understand or remember. Luckily, he met Charlie who has been helping him rebuild his life. But Cas is haunted by half memories and a forgotten life, especially the memory of a man with green eyes who inhabits his dreams.
I don't want to say too much because half of the joy of this fic is pulling at threads and watching to see how it unravels. I'll just leave it at this: the story is captivating and fresh and these versions of the characters instantly grabbed me and wouldn't let go.
Vibrato by Tiamatv  (Explicit, 69k)
Tiamatv really does write some bangers. I couldn't put this one down. They are both disasters in this fic, but in a way that makes you to hug them and smoosh their faces. Dean meets a cute boy, has a full blown bi panic, realizes he was an ass, and strikes up a friendship that morphs into a friendship with benefits that morphs into basically a long term relationship but they're both idiots. It's idiots to lovers (but still idiots) at its finest.
Oh and also Cas is a super old genetic vampire. Whoops. One of the most delightful things about this fic is how well tiamatv captures the ancient and terrible being and also just some accountant dynamic that makes Cas so deeply loveable.
Despite some heavy stuff, this one is fluffy cotton candy most of the time and it's really about their irresistible dynamic. It is immensely readable.
The Sweetest Con by aimforsplendor @aimforsplendor (Mature, 19k)
If you are looking for some fairly low angst fun, this DeanCasBang (Taylor's Version) entry is an absolute delight. Dean and Sam are Robin Hood type con men using tech to steal from the rich and give to those who need it. They've finally found the head of a crime network, a billionaire resembling a particularly prominent and news worthy one recently which makes it fairly cathartic actually. But the mission is threatened when Dean gets sidetracked by a particular blue-eyed hottie.
This one is plain fun with a healthy dose of humor and really likeable characters. This one is truly just readable. Fun and fairly light and with enough interesting turns you keep you on your toes. 
Anything You Can Do by FagurFiskur (Explicit, 21k)
From the Dean Winchester is an absolute disaster genre, this is a surprisingly sweet, crack-taken-seriously smutty romp. 
Dean overhears his soon to be ex-girlfriend Daphne talking to a friend about how their mutual rebound relationship isn't working, especially because her gay ex-fiance, Castiel, was better in bed. Dean can't possibly let that stand. 
So he does the only logical thing and tracks Cas down. And hooks up with him. So he can win at the sex. Even though he's totally straight. 
Tag list
@varlysca @naturallyathief @greatbigbugger @fandoms-and-things @cascodedtech @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @deanwasalwaysbi @fellshish @valleydean @raspberry-tooth @the15yearhatecrime
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bitterrobin · 2 months
21, 23, 10 for choose vioelnce
10. worst part of fanon -- see I could go specific on this and say: Tim gets whumped so hard that I barely see anything positive of his canon in fics and everyone else around him are made out to suck, and Jason gets put on a pedestal because he serves as an easy counter to Bruce's philosophy and while thats cool he also gets whumped to hell and back. I could say Dick gets utterly fucked over by other fans because they're so willing to overlook his canon traumas in service of emotional/narrative fodder for their favs and Damian will never get to grow up in fandom's eyes because they still think of him as a spoiled psychopath who should've never been born. I could rant about how female characters don't exist to them because misogyny and a fixation on male trauma and that Bruce is never understood. He's either an unnaturally good and kind father who advocates for therapy and acts like a robot reading a parenting manual OR he's the worst abuser and manipulator, so bad that if a kid says they love him they're actually getting Stockholm'd. But all of these claims fall under the same umbrellas. The truth is the worst part of fanon does this: it obsesses over labels and trauma and the right side of an argument like it'll get their favorite character a good grade in "most traumatized abused child vigilante in DC" AND so actively refuses to engage in the source material that those characters they work so hard for aren't even the comic character anymore. Every time I read a fic or a meta that falls under these, I get really confused. That isn't Tim Drake thats Timely Rake. That isn't Dick Grayson thats Ricky Whitedaughter. That isn't Jason Todd thats Jackson Rod. That isn't Damian Wayne thats literally Damien from The Omen. That isn't Bruce Wayne thats his evil twin Brick Water. Unfortunately theres no fixing it because taste and interpretations are subjective, and I think the entire fandom would go down in flames kicking and screaming before we ever tweak popular fanon ideas to be a little more accurate.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped -- i'm going to get crucified for this but everyone slotting into a perfect family dynamic where everyone loves each other and if anything bad happens, a sibling will fix it for them. I'm not exempt from enjoying fluff fics, its how I got into the actual fic/tumblr side of the fandom, but all of these characters have such a depth of history to them that fluff starts to feel like a disservice imo. Bruce and Dick's relationship can be complicated, they aren't just father and son - they're brothers and best friends and partners and (unhealthily) emotionally depend on each other. Bruce and Jason's relationship can be about the father and son who drift apart and maybe never reconcile, they don't have to be constantly around each other and "forgive" each other when all they do is disagree and thats ok. Bruce and Tim can be a complicated tale of hero worship, mentor/mentee and father and son dynamics because for so long Bruce wasn't Tim's dad and that was fine. Thats what makes it more interesting to explore later when Jack dies and Tim gets adopted. Bruce and Cassandra can be dark mirrors to each other, their dynamic as shown in Batgirl was not entirely wholesome. Bruce has expectations of Cassandra he doesn't have of anyone else because he sees himself in her. (Also Barbara is Cassandra's mother figure not just her older sister). Bruce and Damian can be loving and they can be constantly drifting apart and getting close. Canonically, Bruce had little interest and time in being Damian's father the first years of Damian being a character. Thats ok, and we can explore Damian's feelings with that without cramming Dick into the father slot. Dick doesn't have to be Damian's dad, they can be brothers and partners. All of these people existed in different facets of time and space. They shouldn't all be living under the same roof like the Brady Bunch, its just too much. No one has to fill the father role when Bruce isn't, and Bruce is not a perfect nuclear father either. None of the siblings are perfect children or siblings either. None of them are even normal, and I think rivalries and grudges and hatred and jealousy and clashing parenthoods and perspectives are always more interesting than everyone being cardboard cutouts that spout therapy-speak at the right time.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to -- im not really a shipping type person, tbh. if there are ships I hate because they do a disservice to both characters in that ship (jayroy, jaykory, damijon, damirae) then I'd definitely say I haven't come around to them. I guess I will say I actively hate on damijon less than I used to and come to accept it as an inevitability, but the same cannot be said for specific kinds of damijon fans.
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tenebris-lux · 1 year
Both Harkers got shocks today. Jonathan saw the guy himself (already scoping out another target, it seems); and Mina learned that her best friend died. When last she left Lucy, Lucy wasn’t looking so good; but since then, Mina’s gotten letters saying Lucy had been going on outings with Art, was gaining weight, and had a date for her marriage. All of a sudden…. Dead. Out of nowhere.
And Jonathan already repressing what he’s seen, within the same hour. He really can’t deal with it now (if ever), so he’s protecting himself as well as he can.
Once again, Jack shows that he doesn’t always “get” people. To us, Van Helsing’s breakdown makes sense—the poor guy’s gotta cope, and from a third person, Art’s statement about the blood transfusion being marriage makes for all kinds of a situation. That was Van Helsing’s, “wow, that is so fucked up, it’s funny,” moment.
Sometimes when a topic haunts your mind, it starts connecting to random instances one witnesses. In Seward’s case, he’s obsessed with “insanity”. So, when he first hears Lucy’s symptoms, a part of his mind goes, “insane?” Lucy’s statement of what happened the night her mother died: “insane?” Van Helsing having a reaction that’s not typical to the situation: “insane?” I think he wants things to be black and white and easily ordered, but for a doctor of psychiatry, he knows so little. He’s completely off base with Renfield, and he doesn’t know what to make of all these other situations.
On that note … it’s a good thing he hasn’t met the Harkers. He’d make a beeline for Jonathan right now. That wouldn’t be a case of his brain asking, “insane?” It would be stating loud and clear, “INSANE.”
“… and laughed and cried together, just as a woman does. I tried to be stern with him, as one is to a woman under the circumstances; but it had no effect. Men and women are so different in manifestations of nervous strength or weakness!”
Jack, you are just so full of it. But it’s an interesting segment as Jack tries to “do the math” here. His believing in “classifying” people thwarts him. ‘Women do that, not men. Respond as you would to a woman. No effect… It’s because men and women are different, soooo … insane?’ The thing is, if you try to put everything in the world in their neat little boxes with no overlap, particularly people, most of it is going to come out “insane” or “abnormal”.
And Van Helsing, so patiently trying to explain to him that it’s mostly just a release of tension and bottled up emotion. He’s venting.
Yet despite all of Jack’s shortcomings, Van Helsing trusts him enough to “drop the act.”
Van Helsing knows that Jack doesn’t really think outside the box. I wonder if he has any idea just how narrow Seward’s views of the world are.
We know so little of Van Helsing’s backstory, yet he dropped a couple hints today. His son died—at what age, we don’t know, but certainly younger than Arthur. Most likely a child, and he would have looked like Art if he had lived. As for Van Helsing’s wife…
“… with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church’s law, though no wits, all gone…”
Could be dementia, Alzheimer’s, brain damage, coma …. a lot of things. Alive in body. But not the spirit he knew and loved.
… and that leads me back, once again, to the Harkers, and Mina’s worry at Jonathan’s relapse and then the way he seemed to forget about it all twenty minutes later.
She’s not breaking a promise by cracking the seal on the journal; she just hoped it would never have to come to that point. Alas, it has come. She needs info, and can decide what to do from there; how best to help, if help is even possible.
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transfemcastiel · 5 months
i got distracted and wrote a drabble about cas and jimmy in the tumblr post draft instead of a google doc like a normal person. i did not beta this or anything this is my unfiltered thought train
At first, Castiel doesn't quite get it. He watches the man before him beg and plead, bleeding out and fighting for just another breath, so he can demand Castiel take him back. In the moment, Castiel doesn't quite care. These are all means to an end. It doesn't matter the vessel he fights these wars in, as long as he can fight. As his hands clasp Jimmy's face, he wonders if this might be the byproduct of human self preservation. Jimmy would rather be a vessel than die here, die now. Humans always did have a bizarre obsession with immortality.
When years pass, when Castiel is of clear mind, no longer puppeteered by Heaven, he believes Jimmy to be a noble man. It never was about himself, but about protecting someone else. Jimmy had seen being a vessel as something so cruel, so awful, and didn't wish it on anyone else. It was the only kind option, to have Castiel take him over anyone else.
When he reunites with Claire, he thinks he's glad he didn't take her as a vessel. She's still so young, has barely gotten to experience life. Her life may have been tragic, but it was still a life. He never wants to have to take her as a vessel.
The selfish part of him prefers this empty vessel over one with a soul.
The years speed by, and now Cas is in Heaven. Jack is dead. His son is dead. Cas's child is dead. And he can't leave it be. Knows he should, let the natural order do it's job, but there's no other option. He can't leave Jack behind. He's face to face with that awful thing, the entity so devoid of anything that it sets Cas on edge. There's no true face for him to parse, just... nothing. Dressed in Dumah's vessel so Cas at least has something to look at. It's in a heartbeat that Cas offers his life to the Empty. He would offer more of himself if he had more to offer, but all Cas has of minute worth is his life. He needs to bring Jack back, so help him.
It's in those final moments of consciousness that Cas thinks of Jimmy. A lot passes through his mind in this moment. This is it, and now his mind demands he recount all he can just one last time. This is the last time he'll ever get to live, to exist. And so, as these memories and feelings pass by him, he remembers Jimmy. Taking Jimmy's head in his hands. Jimmy's pleading eyes. And Cas. Cas understands now. Understands Jimmy's plight. His final decision. And Cas- Cas hopes he was half as good of a father as Jimmy had been.
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stephpuppet · 9 months
binge read your norrington/elizabeth fics and im OBSESSED. you briefly mentioned having an au in your head where james and jack are brothers — do you have any more thoughts about that? i’d never considered it before and now you’ve put the idea into my head i can’t escape it!!
Hi Anon! Thank you for the ask!
I really love the James & Jack dynamic in the film series because it's quite an unusual protagonist/antagonist dynamic (which one's which is up for discussion!). There is actually a fic on fanfiction.net where James and Jack are brothers, though I can't remember the title for the life of me, so it has been done before.
I'm going to spend too much time gushing about what I would do with the concept, so I'll put it below the cut to avoid clogging anyone's feed.
I haven't managed to put it in a fic yet but I really like the idea of James having a really poor relationship with his father. Because then you can play with the idea that James's career ambitions are either 1. a way to prove himself to a father who will never think he's good enough, 2. him trying to succeed to spite a father. If Jack is his older brother this adds in another interesting dynamic of there being a black sheep in the family that James is trying to escape the shadow of but is also somewhat envious of, because Jack has the freedom of not caring what other people think of him and also being very successful in his own right.
Focusing on Jack for a moment. I think that Jack is a character primarily defined by his selfishness and in the films we rarely see him do something that isn't at least a little self-serving and the moments where he does do something unselfish are really nice. I like the idea of Jack having someone that he does actually value above himself, because (as far as I'm aware), we don't ever see that in the films. Jack debates becoming Captain of the Flying Dutchman himself before ultimately giving it to Will, but it wasn't like he had his heart set on the idea. He votes for Elizabeth to be Pirate King, but doing so didn't do anything to his own chances - he wasn't going to get voted in. I want to see him truly sacrifice for someone else.
If I had ever been able to write this idea I think it would have gone something like this.
Curse of the Black Pearl happens as normal just with a touch more "I'm going to arrest my law-breaking brother because I am the GoodSon(TM) and he keeps flirting with my girlfriend" and "hey bro, long-time no-see, whoa what's with the hostility? anywho I have things to do, let's catch up later".
James still goes after Jack in Dead Man's Chest, still on the "I must prove myself to Parental Figure That Sincerely Does Not Give a Fuck" bandwagon. Hurricane happens, only this time Jack and the Pearl go back to fish him out of the water. Cue lots of James being "I hate you, you're the worst brother ever, please leave me to die" and Jack being "Idgaf, I love you and you're going to stay on my ship and I'm going to take care of you while you have your existential crisis/breakdown."
Will and Elizabeth individually turn up for their respective plotlines and Jack deals with them with James just in the background still in his emo-teenager "life is meaningless, woe is me" phase.
From here it gets a bit fuzzy. In this verse, James doesn't steal the heart and betray everyone because, despite all his very dramatic angst, he does actually appreciate that someone gives a shit about him. I think this is one of the tragic aspects of his character in the films - he doesn't have anyone that cares for him. Governor Swann kind of does but I imagine that relationship dissipates when James is no longer a prospective son-in-law. His men respect him but I imagine a lot of that again goes when first he loses the Interceptor and a load of men in the attack on the Isla de Muerta and then again when the Dauntless is sunk in the hurricane. Elizabeth ditches him for Will. He just doesn't have anyone.
That's why I really like the idea of Jack and James being brothers, because it can give James someone that will love him unconditionally and it can give Jack someone he values as more than just a means to an end and also (crucially) something that he can lose. If you think about it, all the consequences Jack faces in the films are temporary - he dies and comes back, he loses the Pearl and gains it again.
I'm not sure when or how it would happen, but I like the idea that James still dies (possibly at the end of Dead Man's Chest) and Jack just loses it. His motivations during At World's End change from the rather impersonal 'Save Piracy and Stop Davy Jones', to 'Find Someway to Get James Back and Fuck Everyone and Everything Else'. There's now a solid motivation for him to try to become Captain of the Flying Dutchman and I feel it would be really interesting to see him sacrifice his principles and screw over people he cares about to achieve his goal. Like all bets are off, the ends will justify the means. And not just his innocent "Yes I betrayed you but it all worked out in the end", but legit life-ruining, "we will never forget or forgive this" betrayals.
I like to think in the end Jack succeeds, potentially without having to become Captain of the Dutchman. Like maybe he's able to make some deal with Davy Jones (and/or the EITC??, prob not though). He gets James back but at some huge cost. Would be super interesting if Elizabeth ends up dying because of Jack's actions and he has to lie about it to James because he knows James wouldn't forgive him if he knew what he had done.
Anyway those are my extensive thoughts on the subject. I like the ideas but I'm not motivated enough to commit them to paper and write the fic.
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jacksintention · 9 months
Concerning the conversation about love and hatred, I've compiled a few of the lines I've saved through these last two years that at times make me think of Jack when it comes to this topic
Estas manos, que son tuyas,
pero que al verte quisieran
quebrar las ramas azules
y el murmullo de tus venas.
¡Te quiero! ¡Te quiero! ¡Aparta!
Que si matarte pudiera,
te pondría una mortaja
con los filos de violetas.
¡Ay, qué lamento, qué fuego
me sube por la cabeza!
¡Ay qué sinrazón! No quiero
contigo cama ni cena,
y no hay minuto del día
que estar contigo no quiera,
porque me arrastras y voy,
y me dices que me vuelva
y te sigo por el aire
como una brizna de hierba.
Love has no middle term; either it destroys, or it saves. All human destiny is this dilemma. This dilemma, destruction or salvation, no fate proposes more inexorably than love. Love is life, if it is not death. Cradle; coffin, too. The same sentiment says yes and no in the human heart. Of all the things God has made, the human heart is the one that sheds most light, and alas! most night.
It is sometimes said that the sword wears out the scabbard. That is my history. My passions have made me live, and my passions have killed me.
Stronger than lover’s love is lover’s hate. Incurable, in each, the wounds they make.
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I adore you, but I hate you too. You’re a prison smothered in flowers. I can’t stand this enchantment anymore, I can’t stand being bewitched like this–when I look at you, my gaze turns to nothing but a mirror of light, I’ll stare at you hypnotized for ages, and when I stop seeing you I’ll feel you, and when I stop feeling you I’ll die.
Someone tells me: this kind of love is not viable. But how can you evaluate viability? Why is the viable a Good Thing? Why is it better to last than to burn?
Life is a series of obsessions one must do away with. Aren’t love, death, God, or saintliness interchangeable and circumstantial obsessions?
she is the only thing of importance, because I have a God-relationship to her.
it is not she who binds me, but I who have made use of her to bind myself.
The thought that you exist is so divinely blissful in itself that it is ridiculous to talk about the everyday sadness of separation—a week’s, ten days’—what does it matter? Since my whole life belongs to you.
What have you done with me? he asks. I have repeated you.
But I do feel strange-almost unearthly. I’ll never get used to being alive. It’s a mystery. Always startled to find I’ve survived
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Walking home, for a moment / you almost believe you could start again. / And an intense love rushes to your heart, / and hope. It's unendurable, unendurable
I clung to him as though only the one who had inflicted the pain could comfort me for suffering it.
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I could be free … If I could pluck out the memory of him from my heart as easily as his heart was plucked from the fire, I could be free.
I am imprisoned by devotion. I shy away from people. I am alone. I fall into depression.
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She was the world That he was losing; and the world he sought Was all a tale for those who had been living, And had not lived. Once even he turned his horse, And would have brought his army back with him To make her free. They should be free together. But the Voice within him said: “You are not free. You have come to the world’s end, and it is best You are not free. Where the Light falls, death falls; And in the darkness comes the Light.
I miss you like a knife in my throat.
Only love can save me and love has destroyed me.
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Should I be grateful or should I curse the fact that despite all misfortune I can still feel love, an unearthly love but still for earthly objects?
My songs are filled with poison - Why shouldn’t that be true? My heart bears a nest of serpents And also, darling, you.
their love is like hatred
She did not yet love him enough to be cruel to him.
our hatred is almost indistinguishable from our love
under the sincere guise of hatred I simply loved […], only in this type of love (repulsion) I loved him with greater strength than had I loved him in the simplest form — attraction.
Perhaps he was handsome, perhaps I found him attractive, perhaps he repelled me too.
Struck by the abstract nature of absence; yet it’s so painful, lacerating. Which allows me to understand abstraction somewhat better: it is absence and pain, the pain of absence—perhaps therefore love?
Eroticism is the brink of the abyss. I’m leaning out over deranged horror (at this point my eyes roll back in my head). The abyss is the foundation of the possible. We’re brought to the edge of the same abyss by uncontrolled laughter or ecstasy. From this comes a “questioning” of everything possible. This is the stage of rupture, of letting go of things, of looking forward to death.
Love is madness. Doesn’t everyone agree that you’d do anything, endure anything, to be with the ones you love? So either you’re willing to let them use you with any sort of cruelty, so long as they keep you—which makes you a fool—or you’re willing to commit any cruelty, so long as you get to keep them—which makes you a monster. Either way, it’s madness.
This madness is so deep-rooted and so useful that it is impossible to realize what would become of each of us if it were someday to disappear.
If I must die of fire, why not let me die of yours: knowing that you are the author of my doom will make it more endurable to me
His desire for loyalty was naive, he hadn’t understood that being loyal wasn’t so tidy, being loyal means being disloyal to everything else.
I have always loved you / Always dreaded you
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You will betray me, as I have betrayed, / And I shall kiss the hand that does me wrong
Listen: the way I loved you / was like my palm over a flame.
If I have the destruction of something that I once loved to carry with me at all times, isn’t it like I still have a companion?
One can fall in love and still hate.
and I will kill thee, And love thee after.
Yet, other characters, namely Heathcliff, Catherine, and Lockwood, remain more actively at war with love in their adult lives. Some force, as inexorable as the wind sweeping over the moors, seems to have bent their lives into a pattern of frustration that their own struggle for relief only aggravates. Their need for love is expressed, not through loving, but through the anguish of loneliness. Paradoxically, though they do not know it, this loneliness is the one condition necessary for the fulfillment of their most profound fantasy concerning perfect love: a love, that is, perfectly protected against the threat of abandonment that in childhood these sufferers learned that love entails.
I feel you there, in every pore. Your silence clamors in my ears. You can nail up your mouth, cut your tongue out — but you can’t prevent your being there. Can you stop your thoughts? I hear them ticking away like a clock, tick-tock, tick-tock, and I’m certain you hear mine.
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Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris? nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
I hate and I love. Why do I do this, perhaps you ask? I do not know, but I feel it happen and it is excruciating.
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ttlurking · 2 years
I've been brainrotting over this for weeks because Overwatch and Star Wars are two of my fave content to consume and I've been in both these fandoms for so long so-
Overwatch Star Wars au, where Overwatch were the Jedi Order, Blackwatch were Jedi shadows/sentinels.
Reyes as a Jedi Shadow and his little unconventional padawan Cole Cassidy, former teen criminal with enormous potential in the force that Reyes decided to pick up and train despite his age and past.
Ana and Jack are Jedi Masters and part of the council.
The fall of Overwatch would happen very similarly to Order 66, where most of the members get killed and hunted down.
Gabriel Reyes "dies" similarly to Anakin Skywalker and in his place emerges Sith Lord Reaper. As does Talon, similarly to the birth of the empire. Not all Talon members would be Sith ofc. I imagine Doomfist at the very least would be. While Widowmaker is the wife of Senator Lacroix, similarly to in game lore she gets kidnapped and brainwashed. Sombra is probably a mercenary working for Talon. Moira is an inquisitor, former Jedi sentinel, she enjoys capturing former jedi and torturing/experimenting on them, she's responsible for the fall of many former jedi turned inquisitors.
For our Overwatch people, they're also not all going to be Jedi. Ana and Jack, obv. With their respective padawans Fareeha and Lena. Winston as well, plus Angela as a Jedi Healer. Reinhardt and his padawan Brigitte.
Genji would've been part of the Shimada clan, a group of force users that kept themselves separated from Jedi or Sith. Same as in Canon he'd be cut apart by Hanzo and saved by Angela, after which he joins the Jedi. He leaves a few years before the fall to find himself and goes to the monks in the temple of Jedha, where he meets Zenyatta, a force user who is neither jedi nor Sith, not good nor evil, he's in the balance and so he decides to study under him. Hanzo on the other hand completely abandons his lightsabers, same as he stops using his sword in game after "killing Genji".
Post Recall members:
Baptiste as a former Talon Inquisitor, joins the reformed Overwatch and learns how to heal instead of killing.
Cassidy takes on Hana as a padawan and with her he rejoins Overwatch (who he had ditched a little before the fall after having grown disillusioned with them and seeing the corruption that was brewing inside). He does however spend a long time as a merc before taking back his lightsaber and accepting himself as a jedi.
For now this is all my little peabrain could come up with. Mind that the story revolves mainly around Jack, Gabriel and Cassidy. As they kind of replace Obi-wan, Anakin and Ahsoka. (No Jack was not Gabriel's master but they had a strong brotherly bond like Obi-wan and Anakin so I think they fit the roles pretty well).
I do however have some more details on the characters I managed to fit in.
Ana and Fareeha are not mother and daughter but they're from the same clan and they're both Mirialan, they do have a mother and daughter relationship tho. They both have blue lightsabers.
Jack also has a blue lightsaber and he's the order's grandmaster.
Gabriel wields two lightsabers, one purple and one blue, they both turn red after his fall.
(I'm considering making Jack and Gabriel the children of the prophecy. Which they both fail by fighting eachother instead of being in balance. Jack as the light side of the force and Gabriel as the dark side. Kinda like on mortis we have the son and the daughter and the balance gets upset by the son killing the daughter- So yeah Gabriel has completely fallen to the dark side and intent on destroying the light side while Jack is grey-ish and obsessed with revenge and justice, they're terrible at their jobs.)
Cole wields one lightsaber, green. His skills in the force far outclass his lightsaber skills, especially since he greatly favours wielding a blaster in his other hand. He was actually discovered as force sensitive because of his pin point accurate shots. Which he later discovers to be guided by the force and that for years he's unknowingly used the force to guide his aim as well as even maneuvering the blaster fire (basically giving him the equivalent of deadeye in this universe).
Hana has a blue lightsaber, though with her being a pilot and being trained by Cole she's also an accelent shot and doesn't rely too heavily on her lightsaber.
Winston is a lasat, he wields a green bladed saberstaff, though he's more of a scholar than a fighter. (Like Plo Koon he can use the jedi technique of electric judgment)
Moira never made her crystals bleed and she wields a purple and a yellow lightsaber. While she is an inquisitor she's not Sith. She doesn't use the dark side to fuel her, preferring science and force techniques from either side of the force, knowledge is knowledge and she wants it all.
Lena has a blue lightsaber and a blue shoto. She's also an accomplished pilot and it's usually her or Hana that are flying the crew around. Though Hana specialises in combat flying much more compared to Lena.
Baptiste has a white lightsaber, after having healed his own crystal.
Angela has a green shoto, she really only uses it in self defence since she heavily dislikes having to result to violence and her abilities are much more focused on force healing. She's strong enough to be able to bring someone back from the brink of death (which is what she did with Genji).
Genji has a green lightsaber and a green shoto, tho he also uses various tools at his disposal, like traps or smoke bombs.
Hanzo used to have two blue lightsabers, but he's since put them to rest and now favours an energy bow. Similarly to Cassidy he uses the force to guide his aim, making him a formidable sniper.
Doomfist has a red Saberstaff and he's a kiffar! (He's always wearing gloves or gauntlets of some kind since he has psychometry)
I think this is all for now? Let me know what you think and if someone wants to talk about this AU with me!
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
I've seen many "if you could change Jason's story, how would you change it." post from many people and i always like your takes about Jason so i was wondering what your version would be like
i wouldn’t change it, at least not in any major way, because what i like about jason is the turned-wrong story and his anger as red hood. i have no interest in robin!jason or jason never died aus because his death and resurrection are the most entertaining part of the character to me. i would change the way it is told, the classicism in how his story was treated and the ‘jason was an angry robin’ narrative you see in current canon because it’s bullshit and the tragedy of his story works only if he was a normal and kind child who was robbed of his chance of a happy future
i would keep pretty much all of his backstory, parents who try their best to raise and love him but fall prey to their poverty, a father falling into crime to help bring money and a mother falling into addiction and struggling with it and taking care of the family and the both of them eventually dying because of that. i’d keep jason living in the streets of gotham, him jacking the batmobile’s wheels, helping bruce with a robbery, being taken into the manor, and eventually becoming robin. he would keep the good relationships with everyone there, dick included, do well in school and live an as normal and happy life as possible.
i know jason’s death was controversial at the time but i’d keep that too, and how it went down, him feeling restless over the months preceding it, with all the findings he does about his family as well as struggling with his sense of justice and what they do with the gotham justice system as batman and robin (thinking about the garzonas case and gloria stanson and how he sees the victims before a legal system that won’t do enough, will never do enough, because imo that ties nicely into the current views he has on justice and the ethics of vigilantism and crime-fighting which are an extreme version of an answer of those questions he had as robin), trying to find his mother, saving her, being tricked, all that is good.
i’d keep the lost days and utrh red hood characterization because i think it’s good, i like jason’s hypocrisy and over competence and i like how his goal blinds him and makes him obsessive, i like how ruthless he is and the fact that he’s an unlikable asshole who messes with people he cares about. i like this take on crime fighting and vigilantism and i think you can do many interesting things with it in a story, especially put in contrast with how heroes traditionally act, the whole ‘ill control crime because you can’t stop it, that’s the right way’
the only major change i’d bring is in utrh and specifically the ending because i don’t think bruce would do that, i don’t think he’d cut his son’s throat over the joker. and as much as i’d love to have bruce kill the joker and see the fallout of that, mainly how pointless it all is and how it doesn’t solve any of jason conundrum and his anger and grief and would instead leave everyone dissatisfied (your dad did this to appease you only because you asked him to, is it truly genuine? can you take this as proof enough of his love if you pushed him to? vs. bruce struggling with having taken a life and how this jason isn’t the son he used to know), as much as i’d want to see that i ultimately don’t think bruce would do it and more importantly i don’t want him to because batman is the no kill rule and the no gun rule, those are fundamental to his character
i do like the movie ending more because of this: bruce turns around and in the same breath turns a blind eye to whatever will happen and is ready to let jason do it, to let him kill the joker which is a good compromise to the ultimatum he put on the table and also doesn’t solve anything because yeah, the joker is dead, great, but a/ bruce didn’t do the one thing jason thought would prove his love for him, so it’s disappointing to him and still make him feel like it wasn’t enough, that he's not loved enough and shows him he'll never get what he wants from bruce and b/ bruce will never get his son back because this killing of the joker in front of him would burns any bridges between them and solidifies the death of his son to him, thus sticking them further in this looping spiral of grief for people who are very much alive but dead to them, people they used to know and still see when looking at each other even if they don’t exist anymore and will never be real again
so jason got what he wanted and still everyone involved has lost and dealing with that aftermath for everyone involved will be fun, bruce struggling to accept this new jason and even treating him as a villain for lack of a better idea about how to deal with this situation and jason growing increasingly pissed with bruce and still doing things like the ollie and mia attack or going to mess in bludhaven with dick, except its not from a place of ‘see me and accept me’ but ‘see me and suffer from witnessing who i am’ towards bruce
the other change i’d have is progressively making him less focused on bruce and more on gotham after the confrontation. i think the daddy issues are important for his comeback, it’s why he does this in the first place, but after the terrible revelation that he has lost his father for good and he’ll never get him back and the subsequent acting out and making him suffer for it because man, that frontal lobe was not finished developing, i want jason to distance himself from the batfam as an entity and focus more on gotham and being the other side of bruce’s coin. he has as many rights to fight for the city as bruce and it would be interesting to see them clash over being in the same city given their different backgrounds and views on justice. i do want to see his unhealthy attachment to the city on pages and how it influences him, how he can never stay away for long and will never leave it. and there’s the whole ‘hate is the other side of love’ and jason growing neutral about bruce and the batfam, having cordial work relationships where no one tries to reach out anymore would hurt even more than the desperate attempts at gaining attention and love
as for what comes after that, i’ve got this post and i still stand by this for what i want for jason as a character in current comics, i think he works better cut off from the batfam as a unit and acting as an antagonist/a character to put in opposition to heroes like dick, cass or steph because of his ethics/morals/views on justice, and yes, the kill rule but not only, also things like working with a team/other. red hood works are a character foil and if jason were to evolve from that role, i want him to shed the red hood moniker and really make it clear he’s moving past that role for something new (for what i have no idea, i suck at coming up with superheroes alias, but something different, something he made for himself instead of taking from someone else)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 8 months
always looking to be closer friends so here’s my question for you.
pick one of your favorite oc’s and just feel to ramble about them. about your favorite things about them, their storylines you love . their relationships and hobbies. just everything you wanna talk about <3
AHHHHH, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THIS, CJ!!! Cannot even tell you how much this means to me. I think, for the purposes of keeping to fandoms we both share (and because I hardly ever get asked about him), I’m gonna tell you about my 911 baby Bowie!!
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Favorite things about him:
First and foremost, he is legitimately such a sweetheart! He cares so so deeply about pretty much everyone, he’s so consistently nice, and he will do absolutely anything for the people he loves. And he’s also really smart, not just nerdy the way most people assume he is at first; he may not be super perceptive, since he can’t read a social cue to save his life, but he knows a lot of stuff about a lot of things and he won’t hesitate to use his knowledge if it will be useful. And he’s also such a good boyfriend to Buck and Eddie, and a great stepdad to Chris; with Buck only being his second serious relationship, he has a lot of learning to do about being a good partner and coexisting with another person that way, and it’s not as if he has a lot of prior experience with kids, but he always makes the effort and he becomes a really good partner and stepparent.
Storylines I love:
Oh, jeez, where do you want me to start? For starters, I really love the storyline of his first relationship before he and Buck start dating, a really sweet guy named Jack who he dates from the end of season one towards the middle of season two, because it’s just a really sweet time of Bowie being happy and feeling good about himself before some of the angst of his and Buck’s, and later his and Buck’s and Eddie’s, relationship starts. Other favorites include his and Buck’s hookup era before they officially get together, the angst of their relationship during the lawsuit arc because that also technically takes place during their hookup era, his recovery arc after his leg gets broken in the firetruck explosion that causes Buck to need blood thinners (and then going to help with aid during the tsunami despite the fact that he wasn’t fully healed because he’s kind of an idiot), and the whole chaos of him and Buck almost simultaneously realizing their feelings for Eddie while they’ve already been dating each other for a few years now and just try to ignore the feelings and not talk about it until they explode at the exact same time and tell each other. Also the whole thing where he gets shot in the head and almost dies and tries to hide his PTSD from it after he’s physically recovered, because if there is one thing a 911 character will do it is suppress their trauma.
My favorite relationships of his:
Obviously I adore his relationships with both Buck and Eddie; they’re sweet in two mostly different ways, but they are both absolutely sweet and loving and adorable. His relationship with Chris is also amazingly cute - a little bit awkward at first, because Bowie’s just a little awkward around kids, but he eventually becomes a really great and supportive stepdad who, along with Buck, Chris loves to ask a million questions to and let him infodump. His relationship with Bobby is also just amazing; Bowie had only been at the 118 for a month or two before Bobby took over as captain, and he was the first person in the firehouse Bowie felt really comfortable infodumping to and showing his more obvious autistic traits to, and they wound up developing a nice father-son relationship based on mutual respect and a love of Dan Brown’s books. His dynamic with Athena is also actually kind of funny; Bowie is deeply intimidated by her at first, but it passes eventually and she definitely becomes his work mom the way Bobby is his work dad.
His hobbies:
Reading is definitely a big one for him! He’s been obsessed with sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery novels since he was a kid, and typically if there’s a lull in activity in the firehouse or if he’s man behind, you can find him with his nose in a book if he’s not engaged in a conversation. He also really loves watching movies, especially older ones - the original Star Wars trilogy, The Princess Bride, and Singin’ in the Rain are some of his favorites. He can also play guitar and sing, which I wouldn’t exactly call a hobby because he doesn’t do it a whole ton, but sometimes when he’s home alone he’ll pull out his guitar, strum a random song, and sing along quietly to it. (There’s also a certain scene I have in mind of him singing that’s actually really important to his story and that I will write one day, I swear.)
Again, thank you so much for asking these questions!! You’re amazing, hope you’re doing well. <3
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rockscs · 11 months
Helloooo im having thoughts about demi gods/percy jackson… so lets assign a god to the fight club characters 🥹
First up is the narrator. Okay, so I just want to get out of the way that it would be really ironic if he was a son of Hypnos (the god of sleep) 😭. I would def lead to some funny moments where he just prays to his father to let him get an ounce of sleep. The son of Hypnos with insomnia 😭
Okay now fr. Honestly, I could see him being smth really wild like the son of Demeter. Like, you look at him and you have no idea bc he just looks like… a guy. The guy with an office job is the son of the goddess of agriculture haha.
Another good one could be Thanatos (god of death). Because of his job, death surrounds him all the time, and he’s just so used to it. Plus he has that kind of… Pathetic wet cat look (which is ironic considering Thanatos is sometimes confused with Eros, god of sexual love/son of Aphrodite)
Okay, I think I decided on Hermes, since at least in Percy Jackson a ton of kids are Hermes kids, and Jack wants to get out there. Tyler def helps him stand out.
Okay next up is TYLER!!! Okay. This one is so obvious. Please. Son of Ares 100% of the time. Everything about that man is about WAR (even that wardrobe…) He’s always looking for conflict, he’s a fucking domestic terrorist. Even Ares thinks he goes too far 😭 And then Tyler complains about his dad leaving him 😒/j
AND adding unto this, I would definitely see him having Aphrodite’s blessing. He’s beautiful, and he takes up after his dad. What’s better?
Tbh I’m struggling a bit wih Marla. I’m thinking maybe… Nyx, but that would be wayyy to clique. Maybe she’s part of the Romans, or an Oracle. Given her role in Fight Club she could def be an oracle.
Actually. SHE gives me more Thanatos vibes rather than the Narrator. Since she’s always obsessing over dying, and kinda looks like she’s dying, and she has that whole ghost car walking thing. And she’s a really beautiful woman. She just hopes for her father’s embrace.
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
could we get that dsaf timeline thing quick? need it for something and you guys are the first ones we thought of
of course man!! have fun w this ^_^
radical/aubergine/gnarly/bad ending timeline
>dr henry miller starts fredbears family diner with william afton
>unnamed guy starts freddy fazbears pepperonerie (a play on fredbears family diner) and it INFURIATES henry (and william because henrys angry)
>henry does fucked up experiments on william (lobotomizes him to some degree, takes out his organs, etc etc etc)
>henry manipulates william into killing children because it would "let them live out their happiest days forever"
>henry tells william about his dead son, david, and william imprints on this and renames himself to dave miller (he takes henrys last name after he passes but for now im just going to call him dave miller)
>dave works at ffp and kills children there while henry kills children at ffd
>henry fucking DIES and ffd forecloses, leading dave to work at ffp
>dave meets jack kennedy (the protag and the person you play as) at ffp
>dave negotiates with jack that since hes a "clean slate" he should help him murder five children, jack agrees and they Do That
(small note here; dave becomes obsessed with jack after this and its just a whole ordeal with jack and dave being ?? freaks and in love ?? normal behavior/sar)
>phoney (named steven as a person but the phone guys are a Whole 'Nother Thing that i CANNOT GET INTO RIGHT NOW) becomes suspicious and dave and jack frame him
>dave and jack scurry off to vegas
>rinse and repeat this cycle in dsaf2
>in dsaf 3 dave is found rotting away in a building (in a springlock rabbt suit and now he goes by davetrap btw) by jack and goes on a monologue of how he "knew he wouldnt leave him alone" and jack takes him back to his new restaurant that jack now owns (im just. gonna call it uncle jacks family diner because its funny to think he named it after fredbears)
>davetrap and jack kill children, phoney (harry) flips and im pretty sure they kill him? i cant remember
>davetrap springlocks jack to give him "immortality" and they go to vegas
>davetrap goes on a brief rant about how he realized he was never happy because jack never knew who he "really was" and confesses to being william afton
>davetrap takes jack to his "fazbunker" (note this is just the same place as we see in fnaf sister location) and shows him a chest containing a red scarf
>jack has a realization that this is his dead sister dee's scarf and comes to the correct conclusion that dave/william killed his younger sister and framed him back during the ffd days
>henrys ghost "controls" jacks mind kind of (its more like he persuades him but ehhh whateverr) ?? and jack kills dave
good end/saved end
>everything is the same as before but this time you decline everytime dave asks you to kill kids
>jack finds davetrap rotting and declines taking him back to uncle jacks family diner and davetrap sobs and cries and yells about how he shouldve known he would do this to him and begins begging jack not to leave him alone
>davetrap then stalks jack home, but thats not rlly lore relevant i jut thought it was super interesting to point out here
>jack goes into "the flipside" and sees dave just kind of. chilling. jack is reasonably caught off guard and they have a neat little meet-cute where dave explains the flipside is where souls come to chill because of course theres a fucking place for that god damnit
(note you can get small dave commentaries by interacting with objects like posters or things on the wall or pizzas in the kitchen and i just think its cute)
>dave makes a portal because of fucking course thats a thing you can do in the flipside i hate the flipside why can he fucking DO THAT and fuck off to the second floor
>jack and dave find dees ghost here and it revealed shes the puppet
>dee engages jack and dave in battle because she doesnt believe dave is "truly sorry" and thinks jack is making some sick joke at her expense
(note if you fail to escape from this battle dee says that you cant run from your problems forever)
>if you succeed in escaping the battle, jack explains to dave that this is his sister and dave has A Moment where he explains how henry told him he was helping the kids by killing them (its also implied that dave was groomed by henry since he states he was a "young man" when they officially met and started working together)
>dee decides hes just kind of. pathetic honestly. and decides she can live with this if it means she can save the dead ghosts
>jack fucks off back to the reality and does reality shenanigans like running his business
>he comes back and they go into a portal to the second floor
>on the third floor we meet steven whos been just kind of. there. the entire time. and he INSTANTLY assumes theyre there to kill him and makes them battle foxy robotss until they find him huddled in a corner
>he instantly starts rambling about how he cant be saved and how thhey should just leave him (its implied that by this he means hes going to?? die if they leave him?? as if he isnt already dead??) because he was a terrible person to jack, peter, and dave
>jack says thats in the past or whatever and he joins their team
>dave makes another portal and this time steven goes nuts and is fucking furious about hating the flipside (me too man. me fucking too)
>jack fucks off to go do business stuff again. the health inspector is here. hes french. you can bribe him. either way you dont get shut down unless you do a REALLY bad job so. eh.
>jack comes back to the flipside and they scurry around until they find peter (jack and dee remark about how "this is peters house" (i forgot to mention the floors are all designed around memories and this one is based off peters house that jack lived in after he was killed))
>they find peter and he remarks about how hes just a trap and everyone is confused
>JACKS FUCKING SOUL APPEARS. THATS RIGHT BABY. HE WAS SOULLESS THATS WHY HE DIDNT DIE. AND ITS IN THE FORM OF HIS DEAD DOG SPARKY (yeah that one doesnt get explained lol). also he speaks in a cesaer cipher and dave asks him to get rid of his "accent". not lore relevant but it is funny
>jack and blackjack talk and blackjack says that basically jack couldnt understand 'him' if he tried because the 'real' jack kennedy died during his springlock failure, and blackjack sees jack as just a rotting corpse who wont let go (<- i could say something about this but i wont for my own sanity ^_^.)
>they fight henry (during this henry doesnt hit anyone, instead choosing to use his words which i think is interesting)
>they fucking win yippee yahoo
>everyone leaves except for dave and jack. they talk. dave cries because jack tells him he cant go with them since hes soulless. dave says he "wont leave without him" and that he cant lose henry AND him. jack gives dave blackjacks collar and says that blackjack wont leave him. anyway yeah jack literally gave dave his soul. bawling my eyes out i hate these two so so much (affectionate)>jack burns down his diner with him and every freddys animatronic inside and the plot of land is turned into a gravesite for william/dave, jack, dee, peter, and steven
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myshredda · 2 years
hey!! so ik you just went to bed and it’s alright you’ll see this tmrw i just needed to type these now before i forget XD- and without further ado i am joining in on the song rec fun! >:)
first up is “Welcome to the Circus” by skittishmusic- it just fits all of dhmis and i imagine it being somewhat from lesley’s perspective hdhfjfgj
also “Dinner is not Over” by Jack Stauber- you KNOW what this one’s for hddhfjgjhf it’s so perfect tho. for the foods episode. my poor yellow son ough / also “Bumblebees are Out” for yellow </3
i am also cursed with associating animal cannibal from possibly in michigan with lesley please help
this is really incoherent and i probably did not get anything across but songs good. yes
Hello! Yeah I ended up answering this way way way late lmao Unfortunately, work stops for no mouse, but I got to it eventually!
So yes, Welcome to the Circus really feels like Lesley's entire vibe. All of the lyrics are so real but these are just *chefs kiss*
"And we will pick apart your mind/As you are breaking down/And we'll continue laughing/After all, you're just a silly clown/Pay attention to what you're saying/Make sure it's entertaining/Lights. Camera. Welcome to your life."
This is just the plot summary of the whole show. You're trapped here in anguish but you'd better perform or it'll only be worse for you in the long run :)
DINNER IS NOT OVER! Yeah, again, this is literally perfect for Yellow in the Healthy episode :(((( Espeically this bit:
"I've tasted friendship (Ha-ha)/I've tasted you (Oh no!)/I've tasted dying and it tasted good!/I've tasted heartbreak (Wah)/I've tasted food (Uh oh)/I've tasted dying and it tasted good!"
Because. He HAS tasted all of those things. He's really tasted friendship and tasted YOU (🦆) And it's so upbeat and goofy like Yellow, even while the subject matter of the song is really dark. And Bumblebee's are Out is a good Yellow song (??) as well, the innocence of the girl, the unexpected nature of her father's anger, the beestings, the overall creepy vibes. It's all so him :(
I was so obsessed with Possibly in Michigan when I was a teenager! Lesley kind of wishes she was the level of girlboss as he main characters, but I think she'd resonate more with the stalker tbh. After all, she's the predator, not the prey.
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