#and i think when he didnt get to prove me wrong it pissed him off
weyrleaders · 1 year
uuuuggghh it’s getting close to 4 am and im still up because of my bullshit asshole coworkerrrr
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unmanageably · 8 months
im off the thought that most of these warriors losses are due to coaching decisions (wrong lineups) and bad luck (injuries, dray out so no defense, random nba players turning into steph curry on the 3 line— grizzlies 3rd unit hitting TWENTY 3s on them today????) but today’s loss was just so indefensible and bad that its actually hilarious. the silly and stupid and pathetic 18 turnovers, icing out klay completely— just no one at all on the warriors trying to find him i mean 5 attempts until the 4th quarter are you serious— and then sitting steph and trying to run a “save us klay” lineup with 6 minutes left in the 4th when he’s ice cold due to your own offense choices its just very very hilarious. TJD butter fingers and Podz too many attempts not enough shots and a shit ton of fouling lol not their best game but i also think theyre just rookies and honestly have put a lot on their shoulders due to just. everything thats happened this year lol.
there’s things out of our control that we could be mad about (our lack of calls as usual and the 5v8 i mean the amount of FTA the grizzlies got esp considering we got to the paint more than they did so thats just ridiculous lol) but at the end of the day they didnt play hard enough and severely underestimated the grizzlies due to their injuries which was just. so so pathetic like whatever this loss the warriors truly did this to themselves
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thank you so much, I shall answer these prompts NEOW
21: Fics you wish you could find more of?
Oooohhh more fics involving Gwen, that's for sure. When she's written right she's one of the strongest, most relatable characters imo, 'cause all she wants is for the world to be right and just and kind and everything wants to prove her wrong, but she won't back down from her views. I would also adore more Elyan, just in general. And complete rewrites of the show 'cause the one I'm reading right now is so good I might do one as well. Also modern au's where they're all like secret badass spies or smth, 'cause those are so fucking cool (i am accepting fic recs for ALL of this, please feed me y'all)
24: Everyone knows that fandom doesn’t like uther but what are your feelings about gaius?
I think 1) we need more concrete info about how he was when he was younger, but 2) i think he is severely complicated and wanted what was best of merlin and morgana, but failed the two while also giving them a ton of love. With morgana, he just didnt want her to pursue her power lest she become uther's next victim, cuz gaius cares for the pendragon siblings like his own. With merlin, he was just trying his best with his overpowered nephew, who alos has a destiny regarding his people's genocide's son, and he just doesn't know what to do half the time, kinda like merlin. I didnt like how he lied to merlin n morgana, how he gaslit her and how he made merlin hide and become so anxious abt his magic (and we see what that looks like season 5), but i get it. I really get it. I dont know what i wouldve done if one wrong move could mean the death of two kids he considers his own. I bet he was scared all the time and hated himself for it.
27: Modern Merlin headcanons, if any?
OH BOY. OHHHH BOY. So many. It really depends on what au i have for modern merlin, but I'll give you a few generals:
he's a teacher of sorts; i like the idea that he's kinda collecting magical anomalies and teaching them how to understand their powers and being, since he knows what its like to be afraid of urself, so he's a personal magic teacher. I also rly like my magic elementary school au, since its merlin teaching magic to a bunch of kids, which is adorable
he has officially one cat, a black one called Midnight, that accidentally became immortal along the way and now hes severally attached. I say officially since hes also friends with any other animal that he might come across and they recognise him if he passes them again. disney princess fr
he's figured out his gender and he can turn into a woman if he wants; she looks exactly like merlin, same height, same weight n muscles, the hair is longer cuz merlin likes it that way and her voice is deep and gorgeous
his favourite weapon is a staff or any long distance fighting weapon of the sort; also he looks cool as fuck fighting with it, but thats just a bonus
I'll stop here but i have SO MANY MORE
30: Side character death that makes you the maddest?
Elyan. There was, quite literally, no need for it. I was gonna say Lancelot, since we did not get enough of him, but his death made sense for his character. Elyan? What the fuck was that? It was just for pain and nothing else. What did it add to the story if not just a sad funeral scene and thats it? It just felt like they wanted him gone n found a way, and that pisses me off. I feel like him saving gwen and living would've given such a complex situation when she turns evil, 'cause what if she "confides" more n more in her brother, creating a rift between arthur n elyan, which then creates a rift between arthur n the knights, which would just isolate him further n make him suffer, which is what morgana wanted!! we couldve had protective brother elyan! I think i just wanted more knights in general.
Thank you so much for this ask, I yapped a fuck ton but it was funn
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
3x03 1/3 He is ready with a soda, coffee and a pack of cigarettes. The essentials to watch qaf: ‘okay let’s do this! How will they piss me off now?..look at my Bri Bri hanging out with his son! BRIAN? VOLUNTEERING? Yeah, right. He made files for them? I need an episode where they just show him working and coming up with shit because I wanna see my baby shine!!! HE IS MAKING THEM PAY THEM? HAHAHA GOOD FOR HIM! *he is now screaming on top of his lungs* 100% OF NOTHING OR 80% OF MORE THAN YOULL EVER FUCKING DREAM OF. BRIAN FUCKING KINNEY!!! although he would deliver that line bette- oh I don’t like that car.’ Tv is now paused because he has a lot of feelings about the car. ‘Jeep was better. Jeep is better! But if he wanted a classic or something cool, why not a mustang or something? And i know what youre gonna say! (I want everyone to know, i wasnt gonna say shit since idk shit about cars) People think ‘vette is better but i, a proud owner of a mustang 66 *holds his palm up* DIS *snaps his hand down* AGREE. This *waves to paused corvette* is shaped like a peanut! Nobody wants to drive in a peanut. Nobody likes that car unless they are 70. Why would he buy this? I get that he’s spending money cause he misses Justin but this? Not cute. And not to be hetero car dude but i just want to know what does he like about a peanut shaped car?’ There was A LOT more about the car..A LOT more. It involved youtube videos. ‘EVEN MIKE KNOWS ITS BOYFRIEND REPLACEMENT! FINALLY I AGREE WITH MI-oh god, see what this peanut did to me? It made me agree with Mike. YOU DID HAVE A BOYFRIEND! Oh look! Bri Bri isn’t suicidal about being 30 anymore. (Brian says he plans on being dead by 39) well never-fucking-mind. You are most definitely *starts singing* STAYIN ALIVE, STAYIN ALIVE AH AH AH AH STAYIN ALIVEEEEEEE BECAUSE I, I, I WONT LET YOU DIEEEEEE. Ohhhhh road trip to New York? COUNT ME IN! I love New York! Is he gonna go to new york and then blondie goes after him to kinda make a cool parallel to the time blondie ran off to new york? OH MY GOD I WAS SO WRAPPED UP IN THE PEANUT I DIDNT NOTICE THEYRE PLAYING MY FAVORITE SONG!! Stupid fucking peanut’ ‘i love seeing Debbie smile and happy but a cop? Really?’ ‘ITS BRIAN! Why does he look nervous? Did he just stumble? HES GOING TO JUSTIN?!?! OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY (his name) BE CHILL! We can do this, chill *pauses the tv and actually physically shakes his whole body* HE HAS A PROPOSITION?! Of course he went to Blondie for it, is he trying to win him back-no! We aren’t doing that Bri! He fucked up. But seriously is he trying to win him back? DIDNT HE TEACH YOU ANYTHING? Never do what youre good at for free! *waves to Brian* he is so hot.’ ‘What procedure did Melanie do? I dont wanna be dumb and wrong but how could she have something wrong with her uterus and then a laser can fix it all? That sounds wrong, did a man write this? Probably. Who will be the fath-BRIAN?! He didn’t even cause you that much problems. WHO KNOWS IF HES EVEN NEGATIVE?! FUCK YOU BITCH! FUCK YOU ALL THE WAY DOWN TO HELL! He better not give her his sperm!’ Ethan just popped up on tv ‘OH FUCKING HELL i forgot he existed since i havent seen him in a while. HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM JUS! Nobody. Nobody on this Gods green earth is a bigger snob than you goat boy. No, someone HE knows, YOU don’t even know how to properly shave, call me back when you can actually grow a beard. He isn’t trying to win him back because HE didnt do anything wrong! You are SO fucking jealous. Jealous of his money, jealous of his life and jealous of his looks….rightfully so. But it doesn’t look good on you swetheart, just like that goatee. PROVE IT? I am begging every god that has ever been talked about to PLEASE MAKE THIS STOP’ *immediately pauses tv* ‘every time someone does or says something nice to BriBri, he asks what they want, HAS NO ONE BEEN NICE TO HIM EVER?! Except blondie until he fucked it up. And me! I’m nice to him too! I don’t want Brian to have more kids, i know theyre cute but what if you end up with a boring kid? What if you end up having a Ben?’
CARNIVAL! Such a good episode.
Brian making them pay him is so iconic. This guy.
YES I know nothing about cars so I'm glad your brother can weigh in that the Jeep is far better than the 'vette. Sorry not sorry, the corvette does look like a peanut and it screams mid-life crisis. And just to point out 30 IS NOT MID LIFE. (Sorry read a fic [in a different fandom] where the two characters were 34 and described as middle aged and I had to throw my phone across the room).
Your brother describing Brian as so hot gives me life. Thank you. And yes to all the screaming that he goes to Justin for the poster. You just know that was in his mind the entire time he was negotiating.
‘What procedure did Melanie do? I dont wanna be dumb and wrong but how could she have something wrong with her uterus and then a laser can fix it all? That sounds wrong, did a man write this? Probably. YES men definitely wrote this. Otherwise the female representation would have been... y'know... representative.
Melanie trying to decide who the father should be and then 100% goes with the most wrong choice ever. Let Emmett father a child!
Jealous of his money, jealous of his life and jealous of his looks….rightfully so. But it doesn’t look good on you swetheart, just like that goatee. <- this is legendary and I will never ever be able to watch Ethan and not think this.
very time someone does or says something nice to BriBri, he asks what they want, HAS NO ONE BEEN NICE TO HIM EVER?! Except blondie until he fucked it up. And me! I’m nice to him too! HAPPY SIGH. He gets it, he really really gets it. The people I have coming to me about the house on fire analogy he made. I'm telling you, you've got to introduce your brother to fanfiction...
What if you end up having a Ben. I DIE. (also, true)
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midnighteloquence · 3 months
i just wanna talk
uh minor (MINORS!!!!!!!!) vent because im thinking
(mention of sui, sh, purg1ng, etc)
i actually dont know what to feel anymore. i dont really feel much these days except for pure, unbridled sadness. i can feel excited over my interests, but that excitement doesnt really last long till im just nothing again.
ive been getting more frequent stomach aches. not a stomach bug i mean the anxiety stomach aches. theyre here right now actually. ive just been super anxious and on edge recently, and i dont know how to stop the ever growing pit in my stomach. it grows every time i enter a room, when i have to present something infront of my classmates, when someone talks to me, when i text people, when im alone, when im with people. its everywhere and i dont like it.
earlier this term i avoided people because i was just so tired and empty. i hoped that it would somehow make me feel better, if i avoid the person who did me wrong. it really didnt. i didnt give them a satisfactory answer whenever they playfully insulted me because i could not bare to have them insult me one more fucking time. you know what happened? they started saying “ok.” to me saying literally fucking anything. i said “ok” to you dryly because you pissed me off, but if im talking about my interests casually thats nothing to be pissed off about.
i apologised to them for distancing myself (even though i was trying to fix my mental health) and told them i would talk to them more even though i dont like them anymore. the next day they sent a paragraph talking about how i wasnt really “proving myself” and that “they waited for me to talk to them instead of them starting the rare conversations we have” which actually killed me a bit. thats over exaggerating but im trying my fucking hardest to try and be your friend but my best isnt worthy enough. and also when have you ever put any effort into what im saying? like actually if i talk about my interests you say shit like “thats crazy” in a disinterested tone. i may be autistic but i can still pick up that you do not fucking care for a word i say. i actually pay attention, and you tell me im not proving myself to you? im sorry i started ranting haha
i think my crush started hating me. and this is a super common thing with all of my crushes for some reason. i just cant get them to not think im annoying. i just get so attached to them and the thought of being with them that they just stop liking me. and then i pick up on this and ask them constantly if they like me. he barely texts me anymore, his texts are super dry, its so obvious he doesnt want to talk to me. i started leaving him on read, just hoping he’ll start liking me again. thats probably super immature and slightly mentally unstable of me but idk im sorry
i stopped thinking about my future because i dont think i see one. i spent all week tired, crying in the school bathrooms, crying in my own bathroom, or crying in my room. i post constantly about killing myself or cvtting myself or purging because at this point i do not care what happens to me. my friend might be moving, my other friend im so fucking tired of, my other other friend is probably tired of me, the rest of the friendgroup probably wouldnt care less about me, i havent been the daughter i couldve been to my parents, im distant towards my brother, my crush lives far away anyways and probably doesnt like me anymore. it just seems like nothings really worth it. how likely is it that i get into a good university and get a good job? i dont even know what i want to do with my life past 18. the clubs i joined are just exhausting to go to now, im making no progress in my language learning, i get average scores in my tests, the only two hobbies i have i barely do anymore. its just so nothing
i have no dreams or aspirations, i have no hope for the future of not only me, this whole world. it will take me a hot 48 hours to think of a thing i wanna pursue. no one wants to be in a relationship with me. im pretty but not pretty enough for people to like me, and even if someone’s attracted to me, theres still my personality. its nothing special, plus just a bunch of red flags like jealousy, attachment, being distant, being sensitive, the list can go on. im just nothing really, i feel nothing, my personality is nothing, my looks are nothing, im nothing.
idk what else to say so bye :0) (clown)
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whatagirlwants · 1 year
It’s kinda hilarious how olivia stans on twitter try to re write history and make it seem like olivia is the biggest victim out of the DL 2021 drama… like if anything she got the best outcome out of the three and at the peak of the drama people were sending josh and sabrina death threats on HER behalf. I personally think they just hate the fact that the gp is starting to realize they way this teenage breakout got overdramatized was insane and both sabrina and joshua really didn’t have to go through all of that and they secretly hate it, i fear they want josh and sabrina to get hated on until they die 😵‍💫 goes to show how they were always the bitter ones and they can’t move on
honest thoughts:
i think all fandoms are dramatic. i hate how joshua fans to this day use his “problems” and “infection” (forgot what its called but the thing that happened to him) to this day to make him a saint and an angel. when he isnt and its okay.
Sabrina fans to this day will keep talking about the hate she received when the smart move is to move on and not TIE HER to the DL fiasco. theres a reason she doesnt sing Skin & its also cause she knows Joshua didnt deserve her & she got shit for a relationship that went to shit cause of him. like sabrina said abt skin she isnt in that place anymore.
Olivia fans want to make it all about her how she was 17/18 and had to deal with “narratives” made about her #1 hit song worldwide. when lets be honest like i wouldn’t give a fuck what anyone says if my fav already won the situation cause Olivia did. Like she was the winner and still is the winner so why care if some accounts said anything like her numbers are proving everyone wrong.
which is why i think is weird for some livies account making “troll” accounts to obsess over sabrina and spread fake rumors. like what will you or olivia gain ? does it really bother u to see Sabrina do well ? Olivia is already doing better than her so why try to sabotage someone else.
back to the plot, all fandoms are dramatic, i think everyone needs to move on in some ways.
but i will say i do also hate it when someone brings up an eics track or how joshua also treated Sabrina, theres always a joshua fan replying “its 2023 move on” maybe its cause i hate that when its Olivia everyone cared but if its about Sabrina its “move on”. its not like if someone points out Sabrina lyrics and how it relates to Joshua that it would start the “DL hate train” all over again. cause it cant and wont. it didnt reach the GP and the GP dgaf about joshua they only did when it was all “new” to them. anyways thats just a personal thing that pisses me off personally.
another thing i hate when most Joshua fans / Joshua + Sabrina fans say “we almost had we both know but the hate ruined it” NO. Joshua did not scrap it cause “people were hating on him and sabrina”. he scrapped it cause HE BROKE UP WITH HER. he wasnt gonna release a song with his ex. mind u Sabrina released Skin if anything shes much stronger than Joshua and would’ve not given a fuck what anyone thinks and would've released we both know *if they were together* but Joshua freaked out, pushed her away, brokeup with her over DL. and then lead her on most of 2021 until Sabrina realized this isnt fixable. cause she was writing songs like “tornado warnings” while also still posting “feel something” on her story to support him when they werent together. she commented on his post a 🤍 when she didnt have to cause they weren’t together anymore.
ok i made my point and listed fandom things i hate 😭 anyways some livies just need to move on but so do joshua and sabrina fans from the DL fiasco but (so i dont look biased when u read my posts here) that doesnt mean i wont call out Joshua on his relationship with Sabrina. i am not sending dts or supporting anyone who does im just analyzing the situation thats btwn him and sabrina (not dl &olivia) .cause to me thats not the same situation.
all fandoms will make it about their favs i guess but i agree with u in the part that she got the best outcome so why to rewrite history.
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
Goose gets bullied by everyone (with love)
Cw: swearing and Knife mention (literally its a sticker of a goose with a Knife in its beak)
Summary: goose is the victim of his girlfriends pranks in which the rest of his classmates are complicit.
A/n: saw top//gun, and I can safely say I had to write something for my boys.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
->♡Lovely taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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Out of all the candidates, Jerico "Solar" Castro was by far the calmer of the most. She was quite tranquil and didnt cause that Many incidents as the rest of her classmates in the Top Gun academy.
But her tranquility was but a cover for the silent force of chaos within her. After all,nobody suspects the goody two shoes was the one hiding miniature goose figurines in Nick "goose" Bradshaw's room and locker. And no,the Irony did not escape her, it was the main reason she had done it.
And this little misadventure of hers has been going on for *months*. Just when Nick thought he had found them all, the world, or jerico's chaotic evil genius, would prove Jim wrong.
He was at his wits end as he opened his locker, pulling out his deodorant only to find a small goose figurine hidden behind it.
--ANOTHER FUCKING ONE?!--the Man yelled at the top of his lungs-- WHERE THE FUCK DO THEY KEEP COMING FROM?
When he found the first three some months ago, he was amused and even looked forward to finding the rest. Now he couldnt take it anymore.
At this, the other men in the locker room explode into loud cackling, leaning over walls and eachother. Everyone was in on It, maverick had helped jerico get Nick's locker Open, Hollywood and Wolfman had helped her put some in his flight suit, and even iceman who didnt stand Jerico accepted to help her hide them all over in Nick's room.
Nick was grasping at straws as he finished changing and getting out of the locker room. It was a warm sunny day in California, but he didnt mind. He was pissed off and annoyed, all he wanted was to cuddle up with his girlfriend and forget about the world for a while.
And he finds her, on her bed Reading a book while some soft tunes play from the radio. He opens the door and steps in,closing it behind him as the cold air of the AC (which,for the life of him, he didnt know how he convinced viper to let her have one) hit his face. Shes illuminated by nothing but one nightstand lamp, the warm light making her seem ethereal. The sight relaxes him a little,his jaw unclenches.
--Hey honey--Jerico says looking up from her book, marking it and closing it shut with a satisfying "plap"-- whats got you riled up?
Goose simply holds up yet another figurine,murder in his eyes. And though his lover's laughter was the sweetest thing hes ever heard, when she laughs at the goose mini in his hands he cant help but huff,throw it in the trash and plopping down ontop of his girlfriend as she leaves the book on the night stand, turning off the lamp ontop of it.
--Ya Keep findin 'em huh?-- She asked stroking his hair.
--I sweae,hon. They just keep appearin'. Its like its personal or somethin'-- He says,voice muffled by him pressing his face on her chest.
--i think ya gotta lean into it--Jeri replied closing her eyes and letting her head fall to the pillow.
--When I find whose behind it I swear--He starts. Unbeknownst to him, his girlfriend Holds back giggles as a smile appears on her lips.
--Yeah yeah youll make him pay, why dontcha rest with me for a while? What do you think, tough guy?
--I...Like that--Nick positions his head in a way that makes his ear press against his girlfriend's chest--Sweet dreams, baby
--Sweet dreams
Soon, he falls asleep to the sound of her heartbeat. Anger and stress melting away in his lovers arms.
For the Next two weeks he finds more and more of them. Behind his pillow, under his duffelbag, inside his nightstand cabinet... He even found one sitting on his tooth brush and another one right beside it on his toothpaste.
Nick had had enough, he was about to explode. Hes going on and on in this rant to all his classmates shouting at them to tell him who was the bastard that has been tormeting Him these past few months.
Jerico stepped infront of his lover. who upon meeting her gaze, he relaxes. She grabs his flaining hands and holds them to her lips,kissing his knuckles--Nick, darling
--Yes,sorry babe--He sighed.
--Im the one that hid them
His peace is short lived as his brain registers what she had said. His eyes go wide and his hands become fists--You've got to be kidding me
--Nope. I hid them with help from iceman, wolfman and Hollywood
Nico looks at the three men mentioned with murder in his eyes. Then he returns his gaze to his lover and says--Baby
Solar lets go of his hands and screams--OH CRAP! --And bolts out the room with a very angry Goose behind her, the rest of the men explode with laughter at the sight. And for a good hour and a half all that can be heard throughout the base is nicks unhinged feral screaming and jericos loud laughter.
"So worth it" she thought as Nick finally caught her and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatos--i regret nothing!
--You Will soon--He grumbled.
You'd expect the attendees of Top Gun to be somewhat serious and adult. After all, they piloted expensive aircrafts and put their lives on the line.
But, when you put a bunch of twenty year olds in a base, some chaos is bound to happen.
Heres how jerico finds herself in this position.
Shes currently holding back laughter as she approaches a sleeping Nick. His mouth was Open and he was snoring, arms crossed over his chest and feet on a table. The rest of their classmates watch in pure amusement with held back laughter and quiet giggles as their female companion hovers over Nick with a goose sticker in her hand
--Everyone shut the fuck up youll wake him!--Wolfman whisper yelled from behind jeri as she peeled off the sticker.
--Shhh--Solar whispered, her hand Gently places the sticker on the Mans forehead and then throws back her hand to give him a good meaty slap on the sticker.
At the sound, which was comedically exact as the one you'd find in a cartoon, the other men present snort and wheeze. Maverick has tears in his eyes from holding back his laughter. And the only reaction from Nick is to sway his hand as if he was swatting away pesky flies.
Jerico squats down to the ground covering her face, muffling her laughter. --Fucking genius-- Hollywood compliments from behind patting her back-- this is gold
After taking a picture of jerico posing beside Nick while making the thumbs up with an impressed look on her face,mouth Open, everyome returns to their lives with more quiet giggles that turn into loud laughter once they fully leave the room.
Its not until some hours later that Goose wakes up, groggy and confused. And since he still feels like sleeping, he gets up from the chair and makes his way towards his girlfriend's room.
He stumbles upon viper,his supervisor. Viper looks at Nick and then at the sticker on his forehead,hes about to say something but decided against it. Choosing to say hi to Nick and Keep walking with a grin forming on his face alongside muffled giggles.
Confused,goose keeps walking. More and more people Keep laughing at him and no matter how Many times he asked people what was so funny,nobody would give him an answer.
And thats when he sees it.
In a reflection of a Window he sees the sticker on his forehead, a goose with a Knife in his beak. He already knows whose the culprit, and without peeling off the sticker he stomps towards his girlfriend's room with the war cry of --JERICO YOU GET YER ASS OVER HERE
And solar could hear her boyfriend very well, she turns to maverick and says--I think I should leave
--The country-- maverick says deadpan serious with his brows raised. and before she can laugh at his joke she sees Nick stomping quicker towards her now that hes seen her.
Its yet after another hour of chase and loud screaming that he finally catches her and makes her wear the sticker for the rest of the day.
Jerico didnt mind, specially as Nick held her from behind as they cuddled in her room. The lights are off and the blinds are drawn,the cole air is nice against their skin and under his breath goose mutters-- youre a menace
--And thats why you love me
He scoffs playfully in agreemet-- I love you too--pressing a kiss to the back of her neck,goose closed his eyes. Soon, he falls asleep with his girlfriend who is still wearing that stupid sticker on her forehead. No doubt that tomorrow she Will put that thing away in her Wallet as a wholesome reminder.
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
Hey I have a yandere erasermic obsession. I don’t know if you do angst but what if they were punishing reader and she gets really exhausted and passes out. They think they killed her, I know this is dumb and you don’t have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable-🍓 anon
Yandere Erasermic punishing reader
I've missed these two a lot😭
Anyways, enjoy! Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Erasermic:
"Hey! I'm home! How are my darlings- Shou? You okay?" Hizashi asked as he entered his home. He was looking forward to spending time with you and the hero, but judging by the pissed off look on Aizawa's face, it didn't seem like happening.
Aizawa was taking deep breaths, his eyebrows furrowed and face contorted into a scowl. God, what did you do now? Hizashi couldn't help but wonder that, as he slid onto the couch next to his husband.
"What did she do now?"Hizashi asked, resting his head on Aizawa's chest as his arms wrapped around him.
Aizawa closed his eyes in annoyance, his own arms engulfing Hizashi as he let out a huff. "She's so ungrateful."
Hizashi lightly chuckled at that, waiting for him to continue. "You know what she did today? She tried to escape. Again. I don't know how she got the code to unlock the main door, but she opened it. She barely made it 2 steps out the door before I pulled her back in. I was taking a shower and she thought she could make a run for it. " Aizawa runs a hand through his hair, but Hizashi suddenly caught it. He looked at his husband's hand, it was turning a nasty shade of purple, and was red around the knuckles, slightly swelled. "Shou, babe... what happened to your hand?"
Aizawa exhales deeply, closing his eyes, trying to control his anger. "Our sweet little darling happened. After I got her back in, I told her to apologise. You know what she did? She spit at me, screamed all kinds of profanities. When I took her down to the basement to chain her up, she tried attacking me." Aizawa clenched his jaw. "I was only going to leave her there for the night. But what she said to me next... Hizashi, I lost it. I punched her." Hizashi's eyes widened. He knew Aizawa wasn't one to lose his temper easily, he knew he wasn't one to resort to violence immediately. So the blonde could only wonder what in the hell did you say to him. "Shouta... what did she say?" He asked softly, almost afraid of the answer himself.
Shouta looked at his husband, trying to calm himself when he told him what you barked out. "She said...she said that she wondered how UA let... let creeps like us around kids." Hizashi's eyes widened. If there's one thing he knew about Aizawa, it was how deeply he cared about his students, treating them like his own children. He prided himself in being their teacher, and so the nerve of you to even say something so disgusting like that, Aizawa was bound to snap.
"I cant believe she'd say something...so horrible. I'm so sorry, Shou." Hizashi whispered, nuzzling Aizawa's neck. The pro hero only grunted. "Whatever. I think it'd be good if she stays down there... for 2 weeks. Yeah that'd be good. And no dinner tonight either. I don't want to put up with anymore of her bullshit." Hizashi only nodded, but then caught another look at his hand and he stood up, pulling Aizawa along with him to the kitchen. Hizashi pulled out a bag of frozen peas and started applying it on his bruise hand to reduce the swelling.
As the two ate dinner, Hizashi couldn't help but worry that if Shouta's hand looked like this from the punch, then what did the receiving end look like. He chose to remain quiet on that matter, not wanting you to ruin the night anymore.
The next morning when Aizawa woke up, he went downstairs to the kitchen to find his husband. Hizashi who was almost done plating up, greeted Aizawa with a kiss. "So, should I take this plate down to our baby bird?" Hizashi asked, already knowing Aizawa didn't want to see you yet. You had really hurt him. Shouta nodded as he took a sip of his coffee. "Be right back." Hizashi pressed a kiss to his lips before going to the basement.
Hizashi opened the door to the basement, walking down the stairs, hoping to see you greet him like the angel they know you are deep down. But when he got down there, he saw you were still asleep on the floor, your limbs still bound to the chains. Your face was turned away from him and Hizashi wasnt sure if he wanted to see the damage that was done to your face.
Hizashi just called for you. “Love, I’ve brought breakfast! Eggs and hashbrowns! Your favourite!” When you didnt respond, he just sighed before placing the plate on the floor. Your chains were long enough to for you to reach it, and while Hizashi wished nothing more than to feed you himself, he knew you needed to be punished.
As he went up the stairs and out of the basement, he couldnt help but feel a sense of dread creeping up on him.
“Do you think she’ll be sorry after her punishment?”Hizashi asked his partner.  Aizawa rolled his eyes. “Unlikely. But she’ll learn to think twice before she says stupid shit like that.” Hizashi chuckled, but secretly hoped that would be the case. He got up from the couch where he and Aizawa sat. “I’ll go get her plate.” They were done eating 2 hours ago, but still waited for you to finish up because they know how stubborn you are.
When Hizashi walked down the stairs, he wasn’t surprised to find your plate untouched. You would always do that the first few days, before finally succumbing to your hunger. Pointless, really. But what disturbed him was how you were still in the same position he had seen you in 2 hours ago. And it was coming to him how still you looked, he couldn't see your body moving a single muscle, he couldn't see if you were breathing. 
Hizashi walked towards you cautiously, waiting for you to jump up and scare the crap out of him. But his breath hitched when he finally saw what had happened to you. 
A big bruise had formed on your cheek, swelling and taking all the shades of the purple, blue and green. But the worst part was seeing the blood and a clear liquid dripping out of your nose slowly, forming a pool around your head.
He turned you on to your back and started shaking your shoulder. “Darling? Wake up, baby. Its me. Baby, wake up.” But your body remained unconscious. He started tapping your cheek, only then noticing you weren’t breathing. All the alarms went off in his head. “SHOUTA! COME DOWN OVER HERE!” 
Shouta rushed to the basement, wondering what stunt you pulled now. But seeing your limp body in Hizashi’s arms, blood coating your cheeks, he knew something terrible had occured. Aizawa ran towards his partners, looking at your bruising cheek. “She’s n-not breathing. She’s not fucking breathing, Shou!” Hizashi sobbed as Aizawa took your wrist in his hand. His blood ran cold when he found no pulse. “What are we gonna do?! She’s dead! Our baby is dead!” Shouta blocked out Hizashi’s voice. They both cant be panicking right now. Aizawa turned to his partner. “Hizashi. Bring her up. I’ll get the car out.” He commanded. “H-hospital? Shou, its too late-” Hizashi cried out but Aizawa gave him a stern look. “Bring her up. Now.” 
They got to the hospital in fairly record time, passing you over to the doctors while Aizawa made up a story of how they found you in an alley. Only after the doctors left them alone did it dawn on Aizawa how serious the situation was. He killed you, didnt he? You would still be alive if he hadnt hit you. How could he ever claim to love you when he hurts you-
Aizawa shook his head, he could wallow up in his guilt later. For now, he needed to comfort his husband and pray that you make it through somehow.
A few hours later, the doctors had given them an update on your condition. You made it, barely. Something had hit your face and damaged some part of your brain, causing there to be a very slow heart beat. But you're all okay now, since they brought you in time.
When they were allowed to finally go in, thats when Aizawa finally broke down. Seeing you unconscious, knowing he almost killed you, it got to him. Hizashi wanted to console Aizawa, but he couldn't bring himself to leave your side. Hizashi pressed soft kisses to your temples, wiping his tears that fell on your cheek, while Aizawa stood to your side. He wanted to hold your hand but he was afraid to hurt you again. As the duo sat by your side, they made a silent promise to never hurt you again, at least not physically.
After that incident, you'll never be left alone. The two are always breathing down your neck, drowning you in love, looking at you with even more fondness; obsession and protectiveness swirling in their eyes, right there with guilt.
Aizawa would never apologise, but that doesn't mean he's not sorry. You would often wake up to him looking at your bruised cheek with worry, caressing it so gently, as if he'd break you. He'll be a lot more demanding with physical affection, always wrapping his arms around you, forcing you onto his lap and tucking your face under his chin as he cards his fingers through your hair.
You didn't think Hizashi could be anymore overbearing, but you were proved wrong. He'd panic if you were out of his sight for more than 5 minutes. Always worrying, paranoia creeping up on him when you're not in the same room as him. And when he would finally find you (mostly in the bathroom), he'd check you all over for injuries, not trusting your assurances.
Punishments aren't violent anymore. They're humiliating. Pulling you in their laps and feeding you by hand, talking about you as if you're not there, making you take baths with them(not showers because they end too quickly), making you sleep with them, naked.
And the couple won't lie, but this form of punishment seems to be far more effective. With how quickly you turn docile, folding in on yourself as if you could hide from them... its cute.
But hey, its better than getting beat, right?
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger with the power of persuasion
Avengers x reader
a/n: towards the end this branches off into the fatws timeline but there’s no explicit spoilers
prompt: anonymous: “Can you do hcs for the avengers with a reader who has powers like Allison Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy?”
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the avengers were a little iffy about you because......someone with your power was hard to trust at first
“mind control isn’t as fun as it sounds, you guys. i really don’t wanna keep my guard up at all times when i’m at home base” -clint
“yeah, i’m not sure if i trust this one yet. i mean, i’m totally immune to mind control, but what if they mind control someone to come after me? and they have easy access to the place?” -tony
“excuse me, did you just say you were immune to mind control?” -nat
“he most certainly is not” -wanda
i mean, you get it and all. you heard stories of the avengers’ past encounters. it couldve messed them up
and they had no character references for you
you were new and mysterious
and your powers could be dangerous if you used them the wrong way
“well, i say we take a chance on them. they might surprise us” -cap
“i knew you would say some crap like that” -tony
“i thought a surprise was the opposite of what we wanted?” -bruce
you were put on the team soon after, but you had to have a buddy on missions
*pretending that we have deaf/hoh!clint like in the comics* you were buddied up with clint since your powers were auditory
“you can’t sign me an involuntary command, can you?” -clint
“no, sir” -you
“cool, cool, cool” -clint
stealth looked good on you, ngl
you were able to get behind heavy gunmen and whisper commands to them
“simon says you are an avenger now, shoot the enemy” -you
“simon says i am your new boss, take out your ex-coworkers” -you
“simon says give me your keycard” -you
“simon says i’m not the enemy, you are” -you
“not bad down there, y/n!” -sam
“thanks! now can somebody give me a lift to that one all the way up there?” -you
you proved yourself that day, so everyone got a lot more comfortable with you
and you made a promise that day that you’d never use your powers on them
but occasionally someone would ask you a simple favor, like putting them to sleep or making them focus on a project
“i think the focus one could be a fire hazard” -you
“so just come and get me! or let me die, that’d be fine, too” -tony
“whatever...simon says focus on the new tech” -you
time went by and things got tough, especially when the sokovia accords rolled in
“i wasn’t even there for that, mr. secretary” -you
“and i’m aware of that, mx. l/n, but you still pose a threat to people around the world. you have the means to walk into any place you want and do anything you want. you can see how that makes people uneasy, don’t you?” -ross
“i’ve never used my abilities for anything but good” -you
“what y/n is trying to say is—” -steve
“he knows what i’m trying to say, but apparently that’s the issue” -you
you were “grounded” with wanda
and pretty pissed about it
“i can understand why i’m here, y/n, but you? what did you do?” -wanda
“i intimidate men in charge, i guess” -you
sounds about right, huh?
but clint broke you out
“finallyyyyy! vision is such a drag” -you
and when you got to germany, you were conflicted with yourself
should you use your powers on the teammates who wanted you locked away?
if you got into their comms, you could stop it in an instant
but that’d take some time
“hi, simon(e)! i’m, uh, scott! i think you’re pretty neat!” -scott (p.s. y/n’s hero name is simon/simone. whatever you prefer idrc)
“thanks...and what do you do?” -you
“he shrinks!” -sam
you snuck out to the pavement and tried to hack their comms, but could only do it one at a time
so you got the spider kid
“simon says stick the cat man to the side of the plane” -you
but that cat had claws
alright, it might be harder than you think
“oh god, simon(e)?” -scott
“what is it?” -you
“i’m a little nervous for my next trick...would it be too much to ask if you did your little command thing for me?” -scott
“ughhhhh...simon says, go on with your ‘trick’” -you
and all the sudden he shot up into the air
“oh, nice” -you
you really hated fighting with these guys, but you were out of options and now cap wanted you to come with him, he wouldn’t leave without you
“steve, i’m sorry. simon says leave without us” -you
and that he did, which left you to be caught by a hair
“so close, weren’t you?” -tony
“simon says go to hell” -you
“very funny, guess i’m immune to mind control, after all” -tony
having a mouth restraint place on you that tony had been saving ever since you joined the team
one that “team cap” heavily protested the second they saw it
“tony, that’s wrong! don’t you trust them enough not to do that? they’re going to hate you after all of this” -wanda
“it’s either me or them. at least mine is comfortable” -tony
kinda fucked lol but understandable ig
having to testify without a voice, only able to type or write
but eventually you made your case and were able to make a deal, but part of that deal was to keep your mouth sealed when in the presence of authority since your voice was deemed a weapon ;)
kinda a dick move if you ask me
so you said fuck that and became a fugitive with steve + friends
but used your powers less and less
again, only for favors because it was hard to get peace in these crappy motels
“simon says kill that roach, oh god” -you @ steve
“you were an avenger and you can’t kill a roach?” -sam
“don’t start with me, sam, or you’re sleeping on the floor” -you
“you wouldn’t” -sam
“don’t test me” -you
waiting and waiting for some kind of turning point that didnt come until alien invasion 2.0
and you tried so hard to stop thanos from snapping, but the stones got the best of you as you were frozen in time
but fortunately you didn’t dust
leaving you to get a rematch against thanos when the time would come
and reuniting with tony just for him to lecture you with the rest of the team
“go fuck yourself, tony” -you
“oh, thank god they didn’t say ‘simon says’” -that raccoon you’ve known for like 3 weeks
“do you ever shut up?” -you
“no, he does not” -nebula
anyways your time did not come and you waited five years for another chance
and although you did not redeem yourself on your own, you were just glad that your side, humanity, had won
but just before thanos had ceased to exist, you told him
“simon says to feel the pain of loss for all of eternity” -you
it may have been cruel, but it’s what he deserved
the next step was for you and sam to be pardoned of your crimes
but you didn’t exactly part ways just because...what else was there for you to do? the two of you were close after your time on the run
and all was well until he decided to give the shield up
“oh, bucky’s gonna be pissed” -you
“he’ll be fine” -sam
now, bucky had mixed feelings about you
he was nervous about your powers, but you did save him
and he knew what it felt like not to be trusted
so he gave you a chance and partnered with you after the “new captain america” and the “flag smashers” fiasco
legally, if you used your powers on a government official/soldier you’d go back in the slammer, but it was quite tempting, even if it were just a “simon says punch yourself in the face”
and off to madripoor you went with...zemo
“are you going to persuade me into something petty, mx. l/n?” -zemo
“i’ve gotta make it worth it, honestly, but there’s no rule against me doing so, so at least i won’t feel bad” -you
and who knows what’s next?
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @agentshortstacc // @rosadiaz-sarayvargas-harleyquinn // @werewolf-himbo // @comiocudequemtalendo1 // @mochamoff // @the-marvel-meme-emporium // @summersimmerus //
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isolated-bug · 3 years
Arcane: The Unfair Blame Game
So this one is going to be a bit of an emotionally fueled rant. Sorry guys... But like.. i see a lot of people getting mad that Jinx/Silco fans blame Vi and stuff but like... Yknow someone i havent seen catch any fire? Jayce. Fucking Jayce. I’m sorry for any offense if you like him as a character but i absolutely dont. Jayce reminds me of every blue eyed blond athlete, jock, popular kid, etc in school that got a free pass on their misdoings. Every character in Arcane bears some of the burden of what happens. Every character makes a mistake and messes up and does the wrong thing at some point. But MOST people boil this blame down to three: Jinx, Silco, and Mel. You know why? Because those three characters are the only ones we see on screen OWN their decisions. Everyone else its like “oopsie, didnt see that happening.” and they are forgiven for having good intentions. But Mel had good intentions. She wanted to prove to her war mongering family that she can do well on her own without conquest of nations and that she didnt need violence to succeed. Silco had good intentions. He would do whatever it took to gain national independence for his home that is constantly subjected to the cruelty of law enforcement and neglected by the government. Jinx, when Powder, had good intentions. She wanted to help her family. And after that she had self preservation at the heart of her actions fueled by a LOT of trauma. You know why i hate Jayce? because he is the golden boy who gets out of everything for FREE. He was around 23/24 in act 1. Knowing he was doing black market dealings and importing arcane artifacts taht were illegal and dangerous into Piltover and experimenting on them in secret in an academy building where he was putting hundreds of lives at risk due to the volatile nature of the arcane stones. What does he get for it? “you cant go to school anymore”. thats it... and in that SAME night, he becomes one of the cities leading inventors and all is forgiven because he made magic work. Then things go badly again, and he gets promoted to the council. Like, he never gets punished for anything he has caused. Ever. and im NOT saying that is entirely his fault. That is not my point at all. And i even think him getting a free pass is intentional. To showcase the contrast in how Piltover citizens are treated more kindly and with more understanding than Zaunites. But it seriously pisses me off so so fucking much. Literally if Jayce would have just abided by the fucking LAW nothing in Arcane would have happened. Silco wouldnt have made a deal with Marcus because there would be no treasure trove of info to leverage. Enforcers wouldnt be subjecting the Zaunites to violent interrogation because there would be no one to search for. Since Vander wouldnt be vulnerable, he wouldnt have been captured and the kids wouldnt have needed to save him so no one would have died and Jinx would not have fallen under Silco’s care. Sure, shimmer would still have eventually become a problem and Silco would have found a time to target Vander. I dont deny that at all. but my point is im so sick and tired of everyone blaming Mel/Silco/Jinx for all the problems as if the “good” characters werent equally responsible with their own choices as well. I mean, fuck, even Heimerdinger is responsible. That yordle has been in a council seat for hundreds of years and just sat by and watched as the Zaunites suffered in poverty and poisonous gases needing medical aid and relief and government assistance and he did nothing about it. Are Mel/Silco/Jinx to blame for shit too? yes. 100000% yes That is undeniable. but at least they have the balls to fucking own their shit and see it through.
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If you leave - bodyguard/royal au part 2
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^ that counts as a request right? Angst below, I don’t know what fluff is anymore but I think there’s a sprinkle of it somewhere... I think.
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“Baby let’s dance.”
If you closed your eyes you could almost imagine it was Jimin’s voice, but you don’t want to think about him now, that’s not why you’re here in blinding lights and deafening music, you want to forget, you need to forget.
“Not with you,” you say to the man that approached you, walking away to the bar for another drink. Stupid fool didnt realise he unlocked another memory of them, you’d need something more in your system to get it out.
But when you closed your eyes you could see him, reaching out his hands to you, eyes disappearing with how much he was smiling. “Dance with me princess.”
Memories that made you feel warmth now bought you so much pain, since that day you both felt hollow and as if there was a heavy weight on your chest, you didn’t know how to explain it. It just hurt, and you thought it would get better with time but it didn’t. It got worse.
So you didn’t mind the hands on your body when you danced into the night, you didn’t mind the hangovers in the morning, the pain in your head dulling the ache in your heart just a little.
You feel arms wrap around you from behind as you take another swing of your drink. Whoever he was he felt muscular, tall, but you don’t care. It isn’t until he rests his chin on the top of your head you realise he feels like Jungkook and your heart beats back to life again. You close your eyes and let them hold you, pretending for a second that it was your Kookie, that he’d move to rest his head on your shoulder when you ignored him like he always did, squeezing you harder, pouting until he got your attention. You let yourself dream for a second, even though you knew when the illusion shattered the black hole in your chest would expand tenfold. Like it always did when you let yourself pretend.
You could feel tears start to form in the corner of your eyes, you couldn’t do this, the man behind you must’ve felt your discomfort because he suddenly backed away. You hear a ruckus behind you but you don’t give a shit, he’s not Kookie, he’s not any one of the men that can make this go away.
You’re about to take another sip of your drink until you feel the weight of a hand wrapped firmly around your wrist. You know that hand, your eyes are fixed on it, your breathing becomes shallow and rapid as your gaze follows the hand to the body it’s connected to.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” What’s he doing here, he’s the one that decided to leave you, why does he care what happens to you?
You don’t know if you’re refusing to speak or if you can’t with how much his presence has put you in a daze, you can see the way his jaw is clenched the way it always did when you tested his patience. Good, let him be angry, let him feel a little of what you were.
He pulls you to stand and follow him, grip unrelenting and pace unforgiving. You try to get out of his hold but Joon pissed was a different force of nature, you wonder what he was doing in a place like this.
It isn’t until you’re outside you see Yoongi standing with his back to the car, they’re both in uniform, they must’ve been on their new job when they found you. You pretend that doesn’t sting, you don’t care it’s their job how dare they replace you when you felt their absence each and every day.
“You’re not my bodyguard anymore Namjoon, let me go,” you’re quiet but you’re seething.
He slams you back against the car, the only feeling coursing through his system was rage and it mixed with every other emotion he was feeling at this moment; worry, guilt, his heart breaking.
“Where the hell are your bodyguards Y/n?” When he finds them he’s going to put a fist in their faces repeatedly for letting you get into this state.
“Don’t have any,” you’re smiling now but it’s unnerving, it’s fake and it’s nothing he has ever seen before on your face.
“What do you mean you don’t have any?” Yoongi sounds calm, but that’s how you know he’s as angry as Namjoon.
“Why the hell do you both care? You left me,” it shouldnt sting the way it does when the words are out of your mouth, but it somehow manages to hit all three of you.
“Princess, answer the question.” Why does your heart hurt more when Yoongi calls you that? Why does it feel like he’s taking your breath away and suffocating you with his calm demeanour, like he really doesn’t care even though his words should prove otherwise.
“I’m not your burden anymore, so leave me alone,” you glare at them both with all the strength you had left, feeling your body shake from the cold and the anger seeping under your skin. “I dismissed my bodyguards but that’s none of your concern.”
“You did what?” Namjoon is trying to control his rage but your words are causing it to grow. “How could you be so stupid? Do you have any idea the amount of danger you’re putting yourself in? Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep you safe and you’re throwing all our effort in our faces by being so fucking reckless!”
You always hated it when he told you off, you could feel the tears start to form again and Namjoon watched as your doe eyes looked up at him with the anger fading and the hurt revealing it’s way through. Shit, he was too harsh, but you were being an absolute idiot. All of them have been worried sick since they left you, unable to perform the best at their job, they all agreed after you no more long standing positions, so they only did small security gigs or transferring a client for a day. They missed you so much and here you were throwing yourself into every danger like a big ‘fuck you’.
“Why did you leave me?” Your voice is so small and the sheer hurt in it caused his anger to drop out of his body. Yoongi had to look away, he hated it when you cried, they all did.
They didn’t feel like they could hold you the way they used to, so much had changed, and yet all the feelings were the same.
“Princess we had to go,” he tries to explain. “We couldn’t keep you safe because of how much we lo- w-we cared about y-”
“No Joonie if you cared about me, you wouldn’t have left!” You were so angry and upset you were crying but you still yelled your words, you needed them to hear you and you’d make sure they did. “I thought I meant more to you than just a charge but you proved me wrong the day you walked out, because if you cared about me you’d fight to keep me safe, but you didn’t.”
You don’t care if you’re a sobbing mess in front of them now, you don’t care if you look weak, they had to feel what they did to you, see the consequences of their desicion.
Namjoon can’t say a word, how does he explains to you the guilt he felt that day, the only rational choice was to leave you in the hands of someone who could protect you the way he had failed. You came above all else, he couldn’t trust himself to keep you safe anymore.
“Do you know how hard it was for us to go,” it’s Yoongi that finds his voice. “We didn’t want to leave you Princess, we didn’t feel like we had a choice.”
“Bullshit!” You contended. “There’s always a choice and you made yours.”
You hug yourself to keep yourself together because in front of them both you can feel yourself begin to shatter.
“You left me when I needed you the most, and I won’t forgive you for it.”
If you tore into their chests and ripped out their hearts it would’ve hurt less. Yoongi sighs in defeat.
“Okay Y/n,” Namjoon could feel his eyes go red with the way he’s holding back his own tears, he and Yoongi were not ones to cry but he can’t miss the telltale glistening in the older man’s eyes, and how they mirrored his own with regret. “Let’s just get you home.”
“No I haven’t had enough to drink,” you move off the car and try to make your way back but there’s a strong hand holding you back by your arm.
“I think you’ve had plenty to drink,” Yoongi says while opening the backseat door.
How do you tell them you needed more so you’d black out tonight, otherwise your dreams would be filled with them.
The ride was quiet, no one wanted to say a word. The only break from silence was when Namjoon called Jin to ask him to meet you all at your place with a medical kit and you insisting it was not necessary.
They didn’t listen, but what was new?
It’s not Jin that meets the car running, but the youngest of your ex bodyguards with Jimin very close behind.
“Princess?” Jimin couldn’t believe your state, you looked like a mess. He helped you out of the car swallowing his own emotions.
Jungkook stared at you with his big eyes in shock, and you wanted the ground to swallow you up. You couldn’t meet his eyes, you could see a his own concoction of emotions swirl in them like a cocktail from the glimpse you got. Disbelief, anger, sadness, his Princess looked so broken.
When the decision was made to leave Jungkook was the one to fight it, he was the one that tried to convince the others it wasn’t a good idea, that you needed them and they needed you. He looked at Namjoon with so much anger but that could wait, he needed to make sure your were okay first.
He strides his way to you, picking you up like the Princess you were when you struggled to stand and carried you to the house.
“Kookie I can walk,” you mumble, but you felt so warm in his arms, you didn’t want him to let you go. You missed him so much, you missed them all.
“What the hell happened?” Jimin’s voice when he was angry was nothing like his usual tone, his voice became deeper and lost its musical ring.
Yoongi waved him off, starting to get a headache from the whole thing, “later.”
They take you to your bedroom where your life was turned upside down, Jin, Tae and Hobi were waiting for you there. They must’ve tidied up, you left the place in a tip.
Jungkook doesn’t place you on the bed, he sits on there instead not letting you out of his arms. The glare he sends the others is very clear, try to take her off me.
You’re starting to feel drained, the earlier screaming match completely wore you out, and you were feeling the effects of sleep deprivation. You don’t even realise how you’re leaning into Jungkook, but the position is familiar, like a key in a lock, and you can feel yourself drifting.
“Princess we need you to stay awake just a little longer okay?” Tae crouches down to meet your eyes, you can see the sadness in them even though he’s keeping a straight face. He can’t help but reach his palm out to feel your flushed cheeks, he wants to tell you he’s missed you, that they were all lost without you, but he knows it would hurt you more than they already had.
“Tae I’m tired,” you whine a little, the defences dropping now your body felt safe, your brain couldn’t catch up with the fact that you were still angry with them, you could almost pretend the last few months didn’t happen.
“Let her sleep, we’ve put her through enough,” Hobi sounded so serious from where he was watching you, back leaning against the wall, arms crossed like a teacher waiting for the class to settle. When Hobi was angry it scared you the most. Tae nodded at his hyungs words, offering you a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes before moving away.
“First take these Princess,” Jin holds two pills in his palm and a glass of water, he brings them both to your lips, gently coaxing you to swallow. He wipes away the little spill you made down the side of your mouth, letting his fingers linger there for a second. He hasn’t been this close to you for so long, he doesn’t want to move away, but he does.
You nuzzle closer to the body holding you, clutching onto his shirt as you finally succumb to sleep. You can feel a cheek pressed against the top of your head, a promise written in the way he holds you tighter against him, but you were too far gone to decipher the words in the warmth of his arms, so you let your dreams take you instead.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
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A/N: Thank you hottie❤️ Tumblr was fucking with the format, so I had to repost.  Anyways, I looovveee this request. I’ve been waiting to be in the right mood to write this. Like, jealous muscular himbos completely head over heels for their s/o? Sign me up.
Sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy this, sugar plum
All characters are 18+
Warnings: smut below the line!
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Katsuki Bakugo:
bakugo doesnt get jealous
he usually felt secure in your relationship
yeah he got annoyed when kaminari would jokingly flirt with you
and yes, it made him angry when the dekusquad would literally stare at you with puppy dog eyes
and it pissed him off when kirishima suddenly became the funniest guy in the room when you were around
but he wasn’t jealous
how could he be? he’s bakugo katsuki
you agreed to go out with him. the strongest. the best. you couldn't get any better than him
lmao no
the bigger the ego, the more fragile it was
bakugo doesnt handle jealousy well
there’s a small part of him that knows he can be an asshole
he’s not the most...affectionate person
but damn it, if he doesnt try his hardest for you
you notice that he gets quieter but his actions become a lot more aggressive
he’s glaring at anyone that smiles at you
it’s honestly scarier than his threats
forces you to hold hands
is suddenly into PDA??? when he kissed you in front of your friends you literally made a face
you didn't know what was up with him, but you were really confused when you told him to chill and he visibility wilted
once he came around to telling you that he wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted to leave him, you were quick to reassure him
give him a couple kisses and rub his ego just a tad, and he’ll be back to normal
acts like he didn't just look like he was about to cry two seconds ago
there are two things that happen when bakugo gets jealous
at first, he’s very rough and handsy
he likes to talk big and say things like
“imma fuck you up when we get home”
“you like when daddy does that, sweetheart?”
“kiss it right there, baby”
“youre mine. tell me your mine”
he’s doing everything he can to get you screaming and thrashing
he’ll go down on you for hours, leave you trembling, only to tell you that was a warm-up
there’s this dark look in his eyes when he’s pounding into you, gripping the headboard so he can angle himself in the best position possible
it’s like he’s trying to prove himself by wrecking you
in the midst of your fucking, just when you feel like youre about to pass out, bakugo’s head falls on your shoulder
he’s still thrusting into you, but it gets slower and deeper
now it’s not just fucking
looks into your eyes with the most adoring gaze and kisses the breath of out you
he can’t speak, too deep into your lovemaking to express how much he loves you
how he’s so scared of losing you
but you don’t need his words to understand
lock your legs around his hips and tell him how you’ll always be his and he will let out a moan that makes your toes curl
when you reach your high, it’s a vulnerable moment
lots of soft kisses and hugging
wont admit to the tears that sting his eyes but is willing to express his adornment for you through his embrace and aftercare
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Todoroki Shouto:
todoroki doesnt have a lot of experience with jealousy
he knows what anger is
he’s felt insecurity
and he knows what it feels like to long for something or someone
but envy was a foreign concept to him
that was until he got into his first romantic relationship with you
don't get him wrong, he trusted you with everything
you gave him no reason to question your loyalty
and it never occurred to him that you would leave him for someone else because of how strong your love was for one another
however, his insecurities always got the best of him
he had a lot of baggage
he knew that
and when someone would approach you, someone that looked free-spirited and independent, he’d wonder if he was holding you back
even then, he can’t help but think that no one is worth the ground you walked on
not even himself sometimes
he never brings it up
but you notice that he started touching his scar a lot more
todoroki would try to act more extroverted thinking it would be better if he was livelier
youre deep talks about family matter diminished little by little
he tried to fill your comfortable silence with awkward conversation
you were so confused why your bf was acting so different
it took a couple attempts to get him to spill his thoughts
once he did, he’s stark quiet, looking away, fearing that you’d be so disappointed in him
but you just take his face in your hands and tell him
“you’re my whole world shouto. why would i ever give that up?”
he holds you in his arms for a long time after that
behind his jealousy of onlooking eyes is a deep steed of low self-esteem
and you can feel it when you get intimate
he’s always looking to please you, but now he’s desperate, trying so hard to think of what will make you feel good
it makes you sad bc he already knows the answer to those questions
but he overthinks it
he’s noticeably shier
his touches are hesitant as he second-guesses himself
is continuously asking if you’re okay or if he’s doing it right
at one point, you have to take charge and push him down on the bed
“let me show you how much i want you. just you”
licks his lips as you kiss down his body
one of those guys that believes sucking his dick is a chore 💀
“you don't have to do that” face ass
so when you suck the soul out of him, he’s SPRUNG
would write a song about it if he could LMAO
quickly says he loves you before kissing you like the world depends on it as you ride him
twirl your hips in the way he likes and he’ll hiss out curses
run your hands through his hair and kiss his scar and he’ll give you such pretty moans
please tell him how beautiful he is and how much you love him
my mans will nut on the spot
after the first round, he regains his confidence and flips you on your hands and knees
before you even know what’s going on, he’s pounding into you, gripping your hips like a lifeline
now that he’s reminded that he’s your man, he spends the night realigning your spine
bc who could do it better?
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Togata Mirio:
mirio is one of the most confident people ever
not only is he secure in himself, but he’s secure in your relationship
he knows he bagged a baddie
ofc people would be all over you
he couldn't blame them! i mean, look at you!
when people approached you, he usually let you handle it
if they were persistent, he would just put an arm around your waist
“you’ve got good taste, but they’re taken! sorry!”
it’s so wholesome that the other person can’t even find it within themselves to be upset
there was only one time he recalled getting genuinely jealous
it was during the time you two weren't exclusively dating
just going on dates to see how things went
at the same time, he overheard from your friend that your ex was trying to get back with you
when he heard that, he started sweating
it wasn't jealousy, but more like fear
he was determined not to lose you
not when things were going so well
mirio literally goes above and beyond on your dates
mans deadass learns how to cook all your favorite foods to bring to you
youre crying bc the seasoning was just *chef’s kiss*
brings you flowers at random times of the day
sends you pictures of things that remind him of you
you’re just soaking up all the attention
he’s always been an extra person so you didn't think much of it
it wasn't until you two were cuddling and watching a movie in his apartment that he confesses to you
“i know that i’m competing against history between you and your ex, but i want you to know that my feelings for you are strong, y/n. and i’ll do everything to prove to you that i can be the man of your dreams”
you stare at him before bringing him in for a kiss
“there’s a reason my ex is my ex”
“just ask me to be yours already, mirio”
he didnt have to be told twice
it was actually that same night that cuddling turned into something a little nastier
honestly, from then on, if you cuddled for more than 20min, there was a 99% chance yall end up fucking lmao
but that night, when he was kissing your neck and grinding his dick against you, he noticed your phone light up on the nightstand
you were too caught up in his fingers between your legs but he saw the text from your ex
it read: “i know this might be out of the blue, but would you wanna catch up over dinner sometime?”
now, mirio wasn't one to be spiteful
but he couldn't help but get a little heated
knowing your ex was trying to get back with you was way different than seeing it
a tiny switch goes off in his head and now he’s ready to make it known that you and him are together
you’re in heaven as mirio’s lips suck and nip at your neck and body
his head game is immaculate
turns you on your stomach so he can massage your back and ass before sliding into you
mirio holds your neck and gives you sloppy kisses as his hips swim into you
your phone lights up again and you can barely think straight when he gets rougher
starts pounding into you like he’s tryna put a baby in you whether it’s possible or not 💀
youre grabbing for anything you can hold as he starts whispering sweet nothings about how he’s gonna take care of you
whew...what a man yall 🥴
the entire time he’s wearing a shit-eating grin
bc he knows he won
might have accidentally sent your ex a voice recording of you moaning his name
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chikkou · 2 years
do u have any controversial™️ lisa takes
- brad did pretty much everything wrong, but given the foundation he had to go off (in terms of not only being a parent, but just plain being a person), he definitely was better than he could have been
- buddy is completely in the right for wanting to secure her future for herself, even if she did hurt innocent people in the process (which BRAD DID TOO)
- the majority of lisa fans (particularly the ones from /v/) are literally unequipped to understand the complexities of the story because of the subject matter. i think austin handled it in probably the best way possible given the context, but for some reason most fans prefer to be like I Do Not See It when they discuss the games lore
- not sure if this is really controversial, but the joyful posited so many fantastic ideas and doesnt get the chance to fully realize them due to its length. as it stands, that game is probably a 7/10; if it was fleshed out to the same length as the painful, i think it could have not only matched its quality level, but maybe even surpassed it.
- brad should have given buddy to rando when he first found her and arranged some sort of deal where he and the uncles could have been her guards/caretakers/whathaveyou. this is suggested pretty much right off the bat in the painful, but brad shoots it down because of his desire to redeem himself from what happened to lisa, and i think that thats extremely selfish. i dont discount the fact that he did love buddy by the end, but that love was borne from a desire for atonement & to prove to himself that he wasnt like his father, not a real desire to care for a child. i find this doubly selfish because its not like brad cant fully trust rando either - thats HIS ESTRANGED SON, who HE abandoned. he knew that he was a very gentle, kind person, and would never have let harm befall her. he also had the backing of AN ENTIRE ARMY UNDER HIS CONTROL TO PROTECT HER, so it really feels like a horrible decision to not reach out to him.
- related to the last one - rando fucked up big time by orchestrating buddys kidnapping, like to the point that it kind of confused me because it felt a bit OOC and unnecessary. he does get pissed off at his friends for tying her up and knocking her out, and literally drags himself to her room to make sure shes okay, but i just dont understand why he did this when he didnt need to. buddy already trusted him, and he had proven himself to be protective of her while not completely restricting her, which is the balance she always wanted. hell, in both endings she clearly still loves him, maybe even more than brad - she buries him in the "leave them" ending and keeps his body with her in the "join them" one, but with brad she only keeps him alive in the "leave them" ending. again, i think having the game be longer would have given austin ample time to explore randos reasoning here, but as it stands it just seems really weird to me.
i probably have more but this is all i can think of for now LMAO
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detective-gum-chew · 3 years
okay okay okay
i know this isnt an orginal idea by any means but roleswap!narumitsu is just so good
so youll have to indulge me because this lives in my head rent free and i want to write it down concretely somewhere (also this gets LONG so ill pop a cut in here)
alright so:
1. at least in my writing of it, this is also a no-dl6/gregory lives au. but as well at that, miles and phoenix didnt go to school together
2. this means that there was nobody to defend phoenix at the class trial (yes i know the money stolen was edgeworths but shhh lets pretend it was someone elses, kay?) this lead to phoenix becoming not only bitter, but somewhat obsessive over the idea of punishing people that do wrong
(if someone can find that quote where phoenix talks about how he could have become a prosecutor because of the trial i will give u a gentle kiss on the forehead) 
3. Edgeworth was raised by Gregory and ends up becoming a defense attorney
4. in this, Von Karma goes down and Franzy is adopted by Gregory, and she assists Miles in his cases. (she can still have a whip, as a treat.)
5. anyway with that set up, lets get into some cases
6. Larry gets accused of Cindys murder, Miles defends with Franzy
7. Lets say Mia was in the crowd of that trial and decided to contact miles, seeing as he appears to be another uncorrupt lawyer and asks him for his help in taking down Redd White
8. He agrees, and she sets a time for him to meet at her office so they can talk. Mia then calls her sister and updates her on how shes going to recruit another person (Redd White hears this)
9. Much like the original case, Mia gets murdered, but this time, Maya isnt here to be blamed. Instead, its Miles himself, as the name that White heard over the phone (so basically we’re speed running to the “defend yourself in court” part)
10. the prosecutor today is Phoenix Wright.
11. but before that lets go into some backstory actually. Phoenix had encountered Mia previously during the Terry Fawles case. He had respected her as a peer, if not for just her determination and deductive skills. (After all, he was young at the time and solely focused on punishing the wicked) After Diego’s poisoning, he had briefly reached out for condolences
12. but anyway, Phoenix had distantly respected Mia, and now that she was dead, he was going to be tough on whoever he thought murdered her.
13. Miles proves his innocence, although it takes some baiting to get Redd White out of his building and actually into court. 
14. Wright is... not pleased about this, but theres not much he can do. His displeasure for Mias murder has shifted, but theres a new displeasure for Miles, the man who could beat him in court. (”well well well, you managed to save your own skin. But you should hope you get as lucky as you did in your next case”)
15. Next case! We know Miles is a steel samurai fan, so even without Maya it takes very little convincing for him to take the case. (Fran is not as amused but trusts her brother... enough.. to follow his lead)
16. Case proceeds mostly as normal, with Phoenix requiring Dee to re-do her testimony (maybe something deep within him still itches to put the true bad guy away, even if its harder than the accused)
17. I dont think Phonix would deliver the unnecessary feelings line, although there definetely is that moment in the lobby where hes like “hm. maybe you arent a bad person, but that doesnt mean i have to like you.”
18. and now, now now now, we finally get to the part where i somehow managed to put the most thought into. (for context it is nearly 2 am when i am writing this)
19. sleep schedule aside, you couldnt have thought i would made this WITHOUT some good angst, so here we go. case four is similarly structured to the original, but with an extra side of Phoenix angst.
20. Miles wakes up to Franzy shaking him. She points to the television. the news is on, but the voices are drowned out by a distant ringing as he stares at the image on the screen.
Famed Prosecutor Phoenix Wright Arrested For Murder
21. it just doesnt make sense. So he gets out of bed and into the closest clothes he can find and out the door with his sister in tow. He sits in the cold detention room, thinking about the other side of the glass.
22. Phoenix Wright looks dull. He asks what they want. Miles says he wants an explanation. Wright sneers and asks why. For some reason, that pisses Miles off. He slams his badge to the glass and Wright looks surprised.
“Do you know what this is? It’s my attorneys badge.”
“the badge doesnt mean youre a good lawyer.”
“Well Mr Wright, its 2-0, so i dont think you have any right to say that.” Miles glares at him and Wright sits back in his seat. He watches Miles for a long time.
“If im going to defend you, you need to tell me what happened.“ Wrights eyebrows shoot up and Franziska squawks at his side
“What do you mean defend him!”
“What she said.”
Miles narrows his eyes at Wright as he ponders to himself the answer. Why is he doing it? the answer comes to him. 
“Because i dont believe you did it.”
For all his snark, Miles cant bring himself to believe that the man in front of him would kill someone. Theres something about him, either in his eyes or the way he carries himself that makes the idea itself preposterous. Wright looks at him for a long time after he says it.
“Very well.”
21. Miles doesnt seem him until court, but at least he testifies. The next person up, a red head by the name of Melissa Foster, gives a testimony that seems airtight.
22. that is, until he looks over at Phoenix, who is pale as he looks at the woman on the witness stand. Phoenix catches his eye, and very carefully, very slowly, mouths one name.
Dahlia Hawthorne
23. (I really wish i could continue with the more narrative parts of this but im honestly running out of steam and ill get to the point lol. Maybe ill finish it later.)
24. Terry Fawles dies on the stand. Diego Armando falls into a coma. Dahlia Hawthorne walks free. Even after what happened to Diego, Phoenix is convinced he can do better. He sets up a meeting with Dahlia.
25. Doug shows up, trying to persuade him away from it, saying he overheard Dahlia’s plan to kill Phoenix when she arrives. Phoenix is cocky, and the pair fight. Doug gets shoved into the powerline. Phoenix, thinking him dead, panics and runs.
26. Dahlia, having overheard, goes back and finishes him off, drops some poison into his mouth perhaps. With an accidental death with a cause so obvious, nobody bothers to run blood tests (until Miles)
27. Its years later, and Phoenix gets a note that tells him they know what really happened to Doug. Phoenix arrives to a meeting place to find a dead body. He picks up the vial of poison almost absently. 
28. After all, Dahlia had gotten rid of Diego and Mia was dead. Now all she had to do was get rid of Phoenix
29. It plays out similarly to case four, with Phoenix being absolved of the first murder, then confessing to the old one. Miles has gone through the work to save his life once, that he cant not do it again.
30. but happy endings (ish) for all, with Phoenix being freed, Dahlia imprisoned and Miles having a better understanding of both him and Phoenix.
31. maybe more happens but we’re at bullet point 31 so its time to stop for now lmao. uh but yeah! roleswap au..... brainrot really.
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uwumessenger · 4 years
HAHAHA WAIT I LOVE THIS IDEA c racks knuckles aight here we go! slight spoilers for mystic messenger but nothing too much teehee
let's also pretend that they are restricted of their demonic power or at least have more control (kinda) over their impulses ! only did the bros for now but will eventually do the others afterward
i definitely see him going down the common route, with jaehee
like can u imagine him bonding with jaehee over all their similarities
or being kidnapped by mint eye and then helping v thru his shit
his pride doesnt let him ask for help and he tries to escape the apartment/mint eye himself before finally accepting help from rfa
has a lot of beef w jumin
the party guests love him tho
hes a yoosung route boy i can feel it
mammon would get SO PISSED and IRRITATED with yoosung but help him cope with the whole rika thing at the same time
there's a sense of understanding bc of the lilith stuff
but has beef w jumin and v
likes zen and yoosung bc they remind him of asmo and levi. he misses levi a lot. they were lowkey partners in crime
has attempted to rob jumin, didnt end very well
also attempted to rob a bunch of the party guests. they do not like him
may or may not have gotten kicked out of the rfa but he doesnt mind
levi x saeran ftw
levi is smart dont get me wrong but he would for sure listen to a stranger and go to an isolated location to "test a game" with said stranger.
he helps saeran/ray but might accidentally end up in one of the bad endings
rika would like him bc, as it is w almost everyone, levi and yoosung resemble each other to an extent
thinks that he really is in a game and that saeran managed to create very realistic irl characters
devildom game tech seems more advanced than human world stuff so it makes sense that he wouldnt realize that theyre real
would rate the "game" 9/10 and give saeran feedback then ask to play it again.
if he does the common route party guests would try to talk to him but he accidentally bit the dracula guy to try to seem dominant so now they all actively avoid him.
a jumin route typa guy
jk theyd hate each other if satan was in mc's position
like, they would get along under any other circumstance but i think jumin would remind satan of lucifer as a first impression
and that lowkey creates the worst tension EVER
he'd have fun in v's route for sure tho. oh gosh
i think satan would steer off path and become a cult/religious leader himself
he thinks it's the best way to outshine lucifer or prove himself or whatever 😭
and that my friends, is how satanism came to be!
party guests feel that something is off with him but cant put their finger on it. maybe it's just the way he's dressed.
hmmmmmmmmm jaehee route
he shares some common interests with her and would hype her up all the time
and help her stand up to jumin and go open that cafe!
only thing is asmo is a horndog so jaehee would not like how much he hits on other people when theyre hanging out LMAO
especially if he hits on zen
other than that asmo is way more chill than the others if they were to be in the game haha
well he's difficult in the beginning bc the apartment doesnt have many skincare items and he'd be freaking out
once he gets out he and jaehee would have a spa day
and he's sure to make it a monthly thing :')
party guests avoid him as much as possible but he ends up speaking w all of them anyway
saeyoung's route
he too, is a twin, and could feel that there was something wrong. intuitively knows that saeyoung and unknown are connected somehow
all of rfa loves him!! especially yoosung. yoosung finds a lot of comfort in him
ignores the warning that leaving the apartment could make it explode bc he was just so. hungry.
jumin takes him out on wine tasting events
jumin also tried to make beel his bodyguard but it didnt work
tried to eat elizabeth but realized it was a cat, not cotton candy, and tried to steal it for satan
party guests love him too. except the udon bowl. we all know why...
mans for sure gets bad ending no matter which route he takes
very much encourages rika and saeran to go farther with mint eye
and would try to recruit all of rfa
ends up overpowering rika and becomes the cult leader himself. wreaks havoc over the entire human race. barbatos, diavolo, and lucifer have to clean up the mess.
if we're talking about belphie post mc's death, he would be a little better
has beef with yoosung but only on accident
also has beef w jumin, v, and zen
meh toward jaehee
likes saeyoung, saeran, and rika
party guests are very iffy toward him. he sends shivers down their spines...
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adorable-deku · 3 years
For the song ask game = 'Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In!' by Will Wood? I would link it but Tumblr doesn't like me for some reason
i really enjoyed this song. idk if youve also listened to these but if u love this song i recommend brutus by the buttress and viva discordia by the handsome devil
anyway, the au: izuku doesnt have a quirk (as usual). all might tells him that becoming a hero would be suicidal
izuku's like 'yeah? ill fuckin show u suicidal'
joins an underground fighting ring to prove that he isnt weak and useless
he loses at first. he loses a lot. inko got pretty negligent after her husband left bc of izukus quirklessness, so thats one more thing fuelling izukus spite. anyway, she doesnt notice that he comes home injured all the time, and doesnt pick up the phone from the school telling her he isnt coming in.
eventually izuku starts using his smarts to strategize against his opponents, how to use their quirks against them, how to make their bodies betray themselves
he learns how to read their psyche, how to find and dig at psychological wounds like a bloodhound
understandably, he makes enemies
he feels bad, at first. he has nothing against these people, but a fight is a fight and izuku has something to prove
hes nice and apologetic to ppl he pissed off in the ring, much less nice to ppl who attack him unprovoked
ppl realize something is wrong when one day bakugou catches izuku by the shoulder and izuku nearly strangled him against the wall and snarls 'try it again ill kill u' and it feels real
bakugou was less scared of the slime villain than he is of izuku in that moment
izuku sees it. he stumbles back and runs away bc bakugou was right. he couldnt be a hero. he didnt think he was a villain, but...
his info gets spread around: the quirkless champion of the kawara underground ring
he draws peoples interest. some negative, some positive, some neutral
he starts getting attacked oretty frequently by assholes like the dregs of the MLA, ppls he previously fought and screwed over, and sometimes their family members with a grudge
oftentimes izuku gets hurt, even so he doesnt kill the people that come after him
one fucker holds a kid histage to get izuku in his hands (overhaul) and izuku fucking loses it
obviously leaving these fucks alive is dangerous to both izuku and everyone else
overhaul is the first to go. he gains the bastards trust, lures him into a sense of security, then hits him w one of the quirk suppressant bullets, then stabs him to finish the job
the facility is a mess, and izuku takes jo prisoners bc everyone here is scum (except eri, who he very quietly drops off at yuuei bc if any ppl could handle eris quirk itd be nedzu and eraserhead)
izuku continues to gain power to keep himself safe, whether he really wants it or not
he creates a truce w shigaraki that essentially boils down to : i wont step on ur toes if u dont step on mine.
someone kills inko one day. izuku grieves as much as he can, organizes her funeral, then fucking vanishes
dedicates his life to growing stronger and staying alive, having completely forgotten that his original goal was to probe that he was strong enough to be a hero
it all comes to a head when izuku is doing some training in the basement of his organization (criminal, information-gathering, becoming a huge threat bc they sell info to villains and heroes hve no clue how theyre getting the info) and all might fucking busts in
and then hes lost for a solid minute bc isnt that the kid who asked him if he could be a hero
izuku grins and asks 'so? would you say im suicidal?'
essentially, this au is summed up by izuku hitting rock bottom and pulling out a pickax
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