#and i told my head of state and he was like lol. lmao. went and found him then yelled at him so bad he almost cried
fandoms-writings · 1 year
omg remi i keep meaning to send in asks for your event but i always forget i’m so sorryxbzbdbz
request time!! what about "Come get me? I miss you." with any of your bucky’s, with a kisses extra please? <3
Ahhhh this one was fun to write <3 i had to stop before it got too long lmao
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: Bucky gets handsy when he's drunk lol
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, drunk!bucky, implied smut at the end, due to the content of my blog this is 18+ only
A/N: this is unbeta'd all mistakes are my own
Masterpost || Bucky Masterlist || Event Post
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It wasn't that Bucky was a lightweight. No, it was that asgardian liquor had a certain kick to it that sent Bucky into a drunken handsy mess. You sat in his lap, his hand roaming and squeezing the muscles of your legs and your hips and he nuzzled his nose into your neck.
As he laughed into your skin at something Steve said, you couldn't help but think back to the first time you'd seen him drunk, which was the first time he'd felt comfortable letting loose like that in front of the rest of the team. 
You'd grown tired of the party earlier than he did, retiring to your shared room for the rest of the evening and taking the opportunity to have a self care night. You took a bath, washed your face, did a mask, your nails - the whole nine yards. 
Finally in pajamas, hair dry and skin feeling the softest it's been in awhile, you crawled into bed, your comfort show on the TV as you got comfy. Then your show paused and FRIDAYs voice called your name through your speakers. 
A sigh left your lips as you shut your eyes, "Yes?" 
"Mr. Barnes is requesting to speak with you," She announced and your brows scrunched. He could just come back to the room if he wanted to talk to you so bad. But part of you had your anxiety peaking - maybe something happened downstairs and it was an emergency. 
"Put him through." 
"Yes ma'am." It was only a moment of quiet where you were questioning everything before Bucky's voice filled the room. 
"Babyyyy," he sang out, "Baaabyyyy." 
You shook your eyes as you got ready to stand, "Yes, my love?" You called back and you heard his gasp as if he didn't know you'd answer. He must've been calling for you before FRIDAY connected him. 
"You answered!" You could hear the smile in his words as he told you about how he didn't think you'd still be awake. 
"I'm awake, but not for much longer," You informed him, "What's going on?" 
He was quiet for a moment before he finally replied, "Can you come get me?" His voice was small and you couldn't hear a smile anymore, "I miss you." 
There was a tugging in your heart as you threw the covers off of your legs and stood from the bed. 
"Where are you, Bucky?" 
"At the compound," You rolled your eyes, but decided not to tell him you were also already there. "In the activity room. Everyone already went to bed." 
"And they left you there by yourself?" You slipped on your fuzzy socks, the damn floors Stark had chosen were always freezing the bottoms of your feet, and he confirmed his statement. "Stay there okay? I'll be there soon." 
You disconnected the call from FRIDAY before telling her to keep an eye on Bucky while you made your way down, taking the elevator ride to mentally prepare yourself for whatever state the team had left Bucky in. 
Padding down the hallway, you slowed at the corner leading to the activity room when you heard voices. When you peaked around the corner, you saw a very out of it Bucky leaning against a sober looking Steve. 
"I know where she is, I can take you to her," Steve tried to convince Bucky but your boyfriend shook his head. 
"Nuh uh, she tol' me she was comin 'ere," His brows were scrunched when he looked at Steve, "I ain't movin'." Steve chuckled and shook his head and you couldn't help but do the same. 
"Alright, pal, we'll wait together yeah?" You couldn't stop the small smile that grew on your lips as you watched Bucky's head lean against his friend's shoulder. You gave him another moment to relax with Steve before you rounded the corner, sneaking your way over to the couch. 
Steve spotted your first, catching you in the corner of his eye, and he smiled and waved. You returned the gesture before seeing Bucky with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful you didn't want to wake him, but you also didn't want Steve to have to be stuck here all night, not that he'd complain - he'd do anything for Bucky even if it meant sitting still on the couch all night. 
"Hey, punk," Steve softly said, getting a hum out of Bucky, "Open your eyes, look who's here." 
Bucky's eyes lazily opened, sluggishly scanning the room before landing on you, snapping the rest of the way open as a giant smile broke out on his face. 
"Baby!" He called for you, holding his hands out to touch you and you closed the distance, stepping into his hands as they wound around your back and pulled you forward. He buried his face in your stomach, taking a deep inhale as your fingers threaded through his hair. "You came." 
"Of course I did," You muttered into his hair before placing a kiss there and looking at Steve, thanking him for watching over you boyfriend. 
"You got this?" he whispered to you and you nodded. 
"Yeah, if I need help, I'll call you." He nodded and stood, patting you on the shoulder before walking down the hall. 
"You wanna go back to our room, hm?" You asked, pulling Bucky's face away from your stomach so you could see him. 
He nodded and you tried to help him stand, though it was hard with his wandering hands. Eventually, you got him to his feet, and half carried him to the elevator. With him propped against the wall, you leaned over, pressing the button for your floor. 
His arms wrapped around you from behind, his metal hand pushing its way up and under your shirt, grabbing one of your breasts and squeezing it in his grip. You let him lean into you, his other hand coming around your front, drawing lazy patterns over your stomach before it started to tease at your waistband, his pink pushing the edge of it trying to get past it. 
You grabbed his hand, giggling at the sound of disappointment that rumbled behind you. "Bucky, you know there are cameras all over this place, including the elevators right?" 
"So? I wan touch you," his hand on your breast squeezed as his lips placed lazy kisses on your neck and you had to keep yourself together at the sensation the cool of his metal against your nipple did to you. 
"I know you do," You said, looking over your shoulder at him, "But do you want to give Stark a free show?" His nose pressed into your neck as he grumbled. 
"No. . ." He muttered after a while earning another giggle from you as his hand still hadn't left your chest.
"Then, if you can stay awake once we get back to our room, you can touch me all you want." You promised, nudging his nose with yours and smiling as his eyes lit up with determination.
"I can," He said, swaying as he stepped back from you, "I can stay 'wake." 
The elevator stopped on your floor and you helped him get to the bedroom, helping him sit on the bed and take his shoes off. He laid back on top of the comforter with a sigh before looking at you and giving you grabby hands. 
You placed one of your hands in his, leaning over him to place a kiss on his lips, "I'll be right back, okay?" He pouted at you but nodded, leaning up to mold his mouth with yours once more before letting your hand go and watching you walk off to the restroom. 
When you came back, he was lightly snoring, laying the wrong way on the bed. You tried waking him to move him, but he was out cold, so you grabbed the pillows from the head of the bed and moved them to where he was. You pulled out an extra blanket, since he was laying on top of the other ones, and once you had him turned to his side just in case, you snuggled in behind him, throwing the blanket over the both of you. 
His laugh snapped you out of the memory and you looked down at him. He glanced up at you, catching your gaze and his smile softened. 
"What is it?" He asked, squeezing your leg. 
"Nothing," You grinned, leaning down to his ear, "Do you wanna come upstairs with me before you get too tired?" You asked, taking the lobe of his ear between your teeth for a split second before pulling away. 
When you looked at him again, the pupils in his eyes had blown wide and he had a single-minded gaze on you. 
"Get up," he ordered, "Let's go." You stood giggling, bidding everyone a good night before Bucky all but chased you to the elevator, almost giving Stark a show on the way up to your room where, this time, Bucky didn't know the meaning of the word tired. All. Night. Long.
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a-d-nox · 2 years
asteroids that aren’t getting more attention than this and aren’t related to my typical mythological shenanigans but that i still love (part 3: a semester’s worth of literature edition)
everyone hold on to your hats, my last semester is due to begin next week, and i just finished unpacking the fall semester in this post lmao. but don't worry though, there is always more literature and asteroids to explore! but do note i slow down on tumblr when i am in school so bear with me on slow ask response!
i have written about 25 literary asteroids based on what i read about this past semester in college and thus have never been mentioned by me and likely will never be mentioned again on my page (mythology is my main focus). this post is very different and long. if you have no interest in the history, look for bolded statements to avoid all the reading lol. an asterisk in the OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS section indicates that the other mentioned asteroid(s) can be found in this post!
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angelou (asteroid 9011)
Maya Angelou was a popular poet and civil rights activist, who received many awards and honorary degrees during her life. She wasn’t born into the prized poet career - originally she worked in a fried food restaurant, as a sex work, etc. In the late 60s her publication of “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” became very popular and she became an extremely popular poet/writer. She is the first black American woman featured on the a US quarter. IN MY OPINION Angelou in your chart can represent a) where you work hard to make your dreams reality, b) where you rise, c) where you advocate for others, d) where your intellect is rewarded, and/or e) your love for or aptitude for poetry.
antigone (asteroid 129)
Antigone is the incestuous daughter made by Oedipus and his mother, Jocasta. The play by Sophocles in which she is featured opens with the chorus singing that will rise alone and die young. After Oedipus dies his brother, Creon, sits on the throne. Her brother is faced with the challenge of what to do with the body of an invader; he declares that anyone who tries to bury the body will be put to death. Antigone goes against this order and then is sealed in a tomb to die from starvation. When Creon is advised by a prophet that the gods look down on his lack of honor regarding the body of the invader, Creon goes to the tomb to free Antigone. Antigone is found right all along only and Creon finds that she has killed herself. IN MY OPINION Antigone in your chart can represent a) where you are taboo, b) the piece of you that dies young, c) where you are willing to die for your beliefs, c) where you stand against your family, d) where you are forced to starve yourself, and/or e) suicidal tendencies or experience hopelessness.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: sophocles (2921)!
arthur (asteroid 2597)
King Arthur was born from deception - the King of Britain, Uther Pendragon, had a great lust for the Duke of Tintagel’s wife, Ygraine. When the Duke and his wife left the castle, King Uther demanded that they return - the Duke declined his request, suspecting his lust for Ygraine. The Duke and the King went head to head for a short time until King Uther went to Merlin for help, desperate to have Ygraine. Merlin agreed to help him in exchange for any child born from their union. The King readily agreed, and Merlin transformed the King to look like the Duke. He went to the Duchess and the two spent the night together. When the “Duke” (Uther) left in the morning, soldiers came to the castle shortly after stating that the Duke had been killed in battle. Shocked and in denial after having spent the night with her “husband,” the soldiers told her that she must have been visited by a ghost to bring her peace of mind. After King Uther took control of Tintagel and married Ygraine. Nearly nine months later, Arthur was born, and Merlin takes Arthur by force. "The Sword in the Stone" is a famous tale most of us know regarding how Arthur comes into power and becomes King after living life as the “bastard son” of Sir Ector (the knight whom Merlin has raise Arthur). King Uther Pendragon died shortly after Arthur was taken, leaving no one to reign over the kingdom. Merlin wanting no one to take Arthur’s spot place a sword in the stone; "Whoso pulleth out this sword from this stone, / is right wise King born of all England" was inscribed on it’s blade. At fifteen, Arthur pulls the blade from the stone to the shock of many people - his stepbrother, Sir Kay, does try to claim he pulled it, but after placing it back in the stone he and many others fail to pull it from the stone. Only Arthur is capable of pulling it out and therefore is the legitimate king. Onto something not many of us talk about - Arthur's death. In Le Monte d’Arthur, after a long reign, the knights of The Round Table appear to stray from their morality. Guinevere and Lancelot have a love affair and Arthur knows (he cared too much for each of them to expose/punish them), but when the other knights learn of this, they demand the two be held accountable for their actions. Lancelot escapes with his followers after slaughtering many knights. Sir Gawain insists that he and Arthur go after them - Arthur agrees to this. While they are gone Mordred - recently knighted by Arthur and brother of Gawain - claims himself King of England and new husband to Guinevere... and sends an army to attack Arthur whom is already dealing with the whole Lancelot campaign. Mordred mortal wounds Arthur, but Arthur kills Mordred. Lancelot and Guinevere die from illness and Constantine is instated as king. Arthur is momerialized and said to one day return to the lands. IN MY OPINION Arthur in your chart can represent a) adoptive families, b) where a lot of the world around you is filled with deception, c) where you lack knowledge of who you are or underestimate yourself, d) where you have power at a young age, e) where you are passive in a situation, f) where you care more about those around you than you do for yourself, and/or g) where you are the model for greatness.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: lancelot (2041), gawain (2054)*, guinevere (2483), merlin (2598), and camelot (9500)*!
atlantis (asteroid 1198)
Atlantis is a lost city at the bottom of the ocean. The ocean is one of Earth’s most unexplored frontiers - 80% hasn’t even been looked at beyond boating and satellite imaging. So it is not hard (for me at least) to imagine that Atlantis may have existed. Plato is the first to discuss this city in any “modern text” and all this is in reference to another philosopher who went to Egypt and studied the city that was lost... about 1000 years before him. Like all of Plato’s other musings a lesson was presented in the “downfall of Atlantis” that luxury, hubris, and wealth were bad for the virtue of humanity. Plato stated that Poseidon and his wife at the time, Cleito, lived on this island - Poseidon then gave fractions of the land to his demi-god children. Plato steps in to state that when the generations continue to progress they get further from their original godliness and find they are more susceptible to things like greed and pride. Plato’s dialogue is actually lost after this point so we have to infer from Plato’s “abstract summary” at the beginning that Zeus noticed that Atlantis was becoming too corrupt and forced Poseidon to sink the island using his powers over storms and earthquakes. IN MY OPINION Atlantis in your chart can represent a) where you should be careful and beware of vices, b) where you are undiscovered and dreamlike, c) where there a lot of rumors regarding yourself, d) living with a lot of your family members or multiple generations, and/or e) where you are torn down for your actions.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: zeus (5731), plato (5451)*, and poseidon (4341)!
beatrix (asteroid 83)
Beatrice was both a real and a fiction person. Dante immortalized her and his adoration for her character via The Divine Comedy - at age nine he saw her for the first time and it was something like "love at first sight." In Dante's Inferno (the epic i read this semester; i will not be writing about her role in the other two parts of The Divine Comedy), Beatrice lives on as the object of Dante's love. Her spirit brings forth the great poet, and Dante's idol, Virgil to escort the Dante, the pilgrim through Hell. At the beginning of Inferno Beatrice is seen by Dante, the pilgrim as a beautiful and virtuous angel who makes him wish to renew his faith in the heavens and make his soul more virtuous. IN MY OPINION Beatrix in your chart can represent a) where you are graceful, b) where you are likely to capture someone's eternal attention, c) where you are seen as angelic, d) how you inspire people to be better, and/or e) where/how you connect people with those that can help them reach their goals.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: dante (2999)* and vergilius (asteroid 2798)*!
bede (asteroid 3691)
The Venerable Bede is considered one of the greatest Anglo-Saxon theologian and historian of the Early Middle Ages. His Historia ecclesiastica is one of the most vital sources of history for Christians on the Anglo-Saxon tribes. IN MY OPINION Bede in your chart can represent a) where you're considered an expert by those of a set belief, b) your interest in the Middle Ages, and/or c) where your knowledge goes unquestioned.
beowulf (asteroid 38086)
Beowulf is the one of the first epic poems to have existed dating back to the seventh century. The poem was found in the tenth century and was saved in a rather noteworthy fire - sections of Beowulf are thought to be missing due to the great devastation cause by this fire (often marked *** in sections where ashes landed on the pages). Beowulf as a character is a Pagan warrior who is Christianized by the anonymous Christian transcriptionist. Beowulf is an incredibly strong and notorious hero in the ancient realm of Geatland/Denmark. After hearing word that a monster named Grendel haunts the halls in Hrothgar’s land, Beowulf lends a helping hand. Beowulf beats the creature who has been destroying Hrothgar’s realm for twelve years in one night - empty handed. Beowulf himself vanquishes two more nearly indestructible creatures after his first victory. He dies gloriously at an old age, post-battle with a dragon as a king surrounded by gold. IN MY OPINION Beowulf represents a) where you may be culturally washed over by those who believe they are superior, b) where you are heroic/humble/strong, c) where your tale is nearly destroyed but has been preserved, and d) where you attract glory.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: grendel (541982)*!
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
camelot (asteroid 9500)
Camelot is the city and castle of the famous King Arthur and his knights. Camelot was home to the round table - which presents as a utopia in which everyone must abide by the code of chivalry. Allegedly Camelot was given to Arthur and Guinevere by Merlin. IN MY OPINION Camelot in your chart can represent a) where you abide by a code of morality, b) where you experience honorable acts, c) where you meet a lot of people with good intentions, and/or d) large gifts given to you.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: guinevere (2483), merlin (2598), and arthur (2597)*!
click here for camelot-sn aspects in synastry
chaucer (asteroid 2984)
Geoffrey Chaucer is considered perhaps one of the greatest poets to have existed. This belief arises from his work The Canterbury Tales. As a man involved in diplomacy and politics (he aided Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV), he saw many aspects of life and was capable of encompassing the political satire associated with any given class. Chaucer grew up around royalty and had what is assumed to be a decent education. He married well - to a woman of higher class. Upon his turbulent retirement from clerk of the king, Chaucer began his work on The Canterbury Tales. This epic consists of twenty four unique tales following a different character who each tell their own tale in hopes of entertaining those on a pilgrimage in order to win a free supper. Each tale has a different genre in mind, ranging from romance to fabliau, sermons to allegories, etc. To accomplish such a feat (despite him having a bigger goal in mind - that each character tell four stories total (he did not accomplish this)) one could only assume that Chaucer was a very talented writer/poet with great knowledge of life within and outside of his class station. IN MY OPINION Chaucer in your chart can represent a) being deeply involved in politics, b) your appreciation for satire, c) where you can see the perspective of others, d) your judgement of the class system, e) your talent in story telling, and/or f) where you don’t reach the goal you had in mind but you are still praised for greatness. 
chekhov (asteroid 2369)
Anton Chekhov was a great writer and playwright; his works are identifiable by their simple plot and messy conclusions. Chekhov wished to focus on the everyday lives of the average person - a characteristic of Russian realism. Chekhov originally got into writing to support his family and pay his tuition - he was a doctor then a writer. Shortly after he became a physician, he learned that he had tuberculosis and seemed to gravitate towards the calmer world on writing (over the world of a traveling physician). Chekhov lived a shorter but full life of drama and the arts. IN MY OPINION Chekhov in your chart can represent a) where you wish for simple life but experience drama, b) where you are forced to go with a second option, c) how your health effects your career, d) where you support your family and self, and/or e) where simple life makes you money.
click here for taurus chekhov and chekhov-mc aspects in a natal chart
cslewis (asteroid 7644)
Many of us know C. S. Lewis as the man that wrote the Chronicles of Narnia - a thrilling high fantasy book series that had so much popularity, that it was made into a popular movie series as well in the 2000s. Lewis served in the infantry division during World War II then found himself engrossed in a literary education. He completed a three year degree in one in regards to English Literature (note to my readers: i too am doing my english major in one year (my cslewis is at 27° in my 12h)) then became a professor of medieval and renaissance literature. Most don't know that Lewis was an atheist for a long time in his youth and that later he became an apologist. Notably he wrote Mere Christianity in which he defended Christianity. IN MY OPINION Cslewis in your chart can represent a) your love for high fantasy, b) your enjoyment of anthropomorphic creatures, c) how must you enjoy a topic, d) quick education, and/or e) where you change beliefs.
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
dante (asteroid 2999)
Dante Alighieri was an infamous poet and philosopher. His Divine Comedy is likely one of the most important of the poetics from the Middle Ages because of its unique nature and inspiration of topic. During the Middle Ages most poet wrote in Latin - making the topic accessible to only the educated - but Dante wrote his Commedia in Italian. Most poets at the time also wrote in some kind of pentameter, but because Dante wrote in Italian and not Latin so he had to deviate from the typical rhyme scheme too. Dante was the first poet to use terza rima - three-line rhyme scheme, triplets in iamb (aba bcb cdc). Dante wrote his Divine Comedy in exile from Florence, Italy after being accused of corruption and financial fraud and due to not paying the fine associated with the crime. It is thought that his opening line of Inferno reflects his feelings whilst in exile: "In the middle of our life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood." The lines following are Dante, the poet's, musings of what Hell and it's punishments are like. Dante, the pilgrim, and Virgil, the ghost of the Roman poet, takes readers on a tour of Hell where all readers can observe the punishments of sinners via contrapasso. Contrapasso is a law of nature, much like karma, stating that for the crime there must be an equal and fitting punishment. Dante, the pilgrim, is in a constant state of existentialism as he reflects on the wrongdoings of others as well as his own wrongdoings. Dante, the poet, also included political figures in the sinners whom Dante, the pilgrim, sees along his journey through Hell... because Dante, the poet, was bitter over being exiled... IN MY OPINION Dante in your chart can represent a) how your writing differs from other people's, b) where you do your own thing despite common practice, c) where you reflect on your actions, d) your thoughts on the afterlife, and/or e) your metaphysical journey.
gawain (asteroid 2054)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a popular epic that opens at the winter dinner party of King Arthur. The party is interrupted by a stranger who introduces himself as the Green Knight (no shock he is quite literally all green) - he challenges the room of party-goers to strike him with his own blade, so that he will be peaceful and may gift his great golden axe to the winner. The only condition is that the Green Knight will strike whoever strikes him in return in one year’s time. Sir Gawain volunteers claiming that he would be no loss to the company because his life only means something because he is related to Arthur. Sir Gawain takes up the axe and decapitates the Green Knight. The Green Knight simply picks up his head and rides away reminding Sir Gawain he must seek him out at the Green Chapel a year and a day from now. Sir Gawain leaves around fall that year to seek the Green Knight only to find that he is unsure where to go - he finds his way to a castle. At the castle Gawain is invited to stay with the lord and take part in a hunting game; each day the lord and Gawain will exchange what they caught that day. The lord hunts, but Gawain stays in and finds himself pursued by the lord's wife... At the end of each day Gawain gets various animals and gives the lord the kisses he has gained from the lord’s wife. On the last day, Gawain keeps a girdle that the lady of the castle gives him claiming that it has the power to protect the wearer. When Gawain leaves with the lord - who states he knows where the Green Chapel is - he guides him then states he will go no further. When the Green Knight emerges the act ensue in which the knight strike Gawain. Gawain flinches twice until the third blow, but nothing happen but a tiny nick on his neck - thanks to the girdle. The Green Knight laughs then announces that he is actually the lord of the castle and the lady is actually Morgan le Faye who wanted to test Arthur’s court. Gawain returns to the court wearing the sash as a reminder of his failure to remain truthful, his cowardice, and his sinful nature. IN MY OPINION Gawain in your chart can represent a) a lack of confidence and/or good self-esteem, b) where you fear death but feign fearlessness, c) where you toe the line of your code of honor, and/or d) where you are constantly reminded of your cowardice and/or failure.
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
gogol (asteroid 2361)
Nikolai Gogol was a famous Russian writer. Gogol is thought to be the first writer to use the grotesque in the Golden Era of Russian Literature. His writing is identifiable by its his use of his character's defamiliarization with themselves (ex: in "The Nose," Major Kovalyov wakes up without his nose one day and experiences life as someone of low status and regard). Gogol himself was not a popular peer - he was thought to have a dark disposition. Gogol had many ambitions in life - he wanted to be an actor, a poet... When he tried to be a poet, his poetry (published under a pseudonym) was ridiculed by everyone everywhere. In response, Gogol bought all the copies that remained in stores and destroyed them swearing to never write poetry again. Gogol later decided to try literature and he excelled. IN MY OPINION Gogol in your chart can represent a) where you see the world through a strange and dark lens, b) where you degrade others as they degrade you, c) where you can't be everything that you dreamt of being, d) where you may be close to your job of choice yet you fail, and/or e) how you approach rejection on a grand scale and which area you are likely to face it in.
grendel (asteroid 541982)
Grendel is the first monster faced in Beowulf. Grendel is a lonesome beast who lives in the cold outreaches of Denmark. After being constantly annoyed by Hrothgar’s hall and the rowdy people within, Grendel decides to exterminate those within as punishment for disturbing his peace. For twelve years, each night Grendel slaughters Hrothgar’s people until Beowulf’s arrival. Grendel appears in the hall as he had many times before to discover that a shirtless, disarmed man lay in wait for him. The two battle and Grendel loses after Beowulf tears his arm clean off. Grendel retreats to his cold, lonesome lake in the forest to die. IN MY OPINION Grendel represents a) where you may feel alone/depressed, b) where you are envious of others, c) where you are annoyed the most, and d) where you must return to baser instincts to achieve peace.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: beowulf (38086)*!
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
haiku (asteroid 12477)
Haikus came to popularity in the 17th century and really didn’t have a name until the 19th. Haikus were originally targeted as zen philosophies for life - they aimed to have the reader reengage with world around them. Now these three lined poems (following the 5 syllables, 7 syllables, then 5 syllables pattern) follow any subject matter. The practice of writing a haiku is to practice the ability to use concise wording despite limitations. IN MY OPINION Haiku in your chart can represent a) where you can find peace, b) your talent regarding haikus, c) where you tend to be short and consistent, and/or d) where you experience peaceful thoughts.
isolda (asteroid 211)
This one is fun - so in the Arthurian legends in which Tristan is the central character, Ysolt is his love interest. The thing is how crazy this is her name is often evolved with language: Iseult, Isolde, Isolda, etc. In the versions I read (The Madness of Tristan, Chevrefoil, and Le Roman de Tristran) she was referred to as Ysolt - so that’s what I am rolling with. BUT the horrible this is that there are three Ysolts: the mother Ysolt, the Queen Ysolt, and Ysolt of the White Hands. I’m referring to Queen Ysolt because the founder of the asteroid was referring to Queen Ysolt, the star-crossed lover of Tristan. So here we go - Tristan is a bit nutty because Ysolt is his uncle’s wife… and he is in love with her… because of a love potion… He is obsessed, she is hopelessly in love with him as well. Ysolt constantly stands by Tristan and approaches him with gifts of recognition - honeysuckle, hazel branch, scissors, etc. In The Madness of Tristan, she refuses to believe that Tristan is indeed himself and despite his ostracism of her and her “lack of loyalty,” she is still accepted by him when she final believes him. IN MY OPINION Isolda in your chart can represent a) where you may have an identity crisis, b) where people may struggle to differentiate you from others, c) where you are hopelessly obsessed with others, and/or d) the types of gifts you give lovers.
click here for isolda-krama aspects in synastry
click here for isolda-vesta aspects in synastry
kafka (asteroid 3412)
Franz Kafka was a Bohemian writer, who is considered a big part of the modernist movement as he fused ideas of reality with the fantastical. Much like Chekhov, Kafka was not initially a writer by trade - Kafka was going to school to be a lawyer (but went into insurance) and spent his free time writing. He often wrote late at night but struggled with anxiety and self doubt - he burned an estimated 90% of his work. During his life he received very little recognition - publishing only a few works and mostly sending letters to those he had strained or romantic relationships with. Kafka died at 40 from tuberculosis (just like Chekhov), and in his will he instructed his friend Max Brod to destroy everything left unfinished (The Castle, The Trial, etc.) - but Brod ignored this and had most of these works published. The Castle and The Trial are two of his most popular works - both would have been destoryed had his friend followed his wishes. His works explore alienation, existential dread, guilt, absurdity, and so much more - many people relate to Kafka though he struggled with self esteem most of his life. IN MY OPINION Kafka in your chart represents a) where your reality is distorted, b) where you doubt yourself, c) your anxiety and existential dread, and/or d) where your thinking/intrusive thoughts are the most relatable.
ortrud (asteroid 551)
Ortrud is a character from Lohengrin - a final chapter in the medieval epic poem Parzival. Ortrud is the wife to the Duke's guard, Telramund. The Duke has been murdered, Telramund believes the Duke was murdered by his sister Elsa - when the King finds no answer to who is responsible for this murder he blames Telramund and orders a trial by combat. When a Knight arrives on the scene, supporters of Telramund beg the guard to withdraw from the duel but he refuses. All of his supporters begin praying, only Ortrud does not - instead she claims that he will live and likely win against the Knight. The Knight spares Telramund's life and Telramund and Ortrud are banished from the court. Ortrud confesses that she is a witch and can promise that they will rule the kingdom. Ortrud convinces Elsa to take pity on her and Elsa allows Ortrud into the castle again. Ortrud plans to topple the Knight's reputation by claiming he is some sort of sorcerer because the Knight has yet to introduce himself and share his identity. Despite not knowing who the Knight is Elsa marries him. The Knight easily defeats Telramund, who tries to attack him on his wedding night. The Knight states that his name is Lohengrin and Elsa has learned his identity so he must go home (somewhere in the fight scene there is mention of "In fernem land" which indicates his identity). A swan boat arrives to take him home but Ortrud comes forward to claim that the swan figure is Elsa's brother who Ortrud cursed into becoming a swan. Ortrud is then found guilt of witchcraft and essentially melts into nothing as she watches Lohengrin turn the swan back into the Duke. IN MY OPINION Ortrud in your chart represents a) where you are wrong about everything, b) your deception of others, c) where you expose yourself and your wrongdoings, and/or d) where your beliefs aren't in alignment with the majority of those around you. This asteroid was asked for by @brielledoesastrology !
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: lohengrin (9505), telramund (9506), and gottfried (9507) aka the duke!
plato (asteroid 5451)
Yes, we have talked Plato before in a prior post BUT THIS IS DIFFERENT. Today we are talking Plato’s Myth of the Cave. Imagine that all your life you have lived life in a cave - chained since childhood. Your back to the exit you don’t even know exists because you can’t turn your head. People walk behind you carrying objects, the shadows they cast are all you know. You are likely to belief that this is the reality of life - chains, shadows, and darkness. One day you break free and discover the exit - life exists outside of the cave. At first you would only pay attention to the shadows that are casted by the objects around you. You would eventually come to the realization that more than what you previously believed existed is real. This is how Plato explained knowledge - often people are trapped by their own perception, and what they see they believe. IN MY OPINION Plato in this context can represent a) where your beliefs rule your reality, b) where knowledge limits you most, c) where you need to shift your perspective, and/or d) where you can experience a major shift in belief and reality.
poe (asteroid 17427)
Edgar Allen Poe was a famous American writer known for his macabre mysteries - he is perhaps America’s first short story writer. Poe had several jobs before his creative writing - clerk, journalist, the military, etc. Poe also had many issues in his live including drugs, alcohol, women, and more. Most interestingly about Poe is his death; at age 40 he died from “congestion of the brain” according to the papers, but his death certificate is lost. “Congestion of the brain” is akin to inflammation of the brain - which means he could have suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning, epilepsy, menginitis, etc. Poe is also theorized to have been a victim of cooping - which is when someone is held hostage forced to drink alcohol whilst being beaten based on popular vote of hatred. IN MY OPINION Poe in your chart can represent a) where you have a dark perceptive, b) where you have a lot of life struggles, and/or c) uncertainty and skepticism surrounding death. 
pushkin (asteroid 2208)
Born of noble descendant but lacking any of the titles or entitlement associated with said descendant, Pushkin became Russia’s most famous author and poet. Pushkin went to school with other children of nobility but only ever excelled at literature. When he graduated he was free to do what he wished and he chose to write poetry - around 130 were written and were unpublished due to them being deemed too lewd for the era. One poem in particular was about a political figure and caused Pushkin to be exiled from Moscow. The Czar forgives him about ten years later and Pushkin returned home. He married a very lovely woman who had many suitors... One suitor she continued to see - and I’m not talking about Pushkin. Pushkin was then forced to propose a duel (completely illegal). Both survive the duel but Pushkin suffers for three days with a bullet wound and inevitably dies. On his death bed whole neighborhoods and even the Czar sent his regards. IN MY OPINION Pushkin in your chart can represent a) where you have increased opportunity, b) how well you do with literature, c) where you are forgiven and loved despite your shortcomings, and/or d) how love wounds you.
shakespeare (asteroid 2985)
Shakespeare, also known as the Bard and Sawn of Avon, is perhaps the greatest dramatist and poet of all time. Very little exists regarding Shakespeare’s childhood and education though most assume he was taught the basics as a public official’s son - often people doubt his authorship because of this lack of information. This gap in information and mysterious nature regarding his life is found frequently in his timeline; it is only when he becomes active in theatre that we have consistent knowledge regarding Shakespeare. IN MY OPINION Shakespeare in your chart can represent a) your appreciation for theatre/plays/poetry, b) where you are prolific, c) long-lasting public recognition, and/or d) where your life is mysterious and no one knows anything worth noting about you.
tristan (asteroid 1966)
Sir Tristan is part of a popular Celtic legend in which Ysolt and he are often experiencing tragedy and illicit love - by illicit, I mean that Ysolt is married to Tristan’s uncle, so technically this relationship would be consider at the time adulterous and incestuous. This relationship often begins with Tristan escorting Ysolt to Ireland to marry his uncle. On this trip the two accidentally drink a love potion causing a love affair to arise between the two. In Madness of Tristan, Tristan tests Ysolt’s claims of loyalty - he disguises himself as a homeless man and interrogates Ysolt about her love for Sir Tristan. He claims that she lacks loyalty and proves he is Tristan. She of course is so relieved to see him and the two have a reunion - in Chevrefoil the two actually are indicated to have sexual interaction. Anyone who knows about the chivalric code knows that knights aren't supposed to be adulterous and anyone who knows about chivalric love knows that there shouldn't be intimacy of that level for any coupling. In Le Roman de Tristran, the couple travels to meet one another out of lust and  but when Ysolt arrives Tristan is dying and quite literally does so in her arms, while she begs God to help him (news flash God doesn't support your adultery or incest, Ysolt lol). IN MY OPINION Tristan in your chart can represent a) a tragic and/or forbidden romance, b) where you go against your moral code for love, c) incest, d) distrust of your lover, e) lust or a “romance” you can not avoid, and/or f) where you die for “love.” Tagging @factsrological​ as a follow up to our Tristan conversation back in December 2022!
click here for mars-tristan aspects in synastry
vergilius (asteroid 2798)
Virgil, the Greek poet, wrote many great poems and epics (most notably the Aeneid), but his appearance as the guide of Dante, the pilgrim, in Inferno is one of his greatest historical moments. Virgil's ghost guides and protects Dante through Hell despite being seen as damned and not good enough for heaven due to his polytheism. Virgil advises and gives wisdom to Dante on human flaws and sins through out the journey to help Dante become pure enough to reach Paradiso. IN MY OPINION Virgilius in your chart can represent a) your appreciation for mythology, b) where centuries later you may inspire another with your work, c) where/how you protect those you guide, d) where you advise others to reach their highest potential, and/or d) where you are kept down due to your beliefs.
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lizhly-writes · 3 months
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that guy was so innocent lmao. just imagining him peering at current transmigrator yhr like "what happened to you, dude??" and our yhr deadpanning, "i got a backstory" lol.
in my head (even tho u said he has no issues), original draft yhr is kind of buying deep into toxic positivity ("if you just focus on all the good things happening right now you can outrun nihilistic existential despair and not think about the dark fate hanging over your head!") + dissociates from reality by considering him and everyone around him "just characters in a novel, it's kinda funny everything that happens, bc of course it would, this is a novel setting meant to be entertaining!" and now i want to him and current yhr to interact longer in a setting where they are siblings. lol
I think it makes sense if neither of them get to be Yang Haoran, because that's just going to be deeply confusing for everyone.
So we'll have Yang Haoyi (current transmigrator) and Yang Haolun (original draft).
"Does it bother you?" Yang Haoyi said, chin propped on his hands, watching his brother voraciously consume some cheap serial he'd picked up from the bookstore.
"No," Yang Haolun said. He rolled over on the bed so he was right-side up again. "Sorry, does what bother me?"
Even without context, it was a fair answer. Very little bothered Yang Haolun. Yang Haolun was a very peaceful in person, in general. He had a certainty about himself that Yang Haoyi would occasionally find himself jealous of.
"You don't remember anything at all," Yang Haoyi said. "Does that bother you?"
There was a pause. Barely noticeable, but still, it was there. "You mean that I don't remember anything about my past life except for some webnovel," Yang Haolun said.
At a young age, they'd realized something was wrong with them. Yang Haolun had been born with the bone-deep certainty that the world around him was playing out some sort of story, and hadn't kept it secret. Yang Haoyi, conversely, had been born with the bone-deep certainty that there was something wrong with his life, and had concluded that it was his brother's viewpoint that was the missing piece.
This seemed to be proven right, when Yang Haoyi could recite snippets of story that Yang Haolun had never told him. As they had gotten older, though, Yang Haoyi began receiving disconnected bits and pieces of some past life that went along with the story. Yang Haolun, in contrast, had never remembered anything of the sort.
In his place, Yang Haoyi could truthfully say he would be bothered. What it did it mean, living out a life and remembering nothing about it except for some random story? Did it mean that your life had been unmemorable? Did it mean there was nothing there at all you wanted to remember?
"Wow, you're thinking really hard about this, huh?" Yang Haolun said. "Drinking Meng Po's soup is the natural state of things, isn't it? The majority of mankind doesn't remember their past life, and they're not mad about it, so why should I be?"
"I remember," Yang Haoyi said.
"So you do," Yang Haolun said. "Congratulations, you're very special. Do you want a prize? I can get you... one ice cream. That'll take up my entire week's allowance, so you better be grateful."
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cherryskeletoncake · 6 months
Helo i'm the anon who made the ask about the song love like you!
I'm Leaf or 🌿anon but most call me Leafie, nice to meet you, I really like your blog so If life let's me I'll be more often in your asks :]
Also: Yes please rant about Techza I love them so much and there isn't enough content about them in this planet!
I love how you headcanon almost all the same things that I do :DDD
Most people think that Technoblade is the one with the most bottled up feelings but to be honest I feel like that is Philza. He's always the father of the group and the one you always expect to be the "responsable" one, of course that bird man knows how to hide his emotions and keep them all inside him which sometimes makes unable to actually show them freely.
I feel like an example of that is Technoblade's execution, most people put Philza in fanarts or animatics in a really emotional state. But to me, how Philza actually reacted was more like "Oh... This is actually hapenning... huh?-" like in acceptance, I hc that he was in shock and didn't know how to properly respond to the situation at hand. Also because he's inmortal, he has seen many people die in his life but seeing Technoblade almost die was the second thing after many centuries that made him shed more than a tear afterwards. (First one was when wilbur died)
Omg I didn't realize how long what I wrote was until I stopped typping lmao i'm sorry-
Leafie i adore you already, kiking my feet and giggeling like a school girl here, love to see you in my asks🌸
I’m nodding my head in agreement here. Techno is actually pretty emotionally stable and in touch with himself, but philza is hiding his emotions a lot. Or maybe not hiding, but a lot of people read philza a little wrong if they don’t actually watch his pov. This includes the other caracters as well. (Witch is one of the things that make story told like the dream smp so fun. You get really close to one caracter, but it’s harder to read other caracters becouse you only see them trugh somebodyelses eyes. You don’t get the other caracters ‘’inner monologues’’ from the streamer when you just watch one pov <3 love that)
Love how you used the execution as a exsample becouse it fits really well! If you’ve only watched techno, tubbo or quackity’s pov you wouldn’t know that philza broke out of his ‘house arrest’ to follow the butcher army as they went to find techno. Philza knew they were comming and his ‘act of surprise ’ when they brought techno in is only half true. Philza had hoped techno would have been able to escape (he knows techno like that) and his ‘’I can’t believe they actually cought you’’ is genuine but not quite as dramatic as the animations make out. But there is genuine concern for techno and resentment growing for new l’manberg growing in phil when he sees tubbo and fudy (and quackity and ranboo but they don’t have too much of a ‘conection’ with phil yet) actually go trough with their plans against techno.
But for someone who doesn’t watch phil or techno and might not ‘know’ philza as well during that scene might think of his emotions like dipair and fear for this frend and his own entapment. But someone who watches both techno and philza can see that phil is actually keeping a very leveld and calm attitude, conerned? Yes, techno is his best frend after all and loosing him like this would be horrefying. But not quite in dispair like he was over having killed wilbur. Shock is a good reading of his feelings, but i also found him more frustrated that he can’t do anyting than sad. (Phil was not happy when tubbo shot that arrow at him. Litterly a ‘’philza will remember this’’ type of moment lol)
Techno and Phil both hold their emotions close and uses them to fouel their actions. But techno is better at knowing himself and making himself clear with what he’s saying (if only people actually listen to him) and philza tends to pretend and hide his true feelings, like a mask that might look like what he’s actually feeling, but it’s a little stiff. Philza might also be better at lying than techno, like in a cassual way. (Techno is actually pretty bad at telling lies when confronted, he can make exscuses and avoid the question, but when confronted directly he gest … idk ‘figety’? It’s fun to see)
I’m once again rambeling. There are just so many ways to inerpert them! Philza and his emotions is so funny to see in how he RP’s as a content creator, and i feel like he’s really grown a lot at being more clear when he’s ‘acting as a caracter’ in the qsmp vs the dream smp.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
I don’t have a tik tok. What are they saying about our boys 🙄
omg thank you so much for sending in an ask about my post bc… i need to VENT lol
first and foremost, what aren't they saying about the boys on tiktok??? that's the real question.
imma just list the shit i've been either told or saw myself said about snc (but mostly colby).
sam should sue colby for the killing best friend prank (this one was brought to my attention by @xplrvibes like yesterday lol)
colby was molested
colby was sexually assaulted
elton made colby show his self harm scars on camera
colby has a bad relationship with his brother
sam cried being sexualized too much
the fans broke shea and colby up
colby has hated elton from the beginning
snc were talking about elton on the that one video years back (the one where they did the lie detector test on awesomenesstv)
not a SINGLE one of these are true, btw. that's the insane part to me. like…. every single one of these is a lie that i have no clue how they got started or who said them first.
and here, for anyone's benefit (in case you're curious) i will disprove all of these in one go.
sam was IN on the prank and has openly said that himself in the past
didn't happen/colby has never said that this has happened
same thing (granted if you want to make an argument that some fans have almost done this, that's a different story. but that's not what the fans on tiktok are talking about when they mention this)
colby has never self harmed. colby has never had depression, anxiety/has never been diagnosis with any mental illness. he even outright said in a video, EXPOSING THE TRUTH ABOUT COLBY BROCK, when asked if he was emo "depending on your definition of emo, if you say emo is somebody that hurts themselves - no. i'm not emo in that way." not to mention that if this is something that did happen, how come there was not a WORD about it until 2022??? the last time snc collabed with elton was in 2019. there is no WAY this shit could have happened, only to be talked about now with no proof. ALSO colby literally stated multiple times, back on metalife and even in a livestream in 2020/21, that he has never suffered from a mental illness, which is why he doesn't feel comfortable giving advice on it.
literally…. how would anyone know this in the first place? colby doesn't really talk about his family. but if you want to get technical, for a while in the back of his videos in 2020/21, you could see on his record player his brother's bands record. plus he literally went and saw him run a marathon in 2022 so… his relationship with him is fine.
that's literally not a thing at all lmao
shea and colby never dated, as much as shea would like you to believe otherwise. and if the fans are talking about their friendship… they are two grown adults. no one can make them do anything they don't want to do.
snc lived with elton for a full year, and continued to collab with him until 2019. elton didn't even become a hater until late 2020/early 21. so… no. colby didn't hate elton from the beginning just bc he has resting bitch face in some of the videos. if you want to make an argument that elton took some of his pranks too far, sure. but that's not what this is about.
this one is just ppl taking an old clip and trying to make it make sense to nowadays, so i'll give some slack. but again, this wasn't about elton. it was about aaron when they had beef with him for like a week and a half in 2019 lol
there is probably TONS of other shit said on there that i don't remember off the top of my head. but the fact that i've seen tons of these comments and tiktoks saying this shit is true is bonkers to me. idk who is starting these rumors, but like… dear lord above stop.
like i'm literally gonna have to make a snc tiktok account just to dispel rumors bc it annoys me to no end how these fans believe this stuff with literally NO PROOF.
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okthatsgreat · 27 days
SENDING ASKS AT YOUR REQUEST MY LIEGE. OC asks in particular. ONE. Any songs you associate w your ocs? Which songs for which ocs? TWO. Who took the longest to come up with? Who're you still working on? THREE. Whose arc took the longest to come up with? :) Who still doesn't have an arc? FOUR. Who's the most fun to draw? Who's the hardest to draw? Answer as many or as little as you like... ENJOY!!!!!
vibrates wildly yessss YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ONE: any songs i associate with my ocs?
TOO MANYYYYYYY TOO MANYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! FAR TOO MANY. my oc playlists are so scattered and strange bc they’re all a mix of like. songs they would LISTEN to and songs that REMIND ME of them/have lyrics that apply to them lmao. i’ll try to choose a few!!!
- JUST BECAUSE SHES THE CHARACTER IM CURRENTLY PLAYING IM GONNA GIVE HER TWO SONGS LOL. “sinking boat” by infinity song for sadie!! extremely relevant considering the rp takes place on a cruise ship LMAO. song all about not worrying about rocking a boat that is doomed to sink anyways :) feels relevant lol. but the one i think is MOST relevant right now to her is “paranoid android” by radiohead!! told from the perspective of somebody very miserable and paranoid but still finding a way to place herself above others
- “cop car” by mitski for sæunn. literally every lyric of this song………… so good for her. she DOES get mean when she’s nervous like a bad dog. she doesn’t think about the past because it IS always there anyways. FUCK man FUCK!!
- i KNOWWW ive said this so many times before but “the fear” by lily allen for pippy/erin it’s just such a good song for her……. losing yourself to fame the image of stardom you portray…..
- “nothing bad ever happens to me” by oingo boingo for ryobeee :) this is HIS song lmao, truly so in his own head that he can’t feel empathetic to the tragedies around him, especially because nothing bad seems to be going wrong for HIM
TWO: who took the longest to come up with/who am i still working on?
UMMMMM to be completely honest with you ALL of my ocs are in constant states of reworking LMAO they’re hardly ever complete!!! there’s always little minor changes being made all of the time…….. i’m not too sure who took the longest to come up with i’ll be entirely honest just because they mostly come to be like prophetic visions in the middle of the day BUT YOU KNOW WHAT. ryobe took a bit of reworking LMAOO. went from the ultimate tv host to the ultimate prankster to the ultimate content creator, design changed up a whole bunch, PERSONALITY got switch up
THREE: whose arc took the longest to come up with/who still doesn’t have an arc?
UMMMMM honestly as of right now probably sadie LMAOO purely because she’s an rp character that’s in the middle of an arc right now!! however with sae and erin (my other two rp characters) i had a pretty solid idea of what i wanted their arcs to look like (pippy progressing into erin, sae taking on more of her fathers temper). with sadie i ALSO had a few ideas, however it just so happened that chapter 2 fucked her up BAD STYLE and how her arc inevitably ends will depend on how things progress………. teehee :) other than rp ocs i think ries whole deal didn’t really click for me for a bit either, but i really like how tragic it is that when she does truly learn to step away from the persona she had created it leads to her class voting incorrectly and getting sentenced to death . awesome sauce!
oh there are a few ocs of mine that only have vagueish arcs LOL. like mika girl sorry you are vague 2 me
FOUR: who’s the most fun to draw? who’s the hardest to draw?
THEYRE ALL PRETTY FUN TO DRAW i do especially love drawing pippy just because she’s super bright and colorful and always has the worlds LARGEST grin on her face like this -> :D
A LOT OF MY DND CHARACTERS ARE HARDER TO DRAW AND THAT IS SOLELY BECAUSE OF ARMOUR LMAO. i LOVEEEEEE drawing for null but it definitely has been pushing me into more dynamic poses!!! it isn’t super expressive in its face but is VERY expressive in its body language, not to mention how inhuman and strange it’s supposed to look
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the everyday sex yeah....im waiting for yn to do another prank on hee (lmao yeah another one) like imposing sex ban with some lame excuse he would die (not really unless) but the pouty baby mode would be activated man would go crazy "can u at tleast watch me while i jerk off?"
lol sorryyyyyyy
i've thought about this concept before, back when i drafted a chapter (i think it was the beginning of MRE...maybe mid?) where y/n had to get a break because she was too sore. THat was when i thought of "what if she told him no more for like a month?" but heethan has his own personality in my head, its like he lives in my mind rent free so when I write, i write the first thing that pops into my head on what he would do....and this is how it went down:
Hint of SMUT, SMUT implied, but not descriptive or mentioned in detail. Slight MDNI below:
PS: Just imagine the image with black hair instead of the blonde...i'm not photoshop inclined one bit. lol
His eyes grew wide the moment he took in your words.
'DId she just say ....what i think she just said?'
You stood there remaining steadfast, wanting to see how much grasp you had on this man, considering it was obvious that he was into you beyond what was considered normal obsession, yet you didn't mind, you felt safe, protected, loved, and nurtured because of it.
"Heeseung, i mean it. No more until the end of the month."
you giggled internally, he looked so cute standing before you with his mouth slightly parted, his eyes wide under the shadow of his cap, and his hands at his side, palms facing you as he was presenting total confusion and shock nonverbally.
"And....what makes you think that it's going to happen?" he asks.
"Because i said so."
Little did you know, you made a grave mistake that moment when his head was taken aback by your statement, and the look of shock and confusion was replaced with a laconic one.
"Oh....because YOU said so...hmm....interesting." he remarked.
Walking towards you, you remained still with your arms crossed, wondering why the tension was growing, also...where was the sense of animosity coming from? it was as if the room grew dark.
"Pretty baby....let me explain something for a second..." he states, his eyes dissappeared underneath the hovering of his cap. Step by step, he stands right before you...actually he was too close. His chest grazing against your breasts as his chin faintly rests atop your head as he places both hands on the wall behind you, caging you in on his broad frame.
"You....are so beautiful. You're so dazzling and you're remarkable. You're like nothing I've ever seen before...." he softly issues out as he leans into your ear, softly vocalizing his words up against your hair, your neck, and your helix.
"BUT...." the harshness of the sudden change in his tone as he continued shocked you.
"If you think that you're going to call the shots to anything....think again....think LONG and HARD...babydoll."
The moment he said 'babydoll' you knew....he switched to his other face. Leaning your head back slightly, you looked up and saw the sinister glare and smirk of Ethan staring down at you, biting down on his lower lip looking as if he was deviously planning on something.
"You should learn...to ask first...babydoll." he softly speaks as he peers his smirk down at you with his eyes stabbing into yours.
"...oh...okay. well it was just a joke. i just wanted to see your reaction." you stared at the ground, nervously chuckling as you felt the weight of his stare on you.
"Oh....a joke huh? well i got one for you then."
"w-what is it?"
"Knock-knock. "
"W-whose there?"
"mmmm-Ethan > : ) "
You displayed a look of confusion as he stated his own name, yet he only raised his brows at you, ushering for you to continue.
".....Ethan who?"
"I havent Ethan all day and i'm hungry. Come here and....."
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Before you could process the joke, which much later on you realize that despite how lame and corny it may have initially came off....you had to admit....it was quite clever and creative, considering he came up with it right on the spot.
As far as how that night went, you couldn't remember much of what happened after he yanked you by the waist and devoured you with his kisses....ALL OVER YOUR ENTIRE BODY.....
You knew it had to been heated and that he may have taken out some level of frustration or irritation out on you because you felt a bit of the stretch in between your legs as you were getting ready for classes the next morning. Which all Heeseung did was admire you with a devilish smile.
"Ah...that's too bad. ;) "
The lesson to get from all this, is as follows...
Nothing isn't so....unless Heethan says so.
"How am I doing?" - Smau/Timeline Drabble
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lexicorp · 11 months
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Adventure time is in my brain so much now-
I'm round mid season 5 rn buuuuuut already started theory crafting and au incorporating one of my peeps
Amory Führer taking Simon's place as the local ice wizard ~
I'd think that this universe would come about from the wish "I wish Simon never found the crown" and thus someone else replaces his biz
Simon and Betty don't get into that absolute batshit, tho I'm sure they'd still have some shenanigans in their years lolz. But ye, it works p well for them, they deserve chill vibe time-
Base amory is always obsessed with magic, so it was perfect to translate to this. He would love Simon's books and study antiquarian stuff on the side of his chemistry science nerd degree. And when Betty and Simon can't find the crown, amory with his stubborn ass would find it a perfect way of proving his metal to retrieve it where a famous person couldn't lolz. He always feels like he has something to prove, which manifests in his reckless determination and stubbornness. His goal was to prove the existence of magic and theorized the artifacts were tools and a map to determining the code to spells with your own hands. His dad always thought it was absolutely stupid, that he was wasting his potential on silly fantasies, daddy-o wasn't a fan of Simon either when amory would talk about a lecture of his. Amory's dad is kinda like, take Marcy's dad, and remove the goofy cray cray, he's kinda jus a gruff and generally aggressive ass. Abusive in many flavors and imprinted a lot of the trauma response behaviors in amory.
(I'm tryna summarize best I can but omyglob-)
The gal on the bottom right was amory's fiance, who didn't know much bout this stuff but tried to support him, yet something didn't sit right with her about seeking objects like those that are buried away. Amory was wrapped up in his head and didn't listen, which leads to kirona leaving, as she couldn't deal with his progressively worse obsessive behavior, especially after he found the crown and put it on. He did not keep it together with the crowns effects, and nearly hurt kirona before she managed to land hitting the crown off his head. He was so engulfed in what he saw that he didn't even hear her when in her high adrenaline state was scolding him. When kirona tried to take the crown to get it away, he reached out to take it back which made her more angry. High emotion time and all that she rushed out from the apartment.
Amory tried to show the crown off as proof of his theories, that he just needed to study it more. They didn't believe what he told them of it, so in his frustration he put it on to show them, trying to keep it together this time, but it went a bit crazy with him freezing some peeps and getting in ppls face hah.
His deal is that he totally is like, "itsfineitafineitsfine-" thinking he totally has it all under control, that he can figure it out.
Over the years, he thinks he's found a way to stifle the madness to get a clearer head. In his chaotic potion making, made a sort of toh eda elixir. It helps but doesn't fix fix it, and he'll start growing a tolerance so he keeps changing it and trying to figure out other ways. So he's kinda in between ice king and winter king in sanity lol
Instead of capturing princesses like ice king, glacier king (amory) tricks wizards into signing a contract to basically give their body to science, door to door business bich in the wizard City lmao, jus like I got ✨free healthcare✨ XD also collects various creatures of ooo to study mutations and differences between how the natural creatures are and hexed creatures. Glacier would also be fascinated by bubblegum for her own mad scientist side lol. He would a hundred percent steal her candy people making instructions or randomly bug her for tips or share his own.
Finn and Jake would be a nuisance cuz y'know they'd sabotage his hostage lab rats biz, but after getting over that he'd find it kind of amusing and a cut between the cycle he's been in. So later in the show would study them lol not entirely sure how all the parts would work- but that's most of what I got so far
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lesbiangallagher · 10 months
my great aunt passed recently ;—-;
my great aunt passed away and she lived to be 99, with only 2 months away from her 100th bday. also side note the way most everyone in my family lives til their 100s lmao. i know two ladies who passed away at 101. honestly it’s incredible to me. my mom’s side of the family is extremely women-driven, like i cannot name all of the cousins my mom has but i sure do know they all went to the same all girls school lol slay queens we out here
but yeah my great aunt was the best tbh. she was always so incredibly kind to me even when my parents would drag me to spend 10 hours at my cousins’ house when i clearly did not want to be there and even when i was obviously weird and emo, she always said i was so beautiful and smart and if there was anyone who prayed, it was her. she always prayed for me, she would tell me lol i would hold hands with her as she told me stories about my mom when she was younger and it always humanized my mom in a way that i was like “omg my mom and i are extremely alike and idk what to do with that information but lash out more” but my great aunt was always so patient and listened to me too. she was just that person who loved everyone in a room, like kind of no matter what. my older cousin and i are the only two out gay people in this branch of the family and he’s feeling it. even my sister is feeling it too! and my sister is a tough nut to crack but she was always so endeared by her and she was, again, SO kind. in a room full of judgmental catholic ladies, my great aunt was always the nice catholic lady lol she would give everyone and i mean EVERYONE in the room a blessing before they left to go home. she would literally spend 1 hour giving everyone blessings as they leave and i still remember what she used to say because it was the same thing every time. i wrote it down in my notes and i will not share it because im crying as im typing this and i should take my corny ass home. yes im on my period again
and she would hold your hand while saying it and do the sign on the cross on you too. her hands were always very soft
damn i haven’t felt this hit by a a family member passing in a while. maybe it’s my period or the state of the world and maybe it’s this other unrelated awful piece of news that hit the community round my parts hard or overall just exhaustion from being mentally ill.
it’s hard not to wallow but i have to keep it moving. i recognize that i can still process many emotions at once and i know that i’m resilient, time and time again. i have a good support system that knows me and cares for me and i have to keep it moving. i help kids on a daily basis and they count on me to keep it moving. we out here y’all it’s that time of year where everything kind of turns into a blur for adults lol but i think we will make it out just fine…grieving can exist at the same time as being thankful and happy while i’m doing my thing…
oof yeah idk that turned into a lot but i’m glad i got the words out there. i felt them jumbling in my head all morning but i feel so much better now. might delete might not but whatever. i love you tumblr diary 🤍
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jonghyunlesbian · 1 year
i am interested in your shinee concert experience pls show/tell me everything
sorry for responding late i had a Lot To Say and this took me a while! but yes !! i’ll do a read more because this will be long lol
so firstly i saw shinee in dallas for the fanmeet and for SWV! the fanmeet was july 31, 2016 (i have the official poster hanging up in my room lol) and the concert was march 24, 2017 (i get reminders that i took a lot of photos that day still).
so unfortunately i think my photos and vids from the fanmeet specifically might be lost to time? because i had a different phone and it wasnt an iphone however if i remember correctly it wasn’t very long only about an hour and a half and they only played about 5-6 songs since it was a fanmeet. they had a segment where they called fans onstage to guess what song was playing and they got to stand onstage with the members!! we also had banners we held up during the last song for taemin’s birthday ❤️ at the end end, the girl i sat next to had a poster saying she was minho’s biggest fan or something along those lines and i think shawols know he always stays onstage the longest after they finish to say goodbye to everyone lol so everyone around her was frantically waving their lightsticks to get him to see and he saw it and pointed at her and smiled it was sooooo cute!!
i dont have much merch from the fanmeet but i have the poster (its just their main photo from view with black text stating the fanmeet info on it)
i’ve had the same phone since december of 2016 so i def have the photos and vids from swv!!!! i went with some of my close friends at the time and my brother and i was SAWBING the whole time it was so embarrassing … anyway to warn anyone i was in an obstructed seat which at concerts means my view was a bit more limited (in my case i was at the very far left if the stage like last seats of the row situation). also this concert is very memorable to me because not only was it a full length concert (shineeworlds are notoriously like 3 entire hours) but i also surprised my brother with the tickets on his birthday the week before ❤️ he had literally no idea until then that we were going and we cried for like an hour when i told him LMAO
i have a BUNCH of shinee world 5 merch like i bought almost everything LOL and i’m soooooo glad i did in hindsight because i genuinely thought theyd tour more and obviously a lot has happened since march of 2017 so i’m really thankful to have had the opportunity and experience of seeing them ! if i ever want to move on from shinee merch i am 1000% raffling it off to tumblr friends !
in terms of the photos i’ll post i want to apologize because they are really bad quality 1. i had those obscured seats 2. i took most of my photos while recording too! 3. i can only post a few here but i took hundreds and a dozen videos!
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big takeaways from seeing them live were: onew sounds even better live than recorded! jonghyun is goofy and charismatic! key is so funny and spoke english the whole time and also his head was really big (i’m sorry diva but it’s true 😇 ily)! minho absolutely adores shawol and always has! taemin flows and dances like well oiled machine its beautiful! they are absolutely fucking amazing live, they put every ounce into every single song they perform and genuinely want to make the fans enjoy the experience its so fucking fun!!!
my last thing! here is the setlists from the fanmeet and from swv for archival purposes and in case anyone was curious!
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norbezjones · 8 days
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AU-gust in September #16: Hobby Drama (Romance The Backrooms)
(Didn’t get to post this yesterday, whoops!)
So, here’s the deal.  I couldn’t participate in my beloved AU-gust event last month, because I was busy.  So I thought, fuck it, I’ll just participate this month instead, because we as humans can do whatever we want, and screw the rules lmao!  And that’s what I’m doing.
The event is “supposed” to be for fanfiction, but I want to write AUs for my game Romance The Backrooms, a liminal space otome with 5 main love interests, so I’m gonna do that instead.  Like I said, screw the rules! X)
Since September has only 30 days, I’ll treat Day 31’s prompt as a Joker (aka a prompt I can switch out if I don’t like the day’s chosen prompt).
I also couldn’t resist using the @tropetember prompt! C: Here’s the tropetember prompts, if you want to take part in that event as well!
Today’s Prompts: Hobby Drama, Reunion
Characters: Uri, Kalcal, Zenobos
Other Info: the idea behind this is that it’s an in-person meetup for the otome game Café Enchante.
Café Enchante merch was a rare gem, especially in the United States.  So the members of the unofficial Café Enchante Discord had organized a meetup at OtomeCon.  Fans could see each other face-to-face, and (equally as important) show off and/or swap their merch items.
Currently, Uri was nervously heading toward said meetup.  He was sporting an cat-shaped itabag full of pins of his favorite Café Enchante love interest, Il Fado de Rie, the angel.  He had acquired quite a few extra pins & acrylic stands of Il that he hoped to pass on to another fan. . . Just thinking about that made him smile, because it would be nice to meet people who loved Il as much as he did.
He went into a side hall, away from the main floor of the convention, following the signs to Meetup Room 1F.  As he turned the corner, he saw two people in front of him.
“I’m hoping to get more pins of Ignis—what about you, Zenobos?” a tall, excited figure asked. 
“W-Well, my favorite love interests are Canus and Rindo, so I’m hoping to get some more stuff of them,” Kalcal’s friend, a short guy with hair that was surprisingly grey for his age, replied.  “I’m glad the two of us could meet up again for this convention—it feels like I haven’t seen you in ages.”
Uri gathered his courage and cleared his throat, walking up to the two.  “Are you two headed to the Café Enchante meetup?” he asked shyly.
The tall guy turned around, looking thrilled.  “Ooo, another fan!” he exclaimed.  Before Uri could react, the tall guy had ran up to him and was shaking his hand vigorously.  “I’m Kalcal!  Ooo, you have an itabag!  Is that Il in there, too?  That’s so awesome!”
Uri chuckled as the guy let go of his hand, feeling awkward.  “Yeah. . . That’s Il in there, alright.”
“Wow, you’ve filled the bag completely with pins of him!” the short guy exclaimed.  “How long did it take for you to do that?”
“Well, I’ve been gathering Il merch for almost a year on and off—it certainly wasn’t easy,” Uri replied, laughing.  “I have a few extras now, too, so I’m hoping to trade them for other stuff at the meetup.”
“Awesome!” Kalcal exclaimed.
“The meetup might be a little awkward now, though, though,” the short guy told them both.  “Some stuff went down in the Discord. . . Apparently froggergirl promised dbat324 that she’d bring some rare stuff, but now she’s backing out, and dbat is pissed.”
“Ooof, drama,” Uri said, cringing.
“Drama is right!” Kalcal exclaimed.
There was a pause.  Then the short guy said, “Um, I’m Zenobos, by the way.  What’s your name?”
“I’m Uri,” Uri replied.
Zenobos gave him a smile.  “I-It’s nice to meet you, Uri!  Want to walk to the meetup together?”
Uri smiled back.  “I’d like that.”
And so, the three of them went on their way.
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reidsnose · 3 years
love letters
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overview: spencer has a wonderful idea after finding out that reader had never gone to her senior prom
genre: fluff fluff fluff
a/n: i mixed two ideas that have been sitting in my notes app for this lol but i think its sweet!! i wrote it a little rushed and definitely not bc im not getting a prom this year due to miss rona👀 LMAO but as always please lmk what yall think ab it :)
the idea had fully occupied his thoughts the second after the words left your mouth.
it was "the buttcrack of dawn" as you had called it, though spirits were high on the late jet ride home. it was a rare but much needed positive end to the case, and everyone was happily chatting with each other. since the case was involving high schoolers, the subject fell on prom. everyone went around sharing their prom stories one by one, recalling awful dresses and questionable dates til the questions turned to spencer.
"what ab you, pretty boy, what was your prom like?" morgan asked, still smiling widely from recalling his own.
you watched spencer shift uncomfortably for a second.
"i uh..i never went to prom." he stammered, a tight lipped smile on his face.
"no! you just dont wanna tell us!" prentiss cried, throwing her hands in the air.
"i graduated high school when i was 12! why would i have gone to prom?" he reasoned.
"you had to have gone when you were older or something! everyone has!" jj countered.
"thats not true, i never went to prom either," you defended, subconsciously inching closer to spencer.
before anyone could even ask you to explain why, spencer got the idea. he mentally left the conversation after you gave your answer. he spent the whole rest of the ride home and the next couple of weeks brain storming and planning.
and casually after work one day, as he was walking you to your car, he asked you if you wanted to hang out with him that weekend; at his house.
you and Spencer had hung out before, but mostly at your house or at coffee shops; he didn't invite people over very often.
of course you agreed but you grew confused when he told you to dress fancy.
you raced home afterwards to raid your closet, looking for any fancy dresses you may have stuffed in there.
spencer spent the whole day preparing his apartment. he put up streamers and balloons. he made a playlist of all your favorite songs. and then he rushed to get his clothes from the cleaners.
and when you knocked at his door the breath that left your lungs struggled to come back after he opened the door.
he stood in a gorgeous suit, different than he had ever worn to work. he rubbed the back of his neck and gestured to the living room, revealing the adorable (albeit poorly made but its the thought that counts) decorations.
"um.. welcome to prom," he said, turning back to you, revealing a blushy smile.
he tried not to stare too much at you, but it was difficult. your eyes sparkled as you stepped inside and looked around. and the dress you were wearing fit you so gorgeously he truly couldnt take his eyes off of you.
"spencer, i..." you trailed off, enchanted by what he had done.
"sorry if it looks bad. or if you think its weird that i did this. i just thought cause neither of us went to prom maybe you wanted to have a little one with me? yeah now that i say it out loud maybe you hate it im sorr-" he rambled behind you.
you turned quickly to him as he got lost in his words, eyes glued to the floor. cutting him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him as tight as you could. you could feel the tension leave his body as he melted into the embrace, returning it gladly. he doesn't like to be touched by anyone really, except for you.
"i love it. thank you," you whispered, giving him one last squeeze before letting go.
he has a spread of snacks lying out on the coffee table which he has mooved to the corner of the room to make space for a makeshift dancefloor.
he turns on the music and you two start talking and dancing and laughing. two fools with four left feet completely and obliviously in love. well, oblivious the the other anyway.
a slower song came on, an old one that you had wanted to slow dance to ever since you were a little girl. and somehow naturally you two came together, his hand dropped to your waist, the other delicately cradling your own. your other hand found its way up to his shoulder, feeling as though a magnet was pulling you two closer. and closer.
he looked absolutely stunning. the soft lights he had strung around the apartment sparkled like stars in his eyes; its was...dizzying, in the most incredible way.
unbeknownst to you, as you stared at the stars in his eyes he was looking at his whole world that he had been somehow lucky enough to hold in his arms.
he held his arm out, allowing you to spin and when he pulled you back both of your arms ended up wrapped around his neck, and his around your waist. you were less dancing now and more...hugging. with your head pressed to his chest, he hoped with all his might that you wouldn't be able to hear his hammering heart. you most definitely could, but it was calming to know he was as nervous as you were. you smiled, listening more to his heart than the music he had played for you.
you were both sure that you could burst from pure bliss. the song ended a little too quickly for either of your liking and reluctantly you let go of each other. and suddenly Spencer was hit with the realization that he forgot something.
"oh my gosh," his eyes widened as he looked around the room.
"what?" you asked, mirroring him and looking as well.
"i can't remember where i left your corsage! i was gonna give it to you at the door but i forgot!" he exclaimed, running around the room checking shelves.
you smiled to yourself. he got you a corsage!
"ill help you look" you decided.
"please do," he chuckled.
"i thought you had an eidetic memory, shouldn't you know where you left it?" you joked, shooting him a smug smile.
"y/n, my brain was all jumbled to day and it wasn't just from being around you," he realized what he had said and quickly turned back to the shelf he was looking at, "could you check in my room please?"
his heart was racing at his own stupidity; how could he just say that so nonchalantly? he had been planning to tell you that he liked you for the longest time he cant afford slipping up and having it be anything less than perfect.
you slipped into his room, your cheeks warm from the idea that you make his big brain all jumbled. he probably didn't mean it like that, you were just looking too much into it.
you sighed as you crouched to look under his bed for it. you found a small wooden box that you slid out from underneath. it had your name on it.
is it normal to keep a corsage in a wooden box? you wouldn't know, you never went to prom.
you shrugged your shoulders, "i found it spence!"
with out thinking you opened the box, except instead of a band of flowers you were greeted with letters, all addressed to you. there were annotations written in the margins with purple ink. you furrowed your eyebrows as you scanned the various letters.
dear y/n,
today you complimented my glasses and my heart skipped a beat. thats dumb spencer dont start like that
dear y/n,
im in love with you. too forward
dear y/n,
you make life worth living. shes gonna think youre a creep
you felt a rush of euphoria fill your chest. did he really feel these things for you? your thoughts swirled in the most wonderful way. a wide smile broke across your face, butterflies running rampage through your stomach as you reread his words. his words addressed to you.
"oh thank God i really thought i lost-oh. oh no." spencer started as he walked through the door of his room immediately walking back out. you followed, blinking your watery eyes at him. "i can explain.
"i think youve explained enough, theres like 20 letters in here!" you chuckled, flipping through them.
"i didnt know how to tell you and i dont want to ruin what we already have and i-"
"it wasnt too forward." you stated, grabbing one of the letters.
"what?" he asked, dumbfounded.
"in this one," you held up the letter, "you wrote dear y/n, im in love with you. and then you crossed it out and wrote that it was too forward but i dont think it was."
"youre not mad?"
"mad? spencer ive been trying to admit the fact that im in love with you since i realized it myself, why would i be mad?"
"youre..you feel the same way?" he looked back up at you, a hesitant smile pulling on the corners of his lips.
"more so," you beamed, stepping closer.
he wrapped his arms around you, "thats good or else the rest of this prom would have sucked."
you chuckled, pulling him impossibly closer to you as another perfect song played.
ultra mega super cool taglist
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni @luvspence @calm-and-doctor @ssavanessa22 @singularityjc @sydnee-kom-spacekru @sydneekomspacekru
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dreamrecorder · 4 years
Ok so- idk if you’ve seen demon slayer;; but there’s this episode (it was during the spider fambam arc) aNywaYs- so like. Rui yeets ties* (i guess-) Nezuko like. Up in the air. With his weird spider thread jazz— and like. It’s sHarP weird spider thread jazz— so she’s like. Yknow. Being sliced and diced with string— but it kindaaa reminds me of like. Xiao. And his like.... weird... sad.... uh. Karma. Thing. Like y’know where he’s like hanging from his arms- red stuff. Yeah. So like. Now for the actual request
Xiao’s s/o (female if you don’t mind;;) gets kidnapped by like— the fatui or smth. And they tie her up like Nezuko :D to be like “lol haha Xiao be all like-” and she’s just. Like. Dying. Slowly. Dripping b l o o d and yknow. All the tea. And Xiao comes to rescue her— and he’s like 0-0 “wait...” and he realizes that’s like- exactly what happens to him- and so. He beats the fatui’s butts saves his s/o, anddddd she like.
Idk. This is where I need your angst expertise ❤️ like- she could d i e. In his arms. And poor Xiao would be so scarred omg poor thing- BUT THE ANGST- but at the same time;;;; the f l u f f of him being able to save her just in time and she was like fighting for him the whole time or whatever and ended up needing him to save her anyways- and then Xiao feeding her almond tofu until she gets better ❤️❤️❤️
IM SORRY THAT WAS SO LONG- im probably going crazy from lack of sleep from reading fics for too long sndndnsnsj
Anyways.... thank you! Have a stellar day~ ✨❤️
The heart yearns and the wind heard
lmao this ask is so adorable i hope you’d enjoy this ksks
anyway, full Angst train up ahead but there are moments of Fluff too. There are mentions of blood and violence if those are not your thing- dont worry guys, this goes with a happy ending cos you and Xiao deserve one~ on a final note- non canon compliant and suuuuuuper long- like- legit this is very long
The Yaksha sighs.
He’s here again. His mind and heart has returned his being into this crimson world his demons have created within him.
He feels it. He feels the corruption binding him tighter again for every death he brings by his tainted hands.
He looks at his bindings. And ever so slowly, the red and black coiling around his person will eventually reach his heart.
One day, he thinks, all this crimson and black in this world will swallow him whole and he will see the light no more.
Xiao sighs again.
This is his karmic debt.
The moment you stepped foot within Wangshu Inn, you knew he was in his prison again. After giving a quick greeting to the inn keeper, you hastily went to Xiao’s room. The closer you got, the heavier the atmosphere became.
You reached his door and knocked softly. As expected, no reply as he continues to struggle to take back his control over himself. Without hesitation, you stepped in. To anyone else, they would have instantly met his spear at their throats, but with you, this doesn’t happen. Instead, you see him crouched on the wooden floor with a hand on his chest. His knuckles were white and his breathing was ragged. His amber eyes- lost. Observing his form, yes… his moments of corruption are becoming progressively worse.
With swift steps of familiarity to this routine, you went to him and grasped his shoulders.
“Xiao, it’s me…” You whispered with clarity. And oh- how your voice brought a wave of comfort to his soul.
“N-name…” His voice cracked, but him calling to you is always a good sign.
You gave him a small smile and proceeded to grasp his hands together with yours. After which, you then leaned your forehead to his to chant your prayers. As your prayers progressed, slowly but surely, the corruption begins to fade along with the black mist that covered him. However, you took note how this ritual took longer than the last.
Once everything is done, Xiao just slumped onto your shoulders, still breathing deeply. “How are you feeling?” It was a useless question you asked every time this happens, but you always, always, have to make sure.
Usually, he would mutter a small ‘fine,’ but now- words seemed to have left his mind and all he could muster was an almost-unnoticeable shrug.
Truth be told- his response disheartened you, but you did not show it. Instead, you opted to simply encase him in your arms and caress his hair. After all, these are just one of the few, rare moments Xiao would leave himself into your care. Xiao is aware, himself, that his state has been becoming worse and worse. And you both know, that a day would come when he would just attack anyone- friend or foe- without a trace of hesitation. So, just this time- he speaks his feelings.
You answered immediately with a questioning hum.
“What would you do… when I finally lose control over myself?”
It was very subtle, but he felt how your hand stopped caressing his hair for a second, then proceeded to the previous task at hand again. In all honestly, you can never find yourself having an answer to that question. “And why would I ever let that happen to you?” You questioned back, fully aware that you were dodging his question.
Silence surrounded the two of you, unsure on what to do with the sudden heavier atmosphere.
Not wanting to face the cruelty of the world yet, Xiao simply buried himself on the crook of your neck even more. And despite the ghostly sensation of his lips on your skin, you could feel him mouth the words ‘I love you.’
“As long as I’m here,” you whispered, “nothing can hurt you.” And that was the most beautiful lie that the Yaksha has heard, but he was willing to believe all the same.
When word about Fatui diplomats starting a bank reached you, there was a nagging feeling in your head that trouble would bring itself present anytime soon. It was like an itch that wouldn’t get away. And the only way to have that itch gone is to scratch it.
���You are absolutely a fool.” Xiao stated darkly with crossed arms, for once disagreeing with the plans of his master.
“We can never know what their intentions are unless we let them start their bank, no?” Zhongli said as he gazed at the marsh spread beneath him.
The Yaksha only scoffed but said no more.
Building up your courage, you deemed it was your turn to voice out your thoughts, “Um… Rex Lapis, I see your point, but wouldn’t it be best to resolve the problem before it persists into something larger? We all know- All of Teyvat knows, that the Fatui are not to be trusted.”
Your archon offered you a kind smile, “I understand your worries, Name. However, as of the moment, they have not presented themselves as such. If they truly are our enemies, then it would be beneficial for us to know their intentions.”
You frowned deeply at his statement. Seeing you do so, somehow, your archon immediately identified your main concern.
“Is this about the Tianquan assigning you to be her representative for the Fatui?”
The moment those words left his mouth, a growl tore from Xiao’s throat, but he held his tongue.
“Did Ganyu tell you?”
The Archon nodded and you sighed.
“I volunteered, actually.”
And at that point, Xiao vanished into thin hair, but you could still his sense his presence around.
“May I know why?” Zhongli questioned gently.
For a moment, you struggled for words. You didn’t know how to describe this ‘itch’ to him. “At first, it was supposed to be Ganyu, since in the Tianquan’s eyes- Ganyu is an adeptus and she does not know that I am, too. Perhaps she didn’t want to put me in harm’s way, a ‘visionless human’ at the side of a harbinger. After some convincing to Ningguang for my volunteering, I spoke to Ganyu next.
“The adepti are divine beings that walk here in Liyue. I had this feeling that putting a divine next to a power-hungry harbinger would become an issue. I told Ganyu that, since I looked ‘harmless’ and ‘ordinary,’ the harbinger’s interest about the divine would never surface.”
A stretch of silence wrapped around them as Zhongli pondered over your words. “Perhaps, are you also planning to dig out the truth of their arrival?”
You nodded, “I knew you would allow them to stay, so I just took it upon myself to unfurl their secrets.”
“Hmmm… I grant you permission on doing this. However, should trouble arise, do not hesitate to tell us.”
The glare pointed at you was strong. Even without him saying a single word, you could hear his phantom voice in your head speak with such coldness, What are you thinking?
You simply gave him a reassuring smile, “I’ll be fine, Xiao. I may be a human in mortal eyes, but please do remember that I am also an adeptus, no matter how weak I am.”
Xiao releases a huff, but still sits by your side at the floor of the balcony, letting the moon kiss his skin. “You’re not weak.” He mumbled as he snaked his hand to yours.
To him, you will never be weak. In fact, you were the strongest being he has ever laid his eyes on. Not physically, no. It was you mental and emotional fortitude. Back during the Archon War, he always admired how you kept your head held up high no matter the suffering you have experienced. No matter how much death surrounded you, you still fought. And that strength made you a survivor. During the war, you never failed to help the wounded. Even when someone dies under your care, you held strong for the departed and for those who are left behind. You were a pillar of hope.
He brings your hand to his lips and kisses every knuckle “… Just be careful. If ever you are in trouble do not-“
“Hesitate to call your name.” You finished, beaming at his words.
As someone who used to be a healer and a doctor, you were quite familiar with several mild skin diseases that mortals can suffer from.
If there is an itch, you do not scratch it- for you will only aggravate the area even more.
Now that you’re working alongside the Fatui as the Tianquan’s representative, the itch you kept feeling was only irritated more. Especially whenever you spoke with the Harbinger who goes by the name Childe. And since your work requires you to cooperate with him, you also don’t miss the chance to discover what he hides, should the opportunity presents itself.
Childe… his azure eyes certainly have their… charm to those unaware. However, you knew better. You know he’s capable of drowning you just by his eyes. While he may be a cheerful man, his eyes lack the lustre of joy. The eyes are the windows of the soul, yes? If so, all you see is an unending ocean that you do not want to swim in. The surface may be calm, but the deep is relentless. However, duty bound you are- deep within the ocean, you shall find the secrets the Fatui hides.
Again, another scratch to the itch, but it only irritates you more.
The news of Rex Lapis’s death became the catalyst of you confronting the Harbinger. From Yujeng Terrace all the way to Northland Bank, you ran (with Ningguang’s permission of course). Before you can even open the door to his office, something caught your eye.
It’s faint, but you’re an adeptus. You sensed elemental traces, just smack bang at the middle of the door. You carefully scrutinized the tracings, and fortunately you knew Snezhnayan script. And what you read only made your heart sink.
It’s ready.
With the adeptal arts, you managed to uncover the origins of these elemental tracings.
Without hesitation, you followed these tracings until it led you into some ruins.
Following the tracings further, you find yourself in a dimly lit room. Wary, you summoned your weapon imbued with your element.
Searching the room, you came across several antique boxes. You opened them.
What you saw were familiar. Too familiar. Dimming the room more with your element, you find more Sigils of Permission hanging on the walls and on the ceilings. The energy within them were faint, but with enough numbers, it’s enough to kill a-
“Well, well well, I thought you’d be there mourning for your Archon. But here you are, snooping around someone else’s research material.”
The sound of his voice made you sharply turn your head to him, your stance now more offensive. “What are you planning?” You bit coldly.
The Harbinger hummed a small tune, “Nothing much… But! If you’re really curious, I guess I could tell you.” He hummed some more but you knew he’s not finished. Once he finished his tune, he grinned to you menacingly and the depths in his eyes became even deeper and darker, “After all, I won’t let you leave this place with you knowing my secret~”
There was this one time, Xiao struggled against himself so much, he scratched himself red so that he could anchor himself back to the real world. You remembered how much you cried as he slept in your arms. You never wanted to see him do that again. Seeing him hurt himself also hurt you, too. It was like a stab in the heart, then a twist, and twist some more. A slap in the reality that you might lose him one day.
As he slept, you solemnly observed the wounds he sustained himself to. They were angry red, just like blood.
Now, you, yourself scratched that itch in your head too much into a wound for blood to seep through. You scratched too much and now you have to bleed from it.
You were slipping in and out of consciousness. Sleep was tempting you more and more but you know you have to wake up. You were aware that this is going on for days.
Everything hurts. You remembered how his blades, imbued with the Sigils, weakened you thoroughly. Every slash he brought to your body just drained the energy away from you. But still you had to do something.
He wanted an adeptus- he wanted an adeptus in order for the Sigils to grow stronger both in number and in power.
Now here you are, bound by chains and suspended at the middle of this empty room. These chains were adorned by talismans that drained away your energy. You were bleeding from your wounds of your previous battle.
Drip. Drip. Drip goes the blood and pools on the ground underneath you. The ground, you barely noticed, was lined by Liyuean script which enacts the ritual of the Sigils draining your divine power from your blood.
To the eyes of a sadist- you were a picture perfect in a canvas. A dark room lined by the damned Sigils, glowing an eerie gold. Then there's you with your bloodied clothes and chains. The red pool underneath was casting a red glow on your way, giving you a red shade to your pale skin.
Everything hurts-
And everything was driving you mad.
You can also feel the Overlord of the Vortex feed from your energy through the Sigils. You sensed his lust for power and revenge. You felt his anger and the corruption within him. You felt his hatred and his want to bring death. For days that felt like years, you’ve been battling against that very same god in your head. This battle was not something you shall not lose to and failure is not an option. If you fail here, then Liyue will fall. 
This god- he was driving you mad slowly.
If ever you are in trouble, do not hesitate to call my-
You shut the thought from your head. You are not going to call him. You will not speak of him. You will not think of him. You will not call him. Not to this place where his corruption will grow. No. You Will Not Call Him.
If it means that me not calling you will keep you safe from the corrupted remnant of a god- so be it. 
However, no matter how much you denied yourself to call his name, no matter how much your heart yearns to be with him- the wind does not ignore the pained sob that left your lips.
Ever since the news of Rex Lapis's death and the visit of the Traveler with a Sigil in his hand- the corruption within him just bloomed into something feral.
The Sigil- there was something wrong about it but Xiao doesn't know what is it that is wrong. Then there's you- where are you? Surely with the news of their Archon's death- it would send you to bring forth a meeting for the adepti to talk this over. But now- for days- you remain not by his side.
With you missing- the demons inside him are slowly taking control over him, taking advantage of his vulnerability for you. For each passing day, it was slow torture for him- The worry bubbling in him was consuming him. He glared at the Sigil between his fingers and not failing to notice how his dark aura covers him once more. 
“Traveler,” Xiao called sharply, “What is it you intend to do next?” 
To any mere mortal, the look his eyes held were enough to strike fear, but the Traveler stealed themselves- meeting the adeptus’s gaze with an equally serious calm. “I have my suspicions on a certain harbinger and I-”
“Where?” The Yaksha growled.
“In the Golden House.”
Without a word nor warning, Xiao placed a hand on the Traveler’s shoulder and teleported them to the place where the Exuvia is hidden.
To the Traveler, everything happened so quickly as one event led to another. One moment, they were standing among unconscious bodies of the Millelith then the next thing they knew a corrupted and demonic gust of wind flew them away to the side. Regaining back their vision, they could see Alatus’s spear now at Tartaglia’s barrier made of Sigils. 
Alatus narrowed his eyes at the floating talismans and began to calculate the flow of this incoming battle with precision and accuracy despite his losing control over himself. 
It was a tense minute of sizing each other up, but eventually, Tartaglia has broken the silence with his annoying innocent voice. 
“Who would have thought that I’d have the honor of fighting another adeptus of Liyue?” 
The question immediately fed the corruption within him, the dark aura exploding at it. He knew that he should not believe in the Harbinger’s words so easily, but the glint in the latter’s eyes held truth. You could be out there, hurting, scared, alone. You could be out there, bleeding out. You could be out there dyi-
His aura exploded once more at the thoughts spreading in his being. With a burst of unspeakable power, Alatus lifted his weapon and pierced the barrier once more, this time breaking it without failure. At the threat, Tartaglia backed away as he donned his mask.
In a similar fashion, Alatus, too donned his mask. “I will ask you once,” the Conqueror of Demons spoke with a deathly calm, “Where is she?”
He should have killed him then and there. But the call of the Overlord of the Vortex must not be ignored as it threatens Liyue. 
In the small opportunity of escape, Childe took it. But he was weak and injured as Alatus swiftly threw his spear to block his way and teleported right in front of him. In a show of power, the Conqueror of Demons lifted the mortal by the neck.
“I will ask you again, where is she?”
In fear, Childe told him everything and at his every word, Xiao listened carefully- never speaking once. But the anger within his heart, it boils- it rages. His amber eyes bored into Childe’s soul- thinking what he should do to this mortal. Oh how killing him would be so nice. However, when the Yaksha’s gaze landed on the regal form of the Exuvia, he merely threw the mortal in its way.
“Killing you would have been easier. However, the crimes you have presented against Liyue are not mine for me to judge.
I leave the Harbinger to you... Rex Lapis.”
Once out of the Golden House, the Overlord roared once more, shaking the lands of the nation. However, along with it, he heard the faintest of voices. I’m so sorry... I couldn’t hold him back anymore. 
Only then did the demons in his heart freely took control of him. Just like the stories of old, where the Yaksha walks, death follows. But they were no stories. In his way towards the ruins where you were held captive, every step he took brought carnage and even more death and blood to taint his hands. No Fatui will leave this place alive. The very being of destruction ended many lives. Each death, the demons were growing stronger.
All he wanted now was to kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill killkillkill killkill kill killkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkill
Then seeing you suspended in the ceiling and bound by chains. Blood was painted on your lifeless skin. Wounds were littered and bruises were blooming on your form. But most of all, your eyes. What were once full of life and hope- now empty and blank. His demons quieted down.
Broken. You were like a broken porcelain doll.
“N-name...” His voice cracked, not believing it all.
With haste, he quickly broke your binds and caught you in his arms. he was fast to check for your pulse and your breathing. And thank the Archons, you were breathing but barely. You were now walking the line between life and death. With all his might yet a gentle caress, he hugged you for dear life. “Name... It’s me...”
But still, your eyes still held no recognition and it shattered his heart to pieces. With further inspection, he sensed the presence within you. A corruption. A certain evil. 
“Name, stay with me please,” Xiao begged with desperation as he fought back tears. “It’s me who supposed to be the corrupted one between us, not you... I’m not allowing you to leave me, you hear me-”
With a ritual of the adeptal arts, he started purging and purifying the evil left by the god who fed from you. He is not letting you stay alone in your prison, not for a second longer. 
Xiao prays and he never prayed before. Even to his master. But just this once, He prays with desperation. You are the light in his darkness. You are the moon in his night. 
The ritual was a delicate process. For every word he spoke, he was rewarded by your screams of pain and the writhing of your fragile body. He wanted to stop, but he can’t. He had to physically restrain you from trying to escape from his embrace and from hurting yourself. And for every cry you released, Xiao merely shuts his eyes clos just for him not to see your pained eyes. Every now and then, Xiao speaks gentle apologies and words of encouragement for you. You were coming back. But still, the evil persists.
You writhed and scratched against him, until you were creating more wounds for blood to seep through. When it came to a point, you began pleading and begging for him to stop, that was when Xiao had shed a tear. So he continues the ritual, his prayers, and his apologies. They were arriving to a point where the ritual is reaching its conclusion but your screams only grew louder.
Please, just a little more...
Please, just stop...
The corruption disintegrated away from you in a forceful release of dark energy. He was breathing deeply, attempting to calm his loud heart. When he placed his gaze on you, you were breathing rapidly and your eyes were searching blindly and your hands were desperately holding onto him.
“X-Xiao...” You whispered, “Where am I? Where are you?”
With a sigh of relief, the Yaksha hugged you again closer and his forehead to yours, fearing you would go away again. The action made you lift your hands to his face, still searching blindly.
“I’m here, Name... I’m here.” At his voice, the dam in your eyes broke as you cried silently. Xiao was not adept in emotions, but for you, he will face them gladly. He lets you cry as he gives you soft whispers of assurance, safety, love, and promises. However, you were not crying because of what had happened to you. You were crying for him. After experiencing such corruption-
You sobbed some more- you were this close to him losing you and you could not bring yourself to imagine if your roles were reversed.
“P-please,” you said with a broken voice, “please don’t go to the place where I can’t follow...’
The words, at first puzzled him, but after a few moments, he realized and once more it broke his heart. Bringing you closer, Xiao let loose the tears he was holding back. With a gentleness unexpected of the Conqueror, he simply littered your face with kisses. “I promise if only you would do the same.”
With your smile that he loved dearly for so long you too spoke your promise, “I do.” They were simply two words, but the comfort they bring into the Yaksha’s heart was in volumes.
After that, you shared a few tender moments in each other’s arms. Simply relishing the feeling of their familiar warmth. A little later, Xiao spoke, “Would you like to eat some Almond Tofu once we get home?”
The question made you giggle at his innocence, so you agreed. Despite you needing physical medical attention. But Almond Tofu with him? Yes, you two definitely need some emotional healing.
A/N: fINALLY dONE lmao this was supposed to be short but angst really makes me want to write longer everytime haha~ anyway this request really made me ponder bout genshin stuff with all the corruption this and corruption that but then a question popped up like-
how did childe replicate the sigil of permission? since sigils are imbued with divine energy, i just thought how did this guy accumulate so much sigils to the point of freeing Osial- a god!!! soooo i just played with the idea for a bit then figured out maybe these pieces of paper get the divine energy from a divine source right? and the adepti are divine beings of liyue and another thing- you guys might have noticed the change of names in some scenes- i dont know but i think somehow different names represents different side of a person like- we have childe the cheerful harbinger then tartaglia the power hungry harbinger- there’s Alatus who’s calculating and cold, there’s the Conqueror of Demons who’s ruthless and unforgiving, then Xiao who is calm and humane- lastlyyyyy i might post this in ao3 ksks
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velvett-tearss · 3 years
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Black Tea & Blushes — L. Ackerman
summary: The two of you never got along, but there were times that even fire and ice made a perfect pair.
warnings: cursing, no spoilers for anything past early s1, Levi’s a little shit at first (surprise, surprise), mentions of blood (they’re fighting titans :-) lol) gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
genre: semi-canonverse, fluff, enemies to lovers (?)
word count: 3.3k
a/n: this was very self-indulgent lmao, sorry if it’s a bit messy 😭, <Hange, Connie & Sasha3 make an appearance bc I love them and you should too, hope you enjoy it <3
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"Couldn't you have gotten a cadet to do this?"
You raised a sharp brow at the man, trying to keep yourself from flipping his desk over. "Would you have yelled at them like you just yelled at me?"
The man's grey eyes didn’t meet yours, but there was a scowl on his face. Despite his steely eyes, he didn't say anything back. Instead, he pursed his lips and turned back to continue his paperwork.
You huffed in an attempt to ground yourself after being yelled at for the past two minutes. You took a sip from your own cup of the tea you had prepared for him, letting yourself savor the taste.
     "I don't understand." you said, tasting the earthy, black tea. "You said it was too cold last time, so I made sure it was extra warm. What's wrong with it? Is it too sour for you? I only added a few drops of lemon this time."
Levi remained silent, but you stood your ground, tapping your boot against the pavemented floor as you waited at his desk for an answer. You wouldn't let him win, not this time. Day after day, it seemed like he only grew ruder and ruder.
Your dislike for Levi Ackerman started the day you met him. He was still just a soldier when you joined the Survey Corp, and it wasn't long after that he become Captain.
He was mean, and he never seemed to care about anything, but God forbid you make a reckless move out in the field. It was as if all hell broke loose if you used a bit too much gas when slicing the nape of a Titan's neck.
     "Not everyone is Humanity's Strongest." you had spat at him when he scolded you on the way back to the walls. That only earned you a glare, seeing as Hange managed to secure your safety. If it weren't for them, you were certain you would've gotten stuck with stable duty for a month's end.
     You were glad he was nice to them, at least.
     At some point, you got promoted to Captain as well. One would think that since you shared the same rank, he would grow warmer to you, but that was another one of your mistakes.
     Everything about him rubbed you the wrong way, from his disagreeable manners to his awful way of speaking to soldiers. And, it was your disdain for him that got you stuck in this mess.
"A cadet could've done this." Levi stated again; you felt like you were being patronized. He raised a brow at you, holding the teacup in his hand. "A cadet could’ve made better tea than you.”
"Obviously not, Captain." you threw back sourly, snatching the cup from his hand. "A cadet could not have done this because if I hadn't interfered two weeks ago, who knows what you would've done to the poor man. And, all he did was make your tea wrong!”
Levi blinked at you, appearing bored with your conversation. "If you hadn't interfered, that soldier would be back with those good for nothing Military Police Officers doing what they're best at."
     You gritted your teeth. "And, what are they good for, Captain Ackerman?”
     His brow twitched slightly. “Absolutely nothing."
You let out a bitter laugh, placing the white ceramic teacups back on the tray you had brought in. "Now that you say it out loud, that reminds me a lot of someone I know."
     "What an awful way to talk about yourself.” Levi threw back with ease.
     The urge to roll your eyes at him was weighing on you, but you were stronger than the immaturity he seemed to bring out in you. "Captain, you must be growing old if you've already forgotten we're the same rank."
     Your decision of keeping yourself calm in his presence payed to be of use when you noticed the slight pause in his pen strokes at your words.
     But, you were well aware of how trustworthy Levi was in the sense that you knew he could always come back with something even worse than what he's told you before.
      "If you were of any use, you would know what's wrong with your tea. I'm sure even King Fritz could tell good tea from awful tea, and he's the most useless of them all." Levi told you, pen moving over the papers in front of him swiftly.
     "He could probably also tell a grown man from a spoiled brat," you told him, taking the tray with you as you left his office. "But, you make even that task seem impossible."
     You had to stop the triumphant grin from growing on your face when you heard his faint scoff from the other side of the wooden door.
Even if you managed to snag the last word of that argument, it didn’t feel as good as it usually did. The only reason you involved yourself in Levi Ackerman’s nightly tea was because 1) you didn’t like the way he spoke to the poor soldier who got stuck with job of handling it, and 2) Erwin asked that you try and be a bit nicer to your fellow captain.
You only did it to keep your job, really, and you would never let your Commander think less of you, even if he did favor Levi. Even Hange had tried to coax you into not letting The Ackerman’s sharp tongue get to you, but that didn’t seem to work.
Levi and you would never be friends, if that’s what Erwin meant when he pulled you aside at supper a few nights before. It was a lie to say you didn’t admire the man’s impressive skills, because you did.
But, admiration and respect were two separate things.
The two of you were jagged edges of broken glass that didn’t fit together, and that was perfectly fine. You didn’t mind being Levi being a sharp piece of glass, just as long as he kept his corners to himself and far from you.
Erwin, as observant as usual, caught on to the solution to your problem, and he even made sure you and Levi would rarely ever cross paths when the Scouts were out on an expedition. The two of you worked on opposite sides of the formation.
The only time you would ever work together would be if there were no other options, but both of you were reliable in your own senses: him with his... whatever he called it, and you with your wits.
You didn't mind being farthest from him, and if it were up to you, you'd go even farther.
     “Hey, you got new glasses.” you stated, noticing the new pair of brown frames that Hange wore the morning as the Scouts waited for the signal to begin the expedition.
“Oh, don’t remind me.” they said with a frown, holding the glasses in their hands. “Last night, Moblit and I were doing some research, and someone must’ve stolen my glasses because I couldn’t find them this morning.”
“Stole? Isn’t that a big accusation?”
They let out a hearty laugh. “It is! That’s why I’m saying it!” Hange replied, golden eyes widened at you in exasperation. “I’ve been stuck with these, and they’re too big for my face. All they do is fall off.”
“So maybe don’t wear them?” you wondered as you caught a glimpse of the dark head of hair you knew too well. “What’ll you do if you lose them out in the field? Better safe than sorry.”
“I wish, but I’m as blind as a bat without them.” Hange reasoned with a sigh before quickly composing themselves. “But, now that you mention it, I never did mind a challenge.”
The smirk growing on their face was one you didn’t quite like. Before you could talk some sense into them (if that were even possible) the signal went off to begin the mission.
They gave a wide smile and a thumbs up as a good luck token. "Don’t do anything crazy!” you called out when the two of you parted ways, taking your squad with you. “I mean it, Hange!”
Hange waved you off, charging in faster in their horse. It was up to poor Moblit to chase right after them.
Your squad remained close together for the majority of the mission. There wasn't much to do on your end of things, which was a relief. At some point, you decided to stop for a quick break before pushing forward.
If you were able to see five mintues into the future, you would never have let your squad talk you into taking a lunch break. Just as you were relaxing a bit, there was an Abnormal coming from the thick trees.
Your sense of smell wasn't as skilled as Miche, and if it weren't for one of the younger cadets on your squad who had a keen sense of hearing, you all would've been Titan food.
It didn't take long for you to spring into action, your squad following suit. You made sure to use the plans Erwin had issued out on previous Scout meetings.
When the Abnormal finally made it to where you and your squad stopped, the beastly creature managed to catch one of your soldiers in midair. As the young boy was raised in the air, his stomach couldn't contain his recent lunch.
Gravity works in wonders, you thought when his earlier lunch fell onto you with a splat! You couldn't blame the poor boy; it was better upstairs than downstairs. As terrible a feeling it was to have chunky vomit all over you, you knew it would be as even worse feeling if the boy died under your care.
Your squad got to him before any damage was permanent, at least physically. When the killing blow was done, you tended to your soldier. He muttered out apologies for having thrown up on you, but you were merely in the line of fire.
"It's okay, Connie." you reassured him after pulling off your green cape that had been soiled in aid to shield you. “I’d rather it be your lunch on me than your organs.”
You ordered that he ride with your other cadet, Sasha. He let out a pained laugh at your words, leaning against her on her horse. She scolded him for “wasting so much food,” to which lead to their silly banter, which you didn’t mind as long as they were safe.
     As unfortunate as it was, that incident wasn't the last of it. There wasn't much time between Connie getting his ribs crushed by a Titan and the numerous amount of red flares that were being shot into the air.  The amount of red powder in the sky was enough to cast a shadow of worry over you.
     By the time your squad made it to where the red flares had been signaled, it was a mess. Abnormal and Pure Titans were ambushing the rest of whatever was left of the Survey Corp. Your squad wasted no time in following your orders as you made a beeline for the trees where a group of Abnormals were huddled together.
     When you finally got a good look at the scene in the forest, your sight was met with Titan smoke and blood of fallen comrades. It was a disaster, as it always was. But you knew, where there was smoke, there was definitely fire.
And, that fire was Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
He looked ablaze, nothing but a flash in the distance. Slicing Titan limbs as if they were merely flowers in his way, Levi Ackerman was kicking ass. It was in moments like this — where he looked like the answer to all the prayers of the people inside the walls — that you wondered if you truly hated him all along.
“Section Commander!” Moblit cried, chasing after Hange as they swung on the highest tree of the forest. It seemed as though they forgot all about how loose their glasses were as they did a number of twirls in the air. His voice was enough to snap you out of your trance and assist your fellow comrades.
You managed to fight off three Pure Titans and two Abnormals for what seemed like forever. It might’ve been even worse if not for Connie Springer’s lunch all over you that acted as Titan Repellant.
Perhaps you would tell Hange of your new discovery, but every time you managed to get close to them while fighting off the Titans, all they did was badger you with questions upon questions.
“Are you sure you haven’t you seen them?!” Hange cried for the fifth time, eyes squinted at you from their branch opposite you. Moblit was fighting off a creepy Abnormal with ugly teeth a few feet from you.
“No, I haven’t! And, didn’t I tell you your glasses would fall if you took them with you?!” you shouted back from your place on the tree before taking a breath to try to slice the neck of your second Pure Titan. “Go back to the wagon, Hange, before you get yourself killed!”
They huffed and puffed, but they let Moblit guide them to the wagon to wait until the rest of the Scouts could find a moment to retreat back to the walls.
After finally slicing the nape of your final Titan, you looked over to where you had last seen Levi. Only, he was nowhere to be found. A panic set in when you couldn’t find any sight of him.
“Captain?” you called out from your place on a tree branch where you were catching your breath. You squinted your eyes to get a farther look, but it didn’t help that much. “Captain Ackerman, are you there? Do you—”
But, that’s when you felt a jostle of wind hit your back. You turned quickly to see the dark-haired man swinging through the trees, holding an unconscious Oluo.
You followed him, figuring if you took his squad member off his hands that Levi would have a better chance of taking down more Titans. Maybe even with a man who weighed far more than himself in his hands, Levi could still have a better chance than you.
“Captain, I’ve got him. I’ll take—”
But, Levi wouldn’t budge. It was like he wasn’t listening to you, and you didn’t know if it was by choice or coincidence. You huffed and rushed quicker to help him in carrying Oluo.
Maybe it was just your luck, or maybe it was just his, but right before you managed to reach him, a Titan’s jaw came from below him, wide and ready for lunchtime.
There was nothing for him to do, not with his hands full. Surely he knew that from the way his grey eyes finally broke through from that awful void he’d placed you in, the one where all you ever got from him was scoldings and insults and cold stares that often made you wonder if he actually did hate you.
And, for the first time, you saw panic flash through his grey eyes, his life flash before his eyes.
“Levi!” you cried, using the rest of your ODM gear’s gas to catch up to him. You knew if he were to survive such an event, he would scold you for wasting your gas on an old lump like him.
But, for once, Levi had something to say about you that didn’t regard your incompetence to make decent tea or your recklessness that spurred you to use all your gas just to save him and the bullheaded, baboon by the name of Oluo.
It was your astonishing speed.
You got to the two men right before the great wide jaws of the Titan could snap closed and swallow the three of you for its meal, which Levi had to admit (but probably never would) was quite impressive.
“Shit!” you hissed out when the three of you landed on another tree branch. As quick as you got to the branch was as quick as Miche was to come and ensure your safety, slicing the Titan’s nape with ease.
Oluo was still unconscious and a little bloodied up and battered, but he was safe.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” Levi yelled, voice slightly hoarse from everything that had just happened. His hair was a mess, and you held back a laugh at the sight of him. “Why— why would you? I mean, what— and, why do you smell like—”
“A thank you is perfectly fine, Ackerman.” you coughed out, catching your breath from the overexertion you just forced yourself through. Carrying two grown men was tough, especially when it was between life or death. “As for the smell, one of my soldiers threw up on me.”
Levi blinked at you, his expression consisting of disgust and confusion. “What?”
“My soldier. He threw up on me earlier.”
“I heard you the first time.” he told you, blinking quickly as if it were going to grant him some clarity. You didn’t know if his confusion was from your act of saving him and his squad member or from not knowing what to say to you after.
He looked funny, with his hair that of a bird’s nest and his cheeks flushed pink.
“Did you hit your head on the way down?”
“Your head? Did you hit it?”
“No, I-I’m fine.” he scrambled upright, finding purchase on the unconscious Oluo’s shin. Your eyes flickered to where his hand was placed, and he snatched it right off immediately, burning a deeper shade of pink.
“Oh.” you muttered, holding back a chuckle. There was no way Levi was without a concussion, not with the way he was acting all of a sudden: stuttering and turning pink on you. It was a wonder you caught up to him before he collapsed.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Captain?” you asked again, fixing your uniform before getting to your feet. You wobbled a bit; Levi raised a brow at you. “You look sick. Why don’t you sit in the injury wagon for a bit on the way back? Just in case.”
He waved you off, standing on his two feet as well. You didn’t want to cause a fight, not right after what had just happened and not outside the walls, so you decided to say nothing about his seeming concussion.
The two of you lifted Oluo off the ground, blood seeping from the side of the man’s mouth. “Is it his ribs? Was it an Abnormal? They were awful today.” you questioned, looking to Levi for answers.
“He bit his tongue, again, before ramming into a tree.” Levi told you, averting his gaze from you as he shifted the man against his shoulder for a better grip. “He said something f-fell from the sky.”
You nodded, letting yourself chuckle. “What could it’ve been? Bird shit?”
Levi shrugged at your words.
He was far too quiet for your liking. Maybe he did have a concussion. It wouldn’t be good if he rode back like that. Perhaps if you spoke to Erwin or Hange about it, one of them could convince Levi to get checked out once you got back to the walls.
The two of you managed to get back to the rest of the Scouts safely. You helped Levi placing Oluo in the wagon with the wounded and the fallen while everyone else was getting accounted for.
All the while, Hange was trying to persuade Erwin into letting them form a search party for their glasses that had fallen while they were swinging on the trees.
Though you were straining to listen to their conversation, you were more than certain that Erwin would never allow such a thing, but you had to admire Hange’s efforts, as fruitless as they were.
“Thank you.”
You snapped your head to Levi.
He refused to meet your gaze again, busying himself with readjusting his soldier’s cape. If not for the obvious step into uncharted territory between the two of you, you would’ve commented on the rosy blush he adorned.
Suddenly, you were overcome with a laughter, waving him off with your hand quickly. “I was just joking about that, Captain. Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but I’m just surprised you actually—”
He scoffed, the expression on his face shifting to one of impatience. “Don’t be a brat. Just take the compliment.” Levi huffed out, visibly annoyed with your chatter.
A look of shock overtook your face. “Oh, so you’re complimenting me? Why didn’t you just say so, then?”
“Oi, that’s not what I meant—”
“No, it’s fine. I heard you, loud and clear.” you interrupted, smiling widely at him. “You’re oh-so very welcome, Captain Ackerman, and if you ever need me to save your ass again, you know where to find me.”
Levi opted to say nothing back, merely shaking his head at you when you gave a lazy salute and started back to the other side of the formation where your horse and squad awaited you.
“Besides,” you shrugged, turning back for a moment to catch him looking at you. “Who else would teach me how to make tea?”
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note: I don’t think I specified it, but Oluo was knocked unconscious bc some object (Hange’s glasses) fell from the sky lmao 🐸
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kerie-prince · 4 years
the intern
Peter Parker x Reader (college au)
requested: (anon) plz plz plz give me some college aged, super powerful ( think stark ceo powerful ) peter parker shit. idc what the rest of the story is about, i just need a brooding, smoldering, suit wearing, extremely expensive, college aged spiderman. plz and thank you!!!!
warnings: language
summary: When you start a new internship at Stark Industries, you're not only surprised to find Peter working as your boss, but that he's not the shy neighborhood boy you grew up with
a/n: this doesn't follow canon so for this imagine, hammer industries is just a rival company and the snap never happened lol also i don't know anything more than operating a phone so don't expect me to write sciencey, techy stuff lmao
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you were running across the road to jump into a cab that was available. Your phone hadn't been charging all night as you thought it had which caused you to wake up forty-five minutes before the start of the interview. You need this internship before you graduate from Empire State and get your degree in robotics.
On the way there, you nearly got car sick as the driver took sharp turns and nearly ran past intersections seconds before they became red. Once in front of Hammer Industries, your heels clicked loudly as you ran inside the tall building. You checked in with the front desk and took the elevator up to the 10th floor.
Just as you arrived, Justin Hammer was calling your name. “I'm right here!” you nearly tripped on your heels and your breaths were short.
“I've called your name three times, do you understand what that makes you look like, correct?” Justin stood unphased as you stood up straight and tried to steady your breath. “All these people are on time. Some of these folks have been here for hours, even.”
“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry–”
“Shame, I really liked your resume and your report on the expansion of nano-technology. Try again next year, maybe.” Justin started to call out the next participant and when she got up you stepped in front of her, “Please Mr. Hammer, I need this internship or I can't graduate.”
The people in the waiting room had their eyes on the two of you, tension so thick that it was almost hard to breathe. “Then maybe you should have come on time,” he pushed you aside to let the next person in to interview. You quickly ran back out and spoke to no one all the way home. Your eyes and cheeks were aching as you held in the tears during your Uber ride. The driver wanted to ask if you were okay, but if you were to break down in his car he’d probably be stuck having to listen to what happened and if he was honest with himself, he didn't actually care.
Once you got to your apartment, you made a straight line to the kitchen. “Hey, how’d the interview go?” MJ, your roommate, asked while still looking at her computer. You reached into the freezer for your emergency ice cream pint, snatched a spoon and walked into your room without saying anything. “That bad, I guess,” MJ said to herself.
You sat with MJ and Ned in the cafeteria, but had not touched any of the food on your plate. Your head was laid on the steel table and you just continuously groaned. “I’m a failure,” you whined.
“No, what you are is fucking dumb,” MJ commented as she ate.
“Thanks, Michelle, that makes me feel so much better,” you looked up to glare at her before laying her head back down. Ned felt bad that his friend was in despair, “How come you didn't ask Peter for help?”
“Huh?” you lifted your head back up some of your hair falling onto your face.
“Yeah, Peter already works at Stark Industries, why didn't you just ask him to get you in? You could even skip the internship altogether and be in full time,” Ned suggested. You gave it some thought, but something about it didn't sound right.
“No, I don't want to bother Peter. I don’t want him to think that I’m only calling him for a job,” you sighed. Ned texted Peter anyways. Unexpectedly, Peter texted him back immediately.
“He says it’s fine,” Ned showed you his phone to read the text. ‘Yeah man, tell her to come in tomorrow and Ms. Potts will interview her’
You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding and pulled out your phone.
‘Thank you so much for helping me out’
‘No problem, anything for a friend’
The Stark Industries building was huge. It almost looked taller than the Empire State Building, and maybe it actually was. Your legs were shaking as you stared up at it. “Here goes nothing,” you assured yourself.
The lobby was bustling with people; workers walking around, a group of kids that seemed to be here on a field trip, and some teens taking pictures in front of one of Mr. Stark's Iron Man suits.
The trip up to the 17th floor was crowded with people as more and more entered in every passing floor. You had to squeeze yourself out and accidentally stepped on someone’s foot in the process.
Looking around, your jaw dropped. It was an open laboratory with groups of people putting together small robots, flying drones, and people laughing and talking. It was such a fun and cool looking environment, you wondered why you didn't just apply here in the first place.
Pepper Potts spotted you walking around and approached you with a tap on your shoulder. “Hi, I’m Pepper. You must be Y/N,” she reached her hand out to shake yours which you accepted. “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“Peter’s told me a lot about you. Come, follow me,” Pepper’s office had glass walls and a view of New York from behind her desk. You weren't particularly fond of heights, but even you would love to have an office view like that. Pepper gestured to the chair in front of her as she smoothed her dress to sit in hers. “So, I see here that you had an interview at Hammer’s. Can I ask why you chose them?” You didn't even know how they got that information. You hadn't seen or spoken to Peter in quite a while, so how Pepper knew that was beyond you. You sat there with your lips moving to say something but nothing was coming out.
Pepper seemed to have caught on what you were thinking and elaborated, “Before I do any interviewing, I do full background checks on everyone.” She had a gentle smile which made you feel better. You thought she would scold you or something considering the question did more than catch you off guard.
“My mother used to work there for a long time and I figured that I would follow,” you explained. Pepper nodded her head and wrote some notes down. She looked onto her computer and looked at everything there was about you. “Well, I see here that you have exceptional grades. 4.7 GPA since you started school and your paper on nano-technology has gotten much praise. I think even Tony read it.” No way. The Tony Stark read my paper? “So tell me, do you see yourself working here at Stark Industries?”
You looked outside and watched everyone in the open lab again. “Yes.”
“Then that’s all I need to hear. We’d love to have you here,” she reached over to shake your hand. You looked at her surprised and hesitantly shook hers. “Welcome to the team, Y/N.”
“Thank you so much!” You cupped her hand with both of yours and shook it a little too quickly, but she didn't seem to mind. You were ecstatic to start your path to your career, and at a dream place at that.
Your alarm rang at the time you set it to, but there was no need for it. You couldn't sleep all night. Today is your first day of your internship and you were feeling so many things at once. Excited, nervous, happy, scared…
You tried to restrain yourself to a light breakfast, but MJ’s pancakes were to die for that you ate two whole stacks. You looked through your closet just about fifteen times; you had already picked an outfit the following night with the help of MJ, but when you put it back on, you hated it. It sucked for your roommate seeing as she had to sit through you changing from eight other outfits.
You tried to picture the lab again to see how other people dressed for a better idea to base it on your outfit choice. From what you remember, it was pretty casual, so that’s what you stuck to.
You were given your pass the day you were hired, so you had no issue walking inside. The elevator was just as packed as it was last time, but you were more composed so there were no toes being stepped on this time. You weren't exactly sure as to where you had to go, so you looked around to see if there were other interns to ask where to start.
“Y/N!” Peter’s voice surprised you from behind. Your shoulders jumped a bit, but relaxed at the view of his face. His face… you actually hadn't seen him for quite a while. Months, maybe. His jawline was more defined, and his once floppy hair was styled neatly. You tried to not look him up and down, but the temptation was definitely there. And the other thing, his voice was deeper than you last remembered. Is this really Peter Parker? “Hey, Peter.”
He gave you a hug that nearly made you lose breath. He was stronger than you remembered. A memory flashed back to when you were in junior high; you, Ned and Peter were hanging around the local park and you beat Peter on rounds on the monkey bars. He gave up after a couple bars, but you went back and forth a couple times. ‘Show off.’ But now, he had muscles that the shirt he was wearing hugged his biceps.
The hug was quick, and you had to pretend that he didn't just squeeze some life out of you. “Do you work on this floor?”
“Yeah, you’re actually assigned to work with my team. Come, I’ll show you around.” He started walking and you noticed how his posture changed. Damn, I know it hasn't been this long since I've seen him. Why does he look so different? He was wearing trousers. Trousers? Peter hates trousers. But his ass is looking great–
“Hey guys, this is Y/N. She’s going to be working with us as an intern. And I'll say this beforehand, no she's not going to be taking coffee or lunch orders,” Peter introduced you. There were various aged people in this group. Some were your age, and one person looked to have been in his thirties. Peter is in charge of this group? They all said ‘hi’ to you and went around introducing themselves.
Once that was finished, Peter pulled a chair for you on the table. “You’ll take notes for me while I give this presentation,” he whispered to you before walking in front of the table and started writing on the clear glass board.
He was talking quickly and didn't stumble over his words like he used to. Everyone was listening to him attentively and you jotted notes down as quickly as you could. Every now and then, you would steal glimpses of him and feel a sort of… well you felt something. Amazement? Inspiration? Adoration?
No doubt was Peter one of the smartest people you've ever met and here he was leading his own team and making potential products for Stark Industries at such a young age. Seeing him at work was so… it was indescribable to you but all you could think of was how different he is now. In a good way, of course.
Peter Parker has been your friend for years and to see him change from a bumbling, shy, adorable nerd into a confident, intelligent working man attracted you.
When you got home, you thought a lot about your first day. Being an intern at Stark Industries was really fun, so far. You weren't expected to do silly things like get coffee or lunch for everyone or pick up someone’s dry cleaning. You actually learned something and even had your opinions heard on some of the things that Peter suggested for his team’s upcoming product presentation.
If this is what it's like to be an intern, you couldn't imagine what it would be like working full time.
“How'd it go?” MJ stuck her head in your room. “It was fun. I'm working with Peter,” you explained your day to her.
“Cool,” was the last thing she said before she went to her own room for the night.
In the past few months, your internship at Stark’s has been going swimmingly. Everyone's been so nice, and the work is so fascinating. You've gotten closer with Peter and along the way, he felt like he was more than a friend and boss to you.
Currently, everyone was getting ready for their final presentations for the upcoming annual Stark Industries Convention. It was going to be Peter’s first year presenting his own project with his team and you were so excited to be a part of it.
The time you’ve spent with Peter was really fun. He was a good mentor and a great friend. The only thing was that you couldn't help but look at him a little too long, and you’ve found yourself thinking about him during your classes or doing your homework. The shy boy from Midtown High was no more, replaced– no, grown into the Peter you know now. But you pushed all feelings aside to focus on your next thesis paper and mock-up of the handout brochures of Peter’s project.
Sometimes, you didn't even feel like an intern as Peter would ask for any ideas you had to make the project better and even let you help with assembly. He stayed true to his words and you’ve never once had to run for coffee or things like that. There’d be times when you would study some of the little parts under a magnifying glass and he’d come up slightly behind you and explain about some of the bits on the working table.
And every time he did that, your breath would be stuck in your throat and you’d have to remind yourself that this was just Peter helping you out and you’re just learning. But it was normal to want more every now and then… right?
The convention was just a few days away and you had trouble finding something to wear. These events were usually black tie events, but did that mean the presenting teams as well? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?
One of the guys on your team, Richie, sat with you during lunch and talked about how he was probably going to wear the same suit as always. Not because he couldn't afford a new suit, but he was just a simple person and he only wears it once a year for the conventions and that’s all, so it’s still in mint condition.
The girls on your team and some from others were going dress shopping the day before and invited you to join. You were excited mainly because now you don't have to bother MJ for it.
Speaking of MJ, you were going to ask her to come with you. Pepper sent out the electronic invitations to everyone in the company and authorized plus ones to even interns. She’s never been to one – for reasons you were still confused about – but you wanted your best friend to be there for you. And if not MJ, then you bet Ned would still come with you. Wait, what if he’s going with Peter?
On cue, Peter had sat in the chair next to yours in the small break room, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey Pete. You excited for Saturday?” Peter quietly stirred his coffee and gave you a small smile, “Uh, yeah. I’m nervous, but I’ve worked really hard on this. And everyone, too. Including you.”
You slightly blushed. I didn't do all that much you thought. You two just sat there taking small sips from the hot, bitter beverage.
“So… I wanted to ask you something,” Peter started.
“Mhm?” The coffee nearly slipped past your lips. You quickly grabbed a napkin to lightly dab some of it off of your lips.
“Well, as you know, we can bring anyone with us to the convention,” he trailed off.
“Yes?” Is he going to…
“And I wanted to know if you were bringing MJ with you.” Oh. You nodded your head and thought you hid your disappointment well but without knowing, Peter actually caught it for a split second. “Good. You can come with me,” he smiled and stood up.
You were in awe; without effort, Peter just asked you to be his date for Saturday.
“Dude, how are you not ready yet? He’s gonna be here any minute,” MJ sat at her computer per usual working. Your music was too loud for her taste playing from your shared bathroom. Peter said he would pick you up at 7, and it was currently 6:50.
You had put on and removed your make-up at least five times. Something was always wrong; one of the wings would either be thicker than the other, the blush would be the wrong shade, or the lipliner kept going out of place. But, alas, you finally nailed it.
Your hair was styled half up with elegant curls and braids. In between some braids were little bits of baby’s breath flowers. Most likely, you were going to have a hard time taking those out but they looked cute and it was too late to take them out.
Your dress was right above your knee and flowed comfortably so you wouldn't have a hard time walking. It was a neutral taupe color and had a V-line that ended just above cleavage and hugged the curve of your waist. You paired it with simple black heels and a small, white handbag.
“He’s here,” MJ informed you.
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, “what do you think?” You spun around and held your arms out. “You look really pretty. Now go get ‘em. I’ll watch it on the live stream.” She gave you a lazy thumbs up and resumed her work.
Outside was Peter in an all-black apparel. His dress shirt had only one button undone, and he had a loose blazer that accentuated the dip of his shoulders. He stood against the limo with his hands at his sides. God, he’s gonna be the death of me.
When he caught sight of you, he had a flirtatious smirk on his lips and held out for your hand. “Peter, where’d this limo come from?”
“Mr. Stark set it up for me,” he stated like it was no big deal. Must be nice being his favorite. He held the door for you to climb in and closed the door behind him. “We’re ready, Happy,” he told the driver. Happy rolled his eyes, closed the window and drove off.
The convention was off to a great start; Tony Stark came in with his suit as he always loved to do and started introductions before everyone else scattered around to look at the projects of the many departments in his company. Some groups of certain departments had large stages, some had small stands, like Peter’s.
There were still large crowds coming to see the smaller presentations, and everyone seemed to be fascinated with Peter's. You stood on the side as his team operated the machine and Peter spoke. He looked confident and it was mesmerizing to watch him.
After the night was over, all employee’s and some guests were brought back to headquarters for the after party. You walked around with Peter and had flutters in your heart every time he held the small of your back. The most exciting part of the night was meeting Tony Stark in person. He greeted Peter warmly, and then his eyes landed on you, “Peter, who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Y/N. She’s a friend of mine,” he gestured for you. You shook Tony’s hand and stood starstruck. “The one you don’t shut up about?” Pepper hit his shoulder and laughed nervously.
“Wait, I’ve heard about you. Buddy of mine works at Empire State and he showed me your paper, it was really good.” You were still shocked that he had even read it and here he was talking to you about it. You went back and forth talking about nano-technology.
On the way home, you and Peter talked and laughed about things you told him as you caught him up to what was happening on campus when he couldn't be there. It was a really fun night, and Peter was more noticeably relaxed now that the hard part was over. “Alright, home sweet home,” Happy announced through the window.
“Well, that’s me,” you smiled sadly, not wanting the night to end. You reached to open the door but Peter climbed out from his side. He walked around to open your door and just like he did earlier, held his hand out for you to grab and assist you out the limo. What was different this time was that he kept his hand in yours as he walked you to the door of the apartments. “I had a great time with you tonight,” Peter confessed.
“Me too,” your voice was soft and low for only him to hear. Peter’s eyes switched from looking into yours to your lips before he grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you. The kiss was needy, passionate, but had a certain gentleness to it. Once he felt you kiss him back with the same fervor, he deepened the kiss and brought one hand to pull your waist closer to him.
You pulled apart to regain your breath and looked to admire his swollen lips and he copied the same notion. He leaned in to give you a gentle kiss and pulled away, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Peter.” Your cheeks were flushed and your face was warm. You watched him as he left and ran inside. Upstairs in your apartment, you found MJ and Ned sitting on the couch with a bag of chips in each of their hands.
“Good night?” Ned asked. You just nodded and walked slowly to your room.
“We saw the whole thing, by the way,” MJ said nonchalantly. You looked back to glare at your best friends, Ned smiling innocently at you and MJ keeping her straight face.
You changed into your pajamas and laid on your bed on your back, looking up at the ceiling. You couldn't wait to go back to work on Monday.
requests open!
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
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A/N: I really had no intentions on writing a second part to “mr. pumpkin king” or whatever we want to call it lol but here we are! You asked so you shall receive! I’m glad you guys enjoyed it and I marinated on this one for awhile, which is why I didn’t rush to put out a second part so soon lol. Let’s see how this goes! Also this one is little more SCI-FI based? + I’m not a Spanish speaker so I hope I didn’t completely ruin it with one of the phrases down below! Don’t drag me too much lmao.
Here’s part i. For those who haven’t read yet.
“We need to move,” Oscar grunted as he pushed himself and Lydia from the floor.
The scratching only seemed to get louder and you massaged the space in between your brows, anxiety radiating off your form, “where exactly are we supposed to go? That thing followed us home, Oscar!”
Oscar swallowed as he shot Cesar a look which you perked up, catching that. Cesar nodded his head in agreement as he stepped towards Oscar, holding his arms out for his niece
Lydia willfully went into her uncle’s arms, resting her head against his shoulder as Cesar left the entryway of the home
Oscar made his way over to you, holding his hands out to help you to your feet. A series of knocks followed, making the both of you turn to the noise before Oscar slowly moved the both of you by the set of stairs and away from the front door
“I know a place where we’ll be okay.” He held onto your hands, staring at you with great intensity
You inhaled, “…and where is that exactly?”
Oscar licked his lips as he began pulling you further away from the door and around the corner where your half-bath sat off to the side parallel to where the set of stairs were
You kept your eyes on him as Oscar broke the stare to look at where another storage closet set. The door was wide open and the light was on, “I’ll do anything to protect my family, you know that.” 
You blinked not liking how where this was going. It seemed as if time was going much too slow now despite the fact that some human or creature was after you guys, “Oscar…” you just wanted him to spit out whatever he had to say
“We have a basement?” Oscar stated but it sounded more like a question, “well, a bunker and we need to get down there now.”
You scoffed out a laugh, “the realtor told us we only had a attic, barely an attic. What are you talking about?”
Oscar’s hands drifted down to your hips, his gaze kept shifting towards the front door but he guided you backwards carefully to the closet catching you off guard. He kept his grip on you to make sure you didn’t trip backwards as he led you through a set of coats then he let go of you
You took the time to look where Oscar left you, to see a open space with a ladder leading downwards. Confused you peered through the pushed aside coats to see Oscar securing what you knew to be a closet door. He bolted the door and set a code to lock it down completely before he rushed back over to you
That’s when you heard a loud sound, of your front door being broken open. Oscar’s hands went back to your waist bringing you back to the open space, “down we go, y/n.”
The heat radiating from your eyes was enough and oscar clenched his eyes at your reaction. You said nothing as you suddenly moved to head down the ladder with oscar shortly following after
Hopping down you watched as oscar closed the top, screwing it shut before he made his way over. He placed a hand on the space in between your neck and shoulder but you shoved him off as you began walking in the only direction left of this mine like place
Oscar sighed as he went after you, you stepped into the open vault leaving Oscar to lock all three of you inside. Your eyes set on Cesar who was leaning over a laptop while your daughter lay cuddling with her stuffed potato sleeping.
“Its nice to see everyone is at complete ease down here.” You muttered as you clasped your hands together
Cesar peeked over at you, wishing Oscar good luck with his eyes before he turned his attention back to the laptop
“I…this is for all good reason, y/n.”
“What’s the reason?”
“Well that thing walking around upstairs is a pretty good reason.” Oscar hissed making you raise your brows at him
Oscar reached for you but you simply stepped back making him puff out a breath, “how long has this been down here?”
“Since you entered your second trimester. When we were in the clear…I always had this idea, I bought the idea to cesar and he reached out to jamal’s team…”
Each word he spoke you couldn’t believe your ears, “so not only have you been lying to me for years…you had everyone involved including my own damn cousin?”
Jamal was also doing big things now ever since he got recruited to this high tech company on his prom night. He was more than willing to help out if that meant not only showing off but keeping you and Lydia safe
“Just hear him out, y/n.” Cesar’s voice boomed but kept his eyes trained on the computer
You whirled around at cesar’s audacity and pulled off your purse and slapped it against cesar’s back. The 21 year old yelped as he attempted to dodge your hits, “you have no business speaking to me right now when you’ve been lying to my face too! I’m supposed to be your sister! On top of that you seem to know a little more about mr. sleepy hollow upstairs than you’re letting on.”
Cesar held onto his stinging back while glancing at his big brother. Oscar rubbed at his mouth and you whirled around to face Oscar who took his turn stepping back from your raised pocketbook now
“That right there needs to stop!” You yelled, “the both of you looked into my face since before Lydia was born lying day by day and now that I’m confronting you two selfish idiots about this, you want to treat me like I’m loco?”
Oscar wanted to give you a few seconds to calm down but Cesar didn’t seem to pick up on that as he said, “it’s for all of our own good, I can’t believe you would think this is selfish when we spent months planning this—
“Oh ¡Métetelo por el culo! (trsltn: stick it up your ass!)
It was cesar’s turn to furrow his thick brows as he raised his hands further stepping back from your insults, he basically left Oscar to deal with this on his own as he checked on Lydia who was sound asleep
“Baby,” Oscar started but you shushed him not wanting to hear his attempt at trying to smooth over this, “…I’m sorry I lied to you, your feelings are valid and I understand them and I hope what I’m about to tell you will make it all make sense.” 
Pressing at your temples you crossed your arms waiting for Oscar to come clean
At this time Cesar seemed to be on video chat with someone as he picked up the laptop and disappeared deeper into the vault
“Ever sense Lydia learned how to talk and developed these…imaginary friends…I realized this might be a bigger situation at hand. At first I thought it had connections with the santos, the constant feeling that we’re being watched or things being misplaced, left open, or moved around the house, or the markings we would both wake up from—although you tried to convince the both of us that it was just from sex…I always had the suspicion that it was more, much more.”
You felt the hairs on your arms stick up underneath your wool coat. You didn’t like where this was going and you were struggling to piece what your husband was saying to you right now
“I was scared shitless at first when I figured it out…you know I don’t mess with anything paranormal. Ever since that trip back to my mom’s home town in Oaxaca—you know the story. I had to test those theories by connecting with jamal’s team…and Cesar thought I was crazy until he saw it for himself.”
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath as you felt the need to ask, “Oscar…what are you saying?”
“It’s Lydia. Everything comes back to her and we had a lot of things to get used to but I know you noticed something off about her.” Oscar famously quirked up one of his brows
Closing your eyes you sighed with a quick dip of your head that he almost missed it, “so what? are you saying we created a kid that’s possessed?”
“No, no! Hell no.” Oscar went to grip your face so that he could ease your emotions, “I’m sure she’s not but she has a gift. A brilliant mind, we ran tests.”
Huffing you glared at the buzz haired (for the season) man in front of you, “so not only have you lied to me about this place but you’ve also been treating our daughter like some fucking lab rat?!”
Oscar dropped his head, “I had to be sure. We had to be sure. Something told me too and I didn’t want to worry you without being positive. I’m so sorry.”
There were so many things wrong with how Oscar went about this but you knew he had good intentions. He was doing this for the safety of your child but it hurt you to know that he didn’t bother to include you in this. This was supposed to be a partnership yet he thought it was okay to leave you in the dark???
“What’s wrong with her then?”
“Nothing really,” Oscar trailed off but the look you sent him made him clear his throat, “she has a gift. Her imaginary friends aren’t solely made up, not technically. All those drawings she makes of herself and whatever character next to her they’re real.”
“So what you’re saying is…that pumpkin creature thing upstairs…she created with her mind?” You peered over at your daughter who’s chest rose and fell with each breath
Oscar caressed the side of your face as you took in this information. You didn’t know how to feel about this, how could you?
“That’s exactly what he’s saying.” A familiar voice cut in revealing your younger cousin, Jamal
Both you and Oscar turned to face the young man who had a small smile on his face with Cesar, Kendra, and two men behind him
“I don’t know whether to choke you or give you a hug.”
Jamal gripped his neck, “I would be open to a hug, sweet dear cuz of mine.”
You gave him the hand which he gasped at, “maybe later, when I’m not pissed off.”
“That’s fine. You’ll be thanking me later when this is all over.” Jamal was so sure of himself as he waved you all over to another section of the vault
You halted as you saw a large workspace which held multiple screens against the wall and a few desks with some computers. On the screens held multiple views of your home of either old recordings and current as your house was getting ripped apart by this lanky headless pumpkin form
“Allow me, I’m Peter gambi. One of Jamal’s team members and of many that’s studied your daughter’s gift.”
You held up your hand making the man stop saying anything further, “you keep calling this a gift, what exactly is this?”
Kendra spoke next, “Lydia has quite the mind, a exquisite one. You created a powerful child and according to our calculations that’s one in a 9.52 billion chance of having a child like your own.”
“What are you going to tell me next? Is she human? Secretly a alien? Oscar told me she apparently passed the possession test so what? A mutant? Are the x-men gonna roll up in here and defeat that thing upstairs and save the day?” You laughed but no one else in the room shared that laugh, which did not bring you any comfort
“She’s human, don’t worry. Just gifted. She has the ability to create what she sees very much a reality. Either by dreams or drawing what comes to mind and the girl can draw for a three year old.” Jamal informed
You chewed on your lips still feeling out of the loop, “I’m getting that but why is it after us? We’re clearly hiding from it.”
“The others appeared to be of no threat as they vanished or did not achieve the chance to be a physical form like mr. pumpkin. The others were simply entities.” Gambi told you making you shake your head at this overload of knowledge
Kendra held up a finger, “I also don’t believe it’s after you. It only wants Lydia.”
“But what does it want with Lydia?” Cesar asked
“She’s the creator so maybe she can tell us.” Jamal offered
Oscar met your eyes as if to silently ask what the next approach should be here. How sweet of him, this time. What you really needed was some Tylenol and a bottle of vodka
Cesar left the room to get Lydia while Oscar pulled your face into the side of his neck and you let him this time. He squeezed your side while you kept your arms wrapped tightly around yourself—nothing would make this okay.
You were supposed to be living a normal happy life
“Um, Oscar…y-y/n?” Cesar called out and that’s when you felt it
Oscar felt it too as you all faced Cesar who was shaking, “lydia’s gone.”
“What?!” You yelled, ripping yourself from Oscar’s grasp to jog over to Cesar
Cesar pointed behind himself
“She was sleeping.” The older brother gritted
“The vault’s open.” Cesar answered while Jamal nodded at his team while he pressed onto a device in his ear
Jamal was calling all sorts of codes as the room began to shake making dust float around which made you cough
Gambi, Kendra, and the mute expressionless man began pulling out weapons as they sprung into motion heading towards the open vault door
You felt the hands of Oscar on you again as Cesar went over to Jamal asking him what he could do to help, “nothing. You’re immediate family when it comes to Lydia so it’s best for you all to stay here. We cannot confirm or deny if it wants you three dead.”
“Like hell we are!” Oscar roared but it was jamal’s turn to hold his hand up at the ex-gang leader’s outburst
“I had a feeling you would say that,” Jamal replied as blinding lights appeared behind you but you did not dwell on that as you ran after the three
Your foot was ready to reach over the outside of the vault and you could see the lean figure with crooked limbs holding your daughter on its hip
Kendra seemed to be the only one aiming her weapon of blinding light at the figure while Gambi and the other man were laid out on the ground
“Lydia!” You remembered screaming and you were sure her light brown eyes met yours in the distance and before she could send you a wave in response—
The blue flash of light sent you back, your spine bending at a unnatural angle before you fell backwards
“Y/n!” Oscar screamed out for you, now on his stomach reaching for you as tears burned his eyes. He could only see the silhouette of mr. pumpkin and hear his daughter’s giggles as Kendra inched backwards still aiming her gun
Seconds ago, Cesar attempted to attack Jamal but he was sucked backwards into the blue light first
Once Oscar succumbed to his exhaustion, the blue light went out with Jamal lifting his mirrored shades to see Kendra walking over to him, holding lydia’s hand and the cracking of bones shortly followed after
“Mission completed,” Jamal informed into his headpiece as he bent down to pick up Lydia, “hey sweetie, you remember me?”
“Yes…mally!” Lydia cupped his face, playing with his facial hair much like she did with her dad
Jamal smiled at her, “you’re coming with us to a magical place. Doesn’t that sound fun?”
Lydia nodded resting her head against jamal’s shoulder before he looked up at mr. pumpkin, “you created a real problem for us this time around man.”
Mr. pumpkin groaned in response while Kendra stared up at him with her doe eyes nodding her head in understanding before letting out a sigh, “make sure you don’t forget the others, they have to come with us too.”
“We really only need y/n and spooky.” Jamal informed heading towards the blinding blue lights
Kendra nodded, “affirmative. What’s a family reunion without a little chaos? At least I think that’s what they say, isn’t that right Lydia 1.0? I mean…mr. pumpkin?”
Jamal hummed at that before they all began fading into the blue light but not without it pulling Oscar and your crumbled body along to a world unlike Portland and not anything you signed up for
However you were parents and would do anything for your child, whatever that entailed.
Continue along with my October anthology prompts here
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