#and i'm glad someone reached out to share their opinion
stfuimprojecting · 2 years
Hey, I’ve really enjoyed your 911 posts but your last one was very hurtful and came across as victim blaming. Maddie left due to mental illness, she didn’t choose to leave anyone.
it wasn't my intention to impart blame onto maddie for leaving, i fully understand why she left and the reasoning behind it
but she did leave, and by doing so she does leave buck, chimney and jee yun
that's not to say maddie is a bad person, she's someone who is hurting and is acting on that hurt
we see that maddie struggles with self blame and insecurity and not feeling good enough. she's depressed, she feels alone, she's scared. scared that she's a bad mother, a bad partner. she's scared that she does more harm than good. she's scared of herself. so she runs. and i get why, she thinks that by removing herself from the equation then she can't hurt anyone. and hopefully her time away gives her a chance to recuperate and heal, lord knows it's what she deserves
but that doesn't mean that she's free of consequence, her actions impact those around her and hurt the people around her. we see that her leaving hurts the people she loves, even though they understand why she left
i love maddie. she's one of my favourite characters. i don't blame her for running, i deeply understand the want to run. i understand that mental illness can be so overwhelming you can't think straight, you can't stop to consider the consequences of your actions. maddie's mental illness is the driving force for why she chose to leave. but that's still a choice she made. mental illness provides the context and the reasoning, but when all is said and done, you have to take ownership of the decisions you've made and the subsequent fallout, whatever that may be
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e-vay · 5 days
Evay QA Bulk Post 5
Here we go again! These do not include Domino or Phlox questions as I plan on addressing those in a separate post. I couldn't get through as many questions this time around but I did what I could. I'm sorry, I'm just a little mentally and emotionally overwhelmed right now so I can only respond to so many at a time.
Thank you all for reaching out ☺️ Despite my brain, I am always very appreciative to hear from you!
sayain-princess-vegenta asked: What is some original artwork or stories you've been working on lately? I know you probably get a bunch of questions for established fandoms but spoil us with your own thoughts! 😇
A: Well that's very kind of you to ask! To be perfectly honest, I mostly stick to fan art or creating original characters that exist in an already established world. I only have one personal project that is completely original, but so far it's only character designs. I don't have a full story or world built yet. I'm not sure if I'll ever share it on here.
Anon asked: Who or what made you wanted to do art?
A: There wasn't anyone or any particular thing that made me want to draw. I've just been drawing since I was able to grasp a pencil (or crayon) in my hand and I've never stopped! 🥰
Anon asked: Have you ever caught someone stealing or drawing your art?
A: Ohohoho, allllll the time
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Anon asked: Do you still like sonic boom or are you over it?
A: My love is everlasting!
Anon asked: Hello Evay_art I always wonder have you always thought doing Amy Rose game???
A: Hi! Do you mean for me to make an Amy Rose game? I don't have the talent to do that, but gosh do I want there to be an Amy game so badly! ☺️ She deserves it! I would love to play a game devoted to her. I thought The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog was especially great because she was a major character in it!
Anon asked: What is your opinion of Sally Acorn? Do you like the idea of her and Sonic have had a relationship? In fact, something I never got an answer for, is she considered canonical?
A: I'm not a fan. Plenty of people can argue for or against Archie characters, but Archie is not considered part of the game canon like IDW is.
Anon asked: I keep on hearing everyone talk about Hell Hath No Fury, so I finally got curious enough to read it! I have to say that it was coming out really good! Do you plan on working on it again any time soon?
A: Thank you for checking it out! I'm glad you were enjoying it. Yes I do plan on picking it back up eventually.
Anon asked: Does HHNF take place in Sonic Boom(Sorry if this is a stupid question)
A: It's not a stupid question at all. HHNF is a Modern Sonic story, not Sonic Boom. Also, it is not part of my AU. It's a completely separate story 🖤
fungus101 asked: Can you do more Werehog stuff
A: Oh I plan on it! I love drawing werehogs!
Anon asked: I have a question since sonic boom has been over for a while now. Do you still like the designs from it or have you moved on? Cause I know the sonic boom designs are somewhat of a future designs for some of your comics. I was just wondering if it would be Recon at this point
A: I still love the Sonic Boom designs and they're still part of my canon. I try to draw more than just Boom (I've been especially neglectful of the Modern designs and I need to do a better job of that), but the Boom designs are still my most favorite to draw.
sonicx1027 asked: Hey Evay, I’m curious if you are going to make another comic in the future, especially with the new Sonic Characters being added from the IDW series. If you are, have a story in mind?
A: I definitely plan on including IDW characters in future comics! I need to catch up on the IDW comics before I feel comfortable enough to write anything. I want to make sure I keep them as in-character as possible. But in the meantime I do have plans of having them make little appearances.
itsyourboysworld asked: on a scale of one - ten how made are you that we still don’t have a trailer for sonic the hedgehog 3 because for me it’s infinite
A: WHY ARE THEY TORTURING US?! GIVE US A TRAILER!!!! I am sure it will be worth the wait but it's killing me.
Anon asked: How do you feel about Mighty the armadillo?
A: It's funny because I think one of the Tailstube videos (or perhaps it was one of the Twitter takeovers) made the point that Mighty is basically just a more mellow version of Sonic and I do agree, I've always thought that. I actually think he's like a fusion of Sonic and Knuckles, but super chill.
emceevoices asked: In Boom Baby, what was the movie Sonic, Amy, and Eggman were watching? In my dub, I had them watch the 93 Super Mario Bros movie, but did you have any specific movie in mind?
A: I believe you're talking about Chapter 5.1 of My Gal. They are watching my own make-believe Overwatch movie lol I just wanted an excuse to draw Mercy as a Mobian
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toonfan91 asked: Oh my gosh I thought your tumblr was dead, as a fan of your work it is stellar seeing new Sonic art from you again, or art at all really. I do have one question, if you were to have the time and willingness to, would you draw designs for the Freedom Fighters (Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor and Nyx) that fit in your AU and try to work them subtly into it?
A: I'm still alive! Haha 😄 Thank you so much, I'm really glad you are enjoying my new work! I'm sorry to disappoint but I was never a fan of the Archie comics or characters, so no I do not include them in my AU. Sorry!
milangakokoros asked: Has pensado dibujar a whisper y tangle como si fueran parte del AU donde Aurora existe? Como serian sus vidas? Dime que estarian casadas jajsjj
A: I do plan on adding Tangle and Whisper 🥰 I need to get caught up on the IDW comics to make sure I'm writing them in-character, but they will make an appearance in the near future.
furrylovergril495 asked: Also how old is Aurora? Ps I think she one of the nicest fan kids I ever since
A: Thank you so much, I'm so glad you like her! 💗 I don't like to include exact ages because I don't think Mobians age the same way humans do. Especially since SEGA has redacted the Sonic characters' ages. But for majority of my drawings, Aurora is the human-equivalent of about 20-23 years old.
Anon asked: can you draw super Aurora and tell me what abilities she has
A: 😊 I've drawn Super Aurora (aka "Aurora Borealis") quite a few times! [x] [x] [x]. She has all the standard Super Hedgehog powers (Flight, strength, invincibility, etc.)
thechosenflow asked: How does Metal sonic interact with Aurora? Are they friends or does Metal act as a guardian?
A: I've only drawn the two crossing paths once. I like to think that Metal Sonic is secretly in love with Amy, and so when Amy and Sonic get married he is pretty devastated. Maybe he gets his own Metal Amy and has his own Metal family??? 👀
Anon asked: So we know that Sage is best friends with Aurora but how is she with Rouge and Knuckles son's? I forgot their names😭
A: That's okay, I have a lot of characters. You're asking about Ruff & Tumble! Honestly I don't see her having much of a relationship with them. They are quite a bit younger than Aurora so I don't think Sage would have much reason to be around them often. HOWEVER! I do write Sage to have a friendly-competitive relationship with CC, and since CC does not care much for the hyena boys, that means Sage automatically gets a kick out of them.
antooogamer asked: What happened to Sonic's scarf? Do you keep it or when you retire will you give it to one of your grandchildren?
A: With how much danger that hedgehog gets in to, that scarf would have been ripped to shreds! No way it survived long enough for his grandkids to have it 😆
Anon asked: Have Aurora ever met Blaze, Sliver, and Amy's parents?
A: Blaze and Silver are friends with Sonic and Amy so she definitely would have met them at some point. I originally wrote Amy's parents as having passed away before she and Sonic got married, but I recently decided to change that! The Rose 'rents will be alive in my canon! So yes she'd have met them, too!
cyberdiesel asked: What is Aurora's relationship with the Gogobas and Froglodytes (including Og) like?
A: Aurora does not have any relationship with them (I did not care for them so I don't plan on ever drawing them haha)
Anon asked: What did Sonic and Aurora do for Amy on Mother's Day?
A: They spoiled her rotten by making her the most delicious, sweet, unhealthy breakfast imaginable with pancakes and ice cream and all the flavor syrups! Sonic even cleaned up after!
Anon asked: Does Aurora loves Chillidogs like his father?
A: Nobody loves chilidogs as much as Sonic haha But she does enjoy them. She kinda has to, chili dogs are a staple in the Rose household!
medi0creartz asked: There’s something I’ve been thinking for a long time. I don’t know if someone asked you this but has Cream and her Mom Vanilla ever meet Aurora?
A: Of course! Cream is Amy's best friend. Aurora absolutely would have met her!
echidnapower asked: So, difficult philosophical lore math question for you. 👀 Aurora and Sage are besties. Aurora is the daughter of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sage is Dr. Eggman’s daughter. Dr. Eggman wants to destroy Sonic and take over the world. Sage never wants to hurt Aurora. Eggman hurting Sonic would hurt Aurora. Sage is "presumably" loyal to Eggman. Solve for X, if you know what I mean. >:)
A: echidnapower you always ask the tough questions! It might not be very exciting, but Eggman mellows out in my AU as he gets older and he even adores Aurora, so he has no intention of hurting her. Sage does want to rule the world and make the Eggman Empire reign supreme, but she wants to do it passively and by intelligent means, not through destruction ;) Sorry that's a boring answer for you!
km0901 asked: Hi again! A question that's been on my mind lately comes from your "Time travel" comic. In it, we know that Aroura goes back in time to save Shadow, but from what? I first thought it might be DR. Eggman, but he has seemingly moved on with his life along with everyone else. This leads to the big question, who or what is this new menace?
A: I know this is a disappointing answer, but I can't reveal what the threat behind that storyline is yet! You'll have to wait when I can finally write that story out as a fic. All I can confirm is that the threat is invented by me. It is not an antagonist from the game canon. I'm so sorry I can't share more!
Anon asked: will you ever draw your human AUs for sonic again sense you have a newer art style ( btw speaking of art style i Love it and absolutely adore everything you post)
A: You are such a sweetheart, thank you! I'm really happy to hear that. I'll draw human Sonic characters again, just not sure when :) Some people really hate the way I draw the gijinka Sonic characters so that's why I don't do it much. But whatever, it is what it is. It's not going to stop me forever lol I'm happy you like it!
Anon asked: I love the design for Movie Aurora!! Since Tom and Maddie are like Sonic's adopted parents (if Aurora lives on earth), would you see Tom and Maddie show her tons of affection like grandparents?
A: Thank you so much! Yes I'm sure Tom and Maddie would be over the moon to have a grandbaby! I have the cutest vision in my head of them having to buy doll clothes for her since she's so little.
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don’t like Shadora
Anon asked: Now that i thought, have the Shadora Offspring ever met Black Doom? If they did what's their relationship with him?
A: The Shadora Horde are aware of their lineage [x] [x], but no they don't have a relationship with Black Doom at all. If Black Doom were alive, Shadow definitely wouldn't let him anywhere near his kids.
aeroranger100 asked: What inspired you to make My Gal? Or maybe I should ask, what got you on board the SonAmy ship in the first place? 💙🩷
A: My Gal came about simply because I thought, if Sonic were to ask Amy out, how would it go? Although I love sappy romance and angst, I actually prefer writing comedies so I put it in the Sonic Boom universe because I could go super silly with it! Though, I still think their date might go sort of like the events of My Gal no matter what universe it takes place in 😉 As far as why I first started shipping Sonamy, it was simply by learning who Amy was in the first place! The moment I saw her and got to know her character I thought, oh, this girl is the one. I wrote a very detailed post about it a long time ago if you'd like to read it! It wasn't meant to persuade anyone, it was just meant to illustrate why I'm so passionate about those two!
Anon asked: Your Sonamy art always gives me life and I love whenever you draw them smooching😘😘 Question: Do you have any art of Sonamy making out? Or if you know of another artists could you point me to them? I'm having cravings!!
A: Thank you so much! Honestly I feel like I draw them making out all the time 🤣 The entire ending and Epilogue of My Gal is just them kissing constantly haha! I'm working on some birthday drawings that should satisfy that craving of yours 👀
Anon asked: Hope I’m not annoying but what are Shadow’s, Sonic’s and Amy’s orientations(sexualities)? I know you answered What are shadora children sexualities but I really am curious about this. Also,love your art💜🙌
A: You're not annoying and thank you for the compliment! Honestly I can only answer for my own characters because they are 100% made by me. Unless SEGA officially confirms what Sonic, Shadow, and Amy's preferences are then I can't say for certain. We can all just imagine what we want.
Anon asked: Are Sonic and Amy still an active couple when their grandparents? And what do you mean by active e-vay? 😏Plz explain if you want😊…. I’m very curious 😂
A: Anon, you are too funny. You can't ask me a question and then follow it up by "what do you mean" when it was your question! 🤣 Yes they're still very active, however you mean it to mean! 😜
Anon asked: Do you think boom sonic has feelings for amy as well?
A: Absolutely I do! He was so sweet on her in that show!
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Anon asked: What if sonamy was a same gender couple?
A: I've said it before but I'll say it again: As long as they're together and they're happy, I'm happy!
Anon asked: hi e-vay what's ur fav sonamy universe?? (boom, prime, etc.)
A: Hi! Wow, that's really difficult for me to pick. Boom was definitely the most fun for me. That show made me laugh so hard and Sonic and Amy were both so handsome and pretty, and they were so funny the way they interacted. I am still 100% of the belief that they were secretly dating during that show!!! But Modern has the most potential. It can be fun and it can be serious, so if they ever wanted to take Sonic down a romantic path I think it would be more meaningful in the Modern context.
Anon asked: desearía tener más contenido tails x cc realmente los amo!!
and makarov asked: More cc x tails comics pleeeaseeee🥺? And will you do an cc x tails animation?
A: I'm so happy you like the LoveBytes (TailsXCC) ship! I promise I'll draw more in the future 💛 I'm sorry for the wait. I don't know about an animation but definitely more drawings to come.
nightfurylover31 asked: I’ve been listening to Backstreet Boys again to relive my childhood, and the songs “Shape of My Heart” and “I Don’t Wanna Lose You Know” feel like perfect Sonamy songs! 🥰💙🥰🩷
A: Backstreet Boys! Talk about ROMANCE! I love those and of course now I will associate them with Sonamy 🥰 Thank you for sharing!
blueberryydraw asked: hey e-vay! I love your works and I'm a big fan of Sonic. Would it be possible for you to make a Sonamy movie? :)
A: Thank you so very much! Are you asking if I could make a sonamy animation some time? If so, I can't say much about it but there is a very special project I'm working on! It won't be ready for a very long time, but when I can talk about it, I will!
ultimate-guardian asked: What do you say about Knuckles x Mighty?
A: I don't personally ship the two of them together
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don’t like Shadora
Anon asked: Sonic does not want Shadow to date Aurora cause he thinks he might hurt her or is it because they don't like each other?
A: It wouldn't matter if it was Shadow or not, Sonic doesn't want Aurora dating anyone. He doesn't think anyone is 'good enough' for his daughter.
Thank you all for the questions!
Evay QA Bulk Post 1
Evay QA Bulk Post 2
Evay QA Bulk Post 3
Evay QA Bulk Post 4
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
04/16/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Samba Schutte; Outtakes; Weekly Calendar; Fiber Arts Auction; Some Nonsense in Bristol; Glad Ranker; Fan Spotlight: Never Left Podcast; Cast Cards; Our Drag Means Slay, Our Flag Means Fanfiction Minisode; Our Flag Makes a Difference Fundraiser; Schadenfreude; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika.
= Samba Schutte =
The big sighting today was Samba and his Outtakes BTS post!
== New Weekly Event Calendar ==
New event calendar is up! Check out the new Fiber Arts Brigade info below!
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= SOFMD's Fiber Arts Brigade =
Some cool stuff is going on in SOFMD's Fiber Arts Brigade! There's an auction to benefit Sage, a US organization that provides amazing support and advocacy for queer elders! The Auction will be held June 14th . You don't need to be a member to donate items to the auction! Message @saveofmdcrewmates if you'd like to join in! sageusa.org
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Jeff Art by @snejpowa
== **Big Sigh** in Bristol ==
I don't even know what to label this section. I'm just flabberghasted. The good news is they are not a member of the SOFMD team since there was a rumor going around that SOFMD was somehow involved. Link to the Bristol Post and SaveOFMD's Statement Below:
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== Uproar Update! ==
Digital release moved up to April 23!
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== Calls to Action ==
== GLAAD ==
Last day to vote for GLAAD!
Vote Here
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Img Src: @AdoptOurCrew Twitter
== Ranker ==
Still looking to help OFMD stay up on Ranker? This is their main page and yo can choose from lots of different rankings going on and vote up OFMD and down other shows you think should be lowered.
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Never Left ==
Never Left Podcast has Hugo Pierre Martin on the show this week! Give them a listen on your choice of podcast platforms by visiting their Linktr.ee
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Artwork was created by Amy Gleason, you can see more of her art @/AmysBirdHouse on IG.
= Cast Cards =
Our dear crewmate @melvisik has spotlighted one of the fisherman from the pilot episode that Stede pillaged the plant from! Ted Heyck!
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== Our Drag Means Slay ==
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For those of you not in the Chicago area, you can now sign up to see Our Drag Means Slay on livestream! Tickets are $5 for the Apr 27, 2024 7:00 PM show! All proceeds go to charity!
Ticket Link
Our Drag Means Slay Twitter
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
Our friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction have put out a minisode this week:
Minisode: Izzy Hands Ring Lore Fics Check it out on Spotify!
== Our Flag Makes A Difference ==
Great news! The eSIMS and Sanitary Products for Gaza fundraiser has finally reached it's goal! Thank you so everyone who shared links or donated, it makes a serious different in folks lives! For more info: Check out the campaign
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== Schadenfreude ==
Thanks @seven_sugars on Twitter for spotting this 30% loss YTD!
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== Love notes ==
Today was a tough one lovelies. I really want to thank all of you who reached out when I was struggling, it meant a lot to me. I know some of you said we didn't know each other-- but I just wanna throw out there that you're part of this crew, and even if we haven't talked or interacted much, your love means the world to me and everyone else you send it to. Every single one of you who's willing to reach out-- to a friend/crewmate who has asked, or hasn't asked and just looks like they need it, or you're just spreading a bit of joy-- you make this world such a better place. You take sadness and you turn it into solace and comfort. You share a little piece of yourself to make someone else's missing pieces start to be whole again.
I just want you to know how powerful that kindness is. It can mean the absolute world to someone when they are truly down, to know they are seen and cared about, even by the briefest of acquaintance. Seriously, thank you. You are a glimmer of sunshine on hard days and the impact you make is immense. Tonight, I just want to say thank you so so much for your kindness. Love you crew, I hope you're well.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is Freemanji, I don't know why, just felt like a Freemanji night. Look at Rhys in his little mustache and hat, and Taika in his goofy ass coat <3 Gifs courtesy of @neonpigeons and @ihadaweirdname
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youling-the-ghost · 29 days
I just got caught up on the bnha manga and boy do I have some thoughts about the future of the series. OBVIOUS SPOILER WARNING IS OBVIOUS
I don't know how to feel about the fact that bnha could be ending soon. On one hand, I'm glad that the final war arc is finally reaching its conclusion, but on the other hand, there are so many loose ends that I'm worried will never be tied up. I'm mostly worried about the future of class 1-A because every scenario that I thought of had something wrong with it:
Class 1-A continues studying at UA as if nothing had happened. This doesn't quite sit well with me because let's be real here, all of class 1-A were all more heroic than most of the Pro Heroes. Having them continue studying at UA would feel almost disingenuous to the entire final war arc. Despite this, I still feel like this is the best option for class 1-A. After everything that has happened, a sense of normalcy would probably be appreciated. Plus I'd love to see Shinsou as part of the hero course in their second year.
Class 1-A graduates from UA by default and all become Pro Heroes. I don't like this scenario for more personal reasons. The main reason why I love bnha so much is its academia aspects; I loved seeing the characters grow like actual students in a genuine school setting. Having the students graduate would be taking the main charm of the show away, at least in my opinion. Although I will say that it would be incredibly exciting to see the students that we've been following for the past 400 chapters become Pro Heroes, so I'm not entirely against this option either.
The hero society crumbles and heroes cease to exist, thereby disbanding UA and class 1-A. Honestly I'm only including this because it's a popular fan-theory, although I don't agree with it at all. It feels like a slap in the face to every student who faught in the war. It would genuinely be such a big disservice to have all of them who risked their lives fighting in the war, only for their dreams to be ripped from them. Another issue is that in my opinion, the heroes themselves isn't even the biggest flaw within the hero society. I feel like the biggest flaw with the whole system is how the general public views heroes. They see Pro Heroes as saints and pillars who can shoulder all of society's burdens and blames. Removing the job of Pro Heroes would just feel like putting a band-aid on an amputated limb, as the core issue of bnha's society shifting its blame onto others wouldn't be resolved. It would also just be scummy to title your series "My Hero Academia" only to remove the concept of heroes by the end of it. I'm not bashing Horikoshi's writing or even fans who support this theory, I just personally think that it's not a very plausible ending for bnha.
Again, I feel like option 1, where class 1-A continue to school as normal (followed by a time-skip when they become Pro Heroes) would be the best and most plausible option. However, I don't think it would be right for things to completely return to normal either.
I really hope that Horikoshi adds an arc after the current one that explores the aftermath of everything, including the public reaction to how hard the heroes faught against the villains and their unwavering spirit, which could also serve as a proper end to the overarching story of the broken hero society.
This is more of a tangent than anything else, but I CAN'T BELIEVE SHIGARAKI JUST DIED LIKE THAT??? I guess it makes me overly optimistic, but I genuinely thought at one point that Midoriya could save Tenko from All For One because it would be an incredibly fitting end for him. Tenko's main motivation behind becoming Shigaraki was the fact that not one person helped him when he was wandering the streets as a traumatised kid, and a common narrative that all of the League of Villains shared was how their fates could have been different had someone reached out a helping hand when they needed it most. Having Midoriya save Tenko from All For One would be such a satisfying ending, not only for the overarching story of the villains, but for those who wish that the villains could be redeemed. It would be such a perfect ending AND IT WAS TAKEN AWAY JUST LIKE THAT?? I don't buy it tbh maybe I'm just delusional but I have a feeling that the whole ordeal with Shigaraki isn't finished yet.
Lastly, IS MIDORIYA QUIRKLESS AGAIN?? Since Shigaraki had One For All when he died, that would mean that the quirk is also gone, right? So would that mean that he would no longer be able to become a hero? I could see this going one of two ways:
Shigaraki's not actually dead or One For All didn't disappear when he died, meaning that Midoriya can continue using it.
One For All really is gone and Midoriya is quirkless again, but he continues striving towards his goal of being a hero despite not having a quirk.
I think both options have potential and I wouldn't be opposed if either option becomes canon. Although, if Shigaraki gets revived for some bullshit reason, I might just riot. I know I literally just said that I'm not against Shigaraki not actually being dead, but that would require a plausible explanation for why he's dead but not actually dead. I think the most plausible explanation right now would be if somehow Shigaraki's quirk mutates and the "restore" part of it returns, which could "restore" his body again. But even that is a little...eh to me. Either way, I'm excited for what's in store.
You thought I was done, well SIKE! Let's talk about Midoriya's dad! Horikoshi has confirmed in 2018 that his identity will be revealed at some point, but it's nearing the end of the final war arc and still not one hint has dropped about Hisashi Midoriya. I feel like this could end up being another "Aoyama is the traitor" situation, where we think that Horikoshi has forgotten about this plot line, only for him to come back to it in full force that makes total sense in retrospect.
The most popular theory right now is that Hisashi Midoriya is actually All For One, and I actually kind of agree with it. I don't think that this is 100% going to be what Horikoshi goes with, but I think it's a pretty interesting idea that also has decent plausibility. Apart from the evidence that other fans have accumulated, there's also a lot of merit in the storytelling that could stem from this reveal:
It has already been established that the public is willing to turn their backs on heroes, no matter how much they sacrifice to ensure the safety of the civillians, if they believe that the hero is "immoral" in some way. The reveal that All For One is Midoriya's dad would be like the "Dabi is Touya" reveal except 10 times worse because this isn't just some villain, it's literally All For One. The public would not take it well, and that could be a great segue to directly addressing all of the issues about the hero society that Horikoshi has been building up.
This also completes the foil contrast between Midoriya and Shigaraki; two kids who were victims of the broken hero society, one born from a villain and one born from a hero, who become the opposite as they're taken under the wing of the greatest hero and the greatest villain. There's just something so poetic about that that I love.
Let's say that Tenko Shimura does get saved by Midoriya, imagine how he'd feel when he finds out that the person who saved him is directly related to the person who caused all of his pain and grief. It would probably break him, and this could lead to such an interesting arc of Tenko re-adjusting to a normal civilian life, dealing with the backlash that's bound to happen, and learning how to trust Midoriya again. It's such a compelling idea that I'm itching to write a fic about it.
But apart from that, there's also the fact that there aren't many other ways that would make the reveal interesting enough to justify it being such a long mystery. Think about it, there's probably a good reason that Horikoshi kept Midoriya's dad a secret for so long, and it would be lame as hell if he just turned out to be some guy. Having All For One be Midoriya's dad seems like one of the few ways for the reveal to be compelling. I could also see Midoriya being related to the Todorokis in some way, but then it would just feel like the "Dabi is Touya" reveal with extra steps.
And with that, I'm finally done with this ridiculously long post. Again, depsite my grievances, I'm super hyped to see what's to come with the series, and I'm genuinely so excited for chapter 424 to come out.
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cooki3face · 8 months
what permanent union w/ your divine feminine would be like: divine masculine reading
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message: this one's for the divine masculine today, I'm really excited about it. I don't know much of the divine masculine collective I have as an audience on this blog so hopefully, it reaches who it needs to reach, if you're a divine feminine I'm sure you can enjoy this message too or find something within it that will resonate with you. I’m still brain storming more ideas for readings to make for the divine masculine collective, I even asked around and asked a couple of male friends I had who I felt like were a little more enlightened then most and I wasn't able to find anything but surely the answers are within me and I can be able to develop more content directed towards the divine masculine collective. 💚
The color green feels incredibly significant at this time as well as angel numbers 444,888,9911,36548
I believe my past message I just posted just now about “The Sign” by Ace of Base and the lyrics may have been able to resonate for the divine masculine collective or at least for a handful of you. Many of you who are in twin flame connections who have a divine feminine or divine counterpart have finally awakened to your worth and are realizing how much you don't deserve to settle out of fear and are about to step into honoring your heart chakra and acting on your truest wishes and desires. Congratulations, you've finally done it!
“I've got a new life, you would hardly recognize me, I'm so glad!”
Complete transformation. Karmic cycles are closed and done for. Your current reality is history all on it’s own so stop looking at it and checking for it the reality you're coming into is the one you've been dreaming of all along.
I see this connection with the divine feminine being extremely private and protected pile one. The two of you will grow to know how important it is to protect your connection and value it above all else, I see you guys doing big things together, making big moves, accomplishing goals and reeling in manifestations left and right. the two of you are going to protect this connection from unnecessary interferences and nosey people who just want to see what you’re doing and have opinions about your connection or even be haters and talk to their friends about how much the two of you are receiving and how much they think you don’t deserve it. There may be a lot of jealous onlookers. People who wanted your divine feminine or people who wanted to be with you. You may be someone who attracts people who like to take up space and are attracted to you for what you can give them rather than who you are and your divine feminine isn’t this way. She loves you for who you are, she chose you, she doesn’t need you.
And, she’s about to make a lot of people really jealous and unhappy lol. There’s going to be so much love and passion between the two of you and so much care with this two of cups here, the two of cups coming out here makes me think of twin souls and high level connections where the two people become so in alignment with one another that you’re practically fusing souls and becoming more able to connect with one another energetically. I’m hearing you guys are going to become in sync. Finishing each others sentences, knowing what the other wants without having to ask, being able to have genuine conversations, being able to help each other through arguments and hardships in an energy that’s not meant to scrutinize, judge, or hurt one another but with the energy to understand and process what’s going on with one another. Being able to literally do things for one another as acts of service or because you two share a great love and it be exactly what’s needed.
Acts of service could be a big love language for you as well and your divine feminine is the queen of acts of service. If you know her already as a person she may be someone who loves to give to others and make people feel very safe and acknowledged. I’m getting imagery of Snow White and the seven dwarfs, her being able to give them and all the other creatures in the forest things to look forward to and things to suit their individual needs and do it gracefully and out of love if I’m correct. She shows them this genuine love and maternal care and appreciation (especially the dwarfs) and in return they love and admire her back and go out of their way to protect her and keep her safe. Im hearing she’s a woman of the world or she falls very deeply into the archetype of the mother. You may be very paternal in energy as well. You guys go together like peanut butter in jelly, you guys are the emperor and the empress. Mom and dad.
Children and animals are particularly drawn to her and love being in her energy because they know in their hearts that she accepts them and will go out of her way to make sure they feel safe and content when she’s around. Your divine feminine could be someone well loved, well desired or well admired. She could be really graceful and she may even potentially attract haters or people who are mad at her just because she exists because she produces such a high vibrational energetic frequency. She may even trigger others to see aspects of their own shadow and look at themselves and reflect on who they are. The imagery of reflections and mirrors are significant here and really being me back to this whole show white thing. The main antagonist is jealous of Snow White, wants her beauty and her grace and as a result poisons her so that she can step into her spotlight. Your divine feminine may be hyper aware of people in her life or people who’ve been in her life before who wanna shove her aside and take her place and she could be very protective over her energy.
You could’ve known women in your social circles who were envious of her or knew her, were friends with her, or watched her and admired her and tried to mimic her or copy her influence and were unsuccessful. You may be realizing a lot of this behavior with karmic feminines you’ve dated in the past who knew about your divine feminine as well. This divine feminine of yours could be spiritual as well, highly intuitive or someone you deem to be very wise and intelligent. She will return you from spiritual poverty and help you to cleanse the spirit and heal. Your connection will be full of spiritual growth and enlightenment. The two of you may spend a lot of time working through trauma and sitting with each other healing each others pain. I see her completely shifting your life around and your habits and lifestyle as a whole when the two of you are in Union. Teaching you about things she’s learned over the years, changing your dietary choices, introducing you to holistic care and practices, getting you to meditate, journal, and create and express yourself and expand as an individual. She wants the best for you and she will treat you as such because she respects you and she loves you.
I see her protecting you in spirit as well, cleansing your energy for you, bathing you, or even casting protection or abundance spells for you if she’s into Wiccan practices or the metaphysical. You guys are going to be doing a lot together, traveling, spending time outside in nature, starting businesses and making money together, learning, flourishing, picking up new hobbies, cooking, making friends and meeting soul family, making love, being the embodiment of love, finding peace. I also see her not allowing you to spend time around people she intuitively knows don’t love you or don’t want good things for you as well. She’s so protective over you. Naturally. All on her own without you having to ask. She defends you when you’re not in the room and she speaks very highly of you.
She will make you a better man and a better human being. And when the two of you come into union with one another the ball will start rolling and it’ll begin rolling very quickly, you guys may even run off and get married very quickly, manifestations coming in very quickly as well, the world will be aligning in your favor because your spirit guides, guardian angels and the divine mother protect this connection with a heavy hand. Looking for a house? Market will be cheaper you’ll find a real nice one quickly and be able to move in right away. You guys want to go on vacation together? You’ll find an opportunity to be able to travel for less money and be accommodated along the way. You guys want another pet? The perfect one is sitting at the humane society waiting patiently for the two of you to come and biting the fingers of whomever else dares to come see them.
What more do I need to say??? What are you sitting there doing nothing for??? GO GET HER AND PROPOSE!
I’m hearing , “I was blind but now I see.” You could’ve been running from her or you do run from her and you may try to invalidate your connection or downplay how much influence she has over you out of fear but I’m hearing that you want love but you keep turning around and looking in all the wrong places, looking at all the wrong people because you’re settling for what and who you feel you deserve. It’s what people do, the choices you make, the types of people you choose to be around, hang out with, date, sleep with, etc. are a reflection of the way you feel about yourself. Whether or not your perception of what you’re worth or your self concept was created by you or someone else or other people or other influences in your life who told you that you weren’t important or deserving of good things and genuine love and respect AND SUPPORT. The energy you bring to your divine feminine and your connection is a reflection of you and how much value you think you have.
Men are designed to bring things into fruition, you take your manifestations and you make them physical, tangible things, as natural guardians of the physical 3D world you siphon energy from deep within you to push things into the atmosphere or bring them into fruition. This is why in our world today, when we know masculine energies and men struggle with their own self concept, self esteem, and position in life they outwardly express and project that onto the world and the people around them. I sense very complicated and confusing energy within this pile, it’s almost like many of you struggle with your words or often find that you say the wrong things instead of what you wanted to say, or your throat chakra is blocked. Some of you within this group aren’t great communicators and may not be able to express yourself well with people in your life especially women and especially with your divine feminine. A lot of you are very tired and stressed out as well because you may spend a lot of time with the wrong people, doing the wrong things, not valuing your presence, not grounding your energy and maybe even failing to do some hard inner work or welcome your emotions and fears so that you can see them clearly and take action to understand and release them out of self compassion.
There’s a lot spirit wants me to say to you here about the way you give out your energy to others. Even for many of you who don’t sleep around or physically participate in energy transfers and the creating of soul ties, you offer your energy to too many people through flirting or through social connections. You may find within your love life that you come in and out of peoples lives or get them to a point of feeling emotionally connected or tied to you and then you run away to avoid feeling trapped and that all on its own will contribute to a loss of energy. You spread yourself too thin, chasing highs or trying to fill voids and you leave with less than you came with in the first place. You allow people to walk around with pieces of your spirit that you let them have.
Coming into union with your person would fix so much of this. What you’re looking for outside of yourself and outside of her you will find almost instantly. It’s almost like the answer and solution is so clear yet you can’t yet see it or you hadn’t seen it before. All this stress you carry she would take away from you and cleanse you of it. There’s no way that you would continue to feel burdensome, incomplete or as if your value is less than you would like it to be. When you’re with a divine counterpart, in Union, in alignment with them and with yourself that does not exist. She would give you the strength to love yourself whole heartedly because she loves you unconditionally and would not judge you. When I think about what love is supposed to be like I think about 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
That within itself is the message right there. When you are in union with her and you’ve done the inner work before hand to accept her and become a unit with her you will no longer feel the need to consume so much or collect so many people or so many things in your life to make yourself feel as though you have plenty of opportunities and accomplishments here. You could be someone who takes a lot of pride in their accolades or someone who collects things and picks things up no matter karmic, temporary, or whatever along the way to add to the list of things you have when what you genuinely lack is self love and self care. You will be secure and you will be whole. When you find her, when you are with her, all your past hurt and sorrows will not hurt so bad and you can continue to heal and find happiness and solace in her care and presence. When you find her, when you are with her, you will no longer feel stagnant or feel as though you are undecided and in a constant state of being uprooted. You’ll be able to continue to explore what feels like to release limiting beliefs for yourself and found freedom.
You may feel discouraged, you may feel as though you’ll never find genuine love or like it’s not written in the stars for you to find your divine counterpart and to find someone within this lifetime that will love you the way you love them and thats not true. It’s a reflection of how lovable and how valuable you think you are. When you find her she’s going to be able to build with you and contribute to your life and support your wishes and dreams. She’ll be growing with you and moving with you at a pace that’s safe and comfortable for you. You’ll feel even more inspired and ambitious in your life and in your goals and aspirations. I think you may worry about getting to a point in your life where you feel even with your accomplishments that you’ll be feeling incomplete and unhappy because you don’t believe you’ll find genuine love outside of what and who you may have found already but this is not true. Your divine feminine and you will find one another. You’ll be happy and supported. You’ll build a life together that’s safe and consistent and compliments your hearts desires and values.
The two of you could be highly collaborative here or be a very business savvy or entrepreneurial couple here. I’m getting highly influential and rich together. You could compliment one another’s weaknesses and strengths and share a lot of core values that will bring you a lot of abundance in your life here. There’s also an energy here of the two of you learning from one another in many walks of life. Being able to feed off one another spiritually and not only financially. But there’s such a big message here about financial security and freedom coming through. You guys may be incredibly financially educated with one another, making responsible investments, spending your time collecting guidance from other influential people who make tons of money, networking and making your way to the top.
There’s some energy here of delays for this collective or a lack of growth and stagnancy in matters of the heart. You may be unwilling to let someone or something go or you be unmotivated to do some much needed inner work in order to put yourself in the position to receive this divine counterpart or connection here. You may feel that this is generally not possible for you, or at least somewhat unrealistic and this may cause you to be stagnant or disable yourself to grow and move forward. Once you overcome this, release something and do the inner work necessary to step into your power, your divine masculine energy, and heal some trauma and break some karmic cycles this blockage will be completely obliterated.
Part of you within this collective are stuck. You may have mother wounds, father wounds, struggle with a lack of examples of success in your personal life or familial structure. You may have a habit of consuming energies or knowledge from all the wrong places or not properly using your discernment when you’re trying to put yourself in the right spaces or even consuming content here on social media. This may even reflect in your personal relationships too, having people close to you who don’t reflect the energy you want to essentially become one day and you becoming swept up in the motion of their energy and karmic cycles. There’s a void here within you divine masculine, you have an ego issue, or need to learn to step out of the human way of thinking and stop associating your worth with such surface level or shallow ideas of what men should be or what is important here.
You’re going to have to undergo a complete 360, unlearn everything you’ve learned, completely transform and start fresh here. Your spirit guides and ancestors have given you a situation, a connection, or some sort of heart break or karmic connection here with someone who holds a lot of power and is meant to break you down and shake you up so that you can at some point wake up and do the inner work necessary but some of you aren’t learning your lesson, you’re pushing against the divine plan or what you’re meant to do here because you’re misguided or confused.
Your spirit is young for many of you. Not been here enough times, finding your way. Spirit says, “why aren’t you moving? You need to move.” You’re not letting go of whatever this is and you’re not moving forward, you’re ignoring the call. Some of you could have prominent earth sign placements or even have prominent cancer placements especially in your top three. Your biggest challenge and lesson in life may be learning to let go of something incredibly significant and move forward generally speaking and in the energy of the mother, the home, and some semblance of it. You may have mother wounds that are unresolved and this person you’re sticking to has a high level of divine feminine energy or has a lot of maternal energy or heavy cancer placements as well. There’s a trauma bond here.
This reading was meant to be about what permanent union would be like with your divine feminine or divine counterpart here or the person meant for you overall but it seems spirit is saying that before we even get into all of that we need to talk about it you first. Everything you want in love is attainable for you, there is someone who is going to love you, accept you for all that you are when you find who you are or accept who you are as well, someone who will take care of you, who you will be able to take care of in return, who will be able to challenge you and stimulate you intellectually, who you will be able to build with. Someone you can have and hold. Someone you can walk into the afterlife with.
But you must do this first divine masculine. What you put out into the universe, you get back. For all your hardship and pain and heartbreak you’ll be rewarded. For all your work on yourself and for the collective there will be compensation. It’s time for you to make a choice about who it is you want to be, if you want to be your higher self, if you want all that you desire, if you want true fulfillment.
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moshieee · 2 months
Hello it is I, random anon who does not know you and has never interacted with you before, what is your opinion of your mutuals?
Oh hi @bixell-pixell I'll include you even if we're not mutuals I think you're pretty chill all things considered
That's kinda it idk you that well
You didn't specify so I'm going to list all my mutuals in the order of oldest to newest on my following page that I remember sorry of I missed anyone and for the @ s
@e-the-village-cryptid (I don't have a tag for e yet but it would probably just be E)
Not only the first person who I became friends with here but also the first one I ever started sharing my stories with, even if we don't talk too much I'm glad Every time we do and I see them on my dash, (they bring some of my favorite posts and when I do send posts sometimes I mix up and send them their own reblogs) I'm so glad we're still friends, thanks for letting me ramble about stuff for 6 hours hehe
@jaqofallgenders (no tag for jaq yet either)
my in person friend and the longest friendship I've ever had with someone, love you 🫶. I'll be more specific on Monday if our ADHD doesn't kick in and make us both forget
@strawberry-seal77 (seal-berry!!!)
Hi hi hi yellows my friend 👋 the person I consider to be the second ever friend I made on here, a lovely person as well and wait waaa and an amazing artist too 👀??? Love you silly goofball and the amazing posts and jokes you have we should chat more often I thinkith.
@rabid-mercenary16 (Rabid jumpscare)
Hey hey hey .... BWAMP! Hope you feel better soon
I probably have the most to say about Rabid but all try to make it a bit shorter. besides being the first artist to do art jokes and include me, with we also became mutuals and interacting around a time when my life started to get a lot better. Even if she's not the only factor in that I definitely associate her with stuff improving, and she did play a big factor in it (I already explained a lot on my Valentine's Day gift to her and the others). Also she's just an awesome person to spend time with and be goofy, amazing sense of humor and I just love being friends with such an awesome person and artist.
@dia-smthidk (Dia fren)
I'm assuming you don't want a bowl of soup
I also said a lot about them in my Valentine's Day gift, but we've become closer friends sense then even if we don't get to chat as much as I'd like to. I relate a lot and am surprised how we have so much in common. Amazing artist and person as well and I wish we could hang out more, idc if they think they're bringing down the mood when/if they bring stuff up about irl, and maybe I won't figure out their timezone but oh well, please take care of yourself gender sibling.
@bunnybunnsowo (BUN BUN BROTHER!!)
little brother 🫶🫶💝💞🫶✨👋❤️!!!
(I could have sworn we became mutuals before Dia?)
another person I shared a lot about with the Valentine's Day gift, I love you my little brother! Seriously one of the kindest people I've met and I'm so glad they have bug in his life. Bun deserves the world and they keep sending me opposum images!!! Gona die from cuteness and his kindness one of these days istg
@spookykittyzzz (greaah why don't I have a tag for you???)
A very kind person and artist I don't know too much sense we're not that close yet but love the few chats we have had so far. Hope we get to hang out more even if I'm awful at reaching out to others and saying hi.
@glitchyk (goop buddies)!!
Nooo the parallels
One of the first people who was interested to deep dive into my creations and ask about my stories and worlds They're probably competing with Rabid with how much I have to say about her/silly. Seriously it's incredible how much we have in common and now I get to share and collaborate our sonas stories together it's amazing. And as someone once said "you can yap for hours". I love how creative and clever they are, I just wish they would be kinder to herself. One day I'll make glichy see how awesome she is.
@unfunnyaceartist (Floridian disadvantage) I feel like I should change that
When I say I was shookith when ace asked to be friends I mean I was shookith first person so show up and ask that (the others kinda just happened). Amazing artist and don't believe her lies she is funny. I'm so heckn glad we're friends., love the goofy and silly idc if she's a bit of a simp they've helped me a lot start to understand slang and references I'm supposed to understand shhshsh (such is the curse of how I grew up) we need to make our mafia sonas interact at some point I can already imagine the chaos /silly
@neptunestoast (plushy slime)
Hugs hugs hugs*
Trying my best not to baby talk I swear. amazing person first person to show up and be like "hey I Wana do something for you and your friends". Love their humor and another gender sibling!!! Hugs for ever for as long as they're ok with it. I love their creativity as well and Noodle is so adorable. I just want to pick them up in a hug so much. Kibbity/silly
@ner5y (no tag woops ill figure something out)
What are you doing here??? How are we friends???
I was absolutely confused and startled when they followed me especially since it was during a spoons argument . Amazing artist like holy heck I wish I was allowed to curse on this blog. Their humor also took me by surprise when I got invited to the discord, and even if they doubt how well they're running it I think they're doing amazing. And I love our silly interactions like this one
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@vexation-816 (chaotic ADHD buddy!!!)
Why did it take me so long to follow you istg
ADHD ADHD ADHD my buddy oh pal we both got that and it's driving us insane/silly. Love how creative he is and the ideas for his sona and character lore. Also one of the first people who shared a character they added to my nightlight au. This is getting twords the end and I'm tired of whiting so much and am on a timer oh no. But your amazing dude don't ever forget thag
@butlerbugbunny (anxiety bunny buddy)
This is why I didn't respond to the DM yet hshsh
New friend who I feel anxious talking to sometimes but a wonderful kind bunny who I'm also incredibly happy to be friends with. Love his art so much it's amazing (shoot shoot timer is going off) I'm glad he's their for bun and wish them the best I possibly can 🫶.
@lilithloves-you (lillith my be-loathed?) need to change that
Don't you dare bring up grilled cheese
Glitchys friendo who I'm also friends with now. We don't interact too much but I've sent her on missions to go hug glitchy (to help both of them feel better but shhh). I hope we become closer friends in the future.
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songoftrillium · 5 months
Hey, so I'm reading your Hearthbound Supplement, and I wanted to ask why the Fianna were such unified enemies of theirs. From what I can tell, (this is more something that just bugged me) Fianna are one of the tribes with a stronger, healthier relationship to their Kinfolk (inasmuch as any tribe broadly has a good relationship with their Kinfolk) (though I have been known to miss Implications from time to time). Plus, it seems like the younger Fianna have a much kinder view of the Crinos Born, so I'd think they'd be heavily split along generational lines on whether the Hearthborn are enemies or not
Now, granted, my knowledge of WtA is only deep in certain areas, so this might just be me not having gotten to certain books yet, and the Finna really are Like That.
(Or it could be my draw to the whole keeper of history and knowledge, craftsmen, and tendency to adhere to the "Canon is a box of scraps in a cave and I'm Tony stark baby" approach)
Thank you for reaching out! I'm glad you asked, and I have hoped someone would ask me about this. I'm gonna give a wordy answer that addresses your concern and elucidates how I analyzed all the tribes to draw my conclusions.
I want to preface my answer by voicing my fondness for the tribe. At the top of it all, I completely agree that their biggest strengths are their existence as master artisans and storytellers. These aspects are absolutely worth holding onto and even expanding upon. I also appreciate their Celtic origins, but I wish it encompassed all Celts, not just the Irish. That veers a bit off-topic from your question, though.
My depiction of them as the primary antagonist of the Hearthbound stems from both their treatment of the crinos-born, as well as the objectification of their Kinfolk. In the book I call them crinos-born, but in WtE the writing team and I settled on Warborn as the title of choice, so I'll be using that term from here on out.
Different editions were never meant to supersede each other, but rather, build on one another to depict a continuous meta reflecting the evolution of Garou Society in response to their developing war against the Wyrm. For example, the Storytellers handbooks from 2nd edition, revised, and the companion all offer unique tools with very little overlap.
While more experienced people versed in the literature like you and I can read between the lines and handpick the bits we like most, it ignores that the flaws inherent to the tribes are intentional and meant to be confronted by players at the table. To that end, I conducted my research behind my writing with consideration paid to the narrative voices depicting each book, the Garou within them sharing their subjective knowledge, and use that to coalesce a perspective behind my group. When I started writing Hearthbound, I decided to form my conclusions based on three narrative perspectives:
The way a tribe's leadership wants other tribes to view them, their kinfolk, and their warborn.
The way the kinfolk within that tribe feel like they're being treated.
The way the warborn within that tribe feel like they're being treated.
Hearthbound makes a more naked depiction of these problems specifically to confront them, though I admit I should have taken more of an effort to make it clear that these depictions are reflecting the worst aspects of these tribes, rather than the whole of them. These problems represent the worst outliers from each tribe, and are not meant to entirely replace these tribes. When it comes to systemic oppression, it's not always the laws and customs that cause the problems. Still, there are those who hide behind the veneer of hierarchy to abuse those customs in a way that they seldom face repercussions for it, and the Hearthbound are those repercussions. This is a reflection of other forms of systemic oppression, like laws alleged to be 'tough on crime', which on the surface looks great, but glosses over the way those crimes unfairly target marginalized groups and keep them from rising to prominence.
I draw my conclusions on each of the tribe stances from three sources:
Kinfolk: A Breed Apart offering a depiction of Kinfolk the way the tribes represent them, or rather, the way they want other tribes to see them. It does hold many positive depictions on the relations between Garou and Kinfolk.
Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes, in contrast, represents a perspective from Kinfolk that is a little less flattering and is more closely representing the perspective of the Kinfolk themselves (and is taken as such.)
Guardians of the Caerns has a chapter dedicated entirely to the Warborn, and lends their perspective on what it was like growing up in a Sept of a particular tribe. This represents the sentiment of what it's like being a Warborn from any one tribe, opposed to the way these tribes want to be seen.
To answer your question in short, yes, the worst of the Fianna really are that way. They are more likely to outright kill a Warborn and their parents than to accept them, and those Warborn who do exist within their tribes seldom hold rank, are often hidden from view, and subject to rather terrible abuses by their fellow tribemates.
Contrast that with the blatant and plainworded phrasing in the tribe description of them trending towards violence:
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Combine that with their lackadaisical ways of speaking of their own families in Guardians of the Caerns, pg. 94:
Merryck's comments: It's not without a certain sense of irony that the Fianna, self-avowed masters and mistresses of passion and abandon among the werewolves, despise the [Warborn]. They believe that physical deformity shows a malevolence in the spirit as well. But at the same time, they're really into having wild, raucus parties, orgies if you ask my opinion. The Fianna dismiss any potential risk with this kind of activity their answer to slowing those driving passions is "find a Kinfolk to slake your lust." How practical. Don't kid yourself; there are many [Warborn] running around with red hair and green eyes, both in their tribe and outside it.
When you combine multiple sources and add a human perspective wrt consent, it starts to paint an incredibly unflattering canonical picture of the tribe, and a narratively compelling one, to boot.
For others reading this, below is a link to my supplement in question OP is referencing, if anyone wants to take a look!
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thebunnednun · 4 months
Capturing Hearts Iñaki Godoy x Reader
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Netflixs has announced the second season for the beloved serious. You were lucky enough to be called back to work. Your passion for capturing moments had earned you a place among the cast and crew.
Chapter 2: A New Opportunity
As you moved through the set, camera in hand, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at how far you had come. From snapping candid shots of the cast during filming to capturing behind-the-scenes moments that brought the production to life, you had become an integral part of the team.
Behind the scenes of course.
One day, as you were reviewing the photos you had taken, the marketing director approached you with a curious glint in their eye.
"Hey there," they greeted with a smile. "I've been going through your work, and I must say, I'm impressed."
Your heart swelled with pride at his words, grateful for the opportunity to showcase your skills to someone as influential as the director.
"I'm glad you like them," you replied, trying to keep the excitement out of your voice.
They nodded, expression thoughtful as he studied the photos on your camera.
"I have an idea," they said, tone filled with anticipation. "With the second season of One Piece just around the corner, we need to start promoting it on social media. And I think you're just the person for the job."
You felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of being given such an important task, your mind racing with possibilities.
"What do you have in mind?" you asked, eager to hear more.
The director smiled, eyes twinkling with excitement.
"I want you to become our official Instagram photographer," they explained. "Your job will be to take personal photos of the cast and crew, as well as behind-the-scenes shots of the production, and post them on our official One Piece Instagram account to drum up excitement for the new season."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing - this was the opportunity of a lifetime.
"I would be honored," you replied, your voice filled with gratitude. "I won't let you down."
And with that, you set to work, snapping photos of the cast and crew as they went about their daily routines. From candid shots of the actors in costume to behind-the-scenes glimpses of the set design and special effects, you captured every moment with precision and skill.
As the days turned into weeks, your Instagram feed became a visual feast for fans of the show, drawing in thousands of new followers with each post. And as the premiere of the second season drew closer, the excitement surrounding the show reached fever pitch, thanks in no small part to your efforts.
But amidst the chaos and excitement, there was one person whose opinion mattered most to you - Iñaki Godoy, the talented actor whose charisma and charm had captured your heart from the moment you met.
One day, as you were reviewing the latest batch of photos, Iñaki approached you with a smile.
"Hey there, Instagram superstar," you teased. His eyes twinkling with mischief, "You're doing a fantastic job."
You felt a surge of pride at his words, grateful for his encouragement and support.
"Thanks, Iñaki," you replied, unable to hide the smile on your face. "It means a lot coming from you."
And just like that you were back in professional mode, snapping photos and sharing moments that brought the production to life, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future.
Part 3 is posted now.
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justagalwhowrites · 8 months
On writing & reading
Hi Besties!
I'm sorry for clogging up your timelines today, I just finally had some time and had a few things I wanted to reply to and now a few things I'd like to say.
I've been seeing a lot of discourse on my Tumblr about writers supporting writers and how to engage with other creators on this platform. For starters, I feel like I haven't been doing this right? And for that, I apologize. I don't interact as much as I should when I read and when I do, I have a tendency to like and comment but not always reblog. Partially because, for me, comments are my favorite kind of interaction I get? I love anything and everything but hearing your thoughts just makes me feel so good and I try to do that back to people. But it's mostly because I feel like I'm going to clog up people's feeds (the EXACT THING I'm doing now - so sorry!!) and it feels almost narcissistic to be like "yes, my opinion is so important that you all should see the things I enjoy!" But I realize now that this isn't helpful to writers who want more people to see their content. I've already started making a conscious effort to reblog things I enjoy (I don't read as much as I would like and I often read on AO3 so grain of salt all around) and if you're a writer who wants to be friends or for me to see your work or think I'm not doing this right or anything at all? Please let me know! I really do try to build a kind, supportive, loving little corner of the internet here and I want to do better for other creators and for the folks who are nice enough to be here with me.
On a related note, something else I see on here a lot is the desire for readers to interact with the work they're reading. I want to start this off by saying that I TOTALLY GET where other creators are coming from. Getting comments and interactions is very validating and it makes the creative process feel really, really good! There's a sense of collaboration as people comment and follow along as I write a story. It's such a beautiful thing to create and see people enjoy it and want to be a part of it. It's part of the fic writing adventure that I treasure.
That being said, please never feel obligated to interact with my fics in any way. I'm not discouraging you, of course! I LOVE comments and reblogs and asks and DMs and likes. Your words are often the highlight of my day - if not my week - and I feel a little spark of joy every time I see a Tumblr alert on my phone. BUT I don't want that to come at the expense of you and your reading experience. If you're not comfortable interacting and would rather lurk? That's more than fine. I'm so glad you're here. Want to send me a DM because you want to reach out but not publicly? I'd love that, please do. Just want to tap the like button and don't have the mental space to write a comment? Thank you so much for reading and liking, I love that you're spending your time with my work. I decided to write something and give it to anyone who wants to read it, you don't need to pay me for it by way of interaction. I'm just thrilled someone's reading something I made, that's wild to me! I don't want you to hold back on reading something because you don't have the emotional space to interact or are worried about what other people might say if you do. Of course, this is just for me. If other creators hold different boundaries, please respect them. They work hard and deserve to have their work enjoyed in the way they feel it should be. It's their work and we're lucky that they're kind enough to share it with us <3
Anyway, all that is to say, thank you for reading my ramblings and for being a part of this fandom space and making this hobby so fun. When I say I love you, I mean it. I really, truly do.
Thank you for being here. Love you!
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relaxxattack · 8 months
hwy so i saw ur poll ab arasol and f they were matesprits or not and ive been into homestuck for about 7 years and its a special interest and im autistic and thwy are my first and tbh only otp anf so if this is ok i wld like to infodump my opinion/hcs ab them bc i just 🥰 i love them sm 🥰 (def not frothing at the mouth at the idea of an audience for my opinions bc everyone irl is sikc of me lmao /lh)
ok so i deffo think they ar e matesprits BUT i think they never liie. clearly confirmwd it while aradia was alive. and once she became ghost aradia i think she got so distant and aloof (i think thats the right word?) about everytuing that it made sollux feel like she disnt love him anymore, and he eventually just had to move on, even thouvh it hurt. and feferi was there, not necessarily as a "rebound" but as a shoulder to cry on. someone for sollux to confide in, and to listen to him because he didnt have anyonw else he felt like woild. and i feel like feferi was def nto him and wanted to be his matesprit but i think sollux wasnt really. and i think they developed a kind of mixed/blurred lines relationship and the whole ghost and aradiabot phases pushed him and aradia furhter apart because aradia was dealinf wth so so much and in turn sollux was dealinf with the loss of his presumed (unofficial, wtv) matesprit, because that wasnt the aradia he knew and had fallen in love with. the ghost thing wasnt a bother - he loved her, not her physical form - it was the personality shift, i think.
and so when she reached god tier and regained her body nd her sense of identity, ithink they started to rekindle what they had nefore, if that makes sense? like aradia was his aradia again, an aradia interested in life and adventuee and archaeology and not this stupid, stupid game and suddenly not everything felt like it was collapsing around him and he felt like things could be okay again. and she helped him and he helped her and together they did make thinfs okay again. with each other.
and i think aradia's living>ghost>aradiabot>godtier timeline is a good allegory for depression and how it can absolutely shatter your sense of self and strip your world of colour and how that can make you push people away and self isolate and whatnot. idk thats just how i see it but :3 yea
i havet checkwd out the epilogues or homestuck^2 btw so this is based solely off of andrew hussie's homestuck bc i love it sososo much anyways yea !!!! tysm if anybody took the time to read this i love u all!! and ty for letting me drop this in ur askbox lolz and yea :3 srry if this isnt v comprehensive i just got off an 8hr closing shift at work lmao <3
this is a REALLY good analysis and i really love it, thank you for sharing! this makes complete sense to me.
aradia's depression being the catalyst for their split is very true! especially since she then sort of broke his trust with the whole sgrub thing-- and before that interacting with her was hard because sollux felt so guilty about what he did to her. it's just sad on all accounts, and i'm glad they both got better
honestly my poll was more to ask the question; "so we all agree that aradia and sollux were matesprits right because they do NOT act like moirails lol but it's funny because if they're matesprits that makes the feferi business weirder", but i don't think it came across in the post correctly, pfft
yes i definitely agree that they were matesprits, and also the idea that feferi was more into sollux than he was her is a really interesting one-- i also wonder if maybe feferi was maybe less into sollux than she thought, herself-- it's possible she threw herself into that relationship because she was just so relieved to be finally cut off from eridan and "allowed" to have relationships like that. but that's just my thought!
at the end of the day they're all just kids trying stuff out and it's kind of adorable and not that serious. i'm an arasoler at heart but there's nothing wrong with solfef either
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vote-gaara · 1 year
I wholeheartedly agree with you with what the manga would've mostly been if Gaara had won. Gaara has always been one of my personal favorites, but I can't stand to see the same things a hundred times over. And can I just say how happy I am to finally find someone who share the same annoyed opinions on this whole "I was on a path of darkness until Naruto saved me"? It's like his character cannot evolve after that and Naruto's the Jesus in his life.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying Gaara wouldn't be the character he is now without him (because he wouldn't), but he shouldn't embed his life to him because of a small act of kindness. And in my personal opinion, Naruto didn't really save him. It was a more "Naruto reaching out made me rediscover lost values by making me realize no matter how bad it is, I'm not alone in this".
Which perfectly explains why his memories of Yashamaru's words of love immediately resurfaced because he finally learned to let go of his hate. And why he so quickly apologized to Temari and Kankuro because he finally understood what they were trying to do for him all this time, because up until that point, he never gave them a time of day because "how could they understand?".
He just needed another "him" to tell him "Look man, I get it; but it doesn't have to be this way"
Anon, you dropped this: 🎤
I 100% agree with your take and I'm glad there are more people out there who can notice these more - let's say - annoying storytelling habits from Kishimoto, and call them out for the sake of analysis.
I think it's great to be able to look at characters from many different angles. I love Gaara (I wouldn't have dedicated a blog to him if I didn't), and I get darn right gobsmacked when people are like "I never liked him as a character," because HOW COULD YOU NOT??? JUST LOOK AT HIM.
However, I also do like to indulge and analyze Gaara's flaws and the things that I don't love about him, because he wouldn't be my favourite if those things didn't exist.
That being said, if Kishimoto ever did write a manga as Gaara with the main, and he kept on raving about Naruto, I would certainly be annoyed, but I would still enjoy the content....Cause that's the Gaara we know and we love LMAO.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Soft D/s Element of Not Me Episode 8
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If you don't know what soft D/s element or tendencies are, then you haven't read my other posts. You can find them on my master list here. If you're interested in more D/s content then check out my general master list here, there is also a short bio there telling you, my qualifications.
There are several types of subs and Doms for that matter. Which I give somewhat of a description here. The important thing to understand is that while a person might be a natural submissive and use to listening and responding to commands. They do draw a line at who they will take commands from.
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Sean has come to apologize but White has every intention of making it hard on him. He tells him in a salty manner that he doesn't want to hear and tries to shut the do. Sean forces his way in. My opinion is that Sean at this point is now ready to acknowledge his feelings. He isn't only going to apologize but work up the nerve to put some fillers out. They are also sharing a drink from the same bottle. Previous I spoke about the intimacy of this act.
Sean goes to sit on the bed and White says nope. Sean listens and pops up. Now you could say, how is Sean the Dom if he listened to the command. Because he is in the wrong and he has to make amends for that. He is in the wrong for not listening and hurting his sub. So what does he do, he listens. He's already pushed his way in, he can give a little slack. So he sits on the floor like the brat tells him. At this point Sean is lower than White but it's not long before White is adjusting to change this. He goes from sitting up to laying down. Now they are level.
"I was being too hot headed that day, so today I'm treating you to a drink in return."
White smiles "See you're here to apologize."
"You've changed so much. You use your brain more. You smile more."
Then they start talking about the protest and support. Sean scoots closer and leans in to show he is listening. After a moments pause White lowers himself, sitting on the floor with Sean.
"What was done to you? You might think this is your problem, not someone else's. But you don't need to keep it all to yourself. You might feel better, if you share it. If it's too much to bare. I'm here to listen."
And Sean shares for many reasons. As an apology, to unload, and because he wants to share himself with the person he has come to have feelings for. I also want to point out that being a Dom doesn't equal not vulnerable. You can be a Dom, strong, and vulnerable. It's just that you are more careful when, where, and to whom.
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"I'm glad you told me this. It helps me to understand and to get to know you better." "Why do you want to know about me?" "Because I want you to trust me just like I trust you."
White doesn't hesitate to reach out and support his Dom. White not once has deviated from being submissive to Sean once he made that decision. To me, this happened when he left his father. He is naturally submissive to his father and brother. However he walked from his father and his brother isn't around. He has handed that submissiveness to Sean and not changed course. Not even when Sean hurt him. He got salty and bratty back but the forgiveness had been there long before.
"Do you trust me?" "Did you just say that to make me feel good" This, this vulnerability that he gives "Black" is such a huge trust equivalent. You can see it on White's face that he realizes this and White trusts Sean in return. He proves it by doing the trust fall. "I just showed you that I trust you. So I did the free fall. And you just showed me you wouldn't let me go." Then Sean tells him he is full of surprises and asks if he is still hurt. To which White asks if he can punch him back and Sean agrees. 9:00 for those wanting to watch with me.
White puts his hands on Sean's shoulders. If you watch, this is actually a pretty funny cute moment. 9:02 Look at Sean, he was expecting a punch, he doesn't know what to do with this. Then "Black" starts to lean in and you can see the moment he thinks he is gonna get a kiss. And guys, he isn't moving out of the way. Then "Black" bumps foreheads a little, instead of the punch that Black would have normally landed. This I believe clicks all together for Sean. This was the last little bit he needed to acknowledge what was going on between him and "Black."
"The way Sean looks at me has slowly changed. It's not as aggressive as before. The wall he had built is gradually breaking. The secret he told is like a door I can walk through to get closer to him."
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In episode 8 2/4 we see Sean and White once again sharing a bed. Sean wakes first and goes to caress "Black's" face. He might think that "Black" is pretending but he is being softer than he ever has with him. He is gentle while also familiarizing himself with his body.
Once he is sure he is asleep he goes snooping. He wants to know more about this person that has changed suddenly. Why has he changed and why does he effect him so much now?
Once again with Dan and Yok we see the vast difference in relationships. Their's is a balanced give and take of power structure. During the scene of the nude drawing we can see that Yok is slightly more dominant at this time. However, Dan easily snatches this back at other times in other scenes.
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White wakes up the next morning to find himself handcuffed to the bed. His first thought is to yell for Sean to help him. Sean isn't far and immediately shows up. He asks if he is hungover. Think about it. Sean's first comment to "Black" is one of care. "Did you tie me up?" Sean casually sits on the bed. "It's just you and I here. Who else could have tied you up?" "Why did you do it" "Think" This screams, "I've caught you and now I'm keeping you. "
White once again proves he is a brat though. Which means you only get total obedience when they want, and you've earned it. White puts up a fight. He wraps his legs around Sean and bites him. Let's be real though, this isn't a real fight. White is purposely biting jacket and not skin. He's still getting punished though, Sean leaves. Side Note: I have never, nor will I ever leave a sub tied up out of my sight. Not just because I use rope either. It's just not worth the risk. Things can happen and they have no way to save themselves.
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Then Sean goes and sees Gumpa. Setting up the warehouse date. Don't doubt it, when Sean handcuffed "Black" he was committing to him. The warehouse was the trap to fully capture him.
Again, I want to point out the vast difference between Namo and Sean's relationship vs Sean and White. There is definitely respect and while Sean is commanding it's not as a Dom. While he is caring it's not in the way of a Dom protecting and caring for their treasure. Remember, while a sub gives up power to a Dom, the Dom considers a sub their most valuable prize.
We see this with Sean's treatment if "Black." He goes through the warehouse window and anticipates "Black" needs and comfort. No doubt about it, getting the bench is an act of care.
White shows up grumpy to the warehouse because he doesn't understand. Meanwhile Sean is greeting him with anticipation and joy. When White complains, we see Sean say, "stop nagging" and gives a slight tap to the arm but the smile never leaves his face. Sean then tells "Black" they are staying the night and to come on. He brings him into the warehouse by helping him through the window. White is noticing the changes and gets playful, giving Sean a bratty push.
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Then one of my favorite parts. "You will pay for that tonight." He is so clearly stating his intentions here. Which is a very Dom characteristic by the way. Our relationships are based on our submissive's ability to trust us. Which means we need to be clear and communicative.
They make their way through the warehouse. Sean noticing that this "Black" is playful and likes games, sets up a race. When he goes to cheat, Sean grabs control of him and brings him back. When White complains about the backpack, Sean takes it. See White brings emotional stability to Sean where Sean shows care physically. By physically making things easier for "Black." White still cheats, but Sean doesn't appear to be surprised or really mind. He is still very playful. Bratty White teases with the water and then Sean tells him to help with the tent.
When they go to the rooftop Sean immediately touches "Black." Always before it's been White making physical contact but now Sean is doing it as well. Sean tells "Black" he will need him to help spy. White tells him "Do you even think I'll help you after what you did?" "Fine. Don't help. I can do it by myself." "I know you're good. You can do anything." "Yes, I'm good." Then there is a moment of pause where White looks at Sean with his heart in his eyes. "What if I want to help? If we're in this together. It can't be that bad."
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This is the face of a man who fell completely in love. To cover up this epiphany he grabs "Black" and has him look through the looking glass. Where they then gave playful banter back and forth.
Sean grabs "Black" and takes him up higher. You'll notice that Sean once again anticipates "Black's" needs and helps him up the ladder. Once up there, he preforms the trust fall but in a far more dramatic and drastic way. Don't get me wrong, I love the drama king for it. You won't catch me doing it though. That being said, White catches him.
"Sean, have you ever thought about what we would be doing if not this?" "This is the goal that keeps me alive." Then he gently caresses the back of "Black's" head. "And you are too." Then Sean leans in to gently kiss "Black's" forehead. Gives "Black" a minute then goes for his lips but White pulls back. Sean pulls back some and waits longer. Then moves in again. Gives a slight peck. When he gets no further resistance, he deepens the kiss. This was an extremely consensual kiss but also dominant. Look at the hand placement. Sean is controlling that kiss and White has given over the trust and power.
That's it for this episode. Hope you enjoyed.
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rad-lightning-boy · 10 months
what exactly did frank iero do. other than problematic tweets that he made in like 2009 (over a decade ago). like people intentionally try to engage with him in a way where he gives them ‘sass’ or rubs them and that’s his brand
TW. harassment, suicide, self harm, cyber bullying, death threats
Before I get into it, I'm really glad that someone asked about this because I've been meaning to make a post about it. Thanks for asking about it.
I'd recommend checking out @ patheticjunkievampire on Instagram (and possibly twitter? I'm not completely sure if they've said much about it on there) they mostly talk about that incident when frank made a tweet saying smth along the lines of "is you see any accounts saying that they're me reply with "STRANGER DANGER"".
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The account he was referring to (patheticvampirejunkie) was literally just posting MCR themed photography- they never claimed to be frank and yet he sent his entire fanbase to essentially harass this person (again, all they did was post photography.)
If you go back and check their first post, a lot of the comments are just "STRANGER DANGER". I know that might not seem like a lot rn but it gets worse.
They posted a lot on their story after they finished the set (I'm not sure what the word for that is. The MCR themed photos they did all counted down from 64 (the beginning) to 1 (the end)) they talked about how the MCR fandom and specifically frank Stans have made their mental health significantly worse than it was when they started posting.
They would post screenshots of interactions they've had with Frank Stans and it's sickening. They received death threats, and messages like "you should kill yourself" and ppl would tell them to cut themselves.
Patheticjunkievampire has also stated before that they've struggles with suicide and self harm in the past, so the fact that these hardcore stans used this against them is sick.
A few people reached out to patheticjunkievampire and told them about experiences they've personally had with Frank. This person gave a platform to people who have had bad experiences with him (ik you cant tell whether someone is a dick or not purely based of some people's experiences, but there were a lot and they were all relatively similar. So to me, these stories that people shared seemed extremely possible since the things he did just suddenly seemed like something he would do.)
The frank stans didn't like that this person was giving a chance for people who had bad experiences with him to express their feelings. They received so much hate for simply saying their opinion.
This all took place on Instagram and Twitter. Obviously depending on what platform you use and engage with MCR content, you're gonna be around different people. The ppl on Tumblr seem way more accepting and open to criticism of their fav band, the ppl on twitter and Instagram are way different.
In my opinion it's kinda weird that frank hasn't really said anything about it. He's literally always online, how tf has he not even heard of any of this??
Another thing I just wanna add (doesn't have anything to do with patheticjunkievampire but I still think it's worth adding) frank sold a bunch of his old stuff. Which isn't inherently bad or anything but...
He was advertising a bunch of old clothes and instruments he had during the MCR era, so he was clearly targeting his fans (his young fans). He was advertising extremely old shitty clothes (that you can find way cheaper literally anywhere else) and he sold them for like X4 (at least) of the original prices. He claimed (for the instruments at least) that he wanted to know that they were being played, because he obviously can't play all those instruments at once.
In that case, if the main reason that he was getting rid of all these instruments... Why didn't he just donate them?? Why did he have to heavily advertise his store to his fans and then sell all his old ratty shitty clothes for such a huge profit? Just doesn't seem ethical to me tbh...
My main problem with Frank is that he, not only, picks on people on twitter, but he makes that kind of behaviour acceptable. By not apologizing or taking accountability for these things, he makes this behaviour (harassment, death threats, cyber bullying, telling ppl to kill themselves or hurt themselves) an okay thing to do. His fans are so toxic and will defend him so much to the point where if you literally just say that you don't like him, they will harass and spam you with really triggering things.
I really hope this clears that up. He's definitely done other things but I couldn't remember them- if anyone has anything else to add please do.
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I know you already talked about but this I think the fandom has changed a lot. I am a shy reader so I stay on anon and I don't reblog much because my Tumblr is small. But I have been around for a few years and its not the same.
There was a lot more playfulness and silly posts. People reblogged other people's writing a lot more. I also had fun following how people talked to each other.
The kind of writing people wanted was different. You didn't have such a focus on how "good" the writing was or how much imagery a writer used. It was about the stories being told and it feels like that has changed. The fandom seems to only want that flowery writing, those blogs that write at a "elevated" level. I was just fine without it, to be honest.
I am sad that people are not liking things and that Prince is taking over more and more. There is no love anymore for Vamp or Sen or Rev (my beloved Rev 😭)
I don't know why I am reaching out to you except you have been here a long time, one of the best blogs in this fandom. And part of me is just sad that it feels like the fandom is dying.
Oh my god anon..... when i saw your ask last night i got overwhelmed with emotion and with all the things that popped up in my head that i wanted to say to you, but today real life gave me another portion of problems and I'm sitting here giving my screen a blank stare. i hate this, i really want to give you a better answer, but let me try. and thank you for sending it in this blog, i feel even more comfortable talking on here!
The thing you pointed out about the quality of writing and people's demands.... it's actually something i wrote in my last reply to you. and then deleted it. because i thought, "haha no it must be just me", but now that you say it, im prone to agree - your angle of things is actually very trustworthy in my opinion, being someone who's been here for so long and observed from afar. for me it's easier to forget how it was in the beginning, but now that you say it, you're absolutely right... the blogs i looked up to, the writers i admired, weren't put on a pedestal for their skills, it was purely in my head how great they were - to a point where it makes me sad that it feels like ive received more praise now than they did back then. some of them don't write as often anymore, if at all... it's not right. i wonder why did that happen and when, and if it's actually harmful for us writers or im being too cautious. i want to be just like you sometimes, to enjoy the fruits of this fandom from the comfort of being a small blog seldom interacting with posts but still appreciating them from afar - i've been that person in other fandoms, and it has its perks definitely. it's just some strange miracle that i became what i am right now and broke through the shell of being a shy reader! seriously! i appreciate you and people like you, because im glad that i can make more of those fruits for you to enjoy. it's an unpopular opinion but ive never been mad at lurkers all that much. everyone has their reasons to feel uncomfortable interacting, and other than that, i personally want to have a blog where people escape from the hustle of being seen and present. again, that's just me, and i'll encourage commenting and sharing work when it comes to my peers... we're getting off topic, haha. and i should make a paragraph break already
i want to comfort you somehow but without lying to you that "nooo it's alright we're still having fun around here and the fandom is totally not dying" and we could make what the musicians on titanic did, but hey, we're not in the middle of the ocean and i seriously cant be a pessimist 😭 i don't think that it's that bad - i did say that some writers are put on pedestal, but are they really? i doubt anyone is seeing those things so dramatically, well maybe that one anon. but that's just one case, and unfortunately it affects how we see things A LOT , because noone else allows themselves to point out things in such dramatic light, no matter if they're right or not. we're paying the anon a lot of attention, so this fucks with our heads to a certain degree. i think that you should rest assured that this mood around the fandom is temporary, same with the more fun postings that you mentioned - i have a theory for that too, and it's because ikepri is simply not allowing for as much goofing around as its predecessors. you still see your doze of cursed jokes but they're not realistic in the nature of the game's world like they would in ikerev for instance, or even ikevamp . but that's fine because, and this is something i actually thought about the other day, they can't keep making more and more dramatic dark and twisted all overly serious games (right? right?) , somewhere along the way a game with the carefree atmosphere of ikerev will come to existence again, and we'll heal again. and the hateful anons who dont see that we're just a bunch of people having fun without that made-up hierarchy , will get bored and go away eventually. i believe in that, and i really want to make you believe too
i enjoyed talking with you about this, and i hope i didn't gave any unnecessary seriousness to our talk because im trying very hard to stick to the belief that our time here should be purely just positive and fun... and hey, we might have not interacted much, but knowing that you've been here for awhile already makes me feel you close somehow hkhkhkhk is that weird??
now, let me give you this ticket: 🎫 that equals one xxsycamore request (from the valentines/1000 followers one) and i want you to think of the most self-indulgent prompt you can come up with and send it. you said ikerev my beloved so if you end up choosing that (seeing that there is a serious lack of those requested 😭😭) id be even happier to write it for you. dont worry to refuse ofc <33
im sorry that this was all over the place and thank you for coming here anon. have a great day ❤
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catwithyellowwings · 2 years
Brett Talbot x fem!reader
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Please be gentle, this is my first story. English is not my native language. I'm still learning it, so there's probably a bunch of mistakes 🙈
"Can you not make a face for a minute?" looking at the resulting photo with displeasure, Y/N was indignant. "You've already ruined so many frames".
"Come on," Talbot replied, looking over her shoulder at the results of their almost half-hour work. "Look, this one is fine, in my opinion, it turned out. It's not all the same to be with a rotten mine as on the documents." girl just rolled her eyes at this phrase. "And why are you worried about spoiled shots? You're not shooting on a film camera."
"Let's try again on the horizontal bars," Y/N switched the camera to the "shooting" mode and headed to the right place, ignoring Brett's comment. "There, you will no longer be up to fooling around."
"And how do you want to photograph me there, love?" gently clasping Y/N by the waist when they reached the place, guy whispered in her ear. This action provoked a wave of goosebumps on the body of his beloved, forcing her to take a short sharp breath, after which she turned to face him. "Maybe we should go somewhere more private? I think there will also be some very interesting places to shoot there."
"We'll still have time to get to a more private place," Y/N said, meeting his green-blue eyes, maintaining a playful mood. "You definitely won't get away from this." hearing this, Brett broke into a satisfied smile and hugged his beloved closer to him. "In the meantime, let's finish our business here first."
Finally, pecking him on the lips, Y/N got out of the ring of hugs, preparing the camera for work. They spent another good fifteen minutes filming behind various sports equipment. Y/N even managed to enjoy Talbot's half-naked appearance when, for several series of photos, he took off his T-shirt, throwing it on a bench nearby.
"Wow, you're so photogenic," she said after taking another frame, once again evaluating the result of their joint work. "Have you ever thought of becoming a model?"
"And have everyone stare at me like I'm some kind of weirdo? Nah," Brett waved off, standing behind her again and wrapping his arms around her waist. This pose was his favorite when they were together. Thus, he not only held Y/N in his arms, at the same time showing everyone that this girl was busy with him, but also covered her most vulnerable place so that no one attacked her from behind. Besides, this way he had access to Y/N's hair, the fragrance of which the guy liked.
"Don't you want too much attention to yourself?" Y/N was surprised, glancing at the guy behind her. "I thought it would flatter you at least.
"They are not you," he gently pressed her to him, and left a small kiss on Y/N's temple. "I don't need someone else's attention, I just need yours."
"Smooth talker," the girl grinned, but still leaned back slightly into his embrace. "But I'm glad to hear it. I don't want to share you with anyone."
"Oh, so it turns out you're a jealous mode?" Talbot grinned with satisfaction, lightly tickling Y/N under the ribs. "That good to know."
They spent the next few minutes discussing the resulting photos. The best of them were to replenish the portfolio of Y/N, who planned to connect her life with photographs. It was her second hobby after music, but that topic was still a sore point for her because of recent bad events in her family.
"I've never seen anyone look cute and ridiculous at the same time," looking at another picture, the girl smiled. "I asked you not to make a face."
"But look how different and lively the photos turned out!" Brett exclaimed, taking the camera for himself and flipping through the results of their work. "You will obviously have a lot to choose from. No one will have such photos for sure," he switched the camera to shooting mode in a few clicks. "So, let's see what kind of model will come out of you."
"Uh, no," Y/N immediately objected and reached out to pick up her thing. However, this did not work out for her, since the guy was a little more than a head taller than her, which he did not dare to take advantage of, causing indignation from his beloved. "I'm not taking pictures of myself, I'm only photographing others. Give me the camera."
"Do you trust me?" Talbot asked, holding the camera at arm's length and raising his eyebrows.
"Answer me, Y/N/N, do you trust me?" the guy continued to insist and holding the camera out of the girl's reach.
"I trust you," sighing, she admitted after a few seconds of persistent glances. "So?"
"So, let me take a picture of you," Talbot said, looking her straight in the eye. "It's your camera. The pictures will remain with you, you can delete them later if you want. But let's try to switch places for a while? I agreed to pose for you. Please. "
"You're using your puppy dog look again," Y/N noticed, covering his eyes with her palm, and couldn't help but chuckle.
"I'm a werewolf. It's in my blood, you might say," Brett shrugged, removing her palm from the face with his free hand. "Love, let me take a picture of you. You know I won't do anything bad for you."
"You're not going to leave me alone until I let you do it, are you?" after a few seconds of staring, the girl's defense began to crack at the seams from the perseverance of a person who was not indifferent to her. In response, he shook his head and gently ran the knuckle of his index finger along her cheek, which was the last straw. "Only if it's not for long."
"You won't regret it," leaving a short kiss on her lips, the guy said with a smile. "I promise."
"One kiss won't buy you off, Talbot," Y/N said sternly, taking his hand. "You will have to confirm this trust a little later."
"It will be done, sweetheart," understanding her hint, Brett nodded, inwardly rejoicing at the victory and what awaits them both in the evening. But all that will be in the evening, now they face another task. "In the meantime, let's see, maybe we should both go into modeling?"
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une-sanz-pluis · 5 months
What exactly do you think Henry VI thinks of his uncle Humphrey?
I'm glad you said what I think Henry VI thought of his uncle! The personal thoughts of any medieval individual are generally out of reach for us (there are exceptions; for example, we can tell that Henry V was pretty pissed off at his brother, John, Duke of Bedford here). It's even more difficult in the case of Henry VI, where historians have such wildly diverse opinions. The likes of John Watts and K. B. MacFarlane, who view Henry as a void around which kingship in his name was exercised (by his minority council, by his "favourites" Suffolk and Somerset), would probably say that Henry didn't think very much about his uncle or, well, anything. But even looking at the historians (e.g. Ralph Griffiths, Bertram Wolffe and Lauren Johnson) who ascribe to Henry far more agency in his reign will give us vastly different ideas of the relationship between Henry and Humphrey.
Johnson, for examples, depicts Henry as Humphrey's victim, depicting his quarrels with Cardinal Beaufort and his pro-war stance as a source of mental distress for Henry. She also depicts Humphrey as fully complicit in his wife Eleanor's alleged plot against Henry (there is nothing alleged about the plot for Johnson, of course) and arranging for his nephew to be sexually harassed.* For Wolffe, Humphrey is more the victim of a spiteful Henry - for instance, he argues that the treatment of Eleanor was an angry overreaction by Henry, who still bitter that Humphrey opposed his intention to release Charles, Duke of Orleans the previous year.
But what do I think?
Humphrey was pretty obviously a thorn in Henry's side. He seems to have advocated for Henry to get more involved in ruling, even though the circumstances weren't great for an inexperienced king and it appears Henry disliked the experience. As Henry matured, the policies he favoured were frequently in conflict with the policies Humphrey advocated for - as Humphrey often made clear (cf. his actions around the release of Charles, Duke of Orleans). What was often a common thread in Humphrey's chosen policies were that these were Henry V's policies. Humphrey seemed to be simultaneously urging Henry VI to greater independence but insisting that he exercise this independence through following the policies of his father.
It's easy to imagine that this became a sore spot for Henry. It's not nice to be constantly compared to someone else and always be found lacking. It's not nice to be someone who others are trying to shape into someone you're not. The fact that Henry was constantly being compared to his dead father who was becoming heavily mythologised would have only made it worse. It's really easy to imagine Henry coming to resent his father for that and easier still to see him resenting Humphrey who seems to have been the one who stuck at the "your father would've done this, do this, you should be more like your father" the longest.
This advocation of Henry V's policies seems to have led to Humphrey becoming seen as "a man who embodied the qualities Henry V had made them accustomed in a king, and which they were beginning to realize were lacking in their actual king". If Henry believed this too, it may be that he initially found Humphrey to be an intimidating, but not necessarily dangerous, figure - the embodiment of the qualities he was supposed to have, the representative of his father. Even if he didn't share the same view of Humphrey's qualities, Humphrey was, alongside John Duke of Bedford, the closest paternal blood relation Henry VI had and the one Henry saw the most of. He may have seen Humphrey as a threatening figure because of the popular belief that he had the qualities for kingship that Henry himself lacked (though, IMO, he wouldn't have been a good king) and, following Bedford's death in 1435, was Henry VI's heir.
If Henry didn't already view Humphrey as a threat, the accusations of treasonable necromancy against Humphrey's wife Eleanor would have likely made Henry come to that view. Most historians argue that Humphrey ended up estranged from Henry and alienated at court as a result of his wife's downfall. It may be that Henry (and others) suspected Humphrey had been aware of or part of the plot - although there is no evidence that this was ever suspected, much less that Humphrey was involved. At the very least, the accusations suggested that Humphrey was a figure others could see as a king and that he was an untrustworthy figure of poor judgement.**
It's pretty clear that from 1441 on, Humphrey was on the outs with Henry but it doesn't seem to be motivated entirely by fear. Henry made a number of grants in the 1440s of titles that Humphrey held to various people in the event of Humphrey's death (one of the most notable is Suffolk receiving the reversion of the earldom of Pembroke). One chronicle claims that Henry had forbidden his uncle from his presence since 1445 or 1446 and reputedly an armoured guard to fortify himself against his uncle. In 1445, Henry publicly humiliated Humphrey in front of a French embassy (according to Wolffe, the French ambassadors claimed that Henry "openly express[ed] his pleasure at seeing his uncle's discomfiture" at the treaty).
Finally, we have Humphrey's arrest for trumped-charges of treason*** and death in 1447. At the very least, Henry must have been aware and approved of the intention to arrest his uncle. Possibly, as Wolffe concludes, he had decided upon his uncle's "destruction".
We don't know what Henry VI intended to do with Humphrey following his arrest. The popular view at the time was that Suffolk was entirely behind Humphrey's arrest and his intention was Humphrey's murder, which was duly achieved within days of his arrest. It's not impossible that Suffolk was blamed because blaming Henry himself skirted too close to treason. It is pretty well accepted these days that Humphrey was not murdered and died as a result of a medical episode (such as a stroke or heart attack) caused by the stress of his arrest. But we have no idea about how Henry intended to deal with Humphrey, whether he intended to exile, execute, quietly murder or ultimately pardon Humphrey, and whether he was actively and knowingly involved in the plot against Humphrey and to what extent he was involved. Still, at the very least, we know that he approved of Humphrey's arrest and waited until the very last minute to pardon those who were to be executed for their part in Humphrey's so-called plot (iirc, they were literally hanging on the gallows when the pardon arrived). Amongst those pardoned was Humphrey's only known albeit illegitimate son, Arthur.
What is odd is that Humphrey seems to have been no threat to Henry. He may have disagreed with Henry on policy but there is nothing to indicate that his loyalty to Henry was ever in doubt. There is no suggestion he attempted to intervene to save Eleanor or that he planned to remove Suffolk from Henry's side. He did not head up an alternate court party similar to the Lords Ordainers or the Lords Appellant in the reigns of Edward II and Richard II respectively that saw him overthrow and execute Henry's favourites to impose his own will on Henry. Nor is there any evidence he intended to depose Henry to make himself king. As John Watts says, "if there is a single theme in the duke's career, it is one of obedience to Henry's personal authority [...] Faced with the destruction of his wife, a series of threats to his property and, finally, a thoroughly dubious charge of treason, Gloucester was unresisting."
Looking at the the various grants made by Henry of his uncle's titles and lands when he was still-living and the speed at which Humphrey's lands were granted out at his death (including the declaration that Eleanor Cobham was legally dead so she could not claim dower or jointure in the properties), it seems Humphrey had more to fear from his nephew (or those acting in Henry's name) than Henry had to fear from Humphrey. But it's easy to say that with the benefit of hindsight.
In short: I think Humphrey was a thorn in Henry's side, at first representing everything Henry wasn't and frequently disappointed in Henry. He advocated for policies that were frequently the opposite of the policies Henry wanted. He may have been viewed by Henry as a threat but by the mid-1440s seems to have viewed as someone of no importance, who could be publicly humiliated, and who would not fight back against his nephew. His arrest and death are strange but may be signs of resentment or fear by an insecure government and king.
* John Blacman's hagiography of Henry VI contains a scene where an unidentified "certain great lord" arranged for a troupe of female dancers to dance topless before Henry, who then angrily averts his eyes and leaves the chamber. The term used by Blacman to describe the dancers ("mulierculae") is more suggestive of prostitutes though the standard translation by M. R. James calls them "young ladies". Johnson claims that the "certain great lord" was Humphrey. Blacman is our sole source for this incident and does not identify the "certain great lord" and was trying to position Henry as a saint, for whom chastity was a chief requirement. As Katherine J. Lewis points out, the incident is part of a longstanding tradition in saints' lives where they resist sexual temptation (she also notes an "almost identical" episode in Caxton's life of St. Benedict) so it seems very doubtful that this incident actually occurred. Even if it was a truthful record, we have no way of knowing who the "certain great lord" was. Possibly, it was Humphrey but we have no way of determining it. It may be useful to note, too, that there is little evidence that Henry's piety was as strong as later traditions suggest.
** Contemporary sources made no suggestion of Humphrey's guilt, complicity in or knowledge of the plot. Although exculpatory, this made him appear a weak and emasculated figure whose unsound judgement had nearly brought ruin to his king and who could not control his wife or own household. Some modern historians have suggested he was complicit in or aware of the plot, but there is no evidence of this (the existence of the plot itself and Eleanor's guilt therein has been doubted explicitly since Tudor times). We have no idea what Henry, personally, made of the accusations. Johnson suggests he was frightened by Eleanor but given he was living in the same residence as she was imprisoned in at the height of the affair (literally when she was performing her penance walks) and one source claimed he intervened to save her life personally, it seems unlikely he was that frightened.
*** The exact charges against Humphrey are not known. However, the general consensus at the time and of subsequent chroniclers was that there was nothing in them, a consensus followed by historians.
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