#and i'm making up nightmare scenarios in my head and it's not very fun
moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Viewed a house yesterday that was kinda shitty but the people who already live there were really cool, I said I needed to think about it and I'd contact them later to tell them, I realised I wanted the room yesterday evening, sent them a message, they didn't answer, I sent them another one a little after noon, they're still not answering, it's been almost 30 minutes, and I am feeling both insecure and sad
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stellarbit · 1 month
i have a kinda strange ask.
so i have severe insomnia. i've done sleep studies and meds but sometimes i just CANNOT sleep, even as bad as multiple days no sleep. doctors and i are still working on a fix. it's a fucking nightmare (except i can't have nightmares if im not asleep, can i???)
i'm a very calm, quiet, logical, and collected person except when i can't sleep. then i'm a crying and genuinely insane wreck.
i would absolutely LOVE if you could do some kind of Crosshair x female reader with some kind of scenario like this. it would make me feel better. Like maybe he didn't see her sleep the previous night and finds her still awake at like 3am the next night and this normally stoic girl is just an absolute unhinged psychotic mess and he has to fix it 🤷🏻‍♀️
idk how far ur willing to go (leaving it up to you) but just as a general idea as to how i (and many other people with this problem) get without sleep, i can get kinda violent, super snippy with people, can't stop crying, impulsive, physically sick sometimes, and don't always sound coherent or refuse to listen to people even if they're trying to help me. it's not a fun mental state to be in.
i'm never sleeping so i might as well read your literature (it's like a nightly ritual i love your stuff)
thank you 🙏
I know what it's like. Insomnia kicks my ass occasionally and it wrecks me and takes days of my life away before I can finally sleep. I hope you find some rest buddy <3 alsothankyouforthecomplimentjfc
give this a listen while you read
Just Lay With Me
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Word Count: 1.5k Pairing: Crosshair x fem!reader SFW Warnings: insomnia kicking your ass all the way to next Sunday Summary: After a long bout of no sleep, you break and Crosshair is there to pick up the pieces. gif credit: @moonstrider9904
Sleep evaded you more and more often lately. Your new normal was turning into nights without more than an hour of dozing off. Nights that stretched into a week at a time with an occasional night of sleep, however restless. This time around the sleepless nights were quickly working their way to a month’s stretch.
After a few nights of frequently waking, two rotations went by without so much as a blink of sleep. At this point you weren’t just delirious, nausea turned your stomach and your head throbbed constantly. Every sound jarred you, pushing you to the brink of crying each time. 
Unable to string together more than a few coherent thoughts at a time, you’d planned on avoiding town the next. You were liable to snap at the smallest slight, but even in this state you knew it wasn’t fair to others.
By the time Crosshair came to find you, you were well beyond your limit.
Crosshair noticed your erratic behavior first. You’d snapped at Omega when she and Crosshair bumped into you on the street. Crosshair tried to stop you from walking off but you bit his head off too.
It was unlike you. Ordinarily, you were composed and rational—characteristics that had faded as your sleepless nights dragged on.
Your increasingly disheveled look became Crosshair’s next worry. You didn’t preen by any stretch of the imagination, but you took care of yourself and it always showed. Now, your skin took on a dull hue, your hair greasy and untamed, and dark circles gave your eyes a sunken appearance.
The night before he and Omega ran into you, Crosshair had noticed a light on in your home around 2 AM. Knowing you weren't typically up at that hour, he found it strange. The following evening, as he lay in bed, thoughts of your earlier encounter in town filled his mind. With a growing suspicion, he rose and stepped out to the patio. From there, he could see a dim light shining from your bedroom window.
He knew what insomnia looked like, had fought with it himself after being trapped on that Kaminoan platform, and didn’t want to push you if his suspicions were true. 
Then, the sound of glass shattering from your home shattered his hesitation. He leapt over the patio railing, his feet barely touching the ground as he dashed toward your house. Fortunately, your door was unlocked—an issue he noted to address later—and he entered your home in seconds.. 
He didn’t call out for you, instead choosing to quietly make his way through your space, tiptoeing through scattered blankets and clothes strewn over furniture. When he found you, you were on your kitchen floor, hunched over with your hands fisting your hair. 
Soft heaves shook your body as you rocked in place. Broken glass surrounded you, making the situation even more delicate.
Crosshair had been right, you hadn’t been sleeping.
Knowing there was no good way to break the silence, Crosshair softly called your name. Sure enough, you jumped hard and nearly slid onto a shard of glass.
Crosshair lurched forward to steady you by your upper arm only for you to rip out of his grip. You whipped your head around, hair falling in your face in a deranged look. It fit seeing as you certainly felt deranged. 
The sniper’s eyes were uncharacteristically soft, with brows slightly raised and shoulders relaxed. It felt like pity. Red hot shame flooded your system, sending you shuffling like a newborn fawn to your feet. 
In a harsh, hoarse voice you lashed out, “What are you doing here?”
Crosshair glanced at the mess around you.“Your lights were on and I heard something break.” You didn’t answer leaving only heavy silence between you. Crosshair sighed, looking back at you. “You’re not sleeping, are you?”
There wasn’t enough air for you to answer, your breath hitched into small gasps as tears warped your vision. Dipping your head back, you managed to blink back some of the wet from your eyes. With a determined shake of your head, you cleared your voice and firmly said, “I’m fine.” 
A line in the sand between you - a desperate claim to control something, anything.
His eyes on you, those sharp, all seeing, critical eyes, made your skin crawl. Not him specifically, but him seeing you as you were. This wasn’t how you wanted him to see you. Unable to stop the uncomfortable squirm that rolled through you, you waved both hands at him as if to ward him off.
“Please just leave.” Your voice was pleading, your eyes blinking furiously. 
“I’m not doing that.” Crosshair said gently. You weren’t sure if your tears, the lighting, or reality itself made Crosshair look so hazy.
Perhaps this was the next step into delirium. The thought widened your eyes with newfound fear. He’d appeared so suddenly - was he even real? Crosshair narrowed a worried look on you as a fresh, sickening feeling gripped you, spurring you back a step. Right onto a shard of glass.
You cried out, nearly collapsing, but Crosshair was quick to support you, preventing you from falling completely. The pain shooting through your foot crumbled your remaining resolve.
Crosshair swept an arm under your knees to scoop you into his arms. He hugged you close, even as you thrashed against him in fits of sobbing. He carried you to the bathroom and carefully set you on the edge of the tub.
Despite the sobs, you let Crosshair put your injured foot under the tap and rinse the blood still seeping from your wound. He felt the tremors wracking your body as he angled your foot towards him. Luckily the shard was sticking out enough that removing it would be easy enough under normal circumstances.
“I have to pull the shard out.” Crosshair said as inspected your foot. A choked sob pulled his eyes to your face again. Your lips wobbled in a devastated frown on your blotchy tear stained face.
Seeing you so fragile or haunted tore something in him knowing he could do little more than sit and watch you fall apart.
In an exhausted whisper, you confessed, “I’m so tired, Cross.”
“I know,” He whispered back and removed the shard in one swift pull.
Crosshair put your foot under the tepid water again, simultaneously pulling a towel from the rack beside him. As he dried your foot and applied pressure to the wound, he decided to share something.
“When the empire recovered me from the Kaminoan platform…” He paused on a deep breath. He hadn’t even told his brothers or Omega, but if he could do nothing else he hoped he could at least make you feel less alone.
Crosshair gently pulled you by your leg and pivoted you out of the tub. Braving vulnerability, he knelt in front of you and said, “I… I didn’t sleep for a long time. I don’t know how long, exactly, but long enough that I had to be sedated.” He smoothed a hand over your knee, adding, “I know what it’s like.”
You gave a small nod, focusing on regulating your breathing, too overwhelmed to speak. Sensing your need for comfort, Crosshair whispered, “Can I carry you to bed?” His tone was gentle, mindful not to startle you.
Your head fell forward in shame. Pressing a hand over your eyes you shook your head and mumbled, “It’s a mess.”
Crosshair couldn’t help the soft snort that came from him, drawing your head back up. A questioning, almost offended, look came over you. Crosshair didn’t ask for further permission as he came in close to you and lifted you with him. 
“You should see Tech’s room.” He teased, his breath warm on your cheek. “And he sleeps whenever he likes.”
The small joke did manage to lift your lips and you found some comfort in the cadence of his steps. He’d not yet gone this far for you. No one ever had. 
Crosshair crawled into bed with you still in his arms, pushing into your tousled duvet and placing you next to him. Leaning across you, he murmured an apology and froze before turning your light out.
Peering down past his arm at you, he swallowed before asking, “Do you mind if I stay with you?”
You didn’t think it was possible, but a small smile warbled over you. You hummed out an affirmative and rolled towards, rubbing your face into the soft fabric of his shirt. Crosshair chuckled under his breath and turned off the light.
He slid in next to you, sitting at an angle that his arms cradle around you. His made lazy trails over your back
“The kitchen-” you started.
“Tomorrow.” Crosshair cut you off. “For now, just lay with me.”
In the quiet hour, in your messy bed, in Crosshair’s arms you finally found rest.
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We've created a Monster Pt.II
Diavolo laughed at the screen of his DDD, hurriedly gesturing for Barbatos to join him.
'Come see this, Barbatos, Lucifer just shared the most delightful video!'
'I'm sure it must be of great importance for you to neglect your paperwork, my lord.'
Sheepishly, Diavolo turned to screen toward him, presenting the still image of an envy demon dwarfing their powerless exchange student.
'Oh my, lord this image is far from amusing.'
'Trust me, just press play.'
So he did, and was very much not expecting what came next. 'I see, it seems MC has grown rather more capable than I gave them credit for.'
'According to Lucifer they were rather unbothered by the threat, he even called a family meeting to address the event and MC just...laughed them off?'
Barbatos couldn't help but smile. 'How remarkable, expected though. MC has seen demons far more frightening than a lesser envy demon.'
'That's what they said to the brothers, though Lucifer seems to find it far less amusing than we do.'
'I imagine, it is not the sort of scenario he would find at all pleasant. Threat to our young human cause him a great deal of unrest.'
Diavolo grinned a conspirator's smile. 'Just him?'
'...fair point.'
'Why are the incantations so long? I'm trying to light a candle not summon a hurricane.' MC huffed, slouching into the armchair with the grimoire laid open across her thighs. 'It's like a religious text.'
'Magic's way of making sure you mean to get what you're asking for.' Solomon's smile was beguiling, almost sweet, but not.
He's a menace, and no one knows that better than MC, who's been taking magical instruction for him for months.
The sorcerer crossed his legs, flipping through a new spell book MC brought over from Satan. 'So, I hear you had some fun at RAD this morning.'
MC rolled their eyes, reluctantly going back to memorising incantations. 'You too? Does the entire Devildom know about that by now?'
'I'd say so, everyone who matters at least. We haven't told Luke, poor thing would loose his mind if he had actual proof of how dangerous the devildom really is for you.'
'I'm not in any danger, you're starting to sound like Lucifer.' MC huffed. 'Next thing I know you'll be off on a lecture about my lack of self preservation and needing to be careful.'
'I would never, watching you get in trouble is my favourite pass time.' He winked teasingly, kicking his shows up on the coffee table. 'I am curious though, what was going through your head when he threatened you? I remember being a little intimidated the first time a demon tried to kill me.'
'I'm honestly surprised you remember your first anything anymore.'
'Don't change the subject.' Tutted Solomon with that congenial smile of his that was neither friendly nor threatening. 'What were you thinking?'
MC sighed, closing the grimoire and turning their attention to the plate of cookies Luke left for them. 'It was annoying, I went into RAD early to get ahead on a project I was supposed to be working on with Simeon. Could have expected that reaction when I told him Levi wears envy way better. That time he tried to kill me gave me nightmares for days.'
'...MC, how many times have those lunatics nearly killed you?'
'Pfft, you think I keep count? Between Beel's tantrums, Mammon's schemes and just existing in Lucifer's radius I nearly die at least twice a week. It was way more when I first met them though.'
Solomon had to resist the urge to gape. His sense of normal may be a few thousand years past twisted, but this is... odd even for him. A human this young should not be this comfortable with domestic danger, let alone love those who put them there.
Several, times, a week.
MC carries on eating their cookies happily, reaching for another one when their eye catches something on the table, half hidden behind a book, but that beastly silhouette is unmistakeable, and they immediately curl into the chair as though they've been burned.
Pitching a whine to alert the house, their wide eyes fixate on the eight legged monstrosity, arms coiled tight around themselves as their skin immediately begins to crawl and twitch as though being assaulted by hundreds of the tiny beasts.
'What?! What is...oh, hello there.'
Solomon is almost left a aghast all over again. Here sits the most desensitised human he's ever met (besides himself), curled up in a ball, over a spider.
Fair be it a decent sized spider, probably the size of his thumb, but a mere spider nonetheless.
'You looked a 20-foot snake in the eye, you take Cerberus for evening walks with Lucifer...' he trailed off, carefully nudging the arachnid into an empty glass and caging it with a book '...and you're afraid of a spider?'
'Fuckin' right I am! And I'm not going to justify it to you so get rid of it before I set you on fire!'
Solomon laughed, and laughed until he couldn't hold himself upright anymore, wiping a tear from his eye, but when next he looked up, MC was still staring at the spider, eyes so full of genuine terror and brimming with tears, he felt guilt strike him.
'This...genuinely frightens you, doesn't it?'
MC nodded, lip jutted in an involuntary pout, skin raised in goose bumps. 'I wish it didn't.'
'Alright, I'm sorry. I'll get rid of it.'
And he did, and made a point of making sure everyone knew about MC's phobia, and didn't make fun of them for it.
Was it ironic that someone who looked death in the eye and waved was afraid of spiders? Absolutely, but no one chooses fear over comfort, and MC has chosen to be brave one too many times for anyone to begrudge them one or two irrational fears.
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thechaoticdruid · 7 months
Okay so I've had this same Astarion x Tav idea floating around in my head for a while and I'm so surprised I legit have not seen anyone write about it! It's basically the classic meet the parents scenario! Yes I know we never see Astarion's parents and probably never will, they could be dead for all we know, but they are elves, a very long lived race so it's very possible they could actually be alive! So basically I'm gonna start a little fun writing challenge and tag three of my favorite Astarion romancers.
@spacebarbarianweird , @vixstarria , @marcynomercy
(If none of you are actually interested in this I'm so sorry 😭 I just wanted to do a thing.)
The challenge is to write up headcanons of your Tav meeting Astarion's parents and vice versa. Doesn't matter if your character's parents are dead or MIA this is strictly a what if scenario. And if you'd be so kind please tag some Astarion x Tav writers you think would be interested in this challenge!
Astarion meeting Winnie's parents.
It definitely was not planned, Winnie literally had no idea her parents were even alive.
Her Gran had told her a long time ago they went missing off on an adventure after leaving their village and that they were very likely dead.
About 20 years later after their disappearance Winnie returns back to the ruins of the village she grew up in with Astarion accompanying her.
Astarion had actually insisted on venturing here in hopes of finding a lead on the drow wizard that plagued his beloved's nightmares.
The one who orchestrated the massacre of her village before kidnapping and experimenting on her.
There's nothing left but basically an unmarked graveyard. The amount of death and dark magic that seeped into the area has even brought some of the dead back from beyond the grave.
It is a horrifying turn of events for Winnie, actually seeing some of the people from her childhood roaming the land as lifeless corpses and then actually having to kill them herself this time.
Once the two of them were safe they took shelter in one of the old huts which just so happened to be Winnie's childhood home.
Astarion had to hold and comfort her as all the memories of her village's slaughter came flooding back.
At some point as they rested they noticed something watching them.
It was a wolf, with dark brown fur, eyes shining pink in the moonlight. A very peculiar shade indeed.
Peculiar but not unfamiliar as Winnie's own fuschia colored eyes stared back.
She just had to follow after the wolf and eventually it led her back to a small hut surrounded by some kind of dome-like barrier.
The wolf ended up shifting into the form of a tall muscular human woman who was none other than Winnie's long lost mother!
A short pudgy man with a lute stepped out of the hut as soon as he heard the tall woman shout. This was Winnie's Father.
Winnie was overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions with the revelation that her parents had been alive all this time!
Molly and Harry were their names.
Despite welcoming Winnie with open arms they seemed rather on the fence about Astarion.
At first glance Molly was overjoyed that her daughter had a partner so handsome and immediately began to babble on about what beautiful babies they'd make much to Winnie's dismay and embarrassment.
Harry was polite and willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He wasn't as baby-crazy as his wife.
Then came the realization that Astarion couldn't pass their magic barrier they'd created to keep out undead.
Winnie was quick to come to Astarion's defense however, but learning that your daughter's lover was a vampire would be unnerving for almost anyone.
At first Winnie's mother even asked if she was with him willingly, wanting to check and see if she was charmed. It was honestly a bit ridiculous.
Molly was checking her neck for bite marks and nearly losing her mind and screaming when she found them there.
Harry had to calm down his wife, wanting her to give the vampire spawn a chance.
Things were a bit iffy from there on our, but eventually they came to accept Winnie's undead love.
And Molly expected a dhampir baby or two within the next few years, which Winnie had to remind her frequently that she was not ready for that and might actually never be ready for it.
Winnie Meeting Astarion's Parents.
This was Winnie's idea all on her own.
Despite Astarion always telling her she was the only family he needed whenever she'd bring up the subject on if he thought his family was still around or not.
Yet the curiosity, the uncertainty just ate away at her.
His past was a mystery, not only to her, but to Astarion himself.
And they were elves for gods' sake. So it was very likely that they hadn't yet succumbed to old age.
What's two centuries to an elf?
But also she wanted her beloved to have someone other than herself to feel loved unconditionally by.
The human female had no idea how long she'd be able to run from her mortality.
With help from her tressym familiar Maddie to keep Astarion occupied, Winnie returned to Baldur's Gate in search of any old records of the Ancunin family.
Using her Hero of Baldur's Gate status to her advantage Winnie is able to get access to certain private documents no normal citizen would be able to.
She finds some old records on Magistrate Ancunin which immediately brings a grin to her lips.
Astarion's parents apparently left Baldur's Gate three years after his death.
From what little else she could find they moved to Evereska, but nothing told her if they were both actually still alive or not.
Winnie had her elven friends Vesperr and Arva do some investigating since they were constantly traveling nowadays and likely may be able to find out more than the human could.
She sent them a raven detailing her intentions and findings before returning home to her beloved vampire spawn.
He was a tad upset about her sneaking off for a few days and only leaving a note in her place, but Winnie was able to smooth things over with a little blood.
About a few weeks later a letter from Vesperr came back, telling Winnie that there were some Ancunins living in an estate just outside of Evereska. A couple in fact!
The human female could hardly contain her excitement, but she had to keep calm, especially when Astarion became curious about the letter she received.
He actually chased her around their home demanding to read it but Winnie wouldn't let him.
Soon after Winnie proposed that the two would go on a trip. A romantic getaway as she put it.
That was the cover she made up for going to meet his parents.
Luckily at this point the two had been able to locate the ring of the sunwalker so Astarion's days of running from the sun were a thing of the past.
The set off by carriage, taking Winnie's faithful tressym along with them.
Eventually at some point on the road Astarion ended up finding the letter from Vesperr Winnie had tucked away in her pack.
"A romantic getaway hm?"
The druid just smiled at her partner with a nervous chuckle.
Of course she apologized for lying and keeping secrets and said that she only wanted to make Astarion happy.
He forgave her and decided just to go and meet these people since the two of them had come too far to turn back now.
Astarion was getting more nervous the closer they got.
Perhaps this wasn't a good idea? What if they tried to stake him after what he's become?
Winnie would place her hand over his to comfort him after she noticed his stressed mood.
Winnie's tressym Maddie would also curl up in his lap and purr like a good little emotional support kitty.
Finally they would arrive at the estate where Astarion's apparent relatives were living.
They walked in, hand in hand before promptly being approached by who they assumed were the estate's security.
Winnie was quick to introduce Astarion, hoping to avoid any sort of confrontation.
Astarion's name had immediately made the guards freeze in place before then demanding he come with them inside.
They legit told Winnie she had to wait outside which Astarion was having none of.
If his lover was not allowed in then he would be leaving immediately.
The unfamiliar two elves muttered to each other in elvish as Winnie just watched in confusion. Every word coming out of their mouths sound like pure jibberish to the human female.
She then heard Astarion snarl back at them in elvish.
Winnie had a feeling they might have been talking about her due to her partner's very offended and frankly pissed off sounding tone.
The elven guards eventually agreed to let them both enter together.
Winnie was amazed by all the extravagant decor, almost getting distracted several times and having to be pulled along by Astarion who kept an arm linked around her waist.
Finally the time had come when they were face to face with his parents.
They were both insanely beautiful as Winnie assumed practically all high elves were, both adorned with fine silks and jewels Winnie had only ever dreamed to see.
Astarion appeared to have gotten his father's handsome facial features and his mother's luscious ivory curls.
Both his parents had different colored eyes his father's were golden while his mother's were green so the mystery of Astarion's eyes was still yet to be seen.
His mother looked over his face with pure shock before eventually bursting into tears.
She hugged him tight muttering something in elvish as she held him.
Astarion seemed to stiffen under her touch. Perhaps she was his mother, but at the same time she felt very much like a stranger.
His father eventually joined in on the hug as Winnie just stood there awkwardly.
It took them a few moments before the realization set in that their son was back from the dead.
His skin, cold to the touch, his eyes blood red and the fangs peaking out from behind his lips as he gave a nervous smile.
Immediately they jumped to a conclusion that the strange human woman Astarion was with was somehow the cause of this.
To which Winnie snarkily replied, "Do I look like a vampire lord to you?"
Astarion had to step in and explain what happened, he skipped all the unpleasant details to save himself a bit of pain.
While his parents seemed to become more accepting of his affliction rather fast, they barely batted an eye at Winnie.
And whenever they did look upon her it was with disgust.
Hells his father even assumed she was some kind of hired manservant! And tried to get her to carry Astarion's things in.
When Astarion said that Winnie was his lover, his mother gasped, acting as if she was going to faint.
It seemed theatrics ran in the family.
Things went rather poorly from there.
Astarion's father apparently tried to explain to him that bedding humans was not acceptable.
Winnie just stayed quiet and stood there awkwardly as she heard his mother claim that she probably used magic to tempt him into her bed.
It was then the pale elf snapped and told them off for not being there for him for over 200 years yet Winnie, a 'filthy human' had been there for him since the moment they met.
He made sure to let them know he wouldn't even have been here if it weren't for her wanting to reunite him with his 'family.'
Astarion eventually had enough and dragged Winnie out. He apologized to her very profusely afterwards.
He felt awful that she had gone through all this trouble only to be treated like trash by people she should have been welcomed by.
Winnie just smiled sadly and told him it was okay. It was worth trying.
The two hugged before leaving deciding to head back to Baldur's Gate and probably get drunk at the blushing mermaid.
Of course on their way out, one of the elven servants rushed after them with a letter.
It was from Astarion's father, apologizing for their behavior and begging Astarion to come back.
The vampire spawn simply rolled his eyes and tossed it out the window of the carriage.
Sometimes a real family was just a wild feral girl, a sassy vampire elf , and a winged cat.
What? Did you expect Astarion's parents to be nice people?
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oda-princess · 9 months
(1 char) Kenshin 8
(2 char) Sasuke/Yuki 7 and 8
(2 char) Kenshin/Shingen 10
Ackkk, I took too long to answer this, I'm sorryyy (。>⌓<。)
8. What would they get you for your birthday, if anything?
Oh I love this one, especially because my birthday was just a few days ago!!!
Hmmm…. its canon that Kenshin goes full on sugar daddy while buying stuff for us/mc, so I’m guessing that whatever he chooses to get, he’d make it extravagant as HELL. Be it gifts, celebration or anything else. 
On the other hand, he would also want to be the only person who gets to spend time with us on our bday (also canon lmao), so he’d probably take us out somewhere where it’s only the two of us and we can spend quality time together without any interruptions. I can also see a certain flower field being involved (✿ ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Sasuke and Yukimura
7. Who would win in a dance-off?
Yukiiiiiiii !!! 
He would definitely be awkward at first but once he gets used to it, he’d be busting moves left and right! This might especially be the case if he is drunk. 
But I think Sasuke can also pull it off though. I have this scenario in my head which I would like to be able to draw some day, where Sasuke and my oc (Kenshin’s mc) randomly break into dance while hanging out, maybe to something like toca toca , and in the distance, a very confused Kenshin and Yuki just stare off, wondering why they always keep landing such weirdos (They love their weirdos tho)
8. Who would be the better singer?
Okay, hear me out! I know this might sound weird, but I’m gonna say Sasuke. 
For all his monotone reputation, I imagine he’d actually be a very good singer, unsuspecting and might surprise everyone, even his own mc (much like what we experienced with Kanetsugu).
A few years into the future, he’d probably love to sing his kids to sleep at night, although he might still do it with a straight face  XD
Kenshin and Shingen
10. They swap bodies for 24 hours! How badly do they mess up (or improve) each others’ lives?
Oh boy...This would be a true nightmare for all the residents of Kasugayama. It wouldn’t take long for everyone in the castle to become aware that something is deeply wrong with both their lords. The vassals would be stunned and low-key afraid when Shingen beats all of their asses during training mercilessly . And can you imagine the surprise/horror that Yuki and Sasuke would be in for when their dear, beloved lord Shingen chases them around the castle with a sword because he is bored ?
The most unfortunate of the bunch though, would be the women at Kasugayama. I don’t know what would terrify them more- them running into ‘Shingen’ expecting him to greet them with his usual sunbeamy smile and flirtatious words but instead he dismisses them with an intimidating glare as sharp as a knife OR when the God of War - Uesugi Kenshin, who is known for hating women, suddenly starts referring to them as ‘Goddesses’ and ‘Angels’ and other honeyed words with a smile as blinding as the sun. Rip them lol
Thanks a lot for the ask !! I had fun with this ❤️
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Yay for long weekends! I got some fics downloaded, and I am ready for a nice long weekend, me and drarry.
The Nightmare Club by Elle Gray (Elle_Gray)
Main Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Explicitness: This one is interesting in that there is a lot of thoughts of sex but only one pretty tame actual sexual encounter is described. I wouldn't say this has zero spice, but it isn't particularly heavy on the spice.
Word Count: 85,702
POV: Harry Potter
My Summary:
Harry had never thought to question his sexuality, but once the idea got in his head it would not leave. And once he started imagining guys in his bed we'll he couldn't stop. This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't one particular blonde that had taken over his thoughts.
My Thoughts:
I've never been a 18 year old boy, but if i was, I imagine my mind would be exactly like Harry's in this fic. I feel often in the canon we see Harry just coming up with dreadful worst-case scenarios, and I think this fic captures Harry's inner monologs perfectly. I can't help but feel this Harry feels super Canon accurate (I haven't read the books in a while, so take that with a grain of salt).
As for Draco, I love when Dracos upbringing makes him dislike non serious relationships it makes sense and is kind of cute. I hate when that is matched with a I just want to have fun Harry. For a bit at the beginning, I was thinking if Harry hurts Draco, I will travel dimensions to kick his ass. However, I was wrong, and Harry's heart is in his penis. We all knew this. I can't get over how the awkwardness of it all is so very accurate for their age, haha. Almost all of their actions and bonding remind me of freshmen year of university (minus the trauma of war for myself) but the awkwardness, the way you are truly figuring yourself out, and the slight wprry for the future.
The ending was satisfying! When a story ends with the main couple getting together, I'm happy but also a little sad that I can't see them in a relationship all domesticated. Oh well! 8th year fics are usually not my favorite, but I really enjoyed this one!
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Day 25 — Haunted House
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 500
Contents & Warnings || Fluff, Angst — horror/creepy vibes, jump scares.
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Flufftober Masterlist
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Bucky hadn't seen you this excited and full of energy as you stood in line to enter what was dubbed by everyone that had been the scariest and blood-curdling haunted house experience. Being a big fan of everything spooky, you had been itching to go ever since it opened a few days ago, and had finally managed to drag your boyfriend with you, who has never been to one.
“I'm so excited. I'm so excited,” you mumbled as you bounced on your feet. Bucky, who had his arm around your shoulder, chuckled as he kissed your temple, finding your joy extremely cute.
“Well, I'm excited to see what all the buzz is about.”
“And I'm so glad I can take your haunted house virginity,” you grinned as you peered up at him while circling your arms around his waist. He blushed a soft pink and shook his head amusingly before he gave you a quick kiss.
As you were about to enter the house, you reminded him again that it was all an act because Bucky could be pretty protective over you and lose his sense of reality when you were in any type of danger or distress.
You clung tightly to your boyfriend as you walked the first corridor of the dimly lit house. Already now, you could hear distant screaming and terrifying sounds in the rooms to come.
When rounding the first corner, someone jumped out to scare you. The first of many high-pitched shrieks came from you, and Bucky himself was left stunned in fear. The horrifying character screamed behind you, prompting you and Bucky to scurry on deeper into the attraction.
Each room you walked through had its own macabre and sinister theme, varying from rooms with dolls, insane surgeons, creepy and motionless statues and every other horrid nightmare scenario one could think of. Each room had designated characters to fit the style and scare you and be overall creepy and unsettling.
The sounds throughout varied diversly from sinister giggling to electric buzzing, making your ears ring. The different lights and flashes were disorienting and heightened the fear factor with everything else combined.
All the different stimuli kept you on edge and tense the entire time. The adrenaline in your body rushed to each inch and end of your nerves.
Finally, at the end, you and Bucky rushed out as you held hands and clutched your hearts as you giggled and laughed at the fun yet terrifying experience.
“Ah,” Bucky exhaled as he wrapped his comforting arms around your waist from behind, feeling your fast-beating heart under them. He rested his chin on your shoulder and kissed your cheek. “That was very fun, doll. Thank you for taking my virginity,” he chuckled as he buried his face in your neck.
“And you know I would do it again,” you teased as you held him closer.
“What do you say we get some ice cream for a little bit of comfort and then go again?”
“Sounds like a plan, babe.”
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Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
I don’t do taglists so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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Andrew anon here and I'd like to submit a prompt!
If you would still like to write one, i was thinking an Andrew and reader? In not thats fine, but if you would like please take your time!!💜💜
Andrew Garfield and Reader
Summary: A tickle scenario between big brother Andrew and little sibling reader :)
(Thank you so much for this Andrew Anon ❤️ This was so much fun to get to write and I hope you enjoy it :))
You looked over your lines for the upcoming scene. "I'm not ready for this."
"You've been going over your lines for ever Y/N." Andrew glanced up from his script to give you a smile. "You'll be just fine."
"I guess you're right." You flipped to the next page of the script. "There's just so many emotions and really important lines and I . . . just don't think I can do it."
Andrew leaned toward you. "Hey now, you've been doing great so far. Don't let one scene knock you down."
"Thanks Mr. Garfield, but I don't know . . ."
"First, I am not Mr. Garfield, that's my father."
You turtled into your shoulders. "Sorry."
"No need to apologize, that one is an easy fix." Andrew reassuringly squeezed your arm. "But the second point I'm trying to make is that you're doing great so far Y/N. You get out there in front of that camera and you just shine."
You blushed brightly. You never were very good at accepting compliments from other people, but honestly, that felt really good to hear. "T-thank you Mi---."
Andrew raised one eyebrow.
"An---Mister Andrew."
Your older costar playfully rolled his eyes. "Eh, I'll take ihit. Anything I can do to help you calm your nerves?"
You bit your lip and thought. "Umm . . . Could---could we run through the scene together? Atleast once?"
"Of course." Andrew stood and pulled you up with him. "But let's move over to the couch?"
You stumbled along behind him. "What?"
"It's a sibling scene and we're on a couch anyway." Andrew pulled you next to him. "Practicing the same way you'll perform helps ease any nerves."
You tensed a little. While running through the scene, you forgot how close you had to be to Andrew. The older man had never done anything to you; in fact, he had treated you as a younger sibling throughout the whole production. But ever since you were first introduced to Andrew Garfield in his Spider-man movies when you were younger . . . Your first Lee mood had awakened. You had immediately scoured ever fanfiction website for fanfiction for this man and that had been your gateway into the tickling community. Ever since you had wanted nothing more than to be tickled by the man sitting next to you.
Your blush darkened as you were pulled into Andrew's side. You had been able to hide the Lee mood through previous scenes because as siblings, you were mostly throwing things at each other or shoving each other away. But now you were close to his side with his arm around your neck and his hand mere inches away from your side. This was both your dream and your nightmare rolled into one!
However, Andrew must have assumed your red face was from the nerves about this scene because he squeezed your arm as he flipped the script to the first page. "Just try your best."
You fumbled to get your script to the right page. "Uh, y-yeah! Sure!"
Andrew chuckled and scratched the side of your head. "Yohoull doho greheat Y/N."
Those fingers were so close to your ear that you instinctively turtled into your shoulders. But you tried to push the tickle thoughts out of your head as you focused on your first line. "I can't believe he's gone."
Andrew immediately stared at the far side of the room and let his facial features go blank. "Me too."
It was impressive how quickly he got into character. You tired to match his energy by pinching your arm to make your eyes water. "Remeber---remember when we u-used to---to go to . . ."
Your older costar leaned closer and whispered out of the side of his mouth. "He took us."
"Remember when he took us---to the park? He would always---always---." You tried to finish the line, but your hands were so sweaty that your script slipped to the floor. "Oh shoot!"
"It's okay Y/N." Andrew bent forward to pick up your script. "Those nerves like to get the better of us."
"I-I'm sorry, I just---don't know why I'm s-so nervous."
Andrew gave you a wink as he placed the script back in your hands. "Let's give it another try."
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves and started the scene again. On the second read through, you felt proud of yourself for getting farther even with tickle scenarios playing in the back of your mind, but then Andrew repositioned himself to give you a hug---and his hand grazed your side.
You squeaked and dropped your script again.
"Wow!" Your older costar pulled back. "Sorry! Did I hurt you?"
"N-no! You didn't hurt me! I'm just---super nervous! I-I'm sorry!"
Andrew stared at you as he reached his other hand down to grab your script. You tried your best to hold his look but your eyes kept darting away as you internally begged your Lee mood mind to get the image of him pinning you and tickling you out of your head.
Then a hand squeezed your knee. And you squeaked.
You looked down to see Andrew's free hand wrapped firmly around your knee. Then that same hand squeezed your knee again and you couldn't stop the second squeak that left your mouth.
Meanwhile, Andrew grinned. "Ihi don't believe ihit."
Your eyes widened. "Uh--uh--M-mister Andrew! L-let's talk abohout thiIIS!"
"I already told you Y/N." Your older costar quickly shuffled you around so you were pinned with your back against his chest. "You reheally need to relax. Otherwise, you'll never gehet thihis scene down."
"I am relaxed!" You exclaimed, neck already turtling into your shoulders. "The mohost relaxed!"
One arm wrapped around your rib area including your arms. "Ah-ha! Know how I know that's a lie?"
"Uhum . . ."
"If you were relaxed." Andrew dug into your side. "You would be smiling mohore."
A surprised squeal left your mouth as your side was attacked.
"See? Soho much mohore relaxed nohow."
"Ah! Nohoho!"
The attack lasted a minute with Andrew tickling along your sides and stomach. It was like a dream come true that you second guessed everything and kept waiting for the moment you woke up, but that moment never came.
You were so caught up in everything and couldn't believe this was actually happening so when he let you go, the first words out of your mouth were, "Is ihit oveher already?"
"Come again?"
Once you registered what phrase had just come out of your mouth, you immediately pulled away and jumped up from the couch. "Uhum, wh-what I meant t-to say . . . Well I--I . . ."
"Hey, it's okay Y/N."
You looked up. "W-what?"
Andrew gave you a comforting smile. "It's okay. Did you want me to tickle you a little longer?"
Your mouth dropped. "You---you don't m-mind?"
"Course not! I think it's adorable."
"Yehes." Your older costar leaned forward. "My nephew still asks for them when we hang out."
"B-but I'm so much older!"
Andrew shrugged. "Doesn't make that much of a difference."
"But . . ."
"Y/N, look at me please."
You managed to make eye contact with your older costar.
"Please stop making excuses. Kids who like tickling grow up into adults who like it. Plus, if tickling actually helps you relax and focus, we can use that to our advantage."
"But you said practice the way you perform!"
Andrew smirked. "If you don't stop making excuses Y/N, I'll show you how we can make it part of the performance."
You heard what he said, but before you could process it, you where talking again. "But---."
"Alright, that's it."
You squeaked and jumped back as Andrew stood. "Wait! Wait, I'm sorry!"
Andrew smirked as he followed you. "Come here Y/N."
You tried to babble out a response as the older man followed you around the room. "Please! M-mercy! Mercyhy!"
"Look at that grin! You're so cute!" Andrew took his hands out of his pockets to reach toward you. "They knew exactly what they were doing when they cast you as the younger sibling."
You continued walking backward. "Shut uhUUP!"
While distracted by the approaching enemy, you forgot the couch you had been sitting on didn't move. You caught the edge of the couch and tipped backward onto it. Once you were on your back, Andrew quickly knelt in front of the couch so you can't get away. "No where else to run nohow."
You continued giggling as those wiggling fingers came closer and closer to you.
"Aww, no reply?" Andrew's fingers wiggled into your tummy. "Or do I have to tickle it out of you?"
"Ack! Mihisteher Andrehew!"
Andrew dug into his sides. "Tickie, tickie, tickie! The tickle monster's gonna get you!"
You wouldn't want to admit it to him, but this was heaven to you. This had been your dream for years! The teasing, the chasing, the wiggling fingers. Everything was perfect.
And you were on cloud 9.
The Andrew began to roll up shirt. "You know what ehelse my nephew begs for still all of the time?"
You squeaked. "Whahat?"
"He used to call them Tummy Toots, buhut yohou would know them better as zerberts."
Your eyes widened. "Wha? Ah!"
Andrew quickly rushed his head down and blew a raspberry into your tummy.
You squealed loudly before dissolving into cackles as he gave your tummy a few more raspberries. "ANDREEEW!"
Your older costar giggled down at you. "Yohou sohound lihike him too!"
You shoved Andrew's shoulders. "Stohop! Yohou're embarassihing mehe!"
"Aww, is someone flustehered?"
You growled. "Yehes!"
"Do I neheed to put you ihin aha better mood?"
A small smile made its way on to your face. "Mahaybe."
Andrew smirked. "Does someone's tummy need a few more toots?"
The smile on your face grew even more as you wrapped your arms around your tummy. "Dohon't yohou dahare!"
Andrew chuckled as he began pushing your arms up. "I'm gonna get your tummy! I'm gonna get it!"
"Ack! WaitwaitwAAAIAT! NAAHAHA!"
You squealed as Andrew blew more raspberries into your tummy. You put your hands on his head as your legs kicked wildly behind him. All of the talk of his nephew mixed with the teasing made you feel like a little kid. Not that you minded at all, that just made the tickling more fun and carefree.
Once he was done with his raspberries, Andrew moved up to give you a hug. "Did you have aha gohood time Y/N?"
You nodded as you returned the hug. "Thank yohou."
"No problehem. Doing this with you reminds me of being home."
"Mehe too." You squeezed him. "I miss them."
"Me too."
After a few more seconds, your older costar pulled back to smirk at you. "And that's also how I would incorporate it intoho thehe scene."
Your eyebrows furrowed together before what he said earlier clicked in your head. You shoved Andrew. "Yohou're horrible!"
"Aww, Ihim sorryhy." Andrew gave you another hug and added in a forehead kiss. "You're really awesome Y/N."
"W-wehell---You're awesomer!"
"No you."
"No yohou!"
"Noho you!"
You held out a hand. "Truce?"
Andrew took your hand. "Truce."
Your older costar helped you up to a sitting position while you tugged down your shirt.
He then handed you back your script. "Come on, let's get back to work. Ohor Ihill have to tickle you again."
You were tempted to slap Andrew's shoulder, but the threat of more tickles made you hesitate. A moment later you tapped his arm. "Mister Andrew? If you want . . . Could we . . . have another tickle fight tomorrow? We have another really difficult scene and . . . It really does help. . ."
Andrew grinned as he nudged your arm. "I'd love to Y/N. It helps me too."
The smile on your face grew even bigger as you settled back onto the couch. This was turning out to be the best movie ever.
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what are your favorite sexy scenarios with your Ryan F/Os?
Oh what a fun question 👀!!! Thank you for asking!!!!
♡ Officer K being very grabby while making out on his couch in his apartment, mainly when I'm wearing a midi knee-length skirt. I LOVE thinking about this man's hands bunching the material of my skirt, glittery fabric spilling between his fingers as he's pulling and tugging. Feeling the petticoat adding extra layers of volume/texture and it just makes him wanna bunch it in his hands even more, clawing at it when we start getting really into it. Him pulling me onto his lap, leaving the skirt on while he undoes the buttons on his pants, and we just do it right then and there on that uncomfortable ass couch with his face buried in the crook of my neck, groaning like a starved dog.
♡ Driver being SO fucking horny out of his mind. When I drop into his dimension and it's been too long he just does his usual prolonged eye contact but with More Intensity silently saying let's get out of here. He gets us alone somewhere and it doesn't matter where, we're gonna fuck. Shannon's Garage after hours. His '73 Chevy Malibu (malibuuuu). The LA River. On top of the hood of some old race car he's fixing up. His living room floor. The shower. The kitchen counter. Oh, and I guess the bed works too... it's almost like a sleeping predator jolts awake within him and he just has to pounce immediately
♡ Sometimes when I leave Driver's dimension, he thinks I might not come back. He tries not to worry, but the fear is always in the back of his mind. Sometimes he's worried that I'll have another nightmare about him and I'll be too scared of him and I won't visit his dimension anymore. I tell him I'm fine now and I've never felt better and I haven't had any nightmares about him in a long time, but he still gets anxious. So any time we fuck, if the position allows it, he's hugging me. Arms wrapped around me and he tries to make me feel as secure and safe as possible. One hand cradling the back of my head, thrusting at a quick but steady pace that wouldn't hurt me but his little groans and little huffs sound almost heartbreaking when he hugs me tighter and tighter. Like I'll disappear if he lets go. I think about that a lot ;u; it's comforting to think about being hugged during sex and especially if it's with him
♡ Driver masturbating to the thought of me in his car -- I have doodled variations of this one hundred thousand times and I'll do it one hundred thousand more!!!! Sitting in the driver's seat, putting on some Charlie Puth songs on the radio (that dude has some horny asf lyrics and in interviews he's said he wants his music to sound fuckable in the most literal sense so I think it's perfect lol) reclining his seat back and going to town. I like thinking about him putting on "Smells Like Me" bc the lyrics seem fitting for us. He's missing me while I'm in Ken's dimension but he isn't worried bc I'm the one wearing Driver's scorpion bomber jacket. I could be getting action from any other guy or gal but I've got Driver's scent on me as long as I'm wearing his jacket and he likes that little sense of ownership over me, a bit of possessiveness... not in an extreme way but he just feels such an overprotective urge to make sure a part of himself is always with me. I DUNNO I don't care if that's in character or not, it makes me feel really good hehehe////
♡ Wait god I need to bring up K again..... I know it's a little out of character but I love daydreaming about him being sooo comfortable with me as our relationship progresses. You know how in canon, he comes home from retiring replicants, nearly getting killed, and he roleplays with Joi that he is just a simple human man who is coming home from a 9 to 5 shift at the office? He'd do that with me; he can come home from a long day and find me waiting for him on his bed - I'm wearing a skirt with a petticoat underneath bc I know he'll enjoy the texture of the folds between his fingers as he slides the fabric up my legs. Him doing the little "tsk tsk" click of the tongue while shaking his head, leaning over me with his hand snaking between my thighs, saying "oh, you poor thing, you've been soaking wet for me all day, haven't you?" and suddenly his stress of the day is gone. He forgets the dried blood on his face, the bruises on his neck, the stab wound in his shoulder. He crawls into bed and guides my hand, sliding my palm down his pants, tilting his head... "you feel that, sweetheart? feel what you do to me? I couldn't concentrate on my reports today, all I thought about was you..."
♡ That opening Bangkok party scene in The Gray Man, except put my self insert in there wearing a red dress to match Six's red suit, with white flowers and stars to match Dani's flowered suit. I know Dani isn't a Ryan F/O but I wanna think about her pulling me away into a private corner of an empty room and eating me out. Same with Suzanne oh my god please I need that woman to eat me out so BAD PLEASE ughhhhh. okay okay this was a Ryan F/O question... I'm sorry. I got Keri'd away
♡ The opening Bangkok party scene in The Gray Man and YES it makes NO SENSE for Six to be horny enough to need to pull me into the closet to fuck me, and that miraculously there wouldn't be cameras or mics in any of the rooms, but hear me out: you can do whatever you want forever and nothing in life matters. I'm working on a fic where mayhaps, against all odds, the Lord has given this horny desperate gentleman seven minutes where absolutely nothing bad will happen to him; he sees me in that red dress and he's like "Jesus CHRIST I missed my glittery wife. Baby please get over here." I have been in other dimensions for what, two weeks, maybe even two months, and this man has not only missed me so fucking bad, but he is starvinggg. He pulls me into a storage closet and we don't have time to Properly Fuck™ but I wanna give him a handjob just to give him some relief. His hands shaky while undressing me just a little bit so he can touch me wherever he wants, his head buried into my shoulder while he's groaning as quietly as he can. I think about this all the damn time and I really wish I had the time/energy to draw it. Maybe someday.
♡ Dean kissing me while straddling me on his bed, then slowly backing up and sliding his palms under my mini skirt, being very gentle and making eye contact with me the whole time he's slipping off my underwear, checking that I'm okay. Going really slow when he puts his head between my thighs, the whole time our song is playing in the background. Yes this is just me 100% self projecting over Cindy but that is exactly what canon love interests are for !!! and I like to think about him reaching out one of his hands and intertwining our fingers while he's eating me out 🥺🥺
♡ Ken eating me out and laughing into my thigh every so often. Licking his lips and saying "sweet girl..." giving that nickname a whole new meaning. I also think the image of him being completely oblivious to giving me an orgasm during our first time after eating me out and he's like "wow you're so yummy 😋 I want some more" while I'm gasping for air and shivering and saying HOLD ON GIVE ME A SECOND. Same goes for when I give Barbie her first orgasm after she becomes human and I'm just sitting there like "damn was my head really that good 😳"
♡ Sebastian not even bothering to undress, just unzipping his pants and bending me over the piano (consensually ofc) bc he's so pent up after a long night. Or sharing that tiny tiny tiny bed together in his little apartment, snuggling... we're both too pent up to sleep, and one of us starts grinding against the other and it just escalates... while he's wearing that tight white t-shirt and then his hair gets messier bc he's so lost in the moment.... yeah
♡ Laughing with Jacob during sex to the point where he's snorting and I'm wheezing and we have to stop for a few minutes. You know that cute couple thing where you pretend you're meeting for the first time, like, one of you pretends to be flirting with the other in a public space? And then you "go home together"? I think it's so funny to think about doing that with him. So we're at a bar, he's doing his thing, does the whole "let's get out of here" line, drives me home, we start going at it -- but I make a joke about something and he's losing it. He fires back and I have to cover my face and laugh. Out of every Ryan F/O, I like thinking about him saying "hey girl" just to make me laugh. He doesn't know the meme, he doesn't get it, but one time I asked him to say it and it made me laugh. and he's like "I don't understand what's so funny" but that doesn't stop him from saying it at the perfect moments. He's undressing me on his bed and it's all slow and sensual ooo and aaa... and after some sexy prolonged eye contact he mutters "hey girl" and I start losing it, and then he starts losing it because I'm losing it. and then he snorts and it makes me laugh even harder and then he's laughing harder. This may not necessarily be a "sexy" scenario but I really do love tender stuff like that in intimate settings... loving knowing my romantic partner is also my best friend.
♡ Luke is intimidating and he knows he looks scary but he tries to be rly gentle. He's slow and when I'm nervous he whispers reassurances until I relax. He's my guardian angel, he's my bodyguard, he wants me to feel safe with him. This isn't a "sexy" scenario I guess but I do think about this a lot, him just being very careful with me despite his outer appearance making him look like he'd be very rough. And maybe he would be! But with me he knows he's gotta go slow. and he's okay with that.
♡ COLT SPEAKING FRENCH Colt speaking French Colt speaking FRENCH Colt speaking French THE ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME in my ear while his arms are wrapped tight around me hugging me close. I have no fucking clue what he's saying to me but it sure sounds sexy. He could just be saying "omelette du fromage" lmao. but jokes aside maybe he'd say something like "my beautiful falling star" in French or 🥺🥺 something like that... and I think about being super careful with him bc of his back injury and double checking that he's okay all the time too. This man suffers from chronic back pain and he appreciates I am looking out for him and making sure he isn't hurt in any sort of position we're in. also did I say COLT SPEAKING FRENCH. Wearing a collar for me too maybe... with "therapy dog" on the tag... maybe he'd like being tied up too I dunno....................
♡ With Julian I don't have any "sexy" scenarios but goddd I sure do find myself thinking about having really, really, really gentle slow sex with him... I'm a top 99% of the time, but I wouldn't mind allowing him to have full and complete control, so he feels safer. He's straddling me while we're drowning in those neon red lights. His hands shake a little too much to undress me at first so I gotta hold them until he's calmer. Him kissing my neck and hearing his soft, short breaths in my ear when he's inside me. He's a SA victim too, so he'd understand that I prefer going slow, and tbh maybe he'd also prefer that ;v; I think he could still be rough if he wanted to, but he just. he gets it. he knows why I'm so scared and hesitant, so he's gonna be so, so careful. I'm precious to him, he wants me to know that, wants me to know he doesn't want to hurt me. would rather cut off his own hands than ever lay a hand on me. wants me to know that, to feel that, when we're making love. I'm gonna start openly weeping over him for the 100th time today let's move along
♡ I've written having a threesome with Driver and Six where they both try to make me feel as comfortable and safe as possible. Regarding the nightmare thing, Driver gets emotional and a little sniffly when he hides his face into my tummy and says "I don't want to hurt you" and I tell him "I know." Six isn't as vocal about his fear of me getting too scared of him either but he definitely feels it and it shows through how careful he is when we're being intimate to the point where he almost treats me like porcelain. More of an angst scenario than a sexy scenario BUT LISTEN. I LOVE THE HURT/COMFORT and my ace ass finds emotion so much sexier than anything else.
♡ Speaking of emotion. Ken getting weepy and sniffly while I'm riding him for the first time (just pretend he has a dick for my sake ok) bc he's never felt so loved before and especially not in a sensual way. Cradling his face in my hands and kissing his tears away while he hugs me and when we finish we just sit there for a while and hold each other until he calms down. Maybe I'd get weepy too bc it would be my first time feeling safe in a rly rly long time
♡ Actual sexy scenario: Stephen fucking me hard in his office, me laying on my back on his desk, his face between my legs drinking his fill until he stands up and places his hands on my hips, pounding me -- no no listen I KNOW his office walls are see-through but let's just pretend that he has some... other... office somewhere with normal walls.
♡ I think about pulling Steven's hair sometimes...... or him sitting up in his bed, his back resting against the headboard, me in his lap, while he fingers me and whispers in my ear, kisses my neck.
♡ OH I FORGOT WEREWOLF DRIVER I need him to fuck me so lovingly in a forest somewhere please god. or werewolf colt I don't care who just please god I need a werewolf to fuck me tenderly while we're surrounded by wildflowers. I'll pretend bugs and dirt don't bother me. Getting fucked by werewolf Driver WHILE wearing his JACKET. OOGH. god. can someone please teach me how to draw werewolves so I can draw some good ol fashioned monsterfucking
Thank you for letting me ramble 🥰🥰🥰
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gaywiththesauce · 1 year
Hi hello sorry it’s not Wednesday anymore BUT. I remember you saying at one point that you were listening to your Giyuu playlist? (am I remembering right?) and I’m. so unbelievably normal and was wondering what your top 5 songs you associate with Giyuu are. Or top 10. Or top one million. Ok thank you sorry goodbye again_(:3 」∠)_
Hi Rose👋!! welcome back to my dropbox lmao
okok so so I don't remember saying that but it's totally possible that I did. I think about blorbo a lot so I think I mentioned it
These won't be very descriptive because many of the songs are just related to emotions or specific scenarios so you'll have my 4am ramblings. lil warning, I'm a swiftie, but I have a variety of other different music tastes too. here's my top 20ish because I'm obsessed with my blorbo Giyuu Tomioka the Queen
Telephones by Vacations - "my thoughts are crawling, you're all I see" "wherever I go, you'll always be next to me" has massive brain rot energy :) he only sees his love(s) everywhere
Verbatim by Mother Mother - I kinda perceive Giyuu as someone that doesn't conform to gender norms (totally not projecting) but he would totally be unapologetic for his expression. maybe a lil oblivious but not sorry
First Love/Late Spring by Mitski - the lyrics speak for themselves of anxiety that he can't love anyone else because he's too scared to lose them. "please, hurry, leave me, I can't breathe. please don't say you love me."
Long Live (TV) by Taylor Swift - this song is specifically for my fantasy prince/knight au I made and fully fleshed out with Minecraft building and shit. the idea of happy fluffy marriage makes me giggle
Gilded Lily by Cults - self explanatory. sad song. "haven't I given enough?" "always the fool with the slowest heart" (help please he has the slowest heart because his way of communicating isn't verbal and only a very select few understand-)
Daylight by Taylor Swift - "I once believed love would be burning red, but it's golden, like daylight" kyogiyuu energy, first impression of Kyojuro's "burning red" but it turns out he's a soft "golden"
Screaming by CHVRCHES - beautiful song. it talks about the past and how time has been stolen. not knowing what side of the coin you're on and if it's wrong or not. good vibes song to look out the window to
New Year's Day by Taylor Swift - SUCH A GOOD MESSAGE SONG! it's all about the tranquility that comes with love and life, how the couple would be there for not just the fun moments but the calm or hard or maybe boring moments. also "please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere"
Money by The Drums - Giyuu would totally want to give back to the world he believes he's stolen from (he's still alive, which is something that he stole from others-) but he has nothing else to give other than hard training and killing demons, saving people when he can
Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol - this one I can't really explain. the build up and release just kinda speaks for itself. it's cathartic and makes you want to jump up and down and rip an air guitar
Don't Let Go by The Ghost Club - "I'm falling off the edge but you never ever let go" another relationship one! who woulda guessed? again, love that lasts because love is not all sunshine. it rains and pours and you have to get an umbrella. very fun to listen to!
The Mute by Radical Face - this was shown to me by a beautiful moot when my one ficlet reminded them of it. it makes sense! "if you only listen with your ears, you can't get in [my head]" (your fic today reminded me of this song too and i listened to it again after reading tehe)
Nightmares by CHVRCHES - "Another poem designed for revenge. Now I'm living a nightmare again, and it won't end.
Black Out Days by Phantogram - gives me remembering Sabito vibes. So painfully thinking of him but trying to forget him and keep that part of his mind away from now but it doesn't want to stay away. He isolates himself from his memories that he "[doesn't] even recognize [Sabito's] face"
I miss you, I'm sorry by Gracie Adams - it's less of the lyrics and more the vibes. i just kinda really like this song. "I still love you, I promise" to Sabito---
Become the Warm Jets by Current Joys - listen listen ok hear me out: slow song, sad voice, sad song, Giyuu-themed? totally feel canon with "All my life is just something I can't ignore."
A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant to Be by Jess Benko - wow. sad angst sad song about regret because wow. just angst.
Young by Vacations - dissociation central. not knowing how things are moving and wanting things to be right and okay. that childhood innocence of want everything (read: Sabito) to be his
i love you by Billie Eilish - Giyuu being in denial of everything. How could Kyojuro say that he loves him? How could he open up so easily to Kyo? "the smile that you gave me even when you felt like dying" FFUCCK
Dress by Taylor Swift - this is that song when the pairing finally gets together after a 20K slow burn. smiles. "Carve your name into my bedpost 'cause I don't want you like a best friend."
A Love Song by Ladyhawke - happy upbeat love song. Imagine running through a crowd, holding hands, laughing and giggling as Kyo pulls Giyuu along to show him something he's excited about
I didn't mean for this to be this long (this was originally 10) but now you have 2/3 of my Giyuu playlist! I accidentally deleted my Giyuu playlist like four months ago so I'm building from the ground up unfortunately😭
I hope this satisfies your curiosity! Enjoy listening if you do!
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messinwitheddie · 2 years
Dipper "Thank you for your time, Nny and for not trying to brutally murder any of us. I'm sure it was tempting."
Nny "It took every last shred of willpower I have. Nothing personal. You're ok as...people go. I just hate people-- in general. I know I shouldn't and I'm a terrible person for it, but-."
Dipper "All good, I do too. I mean, I hate being around people. Er, well, not even so much that, I just...I'm just awkward around people."
Nny "Yeah."
Dipper "Speaking of which, sorry for... how horribly everything went tonight. And uh, I'm so sorry about Grunkle Stan too. We're used to him and all his... Stan-ness, but-."
Nny "You don't have to keep apologizing for him. As excruciating as this whole experience was for me, I'm glad I went along with it. It was nice reconnecting... sort of. Stan was--is the WORST and I hate him, but, he's also the best and I don't. Never tell him I said that."
Dipper "I won't. "
Nny "When he told me why he was taking off I thought he was just messing with me or making fun of me like he always did. Then when he actually disappeared for Oregon I was so angry and hurt, I completely blocked him out of my mind for YEARS. Oh well. I highly doubt things would have ended better for me had he stayed or had I left with him. Still.... Guess the good memories are the most painful sometimes."
Dipper "I really REALLY wish he hadn't crashed our seance, but I'm glad I got to talk to him again. We really miss that crotchety old sociopath."
Nny "I did too. Don't EVER tell him I said that either."
Dipper "I know your time in this plane is almost up, so again, thank you for agreeing to this interview."
Nny "To be very clear, I DID NOT agree to be interviewd. This was a favor for Squ-- Todd. I didn't appreciate being summoned especially in the middle of summer. I didn't appreciate stumbling into a half dozen strangers setting up two studios and a small lab's worth of equipment in my living room. I didn't appreciate Todd putting me on the spot. I DID NOT enjoy a single moment of this."
Dipper "I know; you mentioned this many times tonight."
Nny "Ok then, so you understand there will be no follow up interview for any reason whatsoever. Don't summon me again unless it is of DIRE importance. At least never here again. My old house depresses me. Do you understand?"
Dipper "Yes. I'm deeply sorry for any intrusion and I promise we will NEVER disturb you again."
Nny "This is an extremely unlikely scenario because once we're "dead" again I plan to ditch him in a black hole or something at some point, but... if you ever summon Stan on Halloween or Summerween or whatever and I'm within range, could you extend the invite? I wouldn't mind a tour of the Mystery Shack."
Dipper "Really?"
Nny "Yeah, at least one visit to settle my curiosity. If it's half the fever dream nightmare-scape the Mystery Hut was, it will be worth all the painstaking social interaction. That, and it's a relief to see Todd surrounded by friends and family worth having. He always deserved better company than me."
Dipper "Oh DUDE, we're definitely dragging you through a tour on Halloween!"
Nny "Sshshshshshhh! Don't announce it to everyone. Come on."
Dipper "My bad. You're going to have a BLAST, Nny. We'll try to keep the guest list short for you."
Nny "Thank you."
Dipper "So um, do you have any questions for us or me before you go?"
Nny "... *sighs* OK. I'll bite. Why do they call you "Dipper", Dipper?"
Dipper *brushes back his hair, exposing birthmark*
Nny "Whu-? OHhhhh... Neat! I was expecting to hear some stupid frat boyish sex joke."
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For context: Dialogue to an 18-years-later au flashback where a 21-year-old Squee supervises a 17-year-old Dib and Dipper's first ghost hunting team up.
Maybe if I spew out enough small scenes from my head I can make a coherent story out if this.
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Whump Of May || Day 22 - Demon/Cursed
“Is anyone there?” Whumpee's hands trembled on the board, a mix of excitment and fear. She'd heard stories about these things, how dangerous they were.
But she was so, desperately lonely, so sheltered, that any presence seemed like a good thing.
She giggled aloud, looking up at Caregiver. They didn't seem as impressed, they hadn't wanted Whumpee doing this in the first place.
“There, you saw It work, Whumpee, can we dismiss the spirit now?” Caregiver asks. His gaze was anxious, he didn't know how she'd convinced him, but he could already tell it was a bad idea.
She shook her head. “We just started! Let me ask another question!”
 “Can you tell me what you are?” Whumpee asks, after all, Caregiver had mentioned making sure to define good spirits and bad spirits. But the spirit doesn’t answer with either.
‘My name is Whumper, King of Nightmares.’
Another giggle. She hadn’t expected that kind of answer. Her mind goes to the psychic, who had mentioned her past life as a nightmare Queen. “Really?”
‘I was your King… when you were still a princess.’
Amber eyes brighten with curiosity. “Whumpee, can we please dismiss it?” Caregiver interrupts, a little more forcefully.
“No, I’m still asking questions.”
She doesn’t get a chance to ask another, the pointer was already moving.
‘You don’t remember me.’
Whumpee frowns, maybe the psychic hadn’t been as crazy as Caregiver and her thought. “I… should I?”
“Whumpee, dismiss it, please.”
‘I suppose not, you knew me in your past life.’
“Was I like you?” she whispered. “With the nightmares?”
The pointer moves again.
‘You were very powerful, something to be feared.’
“Whumpee- dismiss it.”
‘I can show you.’
“Really?” She asks, interested now.
“Can you please dismiss it Whumpee-“
For Whumpee, everything goes black, and the last she hears is a dark chuckle.
Bit of a longer drabble, but it was taken from an older roleplay/drabble request I had with a dear friend, @forgotten-fr0st. Where the premise was a modern verse, where Jack Frost, Pitch Black, and my OC, Jade, were reincarnations of their former selves.
In this scenario, 'modern Pitch' was actually pretty chill, more like Kozmotis from the books. But the real nightmare king still had a vendetta against those who made his life hell in the past.
Possessing Jade and going after Frost seemed like a fun way to get back at Jack.
List I'm using.
Jade belongs to me.
Jack Frost and Pitch Black belong to Rise of the Guardians, Dreamworks.
Do not steal, repost, or alter my art in any way.
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distant-screaming · 2 years
Hello hello, did you miss me? 😄
If you ask me, the first to go in a death game scenario would be Khan, he has some serious indecisive tendencies, plus he's too hot-headed for his own good. So he could either not make an important decision in time, or bring trouble upon himself by acting impulsively, like starting a fight with the wrong people. That's how I see it.
Now, I have some more random party questions to ask:
🧤 if you had to write one character with flipped personality traits, which do you think would be the most fun to write and why?
🧦 what is the weirdest AU that you have ever written/would like to write (if any)?
🧣 are there any ships that you would never, not in a million years, write about? Spill the tea 👀
By the way, thanks for the additions to my Akk Aye playlist 😊
Anon!! Indeed I missed you very much <3 glad to see you again (you in the loosest sense of the word akgksjcjc)
Hmm I can totally see that! Kan going out first makes a lot of sense - though I'd want to keep him alive just for the kanthua drama, yknow?
For these questions I'll stick to answering from bls because if I include all my fandoms we'd be here a real long time xksndnd
🧤 - (I'm using emojis I've never seen before this is great btw) OOOOH what an interesting question! By flipped personality traits, I'd assume they're like the exact opposite of canon, right? In that case I think writing Kinn from Kinnporsche would be hilarious. Source: trust me bro.
🧦 - as I might have mentioned, I tend to not write AUs (at most I'll write canon divergence). That said, somehow I've ended up writing a bunch of different ones - including heist AU for zukka and a fantasy AU for hq! Probably the weirdest AU I've written so far is... weird on the basis of 'why would you write this and also what is happening' - the Ayan's nightmare AU I wrote like last week. It's just kinda like, I'm not entirely sure why it came into existence sjfksjdjd but it's there! I'd love to write a soulmate goose AU at some point because I think it's absolutely hysterical. (By that I mean a goose literally pops into existence and physically pushes soulmates together. Obviously this leads to shenanigans.) I'd write it for any fandom, honestly!
🧣 - sigh okay so. As a general rule, I'll write almost anything at least once before I put a huge cross next to it, even things I might find I don't personally enjoy - it'll probably come out bad, but I'd write it! THAT SAID. I refuse to write anything about real people. Ever. It's just all sorts of icky for me. So I guess the actual answer would be 'any real people ship'!
Thank you for coming by <3333
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bangtanscumslut · 2 years
BTS reaction to their s/o having a particular phobia
Trigger Warning! { Multiple phobias and triggering scenarios }
Jin : 
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Phobia : Thalassophobia. Thalassophobia is an intense phobia or fear of large bodies of water.
Jin was trying his best to get you to calm down as you hyperventilated on the cruise ship. 
Despite him telling you it was okay to skip the trip with his parents, you had insisted on going and were now throwing up every two minutes and passing out every ten.
Just looking at the ocean under you had you gasping for breath and stumbling on your feet.
"I don't understand why you're so stubborn. I knew this would happen, which is why I told you we could skip on the family trip." He patted your back as you emptied your stomach's contents into the toilet.
You gasped for breath as you pulled away from the toilet and shook your head in protest.
"We can't miss our annual family trip because of my stupid phobia, Jinnie. Did you see how excited your parents were? I'd feel too bad to let them down."
He looked at you exasperatedly, and you understood his exasperation. It obviously wasn't fun to constantly be around a human puke volcano. You were about to ask him to leave when your stomach lurched again, jolting you back towards the toilet.
He watched you throw up again and sighed loudly.
"That's it, Y/n. This can't keep going on for the rest of the trip. I can't let your health be affected like this. I'm calling for a helicopter, we're leaving."
"No!" You reached for the phone in his hand but he dodged your hand and backed away.
"We can't leave. I'm sure I'll be fine if I rest for a few hours."
"Stop fooling yourself." He frowned, typing in a number onto his phone.
"We've been here for two days and you've barely kept anything down your throat. I see how weak it's making you and I'm not going to sit here and let you have your way about this. So just shut up and do as I say."
"But your parents-" 
He interrupted you mid-sentence. 
"My parents won't mind. Now go pack your things while I make this call."
All you could do was pout and head back to your room, but you were secretly grateful that you didn't have to be on a water body anymore.
Yoongi : 
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Phobia : Thanatophobia. Fear of death/dying/losing someone you love.
Being in a relationship with you wasn't an easy affair. You knew that very well. It made you appreciate your boyfriend, Yoongi, even more, because you knew how things could escalate with you in a flash of a second. He generally wasn't the type of person to constantly text, call, or physically be available for someone all the time but he did it for you.
Your crippling fear of losing him was the least of his concerns. Your violent nightmares wherein you would wake up screaming and thrashing, spells of zoning out at random times during the day, and forgetting to eat proper meals was what had him tossing and turning at night.
You didn't know what or who played a factor in you developing such an extreme phobia but having people constantly walk out on you all throughout your life must have had something to do with it.
You were having another one of your episodes where you would physically cling to him and refuse to let go, all the while crying and begging him not to leave you. This one was triggered by an Instagram post.
"Baby, I'm not going anywhere. Please, stop crying."
He held you in his arms, on his lap, as you cried into his chest.
"You're just going to leave me like everybody else. I know you are. I know, I know-"
"Shh." He cupped your face in his hands, interrupting your words.
"I've promised you before and I'll promise you again. I'm not going anywhere, jagiya. I'll always be right here by your side."
He rocked you in his arms like a baby, giving you time to calm down and recollect yourself.
Once you had calmed down, you were embarrassed to even look at him. You felt so needy and clingy, it made you cringe.
But he never once complained, instead, he would smile his beautiful gummy smile at you and reassure you some more.
"I'm sorry, Yoon." You hung your head in shame.
"Aniya, don't apologize, you've done nothing wrong."
You looked up at his smiling face and felt your love for him burst in your chest. You couldn't believe you had managed to find someone so gentle and caring.
"I love you." 
Hoseok : 
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Phobia : Astraphobia. Fear of thunder and lightning. 
It was raining quite heavily and you were all alone in the house you shared with your boyfriend, Hoseok.
Hoseok was at work and you were curled up in the living room sofa, your hands pressed tightly to your ears. The night was dark and what started out as a small drizzle, had turned into a full blown storm. 
Your phobia of thunder was making your heart ram in your chest. 
You dialled your boyfriend's number and he immediately answered.
"Hobi," you gasped, realizing how hard it was getting for you to breath normally.
"Jagiya, I know you're afraid right now. I'm leaving the studio now and I'll be there as soon as I can."
He hung up before you could say anything else. You tossed the phone aside and shut your eyes to focus on your breathing.
A loud clash of thunder sent a shiver through your body and you instantly folded your knees to your chest and buried your face in your thighs.
Please stop, please stop, please stop, you chanted the words in your head like a mantra.
Your mind started to imagine grotesque scenarios of you getting hit by lightning and the house catching on fire. You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts but they wouldn't leave.
You felt a panic attack coming as your lungs squeezed in your chest, contracting your airway. You gasped for breath for a while before dark spots started to form in your vision.
You were at the brink of passing out when the main door slammed open and Hoseok came running in, completely soaked from head to toe.
He ripped his shirt off his body and threw it aside.
"Baby I'm here!"
He immediately engulfed you in a warm hug, holding you as closely to his chest as possible. 
He knew listening to the sound of his heart beat calmed you down.
"Everything's fine, everything's okay, you're okay."
He whispered reassuring words to you as he rocked you side to side and caressed your hair.
You slowly relaxed in his arms, feeling your heart steady and your breathing return to normal.
"Aigo, my baby must have been so scared." He smiled down at you and placed kisses on your cheek and temple.
You smiled back at him weakly, "thank you for always being there for me, Hobi."
Namjoon : 
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Phobia : Trypanophobia. Intense fear of needles.
Namjoon felt helpless while he watched you gasp and sweat as the nurse tried to give you an injection. 
You had been sick for a week straight and were refusing to go to the doctor. You knew you'd have to get your blood drawn to see what was wrong with you, but you had a severe phobia of needles. 
It took a lot of blackmailing and threatening on Namjoon's part to get you to the hospital.
"I can't do this." You jerked your arm away and looked at your boyfriend with pleading eyes.
"Please, let's go. I'll be fine in a few days."
"Baby," he sighed, "you haven't been fine for a long time. It's really worrying me, you've dropped a lot of weight in only a couple of days. I know you're scared but we need to know what's wrong with you to treat you."
You felt tears prick your eyes sharply, "Joon I can't, every time I feel the needle get close to me I feel like I'm about to throw up and die."
Namjoon asked the nurse to excuse you both for a few minutes and sat on his toes in front of you. He took your hands in his and looked up at you.
"I can't even begin to comprehend how terrifying this might be for you. I won't pretend to understand either. But, I just want you to know that I'm right here by your side, you don't have to be afraid of anything."
Tears streamed down your face as you cried softly. He kissed the knuckles of both your hands and rubbed your thighs comfortingly.
"Think of it this way, the sooner we treat you, the faster this will all be over and you don't have to be sick anymore. No more hospital visits and potential injections."
"I don't want to be sick anymore." You sobbed.
"I know you don't, baby. Let's get this over with, yeah?" He smiled at you encouragingly. 
You nodded your head in response. The nurse came back in and Namjoon got on his feet to stand next to you.
You held onto his bicep for dear life and shut your eyes tightly. It was over before you could even think about it.
"My brave girl." He leaned forward and kissed your cheek. 
Jimin : 
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Phobia : Coulrophobia. Fear of clowns. 
You and your boyfriend Jimin were sprawled out on the sofa watching tv on a lazy Sunday evening. You were watching a popular sitcom and were in the middle of an ad-break.
You reached for the popcorn tub resting in Jimin's lap. He handed it over to you and you stuck your hand into it, your eyes trailing back to the television screen.
"Let me check the news real quick." He said and changed the channel.
The news was reporting on a murder incident with the perpetrator wearing a clown costume.
You watched in horror as a clip was played in which a clown was axing down an elderly person in their driveway.
Your heart leapt into your throat and you choked on the popcorn kernels.
Jimin immediately realised and switched the channel. 
He jolted upright and scooted towards you. He threw an arm around your shoulder and pulled you to his side.
"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.
You slapped your chest in panic, feeling your airway getting blocked as you choked on the popcorn. Your eyes started to water and burn as you gasped for breath.
"Hold on."
He helped you to your feet and put his arms around you from behind and performed the Hiemlich maneuver. 
After a few thrusts, the lodged piece of popcorn shot out of your mouth and you sucked in a large chunk of air.
You flopped back onto the sofa and wiped the sweat running down your temples.
"It felt like I was dying. Thank you for saving me, Jimin-ah."
"I'm just glad you're okay." He sighed, sitting down next to you.
"That thing," you paused, the sight of the clown making you shudder, "it was so scary."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have changed the channel." He said, taking your hand in his.
"It's not your fault I have an absurd phobia, Jimin-ah." You chuckled despite not being over the visuals you saw a few seconds ago. 
You knew you had to eventually get over this fear and you were taking therapy sessions to overcome it.
"I'm going to get over it." You nodded reassuringly, more to yourself than to him.
He smiled at you, "I know you will. "
Taehyung : 
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Phobia : Globophobia. Fear of balloons.
You and your boyfriend Taehyung were sitting under a tree in a park, reading a book. You were mostly the one reading, while he just took a nap on your lap. The both of you often frequented this park since it was close to your house.
It was a bright Saturday afternoon, the weather a lot better now that summer was fast approaching. 
You read a few more pages before closing the book and putting it down beside you. You watched your boyfriend's peaceful expression as he dozed off, feeling half bad that he had to work so hard everyday. 
You trailed your fingers through his fluffy brown hair and smiled to yourself. You loved these tiny moments when you could simply appreciate the beauty of his mere existence and how much he meant to you.
You decided to let him sleep for a little while longer and reached for the book you were previously reading.
Suddenly, a kid came up from behind you with two big, blue balloons in his hand.
Bad memories from your childhood of your stepfather making you blow a hundred balloons for his biological daughter's birthday and then popping every single one of them in your face as he made crude remarks about your body and assaulted you flashed before your eyes.
"Tae," You shook him but he didn't respond.
Hot tears burned your eyes as you watched the kid gallop in front of you, smiling ear to ear and swinging his balloons in the air. Somehow, even an innocent kid seemed like a monster out to get you.
This time you yelled, successfully waking him up from his slumber.
He noticed the tears streaming down your cheeks and sat up immediately. 
"What's wrong?" he looked at you worriedly as he wiped your cheeks.
He followed your gaze and gasped when he realized.
"Don't look at it. Come here," he pulled you into his chest and turned you around such that your back was facing the kid.
"I'm scared." You cried.
"I'm scared he's going to come get me. He's going to hurt me again."
"Shh baby," he cooed into your ear, "no one's ever going to hurt you again. I'm here. I'm going to protect you."
He gently ran his fingers through your hair to soothe you and peppered light kisses all over your face.
He rocked you in his arms patiently and repeated words of reassurance till you had calmed down. It always surprised you how well he would handle your breakdowns.
"Is he gone?" You asked, afraid to even take a peek.
"Long gone, sweetheart. How about we go home and I'll make you some hot chamomile tea?" He asked, helping you to your feet and linking his fingers with yours.
"I'd love that." You smiled, feeling safe and protected with him by your side.
Jungkook : 
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Phobia : Pteromerhanophobia. Fear of flying. 
Jungkook knew getting on a plane with him to fly to one of his concerts was a big deal for you. He was aware of your extreme fear of flying. 
It had been over three years since you both started dating, but you hadn't taken a single flight together. Every time he asked to go on a trip out of the country together, you shot down the idea and insisted on staying within the country.
Recently, you had been taking therapy sessions to deal with this fear and were finally taking your first flight with your boyfriend.
"Remember, it's totally normal for your ears to pop as we take off and land, so don't get scared, okay?" He rubbed your arms comfortingly as he prepped you for your first flying experience. 
"I don't know why I agreed to this. I'm regretting it now." You breathed, your legs already beginning to shake from fear.
"Baby, all you have to do is breathe. I promise it's not as scary as you think." He said, handing you a brown paper bag.
You stuck it to your mouth and started to breathe in and out rapidly. 
The captain announced the take off and that's when you really started to regret getting into the plane.
Jungkook held your free hand and never took his eyes off you. 
You felt the plane jerk and start to move slowly. 
You heart started to race as your mind started to imagine the worst things possible that could happen. You felt a panic attack coming and tried to breathe it in and out of the stupid paper bag but it didn't seem to help.
Your boyfriend sensed your panic and tried to comfort you.
"Baby we're okay, nothing's happening. We're safe."
You shook your head, "no, we're not fucking okay. Oh my God."
You felt your ears pop as the plane jerked into the air and almost fainted at the feeling.
"We're going to die!" you shrieked, jumping into his lap and burying your face into his chest.
You didn't care if everyone else in the plane thought you were a freak, you had to be held by your boyfriend or you would lose your mind.
"Breathe, baby. We're fine! See? We're in the air and we're stable. Look at those beautiful clouds." He pointed at the window and smiled at you.
You turned to look out of the window and almost passed out. This was even worse. All you could think of was the engine bursting and you plummeting to your death.
"No! I don't want to look at anything. Just hold me, please."
"Arasseo. I've got you." He chuckled and held you by your waist as you put your arms around him and buried your face into his neck.
He showered you with comforting kisses throughout the ride while you remained attached to his chest like a newborn baby.
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iaintyourbro · 3 years
The Unknown Journey Continues
Part 1
I know it's been a while... but I've been going down a rabbit hole with @starlight-samurai regarding time loops, Jenova, Minerva, and more fun. So I figured I'd try to put it into one post to get the insanity out of my head. Everything in here is based on things we've found by either going through more obscure Ultimanias, learning more about Dirge of Cerberus and trying to decipher what the hell Jenova is by putting together various sources - including other Square Enix games - and how they handled freakishly similar scenarios.
Did you know there is a companion mobile game for it that was out on the good old flip phones? Did you know there was an online mode in Dirge of Cerberus only available in Japan, but had story elements that were not in the main game?
The sad part is, there's still so much to go through...
(I've also had various discussions with @ourfinalheaven, Manu, who doesn't have Tumblr, so here is her Twitter. and Somebody's Nightmare (here is her Twitter). So I wanted to tag them here, as it's much more fun to discuss these ideas as a group, since it'll only help you build on and strengthen your own ideas.)
Please be aware, there will be Spoilers for FFVII - Almost all Compilation titles, Xenogears, and NieR Automata throughout this.
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So let's go on a journey where we explore what actually already exists in the compilation - including the idea of the whispers and timeloops - how Minerva may play into everything, and what exactly Jenova is capable of doing.
I asked Sesi if he'd ever played any of the NieR games, because he'd said something that made me wonder if they were going to take a similar approach. As a very, very quick high level summary: NieR Automata deals with a time loop type of idea. The androids will be rebooted and repeat the same things over and over again. This is broken when 2B is killed by A2 because she becomes infected with a virus. That being said, you have the option after Ending E to either erase all of your data and end the cycle OR you can try again. The Pods have a discussion, and one asks, "But won't they just do the same thing again?" and the other replies with "Maybe. But it could also be different this time."
Here's Sesi's message back to me when I asked him about this (cleaned up a bit since we were having a casual conversation over Discord):
Maybe I could just guess based comparatively on the Dirge storyline, because that was sort of SE's first flirtation with “robots and androids” since they’re all programmed and locked behind like task managers and shit that can shut them down. The story of the online mode for DoC that came out in Japan, we never got to see it, you’re basically an Android OC and you have to get to “the end of the level” and then essentially die, and a new one takes its place. This keeps happening until Weiss is essentially freed from being able to be task managed by the guys who are suppose to be able to control them and I know from tons of years with Square games that they’re verrrrry bad at differentiating their narratives they tend to just keep “ripping themselves off” so is it anything close to that?
Cuz if so I think I kinda know what you’re saying and yeah, I agree, I think with CC bringing in its poetic symbolism and LOVELESS, and DoC bringing back the cyclic nature of the lore, whispers, premonitions and future visions, proto-Materia and the perversion of this next cycle since the planet can no longer cleanse and protect itself and its will is weakening lesser and lesser to the point where it’s fate is “in a true sense of jeopardy This time essentially it’s all tied in together and sort of played as though it's a fated track; a cycle of events and something has hitched it, thus the whispers manifesting and Sephiroth's higher implied control over his destiny. Of course, even all that is just their new red herring game, but it’s definitely a part of the lore they want to play with, in order to go back and reMAKE the OG with the comp inserted from inception. Also gut punch a lot.
Time Loops
I was somewhat surprised to find out that this concept is NOT new to FFVII's universe. It's discussed in Dirge of Cerberus... probably one of the least played and least understood of the compilation. (Trying to sell a third person shooter with terrible controls to a market of mostly people used to turn-based combat wasn't going to go well.)
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On top of it, we didn't even get all of it, since online mode was never released outside of Japan, and the Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode was on Amp'd Mobile and Verizon flip phones back in 2006. Were you around for the cell phones in 2006? I had the ones on the list, and how somebody could play a game on those blows my mind.
Square has a tendency to reuse themes from their other titles. Probably one of the most blatant is the similarities between Xenogears and Final Fantasy VII. They were both being developed at the same time and a lot of ideas that didn't make it into FFVII ended up in Xenogears.
So how does this work? In NieR (both Replicant and Automata), you play the same path multiple times. Each time, it's slightly different depending on what side quests you did your first and second playthrough, but there's also other subtle differences throughout the story. In Automata, you get to play as 2B your first playthrough and 9S for your second. They follow the same path, but you get it from his perspective the second time and it reveals a bit more of what is going on. However, even with some slight differences, the main plot points stay the same and the ending result it also the same.
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Then on your third playthrough, you wake up in the Bunker, and you're getting ready to go on a new mission. This time, though, 2B is killed and shit hits the fan. Things get crazy, you play as a new character: A2. In the end, pretty much everyone "dies", but you can choose to "reboot" and try again. You also can say you are done and let them all rest and delete your save data (the game gives you the option for both Automata and Replicant, and with Replicant, it actually leads to a new ending).
The striking thing for me is... There are certain events that will always happen, no matter what.
Fixed Points in Time
It's been years since I've watched Doctor Who, but there was something that stuck with me, and that was the fixed points in time. You can read about all of them here, but here's the basics:
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Now, of course Doctor Who goes into this with much more detail and it's a recurring theme. However, as you read through that page, you'll probably find many aspects that have been used in various JRPGs that you've played. And Doctor Who most likely pulled some of the idea from classic Science Fiction novels. Each story puts its own spin on it.
How does this relate to FFVII Remake? Well, when they say that the major plot points will stay the same, it reminds me of this. No matter what, Cloud must fall into the Sector 5 Church, the Sector 7 Plate must be dropped, Aerith and Zack both must die, and Meteor has to be summoned, to name a few. So, with a time loop, those things would still have to take place in order to prevent a complete collapse of reality (at least in how Doctor Who uses it).
Therefore, the Whispers are ensuring that the Will of the Planet is followed.
One of the major themes in FFVII is that of loss. People die and they do not come back. Yes, other FF games do allow this to happen (FFX, FFXIII, FFXV), but VII is not those games. It was written with that idea in mind, that once a person dies, they, just like in real life, are dead and cannot be brought back.
I've previously written that I think they'll make us believe we are able to change fate, but we will eventually be slammed with the reality that we can't. That is because the planet has determined that certain events are fixed points.
Xenogears takes a bit of a different approach to the loop idea. Instead of repeating the same time period over and over, it has the characters reincarnated, and the same outcome happens each time: Elly dies. However, each time it's different. After all, they're in various time periods, in some cases thousands of years apart.
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In all of the lives of Fei (who will have a different name in each time period) and Elly (who is always Elly/Elhaym), Elly will end up dying trying to protect Fei and the others. In one life, she is a religious figure at a totally not Catholic church, in another she's the wife of a scientist who was working to create children from nanomachines due to mass infertility issues. But she is ALWAYS with Fei, even if his name changes.
In her Mother Elhaym time, this is when Lacan (Fei) finally snaps. Though he's not fully aware of his past lives, he becomes aware, the anger consumes him, and he becomes Grahf. Fei is then reborn into the time period you play the game in.
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There's a lot to unpack with this, so I won't go into it. Grahf wants to destroy God (Deus) because he thinks if he does, then it'll stop the suffering (his suffering).
If you do want to read more about Grahf, you can do so here, but it probably won't make much sense unless you've played Xenogears up to that point... Since it's much later in the game that this is all explained.
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Lacan's desire was to stop the cycle of Elly always sacrificing herself for his sake. Though Grahf is not a perfect existence - he's not fully "The Contact", he sacrifices himself in order to let Fei move forward, and hopefully stop the cycle, by destroying the Deus system. (Elly also tries to sacrifice herself here, but Fei goes after her and stops her.)
Now, some people may think I'm saying that Cloud or somebody is going to do this in order to save Aerith or Zack (or his village or mom), but in FFVII if they do the loop method, I don't think Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and the others are aware of it. Most likely, it's only 'Sephiroth' and Aerith who are aware of it.
How this Could Be used for Final Fantasy VII
I'm stressing could because there's so many different possibilities on how they use this (if they are using this), so please, don't take this as fact. This is based on speculation based on what we know.
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A time loop is a great way to explain away the differences in the story that we've seen: Biggs being alive, Wedge living for longer than he should have, etc. Since these are not major plot changes, they can simply say that this time it'll be slightly different... but your fixed points (major plot points) will remain the same.
It's a way to pull in some of the more obscure themes from Dirge of Cerberus and also play with the LOVELESS lore.
It could all simply be a big red herring and it's really just a remake of OG, but with the compilation tied together nicely... since it works much better when it's combined and not in 50 different games, books, movies, etc.
I don't think it's a "sequel" per say, not in the way I generally perceive a sequel. It's more of a loop of the same thing. The question is, when is the loop started and what will cause it to end? When will the planet (if it even is the planet) determine that it's good enough to begin moving forward?
JENOVA, Sephiroth, Genesis, and Minerva - Oh My!
Let's be real... Genesis isn't exactly the most popular character in the FFVII Compilation... but what if they make him one of the most important to the story? //Ducks as various fruits and vegetable are thrown in my direction//
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I think what Genesis is probably most known for is his love of LOVELESS. He has the entire thing memorized and randomly says lines from it throughout Crisis Core. LOVELESS lore is still something I'm trying to grasp, so I am not going to comment much on it. Once I understand it more, I'll update this.
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...And then this happens. The secret ending for Dirge of Cerberus, where Genesis picks up Weiss. Weiss, who has now been introduced along with Nero in FFVII INTERmission and is an optional ridiculously hard boss in the Shinra battle simulator in chapter 17 of the main story. There is some lore associated with the battle sim - so if you don't plan on beating it or you just can't, you can look up the pre-battle and post-battle cut scenes on YouTube. They're very short, but interesting. (I beat this asshole last night - it's a hell of a fight.)
....To Be Continued because apparently Tumblr won't allow more than 10 images per post now.... Next will be more on JENOVA and Sephiroth along with Minerva.
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jamiewintons · 3 years
This might be SO random, but hear me out. I'm house sitting for my cousin and it's this sort of sketchy apartment complex and I just walked her dog (a chihuahua) in the dark and these guys walked by and I felt ~uncomfy~ so now I'm back up and feel paranoid because I'm hearing noises/making up scenarios and checking every closet/locking all the doors etc etc (because now I'm spiraling into ghost/supernatural territory) (1/2)
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Hey, anon!! I’m sorry that you’re feeling spooked, that happens to me a lot as well! I wrote a quick little something for you, and I hope it helps you feel better!
You jolted upwards, feeling your heart beating hard and fast. Your breathing came in short little pants, as you squeezed your eyes tightly shut.
A few moments later, Helmut stirred beside you. You hadn’t wanted to wake him up - you often got frightened over what seemed like little things, and you didn’t like to bother him with them, regardless of how many times he told you it wasn’t a bother - but you knew he was awake when you felt his hand reach out to touch your elbow.
“My love,” he said, his voice husky and deep with tiredness. Sleep sounded awfully attractive on him, but you weren’t really in the mindset to think about that right now. “What’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?”
“No, no...” You shook your head, turning back on your side so Helmut could envelop you in his arms once again. He knew what you needed immediately, and pulled you close to him.
“What has you so anxious then, liebling?” Helmut asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I... thought I heard a noise,” you admitted quietly, burying your face in his neck so he couldn’t see your face flush from embarrassment.
“What kind of noise?”
“Um... I don’t really know. But it was loud and it woke me up.”
“Would you like me to go and take a look around? Make sure that there is nothing to worry about?” He cradled the back of your head in his hand, so gently, and felt you nod against him. “Very well, my love.”
You almost mourned the loss of Helmut’s warmth against you when he got out of bed, even though you had asked him to do this. You watched as he ducked down to peer under the bed. “Nothing unusual under here.”
“Don’t make fun of me, Helmut!” You nearly squeaked, cheeks burning with embarrassment again. “I didn’t think there was a monster under our bed or anything...”
“I’m not mocking you, I am simply trying to ease your mind.” Helmut stood back up, then leaned down to kiss your cheek. Then, he moved over to the large, walk-in closet that the two of you shared, opening the door and flicking the light-switch on. “The closet is clear as well.”
“Okay...” You sighed, as you heard the light being turned back off again.
“Is there anywhere else you’d like me to check, Schatz?” He asked, after turning back to look at you still in bed, with the covers pulled up so high he could only see your eyes.
“The balcony,” you told him, and he nodded, grabbing his robe and pulling it on. He walked across the carpet until he reached the glass door, unlocking it before stepping outside. He was gone for only a few moments, but in your fragile state, you couldn’t help but worry about him.
“I think I may have found your mysterious noise, my love,” Helmut said as he stepped back inside, making sure to lock the door up behind him. “There were some cats down on the lawn, they must have been fighting.”
Now that you thought about it, the noise that had woken you did sound somewhat like screeching cats. With the mystery gone, you could feel relief washing over you, and as soon as Helmut had climbed back into bed with you, you rested your head in his chest.
“Thank you, Helmut,” you said, eyes fluttering closed as he stroked his fingers up and down your back. “Sorry to wake you up over a bunch of cats...”
“Y/N, there is no need for apologies. I am your husband, it is my job to take care of you,” Helmut whispered, “but please know, there is nothing to worry about as long as I am with you. I would protect you at the expense of my own life if it came to that.”
“I know that.” You sniffled a little, slightly overwhelmed by his declaration. “I love you, Helmut.”
Thanks to your head resting on his chest, you could feel his heartbeat speed up the tiniest bit at your words. You smiled, giddy at the idea you could still make him react like that, even after telling him how you feel about him countless times.
“I love you too, Y/N. Now, you must try and get some sleep.”
You sighed contentedly, whispering a faint ‘goodnight’ against his warm skin. He replied with the same words, and it didn’t take long for you to fall into a peaceful slumber, feeling safe and sound in his arms.
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