#and i've been in a mcu mood
captainkirkk · 5 months
cap ur recent recs have gotten me in a spiderman mood and now i have a hankering for more, but i am afraid to plunge into the depths of the 2024 spiderman ao3 tag. i havent been back to those wild waters in a long time. could i entreat you / your followers for some recs of Whats New in spidermen these days? if so (or even if not), thanks! 😊
I know what you mean, I've been wary of wading into the Peter Parker tag since shortly after he joined MCU. I know there's gems in there and some very talented writers for this fandom, but there's a lot of stuff in that tag I don't love. The perils of a big fandom :((
Does anyone have some new-ish Spider-Man recs?
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
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a/n: Hello, my fabulous Readers! It's been a hot second since I last wrote a fic. And I can honestly say, that I've been distracted by the whole Chris Drama and Fiasco. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been writing fics. I actually have a few lined up, that are definite WIPs, so stay tuned. In the meantime, I hope y'all will enjoy this fic.
Which I'm happy to dedicate to @cutedisneygrl, Happiest Birthday to you, girl! Thank you for always lending an ear, and also happily sharing your fics with us. You're awesome, and I hope you enjoy this fic. Sorry if it's a little late.
And to @royalwriteroftheuniverse, for being one of the best friends, I could ask for on here. You're one of the best, and honestly, you both deserve the best. ❤❤❤❤❤
Yes, this will be a thing now. Some of my fics will be dedicated to my friends, family, or even the fans like me, who are writing this. 😆🥺 So, without further ado, enjoy this fic. Hopefully it isn't too cringey.
Steve Rogers x civilian!Reader
Requested: Yes
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WARNINGS: None really... No mention of Y/n, Steve is a big softie, Y/n is kind of sad for most of the fic, food(?), feelings of loneliness...
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I'm using this gif, because it's the one with my most favorite button-up, that Steve wears in the entire MCU. Feel free to comment what's your most favorite Steve casual wear in the entire MCU.
*Y/F/C/D = Your Favorite Cold Drink
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The clock continued to tic the hours away, as you laid on your bed. Trying to will it to move faster, and end the long day. Time always seemed slow during the tough days. Even longer lately, what with Steve being out on seemingly endless weeks of missions.
You really couldn’t complain, considering that that is his job. And it was all for the good of the future. Your future, together. Steve has been open about building a safe and happy future. And being able to secure it, one bad guy at a time.
You chuckle at the thought. Remembering the night Steve said those very words to you...
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You had called an hour before, needing to vent. Your work day was one of the worst you’ve had in a while, and Steve, hearing the frustration, and weariness in your voice, took it upon himself to try and make it better. He arranged the pillows to frame your bed, pulled the curtains closed, put the lamp on its dimmest setting, grabbed the comfiest blankets, and made a little love nest for you two love birds.
He nervously looked over every little detail. Fluffing up the pillows, smoothing down the bed sheets, pulling at the curtains, double and triple checking everything. Luckily, you announcing your arrival, broke his intense focus.
Steve rushed off. Tripping and stumbling on his own feet, regaining balance, and taking another look around, before stumbling once more, and finally hopping down to you. Not that you were having any of it. Immediately assuming that Steve had prepared something romantically sexy. Which, in Steve’s opinion, was sweet but nothing romantically sexy about his plans.
But at Steve’s insistence, and puppy dog eyes, you were, albeit begrudgingly on your part, lead upstairs to your converted room.
“You sounded so sad on the phone earlier, I wanted to do something special. Try and make your day a little bit better.”
You smiled as tears slowly filled your eyes. Jumping into Steve’s arms, as he picks you up, and puts you on the bed, to rid you of your work clothes. Slipping you into your favorite button-up of his.
You’d stay in the love nest for hours. Snuggled into the love of your life, except for the few times, he’d get up to get food and water. Insisting that he should get them, not wanting you to get up and leave your little bubble.
Few minutes into your meal of a shared bowl of chocolate covered fruits, Steve’s phone rang. Causing him to step out, to answer it. Not coming back until a few minutes later. His expression crestfallen, but trying his best to keep up a mask of happiness so as to not drag your already down mood. Ofcouse,you knew him well.
“They’re calling you away on another mission?” You asked, after a few minutes of silence.
“Yes. But it’s a necessary evil, if I want to build our future.” Steve sighed, giving you a weary smile.
“And I do want to build it, one bad guy at a time.” He continued, taking both of your hands in his.
“Are you proposing to me right now, Rogers?” You laughed.
“Believe me, Doll. When I propose, you’ll know...” Steve smiled.
“Well, until then, I’ll take a few of your shirts. But even after you ask, you might never get them back.” You declared teasingly, grabbing a strawberry and running off, as Steve gave chase.
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You sigh and get up out of bed, deciding to go down to your living room to watch a rom-com with your over-sized stuffed bear. But not before grabbing your favorite button-up shirt, that Steve left at the foot of your bed just before he drove off to the compound for his mission, a few days ago. You pressed it to your nose, inhaling the comforting scent of aftershave and wood, something that was uniquely Steve. And changed into it, buttoning up most of it, and leaving some undone.
You made your way down the stairs and into your kitchen, grabbing some leftovers stored in tupperwares, in your fridge, and preparing to heat them in your microwave. You stepped into your living room, turning on the TV. and arranging the throw pillows, blanket, and your bear, so that your couch has prime comfiness, all before the microwave dinged to signal that your dinner is warm.
You quickly grabbed it, utensils, and Y/F/C/D from the kitchen, carefully carrying them in your arms, and using your elbow to turn off the light in your kitchen. Leaving your living room lamp, and your TV as your only remaining light source. Creating some sort of ambiance that allowed for optimal comfort once you wrapped your shoulders in your blanket, placed your bear on your lap, and pressed play on your movie, before grabbing your food and settling in for the night.
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A few hours later, the roar of a Harley can be heard in the distance. A bit toned down, due to Steve knowing that most, if not all of the residents of his neighborhood were soundly and safely tucked in their beds.
The mission was shorter than expected, and for that he silently thanked God. Because he was able to come home to the woman he loved sooner than anticipated, and will be able to surprise her with the best gift he could ever give her. Him.
He shut off the engine, as soon as he arrived and parked on the driveway. Removing his helmet, grabbing his things that he had strapped to the back of his motorcycle, and grabbing his keys to unlock the front door.
The first thing he noticed was the TV was on (hard not to when he noticed the dim glow coming from the living room). The one thing he didn’t expect as he was reaching for the remote was the sight of you holding your bear, the very over-sized bear that he had won for you at the Fair last month, close to you, one of your cozy blankets draped over your shoulders, and the collar of his button-up peaking from under the blanket.
He chuckled at the adorable sight, but sighed softly. Knowing you well enough, that you had a rough day, just by needing any semblance of him near, and needing every aspect of your cozy cocoon in order to feel better. He knew what was needed, and it was something he definitely needed for himself too.
And so, he put his bag and shield down to the side of the recliner to the right of the TV, out of the way, so that none of you would trip on it the next morning. Removed his leather jacket, and placed it on the arm of the couch by your feet, before kneeling down by you, to get on the proper position to be able to pick you up, and carry you bridal style. Hopefully without fully rousing you from your sleep.
You were half awake as Steve slowly made his way up the stairs, to your shared room. The blanket still wrapped around your body, essentially wrapping you up in a burrito. You felt the need to find more warmth and comfort from the solid wall of muscle that you were resting against. And so snuggled needily into it, much to Steve’s amusement.
And that is why he decided to remove his shoes, before going into bed with you a minute later. Not wanting you to spend even a minute without your human teddy bear. He could change and take a shower in the morning, he just knew you both needed the other near.
“I’ve got you, Doll... And I’m not going anywhere...”
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a/n: Hope y'all enjoyed it. I'm kind of nervous uploading this, and I'm also worried that it's cringey. Love y'all, Bookies! Stay sane, especially with things coming up in the Fandom soon.
Steve Rogers Masterlist
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ꜱʜᴜʀɪ ᴡ/ ᴀɴ ᴀɴxɪᴏᴜꜱ!ꜱ/ᴏ
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Character: MCU!Shuri Udaku x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: In which Shuri takes care of you during your anxiety attacks.
Warnings: some cursing and mentions of anxiety attacks, but overall nothin but fluff!!
A/N: as a person with severe anxiety I'm always trying to find different ways to comfort myself in high level overwhelming situations. And since I've deemed Shuri as my marvel safe character...you know this was coming
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @zayswriting @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @itsmaniii @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed
Sign Up For My Taglist Here!
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The first time it happened, Shuri had no idea what to do. It had been a while ago, at a tribal gathering that took place at the palace. You were Shuri’s plus one, and it would’ve been exceptionally rude to decline her invitation. Though the moment you stepped into the throne room, the sight of so many bodies made your chest tight and your body become heavy. There were too many bodies moving around and mingling with one another. Despite trying your best to hide it, Queen Ramonda noticed your strange behavior, and had Shuri take you off to the side to be calmed down.
Since then, Shuri takes special care in being attentive to your moods and what triggers it. Knowing that crowded spaces and loud noises are a couple of triggers, whenever you two are together, she tries to make sure the environment is calm and people-limited.
When it’s time for her to take on more leadership roles and prepare to take the title of Queen, Shuri knows that it comes with a lot of meetings and being around large numbers of people. She doesn’t require you to go with her, but most times, you’ll go for support, since she’s already under enough stresses and still in the process of grieving.
If you’re by her side the entire time, you’re able to keep things at bay. Holding her hand and tracing the tattoos that litter them help you keep your mind focused. It’s when you’re away from her that things get bad. If she absolutely has to step away from you in any case, Shuri will ask a Dora to escort you to a calm, quiet area.
When the attacks are bad, Shuri will instruct palace staff to prepare a pamper day for you. Though difficult, she’ll clear her schedule to spend the day with you, helping you practice your breathing, talk about what happened and how your anxiety got triggered, and she takes the time to remind you how much she loves you, and assures you that you being easily overwhelmed is not a burden and does not affect the way she sees you at all. You are the love of her life and she will do whatever it takes to make sure your health is a top priority.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
This wasn't asked for because nobody in their right mind would ask for this but this is a fic rec list of fics I cannot stop rereading
Just started yet another reread of Inimitable Verse by deniigiq and I fully plan on rereading their into the multiverse series which occasionally crosses over also - this is a Spider-Man/team red focused series, think comics canon infused early mcu-spidey since only homecoming had come out for a non substantial amount of time they were working on the series and the daredevil stuff is explicitly tv show AND comics. Also the multiverse series is how I got into Murderdock and therefore how I got into Spider Gwen
Unpretty's Sorrowful And Immaculate Hearts series which is just a loosely interconnected series of DC fics. My personal favorites are Empty Graves, in which Martha Kent keeps killing time travelers trying to kill baby! Clark; any of their clois fics but especially Third Wheel; and Anti-Social, which is a social media fic mostly about Tim and Bruce that made me cry laughing. Catch Bruce trying to get Walmart's employees to unionize. Also shout out to unpretty's only fic with Jason in it, it looks awesome but is tragically incomplete
This particular Reverse Robin AU which put in the work to reverse every single younger generation and is chef's kiss I LOVE this version of Tim he's wild
Both of Shoalsea's fics are in constant rotation for me I talk about Into The Brighter Night all the time in the tags of reblogs and stuff it truly lives in my head rent free. Anyway Tim gets kidnapped by aliens and the batfam have to watch as yj98 saves him and it's angsty and funny and such a good take on what could have been if the new 52 hadn't happened. And Compassion Builds No House is about Tim and Pru from Red Robin. Ugh they're both so good
Speaking of Clois (I did you've just forgotten this by now) brilliant (like a confession) by kathkin (penny-anna on the hellsite) is so fucking good I'm. Okay. Anyway it'll be listed as inspiration if/when I finally post my two person love triangle fic for them
I'm too anxious to catch up on this before it's done but jumble sale chic is hands down the best spideydevil fic series despite and because of the omegaverse
Make A Little Birdhouse In Your Soul is my favorite take on Jason, period, and has a lot of fantastic Damian stuff going on too. It's updating every few weeks still! Sometimes more often! I love you bacondoughnut it's me JustGail the person who will not stop commenting on your fic you're stuck with me forever
I lied above Rumspringa Murderdock is what got me into Murderdock but that series is second place. I found this one while scrolling through the tv show's mattfoggy tag, thinking I was safe
Speaking of Murderdock mattfoggy, The Lawyer All the Wickedness was written early on in spider-gwen's history and so diverges from canon really early in ways that I think are super interesting and creative
Oh also straight on 'til morning by merils (Tumblr url mamawasatesttube) does SUCH a great job unpacking Kon's trauma and building up healthy relationships around him including a budding timkon romance and yeah it makes me sad and happy at the same time
We're getting into poisonivory territory so just trust if you like the pairing and poisonivory is writing it you'll like it. Ok rapidfire
Like A Handprint On My Heart mattfoggy soulmate au with a twist
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? Damijon future fic/au. Jon came back from the future when both of them were 19. Demisexual!Damian at its best. Damian's terrified of being abandoned by Jon again and it made my heart hurt
I feel like I've already recommended every JayRoy fic by poisonivory and genuinely I do reread them all, sometimes in order of publication if I'm in a particular mood. Maybe the one I've read most though is I've Got the Feeling You're the Right Thing After All which is about Roy and Jason starting a fwb thing while Roy still harbors old feelings for Dick. Can't see anything going wrong here lmao
Mmm this post is long enough so I'll leave it at just superhero fic for now but I do in fact have the ability to do a whole post just for the Witcher or Leverage so I might do that. Anyway thanks for following me on yet another burst of insanity it will happen again
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laporcupina · 2 months
I can already guess, but what are your thoughts on RDJ being cast as Doctor Doom? Personally I think if they don't take off the mask (and/or use heavy makeup for the scarring), RDJ is talented enough to pull off a different character and not just make it "Tony Stark but green". I guess it ultimately depends on the writing and directing, though.
My first reaction was probably the one you were anticipating, which was a deep sigh of resignation. This seems like such a desperation move, as if anyone thinks that the reason the MCU has gone off the rails since the Avengers movies is because there's no RDJ. And maybe if RDJ needs to do this because he isn't having success away from the House of Mouse (he is in character roles, which he has always been effing brilliant in, but it's the Team Downey stuff that's flopping expensively).
I like what I did with Doom over in the Freezer Burn universe. It's probably some of the best world-building I've done in fanfic. I played Victor and Latveria straight and built them into a real place-and-ruler with a real history instead of the silly motives and sillier place names that the comics go with and... I think they could have easily done that in the corner of the MCU that's got Bucky and Sam and Clint and Yelena and isn't brightly color-graded cinematography meant to sell Happy Meals. It would fit in with Wakanda and Talokan and the mood of the SamCap movie we saw the trailer for. I don't know that they do it with RDJ, not because he's not capable of it because he's got acting awards proving he is, but because the impetus to wink-wink-nudge-nudge Tony Stark But Not Really is going to be really strong. The MCU needs to make money and nobody made them more money than RDJ playing very broad. And they've finally gotten the Fantastic Four in the fold and can make him a theatrical foil for them. The urge may be too great to fight.
But I've also been spectacularly wrong about Feige's plans before. I was incandescently angry about doing Ant-Man with Hope Van Dyne Pym and not Janet Van Dyne, actual founder of the Avengers. But Hope was fantastic and when they finally brought Janet in, she was worth the wait. So I'm not going to get worked up about the Doom thing. My days of getting worked up about the MCU are gone, anyway.
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percheduphere · 7 months
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Thank you so much for your patience and your amazing ask, @indulligence! Special thank you, as well, to all the gif artists who made this meta possible.
I've been champing at the bit to get to this one, and I finally made it!
As a disclaimer, I am not a doctor, and I recognize we should take care in pseudo-diagnosing fictional characters as we don't want to perpetuate stereotypes of our neurodiverse and differently abled/people with disabilities communities. Having said that, if interpreting a character as being neurodiverse and/or differently abled/having a disability brings you comfort and joy, you should certainly do so! Canon is a sandbox. Fictional worlds and characters are meant to be engaged with for your pleasure.
I do cite a few medical graphic and their sources below. If any of those sources are problematic in any way, please let me know and I can switch out the graphic for one from a better source.
At first glance, Loki's characterization in Thor 1, Thor 2, and Ragnarok don't seem to present him as having challenges with executive function. He appears to be able to focus and sustain focus, able to organize, and able to sustain effort and process. Loki also has exceptional memory.
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As for mood, many mood symptoms of ADHD overlap with depression, the latter of which Loki clearly has. Nevertheless, it should be noted that ADHD and depression are often comorbid. He could have both.
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While memory and effort are not concerns, Loki has consistently shown challenges with impulse control, managing frustration, and modulating emotion. A number of his most consequential choices (i.e. inadvertently directing Malekith to his mother, chasing after Sylvie, etc.) are influenced by his emotional state rather than premeditation. This may suggest that if Loki has ADHD, he leans toward Type 2: Impulsive/Hyperactive:
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His characterization in the Loki series changes somewhat to include more hyperactivity and swings between hyperfocus and difficulty regulating attention and focus. Loki gesticulates, fidgets, and moves a lot more in the series than the movies. He also talks much more quickly when excited.
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Do I think these changes were intentional? I honestly have no idea. Whatever the case, I think it's lovely that the Loki who becomes the most powerful hero in the MCU is also the version that demonstrates a higher likelihood of being diagnosed with ADHD.
I think Mobius, for the most part, is neurotypical. Even with Loki being his special interest/hyperfixation, he doesn't exhibit the other symptom criteria to meet a Level 1 Autism diagnosis, an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder diagnosis, or an Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder diagnosis.
He may, however, be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
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Mobius's empathy for others, perception of behavior, observation of circumstances, and deep appreciation for beauty (particularly when it comes to the beauty of people) are exceptionally strong.
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NOTE: Even when the stakes are dire, he's still willing to give Ravonna and Miss Minutes the benefit of the doubt. He really is a sweetie pie. A sweetie pie who can and will slap you if you deserve it.
I think Mobius may mask his strong emotional responses regularly in order to be able function in the TVA. There were only two incidents, when he was unable to suppress his feelings, and those outbursts were remarkable:
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That said, Mobius doesn't quite meet the other symptoms of HSP, which include sensitivity to stimuli, being easily startled, and aversion to violence. As we see in the series, Loki's antics don't overwhelm or startle him, and he has no issue with torture when he deems it necessary.
It is possible that Mobius may have Acquired Neurodivergence post-series as a consequence of trauma in the series finale. At present, we have nothing in canon to support this, but many fanfics show Mobius struggling to cope with the loss of Loki, his home, his family, and his identity. This severe level of loss can cause a variety of mental health conditions and disorders that may impact Mobius's future ability to function in a neurotypical way.
I've written about Sylvie's sexuality here, and I think some (if not most) of her quirks when it comes social interaction, emotional intimacy, and physical contact may be explained by trauma. As such, I think some of her behavioral symptoms, which can be mistaken as autism, is actually the result of PTSD causing structural changes to her brain. Loki likely has this as well.
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Like O.B., she is verbally blunt and appears to demonstrate lower empathy, especially with those she disagrees with.
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To be clear, this doesn't mean Sylvie doesn't have empathy. She does, as can be seen in the gif above. What I mean is, her empathy and ability to demonstrate it are generally low throughout the series. This is likely a psychological defense mechanism. Having lowered empathy is advantageous if growing up in apocalypses is the only means of survival. Every friend and lover she's ever had is either dead or will die because of those apocalypses or because of who she is to the TVA.
Unlike O.B., Sylvie initiates social interactions and develops friendships more easily. Sylvie has acquaintances, if not friends, in John (McDonalds,) Eric (bartender), and Lyle (record shop). NOTE: You can tell the writer is a man when the bias in creating side characters skews male instead of female. Sylvie should at least have ONE girlfriend in her 1982 timeline, but she doesn't.
Here he is! Here is our favorite neurodiverse ray of sunshine! Our autistic cinnamon roll! The MVP of season 2!
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Now, I have mixed feelings regarding how people on the autism spectrum are portrayed in media. While they are often shown as socially awkward, they are also shown to be exceptionally brilliant in their area(s) of interest. This is quite flattering and often true in real life, yet I worry that this creates a stereotype that not only are all autistic people "geniuses", they are also geniuses in a way that is useful to a capitalistic society. That expectation isn't healthy and perpetuates the belief that a person is only valuable if they are useful. Further, it is a narrow portrayal of the autism spectrum. It is important to have representation across that spectrum instead of stopping at Level 1.
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But I don't like being a Debbie Downer, so let's focus on the good representation that can be found in O.B.!
O.B., in a lot of ways, reminds me of Entrapta from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. He doesn't always read social cues correctly, which often plays out as fantastic comedy relief on screen when the stakes are outrageous.
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Like Entrapta, his science and engineering aptitude are nearly unmatched if not for Victor Timely. However, the hyperfocus O.B. exhibits does have negative consequences, as exemplified when he explains he lost his job and wife due to dedication in creating a TemPad prototype. Despite these losses, O.B. is resilient and looks forward to what comes next (another possible symptom of his neurodiversity).
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I love that O.B.'s neurodiversity allows him to believe Loki when Loki finds him on his branched timeline with his "crazy story". It is also what allows him to see the patterns in Loki's timeslipping and propose, with confidence, that timeslipping can be controlled.
He is also a very good friend. Though he might not be the "huggy" type, he always makes an effort to find concrete solutions to big problems. I would say that O.B. is Loki's second closest friend in the series after Mobius.
I can't tell if it's O.B.'s autism or O.B.'s inner asshole that's fucking around with Loki in this scene. Not once but twice! Either way, I love it (and the fact that Loki resists the temptation to zap him back).
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What I appreciate about Casey is that if he is interpreted as autistic, he is not a super genius. He is still quite gifted, but I think he represents where a good number of level 1 autistics actually land in life. I feel this is a much healthier portrayal and balances out O.B.'s genius representation nicely.
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NOTE: Look how cute they are! They must be protected at all costs.
I am also so happy that Casey and O.B. found friendship in each other. We have to give B-15 (Verity) credit for this. The only reason they met at all is because B-15 had the presence of mind to think of Casey to help O.B. with the Loom debacle.
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Together, they become unstoppable, but there's one more friend who completes the Science Club Trio ...
Since I've discussed autism interpretation and representation at length with O.B. and Casey, I'm going to concentrate on the portrayal of Victor Timely's speech impediment.
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I also have mixed feelings regarding the media portrayal of people with speech impediments. This medical condition is often used as a means of showing a character is "meek" or "harmless". I don't doubt that this character feature was chosen for that exact purpose, to immediately contrast Timely against HWR in the quickest, most efficient way possible. Unfortunately, this kind of narrative "shortcut" leads to stereotyping people with speech impediments accordingly.
It's a good thing, then, that Loki series takes the time to add some depth to Timely's character. Yes, he has a speech impediment, but he is also very willful, crafty, and brave.
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evansboyfriend · 1 month
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love ❤️
sorry for taking forever to reply to this, i haven't been in a fanfic-mood for a few days but today im trying to get back on that horse so to speak. thanks for the ask <3
ok the first three are stevebucky (MCU) because i've been writing them for a decade. i've managed to write some good things during that time.
1. afraid nothing can save me (but the sound of your voice) - a steve rogers character study fic where he is going to therapy and unrepressing shit and dealing with his survivor's guilt and ptsd and latent homosexual feelings for his best friend (who's also been in love with him the entire goddamn time and then they kiss about it). utterly self indulgent. it's very dear to me.
2. i would not ask you, neither would you - another stevebucky fic, an AU with an actual plot (im bad at this usually). which i kinda put together with ideas from burn notice and an episode of white collar. journalist steve x retired spy bucky team up to take down some bad guys. plus i finally managed to write a slow burn that's actually slow! and my longest fic at 48k words.
3. no matter how they toss the dice - one of my best ideas i've ever had (perfect for stevebucky). there's vignettes of steve and bucky in various decades because they accidentally go through a portal, but they're also in a different parallel universe during each snippet, so it's like a bunch of mini AUs within canon verse. it's all loki's fault, but he was just trying to do his 'messing around with the humans' thing. it was SO fun to write and googling random things during the process.
4. and some part of me came alive (the first time that you called me baby) - my first bucktommy fic!!!!!!!! it will always have a special place in my heart for this reason. i dont think it's like, profound or anything, i just wrote a little bit of the continuation of their relationship post 7x06 because i was down so bad. ridiculous. i love them so much<3
5. write our names in the wet concrete - bucktommy AU. childhood friends in which tommy was buck's first boy crush and buck was tommy's best friend and then their path split and they reunite in the future and go on their first date. honestly it's just cute and fluffy. gives me the warm fuzzy feelings.
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thankssteveditko · 1 year
A brief introduction
Hi. My name's Bobby. (She/her.) You may know me for running my inexplicably widely known Archie Sonic blog Thanks Ken Penders, or for making the game Super Lesbian Animal RPG. Maybe you just know me as a furry artist. I wear a lot of hats!
While it's not one of the main interests I'm known for, I've been a fan of Spider-Man for most of my life, ever since the fateful weekend in 2002 when my dad decided to rent a certain Sam Raimi movie. He passed on his love of the character to me. Spider-Man remains my favorite superhero to this day, even in an age when MCU fatigue is really setting in. My tastes in fiction (and, by extension, my own writing) were surely influenced by the mix of fantastical and relatable elements found in Peter Parker's stories. The way he can go on these adventures swinging all around New York and then be like "shit, I forgot to pay my rent for my hellhole apartment." As my dad put it, unlike a lot of other superheroes, under the mask Spider-Man's just a normal guy from Queens.
I'm not the most hardcore fan, sure, but I've enjoyed plenty of takes on the character across different storytelling mediums. Movies, cartoons, video games, etc. That is, with one notable exception. The original comics. The Earth-616 Spider-Man comics that have been going for 60 years now. Even though I was the rare 21st century elementary schooler with a comic shop pull list, the mainline Marvel universe seemed completely impenetrable to me. I didn't know where to start, and every year I put it off, the backlog only grew larger and larger. I did read the first few volumes of Ultimate Spider-Man in middle school because my local library had them, but that was about it.
Recently, though, being in a Spidey mood thanks to the Insomniac games and Spider-Verse movies, I had a crazy idea. What if I just... read the main universe Spider-Man comics from the start?
I've read plenty of other long comics. Manga series that span hundreds of chapters. All sorts of Sonic and Transformers comics. I read all of Homestuck. I'm a One Piece fan, for Christ's sake. It can't be that hard, right?
...Okay, yeah, this is gonna take forever. Which is why I've made a whole blog for my little Spider-Man posts as I casually read these comics. Enjoy!
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voxofthevoid · 2 months
I'm so sorry you get so many hate messages. You're always so cool about it and don't let them get to you but I know it must suck anyway. So I just want to say I think all of your jjk opinions are correct. But seriously, your characters are always on point and I especially love how you write Yuji. People are crazy for complaining about something you chose to write and share with the world. Anyway, you're a really skilled writer and I love all of your fics and ideas, so please keep sharing them!
Thank you, anon 💗
I do appreciate the support, especially because I've been in a bit of a shit mood the last few days. This was a nice pick-me-up.
I won't deny I've been very lucky. Half of it is my internal workings; the hate messages piss me off, but they don't affect my confidence or creativity. However, I've been at this for well over a decade now, and my brain chemistry was never prone to things like imposter syndrome. Newer authors or authors who struggle with self-esteem issues often don't have that internal scaffold.
The external support I get from you guys is the other half. It's the community aspect that makes a fandom worth staying in for me, and if I were to be treated solely or mostly with hostility, I'd have packed up my bags and found a new home a long time ago. I have no control over which ship/show I fall in love with, but a hostile fandom is the greatest killer of passion. The reason I stayed so long in the MCU was that its people were wonderful and vocally so. JJK isn't quite that pleasant overall (younger, more drama-prone fandom, I suppose), but the vast majority of my readers are amazing, supportive, and very kind. That's why I'm still here.
I had an exchange with another author on Reddit the other day, and they were saying that the reason they quit writing for their current fandom was that, when they got harassed, the larger fandom's reaction was to ignore or actively dismiss the harassment. I see plenty of posts/discussions in fandom spaces, from subreddits to blogs on here, about people getting bullied out of fandoms because of the toxicity of a few bad actors and the apathy of the rest.
I don't post/share all of the hateful messages I get because some of them straight-up don't deserve to be inflicted on human eyeballs, and they're blatant, unrepentant attempts to actively hurt my confidence as a writer and my dignity as a human being. I do not have sufficiently harsh words for the kind of filth who'd do that.
I hate that people have the fucking audacity to try this and that it's distressingly effective most of the time. Nobody wants to spend their hobby hours fending off assholes. I don't know if fandom as a whole has become more hostile recently, but I do find the overall atmosphere more toxic and downright violent than it was when I started actively participating in fandom in 2014. For all our sakes, I hope it gets better and soon.
Sorry, that got way longer than I intended 😅
On a cheerier note, I'm delighted to hear you enjoy my takes on JJK and its characters! And nothing makes me happier than hearing you like how I write Yuuji in particular. Thank you again 🥰💗
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skylermadness · 7 months
Promotion Preparation (Harold "Happy" Hogan TF/MC)
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(Original Date of Upload: January 26, 2024)
Original Description:
Guess I might have a new contender for most obscure TF mood and most random character to write a TF story on. So a few weeks ago I watched the second season of Marvel's What If series. Now, for a long time, I've already had Happy as a mood for myself. As a character he intrigued me in a sort of 'random side character' kind of way, which truthfully has been a frequent way I get interested in characters in general. Honestly the amount of times I fell in love with a supporting cast member while completely disregarding the main character is a lot. This is one of those cases, and watching that episode of What If accentuated that mood towards Happy in ways you cannot even believe. Plus he looks cute in a more animated format! Although he looks cute regardless so that's neither here nor there. I didn't really care for the whole Hulk Blood Injection/Freak segments of his day in the limelight episode, but that's just me being not a big Hulk (and adjacent) guy and nothing personal towards him. If you want something funny I actually haven't watched any of the Iron Man movies in literal years so my worldbuilding for this story is probably mostly inaccurate and screwed. Then there's the fact that this story is in a weird point in the MCU timeline that's likely midway through Phase 2 or so. I did try to make do with what I could remember, alongside with what the MCU Wiki could provide me. Although either way this was just a silly self-indulgent story to fulfill a TF mood that I just couldn't stop obsessing over for a bit. Fun fact: The cover for this story was going to use an image of Happy from the Iron Man films, but the image looked too generic that I felt it would come off as appearing too indistinguishable from being an image of Jon Favreau in a suit. Hence I had to change it to a picture of him from What If to avoid any potential weirdness.
   Daryl had considered himself someone that was inexperienced in his field of study. Especially as someone who was still working on his degree in cybersecurity and was only three years in. Despite that however, he had gotten an internship at Stark Industries roughly a few months ago. Something he wasn't even expecting to achieve since he assumed the level of entry for such a job would be high. Especially since the only branch of the company that was near his college was the central branch. But he’s been coasting along pretty well for the few months he's been working as an intern there.
   That's what he presumed anyway. Then he opened his work email this morning to find that he's been asked to a meeting with one of the CEOs of the industry. Specifically Tony Stark himself…
   That alone was enough to cause Daryl's stress levels to go off the rails. A meeting with a CEO was one thing, but the former industry head? In person? And that wasn't taking into account that the guy was Iron Man, an Avenger. It made his heart rate reach levels that he wasn't quite sure was possible for a human being. And that was a feeling that was maintained for much of the day.
   Now, within the building he's been working at for months, he stands outside the door of one of the rooms in the upper floors of the building. He had usually been delegated to the ground level floors but there seemed to be very little differentiation in how the hallways looked between floors. Consistency and all. Didn't make him any less petrified to knock, though. He just stood there eyeing the wood, terrified as to how this would all go down.
   Was he getting fired? Or worse, had he done something that compromised the company? Maybe he left a firewall open for too long and let someone into their network, or perhaps he accidentally mishandled a crucial file and sent it to someone he shouldn't have. Crap, now he's thinking about all the times he's emailed someone with his work email. What if someone who emailed him before had been posing as an employee and-
   “You do realize I can see you just standing there?” a familiar voice called from the intercom beside the door, startling Daryl out his internal spiral. “The door's unlocked.”
   Daryl stiffened a bit, his body already filling with embarrassment. He stood in silence for another few seconds before lifting up a hand and reaching towards the door’s knob before promptly twisting it. Then, with a gentle push, he opens the office door.
   The office itself seemed to be rather tame, if not rather large. It got plenty of natural light judging by the massive window that made up the room’s back. Seating areas of varying sizes and uses found to the left and right of the room. Meanwhile at the middle back of the office was the main desk for work. And sitting at that desk was Tony Stark himself.
   “Daryl Griffin, was it?” the man inquired.
   “Uh, yeah…” Daryl responded as he started to walk away from the door and towards the desk. Something about his stress combined with the room’s size just made the walkway itself feel longer than it actually was. What was only a few seconds of walking felt like whole minutes. Despite the weird feeling of time disparity though, he reached the desk and took a seat in the chair opposite to Stark’s.
   “Took the casual approach for this meeting, huh?” Tony commented.
   Daryl could feel his own soul shrivel at that remark. He didn't have much time to really switch out to something more formal seeing as this meeting was scheduled less than a half hour after his last class for the day. It resulted in him wearing a T-shirt beneath a fully unbuttoned flannel, alongside a pair of jeans and athletic shoes. “I-I didn't have the time to change really-”
   Stark’s face remained emotionless for a few seconds… and then he smiled. “I'm just messing with ya, kid. I'm just wearing a t-shirt right now!”
   Daryl just nodded, his stress only dissipating a little at the statement.
   “Hm, usually I get the fanboys,” Stark remarked at the silence. “Right to business then. I'm presuming you're wondering why you were called into this meeting?”
   “Y-yeah,” Daryl attempted not to make eye contact. “Look, if I sent anyone anything it was probably because of an email hijack I might not have caught-”
   Tony let out a low laugh. “Kid, this isn't a scolding, nor have we dealt with any email hijackers in a while. Truthfully you've seemed to have been doing well at your job despite this only being an internship position.”
   The praise continued to melt away Daryl’s stress. “What? I- I guess that's something considering I'm only a third year at my college. Although I'm taking it I'm here for more than just praise-”
   “Bingo. Considering how you are, I think it would benefit us both that your position is moved to something more permanent.”
   Daryl paused, gears in his head turning and he tried to comprehend what was just told to him. “I- wait, are you… promoting me to an official job here?”
   “Quite more than that actually…” Tony says with a smile. He slid a piece of paper, a contract, across the desk and to Daryl. “You'll be placed as Stark Industries’ new Head of Security.”
   And the stress levels we back up. “H-H-Head of Security!? That can't be right, I’m still in college!!!”
   “Well, it's moreso a gradual position. One that needs some level of prep work, but that'll all be talked about if you agree to the job.”
   Gradual? Prep work?? Daryl was left dumbfounded at the offer. Was his prowess really that good to warrant being the Head of Security for an entire industry!? Something about that just felt so… so… impossible, but…
   The young man couldn't hold himself back from reaching towards the nearest pen. “I'm assuming this is something that'll be in full effect once I get my degree…?”
   “You could say that,” Tony responded. It felt cryptic, like the man was hiding something.
   Daryl didn't dwell on it for too much though. It feels like this was the offer of a lifetime, and in a quite literal manner that he could have this job until retirement. Working with Stark Industries straight out of college… the paychecks he could get from such a high position like Head of Security… It was an offer that was too good to pass up.
   And so Daryl writes his name onto the contract, the young man not even taking a moment to read it through.
   “Didn't even think twice on that, huh?” Stark said with a smirk. He slid back the contract towards him with one hand, and with the other he seemed to slink off the desk and beneath it. “Preparations can be put underway then.”
   Daryl smiled. “May I ask what kind of preparations…? Will I still remain in this internship until I get my degree? Or uh, will I be put in contact with the previous head? Just curious how this will- augh!”
   His questioning is cut short as he feels something cold jab itself into the side of his neck. For a few seconds Daryl’s body seizes up, but he regains control as he quickly lifts up a hand to feel the spot. 
   Pushing his seat back a bit Daryl looked behind him and found a silvery robotic suit reminiscent of Stark’s various Iron Man suits. He knew for a fact that wasn't there before. Furthermore its left hand was in the process of unmorphing from something, and he could see the appearance of a needle or syringe-like object in the mass of shifting metals. “Uhhh, wh-what was that?”
   “Nanite injection,” Stark responded plainly. “Again, part of the preparations for your new position.”
   “I, uh…” a dizziness started to enter Daryl as he turned to look at Tony and speak again. “What preparations needs… that…”
   “Juuuuust give it a bit…” Stark said, idly watching.
   Daryl wanted to respond, but the dizzy spell was making it hard to focus in full. Instead he elected to investigate himself, removing his hand from his neck to see if there was any blood on it. He was quite surprised to find that only a small amount had bled onto his palm. Although that small drop of blood had a tangible mixture of deep red and a dimly glowing blue. And what was even weirder was that his hand seemed to be… different. Changing.
   At first it all seemed to be slight. Something that looked to be a trick of his oncoming daze. Each individual finger seemingly getting slightly longer, slightly thicker. That change in appearance was only getting more prominent in just seconds as their once thin size was replaced with an almost chunkier looking physicality. The same was also being applied to the rest of his hand with it getting stretched out to be larger and more in proportion with his new fingers. The same was applied with its thickness as well which, albeit wasn't the most significant in changes, was fairly noticeable whenever he inspected his hand from the size. 
   A much stranger change was following however. The softness of his hands was quickly appearing to alter, seemingly looking to be getting more aged almost. His palms growing harder and more callused, the back of his hands getting more noticeably weathered. There even seemed to be a few scars etching into his knuckles. 
   “Whuh…?” was the best response Daryl could come up with at the sight. The man also made sure to check his other hand, his brain taking a few moments to fully realize the transformation was happening there as well. His mind was already feeling so fogged up that it was hard to fully comprehend just everything. It practically felt like his brain was on the beginnings of being put on anesthetics.
   That wasn't fully the case though, and if it was he probably wouldn't be feeling a dense heat surging through his arm muscles. Daryl was a rather thin fellow, but it was rapidly getting more tangible that what was injected into him was changing his body type at the most basic level. His arms were swelling up slightly larger, a low musculature steadily layering onto them. It wasn't the most drastic of mass growths as his new muscles were looking to be more equipped for lower level combat than they would be for more strenuous strength-related ordeals. But that didn't stop his biceps and triceps from just barely outlining themselves in the short sleeves of his flannel, evidently proving that no matter what his new size was going to just barely going to be larger than his current one.
   Muscle wasn't the only thing forming however. A layer of softness was lightly layering over them as well. Small amounts of fat formulating and increasing the width of his arms even more. Furthermore on his skin it would seem the amount of arm hair he possessed was increasing as well. Not by an immense amount, but still just enough that it was slightly more visible than usual.
   The ill-fitting feeling of his sleeves persisted as his shoulder muscles developed a bit more. Pressure was forming in his bones as well, the remainder of his shirt already feeling weird on his form as he was in the process of getting wider. His form getting broader and a couple inches being added to him horizontally. All of which was quickly followed by a heat in his core, and a churning in his gut.
   The warmth that coursed through him was a byproduct of yet another deluge of muscle gain. The flatness of Daryl’s chest was quickly superseded and his upper body strength increased as his pectoral muscles grew in size. It still wasn't the most drastic of growths though as his pecs only gently dented into his shirt, but it was still enough to form just a bit of cleavage. Meanwhile at the lower half of his torso his abdominal muscles followed in a similar manner by rapidly rippling forward a little and hardening as well. Even then however his belly had a level of smoothness, his newly developed abs only slightly visible beneath in it.
   But the churning in his stomach remained. The younger man bent forward a bit, slinging a transformed arm around his abdomen and moaned. The haze in his mind didn't fully let him string together a sentence, so in the end all he could sputter out was, “What’re ya… doing to…”
   His belly rumbled, and then the second half of his bodily changes were enacted. Softness formed throughout the entirety of his torso, expanding itself across him and prompting a major gain in weight. His pecs got a bit thicker with a layer of fat, pushing forward even more as they rounded out more. The most prominent change came with his belly however. Fat accumulating at a rapid pace, his stomach swelling forward more and more with each passing second. Just getting larger, rounder, and slightly pushing the hem of his shirt up more and more. Although in the end the gain in size would only result in his shirt moving upwards to a few centimeters above his belly button, it was still a fairly significant growth regardless. Especially since it was followed up by a light tickling spreading across his torso. A sparse amount of hair ran up his midline until it would reach his chest, in which it would then spread into a light dusting of chest fuzz. A few hairs even looked to be graying.
   All Daryl could do was gently squeeze his gut in confusion. His ability to think straight was reaching a point where it was extremely difficult to pull off. He knew something was up but every time he tried to fathom it his train of thought just derailed. And if anything he also felt like he could feel his own mind was starting to get rearranged as well. As if bits and pieces of it were in the process of being removed or altered. But the ramifications of such a thing weren't tangible yet, or at least he thought they weren't. Even if it was seeming like the way his body was looking was getting increasingly familiar. Increasingly his own…?
   His mental haze had left him distracted from the increasing tightness within his pants. His legs were kick-starting their changes with muscle mass forming across them alongside some fat. Much like with his arms the increasing diameter of his legs wasn't the most drastic of bodily changes. His thicker thighs pushed up against the denim of his jeans quite a bit, and the same could be said with his calves that were in the process of swelling with fat. Despite it all though strength coursed through his muscles. A new increase in endurance that the man had not possessed prior to the transformation.
   Concurrent with his leg growth were also the changes happening in his feet. His shoes had quickly started feeling undersized as his feet began their expansion, extending forward while getting thicker and meatier. Pushing against the toecaps were his toes, now becoming chunkier than they had been before. As his heels pressed against the back of his sneakers a hardness formed across his soles as callouses manifested. All while specks of hair poked out from the bridge of his feet. His footwear still was managing to contain his larger appendages, but it was evident that there was still some level of struggling involved between their differing size.
   It was at this point that the changes were also properly reaching the uppermost quarter of the man’s body. His neck was already in the process of widening and he could feel a pressure coursing across his face. “I… a-ahhh…” he moaned out, the sound of his voice seeming to alter just a bit. Seemingly deepening just a smidge with the tone shifting alongside it. 
   “It honestly isn't the easiest thing to find people matching the proper qualifications for the job, especially since…” Stark started explaining just why he was doing this, but Daryl had evidently no ability to fully keep up with the man’s monologue. For a second the man could tune in and hear a statement about trust problems regarding confidential work or the fact that it'd be easier to create your own workers, but everything else fell onto the ears of a man whose mind was feeling like it was being restructured.
   The pressure around his face continued as his skull was in the process of restructuring. While it got larger to fit his new proportions it seemed to lengthen a bit vertically as well, his forehead seeming to get a little larger alongside the area around his chin. All the while his jawline was in the process of reshaping itself, the angling of the sides shifting as the deepest portion of his jaw rounded. It all had caused his head to gain an almost ellipsoidal shape. The slight roundness of it got more prevalent as a bit of submental fat descended a little beneath his chin.
   At the same time his facial features were changing. The shifts weren't the most drastic though: his nose getting a bit wider, rounder, bigger. Eyebrows quickly thinning out while reshaping to a more soft angled, almost S-shaped appearance. Meanwhile his eyes were getting a little bit smaller and his ears pulled back slightly. Fat accumulated around areas of his face, his cheeks in particular, while some slight levels  of aging and weathering started to appear at the edges of his eyes. One of the more prominent changes came with his chin developing some slight pronunciation, a noticeable lump now pushing forward. 
   The last major concurrent change came with his hair. His hairline was evidently receding a bit. There was a certain level of curling that was etching into each follicle on his scalp, all of them lengthening a little as they turned and curved. Although some level of methodical shifts happened in his hair, still remaining slightly short while combing itself back. This quickly resulted in the final appearance of his hair to be fairly well kept and slightly volumed, albeit with small portions sticking out at points.
   He continued to squeeze his stomach while his other hand raised to touch his face. He could only let out a single exhale as he felt his cheeks flush. By this point his brain just felt jumbled to say the least. Mainly in part because, while he couldn't fully comprehend it, the nanites in his system truly were rewriting how his brain operated. How his mind viewed… everything.
   Knowledge was being shuffled and replaced. The requirements for his old cybersecurity job seemingly switched out for decades of new information. Ones needed by a now ex-boxer, ones needed by a bodyguard, ones needed by a head of security for a major corporation. All the memories required for such things, his own past being restructured to fit an identity that was replacing his old one rapidly. For a second he stared at Stark, the man continuing to go off about something, and it caused another spiral of memories to unleash itself upon him as his perspective shifted to seeing the man as more than a boss. A friend.
   Gone were the perceptions of a simple internship, and gone were the youthful twenty-something years of memories. Instead it was reshuffled, rearranged, practically extended as his entire identity was altered beneath the transformative effects of the nanites. As far as he was aware he's been a part of Stark Industries for years. But even then so many blanks remained, so many years still missing. Things that the strange technology would have to deal with as this form remained like this longer. For the time being however, as the foreign feeling of it all faded, the haze started to lift as the new man steadily came to.
   The last major change came with the man’s clothing, the technology within him doing something to shift his attire to fit his form more. All of it was growing a bit to fit his heftier body shape. The hem of his undershirt slipped down and tucking itself into his pants while the sleeves of it extended over his arms until they went a little over his wrist. A plain white color extended across the undershirt as the material shifted into something a bit finer. A split ran down the middle of the shirt as well, buttons manifesting out the material (and already fastened as well). The neckline extended upwards as well points folding out as the shirt became collared, its appearance now exactly that of a dress shirt.
   The patterning on his flannel faded as blotches of black formed across it. The material shifted as well, the softness also becoming more fine and pressed. Multiple buttons were consumed by the changing material while others were changed, repositioned, and gotten a little larger. Especially the ones at the lower half, which had now made its way towards fastening itself around his stomach. The sleeves lengthened to match that of his undershirt, and the hem of the morphing clothing lengthened vertically as well. Some more shifts and folds occured as well with the collar lengthening a bit while a lapel folded out from the split. By this point the flannel had fully become a suit jacket instead.
   The last bits of clothing changes were fairly standard as well. The rough denim of his jeans smoothing over, material shifting to one like that of his suit jacket. That being finely tailored and a deep black coloration to make them more like suit pants. A black leather belt also snaked around his waist with the silver buckle fastening once it was comfortably around him. His shoes were in the process of shifting as well, the urban feel of the sneakers being smoothed out as the cloth became a clean black leather. It all resulted in a formal feel to imprint into his footwear to change them into dress shoes. 
   With all of that done the very last pieces of his attire came with a tie. The object materialized beneath his shirt’s collar and elegantly tied itself around his neck before drifting down and tucking the rest of itself under his jacket. Although it ended up feeling a bit tight around his neck, the man being prompted to lower the hand touching his face in order to properly readjust it. That in itself was a sign he had come to to some degree, the words of Tony Stark’s rambling properly entering his ears.
   “...then again it's not exactly cheap to manufacture these-”
   “I-I'm sorry,” he interrupted, the man still trying to readjust his tie. “I think I blanked about ten minutes ago and didn't even hear any of that.”
   Tony raised a brow, although a slight smirk had seemed to form on his face. “Fine, fine. Happy, what's the last thing you remember?”
   That nickname ignited something within him, within Happy. A brown coloration overtook his irises as he started to respond. “Er- walking in here, I think…” he unhanded his tie and started to raise one up to his neck. “And a pain in my neck.”
   “So nothing!” Tony said, faining exasperation. “You know, while I like to hear myself talk I don't necessarily enjoy having to re-explain ten minutes of work info.”
   “Again, apologies. Truthfully it feels like I've blacked out most of the day anyway. I don't even remember waking up this morning.”
   A momentary silence occurred as Tony seemingly was thinking of something to say in response. “Well they did say you may have some memory lapses ever since you had to start taking those nanite shots after that accident…”
   “What do you…?” Happy raised a brow. He couldn't recall anything about that…
   “See, this is why it's important to have others around you-” Stark got up and went to the other side of the table. He placed a hand on Happy’s shoulder and playfully shook him. “-to help you remember important information like this!”
   “Tony, please.”
   “It's nothing to worry about, bud,” Tony reassured. “We can go on an in-depth discussion on it after work.”
   Happy seemed unconvinced, but let it go. His mind felt way too groggy to deal with much right now. 
   “Fine, fine,” he sat back in his chair. “Let's just get this meeting over with then.”
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frostbitebakery · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
I got tagged by the lovely @thejediandthemandalorian thank you 💜💜💜
1.) How many works do you have on ao3
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
147,444 words
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
"Writing" is such a strong word. Codywan is the one that inspires me the most at the moment to the point I want to add little backstories.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
I Got My Head Checked
Outtakes of IGMHC
Art for IGMHC
Codywan Art and Hubris
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to!! When someone is kind enough to leave a reaction, I should thank them at the very least! Excuse Number 1: I get overwhelmed easily. Excuse Number 2: Especially with long or thoughtful comments, when I answer those I feel like that's the end of that interaction and I don't want that to end
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's gotta be one of the Mood Color Panties that ended with an emotional cliffhanger...
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhhh in terms of happy ending to fic setting ratio? Probably the MCU/Snowpiercer crossover that ends somewhat like the movie wherein they discover that not everything on the outside world is dead and gone.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet? *crosses fingers*
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have written smut. With BDSM and lingerie. But I don't feel the smut groove anymore. Once in a while I do like to dabble in erotica when drawing though
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've officially written one (1) crossover of MCU/Snowpiercer. Unofficially, I've chucked words at friends about The Covenant/Fantastic Four where Johnny Storm and Chase Collins are roommates for whatever reason and Chase is trying to close a portal to Hell and fighting off demons while Johnny is oblivious to it all until his Lucky Charms are gone.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. Plenty of art got stolen though.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yus! A smutty stucky one-shot got translated into Russian
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Does The Unlucky Ones count??? I just wanted spoopy Cody but I can't not do backstory for AUs, so my mind is churning out the lore. Then @adiduck was like, “hey, I have some ideas for TUO, how about--“ and then I buried her in the sandbox. The only bits I wrote (with Adi's blessing) are the snippets on the artworks. She is writing the fic while we both excitedly yell at each other.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Just one???? All of them have a special place
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any fic WIPs atm
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh quite a lot of people pointed out that my pacing is good, and some people like my humor! Thank you <3
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm too rushed. And like, a whole lot of technical stuff I don't know.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like it. It can add a lot of things to the characters, plot, or setting. What I personally don't like if the words in another language are in italics.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Weiß Kreuz. It's in German and the forum it was posted on is long gone. There's an FMA fic on ff.net still. You won't find that one either.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
I Got My Head Checked :D It started as a naive "lolol what would I want Sithywan to look like? just the once", grew to "But listen, Glimmer, it would be so funny if Sithywan is like "I need a week" as his estimation for how long he needs for Cody to spill every secret ever to him, and it ends with Sithywan just getting up in the cell like he's never been injured/tortured at all and going like "Thank you, that's all I need" like some method acting Black Widow type, but internally starting his journey of “omfg I want him carnally and emotionally””, and then it spiraled into 75k words with more catharsis for me as a person than should be possible. And a greenhouse. More IGMHC trivia!!
Oban Ouaine, Qui-Gon's Cody's Venator, is Gaelic for little green bay. I wanted a connection of Qui-Gon and his fandom plants. And I thought Oban Ouaine sounds a little bit like Obi-Wan
the original plan was that the whole Venator is like a jungle with plants everywhere. @elwenyere brought up "they have a greenhouse?" and I ran with that instead, not knowing it would turn into a central stage for hope and healing for the characters
TAG YOU'RE IT: @adiduck @elwenyere @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing @meebles @merlyn-bane @wrennette @lttrsfrmlnrrgby and anyone who wants to bc this was fun!
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hansoeii · 11 months
hello! i just wanted to send an ask as i follow you on twitter (too shy to mention you on there directly lol) and have seen your tweets recently about you not doing good recently and have had a little of an art block and just wanted to sat thank you for what you do, the art you create and just everything.
please don't force yourself and take all the time you need and do whatever you need to do to bring happiness and joy into your life and do whatever you need to do to distract yourself. it's okay to take your time and rest when you need to!
(also on another note, your art and tweets are making me want to watch loki now even though i haven't kept up with the mcu in years lol)
Hey, thank you for your kind words!
Yeah, I'm not mentally the fittest at the moment, which is why I'm glad to have Loki/Lokius to focus on to kind of ignore everything else going on, haha. Not to get too personal, but I struggle a lot with anxiety and seasonal depression. So leaving my bed has been quite hard. :')
I'm resting tho and taking time off, which is nice. I've had a stressful October so that probably adds to my horrible mood too lol.
And oooo, go watch Loki!! You don't really need a lot of MCU knowledge thankfully
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cinnamon-ginger · 11 months
Which mcu movie do you think gets closest to doing their hero "right"? I feel like it might be Captain America but he even feels not quite there. (Sorry if this a weird question, but I've been thinking abt it and you're the only person I know who has kept up with the films somewhat)
Story wise I think the one they got the most right is well none of them? Because early mcu, they got the genre/tone right but they could NOT decide if they wanted to use the ultimates comics or the 616 comics for their stories and instead opted for a gross baby of the two leaning towards the ultimates which most marvel fans agree sucked big time. Honestly the Netflix shows did the best of matching tone and genre to the characters of the 616, but the shows are honestly better most of the time for that anyways.
Now in terms of genre early Thor and Captain America movies matched pretty well (iron man too but he’s a true superhero nothing else so yeah) with the black widow movie festering back and forth between trying to be a spy movie and trying to be a superhero movie. Doctor strange as well does that whole teetering of being a superhero movie and being a fantasy/magic movie. Eternals did excellent in matching tone and genre even though I haven’t read the comics for those characters. (A part of problem for this question is that I’ve only actually really read xmen comics and not much else but I still have an idea of the others)
I think the true winner of the mcu tho had to be the guardians of the galaxy franchise. It was a group that wasn’t all that popular in the comics to begin with tbh so they had more a free reign to change them and reimagine them in the mcu without much push back, it had a good beginning and an actual end to it and were able to mesh well when they had to, to the rest of the mcu universe while still being standalone when it came to their own stuff. They kept theirs sci/fi genre aspect to their superhero movie very notably in every movie- as in I could go immediately from watching Star Trek or Star Wars and just as easily go into guardians as I would if I were just in a marvel mood if that makes sense? However they’re still their own thing and yeah they match their comics now because they changed their comic counter parts a lot.
So I’d say that the characters the did the most justice is either the Netflix mcu characters or any character they basically reimagined/made up for the mcu (coulson or the guardians)
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toomanyroleplays · 6 months
Hey Gang
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So to say the least I am ever so bored and looking to get some new roleplays up and running. First off the very most important thing to know about me is I'm 25 coming to you from the Cringy One Direction Roleplay era. So please please please be at least 18 but I would prefer 20 and up in a perfect world. I ONLY write on Discord in the third person. My minimum is two paragraphs and my max well she's all over the place typically around five paragraphs. I'm ghost and cringe-friendly. I love building playlists and interest boards for RPs and world-building and just all the OOC chit-chat you could dream of. I'm looking for romance and if all parties are comfy some spice in the plot along with everything else we could ever dream up within reason. I'm open to writing all pairing types and OCxCC or CCxCC but no OCxOC sorry! But I double! :) Fandoms and a little more about what I'm looking for in each one. Marvel/MCU/Comics: I am a die-hard Phlint shipper and I am always down to write them. I have hardcore missed this pair so damn much since Omegle left us. There are other canon ships I'm down to write as well the list is hella long and fluctuates with my mood so please ask and I'll happily supply you with that list and whom I write. I am also always down to write OCxCC for Marvel. I'm open to ABO and BDSM AU's in this fandom as well. Hobbit: I've kinda got a half assed OC/fan species idea but like fuck if I know. So like while I wanna say I would be down to write OCxCC I'm probably gonna lean towards CCxCC but you never know I might be in the mood to bust that sucker out. I'm all for Thilbo always have been. Have you read An Unexpected Addition by karategal on AO3? I've basically taken it as canon now. Anywho other ships also include Dworin, Dwori, and Boffins. WWE It's cringe I know but shit dude I love that silly wrestling. Ask me about it in the DM's if you're interested. We can work literally anything out. I love it all. Criminal Minds bring on the OCxCC or CCxCC would love to do a Marvel CCxCC crossover though I could be talked into an OCxCC cross over. Ships I kinda love em all for the sake of not making this post any longer I'll put in my top four but feel free to ask about others. Hotchgan, Demily, Morcia and Moreid Harry Potter Golden Trio I'm looking for OCxCC please don't ask me to play Voldy or like any Malfoy. Characters are 18+ so no Hogwarts sorry fam. Uh plots all I can say is buckle up I'm a little bit of a goblin. Marauders era OCxCC or CCxCC looking for alternate war endings. Rare pairs, and heavy world-building. Please do not ask me to write snape I can't go there.
Ok OK so last one and like this shit is hella specific so don't mind me I'm just being hopeful. Percy Jackson (TV series) I read book one years ago gonna start a read-through soon. I am Specifically looking for an AresxF OC of mine. I'm hoping to find someone flexible and willing to help me make sense of this cracked-out plot I've had bouncing around in my brain for weeks.
If any of this interests you please feel free to shoot me a message on Discord or interact with the post and I'll reach out.
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A (not-so) comprehensive list of antagonists/villains who would do "The Necklace Thing." This does not count antagonists/villains we Do Not Like (Like Cal in Titanic or The Duke in Moulin Rouge) who have done The Necklace ThingTM. MCU Loki: would make a necklace out of ice probably too. Would definitely stand behind someone, rest his hands on their shoulders, and then skillfully clasp a necklace around their neck. Probably would rest his hands on their neck too. His touch is cold, but surprisingly gentle. There is no fear as he brushes his finger over the neck.
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Jareth: oh, come on. The man is a fae king. He's bringing up a crystal ball, transforming it into a necklace, and clasping it on while singing. Probably fixes the hair a bit. Glitter is everywhere. It might be a magic necklace that has a Faerie Price to pay. But honestly? Worth it.
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Erik, the Phantom of the Opera: Has canonically done "The Necklace ThingTM in Love Never Dies. Love Never Dies sucks though. But for anything, we count The Necklace Thing. Night time may sharpen and heighten each sensation, and the actual *shivers* from him doing The Necklace ThingTM with his organ playing fingers would be intense. That sounds like a euphemism for something else. It's not. Also, he probably learned to do this from seeing it in a scene in an opera. (I will have you know that searching for a Phantom gif brought up a lot of Hadley Fraser as Raoul and honestly. Mood.)
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Norman Osborn: hot take. I've been thinking about this one a lot. (Too much.) But I fully believe that Norman Osborn, specifically from Earth 11714, would DEFINITELY do The Necklace ThingTM before some sort of work party/event to Emily Osborn. I mean, it's just in that Southern Gentleman Charm that he has. Oh! Just think about that Oscorp party where there's a baby grand piano and slinky silk dresses and he grabs her shoulder and says "Wait a minute, darling," dipping into that lower voice when he turns into Goblin, and takes a necklace from a black velvet box and just mmMMM it's so nice to think about. Is this purely self-indulgent to think of and is this list hinging on this one character? Yes, but it's a whole Necklace ThingTM post and a freak like me needs company so.... (also, I do think this works for the Raimi Osborn too, so feel free to picture Willem Dafoe. But this was mostly inspired by Turn Off the Dark.) I think I operate under the principle of "If he wears suspenders, he's probably going to do The Necklace ThingTM."
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Preminger: Yeah, Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper. That guy. The man wears rings on most of his fingers. You think he *isn't?* about to do The Necklace ThingTM? He'd do it quickly and laugh while clasping it. Probably make it about himself. However, I think he does have the capability to be more romantic, than say Wenlock, who I don't actually think would do the thing. Wenlock would fall under the Cal and Duke list, honestly, if he were to clasp a necklace on someone. Preminger, however, and maybe this is my own bias talking (it is) would probably unironically do the necklace thing, and surprisingly well. It also probably makes him feel tall because whoever is obtaining the necklace would definitely be sitting in front of a vanity as opposed to say Norman Osborn who would clasp on a necklace while he and Emily are standing. (Somehow this turned back around to Norman...) anyway. Preminger for the Necklace List? I think so.
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Dr. Henry Jekyll: Mmm, so I realize that adding Jekyll to this list may seem antithetical to the whole point of this post being about antagonists/villains, but ah. Jekyll actually probably should be on the list. But I'm not about to delve into the "Dr. Jekyll is actually an antagonist" though one could make a very strong case in any of the adaptations that he is some sort of antagonist for somebody. So, take your pick of the adaptation, be it "book accurate" or Wildhorn Musical. (Take a guess which adaptation for which I'm about to find a gif.) I think he makes the list. However, I think he's rather shy about it. He'd take his fiancée aside right before a party, then quietly reveal the necklace, and motion to put it on. It's clandestine, and peaceful, and very much a "Take me as I Am" sort of moment. A brief moment of curling a finger around a lock of hair. The gentle furtive glances from the repressed Late Victorian Era. Oh, it's more scandalous to think of when you realize how tantalizing the touch of his bare fingers over a collarbone is in 1885. (I had to SCROLLLLLL To find a gif I thought would work... and it was worth it. I have 0.2 regrets. It was between this gif and one of Frederick March.)
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Captain Hook: No. Not from OUAT. (I'm not a fan of that show. I know sacrilegious.) I'm talking about the 2003 movie Captain Hook because oh, come on. Look at him. He's found a mermaid treasure trove, plundered it, then is clasping that necklace around a neck while reciting some shanty or poem. I fully believe there is textual evidence within the book that would back these claims. But most definitely 2003 James Hook is doing The Necklace ThingTM. He's probably more genteel than you'd give him credit for, ya know, being a pirate and all of that who won't hesitate to keelhaul. (Probably wouldn't keelhaul the person he's clasping a necklace on, but the night is young, I guess.) Though, I fully stand by the fact that this particular character is because of 2003 Captain Hook, I do also think that you could imagine OUAT Hook or even 1990s Hook's Hook. (how many hooks could Hook hook if Hook's hook could hook hooks.) Either would translate well, but more Captain Hook in the movie Hook, because I believe that Dustin Hoffman's Hook is a natural progression of Jason Isaac's Hook. (Or if you want a Hiddleston Hook, you can imagine the Fairy Princess's James doing this. But you know he's reciting Shakespeare because he took one {1} class at Eton.)
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Austria: (case for antagonist: Chibitalia segments. I'm bending the rules slightly, but I think I can make a case enough.) A nation? Oh, forgive me for going back to my most cringe of roots, but this is Tumblr and Hetalia had to be mentioned. The man is an aristocrat. But of course Roderich's sitting down Elizaveta and combing his musician's fingers through her hair before he clasps a necklace on. (Bonus points if Prussia is mocking him through a window.) He's pragmatic, and clandestine, almost like Henry Jekyll, but where Jekyll is restrained due to Victorian repression, Austria is just that sort of Young Master type to be high and mighty about clasping a necklace on someone. However, his musician's fingers are nimble, and he's tailing them over shoulders and collars.
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Edward Hyde: I think I'll end the list with Edward Hyde. In all honestly, I don't know how long he's around to be able to do The Necklace ThingTM, as he mostly prowls at night. But if Jekyll would, Hyde would. It's harried and messy, and he's grabbing (probably Lucy) and pulling laughing with That LookTM in his eyes. Is it a necklace that's already being worn? Or is it one he's stolen? But either way his hands are around a neck and he's leaning in close, his cheek nearly pressing against hers, whispering that he's always near. His fingers are cold on the shoulder... it's overwhelming and intoxicating. There are no repressions with Hyde. (Also, I'm not sure if TGS, Hyde would do the Necklace ThingTM. I have read I think all of the webcomic, but I've not made up my mind about the thing.) I believe MazM's Hyde would, and he's getting a separate mini mention. He's clasping a necklace on while the other is seated, because like Preminger, he's a short king. No matter the adaptation (not March and I don't know Tracey's well enough) there is the distinct element of danger. If one is afraid of Hook keelhauling, then one would be doubly afraid of the cane that Edward carries. Just don't be a hypocrite in his eyes. (You're getting a gif from the NBA I Love this Game commercial because there were far too many gifs of Hasselhoff. Also, if somebody has a clear gifset from the 1995/96, Pre-Broadway Tour, I'd love you forever and make you mac n cheese.)
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Those who didn't make the list, but deserve a little shout out:
Paxton, from the episode of Sliders called Heavy Metal (I don't make the rules. Pirates almost always get a Necklace ThingTM pass. (And you know, he *starts* as an antagonist in the episode. I am bending the rules for him and his swooshy hair.)
Lucius Malfoy. Aristocratic and old fashioned. I debated adding him to the main list, but I didn't know if it was too much tbh. You'd find this in fanfic for sure, but I'm not so sure if I can warrant him being on this main list.
Jel Omiata. He's not an antagonist and I had to take him off the list. I had a full write-up for him and everything. (Even if you believe he's the Bahari Bay Ripper, that's still head canon and definitely not enough to warrant him making an antagonist list. Sorry. I know.)
I think this is about all I can think of currently. If I think of more, I'll make a second post
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dispatchvampire · 8 months
Close Encounters of the Preferred Kind - (MCU/Justified Crossover)
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Part 2 in my wholly unintentional Two Snipers series.
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Justified/The Avengers (MCU) Crossover (kinda)
Pairing: Clint Barton/Tim Gutterson
Word Count: 2066
Warnings: Fluff (kinda sorta, if you squint), canon level violence, aliens, cussing, a lot of cussing.
Summary: Set after the events of 'Bad Mistakes (I've Made A Few)', this is the second meeting of our fateful couple, with aliens invading, families meeting, and, of course, Tim's long-suffering boss, Chief Deputy Marshal Art Mullen. Life gets messy when worlds collide.
Author’s Notes: 100% did not intend to write a follow-up to BM, but these two don't really do things on my timeline or my schedule. Anyway, the idea of this made me laugh, this is what happens when you introduce your Boo to your people, and everybody had issues. Oh, and the mood board was all me, with picture credit going to their varying photographers.
Eastern Kentucky is not where one expects Armageddon to start, but there it is and there they are. 
“What the fuck am I looking at, Art?” the sniper asked his superior officer as he stared unflinchingly down his rifle scope. When he’d gotten the call that all hell had broken loose in Noble’s Holler, Tim figured it was more methed up psychopaths who were unclear on the local mayor’s penchant for pig sticking. Purple creatures falling out of a hole in the sky with more tentacles than a jellyfish was not on his bingo card. 
“I got no idea,” the older man answered, never once looking up from his binoculars, “but my suggestion is nothing but headshots.” He paused as he loaded his own rifle and stretched out on a bluff overlooking the mayhem next to Tim. To look at the Chief Deputy in his tie and button down shirt, he didn’t seem the type to get down on the ground and dirty, but most folks underestimated him to their peril. The man taught at Glynco and was a badass well before Tim got proficient with a slingshot, much less a rifle.  “Assuming that those are actually their heads.”
“Copy that.” There was nothing quite as satisfying as brass ejecting from the port and watching his target become iridescent green mist. 
Alien invasions were not generally the purview of the United States Marshals Service,  but occasionally, needs must. 
The giant millipedes had massive tentacles and leathery purple skin which was impervious to conventional small arms fire; the only thing that seemed to fell the murderous, marauding bastards was a shot through he presumed was the eye, a target approximate the size of a navel orange, or through the mouth, an open maw about the size of a peach. Luckily, the produce section had never been an issue for Tim. 
He’d been shooting and reloading for the better part of an hour after the damn portal opened up, doing his best to defend Ellstin Limehouse’s normally quiet enclave as best he could. It was the least he could do, even if he didn’t exactly trust the guy. Their interpersonal issues had nothing to do with the welfare of the innocents being set upon by these nightmare fuel monstrosities. 
Correction: “By comparison, my nightmares are a breeze.”
When the first creature fell without his intervention, Tim was startled enough to jerk back from the ledge and take his eyes off the scope, just in time to see the honest-to-God Captain America shield go flying past the end of his rifle, taking out a creature coming up on his flank that he’d missed before bouncing back to its owner with disturbing accuracy. 
“I am entirely too old for this shit,” Art grumbled as he rolled away from the edge to reload his rifle with all the annoyance and irritation of a deluge of Friday afternoon paperwork. 
“I will be goddamned,” Tim murmured reverently as his brain processed what was happening. Creatures began falling left, right, and center as a roaring overhead signaled the arrival of Iron Man while the roaring on the ground was the giant green menace known as the Hulk ripping through these things like they were made of tissue paper. But that wasn’t what held his interest. 
There, big as life and dressed in form-fitting purple and black kevlar, was the luscious not-so-little secret he’d been keeping since his detail in DC. What should have been a routine job a couple months ago turned into a three-night-stand for the duration of the operation, and then some flirty texts back and forth and more than the occasional round of phone sex in the time intervening. None of that could have prepared him for seeing Clint in action up close and personal. 
The armless black suit emphasized every unreasonably pretty inch of the man, from his ridiculous arms that wielded a bow as ably as he hefted his own rifle, shot after unerring shot bounding and leaping nimbly from cover to cover, down to the perfect cupcake ass that fit in his hands just so. Goddamn the man was so pretty he could be considered a potentially lethal distraction. 
“You gonna watch or are you gonna shoot?” Raylan demanded from his right as he stretched out on the ground with a rifle to join the party. The cowboy had been late to the party since he and Rachel had been left to man the office in Lexington, but once gunplay became the order of the day, Tim knew it was only a matter of time before the man in the infamous tan hat showed up. That he was able to convince Rachel, their normally by-the-book and most level-headed colleague, to come out on an alien invasion spoke to the man’s ability to charm the devil himself out of his seat in Hell. 
“Fuck you,” Tim snarled, but without any heat behind it as he took up his position again and began firing once more at the few remaining creatures on the ground below them. 
From start to finish was just under three hours of sustained fire, and when Tim finally rose to his feet to survey the area, the story was told in the sea of expended brass cartridges and rivers of green blood running through the streets of the valley below. Black trucks were rolling in from both sides of the holler with SHIELD logos on them, signaling the cleanup crew. 
“You know what time it is now, right?” Raylan asked with a devilish grin as he doffed his hat to shrug out of his ballistic vest. He’d stripped down to a form-fitting white t-shirt and looked more like he’d been called in from a day off than from a day at the office. 
“What’s that?” Art demanded as the guys helped him to his feet, brushing an annoyed hand over the wrinkles and streaks of dirt that his wife Leslie would likely fuss over later. After she yelled at him about going out on an alien invasion not two months out of a stint at the heart hospital. 
With a shiteating grin and the pop of a peppermint Altoid in his mouth, Raylan nodded toward the collection of superheroes at the edge of the fray, watching the cleanup proceedings begin and talking amongst themselves. “The interagency debrief, of course!” He was off before anyone had a chance to contradict him, leaving Tim, Rachel, and Art to chase after the cocksure cowboy. 
“Can’t get him to even look at paperwork any other time,” Rachel grumbled as they slowly approached the other group. 
“This ain’t paperwork,” Tim replied, though his eyes were on one thing and one thing only. 
Like they had a mind of their own, his feet carried him right up until he was close enough to tap Clint on the shoulder. “How do, stranger.”
The pure joy on the man’s face when he turned around did funny, fizzy things to his insides that he was loath to examine, and were dangerously close to giddy. The man smelled like sweat and looked like heaven, and fuck if all he wanted to do was run his hands over those arms that had held him up against a wall more than once. As it was, he was standing closer than was strictly necessary and well beyond the bounds of ‘just friends reuniting’. The desire to wrap his arms around the man was damn difficult to quell. 
“I wondered if I’d get to see you,” the archer replied with a shy smile and flushed cheeks. “I mean, I’d hoped,” he rambled on, “but then—” he gestured at the carnage behind him. 
For a moment, it was like the world had winnowed down to just the two of them. “I get it. I’m glad you’re here now, though.” 
“Me too.”
And then the moment was broken by the diminutive redhead standing next to them elbowing Clint in the ribs. “Who’s your friend, Barton?” She was equally clad in black, the kevlar skating over and highlighting every single curve and hollow, highlighting both the beauty and the danger that she embodied. 
Rolling his eyes, Clint took half a step back to face her more fully. “Nat, this is Tim Gutterson of the Marshals.” 
Her green eyes lit up as her lips curved into a mischievous smirk. “The hottie you told me about from a couple months ago in DC?” 
The blond’s eyes widened comically as his face shifted from flushed to pale to tomato red with alarming speed. “Real subtle, Nat.” 
If his face felt hot before, now it felt like the skin was melting off of him. The idea of Clint talking about him, to Black Widow of all people, combined with the adrenaline dump of the situation only added to the feeling of surreal dissociation. Feeling a bit cheeky, he grinned slyly as he looked Clint up and down. “Talking about me, Clint? My heart’s a-flutter with curiosity.” 
“Deputy Gutterson, you gonna introduce your friends?” Art’s voice was a bucket of cold water down his back as he suddenly remembered both his location and his audience. 
From Raylan’s grin, he knew he would never EVER live this down, no matter how many terrible situations the cowboy’s penchant for prohibited pussy landed them in, and Rachel? Well, she was the office master interrogator for a reason and he knew damn sure that he would be spilling everything he knew to her before they made it to the Lexington city limits. 
“Chief Deputy Art Mullen, this is Clint Barton of the Avengers and …” he trailed off, uncertain how to introduce the Black Frickin’ Widow. 
She stepped up and shook Art’s hand like a practiced politician. “Natasha Romanov. Lovely to meet you.” 
The older man smiled and, while Tim couldn’t swear to it, appeared to blush like a schoolboy. “Likewise.” 
Not to be outdone, Raylan smoothly inserted himself between them with his hand out and his 1000 megawatt gunslinger charm turned to ‘thermonuclear’. “Raylan Givens, Miss Romanov. Longtime admirer of your work.” 
She giggled. The assassin actually fucking giggled and her nose wrinkled. “You can call me Natasha.” 
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Art watched this scene, the four of them talking amongst themselves, with apocalyptic levels of horror dawning on his face. The sheer amount of paperwork Raylan and Tim, hell Raylan by himself most days, generate was enough to fell a small forest. These folks together were an environmental crime waiting to happen. The potential bodycount of a Raylan and Romanoff team-up was nothing short of an imminent violation of the Geneva Convention. “Oh absolutely fucking not.” 
All four heads turned in his direction, Raylan’s mouth already open and ready to rock, but he was having none of the bullshit. 
“You,” Art pointed to the cowboy, “get in the car.” 
“Nope,” he held up the finger of doom, the finger of ‘unpaid time off if he kept on,’ it 3was one they were all exceptionally familiar with. “Car. Now.” Turning to Tim, he softened a bit. “Say your goodbyes, we have paperwork.” 
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Rather than argue, Tim merely nodded, cringing when he turned to face Clint. “Dad says I gotta go.” 
Clint’s smirk was nothing short of wicked and it was suddenly a billion degrees around Tim. “I’ll be around tonight if you wanna meet up.” 
“I’d like that just fine.” Anything else he wanted to say was cut off at a sound he rarely heard outside of the comforts of her mother’s house. A sound that stripped away the years and the edge to reveal a girl much more carefree. Deputy Marshal Rachel ‘I make suspects cry for funsies’ Brooks was standing off to the side and making googoo eyes at none other than the Brooklyn Boys. Captain Frickin America and the Winter Goddamn Soldier were flirting with his best friend and putting their numbers in her phone. 
“See what you did?” Art demanded from behind him as he leaned against the closed passenger door of the sedan that sealed Raylan inside.
“Me?” Tim demanded in affront. “How is this my fault?”
Art’s face was a mask of vaguely amused sarcasm. “You’re a bad influence.”
“Well, now that’s just hurtful. Besides,” he threw his rifle bag in the trunk before slinking into the back seat on the driver’s side and meeting his friend’s eyes in the rearview mirror, “I thought that was Raylan.” 
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