#and id so much rather look back on how beautiful it all was rather than how much i want to hate him
imflyinoveryou · 6 months
i wish i could go back in time and be there for myself like jesus christ, i just re-read the letter i sent to someone who literally didn't deserve anything from me and fuuuuck that poor kid needed someone real bad. i love you little me
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r0ttenhearts · 11 months
wasted on you |||
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idol scaramouche x reader
part Ii
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“ohmygosh, have you heard 4nemo’s new single?
“it’s sooo good (y/n!) you have to listen to it.”
“who’s your favorite one? mine would have to be scaramouche.”
your smile would always falter at the mention of his name. not like your friends ever knew you were acquaintanced with the idol group. “i don’t really like idol stuff, it’s not my thing.” you would always brush them off, refusing to take one of their earbuds to listen to the songs they wanted to show you.
hearing scaramouche’s voice again wouldn’t help you, not when you’ve gotten this far. not when you’ve moved on from him.
with college exams over and the end of your final year coming to a close you found yourself with nothing but time. with time came too many thoughts that would tumble around in your mind. too many what if’s and what could have been’s had plagued your mind since leaving scaramouche there backstage.
leaving him was so difficult, but being without him felt harder. you couldn’t help but sigh, now sitting alone in your room as the memories came back to you.
memories of splitting popsicles with him, after rehearsal drinks with his friends, smoking in a field together one of the rare times he was free from his filled schedule.
sometimes you couldn’t help but miss it. but then came the.. not so pleasant memories. the tears, the sore throat after screaming at each other, the way he’d always leave after an argument.
“please, scara! i just want you here with me. just this once. it’s been three years. give me this at least, please. i haven’t seen you in so long.”
remembering your own pleads to him never failed to make your heart ache. it still felt as if there was something unresolved, even after giving him his engagement ring back.
“i don’t wanna fucking see you (y/n)! id rather spend time with my friends doing something i enjoy than wasting my time with you.”
here comes the waterworks. tears would prick in the corners of your eyes when you remembered his tone that day. that angry look on his face.. he never looked so bothered before. it scared you so much that you still remembered it now, two years later.
it was strange seeing him on billboards and ads all across town and even on your own phone. in contrast to the angry glare he held for you, but an indifferent look to the public. would he still look at you that way? or would he look at you the same way he would everyone else?
curiosity got the best of you as you tapped on your phone, looking up his profile on instagram. there he was, looking the same as ever. maybe a little thinner but he still looked as beautiful as the day you left him.
a small smile graced your lips for a moment before it fell, seeing how much fun he had been having with his friends. you still kept in contact with kazuha, but never bothered to ask about him. you both knew it wouldn’t be good for you, so it was an unspoken rule.
“at least he’s doing well..” you mumbled to yourself before shutting off your phone. groaning internally, you knew this was a problem you had to deal with. this constant turmoil inside your head.
you decided you’d put an end to this. once and for all. you thought up a plan before texting kazuha, telling him what you wanted to resolve. despite his gentle warnings you wouldn’t listen. you just had to get through to him! make him understand your reasoning.
eventually kazuha gave in, and now you were standing in the pit to one of their concerts. it made you feel queasy remembering the last time you attended one. with your head hung low you waited for the group to start, they were opening for another up and coming idol group. it almost made you smile seeing scaramouche walk on stage with that glittery white outfit. the same glare on his features as before. he didn’t change, did he?
that sentiment making anxiety well up inside of you. you didn’t know how he would take it. seeing you again after so long. but you didn’t want him to know you were there to begin with, so you hid away from view, angled at a way that you could still watch them perform.
watching them now reminded you of one of the first concerts you ever went to of theirs, thanks to scaramouche getting tickets for you. that feeling of bubbling excitement and anxiousness when they were still so early in their career. you used to genuinely hope that they would make it, and they did!
his singing was stronger than it used to be, voice full of emotions as his eyes were fixated on the mic. a part of you missed this. coming to his shows, watching him give his all to the crowd of people that came just to see him and his friends.
as the group left the stage you sent a text to kazuha, walking away from the crowd and to the meeting spot he had told you about. it wasn’t like you didn’t already know where they were going, they always went to the same bar after every performance.
pushing open the grimy doors to the bar, you could see his back as you walked in. scaramouche was sitting at a table with his friends, drink in hand already as you walked up to them. you pulled out a seat next to scaramouche, crossing your arms over your chest as the guys looked at you excitedly, scaramouche not sharing the same sentiment.
“hey guys, long time no see.” heizou laughed loudly, patting scaramouche on his shoulder as they left the table. now it was just you and scaramouche.
he held this look of shock on his face, like he’d seen a ghost. his mouth slightly opening and closing, almost like a fish.
“hey.” you said softly, putting your hand on his arm. “are you real?” he asked you, now looking directly at you rather than trying not to meeting your gaze.
“of course i am, what do you mean by that? have you been dreaming about me too?” you ask, half joking but half serious as he had been plaguing your dreams for the past few months.
“don’t say things like that (y/n)..” he spoke quietly, taking a sip of his beer. you nod silently, watching him take a sip of his drink.
“i know, this is kind of weird. especially since i’m the one that left you but, it’s been haunting me. and i just want to talk.” you admit to him, looking down at your hands. suddenly your nails seemed much more interesting than to look at him.
“yeah, i think we’re due for that.” he said before sliding his drink over, taking your hands in his without warning. “look, (y/n). i know that back then i wasn’t great to you, far from it actually. i’ve thought about what you said to me that night ever since. i’m not asking for your forgiveness, nor am i asking you to get back together with me. but i just want you to know that i’m sorry. i regret wasting us, wasting what we had. i do love being an idol, but it doesn’t give me the same satisfaction as i got when i was with you.”
you nodded silently at his words, looping your arms around his neck as you hugged him. the words you had longed to hear were now finally being said. “that’s all i wanted.” you spoke quietly in his ear, your voice cracking with tears. “i just wanted that from you scara.”
you wiped your tears away as you pulled back, taking one of his hands in both of yours. “i want to be in your life again, not as lovers, not yet. but as friends. i’ve missed you all this time.” scaramouche nodded, taking his free hand and placing it on top of yours. “i can work with that.”
what you both didn’t see were the rest of the boys from 4nemo watching the scene unfold from the bar window. heizou’s loud cheering being shushed by xiao as both of your heads whipped to the window, red covering your faces in embarrassment.
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taglist: @lemons4u @foxkunwoof @s-h-i-r-o-8-1 @felixilations @kaxukaxu @angelofdarkness2 @trxshhsstufftatsumimiko @ycugtf @nervouseaglelover @whorerificstuff @samarill
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devourable · 1 year
༄ the mermaids
sfw | tws : thalassophobia, yandere behavior, kidnapping, mildly implied pred/prey dynamics? possibly?
happy mermay! doing this before i round back to my last male yandere, then i'll alternate between the girls and enbies 😌
apologies if the pacing on this is kinda ass,,, ive had no time lately and wanted to get this out so i could write other things <\3 hope y’all like it tho
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there had been rumors of strange creatures living in the waters of ilanca reef for years now. from beautiful sirens that could lure you to a watery death, to sea monsters that'll snatch you up and swallow you whole, the speculation was so widespread that many were keen to believe it. because of that, the beach was often desolate with only the warning signs of monstrous sea life littering it.
when you discovered it, however, you had to admit.. despite all the warnings, all the rumors, all of the strange happenings? you honestly didn’t care. you liked having the entire beachfront to yourself! and you personally had seen no monsters. therefore you believed none of it, and went to the beach as you pleased.
that was exactly how the three mermaids that had been stalking you wanted it to be.
it had a calculated effort since the trio had taken notice of you weeks prior. it was any other day for them at first — lyonesse was hunting a bit further off shore, tomila was sunbathing on a half-submerged rock, and kallisto had her eye on land. therefore, it was kallisto who noticed when you came traipsing about, lugging a bag of beach essentials on your back and completely oblivious to their presence.
the moment you had arrived, all three girls dove back into the water with such speed that you didn't even notice them. just another dumb human trespassing on their territory, all on your own, they thought — didn't the others warn you? didn't you see the signs? they were there for a reason!
they were just going to scare you off at first. that's what they did to every human that dared to enter their turf. they'd show themselves, the human would run off and tell anyone who'd listen, and they'd giggle amongst themselves as the poor sop who they had frightened was either completely disregarded as another prankster who had a bit too much sun or caused a hysteria which made a throng of beachgoers flee the dunes for fear of being targeted next.
but when the girls reemerged and their eyes landed on you, unsuspecting of their presence as you set up your things in the shade... for some reason, they all stopped. and they all just stared.
...how did such a nice looking human stumble upon their beach? what were these strange feelings they got just from looking at you? why didn't they wanna chase you away?
all three girls found themselves doting on every aspect of you rather than planning how they’d drive you away. you were just so adorable! they couldn’t help it! your cute face, your little mannerisms, the quirky little things you did when you thought you were alone? it enamored them to you within moments.
tomila was keen to try to meet you off the bat. but every time she made a move to get your attention, lyonesse and kallisto stopped her. humans get scared so easily, they reminded her — if you ran off like the others, they'd risk never seeing you again! they had to avoid that at all costs.
it wasn’t like they could chase you on land… if only you’d come to the water! it was no surprise that their human was smarter than the others…
with you out of their reach for the time being, they started small. every time you came down to their isolated section of the beach, you'd find something new waiting for you. sea shells and shark teeth that'd never normally wash up on the beach, an old watch that still worked somehow, a wallet that was packed with money (completely sodden, but still intact) despite the ID mysteriously missing from it, anything that the girls understood to be of value to humans. it surprised you at first, then baffled you — it was clear it was all being placed there intentionally, but by who? you had no clue, but since no one else came to the reef and therefore was never claimed, it was free for you to take. so you kept returning, and the girls kept giving.
it made them so happy when you'd come down wearing one of the bracelets they left, or spent time trying to pry apart the tiny treasure box they'd filled with sea glass and old coins. you liked their gifts! that meant you'd like them when you'd meet, right? it didn’t matter that other humans were warning you to stop coming around, you didn’t listen to them. it had to be because you liked them so much!
for a time, they were content with just that. you usually came alone, and when anyone else dared to stop by — with or without you — they chased off the newcomers with a new aggression that kept them from coming back. stupid humans, didn’t they know that this beach was for you only now? they weren’t allowed! and with their collective effort, eventually everyone was too frightened to visit the beach entirely.
everyone except you, of course!
and when they were sure that no one else would interrupt the moment they had waited ages for, it was then and only then that they revealed themself to you.
needless to say, you were incredibly surprised the day you came down to the usual spot you'd find your treasures in and, rather than finding a trinket or jewelry, you found yourself grabbed by several pairs of scaley, webbed hands and dragged off the beach, into the water, where the three happily chirped and chattered at you — finally, finally, getting to meet their human treasure! and you had so much bonding to do now that you knew of their existence!
it’d be a while before they let you go again… but it’s okay — they watched you for so long, surely they knew about all the things you liked!
they’d make sure you’d be nice and comfortable during your time with them.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Demon Slayer - Kanae Kocho x She/Her Reader
Thank you for writing my request with Shinobu, The Final Battle. It was really good and I loved every bit of it. I really love reading all your stories cause there so good.
I wad wondering if you could do one with Kanae.
So while Tanjiro, Zenitus and Inosuke are resting and healing at the Butterfly Estate, they met Kanae and Zenitus falls in love with her.
He asks her to marry him every time he see her but she said she already married and the Butterfly girls alway scolded him for it.
Shinobu get annoyed by the constant proposals to her sister and telling the Reader (Kanae's wife) who’s very close with Shinobu and the Butterfly girls since they see her as second mother figure.
The Reader looks super sacred but instead is absolute sweetheart and teddy bear.
One day, the Reader walks in on this and scares Zenitus to hiding behind Kanae. She then introduces the reader as her wife to the boys before poking fun at her for being jealous.
Spoken For
Kanae Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: Thank you! I’m glad you liked that one and I hope you’ll like this one too : ) I tried not to bully Zenitsu too much but he kind of deserves it sometimes lol. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 2,877
“WAAHHHHHHH SHE’S SO PERFECT!” Zenitsu screamed as soon as Kanae left the infirmary.
“Zenitsu, could you please stop yelling!” Tanjirou pleaded.
“I CAN YELL LOUDER THAN ANY OF YOU!” Inosuke crowed, not wanting to be left out.
The boys had been healing from their latest mission where they had encountered Upper Moon Six in the Entertainment District. It was a hard battle, but they managed to come out victorious, but not unscathed of course.
But that didn’t seem to matter to Zenitsu however, not when it came to Kochou Kanae nursing him back to health. In fact some of the girls were starting to worry he would scrape himself up on purpose to cry for Kanae to patch him up. It was actually rather sad.
“Neither of you guys get it! You constantly blow me away with how repressed you are!” Zenitsu howled. “Have you any eyes? A brain? Kochou Kanae is the ideal woman! Soft shiny hair, incredible body, angelic face, sweet temperament, she smells amazing, her voice is soft as silk and sweet as summer rain, and she’s a Hashira! A strong, beautiful woman to protect and love me for all time! I’m in love! I wanna marry her so bad!”
“Stop screaming!” Aoi yelled as she and the younger girls came into the infirmary, “the whole estate can hear you!” She thumped all the medicines she was carrying onto Zenitsu’s bedside table with a huff.
“Here is your medicine.”
“What?” Zenitsu whined. “But I want Kanae-sama to help me take it. I can’t get it down without her encouragement!”
“You can and you will. Now drink.” Aoi commanded before moving on to Inosuke.
“No! You don’t understand, I need her. She’s my future wife—“
“How many times is it going to take before you understand that she is spoken for? Kanae-sama is already married! Happily so!”
“I’ve never seen them! She can’t be that happy if they’re never around!” Zenitsu pouted.
The aura in the room changed and Zenitsu paled because of the pointed looks all four of the girls gave him.
The girls were growing especially tired of Zenitsu’s antics every time he visited. It was bad enough Kanae was too nice to tell him off, but for him to feel comfortable enough to insinuate that (Y/n) didn’t provide Kanae with the love she deserved was straight up blasphemy.
(Y/n) was every bit as kind and loving as Kanae, and the girls couldn’t imagine one without the other. Even when they were busy on separate missions, one could feel the love they had for each other even several kilometers apart.
Zenitsu didn’t pose a threat, they knew that, but to even suggest that their family could be so easily broken was an insult beyond measure.
“How could you suggest such a thing?” Kiyo gasped.
“Kanae-sama is very happy.” Sumi huffed.
“No one is more suited for her than (Y/n)-sama.” Naho nodded.
“So get that idea out of your head already, you’re embarrassing yourself.” Aoi said.
“So mean!” Zenitsu wailed. “Doesn’t anyone want me to be happy?”
“Find your happiness someplace else and stop sniffing around my sister!”
Zenitsu screamed and hid under the covers.
“AH! So fast and quiet! Why are you here?!”
“To incentivize you to silence yourself. If you don’t, I have been given permission to sedate you.” Shinobu explained sternly, threateningly tapping the needle in her hand, “We have patients that are trying to sleep. Your constant screaming is stressing everyone out.”
Shinobu was as scary as she was beautiful, which was to say that meant she was very scary, at least in Zenitsu’s eyes. She was always scolding him and interrupting his time with Kanae. And now here she was playing interference yet again!
“Please don’t give me that! Please!” Zenitsu cried, curling into a tight ball beneath the covers.
“Then be quiet. Anything more than a whisper and I will not hesitate.” Shinobu warned. “Now drink your medicine.”
Zenitsu still whined, albeit much quieter, and reached his hand out beneath the covers to bring one of the medicine cups into his cave.
“Thank you Shinobu-san.” Tanjirou said gratefully.
“I bet that little pokey thing couldn’t take me down!” Inosuke boasted.
“I don’t doubt it, you’re like a damn honey badger.”
“A boar!”
“Yes, yes, whatever.” Shinobu waved her hand dismissively. “Rest up boys, and Zenitsu,”
“Ee!?” He squawked.
“Leave my sister alone, I mean it. If this continues to be a problem I’ll be sure to bring it to (Y/n)’s attention when she comes back from her mission.”
“Is (Y/n)-san coming back soon?” Tanjirou asked excitedly, “We always seem to miss each other. I look forward to meeting her.”
“Yes, it shouldn’t be much longer!” Naho bounced where she stood.
“She did say it shouldn’t be much longer in her last letters to us!” Sumi remembered.
“You’re right!” Kiyo clapped.
Sumi and Kiyo joined Naho in bouncing excitedly while Shinobu and Aoi smiled fondly at their antics.
Zenitsu pouted beneath his covers. He just couldn’t understand why they all seemed to love this woman so much when she spent so much time away. If he had a magnificent home filled with a bunch of girls who loved and respected him, he wouldn’t leave for even a second!
How is it that a cad like Uzui Tengen and someone as absent as Kochou (Y/n) be happily married to such breathtaking women? Life was so unfair, Zenitsu just wanted to scream! Not right now of course, not unless he wanted Shinobu to stab him with that concerningly large needle. He would keep a low profile for a little while, but he couldn’t imagine giving up on Kanae.
He would sweep her off her feet before this (Y/n) person came back and laugh right in her face!
“I can’t believe that little weasel.” Shinobu muttered angrily to Kanao as the pair watched Zenitsu follow Kanae around the garden like an imprinted duckling.
Kanao nodded along, sharing the sentiment.
“And you just know he’s wearing on Nee-san. She’s just too nice to tell him so. I can’t keep scaring him off all the time, it’s driving me crazy!”
Kanao nodded sagely, content to let Shinobu vent all of her frustrations.
Shinobu released a guttural sigh when she looked back out upon the garden just in time to witness Zenitsu pluck one of their rarest flowers to present it to Kanae. She took the offering with a smile that was dangerously close to being a grimace.
“If I have to sit here for even five more seconds I am going to explode,” Shinobu said, rising to her feet, “Come on Kanao, I don’t care where we go as long as it’s not here.”
Kanao tilted her head to the side and rose to her feet as well, happy to join Shinobu on her tromp through the trees that surrounded the property.
While Shinobu complained and Kanao listend, they had almost made it to the main road when they heard someone approaching and looked up. Both girls lit up visibly when they saw who it was smiling back at them.
“Ah, finally some familiar faces! Good morning!” (Y/n) cheerfully greeted, quickly closing the distance that still stretched between them so she could pick Shinobu and Kanao up in a tight embrace.
“About time you got back.” Shinobu grinned when her feet touched the ground again. “What took you so long?”
“Oh, sorry, there was this poor farmer on the side of the road. He hurt his back plowing his field so I gave him a little first aid and helped him and his kids finish the field. And then there was this old woman’s cat stuck in a tree,”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Shinobu rolled her eyes, “You are too nice.”
And with those words, Shinobu’s mood soured again as she remembered why she and Kanao were walking out so far to begin with.
“Something wrong?” (Y/n) asked. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Yes, actually,” Shinobu huffed, crossing her arms, “you know that boy I wrote to you about? The one who has a crush on Kanae?”
“Yeah, I remember,” (Y/n) gave an uncomfortable chuckle, “Aoi and Kanao have mentioned him too, I believe.”
Though (Y/n)’s missions had her traveling further than most, she always kept in touch with all who called the Butterfly Estate home. When she wrote her letters, they were always in neatly tied stacks, a personalized letter for each resident to remind them of how much she cared and thought about all of them.
Shinobu turned to Kanao, mildly surprised, “I can understand Aoi, but you brought him up to?”
“He disrupts the peace.” Kanao stated quietly. She may not have been as outwardly unhappy with Zenitsu’s advances on Kanae as the others, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t affected by it.
“Oh boy, what has he done now?” (Y/n) was almost loathed to hear it.
She had heard a lot about this boy over the last couple months. He was part of a small team that frequented the mansion, but their paths had yet to cross. Whenever she was home, the team was out and vice-versa. The mental image the girls had painted for her through their stories was far from flattering, that was for sure.
“It doesn’t matter what I say or do, he’s always in Kanae’s space. I can scare him off for a little while, but he just goes right back to it when the dust has settled. What’s worse is that Nee-san won’t say anything to him about his behavior no matter how invasive or rowdy he gets,”
Shinobu shook her head with annoyance, but then put her hand on (Y/n)’s shoulder,
“But now your back and he’s still here! This is your chance to give him what’s coming to him!”
(Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck. She was curious about the boy and she wasn’t exactly happy with how he acted around the girls and especially her wife, but she couldn’t help but be nervous.
For all the times the other girls complained about the boy, Kanae never talked about his antics in her letters or in person. (Y/n) didn’t know if she should take that with a grain of salt, that Kanae would rather spend her time talking about anything else, or be worried that Kanae might actually like the attention.
Still, Kanae had chosen her, married her. (Y/n) loved Kanae and she wasn’t going to let her go without a fight! Unless, she really wanted to go. Gods, she really hoped Kanae didn’t want to leave her. This was such an uncomfortable situation! (Y/n) could just about cry!
“Why so tense all of the sudden?” Shinobu quirked an eyebrow up and moved behind (Y/n) to push her in the direction of home, “Come on, let’s go!”
Kanao followed suit, helping Shinobu push (Y/n) along while various depressing outcomes played in (Y/n)’s mind about how this was going to go down.
“Today’s the day, today’s the day~!” Zenitsu sang.
He had already had a lovely morning with Kanae without any of the usual backlash from Shinobu. Perhaps she was coming around to the idea of him becoming her brother-in-law?
He giggled and twirled around Inosuke and Tanjirou.
“Today’s the day… for what exactly?” Tanjirou asked.
“Today’s the day I ask Kanae to marry me!” Zenitsu revealed with a squeal, hugging himself tightly.
“You ask her every day! Usually more than once a day!” Tanjirou shook his head in disbelief.
“But today is the day she will say yes!” Zenitsu declared.
“She already has a mate!” Inosuke yelled from the tree he was hanging upside down from. “Don’t you know that you could get killed for such an offense?”
“We’re humans,” Zenitsu clicked his tongue, “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, running wild in the mountains, but we civilized people don’t have to adhere to whatever Jungle Book nonsense you’re spouting.”
“Actually, I have heard quite a few awfully sad stories of people who have been killed by jilted lovers.” Tanjirou provided with a sincerely distraught expression.
“Listen up!” Zenitsu fumed, “Kanae-sama and I are going to be happily married and if you want to come to the wedding, you better start acting supportive!”
Just then, Kanae glided through the front entrance of the mansion and Zenitsu nearly jumped fifty feet in the air.
“Here she comes, get lost! This has to be a private moment! You’re gonna ruin it!” He shoved Tanjirou back into the trees and made shooing motions at Inosuke dangling within sight before giving up on him and skipping over to Kanae.
“Hi, Kanae-sama~!” He called, waving excitedly, “Did you find a nice place to put that pretty flower I gave you?”
“Yes, I did. Thank you.” Truthfully, she had to work quickly to preserve the medicinal properties of the rare plant, but she didn’t want Zenitsu to feel bad.
Zenitsu rolled on the ground at her feet, very pleased with himself. When he came to a stop, he rose himself to kneel on one knee before Kanae, a lovestruck smile on his face. He pressed one hand over his heart and held the other out for Kanae to take should she feel so inclined (She didn’t).
“Kanae-sama, the most beautiful, kindest, strongest woman I know, will you accept my proposal of marriage on this gorgeous day?” He asked for the umpteenth time that week.
Kanae sighed inwardly, and before she could reject the boy yet again, she noticed the small audience that had gathered nearby and smiled brightly.
“Welcome home my love! Zenitsu-kun, meet my wife, (Y/n)!”
“Huh?” Zenitsu turned, to face the shadow that was suddenly looming over him and felt all the blood drain from his face.
The woman standing over him was positively terrifying. She was roughed up from her long mission and the way she carried herself promised that she could squish Zenitsu like a bug if she so desired and her eyes seemed to pierce right through to his very soul.
“Hey.” (Y/n) greeted, then cleared her throat when she heard how severe she sounded.
Ugh, this felt so weird. If she was anxious before, she was even more so now. She already felt stiff and tired from her mission and now she made it back just in time to witness this boy propose to her wife.
There was a pregnant pause, and then Zenitsu screamed.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He cried, scooting rapidly on his knees to cower behind Kanae. “I didn’t- I didn’t know!”
“What?” (Y/n) muttered, “Did I say something wrong?”
“You did too know!” Shinobu felt personally insulted by the blatant lie, “I must have told you a million times!”
“What did I tell you? You’re about to be ripped apart!” Inosuke cackled while he swung from a branch.
“Please don’t kill me! Please!” Zenitsu groveled.
“Why would—?”
“Please! I’ll never try to take her from you again! You have my word!”
(Y/n) was bewildered to say the least. Did she really look like the type to rip someone apart? She looked back up to Kanae and the Flower Hashira giggled sweetly at her unsure expression. She reached out to (Y/n) and hugged her tightly.
“Aww, are you jealous sweetheart?” Kanae cooed.
“There is nothing to be jealous about! I’m just a lowly worm! I mean you no harm!” Zenitsu, quite literally, flipped out and went to go hide behind Tanjirou instead who had decided he could come out into the open.
“Maybe I am feeling a little jealous and insecure about this, but I would never dream about killing someone over it.” (Y/n) frowned. Just who did they think she was?
“Oh, darling,” Kanae cupped (Y/n)’s cheeks in her hands, “You have nothing to feel bad about. I love you, and that will never change no matter how long we are apart.”
“Stoooop, you’re going to make me cry!”
Kanae chuckled and held her wife even closer still, taking in all that she had missed while they had been separated. Then she turned to the boys, beaming excitedly.
“Tanjirou-kun, Inosuke-kun, Zenitsu-kun, come meet my wife!”
“Nooo!” Zenitsu screamed before running into the mansion, presumably to hide in a corner somewhere deep within. Maybe Nezuko’s box if she wasn’t already in there.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/n)-san!” Tanjirou greeted pleasantly.
“Let me test your power against mine!” Inosuke hollered.
“I’m sorry, I’m a little too tired to spar right now, but I’d be happy to train with you another time. It’s really nice meeting you though, I’m glad to have faces to match with the names.”
“We should go inside, there will be more time for getting to know each other later. Hopefully Zenitsu-kun will have calmed down by then.” Kanae suggested. She was already checking (Y/n) over for any injuries she may have sustained in her time away.
“I still have to find Sumi, Kiyo, Naho and Aoi.” (Y/n) would feel bad if she fell asleep without visiting with everyone first.
“We can stop by the infirmary, don’t fret.” Kanae assured.
Kanae pulled her wife along by the hand, overjoyed to feel her skin against hers once again. She kissed her sweetly on the cheek, ignoring Shinobu’s fake gagging as she did so.
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Lost & Found - Chapter Nineteen.
Another chapter and wishes of a very happy Friday to my beautiful audience! :D
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen
Words - 3,763
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, Minors DNI. Recounts of kidnap, child trafficking, physical/verbal/sexual abuse.
4am. It was not a time Emma was used to seeing, unless she was up late being railed into a new shape by Guero, or enjoying the pleasures of partying. She knew Lee would be even less impressed, with how much she thrived upon a good night’s sleep. 
The very lady was waiting outside as they came out, Gilly yawning in the passenger seat. With their bags dumped in the back of her Escalade and Axl dropped next door for a stay with his uncle Tyrone (who proclaimed ‘imma spoil the dude to death, man!’) they climbed in, still half asleep. Since Emma had no passport or ID yet, Lee, Gilly and Guero were sharing the driving, just over three hours each to make the ten-and-a-half-hour journey rather than flying. 
“I feel bad, that we can’t fly and it’s because of me,” she huffed, Lee hitting the freeway, the engine roaring as the six hundred and eighty-two horses beneath the hood all charged to gallop. 
“How come you ain’t got that sorted yet?” Gilly asked, Emma sipping from her bottle of cherry Coke, burping quietly.  
“Because of a point Guero made,” she began, tightening the lid and placing it in her lap. “Since I’ve been a missing person, there’s obviously still a file open on me, one which will be closed when I show up. I’d likely have to be interviewed by the police over where I’ve been and who with for so long as well, too many questions would be asked.  
“If I ratted on Rocco, my worry about being snatched would turn into a worry about being shot in the head. I was going to go down the new identity route and buy fake documents, but depending on how all of this goes, I may not need to.” 
Lee looked at her in the rearview mirror, winking with a smile. “Here’s hoping, sugar.” She then paused before noting something glaring in similarity about the way all four had chosen to dress. “I can’t help but fuckin’ notice, I love the way all four of us try to look a little less like the tattooed reprobates that we are and instead, end up looking like the goddamned Addam’s Family.” 
Every single person within the car was donned in black, all of them beginning to laugh when they noticed that their attempt at semi-smartness had them appearing as if they were attending a funeral. 
“Goths R Us, man,” Gilly snorted with amusement, beginning to whistle the theme tune to the aforementioned family movie, Emma giving the double finger click at the required point, too.   
“Well, I gotta say it, sunshine. You suit being a redhead,” Lee then spoke, turning to look at her, thinking how pretty her bestie looked in the long, red wig with tumbling waves.  
“Doesn’t she, though?” Guero chimed, winking at Emma. “Maybe a little too much. Goddamn women, pulling some Jessica fucking Rabbit magic on a man." 
"What is it about you guys and that woman?" Lee cried, moving her car to the middle lane to overtake a slow-moving vehicle ahead. "She's a fuckin’ drawing!" 
"Yeah, and I'd nail her until I erased her, I swear to god," he chirped, Gilly busting into hysterics. 
"Same, bro. I'd fuck her until her colours ran!" Everyone fell apart in fits of laughter, Lee thinking that already it was more than worth her 3am start and missing her precious sleep for the sheer entertainment value alone. She wasn’t the only one glad of it, the comic relief provided by her boyfriend and Gilly just the thing Emma needed to take her mind off the fact that with every mile that passed, she was nearing the man she feared most.  
By the seven-hour point, Guero returned to her side in the back while Gilly took his turn behind the wheel, her nerves were palpable. Looking out of the window while gnawing on the side of her thumb, she saw a hand reach for hers in her peripherals, turning to watch Guero softly shake his head with a faint smile.  
“You’re stressing.” Pulling her hand away from her mouth, he grasped it in his, shifting over a little closer and wrapping his arm around her. “You gotta stop. Nothing bad is gonna happen.”  
“Easy to say that,” she muttered, leaning into him. 
“Yeah, it fucking is,” he snorted, kissing her head. “Cuz’ I’ll fucking finish him if he lays a finger on you, and you know this.” His hand tightened its grip on hers, his nostrils flaring a little. The rage towards Rocco still swirled just as tempestuously as ever, along with his already short fuse.  
He softened a little then, realising she likely didn’t need to hear it, or worry about him being able to hang onto his fiery temper. “I get it, you feeling nervous. It’ll be alright, though.”  
Nervous was somewhat of an understatement, Emma feeling like she wanted to throw up as Gilly parked outside the hotel just over three hours later.  
“So, what I’m thinking is that after talking to Obispo, these guys seemed to be enjoying everything the resort had to offer. Squash, golfing, casino, etc,” Lee began, after the guys had gone to check in. “Which means that I can hang around in the bar, keep an eye on the comings and goings of ‘em. Except, fuck. I don’t know what he fuckin’ looks like.”  
Emma pulled out her phone, calling up Google. As with a lot of notable members of the mafia, Vincent’s face was very easily accessible. Clicking on his mugshot from an arrest after a large shoot out he’d been arrested for his part in around a decade ago, she turned the screen. “Like that, but a little aged. He’s very distinctive.”  
Lee had already taken a good look at the hotel layout, scanning the pictures and seeing that from the large bar and restaurant area, the front desk and entrance was visible. She was entirely happy to play barfly with Gilly while Emma hid in her room. “Alright, and there’s my visual. He looks... intense.” 
That was one way to describe a man who had once chopped off someone’s feet and fed them to Diavolo, his Akita. “He is, he’s very formidable.” Her voice was small, the quietness of her tone reminding Lee of her demeanour back when they’d first met, minus the shaking and the stuttered words.  
Reaching for Emma’s hand, she cocked her head. “It’s fuckin’ gonna be fine. You forget I’m ex-military. I know how to run a fuckin’ smooth operation, sunshine.” She winked, Emma feeling at ease, squeezing her hand back before the arrival of Gilly and Guero parted them, hopping out of the car.  
“Lobby is all clear from anyone of the Italian American persuasion,” Gilly spoke, swinging his rucksack over his shoulder. “Let’s go.” Taking Guero’s hand, she gripped it tightly, adjusting her sunglasses before beginning to walk. She felt as if she had a serpent writhing around in her guts, some cold, spiny creature that thrashed angrily, her heartbeat escalating, expecting him to pop up at any moment and snatch her again. 
Heading in through the glass doors that slid open with a silky glide, her eyes were everywhere beneath her oversized aviators, Guero pulling her to the right, past the front desk and through to the safety of the ground floor hallway. Immediately, she felt herself unravel a little.  
“Okay, we’ll see you guys at some point, I guess. I will call with details from my little stakeout,” Lee spoke, she and Gilly continuing down the hall as Guero opened the door to their room. 
As soon as she was inside, she felt the creeping sensation at her back abate, yet she was a nervous mess, riddled with anxiety, wanting to go straight into her medication bottle and swallow back a couple of doses to calm herself. Taking more than her standard dose tended to have the opposite effect, though.  
Reaching for Guero, she wrapped herself around him, burying her face against the side of his neck. Safe person. Safe person scent. It transported her back to a time where he was the only person she’d trusted while in the thick of her anxious duress, but for that moment her body refused to comply with the logic her brain was desperately trying to convey.  
“Breathe, baby. It’s okay.” he told her, hands stroking her back, feeling her chest rising and falling rapidly against his, her heart pounding hard. He closed his eyes, arms tightening around her, a tide of anger rising within him. She’d worked so hard in the last near eleven months to recover, and now there she was again, trembling and frightened.  
The urge to go and wait outside of Rocco’s room and bypass the plan completely, to shoot him in the head as soon as he laid eyes on the vile, abusive, child trafficking, raping sack of shit who’d once again reduced his sweetheart to a nervous wreck was almost all encompassing. He knew though that would land them in the kind of trouble none of them would survive, taking out a mafia boss without the agreement of those who served under him.  
He couldn’t even imagine an alternative to Calabrese condoning the hit, or being told that the Romano family would handle it internally, should he be in complete agreement with the proposal they were bringing to him. None of them could live unless he died, and Emma? She’d be returned to Staten Island, with nobody to save her.  
The thought of being dead and her alone in the world had been on his mind so much, he’d even considered fleeing with her to Mexico, should things not go in the favour of the Mayans. He loved his club, but he wouldn’t be a sitting duck, waiting for the weight of the mafia to crush them.  
He believed in standing to fight, and his loyalty to the club tugged strongly at him, but he was smart enough not to remain on a sinking ship if he saw water beginning to pour in. He had not come to such a conclusion easily, either. His simple desire to survive outweighed anything else, now that it potentially could come down to that.   
Realising he was spiralling into his own thoughts, he shook himself from it all, being present for her, as he needed to be before anything else. Holding her close had begun to calm her, Emma finally straightening to kiss him, resting her forehead to his.  
“And I’m calmer now.” Her thumbs stroked over the flecks of stubble dotting his cheeks. “Thanks for always been so steadying when I need you to be.” 
Smiling, he kissed her again. “You’re welcome, and good. I fucking hate seeing you like that, all cuz’ of him.”  
Sucking in a breath over her teeth, she drew her shoulders up, the weight of her sigh tugging them down again. She hated feeling like that, too, everything rushing to the surface once more. “Let’s pray he isn’t going to be around much longer to do it, huh?”  
It went without saying, he thought. 
They hung around in the room for a few hours, Lee calling at just before seven, informing Emma that the mob guys had all just arrived in the bar for a drink, before being told by one of the staff that their cars were ready. With it looking like they were heading out elsewhere for the night, she was safe to go and eat dinner in the restaurant, a prospect that made her feel nervous, but that she participated in all the same. She changed into a long, tight grey dress, having to fend off Guero before they left. 
“What’s the matter with you?” she laughed upon sitting at the table, Lee virtually vibrating in her seat opposite. “You look a little jazzed, buddy.” 
“Been on the fuckin’ coffee all afternoon! Changed to sparkly water about halfway through, but I didn’t wanna get loaded propping up the bar and I think choosing to be caffeinated might’ve been a little bit of a fuckin’ mistake!” 
Gilly snorted with laughter, shaking his head. “Dude, I told you to get decaf.” 
“Can’t ever do that, fuckin’ decaf is bullshit! I’ll be fine, they gotta pool here and I brought my swimsuit. I’ll go swim it off, do some lengths, get all the energy out, y’know?”  
Her very wide-eyed demeanour had them in soft fits, Lee’s hand shaking upon her beer glass, making her food order at a hundred miles an hour to the entertained looking waiter.  
“And I gotta deal with this all night.” Gilly laughed, receiving an elbow from the hopped-up lady herself. She seemed to calm a little for eating, a firm but polite no given when the waiter asked them if they wanted coffee once they’d finished, calling it an evening at 10pm. Well, Lee and Gilly stayed up to see if Vincent returned back at a decent hour, but Emma and Guero headed straight back to their room. 
Opening the door for her, he gestured that she should enter first. “There, you get me being a gentleman just once, before I turn straight animal.” He smacked her ass, kicking the door shut, Emma removing her boots and socks. 
“Love, you’re always straight animal,” she purred, winking at him. He snaked his arms around her, moving her hair, softly biting the side of her neck with a playful growl. Those nibbles turned to kisses, hands pawing at her. Grasping his hoodie, she pulled it over his head, her nails gently raking down his chest as his mouth met hers, manoeuvring to the bed, pushing him onto it.  
“I have to take this off, my head is like a furnace.” Pulling off the wig, she unclipped her hair and let it tumble loose, messy waves framing her face, Guero sitting up to watch keenly as she began to lower her dress. The way his eyebrows rose significantly at the reveal of her black, diamond mesh underwear tugged at the corners of her mouth. 
“Wow. Get the fuck on me, right now.”  
Ahh, the desired effect.  
“Is that what you want, hmm?” 
His eyes swept her with desire, his cock beginning to harden at just the sight of her, nodding in response to her words. 
“Yeah, I know what you want,” she spoke, coming to sit astride him, pushing her fingers into his mouth, her nipples hard against his chest through the thin mesh of her bra. “You want to pin me down and fuck my tight little pussy until I gush all over your cock, don’t you? Mmm, I love it when you get me so wet that it starts running over my thighs, when you hold me down and pound me so hard, I get dizzy. Yeah, I love it like that.” She ran her tongue up the side of his neck, her hips beginning to gyrate, grinding herself against the big erection she felt tenting his jeans.  
He groaned barbarously around the suck upon her fingers, his teeth clamping in a hard bite, Emma pulling them from between his gorgeous lips before her mouth locked to his. Their kisses rained sensuality and steamy heat, Guero lying back on the bed, the feel of pristine hotel linens sumptuous against his bare back, hands travelling all over her as he moaned against her tongue.  
If there was a sweeter way to kill time, he was yet to experience it.  
Moving beneath her, his body topped hers, pressing her into the bed as his hands slid to make short work of her underwear, sitting up only to shed the remainder of his clothes before his mouth was on hers once more. He kissed her with all the love and heated desire he felt for her, hand trailing down her thigh as he shifted his weight a little, fingers skimming over the sumptuously dewy petals of her cunt. 
That first touch had her arching off the bed, her back bending like a crescent moon, her moan rich and full bodied, his thick, clever fingers spreading her wetness around, settling upon her clit and beginning to circle. His touch was so perfect, Emma mewling softly as she felt her core ache, his breaths heavy against her neck as he moved to kiss her elegant throat, a soft groan rumbling his as he pushed two fingers into her.   
“Oh god, you’re so fucking wet for me already.” He rumbled, his mouth finding hers, kissing her with all the heat of a furnace, those keen fingers seeking out her sweet spots. Focused rotations forced soft little exclamations from her, Guero drinking them down like wine as his lips locked with hers. “Yeah, that feel good, baby?” 
She couldn’t even form words, delight tumbling through her, merely uttering a soft little moan as her head fell back on the bed, his fingers entering, rotating, dragging back, moving his thumb to her clit to stroke it in perfect rhythm. It always boosted his ego a little, seeing how easily he could make her sail into bliss with just two fingers. 
It didn’t take long for him to kiss a sizzling path down her body, his mouth craving to be quenched with what drenched his fingers, removing them, sucking her wetness from them with a hungry grunt. He pushed her legs wider so she splayed for him, delving his tongue right into her folds, the syrupy wet of her pussy drenching his mouth.   
His tongue dragged her eagerly, long licks from her glossy opening to her clit making her very bones shudder in ecstasy, Guero groaning, watching her body undulate before him. The rolling heat of his tongue pressed flat as it circled her clit, sending waves of bliss through her, her little whimpers filling the air, his hands gripped at her waist as he felt her puddling against his tongue.  
She looked down, watching him do it, gasping, her fingers raking through his hair. “You look so fucking hot with a mouthful of my pussy.” 
He grinned against her, sucking on her clit. “And you look the same while you’re getting it ate, mamas.” He winked, closing his eyes, groaning as he took a mouthful of her, loving the feeling of her thighs skimming against his face as she writhed. 
He sucked upon her like ripe fruit, his groans deep, like boulders rolling over one another, the heat radiating up her spine as she panted, watching him tipping her further into mindlessness before her eyes closed and her head fell back. The flickers of the very tip of his tongue working in speed over her clit were too much, but not enough, her body shaking in response of being so lit up. It felt like an ice storm meeting magma, her body gleaming for him, Guero pushing his fingers back within her heat, burrowing deep. 
Placing a suck upon her clit, his cheeks hollowed, the pressure gentle at first, fingers circling her walls, entering her then with rapidity, that suck intensifying until he had her crying out softly. His hunger to devour had him tearing his fingers from her, covering her entire slit in the thirsty suck of his mouth, grunting against her folds as his tongue laved her incessantly.   
Reaching for his jeans, he undid them, sliding them and his boxers down, kicking himself out of them with impatience, the need to be within her rocketing through him. His heart thundered in his chest as anticipation skittered over him, kissing his way back to her mouth, lips meeting hers in a hot mesh of filthy indulgence, his words matching.   
“Wanna spread those gorgeous legs and let me fuck you, huh? Is that what you want, for me to bury my big dick right up deep in this pretty little pussy, huh blue eyes?” Those words fuelled the epicentre of her bonfire, Emma nodding, their kisses scorching as he moved between her legs and glided into her, her walls tensing on his shaft, dragging a groan from the depths of him. He sat back on his heels, taking root in her, his eyes watching the sight of it, his cock sinking in and out, her wetness bathing him thickly. 
He fell to her then, the blinding need to chase the fire roaring through his veins consuming him, his flames catching at her edges as she wrapped her legs around him, their mouths meeting messily.   
“Oh god,” she gasped, clasping his face, seduced further by the look of dark lust pooling his near black eyes. “Fuck me, yeah, that’s it. Oh, fuck me!”   
And he did, pounding into her relentlessly, hitting her so deep, shocks skittered through her. He slowed then, wanting to make it last longer than the rampant charge his arousal was dictating, pulling himself back, thrusting a little shallower, almost retreating, slipping back deeply. His head dipped, sucking her nipples in turn, tongue circling them with a hungry grunt, his hands stroking paths of blissful heat up and down her thighs as his cock hit her deep, deep, deep.   
“Mmmm, fuck. You look so goddamn pretty, spread all around my dick. Got me so fucking drenched, beautiful.” he groaned, sitting back up again, the sight so steeped in erotic heat, he had to close his eyes for a moment, those tingles pulsing too rapidly, the desire to chase his release held fast, slowing, long lashes parting again as he stared down at her. “That feel good, huh?” 
“Oh, you’re fucking amazing!” she cried out, her body jolting when he brought his thumb to her clit, tight circles spreading glimmers through her, pleasure melting down her spine and puddling at her cunt, covering him further in her dew. She raised herself up on her elbows, her hips shunting against each of his thrusts, fucking him back with purpose as she let her gaze fall to watch it.  
He reached beneath her chin, making her focus on him, his forehead resting to hers as he stared at her with so much love, her heart felt full to burst. Stroking his face, she felt like she could see her entire future in the dark sparkle of his lust blown pupils, nuzzling him, whispering her love, sharing kisses steeped in sweet, yet burning heat.  
Her heart jolted suddenly with the weight of it, the realisation of exactly what she would lose if Vincent didn’t agree. He had to, because there was no way she would willingly or easily part from Guero now she’d finally found him. 
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A/N - Okay so I got an incredibly nice ask, requesting a Part 2 of The Best and the Brightest. The asker was so sweet and lovely and they made my day when I first received it
So, like normal, I wrote a Part 2 and created a draft. But instead of hitting the��“save draft” button, I hit “post.” I hadn’t finished editing, so in a panic, I deleted it, and now we’re here with a continuation snippet and no request to respond to T_T
Anyways, thank you anon so much for the request, and I hope you like this next part
Part 1
The Best and the Brightest, Part 2
“Hey there beautiful.”
The villain pushed their sunglasses up to the top of their head. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
The hero stood before them, in matching sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt. Their self-satisfied smirk made the villain want to hit them.
“Great locale you’ve chosen,” they said, settling into the beach chair beside the villain. “Though it seems my invite got lost in the mail.”
“How did you find me?”
“I’ll admit, it wasn’t easy. You cover your tracks like a master, babe.” The hero pushed up their sunglasses and grinned. “It was fun though. Tracking a genius supervillain all the way to their tropical island hideout? I felt like James Bond.”
“It’s not – you know what, forget it.”
The fact that, last time, the hero had managed to sneak into their lair completely undetected made it painfully clear that the villain was spread too thin. So here they were, sitting amongst palm trees and white sand beaches with a fruity drink in their hand. It was supposed to be relaxing.
The villain most certainly did not feel relaxed.
“So what should we do first?” the hero said, pulling out a brochure. “The hot yoga sounds fun.” They waggled their brows at the villain. “Emphasis on hot.”
The villain couldn’t believe this was their life. “How did you even get in here? This is a ‘villains only’ resort.”
The hero squinted. “That’s a thing?”
“Yes that’s a thing. You’re a professional in this business, how did you not know?”
“How would that even work? Do you have, like, a villain ID card or something? Do you need to commit a certain number of verified crimes to get it?”
The villain checked their watch, hoping they radiated disinterest. “If that were the case, you’d get one. I’m honestly starting to lose count of the kidnappings.”
“Not kidnappings, darling. Arrests. There’s a world of difference.”
“So come on, quit stalling. What do you want to do?” The hero sat up like an excited puppy. “We could go to the tiki bar and get plastered.”
“I have yet to actually agree to go out with you.”
“Alright. Then agree.”
The villain sat for a moment, taken aback. The hero’s grin widened. It really was as charismatic as the fan blogs liked to say.
The villain didn’t buy it. “Why are you pretending you like me? Is it some strategy your bosses told you to try?”
The hero rested their head on their palm. “Quite the opposite. My superiors don’t even know I’m here.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I still have instructions to bring you in. But if they knew you were all the way out here, they would’ve sent a whole team to come secure you, rather than just little ol’ me.”
The villain blinked. “Then why?”
“Because I want to hang out with you, dummy. Before we have to get back to business.”
The villain regarded them. “So after the date is over, you’re going to try to capture me?”
“And if I refuse?”
“Then I suppose we’d have to do the business part now.” Their expression sobered, a touch. “That would be a shame, though. I really did want to spend time with you.”
The villain looked them up and down, and then sighed.
“I was planning to go back to my hotel room to see if I can splice poison ivy DNA into some leeches. You can come, if you want.”
The hero raised a brow. “That’s the kind of stuff you do on vacation?”
“Yep.” The villain rose. “Take it or leave it. Because I’m going.”
Without hesitation, the hero followed.
As they walked, the villain checked their watch again. T-minus two hours and forty-two minutes until launch time.
It had, in multiple ways, not been a relaxing vacation at all.
They glanced to the hero, who was smiling at them. They smiled back.
How hard could it be to hold their attention, for just a little while?
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oogalaboogalabich · 2 months
Posting my current list of things i wanna draw cause honestly, id much rather see someone elses take on a lot of them.
Most of these are labeled under "degenerate art ideas" so take from that what you will.
Please feel free to use any one of these.
- The Kiss from fallout. If you know you know. Bane and bhaal with a dead durge and gortash.
-Comic: Astarion in trouble and drizzt comes out of nowhere all heroic and saves him and hes all doe eyed n shit.
-Halsin and mr meadhoney. "Do you have a particular fondness for large and...heavily armed men, mr. Meadhoney?"
-Lucretious the necromancer and astarion dancing the tango together with the skellies in the back playing music."The dead are always such superb dancers."
-Comic: Lucretious topping astarion, bent over the stages edge. "What if we put you in my show darling. Im sure we could find something for a star like you...something youd love as much as the crowd."
"Youd make a spectacle of me?"
"In front of THOUSANDS who come just to see the most perfect beauty in all of the planes."
"Oh yes i quite like the thought of that."
-Comic: "Orin: you suck up the tyrants vapors like a babe sucks milk."
"Durge: tch fuckin yeah i do."
"Astarion: D:<!!?"
"Orin: *quinten terantino scowl that she does*"
-Vellioth as the "i yearn for the urn" tiktok
- astarion amputee doodles (thank you godey for that idea)
-3 musketeers quote "i love that in a man." "What. Passion?" "Violence" but ghoap or durge. Maybe make a version of both?
-when (doodly dude) hit me real hard that one night and my jaw rattled in my skull all nasty, but make it durgestarion hehehehehehe
-Astarion licking blood from durge in one of the pools of blood (idea from mignon scene)
-Durgetash comic of demon slayer masochism abridged thing with the lady man demon
- bg3 crew bein a bunch of rly cute parrots doin dumb cute things.
-same idea but theyre all shoebill storks.
-comic: "Mighty sanctum" bit, then durge pulls astarion into his lap and kisses him. "Fairly certain you would castrate me if i tried to fuck you right here like i want...im still not sure if thats a deterrent or temptation" but ya know...better written.
"bloody degenerate...unhand me."
"Let go of my neck then."
"Well then...")
-Mungojerrie from cats and astarion both comolimenting each others pearls and casually holding something they swiped from the other. Riumpleteaser and durge are snickering and sharing a look, while RT has swiped something of durges, durge is pulling out his/her dagger
- Durge/Tav painting astarion in gold, and feeding him blood in a hedonism date night. he thinks the gold paint is just for tav. But he keeps saying "i just want you to see yourself as i see you." And stuch things.
He leads him to a giant ass mirror and lo and behold, there he is. In the flesh. The colors arent there of course. Hes looks like a statue, but its still...its more than the statue, its more than a portrait.
-Lyrical comic of durgetash ritual by ghost
-comic: Astarion is walking with the gang. He looks up to see something and narrows his eyes. He suddenly bursts into bats, flies up onto the space he was trying to peer at and reappears in a panic. Somethin like....
"I was eight bats...how...fuck...gods how am i supposed to even process that!?
Astarion are you alri
-comic- Volothamp talking to tav about a rat exodus from "a mysterious "red castle" " where their bretheren kept going missing. So they gave up the territory and moved to a "red cave" just beneath it, where blood flows even more freely.
Astsrion recognizes the palace, and remembers a time where rats were in such short supply that cazador had simply switched to insects for a while. Well with astarion he had, the rest had been treated to cats and dogs, in order to lessen the threat against the local rat population. Durge in the meantime, has an odd memory about commanding rats to find reconnisance if they wish to find safety with (fuzzy writing that doesnt quite translate to words)
-Astarions ascension but its happy with evil hugs.
-Durge reacting to the gnoll birth holy hells that was funny.
-Durge eviscerating astarion while he arches off the ground as if in ecstacy rather than pain. Theyre both laughing in wild, crying hysterics and theres those timasks spores everywhere.
-Comic: A -Astarion in the mirror frowning and looking distressed, even a little pissed in a mini panel, as he pinches a small amount of belly fat. Hes a very healthy weight but like 200 years o trauma dawg. Next pannel he looks thoughtful (considering that hes never had enough to eat before to warrant gaining rather than steadily losing weight), third panel he looks up in a catlike manner and fingertip taps his stomach near his hip. Very silly smug cat face meme feels here
-Chaste kiss canon durgestarion/tash vs nasty canon durgestarion/tash
-Comic of vellioth uncovering mummystarion from crypt.
-Comic of astarion fucking posessed n bound durge in the shar library.
-An archer in general doing leg archery. Maybe two goofballs doin it at each other with silly faces. I can see any combo of minsc and lazel and astarion doing this weirdly enough.
-spit/ blood exchange between s/a astarions.
-That moment when astarion is blissed out in the sauce under durge in the grove. Maybe a pov where theres drops of blood mid fall, and theres two hands smearing it all over his chest.
-A astarion sitting on bhaals altar while durge and gortash dogfight.
-Gortash with his hand inside a lasceration in durges belly, squeezing himself off all slowlike inside durge. bloody handprints everywhere, though some have turned to black sooted handprints. Theyre kissing all disgustin
-Slayer and a predator Shilouetted gwtw style
-Astarion getting railed by a Predator.
-Lazel getting railed by a Predator.
-Honestly just put everyone in every fandom with a predator at some point like fu c ks sake
-Comic of the superimposed cazador murder/thunderstorm blood frenzy xex scene from that one fic i never finished
-The king E x Ragnar bath scene but nasty. (Also durgetash?)
-Astarion with floorlength hair and dripping with pearls, looking a little emaciated, or perhaps just extra slender themes to the art
Two smaller panels where vellioth h it away and carefully styles it while figaros corpse lays in the corner. Vellioth should look younger but less pretty.
-Durge slips his hands into astarions back pockets (in this comic he has invented ass pockets) "butt"
He goes "no, butt." And walks away. Durge looks down at his hands that are still right there where his butt was. And he squeezes the air with a smile
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virtie333 · 7 months
Day 4 - Life Day Damerey Celebration
Prompt: Presents/ce
Summary: Life Day means a secret gift exchange.
Maybe it's just me, but doesn't the chain Poe wears in TRoS look a lot more shiny/glittery than the one he wears in TLJ?
Warnings: None. Pure fluff.
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Rey looked askance at the colorfully wrapped box sitting next to the bed. Though she had known about Life Day back on Jakku, she had never celebrated it, and just last week both she and Finn (who had also never celebrated it) had learned about the tradition of giving gifts. Leia had let her know that those who wanted to participate in the secret gift exchange needed to have their gift ready by today, but there had been no pressure to take part in it.
Finn had been excited by the prospect, and his enthusiasm had spread to Rey, so she had agreed to do it as well. However, after she drew the name of the person she was supposed to find a gift for, she had regretted her hasty decision.
What the heck was she supposed to get for Poe Dameron?
Almost immediately after drawing his name, Rey wanted to go to Finn and ask to switch. Finn knew Poe much better than she did, as they were the best of friends, but that almost felt like cheating. She could at least ask Finn for help, couldn’t she? Or Snap. Or Karè. Someone who knew him better than she did. But something held her back. If she looked closely at herself, she knew it was just her stubborn independence that kept her from seeking help.
She spent three almost sleepless nights trying to come up with something. Something simple. It didn’t have to be meaningful, did it? It was the thought that counts, after all. It was while she was eating dinner one evening, sitting with several of the others around the fire pit, that her eye caught on something that gave her the answer. The firelight was glinting off of something around Poe’s neck.
She had noticed that he wore a chain around his neck, and had even asked Finn about it, wondering if he wore ‘dog tags’ or some other identification. Finn had told her that what Poe wore was much more important that an ID; he wore his late mother’s wedding ring. He had been very close to his mother, Finn explained, and his father had given Poe the ring after her death.
Rey suddenly knew exactly what to get Poe for Life Day.
But now, as the dinner where everyone was to exchange gifts drew closer, she wondered if she had made a mistake. It was too personal, she thought. He would know she had asked about him. About the ring. She didn’t want him thinking she was overly curious about him, possibly even fixated on him. Because she wasn’t.
Was she?
He was handsome, she had to admit. He was funny. Smart. Confident but supportive of everyone around him. He was Leia’s second in command for a reason. And sometimes she caught him looking at her with an intensity that would unsettle her if it had been anyone else. He would always look away quickly when he realized she had noticed him staring, as if he was embarrassed, and she found that rather interesting. She trusted him and she did want to know more about him, but she didn’t know how to go about it without embarrassing herself.
So, maybe this was the way to open that door between them. Give him the gift and hope he didn’t take it the wrong way.
The opening of presents began right after dinner. One by one, names were drawn, and that person would open their present. The person who had gifted it would then step forward and either receive sincere thanks or some joking would go one, depending on the gift and the people involved. Rey’s name was called before Poe’s, and she had a brief moment of panic. She had never even given a thought to her present. Cautiously, she opened the small box, pleased when she found a strip of beautiful, soft tanned leather. She had been telling Finn she wanted to make some new arm cuffs. Therefore, she wasn’t at all surprised when Finn stepped forward.
“It’s Runyip leather,” he told her. “Just like the jacket.” He grinned, adjusting the leather jacket Poe had given him on his shoulders.
Rey grinned back. Finn had loaned her that jacket more than once, joking that it was ‘the family jacket.’
“Thank you, Finn,” she said, genuinely touched he had remembered her comment about the cuffs. But her whole body stiffened as Poe’s name was called next.
She watched the pilot accept the small wrapped package from C-3PO (who had insisted on MCing the event). He looked at it curiously, shook it softly, then started opening it. His eyes widened as he carefully removed the silver chain from its nest of onion-skin paper. He looked around the room, his expression confused.
Taking a deep breath, Rey stood. “I know how important that ring is, and I felt like the chain you are using is just too fragile to keep something so special safe.” She shrugged as Poe’s eyes focused on her. “I worry it will break.” She gestured to the chain hanging from his fingers. “It has Beskar in it. I would wager it’s almost unbreakable.”
“Beskar?” Poe gasped. “How?”
Rey smiled softly. “A scavenger never gives up their most profitable site.”
Poe laughed, then looked back down at the chain. He nodded his head and blinked rapidly before looking back at her, his eyes soft.
“Thank you, Rey. Thank you.”
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natsmagi · 6 months
Do you ever feel bad about your art? I've tried drawing before, but it never looked good so I just quit
OUGH SOMETIMES TBH....... though id kinda say thats part of the drawing process 💔💔
for me theres two types of "feeling bad" abt my art; the first being more imposter syndrome-y where i just kinda feel guilty over the amount of recognition i get when theres so many artists that i think are better and deserve it more than i do and other things along that line
the second one (and probably more universal) is, ofc, the feeling that ur art kinda sucks sometimes. honestly its very rare for a drawing to turn out the way i had originally envisioned because i simply do not have the skills to pull it off, which sucks!! and honestly, alot of the time i just try pushing through despite me hating the way the drawing looks. usually ill still post it even if i hate it, because in a way i think its kinda important to let myself be bad at art, and my blog was never meant to be used as a portfolio anyway, so why not post the things im less proud of aswell? especially since the communities im part of are rather niche, and i feel as though even if the quality is bad, someone might still be happy to see it!
so i let myself not be perfect with my art, as i feel being stuck on the same piece is only going to stagnate my growth and make me frustrated. not to mention the drawing usually only ends up looking Worse the more i try to fix it, and me posting a drawing is basically me putting a full stop to working on the drawing, forcing me to move on to something else and try again
art doesnt always look good!! and it most DEFINITELY is never perfect, but i also kinda find beauty in that yknow?? especially when uve been drawing for a while, its always fun to look back and see ur progress! its fun to see ur missteps and how u managed to improve! ive mentioned it before, but the sole reason i even created this account was so that i Would improve my art. i didnt really have much going on so i thought id genuinely try my hands at art again, which i had grown less passionate about the years prior. this blog is me sharing what ive created, no matter how amateurish it is, no matter my ups and downs, because i believe that will help me grow in the end! ive posted numerous attempts at various styles (moreso rendering styles) to see what i think suits me and what i find most pleasure in, aswell as my art style in general being rather stylized (the simplistic faces for example), figuring out what ways of drawing made me happy and what didnt through trial and error!
the first step is always the hardest, but its better than no step at all! so if you wanna draw, just go for it! its ok for it to look bad! keep trying various styles and methods until you find one that makes you happy!! its ok to be inconsistent!!
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faeflowerz · 1 year
Oooo can u show ur ideas about the EAHxTWST crossover thingy?
Screaming! Thank you for asking!!!
Okok so it's all over the place but i was definitely thinking about the a crossover now that Mattel and Disney are partners again.
So my idea was like, wibbly wobbly mirror stuff happening and most of the EAH cast end up in Wonderland. They're confused at first bc its not the WL they know. Even more so, they're thrown into NRC and are confused.
But unlike Yuu, they get placed into their corresponding dorms (with characters like Cherise being in savanahclaw, cedar in prolly octa or hearts).
Now here is where shit gets fucky. Their history's conflicting. I think the most interesting ones will be Raven and Faybelle since the QoH is just kooky and villanized bc shes neurodivergent.
Raven and Apple (and Hunter ig) in Pomefiore
Id imagine that Raven would be the most conflicted on the queen since her mother is a POS. There are rumors around the school that they are descendants to the corresponding historical figures. Her relationship with Vil would start pretty strained since their personalities would conflict so intensely. Vil being straight laced and no nonsense while Raven is pretty easygoing and expressive. Plus, Raven improvises a lot so it would make him wonder if she truly belongs. But the mirror doesn't lie. It holds more truth than anyone realizes.
Plus the whole "beautiful" thing got lost on Raven so she probably won't gel with keeping up appearances.
Raven would probably get along with Epel but not Rook. Epel is often misunderstood like she is and I think that he'd connect with her on not fitting in. Rook is just weird and...I almost forgot about Hunter that shit would be hilarious. Hunter would def learn how to be a better hunter but at what cost?
Apple and Vil would get along too well. Rather than seeing her as another Neige, he would give her more credit to her underlying poison. Much like Raven's mom, Vil would straight up call her out on how it's a facade for how "evil" she is underneath. It would certainly shake her. She's relentless. She was made for Pome. The most compelling story here would be Apple realizing her dark side and being "a villain".
Im getting a kind of School of Good/Evil vibe from this dynamic but given that morality isnt black and white, it would be about accepting the dark side of your personality while maintaining the light in you. Nobody is perfect, not even the beautiful.
Briar and Faybelle in Diasomnia
Ok so I am very tilted with how Fay and Briar get shafted in the original series. Faybelle rarely shows up except to be the butt of a joke. Briar is is gonna sleep longer than Apple and her friends just joke about that shit even tho everyone will be dead when she wakes up. But I digress.
Faybelle would look up to Malleus especially because he's connected to the dark fairy just as much as she is and he's fuckin OP. It leaves her...feeling less than. Her mother would most certainly value Mal over her. And it would put her in a bit of a depression. Her magic isn't as strong and coupled with her conflicting aspirations, Fay would feel as if she may as well give up. She's been beaten by someone who isnt even from the same realm as her.
Mal of course would notice this and be a pretty good grandson shoulder to cry on. After all, she's doing her best and still gets no credit. Fay is also lonely and rarely gets invited anywhere (cursed). She has great potential and pleasing her mother will hold her back. Since she's not a princess, she also doesn't have to shoulder a responsibility that would inhibit her from being a cheerleader and a powerful fae.
The arc for faybelle would be her overcoming her fears and being her own person rather than imitating her heroes. I think lilia would also help in that too since he's fascinated by her.
Fay would get along with Silver since hes so low maintenance but Sebek would bother her simply bc hes annoying. He would probably err on the side of caution and regard her with similar respect as he does with Mal. And it bugs her over time. Thsts the joke with that.
Briar would be a little sore about being in Diasomnia. She doesn't look like she fits in with the aesthetic and being around intimidating fairies would be new for her. But I think she would find her stride. To her surprise, she's a powerful and great mage, but it would also be hard for her to accept. In the back of her mind, she'd wonder if following Apple as a Royal was worth keeping up with. Briar is just different from her friends and she's been denying that even though she sabotaged legacy day by throwing the book into the well.
Briar would probably ask to train with Silver and Sebek. Apparently shes surrounded by brothers amd she does have a sort of rough-and-tumble personality if it means having a new experience. Thatd be the most fun for her and i think she and Silver would prolly fall asleep all over the place together. Oh, she'd also like to hang out with Kalim and try to get into Scarabia, but before she can actually finish the paperwork for all that shit, she'd figure out that she was already in the right place.
Miscellaneous thoughts
Really quickly, the Wonderland kids would most likely see a bit of a power struggle between Lizzie and Riddle. Not because they're both Like That, but because their rules are slightly different. They really do have the same temperament to the T so as long as they compromise on the nuances of the rules, they'd co-lead pretty well. Honestly, theyd have the most wholesome of interactions and Riddle would probably be a little envious about her relationship with her mom. There is nothing but love there and he wished he got that kind of affection from his own mother.
Cherise and Ramona end up in Savanaclaw of course. This is how people find out they are sisters and Leona would feel some type of way about the royal/rebel thing. He'd think its a dumb conflict but he'd def be a rebel in their eyes. Also he'd be recruiting the girls for his team since they are really good at it.
Cedar would maybe be in Octa, but shed struggle with the tweels and azul being privy to her truth-telling. On the one hand, she'd be an asset to the lounge. On the other, she'd be a liability to the lounge. They would have to purposefully omit information from her so that it doesn't get used against them. And despite being in Octa, she and Ortho would be besties for sure. They're the same in plenty of ways but Ortho would point out that she can do things human girls cant. And she's also plenty real already despite being wood. That'd be the heart of her development. Something like that would be hard to accept up front but in time, Cedar would realize it.
Speaking of which, Cupid is in Ignihyde. She'd be a fucking menace to all those incels and especially Idia who wants to avoid everyone. Theyd def find conflict in one another and Cupid is nothing if not persistent. If he won't love anyone else, he could at least stand to love himself. This would be a comedic side plot. Dexter is also in Ignihyde.
Brooke is in Ramshackle with Yuu. Thankfully she has her own magic so she need not be 1/3 a student. She's fine with this but losing her omnipotence and being able to write her own story is kind of mindblowing to her. Think of one of us being isekai'd into our fav tale. Brooke is just us in that regard. As much as I don't like Brooke, I think she would be the reason all this happened.
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merakiui · 2 years
I've thought about something and haven't noticed anyone mentioning it. So everyone know Azul has self esteem issues that involves him eating less to slim down. I feel like Azul would really care about his s/o looks almost to the point of Vil. Especially if he was to take Mc away to or near his home. He would want to mc to wear tight fitting clothes, have their hair alway done, expensive jewelry, etc as a way to show his former middle school classmates "You bullied me about my looks, but look at me now, and my wife/girlfriend to show it!" The worse it could get id if he was to lower their food portions to keep her a certain weight.
Azul definitely makes you wear expensive, luxury brands as a means of showing how well-off he is and how he can easily provide for his beloved angelfish. He'll keep his hands on you at all times so that everyone knows you're his. Most merfolk rarely have the chance to truly interact and bond with humans, especially if they're from perilous depths or certain areas where humans don't frequent (like the cold northern part where the trio are from). So I think most merfolk who see you when Azul brings you to visit are more curious and eager to meet you than anything else. Of course they'll focus on your legs, but for those who aren't knowledgeable on humans or human beauty standards they won't have any basis to judge. Azul's parents adore you, by the way! They both can't wait for the wedding and the day when you and Azul give them beautiful grandchildren!
Azul, on the other hand, is willing to go to extremes just so you'll love him. He's constantly checking his weight and looking at his body in the mirror. He's always worried that if he eats too much and gains even a sliver of weight you'll notice and won't like him as much anymore. He absolutely can't go back to how he was before. Even the twins fret over how little he eats, though they only do this because if he keeps neglecting his diet he won't be as "yummy-looking and squishy" anymore, and that destroys Azul's confidence. He's not supposed to be squishy! He's supposed to look beautiful and slim and attractive.
He needs your attention and validation so that he knows that all of his suffering is worth it. But when you look at him with such pity and worry in your eyes... When you tell him that you don't like where he's going with this and that you think he's fine as he is, he has trouble believing it. Should he steal someone's good looks through one of his contracts? Will you look only at him if he's as perfect as the models and idols on TV? Will you love him if he chooses to live off of rice and what scant attention you can throw his way rather than eating three healthy meals each day?
If you were to stop loving him, he'd think it was all his fault. Was it because his personality is too much? Is his appearance unattractive? Do you hate him because he's a clumsy octopus? When he sees who has captured your heart (it's probably a hasty misjudgment; you might not even be in love with anyone), he immediately compares himself to them. It's not fair. Why can't you just wholeheartedly admire him, love him, look at him? The more he dwells on these troublesome questions, the more emotional he gets and that's when things begin to spiral.
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J2 Gold Panel Denvercon 2022
Before we get into the panel itself I don’t know if my hearing is just crappy today but at least to me the audio quality is not that good so if you plan to watch this panel, or especially the main one, I recommend you do so with headphones. 
Getting into the panel it starts with Jared having problems with his mic stand, and telling a pun joke: “If you go to deaths house don’t sit on his couch unless you’re ready for the reapercushions.” It’s creative, I like it! The puns continue, Jared says Jensen was telling him bird puns the day previous and he was like “all right, toucan play at this game” 😂 
Then after Jared makes the joke he turns to Jensen for a fist bump, and Jensen deadpan quips that he’s been listening to this shit for 17yrs and Jared happily replies that it’s been 17 and a half. Married, I swear. 
Jared also shares that he got carded the other day (I’m pretty sure everyone knows what that means but in the off chance it’s when you get asked for your ID, usually to confirm that you’re not underage) which surprised him, and then the girl who carded him went to another worker and was like pointing him out and Jared was like “wait! you know who I am? I was on tv 22yrs ago!” One of the fans in the crowd says that the girl wanted Jared’s address -  because, at least in the US, ID cards have your address - to which Jared replies that the funny thing is that Jensen’s address is his address. He says this a little too seriously, I’m just saying 👀
Jared says that he loves Colorado, and while staring at Jensen says he knows someone else who also loves Colorado to which Jensen just stares back at him with a blank expression, and when Jared doesn’t volunteer a name and keeps looking at him expectantly he goes “....who?” He didn’t do this as a joke he was fully waiting to see who Jared knows that loves Colorado and then Jared goes “you!” Which makes Jensen smile and go “oh yeah, yeah, yeah”. 
Let me preface this by saying no shade to the state and I’m sure Jensen enjoyed his time there but I find this hilarious because when he was staying in Colorado some people were so certain about how much he preferred it and that it was his new home now and that he was never returning to Austin yet for a minute this man completely forgot that he lived in the fucking state for months 🤣
After being reminded, Jensen says he moved the fam there for-during the pandemic and they became a little mountain crew so they’re very fond of the state. Jared says Jensen texted him on his birthday during the pandemic wishing him a happy birthday and saying they were enjoying the clear air and that it was beautiful meanwhile Jared was inside hiding from the heat with the AC because it was hot as hell in Texas. This is mighty interesting of him to say because he posted on that birthday, and according to that post he himself was enjoying the mountain air while ATV riding. His birthday during the pandemic fell during the time that he and G were doing a big camping road trip🤨
Getting into the questions, the fan who asks the first question says they hope the boys are having a good weekend so far but Jensen misunderstands and hears gummy weekend which makes them laugh because Colorado, and Jensen shares a dream he had the night before about how before the Main Panel he grabbed a cookie backstage and ate it and he was super stoned during the panel.
First question is for them but also for Sam and Dean, what is something they don’t know how to do but they would like to learn how to do? 
Jared says much like Sam and Dean he would love to learn to swim up stream. Get it? Cause if you say Sam and Dean fast it sounds like you're saying salmon. It’s a bad pun.
His real answer is he would love to learn other languages but that it’s more due to paranoia because sometimes he gets the sense others are talking about him in another language rather than due to his love of travel. That Alexis Bledel told him a story when he worked on Gilmore Girls about how she was getting her hair done and the hairdresser messed up and told her coworker about it in Spanish not thinking that Alexis spoke the language and could understand her. Which she does and she did, and afterward when she was paying she told them in Spanish that she heard them and she understood what they were saying. Jared would like to be able to do that; he’d like to learn Italian first because he loves Italy and if you know Italian you can get by in other countries where they speak Portuguese and Spanish.
Jensen makes a comment about them being the romance languages and Jared says he’s very romantic to which the fan goes “really you??” she’s super surprised which okay yes kind of a rude reaction but also it makes me laugh and I can understand their surprise cause here's the thing Jared is capable of being romantic, he can wax poetry about the person he loves, he can speak with so much devotion it sounds like worship and look at his spouse with so much love that it makes one want to weep. But he does all that with Jensen. So if you take their relationships at face value (meaning buy into the het image) then yeah, I can understand being genuinely shocked at him saying he's romantic.
It's all fun and games until Jared brings up G and says that his pick-up line with her was to tell her that she's hot and ask if she wanted some of this while pointing at himself which seems to irk Jensen a bit, and he gives his answer which is that he knows everything he needs to know. x
Has Jensen been able to easily adjust to doing shows in somebody else's house after spn, or has that presented challenges? This is something he was talking about with Jared the day previous.
It’s a unique situation and it's something he was familiar with many years ago but after being on spn, which was their house for so long as the co-lead on a show for 15yrs, and learning and growing as a person, actor, and craftsman in all facets of making a tv show, because he got to learn a lot doing Supernatural, coming unto a new show he sees things through a new lens. It gives him the opportunity to suggest solutions to problems production may be running into or if a director is having a problem blocking a scene or an actor is having a problem with their lines these are things he has a lot of practice with so he’s been utilized as a really effective tool on these sets which he finds humbling and gratifying at the same time. But also he finds himself having to bite his tongue a lot. 
Jared says on that point that when it comes to Walker, Walker Indepence, and The Winchesters there are certain things producers could say to them on the shows they were in that can’t be said these days like you can’t say "hey buck up we have to get through the day" cause it’s considered bullying because of their position. At a difference from when he was in his teens, 20, and early 30s that you never now what anybody else is seeing so if you're in a certain mood or are coming to the set unprepared you need someone to tell you that, you need someone to be like 'hey man, tomorrow is a big day. I need you to be more prepared than today because you kind of fumbled and cost us an hour' but they're not necessarily allowed to say that right now because it can seem like coercion- it's a fine line that he thinks exists for a good reason because we're learning to be more compassionate towards others but sometimes you gotta get the job done but he can't say 'hey, show up on time.'
Jensen shares that he had a conversation with his director on Big Sky about this cause he went to Jensen and was trying to give him a note and he did so very eloquently and was giving him a scenario and talking about some sort of story but what he was really trying to say in so many words was “give me a better take” so later Jensen pulled him aside and told him he could just tell him he needed to be better. Because that’s the kind of feedback he and Jared were used to getting on spn.  It was a no bs get the job done, everybody’s trying to make this the best product it can be don’t fumble the football type of environment, it was an old school mentality.
And now the directors are getting told that Jensen doesn’t need handholding to just tell him if you want him to do something and he'll do it or he'll tell you why he won't. So it’s been interesting for him to see that not everyone is like that and giving them the space to go through their process and how they approach a scene and how they take notes. Jensen says that the other day somebody gave a note to one of the actors on set and it kind of deflated the scene and the actor got in their head, and Jensen understood the note but says it was the wrong delivery.
It's unique now being in the position that he's been in these new shows and seeing how different it is out there and it has made him appreciate what he and Jared had on spn. x
In the finale, we find out Dean waited a long time outside Sam’s apartment, were there other times when Dean almost dropped in but backed out? Jensen jokes that Dean was constantly there hitting on college girls. x
What is the origin story of Scoobynatural? That is a great question.
Jensen answers that the idea came from the Scooby writers. They were big fans of SPN and thought it was a very similar formula to Scooby-Doo with Scooby being the Scooby gang solving mysteries every week and Supernatural being two brothers essentially solving a mystery every week so it was kind of an obvious marriage to them. And it was still in-house studio-wise and stuff so they took the idea to Dabb who jumped at the opportunity, and then the boys got the call and were really excited.
I say this with love but Jensen once again says the thing about spn and how it took chances and honestly I'm tired of hearing it. x
What’s their fav craft Colorado beer? Jared says there was one in his mini bar at his hotel that had a moose on it but he doesn't know what it's called, that during the pandemic he road tripped through parts of Colorado (really? you don't say, what a shocker) and the hotels would have the local craft beer. He also says that if they go to a restaurant and they have time they ask if the restaurant has any craft beers and they give them a try. And if you have doubts that the 'they' means he and Jensen, when Jared says "and if we go to a restaurant" he points and rotates himself towards Jensen. They go on dates and drink craft beer together.
Jensen’s fav is Face Down Brown Ale from Telluride Brewing Co. x
Jared makes a dumb joke but it's so cute cause he makes it while Jensen was selecting the next fan so when he gets no reaction he says the punch line like three times to get Jensen's attention 💕
The next question isn't really a question it's a fan who wants to pitch them an idea for an spn movie. Jensen says he knows there have been discussions about the future of spn and what it looks like. That it’s something he and Jared have talked about, and there are a few people discussing what it's gonna look like when the boys put their boots back on.  x
The last question is for Jensen: is he easily impressed or easily amused? He would say amused. There’s much more in a day to day basis that amuses him than impresses him. x
J2 Gold Panel Denvercon 2022
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hi potato!!! omg im not sure if we're mutual yet but i love your art a whole lot!!!!💗💗💗💗 and you're also in brba/bcs fandom too?? that's awesome!!! hiii!! do you perhaps have a brbabcs oc? I'd love to know!
(or, if you dont have, maybe you want to make it..? 👀 abby can them can be friends...)
hey there! yeah im a huge fan of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, but not really active in this fandom… i typically just lurk around, reblog and enjoy the silly memes on YouTube. if i feel inspired, i’ll just draw the characters (mostly jimmy & kim cuz im so normal about them ) and then bail. my squishy brain can't stay in one fandom for too long, it's always jumping around to another new interest. im glad you like my art ❤️ you got a beautiful drawings too!
oo your ask inspired me to create an OC for BCS/BRBA! here she is! her name is Joy
Tumblr media
she doesn't have much details and backstory yet, but im planning to flesh her out more if im not busy with other things.
with how messed up the brbabcs world can be, figured that putting my OC as a Los Pollos Hermanos employee would fit right in. she’s also Lyle’s close friend! let’s just hope she doesn't face as much tragedy as the other characters lmao
gonna put on read more for the question about being mutuals because this post is already long ⬇️
[shaking and crying rn i hope i don’t upset anyone..]
so.. uhm im very picky about who i actually follow & follow back because i need to limit it for the sake for my dashboard. preferably id have to REALLY like and rather follow blogs that i vibe & familiar with the contents that i want to see than something… i dont really want to look at 🙏 this is just how i curate my experience
in general, i also dont feel comfortable with others dming me personal things and it feels anxiety-inducing. unless it’s a specific topic like art discussion about drawing tips, ocs design, request, art trades, collab and maybe commission
im SO SORRY 🙏 🙏 it’s nothing personal i swear, really! and im letting yall know that i will always recognize and remember all the people who consistently ✨ like and reblog ✨my stuff and you're all honorary mutuals to me even if i don't follow you back and i appreciate you all sm!!! <3 i go bounce bounce seeing everyone being super sweet in my notif
if yall interact often and you’re super nice in the notific you’re already a mutual for me! 🩷 sending me question and art suggestion never bothers me! i love to talk, get to know and interact more with people in this lovely app! :)
thanks for the question!
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i-sveikata · 10 months
Hi, Gabby! This isn't an ask because I just wanted to tell you how much I adore your "I'll fill the graveyards, until I have you" fic.
It's sexy and troubled (in the sense that the vegaspete relationship is complex and messy as it should be bc they're complex and messy people!) and thoughtful and I'm in awe of your writing style, the seamless melding of Pete's analytical and sometimes distanced voice with your beautiful imagery and visual, film-like description.
I hope you aren't feeling too overwhelmed by life (been there done that, 0/10 wouldn't recommend 🙃) and that you take as much time as you need/want because you come first.
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day! ❤❤❤
oh hello anon!! ah that's okay it doesn't have to be an ask!! but thank you so much i really appreciate it!!! was very much one of those unexpected labours of love- i really had no idea going into it just what it was going to turn into but here we are and what a journey!
oh for sure without a doubt all of the complex and definitely all of the messy lol but thank you so much!!! thats honestly so nice i dont always feel like im much of a descriptive writer or at least not a very flowery prose kind of one so i really appreciate that. lol i am always picturing the things i write as a movie whilst im typing it out so im glad thats somehow still coming across too hahahah
man work!!! has!! been!! insane!!!! ive been a bit overwhelmed and completely drained trying to train this new guy at my job because he was basically dumped in my lap. while also still carrying out all of my regular work at the same time which let me tell you has not been easy because this new guy is VERY BAD at literally everything i've shown him (bruh very much does not belong in this role) but they've decided (FINALLY) that its not working out and he's likely to be fired in the next week or so so things are hopefully looking like they're about to settle down again.
but yeah so true!!! like i havent even had the mental energy to write this month at all beyond little snippets of things i want to happen in the chap so i left it at that in the meantime which was honestly such a good call considering. like id rather take that break than rush through it and write something shitty that i wouldnt feel satisfied with anyway. good things to those who wait and all that i hope!
so yes things are definitely looking up and i've got a fair bit of time to write this weekend so woohoo we are back in the process babey!!
but thank you so much for checking in and i hope you have a wonderful day!!! (even though it's currently night where i am hahaha we love a good time zone)
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elipheleh · 3 months
i watched mary & george today and was blown away by it. i don’t tend to go for historical/period dramas and i tend to struggle to concentrate solely on a tv show, but i spent probably 80% of the time not using my phone (because it was so captivating) which is ridiculous given my normal which is like 25% max not on my phone. it was really very good.
spoiler thoughts under the cut, still processing my emotions tbh but it got q long
i would have liked to see more of the relationship between george & the king, it was - by all accounts - a very close relationship & the show presented it less in depth. i was really hoping “christ had john and i have george” would make it in, as well as some of their letters, but i guess it was focused too much on mary & george to fill that in. the relationship also seemed… weird? why did the king bite him like that?? other than occasional moments it didn’t feel like i was maybe expecting it to. i wasn’t expecting blatant love and affection but i was expecting some. it seemed mostly focused on the arguments.
i was surprised they went with george physically killing the king - while it is speculated he poisoned him, it was done through medication rather than so abruptly/violently. it made him much more… villainous, i suppose, determined to do anything to protect his position including killing the one he claimed to love, but it just… i didn’t really like that.
i saw someone saying about how george’s death was rushed and inconsequential and just of no real value & that was demonstrating how little impact his death really had - they had to hold his funeral at night because people loathed him so - & thought that was really interesting.
when george slept with carr only to say he just wanted him to think of that as he died… chills. they were both using sex to get the other to do something for them, the parallel between characters is beautiful there
the king’s heart scene… that was really special.
i loved that they showed george as loving katherine. i don’t know if he did in real life, but it was really nice that they had such a bond in this. she was very pragmatic and i think they were a great pairing.
very sad about sandie’s death. i hadn’t connected that it was bacon who’d ordered it until he said and it was very frustrating. so much backstabbing.
the… decapitation scene had me hiding from the screen only to be fooled and i had started looking again & they showed the decapitated head arghhh. unhappy about that. the hangings were.. not great but slightly better.
wasn’t expecting the second scene to be someone hung from a tree either which was an incredible shock.
cringed a lot at the dancing lol. i was glad that the ‘may i perform for you’ was about the instrument and not a dance. much less embarrassing.
i felt really bad for charles with the spanish bit. that was really frustrating and annoying.
kit rescuing george was my favourite thing. gross way to do so but the ‘how is he going to get out of this’ to “oh kit!!” was wonderful. george’s “are you sure we weren’t followed” in hindsight being ‘did you see kit’ was so clever. i think id have to watch it again to catch more nuances like that.
mary telling the attendants to leave her attached to george a little longer was soooo telling of their attachment, on mary’s behalf anyway.
the scene where george decides to go and join the french pair was really well done, his hesitation and then return when he decided to give in was so good. the being torn between what is “right” and what he wants.
love that they went back to the guy who was saying george would never get w the king & that he saw he’d managed it. really nice link there.
lastly (because im gonna keep going indefinitely otherwise) i really liked the lighting. the night scenes were accurately lit - firelight and candlelight - but you could still see what you needed to see, and it wasn’t just dark and dreary.
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mrsackermannx · 4 months
Thank you for your reply. You are really kind ily 🥹🥹
Pcos is really hard to deal with. It has fucked me up so bad. From facial hair to hyperpigmented private parts, it has given me everything. I'm so fucking insecure. It's hard not to be😭 I wanna look pretty. My doc gave me heavy meds I was nauseous the whole time I took the tablet. It was hell. Besides i had severse foodpipe ulcers. Now I'm off tablet. I'm just so much so worried about my hair only. I also had to have dandruff!!! Just my life ugh. I had hair down upto my knees. I had to cut it short as it got tangled all the time and it made extra hairloss. Im jsut 18. Haven't even joined university yet. Other girls are pretty ugh. Sorry I jsut ranted. I'm tempted to just shave my head at times. I cry every night lmao.
It is kinda good to know that I'm not alone (although I hope none of us have to grow through this) and thanks for the "don't"s 🫶🫶
Do you have any scalp washing tips btw?
If I touch my head, there's no hair..it's just touching my scalp directly lol bald me
BEAUTIFUL GIRL OF COURSE! I never want my pcos girlies to feel silenced???😚😚 first of all….Oh the facial hair has been kicking my ass since i was 15 and im 21 girl 😭😭 but i will say, at 19-20 it peaked for me, i hit rock bottom and i do think that the external stress of uni pushed it but i also thing it’s a genuine like canon event for us pcos girlies, i truly believe that until ur pcos really gets you down, you can’t rise up from it. i was the biggest id ever been, lost all my hair, facial hair was insane!!
i mean this in the best way, because I’ve been there girl, i still am there, i get laser on my face and neck, i wash my hair and like it gives me anxiety just washing my hair and seeing the loss, feeling the loss of density, like you i had hair down my back my whole life and i cut it over a year ago and now it has grown back thicker at least bc mine was all straggly at the worst point😭 i KNOW your pain.
BUT everybody always told me that the older i get it will level out and trust me it does!! and it did. im 21 and things have settled, we can only go through this process. i promise you, it gets better. my hair is still thinner but it shines and i put love into it!! i oil my scalp every time i wash it, I’ve been doing it for 8 months religiously.
and girl you are pretty!! i used to read the r/pcos thread a lot bc it made me feel less alone and like, i saw a post once venting about how hard it is having so much maintenance, to wake up and have to shave your face, to be conscious, to have to cover hair loss. that constant weight of having to get up and do all these steps that you feel other women don’t. i know the frustration, i have bumps and marks and body hair that makes me sob if I don’t shave it and then I look down in the shower and it hits me. but it’s also okay to pay for the things like laser or waxing, or learning how to wax etc, we have to manage in any way, we are allowed to prioritise and do things that make us feel beautiful bc we deserve it. we have to adapt rather than hoping it might just disappear, and we have to accept it🥺🩷
but diet is huge!! at least try and have a protein heavy breakfast!! 30g of protein is such an important aim, I promise that makes such a difference. definitely try not to have a lot of sugar in the morning. i only drink water or spearmint tea. matcha tea can be good bc it’s better then coffee, but I never drink caffeine because it’s so bad for us pcos girls especially on an empty stomach!! try and eat good fats!! and also integrating exercise!! and also MANAGE STRESS BABE I MEAN IT
but you are still beautiful, effortlessly and with your ways of coping. there is nothing wrong with us!! don’t be sorry for ranting at all, i also wanted to shave my head at the height of my weight loss i had a huge bald spot and it’s still kinda there 😭 i know this shit is REAL
but definitely check in with a doctor if you can get any advice/meds that could help, maybe a birth control pill could help you but again I don’t recommend that due to my own experiences bc it gave me severe acne, migraines and other things but tbf my hair was lucious😜, pcos is a lot of trial and error and seeing what might work for you.
as far as tips go!! look into Indian/arab/ayuverdic routines on TikTok/youtube!!! look up ways to massage your scalp!!!
here are my fave creators !!
@golabbeauty on tiktok for hair loss, hair oiling, diet, she has pcos herself!
@zoeantonia_ tiktok + instagram!! pcos positivity for facial hair, bloating, skin!! she also gives great diet and workout advice and she’s amazing!!
@mila.magnani on tiktok! pcos creator amazing!!!!!!
but i want you to know that you don’t have to start everything now, that you can eat something one creator says not to!! you will find your rhythm with this! steal, twist, tailor everything you hear and see creators doing !! whether it’s making your own mixture of oils for oiling or making some kind of nightly mock tail for your hormones you’ve found!! either way i believe in you and im always here <3333 educate yourself but don’t overwhelm yourself! time is your biggest ally, my heart goes out to you angel <3
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