#at the end of the day i dont regret a single thing
imflyinoveryou · 10 months
i wish i could go back in time and be there for myself like jesus christ, i just re-read the letter i sent to someone who literally didn't deserve anything from me and fuuuuck that poor kid needed someone real bad. i love you little me
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rayvern-sheep · 4 months
Update on my mental health: I am doing better! Just in case anyone read those concerning posts the past few weeks and was worried.
I have kinda long-winded advice sorta shit under the cut if you are thinking of top surgery but know you don’t deal w/ change well, or have got it but are wondering why you still feel like shit weeks later when everyone else seems to feel better. And then some more rambling in the tags if you’re into that sorta thing.
Oh boy it’s long under the cut… Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Some advice: if you have a hard time w/ big change, small change, any kind of change. Be prepared to have a hard time w/ top surgery recovery. The general consensus if you research it is that post-op depression is over by abt the fourth week, and that is actually deemed late by some sources. Many said the second or third week. If you are starting to feel worse after that point it does not mean you made a mistake! Don’t panic!
Even though I wrote several notes to myself before the procedure explaining that I did in fact want this, and I know I am bad w/ change, that did not help me when I was in the pits of a doom spiral. I’m ngl that was genuinely the worst I’ve been mentally in years. I had to ring a suicide hotline at one point because I thought I’d lost the point of life. Talk to someone you trust abt how you’re feeling. I just straight up sobbed into my mum’s shoulder abt how I didn’t understand anything anymore and I was terrified I’d made a mistake getting surgery. She talked me through it and reminded me that I’d wanted this for years, that I didn’t go outside w/out a binder on, etc. She reminded me that everyone deals w/ things at different times, just because most ppl feel perfectly fine by the one month mark it doesn’t mean I would. Then after that I just hung out w/ her. The day after that we went and did some chores outside the house. A little time outside is often a good idea, I do regret to inform you.
I’m not gonna say I’m all fixed and perfect now. I’m still low energy and back to hiding in my baggy hoodies (now I can get them on again yippee!!!) but I’m not pushing myself rn. And I wish I had some good advice other than idk have a good system of loved-ones. If you have a therapist talk to them. Don’t be like me and bottle shit up. I’m so good at bottling shit up that I do not notice smthn is getting bad until I’m at the very bottom of the fucking doom spiral and I look up and see how far I fell down it lmao.
I wrote a whole diff paragraph but deleted it. Better version though is just try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Surgery is exhausting, and feeling burned-out even after a month isn’t smthn to be ashamed of. Just focus on keeping yourself sane. If possible take it easy, do things half-assed and low-effort for a while if you can get away w/ it. Just while you mentally catch up to your new stuff.
For some ppl top surgery “fixes” all their problems, but for most it does not. Whatever mental or physical problems you had before surgery, you will still have. Now, my surgeon literally told me surgery would not fix everything. I knew this before going into this, before I even had my first conversation with him, and I still had a bad fucking time mentally. So don’t expect to feel perfect. I was in a weird surreal bubble for the first like 3(?) weeks where I was just physically recovering before my head fucking lost it.
I don’t wanna put anyone off, and tbh worrying abt how bad you’re gonna feel can be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I just wanna say that it can get rough. But if it does, you are not alone!!! You’ve not ruined your life, it’s not the end of the world, you still have something to live for. Keep pushing through, take it slow, talk to someone you trust. Try to do things that comfort you and help you feel safe. You’re gonna get through it.
Idk man I just wanted to share my experience on this. Because in my frantic research from the bottom of the pit all I could see were smiling faces saying they felt the best they’d ever felt in their life. It was euphoria all day every day. And the only ppl who weren’t feeling perfect were the ppl unhappy w/ their results. But the thing is I love my results, everything looks as expected. It’s literally how I drew it lmao, couldn’t have gone better. Not to brag sorry. But the point was, nothing was wrong physically. The majority of the physical healing was done, but my brain hadn’t been healing at all during that time. It was just putting itself to the side while the body did it’s thing. And when even proper medical sources are saying that ppl usually start to feel mentally better after the fourth week, and I was actually starting to feel shitty by that point, it rlly made me worry smthn was wrong. I was frantically trying to blame something for what I was feeling. And it was likely a whole mess of shit, with the main culprit being my inability to process change. Dude I freak out when a loved-one gets a tattoo or a piercing or changes their fucking hair. I wish I was joking, but I’m not. It stresses me out. And although I always get over it eventually, I should’ve known that this was gonna happen. After those early weeks of the itchy haze, I totally should’ve known a mental spiral was on the horizon. But I was just so lost in the sauce that was the whole experience.
I would not change the experience of top surgery for the world. I only wish I’d been more prepared for the dive my mental health would take so late in the game. I expected post-op depression. But as I said that’s usually only in the first couple of weeks. So when it didn’t happen I thought I was okay. But oooooo boy. I forgot how slow my brain is at processing shit. And hey, if I did “make a mistake” in getting my tits chopped off. If in the future I’m like “Hey I’m a woman now!” then so fucking what. There are titless women out there, and they’re no less woman than a woman w/ tits so big they break her back. Life is for living so fucking do that. I’ve not butchered or ruined my body even if my gender does change in the future. Get rekt transphobes.
ANYWAY… I think I’ve rambled enough. If I remember smthn I’ll prob add it in a RB cos this post is already long enough now. Thank fuck for the “read more” function. So I can hide all my stupid mushy shit under here and not clog up someone’s dash. Yippee!!
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heyitslapis · 2 years
#im a terrible fucking person#i fucked up so bad#i should kept my temper. i shouldve never answered the phone bc i knew i wasnt in a good heaspace/emotional state#nobody deserves to be on the receiving end of that. especially you#i have very few actual regrets in life but yesterday will always be number one#i'll always hate myself for the things i said and the tantrum i threw#all of my emotions were magnified because of how sleep deprived and exhausted i was#but that doesnt excuse the way i behaved. i shouldve stopped myself. i should have at least warned you so you couldve hung up#i wouldnt blame you if you never forgave me. i wouldnt blame you if this changes the way you think/feel about me#there was just too much that had piled up. i broke under the weight of everything that i had tried to push to the side & ignore#im not okay. its ok to not be ok. but its not ok to take it out on the ones i love#i love you still. i hate myself for every single word that came out of my mouth#i wont lie & say that what i said isnt what ive been feeling/thinking for the last 8 months#but that doesnt mean you deserved to hear it. especially not in that way#i'll never forgive myself for this. i wont blame you if you dont either#im sorry. i know that word has lost all meaning in this day & age. but i am. so incredibly truly deeply sorry#i know nothing i say or do will ever erase or fix it. im sorry. im so SO sorry. i regret everything & im so sorry Peach#take care of yourself love. i have to step away & do the same for myself. hopefully i'll see you on the other side of this journey#hopefully one day itll be joyful & nice & refreshing & loving again#i miss you. im so sorry#im a monster. im so disgusted with myself. i want to rot away in a pit like fucking trash. you deserve the stars but ive given you hell#emma rambles#emma vents#emma rants#2023 tag
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serejae · 1 month
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pairing : seungcheol x reader
WHAT !! : in which youre unsatisfied with the way you treated seungcheol throughout your relationship, but destiny will always bring you back….right? (or in which you messed up your relationship with him and the 4 times you tried to fix it and the 1 time it worked out)
warnings: so self indulgent, if ur my ex bby i know we’re still contacted but come back 💔💔💔💔 readers a ass in the beginning, open ending
w.c : 2872
a/n : i never really see angst where the reader messes up and i decided to display it with my experience el oh el . hope you all enjoy
you laid in bed beating yourself up for the nth time. youve been in a rotation of screaming into your pillow, walking around the house, and journaling (or at least attempting to) but you still cant get the guilt and regret off your shoulders
its been almost 2 years since, since the argument, since the day you ended things, since the day you ran away afraid of hurting yourself and let alone him even more than you already did.
everyone you know has told you to move on because theyre sure he already has too but its harder said than done, how could you go on with life knowing you hurt someone who was so willing to give you everything you wanted because of your own selfishness
and as bad as it sounded, you hoped he’d reach out first as desperate as you wanting to catch up so you can show him the new version of you. the version who was ready to commit, a better person, willing to love him correctly. not crazy or stupid like the one before, the one he had the unfortunate case of dating
so now youre stuck in this 3 activity cycle because no one wants to hear you mope about your asshole tendencies to seungcheol, youve sent him a couple messages apologizing and hoping to be civil to which he replied accepting every single one a couple hours later
why wasnt it enough though?
its because you wanted more, and you knew it. you wanted him to reply immediately and accept your apology as well as begging you to come back because you knew not even deep
down, straight foward youd accept it
you longed for his ‘good mornings’, ‘i miss you’, ‘i love you’’s that you took for granted
all because of that one day (s)
you decided that this cycle of wanting ends now, all these cowardly attempts will stop. so you grabbed your coat and put on your shoes and drove to his place
to make up for that night and those days
“i just dont understand why you wont talk to me whenever you feel a certain way instead of running away” seungcheol sighed as he ran his hands through his hair as he sat on the couch watching you pace around the living room
“what part of ‘i dont want to’ do you not get” you raised your voice slightly as you paused to stand infront of seungcheol
“i dont get it because i love you.” he replied calmly as he reached to grab your hand and caressing it. and as he looked up at you you saw it in his eyes, the longing for those 3 words you never said back to him. he was always patient with you, the first time he said ‘i love you’ to you he saw the hesitation and understood, he allowed you go at your own pace until you felt ready. but it got to a point, a point where he started to doubt himself and to a point where you could read it.
“i…i cant.”
its not like you didnt love him, you loved him more than anything, more than yourself
and thats what scared you
you know the saying “you cant love someone until you love yourself”?
he was the reason you forgot you hated yourself because you were so inlove with him
and your pride was the one thing holding you back from facing the fear
“what?” seungcheol said pulling you out of your thoughts
you looked back at him to see his eyebrows furrowed
“you cant say you love me or you cant love me?” his tone became a bit more furrious
you didnt say anything, just stood there which was the first mistake you realized you made throughout this relationship out of the many
“im willing to wait for you yn, because i love you. i love you so much, i never want to rush you to tell me you love me back but its been almost months now. im starting to doubt myself”
you didnt know how to process his words, not knowing how to comfort him you did what you did best
“this is too much for me” thats all you managed to get out before you left the house without looking back
you heard his protest as you left but they went ignored, like how seungcheol felt in your relationship
seungcheol stood there watching the door close. he never understood how people could be so shocked they freeze but now that he was experiencing it first hand he didnt know what to do
should he run after you?
leave you alone?
was this the end between you two?
this couldnt be, you wouldnt let a small argument get between you two
the first time reaching out.
seungcheol had reached out to you, it was about a week since you left the house without deciding if you two were actually over
he spent each day opening the message app and clicking on your contact name hoping he’ll see the 3 bubbles letting him know you were still thinking of him
so when he was finally fed up with it he sent you a message hoping itll give you a change of heart, he wanted you to know he didnt mean any of the bad things he said and that he still cares for you
“hi, i hope this finds you well but uhm i just wanted to know where we stand. im sorry if i overwhelmed you the last time we saw each other but i really want us to work out, you mean a lot to me and i love you, so much. but i cant keep hanging onto this silence from you. text me back when you can? i love you, and im sorry”
you had woken up from your pity nap to his message and spent the entire following week fighting the thoughts in your head
if you replied and told him you wanted to come back, youd still be in doubt about yourself and cause more trouble for the both lf you guys, but if you replied and told him you didnt want to get back together, itll cause a very strange and awkward tension between you two so just ignored the message and left him wondering
now that you think about it, it was a horrible idea but you didn’t know how to solve this. you didnt want to bring more pain to him but you couldnt bring pain to yourself either
so you stared at the message he sent a month later
“i waited for a month and im assuming we’re over? it sucks but i respect your decision. i hope you find someone for you, thank you for the memories we’ve had you’ve been good to me. i love you and im sorry for not being enough”
laying on your bed wrapped in a blanket resting on your side the tears fell on your phone. you didnt want him to think he wasnt enough when it was the opposite way around, but its too late now. all you could do was hope he found peace
seungcheol sat on the couch and sighed resting against it as he opened up the message only to see read for the nth time. was it really over between you two? is he never gonna be able to wake up to your face again?
maybe thats the way life goes
he just pushed his luck a little too much
the second time reaching out
its been a couple months, you kept his last messages in your ‘recent messages’ on your texting app. so each time you opened to text someone you still saw his contacy name with the words “i waited over a month….” underneath. youd be lying if you said it didnt hurt but it did, it stung that you let go of one of the best people in your life
so out of impulse, instead of texting your bestfriend a reply to her latest message you clicked on his name
“cheol 🩶”
“this is really sudden but i cant help but still feel guilty. i shouldve been better and replied to you but i was really scared. i was scared of hurting you and myself but im sorry, im sorry for not reaching out sooner, im
sorry for being a dick, im sorry for not being a good partner. i hope youre doing good and i wish you the best”
you held your breath as you sent it. it took you about a hour constantly rephrasing the words. you didnt want it to sound too lengthy or too short. you wanted to sound sincere but not that you longed for him even though you did.
took him exactly 3 hours and 19 minutes from when you sent the message to reply. you waited 22 minutes to open it, you kept refreshing the screen because his reply only had 12 words.
“no problem, i wish you the best, you were a good partner :)”
the smiley face really topped it off you could see how he was trying to downplay the situation to have you feel not as guilty , but you were ready for anything
to be blocked, to get yelled at over text, for him to be disappointed but this really twisted the knife
he was so civil about it, he wasnt angry, he wasnt stressed about it
so why were you?
maybe it was the fact you were the asshole while he was the victim. the victim who stood by you and tried to understand you only to be hurt. deciding not to push it you left his message on read and turned off your phone and sighed
when seungcheol got home from hanging out with jeonghan, he turned on his phone after not checking it to see your contact name as one of the first notifications. he said rubbed his eyes frantically and turned off and on his phone again to make sure he wasnt seeing things
clicking on the notification his heart clenched
he hoped you meant everything you said, but its kinda hard to believe when all he could see were words. he’d much rather hear it from you but he doubted his luck at this point.
sending a small reply of what hes able to get out now he hoped youll rack up the courage for you to see him, or maybe he will
the third time reaching out
the third time you reached out wasnt your proudest moment. your friend convinced you to finally go out after mopping about seungcheol for the last months. the main point she gave was
“you already apologized, he forgave, what are you waiting for now?”
she was right, he clearly showed no sign of wanting to get back together so you have to live your life without him whether you liked it or not
and it didnt turn out too well. all you could remember was drinking your face off and then opening your eyes in your bed, still in your outfit. assuming your friend brought you home you picked up your phone and unlocked it to immediately see your text log with seungcheol making your heart drop
there were 3 messages in total since your last apology
“chwol i msiss hou so mwuch came beck i love you se mych”
you saw he read it immediately but took 19 minutes to reply
“yn your drunk, get some rest. stay safe”
“im nat i love you, im sorry”
seungcheol left you on seen.
somehow to your and his suprise the only word you could spell right was ‘i love you’
especially seungcheol. the whole day he subconsciously kept going back to look at the message to see if youd come back and apologize or even try and clear things up but the most important thing to him was the “i love you”
did you mean it?
when he first saw the message on his phone at 2:22 from you saying “i love you” his heart stopped, well until he read the rest of the message, it was clear you were drunk but he hated how it still had an effect on him
drunk words were sober thoughts but still, he wished to hear those 3 words from you when you were intoxicated.
seungcheol still longed for you to tell him you love him even after these months but his expectations for you were low. as much as he’d hate to say it, he began to give up on the chance you’d love him again
but he still loved you.
the fourth time reaching out (sorta)
its been a year and a half since you both had ended things. admittedly you realized your issues and worked on yourself, you weren’t ashamed to admit that you were a horrible person before cause you were. but now you can at least be proud with the person youve became
you took time away from those associated with seungcheol to avoid seeing him and breaking down your healing process but now you were finally ready to face everyone and most importantly
apologize to seungcheol in person
walking inside hoshi’s party the music was blasting, everyone was talking to one another and you walked around looking for some familiar faces.
jeonghan was the first to greet you, he hugged you while mumbling questions asking of how youve been and what youve been up to. but as he hugged you he turned your body to face seungcheol.
you looked up and saw his eyes. he stared at you as if he never saw you before and froze once again
the same way he did when you left
jeonghan whispered a “go talk to him” before leaving.
as cliche as it sounded, in a room full of people you both stared at eachother blanky
he wss the first to smile slight at you and you took that as a go sign to walk to him
as you made you way to him time moved slow, it seemed like everyone wasnt there anymore, just you and him
and like time went back to normal youre now standing infront of him
you heard another voice call him by his nickname
looking for the voice you found it belonged to another woman.
it was hard to not assume the worst especially when you looked up and saw his embarrassed face.
“i love you….im sorry”
those two words were all you said before you left
but this time you walked away with not the regret of being afraid but instead regretting the fact you let him
go to be with someone else
with tied in with how much you hated yourself for being so selfish you couldnt or rather didnt want to imagine him with anyone other than you
but there was no one to blame but you
walking back to your car you sat in the driver seat and laid on the horn while screaming letting out every single feeling youve felt and held in despite thinking youve let go
i guess somethings never leave
your love for him.
“excuse me?” you looked up at the old lady
you rolled down the window and tilted your head
“your horn” she awkwardly laughed
“oh right. sorry.” you chuckled awkwardly as she left, you reclined your seat back wanting to disappear
the fifth time reaching out
seungcheol spent the entire night and day after the party consoling himself. he tried to convince himself that you already moved on so what happened last night didnt mean much.
you werent worried were you?
she was just his cousin but you wouldnt be jealous or bothered because you had moved on
moved on
moved on
oh fuck it. he hoped you didnt.
but he had spent the entire year and a half, almost 2 years afraid to go for what he wants. but life was too short
life was too short to hold him to get you back
whether it ends with him getting slapped or completely heart broken
its okay with him
so as he opens his door with his shoss on he-
you looked as almost shocked as him as he opened the door
you both jumbled your words
you both said
there was a moment of silence of you two deciding what to do, or who should speak first
you shook your head and decided to go first
“i love you
im sorry.”
he froze, the words he longed to hear from you finally hit his ears. there was no ‘and’ between the ‘i love you’ and ‘im sorry’. its as if you were apologizing for loving him like you were scared
and he knew you were. so hearing it made it 10 times better
the silence from him caused you to be able to hear your heartbeat, you looked up and seen him smiling warmly as he opened his arms
your lips curved up slightly as you entered his embrace
“i love you
i havent stopped”
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norizz-nation · 11 months
Charles + car sex + breeding
Just the perfect combination 😮‍💨
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Too much ❤️
Summary: when it comes to you and charles fucking in his car, things can get really messy and hot
Warnings: nsfw, 18+, breeding kink, anal, daddy kink, slut shaming, choking, dacryphilia, face slapping
Charles' Ferrari was something so precious to him. He loved his car so much. Probably more than you. But it didn't bother cause at the end of the day he gonna come crawling to you when he's needy. Tonight was a big night. Ever since Charles wrapped a ring around your finger, you both didn’t have much time to celebrate with his family and friends. "Don't wear anything that will make you regret it later darling" charles said as he fixed his shirt looking at himself in the mirror. "Its not my fault that no matter what I wear, it always pushes your button" you said as you smirked and went closer to him. You then hugged him from behind and kissed his back.
You wore this short satin dress that made every single curve of your body look perfect. You then finished doing your makeup. "Baby, we're getting late for dinner" charles said from your shared bedroom with him. As soon as you got out of the bathroom, charles' jaw dropped. Eyeing you slowly up and down. His expression was enough for you to understand that you took his breath away. You then smiled as you went to the edge of the bed charles was sitting. His hands couldn’t help but roam through your satin clothing as every time his hands went up, your ass flashed a little.
"No panties?" Charles' voice started to sound a bit harsh as you smiled at him innocently as you ran your fingers through his hair and shook your head. “Darling youre gonna pay for this, i swear, you are” Charles said as you pouted and leaned in to kiss him but he just grabbed you by your jaw as he whispered in your ear "do i look like im just messing around with you huh?" his breath started to tingle in your ear as you squirmed in his touch, his words, his breaths making you already so needy.
At the dinner, all you did was push charles' buttons. You teased him the whole time. Touching his thighs under the table. Perking your ass at his pretty visible bulge. You knew you were putting him on edge by the fact that you weren’t wearing any panties. His jaw clenched every time you did something like that. After having dinner you went to the bathroom and fixed your lipstick as you saw charles coming in. "What the fuck are you doing huh?" he said as his jaw clenched trying his best not to lose his mind and pull your dress up and start fucking you right there. "Nothing" you said innocently as you turned to look at him. He then grabbed your jaw as the other hand pulled on your hair forcing you to look at him. "Nothing? Then why are you acting like a slut in front of everyone?" charles said as a hard slap came across your cheek and it started to sting in pain. Your eyes tearing up. "I really need to put you in place, dont i?" he said as his hands caressed the cheek that he slapped earlier.
"Ohh f-fuck fuck daddy i-its too much for me! S-slow down!" you managed to get those words out as charles was fucking you in his beautiful Ferrari. His hands not leaving your ass as he guided your ass up and down his dick. Although you were on top of him but he was the one in charge. "I know you can take it baby. Its not like we haven’t done it before?" he said as he smirked. Your head fell back as you started to see stars. His breaths, your moans, skins slapping each other. Everything was just too much as you felt tears forming in your eyes. Your jaw dropped when you felt charles pushing two fingers inside your ass for a better grip as the double penetration hit you hard. You couldnt help but cry out in pleasure as he fingered your ass and fucked you at the same time. “Oh-h god im gonna c-cum so hard daddy, fuck!” You screamed out as your grip on his hair tightened. “Cum around my dick baby. I can feel your pussy squeeze out all your juices. Make daddy proud and cum like a good girl” he said as his pace continued to be fast. “Fuck fuck fuck” you murmured quite a lot of times as you came and your whole body ran out of energy. Being so vulnerable above him.
Charles then again guided your ass up and down his dick as you cried out in pleasure. “D-daddy t-too much p-please” you said as your tears ruined your makeup for the night. “But im not done yet baby. Let me fill you up with my warm cum. You want daddy to be proud of you right? Then take daddy’s dick like a good little girl and let your pussy swallow every drop of my cum” he said as one of his hands wrapped around your neck tightly as you whined at his words.
A/N: requests are open! feel free to ask what you want me to write! luv you ❤️
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gorgeouslypink · 2 years
hey guys! in my previous post, i said that if you needed to vent, you could do so in my asks and I read every single one of the asks and to be honest, I was so teary eyed. everyone's stories were so heartbreaking and their feelings were so raw and genuine and honestly, it reminded me a lot of my old situation and how much i struggled and it made me want to do something, which is why I'm making this post.
this is going to be a 3 day challenge to improve your void concept so you can really get into the void! read through it and modify it how it best suits you. also, a lot of this was taken from my anon's success stories so trust me, you will succeed.
day 1: choose a subliminal for the void state and you're going to listen to it as much as you can for the entire day. a lot of my anons succeeded with this one, this one, and this one and if you're in a position where you just can't listen to any sounds, use this silent field. if you just can't listen to subliminals, then do this exercise how many ever times you want. (yes, you can do the exercise and listen to subliminals).
basically take this day as a subconcious repgramming day, don't worry about anything else. try staying off tumblr and just doing fun stuff and if you really are addicted to tumblr/void, then read all my proof portfolio links. but basically all you're doing this day is letting the affirmations sink into your brain so that your subconcious beliefs are aligned with the 3d you are trying to create.
that night, i want you to do this shifting hypnosis video (no you wont shift if you dont want to) and basically after she finishes talking, affirm your void concept affirmations (the void is easy, i always wake up in the void, etc ) over and over. you might actually end up entering the void or waking up in the void from this alone but even not, it takes you a pretty deep meditative state where you can really reprogram your subconcious mind.
day 2: this day you're going to be repeating day 1's activities except instead of the shifting hypnosis (unless you really ended up liking it), anytime you want, you're going to do this instant manifestation portal meditation, because it just feels so good and works so well so honestly, don't be shocked if you end up waking up in the void this day.
day 3: this day repeat whatever it is that made you feel good from the 2 previous days and then that night, do this parallel reality meditation. it's basically just a meditation to put you into your ideal state but they worded it as shifting to a parallel reality in which you exist as your ideal state but yeah, it's just a powerful tool to help you enter a state of having your ideal void concept and always entering the void easily. honestly if you don't want to do the entire challenge but want just one powerful thing to do, i recommend this. just try it out and trust me, you won't regret it.
i feel like this challenge comes off as a lot but it's just because i explain too much. here's a simplified version:
day 1: listen to sub or do reprogramming exercise and then at night, do hypnosis video
day 2: listen to sub or do reprogramming exercise and then do instant manifestation portal mediation (yes you can do hypnosis video again if you want)
day 3: listen to sub or do reprogramming exercise and then do parallel reality meditation (basically meditation to enter ideal state)
anyways, don't be shocked if you commit to the challenge and end up not being able to finish it because you already entered the void before the 3 days are up and if you do successfully complete it, your void concept is going to be so good and you already know you're going to enter the void so easily.
i really hope all of you do this or atleast your own version of it and i really wish the best for everyone 💗
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stardustedseas · 9 days
because of an ask @sleeplessdreamer14 sent in i now cant stop thinking about marrying ford after college, like that year between when you two graduate has to be the most agonizing months ever. youre so close to being able to marry him but it feels so so far
he would be very adamant that he isnt gonna marry you until after you BOTH graduate, no matter how much you beg and plead. not only would it be a hindrance on getting your education but also he just,,,, feels like you would still be too young for him to marry, and say it with me folks, even if youre only a year apart in age. plus youre both so young, he doesnt want you to end up regretting it later on :(
still, he saves and saves and saves to buy you a ring, the most gorgeous ring he can find. its not like 10k dollars nor does it have a diamond the size of your fist, its fairly simple so you can still wear it without it getting in the way of doing anything, but its very nice and beautiful. he probs took so long picking it out, he looked at every single jewlery store within 100 miles, it has to be perfect after all!! its for you, the love of his life, his soulmate, the one he cant picture his life without. he knows you dont care about such things, he could give you a bread bag twist tie and you would still love it, but he really wants to get you something nice.
when he finally finds the one, he struggles to not break and ask you right away. he cant wait to see the pretty metal on your finger, showing to the world that you are his and he is yours. he keeps it hidden away in the back of his closet, far from where you could accidentally find it, he still gets nervous you will stumble upon it tho. he also checks on the ring like every other day, what if something happend? what if something fell and crushed it or there was a leak and it rusted or it was stolen or- he worries about it daily.
he will get lost in thought imagining asking you, your reaction, your wedding, your honeymoon... he could spend hours day dreaming. he would make sure his tie matches your dress/suit/your own tie, and even though the wedding would be small, just your family and a few friends, and simple since you two are still just young adults who have just graduated, it would still be the best wedding a person could ask for
gnawing my arm off at imagining he had a whole thing planned out to propose to you, something super romantic and well thought out but when he sees you up on that stage accepting your degree? and how you seem to shine even brighter under the spotlights? he cant help but blurt out 'will you marry me?' the second you and him meet up after your graduation ceremony.
you say yes ofc
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insanermin · 7 months
Hey i just read your fanfic "and still i answer your call when she doesn't answer at all". and i loved it, i wonder if you could maybe make a part 2 if you have time, And if you want too. And ofcourse, you dont have to do it or rush it
hi! thank you sm <3 yes ofc i can, haven't written in a hot minute so;
and still i answer your call when she doesn't answer at all, part 2
pairing: ellie x fem!reader
warnings: toxic relationship, cheating, nsfw, curse words, soft?? ellie but highkey salty, not proofread yet again, lesbian sex <3, and also first time writing smut plsplspls have mercy on me, xoxo
word count: 3,9k
summary: you visit ellie again to thank her for comforting and taking care of you, but things take a different course when your 'girlfriend' texts you. or; ellie eats you out.
as warm tones start to set into the blue sky, february doesn't seem so cold anymore.
all your worries were washed away, all thanks to ellie. after you stormed to her place at the most vile hour, ellie took good care of you, the two of you watched your favourite movies until you fell asleep and she prepared you some breakfast before you had to leave for work. guilt resides in the pits of your gut, your gratefulness has never left the four walls of your mind, it is time you finally thank ellie for everything she has done for you these past few days.
you spent the whole day in bed, sulking away while thoughts of your girlfriend cross your mind. you reach for your phone, no message from her.
as you take steady steps to your closet you realise that there's no turning back now. you've made up your mind, it is over. but you needed good advice from a very good friend, surely ellie would have all the answers to your questions. flicking through all the clothes in your closet, memories of your girlfriend start to occupy your mind. the dress you wore on your first date, the hoodie she bought you on a rainy november day, the graphic tee you wore the first time she made you cry, and all the other clothes that witnessed you being miserable because of her. it had to end, now.
all dressed up now, you wash your face, washing the smudged mascara from yesterday's crying away. lately your emotions have been all over the place but you told yourself it is better to feel them rather than bottling everything up.
ready to leave, you text ellie a simple 'i'm gonna stop by your place' shortly regretting that you didn't text her earlier. but to your luck she replies almost immediately.
'sure, have you eaten?' the words circle your mind. you don't know whether you're impressed by the fact that she answered so quickly or that she potentially knew you haven't eaten a single thing yet.
'no' you reply, slipping your phone into your pocket while fishing out your keys that you mindlessly put in your pockets before locking the door.
you step outside and cold wind is blowing your way. the sky has already lost itself in complete darkness, but the clouds haven't shied away, surrounding the moons light.
ellie is just as nervous as the last time you were here, although now she had something to keep herself busy with: cooking.
keeping it simple, because she's too scared to mess up, but not too boring, ellie doesn't want you to think that she can't cook.
a dilemma she might never escape, because she knows you don't overthink any of your actions towards her. but should she really be thinking about this right now? ellie tries her best to feel somewhat content that you're coming over. however, knowing that she is one-sidedly overthinking her actions, caring for your needs and, well, liking you, she can't help but feel like burning this entire kitchen down instead of cooking a nice meal for the two of you.
"shit," ellie groans as she feels the blade digging into her fingertip. this for sure wasn't part of the cute scenarios she just made up nor was it part of her plan to burn this kitchen down. ellie rushes to find a plaster, a bandage, anything to put on her finger.
the door rings, ellie rushes to the door, heavy footsteps echo and bounce off the stairwell walls. the sound of you felt like a mixture of butterflies and sour lemons in her guts.
and there you stand, right in front of her. something in the fresh evening air must've altered your brain chemistry, because why do you feel her eyes linger? and why do you want them to? your emotional imbalance is surely to blame, you most definitely lack attentiveness and consideration. ellie lightly clearing her throat interrupts your almost driving you to insanity monologue, your eyes now drawn to her body.
has your friend's arms always looked this big? she's just wearing a plain white t-shirt, but you can't seem to stop yourself from tracing the strokes of her tattoo with your eyes. soft hello's were exchanged before ellie offered to take off your jacket. the outfit you picked out today and deemed too light for your own comfort suddenly became ridiculously warm.
"how have you been?" ellie asks, making her way to the kitchen as you awkwardly stand in the hallway trying to cool down.
"better? uh, do you mind if i change?" your voice breaks a little, you lightly chuckle to cover your discomfort.
ellie shakes her head, her whole attention directed towards the plates she's trying to decorate nicely with the food she has just made. truth is, she's trying her hardest not to think about you changing, about your bare, soft skin, about—
"oh my god," it emerges from ellie's bedroom, ripping ellie out of her mildly inappropriate thoughts. she was so sure that she cleaned her room well, even checked multiple times and every corner, what on earth did you find? she fiddles with her hands as she walks towards her bedroom, door slightly open. the auburn haired woman doesn't believe in god, but on this very day, she is making all kinds of prayers, hoping for the best. ellie opens the door and seeing you sit on her bed with your phone in your hand is surprisingly disappointing.
you watch her stand at the doorframe, her arms crossed, flexing her buff arms. you can't ignore her furrowed eyebrows, but when ellie notices the concern written all over your face she mouths a low 'what happened?'
you turn around your phone for ellie to read the text message your girlfriend just sent you.
'hey baby, can we talk? i'm really sorry' ellie reads in her head. she definitely prayed for all the wrong reasons, because this is exponentially worse than anything she feared just a minute ago.
"why are you showing me this?" she asks, her voice low. she's still standing in front of you, looking down on you. her gaze on you makes you feel things you haven't felt in a long time. but your girlfriend just texted you and is apologising for her actions, you need to focus. but something about the way her eyes are locking you in is making it a little harder to breathe.
you take a deep breath, you need oxygen to clear your head.
"well, i came here because i needed advice—" you carefully watch ellie approaching you slowly.
"—i wanted to end things with her but—" you thought you were attentive enough but you're taken aback by ellie's big hands resting on your thighs, her face dangerously close to yours. you steal a small glimpse at her tired eyes piercing you through before continuing. her being so close causes your breath to shorten, you're hoping your all that she can't see your chest lifting.
"—she apologised now, so we're good," you say. ellie's eyes widen in disbelief, slightly tilting her head.
"are you serious?" she scoffs, her eyes shut close before searching for answers in yours. you nod and watch ellie drop her head in disappointment, followed by several scoffs and sighs.
"no you're not," she says under her breath, disappointment slowly spiralling into exasperation. ellie can't tolerate this any longer. whether it is your dumb decisions or your inability to see your worth, she won't take this anymore. and it might be selfish to get angry at you for not seeing her more than just a friend, but she did decide on a whim while cooking that this is the day where she finally tells you. however the manner things are progressing for now seem to be reaching a dead end.
"i have to reply though," you mumble, but ellie's furrowed eyebrows insinuate you to feel insecure about your decision.
"you don't," ellie says, as an auburn hair strand looses itself from her split ponytail. her arm reaches for your phone, but you hold it up by reflex, you didn't expect her to grab for your phone. however, you forget that you're the one sitting and she'd just have to stand up straight to get your phone, so you rapidly throw your back onto the mattress, arms far away, she surely won't be able to get your phone now.
"fuck, you can't be—" ellie hesitates, and you smile triumphantly, until you feel something weighting you down. your eyes widen in realisation, did ellie just climb on top of you? your body's brush now and then against each other while she's trying to reach for your phone. you're about to turn to the side when you feel ellie's strong hands hold your wrist down, making it impossible for you to move. for a minute, you forget why you wanted to turn away as you loose yourself in her sage green eyes. and that's when realisation hits you, you're under her, at the mercy of her big, strong arms. ellie doesn't keep eye contact for long, her eyes are fixated on stealing your phone, your eyes are focused on her jaw line. you're being held down, her knees restricting your upper body from the sides, her chest alarmingly close to your face. your grip around your phone softens, your too distracted by her presence pressing and holding you down.
you hear ellie whisper a 'finally' before you're eye to eye again. ellie was too busy taking your phone away and only notices now how close the two of you are. your chests lightly brush against each other, ellie still pinning you down to the bed. her grip tightens around your wrist as she thinks about the way you're still so caught up with your girlfriend, but the fact that she has your full attention for once overrides all the anger she bottled up. you gulp down and break away from her gaze, looking to the side, where she's holding you down.
"what happened to your finger?" you finally break the silence, earning a low chuckle from ellie. she's breathing right onto your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
you watch ellie's lip move, form words, pressing against each other softly.
"you sure you wanna text your girlfriend?" the last words pull you out of the daze her lips put you in, she surely must've said something important. you need to focus. you have to ignore that your body is screaming to be held, to be touched.
the thought of ellie touching you has never crossed your mind until... now. this very thought makes you want to adjust your lower body, arching your back slightly.
ellie can't help but notice all the movement happening below her. she's never been this close to you. and knowing she has your undivided attention all to herself, she can't hold back any longer.
her chest bumps against yours as she slightly moves up, her hand reaching for your chin, holding it in between her thumb and bandaged index finger. you're forced to hold eye contact with her, her breath tickling your face. your chest doesn't even rise anymore, only falling lower and lower until the movement travels to your lower back.
it's hard to breathe and it's hard to think, you feel your eyes wander from her green eyes to her lips.
"do i have something on my lips?" ellie asks, while looking down on you.
"no?" you're confused, finally pulled out of trance. she tilts your head to the side, at which you sharply inhale.
"you're staring," ellie whispers into your neck, the sensation insinuates you to hold your breath. you see a smile creep up her face from the corner of your eye, your heartbeat must've dropped to your abdomen at this very sight. all your morals and values must have left you on this night, because you want nothing more than ellie. she always directs you to make the right decision, so you want to believe that she will stop you from pursuing your inappropriate thoughts. with your free hand you reach for the hem of ellie's t-shirt, holding onto it desperately.
"ellie," you say out of breath. something about the way you called for her name made her lose it all, the breathlessness, your voice, the feeling of your body under hers.
her narrowed eyes fill with desperation, hunger, and lust. the sight of you underneath her tingles on her fingertips, ready to roam your body.
ellie takes a deep breath, lifting your face by your chin. she observe your lips carefully as she traces the outlines with her thumb.
"can i?" ellie finally asks, her eyes nervously looking for a place to rest on. you look up to her through your lashes, your grip tightening on her t-shirt. she makes you feel so needed, so incredibly wanted. your mind tells you to put an end to this but the feeling growing in between your thighs can't be ignored any longer. you shut your eyes close, then take one more look at ellie.
her arms could hold you up without struggling, her hands look so sturdy, she could touch you just the way you need her to.
sharply inhaling, you nod, and a smile creeps up her face. and you still feel said smile as she presses her lips against yours.
you didn't know that such a gentle kiss left you eager for more, and you find your hands entangled in her hair, frantically holding onto ellie.
the way your hands speak for what's going on on your mind makes ellie's blood rush through her veins, the soft fabric of your top rubbing up against her arm drives her insane as your skin is exposed every now and then.
ellie's hands glide over your body as her lips devour you impatiently. the sensation of her fingertips linger and you can't keep up any longer. she wants more of you, sloppy kisses emphasise that her attention has shifted from your lips to your body.
you can't help but notice her t-shirt riding up every so often, abdomen exposed.
"fuck," ellie groans, your bottom lip tugged in between her teeth. her hands finally have found a place to rest, a little under your chest, cupping your breasts. her gentle eyes meet yours, pressing her lips to a thin line before speaking.
"can i take your shirt off?" ellie's voice is slightly raspy and it's just enough to worsen the pressure in between your thighs. you squeeze them tightly, earning raised eyebrows from ellie.
"only if you take yours off too," you shoot back, because you can't be doing the wrong thing one-sidedly. however, didn't you want to end things with your girlfriend? she was practically an ex by now, you would've told her soon enough.
ellie sits up, her inner thighs pressing against your waist.
"oh? then, take your bra off too," ellie says, as she trails kisses on your neck, hot, slow and wet. you slightly arch your neck while biting down a moan. this is getting too heated for your own comfort and you can see yourself making noises only a few instances away, this needs to stop.
but ellie keeps on sucking, biting and licking your neck, making it impossible to keep quiet. and to make matters worse, she pushes her thigh all the way up against your aching spot, resulting you to softly moan.
"shit, didn't know texting your girlfriend back included moaning for me," ellie spits, the bitter taste of her fury still hasn't left her tongue. you're taken aback by her words but the sensation on your neck is keeping you in a trance you can't break away from. ellie's had enough of waiting, so she switches position with you, making you sit on top of her lap. she lifts your t-shirt, every inch of exposed skin is followed by hungry kisses until the shirt is off of you. you don't necessarily like sitting on top, too many vulnerable spots to be explored. ellie's rough hands glide down the sides of your upper body until they comfortably rest above your hips. her fingers graze over your body making breathing impossible, you feel it all the way down your lower abdomen.
and as if her big sturdy hands roaming over your body wasn't enough, she reaches for your back, undoing your bra with one hand.
you watch her smirk cockily as the straps of your bra fall to the sides, exposing your shoulders, and more importantly your chest. ellie bites down her lip as she cups your breasts, giving them a good, firm squeeze before locking eyes with you.
"you're tits look so fucking perfect," she groans, letting the palm of her hand brush against your hard nipples while ellie feels your hips tilt to the back at the touch of your skin, back arched for a moment only. she then pinches them and teases you even more, so you try to stop her and you reach out for her hand. however, you mistakenly grab her tattooed forearm, grasping it firmly to push her away from you. ellie chuckles at your unfortunate attempt to break away from her.
"you want them inside of you?" she teases, while breathing hot air onto your nipples. your eyes widen in surprise, when have you implied that? you suddenly feel heat creep up your neck, panic written all over your face. in response, ellie points to the forearm you've been digging your nails into.
"oh," you say, rapidly drawing your hands in.
"no, it's fine," she says while putting your arms around her, lifting you slightly up to lay you on her bed. her fingers are hooked on your waistband while taking your pants off. you've never seen anyone look this hot taking pants off, loose hair strands covering her face, you can't tell her facial expression.
all you see is her muscular shoulders and arms flexing while she undresses you.
you realise that wearing grey underwear will be the death of you as you hear ellie laugh lowly. you sense her blowing hot air against your clit, oh god is she a tease, you think to yourself.
"so fucking wet and i haven't even touched you? would love to hear your girlfriend's opinion on this," ellie scoffs, while observing the hot mess you are.
"ellie, for fucks sake i'm—"
"you're what?" eyebrows raised, hands resting on your thighs. you take a deep breath. talking about this while you're about to do it is not just incredibly anticlimactic but also immensely nerve wrecking. her eyes are like a ticking bomb, the longer you keep her waiting the more the disappointment grows, her gentle eyes turning tired.
"i'm ending things with her," you finally say.
"you surely will after today," ellie responds, her fingertip firmly pressing on your clit, only fabric separating her from your skin.
you gasp and your stomach rises almost immediately at the pressure you feel, causing you to squeeze your thighs tightly together. however, ellie slips her rough hand in between them, mouthing an 'open' towards your direction which you deemed useless since ellie opened your legs forcibly on her own. she holds one of your thighs down while pulling your underwear to the side, exposing your throbbing, wet clit. she holds two fingers out, gliding them over you to moisturise them before sliding them inside of you. the sensation of her fingers inside of you causes you to arch your back, throw back your head and dig your nails into her scalp.
"easy, love," she whispers, her fingers curved inside of you. ellie starts off slow, with every thrust you exhale shortly, until they turn into soft moans. her unexpectedly breathing against your clit makes you go insane, you feel the sensation give you goosebumps all over you body.
your body leaves ellie mesmerised, the way you move at her touch worsens her need to keep you all to herself, to devour you. she never imagined you to be this gorgeous, this attractive. she wants more of you and desperately wants the taste of you on her tongue. and not a second later, ellie made up her mind, she adjusts herself and pulls your panties further to the side, having full view of you.
"gorgeous," she mutters before crashing onto your clit, letting her tongue slowly slide to the top before making her way back down again. you pull at her hair in reaction, your other hand gripping her bed sheets. ellie moves the tip of her tongue up and down before tugging your clit in between her lips softly, sucking it in.
your moans become shaky and her sucking becomes more intense. you feel your whole body tense up as she presses her parted lips lightly around you, her tongue slowly flicking your clit inside of her mouth. she then lets go of you, you hold your breath.
you're numbed by the sensation and can't tell what's going on, you either feel her fingers pump inside of you or her tongue absolutely devouring you. you can't keep up any longer and ellie doesn't even leave space for a moment to breathe or think, you only feel, and that deeply.
all you hear are the wet noises you make against ellie's tongue and her grunts that unexpectedly turn you on. nails digging into her hair, back arched to the ceiling and your mind so far gone that all your responses to ellie's teasing questions are mindless moans, you feel her push even harder inside of you, causing you to jolt. ellie grins onto your clit as she notices your throbbing take on a slow, rhythmic pace, your insides clasping around her fingers in said rhythm. your hips move in circles, you desperately want to come, you've never felt this good.
and ellie keeps her thrusts consistent, just as the movement of her tongue, only increasing the speed of it. the taste of you sends her to another dimension, she already knows that this will leave her hungry for more. and so your back shoots up, forcing your hip all the way down and clutching around ellie's fingers, a sharp, but loud moan escaping your mouth. content with her work, ellie plants a kiss on your clit, your body shuddering in response. she slowly removes her fingers, your body shivers once more.
you're still in a haze, but ellie hovering over you pulls you out of it, her glistening lips are mesmerising. you see her lose strands sticking to her forehead, a few pearls of sweat on her well built arms. ellie observes your eyes, the way you look so gorgeous in the dimmed light worries her that she might do more.
"good job," she whispers into your neck, goosebumps spreading across your skin. you mutter a 'thank you' which makes you realise you're thanking her for all the wrong reasons. she lays down beside you and holds her right arm out, suggesting you to rest your head on it. you scoot closer, watching her chest rise and fall as she breathes.
"thank you for... the past few days," you say quietly into her chest. ellie scoffs shortly, raises her right arm to the back of your head and pats you. only now you notice that she has taken her shirt off, you don't recall that happening but you surely don't mind the view. you then feel ellie reach out for something, your phone in her hand.
"now text your girlfriend back and make sure to let her know that i'm here."
a/n: hello sorry for taking so long to update, was busy with exams, i was on renee rapp's concert as well (she's so attractive oh god) and yes. enjoy my first attempt at smut :)
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
────────── 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐜.𝐟
they did say that when two people are meant to be together, they will eventually find a way back to each other. however, are you ready to open your heart again to a person who has broken it in the past?
SEQUEL TO : you’re losing me
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“They say that your first love never dies. You can put out the flame but not the fire”
It was true, for me atleast. I’d be lying if I said that I don’t love Conrad, because I do, I still do — no matter how much he had hurt me before, a piece of my heart is still beating for him.
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
It wasn’t easy to move on, he made me feel things — things that I never felt before. He was different, he just was.
For two years, I had done my best to put the past behind me, but still, I would often find myself thinking of Conrad and wondering what could have been.
Until one day, when an unexpected text message popped up on my phone. It was from Conrad, of all people. Confused but curious, I opened the message. The only thing that it said was 'Are you free today?’ Could he possibly still care about me, after all this time?
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold tied me to you
I thought back to the words we had said to each other; the heartache that had been so painful that it had taken so long for me to move on. But still, here he was, wanting to see me. Was I willing to open my heart up to someone who had broken it so badly in the past?
Conrad asked me if we could meet at the beach near Cousins. I dont know why why I said yes, maybe I wanted closure — maybe I wanted to hear his side.
I stood on the dock, the ocean air getting caught in my hair. Although the sun was out and the sky a brilliant blue,
I couldn't bring myself to take in the beauty of the day. I was too consumed with my thoughts, instead glancing around, distracted and flustered.
I saw Conrad — standing at the end of the shore, a better vision than the view of the ocean I had become accustomed to.
I swallowed hard as I stared into his eyes - the same eyes that had shattered my heart months ago. He looked different. Older, strong, different from the man I had said goodbye to all those months ago.
But there he was, standing in front of me, arms crossed — pain pierced through me like a hot knife as I remembered fond memories I shared with him. Memories that were now tarnished by the hurt he had caused me.
I took a deep breathe and stepped forward — walking towards him.
“Hey Conrad,” I said tentatively.
He looked up with surprise, then quickly looked away. “Hey y/n,” he muttered.
“It’s been so long huh?” Conrad asked. I looked at him before answering “Yeah, It has. I just want to get to the point already. Why did you want to see me?” I asked him.
His eyes met mine, filled with regret and longing. "I never stopped thinking about you," he confessed, his voice laced with raw emotion.
I listened, my heart warring between the past and the present. Memories flooded my mind - stolen kisses, whispered promises, and the crushing pain of betrayal. And yet, beneath it all, the flicker of what once was remained.
"You broke me," I replied, my voice steadying.
Conrad reached out to gently touch my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine. "Please, Y/n," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "What I did was fucked up, you didn’t deserve that — you didn’t deserve to be ignored, I-I should’ve paid more attention to you”
"I messed up, I admit it. I was a fool to let you go. I've regretted it every single day, and I wish I could turn back time and change things." He said, taking a step closer.
I blinked back tears, trying to resist the pull I felt towards him. "Conrad, it's not that easy. You hurt me so deeply, and I've spent so long trying to heal." I said, backing away from him.
"I know," he murmured, his voice cracked with emotion. "But I'm here now, and all I want is a chance to make things right, to prove to you that I've changed. I want to be better for you.”
His words tugged at my heartstrings, and I felt a glimmer of hope. Could we really find a way back to each other? Was it possible to rebuild what had been broken?
Time, wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies
And it's cool, baby, with me
The sound of crashing waves filled the silence between us, punctuating the weight of the moment. I looked into Conrad's eyes, searching for sincerity, I’m scared — scared of risking again. Scared of getting hurt again.
“I-I don’t know, Conn-“ I said looking down, he walked closer — his hands reaching for mine.
“I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, just.. just let me love you. Let me be a better man for you.” he paused “I’ll wait for you”
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
I looked up at him, I saw the glint in his eyes — he was genuine, his voice sounded hopeful — his eyes filled with love. It wouldn’t hurt if I tried again right? maybe now, it’ll be right.
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senanatheskenana · 2 years
Genshin Characters’ Voice line About you
"Oh (y/n)? They're wonderful! They just work so hard, and they're so compassionate... It almost makes me want to work even harder with how much they do to help me!... What?? Of course, I wouldn't have a crush- feelings for them! It-It would be completely unprofessional to feel something like that for a fellow knight!"
"So you've heard of them too... I'm not surprised, they're just so cool that I'm surprised they dont have as big a fan club as Barbara. I guess if they had a fan club, you could say that I'm the founder of it!"
"Such a cutie- we've known each other since our days in the Akademiya. They were just as formidable then. Hm?  If you're insinuating that I liked them back then- or now- well, that's, unfortunately for you, none of your business, traveller."
"I've asked them countless times to the tavern but every time they refuse- say, I dont suppose you could perhaps convince them to meet me somewhere? Every time I do it they play hard to get- they call me a flirt. Oh? You think that I should ask them to go somewhere more romantic? Hmm, I'll think about it, but while I'm doing that you ask them first. There might be a reward in it for you~"
"W-What? No, I dont really know all that much about them. I hardly ever talk to them, so of course, I wouldn't know that. I'm not being defensive, that's ridiculous- the idea- no! I... Is this- Has Kaeya been telling you that I like them? N-No? Oh. You didn't even ask about that... I have something I must do- Goodbye, traveller."
"Ah yes, (y/n). The single most perfect thing in Mondstadt- if not Teyvat... And perhaps the only thing I can't write a song about. It's just not possible to write something that lives up to them in person. It's like drawing air, you just can't do it"
"When I first met them, it took me by surprise. I hadn't seen it. Perhaps it was better that way because I could experience it all like fate wanted me to."
"I sometimes find myself drawing them without realising. I dont know why but even during experiments I sometimes get distracted by thoughts of them. I've made plans to see them, to try and pinpoint why these things are occurring."
"They're just as irritating as you- not leaving me be, following me around like a puppy... Well yes, I suppose it would be strange not having them around. And it is sort of sweet that they keep trying. Dont get any ideas, it's just that"
"Proper procedure would dictate that I begin our courtship with perhaps a bouquet or an offer of attending a social function together. Do you think that they'd prefer red or yellow roses? "
"Why are you asking me about... them. I-I don't know much about them, I wouldn't put them in danger like that. The closest I could ever hope to get to them is always too far for them to see me. Don't be stupid, an Adeptus and a mortal could never hope to live together happily, it will always end in regret and grief."
"When we get ready to dock, I climb into the crows' nest and can you guess what the first thing I look for is? Bingo! I could spot them from a mile away even in the fog because my heart recognises them before my eyes and tells me every time"
"I have a  certain Qixing member I dine at Wanmin Restaurant with- all professional of course... Most of the time. You can't expect me to be a businesswoman all the time can you?"
"Back in Snezhnaya, I have a childhood best friend. I also have a lover. I'm fortunate enough that they happen to be the same person. Why are you so curious about this? Are you surprised that someone can love a war machine like me? Or is it the other way around? Trust me, if you met them you'd understand how easy it is to fall in love"
"I haven't felt like this in hundreds of years. Every time I see them, I feel the memories crashing back and I see the future through their eyes. I sometimes feel terrified of getting close because I know they will one day pass on too. But I also remember that if I dont the only thing that changes is my happiness. "
"Am I really that obvious? Do... Do they know that I feel this way? Oh, so it's only you that realised- whew, that saves me a little embarrassment "
Hu Tao
"Every attempt I make to ask them out, it always ends in them backing away. Should I start asking them to go somewhere instead of coffin picking?"
"Of the people I've met, only one other do I remember as much as you. (Y/N) would pick herbs on the mountains and I would watch from the bottom to catch them if they fell. Sometimes I wish they would be a little more clumsy"
"I guess you could say I know them. Pretty... Intimately if I do say so. I didn't imply anything, you're just inferring things, traveller haha~"
"We first met at a clan function and we hit it off right away! We would sit around the teapot and pour each other tea and pretend to be an old married couple. I suppose we still do now, but we dont have to pretend anymore"
"The thing I regret most about leaving my home behind is... (Y/N). There hasn't been a day where I haven't whispered 'i love you' into the wind in hopes it might one day reach them. I haven't forgotten them and I only hope they haven't forgotten me. No- it's selfish to hope that they wouldn't move on after so long."
"My favourite part of fireworks shows is when (Y/N) runs over to tell me how beautiful they were. I'd throw a show every night if they were watching it each time!"
"I... I seldom find comfort in the company of mortals. I dont often find comfort in anyone's company. But I suppose if I had to look back, the one thing that really does bring me peace and happiness is (Y/N). Perhaps, this is a story best left untold for now, Traveller"
Kujo Sara
"My strict schedule hardly permits my free time. What little time I do find I usually spend escorting the shrine attendant (Y/N) around the island. 'Below my salary' you say? It's not that. I just quite enjoy being around them. Please keep this confidential... "
"Ah, speaking of (Y/N) could you please deliver this letter to them? I'd love to do it in person but I'm extremely busy. Thank you so much! Just dont read its contents, they are strictly for their eyes only. Strategies? Wha- oh yes! That's it. Off you go now"
"Nervous? I-I look nervous. I... I guess I'm a little nervous to see (Y/N) again. It seems that every time I see them I get a little more schoolboyish, and I feel my face flare up. Oh, they're coming! Does my shirt have creases in it? Good!"
"How does my hair look? And my horns? What about my- What do you mean I'm panicking? Nah, I'm just trying to make sure that I impress them. An oni's got to look his best when they meet someone like (Y/N) after all"
"Have-Have you seen (Y/N) recently? No! You dont need to go and find them, I was just wondering. I think I might have upset them... I didn't mean to but I panicked. They got a new outfit and I got really nervous because they looked so... I could feel my tail wagging and I didn't want to embarrass myself- so I ran. God, I'm such a coward. "
Yae Miko
"They're quite cute to tease, hehe~ It's so easy to make them blush and I just can't help myself when I get the chance to fluster them."
"When Ayaka first introduced us, I was worried that they might be intimidated... But I'd trust that's not the case considering that we now share a bedroom. I have a feeling that Ayaka knew what she was doing, haha"
"I know I tend to ramble on and on about plants- but they said that they like it. (Y/N) says that out of anyone, they would want to listen to me do it... What? N-no, I dont think that they like me- well yes they like me- what I mean is love- I mean that would be quite nice but- oh, I'm doing it again."
"I dont tend to get along with Scholars, more often than not I end up frustrated with their pride and arrogance. Of course, there are exceptions. Tighnari and (Y/N) are amongst the only people associated with the Akademiya that I could call...Lo... F-Friends."
"I protect Auru Village so of course, that means (Y/N). They are probably the one I keep an eye on most. I just like to make sure they are always safe. When someone encounters a rarity in the desert, they protect it with all their heart."
"I'll never forget our first dance... it was wonderful. I was so caught up in the movement that when I stopped spinning my head kept going and I got dizzy- but the first thing I saw clearly was them. For the first time, I tripped over my feet, oh I was so embarrassed! When the crowds finally dispersed, they remained and we ended up waltzing into the night."
"Dont be stupid. I dont have any sort of emotion for that mortal. They're just another annoying human. They're tenacious I'll give them that, always trying to talk to me. It's like they're asking me to hurt them... What do you mean you think I'm scared? Of what? Why... No, i dont get scared of feelings- I-I just dont have them for them!"
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kimi240302 · 8 months
Come back to me Part 1
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A/N: Before you read this, I want you to know that my native language is different. So I am very sorry for any mistake. Nevertheless, I hope you will like my story and enjoy it.
Summary: The love story between Alec Volturi and Y/N Swan, was an unexpected one. Both didn't know what to make of each other when they found out they were soul mates. But they worked on it and created a beautiful strong love that not even Bella's hatred for the Volturi could destroy. But as in any good love story, tragedy was impossible to avoid in theirs. It came as unexpectedly as their love itself, and made the Cullens and Bella seem to win, while Alec and the Volturi were losing their light in the darkness.
Alec Volturi x Swan!Female!reader
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist/ Come back to me Masterlist
"I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night me met I dont know what I´m supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you"- Lord Huron/ The Night We Met
Helplessness or powerlessness
Alec didn't know exactly which feeling had been eating away at his insides every day for the past two months, or was it perhaps both? Ever since he'd gotten the call from the Cullen Doctor that the woman he loved more than anything in the world was on the verge of death, Alec had felt like he was in a freefall into darkness. He was not present and yet not absent enough to be able to shut off his emotions from the pain he felt all the time.
Lost in thought, he looked down at his mate and ran soothing motions over her hand that lay in his. Y/N was still lying in the hospital bed in the hospital room in the city that Alec Volturi had learned to hate even more in the last two months than he had hated it before, Forks.
He had not been told exactly what had happened to her, because no one knew for sure how Y/N had left the road with her car and ended up in the lake. There was no storm that evening, no wet or slippery roads or anything else that could have caused the accident. The rest of the facts were also just speculation. Y/N had managed to get out of her car, but the temperature of the water was too cold for her to have the strength to swim to the surface afterwards. She had lost consciousness and only survived by pure luck. This lucky charm was called Jacob Black. He and the other wolves had heard the crash and had run as fast as they could to the lake.
"I always thought that our twentieth birthday would be the only bad memory that would burn itself into my brain and never want to leave." Alec looked away from his sister and ran both hands over his face. He felt something he hadn't felt in several centuries, tiredness. The vampire would love nothing more than to lie down next to his mate, close his eyes and simply sleep away Y/N's absence. But he had long since lost this ability, something he had never regretted until this moment.
Jane, who was standing at the window, looked at her brother in shock. It was the first time she had heard him speak since Y/N's accident, she had come back to check on him every now and then and had never been able to get more than single words out of him. The second thing that shocked her was that she and her brother had never spoken about what had happened, not since they had both turned. Jane sat down in the chair next to Alec and looked at him searchingly. "I'll be honest with you, brother, I've forgotten exactly what happened. Either it was too long ago or my memories are trying to protect me." Alec turned to his sister in surprise. "Really? My memories want to torture me, in this case, I guess. I remember every little detail."
He fell silent for a few moments, turned his gaze away from Jane and looked through the window at the cloudy sky. He had to grin slightly. He hated this town and yet its weather seemed to know exactly how the vampire felt at that moment.
Alec noticed how his sister's gaze seemed to bore deeper into his side profile with every passing second of his silence. His gaze lingered stubbornly outward as he continued. "I remember how you, me and mother were eating dinner when the villagers kicked down our door. I remember them chasing us through the forest with flaming torches and insults. I remember how we were captured and dragged to the dock on the shore. How we were tied to a stake on a pyre and insulted further. I remember mom trying to get to us and fighting against the people holding her. I remember how she broke free. How they grabbed her just before the stake and pushed her to the ground. I remember how she was kicked by the people she had known since childhood. I remember her choking on her own blood." Alec turned his head back to Jane. "But you know what the worst memory from that day is?" The blond vampire shook his head. "The flames. I remember the pain and the smell of our skin burning off piece by piece."
There was an intense silence between the two siblings for a few moments.
"Since when do you remember every detail?" Jane's voice had changed to a soft tone that she only used with her brother and Y/N. Alec's eyes drifted to his mate, reflecting the pain of the last few weeks. "Since the day I saw her lying here like that. Since then, I can't get it out of my head that fate always manages to sweeten my life, only to ruin it afterwards." The black-haired vampire jumped up and walked over to the window. "Alec, Y/N is alive. Carlisle…" "The Cullen doctor, doesn't know if she's waking up. He doesn't even know if she'll ever be able to breathe on her own again without that machine." Alec ran his fingers through his hair again.
His gaze wandered to the machine that displayed Y/N's vital signs and beeped along with her heartbeat. He looked at the machine, from which a tube led into his mate's throat. Alec knew that if it wasn't for that tube, his lover wouldn't even be breathing. The vampire took a closer look at Y/N. Alec swallowed, because there was hardly anything left of the girl from two months ago. Her skin was white and stretched against her body so tightly that you could see every single bone. Her cheeks were sunken and black spots had formed under her eyes. Her hair looked dull as it had lost its shine.
"I should have kept her in Volterra and bitten her the first time we met. Then she wouldn't have had the idea to come back here." Jane stood up instantly and stood in front of her brother, drawing his gaze from his mate. She put her hands to her brother's cheek and looked deep into his eyes.
"Alec, if you had kept her in Volterra the day she was dragged into our world without any preparation and turned her against her wishes, do you really think Y/N would have fallen in love with you? Do you think she wouldn't have listened to the Cullens and seen you for the monster you are to that clan? She would have hated you for the rest of your immortal lives. You would never have been able to reach her." Sadly, Jane turned her gaze to Y/N and back to her brother. "If she doesn't survive this, which I hope she doesn't, at least you had a time together with her that you would want to remember. Y/N loved you and always will. Hold on to that Alec, I beg you not to lose hope now."
Alec let his head grow heavier in his sister's hands. "What if I bite her now…. Maybe I can end this nightmare." Alec lifted his head stepped away from his sister and began his pacing. "I should never have let her go to Forks. The Cullens and her sister don't care about her safety like me, you, or the rest of the Volturi!" His eyes wandered helplessly back and forth between his sister's face and the lifeless-looking body of his mate. The feeling of powerlessness spread through him again, drilling into his bones like a disease.
Jane shook her head. "Carlisle said that our poison might just kill her faster and you couldn't stop her from coming to Forks. After all, she wanted to say goodbye to her father. You know she wouldn't have been able to see her father after her transformation." "Then I should have gone with her…" "Alec, you can't undo what happened. So stop blaming yourself." "I can't lose her Jane, I can lose anyone but her." Jane nodded knowingly. "I know Alec." She whispered. Alec stopped and accepted his twin's embrace. He tightened his hands in her top and lowered his head into the crook of her neck.
They were both there when their master Marcus lost his mate and how he was broken by it. They also saw how he suffered every day. Jane didn't want her brother to suffer the same fate. That's why she had taken the message that Y/N wanted to be turned very well. That way, the young girl would be out of the danger of being human. But ever since the call had arrived in Volterra saying that Y/N was on the brink of death, the thought that Alec could end up like Marcus was a shadow of every action the siblings had taken. Jane couldn't lose her brother and even if the blonde vampire didn't want to admit it, the same was true for Y/N. For the young girl had burned herself into her cold, non-beating heart. Jane also knew that it wasn't just her, but every single vampire who lived in Volterra.
Y/N had earned the nickname "The Sunshine of the Volturi". Because no matter how many prejudices the Cullens and her sister had tried to put into Y/N to turn her against the Volturi. The young woman had created her own images of each individual vampire, which placed her in a special role for each one. For the three kings and their wives, she became a daughter, someone they all wanted to take under their wing and show everything the world had to offer. To Felix, Demetri, Santiago, Afton, Chelsea and Jane, she became a sister. For the rest of the Volturi guard, she became a friend. For Alec, she became his companion, the love of his life and his best friend. What united the Volturi was one thought when it came to Y/N; they all wanted to protect her, whatever the cost.
Alec detached himself from his sister completely, walked around her and sat back down by his mate's bed.
"I'm so sick of this hospital room." He murmured. Carefully, Alec reached for Y/N's hand and clasped it with both of his. Slowly, he brought it to his mouth so he could leave a kiss on her fingers. Alec cursed his vampire existence at that moment, more than on other days. Because she had taken away his ability to cry. All he could utter was a silent whimper. Alec carefully placed Y/N's hand back on the mattress. He leaned towards the bed so that he could place one of his hands on her cheek while the other stroked tenderly through her hair. His eyes clouded over with pain.
"Did you know that you are so important to the Volturi that even the kings themselves were here to see you? Although Master Aro could see you through Demetris or through someone else, all three wanted to see it with their own eyes." He paused for a few seconds. "I think by now every Volturi has been here once. Your sister and the Cullens throw a fit every time they see another one of us." Jane quietly sat back down in her old seat and watched her brother closely. He removed his hand from her cheek and placed it on Y/N's hand.
"What I want to say to you, my Love, everyone misses you and everyone prays, I don't know to what or to whom, that you will open your eyes and brighten our lives with your light again. Volterra is so cold and dark without you. I miss you, so terribly that I can't even describe it anymore." Alec bit his lips and squinted his eyes. Jane placed her hand over Alec's and Y/N's. "Y/N I beg you come back to me, don't leave me behind in this world."
Jane opened her mouth to say something reassuring, but she was startled and looked down at the hand she had placed on her brother's and Y/N. Alec's eyes snapped open too, his movements in Y/N's hair stopped.
"Tell me you felt that too! Tell me I'm not going crazy Jane!" Jane just looked stunned at their joined hands and then at Y/N's face. "Alec…" Alec took his eyes off the hands and looked at his sister. She pointed at Y/N with her free hand, "Look!"
Y/N's eyelids twitched slightly and all hell broke loose.
@rosedpetal @bofadeezs
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ateezthings · 2 months
Can u do a non idol strangers to lovers scenario for san or seonghwa (or honestly whoever u want) pls🤠❤️
And also dont listen to ur boss ur writing is amazing
A painful meet-cute
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Pairings: non-idol!San x genderneutral reader
Warnings: reader getting hurt by accident, blood, medication, San being a slight asshole in the beginning
Word count: 1,4k
Songs to listen to while reading:
cxlt., nuver – rays of light
gibran alcocer – idea 22 (sped up)
amistat – keep your head up
pvris – anywhere but here
the native - time
It was still light out, when you left the office at 8 pm. The sun had been shining all day, so the air was warm, a light breeze dancing through the streets. Some would say it was the perfect summer day.
You had a very stressful day at work, rushing from one meeting to the next. You barely had time for a bathroom break or getting something to drink. It seemed every single coworker had a task for you. Needless to say, you felt drained and in dire need of some food and relaxation.
As you slowly dragged your feet towards the train station, people passed you by, most of them smiling and talking to their friends. What were they so happy about? For you, life recently was simply getting ready for work, working, or getting home from work. These people however seemed to just be enjoying the nice summer evening.
Maybe that was the problem, maybe you should do things again outside of work, that made you enjoy life again. As you boarded the train you couldn’t think of anything that you wanted to do, so you decided to just take a walk along the river. That used to calm you down a few years ago.
Watching the blueish-greyish body of water helped you relax a lot in a short period of time. You watched couples having  picknicks on the grass, people taking their dogs for walks, some were even working out. As you walked along the river you racked your brain for activities you used to enjoy: Reading, going to cute cafes, dancing, meeting friends for boba. All of it lost its appeal when you thought about doing it. You hadn’t realized how grey and dull your life had become.
It was time to make a change. But how could you go about it, when work took up such a big part of your day?
You didn’t have time to ponder any longer, as a strong force suddenly knocked you down, making you fall over, face first. You were so surprised, you didn’t have time to stop the fall. Next thing you knew your nose was being squished on the ground. A throbbing pain started to spread from the center of your face.
“Ow, fuck” You tried to lift yourself up into a seated position.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” When you looked up to where the voice came from, you were met with dark, wide-open eyes. The person was wearing a hat and a black mask.  
“Obviously not, idiot, watch where you’re going, man” You felt hot liquid running down your face. Of course this had to happen to you. Perfect end to the perfect day.
“I’m really really sorry, my friend and I were trying to see who could run faster, and I totally didn’t see you… Shit, your nose is really bleeding”. The guy reached his hand out to you.
With one motion you slapped his hand away. “No need, I can take care of myself”
You got up, careful not to let any blood drop onto your shirt and got a tissue out of your bag. You pressed it into your nostrils. The tissue was full of blood, when you looked at it.
“Listen, I again am so sorry, for running into you like that, but I’m kind of in a hurry, will you be okay?” You picked up genuine regret from the tone of their voice, you couldn’t believe the audacity though. “Ugh, whatever, just go back to where you came from.” And he did.
For the first time, you lifted your gaze to see who the person was. He looked like a modern day ninja, wearing black workout clothes under baggy shorts. There was no telling who he was, as he was already turned away from you and about 20 feet in front of you. He had a broad back though, you had to give him that. Why were all hot people jerks?
The next day, you went to the doctor to get your nose checked. It was still throbbing and you were in pain. It turned out to be only a bruise and you should be fine in a few weeks. The doctor gave you a prescription for some pain killers. When you went to the pharmacy to get them, there was a long line of people in front of you. Great, as if you hadn’t already suffered enough.
Alas, you stood in the queue as there was nothing else to do. You scrolled through Instagram for a while. Somehow you were getting a lot of depressed but relatable millennial content on your feed. Times like these really made you scared if social media apps could somehow read your thoughts. No, don’t keep thinking about that brain, can’t go into full existential crisis mode.
Finally, it was your turn to talk to the pharmacist and you handed her your prescription. She looked at it for a while and pressed a few keys on her keyboard. Then she turned to look at you. “I’m really sorry, but it seemed we currently don’t have the exact ones you’ve been prescribed. Can I get you different ones? They’re not as strong as the original ones, but we currently don’t have any other pain killers.”
After you paid for your lower level pain killers you rushed to get out of there. What you didn’t expect was the tall man standing right around the corner, deeply immersed in his phone. You almost ran into him, but were able to stop before anything bad happened. He, however dropped his phone and a little box in surprise.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t see you there” As you apologized, you looked him in the eyes. Those eyes seemed kind of familiar. Yeah, you had seen them before. It took a second before you realized that those were the eyes of the person who ran into you last night. “It’s you…”
Before you could think of what to say, your phone started ringing. You rushed to pick up the call, it was your boss. “Hello? Is everything alright?” Your boss told you that there had been a series of emergency e-mails being sent to your whole department by one of your most important clients. They couldn’t reach you but had an ‘urgent matter’ to discuss with you. And apparently an ‘urgent matter’ couldn’t wait another hour for you to get back from your doctor’s appointment.
You groaned as you hung up. The mystery man, you almost ran into a few moments ago, was gone. You looked around for him, but found only the little box on the floor he had dropped earlier. It was the exact brand of pain killers your doctor had prescribed you.
A little sweet treat after dinner was a non-negotiable to you. So while you browsed the candy isle at the nearest convenience store, you couldn’t decide on just one treat. With your basket of sugary heaven you made your way to the cashier. There was only one person in front of you.
“Oh no, I think I left my wallet and card at home” You heard the person in front of you say.
“Well, then how do you intend to pay?” The cashier person retorted. There were just two vitamin drinks on the scanning table.
You immediately felt sorry for him. You had once been in that situation and it was so awkward and uncomfortable. Back then no one helped you and you were forced to return your items, leaving you with no sweet treat after a hard day’s work.
“I’ll pay for that.” You moved to the front, putting your stuff on the table for the cashier to scan. You noticed the person in front of you staring at you and your enormous amount of candy. You couldn’t care less though, seeing as they were depended on you in this situation. After paying, you put your yield in your bag and made your way towards the exit.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to do that” It was the guy for whom you had just paid for.
“Oh, don’t mention it, I was in that same situation a few weeks ago and no one was there to help me so I was happy to help.”
It was only after you both had exited the store that you looked at him properly. You saw the same broad shoulders, same dark eyes, same black mask on his face. “It’s you again?...”
“Hey, I’m San” He pulled down his face mask, giving you a smile, that sent waves of warmth through your entire body.
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8igiron · 4 months
an ode to the end.
on one hand, house was rightous in his anger. he felt the most steadfast person who had ever entered his life was now choosing to leave, which was a reoccurring theme for every other relationships in his life (his father, stacy, cuddy, etc). wilson was supposed to be the exception, but he was actively choosing less time with house. and that hurt house beyond anything else that had happened to him before. of course he wanted wilson to stay, to choose the rougher path. he'd be in pain, and it would suck, but they would be together. there was a chance for MORE. and house was angry that wilson was choosing no treatment. he felt it was the weaker option. house screams "life is pain! I wake up everyday and im in pain!" he kicks and claws and bats at the notion that life isnt worth living just because it's hard. and then he scrapes "do you know how many times i've thought about ending it?" house has faught this battle, fights it everyday. but "how many times have i wanted to be left alone, and you [wilson] made yourself a nuisance?" house stuck around because of wilson. perhaps not solely, but he was definitely a significant part. so house demanding, conning, pleading, begging for wilson to fight - to stay, just a little longer - only makes sense. house doesn't understand why he isn't worth sticking around for to wilson.
on the other hand, wilson's whole life has been lived in by others. most every decision he has made has been for someone else. when things go wrong he blames himself. he blames himself for danny's disappearance, for amber's death, for house's behavior and the severity of his addiction. he blames himself for the loss of every single one of his patients, and he memorializes that sorrow and regret in his office, directly in sight so he can never forget. but then he's diagnosed, and he cant make sense of it. "why me?" he bitters. "i wish i'd been more like you [house] so then i'd feel like i deserve it." and it sucks! "Of course i dont wanna die!" but now wilson has one final choice. he can be passive in his life once more, waiting patiently until the train reaches its final stop, or he can assume what he claims is dignity. he can stand on his own two feet, making a choice thats about him, and him alone. it is in this last act of his life that wilson is finally able to say "i did something for ME." how cruel for his most personal decision to be his doom. how beautiful for that decision to be his most consequential one.
so, really, they are both right. like always, one will bow, the other will break. this time, though, house yields. there's a clock looming over them now. "how do we start?" they’ve got one more chance to get them right. (i sure hope nothing bad happens immediately after this that would keep them from being together)
ANYWAY edit! been slightly more active in regards to posting my own stuff on here in the last few days and I figured I’d continue. Lmk if you wanna be house mutuals! I’d love to talk!! I edit, draw, and write, but I mostly just like to scream about them 😔💔
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stxrvel · 1 year
not my one
summary: bucky was in love with you, from the bones to the tips of his hair, and life would be perfect for him if it weren't for the fact that you had just gotten engaged to Steve.
pairing: (bucky barnes x) f!reader x steve rogers
words: 4k
warnings: some bad words, bucky regretting a lot of things, bucky suffers a lot, reader is not aware of anything, miscommunication, bucky can be unfair to those around him. love triangle?¿ also angst. like i said before, there's no happy endings in this account.
note: hi! i had this in my drafts too for days until my inspiration strike again, and also only by leehi was playing on repeat on my headphones while writing this. if you want a full experience, i highly recommend you to listen to that song while reading. there's something in using a love song to write a heartbreaking story. anyway, i hope you all like this!! and i dont know when ill see you again so i really hope you guys enjoy this one. feedback is always appreciated! <3
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So… Bucky knew it was wrong. From the beginning, from the first furtive glance, from the first unexpected, not at all reciprocal, brush. Bucky knew it was very wrong. His moral compass was shot when his thoughts, his intentions, went south and he couldn't stop them, or just didn't want to. At first it was hard to stop them, but at least he knew he intended to. After a good while, Bucky couldn't be sure he was really trying to stop it at all.
His gaze wandered in the crowds, among familiar faces, but only one that really cheered his soul. Guilt followed him, too. Maybe he had stopped fighting the feeling, but that didn't make it any more bearable. Seeing those two faces, smiling at them like it was nothing, asking them about the ring as if it were casual small talk while his heart contracted, made him feel like a traitor every day, and that guilt hung on his back like a bag full of stones. He carried his own sin like the unworthy one he was.
Still, he loved carrying those little moments in his heart, as if they really meant something, as if he didn't feel like he lost something every time he did it, as if butterflies flew around him when they did and everyone around him got as excited as he did, as if all the love songs came true in a single moment. As if saying I love you was as easy as breathing.
“Bucky, what do you say?”
But that was all just in his head.
“I'm with Natasha this time.”
The whole table was filled with shouts and boos. Bucky felt like he could shrink back in his seat and disappear.
Your face was right in front of his, a huge smile made your eyes sparkle. Everyone he knew was gathered and there were so many places Bucky could look, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from the curve of your lips. It was electrifying the way a simple distant gesture could ignite his body like that.
And it was shattering the way he had to remind himself that he couldn't stare for that long.
Not when the first person you saw after laughing was Steve. Not when the first hand you held was his. Not when those sparkling eyes were only for him. Bucky had to remind himself that he couldn't stare at you too long because you were his, for Steve, even though Bucky felt like he was eternally yours.
Bucky could remember the first time he'd seen you because it had been the first time he'd felt alive after so long living in the shadows and dust.
He was fixing his motorcycle, as he used to do countless times, instead of having gone out with his friends to the dinner that night that Wanda had scheduled. Every month they had an outing and one of them had to organize it. That was how they'd basically managed to stay in touch after so long after being out of college.
Bucky knew everyone was going to hate him for canceling at the last minute, but he really didn't feel like going out. So he sat outside his garage with his motorcycle looking for any slightest mistake he could fix or any scratches he could paint while he spent the entire day just there. That was his plan. But everything changed the moment you suddenly appeared in front of him, in a white flowered dress that he could still remember, that you actually still wore, and asked him if he could help you. With those doe eyes and a pout Bucky couldn't have escaped you, even if he wanted to.
“Excuse me, hello,” Bucky heard your voice for the first time and raised his head as if he knew what was in store for him.
Seeing you for the first time was very pleasurable, Bucky truly thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life. The tool in his hand was halfway through fixing something on his motorcycle when his hand froze and his lips remained pursed. When he thought about it from time to time, Bucky thought he must have looked like an idiot.
“I don't want to bother you. Uhm… I'm Y/N. I just moved into the house over there,” you moved to point to one of the houses in the neighborhood that Bucky had seen for sale, being so far inside his own head to even realize that someone actually moved in there. “I wanted to know if… Well, it's just that I see you fix things and I- My car broke down. I don't know what's wrong with it, but it won't start with anything. I don't know anybody around either and only you were around, could you help me?”
Bucky had never heard a person ramble on like that. Rather he could say he had never heard such a melodic voice nor had he ever found a person who just rambled so tender and entertaining.
He took a moment to look behind you, where indeed there was a black car parked near the approach with the hood open. Returning his gaze back to you, he found you anxiously waving interlocked hands and a slightly frowning brow.
“Sure,” was all he said.
The smile you sketched for him felt like a reward.
“Thank you! Really thank you so much.”
Bucky could only nod as he picked himself up off the floor.
At that moment, your gaze lowered and met the bare chest of a man who spent every morning looking for something to fix on his perfectly good motorcycle. Bucky didn't think it was ever possible again, but he felt his cheeks redden.
“I'm going to-” Bucky motioned pointing to his house and then to his bare chest and then disappeared behind the door leading into his living room from the garage.
As he entered he had leaned against the closed door and berated himself for acting like a teenager and not a responsible adult who paid his taxes on time.
He came back out a few minutes later wearing a dark shirt and found you circling around his bike, looking at it as if you were in a museum. When he approached, you straightened up in embarrassment. Bucky wondered what you could feel embarrassed for when your very existence was worthy of being admired like that in a huge museum.
“Is that your car over there?” he asked stupidly, pointing to the only car parked along the road.
But as if that hadn't been too obvious a remark, you nodded animatedly and started walking in the direction of the vehicle. It looked like that huge grin wasn't going to disappear from your face since he agreed to help you, and Bucky felt like he was going to get in trouble for it.
“It came out of the garage very normally and I parked it here. I turned the engine off and went inside to get some stuff out and when I came back it just wouldn't start,” you explained with a cute frown, as you moved closer and closer to the car, that he couldn't stop staring at as if that was what he had to fix.
“Okay,” he almost whispered, and was startled as you moved closer to him to hear what he was saying. “You can stay in the seat and turn it on when I tell you.”
You shook your head animatedly again and went to sit down to wait for his direction. Bucky lingered for a moment processing the delicious floral, sweet smell, and the vanilla that your perfume gave off. He felt it wouldn't be long before it became his favorite scent. The lavender and vanilla. Bucky wasn't even a fan of ice cream or flowers.
He reluctantly looked down, letting the scent escape into the air. He quickly spot the problem and, after a simple motion, reached up to lower the hood.
“You can turn it on now.”
Bucky watched your surprised face, eyebrows raised and lips curved in a circle. It startled him how fast you were making his heart move in such a short time. How was that even possible?
It was even better when you moved the key and the car started without a hitch, with that giant crescent smile that almost hid your eyes completely. By the time you got out of the car, any trace of discomfort or nervousness in you was gone.
“Thank you very, very, very much. You don't know what you just saved me from…”
Bucky stared intently into your shining eyes, as if in the midst of a trance, as if he had to do it to live. He became so immersed in his introspection that he almost didn't notice that you were waiting for him to give you his name.
He almost melted at your melodious voice repeating his name as simple as butter, as if that's the way it had always been.
“Thank you so much, Bucky.”
He nodded, barely curving his lips into a half smile, and that also served as a farewell.
Bucky didn't know, or maybe he did, that from that moment on he wasn't going to be able to get you out of his head. And even if he tried, doing so would be more painful than simply leaving you there growing in his thoughts like ivy.
Bucky had spent many nights thinking about what had gone wrong. He replayed conversations in his head endlessly, like a broken record he replayed his own words, thought about what it all would have been like if he had done something different, if he had said something different, if that really would have been a relief to his heart. Bucky had already thought of everything, but really the only answer is that you were not meant to be together as he'd imagined.
Nothing was ever reciprocated. Any spark, any friction, it all had to have been inside his head because there was no other explanation.
And everything changed that night.
He had talked to you too many times since your car thing, even though it was hard for him. You had been to his house and he had been to yours almost countless times. You would meet in town and drive back together. You walked early on weekends. You brought him the best dishes he'd ever tasted in his life to eat together….
And he decided to take you to meet his friends. Even before he took you on a date. Before talking about what you had. Before a kiss. Before sleeping together.
For Bucky there was nothing more important than you meeting his friends. That's how big his love was, even if sometimes he lied so he wouldn't see them. It was his way of loving.
Every day of his life he regretted that decision because that night it was all about Steve and you. That night he felt like the world was falling apart on him. Everyone was talking about Steve and you. That you had so much in common, that you would make a cute couple, that your children would be beautiful. Bucky loved his friends, but that night…
After that everything went to hell.
As if you'd never met him, your days began to fill with Steve.
“Where are you going?”
“Oh. I'm going to meet Steve. We have a reservation.”
Every day. There wasn't a day when he didn't hear his best friend's name come out of your mouth, sentencing him to eternal agony, because Bucky was never able to tell him that he loved you first, that he fell in love first. He couldn't do that to Steve who in so many things had been with him and had gone through so much.
“Are you free tonight?”
“No, Buck, I'm sorry. I'm going out with Steve.”
“Oh, sure. Is he coming to pick you up?”
“No, I'll take a cab.”
“At this hour?”
“Don't worry. I'll text you when I get there.”
And you did. But you wrote him too much. You told him how amazing the date had gone. You described how good you felt around him. And you confessed to him that you'd kissed.
Bucky thought about moving out after that.
“Hi, Bucky!”
But he also thought about how hard it would be to be so far away from you. Maybe it was worth it to avoid a broken heart, but…. No, it was too late for that now.
“Are you doing anything tonight?”
He lifted his head so fast he felt a whiplash of tension run down his back.
“No. Why?”
Could it be possible that…?
“Then you are cordially invited to a game night at my house. Sincerely, Steve and I.”
Steve and I.
Bucky shouldn't have been disappointed because he knew he shouldn't have felt hope in the first place, but he didn't expect to feel the anger bubbling in his chest either. You walked away like it was nothing after that, with a huge smile on your face, the one that made him fall in love with you in the first place. You walked animatedly as if you hadn't just stomped his heart to smithereens. You walked totally oblivious to the overwhelming guilt that grew from the pit of his stomach to plant itself in his chest for the first time.
You didn't even know anything. There was no way Bucky could blame you. Not even Steve. He had only himself to blame. For not speaking up first, for waiting so long, for not taking the risk.
Bucky didn't go to that game night.
Not the next one, not the one after that, not the one after that, not the one after that, not the one after that either…
Bucky stopped going to his friends' monthly meetings. He always said he had too much work. And yes, he dragged out his own work so he wouldn't even risk thinking about all he had lost.
At least five months passed and it was a year to the day since that night when Bucky made the worst mistake of his life.
That night he was surprised to find Steve outside his door.
He had just come home from work. It was close to ten o'clock at night. His face was cold from the weather and from not wearing his helmet since entering his residential area.
“Steve,” was his greeting.
“Bucky,” his friend reciprocated as he parked the bike in his garage.
Reluctant to any kind of conversation that might come up that night, Bucky tried to find any possible excuse to get Steve to leave. But he took too long.
“We're neighbors now,” was all Steve said, once Bucky got off the bike and turned to face him.
“I moved in with Y/N today. I live with her now.”
Like a hundred broken panes of glass Bucky's heart sounded every time it pounded. His friend's sparkling eyes were telling him, screaming at him to say something, to congratulate him, a few words, but his breath caught in his throat and he didn't even feel like he could trust his own legs at that moment.
You had moved in together.
You loved Steve so much that you'd asked him to move in with you.
“That's good, Steve.”
Not even great, just good. The words came almost slurred out of his mouth, and yes, his own head ripped the words out of him before it became too awkward and suspicious a silence.
“We tried to call you to come by after work. We had a little party.”
“I had my cell phone on silent.”
Bullshit. Bucky had seen every call, even yours, along with your messages, and had spent a good while just staring at the screen wondering what it could be about that both of you at the same time wanted to contact him.
“I figured.”
Steve sighed, and for a second Bucky thought he had figured it out. From the look on his face, Bucky figured he'd tell him to stay away from you and not try to get close because he'll have him between his eyebrows.
“You can stop by tomorrow at breakfast, if you want.”
Somehow, that was worse.
“No, thanks.”
“I'm leaving very early for work.”
“I can't, Steve, I'm sorry.”
“Bucky, we haven't seen you in months.”
The aforementioned stood halfway through opening the door to his living room, almost completely forgetting that had he gone through to the other side he would have locked his best friend in his garage and, for a moment, that almost didn't even matter to him. The thought scared him.
“It's been about four months since I've seen you in person. I figured you were going through something and needed time, but hasn't it been a long time already?”
“It's been five months,” Bucky turned to look at his friend unhinged face and guilt washed over him once more, as strong as the first time, a great wave breaking the sand. “Come in. So you can go out the front door because I already locked that door and it's electric and very slow and…”
The sympathetic expression on Steve's face didn't please him, he decided he didn't like it. It looked like he was looking at him with sorrow, with pain, but he didn't understand, he wasn't going through half of what Bucky was feeling everyday, he didn't have the slightest idea. He was going to a warm bed after this, at least, and Bucky would get to the great solitude of his thoughts.
No. Steve didn't understand shit.
“Don't look at me with that fucking face,” he exclaimed before he could stop himself. “Just leave.”
Bucky thought about that hurt expression on Steve's face for several days.
Two months later, somehow, you had convinced Bucky to attend one of your monthly meetings. It was so hard and yet so easy to make that decision, because you had gone all the way to his house and knocked on his door and asked him to come so many times that he couldn't say no just to avoid seeing your disappointed face.
And so it had come to that moment. That moment where everyone was booing Natasha and Bucky could tell by your huge smile that he hadn't gotten over you one bit. Two months without seeing you had been for nothing. That zero contact method surely only worked with teenagers.
As the laughter dissipated, Bucky thought about all he had been through and all he had suffered in silence. He hated that he couldn't hate anyone because everything that had happened was his fault. He hated every time he logged on to his text app and had to find himself in the group chat various messages about how Steve and you made such a great couple that neither of them could wait for you to get married.
Maybe Bucky complained too much.
Because the next thing he knew, everyone gathered around the table and you announced your engagement to Steve. When the table was again filled with shouts and applause, Bucky couldn't take his eyes off the giant ketchup stain on the table that Natasha had caused by getting too excited about the news. The envelope had been crushed by her hand, splattering its contents on that piece of the table and even on the shirts of those nearby. But no one really cared, because you and Steve were getting married. No one except…
... Bucky's weak and bruised heart, which despite the months could never stop beating just for you. Even though he tried, for his sake, for the sake of your friendship, for the sake of being happy for his best friend, he simply could not. It was a losing battle for him from the start. Ever since you showed up in his front yard in that blessed white flowered dress you were wearing now to deliver that news, and you smiled gratefully at him with the same smile you had now as you were encircled by Wanda and Tony's arms.
Bucky wanted to say that he'd grown accustomed to the pain that accompanies a broken heart, but the truth was that it never got easier. Every time he felt that pain, he prayed he wouldn't have to feel it again, because the pain that followed was so much stronger, so much so that he felt it suck the air out of him and a hollowness made its space inside his chest.
Bucky was really struggling to keep his composure at that moment.
But when he looked away from the large ketchup stain on the table, he met Steve's eyes, and somehow he knew. Bucky knew that he knew. However it was, coincidence or fate, Bucky realized that Steve knew what was going through his head.
And, for some reason, Steve didn't look angry.
But Bucky wasn't taking that pressure. Feeling invisible hands suffocating him.
So he barely mumbled an apology to him and ran out of the house.
His intention was to make it to the safety of his house, but his legs only gave out until he found his motorcycle parked in front of the future husband and wife's house.
His breathing was heavy, rapid and ragged. Of all the heartbreaks, that one was perhaps the most painful.
Hearing your voice behind him as he tried to fight the anxiety of not crying, not that moment, not in that place, not when it could be so obvious to you, was like a bucket of cold water. He suddenly felt alert, uncovered.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes. Why?”
“You ran out of the house.”
Although he tried to avoid it, the first thing he saw when you stepped around him to face him was the large ring that was now part of you. It was beautiful and delicate, Steve had made a good choice.
“I was overwhelmed for a moment. The screaming and stuff,” he gave you a lousy excuse, but it seemed to convince you enough.
“Oh, sure, I'm sorry. Do you want me to make you some tea? I've got a soothing one.”
“No,” Bucky shook his head quickly. “No need. I'd better go to my place.”
“So soon?”
Bucky looked into those deer eyes he loved so much and it hurt so much to think that would be the last time he saw them.
“Yeah, I'll feel better there. Don't worry.”
“Text me if you need anything.”
“Sure,” he wasn't going to. “Ah, congratulations on the engagement.”
Bucky was going to leave it at that, at a few simple words he tried to say with his heart in his hand, but you went further and jumped in to hug him by wrapping your arms around his neck. He felt dizzy for a moment.
“If it wasn't for you I never would have met him. Thanks, Buck.”
Bucky swallowed hard to keep from collapsing right there in your arms.
“And to think I thought I'd end up with you,” you blurted out with a chuckle, as if it was nothing, as you backed away from his body, as if you hadn't just dropped a bomb on his face.
Bucky went cold.
You laughed again, as if it was nothing more than a funny anecdote from adolescence or college. His chest heaved from the pain, his heart pounding so hard he felt it behind his ears. Hands sweaty, he didn't feel ready to listen to you.
“When we first met I liked you, Bucky, and I thought maybe we could work something out… But then I met Steve and it was… Wow, like fireworks.”
“I guess things really do happen for a reason.”
“Yeah, right,” Bucky replied on automatic, afraid that any distraction would give him a glimpse, trying to even out his breathing.
“Well, you know, text me if you need anything.”
“See you at the wedding, huh.”
Bucky followed you with his eyes as you walked back to your driveway, where Steve was waiting for you. His gaze lit up as much as yours every time he saw you and the lump in Bucky's throat kept getting bigger and bigger. He couldn't be one second closer to that house.
But then you walked into the house and Bucky met Steve's gaze.
He started to get on his bike as his best friend started walking towards him.
“Why didn't you ever say anything?”
Bucky remained sitting on the bike, helmet in his hands.
“I'm not going to talk about this with you now, Steve.”
“No, Bucky, you're not going to do this again. Answer me.”
“Answer me!”
Bucky turned to see his friend's contracted face and knew where his anger was coming from. It wasn't against him, it wasn't against his feelings.
“I just… I couldn't do it.”
“And that's all?”
“Yeah, that's all,” Bucky started the bike. “I couldn't say anything when I saw you smile for the first time in months. Not when you actually looked happy after everything you went through.”
“What I went through? What we went through, Bucky! We both suffered through it and you… you…”
“Whatever it is, Steve, it's over. The time is past. It's all behind us.”
“Bucky…” Steve slurred the words, incredulous, pained to see his best friend allowed to suffer like that. In deep pain because he knew if it had been the other way around he would have done the same.
“I'll be fine. Send me the invitation to the wedding. I promise I'll be there, if you want me there. And I'll be fine by then. I'll be fine.”
Bucky finally put on the case and without waiting for final words from Steve, he took off riding to an aimless destination.
He didn't know if he would be better by the time the wedding happened, because thinking about it at that moment made the tears run desperately down his cheeks, even though the wind dried them very quickly, just as they were replaced by others and others.
Bucky had no idea if he would ever be well again, but he had to try. He had to try because at that moment he felt like he would die.
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kumezyzo · 1 year
Omg so i had a request hear me out it’s a bit different but i was thinking
Being fwb with sapnap but you start to act like a couple and catch feelings so quickly for each other 👀
a little bit of angst and more so nsfw themes. also now realizing this is kinda fboy sap at first. fem!reader
anyway, enjoy! or dont :) m.list
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nick didnt like the idea of being in a committed relationship. but he couldnt get enough of you. he would text you when he missed you. well... more so his dick missed you.
"fuck," he said lowly as he watched you take off your shirt. he sat on his bed, raking his eyes over you. "come here."
you feel your stomach flutter at the way he looked at you with bedroom eyes. his eyes were almost sleepy but you both knew he wasnt in any way tired.
slowly, you made your way over to where he was sitting with his legs spread. you stood between his legs as his hands ran up and down your sides, looking up at you lustfully.
he slowly unbuttoned your jeans, sliding the zipper down carefully. you watched him slip his fingers into the belt loops and tug them down as he leaned forward to kiss the skin right above your underwear.
you sighed and placed your hand beneath his chin, pulling him away, as his hands still worked your jeans down painfully slow.
"do you ever take this off?" you ask as you pull his hat off his head. he licks his lips up at you as you run a hand through his messy hair.
"only if you want me to, baby," you roll your eyes at the nickname. just then, you shove him harshly to make him lay back on the bed before you step out of your jeans. you slowly move to stradle him on the bed.
"take this off too," you say hovering over him as you tug on his hoodie. "youre wearing too much for someone whos about to have sex."
nick starts enjoying your company too much for his liking. he sees you post on your stories about a shitty professor or repost something about being single. and he has to fight back the urge to ask you about if your day had gone any better or if he had to come over and fuck you for you to stop feeling lonely.
"youre not staying tonight?" he asks, regretting it immediately when you turn to look at him strangely as you look around for your shirt on the floor.
"no?" you sigh and give up on your shirt, looking for your pants instead. "what? do you wanna cuddle?"
"i was kinda hoping for morning sex," he said as he sat up in the bed, resting against the headboard as he watching you search his room for your clothes.
you stood up and crossed your arms with your pants in one hand. you pursed your lips at the sight of him shirtless with a top sheet over his lower half, leaving nothing to imagination. you thought for a second, shaking your head and licking your lips as you let go of your jeans and slowly walked over to the bed.
nick smirked, "you just cant resist me, can you?"
"shut the fuck up," you said as you leaned over him to check the floor on the other side of the bed to find your shirt in a sad pile. you grabbed it and unclasped your bra, taking it off, before throwing your shirt over yourself. "im just using you for your body."
nick laughed at the idea before pulling you into him, "whatever you say, peaches."
the more you two met up at night, the more the other one stayed the night, the more you two would wake up with eachother. this lead to either one of you rushing out or staying and doing your morning routines together.
it started out awkwardly, asking for a spare toothbrush, to shower, or for clothing (mostly on your part). then it became a habit to have things for eachother and falling into a weird morning routines. a lot of it starting with morning shower sex.
you moan loudly and grip onto nicks hair harshly as he sucks on your clit. he groans against you, stimulating every part of your pussy with the vibration of his voice.
recently, every morning, you expect a normal shower whether nick is there to begin with or not. but you seem to not learn your lesson when everytime, you end up writhing in pleasure because of him.
he pulls away and looks up at you for a moment, "whenever your ready," he says before going back in, licking you clit slowly.
"shut the-" you gasp at the way he barely grazed his teeth on the nub. he chuckles smugly and grips your thighs tighter, pulling them apart. "fuck-"
a loud moan rips through you as you reach the high nick had been working for you to reach.
he starts licking slower, licking up the cum that slowly seeped out of you. he sighed contentedly, slurping lewdly as you moaned, trying to push his head away when it started to get to be too much.
he pulled away, looking up at you drowsily as the water beaded down on both of you, "did you still wanna get breakfast? im not too hungry anymore."
staying over at eachothers places became a normal occurrence. somedays, it would be that you two didnt hookup, you would simply stay in bed and cuddle.
"do you think some actors like filming sex scenes?" nick asked you with his head on your chest as a movie played on your tv. displayed on the screen was a sex scene. fitting.
"maybe," you respond without looking away from the screen. "maybe just the gross pervy ones."
"i would like sex scenes if they were with you."
then, he started asking you to hangout with him and his friends. it made you feel special when he would ask you to a dinner. and people slowly started assuming you two were dating.
"nick, im starting to like your girlfriend more than you," clay would say, a smile on his face from laughing seconds before.
your smile falters momentarily, glancing at nick nervously. he makes eye contact with you.
"i think i am too."
and it just makes sense. for you to be his girlfriend and for him to be your boyfriend. simple as that.
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i dont like the ending. but whatever. -nony
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blackpilljesus · 1 month
I dont care about the odds of womens liberation happening because I dont solely focus on "winning" per se. That's not to say I dont want or aim towards it but freedom isn't just about the end but the journey too. Cultivating a lifestyle as a single childfree woman is something bigger than me and something I hold onto to get me by.
One thing about conscious is that we all know we're going to die. This terrifies some; but in some cases it gives a purpose to existence. Death becomes a metric to measure the things that are worth it in life, things to dedicate life towards for fulfillment in existing. Whether the end goal actually comes to fruition or not is irrelevant because the hope and purpose carries you as you live.
To get by the hardships of life and inevitability of death: dedicate yourself to something bigger than you. Having a sense of purpose beyond yourself drives innovation & delivery. It's not just about how long you live but what you live (& are willing to die) for. This is how cults, religion, charity, activism, natalism etc affect people. It gives them a sense of purpose greater than themselves so they devote their lives to them even in extreme cases where it'd kill them. They suffer & work in the name of their cause.
Many women regret encountering feminism & seeing maIes for how evil they are but I dont. I see things more clearly & more importantly it's given me a purpose in life; something to orient how I carry myself as long as I live: To pour my energy into myself & other likeminded women, to live beyond serving a maIe, to trust myself & not let the claws of maIe supremacy sink into me, to be the subject of my life instead of the object, to know I'm ending the line of suffering and not giving maIes what they ultimately want - another soul in the chain to continue the suffering, etc. That's the direction I'm taking my life.
I'm saying all of this because with things like separatism, 4B etc if you're serious about it think about these things as something bigger than yourself let it be something that you devote yourself to that goes beyond you. In the end it isn't just about you, it's about the future children you're saving from experiencing the hurt & suffering of this world. For me, no matter what happens as long as I dont give birth before I die that's a W for me - when I die the suffering in my line ends with me. So that's how I see this as something bigger than myself, it's not just about me but my (potential) future offspring. And before anyone tells me about how there's good in this world; good isn't guaranteed but suffering is.
When you give yourself to something bigger than you you're able to commit to things for the greater good & not just doing things for the sake of it. I dont refuse to date, reproduce, wear makeup, etc to stick it to anybody; it's just freeing for me. I think the lack of seeing these things as something bigger than yourself is part of why many women struggle to commit to this or even think of the idea (there's obvs many reasons but I wont get into them to stay focused). I commonly to hear things "I'm not doing x for some fringe online movement" because they dont see a greater good, sense, or purpose to it so instead women will get in pro woman spaces demanding it caters to them & their existing habits rather than working within these spaces towards a goal greater than themselves compared to dating which is why they're willing to inconvenience & risk more in that regard.
This might sound extreme but many people whether they're aware of it or not have a purpose for themselves at some point & legacy they want to build to leave something behind or it fulfils them. For me the way I see all of this is that I want to succeed as a single childfree woman as my legacy. That's what I build towards. I occasionally ask myself that if I was to die now would my life & the things I did reflect what I believed in at the end of the day. Now obviously people have different motives & legacy aspirations which causes conflict (even with maIe supremacy it's about legacy which is why maIes live & die for it. It makes it easier for them to reproduce & steal labour from women to pass off as their own & that's something added to their legacy - something that lives beyond). Ofc not everyone gets remembered but in the grand scheme of things as I mentioned it's not about the end goal but the journey there.
The thing with fulfilment is that it is so strong if this thing wasn't there people likely wouldn't know what to do with themselves. Despite the criticisms of religion, part of why it's so powerful & popular is bc many people wouldn't know what to do without that framework shaping their lives. Something they can lean on in hard times, something that directs the way they go about their daily lives so people take it very seriously with its ups and downs as it gives them purpose & they'd be lost otherwise. Similar thing with patriarchy, if you remove the benefits it comes with; maIes wouldn't have a purpose to work towards & existence wouldn't be worth it for most of them. This is why many of them dont care about going on rampages even if it costs them their lives to uphold the system as they have nothing to live for out of maIe supremacy. A loss of those structures would be a net negative as they have to work harder for the same or less results.
For many women, romance is something that fulfils them & adds purpose to their lives (remember having purpose to something means you're willing to struggle for it). In my previous post I addressed the argument of how there'll be violence when women reject maIes en masse but even when women choose to date maIes the risk of violence is still there (which there's endless strategies on how to 'vet' and mitigate) but they still go for it because a having relationship is something bigger than themselves. These things fulfil them so much so that many women refuse to take maIes as they are & actively shut out news about their violence bc it'd make them hate them & they dont want to do that bc losing romance would be losing it all. It isn't just about them, they're looking for someone to explore, build, and create life with as it fulfils them so they'd be willing to take risks to find that. Hell even out of dating, many women will risk their lives & livelihood to advocate for maIes politically as they see the cause as greater than them.
I've provided examples to put this concept in context so for the more relevant part: as a single childfree woman where does this leave you? Find a sense of purpose & fulfilment to it. This is something that has to come from within for it to stick, a sentence I say isn't going to give you purpose bc you dont know me & I dont know you. To a degree, typical things that give people purpose & fulfilment are messages that have been instilled into them from childhood. As people grow & face challenges it's something they lean on and it works for them to get by life. Many religious people look to their creator when they're going through hard times in addition to everything else they do surrounding religion as they devote themselves to that. So having a purpose & sense of fulfilment is important bc when adversity inevitably comes up it will help you overcome it.
TLDR: We're always taking risks depending on what we find purpose & fulfilment in. These things tend to be bigger than ourselves. Find purpose and fulfilment to being a single childfree woman.
This is the final part of my series of posts about the popularity & rise of single childfree women:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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